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ProJcct No. S-SCP-OI-00
Locatioll. 5215,5223,5305,5395 W 38th Ave
Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80212
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that 38th & SheriJan LTD Partnerslllp, whose address IS 6500 S Quebec St.,
Englewood, County of Arapahoe, State of Colorado, 80 Ill, hercmaftcr called thc "Grantor" for and III COllsldcratlOn ofthc sum of
Tell Dollars anJ no/] 00 ($10 00) and othcr valuable consideratIOn to 3Sth & Shcridan LTD., Partnership III hand paid by the City of
Wheat Ridgc, does hercby give anJ grant to City of Wheat RiJge, a I'ERMANENT EASEMI!:NT on, along, over and across thc
followlllg described prcmiscs to-WIt:
A tract oflanJ lying m the SE 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th PrinClpal Meridian, CIty of
Wheat Rldgc, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, described as.
A Portion of those lands as described at ReceptIOn Number 92151590 of the offrCial records of thc County of Jefferson,
State of Colorado, bcmg more particularly described as follows.
Commencing at the Southeast Corner of the said SE 1/4 OfScctlOll 24, Whence the SW corl1l;r of SalJ SE 1/4 ofSectlo1l24
bears SS9059'58"W, a Jlstance 01'2648 15 feet, Thence SS9059'5S"W along the South Lme of said SE ]/4, a dIstance of
14161 feet to a pomt, Thencc NOooOO'02"W lcaving saiJ South Lme, a distance ono 00 feet to a pOint on the Northerly
RIght-of-Way linc of West 3Sth Avenue anJ the Point of Bcginning;
Thcncc S89059' 5S"W along Said Northerly Right-of-Way line, a distance of 145 45 feet, Thcncc N490 16'OT'W leaving
said RIght-of-Way hne, a distance of 16.09 feet to a pOlllt of tangent curvature, Thcnce along the arc ofa curve to the nght
having a central anglc of 2s008' 15", a radIUS of 30.20 feet; an arc length of 14.S3 feet and having a chord which bears
N350 12'00"W, a distance of 1468 feet; Thencc N8905Y'58"E, a dlstancc of 166.11 fect, Thcncc SOooOO'02"E, a distance
of 22.50 feet to the }'oint of Bcginning.
NOTE: All bcarlllgs are relative to one another and are based on the beanng ofthc South llllc ofthe SE 1/4 of said SectJon
24 as being S 89059'5S" W
For the purpose of: The construction, mamtcnance, and operation of the CIty'S streetscape clements includmg. hut not
hmlted to, street furniture, Sidewalks, and items other than plant matenal, as shown 111 Wheat Rlllge Project IIS-SCP-02-0 I
Suhject to the folloWlllg tenns and conditIons: To the extent penmtted by law, and Without walvlllg any lllilllUl1Ities,
protections, or defenses available at common law or under statute, 111cluding, WiUlOut limitatIOn, the Colorado GoveDlmental
Inlll1Utlltles Act, SectIOn 24-10-101, et seq., C.R.S., the City, mdivI<!ually and for Itself only, agrees to hold hannie,s ,he
Grantor(s) from and against any suit, claim, attorney's fecs,loss or damagc, lllcludlllg personalmjury or loss ofhfe, which
may occur as a rcsult of negligent construction or maintenance of said streetscape elements and irrigatIon systcm by and/or
for the City of Wheat Ridge on the property subject to this casement.
Said tract contains 3543 square feet (0 0813 acres) ofland,more or less.
Also known by street and number as: 5215, 5223, 5305, 5395 West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, CO S0212.
And the Grantor hercby covenants with the City that they have good title to the aforedescribed prcnllses; and that they have good and
lawful nght to grant this casement.
}11,< day of /',/ '. // /c/ A.D., 2001
COUNTY OF JHFrER~GN 7; -,ji?/'!>
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The foreguing instrulllcnl was acknowledged befure lllC thIS If'':day of ,~/I;'~i 0,,;',2001,
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My COlTIlmSSllm expirLs _
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'f't' . Witness my hand and offiCial scal.
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7500 W 29th Avenue
Wheat RIdge, CO 80215-6713
The drafter afthis cks';l;phon IS Timothy J Kirwan, prcparcd on behalf of Aspcn SurvcYlllg, Inc ,2993 S PeorIa St., Stc.
150, Aurora, Colorado, liOO 14 and IS not to be construcd as reprcscntmg a monumcntcd land survcy