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RECEPTION tjO. FI''';? ;"';o:\.
1r:~9(!IE!Q02 8: 3). :";7 . PC;: OIJj-i)OI
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I,NO \\' fILL JI.'lEN B'r TlfE,,'E PRESENTS, that Tami HlJrton W(loSe address IS 6480 West 31st A venue, Wh~at Ridge,
C, 'lIl'ty o( Jefferson. State of Colowdo, 802.14, hereinafter callctJ the "!;!rantllr" for and in consioeraticon of the sum of
"'IGHT HI 'ND]('ED TWENTY ONE and 52/1(\0 (~x71.52) and 'JIher v:iluahle consideration to them in hand paid by the
( :ty uf Wheat Ridge. hereinafter called "City", does herebv give and grant to said City PERMANENT EASEMENT on,
;'1<>11", ,ver and ~rross the folklwing descrihed premises to-w't.
;'. Bact "I' land lying in the SE '/4 of :'ectJon 24, Tuwnship., ,",outh, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal MeridIatl,
{'ity of Wheat Ridge, CCounty of JeffeNH:, State of Coloradu, uescrihed a,.
{'nnnnl~'-Jdng ..,t tne '-;E ,.:orner o~ the S\V ';4 ai' S(J!Ll Section 24 \-vhence tht: NE (orner of s:Jid SW :l~ ;)+ ')ec!i0o
24 bears N 00" 16'49" W, a ulstanct "f263i< ()~ teet, Them'(' N 000 16'49" W along the East L,ne d said SW 1/4,
'I distance uf' 71 95 feet to a !JoInt; Thi'ncc N WJ' 4 ,'11" Ie lea\oiag sale East Li'1e, a distance 0f ,f).on fee, [(' ,;
pGint on [he Fa"erlv Rirht-nf- Yv "y li'~c' of }.h""'1 "treet a'l": the Point of Btoginning:
Th('lIce ~; 8()"45'02." [, I'. ,hstanc.:,t ).29 :c,'t. Thon'e N 00" J I .]"" E , a distance of 25 O~. feet: Thc"cp .)
'll 45'02" W a dlst,lIlce ot }00 ,,'6 Theil,'" h L'~lo: j 49" \\' a ,j':l:m,,' of I \5 :0 lEet: Thence 5 8()'55Y' \\
,: l,l.,,'WCe of 2.50 Thence S 00'- '(.4') E "i .s\..,,,"_ "r l4e \ ,:, to ,h~ \-'nint I:;' ;.: :ginnlng.
NOTE: :,\i l1eJl ings art relatIve to ~Tlc all. ):h~l alll' ]rc hQ,,,d on the neaTlng d fhe Ea,t :ine of the S\V 1(, d
;,;\,,\ Sc t,; III 24 belli): N OW \6'49" W
!"('I the pUf(lnSL c:" The Lonstruc~H HI aIld Illain[l'T1an~e of a sldew<J~k.
SuhJect to the fullowing terms and conditions: To the extent permitted by law, and without waiving an)
lmlT'U'llties. protections, or defenses available at common law or under statute, including, without limitation,
the {'o\nrado Governmental Immunities Act, Section 24-10-101, et seq., c.R.S., the City, individually and for
;!~",!t "I!~ \. :Irn"e~: to h~)!L:. harmless the (Jfuntnr fn ~m }tnd a82.in,t <Jny ~u~t !aim ~ttorney'~. t~P':L 10~.s Df d:!.l:!,!g~:,
",c'lIdi"" pers"'" li injury or loss of life. which !lla~ occur as a result of negligent construction or mainte.1ance
'.1' ':":'.! ,;:,j",':alk hy and1ur for the City ln the pre,perty suhject t" this eas'~men[
',,,,,J Hact ,'untait;:. 4i I ''lnare feet more 01 less.
1\ is(J kIIOI"ll tv, , 'let ,..lU TIt !Hber as:5'195 \\ cst _,Sth t\"enue, Wheat Rldge. Colorado 80212.
!\nJ tt:e (;ra:l'm hudlY COV~llants witll ttle City that s!;e has good title tP tLt. afore descrihed premise:;: and that she
:1",'"" )0,,: ~\nd \~l'\:\'ftll ngh: to !rant thls easement
]r, '.vrp;?S~ 1\ W'REOF, . have hereunto se ITI~ band llllS .:.,I1_day of _-:;'L-\"tJ!:~ A.D, 2002.
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!';:l.an PubliC
~,.\..) W 29th A\'enu~
\~::,t ai ~<Hjg\~, ('o'orJ(k, 80215-671 ~
The uraflcr "r.t!';" description IS Dale Pcters~n P L.S., prepared on behalf of the \'11, ()f Wheat Ridge, ~500 W 2<)lh Ave.. Wheat
Ridge, (''']urado, 80215-671 j and is not to he construed as replesenting a monumented ]and survey