HomeMy WebLinkAbout0510 ~~ElEPTI]t4 riC. ., L..l':i. (' ,__no :;, PG HT; r~'Erfll;'ni::"D ,;1 .1'.. "1:: J!:!. :~ i.:} 1 ) Pb:: 1 il! I!; I '". it" -,(, '_;i,-I-;[: !)OCJi:F:: C) C'..L I ~4 TFiTF::::c,iJl~ 1~i1! '".!T'y, I. OL.OF II ('y ':.~.l\\r . L.\Sr MUd l'To)ce! Nu S 01-02 Location: 6005-85 W 47" Ave. Wheat Riugc. CO 8001.1 PERMANENT EASEMENT \/J KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Frank J. Zuech and Irmgard R. Zuech, whose legal address is P.O. Box 28012, City of Lakewood. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, 80228. hereinafter called the "Grantors" for and in consideration of the sum of TEN and NOIlOO ($IO'(){)) and other valuable consideration to them In hand paid by the City of Wheat Ridge. hereinafter called "Citv", do hereby give and grant to said City PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, over and across the follOWIng descnbed premises to-WIt: A tract of land lying in the NWII. of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th PrinCipal Meridian, City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as described at Reception Number F0457312 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the NW 'I. of Section 24, thence SOOo 16'49"E on and along the East line of the NW 1/4 of Section 24, a distance of 560.21 feet; the nee leaving said East line on a bearing of S89043' 11 "W, a distance of 30.00 feet to a Point, said Point lying on the westerly Right-of-Way line of Harlan Street. and being the True Point of B('ginning; Thence Sooo 16'49"E on and along saId westerly RIght-of-Way line, a distance of 75.00 teet to the point of curve of a non tangent curve to the right, of which the radius point lies West, a radial distance of 15 00 feel, thence southwesterly along the arc, through a central angle of 90000'00". a dtstance of 23.S6 fect to the northerly Right-of-Way line of West 47"' A venuc; thence S89058'26"W on and along said northerly Rlght- of-Way line, a distancc of 17 97 feet; thence NOOo 16'SI "W, a distance of 9.85 feet, thence N89043' 12"E, a distance of 1163 feet; thence N44043'12"E, a distance of 16.15 feet; thence NoooI6'49"W. a distancc of 68.S8 feet; thence N89"43'11 "E, a distance of 10.00 feet to the True Point of Beginning. NOTE: All bearings are relative to one another and are bascd on the bearing of the East line of the NW 14 of said Section 24 being S 00016'49" E. For the purpose of The construction and maintcnance of a sidewalk, a traffic signal facility, and pedestrian lights. Subject to the following terms and condItions. To the extent permitted by law. and without ....aiving any Immunitics. protections, or defenses available at common law or under statute. Including, withoutlimita- tion. the Colorado Governmental Immunities Act, Section 24-10-101, et seq., CoR.S., the City, individually and for itself only. agrees to hold harmless the Grantors fmm and against any suit. claim, attorney's fees, loss or damage, including personal injury or loss of life, which may occur as a result of negligent construc- tion or maintenance of said by and/or for the City on the property subject to this easement. Said tract contains 1,144 square feet or 0 0263 acres, more or less. Also known by strcet and number as. 600S-85 West 47''' Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, 80033 And the Grantors hereby covenant with the City that they have good title to the aforedescribed prenllSes, and that they have good and lawful right to grant this easement. , IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have hereunto set our hands thIS ~ day of ( -') ~'/. A.D., 2003 Ji', ~ d" //1 , '1 . - 9 !- fir-;" -- 'I ---.' '../ f ,.... ,I' . "c;, .,...~ , fl~C -./ 7;~, .:</.! ,,..,, Frank J Zuech, Grantor / Irmgard IVZuech, Grantor , / i. 1// ...., .., -(._l?, ,It,. ( ST ATE OF COLORADO ) ) SS. ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON . .. ?~ The loregomg Instrument was acknowledged before me this~ day of Irmgard R. Zuech. [iei ,2003, by Frank J. Zucch and My commIssion expIres. tJ 0 V t .:{. ;<CDL, Witness my hand and oftlcial seal. C ') L,.. L /~ Ui->i-1. U-/'i Notary Public 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado, ~0033 L ' /(JLlf II, k..L. <.u<-UG Project No.. S-IIJ-1I2 ux.:atlOn" 4747 lIarlan Strcct Wheat Ridge. (.U XIIlI.11 1 PERMANENT EASEMENT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that Frank Zuech and Irmgard R. Zuech, whose legal address is P.O. Box 28012, City of Lakewood. County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. 80228, hereinafter called the "Grantors" for and in constderation of the sum of TEN and NO/ I 00 ($10.00) and other valuable consideration to them in hand paid by the City of Wheat Ridge, hereinafter called "City", do hereby give and grant to said City PERMANENT EASEMENT on, along, over and across the following described premises t,)-wit. A tract of land lying in the NW'/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal Meridtan. City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, as described at Receptton Number F0812458 of the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado: Commencing at the Northeast Corner of the NW I,;' of Sectton 24, thence Sooo 16'49"E on and along the East line of the NW 1/4 of Section 24, a distance of 560.21 feet, thence leaving said East line of the NW 1/4 of Section 24 on a bearing of S89043'11 "w. a distance of 30 00 feet to a Point. said Point lying on the westerly Right-of-Way line of Harlan Street, and being the True Point of Beginning, Thence S89043'14"W, a distance of 10.00 feet; thence NoooI6'49"W. a dIStance of 149 1 I feet; thence N89043'14"E, a distance of 10.00 feet to a point lying on the westerly Right-of-Way 11Ile of Harlan Street, thence SOooI6'49"E on and along saId westerly RIght-of-Way line, a distance of 149 II feet to the True Point of Beginning. NOTE: All bearings are relative to one another and are based on the bearing of the East line of the NW 1/4 of said Section 24 being S 00016'49" E. for the purpose of The construction and maintenance of pedestnan lights and a sidewalk. Subject to the following terms and conditions. To the extent permitted by law. and withllut waivtng any immunities, protections, or defenses available at common law or under statutc, including. wtthoutlimita- tion, the Colorado Governmental Immunities Act, SectIon 24-10-101, et seq., CR.S., the City, individually and for itself only, agrees to hold harmless the Grantors frnm and against any suit, claim, attorney's fees. loss or damage, including personal injury or loss of life, which may occur as a result llf negligent construc- tion or maintenance of said by and/or for the City on the property subject to this easement. Said tract contains 1,490 square feet or 0 0342 acres. more or less. Also known by street and number as. 4747 Harlan Street, Wheat Ridge, Cllloradll, 80033 And the Grantors hereby covenant with the City that they have good title to the afore described premises; and that they have good and lawful right tu grant this easement. IN W~WI-IEREOF. we have hereunto set our hands thiS ~ day of <' ';', - r./ A.D., 2003 /~Z . r 7' I /) ? /, t...l.....-/~_/)...l _J::-c .:.-<1..~ I:-J ...----...., ,//1"("1(.]0,( ." "'-f:.{-7f'J::(_ Frank Zuech, Grantor // Irmgard R. ,Zhech, Grantor ST ATE Of COLORADO ) ) SS ) COUNTY OF JEFFERSON h. .. - ,>NI. T e foregOing Instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of Irmgard R. Zuech. { e I ,2003. by Frank Zuech and My commission expires. Ai r; It I~ .:< cc & Witness my hand and official seal. \ ^_.~' Lt,]~c...~f~ II k~ ({ <- t '-1 v I LI_l.Lfi-k -- L d Notary Public 7500 W 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge. Colorado, 80033 The drafte!m'~&pIEeSl'tl~ssman, PLS.. prepared on behalf of the lit, of Wheat Ridge. 750{) \V 29th twe.. Wheat Ridge. Colorado, HOD33 and is not to be construed as representing a monumcntcJ land survey EXHIBIT "A" N89"43" 10.00 ~ ~ 01~~ rdi .~ ~ 8~ ~ ~- ~t--l\l~ i~~ ~~~ IX N . ~= '- ~8~ ~ I~~~ i _;IX P ~ I ~ Nort st on;ler of t N 1/4 Se ion 4 I )> :::0 SlI8"43"l1"W r 30.00' )> LEGEND ~.".." ". . .::' .:: ." .' . . " . .,........ .......... ~n~~~~~;. {~~::. '..20' SECTION CORNER ~ PROPOSED RIGHT-OF-WA~ )