HomeMy WebLinkAbout1972 LOUiSE F TuRNER CLERK Ai....bERT E. AN;.)ci-\SON MAYOR JA~i:::,,:::' ~/.~ _Jr--.E 7r.1~':"SUR ~:r:< ..?-"' b 1'.) e,,~ V':/~,,/ .....' , , .. " '~ i .. ~- ........../V,..,~../ '" .1 .~. ~ /- ') .\, './'-"':i''-'' 'Ii Ii i,,'.H ~. 1'i') W .\1\,ll '\Vi flu ~;O'l,~U WHEAT RI;JGE COLORADO 80033 PHON E 421,8480 ;~;,y L Pl_Pl JOSI::F'n :.~. DONALD::;ON RoaC:RT G. rlOWAr-lu CALVIN 0 HULSEY DANA L BOWLiNG JACK W BRAMBLE T~e Hon~~=~18 Mayor and Ci t'j CCJu;-:cil City of ~~aat Ri~ge wn2at Ridge, Colorado Dear Sirs: Attached her3witil arc copieD of tha 1972 Bud~Bt Proposal. This docu~~nt, in ~y belief, ~8ets all of the rcquir8iTISnts of ths Colw~8do 8udget LiJw. As vou all l<now, Wh2St RidQ8 is in GxcGllant financial condition and has had nD prDble~s in providing tno desired laval of ssrJices w~t~ the r8sourC8S available. SO~3 ~2jor acco~~lish~2nts of the past YSGr include cont~acting for th2 first ~h6S~ of our stor~ S2wer sYSt8~, m3jer street repairs, purchase of a str20t sW88per, purchas8 of th8 City Shops Property, and initi8ticn of the Green 5clt Systom. Cur four major dc~ortm~nts, Police, Public Work8, P2rl<s, onG Pla~ning have continu80 to rf188t 2nd c.:xcc~d the c.or:if;luni ty I S requirements 2;1d ~3V2 kept the administrativ3 staff o~erating at a maximum to ~rovid2 thB neeDed sU~PQrt. We can co~tinu8 to provide this high level cf services with nQ chang2 in our reV2nue st~ucture. Ua have rec8n~ly b82n confrcnted with 'two, ~r~viously unforeseen o~st~=l~s: i~Joss Transit and Dutch El~ Dis82S8G 7herc G~p2~~S to be nJ u~y to solve thSS3 prob18ms uitho~t a s~bst2ntial all~c~ticn of resources. To find ~h8S8 r3sou~c2S, ~8 W2~a fccad wi~h t~o 2:~er~atives: fi~s~, cccrG8SG the levels or services c158u~2TG in our pr~gr2~ with th~ possibility of not full~ ~28ting ths n22ds of our cit~z2ns, or second, chang2 the tax struc:u~c 2nd C~8Gt2 the illusion of bur;soning citV govcrnncnt. We chosa to propose the latter and make th~s JS~V clear ?tate~ent of our int3~t. Je shell contiGU2 to ~28t ~h8 n2GOS of th3 city 3S t~8Y 8rlS8. sa uill m3xi~iz8 servics3 and ~~nimiz8 costs~ We ~ill continu5 to pruvide the 1svel of services p~ovidBd in 1971 with the SG~,~ ~8vsn~8 st~ucture 3S in 1971. ~G propcs~ uO co~tin~2 ~n2 t~cnd 2st2blis~8d a Y8ar 8g0 with a proposed deCrGaS3 in ~~a Real Propsrty Lsvy. l~a5S T~cns~t 8~C Jutch ~l~ Dis8Gsc Cont~ol will ccst t~3 ~2X- paVi:rs ~;41,500 ill 1972 if adopted LV V8..J~ Gild U2 prC}JCS8 2\1 3:'- ~:~~onal Dn8-C8n~ paT pack ciga~8tt8 tax to raise this a~~un~~ In view of the forogoing factors, we strongly su~port this adjust~8nt. r' w}.uJ (s::-:-.: I c.) Ct;-..::;~-' lLS:ch ; ;~"".....;l-'L,.L_""'; ~ .2.~'G:c' __,:_ I L. ,~. ~ ., '1 !,-.~.., ~.."-.J....d ,..............-'- cr .....ilC at ~,' - , ' , , .\.........';,J........ . -., I n:";;-;~:';:;il-;:S w: :"',...L...; ~~G~O~=~ ~~C~~C8: ...,31..S:=J w:-.j_u ~_........_........~~~) ~~~~~O~ CJ,- ~:, , "-............ b. _'"-_),'- 1.'::.......2........ .:J <... -...~ ~~:.: .... ...... ,"'"' "-' \-.. ~,..... ( =;-l::__~:::"'''';w ~i :"} ~,J.::~,.. ~ ~::'c,--, ts) , :> ~." -1'- ,..~_............... ~~~...... ~~q~i~i~...G~ ~~ --.;..:;:;.. -;-; ~:'=~,; ......::..;. ,~ ,1 ". .\.::-.J ~iCl,ts Ho.1.s'"': ill C_ -:.\} i:1i~ht-cT-~c;j , .. i....::~w......5:.. ~~:..c.;-; i.-';' ;, ;:; ..........>:.l 2.. ~-;i 11 Lr.. 9 i,:~:"=-,-, Wi~ ,-"...r~;""..... L..CV~f ..J. S~:=~y 8~jus~~~n~s u:......c..~;-.~i-.C= .~8.. , '+. ~... . ' . wCJi,-~:nU2-C1C:l ;JI'CJ~~C.: ~::G3.-; ., u, L..~........ 5. ;::ct::'V..;.."GJ..2S, StI'':2t D21)-to-d2'} .....il_~........ , cc.. p::,o-cs C.': 1 O,l, acti V.l. -Giss 8uild~:~J :::;"d . ' ~ ;;5:=;....; C-':1 L.--, , Cl. -c:.. zc;-;s -l-h.., LtI IIJ ~1=\'.3 ~:J.:-,3 '"GQ Vs:....::s t-'::'..J.l\}~ ,"\ .".............._, , I/,'" .' ' -"~-', ~'-'-' , .....-, -.;-~ ...,~~-' ? - __ ~ -'.....J ~ ? '.' ~,L.oW...... 'CO ,...., !-,...-....",- ..........................1... _~n......_ __ ~--' G.........., 1.....1 'S 7 t;:2 1,'.,);.....:;.5.0 8X;JC.s-C. , .I \. \, ,.-.., \.-c. /'-- \ ^ .- - - "-..J ,-,\~,--/ ""-.......... ............""-'''-~ ~~i. t2:::' GJ....2nGC; bUC~C:.C. Cf-fic2r 4.Sl4 2. . "r r', . r:-. ............................-..'::;,.. .-.~ills ;::Ol.;.C8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1972 PROJECTED REVENUES GE~ERAL FUND INCC~E Acct. No. R8venue Clessification 311.1 312.1 313.1 314.1 314.2 32::".1 321.2 321. 3 321. 4 321.5 321. 5 321. 7 322.1 322.2 322.3 334.1 335 341.2 341.3 347 351 TP.XES Real Property Levy ,C\uto Ownership Regular Sales Tax Cigarette Tax Gasoline Tax LICENSES & PERMITS T818phone Public Service Franchise Liquor (Stat8) Liquor (Occupational) Cigarette Arborist License Contractor's License Building Permits Street Cut Permits Dog Licenses INT8~GOVERNMENTAL REVENUE MVR fee County Road & Bridge CHARGES FOR SERVICES Zoning Hearings Liquor Hearings Parks-Recreation FINES-Court MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 361 Interest 352 Other 371 1971 BUDGET S~~?LUS TOTAL 1,148,329 291,492 2BJJ[J:J 534,OUO 124,500 170,339 237,013 37,4CG 122,430 775 18,OOJ 450 35J 18 , :~50 32,DOO 3,358 4,000 216,750 101,750 115,000 14,900 ~ " .. 9,000 , '\. 300 5,61]0 52,000 52,000 13,600 11,020 2,600 122,993 122,993 $~P~ 585 311.1 312.1 313.1 314.1 314.2 321.1-321.2 341.2 351 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1972 REVENUE COMMENTARY REAL PROPERTY LEVY - Based on 4.9 mills levied on ~60,500,OOO valuation less Treasurer's Charges. AUTO OWNERSHIP TAX - Vehicles in Wheat Ridge have increased by approximately 11% during 1971. SALES TAX - Retail Sales have shown a constant increase since inception of the tax. We anticipate appr~ximately $486,000 in 1971 with a 10% growth factor for 1972. CIGARETTE TAX - We project this figure based on adoption of a 3~ per pack tax before January 1, 1972. GASOLINE TAX - The Public Expenditure Council reports that this will be our receipts in 1972. TELEPHONE AND PUBLIC SERVICE FRANCHISE - These figures are computed with a 10% increase over the 1971 projected revenues. ZONING HEARINGS - We estimate a sharp increase in Zoning Hearings immediately after adoption of the Land Use PIan. FINES - Fines have reached an average now of Sl,ODO/week; we anticipate that this will remain constant through 1972. l', I I ;,~, Hcct.. ~\JO. 410 411 411.1 411.11 411.12 411. 2 411.4 411.41 411.42 411.43 411. 44 411.45 412 412.1 412.11 412.12 412.13 412.14 413 413.1 413.11 413.12 413.13 413.14 413.15 415 415.1 415.11 415.12 415.13 415.14 415.15 415.2 415.21 415.22 415.23 415.4 415.41 415.42 415.43 415.44 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1972 CHART OF EXPENSE ACCOUNTS G:::rJ:::R{\L FurD Classification GENERAL GGVERNMENT LCll1.s1LJtive , OitV Council Council Feos Council Expense ~is18tivo Committees & S;J8cia1 Bodies Ci tv ClSl'k ~8rsonal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capi tal Outlays Publishing Judicial l"luni cip al C oL:rt Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays Executive ~i3\!Or Personal Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Capital Outlays Management Contingency Administration Finencial Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlays Auditing Law City Attorney Retainer City Prosecutor Fee Legal Expense Personnel Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlays ExpensGS i" 327,780 " 10,000 8,000 2,000 9,200 9,200 26,690 14,340 2,500 1,55LJ 300 ,8,000 28,991 23,641 1,00Q 3,950 400 38,375 22,975 800 4,500 100 10,000 ('... , :'t. 41,969 30,1::J2 2,000 3,352 1,065 5,400 21,800 8,5:J0 5,300 7,900 31,511 24,751 3,750 2,500 SOD ,~cc-:. iiJO.. 415 419.1 419.11 419.12 419.13 419.4 419.41 419.42 Classification GENERAL GOVERNMENT (cont'd) Other General Gcvcrnmant Plannino & Zonino ~8rsonal S8rvic~s Supplies Other Charges & Services Gen'I Gov't Guildinqs & Equipment Acquisitions Maintenance & Operation 420 PUBLIC SAFETY 421 421.1 421.11 421.12 421.13 421.14 421. 2 421.21 421.22 421.23 421.24 421. 3 421.31 421. 32 421. 33 421.34 421. 4 421. 5 421. 51 421.52 421. 53 421.54 421.55 421.7 424 424.11 424.12 424.13 424.14 425 430 431.1 Police Police Administration PeTsonal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Inv8stigation ~ersonal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Traffic & Patrol Personal Services Supplies Other Cbarges & Services Capi tal Outlay Police Training SUDPort Services Personal Service6 Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Equipment Maintenance Police Station Protective Inspection Personal Services Supplili!s Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Ordinance Enforcement PUBLIC WORKS Right of waif 519,444 ~ '''' 681,918 Expenses 51,844 67,400 32,612 68,581 296,028 4,000 68,529 :'t." 11,320 38,374 2,000 Page 2 43,274 4,500 4,070 65,000 2,400 27,852 3,500 750 500 65,356 2,000 400 825 266,928 2,OOCl 400 26,700 4,000 35,129 250 250 2,000 30,900 11,320 31,524 1,200 1,550 1,500 2,500 2,000 Acct. ~Jo. Classification 431. 2 430 PUBLIC WORKS (cont'd) 431. 21 431.22 431. 23 431. 24 431. 3 431. 4 431. 41 431. 42 431. 43 431. 44 431.5 431. 6 431. 61 431.62 431.63 431. 64 431.65 431. 7 431. 71 431.72 431.73 431.74 431.3 431.81 431.32 431.83 431.84 431.35 431.86 432.2 432.21 432.22 432.23 432.3 432.5 432.51 432.52 433.6 Preliminary & Construction Enninccrinq Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services CGpital Outlay Construction-Rehabilitation Maintenance of Condition ~crscnal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Snow & Ice Removal Traffic Services ~ersonal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Signal Maintenance Shops PeTsonal Services Supplies Other Cha~ges & Services Capital Outlay Administration Personal Services Supplies Insurance Utili ties Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay StTEmt Cleaning, Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Street tightinq Storm Sewer & Drainaqe New Systems Maintenance Weed Control ('j., , ! :,~, Expenses 48,578 125, ODD, 124,921 16,000 57,824 8,800 41,407 21,888 49,000 184,000 2,500 Page 3 39,775 3,5CO 4,3C:;O 1,OCCl 125,000 82,921 20,000 12,000 10,000 16,000 24,824 13,000 3,000 5,000 12,000 1,500 1,200 3,600 2,500 24,407 3,500 8,000 2,000 3,000 500 14,7aS 3,500 3,500 49,000 180,000 4,000 2,500 Acct. No. 440 440.11 440.12 440.13 440.14 450 451 451.11 451.12 451.13 451.14 452 452.11 452.12 452.13 452.14 452.15 452.16 452.17 480 490 510 C1Gssification ANI~~L CONTROL 13,310 PersonGl Services Supplies Other Services & Charges Impoundment Fees PARKS-RECREATION RGCraZ1tion Personal Services Suppli2s Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay P3rks Personal Services Supplies f'13intenanc8 Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay-Lands Capital Outlay-Equipment Capital Outlay-Improvements MASS TRANS IT DUTCH ELM DISEASE CONTROL UNALLOCATED SURPLUS TOTAL APPROPRIATION 170,029 22,000 19,500 51,604 \', , E/-;JOnS2S 13,310 19,219 150,810 22,000 19,500 51,60!f $1,805,585 1:\\. " , Pass 4 8 r:c:c, ,............u ?"'" ~-'u 200 4,200 12,9:"4 2,055 1,750 2,500 45,960 4, SeE] 15,250 2,000 45,000 15,100 22,000 22,000 19,500 51,604 ~ ~-, '""',,--. , ,-';:. ,,~~. '-.i.... ' -- G2n~r2l GOV2rn~8~t Puolic ,..., ~ 4- =>3T8..1} Pujlic UOI'ks ~nimal Ccrj"t:-ol '* ?S~,(S-R2cre3tion iViSSS Trails: t Dutch Elm Diso8se Control Un~1locat8d Surplus * 1971 8xoenditure . . c=~;~v .:; ~,-,=,;-.~ ........,1.....:. EXP:=':;~~:L..~U~::: P'i~. ,LYS:S :S09 - :"072 .'1......:_, , _.. ro. ;.,. L; ~J ._~..;.. -.-..-.....- 1.9 ~~ 'j 27,259 L - -, -- r..... 'J .)Q:J. r -'-,i- -0- -0- ,~ -w- -0- -D- .-:;.1 ,- '-' J ."' ..l.. --""""~- 2.;; )..J . ,-- r - 1'- ....':Jc ,)......C 29:'~")37 203,S57 -0- so,} 202 -0- -0- 49,S57 ;....=:'L-~ ' = -~ ',~ =: =- -- ._- 1 ~')1 3J2jcL..3 425)25; 503,5:=:J _J_"i; 111.~27Lr 25,5CG -;.J- -J- is included l~ Gwtal Tor G8n8~21 , , .'. ~:.."" ~~ =:~ ~~'-, -.-..'-'-'-- .; ,..- __ j I ':._ 327,72J s....s, L;.L.4 ,- -", -~ - '"' G.......l"J':i~a :'3,310 ~~:- :--., l/:..;,wL':J 22,=.:1J ~S,5JO 5:',504 ~ ' L10V2rniT:2li"G c;....,...".:...= .; ,- ,)-;'-',',., ..c.',..; .........._"--' .:....',', .1 r"..):"'"",:-,:" :0; "//.... 20_,;1.....-;:.> U,-I'-" (,/ :-J;', ::~/ j .--' :-0: ';"'" ''-'; .il ,-_:.JL ,i.. .;)",: p ,)...' '" ...,,, _r....,,- -;"....:J .~; ,'" -' ~I;. I "r':..;";. _1..,,-,,: \_ "",i '"J:') -',- -, --".. \.... '-'. y - ,~, I -:'c.: 0; -'w:ci ',;" " ... -. .s tj .) -.;' r 01 ~ 0r -,,-.;1 \~,-,.~v .l..:".) ,-I \, i! ,_i- i iO I~ - - _:.,' :,) ... C ~" _0 p...::.;, '", -,_ le,Vi, ~.:(V '- _ \ ,'-:",,,r,y '- .~" ':. v, ~-. ." 'J r ::." -i'0:rr,~.r, v: ", .~,,~ 'j _ _,n' ;,t .. '- ,"; I, ,_, ",. .....~ :./ r-' ~: .J - ~ ,':'i ,i ...-, C <;"7:";, ."'...;) ,-,), .v~', ) -,.J;,!'"; '''''':''''':'''-'v",. ) _:.,) _ u; ,::- ,- '-" ;; ,.. Cv J,_\.J"; :.. :-=\,: :<.:.:- ,;:j.... ...~,~ :'0:"";:,, c;::,;-r.r: :~:"jC:,~ .. c, .1..-: _,.1 \..t \;- ~, .~ -> ,J " ,_ ), ( ~'-' ",,:, ~ T W.R. FORM 3-7 \ , , SUrv.MARV BUDGET \FUND I GENERAL CITY C? ~r.~AT R=u~~ i \ DEPP.RTr'lENT I LEGISLATIVE DIVISIO;\; CITY COUNCIL : ACCOU;JT r~o. ; 411.1 - .2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COM~ENTARY 411.2 ls increased to include DReGG and Municipal League Dues. , \ I , l_ ACCI.I' \. 1970 I 1971 NO. ACCOUNT CLASSIrICATIONjACTUALI SUDG~1 I ESlr~~IE , ~ , 411.11 I Council Fees I, Ii 9,000 I 8,000 13,145 411.2 Legislative Committees I & Special Bodies 9,19~ 9 200 .. 22,341120,200 1972 PRopdsSD t APPI~CVSD ! 8,000 ~p~ 2,000 2,000 9,000 9,200 19,000 19,208 \ I II I \ , \ \ I i \ I \ l i i W.R. FORi-" 3-7 SUM1~ARV BUDGET FUND GENERAL , I DEPARH1ENT CITY CLERK PROGRAM DESCRIPTION DIVISION CITY or- ~~CAT ~ID=~ \ ACCOUNT I,G. I 411. 4 PROGRAr-1 COHr-:ENT ARV Decreases throughout are the result of transfer of Animal Control to its own category. , I ! , ., , , , , , I I I I I I " : ; , \ I I A~g:. I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1970 1971 1972 I ACTUAL eUDGi::C I r;S'I,~f1A f t:. I P''IO?OSED- I APPRCV'::D I I ! I " . , 21,8621 411.41 i Personal Services 11,173 21,207 I 14,340 i ! ! I \ ! I 411.42 1 Supplios 1,733 4,200 2,500 2,500 i I I I llll./d OtlllJr Ct,;]rQrJCl 8. Svco. 1, ~~U C" rJ~>7 7,033 , 1 , ~) ~u I I ! I I . . \ I 411. 44 Capital Otltlay 7LIU /JOO /Joo -:Ilf! . I .,..J...._u , ! 411.45 1 Publishing 4,643\ 6,600 6,600 , B,OOG I , , 1 , I ; 19,502 40,219 38,140, 26,690 I , , 1 \ i \ . \ t \ 1 I I j I , I , \ ", \ l I \ : , \ \ 1 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ?05ITION TITLE CITY CF ~;~~~,T RluG[ \DEPARHiErJT DIVISION iACCGUNT ;,G. \ Legislative City Clerk 411.41 ,c LlL[j\{rcrl' ' .'1' 1.- 970 ~I~j~,--~~, ~,' GRADS : RANGE ~ ;j1971 1972~' '!lPRGPcst,a I hPr~w'J;:1J 1 1 1 1 - ! ,Ei, 900 j , I I I 1 I 1 10 459-49'5 1-;- I -; r= I A:W~lJAL BUDGU 'r FUN0 G8n8ral I City Clerk Senior Secretary 5,940 1 . I , , i 1 .,tj",,' .. tJ 1\1 : '\It i~ I 'I' ., I 1 I " I \ \ \ , \ I \ i J I \ , \ I' I \ W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. FOR?, 3-7 SUMMARY BUDGET CITY Or ~~~Pi R=D2~ FUND DEPARTI'iI:NT , DIVISION 'Ar"'cour~T ~,'r"' I !.... I IItU. I GENERAL JUDICIAL rvlUNICIPAL COURT i 412.1. , , i PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM CO~~ENTARY I , I , , i , i , , , I , . \ I I ACCT. I ! 1970 I 1971 1972 i I ruO. I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION !ACTUAL ~ 8UDG~t l'ES'rrifiA~{E I PROP'OS'BI ~ APPRGV;;.O I ! I r I 17,7171 I \ I 412.1l1'persanal Services 13,596 15,557 23,541 , 1 i I 412.12\ Supplies 1,199 1,000 1,000 \ 1,000 I 4,2.,31 Other Cha~g'e , I & Svcs. 2,562 2,250 2,050 \ 3,950 \ 3001 : : ,412.14 Capital Dtltlay 1,368 300 , 400 i , 18,825 21,267\ 19,917 28,991 i , ; , . , i \ \ , ~ I " f I t \ . , ; I ! , I \ ,. \ \ , . \ \ \ i i \ I " <I> PERSONNEL SCHEDULE AN~JUAl 8UDGET !. !FUND General I I , !DEPARTI-lErJT \ Judicial IDIVISION I Municipal CITY ~F ~~H:~T RIDG: i lACCC~NT jJG. Court I 412.11 i .. EI ;PLOY[E~( GRADE i RANGE '1m 1972 , POSITION TITLE ! r UFo::.t:.L) ! kr'r"R"V...l.J : 1971 1972' i ! ! ~ I Municipal Judge I 1 1 - - 7,920 I Court Clerk I~ 1 12 1483-530 6,476 Deputy Court Clerk 1 I 5 406-427' 4,998 I I I In, I , i Bailiff Y2 858 I - I I Court Stenographer : Y2 Y2 - 858 I j '~ ! ; ; 3n , .= 'I . I j I I ! 1 , ! \.1'" ,;: t'<:i' ':;. , . , II i I , . I , i I I 1 ~ : I I . , . , , I , , I , I I , , \ , I I , , I 1 : i i I I , I I I I , I W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. FORf': 3-7 SUMf1ARY , , ;, I , I , CITY OF ~r.EAT RIDGE BUDGET I FUND OEPARTHENT DIVISION : ACCOUNT NO. ! GENERAL EXECUTIVE MAYOR I 413.1 , PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I PROGRA1-l COMr'oENTARY I I I ! I I , , , ., ! , i , , I I I i '. I I , , ! , I , I ! A~g:. I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1970 1971 1972 i ACTUAL BUDG(Y 1"ESn,f-11ffE ! PRO'POSit6 t APPriC\J~D I I I , 413.111 Personal Services 23,167 21,342 22,975 1/0 77~- I I ! 700 700 I 800 , i 413.12 f Supplies . I I , , ! 413.13 Other Charges & Svcs. 4,700 4,500 4,500 . i I ~ \ , I , I i 413.14 Capital Otltlay 100 100 i 100 I , i , , , 413.15 Management Contingency 10 ,059 10,059 10,000 ! i I ! i 34,473 38,726 36,701 38,375 , , \ . i I t \ ! I 1 , : \ I ' I 1 ~ 1 i I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ANNUAL BUDGET ~ CITY OF JH:~T RIDS: fUND IDEPARTriErJT JIVISION ACCOUNT 1"'" r IItIW. I General i Executive, Mayor 413.11 i I .S:..:PL[jY[E~' GRADE':' RANGE ',I 1972 I I POSITION TITLE ' 1971 1972 :1 !PRur:OSt:.D I A.-'rrluVc.v , ~ I , ff I I Mayor i. 1 1 1495-543 15,,000 I ; k - I 11. 1 I I Executive Secretary 13 6,438 i I , c:!~ I I 1 I I , i I ~ I , 1 , I , I l' I ! I , I " I , I I I I . , I , I .- i I i , , I I I !.(.I'/, .~. . . 'I ,,',)'tii" f. . , , I , , , l I , , I \ \ W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. FORl-1 3-7 SUMM,l\RY BUDGET CITY OF ~~~AT RIDSE , FUND DEPARn~ENT DIVISION j ACCOUrH r;o. I GENERAL 1 ADl'-lIN ISTRATI ON' TREASURER'S OFFICE 415.1 i i PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM CONI~ENTP.RY ! I , , , \ , I i I I ~ ~ .~ I " J ! , I ! I ! " , : , I , ACCT. 1970 1971 1972 I ACCOUNT CLASSltICATION I NO. ACTUAL BUDGST 1,~Sl1illAl,E I PROtJOSSD I APPROV::.D I I , , I 415.11 I Personal Services 20,527 24,759 25,547 30 , 102 ! i 415.121 Supplies 1,684 1,800 1,800 2,000 \ \ 4150131 Other Charges I & Svcs. 1,997 1,099 1,300 3,382 t i I , I \ I I 415.14 I Capital Ol'.ltlav . j 988 300 1,085 I 1,760 t I' I I I 415.15 Auditing 3,500 I 4,500 4,500 5,400 . I 1. I I '29,468 33,146 33,447 41,969 I , \ I , I ! , , , l \ \ j , t i i 1 i PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ANNUAL BUDGET FUND DEPARTMErJT Administrative DIVISION Treasurer's Office General (PLOVErr' C.l i . ~,-,t GRADE : RANGE : POSITION TITLE '1971[19721 I City Treasurer 1 1 - - FO/PA 1 1 29 749-807 I Bookkeeper 1 1 12 i 483-530 Bookkeeper Yz I Yz 12 483-530 Enforcement Officer 1: Yz - - ~! . I . " , :i~nj : , Ii: . ; ;;1 I , , - ., , , , i I W.R. Form 3-10 CITY CF UH~AT RIDG~ ACCOUNT ,JL. 415.11 .5,280 9,784 6,291 4,347 1,500 't.-t ;. I W.R. FORVI 3-7 SUMMARY BUDGET CITY CF ~rl[AT RIDGE r DEPARn~ENT ; ACCOU,~T I \FUND DIVISION NO. , I GENERAL \ ADMINISTRATIVE LEGAL ! 415.2 I I PROGRAr~ COi.:r"Er~TP.RY PROGRAM DESCRIPTION. 1 i , I ! i I ., I I I I , I , I I , I . I , , I I j ACCT. I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1970 . 1971 1972 NO. I ACTUAL ~DGEI I ~S[lV~jE PRO?OSED I APPRGVED I , 1 415.21 ICity , I Attorney 7,800 7,800 7,800 8,600 I I i I 415.22 , \ i Ci ty Prosecutor. 3,400 4,800 4,800 I 5,300 . I I , 1 } \ 415.23 Legal Expense 4,192 7,200 7,200 7,900 I . I .. 15,392 19,800 19,800 21,800 , ! i , , i , , ! , i ; , I I t l \ \ , ! I i 1 \ I ! I \ \ 1 1 r . . W.R. FORI/j 3-7 SUMf"lARY BUDGET CITY Of ~~~AT RID2E I. , FUND DEPARmENT DIVISION iACCCUNT NO. \ GENERAL ADMINISTRATIVE ADf"1INISTRATIVE SVCS. I 415.1, , PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I PROGRAM COMMENTARY I I I I I ! I i , , , I . . . . , , , . I . . . ! I ACCT. 1970 I 1971 1972 I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION I NO. ACTUAL 8UDGl::'i j.,t:;~ni/lA,'if: PROPOSED I APPROVED I I I I I I 415.41 Personal Services 15,593 21,9061 21,906 24,761 I I i 415.42 Supplies 4~545 2,800 3,750 i \ 3,750 I 415.4~ . Other Charges I & Svcs. 940 1,924 2,100 2,500 \ 415.44 Capital GCltlay 1,247 2,500 2,500 501] ! j , 22,325 30,080 29,306 31,511 1 \ I I I l 1 i I I t I I I I I \ . f I I I \ I \ \ i 1 ! L ,. ANNUAL 8UOGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE CITY CF ~H=gT RIDG: FUND DEPARTl-iErJT DI'JISIGN ACCOU~H "ll'"' 1~l..J . GC3ncrti1 Aoministrative Administrative 415.41 Ssrvic8s ,. , ,- r-r: r I' I' ~ I POSITION TITLE ~,PL~Y~~'j GRADE ;,\ RANGE 1971 1972\ ! Director Senior Secretary Receptionist Junior Secretary .. \ I I , W.R. Forr.l 3-10 1 1 I 1, 1 10 1459-495 1 1 5 ,406-437 ~ 3~ I 1972 jPRui-'O::'t.D I 1 I I ! 8,808 5,880 5,244 2,436 :t'nr; .' ~l . ;:1 'bi t. / .' " P.C' r'nw 'J I:.LJ I 1 I I ! \ ! BUDGET \FUND GENERAL I DEPARTi'lE~jT OTHER GEN I L GOV,'T PROGRAM DESCRIPTION W. R. FGRt1 3-? SUMMARY DIVISION PLANNING, & ZONING CITY OF L~EAT RIDG~ 'j' ACCOU:\lT NO. 419.1 i , I I PROGRAf.IJ CONr:'ENTARY .' , I " I I I I ACCi. I 1970 I 1971 , 1972 I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION I NO. P.CTUAL iBUDGE:, I (SIIVlA1E: I PROPOSED IAP?~OV~D i I j ! 419.11 H Personal Services 24,4221 33,588 33,588 43,274 ! 419.12 Supplies 3,255 3,000 3,000 I 4,500 i i ! I I i 419.13 Other Charges & Svcs. 2,p36 4,070 4,070 4,070 , Capi tal OC1tlav I -0-' -0- -0- . n -l.j- " l , ; 30,313 40,658 40,658 51,844 1 t I ! , , I I I I \ i i . \ 1 I : , I I , , \ t I I I . \ .1 , PERSONNEL SCHEDULE AN~JUAL 8UDGET CITY CF L~~!=gT RIDS: I IACCOUNT FUND DEPARTrIErJT DIVISION rJG. GonorQl G'onorLl1 Govornment fJILlnnino 1,19.11 .. i ~~~;r~~~~f GRADE .< !I 1972 I POSITION TITLE :,\ RANGE i"P1iUPu~t.D I Ar-r'HlJ'J .;:.0) '. I i I ~ I ! ! I , ~ \ I i Director 1 1 - - , 13,812 i 1 I , Current Planner , 1 1 18 571-615 7,672 I i I I I Planning Tech. II 1 1 18 '571-615 7,200 , , I j J , Steno/Secretary 1 .1 10 459-495 5,844 I , I , Planning Tech. I }2 }2 - - 3,042 I I I 4}2 1 y I I I 1 I , \ I , . i i .- I I : ! , i I :\"~n.' : I .' I .j ; , \'f..~' :'. '" I ! I . i , I , -- I : ~ ~ , , , I : I I I I , \ I W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. FORi!j 3-7 SUMMARY BUDGET FUND GENERAL I I DEPART11ENT I OTHER GENIL GOV'T PROGRAM DESCRIPTION , DIVISION BUILDINGS & EQUIMENT CITY O~ ~H~A: ?IDC~ I : ACCot..:r'JT iliO. i 419.4 PROGRAi"1 COi"J:~ENTP,RY 1 i " I .. , I I l ACC7. 1970 I 1971 1972 ! ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION I NO. ACTUAL I 80DGEr I 'f;S{ri~~tl:: PROPOS~D : ~~?ROVED I I i I ! I i , 419.41 Acquisitions . 1,531 51,404 51,404 65,000 I ! i I 419.42 Maintenance and I i , I Operation ._._ . 4,405 1,500 1,500 I 2,400 I ! , ! I , 5,936- 52,904 52,904 67,400 ! ! . I . , ! . ! \ . I , f v j i , I 1 I , ; , , i , j . , 1 \ r 1 i L , FUND I DEPARmENT DIVISION : ACCOU;~T NO. POLICE , 421 GENERAL i / I i PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAi~ COMi~ENTARY I , i i , / ! j I i , i . . I 1 , , , I , I , ; , I . I , . \ I I , ! ACCT. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1970 ' 1971 1972 I NO. ACTUAL; 6UDG!::r I,ES'(1i1A,:E I PROPOSED I APPiiCiV;::' I 1 I I 1 I ; i I 421.1 rmini'tration I 32,612 I I 421.2 Detective 68,581 I !patcol , ! 421.3 & Traffic 296,028 t i , I i 421.4 'Police Training 4,000 1 " . 421.5 Support Services I 68,529 I 1 I 421.6 Police Station I 11 ,320 1 I j I .) 481,07::1 t \ I . I , , I ! I \ ~ I 1 BUDGET W.R. FORill 3-7 SUi':MARV CITY Or ,j 1".-,,- .....-;... , ......."'-..1 RID;:::::': W.R. fORi'j 3-7 SUMMARY BUDGET fUND GENERAL CITY OF ~H~PT RIDGE DEPART1'1ENT POLICE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION DIVISION ADMINISTRATIVE iACCCUN"i NO. I 421.1 PROGRAM CO~~ENTARY Budget is based on the requirement to staff, supply, maintain a~d operate the Administration Divi- sion of the Police Department. The increase in the o~eration of the Administrative Division is for salary increases only. The cost of Personal Services includes all fringe benefits, such as Health Insurance, Workman's Comp., etc. ACCT. NO. . 1970 I 1971 Il.CCOUNT CLA5SIF'ICATION ACTUAL I BUDGEI ' . E;SY~I'1A'YE I \ I 1972 ~R020SED j AP?~V~D 32,612 j 9 i \ \ 1 l 1 i I 1 I I I I 1 \ i \ I I I I \ l 421.11 t Personal 421.12/ Supplies Services 27,B62 \ 3,500 421.13 Other Charges & Svca. 421.14 Capital ~utlav 750 500 \ \ I . 1 \ , . 1 " 1 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE AN~JUAl 8UDGc:T CITY CF ~JH=~T R~~GE FUND DEPARTMErJT DIVISICN ACCOUr~T "" I>JU. G8n8rCil Police Administration 421.11 I , ;,- 'fJLG'Ir-r-r:1 " 1972 PDSITION TITLE r:-;':':'-_~ GRADE :1 RANGE l-'HLJhJSt.u I 1-1l"'r'rlLsVi::.V I ,,1971 [1972 , I , I I , 1 , I , Chief of Police 1 1 - -- 14,052 I I , I . Secretary/Steno 1 1 10 459-483 " 5,736 : ! i Records Clerk/Typist 1 1 10 483-495 5,868 f 3 3 ! i , , , . , I , , i .. : ; ; I i I , i I i I I I I I I ;('n: : I .. . , , , ,'tit :.. I {~ ; '1' I . I i , I I I ! , I I . .. . I I I W.R. Form 3-10 BUDGET FUND GENERAL DEPARTMENT POLICE W.R. FGRi:. 3-7 SUMt'JARV DIVISION DETECTIVE CITY OF ~nEAT ~=D~E i ACCOUr~T NS. i 421. 2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Budget is based on the requirement to adequately staff, supply, main- tain and operate the Detective Division. " PROGRAM COM~ENTARY The addition of a lieutenant and a Secretary/Steno in the Detec- tive Division will increase our efficiency in filing of cases. T~8 lieutenant will assume other supervisory functions such as Dispatch to relieve the over- load of responsibility for the Patrol lieutenant. Personal Services include ail fringe bene- fits and overtime. I , , J I I ! I I I I i I I I I , I , , I , I ! ! I \ \ I I I I I \ ! , , ACCT. I ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1970 1971 1972 NO. ACTUAL eWDGE:I I ,~S'rri'1A'f.E I PROPOSED !APPRGV~D 421.21 Personal Services I 1 65,356 I , 421.22 Supplies , ! 2,000 I I 421.23 Other Charges & Svcs. 400 I .. I I 421.24 Capital Otstlay 825 j I , I I 68,581 i J i t I " , , \ > I . , l I I \ I \ l ~ i AN0JUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE CITY CF LJH:AT RIGGE ~ I , IFUND DEPARH1ErJT DIVISION ACC[;Ur~T rJ~. i Gonoral Police Detective 421.21 , , " ~~~~U~~~~f GRADE " ! 1972 , \1 RANGE . POSITION TITLE ,"PKCFGSt.D i hl-'r'rlUVi::.c--r I "i I ; I I Detective Lieutenant 1 , 38 935-982 I 11,502 ! i J. I I I Detectives , 4 14 32 I 807 I 38,736 ! ~I Sec'y/Steno 1 10 427-448 5,250 i I ~ 5 I , 6 I . . ~~ r , i ~ ;(t\ .i,' I ~ .... q:: . . .~, ,~.;, c. " W.R. Form 3-10 . . , W.R. FORi" 3-7 SUMf'JP,RY BUDGET FUND GENERAL CITY CF ~~~PT ?IDG~ I' DEPARTt'lENT POLICE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION DIVISION PATROL & TRAFFIC ; ACCCUf'JT r.c. I 421.3 PROGRAM CC~~ENTARY Budget is based on the req~irement to staff, supply, maintain, and operate the Patrol Division in performing the assigned function. We are requesting one (1) additional Patrolman in the Patrol Division. The purchase of seven (7) new i Patrol Units to replace seven (7) I I 1970 Patrol i Units that will have DVGr 80,000 miles of service is i almost mandatory. As these units approach this mileage, the main- tenance costs go up drastically. '. The purchase of two (2) additional radios will give us 8 radio in each Police Unit. ACCT. _ I 1970 L 1971 NO.. AGCOUN I CLASSlf'ICAT~ON 1 ACTUAL! SUDG:::i j'ESn,i'1AYE ! 421.31 f Pers~nal Services . \ I 421.32 ! Supplies , i 421.331 Other Chargea . Svca. i < 421.34tcaPita10tlt1ay , 1 , ' \ 1972 i PROPOSSD~IAPPROVED~ I I 266,926 I 2,000 , i 400 I , . \ \ I ~ I . " 1 \ I I , I \ I i I I I ~ I ! i I I 25,700 295,028 j 1 I , , 1 \ I , \ i t i i , i \ \ I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE '::\N~JUAl BUDGET CITY CF I lur r "':'" l~, l:....h i RIGSE I ! FUND ;)EPARHiErJT DIVISION iACCOL~JT ..c hiW. General Police Patrol & Traffd 421.31 i .. ~i'.lLU\r~' ' " 1972 i:,I" '-"-..: G"AOE RANGE ! PDsITION TITLE ---I t\ . iFRUPGst.u Al",~RuVi::."" !1971 1972\ I I I I I I I I I Lieutenant of Patrol 1 '1 38 1,007 12,084 , I I , I I . Sergeants of Patrol ~ 4 4 33 890 42,720 , , Recruit, 3rd Class, 2nd Class, 1st Class, & Senior Patrolmen' r 20 I 24-31 25 -;t = 615-827 . 177,953 , ,'i(',...~" ., . " " ,",1 ",;,' ;. . .- , '\ I W.R. Form 3-10 ~ . FUND I DEPARTMENT DIVISION i;"CCOL;~7 :",',-' I .,,\.1 . 1 TRAINING I : GENERAL POLICE POLICE I 421.4 I I I PROGRAi~ COr'ir~ENT PoPoY 1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, Budget is based on requirement to There is no change in the Budget adequately train officers in 'the for training of our ~<>' \" OT,::,cers. i , of enforcement. We will continue to send officers I area . , ! : , to the Colorado Law Enforcem8;1t I , i , I ... ....-. .' Training Academy, ~Jorthwest8rn I , . . - . I Supervisors, Training, and other ! ! police training seminars that , are i I . scheduled throughout the , ! year\. t I I 'I I , '~ " ! I , I ACCT. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 1970 I , 1971 1972 , NO. ACTUAL aODGS'i' I' ESn:VlA I.E . FRO?OSED I AP.;),iC\.i;;:J I ; I I , I \ . J ' -- I ~ I i ! I 421.41 Police Training I 4,000 .( I : I , 1 , I I , -- " .' /[ I, . .. 1 , , , j 1 , I I I - I ! , , I " 'i 1 I " , \ I I j i I , ! I I I I I , I 1 . I : I , I , I . \ t .. \ 6UDG"T \ Sur-r.1I;AIiY \ W.R. fOR:'; 3-7 .. CITY Cr L~E;:'.7 ~~--....- i\~l.J~:' I 'I \ 't l BUDGET FUND GENERAL SU1I;f'JP,RY I DEPARmf;l\lT I POLICe: PROGRAi'i DES::-, :?TION Budget is based upon the require- ment to staff, supply, maintain and operate the Support Services Division of the Police Department. (Communications & Vehicle Main- I tenance) ! ACCT. NO. 421.51 421.52 421.53 421.54 421.55 1 I I W.R. fOR;'; 3-7 CITY CF L!~~T RIC:~ ~ DIVISION SUPPORT SERVICES ; ACCOU~\~T ~ ,:;. I ! 421.5 I I , ! , i I \ I , I , I ! i I 1 I t i I ! ~ 1970 I 1971 . 1972 ACI,;OUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL ,-"U' DG"'" '-S~71"(\~.~---~'~O'-'O-""~D' A ~-~, '-,--, . ! 0 ::;.1 I't:. I, ~',,",h.. I f.,..::Jr. I i-';Jr;...Vr.i,; I I i ] I : , ! Personal Supplies Services Other Charges & Svcs. Capi tal OCltlay Equipment Maintenance PROGRAM CO~~ErlTgRY The direct supervision of Dispatch personn~l will be under the Lieu- tenant of Detectives. The main- tenance of vehicles and other equipment will also come unCer this division. 35,129 250 f 1 I \ I 250 i ~1 2,000 ! 30,900 " I , 68,529 , ~ I , 1 , I , \ I , , I , , ., . \ i ?ERSO~~~L SCh~DUL~ A0g(J{2.L BUDG~T SITY :r::- ~~,~~=,r -: p=~=~ , t~u;'~J ~ , ..:.3n8ra..r.. iJEPAR.r;'ic:rJT , Police ~D:LVISIC:l ~ SU;:JpG:'t :,~=CC\..j:',~T I ~~.. S8I'vicc: 42.l.~... ?CSITIO:\i TITLE I:: 'Ul :\1' _ '.' i.::.!.~U~~ !1971 1'197: i I_ f I' I ~L2-i, .-(-i ! ,-..-... ('. -, r- Ur\t"'\ul.:. (lANCE ::'::;72 -. .......---~,.~--"( ~~-\W;""u~.:.J ........---.,""'!"'- r.1~'-'-:'U\.J':"..J !i DL;:JEitchcrs 12 I i483_530 31,313 " , (',,, I .J I ~ , 'I " ',I \.'i' ~. 1 I i : I i , 1 1 i I , , i i \ I I 1 ! I W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. FGR:/, 3-7 sur:.rl:p,RY 8UDGET IFU;\JD I GENERAL CITY [F ~~~~T ~=c~~ , '\ DEPARmENT POLICE DIV!SION POLICE STATION 'C~cr;II""- ..~..... ; r\L. Io.a.....\i~ h\oJ. 421.7 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION, 1 PROGRAM CO~':ENTARY Budget is based on th~ requirement to maintain building and facil~ties. Th~ additional costs in this area is the addition of a teletype, , highe~ rent due to increased space, and additional p~one costs. .. ~ ..... -, .,. .... . , ,. ., 421.7 ;8uilding & Faciliti~s 1 I ~ . 1971 60DG~Sj~~~i.~. .. 1. i 1972 PRO?OSED-I A?PRGV~D ... I ! Ace!. I M'''CO NT S C'IC T 1970 I NO. I nw W, CLA5 I. A ION ACTUAL! I - 1 1 7 2~ ..l.. ,.J~U \ \ , ..----- I I: / ,1 I 1 \ , 1 t i I , , y ~ I . f I 1 I . ' \ t -, \ II \ I " { i SUMt'JARV BUDGET !FUND GENERAL r 'II DEPARTr'lEl\!T PROTECTIVE INSPECTION DIVISION BUILDING W.R. fOR;.', 3-7 CITY C~ LHEAT RIDGE : !V"COU"~ ,'r' IMl...i tin hiJ. i 424.1 - 425 PROGRAM DESCR!PTION , - I- PROGRAM COM~ENTARY 1972 P'RO..:;tJ6~D 1 AP?I",C\J'~J I - \ , ACCj'. I ACCO 'T CLASSIF' ICATIO~I 1970 I 1971 NO. I UN l~ ACTUAL 1 SUDGf'i" '1;sr~wrrs \ 424.11 ~ Personal Services f 424.12! Supplies , " , 1 1424.13 : Othe,r Charges & Svcs. \ 424.14 t Capital OCltlay 1,449 1,000 1,218 1,424 j 1,500 . 933 26,950 1,000 1,650 1,500 425 Ordinance Enforcement -0- 2,500' 2,500 23,9821 32,657 , 33,600 I ; 1 i I I l i I t I I \ I \ 31,524 1,200 1,650 I I I 38,374 ~ , " ; , I I I I i 1,500 2,500 P~RSONNEL SCHEDULE AN~JUAL BUOGET ~ FUND Gcmer51 \uEPARTViErJT \ Building CITY OF _~~:~T RIG:~ DIVISIUN i rCC~~:\;G . POSITION TITLE Wr'nu'J;..0 '~ 'f.JL'-"/"-" ls!.~_~! GRADE 11971119721 Chief Building Insp. I 1 \ : 1 Enforc8ment Officer 1 18 Sanior Secr8tary 1 10 Enforcement Officer I }2 }2 '. -21L'131z1 I , ~! RANGE .I '\ , " L 1572 \ PRUPTISt:D I I 11, 700 I \ ,571-615 \ \459-495 i i I I I \ I 7,380 5,820 1,624 . I \ I' ! N, J " I" . '" "\:1 ~. " /" I I I i , ' \ I \ , \ I \ , \ , \ ' I I W.R. Form 3-10 . W.R. FORI!, 3-7 SUr'.MP.RV BUDGET CITY OF U~~~7 2IDG~ FUND GENERAL 'I' DEPARTr'lENT PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION RIGHT-CF-WAV ; ACCO~f'JT NG. , i 431.1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COM~ENTARY , : I ., , ! I , ! I " : : i I I , ACCT. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICAiION 1970 I 1971 1972 NO. P.CTUAL r5JD~1 I f:S'rrT-;.o;'(i;: I PKOrO~1D-i APP~CV~D I , , I Right-of-Way , 431.1 Acquisi tiol 2,000 , , I . . , ,. I -.-.- .1 ~ I : I i \ . I . I ! I I I I j l \ I , i I 1 i ~ .! 1 I I I \ I I . ! \ t I , I j I I I I l \ r i I I. BUDGET IIFUND GENERAL i ACC1. I NO. I ,431.21 \ ; '431.22 431.23 '431.24 I DEPARTHSNT I PUBLIC WORKS, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION .. SUM1~P.RY W.R. FORi/; 3-7 CITY OF ~'~EAT RIDGE D-V~STON r'-'-lIv-',cny 0 'r,,....rn''''~. ,., J. J..... . li\C. i ll,'y......,d.... c... ; ,.....I...IWUl..i11J i hi.J. CONSTRUCTION GJGIf'J I G ! 431.2 PROGR,c,i'J C01"]j':Errr P3,'! , ,.. _ JT j1970 I, 1971 ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL! 8DDGS'r--l,ESll~AfE I, I I , \ ,; Personal i , Supplies , Services Other Charges & Svcs. Capital Otltlay , I " /t f 1 I \ 1 i ; t \ i ,- 1972 f:iGP"'OSl--5--,.;PP.;;"C \i SO :- i 1 39,778 3,5QO 4,300 1,000 48,578 \ 1 I I i I 1 , , I I l I i PERSONNEL SCHEDULE AN~:U,c..L BUDGET ~ 'i'"UND DEPARHiErJT Public Works General , , \DI'JISILiN I Engineering, CITY CF L~~:AT RI~SE ! {""'o ro! :~i- ""~ ,A""C,..H",I, I ,....;. ! I 431.21 POSITION TITLE hl~rJr<JV;..l..I ~;PL~VU:':~; GRADE 11971119721 1 I 37 Civil Engineer ! 1 l ! · 1 I ! 1 ! 1 i < J-L..! 1 T! 51 I ! I I ' I Construction Engineer 1 Engineering Aid IDr 1 Engineering Aid II .1 City Engineer , ,. , 1 I L.:.R. Form 3-10 13 : RANGE , I I i i 1571-615 507-557 1972 7iR-c?GSt.O I ! 12,309 7,508 14 7,800 18 571-615 7,245 1,320 . ..... _Ii ~ - 'l: 4 : ..,. i'i..t :.. W.R. FORi/j '3-7 sur~r~.qRV BUDGET !FUND I GEN~RAl I ! I , 'I D<:"OI1R.~),="~I- ~. n ~.j....",J I PUBLIC LJORKS P20GRAM DESCRIPTION CITY Q? U~EAT PIDG: I D!VIS:m\l CONSTRUCTIC~J-REHA8. , r. ~"""'U' .,. ~'.'-' ;r.L""",U 'l~~ ...:~. 431. 3 PROGRAM CO~~ENTARV ACCT.! c _ _ 1970 I . 1971 lS7;~- "10 I ACCOUNT CLA...5IF .l.CA I ION ACTUAl )-o::'UD-G ~"';(- kc..~', ',n~E~~~-'-;:""'i.:'T'~.-;c-=-= --, -0 .\0 . '-: 0 ~c. I ",w' ~.J~, j r',"'<Wrv;j":'U t n:-'~~~U;.. 431.3 ~ Construction- L! '-1 j -: I Reh,bilit,tion I~' ?591"6?,??~ 16??11 !1.?> 00, I ." ~I I ! i I I I \ I I 1 I I ! ~ 1 j ~ d .. L I~ " I I I i BUDGET IFUND I GENERAL DE?ARTr~Eiln. PUBLIC WOR:~S PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I 'I I ACCT. NO.. ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION 431.411 Personal Servicea \ I 431.4~ 3upplies , 431.43 j Other Charges & Svcs. ( 431.441 Cap,ital ofltlay I ,. I I I SUM:V:P.RY W.R. fOF~;.~ 3-7 CI7V O? !~!~;7 RIDG~ , ! DIVISION ; ~.CCCL.;:r; [;G. j [ViP,INTEr~p.i'JCE OF CC:;)ITIC,;! 431.4 FRDGRA[~ COMr~ENTARV I L 1970 I. 1971 P.CTUAL IErUDGE'CTEsnr'1A1-t;: I . I . I i .' I :( I I i .' 'I l ^ i 1 ~ \ L _.d. 'To; 1972 ,;: ;:)~j-G-Z;c:-:'--.";:;;.:7"~-::--J .-: .:::--1 j f\W. """,...U r\, t txW ~U I .1 \ 82,921 20,000 12,000 10,000 124,921 I I 1 ) ! \ ! J " I ~ i PERSONNEL SCHEDULE IO:::VISICiiJ \ Maintenance i \ C' : r.J! ' ,: ~ r: ( '-. jl-l.. .....'...1. LL...,' ....~")ADr: ---,-----1 LJh c.. \1971J1972\ 13~4 \ 3~4: :~ " I I 11 1 I 24 \ lY2 \ 1}2 \ 18 12. I 2 ! 14 ~ 3 \ 3' I 12 ~l Y21 , , , ,::;:'Jr:UAl BUDGET ~ 'FUNC> \.)EPARTi-:ErJT \ Public Works I G,,:neral PCSITION TITLE Street Superintendent Foreii1an Equip. Operator II Equip. Operator I Maint. Spec. Laborer Summer Help , .9')4 9-3/" I [ CITY OF ~~~~:~7 RI~2Z Ir.rc"",- '" IMlooJ U....;l...t l'olU.. I i i I 431.4::' , .1 RANGE 'i :1 1787-848 I 1630-675 1062-713 I !571-615 1507-557 \483-530 , , I ! I 1572 fPliG~OSZC---)~r'~~uV~~ 7,727 7,961 6,403 10,857 19,957 # 19,104 , I 1,000" ; ','..,.1 .. ~t ,~._ "'...1 :. I I I I .' 1 ! I / I I' I 1 I \ I I l' \ I \ \ I I \ I i , I I W.R. Fo:rm 3-10 8L'JG~T 'I' W.R. FORj~ :'-7 , SUf"!~.c,RV CITY C? L~~~;7 R:GG~ ; ,c.CCC~;1~7 ;,~:. :;':-UND D;?:?ARTr'IE:l\J7 i GENERAL PUBLIC WORKS I , I PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I Ace7. NO. 1431.5 I I I f I DJ:VISlOi'J SNOW & ICE REMOVhL [..,31.5 P;=~G2RAr~ cor'":r-:::r'!TJ-.RV .' , i i I I \ . I I - .;II ..~ ACCOUNT CLASSIFICATION I ACJY,~~ l~8'7'"'DF''.-''~1 ~~S-'7"' '~I\-=-' ,1 j UH... ~ U 0.;... "I;, l J.i l/", u:. , ~~ , /, I I Snow & Ice Removal -0- i 18,000 I 15,000 I I , 1972 " ,'" ._---........,.....~ ~~O~w5~D A??~CvSD I , 16,000 , l ! I 1 l I r ! .1 , t 1 , } I \ ~ I 1 , , " ,j .. W.R. FORi" 3-7 SUl'';i\l]P,KV BUD SET IFUi'-;D I GENERAL I I ! I \ CITY [7 ~iJ: - ~-~:S ~ I Dcpn ~""'tr:'Y~1 ~ /"\f\; ~ I....... I PUBLIC WORKS DIVISION TRAFFIC SERVICES I ""'-'r.-,' ,.," " ,""" \ J-.L.il..Jl.,...:.....i'.' .\ow. , 4"" r i j1...0 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGR,-,:'~ COf"l:/,Erri' ~..~y ACCT. 1 "CrOUN- NO. I ....... I I 1431.61 ~ Personal Services I' 431.62 ! Supplies 431.63 i Other Charges & \ 431.641 Capital OCttlay i 431.65 I Signal Maintenance , \ \ , i I \ I , i \ I I ' CLASSIF'ICAnOi\;, "C--':U7AOL l'""?U-D~'7'~~"~7\"'O~''---:::~;";::''ro~:''''i}:'~~''::-::-' ., ,.",-; 11-'. lid L.::. i 1'..::ll,.l.I,li'lIL:. I r.,\u,~",:;;J.:.LJ i "';~;'i'\.....;;...i I ! I ' .' I, ! il', 24,824 13,000 , I' jl ' Svcs. 3,000 Ii' I \ \ 1 ! I \ l I \ \ - Ir" 5,OOC 12,CJCQ ::7,324 , . \ t I i \ 1 .. . t \ I i i \ ,\ , I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE . I 1 !:::. :i-'llJ'!C:E~' G"AD- j-----;-,--, n l:.. 'l971! 1972: , . I \ ,:-r-I ,. I \ :'.; 1 ; 1 26 ~ . i 1 2: 14 ~ I , 'I \ 0 /2' ;-I'-r , ' ~ 312l 1-11-[ I ' ! 1 i I , I I I , I RANG" I ... i \ , C ITV C? ~~\-:::=[-.T R IJG: I l\hCC[;~:~i j,w. _ 431. 61 i 1972 '~:~..,..~.-,...,...-r. r<-"'" ... -..- i~~w~ub~J ,~~~~wV~~ . i , AN;'.JU;L SUJGC:T ;. \FUNO \ I \ General I \JEPARTVIErJT \ Public Works I I IDIVISIGfJ \ Traffic PGSITION TITLE Summer Helper I \695-749 i \507-557 , I i I I 9,026 Traffic Technician Maintenance Spec. 12,375 1,080 \ \- I"., ' \ I ~ I ' 'I' ':'1'.';'" . ~.l .. ,1 I I \ I , I \ I \ .. , \ I I 1 \ I \ \ , \ I " ~ I I \ I I I i I \ i \ ! I j j , I 1 I I \ j \ \ ~.R. Form 3-10 6UDG:::T IFU:~D I GENERAL DZPARTtJ1E0jT PUBLIC WORKS. I I If ACC7. I fir-COUNT C' ASS-FX'"'A....rON I 1970 I ..r- '~-," l NO. I ..... L..l.... i i ,ACTUAl.. l'su6GTIjE'S7DiJ!:YC: I \431.71 ; Personal Services j - ,.. 1431.72 !Supplies I \ . l i '431.73 I Other Charoes & Svcs. I 1 - 431.74 \cap~tal Outlay \ \ I I I I 1 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION I I i \ 1 , I I i 1 , I I i j I I \ \ I W.R. FOar1j 3-7 SU:~;IJP,RV CITY CP U~E~T RIJG~ DIVISION SHOPS I r,rr""'r' I"'''''' ",.~ ; r'....,~w~.\: l ~\ii..i. i 431. 7 PROGRAM cO~~r.:E;J7A~\: 431.71 is decreaseD to allccate expense to using depart~onts -",--..;11""( ill T 1972 i FI~Er?ErS-::'Dl A??I=:~:-2-5i , ! 1,500 1,200 ,.1 1 1 f I 3, SO:::! ? .--,-,,.-, ~.:;JLI.J B,500 \ 1 I r Ii. , ~ ~ i \ I . ) \, ~ . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Ai00JUAL 8:JDG:::T " iFUND I i CITY C~ Ll~:E~T RI~3E bEPARTl',GJT I Public Works !DIVISION il Shops I lEi ;PL9V[E~r GRADE ii RA~JGE '1'1571i1S721 I I I 1 I !: 1, I 1 I 26 ~ I ~ LL' _~'_ 15 ~ j ~ LU ....L'. ,~_. ~ ' , I I j 1 I I ~ ! 1'. r--......r;. ~:..... ;nL.,L,;wl...I,\/1 I I i I ~, ... i~..J . General Lr31.71 1972 -..::tfrep"O::.t.O hi";:p,Vv,"OJ POSITION TITLE I I :696-749 f'1echanic II , 9,026 I _,6.768 ! I j i I I , I I i I j543-585 I I I 'I I Mechanic I . I . , , I . '\~"I . " I I I I' , I I , I I ! 1 .' '. 111't::- 7. I I i I I ! "I' , , I' i I i W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. fO~. I "3-7 SUf~:f~;P\RV BUDGET , 'FUI\:D \ GENSRAL I I \ I I I CITY C? t~~~;7 ~=JG~ PUBLIC JjOR1~S DIVISION ,;;,C:CL::: :,;8. ADMI~ISTRATION 43:.8 DEPAR"~'"rJiZDj7 PRGG~~M DESCRIPTION P~OGRP.H CG:~'i~.:ENTP.;:{~! . Ace"j. I ACCOUNT ~JO. 1 J I ---- CLASSIfICATION f\C:9U~Ol. !~~;:7"v~Y}s- ,r..". ,>;<7'. .... j n ~ i;;.,HA:..::. II';; I .l.i''-'" Ii;, I ~ ..' , ~ .. . I . I I i I I I I I j I .l_...-"V""'\I 1'372 : - ,-,..--.---....-_.-_.,.......----,._"....-.~ ~KG~05~D j ~~2~Cw~J I r (431.81 ~ Personal Services' 24,407 ; I 1431.82 ~ ~LlPPlies ! 431.83 ; .J.nsurance ! 431.84jlJtHi ties - 431.85 ! Other Charges 1431.86 : Capital Outlay , \ i I 3,50Cl 8,OClO " \ " 2,OClO & Svcs. 3,000 50iJ \ i 1 I i, \ t. i I f I. 41,407 \ . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE .4N(~LJkL GUJGET ~--y .-r- 'I ,~r- R--....,- l.Jll Ui' ~-,;--:_'- j ,.l...h';:;:' fFur~D I I I I ! G3neI'al IOEPARTI-:ErJT \ Public Works !D:LVISIG~ I " . . "'- "'- . I MwmlnlS~~2vlOn iACCCU;{f ;J~.. 431.81 PCSITICJN TITLE j iCi }'LOV[[:' G-' r DE (11971: 1972, ~\I-\'- , I ';---1 1 I 1 1 I 10 " I t 1/, I ~'2 l ~~ J J ! Ii ~ Z/2, ZI~i -'-I I 'r I I ,. I J " , "'A"-- ! f'\ ~ \l.uc. ;1 \ 'l. ,~572 \ -(;"'KC?"uS~D l f-",.~l'nw.J~;:;- I Director 1 ! 1 :'3,812 j 1 i :459-495 I 5,94J , I j I ' ! 2,435 I I ! I , Senior Secretary Intermediate SeclV I I I I i I I "'.,, .\ I I ~ , ..... ... ,(: . . -,. '~\.,;; :~ i " i \ I ~ , I I \ I I , I , I 1 I I I \ I IT -: torr.! 3-10 W.i,. BUDGET )fLJi\JD I GENERAL I . , I DE?ART~J~srft , I PUS:"'IC UORKS WoRe FCal" 3-7 SU:~;\rjARV CI7V CP ~~:::.7 ?I)~~ 0;,:v:srOiIJ STRE:ET CLEP.NING : r.r....;-. !r'; "''''''"1 \ i"'......l";,,..'-wIl"-' \,.,.."J. i 432.2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM co~~r'::~ITASV Accr. NO. ACCOUNT CLASSIF!CATION & Svcs. I 3 c;nCl , ! ' ......'_11.-" 1 r -:....J- " 1 . 1 21~S8o . l t ! ; i , \ \ .. \ , \ i \ \ :0 \ , 1 I i \ t' ? 1 , , , . (' l , 1 . I, 432.21; Personal Services ij 1432.22; Supplies \ lJ ! I ( 432.231 Other Charges I I 432. 24\ Capital oCtlay I I 1 \ . I I 1 I 1 I I 1970 I_~~~,. ~L-"".-,,-_-~-----~( '7~___ ACTUAL 1 OUOGCi ':.S I :l.l'1A l.E I r'"w2CS'-::C ,-..-.~;.u'JO::() I 1, '. I 1 I I I 14,783 3,5CO PERSON~EL SCHEDULE AN~JUAL 8UQGET CITY Cjr:- _~~~:~.7 rrI~:: .. 'IFUNO \ , lOEPART\~'iErJT ,.:JIVISIGN Goneral Public Works L~3 2.. 2 PGSITION TITLE ,.... lsn ~~~7:rCJrIO~Eu I h~ ;rrw-~rz::;-- , ~ Equip. Operator I i , \787-848 , I 1571-515 I I I ! 2,575 Street Superin~endent 10,856 , - , , I I l I i- I I I I .,('-., ...1 " . '1' .,' ,.:: ;.. I I , , " ( i: , . , ! , I I , , 1 i . l ! I I I I , I I , , \ \ I I I \ I I \ j I " \ 1 i \ W.R. Form 3-10 W.R. fon;,. 3-7 sur'oMP,RV 5UDG::T IC"U'lD " \' ., G:::NERAL I , 1 I I I CITY :? ~~= T ~ISC: PUBLIC ~ORr~S DIV::SIOi'J STREET LIGHTI:;G , r''''' -or' 1,\:--:. .' i n.....\..J(.J....o'I.. l.~. D~PART~"j~r(t ~32..3 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION FROGRP,i~ CW:'~:'~C::: ~7 ;.;-~ ': ACCj.. i ACCOUN-" NO. I , ~ 432.3 ;Straat Lighting ; . 1 .- . - -- -'~ CLASS:.:nCAiION \' A-~U:A~ f,-;~UDr.7-"';~.~~~'"\"""~r::;~-""-;""-~"' .~ .,'",c-c;.--=-- ~, ~~ d' ~~, l ~~jl~~i~ : rNW~U~~U ~ n~~~~W~~ ~ ",' ., I --.0' >.1 ',~,. ~ I j I " \23,579\42,000_\ ~og.o 1 \ I I '\ t 1 i 1 , . 49 000 __..1.::::_ , I i ! .. \ I \ i I 1 '\ I I I \ I i I , , \ i . , 1 ! ; I i 1 , \ \ I i ! I \ I , , ( .l , , 1 I .. sU:J,r'1p,:iV l:J.R. F'CR..: 3-7 C:7V G~ ~~~~T R::~~ DEPAR"f~.1Si'\rr o IV:':S ION I ~,......,......., ~,'-. "'~ .-.'-1 l.J..... <.J' '~l .~..J. "_ -,r- ",;'-- CLASSIFl"ATION \' :;70 l_,___","..,.1.;n,1"""c''7..,..,____:-c------.---,,.3:.:7!2c-' .._~' ~ tlC,UAL t bUGGe' j ~~,r ..u~..4h.:. i ,-'*,........J~"'c..LJ /-\;.j~-..I,~.'-~~i.) ~ I', c\...... "'11 i-'-' i~~' lIJO,JOO I \ \ 4,993 \ i ' ! BUDGET , \FUi~D I ! GENERAL PUBLIC UC~~!"1S PROGRAM DES:RIPTION , ACCi. I NO. , 432.511 ~ 432.52: " l i~ } ~CCOUNT N8w Systems Haintenance .. i I I , l \ \ \ \ \ \ ! I i I \ \ I , \ \ ' I , i ! 181,432\ 1 (. I i ~ ~ I ( ~ ~ , I L ST[;R~/; 5~UC::=( 6. D::~,:j\J.",=::: : , 432..5 PROG~P.H COi~;:':E:Pt"'P\RV '( I L;.'{JGCl 131, L,32 101, n-Yl ~~ , , j I i i \ I I I I 4 I I I I ~ , , W.f(Q F:l'~/l 3-7 SU~;;V;.r1RV 8UDc:::r :!TV C? ~~:-7 2ID2~ I, D!V::SIOflJ j . I ; .c.CCClJ:r." r.J. , iFUi\D DSPARTt'iEP1T I , GENERAL P~BL.IC LJC~I~S UJEC:D CC:'JTRGL L;-33..C: PROGRgM DESC2IPTION PROGRP,:-1 co;''';r':~:.~~l~ ;'.F. y Wssd Control i ~ '. 'IT -..-.-t..:J. ,- r.LD.SS'r'"'Vrc.-." YO~I" ,I 1970 L__~l:.2~~,~,~____,.~..__~.7.?_.___,____1 -.. .. ...... .. I, I ACTUAL! 8UDGZi I ~~nif:.(fiS: i 2.:;':".I(:;5::0! A,:',~(\C.\!'::J : II:~ "11 -:-. I, - ~ i' " 21S='CJ I I I :' , I I I ! i , . , I I ! I \ I I \ ! \ 1 I ., P.CCDUNT , I' . , I \ I \ I 1 \ 1\ i 1 I \ I , , i j t ... .' BUDGET s u i~~r~p,R 'I W.Ru FOr;:~ 71-7 CITY =~ ~~~;T ~:~G~ , I=-' "'" . -..Jj~'" I GEi'-;ERP.L I I I I I I I I \ DE?ART~JiE:!\lT r:.,f'JIfv1P,L C:Ci'\JTR3L ?:~o:r:h, l CZ[;C:\ ;r~"r rON, 8udD8~ is based UpOIT the ~8quir8- \ 440.11i ; l 440.12i .j ! ' 440.13~ t i \440.14\ I 1 I I , i 1 , I I mant to staff, supply, mainta,in Division. and operate the Animal Con~rol .... . ., I A~r""".. I -~ I r""r:ou,~I',' NOg !........ 'Ii Personal Services Supplies Other Charg&&-& Svcs. Animal Im~opGund~2nt \ 1 i DXVIS:CO:\\ . I I P,LI[ .P,L C='~.T;::='~ J j ;~=C:J~ ~-; . II...! ~ ~;~OCR,c~;"l CCr>;:.::~~:'ti' ..-:"-::"'-./ - 'C' - /"> l ~2 Anij"~a.i.. ontro.-1. ~ ~ i : ... 'j ~ u~d8r the supervisic~ cf ~~s City Clark. Thera will be a ~~~lC~ guidelina established for n=r~21 working j10urs and what WGulG CG~- Stitut8 th8 need far c2l1~n~ DG~ the Animal Warden for t~~v af~a~ ,normal working ho~rs. A ~ar~~~:~~ i i. man is needed for v5catio~ p8=lC~S. '~ /1 \ 'j ! \ I .1 \ I \ \ I 1 ,1 , \ I I 1 ; " I I I I \ \ \ \ ; B,S6J 1/C'7t/'l' 250 200 j '-jt!o L.2C::; , 13,2,10 ( I i , i \ r ~ ~:~I,JUgL GU:)S:::T PERSONNEL SC~~OULE C=TY c;:= ~;<=.~.-'- R:S=Z , tFUND I , JEPf.\RT~/~:::rJT Animal Control !D:;:\JISI[;r~ . (J,n.ir.~3.L CO:ltrol General Pp~ITIDN TITLE ;,::i ,,~L[J,':..>_i 1''''''- > -, ..... ";::"IJ'-:. I 1 ! I I I i ! I I I , ! , i f I t I I ! \ I i I j Animal Warden i1571.J..S')2; , . , I , ~ -::- l , , ,,"~-i/r-~l :! J I~ 11';)- i ! ' I I I : I I \ I \ I I i I I 1< j I ; j I 1 I j I I I i I ! I I \ I I : I ~ I . \ I , 1 rtANGE ; . ,I '~riCCu~;r;- ;'"~ <- i 1 4lrO..::'l ! :S7? ~~;iCI;::CS7[; I ;"'-;'-;:I=:2J-c:--' 15 6,768 I I I I I I ! , 1557-571 i , I I I i \ I \ , , '. .(".., t I i i i I l , I . ! I ...... _ ..t hi'i" - I .. \ ! W.K. Form 3-10 W~RiI ~-~.<.'. :;-7 s u :'~: ~:~:1 \' BU0G~T CI~V C? L':':~- R:~=~ !lfU;~D r',C"!iI;:"!""')," u...IIi.....i\r.L PARKS-RECREATION O:V:SIOf'; F\ECREh TI C~J , ,.. r. "'" , r...... _ ......,;; .~...;.. D:?P.;::~:;~'is;\r~. 4"- ~.:... PROGRAM DESCRIPTIO~ ?ROGRAr~1 CCi\j'::::l\r;" ~.:-: l.,' " ~ .............. I ho.J\"" . I ~JO., 1 I ,v P.CCQUf\JT J ;P-~TJil I 1970 1 1971 . ~'7r' CLAc;SF'CAjiO:ll i - L~_'--~~"'_~_":rW"-~_-"~ -..--.-;2:-~---~-_.-. - w .. - _.~ '!AC7UAL 1 8UDG~, t C,S'; J:~w6;{:it.: ; r:'~wt.~~~D . ~':'I~I:'~Clo.!=:';') , -,) 4"li"t" , <i' ..- r 1-.. r-' .,-~'~, r '1 '. I . . 1 \ I ; i 451.11 1451.12 j, 1451.131 Other Charges I ' ! 451.14 I Capital Ocltlay I ; I ' I ! I ~ Personal '. .I IS' . upp.l.~es Services 12,911., 2,055 & Svcs. lJ750 2,508 , I' I , t , . I \ N ( I " \ , j I, , .{ i i ;, ~ \ " 1 i I t I \ M " 19~219 ,l"-~--""; I .1 PSRSQNN~L SCHEDULE p,"'!....!; Ir' c::! 1:-'!~r_-7 lh,~Wt"\l. wwJi...j..... ~ CITY C~ ~~=~7 ?IS~= > ;Fur~0 t JEPART~;iElJT )IVISIGN \ i"' ,......,........-' ....1- I' .~> IM....,!..IUu; '. I I'....... p GonoI'81 Parl(s-~3crc2tion RECrG8ticn 451.12. ?CSITION TITLE ;C::l ;;~l~\!~c.:'-' ,.---- ---I 1:::971119721 . _.. t. \ II i 1 Ii l I ' ' ~l-=--~ i ,1 I 1 ;,..--1 -' \-\-: I I I ,}I l 1 " , I 1 I , " I I i lS72 GRADE ,'RPoNCS "'~"c.r!7";;--("!:"':''''--~-:'~;:;;.~''7.~''::''',- ~. I\~I WW~U ,M. . ~~J_U ~" I Recreation Supervisor 22 1 \530-679 I I I \ I I , I i , i ! , ;:,752 Recreation Helpers 3,700 i I i 1 I I I , i I , I . 1 I ,\ ! I j ! I i I ~\)" I -- i i , .~. 1 I 'I 'II '~~d I. I I . I i I I . I \ j i' ! I , I ! i i ~ I I I, ' , I ~ ! i , I , I I 1 i I \ , I i ! , j I \ ; . \ . , \ . , . , \ , , . 1 ~ I , \ : I , , ~ 1 I \ , I , \ I : ~.R. Form 3-10 n,' !"r::r-i uuLJl.-1':' . W~Ru fo~r-: 3-7 sur~:fl;p,RV CITY C.- J:~:~7 -:=~~~ ",r. ;....J... I iFUCIID i I GE~~~,;L , JE~:Jp.R~~~rJ,s~\rf PROGRAM DESCR~?TION PA~~S-RECREATIDN DJ:vrsIor~ PIJ,RhS : .r. ,.-.. ... ~.':, I - .-- j ,,~!.....W~I'" 1;52 ~ --.. v~ ~,-.. _ ,._ .. ~.,' 1970! 1971 1972, CLASS.L.~ ~t."A j !~.\~ l.ClCTUA:'" 1::;UD:21'T~~s~~t~;{~~:~-;.:7{5~15S'~'.... '~'...':'~:~~~i~7:~~t.-j~ i ,'. \ I I , , I \ I ; , A,-,," I ...LJ' . I NO i o I P.CCOU~T PROGRAM CGi.i:~~0JTA?V ~v ~. ~.",,-" ... ......--w-- 452.111Personal Services 452.12'5L:pplies 452.13~~aintenanca I . , 452.14;Jther Charges & Svcs. 452.15 \ Cc:;pi tal 452.15 Capital 452.17 Capital ; I , , i \ i Outlay-Lands i I Outlay-EqLlipm8n~ t Outlay-Improvemdnts , ! 46,550 .. , ,. I I I j I i ! i I \ 1 I I I I 4,500 15,25J 2,JOO 45,0:::; , I \ \ \ I ( I 15,lJiJ ?? 'l~n '_'-, ,--wi..--' 2.::1U f 31C ,...--'-~) , \ 1 ., \ I ! .. ~\;~~;,:lJi~:"" 2UJG~T PERSONNEL SCHEDULE CITY:F ",,'-='.- ?=~::= ;hCC::....J~T ~,,;~.. , ,- ~ =1 j!'\ ;,"\ 'I ul\,iv i GCi1crQl 1~-PAr:J-"~"- vt. I,lj,';c..\'",~ I ~, ',u . . 1 l-'ar,(s-hccroa"G:Lon I PGSITION TITLE PQr~s Sup8rintcnGont Pa:-ks Fore:nan Parks Caretaker II Intermodiate Sac'y SUmli'i2I' Holp3rs (Interns, Rangers, etc. ) I ; i , t ! I \ i !;):lVISIC;': I I , i -, ".JL ' 1\1, .r- I . ,_I.j .L.J j Ll.......i Gr~''"\l'r.- ---,----: j,Mv,- ij19711972; ! I P2rks Lr52," :.=.. i'i{.;N:iE i 1::;72 : ~r-'''7'''''':'--:-C:'''':'' " rnUi w....i>...J ..------_.---.-- ;"',,~.-':-\~'J.:.....J i ,. , .I. 1 . 1 1 1 1 .' , ! I 'Yz 12' j I I , , U_t ( I I ->11 ; ...,~ I I 15" I 5". : i \ I i I " I" I I , , , , I \ I \ I " i, ! ~ I i I I i ! I ~ \ \ \ \ I I I ! I \ 25 :079-731 3,564 ! I 20 ,500-645 7,735 I 14 1507-557 5,558 , I 3,120 15,028 , i 1.(~"1 -. ' ;.. ) '., ~ .'1 'I:, /ot.d :. , ' i I \ ! \ , - l.o... i~,. rorr.! 3-10 EU:)'::~T W.R. .=C:~..': 3-7 : C! I\~~'.J;QD\/ .....~l.... u\. CIT'! C?' ~,~;-:=:;:-;.. -,:::'~:: _....J.. \ ilfUi~~D I i G.f.:NSR.;L I , ! , i ACCi'. i iliCJ~ 1 I DC:?AR7~jIErtt ;'iP\SS TF\.c\f\;3 IT ?ROGRg~ DESCR!?TICN, .. . .,. o:.:v::srO~J I ~ ....~r. ," .-- ; r.___....,I,..>-.,.i;.,,:-. \ Lc= ?RuG~;:.:~ CCi'.,:"'::: ~{r.:.~ \! ," '. AccaUN-r J .--- ",-~.. i 1970 i 1971 ' 57? CLASSTC''ji'A''''I':ON, - '- , - ~--~.__.:'--~-.__._- ....... ... I JA1"'-U'" C.",....,,..,~r:S~.'. ..-..-..-,... ...-.- ... '-' .h~ . 1.ol<.J...n.~':" 1\....., j ..~~ U:. .;....."'I.WI-'U~:.:.:..,1 .-.;-i.....i.:.-V~.) ~ \ ' .........iif" .....___ ..~~_P""...~""'_> 480 -0- IVlass Transit t. I , ' \ " , ' l . 1 -0- 22,['::J , -0- I I I I I /; \ y , 'I I. , , 1 i I i 1 \ , i \ I \ 1 " \ ' ,I i. ~ ! . 2U:~:~,Q,RV 6U~GE:T W..R~ f~F~/. 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J-~I sut~:-,;.a,RV S~J~ET C:;:.;'l C,=- '~'_.- -~ ----.J~= -,.-----.-.-- ifU:\lD I I G;::~ERAL I Oc~J.Cl.RT:ji~~\7 O!'ulrS~Cj\l ) ,~.-' -. 1"'., ; ~ ,6_ ~ ......... i...I........... ..., . . __ ... U~~,LLCc::ri T[D 's u~:,PLUS ....;.;.......... -, ?ROGRAM D~SCR1?T:GrJ. PROGRP.:~ co;.:;.:~r(";: ':::.v , ; , " "- .". " "'\........" I h:...,Lt.. NO. I ACCOUN7 , ~ . .---<~OQIIf ~""'''~''''''';'~'~.- Cl ASS-.l..i::'Y1"A-j TO~1 \ 1970 i_~___.E2~___.,_~._.,.___.._.,_:":, ~',~___,___ .. - .... -" ^-""U~I \ ~UD~-"--" .....'M,'... ,-' ":- " . n ',' 'n lnLd h...; d' I l..~~ II c..~. _,'l,~~~ ~ rKw......u::...=.u i"'\;-'~.-.~~:...-' , , " I \ \'" . " ~~" ~ .,- --' " ' - \ \ 5111 UnQlloc~t~d Surplus 51, GOl). '. ' r 1 I , i I 1 \ I i I I I' \ ' " , l I \ } t ~ I ~ I I I I \ , I I , \ \ ~ ~ I J i " Revised Appropriations 9/21/72 (Res. 182) GENERAL FUND Acct. No. 410 411 411.1 411.11 Ltl1.12 411. 2 411. 4 411. 41 411. 42 411.43 411.44 411.45 412 412.1 1+12.11 412.12 412.13 412.14 413 413 .1 413.11 413.12 413.13 413 .14 413.15 414 415 415.1 415.11 415.12 415.13 415.14 415.15 415.2 415.21 415.22 415.23 415.24 415.4 415.41 415.42 415.43 1+15.44 1+15.49 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1972 CHART OF EXPENSE ACCOUNTS Classification GENERAL GOVERNMENT 323,5BO legislative Ci ty Council Council Fees Council Expense legislative Committees & Special Bodies City Clerk Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlays Publishing Judicial Municipal Court Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Executive Mayor Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Management Contingency Elections Administration Financial Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Auditing law City Attorney Retainer City Prosecutor Fee Legal Expense Assistant City Attorney Personnel Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Director of Adm. Svcs. Expenses 12,000 8,200 25,590 28,991 28,175 2,500 41,959 24,300 31,511 Page 1 . /- ~ 9,000 3,000 8,200 14,340 2,500 1,550 300 8,000 21,541 1,500 5,450 400 12,775 800 4,500 100 10,000 2,500 30,102 2,000 3,382 1,085 5,400 B,500 5,300 7,900 2,500 15,953 3,750 2,500 500 8,BOB Acct. No. 419 Lf19.1 419.11 419.12 419.13 Lf19.19 419.4 419.41 419.42 420 421 421.1 421.11 421.12 421.13 421.14 421.19 421. 2 421. 21 421. 22 421. 23 421.24 421. 3 421. 31 421. 32 421. 33 421. 34 421. 4 421. 5 421. 51 421.52 421. 53 421. 54 421.55 421. 7 424 424.11 424.12 424.13 424.14 424.19 425 430 431.1 Classification GENERAL GOVERNMENT CContld) other General Government Planning & Zoning Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Director of Planning Genll Govlt Buildinqs & Equipment Acquisitions Maintenance & Operation PUBLIC SAFETY Police Police Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Chief of Police Investiqation Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Traffic & Patrol Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Police Traininq Support Services Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Equipment Maintenance Police Station Protective Inspection Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Chief Bldg. Inspector Ordinance Enforcement PUBLIC WORKS Riqht of Way 522,724 682,918 Expenses 51,844 67,400 30,944 70,725 294,253 4,000 57,029 15,320 40,452 100 Page 2 29,452 4,500 4,070 13,812 65,000 2,400 13,810 2,000 1,000 82 14,052 57,313 1,115 958 1,330 265,330 2,000 400 25,523 4,000 35,129 100 100 2,000 29,700 15,320 21,032 1,400 2,700 1,120 11,700 2,500 100 Acct. No. C1a3sificCltion Expenses 431. 2 430 PUBLIC WORKS Ccont'd) Lf31. 21 431.22 431. 23 431. 24 431. 3 431. 4 431.41 431. 42 431.43 431. 44 431. 5 431. 6 431. 61 431. 62 431.63 431.64 431. 65 431. 7 431. 71 431.72 431.73 431. 74 431.8 431.81 431.82 431.83 431.84 431.85 431.86 431.89 432.2 432.21 432.22 432.23 432.3 432.5 432.51 432.52 433.6 Preliminary & Construction Engineering Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Construction-Rehabilitation Maintenance of Condition Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Snow & Ice Removal Traffic Services Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Signal Maintenance Shops Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Administration Personal Services Supplies Insurance Utili ties Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Public Works Director Street Cleaning Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Street Lighting Storm Sewer & Drainage New Systems t~aintenance Weed Control Lf8,478 58,000 130,421 11,000 62,274 6,240 51,817 17,888 45,000 251,000 700 Page 3 39,778 2,500 4,000 2,200 58,000 83,921 24,500 12,000 10,000 11 , 000 24,824 13,750 4,500 5,000 14,200 1,500 1,340 900 2,500 10,595 2,300 7,000 2,400 3,500 13 , 210 12,812 14,788 1,600 1,500 45,000 243,000 8,000 700 Acct. No. 440 440.11 440.12 440.13 440.14 450 451 451.11 451.12 Lf5l.13 Lf51.14 452 452.11 452.12 452.13 452.14 452.15 452.15 452.17 452.19 453 453.11 453.12 453.13 453.14 480 490 510 Classification ANIMAL CONTROL 16,519 Personal Services Supp lies Other Charges & Services Impoundment Fe8s PARKS-RECREATION 202,015 Recreation Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Parks Personal Services Supplies Maintenance Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay-lands Capital Outlay-Equipment Capital Outlay-Improvements Parks Superintendent Arborist Personal Services Supplies Other Capital Outlay MASS TRANSIT DUTCH ELM DISEASE CONTROL UNAlLOCATED SURPLUS 10,339 975 45,415 TOTAL APPROPRIATION Expenses 16,519 19,219 150,810 31,985 10,339 975 45,415 1,805,585 Page 4 10,769 450 1,400 4,000 12,714 2,605 2,800 1,100 41,660 6,500 20,750 2,000 26,100 15 , 100 29,400 9,300 5,824 1,200 900 24,062 10,339 975 46,415 i' ',--.\1 ~ '-;" I, _!-- ,.,. C" . ;-.:: w...l I ,-" WI"..... 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ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL EXPENDITURES AND ENCU~ffiRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS 11 12 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 19 20 21 PARK ACQUISITION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENT BALANCE SHEET NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT 23 24 POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 26 27 28 29 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 31 32 33 Alexander Grant & COMPANY INTERNATIONAL FIRM CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Albert Eo Anderson, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado (as set forth in the accompanying table of contents) as of and for the year ended December 31, 1972. Our examination was made in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the accounting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances, In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1972, and the results of their op- erations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year, Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of formulating the opinion stated in the preceding paragraph. The supplemental statements included in this report (shown on pages 11 through 17) although not considered necessary for a fair presentation of financial position and results of oper- ations are presented as supplementary information and have been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the exami- nation of the basic financial statements, In our opinion, the supplemental statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole, a&vavchu xZ,uvl V t!e-f7J Denver, Colorado February 15, 1973 1600 BROADWAY - SUITE 1200 DENVER, CO 80202 (303) 266-2121 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 4 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1972 ASSETS Cash Operating accounts Savings accounts Certificates of deposit Interest receivable on savings accounts $ 114,445 155,000 100,000 369,445 2,012 8,874 $ 380,331 Prepaid expenses LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Accounts payable Trade accounts Payroll taxes withheld Other $ 22,589 14,153 3,001 Total liabilities 39,743 Reserve for encumbrances 198,797 Fund balance 141,791 $ 380,331 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 5 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 1972 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue revenue estimated Taxes $ 1,137,820 $ 1,184,058 $ 46,238 Licenses and permits 77,183 94,235 17,052 Intergovernmental revenue 387 ,089 396,060 8,971 Charges for services 14,900 16,708 1,808 Fines and forfeits 52,000 41,271 (10,729) Miscellaneous revenue 13,600 27,693 14,093 $ 1,682,592 $ 1,760,025 $ 77 ,433 - The accompanying notes are an integral part of thlS statement, 6 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Year ended December 31, 1972 Appropriations revised Unencumbered (note B) Expenditures Encumbrances balance General gov- ernment $ 365,866 $ 241,264 $ 110,884 $ 13,718 Public safety 526,438 508,843 12,167 5,428 Public works 682,918 598,650 73,711 10,557 Animal control 16,619 15,705 914 Parks and recreation 202,990 196,509 2,035 4,446 In tergovern- mental co- operation outlays 10,339 10,168 171 $ 1,805,170 $ 1 , 571, 139 $ 198,797 $ 35 , 234 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 7 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1972 Fund balance at January 1, 1972 Add Excess of revenue over expenditures Revenues Expenditures Reserve for encumbrances from 1971 cancelled Deduct Reserve for encumbrances at December 31, 1972 Fund balance at December 31, 1972 $ 1,760,025 1,571,139 $ 150,405 188,886 1,297 340,588 198,797 $ 141,791 The accompanying notes are an integral part of thIS statement. 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1972 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the principles of governmental accounting and reporting as promulgated by the National Committee on Govern- mental Accounting, NOTE B - APPROPRIATIONS Estimated revenues and the appropriations included in the ac- companying financial statements are based on the budget as finally revised by the City Council, The original budget adopted by Resolution No. 138, Series of 1971 remained unchanged in total during 1972; however, the City Council, by resolution, enacted various revisions within expenditure categories. Additional revisions, by expenditure category, were also made to conform to budget classifications prescribed by the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Clties and Towns, The revised budgets adopted by City Council provided $1,805,170 for expenditures for general city operations and $415 for fund balance for a total budget of $1,805,585. In addition, these revised budgets provided for estimated revenue of $1,682,592 and $122,993 fund balance from 1971, NOTE C - EXPENDITURE CLEARING ACCOUNTS Pursuant to the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns, the following information is provided: Account number Total expendlture Description 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 Annual audit Data processing Insurance and bonds Pubhshing Retirement and pension contributlons Workmen's compensation Unemployment compensatlon $ 5,025 20 416 6,208 37,530 2,179 9 - GENERAL FUND SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION - 10 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 1972 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue revenue estimated Taxes General property taxes $ 291,490 $ 299,897 $ 8,407 Auto license fees 28,000 24,657 (3,343) Sales and use taxes 534,000 588,141 54,141 Cigarette taxes 124, "500 89,894 (34,606) Franchise taxes 159,830 181,469 21 , 639 $ 1,137,820 $ 1,184,058 $ 46,238 Licenses and permits Business licenses $ 37,825 $ 50,061 $ 12,236 Building permits 32,000 40,188 8,188 Street cut permits 3,358 3,986 628 Dog and bike permits 4,000 (4,000) $ 77,183 $ 94,235 $ 17 ,052 Intergovernmental revenue Highway users tax $ 170,339 $ 180,047 $ 9,708 - Motor vehicle registra- tion fees 101,750 96,060 (5,690) County Road and Bridge Fund revenue 115,000 119 , 953 4,953 - $ 387 , 089 $ 396,060 $ ~,971 Charges for services Zoning charges $ 9,000 $ 8,512 $ (488) Liquor hearing charges 300 2,150 1,850 Culture - recreation 5,600 6,046 446 $ 14,900 $ 16 ,708 $ 1,808 Fines and forfeits Fines $ 52,000 $ 41,271 $(10,729) Miscellaneous revenue Investment earnings $ 11,000 $ 13 , 544 $ 2,544 Unclassified 2,600 14, 149 ~549 $ 13,600 $ 27,693 $ 14,093 11 <;0 '" ;J> t'j t'j ~ " I:"' 1:"''' "'Jir ,.. ~ c >-', '" '" '" m oocn'1:lm oocn '1:1 0. 2!()ocn'1:lri' [fl1'1 o Ouq ,.., j-I'f-'" (l o n- ~ (!) c:: ~ rt C ro f-J. ~rt.cro<< '1:1 >-', I-h.....f-J. tIJ ;J>()Ocn'1:l" " ri' ::s CT"d ~ C "0 ;?"'''d 'i n 0">0 ::r" '!j 'i '" [fl ~t+OOl-l C tl) c-+::: ('p !JJ \0-1. >-" rl- ro '0 ill rl- f-J. i] "d ill: ~. 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H o.'rl..c: 0. 0.. 0. ~ H p..,.e o.+-> o 0 rl rn 0. (l) .r-! H Q.) ;:J ~ ro .l&:: ;:J Q; ;:j ro +' r;1 C':: ~ o \l);:) -!-' ro 8 bJl>< ro 'i-:! o.~ 0- rJ)Oo,lZlOU 'Hu)P;u);2iOUc..,'C,) .oP-IJJOU ><+' S W ;j +-' ca ~ <lJ '" " <lJ IJJ 'MP;WOU "e>:: P- -<: +':E <:: ell <:: -<: P- H FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 18 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Federal Revenue Sharing Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1972 ASSETS Cash $ 48,495 Funds receivable from Uo S, government 46,535 Interest receivable from savings account 102 $ 95,132 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities $ Reserves Fund balance 95 , 132 $ 95,132 The accompany~ng notes are an ~ntegral part of thlS statemento 19 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Federal Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND CHANGE IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1972 Revenue Federal revenue sharlng $ 95 030 Interest 102 95 132 Fund balance at January 1; 1972 Fund balance at December 31, 1972 $ 95 , 132 The accompanYlng notes are an lntegral part of thls statementc 20 CIty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Federal Revenue SharIng Fund NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1972 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accompanYIng financIal statements have been prepared in accordance with the principles of governmental accounting and reporting as promulgated by the National Committee on Govern. mental Accounting. NOTE B - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was establIshed by the CIty during 1972 to provide for an accounting of those funds re- ceIved through the "State and Local FIscal AssIstance Act of 1972<" In essence, thIS act provIdes funds to unIts of local governments to be used for ordInary and necessary maIntenance and operating expenses and capital expenditures authorIzed by law. The act also specIfies certaIn restrIctIons and proce- dural requirements with WhICh the CIty has complied dUYlng the year. At the time the CIty'S budget was adopted, receIpt of these funds was not contemplated. Therefore, no budget for these funds was provIded 21 PARK ACQUISITION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENT 22 Clty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Park Acquisition Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1972 ASSETS Cash $ 8,29~ LIABILITIES RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities $ Reserves Fund balance 8.295 $ 8 ~92 The accompanying notes are an lntegral part of thls statement, 23 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Park Acqulsltion Fund NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENT December 31 1972 NOTE A ." SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLIC I ES The accompanYlng flnancial statements have been prepared In accordance wlth the prlnclples of governmental accounting and reporting as promulgated by the Natlonal Committee on Govern mental Accountlng. NOTE B '" PARK ACQU I S IT ION FUND The Park AcqulSItIon Fund was established by the Clty durlng 1972 to provIde for an accountlng of those monIes receIved and deslgnated for use In the acquISltIon of addltIonal park lands and Improvements. The fund balance at December 31, 1972 represents funds receIved durlng the year for parkland acquiSltions, There were no dlsbursements from the Park Acquisltion Fund durIng the year ended December 31, 1972, - 24 POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - 25 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Pollcemen's Pension Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1972 ASSETS Cash Savings account Certificates of deposit $ 14 393 83.263 $2-L~ LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties $ Reserves Fund balance 97,6~~ $ 97~ - The accompanYlng notes are an lntegral part of thlS statement. 26 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Pol~cemen's Pension Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Year ended December 31, 1972 Revenue Contributions City Employees State of Colorado Interest Other Cit~zen contribut~ons Proceeds of bicycle sale and miscellaneous EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $ 16,389 16,389 11 944 $ 44,722 4,340 417 1,774 _~ 191: -~ 51,253 6 915 ~-- $ 44,338 Expend~tures Withdrawals by participants - The accompany~ng notes are an 1l1teg-ral part 01 th~s statement, 27 City 01 Wheat Ridge, Colorado PolIcemen's PensIon Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31 1972 Fund balance at January 1, 1972 $ 53,318 Excess of revenue over expendItures for the year 44,338 -~~- Fund balance at De( ember 31. 1972 $ 97 J35~ - - The accompanYIng notes are an integral part of thIS statement. 28 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Policemen's PensIon Fund NOTES TO FlNANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31 1972 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accompanYIng fInanCIal statements have been prepared In accordance WIth the prInciples of governmental accountIng and reportIng as promulgated by the National CommIttee on Governmental AccountIng, NOTE B - ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND - On July 2, 1970, the CIty CouncIl of the CIty of Wheat Ridge Colorado, adopted OrdInance No. 49. SerIes of 1970 whIch provided for the establIshment of a PolIcemen's PenSIon Fund foy the employees of the pollee department, ThIS fund IS to be operated In accordance WIth Chapter 139-49-1 to 13949 24 of the reVIsed statutes of the State of Colorado, The CIty'S contrIbutIon. on a monthly baSIS shall not exceed fIve per cent (5~) of the monthly salaries of the total police depart ment of the CIty In turn, the polIcemen are required to make contrIbutIons suffIcient to match those of the CIty Upon termInatIon of employment, the employee IS entitled to the return of those contrIbutIons made personally_ 29 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ... ... ... ... 30 City of Wheat Ridge. Colorado STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1972 General fixed assets (note) Land and bUIldings EquIpment Highways, streets and storm sewers Investment In general fIxed assets General Fund revenues ContrIbutIons $ 290 983 387 126 7 065 208 ----- $ 7__, 74:L 317 $ 933 284 ~~lQ-Q~~ $ 7,743,.317 - The accompanying note IS an Integral part of thIS statement, 31 City STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN Year Balance ,January 1972 at 1 ~ - General fixed assets General government Public satety Public works Parks $ 17,186 90 503 ti 855,706 .--?~5; 033 $ L.J-9~_d28 - - - - - - The accompanying note 18 an integral ~ 32 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fixed Assets NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1972 SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES 1. General The accompanYIng fInancial statements have been prepared In accordance wIth the prinCIples of governmental accountIng and reporting as promulgated by the NatIonal CommIttee on Governmental Accounting. 2. Fixed Asset ValuatIon Land. bUIldIngs and eqUIpment purchastd by the Llty slnle Its inceptIon In 1969 have been valued at hlbtorlcal cost Those Items transfened to the lIty from Jefferson COUIJty have been \alued at the orIgInal lost to the County based on historical cost leloIds, - Highways, streets and storm sewers tlanslerred to the Llty during 1969 by Jefferson County have been valued at the estimated cost to the lounty. All addItIons SInce that time have been valued at the actual cost to the CIty, 33