HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1973 BUDGET LOUISE TURNER CITY CLERK I II III IV V \J J. VII UTII IX CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1973 BUDGET TADLE OF CONTENTS Letter of Tr8n6mittal.~.............D Schedule of Capital Outlay Projecte.. Projects Not Included 1n Budget...... Revanue."Expendi turs Analysis........ D Budget Nanagement Guidance........... 1973 Projected Revenues.............. Revenue Commentary................... 1973 Chart of Expense Accounts....... Departmental Budget Summariss & Personnel Schedules - General Government............. Public Safety.................. Public Works................... Animal Control................. Parks - Recreation............. Mass Traneit................... Unallocated Surplus............ 1 2 3 4 6 7 8 9 13 28 29 40 41 - 58 59 - 60 61 66 67 68 fl :~;B .~ T1-:;:":I Ho?~.t:- '- -<;::? ,;' ,/r.~:: r:-~t~1 L~lJ n"~J.l .,f :,;nF [i~y of WtlS5'~ J~dg~ Wheat Ridge, So1orado Dear Sirs: Att8f:.:ISd herewith arB copies of the 1973 Budget Proposal. This document, in my belief, maets all the requirements of the Colorado Budget Law. Since inco:::-pol'ating in 1969, Wheat Ridge hae chosen to take 8 sound approach tn tinancial management. This approach has resulted in a continuous excellent financial position. The occasion has yet to arise that the City has been unable to meet its obligations promptly or to respond to any emergencyo The approach taken in the formula- tion of this budget is the same. Wheat Ridge continues to grow~ Sales Tax collections get almost visibly 18):'g81' each ;nonth; 8wilding Permits issued continue to exceed the most liberal prGjections~ We can see no change in this growth pattern over the next five years. but this growth is the har= binger of rising demand for municipal services which, when coupled wi th rising costs, must be illS;, witt. rising revenuen I recommend that the Council ssr:!.ously consider putting the question of an increased sales tax before the 'J0-::131'8 in tims to allow the Clty to gain benefit for 1974~ Some highlights oP the proposed budget are as follows: Ao Total Revenue of $2.008,807 as shown in the attached summaries as well as an equal amount of proposed ex- ::;8nditLlres~ No increases in any tax rateso ~ tV - <-{, q $4B~,OOIJ In Capital Outlay Projects designed to meet urgent currsnt problems as well as provide necessary engineering data to help eliminate those that may arise. (See Schedule of Capital Outlay Projects) Salaries and ~ringe benefits for City employees that meet Federal Guidelines as well as reaching competative levels. The addition Df one Patrol Unit to the Police Department and the men necessary to man ito Continued growth of the City's Recreation Programs and expansion into youth and senior citizen programso 80 ,., '-'0 D. E. F.. Also attached is a list of items given top priority by the City Staff, Planning Cornmissionp and Personnel Committee Which are not included in this budget due to lack of funds. Walt~~~r j~ !l.1~i"~' SLI ..i i Ac.:CG~_'.nt Nn ~ ~,"",-"",.""-"_.' .~~,.. .....-....~ ' "''''''''--''''''' {'.3I~ :: ;.~3J. tJ 2L~, 452015 419,41 432051 1~19011; 431 1 ~31 21. 452T CrT\' CiF f1JHE::Q"' R'r ,s; 'r ~~ l ,.- ,~ "\ 1 ~,~; , -'f\ DloJECTC _____..~-"'__ ,-;EO" < 1 q'-; r"JI'O C'~ trssot ?h3b~~ii'.~tlur D~d C[)nSl;r~ction A9rial SurJSj 2nd ~G,t~~;r Maps Park LSl1d Acquisiti~n and Development, Sprinkler Systsm, Road and Parki~g Lot Construct.inG i:ity Hai.L. ;;3..(,8 P ~:[::J:1.8ittiwn and DS\leloprm3nt Storm Sewer E -.;,inesring Study EngtnesI'ing EL:i'rlV of Lana Gnlr.;:'} FJotid PIHJbleiTIs O' R 8qLi:','",d for [Jrb,,1il Drainage Grants Right-Of-Wav Acquisition for TOPICS Projects ~~qin~9rir'p Stlji~s ~~~- TOp7CS ?rci8~ts St 'Fa'1i:' '"f d Genual US<3 Building in Fialc', Paik NOTE: All CapitB~ Out~ay Projects BTe currently funDed 1" -,..-'nm i.iBllAraJ t~ unci Qev8nUeg Cost $ 250,JOO 50, ,JOO 50,000 65,,000 20,000 J 0 000 2"OOCi :::'5,OOC 10 , 00i] $ 1.;550 ODD ~:J8g8 2 Cf-;- I' Of ~_':-i[f-'i7 ('. r..~ ...:.:. PagEl :3 I tp.ms not '".8" ,,:;d du'~ to lack of funds this year in this budget but giv8r. tap P!,~:::..;.'<:V c',l dep87,'tc:Bnt111 r;;quests, Planning Commission :r2commendatic::,;), an:1 P'E'8[mnsl Commi tte8 recommendations include: HEM --. COST - A~ Offset Press to upgrade reproduction services $ 2,500 B. Addition of one Captainf ona Lieutenant, one Sergeant. and four Patrolman to the Police Department 70,000 Co Doe additional Patrol vehicls9 equipped, to the Police Depa:rtrnsnt 4,400 D. Addition of seven engineering and maintenance pSl'sonnel to the Public Works Department 67,274 E. Additional equipment including one street sweeper in Public Works Department 30,000 Fo Addit.ional Office and Storage Space at PubUc IJlorks Depart.ment 35,000 G. General Improvement and Signalization of 38th A~enW8 between Wadsworth and Dudley Sto 275~OOO H. storm Sewer improvements 50,000 1. Improvements to Traffic Signals at five intersections 45pOOO Page 4 eITV rr. iJJHE{~.T RIDGE t^PENDITURE PNALVSIS 1959 "' 1973 Gatego~lL Actus.1 Actual Actual .Ef.aJect.ef! Proposed -196~:r- 19"7'Q" ~1971 1972 m2. G8ne~el Government 27,25:' 195,385 226v793 :311,952 351,004 Public Safety 415365 291.337 433.195 530,553 643,630 Public Works -0- 263,657 713,419 658,l99 733,144 Animal Control. -0- ..0- -0- $ l5t744 18,815 PBrka~Recreation .-0- 60, 202 164,893 197.389 225,214 Mass Transit -0- -0- 22,554 8,539 12,000 Unallocated Surplus =0- 49,957 -0- 50.293 25 ,009 TOTALS 68,624 841,539 1,560,854 l,772,669 2.008,807 ,,.. 1971 expenditure is included in total for General Eovernmentc REVENUE ANALVSIS 1969 = 1973 Category Actual Actual 8.ctual Projected Projected 1969 1970 1971 1m. ~ - - - Taxes 12,476 715,138 1,036,944 1,lB7,017 1.288,349 Licenses & Permits 1~.939 63 qr;7 76,6'70 .,71; 1?"'\ 290~?81 -,-"............. Intergovernmental Revenue -0- 153.382 374,520 208.348 220 , 4B3 Charges for Services -o~ 5.271 22,746 9,448 14,506 Fines & Forfeits 671 18,799 42,609 42,609 45,000 Misc" Rsvenue 1,359 7,124 18,445 30,626 lB,781 Subtotals 27,445 963,671 1,571,934 1,753,171 1,877,900 Surplus Carryover -0- -0- 138,169 150,405 130.907 TOTALS 27~445 963,671 1,710,103 1,903,576 2,006,807 Pags 5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANI\LY51S Or' EXPENDITURE BV OBJECT .aE~1_,h97l ~.Y..~get 1972 P,.Eoposed 1973 pmt % Amt % Amt % Personal Services 697,852 45.4 84.6,334 46.9 1.011,472 50,,3 Supplies 39,601 2.6 76.420 4,,2 88,502 4.4 Capital Outlay Projects 352,798 2209 435.500 24.1 485. ODD 24.1 Capital Outlay Equipment 19Z,OG9 12.5 92,071 5.l 67,985 304 Other Mise" Gosts _.~5.980 16"G 355 t 260 19..7 355.846 17.8 1,538,300 100,,0 l.805,S8S 100.0 2,008,807 100.0 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1, :')~;;::'r nAfllAGEf.'''ENT GUIDANCE 1973 The following types of fLpens8s. if lnclJrred. are budgeted in the indicated SOCOLlT1tS. unless aped fically detailed elsewhere: Personal S~rvices ...- -.-... '" Salaries and Wagss Retirement Benefits Insurance Benefits Training Mileage Reimbursements Overtime Uniforms - Purchase and Maintenance Workman's Compensation Miscallaneous costs pirect~ related to the area of Personal Services Supplies, Office Supplies Postage Printing and Duplication Gasoline Other small items consumed in the day to day operation Dtrwr Chargee ano Qervices Conferences and Seminars Facility and Uehicle Maintensncs Insurance (Not Employee Related) Contract Services (Testing, Payroll, etc.) All items not classified elsewhere Capital Outlay Equipment Purchases Capital Outlay Projects Pegs G CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1973 PROJECTED REVENUES GENERAL fUND INCOME - Acct. No. Revel1l.!~ Classification TAXES 1,288,349 311.1 Real Property Levy 321.168 312.1 Auto Ownership 27.778 313.1 Regular Sales Tax 663,487 314.1 Cigarette Tax 82,793 314.2 Gasoline Tax 193.123 LICENSES & PERMITS 290,761 321.1 Telephone 50.000 32102 Public Service Franchise 1lt2.783 32l.3 Liquor <State) 2,805 321.4 Liquor (Occupational) 22.200 321.5 Cigarette 954 321.6 Arborist License 625 321.7 ContractorWs License 2'7,055 322..1 Building Permits 39.826 322.2 Street Cut Permits 4,533 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 220 ~ 483 J34.i l-liiR F ae 105,483 335 County Road & Bridge 115,000 CHARGES fOR SERVICES 14,506 341.2 Zoning Hearings 3,700 341.3 Liquor Hearings 1,806 347 Parks-Recreation 9,000 351 FINES-Court 45,000 45,000 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE 18,781 361 Interest 12,781 362 Other 6,000 371 1972 BUDGET SURPLUS 1:30 , 9o? 1:30.907 TOTAL 2.008.807 Page 7 ~ITY OF WHEAT RIDGE GENERAL FUND Ri:VE!\JUE - 1973 COf'-ll'lENTARV REAL PROPER TV LE~Y mr-I9'7o 58 ,052, ':'i/~O 1971 61,512,340 1972 66,000,000 4.9 Mills = AUTO OWNERSHIP 1J% increase over 1973 REGULAR SALES TAX (Per discussion with State DCR) 1972 plus over 11% CIGARETTE TAX 1972 = 1973 GASOLINE TAX Public E xpendi ture Council EeM-mates 5% Increase over 1972 TELEPHONE FRANCHISE Mountain Bell Projection PUBLIC SERVICE FRANCHISE Public Service Company Projection l38,783 Actual + 4,000 Adjustment LIQUOR (OCCUPATIONAL) 1972 -;. h,200 CONTRACTOR'S LICENSE 1972 = 1973 COUNTY ROAD & BRIDGE Assuming the Commissioners Maintain the Same Levy (1972 = 1973) MVR FEE 13% over 1972 OTHER Included here are impoundment feea, map sales, and miscellaneous charges BUDGET SURPLUS CARRVOVER Excess Revenue 97,991 Unexpended Appropriations 32.916 1973 .E!ojectione 321,16B 2B,7?B 663,487 82,793 193~123 50,000 142,783 22,200 27,055 115,000 105,483 6,000 130.907 - \ Page 8 ::nv i1F WH:::'1T RIDGE -~ S'/: C;-!ART OF EX('ENSE P.cCOUNTS S;:;:~!f:R'r.. fU~j[, ..----..."..------- - .y I" P] ,,,. .. !~1,~.;)..~~u~9~~", ..:: . a~~::/ ~ na:.E..~ED. , , ,-,-J. ;,].0 GENERAL GCJERNMt:f1lT 4-.l1~1 It11.11 4U.l2 411.2 411..4 411.41 411.42 411.4::; 411.44 411.45 {t12 4l201 412011 412012 412.13 412..14 413 413.1 413.11 li13.12 I.'''' ,... \_~.....;... 4l3.14 413.15 414 415 41501 415.11 415.12 415.13 415..14 415..15 415..2 415..21 415.2:? 415.23 415.24 4l5.4 415.41 415@42 4lS.43 $ 351,00ll ~lJis..l~.~ G~ t~ S;ouncil Council Fees Council Expense Le!;JielativB Gommitte~~J Special 8o~ C1 tv Clmi~ Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outla~ Publishing Judicial Municipal ColJ!.! Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay ExecutiVE! Havor- Personal Services Supplies ~thc= Charges & Ssr~ices Capital Outlay Management Contingency E lectiona Administration Financial Administration Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Gapi tal Outlay Auditing l.aw -cIty Attorney Retainer City Prosecutor Fee Legal Expense Asst. City Attorney Personnel Administration Personal Sarvices Supplies Other Charges & Services .Expenses 12~OOO 9,200 26,672 .32,,534 29,518 3.600 44.821 28.600 33,574 Flagg '3 9,000 3,000 9, 200 T 15.372 2,500 2,500 300 6,000 24,734 1,500 5,900 400 14i218 700 4,500 100 10,000 3,600 32,566 2.000 3,500 1.085 5,670 9,000 5,600 8,000 6,000 26,199 - 4,l25 3,250 -. ~~ ~. "~~- it.) 9 i:..!.9.1 419.1] U9,,12 1+19.13 419.. ILl 419.1~ 419..41 419.42 420 421 42101 421.11 421.12 421013 421.,14 421.,2 421.,21 42L 22 421.23 L121.,24 421.3 42l03l 421.32 421033 421.34 ~Zlo" 421.5 421.51 421.52 421..53 42l.54 42l.55 421.7 424 424..11 424012 424.13 424.14 425 430 431.1 ::~- _~~~,~~-.J~'~t.sJE:~;...:~;~.~, GF"..,'~R. .1\1._ f,:,n~ !~-;~\' f ,"j,/-:O;\II (CO'l-'- U d) ~ _. ,,".d ,'.i i~.' t .' I l> Oth.;:' ~:;E:ileZ'l:11 GovElrnmemt . pTf2~ lil1i1;;n;lo~-dng'--- P8xG~nGl S8rV;~8S Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay GeniI G~~t Buildings & Equip. Acquisitions Maintenance & Operation PUBl..IC SAFETV Policelll Police Administration Personal services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Investigation Peraonal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capital Outlay Traffic & Patrol Personal ServfCes Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Police f raim.ng SUPPDrt Servicea Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Capi tal Outlay Equipment Maintenance Police station Protective Inspection Personal Services Supplies Other Chargee & Services Capitel Outlay Ordinance Enforcement PUBLIC WORKS RiQht of Wa" ~D8notos Police Department Total 64).630 733,144 EXllenSES -... - 62,685 67,800 590,1160 34,971 83,909 369,155 6,800 80.781 l4.500 53,514 2,000 /-- :28gf1 10 43,725 ~.,500 1,760 12.700 65,000 2,800 29,871 3;200 1,,250 650 72.207 4,252 900 6,550 339~405 3,050 1,000 25. 700 6,800 44,331 475 275 6,000 29,700 14,500 45.574 1,700 3,740 1,500 1,000 2,000 ,:~i":~r: ~~':" Not,.. !l.."7;:1 n ..... ., ':' ~ ;;0 PUBLIC t!lOR1~S (cont'd) "';lassificat:1.oil -.-...- ,.....,...- 4~n.21 !t".:.11...22 f:;.1,,23 ;~.31o 24 1,31.,3 [;3l., 4 43lo41 431.42 431.43 43105 431.6 431,61 431.62 431.63 431864 431.65 43187 431.71 431.72 431..73 431.8 431.81 431082 ~..~l~e~ 431.84 431..85 4~1.86 432.2 432..21 432.22 432,,23 432..3 432.5 432.51 432.52 433.6 440 440.11 440.12 440..13 440..14 PrBlimJ~arv & Construction En~1ne:~:i:;~''';i'~'---' .~- _ ~7~~ . Personal ~GrVIC8a Supplies Oths!' Charg9c & Services Capi tal Outlay f.onstruc;;ian-nahabilitation Maintenance of Condition Personal Servicaa ' - Supplies Other Charges & Servicee Snow & Ice Removal Traffic Services personalSerVlces Supplies Other Charges 8. Services Capital Outlay Signal MeintenanGB Shops Pereonal Services Supplies Other Charges & ServicBs Administration Personal Services Supplisa :;fiai.U"ai1~b Utilitias Other Charges & Servicss Capital Outlay Street Cleaning Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Street Lighting Storm Sewer & DrBinaqB New Systems Maintenance Wesd Control ANIMAL CONTROL Personal Services Supplies Other Charges & Services Impoundment fees 18,815 ~penses ... .~ 134~602 250,000 116,585 12,000 68,707 4,500 48,770 2D.98o 49,000 23. SOD 2,500 18.815 Faga 11 46. 10 2 4,200 3,300 81,000 250,000 84.585 2D . 000 12,000 12.000 28.707 13,000 3.000 6,000 18,000 1,500 2,200 800 27,670 3,500 11,000 2,100 4,000 500 15.480 2,000 3.500 49,000 2D,000 3,500 2.500 l2.4l5 600 1,600 4,200 ,1.2 , , t. ~I ' ~j 'i.__:_"f. !!.;':::' fi'>,2 1.1. 4:)2~ 12 4'j2Q13 0..52014 4";2.15 452.16 L:.'52,.17 453 453.11 If53~ l2 4'.13313 j,i:;3,F, 1180 510 C.J " . . j ""} C I LT' PPR .~ RECRf', i1.{J~! 2?5" 2j.!~ P:=- C:l:'8~.? d~ ur~ "." ....oJ- _ ,."'" ...,_,,--",,->.- i;"SI"Sti~':J:i '.:,:~'1:'."'V:LC~3 .- "'l' :.")UP;JLJ 88 Dther Ci'i81\ge~" R Service:::" Capi tsl Dutla'1 Parks -per8iJi1,~;1 58!'vices SuppJ.ies ~~1ai n tenance Other Charges & Serv'cGs Capital Dutlay=LEillds, Acquisition & Development Capi tal Out.lay-Equi!Jrn,mt Capital Outlay~Improv8ments Tree Maintenance PersonarServ1Cea Supplies DthsI Cllarg8s & Ser"ices r2aDi tal Du:12'! MJ\S5' mA~JSIr 12,,000 25, DOg bDOBJ8[2 .-:_......" UNALLDCATED SURPLUS TOTAt APPROPRTATTOJlj E ,tZpSnEC1S _=,,-"-c..~.,.,-,,=--...._ :38 583 166, '2.'74 20,35'7 lc:,mJO 25,000 25 CJ:L, ;..I;JUD 7,OIJU 3.,.DnO 66,324 8,700 18,,25iJ 3,000 50,000 10,000 10,000 15,657 2.3DO 1,t;.OO 1:50[: 12-;UJeJ 25, ocm CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY i.- FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES : ~1 t~ : . i." , ,<-.,'. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY @ c26 ~ rJ/itJ() tb ~r W~cJ...) ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE .U,_, PROPOSED APPROVED ~ 1 T 1 ~ . ~ LD! G!. (' ~ i; O[1~~: ~ J_J.,",'~ O"!:'f ~.:.::i~..L L.}:'r,i;;;"i;:.; .) ~ 3 000 ~~ll""t::f Lsg Bl~:-~ti\!t~ Cn,lfftt' :: E :;, l-;pSf.- c DC\,,Ld 8 ~ -'- ~1 ,:,j, - ~..~;; c. ,-", =.-_~__~c- ; " ~. iJ ,. '}iJ: ; 219 Xi ,,-2.:,- [:El,LJ: 7 '" ~ t:) a.200 3'7 Page =~h CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 19'/3 FUND DE PT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENEHiU. SiTV LLERh 41l~11 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY 1>.6 Sec:rstary to the City Council ~ the City Clerk is charged with keeping 8 correct journal of proceedings, main taining a public fila of ordinances and resolutions~ maintaining the genersl file, and supervising the Animal Control program (Account 440) " ACCT. 1 Q'll ]Q'7? ] C '71 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 411.4 Parsonal Services 2D,4'74 14,340 14,340 15,372 411.4 Supplies 1,300 2,500 2,500 2.500 411.4 Other Chal'ges 6,361 1.550 2,050 2,500 411.4 Capital Outlay 799 300 300 300 411.4 PubliShing ..J...&~, ~8.000 7,200 6,000 32,784 26,690 26,390 26,672 3.7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL IU Durr 15 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES .n. ...."Y.-.\. l~' ..,~, I" 'EMP[IrVEES "IJ..I.&4 POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED 1 1373 APPROVED --r'37c .i'jU City Clerk 1 1 c w 7,,314 Senior Secretary 1 1 1.1 471 >557 ..&..516 13,830 rICA 719 ~h"al th Ins 0 J .- ...., 'Holt) t.. 'L, ,_.I.. 4 ..... """'"1'" ~Ii:.;:ow~"'~\I':SO QI ~{ '-.JU ~ileege l5D WorkmanQs Camp, 55 1 .::; ,.., ~._.'''"",,".....-u .~~ 15.372 FULL TIME 2 . PART TIME ~ 3'10 Page 16 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 197:" FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL MUrnCIPAL COURT 412 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY OJ cJ6~* ~ d:4/l~./c/;f~O ACCT. 1971 lq7? 1 IT" ACCT. CLASSI F ICATloN NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 412.1 Personal Services :1.7,896 23,641 19,000 ~~,7'1f ~ '-i S3~ 412~1 Supplies 1,179 1,000 1,500 1,500 412~l Other Charges 2,009 3,950 6,000 5,900 412.1 Capi tal Outlay ....-1:.8 400 200 400 21,236 28,991 26,700 32,534 3'7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL IU DG~' 17 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV_ ACCl. SERIES ilENERAL r'iUrJIC:IPr~L CUURT 412 EMPLOYEES 10'"l~ POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED 1Q'7'7 1Q'7, ~uflicipal Judge 1 1 ", .. 79920 :lJurt Clerk 1 1 12 +830571 6,810 )eputy Court Clerk 1 1/2 5 f06.,1.27 39405 3aili ff 1/2 1/2 ." Sn6 :ourt Stenographer 1/2 1/2 936 ltlputy .}ungF; Ii? 1 950 ' - -~. vJ i-rNE:SS FF:E-S ~l , SlS., 1,800 leA 1,192 'll:.lcU.GIl .l.1!8~ 4btl 1estinge & OT 975 ~1 J 8ag8 <;0 dorkman! s Ccmp o.~.~~ 2,777 ~~, 'i'J1.- ~') S3'1 FULL TIME 3 2 PART TIME " (. .- 3-10 Page 18 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GmEFML MAVOR L;13 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. 1971 1972 1973 NO. ACCT. CLASS I FICATloN ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 41301 Personal Services 22,273 12,775 12,775 l4.218 4130H Supplies 608 800 500 7DD 413.1 Other Charges 1,128 4,500 4,500 4.500 413.1 Capital Outlay 82 100 100 100 413.1 Official Expense/ Management Contingenc\ _1,061 10 ,000 IOlOaO 10,000 25,152 28,175 27,875 29,518 3.7 Page J.~.;; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES fiE I\WRLlI '<l!lVllP I.', EMPLOYEES lQ"~ POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED ll;')'? 19?~ MalJor 1 1 .. 4.800 Executive SBcret2~Y " 1 14 507~600 ~i.~ ~ 11,736 FICA c, :.. -....... 'J,M~i",/o.., ..,'M..... , CCl _.......- .... ..... ....:...... '..~'-' Meetings & or 100 Mileage p etc. 1,250 WOl'kmanfis Comp..~_~.~ 2 482 ~--~~~. l4,218 FULL TIME 2 2 PART TIME 3.10 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BuoGn .. SUMMARY FUND DEPT. 19'70IV. ACCl SERIES - .. -. - ""-,,,;.nM'. !:.U::.tJl"".1\'o> 'ILL} PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION 414 Elections 3'7 Funds to support City El13ctions are included in this appropriation a ACfiitl BUDGET l~ :-'2fSTIMATE PROPOSED 1 S 73 APPROVED 1,108 5,000 3p600 1,200 Pege 21 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 197:1 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GE!~ERl~L TREASURER!;} rV.'~H'" '",r- 415.1 ..ia-....:.l"L PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY Acting in B support capacity, the City Treasurer has full responsibility for financial managemsnt8 budget fm:mulation and control, and can", t2alized purchasing. ACCT. .dll 1972 lq'H ACCT. CLASSIFICATION NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 415.1. Personal Services 25,618 30,102 30, 102 32,566 415Ql: 5upplies 1,375 2,000 2,000 2,000 41501 Other Charges 1,274 3;382 3,200 3,500 415.1 Capital Outlay 198 1,085 lp085 1,085 415.1 Auditing -~ 5,400 5,400 5,670 32,965 41,969 41,787 44,821 3'7 Page 2. ,) .'- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES r~~.:\!,t:!" I YO;:- [j t;i PlO'~ i' c: n;:;-r: i ~!:. 1...1<; 1 EMPLOYEES ., t1' ." POSITION -T ITL E GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED ~. ,. -~.. I ~~, <. i J." '.J (;i ty Treasurer 1 1 u .~..., 5,597 .). ""O!PA 1 1 31 7B7 9}'2 10 f 790 Bookkeeper 1 1 12 ~83. 571 6,642 8ookksspEll' 1/2 112 l2 483 571 4,982 ~nforcement Of'?j.Cf,1x' 1/2 .. /2 - -. ._~'L5QQ 291'511 FIC,I4 1.537 Health Inso 750 Meetings & OT 50 Mils8g8 100 lJorkmanfls C omp , 118 Training 500 3 055 _.~- 32,.566 FULL TIME ~ ." ;; PART TIME .., ? 3.10 fJ :::';U~3 '" ~.. .., CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY .i.)("/) FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES CENERAL CIn ~\rrCRr,;:::v 415 ? PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. 1971 1 'J? 'g73 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL NO. BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 415.21 Retainer 7~800 8,600 8,600 9,000 415. 2~ Prosecutor 4,800 5.300 5,300 5,600 4l5.2:l Legal Expense 8,780 7,900 7~900 8,000 415.2L Ass't. City Attorney -0- -0- =0- 6 000 ........O~ - .~ J _. 21,380 21,800 21,800 28,600 3'7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL D"'I~I!:':l 24 BUDGEf" SUMMARY If,j73 FUND DEPT. DIV. ICCT. SERIES r:~Cr,'<::Rf\! '\r\":I-i\rtr:;"f'-rc~ ;U;':... '~r~~nqTi J:C; 1..:1 <i. L, PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY Administrative Services is a support activity chiefly rssponsible for Personnel Administrationg Publica"" t'_Di1S, and Arimil1intrati'J8 Assistance, The department elso operates the City PBX operation. (!) ~a~ ACCT. , O'7l , "O"J... , J ,'>'" ACCT. CLASSIFICATION NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 1~15.4. Personal Services 20.370 24,761 24,000 -2fi , l!J!J 1("" "', 3 415.4 Supplies 3,814 3,750 2,800 4,l25 415.4 Other Charges 1,953 2,500 2,800 3,250 415.41 Capital Outlay l,449 500 500 -0- ~ '11{;~; sr,4FF-ApMI'W iS1'RA~ \ 27,586 31,511 30,100 33,574 933(. 3.7 , dgl1 '--'~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDDE . ANNUAL BUDDET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENEFlAL. ADM.. "])Sr:,/p,TIv"-. SE~i \1 ~ ~E i~i L)-15ol} EMPLOYEES 1973 POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED . ']'7? "971 J. OirectOl' 1 1 .- 9.33E: .. ~8nior 5s;::retary ... 1. L' [~,7J.~.,557 rJ ,1,64 Reception:J.st 1 .L r f~06-L;71 5,508 -. ." ,.ji.JniIJ.c :i d C X'B t aJ:~;i' .1 ,c. t""'"; - .,- .~~".~ ~~~~gj;l.. ~'~ 'j ~-:.. ,130P, IfICA 1 24:4 ~1eeting8 ~. lJl lOD Health Inso 702 lA':1~~~'""\ '"')cr-r ".,. ;..,(.;j,,;;;!,, ... ldo:rkm::>r1 I 1:3 Como, 9(. .~ ~9. . ""'"-............~, -~ 26,199 FULL TIME PART TIME , 3.10 Pags 2f. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY i137:,~ FUND GENERAL DEPT. DIV. PLA~;Nrl~G 8. 2.0iUNG ACCl. SERIES 419.1 O-L-;ER G[jlJ r L GaVEf{tJtl!l~::~NT PROGRAM DESCRIPTlDN PROGRAM COMMENTARY 419.14 Capital Outlev - Included in this amount are funds necessary to secure an 8ngineer~ log study of Lena Gulch which is required befora applying for Federsl Grants to help alleviate problema in that ares. Also included is the purchase of a iJJ.uep:l.'in'c machine. d) ~(1~ r{E ~~ ~ ~ ~ J'j~ .,., ACCT. 197] 1972 1973 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. 419.1J Personal ServicBs 33,303 43,274 40,000 'I), ?:<ili ~ ~1f.r' l+l9.l~ Supplies 3,148 4,500 4,500 4,500 419.1- Other Charges 3~507 4,070 3.700 1,760 419.lL Capital Outlay -D~ -0- -0- 12.700 . ~ - 39,958 51,844 4Bp20o 62,685 W',I' f),'REcTU. of fUWtliw ~ ,..,. fI)ltJ I 3'7 CITY OF FUND < ~, ~ ';.? POSITION TITlE DiI~BctD ". ~:!..,r':rr~~1~~ ~j d n:;',~l P.l:~nr;iil~} -'c.r~h(,; .L~ ,..... r.-: .'S';\-.~ ~la~ll~~~':p 8~no ~ . )~i"". t'~ f' tl . .i..>':.:...,..... ....., l .... 'C_O Meetings & or ?50 /-1i lS!f1oe '3f.lD bJorkman c' fl GnmfJ, .lSLI FULL TIME PART TIME 3-10 WHEAT RIDGE PERSONNEL DEPT. EMPLOYEES <, .~ .L '/ i' GRADE 1 , ~. -' I, " "' -'- -- - f.,.,"W ~. ' . ANNUAL SCHEDULE DIV_ RANGE -. -. ><. .-,!?, '::lILc,6b ~:. ,.,."; PROPOSED l.l,,:- f :~ l;.n 7 ~ " C) l' ! ,~c.. j ~ :SbG :'J r;CHJ _}"" '{sf. Lf3~ 725 BUDGET ACCl SERIES '1 .~', , c -_ c-.. 1.~T/3 APPROVED Page 2t1 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1,; l2; FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTIDN PihJGRAM CDMMENTARY 4l9.41 Acquisitions ~ This amount shall be applied toward the purcha88 and construction of a G1 ty Hall site Grid but 1.':11090 (i) MqJr~Jj, (~~~o-U- ~/) ~ ACCT. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION AC A BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. 419.4 Ac::quiaitions -.0- 65.000 65,000 65,000 419.4 Maintenance & Operation .2..t~ ....?, 400 2.000 2,800 5,056 6'7,400 67,000 67,800 3.7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE fj1:Har: 2~] ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY " FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES ~.- " -,- " U:"~l~'.-, ,;-1\-_ ~ . ; (" -.' ;'" . - ,. t . ~~ ,..... i ";.1 :;;, " ;,;t\1 4.'1.. J. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY @ Tho PoUce Department is responsible fer maintenance of law and ordal'~ the pl'otection of J.ifa end property; th" d1.recticm of traffic, the appre- hsnsilJI1, 8rrest and detention of la~ Jlo1ator3; ths maintenance of C!u}i~s r8cr'~dR; en~orcement oP a11 L,'MS f.l110 ordinances; vice control and ~uppr8ssion, patrol of public areas; cegulatial'l and inspection of police anforced licen8e8~ and cooperation ,.;;j. th otheT L BW Enfnrceme!1t Agencies 0 ~ (1p-~ ACCT. .l9'iJ. ~;),t:.. 1973 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 421, l. Personal Services 27,862 27,862 e9,6'H IS; ()3 I Supplies NOT 3.500 3,500 3,200 421 ~ 1: 421.1 Other Charges 750 900 1.250 AVAILABLE 421.1. Capitel Outlay 500 100 650 - --- 32.612 32,362 34,971 'fJ!.J, C!.~2~~O~ I~ ?yo 3.7 f-8g8 45U CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENER!\L POLICE ADf'lHHS TRP.TI ON 42101 EMPLOYEES 1973 POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED 1972 19?:, Chief of Police } 1 ~. .- 14$640 S;:Jcratary ISteno , ; , ? lf71.557 6,ld2 .1.. lk..;~ Records Clerk/Tvp'st ]. ]. 11 (f71 551 ,_ 6..1 43/i n,4';10 I i i I I I fICA 42U I I \ I I J. Cit:lOJ. l:.1 I J.ltb~ iwc: I I Mileage & Meeti.ngs J :;n WorkmRn9g Comp, _~ll~ 2 381 _r- JL 29. B71 ! , FULL TIME ~, 3 PART TIME 3.10 P 29" 31 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1.973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES GENEHAL POLIGE If~VEsn8AnON 42L2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. 19</1 1972 1973 NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 421.2 Parsonal Services 29,664 67,313 67,313 72,207 421. 2 ~ Supplies NOT 2,115 2,115 4$252 42L.2~ Other Charges AV/ULA8LE 730 1,000 900 421.2~ Capital Outlay 825 1,331 6,550 70,9B3 71,759 83.909 3'7 Page :52. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE cl~RL r)L~~CI D~~YcnvE ACEIL~ERIES EMPLOYEES ~'nj POSITION T ITLE ~l'n 2 ~ 97.) GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED Detective !J.eutenant 1 1 38 032..1084 13,008 Detectives L~ L:. 32 90-935 43,592 See ' y/Steno 1 1 11 . 71-557 -2.412 63.012 \ I 0 Pension 3.171 . 0 1m 2,400 I I. _ ,..)UJ..i UJ.'W ~.lJG Healt.h Ins. 1,404 False Arrest 250 Workmans Compo ~_~ ..2...195 "/2.207 FULL TIME 0 0 PART TIME 3-10 Fane 33 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1.".rl.. .....'z.... FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES ,",C .'e' Q nt n'" F'r Tnc.C:"Tr' " nnT(;.m .~, .~ . , . . PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY 4210 31 Additional PersonnEll al'e necessary to add one additional patrol unit to the current around- the-,clock coverage, ACCT. CLASSIFICATION lY71 19'}2 1975 NO. ACCT. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 42le31 Personal Services 296,874 266,928 266,928 339,405 421.3': Supplies 13,062 2.000 2.000 3,050 421. 3~ Other Charges 3.536 400 400 1,000 421.31. Capital Outlay 20,8Z1 26,70Q. 26,7aO 25,700 334,327 296,028 296.028 369,155 3'] CITY FUND POSITION TITLE OF WHEAT RIDDE ANNUAL PagE 3t..: BUDGET . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPl p L:i.Sllt811ant of Patrul 1 II I I Ii-'. l"en6~on I 'rtt:olt:2..L "it kHSt:) I False Arrest U!'11.fnrme< I QT Workman"s Compo 3-10 lS.j'jt'. '. Will Ip350 lot r;OG 10 ~ 000 3,294, FULL TIME PART TIME I, ~. ). DIV_ ACCl SERIES Se~g98nt of Patrol C. 0'- ~C> ~~ \..... Patrol Offic8i:'S Recruit, 3rd Class, ?"~ rlaQ~ '0. ~'~~a I s~~i~;QP;tr~l"offi~<>' cars 20 GRADE RANGE '" ..., PROPOSED 032-1084 12,644 ,58-1007 71,328 . '0-8['.8 213 877 ~ -' ~--'" "'")!.--.,'-.- :971 BL.9 ~~!j556 339,405 @ APPROVED ,It) ~ F'8~j;; .,J.~I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES ,F ',lq:UII ;-- . n_ j' L~,-. ~\, \ ..n ~ L ~. : :,~ t'i ~~l ~ G. PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. .l.'3)i l.:ln 1973 NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 421.4 Training NUT AVAIL- 4,000 4.000 6,800 ABLE 3.7 Page 3G CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY '; r'iry- J..-:). j FUND GENERAL DEPT. POLICE DIV. SUPPORT SERVICES ACCr. SERIES 421.5 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY 421.54 Included in this amount is the purchase of rnul ti.~ch8I1nel recording equipmEnt far the D~6p8tch ares. (i) dk ~ ACCT. 1973 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. 421.5 Personal Servicas 35,129 35,129 44,331 42105 Supplies NOT 250 100 475 42105 Other Charges AVAILABLE 250 125 275 42105 Capital Outlay 2,000 1,000 6,000 .g,,700:l 00 421.5 Equipment Maintenance 26,482 K.9J ODD .2 ? H'f> . 67,329 65,354 80>> 7{U IJ 7~O -,. 1.0 ~, ~ . . , , 3'7 Page 3'/ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEf~ERAL POU.CE SUPPORT SERVICES 421. 5 EMPLOYEES lQ' " POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED lQ'1? ilQ7, Dispatcher 5 5 J.5 530-585 32,998 Records Clerk 112 U~ 10 459-507 6,767 39,765 I ~ICA 352 I p Po,,~;n'l'"1 1 , ~5C! I Health- i~s. 1,404 Uniforms 750 lOT 250 Workmai1tls Compo 160 4,566 44,331 FULL TIME r 6 a PART TIME 1 1 3.10 Pagl~ 3,} CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL POLICE POUt.;E BT.1\TION 421. 7 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY --- ACCT. .J.J'''' ...:7IC. J.7/~ NO. ACCT. CLASSI FICATlON ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 42l.7 Police Station 13.062 11.320 14,500 14,500 3.7 PagE 39 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ICCr. SERIES GE N[f:;; A L PROTECTIVE mSPECTIOl\l BUILDING 42401 .- 425 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY Large increases in this area provide for Ordinance Enfo~C8ment? formerly funded udal' the Federal EEA program, and fees for contract Electrical Inspection& These activities re- ceived council approval in 1971 and 1972 but were not reflected in those budgets.. ~~ ACCT. 1971 1972 1973 NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED Personal Services 28,16B 31.524 40,000 ~3J 1761 Supplies 899 1,200 1.600 1,700 Other Charges 1,446 1,650 2,700 3,740 Capi tal Outley 1,131 1,500 1D500 1.500 Ordinance Enforcemen 461 ...l,500 750 1,000 32,105 38,374 46,550 53,514 &/1-1. J C'tief Bui hJiN~ LI SF ~ 1~1'3'1' 3'7 Pegs I~[) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEl\!ERAL BUILDING 424 EMPLOYEES RANGE 1 q, 1't POSITION TITLE GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED 1972 197J Chief Building Inspo 1 1 - - 12,396 Building Inspecto~ 1 1 2- 646-749 7,950 .) Senior SecretQry 1 1 11 471-55'1 6,220 Enfo;1.'cell18iit orfice). ] "C 10 ::;b5-o67j 7~559 .l~ ... SpecG Enforcement Officer (Heco Ins!];:. e-r,..,. '\ -'- ";' 020 1"o~'.'.I' =~,~t.:_. 41,245 I I \I"IT:(\ .., 1rn I I I IHealth Ins. Itl70 OT 500 Mileage 150 Training 150 Workman's Comp._l88 4,32~ It5.574 FULL TIME 0. 5- PART TIME 1 3.10 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES .., ...- l . ~ \ ~ , . . ;- '.- ; PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. l:j i 1 ' q.,.... 1 'V"., ACCT. CLASSIFICATION NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED (.31,,1 Right 11f' tJ.JE~V r~:r \l}P,J.L= J, [1(1! ! 0-- 2,000 ''""l. t" ;',oL..c 3'7 PaQo 42 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1 r. "l.~ .J. .1 FUND GEIIJERAL DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES PUBLIC tiQRKS FHE.._l.'l:UJ~\f{Y COi\JSTRUC;nON & ENGR I G 43102 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY 431.24 Included in this appropriation is $50,000 for completion of an aerial survey end contour maps of the City ~ which will allo!tI us to do master drainage studies,. floodway identi- fication, stco Also included are funds to secure engineering studiss necessary fox' TOPICS grantso ACCT. 1971 1972 1973 NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED Personal Services 52,901 39,778 39, 778 '.6.11il:i "I~,2'1J Supplies 3,136 3,500 3,500 4,200 Other Charges 2,994 4,300 4,300 3,300 Capi tal Outley' ~... 6.385 ....h.QQQ 900 81.000 65,416 LlB,578 48,478 134.602 3'7 CITY FUND GENERAL. POSITION TITLE OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL . PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPT. DIV. PL ',~~LIr~ WOHi1J!3 ENGINEERING EMPLOYEES RANGE GRADE PROPOSED Senior Engineer 1 1 35 869-1007 11~O36 Construction Insp" 1 3. 20 600-696 7,785 Engineering Aid II 2 2 l8 571-662 13.538 E',gin88l'ing Aid j. 1 ~ 15 530~Sl5 7.576 CitV Engineer 1/2 1/2 "J * 320 41*255 I f IGA 'I e81 tn .insc Ueage T Ts:i.ning orkman'a Compo 2,11+5 702 150 580 350 820 4,847 .J,,6,IEl!! 'fZ '). it FULL TIME 5 PART TIME 1 3.10 5 , .t Page t;;; BUDGET ACCT. SERIES APPROVED P II CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDG8Ey-H SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES . 'J PROGRAM COMMENTARY do ~ ~~N-or ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION A 431.3 Construction - RehabG 155.717 3'7 In 1972, major emphasis was placed on Storm Drainage and minor emphasis on Street Rehabilitation and Con= structiooo ror 1973 this t~il1 be xeversso. Significant steps in street and roadway improvement will be provided by application of this amount., ~ BUDGET PROPOSED APPROVED 58,000 58,000 -2SB.uuLl ~3~f79 fJagi:; i~~l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES C-.E!\iERAL PU8LIL~ {;JOH:~S MJUrm::Np.NCE OF CONDITIUN t~31. 4 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY 431.4~ Emphasis on contract re- habilitation and level wurk force precludes addition of new equipment this year. ACCT. ~971 2 ,- ACCT. CLASSI FICATloN ACTUAL NO. BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 1.31.41 Pereonal Services 79,210 83,92l 83,921 BI"S9j ?S; .3 ~O Supplies 7,540 20,000 15,000 20,000 Other Charges 10,562 12,000 12,000 12,000 Gapi tal Outlay -1!!.800 10 ,000 6,000 -0- 132.112 125,921 116,92l 116,585 3.7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PERSONNEL fUND DEPT. PUBLIC WORI~S GErlERAL POSITION T mE St~eat Superintendent Foreman Equip. Operator II Equip Operator I V:aifit6 Spec. \ aborer SWllmer Help \ I FICP Hj:;l~l+-h Tno 3,873 ? -~I.n -.-Ii OT Usage I raining Uniform orklllanis Compo 3,500 50 200 1,000 2.637 FUll TIME PART TIME 3.10 EMPLOYEES J.972 1973 3/4 3/1~ 1 1 1 1 l~ 1"l/, 2 ~ I '3 1/'2 1]/2 a -8"'1 ., -' GRADE . ANNUAL SCHEDULE DIV. r';AlrJTENAi\lCE Pa~{B L:.E BUDGET ACCT. SERIES 431.4 RANGE 1973 PROPOSED APPROVED B. 169 8.98B 8,610 W,912 ( ( 32.306 , , 2,Oog ___7Q . 9QS 31 787-912 25 679-787 23 646-749 18 571-552 15 530-615 13 4'35 535 13 I 600 81"S89 '1~ .;yo Page 47 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENf-:RAL PLBU.l, iilORl'iS SNOW & ICE REMOVAL 431.5 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. 1971 1972 1973 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. 431.5 Snow & Ice Removal 16,988 16>>000 12,000 12,000 3'7 Page .4i'l CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC wmms TRAFFIC SERViCES 431e6 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ;k ~'~ ACCT. 1971 1972 1973 ACCT. CLASSI FICATlON NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED Personal Services l5.0l5 24,824 24.824 ...aQ,S'B1- ;l~ ~ ~ Supplies 224 13 . ODD 12,000 13.000 Other Charges 1,993 3,000 4,200 3.000 Capital Outley 14.105 5.000 5.000 6,000 Signal Maintenance 35.017 12.000 12,000 18,000 66.354 57.824 58,024 68,707 3.7 PUQt3 l}g CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC liJDHi-iS TRAFFIC 431.6 EMPLOYEES J.':i/:;J POSITION TITLE 197 ~ 197[; GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED TTaffic Technician 1 "' 26 696-807 9,464 I'w Ma'l.ntenanC8 Sp8Co 2 2 .,' 50'7~.s57 13,a:n ~ J_'+ Summar Helper 1/2 1/2- .. - 1,000 1), II~ '" A ~ALA ?.I+ , 295 I' (f I i F!(;A 1.,_'). 5 i I I1Elalt;n .LIlS. il ~ I I or 1,0[0 "ljIeage ~f] T rai nj. ng ?~O Uniform 2[0 Workman's Compo BC5 4~4~2 .~-':';F- f.B,lfl'1 :l ~ 3,J. ~ FULL TIME 3 3 PART TIME 1 1 3.10 CITY Paga ~)n OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY (q'/J FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES 1~~iF'qf.i1 f-Cl !1'1I F' unpfr;:: SHOPS 4.';1 '7 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. CLASSIFICATION 10'71 lCl<7" 1 ~'7'" NO. ACCT. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 431.7 Personal Services 7,964 1.500 l.500 1,500 431.7 Supplies 886 1.200 2,300 2,200 431.7. Other Charges 1.786 3,600 1,000 800 431.7 Gapi tal Outlay 14.071 b500 2.500 -0.- 24,707 8,800 7,300 4,50D 3'7 0 51 sage CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES ~'.."iCDlI' .".,., .,-," "~'''"H' , ., .- , , '-EMPLOy'fEr 'JI ~n ...6 '+J.'," I GRADE RANGE ' -- POSITION TITLE PROPOSED .L ,-' APPROVED . ~ -'-..' " .\,..,. i'1echenir:: II 1 1 26 695..807 9,461+ ,", r1cchan:i.c I 1 ? If) 571-652 15.312 ~ ."...,..".~,~----.. 24,776 I I I I , I 1;:-1TO , ".l ~~. to.- I . I Health Ins. 70, OT 1,50C .11..l...age 1St.: :J:'sll1ing 1% Uniform 1,OaC \)Jo::'kman' s Compo ~~ 5 290 """~,,...,.- 30,066 Allocated to Other Depa;:tments (28r566) l,500 FULL TIME " .; PART TIME ~ 3-10 Pf:1QS 52 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY ^ 1'373 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WCr-:KS ADNlfurSTRA T ION 431.8 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY (1Ji) ~~ ACCT. 1971 1972 19'/3 ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. 431.8 Personal Services 24,407 24,407 - ,-.- 1~ g;iO 431.B Supplies 3,500 2,500 3,500 4310B Insurance NOT 8,000 8,000 11 ,000 431.8 Utili ties AVAILABLE 2,000 2,100 2,100 431.8 Other Chargee 3,000 3,000 4.000 431.8 Cap! tal Outlay 500 500 500 ~J.f7 ~FUJ~' ~~ 41,407 40,507 48.770 1 ~ 'Yo 3'7 Page 53 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES GENERAL PU8LIC !J.IOaf'.Ei ADfvnNISTRATIOr~ 431.8 EMPLOYEES 1973 POSITION TITLE 1972 197 GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED Director 1 1 - - 14,B40 Senior Secretary 1 J. 11 471..557 5,916 Intermediate Secijy 1/2 l!2 - - ~,437 25;193 I I I P"" 1,315 I I ..loIM . L. ".1. ~ or )it;;.b... ""l~ ,6.l.~o 2~ol OT Mileage 100 I Training 1001 Workmanis Campo 10 21477 275670 I FULL TIME .., 2 ,- PART TIME 1 1 3.10 , Pegs 5L; CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 19'13 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WORf',5 STREET CLEANING 432.2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. 10"1 1972 1973 J.... ACCT. CLASS I FICATlON ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. 432.2 ~ Personal Services 14,788 14,788 15,480 432.2 g Supplies NOT 3,600 750 2,000 432.2 B Other Chargee AVAILABLE 3.500 1,250 3.500 21,888 16,788 20,980 3.7 PaQE: ~)5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCr. SERIES GENERAL PU8LIC WOR!lS STREET CLEANING L,32.Z EMPLOYEES RANGE 1973 POSITION TITLE GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED HI? 1 Q'7 Street Superintendent 1/4 3jlt 31 '/87 -912 2,703 Eqllipo Operator r 1~1/ 1-1/ 18 571,,662 ~. 13,683 I I I I I FICA 722 I Health Ins. 234 I I I OT 200 , Uniform 250 WOTkman's Compo 491 1.791 I 15,480 FULL TIME 1 J. PART TIME 2 2 3.10 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUD&n'~- SUMMARY 1'373 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES 0'':. l"Ul:ll...!.t.. UJuc-:r,c', ~! m:'L T I':'Lion ~ J.I~ll 4-'~o.;l PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSI fleA TlON ACflJil!- BUDGET 1~7fSTlMATE PROPOSED 1 ~73ApPROVED 43203 Street Lighting 36 ~ 11 7 49,000 49~000 49,000 3'7 Pr:igs 5'} CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL PUBLIC WCRhb STOm"l SEDlER & DRrnrJAGE 432w5 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. ACCT. CLASSI f ICAT ION 1971 1972 19'73 NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 432~5 New Systems & En 247,000 245,000 20,000 gineering 178,769 432..5 Maintenance NOT AVAIL- 4,000 4.6B1 3,500 ABLE 251,000 249,681 23.500 3'7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r8ge 56 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 197:3 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES 43306 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION 433Q Weed Control 3'7 AC A 111m AVAIL ABLE BUDGET TlMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 2,500 1,500 2,500 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGn 5.; SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES PROGRAM OESCRIPTlON PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL BUOGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED NO. '40.11 Personal Services 10,769 10 , 769 12,415 40.12 Supplies NOT 250 425 600 440.13 Other Charges AVAILABLE 1,400 l,550 1.600 440.14 Impoundment Fees ~200 3,000 4,200 16.6l9 l5.?44 18.815 3.7 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL IU DGEt8 50 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL i,NH1AL COI'JTROl_ 440 EMPLOYEES GRADE RANGE 1CIT~ POSITION TITLE PROPOSED APPROVED , qri<; 1 Q';- - Cinimel Warden 1 , 16 543-630 7.290 ". Part Time Help 1/2 15 51.;3-630 3,645 1O~ 935 I I I I I I I ;'Trn t:",Oi:., I I I I Health Ins. 234\ I I or 500 Uniform 100 Workman;s Comp~ 51 ~aQ. 12,415 FULL TIME ). 1 PART TIME 1 3'10 ;.'69C ~. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEf~ERAL PARKS - RE:REATIQN Recreation 451 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ACCT. 1n..,', 1972 1973 'JIJ.. ACCT. CLASSI F ICATlON NO. ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSED APPROVED 451.1 Personal Services 12,914 12,914 25.083 45101 Supplies 2.055 2,055 3,500 451.1 Other Charges ~O" 1,750 1,750 7,000 451.1 Cap! tal Outlay . 2,500 2.5QQ 3.000 19,219 19v219 38,583 3.7 Page 52 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES sr:NERAL PARKS - RECRi:.P.TIDN RECREATIor~ 451 EMPLOYEES RANGE 1 C,'77. POSITION TITLE GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED 197? I1qT7, ~ecI'eation Supe:dnten.~ dent 1 1 26 396.-B07 B,562 ,8creation Helpers + + - <...., p.925 22,488 I I I I I \ I I I q,i"'n .. --..... ~..~..'\ ....,~OJ' I \ lealth Ins. 234 raining 250 11eage 300 L niforms (I-Shirts) 350 l orkman! a Camp 292 ..b2~ -- 25,OB3 FULL TIME ' . 1+ ~h7 PART TIME 3'10 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY FUND DEPT. 19?3 DIV. ACCl SERIES PROGRAM COMMENTARY The Park and Recreation Department acquires, develops, and maintains parks and recreation programs within the City of Wheat Ridgeo Present objectives include upgrading exist- ing parks, acquiring and developing e tlgrean beltli program, and pr-oviding a citv-~ide year around Beope of recreational programs. Page 51>!. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERi\L PAEtllS ~.'" R""r.i,,;/=:n",'Tnf'i PL\RKS ,~<; ') EMPLOYEES 1 r ~'.l POSITION TITLE GRADE RANGE PROPOSED APPROVED , c-"',,, lQ'T Parks & Rse. Director 1 , - - 11,760 "- Psrks f oremnn J. , r".,! 6[]{}..696 7,624 i:.lJ Parks Caretaker II ]. 1 15 53['-615 6,908 "- I :"8J k8 Carataks1' .'. c'. t:. .1.:3 4.9j",58j U.017 Intermediate S8C~Y l/2 1 5 4U6-411 4,998 ~u;nH~i::U:' HelIJsIG I I (InteI'llS, RangEl's, i etc.) .l.:.?..._lB 2 I I 60,489 ~" 'l' r'> ,< - '", I I ........'i ~~.d..)..J I Health Ins. 1,404 or 500 Mileage 100 Training 500 Uniforms (Rangers) 250 I llJorkman" 8 Compo __96:S 6.835 66,324 FULL TIME 5 5 PART TIME 1 3'10 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL IDiotS SUMMARY FUND DEPT. 1973 DIV. ACCT. SERIES PROGRAM DESCRIPTION COMMENTARY ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION A BUDGET PROPOSED PPROVED 453.1 Personal Services 5,824 5,824 "15,6$9 If bS7 ) 453.1 Supplies 1,200 1,200 2,800 453,,1 Other Charges -0- 900 900 1,400 453.1 Capital Outlay 24.061 24,061 SOD 490 Dutch Elm Disease Control 975 975 -0- 32,960 32.960 20,357 3'7 Page 56 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GEr~ERP,L PARKa - RECREATION TRFE f'jAIl\!TENi N'~E 4";'1 EMPLOYEES RANGE ' ,'7, POSITION TITLE GRADE PROPOSED APPROVED 1'1'7'7 , L!~', Tre8 Warden 1/2 1 19 585-679 7,200 ~lun1oi.' Arborist 1/2 1 18 5n.~662 ..2.&26. _J)I, 6~~ (f>~~ 3Dc:I~ .I I I I I I hCA 73M I I ~aalth Ins. 468 I I orkmania Compo 225 1 431 "~~.~ ! 1'7.liii7 / ~ t.,S7 FULL TIME 2 PART TIME '5> 3'10 ?;:,:lC~ 67 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCl SERIES GENERAL 1~ASS TRANSIT 480 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROSRAM COMMENTARY tlbft: rna-L.,tj cf)~ 68 Expenditures for Maas Transit are used to support Denver Metro Transit for bus service in Wheat Ridge. Administrative control ie provided by Planning Department baaed on recommendations made by the council- appointed Mess Transit Committee~ ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASSIFICATION ACTUAL 1972 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1973 PROPOSED APPROVED 480 Maas Transit 22,555 8,539 8,539 12,000 3'7 P!~ge 6/3 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY 1973 FUND DEPT. DIV. ACCT. SERIES GENERAL UNALLOCATED SURPLUS 510 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION PROGRAM COMMENTARY ~ ACCT. NO. ACCT. CLASS I FICA TloN 1971 ACTUAL 1972 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1973 PROPOSED APPROVED 510 Unellocstsd Surplus -0- 50,293 -0<" 25,000 3.7 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND AUDITORS' REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO DECEMBER 31, 1973 "'...., Alexander Grant & COMPANY F1NANl IAL STATEMENTS ANI) AUDITORS REPORT CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE COLORADO Decembel 31, 1973 CON TEN T S Page AUDITORS' REPORT 4 COMBINED FINANC IAL STATEMENTS COMBINED BALANCE SHEET - ALL FUNDS 6 COMBINED STATEMENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES, ENCl]~1BRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANt ES (DEFICIT) ALL FUNDS 7 GENERAL FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE - ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 9 10 11 l2 FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE -, ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 14 15 16 17 Page PARK ACQUISITION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 19 20 21 POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE 23 24 25 PUBLIC WORKS ESCROW FUND FINANCIAL STATEMENTS BALANCE SHEET STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCES STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) 27 28 29 GENERAL FIXED ASSETS FINANCIAL STATEMENTS STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN GENERAL FIXED ASSETS - BY FUNCTION AND ACTIVITY 3l 32 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 34 Alexander Grant & COMPANY CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS INTERNATIONAL FIRM ALEXANDER GRANT TANSLEY WITT The Honorable Dr, Paul B. Abramson, Mayor Members of City Council City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado We have examined the financial statements of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado as of and for the year ended December 3l, 1973, included in this report on pages 9 through 36. Our ex- amination was made in accordance with generally accepted audit- ing standards, and accordingly included such tests of the ac- counting records and such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly the financial position of the various funds and balanced account groups of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado at December 31, 1973, and the results of their oper- ations for the year then ended, in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Our examination was made primarily for the purpose of formulating the opinion stated in the preceding paragraph. The supplemental combined financial statements included in this report on pages 6 and 7, although not considered neces- sary for a fair presentation of financial position and results of operations, are presented as supplementary information and have been subjected to the audit procedures applied in the examination of the basic financial statements. In our opinion, the supplemental statements are fairly stated in all material respects in relation to the basic financial statements taken as a whole. a/~LI~(J Denver, Colorado March 15, 1974 1600 BROADWAY DENVER CO 80202 13031266-2121 COMBINED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado All Funds COMB INED BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1973 Federal Revenue Park Policemen's Public General General Sharing Acquisition Pension Works Escrow Fixed Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Assets ASSETS Cash $ 329,194 $ 47,112 $ 2,715 32,437 $ 46,808 Certificates of deposit 200 J 000 100,000 67,541 Investments 50,000 Accounts receivable 152 32,134 Due from other funds 182 Accrued interest receivable 2,266 Prepaid insurance 10,561 Fixed assets 7,944,295 $ 542,355 $ 179,246 $ 2,715 $ 149,978 $ 46,808 $7,944,295 LIABILITIES Accounts payable $ 87,783 $ 1,511 $ $ 46,815 Due to other funds 182 Totalliabihties 87,783 i ,511 182 46,815 RESERVES A@ !1!ND BALANCES (DEFICIT) Reserve for encumbrances 281.769 94,516 Contributions 6,842,943 Investment in general fixed assets 1,101,352 Unrestricted fund ba lances l def lCl t) 172,803 83,219 2,715 149,796 I7l Total reserves and fund balances (deficit) 454,572 177,735 2,715 149,796 ~) 7,944,295 $ 542,355 $ 179,246 $ 2,715 $ 149,978 $ 46,808 $ 7,944,295 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado All Funds COMBINED STATEIIENT OF REVENUE, EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES AND CHANGES IN FUND BALANCES (DEFICIT) Year ended December 31, 1973 Federal Revenue Park Po li cemen ' s Pub li c General Sharing Acquisition Pension Works Escrow Fund Fund Fund Fund Fund Revenue Taxes $ 1,363,553 $ Licenses and permi ts 95,036 Intergovernmental revenue 495,777 Charges for services 1R,537 Fines and forfeitures 37,184 Interest Income 27,165 b: i5u 7,426 MIscellaneous Income 31,428 Federal revenue shamg 120,677 Contributions to pension plan 54,731 Donations 1,420 180 Total revenue 2,068,680 129,427 1,420 62,337 Expenditures and encumbrances General government 275,357 Public safety 704,851 Public works 767,184 Animal control 20,795 Parks and recreation 257,494 Intergovernmental cooperation outlay 11,987 Civil def ense 11, 083 Highway rehabilitation 128,376 Mass transit 1,872 Park acquisition 7,000 Refunds 5,649 Other expendi tures 9 ~ Total expenditures and encUIlbrances 2,037,668 141,340 7,000 10,197 7 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPEND ITURES AND ENCUllBRANCES 31,012 (11,913) (5,580) 52,140 (7) Fund balances at January 1, 1973 ~ 95,132 8,295 97,656 Fund balances (deficit) at December 31, 1973 $ 172,803 $ 83,219 $ 2,715 $ 149,796 $ (1) FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FUND 8 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1973 ASSETS Cash Operating accounts Savings accounts Certificates of deposit $ 129,l94 200,000 200,000 529,194 152 182 2,266 10,561 $ 542,355 Accounts recelvable Due from Policemen's Pension Fund Accrued interest receivable Prepaid lnsurance LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Accounts payable Trade accounts Payroll taxes wlthheld Other Total liabilities $ 65,015 18,205 4,563 87,783 281,769 172,803 $ 542,355 Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 9 CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE- ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 1973 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue 1 evenue estimated (note H) Taxes $ 1,394,569 $ 1,363,553 $ (31,016) Licenses and permI ts 97,998 95,036 (2,962) Intergovernmental revenue 492 606 495,777 3,171 Charges for services l4,506 l8,537 4,031 Fines and forfeItures 45,000 37,184 (7,816) Interest Income 12,781 27 .165 14,384 MIscellaneous revenue 6,000 31,428 25,428 $ 2,063,460 $ 2,068,680 $ 5,220 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 10 Total City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Year ended December 31, 1973 Appropriations Unencumbered revised Expenditures Encumbrances balance (note H) $ 12,000 $ 10,631 $ $ 1,369 8,064 8,063 1 26,408 23,359 713 2,336 35,134 34,592 542 29,718 27,300 2,418 1,200 1,133 67 234,913 164,488 5,078 65 , 347 347,437 269,566 5,791 72,080 683,081 640,277 14,434 28,370 55,254 49,784 356 5,114 738,335 690,061 14,790 33,484 771,544 619,148 148,036 4,360 21,565 20,795 770 40,483 40,239 244 195,208 193,524 1,985 (301) 22 , 113 21,746 367 257,804 255,509 1,985 310 12,000 11,987 13 $ 2,148,685 $ 1,867 , 066 $ 170,602 $ lll,017 General government Legislative Legislative committees and special bodies City clerk Judicial Executive Elections Administrative Total Publ1c safety Police Protective inspectIon Total Public works Highways and streets Animal control Parks and recreation Recreation Parks Arborist Intergovernmental cooperation outlays The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 11 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado General Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1973 Fund balance at January 1, 1973 Add Excess of revenue over expendltures Revenues Expendltures Deduct Reserve for encumbrances at December 31, 1973 Less reserve for encumbrances at December 31, 1972 carried forward to December 31, 1973 Fund balance at December 31, 1973 $ 2,068,680 1,867,066 281,769 111,167 $ 141,791 201,614 343,405 170 , 6 02 $ 172 ,803 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 12 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND 13 CIty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Federal Revenue Sharing Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1973 ASSETS Cash $ 47,112 Certificates of deposit 100,000 Funds receIvable from U. S. government 32 , 134 $ l79,246 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabilities Accounts payable $ 1,511 Reserve for encumbrances 94,516 Fund balance 83,219 $ 179,246 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 14 City of Wheat RIdge, Colorado Federal Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE .- ESTIMATED AND ACTUAL Year ended December 31, 1973 Actual over Estimated Actual (under) revenue revenue es t I.ma ted Fede} al revenue sharIng $ 166,285 $ 120,677 $ (45,608) In teres t --- 8,750 8,750 $ l66,285 $ 129,427 $ (36,858) The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 15 Clty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Federal Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES AND ENCUMBRANCES COMPARED WITH AUTHORIZATIONS Year ended December 3l, 1973 Unencumbered A.Qpropriatlons EX.Qend 1 tures Encumbrances balance - -,------- CIVIl defense $ 18,000 $ 8,401 $ 2,682 $ 6,917 Highway and street re. habilItation 128,376 36,542 91,834 Mass tranSIt 5,500 1,872 3,628 Una110cated expendItures 14,409 9 14,400 $ 166,285 $ 46,824 $ 94,516 $ 24,945 The accompanying notes ale an integral part of this statement. 16 CIty of Wheat Ridge, Cololado Federal Revenue Sharing Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended Decpmber 31, 1973 Fund I)a 1anl eat Januar y 1, 1973 $ 95,132 Add Excess 01 l~vpnue over expendItules Revenue Expendl tuneS $ 129,427 __ 46 , 8~~ 82,603 177; 735 Dedul t Reserve Jar enlumbrancps at December 31, 1973 94.516 Fund balance at De(emb~r 31, 1973 $ 83,219 The accompanying notes are an Integral part of this statement. 17 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PARK ACQUISITION FUND 18 CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado Park AcqUISItIon Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1973 ASSETS Cash $ 2,715 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE LiabIlitIes Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance $ 2,7l5 $ 2,715 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 19 CIty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Park AcquIsitIon Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPEND ITURES Year ended December 31, 1973 Revenue DonatIons $ 1,420 ExpendItures AcqUIsItIon of sod house and property 7,000 EXCESS (DEFICIENCY) OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $(5,580) The accompanYIng notes are an integral part of this statement. 20 CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado Park AcquIsitIon Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1973 Fund balance at January 1, 1973 $ 8,295 Excess (d~fIcIency) of revenue over expendItures for the year Fund balance at December 31, 1973 (5,580) $ 2,715 The accompanYIng notes are an integral part of this statement. 21 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND 22 City of Wheat R1dge, Colorado Pol1cemen's Pension Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1973 ASSETS Cash Operatlng account Savings accounT Certificates of deposit Investment 1n U. S. Treasury bills $ 2,807 29,630 67,541 50,000 $ 149,978 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE Liabili ties Due to General Fund $ 182 Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance 149,796 $ 149,978 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement, 23 CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado PolIcemen's PensIon Fund STATEMENT OF REVENUE AND EXPENDITURES Year ended December 31, 1973 Revenue ContrIbutIons (note E) CIty Employees State of Colorado Interest Other CItIzen contrIbutions EXCESS OF REVENUE OVER EXPENDITURES $ 21,270 21,270 12 , 191 $ 54,731 7,426 180 62,337 5,649 4,548 10,197 $ 52,l40 Expenditures Withdrawals by participants Insurance The accompanYIng notes are an integral part of this statement. 24 C1~Y of Whea~ R1dge, Colorado Pol1cemen's PensIon Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE Yeal ended December 31, 1973 Fund balance at January 1, 1973 $ 97, 656 Excess of revenue over expend1tures for the year 52 . 14 0 -----L_ Fund balance at December 31, 1973 $ 149,796 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this sta~ement. 25 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS PUBLIC WORKS ESCROW FUND 26 Clty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado Publ1c Works Escrow Fund BALANCE SHEET December 31, 1973 ASSETS Cash $ 46,808 LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) LiabiIi"tles Refundable escrow deposits $ 46,815 Reserve for encumbrances Fund balance (deficit) (7 ) $ 46,808 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 27 CIty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado PublIC Works Escrow Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN CASH BALANCE Year ended December 31, 1973 Receipts Refundable escrow deposJts $ 61,644 Disbursements Refund of deposIts Bank serVIce charges $ 14,829 7 l4 836 , EXCESS OF RECEIPTS OVER DISBURSEMENTS 46,808 Cash balance at January 1, 1973 Cash balance at December 31, 1973 $ 46,808 The accompanying notes are an integral part of thIS statement. 28 CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado PublIC Works Escrow Fund STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN FUND BALANCE (DEFICIT) Yea} ended December 31, 1973 Fund balance at January I, 1973 (note F) Bank serVICE (harges not charged to refundable esclow depOSIts Fund balance IdpllCIt) at December 31, 1973 The accompanYing notes aTe an integral palt of this statement. 29 $ 7 $ (2) - FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GENERAL FIXED ASSETS 30 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado STATEMENT OF GENERAL FIXED ASSETS December 31, 1973 General fIxed assets (note G) Land and bUIldings Equipment Highways, streets and storm sewers Investment in general fixed assets General Fund revenues Contributions $ 344,250 523, l61 7,076,884 $ 7,944,295 $ l,lOl,352 6,842,943 $ 7,944,295 The accompanying notes are an integral part of this statement. 31 +'rl ,.. ~1 ~ ~M OOMOt-- C'j...-lOOO'l "~M O"t- O~COO C"'O> C\Jt--t-f:-. ~Srl rl"'M rl " ~ 0 t- "''' Q '" '" ~ Ul E-< ~ ~ ~ N ~~ 'I H " mo("'){'1 "- 'H '1'1'<;:t'C"lrl H Ul E-< C Sl[jC'1~ U ~ << ,::: '" '" Q Z ." '0 ~I '1 z en ,'" 0> 0 " t- o H rl ~ ~ I rl U '" Z '" '" '" "' c ~ 'f "0 '" '" " ~ t- o 0 ~1 ~1 " '" ~ rl , 0 rl ~ .,. rl '" ~ 0 E-< <0 U "' rl 'M '" M ~ '" ~ ~ '" '" W ." h 0 '" " 0 "0 Q "' 'M U ~ "' s ~ '" e:i " M U '0 '" "' " '0 Ul "'NO~~ :1 ~ Q <<rl w (Dmrlm w Cl ~'O " C'~ c: lD, M .c ." '0 ~ " C " '" w w " W u')C\1Lf)L.') "' "0 co. > "''''N +' Z C " " " "' " <.) hi <.) '" '" '" h '" Z " +' ~ H " C U ~ +' . ..Ol ~j " '" ~rl ,HO(.Q l'- S "' (,Doom " <.) W"'M +' Z u~" OOOrlM " ." ~<::::~ rlrlC>N +' '" ~"rl rlNM Ul U rl C ~ ~ t- oo "' "'..., .~ 0 '" '" .c +' E-< Z 'H "' 0 '" "' +' E-< ~ ." ~ E-< p. '" rl ~ ~ OIl N " '" +' C 'M C ~ " ~ ~ 00 " 00>'> +' +' " 0 W W C 00 S 00 C OIl c':ll-o >. C W +' Ul 'M '0 ~w" " " o 'H ~ C " ,,~o ~ 'M 00 ~ P. 'Hrl S ~ 0 u 0 rl ;..,.r-t.rl UJ 0 c':lillrlrl.!:>::: 0 k~.o..o'i-l ~ ~~&~~ " " .c <.) Eo< NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 33 City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS December 31, 1973 NOTE A - SUMMARY OF ACCOUNTING POLICIES ... The accompanYIng financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the principles of governmental accounting and reporting as promulgated by the National Committee on Govern- mental Accounting. - NOTE B - EXPENDITURE CLEARING ACCOUNTS ... Pursuant to the Uniform Classification of Accounts - Cities and Towns, the following information is provided: - Account number Description Total expenditure - 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 Annual audit Data processlng Insurance and bonds Publishing Retirement and pension contributions Workmen's compensation Unemployment compensation $ 5,150 ... 25,719 3,090 53,503 17,979 ... NOTE C - FEDERAL REVENUE SHARING FUND - The Federal Revenue Sharing Fund was established by the city in 1972 to provide for an accounting of those funds received through the "State and Local Fiscal Assistance Act of 1972." In essence, this act provides funds to units of local govern- ments to be used for ordinary and necessary maintenance and operating expenses and capital expenditures authorized by law. The act also specifies certain restrictions and procedural requirements with WhICh the city has complied during the year. - ... - NOTE D- PARK ACQUIS ITION FUND - The Park AcqUisition Fund was establIshed by the CIty ln 1972 to provide for an accountlng of those monies recelved and designated for use in the acquisition of additional parklands and improvements. - .. ..... CIty of Wheat Ridge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 31, 1973 NOTE E ~ ESTABLISHMENT OF POLICEMEN'S PENSION FUND On July 2, 1970, the City CouncIl of the CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado, adopted OrdInance No 49, Series of 1970, WhICh prOVIded for the establishment of a Policemen's Pension Fund for the employees of the police department ThIS fund IS to be operated 1 n accorda nee wIth Chapter 139- 49-- 1 to 139, 49. 24 of the revIsed statutes 01 the State of Colorado, The Clty'S contrIbution, on a monthly baSIS, shall not exceed fIve per. cent (5%) of the monthly salaries of the total polIce depart- ment of the CIty In turn, the policemen are required to make contrIbutIons suffICIent to match those of the CIty, Upon termInatIon of employment, the employee IS entitled to the return of those contrIbutIons made personally. NOTE F - PUBLIC WORKS ESCROW FUND The PublIC Works Escrow Fund was established by the city during 1973 to provide for an accounting of those monies received as finanCIal guarantees prior to the issuance of certain construc- tIon permIts. These funds are then refunded upon approval of the Director of Public Works follOWing satisfactory completion of all reqUIred work. NOTE G - FIXED ASSET VALUATION Land, buildings and eqUIpment purchased by the city since its inceptIon in 1969 have been valued at historical cost, Those items transferred to the CIty from Jefferson County have been valued at the origInal cost to the County based on hIstorIcal cost records. HIghways, streets and storm sewers transferred to the city during 1969 by Jefferson County have been valued at the esti- mated cost to the County. All addItions since that tIme have been valued at the actual cost to the CIty. 35 CIty of Wheat RIdge, Colorado NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (CONTINUED) December 3l, 1973 NOTE H APPROPRJAT IONS EstImated levenues and the appropliations In<..luded In the ac.com~ panYlng fInancIal statements of the GeneJal Fund are based upon the budget as fInally levlsed by the CIty CouncIl The ollglnal budget was adopted by ResolutIon No. 185, SerIes of 1972, but was Increased by $185,560 through subsequent reso, 1utIons. The CIty COLlncil also enalted various levu,ions wlthln expendIture categorIes. An addItIonal approprIation of $166,285 was establIshed for the Revenue SharIng Fund by ResolutIon No 220, SerIes of 1973 The reVIsed budgets adopted by CIty Council provided $2,148,685 tor expendItures fOl general city operatIons and $45,682 fOl fund balance for a total budget of $2,194,367. In addItIon, these reVIsed budgets provided for estimated revenue of $2,063,460 and $130,907 fund balance carry-over from 1972. 36