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Council Bill No. 10-1003
Ordinance No. 1284
Series of 2003
WHEREAS, the CIty of Wheat RIdge has adopted regulatIOns pertaining to the screening
of outdoor trash storage areas, and,
WHEREAS. the regulatIons are unclear and open to different interpretatIOns. and.
WHEREAS, the City Wishes to clarify and SImplify the regulatIOns.
Section 1.
SectIOn 26-123 DefimtlOns IS hereby modi tied WIth the followmg language
Dumpster: A receptacle used for the collection of trash.
Recycling collection dumpster: A receptacle located on commercial, public or
quasi-public property used by the community for the deposit of materials to be
recycled. The materials being recycled can include, but not be limited to,
newspapers, aluminum, glass and plastic containers, laser and inkjet cartridges,
copier cartridges and telephone books. Recycling collection dumpsters must be
clearly labeled with the type of materials allowed for deposit, the company or
organization name and contact telephone number.
Section 26-614 IS hereby modIfied with the following language
A. Trash storage for all existing and new multi-unit dwellings, mstitutlOnal bUIldings,
all busmess and mdustnal bui1dmgs or uses and agnculturally-zoned propertIes shall be
accommodated wlthm the structure. or if located outside
1 Shall be located or screened so as not to be Ylslble hom adJucent any publIc streets,
2. or from adjacent low density residential dwellings 'Nithin one h1:mdred (100) feet of
the trash storage area, Shall be screened when located within one hundred (100) feet of any
one- or two-family residential structure.
If screened by a fence or wall, a fence permit and site plan shall be reqmred, and such screenmg
shall be by a decorative wall or fence SIX (6) feet III height The enelosure or sereen wall or fenee
shall be constructed of non flammable matenals, Dumpsters and the required screening shall
not be located within five feet of combustible walls, openings, or combustible roof eave lines.
The required screening shall be so as to protect protected from damage by normal removal and
replacement of the dumpster by a trash truck. Mamtenance will be required If the enclosure
screening IS damaged and/or dilapidated, or in need of repair, and the area around the enclosure
screening shall be kept elean-free of junk and trash.
B. In no mstance shall trash enclosures screening be permItted to encroach mto stgflt
distanee triangles become a sight, traffic, or safety obstruction for dnyeways or street corners,
No such enclosure screening shall displace reqmred parking spaces, or landscaping, unless
reYlewed and approved by the Dlreetor of planning and deyelopment Community Development
as an admimstratIVe vanance after considenng all reasonable alternatives, An administratIVe
yananee, to the pnor sentence only. shall follow the proeedures set forth in sectIOn 26,115. but
shall not be limited to the ten percent (l 0%) proviSIOns thereof
C. One- and two,family residential structures in residentially zoned areas d'.vellings
and aecessory uses, except for temporary construetion purposes and agriculturally zoned
propertlCs, shall not Be are permitted to haye large trash dumpster no larger than one ( I ) cubic
yard in size. or larger, as such dumpsters are of a size and type normally assoeiated with
commercial uses Residential structures on agriculturally-zoned property shall be permitted to
have trash dumpsters or storage containers larger than one (1) cubic yard in size.
D Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers may be
allowed in all zone districts at active construction projects only, and must be located on
private property. If impractical to locate on private property, a right-of-way permit may be
obtained from the Public Works Department pursuant to Article III of Chapter 21 of the
Wheat Ridge Code of Laws. Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage
containers shall not be located so as to create sight, traffic, or safety obstructions.
Temporary construction dumpsters and temporary storage containers must be removed
within fourteen (14) days of construction completion.
E. Screening is not required for dumpsters that are used by the communit)
exclusively for the purpose of recycling. Dumpsters used for this purpose must be clearly
labeled as recycling dumpsters.
Section 2. Safety Clause, The City of Wheat RIdge hereby finds, detennmes, and
declares that this ordinance IS promulgated under the general poliee power ofthe City of Wheat
Ridge, that It IS promulgated for the health, safety, and welfare of the public and that thiS ordInance
IS necessary for the preservatlon of health and safety and for the protectIOn of public eonvemence
and welfare, The City CouncIl further determInes that the ordmance bears a ratIOns relatIOn to the
proper legislatIve object sought to be attained,
Section 3. SeverabilIty If any clause, sentence, paragraph, or part of thIS Zomng code
or the applIcatIOn thereof to any person or circumstances shall for any reason be adjusted by a
court of competent Jurisdiction mvalId, such Judgment shall not affect applIcatIOn to other persons
or elrcumstances,
Section 4. SupersessIOn Clause, If any prOVISIOn, requirements or standard established
by thiS Ordmance IS found to conflict WIth Similar proYlSlOnS, requirements or standards found
elsewhere In the Code of Laws ofthe City of Wheat Ridge, whIch are In eXistence as of the date of
adoptIOn ofthis Ordmance, the proYISIOnS, reqUIrements and standards here shall supersede and
Section 5. ThiS ordInance shall take effect 15 days after final pub IIcatlOn,
INTRODUCED, READ, AND ADOPTED on first reading by a vote of 8 to
o In thiS 10th day of March ,2003, ordered publIshed m full m a newspaper of
general CIrculatIOn In the City of Wheat Ridge and PublIc Heanng and consideratIOn on final
passage set for April 28 ,2003, at 7'00 o'cloek p,m" in the Council Chambers,
7500 West 29th Ayenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado
READ, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on seeond and final reading by a
yote of ~ to 0, thiS 28th day of Apri 1 ,2003
SIGNED by the Mayor on thiS 29th
1st publication:
2nd publication:
Wheat Ridge Transcript
Effective Date: May 16, 200 erald
March 13, 2003
May 1, 2003