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,c' 'L' 'T"~ r' "'L 3' ~ \L ...Jl_ L! ~w >.J i~ . ~.._."",__ Ser"i [~ 'j f' 1 C16'J ...JHEr~~~s, t lL :l~]liJ _,J,t\j uf LJr~EF]i I{j.c.:gf! l(:Cf'~ rlr2ncial and pl~rcho2ing 2xp6ric~ncB. ..JHERE~~, there ore in the comr:UjJit~/ !ligt-'lv qU:Jlifisc pcrsunncl in PinancB and purcha3inQ mattors. WHEHEAS, priority mus~J b~ ~ivBn to thE JevEIGpm2n~ [t procurement roliciEs and pr2cGdurs::. r'JGW, TilEdC FLRt:, "JE I r r~E,AjL VEl) THAT a t'inancr! and PllTchasinc Committee be Bst3tllishcd Lc .., c ' ~ ( .L _l ~_ . ' ..L l., L, ilL' nell,! C1 t Y dur inD the "Clrml?-"l.vE., pEric_~C"j, tr:E c.JLlmlLtct-~ Lc.' !Jpc:r2tc ::l~' 'ullolu:.:::: 1. .r3c;sjJ_onsibi~iJ:.y. r':c,~pare cmd sullmi t tL C:1. tv ,~ouncil : complete purch~=in~ monuLll ';flr1 G,-,~i:'t in the rt~\.IiE1Ld Df' tr"iC lr~!7_~ bULjgct. " rO!der:. . The; c[!mmi ttF1S i.; empLJld2I'8d to call on quaii fico p[HSr~nnC.L, TL nc-, expcnr:F. t-: the City, in che prep2ration G: Lhe purchasing manunl. ~~9r~. T~p Jirector of Administrative Services will pr(]vide clcric:Jl c:upflnrt in conn~cticJn lith ~hl:~ i~JrepL1I'atj.cJn of fJTcpo;cd purchasing mcnu31. L,. .Lrqanizaticn. Th" committee 1 liJ 1 j,ncludB "L' citizE'nc, CIS dul'v apPClint;:'cj ij'l thr~ L.;it./ L;uuncil. T;18 L,iLy Tre3::urer shz'ill EJlsLJ be appointed by the City Louncil to thi committee. At its firsL meetini;j, 2 ciLiZt.'n chaiTintln, vice chairri3n, -"Jr~L! 3':crs'~;::iri/ l:IiJ~ De elected. , -' . Du:cu"~ llJn. n~,ir" C' :,-'nitt88 l'ill be ci"tJc;ndclr fulLH,:in= finDlizi3ticn iJf Lhe IS71 bU[~J[~'. 'rhf:-: HepoI'~~. (2) :'J J .: ,::tcr "L!-~iln r./I~!'I:h 1., 1(~!'70, the cr-uT1nittBc l.!il.l 'ubm.i..t :J ~I'C1fllJ~=d p\.Jrchnsinr] fi11]nLJ:c~l L! City Council ~Ljr ~-j[J-lrt icn.. /(lu~3>:;,(~) ~b:' T~~~ ['.c;:imitt~r: ~i.__l: .~f.jri,_T.~ (:J2:'Jl1j LCJ 2ity CLJLncj~l r:n tf-![?, jJT'UplF"sd i r'''l hticJJ~ t ut tl:( timE? j..:" i PI8__EIl:.F";[1 _r l~--,un--'i2 bV the ~J '_I] TI-lc cornrni t t 8C !..lJi 11 r-:c lJ:.3F;[~ .: n 2nl~'1 ~' E" i.~ cf hl..clrJ8t rc~;u\- ~'t~ cjdrinJ tr c ...,t'3f'finr :l?r~JJ 01'E~C~_)L:1i:lc-: ~I'n,_crrt2t, CJn c:f ~~h8 b~dgct tn ~'~uncil. ,"it'lL!,I}-,) ,"r .";f_... '''\' ,,' v'16'~ - - - ~: ;" .~ ~', ,," _.-"'~ l'JC[) , in r=gul~r SE~~riCJn L). the C.:'t.V "~ouncil of l-r--!t~ CiLy 0: ..uf1e:Jt HidgE by - "0+" o~ /- 'r 0 G \i '-' ,_. ___~_ U l..J .___,__. I \'\ 'I 'I \ I \/'1- ~ncl~lrr un, r'1E:iyrir i11b~rt E.. MTTEClT: / - . ../ / -0 i' ? ::':':'!..._.L~~~k.-=-.-,"--.-/-;--- LOU1S8 F.. Tl l-'nCT, Ll t,v L..]F'I'i/