HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1970-0065 RESOLUTION NO. c: 5 Series of 1970 RESOLUTION RESOLVED, Th....t the lundi. of tbe undersigned be and ..he same arc hereby authorized tu be added to or paid into a s;!.vings account III ?v1ajcstic Savl~ ~:.; (.: LC.i2.1: L\S;-,U~i:1.Li.()]1 aud thut said institution be and it is h"rd>)' iluthoril!'u t" pil)' .....iti,dra......&ls until further writkn 0(11)([' t<> it si;;ned in th,~ name "f l.'lis or;.;anizatiun us indical",.! velow by any O/,~',-- per~UH or J"'r50n5, Wll<lS'-' big-natures appear bcluw. Sai,l j'lslilu:iun f\;r:IH'r is authorjz",j to arc,,;,! a I'led;;e \,[ all or any l,ar! uf scud account lh scrurity for Any loall made L:r it to said or;:;anitation and ('x.'cutca iu ib nalll<' by tlie si;:Jlatory panil'" in,licat,.J ;11 Ih.... ;.r,,' cI'ding- ~('nl""nc(' Said in,titulio!\ is lluLH)flZ,.J to bUPP:Y auy t'nUOTtiCIllt:nt fOT thc unu,'nignf'u nn any cbeck Uf otheT jn~lrlllJ"'!It ll'ndcr<'d f"f this account "nd it i~ hereby Te.j"v(',l of a1'.lY li.lbi;ily in conn""ti"n with I"olkction of buch itclTl~ wLiclt arf' halldkd hy it with"ul nq:]ig<,ncl' and it "hall nut b" liable for the a(t~ of itti agcnts, ~Ub.Cl;,'ntti or ol!J"rs or fur any casualty \\ilhJrawnls Iflay not be made on acCuunt o[ loudl items until eollcrteu, and any amount /lot collt-cted may 1.>c rhaq:<,d bad. tu tlli,; aCCollnt, indudiDfi ('xperlse incurred, and any othet outRid<' ("xren~c incurred on a,'count of Ihib account may be charged tu it. Citv of Wheat RidQe Nan\('(.,,! OrJ;anl?ll\ion >0, V" '; /7 !;c.vG_-<- ~?~ t: -;;u .:--L_L 1.;-'....... '[jel,' A'V'"rit<,d Si;;nc.t\.lrc "y Auth"rized Signature " 13y Autlwrizl-u ~I;::,;alur" Title Dy Till<' Autl.onz,'lI ~1;:IJ,'tl.r,' Title 1 certify that 1 am duly dectcJ Ilnd acting: secretary ul til<' .named or;:a])iz..li"n, "old that II,,: foreguin;:; ., '-' true and correct C,1P>' uf a rl'~oluti()n aJoptrd Ly sajd or;::nniI.alion al a re .1." "r dui)" '"'''''' '1"-' "d 11,,-,-tin:; at which a (l1J"rum 'n',,, rre~('nt, and that said orgllnizJltion is authorizcd tv tai.:e ~uch ,...ti"n, ,,",' l,-'d' the ~ii!l1"t",,'~ ;.1...", and "ll \he rcver&e HIde }lcteof ar" the true 8igllalur"~ of tlw ;H'n",.> a;.thori1.Cd I" ~i;:n a~ indi, '-'l,'d in connection with said account. Thili, th" day ui ,19_ \.Curll<>rale S'-,I,1 XXl(tX, Gl CY C18I':< 5ii:nlltute by DONE a vote of AND RESOLVED this to (-; / v- ATTEST: ~/l/ j-{.-( J/ Louise --/ F. Clerk /-1', .J /.L <--------. Turner, City , ) ... 4; day of May, o. 1970 A. L J /'''~