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RESOLUTION NO. 139 ---.- Series of 1971 WHEREAS, there is ln effect an annual appro- priation resolution, and WHEREAS, adjustments are now necessary within that resolution; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RfSOLVED that the attached schedule of proposed appropriations be adopted. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that none of the changes indicated may be construed to change the total appropria- tion as filed with the Division of Local Government. DONE AND RESOLVED this 23rdday of ~~~mber A.D., 1971 by a vote of __~ to o / ,--. I I ,,! ( I / j ({J, J / Ii / .. L-! . ,( , :!..[1{,( Albert E. Anderson Mayor ! ! ATTEST: y , ~.yP (~J-,~ Louise F. Turner City Clerk .; .' ---------.., -~--- .. ,- ,- ~E S /.3 '7' - 6.-J .........~,._-"............, " A ttClcllrnont To J3c Resolution No I.:!L I"''' ~' , 1971 BUDGET ADJUSTMENT CUl'rr'nt PrO(,,\C1~;C~(j N~'t. Appr[lflJT;7tion _--.J---____ Cll;J"nc Acr;t.. Nn. Appror:r 'L c, '.;ion i , , , ; , I 411.10 9,000 7,500 1,500 411.11 2,000 2,000 ~ -u- 411.20 200 200 -0- 411.41 , 19,957 19,957 -0- 411./t2 1,905 1,905 -0- 411.43 4,200 3,800 400 4ll.44 924 1,324 + 400 411.45 800 800 -0- 411.46 5,833 5,'833 -0- 412.1 15',8G7 ,16,657 + 1,000 4'12.2 1,850 850 - 1,000 412.3 1,000 1,000 -0- 412.4 750 850 + 100 412.5 300 300 -0- 412.6 1,500 1,400 100 413.1 15,000 15,000 -0- 413.11 5,657 5,667 -0- 413.12 2,500 2,500 -o~ 413.13 700 700 -d- 413.14 1,200 1,200 -0- 413.15 100 100 -0- 413.16 3,500 3,500 -0- 414 4,000 4,000 -0- 415.11 ' 22,847 ,,('I., 23,047 + 800 415.12 1,912 . , ":",,,?;612 + 700 , 415.13 1,800 1,500 300 415.14 924 ,('lot o 1,224 + 300 h15.15 988 , , '., :'tor 198 750 415.16 175 ' . 76 99 415.21 7,800 7,800 -0- , , 415.22 4,800 , {f,80D -0- 415.23 7,200 ' " ~,200 + 1,000 , 415.41 20,106 20,106 .., -i.J- 415.42 1,800 " 1,800 -D- 0415.43 3,750 3,750 -0- , ! 415.44 924 1,421; + ,500 415.45 2,500 2,000 500 415.46 1,000 1,000 -0- 419.11 ~:!I ' 30,358 30,358 -0- 419.12 3,230 3,230 -0- 419.13 3,000 3,200 + 200 " I 419.14 3,070 3,070 -0- \ :, 419.15 -0- -0- -0- 419.16 1 ~'OOO. \ 800 200 , , ' i . , , I : i 1_--___, ~<J,;A. / t",c ,:5., '_ ( 1 L \ l.,." ., _-:- , , I ( I. I.......... l ,".'''' ~- . ". , . ...4.>4/'CJr:- , t. ".l ~7~~ ('17)/ CLtt'K'. ' " , " ...._..._....~"..._.;,.'.'.. AttGchmlmt To Resolution No./~Cl 1971 BUDGET ADJUST[1ENT Current Pro~Jo~8ci .Acct. No. Appropr-Stion Appropriation 419.4 1,500 1,500 419.6 14,85S 14,859 . 419.7 11,200 4,200 \ 419.8 1, OCJo 1,000 421.1 292,742 295,742 421. 2 35,277 32,177 421.3 22,155 21,055 lf21.4 25,285 24,235 421.5 il,990 4,990 lf21.6 7,820 10,570 421.7 I, 1,950 1,950 1124.11 23,650 22,150 424.12 2,,583 3,1103 424.13 '1,000 1,OGO 424.14 921f 1i124 421f.15 1,500 ' 877 t,?~.16 2 ~BB ~;~aa ~:J , 429.1 200 200 431.11 74,870 711,E70 , 431.12 8,232 5,0']5 I 431.13 5,000 9,000 i1 431.14 150 177 , :! 431.15 10,000 ~''.l., . 10 ,.30'] " " " 431.16 22,400 "~3 550 P , 431.21 51,234 "'" 51,2:>4 431.22 . ' 6,900 ,.5-) 000 431.23 5,000 5,000 431.24 3,000 3,000 431.25 5,700 5,700 lf31.26 BOO " " '000 431.3 ' 12',000 121 000 '- , 431.5 18,000 " 18,\]00 431.61 13,~70 13, S7S 431.62 1,860 1,2S0 i . . 431.53 250 250 I 431.64 1,756 1,755 I 431.65 3,144 4,144 , 431.66 100 100 !' i ".. '"" i , \ \, /' , .;1/ J I . , ((' ' i / I I , ' I , ' I i t \ , L- J'::1.(i.7 f'" ,--f P.P., .~__~,_:_.. ft." <' y' .c' ~ " "" c;/IA~~ ~ - ~ ;::__?U1 (~.r/Uf'c/c:. , . /C?t':::. #/ "3 '7' ~ J PC:Ci8 2 '1;I~t I. '.~ " Cr~Lnr.8 n -u- -0- -0- -0- + 3,00D 3,100 - 1,100 - 1,050 -0- + 2,750' -0- 1,500 + 900 -0- + 2eO 523 + 1,,023 -w- " -u- -0- 2,227 + 4,000 + 27 + :\00 + 1,150 -o- M 1,900 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 600 -0- -0- + 1,000 -0- , \ . \ " i ... \ ~, ( I, 1r1~ -;6</ ,3'7 0 j Att:Jchment To Resolution No.f--i 1 PuijU 3 1971 BUDGET ADJUSTfl,Er~T Curnmt f.r,opo3rej r"-:JA- . -... Acct. No. Approp:ricition {.'.pprOlJri2tion ChC::-:08 431.71 7,J.05 7,105 -0- 431.72 1,851 1,501 250 431.73 2,000 2,000 -0- , 431.74 900 900 -0- 431.75 1,000 1,500 + 500 431. 76 2,400 2,400 -0- 431.77 200 200 -0- 432.3 42,000 40,000 - 2,000 432.5 181,432 181,432 -8- 452.1 42,830 4L,,103 + 1,273 452.2 3,250 3,250 -0- 1+52.3 4,400 3,900 5:J0 45204 15,250 15,250 -0- 452.51 8,425 10,825 + 2,400 452052 21,550 18,177 3,373 452.6 350 550 + 200 452.7 15,769 15,769 -O- J. 461 167,771 157,771 -0- , I 462 21,000 21,000 -0- 463 51,404 46,193 5,211 464 47,800 47,800 -0- 490 25,500 26,500 -0- .'j I " 501 4,500 ..4,500 -0- 503 10,000 15,600 + 5,600 (';" 504 6,600 .s,60o 1,000 510 8,953 8,953 -0- TOTALS b 60l., 486 1,601,486 -0- - ' ~ 't- 77-9'4- ,f h:> .::> V I " \. ; ,.. , ,J v'-- ,,-4;' ',;1 Yu/C, ~/ ~ - ----' (..- . "L--r-.-A": _<.../2.-,...t--L~ C'Y', '71;/ CrCE/C"~ .