HomeMy WebLinkAbout1978 ... ... ... ~~~(1J~[b ~(1J[Q)@]~iJ ... ... ... TI~?~ ... I ... - ;. ... l ... C~l'1f or WIKI~A l' ~~DG~ C(Q)IL(Q)~~D(Q) - ... -1 ... ... ... - ANNUAL Bl1DC~ET CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPARTMENT HEADS AND OTHER STAFF CITY ADMINISTRATOR. . JOHN A. JERMAN DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS . . . . . . . . CLYDE E. HOBBS CHIEF OF POLICE . . . EDWARD R. PINSON DIRECTOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DENNIS W. ZWAGERMAN DIRECTOR OF PARKS G RECREATION . . .. RICHARD H. BREDT CITY TREASURER (ELECTIVE) (PART-TIME). .JAMES O. MALONE - CITY CLERK (ELECTIVE) (FULL-TI!1E). . . . CAROL F. HAMPF CITY ATTORNEY (PART-TIME) (CONTRACTUAL) . .MAURICE F. FOX - PRESIDING MUNICIPAL JUDGE (PART-TIME).ANTHONY V. ZARLENGO DEPUTY ~1UNICIFAL ,JUDGE (PART-TIME). . HARRY E. CARLENO - PRE-BUDGET PUBLIC MEETING ON BUDGET. . . . . MAY 16, 1977 - PRELIMINARY BUD(:;ET TO CITY COUNCIL. . . . AUGUST 22, 1977 - PUBLIC HEARING, REVENUE SHARING AUGUST 29, 1977 STUDY SESSION SEPTEMBER 17, 1977 STUDY SESSION SEPTEMBER 19, 1977 PUBLIC HEARING SEPTEMBER 26, 1977 PUBLIC HEARING OCTOBER 3, 1977 ADOPTION OF BUDGET AND APPROPRIATION RESOLUTIONS OCTOBER IO, 1977 BUJlr:;ET EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 1978 - - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE INTrlP,-C.;:.P'f)":::' T'~L T(;.', !~~-c=~ rj~- ::! Dat2 ; , , " TO: I::i ty T1'ea~3UI'er (L..L :j I') I ; \- . I 1".( "- ..J,,__ ,.. '........"" \.....\_t". (DEPkTi';:::;.JT) FROM: VIA: MAYOR/CITY AG~INI3T~;TC~ 1. It is requ~2:':' ~~ c: t~; ~ t '/ C' L~ ;'71lJ:<E: Ull' r [110.Ji[1(; :'~"'2nSf2r 2r fur~ds : FROt'l TO Acct. f'~o lit {' , I - -, : it Acct. , $ (f' -..'., " I ~ :J .. I " J__ ,-,-,- -- Acct. No. S Acct. No. t Acct. (\J:J. $ Acct. f\!c. S --- Acct. No. If ,4cct. No. S '" - 2. Re8scn for tran3r2r is /) '/,1 \_l/"J.-;~l i (-~ "-" . .-.....- ('\ l....... \ > '1 t-" ~; ..,........~ ,'- -.-- ( .. ! fv-' Ii, ~---~~ / " , , . .1 ~. 3. The 8.bCJvp. t:r8il;;jf~.!~ CG2S no: inCI'e"'3'=+.2 no!' =2::]'(' 'S.:.? trlis Cc?ri']I't.~,c""'J.. i s =udg~t 2S 2~JGrOVeC~ b.., C_ J.-,'J CCJi.Jnc ~_} 1 ~.;-'j CO~?~; ;!Ll: :.n\Ju':"vc S3:~--=-----_ or Ca~i tal E'~\Ji=~~,,::::t ?V:-'-'i,:::-.:. tl_,~:,~~r; -- \' , I '. "'" ~/ ,/ --"C. :.~....:-_~___~_;;L~-i.~,""" '-)l~_n l'D.....~--.l"'A>- l'.,....,-lr~) ( . --~ .... -.:. r' -- J,. '><id \ ~::'. . \ \. ,l:..:. ~,:.. \.J' .... , = ====.::.:.:::: ~.::::.--.:= =='Z.:=:::: ~::;::::::; -==- ;:::-.;:==. :.:.:;;..: .:::.:=:::::: -:-...:;;..;;::;:-. =~ =:.'::::=="=;:::' ::::.-;: = = -=..:::;..:;-=: =-':~ .:-::.:;:.::;: =::.:=:-=::::.=::. -;::::= -==:. -= =::-:--:.::::: Date The ,move request J.S AP??O~[0 / D!SJF?R2VED. CP:i~ YDR :' (OR) . ... .~ ,.r" f (CITY ADr..lr'JI~r~~TO~) W.R. Form 3-25 'P..... 1 I\,' ..;~ '. - t ': ---.- '_ I""" L. ,r- <'-.oi __ ---------~-- --"- Date Uecember l~, 1978 TO: City Treasurer FROM: City Clerk \01-108-) ( DE P j:l,d : i'::::, T) VIA: MAYOR/CITY ACMI~ISTRATDR 1. It is requEsted thD~ you m3ke the following transfer of fu~ds: FRD~l TO Acct. r~o. 01-108-71 'J $ 11 'J, 00 Acct. No. G1-lU8-7/G $ , 1 ,- 001 L ), ~ S Ol-lUS-b'Jl c- Acct. No. 01-108../99 50,00 Acct. No. S ~O, U() Acct. N,J. $ Acct. No. S ---- Acct. No. S Acct. ~Jo . $_ --- 2. Reason fo~ transf2r is u!Uf'rl1udgetcd felt acqui~lti()n ()f nevi equipment~ ') Insufficlent fund, fur additional charge for \prox, 3. The abovE trEnsfer 002S not incr~2~e budget aa ~=oroved bV CI~Y Ccu~cil, or CE10it21 EG,-,i=';;'l~l~t "~'<,~_-:')rlC:l :~;I'-J(j, , --- nrr ~PLre~s2 this ~~p2rt ~~~IS Gnc] :::c:s ~1'JtinvGlvt2 ."3::::l T=~:"..:::: / / , , _( - ;" ! " "r' "-Z- '(:... .......~1- ,~~____ Oeoc.rt[r,eni.. ri:2aCrf' Carol F. Han1pf. l.ity Clerk ======-:.:::..:= :=:;;::.==::::. =:::.:;::; ;;:::;::;: === =======- :::= :=:;:=:::::: =-==:= ==== :;;::-.= === ==:::::::::.=; ;,,::'.::::::: =====:::: ::::===.===::..:-.:::: :"::--::= = == ""':::.:..:: Date I ;J-!-f/7f , The above ~- -------. t ~ ~ArJppn'f("" / reques r ~ ,(jln,,) \'---------------> DIS iFPClC\!ED. /' COPIES: Originsl - City Treasurer Copy Ci t'J Arjmi r~. /iI:Jljor Copy - Department ----- W.Fi. fGI"1 :3-2') CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1975 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS General Fund Revenue Estimate Summary of Revenues Expenditure Summary Summary: General Fund Operating Budget By Object Code . . . . . . . . DEPARTMENTAL SUMMARIES - City Council (Acct. 001-102) . . . . . . . . - Treasurer (Acct. 001-103) Mayor (Acct. 001-104) . . ... City Administrator (Acct. 001-106) . . . . . - City Attorney (Acct. 001-107) . City Clerk (Acct. OOI-IOS) . . . . . . . . . . . I.. Municipal Court (Acct. 109-111) . . . . 1 L. Administrative Services (Acct. 115-116) Community Development (Acct. 120-123) . Police (Acct. 201-206) . . . ... Public Works (Acct. 301-305) - Parks and Recreation (Acct. 601-605) ... Carnation Festival (Acct. 606) . . City Hall Maintenance (Acct. 607) . . . . . . . . Non-Departmental (Acct. 610-713) . . . . . . . . . . . Revenue Sharing Fund . ............. Conservation Trust Fund . Park Acquisition Fund . . . . . . . . . Capital Improvement Plan . . . . . . . . . . Page No. l iii lV Vl I 2 5 7 11 13 17 22 29 43 61 77 96 97 99 101 103 104 105 fINAL BI JlJI~ET GENERAL FUND REVENUr: ESTIMATES Code No. Revenue Source 01-101-501 Real Property Tax 01-101-503 Auto Ownership Tax 01-101-504 Sales Tax 1% General Fund 01-101-505 2% Sales Use Tax 01-101-543 eIG Cigarette Tax State Share(i - 01-101-5!J 3 IJilT l~aS011nL' Tax Hlghway User Taxes - 01-101-506 PHON Telephone Occupation - Ol-101-5U5-PUBL Public Service Franchise 01-101-511 LIQ Liquor License Fee , .. 01-101-511 OCCU Liquor Occupatlonal Tax 01-101-511 ARBO Arborist License Fee - Ol-101-511 CuNT Contractor's License Fee I. 01-101-512 BUlL Building Permits I L 01-101-512 ST. Street eut Permits 01-101-5?2 Federal Grant-Police 01-101-539 State (~rant s - 01-101-543 MVR Motor Vehicle Reg.Fees .. 01-101-543 CRST County Road [ Bridge Trdnsfer 01-l01-551 Zoning Application Fees 01-101-552 Liquor Hearings 01-101-553 Parks fo Recreation Fees 01-101-554 Concession Stand Revenue 1977 final Budget 390,920(1) 38,955 1,093,000 270,000 230,000 200,000 85,000 234,600 2,090 28,650 550 22,550 31,780 6,350 -0- -0- 110,922 197,225 5,535 2,400 33,480 10,000 i 1977 Final Estimate 395,611 29,217 1,149,249 336,000 223,317 209,322 80,000 249,900 1,959 32,100 535 24,235 3l+,l+17 7,112 -0- -0- 105,279 203,141 7,034 3,220 38,025 -0- 1978 Estimate ( 2 ) 382,442 35,060 1,250,000 297,000 223,300 230,129 87,600 202,6511 1,200 33,700 5',0 23,78 '; 34,orFJ 6,3 J r) -0- -0- 116,4f,t 206,900 6,862 2,400 35,154 5,000 final Budget - General fund Revenue Estimates - (continued) 01-101-561 01-101-570 570-1 570-2 570-3 OI-lOl-571 01-lOI-581 Ol-IOI-588 - 01-101-589 - - fines-Municipal Court 56,700 56,431 56,700 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- 18,150 29,850 22,000 44,516 36,265 195,304 Rentals G Leases Revenues Hayward Property Hart Estate Property Hart Estate Duplex Property Amusement Equipment License fees Interest Earnings Other Miscellaneous Unspent Carryover Balance Including Special Emer- gency Fund of $100,000 435,000 500,586 321,773 Total, General Fund Revenues $3,549,573 $3,752,715 $3,776,329 (1) Based on actual assessed valuation of $108,050,810 for 1977 @ 3.65 Mills, less 949,320 attributable to new construction which is exempt from calculation. - , .. (2) Based on actual assessed valuation of $111,496,280 @ 3.50 Mills! less 2% estimates delinquency. - ~ I i.. - II M,L FUND:~ SIJMt1ARY I) f klVENUI:S 1977 ORIGINAL ESTIMATE GENERAL FUND 1. Revenues all sources 2. Unspent carryover Balance $3,114,5'13 43tJ,000 TOTAL, GENERAL FUND $3,549,573 REVENUE SHARING FUND 1. Federal Allocations 2. Earned Interest 3, Carryover !Blance $ 129,000 1,000 10,000 TOTAL REVENUE SHARING FUND $ 140,000 - CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT nJND .... l. 2. 3. $1,085,000 100,000 - 4. Sales Tax (1% Portion) Urban Drainage Grant BOR Swimming Pool Complex Grant 50% State of Colorado Trails Grant 50% Estimated Carryover Bal. Earned Interest -0- 150,000 -0- -0- .. 5. 5. 1 ~ TOTAL CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $1,335,000 PARK ACQUISITION FUND - 1. Subdivision Fee 2. Carryover Balance 3. Earned Interest $ 1,300 1,000 200 - TOTAL PARK ACQUISITION fl TND $ 2,500 CONSERVATION TRUST nJND - 1. State of Colorado Allocations 2. Interest 3. Carryover Balance $ 8,925 500 25,985 TOTAL CONSERVATION TRUST FUND $ 36,410 GRAND TOTAL REVENUES: ALL flJNDS $5,063,483 iii 1978 PROJECTION 1978 FINAL BUDGET 3,47'1,746 3,454,55G 321,773 321,773 3,799,519 3,776,329 145,534 585 11,700 145,534 585 11,700 157,819 ]57,819 1,250,000 -0- 1,750,000 -0- 235,000 235,000 35,000 235,000 5,000 35,000 /'35,000 5,000 1,751,000 1,761,000 1,300 2,000 100 1,300 2,000 100 3,400 3,400 8,925 500 1,000 8,925 500 1,000 10,425 ] 0 ,1+25 5,732,163 5,708,973 Department/Divn. IvIayor Clty Council City Clerk City Treasurer IvIunicipal Court Probation) Youth ) City Hall Maintenance City Administrator City Attorney - Administrative Services Administration Purchasing Sub-Total - Community Development Administration Plan/Zoning Code Enforcement Building Inspection Sub-Total - - Police Department Administration Support Services Patrol G Traffic Technical Services Animal Control Sub-Total I - ~ Public Works Administration Engineering Street IvIaintenance Traffic Maintenance Shops and Yards Total Public Works nper. Civil Dist. Sub-Total - ... Parks & Recreation Administration Recreation Parks IvIaintenance Forestry Parks Pi'lnger Sub-Total F,XPENDJTlJRE :;UIvIMARY r INAL BUIJGET 1977 Original Budget 16,152 32,250 64,465 53,522 52,737 3,050 -0- 49,056 II S ,200 101,226 37,629 94,985 33,211+ 49,262 215,090 56,401 338,916 478,715 125,784 37,830 1,037,646 58,375 230,873 289,586 60,850 20,000 659,684 10,000 669,684 37,672 119,025 162,435 38,719 29,371 387,222 lV 1978 Proposed Budget 1978 Final Budget 16,488 34,200 75,073 60,034 59,045 16,188 30,000 74,973 60,084 59,045 3,550 20,300 53,606 51,782 3,550 25,850 5 () , 5 5 6 46,400 77,600 28,087 105,687 81,220 19,783 101,003 40,350 85,307 32,667 51,472 209,796 41,000 84,807 32,367 51,467 209,641 55,339 3i5,377 5QO,631 163,504 38,050 1,132,901 53,589 329,977 541,521 163,204 37,541 1,125,832 50,311 26::1,11+6 209,076 53,397 158,380 71+4,310 10,000 754,310 60,211 308,146 206,576 63,397 195,623 833,953 9,700 843,653 39,750 147,870 194,668 40,920 45,846 469,054 38,900 146,370 194,668 40,920 44,146 465,004 Expenditure Summary - Final Budget - TOTAL $i,72b,3CJU $3,045,826 $3,111,779 Unallocated 178,434 201,229 102,586 Non-Departmental 338,329 446,464 457,314 Carnation Festival 5,500 6,000 4,650 Reserves City Hall 200,000 -0- -0- Special Emergency 100,OClO 180,000 10Cl,000 TOTAL: General Fund $3,549,573 $3,799,519 $3,776,329 - Special Funds Capital Improvement Fund 1,335,000 1,761,000 1,761,000 - Park Acquisition Fund 2 ,500 3,400 3,400 Conservation Trust Fund 36,410 10,425 10,425 General Revenue Sharing - Fund 140,000 157,819 157,819 GRAND TOTAL: ALL FUNDS $5,063,483 $5,732,lfi3 $5,708,973 - - . - I- - - v S\lMMARY: GENERAL }'IfNI' UPERATING BUDGET BY OBJECT CODE - 1978 Object Code No. 600 601 602 603 filO 612 614 618 619 - 640 - 641 645 - 651 660 ... Expense Item I'escl'iptinn Personal Services Director Salaries Salaries and Wages Longevity Pay Overtime and Premium Pay Lump Sum Longevlty Standby Pay Court Pay Fee Personnel Auto Mileage Re1mbursement Uniform Allowance Personnel Expense Office Supplies Operating ~upplies 700 Other Charges dnd Services - 702 706 - 708 - 714 71 5 - 716 718 720 Conference dnd Me~tlng Exp, Dues, Books, and Subscrip- tions Election Expense Legal Notices G Publishing Recording fees Legislative Memberships Ordinance Enforcement Pound fees and Associated Expense Object Tot a1 Object as a Percent of Budget Total 150,621 3.99 1,7S1,81+7 4fi,4 " '1, f) 7 7 .73 56,345 1. 49 300 .008 1+ , (12 0 .1 12,100 .32 ]]1,115 3.52 4,050 .11 14,120 .37 100 .003 tlCJ,814 1. 58 276,502 7 . 3 2 ::'4,170 .64 8,540 . 226 2,000 .052 8,900 .23 1,000 .03 11,500 .30 7,250 .19 8,250 .22 Vl Summary: \;"IWlo,ll Iund '_'peratin? RuJget by Ubj"rt CooP - 1978 724 Pre-employment Physical Exam 726 Recruitment Physical Exam 728 Training and ~afety 730 Uniforms and Prot,"C'tiVl" Cll,th. 73:' Witness <>nd ,Turor' Fee~ 750 ProfessioIlCll SpY'vi,oes 758 Rentals and Leasps 759 Telephone Expensp~; 750 Utilities 772 Vehicle Rcpi'lir dnd Oper- ating Lxpense 774 Facility Repair ~ Maint. - 776 Other Equil'm<'lI t 11ctint, 778 Traffic Light Malnt. - 792 Tax Rebate: ~;enior eit iZPTls - 798 Management Contingency 799 Miscellaneous Expense 800 - 802 - 80l+ 805 - 80R 809 - 832 843 79"1 610 Capital Outlays Office Furniture ~ Equipment Engineering f, Photo Equi~" l'ommunicat ions Eq'ripmpnt Motor Vehic1ps Other Mal,_,r f~quirm('rlt '1'001-; f', War}. 1:q\lir!mc,nt Street Lightinp f, Signal t- uys_ :-;U B - TIlT AI. Una1} c.r'atf'd Non-Departmental 800 ,02 1,100 .03 18,SGU .49 8 ,547 .23 ,_ , " II :l .05 Ib'J,75U 4 . 5 l7 , lj in .46 ~ ., 19 [~ .51 l) I~ 'l II S !.J 1. 5 G -1-1- -0- 19,845 .53 .L 2 , r ~ ~I .34 '+7,500 1 .27 C, (] ,000 .7'3 1+ ,0 S u .11 1 II, G D IJ .28 G ,710 .18 / , ! 8 f, .19 13, '2 J / .35 1+ , I J IJ (I ,12 1 ~,12~ , 35 Q " 1\ ,IL' 7 g , D CJ 0 ;- . D lJ $3,111,'179 82 .4 ID'2,586 I ,72 l+S7,314 12.1 \Ill Summary: General Fund Operating Budget by Object Code - 1978 794 Carnation Festival Special Emergency Reserve TOTAL GENERAL FUND - - - - - - - - 4,650 100,000 $3,776,329 .12 2 . 6 100% Vlll ~ - .~-, '~~. " ~., ,,~,,; ~n; ;;: r'". ,'-s...;, - f-~,;:;"S(:'~~~"z.:- ::.:~ f:~r? - . ': " ,~ '1\ III'L;(,;;\'-I: :'~;i~1!~' ; "l){il "L- -:',b~'f~?~~l::'(' ~-~~\-- ,~ ,<Jjy;: \ 'i': ;:,{:~y.?f'iRlo~[ }~~~r~'~f~:'.~-~~:: ""~ :~)<-,~r . "t-~ "-,,,' ~ '+,., -'ft '_" ,~ ' l.\',j ~ "...~ t ,. ~~~',: ", ;~,{r!' . .~.~'" ~,i 'l,l ' "},;,:~~,'f{~lG~~t~::~i1i~~ '" ."; ,<,"<~~~~:\'~ < ;., }.~'h :I~c " . j.~ "; .t-, ~ ;., -i' . i~~~t~f:t~~:;l;(~}.5 ~~": -of .to"., <ii:\j;~V;~~@ '''1,' '~ -tJ ,," ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES r "und I Department GENERAL 001 CITY COUNCIL Object Code 619 651 - 702 - 706 - 716 ... - 728 776 - 798 ... 799 \~ ~ l \ r \- Expense Item Fee Personnel Six Councilmen @ $125/Mo. Each - Per ordinance Office Supplies, Printing and Postage Conference & CML NLC Jeff. Co. Govt. and other Meeting Exp. 1,200 4,200 1,500 Dues, Books, & Subscriptior Legislative DRCOG CML NLC Other Memberships 4,100 6,600 600 200 Training & Safety Other Equipment Maint. Management Contingency Councilman Expense 1,800 Misc. Services & Charges TOTALS DlVlslon Original Budget 1977 9,000 200 6,250 -0- 12,200 500 100 1,800 2,100 32,250 'ir.R.Form 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 9,015 349 7,394 103 11,765 334 60 1,870 1,411 32,301 Page 1 I Account 102 Recom- mended 1978 9,000 600 7,500 100 12,500 500 100 1,800 2,100 Approved 1978 9,000 600 6,900 100 11,500 -0- 100 1,800 -0- 34,200 30,000 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Page 2 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Blld<Tet Historv DEPT, CITY TREASI!RER 1 '17 f) ] q '; 7 197 ; l'ns (]ri/3incll 11risinal Revised PJ'('I"'c;ed Budgc,t RudVet Budget Budget ) Jt (J , (j~) 7 ~S3,sr)2 $57,0~'ll $hU ,0'34 Statement of Purpose - !1ainti'lln accountini" l'c',~,ur'd" of I'ity aCCOJ'dlng t', generally accepted aC'count ing principles. ;'\lch dC'countint:' records inr'lude General Ledger, rash Receipts, Cash flisbuY'c;pmen j, PdyrolJ Checks, rind r:aT'Tl- ing ReC'ords, PI'ovide financial drita dnd buo.f,C't mriIlagc'mpnt repurts tr) C'i ty rn\lnr"il and City Staff. Statement of Objectives - Recelpts. Increase Flnan,=C' ; (~rvjc"" to jJrovide cPIJtralized Provide more interest earnlngs through h"tt~r LiSh flow managEment. - Provide better payroll records through morp efJjC'iellt systems approach to keeping vacation time and sick leave recnt'cJs. - Indicators of Performance - I Description of Work 1976 1977 1978 Work Unit Work Unit Work Unlt Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost I I I No data submitted. - - - - - R esources Requlred Orlglnal Orlginal Estlmate Proposed Approved 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978 Personal Services 31,92'l ;'9,222 7'l,103 37,7'l8 37,2'lS Operating Expenses 'l,078 21+,300 22,624 21,536 71,58G Capital Outlays -0- -0- 293 1,200 1,::'00 Total Cost 40,957 53,522 52,020 60,034 fiO,084 Emnl(')"ppc; (F 'T' ) 2 :i 3 4 I ,+ No. of ANNUAL BUDGET Page 3 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Divi.sion IAccount GENERAL 001 TREASURER FINANCE 103 Posltlons Classltlcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Final and Budget Estimate mended Approve Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1972 1 1 1 Treasurer 7,200 7,200 7,800 7,80D 0 1 1 AccoW1ting Clerk II (14) -0- -0- 7,000 7,000 1 1 1 AccoW1ting Clerk III (18) 9,444 9,912 10,512 10,512 1 I 1 AccoW1ting Clerk IV (22) 10,428 10,944 11,436 11,436 - - - ... - ... - 3 4 4 Totals $27,072 $28,056 $36,748 $36,748 - ,-omments One (1) new position lS recommended at Accounting Clerk II level due to work load. Budgeted for part year 1978 when new City Hall is occupied. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.l0-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 4 r SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 TREASURER FINANCE 103 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Staff Salaries and Wages 28,272 28,229 36,748 36,748 603 Longevity Payments -0- 300 250 250 610 Overtime 600 -0- -0- -0- 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 300 -0- -0- . - 619 Fee Personnel 350 274 300 300 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 25 18 50 50 - 651 Office Supplies, Postage 2,800 2,542 2,000 2,000 702 Conference & Mtg. Expense 1,000 996 1,200 1,100 - Nat'I. Conf. 700 CML 200 Other 300 - Subscriptions 706 Dues, Books, 100 71 100 100 728 Training & Safety 150 88 -0- 150 ... 750 Prof. & Consul. Fees 20,100 18,404 17,000 17,000 Data Proc. 8,500 ... Annual Audit 7,000 Payroll 1,50o 759 Telephone 6'25 576 936 936 - 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 100 119 150 15o - 799 Misc. Services & Charges loo 59 100 loo 802 Office Equipment 500 293 1,2oo 1,200 I Typewriter 800 - 4 Data Racks 400 TOTALS 53,522 52,020 60,034 60,084 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~K.torm 3-S,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 5 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Dlvlslon IAccount GENERAL MAYOR 104 POSltlons Classlflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flna1 and Budget Estimate mended ApprovcJ Budget Reat. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1. 1. 1. Mayor 4,800 4,800 4,800 4,800 , 4,952 5,222 5,588 5,588 I , , I : .5 . 5 . 5 Executive Secretary ( 22) - - - - - - - 1.5 1.5 1.5 Totals 9,752 10,022 10,488 10,488 - ~omments Executive Secretary position is budget 1/2 time In the Mayor's Budget and 1/2 time In the City Administrator's Budget and lS a shared position. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-75 - I . SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES rund \ Depart-ment I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 MAYOR 104 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 9,762 10,022 10,488 10,488 603 Longevity -0- -0- 200 200 612 Lwnp Sum Longevity -D- IDO -0- -0- 619 Fee Personnel 200 200 350 350 . 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement -0- -0- 200 -0- 651 Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage 900 632 600 600 702 Conference (; Meeting Exp. 1,300 1,100 1,200 1,100 CML 200 DR. COG 100 U. S. Conf. of Mayors 7no Other 200 706 Dues, Books, (; Subscriptions 100 98 100 100 712 Insurance (; Bonds -0- -0- -0- -0- 717 Contributions -0- -0- -0- -0- 758 Rentals (; Leases 1,650 2,008 1,100 1,100 Office Rent (6 mo.) @ $ 32 5 759 Telephone Expense 600 657 600 600 798 Management Contingency 1,250 816 1,250 1,250 799 Miscellaneous Services G Charges 400 290 400 400 Mayor's Expenses TOTALS 16,162 15,923 16,488 16,188 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -- - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 6 - - - ~ L - W.K.torm 3-B,Rev.lO-76 ~~;i~~"~'~:> .~r~ .~,~(< - .' ""~<~\~~,~1~f;:,~,~~ y.:~;.,:., ,,~ " ,,' "' " "~:^" , ~ , ~ ~i.d_~ _l-, ~-" , , :": " '~~~ ANNUAL BUDGET PafJ:e 8 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Division IAccount GENERAL: 001 CITY AUlINISTRll;fUR 106 POSltlons Classlflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approve,' Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 City Aclministrcitor 27 ,'+42 28,812 28,812 28,812 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 Executive Secretary (22) 5,214 5,749 5,818 5,818 I 0.25 0.5 0.25 Public Administration i Interll Part-year 2,000 2,000 5,000 2,000 I , , :;a 1 es Td/. [ns roe ctor 1 Part-Time -0- 2,500 -0- -0- , - - - - - - 1. 75 2 1. 75 Totals 31+,656 38,375 39,630 36,630 - r--omments LxecuLive Secretary position is budgeted ~ time in the Mayor's Budget and ~ time In the City Administrator's Budget and lS a shared positinn. Funds are I"€quested to extend the Administrative Intern position from three (3) months to seven (7) months, The position will b0 used for Budget Analysis, and a varjety of admin- istrative tasks, and coincides with the scheduled occupancy of the new Municipal Building and Municipal Swirmning Pool, both of which are expected to result ill increac;ed administra- tive overload. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.BudEet Form 3-24,Rev.lO-76 Fund GENERAL DOl Object Code 601 602 603 610 - 612 619 - 640 645 - 651 , ... I ... 660 ... 702 i ~ - 706 - 728 758 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department CITY ADMINISTRATOR Expense Item City Administrator Salaries ~ Wages Longevity Overtime ~ Premium Pay Longevity - Lump Sum Fee Personnel Personnel Expense Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, Printing, ~ Postage Admin. Bulletin Annual Report Xerox Charges Postage Miscellaneous 2,100 2,000 1,000 300 500 Operating Supplies, Small Tools, ~ Minor Equipment Conference ICMA CML Other ~ Meeting Exp. 700 200 200 Dues, Books, Subscriptions Colo. City Mgmt. Assn. 40 Public Employers Group 1,800 154 106 ICMA Other Training ~ Safety Rentals ~ Leases Office Rent I Dlvlslon Original Budget 1977 27,442 7,214 -0- 100 -0- 350 100 -0- 5,700 250 1,000 1,800 -0- 1,650 W.K.lorm 3-8,Rev.lO-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 28,126 10,249 426 -0- . 100 500 400 -0- 5,700 150 1,000 1,800 -0- 1,655 Page q I Account 106 Recom- mended 1978 28,812 10,818 776 100 -0- 350 100 -0- 5,900 150 1,200 1,800 250 1,100 Approved 1978 28,812 7,818 776 100 -0- 350 100 -0- 5,900 150 1,100 2,100 -0- 1,100 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 1 U - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL nn r:ITY AIJlVI ~ A Tn R 1 n h Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 759 Telephone Expense 600 600 600 600 760 Utilities -0- -0- -0- -0- 772 Vehicle Repairs f, Oper. Exp 650 250 -0- -0- 776 Other Equip. Maint. 250 250 250 250 . 798 Management Contingency 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 799 Misc. Services f, Charges 200 200 200 200 802 Office Equipment 750 747 200 200 I TOTALS 49,056 53,203 53,606 50,556 I CITY or WHEAT RIDGE - r - - .. L L i ... .. - W.K.torm 3~ev.l0-15 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department r Dlvlslon -\ Account GENERAL 001 CITY ATTORNEY 107 i Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 702 Conference G Mtg. Expense 700 700 700 700 732 Witness Expense -0- -0- -0- 1,200 750 Professional G Consulting Fees 42,000 42,000 42,000 42,000 Part-Time City Attorney Services by Contract . 799 Miscellaneous Expense 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Court Filing Fees Hearing Officer Fees Legal Consultants Labor Attorney Fees Other TOTALS 45,200 45,200 45,200 46,400 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 12 - - , ... L - , ~ t L - - ~K.torm 3-8,Rev.lO-76 EIDGE +~ . - -. l . . ',;'; .~. " " '.\ )~ag~ ];3:, '$'" '", j.'f'%,": '-.~";'c-~ ..4"~' . .~". " :. -~-.... - J ~- , , DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Division IAccount r.F:NF:RA 1 n n 1 rT'T'V ('T1CPV 1 n R Posltlons ClassiTlcatlon !Orlglnal flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and I Budget Estimate mended Approve, Budget Peqt. Auth. Salary Range No. I 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 City Clerk :J , L SO 10,397 12,000 12,OUO 1 1 1 Deputy City Clerk 8,98 '-' 9,340 9,998 9,'198 2 2 2 Totals 18,2,1 C5 19,7,7 21,9')8 L 1, q 'J B Comments No change In staff. : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGI:T Page 14 - - - - - W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.l0-75 und GENERAL 001 Object Code 601 602 603 610 619 640 - 645 '"'" 651 - 702 L L 706 708 - 714 715 - 728 - 750 758 759 776 792 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department CITY CLERK Expense Item Director's Salary Salaries & Wages Longevity Overtime & Premium Pay Fee Personnel Auto Mileage Reimbursement Personnel Expense Microfilm Charges Office Supplies, Printing & Postage (including Xerox expense) Conference CML IIMC Jeffco. & Meeting Exp. 200 7C 0 Govt. 1; Other 200 Dues, Books 1; Subscriptions Election Expense Legal Notices Recording Fees Training 1; Safety City Clerk Seminar Professional/Consult. Ordinance Codification Costs Rentals & Leases ~elephone Expense pther Equip/Maint. ~rop. Tax Rebate Senior Citizens Dlvlslon Original Budget 1977 9,252 8,988 -0- 100 200 175 -0- 3,600 1,000 200 6,000 6,500 -0- 350 2,000 -0- 500 200 25,000 - - W.K.torm 3-B,Rev.l0-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 10,397 9,523 183 100 912 130 -0- 2,224 1,000 140 6,000 4,186 -0- 331 3,978 -0- 420 156 33,890 Page 15 T Account , n R Recom- mended 1978 Approved 1978 12,000 12,000 9,998 9,998 200 200 ISO 150 1,500 175 100 3,500 1,200 200 2,000 6,500 1,000 350 1,500 175 100 3,500 1,100 200 2,000 6,500 1,000 350 4,500 4,500 -0- -0- 500 500 200 200 30,000 30,000 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES L'und I Department I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 CITY CLERK 108 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 799 Misc. Servo E, Charges 400 535 100 100 802 Office Equipment -0- 747 900 900 Typewriter - IBM . TOTALS 64,465 74,852 75,073 74,973 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I , n, - - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 16 ... - - L - - - W.~.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 '" " >-~r~ l ::,.~>- . of. F ~ :; :;;~~~'., -,- ANNUAL BUDGET Pagcc 18 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund GENERAL 001 Posltlons Curl'. Dept. Budget Reqt. Department MUNH'IPA1, COliRT Cldssltlcatlon and Salary Range No. I Division IAccount I'I)IJRT ADMiNl ~,TP.ATI()N I J 09 Orlglnal Flnal Recom Budget Estimate mended Approve I 1~77 1977 1978 1978 Flnal Auth. 1 .25 .75 1 ("hie f (',-, urt C 1"1'K ( ~ " ) 1 li.,!.t! 8 10,1+ 2 fJ lI,068 ] 2 ,Or, 8 1 Ueputy C" urt Clerk: ( 18 ) '1,441+ 9,l+44 In, fi 52 10,657 I ,75 ('It'rk: Typist II (] 3) -0- 1,800 7 ,5:2 t+ 7 ,5:2 L~ 0 COllri- Admini c; L I'ator -0- -0- -0- -0- o 1 1 o 1 - - - - - - ~ . 2::' 2.75 ') .75 Totals $10,872 ~21,G7: S 3 n , 2 41+ (, i 0 , 2 4 4 l.,omments The MunicipaJ (":J1lrt requested a reclassificaH"n "f the Chief ('ourt Clerk position tn C"urt Administrat,'r at d hif,her CUJIL'1len"urate "alary, This upgl'alle has not JlceIl incJ lldc(j (jlj(O to lJudgetary restriction", CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.BudEet Form 3-24,Rev.l0-76 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES [Fund I Department Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 MUNICIPAL COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION 09 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 19,872 21,672 30,244 30,244 603 Longevity Pay -0- -0- 536 53C 610 Overtime (; Premium Pay 2,500 2,000 500 500 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 500 -0- -0- . 619 Fee Personnel 15,900 17,100 17,100 17,100 Presiding Judge 9,600 Asst. Judge 6,000 Bailiff 1,500 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 100 100 100 100 651 Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage 3,500 3,500 3,000 3,000 660 Oper. Supplies, Small Tools Minor Equipment 1,450 1,450 1,645 1,645 Traffic School: $25o/Yr lease for films Work Books 1,17o Ship Charges 25 Other 200 I I 702 Conf. (; Meeting Expense 300 300 300 300 706 Dues, Books, Subscriptions 100 100 100 100 728 Training (; Safety 250 -D- IDO loo 732 Jury Fees 2,000 2,000 1,000 1,000 750 Prof. Services 2,450 2,450 2,450 2,450 Court Steno 1,25o Driver Trng. 1,200 759 Telephone 624 625 700 70n 776 Other Equipment Maint. 235 215 300 300 799 Misc. Expense 200 200 200 200 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - --, ANNUAL BUDGET Page 19 - ... i ... - - - W.~.rorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 - - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , Fund I Department I Dlvlslon I Account I;ENERAL 001 MUNICIPAL COURT COURT ADMINISTRATION 109 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- I , Code Budget Estimate mended Approved I9H 1977 1978 1978 , , 802 Office Furniturf' S Equipment 2,22) L, ;'2) 700 770 Copier Cab, . 200 Storage Cab. 200 Court Seal 370 (electric) . Note: Office furniture re- quests have been deleted due to new City Hall f\lrrushinE', to be provided, TOTALS 52,737 :il+ ,437 59,045 59,01+5 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.J\.Yorm 3- ,Rev.l0-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Pr<gP 1 q r< - - .. - - - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 20 Ir SUMMARY Of OPERATING EXPENDITURES "'und I Department I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 MUNICIPAL COURT PROBATION no Object Expense Item Origina] I Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 800 800 800 800 651 Office Supplies, Printing &, 500 200 200 200 Postage 702 Conf. &, Meeting Expenses 1,000 1,400 700 700 706 Dues, Books, Subscriptions 100 100 100 100 759 Telephone 450 450 ;'25 225 776 Other Equipment Maintenance -0- -0- 50 50 Typewriter 779 Misc. Expenses 150 100 100 100 TOTALS 3,000 3,050 2,175 2,175 I , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - W.X.lorm 3-8,Rev.l0-76 - - - - L L - - ANNUAL BUDGET Page 21 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I Dlvlslon I Account I~": ~I " h' A 1. n n M!II~ II I-PAT (,nTTR'l' VmT'l'1-I 11 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 I 651 Office Supplies, Printing e; Postage 500 200 200 200 702 Conf. e; Meeting Expense 1,000 1,400 700 700 706 Dues, Books, Subscriptions 100 100 100 100 759 Telephone 450 450 225 225 776 Other Equipment Maintenance -0- -0- 50 50 Typewriter 799 Miscellaneous Expense 150 100 100 100 TOTALS 2,200 2,250 1,375 1,375 , , , I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r - - L ... ~ L - - W.K.torm 3-8,Rcv.lO-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page ;> ~ DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund De~artment I Division IACCOUTl+- .. GENERAL 001 ADMINISTRA IVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION 115 Posltlons Classlflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Fecom- - Curro Dept. Final and Budget Estimate menrleri Appro'!'. ' Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Director' of Administra- tive ;-;ervicee:; (49)E 1 q , '752 13,724 18,876 18,87[, 1 1 1 Personnel Technician (29)E 11 ,085 10,620 L',89b 12, (J 96 1 0 0 Purchasing Agent (35)E lL,b5~' 11,qO~, -0- -0- 1 1 1 Secretary III (I8 ) 8,5 L 7 8,J67 9,244 9,244 - 1 . 6 1 Switchboard Oper~tor/ , Receptionist ( 13) 7,:! I) 0 7,260 4,2% 8,25 fi 1 1 1 Secretary I (1:') 7,140 7,140 7, 77 ~ 7, 77 ~ .25 0 0 Messenger/Clerk 2, IJ [] II ::' ,000 -0- -0- - - - - - 6~25 4.6 5 Totals 68,616 f,J,U16 53,025 57,045 ~omments : It has been budgeted for only part of the year because this position will not be necessary until the cnmpleti'~n of the new City Bdll. Tl1e curr'ent position of Switchboard Operator will continue to perfurm switchboard, as well as Pur- chasing Clerk functions. Switchboard Operator/Receptionist. This position has been reassessed. It is recommended that the position of Director of Administratlve SeI'vices be reclassified from r~rade 48 tu 49 to reflect the increased responsibilities assigned to this pusition. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 r fund GENERAL 001 Object Code 601 602 610 619 - 640 651 - 660 - 702 I ~ L 706 724 - 726 728 - 750 - - 758 759 760 772 774 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 24 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department IADMINI~1'R A1'T\lF Dlvlslon rrF' ^ !A1'T"~T Expense Item Director's Salary Salaries (; Wages Overtime (; Premium Pay Fee Personnel Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage Oper. Supplies, Small Tools (; Minor Equip. Conference (; Mtg. IPMA CML CMMAA Expense 700 200 200 Dues, Books (; Subscriptions Pre-Employment Physicals Recruitment (; Advertising Training (; Safety Supervisory Training Personnel Seminars Prof. (; Consulting Fees Exam Materials Special Legal Fees Rental (; Leases Telephone Exp. Utili ties Vehicle Repair (; Operating [Expense Facility Repair (; Maint. Contract Original Budget 1977 19,752 48,864 500 350 50 7,500 350 1,000 350 700 900 1,300 7,400 3,400 2,000 1,000 1,400 2,800 _ n W:-Jelorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 13,724 47,292 500 350 246 5,378 258 907 366 756 1,108 979 3,114 3,166 1,981 987 558 2,160 I Account 115 Recom- mended 1978 18,876 34,149 600 350 200 6,000 250 1,200 375 800 1,100 1,500 1+ ,000 3,400 2,200 600 -0- 1,000 Approved 1978 18,876 38,169 600 350 200 6,000 250 1,100 375 800 1,100 1,500 4,000 3,400 2,200 600 -0- 1,000 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 25 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund Account GE 115 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 776 Other Equip. Maintenance 200 124 150 150 799 Misc. Service (; Charges 600 553 700 400 802 Office Equipment 810 756 150 150 - TUTALS 101,226 85,363 77 ,600 81,220 - - ~ - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -W:-F.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page? 7 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund GFNFRAT 001 Posltlons Curro Dept. Budget Reqt. A~ Department S'T'RATTVF SFRVTr'FC Classltlcatlon and Salary Range No. I Dlvision DTT':>'~I-lAC:TH,' IOrlgl.nal Budget 1977 Flnal Estimate 1977 IAccount I U6 Recom- mended Approv,'! 1978 1978 Flnal Auth. 1 1 1 Purchasing Agent (E)(35 S~e Adm See Adm. 13,054 13,054 Budget Budget 1 0 Purchasing Clerk (17) -0- -0- 8,304 -0- .5 . S Messenger/Mail Clerl<. See i\dm See Adm. 2,794 2,7 9 4 (Senior Citizen Aid) ( n 81ldgel Budget - - - - - - 1 2 . 5 1.5 Totals -0- _r]_ 24,152 15,848 ,-omments Purchilsins C'l<2rk. This funct.lon 1S presently performed on d I-,art-time basis by the Switchboard Operator. Due to the 1ncreased work load 1n Pllrchasing a full-time Purchasing Cler~ 1S necessary tn relieve the Purchasing Agent from many clerical type functions. This will allow the Purchasing Agent more time to pay attention to bid items, inventory control, purchasiIlg, safety (OSHA) and 1nsurance. Messenger/Mail Cler~: As the figuI'es show, this poo;i tion has had more demands placed on it than originally anticipated. This individllal will not only handle the mail, but ~s also acting as a messenger between the different offices, the computer center, etc. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Fund r:"1\I"RAT nn Object Code 602 610 619 640 - 651 660 - 702 - 706 728 - L 759 776 - 799 802 - - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department I Dlvlslon ADMT1\1TC:'1'RA'1'T\W c:"p\lTf'1"b PI1Pf'J..l ,C:T1\1(c Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Overtime & Premium Pay Fee Personnel Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, printing & Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equip.. Conf. & Mtg. Expense Dues, Books, (; Subscription Training & Safety Safety Committee Exp. 700 Other 300 Telephone Exp. Other Equip. Maint. Misc. Expense Office Equip. 1 Typewriter (replacement 800 TOTALS Original Budget 1977 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -W:-R.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . Final Estimate 1977 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Page 28 I Account 116 Recom- mended 1978 24,152 100 900 100 200 100 200 150 1,000 160 125 100 800 28,087 Approved 1978 15,848 100 900 100 200 100 200 150 1,000 160 125 100 800 19,783 .'+'; ';.', . ,. ;" ~~ ,-~ " ~~ CITY OFWHE~~ :JUDGE , : _. ~~~. ,,~ :)":~H~~' ~~~ ' :: -" t'Mdrom.,<DES eRI'PTI.OW ~_' .t~; ,';!"- ,~ - " - ,if:- " '- " ,"; ,- _1-: c> ',--,.<- ~ ..< ':/' -\ P~~~:2~ ., ~ 1.( :;':r~; ,.';' ~ !'~ ~ - .----. -. ... -_.. c - " - ---- ---~-,-_..__._---_.__.- DETAIL OF SALARIIS AND WAGES Fund I, Department I Division IAccount GENERAL 001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 120 POSltlonS ClassJflcatlon Orlg1nal FJ.nal Bccorn- Curl'. I Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate m<=ndej A]!pno'Jf Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1.0 1.0 1 Director of Community Development (49) 20,244 21,358 22,750 L2,7S0 o . 5 o . 5 .5 Secretary III (18 ) 4,500 If, 300 4,570 4 ,57 iJ , I 1. t Totals l.S 1.5 24,744 25,058 27, ,2'J :)7,-~ln R:mrim'~nt'~ ;.J(J change In staff. I ANNUAl PUDGFT Page 3 fJ - - - - - L u_ W.I,.budt',f.t r.ll'Ili CITY or WHEAT RIDGE I I I -' ; - ;'!I , F c 'J . 1 0 - 7 5 Fund (.: e' ~I e' f( AT, n n Object Code 601 602 603 619 640 651 - 660 - 702 - ~ 706 750 I - 759 - 760 - 772 774 - 776 799 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 31 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department l;UJVlJVlUNTTY DFVFLOPMENT Expense Item Director's Salary Salaries (; Wages Longevity Pay Fee Personnel Court Reporter Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, Printing, & Postage Operating Supplies, SmaIl Tools, Minor Equipment Conference & Meeting ASPO or AlP CML Misc. Exp. 700 250 150 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Professional Service Public Expense & Special Study Telephone Expense Utilities Vehicle Repair (; Operating Expense Facility Repair & Maint. Other Equip. Maint. Misc. Expense TOTALS DlVlslon ADMINISTRATION Original Budget 1977 20,244 4,500 -0- -0- 100 500 100 1,000 330 2,500 3,400 1,370 650 2,100 535 300 37,629 W.-l\.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 21,358 4,300 -0- -0- 100 500 100 1,000 330 12,100 3,400 1,370 600 2,100 500 300 48,058 I Account 120 Recom- mended 1978 22,750 4,570 80 -0- 100 500 100 1,200 350 5,000 3,400 600 -0- 900 500 300 40,350 Approved 1978 22,750 4,570 80 750 100 500 100 1,100 350 5,000 3,400 600 -0- 900 500 300 41,000 .~, C:I:'TY pro Wth:;AT;i:JE,IIlGE ,~ ' ,'~ ~,~ ~ ,. ". ,~~Q~RAtI ,J)usCRf:~:r:fPN - , " ",.,' Page 32 --:~- ;:c:;:1'" " :}it.?~~~;~\t;~~: ANNUAL BUDCr:T - ...-.-..--. ._. I ).=l ~p --3-J~-- --- DETAIL OF SALARlr:S AND WAGES FunJ Department I Division JACCOUlli GENERAL 001 COMMUNITY DEVFT.OPMFNT P ,A NNTWc " 7 n1\TT1\Ir: Ll POS1t1U!IS Classltlcat10n Orlglnal flnal Rl-:Jcom I Curro Dept. rlnal and Budget Estimate mended Apprn"''' Budget Rer:]t. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 lq7R 11)7 , 2 , Planner II (39) 29,060 30,612 32,381 1'J , -; 8 j ,- I (] (] Planning Coordinator(32 12,696 ':160 -0- -0- 1 1 1 Planner I ( 32) 12,084 12,684 13,440 1-, ,llllil 1 1 1 Planning Technician (24 9,784 10,314 ~O, 910 10, q I I) 1 1 1 Planning Draftsman (21) 9,087 8,200 9,324 9, , ) If 0.5 o . 5 .5 Secretary III (18 ) 4,608 4,310 4,570 1+ , c,7 Il o . 5 0 0 Clerk Typist II (13 ) 3,426 3,690 -0- -IJ- -0- 1 0 Community Development Coordinator (44) -0- -0- -0- -0- - - - - I 7.0 [".5 5 . 5 Totals 80,745 70,770 70,625 70,f1~S :omments A new position of Community Development Coordinator was requested (on a reclassification basis), but lS not recommended. Planning Coordinator position has been abolished. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund GENERAL DOl I Department I Dlvlslon COMMUNITY DEVELOPMFN1' PT,ANN I NI" i'. 7,ONTN(', Object Code 602 603 610 640 - 651 - 660 702 - - 706 , - - 714 i - 728 - 750 772 776 Expense Item Salaries & Wages Longevity Pay Overtime (; Premium Pay Auto Mileage 3500 miles @ .15/mile Office Supplies Operating Supplies Conference (; Mtg. Exp. In-state meeting for Plan- ning Commission & Staff Comm. Members 1,000 Staff 500 Books, Subscriptions 260 100 80 80 (; Subscriptions 140 Dues, AIP DS MH TL Books Legal Notice & Publishing 12 mos. @ $125/Mo. Training (; Safety 10 workshops @ $25 ea. Professional Service Consultant 1,300 Wright/McLaughlin = $300 retainer 5 cases @ $200=$1000 Vehicle Repairs (; Operating Exp. Other Equip. Maint Typewriter Repair 100 Typewriter Cont. 5J Misc. Equip. Repair 50 Original Budget 1977 80,745 -0- 2,000 700 5,150 450 600 250 1,800 300 1,300 750 340 W.K.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 70,770 292 1,830 460 . 5,995 925 1,600 280 1,200 200 1,600 600 250 Page 34 I Account 121 Recom- mended 1978 70,625 982 1,900 525 5,025 500 1,500 400 1,500 250 1,300 -0- 200 Approved 1978 I 70,625 982 1,900 525 5,025 500 1,500 400 1,500 250 1,300 -0- 200 ANNUAL BUDGET Page :3 5 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I D1V1S1On I Account GENF:RAT nn 1:IJlVlIVlilNTl'Y IJr:Vr:I,IJI PT.Al\Tl\TTI\T~ >. 7nl\TT1\W ?l Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 799 Miscellaneous Expense 600 625 600 100 TOTALS 94,985 86,627 85,307 84,807 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - - - ... I ... - - -- -W:-J\.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 .,;: ,-:'fl,!:;-} , -;b~TY6F ~Wt!tMt1Ji.~~i?f~~;.' ,''.:fr,:~, ~ . -","4 'ij,: .":~j_"~~i':~.: _~:';:/~~/<';"~'"j," '" :~it<!~~t1.~gq~ c::.~prlD~'. . ~ ';~)F'~i~~~;;;1:J.1,~l'~;;,~" .. .\s ,., .<Pqii~."36 , "". ,~ ~. ,< "'".'- S.~;:~,~:tt~~(t~~;fil; ~r - ----...---..-" .- .-- - " - ---- --------- ._-- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Division \ACCount GENERAL 001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT mn,nTN(; , r ()l\T 1 ?? POf;} tlOns ClaSSlflcat10n Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Final and Budget Estimate mended Approve' Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Chief Building Insp.(39 15,840 16,632 17,421 17,471 1 1 1 Building Insp. (26) 11,496 12,347 12,771 12,771 1 1 1 Clerk Typist III (18 ) 9,444 10,236 10,545 10,545 .5 .5 . 5 Elec. Insp. (26) 4,722 2,600 3,000 3,000 3.5 3.5 3.5 Totals 41,502 41,815 43~737 43,737 ~omments No change ln staff. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAl BUDCr::T Page :; 7 - - - - - W.R.Rud~et rorm 3-2If,Rev.10-76 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES ,'und I Department I Dlvlslon I Account , GENERAL 001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BUILDING INSPECTION 122 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- , Code Budget Estimate mended Approved I 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 41,502 41,815 43,737 43,737 603 Longevity Pay -0- -0- 950 Cl50 I I 610 Overtime 150 1,452 200 200 I 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 750 -0- -D- . 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 200 117 200 200 651 Office Supplies, Printing, (; Postage 1,700 1,500 1,500 1,500 660 Small Tools 360 360 400 400 702 Conf. (; Meeting Exp. 300 250 300 300 706 Dues, Books (; Subscriptions 200 300 305 300 714 Legal Notices 70 70 100 100 718 Ordinance Enforcement 2,750 2,750 2,750 2,750 Bldg. Demolition Fire Lane Signs 728 Training (; Safety 120 70 120 120 730 Uniforms (; Protective Clothing 60 40 60 60 750 Consulting Fees 200 315 500 500 Outside Inspection Fees 772 Vehicle Repairs 1,300 900 -0- -0- 776 Other Equip. Maint. 200 130 200 200 799 Misc. Service 150 100 150 150 TOTALS 49,262 50,169 51,472 51,467 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . -- ANNUAL BUDGET Page 38 - - ... - - - - -W:-X.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-7S .~ - CITY or; V/f:!t1if::r.i4\tDGJ; ~1 f;.~ _:~~' <~1., .L~~;:~:~~,~;~ o;~~~~~}~, ). \.PROGAAMiDE,ge~{!:t';l')J)N' .. ',~ ' -;' . r' " " '..>f,~l(t~-;:- :;rq'(~~ >R~,g~ :I ,__;"~ ':;' .:~.< 39, . . ., ANNUAL BUDGr:T r'age 40 -------. .._1 I DETAIL OF SALARIr:S AND WAGES Fund Department I Division IAccount GENERAL 001 COMMU\lI'T'Y D'F\1FT,()PM'FN'T' r()T)'F 'FNF()R TM":N' 1 ') ~ Pos1t1ons Classlt1catlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approvl" ' Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Enforcement Officer II 12,084 12,584 12,810 ]2,810 . 5 1 1 Enforcement Officer I 4,970 4,602 2,735 2,735 . 5 1 1 Clerk Typist II 3,500 3,690 7,788 7,788 - - - - - 2 3 3 Totals 20,654 20,976 23,333 23,33~ ~omments - The above budget provides for the addition of 1/2 time Code Enforce- ment Officer I ln order to implement a full code enforcement program throughout the City as indicated In the work program. Funds are needed to supplement CETA i funding for 1978. The City has been notified that CETA funding wil1 be extended I through September. I Also, the Clerk Typist II will be assigned full time to Code Enforcement, as opposed to half time at present, to handle the current work load. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rcv.lO-76 Fund GENERAL 00 Object Code 602 603 610 612 640 651 660 - - 702 - 706 \ ~ 714 718 ;.. - - 728 730 772 776 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 41 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department COMMUNI~Y DE\7E10PMENT Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Longevity Pay Overtime G Premium Pay Lump Sum Longevity Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, Printing G Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools (; Minor Equip. Film 540 Flashbulbs 210 Weed Posting 600 Misc. 50 Conference (; Mtg. Expense Misc. Local Meetings Dues, Books, (; SubscriptionE Legal Notice & Publishing Weed Notice Publishing Ordinance Enforcement Weed Mowing 1,000 Trash Removal 1,000 Clearing of Lena Gulch 1,000 Clearing of Clear Creek 1,000 Training (; Safety Unifor'ms Vehicle Repair (; Operating Expense Other Equipment (; Maint. Mobile Radio Repairs 200 Typewriter Repairs 200 DlVlslon cnnE FNFnRCEMEN~ Original Budget 1977 20,654 -0- 600 -0- 150 1,750 1,500 200 50 400 3,000 100 60 1,300 200 - W.E.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 22,589 -0- 371 360 . 149 1,290 1,024 117 29 290 3,000 -0- -0- 859 152 I Account 123 Recom- mended Approved 1978 1978 23,333 23,333 540 540 460 460 200 -0- -0- 200 1,084 1,400 200 50 1,084 1,400 200 50 4001 400 4,000 4,000 -0- -0- -0- 400 -0- -0- -0- 400 \ r- ~ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund II Department I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT CODE ENFI\RCMi:1\I'I' ' ?:i Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 799 Miscellaneous Expense 300 178 300 300 802 Office Equipment 650 380 300 -0- Desk (; Chair 809 Other Major Equip. 2,300 774 -0- -D- . TOTALS 33,214 31,202 32,667 32,3b7 I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . . ANNUAL BUDGET Page 42 - - > ~ - - ~ - - -W:-K.torm 3-B,Rev.10-76 - -~--._------- -_.-- ---. --.----- ------ - --------- , -- .----~-_.- - .. - , DETAIL or SALAf<IES AND WAGE:S f= I Division IAccount FunJ Department ,1~j:'1\T"RAl nill P()T.Tf''' ^ \ 'T'T ()1\! co no Pos~t1ons Classltlcatlon Orlg1nal r1nal Recom- Cuy'r. I Dept. Final! and Budget Estimate mended Approvr' Budget Rect. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Chief of Police ( 52) 21,792 23,792 24,322 24,322 1 1 1 Secretary III (18 ) 8,809 9,344 9,672 9,672 I , 2 2 Totals , 2 $30,601 $33,136 $33,994 $33,994 .. [Comments No change ln staff I \ I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE P N'~U^L BUDGI:T Page 44 - - - - - - W.l<.lOuc1[';et I'orm 3-211,KPv.lli-7r lFund GENERAl 00 Object Code 601 602 603 610 - 619 651 - 660 - 702 - - 706 L 750 759 - 760 - 772 774 - 776 799 802 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 44 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department POLICE Expense Item Chief of Police Salaries and Wages Longevity Pay Overtime & Premium Pay Fee Personnel Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools, Minor Equipment Conference IACP CCPA CCA CML (; Meeting Exp. 700 100 100 200 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Professional & Consulting Fees Blood Alcohol Tests Telephone Expense (entire dept.) Utilities Vehicle Repair & Operating Expense Facility Repair & Maint. Other Equipment Maint. Misc. Service (; Charges Office Equipment TOTALS Dlvlslon AiJlVl ~'TRATION Original Budget 1977 21,792 8,809 -0- 1,200 400 1,500 350 1,000 250 2,700 8,000 2,000 650 6,900 100 200 550 56,401 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.X.torm 3-8,R~~..lO-76 Final Estimate 1977 23,792 9,344 -0- 1,148 . 400 1,500 350 1,000 250 2,500 7,500 2,000 600 2,500 100 650 550 54,184 I Account 201 Recom- mended 1978 24,322 9,672 2,060 300 450 1,500 400 1,200 250 2,000 8,000 1,300 -0- 2,950 100 750 85 55,339 Approved 1978 24,322 9,672 2,060 300 450 1,500 400 1,100 250 1,000 8,000 1,300 -0- 2,950 100 100 85 53,589 '''".->'; h . CITY or WhBAT" R):cj)@E , - .~ t .{r~ PROGRAMDI?~RipTIO~ ,:) .~~.~- Page 46 '..." - , ~L. - 1. " i .~'..', t-. <. ,'r,. , -". '~;~"t~ f'" >-:~~ ANNUAL BUDGET Ic'age 47 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Dlvision IAccount GENERAL 001 Police Support Services 202 POSltlons Classltlcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flna1 and Budget Estimate mended Appro'Je j Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Police Lieutenant (46) 18,816 20,705 21,096 21,096 2 2 2 Police Sergeant (43) 34,968 33,968 38,576 38,576 5. 2 2 PoI ice Detective (38) 77,280 51,880 34,170 34,170 1 1 1 Lab Technician (38) 15,456 16,086 17,196 l7,196 - 0 6 6 Senior Police Officers ( 37) -0- 36,576 100,958 100,958 7 3 3 PoI ice Officer II (32) 95,087 88,000 44,468 44,468 - '} 1 1 Secretary II (15) 16,024 8,300 8,930 8,930 - - .. - - - 18 16 16 Totals 257,631 255,515 265,394 265,394 - ~orrunents 1 Police Officer II - 'fransferred to Patrol & Traffic in order to provide increased patrol services. 1 Secretary II - transferred to Patrol (; Traffic in order to provide secretarial help through a Secretary I position. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 48 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES und I Department Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 POLICE SUPPORT SERVICES ' [)2 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 257,631 255,515 265,394 265,394 603 Longevity Pay -0- 4,000 8,704 8,704 610 Overtime (; Premium Pay 20,000 18,830 14,850 14,850 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 2,370 -0- -D- . 614 Standby Pay -0- 1,000 1,020 1,020 618 Court Pay -0- 600 1,000 1,000 641 Uniform Allowance 4,000 4,211 4,620 4,620 , I 651 Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage 2,500 2,500 4,000 4,000 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 1,518 2,118 3,500 3,500 Targets & Ammo 1,840 Classroom Material 130 Film & Chemicals 1,530 702 Conf. & Mtg. Expense - 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 Theft, Robbery, Burglary, Check, Juv. , Int. , etc. 706 Dues, Books, & Subscriptiom 1,000 1,156 1,800 1,800 . Training 862 Inv. Assoc. 138 Purchase Code Books 800 728 Training (; Safety for entire dept. 15,000 15,000 15,000 10,000 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 630 300 5E 58 750 Professional Services, 500 293 50 C 500 Chemical, Ballistics, & Other Analysis I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ------ - - - ~ i , - - - - - -W:-X.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 "und GENERAL DOl Object Code 758 772 776 799 - - 802 804 - - L 805 - 809 - 832 - ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department POLICE Expense Item Rentals (; Leases Film Rental Storage of Long- Term Evidence Identi-Kit 650 780 270 I Dlvlslon SUPPORT SERVICES Original Budget 1977 -0- Vehicle Repairs & Operating Expense 19,201l Other Equipment Maintenance 650 Misc. Expense Evidence Funds Inv. Expense 2,250 1,680 Office Furn. & Equipment Engineering & Photo Equip. Multipurpose Camera 750 Color Processor 4,250 Strobes (2) 200 Split Back Camera 200 Lenses 170 Exposure Meter 126 Safe Light & Filter 140 Communications Equipment 2 Channel Monitor 200 1 Walkie-Talkie 975 Other Major Equipment Tools & Work Equipment 11 Plug-in red flashing lights 290 6 Unitrol Siren & Control 400 2 Shotguns 130 TOTALS 4,000 1,650 -0- -0- 9,655 -0- 338,916 W-: E. form 3-8 ,Rev .10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 -0- 13,155 400 2,846 1,317 -0- -0- 9,655 -0- 333,529 Page 49 I Account 202 Recom- mended Approved 1978 1978 1,700 -0- 1,000 3,000 -0- 5,836 1,17~ - 0- 1,22C 335,377 1,700 -0- 1,000 3,000 -0- 5,836 1,175 -0- 820 329,977 - -~------------_._---- - DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Dlvision TAccount GENERAL 001 Police Patrol ~ Traffic 203 Posltlons Classlflcation Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approvei Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Police Lieutenant (46) 18,816 19,380 20,684 20 ,684 3 3 3 PoI ice Sergeant (43) 52,052 54,026 56,001 56,001 3 3 3 Sr. PoI ice Officer (37) 45,076 46,428 46,886 46,886 24 2 5 ~'~ 25 Police Officer 1/11 295,171 304,026 336,937 336,937 (30,32) 0 1 ~'~ ~'~ 1 Secretary I (12 ) -0- -0- 7,230 7,230 I 31 33 33 411 ,515 423,860 467,738 467,738 Totals :omments _Transfer from Support Services Divn. (not a new position) ~'~ ! ~'~~'; Transfer from Support Services Division (not a new hire) i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUl\L BUDGET Page 51 - - - ... - - W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Page ~2 [Fund I Department rDlVlSlon I Account GENERAL DOl POLICE PATROL & TRAFFIC 203 : Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 19711 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 411,515 445,685 467,738 467,738 603 Longevity Pay , -0- -0- 5,859 5,859 610 Overtime & Premo Pay 25,000 20,241 17,300 17,300 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 2,351 -0- -D- o 618 Court Pay 10,700 11,248 10,500 10,500 - 641 Uniform Allowance 6,200 4,286 9,500 9,500 Cleaning (12 0 / man) - Clothing (175/ man) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & - Postage 2,800 2,530 4,500 4,500 Postage 2,500 , Patrol Manual 2,000 L 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools, Minor Equipment 1,600 1,600 2,200 2,200 Flares 1,200 - 1st Aid Supplies 550 BA Kits 350 Blankets 100 ~ 702 Conference & Mtg. Exp. 100 100 200 200 706 Dues, Books (; Subscriptions 100 100 300 300 \ L- 728 Training & Safety -0- -0- -0- 2,000 Mental Health 2,000 730 Uniforms (; Protective - Clothing 2,108 3,466 1,43C 1,430 (replaces 5 officers' to attrition) 772 Vehicle Maint. & Repair 25,000 39,552 -0 -0- 02 vehicles) 30,000 mile/vehicle @ 12<:/mile 776 Other Equip. Maint. 1,200 1,200 1,50 2,190 Radios (13 ) Portables (old) ( 5 ) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE w.X.l'orm 3- ,Rev.10-76 - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I D1V1S1O'l I Account GEl\1FRAT 001 POLICE PATROL & TRAFFIC 203 Object Expense Item Original final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 799 Misc. Expense 100 175 200 200 802 Office Efuipment -0- -0- 980 980 IBM Se ectri~ II Type- writer 800 Elec. Calculator w/Tape printer 180 804 Photo EquipITent -D- . -0- 350 350 1 camera (; ITetal carrymg case 805 Cormnunicat ions Equip. -0- -0- 9,lt62 9,lt62 2 Secode Remote-Control Monitor (including installation) 650 I 8 replacement Portable radios 7,840 18 Nickel-Cadmiurn Batteries 972 809 Other Major EquipITent 5,100 3,213 8,612 6,812 For Additional Nova: 1 Electrc Lock Shotgun Mount 40 1 Shotgun 150 1 Cage with Roll Bar 350 1 Overhead Light w/Siren 350 1 Unitrcl 372 2 sets alley lights with Bracelets 100 1 Breathalyzer 3,000 1 Speedgun ReplaceITent 2,lt50 TOTALS $478,715 $535,747 $540,631 $541,521 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , , ANNUAL BUDGET Page 53 - - - - - i. W.~.lorm 3-B,Rev.10-76 'G'IT<Yot :WHE,ki'>RtflGE';':<-"~< .- -'''. ~ .~ :<'~\ <- - ,. > -. ~~.; > ,::'k . . ";;'*'Y\~i~~; ,!;- <. "';.",l;',~OGMM::'ti~s:qltjj~;t.10N 'f!;''; ~ ;"'N;<;,i'1 .< '~r~i~~t~;~~~::1}.(){:,t " ".! ~,~~~~iif MV,; ANNUAL BUDGET Page 55 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Dlvision IAccount ';r::NERAL 001 Police Technical Services 204 Posltlons C1asslflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approve I Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Ran2:e No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Coordinator of Technical Services (38) 14,016 14,069 l4,069 , 0 1 1 *Senior Dispatcher (25) -0- 9,966 9,966 5 7 7 **Dispatchers (23) 63,761 74,443 74,443 6 6 6 Records Clerks (13) 37,807 48,350 48,350 - - - - .. .. - 13 15 15 Totals 115,084 146,828 146,828 - c..ommenTs "'This position is a new position and will be a line position with adminministrative duties as assigned. ;d'This includes the addition of two dispatchers to give a total of eight working dispatcher positions. Two additional dispatcher positions. No additional records clerk positions CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE _ W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Pev.10-76 ~'und GENERAL 001 Object Code 602 603 610 640 - 651 - 660 - 702 - 706 - 730 , - 750 758 , I .. 776 799 - 800 802 805 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department POLICE Expense Item Salaries and Wages Longevity Overtime (; Premium Pay Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Savin Copier State Forms Operating Supplies, Small Tools, Minor Equipment Conference (; Meeting Exp. APCO CLEER CCIC Advisory Board Dues, Books (; Subscriptions Uniforms Professional & Consult.Fees Rentals & Leases CCIC/NCIC Terminal for use in Uniform Crime Re- port System Other Equipment Maint. Misc. Expense Total Capital Outlay Office Equipment 1 Tape Recorder 1 IBM Typewriter (replacement) 1 Calculator 75 650 100 Communications Equipment" 60 Dictaphone 4000 Tapes 1 (2) Channel Monitor I Dlvlslon TECHNICAL SERVICES Original Budget 19711 115,084 -0- 1,500 150 1,500 250 250 600 500 2,800 1,200 250 -0- 850 -0- I/.K.Yorm 3- ,Rev.10-7b CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 Page Sf) I Account 204 Recom- mended 1978 Approved 1978 115,084 146,828 146,828 -0- 979 150 . 1,605 50 250 250 600 293 3,300 1,500 250 1,650 -0- -0- 2,201 1,500 500 2,500 50 300 200 1,200 3,300 1,00C 25C 2,60 ( 50 250 -0 82~ 2,201 1,500 200 2,500 50 300 200 1,200 250 3,300 1,000 250 -0- 825 2,600 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 57 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES [Fund I Depa.rtment D1V1Slon I Account GENERAL 001 POLICE TECHNICAL SERVICES 204 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 809 Other Major Equipment 800 800 -0- -D- Base Station Headset for Dispatchers . TOTALS 125,784 $125,961 $163,504 $163,204 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -- . - - - I .. L I L ~ - - - -W:-~.Iorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Page 58 DEFT: Budl:':et 1istorv POLICE DIVN: ANIMAL CONTROL 1976 1977 1977 1978 Original Original Revised Proposed Budget Budget Budget Budget 35,751 37,830 32 ,772 39,397 Statement of Purpose - Responsible for response to citizen request for serv1ces enforcement of animal control related ordinances, suppression, detection and community assistance. ~ Statement of Objectives - We will increase service to the public by 18%. This will occur as a result of addi tiional man hours of patrol per week to an average of 94 hours per week. There will be an increase in summonses for violations of animal ordinances and animals impounded as well as other related activities. - - Indicators of Performance - i Description of Work 1976 1977 1978 Work Unlt Work I Unit Work Unlt Unit Cost Unit Cost Unit Cost Animals Impounded 644 700 850 Dead animals picked up III 336 385 SUIffi'Dns issued 224 252 756 Warning notices issued 193 740 750 Animals Euthanized 216 284 326 Animals released 408 396 550 Animals Dlspolals 664 612 715 ... - R TOTALS R 2,460 3,320 4,332 - - esources eqUlre Or~g~na1 Orlglna1 Estlmate Proposed Approved 1976 1977 1977 1978 1978 Personal Services 20,266 25,530 22,500 27,100 26,501 Operating Expenses 15,475 12,150 10,122 10,950 11,040 Capital Outlays -0- 150 150 -0- -0- Total Cost 35,741 37,830 32,772 38,050 37,541 Emnlnvr>pc (,1' ) 2 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 ~., of d ---- ANNUilL BUDGET -. Page 59 -_.._.~- -----~_._----~_._~_._-- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund Department Division GENERAL 001 POLIC POsl.tlons Classl lcatlon lnal Recom- Cllrr. Dept. Flnal and Estimate mended Approve' Bud et Re t. Auth. Salary Ran e No. 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Animal Control Officer II (25) 9,684 9,684 10,484 10,484 1 1 1 Animal Control Officer 9,866 I (21) 8,846 8,846 9,866 . 5 .5 .5 Animal Control Officer 4,634 I (part time) 4,500 2,250'" 4,634 - - - - i .. - 2. :, 2.5 2.5 Totals 23,030 $20,780 24,984 $24,984 - omments No change In staff. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Buc1[';et form 3-2ll,Fev.10-7b ANNUAL BUDGET Page 60 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department Dl.V1SlOn I Account GENERAL 001 POLICE ANTMAT r., NTROT, ' ns : Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- : Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 19711 1977 1978 1978 I 602 Salaries and Wages 23,030 19,322 24,984 24,984 603 Longevity Pay . -0- -0- 117 117 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 2,500 740 800 800 618 Court Pay -0- 410 l,199 600 . - 651 Office Supplies 500 500 400 400 660 Operating Supplies 800 800 1,000 1,000 - 702 Conf. & Mtg. Exp. 100 100 100 100 706 Dues, Books, (; Subscriptions 50 50 50 50 - 720 Pound Fees/Assoc. Exp. 8,250 8,250 8,250 8,250 L City Share of Oper. Exp. 730 Uniforms 400 400 750 750 (replacements) 750 Professional Fees 200 200 250 250 i ~ 772 Vehicle Repairs (; Oper. Exp. 1,700 1,700 -0- -0- 776 Other Equipment Maint. -0- -0- -0- 90 : - 799 Miscellaneous 150 150 150 150 I L 809 Other Major Equipment 150 150 -0- -0- - TOTALS 37,830 32,772 38,050 37,541 - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.K.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 - u --- , I DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES i Fund Department I Dlvision IAccount GENERAL 001 Public Works Administration 301 Posltlons Classltlcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 - 1 1 1 Director of Public Works (52) 21,792 23,379 24,154 24,154 1 1 1 Secretary III (18) 9,684 9,912 10,998 10,998 1 1 1 Administrative Officer (29) 10,949 -0- 10,998 10,998 I i , I i , , ! i I I , 3 3 3 Totals 42,425 33,291 46,150 46,150 I ,-omments No change In staff I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAl BUDGET Page 6 2 - - - - - - W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.l0-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 63 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES lFund I Department Dlvlslon I ACc~n~nt I<AT. 00 PlHU.Tf' j,lnRl<<: AnM[~[[" 'RA'['[[IN Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 601 Director's Salary 21,792 23,379 24,154 24,154 602 Salaries & Wages 20,633 9,912 21,996 21,996 603 Longevity Pay -0- 189 311 311 610 Overtime (; Premium Pay 200 178 200 200 . 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 195 -0- -0- 619 Fee Personnel -0- -0- 600 600 - 640 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 200 -0- 200 200 651 Office Supplies 1,300 1,300 1,400 1,400 - i 660 Operating Supplies 200 200 200 200 - 702 Conference & Meeting Exp. 1,000 900 1,200 1,100 APWA 700 CML 200 [ Other 200 ~ 706 Dues, Books, Subscriptions 200 200 250 250 - 728 Training & Safety 100 50 100 100 759 Telephone Expenses 4,000 3,800 3,000 3,000 - 760 Utilities 4,500 4,400 4,600 4,600 772 Vehicle Repairs & Operating - Expense 850 1,400 -0- -0- 774 Facilities Repair & Maint. 3,000 1,550 1,700 1,700 - 776 Other Equipment Maint. 300 250 300 300 Radio 799 Miscel1aneous 100 80 100 100 TOTALS 58,375 47,983 60,311 60,211 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -vr.K.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 - -----_.~- ~~ ~-- ._._--~----_. ! ~ D 0 - nITAIL or SALAIUIS AND WAGES ( Fund Department I D"-vision IAccount DOl Public Works Engineering 302 Posltlons ClasSlflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- - Curro ' Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approv,' Budp;et Reqt. Auth. Salary Ranp;e No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 City Engineer (49) 17,995 16,795 18,840 18,840 2 2 2 Engr. Technician ( 30) 21,888 19,944 22,548 22,548 1 1 1 Engr. Draftsman (27) 11,220 11,784 12,492 12,492 1 1 1 Inspector - Pub. Works (28) 11,790 12,253 12,684 12,684 1 1 1 Engr. Aide (21 ) 9,411 8,640 9,212 9,212 1 1 1 Clerk Typist III (18 ) 9,444 9,769 9,720 9,720 ---- , . , 7 7 7 Totals 81,748 70,185 85,496 85,496 :::omments staff. No change ln : I CITY OF WHEAT lUDe::: j ANNU\] 'tIDeIT Page 6 5 - - - - - vJ.l\.Budl'll ]'ll"fi ,-')11 1,.." In_7.. und GENERAL 001 Object Code 602 610 612 619 - 651 660 - 702 - 706 , L. 714 728 L 750 L L 772 - 776 778 - 799 802 843 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department PUBLIC WORKS Expense Item Salaries & Wages Overtime (; Premium Pa~ Lump Sum Longevity Fee Personnel Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies Conference & Meeting Exp. Dues, Books (; Subscriptions Legal Notices - Publishing Training & Safety Professional & Consult. Fees *Right of Way Location Study 25,000 Other 8,000 Preliminary Engineering for W. 44th Ave. Street Improvement 50,000 City Share, Recordation Project 5,000 Vehicle Repair (; Oper. Exp. Other Equip. Maint. Traffic Signal Maint. Misc. Services (; Exp. Office Equip. Map Files Street Lighting Exp. TOTALS ID~vlSlon ENGINEERING Original Budget 19711 81,748 1,500 -0- -0- 2,200 3,500 250 150 300 200 5,000 2,500 325 50,000 100 600 82,500 230,873 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.K.torm j- ,Kev.l0 76 Final Estimate 1977 70,185 700 250 -0- . 2,200 2,000 50 125 300 50 5,000 2,000 325 45,000 80 200 74,964 Page 66 I Account 302 Recom- mended 1978 85,496 1,000 300 300 2,500 2,500 100 150 300 200 43,000 -0- 400 47,500 100 300 79,000 Approved 1978 85,496 1,000 300 300 2,500 2,500 100 150 300 200 88,000 -0- 400 47,500 100 300 79,000 203,429 263,146 308,146 "':-, .'. -<~ - - CITY or WHEAT .RtDGE- _ - ~-~ -' '~/t~,;~~. P:RP(;RAM.I)~S CRfp:t~~i-t< Pa.:e 67 <..1; . d~ -'1;- .'i'-',' ,:~;" - - L .;", '"I' '~-f'~ -----..--- -- - ---_._---_._--~----~ J )c .J --.J__ - --_.__._- -----------,. - DETAIL or SALARIES AND WAGES , Fund I Department I Dlvision IAccounc GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS STREETS 303 Posltlons Classlflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro ' Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Appro\" Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Ranp;e No. 1977 1977 1978 197P 1 1 1 Street Foreman (34 ) 14,016 14,716 15,504 15,504 2 2 2 Hvy Equip. Oper. ( 29) 24,768 25,387 24,666 24,666 2 2 2 Lt Equip. Oper. (24) 19,602 16,192 21,391 21,391 . , 5 5 5 Totals 58,386 56,295 61,561 61,561 :omments No change In staff , , I '. CITY or iollIIA T RIDGE - - - - - - - ANNUAl J"Jl)('J"T' P~ W.R.Budi",L l'll'Yn ',_'II.l,',,,' In-'Ir, Ifund '\ T n n Object Code 602 603 610 612 614 619 640 .. 651 .. 660 - - 702 706 .. 728 .. 730 758 - 772 776 799 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Department P1TPT Tf' 1.1I1R1(Q Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Longevity Overtime g Premium Lump Sum Longevity Standby Pay Dlvlslon Q'1'DL'L''T' M Original Budget 1977 58,386 -0- 6,000 -0- -0- Fee Personnel 75,000 Labor Pool (; Intermittent Help Auto Mileage Reimbursement Office Supplies, Printing g Postage Operating Supplies Asphalt Salt g Sand Weed Control Drainage Pipe Road Base 32,000 9,000 1,000 7,000 3,000 Conf. g Mtg. Exp. Dues, Books & Subscriptions Training (; Safety Uniforms g Protective Clothing Rentals g Leases 100 650 73,000 150 50 500 1,300 500 Vehicle Repair (; Oper. Exp. 70,000 Other Equip. Maint. 3,750 Radios Misc. Expenses 200 TOTALS 289,586 W.K.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE \1T0L' Final Estimate 1977 56,295 -0- 6,000 1,545 . 2,000 75,000 100 650 50,000 150 100 500 1,300 500 65,000 3,750 400 263,290 Page 69 Account nn Recom- mended Approved 1978 1978 61,561 61,561 835 835 10,000 10,000 -0- -0- 2,000 75,000 75,000 2,000 52 , 000 1,430 3,750 100 650 150 100 500 500 -0- 50C 100 650 52,000 150 100 500 1,430 500 -0- 1,250 500 209,07E 206,576 " Cli).',-Y',Of WHEAT Rnj~t -, 2- ,PRG'GAAl-r-UES CRIPTION ,~ '. Page 70 ',i - ~ ~ - - -- DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES , Fund 001 I Department I Dlvision IACCOUll1. General Public Works Traffic 304 Poslt1ons ClassiTlca-clon Orlglnal rlnal Recom- Curro Dept. F1nal and Budget Estimate mended Appro\',~ Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Traffic Tech II (29) 12,384 13,404 13,764 13,764 1 1 1 Traffic Tech I (24) 9,216 4,608 9,720 9 ,720 - . , 2 2 2 Totals $21,600 18,012 $23,484 23,484 ~omments No change ill personnel from 1977 budget , I ! '. \ CITY 0F WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET Page 1.l..- - - - - - - W.R. Budpl't !'c))'Tn ,_.)l~ \-'"" 1 n_lr, - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES .-1 !Fund I Department I D~vlslon I Account GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC MAINTENANC ~ 14 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 19717 1977 1978 1978 , 602 Salaries & Wages 21,600 18,012 23,484 23,484 603 Longevity . -0- -0- 413 413 610 Overtime & Premium 1,000 1,300 1,800 1,800 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 413 -0- -0- * 614 Standy -0- 840 1,000 1,000 651 Office Supplies & Postage 100 100 100 100 660 Operating Supplies 35,000 20,000 25,000 35,000 Traffic Paint Traffic Signs (except pathway signs) 728 Training (; Safety 100 100 100 100 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 350 350 400 400 758 Rentals & Leases 300 300 300 300 772 Vehicle Repairs & Oper. Exp. 1,800 1,800 -0- -0- 776 Other Equipment Maint. 500 500 500 500 Street Striping Equip. 799 Miscellaneous 100 300 300 300 TOTALS 60,850 44,015 53,397 63,397 i " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.K.rorm j- ,Kev.10-/6 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 72 - - ~ i - - - - ANNlML BUDGU Page 74 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES runu 001 I Department I D1vision I ACCOU1H I:;ENERAL. Public Works ShoDs 305 POs-ltlons Classlflcatlon Orlglna1 Flna1 Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approve Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Ranp:e No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Shop foreman (34) 14,016 14,481 15,613 15,613 2 3 3 Auto (; Equiprrent II (31) 25,672 27,213 42,610 42,610 1 0 0 Auto (; Equiprrent Mechanic I (21) 11,578 12,273 -0- -D- .5 1 . 5 Auto ~ Equiprrent Serviceman (19) 3,375 4,088 9,096 4,088 n .S Clerk Typist II (13) -0- -0- 3,708 -0- - - - - 4.5 5.5 4.5 Totals $54,641 $58,055 $71,027 62,311 C::omments 2) It is requested that the part-time auto and equipment serviceman be extended to a full tirre position; this is necessary to rreet the routine maintenance schedules. A 1/2 time clerk/typist II is requested to provide needed clerical services at the shops when other personnel lIDve to the new Ci ~y Hall. .' . Auto Mechanic I should be upgraded to Auto Mechanlc II due to h1S abll1 ty to function without supervision which justifies the upgrade. - 1) - 3) CITY or WHI:AT RIDer: W R _ H!J(\;T(' t l'l1l'rn ~_ III !.:.", 1 n_ Ir, - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Itund I Department Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 PUBLIC WORKS SHOPS 305 , Object Original , Expense Item Final Recom- i Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 19711 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries & Wages 54,641 58,964 71,027 62,311 603 Longevity . -0- -0- 1,462 1,462 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 250 350 500 500 612 Lump Sum Longevity -0- 600 -0- -D- o 651 Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage 350 350 350 350 660 Operating Supplies (auto 5,500 5,500 2,100 130,000 parts I; supplies, gas, oil, (; lubricants) 730 Uniforms (; Protective Cloth 500 500 500 500 776 Other Equipment Maint. -0- -0- 3,000 500 TOTALS 61,241 66,254 78,939 195,623 , , I , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ,. LJ L.,.."'......Tn ../._ h'o:::>....' 1 n-7C ANNUAL BUDGET Page 75 - - - - - - - ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund GENERAL 001 Object Code 602 640 651 702 706 759 772 776 799 802 808 809 - - - I Department PUBLIC WORKS Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Auto Mileage Reimburs~ment Office Supplies, Printing (; Postage Conference (; Meeting Exp. Dues, Books (; Subscriptions Telephone Expense Vehicle Repairs ~ Operating Expense Other Equipment Maint. Miscellaneous Expense Office Equipment Vehicular Equipment Other Major Equipment TOTALS DJ.V1Slon CIVIL DISASTER Original Budget 19711 3,000 100 500 2110 150 300 150 500 4,000 1,000 IG,OOO iN.K.t'orm3- ,Rev.10 76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 50 50 -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- -0- Page 76 I Account 306 Recom- mended 1978 3,000 100 14 500 4,00 C 1,0 DC 14 9,70 Approved 1978 3,000 100 500 500 200 200 50 50 150 150 -0- -0- 15C 150 5l 50 500 4,000 1,000 9,700 .CITY or WHeAl'Rlt:>Gf; ." ~ . 4. ;;1{ .~ ,. ,PROG,RAM DE:SCRIP'rION P?ge 77 .~~< :~ .------~-~ - .- .- .. .. . -------------- -- ~ " ~ - -- ----~~-~------- ~ --_._~--- .. DETAIL OF SALARII:S AND WAGES Fund Department I Division IAccount General 001 Parks (; Recreation -Administrative 601 POSltlonS Classltlcatlon Orlglnal F1nal I Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Director of Parks and Recreation (49) 17,740 18,782 19,707 19,707 1 1 1 Secretary III (18) 8,352 8,590 9,072 9,072 I ! - I I I I 2 2 2 Totals $26,092 $27,372 $28,779 28,779 r20mments No change In staff. , I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - - - - - W.R.Bud[';ct I'orm 3-24,Rev.10-76 ANNUAl BULXTT Page 78 "'und GENERAL 001 Object Code 601 602 603 610 619 640 651 660 702 - , L 706 714 - 728 750 - 758 759 - 772 - 776 799 802 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department PARKS g RECREATION I Dlvlslon ADMINISTRATIVE Expense Item Director of Parks g Rec. Salaries and Wages Longevity Pay Overtime Fee Personnel Automobile Mileage Reimb. Office Supplies, printing (; Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools, (; Minor Equip. Conference (; Mtg. NRPA Conf. CPRS Conf. CML Other Exp. 700 100 200 100 Dues, Books g Subscriptions Legal Notices - Publishing Training and Safety Professional (; Consult. Fee Rentals (; Leases Telephone Expense Vehicle Repairs (; Operating Expense (1 car) Other Equip. Maintenance Misc. Expense Annual Commission Dinner Office Equipment Calculator Original Budget 197'1 17,740 8,352 -0- 700 380 1,400 300 1,000 150 500 250 2,500 150 2,800 650 200 350 200 TOTALS 37,672 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.K.torm j ,Rev.10 76 Final Estimate 1977 18,782 8,590 -0- 700 380 50 1,300 200 1,000 114 100 325 2,550 100 2,500 650 100 350 199 37,990 Page 79 I Account 601 Recom- mended 1978 19,707 9,072 591 475 50 1,300 200 1,2 DC 125 100 400 3,00 C IDe 2,50 e -0- 10 35 ( lOt 39,75 380 50 Approved 1978 19,707 9,072 591 475 380 50 1,300 200 1,100 125 100 100 3,00P I 100 2,500 -0- 100 -0- -0- 38,900 ANNUAL BUDGET PC12:P 81 DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund General 001 Posltlons Curro Dept. Budget Reqt. I Department Parks (; Recreation Classltlcatlon and Salary Range No. I D1.V1Sion Recreation Orlglna1 Flnal Budget Estimate 1977 1977 IAccount I 602 Recom- mended Approve~ 1978 1978 Flnal Auth. - 1 1 1 Recreation Supervisor (26) 11,128 11,128 12,038 12,038 , 1 1 1 Recreation Leader II (21) 9,333 9,333 9,866 9,866 , 1 1 1 Recreation Leader I (18) 7,851 7,851 8,845 8,845 , Lifeguards - P.T. : 4.5 8 8 (Program Leaders-P.T.) 32,028 32,028 56,551 56,551 i ITE ITE (Program Instructors-P.T.) (Rec. Specialist P.T.) (Rec. Aides-P.T.) , (Seasonal ) (All one Budget Item) i NOTE: 3 ITE were added as a result of the acquisition of the municipal swimming pcol complex - I - , - - - - 7.5 11 11 Totals 60,340 60,340 87,300 87,300 - ,-omments The proposed budget includes approximately $18,500 for additional staffing necessary for the effective operation of the swimming p=l. This includes both life- guards and instructors. Additionally, a .5 is needed for the Anderson Building when it has been fully converted to recreation uses. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Fev.10-76 ""}.4~i"t~"V~'lw LJUUUL,.! '" ........J.-........ SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I D1V1Slon I Account C::'FNFRAT no PARKS 6, RECREATTON \'l'T()l\f 602 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 60,340 60,340 87,300 87,300 603 Longevity -0- -0- 250 250 610 Overtime (; Premium Pay 600 400 450 450 619 Fee Personnel . - Basketball 1,007 Softball 5,158 Skiing 14,000 L Square Dance 240 Buses-Playgrounds 600 Hunter Safety 700 , Soccer 1,880 L Roller Skating 150 Ladies Day Out 1,600 25,500 20,000 25,335 25,335 I L.. L NOTE: Above COSTS are offset by fees charged TO partici- pants l 640 Auto Mileage Reimb . 600 500 500 500 651 Office Supplies L Printing (; Postage (Incl. recreation bul . ) 6,250 6,250 8,155 8,155 660 Operating Supplies - Volleyball 350 Basketball 400 Tennis 1,875 L Softball 1,500 Soccer 1,850 Arts (; Crafts 1,000 Playgrounds 750 Swimming pool 1,500 All others 11,500 11,500 10,525 10,525 702 Conference and Meetings Expense CPRS 125 Miscellaneous 75 120 120 200 200 706 Dues, B=ks, Sub. 125 125 250 250 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ..-- W.K.torm 3-8,Rev.l0-76 i - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Departmen+ D1V1Sl0n I Account GENERAL 001 PARKS 6. RECREATION RECREA'T'I,)N 602 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 728 Training (; Safety 400 400 640 640 730 Unifonns 450 450 640 640 758 Rentals (; Leases 860 860 1,380 1,380 760 Utilities 2,500 2,500 6,250 6,250 . 772 Vehicle Rep. SOper. Expense 1 Van 1 Auto 650 650 -0- -0- 774 Facility Repair and Maint. 4,500 4,500 4,195 4,195 776 Other Equip. Maintenance 200 200 200 200 , 799 Miscellaneous Expense 250 100 100 100 802 Office Equipment 400 400 -0- -0- 809 Other Major Equipment 3,780 3,780 1,500 -0- TOTALS 119,025 113,075 147,870 146,370 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE f\f\If\1Uf\L bUlJl>l.l ~ ~~b-~ UJ - - I ... L L L L - -W.~rm 3-8,Rev.10-76 -;,,' , ~ " {i, ,";'", ." , 'C'_ !.'t/i-',' ~ ~ .!....i'~~.:. ' 'CITY b rW,t!iRtr(ir ,t:~~' _ _.~ ' . '-;. : <l1 , ,;;..~_' M ~_ :';_'~, _. _ .", .7".'] PROGRAM 'ThE,SCRI.PTlbN: ",;,-, . - :. ~-,.. -l~ > :" - ,l 'Fag~ ,84 .~:i,,,,,;,j;;#:~~~"'"4"'~~"'~~';~~#f,,,f{~~~1)\}~f~~'~~i~~~;*~t ~>J>J'--'_"'--"_ 1. ,.;o'-"r"....~ DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES - Fund Department I Division IAccount Generdl 001 Parks (; RecI'C'ation Park 11aintenance 603 P'Jsltlons Classlf1cat1on Orlglnal r1nal Recom- Curro Dept. Final and Budget Estimate mended Appro'!, BudF,et Reot. Auth. Sale.ry Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Park Foreman (32) 13,332 14,214 14,869 14,869 0 2 2 Park Maintenanceman II (24) -0- -0- 18,864 18,864 4 4 4 Park Maintenanceman I (19) 36,573 34,965 40,254 40,254 .3 .3 . 3 Part Time Park Pride Helper 2,550 3,136 4,192 4,192 5/29 - 9/15 3 2 2 Park Caretaker Helper ITE 4 positions Helper II 4/1 - 9/30 7,375 7,373 11,440 11,440 5/29 - 9/1 16,270 16,270 23,740 23,740 .2 0 0 Junior Park Ranger Leader 1,680 1,820 -0- -D- .5 0 0 Junior Park Ranger 3,600 3,600 -0- -0- 8.3 9.3 9.3 Totals 81,380 81,380 113,359 113,359 Junior Park Ranger leader and Jr. Park Ranger positions are transferred to Park Rcllger Division. - ~ ... - L Comments Two additional full-time positions recommended at the Park Maintenance II level due to opening of additional parks and additional maintenance work. I' , I i l I, -' I I I I I -i W.P..Bucle,et I' CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE form 3-24,Rev.10-7G - - - - I - - - ANNUAL BUDGET PaJ$:e 86 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Itund I Department I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 PARKS (; RECREAl'TON PARK MATH'1'1"1\TA1\Ti'1" 603 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries (; Wages 81,380 81,380 113,359 113,359 603 Longevity -0- 590 -0- -0- 610 Overtirre 2,000 2,600 2,600 2,600 612 Lump Sum Long. -0- 796 -0- -D- . 619 Fee Personnel -0- -0- 450 450 640 Auto Mileage 50 50 50 50 651 Office Supplies 200 200 250 250 Printing (; Postage 660 Operating Supplies 24,150 24,150 30,482 30,482 Fertilizer, Chemical 4,000 Steriland, 15 gal. 150 Calcity, 3 ton 270 Topsoil, 100 yds. 800 Dry Mix Ccncrete 400 Railrcad Ties 500 Splitrail Fence 2,000 Light Bulbs for Ballfield 1,300 Rest Room Supplies 1,500 Srnall Tools 1,000 Locks 200 Ready Mix Concrete 1,000 Fence Replacement 300 Plant Material 5,800 Paint 500 Miscellru~eous Sup. 4,780 Swimming Pool 32 Tanks 150# Chlorine l~as 1,440 12 100# cans Gran- ular Chlorine 1,080 15 bags soda ash briquets 1,950 Cleaning Supplies 500 Filters (; Supplies 500 8 OTO (; Phenol Red 32 6 Sodium Triphos- phate 180 10 gal. Algdde 300 702 Ccnf. f, Mtgs.-Turfgrass 60 150 150 185 185 706 BoSkR~~~n~d Sub. 125 120 120 120 120 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - -vr. 1\. torm 3-8, Rev .10-76 Fund GENERAT 00 Object Code 728 730 758 - 760 - 772 - , - 774 L i I - - 776 - 799 802 809 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department PARKS (; RECREATTON Expense Item Training (; Safety Landscape Workshop Nat. Ins. on Parks 49 Maint. 100 Uniforms 7 sets $156 each 110 T-shirts $3 each Jackets for new personnel 100 Rentals (; Leases Trencher, sod cutter, Mise. Equiprrent Utilities Electrical, Water, Trash, Sewer, Ditch rights Vehicle Repair and Operating Expense 8 Vehicles @ $1,450 ea. Facility Repair and Maint. Baseball light replacement (re1amping) 2,000 Office cleaning 480 Playground Equip. Restrcom Repair Dugout Repair Picnic Grills Picnic Tables Other Equipment Maint. Heckendorns 8 Mowers, other equipment Miscellaneous Office Equipment Other Major Equipment 1 Reel Grinder 1,000 1 Bed knife grinder 400 2 Hand mowers 675 1 Drill press 200 1 Post hole auger 475 TOTALS DlVlslon PA R1< MA NT :N'ANC'F Original Budget 1977 485 1,370 1,500 27,500 10,000 7,480 1,400 200 100 3.750 162,435 W.t~.l-lJrrn 3-8,P-ev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 485 1,370 . 1,500 27,500 10,000 7,480 1,400 200 l>dge H! T Account 603 Recom- mended 1978 500 1,522 1,500 31,500 -0- 7,700 1,500 100 -0- 200 3,750 ?7S0 163,821 194,668 Approved 1978 500 1,522 1,500 31,500 -0- 7,700 1,500 200 -0- 2,75n 194,668 .;:'i\" li1;.,J.I'!,;.,:, {""'\' ,', .....,...:;. . 'j'l ,,-11,. \' "1'1\' II' '~II 1 \1 \' \~ \ \ ' <".I.i1 V!' !.fi~~1:l:,~~~~~j:~:'C:~~:;;;~': ;IJ~Se'R,t;pti~)N ,........ r~~ ~ ~-,.... " !i-.'J l. i :;,iE.~ge ;8:B' , ,:>': :,. "_-~ , )t~ ':)~'j -"":A~ti<,.J,~':';:~+~fi ,< 7", t', - ------ --- - --- -- _._~-------- .--.-- ~ , --- -- .-- - : DETAIL OF SALAEIES AND WAGES Fund Department I Division IAccount General 00 Parks (; Recreation Forestr" 604 Pos1tlons Classlt1catlon Orlglnal Flnal Eecom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Appro'/e, i Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 City Arborist (29) 10,950 11,961 12,681 12,681 1 1 1 Park MaintenaTIceman II (24) 10,944 11,800 11,992 11,992 , 1 1 1 Park MaintenaTIceman I (19) 8,957 9,451 lCJ,025 10,025 , i , ! I i 3 3 3 Totals $30,851 $33,212 $34,698 $34,698 Comments No change of staff , I I I i I i I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAl BUDGFT Page 8 !:I - - - - - W.R.Budt';ct !'orm 3-21f,R(~v.l(]-76 "'und __~~..N~RA~ 01 Object Code 602 603 610 612 640 651 660 - 702 - 706 - 718 I.. 728 - 730 758 - 759 772 774 776 ANNUAL BUDGET t'age 90 SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department PARKS g RECREATTON Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Longevity Pay Overtime (; Prem. Pay Lump Sum Longevity Automobile Mileage Reimburse. Office Supplies, Printing and Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools Insecticides, Fertilizer Conf. (; Meeting Expense Colo. Shade Tree Turfgrass Conf. CPRS Conf. 50 60 125 Dues, Books (; Sub. Ordinance Enforcement ~ecoverable Expense) Removal of Trees Training (; Safety Tuition Uniforms 2 sets @ $156 15 T Shirts @ $3 each Rentals (; Leases Telephone Expense Vehicle Repair (; Operating Exp. Bucket Truck Chipper Truck Chipper Facility Repair (; Maintenance Contracts Other Equip. Maintenance 3 Radios Chain Saw Repair D1V1Slon c ;TRY Original Budget 1977 30,851 365 153 -0- 25 250 1,600 150 150 500 250 525 50 -0- 2,400 300 550 W.K.l'orrn 3-8,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 33,212 365 100 365 . 140 250 1,600 150 150 500 250 525 50 -0- 9,200 300 450 I Account 604 Recom- mended 1978 34,698 360 260 -0- -0- 200 1,600 235 150 500 350 357 -0- -0- 900 450 50 Approved 1978 34,698 360 260 -0- -0- 200 1,600 235 150 500 I I 350 357 50 -0- -0- 900 450 - - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I Dlvlslon I Account GFNFRAT nn PARK~ 1; IHI:Kr~,A,TION rl J K f:'-;'I'"y 604 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 802 Office Equipment 100 100 -0- -0- 808 Other Vehicular Equipment 500 500 -0- -0- 809 Other Major Equipment -0- -0- 810 810 1-Hydraulic Saw I-Chain Saw . (Replacements) TOTALS 38,719 47,842 40,920 40,920 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - - - ~ L - - W.K.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 91 ''.\ , ':,l,: 1"", j\ \"Ij"\\ <'I .~.\" ~:'~~ ~ 'I' '1 ~J:" .l.,;~/":-,,I'fJf~,?~: ;"'.i.d.:J~~~in",>,j'~~~$,:;;:~;.iff;,:,,~":; i, .~ROn:RAM Jit~f~lP;Tr6N '<,; . i" ''', ,~;(J5' ; ;~ 92,' :l:~'.'-. ,..i.[ .r ,~~;":'::..}"~ ...,;':" ,-,~,~ " >,,' '~"n)~i~~:\. -~. - " , .. ~ :J;" " - ~ - -- I , DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES I Fund Department I Dlvision IAccount GENERAL 001 PARKS (; RECREATI ON PARK RANGER 605 Posltlons ClassiTlcatlon Orlg1nal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approved Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary RanQ:e No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 1 1 Park Ranger ( 30) Naturalist 11,128 11,128 12,424 12,424 I , 1 1 1 Park Ranger ( 21) 8,562 8,562 9,582 9,582 ! I . 3 . 8 .8 Park Rangers (seasonal I part year) 2,088 2 ,088 7,310 7,310 I FTE Part-time, Seasonal -0- -0- -0- -D- O .2 .2 Junior Ranger Leader -0- -0- 2,460 2,460 0 .5 .5 Junior Rangers -0- -0- 3,600 3,600 FTE FTE , , I I , I I I I , ! 2 . 3 3.5 3.5 Totals 21,778 21,778 35,376 35,376 Comments lTuniul' Ranger and Ranger Leader posi~inns are transferred from the I Park Maintenance budget to reflect duty assignments. , I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET PFl~f' 93 - - - - - W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 Fund GENERAL 00 Object Code 602 610 640 651 - 660 - - i , - I - 702 706 L 728 - 730 - 758 772 776 802 ANNUAL BUDGET SUMP~RY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department PARKS F. "'TTOM Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Overtime (; Premium Mileage Office Supplies Printing (; Postage Supplies Brochure Nature Trail Guide Operating Supplies Film (; Precessing Batteries Nature Supplies Prog. Animal Feeds Maps Small Tools Life Vests $50 Life Ring Beat Equip. (oars) Fish Stocking Mace $150 25 400 100 25 150 25 50 200 25 Conf. (; Meeting Dues, Beoks, Sub. NRPA 50 CPRS 20 Nature Journals 50 Identification Books 100 Training (; Safety Uniforms Rentals (; Leases Horses - complete agreerrent Films Equipment lease 2,700 100 200 Vehicle Repairs (; Operation Other Equip. Maintenance Office Equiprrent 1 Desk DlVlslon PARl( D^"~L'D Original Budget 1977 21,778 100 100 900 800 100 220 300 580 3,000 650 250 250 -W:-R:TO~rr. 3~ev~ 10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Final Estimate 1977 21,778 100 100 900 . 800 100 220 300 580 3,000 650 250 250 1'age ~4 I Acc~~nt Recom- mended 1978 35,376 200 300 1,200 1,000 100 220 600 300 3,000 -0- 250 -0- Approved 1978 35,376 200 300 1,200 1,000 100 220 600 300 3,000 -0- 250 -0- SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES Fund I Department I DlV1Slon I Account GENERAL 001 PARKS (; RECREATION PARK RANGER 505 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 804 Photo Equipment Case -0- -0- 1,100 1,100 1 35MM Camera 400 Closeup lens 100 1 Film Projector with sound 500 809 Other Malor Equipment 343 343 2,200 500 . l spotting scope Bach (; Lcmb Stand 350 4 Binoculars 150 TOTALS 29,371 29,371 45,84E 44,146 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - - ~ i - f i. , I L - - -W:-X.lorm 3-8,Rev.10-76 ANNUAL BUDGET Page 95 - , SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES l'F'und I Department Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 CARNATION FESTIVAL 606 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 1977 1977 1978 1978 602 Salaries and Wages (All Departments) 1,500 1,700 1,800 -0- 610 Overtime (; Premium Pay (All Departments) 1,500 1,500 1,500 2,000 660 Operating Supplies Float Materials 1,25C1' 1,250 1,400 1,400 Lumber Electrical Supplies Miscellaneous 714 Legal Notices - Publishing 350 350 400 350 Newspaper Ads Posters 758 Rental & Lease 450 450 700 700 Barricades (; Show Wagon 799 Miscellaneous Expense 450 450 200 200 TOTALS 5,500 5,700 6,000 4,650 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ANN11\T Pl1T'\f'1"'T' Pi'lP'P qf) - - I ... L L L L - -W:-l\.torm 3-8,Rev.10-76 - - -- .- --~._---- ~ , DETAIL OF SALARIES AND WAGES Fund De~artment I Divi$ion IAccount General 001 City all Mamtenance 607 Posltlons Classlflcatlon Orlglnal Flnal Recom- Curro Dept. Flnal and Budget Estimate mended Approve.! Budget Reqt. Auth. Salary Range No. 1977 1977 1978 1978 1 2 Custodian (15) 4,000 8,000 , , ! , , 1 2 Totals 4,000 8,000 :omments For janitorial serV1ces In new City Hall. Also provides mlnor maintenance work. I , CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE f\.rH~UAL tlU1J\:Jt.,l ~ --I;, -- - ~ - - L - L L - W.R.Budget Form 3-24,Rev.10-76 iFund GENERAL Object Code 602 610 660 - 760 L 774 L l l L l 799 809 , l i - - ANNUAL BUDGET lU.~1..,.; JU SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I Department CITY HALT Expense Item Salaries (; Wages Overtime (; Premium Pay Operating Supplies, Small Tools, (; Minor Equipment Utilities Electricity Water Gas 8,200 5,000 1,000 Facility Repair & Maint. Miscellaneous Expense Other Major Equipment Vacuum Cleaner 250 Floor Scrubber & Waxer 350 TOTALS , D1V1.Sl0n I Account MA.II~'lr,NANC:F f) 17 , Original Final Recom- , Budget Estimate mended Approved 197~ 1977 1978 1978 4,000 8,000 100 100 300 1,300 . 14,200 14,200 500 500 500 5DO 700 1,250 20,300 25,850 W.K.form 3- ,Rev.10-76 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - JTT"'\""'T""'''' SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES I , ~'und I Department I Dlvlslon I Account GENERAL 001 CITY SUMMARY NON-DEPARTMENTAL 610 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- , Code Budget Estimate mended Approved 19711 1977 1978 1978 Personnel Overhead All Departments . 604 Deferred Compensation 2,200 2,200 3,350 2,200 620 F.I.C.A. 55,280 58,680 63,673 63,673 621 Workmen's Compensation 32,73<<2 34,467 45,913 45,913 622 Insurance - Health & Life 84,628 94,199 97,657 97,657 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- -0- 18,338 18,338 630 Retirement -C.C.O.E.R.A. 33)207 35,942 38,099 38,099 (City's contribution) 633 Police Pension 36)757 38,692 45,679 45,679 (City's contribution) Subtotal 244,804 264,180 311,559 311,559 712 Insurance (; Bonds - 712-1 Liability Insurance Personal & Property 25,000 24,415 38,000 38,000 712-2 Auto Insurance 34,940 36,000 47,000 47,000 712-3 Police Professional Liability 10,000 11,000 13,500 13,500 712-4 Public Official's Liability 4,445 3,554 4,055 4,055 712-5 Treasurer's Bond 400 400 500 500 712-6 Notary Bonds 80 80 100 100 I 712-7 Judgements Against City 2,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 I 712-8 Horses Mortality 100 80 IDe 100 I I Subtotal 76,965 76,529 105,25E 105,255 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W . K . .t orm j- .Kev..lO-Ib ^ l..TUTl ^ T n P;:r,(TO on - l... L L L l l - ANNUAL bUUGt.'l' ~, " - SUMMARY OF OPERATING EXPENDITURES , und I Department I D~V~Slon I Account GENERAL DOl CITY SUMMARY NON DEPARTMENTAL 610 Object Expense Item Original Final Recom- Code Budget Estimate mended Approved , 197!l 1977 1978 1978 713 Payment for Special Service~ - 713-1 Fire District Ambulance Maintenance 1,500 700 1,500 1,500 713-2 Charter Commission Exp. 15,000 15,000 2,000 2,000 713-3 Housing Rehab. Project -(),- -0- 25,000 25,000 713-4 Annual Appreciation Dinner -0- -0- -0- 2,000 713-5 School Crossing Guard -0- -0- -0- 10,000 Subtotal 16,500 15,700 28,500 40,500 GRAND TOTALS 338,329 356,409 446,464 457,314 " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE W.K.fOrm j- ,Kev.10-76 - L L L L l l - 1 C[>,L' 1 U J 1978 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REVENUE SHARING FUND FUND: 19-503 REVENUES: ~timated federal Allocations Interest Earnings Estimated Unspent Carryover Balance from 1977 TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES 145,534 585 11,700 157,819 EXPENDITURES: Adminlstrative Services 805 809 1 Low Band Radio 1 Mag Two -0- Computerized Typewriter-o- City Administrator 805 ~ Community Development Code Enforcement 808 1 High Band Radio (to monitor Police Dept. frequencies) -0- - 805 1 Compact pickup (addi t ion) 1 Low Band radio (for additional vehicle) 4,000 800 - ~ Parks & Recreation Forestry 808 Maintenance 809 808 1 3/4 ton pickup (additional) -0- .. 1 7 Gang reel grass mower 1 3/4 ton pickup (additional) 15,000 5,000 L Police Patrol and Traffic 808 808 -0- 805 6 Compact police sedans (Replacements) 32,700 2 Hi band radios (to replace worn out units $1200 each) 2,400 - 805 2 Hi band radios for new vehicles (one Approved) 1,200 Public Works Shops & Engineering 808 Streets Division 2 Compact pickups (replacements) 7,600 Revenue Sharing Fund Street Division 808 1 Bobtail Dumptruck (replacement) Traffic Division 843 3 traffic signals (replacement) 38th (; Harlan 48th 1; Harlan 32nd (; Pierce Unallocated - TOTAL EXPENDITURES - - , ... L , l - - - - Page lu2 17,000 50,000 22,119 157,819 PavE" 103 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND: 54-508 REVENUES Grants, State of Colorado 8,925 EARNED Interest 500 Estimated Carryover 1,000 $10,425 - EXPENDITURES - Acquisition and/or Development of Park and Conservation Sites In accordance with Guidelines contained in STATE STATUTES. Land to be developed must be acquired subsequent to July 1, 1974, - 865-5 To be used for landscaping materials or sWlmmlng pool site 10,425. I , - Note: The Conservation Trust Fund is a restricted fund estab- lished by the City on July 2, 1974, pursuant to State Law to provide for the receipt and disbursement of funds received from the State for specific uses. The authorized expenditures from the fund are for the acquisition, dev- elopment, and maintenance of new conservation sites which includes interests in land and water. - , ... , , - A recent legislative change allows these funds to be spent for the development of any public park, regardless of the date of acquisition - - Pagp 104 PARK ACQUISITION FUND FUND: 11-501 REVENUES Subdivision Fee 1,300 Earned Interest 100 Estimated Carryover Balance 2,000 TOTAL Revenue 3,400 - EXPENDITURES - 865-1 Park Land Acquisition and/or Developments to be determined by City Council 3,400 - , l.. Note: The Park Acquisition Fund was established by the City in 1972 to provide for the accounting of funds received and earmarked for acquisition of park lands throughout the City and for development of such properties. The fund is sustained largely by developer payments pursu- ant to Ordinance and by contribution. t.. , 10. - - 1978 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND FUND: 31-504 REVENUES: 504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax 589 Estimated Carryover Balance frcm 1977 523 BOR Swimming Pool Complex Grart - (50%) 539 State of Colorado Trails Grant - (50%) 581 Earned Interest TOTAL ESTlliATED REVENUES - EXPENDITURES: I - L 880 Municipal Swimming Pool Complex - - - - - - - 811 City Hall Imprcvements - - - - - - - a. Open office landscape equipment 170,000 b. Seats for City Council Chambers and Municipal Court, including chairs for Council Members and Judge c. Telephone System d . Site landscaping e. Water well research fees f. Fire Hydrants g. Signs for City Hall site h. City Hall IIDving expense 862 Parks Imprcvements - - - - - - - - - - - - - _ 862-1 Berbert House, per purchase agreement frcf'l Brarman Sand and Gravel Co, 862-2 One (1) boat dock, Prospect Park Lake 862-3 Paving parking lot at Wheat Ridge Park 862-4 Two (2) tennis courts at Wheat Ridge Park 862-5 Ballpark lighting and dugouts at Prospect Park, Field #2 862-6 Installation of bleachers at Prcspect Park, Field #2 862-7 Installation of bleachers at Prospect Park, Field #1 862-8 Greenbelt trails development, including footbridges over Clear Creek at Independence St. and at Prospect Park 840 Street Imprcvements L L L l 30,000 50,000 69,000 2,500 3,000 15,000 10,500 30,000 2,500 - 34,000 20,000 - 29,000 5,000 5,000 70,000(2) -1- r'age J. U 0 1,250,000 235,000 236,000 35,000 5,000 $1,761,000 475,000 (1) 350,000 195,500 - - - - 430,000 t'age lUb CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 843 a. Project street overlays, 10 miles @ $30,000/mile b. 1 mile, gravel surfacint c. 1 mile, seal coating Traffic Signals Installation a. Instal1ation of left turn signals at 38th G Kipling, and 38th and Pierce b. Installation of a new traffic signal at 29th G Wadsworth Drainage Improvements . Bikeways throughout City per bikeway master plan . Community Street Improvement and beautification 280,000 75,000 30,000 . 60,000 25,000 35,000 833 856 150,500 50,000 861 50,000 - TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $1,761,000 - - (1) Of this amount, $236,000 will be reimbursed to the city after construction of the swimming pool complex is completed under the terms of the BOR grant. Therefore, it is necessary to budget the full amount to award the contract. ... (2) Of this amount, $35,000 is expected to be reimbursed from a state trails grant (BOR) award for which the city has made application. I ~ L I ... - - P",ap 1 n7 1979 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES: One Pervent (1%) Sales tax allocation - $1,260,000 Urban Drainage District - - - - - - - - Matching Funds - Lena Gulch 150,000 Urban Systems Grant - - - - - - - - - - - - W. 44th Avenue, Kipling to Wadsworth (Seventy-three (73%) percent Grant Funds 600,000 Total Estimated Revenues $2,010,000 - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - Drainage Improvements - a. Lena Gulch - - - - b. Harlan Street Basin $ 500,000 $300,000 200,000 l.. Street Improvements a. 15 Miles Overlay @ $32,000/Mile b. 1 mile gravel street surfacing @ $70,000/mile c. 1 mile of rubberized as- phalt seal - - - - - - - $ 620,000 L L 480,000 70,000 70,000 ! L. West 44th Avenue Improvement - - $ 821,140 Kipling to Wadsworth (Cith share lS 27% - $221,140) Construct Locker Rooms - Anderson Bldg. Gym - - - - - - - - - - 48,000 - Neighborhood Park Development - 44th and Miller at Clear Creek - - - - - - - 10,000 - Leisure Arts Center Development - Berber House - - - - - - - - 10,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $2,009,140 1980 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES: Page 108 One Per Cent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation - $1,272,000 Anticipated Urban Drainage District - - (Grant 50%) Matching Funds: Lena Gulch Urban Drainage District - - - - - - Matching Funds - Harlan Street Basin total estimated income - - - - ... ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: ... Drainage Improvements - - - - - - - - a. Lena Gulch (50% Grant) $700,000 b. Harlan Street Basin (50% Grant) 403,400 ~ Streets and Traffic Improvements - - - - a. 10 Miles Overlay @ $35,000 /Mile - - - - 320,000 b. 1 Mile Gravel Street Surfacing @ $70,000/ Mile - - - - - - - - - 70,000 c. 1 Mile Rubberized Asphalt Seal Coat - - - - - - 70,000 L L Traffic Signal Replacements - ... Municipal Swimming Pool Cover 29th and Wadsworth -- TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES- 350,000 201,700 $1,823,700 $1,103,400 460,000 125,000 135,000 $1,823,400 Page 109 1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES: One Per Cent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation - - - - - $1,285,000 Anticipated Urban Drainage District - - - - - - - a. Matching Funds - Lena Gulch - $300,000 300,000 Urban Systems Grant: (73% Grant Funds) W. 44th Avenue Improvement - Kipling to Youngfield 700,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED INCOME - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,285,000 ... ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: ... .. Drainage ~mprovements a. Lena Gulch (5Q% Grant b. Harlan St. Basin (50% Funds) - - - $ 850,000 Funds) - $600,000 Grant 250,000 ~ Streets and Traffic Improvements - - - - - - a. 10 Miles Overlay @$32,000/ 320,000 Mile b. 1 Mile Gravel Street Sur- - - 70,000 facing @$70,000/Mile c. 1 Mile of Rubberized Asphalt - 70,000 Seal Coat $ 460,000 , L L ... West 44th Avenue Improvement - - - - - - - - - - Kipling to Youngfield (City Share - 27% or $259,200) 959,200 Parks Improvement - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 15,800 ... TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - - - - - - $2,285,000 1982 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES: One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation Urban Drainage District a. Matching Funds - Lena b. Matching Funds-Harlan Basin - - - - - - Gulch Street 300,000 300,000 Maple Grove Reservoir -Fabri Dam Replacement - - - ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES: ... Drainage Improvements - - - - - a. Lena Gulch - - - - - - - - b. Harlan Street Basin - - - 600,000 600,000 ! - - Street Improvements - - - - - - - - - - a. 10 Miles overlay @ $32,000/mile - - - - - - - 320,000 b. 1 mile of rubberized asphalt seal - - - - - - - 70,000 - Maple Grove Reservoir - Fabri Dam Replacement - Other projects to be determined - - - - - - - - - Page no $1,297,000 600,000 13,500 $1,910,500 $1,200,000 390.000 27,000 293,500 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES - - - - - - - - - $1,910,500 .'~ ,"': \.'/, ',~' ,~, , , i' I' '\"'!, "" ",;:' \; '~~,~ ,~ , ., '';''\ .:t,N''"'~,;,:,~~,''~;",:',.":,.,,U''::r.\., ,~. ,d._. .<~.-,...--:,~ I -":< ":J.?--:' '1:- .'n-V ",,~", -i~: ..'l:j't~""'" .., ..~; ,"". _ 'Y:'4 }'~i{r~~~~1i"~',<~;. ". ~'> c '\. .' j '~~{t~: "'-!a~~~~~~:Jtl~:- !N/, ~~ ~~ ~. .' , ''- -. .;..."-~., ' '" I "-F .r;' "j ~;.. ~ ,', 'c-, '~. ' -,,\..... ;:--'lr\ ~'., \' (:;'.. " , " " i. , ' ,., ';" ,--'; ~' I . - '. i~i:~~~~~.~~~~.ir~~~'~~:~.~~" }(~~;;4 ...- ~ ~~ -c, ,( ~ c. ,,-- , ,'- -~,: . . "'", . ~ ;i>1O'i~ft'~ "':." 'c' .'t. ;f:' 'to; ,;2. :."~ :thH3 iOtb' , ,r, . ,-':;.. - " ',,:,li:Jj~ ",~ "~,~ : ,,;. 'J'~ ". .. r I,' 'j '~"" :,;.-, '", , '~, " ": ." r;'" '; , , J, ' II' :~,~!t~{~~i:;~~~~~,jibt ".. '~~,}. .~ , 5.,_~ <\;t\!';;:' ,) <;-- c,.! '."",- ~ ,.:., (' ,. -.' ~b "f' <:' i. ~'L . , ~~'1~Jl8:.Appropriation 'Resolution No. 538 , ~ ,,"' i.f;:':J~ft~uce(j 'by do~ci'Q:lJt'ill I)QNALDSPN . }J1~~~~E(;;~}. :" .' ."~': ':F[,l~f;;,;.::::" .j>" ,~{., ';:' ,. Seri~$ 6 f 197? .,' .~" ,::-" " ...., -7~" ., ,', , <- " .. .;..'"' . '% . - <~ i ~J:~ .....~. ~:;; -"'''' :'\ff .~ .~.;.. ~~g~~~~t!~';~ ~~"4~~~'1'.;-'<~;f-' t\.~~ ~;;i~'~- .;~~;\~~~jJ, ;~~~ ~!~ ~~~~~~~~ .'; ",~_/:...tf. .~ '}. ;,,- " k ,: .J.:~?8 <'ApP~pri,;ttion ~e,sQlutibn .No. 1" . . '-~,n~rOd~c~~~9Y CQunCl1ffi3J;1: :DONALD~ON, 'i~;?~~~~~;:;'" 53,8 i sei7~~ :Q~~i9,Ff " ,\ ., ".r-, '.", 'c ;"\J>:~ ~~s~, "'.... -i.,t, (\~ " ",;, . .,. o ""i';/'"~ 1"';~U]@..7!lAi?I?WJ2pM1t#.~li~!3~~.' , '"., ,,' "1'....~'qlkfQcr.. aq"b)t'&OUn''i111&i \'~: ' ::,~;'::~t' c"'" . ;~ ~ries '6f,i'9o/)1 h.~, ~ ~ :.,.~;" _ 'C. I ..t4~i~,. " '1. " .-.f: ~c . \, ", ,~, . .' f ,;;, , ....' :~~::,~~l,f~~~ - .,.....: ~ :.- . ,,;r$)S':Appmpria1fl@n ~s()lution No. "538 .'8 .. .y:~1fkij;"'ci~;. OONA'i..riSGN' "C ,..,~( .-.,- ~- '::?~ ~t'-r -, ::.'.' <.'~,_" . . _ ~ ". ~ ,<.- ~:_;:.;.-'~ ,~,-".' _ '~1 ,,~- 'e_ "" . '~\""~'~':' ''7'' ~,~v ,~t~:.tih,t?X~~~Z;~~~!J ~.. ~, " 'Series' o{I97T .. ~r~ :/.'. ^~ ::()f;~;'..>~:" ,,' ,J.9(B:.h:PPru~1'1i~tibn Re.solution .No., ,:{,~?~ ];nt-fa<1t.i~Q <by: GOu,9cilman . DONALDSON' "f'i ~'%';'.. '". .:::. 'ria' 'g";:'. :;;5::' ' /' ,. ,'.i.' , .,1;: ....~.....J'..~.-.,..F :C>,-,.,. _ I f; i ' '~,<;rt ~~';~~~~::' ~;~." " :;'i,:, ~ '.' ;. "~!!~. . ..; ;,. ,-,';;"~~!.O{';,. .'W',""' .538 Seri'es ,of .1977 . ,. ,(-:-"J_ .S :~i:~'~ 'C' ;';~:.. f,r., -(. ..' -.;,. " .' " "I ~ . : 1~57~ApPlXiP.p~2rt::ion'Resolption 1'[9: 638 .' .v. .;lritm~uced"~Y ',CQw}p.ilffi3l;l . DbNf\:LPSOli! r, "~:.,~~%~;~i:4~ ':~}'''~''::r' r. " -", ~;"t. ,~d:es ;6L1977 .-;;.~, '/~,,,, ~.: ;';c;.""!p, CITY OF ~,-:J.E.A T nJDCr M~" .Onl"\flfUUfYJ To All Department Heads From Olty Administr~tol ' ,/ \ I /0\ ' August 11, 1978 . I Subject 1978 Budget Expenditures Date Approved Date On July 31, 1978 I presented a comprehensive Mid-year Budget Status and Forecast Report to the City Council as required by the City Charter. Copies of this report were given to all Department Heads as attachments to the Council Agenda for that meeting. You will note that the forecast for unspent carryover funds in the General Fund from 1978 operations is $359,278 of which $100,000 is reserved as a permanent emergency fund, thereby leaving unspent carryover estimate of only $259,278. This assumes that all revenue estimates for 1978 will be met. This compares to a carryover at the beginning of this year of $661,506. Therefore, the anticipated carryover has been reduced substantially this year due to the demands of the swimming pool project and other expenditures approved by City Council. The financial impact of the Classification and Salary Study is expected to be fairly substantial and for budget purposes we are estimating a possible cost of up to $300,000. It is evident therefore that concerted efforts must be made by all operating departments for the balance of 1978 to restrict expenditures wherever possible in order to increase the estimated unspent carryover from $259,278 to a much higher amount in order to supplement next years revenues and to cover anticipated increased costs in 1979. All Department Heads are therefore requested to scrutinize their expenditures for the balance of 1978 and to eliminate all expenditures which are not considered absolutely necessary for the balance of the year. This will include such actions as delaying the filling of authorized vacancies as long as possible, eliminating non-essential travel, training and conference expenses, and delaying other purchases whenever possible until next fiscal year. Your cooperation in this matter is essential to keep the City at its present strong financial position and to allow me to submit a workable and satisfactory budget plan to Council for 1979. ')lH"1'.:) ~1i') JAJ: ly , ,. i{: cc: }~yor Phillips City Council all ,,'J dS 9 ~I snv ., ,. (11\0 \ \-r,ll~' .:1 .' \J C ~, 11 .j 'J ,i1 ) (i AI1"J.] I".; ~_J 1\. _ u.J l.l "' "'~; ~,'.: :.;.~~. ~,',"~~1:'" ':7""~ ;'~;,_ ;,":''';'.;,.l'''..;",..".t:~'1f!:-'''' ",!.l'.,;tt'ifi-l':. -p,-,~ ',' ,,' 0" . ., .- .'P .' , '.,', .. '.... ,,",'" . '~<!<"'''#~''\\fi'''I!'"-b'iI'''!<%''''illi'*\/f''''''!'fi'_~'~ ~"-~., ~ ." ",; '...' , ",'" ';<." .: .' " ~,,;),;,.~,';,n)':~~~~;T" t,;~~_!"",*,- ._,~ . 'r;; 1"7 ~;, 't: ~~ Aprn 25. 1918 { ~? J.S .f'. ~~, t<;- ~ '0;:' " " .0Nr Mr. ~l"t: At to -'1" of Atr1114. 1.11. taw ctt.J COtIMl1 of WMlt It... .....1 ....,..... 16. ... .....t.. .. ....., 'uM - tq1 ~ t..,.,..,..18t ,.. IPP"",iati_ were 1ftC;1"U1td due to the untNageted ct. ~ 1ft'" .....,111. A certified .." ef Ralo1v\1.. Mo. i71 11 encl0H4 ......th It tMt .is 1.,..,1. ... lie ..... 1ft ,.,. ....1'41 dM8f1'lint tM 1918 ......t for tM C1\y ef ...\ 114te. 'fours tntly. c.nl F. ~ ct\1 Clan ,~. /tt;'; ~,~.'c ,,: i. ...,f " ~'" :'.,:i'.i;.;.~".":~\_;~, -~,'.:"'i;i' :"\.,:.i( I ~""'.'1'"' ..- 1!...,~-t.....:'c" ., "" ';<!'-':;',,;, ~.....~',~..< "';; CITY OJ: ~)HEAT RJDCI; M__ AOn"'UDUM (/(~ To Council From j, City City Administrato: \- I ,~\ / Subject Dual Incombency Date April 10, 1978 '.. Approved Date As you know, the former Director of Administrative Services, Robert Vidal, resigned on February 5, 1978 to be effective May 5, 1978, a period of three months. It is customary for Department Heads to give 30 days notice. The Merit System Rules require two weeks. Mr. Vidal was requested to adjust his date of resignation to coincide with the date of hire of his successor (April 17, 1978) but he refused stating that he wanted the money. The City Attorney reviewed the matter and ruled that the City could not require a change in resignatipn date. A period of dual incumbency will therefore be necessary from April 17, 1978 to May 5, 1978. It is important to the City that the position be filled as scheduled due to workload demands including the 1979 budget work, the City Hall move, and purchasing studies, etc. ~/--~, An appropriate budget adjustment can be made oI(April 24, 1978 iri conjunction with the overall budget resolution currently belrrg..-prepared to implement the cost of living increase. All department salary accounts must be adjusted. Dual incumbency has been allowed in the past for training purposes or other suffici- ent reason. The most recent cases in point include the City Clerk (January 1977) and the Coordinator of Technical Services (Police Department) 1977. The Merit Sys- tem Rules are silent on the matter of dual incumbency. Suggested Motion: I move that dual incumbency for the position of Director of Administrative Services be authorized for the period of April 17, 1978 to May 5, 1978 and that an appropriate budget adjustment be prepared. JAJ:ly cc: Mayor Phillips CITY OF VHEAT RIDGE - W \JO~ANOUM ~ To City Administrator From Chief of Police ~ Subject Budget Transfer Date March 29, 1978 Approved Date When preparing the 1978 Police Department Budget I neglected to include a category for the Reserve Police Officers. In late Fejruary of this year we graduated a class of nine Reserve Officers in full uniform. As you know, during 1977 the Reserve Officers, eight (8) at that time, devoted 2,052 hours of service to the community without cost. This equates to one full-time officer for one year at a cost exceeding $12,000.00. The needs of uniforms and related euqipment for these reserve officers should be provided by the City now as in the past. Due to a shortage of personnel in the Patrol Division, we have a surplus in the Patrol Division salary account. I would like to transfer $3,000.00 from Acct. #01-203-602 to Acct. #01-201~798; Management.Contingency-~Reserves. I ',t .. { ~ v. ,,' \ \ f / '... - >-'- \~ (, ERP:pmm c: ~ :'") , ~ " ~ , ( (.;:::: q -0 -'-- I...:: :-J ..l'_ :'.1 o .s: = C\TV C)~ 'IH1;A 'T R'nQ~ M ~OQANnUM To CHIEF PINSON From TRAINING OFFICER Subject UNIFORM EQUIPMENT FOR RESERVES Approved ~ ~~ Date JANUARY 16, 1978 Date ~ -, -7 i The following prices were obtained from Mr. Joe Mason Sr. c Jxall Uniform Company on this date. UNIFORMS Winter Shirt Summer Shirt Knit Pants Jacket Hat (mens) Hat (womens) Tie (mens) Tie (.~ornens) $15.95 14.95 22.50 47.95 10.95 11. 95 2.00 1. 50 LEATHER GEAR Sam Brown (buckel & snap) Safari Land (Velcro) Belt Cuff Case Ammo Pouch Keeper $22.95 8.95 9.95 1.25 each Inner belt Outer belt Holster Cuff Case Ammo Pouch $ 9.95 24.95 21.95 9.95 10.95 MISCELLANEOUS GEAR Baton Ring 26" baton vii th rubber ring Peerless handcuffs Name tags Vest - Armor of Ameri can 1. 75 2.75 13.95 2.95 ,Vc~-" L. 71. T If we were to completely outfit each one of the new reserves the cost would be as follows. There would be a 20% discount on the leather gear. With the Sam Brown Leather With the Safari Land $171.43 x 12 = $199.20 x 12 = $2054.16 $2390.40 We do have some uniforms and some leather gear I don't believe there is enough for everyone. figures be presented and approval be requested not to exceed either of the above two figures. In addition, we would like to have the Reserves in uniform by February 14, 1978. Please advise me if you need any other information. that we could issue, however, I would request that the above to purchase what items we need, CITY OF_/HEAT RIDGE - M AnaAfJOUU ;.~ City Administrator From Chief of Police To Su~e~ Repair of Dictaphone Recorder Date March 29, 1978 Approved Date On March 8, 1978, the Police Department in the Dictaphone 20-channel Recorder. it almost impossible to understand what personnel became This malfunction was being said. aware of a malfunction was in the tape, making As you are aware, all incoming messages on the telephones and all conversations on our radios are recorded on this machine and has been very beneficial in resolving alligations made against specific individuals as well as making it possible for quick retrival of information regarding requests for service. The attached letter from Mr. Kenneth R. Blaisse, Systems specialist for Dictaphone, explains the malfunction of the machine which causes the low volume of the sounds. There are two ways to immediately handle the problem. We ca~ shut down one transport (Recorder) while we send the heads to Chicago where the factory would be able to determine if the heads could be relapped. This would take approximately one month and cost approximately $100.00 or $800.00 total. Under this program we could expect the heads to last an additional six to twelve months. The other alternative is to replace the heads at this time at a cost of $572.00 each with a total cost of $4,576.00. Money was not budgeted in the 1978 budget for this type of repair. The machine was initially purchased in late 1972 under an L.E.A.A Grant. When we moved into the building at 10900 W. 44th Ave., the machine was damaged, requiring several thousand dollars in repair. I recommend that we replace the heads at a cost of $4,576.00 at this time. This would have to be done within a year based upon the information provided by Mr. Blaisse. By purchasing new heads at this time we will realize an $800.00 savings. Due to a shortage of personnel within the Patrol Division; 3 officers for over 2 months, I feel that we can make the following budget adjustment in order to accomplish this repair. r' Transfer from Acct #01-203-602--$4,576 to Acct #01-204-776. ~ '-~.l =-' -" J ERP:pmm ( <.c 'Ii -u Attachment ; -!:::.. -' o ::J c:: -. - CBDictaphone Rodney C. Schneider, District Manager March 20, 1978 Penny Wentland Wheat Ridge polic~ D0partment P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 Dear Penny: I took a service call at the Police Department on March 9 because some of the channels were playing back at too low a v&lume. I discovered that the problem was caused by worn heads on the recorder. There are two possible cures for this condition; one is to replace the head, and the other is to relap the heads. The replacement cost of the heads are $572 apiece. are four heads on each tape which means that eight have to be replaced at a total cost of $4,576. There heads Relapping is a method of grinding the heads smooth again. This can be done on some heads that do not have too much wear. We would have to remove all of the heads from one tape and send them to our Chicago Repair Center where they will evaluate the heads to see if relapping is possible. The downtime for each tape transport should be less than two weeks and we would do one tape transport at a time. The cost for this $100 per head but we cannot guarantee the amount of life left in the head after relapping. The heads are normal1y good for another six months to a year after relapping and this is intended primarily as a stop-gap measure to give the customer time to get the necessary money in the budget to replace the heads. Your machine is under a maintenance contract with us and the contract would cover all labor involved in repairing the machines however, the cost of the head is not included in the contract. If I can be of any further assistance, please let me know. Sincerely, -1/ --'i '" ..., A j'. r4;(; / L~~u.!ili Kenneth R. Blaisse Systems Specialist KREiss Dictaphone Corror.illon, 2770 West Fifth Avenue, Denver, Colorado 80204 (303) 623-3143 .' CITY OF _"HEAT RJD~J; - U--"'~n"""'DUM To Subject City Administrator From Chief of Police t ~ Radio system upgrade and move Da~ March 29, 1978 Date Approved During 1977 discussions regarding the pending move to new facilities at 29th and Wadsworth, I brought up the required move of the radio Dispatch console in order to "clean" up the equipment by installation of additional modules to consolidate the other remote control equipment into the console. We would also like to purchase on spare transmit and receive modules in the event of failure of the system. This would permit repairs in a matter of seconds instead of hours. During these discllssions it was decided that money would be set aside ($3,000.00) in money budgeted for the move to make this upgrade at the time of the move. Money was not specifically budgeted for this purpose. The attached information from ~10torola Communications is a val id quote for the cost of upgrading our System. The costs listed below are higher because we also request the additional modules as spares. ;___3. r ~r ( L ::-:::4. - , ~ ::L = ) r ; --5 ~ . C rJ r.- .. 1. Installation of Channel 2 A. 1 BLN 1029 Trans-mod...... .. .. ............. B. 1 B 1206 Rec. Mod.......................... $ 408.00 341 .00 2. Install Colorado Low Enforcement Emergency Radio A. 1 B. 1 BLN 1029 Trans-Mod............. ........... B1206 Rec. Mod............................ 408.00 341. 00 Install alert tone o A~~ BLN 6130..................................... 25.00 PurGhase of spare modules A.: Trans-mod BLN 1029........................... B;.' Rec. Mod B 1206.............................. 408.00 341. 00 Labor to clean, install, consolidate all controls and optimize console....... ...... ............... ....J 650.00 Tota 1 . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2,897.00 The funds for this upgrade will have to be transferred from unallocated -general-funds to Acct #01-204-776 for these repairs. There is an approximate 10-day delivery time on the above parts and the order shoudl be placed as soon as possible after approval of budget transfer request. We wou 1 d May 30, instal~ We are System tendenc AttachlT ERP:pmm ike Motorola Communications to pick up the Dispatch console on 78, so that it can be upgraded as outlined above and ready for )n in the new quarters on June 2, 1978. ) requesting the Fire Department upgrade their Plectron Encoder le current system used for fire dispatch is unsightly and has a i delivering an electrical shock to dispatchers on occasion. -2- COlnmunications and Electronics Inc. ADDRESS REPLY TO: 14231 East Fourth Ave. Suite 130 Aurora, CO 80011 303, 344.8900 July 23, 1977 vlheatridge Pol ice Department Communications Section Wheatridge, Colorado Attn: Kathy Ralston Dea r Ka thy: Please excuse the delay in responding to your request for an evaluation of your communication control console. Based upqn our inspection of your Modcom console it is Motorola's opinion that a general cleaning, reconfiguration and optimization is required to restore this equiprllent to factory specifications as well as streamline the operational aspect of your dispatching operation. It is proposed that all outboarded remote control equipment presently positioned adjacent to the main console be consolidated into the "Modcom". This includes monitoring capability of the 4 monitor receivers as well as the Fire, Police #2& CLEER/mics remotes. Please refer to the attached module layouts. It is the opinion of our engineer that proper maintenance of your console has not been performed. The components have been found to be excessively dirty as a result of the absence of the back panel. Upon our inspection no heat disipation problem was detected. In addition, this equipment has no history of such a problem on a national scale. It was also noted that rather than standard new or replacement parts be used "homemade" accessories were supplied. While the question of reliability might be debated, it is clear that parts specifically designed for this equipment are available and could have been used. We would encourage the Department module in the event of a failure. of seconds resulting in a minimum to purchase one spare transmit and receive A spare module can be installed in a matter interruption of communications. It is also recommended that a low capacity Plectron Encoder be purchased to replace the existing equipment which alerts Fire Department units. A desk top Plectron Encoder can be easily interfaced into the Modcom console. In as much as several telephone/lease/lines are utilized in this system and terminate in your dispatch area a "punchblock" style termination panel would enhance servicing of your system as well as the appearance of the area. MOTOROLA CENTER, 1301 E. ALGONQUIN ROAD, SCHA.UMBURG, ILL, 60196 (312) :397_1000 i' - 2 - The following is a summary of the parts required: ITEM 1 2 3 4 ~ 2 1 DESCRIPTION B1206 Rv Module @$341 PRICE $816.00 $341. 00 $ 25.00 N/C TOTAL: $1182.00 /" " BLN1029 Tx Module @$408 1 BLN6130 Alert Tone @$25 New labels Labor to consolidate all controls, clean and optimize........ $ 650.00 GRAND TOTAL: $1832.00 We encourage you to restore this equipment to factory specifications. There is no reason thct this equipment will not effectively and realibly serve your communications requirements for years to come. If I can be of any further assistance in this matter, please contact me. Sincerely, Electronics, Inc. Peterson Executive Local Government Sales COP / bg CITY OF 'VHEA T RIDGE M'-"nORANDUM To Chief Pinson From Technical Services coordinat~ Subject MODCOM Consoli da t ion Approved iE. ~p ~ Date March 8, 1978 Date j -"?l- r( I request the following consolidation of radio equipment be done in conjunction with ou.tLscheduled move to 29th and Hads'tlorth. 1) Insta 11 at ion of Police Channel 2. 2) Install ati on of CLEER. 3) Installation of an alert tone. 4) Purchase of spare transmit and receive modules in order to minimize dO'rmtime. 5) Purchase of a modern Plectron Encoder system for the Fire Department. \ 6) Updating the Police Department paging system. 7) Total cleaning of the MODCOM unit and attachment of the back panel. These changes should make the console more efficient to operate and free existing peripheral equipment for back-up and/or a second dispatch position. In addition fire and shock hazard to our personnel would be considerably reduced. Estimated costs for consolidation include: BLN1029 Tx Module @$408 - 3 required B1206 Rv Module @$341 - 2 required BLN6130 Alert Tone @$25 - 1 required Labor $650 This does not include the upgrade of the Police Department paging system or the additional purchase of Plectron Encoders for the Fire Department. -' C\T'l OI= . - f"~A 1" H\OGE. - Mrp ~ORANDUM To City Council Proposed Capital Budget Freeze for Certain Projects From City Administr AGENDA ITEM 7 Subject Date April 6, 1978 Approved Date APR 1 0 1978 In accordance with the discussion at the Council Study Session on April 3, 1978, the following capital projects have been identified for possible budget freeze for the balance of 1978 in order to provide additional funds for the swimming pool project due to the cash flow problem: 1. 833 -- Drainage Improvements $100,000 Comment: This will leave a total of $49,500 (the balance available in this account) to cover costs of the proposed engineering study of the }laster Drainage Plan for the entire City, as previously discussed by Council. This will allow design work to commence this year for the first phase of the Master Drainage Plan. 2. 862-5 Ball Park Lighting at Prospect Park 29,000 Comment: This project was recently disapproved by Council action. 3. 862-4 -- Construction of tennis courts at Wheat Ridge Park 20,000 4. 862-3 -- Construction of Parking Lot at Wheat Ridge Park 34,000 Comment: This project is delayed due to the swimming pool project. 5. 861 -- A portion of the Core Area Street Beautification Project 40,000 Comment: Construction cannot be accomplished in 1978. Funds ($10,000) will remain available to cover design costs if determined by the Community Development Committee of Council. 6. 811 ~- Savings from City Hall Project costs 14,000 Comment: This amount has been saved from the $350,000 of City Hall Capital Funds in the 1978 Budget per Council direction 4/3/78. TOTAL AMOUNT PROPOSED TO BE FROZEN. . . $237,000 AMOUNT OF GRANT FUNDS (REVENUE) WHICH WILL NOT BE RECEIVED IN 1978 IN THE CAPITAL I}WROVEMENT FUND. . . . . . . . . . . . $236,000 JAJ:1y AG~NDA HEY b CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE APR 10 1978 MEMORANDUM"I"', ~" To C . d" From John Jerman, Ity A mlnlstrator Items for Council Agenda 4/l0/78Date ~J ~~n, Project Coordinator Subject 4-5-78 Approved Date / (~ r ?/ " \ 1. Review ~laster Plan for Landscaping Municipal Building/Park Site A 6:30 P.M. joint session of the Parks Commission and City Council has been set for ~londay, April 10 to review the landscape architecL's recommended ~laster Plan for the Municipal Building/Park site. A copy of the proposed Plan and projected budge~ are enclosed for review. A suggested motion is: I ~ove that the City Council approve the ~laster Plan for the ~lunicipal Building/Park Site landscaping and authorize the consultant, Oblinger-Smith, to prepare bid documents for imple- menting the Plan. 2. Furnishing awards Attached is a letter from Ms. Marsha Blum, Interplan, Inc., regarding recommendations for furnishing a\"ards for those few items we rebid in late March. The low bidder is recommended for each of the three groups. A representative for Sauder, the low bidder on the auditorium chairs, will bring to the meeting a sample of the chair covered in the recommended fabric. Suggested Motion: I move that the City Council approve the furnishing awards for groups E, Nand 0 per the consultant's recommenda- tion of 3/28/78 and that these amounts be charged to account 31-804-811. 3. Well for the City Hall site Attached is memo detailing the progress of the research into the feasibility of drilling a well at the City Hall site. The main obstacle is that Consolidated Mutual Water Company owns the existing well on site and the City would need ownership to proceed with adjudication of possible water rights. Consolidated has offered to consider a trade of water rights from some other land for the well own~rship, but it appears the City does not have excess water rights for trade. Therefore, it is suggested that the subject of a well at the site be tabled. Suggested motion: I move that the idea of pursuing a well at the City Hall site be deferred and that the $2500.00 encumbered in December, 1977, for attorney fees and court costs for adjudicating water rights on Council authority be returned to the City General Fund. 4. Change Order #3 Attached is Change Order #3 as submitted by the general contractor and as reviewed by the architect/engineer. These items have been approved by Council for design work; this submittal represents the actual construction costs. The largest cost items are the cooling tower and the heat pump which together represent 82% of the change order total. For clarification, the three change orders presented for the Phase II contract total $48,201 or 3% of the contract cost (CO#l resulted in a $11,540 credit to the City). The majority of the items (85%) have been changes requested hy the City; these changes represent 2.6% of the total contract. The Mr. .Jerm,"l - ~- (\~ri 1 5 \ 1175 ,1.'7 ,.' ; ~ ~ -~ architel contrac: conting, I move contra " 31-504 SI( " /' /, r "tv' j c[ 5 Re\ ,)- . has recommended several changes which total $7304 or .4% of the total Overall, the change order total is still less than one half the y that was originally recommended by the architect. Suggested motion t the City of Wheat Ridge approve Change Order #3 to the construction ith Lillard & Clark Construction Company and charge same to account 1 // c - < / y' of Use of Funds for City Hall u ~.~/ Attach( Hall. 3/20/h have n' is the between > a review of the original 1978 budget allocation of $350,000 for City illnln one lists the encumbrances and expenditures approved by CouTlell as of Column two details the anticipated encumbrances and expenditures which 2t been approved by Council. Column 3 is a new recommended budget which of columns one and two Column four is the net change by line item the original budget and the new budget. Savings As you an aware, m~lJ!Y items for the City Hall have come In below budget. These are' Line item Open Diffie Furnisbing Court/Council auditorium furnishing Telephone System Below budget $ 28,775 10,900 39,914 Another "savings" is that moving expenses will be covered under operating expenses, thus freeing up $10,500 for other City Hall needs. Another item, $2500 for well research, may not be necessary due to the obstacle of the City obtaining o\mership to the existing well on site. A final savings from the original budget is $3000 for fire bydrants. The hydrants were funded out of the 1977 allocation. Anticipated Expenditures While there have been savings in some line items, the,e have also been increased expenditures in other line items. Referring to Column 4, these increased expendi- tures/recommendations are: Administration Recommend allocate $500 for administrative expenses, as legal notices. A/E fee Increased expenditure of $3400 for design work by HDR as approved by Council. Project Coordinator fee, Recommend allocate $2200 to fund ~lay/June and possibly July salary and expenses for Project Coordinator. Construction-Phase II Increased expenditure of $6226 for Change Order #2, as approved by Council: recom- mend allocate $23,962 for unfunded portion of CO#3; recommend allocate $7571 for any additional change orders, such as cost to connect the powered panels with the building electrical system. Mr. Jerman - 3- AprilS, 1978 SI te La..11:!scajJe Recommend :111 OL:L :md seed i nf, for for the proposed ~,olS to cover site work, rea of City Ibll site. 21' field. irngation, minimal planting This does not include any sod Taping System Increased cxpendit ~e of $3065 for Advocate II taping system for Council Chambers as approved by Council. Signage _ Recommend allocate $2000 for additional fabrication costs, $50 for directional signs on Wadsworth and $9000 for artistic ad~ption of City seal for building identification on West wall Artistic treatment-front lobhy Recommerhl'ililocate $lO.OOO--fol-: commissioning an art plece for the front lobby. Even with the ahove listed increased expenditures/recommendations, the City Hall fund has a halance available of $14,000 from the original 1978 allocation of $350,000 DB'pc Att. cC' C. Stromberg C. Hampf ( /' < -.-J D- r- ~ lLU L [L C) ! n ~ TILJ 2] D OC tLJ F ~ ~ r --'-- ~ ~~ ~,T) lit ~~ ~ ~ ~~ uJ tf: ~t . (~~J ~ E~~~ -~ ~ ~g ~ ~:(("_ ~ ~JLl~-lh..l ~;F r: ~ ~ ~...l= r- ~ r- u:::: IU. uJ 1= 1'1 if\ l ~ 'li' -F r- ~C7";1ifv^,' p~l-~ lL L),L ..,~i J D~ J\i.'~ ~!.!: ~:t _ ~(J I I I :l::I~, .u--j--1".!~----.,_ . ~ ': ~9 II~-= ',: 04:, ""~;~ !!y/~" I \'" n ..:~ ,,' c.~'t' r I 'I/-}"".. /) L_:-~~..)I~' c, ," -- - ....,1 i.. 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'7~, '" \'~~\ ~- ~~~o Ln' ~"\g g aiN,t") 0 rl I I""""" I + 000 0000 o o o ...... 000 C <U 00 00 ~ c: ~ 'M CJ);- 'M 0 Vl:;<: +-J C o h 4-< I "-' to:: 0,) E "-' (j) <1l +-' <l.> c: h 0\ "-' h " U >.. ......1 ::::;+-' (/) ..-l CJ'M H h +-' OJ......1 ~ .s:u...<( (/) Q) (/).!:: c: U Q) h (l,<\l >< OJ 0,) (j) 0,) H :AS> o o o o ...... >-. ..co ..co o ..-< o o o o lfl 1'1 \~ t~ .... <\l "-' o f-o .to ~ Vl o ~ o c c "'" ..-< ~ 0,) H .D 0\ ...... 'M <\l > <( 0,) U C <\l H <\l "l -.;::..>- \ 0\{'<,\ '') o \~ I~ IX) r-- L.I'J ..0 r-- ..... <\l +-' o f-o C03-E-4 Description Cost Add installation of Lanier Tape System wiring for five (5) microphones to existing sound system conduit. Add TOTAL CHANGE ORDER NO.3 Add -4- $ 75.00 $51,536.00 C03-A-13 C03-M-l C03-M-2 C03-M-,3 C03-M-4 C03-M- :; C03-E-l C03-E-2 C03-E-3 Description Delete 6' long x 42" high partial stud and gypsum board wall at Elevator Lobby 135 and change electrical wall outlet to floor outlet. Add cooling tower, including piping, dram, mechanical and electrical accessories, concrete platform, brick wall, concrete foundations, fence and gates. Add heat pump, including piping, valves, related mechanical coI1- troIs and e Ie ct rical items. Add floor drams, piping and con- nections to nearest waste lines for Mechanical Rooms 214 and 223. Revise solar panel supply and return headers by installing out- side of panels rather than inside of panels. Revise flashing at top and bottom of solar panels to enclose headers and add flashing on both sides to enclose edge caps. Add one (1) public pay telephone outlet at Police Waiting 113 and one (1) at Main Lobby 136. Add, revise and change seventeen (17) electrical and telephone outlets. Add one (1) porcelain, keyless light fi),.i:ure, type "K" and switch with necessary wiring and connec- tion to nearest circuit for Janitor Room Ill. -3- Add Add Add Add Cost No Change No Change Add Add Add $ 164.00 $26, 523. 00 $15,772.00 $ 268.00 $ 190.00 $ 1,915.00 $ 105.00 ~ C03-A-5 C03-A-6 C03-A-7 C03-A- 8 C03-A-9 C03-A-I0 C03-A- 11 C03-A-12 Description Add toilet accessories to Toilet 110, similar to Toilet 204, using one (1) TA-3 (#0715, toilet tissue holder), one (1) TA-6 (#0456, towel dispos?l) and one (1) TA-13 (#0445, towel, soap and mirror cabinet). Add plywood sheathing and masonry ties to three (3) elevator walls. Revise east, west &: south para:' pet walls by adding plywood sheathing and angle bracing and by revis ing walls to be supported by decking. Add head and sill anchorage to all exterior window frames and jamb anchorage to full height exterior window frame s. Delete short stud walls and gypsum board at south sides of Mechanical Rooms 214 and 223. Delete 21X2' gypsum board ceiling access panel in Evidence Room 213 and replace with solid gypsum board ceiling. (Re-use panel in item C03-A-ll). Delete 2 'x2 r section of solid gypsum board ceiling in Vestibule 141 and replace with Z 'x2' gypsum board ceiling access panel. (Re-used panel from item C03-A-IO). Change from four (4) to six (6) window panels in sloping window wall at second floor south wall of Open Area 186. -2- Coat Add Add Add Add Deduct ($ No Change No Change No Change $ 382. 00 $ 250.00 $ 384.00 $ 325.00 250.00) C03-A-l C03-A-2 C03-A-3 C03-A-4 ATTACHMENT "A" Description Delete approximately 23'_6" of counter with supports in Drafting Area 232 and revise northeast corner unit into a straight 36" cabinet unit. R,evise Darkroom 207 for City furnished processor by deleting counter and shelf on east wall, moving drawer cabinet to south wall, relocating refrigerator, . adding vent, water & drain lines to mechanical system and by modifying electrical circuits and outlet s . Revise City Clerk 140 sorting alcove area into City Clerk Office 157 by deleting three (3) walls of counters and cabinets, adding stud & gypsum board walls, door, frame and window sidelite, hardware, base, paint, oak paneling, mechanical diffusers and ducts and electrical light fix- tures, and by modifying suspended acoustical ceiling, carpet, mechan- ical diffusers and electrical light fixtures, switches, circuits and outlets. Add New Blueprint Room 215 to the southeast corner of Drafting Area 232 by adding stud and gyp- sum board walls, door, frame, hardware, base, paint, mechan- ical diffuser, duct & exhaust fan, changing carpet to vinyl asbestos tile and by modifying suspended acoustical ceiling and electrical fixture, switches & circuits. -1- Cost Deduct ($ Add Add Add 800.00) $ 609.00 $ 1,595.00 $ 4,029.00 ~t:-vV'- 1 CHANGE OhDER AlA DOCUMENT C701 OWNER ARCHITECT CONTRACTOR FIELD OTHER o o o o PROJECT (name, address) Municipal Complex for the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado CHANGE ORDER NU,'-.WER 3 TO (Contractor) r Lillard & Clark Const. Co. In~ 3775 South Knox Court P. O. Box 36148 Denver, Colorado 80236 ARCHITECTS PROJECT i\O 1069-01-10 CONTRACT FOR General Construction L .-J CONTRACT DATE 4 August, 1977 You are directed to make the tollowing changes in this Contract All additions, deletions, or revisions to the work as described in Attachment "A". The - original Contract Sum was $ Net change by previous Change Orders $ _ The Contract Sum prior te this Change Order was $ The ConlrJct Sum will be (increa,edl 0:1~'"-ld) (ro~~ by this Change Order $ + The new Contract Sum including thi, Ch,lnge Order will be $ The ConlrJct Time \\111 be (increased) I~.' (~ by The Date of Completion JS of the dJte of th" CilJnge Order therefore is June 21, 1978 1,523,080 3,335 1,519,745 51,536 1,571,281 ( 42) DJ" HgnningSQIl,_D_urham &_Ri_chc: ARctllTECf ar~on, Inc. of Colorado Address- --..--.----.---~- ~O Capit01J:..~.f'.,:~ent~r ___ ~yenv~ orado 80203 DATE L ilIa r<L.~_ Cl,9. r:k_C;Q.Il.?t._<:::;o.. CP~JiN.:T()R j7 (:J ::,outh Knox Court S::i~y of \'{.h~~LRiclge_ __ (J.\l..'.')ifJ! j (aU Vance Street Address P. O. Box 36148 :?5F80236- Add re>> Wheat Ridge, Colo. 80033 --- -.-- --- BY DATE I AlA DOCUMlNT G701 . CflA~('E ORDER' APRil 10'0 EDITION . AI~,") . ,,) 1970 . HIE AMERICAN 1t-;,111UH Of ARlIlIllCl>, 1735 NEW YURfo AVE., NW, WMIIINLTON, lJ C. 200% ONE rAGE CITY O{= 'HE.A 1 H\OGE - Mr"~ORANDUM ~!)\), j To John Jerman, City Administrator From, e I~rton, Proj ect Coordinator '-' '-- Date 4-4-78 Subject Well for City Hall site Approved Date As you are aware, last Fall the Council authorized exploration of refurbishing or drilling a new well on the City Hall site One of the major issues to address was the transfer of ownership of the existing well from Consolidated ~lutual Water Company to the City of Wheat Ridge so the City could adjudicate water rights (see my memo of 12/6/77). I have been in touch with ~1r. Virgil Hill, President, Consol i dated 1>1utua 1 concerning this issue. His Board has given the matter much consideration since water is certainly a valuable resource in this day. Barring spending several thousand dollars to arrive at a fair market price for the well ownership, Mr. Hill asked if the City had any water rights which could be offered in trade. The Parks and Recreation Department provided the following inventory: Water Rights owned by the City: 1. City Park - 13" in Oulette Ditch; no surplus 2. Prospect Park - 9" in Brown & Baugh, no surplus 3. Wheat Ridge Historical Park (sod house) - 3" to 4" in Lee & Baugh, no surplus. 4. Pub 1 i c Works Newland - 1 share in Lane Di tch, no surp 1 us Therefore, it appears the City does not have surplus water to trade for the well ownership. Also, as one explores this matter in more depth, it appears that the costs of drilling a new well and maintaining the system are quite high and that there is no guarantee that the water table will remain stable long enough for the City to recoup the initial investment, even if the question of water rights is successfully adjudicated. The Municipal Building and site will have adequate water through the existing tap, in which the City has already invested $14,970. Therefore, since the City appears not to have water rights to offer in a trade to Consolidated ~Iutual, I recommend that the following motion be presented at the Council meeting on 4/10/78 I move that the idea of pursuing a well at the City Hall site be deferred and that the $250\' encumbered in December, 1977, for attorney fees and court costs for adjudicating water rights per Council authority on 9/12/77 be returned to the City 1~11 Fund, Account 31-504-811. DB pc cc: C. Stromberg B. Wiggins DootbrnITITJDruw ....' l{) If' ... ... u a . c co E L OJ ..c (J) U) f'- LO ..- . OJ C -0 ~ ill ....J Z a: -0 OJ +-> co L o 0- L o o c c co 0- L OJ +-> C --~t) \\\ ~ March 28, 1978 City of Wheatridge c/o Dee Burton Project Coordinator - City Hall 10900 W 44th Avenue Wheatridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Dee, According to the figures that were relayed to us by Beth Phillios, we make the following recommendations to the Wheatridge City Council regarding awarding the furniture contracts: E. Wood Guest Chairs: (no arm caps) Scott Rice "Sauder #6062" Quantity (112) $10,037.44 (v~: $10,584. former bid) N. Auditorium Chairs: Hirschfelds "Sauder #6062" inc. ganging arm caps) $19,100.00 {J Accessories: Hirschfelds #0.1 "Ki k -Step #0.2 "Adjusto #lL61 #0.3 "Peter Pepper Prod #601 #0.4 "Peter Pepper Prod #2006 $ 466.00 (total) Mrs. Phillips indicated that the above bids were all in order and were all the low bids. Once we have approval from Council we will proceed with ordering procedures so that delivery will occur as soon as possible. r~arsha w, 'Bl{f-- At'~ ;:s 1318 STUDY SESSION ITEM___~___..h CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM To City Council Proposed Budget Freeze-- Capital Improvement Fund From I \ City Administrat~r\ ----- \ if, \ }!arch 30, 1978 Subject Date Approved Date Due to the lengthy delays in the site selection for the Municipal Swimming Pool Complex, it is evident that the project will not be completed by the end of 1978. Under the BOR grant guidelines, grant funds will not be disbursed to the City until the project is ~~~leted, inspected and accepted by BOR officials. This means that the anticipated grant funds in the amount of $236,000 will not be received by the City until sometime in fiscal year 1979. This pelay will cause a cash flow problem in the Capital Improvement Fund in the amount of an estimated $236,000. Therefore, it is necessary to recommend a freeze on certain budgeted capital projects in order to alleviate the revenue problem. In light of the above, I recommend the following projects be frozen for 1978 and considered again in the 1979 Capital Budget. 1. 833 Drainage Improvements 2. 862-5 Ballpark lighting at Prospect Park, Field 112 3. 861 Community Street Improve- ments and Beautification 4. 856 Bikeways throughout the City " j, ,.;~ \ ' r'" /"'...0/(\,1,1. $149,500 (Balance -O-'f Cr: 'v 29,000 (Balance -O-j 40,000 (Balance $10,000) I) .1' (_ o,/r' ,f' r r v l {\ " V :'-~~~'.>r" t,t- .... 111.;'-''' '(v"" ti.J--t , 17,500 (Balance $32,500) -'- {., ::~ ".... ~Y'..-t_, Total $236,000 Attached are copies of the adopted Capital Improvement Budget for 1978 for your reference. JAJ:ly AU. 1978 CITY OF WHEAT RILGE CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT fUND FUND: 31-504 REVENUES: 504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax 589 Estimated Carryover Balance from 1977 523 BOR Swimning P=l Complex Grart - (50%) 539 State of Colorado Trails Grant - (50%) 581 Earned Inter€st TOTAL ESTlliATED REVENUES EXPENDITURES: l. 880' Municipal Swimning P=l Complex - - - - - - - - 811 City Hall Improverrents - - - - - - - - - - - a. Open office landscape equipment b. Seats for City Council Chambers and Municipal Court, including chairs for Council M.ernt€rs and Judge c. Telephone System d. Site landscaping e. Water well research fees f. Fire Hydrants g. Signs for City Hall site h . City Hall rroving expense 862 Parks Improvements - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 862-1 Berbert House, per purchase agreement fro'"" Brannan Sand and Gravel Co. 862-2 One (1) boat dock, Prospect Park Lake /862-3 Paving parking lot at Wheat Ridge Park ./ 862 -4 Two (2) tennis courts at Wheat Ridge Park 862-5 Ballpark lighting and dugouts at Prospect Park, Field #2 862-6 Installation of bleachers at Prospect Park, Field #2 862-7 Installation of bleachers at Prospect Park, Field #1 862-8 Greenbelt trails development, including f=tbridges over Clear Creek at Independence St. and at Prospect Park 840 Street Improvements 170,000\ 30,000 50,000 69,000 2,500 3,000 15,000 10,500 J'-- 4) 1.., - I * f o , ' ,1' ,~ 1.1' ".(. 30,000 1" 2 ,500 ~,,'.) ~, 34,000 20,000 29,000 5,000, 5 ,OOC), / 70,000(2) L -1- -r ~. L _ ( ..- ,...!~ t t(vA' L" I I ~ '.... ;/?). V~~,e lQ~ 1,250,000 235,000 236,000 35,000 5,000 $1,761,000 475,000 (1) 350,000 .. \ :,..1' , , , , ' , " '1 ,:' ' ,0 .. ~ \1', ~ L" - \ (t~J ~,;,. i It , 195,500 f , I /,.,<-( , ',-;; !L-:L ~;' - J<.') .,I,v i 7' - 430,000 IJI' , IV ,,~ .J I ,;~\ ,', ~ t}. (\" ~ ' (" ufo 'f , ( ., (I'" I 'j '" ! )., , 1\ 'II r T"'\ 1 f"l(' CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND a. Project stre~s overlays, 10 mlles @ $1Q,000/mile b. 1 mile, gravel surfacint c. 1 mile, seal coat ing 843 Traffic Signals Installation a. Installation of left turn signals at 38th & Kipling, and 38th and Pierce b. Installation of a new traffic signal at 29th & Wadsworth 833 Drainage Improvements . 856 Bikeways throughout City per bikeway master plan . 861 Community Street Improvement and beautification 280,000 75,000 30,000 . . 60,000 25,000 3S,000 1 SO, 5 0 0, 50,000 50,000 TOTAL ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES $1,761,000 (1) Of this amount, $236,000 will be reimbursed to the city after construction of the swimming pool complex is completed under the terms of the BOR grant. Therefore, it is necessary to budget the full amount to award the contract. (2) Of this amount, $35,000 is expected to be reimbursed from a state trails grant (BOR) award for which the city has made application. /' l_ r L AGENDA ITEM Jd ...." -- MAR 2 7 1918 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM To City Council Subject School Crossing Guard Disburse- IIIl;!nt Proecclurc From "\ C. Ad" '\ lty mlnlstratOE \ March 22, 1978 I. \ J '- Date Approved Date Beginning January 1, 1978, the City Council authorized $10,000 in the budget for salary costs of school crossing guards at all elementary schools in the City of Wheat Ridge; a maximum of two guards are authorized at each school. Schools must make application to participate. Since,January 1, 1978 disbursements have been made directly to the school Principals involved for payment of the guards. There were objections to this procedure by at least one of the school principals, and therefore, a meeting was held with the R-l school officials to explore alternate means of disbursement. The School Board has now approved a procedure whereby the City would make a lump sum payment to the School District for the entire year and the School District Administrative Office would make disbursements to the guards after certification by the various elementary schools of the time and date worked and other necessary information. The proposal for Council approval is to authorize the lump sum disbursement procedure pursuant to the attached letter from Roice I. Horning of the R-l School District. p? MOTION: I move the City Treasurer be authorized to disburse a lump sum of $3,000 from Account 01-610-713-5 for payment of school crossing guard costs for the school year ended June 1978 provided the School District maintains adequate payroll records to substantiate the disbursement of such funds, subject to audit by the City, and that additional funds be authorized for disbursement for the school period beginning September 1978 through December 1978, not to exceed a total of $10,000 for the calendar year 1978. c,p~ -~ .., ,I....' .J- .: ~ \ .JEFrERSON COUNTY, P.U,SLlG~SCHOOL_~~ 8 0 ~ G U A I l S T ~ E E T I L A K E VII 0 0 D C 0 L a R'A 0 d 'e 0 2 1 ~ { (3 0 :3) ;2:3 7 - S 9 7 1 March 8, 1978 -, , 1 . ..._~ r "\ i :.J i.. Mr. Robert G. Vidal Director of Administrative Services City of Wheat Ridge P.O. Box 638 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mr. Vidal: On behalf of the Jefferson County School District, I wish to communicate to you the action taken by the Board of Education on the crossing guard program for the Wheat Ridge area elementary schools. At its February 21 meeting, the Board of Education moved "to approve the supple- mental budget in the amount of $10,000 for the school crossing guard program in the City of Wheat Ridge but do so only for the remainder of the school year and request that this Board put on their agenda of items to discuss with the City of Wheat Ridge the City Council's reluctance to administer this program in the same manner as the Cities of Arvada and Lakewood." This motion was passed by all mem- bers voting "aye". Since the time period for the district to pay the crossing guards is reduced from February-December, 1978, to February-June, 1978, the $10,000 supplemental fund ap- proved by the Board will be more money than is needed. We are requesting that you transmit a check for $3,000, payable to the Jefferson County Schools, to cover anticipated expenses during the rest of this school year. Any remaining funds will be returned by the end of June, 1978. Please send the check to me for deposit in the proper supplemental fund account. My office has contacted the principals of the Wheat Ridge area to inform them of the procedures to use in paying the crossing guards from the district supplemental fund. We very much appreciate your patience in working with our district as this issue was discussed by our Board of Education. The safety of students moving to and from elementary schools will certainly be enhanced by the Board's decision to ad- minister the crossing guard program for the rest of this year. This will allow time for the City to make decisions necessary to providing for the safety of youngsters in the future. If I can be of further service or assistance, please feel free to call (231-2361) or stop at my office (1209 Quail). Sincerely, a--- . / , - ~i~ 01ce Horning, Executive Direc r Staff Development & Supplemental Funding / " RH:bm cc: Dr. Ohanian, Dr. McLeod '" '~'.~ STATE Ot- c...OLORADu DIVISION OF LOCJ\L C':)VF.:? NN1 ENT DEPARTMEi~T (J[ LC C.> L A ~F/llfZS BUDGET REUIPf j ~". ; <':;TG~F-T R()(l~, :)23 ...:..UU (:'12']3 .;._~ _ 1 ,(, CITY Of _~HEA~_RIDGE [. D~:[ (. c _~ i OCTOBER 19 .1977___ JOHN A. ..JE:&V.iAfj I__.CJ'I'Y_ ADMIRISTRATOR \1\ certifie,: that Jfl 0d\,j!lu~d Bua.~t2~ h:L Lir-('-j-j t !C~j . ,:dJliCe "",fh 29-1-116. CRS 19J3. a~ ameliu d, :. NO .. :.)::5',' ~ i. XXXXXXXX1Il based upon th e ~ al Ue elG " at I', 77 : l;c' r ,f ,_ - i l.: v 2 r [n1 2 n tin J ~- [J lie:: 10 for], n f' xC t' -; 1 c-: v v h J. S bee n "ne her lCby :\UlI'IOrli..) 2n amount l C ,": >1 /~?9 0, I 23] ~ O-CL.-. _----:;--__ : )1 /}V ',' A1 ~X.r ; v()L;,t[? (~_ __ . _ , ..._, \ ~._) /1--- - order should be pt'esented to the Board of County :.JVernber (39-5-128. CRS 1973 as amended) L .. j. L~cCo>:;::L~~~ ~"-~ Commissioners no later than the First Day - 1'\, _ If; ',', H r ~ HI' I, if;' i "i,J/.RY (\1 , Y l \)'.~'1 S :'C,,'lf _~ r..... " ~ tJ r r ~. I T ~'..' r'nk