HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1972-0199 Introduced By Alderman Jack Bramble RESOLUTION NO. 199 Series of 1972 WHEREAS, a Townhouse development project has been proposed to be located within the City of Lakewood at the foot of the Maple Grove RBservoir; WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Lakewood will meet Monday, December 11, 1972 to consider a zone change which, if approved, would permit the construction of housing units in said location; WHEREAS, the location of this construction is near Lena Gulch and may have some significant connection with the Lena Gulch floodway; WHEREAS, development of the area will havB an unknown effect on the City of Wheat Ridge, and the Citizens of the City of Wheat Ridge; WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has requested the Urban DrainagB and Flood Control District to conduct a cooperative study end develop a master drainage plan for Lena Gulch; WHEREAS, said study would involve the jurisdictions of Golden, Lakewood, Jefferson County and Wheat Ridge; WHEREAS, the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District has notifiBd the City of Wheat Ridge that Jefferson County has indicated it will participate in the study, and the letter inform- ing the Mayor of this is attached to this Resolution; WHEREAS, the City of Lakewood and the City of Golden have not yet indicated their participation in the matter; WHEREAS, there exists reasonable doubt as to the safety of allowing construction in the area herein proposed for develop- ment according to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer Report concerning the Lena Gulch Drainage area; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT: The City of Lakewood be hereby requestBd to refrain from making any decision as to the developmBnt of property in this location pending the completion of the Urban Drainage and Flood Control District study and plan; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: The City of Wheat RidgB in thB cooperative study so as to provide adequate of any development within encouragB the City of Lakewood to join and plan being proposed for Lena Gulch factual information on the feasibility the Lena Gulch floodway; RESOLUTION NO. 199 -2- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED BY: The City of Wheat Ridge that a Joint Study be recommended to the City Council of the City of Lakewood, The State Engineer, and the Consolidated Mutual Water Company reqarding the long range improvement and maintenance of Maple Grove Reservoir. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED THAT: A copy of this Resolution be forwarded to the City Council of the City of Lakewood prior to their consideration of zoning changes adjacent to the Lena Gulch drainage way and located below the Maple Grove Reservoir. A. D., DONE AND RESOLVED this 1972 by a vote of 5 7th to 0 day of December ATTEST: {.t I- u~_.) t..... '":/ I' c 1_ ~ _ L_L~ Louise F. Turner City Clerk ,:;O;nRO~ O\) 0/ ::J \J;" -....J -~ . -:..1:-..,., l~ ~':.::.-,il -:2. ~ l'" , ~ 0' . ,J!) ~o 0\.- ,,,," 'IV ",0'0 /17I:JO "'. . E^':;CLitl,V~ Commin~B: CJ " John ,1. NIGholl 0 Arapa;lU3 County c:; o Kenneth O. ;Yl;t.:;hell Cl City of Brio.lton ~ o o o JJ.m&s V3n UUJ:",:rx 8orj!d~r County 1('Jin~ S. HCI)~ City .]f O::mer - w > Z l'..; o Ch:ul<:s S Rubinson En~jire~r Membars. w ::J vYlili-3.m H. r/lcNIr.hols z City of Denver ;.!..! ,> " J. IV3:nhoEl RC3erberg enV of O':?r.ver " Kenneth M. fvlaclnto3h 0 City uf D;:;nver to LJ James J Richey City at La:"'ewood to Joe B. Lewis Jefferson Cnunty l[) o Da.vid Gran 0 Adams County ~ '" " Richard McLc311 City of 8ofj~der w Pa'jl C. Bock z Citv of AJTCJr1 ~ o. W .J .'\d8n r:. PJ.t.tor: Fn(Jll1ear Oa'll(l,\. CljrLs ~ DOU9L3.3 COlJn:y /{?S/9'7 ('3) L. Scott TucKer r:('~r;jh,~ r 'r ;to~ Decembec 1, 1972 Albt~rt E. Aoderson Mayor, City of vVheat Ridge 7470 West 38th ^venue Wheat Hidge, Color"do 80033 Dear Mayor ^t1d8rsoo: The City of 'vVhcat Ridge hus reqUl~sted that th,-, Urban Drainage aod flood Control District, during 1:J 73, cor-Juet Cl coo;Jerative study to develop a master drainage plan for LeOil Gulch. The ;sluJy vvould iovolve the jurisdictions of Golden, Lakewood aod Jdferson Couoty in additioo to\J'lheat Ridge. To this date, ooly Jefferson County hile; indicated they \\ill also participate in the study. Letters have or will be sent to Lakevvood and Golden requesting their cooperatioo in the study. I think Lakewood will participate but I am not too certain about Golden. However, I am optimistic about getting the study underwuy duriog 1973. Y,[e estil1ate that the toted costs, includiog engineering and mapping, for Lenil Gulch willD':' Clbout $35,200. If all other jurL;- dictions participate finaociully, Wheat Ridg2' s share \"ouid b2 $3,ClOO. This umOJnt might be incrcdscd, how:"ver, if Lukcwood Clnd/or Gold8n do not wish to PMtlcLJale froc;1 a fiounci,ll 00int of , , view. The study as nmv visucdi;:ed, "vouia ioclude the 9.8 miles of Lena Gulch as indicated io red on the ,'"\ttached map. As with other drainage studies, the Uruao DrClioClge Dlstrict will plo"lde the n8cessClry map"illg (111d Shelfe Ul1C-hillf of the cngioeerinc:r cO,;t~; \. ith the, local j ur isd ictions . j\1]yo( PdLJcrt E. t,;ldcf..-,OC"'1 DecGmblCr 1, 1'172 PIlgO 2 There is also a ;JOSS ibUit\! that we \vill conduct Q drainage study on c\ small IJilsin lr1 th ' vicii1lty uf Vvest 44th Averllle b0tweenl\mcs and Harlnn Streets. l\bout ,10 >,~ o~ the bd3 in. 1 i';:; vJiLhLn \Vhec1t FUc.ge. The iurlsd iotion;, thelt \^!o'clld b,e, iilvolvwl in this study iire; \Vheat Hic;go, l'Jlour,tdin View, tLlkcsld:', I)~[llJ:,r, drYl Jf;ff\~rsoL C>...untj The LJtJ.J estimated cos t, inc luel ing cng irol; cdng and ma ilpinq for th i3 proj ect, is estirnatod to be $10 500. vVheat Hidge' s slnre is estimated to ;-J8 from $1,500 to $2,000. As with other projects, the Dl,;trictwould provide the necessary mapping and share Of18-half of the englneerillg costs with the local jurisdictlons. I will keep you adivsed as to the progress of securing the cooperation of Lakewood and Golden regarding the Lena Gulch project. If you hQve any questions or comm8nts rccgarding either of the above potential drainage studles, ple:J.se contact me. Sincerely, .-"- .--r+-' ~ (x,,/(, t / (,7 ./1 l ,I/-"C'~ v(t }.../,-i.~__'''''' L. Scott Tucker, Executive Directo; LST/bac Enclosures cc' Glenn Tuylor Paul Walker