HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1972-0202 RESOLUTION NO. 202 Series of 1972 Of City of Wh83t Ridge (Narn,c: of COIn;>,lnv) 7470 llJ..~~3Bth~J\vBOl!8JhE:at Ridge,~ ColoI'ado BOilTI ( ,\ddrp:<,->, AUTHOlHZl:'>G SIG;'I/ING OF CHEeR" AND NOTES The uUllcrsigued, ~~~2~ an,[ ~~~y, respecti"el}, of _Th,: City Or _ Wf:@at_~Ridqe__ a __ Col.9Lad_o_Mullici.pal corpor<ltion, do hereby certify that the fOllD\\>'ing resolutions were unanimously Citv Council Citv D b 4 1 7 adoDted at a meeting of the J=~oi-J:l,,",""""'i;-of said ~~j'; duly called and held "n~~~ eCE}11~~--.-1__L_~_9~~~, R.t \....hich said meeting !110re than a quorum of sairl Board of Directors \vas present, that said re~oluti()ns appear in the mlnutp.s of ::>aid meeting, and that the same have never heen ::Jmended, rescinrled or rev' ')';:i~d RESOLVED, That __~~__ the following officeIJi: of this C~~~;:;-d th~y hereby-';"re authorized, in the name of this Bi~:C;;,-to~llect, di; c.')unt, ne~oti~ .endorse .and ~ssign. allrf'.f*~\Cs. drafts, .notes and other negotia~le or non-n~gotia?le instruments pav~ nb1tf trl thIS ~'*}"": or In whIch thIS cbtm~ has Att -P1terest, and to draw, slg-n and delIver, In the name of this J::.,!.:i-~~ checks or drafts ag-ainst the funds of this ~~J;.on deposit in WHEAT RIDGE :\ATIO~AL Bl\~K. Wheat Ridg~, ColJradCl. Presldent. :\"a I lit' Vice-President X:l!TIf;' Secretary 'Kamf' TI'casLlrf't" _____~Ja[il~~J.1alon~ NanH~ !\;-unp, the rs of this company be, and they are herebv authorized to borrow, on behalf of this e any, from time to time, from EAT RIDGE NATIONAL BAl';K, Wheat Ridge, Colorado, such sum money as they may deem necessary or a '. bIe, and in the name of this company, to execute and deliver obligations evidencing any SLIms so borro\ved, bearing dates, pa vahle at .such times, with such rates of in s and containing' such other terms and provisions as said Bank .' require Presirlo:-'nt I".'"atlle Vice-President. Secretary Treasurer !'\nme ~-----~--~ ._-~~--- --- Name FURTHER RESOLVED, That the offieers named in the last foregoing resolution be, and they hereby are, author- ized to pledge, trans[t~r, a:.:;sign, endorse and deliver to WHEAT RIDGE :'iATiO::\AL BANK, Wheat Ridge, Colo~ rado, as security for th€f"~t4)'ment of any slims so borrowed, any of the bonds, stocks, bills or accounts receivable, or other securit~es of this d:!I1l~, upon such terms as may b~ required by said Bank, . t FURTHER RESOLVED, That fur the purpose of deposit in the aecountrqrt~"l'countg of this JtJr..:aiij:- with WHEAT [x.IDGE NATto~\..b,~ B~''',''K, \\-neat Rlop,e, Culurauo. any officer of thi:-3 ~d:l..pa:.-~r may endorse, sign or deliver on behalf of thi'r'f~~' any cheeks, orders or other evidence of indebtedness for the payment of moneys payable to the ordPT of this ~c.y; FURTHER RESOLVED, That the authority of the aforeoaid offiee~ to perform each and all of the powers con- ferred by the foregoing resolutions shall continue until notice, in writing, terminating sueh authority, shall be served upon WHEAT RIDGE NATIONAL BANK, Wht~at Ri.dge, Col(),ado, and shall he noted upon the certified copy of such re::;oIutions delivered to said Bank. WITNESS, our hands and the seal of said company this 1 ~, -k--:~' ~ td,- (t :-- )J~J~ .-L2~~~,- r"""".....".. . ~~yor ' ,~ SEAL Attest ~, ~ .-.Y ~~-~~~~_-sL~J~ Pf-~""~~ FO"~ , >IS Ll ty Clerk DONE AND RESOLVED this 1972 by a vote of 5 to 14th day of December A. D. o