HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1976-0445 INTRODUCED BY COUNCILMAN MERKL 445 RESOLUTION NO. Series of 1976 WHEREAS, there is in effect an annual General Fund Appropriation Resolution for 1976; and, WHEREAS, needs have arisen which require changes to be made in those appropriations; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following accounts and appropriations be changed and approved as shown below: GENERAL FUND ACCOUNT Department and Account Current Appropriation City Clerk 41l.ll Personnel $ Overhead 41l.32 Professional Consulting Fees 411.51 Legal Notices 411.58 Fee Personnel 2,685 500 4,500 300 41l.68 Property Tax Rebate for Sr. Citizens 9,000 499.66 Unallocated 89,282 Reserve City Treasurer 415.11 Personnel Overhead 4,517 499.66 Unallocated 76,767 Reserve City Administrator 413.l1 Personnel Overhead 413.27 printing Fo Postage 6,710 2,500 499.66 Unallocated 76,287 Reserve Municipal Court 412.11 Personnel IJVPY'hPr\cl 3,l68 499.66 Unallocated 72,967 Reserve Net Chan ge Revised Appropriation Purpose +320 3,005 +2,195 2,695 +4,500 +500 9,000 800 +5,000 14,000 -12,515 76,767 +480 4,997 -480 76,287 +320 7,030 +3,000 5,500 -3,320 72,967 +480 3,fi48 -48(1 72,487 - 1 - Health Insurance Codifica- tion of Ord- lnances Legal Notices Court Report- ers for Liquor Hearings Exceeded Orig- inal Approp- riation Health Insurance Health Insurance Postal Expense Hpi'llth Tns\lY'r\nrp RESOLUTION 445 Department and Account Current Appropriation Administrative Services 417.11 Personnel 9,235 Overhead 417.22 Printing G 2,500 Postage 417.32 Profession- 5,650 al G Con- sulting Fees 499.55 Unallocated Reserve 72,487 Community Development Administrative 418.11 Personnel 3,452 Overhead 418.32 Professional 0 G Consulting Fees Planning G Zoning 419.11 Personnel 11,958 Overhead Building Inspection 430.ll Personnel 6,883 Overhead Code Enforcement 431.l1 Personnel 3,279 Overhead 43l.53 Code En- 0 forcement 499.66 Unallocated Reserve 67,027 Police Department Administrative 420.l1 Personnel Overhead 420.35 Facility Repair 3,448 1,200 Investigative 421.ll Personnel Overhead 421. 14 Uniform Allowance l7,653 2,000 Patrol and Traffic 422.11 Personnel 47,100 Overhead 422.14 Uniform 3,000 Allowance 422.42 Other Major l,926 Equipment Net Change +960 +2,500 +2,000 -5,460 +160 +l,600 +l,l20 +480 +320 +3,000 -6,680 +320 +3,000 +l,920 +745 +5,440 +7,600 +7,700 - 2 - Revised Appropriation 10,l95 5,000 8, G 5 0 67,027 3,622 1,600 13,078 7,363 3,599 3,000 60,347 3,768 4,200 19,573 2,745 52,540 10,hOO 9,526 Purpose Health Insurance Postal Ex- pense Consultant for Police Dept. Revi- Slon of Ord. 40 Health Insurance Street Cap- acity Study Health Insurance Health Insurance Health Insurance Weed Con- trol Health Insurance Remodelling Health Insurance Uniforms Health Insurance Uniforms Bullet- Proof Vests, Light Bars f. Sirens RESOLUTIOI\I 445 Department and Account Current Appropriation Police Department (Cont.) Special Services 423.11 Personnel Overhead 423.l4 Uniform Allowance 3,543 240 Burglary Unit 424.1l Personnel Overhead 424.14 Uniform Allowance 15,D5B 1,380 Animal Control 425.l1 Persormel Overhead 425.14 Uniform Allowance 3,OlO 350 499.66 Unallocated Reserve 60,347 Public Works Administrative 440.1l Personnel Overhead 6,706 Engineering 441.11 Personnel Overhead ll,014 Street Maintenance 450.11 Personnel 9,119 Overhead Traffic Maintenance 45l.11 Personnel 3,454 Overhead 499.66 Unallocated Reserve 28,742 Parks and Recreation Administration 460.10 Salaries G 10,32l Wages 460.11 Personnel 3,879 Overhead 460.58 Fee Person- 0 nel Recreation 461.10 Salaries f, 54,844 Wages 461.11 Personnel 5,951 Overhead 461.54 Special l8,680 Contractual Services Parks Maintenance 462.10 Salaries f, fi3,lJ3fi Wages 462.11 Personnel 8,435 Overhead 462.42 Other Ma40r 4,450 Equipment Net Change +32D +510 +1,760 +l,870 +320 +100 -31,605 +480 +l,l20 +800 +320 -2,720 -1,975 +320 +l,OOO +3,420 +480 +975 +5,73i1 +80 [J +4,515 - 3 - Revised Appropriation 3,B63 750 16,81B 3,2') 11 3,330 450 28,742 7,186 12,134 9,9l9 3,774 26,022 8,346 4,199 l,OOO 58,264 6,431 19,655 bY,Con 9 , 2:1 ') 8,965 Purpose Health Insurance Uniforms Health Insurance Uniforms Health Insurance Uniforms Health Insurance Health Insurance Health Insurance Health Insurance For Tempor- ary Employee Health Insurance For Tempor- ary Employee ,Jr. Ranger Program Health Insurance Monies used to pay Part- time Secretary Parks Pride Program Health Insurance Lights fnr Prospect Park RESOLUTION 445 Department and Account Current Appropriation Net ~hang~ Revised Appropriation Purpose Parks and RecreationCCont.) Furestry 463~1 Personnel Overhead 4,SCl7 +480 4,987 Health Insurance Park Ranger 464.1l Personnel Overhead 1,775 +::320 2,DQ5 Health Insurance 499.66 UnalIocated Reserve 26,D22 -16,065 9 ,9 S 7 NET CHAN(;E -D- BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that this change shall nnt be cnn- strued to change the General Fund appropriation as filed with the Division of Local Government. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS lOth day of May, A.D., 1976, by a vote of 5 to o /) "1;1 / I. . /'" / "",-_!i:.:<-f:!,?l., / , 0 I'r, ( _ ~ <." ~40()0<:3... FRANK STITES, MAYOR-- f'r.:c ,'I"cJl; ATTEST: - 4 -