HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981 TI~~TI ~~[Q)@]~LF TREE CITY USA ~ -- _~=c,_ -=~ec== -ceo =-= fiN N Uf\L BUDGET = =_- ===__ I I: I l\NNUAL BlJI)(;GI' FOR THE FISCAL YLAR JAHUARY 1, 1981 'lD DECLMBER 31, 1981 I ~ I .. n rl r. .;.- . \J'jhi='i~/~ ",' ~~\ ~~l~!: ''';) ) iT' ," ,{i:M, IJ / " '. ,", 1/........ _~,,_ '- ) ~J --~~--'_..,.._--....'n(yf:..,. ......j -.' . ~' . ==1 .~. -'=,-','-' '.' _' '. .,e-:: "'-. .,/ ~-~- ---==:=-- " .=-~.~/ . -==:'. ~: ~-,F (\ , f-#~/ .f" O. ....... -".- ..... <""'" '(--dJ I ("', t-, ,'\ 'V IJ...U\r,li~ " :; KAY OPE II i I II I I I I I , I I I I il I ! II MAYOR FRAN'X STITES CITY COunCIL PAT AIELID KEtll' DAVIS MARY JO CA Vl\illIJ\. WILLIAH D. BOIJ!-'lAN DISTRICT I DISTRIcr II DISTRICT III DISTRIcr IV IARRY 1''lERKL :KEN illGS !DUlSE TURlJER CITY CLER:K CARJL p. !lAMPF CITY TREl\Sl.JRLR JNffiS MAT DNP. CITY ATIDHNLY JOlIN E. IIAYES r.llJNICIPAl. JlJD(;E NlTIIONY :'AJU...IJ'lC0 CITY OF WH EAT RIDGE 1981 BUDGEI' CITY OF WHEAT RIDCili CITY ADHINISTRATOR THOMA.5 H. PAil<'lER DIRECIDR OF AllilllISTRATIVE SERVICES. DIREX::'IDR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT. DIRECIDR OF 2ARKS AND RECREATION CHIEF OF POLICE. . . . . DIREX::'IDR OF PUBLIC IIDRKS . . . . HUGH H. BROWN . CHARLES H. STRQ\'lBERG . RICHARD H. BREDT .EDWARD R. PINSON . . GARY R. DIEDE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1981 BUDGET TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Hcssage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page No. iv General Fund Revenue Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . xiv Revenue Summary All Funds xvi xvii Expenditure Summary DEPARTHENTAL SUHHARIES City Council . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Treasurer 3 Mayor . . 7 City Administrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 City Attorney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 Ci ty Clerk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Municipal Court . . . . 20 Administrative Services 24 Community Development. 38 Police. . . . 55 Public Works. 76 Parks & Recreation 95 Reserve Accounts . 117 Capital Improvement Fund 120 Revenue Sharing Fund . . 126 Conservation Trust Fund 127 Park Acquisition Fund 128 Senior Citizen Center Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 iii rJ (I bl-:/, i\ 'K iFI U'HuNt: ;II,j ".j~,fi~'44 Tne City of ,'SIIII WE',T 2(HH A!E~,\I[ . ',',HE,\1 RIl'!I,E r r'IC'RADU H'1113:', ~heat GRidge rT: r/\J i ~~: n-'(~n'n A "T' 02t0b~':c J 0, 1980 l\;].Y~jP Sl...:3 (_- ~ c:,:-~c1 !,,: ,-,' ~::~~S C-7_ty cf t"]~l~~-it _~ --,~~I-~ V1;1': ::It r-~ ..:.gc ~ C,..)j..Cl'2C1c..' CT" ,"-; ;-7 '-'-'--'-.' ~'()1,-lncil r~?F<!" nCJ:/C:::-' (,-lI',,:~ L2JnJ..;CY s c.~ C:~-I:Y Cu:"':'T1___ i:: SUbH~itt€d 1-!_:~::-~wii:h i:', -;.__d';:: _f":illc~l 19"'1 /':.r-.i"...1 P.L:jf~~;t: :'cr ~1;" C,'t'l Oi In this j(~tc-;:.L-' of (T~r,._ ri-Lt.~~l I 11 f'l-2: _r' -~t_::;: :-~i~~!J_ ~hi_S - 1- T jn o:nJRr tc> jri!1:s T,=> \'c)1]"~' a t.r-,:::;-~t"! ':'n --;,-'Tr-:. O.L -:1 ~ ~~'a~.il ::';- -'- eT',-:13 mde ..Lrj c:-IT"'~iJ.lng ~~h i:~ :..:'.....:C.u~:;~?r.t. ) l~::: t~.~e Ci -,:/' ~~ p~} ::c-:-cd r(:~ -'J-":>~:i-....-~;,t have an iJji;~ori"2Ll1t r'(~.Lt2 iT'1 J7.r3J::::inr. 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''\_ Lt. _1 _... -::: I~Ll ~-" ,;;:1 C--' po~.;it.jcns ;:J.0 ~;cll (..i~J },~-,r-:t L~i'~ pUrCikJ=~~ -~ ccr:')i.'L'.J..~ ,-_::.' ~ EJ81. - --' c r' -_.~ '::_1: J...L7'~ j,\ 1. ;:Ll'-- .;;: -~--:-" ":.n The f:)llctc\Jlns :::har2'er-; !r;t:":r--e ,:E:..lC -l:Ji'5ng "Lhe ~)L...ljget t,',:,"::", :- -,.; .~1 -'-- --..... ~ '-" 1. SUJrrn":.:n"'y of -::hc ::1. j . t~;-JL:-iC!"lt:- in t~h;:, rl'.2---:j;c 1:. --r ~L _._:r: TIK~ SUj:"Jll~--.:-'Y lncl.~rj <? C.S [,,-J;.; :or:s _.Li:~,-:.:_;-yi~~,_ T-l Prx=li;:l.iJF1ry Ll1ri~....:.t l...<LJ 2.11 c,.~j_~:t~;CT13l1C-,-[-; elu: Prelim'i.1)<J.rj Bu(~~~t 1\::'\[" a t('\l,,_J: -':;11' O:L- 1G.75 PC:iL authori::cd le~lcl. rI'l12 fol1C)vJ-=~1f,; 11.c' ros~ti'-'11::', d..~ ........:..' _L .... - ~ ~ -' ; !-rc,!([ ,,' ~, ;) 1 f~~'(::;i ~.:~,~ 1~2C C'l'~i;C! I VL.~('L.:..n r r,c~.; ') it\r5.J .L '"The Carfl(;,ioll City" FJ}JlIL D ilX'J~T hi~: ,,;;\C}: M'lyor Stites and t'lcmlx.l's of City Coul!(,jl City of h1K,i] l Rio[';2 Oct.ober 10, 1980 be vaCiJnt ly tlK' end of tly' 'ieee, or contain i;;r]i'iidJ),'lls \o1ho C,,\.11 b2 transfl:rr'('cl [porn or~lJ c1ivisinn -'"-..r:; 'J!-i,_~tL-:I. '1'11(";3'2 pn~;itioIlS are ..]11 el:iJnindtE'G l'fflCUVl' ,TC'l;~u,';]-,;' -L, 19G1. Number 1 . S . S 1 .5 1 3 2 .5 r' .v 1 Positicn lJeo]X1ptm::'nt Iuta [ntl',! ClE,-" Intern ClcrL-Tvpis1' CudQ Enf01"(',-~J;;0r':.-L Jf~'~.l.'cP \ Tr2C3Sl..rrer City A_dJI1i~-Ji Str~3t(:,~' Con-~ill.Jni-~-~y fA \,,-.., ~.-= [\n~~n~.:: Conmunity [",ve2-::,;' "nt Comnuni 1.:'1 D2ve lac - .:"nt Police Poli.:,o (Sur-pert: ~~L~~"viccs) hlblic T;,!Ul ;<~J Public \'ic:d-:::; Parks dT;c.1 Ef_C:::-~=-:c.--t-='01-1 Parks and Hecr-eatiG0 Inee-rn RCC01"(J s C~~ Py.}_ COTf~fri.ss -',-Cl~ (--) C.i- ;':'i :'1_[' l'lotor Equ ::,';~ryt (,\'''~'-, ,:S' T CIE'pL- Ty 1'-'.;" L RCC:.c\?:atic.1j 1 ?r:>;,r~')-~:l~ ::-'_'Clr.('I,~_~ .:_~ to...:.) Clelok-TyplC:T -n.:., The follo\^ling 5.:'5 positiG[:s c:y'e als8to he elirnin2,tcocl 0U}oin9' 1 qPl Dut presently are not vacexlt: 1 .5 1 1- 1 .75 5.25 16.75 Secretary Building CU:3todi,i.~1 Position (P1aT'>-T'11::.g T)i-\/i_~~';j.r!Tl) Y03itiu:l Positicn Deput.y CCiU:rt C:-Cc<", Administr2ti ve Se.pvices Administrative Services Community D2velo~E.PnT .....- I.... """.-, L ...............--L'--C' n . , ~\EcrecLi-=lC!1 Parks and Municip21 Ccurt Th~ polj cy or;. clir.--'i:"LTtjrz ~-}-- ~~.R ~.;-:.-'C-;-(l'~' rf)~-:: _~,t_~.ons vIllI 1::-2 TT3lTll '/ t"l att-ritiC:Jl OT' 1-r'c!1s.f~r ~.liTd C,'.[0 ~oc-:-2 ~: _~ r,?r_:ur.::c any need for la~i("fi. !...s v..T~ appr{\.lc1 the fir,:.;t cf -tL<~ Y"2-::.r', ~.;,:' '"v-?ill t-:rlcrtJ v~h8r8 1rJ2 [;-rard on tl:.2Se la.tter pDsi ~i.cr!s. II. Corri'ensatinn The tctCll ccmpe;1saticn P.X:k2g~ &r;cei?G ':11Ql'1 by the Council reflects a total lOc~ incy",ase as follo'.,s; jJ Salclry 2djustm:~nt of n. 2) Insurance benefits h:l'l2 br'C"1 ;;\cyjj:Lxl to i-etclucle (a) $90 rer mo. Der crnplol.'ee cor I tribL..it_lCJi .0 JT'('(j ~,--,,2.1 i...~sUr::3l1Ce ins-~ead of 1.hc pri.or $70; (b) a LeI" clvlltal pIx: '-""'l1cd to our' l'",nefit package \^lith i'he City payiIlg up to ~lO pC'P IT'D. p~l' er:-~)loy':'e for oRntal insurance: v FINAL BUDGLT MLSS^CE ~13.yor Stj te:::; and Hcrnb(~rs of City COW1cil City of vJl1mt Ridge October 10, 1980 and (c) a life in,;urance contrib'.ltion as jnitialJy proroscd at approxiJrately $8 p'r employee (C',LlJl1(O as the present policy except that spou::;e and dependent insuynnce amoW1ts have been increased). 3) An aJ!'Ount cquill to one and one-half per cent of salary ,,,,ill be budgeted in the reserve aCcoW1t for the mC'rit pay pli1l1. (a new mc,rit plan Tf,u:::;t be adopted before these monies DSY be used) III. Equipment: In the Revenue Sharins; FUJld, these items wer'e elin-inated: 1) One backup traffic signal controller 2) One 1/2 ton pickup trud~ 3) Bucke t truck boem This transition to a postllre of restraint has placed much strain en all 2l"eas of our organization, but I believe the chalges can be healthy ones even in a time of economic dO\vnturn. Ic!e believe that the City COlli1cil, staff, and employees have all done an excellent job in providing our services for less, and our efforts so far in 1980 have laid the basic fOlli1dation for continued efficiency into the future. Our priority in preparing the budget for 1981 reflects my philosophy of placing prirIBrv importance on our employees sjnce they ar€ the City's Trost valuablE resource In providjJlg quality S81-lv-LCes. -:JleY€';::JL"2") ~ i..Lr..-rJ_es wlU lx:-l'2TlL.::J should provide contlllued recognitic-'T'. of the im.pcrtcmcc of our employees. BunruE1~nY FROCESS rrne Lasic pUl'pc~e of the buclge'ta..ry pr'ccess is to plan -;- ,_, the cocl.~din&tion of' eXl)CJ Idi:::lrn::~s aC2.ins-t the resc-~ces a"laJ lubl~ for thc.~"-=-; -:=cr~di t.:u:ces. ~"lc,r~ particula.rly, illl operating budzet is a detailed aDora' 'c" plill1 expressed i.T1 tenus of cstirrated cost ar:d aCIlieveTI:-::Lts in rel:::rtiJ)n -i~-~~e t.'stlJ:a.-ted rE:::ve:rf":9S. It includes the P::Y'::;1:'aJIlS, proj ec-ts, seY'viccs., and ac.l- - -ci.00 1",) be W1dertcJ.}~en, resources or reqt" !t1_.2S avail,wle for fina.!"'~cinG "the CI ~i..llS l)lc.LT1, 2!'ld e2<.I'e: J.(~i- ture r2(iuirerrcnts sf the o"['Sr:1:til1s pl3.n. 'f}....i2 City ~! 2-, hG,."T~_\7er, should also look upon the Ore:ratln~ budget as m'OT.2 than a. ~ cJ..al dOCl.liT.er-rt. Fer the clcctE.'.d offici~?.ls., it repre~cnts a total 1='roc2~,~ :}u~h itihich CcuLcil policic:~s al"'e r.rBG\2, 'Ll~cn put irn:o 2ffect, c-Lnd CClltrc' Financial control is the tTaditional fQT1ction or pue to Dlsill'e legality, accuracy, 2nd confonni tv to 1e~~ But, in addition to financial conLTol, a budget alsc information. SUc11 data includes: lTIctilpm'Jer Y'eC]uin.,' prc0r3ITls ~ld services bein8 provided, and other i.T1Qj services, activ:lties and work programs. This kind L City COW1cil an opportW1ity to see that work is bciL conformance with its 80a1s and objectives. ~f a budget i.~ order ','e alld other mandates. ;"2SS08 a vast a'YlOW1t of : eq1..1ipr::CD1: needs:J ~~s of the C]uality 0f ~-(=-'J1Th3."tion gives the ::comp1ished in vi FINAL BUlXrr I1r:SSAGE Mayor Stite:;s und 11cmbcrs of City Cowlcil City of Hhcat Ridge October 10, 1980 Another purpose:; of the budget is to serve as a f,Uide for planning and policy :iJnplemcnto.tion. It is in this area tho.t the City Cowleil has the responsi- bility to e^'Press its service obj ectl ves, purticulill'l y in terms of the quantity and quality of those services, aJld ascertain through the pe:;rfonnance of the work program whether its goals for the City are to be carried out in terms of available finaIlci31 resources. Final authority to establish the budget rests with the City Council ruld consti- tutes the IJDst effective control the Council has over the quall'ty and the scope of the services offered. The City Council has the responsibility to weigh the effect of its dccisions during the review and adoption rrocess. Your decisj,o;ls to allocate JllOre reSOLrcces or less loesources to specific progr2Jns or fWlctions will have u direct result in the t:rre and level of work 'to be done. It is certainly a very difficult task to compCU'e and allocate the needs of one pro- gram \,jth the needs of another, and to welgh the JesirClbility of the serVlces pruposed against the rrnney required to finance them. BUDSET SUM,'1ARY The final 1981 Budget calls for General Flmd ex:penditures of $5,057,842 plus $lIOO, 000 in reserves. The 1981 General FWld budget compares to the 1980 budget of $5,070,563, and therefore represents a decrease of .3%. By closely scruitinizing every expenditure during 1980 and trimming the 1981 preliminary budget, a balanced budget has been prov~ded with no request for addi tJona~ ~L'~ ::L 'cvC.l1U2~) l..':1 1.:"; ~~...i.... In addition, a total of $ 4 ,087 , 578 is provided for our special fwids, wnch include:; C'-'::rital IIJlprovcJ;'ent Fund, Park A.cquisition FlIDd, Conservation Tr'u=t Fund, the G:.e.'!eral ReveLue Sharing Fund, and the Senior Center F\li"ld. The ~3pital LT~rOVeJl~nt Fwid alone totals $3,E15,000 to fir2~nce proposed Q,.pital projects in 1981. This amount reflects a cost of approxiJrately 2.3 million dollCTS for i~'12 first phase of the Harlan Street ur-ainage Basi.'! project, $700,000 for Lena Gulch, and $475,000 for Street ImDrovLments. The Revenue Sharing FtL'1d will have $1+64,228 available in 1981. The Revenue Sharing Fund shO\'JS expenditures for major equipment as well as capital r;rojects. Approval of this :noney by Congress is uncertain arid rr.ajor adjustments may later be necessLlP1. The cOJrbination for all funds results in total budgeted e;:penditures of $9,145,420 plus $l[OO,OOO for reserves ruld $916,401 unallocated for carryover resul1:ing in a total of $10,461,821. Major reasons for budget i.ncreases for 1981 are increased cost of utilities, materials and supplies, personnel cost increases, and a higher level of spendin['; for cLlpital improvement projects in the Capital Improvement Fund and Revenue Sharing Fund. vii FINAL BUrX:;ET MCSSAi?E M-:wor Stites and ~1cmLcrs of City COW1cil City of v]l!eat Ridge October 10, 1980 GENER/\L rum REVENUE FOR 1981 Revenues cstiJrBted from all sources hew," Leen estim-:ltcd cons0Y'V:1tiv21v f::c.r this bucJ.c;et. Thc'y are in line vIi th om" best csti'Ykl.tes as to WheTt we reab sticillly con CXlx'ct consirleriJlg the ceonomlC s1o'.,'dO'm in the f'Jst 2'2vcra1 H'Onth::;. The recl:ssi~n has advl"rseJy affected 1980 rcvenu(os and v1h~2t Ridge, as Vlith other crrea cities, is feclinG the rece2sio;1/1l1flation rcsL-ricticns affecting its ability to provide services. Recent economic iJlc]j caticns con- tinue to be coniT'Q.Jictorv '.vith as many l~eGatiw: as pusitive si l',llS. According- 1 y, the buc;:;et reflects sornev/hel t lill"i ted revenue cX[;cc tations . Pro2..er~",-Ta '{ vk~ cll:'C cstirro.ting prr1l"'2rl:V taxe.s to pr\oduce ap;"r:-,:..irn.-d-elv ~L~l2 .,nOD fc~ th.2 1981 Bur 18,ct. To cstirrrl.te the lie'i]enue from prC];'elTty taxes, V.~e ~-lc:..ve estl!T;,2t-:>1 the incr\' C',ce L'1 o,ssc;ssed 'Jah.ation at a similer :cate as has been ,he increC'se in pa:-;t years. II [l1lal figure '..;ill be HlClde availal)le late in Octc.ber f-r.')w the County Assessor. Tnis assessed value estiJf13.te is $125,890, S08, and at 3.5 mills Vie Vlou1d expect $440,618; ho\vever as there is usually a small amoW1t of taxes W1collected, Vie have estimated for budget purposes a property tax yield of $432,000 for 1981. Sales Tax We an' estimetim" sl,91R,2:J0 in sales tex revenue for Tne 1981 Budget. Thi3 figUt,< ],S a modernL(: inc>eCise over cur 1':180 eS'~lLdLe oi ~'l,\JJb,U'JU 0..,,-, L-u.1l1ClueS Vlith the 1980 perforrlilIlce of the sales tee; ove'" 1979. Use Tel;~ Use tax for 1980 nC2 t.een estiJ!~?tC?j to be t~:;;lo~v bud=>~t at $ 390"1 OeD but l~c;::nt on'2--tjJH2 paYjT'ents cf $90,000 brouzh"t our tot~l 1980 e:3i..:iilat:: t:c $480,000. We est:iI;ate in 1981 that our use tax revenuc will be ~1+50,OOO. Publj c Service. I'ranchi2,2 Tax Our Public Service franchise tax h.as been in':2reased to reflect pending utility rate mc:ccas8CJ. ~lje have est~im~t8d in 1980, that \;]-2 ~'llll rEceive $550,000 frem the fYaI1Cnise -tax and estirrate $575,000 L"! 1981. Other Revenu.e Buildinr; permit revenue i'1 1980 is estillated to be $11,000 short of the 1980 Budget f:irure of $liO ,000, hOVlcver ',;e pxpec'L a recO'Jery in 1981 so '..:Ie helVe budgeted the Sillnc $40,000 for the 1981 Budget. Other 1981 revenues for the General FW1d are estimated to remain very 1980 estinBTes <'Inn in ffi'\n\l Ci3ses ClY'E' liTtle ch<'H1p'C':d from 1979 levels. this 1illcited overall revenue groVJth \vhich causes considerable concern future. closE" t:n It is for the viii FINAL BUro:;T MESSACE M3.Yor' Stites and t1(-,ml)(~rs of City Council City of Wheat RicJge October 10, 1980 GENERAL FUND LONG MNGI: rEOc1I:CTIONS In order to give the City Council a picture of futUl~e revenue and expenditure trends, thc attached table has been pr:epun,d. 'de .thought it would be wise for the City Council to not only review the 1981 Budget, Dut also to reVlew projections into the futlID::'. T1x~ attached tuble on General FW1d trends reflccts the irr.pact of ~he City I S l'CV2nue and c::pcnrJiture t-rends (modified by budget aJjustments H\'1de during 1:he budget review process). We have been fortcmate iI1 1980 to rec,,,ive revenues above budp;etecl al110w1ts (+ $749,200) and at the SLliIl2 ,tirr:e rec',uce the eXl'2nditUl"C level belOvl the budgeT (- $5011-")200) fer C-l. total diffcr'2Dc2 or $1,253,I.JOO. Tliis er,Quni: added to i~h':~ reserve of $389,000 provides a 1980 carryover of $1, 6l,2 ,400 LTltO 1981. TIlls CiJITryover prDvides a ti.m21y cushion for the City SLTlCe, sLartlllg with the 1981 Budget, the carryover begins to decrease. This trend caTl be countered by the use of carryover tln'ough 1981 and 1982. Starting iTl 1984 a deficit of $954,000 is projected. The Council action LTl cutting the 1981 BuMet reduces the possibility of this shortfall occurring s=ner. The figures in tf~ table are based on 6%-7% total revenue increases. This percentage seems conservative, but is larger than the 396 revenue growth projected for 1981. Expenditures are projected to increase by 10%, which may be low depending m~iJTC'~riJ,y on inf1ati onary trends, and increases in such items as utilii.ies ana pc:u'oleum-bdsecl proQucLs. 'fh('> t~b 1 e does iJldic~d'e that tr.e City needs to continue pl3D.ning for expcct'c,:i difficulti2s if P:''23C::1-t: -t.:rer:.ds 01 re~/enucs arJ.G expenditures con~irLlle. Options to correct possible shortfalls in the General Fund for 1384 and bCYOi:d: 1) Increase sales tax by one-half per cent. (Sales tax increase requlY'2s vote of people) A one-half per cent sales tax incr'CClse 'tJould yield &1 additional $1,090,000 Dl tenns of the 1933 projected sales tax. This would lx,lance the 1984 budget and provide $136,000 for ca~lover into 1985, but would not cover t11e projected deficit in 1986. 2) Increase sales tax by one per cent. A one per cent sales tax increase would yield approxirrately $2,178,000 in terms of 1983 projected sales tax D1COH\C. This would DCllaJ1ce the budGet a,!= leiist thY'Ough.19S6, and could prc"1ide additional fundine; for capltal lllprovemcnt proJects. 3) Further reduce expenditures in 1982 and 1983 considering the projected $954,000 short fill 1 in 1984. This approach would probably require service cuts, but would lxtlance ix z 0 H tJ ~ ~ P-< ~ L1) 00 ~ CD rl 0 f-i I 'f) :! ['- ['- v' rl ~ ~ ~ f'1 ~ [') 0 o~ '" r-. Q 0 0 0 <:) C> t1 0 C> 0 0 C> - -'llO .' ~ .... 'p 0 C> )CD 01 0\0 (Y) U) 0 ~ ~ f=101 C> L1) l~ L1) Orl C'J C> C'J (3 ,-I rl + rl ,-;1' + UJ UJ ~ ~ ~ C'J ('oJ ~ to to t-- ~ ~ ~ rl rl '-" ~ 0 0 0 Or '" r-. ~g CJ 0 0 g 0 C> 0 0 CJ C> CJ ~ ,. (",0 ~ ~ \0 0 C> ro or' (f) ('oJ C> ~ ~ f'3 0) ('oJ UJ+ ['- 01 rl .:t C> .:t d t-- ['- ['-+ UJ L1) 0 ~ ~ 01 01 p:;; lI) lI) ill '-' ~ fl< C) of ~ Q 0 0 0 C> C> !=1 CJ g,.,. ",0 0 0 0 C> CJ 01 0 a 0 a C> 0 uoo ~ ~ r, 0\0 ~ ~ ~ f=1CD ;T .:t t-- 00 0 0 CD ro co (3,'-1 t-- r-+ ~ N rl ('oJ ('oJ ;:I' t-- 01 rl rl+ ['- 8: ~ < ~ L1) co co g~l\c ~- - 0 a 0 0 a 0 Q 0 a 0 0 a a !=1 a a 0 0\0 CJ CJ a < ~ ~o < < < UN co NllD OJ ;:1' rl .:t a N f'3~ r-] N+ 0) LO + ['- C> ;j- ('1 a 0) UJ ['- ;T U) Orl ~ ~ < ~ ~ rl lD co U) P-< " r, 0) 0 a 0) N \0 a rl a N ;T a \0 OJ ;T .:t rl OJ 0 0 ;T ;T 0) (Y)fLj N ro rlfLj .:t a 0 f-i ~ ~ r=t, < < ~, < ~ ~ ~ rl N rl ;T r- c.o C> c.o ~ OJ ;T 0) \0 t-- UJ rl 0 ('oJ CD c.o r- lD 0 (Y) 0 0\00 0) .:t C0 :=J rl < ~rlCD ~ <OOJ ~ ~ rLi rl .:t +0:1 c.o L1) +0:1 rl Lf) 0 0\0 0 UJ N~O 01 CD ro ~ co 0 0) OJ co lDOco .:t ;T 0) lD N rlrLi co 0)rlo:1 .:t co co $ 0 ~ <+ < < I < < < co 0 ro " ro LO , C'J C0 rl - 5S 1.:;\0 ~ , v Ui - -~ -" i:~ I ill I m N ~I I I I r1 U)r~ LO I ,,) UJ < I "k- t-- < <rl ~ ,,~ rl .:t 1+ <( lD .:t+ rl ....?~~~:::;;,~z.:-" ":.3Z;,,':'-.:~..:....;,. :'.:::'. .;t'_-:r:;.:='~_ '.,:ti'.::.::::'::s'.:'r:::', -:'<;"..:2:.:.~~~~":;"-?iZ::;?":':'::" , :':-:-":;:;:', ~~::;:",;2r:-:::,':~::;;!~::~~:'-; -_~.....-::;:?:~::.::::.:;:-~~.::~;~~. _ _"'.:._::;;..":~:;r;;';-:;.Z~'.::7""'..;:';:':Z;::" :~:::::'.-::::.. ~~: r, .:t ['-I rl 01 e- C0 f-i lD m,.,.O\O co r'l 0 ~g; C0 UJr m r- eo I Lf) ;::Jrl 0) 0 ;T t:LI < rl .:t Lf) ~'.::..-:::, "':;;;~:':"":_J_:!:E::'> .:-~~-:;~::~-' ~~~':::~.:.:. 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"; "J U 5~ ,,0 '>~ - , P-< ~ r ~ C0 co OJ CD <D lD lD co lO 0 C> If) ....0'? 00 01 (J) ;:t r- '" co co OJ 0+ (V) C0 (J) '-oJ UJ .'." --"_.;::!:::.:;:rS2::;z.:l::.'ir";:X~,:'.~.:r:::~. ,~-' c- D OJ N ...32'::;:;-...~~:;.}:=:~.:-~7r^;:'.::::.;;;:=--:;;.~: ~r; rr'l' :..t) OCO '0 ;:;2 ~;l~ g ~I : Lf) co rl --.-,,- ~I ;:t lD U) UJ ~r t-- rl 0) L1) 0 (J) UJ 1 Q) CD 0) + rl < C0 rl ~"r (0 0 m 0 C0 UJ ['- lD rl (0 C0 rl U:>+ + ill < lD 0) I ~[; ICY f-i [~ 8S2 H f~ ~~ 9Vl <S w Lf) ;j .:t N D D C> rl C> ;j ., UUJ ;;:: [,1 r=:1 f-LI ,-,1> ',,;u l0 ~ <J " ?:1[;J~~ ~~H;ii o u r- rl U) co lD C0 rl C0 .:t C> lD co o rl C0 ;J.; /:;;! ~ (;1 Ul ~ en F;~r~~~ l~ r--J UJ ~ ~~~H ,::,~,:;;,~_=---:::::;:::,~, C> ~ '...-' '-..' r-- UJ rl mm rlrl(lJ +' rl+'~ 8 g{.~ +, '1::J +' U ;:J Ul <c:QfLj II II II mea ['--. cc CD <cr.iCY I'XML BurGer Hr::SSAGE Jvldyor Stitf's and !'lerr.r)(;rs of City Council City of \~,Glt R:i dge October 10, 1980 the budget in 198/+. A.'1 adverse impact in terms of citizen acceptcu ice of lower service levels mirh1' deve1of'. This method would st:ill see a shortf'ln of $1,2~i2 ,000 for the 198~ bUllp,et \-lith no rcc;erves C:".t aside in both yeurs. TI1is shortfall vlould need to be dealt with by further service cuts or increased tax revenue for 1985 and future years. lj) Foll,',v t1,e recomr:endatiuns of the fiscal iJT:pact cmalysis and step up the City I S efforts to attrac"c Clddn:iornl retail and other businesses. Follo\ving this ['clicy would Jnean coneentr:ltins on commcr'Cial development \'Ihich signiflcantJ y contribute to th8 City revenues lh~0()uSh sa] cs tax, US2 L3.-;~, or the property tax. This appr02c:l1 Tnc'-=]'TIS eXpay,jDl? -the Clty'S tax base each year i..11 crd(2r to meet the short fa :1 ill revenues. TIlis policy \vould rcqmre placin?J a priority en pl3TLIl:U'G and dsveloprL'ent of areas consis,tcnt with the City's Comprehensive Developm2nt Plan. The City \-Jould have to be active as a commWlity promotcr and encourage CL.'ld support the recrm t,nent of new businesses. This effort could involve the City servinB; in the roles of initiator, coordinator, and, if needed, pro- vider of assistance through City-suppo~ced indust-rial revenue bonds for cOTrilll2rcial development. 5) Deal with the shortfall through a combination of the above alternathes: L~) a ~.a'1 F;=; TnX'" ~ -::rV>.;-'(-=]SR (Trc ;-;:'\7("T111P t-h:;-r h--'<::7" ,"""\'"":l-fl Pi'T.r:: 0Ylr:l~;T~ ;1;Jrl keeps up vlith inflation); (b) IXQperty Lax lnc; ::se (to approrriat:el.y I'eceivC' reV2nc.8S fnJTrL areas such as iLldllsttl~lj:::./.:;.lop;:;2nLS t,..vhich OI-'Len do not con tribute ...lco the City a..YJ c.JLOu..l1t E:'}U3.; -:-=. /.=; Ci.-ty s<2pviccs they requll'e); (c) ccnst:C:Ul.t scruTiJl.:;~ :3.r~d r''2duct:1.:-~ c;:::-;''2ndl tUY'~2S; w-:.d (el) incr€ase ~"1 the r-eVEfl'--<.2 ba.si-=: :~-T'ou~h r'(-::\~ 2T', .:~:r.\::jUC~l.g dev21op;~l2nt consiste.nt Hltr. the CCHrprC:J~ensive IY2velopmcr;:~-= _ ....... This cOInbi.!:lL~d approach \'Iould ;;rL'1imi3(, sep/lee reducLions 2Ic~ =-:,imi.ze single ta;: source increases, wmle b",ilding an impn:ved L ::nue tax rose for the future. REVLNUI: 3I::"L",TIJG I't1lill The 1981 Revenue Sharing FtUld indimtes expendituy~' E>"T>en-::litm'"'es iJ'tcluG2 t:):h ca:;-it3.1 equl~)r:-2nT ar:d Cc. vIe ha.ve lIlcluded These pl':Jl eeT3 in ~'ne F,I:::venlle ShClI- heavy demanJs nJ aced UDon 'the CaDi tal Iri,::>D:)VC;T!ent ~, of the Harlan Street Drainage Basin project and l;o':,,,- J~:';6lj,228 . :lJ::~.rov2rr.Qnt pro] eeLS. ~.. Jnd bc,cause of the .:,:-1 19J1 due to Phase I ~,lc:h improvemem::s. Additional projects include a new wen at the Muniei:: .~ Building site, and $315,108 for 3tre8ts and Vr'alllage Improvements Llt V 3.1' '.lS locations. CAPITAL IHPROVD1ENT FUND This budf':8t contains a listing of capital improvemen'~ - for the next five years. These totals r8sult in proposed expenditures froIn t;,~ Capital Improvement Fund over the five years of $13,036,000. xi FINAL BUr:GL:T I'D~SSAGr: Mayor Stites and liJembeps of City Council City of 'ilheat Eidze October 10, 1980 The capital improvement budget is financed by an allocation of 196 of the City's sales tax, and by Fe:>derLil and Statp grunts. The:> 198} capital lmprovc- lTl2I1t PPOGrilJIl totalG $3, C15, 000. Of this total 'dC have allocated 2.3 million dollars to the Harlan Street Drajna[,<? Bas:in P1Flse I proje:>ct. This Phase I estiIlBte is conSlClc1Ylbly high:cr them cClrller es-dJJUtes nude in 1979. D2cause of this highep cost estimate, other capital projects received loss funding than Council might othenvise desire. Our 1981 estLTai'ed revenue figmoe fop the Capital Improvement FU'1d shoVIs $3,615,000, althouGh of that arnoW1t $1,676,000 is from 1980 carryo'Jer. In oreler to provlcle for Phase I construction of the Harlan Street project, as VIoll as oeh2r necessary Ivork in 1981, '-Ie have listed expenditures of $700,000 for the Lena I:;ulch prcjcct. ~;l!75,OOO [('1' street mcc:jnten- ancc CL'1d $115,000 for parking lot paving eCL \,'Leat Ridge Parle As part of the CiTV' s "pay-as-you-go" policy, revenues and prcject n2ecb 'dill be continually rev::Jc'\Vcd and evaluated for appropriate adj uSUr,ents to H;flect actu'Ll revenue fluctuations. SPECIAL CO~J~~TS As is the case VIith the preparCltion of every budget, there aD2 alVIays a nwnber of items 1;<lhich must be elirrriI1ated in order to arrive at a budget of services VIhich are 1;<_'i'thL'1 available resources. This year has been even more difficult in vieVI of our economic W1certainty. A more comprehensive long-range capital improvement prograrrmUJlg process VIith acccmpanying long-range financial ~l~n ~7nnl,~ rlltl Tnp ~i---::] in T'l3.nr~~Q fer itc:: f1...:.~~Jre. It tray \'.Jell be that a long-range financial plan mj,gh'L 2-.'1clude S!1:Jrt ana Ions teE:', debt to Clccornplish needed CC(;lj tal :UI,provar:ents. At this tirf:e the ::- i '=y has no bonded debt, short C'Y' le"g term. Oill~ City government fcr rrany years has been sOW1d fina.nci c,lv. It :r,,,,s been operated VIith:Jut excessive tax rates and has lived vli,thi::'c'::s bud;:,et. The residents of Wheat Ridge should receive a high level of C_Lj services. :T is our objective to irrIDrove the quality of se1~ices that ='~ citizens need. As a staff, He will strive to irr.prove serv:LcLig cup citi.:::._.~s with efficiency'\ promptness, confidence 2.:nd ecor;.cllij. :l..i.l this -::i1T2 of irJ.fl: ":'..:icnary tendencies, the citizen is acutely S2~1sii:iv'2 to the r~rLe of 1::3.>:es 2.1:.' __i2vel cf l)ublic services provided. This presents the 1\23.1 ChallenGe to ,:~: .:::e responsib12 to prepare and adept public becgcts--to p!:\)vice an accep""c. ___~le le\iel of comrIlW1i ty services crt the lo\-:est possible cos t . I .;ant to take this opportW1i ty to express my special cor:':c ,L-r,ents to our Director of AdministTaTive Services, Persorillel Officer, 2 =utive SeCreL~j, our Dep2.rtment Heads and Division Heads for The long, tec~us hours of VIork that they spent in compiling thls bud~et dOCL,"llent. I VIal:: to especially thank our Department Heads and Division Heilds for p1'2Sem:.' :; budc;et requests within our guidelines for minim'll increased costs. 1"15 I '.,:1 sure the Cou'1cil is aVIare, this yeell' \Vas probably one of the more difficuL ','?C'X'S to prepare the budget document in vicVI of our (',oal to m:inimize any L~,case in the budget. I a1Jl very proud of the inte~st and effort .these :c,ople . have ,put into this :,ear's budGet process knO\vll1g that they \Vlll ha,,' to II ve VIl th xii FINAL BUIGET !1CSSAGE Mayor Sti tcs and t'lembers of City Council City of vJheat Fidge October 10, 1980 very lit1:1e i1dclitio~lal re:30urces. Also, I want to express mvapprecicrtion for the many extra hours and effort put into the prepcration of this budget by our office staff. The lon,g hours of typin? and assembling the va:r>ious compunents of the budget aD" very much apprE:'ciated. Respectfully submitTed, /II UJ~ it ?oIJ;ytJlv Thomas 11. Pahrer' City Ad!nil1istratcr TEF: ly xiii REVfl\'\.JE SOUJ:ZCE TAXES Property Tax Liquor Occupational Tax Auto OWnership 'l'ax Sales Ta.': Use 'I'ax Public Service Franchise Ta': Telephone Occupation Tax SUB-'l'Ol'AL LICENSES & PEP.MITS Amusement. Machine License Arborist License Contractor's License Liquor License Fee Securi ty Guard License Building PelTUts Street Cut Permits SUB-TarAL INTEIWVEPN1'lENTAL REVI;;T\TUE Jefferson Cocmt" C1::>en ~'pace Federal Grant/~6lice Cigarette Ta.>: County Road & Bridge Highway Users' Ta.': ~btor Vehicle Registration State Share/Signal I>'0intenance SUB-TCfrAL CHA..1fuES FUR SEHVICES Zoning Application Fees Liquor Hearing Fees Parks & Recreation Fees Swinming P=l Fees Police Re=rds Seard1 Fees SUB-TOrAL FINES & FORFEITS Fines - Municipal Court SUB-TOrAL 1981 BUDGET REVENUE ;;1,~1Ml\RY GENERl\L FUND 1979 AcrUAL 403,467 32,426 41,838 1,654,150 440,983 394,307 90,288 3,057,459 1,250 435 27,150 2,612 490 36,208 9,972 78,117 -0- 22,000 189,162 225,773 242,444 111,139 16,862 807,380 5,336 5,200 45,232 -0- 2,167 57,935 59,050 59,050 xiv 1980 BUD3ET 412,000 35,000 40,000 1,772,000 400,000 335,000 92,997 3,08G,997 1,200 600 20,000 2,800 400 40,000 9,000 74,000 -0- -0- 200,000 210,000 205,000 98,000 -0- 713,000 6,600 2,000 40,000 25,000 1,400 75,000 60,000 60,000 1980 ESTIIvlATE 416,000 36,000 38,000 1,698,000 480,000 550,000 93,00C 3,311,000 1,250 450 20,000 3,000 400 29,000 7,500 -61,600 141,000 -0- 191,000 200,000 279,900 110,000 -0- 921,900 6,500 3,200 55,000 35,000 3,000 102,700 74,000 74,000 1981 BU]X;EI' 432,000 36,000 40,000 1,918,200 450,000 ::J7S,UUO 96,000 3,547,200 1,250 450 23,000 3,000 400 40,000 9,000 n,100 38,500 -0- 193,000 200,000 310,000 120,000 -0- 861,500 6,500 3,200 55,000 40,000 3,300 108,000 78,000 78,000 RLVENUE SUMMl\RY GI'NEML FUND (Continued) . .~' r 1979 1980 1980 1981 REVENUE SOURCE ACI'Ul\L BUDGET ESTIMATE BUI:X;ET OI'lIER REVENUES Interest Earnings 114,295 60,000 105,000 30,000 Rents/Hart & Hayward 7,940 7,000 7,000 5,000 Miscellaneous Income 41,930 10,000 25,000 25,000 Fund Balance Carryover 1,098,412 1,373,634 1,600,605 _t.~'L2. 441 SUB-TOTAL 1,262,577 1,540,634 1,737,605 1,702,443 TRANSFERS Capital L'TQroverrent Fund 185,170 -0- -0- -0- SUB-'IDTAL 185,170 -0- -0- -0- --- 'IDTAL 5,507,688 5,459,631 6.208.805 6.374,24, xv GENEML FUND 1. Revenues All Sources 2. Carryover Balance TOTAL REVENUE Sm\RING FUND 1. Revenue Shcrring 2. Interest 3. Canyover Ba]cillce TOTAL CAPITj\L n1PmVH~ENT Fl1ND 1. Sales Tax 2. Carryover Ba1ffi'1ce 3. Interest 4. Urban Drainage District 5. BOR Grant-Pool 6. Chamber of Carmerce 7. General Fund Trar1sfer rorAL PARK l\CQUISITION fUND Subdivision FPA "'2. Interest 3. Carryover Balance TOTAL COOSERVl',TlOIJ TRUST FlJj\,1) 1. State Grants 2. Interest 3. Carryover Balance TOTAL SENIOR CfNI'ER FUND 1. Miscellaneous Incorre 2. Earned Interest 3. Carryover Balance TOTAL TOTAL - SPECIAL FtJNDS TOTAL - ALL REVENUE SOORCES 1981 P,UIX;E'f REVFNUJ: S(J!Ii.ll\..~ 1979 ACIUAL 4,318,522 1,189,166 5,507-;688 218,398 9,809 119,406 347,613 1,654,150 964,291 208,368 63,769 -0- -0- 183,661 3,074,239 1,500 ^ -v' 897 2,397 -0- 219 1,634 1,853 -0- -0- -0- -0- 8,426,101 8,933,789 ALL FUNDS 1980 BurGVf 4,085,977 1,373,634_ 5,459,631 175,640 2,500 ~2,991_ 301,131 1,772,000 665,752 40,000 447,500 -0- 5,000 -0- 2,930,252 1,300 100 2,347 3,747 8,200 100 9,939 18,239 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,253,369 8,713,000 xvi 1980 ESTTI1ATE 4,608,200 1,600,605 6,208,805 227,880 13,500 181,345 422,725 1,698,000 696,152 195,000 36,741 236,000 -0- -0- 2,861,893 225 -v- 2,397 -2,622 -0- 115 4,353 4,468 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,291,708 9,665,613 1981 BULGE'!' 4,731,800 1,642,443 6,374,243 234,184 7,500 222,544 464,228 1,834,000 1,676,000 105,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 3,615,000 500 lua 2,750 3,350 -0- 100 2,900 3,000 2,000 -0- -0- 2,000- 4,087,578 10,461, 821 1981 BUDGET EXPENDITURE SUHMilRY ALL FUNDS 1979 1980 1980 1981 DEPARTMENT/DIVISla~ ACI'UAL BUDGL'T ES'rnll\.TE BUDGET (Revised) M3.yor 15,368 19,8% 18,332 19,518 City (buncil 32,42/, 46,136 45,812 46,690 City Clerk 94,533 109,088 96,576 107,439 City Treasurer 92,991 160,851 152,870 156,694 Municipal Court 56,755 85,895 80,073 77,75/, City Administrator 48,085 60,959 58,532 61,923 Ci ty JI.ttorney 69,703 72,700 51,650 56,950 Administrative Services Administration 32,737 37,517 37,307 40,822 Purchasing 22,163 39,106 38,538 42,473 Persormel 74,715 81,137 75,255 76,599 Building Maintenance 42,200 57,386 59,394 64...619 Sub-To :_al 171,815 215,146 210,494 224.513 Corrrnunity D2veloorrent i~~lL_~lS h C... L..LCi.l .JUt ~iUU -J.~,'; ~J 4i,u':;o :'l..)~":U Planninsr & Zonir~g 95,807 137,240 136,276 135,909 Building In~;p2ction 57,002 78,776 73,619 80,084 Code Enforc'ff"ent 42,454 40,238 36,708 43,464 SulJ-'l'oEill 233,663 30c1,6-99 293,641 310.777 Police Mmin.istrat,ion 63,927 132,586 114,754 71,856 Suprort Services 405,161 502,636 495,748 505,335 Patrol & Traffic 730,994 846,112 836,433 907,288 Tedmica1 Services 169,262 254,465 233,468 257,054 Anim"l Control 32,014 44,744 42,303 45.!167 Sub--'fotd l, 4bT~-3'~8 1,780,54J 1,722,706 1,787.200 Public l':orks Administration 48,990 49,802 44,463 7/1,022 Engineering 291,749 350,491 297,020 347,149 Street M~intenance 212,982 590,902 309,171 321,704 Traffic ~uintenance 41,411 77,790 67,815 81,596 Shops 210,685 273,996 278,626 313.935 Sub-'1bwl 805,817 1,342,981 997,095 1.138.406 xvii EXPEl\1])l'I'UHE SUf/~~1ARY - 1981 BUIX;ET (Continued) DEPARl'11EN"I'jDIVISION Parks & Recreation Adminis LTC! tion- Recreation Parks Maintenance Forestry Park. P':-lr1aerS SuJ5:.Totcll Salary Reserve General Cp2rLltio:'s Ex:oense Carnation Festival Civil Disaster Total BUGgeted Expendi tun:s Contingency Reserves Unallocated Fllild Balance Total General FW1d Special Funds Capital Improverrent Fu.'1d Park Ao.:llisition nc.'1d CoI1SLXvcrC.10il 'l'rJst -,':'llI1j Generul P.evenue Sh2~in:::r Senior CpY1t0r ?lcY'.:i Total ~c 2.:;ic',~ l"urds GRlIND TOTAL - ALL FUNDS 1979 ACI'UAL 63,590 140,047 194,423 51,353 55,831 505,244 183,661 191,809 1,643 670 3,905,539 -0- -0- 3,905,539 2,138,400 -0- Fllild 165,942 -0- 2,304,342 6,209,881 -()- 1980 BUI::GET (Revised) 56,815 214,298 261,840 66,046 68,562 667,561 780 196,125 3,200 10,000 5,076,563 90,000 293,068 5,459,631 3,010,651 3,747 ..i..(j,~...;j 301,131 -0- 3,333,768 8,793,399 xviii 1980 ESTIMATE 55,686 214,456 249,953 59,606 67, Q.l4 646,715 -0-- 178,666 3,200 10,000 4,566,362 90,000 293,068 4,949,430 1,513,801 -0- 1,468 156,181 -0- 1,671,450 6,620,880 1981 l3UIXillT 57,444 255,315 275,283 67,762 75,038 730,842 62,286 263,650 3,200 10,000 5,057 ,84;~ 400,000 916,401 6,374,243 3,615,000 3,350 ..... ^"''' _"l,vvv - 464,228 2,000 4,087,578 10,461,821 PAGE 1 ANNUAL l3 U D G ET ~______ DUDGET SU[,lMARY - ACCOUNT 102 DEP...~.HTMEtrr City Council t)IVISION N/A PROGr?AM OESCf1IPTIOfJ AND PURPOSE The City Council is elected by the cj tizcns of I,Theat Ridge and functions as the legislative branch of the City government. The Council passes ordinances and regulations establishing the policies regulating and guiding City services and activities. The Council appoints the Hunicipal Judge and City Attorney. Contact ,vith the Ci ty Cml1~cil is cor.ducted through the Mayor or City Administrator thus insuring an efficient.organizational arrange- ment. In addition, the Council adopts the budget and determines the level of services to be offered to the citizens of Wheat Ridge STAn.::r.iErJT OF GO!l.LS /UW ODJECTIVES -----~---- 1) Provide HllCat Ridge citizens needed services at the lowest possible cost. 2) Develop a plan to preserve the City's economic vitality and quality of life. 3) Continually review methods to improve good positLve relations among members of Council and staff. 4) Set City policies on the basis of merit while assuring input from staff and citizens is heard. . . BUDGET HISTORY 1979 ACTUAL 1930 Rf:.:\fL3':;-l) nUDG,:T 1930 ESTI~,1ATE BUDGET ( i 1981 I 14]500 i 32,190 ! PERSONAL SERViCeS OPERATING E>~PEi'JSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL -(),. 46,1% 45,812 -o- M, ,690 b NO. OF EMPLOYEES - FULL TIME REGULAH PART TIME REGULAR TEMPOR^HY (COST) - , - C I ry OF WHEAT r~IDGE I:. -------- f\hINU/\L CUDGCT -_: ~ SllMMM1Y OF OP[/I^TlIJG CXP[NDITUnCS I LIllO L:"IlTMLlJl ~51l__,:-_rcfJ:!1'11,/~I-,-~_ elF ~Ou",r~1L OllJ(CT COPE EXr[rI~E ITEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-10~-00-OO-600) 619 Fee Personnel 8 Councilmerubers at $150/Mo. per Ordinance 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life & Dental Insurance MATERIAL & SUPPLIES ( Ol=-l02-00-00-650)'- 65l Office Supplies, Printing & Postage OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-102-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 1 Nati onal Conferer'ce @S 1,000 ea. C;:;l,::.radr ~,"..:....~ . ~L.L .i....\....'.::..b'...........~ ~ ;lJ.-'J - P.,OOO uU,-j Jeffco Govt. & Other @$200 ea. l,600 1 Board or Commission member to Colo. Hunicipal League conference 100 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 716 Legislative Memberships Denver Regional Council of Covts. Colorado Nunid pal League National League of Cities Other 728 Train'ing C Safety 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 798 Management Contingency 799 Hisce1laneous Services & Charges TOTALS 7,500 8,920 1,300 220 \OIVISION N/A 1979 ^CTUl\1 9,705 -0- -0- 733 4,882 14,875 -0- 1,720 32,4211 CITY OF WHEAT lllDG( --- .,.. ,,,aM.. ...'" t,t. 48 453 8 _____,__J:;~U:H ---- 1980 p,lmr,T ~ ,.~~ 14,400 200 200 750 10,700 150 16,936 200 100 2,000 500 ld'i , 136 1980 1951 SIJ~U\TE RUOGi::T , 14,400 76 -0- 750 10,700 150 16,936 200 100 2,000 .500 45,812 14,liOO Ino -0- 800 10,500 150 17,940 200 100 2,000 500 /,6,690 __ANNUAL BUDGET !JAG\.:. 3 nUDGET SUi\lMARY ACCOUNT 01-103 DEPAIHMENT Treasurer DIVISION Finiillce PIWGRAr.~ DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE Maintain accounting records according to generally acceptcd accountin~ princinles. Account- ing records will include Gencral Lcdger, Cash Receipts, Cash Disbursemcnts, Payroll, Sales Tax, and Fixed Assets. Providc Data Processing Service to all departments. STfI.'ff::t :EfJT Or GOM.S MW OS,JE':C'lIV:::S -- - Goal: a. Accurate accountability of City revcnue and cxpenditure. b. Morc computer time and service available to more City departments. Objective: a. Provide morc and better up-to-date data for revenue forecasting and investment of idlc cash. b. Provide current data on budget expenditures for operating departments. c. Work with operating departments to determine how thcir City services can better be served with use of City computer. .- PERSOH OPEnAT CAPITAL TOTAL , 1900 ~ -- 1979 1980 BUDGET ISTORY ACT UAl R~\!I:''::D ESTI:Y1~TE 1981 BUDt; ~T kL SERVICES 56,752 115/430 108,246 111.]44 ING EXPENSES 35,586 44,450 43,650 !J,!~ ~ 7,} L) OUTLAY 653 974 974 325 - 92,991 160,854 152,870 L56,~~_ BUDGET H I NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME HEGULAR PART TIME [{EGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) 3 -6-- , ~(L,",--_ _--=ll- --==.Q-:: I [:, -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE_ p~pr~ _ --..-q-----. -----:f-\Nf\lU/\L B U DGET.=~=___~ pmsot~tJ[L SCllLDUL[ DIVISION I .____i , , r- I, II I~--' ACCOUNT 01-103 DEPARTMENT Treasurer Accounting NO. EI.1PLOYEES CLASSIFICf~TION BUDGET /9/9 OUDG~:T r G-UDC~T IDSO i~WI --~- ,-' ...-----_.~ : FUIJL 'rr~';c . . City Treasurer (nectivel - - 10,500 - - , I Data SysteFs Progravrer .5 1 1 19 19,350 I , Sales Tax Auditor .5 1 1 '15 15,922 Accountin<] Technician 2 2 2 13 36,093 AccolIDting Clerk 1 1 1 7 11,479 Data Entry Clerk .5 1 0 -0- TOI'AL 93,344 r : , . I I I I I I arIIEI< rf'FSCNl\L SERVICIS 17,800 I I TOTALS '. , 4.5 6 5 111.144 , I COI.'MENTS of Clerk is eliminated for 1981. ! The position Data Entry I I I~ i - --- _CITY OF 'NHr:AT RIDGE. PM',!: 5 .---..-.-'----.--.---------.-'------~. ^ t.t '\ I') ^ L 13 U IJ G I--r ------ -----------.-..--,------- . \ll \J \ 1- .---' / SllMM/dlY or OPCIlA'! ING eXI'CNDITUl\CS rxP(II~( ITEM rlVISION -- ACCOUNT 1111 p _ ' FTH^NCE - - - 1979 1980 1980 1981 ^ffi8L R IIn C)~.L_ ~ ESTpfrTr l)\lf)GET ,,' ,- , I ulm jOCi'AliTi;1UH =Jl\==-~<1t:WiJ\1\L=_~ T.Rf,ilSlJIlfR ~~=_ -. OIl)1 CT cO(Je PERSONAl, SERV1CES (01-=-[0'3-00-=-00-600 ) 601 City Trsasurer's Salary 8,025 19,500 10,500 10,500 39,599 87,159 8L\ ,000 82,844 336 96L\ 804 866 246 -0- -0- -0- 369 ' I~OO 325 400 512 200 200 200 2,989 5,987 5,862 6,268 288 123 57 137 I ~, 9/:5 . 5) l{'S , ~~~ I 6,~:. -", _,. U . -0- 81'.0 -0- -0- 1,443 11,109 2,198 3,769 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longevity Pay 605 1erit Increase 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.Le.A. 621 ,Iorl-men' s Compensation 622 .Jp!-1J.th, Life and DC'n n1 Tn """'''','.0 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 CCOERA -- Retirement MATERIAL & SUPPLIES (01-103-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 702 706 728 7L\0 750 758 759 8,604 .8,900 8,900 9,000 OTHER SERV[CES AXD CHARGES (01-103-00-00-700) .. Confc~ence & Meeting Expense 297 1,1:00 1,200 1,1\00 185 250 200 200 361 1,250 750' -0- 55 400 U5 425 6,424 7,500 7,500 9,000 19,62l 24,450 24,450 24,r"" - 1 50 50 50 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Training & S~fety Auto Milease Reimbursement Professional & Consulting Fees Rentals & Leases Telephone Expense CITY OF WI1E^T nlDcc w. .l)"~~' ..."" I,U PM>! 6 ~----:--'-----._-._'--_._-- ^ N ~,t U ^ L '-1 U I') (' '-T --- --------------------, I~ J _ \1.:. -.---- / SllMM^IlY OF OPCfl^TING CXf'[NDITUllC$ , 0 rL:l'/d11M U<1 -01 - GENERAL TREASURER :~..:.~-==--~-=~=-=--~~-=-.:- - r1V1{;IOt4 lACCOUljT ] 03 FINANCE -~~ --~:;-n;~ 1979 1980 1980 19B1 ---MTUM Pllnr~o ESTHl~,n: ".-BJJ.I)GEJ'_ 34 150 85 100 I, 100 100 100 OOJ( CT COll[ rxr[II~E ITEM 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 779 M~scellancous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTL\YS (Ol-103-QQ-OO-80Q) 802 Office Equipment Fire Proof }'i1e Secretarial Chair 653 974 974 825 - 700 125 TOTALS 92,991 160,854 152,870 156,694 .. " 1- CITY or WHE^T nlDCE Will ,."'....4.. ..,v .,11 F"AGE 7 ANNUAL BUDGET c I3UDGET SUW.iARY LACCOUNT 01-104 DEPAHTMENT Mayor DIVISION N/A -- PIWGR/\i1 DESCrHPT10iJ AND PlJF~POSE Tho Mayor is the elected leader of the City of Wheat Ridge. The Mavor takes the leadershin role in community poUcies, \wrking Hitll Conncil to meet community needs. As Chief Executive Offlccr of the City, the Mayor sees that ordinances, resolutions and policies of the City Council are enforced. The Hayor, under City Charter, leaves administration of the City to the City Administrator Hho is responsible for all administrative functions. STMf:nE1H OF GO!,LS I,ND 03JECTIV;::S 1) Goal: Lead the Council to provide necessary City services to the ciUzens of 1.:heat Ridge at the 10Hest possible cost. Objective: a. Scrutinize all costs on a daily basis for possible elimination and/or savings. b. Require justification for all expenditures in terms of contributions to Council goals and policies. 2) Goal: Request of and work Hith the staff to develop a more detailed and justifiable Capital Improvements Program Hith a long range financial plan. Objective: a. Have City Administrator and appropriate staff develop format for CaDital Improvement Program. b. Rring ')roDosed long range Carital Improvement Program and financial plan co Llty Council for approval. 3) Goal: Complete second phase of Lena Gulch drainage project and first phase of Harlan Street drainage project. 4) Goal: Complete first tHO phases of H. 44th Ave. Street improvement project. S) Goal: Provide leadership with City Council to insure continued positive relationships and teamHork approach betHeen members of Council and staff. . . - 19:'~O I~H9 1980 BUDGET nUDGE,. HISTOI1Y ACTUAL R>::\i!'.:~:!) ESTl.\1 ATE 1931 i3UDG,-T ~" PERSONAL SERVICES 13 079 15.996 15,962 lh,~h8 I OPERATING EXPENSES 2.289 3,900 2,370 2.950 CAPIT/.\L OUTLAY -(). -0 -0- J\ TOTAL 15 368 19,~96 18,332_ 19 518 NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME nEGUlArl PART TIME REGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) .5 -0- -0- .5 --- -0- -0- .5 -0- -0- -0- --0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I. ANNU'\L OUDGET-=~-- r!l(~r: 8 -- --_. PEnSONNEL SCIIEDULE 1'-- ACCOUNT DEPAHH1ENT DIVISION : I I I 01-104 !k'YOr N/A i I : , \ ' , _ CLf-\SSIFIC^T10;~ =t-- fW. EMPLOYEES OUDGEY [OUDC~T I 9 -, ~) I ~) G 0 GRADE DUDGET 1981 i , -- ----- ,,,"-- ._=~=- I I ~'layor (Elective) - -. - 6,000 Executive ,Secretary .5 .5 .5 12 8.783_ 'lDl'N~ 14,783 -- . : , Ol'HER rrn.SQ{l\L Sr.PVICES 1,785 TOTALS " .5 .5 .5 16,568 COi,1MENTS No change in staff lS requested. The Executive Secretary is shared on half tir.e basis with the City Administrator. - ~ -- . BUDG::T I ~)o I CITY OF \,:JHE.AT nlDGE / IUtH) ANNUAL DUDGET ---:::- SlIMM^I\Y OF OP[I\^TltJG EXPCNDITU/lCS 01 - GFNElv\L L'I\flTl~un HAYOR ...;J.::':"::::'-=~ OOJ[ CT COUl EXP(U5E nEM PERSONAL SERVICES (01-10'4-00:00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages Hayor's Salary $500/Mo. per Ordinance 605 Herj t Increase 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Horkmen's Compensntion 622 Health, Life & Dental Insurance 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense ~~TERIAL AND SUPPLIES ~01-104-00-00-650) G~l CrIice SUi'~:~~~, rC1Dtlng u l02t2gC OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-104-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 759 Telephone Expense 798 I 799 Hanagemen.~ Contingency . Hiscellaneous Services & Charges TOTALS fO'VIS'ON _, N/A 1979 I\CTUI'\1 11,675 270 732 144 32 -0- 226 576 566 89 3 21 891 14;3 15,368 ,. '0.....). ...... "" CITY OF WI iE^T rUDGE 1980 f1l1nr,FT 14,226 -0- 871 16 454 100 329 600 1,400 150 100 200 1,250 200 19,896 rAGE 9 ACCOUNT - 1980 1981 ] 04 [STI~!l\n: Bu[)r;:::~ 14,208 -0- 871 -0- 454 100 329 600 . 400 150 20 100 l,OOO 100 18,332 14,783 -0- 983 21 429 -0- 352 - 600 1,000 100 50 100 1,000 100 19,518. _ANNUAL BUDGET'- PAGE ]0 BUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT 01-106 DEPARTMENT City Administrator OIVISION N/A prWGRAM DESCRIPTIGrJ AND PURPOSE The City Administrator is the Chief Administrative Officer of the City and directs operations under the administrative division of the City govern~ent. The City Administrator coordinates and directs the work of all City employees Ilnder administrative jurisdiction to carry out Council policies, appoints and removes employees under his control, and recommends to the Hayor and Council legislation, improvements to meet cOlDmunity needs, as well as policies and services offered to the citizens. STrm::r.1t:NT OF GOALS I\ND OBJECTrVr::S Goal: Develop a "team work" atmosphQre between the City Council and City staff Ivithout delving too far into each other's areas of responsibility. Objectives: 1. Provide for a closer working relationship with the City Council throtgh informal meetings with at least 2 sessions to focus on goal setting. 2. Have dcpartment heads conduct tours of their department and explain various programs. Goal: Develop a teamwork atmosphere within the organization. Objectives: 1. Develop initial organization development efforts by conducting a survey of employees as to needs: analyze the results & develop an action plan based on the results. 2. Retain consultant-facilitator experienced in organization development to work with manage- ment to implement action plan. Hold at least 2 departillent head staff meetings exclusively to discuss methods to improve ~,..- l .n.Ul~""J '- t' 'S L'i..Ll: Lll~~ :5.UL:.1' ~ 4. Develop a program of recognition for employees who have exhibited special performance (for example, employee of the month). Goal; Hork with City Treasurer & other staff to develop the format for a cost accounting- system for City services. Develop implementation schedule and procedure following adoption of recommcnded approach. Goal; Assist City Council in defining goals and objectives to preserve the City's economic - vitality so that necessary City services are assured for the future. Goal; Improve coordination and communication between department heads & departments. - 1979 13(JO 1980 BUDGET l BUDGET HISTOny ACTUAL F1r:'Y!;3EO ESTIMATE 1981 8UDGc:T PERSON/\L SERVICES 42 166 52,109 48,827 ~;'G;,D l OPERATING E;{PENSES 5.919 8,850 9,705 7,4<'0 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- 0 -()- TOTAL 48,085 60,959 58,532 hl,92~ I -- " ~ I NO. OF EMPLOYEES ~ FULL TIME REGULAR 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 - I PART TIME REGULAr{ .25 .5 .5 -0- TEMPORMW (COST) $2,100 $4,200 -0- -0- I . . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE t r.=-'--'--' .--- 1 PAGE 11 ----AN NUt\ L BUD GET -==--='_~ --,-._- --.'------,-- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE --------l--- r ACCOUNT I L~"-~O~_____ ~ DEPARTMENT City Arlministrator DIVISION N/A CLASSIFICATION . - i-r- NO. EMPLOYEES - GRADE nUDGET BUDGET ~UDGET 1979 1980 /981 i ., ~ J ~ I BUDGET 198/ ----. roLL 'rum City AcJministrator 1 1 1 39,000 ExeeuLivo Secretory .5 .5 .5 12 8,783 Public AQ~nistration Intern .25 .5 -0- -0- TCYl'AL 47,783 . OTIIER PEPSCNflli SERVICES 6,690 i TOTALS 1. 75 2 1.5 54 ,47 3 COMMENTS Half-time intern position is eliminated. The Executive Secretary is shared on a half-time ~~sis with the Mayor. r ,_______,__CITy OF WHEAT RIDGE . .___.___._ _ . __ PM;!: 12 ------.-- ^ N l' \ U ^ L lJ lJ IJ (-- [r ------.-.------- - - ,------------ '-'----. \. ... ;\..:.: .-..,=-.------------- -- r:-(,)UNT - IOn 19GO 1980 ~ RI,nr1-~ '----ESTIW,Tr t BUDGET / SllMf/l^IlY or Of'Ul^TI/JG CXI'LNDITUf\CS I UIW lGLP/dlfMUJl 01 - Cf:NERJ\L CITY t\DNT NT STRATOR ..::::---==:'C-_::;.:=-....:.==--=.==-..:__~::::...==-=-=-""'=_~ I[)I~I~;~~: OOJf Cl COlle 1979 ^CTlIl\1 [XP[lI~E IT EM PERSONAL SERVICES _.__._~----- (01-106-00-00-600) 601 City Administrator's Salary 26,191 33,187 33,300 9,853 12, Lf26 9,364 757 -0- -.0- 1,833 1,660 1,660 87' -0- -0- -0- 200 -0- 2,003 2,569 2,569 144 54 27 1.60 .1,435 1,OUO -0- 250 250 1,138 328 657 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longevity Pay 604 Deferred Compensation 605 Merit Increase 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 620 F. I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation t:.. '1 ') T1 .", T ~ - 1,.)..:....... u....--:__u. Ld, Lt......._ __~~_1I} ':""\2ntal lnsuLanL~. 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 CCOEK\ - Retirement Expense ~lATERIAL & SUPPLIES -- -~ (01-106-00-00-650) 651 Printing & Postage 2,800 1,000 lOO 100 .4,8,00 !I,OOO 4,273 Off j ce Supplies, Annual Report Xerox Cllarges Postage l1iscellaneous 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment -Q- 100 100 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-106-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense Internat'l City Mgmt. Assoc. Colorado Hunicipa1 League Other 558 l,350 1,350 1,000 100 300 39,000 8,783 -0- 1,950 -0- -0- 2,560 1,767 -0- 352 4,000 -0- 1,400 CITY OF VJHE^T l1lDGE f. r~Il"" .. ......" .", . IHW 706 740 758 759 776 798 799 -'- ANNUAL OUDGET .::: ,'/HI!. ..1-.) .- ..--.- ..,./ StlMl"MIlY or OI'L:fl^TllJG [XI'CND1TUncs rlf'AIlTMUH DIVISION ACCOUfH - GEt1ERAL !J/A I n(, ~-=...- -~ cC~TY AIllIHlT,;n,ATOR - h 1979 1980 1980 1981 EXf'EN~E ITEM f\CTlI>'\ l fwnr;n F5T1iIi\TE , RI lOG ET Dues, Books & Subscriotions 318 L:.OO L,OO Lfon Colo. City Ngmt. Assn. Dues 40 ICW\ Dues 240 Subscriptions & Books 120 Aulo Hileage Reimbursement 15 100 20 50 Rentals & Leases -0- 100 -0- --0- Telepho-e Expense 5.9 600 300 300 Other Equipment Haintenance 76 200 200 100 l1anagement Contingency 605 1,000 3,135 1,000 l1iscellaneous Services & Charges 15 200 200 200 . . . I . , : TOTALS 48,085 60,959 58,532 61,92.3 . - , ,. . - - L CITY 0[- WHEAT nlDcr: wa ,10)....... "IV I/U P/IGE 14 ANNUAL GUDGET 1: ~ ElUDGET SUWMRY - ACCOUNT 107 DEPARTMENT DIVISION City Attorney N/A prWGRM.~ Dr:SCnIPTIO~J AND PURPOSE Legal advisor to the City Council, Mayor, Boards & Commissions, City Administrator, and Department Ilcads in matters relating to their official powers or duties, represents the City in litigation and is responsible for the prosecution of offenses filed in the Municipal Court. STr.-rr::.1F.J!T Of GOALS J\ND CB,JECTIV::S l) Provide legal advice and services to Hayor, Council and management staff. 2) Keep the City up-to-date with current judicial rulings on administrative and 1m, enforcement practices. 3) Defend the City's interest in Court. 4) Service as City Prosecutor before the Hunicipal Court. 5) Draft and/or review all documents, including ordinances, resolutions, contracts and instruments of conveyance. ... NOTE: City Attorney serves City Coutlci1 on a contractual basis. 19"19 19DO 1980 BUDGET i nUDGET HISTORY R'3::VI :;:::1) ACTUAL _ BUDj)_cT ESTI;>,1ATE 1981 I PERSDtML St::RVICES -0- -0- ,0. -0- OPEHATING E':PENSES r;q 7r1'1 72 700 Sl ()50 ..,.56, 9 ~n CAPITAL OUTLAY _n_ -0. -0- -0- TOTAL 69.703 72,700 51,650 5(,,950 I NO. OF EMPLOYEES r FULL TIME REGULAR - PART TIME REGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE , I- I. PAr.L 15 "-.-'..--..'.---.-----.-..--------,- AI'.'I"UAL IJUDCr::-I- -..----.-------- '0'0_,.'0'" -'.--..-.-.--.-.,--.--.-----,--- . \I \j' 'L: h__________._.___ ---- SlIMfvMIlY OF OP[fl^TIIJG eXI'LNDI'I UI1[$ II\CCOUNT ~== ,--'"'--= ~ JJ~~c~,~= ~~fl~~~\l:==J~L;;~~~~~'~~JiDl~~~._ =--- .'- , -r-- l[)IVI~;ION , . N /\ O[]J[ cr couc EXf'[tI~f ITEM 1979 ^CTLll\ 1980 1980 19[)1 nJlllr: ~>....J..I ~ilH'^T[, BUDGeT OTHER SERVICES l\ND CHARGES (01-=I'07'.Oo--6o-7oo'f---- 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 235 500 400 500 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions -0- 500 500 500 732 Witness & Juror Fees -0- 200 -0- 1?200 750 Professional Services 66,134 70,000 50,000 54,000 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 3,334 1,500 750 750 'tOTALS 69,703 72 , 7 00 51,650 56,950 .- .. .. --~.. ,. '0..... >>. _.... ';'11 CITY OF WHE^T nlDGE PAGE IG Af\JNLJA.L BUDGET~_ I BUDGET SUr.1MAHY [ ACCOUNT 01-108 o EP/\ Rn.r.ErJT City Clerk DIVISION N/A PROGfi/'.H OESCnlPTlml MJD PURPOSE Responsible for official City records, i.e., Ordinances, Resolutions, Controcts, Buildinp, Codes, Hheilt Ridge City Code, Charters, Licensing of Liquor & Beer Establishments, Amusement Machine Devices, and Security Guards. Process Senior Citizens' Property Tax/Rent Rebates. Publish a] 1 legal notices. Secretary to City Council, i. e., eXtend Counci 1 Meetings, prepare Agenda Packets, write Minutes, Conduct E1eLtions, Registe~ Voters. ST^Tr::r,~r::fH OF GO,4LS I\ND OD,12CT1Vr::S . - 1) Reorganize and index entire filing system. 2) Continue up-to-date microfilming to make records more accessible. 3) Simplification of Licensing Records. 4) Keep citizenry informed of City Council actions through publication of legal notices. 5) Promote public confidence in municipal government through efficient update and control of permanent records; :f- Ct\lLV-<'ct\" -'- -\ 6 ~'LLLL v~YC"-"t-'k ... u , 1--' 197'9 19~)O 1980 8UDGE'~ BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL REVl~3:::0 ESTJ~ATE 198! 8UGGC:T , PERSON/I,L SERVICES '31 384 ~238 39.1/.3 41,Q'39 \ J OPEHATING EXPENSES 63,149 67,350 55,QS3 65,375 CAP ITAL OUTLAY - 1,500 1,500 p') I TOTAL 94,533 109,088 96,576 107 ,1,39 ~ - I NO. OF EMPLOYEES .1 I FULL TIME REGULAH 1 1 1 1 PAHT Ttf,IE l\EGULAR .5 .5 .5 .5 " T ---- TEMPORARY (COST) -0- -0- =D.- 1 ,000 b_ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I l ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 17 1 II PERSONNEL SCHEDULE , l~ I j 1 1 l ; ACCOUNT 01-108 DEPARTMENT City Clerk DIVISION N/A NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET CLASSIFICI:\.TION GRADE BUDGET I BUDGET I BUDGET 1981 1975 1980 1981 I FULL TIME City Clerk (Elective) 14,400 D2puty city Clerk 1 1 1 11 13,328 Secretary .5 .5 .5 8 -2,682 33,410 'IDI'AL TEMPORARY 1,000 - FEE PERSONNEL 1,500 CYI'HER PERSONAL SERVICES 6,029 TOTALS 1.5 1.5 1.5 41,939 COMMENTS I II Reflects a reclassification of former position of Clerk~ist to Secretary. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - ANfJU^L DU DGET ::.: SllMM^HY or OP[fl^TItJG [XPCNDITUllCS ~l . IUtJU Df:PAHfMU,l =g"L~,~~::>'JEBA!,==-~~cLTY CLEfJ(. OnJf C T COOl. EXP[N~[ ITEM PERSONM, SERVICES ---~-~~--~--- (01-108-00-00-600) 60l City Clerk's Salary 602 Salaries & Hages 610 Overt ime & Premium Pay 617 City Temporary PersoLnel 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.I.C.A. &21- ~rkm"-H'" Cumpensation 622 Hea~th, Life & Dental Insur<J"cP ->~ .. 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense N;\TERJ AI AND SUY?UES ~~-----_." (01-108-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage OTl'ER SERVICES '\o;n CHARGES ~_~_._~u_ (01-10S-uO-OO-iOO) 702 Conference"& Meeting Expense Intcrnat'l. Inst. of Municipal Clc,-ks Colorado Hunicipal League Colorado Clerks Jeffco Govts./Other 1,000 100 200 200 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 708 Election Expense 714 r,egal Notices & Publication -- JIVISION AccourH - ~ / ^ 1 "., 1979 1980 1980 1981 ^CTI1^1 flilllC>U- : rc;rWl\T[ ! 8U~GET H 12,200 14,400 14,400 14,400 14,393 17,686 18,500 19,010 133 250 100 150 -0-- -0- -0- 1,000 1,180 2,000 1,200 1,500 1,644 1,969 2,020 2,290 144 39 29 49 I 1,(1".4 . ') ') /,1- , ::11 I ') -' : . ~,.....v-, -0- 350 350 -0- 656 1,301 1,010 1,337 5,376 .6,600 5,000 5,500 1,199 l,500 1,40Q 1,500 - f-?OO 986 1,000 Z50 300 4,596 -0- -0,- 4,000 10,093 10,500 5,500 6,( - CITY Or- WHEAT ruDGr:: .iJ. 'u......t. _." ai" 'f' '.-..---------------------- ^ N fJ U ^ LOU [) G r:.r ----- ---"-~_.------_._----. ' - L ---- !~^01~j.'L_ SlIMM^IlY OF OPUI^TIIlG [XPUWITUIlCS _'___.'_"' rl.~~~UN .- ACCOUtH - ';0 T6iJ;;;JirMuH -l)l ... GENJT\L 1 (Try CLERK ,~":"".:.=...:~-:=.;..;;_.=~~-~__=_~_:::_...:_=-=-.::.::=:::.....~___~_=.O= ---~ J OR OUJler COOL r:Xf'(fl~C:: 11 eM 1979 1980 1930 1981 --AClt8L- -1lII[lr"r;:L. ~....L~JW,Tr or--8UDGEl 250 2,000 1,000 2,000 304 350 .200 -0- 122 200 200 250 4,554 6,600 5,250 6,600 l48 550 310 375 10 50 43 50 352 900 200 1.700 35,075 37,000 36,500 37,000 84 100 lOa 100 715 Recording Fees 728 Training & Safety 7/10 Auto Hi1eage Reimbursement 750 Pro[Qs3iona1 & Consulting Fees Ordinance Codification 758 Rental & Leases 759 Telephonc Expense 776 Other Equipment Haintenance 792 Senior Citizens ProPQrty Tax Rebates 799 Miscellaneous Scrvices & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-108-00-00-800) . -gOL . . - Urricc Equipment Book Case .. -0- 1,500 1,~OO 125 TOTAl.S 94,533 109,088 96,576 107,439 .. CITY Or- WllE^T nlDCE ,. .VIII.... .. ... v"" P^GE 20 ANf\JUAL GUDGET L 1 - - nUDGEr SUi.lr;lAnV , ACCOUNT DEPArni.~ENT DIVISION 01-109 J1unkipa1 Court Court Administration -- PHOGRM~ DF.~CRIPTIO;J Arm PURPOSE The Hunicipal Court is prcscribed by Colorado Statute and by the City Charter. The mission of thc Court is to conduct a fair and impartial forum as required by law. STATEr.1'EJH OF Got\LS AND OD,lt':CTIV;:'S 1) Our Goals ;md Objectives remain the same, to conduct a fair and impartial forum and to interpret the Jaw. 2) Under the probation functions of the Court we attempt to prevent recidivism among the defendants who are guilty of violating the law. 3) The Court atten~ts to promote and encourage safe and defensive driving through its "Traffic Safety Program". -- - Is'r9 -1830 1980 BUDGET I BUDGET HISTORY ACT UJ\L REVl:::'::!) ESTI.\~ATE 198/ BUDGC:T PERSONAL SEnVIC:::S 4C),384 73 319 72 1f)8 '8'M~ OPERATING EXPE~JSES 6.303 10 085 7 212 L'"O CAPITAL OUTLAY 215 891 693 2'10 TOTAL 55,902 84,295 80,073 77 .754 NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR 2 2 2 -2. PART TIf\t.E REGUUI.n .75 .75 .7'1 n -- TEMPOnM~Y (COST) r- r- lk CITY OF WHeAT RIDuE I L I i I---=-----~~.=_--.--..~=_ A 1'0 l'J U/\ L I PEHSONNCL ~;Cll[J)UL[ I , ACCOUNT I Dr:rJ;nTM~NT I. OIVISION ~ [__~ -109 _ J_____ !'1un~ci~?al Court . Court J\dr:linistration I [-~ CLl~;'SI~C!lTro:---J--'~-~~-~LOYEES - --:~ADE' OUDGET BIJDC'llI.:T DUDen L OLJDG::T 1981 /9l9 19L>O 19;.31 ~- ---~-------- -- - ----~- ----- P!',GC DUD GET ~_--=--=-==-~- ----- ,- Ll. FULL TWE c.'lief Court Clerk 1 1 1 22 20,698 D29uty Court Clerk II 1 1 1 10 16,230 D2puty Court Clerk I .75 .75 -0- -0- TGrAL 36,928 .1 TEMPORARY 700 24,ln FEE pEf'"som JEL OTIfER PERSCNlIL Sn,VICToS 6,984 TOTALS 2.75 2.75 2 68,804 COlM..',ENTS Position of Deputy Court Clerk I is eliminated in 1981. l~ __CITY OF V~\-IE/\T nlDGE -:::: -- ANfJlJ^L DUDGET ,:' . StlMM^IlY OF OrCI\^TItJG [XP[NDITUI\CS DLPAflll,,1UH IlJlJO 01 - GENERM, ..:J;.--=-~--,==,---' OlJJlCl COlll M1!NTC1Pi\L CXPCNSC ITCM PERSONAL SERVICES --~-~- (01-109-00-0U-600) 602 Salaries & Wages olO Overtime & Premium Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 620 Fee Personnel Presiding Judge Assistant Judge Bailiff Probation Officer F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation v_~ ~ .ic<.l~t~l, Li.[~ dnd vental Insurance 623 Uuemployment Insurance 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense MATER1AL AND SUPPLIES ~01-109~OO-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 660 Operating Supplies, Equipment Traffic School . Work Books Ship Charges Film Lease Other Small Tools & Minor lOIVISIOIJ _' ,~COURT A1)}\TNTC;TRA'f.lDR 10,272 6,420 1,500 6,000 .. 1,250 50 400 200 1979 1\ elLI l\ I 28,140 488 -0- l6 ,916 1,755 144 1,416 -0- 525 2,376 696 CITY or WHEAT maCE fill. ............. IJI'''' 11" 1980 f111nr;n 42,471 1,500 -0- 22,692 2,604 81 2,141 385 1,445 '3,0.00 1,385 p^Ge 22 -- ..---' J^CCOUNT ,- 1 ()Q r 1980 19B1 E.5lll:1L~ r: , BUD r; E .: 42,471 371 -0- 22,692 2,604 59 2,1!,1 385 1,4t15 1,784 1,323 36,928 800 .700 24,192 2,557 2,089 -0- 1,478 2,200 1,900 ----.- ^NNU^L DUDGET ._. PI,,,!, 2 J ..~-----_. SlIMM^IlY OF OrCf\^TlflG [Xl'l.:NDITUllCS 'IJO E'MlTMUH HUNT ri:~6L CO~~l'= fC)IVI:;IO. N .,__CO{TI~T ,:J.lliL'lT STR \JIOR__ _-===-= 1979 1980 1980 ACCOUNT ~.~L:;, GENTRM, CXP(N~E ITEM 198] ^ll~ll\ Uillf',!;:J_. J.snt,:r,TF. BUDGET OTHER SERVICES A"JD CHARGES -~ .- (01-109-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Neeting Expense -0- 300 150 300 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 65 150 75 150 American Judicature Society 728 Training & Safety -0- 100 -0- -0- 732 Jury & Hitness Fees 807 1,200 1,028 -0- 740 Ni1eage Reimbursement 84 100 100 600 750 Professional & Consulting Fees 2,070 2,450 2,107 2,450 Court Steno 1,250 Driver Training 1,200 759 Telephone Expense -0- 400 -0- 200 ""'-/6 Other Equipment Haintenance .' Overhaul two IBM Typewriters @'$50 ea. Service Contract on Hinolta Copier 115 600 L;"45 700 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 90 400 200 200 CAPITAL OUTLAYS '(01-109-00-00-8'00) 802 Office Equipment Four 2-drawer 6" X 9" Files 215 891 693 250 " rOTALS 55,902 84,295 80,073 77 ,754 1=__ CITY or- WHE^T nrocE iii. '~IIl~'" ...... "" I,'A(;E 24 . I -- -. nUDGET SU~,1i\lARY ACCOUfJT DEP/\RTMENT DIVISION 01-115 Administrative Services AdJ'unis tr a tion ANNUL\L BUDGET rROCR~.r1 DEScr:IPTION AND PURPOSE To provide administrative support to the City Administrator including budget ad~inistration and to coordinate the Personnel, Purchasing and Building Maintenance Divisions. ST^TCf,EfJT OF GO"~.LS /-I.ND 03JF.CTrV:::S 1) Determine the Citv's present and near-future financial condition. a) Analyze revenue sources and trends. b) Analyze expenditures and trends. c) Identify and present financial options for future budget planning. 2) Analyze City's capital requirements and funding sources. a) Improve Capital Improvement Program budgeting process. b) Establish vehicle replacement fund based on depreciation. 3) Support increased participation and responsibility of City departments in Personnel and Purchasing procedures. 4) Improve level and timeliness of staff services available to City departments. - l NO. OF E FULL PAnT TEMP 19'(9 ~1%O~900 '--' T HISTOr1Y m::i/I:":':O -'" ~ r::' BUDGET I ACTUAL 8UD,,;'::T t:;:>TI:-',ATl... 1981 , , nSONAL SEfiVICES 30 71,7 34 347 34,243 3B~47 I EI1ATlt..:G E>:PENSES 1,29Q,_ . 2,275 2,200 2,57') -- PITAL OUTLAY _ ::-0- 895 864 -0- TAL 32,737 37,517 37,307 40-,-822 MPLOYEES 1 TIME REGULAR 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 TIME REGULAR -0- -0- -0- -0- ORARY (COST) -0- ':0- -u. -0- - BUDGE PF. OP CA TO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE (-- j ANNUAL BUDGET-- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEPAHTMENT L [___ ~LAsSlrICATlON 01-115 AdMinistrative Services ] NO. BUDGET ID (9 --~-- r~S:;E 25___ C. EMPLOYEES DUD GET ] 6'U[JGET I~HlO 19<31 ------- FULL TUlE Direct,or of Acln1inistrati ve Services 1 1 Senior SecretClrJ .5 .5 TCJ".lI.L ,~ . . omr:R PEPSO\[~L SERVICES TOTALS 1.5 1.5 COMMENTS Senior Secretary is shared on a half-time basis with Per 1 .5 DIVISION I I J 'j I I I -\ Nlministration CHADE BUDGET 1981 25 25,937 10 6,491 32,428 5,819 1.5 38,247 r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE sonncl Division. I I I i j PA(:!: 26 -, .-----'---------- Aid 1,1 UAL 13 U lJG' r::-r ,,,----------------- _.---,-- ------'-----.,- --,------ . \I ~' L:. --,- --- SlIMrvlflllY OF OPC/l^TIUG [XI'LNDITUll[:} r"li'-iu rCi;;\TI'fMl::T.ij ~OIVl"I\)N 'L~.~~=,;;- S:~)jEnQl.;,,~=__--.AI2HQi19,'J:)~\IlYJ~=L'1fJlV, lCJ:',S_. ,.h __I , . OIJJLCT C(Jl)l l>;l'cr~SE ITEM PEIZSONAL SERVICES 1Oi-=}:1'5 - 0 CJ- 00---(;-0'6 ) 601 Director's Salary 602 Salaries & WaBcs 603 Longevity &04 Deferred Compensation 605 Herit Increases 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 620 F. I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life & Dental InSll,."n:"~ 623 Unemployment InsuraDce 630 CCOEI~ -- Retirement Expense 651 660 702 706 759 MATEkTALS Aim SUPPLIES (01-115-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postaze Operating Supplies OTHE~2El\VICES A0rD ~HARGES (Ol-115-00-00-700) Conference & Heeting Expense Municipal Finance Officers Assn. Colorado HunicipaI League Other 1,000 100 200 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Intcrnat'l. City Mgmt. Assn.; Municipal Finance Officers Assn.; Colo. Municipal Hgmt. Assistants Assoc.; Subscriptions & Books Telephone Expense " ~~------ 1979 ___~_Gnu!J 19CO illDf. 20,160 ?-4,240 4,712 6,066 -0- 101 -0- -0- 1,400 -0- 190 200 1,525 1,858 450 1,300 1,390 210 210 800 243 500 ~OO 50 100 790 900 175 200 275 CITY Or- WHEJ\T nJDCE 300 200 t. ru..Lol.' ....,. III' .__,__J:C1C~:UN'1 1980 1931 JSTl~:r\Tr ~UDSET__ 2[+,240 6,066 76 41 -0- 100 1,858 39 19 , - J -. J V . 210 243 300 100 950 375 200 25,937 6,491 132 1,038 -0- 200 2,188 43 ~ ......,,-..., ....,.....,. -0- 271 300 100 1,300 400 "AGE L I .,__'___'___u.________________'_ ^ Nt IlJ ^ L D U [) G r:-r --------,----------------- I" 1-. SlIMM^IlY Of OI'[Il^TIIJG LXI'[tJl)IlUl!CS , -"7i"i-o lUll' ;J'I 'i I ill< 1 ~_ ~ I ~c-.QL=-J:llJ Eli;} 1~~~_=_-1i l]t!niI_S;n\I\'r:.T'L~_S-J;;~yJ.,gl':s . rJIVI~ION A)' N =,~our'n ., _ S ()(lJCCT cml[ EXP[l~~E 11 [1.1 1980 1980 1981 ----'- ^CTlII~ IllG,U-. ~IS.II :\q [::, RunGET 776 Other Equipment Haintenance 50 75 75 75 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 150 200 200 200 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-115-0U-00-800) 802 Office Equipment -0- 895 864 -0- ' TOTALS 32,737 37,517 37,307 40,822 '- .. \ " CITY OF WH!::^T rUDGE ~...... 11. .. Il '" 'f" BUDGET. PAC;E 28 ANNUAL [ nUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUNT L 01-116 DEPARTMENT Administrative Services DIViSION Purdlasing prWGn,'\r.~ DE;;cnIPTlmJ Af-:D PURPOSE To utilize standardized and accepted purchasin~ practices in the procurcmont of materials and services for use by City departments in a timely, efficient and economical manner, to conl ract for Ci ly improvemr'nts .:md to provide the City with adeQuate insurance coverages. ST{.\TEnENT OF,GOALS M!D OBJECTIVeS 1) To improve tJ1C' Ci ty I S purchasing procedures through a thorough review and revision of the existing purchasing manual. 2) To expand the central office supply warehouse to include a wider variety of commonly used items in an effort to reduce the overall cost of such supplies to City departments. 3) To encourage the use of Colorado State Contracts and awards, Federal (GSA) price schedules and to participate in cooperative purchasing efforts with other government entities. 4) To continuously monitor the City's insurance program to insure economical and comprehensiv coverage and to invest~gate self-insurance program possibilities. 5) To process, evaluate and present bid packages. 6) To develop new sources of supply and maintain successful and ethical relationships with vendors. - : .L ~ ~ ......U;::'Ul.: .<, t'~l.Li:~::-.;e Vi. ..... ~........ :J.2::2S~,2~Y qu.:::~:;.r:y Cd supp les an ma erlai0 ,;\: L.l-:.e eSL cost to the City and in the most timely and efficient manner possible. , , 1979 1960 1980 8UDGET BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL Rt\fl :3::: l) ESTIMATE 1981 f:JU11.G,C:T PERSONAL SERVICES 20,396 34,906 35,088 ---3.8.., ')7 '1 OPERATING D:PEf'ISES 1. 767 4,200 3,450 , ~no CAP (TAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- -0- TOTAL 22,163 39,106 38,538 42,1+73 I ~ l' d t .' . b NO. OF EMPLOYEES fULL TIt,'E HEGULAR 1 2 2 L-. PART TI[\~E REGULAR .5 -0- -0- -0- I' I TEMPOflM~Y (COST) -0- -0- -0- --~, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE [ [ _ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 29 __ __H_ __ PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-116 I DEPARTMENT OIVISION Administrative Services Purchasing L CLASSIFICt,TION NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1979 1900 1931 GRADE BUDGET /98/ FULL THill Purchasing ~9cnt 1 1 1 18 19,350 Purchasing Clerk .5 1 1 9 13,970 TOrAL 33,320 : .- . OTIJER PERSOtl}\L SERVICES 5,653 TOTALS 1.5 -. 2 2 38,973 COMMENTS No change in staff ~ - - CITY OF \"1HEAT RIDGE ; I I I I I ~ j -=====-:--------------- A 1\1 N U ^ LOU 0 GET ~ SLIM MAllY OF OPCIlATIIJC EXPlNDITUIlCS FLUW OErAflTMUn PA(~!: 30 DIVISION ADl'LTNfsTRATIVE SERVICES PlIRCHASTW; - .---==-...:::.- -.....--~==..:..~-:---- -- 01 .- ----- -- .---- OUJECT COUl CXP[tj~E ITEM PERSONAL SElZVTCES (01-116-00-00=-600 ) 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longevity Pay 620 r.1.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life & Dental Insurance 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense ~~TERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-116-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Post.age 652 Central Stores Purchases 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools, Ninor Equipment OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES -- -- (01-l17-00-0U-700) 702 Conference & Heeting Expense 706 Dues, Books, Subscriptions 728 Training and Safety 740 Auto Hi1euge Reimbursement 759 Long Distance Telephone Expense 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges * Central Stores Purchases - This account is a revolving -fund--charges are made to depart- ments as supplies are issued to them. TOTALS 1979 MTll!\L 17,845 1117 1,255 72 600 -0- 477 883 84 280 10 223 183 9 65 30 -0- 22,163 CITY OF WHEAT nlDGE 42,473 L--. wa rO"'~J. ...... III. -..... ---- 1980 Gl!DSa 29,760 240 1,825 37 1,573 280 1,191 2,500 (5,000) 150 250 250 500 100 300 100 50 39,106 L~O:NT ---- 1, 1980 r '.trln: 30,163 264 1,865 19 1,577 280 920 2,000 (5,000) 100 200 250 500 50 100 200 50 38,538 1981 BUDGET. 33,320 420 2,244 44 2,078 -0- 867 -- 2,500 (5,000) ;: 100 200 250 -0- 50 lOO 250 50 r~--- L ACCOUiJT -_ 01-117 PfWGntlf.l DESCnlPTION MW punpOSE '----ANf'JU,f':..L BUDGET .., PAGE 31 nUDGCT SUf,n,'ARY DEP/\RTt,~E!lT A&lUnistrQtive Services DIVISION persorme1 To provide a comprehensive personnel system and pro~~ram, based on merit principles and equal employment opportunity which meets the community's goals of effident governmental operations. To insure a municipal building communication system which responds to community needs. STf:\TEf.1ENT OF GO.~,LS AND OD,H::CTIVES 1) To hire employees who meet the needs of the departments and the City, at the same time following EEOC and affirmative action guidelines. 2) To develop, implement, and maintain a pay plan and fringe benefit package which fairly and equitably compensates employees. 3) To develop and implement training programs which aid in the development of employees. 4) To reduce turnover, increase productivity, and increase morale of City employees. . I DUDG(;T HISTO::?Y PERSOI-.JAL SERVICES OPERATING EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL -0:- 74 f 715 l~; ~'; R~\'!, . i) G U-""". ~L-- '2izl;,:'2 26,!2=~ 8c,') 1980 ESTl~ATE BUDGET 1031 I NO. OF EMPLOYEES .- - FULL TIME REGULAR 1 ') 3.5 3.5 2.5 .- PART TIME REGULAR -0- -0- -0- ,0- TEMPORARY (COST) 0- -0- -0- -0- - 81,137 50,3~6 ~2,8 2l, .075 'I 33. 7DD--_ 864, -0- __]~,25~__~9~ __CITY OF WHEAl RIDGE .' I L [ -ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE P^_GE 32 ACCOUNT 01-117 DEPARTMENr l\drriinistrilti ve ~;crvices NO. EMPLOYEES CLASS!FICATION BUDGET 19"79 BUDGET 1980 ] DIVISION PersorU1c1 GFMDE BUDGET 1981 DUDGET 1981 ,- ., . . - i t llJI,L TIl'1C . l Personnel Officer 1 1 1 17 17,552 Senior Secretary .5 .5 .5 10 6,491 Secretary 1 1 -0- -0- Svlitcl~d Operator 1 1 1 6 . 10,311 'IOTAL 34,354 - 'FEE PERSONNEL 2,000 OI'llER PERSONAL SERVIO':S 6.545 TOTALS 3.5 3.5 2.5 42,899 COMMENTS The position of Secretary is eliminated in 1981. The Senior Secretary is shared on a half time basis with the Administration Division. _. . CITY OF \JHEAT RIDGE -------------------- ^ Nfl U ^ L D U L) G r.-r -------------- -----------. '~ . L: -- : / SUMM^llY or OP[Il/\TIIJG CXI'LNDlTUn[~ ~-''''':~:-J3,- reCOUNT _ 117 I urw r6U~\liTMLTil r)IVISIOI~ __0.1,_= 5[o~Er0,~_ ADMll'fJ STlv\TIVE SERVICES PERSONNEL ----- -----~-----==~~-=-~----~-..:::::---~---~~~-= OllJ[CT 1979 C,l(lL EXP[lJ~E ITEM ^ptll\1 PERSONAL SERVICES ~---~------ (01-117-00-00-600) 36,200 602 Salaries & Wnges -0- 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime & Premium Pay -0- 619 Fee Personnel 7,887 2,220 620 F. 1.C.A. 750 621 Horkmen's Compensation 1,600 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 321 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 651 660 .. CCOERA - Retirement Expense 900 HATERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-117-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing and Postage 10,500 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Hinor Equipment 75 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-117-qO-00-700) 100 702 Conference & Heeting Expense 175 706 Dues. Books & Subscriptions 1,38l 724 Pre-Employment Physicals 726 Recruitment & Advertising 5,770 728 Training & Safety 1,986 740 Auto Hilcage Reimbursement 100 750 Professional & Consulting Fees 4,075 6,000 'it iii ru".... _. "' W tft' CITY OF WI'I[::^T nlDGE 1980 1980 1931 G l1Df,0- '---IS1]! 1[, T E .,-llidPgT _ 42,lf92 -0- -0- 5,200 2,605 53 2,897 490 455 11,000 100 400 175 900 5,000 2,000 200 5,500 42,249 120 -0- 2,000 2,590 48 2,364 490 455 11 , 000 100 300 175 900 3,600 2,000 125 5,300 3lf,354 132 200 2,000 2,317 68 2,738 1,090 11,000 100 200 175 1,500 4,000 10,000 --,------,-.--. ---,----------- II I" If' \ U ^ I "J U 0 G r:or ,_d' -..-------~--.------.---.----- ,,\I \,j~.. ~.- I'M~I:_ J~L / SUMM^IlY OF 01'[fl^TI1JG [XPUWITUnC::; ~ ^ U_U I~ JACCl)Ur~- 1980 1980 19B1 'S.U~'i\T[ I f"IrIG[T 200 100 100 300 250 250 75 75 75 200 150 150 '~I~O ~6Ci;;;ji'il"'W'T IcliV!slolr "~2,L;-~J;NEJ,\{',L-,=1 ,d'1l!gJ~1~n~tiILlli"g!b\7J: C~. .' u 1 P l.Jl82llill:J..... (ilL/rCT 1979 COllE txprrl~E ITEM 758 Rentals & Leases 200 759 Telephone Expense 275 776 Other Equipment l'laintenance 50 799 Nisce11aneous Services & Charges 150 CAPITAL OUTLAYS ---~---- (01-117-00-00-800) 802 Office Equipment -0- . 895 864 -0- TOTALS 74,715 81,137 75,255 76,599 : '- .. L..--___. .,. r"",,~ I' ",v II" CITY Or- WHE^T I\lDGE t~f\\.'t:. .5:) c-. ANNUAL BUDG[T -- OUDGET SUMMARY \ DEPARTMENT Administrative Selvices DIVISION Building Vaintenance ACCOUfH L~~-1l8 p~\OGn/\H D~SC;:RIP"IOiL~!JD PURPOS~ Maintain the Municipal Building structure and equipment and provide custodial service for all departments. SThTr:r.';ErH 0.. GO:d.S Af,tO OS,IECTIVr::S .-~ ----- 1) Perform syo;tcmatie preventive maintcnance on Hunicipal Building environmental control equipment. 2) Minimize the effect of utility rate increases by effective use of buildinf envirovrnental controls. 3) Provide regular and thorough custodial service. 4) Increase use of in-house personnel for building repairs and modifications. - - 1 1979 1980 1980 BUDGET BUDGET HISTORY REVI :0:::0 , ACT UAL 8UDGC:T ~STIM)\TE 1~31 I PERSOiML SERVICES I ,.-----J..J.&(LL- 40,486 39 374 37.619 OPERATING E){PENSES 17 500 16,900 _2().020 27 000 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1,100 -0- -0- -0- TOTAL 42,200 57,386 59,391+ 64,619 I "- NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL Tn.IE REGULAR 2 2 2 2 r- PAin --- TIME REGULAr~ .5 .5 .5 -0- TEMPOn!\RY (COST) " -0- -0- -0- -0- . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE l r- ANNUAL BUDGET PERSONNEL SCHEDULE PAGE 36 ACCOUNT 01-113 CLASSIFICATION DEPARTMENT Administrative Services DIVISION Building Haintcm:u1ce NO. EMPLOYEES GRADE BUDGET 1981 BUDGET 1979 8UDC:T I 1980 BUDGET 1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FULL TTIm t~intcnance Supervisor 1 1 1 19 21,302 Building Custodian 1.5 1.5 1 6 10 , 311 TOI'AL 31,613 - : OTIlER PERSONAL SERVICES 6.006 TOTALS 2.5 2.5 2 37,619 f-- COMMENTS Position of part-time Custodian is eliminated in 1981. [ - ----------------'..-..------.----'----.- ^ f.II' 1 U ^ L IJ U D (' r"-r ----..-'..----'..--..---...------------..-- , \I \. '~L: PACI:,.37 _. SUMM^IlY or- O!'L:It^lIUG LXI'[(Jl)ITUll[S 1- iJ iTli -- u L f' Xii ']'f:'lliJT I[)lV I ~!(.II< ~m.,==,ncNIClli)J"",~=_"~J!l:11}!ISTI1!'\Jl,Y_~~&IJ~\'),CJ~L.. ___n , I1nIJ,DTNr. - --- ,.------ 1979 I\CCOUIJ 1 n6 Ti'JTf<t:Jdc\J'1S~= ==_' ,11 S U:i~~~ ~~:~TfLU~~~~_ OU.I(CT C(!(Jl r:xP[tI~E IlD,~ MTlIl\J PfRSONAL SERVICES --~------------- (01-118-00-UO-bOO) 602 SalDries & Wages 20,000 33,955 33,fi80 31,613 610 Overtime & Premium Pay -0- 500 300 200.. 620 F.I.C.A. 1,200 2,082 2,07L, 2,llfi 621 Workmen's Compensation 400 712 135 838 622 Health, Life & Dental Insurance 1,500 2,010 1,811 1,587 623 Unemployment Insurance 100 350 350 -0- 630 C:COERA - Retirement Expense 400 877 824 1,265 HATERli\L ANn SUl'P~IES -~- --_. (01-118-0u-UU-6SU) 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools and Hinor Equipment 5,000 6,000 5,500 6,000 OTHER SERVICES AND CIL\ R"ES (01-118--00--00-70()) 704 Contractual Services 8,000 7,400 8,350 17,500 774 Facility Maintenance 4,000 3,000 5,670 3,000 799 Niscellaueous Services , Charges 500 500 500 500 WI CAPITi\L OUTLAYS (Ol-118-00-00-800) 809 Other Major Equipment . 1,100 -0- -0- -0- TOTALS 42,200 57,386 59,394 64,()19 l_______ fit" r",..w .. ~. '" It 'I CITY OF WI tEAT rUDGr:: PAGE 38 r--- AI\jNUAL BUDGET~- nUDGEr sur,~MARY L- ACCOUNT 120 ----~- DEPAHTrM::tH DIVISION Community Development Administration -- P[10C:f1M,j (JEscr(IPTIO;'J AND PUlirOSE -"--- The Communi ty lkvelopment DepDrtment has a mission to assist the City in its oevelopment and redevelopment to reach the goals of the citizens and business community formally stated through the ComprC'hensive Development Plan. Economic development l-lith proper land w;e is a key element to the fiscal soundness of the City govc,ynment and to the livability of the City. The DepDrtment protects the health and safety of the City throurrh requiring proper building construction, the demolition of unsafe buildings and the enforCl,ment of trash and litter ordinances. STA1Tr:::r,'T OF (J0,',LS r~ND ODJECT1'lE~; Goa]: Compatibl(~ Economic Df,;\'elopment f,or Sound City Eud~et. Based on the concepts of the Fiscal Futures and Land Use Options Report provide leadership to stimulate compatible developments that build the tax base in the designated centers of the Comprehensive ?lan. Objecti~e a. Complete a }Iini Haster Plan for the Hadsworth Tmm Center. Objective b. Complete a Mini Master Plan for the Kipling Activity Center and Hultiple Land Use Area. 2. Goal: Improve Intergovernmental Relations. Reduce conflicts and improve relation l-lith adjacent cities, counties, special districts, regional, state and federal agencies. Objective a. The director shall participate in and coordinate the activities of departmental . epresentatives in the functional and comprehensive planning activities of DRCOG. --V0jCLL ivt? b. 'ille dire.LLor slldll c.uuLiaGc to lJa..L l...iLi[Jdt:e on the Colorado Flv.i.lL RabE;e l'l.Ujt;..c..'L to improve the ability of the City to meet the challenges of the next 20 years. For example, improve the statutes relating to municipal powers. 3. Goal: Positive Climate for Pride in City. Improve ordinances, policies and procedures so they stimulate people to do their best to care for their property and to develop their property so the result will be a positive input on Hheat Ridge. Objective a. \~ork with Council to achieve a positive balance bcti'leen self help programs, such as the clean up program, and a strong code enforcement ordinance on items such as trash. Win more cases in court to increase the level of voluntary compliance. Ob'jecLive~. Improve the zoning ordinance so that it is easier to complete developments that carry out the policies of the Comprehensive Plan. 1979 19"0 ~9^O BUDGET I BUDGET HISTORY Rt\!r~::: l) Co ACTUAL 8UDG,~( ~ST~~ATE 1981 I PERSONAL SEnVICES lS 130 44 03~ 43,278 ~ OPERATING D~PENSES 2.991 4,1,10 3,760 3,~~~ CAP ITAL OUTUW ?7q -0.. -0- TOTAL 38,400 48,4/,5 47,038 5~, 320 1 I - NO. OF Er:'PLOYEES - FULL TIME REGULAR 1 5 ---1...3-_ 1----1....5_.___ 1 S PART TIr,~::: REGULAR ---=.Q=-, .-0- -()- . __.=D.=-__ TEMPORARY (COST) -0_ -()- -()- -0- - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE [. - PERSONNEL SCHEDULE L ACCOUNT DEPARTMENT DIVISION 01-120 COEmunity D2ve10pll\2nt Administration ANNUAL BUDGET PAGE 39 _ CLASSIFICATION NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET BUDGET l BUDG~T 19-{9 1900 19BI GRADE BUDGET 1981 - FULL TI''iE . Director of crnmunity D2ve1oprrent 1 1 1 26 32,370 Senior Secretary .5 .5 .5 10 6,619 TOI'AL 38,989 -- .. OTHER PERSCNAL SERVICES 8,831 TOTALS '. 1.5 1.5 1.5 47,820 1--- COMMENTS No change in staffing. Senior Secretary is shared on a half tine basis with Planning & zoning Division. - ~ CITY OF 'NHEAT RIDGE ~ \'A<~t "U .'. .:':-.'~::~:::,::,::':~::::::~:---:::'--',:-,--: 1\ r ~ I~ U /\ L U U D G I.-:.:T.::::.=.-.:::::::=-.::=:::::::=.:==::=--=--=:::.----'--- f.UrvH\1^I1Y or OI'l:llt\j'lfW LXI)UWITUncs ;'uliii'--------Fj'i\111/J.l,iJr !CJlvT':'ION ,~? 1: -. .9EN!~i\_L~,_~_~"-,L.S2~1~~~~.~~~o~EEY~;?1:~}~l2:~,;:;;.=:.='-'_~_,,_L ~~HIN 1 STF,~:~ T.~N (~,\~\~XT [):Pcr~~[ 11 lM I 1979 1980 ___ ' -.!lUl.'.:1t -..C..Ul1f{ , _,______ j~cJ\(:~rn - _ ----- 1980 1981 EST 1i\r,H: .._~~DG~J, PERSONAL SEl,VTCES -----~~- (01-120-00-00-600) 630 CCOE~~ - Retirement Expense 23,812 30,252 30,252 32,370 5,098 6,996 6,996 6,619 -0- -0- -0- 1,295 1,58L: -0- -0- -0- 809 1,000 1,000 1,000 -0- . 750 -0- 2,000 1,776 2,021 2,021 2,484 72 44 37 52 1,l02 1,269 1,269 1,735 _('J_ .."ro .."" - -v- 877 1,493 1,493 265 601 Director's Salary 602 Salary & IJatjes 604 Deferred Compensation 605 Merit Increases 610 Overtime and Premium Pay 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.I.C.A. Expense 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Nea1th, Life and Dental Insurance 623 UnemD10ym~,,1' TnC:llr"T1rr' }1ATERIAL AND SUl'PLIES ---_.~-- (01-120-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 411 1,000 700 700 660 Operating Supplies 2 50 50 50 , 1__.__1____,______________ CI"'Y 01-:: \U\'!":^'l' \'llDGr: _,________,_,________ __ I 1111 ) _ ' \ l~ WI" '()"~,.. ...toI It" . "ACI' 1\1 ----. _._--_.- - .,.--'..-----.- -.-----'.,.----------"'- ^ Id · IlJ ^ I D U I) G r::-f -'Uh________.________' -- ,--- ,---.---- -.-------------.- ,- -------------- \J I \j _ .. I L:.: -- .----------------.,.----'--' 1JUr.~ lVl^IlY or OI'Ultd' /I JG CXPCN D1TU 11 CS =,_,_JAC_C~~)iH ill /CiCj;Afll-i-::i-[_lil h 01 _ GENERAL j COM~ill}JITY llEVELOHlENT -1.:_-.;.:.~:::-""_:..=--_--:;..:_._-~~=~~..,.,..;.:___=.=::__~_ :_-.=-:.-_=~~=::;:;..-=:::-:.'~_--=-~_:;=:=:",:..~::.;::;-- (lfI)f CT CVUC fU1VISIOt, ,. . ADMINTSTRATlO7' ExrCt<,~ 11 EM 1979 r\~L 1980 1980 "unr:r' 'J'ST1HfTf- ~'~_~I.~...L-_ ........_.1"\ --0.;- ... OT11ER SERVICES AND C}L\RGES ---~---~-~---~--- (01-120-00-00-700) l,142 1,300 335 L}55 5 100 46 130 825 -0- 112 600 107 575 6 200 1,300 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 455 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 100 728 Training and Safety 80 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement -0- 750 Professional Services 300 759 Telephone Expense 575 776 Other Equipmcnt Maintcnance 200 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges '1~02 I I I ! f"' ill"lT'T' A -:- """"Y'T'f ~ "\,n ~" ~. ..._.... L ~, " -,-, ,. ~J . (01-120-00-00-800) Office Furniture & Equipment 279 -0- -0- TOTALS 38,400 48,445 47,038 CITY OF WI tEAT IUDGE ".. ,"''''....,. ...'" .", 1981 BUDGET 1,300 425 -0- 75 -0- 200 550 200 -0- 51,320 --.- .....--- ACCOUNT 01-121 r PROGfU\f'.j DESCRIPTIO;,j AND PU;1 The Long Range Section provides implemC'nt the Comprehensive Dev planning activities including Ll ing Committee and the Community supports tlw Planning Commissiol processing land use cases. STATF.nr.:iIT OF 00'\L8 AnD 00,1[ --' ~----~. 1) Goal: Insure that the Comprel decision making. Objecti ves,: a. Continuo the the maj or centers; Comm2rcia b. Assess the effectiveness and/or additions. 2) Goal; Provide support to the and quali ty of service to th Objectives: a. Develop easil b. Continue to revise the Zo I easier to understand, more i administer and enforce. - , ~- BUDGET HI STO R PERSONAL SERVI OPERf.I:mJG E>:P CAPIT/'.L OUTLAY TOTAL - , \ NO. OF Er.{PLOYEES FULL TI/!.E HEGl l PART TI~.~E REG TEMPOFU,RY (caS ANNUAL BUDGET=__~~= nUOGET SUM1MllY DEPARTrf.ENT Comnuni ty Developncn t DIViSION P1iuming POSE research, analysis, and reports on various prnjects to clopmont Plan, and assist in citizon participation in Ie Hass Transportation Committee, the City Chamher Coordinat- I1llprovement Committee of Council. Short Ranr,e Section 1 and Board of Adjustment by providing infoHlation for ~CT1V1::S --~- lonsive Development Plan serves as a meaningful guide for review and update of the Comprehensive Development vlan for 1, Industrial, and Hulti-use. of the existing land use categories and consid~r alternatives Plannin" Commission, Board of Adjustment, and City Council, e public. y understood "Procedure Guidelines for each type of request. ning Ordinance and Subdivision Regulations to ~ake then n concert with the Comprehensive Plan, and easier to 109 925 25,400 1,915 137,240 1980-'-'1 BUDGET .\ i ESTIM;\T~l~~-'---1 i 109,6~~,73J_J I 25,100 __L-1:.l,POO I ! 1,570 L_ ~ 136,276 ] 135,909 I y CES ENSE:S 1979 ACTUAL 85 031_ 10,776 -0- 95,807 1930 R"'\/l ",'::' 0 c'-u r",~J=-r w_~,~~ JLAn ULAR T) 5.5_ .5 -0- 5.5 1 -0- 5.5 1 -0- 5.5 -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE . ('- ,-------, , 1-'-- ! I --I-\NNU/\L BUDGET PAGE 43 -----._- PEHSONNEL SCIIEDULE DEPAnn.IENT [ Cormnmity D2vclopn'l'2nt 11 I I t l ~ ACCOUNT 01-121 NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET ~UD(i'-IT'T BUDGET 19"19 1900 198\ ~---- -- CLASSIFICATION ! 'I I ---~--- I FULL TI!'m Chief of Planning 1 1 1 Planner II '1 1 1 Planner I 1 1 1 Plaru1ing Tecllniciill1 1 1 1 Planning Drafting Technician 1 1 1 Senior Secretary .5 .5 .5 Clerk Typist 0 .5 -0- PlanI;ling Intern .5 .5 -0- - i TOTAL OIlIER PERSONl'J" SERVICES TOTALS 6 6.5 5.5 i. " II j ! ~COMMENTS . \ , , DIVISION Planning & Zoning 1 GRADE BUDGET 1981 23 24,929 17 22,817 15 15,922 13 14,445 9 11,890 10 6,619 -0- -0- ----- 96,622 i; 17 ,117 . 1 , .1 i I ! I I I' ) 113,739 Senior Secretary is shared on a half-time basis with Adnunistrv'ion. The Chief of Planning PJsition has been reclassified, and the half-time Planning Intern and Clerk-Typist positions ~e eliminated in 1981. L CITY OF WHEAT nlOGE- " I' l Iii, i--'--'--[()l.i;j;I'I'I-iXi]j'l-- ---rJ1\%iCJ!i ','_. () ;t,-,,, \;Elij::J\1\1-~._~-~, ~,.<!Q~rt;JJNIXh.lJJ':Y;;:J.QrtlE.fJJ r"~,~_-"rWiliJ:ill:l.G..,,&~~ (>l1J! "1 1979 CU(Jl [XP[H':.[ t1 lM 602 603 610 619 620 621 622 I 623 ! 630 I C_"_ --, .-,-. .---'...-.--. ^ N r I U r I l' lJ I') C r-:--" '''------'''' -....,-------,.- J 1\ _.) ,A L: I ....________.._._______.__.I'^(',{ 4<1.., Sllh~I'M\HY OF OI'L:I\ATllJG LXI'LNDI rUHCS ..J.-____ ^CTlI/\l~ C~:l1'uiil \'~ ~ 13~ '~].'~'~;;o-'r 1 9 G 1 p'rnr;>I rc;n",'.Tf: I BUDGET _>L',.U.....I ~T- ~.....k-.-..LL.1.~_~ PERSONAL SERVICES -~-~- ------ (01-121-00-00-600) S<1l<1ries & H<lgcs 71,979 92,21;1 92,835 96 ,622 265 646 -0- -0- 1,587 2,500 2,500 l,500 1,986 -0- -0- -0- 4,572 5,655 5,655 6,491 703 121 46 130 3,400 4,830 4,830 5,342 -0- 840 648 .0- "'10 (",,, '- ..... " ,~ -,0- j '-" ~ ...; ".:...:': Longevity Overtime & Pr~nium Pay Fee Personncl F. I.C.A. Horkmen's Compensation Health, Life and Dcntal Insurance Unemployment Insurance CCOERA - Rp~ir0mpnr Exppnsp V,ATERIAL A~D SUPPUES (01-lil-.OO-00=b50) - 7,l}58 8,000 8,000 lO,100 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 660 Operating Suppljes 706 500 2,500 2,500 OT!lE~ SERVH'ES AND CHARGES _._~~-~---- (01-121-00-00-700) 1,l,99 3,050 3,050 200 366 500 500 400 17 110 110 -0- 194 550 350 350 225 lO,OOO 10,GOO 10,000 40 350 350 350 211 2l:0 2l.0 ,2 (V 702 Conferencc & Heeting Expenditure 706 Duc~, Books & Subscriptions 723 Training & Safety 740 Auto Hi leage. Rcimbursemcnt' 750 Professional Services 776 Othcr Equipment Haintenance 799 Miscellancous Serviccs & Charges I ,,--.--. -.---- -. CITY OF WI tEi\T rtlDGE . 'It t",.."... ,.,. .1'1 '_:::'._::-.::'._:'_~_.'_h-:'_:_.' '__.n' --"-""'----' f\ N r 'I J ^ I D lJ I) G l--'r -- -- . .--.-- ..--.., '__'nO' '. \J , _ L ~ -.:: . I'M~r45 SlIMM^I\Y or OI'L:I\^TIiJG L:XI'UWITUllCS '~[j--------}jLl;N\l'M'l_Tii _Q1,:-,u_GI(NE~i~To..__._J C~r;l'llJ}l IT]' DEVELOPllENT ...J..___..~_.__u - -.-~. ..-.-~. .-.----~-, ",,=---:::':"-":::::':-'--~=-=;-~=:"':":''':''=::-=----::::-==''F--- ACCOUrJT fJ'VIS'UIi "', PL^NNIHG & ZONU1G <.I~ I r.: ----=:..- - 12l Ollll CT C('llL FxrUI"C I1[M 1979 19130 1980 1981 _ --.l'illLi}L_ ----1lUD.c~!;l.... ~[STJI'/\n ~~UDr,ET CAPITAL OUTLAYS ----_.~ ~~--- (01-121-00-00-300) 802 Office Furniture -0- 1,615 1,351 170 808 Vebicular Equipment -0- 300 219 -0- TOTALS 95,807. 137,240 136,276 135,909 . CITY OF WI!E^T J1IDGC ---- ._~ ------., --- '. rU""'1 ,. ,.. ~ lIt' fJl\ll[;, 'lu ~---- ~ ANNUAl OUDGET - - - ~ ~ DUDGET SUMMARY ACCOUrH DEPARTMENT DIVISION " 01-122 Corrmunity Devcloprent Bui1cling Inspection PROGFlArJ DESCRIPTION fiND PURPOS::: The BuiJdin~ Inspection Division is designed to safeguard the life, safety, proDerty and welfare of the City through the proper intercretation and enforcement of the Uniform Building, ~1eck:mical, Plumbing & Fire Codes, the National Electric Code, and other referenced publications. STf\Tcr1ElJT OF GO'\LS fIND ODJEC1'f\!;:S 1) We would still like to develop and implement a program to computerize permit and inspection records. 2) The Chief Building Inspector has been designated as the Civil Defense Coordinator, reporting directly to the City Administrator. This C D function also involves the Building Inspector on a continuing basis. 3) In order to accomplish the above described purpose, we plan to continue with formal code schooling along with on-the-job training and want to obtain ICBO certification for the plumbing inspector. '--r9G~)'- --l 19"'0 r'-UDG'-~---', Rr::\II -c: D ~ <.> CoI B\lQ~;,'cL ESTI;AAT::' 198\ 6::;'~5 6::~:~ t ,.;:~ .~' -0- l25 78,77G 74,344 80JOS4 BUDGET HIS-rOFlY 1979 ACTU,'\L 52,133 4,869 -0- 57,002 PERSONAL SERVICES OPEnATlNG EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL .. '., I NO. OF EMPLOYEES r- FULL TIME REGULAR 'LO ~_O 3.0 3.0 PART TIME REGULAR .5 .33 .33 .33 TEMPOHAHY (COST) -0- 500 500 500 -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r, r---- 11------.----- AI\JNU,L\L BUDGET PAGE <17 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE I - I C- CLASSIFICATION j I FULL TIllE I ACCOUNT 01-122 DEPARTMENT ConmlU1i ty D2velopn'C'1t DIVISION Building Inspection nUDGET 19'/9 BUDGET 1980 EJUDCi:::T 1931 GRADe] 6UD." GET I "l.~ 1981 i - , NO. Ef,lPLOYEES TOI'AL 1 1 1 21 27,747 1 1 1 15 15,922 1 1 1 7 12,519 .5 .33 .33 15 5,307 61,495 Chief Building Inspector Bllilding Inspector Clerk Typist EJ ectrical Insp3ctor -- OI'llER PEFSONl'L SERVICES -- TOTALS 3.5 3.33 3.33 CO;';'MENTS No change in staffing. --l 10, 824 ' --.-J 72, 319 I 1- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ,_____..."._..,.._________ ' _' ,,^ct' 48 --.---------.--- A l\l r ' lJ ^ I r 1 U I) (' [ r -----------.-- -,----- - ,-,.- ---- -- ,,----. -.. --------- -,.. ---,------- - \J _.).. \: -- -----.--.--.----.---- ----- ~UMrJl^I\Y 01' 0I'CIl^Tll1G tXI'ClmrrUI1CS ,-[Trill -~OLI;^i\'{i::iLin -VliVISIOI~ 01 - GENER~T:..____L Cml:'lUNITY DEVEUll'HENT .., J BU1 LDl NC INSPECTION 4,;-.-~...:.;:..==~--::;------:_c._~:...~.:~__.~~~=_=:::::...~~="=_":.~__,;:;.::.~..- --..-- . - - __ ~ --- oOJrer 1979 1980 COll[ EXf,[N~[ I1EM PERSON,'\], SERVICES Tol:::121:::00.oo~-(l'\)O ) 602 Salaries & \',ages 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Fce Personncl 620 FICA 62l Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 ':COERA 651 660 i'lAlj~l~':".:;L..J Ci 2,Ul'j L1L~ (01-l22-00-00-65U) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Hinor Equiprnent ^CCOUIH ]22 - ~~--;::::::..;;:-=---=-_.....~~", 1900 19[;,1 ^ CT~l;~ PUDJ')~,~ ;J.$..T1lL'\Tf. --I3UDGE_I- 45,791 58-,936 56,618 61,L,95 39 200 200 200 -0-, -0- -0-. 500 -0- 500 500 -0- 2,8l6 3,613 3,500 4,136 300 . 3% 180 373 2,2L,5 2,910 2,LI77 3,367 -0- L:90 L,90 -0- 942 2,358 1,505 2,2b8 2,227 2,700 2,000 2,000 63 120 165 100 CITY OF 'v\lIIE^T ruDGS - "" 'v,,"~ .. "'. >t I'" '--:~:,-':. ..-.. .-. ..,- "-'.'--' '--- -,--------...-.- .... '\ N I' 'lJ ^ I l' U 1. ) G [-'f' .--.---..------.-.--..------.--......,,--- J' I \1 _ J . I':' ,'..___________._______' 1'^{"'!:.-A9 , f.,Uf/IM/\11Y 01 Ol'l:ll/dltJG [ XI'umlTUllCS IU.---- IUl~"^I;Y;;1'l'ln - - 1()I'VI~i(JI~ ]^C-CcJ'lJin--- ~;:,~:.C .Ci'NE"'!...~.::;~::~;f;:r,,.D~~~,,~,,!.,~ un ,^L;9rl,;IJ,I~2::SrrE::lJ~~~r-=~ ={ ;~~~ 122 19 G 1 .,' ..'1. ~..sIl:'.^,Tr, .JlliQ8J OTHER SErVICES AND CHARCES (01-122-00-00-70Cl)------- ~c. t~-t '-~r>,..,,11 ''"In.'':>.. ,r. Q'.:'~~H~'::;S S Cl~."1r~::t's 1,lLIS 1,300 1,100 200 428 415 415 315 -0- 3,500 3,500 3,500 31 lLfO 100 -0- -0- 60 49 50 -0- 150 20 25 883 600 L,OO 750 48 250 200 200 !.1 ~^^ ~~ ":"'V" I-l. .) _Vv 702 Conference & Heeting Expense 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 718 Ordinance Enforcement 728 Training & Safety 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 740 Auto Hi1eage Reimbursement 750 Project & Consulting Fees 776 Qther Equipment Maintenance CAPITAL OUTU, YS ------ - (01-122-00-00-800) 802 Officc Equipmcnt -0- -0- 725 425 TOTALS 57,002 78,776 74,344 80,08!\ 1___... .- CITY OF WIIEAT rUDGE JIll. tOIllH>>" ....... 1/1. PAGE 5a ANr\JUAL BUDGET l [tee 01 - nUDGEr SUh1MAr-lY QUrH Dr:IWHMENT DIVISION -123 CamlUDity D2velopncnt Code Enforcement , [- -.- PROC:~~M1 D::SCr:IPTIO~l I\ND PU::POSE --~------ It is the duty of the Code Enforcement Division to respond to complaints and to initiate cases pertainillg to zoning violations, flood plain, sign code, trash, garbage, ~~is~nces, weeds, and various building violations. The Division strives for a sense of prloe In Wheat Riuge so that [('\'H:,r violations exist. This "do it yourself" attitude is bolstered through posi ti ve llC\07Spaper articlel>; programs such as the Clean Up Campaign; and, \vhen necessary, getting convictions of violators in the Hunicipal Court. STfW[r1r~i1T Or- Got~LS (",["D O:J,!:::CTIVr::S 1) To be able to serve the citizens of Hheat Ridge in a fast and efficient manner. 2) To apply improved ordinances so that Code Enforcement can effectively get violations abated in a timely manner. 3) To strive to inform citizens of certain ordinances and codes so that fewer violations are created. 4) To work closer with the courts and attorneys so penalties are imposed for violations and people will be more concerned about violating ordinances. 5) To provide a clean up campaign to assist citizens to dispose of junk and tree branches. 6) To provide an overall ",ecd program to keep vacant lots and private property free from excessive weeds. ---: \ 19'79 19[,u 1980 BUDGET II BUDGET HISTORY REI/I',' 1) ACTUAL BlLO r,,_ EST1~.\ATE 1981 ! -- , j' PEHSONAL SERVICES 39 198 32 ~F 30 595 ! ! , OPEP.ATfNG Ei:PENSES 3.25 7 1)1 5,985 7.0GO I CAPITAL OUTLAY -O- J ( 128 -0- TOTAL 42,454 40,i~ _.--1 36,708 43"='6~J r NO. OF EMPLOYEES -- FULL TIME REGULAR 3 3 2 2 PART TIME REGULAR -0- -0- -0- -0- TEMPORARY (COST) 603 1,000 1,000 3,000 "- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE l~ > I. b , - -- -- FULL TH IE Code Enforcenent Officer II 1 1 1 15 15,890 CexIe D1forcerx'-Ylt Officer I 1 1 0 -0- Clerk Typist I 1 1 1 7 11,132 TOrAL 27,022 .- 'ID'1PORARY 3,000 OTHER PERSO~J}lL SEFVlCES 6,362 TOTALS 3 3 2 36, 384 COMMENTS The position of Code Enforccm81t Officer I has been eliminated in 1981. A sumrer insIJector is budgeted in the temp::>rary aC=1.U1t. I~ - E L ACCOUNT - ~-123 CLASSIFICATION ~~r,--.?..L.. ANNU/'\L BUDGET-- PERSONNEL SCHEOULE DEPARTMENT DIVISION Cmnuni ty Developr.-ent CoCle Enforcerrcnt NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET}3UDGET I BUDGET 1979 1900 1981 ~---- GRJI.DE BUDGET 1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE P^CF 52 A r\l f' U. f\ I ['3 U I') --. [_Or' -- -,' ._,--, ..~..._-_. ..-...-----.--.....-.-..--,--..-.,- l' ..--., .'- ' ---,-,----- ,.,.... - .---..---- ....-...----.--- - \j I _ _ .' I _ .. -------- ~Ut.~M^I\Y 01 OI'CI\^Tlt1G LXI'UmlTlJl\CS IlJlW pLI;NiYMD~'1 [OIVI$IOr-J l^CCl'lurTT > ..' ~O.l.C .,~~]~~L .~ J.~ "O]~'!C~UY..'.'E';!"~PN.L2'r _~ u 1.,0 1m EN1]~~T!lT '.. .__.~ ~~~_J_".1 23 ,- ---- O[J.lrCl txP(t::'E I1lM 1979 19 eo 1980 1981 evil!, ____ __ _ ~C.IllLl.L..,,---1l.llilli.O-' [ST 1:'0,1 r "~BUDG~I PERSONAL SFRVTCES --------- (01-123-00-00-600) 602 Sal~ries & WaITes 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 617 Te~porary City Personnel 618 Court Pay 619 Fee Personnel 620 FICA 62l Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life and Dental InGuran~e 623 Uncm~loyment Insurance 630 CCOEFA. Retirement HATERlAL AND SUPPLIES -- (Ol-123-00-0Q-600) 651 Office Supplies, Printing, & Postage 2,2L:9 2,650 2,000 2,680 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Hinor E,<;!uipment 820 1,750 1,000 1,200 CITY OF WHE^T rUDGE .. ... _ ru.....'. ...... .." I'""r 53 -,'.':----" .-'-.-- .---.--------------------. A f" I,' U ^ I [1 U [') G "-r -,-,-----,,------------,_.----------- . \l \I _.J, \ L':' sUr'liMA II Y or OI'CIlATIiJG C<l' L:rmrru n [$ r _,_,_h.___ [)IVI~;IOt, CODE F,NFCmr:n!FNT ...-----. - - - -~""""f"'"~ iu--~[)i:TI,[il'I~'Ltil 01 - (;J:NEI::.,~!~___J CO~lt,m'C1JTY mO:VI':LOl'~iENT -''--_-.~~ -_-:=_-~~-._=_~~=_-"':'_=::::"=~-='==~-_'=_~"",:::::;,;;::T.;.~:;::'::==__':_-~-;:"- OIIH (;T COUl: 702 70G 718 728 740 776 799 ..-- 802 [XPCII,C IlEM OTHER SERVICES S CJJAR(;ES (01-123~00-00~700)----- Conference & Meeting Expense Dues, Books & Subscriptions Ordinance Enforcement Training & Safety Supplies Auto Hi1eage Reimbursement Other Equipment Maintenance l~iscellaneous Servir:es & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAY (01-123-00-00-800) Office Equipment TOTALS ACCOUUl 1979 1980 ~Ol~ --.lli!llQF 123 I 1980 I 1981 ~W.~F WlIDr,-[L I 5 300 200 200 -0- no no 150 11 2,000 2,000 2,000 -0- 150 50 100 10. 200 100 150 16l L\50 400 400 -0- 200 125 200 -0- 161 us -0- . 1.2,454 40,238 43,M,4 36 ,708 fill. "~"'.4" "f" ./ fI CITY OF WI1E^T nroeE f'^r,E :,'1 A 1'\\1' J lJ ^ L IJ U 1-) (' I--j<- -------.-----.-- ---- .~=:::..:::=-:==---=-:-.:.::.:::-=:::::::::..-:-~-=:~::--==== '. .~ ~ ::,.=-.-,.-.----------------. f,UMMf\lIY OF OI'LfIA 111JG [XI'GWn UIlC$ ---, r----' -,-- ., lljll LJU'/dll Mun ~~~_91_=-Gr:;NE&\.L"_=-_ _~~"{L4-~,~~_==~~~ .. r-'--- [)IVI~"ON " C; . ,-1U..s.l.'i: r\CCl'Jur,T- ill-~~~~= ,==~,..._.J.Q1l Olll[ cr CU(l(.: Exp(tI~E ITEM 1979 19130 19130 1981 , , I,!Df,~L ~J:.5TT:~r\T[~ BUDGeT. PERSON/'lL SERVICES -(01- 3 06',='0 O-=-()O- GOO) 610 Overtim~ & Premium Pay -0- 2,000 2,000 2,000 617 City Temporary Personnel -0- 3,000 3,000 3,000 OTHER SERVICES /IN]) CIL\RGES (01-306~60-00-700) 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 670 5,000 5,000 5,000 TOTALS 670 10,000 10,000 10,000 -- .. . , .,. "HI'" J. "'''' I'" - CITY OF WHE^T nlDCE PAGt: y) ANNUAL 13UDGET [ I DUDGET ~)Ur'M.1ARY ACCOUNT 01-201 DEPARTMENT Police DIVISION Administration PfWGFI/H,' DESCnJPTlmJ MJ[~ PURPOS~ The Chicf of Police is responsible for all activities of the Police DepJrtment and, therefore must supervise and coordinatc those activities. The Chief ~ust attcnd required Cily Council meetings for input and information to City Council as well as meetings with the Animal Control Commission" the Police Advisory Committee, Personm,l Commission, and the Civil Service Commission monthly or as needcd. The Police Department must maintain a high level of visibility and availability to t11e public and be responsive to their needs. Ue must become even more pro-active in our daily routine in combating criminal activity. ST!,"rr::m:m 0;::' GO:~_S "HiD OSJSCT!V::~ 1) Maintain emergency response time at less than three minutes. 2) Increased emphasis on narcotic crimes. 3) Increased emphasis on juvenile crime reduction. 4) Continued emphasis on budgetary controls of spending. 1979 1980 J980~BUDGF.T 1 DUDGET HISTORY R1;:V1SC:O ACTUAL OUDG;:T ESTI~'\ATE 1981 I PERSONAL SERVICES O:A Q"7 7Q t;<::'C ~25 ,,2...J 11..-1 OPEfVmNG Ei:PENS:::S 9.070 36,196 32,020 9 525 , CAP ITAL OUTU\Y -0- 16.834 16,009 --'-, -0- J , TOTAL 63,927 132,586 114,754 71,856 _J - -, I NO. OF EIJ.PLOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR PART TIME REGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) 2 3 -0- -0- -0- -0- -3 -0- -0- 2 -0- -0- " CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE --lk ~r Ar\lNU/\L BUDGET 56 P^CF: --,~_.- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Police --- ] l ACCOUNT 01-20J 1__- CLASSIFICATION DEPARTMENT DIVISION l\dministration BUDC' ET .1 I ~)U 1 -~-~ . BUDGET GRt\DE , 1981 J l NO. Et,iPLOYEES - BUDGET BUDC~T 1979 1900 :FULL 'l'F';E Chief of Police 1 1 1 27 37,172 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 10 16,230 Police Officer II Training & Crirre Pre'lention 0 1 0 -0- TOrAL 53,402 r- . ,. allIER PERSCNAL SEHVlCES 8,929 TOTALS 62,331 2 3 2 COMMENTS One position eliminated in 1981. Training and Crime Prevention responsibilities transferred to Support Services Division in 1981. L . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE --:----'----'-------------------- AI\! N UAL [1 II DC'" r::T "-.------- ..---'----.---.---.-------.--- I ' I -< L:. '.-- j SUMfv1M\Y OF OP[(l^TIl~G U:PlNDI runES f~~~~:~.f~~E~~~\~~,--r~:~;~;:;~~~-~= OOJ(CT I _ CO~~ r.xPCIl,E 11 EM ':M';[ '57____ ---------- -.~[)iViSTCJN t,CCOUIH ... . ^D';~~~'T.~."';9BO ~. l;;O-~l J\,(TUt'\L___.!lliI2.QJ;., JSJJH;\Tt:, BUD.GJI_ rERSON~L SERVICES ~~_._ .________ 0.__- (01-201-00-00-600) 601 Chief of Police Salary 28,488 602 Salaries & Wages 12,402 605 Nerit Increases 8,172 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 620 F.I.C.A. 767 621 Workmen's Con~ensation 684 622 fiealth, Life and Dental Insurance 1,796 r. ') r, . T ~ .. , ...._, J v'......'-",,_ -'. V;"'_1J.' ...I...J.L.-'.-;..1. Cl.J.\..-t:: -0- 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense 481 633 Police Pension 1,995 11ATERIAL Al\D SUPPLIES (01,---201-00:00-65~ 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 1,200 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 92 OT!um SERVICES AND CHARGES ~--- (01-201-00-00-700) 702 Conference E, ;leeting Expense Internat'l. Assn./Chiefs of Police Colo. Chiefs of Police Assn. Colorado Hunicipal League Misc. 1,235 1,000 125 100 150 704 Contractual Services -0- 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 493 728 Training & Safety -0- ..=:::.-::-.-:-__.(mnV('d to SUI:.port seE2iCrrQl'SI!\Rr\'IEAT nIDGE Will '0"'''' J' ..,"" II" 34,740 34,71\,0 34,092 24,630 -0- -0- 72 200 -0- 930 928 1,476 368 2,796 1,916 420 -v- 608 607 4,294 3,536 l,500 1,000 1,022 1,000 1,525 1,125 9,759 9,000 300 200 11,000 10,000 -0- 37,l72 :6,230 -0- 200 1,094 998 2,64' -o"=- 650 3,346 1,200 150 1,375 500 300 _ . , ~-_._----_._---.- ------ --- ANNUAL DUDGET ::::- PM;r: 58 / SUMM^HY OF OPCrl^T1NG EXPCNDITUIlCS ;) .foLP^II-n~:-r'T POLICE , , , 01 - CENERAL ..,..::::..::~= =::-",,=-..:=-~--c=- --~"""'--...n== --._ --- .-- [U""~~~~~~'TI,^:!9'19~-. .;;r~:T:~ M:TL1^1 -IlliD-4O-:....L'llH':\TE I, SUD!;U OUJlCT COUL EXPDlSE IlEM 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 776 Other Equipment Maintenance TypeHriter Radio Repairs Miscellaneous 118 100 50 100 3,200 3,200 3,500 150 225 200 1,600 1,800 1,900 4,365 4,365 250 -0- 750 Professional & Consulting Fees Tactical Robbery Attack Project 2,435 3,500 758 Rentals & Leases 106 759 Telephone Expense 2,219 796 Police Reserve Officer Expense 1,053 1,500 30 -0- 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 119 100 50 100 C,ftPITAL OUTLAYS ',.' -=---':"V.l.~\..."";-' '-\.J'J"; 808 Vehicular Equipment -0- 825 -0- -0- -0- 1,500 1,500 -0- -0- 10,729 10,729 -0- -0- 3,780 3,780 -0- 802 Office Equipment 805 Communications Equipment 811 City Hall Improvements TOTA'LS 6,3,927 132,586 114,75', 71,856 CITY OF WHEAT nlDGE Will 'QfiI.... J. ....... '1" c I'J'\(;[ ;;9 --~-----I ANNUAL BUDGET ____ OUDGET SU;.~t.'AnY I tl,CCOUNT L_01-202 DEPM~n~ENT Police \)IVISION Support Services EnOGG.MJ Dr-SCf3iE']ION MJD ~JRPO~~ To provide investigation of felony crimes, certain misdemeanor crimes, child abuse cases, and olher assigned cases. To provide evidence processing, photo~ranl1ic processinr, and other forensic and criminalistic services. To provide crime orevention services. To providc, enforcement. of la\Vs H'gulating liqnor sales, security [;uards, and to !n.ovic1e for background investigations of police applicants. To provide training for the entire department. To provide narcotics enforcement and intelligence services. S"(Mfq~rrr _OF GO',lS tH!Lm~)ECTI\fF:S 1) Maintain a clearance and recovery rate of 40% for all cases assigned to the Division. 2) Provide an effective and innovative crime prevention program. 3) Continue and improve narcotics enforcement targeted at apprehension and prosecution of pushers and a decrease in the availability of narcotics and dangerons drugs, particularly in public schools. 4) To provide an average of 40 hours of in-service training per department member. 5) To increase the availability and use of criminalistic services by both investigative and patrol personnel. - . ID7D 191:30 1980 BUDGET HISTOFlY ACTUAL REYI ~:::O EST) i\'~ A'TE f3L1D Jo,'::] PERSONAL SEf1VICES 375,325 465,902 461,848 OPEI1ATING D~PENSES 27,119 26,855 25,040 CAP ITAL OUTLAY 2,717 9,879 8,860 , TOTAL 405,161 502,636 !l9c), 7 t, P, -- 181~JDGE'T1 i -l 1921 I! 4(,4. fi '1) I ! 136,L\40 i: I 4 260 GO),335 NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME IIEGULAR PAnT TIME REGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) 18 -0- -0- 17 -0- -0- 17 -0- -0- 15 -0- ~ I I \ '" 1 CITY Of WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL BUDGET~=____ PAGE f~ r- I I I- t PEHSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-202 OEPAHTM~NT Police DIVISION Support Services GUDGET BUDC=I BUDGET 19'f9 1900 19<31 GnADE BUDGET 1 1981 CL/\SSIFrCATION NO. n,:PLOYEES -- - -- FULL TTI'IE Police Lieutenant 1 1 1 24 32,113 Police Sergeant 2 2 2 22 58,242 Investigator II 9 9 9 19 222,763 Police Laboratory Technician 1 1 1 19 25,154 Police Officer II 4 3 1 15 20,698 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 10 ~.1,9')q TOI'AL 373,929 .- : I arIIER PERSONi\L SERVICES 90,706 TOTALS 18 17 15 464,635 COMMENTS 1~~ positions eliminated in 1981. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ANNUAL fJU DGET:-: P^GE 61 / SllMMf,HV OF Of'Ef1^TItW L:XPCNDITUHES turw J~~~T- 1980 1981 rSTI~~r\TE BUDGET , 01 - GENrRM~ -=---==-~:::::-- - lUlPAfn~l1H _L POUCE -- - - ODJECT CO(ll EXPENSE ITEM rr)IVI~;ION " ,SUPPORT SERVICES 1979 1980 AJTU ^ 1._ ---B.uru.;,n PERSONAL SERVICES --"------ (01- 202-00-00-6(0) 602 Salaries & Wages 308,753 382,670 382,648 373,929 2,368 2,063 2,000 3,192 18,963 18,000 16,500 16,500 427 3,795 4,250 4,250 760 700 700 700 703 817 817 1,025 6,700 9,972 8,000 12,366 14,111 16,737 15,500 19,70C, - -:J- 2,380 2,380 -0- -0- 533 533 617 22,539 28,235 28,520 32,350 603 Lon~cvity Pay 610 Overtime Pay 611 Standby Pay 618 Court Pay 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Realth, Life and Dental Insurance 623 ui:lemploy~:::.::: l... .Ln~'Jranc:' ~30 CCOERA - Retirement Expense 633 Police Pension }~TERIAL AND SUPPLIES (01-202-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 2,387 Lf ,500 4,000 4,000 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Hinor Equipment Film & Chemicals 2,200 Classroom Materials 200 Crime Prevention Display Haterials & Films 1,500 Targets & Ammo. 2,950 Evidence Funds 1,200 Cassette Tapes - Video 475 4,979 8,390 8,000 8,400 L-_ _ _._ VII. '0....). .."" ./" CITY Or- WHEAT I1IDGE ":"""-------.--'-------------'-------- AI\' f\l UAL IJ U [)G r:::-r -- -,---------...------------ , \I" :.\L:. PM,!: c,;:> ._------~----------~._.. --- ~ -~-- ..-." / SUMM/IlIY or Of'[il^TlilG [XI'UWrrunES 11U------]t5[I'/\irrr,1U~-T -][)iVISION ---rccourn 01 - GENE1\I\L POf,IC'E "UPPOI'T SEP\'TCTS J_ ?02 o::;~~=~~.=~=-~-=~~. -==~~-:r-- -" '~) 19-~9 '~~', '~~~--- '=--~930-T1;~;-- COliE: EXPENSE: 11 [M " I r.: _______,---'____ ---ACl~J \_ Ulli'"f;.L fSJJJ:D T E~If)(~~L OTHER SERVl rES AND CI11\1,G1:5 -[01-2 O;;~()O-()():.7()())--- 776 Other Equipment Haintenance .. 201 - 650 300 300 2,132 2,275 2,100 2,100 9,517 (11 ,000) (10,000) 10,000 -0- 95 95 95 4,216 6,400 6,000 6,800 -0- 250 250 450 264 295 295 295 Lf46 1,000 1,000 1,000 2,976 3,000 3,000 3,000 702 Confen'nce & Hecting, Expense 70C) Dues, Books & Subscriptions 728 Trainin~ & Safety (l980 - In Administrative Division) 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 741 Uniform Allowance $lfOO/Han/Year 750 Professional Services & Consulting Fees 758 RentaJs & Leases Identi-Kit ..- j99 Miscellaneous Services & Charges Investigation Expense CAPITAL OUTLAYS ---~-'-~ (01-202-00-00-800) 809 Other Hajor Equipment 2C,6 -0- -0- -0- 104 625 5S0 200 614 4,111 4,111 4,060 -0- 5,010 4,100 -0- 1,73Lf 133 69 -0- 802 Office Equipment 804 Engineering & Photo Equipment Strobe (1-A) 805 Communications Equipment Portable Radios (4-R) @ $1,015 832 Tools & Hark Equipment Small Cassette Recorder TOTALS 1,05,161 502,636 495,7l!8 50'i,335 CITY OF WI-tEAT RIDGE ~. ,.O.......J. ill''''' Ii" I I r_p~~~~~:O~~fiC J I ----------1' To provide thc citizens of Wheat Ridge with tIle highest level of protection of their lives I and property possible. To continue steps aimed towards the prevention of crime and the preservation of the peace. To utilize all measures of preventative patrol throughout ti,e City, and enforce equally and impartially all laws incluuing traffic. To investigate all calls for service, including traffic accidents, reported and observed violations of laws and ordinances and other incidents involving hazard to life and/or property. nUDGEr SUj-.li'.~!\!W ---=:-ANNUAL BUDGET \ f~CCOUNT DEP{\RTr:.EtlT Police L 01-203 .--- PfIOGilf\rJ DESCRlPTIO;-j AND PURPOSE STj\.}'E[}1~!'JLQF gord~s 1\1>1D OD,l:;'CTIVE:S 1) }!aintiJin current levels of service to the public without addin" additional pel-sonnel bv utilizing better scheduling of personnel. (Pilot program instituted July 1, 1980). 2) Continue reduction of call load on the street by enhancing the system of walk-in or telephone reporting of Don-emergency calls. 3) Provide safe vehicular movement for Hheat Ridge citizens and visitors to the City by placing stronger emphasis on enforcement of traffic laws. - PERS01JAL SERVICES OPEf~P.TItJG EXpr::nSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 790,633 38,700 7,100 836,433 --I 1\ BUDGLI , I 1981 I! ! B\;:~~~ II ----1 I 907 ,2~~ BUDGET HISTOHY 1919 19~JO REVI::::: I) ACTUAL SjJDj;-,C:T .3-1-9_ 780,845 51 934 48,280 2,724 16,987 730,994 846,112 1980 ESTI~,1ATE I r NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR PAHT TIME REGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) 35 -0- -0- 35 ----~- -0- -0- 35 -0- -0- 35 -0- -()- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- It " PACE Gt -~-~-" ___t\I\JNUAL BUDGET__ '"- - - FULL 'TIl'1E Police Lieutenant 1 1 1 24 30,572 Police S(-~rg2ant 3 3 3 22 78,504 Senior Police Officer 6 6 6 19 138,056 Police Officer ( I & II) 24 24 24 14-15 420,735 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 10 15,023 TOl'AL 682,890 - OmER PERSONAL SERVICES 175,733 TOTALS 35 35 35 858.623 COMMENTS No change in staff ing . \ 1\ I[ I . L CLASSIFICATION ACCOUNT 01-203 PEHSONNEL SCHEDULC DEPARTMENT Polire DIVISION Patrol & 'Traffic NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET I BUDG:::T l BUDGET 19-79 1900 1931 ---- ---- - GRADE BUDGET 1901 -,: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ----- -.- -::.:.:---.-------'----------- /\ l\l!\ It t ^ I [3 U D G '-T .__________r,.~r:r=___Gj_, . -.--'--.-----------.- I\J),,~ .' A.:: -, , -c____ ) SlIMMMIY or OPEf\^TltlG CXI'[NDlTUHCS I UIW '-rUiPI\illT1l~ijl ~5iVisiOr. :~~;::~=fJ:;NtrJS~\~~~=-L'QLJSL~--~~-=.,- -____,L .F ^TI~)T, COOL rXPEtloE IT[M tcc:uln- 701 [5~:~~J B~:::T ~-------.-... E, Tl\t\ FFTC ~--~ -- 1980 _!:&lUill II"rr;.:L' l "11 -. PERSO~;AL SEIWl CES -~--------~--- (01-203-00-00-600) 602 Sa1arie>s [ Wage>s 548,080 630,6]0 639,730 682,890 603 Longevity Pay 6,825 9,052 7,200 9,677 6]0 Overti,me & Premium Pay 26,133 21,600 22,200 25,500 618 Court Pay 9,535 6,700 13 , 000 14,500 620 F.I.C.A. 703 904 90t. 1,049 621 Workmen's Compensation 12,800 24,911 20,000 19,747 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 30,973 32,073 32,073 ~3,717 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 4,900 4,900 -0- ?'\n rr(Y!7~ ~ - PDr;- r,-:::.mc..nt- ~X~'2!.1E''2 I.l() en'" r nr ~.~ ~J~ ...1./.... 633 Police Pe>nsion 40,868 t.9,505 50,036 60,912 ~~TERT^L AND SUPPLIES --~----- -- --~-- (01-203-00-00-650) 651 660 Office Supplies, Printing ~ummons - Resupply \Printing State Crime Reports ppdate of Manuals ,~f[jce Supplies, paper, pens, other misc. daily bse office supplies for 35 empl,oyees & Postage._ ----~ d";UUO , goo-1<. 3J)~C 6,132 6,900 5,200 6,100 \ ~ ~~ Operating Supplies Fuses (Road Flares) 35 gross @ $60 per 2,100 First Aid Supplies -- Bandages, Blankets, e[c. 1,500 Blood Kits - 150 @ $2.75 ea. 410 Breathalyzer Supplies 220 Fire Extinguishers 220 Other 550 1,937 5,555 4,700 5,000 CITY OF WHEAT nlDGE fit III rQJt..... ..." ,n, ~".._. ."'------..'-----.------ AN 1\' U^' 11 U DC r:T .. -.--..------.-----. -----'. I .....J .'~ l.",:. -- ---" / SUMMAIlY or- OPCH^T1NG [XPI:NOITUI1[S .'":'0 , -])l:PAl\iMLI~-T I ,Jl - C:ENERM" pOLlCe ~..,.._~..::=._==~~.:.~~_7::::::.-. . -=-__~~___h (In,!! CT (,out: ExPCt~:;E ITEM OTHER SEI'Vlr:ES M'If) CHARGES --_._-~-------_.,-~"------- (01-203-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 704 Contractual Services Henta] lJ"31th Blood I ,.;;ts CDrm"in?,) ]20 tests @ $20 ea. 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 728 Training & Safety Replace 12 Bullet Proof Vests Repair lO Bullet Proof Vests Canine Unit - Collars, Leashes, Chains, etc. 6 - 2 ."heel Rolling Tapes @ $35 ea. 15 Metal Notebooks @ $18 4-Unit Pis~Ql Security Locker - 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing Turnover of 10 personnel @ $275 Uniform Damnge Replace ]0 Sets Uniform Leather Gear @ $103 Replace 15 Police Badges @ $38 10 Dept. Helmets @ $63 Patches & Stripes 741 Uniform Allowance/Cleaning $400!man/year Professional Services OtheY Equipment Maintenance Fire Extinguishers Office Equipment Intoxilyzer, Speed Guns, Tape Heasures, etc. 750 776 796 Police Reserves Expense Uniform Replacement & Cleaning Expense - 15 personnel @ $250 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 3,000 2,/100 1,800 350 500 210 270 1<~ 3,750 _~^5":f:_JiJ:i . f()'V'SIUI-J PATIWL & TRAFFIC --~ -- . - ""'---..: - ~ IA-CCOUI-H 203 -=.=--~~~ 1980 162 550 -0- 2,000 323 795 2,243 8,065 11,070 7,265 7,048 13,600 22,000 829 -0- 1,100 700 150 350 -0- 2,250 190 200 CITY OF WHEAT nlDGE " ,......... J. ,.,.., t/" 1980 1981 STwr,TE BUDGET , 250 2,000 300 5,550 5,650 11,500 . -0- 1,100 2,250 200 250 5,400 300 3,265 6,000 13,600 -0- 1,200 3,750 200 t IH.Il. --,-----------------------.---::-:: ^ f" f" U AL nUl) G r::-r ,,_,___ ,__._________ - ,~\ \l" . U .11";' ) SUMMMW OF OPCf\^TING L:XI'I:NDITUf\CS .~ [Ot V t :,'i(JN 1'^T1WL & Tl'^!L1s:___= ~= ACC;OUUI 1~~l~~~S~~!~~,:_I~~~~_ ~tLl:~;c~~~NT' " 1979 i\IJ'I^' 1980 1980 1981 OUJfCT CODl (XP[N~C ITEM >-. P,l!Di~ ~..J~a w'~\ T L.--J~U Or,J:T 805 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-20'3"-00-00-=800) Off j,ce Furniture -0- 1,lG8 1,100 200 Desk Chair w/arms-casters for Lt. IS Off ice 200 Pboto Equipment -0- 500 -0- --0- Conmlllnlcations Equipment -0- 1,344 900 3,400 1 llano-Beld K-Band Radar Unit 1,600 2 - 5 Hatt G.E. Band-Held Radios Inc. Batteries & 8-Unit Charging Unit, 4 Spare Batteries @ $900 1,800 Other Hajor Equipment :t,724 13,975 5,100 -0- 802 8()4 809 -- .. TOTALS 730,994 846,112 836,433 007,21'\8 CITY OF WHEAT nlOGE w" rOIll..... ".." II" Pi\C,E G 8 ANNUAL BUDGET ----- ------.- ( I \ I i J I I I I I I - ! [ nUDGET SU1,lMARY ACCOU1H 01-20,1 DEP^RTMENT Police DI\W,fOf,l Tcclmical Services r PflOGFUH.1 DESC~;IPTIO;'J Af~D PUF?POSF. To provid~ commllnicotions and act os the records repository for the Wheot Ridge Police D~p~rtm~nt. Provide analysis of data and manogcment informotlon. Services provided by )Zccords and C()mmlJllications Sections arc on a 21\-hour, 7-day week basis. co"'n"["' "-"T (Jee I'r r 1 <' I' "f') o"'Jr:'c'rr"'-" ~_~Q..li:.!l.....-_r+_\ j ~)"~I_,,::::_~:~~~~~~ l{CCOI'Js Section -.-- ------ 1) Provide professional police record-keeping and relatad services to public and other criminal justice agencies. 2) Process and maintain police reports and a variety of related documents concerned with crime or other officer assisted services; generate computer and other crime statistics; provide computer-aided investigative assistance to police personnel' provide public and telephone assistance to citizens and other criminal justice agencies, including furnishing report copies and collecting monies in compliance with HE 1597, records searches, and referral for officer assistance as neeced. \T1~<"111,; ..... c, t-; ,--.,., (., C' n ,,1- : r,,.-, - - -- -- 1) To serve as the communications link between those needing assistance and those who can assist them. 2) Provide information al\d direction as the primary initial cont~ct for citizen in emergency and other situations; provide computer aided assistance to police personnel; dispatch police, fire and ambulance as needed. IS'l9 F"If' .,. BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL nr:.\/:' DUJ'C PERSONAL SERVICES !, OPERATING EXPEf';SES 22 154 34 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- 9, TOTAL 16~, 262 254" NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR 15 17 PART TIME REGULM~ -0- -0 TEMPORAHY (COST) --_.. -0- -0- ,__~:?__ ----l5_, -0- -0- -0- 0 i: \, ---J.' CITY OF WIlEAT R(DGE~___ OUDGET--- PAGE 69 r--.------------------ . l' ,_,._ !-\ N I ~ UJ\ '- -- -- -- -- ------ FLILI, Tn;F Senior Public Safety 1 13 18,772 DisP3tOll"l" 1 1 Public Safety Dispatcher 6 7 6 10 76,9~~ Senior Police Records Clerk 0 1 1 11 13,110 Police Records Clerk 7 8 7 8 79,541 CCDrdinator of Technical -0- Services 1 0 0 -- '1 mAL 188,3~7 : ~ OTIIrY PERSGJAL SLlNICES 35,272 TOTALS " 15 17 15 223,619 COMMENTS Authorized staffing reduccc1 by tv.D in 1981 - one Dispatcher and one Records Clerk. 1- I IL ACCOUNT 01-204 CLASSIFICATION PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT DIVISION Police Tecru1ical Services - ---- NO. EUPLOYEES 13UOGET---r-OUDGr:T 1~.l79 _L, \900 GR!,DE BUDGET 1981 BUDGET 1981 CITY OF VJHEAT RIDGE_. "ACt: 70 I Al\\NU/\L DUDGET::.:.:::-::::: r-...---.---.---..----~---- --------- -. SllMM^I1Y OF OI'[I1AfltJG l:XP[NDITUf\ES OO![ CT cooe EXPCNSE ITEM 1979 ^CTUtl\ _.-tOUiJr , RVICES 204 --==~= -~~~~ 1---- 1980 1980 19B1 ~1l'llG.~ .51 J!.II\TE. BUD(,~ET. !~~~~'7_~hNU~~~=r::,~~;:~~rj-T _~~ _ rllVI~;ION '" ,'J'ECIlNICAL SE PEgSONi\T~ SERVJ CES -_.__._--,--~-~-- (01-204-00-00-600) 633 Policc Pcnsion 126,054 174,812 162,597 188,347 28 690 631 262 2,957 2,000 1,000 1,200 16 200 100 200 5,192 9,890 7,768 9,603 -0- 253 133 261 8,289 12,656 13,562 14,509 -0- 2,380 2,240 -0- : - .L,J0J Lt,o<J,l L,5~q 5,128 3,188 3,354 2,66LI {1,l09 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 618 Court Pay 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 623 Unemployment Insurance r,."r. "....."..-.,.. u-,v \.....1...A.-'Li:\H - :'.-. _~.' e::~-":\l\... L~_~~l~""';'~' MATEFIALS A01D SnpPLIES -------- (01-204-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Printing Xerox - For Entire Dept. Xerox Supplies Office Supplies Uniscope Micro Film Supplies 6,735 10,600 8,600 10,000 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment -0- 150 150 50 CITY Or- WHEAT n1DGE 'It. 'Olll;.... I. ....." II" ...-,., ,.---.-----.,-,---.---,-------. AN N UAL 01 U lJG r.-1- _,..______ ,____,.___________.__.'._.___ ~ l:':' -~ - -------------.~ .!:M'f:_J:L L// ~UfV1Mrd\Y OF OPCfl^TltJG LXPCNDITUflES ~ljivlSlutl , _",., I TECHN reAL SERVICES ~._--- '.! i0--.----rDLI'!,iiYt:1U.J1 01 - GENElli\L l'nLIC:l~ ....x7_-::-:-..:-~=- ~..:....;:...=..~=-==-=.:.-...:.=-:-_--....::;:~~-==::;....-==---=--=:......- ACCOUNI :uv, -~ OnJfCl C(,U( 1979 1980 1980 19tH rxP(N~E ITEM 'JSTIi~/\n: ,_.JWllr;ET . OTHER SEHVT CES l\ND CIL\RGES -( 0 f": XO!,=(J O-IJO-=-7IJli)----- 702 Conference & Meeting Expense 56 . 300 300 100 706 Duct~, Boolcs & Subc,criptions 226 350 350 300 . Colps Directory 250 50 7/fO Auto t1ileage Reimbursement 35 500 50 50 750 Professional & Consulting Fees 120 3,250 3,250 250 State Microfilm Unit 758 Rentals & Lenses 3,024 3,745 3,745 4,050 CCIC/NCIC Terminal for UCR & Records Support 'j~76 Other Equipment }~intenance 11,873 14,910 14,910 18,585 Dictaphone 800 Radio - Entire Dept. 15,210 Type\oTriter Routine Service 250 Recondition (1) 175 Hicrofilm Equipment 300 Shredder 150 Mountain Bell 1,650 Calculators, Dispatch Punch Clock, Other Small Office Hachines 50 799 MiE,cellaneous Services & Charges 84 250 150 150 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-204-00-00-800) 802 Office Equipment -0- 4,294 3,64/} -0- 805 Communications Equipment -0- 4,440 If, t,I,O -0- 809 Other Major Equipment -0- 600 600 -0 TOTALS 169,262 2St,,465 233,1,68 257,054 CITY OF WI.tEAT nJDGE w. "011I'" J' 1".'" "" ('li\A: Ii. ---- -- ._. !tCCOUNT I r 01-206 ,-- . Pf10GrlM1 DESCnIPTIO!'J AND PU" To provide humonc animal contra Animol Control. To respond to actively potrol tllC City seeki n~ of Stntc laHs pert:J,ining to Ani ST:';,1T::r';:i,:-r OF CO'cLf,: tJm O':J...q -------_._------ 1) To maintain the high quality 2) To j mprovC' quality of trainil training schools. 3) Continue progress in identif expedient return of loose ho - - . BUDGET H1STOR'l ,- PERSON/~L SERVI OPEIVWlI';G EXP[: CAP ITJI.L OUTLAY TOTAL I NO. OF EMPLOYEES - FULL TIME !lEG PART TIME REG TEMPORARY (CO::; ANNU/\L BUDGET .----.-----..------------ OUDC,ET SUfv~!.".D.ny [ OEP/uni.1EfH Police \):YI~;ION Animal Control "'POSE 1 services and enforcement of City ordinances relating to the requests for assistance from Hh('at Ridl',e citizens, and ~ out vio]ations of animal control ordinances or violations mal Control and wildlife. ::CTI'/FS ------ of service to the pub]ic as it has been in the past. 19 for Animal Control Officers by attendance at various ying horse mmers throughout the City to enhanc(' the rses to the owner. CES :: J S ES 41. 283 2,510 945 44,744 ULAR ULAR T) 1980 ESTI:>.lATE _39,637 1,721 -.--- 945 42,303 I '~I BUDGlI II 1931 II 43 ,l~57 --II _2fOlo___II' 200 , I ~:66~1 I 2 2 .5 _~____ 2 ,--5.. ,- .J CITY OF \iVHEAT RIDGE 2 PAGE 73 ----- '-----'1 I I I I I ! r------'----------- . ___ AI\JNU/\L BUDGl::T_, PERSONNEL SCIIEDULr: I, I DEPARTMENT ; I . ------ t I FUlL TWE 1- DIVJSIO~~ _,_L____ Anina] C~~ltro1 i I ^ccourrr 01--20 (, Police BUDGl:T j 1981 -------- Gl'ADE p~T J i CL:'l.SSlflC/\TION NO. Er.~PLOYEES BUDGET~fJUDGE:T 19'19 1900 ---~~- TOTALS 2.5 2.5 2.5 ~ 13 14,"-21 11 19,665 34,086 -! i 9,371 43,457 " lll1ima1 Cont:m1 Officer II 1 1 1 Anjlml Control Officer I 1.5 1.5 1.5 TOI'AL onmn PERSO:'Jl\L SEPVICES COMMENTS No d1ange in staffing I U CITY OF WHEAT n10GE__ .. --------.--------,---- - ^ f" j' , U ^ L IJ U 0 G r::-r -.---..----,---,---.-.--- , \l " 'I t.:: --- I'M'.I' 74 --------~----- - ....---.---- ) SUMFv1^IlY OF OI'[Il^llfJG LXI'l:NDITUnCS fUIJll I.JLF^,j-rt'll.rH r[)IVI~;ION 01 - GENJ:I',AL POL [C!-; ANHlAL CONTRm, =-=-~=:'----;:-==":;...~-==--~--=..=.:::;:...~~ --====t;::.:-=-:.==;.;...:~~...::....- __..___3.; (J[lI[C~'I- Cll[J(J 1979 /\ CT~ll\ L 1980 J:1UNl _ 206 198~ 1981 E:'T1:'\~TF L~UDGEL_ rXPW~E I1EM --' ~U.D.f.~l;:.L . PERSONA1, SERVl CES - --------- (01-206-00-UO-600) 602 Salod es & Hagcs 24,463 32,088 32,L,18 34,086 610 Overtime' & Premium Pay 1,280 1, L~OO 1,500 :)..,500 - 618 Court Pay 373 1,200 L}50 600 620 F. I.C.A. 1,612 1,967 2,152 2,407 621 vJorkmen' s Compensation 1,000 784 327 1,020 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 1,143 2,217 2,100 2,677 623 Unemployment Insurance ~O- 350 350 -0- #' ....""'"'....... ::':^pei.-J5~ r, " , "n" "'A , '- " . '(j.. 1'<--' '0;::- :-;:-":'- ,LoU...... :;:""' ., .. HATERIAL AND SUPPLIES -~--_.- (01-206-00-UO-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 85 400 50 100 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Hinor Equipment 347 600 500 500 1 - Catalog Type Briefcase 60 2 - Pr. Leather Gloves @ $10 ea. 20 2 Horse Halters 2 Lead Ropes 2 5' Catch Poles CITY OF WHr=^T nlDGE: .,. ,"'.... a, .... \tI tI'l ~ - l'^(~r :r AI\lI'lJAl 1-'lJDC[--r ----..-----.-.------' -' J. 1--."------.--.- -----,---------.---.,,- . - --- , nn'_____'_____.__.,.__.____,______ '~ _. -' 1": ---------~----.-_.---------- / SllM!MdtY OF OI'[[\f,TltIG U(\,UmITUI\CS , l .. :;--------~:J'I;III-~:!]Tl -r[)!\iio,IU-;"-i ~CC:l')LJri-f- ~:~,:~:c-~-~f~J~\)"~==-';:~::~'~:;'--n -'====r=--'~~=~- ti.lli~~ 7~~D:~UL.~;~~---r=-=~;;;O.....2.C'.S- 19 G 1 C.OUl oJ __ _ ~C'.L~JR- 'l~QCIF ~:~',T~:'~T(.,J21Ir:G~In OTHER SERV1CES AND CHARGES -(Ol-201~-OO-=-OO-7(X;)---- 702 Conf~rcuce & Meeting Expense 741 Uniform Cleaning 89 100 75 100 13 50 25 50 7 L~8 800 (;50 750 225 360 276 360 -0- 50 25 50 83 150 120 100 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 730 Uniform Replacement 776 Other Equipment Hointenance 799 Hiscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS ( 01-206=-00-00-800) s Communications Equipl'lent -0- 805 805 14tJ -0- 809 Other l1ajor Equipment "Havahort" Cot Trap Animal Carrier (Cage) Animal Stretcher -0- 140 200 TOTALS 32, OIL, 44,7M+ L,2,303 45,667 W. '"In..... J. ...'" II" CITY Or- WH[:^T r\lDGE _. ~ ANNUAL l'hGl 10 BUDG[T [ I - ()UDGE'j SUi-1M/loRY [ DIVISIOr! I AdmiJli st ration I ------.,--- I rfWCr.M~LQ~~SCr.JJ"-LO~L[I~Wl'QiiP()SE ~ I 1he Nlministration Divi,ion of the Public \'/,xks Depurtmcnt axmlimtes -"iVb': oreratio= i of the D2partm::'nt. Each Division 118ad supervises and directs the operation of his division ! and is resjX)nsible to me Director of Public I',lorks. The Director coordinates and advises I consulting engll1eers efforts in design and construction of City projects. ^CCOUNT 01-301 DEPMlTf.IEJn Public vlorks t"'I'r'Tr"~r:"'"' ('<:; """,1 ,- f"n "'~Ir::('Tn!"'" 9_~~~...:~..!..__1__..~~~,:.::::~:-:.:.~~_._~":.~~:...~~:....::::~~ l)~yi0r-civcq The l'dimnistration Division's objective ].s to coordinate t.he p=grarns within the Public l'lorks Department and to rrBke sure all divisions function as effectively and efficiently as possible. Goals -, 1. P.ecollID2l1d organizi:ltional changes to provide a IlDre effective departrrent. 2. v'ork toward reduction of drainage problems and be IlDre resp::msive to citizen carq:;laint3. 3. Provide a means of better =-mmmication wim me City Administration and other departrrP..nts to keep them informed of the response to their concerns and requests. nUDGET HISTORY ," -- -- Hd~\' 'J 1980 i __Q~lP_ =__ ESTL\-1ATE! 34,iV,,_.__~9531 15,3 I 14,510 -0 - '-~ -0- ~22~_ _ 4 9 , ~~~' '--~j..44 .41>l ,_ _] I, .ll2;> 19'79 ACT UAl 38.128 10,862 -0- 8UDGE-fi 1981 ! S7.6U I Hi,350 =J -0- I I . PERSONAL SERVICES OPEBATING [XPEI'JSr~S CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL I NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL Tlh1[ REGULAR PART TH.IE REGULAR TEMPORARY (COST) 2 -0- -0- 2 -0- , -0- 2 -0- -0- 2 -0- -0- -- r CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE [ " r'---- I ! ACCOUNT~- 01-301 - -~--- i 1---- CLASSIFICATION . P^GE 77 AN NUA L B U DG E '1"_-=--==---=----'-- -~--: PERSONNEL SCHEDULE DEPARTMENT Public I :arks NO. Et,1PLOYECS BUDGET [9'79 OUDC~T 19l10 -I DIVISION Administration DL1DGET I;:, 111 I '-::]1' , BUDGET ! _~Rr4DE _~ J9~ f --- - -- --~---- -- FULL 'I'll IE Director of Public Porks 1 1 1 27 35,310 Senior Secretar.l 1 1 1 10 lil,S30 'l'OI'AL 50,140 - OTIillR PERSOlll'L SERVICES 7,532 TOTALS 2 2 2 57,672 ~- I COMMENTS No change in staffing. " - .~ i CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ; - ---- -- --- - . 1____ / I, I " 'l '_________________________!'^r.I,,:JJL__ - .n -,-:-- .-~,--=:::::,-,__::',::.u:~::__.__.:::::-.-:::::._:::::,::: \ \J 1 \J J ^ L lJ U D G L T -..-----..--..--.----.----------------- I j SlIl'AM^" Y 01 O['[IIATIII" LXI'Uml IU II [$ j-Ut'iLl--- -------llii-"^il',,',i:tTl'---- ,()l..:-_S;~~~,R.:\L_ PUBue \oJ()R](S -,.--" -"--_.~-- ~ ~_.".---- - -'- :--",:=:"--",:,,::-::-::,:::::--:=,:-==_::,-,,,:,,- -. ._::.:J-=:::~:"_~_~~",:: r~-"'- IIJlVI:;ioN - I"CTryJ!~ ' ,I ADHINl STI;ATTON 301 -'<::J ..---......;.~.::== -_~--=-.::-.......~...~...,..__ -' II l~~~L ~~~ J~~~lT LU1:Cn,~ (If! Jr(::r ("<.JU( [Xr(tIS~: '1 L l.~ ! uu,____ _'" I PERSONAL SERVTCES (' 0 1 =-3(ll--O(j_:-O(j~600) 60J Directur of Public Works Salary 19 , 7 Jlf 15,768 11,000 35,310 602 Salaries & Hages 11,340 13,800 13,860 14,830 601, Deferred Compensation -0- -0- 500 1,413 605 Herit Increase 1, l,87 -0- -0- -0- 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 457 240 240 240 619 Fee Personnel 1,416 -0- -0- -0- 620 F. I.C.A. 1,920 1,813 1,813 2,978 ., I" . , il)i.1Udc!: ~ ~l)~~;1.J ~ 11 :';':'.i. L .1'-'il 141+ 151 1.':' ,~ ;.C"S 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 723 1,853 1,853 2,142 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 280 -(j- -0- 630 (COERA 902 552 555 594 t1ATEIGALS & SUPPLTES (01-301-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 2,192 2,650 2,650 2,500 660 OperatinG Supplies, Small Tools, & Hinor EcJuipment 64 115 115 100 - CITY OF WHEAT rllDGE --- . 'u......, ..,,, 11" ,_____________ 1'^('.I___L(} -_._-~---------._---~-_.__._~-- ::.:.=-:,::":.,':-':::':::::::::::::',::_::--_:::::::==::::-.-':-~-::: l\ N N U l\ L D U I,) GeT / f,lIMhMHY or OI'L1\!\TlfJG I XI'[NDITUI1[S --, ,11).- ~1)1::P^'Ii'(t;;,'u n ,)1 - GENEl\AJ, ,,__J PUBL H~ \,OFKS .%~-- _-::,-=-'-~=-- -~'---~=-~~"""'-~.;..::=-...="::'-",,:,,: :_-;--=.::::.::;::.~::;:' ':::-=--=-.--=;;:=-~~~=:::'~'r 0fll!CT (;(,(J[: r:XP[f.~[ IT U.-I OTHER SE1NICES & r:lL\RGES -..-----, ---~- -~~-- --- (01- 3U1 '.()()-UO-7 00) 702 Conference & Meetin~ Expense American Public Harks Association Colorado Municipal League Other 706 Dues, Hooks & Subscriptions 7/.0 Auto Hi leDge Reimhursement 759 Telephone Expense 760 Utilities Shops Building 774 Facility Repair & Haintenance 776 Other Equipment Maintenance IS':J l'llscellaneolls Services & Charges' TOTALS 1,000 100 200 f)'VIS/CJN ., . " ":Dlml1 STR1\~].sJN 1979 T\ CTll,~ l ~=== =~=!J-C-l~~I~T __ 1900 1980 1981 -lillD.G.~ [:,1 J ~";I[~~UDG[~, ;:'0- 1,100 1,100 1,300 322 500 500 400 -0- 230 230 50 158 690 300 300 4,7!.2 6,3'25 7,350 9,300 2,630 3,Of,5 1,575 2,000 109 575 575 300 . . 645 115 1:t5 100 48,990 49,802 44,463 7t.,on ru"'" 1-. ... v 1('1 CITY OF WHE^T nlDGE ANNUAL BUDGET PJ.'GE 8.0_" 1 I nUDGEr SUIM~AlW DEPAIHrM:NT '----T Public Viorks __L f,CCOU1H L 01-302 l DIVISION Enginc'ering --l pROGR!\1.1 DEScnIPTIOi\! f\f~[) PUflPO:3E To provide, develop, and =nlinate the cnC]ineering design and construction quality control in s\JpjXJrt of tl,e Public \oJorks D2part:rrent. STArr:f,r,;::fW OF GO!\J.,S MJD OD,lf':CTIV::S ---..---._---- To promote effective research of land documents, construction insp.3ction of street improvem:=nts, preparation of design and c'Onstcuction plans and specifications, and engineering i3.dministration on contracts [or street irrprove.-r.ents, traffic signal maintenance, and street lighting. .- BUDGET HISTORY Is'r9 1980 1980 AC1'UAL R'::lfl~)::l) 8UD(-i~T EST1:;\ATZ 1__13.1..150 123,879 201 3~ 212 'OSo-LEL85CL_ ~ _~291 1,291 291,749 350,491 297,020 PEHSONAL SERVICES OPEniITlNG EXPENSES C/-\PITAL OUTLNt TOTAL r NO. OF Er: FULL PART TEMPO - IPLOYEES TIME REGULf~R 7 8 (1 8 TIME REGULAR -0 0 -u, -0 BARY (COST) -0- -0- -0- -0- - 347,149 CITY OF WHEAT r-{JDGE ANNU,~L BUDGCT----- __.__---1~_c;J; 81 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE P.CCOUN:;--l__ 01-302 - . L_ I[ DEP/\P.TMENT DIVISION Public Harks Engineering CLASS/FIC/lrION NO. EMPLOYEEs-i[--J2B~u;~~~1 ; -- - GRADE ' BUDGET BUDG;.:::T ISUOGET . 1901 j i 1979 19BO 1981 : - ~.~- --. 'lDI'AL ~- , j 1 1 22 27,465 I i 3 3 14 ! 47,264 , I 1 1 12 14,496 I I 1 1 11 14,496 I I 1 1 9 12,480 I 1 1 8 lL.l64 _ I I 127.56'1 I I . ! . i . I FULL Tll1E city Engineer 1 Engineering Technician 2 Public 1ilorks Insp2,ctor 1 Engineering Drafting Technicic 1 1 Engineering Assistant 1 Secretary 1 OTIillR PEPSONl\L SERVlcr:s 22.304 TOTALS 7 8 8 149.869 COMMENTS No cl1an<Je in staff ing . CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE r-===--==--=---------- ^ N N U ^ LOU 0 G ET ,-;".: ! / f,llMfv'I^I1Y OF OPCI1^TlliG [XI'L::NDITUI1CS I ~ fUrTU---'--=r' 1:f';Ji'TMUH I . f =-Q~- - _~t;NrJ\,ilt~_~ - -_1'lJ~J...LCj1J!J;jiS r OflJLCT '-".PENSE nEM I (.(;llL LJ ! . r/'(':(~.?,-__ T[)IV'~'ON J f, lG TNJ;:BUJf... 1979 ~niDL 702 Conference & Heeting Expense -0.- 706 Dues, BOQ~s & Subscriptions 213 750 Professional & Consulting Fees Outside Engineering Services 6,600 Federal Aid Bridge Inspecti~n Program - City Share 400 2,39,4 758 Rcntals & Leascs 323 761 Street Lighting & Signal System 125,535 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 484 778 Traffic Signal Maintenance 69,554 CITY OF WHE^T nlDCE ~. 1'"..", 1Oo." "" "'-= 1980 1 f1.40-' 100 150 8,400 300 l35,OOO -0- 55,000 ,=L:Oi~UNT 1980 1981 r~T r~lr\Tr,-___8 U 0 GJ':~ 80 100 150 150 6,740 7,000 '180 300 116,000 l48,000 '-0- .7 41,000 30,000 ~^ ('~ [~--8.3-- rr--..-------------- ANNUAL DUDGL:T .:.:- II / SLJMrvl^IlY or OP[f\^ TlllG eXPCNDlTUl\[S I I~U lGl:I'/dl J r,~un LpUJ',LIC HQJn<S - -- ~ - -- ----....... --rOIVI~IUN ___.,_J . ',NGINEj\RINr, ACCOUNT J~2L= _~:!il\lll0. L .... -~-=-- ----- ') OOJeCT COCk tXf>[tI,[ ITEM 1979 1980 19[\0 1981 r\ n lLilL rllnr~ [;;n;.1!\TE BUD(;E" -0- 5,000 2,000 4,000 100 lOO 100 100 793 Title ReRearch & Reports 799 Bisccl] aOc'OllS Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLA\;S (01- 362--60-=00-800) 802 Office Equipment Programmable Calculators 2 4-Drawer file Cabinets 200 200 72 1,291 1,291 400 809 Other Major Equipment Engineers Steel Tape Cross-the-Bed Tool Box Water Test Kit Compaction Test Kit -0- . -0- -0- 480 125 75 30 250 l "- .. . TOTALS 291,749 350,491 297,020 347,149 till ....)1111.... .tv .,f' CITY OF WHEAT nlDCE ANNUAL BUDGET 1'!iGE ---::...2L._ [ nUDGEr SUfl.tMRY ACCOUNT 01-303 DEPArnr.\E1JT Public Works DIVIS/Ol'J Street MainLencUlce EFWGn^r'~ Di~SCRIPTlm\1 rum PURPO:E To clean and sweep the streets in acc...'Ordance with street swcepincr schedules, to sand and plow the streets in the winter according to snow r8TIOval procedures and schedules, to provide proper drainage of the streets, to repilir the chuckholes and seal t,'1e cracks in the streets, qrade and rebase <]ravel roads and shoulders, and to mow the w2eds in the right of way on a scheduled basis. --I II I I I i I ~n?Tf.L.1ErJT (~_GO.",LS M<,\) ODJr:C:UYES 1. To provide cleaner streets throughout the Cl DJ by naving sweepers worKlng lfl defined sections, and =ncentrating on main throughfares during inclerr12nt weather. 2. Provide safer streets on \vhich to travel in the winter and fewer chuckholes with proper chuckhole repair. 3. Develop a well prepared asphalt overlay program resulting in less gravel roads in the City. r-- BUDGET HISTORY 1979 1980 1980 BUDGt.:T R'::\llS':O ACTUAL filjP~!::T ESTI:\1ATE 1931 PERSONAL SERVICES 169,]93 255,157 217,386 243,454 OPERATING EXPENSES &"{ 7Q() 61, 270 72,710 78 ')SO CAP ITAL OUTLAY 0 274,475 19,075 -0- TOTAL 212,982 590,902 309,171 321,704 NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME REGUlAH PART TIME REGULAR TEMPORMIY (COST) _5 -0- 15 13 -0- 12 400 I.. J.. -, .25 12 400 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE=-. r,.- A/\!NLJ/\L BUDGET PAGE 85 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE BUDGr;:T 1979 BUDGET 1geO T DIVISION ~I '.' _ Street t1Clintc;nance ~ ---- 'a-- G~/.\DED' BUDGET j BU[)~:::T - 1901 1931 - - ACCOUNT I 1_-"':::'03 j CCL~Ss'FlclmoN DEPAHTMENT Public \ Jorks NO. EMPLOYEES FULL Tl'U:: TOrJlL 1 1 1 20 26,399 2 2 2 13 35,605 2 4 2 11 26,220 0 8 8 8 90,904 0 .25 0 -0- 179,128 f: , t I I .r , ! 9,500 Street t1iJint.cnance SUp2rvisor !,t.::Jtor EgUl.?l11811t CJ::crCltor II ~lotor Equipp.12nt OJ:.x~rator I Public \Jorks tril.ntcnilnce \'Jorkc- Clerk Typist 'm TI:'ORl\P-Y 0l1lLR PEP~ONAL SERVICT:,r:; 54,826 TOTALS 5 1':>.25 13 243,454 ,COMMENTS 'I 'lVJO l'btor Equij:Xrent O~rator I positions and the part-time Clerk-Typist position are eliminated in 1981. All seasonal positions are included in the temporary account. I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ! J . . .":~::':::~~.--:-~:_.h-_- ..-.....-.....-.-.--- --.-.---..-. At,! 1'- t II ^ I l.") t.) G l,.,or" --...-.-....-.......-..-----...-..--.-..-. . I \J \J _.l \. . \...: ----.---.---...---..-- ..------... / SUlvlfMdlY OF OI'C){/\TIIJG LXl'l:rWITUI1CS _ ____._._.__ _._..__._____ -" ^ r; I _80 I l1l IIJ ~ljLI; 1-1\ 111."1.1 J1 OJ - GENERAL ....__.1 PUBLIC hlOrU(S _-c..-_;; ..:::..--::--:::;."'":..._--,,-=-~-":. ~_--=.-...;-=-=-_-_ ::.:..~.;;:-.:.."':::.-~;;:::c--::~;:-===.x.-;:::--'::~~i;- _ ...... I"C.lIV. i."i;ior, /^C(;(lUTil" STREET l'--L\ !!!rE~~E. ..._~ ~~~.J.~ 303 1979 1980 1930 [ 1981 -lli~~~L...... JW)J".~' '....J::.5JJ i \!\H: _BJ,lJ2GU VIlJi CT COlll txP[tJ~[ HEM PERSONAL SERVICES (Ol-=-3oj - () 0- 0 0:.. 6(ic)) 602 Salarjes & hlages 630 CCOtRA - Retirement Expense 6Li,439 202,239 171,988 179,128 361 897 897 631 4,780 8,000 12,000 8,000 2,463 Lf ,200 L},335 5,000 -0- -0- -0- 9,500 85,843 ~o- -0- -0- 4,Lf23 12,428 11 , 080 13,LfSlf 1,600 8,204 1,623 7,9~' --- .J ..f'.... IJ,6t;/ 10,S93 13,048 ,... ,-, -0- 2,170 2,170 -0- 1,439 3,322 2,700 6,757 603 Lonzevity Pay 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 614 Standby Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Workmen's Compensation 622 B~.;l rn T; ~r ::::~ :s'':-~--'''':::dl 11.1::..u(Ciilc-e 623 Unemployment Insurance b\TERIALS & SUPPLIES ~--- (01-303-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 82 . 650 425 500 660 Operatin~ Supplies, Equipment Asphalt Drainage Frames Salt & Sand Heed Control Drainage Pipe Road Base & Hash Craek Sealer Concrete Sand Small Tools & Minor 37,381 54,905 65,900 71,000 Rock .. 32,900 5,000 22,000 1,600 2,750 3,800 2,100 850 & Grates CITY OF WI lEAT nlDCr:: . ru,.l. I. ". 'I II" I'M',t" 87 ..--- -... ......-..-.......- __w.... ......---..---..-- A 1\1 r 1 U 1\ 1 D U I ) C r'-1' '--"-'.-.- .....--..-..-.-.-.- ..-...-.....-..-------..... " _ .. 1:::' .- ---.---------. .-------......-.--..-----.-.------. / ~UI\1MAIlY 01' OI'[I\f\TItW LXI'UWITUllC; 'ill----.--~i).1.1'/0ilr:1.l:rJl-- ~[)IVI~IO:i -]ACl.OLlIJ1- 01 - GE~:FI;t\L PUBLJ C I]O[{KS STRErT HA INTI'~NM1CE__ ___ _ ____ 30} :;',:;,;:' '--- -'-- ~-=-~~~-.-- [-:;[:<~: I~[-f~-"=~ ~~~=~~~~-, r=.~~=-c_ --1~ 79 -=~---~;;eo- - - 19 ~ol 19 e 1 ---- - ----'- ^CJ.J.ill.L_ -~U ~J:..slill~,n L_mJ.D~EL 11_____- U___ __u_ _._____ 702 706 728 730 7<'10 758 776 799 1- 805 809 812 879 OTHER SERVICEc, 0, CIL\RCES --- --.------------ ~ --- (01-303-00-00-700) Conference & Meeting Expense -0- 165 50 100 57 100 100 100 664 500 800 750 2,332 2,850 3,865 4,000 -0- . 100 70 100 1,841 500 500 500 1,032 1,000 800 1,000 L~OO 500 200 200 Dues, Books & Subscriptions Training & Safety Uniforms & Protective Clothing Auto Mileage Rcdmbursement Rentals & Leases Other Equipment Maintenance Miscellaneous Services & .Charges CAPTTAL c:._~-:-Th...'7.~ (01-303-00-00-800) Conruunications Equipment -0- Lf,025 L,,025 -0- Other Hajor Equipment -0- 5,450 5,450 -0- Public Works Shop Improvements -0- 25,000 -0- -0- West L,!,th Avenue Repairs/Reconstruction -0- 240,000 9,600 -0- TOTALS 212,982 590,902 309,171 321,704 CITY OF WHEAT n1DGE "". 'l.l....1). f.... 'f" I~AGE Uti -- r-' r= -=c i ACCOUNT L 01-304 ANr\JUAL BUDGET BUDGET SUMMABY DEPARTMENT Public Works DIVISION Traffic PROGf:/'.H m:"SCr::IPTIOf] fiND PURPOSE ------.--- Making street signs, stop signs, special signs for construction, traffic =ntrol line paD1tinq, cros~walk painting, traffic counts for traffic control street DnprovCffi2nt:; . STr\TEr ~Er!T OF G()r\L~-; r"rl!D O:JJl:::CTfVES - ---- 1. Update street signs fran the black and white to the Dew green signs that can be seen better. 'Try to replace all of the black and white signs as soon as p:Jssible. 2. Stripe all streets and crosswalks for traffic =ntrol. 3. Reduce =st per mile on striplng. 4. Reduce sign maLT1tcnanoe =sts by using signs that provide longer life. 5. Update traffic =W1ts for street iIrprOV8c'rel1tS. N UDGET 1979 1900 1980 8UDGET I HISTORY ACTUAL Rr.:-\/1 '0= D 1931 I hU1LG~IT- ESTI~,{ATE ---'----'-- J PERSONAL SERVICES 18,808 35,149 25,174 36.796 OPER/lTlrlG EXPEtJSES 22,603 42,641 42,641 44,700 CAPITAL OUTLAY -0- -0- -0- 100 TOTAL 41,411 77,790 67,815 81,596 O. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TH,IE REGULAR 2 2 2 2 PART - TIME REGULAR -0- -0- -0- -0- TEMPORAI1Y (COST) .. -0- -0- -0- -0- o '. -1L =J. -CITY OF WHEAT HIDGE F I I t\NNUAL BUDGET PAGE 89 --~----_._- PERSONNEL SCHEDULE Public Viorks L DIVISION _ Traffic 'Technician ACCOU~ '1 Ol-30~ ~ I r =-:AS'''FICATION DEPAfHMENT ~ N~. EMPLOYEES BUDGET BUDG:::TI'[)tJDGET I~H9 1980 19f.l1 BUDGET I GR!\~981 .1 FULL TIllE Traffic 'Feclmician I 1 i. 1 1 12 17,899 Traffic Tc::>clllucian II 1 1 10 12,480 'IOrAL 30,379 c . OTHER PERSOW,L SEPVICES 6,417 - TOTALS 2 2 2 36,796 .OMMENTS No chon'Je in staffing. [ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE I'Ar.1.90 ---'--" ........---..-.---...... ---.--.-------- AN 1'.\ U ^ IOU t.) G 1-:-r -----.-----.----- -_.::=.:::.~-. .------- ...----.-.-.-...-.-.--.-.-------. \J _ . 4 _ ....-- - ------ / SUM MAllY OF 01'CllATlrJG C"(I'UJD1TUHCS ..... ----:=1.--------- -- '=r-' JlIri[) ULI'/IiIII.1Un ()IVI~IO" :~~;~ ~~~~~~Lc"_~c;:::,:~~~'~"~.~~~'~ ....u . TRA ',:~:l~~~ J:COliill- - - -. ~r-- 1980 1931 ~...lSlJI'.^,n "_.BU[)~E~~_ PERSONAL SEHV!rES ---~---- --~- ------ (01-304-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wap,cs 15,959 27', !+20 21,507 30,379 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 580 750 750 750 6J4 Standby Pay 688 1,000 -0- -0- 620 F.LC.A. 1,073 1,681 1,319 2,070 621 v!orkmen' s Compensation 390 1,117 318 821 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 118 1,805 1,000 2,060 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 280 280 (, '10. rr>.'lDD \ -0- 1,096 -0- 716 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES ---~-------- - (01-304-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage -0- 100 100 100 660 Operatjng Supplies, Small Tools & Hinor Equipment 21,906 41,141 U,141 43,600 Traffic Paint & Beads 20,000 Traffic Signs 7,900 Sheeting 4,100 Letters B,400 Special Signs 3,200 CITY OF WI{E^T rUDGE " "O"~l " ...... .n. '-:::~:-. ......----.- .......................-......-...---. Ar" I' I rJ '\1 L'l'l.),...... \'-'1" - '--'-"--"'- ......._u...__.......h -.-.... . \J 'J \ I ~ )). II L: I'N~f..2!:.. -,._~---------~------~_._---- .._.., / Sllr/I~,~^ 1\ '( 01' OI'L:llATIIJl; 1 XI'U JDlT U Ii C; _~~o=~=c" ~,~_~__l~~.(:l:T-- ~.~~~I~~=. ;~;N~~~;~~.=~=_e~~;;~;~~..r~~)o~K.~_=~~~c~_=-n.- _.._.... __ r~IV;~~~~~T C -r-------- .......Lo._ 1979 .. __J\..U:L~~ 1980 1980 1981 orUfCl CUUL [Xpnl,C ITlM fLUJK,J;"-.L.. ',.....s~~U t.' i\ T l"~..aU D G ~ I OTIlFP SEf.VTCES .', C1L\RGES (O.\.':'-:;()4-00-00--j {)(J)--- 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 322 500 500 500 753 Rentals & Leases -0- 300 300 100 776 Other Equipment Maintenance 375 500 500 300 799 lliscellaneous Services & Charges ..0- 100 ] 00 100 CAPTTM~ OUTLAYS (01-304-00-00-800) 802 Office Equipment 4-drawer file cabinet -0- -0- -0- 100 TOTALS 4l,Llll 77 ,790 67,315 81,5% .._ CITY OF WI1E:^T .l1lDGE - .v" rUI\I-' .. ..." .,,, rAC;E ')2 ANNUAL BUDGET-'- '-1 .--- III '\ i 'I ;1 !! IL_ OUDGET SUf.1MARY ACCOUNT 01-305 DEPARTf,iEhlT ~ Public \-vorks --- DIVfSION Shops rHOGR!tM [~EScnll'..IL(1'1 l\NQi'UnpOSE TI1(' purpose of the Public \vorks Shop includes: 1) Haintenilnce of all City o\med vehicles aud ~quipmcut; 2) To initiate a recycling and rebuilding program as a substitule for Jlllrcllilsiug all rWI.] vehich>,. and equipment 'C-Jherever feasible; 3) Provide a comprehensive program for all City vehicles and equipment; maintain adequate supply of equipment parts, oil, fuel and lubricant supplies; 4) Provide statistical data on op'lerations cost; 5) Hain- tain vehicle historical data on each vcllicle or item of equipment. Sif.\'fT[',EIH OF GO" LS Aim 03J::c:nVl?S 1) Keep all vehicles or items of equipme>nt operationa]. 2) Keep operational costs down. 3) Keep vehicle and equipment dmm time to a mlnllllum. 4) Haintain a preventative program keyed towards reduci ng dO\vn time and fue] consumption. 5) Initiate a recycling and rebuilding program where deemed feasible. ,- BUDGET HIST PER SOHAL SE OPER!\TING E CAPITAL OUT TOTAL I NO. OF EMPLOYEI- r- FULL TH"E PART TIME H TEMPORARY ( f\VICES )<PENSES LAY IS"f9 ACTtll\L 75 061" 133 g 7 1 784 210,68S R~ep8:l)-'--19.S~ <::1SUDGET I! -.JlllP_!' .:l.._ ESTr.',1" T .... I 981 1 : 94,98) 93,614 ~fL51-5_i I J75,5~_~ _}81,512 215,420 : ~5Cg 3,500 I -0- \ 273,906 278,626 313,935 ORY :s REGULAR EGULAR cosT) 4.0 4.0 -0- .25 -0- -0- -4:0-- -4-0 . -0- -0- -0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- i" I. --L ANNUAL BUDGET- PAGE 93 --.-.-- -- r--' I I -_. PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT DEP/\RTMENT DIVISiON L___ 01-305 Public lbrks Shops [~ CLASSIFICIlTION NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET J DUDCET 19'(9 1900 --- 8UDC~ET 1001 --~[:~ . I3UDGET GRA~E _~I~UI . - - --,-- ._- FUI)~ 'l'UIE Shops & Yard SUp2rvisor 1 1 1 20 26,399 Auto & Equipr:-cnt Hechanic 3 3 3 14 55,455 Clerk Typist 0 .25 0 -0- TarAL 81,854 - GrlillR PEP.sONl'-L SERVIC'"'cS 16.661 TOTALS 4 4.25 4 98,515 COt.1MEtnS Part-tirre Clerk-Typist position eliminated in 1981. ,- ~ CITY OF \~HE^T RIDGE PM',[ ~4 A N r 1 U ^) [1 U l) G [l~ ----------.------. - - -~_. .--- ....::...::.--=.~::.::..::-::::--:.::..::::..:.::..::::::::-::.:::---:::::::.::=.::. \j _): I.: .------------ / ~UMfY1^'IY or OI'U\^TING [ XI'U1DITum:s '~~;~~~~_5-E!;.I~0~~=JO~:;;~;~':~?~~=.-=~,.~~. __ .[';~~~ OllJfCT. 1979 COOl ["pnl,C IT[M jACCl'iu r J 1 ] C 1<9~;-~~;;;O_30 1981 -RLlIlli,w-_' [STJi','\T1.. BUDGET M':'D.I[\ PERSON,\l~ SERVICES --_._---~-~- (01-305-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages 63,lj48 78,561 78,561 81,854 603 Longevity 522 1,163 -0- -0- 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 1,008 700 1,200 ;1,000 . 620 F.Le.A. 3,998 4,816 4,816 5,511 621 I-Jorkmen's Compensation 1,350 2,179 966 2,192 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 3,239 3,894 3,89L[ 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 8LI0 840 4,685 -0- 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense 1,499 2,831 3,337 3,27~ MATER TALS ^ ';." '']'1'1'T T1-(' --~-- - _.~------,- (01-305-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies 11 350 350 300 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment Gas, Oil, Grease Diesel Parts - Auto & Equip. Fire District Ambulance Rep<1ir Police Patrol Accessories . Accident Fund 133,276 17LI,050 180,050 214,020 I I 118,680 15, 8f~0 70,000 1,500 3;060 5,000 730 Unif~rms & Protective Clothing 490 812 812 900 776 Other Equipment Haintewlllce 60 300 300 200 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-305-00-00-800) 809 Other Major Equipment 1,784 -0- -0- -0- 832 Tools & Work Equipment -0- 3,500 3,500 -0- ~ TOTALS ------ .----_.~------- w.. r",..~ ., ... \I " '. 210,685 . CITY OF WHEAT rUDGE 273,996 278,626 313,935 .. IJ,i\\..J\,:' :J~ -~ANI\jUAI_ BUDGET' BUDGET SU;\iMARY I\CCOl.!tJT L DEPMnr.1Efa 01-601 -. - P,rrks and Recreation ------- ----~- ---.--'--- \)IVISIOfll Admini,;tration r)f1() rnr .. 0'-(' en I 1")"'" (",' ^~, D PLI" t" O"~ ._~~~'~_.::::-~'~~~_L~)~.;~~_~__~l..~ ReHpon;ibl~ for d~velnping 3 complete system of parks 3nd providin~ a wide range of recrc3tiocal plogr3ms. STMEt:EI.'.:r_OF GOj;I~_ f~r,m OB\I_~CiWt:S 1) To provide quality p3rks f3cilities and recreation programs to all age groups of the community. 2) To provide addition3l activities for senior citizens through the recently acquired Wheat Ridge Senior Center. 3) To meet, as adequately as possible, the ever increasing demand for Parks and Recreation services with the limited resources provided for these services. BUDGET HISTOR\ PEflSOiU'.L SEnVI OPErlfl.TIrW E)(PE CAPIT!\L OUTL/-\)' TOTAL I NO. OF EMPLOYEES fULL TIME REG <- PART TIME BEG TEMPOH^RY (COS f.JSES ~~ -- -- I 0 19aO BUDGET "':: !) ET EST/:\lATE 1931 ~ 5 49,161 'U., 5 2.s~ 10 6,175 3,915 0 350 ,(l- IS 55,686 57,444 --- An 2 2 2 ? AR -0- -0- -0- -0- ) -0- -0- -0- -0. , --1 193 1979 F/C\f!:o _~STUA~ f:J\.)Dl'_ 41 491 49 37 5,58~.__ 7,0, 16 51C 40 CES 63.590 ___--5~~ Ul UL T I'. ~J CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. .. f---- ANI\JUAL BUDGET PAGE 9CL_. BUDGET I~H9 !\l0. Er,lPlOYEES BUDGET -.TBUDGET 1980 LI9DI GRADEl BUDGET - 1981 --- , , , i , I I I 1 ! '/1 I I I I I PERSONNEL ~CIIEDULE ACCOUNT 01-601 DEPArHMENT DIVISION Parks & Recreation Ac3ministration CLASSIFICATION \ - . FULL 'I'll'lE Director of Parks & Recreation 1 1 1 25 30,148 Senior Secretary 1. 1 1 10 13 /816 'rurAL 43,964 ~ : .. . ffi11ER PERSONAL SERVICES 9,565 TOTALS 2 2 2 <;i,5?Q COr\1MEIHS No d1angc in staffing. l CITY OF \"JHEAT RIDGE I'M',197 _....__..._...__.__._.__.._____...____u___ ^ f'J r.1 U ^ I I' U t.) C'" r-:"r .'--'. - ...--....-.....---.-..--.--------. \l _ 01 1 L. ______ ._______ _~__4~_ J SlIMMAltY OF OI'[lll\TIt~G I.~XI'UWITU!\[S f(JiVi$I01-l --yc.-c6-urTi-- .. . _ AmllNISTI'~~'10~ _ ____ ..-~=~,L 601 _ . 197 9 1 ~;80---- ._- -19 so 119m ~L ) l.Df~~' "Il.:.~I..r:..LJ1U..DG.E1. _ --..--- =r-----.-. f L.'IW OLl'MI1I,1un OJ - GENERAL PARKS' AND RECREATION -3.:..-.=.=:::.-<---=.---:..=..:::---=:-_~:::..=,;;_-===--_=;:__=..:::..~=_=~-=_:7~~-=-__==..__::...':;.;y. - orlJrCT COUL [XP[tl~[ ITnA PERSONAL SERVICES -------- (0]-601-00-00-600) 623 Un~mployment Insurance 22,1!86 28,176 28,176 30,148 10,320 12,852 12,852 13 ,816 850 1,582 1,370 1,620 2,263 -0- -0- -0- 451 . 560 560 500 2,105 2,376 2,6lrO 2,955 1lr4 52 IrS 59 1,554 1,856 1,874 2,f.r~ - -0- 21>0 -0- -0- 1,318 1,6lrl 1,64l} 1,823 601 Director's Salary 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longevity Pay 605 Merit Increase 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Horkmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life and Dental I-nsurance 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense V;ATERIALS & SUPPLIES (01-601-00-00-600) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & Postage 1,591 1,800 1,675 1,800 660 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & Minor Equipment 3 1"00 95 100 1__.._.-. CITY OF WllE^T rllDGE iii II 'll"...... "."1 .," ":.-:-:>> .-::.---.. -.. .. -..--. ..... --- .. ^ i" r ' II ^ I I) lJ l) C r-:1' .. -- -- ___'n "-'..... ------- -- -.. .....- '. \l '-. _.> ..1_ / .._.__.___ __._..._____.." 0"! .9.8_... .___._________..oy_____. ~lIr'/lrviAIIY 01 OI'[IIATlfJG l.XI'LtWITUI1C, il.)---------.T)l~ i' i;iij-r;.,'l."i11 - 01 - GENEl{AL l PARKS' & RECREATION L.-"':",:---:"_:: ~_,;~ -'-~_-= '",-:;:';:_--:;::-...:o;:c~~___",'_ ;;:,;;,--:::-.=--==:;;::;.~=-..,...:'C:;:-:J.':'::-..!~-=~T-:"::""-=~',;--- ,-..-----. rJIVI~IUN AD~11NJ STRATI!)" ..._-. -_. ._. _=.-,.0 I _r::- J~Cc.l'-Uln 601 ;=~~... 0!lJfCl COUL [xPCltc[ ITrM 1979 1980 19130 1981 _~m8l ~\J;..L ~lIi~'\Tr .,__BUDGET OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES _._._-~-~-----_._------ (01-601-00-00-700) 702 Conference & Meeting Expense ~at/l. Recreation & Park Assn. Colorado Municipal League Other 1,153 ],,300 1,300 1,300 1,000 100 200 776 Other Equipment Haintenance 81 lLfO 130 41. 50 -0- -0- 50 50 2,100 3,000 2,500 293 100 25 279 ';00 'Jnr. 42 100 100 -0- -0- -0- 140 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 728 Training & Safety -0- 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 50 750 Professional & Conslllting Fees -0- 758 Rentals & Leases 25 ~a 'f'r,l r .......1,,....,.-.,-, T.'........................,-, 100 799 t-li scellancous Services & Charges 100 CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-601-00-00-800) 801 Land, Buildings, Water Acquisition 16,004 -0- -0- -0- 802 Office Equipment 512 400 350 -0- TOTALS 63,590 56,815 55,686 57,444 L.~=_.::.::--=..:::-==--__-:--___ CITY OF WI1F^1'lrIIDcr: - """.. rU",Ht' ....v IIII - l....;. C 1 r'AGE 99 ---------1 --AI\JNU/\L BUDGET nUDGET sur.1MMW ACCOUNT 01-602 DEPAlnr.1ENT Parks wid Recreation DIVISION Recreation PHO("RAi,~ Dr:',CnIPTlgiJ AlJD rllr~POSE 'l'he Rcx:reation Oivic;ior ?rovides a wide s~X'ctrUI". of planned activities ranCTin'J fran at.l-:1lebco> to leisure ilrts 1~0 senior citiL:C'llS prOL]I"arns t~) r;1Cct tile nec'ds of tho citizens of lihcat Ridge. "-l-n"rr-[""'r'"r 0'- ('"0"" ^"D 0.' I"CT'\'-" ~=-.i.:.S:.._:~~~~:.~ 1'.11.. '..:JtJr:. _, '!~.....) 1) :1eet the evercilon'Jing needs of the residents of \'ih(~c'c: Ridge through prcxJr= cvalucction and citizen StU'.cys, 2) Offer a cOT''DCtitive S"dirrminCJ pro:rraT'l in t..he S\.ll:'J""'er season. 3) Provide an o~[lOrtunity for senior citizens to be=r:e involved in their comnunity through the senior citizens c8,ter by offering a pleasant at:r:Ds?here to e},.T'8rience nevI activities and f'lake nevi friends. PEHSOHAL SERVICES OPEHATfNG D;PENSES CAPITAL OUTLAY TOTAL 165 351 48 900 205 194 12.2. '1 I: I i I I I I , BUDGET HISTORY 19,'9 19t;O RF\/' r'~!) ACTUAL ,- r .(:":).~ __~lJ--"",..~_ 106.841 174.120 29 396 39,946 3,810 232 140,047 214,298 . 1930 -,BUDGCT ESTI:..1r\TE 1981 _......5.a.,.53D. 1----2..,470 214 4':..~_~55-l3l-5_ --- NO. OF EI'M)lOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR PART TIME RCGUlAR TEMPOHAI1Y (COST) 3 4 -0- -0- -- _0_ -0- 4 -o~ -0- 3 .5 70,(,82 '. CITY OF WI.tEAT RIDGE [, .~=_Af\lNU/\L BUDGET_-:---" P^GE 100 r PERSOIJNEL SCHEDULE ! ACCOUNT i l._____ 01-602 I [~ C1_^SSrFIWION i :::.---=-------- I FULl. TIHE I Recreation Supervisor RecH>ution Program Coordinator Dr::PAfHMCNT [ DIVISION Parks & Recreation Recreation G FUIDE BUDGET 1981 I' 1. NO. EMPLOyeES I..lUD~~E.T I DUDC::::T {OUDGET 19f5 19CO 19l;~1 _.__.1..___._ ___ -~----_._- --_.~-- 1 1 1 20 20,326 ,., L. 2.5 2.5 16 1\2,642 Clerk Typist o .5 o rorl'l.. 62,968 -1.'Ei.ll"Ol\l\R,{ ILJ. c: ~::.~ \. OTIlER PERSONl'L SERVICES 18,495 I f i i I I I ! ' i I . I I i FEE PEtCSOlJNEL 42,220 TOTALS 3 <1 3.5 194,365 CO:.\MENTS Part-time Clerk Typist position is changed to a temporary position. All seasonal positions >:"e included in the tempJrilry aCCOll'lt. I CITY Or WHEAT HIDGE --J , I'M',! 101 ~.':=~..:: '.~':'::::-:":::-":~='::~;::-:"::-~'::~==:~:':"-::: IU\J [.~ U /\ L U U U G t:T ..:-::-..::--=-=----=..---=--===-.-..::::::::.:::::-..:::. I / I t..... - -- --.----- J' ..-. , L:;:U UU'/dll I.kln (Ji'VI~IC)'j .01. .-:. G~Er~AL PARKS'" RECREATlO,J RECREATTON L -. ~-- -1-'cC -.---.... ~cc__=~~~ .c=~~=.===.. .-==~~.====-===r~--'-'--..;.-"'-..;., --:-- OfLlfGT rvp-I'CCI1[1' . 1979 ('G~lL ..." L '....... ') Sllr/lf,lAI\Y or Oi'CI\/\llllG LXi'UJDITUl1[~ JACCOUIH -- _ (,02 ~-=-:::::..." 1980 1980 19m ~o:.U.2l JSlJ~r,Tr .2~DG[.L PERSONAL SEI(VTC'ES (, (0 l-E;O-2-:::0lJ:" 00=-6"lI6) . 78,J18 134,621 130,000 62,968 21 313 65 -0- L,53 550 550 550 -0- -0- -0- 70,682 19,013 23,500 20,000 42,220 500 360 100 3,250 1,850 2,460 13 ,300 900 . 3,500 10,000 3,000 3,000 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Lonz,evity 610 Overrime 618 Temporary Personnel 619 Fee Personnel * Hunter Safery Square Dance Roller Skating Soccer Volleybnll Basketball Softball ,,-- - - - '-'" .. ~} Playground Seniors Skiiing Classes Regular Seniors *These costs are offset by fees to participants with the exception of Senior programs 620 F. I.C.A. L\,e61 8,253 8,253 8,926 621 liorkmen's COI:lpensation 1,9<\6 1, L+38 1,033 3,159 67.2 Health, Life and Dental Insurance i,611 2,696 2,696 3,509 623 Unemployment Insurance -0- 560 560 -0- 630 ceo ERA - Retirement Expense 618 2,189 2,189 2,351 --- CITY OF 'NHEAT rUDGE - ~ . ..u.... .. ..., 1"1 ,--. ..... ....-. --. -.---..... .-.-----.--...---.. f\ r' If" J /\! \" U I ) (., .....j. ! I ... .-. ....-----.... --.--.. ..-..-. -.....---- .....-.. ,\I \J '- .. _l .. '_I I.:: l' II II .__ ____________________._.!'{\r.I....lU2 ,/ [;UI\!IMfiIIY or OI'I:IlATlflG LXI'UWITUflCS I: - l) ------'1>1-1'/;111 i:\l."ijl -l[),vi;ILjr~ Jr-,CCC1UiTi i I;,,;~, ,G'NlmN: "-.,, J:,:::;,~'~:, ,~'''<:l~!IO!'.''''~.~~~r R ~~~:A ]]lO"--'9 ~O~.'''.~l; B~.r 19 e i- 'I (lh)l . ... , 1-- --_. -.Jl.U~'0.L_-1'UDf\~T_~_LSllUSTr "... BUDGEL. I i I ! , i 802 Office Furniture [, Equipment I !, 809 E . Other Major 'qulpment I , I I CAPITAL Oll'1'1,AY5 -----~----- - (Ol-602-00-g00) 322 232 205 1,L~20 3,Lf88 -0- -0- ] ,000 TOTALS 140,OLf7 214,298 214,45fi 255,315 I " I i. il I , I i ! I I . --.-...-------.------.- CI-f" 01- Wll!":^l' 1111')Gl- --- -- -- ---~ .------- I - C - .: _____ It" rullo"" ...'" .," "M;l 103 _.- .:.::'::~'::':'.:::':':::'::'::::::'-.::-::.::=::::':::::=--.:._'.:::: ^ I~ N U ^ L U U DC I:T . ::'::::'::::':--==::;:'::'-'-::::::-':'==,':::=::.-"" ..----- 7 f.UlvIM^I\Y 01 OI'l:l\ATIIJG 1 XI'[1Jl)ITUl!CS I lJlW TCI;7~}i'I~Xl-I'1 rjiVi~i()iT--- ...__ .r;(;~~tJ l' :~:);:: ~!':~~.i~1'h:~: .:..cc:~~~~~'~~~-..I!D.:E!~6.UO~~-__. r'~-=-~ !__R~~~r;D.QIl'!---;;~ .~~ -'-1980 . 1981' ___ _. .__---' "_ _.L\.tlJ.l0L_ .-..lllli1.GX,L _.LSlU:'..~,Tr., 8UD~~I. 651 660 702 706 72S 730 7110 758 760 774 776 799 ~illTERI^LS & SUPPLIES .( 01-=6 0'2 - Clo-or5=-{,"s6)- Office Supplies, Printing & Postage Recreation brochure, distrihution, Senior Ci ti zen Newsle tter, s1Vimrnillg pool coupons and season passes. 8,68S lO,O(JO 11,360 11,000 Operating Supplies, Small Tools & ~:inor Equipment 12,625 10,000 12,500 8,601 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES (01-602-00-00-700) Conference & ~eeting Expense Colo. Park & Recreation Society Miscellaneous Dues, Books & Subscriptions 19l~ 200 230 200 263 290 200 200 Tra:i.ninB ~. S::.f0t~T First Aid Training & Supplies' 1 ()/. iJ-:rC! , ." Uniforms & Protective Clothing T-shirts - seasonal & swimming pool staff 493 900 900 900 Aulo Hileagc Reimbursement 576 600 600 600 Rentals & LeRses 7110 200 300 350 Utilities Ye Olde Firehouse, Anderson Bldg., Bathhouse & S\'Jimming Pool, Senior Cc t1ter 4, nl, 20,650 29,800 7,200 Facility Repoir & Maintenonce Anderson Bldg., Ye Olde Firehouse, Bathhouse & Swimming Pool, Senior Center 1\ ,S]/I 4,000 3,000 5,100 Other Equipment H",intenance 1M 200 200 200 Miscellaneous Services & Charges 65 100 50 100 .------: CITY OF VJlIE/\T rllDGE ===-.. 1fY. rgo".. " ... '/ 1/" PAG[ 10<1 ANNUAL BUDGET.=-__ c BUDGET SUMMAIlY J DIVISION Park Maintenance { I~CCourJT 01-603 DEPARTf/,C::1XT Parks and Hccrcalion II I ! ! prWGRAr.j D[~;iHIPl:!.O:J 1l!~Ql:_unpOSE: Th~ purpose of the Park Maintenance Division is to develop and maintain a system of parks and open space for the ~njoymcnt of the citizens of \~leat Rid~e. The system includes 13 parks. with 280 acrCH of open space. The parks are: Panorama, Randall, Stites, Johnson, Hayward!' City Hall, Ilart Esrage, Apel Bacher, Boyd's Crossing, Wheat Ridse, Prospect and the Sod llousc, and Brick !louse ~luacll111. The division also provides Inaint~nan(.e on recreational facilJties located in the City. They arc: SwimlTdng pool, Anderson Building and ne\Vly- acquired Senior Center. STtITf=i"~Er,]T OF GO/ItS /l.fm O!;JECTIV;-':S . . GOclls: To provide a hig!l level of maintenance in all City parks and recreation facilities. Objc'etivcs: 1) Mo\V 113 acres of turf on weekly basis. 2) Fertilize 113 acres of turf t\Vice during summer. 3) Irrigate 113 acres of turf on daily schedule during summer 4) Addition of Kullerstrand School to maintenance schedule, 6 acres. 5) Clean 7 restrooms on daily schedule during summer. 6) Pick up trash in 13 palks on daily schedule. 7) Provide repair and maintenance for 12,872 sq. ft. of recreation buildings. Q) Slveep bike paths in Ci1:y on monthly basis \vhen weather permits. ) ~rr~",'::. .f-;"l~l~, ::::- :==~-:' 1_,.:..::1_.~_'l_ L. ~_--,' _~.,- :,-:<~~ :;';.i~ auulL sU1LDCill (..'_::-_:-t;; s'U7'"!IT1er :-c:..::scn.' 10) Stripe soccer fields for 2 seasons of soccer. 11) Qleck playground equipment in 10 playgrounds on weekly schedule. --- ~-_.~ IS "; Rr:::\!I:' fJ BUO'T EST1MATE 1 ~~~':, :.,~~=~~5 ~~~ 2._L~ I~ 2,200 _.l9A...42J_ 2.GL;: 0 ~......24.4,'DL.. BUDGET HISTORY 19"79 ACTUAL 115.523 7fi.176 2,724 19?lO 8UDGeT l 19.31 I I 1 2 9.5.L~ . <)0 .fiP----i I 1,710 : , "-~I _275,211L-J : PERSOi.JI\l SERVICES OPEnATlI'!G EXPENSES CAPITAL OUTlIW TOTAL I NO. OF EMPLO FULL Tn.~E PART TI ME TEMPORM~ YEES - HEGULAR 7 7.5 7.5 7 - nEGULAR 6.7 PrE -0- -0- -0- ---.-- Y (COST) - 48 966 40,560 51, 52.2-... - CITY OF WHEAl RIDGE I I, I I. 1-; I. -----------.-_ANNU/\L BUDGET- PAGE 105 .-.-1 1 r I PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ,e I :L I ~. t I t FULL TII'lE ACCOUNT 01-G03 DEP/\RTMENT Parks & I\ecreation DIVISION Park 11Rintcnance TOTALS .~-- - , 1 1 1 20 26,078 e 2 2 2 11 7.7,003 e V:orker 4 4 4 8 45,452 0 .5 0 -- . TOI'AL 98,533 51,525 TI ITS 32,901 7 7.5 7 182,959 on is changed to a tcrnp::>rary position and will be shared with the . All seasonal positions are included in the temp:>rary account. ~ I3UDGL::T 1978 DUD GeT 1900 EI:' BUDGET 8UDGET GRADE. . /981 194)1 NO. ElilPLOYEES CLASSIFICATION Parks Ma.i ntl'nonce SU[J2l.-'vi::o): Parks J'.aintconanc lEadworkcr I , t ! I I I , j j Parks ~1aintenanc Clerk Typist 'J'EHPOR1\RY I I \ I I I COM1-.\ENTS ornER PERSCNAL SEF'J Clerk-1yPist. positi =creation Division \- CITY OF \~HEAT HIDGE__ '. I',\CI- lUll ._:-__._h.___.______.________..._____._ ^ r\1I'~ U ^ L I" lJ ,..) G. [~:-r --~---~- .-._-------_._-----~-'._~ ) - -_. .... / --- ~-,-----_._--_._---~ ... -,---~------------------_..._~-- SUMMAI\Y or OI'r.::[(^Tll~G [XI'UW1TUllCS ('urTu J0L1'/;i{CfliLI~-r ~_.~L.:::.-~~.~E!~;';T.:.=~=_~~2'~ ~~~:_~~.2:1,S.1..~~}~~~~;=r. Ir)i\i~i'OI' rCCllUIIT PAmz llAIN'ITG'ANCE =oJ_ 603 . . 1 ~7;-""r:: 9~~ -~ .~=-~~ ;~o~~ '981 -'--__ -.n.C.ll'LL __P.llD.C\::"L _E.lli~n.~~DGET_ Q[lJLCT COOl C:XPlHSC IT[M PERSONAL SERVICES --_...--~- - --------.--.-- (01-603-00-00-600) 622 !-!'2 21- t~1 ) - , ,... ~ .... C ~\ ~ '-;';':'1 ~...., , - ! :l~'....! '~'-(l~ce 97,463 94,917 94,588 98,533 363 909 300 321 2,765 2,000 5,000 4,000 755 1,500 2,900 3,000 -0- 48,996 L}0,560 51,525 368 500 L:OO 500 6,219 8,822 8,726 10,468 2,650 2,204 1,667 3,940 I A I . .. G , 7ls-' "1",. v~., ''; ,~'C'..J :.,:;00 -0- 1,050 1,050 -0- 898 3,659 3,659 J,956 602 Salaries & Wages 603 Longl'vity 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 614 Standby Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 619 Fee Personnel 620 F.LC.A. 621 ~orkmen's Compensation 623 Unemployment Insurance 630 CCOERA - Retirement Expense NATElaALS c, SUPPLIES ---.--.----. (01-603-00-00-600) 651 Office Supplies 278 350 325 350 660 Operating Supplies 32,860 36 ,000 33,000 36,000 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES ---- -~- (01-603-00-00-100) 758 Rentals & Leases 137 190 190 190 119 200 150 50 308 350 .325 350 1,385 1,777 1,752 1,92LI 13 50 40 , / , 2,890 1,500 2,000 2,000 702 Conference & Meeting Expl'nse 706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 728 Training & Safety 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement CITY Or- WI-tEAT mOGE ~. ru""). ..." II" --::':::.::'::---:::=---==:'::~::=--"====---== 1\ l\J N U A '- lJ U D GET --- ./ _._____ P^C:I:.JO?.. SUMMAIlY or opcnATltJ(; LxpumlTuncs . .. -"'u rLl'/~iITr:i"lr'T lc"iIVI'-IOIJ --PCCOutH I .,::::;,L-:~~li~~~~!~,~=~.=J'.0l.'!~:L "-.J.~~C:!.0~~n.~~==.y.=~... PAI{J(S ~JTE:'MWr_~ .=J~ ~03 O[lJ[CT EXPW,[11EM 1979 1980 1980 1981 COUL -- _-1 r\OJJ[~L [l, I':.fXL. J.illlJ" T E ~.\!.!?GEI_ 28,879 38,755 35,335 110,000 8,142 8,000 7 ,200 8,OQO 1,]51 1,200 2,000 1,600 lli 200 200 100 760 Utililic:s 774 Facility Repair & MaiDtenance 77(, Other Equipment Hilintenilnce 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges CAPITAL OUTLAYS (OI=-6()3-0o"::"00-800 ) 802 Office Equipment 2/13 200 200 -0- 809 Other Major Equipment 2,481 2,125 2,000 1,710 '1'(Yl'~T " '1r../ /n.", .!....;"-t~<-tt.-J .. 201, S.:~O , . A ..... ~ _ '..-' ) ./J-' - -- -.:,'), ..-..t:~ l' CITY or- WHEAT nlDGE . t. '0"""'. "....., 1/'" I"/H.,L ..L.VU 1\ f\lf\l U A L BUDGET II JI [ nUDGET SUh~!.1ARY 60/1 J_ DEP,'lHTMENT lJIVlS10fJ ACCOUfH L - . l' PIT 0 Gn M -1. 0 [S .c:GE:.[I.Q~.!~i[).l'.~D? 0 SF.: A' dhcc,,'d cock, Wy Cod" CI,"p' ,'C 22, I be Fmeny Divie i"o 1, l,cp",,,1b] e foc ,11 ,,:: I and shrubs upon puhlic right,;-o[--Icoy, City parks and I~reenlw]t areas. Th,; City Arhori,;t I also administers ordin3nC'e enforcement, COll':TI1PTCial arborist licensing and supervj Sl'S :1 field j crelO. The divisiun. also handll's l:oppinl'ss Gardens ond mointains federal certification for ' contru] of insect, disease and weed problems. Parks and Recreation Forestry snWi~~nr::{'rr O~: C(J!0~\t't) Q'::':'JEC"rrV(:;~ 1) To continue to maintain a comprehensive urban forestry program. 2) ]ncrease public awareness of shade tree values in the urban s~tting. 3) Continue to maintain the high standards necessary for designation of Tree City U.S.A. 4) Conduct a complete tree inventory of the City of l{heat Ridge for evaluation purposes. 5) Continue to work with other agencies and organizations to promote Arbor Day. ,-- -. BUDGET HISTOnY 1979 ACTUAL 41 1,65 19;30 H':::\!I;':O 8 UJ.l..Qj: T 58,1,54 7 292 300 1980 ESTI~,\ATE 52 3M ~:n.0 292 59 (i()6 BUDGET 1951 _2l.,0~ 10 -100 -0- Q?~.!i2 PERSON/\l SERVICES OPEllI-ITING E),rENSES CAPITAL OUTLlIY TOT^L 3,841 6 047 _.]1,353 .i'hQ!,6 NO, OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR PAHT TIME REGUl^R TEMPOH^ny (COST) o _.-9__ o o o I I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE- [ i I[ I I i ACCOUrJT 01-G04 .J:^ G[:...l 0 9_._ A~~l'JUJ-\L BUDGET__ PERSONtJEL SCHEDULE CLM;SWICATIO;J ~ .-.. - -------.--- -'- -- .. FULL 'TnlE City Arborist 1 1 1 16 21,302 'Cree 'l'rimw:>r 2 2 2 11 ,?6,27.0 'l'OI'I"L 47,522 Cff}lER PERSa'U\I, SER\'1CCS 9,540 I iOTALS 3 3 3 57,062 CO~,iMENTS No chLmgc In staffing. I .- OJ NO. EfJPLOYECS rl'J"'~;F'I' Gl'O,r::" u, I} ,_ , \.'l~, I I~U9 1980 ---.-- -.------.- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE DIVISION Forestry 1 ' . .1 I I I I I .j ---- ANI'~U/\L DUDGET PM',C .)lQ.. / SUMMMW or OPL:IlI\TING I:XP[NDITUIlL:S rutH) --'jDCF>Mn';\ElH .. fLiTV(SiON 01 - C;E~Hm^L L PARKS & ]\EC1\EATION FORESTRY ..=;:----=:.-==--..;=:-~=-=-~-~---:::::----------::--.---.-.~-=-~F~~:. -'"-- OOJECT 1979 COOL CXPE"~E ITEM Accourn 604 .::--.--------=" -===~~ --" !lrnJ[\J 1980 1981 BUDGET PERSONAL SERVICES ------------_._--~._--- (01-604-00-0U-600) 602 Sdlaries & WaGes 0....)0 ~:...."--'.i-'lvl -- ~~":::'~1.'(~111':XIL .Expense 35,237 46, lf16 l,5,056 47,522 622 l,ll l,08 431 253 300 512 350 -0- -0- -0- -0- 2,247 2,8l,6 2,846 3,212 444 3,750 215 1,222 1,659 2,454 1,678 2,408 -0- 420 420 -0- - 1 ('''"J 1,857 1,209 1,'111 ,vV...J. 603 Lon~;evi ty 610 Overtime & Premium Pay 617 City Temporary Personnel 620 F.I.C.A. 621 Horkmen's Compensation 622 Health, Life and Dental Insurance 623 Unemployment Insurance MATERIAL & SUPPLIES (01-604-00-00-650) 651 Office Supplies, Printing & PostaGe 516 400 375 400 660 Operating Supplies Fertilizer Insecticides Herbicides Vq,;etable Seeds Staking ~lal('rial Small Tools 11i'8c. HardHare Tree City SiGns Trees & Shrubs Other 1,581 2,550 2,500 6,000 150 400 450 100 400 100 100 200 1,,000 100 CITY OF WHEAT nlDGE w. rO"M'. ...... "" p^r.r HI -..,-....-----.-.-..-.-.----.--.,..---..--- AN ~.I UAL [' lJ [)" I::--r .---..--- .--------.--. ---"-'-. I \J ._J I~:.j c: c/ SllMM^lW OF OPEI\ATlflG [XI'CNDlTUlIES . LeCOUNT 604 ....=;~...==...-....:..--.::.:uooo 1930 1981 jL; ']LI'^ili'r~1Un =OL-: _c.;}~~EIU\L _______ ~~(S:"~ _RECREATION J.:,:.._~ _.___ ____ ~_____. ___:..-..........-__~..~_ ~-=:==":";;;:..,...--;- - -..------ r5iVI~ION FORESTRY 1 ^~~~J--- , ..J:;:;: ..- OO.lf Cl CO(l[ EXPEI1,E I1EM 1980 OTHER SEJ\VICES [, CI1ARGFS (01-604:"'\50':'-00-700) 702 Conf8rence [, 11eeting Expense Internat'l, Soc. of Arboriculture Colorado Nursery Association Colorado Turfgrnss Assn. 155 200 175 200 125 45 30 706 Dues, Books [, Subscriptions Intern~t'l. Soc. of Arboriculture Colo. Turfgrass Assn. Arbor Day Found. Nat'1. Nunicipal Arboris t Assn. 174 210 210 175 50 15 20 10 \0 Uniforms [, Protective Clothing -0- 500 500 500 80 200 150 150 367 357 310 375 -0- -0- -'0- 100 30 50 -0- 50 -0- 875 800 800 517 1,500 1,500 1,500 421 450 450 {,50 718 Ordinance Enforcement 728 Training & Safety 740 Auto Nileage Reimbursement 758 Rentals & Leases 760 Utilities 774 Facility Repair & Maintenance 776 Other Equipment Maintenance CAPITAL OUTU\Y (01-604-00-00-800) 802 Offi'ce E'luipment File cabinet 6,047 300 292 -0- TOTALS 51,353 66,046 59,606 67,762 CITY OF WHE^T nlDGE Will 'tJIIM)' "',... .,,, PAGE 112 -ANNUAL BUDGET DUD GET SUI.;r,lARY ACCOUNT 605 DEPARTMENT DIVISION Parks and Recreation Park Ranger PROG:~M.-l DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE To regularly patrol City greenbelt, parks and open space areas and enforce nark regulations in these areas. To present informative outdoor education programs, programs dealing with wildlife, plants, outdoor recreation and the natural environment to citizens groups, schools, organizations and the general public. To provide Sod House and Historical interpretation and to perform maintenance and construction on greenbelt and open space areas. STATEL1::NT OF GOALS Ar,m ODJECTIVES Goals: 1) To maintain park areas safe and crime free. 2) To restore natural areas to highest level of pristine quality. 3) To present the best interpretive programs in the metro-area. Objectives: 1) To increase our greenbelt and park patrol. 2) To improve the fisheries in the greenbelt lakes. 3) To re-establish wildlife in natural areas, 4) To increase the park reservoir boating program. ~) To implement a reservoir aquatics program. ) To diversifv 011: nisror;cal and outdoor int-0rnrp.t"~t";nn - . . 1979 19:30 1980 BUDGET BUDGET HISTORY ACTUAL REVl::''::O ESTIMATE 1;:;31 BUDGC:T PERSONAL SERVICES L,l{ Q"{n fi2 ?fi7 h 1 ?"{Q 69 338 OPERATING EXPENSES 6 901 5 SOO 5 57') ,),700 CAPITAL OUTLAY .n. ~nn ?nn .n. TOTAL 55 831 68 562 67 014 75.038 L NO. OF EMPLOYEES FULL TIME REGULAR PART TIME REGULAR TEMPO~^RY (COST) 15 S13 18 062 I I.. [ __CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ., ANNUAL BUDGET P~c;_E 113 PERSONNEL SCHEDULE ACCOUNT 01-605 DEPAHTMENT Parks & Recreation DIVISION Park Ranger NO. EMPLOYEES BUDGET CLASSIFICATION GRADE 1981 BUDGET BUDGET OUDGEl 197'9 19BO 1981 FULL TI! 1E Park Ranger/Naturalist II 1 1 1 16 21,237 Park Ranger/Naturalist I 1 1 1 14 17 ,167 TOI'lIL 38,404 r-- Fl' lPORA RY ~u,565 OI'HER PERSONAL SERVICES 10,369 TOTALS '. 2 2 2 69,338 CO:AMErn<: No change in staffinq. All seasonal positions are included in the tErojXlrary account. 1- ! , I I .1 . i CITY OF \'}HEAT RIDGE I" , , . . / tUNlJ ANNUAL DUDGET PAGE 114 SUMMMW OF OPEnATItJG EXPI:NDITUIlCS OEPAHTMlNl lJlVISION OJ - GENEML PARK RANGER ODJECT COOE PARK~ & RECREATION EXPENSE IlEM 1979 ACTUAL PERSONAL SERVICES (01-605-00-00-600) 602 Salaries & Wages 26,667 603 Longevity Pay 350 610 Overtime 574 617 City Temporary Personnel 15,813 618 Court Pay -0- 620 F.I.C.A. 2,689 621 Workmen's Compensation 222 622 Bealth, Life and Dental Insurance 621 , 630 651 660 702 706 1,421 Hnpmnlry'..:,~pnr TnC11-r~r-,l"o 160 CCOERA - Retirement Expense 1,034 MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES (01-605-00-00-650) Office Supplies, Printing & Postage ll5 Operating Supplies 2,853 Conference & Meeting Expense 42 '" Dues, Bo?ks & Subscriptions 162 ) 720 Veterinary Supplies 571 -0- 728 Training & Safety 730 Uniforms & Protective Clothing 339 64 740 Auto Mileage Reimbursement 209 776 758 Rentals & Leases 316 Other Equipment Maintenance 2,300 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges CITY OF WHEAT nlDGE , '----- ... 1'0.... J. ..." ./t. 1980 Rlmr;FT 35.,328 ll07 200 18,662 -0- 2,261 1,831 1,818 280 1,475 200 .3,000 100 200 750 200 600 100 150 500 -0- 1980 EST HlI\TE 35,328 480 200 18,662 -0- 2,261 859 1,694 ~e'J 1,475 175 3,000 100 200 750 100 550 100 100 500 -0- ACCOUNT 605 1981 BUDGET 38,404 1,048 200 . 20,565 -0- 4,004 1,442 2,097 ..- -u- 1,578 100 3,200 100 200 800 100 500 100 100 5t...~ -0- .. PM,!: 115 - ._~-~- -------------.-------- ANflLJ^L [lU!)Gr-T ..------ -------~._,-..--._._-----...-- '\ ) - :::. ~. ..- ----- / l, SUMMMIY or OI'EI\^TING [XPCNDITU/lC$ To L,i\il'rrvH.fJ I ~Q.L::~.fE:'irmA!:- ~_ ~B.!SU:_!~.~CI'E~TlON OOJECT COOE EXPEtlSE HEM CAPITAL OUTLAYS (01-605-00-00-300) 809 Other Hajor Equipment (Out of this budget approximately $38,500 1s reimburseable directly from Jefferson County Open Space Funds.) TOTALS fJlV'SIC)N ...... _. PARK RAN~ER I 1979 . Aell'A LCO~NI 605 '''r:::-' - -- , 1980 1981 . C" P'!/In: BUDGET -.,-.... 1980 R1 'DfJ;..1 -0- 500 55,831 68,562 CITY OF WHE^T IlIDGE - W. 1'6)1lI" I. ~.... '/" 200 -0- 67,014 75,038 -----.--.-.--------------.--- 1\1,11\1 U I\L IJ U L) G cor .:.:--' --------.~--~-------- \J '.J ~ IlHW SllMMf\l\Y or OI'CllAlllJG t:XI'CNDn UlIC$ ji:iLP/\li'j Mun _CAFNL\TT9N 1't:.SXJ.Y.L\L... . 0[)J[CT COOl r=-_lL::: CEl'J.ERAl~ EXP(Il~[ ITEM PERSON^L SERVICES (01-606-00-00-600) 610 Overtime & Premium Pay All Departments OTHER SERVICES ATi:D CHARGES (01-606-00-00-700) 799 Miscellaneous Services & Charges NOTE: To cover the cost of the City's participation in the Carnation Festival. No cash contribution is made by the City to any outside agency. TOTALS . , EJU'" - 1980 1981 ESTW/\Tr;, BUOr.ET IlJIVl~IOr~ N/^ . . 1979 ACTIIII! -0- 1,643 1,643 ~- "'. .v....... ,.." "" CITY Or- WIIE^T rUDcr: 1980 EJl'[lr.~J 1,500 1,700 3,200 1,500 1,500 1,700 1,700 I 3,200 3,200' _. - - -- - .. .--- .. ..... SlIMMAIlY or OPCf\ATlIJG [XPLfJDIlUnCS . tlf'AflT~Un rlVISION J:;~rH - 'W - I=~QL .GENERAl .___RESER.llRS --. ..' N/^ -- J OOJ(CT 1979 1980 1980 1981 COUl CXPCN~E ITCM ^CTU,~L_ BunGET EST1:'!\TE Buor;, . OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES (01-607-00-00-700) 794 Contingency Reserve -0- 90,000 90,000 400,00' 795 Unallocatcd Fund Balance -0- 293,068 293,068 916,402 797 Salary Reserve 183,661 780 -0- 62,28C TOTALS -0- 383,848 383,068 1,378,687 , , . . I . . - .- . . .. . . . - . - - ANfJU^LDUDGET PACC1l7 L-~_ ". .1)11II..... .. '" 'I '. CITY Or- WHE^T n1DGE .. PAC,I: 113 - At~NU^L DUDGET.' SllMMAIlY OF OrCIlATltJG CXI'UJD1TUnCS U L:;lTMUH e'VISION ACCOUNl - ~~.Ql._= .GENEPJliL ,,Jl'j<?\T. opr~MT10qs MPEUSES 1\ /71 h': n . - - . Oll.llCT EXP(ll~E ITEM 1979 1980 1980 1931 [OUe Antl!'\! P'\!f!GET r'C;TI~L'\TE BUDGE' 786 Notary Bonds -0- 100 100 200 787 Claims Aga.inst City 1,727 2,000 2,000 2,000 788 Horse Mortality Insurance 113 125 113 125 789 Self-Insurance Reserve Fund 1,019 10,000 -0- -0- . 797 Capi "U.:.l Depreciation -0- -0- -0- 29,000 CAPITAl, OTJTLZ\YS (01-610-00-00-800) 879 \'1. 44th Ave. Repairs 15,000 -0- -0- -0- . , I 'TYYf17\ T C 1.';).1,8U9 '196,125 l7o,66o 263,650 i - .. , , I I . .. . . . . .. - - - - . ,g...... "." If" CITY OF WIIE^T IlIDGE PAG!: 119 ANNUAL DUOCCT .:': SlIMM^!lY OF OPCl\^TltlG CXPDJD1TUncS IlJr""iu E/\ilTMLNl OIVI~;ION GENEf'.AL OPEHliTIONS EXPENSES . N/A ~----------- -=----.- J^CC:UNT ~___' 63 19~~TE I B~9D:\__ , 01 - GENEML 1979 flOW\l 1980 nunc," OBJECT tOOL [J(P[N~E ITEM PERSo;'ll\"L SERVICES (01-610-00-00-600) 623 Unemployment Insurance (All Departme.11ts - 1fiit1:1i..-1 Dept. budgets previously) (441) (22,785) (3,000 20,000 OTHER SERVICES j\tD CH1\F.GES T6T-610'::'OQ-OO- Yo-Of-- 759 Telephone ~{[knSe (All City Offices) 760 Utilities (Municipal Bldg.) Electric Water Gas 40,003 42,000 43,600 46,000 38,142 34,900 33,400 43,200 34,000 2,200 7,000 SPEC IN, S=:RVICES 7?)C(~l ri-:T(1_:"' .~' i-j " .' : 711 Appraisal Expense -0- 3,000 3,000 3,000 712 Annual Appreciation Dinner 2,116 2,500 2,500 2,500 713 School Crossing Guards 4,103 8,000 8,000 8,500 717 Fire District A~bulance (Transferred to Public \'brks) -0- 1,500 1,500 -0- 721 Jefferson County AnLmal Shelter City Contribution Neuteri~g Program -0- -0- -0- 7,025 2,025 5,000 INSUR~;CE ru,~ BONDS (CIl-610-00-00-78or- 781 Persol1Cll & P~operty Liability 31,782 33,000 34,000 37,000 782 Auto Insura.1"lce - Li.ability & Comprehensive 39,594 40,000 28;600 40,000 783 Police Professiol1Cll Liability 13,210 13,500 16,274 19,000 784 Public Official's Liabi1it~ 5,000 5,000 5,179 5,7' 785 Treasuror's Bond -0- 500 400 400 CITY Or- WHEAT rUDGE It. ,.,... a _ .." tI" FIVE - YEAR CAPITAL HlPHOVE1'lTh'T PROGHAI1 1981 - 1985 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 Revenue Sales Ta\: 1,834,000 1,999,000 2,199,000 2,397,000 2,613,000 Interest 105,000 50,000 50,000 54,000 59,000 Carryover 1,676,000 -0- -0- -0- -0- 'IDI'AL J,blS,UUlJ 2,049,000 2,249,000 2,451,600 2,672,000 Projects Drainage Lrnprovcments Harlan 2,325,000 362,000 476,000 700,000 500,000 lena 700,000 1,419,000 733,000 -0- 884,000 Other -0- -0- -0- 100,000 -0- Street ImprovEments Maintenance 475,000 368,000 640,000 500,000 700,000 44th Avenue -0- -0- 400,000 513,000 -0- 26th Avenue -0- -0- -0- 100,000 -0- Parks/Greenb21t Improvert'en'~s 115,000 -0- -0- 538,000 588,000 'IDI'AL 3,615,000 $2,049,000 $2,249,0::::J $2,451,000 52,672,000 FIVE-YEAR 'IDI'AL; 13,036,000 120 - c. ~- I 1981 CITY OF WHwT RIr:x:;E CAPITAL INPROVENf.NT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation..................... $ 1,834,000 31-580-589 Estimated Carry OVer Balance From 1980 ....,..,.......... 1,676,000 TOrN.. ESTIMl\TIill REVEN1JES 105,000 $ 3,615,000 31-580-581 Earned Interest ...........................,.............. ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements ................................ $ 3,025,000 1. Harlan Drainage Basin .............. $2,325,000 2. Iena Gulch ......................... 700,000 -:>1 ")()") onfl ('l,l" ~~~~~~ ~pr8~~~~~ ~..~---_._--- <:: /[7", nnn . 31-603-800-862 Park Improverrents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ Wheat Ridge Park - Parking Lot Paving 115,00:1 'TOl'AL ESTI1'1ATED EXPElIDITlJ"RES $ 3,615,000 121 .. 1982 eI'IY OF i'IHEJ\T RIIXill CAPITAL IMPROVEN;':NT FUND ESTIMATED REVENUES 31-500-504 one Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation ,..................... $1,999,000 31-580-581 Earned Interest .............................,............. 50,000 TOTAL ESTI11Z\TED REVENUES $2,049,000 ESTH-1ATED EXPEI,TIIWRES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements ................................. $1,781,000 1. Harlan Drainage ................... $ 362,000 2. Lena Gulch Schedule II ............ $1,419,000 31-303-800-840 Street ImprovEments ................................... 268,000 TOrl>_T I F'SrrTr.::1\ ~f) r'" ~T;'>Jf)Trrr TPP~ ~') 0';0 (lev\ . - . - -- . - - - 122 1983 CITY OF hJHEAT RIJx;E CAPITAL L\1PROVEl'1&"-JT FUND ESTIMATED REVEClUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation .................... $2,199,000 31-580-581 Earned Interest .................................................. .. 50,000 TOI'AL ESTHiATED m.:VEl-,'UES $2,249,000 ESTIHA.TED E.WENDITURES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements ................................ $1,209,000 1. Harlan Drainage Basin ............. $ 2. Lena Gulch Schedule III ........... 476,000 733,000 31-303-800-840 Street illprovarents .. ......... ......... ... ..................... $1,040,000 1. Maintenance and Resurfacing ...... $ 2. West 44th Avenue ................. 640,000 400,000 TOI'AL ESTL~~ED E{PE[JDITLTfr=S ..................,...... $2,249,000 123 1984 CITY OF WHFJ\T RIOCE CAPITAL I:I<1PHOVEt-lEJ'-.J'T F1JND ESTllll\TED REVENUES 31-500-504 ~1e Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation ......,............ 31-580-581 Earned Interest ......................................... 'I'OI'A"L ESTIl'l,"{I'ED REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITlJRES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements ............................... 1. Harlan Drainage Basin .............$700,000 2. Correct various draiJ1age problem areas in City .....................$100,000 31-303-800-840 Street Improvements ................................ 1. Maintenance and Resurfacing ...... $500,000 2. '~st 44t,~ Avenue ................. $513,000 3. West 26th AVB1ue .,............... $100,000 31-603-800-862 Parks/Greenbelt Improve~nt ........................ 'lDl'AL ESTTI1.i\TED EXPENDITURES 124 $2,397,000 54,000 $2,451,000 $ 800,000 $1,113,000 $ 538,000 $2,451,000 1985 CITY OF ~\lIlEAT RIJX:;E CAPITAL I~1PROV8-1Et'n.' FlJND ESTll'1l\TED REVENUES 31-500-504 One Percent (1%) Sales Tax Allocation $ 2,613,000 31-580-581 Earned Interest ........,."............................... 59,000 TOl'AL ESTil'lATED RE'i7ENUES $ 2,672,000 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 31-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements ................................. $ 1,384,000 1. Harlan Drainage Basin .......... $ 500,000 2. Lena Gulch Schedule IV ......... 884,000 31-303-800-840 Street Improvements ................................... $ 700,000 31-603-800-862 Parks/Greenbelt ImprovE:l1P...nts $ 588,000 TOl'AJJ ESTIJv1ATED EXPENDITURES $ 2,672,000 125 '" ---~ 1981 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE REVENUE SHARING FUND ESTIMATED I<EVENUES 19-520-543 19-580-581 19-580-589 Revenue Sharing Allocation Interest Earnings Estimated 1980 Carryover TOTAL ESTI}~TED REVENUES 234,184 7,500 222,544 -- 464,228 ESTn~TED EXPENDITURES Administrative Services Admini stratian 19-115-802 Dictation Recorder 350 350 Commun~cvelopment Building Inspection 19-122-802 Dictation Recorder 350 350 Code Enforcement 19-123-802 Dictation Recorder and Transcriber 850 850 Police Patrol and Traffic 19-203-808 3 Police Sedans (R) 3 Police Sedans (Recycled) 21,000 10,500 31,500 Public Works Engineering 19-302-833 19-302-843 Drainage and StrE:~t Inproverrents Various Locations 8 Traffic Signal Controllers (R) 315,108 43,500 315,108 43,500 Street Maintenance 19-303-808 1 Asphalt Roller (N) 2,500 19,500 1 Street Sweeper (Recycled) 10,000 19-303-832 1 Root Cutter C-l) 2,500 2,500 Parks and Recreation Parks Maintenance 19-603-808 1 Parks Mower (N) 6,670 6,670 19-603-862 Well Construction - Hayward Park 50,000 50,000 Park Ranger 19-605-862 1 Lake Bed Aerator (N) 900 90Q TOTAL ESTI}L\TED EXPENDITURES 464,223 (N) New (R) Replacement 126 ""c ~-, 1981 CI'lY OF \'IHEAT RIDGE CDNSERVATION TRUST FillID ESTIMATED REVTh"'TJES 54-520-00-539 Grants, State of Colorado ...........,.................. 54-580-00-581 EARNED Interest ......................,................. 54-580-00-589 EstL'TIatE::-d Carryover ............,....................... TOI'AL ESTIl1A'l'ED REVEt\'UES F.srlMA'rED EXPENDITURES 54-508-00-00-800-862 To be used for landscaping materials TOI'AL ESTIMATED EXPENDITIJRES NCJl'E: Acquisition and/or D2velopllGl1t of Park and Conservation Sites in ac=rdance with Guide- lines =ntained in State Statutes. The Conservation Trust Fund is a restricted fw1d established by the City on July 2, 1974, pursuant to State Law to provide for D~e re- ceipt and disburse.'llGl1t of funds received fran the State for specific uses. The authorized e.-xpe.Tlditures fran the fund are to be spent for the deve10prent of public parks. 127 ~ -0- 100 2,900 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 $ 3,000 1981 CITY OF vll-IEAT RIeGE PARK ACQUISITION F1JND ESTIMATED REVENUES 11-550-00-555 Subdivision Fee 500 .... ............. ...... ... ... ..................... $ $ 150 11-580-00-581 EARNED Interest ................ ......................... ............. 11-580-00-589 Est:i.m3.ted Carryover Balance ............ ....................... $ 2,750 'IDl'AL ESTIMA.TED REVENUES $ 3,350 ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 11-501-00-00-800-862 Park Land Acquisition and/or Developments to be determined by City Council................. ~ 3,350 'IDl'AL ESTIMATED EXPENDIWRES $ 3,350 i'\V..i.:':::': Tile Park Acquisiti,__,~. =- ~!''': ',,~ t:::;:'LdJJ_L.l..:::;~;t::"~ ;";1 the City in 1972 to provide for the accounting of funds received a'!.d eannarked for ao:ruisition of p-:rrk lands throuqhout the City sustai.ned largely by developer payrrents pursuant to Ordinance and by =ntributicn. 128 ESTIHATED REVENUES 1981 CITY OF \-J1lEAT RIDGE SENIOR CENTER FUND Miscellaneous Income . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , _. . . 53-580-00-588 53-580-00-581 53-580-00-589 EARNED Interest . . Estimated Carryover Balance TOTAL ESTIMATED REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES 53-602-00-00-700-799 Miscellaneous Expenditures . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. TOIAL ESTI~~TED EXPE~~ITURES !J0I'E: The Senior Center Fund is nevlly established in 1981 to nro'-,id8 f')r :'""ecei7)t ?!1d disbursement of donations to the \ .Iheat P.idge Senlor Center. 129 $ 2,000 -0- -0- $ 2,000 $ 2,000 $ 2,000