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UL\\\ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM To From 01 iver V. Ph ill ips, Mayor Subject Resolution #641 Date Apri 1 19, 1979 introduced Ly A. Fld"cu Approved Date I, Oliver V. Phillips, decline to affix my signature to the above numbered document on the grounds that it may tend to involve me as a party included in an act of discrimination. ~/~oY--- INTRODUCED BY COUNCILL'1EMBER FLASCO . RESOLUTION NO. 641 3eries of 1979 TITLE: BUDGET TRANSFER RESOLUTION IMPLEMENTING SAlARY ORDINANCE NO. 305 PROVIDING FOR COST-OF-LIVING PAY INCREASES AND OlliER ADJUSTMENTS. WHEREAS, there is in effect an annual General Fund, Revenue Sharing, Sales Tax Improvement Fund, and 0pecial Funds Appropriation ReSOlution for 1979; as amended; and WHEREAS, unforesee:-1 needs have arisen which require changes to be made in the General Fund. NOloJ, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the following appropriation accounts be amended as shown below: General Fund Current/Revised Appropriation Department and Account Treasurer 01-103-602 Salaries G Wages 603 Longevity Pay 605 Merit Increase 620 FICA 622 Health & Life Insurance 630 CCOERA Mayor 01-104-602 Salaries & Wages 603 Merit Increase 620 FICA 622 Health & Life Insurance 630 CCOERA City Administrator 01-106-602 Salaries & Wages 603 Merit Increase 620 FICA 622 Heal th 1; Life Insurance 630 CCOERA City Clerk 01-108-602 Salaries 620 FICA 622 Health 1; 630 CCOERA 47,382 350 232 3,000 2,358 1,220 10,536 172 630 400 200 7,836 172 2,200 1,180 1,700 & Wages 14,880 1,760 Life Insurance 1,180 450 Mwricipal Court 01-109-602 Salaries & Wages 605 Merit Increase 620 FICA 622 Health & Life Insurance 630 CCOERA Administrative Services Administration 01-115-601 Director Salary 602 Salaries & Wages 605 Merit Increases 620 FICA 622 Health & Life Insurance 630 CCOERA 29,052 170 1,600 1,700 900 19,200 38,964 1,684 3,300 2,800 1,700 Revised Change Appropriation Purpose + 2,382 49,764 To Allocate Funds For 5% + 18 368 Pay Increase Authorized 69 163 by Salary Ordinance No. + 529 3,529 305, To Adjust Other + ll8 2,476 Affected Accounts and To + 61 1,281 Reduce the Budgeted Merit Increase To 2% From 3% + 288 10,824 52 120 + 34 664 + 20 420 + 10 210 + 288 8,124 City Administrator 52 120 Excluded + 152 2,352 + 59 1,239 + 85 1,785 + 744 15,624 67 1,693 + 59 1,239 + 23 473 + 1,452 30,504 51 119 + 270 1,870 + 85 1,785 + 45 945 + 960 20,160 + 2,040 41,004 80 1,604 + 449 3,749 + 140 2,940 + 85 1,785 RESOLUTION NO. 641 Series of 1979 Department and Account Current/Revised Appropriation Administrative Services (cont.) Purchasing 01-116-602 Salaries G Wages 603 Longevity Pay 620 FICA 622 Health 1; Life Insurance 630 CCOERA Community Development Administration 01-120-601 Director's Salary 602 Salaries G Wages 605 Merit Increase 610 Overtirre f, Premium Pay 620 FICA 622 Health & Life Insurance 630 CCOERA Planning 1; Zoning 01-121-602 Salaries G Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime & Premium 620 FICA 622 Health 1; Life Insurance 630 CCOERA B~ilding Inspection 01-122-602 Salaries G Wages 620 FICA 622 Health G Life Insurance 630 CCOERA Code Enforcement 01-123-602 Salaries G Wages 603 Longevity Pay 620 FICA 622 Health 1; Life Insurance 630 CCOERA Police Department Administration 01-201-601 Chief of Police 602 Salaries (, Wages 605 Merit Increases 620 FICA 622 Health (, Life Insurance 630 CCOERA 633 Police Pension Support Services 01-202-602 Salaries (, Wages 603 Longevity Pay 610 Overtime 1; Premium Pay 620 FICA 614 Standby Pay 618 Court Pay 622 Health (, Life Insurance 630 CCOERA 633 Police Pension 18,175 140 1,300 1,000 750 21,600 4,500 3,372 1,000 1,400 1,180 850 70,958 475 1,900 3,800 3,100 1,300 44,721 2,500 2,160 1,400 32,904 172 2,000 2,060 1,000 75,680 11,100 17,544 640 1,580 430 1,800 303,096 4,752 18,000 570 1,122 1,000 11,520 380 21,200 C) - L - Change + 905 + 7 130 + 50 + 38 + 1,080 + 228 349 + 50 + 280 + 59 + 43 + 3,382 + 24 + 95 + 757 + 155 + 65 + 2,235 + 378 + 108 + 70 + 1,644 + 9 + ll8 + 103 + 50 + 1,28l1 + 552 - 4,076 + 74 + 79 + 22 + 90 +19,800 + 238 + 900 + 63 + 55 + 50 + 576 + 19 + 1,060 Revised Appropriation 19,080 147 1,170 1,050 788 22,680 4,728 3,023 1,050 1,680 1,239 893 74,340 499 1,995 4,557 3,255 1,365 46,956 2,878 2,268 1,470 34,548 181 2,118 2,163 1,050 26,964 11,652 13,468 714 1,659 452 1,890 322,896 4,990 18,900 633 1,178 1,050 12,096 399 22,260 Z<. . Purpose To Allocate Funds For 5% Pay Increase Authorized by Salary Ordinance No. 305, To Adjust Other Affected Accounts and To Reduce the Budgeted Merit Increase To 2% From 3% iT - 3 - ~ RESOLUTION NO. 641 Series of 1979 Department and Current! Revised Revised Account Appropriation Change Appropriation Purpose Police Dept. (cant. ) Patrol 1; Traffic 01-203-602 Salaries G \.Jages 509,024 +20,532 529,656 To Allocate Funds For 5% 603 Longevity Pay 6,503 + 325 6,828 Pay Increase Authorized 610 Overtime 1; Premium Pay 14,700 + 735 15,435 by Salary Ordinance No. 618 Court Pay 13,000 + 650 13 ,650 305, To Adjust Other 620 FICA 580 + 37 617 Affected Accounts and To 622 Health G Life Insurance 23,680 + 1,184 24,864 Reduce the Budgeted Merit 630 CCOERA 385 + 19 404 Increase To 2% From 3% 633 Police Pension 38,000 + 1,900 39,900 Technical Services 01-204-602 Salaries G Wages 145,908 + 4,992 150,900 603 Longevity Pay 28 + 1 29 510 Overtime G Premium Pay 1,500 + 75 1,575 620 FICA 3,000 + 468 3,468 622 Health G Life Insurance 9,000 + 450 9,450 630 CCOERA 1,000 + 50 1,050 633 Police Pension 6,000 + 300 6,300 . Aniool Control 01-206-602 Salaries G Wages 25,572 + 1,392 26,964 603 Longevity Pay 145 + 7 153 610 Overtime G Premium Pay 1,200 + 60 1,260 614 Court Pay 1,000 + 50 1,050 620 FICA 1,800 147 1,653 622 Health G Life Insurance 2,060 + 103 2,163 530 CCOERA 750 + 38 788 Public Works Department Administration 01-301-601 Director's Salary 25,580 + 1,284 26,964 602 Salaries G Wages 22,020 + 1,104 23,124 605 Merit Increases 4,221 625 3,596 620 FICA 2,520 + 301 2,821 622 Health G Life Insurance 2,360 + 118 2,478 630 CCOERA 900 + 45 945 Engineering 01-302-602 Salaries and Wages 88,152 + 4,416 92,568 603 Longevity Pay 280 + 14 294 610 Overtime G Premium Pay 1,750 + 88 1,838 620 FICA 5,200 + 474 5,674 622 Health f, Life Insurance 5,020 + 251 5,271 630 CCOERA 2,200 + llO 2,310 Street Maintenance 01-303-602 Salaries G Wages 67,300 + 3,365 70,665 603 Longevity Pay 240 + 12 252 610 Overtime 1; Premium Pay 5,000 + 250 5,250 614 Standby Pay 4,100 + 205 4,305 620 FICA 4,000 + 332 4,332 622 Health G Life Insurance 3,200 + 160 3,360 630 CCOERA 1,500 + 75 1,575 Traffic Maintenance 01-304-602 Salaries G Wages 24,480 + 1,224 25,704 614 Standby Pay 1,000 + 50 1,050 620 FICA 1,300 + 276 1,576 622 Health f, Life Insurance 1,572 + 79 1,651 630 CCOERA 535 + 27 562 - 4 - RESOLUTION NO. 641 Series of 1979 Current/Revised Appropriation Change Revised Appropriation . Department and Account Purpose Public Works ( cont . ) Shops 01-305-602 Salaries G Wages 63,016 + 5,880 68,896 To Allocate Funds For 5% 603 Longevity Pay 800 + 40 840 Pay Increase Authorized 620 FICA 3,500 + 723 4,223 by Salary Ordinance No. 622 Health 1; Life Insurance 2,780 + 139 2,919 305, To Adjust Other 630 CCOERA 1,400 + 70 1,470 Affected Accounts and To Building Maintenance Reduce D1e Budgeted Merit Increase To 2% From 3% 01-307-602 Salaries G Wages 13,440 + 672 14,112 620 FICA 1,200 335 865 622 Health G Life Insurance 1,070 + 54 1,124 630 CCOERA 450 + 23 473 Parks and Recreation Administration 01-601-601 Dlrector's Salary 20,652 + 1,032 21,684 603 Longevity Pay 630 + 222 852 605 Merit Increases 3,981 798 3,183 620 FICA 1,750 + 186 1,936 622 Health G Life Insurance 1,472 + 73 1,545 630 CCOERA 1,000 + 50 1,050 Recreation 01-602-602 Salaries G Wages 97,306 + 4,8E5 102,171 603 Longevity Pay 271 + 14 285 620 FICA 5,100 + 1,163 6,263 622 Health f, Life Insurance 2,258 + 113 2,371 630 CCOERA 1,300 + 65 1,365 Mdintenance _01-603-602 Salaries 1; Wages 120,842 + 6,042 126,884 603 Longevity Pay 690 + 35 725 610 Overtime G Premium Pay 2,000 + 100 2,100 620 FICA 6,200 + 1,578 7,778 622 Health f, Life Insurance 4,280 + 214 4,494 630 CCOERA 2,400 + 120 2,520 Forestry 01-604-602 Salaries G Wages 33,384 + 1,668 35,052 603 Longevity Pay 652 + :13 685 622 Health f, Life Insurance 2,258 + ll3 2,371 630 CCOERA 1,000 + 50 1,050 Parks Ranger 01-605-602 Salaries 1; Wages 38,724 + 1,936 40,660 603 Longevity Pay -0- + 360 360 Omitted in Budget Request 620 FICA 2,000 + 493 2,493 622 Health G Life Insurance 1,572 + 79 1,651 630 CCOERA 900 + 45 945 Reserves 01-607-797 Reserve for Classifica- tion 1; Pay Study Adjustment 300,000 -ll6,339 183,661 N~t Change 2,G64,683 -0- 2,664,683 BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that llone of the changes above shall be construed to change the total appropriatiJn as filed with the Division of Local Government. DONE AND RESOLVED this fi to 0 16th dey of April , A.D. 1979, by a vote of ATTEST: OLIVER V. PHILLIPS, MAYOR CAROL F. HAMPF, CITY CLERK