HomeMy WebLinkAbout06/21/1976
June 21, 1976
The Study Session of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to
order by Mayor Frank Stites at 4355 Field Street at 7 30 p.m.
Councilmen attending were Mary Jo Cavarra, Joseph Donaldson,
Robert Howard, Calvin Hulsey, Larry Merkl and Louise Turner.
Also in attendance were City Administrator John Jerman, City
Attorney Maurice Fox, City Clerk Elise Brougham, City Treasurer
James Malone, staff and interested citizens.
Item 1. was a discussion of a letter from Mountain Bell dated 5/9/75
regarding the franchise tax levied by the City on t,he company. Mr.
Asa McNabb, manager of Mountain Bell was present.
City Attorney Fox stated a lawsuit has been filed by the company
against the City regarding the franchise tax based on gross revenue
and that a decision had been awarded in favor of the company in
another lawsuit, and suggested that the City discuss with the
telephone company their suggestions on what would be a satisfactory
Mr. McNabb passed out a sample ordinance that was based on a flat
rate which would be equivalent to the projected income of the tax
in the City's budget. There was no escalating clause and he stated
that for next year the City and the company could work together
on an agreeable ordinance. City Attorney Fox recommended that the
City foTIbw this suggestion. Council agreed to this.
Item 2. was discussion. of the police contract proposal by Councilman
Merkl. Detective Ray presented a peution signed by 53 police members
who stated they disagreed with the anonymous letter that had been
distributed from the police department favoring the contracting idea.
He stated there wasi;l1Dtal of 52 police employees and the others had not
been contacted yet due to vacations etc. Councilman Merkl requested
that Council contact the Sheriff's Department to see if it was feasible
and let him present a proposal of costs etc. Councilman Howard agreed.
Councilman Cavarra did not feel the sheriff could perform a number of
services with the present mill levy and that there would be no administrative
costs was unrealistic and that a reason for incorporation was for better
police protection and that no citizens had called her who were in favor
of contracting. Mayor Stites stated he had received calls from
citizens who were not in favor and that locally a level of services
were provided that the people wanted. Councilman Turner requested
a resolution be drawn up for next week giving a vote of confidence
to the police department and stating no change was contemplated at
the present time. Councilman Hulsey stated the County Commissioners
have final say on contracting because they control the budget, and
that it had taken 5 years to build up the equipment etc. in the present
police department. City Attorney Fox felt the city would lose control
and that the sheriff and the commissioners are political figures. Councilman
Donaldson felt the proposal should be investigated if it could save money.
Since there was not a consensus of opinion, it was agreed to invite
Sheriff Bray and possibly other County Officials to come to the
5/28/75 Council Meeting at 5 45 p.m. to discuss a level of service
that could be provided and the cost. The sheriff is to receive
a copy of Councilman Merkl's report.
Item 5. was consideration of an intergovernmental agreement pertaining
to a county-wide 911 emergency reporting system. Mr. Christiansen from
the Telepune Co. was present to answer questions on the system. All
the governmental agencies involved were in agreement and the plan was
ready for implementation. Council agreed to schedule approval of
the agreement, for the 6/28/75 agenda.
MINUTES - 5/21/76 - Continued
Item 3 was consideration of the revised intergovernmental agreement
for the fabridam installation at Maple Grove Reservoir which provided
for 18 3/4% contribution from Wheat Ridge for the original cost,
plus an annual replacement fund and an annual maintenance cost.
Mr. Jerman explained this would be for a 40' fabridam and Consolidated
Mutual would install a 30' fabridam in addition. Ii was agreed to
place this item on the 5/28/75 agenda.
Item 4. was discussion of the revised Police Advisory Committee
Resolution which set up guidelines for the committee and allowed
2 appointments from each ward and 1 appointment by the Mayor.
It was agreed to place the Resolution on the agenda for 5/28/75
and to make appointments at that time.
Item 5. was discussion of the proposed crosspan repair recommendations
from the Council Street Improvement Committee. Mr. Jerman stated
$18,000 was available for additional paving work or work on the crosspans.
Councilman Howard suggested using chip and seal on low use residential
streets and added 2 crosspans to the list as follows 45 Ave. & Jay
and 45 Pl. and Vance. Mr. Hobbs requested t,hat he get engineering
information on the crosspans at W. 35 Ave. & Ames & Benton before
work is begun to see if a bubbler system is feasible there. Council
agreed to sthedule this for 6/28/76. Councilman Turner staled she
felt some of the repairs on the list were not crosspans but were
deteriorating curb and gutter on the radii and questioned if these
should be replaced at the City's expense.
Item 7. was consideration ef revised building permit forms and signature
procedures on the permits and permit fees. Mr. Zwaqerman, Director
of Communit,y Development stated there would be one miscellaneous
permit presigned by the mayor and one building permit form which
would be individually signed by the Mayor. The proposed fees were
from the Uniform Building Code with the provision of regional modifiers.
Council agreed that an ordinance should be prepared for action at a later
Item 8. was discussion of 1977 Budget goals and priorities. Mr. Jerman
had prepared a tentative list of categories for budgeting. Councilmen
Cavarra & Turner stated they were in favor of lowering the mill levy
due to the raised assessed valuation. Councilman Merkl was not in
favor of this idea. Council felt they could not discuss employee
salaries until recommendations from the Civil Service Commission and
the Personnel Commission were in regarding the pay incentive program
and longevity. Councilman Cav~ recommended t~at a high priority
should be continuing the greenbelt. Council felt^new telephone system
should be installed when there are new offices and that new offices
would not be discussed in the budget. Mr. Zwaqerman suggested that
his office have a separate number which would allevEte some of the
burden on the switchboard and it was agreed costs on this should be
looked into. Mayor Stites stated there needs to be a continuing
replacement program of vehicles and the idea of compacts for staff
cars was discussed again. Mayor Stites stated it was his understanding
that more drainage money would be budgeted for Lena Gulch next year
than other areas, and Councilmen Merkl and Hulsey stated they wanted
to wait to discuss this at a later date.
Item 9. was discussion of liquor license rev~s~ons by recent state
legislative action. New fees will be allowed for new licenses,
transfer and renewal by the City after July 1. Councilman Cavarra
stated that the new classification of tavern license could have a
higher occupational tax levied since they are usually more costly
to the City. City Attorney Fox is to prepare an ordinance amendment.
Councilmen Cavarra stated Council can now revoke inactive licenses
and Mr Fox stated he would prepare a resolution on this.
Mr. Fox staLed that an alleged liquor violation scheduled for 6/28/76
COuld not be held because the officer who reported it is no longer
Meeting was adjourned at 10 30 p.m.
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