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July 26, 1975
The three hundred and thirl,y-second regular meeting of the Wheat
Ridge City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Stites at
7 00 p.m. at 4355 Field Street.
Councilmen present were Mary Jo Cavarra, Joseph Donaldson, Robert
Howard, Calvin Hulsey, Larry Merkl and Louise Turner.
Also present were Director of Administrative Services Rich Andrews,
City Attorney Maurice Fox, City Clerk Elise Brougham, staff and interested
citizens. City Administrator John Jerman was absent.
There being no corrections or deletions t.o the Minutes of July 12, 1975
and July 19, 1975, t,he Mayor declared they stood approved as written.
Public Comment was made by
Don Couch of 2950 Kendall who turned in petitions with 909
signatures calling for an election on Home Rule. He also had a
stat,ement from the County Clerk verifying that there were 15,573
registered voters in the City of Wheat Ridge as of 7/25/75. The
petitions were turned in to the City Clerk.
Ernestine Williams of 11100 W. 38 Avenue read a letter protesting irrigation
water on Brookside Ditch that had been turned off by the State which
had been caused by a complaint by the City because the water was eroding
W. 38 Ave. She stated the City should clean out this drainage ditch
on the ROW .
Mr. Roy D. Combs of 3815 Robb Street read two letters. One was from
Louise Turner to the Secretary of the Ditch Company stating that the
Director of Public Works Clyde Hobbs knew who to contact regarding
ownership of the ditch and one from the Secretary of the Ditch Company,
Mr. Robert Olson criticizing the City for contacting the State for a
problem on city streets. He requested this be placed on a future Agenda.
Nancy Snow of 11155 W. 40 Avenue read a letter stating that Mr. Hobbs
knew who to contact regarding the ownership of the ditch, and that
he had been asked to correct the drainage problems caused by smashed
culverts etc.
Elizabeth Ramsey verified that she had been present when Mrs. Snow
had talked to Mr. Hobbs on the above matters.
Several Councilmen requested that an investigation be done and this
be placed on the August 9th Agenda. Mayor Stites stated a report
would be given to each Councilman, and if they requested a hearing
the Chief of Water Resources for the State would be present. Councilman
Cavarra stated there are 2 questions involved The order to turn off
the water is between the ditch and the State, but also there was the
question of propriety of the City's action. Council agreed to have
a Public Hearing.
The City Teasurer's Financial report for the month of June 1975
was deferred at the request of the City Treasurer.
Item 2. was Ordinance No. 215 which was introduced by Councilman Cavarra
which amended Ordinance No. 151 by establishing new permit fees for
construction etc. The title was read.
Motion by Councilman Cavarra "I move that Ordinance No. 215 be approved
on first reading." Motion was seconded by Councilman Merkl and passed
5-0. Councilman Cavarra voted "aye", Councilman Donaldson voted "aye",
Councilman Howard voted "aye", Councilman Hulsey voted "aye", Councilman
Merkl voted "aye" and Councilman Turner voted "aye.'1
Item 3. was Ordinance No. 215 on second reading which repealed Ordinance
No.2 and imposed m occupation tax on telephone utility companies.
The Ordinance was introduced by Councilman Donaldson on second reading
and the title was read.
MINUTES - 7/25/75 - Continued
Motion by Councilman Dnaldson "I move for the adoption of Ordinance
No. 215 on second reading." Motion was seconded by Councilman Turner
and passed 5-0. Councilman Donaldson voted "aye", Councilman Howard
vo~ed "aye", Councilman Hulsey voted "aye", Councilman Merkl voted "aye",
Councilman Turner voted "aye", and Councilman Cavarra voted "aye."
Item 4 was award of bid for a salt mixture for the 1976-77 winter season.
Motio~ by Councilman Merkl "I move that the lowest and best bid be
awarded to Mobile Pre-Mix at 1500 West 12th Avenue, Denver Colorado
for Squeege 7% salt mix (1975-77) at a cost not to exceed $2.55 per
ton to be charged to Account 450 21." Motion was seconded by Councilman
Donaldson and passed 5-0.
Item 5. was approval to purchase 5 new compact vehicles for the City fleet
Motion by Councilman Merkl "I move that the City Administrator be
directed to purchase six compact vehicles, 3 vehicles to be Ford products
and 3 vehicles to be General Motors Co. products, at a price not to
exceed $3,300.00 per vehicle for a total cost of $19,800.00 to be taken
from Account No. 745.00 General Revenue Sharing, Unallocated. I further
move the City dispose of 5 vehicles that we have in the present fleet."
Motion was seconded by Councilman Hulsey and passed 5-1. Councilman
Howard voted "nay."
Item 5. & 7. were approval of 3.2% package beer licenses.
Motion by Councilman Turner
of the 3 2 beer license for
by Councilman Donaldson and
"I move that
Chisum's Super
passed 5-0
Council approve the renewal
Market." Motion was seconded
Motion by Councilman Hulsey "I move that Council approve the renewal
of the 3.2 beer license for Wheat Ridge Ranch Market." Motion was
seconded by Councilman Donaldson and passed 5-0.
It,em 8. was a Public Hearing for the Comprehensive Plan for the City
of Wheat Ridge. Dennis Zwaqerman, Director of Community Development
gave a complete presentation on the plan. He gave a presentation on
t,he theme for Wheat Ridge, he read the Minutes of the Planning Commission
and their Motions to amend the Plan. He ~ated the land use policy
calls for protection of single family homes. There are 3 commercial
centers planned 38-44 Ave on Wadsworth, W. 44 Ave. & Kipling and
W 32 Ave. and Voungfield. Tom Lam of the Planning Department gave
statistical data on the plan. Robert Leiqh of Leigh & Assoc. gave
a presentation on the transportation plan. He had been hired to
study the design of the following streets W. 44 Ave., W. 38 Ave.,
W 32 Ave., Voungfield, Pierce, Harlan and Garrison. Gus Byram of
Oblinger Smith gave a presentation on the economic base study which
his firm had been hired to do. The study concluded Wheat Ridge was
not geting its fair share of economic activity especially in the area
of shopping goods.
Public Comment was made by
Amos Leaf of 2835 Chase Street stated he wanted approximately
200' on W. 29 Ave. from Ames to Fenton to remain commercially zoned
as it presently is. IThe Land Use Plan showed it as low density residential.)
Jim Homberqer of 5509 W. 25 Avenue stated he wanted a letter from Council
stating that his zoning would remain the same which is Residential-Three.
(The Land Use Plan showed low density residential).
Norma Blazer of 2825 Eaton stated she had the same request as Mr. Homberger
and that she had been one of 17 residents who had gone to court on a
mass low density rezoning in her area and the Court had ruled that the
17~operty owners could retain their present zoning.
City Attorney Fox stated adoptin~ of the Land Use Plan does not change
any zoning It is a guide for future rezoning. Mr. Zwaqerman agreed
and stated the next logical step would be to revise t,he present zoning
map and subdivision regulations etc. Councilman Hulsey expressed concern
that if the Land Use Plan was adopted that it would obligate the Council
to change certain zonings in the City and he was opposed to this.
MINUTES - 7/25/75 - Continued
Dou~al Graham of 3330 Chas8 5treet stated concern that there was no
land designated for agricultural use and op8n space and also qU8stioned
how a theme could be legislated.
Ivan Hahn of 4900 Robb stated h8 was opposed to the Land Use Plan
due to the fact the land in the vicinity of Robb and Miller was designated
industrial and he wanted it to remain agricultural which it presently
is. He stated the Land Use Plan should not be used as a weapon to
make people conform 1,0 it, but it should be used as a reference.
Gerald Burney of 10550 W. 48 Avenue stated he did not think the Land
Use Plan needed to be revised every 4 or 5 years and wanted Council
to specify that the zoning map will not change anybodys existing zoning.
David Sebern of 2925 Depew represented the Chamber of Commerce Comprehensive
Plan Task Force and stated they had some reservations about the plan
such as it called for a great deal of improvements which would be
a burden on the businessman and encourage him to settle outside of
Wheat Ridge. He felt the economic study was not thorough enough
and that the ratio of multi-family dwellings was too low, and that
development of a shopping center was out of reach for the small businessman.
Jeanne Merkl of 3891 Estes stated she would like to see the City enter
into a working program with the Chamber to create a viable business
area. She stated the people of Wheat Ridge need to have security in
knowing what to expect in the future.
The Chair called for comments and questions from the Council.
Motion by Councilman Turner "I move on Page 7. No.4 under Goals
and Objectives for Transportation by inserting after 'By widening streets
only when necessary,' the following phrase 'meaning when they can't
carry the existing traffic load.'. Motion was seconded by Councilman
Cavarra and WAS DEFEATED 4-2. Councilmen Donaldson, Howard, Hulsey,
and Merkl voted "nay."
Motion by Councilman Cavarra "I move that a supplemental street design
using a minimum street width and curb and gutter for light residential
street be developed and incorporated into the plan." Motion was
seconded by Councilman Turner and WAS DEFEATED 4-2. Councilmen Donaldson,
Howard, Hulsey and Merkl voted "nay."
The Mayor stated that each section of the Comprehensive Plan should
be voted on separately.
Goals & Objectives
Motion by Councilman Cavarra "I move that the goals and objectives
be approved as written and that a citizens' committee be appointed to
expand on the theme and refine it as necessary, to be incorporct8d into
the Comprehensive Plan at a later time." Motion was seconded by
Councilman Merkl and passed 5-1. Councilman Howard voted "nay."
Motion by Councilman Merkl "I move the population study part
of the Comprehensive Development Plan of the City of Wheat Ridge be
approved." Motion was seconded by Councilman Cavarra and passed 5-1.
Councilman Hulsey voted "nay."
Land Use
Motion by Councilman Turner "I move that regarding the area
East of Tabor to Parfet and down to the industrial development and excluding
it to I-70 North to the city limits on Parfet, that the portion that
is agriculturally or residentially zoned and in one of those uses be
returned to agricultural or low density residential on the Land Use
Plan." Motion was seconded by Councilman Cavarra and WAS DEFEATED
4-2. Councilmen Hulsey, Merkl, Donaldson and Howard voted "nay."
MINUTES - 7/25/75 - Continued
Motion by Councilman Merkl "I move we
portion of the Comprehensive Plan for 2
by Councilman Donaldson and passed 5-1
table the Future Land Use Plan
weeks" Motion was seconded
Councilman Turner voted "nay."
Motion by Councilman Hulsey "I move to adopt the standards
into the Transportation Section of the Comprehensive Plan of street
widths that were adopted by Resolution No. 405 previously." Motion
was seconded by Councilman Donaldson and TIED 3-3. Councilmen Turner,
Cavarra and Merkl voted "nay." Mayor Stites voted "Ci e" and Motion
Motion by Councilman Cavarra "I move we adopt that portion of the
bikepath along Lena Gulch in conformance with Figure 3 on Page 18. which
shows the path ending in the vicinity of W. 35 Avenue and Union."
Motion was seconded by Councilman Turner.
Motion to Amend by Councilman Merkl
of the rest of the bikeway plan to be
was seconded by Councilman Turner and
"I move we include the
used just as a guide."
passed 5-0.
Question was called on Amended Motion by Councilman Cavarra and passed 5-0.
Ecornrric Base
Motion by Councilman Howard "I move we accept the economic
base report." Motion was seconded by Councilman Hulsey and passed 5-1.
Councilman Turner voted "nay "
Public Facilities
Motion by Councilman Merkl "I move the Public Facility section
of the Comprehensive Plan be adopted." Motion was seconded by Councilman
Donaldson and passed 4-2. Councilmen Hulsey and Turner voted "nay" expressing
concern on consolidation of the fire and water districts.
Item 9. was a report of Ben Chastain, Temporary Sales Tax Inspector
on the amount of delinquent taxes collected. He stated the job was
not completed to date, but he had been authorized to work through August 1st
Motion by Councilman Merkl "I move we extend the part-time position
of Tax Inspector until December 31, 1975." Motion was seconded by
Councilman Donaldson and passed 5-0.
City Attorney Fox reported that the purchase of the Hayward property
for park purposes at W. 29 Ave. and Wadsworth had not been settled yet
as there had been a third party offering and additional appraisals
and Mr. Hayward was prepared to sell the property for $218,000 instead
of $207,500 and he would donate the house and improvements valued at
Motion by Councilman Merkl "I move we authorize the Mayor to sign
a contract on the Hayward property at a purchase price of $218,000.00."
Motion was seconded by Councilman Donaldson and passed 4-2. Councilmen
Turner and CEvarra voted "nay."
Mayor Stites thanked the planning staff for their work on the Comprehensive
Plan. The Planning Commission was also acknowledged.
Mavor Stites stated there was a meeting on 911 on August 3, 1975 at
7 00 a m. at the County Commissioners meeting room.
Item 10. was appointment of an expired term on the Civil Service Commission.
Motion by Councilman Turner "I move for the reappointment of Mr.
Edwin Hester." Motion was seconded by Councilman Merkl and passed 5-0.
Meeting was adjourned at 12 15 a.m.
Elise Brougham, City Clerk