HomeMy WebLinkAbout11/01/1976 MINUTES November 1, 1975 The three hundred and forty-first regular meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Stites at 7 30 p.m. at 4355 Field St. Councilmen attending were Mary Jo Cavarra, Joseph Donaldson, Robert Howard, Calvin Hulsey, Larry Merkl and Louise Turner. Also present were City Administrator John Jerman, City Attorney Maurice Fox, City Clerk Elise Brougham, City Treasurer James Malone, staff and interested citizens. Item 1. was Resolution No. 478 which was introduced by Councilman Cavarra commending Dr. Otto J. Bebber for his service to the City on the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission and was read. Motion by Councilman Cavarra nI move for the adoption of Resolution No. 478.n Motion was seconded by Councilman Turner and passed 5-0. Councilman Merkl stated the approval for the concrete pan from Pierce to Newland on W. 38 Ave. should be brought up at this meeting. Motion by Councilman Merkl nI move that the City Council approve the addition to Public Works Project PW-75-1 for the installation of a concrete pan from Newland St. west 900 feet at a cost not to exceed $4550.00 plus a 10% contingency to be charged to Drainage Account 540.00.n Motion was seconded by Councilman Donaldson and passed 5-0. Councilman Turner requested that in the future the correct account number projects etc. are to be charged to be known ahead of time and wanted a written clarification as to what is being done on this project. Meeting was adjourned at 7 45 p.m. Council had an Executive Session afterwards. STUDY SESSION The Study Session of the Wheat Ridge City Council was called to order by Mayor Frank Stites. Those in attendance were cited above. Item 1. was a preliminary report of Meurer, Serafini and Meurer Consulting Engineers regarding the proposed crosspan construction and drainage modification at certain intersections. Mr. Carl Tebbens was present and handed out drawings and costs. The intereections involved were W. 35 Ave. & Ames and Benton, W. 41 Ave. & Harlan and Ingalls and W. 41 Ave. and Kendall. The proposals involved cutting back the asphalt on the street and included proposed curb and gutter placements at the corners. In general on the crosspans, Council directed Mr. Tebbens to come in with a revised design excluding the recommendations in excess of correcting the drainage problems or the traffic problems which would be accompanied by revised costs. Mr. Tebbens recommended on 41st Ave. and Kendall that an existing 8n drainage pipe be replaced with a larger 18n pipe running along under the street. Item 2. was discussion of the Mass Transit Committee functions, goals and objectives and the need for new appointments to fill the vacancies on the Committee. A letter from the Committee had been distributed outlining their concerns and 3 members of the Committee were present Bt the meeting. It was recommended that Dennis Zwagerman be the staff liaison person for the Committee to contact and who would be the City's contact for RTD. Councilman Merkl suggested that the Committee formulate the letter for distribution on the bus advertizing the vacancies on the committee. Councilman Turner recommended that the Area 4 Group be contacted to see if anyone is interested in serving on the committee. Item 3. was discussion of the proposed pay incentive plan as recommended by the Civil Service and Personnel Commissions. Members from the Personnel Commission were present. Comment from the employees was taken from the following MINUTES - 11/1/75 - Continued -2- Ed Ray, Police Dept., Jack Prose, Building Dept., Dennis Zwagerman, Director of Community Development, Bob Brown, Public Works Dept. and Charlotte Hill, Treasurer's Office. In general there was employee concern for removing the longevity benefit as it presently is, and reducing t,he amount of sick leave to be carried over to 2/3. Mr. Hobbs Director of Public Works handed out a survey from the Public Works Dept. employees. It was agreed that Council would vote on the concept on 11/22/75 and then the salary ordinance and personnel rules would be changed at a later date. It was suggested that some more explanation to the employees be given on the concept. Item 4. was discussion of agreement with Alexander Grant & Co. for computer services for the City's accounting system. A representative from the firm was present. Councilman Howard stated he felt the program should be put out for bid. Mr. Malone stated he had investigated other programs. Council agreed to place the agreement on the 11/8/75 Agenda for action. Item 5. was a report on the construction costs of the W. 32 Ave. bridge and walkway project. Mr. Jerman stated the State had tried to get additional matching federal funds but had been turned down. Consequently the State's estimate of the City's responsibility is $30,879 and Mr. Jerman's estimate was $28,130. Authorization for the additional funds from Council will be scheduled at a later time. Councilman Cavarra stated that the lawn where a trailer has been sitting should be reconstructed when the work is done. Item 5 was announcement of the expiration of the terms on the Board of Adjustment for Mike Boorman, Alternate and James Reynolds regular member of the Board of Adjustment. Appointments will be made 11/8/75. Item 7. was discussion for approval of an agreement with RTD for location of bus shelters. The proposed locations are at Lutheran Hospital and Highland West Apt. Dennis Zwagerman stated the staff had discussed the proposed locations with the Mass Transit Committee. He stated another location had been W. 38 Ave. and Wadsworth but the Methodist Church had declined having the shelter on their property. City Attorney Fox requested that certain wording in the agreement be changed before rr-is voted upon by the City. Council agreed that the changes should be worked out prior to approval regarding liability. City Attorney Fox stated a Resolution amending Annexation Resolution 471 would be scheduled 11/8/75 which would change the Public Hearing dates for the annexation. He also brought up a zoning interpretation matter. Meeting was adjourned at 11 45 p.m. " -")1,-) ((' ,-;.[,. v \. . ( . <;. t_,.., _ ~.,. ~ ,"..... , fiJise Brougham, ~ity Clerk APPROVED T"T'y /- ... " ....(f"':'::::: .l >.c