HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1985-0938 PESOUJTIOn PO. 938 Series of 1985 TITLE: A RF:SOLOTIOn PEAFFIRtlINr; THF: POLICY OF' cnOPERATIOn REnlEPi\l THfc CITY OF W-1f~AT PIOr,r AN!' THE vJfTE,AT RII'GF: FIRP PROTf<;CTIml DISTRICT Itl TffF MntUT0PHlr; RY 'THE CITY OF l'lHEAT RI]lGE: OF ]lIRF:CT F'IFF: ALARt1S IN THOSR INSTAn<:rS, I\ND FOR THnSF, FACILITIES, P,X('PPTRD RY npnUJAi\lCE 611 , SERIES OF 1985. WHEREAS, nrrlinance I'irect Al~rms, excert for instances; 611 , Series of 19R5, prohi0its certain sr>ecified and enumerated lHTEREAS, the City of Hheat Rirl<je ~nd the \7heat Ridne Fire Protection District have historically cooreraterl closely in order to provide the citizens of the City of Wheat Pidqe who are likewise residents nf the \'he~t Rirlr:e Fire Protect inn nistirrt with <juality and rromnt fire r>rotection and life si'!fetv services; IJHEPSAS, the City of \Jhe~t Ridrre has, in the r>ast, allnwed for the direct connection into the rlisr>atch center of the IJheat Fio(je Police Department certain fire al~rms from facilities ~nrl structures, the inhahitants of which wOlllc1 he, hy their nature as fwrsons t"erruirinq extt"a helr> or assistance, imrerileo hevonrl the norm in the event of a fire at said facility or structure; I^JHFPPAS, the C'ity Council of the City of \,hear_ Ridqe wishes to reaffirm this policy, anc1 to state clearly the policv of the City of Wheat Rid<je that said cooperation hetween the City anc1 the Whe~t Pidrre Fire Protection ]listrict shall rontinue. mm THp,REFORf. p,p, IT RESor,VED: 1. It is the Dolicv of the City of l'lhear Pidqe that Direct Pire Alarms from those facilities specifically stated ~s heinq excented in Onjinance 611 , Series of 1985, shall he monitored hv the city of Wheat Ric1qe. 2. The cooneration hetween the Wheat Ric1qe Pire Pro- tection District and the City of Pheat Rid<je shall continue re<jar~inn the matters spe~ifiec1 herein for the purpose of provic1in<j critiral life safety services to those facilities ~nd uses sr>ecifieo in Ordinance 611 , Series of 1')85, h~sec1 upnn thp suscer>tihility of the users and occur>ants thereof tn severe dan<jer anc1 potential iniurv in the event of delay in the answerinrr of fire alarms emanatinrr from sain facilities or structures. ~~ ~f- ~ ,-"'-;" , ._~L' .,. .~ Prank Stites, Mayor I\TTEST :, - j j? .' , ~ .-///~~" :... ~:ti\....' 7~ \Janda Sanrr, City / I "~;1.../2-~J Cl ~t'k