HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1987-1024 RESOLUTION NO. __lQI~__ Series of 1987 TITLE: A RESOLUTION URGING THE COLORADO ELECTED REPRESENTATIVES AND SENATORS TO OPPOSE LEGISLATION REGARDING MANDATORY STATE BASE OR STATE COLLECTION OF LOCAL SALES TAX. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge, a home-rule city, is opposed to any e f for t sin t e r fer in g wit h m un i c i p a I power sin est a b lis h in 9 sales and use tax base and rate; WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge opposes efforts to MANDATE state collection of municipal taxes; WHEREAS, the City has adopted legislation similar to H.B. 1007 (1985) in an effort to unify and slmpl ify sales tax collections throughout the State, WHEREAS, voluntary efforts to provide reciprocal or cooperative auditing between state and city have been made which has decreased the amount of dupl icate audits and government involvement; and \'/ H t ,{ 'S, the C i t Y 0 f ~I he a t Rid g e W 0 u I d be i n d an 9 e r 0 f I 0 sin 9 local autonomy and an enormous loss of revenue possibly resulting in a forced increase in the sales tax rate; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, that it urges the State Legislators to act as quickly as possible to oppose any legislation proposed concern i ng mandatory State base or State co II ect i on of I oca I sales tax. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS _..21.h__ day of _J:l.il.I:\:J.:L__________, A.D., 1987 by a vote of __~___ to __Q___. ATTEST: ( __=dLV.!d,l:L~id-'::i!:*------ ','1anda Sang, City ({Jerk ____~=_~~~2~Ld~0~_________ F ran k S tit e s, r,l a yo r