HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1987-1036 RE::;OLUT ION NU. 1036 Series of 198, TITLE: RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO ~IGN THE I~TERGO\ ERNME\T -\ l. AGREEMENT BETWEE~, THI' c'J TY Of IvHEAT R1DGE AND THE .JE~FERSON (Ol.'NT'r SCHOOL DISTInCT R-l EN'!' [TLEl! JO J \ T \ Sh AGREn1E\T FOR '1ARTENSO\ ELE1'1E1\TARl WHI'JHAS, tlle City "f Wheat Hirlge anrt Jpfferson (ount'. S, h",,] District H-] entered into an agrpement on Jun,' L~, 19'!1 tc, "UopPlatc' "jth one another in the Clcquist i"l1, de'.elopment, and u>-'p cd sch",,1 and le,_'reat.iuJlal facilit.ies; and hIlFRF\S, the ("ity has included the amuunt of S50,OOO.OO 1n tlw approyed 198, Cit:, Budget to be> used for sit,. impr"',(In<-'nts and l'estoration at 'lartenson Elementary School; and ImEREAS, thp (,i t.," "r "heat Ridge Parks and Recreati on Commissi'd' has J'"eurnmenrled that City ('uuncil appro,e this l't'u,}el t; and hHEf?L\S, the school/park sit", lS to b", Ilsed. for Parks and Hf'ereation flurposps by the eommunity; and \\IlERE,\S, it is in the best int.eTest of the City of hhpat Ridg,' to Plder into the Juint Cse Agreement. which is :llta<'lll'd 10 l.his Resolution; anrl ~HERE\S, Seution 14.2 of the Home Rule Charter of the (it:> ()f Whpill. Ridge authurizes t.he l'ity of Wheat Ridge, by Resn1I1ti()n, to enter into Intergo,ernmental Agreements. NOW, THEREFORE, 81 lT RESOLVED by the City (ouncil of the City of Wheat Ridge thilt the Intergovernmental Agreement ent it 1 Pel .Joint. Us,. Agreempnt. for 1'1ilrtenson Elementary School, at 1.R,>her1 to this Resolution t G be appro\'ed, and 1.h<-, 'layor be i1l1th()I'lZP'] t.o sign said Intergo\ernmental Agreement. O()t\E -\1-.]) RESOL VRD t his 11th day of 'lay, 1 ~l", . \,----~ '''''/l' ,.(c-~J.-LL", F;ank Stites, Mayor ATTES1. ,.1 rl,~L .Lj~, haJ1'ta Sang, City , , '-- 'L!d ; { CIer?] cJEFFEFlSON COUNTY PUBLIC SCHOOLS B09 QUAIL STREET LAKf.Wt)OD COLORADO 80?1:.. (303) 231-2374 FACILITIES PLANNING AND DESIGN - BUILDING #4 LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL To: City of Wheat Ridge 7470 We$t 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Gary Wardle Date: June 16, 1987 Project. Martensen Elementary School Site Redevelopment Attn: Co pie s Submittal Date Submittal Identification 1 original Joint Use Agreement for Martensen Elementary School Disposition: D Please Return o For Your Rev i ew ~ For Your Fil es After Rev i ew D Resutxnit Remarks' By: Delbert Ragland Copy(s) To: JOINT USE AGREEMENT for MARTENSEN ELEMENTARY SCHOOL THIS JOINT USE AGREEMENT is made and entered into this 4th day of June 1987, by and between the Jefferson County School District No. R-1, a political subdivision of the State of Colorado (hereinafter referred to as "School District" or "District") and City of Wheat Ridge , a Colorado municipal corporation (hereinafter referred to as "City"). 1.0 Background. The School District and the City are authorized and empowered under Colorado law to acquire, develop, operate and maintain recreational sites and facilities for the students and residents within their respective jurisdictions and to contract with each other for such purposes. Both parties are desirous of developing the recreational area or facility described below so that it may thereafter be jointly used by them in accordance with the provisions of the general Joint Use Agreement hereinafter referred to as "Joint Use Agreement") previously entered into between the parties and incorporated herein by this reference. Therefore, in consideration of the payment by the City of the amount of Fifty Thousand and no/100 ($ 50.000.oe], to the School District and the mutual covenants and promises herein contained, the parties agree as follows: 2.0 Description of Project. The School District will plan, develop and construct a softball field & associated olavground improvements in accordance with the Partial Site Plan attached hereto as Exhibit A and incorporated herein by this reference. In connection with such development the School District shall provide the following materials and/or services: 1. Planninq and desiqn 2. Construction administration 3. Normal site maintenance Page 2 Joint Use Agreement Also in connection with such development, the City shall provide the following materials and/or services: 1. Restoration of site elements damaqed by misuse of site by Cit~sponsored events. 3.0 Use of Property. The School District shall have priority use of the subject property and facilities to be developed hereunder, in accordance with the provisions of the Joint Use Agreement. 4.0 Term of Agreement. The School District agrees to use its best efforts to complete the development of this project according to the following schedule. However, if for any reason such project shall not be completed by the times listed, the School District shall not be liable for any damages. a. Master Plan by April 15 , 19~ b. Construction Documents by May 15 c. Construction completion by September , 1~ 1987 5.0 Liability During Construction. The School District shall maintain liability insurance coverage on the project during its construction. Following completion, the responsibilities and obligations of the parties related to liability, repair, maintenance and supervision shall be governed and controlled by the Joint Use Agreement. 6.0 Payment. Payment by the City to the School Oistrict shall be made within thirty (30) days after receipt of the invoice following completion of construction. Page 3 Joint r~e ~greement 7.0 ~o ~odification. This agreement tu the extent 1t dops not directly conflict with the Joint Use Agreement shall not modify it. In the evpnt uf any ,-nnfllLt bel-ween the tHC, agreements or question "f ~ntp['prptat.iun, tlH' applicable por'tion of this agreement "hall ,'ontl',]. CITY OF hHE\T HIDGE JEFFERSON COUNTY SCHOOL DISTRICT NO. R-l By: ------- " Its: ~,'.JZ/: ..".i-t: H)L ~ '.~-<-"-rz.-- Mayor l3Y: ~ ~/ - . , ;:>;~" ___~ /' L~/ Glen E. Keller, Jr., President ) ,. _ --'-/~':.._-.Ltt...L./L-.~ 1/t .N_,_ __ CltV Clerk, secretar.r ~ William G. Ross, Secretary .\ttest. Form and Content: Approved as to Form and Content: ~~~ Attorney