HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1987-1065 fH,SOLUTIO!i 1'0. 1065 SERIES OF 10f17 T I HE: [(ESOL'!TIC,'! ;\[iOPTI~:G THE SAL;\RY SCflEDULE PROVIDllri FOR P,^,Y r; P ;\ D E ~ Pd'!) D p" Y F1 /\ r G E S F 0 F~ THE F I S C P. LYE t.;) 1 q n [\ . 'I HEr: E 1\ S, the C i i- Y has cst a b lis he d and c I ass i f i " d : 8 r ita n d Civil SArvice positions; and "I1[RE,'\5, the Budcet provides for pxpenditures for sCJlarics ~nd related costs: 110 'I, THE r; E F 0 [( E, n E I T i< E S ['. L V E D H' (', T : A. Pay (;rades and pelY renC)es for '!erit and Civil ServicE' position classifications and for non-classified positions are hereby est a b lis h 8 d uS Ii s t e d bel 0\1 . Po sit i ens des i ~J, n il t e d 'il it h the let t (, r (E) ilre professioncl, uxecutive, or administrative in nature end arE, therefore, exeMpt from overtime pilyments. Pf',Y GR/\DE PO SIT 101' T I HE P f\ Y F< A ~,J G E .., '- F'uildinG Custodian neputy Court Clerk SwitchboGrd Operator ACCOunt Clerk Clerk Typist 1 1 1 1 - 1 555 F' ark s ,1," i n ten a n c e ~! 0 r k e r Pub I i c \"' 0 r k s ,'a i n ten a n c e \10 r:, 0 r Secretary Pol ice Records Clerk 118n - 165:' 4 Traffic Technician I 1258 - 1760 5 Encineerinn Assistant i'otor Equ i pment Operator Park :la intonance LeadvlorkHr T r e e T r i r,] mer Automotive Mechanic Senior Secretary Accountinn Technician Salas Tax Technicisn CCIO Vehicle Fleet Specialist 1363 - 1909 P'(sollJi"icn p(j co 2 p,t\ Y SF\ /\["~ E G 7 " <J ~1 1 () 11 1 7 13 II 1 t) 1 ,; fOeSIT!G!! TITLE Anircl PGr~ Enforcpmer1t Officer D t.. put Y S j i- '! C I :;! r k ;" c tor E cui P Iii G n tOp era tor I I Accountc.nt (El t~hief rourt Cler!( CE) {'utcmo-rive ~ Equipn:Eni 1'1echanic fin il,;c' I fOeJrk Enforcer:H,nt Officer II [~u i I ding Inspector Electrical Inspsctor Cods Enforcement Officer I I Pol ice nff iCE'r En~incerin0 Technician Police Pncords Suporvisor (E) Executive Secretary olilnnE'r (El ['uildinj '1::lintr,n6nce Supervisor ~ity Arborist (El Police Officer II Recreation Pro~rom Coordinator (El Pldnner II (El Senior Pol ice nfficer Shops Sur;orvisor (E:l T r (l f fie r u i n t c, nun c e Sup e r vis (, r (t) Pol iCR Serr:]eant (E) Purchasing ^0ent (E) :::hi';T [~)!!ilding Inspector (El ludqet/Finance/Sales Tax Assistant (E) D a t a S y s t 0 Iii 5 Pro r! r a LI mer / 1\ n co I y s t (E 1 Personnel Assistant (El Civil Enrineer (E) R:creation Pro0ran Superviscr (E) PClrk 'ainten,::lnco Suporvisc;r ([) Strc,ot :idintcnc,nc'] Suporintcndcnt (E) D r v ') ,,\ r.' r :- I" I 1'1 J::' 1/1(1 - ::!l45 15:l7 710') 157L, - ;.'2ri3 1 ~63 - 2:,n 1730 - '"'492 1384 - 2n3e 2014 - 2820 2142 - 299[ 2201 - 30[;1 2253 - 3155 2325 - :;2'55 F.'Gsoluticn PCloe 3 Pf,y l~RADE POSITIO, TITLE PFiY f:/;r'C[ 17 Se:nior Projecct Enginec,r (El 230n - 3347 1 II Pel ice:, Lieutenant (El 2453 - 3435 1 '1 2603 - 3643 2(1 PliJnnini] Director (E) Police Division Comnondcr (E) 2697 - 3775 ~: 1 Dircctor of Parks ~ ~ecreation (E) 2fi95 .. 4053 ,., r, Director of Planning ~ Development (El 2g55 - 4137 ?7 ._J Director of Public :"orks (E) Chief of Pol ice (E) 3134 - 43nn ['" A com::,ined clothing and cleaninc, c;llowc;nce shall be puld to all uniforr."Jd Police Officers of the City at the rate of %00 per calendar year per officer, and shall bf] disbursed on a quarterly basis. The City wi I I be responsible for the initial issuGnce of uniforr:,s for the Police Officers when the"y begin ernployment with the department. This wil I be one complete issue of uniforms. Any subsequont uniform acquisition or replecemcnt wil I be tho responsibility of the individual officer. fIn officer will not be 01 igible for tho first clothin,~ iJlloVliJnoe until after cor,lpletion of one year of service with the ':!hoat PidrlO Pol ice Departn;ent, and for the balence of tho second year, the cayment wil I be prorated for the period of time remain inn In that calenrJ":r year. Animal/Park Enforrement Officers and Communication ComDlaint Intak() Officers shell receive a cleaning allolVence of $160 per year payable quarterly from date of hire and unifcrms wil I be pr~vided on an as-needed basis. The C' i t Y 1'1 i I I pro v ide \'1 0 r k c I 0 i h i n <:' for a I Ide s I <J n a -j- e d Public Ilorks an(~ Parks pE:rsonnel and such other clC:lsslficcJtions as desi~neted by the City Administretor. r':s'Jlution Pein',:: 4 C. Court pay shell be paid to employees for court apoeclranccs when subpoenaed durinG off-duty hours. DOllE ['.1iD RESOLVED this _14th clay of DE1ccmber, A" . '-". 19Ci7. /-.~'-'--'- . ( ',- / ;A, <- {L, Dan 1"1 i I de, r-~iJ'lor f,TTqT: e r ~~