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RP,SOLlJTI0l1 "n 1189
,Series of 199'1
TI';'L~: 7\ Rr;SOT,tJTIO'l !\PPPOPJU!\']'I'IG :'\ODITIO:\fl'~L StEIG 0'" 'lO!H:~Y In
SXCF~c; ()(~ 7\r.10UNTS T"HJnnET8D P')~ TTlS C1'}1Y O? T;~~8,\rp Rlf1GE,
~OL0P!\Oa FOR ~ISC^L YSAR 190'1.
r'iT!ERS.?\S, th~ ":i ty ,'}f T1h0at Ri:1gc= hnnual ~lUJgQt Zor th(~ fiscal
'!e;::tr 10t)1 ~as :y,en ;::tib:::>tecJ thro'clqh Pcsolution qo. 1179 on the
11th 1a1 of nec?mJer, lqn0; ~nl
'T'1";~r,AS, the (ity of fTheat Rirlge ha::; [{:,celV(yj ',nit.ten cl)C)roval of
an ,dditional :mount. available to ,)e reirnburse~J fr::m th'2 state of
Colora30 Denartment oE Health (Alcohol anj Drug A0use Division) ,
for contract C37n461 in the amount of $11,725 for the
f,'lge',vater/'7heat ~id::Jc r:oalition, not assL1rl>il 2t the time of
ajontion of the 1901 buJqet:
\. ?or !)rovision of alcohol ani/or drug ~rcvcntion,
i1)t~rvention ~nd/or tr22t~ent and rehabilitation services, a
to~al qrant amount not to exceed S12,375; and
S. For ~rovision ~f high risk youth ~revontion services, a
total amount not to cxcce,] ~14,~6n; and
~7nsP!'~i'.s, it is 2~)ti1;1J.t~(~ t[l~t the sll,7~5 \'l~ill .)2 SDent durinq
;Ju,het vear 1 ')(J1.
'10:1, 'rHSP.SFO'1S 'is IT ~r,.C;nLVSf) ~)'] t;12 City Council of '.:he Citv of
Wheat Ridge, ColoraJo:
A . That the a1jit.ional sum of ~11,725 00 an~ro0riated for
e~8enditure in the Gener21 ?und, in 1991, for the ~ur0ose of
oroviJing alcohol and/or jrug prevent.ion, intervention 3nJ/or
t.reaL.:ent ilnd rp.habilit-J,tion service, :mj orovidinq high risk
youth ~revention services; and
B. That the 1991 total a~)ro~riation for the General 7unl be
hereT" in::rcilsc] fror'1 ~."W13,5l1 to S9,9'15,3311.
DnN~ A~f) p~Sn[N~n this 17th 1ay of ~arch, 19q9.
Dan "Til 'le, "a"or
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r;;lanr]ll San'l,
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