HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1997-1600 RESOLUTION NO. 1600 Series 1997 TITLE: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH THE CITY OF LAKEWOOD, COLORADO FOR THE PURPOSE OF A PAVEMENT OVERLAY PROJECT ON UNION STREET FROM WEST 32ND AVENUE TO MOUNTAIN SHADOWS DRIVE. WHEREAS, Section 14.2 of the Home Rule Charter of the City of Wheat Ridge provides express authority to enter into intergovernmental agreements providing for cooperative efforts between governments; and WHEREAS, Wheat Ridge is currently r"nnstructing a pavement overlay project which includes Union 0tree, between W. 32nd Avenue to Mountain Shadows Dr.; and WHEREAS, The jurisdictional bounooLcy between our Cities lS the center of Union Street; and WHEREAS, both cities desire to cooperate to the fullest extent possible to ensure that the construction of the project is accomplished according to the mutual desires of each City for the best interests of their respective citizens. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that: Sec. 1. The Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge is hereby authorized to execute an intergovernmental agreement with the City of Lakewood, Colorado to complete the overlay project of Union Street between 32nd Avenue and Mountain Shadows Drive. DONE AND RESOLVED THIS 20th day of May, 1997 ~CA _ _ L '-_ '.A-( cl-<- DAN WILDE, MAYOR ATTEST: - --J; - j ........_~;.' . tv'!-.tl~,\. WANDA SANG, I / ~~~J(~~~ " INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT MADE AND ENTERED INTO THIS 20th DAY OF May - -. ] 997, by and between the Cit)' of Wheat Ridge, With offices at 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE, WHEA T RIDGE, COLORADO 80215-6713, a Home Rule Mumcipahty Wlthm the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, heremaf1er referred to as "Wheat Ridge", and the City of Lakewood, wIth offices at 445 S. ALLISON P ARKW A Y, LAKEWOOD, COLORADO 80226-3105, a Home Rule Mumcipahty WJthm the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, hereinafter referred to as "Lakewood", Wheat Ridge and Lakewood hcremafter sometimes referred to as the "PartIes". WITNESSETH THAT WIIEREAS. SectIOns 29-] -20] and 29-] -203 Colorado ReVised Statutes, 1972, as amended. pern1I1 and encourage governments to makc the most effiCIent use of their powers and responsibIlitIes by (t,operatll1g and contractll1g wIth other govemments to proVIde authonzed servICes; and WHEREAS. Wheat RIdge IS uJlTcntly constructmg a pavement overlay project which ll1cludes 1'l1Ion Slreet from W 32nd A venue to Mountam Shadows Dnve, and \\'l-lE1ZEAS, Wheat RJdge and Lakcwood have discussed JOintly overlaYll1g Umon Street from W 32nd Avenue to Mountam Shadows Dnve, hereinafter sometimes called the Project, as shovm on Exlllblt A of thiS Agreement, and WHEREAS, the PartIes deSIre to cooperate to the fullest extent possible to ensure that the constructIOn of the Project IS accomplished according to the mutual desires of each party for the best mterests of their respectIve CItIzens. NOW, THEREFORE, ll1 order to accomplish the above stated deSires, and m conSideratIOn of the mutual covenants and promIses herem set forth, the PartIes agree as follows: I Wheat Ridge has awarded a constructIOn contract to Asphalt Pav1l1g Company to construct the Project. The Contractor shall proVide performance and payment bonds in the amount of 100 percent of the value of the contract. ConstructIOn is expected to begin 111 the month of July 1997. 2 Wlieat Ridge shall prOVIde the deSign, contractor, construction lIlspectlOn and contract adnlllllstratlOn for the Project. Wheat Ridge will coordinate constructIOn actiVItIes between Wheat RIdge's contractor and Lakewood and will give Lakewood at least one (1) week's advance notice pnor to placement of pavement matenal. Lakewood may Inspect tile Project but shall commurucate to the contractor through Wheat Ridge. 3 Lakewood agrees to pay Wheat Ridge for Its portlOn of the ProJect. The cost of the Project for Wheat RIdge and l.akcwood IS e~tlJ]]ated III Exhibit B of this Agreement and tile estimate IS based un the unit pnces of the aw;uded contract. Payment by Lakewood shall be made to Wheat Ridge wlthll1 30 days of finalll1specllol1 dnd acceptance of the work by Wheat RIdge and Lakewood. 4 It IS agrccd that upon completIOn of thc ProJcct, thc Parties shall ovm the Improvcments located wltlun thclr city boundaries. 5 Each Party shall bc responsible for Its own neghgent acts. Wheat RJdgc shall be solely responsible for the design, construction, inspectIOn and adnullistratlOn of smd Project, and shall be solely responsible for any liability resultmg from or reJatmg to said deSign, constructIOn, inspection and admllllStratlon of smd ProJect. Each Party shall reimburse the other Party for any costs, expenscs or legal fees that either Party may incur for any liability resulting from the negligent acts of the other Party 6 Thls Agreement embodies the entire understanding of the Parties and .shall be deemed to be a contract cxtcndmg and bmdmg upon Parties hercto, their representatives, agents, admllllStrators, successors and assigns. . 0~~Jh- WANDA SANG, CITY CLERK CITY OF WHEAT RlDGf A COLORADO MUNICIPAl nmpORATlON ArrEST ~~ DAN WILDE, MAYOR Lc:;S5'S> ~, A TTESI' ~~\ ~:t'_,~,.'.~.-':;\". CITY OF LAKEWOOD ji,":;.\..,... A.{~Q~ORADO MUNICIPAL CORPORATION (.{<:.J' ~ .~ ,,' ~~{!. (0 V/,1 \ i~\ 1/ I. ; ~...... ,\ A-~. tl Zf--L ILGU...u_ ---'-- . P/J~ / T~, J CITY CLERK ,.~\ '" ,,~., OR fh~. -\- ',\ h. i, l i, ,'; Ii ~. ';).~ .'" ... ,.... '. ~ ~..' ,- _J;~' . -\oi..,~ r,'~ --.....-.,.. - _ _'i__'" --} APPROVED AS TO ybRM: L~~~~ !{~~ ~ CITYr TTORNEY 2 'j >- <1 -1 (y W > o I- W W (y I- (() Z o z :::> EXHIBIT A ,.. N N ~ N . . N w " " " a 8 :;{ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (,/~ EXHIBIT B UNION STREET - 32ND AVE. TO MOUNTAIN SHADOWS DRIVE OVERLAY LAKEWOOD WHEAT RIDGE 2445 S Y GEOTEXTILE @ 1222 S.Y. GEOTEXTILE@ $070 = $1711 SO $070 = $ 855.40 2445 S Y REMOVAL OF ASPHALT MAT 1222 S Y. REMOVAL OF ASPHALT MAT MILLING 1 Y:z" @ $1 15 = $2811 75 MILLING 1 Y:z" @ $1 15 = $1405.30 245 S Y GRADE G HBP (pATCH) 127 S Y. GRADE G HBP (pATCH) @ $13 00 = $318500 @$13.00'7$1651 00 296 TONS GRADE CX HBP (OVERLAY) 151 TONS GRADE CX HBp (OVERLAY) @ $2450 = $7252.00 @ $24 50 = $3699 50 ESTIMATE TOTAL = $14960,25 ESTIMATE TOTAL = $7611.20 * UNIT PRICES ARE BASED ON OVERLAY 11 , PROJECT # S-PSM,04-97