HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1997-1616 RESOLUTION NO 1616 Senes of 1997 TIl'l I '\ RFSOU iTlON l"l \1 iPPORT OF THE GREAT Ol iT/)OOR COLORADO GRANT \PPI ICUION FOR DE\ LLOPMENT m AN IN-lINE SKnING RINK IN CONJUNCTION \Vlnt 1'111-: SKATEBOARD PARk. AT /\NDERSON PA.RK WHE~REAS, the C1\y of Wheat Rldge owns the real property located at West 44th Ave and held In Wheat Ridge, Colorado, commonly referred to as Anderson Park, but also prevlOuslv knoV\n a~ Wheat RIdge Park. and \ IIEREAS, Wheat RIdge City Park Master Plan Goals state "The Clty of Wheat RIdge WIll provide a balanced and eqllllahlc park and recreatlon system which IS responsIVe to all age groups and user groups, and WIll also meet thc needs of speCIal user groups," and WHERE A..S, on Apnl 2lL I ')l)7 the Wheat Ridge CIty Council apploved the locatIOn of a \katclmard Park at A..nderson I)ark and WHI.REAS, at the same Cltv ConcIl meeting, theClty ConcIl authonzed the acceptance of a Jefferson County Open Space Jomt Venture Grant In the amount of $50,000 and the budget c:o-pendlture 01'$50,000 from Ihe Wheat RIdge ConservatIon Trust Funds, and WHI"REAS, current budget estimates for the Total Project Costs are $170,000; and WHEREAS, Amendment 8 was passed by the Colorado Voters In November, 1993, estahlt,hmg Great Outdoors Colorado and deSIgnating lottery proceeds as a Jundmg rnechalllsm for parks and recreatIon projects Therfore, Great Outdoors Colorado establIshed a rnatchmg grant program for local governments to meet the parks and recreatIonal needs of commullItles, and WHLREAS, Wheat Ridge IS applymg for a grant to GOCO m the alllount 01'$70,000 for the Wheat RIdge Skateboard Park and In-Lme Skatmg Rink NOW THEREFORE BE IT RL-:SOL VEl), that the Wheat RIdge CIty Council supports the gl ant apphcatlon to Great Outdoors Colorado for the Wheat RIdge '-;kateboard PMk and In- Line \katmg Rmk m the amounl of $70,llOO BE IT FURTHER RESOl \ ED that the Wheat Ridge C1\V Council encuura~ the Board of (tl cJ( Outdoors Colorado 10 tund thIS projcct UW.:F A.'\iD RESOLvED THIS 11th day ofAuguSL 19')7 ATTEST: .(Q"L~ L ,-_:'.-I,:L~ _ -- --- --- Dan Wildc, :\1avor :- Wanda