HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1997-1626 - - RESOLUTION NO 1676 SERIES OF 1997 TITLE. A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER URBAN RENEWAL PLAN TO INCLUDE ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES WITHIN THE URBAN RENEWAL AREA AND OTHER MODIFICATIONS, AND FINDING THAT BLIGHTED AREAS EXIST WITHIN THE AREA. WHEREAS, the Economic Development and ReVitalizatIOn Commission (ED ARC) has recommended modificatIOns to the urban renewal plan for the Wheat Ridge Town Center and submitted the proposed modified plan to City Council, and WHEREAS, the proposed modified plan IS attached hereto and incorporated herem, and WHEREAS, the City Council by Resolution adopted on August 28, 1997 determmed that the proposed modificatIOns of the plan were substantial, and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Wheat Ridge has determmed on September 18, 1997 that the proposed plan conforms to the Comprehensive Plan of the City; and WHEREAS, the mclusion of the additional properties, which includes the northwest corner of Wadsworth Boulevard and West 44th Avenue, wlthm the urban renewal area would accomplish the development, redevelopment and rehabilitation of a portIOn of the Wheat Ridge Town Center, so that the area can be developed or redeveloped to provide a safer and more useful environment for ItS users; to redevelop such area to proVide necessary, greater and reasonable economic utilizatIOn of same, to promote more adequate public facilites and utihtles and Improved traffic patterns, to ehmmate traffic and pedestrian hazards wlthm the area, to ensure reasoned and sound SOCIal, phYSical and economic growth Within the City; to promote and effect the goals, objectives and purposes of the urban renewal plan, to proVide a sound financIal or economic base for the communIty; and to proVide a necessary tax base for the City; and WHEREAS, EDARC has proVIded Jefferson County CommissIOners with a report analyzmg the fiscal impact of the urban renewal plan expanSIOn, and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined that It is m the best mterest of the City of Wheat Ridge to modify the plan as requested, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has caused notice of the time, place and purpose of a public heanng to be held concernIng the urban renewal plan to be published on October 10, 1997 and November 21, ] 997 m the WHL"A T RJJ)GJ~ TRANSCRIPT, a newspaper of general ClfculatlOn in the City; and WHEREAS, at the pulic hearing before City Council on November 24, 1997, evidence was presented which supports the findmgs contamed herein that certam areas wlthm the proposed urban renewal area are presently m a blighted condition and are m need of development, redevelopment or rehabilitation or a combination thereof; and WHEREAS, at said hearing all residents and taxpayers of the City and all other mterested parties were given a full opportumty to be heard. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE THAT Section 1. One or more blighted areas exist m the area of the City to be added to the urban renewal plan area wlthm the Wheat Ridge Town Center, which by reason of the following factors, substantIally Impmr or arrest the sound growth of the City, constitute an economic and social liability; and are a menace to the public health, safety, morals and welfare in their present conditIOns and uses SpeCifically, the following blight factors exist: A. Defective and madequate street layout includmg substandard lane widths, madequate turn lanes, limited acceleratIOn/deceleratIOn lanes and is not adequately sidewalks, Access pomts do not control mgress/egress m a safe manner due to their proximity to the mtersection, and B Detenoratmg structures, which have been demolished smce the commencement of the Blight Study; and C Unsafe conditions, due to the defective street layout, resultmg m more accidents reported at thiS mteresectlOn than any other within the City; and D Faulty lot layout m relatIOnship to Size, adequacy, accessibilty or usefulness, and E. Substantmllmpairment of the sound growth of Wheat Ridge by madequate public mfrastructure Section 2, The City Council hereby finds that: A. The propertlCs to be mcluded m the urban renewal area contam blight as defined by Colorado law; and B The eXistence of such bhghted conditIOns substantially Impair and arrest the sound growth of the municipality, constitute an economic and social liability and are a menace to the pubhc health, safety, morals or welfare m the present condition and uses; and C The clearance, rehabilitation, conservation, development, redevelopment, or a combination thereof, of the urban renewal area IS necessary to pres ever and ensure the public health, safety, and welfare of the residents of the City of Wheat Ridge, and D The area IS approprIate for an urban renewal project; and E Redevelopment of the urban renwa1 area shall reduce the further deterioration of the Wheat Ridge Town Center Area SectIOn 3. SectIOn 4. SectIOn 5. SECtion 6, Section 7. The commercIal uses proposed for the urban renewal area are necessary and appropriate to facilitate the proper growth and development of the commumty in accordance with sound planning standards and local commumty obJectIVes, The urban renewal plan provides a feasible method for the relocatIon of the persons and businesses wlthm the urban renewal area. The modifications of the plan conform to the Wheat Ridge Comprehensive Plan The modlfkatlons of the urban renewal plan shall afford maximum opportunity, consistent with the sound needs of the City of Wheat Ridge, for the rehabilitatIOn and redeve\oment of the Wheat Ridge Town Center area by private enterpnse The urban renewal plan for the Wheat Ridge Town Center Project IS hereby approved and adopted as modified III the plan document attached to this resolutIOn, INTRODUCED, READ AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado on the 24th day of November, 19?} r:" / 'l "'" I ,<.( H10 L <{ ( I, y' '( (/\ .ud ; lGretchen Cerveny, Mayor \ ) ---~ ATTEST , \ \ \:, \ " , , --... .' \ Wanda Sang, Clty'('lerk \ '-\ '... \ , " /