HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1999-0006 RESOLUTION 06 Senes of I ()')l) TITLE: A RESOLUTION AlJTUORIZING ,I EFFERSON COlJNTY OPEN SPACE TO CONTINUE NEGOTIATIONS AND TO ACQUIRE THE 12,000 SQllARE FEET, MORE OR LESS, OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE NORTH SIDE OF CLEAR CREEK AT 4499 EVERETT DRIVE (THE .JOHNSON PROPERTY) AT THE NEGOTIATED FAIR MARKET PURCHASE PRICE, WIIEREAS, the City Council of the CIty of Wheat RIdge has preVIOusly :llIth"n/l'd ,ktll'rson ('()IlI1tv Open Space to secure an appraisal, tItle commitment, survey, l'll\ II "11111l'nt;d :IS\l'\\nlent and negotiate the f~m market value of the 12,()()() square feet, Ill"'l' "r It-ss of land located on the north Side or Clear Creek at 44(){) Everett Dnve, and, \\'IIEREAS, the Jefferson County Open Space statfhas completed the appraIsal, tllk lOllll1l1tllll'nt survl'V, cnv\r(lnmental assessment, and negotiated the nur market \,alue ,dl ol'"llIlh has been made kl10wn to the ( Ity Council, al1d. \\ IIFRFA~, It IS the Intl'l1t of the ('lty Councd of the C'm of Wheat Ridge to h;l\ e \:1,,1 pllll h,I\l' u)lllplelL'd utdl/lng till1ds \vlth1l1 the ('It\ llf Wheat Ridge attributable ,1],lll' (li till' 1('11L'Is0I1 ( (1[lnt\ Opl'n <"'pace f'und, and, \\ IIEIU~AS. It IS the deSire orthe City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge to aul hOII/l' .lcfl'crson ('ounty Open Space to contll1ue negotiatIOns and to acquire the 12 111111 square ket, lllorl' or less, of land located on the north Side of Clear Creek at 44')l) I \L'1L'lt 1)1I\'l' at the negotiated purchase pnce for Parks & Recreation purposes '\0\\. 'I'll FlU: FO IU:, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council orthl' City of \\ hl'''1 Rld'.'l' I hat .kflL~rson ('ount\ Open "pace be authonzl'd to continue net;otlatlons ,111,11" ,Il <IIIlIL thL' 12 I1I11I \lIUall' /lol't 1l10rl' or less, of land located on the north Side of ( I',II ( Il'd, al (,('I') I verl'lt Ihlll' <It Ihl' I1l')!otlated fim lll<lrket purchase pnce DONF \;'IID RESOL\,~:I) thIS 22ndl)a \ I II <.., I 1 '-,I' _~;/ i:..-;.. 1 1\ ,I lid" ",I 'Ie ( , ! J ,~ -'J/. - t-".(1, ~- ""~1-.I'x.. 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TT R-2 - g ~ I~ - ~ I iD It0m:R5T,o,TE 70 I (, I ~ .-;-- ..L - OFFICIAL ZONI NG MAP HHEAT RIDGE COLORADO ~~.~~i IOO-YEAR FLOOD PLA.IN t::.:::J <APPROXIMATE LOCATIONJ - ZONE DISTRICT BOUNDRI' - PARCEULOT BOUNDRI' <DES16NA TES O~NERSHIP) ---- HATER FEATURE . DENOTES MULTIPLE ADDRESSES NE 22 --- HORTl< 050100 ~ ~.oIOQ lo..oI SCALE 1'=400 MAP ADOPTED: Jun.. 15, 1994 LQ$t R..vision: January 9, 19CJ5 [;6'AAl11e!T OF P\..NI'lINiS i\JoV C€VELmerr - 235-~2 CERTIFICATION FORM REQUEST FOR PAYMENT/REIMBURSEMENT AND CERTIFICATION OF USE OF FUNDS The Wheat Rld!.!:e City Council hereby requests from the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County, State of Colorado, payment from The Jefferson County Open Spaee fund Il1 the amount of TWENTY TWO THOUSAND Dollars ($ 22,000 ) payable 100% from funds received subsequent to January I, 1981 The following percentages and dollar amounts lIsted are to be taken [rU1l1 I hc City', att nhutahle ,hal'c uf the Open Space fund and/or from Jetferson County's attributable share of the OpCIl Space fund, but not to e:-.ceed the present portion of their attributable share received subsequent to January I, 1981 JEFFERSON COUNTY CITY ATTRIBUTABLE SHARE OF OPEN SPACE FUNDS 50 % 50 % $ 11,000 $ 11,000 RCIMBURSEMENT REQUEST ThiS request constitutes a certification by the..J:J1y Council of Wheat Ridge to the Board of CommissIoners 11f.lel1'cr,(11l CUllllt\' that the Cltv (1f'vVheat Rld!.!:e has expended the amount of$ dUring the penod C011l11lCIlCIIl" ~- , I') _and clldlng , 19_ for the purposes fully described below (use additIOnal sheets ii' necessary) 1 (A narrative descnptlon of all expenditures IS to be provided below The Description should set forth In detail an explanation of the work being completed and all other pertinent Information wIth regard to the facility, program or project for which the rellnbursement or payment IS being requested InvOices and other documents must support the requested rellnbursement ) 2 PAYMENT REQUEST ThIS request constItutes a certificatIOn by the City Council of The City of Wheat Ridge to the Board of County Commissioners of Jefferson County that the City of Wheat Ridge has entered Iflto a contract or contracts (which are enclosed) m the amount of$ 22.000 for the purposes fully described below (use additIOnal sheets of necessary ) (A narrative description of all expenditures IS to be provided, The descriptIOn should set forth in detail an explanatIOn of the work be1l1g completed and all other pertinent 1I1formatlon with regard to the facility, program or project for which the reimbursement or payment IS bemg requested InVOIces and other documents must support the requested reimbursement) [)I'.SCRIPTION CONTRACT Hopewell Mallufacturtlli,; COlltract _. Ilopl'well Malluracturlll~ COlltlll~ellcv In the evellt the total cost of the cOlltract work IS less than 22.000 Dollars ($ ::;::;,000 ), the City of Wheat Rld~e will refund the unexpended funds plus any IIlterest earned on the project IlllHll', to .Jctlerson County wlthlll 30 days after completion of the project These funds will be credited IIlto the :Ittllbutahle ,hare accoullt from which It was orrglllally paid Withlll:1O days of completion of the project (contract date) the City wIll provide .Icll'cr,oll COUlltV With the Il)llowlng Copy of all change orders, ::; itemized Itst of the proJects completed and final costs, 3 3 An accollntll1g of the mOnies received while the Open Spaee money was on deposit. 4 Return to Jefferson County all Il1terest earned on the Open Space money receIved pnor to final payment of the contract unless otherwIse proVIded for in wntmg, The Cltv CouncIl of Wheat Ridge also certIfies that all of the above lIsted expenditures and/or contract obl1gatlons constitute purposes which are authOrized by the Jefferson County Open Space ResolutIOn as adopted by the voters on November 7, 1972 and amended on November 4, 1980 In additIOn this certifies that expenditures and/or contract obligations were for one or more of the following, ., /\dll1lnl'tratIl1I1l1fOpen Space Plannlllg for Open Space $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 22,000 :; '\cqUlsltlon of Open Space Development of access to Open Space Development of paths and traIls on Open Space 4 5 () Constnlctlon of publ1c trails Preservation and/or mallltenance of Open Space Protection of Open Space 7 R o Construction, acqUISition or recreation capital Improvement" $ $ $ 22,000 10 IVLllntenance of recreation capltalllllprOVements TOTAL A map showlllg the location of the factllty, program, project or acqUisItIOn for which reimbursement "I' paVll1ent is helllg requested as attached 4 In accordance with the Jefferson County Open Space Resolution, the County, or Its desIgnated representative, may. Ifit so desIres, audit the work papers an audIt utilized by the City to determIne the final cost under the contract ThIs certIficatIon and request has been duly authOrIzed by a written Resolution or MotIon (as eVIdenced by MeetIng MInutes) adopted by the Wheat Rld!.!,e City Council on February 22 , 1922...., a certified gmy of which IS attached, by whIch the City Council certIfies to the Board of county CommIssIOners of Jefferson County that the funds speCIfied herem will be or have been expended only for the purposes stated and authonzed the Mayor _ to sIgn thIS Request ThIS certIlkatlon also cel11fies to the Board of County CommIsSIoners of Jefferson County that the facIlitIes, programs or IJroJects upon which the funds wIll be or have been expended shall be open to the general public and the lI'ie thereof shall Ilot be restricted solely to the persons who resIde WIthIn the City DATE TITLE iv1 ayor .\TTEST ()" 1'~:INTRI\1BS f<'R!\1 5