HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-1999-0073 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 73 Series of 1999 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT ESTABLISHING THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT YOUTH ALCOHOL INTERVENTION PROGRAM WHEREAS, intergovernmental agreements between political subdivisions of the State of Colorado are authorized by C.R.S. ~ 29-1-203; and WHEREAS, the First Judicial District Youth Alcohol Intervention Program has been established by Intergovernmental Agreement between the Cities of Morrison, Westminster, Arvada, Golden, Edgewater, Lakewood, the Counties of Gilpin and Jefferson and the R-1 School District; and WHEREAS, the First Judicial Youth Alcohol Intervention Program will provide a mechanism for first-time youth offenders who are referred by schools, social services or families to receive education, intervention and training designed to avert or prevent unlawful behavior and to reduce the necessity for court involvement; and WHEREAS, the Intergovernmental Agreement will provide for the establishment of a consistent system of treatment for addressing the problem of youth alcohol abuse; and WHEREAS, persons involved in the abuse of alcohol adversely affect the public safety, health and welfare of the City and its residents and society as a whole; and WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge desires to be a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council, that: Section 1 . The City of Wheat Ridge desires to be a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement establishing the First Judicial District Youth Alcohol Intervention Program. Section 2. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized and empowered to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge. KLE\53027\332786.0 1 DONE AND RESOLVED this ....lJ..ili day of December , 1999. ATTEST: d -__n~/C,L~_~ Wanda Sang, City Cler r ( (\' ~. \,@!:v ,,--fr' .t c, l I , , >,:' ( " t It I ~ \ I tetchen Cerveny, Mayor '_ ) oJ KlE\53027\332786.01 -2- INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN JEFFERSON COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT YOUTH ALCOHOL INTERVENTION PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT entered lllto this 2nd day of May, 2000, IS by and between the CITY OF ARVADA, CITY OF EDGE WATER, CITY OF GOLDEN, CITY OF LAKEWOOD, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, TOWN OF MORRISON AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, hereafter collectively referred to as "PartlclpaIIng Member" The purpose of thIs Agreement IS to prOVIde for the establIshment of the FIrSt Judicial Dlstnct Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program and its govemlllg board. WHEREAS, mtergovemmental agreements to proVIde any, functIOns, service or faCIlIty lawfully authonzed to each of cooperating UnIts between polItical subdivISIOns of the State of Colorado are authonzed by C.R.S. ~ 29-1-203; and WHEREAS, any such contract may provide for the Joint exerCIse of the functIOn, service, or facility, including the establishment of a separate legal entIty to do so, and WHEREAS, youth mvolved in the abuse of alcohol adversely affect the publIc safety, health and welfare of all PartIcipating Members of thIS Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA"), and WHEREAS, the establishment of the FIrSt JudIcial District Youth Alcohol Intervention Program will proVIde a mecharnsm for first-tIme youth offenders or youths referred by schools, SOCIal services or families to receive education, mterventIOn and trallling deSIgned to avert or prevent unlawful behaVIOr; and WHEREAS, the partIes shall, in accordance WIth applicable law, share mformatIOn necessary WIth the goal of ensunng that the courts refer only first-time offenders to the mtervention program; and WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to enter llltO an IGA for the purpose of prOVIding for the estabhshment of an area-wide interventIOn program and goverrnng body to deal in a coord:nated manner with the problems of youth alcohol abuse; and WHEREAS, tlJe partIes to this IGA recognIze the importance of parentallllvolvement In combating the problems of youth alcohol abuse and believe It must be a pnonty to encourage parental partIcipation m interventIOn programs offered to youth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between each of the parties as follows. 1 Purpose. The purpose of this IGA IS to create an entIty that Will be responsible for selectmg and overseemg a youth interventIOn program provlder(s) ("ProVIder") who shall proVIde educatIOn, mtervention and training to all first-time youth offenders eIther apprehended by law enforcement officers, processed through muniCIpal or county courts, referred by schools, referred by social servIce agenCIes or referred by theIr famIlies. The PrOVIder shall InItIally offer servIces addresslllg youth and fa.rrllly Issues of alcohol use and shall be prepared to expand these servIces to address other youth substance abuse and cnme Issues. AddItIOnal purposes of the 151 Judicial Dlstnct Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program are to proVIde enhanced tools for enforcement of youth offenses, to reduce the numbers of first-tIme youth offenders who appear m mumclpal and county courts, and to provIde a means for the coordmatIon of umform youth offender polICIes between the partIes hereto 2. CreatIon. The 1 st JudIcial Dlstnct Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program CY AlP") IS hereby created and establIshed. The Y AlP offices shall be located at the offices of the Program DIrector 3 Governmg Board. The govenung board of the Y AIP shall be known as the FIrst JudICIal Distnct Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Board ("Board") and shall be compnsed of at least one person appomted by each Partlclpatmg Member and such other members as the Board shall appomt. Partlclpatmg Members and the Board shall stnve to mclude representatIves from polIce agenCIes, shenff departments, county and mUnICIpal courts, dIStnCt attorneys, CIty admmlstratlOn and counCIls, school dlstncts, SOCIal services agencies, youth, and the commuruty at large on the Board. The term of office of each Board member shall be that as determmed by the governmg body of each appomtmg member, or the Board, with respect to members appointed by It. Total membershIp shall not exceed 15, however, PartIcipating Member appomtees must always be a maJority of the total membershIp. The Board shall have the authonty to call meetmgs; select and contract with any mterventIOn ProVIder or consortium; approve administrative payments; apply for and receive grant funds; morutor program effectiveness; and commurucate WIth Partlclpatmg Members mdudmg police, shenff departments, courts, schools, social servIce agencIes and community orgaruzatIOns. Board members shall act as a liaison between the Y AlP and the governing body of each Participating Member. Formal actions of the Board must be approved by a maJority vote of those present. The Board shall elect a presidmg officer, secretary and treasurer and may elect or appoint such other officers and adopt such internal by-laws, procedures and policies as it deems necessary to advance the purposes of the Y AlP. The Board shall appomt a Program DIrector who shall have such duties and responsibilitIes, as the Board reqUires. 4. Fundmg. No Particlpatmg Member shall be reqUired to make a finanCIal contributIon, payment or assessment to Y AlP or to bear any financial responsibility No Board member shall receIve any remuneratIOn for servIces rendered to Y AlP Youth referred by law enforcement, cou...rts, schools, soc131 servIce agencIes or families to the Provider shall bear theIr assigned costs of and be responsible for payment for mterventIOn, traimng and educatIOnal services receIved which payment shall be made directly to the Provider. The program will be financially self-sufficient m that the PrOVIder's servIces shall be paid for from the fees and costs collected from program partICIpants or from contributIOns or grants deSIgnated to fund ProVIder's actiVItIes. 5. Contract Authonty. A. As set forth m Paragraph 3, the Y AIP shall have contractual authority to enter into agreements WIth Provider(s) who shall be responsible for training, educatmg and bIlling all youth referred thereto Any such agreement shall contam, at a mimmum, the followmg provisions. C ,\WP51 \ WORK\GOLDEN\AGR\ YOUTHALCIGA 2 (1) The Y AlP may tennmate the agreement at any tIme and for any reason upon thIrty (30) days wntten notice to the ProvIder; (2) The ProvIder shall sub mil to Y AlP a quarterly status report that shall mclude the numbers, ages, gender, refemng agency and case dISposItIOn of all partIcIpants, and a finanClal report showing costs paId and fees collected, (3) A statement that Y AlP shall not be responsible for the payment of any services rendered by the ProVIder; and (4) A statement that the Provider agrees to mdemnify and hold harmless the Y AIP and its PartiCIpating Members from any and all liabIlIty assocIated WIth the services it prOVIdes. (5) The reqUIrement that the Provider agrees as Its sole cost and expense to prOVIde admimstrative support servIces to the Board include without IrmitatlOn meeting facilIties, office supplies, and the use of phones, faxes and computer equipment. B Y AIP may also enter mto agreements as are necessary to receIve grant funds from various government and pnvate sources. (6) Sharing of Infonnation. The parties shall, in accordance WIth applIcable law, share mformation necessary with the goal of enSUrIng that the courts refer only first-tlme offenders to the interventIOn program. (7) Administrative Support. The Governing Board shall exercise admmIstrative overSIght over the Provider to ensure that the terms and conditIons of its agreement WIth the Provider are fulfilled. (8) Effective Date. This IGA shall become effectIve upon the date of executIOn, and shall remam in full force until it is terminated. Any Participating Member may termmate its membership WIth or without cause upon thirty (30) days prior wntten notIce to the Board. (9) Additional Participatmg Members. With approval from the maJonty of the Board, additIOnal governmental entIties may become Participating Members of the Y AIP by executmg this IGA. (10) Severability. If any part of this IGA IS held mvalid or illegal or III conflict WIth any law ofthe State of Colorado, the validity of the remaining portions or proVISIons herem shall not be affected, it being the intent of the parties that each proVISIOn of tills IGA IS separate and severable. (11) ThIrd Party ClaIms. The partIes agree that enforcement of the terms and condItIons of this IGA shall be stnctly reserved to the partIes hereto, and notillng contamed In thIS IGA shall gIVe or allow any such claim or nght of actIOn by any other or thIrd person under C:\WP51 \WORK\GOLDEN\AGR\ YOUTHALC.IGA 3 . . " thIS IGA, It bemg the intentIOn of the partIes that any other person other than the parties hereto shall be deemed incidental beneficiaries only (12) Governing Law ThIS IGA shall be governed by and mterpreted under the laws of ./ the State of Colorado, wIthout regard to conflIct of law pnnclples. Any dIspute or legal proceedmg ansmg out of thIS IGA shall be brought in a court of competent JurisdIctIOn m Jefferson County, Colorado, and by the executIOn of thIS IGA, each of the partIes expressly consent to the JunsdlctIOn of such court. (13) Amendments. This IGA, contams all of the terms and agreements between the parties and supersedes and cancels each and every other pnor confllctmg agreement, promIse and'or negotIatIOn betv.een the partIes. may be changed, amended or modIfied only by a vmtten mstrument Signed by all Partlclpatmg Members. (14) Authonty to Execute The partIes represent and warrant that their sIgnatones to thIS IGA have the authonty to execute and bmd the party on whose behalf thIS IGA IS Signed, and that thiS IGA has been valIdly authonzed and constitutes a legally bmdmg and enforceable oblIgatIOn of each party IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partIes hereto have SIgned thIS IGA to be effectIve as of the date first wntten above, and acknowledge that each ongmal Partlclpatmg Member IdentIfied herem may execute the IGA mdlVldually a Colorado \~*G ATTEST ;~liJQn c{J+?ttli City lerk "\ City AItohaey U C:\WPSI \ WORK\GOlDEN' AGRIYOUTHAlC.IGA 4 r IN \VIIN I <.):-, \\ HI RHJF, thl partll" ha\ C ulUsed thcir rc<;pcLlI \ l' namcS and ';C,l] ; I '" ;Irlixcd hell:to, a\ (11 thc day and year hcrcll1,lho\c sct forth. I Jatc -if J-- ~ /0<J Clt\ 0] La~l'\\' H ,d B~~-Z"'-L--- __ MIke !tuck ('Ity tv1anagcr ATTEST ~ Karen Goldman. CIty C ~~"'>~~, , .'", I Q~'~ C' ,-,' U ,/It u/ .~. ,/:r ,. ''; ...... ~'" '''0 . (,.:.,~....c. ... .....~) \<, s f.~. ~u. '{}, c. . )'! '\i\ ... ,. :., ~./ ,\. i..r,.!, if'ilUh~\\\ C;?' '^~~u~ .\,.1\\1' '*~5:~j l-#:,. ).\~s:s::s::.:SS~'- APPROVED AS TO H lRM 4~- t w Office the City Attorney I 5 Ibtc ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM ~~~ OUice of the City Attorney 11\ oj Wheat Ridge 1)\ '~ Valcne Adams, ('It)' Managcr 7 J),,, ..~ ~'f.,;;)(ill ,\1 11 sr fJ\Ar,k6\. ~ Susan Brooks, CIty Clerk ^PPR()VI~D ASI,O FORM j ( It\' oj (;olden 8 Ih MIi~<<:1?:/ Date Al TESl c-- ~_ x~ Deputy Cler c APPROVED AS TO FORM o<~____ ,.(;:.,~L_cL ~ Kortendlck AssIstant County Attorney .Ielll-r\1l1l ( Illlllt\ '-tate \)/ ('oloradll H\ _~-/A~ Richard M Sheehall, Chalrmall Board of COUllt\' ('OIllI11ISSIOner\ " r ..~. ~ " " , . ....,,"1;... .,,:;....... (10 9 Ib1c A prl oved by W es!mlm;~zr Citv (\lUud\ oc ')' ~ ) I ~ > L.-. J i\TILST ..... .,----, , J~!l~ /~ /~:L/ _ Michelle Kelley, CIty ClcrK ,/ /d'PRO'v rl) i\S TU FORM ~ -1It~_ Office of thc CIty Attorncy ( 11\ ,1/ \\ C\11l1I 11"iL'r 1\\ B~ 9 Date ^ TrEST f11rlL\)~ @~jJ,~li-i)--f1\Uktl: Sheri Atencio-Church. Town Clerk APPROVED AS "r U FC,RM / B\ I (Hln of" MorrIson -~ (-, (' _~2~_::~ ---- Davm Clyne, rOvl'n Manager ( to I J,lIl 4-25-00 ( It) uj hL_,C\\,[11 I City of Edgewater BY~Jo/ ohn Fox, Mayor -"-...-. ..... ~ ":;.' ' <., (,~ '. ,,\ n ~."f2 ~t-4 -:\ MargJ7(~t(\ I:Y( )c~ \:: '\ .~_ \'\\\\ ~L;J;if ) \!~- \~...,'" -/i, <''::",,- lq()~(7 ~% - ~ SE"'-" AI'PR()V' f) AS I () FORM Q,/. , 1 ~/)' _ I (" 1(IV1 (J1!IU: ld tlIe ('It v \(turncy 11 A:\IEYD'\IE~T TO INTERGOVER:'{\IENTAL AGREEi\1ENT BY AND BET\YEEN JEFFERSON COlTNTY, AND MITNICIPALITIES FOR THE ESTABLISHl\IENT OF THE FIRST n'DICL\L DISTRICT YOl7H ALCOHOL INTERVENTION PROGRAM THIS ATvIENDivIENT to the Intergovemmental Agreement by and between Jefferson COllDtj, and IvIUlllClpalltIes for the EstablIshment oU~<( f~ Judlclal DIstnct Youth Alcohol InterventtOn Program entered 111to thlS 2\\:\,Q- day of"Mfr1( lS entered mto by and between the CITY OF ARVADA, CITY OF EDGEWATER, CITY OF GOLDEN CITY OF LAKEWOOD, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, CITY OF WHEA TRIDGE. TOWN OF MORRISON AA'D JEFFERSON COUNTY, hereafter collectlvely referred to as "Partlclpatmg Member"' WHEREAS, the Intergovemmental Agreement ("IGA") by and between the Partlclpatmg Members was entered m Apnl 2000; and WHEREAS, the ParticIpating Members agree that youth involved in the abuse of manjuana adversely affect the publ1c safety, health and welfare of all Partlclpatmg Members of the Intergovemmental Agreement; and 'vVHEREAS, the part:les shall, m accordance wIth appllcable law, share information necessary wlth the goal of ensunng that the courts refer only firsHlme offenders to the interventJon program, and WHEREAS, the partIes hereto deslIe to amend the lGA for the purpose of provldmg for the establIshment of an area-wide 1l1terventlOn program to deal 111 a coord1l1ated manner WIth the problems of youth manjual1a abuse; and WHEREAS, the partIes to thIS IGA recogmzed the Importance of parental involvement In combatmg the problems of YOlith n1anJuana abuse and bel1eve Il must be a pnonty to encourage parental partICIpatIOn m mterventIOn programs offered to youth. NOW THEREFORE, IT IS WIUTUALL Y AGREED by and between each of the parties as follows. All first tIme youth offenders elther apprehended by law enforcement officers, processed through muniCIpal or county courts, refelTed by schools, refened by social servIce agencIes or refen-ed by schools, refelTed by socwl serVIce agencies or refened by thelr famIlIes for manjuana abuse or possesslOn of less than 1 ounce of manjuana, pursuant to C RS S 18-18-406 anc!/or possessIon of drug paraphemaha. as defined 1n C.R.S S 18-18-426. as currently eXlstmg or hereafter amended, shall be ehglble to partICIpate in the first JudiCIal Youth Alcohol Intervention Program. r ~.lJl other terms ani CCndlt1CnS of the IG~~ shull renlmn effec:ti vc '.t .). "T\_;\.{_I~t:. '( \( )[T::ctl,ms' '-\ \'l,::1dlllCl1t ICj,"- n"C,;!:]u;.W__Ul'L CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado mUnicIpal corporatIon By ~u-1 Randy YOLlJJi'l It v r1ana'!er Date eN 0"$ 'U::i57- ATTEST ~VJ 0r;:'~~'A , - ;,!- ~~r:P1 ,., ~tOFO . . . .... "-. . City Attorney ~'Q,,~' -\ i -I, ;:-I~i'..j~'T ,,-, m:~l1:Jn:.:' ....i.'.'leL1....17.el"-;r.lG..:, ;1Ul:.lu,;n ~'IC INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT BY AND BETWEEN JEFFERSON COUNTY AND MUNICIPALITIES FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE FIRST JUDICIAL DISTRICT YOUTH ALCOHOL INTERVENTION PROGRAM THIS AGREEMENT entered mto thIS 2nd day of May, 2000, IS by and between the CITY OF ARVADA, CITY OF EDGEWATER, CITY OF GOLDEN, CITY OF LAKEWOOD, CITY OF WESTMINSTER, CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, TOWN OF MORRISON AND JEFFERSON COUNTY, hereafter collectIvely referred to as "Partlclpatmg Member". The purpose of thIS Agreement IS to provIde for the establishment of the FIrst JudIClal DIstrict Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program and Its govemmg board. WHEREAS, mtergovernmental agreements to provIde any, functlOns, servIce or facIlIty lawfully authonzed to each of cooperatmg umts between polItIcal subdIVISIons of the State of Colorado are authonzed by C.R.S. 929-1-203, and WHEREAS, any such contract may provIde for the Jomt exerCIse of the function, servIce, or facilIty, mcluding the establishment of a separate legal entIty to do so, and WHEREAS, youth Involved in the abuse of alcohol adversely affect the public safety, health and welfare of all PartiCIpating Members of thIS Intergovernmental Agreement ("IGA"), and WHEREAS, the establishment ofthe First JudICIal District Youth Alcohol Intervention Program WIll provide a mechamsm for first-tIme youth offenders or youths referred by schools, SOCIal servIces or familIes to receIve educatIOn, mterventlOn and trammg deSIgned to avert or prevent unlawful behaVIor; and WHEREAS, the partIes shall, in accordance WIth applIcable law, share informatlOn necessary with the goal of ensuring that the courts refer only first-tIme offenders to the mterventlOn program; and WHEREAS, the partIes hereto desire to enter IlltO an IGA for the purpose of provIdmg for the establIshment of an area-wide interventIon program and governmg body to deal m a coordmated manner WIth the problems of youth alcohol abuse; and WHEREAS, the parties to this IGA recognize the Importance of parental involvement III combating the problems of youth alcohol abuse and belIeve It must be a pnonty to encourage parental partICIpatIOn in interventlOn programs offered to youth. NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS MUTUALLY AGREED by and between each of the partIes as follows' 1 Purpose. The purpose of this IGA IS to create an entity that WIll be responsible for selecting and overseemg a youth mtervention program provider(s) ("ProVIder") who shall prOVIde educatlon, intervention and traIning to all first-tIme youth offenders eIther apprehended by law enforcementofficets, processed through munICIpal or c.ounty courts, referred by schools, referred by social servIce agencIes or referred by their families. The PrOVIder shalllllitlally offer servIces addressmg youth and fanllly Issues of alcohol use and shall be prepared to expand these servIces to address other youth substance abuse and come Issues. AddItIOnal purposes of the 1st JudICIal DlstoCt Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program are to provIde enhanced tools for enforcement of youth offenses, to reduce the numbers of first-tIme youth offenders who appear m mumclpal and county courts, and to provIde a means for the coordmatIOn of umform youth offender polICIes between the partIes hereto 2. CreatIOn. The 1st Judicial DlstnCt Youth Alcohol InterventIOn Program ("Y AlP") is hereby created and estabhshed. The Y All' offices shall be located at the offices of the Program DIrector 3 Govermng Board. The goverrung board of the Y AlP shall be knoWn as the First JudIcial DlstnCt Youth Alcohol InterventlOn Board ("Board") and shall be composed of at least one person appomted by each Partlclpatmg Member and such other members as the Board shall appomt. Participatmg Members and the Board shall stove to mclude representatives from police agencies, sheoff departments, county and mumclpal courts, dIStrict attorneys, city admlillstrat!On and councIls, school dlStnctS, social services agencies, youth, and the community at large on the Board. The term of office of each Board member shall be that as determined by the governmg body of each appomting member, or the Board, WIth respect to members appointed by It. Total membership shall not exceed 15, however, Participating Member appomtees must always be a maJority of the total membership. The Board shall have the authonty to call meetings; select and contract with any interventIOn Provider or consortimn; approve administrative payments; apply for and receive grant funds; monitor program effectiveness; and communicate with PartiCIpating Members mcludmg police, sheoff departments, courts, schools, social service agencies and community organizations. Board members shall act as a liaison between the Y AlP and the governing body of each Partlclpating Member. Formal actIOns of the Board must be approved by a majority vote of those present. The Board shall elect a presiding officer, secretary and treasurer and may elect or appoint such other officers and adopt such internal by-laws, procedures and policies as it deems necessary to advance the purposes of the Y All' The Board shall appomt a Program Director who shall have such duties and responsibilitIes, as the Board reqUIres. 4. Funding. No Participating Member shall be required to make a finanCIal contribution, payrnep.t or assessment to Y AlP or to bear any financial responsibility No Board member shall receive any remuneration for services rendered to Y All' Youth referred by law enforcement, courts, schools, social service agencies or families to the Provider shall bear thel[ assigned costs of arId be responsible for payment for intervention, training arId educatIOnal services received which payment shall be made directly to the ProVIder The program will be finanCIally self-sufficient m that the Provider's services shall be paid for from the fees and costs collected from program partICIpants or from contributIOns or grants designated to fund ProVider's activitIes. 5. Contract Authoot)'. A. As set forth m Paragraph 3, the Y All' shall have contractual authority to enter mto agreements WIth Provider(s) who shall be responsible for training, educatmg arId blllmg all youth referred thereto. Any such agreement shall contam, at a mmimum, the followmg proVISIOns c:\ WP 51 \ WOR.K\GOLDEN\AGR\ YOUTHALC.IGA 2 (1) The Y AlP may terrmnate the agreement at any tIme and for any reason upon thIrty (30) days wrrtten notIce to the ProvIder; (2) The ProvIder shall submIt to Y AlP a quarterly status report that shall mclude the numbers, ages, gender, referring agency and case dIspOSItIOn of all partIcipants, and a financIal report showmg costs paid and fees collected; (3) A statement that Y AIP shall not be responsible for the payment of any servIces rendered by the ProvIder; and (4) A statement that the Provider agrees to mdemnify and hold harmless the Y AIP and Its Participatlllg Members from any and all liabilIty associated wIth the services it provides. (5) The requIrement that the Provider agrees as ItS sole cost and expense to proVIde admirustrative support services to the Board include without lunitation meeting facilities, office supplies, and the use of phones, faxes and computer equipment. B Y AIP may also enter into agreements as are necessary to receive grant funds from VarIOUS government and private sources. (6) Sharing of Information. The parties shall, m accordance wIth applIcable law, share information necessary with the goal of ensuring that the courts refer only first-time offenders to the intervention program. (7) Administrative Support. The Governing Board shall exercise administrative oversight over the Provider to ensure that the terms and condItions of its agreement with the ProvIder are fulfilled. (8) Effective Date. This IGA shall become effective upon the date of execution, and shall remain in full force until it is terminated. Any Participatmg Member may termmate Its membershIp with or without cause upon thIrty (30) days prior written notice to the Board. (9) Additional Partlcipatmg Members. With approval from the majority ofthe Board, addItional governmental entitIes may become Participating Members of the Y AlP by executing this IGA. (10) Severability. If any part of this IGA IS held invalid or illegal or In conflict WIth any law of the State of Colorado, the valIdIty of the remaining portions or prOVIsions herem shall not be affected, it bemg the intent of the parties that each provision of this IGA IS separate and severable. (11) ThIrd Party Claims. The parties agree that enforcement of the terms and condItIOns of this IGA shall be stnctly reserved to the parties hereto, and nothing contained III thIS IGA shall gIve or allow any such claim or nght of actIOn by any other or Hurd person under C\ WP51 \ WORK\GOLDEN\AGR\ YOUTHALC:IGA 3 . . " thIS IGA, It bemg the mtentlOn of the parties that any other person other than the partIes hereto shall be deemed mCIdental beneficIaries only (12) Govemin~ Law Tills IGA shall be govemed by and mterpreted under the laws of 4 the State of Colorado, wIthout regard to eonfhet of law pnncIples Any dIspute or legal proceedmg arismg out of tills IGA shall be brought 111 a court of competent JunsdIctlOn in Jefferson County, Colorado, and by the executIOn of this IGA, each of the parties expressly consent to the JunsdlctlOn of such court. (13) Amendments This IGA, contams all of the terms and agreements between the parties and supersedes and cancels each and every other pnor conflIcting agreement, promIse and/or negotiatIOn between the partIes, may be changed, amended or modIfied only by a wntten mstrument signed by all Partlclpatmg Members. (14) Authontv to Execute The parties represent and warrant that then slgnatones to thIS rGA have the authonty to execute and bmd the party on whose behalf thIS rGA is sIgned, and that thIS rGA has been valIdly authonzed and constItutes a legally bindmg and enforceable oblIgatIOn of each party IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have signed thIS rGA to be effectIVe as of the date first wntten above, and acknowledge that each ongmal Partlclpatmg Member identIfied herem may execute the IGA mdlvidually. a Colorado ATTEST. ~JJ>:hn J2J:?tMlh ~d Cit Clerk C:\ WP 51 \ WO RK\GOLDEN\AGR\ YOUTHA LC.lGA 4 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the partIes have caused thelr respectIve names and seals to be affixed hereto, as of the day and year herelllabove set forth Date ~/oV I CIty of Lakewood BQ--t<!.-iro'~"-'ZP{~"""" Mike ock, CIty Manager ATTEST r~'C~ APPROVED AS TO FORM Office , 5 Date ATTEST- w~ APPROVED AS TO FORM tffJ~ Office of the CIty Attorney Clty of Wl1 By """. 7 'r , \ /\j Valene Adams, City Manager Date ~ d_4.JW By- ATTEST ~,~ Susan Brooks, CIty Clerk TO FORM 8 City of Golden V~ MIke Bestor, CIty Manager Date ATTEST - - -:~ ^~:-::o':~:~:~:;;::;::\ '" - ~9,"'(;').f;. ~:~ ": :.--.? au ~-~ ~~~ !\ I~,2~}~ j ,:; o ...:.~ ;" ~:,~ ~~Q~-"'::)- ) c-:-:;i;~J~",~t : Deputy Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM r-M->~L Jo e Kortendlck Assistant County Attorney Jefferson County State of Colorado By ~~,d~ RIchard M_ Sh~an, Chalrman Board of County CommIsslOners 9 Date by WestmimtcJ' ." CoonCB 1)1, J 1 ~ ) j 'J} ATTEST APPROVED AS TO FORM ~?I~ Office of the CIty Attorney By Cjty of Westmmster l3jQ 9 Date ATTEST ~~~~-~~ Shen Atencio-Church, Town Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM. Offire iL&~~ Town of Mornson B~-7--tJ David Clyne, Tow tv1:.anager to Date 4-25 -00 City of Edgewater By ~ -=-~t1' n Fox, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM Offi,:Q [;;y ~-- .. . City of Edgcwater II