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August 7, 1978
The Four Hundred and Nineteenth Regular Meeting of the Wheat Ridge City Council was
called to order by Mayor Oliver V Phillips at 7 40 pm, August 7, 1978, at 7500 W
29th Ave
Council Members present were Mary Jo Cavarra Joseph M Donaldson, Anthony N FIasco,
Gary L Lewman, Ray C Pepe, and Louise F Turner Also present were City Clerk
Carol F Hampf, City Treasurer James 0 Malone, City Attorney Edmund G Lambert,
Municipal Court Judge Anthony V Zarlengo and Deputy Judge Robert L Danz, Department
Heads Douglas Hilyard, Clyde E Hobbs, Chief Ed Pinson, Charles Stromberg, staff,
and interested citizens
Motio~ by Councilmember FIasco "I would like to move for an Executive Session
to discuss an appraisal on a particular piece of property at the end of
the Study Session this evening", seconded by Councilmember Donaldson, carried
Item 1 Presentation by CDM re Muni~pal Swimming Pool, with final cost estimates
Mr--Bilyard gave a report on the Paddock System Gutters Richard Dart, CDM reviewed
the report of August 1978 previously distributed on progress cost estimates, soils
report for the pool, and delineated the scope of work for the budget Council ques-
tions involved the water table depth, how the pool would be anchored; costs per square
foot, and that the bulkhead should be easily moved into place Motion by Councilmember
Cavarra "I move that the Council authorize CDM to continue preparation
of the final design plans and specifications with the following conditions
(1) Authorize the architect to prepare specifications for all five (5)
alternate items, (2) The specifications for the gutter-bulkhead system
shall be written so that bids will be received on various systems, at
the time of award of contract, the Council will determine lowest and best
bid on the basis of performance and price, (3) Specifications for the
bulkhead should also include some device, such as metal screening on the
bottom, to prevent anyone from becoming caught underneath the structure,
(4) The filter and gutter system specified shall be of such design that
a grassy sunning area around the perimeter of the pool will not be a
significant problem", seconded by Councilmember Lewman Councilmember FIasco
would have liked to have some deletion items for consideration if the bid comes in
over budget Edgar Johnson of the Parks and Recreation Commission was asked to speak,
and stated he believes that the idea of alternates is good, so that a selection can
be made that will do the best job within the limits of the available funding Motion
carried 5-1, with Councilmember FIasco voting NO
Item 2
Presentation by Architects/Engineers West re Feasibility of alternate design
for W 32nd Ave Pathway
Larry F Troxell, P E , of Architects/Engineers West, gave a report on the engineering
to date re the revised bicycle/walkway on W 32nd Ave His recommendation If the
Colorado Department of Highways plan is not used in its entirety, one of two alter-
nates that would, in part, follow the Highway plan, and, in part, have a separated
walkway be adopted The separated walkway would cover approximately fifty-six per-
cent of the whole The Colorado Department of Highway plan estimated cost is
$131,699 15 The alternate plan for a meandering path, with no curb and gutter for
the fifty-six percent of length estimated cost is $137,706 The alternate plan for
a meandering path for the fiftv-six percent of length, with curb and gutter for the
entire length estimated cost is $156,709 Mr Troxell reviewed the advantages and
disadvantages of all three plans Motion by Councilmember Pepe "I move we accept
the original Colorado Department of Highways plan and they proceed with
construction", seconded by Councilmember Donaldson Discussion The item is
budgeted 90% Highway Department and 10% City for construction only--with the State's
portion to be $100,000, and anything in addition to be paid by the City Engineering
costs to be paid by the City Motion failed 3-3, with Councilmembers FIasco, Lewman,
and Turner voting NO Councilmember FIasco felt that alternate three had fewer
disadvantages and more advantages Councilmember Turner stated she was in favor of
a separated walkway Motion by Councilmember FIasco "I move for alternate
number three for $156,709 00 be authorized", seconded by Councilmember
Lewman, motion failed 3-3, with Councilmembers Cavarra, Donaldson, and Pepe voting
NO Councilmembers Pepe and Donaldson stated they felt the residents wanted the
Colorado Department of Highways plan Councilmember Donaldson further stated did
not want an asphalt or blacktop path Bob Jensen, 10565 W 32nd Ave , stated that
he favored the Colorado Department of Highways plan since the meandering path would
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be blacktop Mr TroxeUreplied that his costs were for concrete--the residents want
a concrete path Bill Clark, 3205 Moore, stated that he thought the City should take
seven to ten feet more width so that the curb, gutter, and sidewalk would not narrow
the street Motion by Councilmember Cavarra "I move that we reconsider Mr
FIasco's motion", seconded by Councilmember FIasco, carried 4-2, with Councilmem-
bers Donaldson and Pepe voting NO City Clerk re-read Councilmember FIasco's motion,
motion carried 4-2, with Councilmembers Donaldson and Pepe voting NO Councilmember
Donaldson stated he voted no because of the extra costs, the delays, and like the
Colorado Department of Highways plan Motion by Councilmember FIasco "I move t ha t
the staff be directed to institute the necessary title search immediately,
at the same time the engineering work is going on", seconded by Councilmember
Turner, carried 4-2, with Councilmembers Donaldson and Pepe voting NO Mr Troxell
(Architects/Engineers West) was directed to proceed, and to save costs wherever possible,
and that further contacts should be made with property owners to seek additional sepa-
rated walkway footage
Item 3
Authorization to direct Jefferson County Open Space Committee to purchase
Loveioy property with City Open Space Funds
Motion by Councilmember Lewman "I move to remove this item from the table",
seconded by Councilmember Turner, carried 6-0 Councilmember Cavarra re-read the
tabled motion from last week, and stated that the appraisal indicated a much lower
value than had been first indicated, and thus favored the purchase Motion carried
4-2, with Councilmembers FIasco and Pepe voting NO
Item 4
Emergency item
Drainage problem mid-block W 35th Ave --Harlan to Gray
Motion by Councilmember FIasco "I move that staff be directed to prepare
construction plans to solve the drainage problem on 35th Avenue between
Harlan and Gray, and to bid these plans as soon as possible Staff will
bring the bid results back to the Council for award, and a budget reso-
lu t ion to provide funds", seconded by Councilmember Donaldson, carried 6-0
Councilmember Cavarra moved to adjourn to Study Session, seconded by Councilmember
FIasco, all in favor
Item 1 RTD Grid System and Revised RTD Routes Ms Pearl Alperstein distributed
the new route maps; stated that ultimately the system will be faster, but
will take time to "shake down" and there will, of course, be problems in implementation
Ms Zobel will be available at RTD to answer questions Manv bus stops will be changed
to provide better spacing and pedestrian loading
Item 2 A Mini-computer system Mr Malone, City Treasurer, has been talking with
many computer operators for the past six months, and has proposals from
four companies Council directed Mr Malone to check the advantages and disadvan-
tages, and bring two or more back, with summarized information, to Council for deci-
sion The Sales Tax ordinance is expected to be ready in two or three weeks
r Audit proposal criteria Mr Malone is to look into the possibility of
a three-year proposal, and include a mini-performance audit as an alternate
Item 3 A Policy re Uses of Municipal Building Council reviewed the suggested
policy and proposed that where Council Members or Department Heads have
meetings that each be responsible for locking up the building, and that the general
public not use the building nights and weekends until we have in-house janitorial
service Judge Zarlengo requested that if furniture is moved it be put back
r Vending Machines/Lounge for Public Use
in the lobby Council were divided as to whether
cil recommended that food and drink should not be
Discussion regarding pop machines
or not there should be one Coun-
allowed in Council chambers
Item 4 Police Department Report re Manpower, Response Time, Work Load Chief
Pinson reviewed Lt Wetmore's memo concerning information requested by
Councilmember FIasco as to history of response time by Patrol Questions by Council
involved the possibility of overlapping shifts, accepted normal response time, and
amount of over-time dollars used, and the total cost of hiring additional men re-
quested for 1979 Chief Pinson was requested to furnish the data on type of calls
requiring officer participation, number of uniformed officers, number of cars in
use at different times
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Item 5
Review of Pending List Due to the lateness of the hour, Councilmember Cavarra
requested that rather than going over the list item by item, anyone who knew
that had been completed or were no longer desired, to please contact the City
of items
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Distri ut to:
Date. 8/9/78
City Clerk:
City Treas;