HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2000-0014 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 14-2000 Series of 2000 TITLE: A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING THE WHEAT RIDGE ECONOMIC COMMITTEE WHEREAS, the elected of the CIty of Wheat Ridge are dedicated to sustaining the high level of services and a unique quality of life to the community; and WHEREAS, to sustain the level of services and quality oflife, the City of Wheat ridge recognizes that economic revitalization is critical to thIS thriving community; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that this economic revitalIzation is a vital part of ensuring the fiscal diversity that is necessary to perpetuate a sustainable revenue stream to develop and maintain programs and servIces to the community; and WHEREAS, the Council believes that to ensure responsible economic growth and revitalization, the City must create and adopt a realistic econOffilC revitalization master plan that will encourage prudent growth and econOffilC revitalization that will enhance the character and the needs of the community; and WHEREAS, the Council recogmzes that for this economic revitalizatIon master plan to be successful, the citizens and business owner within the City should be actIvely involved as participants in such an effort; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws should be amended to facilitate goals and objectives of the City's economic master plan; and WHEREAS, the Council deems it necessary and appropnate that Econoffilc Comrrnttee be appointed to serve as an adVISOry body to the City Council concerlllng these matters. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council: Section 1. Economic Committee Created: Membership There is hereby created an Economic Committee with members appointed by the City Council as follows: a. Four members of the City Council, whIch members serve on the CIty Council City Affairs committee, as constituted from time-to-time. b. Two persons appointed from each Council district by the two Council members of each such dIstrict. Both shall be residents of the relevant Council dIstrict; one of such members must be a business person. c. One member appointed by the Chair of the Wheat Ridge Planning Commission. d. One member appointed by the Chair of the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission. e. One member to be appointed by the Chair of the Wheat Ridge Board of Adjustment. f Council will elect a Chair from among the City Affairs Committee at the fIrst Council meeting m April 2000 and thereafter the second Council meeting in November. All members shall serve for terms of one ( I ) year. VacancIes shall be fIlled m the same manner as origmal appointments, with the member appointed to fIll the vacancy fIlling that portion of the unexpired term of the prior member. The City manager and other members of the city staff shall attend the meetmgs of the Committee and shall act in an advisory capacity to the CommIttee. The City Affairs Committee will act as the Executive Committee for the Economic Committee. Subcommittees may be created as needed and may be tasked with certain phases or portions of the tasks of the Economic Committee as a whole. Section 2. Duties, Names, Reports The Economic Committee shall have the following duties: (a) Develop an economic and reVItalization master plan for the City. (b) Provide advise and assistance to the City Council and administratIve staff in business programs and strategies designed to retain existmg businesses, encourage expansion of existmg businesses, and to aId in the development of new business. (c) Advise the City Council and administratIve staff on promotional efforts for the City's busmess development program. (d) Review specifIc business development proposals and advise the administrative staff on business incentives and other related City programs. The Economic Committee shall establish a name and such internal rules, regulations and bylaws as it may see fit for the proper discharge of its duties, all of which shall be certifIed to the City Council for approval. Resolution 14-2000 Page 2 The Economic commIttee shall report regularly to the Council on its actIvities, and is directed by the Council to complete the process of formulating an economic master plan, complete with recommendatIons for Council action, within one calendar year from the date of this resolution. DONE AND RESOLVED this 27th day of March ,2000 ~. ATTEST