HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2001-0011 J6 c!/ ~CJ RECEPTION NO. _1279302 7/19/2001 9:55:29 PG: 001-012 PAGE FEE: 60.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00 RECORDED IN JEFFERSON COUNTY, COLORADO CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO 11-2001 Series of 2001 TITLE A RESOLUTION FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF THE WADSWORTH CORRIDOR FROM 35TH AVENUE TO 44TH AVENUE WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (*31-25-101 et seq C.R.S ) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic and social weIl being and public health, safety and welfare of the community, and WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue to 44th Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit I hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"), and WHEREAS, foIlowing requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNTB, Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority (the Authority) was presented with such analysis, and reviewed and considered the evidence and factors of blight presented to it at its public meeting on April 17, 200 I by HNTB, Corporation representatives, and WHEREAS, based upon the blight analysis and information presented to it, the Authority enacted Resolution No 01-02 advising the City Council of its opinion of the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area, recommending that City Council hold a public hearing to consider evidence and determine if such factors of blight exist in the Study Area, and that if Council makes findings of blight, that it establish an urban renewal area, and WHEREAS, in compliance with *31-25-104 C R.S of the Urban Renewal Law, notice of a public hearing was provided to hear evidence and determine if factors of blight existed in the Study Area, and WHEREAS, in accordance with *31-25-104 C.R.S of the Urban Renewal Law. a publIC hearing was held on April 23, 200 I, at which public hearing a fuIl opportunity to be heard was provided to all residents and taxpayers of the City of Wheat Ridge and all other interested persons. and WHEREAS. at such public hearing the City Council was presented evidence of the eXIstence of factors of blight within the Study Area NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat RIdge as follows Section I Based upon the blight analysis by HNTB, Corporation, which analysis and document was presented to Council at the public hearing and is incorporated in this ,/1 \ /\ ' ' Resolution as Exhibit 2, the testimony of persons at the public hearing, the evidence presented at the public hearing; and consistent with \l31-25-103(2), the City Council hereby finds that the following factors of blight. as defined by such law, exist in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35t1\ Avenue to 44th Avenue, within the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado A Slum, Deteriorated or Deteriorating Structures. Of the properties surveyed in the Study Area, more than one-third (1/3) had some form of physical deterioration. Such deterioration was on or about gutters, downspouts, soffits, fascia, exterior finishes. windows and doors Damage and deterioration also existed on loading /1 areas and fencing or screening ;r ,~ Except for the properties at 7615 West 38th Avenue and an occasional residence, all sites within the Study Area are in some form of deterioration and need physical improvements B Predominance of Defective or Inadequate Street Layout Between 1998 and 2000, 32 % of the traffic accidents in the Study Area were at the intersections of Wadsworth Boulevard and 38th Avenue and Wadsworth Boulevard and 44th Avenue Traffic accidents related to curb cuts or driveways along Wadsworth Boulevard constituted 15 % of all accidents in the Study Area Many of these accidents were caused by uncontrolled local access points within close proximity to major intersections and deficiencies in cross-sections in the 38"\ Avenue and 44"\ Avenue corridors The defective and inadequate street layouts were one of the causes of these accidents and a danger to vehicular traffic Many properties on the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard have substandard, inadequate parking layout and configuration. Parking in front of buildings does not allow for separation between roads, pedestrians and vehicular movement. This also creates a danger to the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists and vehicles Many parking areas do not have curb stops and are not properly marked, therefore, vehicles encroach on sidewalks C Faulty Lot Layout In Relation To Size, Adequacy, Accessibility or Usefulness In particular, the west side of Wadsworth Boulevard is composed of small-subdivided lots used for strip commercial facilities The configurations of the lots are not adequate to provide safe and accessible parking or pedestrian uses Lack of landscaping does not satisfy current municipal code requirements D Unsanitary or Unsafe Conditions Many properties in the Study Area had trash, weeds and debris scattered throughout the sites There is also a presence of cracked and/or uneven sidewalks, poor drainage (causing Ice problems in cold weather), graffiti, damage and vandalism to the sites The traffic accidents and resulting danger and unsafe conditions related to vehicular travel, pedestrians and bicyclists has been described in Paragraph B of thiS Section. There is a lack of adequate provisions for the disabled. E Deterioration of Site or Other Improvements Many properties and sites in the Study Area have parking surface deterioration, unscreened and unsightly trash or mechanical devices, lack of landscaping, poor landscape maintenance and lack of pedestrian access to sites and property 2 F The Existence of Conditions that Endanger Life or Property By Fire or Other Causes Because of the old age of the Study Area in general, many of the buildings have severely outdated fire suppressant facilities, inadequate fire escape facilities and do not have fire sprinkler systems, which causes danger to lives and property The danger to life and property caused by defective and inadequate street layout, which contributes to traffic accidents and endangers lives and property is described in Paragraph B of this Section. There is a lack of adequate provisions for the disabled ~ (./ G Inadequate Public Improvements or Utilities There is a distinct lack of useable sidewalks throughout the Study Area. This is exacerbated in the cold weather with ice and snow hindering/endangering pedestrian access and movement. Heavy. substantial overhead utilities exist throughout the Study Area. There are also instances of curb and gutter deterioration. The main water utility line though the Study Area is at full capacity and must be replaced to serve any other uses or redevelopment of the Study Area. Section 2. The City Council finds that the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35"' Avenue to 44"1 Avenue, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of the City of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic or social liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and welfare of the community Section 3 An urban renewal area within the City of Wheat Ridge in the general vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor from 35th Avenue to 441h Avenue as depicted on Exhibit I hereto is hereby created and to be known as the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Area Section 4 The staff is hereby directed, with the assistance of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority, to commence the process for the preparation of an urban renewal plan, to be known as the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Redevelopment Plan. to be eventually considered for approval by the City Council ,,1 3 t< j DONE AND RESOLVED this ATTEST 3 Exhibit 1 A tract ofland in SectIon 23, and the north half of Section 26, TownshIp 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th Principal MendIan, more i\ . particularly described as follows: v Commencmg at the Southwest Comer of the Northeast ';4 of SaId SectIon 23; thence proceedmg on a bearing ofNOOolO' 12"W and a dIstance of 635 69 feet on and along the West line of the Northeast ~ of said Section 23 to the True Point of Begmnmg. Thence, N89047'22"E a dIstance of 415.39 feet, along the North hne of Coulehan Grange SubdivisIOn, as recorded in the offiCIal records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence SOOo 1 0' 16"E a distance of 405.00 feet, along the East line of the parcels as recorded in Book 2335 Page 785 under Reception Number F0856884 at SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89041 '35"E a distance of206.57 feet, along the North SIde of the parcel recorded at ReceptIOn Number F0856884 at SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the West RIght-of Way line of Vance Street; Thence S42030'33"E a distance of74.25 feet, to a pomt on the East RIght- of- W ay hne of Vance Street, said point bemg on the West Line of a parcel as recorded at F0532782, SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, Thence N89041 '37"E a distance of 169.31 feet; Thence NOOo 11 '28"W a dIstance of 6.00 feet; Thence N89041 '38"E a distance of 146.31 feet, to a pomt on the East line of Lot 4, Coulehan Grange SubdiVIsIOn, as recorded m the offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence SOOo 10' 12"E a dIstance of 181.00 feet, on and along the East hne of SaId Lot 4, Coulehan Grange SubdivisIOn, to a pomt on the South hne of the NE 1,1,. of SectIon 23; Thence N89041 '37"E a dIstance of22 83 feet, on and along said South line of the NE ~, Section 23; Thence SOoo13'03'E a distance of661.01 feet, on and along the East Right- of- W ay hne of Upham Street; Thence S89039' 45"W a distance of 353.61 feet, on and along the South hne of the parcel recorded at Reception Number F0330477, and to a point on the East hne of the Times Square SubdIvision, as recorded at said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; 1 Thence SOoo 12' 12"E a dIstance of 661.13 feet, on and along the East hne of saId Times Square SubdIvIsIOn; Thence S89039'57"W a dIstance of 462.76 feet, on and along the South hne of saId TImes Square SubdIvIsion; Thence SOoolO'23"E a dIstance of 132.50 feet, on and along the West line of Cumer SubdivIsion, as recorded m the official records of the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, Thence S89039'09"E a distance of 150.00 feet, to a point on the East RIght- of-Way hne of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence SOoolO'09"E a dIstance of 132.03 feet, on and along the East RIght -of- W ay hne of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence N89039'22"E a distance of 20.00 feet, on and along saId East RIght-of-Way line; Thence SOoolO'12"E a distance of 1057.80 feet, on and along SaId East RIght-of-Way lme, said hne also bemg the West hne of the Wheat RIdge Marketplace FIrst Filmg Subdivision as recorded m said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pomt on the North hne of the Northeast ~ ofSechon 26; Thence SOooI9'34"E a dIstance of302.14 feet, on and along the East Right-of-Way hne of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence S89023' 54"W a dIstance of 20.00 feet, on and along said East RIght-of Way lme; Thence SOoo 19'29"E a distance of 358.18 feet, on and along said East RIght-of-Way line; Thence N89037'43"E a dIstance of20.06 feet, on and along saId East Right-of-Way hne, Thence SOooI9'33"E a dIstance of 439.60 feet, on and along saId East Right-of-Way hne; Thence S89038'52"W a distance of 17.90 feet, on and along said East RIght-of-way hne; Thence SOooI9'35"E a dIstance of257.52 feet, on and along saId East RIght-of-Way lme; Thence S89041 '38"W a distance of 47.14 feet, on and along saId East Right-of-Way hne, to a pomt on the East hne of the Northeast ~ of Section 26; Thence NOooI9'35"W a distance of 5.00 feet, on and along the East hne of the Northeast ~ of Sechon 26; Thence S89041 '23"W a dIstance of 660.00 feet, on and along the South RIght-of-Way hne of West 35th Avenue; Thence NOooI9'35"W a dIstance of823.78 feet, to the Southwest comer of the Adkins SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded m the offiCIal records of saId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89037'49"E a dIstance of330.00 feet, on and along the South line of saId Adkins SubdiVIsIOn; 2 rJ Thence NOoo19'39"W a distance of270.00 feet, on and along the East line of SaId Adkms SubdIvISIOn, to the Southeast comer of a parcel recorded at F0768224, saId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence S89016'58"W a dIstance of330.00 feet, on and along the North hne of the parcels as recorded at the Reception Numbers F0768224 and 85079150 m the officIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence NOo020' 15"W a dIstance of260.00 feet, on and along the West lme V of SaId Adkms SubdIviSIOn, to a pomt on the South hne of the Southwest Y4 of SectIOn 23; Thence N8903 T 48"E a dIstance of 2.52 feet, on and along the South line of the Southwest Vt of SectIon 23; Thence NOo020'16"W a dIstance of686 44 feet, on and along the West line of the Wilmore Center SubdIvision, as recorded m the offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pomt on the South Right-of-Way Ime of West 391h Avenue; Thence N89038' 44"E a dIstance oDl 0.29 feet, on and along the South Right-of-Way Ime of West 391h Avenue, Thence N 00021 ' 12"W a dIstance of 611.13 feet, on and along the East Ime of Laurel SubdIVISIOn, as recorded m the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pomt on the South RIght-of-Way line of West 41 51 Avenue; Thence S89038'51"W a dIstance of234.14 feet, on and along the South RIght -of- Way line of West 41 51 Avenue; Thence N71 034' 19"W a distance of 77 .57 feet, on and along the South RIght-of-Way line of West 4151 Avenue, to a point on the West hne of the Melrose Manor SubdiVISIOn, as recorded m the offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence NOooI8'44"W a dIstance of 185.68 feet, on and along the West Ime of SaId Melrose Manor SubdIVISIOn, to the Southwest comer of a parcel as recorded at the Reception Number F0155284, in the offiCIal records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89041 '44"E a dIstance of 303.00 feet, on and along the South Ime of said parcel; Thence NOoolO'12"W a dIstance of205.46 feet, on and along the East lme of said parcel, to a pomt on the North nght-of-Way Ime of Three Acre Lane; Thence N89046'48"E a distance of97.12 feet, on and along the North RIght-of-Way line of Three Acre Lane, to the Southeast comer of Lot 5, Three Acre SubdiVISIOn, as recorded m the offiCIal records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence N00013' 12"W a dIstance of 158.00 feet, on and along the East Ime of said Lot 5, Three Acre SubdIviSIOn; Thence S89046'48"W a distance of 400.00 feet, on and along the North line of said Three Acre SubdiviSIOn, to a pomt on the East line of Melrose Manor 3 SubdlVlslOn, as recorded, In the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence NOooI2'22"E a dIstance of78.93 feet, on and along the East line of SaId Melrose Manor SubdIvision to a pOInt of curvature, SaId point beIng on a curve to the left; Thence along SaId curve to the left, SaId curve havIng a radius of 42.20 feet, 1 a central angle of 60000'00", and a chord beanng ofN300 l2'22"E, said curve beIng on and along the East Right-of-Way of Yarrow Street; Thence NOOo 13' 45"W a dIstance of 20.00 feet, on and along SaId Right-of- Way to the Southwest comer of Graul SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded In the offiCIal records of the County of J efferson, State of Colorado; Thence N89038' 49'E a distance of 274.17 feet, on and along the South line of said Graul SubdIVIsIOn; Thence NOoo13'55'W a dIstance of331.05 feet, on and along the East hne of SaId Graul SubdiVIsion; Thence S8904l '42"W a dIstance of274.15 feet, along the North hne of Lot 3, Graul SubdiVIsIOn, to a pomt on the East Right-of-Way lme of Yarrow Street; Thence NOoo13'50"W a dIstance of31O.00 feet, on and along the East RIght-of-Way hne of Yarrow Street, to a pOInt on the South lme of the Northwest ~ of SectIOn 23; Thence NOoo13'50'W a dIstance of30.00 feet, to a pOInt on the North RIght-of-Way lme of West 44th Avenue; Thence N89041 'OO"E a dIstance of77.85 feet, on and along SaId North RIght-of-Way hne; Thence NOoo13'39"W a dIstance of2.52 feet, on and along said North RIght-of- Way hne; Thence N86047'35"E a dIstance of345.35 feet, on and along SaId North Right-of-Way line; Thence N8904l '58"E a distance of 129.62 feet, on and along SaId North Right-of-Way hne, to a pomt on the West Right-of-Way line of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence N47029'14"E a dIstance of 30.47 feet, on and along SaId West Right-of-Way hne; Thence NOooI0'18'W a distance of210.19 feet, on and along SaId West RIght-of-Way hne, Thence N89030'32"E a dIstance of 14.00 feet, on and along said Right-of- Way hne' Thence NOoo10' II"W a distance of 355.09 feet, on and along SaId Right- of-Way line; Thence N89049'48"E a dIstance of 45.00 feet, to the True POInt of Beginning. 4 EXCEPT FOR A TRACT OF LAND IN THE SOUTHEAST \14 OF SECTION 23, TOWNSHIP 3 SOUTH, RANGE 69 WEST OF THE 6TH PRINCIPAL MERIDIAN, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: Commencmg at the Northwest comer of the Southeast \14 of Section 23, thence S56034'28"E a distance of 54.02 feet to the True Pomt of Beginning. (1 Thence N89042'47"E a distance of283.51, feet on and along the South " Right-of-Way line of West 44th Avenue, L Thence SOOo 11' Il"E a dIstance of 631.18 feet, on and along the Westerly lme of Times Square SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded m the official records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado; Thence S89040'33"W a dIstance of283.69 feet, along a Northerly line of SaId TImes Square SubdIVIsIOn, to a pomt on the East Right-of-Way of Wadsworth Boulevard; Thence NOOo 1 0' 12"W a distance of 631.34 feet, on and along the East Right-of-Way of Wadsworth Boulevard to the True Pomt of Beginmng. The area described above contains 3,659,074 square feet (84.00 acres) more or less. The drafter of thIS descnptlOn IS DaVId F Brossman, P .L.S., prepared on behalf of the Wheat RIdge Urban Renewal Authonty, 7500 W 29th Ave., Wheat RIdge, CO 80215- 6713, and IS not to be construed as a monumented land survey. 5 Exhibit 2 CopIes of ExhIbIt 2 are aVaIlable at the Wheat RIdge Department ofPlanmng and Development, 7500 W. 29th Avenue, Wheat RIdge, Colorado 80215. c \ WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY RESOLUTION NO 01-02 OR,GU~r\L Series of 2001 TITLE A RESOLUTION FINDING THE EXISTENCE OF BLIGHT IN THE VICINITY OF THE WADSWORTH BOULEVARD CORRIDOR BETWEEN 35TH AVENUE AND 44TH A VENUE AND MAKING RECOMMENDATIONS TO THE WHEAT '\ 0 RIDGE CITY COUNCIL WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (931-25-101 et seq C R.S ) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the economic and social welI being and public health. safety and welfare of the community, and WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight exist within the vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th Avenue and 441h Avenue, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the "Study Area"), and WHEREAS, folIowing requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNTB, Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis, and WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has been presented with the results and evidence of such blight analysis at a public meeting on April 17, 2001, and WHEREAS, said study and analysis and the data and evidence presented at the public meeting validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent with 931-25-103(2) C R.S of the Urban Renewal Law NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal Authority as folIows Section 1. The blight study for the Wadsworth Boulevard Corndor and the data and evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners Section 2. Consistent with 931-25-103(2) C R.S of the Urban Renewal Law, the Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the folIowing six factors of blight exist m the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area. A. Slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures, and B Defective or inadequate street layout, and C Faulty lot layout in relation to size, adequacy, accessibility or usefulness, and D Unsanitary or unsafe conditIOns, and E. Detenoration of site or other improvements, and F Inadequate public improvements or utilitles \\ Section 3. The Board of Commissioners finds that the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the foregoing six factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and welfare Section 4. The Board of Commissioners respectfully recommends to the Wheat Ridge City Council the following A. That, in compliance WIth the Urban Renewal Law, it give notice of and hold a public hearing regarding consideration of blight factors in the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor Study Area; and B That if the data and evidence at the public hearing is sufficient to comply with the Urban Renewal Law, it make findings of the existence of factors of blight, and C Based upon such blight factors, It establish an urban renewal area m the general vicinity of the Wadsworth Boulevard Corridor between 35th A venue and 44th A venue, as it deems appropriate, and D If it makes such findings of blight and establishes the urban renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for commencement of the preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area DONE AND RESOLVED this J 7t1-- day of (J-I_~"~ L / .2001 WHEAT RIDGE URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY t~ '- ..1~rt!~i. / C6air );~ ~1tff7 ATTEST ( ([/..- ..,,-)"/--, Secretary to the Authority ~'J'Y L-- ~- 2 .,.-I ~ S9 ~ ~ \\.) ~, <L , ~. ~'()) .~'\ - - cD \l-) ,J; \\.) ,- C) IS' C),_, \', -~ s_ ^/ '\.- -\-' \y ('I 1.0 ~ U \;) '\) , E ~ _\0 () ..e:; '- '-- - o "-r q ::; ->> C) \f\ \', :-- -\.') 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