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RECEPTIC 1. F12793..n
7/19~Ol 9:55:29 PG: 001-017
PAGE FEE: 85.00 DOC.FEE: 0.00
Series of 2001
WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (931-25-101 et seq
C.R.S ) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat Ridge to
determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the provisions of the Urban
Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop and/or redevelop such areas for the
economic and social well being and public health, safety and welfare of the community. and
WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of blight
exist within the vicinity of the 38"' A venue Corridor between Sheridan Boulevard and
Wadsworth Boulevard, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the "Study
Area"), and
WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto, HNTB,
Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal
Authority (the Authority) was presented with such analysis, and reviewed and considered the
evidence and factors of blight presented to it at its public meeting on April 17, 200 I by HNTB,
Corporation representatives, and
WHEREAS, based upon the blight analysis and information presented to it, the
Authority enacted Resolution No 01-01 advising the City Council of its opinion of the
existence of factors of blight in the Study Area, recommending that City Council hold a public
hearing to consider evidence and determine if such factors of blight exist in the Study Area: and
that if Council makes findings of blight, that it establish an urban renewal area, and
WHEREAS, m compliance with ~31-25-1 04 C R. S of the Urban Renewal Law, notice
of a public hearing was provided to hear evidence and determine if factors of blight existed in
the Study Area, and
WHEREAS, in accordance with ~31-25-104 C R.S of the Urban Renewal Law. a
public hearing was held on April 23, 200 I, at which public hearing a full opportunity to be
heard was provided to all residents and taxpayers of the City of Wheat Ridge and all other
interested persons, and
WHEREAS, at such public hearing the City Council was presented evidence of the
existence of factors of blight within the Study Area.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat
Ridge as follows
Section 1. Based upon the blight analysis by HNTB, Corporation, which analysis
and document was presented to Council at the public hearing and is incorporated In this
Resolution as Exhibit 2, the testimony of persons at the public hearing, the evidence presented
at the public hearing; and consistent with S3l-25-103(2), the City Council hereby finds that the
following factors of blight, as defined by such law, exist in the 38th A venue Corridor between
Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth Boulevard, within the City of Wheat Ridge, Jefferson
County, Colorado
A Slum, Deteriorated or Deteriorating Structures Of the properties ')
surveyed in the Study Area, nearly one-quarter (t,4) had some form of secondary or
exterior deterioration, including finishes. windows, doors, soffits and fascia, loading
areas, mechanical equipment, fences, walls and gates
Except for the residential properties in the entire Study Area and the
new development at 38"' Avenue and Sheridan Boulevard, all properties have some
forms of deteriorated site conditions
B Predominance of Defective or Inadequate Street Layout Substandard
parking layout is the most obvious example of this legal factor of blight. Many parking
lots require vehicles to back into traffic or use the sidewalk for parking Many parking
lots did not have curb stops along the sidewalk or marked/defined parking spaces,
causing dangerous conflicts with/between vehicles, bicycles, pedestnans and traffic
C Faulty Lot Layout In Relation To Size, Adequacy, Accessibility
or Usefulness Many of the lots are outdated because of age, are narrow or shallow
and not adequate to provide safe and accessible parking or pedestrian access and
D Unsanitary or Unsafe Conditions At least 25 properties and locations
within the Study Area had conditions such as severely cracked and uneven sidewalks.
existence of excess weeds, trash, and debris and contained some junked and/or
abandoned vehicles Inadequate drainage of storm water and water runoff (causing
dangerous ice accumulation in cold weather), graffiti and evidence of vandalism and
property destruction exists throughout the Study Area. There is a lack of adequate
provisions for the disabled.
E Deterioration of Site or Other Improvements Nearly one-half (50 %)
of the properties analyzed exhibited deterioration of the sites and improvements Such
legal factors of blight included parking surface deterioration (in some cases severe
deterioration of parking lots). significant lack of landscaping, unscreened Junk. trash
and trash containers and unscreened mechanical equipment in/on commerCial facilities
F The Existence of Conditions that Endanger Life or Property By Fire or
Other Conditions Because of the old age of most of the Study Area, many buildings
and improvements had severely and dangerously outdated fireproofing or fire
suppressant facilities, dangerous and inadequate fire escape mechanisms and no
sprinkler systems Such lack of fire safety facilities causes a danger of fire to the
tenants. businesses and users of the buildings The integration and use of sidewalks as
part of the parking lots and parking facilities creates a danger to pedestrians Many of
the sidewalks have become part of the paved parking area for businesses and are not
clearly delineated as sidewalks Most of the properties have unsightly and heavy
overhead utilities throughout the Study Area. There is a lack of adequate provisions for
the disabled.
G Inadequate Public Improvements or Utilities. There is a significant lack
of useable sidewalks throughout the Study Area, particularly in the winter with the
existence of snow and ice, which also creates a danger to pedestrians With the
integration of former sidewalks into the narrow, inadequate parking areas for
businesses within the Study Area, pedestrians are without adequate public facilities for /1..1.'1.
access and use Overhead utilities exist on the majority of properties in the Study Area. /j
Section 2. The City Council finds that the 38th Avenue Corridor from Sheridan
Boulevard to Wadsworth Boulevard, in its present condition and use and by reason of the
presence of the foregoing factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of the City of
Wheat Ridge, constitutes an economic or social liability and is a menace to the public health.
safety and welfare of the community
Section 3. An urban renewal area within the City of Wheat Ridge in the general
vicinity of the 38th Avenue Corridor from Sheridan Boulevard to Wadsworth Boulevard as
depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto is hereby created and to be known as the 38"' A venue Corndor
Redevelopment Area.
Section 4. The staff is hereby directed, with the assistance of the Wheat Ridge
Urban Renewal Authority, to commence the process for the preparation of an urban renewal
plan, to be known as the 38th Avenue Corridor Redevelopment Plan, to be eventually
considered for approval by the City Council.
DONE AND RESOLVED this J. <j .((.f.
day of f)PN !
Exhibit 1
A tract of land III the Southeast ~ of Section 23, the South Y:z of
SectIOn 24, the North Y:z of Section 25, and the Northeast ~ of SectIOn 26,
Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principal Meridian, more ~~
partIcularly described as follows: '\
Commencmg at the South 'i4 Comer of said SectIOn 23;
Thence proceedmg on a beanng ofNOool0' 12"W and a dIstance of 47.71
feet, on and along the West line of the Southeast 'i4 of SaId Section 23 WhICh has a
beanng ofNOooI0'12"W;
Thence N89039' 45"E a dIstance of 526.45 feet, on and along the North
RIght -of- Way Ime of West 38th A venue;
Thence SOooOO'OO"E a dIstance of 17.50 feet, on and along said North
RIght-of- Way line;
Thence N89038'24"E a dIstance of969.34 feet, on and along SaId North
RIght-of-Way Ime, to a pomt on the East RIght-of-Way line of HIgh Court;
Thence NOOo 1 T 49"W a dIstance of 220.00 feet, on and along the East
RIght-of-way Ime of HIgh Court;
Thence N89038'31"E a distance of 119.99 feet, on and along the North line
of Lot 1, CraIg SubdIvIsion, as recorded in the offiCIal records of the County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence SOOo 13' 3 8"E a distance of 98.30 feet, on and along the East Ime of
said Lot 1;
Thence N8903T58"E a dIstance of 63 99 feet, along the Northerly lot Ime
of the Parcel as recorded at ReceptIOn Number F0733357, m the official records of
said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOoo21 ' 3 T'W a dIstance of 84.29 feet, on and along Westerly Ime
of SaId Parcel;
Thence N89038'20"E a dIstance of 321 80 feet, to a pomt on the East
RIght-of-Way of Reed Street;
Thence SOooI5'29"E a distance of 56.00 feet, on and along SaId East RIght-
Thence N89038'25"E a dIstance of 634.34 feet, on and along the North line
of Lots 1 and 1 0, of the Holley SubdIvisIOn, as recorded m the officIal records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, and also on and along the North line
of Lots 1,2,3 and 4 of Block 1, Withers SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded in the official
records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the West line
of the Southwest Y4 of SectIOn 24;
Thence NOooI1'53"W a dIstance of 50.00 feet, on and along said West lIne
of Section 24;
Thence N89056'42"E a distance of288.79 feet, on and along the North line
of Lot 5 of the Anel SubdlVlSlon, as recorded m the officIal records of SaId County
of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pomt on the East RIght-of-Way lme of Otis
~ct; n
Thence on and along said East Right-of-Way line, said lme being a curve to '~
the left, having a radIUs of 50.00 feet, a length of 20.93 feet, and a chord beanng
Thence SOooI6'28"E a dIstance of79.36 feet, to a pomt on the Westerly
Ime of Lot 1, of the Fullerton SubdIVIsion, as recorded in the officIal records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N89053'07"E a distance of 12500 feet, on and along the Southerly
lIne of SaId Lot I, Fullerton SubdivisIOn;
Thence NOooI6'39"W a distance of 47.49 feet;
Thence N89053 '22"E a distance of 114.00 feet, to a pomt on the West Ime
of Lot 19, Castle SubdiVIsIOn, as recorded in the official records of SaId County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOoo01'45"W a dIstance of 128.50 feet, on and along the West lme
of Lots 19 and 18, said Castle SubdiVIsIOn;
Thence N89053' 17"E a dIstance of 153.65 feet, on and along the North Ime
of Lot 18, said Castle SubdIVIsIOn, to a point on the East Right-of-Way Ime of
Newland Street;
Thence on and along SaId East RIght-of-Way Ime, said line bemg a curve to
the nght WIth a radius of 150.00 feet, a length of 66.58 feet, and a chord beanng of
Thence N89053' 17"E a distance of 138.09 feet, on and along the North line
of Lot 20, SaId Castle SubdiViSIOn, to a pomt on the West Ime of Koegler
SubdiViSIOn, as recorded m the offiCial records of SaId County of Jefferson, State
of Colorado;
Thence NOoo09'00"E a distance of 84.00 feet, on and along the West Ime
of the Koegler SubdivisIOn;
Thence N89053 '28"E a distance of 115.80 feet, on and along the South line
of Lot 12, SaId Koegler SubdiVision, to a pomt on the West Right-of-Way lme of
Marshall Street;
Thence SOoo11' II"E a distance of 100.00 feet, on and along SaId West
Right-of-Way line;
Thence N89053 '26"E a distance of 152.00 feet, on and along the North lme
of the Parcel as recorded at ReceptIOn Number F0552020, m the offiCial records of
said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOOo 1 T 12"W a dIstance of 143.90 feet, to the Southwest comer of
Lot 12, David SubdivisIOn, as recorded m the official records of said County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N89053'18"E a distance of 154.00 feet, on and along SaId Lot 12, to
a pomt on the East Right-of-Way hne of Lamar Street;
Thence NOOo 1 T22"W a dIstance of 39.60 feet, on and along SaId East
Right-of-Way hne;
Thence N89053 '23"E a distance of 110.09 feet, to the Southeast comer of /'1
SaId DaVId SubdIVIsIOn; \J)
Thence SOOo 1 T22"E a dIstance of 248.61 feet, to a pomt on the West Ime
of Lot 1, Nora SubdIVIsion, as recorded m the official records of SaId County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N89053'14"E a dIstance of 141.42 feet, on and along the North line
of SaId Lot 1, to a point on the Right-of-Way centerline of Kendall Street;
Thence NOoo06'39"W a distance of70.16 feet, on and along SaId RIght-of-
Way centerlme;
Thence N89053 '20"E a distance of 170.50 feet, on and along the South hne
of Lot 7, Swanson SubdiVIsIOn, as recorded m the offiCIal records of SaId County
of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pomt on the RIght-of-Way centerhne of Jay
Thence NOoo06'45"W a distance of39.99 feet, on and along saId Rlght-of-
Way centerhne,
Thence N89053 '22"E a dIstance of 176.70 feet, along the North lme of the
Parcel as recorded at Reception Number F0964683, in the official records of said
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S00048'49"W a dIstance of95.06 feet, on and along the Easterly
hne of SaId Parcel;
Thence N89053' 16"E a distance of 76.53 feet, on and along the Southerly
boundary hne of Lot 12, Blake SubdivlSlon, as recorded in the offiCIal records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOoo06'43"W a dIstance of25.58 feet, to the Northwest comer of
the Parcel as recorded at Reception Number 89016637, in the offiCIal records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N89053'00"E a dIstance of98.27 feet, on and along the Northerly
hne of SaId Parcel;
Thence NOooOO'OO"E a dIstance of 4.50 feet, to the Northwest comer of the
Parcel as recorded at Reception Number 93187174, in the official records of SaId
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N89053 '21"E a dIstance of 82.76 feet, on and along the North line
of said Parcel,
Thence NOoo05'3T'W a distance of 42.90 feet, to a Southerly comer of the
Ingalls Place Subdivision, as recorded m the official records of SaId County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N8905T06"E a distance of 82.90 feet, on and along the Southerly
lIne of Lot 8, said Ingalls Place SubdIvlSlon;
Thence SOooI6'49"E a distance of 42.95 feet, on and along the Westerly
lIne of Lot 7, saId Ingalls Place SubdlvlSlon;
Thence N89053'21"E a distance of 165.56 feet, on and along the North line
of the Parcel as recorded at ReceptIOn Number 93198267, In the official records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence SOo04T28"E a distance of 44.90 feet, on and along the Easterly ~
Ime of the Parcel as recorded at Reception Number 93198267, in the officIal I
records of saId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N89054'53"E a dIstance of330.64 feet, on and along the North Ime
of the Parcels as recorded at ReceptIon Numbers 90100424 and 93057019, In the
offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pOInt on the
West line of the Southeast Y4 of Section 24;
Thence NOooI6'45"W a distance of 173.34 feet, on and along the West line
of the Southeast 1;4 of SectIon 24;
Thence N89059'54"E a distance of321.75 feet, on and along the North line
of Lot 3, Carter Minor SubdIVIsion, as recorded in the official records of SaId
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89059' 49"E a distance of 64.80 feet;
Thence NOooI5'44"W a dIstance of 8.00 feet, to the Southwest comer of
the Holley Courts Subdivision, as recorded In the offiCIal records of SaId County
of Jefferson, State of Colorado,
Thence N90000'00"E a distance of256.95 feet, on and along the South lIne
of Lots 9 and 8, said Holley Courts SubdIVISIOn;
Thence NOOOIT26"W a dIstance of 13.75 feet;
Thence N89059'5T'E a dIstance of98.50 feet, on and along the North lIne
of Lot 29, Stewart Gardens SubdIvlSlon, as recorded In the offiCIal records of SaId
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence SOooI6'45"E a dIstance of 150.00 feet, on and along the East line
of said Lot 29,
Thence N89059'58"E a dIstance of200.00 feet, to a point on the East
Right-of-Way lme of Eaton Street;
Thence SOooI6'4T'E a dIstance of 180.00 feet, to a point on the North
RIght-of-Way lme ofW. 38th Avenue;
Thence N89059'52'E a distance of 501 98 feet, on and along SaId North
Right-of-Way lIne;
Thence NOOO IT II"W a dIstance of 130.00 feet;
Thence N90000'00"E a dIstance of 67.35 feet;
Thence SOOo IT II"E a distance of 130.00 feet, to a pOInt on the North
RIght-of-Way lIne ofW. 38th Avenue;
Thence S89059'29"E a distance of 134.81 feet, on and along said North
Rlght-of- Way line, to a pOInt on the West Right-of-Way lIne of Chase Street;
Thence NOooIT02"W a dIstance of220 00 feet;
Thence N90000'00"E a dIstance of 340.00 feet, on and along the Northerly
line of Lots 12, 11, 10, and 9, Stewart Gardens SubdIvIsion, as recorded in the
offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the
West Ime of the Parcel ofland as recorded at ReceptIOn Number 92151590, in the
official records of saId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOOOI8' 14"W a distance of209.35 feet, on and along the West Ime
of saId Parcel;
Thence N90000'00"E a distance of 100.00 feet, along saId Parcel;
Thence NOooI6'55"W a distance of 40.65 feet, along said Parcel;
Thence N90000'00"E a distance of 200.57 feet, along SaId Parcel;
Thence NOOo IT31"W a dIstance of 13 7.40 feet, along said Parcel;
Thence N90000'00"E a dIstance of 30.67 feet, along saId Parcel, also bemg
the South Right-of-Way line ofW. 40th Avenue;
Thence SOOO IT29"E a distance of 109.40 feet;
Thence N89059'55"E a distance of290.94 feet, to a point on the West
Right -of-Way Ime of Shendan Boulevard;
Thence SOooIT23"E a dIstance of 582.00 feet, on and along the West
RIght-of- W ay Ime of Sheridan Boulevard, saId RIght-of-Way line bemg parallel
WIth the East line of the Southeast '14 of SectIon 24, to a point on the North Ime of
the Northeast 14 of SectIOn 25,
Thence S89059'46"E a dIstance of39.85 feet, to the Northeast comer of
Section 25,
Thence SOOo 15' 33"E a dIstance of 320.46 feet, on and along the East Ime
of the Northeast Y4 of SectIon 25,
Thence S89048'4TW a dIstance of 165.43 feet, along the centerline of Lot
13, Pearson WoodSIde AddItIon SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded m the official records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOooI5'08"W a distance of25.00 feet, to the Southeast comer of
Lot 21, said Pearson WoodsIde AdditIOn Subdivision;
Thence N90000'00"W a dIstance of 185.14 feet, to a pomt on the West
Right-of-Way line of Ames Street;
Thence on and along said West Right-of-Way Ime, SaId line being a curve
havmg a radIUS of 57400 feet, a length of 66.04 feet, and a chord beanng of
Thence N90000'00"W a distance of 145.50 feet, on and along the South
Ime of Lot 7, SaId Pearson WoodSIde AdditIon;
Thence NOOOll '32"W a distance of74.52 feet, on and along a portion of
the East lIne of Lot 13, Lancaster SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded m the offiCIal records
of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado,
Thence S8902T53"W a distance of 115.60 feet, across a portion of said Lot
13, to a pomt on the East RIght-of-Way Ime of Benton Street;
Thence S28008'01"W a dIstance of 158.97 feet, to a point on the West
RIght-of-Way line of Benton Street;
Thence N90000'00''W a dIstance of 125.00 feet, on and along the North
line of Lot 12, Case SubdIvIsion, as recorded m the official records of Said County
of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the East hne ofWeg Subdivision, as
recorded m the official records of Said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOooI5'46"W a dIstance of 141.75 feet, along said East hne of
Weg SubdIVIsIOn; [1
Thence S89059'45"W a distance of 13500 feet, to a pomt on the East
RIght-of-Way line of Chase Street;
Thence S27033'26"W a dIstance of 107.15 feet, to a point on the West
RIght-of- Way hne of Chase Street;
Thence S89059'58"W a dIstance of 145.66 feet, across Lot 2, Norgren
Mmor SubdIVIsIOn, as recorded in the offiCIal records of Said County of Jefferson,
State of Colorado, to a pomt on the East line of the A. E. Anderson SubdIVIsIOn, as
recorded in the offiCIal records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOool7'26"W a distance of21O.00 feet, on and along the East hne
of said A. E. Anderson SubdIvision, to a point on the South Right-of-Way hne of
W 38th Avenue;
Thence N90000' OO"W a dIstance of 155.48 feet, on and along the South
Right-of-Way hne of W. 38th A venue, to a pomt on the East Right-of-Way hne of
Depew Street;
Thence SOool7'24"E a dIstance of 189.75 feet, on and along Said East
RIght-of-Way line;
Thence S89057'35"W a dIstance of 356.06 feet, on and along the South hne
of the Balmar ConsohdatIOn SubdiVIsIOn, as recorded in the offiCIal records of
Said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence SOoo24'54"E a dIstance of 100.79 feet, to the Southeast comer of
the Parcel as recorded at ReceptIon Number F0565739, m the offiCIal records of
said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89058'08"W a dIstance of 147.11 feet, along said Parcel;
Thence NOO 18' II"W a dIstance of 98.99 feet, to the Southeast comer of the
Parcel as recorded at Reception Number F0854052, m the offiCIal records of Said
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89059'58"W a dIstance of 85.00 feet, on and along the South hne
of said Parcel, to a point on the East hne of the Seiler's Minor SubdIVIsIOn, as
recorded m the offiCIal records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOooI6'52"W a distance of 31 88 feet, along said East line of
Seiler's Mmor SubdiVIsIOn;
Thence N90000'00''W a distance of99.00 feet, on and along the South hne
of Lot 1 of said Seiler's Minor SubdiVIsIOn, to a point on the East Right-of-Way
hne of Fenton Street;
Thence N7603T33"W a distance of 43.23 feet, to a point on the West
RIght-of-Way line of Fenton Street;
Thence S89054'54"W a dIstance of 620.00 feet, on and along the South
Right-of-Way line of the Service Alley m Block 1, Fred L. Spallone Subdivision,
as recorded in the official records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado,
to a pomt on the East hne of the Northwest ~ of Section 25;
Thence N26030'04"W a distance of 67.99 feet, to a point on the West
Right-of-Way line of Harlan Street, saId pomt also bemg the Southeast comer of
the Parcel ofland as recorded at Reception Number F1146842, m the officIal
records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89053 '24"W a dIstance of 135.53 feet, on and along the South lme
of said Parcel, to a point on the East line of a Parcel as recorded at Reception
Number F0973483, m the official records of saId County of Jefferson, State of
Thence SOOo 1 T 54"E a dIstance of 70.00 feet, on and along said East lme;
Thence S89053 '22"W a dIstance of 165.80 feet, across SaId Parcel to the
East hne of the Conway Heights SubdIVISIOn, as recorded m the official records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOOO 19'08"W a dIstance of 32.67 feet, on and along the East line
of SaId Conway Heights SubdIvlSlon;
Thence S89053'21"W a dIstance of270.60 feet, across Lot 14, SaId
Conway Heights SubdIVIsion, to a point on the West Right-of-Way line of Jay
Thence NOOOI9'02"W a distance of 137.33 feet, on and along SaId West
Right-of-Way lme, to a point on the South Right-of-Way line ofW. 38th Avenue;
Thence S89053'23"W a dIstance of290.88 feet, on and along SaId South
RIght-of-Way line, to the Northeast comer of the Parcel as recorded at Reception
Number 94055543, in the officIal records of said County of Jefferson, State of
Thence SOoo21 '55"E a distance of 160.00 feet, along SaId Parcel;
Thence S89053'30"W a dIstance of 110.14 feet, along said Parcel, to a
pomt on the East boundary of the Highland South SubdIVIsion, as recorded m the
offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence N00021 '58"W a dIstance of 159.47 feet, on and along said East
boundary line, to a point on the South RIght-of-Way line ofW. 38th Avenue;
Thence S89058'44"W a dIstance of324.92 feet, on and along SaId South
RIght-of-Way lme, to a point on the East line of the Hildebrand SubdiviSIOn, as
recorded m the offiCIal records of said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S00022'0 l"E a distance of 150.00 feet, on and along the East hne
of said Hildebrand SubdiVISIOn;
Thence S89053'21"W a dIstance of 140.00 feet, to a point on the East
Right-of- Way line of Marshall Street;
. / "
Thence N45031 '04"W a distance of 70.39 feet, to a pomt on the West
RIght-of-Way line of Marshall Street, said point also being the Southeast comer of
Lot 1, Hildebrand SubdIvision, as recorded m the official records of said County
of Jefferson, State of Colorado
Thence N90000'00''W a dIstance of 107.30 feet, on and along the South
line of Lot 1, saId Hildebrand SubdIVisIOn, to a point on the East hne of the
Newland SubdivIsIOn, as recorded m the official records of saId County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado; \ \
Thence NOoo21' 55"W a distance of 1 00.40 feet, on and along the East hne
of said Newland SubdIvIsIOn, to a pomt on the South RIght-of-Way line ofW. 38th
Thence S89053 '21"W a distance of 361.67 feet, on and along SaId South
Right-of-Way Ime, to the Northeast comer of the Thomas SubdIvIsIOn, as recorded
m the offiCial records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado,
Thence SOoo23' 44"E a dIstance of 118.80 feet, on and along the East hne
of SaId Thomas SubdivIsion;
Thence S89041 '26"W a distance of200.00 feet, across Lot 9, SaId Thomas
SubdIvIsIOn, to a pomt on the East hne of the Lynn Lee SubdIvIsIOn, as recorded
m the offiCial records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence SOoo23' 4 7"E a distance of 120 00 feet, on and along the East hne
of SaId Lynn Lee SubdIVisIOn;
Thence S89041' 17"W a distance of 145.12 feet, on and along the South hne
of SaId Lynn Lee SubdIvIsIOn;
Thence N00024'38"W a dIstance of 120.00 feet, on and along the West hne
of said Lynn Lee Subdivision, to the Southeast comer of Lot 1, Block 1, Thomas
SubdivIsion, as recorded m the official records of SaId County of Jefferson, State
of Colorado;
Thence S89040' 48"W a distance of 317.00 feet, on and along the South hne
of Lots 1,2,3, and 4, said Thomas SubdIvIsIOn, to a point on the East hne of the
Northeast % of Section 26;
Thence N00024'31"W a dIstance of 35.52 feet, on and along SaId East hne
of the Northeast % of SectIOn 26;
Thence S89038' 19"W a dIstance of 173.03 feet, on and along the South line
of the Parcel as recorded at Reception Number 88124555, in the official records of
SaId County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a point on the East hne of a Parcel
as recorded m Book 678, Page 240, m the offiCIal records of said County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S00024'50"E a distance of 180.00 feet, on and along the East hne
of SaId Parcel as recorded m Book 678, Page 240;
Thence S89038'21"W a dIstance of 85.74 feet, on and along the South hne
of SaId Parcel, to a pomt on the East line of a Parcel as recorded at ReceptIOn
Number F1217899, in the offiCIal records of SaId County of Jefferson, State of
Thence SOoo24' 43"E a distance of 145.11 feet, on and along the East line
of said Parcel, to the Southeast comer of said Parcel;
Thence S89038'21"W a dIstance of 278.72 feet, to a pomt on the South
RIght-of-Way hne ofW 3ih Avenue;
Thence contmumg along the bearing of S89038'21"W a dIstance of 105.78
feet, on and along the South Right-of-Way line ofW. 3ih Avenue;
Thence NOoo24'49"W a distance of 159.34 feet, to the Southeast comer of
the Parcel as recorded at Reception Number F0821217, m the officIal records of
said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89020' 21 "w a dIstance of 303 .07 feet, to a point on the East lme
of the Flageolle Mmor SubdIvision, as recorded m the official records of said
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence NOoo23' 48"W a distance of 53 00 feet, on and along the East lme
of said Flageolle Subdivision, to the Southeast comer of Lot 1, said Flageolle
Thence S89038' 17"W a dIstance of 88.67 feet, on and along the South hne
of Lot 1, said Flageolle SubdivisIOn;
Thence NOoo24'42"W a dIstance of 51.48 feet, on and along the West hne
of said Flageolle SubdivISIOn, to a point on the South line of the Parcel as recorded
at Reception Number F0724880, m the offiCIal records of said County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89038'35"W a distance of 122.02 feet, on and along said South
line, to a pomt on the East RIght-of-Way hne of HIgh Court;
Thence S47029'30"W a distance of 54.37 feet, to a pomt on the West
RIght-of-Way hne of HIgh Court;
Thence S8903 8 '20"W a distance of 251.32 feet, on and along the South hne
of the Parcel as recorded at Reception Number 92087491, in the official records of
said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, to a pomt on the East Right-of-Way
lme of Teller Street;
Thence S52058'42"W a distance of38.51 feet, to a pomt on the West
RIght-of- Way hne of Teller Street, Said point also bemg the Southeast comer of
the Parcel as recorded in Book 2785, Page 339, m the official records of Said
County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89038'23"W a distance of 385.45 feet, on and along the South lme
of Said Parcel, to a pomt on the West RIght-of-Way lme of Upham Street;
Thence NOooI9'39"W a distance of58.00 feet, on and along said West
RIght-of-Way lme, to the Southeast comer of the Parcel as recorded at Reception
Number Fl135427, m the offiCial records of said County of Jefferson, State of
Thence S89038' 14"W a dIstance of 110.56 feet, on and along the South lme
of Said Parcel, to a pomt on the East lme of a Parcel as recorded at Reception
Number F0880225, m the offiCIal records of Said County of Jefferson, State of
) ,
Thence SOooI9'44"E a distance of 55.73 feet, on and along the East line of
said Parcel;
Thence S89038'23"W a distance of 200.03 feet, on and along the South hne
of said Parcel, to a point on the West Right-of-Way line of Vance Street;
Thence NOooI9'36"W a dIstance of200.73 feet, on and along said West
RIght-of-Way hne, to a pomt on the South Right-of-Way line ofW. 38th Avenue;
Thence S84048'58"W a distance of 178.41 feet, on and along Said South
RIght-of-Way lme, Said hne also bemg the North line of the Ulllted MethodIst ~
Church Mmor SubdIvIsion, as recorded in the offiCial records of Said County of
Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence S89038'3TW a distance of 49.64 feet, on and along Said South
Right-of- Way hne, to the Northeast comer of the Texaco Mmor SubdIvIsion, as
recorded m the offiCIal records of Said County of Jefferson, State of Colorado;
Thence SOooI9'38"E a distance of252.20 feet, on and along the East line
of Said Texaco Minor SubdIvisIOn,
Thence S8903T23"W a distance of231.00 feet, on and along the South Ime
of said Texaco Mmor SubdivIsIOn, to a pomt on the West Ime of the Northeast y,.
of Section 26;
Thence NOOOlS'16"W a dIstance of349.98 feet, on and along said West
hne of the Northeast t;4 of SectIon 26, to the South y,. Comer of SectIon 23, said
South Y4 Comer also bemg the Point of Commencement.
The tract of land as described above contains 3,190,072 square feet
(73.234 acres), more or less.
The drafter of thIS descnptlon is David F Brossman, P .L.S., prepared on behalf of the
Wheat RIdge Urban Renewal Authority, 7500 W 29th Ave., Wheat RIdge, CO S02l5-
6713, and IS not to be construed as a monumented land survey
Exhibit 2
Caples of Exhibit 2 are available at the Wheat Ridge Department ofPlanmng and
Development, 7500 W 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80215
Series of 2001
WHEREAS, the Urban Renewal Law of Colorado (~31-25-l01 et seq
C.R.S ) authorizes the analysis and consideration of factors within the City of Wheat
Ridge to determine if blight exists within certain areas of the City to utilize the
provisions of the Urban Renewal Law to eliminate and prevent blight and to develop
and/or redevelop such areas for the economic and social well being and public health,
safety and welfare of the community, and
WHEREAS, such analysis has been undertaken to determine whether factors of
blight exist within the 38th Ave Corridor between Sheridan Boulevard and Wadsworth
Boulevard, which study area is depicted on Exhibit 1 hereto (hereafter the" Study
Area"), and
WHEREAS, following requests for proposals and responses thereto. HNTB,
Corporation was chosen to conduct such blight analysis, and
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners has been presented WIth the results
and evidence of such blight analysis at a public meeting on April 17, 2001, and
WHEREAS, said study and analysis and the data and evidence presented at the
public meeting validates the existence of factors of blight in the Study Area consistent
with ~31-25-103(2) C R.S of the Urban Renewal Law
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal
Authority as follows
Section 1. The blight study for the 38th A venue Corridor and the data and
evidence related thereto is hereby accepted by the Board of Commissioners
Section 2. Consistent with ~31-25-103(2) C R.S of the Urban Renewal
Law, the Board of Commissioners hereby finds that the followmg six factors of bhght
exist in the 38th Avenue Corridor Study Area.
A Slum, deteriorated or deteriorating structures, and
B Defective or inadequate street layout, and
C Faulty lot layout m relatiOn to Size, adequacy, accessibihty or
usefulness, and
D Unsanitary or unsafe conditions, and
E DetenoratiOn of site or other Improvements, and
F Inadequate public improvements or utilities
Section 3. The Board of Commissioners finds that the 38th Ave Corridor \[ J~i
Study Area, in its present condition and use and by reason of the presence of the "+
foregoing six factors of blight, substantially impairs the sound growth of Wheat Ridge,
constitutes an economic liability and is a menace to the public health, safety and
Section 4. The Board of Commissioners respectfully recommends to the
Wheat Ridge City Council the following
A. That, in compliance with the Urban Renewal Law, it give notice
of and hold a public hearing regarding consideration of blight factors in the 38th
Avenue Corridor Study Area, and
B That if the data and evidence at the public hearing is sufficient to
comply with the Urban Renewal Law, it make findings of the existence of
factors of blight, and
C Based upon such blight factors, it establish an urban renewal area
in the general vicinity of the 38th Avenue Corridor between Sheridan Boulevard
and Wadsworth Boulevard, as it deems appropriate, and
D If it makes such findmgs of bhght and establishes the urban
renewal area, that it authorize the procedures for commencement of the
preparation and consideration of an urban renewal plan for the area
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