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Senes of2001
WHEREAS, with the adoption of Resolution No 16-2001 on July 23. 2001. the
City Council determmed that blight existed m the vlcimty of the West 44th Avenue/Ward
Road area of the City, and
WHEREAS, such resolution created the West 44th Avenue/Ward Road
Redevelopment Area (Area), an urban renewal area withm the City, and
WHEREAS, ResolutIOn No 16-200 I also directed the Wheat Ridge Urban
Renewal Authority (Authority) to effect the preparatIOn of an urban renewal
(redevelopment) plan (Plan) for the Area for conSideration by City CounCIL and
WHEREAS, the Council has been presented with a proposed Plan, and
WHEREAS, the Authority has endorsed and recommended approval of the Plan
by Council, and
WHEREAS, the City Planning CommiSSIOn has submitted ItS written
recommendation to the City CounCil that the Plan is in conformance With the Wheat
Ridge ComprehenSive Plan, and
WHEREAS, a copy of the Plan and mformation regardmg the Impact of the Plan
were submitted to the Jefferson County Board of CommiSSioners, and
WHEREAS, the Jefferson County School Distnct also received a copy of the Plan
and has been advised and permitted to participate in an advisory capaCity with respect to
the potential use of tax mcrement financmg; and
WHEREAS, notices of the public hearing for conSideration and approval of the
Plan by City Council were provided by publicatIOn and by wntten notices to property
owners. residents and busmess owners m the Area m compliance with the Urban Renewal
Law, C R.S 31-25-101 el seq , and
WHEREAS, a public heanng on the Plan was held on October 22, 200 I,
provldmg a full opportumty for property owners, residents, taxpayers, people and
busmess owners in the Area and all interested persons to be heard; and
WHEREAS, the mcluslOn of certam areas and properties designated m the Plan
wlthm the Area would prOVide for the elimmatlOn and prevention of blight and the
development, redevelopment and rehabilItation of the blIghted areas, so that the areas can
be developed or redeveloped by the public and private sectors to provide a safer and more
useful environment for its users and inhabitants; to develop and redevelop such properties
to provide necessary, greater and reasonable economic utilization of such areas, to
promote, enhance and provide public facilIties, to elIminate traffic, transportation,
pedestrian and other hazards within the areas; to ensure reasoned and sound social,
physical and economic growth and improvement withm the City; to promote the public
health, safety and welfare, to promote and effect the goals, objectives and purposes of the
Plan and the Comprehensive Plan of the City; to provide a sound financial and economic
base for the commumty; to provide a necessary tax base for the City and to comply With
the intent and purposes of the Urban Renewal Law; and
WHEREAS, the CIty CouncIl has determmed that it IS m the best mterests of the
CIty of Wheat RIdge and the Wheat Ridge Urban Renewal AuthOrIty to adopt the Plan as
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council as
Section 1 That the City CounCIl hereby makes the followmg findmgs With
respect to the proposed Plan.
A. A feasible method exists for the relocation offamilies or
indiVIduals who mayor will be displaced by redevelopment projects in decent,
safe and sanitary dwelling accommodations within then means and without undue
B A feasible method exists for the relocatIOn of bus mess concerns
that mayor wIll be dIsplaced by redevelopment projects either m the Area or in
other areas that are not generally less deSirable regardmg public utilitIes and
public and commercial faCIlities.
C The City Council has caused ItS staff to take reasonable efforts to
provide WrItten notice of the publIc hearing to property owners, reSidents and
business owners in the Area at their last known addresses at least 30 days prIor to
thiS public hearIng of October 22.2001
D SectIOn 31-25-107 (4) (d) C.R.S of the Urban Renewal Law does
not apply m that not more than 120 days have passed smce the first public hearIng
on thiS Plan, because this is the first public hearIng
E. Section 31-25-107 (4) (e) C.R.S of the Urban Renewal Law does
not apply m that City CounCIl did not fail to prevIOusly approve thiS Plan.
F The Plan conforms to the City's Comprehensive Plan.
G. The provislOns of the Plan, consistent with the needs of the CIty,
provIde maxImum opportumty for redevelopment of the Area by prIvate
H. SectIon 31-25-107 (5) C.R.S of the Urban Renewal Law IS not
applIcable to this Plan.
L To the extent that the Area may consIst of an area of open land
whIch may be developed for non-resIdential uses under the Plan, City CouncIl
hereby determines that such non-residentIal uses are necessary and approprIate to
facilitate the proper growth and development of the CIty in accordance WIth sound
planmng standards and the CIty's objectives. The potential acqUIsition of such
areas may reqUIre the actions of the AuthOrIty, in compliance with the Urban
Renewal Law, because such open areas are within areas of blIght or blighted
J CIty Council has determIned that the boundarIes of the Area have
been drawn as narrowly as feasible to accomplish the planning and development
objectIves of the Plan In accordance WIth SectIon 31-25-107(1 ) C R.S of the
Urban Renewal La",
Section 2. Although the Plan provides for the use of tax Increment finanCIng,
such financing mechamsms will not be utilized WIth the InItIal adoptIOn of thIS Plan at
this tIme, but will be considered at an appropriate time when redevelopment projects or
market factors necessItate or JustIfy same or promote the use of tax Increment finanCIng
as appropnate ModIfications of this Plan may then be necessary to Implement tax
Increment finanCIng.
SectIon 3 The Jetferson County School Dlstnct was permitted to partiCIpate
in an adVIsory capacIty regarding thIS Plan.
SectlOn 4 The Jefferson County Board of CommIssioners was proVIded a
copy of the Plan and Information regarding its impact, in compliance WIth the Urban
Renewal Law
Section 5 The Wheat RIdge Urban Renewal Authority is authonzed to
exercise the powers of eminent domaIn to carry out, effect and admInIster the Plan.
SectIon 6 The proposed Plan accompanYIng thIS Resolution and incorporated
hereIn IS adopted as the 441 A venue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan for the City of
Wheat RIdge. The Plan IS an urban renewal plan as defined in Section 31-25-103(9)
C.R.S of the Urban Rcnewal La",
SectIOn 7 The 44th Avenue/Ward Road Redevelopment Plan shall control the
land area, land use, deSIgn, bUIlding requirements, tImIng of development, and procedure
for ImplementatIOn of such Plan III the 44th A venue/Ward Road Redevelopment Area and
III the City of Wheat Ridge, as may be appltcable.
DONE AND RESOLVED this 22nd day of October 2001.
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Wanda Sang, City Cl~
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