HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995 ~",< ;" , ~ t " , 1'" ~ f a-9f tel? ''WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" .. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1995 ANNUAL BUDGET -TABLB OF CONTBHTS- Pages Title Page Table of Contents.................................... city Administrator's Budget Message.................. i-iv 1-5 GBHERAL FUHD Financial summaries - Analysis of Fund Balance, 1992-1996................ 7 General Fund Revenues by Source .................. 8 Revenue Summary ................................... 9 General Fund Expenditures by Department............ 11 General Fund Expenditures Summary by Classification 13 General Fund Summary of Expenditures by Account/Class 14 Citywide Staffing............................... 16 Citywide organizational Chart................... 17 GBHERAL GO'VERHHENT General Fund Department Summary...................... General Government Organizational Chart.............. Department Staffing.................................. De})artznent SllIDInar)r................................... city council Prograzn............................... Ma)ror Program...................................... Economic Development............................... City Administration Program........................ city Attorney Program.............................. purchas ing Program................................. Data Processing Program............................ Building Maintenance (Purchasing) Program.......... Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival Program............. General operations Department Summary................ General operations Program........................... 19 20 21 23 24-25 26-27 28-29 30-31 32-33 34-35 36-37 38-39 40-41 43 44-45 KtJNICIPAL COURT Organizational Chart................................. Department Staffing.................................. Department S\llDInary.................................... Municipal Court Program............................ 47 48 49 50-51 i Table of contents (cont'd) Pages CITY CLElUt organizational chart................................. Department staffing.. ... Department summary... . . . . . city Clerk Program. 53 54 55 56-57 TREASURY General Fund Department Summary. organizational Chart......... Department Staffing......... Treasury Department Summary.. Treasury/Accounting Program.. Sales Tax Program............ . . . . . . 59 60 61 63 64-65 66-67 PLANHING , DBVELOPHENT General Fund Department Summary. organizational Chart.. ... Department Staffing...... Department Summary....... Administration Program.. zoning Program....... Building Inspection. Code Enforcement..... . . . . . 69 70 71 73 74-75 76-77 78-79 80-81 POLICB General Fund Department Summary .-.. organizational Chart.. Department staffing.... Department Summary..... Police Chief Program. Community & support Services Administration Animal Park Enforcement (APEO) Program. Communications Program................. Drug Abuse Education & Training (DARE) Records Program..... Training Program...... operations Program............. Patrol Bureau Program..... Criminal Investigations Bureau Program.. Traffic operations Program........... special Investigations Unit Program.. Emergency Preparedness Program........ (CASSA) 83 84 85 86-86(a) 87-88 89-90 91-92 93-94 95-96 97-98 99-J.00 101-102 103-104 105-106 107-108 109-1J.0 111-112 ii Table of Contents (cont'd) PUBLIC WORKS General Fund Department Summary....................... Public Works organizational Chart..................... Department Staffing................................... Department StlIDInary.................................... Administration Program.............................. Eng ineer ing Program........................ . . . . . . . . . street Maintenance Program.......................... Traffic Maintenance Program......................... Fleet Maintenance Program........................... PARKS AND RBCREATION General Fund Department Summary....................... Organizational Chart.................................. Department staffing................................... Departlnent S\IlDIDary.................................... Administration Program.............................. Recreation Program.................................. Parks Maintenance & Forestry Program................ CAPITAL IKPROVEKENTS PROJECT 114 115 116 117-118 119-120 121-122 123-124 125-126 127-128 130 131 132 133-134 135-136 137-138 139-140 Capi tal proj ects Fund................................. 143 Capital Improvements Project Expenditure Detail....... 144 OTHER FUHDS Park Acquisition Fund................................. JCnsurance ~nd........................................ Police Investigation Fund............................. Compensated Absences...................... . . . . . . . . . . . . Sales Tax Revenue Bond Fund........................... Special Improvement District 1987-1 Fund.............. Open Space Fund....................................... Municipal Court Fund.................................. Tree Planting, Parks & Recreation Donation Fund....... Richards Hart Improvement Fund........................ Parks & Recreation Damage Deposit Fund................ Wheat Ridge Town Center Urban Renewal Project (EDARC). Sales Tax Revenue Bond Reserve Fund................... Senior Center Fund.................................... Conservation Trust Fund............................... Building Repair/Demolition Fund....................... Equipment Fund........................................ Wheat Ridge First Post Office Refund................. Computer Fund......................................... iii 146 147 148 149 150 151 153-154 155 156 157 158 159 J.60 161 163-164 165 166 J.67 168 Table of Contents (cont'd) APPENDIX Officials........... Resolution No. 1453. Resolution No. 1437. Changes to compensation Schedule. Fleet Purchase Justification for 1995.. Auction Revenues........... Fleet Replacement Schedule... 1995 Capital Outlay......... 1995 computer Fund Requests. Computer Costs 5 Year Projection. Chair Replacement Schedule.......... 1995 Budget and Financial Policies.. Governmental Funds....... Investment Policy........... Debt Policy........................ Capital Improvement Program.. Reserve Policy. . . . . . . . . . . . Revenues. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Fund.......... Licenses and Permits.. Intergovernmental Revenue. Charges for Services... Fines and Forfeitures............. Other Revenue. Transfers In. Other Funds.. Expenditures.... General Fund. Other Funds.. Summary of significant Accounting Policies.. Summary of Indebtedness..................... iv 170 171-172 173 174-179 181-182 183-184 185 186 187 188-194 195-198 199-221 200-203 203-204 204 204-206 206 206 206-209 209-210 211-213 212-213 213 214 214 215-217 217 217 218-220 220 220-221 MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor and City Council FROM: City Administrator DATE: October 28, 1994 RE: Draft of preliminary Budget - 1995-1996 It is my pleasure to transmit the preliminary 1995-1996 budget for the City of Wheat Ridge for your attention and review. In last year's budget, two fiscal years of information was presented for the City Council's review as a test for the 1995-1996 budget years. The intent of providing two years of budgeting information was to help the members of the City Council by providing more detailed information over a longer period of time than has typically been addressed in annual budgets. Given the success of last year's experiment, this year's budget is presented with detailed budgetary information both for 1995 and 1996. The two budget year format is intended to enable the members of the Ci ty Council to adopt two fiscal years in each budget document. In this particular budget sequence, members of the Council will be asked to consider and adopt information for calendar years 1995 and 1996. In 1995 the members of the City Council would have the latitude to review and update 1996 and also to add the second budget year which would be 1997. It is hoped that the level of update required in the 1996 budget will be relatively minimal and the members of the Council can focus on the 1997 budget year as the new or added information. In this fashion members of the Council will always be able to consider two detailed years of fiscal information. The two-year format should also enable future City Councils to have some measure of continuity provided by the previous City Council. While a subsequent City Council is certainly not bound by information provided by a previous city Council, the detailed review and analysis provided for that City Council can be very helpful in making a transition in Council without disrupting city operations. Council members will also note that the format has been revised to provide additional information on personnel available to the City's operations, while at the same time reducing the number of line items presented for division budgets. The additional personnel information is provided in response to 1 several Council questions raised in the review divisions in the 1994 budget adoption process. identified as to the division in which they work, performed therein. The line item information has been simplified to display in detail only those items thought to be of the most importance or significance to the members of the council. All of the personnel sections are still found in line item detail; however, materials, supplies and charges for services which represent day-to-day operating accounts for the various divisions have been consolidated into a single line. Members of the council will still see detailed information on changes within those summary totals as well as detailed presentation on all of the capital items found in any of the other particular budgets. of department Personnel are and functions Budqet overview The two principle pieces of the city's budget are the General Operating fund and the city's capital Improvement fund. A. General Fund Overview As in the past two budget years, General Fund expenditures exceed General Fund revenues and it is necessary to utilize a portion of the city's fund balance or reserve account in order to balance both the 1995 and 1996 budget. Fortunately, by increasing revenues in 1994 and with projected increases in 1995 and 1996 and by maintaining a firm line on expenditure increases we have been able to minimize the amount of fund balance which was necessary to balance the budget in 1995 and 1996. It is projected that with proposed revenues of $10,885,980.00 and proposed expenditures for 1995 of $11,402,404.00, the resulting fund balance would be $2,305,409.00 at the end of fiscal year 1995. This number represents a 20% fund balance or reserve account which exceeds the maximum 15% fund balance anticipated by the city Council. The projected 1995 fund balance is enviable by any community and for fiscal year 1995 the City is in a solid financial position. In fiscal year J.996 revenues are projected at $11,039,638.00 and expenditures at $11,774,984.00 with a resulting fund balance of $1,574,063.00. The projected 1996 fund balance represents approximately 13% of expenditures and as such, falls within the established guidelines for city Council fund balances of 8 to 15%. While projected fund balances in the general fund in 1995 and 1996 still represent a safe and healthy balance, it would not be desirable to see the fund balance decrease much below the projected J.996 balance for future fiscal years. A fund balance in the range $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 for fiscal years 1997 and beyond would be a desirable goal for the city of Wheat Ridge. As has been discussed by members of the council, economic growth and development may help to increase revenues in future fiscal 2 years. Unless a significant tax payer were introduced into the community, gains which can be realized from economic development will not likely raise revenues to the point where they meet current and projected expenditures for the city. Again, as has been discussed with the council, in order to maintain service levels, new or different tax mechanisms would need to be introduced to support city operations. In early 1995 staff will be analyzing the potential impact of an employment related tax which has been briefly discussed by the members of the city council as a possible tax strategy to assist with supporting government services. B. Caoital Imorovement Fund The capital Improvement Fund has been illustrated in the preliminary budget with two scenarios for reconstruction of West 38th Avenue. Obviously, prior to budget adoption the November election will have been concluded and one of the scenarios can be included in the J.995 and 1996 budget as the expressed choice of the voters of Wheat Ridge. Major projects, which are anticipated in the next several years in the capital budget, include West 38th Avenue in either 1995 or 1996 depending on voter choice, reconstruction of West 32nd Avenue in 1998 and 1999 and increased expenditures in the area of preventive maintenance in each of the next several fiscal years. The transfer to the capital Equipment fund has increased slightly in 1995 and in future years to reflect the need to replace some very large pieces of street maintenance equipment including each of the street sweepers, a large backhoe and the road grader. The Capital Improvement Fund is balanced in each of the next several fiscal years primarily through the addition, deletion or rescheduling of capital projects to fit within the available revenues. Exoenditure Hiqhliqhts The 1995 and 1996 budgets do not incorporate many programs or personnel changes. Each of these budgets in large measure attempts to maintain the current level of services offered to the citizens of Wheat Ridge. Highlights of the 1995 proposed expenditures include: 1. Additional Police Officer. An additional position is proposed in the Police Department which would focus primarily upon expanding the Police Department presence into the high school and the department's ability to work with and promote neighborhood awareness programs in the community. 2. New Park Naturalist position. It is proposed to have a Park Naturalist hired which would be paid from the city's Open Space Fund. (The transfer from the Open Space account to general fund revenues has been increased to 3 reflect this position.) The naturalist position would focus primarily upon management and care of the city's greenbelt and resources contained therein. This position will also be responsible for working with volunteers on the greenbelt to provide educational tours and information to visitors. 3. Employee compensation. 1995 represents the first year that the compensation plan will be able to operate without the need for adjustments to place employees in their appropriate position in the compensation plan. In each of the last two years the city council has invested approximately $500,000 in employee compensation both to pay for annual increases as well as to make adjustments necessary to make the compensation plan properly function. In 1995 total employee compensation changes will be less than $300,000 and will enable the plan to function as originally designed or intended. The projected cost of living adjustment in the compensation plan is 2.5% which is less than the approximate 3% national average and less than the 4% Boulder/Denver CPI average. The 2.5% proj ected increase for the cost of living should enable the city's compensation plan to maintain its current position with the other surveyed communities, however, this will need to be monitored and verified for the 1996 fiscal year. 4. Introduction of digital imaging records management. In the 1994 budget discussions, it was anticipated that in 1995 and 1996 digital imaging would be introduced as a new record management technology for the city of Wheat Ridge. This technology is proposed on test basis in 1995 for the Public Works and Planning and Development Departments. Both computer hardware, software and temporary personnel to install the system and to input current records are budgeted in 1995. If this technology is successful, it will be expanded to other departments in future years. The technology is important to the City in that it will allow records to be stored electronically, thereby occupying significantly less space than is currently devoted to record storage and enabling staff and citizens easier access and retrievability for city documents and records. Summarv Both the 1995 and 1996 budgets proposed very few programmatic changes. As indicated, an effort has been made to maintain services currently provided. As a practical matter, new services can not be introduced without the introduction of new revenue sources to support said services. The budget format is intended to assist the members of the city Council with their policy review of the 1995 and 1996 budgets. 4 since this is a city Council document and perhaps one of the most important pieces of policy which is enacted annually by the members of the city council, any additional information which my staff can provide will be available to members of Council. I would like to acknowledge the time and effort devoted by Bill Powell, Patty crew, Paul Edwards, Jennifer Reinbrecht, Michelle Campbell and all city Departments to the preparation of the 1995 and 1996 budget document. Preparation of the two annual budgets takes an enormous amount of effort on the part of all of the participants. Respectfully submitted, Robert C. Middaugh City Administrator ~ ~ -4.~~ /bb 5 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 6 ANALYSIS OF FUND BALANCE 1992. 1996 ...,. ':;::'~~:~: ". ...............~.... . '::":" .....~........:... $3,207,695 $3,192,064 $3,178,533 $2,825,833 $2.572,694 $10,038,569 $9,849,300 $10,453,875 $11,027,n9 $11,063,637 $10,068,982 $9,862,831 $10,806,575 $11,280,918 $11,n4,984 $3,192,064 $3,178,533 $2.825,833 $2,572.694 $1,861,347 7 GENERAL FUND REVENUES BY SOURCE AUTO OWNERSHIP (0.5%) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE (11.0%) SALES TAX (31.6%) TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL PROJ. (6.8%) TRANSFER FROM OPEN SPACE (3.2%) CHARGES FOR SERVICES (4.6%) MUNICIPAL COURT (3.2%) OTHER REVENUE (1.6%) UCENSES & PERMITS (2.8%) ADMISSION/AMUSEMENT (0.4%) LODGER'S TAX (2.9%) TELEPHONE OCCUPATION (1.8%) PSCO FRANCHISE (7.3%) UQUOR OCCUPATION (0.6%) 8 GENERAL FUND REVENUE SUMMARY lo..JoM16 92 ACTUAL 93 ACTUAL lloI BUDGET lloI PROJECTED 95 BUDGET ge ESTIMATED -Pn>p""Y 1i5lIO.570 _,7Illl _,3110 1i5lIO.000 1572,_ 1572,_ Uqucr ClccupUan 170.115 1504.543 ..000 -'000 SIllI,ooo ..000 Auto Ownonl1op 153._ S55.00lll SoI5,ooo SoI5.ooo 150.000 150.000 SaI_ Tax S4.eoo.\lOll S3.2Illl,llOll 13.356.000 S3.3l1O.ooo 13._.000 S3.eoo.ooo UMTax 11,llIlol,75oI 11,781 ,000 1'.7'llO,ooo l1,ell,ooo 11"11.000 PSCo. _ 1783.133 S8'O.I1111 17110.000 1780.000 S8OO.OOO S8OO.ooo Telophane Occ"p"- 1127,_ 1127.050 11110.575 11110,575 1185.1150 S201.138 Lodger'. Tax 131.,070 S378.lI4O szeo.ooo S3OO.ooo S3215,000 S3215.ooo Adm6uion/Amua<<nw'lt S48.857 150._ S48.ooo S48.ooo S48.ooo S48.ooo TOTAL TAXES 11I.7157.572 17,005,.19 17.092.ll35 17.1111.5715 17,3115.0711 17,578.1137 """-'*" - .,1IlO 17._ 11I,000 ..000 11I.000 11I.000 -- S7\IO "'5 11.000 S800 S750 S750 Cc>n1racta' S3ll.llll5 137,"7 SoI5._ 135.000 140.000 140.000 UqucrU_ 1'3,111 112,717 1'2.000 112,000 112,000 112,000 IUId1ng P...... 11I11l.eM' 1112._ 1120.000 1100.000 1100.000 175,000 S_ Culo 1'1._ II 1.75lI 122.000 111.000 ....000 "",000 CAble T V 1lllI._ Sllll.lllll SllO.ooo SllO.ooo 1lllI,000 ..000 BlMltar tnapectlan 15.720 15._ 17,200 11I.000 110,3llO 110.3110 Sullin.. Ucen.. 127.115 S2lI.5lI2 S2lI,ooo S2lI.ooo S2lI.ooo S2lI.ooo TOTAL UC. .. PERMITS _.3011 121I1.1181 S302. 700 S2lll5,1lOO 1311.'00 S2lI7, , 00 CIglnlle Tax 1111.&13 116U5ll 11S8.ooo 1150.000 11S8,000 II S8.ooo Ccunty Read .. Bridge _.1lll1 _.1118 *-1.000 S3lIO.ooo *-1.000 *-1.000 Hnwly U.... Tax 1873._ 1721'- Sll2O.ooo ~.OOO Sll2O.OOO Sll2O.ooo M__VohideRegiot 11011.733 1I07,33ol 1105.000 SllO,OOO 1100.000 1100.000 S_ HiwBy STEP Gr8nt SO SO SO SO SO SO S_ AOAD Gr8nt 11I,_ SO SO SO SO SO JuotiCtl Dec>l Grant SO SO SO SO SO SO TOTAL INTERGOV REV 11._,750 11,37'.711II I' .220,000 11,lMO.000 11.215.000 11.215,000 W_ MowongJ C1_ S2,115 1'.007 15.000 II ,IlOO 11 ,IlOO 11,500 Engin..-ng F_ S2D.000 ",IlOO ..100 ..100 Dewelopmont "- S81 ,500 181,500 Zoning F_ S4,378 S3.7l57 S2D,500 11.000 S2D,500 S2D,500 lJqucr H..-ng SlIOO S200 11.000 SlIOO 11,000 11,000 _"_Ian 1171.1715 11l13,_ S221 ,000 S221.OOO 1225.000 1225.000 Swimmtng POClI 17..5711 m,ll. 185.000 SIloI.ooo 185.000 185.000 PcliCtlRecordolS_ 11..318 1'8.7~ 1'5.000 115.000 115.000 115.000 Pawn Shop Chetg_ 110.000 110.000 110.000 110.000 Pawn Shop TIck. "- 110.000 ..000 110.000 110.000 Extra Duty Reimburooman. SZS.s:llI 112.ll38 110.000 11 0.000 110.000 110.000 TOTAL CHRG FOR SERV 121I1,.02 1310,_ S3ll7.5OO _.500 l5Oll.eoo l5Oll.eoo MUNICIPAL COURT S250._ _.522 1325.000 _.000 _.000 S358.ooo _ Eamingo 1'11.57' -.- 1'05.000 1105.000 1110.000 1115.000 RIclwd/Harl- Duplex SZS._ 1'7.171 1'1.000 11..000 111.000 111.000 Miac.tncane 11Sll.072 1115._ 181,l1OO 150.000 150.000 150.000 Fund BeJanCtl S3.219,s:llI TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 13,_.'" S222.31. S2ll2.300 111111.ooo 1'78,000 11113,000 T..... lra'I'I Opan SpeCtl 12".000 S2lll5.OOO S2lll5.ooo _.000 S3lIO.ooo S3lIO,OOO Tran. lra'I'I CaprtaJ Pro;' SlIOO.ooo SlIOO.ooo S850.ooo S850,000 17o$l\.000 S850.ooo TOTAL TRANSFER 17".000 17118.000 _,000 _.000 I' .0115.000 I' ,000,000 GRAND TOTAL REVENUE S13.29CUT.l S10.26<.369 S'O,~178,.a35 S10,~.875 Sl1.027,779 Sl1.127.!l37 9 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" ~o 01/07/95 12:25:12 REPT: 1550 buZ40-wr CITY OF WHEAT RlOGE G_roL Fund DOIlt. S......ry - Po.. 7 bill ACCOUNT DESClIPTlON 1995 ANNUAL BUDGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BUDGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 RElIUEST 1995 1996 APPROVED RElIUESTED GENERAL FUND c;en.rol GoverNRI'lt 821,517 1006,Zll2 963,690 1117,524 1046,170 1069,929 General Operations 705,157 1232,842 1230,925 1516,762 974,633 1207,463 N..,;cipoL Court 184,938 2ZZ,740 229,451 236,ZZ9 256,629 241,180 City Clerk 117,554 123,808 lZZ,404 133,794 133,591 128,337 City Treaaurer 199,791 208,605 205,196 2Zll, D60 227,665 230,797 Plonn;ng end Development 456,451 504,636 481,986 535,330 502,137 515,97'9 Police 3606,209 4031,203 3994,476 4359,557 4279,054 4434,233 PLbl ie Work. 17l13,612 2088,091 2055,270 2313,130 2239,623 22S2,458 Park. and Recreation 1345,030 1537,665 1503,177 1744,056 1621,216 1694,608 ---....---- -.........--.... -.....-.........- ...........--- --.............. ...............- TOTAL 9ZZ0 , 278 10955,8n 10806,575 12184,442 l1ZllO,918 11774,984 11 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 12 01/01/9'5 12:32:09 IEPT: 1555 CITY OF WHEAT IIOGE page 8 bu240.wr SlMIAIY IY CLASSlflCATIOlI bill 1995 AllNUAL ILI)GET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ~ccaJIIT DESCRI PTlOlI ~CTUAL ILIlGET ESTIMATE REUST ~PPROVED REQUESTED ---..-..------..-..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PERSONNEL SERVICES General Government 599,222 69'5,034 681,082 740,519 728,178 746,534 City Clerk 75,900 81,716 81,104 112,031 112,031 &3,787 .....Iclpal Ccurt 171,945 206,139 213,711 219,219 239,279 223,130 y,....ury 99,398 104,854 104,038 1OS,501 1OS,501 110,494 Plennlng , Devel-"t 409 ,851 452,044 433,101 446,2OS 444,587 465,974 Police 3315,198 3751,399 3137,638 4005,891 3995 ,262 4159,646 P\bllc Works 1174,874 1390,490 1381,106 1520,7'93 149l1, 845 1504,780 'Irka , Recreation 1007,630 1158,899 1124,688 1240,788 119'5,900 1276,698 Gentrll Operltlons 279,624 287,301 287,301 340,466 248,301 249,3911 -----....-.. .-.....----- ....---....-- .-------- ---..-..-..... ...............--.. Total 'enonnel SeNi Cd 7134,247 8134,576 8043,769 8704,536 8540,184 8821,141 MATERI~L & SUPPLIES General Go.,.,...-,t 41,131 47,299 43,386 61,095 50,995 51.985 City Clerk 4.565 4,076 2,900 3,000 3,000 3,300 .....Icipal Ccurt 4.651 4,700 4,740 5,350 5,350 5,350 Treuury 0 3,150 2,800 3,150 2,800 2,800 Pl.....;ng & Development 11,413 13,317 12,000 14,380 13,200 13,200 Police 4 1,1122 53,7119 52,144 71,434 61,401 60,935 Publi c Works 295,421 335,084 315,340 350,207 341,288 341,7lI8 Plrka , Recr..tion 119,400 130,245 125,9'53 142,436 136,459 136,479 G_rel Operetlons 3,796- 28,536 28,800 28,200 28,200 28,700 .-.-..---... ------........ ---.......--- --.....--......" --............... -..------- Totll Materills & SUpp 515,208 620,196 588,063 679,252 642,69'5 644,537 OTHER SERVICES & CHGS Gentrel G~t 272,297 353,122 346,453 416,759 372,761 379,513 City Clerk 37,089 38,016 38,400 43.300 43.150 41,250 .....Ic;pal Ccurt 8,341 11,200 11,000 11,600 12,000 12.000 lreuury 2,421 3,695 3,39'5 4,090 4,090 4,090 Plenning & Oevel-"t 28,013 38,425 36,160 13,387 42,995 35,875 Police 216,811 200,344 187,409 240,138 207,311 199,156 P\bll e Works 301,278 352,627 149,174 376,420 369,120 184,120 Plrks & Reereltlon 213,059 236,163 241,166 298,712 2711,287 281,431 Gentrel Operetions 3Il9.2n 447,231 447,250 468,071 333,269 337,100 ......-......... --............... ---......-.... --------- ......-....--- --------- Total Other Services 1468,641 1681,423 1661,007 1932,477 1662,983 1674,535 CAPitAL aJTLAYS Gentrll Go_t 6,239 7,132 7,132 11,410 6,510 5,310 City Cllrk 0 0 0 5,463 5,410 0 .....Iclpal Court 0 0 0 0 0 0 Treuury 0 0 0 0 0 0 PI"""lng , Oe..l~t 7,108 850 72S 1,355 1,355 930 Police 31,m 19,671 17,285 42,094 15,0711 14 ,496 P\bllc Works 12,058 9,1190 9,650 65,710 30,370 21,170 parks & Reerestion 4,942 11,759 '0,770 62,120 10,570 0 Gerwrll aperlt i 0f'W 40,058 469,774 461,574 680,025 365,063 592,265 ............--- --........--- ---............ --..............- ..........--..... ------..-- Totel Cepltal OUtllY. 102,1&3 519,676 513,736 868,177 434 ,356 634,m TOl~L EXP. BT CLASSIFICATION 9220,278 109'55,872 10806,575 12184,442 11280,918 11774,9ll4 J.3 CITT OF WHEAT RIDGE P- 9 01/01/95 12:40,16 REPT: 1515 bill bu24O.w, SUMMARY IY ACCOUNT 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 OESCRI PTlOIl ACT\IAL IlIlGET ESTlIlATE REUST APPlIIWED REUSTED ACtlIJIIT ....---------------------~.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..--.-..- PERSONNEL SERVICES STAff SAlARIES & WAGES 5081,584 5148,301 5720,131 6033,815 6030,493 6Z'17,1211 llllliEVITY PAY 42,463 33,701 33,311 36,729 36,729 37,574 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 10,512 11,449 11,449 11,1145 11,1145 12,609 EXTIIA DUTY PAY 12,655 17,315 10,000 10,500 10,500 10,500 AUTO AllllllAllCE 13,110O 15,600 15,600 16,ZOO 15,600 15,600 0VEIIT11lE & PREIIIlIl PAY 153,744 115,219 192,619 208,792 198,245 201,306 ST_IY PAY 26.102 21,620 27,llZO 2ll,442 211,442 29,720 TEMP_ PERSONNEL . HOURLY 251,798 314,906 312,511 418,051 354,2110 331,872 aurr PAY 35,274 52,536 60 ,369 56,588 56,588 59,740 TENP. PERSONNEL - NOll-HOURLY 152,714 113,546 1611,164 18S,Z6lI 199,935 183,390 FICIl EXPENSE EMPLOYER 270,208 258,0111 258,837 272 ,394 271,Z03 2111,776 WORKERS' CCM'ENSATlOIl 232,790 263,000 Z63,OOO 316,000 225,000 ZZ5,ooo MEDICALIDENTAl INSURANCE 461,315 557,641 500,693 5118,558 592,733 6011,181 ~llTIIENT INSURANCE 1,5IJ 5,000 5,000 5,250 5,000 5.000 walK CDMP DEDUCTIIlE 28,309 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 IlEDICAllE PllRTlOIl fiCA 11,538 13,2ll2 13,032 79,934 77,679 lIZ ,680 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP 104,9116 123,011O 122,600 131,250 131,082 136,648 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP 201,705 224,335 Z23,152 231,396 237,396 246,6113 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 35,101 58,901 43,1181 61,524 58,134 52,734 --------- ----..---- ................ --------- --....--...... -.......-.- TOt8l '....OIYIel Serv;ce. 1134,241 8134,516 llO43,769 8104,536 854O,llll4 llllZl,141 RlTEtIAl & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 30 ,404 39,085 35,210 40,356 36,658 31,108 CEIIRAl STORES REVOl. V I NG 1,116- 264- 0 0 0 0 POSTAGE - REVlII.VING 2.6110- 0 0 0 0 0 PHOTOCaPY & PRINTING EXP. 46,811 61,665 57,000 lIZ,053 67,610 611,610 POSTAGE COSTS 27,665 31,299 37,860 44,005 43,505 43,165 IWII;E SLflPllES 6,159 9,745 9,745 10,970 10,970 10.970 OPEIIATl NG SUPPlI ES 224,6611 253,410 252,698 2l1Z,423 267,567 Z6lI,099 GAS & Oil al,813 99,500 lIZ,OOO 96,060 95,000 95,000 VENICLE & EQUIPMENT PARTS 97,5119 108,458 105,000 112,800 110,110O 110,000 HAZAIIDaJS WASTE DISPOSAL 3.235 10,300 7,800 9,1135 9,1135 10,135 SPECIAL SMALL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 1,000 150 150 150 150 --------- -..-....---- .....__e..._.._ --------- -....._----- ...---.......... Total Materiala & Supplies 515,208 620,196 5118,063 679,252 642,695 644,537 OYHER SERVICES & CHGS CDlfERENCE & HEETING EXP. 26,589 46,155 45,506 68 ,lI99 52,1109 53,409 COIITUCT\lAL SElVI CES 116,323 135,922 144,49a 1119,814 179,7611 1111,512 DUES, .xJICS & SUlSCRIPT 17,401 24,684 22,155 32,139 21,002 25,152 ElECTION EXPENSE 5,671 4,131 4,200 8,000 8,000 5,000 AMNUAL APPRECIATION DINN 4.554 2.569 7,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 lEGALS & PUBLISHING 21,277 25,100 24,8S0 24,ll6lI 24,ll6lI 25,ll6lI REalm I NG fEES 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 lEGJSIJlTIVE ~RSHIPS 24,522 26,000 25,300 2II,22S 26.572 27.000 ORDIIlAIICE ENfllRCEllENT 3,747 9,500 9,250 9,500 9.500 9,500 Ea.JlIC DEVELOP. INCENT GEIlER Z63,932 300,000 300, ODD 231,000 100,000 100,000 VETElUIIAIIY SERVlCES/SUPP 4a5 300 300 400 400 400 JEFFCO AMlMAl SHELTER 11,386 11,670 11,670 12,254 11,386 12,000 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 3,119 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 3,335 1.700 3,000 3,995 3.995 4,500 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISING 7,720 7,350 9,350 9,000 9,000 9,000 J.4 01/07/95 12:43:52 REPT: 1575 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE P- 10 bu240-wr SUMMARY BT ACCOUNT bill 1995 ANNUAL 8lJ)GU 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACalJIIT DESClIPTION ACTUAL BUlGET ESTlIlATE REllUEST APPROVED RElIUESTED .-...--------------------------..------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT I'" 1,200 1,200 1,750 1,350 1,350 TRAINING 47,279 67,489 60,700 97,801 72,315 71,675 SAfETY 1,1&4 550 580 600 600 600 UNIfORMS & PROT CLOTHING 38,246 48,145 46 ,079 58,666 51,225 45,600 WITNESS & JUROR fEES 1,190 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,400 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 2,594 4,380 3,710 4,690 4,440 4,490 UN I fORM ALLOlIAIlU 31,819 36,040 35,000 37,240 36,640 36,640 TOOl. ALLOlIAIlCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 VlIl.UNTEERS 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES 143,587 195,047 186,700 236,035 204,010 205,535 MICllOflUl 3,810 10.550 5,000 6,500 6,500 6,500 COlPIITER SOFTI/AllE 8,066 1,495 1,495 16,400 0 0 RENTALS & LEASES 47,811 26,991 21,280 23,287 20,251 19,600 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 52,190 66,734 66,620 71,521 67,854 70 ,000 UTILITIES 201,927 214,704 215,137 233,170 221,878 234,214 STREET 1I GHTI NG 229,824 270,000 280,000 290,000 290,000 305,000 fLEET REPAIR/IIAINTEHANCE 289 0 0 8,000 8,000 5,000 fACILITY REPAIR & KAINT 31,272 36,530 33,830 37,153 31,153 37,153 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT 93,645 40,727 39,122 46,770 46,251 46,637 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTION 34,450 29,200 29,175 27,500 20,000 20,000 PERSONAL & PROPERTY LIAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 UNINSURED lOSSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 DIUG COALITION _T 0 0 0 0 0 0 JEff CO TREAS COll fEES 5,721 6,000 6,000 6,300 6,300 ',300 _TION EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 TITLE SEARCHES 0 0 0 500 500 500 UNALlOCATEO fUND 8AlAIlCE 5,360 0 0 0 0 0 SALARY RESERVE 934- 0 0 80,000 81,250 79 ,500 IlAlWiEMENT COIlTlNGENCY 5,083 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 MIse: SERVICES & CIWlGES 2,527 10,530 9,000 7,000 6,700 6,800 --------- ...---...-...-- ___.._a...__ ..-......-........... --......---- .___a.......... Tot.l Other Services 1468,641 1681,423 1661,001 1932,477 1662,983 1674,535 CAPITAL OUTLAYS UNO, BLIlli., & \lATER ACQ. 0 0 0 0 0 0 OFFICE fURNITURE & EQUIP 11,959 16,000 14,132 34,927 31,908 17,506 TOOLS & WORK EQUIP 0 2,600 2,600 0 0 0 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUIP 6,'19 1,395 1,395 9,655 7,195 2,000 COMIIII CATIONS EQU I PMENT 6,199 15,722 14,950 7,060 4,150 5,000 flEET REPLACEMENT 0 0 0 6,990 0 0 CAP IT AL lEASES 31,729 34 ,864 34,589 40 ,468 40,468 41,000 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 33,676 17,300 16,475 111,472 38,01' 30,265 IUILIlING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 BUILIlING IMPROVEMENTS P/W SHOP 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIP. 0 4,110 4,710 1,500 1,500 1,000 COMIIIITY IMP & BEAUTlfA 0 0 0 0 0 0 RICHAllD/HARD EST I~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRANSfERS TO SPECIAL fUNDS 0 427,085 424,885 626,105 311,119 538,000 ..-..........--- .--......... ................ .................. ......-......... ............. Tot.l C.pit.l OUtl.ys 102,183 519,676 513,736 868,177 434,356 634,771 TOTAL EXPENSE 9220,278 10955,872 10806,575 12184,442 11280,918 11774,984 15 CITYWIDE .:-..-.:-:.....;...;.......:-.. .........-........, ................-. .................. ......-...-'.........--.... -.....-:...,.....:-......:-.......:....:.:... ..........-.......... ',.-.......,...,...... ,................... ....................,... . .. . -.. ......... ........-........................... .. ........... ..-.....;"..... .. ,.................................,.-.-.. . .................-.. . - '::::::::::::::::::::;:::;::::::.::::.:::'.::_:-..'..:::;:::::::::::;::::;}:::::::.::::;::::;:::.... .............., ._-,-.-.',.' .... .....'::;--.,........_-......,.-.--...........................-.. ::::.;::::;:...:::-:-:.:.;.-.;.;.;.:-..:-:.:<-:.;-;..".;.;.,...... :.. ..... .....'................................ AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 General Government 12 12 12 City Clerk 1.6 1.6 1.6 Municipal Court 4.5 4.5 4.5 Treasury 4 4 4 Planning & Development 10 10 10 Police 86 87 87 Public Works 32 32 32 Parks & Recreation 20 21 21 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 170.1 172.1 172.1 ELECTED OFFICIALS City Council 8 8 8 Mayor 1 1 1 City Clerk 1 1 1 City Treasurer 1 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 16 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELECTORATE I CITY CITY MAYOR TREASURER CLERK COUNCIL I I CITY MUNICIPAL CITY ATTORNEY JUDGE ADIIINISTRATOR BUDGET PURCHASING DATA PROC. BLDG. MAINT. PERSONNEL ECO. DEVEL. VOLUNTEERS I I I I PARKS PLANNING PUBLIC AND AND POLICE RECREA TI ON DEVELOPMENT WORKS 17 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 1.8 01/07195 12:19:27 REPT: 1550 bu240-wr CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE Generll fl.rd Dept. S.-ry P- bill ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION 1995 ANNUAL UGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 IIUlGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 RE_ST 1995 1996 APPROVED RE_STED ....-------------------------------------------------------------------...---------------------------------..--.-------..------....----- GENERAL GOVERNMENT City ccu>cil 106,491 118,472 120,378 131,388 112,775 114,203 Moyor 33,799 14,635 14,435 14,7'95 14,7'95 14.895 Adllinistration 303,744 359,887 351,208 392,776 373,466 385,5a4 Ec_ic D....l_t 0 79,342 74,m 111,693 98,262 98,723 City Attorney 99,955 133,200 133,200 139,100 139,100 139,800 Purch..; ng 77,153 83, Z98 82,361 87,960 87,960 91,018 Dati proc...i", 107,377 113,903 109,119 136,449 116,949 lZD,CD9 Building Maintenance 85,467 88,595 88,513 90,050 89,850 92,934 CIMnltion Festivll 7,531 14,950 9,750 12,613 12,313 12,733 --------- -----.......- ------....... ..._--'"'---- ..........---- --------- TOTAL 821,517 1006,282 983,690 1117,524 1046,170 1069,929 J.9 GENERAL GOVERNMENT CITY COUNCIL IolAYOR EXECUTI VE - SECREHRY (I) SENIOR SECRET ARY (I) CITY ADMINISTRATOR (1) FINANCEI PERSONNEL BUDGET ASSISTANT ASST. (1 ) (1 ) I VOLUNTEER I COORDINATOR SWITCH- PURCHASE DATA BOARD AGENT SYSTEMS OPER (1) (I) MGR. (1) DATA PROGRAMER ECONOMIC (1) DEVEL. COORD.(I) BLDG. PURCHASE MAINT. TECH. TECH. (I) (I) PARKS PLANNING PUBLIC & & POLICE WORKS RECREATION DEVELOPMENT 20 DEPARTMENT STAJ'FING AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 city Adminstrator 1 1 1 Personnel Assistant 1 1 1 Finance Assistant 1 1 1 Data Systems Manager 1 1 1 Purchasing Agent 1 1 1 Data Programmer 1 1 1 Executive Secretary 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 Purchasing Technician 1 1 1 switchboard Operator 1 1 1 Economic Development Coord. 1 1 1 Bldg. Maint. Technician 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 12 12 12 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor 1 1 1 Council Members 8 8 8 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 21 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 22 01106/95 15:45:43 REPT, 1106 CITY OF \/ItEAT 1I0GE P... 3 bu240-wr O_rt",""t S.....ry bill 1995 ANNUAL 8lIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCCUlIT DESCRIPTlIlIi ACTUAL 8lIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPROVED REUSTED ------..----------------..-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------......- G_rel Gove...-nt PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SAlAIIlES .. WAGES 407,631 482,610 482,610 509,440 509,340 526,726 LIlIiGEVITY PAY 0 0 0 0 0 0 DEFERRED COMPENSATIIlIi 3,439 3,aaa 3,aaa 4,000 4,000 4,2610 AUTO AllOllAllCE 3,000 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 OVERTlIIC .. PRElIIIJI PAY 7,r1S7 10,241 5,041 7,500 7,500 7,920 TEMP. PERSONNEL' HOURLY 2,119 0 0 15,600 0 0 TEMP. PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 31,680 31,680 31,680 31,6110 31,680 31,680 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER 33,516 30,715 30,715 33,342 32,114 33,962 IlEDICAllDENTAl INUAllCE 28,738 36,335 21,455 32,946 37,152 33,674 IlEDICARE PORTlIlIi FICA 0 7,457 7,146 1,147 7,1144 1,04a CaJERA RETI REMENT EXP 12,750 13,514 13,514 16.019 15,949 16,472 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 0 1,000 1,000 l,r1S0 l,r1SD 1,050 .--........--- ......--.......- ..--_..._-.... ----......-- ..---.....--- -.....-..---.. Tot.l Perlonnel Service. 529,929 621,110 607,719 663,330 650,929 667,396 MATERIAL" SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,64lI 3,384 3,100 3,600 2,600 2,800 PHOTOCOPT .. PRINTING EXP. 12,012 11,150 13,200 26,110 11,110 11,610 POSTAGE COSTS 2,044 7,000 9,000 12,260 11,260 11,500 OPERATING SUPPLIES 7,5'17 10,_ 10,5116 " ,lZ5 10,m 10,925 ..----.......- --......-....... .-......-........ ......-.........-- ...-......---..- --...----...... ToUI ...tar,.I. .. ,-Un 30,101 39,418 35,8ll6 53,095 42,895 43,135 OTHER SERVICES .. CHGS CONFERENCE .. IICETING EXP. 8,791 20,375 20,550 33,175 23,775 24,375 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 7,419 27,406 27,9211 40 ,356 34 ,356 37,UlO DUES, 800ICS .. SUlSCRIPT 2,533 7,135 6,550 12.010 1,010 1,010 ANNUAL APPRECIATIIlIi DINN 4,554 2,569 7,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 LEGAlS .. PUlllSHING 128 3,100 2,150 2,W 2,lI6ll 2,lI6ll lEGISLATIVE MEIlIERSHIPS 24,522 26,000 25 ,300 2I.22S 26,572 27,000 TUITIIlIi REIHlURSEHENT 3,119 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 PRE-EHPLOTHENT PHYSICALS 3,335 7,700 3,000 5,995 5,995 4,500 RECRUITMENT" ADVERTISING 7,720 7,550 9,350 9,000 9,000 9,000 TRAINING 13,092 13,650 13,550 24,575 16,075 16,575 AUTO MilEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 422 1,550 1,500 1,425 1,425 1,475 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100,lIll8 157,100 154,700 165,475 162.47> 164,000 COIPUTER SOFTWARE 527 0 0 0 0 0 RENTALS .. lEASES 945 1,500 700 735 735 735 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 FACiliTY REPAIR" HAIMT 10,723 12,500 12,500 14,000 14,000 14,000 OTHER EllUlPMENT MAINT 13,611 417 400 950 650 650 U11IN$UIlED lOSSES 34,450 29 ,200 29,175 27,500 20,000 20,000 UIlAI.lOCA TED FUND IAlAIICE 5,360 0 0 0 0 0 MAMAGEMENT CONTI MGENCY 5,013 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 MIst SERVICES & CHARGES 2,027 9,000 7,50D 5,500 5,200 5,300 -................ --.......---- ..--..........- ............-......... ..-.........-..- -................. Tot.1 Oth.r Service> 255,248 338,022 332,353 390,489 346,636 35l,W CAP IT AL OUT LA TS OFfiCE FURNITURE .. EllUlP 6,239 5,732 5,732 1,110 5,710 5,310 OTHER MAJOR EllUlPMENT 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 ................... -..--......-- ....-.....--.... --..---...... --....-....._- ---........-.. Tot.1 Caplt.1 OUtl.Y' 6,239 7,732 7,732 10,610 5,710 5,310 TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 821,517 1006,282 983,690 1117,524 1046,170 1069,929 23 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government city Council PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City council is the legislative and policy making body of the City of Wheat Ridge. The Council is comprised of eight members elected from four districts. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 OTHER SERVICES AND SUPPLIES 1. Conference and Meeting expense is $11,000. This funding covers a national conference, CML conference, Jeffco Government, CML, DRCOG Banquet, and misc. meetings. 2. Appreciation Dinners for Boards and commissions and employees is budgeted at $7,500 3. Legislative Memberships is $26,572. This funding covers CML, DRCOG, National League of Cities, West Chamber, and the Greater Metro Cable Consortium. 4. PrOfessional Services is budgeted at $13,000 to cover the cost of the comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 5. outside Contributions is budgeted at $20,000. This relfects a decrease due to movement of the Arvada Center Funding. 24 01/06/95 15:18:39 REPT: 1010 CITY OF IIHEAT RlOGE P- t>u240-wr bill 1995 AIlllUAl 8lIlGET 1993 I_ I_ 1995 1995 ,- ACClIJNT OESCRIPTlON ACTlIAl BlJIGET ESTlIlATE REUST APPROVE) REUSTED ------------------------------------------------------..-....--------------------------------.-..-..--..----..--..------..------------------- CITY CCIJIICll 01-102-600-619 TEMP_PERSDNNEl/NON-HOURl CITY 31,680 31,680 31,680 31,680 31,680 31,680 01-102-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EHPlOTER CITY CO 2,424 ',964 1,964 2,424 1,964 1,964 01-102-600-625 MElIICARE PORTION fiCA CITY COU 0 459 459 459 459 459 .....-............. ...-............... ......-..---.. ...--..---..... ----....-...- --....----... 600 TOTALS 34,104 34,103 34,103 34,563 34,103 34,103 ......-.....--- --..-..-....... .-............... ....-...........- ....-.......--... --................ 01-102-650-651 OffICE SUPPLIES CITY COUNCil 93 0 0 0 0 0 01-102-650-654 PHOTOCOPT & PRINTING EXP CITY 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-102-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS CITY CCUIICIl 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---....._--- -....-.....-..- ---.....---- --..........-...- --................. ..-...........--- 650 TOTALS 93 0 0 0 0 0 ............--.. -oo............- ----.._--.. .....-........-- ----........-- ."""-"''''''- 01-102-700-7112 CONfERENCE & MEETING EXP CITY 3,409 10,000 10,000 17.500 ",000 ",000 01-102-700-706 DUES, IOCCS, & SUISCRIPT CrTY 0 400 100 400 400 400 01-102-700-712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINN CITY 4,554 2,569 7,000 10,000 7,500 7,500 01-102-700-716 lEGISLATIVE MEHIERSKIPS CITY C 24,5Z2 26,000 25 ,300 28,225 26,572 27,000 01-102-700-740 AllTO MilEAGE RElMIUISEIIT CITY 0 200 200 200 200 200 01-102-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES 0 12,000 12,000 13,000 13,000 14,000 01-102-700- 759 TElEPMDNE EXPENSE CITT COUNCil 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-102-700-780 CUTSIOE AGENCY CONTRlIUT CITY 34,450 29,200 29,175 27,500 20,000 20,000 01-102-700-795 UlW.lOCATEO fUND IALAIlCE CITY 5,360 0 0 0 0 0 01 - 102- 700- T98 MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY CITT CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-102-700-799 IIIIe SERVICES & CHAaGES CITY C 0 4,000 2,500 0 0 0 .....--........ -.......--.....- ................... --......--...... ---............... .....--.....-- 700 TOTALS 72,295 114,369 116,275 96 .125 TlI,672 eo,l00 ..-..-...--..... ..--......-...- ------..-- ----..........- ---............... -..----...-- 102 TOTALS 106,491 118,472 120,3Tl1 131,3aIl '12,775 114,203 -- --- --- n_ -- 25 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government Mayor PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Mayor is the elected Chief Executive Officer of the City and presides at City Council meetings and special ceremonies. The Mayor supervises the City Administrator. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies, photocopy and postage are consolidated in the City Administrator's budget. 700 - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1. Conferences and meetings are budgeted at $2,700. 2. The Mayor's budget is funded to pay for plaques, flowers and memorials, $1,200. 26 01106/95 15: 18:55 lEPT: 1010 CITY OF WIlEAT Il0GE P- bu240-wr bill 1995 ANllUAl UGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AttlllIIT OESCIIPTI011 ACTUAL III.IlGET ESTIMATE REIlUEST APPItOVED REaSTEll ..-...~_......._-_._.._-.-._._._-.---_.--------------------------------------------.------------..----------------------------------- IIA 1'01 01-104-600-602 STAFF SALMIES & WAGES IlAYOR 27,094 9,276 9,216 9,216 9,216 9,276 01 -104-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER IlAYOR 1,841 575 575 575 575 575 01-104-600-622 MEDICAllOENTAl INSURAJlCE IlAYOR 622 0 0 0 0 0 01-104-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPlOYEI 0 134 134 134 134 134 01-104-600-630 CCXIElA RETllEMENT EXP MAYOR 716 0 0 0 0 0 -.-....---- --....._---- -----.--- ..___e__... ---....-..-- .................... 600 TOTALS 30,214 9,985 9,985 9,985 9,985 9, 9115 -.-..-...-- -........---..... ---......-- ....-....---- --............ ..--..-.......- 01-104-650-651 OfFICE SUPPLIES MAYOIt 16 0 0 0 0 0 01-104-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS IlATOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.................. ---....---... --..-..--.... .---...---- --..--......- .--.......--- 650 TOTALS 16 0 0 0 0 0 -.-.....-..-- ----........... .-..-...-..... .--_..-.._- --..--_.....- .---_........ 01-104-700-702 CONfElENCE & MEETING EXP MAYOR 1,602 2,300 2,300 2,7110 2,700 2,700 01 - 104 -700- 706 QS, 800KS, & SUBSCRIPT IlAYOR 96- 500 550 610 610 610 01-104-700-726 lEcaulTHENT & ADVERTISING 164 350 350 0 0 0 01-104-700-740 AIITO NIlEAGE REIN_SENT IlATOR 0 500 250 300 300 300 01-104-700-759 TtW_E EXPENSE MATOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-104-700-198 _NT CONTlNGENCT MATOR 6 0 0 0 0 0 01-104-700-799 NISC SfRVICES & CHAR"'S IlATOR 1,834 1,000 1,000 1,200 1 ,ZOO 1,300 ......._..e.... ..........---.. -..--........ ----.-... --..-..--- -..-....-.... 700 TOTAlS 3,509 4,650 4,450 4,.'0 4,'10 4,910 -............... ..-......-... -.....-...--- .......-......... -.....--..... ........-..... 01-104-800-102 OffiCE fURNITURE & EQUIP IlATOR 0 0 0 0 0 0 -...............- ..-.............. ................-.. -................. .-..--..-.. -............... 100 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.............-.. ..--.......... .-.........-. .......-...... .........-....- -..--........ 104 TOTALS 33,799 14,635 '4,435 '4,795 '4,795 '4,1195 -- u_ ..---. --- ..-. .- 27 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government Economic Development PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This was a new program in 1994. Administers the City's economic development program. Advises Mayor/Council and City Administrator on business/development issues and needs. Works with the Business Development Commission, the Jefferson Economic council, the state, and other agencies to retain and attract new businesses to Wheat Ridge. Serves as principal coordinator for implementation of the city's economic development strategic plan. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Coordinate the development and implementation of a strategic plan for economic development. 2. Develop materials and information to promote the City for economic development purposes. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Printing and copying is budgeted at $10,000 and will be used primarily for marketing and promotions. 700 - OTHERS SERVICES & SUPPLIES 1. This area contains $7,400 to be used for contractual services and legal publications, $2,500. 28 01/06195 15:19:02 IEPT: 1010 CITY OF I/ItEAT IIOGE P- 4 bu240-wr bill 1995 AII_l Il.tlGET 1993 1_ 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCllJIIT OESClIPTlOIl AClUAL BUlGET ESTIMATE REClUEST APPIOVel REClUESTED .................----.---------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-.--.-.----------- ECOIlOlII C OEVElOPllENr 01- 105-600-602 SALAltIES , WAGES 0 51,173 52,473 62,636 60,3Q3 64,411 01-105-600-611 TEMP. PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-105-600-620 fI CA EXPEIlSE EMPlOfU 0 3,253 3,253 3,lIlD 3,739 3,901 01-105-600-622 NEAlTH , LIFE INSl&UlCE 0 6,677 1,500 1,101 5,251 1,177 01-105-600-625 lIED I CAllE EXPENSE EMPlOTER 0 161 450 908 874 914 01-105-600-630 CCDEIA RETIREMENT EXP-ECON. OE 0 0 0 1,753 1,683 1,1104 --.-.---- .---.---- -...-----.... ..----....... ........--....... ---....... 600 TOTALS 0 61,864 57,676 70,211 11,856 n,m .-.----... ..-----...... --......-...... ....------.. --............. -----...... 01-105-650-651 MISC. OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 100 100 100 100 100 01-105-650-654 PRIIITINO & COPYINO 0 7,000 7,000 17,000 10,000 10,000 01-105-650-655 POSTAGE 0 1,000 1,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 01-105-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 -....-.........- .---..........- ------....... ..........---- ..-..---..- -----....... 650 TOTALS 0 9,100 9,100 20,100 '3,100 13,100 ....---........ ____e...___ -....--........ .-.------ ---.---..- --"'.......-- 01-105-700-702 CONFERENCE , MEETINGS 0 750 1,000 4.300 2,300 2,300 01-105-700-71)4 CONTIACT1IAl SEIVICES 0 2,000 2,000 13,356 7,356 7,400 01-105-700-706 _., IDOICS , SUISCIIPT. 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 01-105-700-714 LEGALS , PUllISN.NG 0 2,750 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 01-105-700-740 AUTO IIILEAGE IElIlll.llUIIENT 0 ISO ISO ISO ISO ISO ..._._-.~... ..------..- ........-.... ......-..-..... ........---- ......--...... 7DO TOTALS 0 6,650 6,650 21,306 13,306 13,350 ......------ .---.--.. --.....---.. .............. .......----- .....---....-- 01-105-110O-1102 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP. 0 1,721 1,300 0 0 0 -...---..... ..-------- .............. ..---........ -......----.. .....--.-..-- _ TOTALS 0 1,721 1,300 0 0 0 .....--.....- .............-.. ................... ................... ........---.... ....----...... 105 TOTALS 0 19,342 74,n6 '11,693 98,262 98,123 .- ..- .- .- n_ ( I 29 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government city Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Administrator works under the supervision of the Mayor and is responsible for the administration of the city's daily affairs. The budget, personnel, risk management and public information functions are a part of this budget. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: J.. Maintain regular communication with city council and citizens. Implement City council policies. 2. Supervise and direct the City's operating departments. Ensure the provision of quality services to Wheat Ridge citizens. 3. Promote on with the Customer Service Program for employees. 4. continue the citizen Awareness & Participation Program. 5. Implement the Economic Development strategic plan. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies, photocopy and postage are budgeted at $24,260 for the city Administrator, Mayor, ci ty Council and ci ty Attorney. 2. Postage was increased due to a possible postage rate hike. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Conference and meetings are budgeted at $6,100 and include funds for the Budget Assistant, Personnel Assistant and the City Administrator. 2. Tuition is budgeted at $5,000. This amount was established in 1991 by the City Council. These funds are used to reimburse employees for college tuition of up to $500/person/year. 3. ~ity w~de training bu~geted at $6,500, for general training, 1nclud1ng computer skJ.lls, management training and customer service skills. 4. Professional services, budgeted at $5,475, includes the cost of pre-employment psychological evaluations of sworn personnel and the City'S employee assistance program (EAP). 5. Management contingency is budgeted at $5,000 and utilized for CAP, employee recognition, customer service and similar types of programs. 800 - CAPI~AL OUTLAYS 1. Capital purchases include an office chair for the Personnel Assis~ant - $3J.0, a three drawer lateral file cabinet - $600 two f~ve drawer lateral file cabinets - $1 200 h d' book shelf - $500. ' eac , an a 30 ~ ! 01/06/95 15:19:13 _EPT, 1010 CITY OF \/llEAT IIOGE P- bu240-Mr bill 1995 AII_L IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AClXIJIlT DESCIlIPTlllII ACTUAL BlJIGET ESTIMATE REUST API'tIOYED REU.TElI ._..e___.._.....__.."__...._"__.."_"__._"_...._..."._"_---............--...------......----........-........--...-.------..-.-.....---.-.-..-- ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES 01-106-600-602 STAFF SAlAIIIES , \/AGES CITY NJ 20Z,38.3 241,701 241,701 250,9OZ 253,129 Z61,998 01-106-600-604 DE FERRED COlPfNSA Tlllll C I fT NJM 3,439 3,_ 3,_ 4,000 4,000 ~,264 01-\06-600-606 AlITO ALLcr.wICE CITT ADMIMISTRA 3,000 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 01-106-600-610 DYEITIME & PIEMIUM PAY CITT NJ 0 54\ 54\ 500 500 500 0\-\06-600-617 TEMP.PERSONNEL - HaUlLY CITY A 2,119 0 0 15,600 0 0 0\-\06-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYEI CI fT NJ 15,442 13,U3 13,U3 14,1190 14,966 15,676 01-106-6OO-62Z MEDICALIDENTAL INSUlANCE ClfT 11,665 11,931 10,1160 13,954 14,010 14,\46 01-106-600-625 _ICARE ElCPfNSE EMPLOYEI 0 3,505 3,505 3,939 3,610 3,772 01-\06-600-630 CCDERA IETIIEMENT EXP CITY ADM 4,908 6,348 6,348 6,801 6,801 7,021 .......... -....--....... .....-.---- ......--...... --............ .............. 600 TOT I.I.S 242,955 285,403 284,332 314,\116 300,616 3\0,914 ...---....... --.---...... ................. --............- ................ ---......-..- 01-\06-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES CITY ADMINISTR 2,566 3,411 3,000 3,500 2,500 2,700 01.\06-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PI'NTING EXP CITY 1Z,012 10,950 6,000 e,900 7,900 e,4DD 01-106-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS CITY NJMINISTRAT 2,044 6,000 e,ooo 10,260 9,260 9,500 01-\06-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ADMINI \,3119 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 1,600 ..........--.... ......--..-... --............ .............. ---............. ......-...... 650 TOTALS \a,011 2\,961 la,6OO Z4,26O Z\,26O 22,200 ................ .............. ............... .......---..... .................. ......-........ 01- 106- 700- 702 CONFEIENCE & KEETING EXP CITY 3,670 6,600 6,600 6,100 6,100 6,700 0\-\06-700-706 OUES, 1OlXS, & SllISCIlIPT CITT 1,529 2,150 2,150 2,150 Z,150 2,150 01-106- 700- 7Z3 TUITIOII REI....SEllENT CITY ADM 3,119 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,ODD 01-106-700-124 Plf-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS CITY 3,315 1,700 3,000 3,995 3,995 4,500 0\-\06-700-126 IEClUITMENT & ADVEITISIN ClfT 7,556 1,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,ODD 01-106- 700- 12e TRAINING CITY ADMINISTRATOI 7,W a,6OO a,6OO 10,600 10,600 10,600 0\-106-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT CITY 36 150 150 200 ZOO Z50 01-\06- 700-150 PIOFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY ADM 6,670 7,600 6,500 5,415 5,415 6,000 01-106-700-755 COMPUTER SOFTWAIE CITT ADMINIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-\06-700-75a RENTALS & LEASES CITY ADMINIST 793 aoo 0 0 0 0 01-106-700-759 TELfPHOIIE EXPENSE CITY ADMINIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-106-700-776 OTHEI EllUlPMENT MAINT CITY ADM \05 275 200 500 200 200 01-\06-700-7'/8 _GEMENT COIInNGENCY ClfT NJ 5,077 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 01-106- 700- 799 MIle SERVICES & CHARGES CITY A 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..---....-- ..-..-...-.. .............. ---...-... ........-........... ................... 700 TOTALS 39,371 50,a75 46,200 4lI,OZO 47,120 49,400 .............. .............- ............... ................ ................. ............... 0\-106-aoo-&o2 OFFICE FUlNlTUllE & EQUIP CITY 3,40& 1,_ Z,016 3,al0 3,a\0 3,ODD 01-106-600-&09 OTHEI MA~OI EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 2,500 0 0 .............. ............. ................. ............... ...........-.... ...-............ aDD TOTALS 3,40& 1,_ Z,076 6,3\0 3,110 3,ODD .................... ................... ................. ................. ...................... ................... \06 TOTALS 303,744 359,aa1 351,2oa 392,776 313,466 385,584 .- .- - - .- 3J. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government city Attorney PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Advises city Council, Boards and Commissions and staff on legal implications of contemplated policy and administrative decisions. Reviews all city ordinances and contracts. Represents the City in legal actions involving the City and provides prosecution services for municipal court. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Professional services includes all costs for the City's outside legal services. These costs include general legal counsel and prosecution. 2. The 1995 Budget includes two additional one-half day court sessions per month. 32 01/06/95 15:19:22 REPT: 1010 CITY OF WEAT RIDGE P- 6 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANIAJAL IUlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJIIT OESClUPTlllII ACTUAL IllIlGET ESTIMATE IE_ST - UClJESTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...------.-..------------......------- CITY ATTORNEY 01-107-600-640 OUTSIOE PERSONAL SERVICE CITT 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-------- .------_. ---...._--- -....---......... .......e....__ ..........---- 600 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------- ---..._---- -......._---- -----...--- --............ --------- 01-107-700-702 CCIlnlENCE & MEETING EXP CITY 11 0 0 0 0 0 01-107-700-704 COWTIACTUAL SEIVICES CITT ATTO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-107-700-7116 OW" IOOICS . & SUlSClIPT CITT 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-107-700-750 PJOfESSIONAL SEIVICES CITT ATT 99,944 133,200 133,200 139,_ 139,_ 139,_ 01-107-700-799 MISC SEIVICES & CHARGES CITY A 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----..... --------- -.-..----- ---.....--.- ..-------- --------- 700 TOTALS 99,955 133,200 133,200 139,_ 139,_ 139,_ .-.........-- ...---..--- --....---..... -..........--- -...._----- ............- 107 TOTALS 99,955 133,200 133,200 139,100 139,100 139,_ .- .- - .- - 33 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: General Government PROGRAM: purchasing PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Evaluates and manages the procurement of supplies, materials, professional services and contracts. Assistance is given in the development and preparation of standards, proposals and specifications, designating what is needed and promoting fair and quality competition and seeking to obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended. Cooperative buying with other governmental jurisdictions to obtain the lowest possible price through quantity purchases. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide city wide assistance in purchasing, according to the rules and regulations of the City. Accomplish this through training programs for City personnel and continual updating of the Purchasing Manual. 2. Expand the City's involvement with other government entities by making joint purchases. 3. Continue the ongoing recycling effort at the municipal building. 4. Monitor, maintain and manage the telephone systems for all city offices. 5. Issue Purchase Orders, Requests for Proposals, Requests for Quotes and Requests for Bids. 6. Provide assistance and direction with construction and special projects and major purchases. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies and photocopying are consolidated in the city administrators budget. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 INDICATOR ACTUAL 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 PROJECT 1996 PROJECT Number of Bids, Quotes, 59 and Proposals Number of Purchase 3,248 Orders Issued 65 70 75 3,400 3,600 3,900 34 01106/95 15:19:50 UPT, 1010 CITT OF WHEAT RlOGE P- 10 bu240-..r bIll 1995 AllNUAL IlIIGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCOlIIT OESCRIPTlON ACTUAL BlIlGET ESTlMTE RE_Sf APPIOVEO RE_STED ......--------.......----------------------...-..-----------------------------------.-...---------------------...-.-------------.-...-------.-....-- PUIlCllASING 01 - I 16-600-602 STAFF SALAIIIES & WAGES PUIICllAS 59,176 66,764 66,764 70 ,603 70 ,603 n,l92 01 - I 16-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PURCIlAS 4,511 4,141 4,141 4,377 4,m 4,519 01 - I 16-600-622 MEDICALIllENTAL INSlJlWjCE PUIlCN 6,011 6,730 6,111 7,057 7,057 7,249 01-116-600-625 MEDICAlE EXPENSE EMPLOTER 0 961 961 1,024 1,024 1,057 01-116-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PURCllASI 2,395 2,670 2,670 2,124 2,124 2,916 -.---.--- ..----......... ____a_ea. .....------- -------..- ..---.....-...- 600 TOTALS n,l63 11,273 10,"1 115,115 15,115 ",633 ---..-..... ...----.-.... ---...... -------..... ---....---- ---......... 01-116-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES PUIICHASING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-116-650-654 PNOTOOOPT & PRINTING EXP PUIIC" 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------..- ......--....- ----.....-... .-----.....- .................... -------..- 650 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------..-.. ---.-.-...- -------...- --------- ..-----.... ..............- 01-116-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP PURC" 24 275 200 275 275 275 01 -116- 700- 706 DUES, lOOCS, & SUBSCRIPT PURC" 659 150 750 150 150 150 01-116-700-nl TRAINING PURCHASING 350 450 350 475 475 475 01-116-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIM8URSEMT PURC" 236 200 200 225 225 225 01-116-700-755 lXIIPUTEI SOFTIIAIIE PURCHASING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-116-700-759 TELlPIlOIIE EXPENSE PURCHASING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-116-700-776 OTIIER EllUlPMENT MINT PUIlCIIASI 190 250 200 250 250 250 ......-.......... ----.---. -----.--- ......----.....- ---.........-.. ............ 700 TOTALS 1,459 2,025 1,700 2,075 2,075 2,075 ........... .-........... ........... ....-...-.... ............. ................. 01-116-100-102 OFFICE FURNITURE , EQUIP PURC" 2,131 0 0 0 0 310 .................. --............ -.............. .................-... --............ .............. 100 TOTALS 2,131 0 0 0 0 310 .................. --...........- ...-................ -................. .-.......... ---...........- 116 TOTALS 77,153 13,291 12,361 17,960 17,960 91,011 -- --- -- ---.- ... 35 CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government Data Processing PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Manage the data processing functions for all City departments. Coordinate, review and make recommendations for the purchase of communications and data processing equipment, services and software for all departments. Provide internal consulting services for all aspects of data processing. Maintain and develop necessary data processing programs for other departments. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. To provide support for the integration of the existing police department computer system. 2. Research and educate the police department concerning an update or replacement of the existing police computer system. 3. Provide continued support to the city wide computing needs in terms of hardware support and computer programming. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1. Conferences and meetings has been increased to $1,400 in order to provide opportunities to attend user group meetings on the multiple systems operating in the city. 2. Training is for specialized computer programing and network administrator classes, $5,000. 3. Professional services funds are budgeted for work performed by outside companies for minor consulting, $4,200. 4. All computer software, hardware and repair & maintenence is funded out of the computer fund, Fund 59. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures consist of a rack system for the main finance computer, $1,900. 36 01/06/95 15:19:57 REPT: 1010 CITY OF WHEAT RlOGE P- 11 bu240-wr bf II 1995 AllNUAL IlJlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCIlJIIT DESCIlIPTIOIl ACTUAL BWGET ESTIMATE RElIJEST APPIlOVal RElIJESTED ....................---------------------...-----------------------------------------..---.-----...-----------....-------.----..........---- DATA PROCESSING 01-117-600-602 STAFF SALAllIES ~ WAGES DATA PR 67,076 7'9,973 711,673 82,312 82,312 S4 ,372 01-117-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER OATA PR 5,131 4,lI7'9 4,1179 5,103 5,103 5,231 01-117-600-622 NEDICALIIlENTAL INSUlAMCE OATA 5,lIl0 7,751 7,037 7,273 7,m 7,463 01-117-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 ',141 1,141 1,194 1,194 1,223 01-117-600-630 CCDEIA RETIREMENT EXP DATA PRO 2,6lI3 3,147 3,147 3,292 3,292 3,375 -.------- ...........-..... --------- ................- --............ ____e...... 600 TOTALS 1IO,7IlO 96,191 94 ,177 99,174 99,174 101,664 ---....-.... .......---- ..._..e_.... ----.-..-- .............- ---..---..- 01-117-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSIN 5,973 127- 0 0 0 0 01-117-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP DATA 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-117-650-660 OPEIATING SUPPLIES DATA PROCES 661 1,416 1,416 1,725 1,725 1,725 ----..---- ____e...._.. -----..-..- __._e____ ..--...---..- .----......- 650 TOTALS 6,634 1,359 1,416 1,725 1,725 1,725 --------- --------- --------- --------- ...........---- ....------- 01-l17-700-70Z CONFERENCE & NEETING EXP DATA 75 450 450 3,000 1,400 1,400 01-117-700-706 DUES, IOIXS, & SUISCIIIPT DATA 441 2,935 2,000 7,000 3,000 3,000 01-117-700-na TRAIMING DATA PROCESSING 5,260 4,600 4,600 13,500 5,000 5,500 01-117-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSENT OATA 150 350 350 350 350 350 01-117-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OATA PRO 273 5,000 3,000 7,200 4,200 4,200 01-117-700-755 CCIlPIITER SOFTIWlE OA TA PROCESS 527 0 0 0 0 0 01-117-700-759 TELEPIlOIlE EXPEMU OA TA PROCESS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-117-700-776 OlIltR EQUIPMENT MAINT DATA PRO 13,316 ]lI- 0 200 200 200 --......-- .-.----.- ....-..-... ...-----..... .-.-..-...- -.---........ 700 TOTALS 20,043 13,297 10,400 31.250 14,150 14,650 .-........--- ..---.... ............--. ........-.--. ....-.----... ....------. 01-117-1100-1102 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 2,356 2,356 4,300 1,900 2,000 DI-I17-I!OO-lI09 OTNER MAJOR EOUIPMENT DATA PRO 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-.---........ .................... ..-----.. --.----...- ...-..-.....- .-----....... I!OO TOTALS 0 2,356 2,356 4,300 1,900 2,000 .-............... .........-...--.. .............. -----........ ....---.... ...---.-- 117 TOTALS 107,377 113,903 109,119 136,449 116,949 120,039 .- .- .- 37 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: city Administration - Purchasing Building Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Maintain the Municipal Building and all related equipment and appurtenances and provide daily custodial service for the Municipal Building. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. complete building modifications as required by Americans with Disabilities Act. 2. Continue to improve the heating and ventilation of city Hall. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHERS SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Contractual services was increased in anticipation of additional custodial expense in city Hall. 2. Facility repair is funded in order to re-key city Hall. 38 01/06/95 15:20:05 REPT: 1010 bu241l-wr CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PI" 12 bill ACClalNT DESCRIPTION 1995 AIlllUAl IlIlGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BlDGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 RElIJEST 1995 1996 AP_O REd.TEll ....._e...____..................._....._....................-..-.....----..--..-..-----.---...---------.-..------------..-..----------....-...-......-- BUILDING IlAINTENAIlCE 01-118-600-602 STAFf SALAlIES . WAGES BUILDIN 51,202 33,717 33,717 33,717 33,717 33,717 01-118'600-610 OVERTINE . PREMIUM PAY BUILDIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-"8-600-619 TEMP .'USIllINEL/_-lKIJRl BUILD 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-118-600-620 FI CA EXPENSE EMPLOYER BUILDIN 4,0911 2.090 2,090 2,090 2,090 2,090 01-118-600-622 MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE BUILD 4,630 3,246 2,940 3,555 3,555 3,639 01 - "8-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 489 489 489 489 4lI9 01 - I 18-600-630 CCOElA RETIREMENT EXP BUILDING 2,lI4lI 1,349 1.349 1,349 1,349 1,349 01-118-600-640 llITSlIlE PERSIllIAL SERVICE BUILD 0 1,000 1,000 1,1150 1,050 1,050 .......---.- ......._--..... .......--..... -.------- -------..- -.-..----- 600 TOTALS 61,918 41,1191 41,585 42,250 42,250 42,334 .........----- .......--...... ---...----- -..------.. ----........... ....-........-- 01-118-650-660 OPERATlMG SUPPLIES BUILDING MA 5,347 6,798 6,500 6,600 6,600 6,600 ......----- ..........._--.. ----"'......- .........---. -------..- ......----- 650 TOTALS 5,347 6,798 6,500 6,SOO 6,600 6,600 .....----...- ........a____ .--_oo.......- -...---oo-.... -----....-- ..._..e..___ 01 - "8- 700-704 CClITlACTUAL SERVICES BUILDING 1,419 25,406 25,928 21,000 27,000 30,000 01-118-700-774 FACILITY REPAIR' MAINT BUILDI 10,723 12,500 12,500 14,000 14,000 14,000 0'-"8-700-799 MISC SERVICES' CHARGES BUILDI 0 0 0 0 0 0 ........--...- ............---- --------.. -...------- --------- --...----.. 700 TOTALS 18,142 31.906 31,428 41,000 41,000 44,000 ....-.-........ -......--..... ..---.---- -..-----... --...-.---- ------....- 0'-"8-600-803 TOOlS. _I EQUIP_ BUILDING II 0 2,000 2,000 0 0 0 --......---..... --.-----... ---..---- ......----...-.. --..---....- -..-...--- 600 TOTALS 0 2.000 2,000 0 0 0 ...----.......... .-------- --------- .........---- ---..----.. .....-----... 118 TOTALS 85,467 !Ill ,595 !Ill.513 90,1150 89,850 92,934 -. .- ..- --. .-. 39 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT : PROGRAM: General Government Wheat Ridge Festival PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This program reflects the city costs incurred for the annual Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide support and assistance to the Carnation Festival committee with the conduct of the Carnation Festival. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: There are no significant changes anticipated in 1995. 40 01'06195 15:23:40 IEPT: 1010 b.l240-wr ACClIUIIT CITY OF \/HEAT IIDGE DESClIPTlIII 1995 ANNUAL ILIlGET 1993 ACTUAL Plge 3! bill 1994 IlLIIGET 1994 ESTlIlATE 1995 REUST 1995 1996 APPIOVEIl IEUSTED ....------......---------------------..-------------------------.--..-----------------------------------.-....-----.--.------......--.. W. "- CAllIlA TlIII fESTIVAL 01 -606-600-610 OVEITIME & PIEMIUM PAY \/HEAT I 7,057 9,700 4,500 7, ODD 7,000 7,420 --------- -----......- --..------ -..---.....- ...----......- .....-.....-- 60D TOTALS 7,057 9,700 4,500 7,000 7,000 7,420 -..-----..- __.......w...._ --------- ..----......- ......-----... ........--..... 01 -606-650-6S4 PIIlITllCDPY & PIINTlNG EXP \/HEAT 0 200 200 210 210 210 .......-----.. --................ "'-------- -....--......... ----.......... -----_..-- 650 TOTALS 0 200 200 210 210 210 ---.........-- ------..-.. --------- .....------.. ----.......... --.....---- 01-606-700-714 LEGALS & PUlLlSNING \/HEAT IlDG 121 350 350 361 361 361 01 -606- 700- 758 IEITALS & LEASES WHEAT IIDGE f 153 700 700 735 735 m 01 -606- 700- 799 Mise SEIVICES & CHAIGES WHEAT 193 4,000 4,000 4,300 4,000 4,ODD ..---.......- ---..-..--- --.........-- .-----....... --------- --------- 700 TOTALS 474 5,050 5,050 5,403 5,103 5,103 -....-.......- ---....._--- ...-------- ---...--.....- --................ -..-----.- 606 TOTALS 7,531 14,950 9,750 12,'13 12,313 12,733 .- .- .- 41 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 42 01l07{95 12:54:02 IEPT: 1610 CITY OF WHEAT IIDGE P- 13 bu240-wr DeportlllOnt ~ry bill 1m ANNUAL IllIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJIlT DESCR I PTI 011 AClUAL IIlIlGET ESTIMATE REClUEST APPIOYEll REClUESTED ...........-----...------------------------------------------------------.---..--------.----------...--------..---..----..----.------------ G_rll Operltions PERSONNEL SERVICES TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 15,738 17,000 17,000 17,850 17,000 18,020 FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER 1.204 1,301 1,301 1,366 1,054 1,117 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 232,790 263,000 263,000 316,000 225,000 225,000 UMEMPLOYMENT INSURAIlCE 1,5113 5,000 5,000 5,250 5,000 5,000 WORK COMP DEDUCTIBLE 28 ,309 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 MEDICARE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 247 261 ---.---..- ........e..__.. .....--........... ......-..-.....- --..-......... .--..----- Totll Plrsomel SeNi c.. 27'9,624 287,30 1 287,301 340 ,466 241,301 249,398 MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 9,500 9,500 10.100 10,100 10,100 CENTRAL STORES REVOLVING 1,116- 264- 0 0 0 0 POSTAGE - REVOlVING 2,680- 0 0 0 0 0 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 0 16,800 16,800 15,500 15,500 16,000 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 2,500 2,500 2,600 2,600 2,600 ---..........- ---.......-..... -....---_.... --.....-........ "'....------ ............--- total MateriaLs' SuppLies 3,7'96- 28,536 28 ,800 28,200 28,200 28,700 OTHER SERVICES & CHGS ECllIIONIC DEveLOP. INCENT GENER 263,932 300,000 300,000 231,000 100,000 100,000 JEFf CO ANIMAL SHELTER 11,386 11,670 11,670 12,254 11,3116 12,000 SAfETY 1,184 580 580 600 600 600 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES 90 0 0 0 0 0 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 41,100 60,614 60,500 63,821 60 ,854 63 ,000 UTILITIES 59,794 68,367 68,500 73,246 72,029 74,200 REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 850 850 1,500 OUTSIOE AGENCY COMTRIBUTION 0 0 0 0 0 0 PERSONAL & PROPERTY LIAS 0 0 0 0 0 0 UMINSUlED LOSSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES 5,721 6,000 6,000 6,300 6,300 6,300 SALART RESERve 934- 0 0 80,000 81,250 79,500 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES GENERL 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.-..----- ..-..-.......... --............- "'-"-."'''-- --.----... .----..--. Tot.l Other Services 389,272 447,231 447,250 468,071 333,269 337,100 CAPITAL lllTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 0 0 0 7,226 7,250 5,000 ~ICATIONS EQUIPMENT 2,329 7,ll25 8,100 4,000 4,000 5,000 CAPITAL LEASES 37.729 34 .864 34,589 40,468 40,468 41,000 OTHER ""JOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 2,226 2,226 3,265 TRANSFER TO SPEC. FUNDS 0 427,085 424,885 626,105 311,119 538,000 .-.....--..... ---........-- -......-..-...- ..-....-....-- ......--....... ..----....-.. Totll Capltll OUtllYO 40,058 469,714 467,574 680,025 365,063 592,265 TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 705,157 1232,842 1230,925 1516,762 974,1133 1207,463 43 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGB 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government General operations PROGRAM DBSCRIPTION: This program accounts for a variety of expendi tures that cover multiple departments and are not appropriate to charge to an individual department. Major program expenditures include worker's compensation costs, the city's telephone and utility costs and the City's liability insurance. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. This program contains the temporary salary necessary for the school crossing guards, $17,000. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES J.. Economic development incentives (ESTIP) has been reduced to $100,000 due to some programs reaching the agreed upon revenue sharing limit. 2. City wide telephone expense is budgeted in this program, the only exception is cellular phones. The budgeted amoUnt is $60,854. 3. utilities has been increased to $73,246 due to a possible rate hike. 4. Repair and maintenance appears in this program for the first time, $850. The purpose is to fund the maintenance for all city typewriters from one account. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY J.. Capital leases is budgeted at $40,468. This money pays for the leases of the city copiers. The City leases seven copiers 2. Transfers to Special Funds is budgeted at $311,119. The following funds are the recipients of the transfers. Compensated Absences - $65,000; Parks & Recreation Damage Fund - $1,860; Wheat Ridge First Post Office - $3,084; Computer Fund.- $238,175; Tree Planting Fund - $3,000. Each of these amounts is reflected in the revenue section of the respective special fund. 44 01/06/95 15:23:46 REPT: 1010 CITY OF WHEAT RlOGE p- 40 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL IIlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AClXIlIIT OESCIlI PT I ON ACTUAL IIlIlGET ESTIMATE RElIlEST APPIlOYEl REQUESTED .........--------..----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...---------.....------------- GENERAL OPERATIONS 01-610-600-619 TEMP.PERSDNNEL/NOIl-NDURl GENER 15,738 17,000 17,000 17,150 17,000 11,020 01 -610-600-620 fICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER GENERAL 1,204 1,301 1,301 1,366 1,054 1,117 01-610-600-621 WOIIIeERS' CIJlPENSATlON GENERAL 232,790 263,000 263,000 316,000 ZZ5,ooo 225 ,000 01 -610-600-623 UNEllPlOYMENT INSlIlAIICE GENERAL 1,5&3 5,000 5,000 5,250 5,000 5,000 01-610-600-624 WOII CCMP OEDUCTIBlE GENERAL 0 za ,309 1,000 1,000 0 0 0 01-610-600-625 IlEDIWE EXP 0 0 0 0 247 261 ----....-- ------..-.. --------- ------....... .------..- .-.----... 600 TOTALS 279,624 217,301 217,301 340,466 241,301 249,_ -----..--- .-.'"'----- --------- ........--.....- ..........----.. .......--... 01 -610-650-65 I Offlc. 5<.q>11.. 0 9,SOO 9,SOO 10,100 10,100 10,100 01 -610-650-652 CENTRAL STORES REVlll.VING GENER 1,116- 264- 0 0 0 0 01-610-650-653 POSYAGE - REVlll.VING GENERAL OP 2,6110- 0 0 0 0 0 01 -610-650-654 PHOTOCOPY I PRINTING 0 16,800 16,110O 15,SOO 15,SOO 16,000 01 -610-650-660 Operotlng 5<.q>li.a 0 2,500 2,500 2,600 2,600 2,600 -.....-..--- ..............-- ...--....--- --...........-.... ..------..- --...._---- 650 TOTALS 3,796- 21,536 28,800 28,200 28,200 za,7'OO ...-------- --------- --.....---- ---......--- -...-..-..... --------- 01-610-700-719 ECllIIOIIIC OEVElOP. I NCENT GENU 263,932 300,000 300,000 231,000 100,000 100,000 01-610-700-721 JEFFCD ANIMAL SHELTER GENERAL " .386 11,670 " ,670 12.254 11,386 12,000 01-610-700-729 SAFETY GEMElAl. OPERA TI 0115 EXP 1,1. S80 S80 600 600 600 01-610-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES GENERAL 90 0 0 0 0 0 01-610-700-759 TELEPHOIIE EXPENSE GENERAL OPER 41,100 60,614 60 ,500 63,121 60,154 63 ,000 01-610-700-760 UTILITIES GENERAL OPERATJOIIS E 59,7'94 611,367 611,500 73.246 72 ,029 74,_ 01 -610- 700- 776 Ropolr & IIItnt. 0 0 0 150 150 I,SOO 01-610-700-780 CI1TSIOE AGENCY CllIITRIIUT GENEt 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-610-700-781 PERSONAL I PROPERTY llAl GENER 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-610-700-782 U111 NSURED lOSSES GENERAL OPERA 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-610-700-764 JEFFCD TREAS tolL FEES GENERAL 5,721 6,000 6,000 6,300 6,300 6,300 01-610-700-797 SAlAIIY RESERVE GENERAL OPERATl 934- 0 0 80,000 81,250 1'9,SOO 01 -610-700-799 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES GENERA 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...........-.... .--..----- ..........--..... --.......--..... -.................- .......-..-....- 700 TOTALS 3a9,272 447,231 447,250 4611,071 333,269 337,100 --..------ --................. ................- ---............- --......._--- --..---...... 01 -610-1IOO-8OZ OHICE fURMITURE & EllUlP GENER 0 0 0 7,226 7,250 5,000 01-610-110O-1105 ClIKJIIlCATlOIIS EllUlPMENT GENEt 2,329 7,125 1,100 4,000 4,000 5,000 01.610-110O-808 CAPITAL lEASES GENERAL OPERATI 37,729 34 ,164 34, S89 4O,46S 40,4611 41,000 01-610-110O-809 Othor Major Equtp. 0 0 0 2,226 2,226 3,265 01.610-890-897 Trene1era to Spec.. ,..... 0 427,0115 424,815 626,105 311,119 5311,000 ......--......... .-----...-- --------- .......---....- ------..-.. "-......--.... 110O TOTALS 40,058 469,774 467,S74 6llO,O25 365,063 592,265 ......--......... ..-----...... ____e......... ....-...........-- ....-....---.. -....--....... 610 TOTALS 705,157 1232,&42 1230,925 1516,762 974,833 1207,463 .- .- .- '\ 45 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 46 MUNICIPAL COURT PRESIDING JUDGE PROBATION ASSOCIATE OFFICE JUDGE CHIEF COURT CLERK (I) DEPUTY COURT PART TIME CLERKS BAILIFF (3) CLERK TYPIST (.5) 47 DEPARTMENT STAJ'J'ING POSITION TITLE AUTHORIZED NO. 1994 1995 1996 1 1 1 3 3 3 .5 .5 .5 4.5 4.5 4.5 Chief Court Clerk Deputy Court Clerk * Clerk Typist ** TOTAL AUTHORIZED COUNCIL APPOINTED Presiding Judge Assistant Judge 1 1 1 1 1 1 TEMPORARY (NON-HOURLY) Probation Officer Probation Assistant 1 1 1 1 1 1 * Upgraded mid-year 1994 from 2.75 to 3 ** Position added mid-year 1994 48 01/06/95 15:53:31 REPT: 1109 CITT OF WHEAT RIOGE P- 5 bu240-wr DEPARTMENT SUMMARY bill 1995 ANNUAL BUDGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACcaJNT DEStlllPTlOM ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REClIJEST APPROVEO REClIJESTED ......----...----...------------.-------....--------.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------.----- M....;c;pol Court PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES I WAGES 77,357 97,919 97,919 101,284 101,284 105,236 OVERTIME I PERIn,"" PAY 465 541 541 568 568 602 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 1,1194 3,193 9,393 3,255 3,255 3,255 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-MOUILY 71,1197 81,658 81,658 90,637 110,637 90,637 FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER 11,155 10.223 11,750 12,136 12,136 12,381 MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE 6,085 6,906 6,294 5,080 5,080 5,216 MEDICAllE POItTlOM FICA II 2,391 2,741 2,838 2,838 2,1196 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 3,092 3,408 3,408 3,411 3,411 3,607 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 --....--.-- .-..----..... _..'"'------ ...------..- ....._..._e...... ..--...----. Tot.l personnel Se~;c.1 171,945 206,839 213,711 219,279 239,279 223,830 MATERIAL I SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,012 1,580 1,640 1,640 1,640 1,640 PHOTOCOPY I PRINTING EXPENSE 2,008 1,200 1,200 1,650 1,650 1,650 POSTAGE COSTS 1,612 1,860 1,860 1,990 1,990 1,990 OPERATING SUPPLIES 20 60 40 70 70 70 ----............ ---..--.....- ....--....--- .....-..-.--- .-..-.---- -.....---...... Total Meteriala & Supplies 4,651 4,700 4,740 5,3511 5,350 5,3511 OTHER SERVICES I CHGS CONFERENCE I MEETING EXPENSE 2,714 3,300 3,300 3,500 3,500 3,500 DUES, IIOOlCS I suaStllIPTlOMS 177 2511 2511 300 300 300 WITNESS I ~UROR FEES 1,190 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,400 AUTO MILEAGE RE I MBURSl:MENT 70 200 50 200 100 100 PROFESSIOMAL SERVICES 3,970 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,500 6,500 RENTALS I LEASES 221 250 200 200 200 200 TElEPHOME EXPENSE II 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT 0 0 0 0 II II DRUG toALITIOM GRANT 0 0 0 0 0 0 DRUG toAllTJOM EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 -..-..-..--.. ____00....._- -..--....--- ..-------- -..---.....-- .....----... Total Other Serv;ces 8,341 11,200 ",000 11,600 12,000 12,000 CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE I EQUIP 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAPITAL lEASl:S 0 0 0 0 0 0 .........-.....- ............ .....----...- ......-....- ................... ..-............. Total Capit.l OUtlays 0 0 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OEPARTMENT EXPENSE 184,938 222,740 229,451 236,229 256,629 241,180 49 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government Municipal Court PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Processes all city Ordinance and Traffic Code violations. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Administer justice in a fair and impartial manner for all people who appear before the Wheat Ridge Municipal Court. 2. Prevent recidivism through the probation program. 3. Continue to update and improve the court computer system. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. The Temp. salary/Non-Hourly line includes a pay raise for the judges. 700 - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1. Professional services includes funds for court appointed attorneys and interpreters, $6,500. 2. The Municipal Court has a special fund for tracking specific revenues and expenses. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Summons processed: 5275 5972 6270 6584 Traffic 3380 3540 3717 3903 General 1503 1992 2091 2196 (Domestic Violence) (286) (338) (354) (372) Animal 58 44 46 48 Code 30 18 19 20 Sales Tax 90 58 61 64 Parking 214 320 336 353 Warrants 1136 1464 1537 1614 Prisoner Hearings 258 362 380 400 Scheduled Trials Court 529 702 737 774 Scheduled Trials Jury 13 28 29 30 50 01/06/95 15:19:33 REPT: 1010 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Plge 8 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL Il.I)GET 1993 I_ I_ 1995 1995 ,_ ACClIJIIT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BlI)GET ESTIMATE REClUEST APPItOYEO REClUESTED .....--........................................-...-----------------------------------....-----------------------------------............. MUNICIPAL c:aJlIT 01-109-600-602 STAFf SAlARIES' WAGES MUNICIP 77 ,357 97,919 97,919 101,284 101,284 105,236 01 -109-600-610 OVERTIME' PREMIUM PAY MUNICIP 465 541 541 568 568 602 01-109-600-617 TEMP_PERSONNEL - HOURLY MUNICI 1,1194 3,7'93 9,393 3,255 3,255 3,255 01-109-600-619 TEMP_PERSONNEl/NOH-MOURl MUNIC 71,1197 81,658 81,658 90,637 '10,637 90,637 01-109-600-620 fiCA EXPENSE EMPLOYER _ICIP 11,155 10,223 11,750 12,136 '2,136 12,381 01 - 109-600-622 MED I CAl/llEKTAl INSUlANCI: MUNIC 6,015 6,906 6,294 5,080 5,080 5,216 01 -109-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 2,391 2,748 2,138 2,138 2,_ 01-109-600-630 COOERA RETIREMENT EXP MUHICIPA 3,092 3,4011 3,4011 3,481 3,481 3,607 01-109-600-640 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICI: MUNIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...............- ...........---- .....--.....--- ---.......-.... ..--...........-- --------- 600 TOTALS 171,945 206,139 213,711 219,279 239,279 223 ,130 --................ -----......... .---..--.... .............--- ..--......-...... ...-------.. 01-109-650-651 OFfiCE SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL COUR 1,012 1,580 1,640 ',640 , ,640 1,640 01-109-650-654 PHOTOCOPY' PRINTING EXP MUNIC 2,008 ',200 1,200 1,650 1,650 1,650 01 - 109-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS MUNICIPAL COURT 1,612 1,860 1,860 1,990 1,990 1,990 01 - 109-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL C 20 60 40 70 70 70 ........e_......_ .........-....... ---.......-... ---......_-- --------- .................. 650 TOTALS 4,651 4,700 4,740 5,350 5,350 5,350 ..---..--- ........---..... ---..---.... ----......-- ---........-.. --------- 01-109-700-702 CONfERENCI: , MEETING EXP MUHIC 2,714 3,300 3,300 3,500 3,500 3,500 01-109-700-706 DUES, BalICS, , SUlSClIPT IIJIIIC 177 250 250 300 300 300 01-109-700-732 WITNESS , JUROI fEES MUNICIPAL 1,190 1,200 1,200 1,400 1,400 1,400 01-109-700- 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMIUISEMT _IC 70 200 50 200 100 100 01-109- 700- 750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES MUNICIPA 3,970 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,500 6,500 01-109- 700- 758 RENTALS , lEASES MUNICIPAL COU 221 250 200 200 200 200 01-109-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE MUNICIPAL CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-109-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT _ICIPA 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-109-700-783 COURT S4 EXPENSES MUNICIPAL CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 - 109-700-792 _TlON 51 EXP _ MUNICIPAL CO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-109-700-799 MISC SERVICES' CHARGES MUNICI 0 0 0 0 0 0 .........---.. "-"-..--..... ---........._- ........---.... ..-..------ ....-........... 700 TOTALS 8,341 11,200 ",000 " ,600 12,000 12,000 --......-....... -----.._-- --....-........ --------- ................... ........--...... 01 - 109-800-802 OffiCE fURNITURE' EQUIP MUNIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-109-800-808 CAPITAL lEASfS MUNICIPAL COURT 0 0 0 0 0 0 ........--....... --.......-...... -..----..-- ........--..-.. ............--.. ..............-- eoo TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ......-........- --....--...... ....--.......... ..-.........._- -...........-..... ................-- 109 TOTALS 184,933 222,740 229,451 236,229 256,629 241,180 .- .- .-. .- 51 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 52 CITY CLERK CITY ClERK DEPUTY CITY ClERK( 1 ) ClERK TYPIST (.5) 53 DBPARTMENT STAFFING AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 Deputy city Clerk 1 1 1 Clerk Typist .6 .6 .6 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 1.6 1.6 1.6 ELECTED OFFICIALS City Clerk J. 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 54 01106/95 15:52:54 REPT: 1108 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE P- 4 bu240'wr DEPARTMENT SUMMARY bill 1995 AliNUAl IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCllJIIT DESCRIPTION ACTUAl IlIlGET ESTIMATE REllUEST APPROVED REQUESTED .....------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- City Clerk PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SAlARIES & WAGES 63,135 67,071 67,071 68,242 68,242 69,687 TEMP PERSONNEL . HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 FICA EXPENSE . EMPLOYER 4,884 4,160 4,160 4,231 4,231 4,321 IlEDICAllDENTAl INSUlWlCE 4,766 6,U5 6,273 5,11I3 5 ,11I3 6,029 lIED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 972 972 990 990 1,010 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 2,416 2,628 2,628 2,685 2,685 2,740 .---..........- ...----....-- ---..........-- -----.....-- ----.....-...- -------..... Totel Pe........l Services 75,900 81,716 81,104 82,031 82,031 83,787 MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,510 2,576 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,700 PNOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 1,847 0 0 0 0 0 POSTAGE COSTS 1,209 1,500 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,600 -..---........- ---......_--- ---........... --------.. ---.......-..- --------- Total Material. & Supplies 4,565 4,076 2,900 3,000 3,000 3,300 OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONfERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 1,034 1,988 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 DUES, IIOllKS , SUBSCRIPTIONS 642 435 600 700 700 eoo ELECTION EXPENSE 5,671 4,131 4,200 8,000 8,000 5,000 lEGALS' PUBLISHING 21,149 22, DOC 22,000 22 ,000 22 ,000 23,000 RECllIlIlING fEES 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 TRAINING 0 0 0 300 300 300 AUTO MilEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 156 300 100 300 150 150 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,242 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 7,500 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT 694 662 500 500 500 500 -....--..--- --------- -....-....--- --........--.... ---._---- -----.....-- Totel Other Services 37,089 38,016 31,400 43,300 43,150 41,250 CAPITAL I1ITLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE , EQUIP 0 0 0 5,463 5,410 0 --.......--..... ----..._--- ---....---- ---...........- ..--.......-.... ...........---.. Totel Cepltel Outleys 0 0 0 5,463 5,410 0 TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 117,554 123,808 122,404 133,794 133,591 128,337 55 CITY OF lfBEAT RIDGB 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government city Clerk PROGRAM DBSCRIPTION: The office of the city Clerk is responsible for: Maintaining all official City records, deeds and titles, custodian of the City Seal, publishing ordinances and legal notices, conducting City Elections, issuing licenses, preparing City Council agendas and minutes. One municipal election is anticipated in 1995. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: 1. Update the filing and indexing system. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1. Election expense is for a municipal election, $8,000. 2. Professional services includes the cost of indexing city council minutes, $7,500. 3. Capital expenditures includes an office chair and improvements to the file system, $2,600 and a new Lanier Recorder, $2,500. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Voter Registrations 206 200 200 300 Legal publications 227 230 230 230 Liquor Licenses 79 80 82 85 Amusement Licenses 31 31 30 30 56 01/06/95 15:19,25 UPT, 1010 CITY OF I/ltEAT 1I0Ge P- 7 buZ4O-.r bill 1995 AIINUAL IUDGeT 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AClDJIIT OESClIPTlDII ACTUAL BlJ)GET ESTIMATE RElIJEST APPlIOV(D REUSTED .____._.._____..____..__..__________..________________________________________________._.._______._..._____________________e...........__.__ CITY CLERK 01-1oa-6OO-602 STAff SALARIES & WAGES CITY CL 63,135 67,071 67,071 68,242 68,242 69,611 01-Ioa-6OO-611 TEIlP. PERSOIlNEL - HaJltL T CITY C 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-Ioa-6OO-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOTER CITT CL 4,_ 4,160 4,160 4,231 4,231 4,321 01-1oa-6OO-622 MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE CITT 4,166 6,185 6,273 5,113 5,113 6,029 01 - loa-6OO-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOTER 0 912 912 990 990 1,010 Ol-Ioa-6OO-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP CITT CLE 2,416 2 , 62.5 2,62.5 2,615 2,615 2,140 --------- -----_..-- ---..----- .......-........... ......e........ ---_....--- 600 TOTALS 15,900 81,716 81,104 82,031 82,031 113,717 .--........... ------..-- -----..... -------...- --------- ..-.....--... 01 - loa-650-65 I OffiCE SUPPLIES CITT CLUJ: 1,510 2,576 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,700 01 - loa-650-654 PHOTOCOPT & PRINTING EXP CITT 1,147 0 0 0 0 0 01-1oa-650-655 POSTAGe COSTS CITT CLERK 1,209 1,500 1,400 1,500 1,500 1,600 ...------.. ---.......--- ---...........- --------- ---....--..- ..---....-- 650 TOTALS 4,565 4,016 2,900 3,000 3,000 3,300 .......--.....- --------- ..------..- ---........-.... .-......---- --------- Ol-Ioa-100-102 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP CITT 1,034 1,988 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 Ol-1oa-1oo-106 DUES, BOOKS, & SUlSClIPT CITT 642 435 600 700 100 IlOO Ol-1oa-1OO-108 ELECTION EXPENSE CITT CLERK 5,671 4,131 4 ,ZOO 8,000 8,000 5,000 Ol-1oa-1OO-114 LEGALS & PUlLISNING CITT CLERK 21,149 22,000 22,000 22 ,000 22 ,000 23 ,000 Ol-1oa-100-115 RECDROING FEES CITT CLERJ: 1,500 1,500 1,500 1.500 1,500 1,500 01-1oa-1OO-728 TRAINING CITT CLEIJ: 0 0 0 300 300 300 01-1oa-1OO-140 AUTO MILEAGe RElMlUlSEMT CITT 156 300 lOll 300 150 150 01-108-100-750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES CITT CLE 6,242 1,000 1,000 1,500 1,500 1,500 01-1oa- 100- 155 SOFTIIAIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-1oa-1OO-759 TELEPNONE EXPENSE CITT CLERK 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-1oa- 100-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT CITT CLE 694 662 500 500 500 500 ............. --_.......-... ..................- ----.......-- ..--...........- -................ 100 TOTALS 31, oa9 38,016 38,400 43,300 43,150 41,250 ----............. ..-............... .........---- .......-......- --........_-- .......----.. 01 - loa-8OO-802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP CITT 0 0 0 5,463 5,410 0 01-1oa-800-809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMEMT CITT CLE 0 0 0 0 0 0 .................. --........---.. ....--.......... --_..........- ..........-..- ._-............. IlOO TOTALS 0 0 0 5,463 5,410 0 ...-............. ----...---.. ..................- ........_..-...- --................. ....-.........-- loa TOTALS 117,554 123,aoa 122,404 133,194 133,591 121,331 -- -- 57 -------- "WE CAllE ENOIlGH ,-0 MAKE A UfffEIlENCE" 58 01/07195 12:24:56 REPT: 1550 bu240-w, CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE Gene'"l Flrd Oept. S.-ry poge 6 bill ACClUIT OESCR I PTI ON 1995 ANNUAL 8l.OGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 8l.OGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REQUEST 1995 1996 APPROVED REQUESTED .......--...------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CITY TREASURY AccCllI'lt;ng 101,819 111,699 110,233 115,741 115,391 117,384 S.l.. Tax 97,971 96,906 94,963 112,319 112,274 113,'13 ...........----- --..........-- --........-......- ........--...--- ----........-- --------.. TOTAL 1",7'91 2oa,605 205,196 221,060 227,665 230,7'97 59 TREASURY CITY TREASURER CONTRACT --_..---- SALES TAX AUD ITOR I SALES TAX SALES ACCOUNT. AUD ITOR TAX (1) (1) TECH. (1) ACCOUNT. TECH (1) 60 DEPARTMENT STAFFING AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 Accountant J. 1 1 Accounting Technician 1 1 1 Sales Tax Auditor 1 1 1 Sales Tax TeChnician 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 4 4 4 ELECTED OFFICIALS Treasurer 1 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 61 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 62 01/06/95 15:44:31 REPT: 1103 CITT OF IIHEAT RIOGE Pap 2 buZ40-wr DEPARTMENT SUMMARY bill 1995 ANNUAL BUDGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCOUIIT OESCllI PTI 011 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST APPROVED REQUESTED --.......---------------------....-"'----.......----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------...-... T r.....-y PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SAlARIES' \/AGES 136,297 144,826 144,826 149,458 149,458 152,541 lOllGEVITY PAY 1,260 1,312 1,312 1,345 1,345 1,352 TEMP. PERSONNel - HCURLY 40 100 100 105 105 105 TEMP. PERSONNEL . NOlI-HOURLY 0 40 40 42 42 42 FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER 10,517 9,063 9,063 9,358 9,358 9,543 MEOICAlfDENTAl INSURANCE 15,128 15,524 14,147 17,276 17,276 17,715 NED ICAllE PORTlOII FICA 0 2,120 2,120 2,188 2,188 2,232 C~ RETIREMENT EXPENSE 5,449 5,793 5,793 5,978 5,978 6,102 .....-................ --------- -..---......... --.............- -----.......... ---....---- Totel 'eraamel Servic.. 168,690 178,778 177,401 185,750 185,750 189,632 MATERIAL , SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,87'9 2,032 1,300 2,150 1,400 1,450 PHOTOCOPY' PRINTING EXPENSE 767 0 0 0 0 0 POSTAGE COSTS 8,985 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,500 9,500 --............-.. ----......_-- ------..._- ........---......- --......_--- --...-.........- Tatel Meteriels , SUpplies 11,630 11,032 10,300 11,150 10,900 10,950 OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE , MEETING EXPENSE 1,543 2.400 1,900 2,700 2,700 2,7110 COITaACTUAl SERVICES 8,27'9 14,000 13,000 25,000 25 ,000 25, DOO DIES, IIllOICS , SWSCllIPTlOIIS 663 770 770 1,035 190 190 TRAIN ING 145 300 500 300 300 300 AUTO MilEAGE REIIl8URSEMENT 510 125 125 125 125 125 PIlIIRSSIOIIAl SERVICES 7,995 0 0 0 0 0 RElTAlS , lEASES a a a 0 a 0 TElEPHONE EXPENSE a a a 0 a a OTNEI EQUIPMENT MAINT 265 500 500 500 500 500 MISC SERVICES' CHARGES a a 0 a a a -----......_- .........---....... -----..--... --------- -------..... --------- Totel Other Services 19,470 18,795 17,495 30,360 30,215 30,215 CAPITAL lllTLATS OFFICE FURNITURE' EQUIP a a a BOO eoo a -------...... ......------ ---....-. ......... ............. ......-.... Totel Cepit.l outleyo 0 Q a eoo eoo 0 TOTAl DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 1",7'91 208,605 205, '96 228,060 227,665 230,7'97 63 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Treasury Treasurer/Accounting PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Manages accounts payable, payroll, fixed assets and investment processing. This division is also responsible for the accounting of all financial transactions and the preparation of monthly accounting reports. Receipts and deposits revenues from all city sources on a daily basis for the utilization of cash for expenditures and investments. Monitors the city's cash flow on a daily basis. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Receipt of all revenue and timely deposit of funds in order to earn interest. 2. Process accounts payable checks in a timely and accurate manner in order to gain cash discounts. 3. Process bi-weekly and monthly payroll. Process payment of employee benefits, retirement and taxes. 4. Monitor the City's cash flow on a daily basis for prudent investment of idle cash. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Receipts entered 7081 6828 6698 6698 Disbursement checks issued 5106 5152 5200 5200 Payroll checks issued 6297 6466 6500 6500 Investment interest 88,893 114,900 115,000 115,000 64 01106/95 15: la,47 IEPT: 1010 CITY OF WHEAT IIOGE P- 2 bu24O-wr bill '995 AlINUAL IUlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCWIIT DESClI PTI 011 ACTUAL IUlGET ESTlIlATE REIlUEST A_D IEIlUEITSl -.-..---...-.....---.---...-----------------..-..-..---..--------..-..------..------------------------------..-----------.----------...--------.-.. TlEASUREI/ACCOUNTING 01-103-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES ACCOUNT al,56:3 85,696 85,696 Il8,022 Il8,022 89,563 01 -103-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOTER ACCOUNT 6,240 5,315 5,315 5,457 5,457 5,553 01-103-600-622 IlfllICALIOENTAL INSUIWlCE ACCDJ a,m 9,172 a,356 10,225 10,225 10,496 01-103-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOTER 0 1,243 1,243 1,276 1,276 1,199 01 - 103-600-6:30 CCllEItA lET IREMEMT EXP ACCOUNT! 3,263 3,421 3,421 3,521 3,521 3,513 ---..-....-- ..--....---- ..-----..-- -.....--.... ---......-..-.. -----...... 600 TOTAlS 99,398 104,854 104,038 loa,501 101,501 "0,494 .........--.... -..............- ---......--. -....---..... ............--.... ....--.......- 01-103-650-651 OTTICE SUPPLIES ACCOUNTING 0 1,150 800 1,150 800 800 01-103-650-654 PHOTOCOPT & PRINTING EXP ACCDJ 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-103-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS ACCWIIT!NG 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 2,000 .............-. -.......--.... ..---....--- --....-.-..... ..-................ ------...... 650 TOTALS 0 3,150 2,800 3, ISO 2,800 2,800 ..---........... --......-...... .................. --................ .-......---.. --..-..--..- 01-103-700-702 COMfEIENCE & MEETING EXP ACCOU 1,431 2,200 1,700 2,500 2,500 2,500 01-103-700-706 MS, IIOCI(S, & SUlSCUPT ACCOU 56:3 670 670 765 765 765 01-103- 700- 728 TItAIMING ACCOUNTING 145 300 500 300 300 300 01-103-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMIUISEMT ACCDJ 206 225 225 225 225 225 01-103- 700- 750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES ACCOUNT I 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-103-700-755 ~.r Soft..r. 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-103-700-759 TELD~ EXPf1ISE ACCllUlITllIG 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-103- 700- 776 OTIlER EClJIPMENT MAINT ACCOUNT! 76 300 300 300 3DO 300 01-103-700-799 MIlt SERVICES & CMAlGES ACCllUII 0 0 0 0 0 0 ......-...--.... ....------... .........----.. --.---..-- ..--...---... .....---....- 700 TOTAlS 2,421 3,695 3,395 4,090 4,090 4,_ ------....- -..----..-- ...........---- --"-"'"'''-''' .................... ............--... 01-103-800-a02 OffICE fURNITURE & EClJIP ACCOU 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...............-.. ..................... ..-...........-.. --..-.......-- ............---.. ........-.......- aoo TOTAlS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ......-.......-.. -............-.. ...........-...... ...--.....-..-... ...--_..--... -................. 103 TOTALS 101,819 , 11 ,699 110,233 115,741 "5,39' 117,3&4 -. .- .- . .- 65 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Treasury Sales Tax PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Promote effective and efficient sales and use tax collections and compliance through education and auditing. Provide taxpayer assistance. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: J.. Enforce sales and use tax compliance through audit and procedures and taxpayer education. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The funding for the contract sales tax auditor was increased to $25,000 for 1995. There is a corresponding increase in revenue for the additional contract auditor increase. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Purchase a letter folding machine, $800. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Sales & Use Tax Accounts: In Wheat Ridge 2269 2273 2300 2300 Out of Wheat Ridge 1085 1099 1125 1125 Summons Issued for Tax Code 212 240 250 250 Delinquency Notices Issued 642 675 675 675 Field Audits 15 28 30 30 Special AUdits 95 60 75 75 Audit Revenue Collected $115,200 $220,000 $200,000 $200,000 66 01/06/95 15:19:42 REPT: 1010 CITT OF WHEAT RIOGE P- 9 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL UGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJIIT OEscalPTION ACTUAL UGET ESTIMATE IElIIEST APPlKlYED RElIIElno ____...________________________________________________________________________________________.._._________._.._______a___.....____....___ SALES TAX 0'-115-600-602 STAff SALAlIIES & WAGES UGET 54,734 59,130 59,130 61,436 61,436 62,97ll 01-115-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY UGET & SALES T 1,260 1,312 1,312 ',345 1,345 1,352 01-115-600-617 TEMP.PERSONNEL - HOURLT BUDGET 40 100 100 105 105 105 01-115-600-619 TEMP_PERSONNEL/NON-HOURL BUDGE 0 40 40 42 42 42 01-115-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER UGET 4,277 3,748 3,748 3,901 3,901 3,990 01-115-600-622 MEDICALIDENTAL INSUIlANCE UGE 6,795 6,352 5,791 7,051 7,051 7,219 01-115-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 877 877 912 912 933 01-115-600-630 CCDEIA RETIREMENT EXP UGET & 2,186 2,365 2,365 2,457 2,457 2,519 ___a........... -....------ .....----...... -------...- ..---............ ...-............- 600 TOTALS 69,292 73,924 73 ,363 77,249 77,249 79,138 --..................... --------- ...---....-... .........--.....- -......---..... ..-------- 01-115-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES BUDGET & SALES 1,879 882 500 1,000 600 650 01-115-650-654 PMOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP BUDGE 767 0 0 0 0 0 01-115-650-655 POST AGE COSTS BUDGET l SALES T 8,985 7,000 7,000 7,000 7,500 7,500 ......-----... ..---.....--.. ....------- -------.... ...--.......-- .-------- 650 TOTALS 11,630 7,882 7,500 8,000 8,100 8,150 --------- --------- ------....... .....------.. -----.......- ...........---- 01-115-700-702 CONfERENCE & MEETING EXP UGE 112 200 200 200 200 200 01-115-700-704 CONTIACTUAL SERVICES UGET & 8,279 14,000 13,000 25,000 25,000 25 ,000 01-115-700-706 OWS, 100I:5, & SUlscalPT UGE 100 100 100 270 125 125 01-115-700-n8 TRAINING UGET & SALES TAX 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-115-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMIIUIlSEMT UGE 374 600 600 600 600 600 01-115-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES UGET l 7,995 0 0 0 0 0 01-115-700-755 COII'IITEl SOfT\WIE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-115-700-758 REllTALS l LEASES UGET l SALE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-115-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE UGET l SAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-115-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT UGET l 1119 200 200 200 200 200 01-115-700-799 MIse SERVICES l CHARGES BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 ____a_ea. .......-....... ..................... .............-...... .--............-. ....-...-............ 700 TOTALS 17,049 15,100 14,100 26,270 26,125 26,125 ......--....... ..................- ...----... .......---.. ......-----... ......----.. 01-115-800-802 OffiCE FURNITURE l EQUIP UGE 0 0 0 BOO BOO 0 ..-....--...... ....--............. .------...... ...-......--...-- -......-....-- ....-.......--- BOO TOTALS 0 0 0 BOO BOO 0 ........------ .----...-..... ""'."''''-'''-. .-......----.. ...--...-...-... .............--...... 115 TOTALS 97,971 96,906 94,963 '12,319 112,274 113,'13 .- .- .- .-. 67 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 68 01,07/95 12:20:33 REPT: 1550 bu240-wr CITY OF IINEAT RIDGE General Fund Dept. S.-ry Pave 2 bill AClXlUIIT DESCllI PTlDN 1995 ANNUAL UGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 UGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REQUEST 1995 1996 APPltOVED REQUESTED ...........................--..----.---.-...--------.--------------------------------------------------------.------------.---...-.-- PlANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Acilinistrltion 114,287 134,203 130,522 139,Z62 137,532 148,521 Plaming and Zoning 127,001 107,325 105,871 140,319 111,819 113,8OIl Building lnapec:tion 127,216 139,946 123,805 134,741 131,553 136,921 Coda Enforceaant 87,946 123,162 121,788 121,008 121,233 '16,723 .......-......... .-----.....- .--'"'''---- -------.- -----........ .....---....- TOTAL 456,451 504,636 481,986 535,330 502,137 515,97'9 69 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (1) SENIOR SECRET ARY (1) CHIEF CODE PLANNERS BUILDING ENFORCEMENT (2) INSPECTOR OFFICER (1) II (1) SECRETARY SEASONAL EMPLOYEES (1) ! BUILDING BUILDING CLERK INSPECTOR (1) (1 ) CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I (1 ) 70 DEPARTMENT STAJ'P'ING< AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 Director of Planning and Development 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 1 1 Planner 2 2 2 Building Inspector 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer II 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer I 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 J. 1 Secretary 1 1 1 Building Clerk 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 10 10 10 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 71 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 72 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 72 01/06/95 15:43:08 REPT: 1100 CITT Of WHEAT RIDGE P- t:u240-IIl" DEPARTMENT SUMMARY bill 1995 ANNUAL 8lIlGeT 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClllllT DESCR I PTI ON ACTUAL BlIlGeT ESTIMATE REQUEST APPIOVED REQUESTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Planning & Developoent PERSONNEL SERVICES STAff SALARIES & WAGES 326,877 356,513 344,953 348,859 34a,064 368,699 LONGeVITY PAY 2,340 972 5112 D 0 D DEfERRED COMPENSATION 2,416 2,546 2,546 2,630 2,630 3,000 AUTO AlLOlIAIICE 2,100 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 2,757 3,4lIO 3,4lIO 3,593 3,525 3,107 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 5,414 9,660 9,660 10,OOD 10,000 7,500 CIlURT PAY 610 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 fiCA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER 25,765 23,092 22,324 22,193 22,128 23 ,304 MEDICAllDENTAl INSURAllCE 30,257 33,910 28,521 37,597 37,588 :sa,558 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOfER 0 5,565 5,269 5,262 5,160 5,523 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 10,659 11,746 11,266 11,324 11,292 11,683 ....--......--- --........---- ---..........-- -----_.-- ...--............-- -------..... Total Per.annal Se~lce. 409,857 45Z,044 4n,101 446,Z08 444,587 465,974 MATERIAL' SUPPLIES OffiCE SUPPLIES 3,831 5,1167 5,000 6,180 5,000 5,000 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 4,366 3,000 3,000 3,700 3,700 3,700 POST AGE COSTS 3,227 4,450 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10- 0 0 0 0 0 ....---........- ............---- -........---.. -..............-- ..-......---- ------...-.. Total Material. & Supplia. 11,413 13.317 12,000 14 ,380 13,200 13,200 OTHER SERVICES & eNGS CONfERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 4,~ 6,050 5,300 10,550 7,050 7,050 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 11,991 12,975 13,195 14,Z1O 14,m 9,100 DUES, BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS Z,Z35 z,aoo 2,650 5,792 4,ZOO 2,950 ORDINANCE ENfORCEMENT 3,747 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 TRAINING 1,209 Z,500 1,850 3,400 3,500 2,800 UNifORMS & PROT CLOTHING 320 500 no 400 400 400 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 2n 22S 235 Z75 275 Z75 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES 1,217 Z,750 2,200 27,100 2,300 2,300 MICROfILM 0 500 500 500 500 500 COMPUTER SOfTWARE 400 0 0 0 0 0 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 500 500 500 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT 2,013 1,1ZS 900 1,000 1,000 1,000 Mise SERVICES , CHARGES 17- 0 0 0 0 0 ..-.------ -...--....-- ---....---.. -................-- ...--....--.. --........... Tot.l Other Servic.. 28,013 :sa,4ZS 36,160 13,3117 42,995 3S,875 CAPITAL OUTLAYS OffICE fURNITURE & EQUIP 7,108 ISO 7Z5 lI60 lI60 930 PHOTO EQUIPllENT 0 0 0 345 34S 0 ClIMINICATlONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 150 150 0 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.-........ --....--...-. .-------- -....-----.. ...-..-..-. .-..----..- Total Capital OUtlayo 7,108 850 ns 1,35S 1,35S 930 TOTAL DEPARTMEHT EXPENSE 456,451 S04,636 411,9&6 53S,330 502,137 51S,979 73 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Planning & Development Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This division is responsible for the management, administration and overall direction of the Planning and Development Department. The primary mission of the Department is to provide service to the community in Planning, Code Enforcement, zoning Administration, redevelopment and Building Inspections. The Department serves and maintains harmonious and continuous relationships with Planning commission, Board of Adjustment, Urban Renewal Authority, Building Advisory Committee and the city Council. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Continue to implement and administer the land development regulations of the City and provide suggestions for updating those regulations where needed. 2. Continue to develop plans and programs for, as well as administer, Community Development Block Grant proj ects, in cooperation with Jefferson County. 3. Develop and administer a housing Code Enforcement Program to assure maintenance of our aging housing stock, especially multiple family housing. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 J.. 2. - MATERIALS AND SUPPLIES Office supplies have been consolidated department wide. Postage has been increased due to possible rate hike. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Professional services includes the fees to pay the Jefferson County for data transferred via tape, $1,800. 800 1. - CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital expenditures camera lens, $345. includes a new office chair , $310; and a 74 01/06/95 15:20:12 IEPT: 1010 CITT OF WltEAT Il0GE P. 13 tlUZ40-..r bill 1995 AllNUAl IIlIlGfT 1," 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACQUIT OESCII PTlOlf ACTUAL IIlIlGET ESTI!lATE RE_ST - IEaSTED ...................-.--..------...----------------...-.--________________________________________......._________.__.._e________________ PlANNING & OEV. ADMIN. 01-120'600-602 STAff SAlARIES & WAGES PLANNIN 73,1n 92,1a7 91,987 94,710 94,710 104,766 0.1-120-600-604 OEfEIREO COMPENSATION PLANNING 2,416 2,546 2,546 2,630 2,630 3,000 01'120-600-_ AllTO Al.lOllAllCE PlANM I toG . DEV 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 01-120-600-610 OVElTlME & PIEllllM PAY PlANNIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-120-600-620 fiCA EXPENSE EMPlOTER PlANlUN 5,499 5,477 5,477 6,140 6,140 6,185 0"'20-600-622 _ICALIllEllTAl IN_CE PlAII\l 5,144 a,_ 7,195 &,642 &,642 &,717 01-120-600-625 lIED I WE EXPENSE EIIP1.OTEl 0 1,434 1,334 1,374 1,314 1,51' 01-120-600-630 CCDERA IETIIEMENT EXP PlAII\llNG 510 1,133 1,133 1,161 1.161 1,190 ..--..---... ...------.... -------..- --....---... --------- --------- 600 TOTALS 90,121 114,W 112,672 117,177 117,727 1ZS,447 ............-..... .-.---".'" -......----- --------- ....---.--- -.-..---.. 01-120-650-651 OffiCE SUPPLIES PLANNING & DEV 3,131 5,1167 5,000 6,1SO 5,000 5,000 01-120-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP PLANN 4,3711 3,000 3,000 3,700 3,700 3,700 01-120-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS PLANNING & OEV A 3,227 4,450 4,000 4,500 4,500 4,500 01-120-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES PLANNING & 10- 0 0 0 0 0 -----..-... ................- ....------- ---..---..'" ..------- ............---- 650 TOTALS 11,425 13,317 12,000 14,:sao 13,200 13,ZOO .-----...... .........---- ........----- -----........ --------- ..-------- 01-120-700-702 COIIfElENCE .. MEETING EXP PlAII\l 1,936 2.ZOO 2,ZOO 2,200 2,200 2,ZOO 01-120- 700- 706 DUES, IOOICS, & USCIIIPT PI.AIIN 409 425 450 450 450 450 01-nO-700-750 _SSIOllAL SEaVICES PlAII\llNG 1,Z17 2,250 1 ,aDO 2.200 l,aDO 1,_ 01-120-700-752 MIClOfl~ PlANNING & OEV ADMIN 0 500 500 500 500 500 01-nO-700-759 TELEPNONE EXPENSE PlANNING" 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-120-700-776 OTIllER EllUl_NT !lAINT PlAII\llNG 2,073 1,125 900 I,ODD 1,000 1,000 0"'20-700-799 Mise SEIVICES & C_GES PI.AIIIII 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..----.--- ..-..-..-- ....---.-.. -.----.-. ...-----.- ..-.-..-.... 700 TOTAl.S 5,634 6,500 5,SSO 6,350 5,950 5,950 -..---..-..- -.......--- -------..- --------- -..------- ----..--. 01.'20-S00-BIl2 OFfiCE fURNITURE & EllUlI' PLANN 7,IOS 0 0 310 310 930 01-120-&00-8ll4 Photo f~;_t 0 0 0 345 345 0 ..--.-..--.. --.....--....- -..------- ----............- ---..----- ........-..-.. aDO TOTALS 7,1OS 0 0 655 655 930 ............-.... ..---.....--.. -..--....--- --......--- -..-----..... ..--........-- 120 TOTALS 114 , Zll7 1J4,2D3 130,522 139,262 137,532 148,527 -- -- 75 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM S~Y DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Planning & Development Planning & Zoning PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Performs professional planning work in both long range and current planning. Provides research, analysis and reports on various long and current planning proposals to achieve implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and other land use policies. Provides direct assistance to citizens, businesses, developers, other departments and agencies in all aspects of land development and use. Develops Master Plans and Comprehensive Plan amendments to further refine or reflect changing public policy and draft amendments to the land development regulations. Provides support to City council, Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment and special task forces. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Continue to develop and expand the computerized mapping and geo-graphic information system (GIS) begun in 1991. Develop linkages to other agencies such as Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder I s office, the assessor I s office, DRCOG and state offices to access usable data that already exists. 2. Develop brochures and guideline publications for distribution to the public and developers relating to rules, regulations and processes which affect development and use of land. 3. Maintain a high level of service in processing land use and development applications. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 1. - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES This area contains budgeted funds for both staff, Planning Commission, $2,000 to attend conferences. $2000 and 800 1. - CAPITAL Capital computer OUTLAYS expenditures cart, $400. include the purchase of a rolling PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Public Meetings Staffed 89 99 95 95 # Planning Commission Cases 41 40 40 40 # City Council Items 76 75 75 75 # Board of Adjustment Cases 44 40 40 40 Permit Reviews 741 835 850 850 76 01/06/95 15:20:20 IEPT: 1010 CITT OF WEAT IIOGE P- 14 bu24O-wr bill 1995 AIl_L IUlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJIlT OESClIPTlON ACTUAL BLllGET ESTIMATE RE_ST APPWOYED REQUESTED ....------..-------------------------------------------------------------------------..------------------------------.-..----.-..-------- PLANNING , ZONING 01-121-600-602 STAFF SALARIES' WAGES PLANNIN 95,034 76,17'9 76,17'9 78 ,_ 78 ,_ 8O,7IZ 01-121-600-610 OVEITIME , PIEMIUM PAY PLANNIN 1,0211 315 315 325 325 345 01-121-600-617 TEMP,PElSONNEL - HDUlLY PLANNI 5,414 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 01-121-600-620 FICA EXPEMSE EHPLOYEI PLA>>NIN 7,142 5 ,ZOO 5,ZOO 5,311 5,m 5,494 01-121-600-622 MEDICAL/OENTAL INSURANCE PLANN 9,133 7,12lI 7,014 8,409 8,409 8,635 01-IZI-6OO-625 MEDICAllE EXPENSE EMPLOYEI 0 1,221 1,221 1,256 1,256 1,2115 01-1Z1 -600-630 COOElA IETIIEMENT EXP PLANNING 3,_ 3,075 3,075 3,15Z 3,15Z 3,167 ..-..-...--- .----........ ........----- ----...-.. --...----- -.----.... 600 TOTALS lZZ,161 101,925 101,211 104,119 104,119 101,_ ....-..--- -------...- ......----...... ............---- .......----- --------- 01-121-650-651 OffICE SUPPLIES PLANNING AND Z 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-121-650-654 PHOTOCOPT , PRINTING EXP PLANN 12- 0 0 0 0 0 01-121-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS PLANNING ANO ZON 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-121-650-660 OPElATING SUPPLIES PLANNING AN 0 0 0 0 0 0 .....-.....-..... ---..............- ---......_--- --------- -................-- .....--...-...- 650 TOTALS 12- 0 0 0 0 0 --..----...- ---....--...- --------- ------....... --------- ----..---.. 01- 121 - 700- 702 CONFEIENCE , MEETING EXP PLANN Z.046 3,000 2,500 7,500 4,000 4,000 01-1Z1-700-704 CONTlACTUAl SEIVICES PLANNING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-121 - 700- 706 __, 8OOIC$, , SUISCII PT PLAlIlI 1,145 1 ,ZOO 1 ,ZOO 1,400 1,400 1,400 01-121-700-711 OItIIIMANCE ENfCllCEllENT PLANNING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-1Z1-700-nl TlAlNING PLANNING AIlO ZONING 378 1,000 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 01-1Z1-700-740 AllTO MILEAGE IEI-.-SEIll PLANN ZOO ZOO 210 ZOO ZOO ZOO 01-1Z1-700- 750 PIOfESSIONAL SEIVICES PLANMING 0 0 0 25,000 0 0 01-121 -700-755 lXJIl\ITEI SOfTllAlE PLANN I NG AND 400 0 0 0 0 0 01-121-700-776 OTHEI EClUIPMENT MAINT PLANNING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-121- 700-7'99 Mile SERVICES , CHARGES PLAlIlII 17- 0 0 0 0 0 .....-........-- ---............... ...-------- -......----. ..........---- ----........... 700 TOTALS 4,152 5,400 4,660 35,100 6,600 6,600 "'..------- --.........--- ...----.....-.. ....-----.... .....-.....--.. ......----.... 01-121 -800-802 Office E",i_t 0 0 0 400 400 0 01-121-800-109 OTHEI IIAJClI EClUIPMENT PLANNING 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...........-....... -------..- ........................ ........----- -....-.........- ......----.... 800 TOTALS 0 0 0 400 400 0 -......_----- ........----- ---.._---- ---..----- .....-........... ----..--.... lZ1 TOTALS lzr,001 101,325 1OS,I71 140,319 111,119 113,_ .- .- .- .- 77 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Planning & Development Building Inspection PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Enforces the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Fire Codes, the National Electric Code and A.N.S.I. Elevator Code. Issues permits for all types of construction, performs inspections for conformance to the Codes and issues certificates of Occupancy. It is recommended that the Uniform Housing Code also be adopted and enforced. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Maintain the current level of inspection. a. Building Permit Review and Issuance: 3 days for simple projects and 7 days for complex projects. b. Inspections: Next day. c. certificates of Occupancy: Next day after all requirements are met. 2. Complete the computerization of building division record system. 3. Implement the National Housing Code 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Contractual services (Elevator Inspection) is off set by equal revenues, $8,270. 2. New code books are budgeted at $2,150. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1. Capital expenditures includes the purchase of one new cellular phone, $150. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICATOR 1993 ACTUAL 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 1996 PROJECT PROJECT Total Permits Issued 1236 Inspections Completed 2036 Dollar Value of $17,030,710 Completed Construction 1392 2066 $15,581,422 J.400 2J.00 $16.5 M 1400 2J.00 $17.5 M 78 01106195 15:20:28 REPT: 1010 CITY OF \/HEAT RIDGE p... 15 bu24Q......r bill 1995 ANNUAL IlIIGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJIIT OESCRI PTlOII AC1\IAL 8lllGET ESTlIlATE REUST APPllO\IED REIlJEST!D ....--.............-.-.--...........-...-.....-..--.....-----------........--------------------.-.---------....------------...---------..-.....----...--......---... BUILDING INSPECTlOII 01-122-600-602 STAFF SAWIES .. WAGfS IUILDIN 96,207 105,629 94,269 96 ,382 95 ,587 100,562 01 - 122-600-603 LOIIGEVITT PAT IUILDING INSPECT 2,340 972 582 0 0 0 01-122-600-610 OVERTIME" PRENUM PAT IUILDIN 30 541 541 568 500 500 01-122-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER BUILDIN 7,541 6,705 5,937 6.006 5,9Z6 6,266 01-122-600-622 MEDICALIDENTAL I NSUUllCE BUI LD 8,128 9,1181 7,274 11,470 11,461 11,106 01-122-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 1,5611 1,372 1,391 1,386 1,465 01-122-600-630 ClXlERA RETIREMENT EXP IUILDING 3,848 4,265 3.7115 3,IS5 3,m 4,022 --......-.....- --.....---- e__..._____ --------- ........------ ."'.------ 600 TOTALS 118,1'95 129,"1 113,760 119,679 1 18,6113 124,621 ....-...-....... --......-............ --.------ ...-----...... --------- ---......- 01-122-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES IUILDING INSPE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-122-650-654 PHOTOCOPT .. PRINTING EXP IUILD 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-122-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS IUILDING INSPECT 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-122-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES IUILDING IN 0 0 0 0 0 0 .--...----- --.-----..- --.........--- --------- ........---..... ----...---... 650 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ------...- .-.......--... -------.- ----.......-- -...-.-........- ----.....-- 01-122-700-702 ClIIFUElCE .. MEETING [XP IUILD 524 350 250 350 350 350 01-122-700-704 ClIITRACTUAL SERVICES IUILDING 6,956 7,300 7,520 8,m 8,m 9,100 01-122-700-706 MS, Iall:S, .. suasatlPT IUILD 555 m ISO 3,742 2,150 900 01-122-700- 7Z8 TRAINING BUILDING INSPECTIOII 300 lIOO 600 1,600 1,000 1,000 01-122-700-730 IIIlFClIlMS .. PROT CLOTHING IUILD 87 150 150 200 ZOO 200 01-122-700-750 ~ESSIDNAL SERVICES IUILDING 0 500 400 500 500 500 01-122-700-759 Te'._ i_e 0 0 0 250 250 250 01-122-7OO-n6 OTHER EQUI....EMT MAINT IUILDING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-122-700-799 MISC SERVICES" CHARGfS BUILDI 0 0 0 0 0 0 ........... --.....-...- .........-...... ----.......-- ---...----- ..--..........- 700 TOTALS 8,422 10,075 9,770 14,912 12,720 12,300 --.....-........... .......----.. .........---- -------... ------..-.. -..------- 01-122-8OD-802 OFFICE FURNITURE" EQUIP IUILD 0 310 275 150 150 0 01-122-800-805 toIUIlCATlOIIS EllUlPIlENT BUILD 0 0 0 0 0 0 ....---.......- ..-------... ..-------- --------- --.....---.... ....-....--...- BOO TOTALS 0 310 275 150 150 0 ..---..--.... --------- .......-----.. -....------ .....--...---- --------.. 122 TOTALS 127,216 139,946 123,105 134,741 131,"3 136,921 -- -- 79 ) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Planning & Development Code Enforcement PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Enforce the zoning, flood plain, sign, weed and trash, nuisance and CFC codes, and cause violations to be quickly abated. Continue to strive for a sense of pride in Wheat Ridge. Educate citizens on city codes and ordinances. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Coordinate the city-wide summer trash cleanup program with participating city departments, trash hauling companies and citizens. 2. Initiate the first contact on a reported violation within three days from receipt of the complaint. 3. Reduce the length of time between contact with an individual and the correction of the alleged code violation. 4. Utilize volunteers to assist in programs and community awareness. 5. Improve communications with citizens through increased feedback and education. 7. Computerize inspection logs and reports. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES J.. Temporary personnel includes the cost of the summer clean up program, $2,500. The summer clean up program will be discontinued in 1996. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Ordinance enforcement is budgeted in order to fund the weed mowing contractor, $9,000. 2. Contractual services is budgeted at $6,000. This is for the summer clean up program. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures includes the cost of a new cellular phone, $150. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT General Code Inspect. 3638 3000 3500 3500 Weed Complaints/Inspect. 4 J.9 350 350 350 Weed Cuttings 24 60 60 60 Court Appearances 93 90 90 90 80 01106195 15:20:36 IUT: 1010 CllT OF ll1IEAT IIDGE '. \6 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL 8l.IlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AcaJJIIT DESCIt IPTI 011 ACTUAL 8l.IlGET ESTIMATE RECIlEST AP~ RECIlEST!D ....--......-.....-.--....-......--.....--------------.......-...............-..----.--...----...-----........--...--....-.......--.-......--.--.... ClIlE ENFORCEllENT 01 - 123-600-602 STAff SALAllIES & WAGES ClIlE EN 62,434 S1,lll SI,I\8 78,19\ 78,191 82, !119 0\-\23-600-610 OYEITIME & PREMIUM PAY ClIlE EN \,699 2,624 2,624 2,700 2,700 2,162 01-\23-600-617 TE..-.PER_NEL - ~LY CCDE E 0 2,160 2,160 2,500 2,500 0 01-123-600-618 ca..T PAY ClIlE ENFORaMENT 670 1,500 1,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 01-123-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOTER ClIlE EN 4,9113 5,710 5,710 5,276 4,191 5,359 01-123-600'622 MEDICAl./DENTAL INSIIlAIICE ClIlE 5,75Z 7,75Z 7,113I 9,076 9,076 9,330 01-123-600-625 IlEDICAlIE EXPENSE EMPLOTER 0 1,335 1,335 1,234 1,144 1,254 01-123-600-630 CCDUA RETIREMENT EXP ClIlE ENF Z,492 3,m 3,m 3,156 3,156 3,304 ............. ......--........ ...............- ..--....-........ --....-....... .....---...... 6GIl TOTALS 71,011 I06,1n 105,458 103,133 103,358 105,_ ..............-... ....................... ....---.... --.......-....... ------.-.. .........-- 01-123-650-651 OFfiCE SUPPLIES CCDE ENFORCEME 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-123-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP ClIlE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-123-650-655 POSTAGE CllSTS CODE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-123-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES CCDE ENFORC 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-.....--...-... .-----.-.. ............-- -----....-.. ---..--...-- ...........---.. 650 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..----........ ......---........ -....-.......... .-----..... -----.......- ..-..------ 01-123- 7OO-7OZ CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP ClIlE 120 500 350 500 500 500 01-123 - 7OO-7Il4 CONTRACTIIAL SERVICES CCDE UFO 5,035 5,675 5,675 6,000 6,000 0 01-123- 700-706 _S, 1OllD, & SWSCIIPT CODE 127 ZOO 150 ZOO ZOO ZOO 01-123-700-718 0IlD11WICE ENfORCEMENT ClIlE ENf 3,747 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 9,DOC 01-123-700-728 TRAIMING CODE ENFORCEMENT 531 7IlD 500 IDD 1,500 IDD 01-123-700-730 UNifORMS & PROT CLOTMING CODE Z34 350 110 ZOO ZOO ZOO 01-123- 700- 740 AlITO MILEAGE REI....SEIIT CODE n zs zs 75 75 75 01-123- 700-759 Tel__ E_ D 0 0 ZSO ZSO ZSO 01-123- 700- 776 OTIER EQUIPMENT MAINT CCDE ENf 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-123-700-799 MIIC SElVICES & CHARGES talE E 0 0 0 0 0 0 a__........___ ---............... -...............-- --............_- ..--.........-- ......-........... 700 TOTALS 9,165 16,450 15,110 17,OZ5 17,725 1',OZS ----......-- ---.._---- --............... --...._---- ---......_-- ------..-.. 01-123-S00-80Z OffiCE FURNITURE 0 540 450 0 0 0 01-123-800-805 CIMUIICATlOIIS EllUlPMENT CCDE 0 0 0 150 150 0 -..--..---... ..--.............. --......._--- ---..----.. --------- -...---........ _ TOTALS 0 540 450 150 150 0 ...........---.. ------........ ..-----...-- -..--..---... ---............. --....---..... 123 TOTALS 87,946 123,162 121,718 121.008 1Z1,233 116,123 .- .- .- 81 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 82 01/07/95 12:21:11 REP1: 1550 elll OF \/HEAl RIOGE PIfe 3 bu240-wr G_r.l FLnl Dept. S.-ry bi II 1995 AMNIlAL IIIIlGEl 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCllUIIT DESCRIPTION AClUAL BUDGET ESlIIlA TE REllUEST APPIOVED REdITED --..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POLICE Police Chi.f 137,510 272,316 259,480 274,279 274,949 276,045 Poliea Aa.;nlatrat;on 240,324 188,234 187,814 218,197 197,952 203,223 AnI_I-P.rks Enforc......t 128,488 143,184 137,7'03 149,1189 1411,394 153,134 C.-..ic.ti~ 297,862 366 ,482 366,553 384,587 385,187 399,464 a.A.R.E. 65,496 90,255 118 ,168 146,7'03 141,127 146,381 R....... 183,004 232,882 230,802 249,437 249,304 257,421 Tr.ining 82,479 113,693 108,OZS 134,284 113,190 "3,010 Oper.tiOl1l 150,327 a 0 0 0 0 P.trol 1470,553 1629,366 1619,970 1722,463 1709,989 1790,838 Crlalnal ......tlV.tl0111 560,687 627,256 629,529 668,650 668,250 685 ,862 Tr.fflc 78,815 179,677 185,033 217.631 204,951 213,461 Spaci.l I.....civ.tiona 202 ,895 168,782 163,668 173,861 166,631 175,094 Eael11ency Oper.ti~ 7,768 19,076 17,031 19,576 19,130 20,300 .-...-..-. -----.......... --......-...-- --..-............ ...........---- .....------ TOTAL 3606,209 4031,203 3994,476 4359,557 4279,054 4434,233 83 POLICE CHIEF OF POLlCE (1) SENIOR SECRETARY (1 ) DIVISION SPECIAL PATROL CO....ANDER PROJECTS Ll EUT . (I) LT. (I) (I) SENIOR V.O.1. r---, r--- SECRETARY COORD. BIKE TAC. (1) 1 UNIT 1---u- ------I UNIT L___J L___ I I RECORDS INVEST. AD..IN. r I BUREAU LIEUT. - Ll EUT . - RESERVES LT. (1) (1 ) (1) TRAFFIC PATROL SERGEANT SERGEANT T (I) (3) I I SENIOR ANI"AL RECORDS SECRETARY - PARKS ENF - r---' CLERKS - (1) SUPER (1) INT. TRAFFIC POll CE (6 ) ---I AFFAIRS 1 OFFICERS OFF. 1&11 (3) (3~) L___J S.l.U. ANI"AL ,-- SERGEANT f- PARKS ENF CO....UN. (1) OFF (3) SUPER. f- (I) I I S.I.U. CO..... SER DETECT. OFFICERS f- (2) (3) E"ERGENCY SERVICES I SPEC (I ~ ) I I SECRET ARY L- CADETS r---, (1) GANG 1 UNIT 1--- L___J INVEST. TRAINING SERGEANT I- OFFICER I- (I) (1) I EVIDENCE TECH. DETECT! VE (I) (9) 84 , 1 J DEPARTMENT STAFJ'ING AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 Chief of Police 1 1 1 Police Division Commander 1 J. 1 Police Lieutenant 5 5 5 Police Sergeant 6 6 6 Police Officer I & II 47 48 48 Senior Secretary 3 3 3 Emergency Services Specialist 10 10 10 Police Records Clerk 6 6 6 Animal Parks Enforc. Super 1 1 1 Animal Parks Enforc. Officer 3 3 3 Communications supervisor. 1 1 1 Secretary 1 1 1 Evidence Techncian 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 86 87 87 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 85 --..-- 01/06/95 15:54:18 REPT: 1200 CITY OF ""'EAT RIDGE P- 6 bu240-wr DEPARTMENT ~Y bill \995 ANNUAL IlI)GET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClllNT DESClIPTlON ACTUAL UGET ESTIMATE REQUEST APPIlOYED RElIUESTED ...-..-.....------.-.-----.------------------------------------.-----------.--------..--------------------.----..------------.------ pollee PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES I ~S 2590,156 2925,673 2909 ,663 3096,451 3096.451 3Z27 ,703 LOIIGEVITY PAY 31,1411 24,328 24,328 27,132 27,832 28,463 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 2,480 2,613 2,613 2,717 2,717 2,715 EXTRA DUTY PAY 12,655 17,375 10,000 10,500 10,500 10.500 AUTO ALLOWAIICE 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 OVERTIME' PRElUI.Il PAY 115,355 122,316 144,916 '53,SO' 143,322 '51,1167 STAIIOIY PAY 7.813 7,250 7,450 7,154 7.154 7,154 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 COUIlT PAY 34 ,604 50,711 58,614 55,328 55,328 58,464 fiCA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER 45,344 42,709 42,709 50,061 50,061 52,065 MEDlCALIDENTAL INSURANCE 243,896 291,335 265,509 308,191 308,19' 316,174 MEDICARE PORTION FICA ",538 24,321 24,321 27,967 27,967 29,591 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 16,403 21,363 21,363 25.343 25,343 25,197 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP 201,705 224,335 223,152 237,396 237,396 246,613 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 .._------. ------..-.. ...----..... -..------- --------- --..----- Total 'ersornel SeNic.. 3315,798 3757,399 3737,6311 4005,1191 3995,262 4159,646 MATERIAL I SUPPLIES OfFICE SUPPl.IES 7,538 7,979 7,000 8,000 8,000 8,000 PHOTOCOPY I PRINTING EXPENSE 11,197 9,454 10,200 17,393 12,000 lZ.ooo POSTAGE COSTS Z,6ll9 2,7119 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 ItAIlGE SUPPl.IES 6,759 9,745 9,745 10,970 10,970 10,970 OPERATING SUPPl.IES 13,470 18,223 18,699 22,611 21,1133 21,065 fUEL COSTS 0 0 0 1,060 0 0 VEIlICLE . EllUlPMENT PARTS 169 0 0 2,110O 110O 0 IlAZAIllOlJS IIASTE 0 I SPOSAL 0 5,600 4,000 5,600 5.600 5,900 ----.-..-.. --.------ -.-..----.. .-------- -..-...----- ---..----- Tot.l ".t.rt.l. . Supplies 41,822 53,7119 52,144 71,434 61,403 60,935 OTHER SERVICES I CHGS CONFEREHCE . MEETING EXPEHSE 3,479 4,400 4,050 7,159 4,669 4,669 CONTRACTUAL SERVI CES 11,082 16,876 16,431 Z1,076 17,030 11,900 DUES, IODICS . SUISCRIPTlONS 6,748 7,964 7,880 8,412 8,412 ',412 VETERINARY SERVICES/SUPP 4115 300 300 400 400 400 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT '''' 1,200 1,200 1,750 1,350 1,350 TRAINIIIG 25,687 42,959 37,500 58,926 43 ,100 43,300 UNIfOlUlS I PROY CLOTHING 20,110 27,658 25,270 35,116 28,025 23 ,200 UNlfllll" ALLlII/AIlCE 31,119 36,040 35,000 37.240 36.640 36,il4O Wl.UIITEElS 0 0 0 0 0 0 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES 10,710 15,548 13,100 '6,630 16,505 16,505 MICROfiLM 3,110 5,550 4,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 COII'UTER SOfTWARE 2,128 0 0 0 0 0 RENTALS I LEASES 40 ,366 14,150 14 , 148 8,366 5,330 4,6110 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 4,oal 6,120 6,120 7,200 6,500 6,500 fLEET REPAIR/llAINT. POLICE 219 0 0 8,000 8,000 5,000 OTHER EllUlPMENT MAINT 55,355 20,079 19,710 22.363 23,150 23,100 "lie SERVICES' tlWlGES 517 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 1,500 ____A_eA. .----.--.. -------..- .--..-..--- --------- -...--",...--. Tot.l Other Servie.. 216,'" 200,344 117,409 240,138 207,311 199,156 86 01/06/95 15:56:1a REPT: 1200 bu240-wr CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE OEPARTMENT SUMMARY P_ 7 bill AClXUIT DESCI I PTI 011 1995 ANNUAL BlOGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BlOGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REUST 1995 1996 APPIOYED REUSTED ......--...-----........-----...-----------...----------------------------.-------------------...------------------------------------------------- CAPITAL OUTLAYS OffiCE FURNITURE' EllUlP 4,612 5,629 4,565 5,Z38 5,5811 1,496 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EllUlP 6,61' 1,395 1,395 4,al0 3,350 2,000 CllIMJN I CA T1011S EllUl _NT 3,a7tl 6,297 5,300 2,910 0 0 FLEET REPLACEMENT 0 0 0 6,990 0 0 CAPITAL lEASES 0 0 0 0 0 0 orNER MAJCII EllUl_NT 16,677 6,350 6,025 22,146 6,140 ",000 ---...._--- -----.......- ------........ ------.....- -...------- -----.......... Tot.1 C.pit.l OUtI.ys 31,77ll ",671 17,285 42,094 15,078 14,496 TOT At DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 3606,209 4031,203 3994,476 4359,557 4279,054 4434 ,233 86 (a) CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: police police Chief PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides leadership, command, direction and control of police services. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Improve community relationships with Police Department. 2. Improve police Department service delivery to citizens. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Extra duty reimbursement funds are used to pay personnel to work extra duty assignments at Wheat Ridge businesses and schools. The cost of this program is offset by matching revenues, $10,000. 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies have been consolidated for the entire department, $8,000. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The uniform and protective clothing account is budgeted at $6,500. Reserve officer and cadet uniforms account for $4,300 and refinishing of badges accounts for the remaining $2,200. 2. The uniform allowance of $600 per officer has been budgeted in this division, $36,640. 3. Cellular phone expense has been budgeted in this division on a department wide basis, $6,500. 87 01106/95 15:20:44 REPT: 1010 ClfT OF \/HEAT RIDG!: p- 17 bU240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAl. IlIlGfT 1993 I"' I"' 1995 1995 1996 ACCIIJIIT DESCIIIPTlllII ACTUAL BlIlGET ESTlIlATE RElILIEST APPIlO\/ED lElILIESTED ........--......------.......----..---........-.............-------------------------------------------------------------..---------..--...-----.. POLICE CHIEF 0'-201-600-602 STAFF SALAIlIES , WAG!:S POLICE sa ,463 149,465 149,465 154,203 \54,203 155,055 01-201-600-603 I....... i ty 0 2,768 2,768 2.1IJlI 2,IIJlI 2,909 01-201-600-604 DEFERRED COIPUSATlllII POLICE C 2,480 2,61S 2,61S 2.717 2,717 2,7115 01-201-600-605 EXTRA DUTY PAY POLICE CHIEF 12,655 17,375 10,000 10,500 lD,500 10,500 01-201-600-606 AlITa ALLOIIAIICE POLICE CHIEF 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 01-2D1-6OO-610 OVERTIME & PlEIUI.Il PAY POLICE 56 211 100 22a m m 01-201-6OO-62D FICA EXPENSE E"PLOYER POLICE 6,642 5,538 5,538 6,041 6,041 6,216 01 -201 -600-622 MEDICALIOENTAL INSURANCE POLIC 5,m lS,760 12,415 14,155 14,155 15,064 01-201-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 1,365 1,365 1,500 1,500 4S9 01 -201 -600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE C 1,058 1,152 1,152 1,181 1,181 1,Z10 01-Z01-600-63] Police ..tireMent 0 5,536 5.536 5,616 5,616 5,676 .-----.... --..-.......-- .__..e...... __...._._a.. ------....... ----...---- 600 TOULS 122,411 202,789 194,022 202,sa9 202,139 206,085 .-................. -----....... .-.............. ------....- --.....----.. .--....--..... 0'-201-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE CHIEF 7,538 7,979 7,000 5,000 5,000 8,000 01-201-650-655 POSTAG!: COSTS POLICE CHIEF 2,689 2,7119 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 01-Z01-650-66O OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE CMIE 678 46S 590 800 800 800 .....---...... --................ .--..-.-...- --.....--....- -..---....-- .......---- 650 TOT AU 10,_ '1,232 10,090 " ,800 " ,- 11,800 ...---.---- --...------ --------... ...---........ ...------.. ....-----.- 01-201-700-70Z CONFERENCE , MEETING EXP POLIC 911 800 800 1,320 lI40 lI40 01-201-700-706 _I, IODICS, , SUISCIlIPT POLIC 1,6SZ 1,500 1,500 1.500 1.500 1,500 01-ZD1-700-na TRAINING POLICE CHIEF 70 2,500 1,500 2,900 Z,7IlO Z,700 01-201-700-730 """fo_ & Protect;... Cloth. 0 4,515 4,000 4 ,SOD 6,500 4 ,SOD 01 -201- 700- 74 I U11IFOl~ ALLOIIAIICE POLICE CHIEF D 36,040 35,000 36,640 36,640 36,640 01-Z01-700-750 NOFESSIOIIAL SE.VICES POLICE C 965 1,400 I,05D 1,000 1,000 1,110O 0'-Z01-700-755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE POLICE CHIEF 479 0 0 0 0 0 01-Z01-700-755 R..tol. & Lo_ a 5, ISO 5,148 4,680 4,680 4,680 01-Z01-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE POLICE CHIEF 0 6, \20 6,120 1.200 6,500 6,500 01-201-700-n6 OTHER EQUIPMENT MINT POLICE C 61 50 50 50 50 0 01-201-700-799 NIst SERVICES' CIlARGU POLICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ....-...-..--- .----.--- --------.. ....-.--...... ....-----..- ......---...-. 700 TOTALS 4,1" 58,095 55,1611 59,590 60,410 55,160 .--.----.. .......---...- .........-..-...... ..___e._ea _..._e_...__. ....__....e.__ 01-Z01-aoo-llOZ OFfiCE FU.HITURE , EQUIP POLIC 0 ZOO 200 0 0 0 __e_ee...._ ......---.... ....--.....-... ...-.----- ._...__e"'_. ...---.--.. 800 TOTolLS 0 zoo zoo 0 0 0 __e_____.. ...------- ..._.___e__ -.-...----. .......----... -..------. 201 TOTALS 131,510 ZT2,316 Z59,480 274,219 Z74,949 Z16,045 .- . 88 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Community and Support Services Administration (C.A.S.S.A. ) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Community and Support Services Administration (C.A.S.S.A.) maintains an individual budget and manages the budgets for the Drug Awareness Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.), Animal Parks Enforcement Officer (A.P.E.O.), and Training. C.A.S.S.A. also provides administrative direction for these three divisions/bureaus, and regulates and reviews departmental standards. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide management, supervision and support for the Training, D.A.R.E., and A.P.E.O. programs. 2. Ensures that questions of officer conduct are handled fairly, thoroughly, and consistently. 3. Maintains and implements current policies and other written resource and directive guides. 4. coordinate Police Department hiring. 5. Administer the field training of all the units in the department. 6. Coordinate victim services with the appropriate agencies. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. printing and binding is budgeted at $11,500. This amount is used for the majority of the Department for such things as business cards, case reports, field training manuals, report forms, summons forms and other misc. forms. 700 - OTHER MATERIALS & SUPPLIES J.. Contractual services is budgeted at $7,600. These funds are used to pay the Family Adolescent Crisis Team (FACT). 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures include a chair for the polygraph operator, $280. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT victims served 800 800 800 800 Victim advocate callouts 383 400 400 400 Officer training by V.A. 4 4 4 4 89 01/06/95 15:20:53 REPT: 1010 CITY OF WEAT RIDGE p... 18 bu240-wr bt II 1995 A11I1UAL UGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACQ1JIIT OESCRIPTlON ACTUAL UGET ESTlIlATE REUST APPIOVED RElUSTED --......------..------------..---------------------------------------------------------..-...-----------.....------_.____...e...._____.._.._.._ POLICE ADMINISTRATION 01-202-600-602 STAFf SALARIES & WAGES POLICE 178,_ 141,902 141,902 146,_ 146,_ ~S2.240 01-202-600-603 LONGEVITT PAT POLICE ADMIN SER 5,628 3,163 3,163 3,243 3,243 3,324 01-202-600-610 DYERTlME & PREIlIIM PAY POLICE 632 176 876 6,714 378 378 01-202-600-614 STAIDlY PAY POLICE ADMIN SERVI 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-600-618 ~T PAT POLICE ADMIN SERVICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -202-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLICE 1,125 1,7Il4 1,7Il4 1,770 1,770 1,790 01-202-600-622 MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE POLIC '2,"' 11,531 10,460 12,217 12,217 12,426 01-202-600-625 IlEDICARE POIlTlON fICA POlICE A 0 399 399 414 414 419 01-202-600-630 calElA RETlREllENT EXP I'Ol.ICE A 946 1,099 1,099 1.127 1,127 1,155 01-202-600-633 POLICE RETIREllENT EXP I'Ol.ICE A 15,474 ",442 " ,442 11,'" 1','" 12,337 01-202-600-640 OUTSIOE PERSONAL SERVICE I'Ol.IC 0 0 0 0 0 0 -----........- ......------ --------- --------.. ----.....-- ---.......-- 600 TOTALS 215,423 172,116 171,045 184,354 178,018 184,069 ---....--..- ----.....-- --...._---- --------- --..--........ ..........--- 01-202-650-651 OFfiCE SUPPLIES POLICE ADMIN S 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-650-654 PNDTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP POLIC 11 ,197 9,454 10,200 16,193 ",500 ",500 01-202-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS POLICE ADMIN SER 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -202-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES I'Ol.ICE ADMI 90 54 54 50 50 50 01-202-650-661 F.-I Coetl 0 0 0 1,060 0 0 01 -202-650-662 VENICLE & EQUIPMENT PITS I'Ol.IC 169 0 0 0 0 0 .------..... -----..--- ----..---. --------. -----...-... ........--- 650 TOTALS " ,455 9,508 10,254 18,003 " ,550 11,550 -..--....--- ---..._--- .-----....... .-------- ..----..-..- -..-----.. 01-202-700-702 CONfERENCE & MEETING EXP POLIC 378 400 400 7Il4 7Il4 7Il4 01-202-700-7Il4 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE AD 3,314 3,400 3,400 7,600 4,000 4,000 01-202-700-706 DUlES, BOOI:S, & SUlSCRIPT POI.IC 700 1,000 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 01-202-700-728 TRAINING POLICE ADMIN SERVICES 570 1,000 1,000 2,900 2,100 1,600 01-202-700-741 U11lfOllM ALLOllAIlCE POLICE ADMIN 1,800 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-700-743 Volw.t..ra 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES POI.ICE A 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-700-758 _ENTALS & LEASES POLICE ADMIN 5,392 0 0 3,036 0 0 01-202-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE POLICE ADMIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-700-776 OTHEI EQUIPIlENT IlAINT POLICE A 899 120 120 120 100 100 01-202-700-799 MIIC SEIVICES & CHARGES POLICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 -....-.-. ......---.... .........--.. ___e.._..__ -....---.-.. ......----- 700 TOTALS 13,053 5,920 5,920 15,560 8,104 7,604 -.....--........- --------- ---..---..- --------- ...-------- .-..---...-- 01-202-800-102 OFfiCE FUlNITURE & EQUIP POLIC 0 690 595 210 210 0 01-202-100-104 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUI POLIC 393 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-800-108 CAPITAL LEASES POLICE ADMIN SE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-202-800-109 OTNER IlAJOIl EQUIPIlENT POLICE A 0 0 0 0 0 0 -......-----. ---..._---- ......-----... -------..... ......-----..... ----...---- 800 TOTALS 393 690 595 210 210 0 -..........--..... ---..----- --..---....... --------- ------...-- --------.. 202 TOTALS 240,324 ''',234 117,814 218,197 197,952 203,223 -- -- -- -- 90 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: police Administrative Services - Animal Park Enforcement PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Proactively patrols the City's parks, open space areas, trails and lakes, and enforces City ordinances as appropriate with regard to animal cruelty cases and public animal complaints. Protects and monitors natural resources. Impounds dogs and other animals which pose a danger to the community (stray, dead, etc.). 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. utilize available resources, provide a balanced level of service between animal control and park security. Estimate an average of 4.6 hours per day devoted to parks activity with 5.4 hours per day per officer devoted to animal enforcement issues. 2. Moni tor wildlife and design wildlife management programs. Trap and relocate/dispose of problem wildlife in a humane manner. 3. Provide support for and coordination of activities with the proposed park naturalist. 4. Enforce bicycle speed/safety on the green belt and parks. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Professional services accounts for the funding of the beaver relocation program, $1,000. 2. Replace bike uniforms and purchase new body armor, $1,700. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: J.993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT ANIMAL CONTROL Case Reports 2051 2100 2500 2500 Animal Impoundments 383 400 450 450 Violations-warnings Issued 448 475 500 500 Violations-Summons Issued 60 100 125 125 PARK PATROL Case Reports 113 150 200 250 Violations-warnings Issued 84 J. J.OOO J.500 2000 Violations-summons Issued 11 50 75 J.OO Fishing contacts 241 1000 1500 1500 P.R. contacts 19564 30000 30000 30000 Bicycles 1686 1750 2000 2000 Warrant contacts 21 25 25 25 Tours 14/508 15/750 30/1500 30/1500 91 01/06/95 15:21:02 REPT: 1010 CITT OF IIltEAT 1I0GE p- 19 buZ40-wr btll 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 I"' ACCllJIIT DESClIPTlCIII ACTUAL BLIlGET ESTIMATE REIlUEST APPIClVE1l REIIUEJTB) -----------------------------------------.------------------------------------..------..----------------------.-.-.------..-.---...--- ANIMAL-PAlK ENFORCEllENT 01-203-600-602 STAFf SALARIES' WAG.ES APEO 99,090 110,722 107,222 114,367 "4,367 '18,124 01 -203-600-603 LClllGEYITT PAT APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-203-6OO-61D ovnTIME , PRElULIl PAT APEO lI62 1,601 1,601 2,1311 2,138 2,266 01-203-600-614 STANDIT PAT APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 D1-203-6OO-61e talIT PAT APEO 3D 700 700 lI25 lI25 lI75 01-203-600-620 fiCA EXPENSE EMPLOTER APEO 7,751 6,790 6,790 7,274 7,274 7,565 01-203-600-622 _ICALIDENTAL INSWAllCE APEO 10,365 12,7911 11,625 13,914 13,914 14,291 01-203-600-625 _ICARE PORTICIII EMPLOTER D 1,5sa 1,5sa 1,7'01 1,7'01 1,770 01-203-600-630 CCOEIA RETIREMENT EXP APEO 3,604 3,791 3,791 4,575 4,575 3,_ 01-203-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 -..-.---- -------.... .------..'" ......----... ---....--.. .......---... 600 TOTALS 122,004 137,996 133,323 144,794 144,794 1",1119 ....-..---- .------.... ----......-- --....._---- -..--..---- ---.....--..- D1-203-65D-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-203-650-654 PHOTOCOPT & PRINTING EXP APEO 0 0 0 D 0 D 01-203-650-660 QPflATING SUPPLIES APEO 561 Z95 Z95 365 365 400 01-203-650-662 VENICLE , EQUIPMENT PRTS APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----......-.. ---....---- ---....._--- --.........--.... -----.....- -.........__.... 650 TOTALS 561 Z95 Z95 365 365 400 ......--..... --------- --........ -----.--- ....------- ------....- 01-203- 700- 706 qS, IIOOI[S, & ~$CIIPT APEO 100 135 135 135 135 135 01 -203- 700- no 'IfTfIIIIAIT SERVICES/SUPP APEO 415 300 300 400 400 400 01-203-700-ne TUINING APEO 2,057 0 0 0 0 0 01-203- 700- 730 UNifORMS & PROT CLOTHING APEO 2,551 1,173 1,200 2,27'0 1,700 1,700 01-203-700-741 UNifORM ALLOllAIICE APEO 5110 0 0 0 0 0 01-203-700-743 VOlUNTEERS APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-203-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SERVICES APEO 150 1,125 750 1,125 1,000 1,000 01-203-7DO-758 RENTALS & LEASES APEO 0 0 0 0 D 0 01-203-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-203-700-n6 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 D1-203-7DO-799 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...---.-... --..-..--... --............... ......-.......- ...........--.... -----......... 700 TOTALS 5,923 2,733 2,3IlS 3,930 3,ll5 3,235 .....--...-..-... .................. .................. ---............. ................. .......-....... 01 -203-eOO-802 OFfiCE FURNITURE' EQUIPMENT 0 310 0 0 0 310 01-203-eOO-807 FLEET REPLACEMENT APEO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -203-110O-1109 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT APEO 0 1,1150 1,700 lIOO 0 0 ..........-....... .-.............. ..--............ ....-.........- ..............-- --............. lIOO TOTALS D 2,160 1,700 lIOO 0 310 ..............- --.............. ........--...... .......--...... --......-....... ............-.... 203 TOTALS 12S,4SS 143,1114 137,703 149,189 148,394 153,134 '- .- .- 92 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: police communications PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides radio and telephone emergency dispatching services for police, fire and medical services. Provides the primary link between citizen inquiries and request for emergency service and community policing projects. The communications section initiates the data collection process for the police department through the Computer Aided Dispatch (CAD System). 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Through available resources it is anticipated that communications will process more than 25,000 calls for service in 1995. 2. Plan and develop the necessary evaluations and inventories to implement a new radio system and purchase of necessary equipment to accomplish this change by 1996. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District contributes towards the cost of one dispatcher, approximately $28,000. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 2. Other equiipment maintenance provides funds to repair radios and to pay for maintenance contracts, $18,800. This line may decrease in 1996 if the Police Ballot Issue passes in the November election. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 3. Capital expenditures includes the cost of a chair for dispatchers, $750. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: :IHD:ICATOR Department Reports E-911 Calls Emergency calls received/dispatched 1993 ACTUAL 25,904 11,237 < 1 min. 1994 EST:IMATE 27,000 11,500 < 1 min. 1995 PROJECT 27,300 11,750 < 1 min. 1996 PROJECT 27,500 12,000 <1 min. 93 01/06/95 15:21:11 REPT: 1010 ClfT OF WlIEAT RIOGE Pete ZO bu240-wr bill 1995 AllNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 I"' ACCIIJIIT OESCRIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED REUSTED ...........------......--.......--....----....----....----.------.-------...---------------------------------------------...-----------...-- POll CE lXMIJIll CA TlOIIS 01-204-600-602 STAFf SAI.AIIES & WAGES ClMUII 211,015 271,683 272,683 287,615 287,615 299,794 01-204-600-603 LOIIGEVITY PAY CCMUlICATlOIIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-204-600-610 OVERTlIIE & PREIlU,," PAY ClMUII 7,732 5,363 7,163 8,000 7,000 7,420 01-204-600'618 CtLWT PAY ClMUIICATIOIIS 54 220 100 200 200 212 01-204-600-620 fiCA EXPUU EMPLOYER ClMUII 16,125 17,440 17,440 18,m 18,m 19,060 01 -204-600-622 IlEDICALIDEMTAL I NSUl\ANCE ClJMJ 27,486 34,800 31,638 35,320 35,320 36,295 01-204'600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 4,079 4,079 4,275 4,275 4,451 01.204-600-630 COlEllA RETIREMENT EXP ClMUlIC 6,301 8,665 8,665 ",3'9 ",319 11,795 01 -204-600-633 POlICE RETIREMENT EXP ClMUIIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 ......--..-- .-----..-.. --..--......- ....---...--- -......-...... .....-----..- 600 TOTALS 269,420 342,250 342,468 365 ,007 364 ,007 379,1154 -..------ ..----...... --...............- -...-...............- .--........... ---............ 01 -204-650-65 1 OffICE SUPPLIES ~ICATIONS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -204-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP COMMU 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-204-650-660 OPEIlATlNG SlJPPLlES COMMUIIICATI 2,94a 1,022 1,050 520 1,160 ',160 ............... ..................... -.................. -.............- --............. ................... 650 TOTALS 2,94a 1,022 ',050 520 1,160 1,160 .................- ..-.............. ..-............ -.............. -................ .................. 01-204-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP COMMU 173 200 125 200 200 200 01-204-700-706 DUEl, BoorS, I SUI$ClIIPT ClJMJ 171 250 ZSO 270 270 2711 01-204-700-728 TRAINING COMMUI1ClTIONS 799 0 0 0 0 0 01-204-700-759 TELEPHIllIE EXPENSE ClMUIICATlO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-204-700-776 orNER EClUIPMENT MINT ClMUlIC 13,109 17,000 11,000 17,140 la,800 18,SOD 01-204-700-799 MIlt SERVICES & CHARGES ClMUI 0 0 a 0 0 0 ............... ................... ............... ................. .-................ .-........... 700 TOTALS 14,252 17,150 11,375 la,310 19,270 19,2711 ..............- ..................... .-............. ............. -................ ................. 01 -204-800-802 OffICE fUlNITuRE & EClUIP COMMU 0 36Q 36Q 750 750 0 01-204-800-805 COIIPIJIlI CA TI 0115 EClU I PIlENT COMMU 3,673 5,400 5,300 0 0 0 01 -204-800-809 OTHEI MAJOR EClUIPIlENT ClJMJllIC 7,570 0 0 0 0 0 ................ ................. -.............. ................ ................. ................ 800 TOTALS 11,243 5,160 5,660 750 750 0 -..............- ...-............. -.................. -.............. .....-........... -............... 204 TOTALS 297,162 366,412 366,553 384,587 385,187 399,464 -. ..- .- - .- 94 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) Gang Resistance Education And Training (G.R.E.A.T.) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide the opportunity for elementary school children to participate in drug abuse resistance education programs. Maintain the programs established in the public elementary schools for the 1995-1996 school year. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Continue to provide the D.A.R.E. program in all Wheat Ridge elementary schools and middle schools. 2. Develop and maintain a network of citizen volunteers and assistants from the schools, parents and businesses of the community. 3. Initiate family and school faculty involvement through informational meetings for the schools involved in the D.A.R.E. program. 4. Implement and support community oriented policing concepts throughout the schools and community. 5. Expand the program to the high schools and support the neighborhood awareness program. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. One additional officer is funded in this division beginning in 1995, $36,864. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The fleet repair and maintenance is budgeted in order to provide funding to restore the first Wheat Ridge police car, $8,000. This vehicle will be used by the additional officer. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures are a desk and chair for the additional officer, $836. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Total Schools Served 9 9 9 9 Elementary Class 64 85 85 85 Middle School Classes 11 22 22 22 High School Classes 0 0 20 30 Students in Program 1816 3215 4000 4500 community Programs 0 0 300 450 95 01/06/95 15:Z1:19 IEPT: 1010 CITY OF \/HEAT RIOGE PI" 21 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL Il.IlGET 1993 1994 '994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJIIT OESCR IPTI 011 ACTUAL BLDGET ESTIMATE IEGUEST APPl\lVEIl IEUSTED ....-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..--- POLICE O.A.I.E. PIOGItAM 01-205-600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAGES O.A.I.E 46,593 70 ,525 70,525 101,741 101,741 110,038 01-205-600-610 OVERTIME & PIEMIUM PAY O.A.I.E 1,224 2,416 1,916 2,1130 2,830 3,000 01 -205-600-618 COUlT PAY D.A.I_E. PIOGItAM 261 300 250 516 516 547 01 -205-600-622 MEOICALIDENTAL INSUllAllCE O.A.R 4,846 6,735 6,123 11,1193 '1,193 12,019 01-205-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA D.A_I.E. 706 492 492 1,251 1,251 1,647 01-205-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP D.A.I.E_ 4,659 7,052 7,052 ",060 11,060 11,060 ........----- -----.-..- --------- _..___e___ -----....... ............. 600 TOTALS 58,289 87,520 86 ,358 129,291 129,291 131,381 .......--........ ---.....---... -........_---- ...----.--- ---.......--- --------- 01-205-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES O.A.I.E. PROGl 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-Z05-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PIINTING EXP D.A.R 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-205-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES O.A.I.E. PI "8 1,925 1,750 3,400 2,000 2,000 01 -205-650-662 VENICLE & EQUIPMENT PITS D.A.I 0 0 0 0 0 0 -.-...--....- --------... ....................- --------- -...._----- ......----- 650 TOTALS 118 1,923 1,750 3,400 2,000 2,000 ........--..... --------- ----........_- --------- -----...-- --------.. 01-205-700-702 CONFEIENCE & MEETING EXP O.A.R 658 0 0 0 0 0 01-205-700-706 _S, lOOKS, & SUISCIIPT O.A.R 171 300 300 700 700 700 01-205-700-128 TRAINING D.A.R.E. PROGRAM 1,381 0 0 4,176 0 0 01-205-700-730 UNIFORMS & PlOT CLOTNING D_A.R 79 200 200 300 300 300 01-205-700-741 UMlfORM ALLOWAIICE O.A_I_E. PIO 900 0 0 0 0 0 01-205-700-755 Saftwore 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-Z05-700-759 TElEP_E EXPENSE D_A.R.E_ PIO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-205-700-m FLEET IEPAIR/llAINTENANCE D.A.1 0 0 0 8,000 8,000 5,000 01-205-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT O.A.I.E. 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-Z05-700-799 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES O.A.R_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---....---- --....-..--- ---.......--- ------...- ..--.....---.. --....._---- 700 TOTALS 3,189 500 500 13,176 9,000 6,000 ..----....... --..........--.. ---........... ............... ..............- ............- 01 -205 -800-S02 Office Furniture & E...i~, 3,704 310 260 a36 a36 0 01-Z05-800-805 ClMUIICATlOIIS EQUIPMENT D.A.. 196 0 0 0 0 0 ...........- ................ ..-........... ...-.......... ..--....... .............. llOD TOTALS 3,900 310 260 a36 a36 0 -..--........ ..............-- .....-....... .............-. ----......... --..............- 2Il5 TOTALS 65,496 90,255 aa,!68 146,703 141,'27 146,381 -- -- - -- 96 CZTY OF WHEAT RZDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Records PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Maintains, corrects, verifies and updates the Police Department's crime information data bases. Provides statistical information, data analysis and management information for various government agencies and the general public. Performs prisoner bonding functions in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies. Processes and houses all Wheat Ridge Municipal and Jefferson County arrest warrants. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Continue to develop and implement improved automated procedures; provide fast and accurate data entry/retrieval for records processing, customer service and crime analysis functions. 2. Provide police and management reports, and on-line computer information 3. Perform prisoner bonding in cooperation with other agencies. 4. Provide fingerprinting services. 5. Perform billing and bookkeeping duties for several functions. 1995 SZGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & SUPPLIES 1. Microfilming is budgeted at $6,000. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures include two chairs, $640. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 ZNDZCATORS ACTUAL EST:IMATE PROJECT 1996 PROJECT 97 01/06/95 15:21:27IEPT: 1010 CITY OF WlIEAT Il0GE p... 22 bu240..... bill 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCIIJIIT OESClIPTlOII ACTUAL Ill.IlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED REUITEIl -.......~---------_.__.----------------_._------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------...-------- POlICE RECOUS 01-206-600-602 STAff UI.AIIES & WAGES POlICE 102,711 171,210 171,210 185,054 185,054 192,053 01-206-600-603 l.......ity 0 1,121 1,121 1,'50 1,150 1,150 01-206-600'6'0 OVElTIME & PREMIUM PAY POlICE 2,939 3,061 3,061 3,214 3,011 3,266 01-206-600'617 TEMP_PERSONNEL - HOUILY POlICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-206-600-618 cour~ poy 0 50 0 50 50 53 01-206-600-620 flCA EXPENU EMPLOYER POlICE 8,182 7,637 7,6'S1 11,739 11,739 12,114 01-206-600-622 MEDlCALIDENTAL INSURANCE POLIC 16,727 24 ,699 22,455 26,507 26,507 27,159 0' -206-600-625 MEDICAIE EXPENSE EMPLOYEI 0 1,716 1,716 2,745 2,745 2,149 01-206'600-630 ct:llEItA IETlIEMEMT EXP POlICE I 2,651 4,617 4,617 5,015 5,015 5,235 01-206-600-633 poll~. retir..-nt 0 5,820 5,820 5 ,9611 5 , 9611 6,117 ...---........- -....-----.. --....----- --------- .-.------ __..._e____ 600 TOTALS 133 ,279 227,071 224,777 241,442 24 1 ,309 250,066 .........----- ---...._--- -......---... -....--.....-.. ............---- -....--...-..- 01 -206-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE IECOUI 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-206-650-660 OPElATIN' SUPPLIES POlICE IECO 0 250 650 430 430 430 --.....---..- --------- -..._------ -....-----.. .--.........-- --..-----.. 650 TOTALS 0 250 650 430 430 430 ---..---...... .--......---- -..-..----- -..........---- .--..---........ -----...-..... 01 -206- 700- 702 CDKfElENCE & MEET IN' EXP POLIC 173 200 100 m m 235 01-206-700-706 _., IIClll:S, & SUISClIPT POlIC 306 95 95 215 215 215 01-206-700-728 TltAININ' POlICE IECOIDS 533 0 0 0 0 0 01-206-700-730 UNIFORMS & PlOT CLOTNING POLIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-206-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SElVICES POlICE I 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -206- 700- 752 "IClOFILR POlICE IECOIDS 3,810 5,550 4,500 6,000 6,000 6,000 01-206- 700-755 ClJIIUTER SOF1\IAllE POll CE lECOl 1,650 0 0 0 0 0 01 -206- 700-759 TELEI'MOIIE EXPENSE POll CE lECOl 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -206- 700- 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MA'NT POLICE I 39,9&3 1,106- 10 475 475 475 ....-.-......- ....---...--- ---..-....-- -.............. .......-...... --............ 700 TOT~LS 46,454 4,739 4,775 6,925 6,925 6,925 --........... .....-.....-.. .--.....-.. ......-..-....- --...--....- -............. 01-206-800-802 Office Equipment & Furniture 0 W 600 640 640 0 01-206-800-808 CAPITAL LEASES POLICE IECllROS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-206-800-&09 OTIlER MAJDa EQUIPMENT POlICE I 3,271 0 0 0 0 0 -....-.......- ......-....-.... .............. ---........... --...-.--- .............. .. TOTALS 3,271 W 600 640 640 0 ...-.......-.. ...-............ --............... ---............ ......-........ .-............. 2116 TOYALS 1113,004 232,lIll2 230 ,&02 249,437 249,304 257,421 .- .- .- .- 98 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Training PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides for the basic, field and advanced training of all police department employees. Sworn personnel are provided training to maintain required certification. In-service training is provided regarding legal updates, technological improvements, policies and procedures and current trends in law enforcement. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide training and recertification in areas requiring demonstrated proficiency on a regular basis (CPR, First Aid, defensive driving, defensive tactics, firearms, use of force, radar, intoxilizer and chemical agents). 2. Provide training opportunities to remediate observed deficiencies in employee performance. 3. Recruit and develop in-house instructors to meet recertification needs. 4. Provide computer aided tracking and prioritized training on an individual basis for all employees. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The cost of firearms munitions department wide is budgeted in this division, $10,970. 2. The cost of uniforms for new officers and equipment is budgeted in this division, $16,425. 3. Mandated training for the majority of the department is included in this division, $39,000. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Total Training Hours 5000 5000 5000 5000 Average # of Hrs/Employee 56 56 56 56 Training Opportunities 200 200 200 200 Provided Total Enrollments 600 600 600 600 99 01/06/95 '5:21:35 lEPT: 1010 CITT OF WHEAT 1I0GE Pete 23 bu24Q.wr bilL 1995 AllNUAL IlIlGEt 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCDIIIT OESQIPTIOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOVEO IEUITED ..........-....----...----------------------------------------------------...---------------.-.--------.-...----...---.-----.--.........--....--....- POlICE TRAIIIIIIG 01 -207.600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAlliS POlICE 32,771 36,650 36,650 37,514 37,514 38,524 01-lO7-6OO'610 OVElTlME & PlEllllM PAT POlICE 528 6IlO 750 795 795 ll43 01-207-600-618 CtLWT PAT POlICE TIlAIIIING 43 185 235 270 Z1ll 287 01-207-600-622 MEDICALIDEIITAL IIISUltAlCE POLlC 2,109 2,367 2,163 2,331 2,331 2,390 01-207-600-625 MEDICARE .PORlIOlI fICA POlICE T 507 532 532 587 587 574 0' -207-600-633 POLICE lETllEIIENT EXP POliCE T 3,277 3,665 3,665 3,758 3,758 3,152 ----...--- --.........---- ---........... .......----...... .......-........... ...---....--- 600 TOTALS 39,235 44,07'9 41,995 45,325 45,325 46,470 -....----..- _...........e_.... ...---........ ..------..... ....-........... -.------- 01 -207-650-65 1 OfFICE SUPPLIES POlICE tllAlNIII 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'-207-650-657 IAMGE SUPPLIES POLICE TRAilING 6,759 9,745 9,745 10,970 10,m 10,m 01-207-650-660 OPEIlATlNG SUPPLIES POlICE TIlAI 398 600 450 625 625 625 01-207-650-662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PITS POlIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 .-..---....- ---............. ----......--... ---...--........ -----...--- ..-........-..-- 650 TOTALS 7,157 10,345 10,195 11,595 11,595 11,595 .-..----..... ---..............- --.....-...-.... ---..-........... -.--......... ................--.. 01-207-700-706 MS, IlDCS, & suasatlPT POLlC 2,158 3,500 3,500 2,145 2,145 2,145 01-207-700'728 TIlAIIIllIG POliCE TIlAIHING 19,1130 39,459 35,000 44,950 39,000 39,000 01-207-700-730 UNIFORMS & PlOT CLOTMING POlIC ",713 15,900 15,000 21,025 14,325 11,000 01-207-700.741 UNIFOIlJI ALLlIWAllCE POliCE TIlAIII 600 0 0 600 0 0 01-207-700'755 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -207- 700-759 lEWNOIIE EXPENSE POlICE TIlAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-207-700-776 OTllEl EQUIPMENT MAIIIT POLICE T 11 100 60 100 100 100 Ol-lO7- 700-799 MISC UlVICES & CItAlGES POlICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 .................... ---.......-..... ...................... ...-------- ----........ ......-.-... 700 TOTALS 15,0112 58,959 53,560 73,520 56,m 54,945 ........--....... --....-....... .....-.-..-.. -..-............ -..-...._...... .......... 01-lO7-8OO-801 L_, Ildg_, & \/liter Acq. 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-207-800-802 Office furniture , EQU1~t 0 310 275 0 0 0 01-lO7-800-!04 ENGINEEIING & PHOTO EQUI POLIC \,005 0 0 0 0 0 01-207-800-_ Other M.jor Equip. 0 0 0 3,144 0 0 ..--..-...... .-........... ....--.-...- ---...-.... ..-............ ........--...- 800 TOTALS 1,005 110 275 1,144 0 0 ...-_..--.. --............-..... ----......--- --....---... --....-...-. ..........-.... 207 tOTALS 82,479 111,693 101,025 134,214 113,190 113,010 .- .- .- .- 100 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT : PROGRAM: Police Operations Division PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides for the administration and management of all components of police operations inCluding patrol, investigations, traffic, special investigations and emergency operations. Maintains strict adherence to policies and procedures through internal disciplines and supervision of personnel. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: This program was dissolved in 1994 and incorporated into the Chief's Division and the Patrol Division. 101 1010 CITT OF WlIEAT 1I0GE Pete 24 01/06195 15:21:45 IEPT: bu240-wr bIll 1995 AllNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClIJNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED REGUESTED ---......---...-..---------------------.------...----------.-.---------------------------------...--------------------------.-......-...-..----... POliCE OPEIlAT. ADMIN. 01 -210-600-602 STAfF SAI.AIIES & WAGES POLICE 106,651 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-600-603 LOIIGEVITY PAY POLICE OPEILlTlOll 4,003 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-600-610 OVElTlME & PllEMIIM PAY POLICE 439 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-600-618 CtLWT PAY POLICE OPEIlATlOIIS AD 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 '210-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POlICE 2,057 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-600-622 MEOICALIDENTAL INSUlANCE POlIC 8,3llO 0 0 0 0 0 01'210-600-630 CCOERA RETIIEMENT EXP POLICE 0 1,058 0 0 0 0 0 01-2\0-600-633 POLICE IETIIEMENT EXP POlICE 0 8,006 0 0 0 0 0 .....------ --------- .-----..-- ..-.......-....... -.....------ .---.......- 600 TOTALS 130,595 0 0 0 0 0 "."'------ --.....-........- ------..'"'... ....------- ...........--.... .-...----- 01-210-650-651 OfFICE SUPPLIES POLICE OPEIlATI 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-650-660 OPEIlA TI NG SUPPLI ES POL I CE OPEl 512 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-650-662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PITS POLIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 -..--.......... .....-...........- --..---...- ..-----...-.. "'-"--"-"''' --------- 650 TOTALS 512 0 0 0 0 0 ....-.._---- ....-....---.. --------.. ..-.......---- -......--...-- .....----..- 01-210-700-7'02 CONfEIENCE & MEETING EXP POlIC 1,111 0 0 0 0 0 01 -210-700- 7'06 OUES, IOOICS, & SUISCIlIPT POlIC 810 0 0 0 0 0 01 -210- 7'00-728 TIlAINING POlICE OPEItATlOIIS ADM 447 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-700-730 UIII_ & PlOT CLOTHING POlIC 3,021 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-700-741 U11lfOlM ALLllWAIICE POLICE OPEIlA 700 0 0 0 0 0 01-210- 700- 750 PROfESSIONAL SEIVICES POLICE 0 2,494 0 0 0 0 0 01-210- 700- 758 lEIITALS & LEASES POLICE OPEIlAT 4,604 0 0 0 0 0 01-Z10-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE POll CE OPEIlA 4,011 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-700-m fLEET REPAII/MAINTENANCE POlIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-210-700-776 OTNEI EQUIPMENT MAINT POlICE 0 1,1110 0 0 0 0 0 01 -210- 700- T99 ,"se SERVICES & CHARGES POLICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 -..-.....---- .........-.....-- --....--..... ----.......... .....---..-- ............-.... 700 TOTALS 18,447 0 0 0 0 0 -.-........... --------- --.--....... ............... ...-............ ............ 01-210-800-&OZ OfFICE fUINITURE & EQUIP POLIC m 0 0 0 0 0 ....................... ................ .................. ..-............. ......--...... .........-. aoo YOTALS m 0 0 0 0 0 ...-........._- .-............ ......-............ .......-...--- ...................- ...................... 210 TOTALS 150,327 0 0 0 0 0 '- .- .- .-. .- 102 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: police Patrol Bureau PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides preventative police patrol and emergency response to the citizens of Wheat Ridge. Provides non-emergency assistance to citizens as requested. Develops community policing programs. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide emergency response times not to exceed three and one-half minutes and non-emergency response times not to exceed fifteen minutes. 2. Become more proactive towards suspicious and criminal activity. 3. Improve community relations through involvement and community policing concepts. 4. Continue to operate the Patrol Bureau on the four ten hour work week concept. 5. Aggressi vely enforce all laws of this City, state and the Federal Government, through strict enforcement of the Department Mission statement. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Uniforms and protective clothing provides funding equipment such as vests and nomex hoods, $2,300. 2. Professional services is budgeted to allow for blood testing, blood draws and vehicle towing, $4,325. 800 1. - CAPITAL EXPENDITURES capital expenditures includes five new cameras for the patrol cars, $1,000. chairs, $1,100, and 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Calls for Service 25904 26681 27481 28305 Traffic Accidents Invest. 1720 1557 1527 1497 Arrests/Bookings 3905 3990 4099 4220 DUI Cases 297 330 393 410 Traffic citations 5259 5784 6362 6998 Emergency Response Time 3:30 min. 3:30 min. 3:30 min. 3:30min. Community policing Project Hrs.300 1600 1700 1800 Domestic Violence Calls 286 338 399 470 103 01106195 15:21:53 HPT, 1010 cln OF WlIEAT Il0GE Pete 25 bu240-wr bill 1995 AllNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCIIJIIT OESCIIIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIIOVEIl REUSTED .....------------------------------------------------------------..---------------..------...----...---------...------------------.......------- POliCE PATRex. 0'-211-600-602 STAFF SAI.AIIES & WAllE. POlICE 1112,277 1244,094 1232,268 1297,990 1297,990 1360,738 01-211-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY POLICE PATIOl 12,420 10,521 10,521 12,171 12,171 13,1" 01-211-600-610 OVEITlIIE & PREIIllJI PAY POlICE 67,756 63,602 73,700 78,100 78, '00 82,716 01-211-600-614 STAIDlY PAY POlICE PATlOL 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-211-600-611 CtLWT PAY POLICE PATROL 28,429 38,692 47,192 42,7113 42,7113 45,350 01 -2" -600-622 MEDICALIOENTAL INSUlANCE POLIC 102,744 115,117 105,007 118,594 111,594 \21,976 01 -21 1 -600-625 MEDICARE PIllTlOll fiCA POLICE P 9,505 9,630 9,630 10,720 10,720 12,460 01 -211-600-633 POLICE IETIIEKENT EXP POLICE P 11',054 124,4'0 123,221 129,799 129,799 136,073 .....---.-- .-.....----- --------- .-----_..... .-.----.- ..----.....-- 600 TOT ALl 1444,185 1606,666 1601,545 1690 ,1164 1690,1164 lm,547 -....---....- ....----........ -------..- ----....--... "'.-..---..- .......-..---- 01-211-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PATI 2,554 6,llO3 7,000 8,111 8,000 8,000 01-211-650-662 VEHICLE & EllUlPMENT PITS POlIC 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 ..--........-..- .---..---- --..---....... ..-------- .--.-....-- -....---..-- 650 TOTALS 2,554 6,llO3 7,000 10,111 8,000 8,000 --.-----.. .-...._--_... ------.....- -------..... .....---.... -.------- 01-211-700-702 Porro I Conference & M..ti"," 0 300 125 300 300 300 01-211-700-706 D..-. aODi.a, l S'*-cripti_ 0 250 200 350 350 350 01-211-700-730 Untfo.... , Protective Clothl", 0 2,100 1,500 2,631 2,300 1,000 01-211-700-741 IMlfCeI ALLOIlAIICE POlICE PATIO 17,601 0 0 0 0 0 01 -21 1 -700- 750 'Itrol Pntf...iaMl S.rvic.. 0 4,625 3,500 4,325 4,325 4,325 01-211-700-755 Petrol ~.r soft...re 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-211-700-772 fLEET lEPA11/MAINTENANCE POlIC '29 0 0 0 0 0 01-211-700-776 OTIlEl EllUlPIIUT IlAINT POliCE P "3 2,865 1,500 1,903 1,750 1,750 ................-.. ..................... .................... ...................- .................... .................... 700 TOTALS 17,1143 10,140 6,825 9,509 9,025 7,725 ..............-- ..........-....... ..-................. .....-............. .................... ....-............ 01-2"-800-802 Potrol CepiUI Furniture & Equ 135 360 275 750 1,100 566 01-21'-800-!04 ENGINEERING , PIlOTO EOUI POLIC 0 0 0 1,400 1,000 0 01-211-800-805 ClMUIICATlOIIS EClUIPMEIlT POLlC 0 197 0 2,910 0 0 01-211-800-807 FLEET REPLACEllENT POLICE PATIO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -211 -800-809 OTIlEl 1lA~1Il EllUl_NT POLICE P 5,136 4,500 4,325 6,212 0 2,000 ...............-.. --............... -...-.............. .................- ................... ................. lIDO TOTALS 5,971 5,757 4,600 11,272 2,100 2,566 .................. .--...........- .................- ...-............ .................. ..-.............. 21 I TOTALS 1470,553 1629,366 1619,970 1722,463 1709,919 1790,131 .- .- 104 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Criminal Investigations Bureau PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Through a case review process which prioritizes cases in a weighted solvability system, this bureau provides for the investigation of felony crimes and serious misdemeanors. Manages a property and evidence control service. Manages and supervises the criminal investigation process. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Case clearance rate of 50% of total cases assigned. 2. Recover property equal in value to 50% of the reported property loss value. 3. Maintain a high fugitive apprehension rate. 4. Maintain a high standard of crime scene investigation. 5. Improve the Crime Lab through training, experience and the use of modern equipment. 6. Maintain streamlined and audited evidence and property storeage. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Operating supplies typically consists of film, testing kits, evidence bags and other misc. crime scene investigation material, $$7,600. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Professional services provides funding for film processing, lab testing and analysis, and the disposal of various hazardous and biohazardous wastes, $10,180. BOO - CAPITAL OUTLAY 2. capital expenditures include two chairs, $512; a finger print cabinet, $850; a macro lens, $1,500; and a dual cassette recorder, $850. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 INDICATOR ACTUAL Cases Assigned 1174 Cases Cleared 754 Case Clearance Rate 64% Property Recovery Rate 67% Fugitive Cases Assigned 1837 Fugitive Apprehensions 1564 Warrant Clearance Rate 85% CRIME LAB. PROPERTY/EVIDENCE SECTION Lab Tests (Prints/Drugs) 280 Units of Evidence Processed 1470 1994 ESTIMATE 1500 750 50% 50% 2000 1800 90% 300 1500 1995 PROJECT 1500 750 50% 50% 2000 1800 90% 320 1550 1996 PROJECT 1500 750 50% 50% 2000 1800 90% 320 1600 105 CITY OF WlIEAT IIOGE Pete 2b 01/06/95 15:22:02 lEPT: 1010 blH bu240-wr 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCIIJIIT OESCRIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REUST APPIlOYED IEUSTED ---~----------------------------------------------------------------------------------..---------------------------------------..----- POLICE-CRIMINAL INVEST. 01-212-600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAGES POlICE 402,126 460,592 456,408 490,353 490,353 505,916 01-212-600-603 LOIIGEVITY PAY POLICE CRIMINAL 6,696 4,382 4,382 5,290 5,290 5,423 01 -212-600-610 OVElTIME & PlEMIUM PAY POLICE 23,166 30,241 39,750 32,lIOO 32,000 33,900 01-212-600-614 STAIlDIT PAY POLICE CRIMINAL IN 7,113 7,250 7,450 7,154 7,154 7,154 01-212-600-61. CtLWT PAY POliCE CRIMINAL INVE 2,158 5,430 6,430 6,771 6,771 7,100 01-212-600-620 fICA EXPENSE EMPLDYEI POL I CE 2,063 3,600 3,600 4,959 4,959 5,250 01-212-600-622 NEDICALIDENTAL INSUl\ANCE POLIC 32,553 45,018 40,117 46,273 46,273 47,453 01-212-600-625 _ICllro Portion FICA 0 3,000 3,000 3,109 3,109 3,2llO 01-212-600-630 Cl:llEItA IETIIEMENT EXP POLICE C 771 2,033 2,033 2,126 2,126 2,204 01-212-600-633 POLICE lETllEIIENT EXP POLICE C 38,315 39,914 39,914 41,1911 41,1911 42,417 --------- --------- ..-..--.-. -..------- --------.. ....------- 600 TOTALS 517,069 601,537 603,924 639,240 639,240 660,017 --------- ---...._--- --.....--....... -......---.... --._----- -.-..----- 01-212-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE CRIM 5,6'2 6,_ 6,860 7,603 7,603 7,600 01 -212-650-662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PITS POLIC 0 0 0 800 800 0 ---.....-.. .----.-..... -------.... -......--...-... ......------ .-------- 650 TOTALS 5,612 6,_ 6,860 8,40] 8,403 7,600 --------.. .....------ .....----..... --...--.......... --------.. --------... 01-212- 700-702 tanferenc.. , Meet, ",a 0 2,500 2,500 2,390 2,390 2,390 D1-212-700-706 _, 1_. & s.-cripti_ 0 750 750 lOG lOG lOG 01 -212- 700-727 EXPENSE IEI-..SEIlENT POlICE C ", 1,000 1,000 1,400 1,000 1,000 01-212-700-730 UNIfORMS & PlOT CLOTHING POLIC 62 100 100 300 300 300 01 -212- 700- 741 UNI-.e ALLllWAIICE POLIt! CRIMI 6,000 0 0 0 0 0 01-212-700-750 PlDfESSIOIIAL SElVICES PDLIt! C 7,101 8,3911 8,500 10,110 10,110 10,110 01-212-700-755 Callputer Soft..... 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-212-700-758 RENTALS & LEASES POLlt! CUMIN 19,350 1,750 1,750 650 650 0 01-212-700-759 TELEPHOIIE EXPENSE POLICE CRIMI 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-212-700-772 FLEET lEPAII/NAINTEIWlt! POlIC 160 0 0 0 0 0 01-212-700-776 Other Equi ~t Mo, nt. 0 750 750 1,575 1,575 1,575 01-212-700-799 MIst SERVICES & CHARGES POLICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----.....-.. ....--... .....-..-. ....-.--. ------... ....---.. 700 TOTALS 32,714 15,241 15,350 17,295 16,195 16,245 ____a_ea. ....----. ...-.----. ....------ .....----. ....-----. 01-212-800-802 OffIce Furniture & Equi~t 0 2,267 2,000 1,362 1,362 0 01-212-800-104 ENGINEEllNG & PHOTO EQUI POlIC 5,222 1,395 1,395 2,350 2,350 2,000 0'-212-800-109 OYIIEl NAJOl EQUIPMENT POLICE C 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------- .-----...- ...--.-.- ...------ .-------- -..------ 800 TOTALS 5,222 3,662 3,395 3,712 3,712 2,000 ....---...- ..------. ..-...-..-. -.....----. ----...--. .-...-..-. 212 TOTALS 560,687 627,256 629,529 661,650 661,250 6a5 ,162 -- -- -- 106 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Traffic - Operations Division PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides targeted traffic enforcement, reconstructive accident investigation of serious traffic accidents, traffic management and supervision, as well as coordination between traffic enforcement and traffic engineering and maintenance. Reduces the number of accidents handled by police patrol units to allow more time for general patrol functions. Maintains traffic education programs and truck safety enforcement. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Target DUI drivers in order to reduce accidents. 2. Improve traffic enforcement in school safety areas. 3. Develop and promote a seatbelt usage program for city employees and the community. 4. Maintain traffic related educaiton programs to improve driver skills and enhance community traffic safety. 5. continue to operate with selective traffic enforcement. 6. continue to operate the neighborhood speed control program. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The costs of special motorcycle officer uniforms is budgeted in this division, $2,600. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures include the purchase of a moving radar for the traffic unit, $2,990. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Unit strength 2 4 4 4 Traffic Accident Invest. 415 585 615 645 Reduction in Accidents 1650 2318 2490 2650 Reduction of Accidents 17% 1% -1% -1% 107 01/06/95 15:22:11 IEPT: 1010 bu240-wr CITY OF WlIEAT Il0GE Pate 27 bill ACCIUIT OESCR IPTI 011 1995 AllNUAl IU)GET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 IllIlGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REGUEST 1995 1996 APPIlOVEIl IEUSTED .~_.__.----------_._--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.....---------- POliCE-TRAFfIC UNIT 01-213-600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAGES POLICE 62 ,863 141.3llO 143.880 155,986 155,986 162,684 01 -213-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY POLICE TRAfFIC U 457 2 ,3'73 2,373 2,433 2,433 2,493 01 -213-600-610 OVElTlME & PlElll1.ll PAY POLICE 1.308 3,589 6,589 7,510 7,510 7,961 01-213-600-614 STAIIlIY PAY POliCE TRAFfIC UIU 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -213-600-618 aUIT PAY POliCE TllAfflC UNIT 562 1.367 1,627 ',7'00 1,7'00 1.102 01-213-600-622 IlEOICALIDEITAL I NSUltAllCE POll C 4,665 12,580 12,356 14,276 14,276 14,616 01-213-600-625 MEDICARE PClIlTlOll FICA POlICE T 821 1,450 ',450 1,665 1,665 1,175 01-213-600-633 POLICE lETllEMENT EXP POLICE T 6.287 14,Jaa 14,388 15,599 15,599 16,261 -----..-..- .........--......- --....---..... ...-------- ....------ --------- 600 TOTALS 76,963 177,127 182,663 199,169 199.169 207,669 -..----....- --...-..........- ...-....-......... --------- --------- ------..-.. 01-213-650-662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PRTS POlIC 0 0 0 0 0 0 ~---._-_. .....------ -----......-.. ............--.... -------.... ...------.. 650 TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ....----... ----.....-..... .---..---- ...........---.. ----......- .......----- 01-213-700-706 0.... loot. & Subocrip. 0 100 100 192 192 192 01-213-700-730 Uln'lIlIIS & PlOT CLOTHING POLIC 614 2,450 2,270 4,290 2,600 2,600 01-213-700-741 U111'lIlII ALL\llIAIlCE POlICE TllAfF 1,238 0 0 0 0 0 01-213-700-776 OTNEI EQUIPMENT MAINT POLICE T 0 0 0 0 0 0 .....--..-..- .---............ -.------- --------- .-..----..- -------..- 700 TOTALS 1.1IS2 2,550 2,370 4,412 2,792 2,792 --.....---. ---...--....- --................- .................. .............. ....-............ 01-213-800-803 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -213-800-807 FLEET IEPLACEIlEIT POll CE TIlAFF 0 0 0 6,990 0 0 01-213-800-809 Other M.jor Equlpoont 0 0 0 6,990 2,990 3,000 ................... ............- ..................... ...................... ............... .................. 800 TOTALS 0 0 0 13,910 2,990 3,000 ............... ......-..... ..-................. ....................... ..--..............- .................... 213 TOTALS 78.815 179.677 111S,033 217,631 204,951 213,461 -. ..- --- - -- 108 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Special Investigations Unit PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides for a pro-active approach to drug dealing/use and vice related crimes occurring in the City of Wheat Ridge. Investigates backgrounds of liquor license applicants and acts on liquor violations at licensed establishments. Compiles intelligence reports on criminal activities. Coordinates activities with the Jefferson County Drug Task Force. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Clear at least 75% of all cases assigned to S.I.U. 2. Continue to operate under a pro-active approach to operations. 3. strive to improve intelligence gathering and dissemination capabilities. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Rentals & leases have been moved to the Equipment Fund, in the past this area was utilized for the leasing of undercover cars. 800 1. - CAPITAL OUTLAY Capital expenditures include two office chairs, special transmitter and repeater, $3,150. $620; and a 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICATORS 1993 ACTUAL 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 PROJECT 1996 PROJECT Cases Assigned to S.I.U. Cases Cleared Case Clearance Rate 177 94 53% 150 100 75% 150 100 75% 150 100 75% 109 01/06/95 15:22:17 UPT: 1010 CITT OF WltEAT 1I0GE Pete 28 bu240-wr bill 1995 AllNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCIIJIIT OESCR IPTI 011 ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED IEUSTED ---.........--.-----...---------.....------------------------------------...-----------.-...----------------------------------------------. POlICE-SPECIAL INVEST IJljIT 01 -214-600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & \/AGES POLICE 146,438 120,3&0 120,3&0 124,570 124,570 128,134 01-214-600-603 LOIIGEVln PAY POLICE SPEC INVE 1,944 0 0 0 0 0 01 -214-600-61 0 OVElTlME & PRE..IUM PAY POLICE 1,682 10,663 8,710 12,271 9,262 9,"9 01-214-600'618 COURT PAY POlICE SPEC INVEST U 2,064 3,837 2,010 2,206 2,206 2,238 01 -214-600-622 MEOlCAL/OENTAl INSURANCE POlIC 13,163 11,330 10,310 12,011 12,011 12,345 01 -214-600-633 _ICE IETllEllENT EXP POLICE S 14,632 12,ll38 12,ll38 12,457 12,457 12,aas ....-..----- ...-..-..-... .......---...- ...........--.. ..........----- --..------ 600 tOTALS 186,924 158,24ll 153,5'8 163,5'6 160,506 166,"9 -.....---..-- .----.--- .-------- ....----..-- --------- --.....----... --...........-- ...........a__ ...--...---...- .............---- ...........---- --...----- 650 tOYALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..-......---- ----............ ---..----.. ....--...---. -......-........-- -.....---...... 01-214-700-71)2 Conference " ....t 1"'. 0 0 0 2,010 0 0 01-214-71)0-706 0.... , loot. & Subacrip_ 0 84 50 205 205 205 01-214-700-727 EXPENSE REIIlIIUlSEMENT POLICE S D 200 200 350 350 350 01 -214- 700-730 UlIlfOlllS & PlOT CLOTMlNG PQlIC 2,000 1,200 1,000 0 0 0 01 -214-71)0-741 UlIIFOIM ALLClWICE POLICE SPEC 2,400 0 0 0 0 0 01 -214-700-755 SoftllUe 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-214- 700- 758 lEltALS & LEASES POll CE SPEC I 11,020 7,250 7,250 0 0 0 01-214-700-776 OtIler E",i_t ...int. 0 300 150 300 300 300 01 -214- 700- 7'99 "ISC SERVICES & CllAIIGES POlICE 517 1,500 ',500 1,500 1,500 1,500 -----.....-- -.............-..... ......--...--- ....------- ---......--..... ............-.... 7VO TOYALS 15,971 10,534 10, '50 4,365 2,355 2,355 .........-...... .................. ............... ...-......-... .......--..... ................. 01-214'800-102 Offlc. furniture , Equip. 0 0 0 620 620 620 01-214-100-103 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-2'4-800-104 Phot E",ip. 0 0 0 1,060 0 0 01-214-800-!09 Other M.jor Equip. 0 0 0 4,300 3,150 6,000 .-.....-.. ...--.---. --.............. -....-......-... ...---............ ..................... 800 TOTALS 0 0 0 5 , 9llO 3,770 6,620 -.............. ....-.......... --............. .......--....- ---..--..... ...........-- 214 TOTALS 202,895 \68,782 163,668 173,861 166,631 175,094 -- u_ -- --- 110 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Emergency Preparedness PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides aid in the coordination of the necessary elements of city, county, state and federal government, in the event of a natural, man-made, or nuclear disaster, or wide spread civil disorder. In the event of a disaster, a multi-city department response team is organized to provide protection to life and property in the city and to coordinate the appropriate city response after the disaster. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Maintain and update a comprehensive disaster plan for the city of Wheat Ridge. 2. Provide for the training of City personnel and elected officials on the implementation of the city's disaster plan. 3. Develop a reliable method to alert the citizens of Wheat Ridge to a pending emergency and educate them on how to respond in the event of an emergency or disaster declaration. 4. Recruit and develop civilian volunteers to assist with this program. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 1. - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES This division provides disposal at the permanent the funding for hazardous waste hazardous storage facility, $5,900. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. This area provides the funding for the hazardous material response team, $3,000, 2. This program also contains the funding for the Jeffco Hazardous Storage Facility, $10,030. 111 01/06/95 15:22:24 REPT: 1010 bu240-wr CITY OF WlIEAT IIOGE p... 29 bill AcaulT OESCI IPTI 011 1995 AllNUAL ILIlGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BLIlGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REGUEsr 1995 1"' APPIlOYED IEGUESTED ............--------------------------..--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- POlICE-EMElGENCY OPERATIONS 01-215-650-654 PHOTlXXlPY & PllNTlNG EX' POll C 0 0 0 500 500 500 01-215-650-663 H8Z8rac:x.. w..t. OJ.pout 0 5,600 4,000 5,600 5,600 5,_ ------........ --...._---- -------.... -..--.-.-.. .......------ '"'.------- 650 TOTALS 0 5,600 4,000 6,100 6,100 6,400 ......------ ..---.....--... --.....--........ ------.-... --------... --------- 01 -215- 700- 704 CllIITIlACTUAL SElVICES POLICE EM 7,761 13,476 13,031 13,476 13,030 13,_ 01-215-700-728 TRAIMING POliCE EMElG OPERATIO 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-215-700-799 MISC SEIVICES & CHAlGES POlICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---...----.. _....------ --------- --------- -----........- -....._----- 700 TOTALS 7,761 13,476 13,031 13,476 13,030 13,_ ------...-- ---...--.....- .-------- --.....----... -..-...----- ---..----- 01 -215-800-809 OTHEI MAJOI EQUIPMENT POLICE E 0 0 0 0 0 0 -...--.....-... --------- --------- .....--......-.. --------- .........---- SOD TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---.-..--- ..............--- ...........-..-- ........--.....- ...-------- ..........----- 215 TOTALS 7,761 19,076 17,031 19,576 19,130 20,300 - ..- ..- --- 112 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 113 01/07/95 12:23:26 lEPT: 1550 bu240-wr CITY OF WHEAT IIOGE Generol FLrd OOl't. S..-ry Pete 4 bill ACCllUIIT OESCR IPTI 011 1995 ANNUAL IIl.OGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 IlIlGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REUST 1995 1996 APPROVEO REQUESTED P\JllLI C 1<<lR($ AcRini.trltion 99,594 124,693 119,079 145,830 145,632 127,626 Engineering 711,905 817,644 819,805 921,187 llllll,519 908,348 Street M.int~e 420,217 529,692 525 ,683 580,066 577,423 585,843 Troffi. Mointononce 176,853 193,218 190,977 218,496 210,518 209,'28 Fl..t Mointononco 375,063 422,845 399,726 447,551 417,531 421,513 .----........ ................ --............-- ............-....- ...........-....... ..................- TOTAL 1783,632 20ll8,091 2055,270 2313,'30 2239,623 2252,458 114 POOL I C WORKS DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS (I) SENIOR SECRETARY (1) I I SENIOR FLEET STREET PROJECT lIAINTENANCE ,------- lIAIMTENANCE ENG. (I) FL. SUPER (1) I ST. SUPT. (1) I I I I I I I I I I I CAPITAL PROJECTS TRAFFIC FLEET I STREET DESIGN >-- lIAIMTENANCE _n ANALYST -.........-...---- -. r----- SWEEP! NG ENG. TECH. I I (1) TRAF CONT SUP(I) (1) I E.O.I (3) I I I I I ENGINEERING I PATCHING TECHNICIAN I LEAD ~- - - -- EQ OP I (3) lIECHANIC f-- I (1) (1 ) I I TRAFFIC I CONTROL I TECH. (1) I ENGINEERING I DRG. PAVING ASSISTANT lIECHANIC - ~---- SPEC. PROJ. - (2) (1) I EQ OP II (3) I ~__________J lIAINT WKR lIAIMT. SURVEYING AND TR. TECH WKR. RIGHT OF WAY (1 ) (4) ENG. TECH II (1) I ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I (1) DEVELOPlIENT REVIEW ENG. TECH II (1) TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CIVIL ENG. (1) 115 DEPARTHEBT STAFF:ING AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 Director of Public works/ City Engineer 1 1 1 Senior project Engineer 1 1 1 Street Superintendent 1 1 1 civil Engineer 1 1 1 Traffic Control supervisor 1 1 1 Fleet Supervisor 1 1 1 Engineering Technician II 3 3 3 Engineering Techncian I 4 4 4 Equipment operator II 3 3 3 Equipment operator I 4 4 4 Lead Mechanic 1 1 1 Mechanic 1 1 1 Engineering Assistant 2 2 2 Fleet Analyst 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 Traffic Control Technician 1 1 1 PW Maintenance Worker 4 4 4 PW Maint. Wkr./Traffic Tech. 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 32 32 32 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 116 01/06/95 15:57:17 lEPT, 1300 CITT Of WHEAT Il0GE Pete a bu24O-wr DEPARTMENT SUMMAlY bill 1995 AllIl\lAL II\JlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AClXIUIIT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL II\JlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED REGUESTED --._----~----------_._----_._._----_._--_.------------.------------------...----...-----------------------------.---...--------...----.----- PlAlllc Worka PElSOMNEL SERVICES STAff SALARIES & WAGES 913,763 1049,603 '049,603 '0119,164 10119,164 1126,139 LOIIGEVITY PAY 3,191 2,'721 2,'721 2,615 2,615 2,679 AUTO ALLllWAIICE 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 OVElTIME & PREMIUM PAT 17,008 26,412 26,412 30,490 30,490 29 ,599 STAII08T PAT 12,588 13,500 13,500 13,175 13,175 14,701 TEMP PERSONNEL . HaulLY 35,365 6',020 61,020 '29,160 108,110 74,234 fiCA EXPENSE - E",LOYEl 74,006 72 ,400 72,400 71,677 71,677 77,411 IlEDICALIDENTAl. INSUlWlCE 11,664 102,932 93,541 "',539 1",539 114,452 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYEI 0 16,933 16,933 '8,401 18,353 18,0113 CCOERA lETllEMENT EXPENSE 34 ,519 41,963 41,963 43,022 43,022 44 ,468 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE PUlLI 0 0 0 D 0 0 ----......--- ......-.........-- ...-..._---...... ....--............. ..--....-......- -...---........ Total Peraonnel Servlcea 1174,874 1390,490 1311',106 1520,793 14911,145 1504,7BO MATEllAL & SUPPLIES OffICE SUPPLIES 2,212 2,921 2,930 3,716 3,011 3,011 PHOTOCOPY & PIINTING EXPENSE 146 100 100 1,050 0 0 POSTAGE COSTS 333 700 500 775 775 775 OPERATING SUPPLIES '09,503 111,699 120,160 '35,1" 128,010 128,510 GAS & OIL 81,173 99,500 82,000 95,000 95,000 95,000 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PAlTS 97,420 108,458 105,000 '10,000 110,000 110,000 HA2AlOOUS l/ASTE DISPOSAL 3,235 3,700 3,200 3,735 3,735 3,7]5 SPECIAL EQUIPIlENT 0 1,000 750 750 750 750 --........-...... --.--..--- ----...---.. ---.....---... ---...--...-... ...---.....- Total Material. & Suppliea 295,421 335,084 315,340 350,207 341,211 341,718 OYHEI SElVICES & CNGS COIIFElENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 2,509 4,016 3,750 4,150 4,150 4,150 CClIITIlACTUAL SElVICES 9,232 9,444 10,244 9,400 9,400 9,400 OIJES, IIOCllCS & SU8SCRIPTlONS 3,073 3,000 2,400 2,710 2,710 2,710 EXPENSE lEIM8UlSEllENT P/W SHOP 0 0 0 0 0 0 TRAINING 2,907 4,640 4,100 6,800 4,100 4,100 UNIFORMS & PlOT CLOTHING 13,410 14,663 14,455 14,100 14,500 14,500 AUTO MILEAGE lEIMIURSEMENT 454 400 400 760 760 760 TOOL ALLllWAIICE 0 0 0 0 0 0 PlOFESSIONAL SERVICES 2,916 5,199 2,500 12,000 8,000 8,000 MICROfilM 0 4,500 0 0 0 0 CCIIPIlTEl SOFTllARE 4,900 0 0 0 0 0 lENTALS & lEASES 3,775 1,500 4,500 5,500 5,500 5,500 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 UTILITIES 12,438 16,000 '6,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 sTREET L I GMT ING 229,124 270,000 210,000 290,000 290,000 305,000 FLEET lEPAll/MAINTENANCE ENGIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 FACILITT lEPAIR & MAINT 5,311 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 OTHEI EQUIPMENT MAINT '0,460 6,365 5,725 7,700 6,700 6,700 TITLE SEARCHES 0 0 0 500 500 500 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 0 30 0 0 0 0 ......---....- --...........-...- ..........----- .....----....... ......-....--...- -.....----.. Tot.l Other Services 301,271 352,627 349,174 376,420 369,120 384,120 117 01/06/95 15:58:42 lEPT: 1300 bu240-wr CITY Of IIttEAT Il0GE OEPAlTMENT SUMMARY Pete 9 bill ACalJIIT DESClIPTI 011 1995 ANNUAL IUDGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 IlIlGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REGUEST 1995 1996 APPIlOYED REUSTED CAPITAL WTLATS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 0 1,230 990 4,61D 3,670 4,770 ENG. & PHOTO EQUIP. 0 0 0 4,500 3,500 0 ClJMJN I CA TI OIlS EQU I PllENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 FLEET lEPLACEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAP IT AL LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHEl MAJOR EQUIPMENT 12,058 3,950 3,950 25,100 21,700 16,000 BUILDING IMPlOVEMENTS P/W SHOP 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 TOOLS AlIO IIllIlK EQUIP. 0 4,710 4,710 1,500 1,500 1,000 ..........---- ..-...-----. ......---..... --................. ..........----- ........----.. Tot.l Ceplt.l OUtl.,. 12,058 9,890 9,650 65,710 30 ,370 21,770 TOTAL OEPAlTIlENT EXPENU lm,632 2Dall,091 2055,270 2313,130 2239,623 2252,458 118 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Public Works Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides direction to the Engineering, streets, Traffic and Shops divisions and maintains responsibility for all projects funded by the capital projects Fund. Provides recommendations to the City Administration and city council on future Public Works programs. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Implement citizen suggestions to service improvements generated during CAP meetings. 2. continue development and implementation of a city wide refuse removal/recycling contract or franchise. 3. Implement and monitor strict street cut standards. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Temporary personnel has been funded in order to provide data entry of current files associated with the proposed digital imaging system, $20,000. 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies have been consolidated department wide. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. MicrOfilming has been deleted due to the proposed digital imaging program. In the past micrOfilming has been budgeted at $4,500. 2. Conference and meetings is budgeted at $2,050. This reflects a national and state conference for the director. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures include office furniture to house the digital imaging system. The digital imaging system is funded in the computer fund, $1,010. 119 01/06/95 15 :22:29 IEPT: 1010 CITY OF WlIEAT llDGE Pete 30 bu240-wr bill 1995 AlINUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AClXIJIIT OE5aIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPROVED REGUESTED ...---.......-...-.-..----..--.....--..---..-----...............-..-..-------------------------------...-------------------------------------------------- PUlLIC WORKS-ADMIN. 01-301-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES PUBLIC 75 ,660 90,247 90,247 93,213 93,213 95,538 01-301 -600-606 AUTll A1.LllWAIICE PUBLI C WORn MJ 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 01-301-600-610 OVElTIME & PIEMIUM PAY PUBLIC 0 3ZS 325 341 341 361 01-301-600-617 T..-p.. 'ersonwl .. Hourly 0 0 0 20,000 20,.000 0 01-301-600-620 fI CA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PUBLI C 5,651 5,801 5,801 5,9115 5,9115 6,028 01-301-600-622 MEDICALIDENTAL INSUltAllCE PUBLI 8,276 9,025 8,209 9,_ 9,_ 9,_ 01-301-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYEl 0 1,357 1,357 1,400 1,352 1,315 01-301-600-630 CCDElA IETIIEMENT EXP PUBLIC W 3,017 3,610 3,610 3,729 3,729 3,822 01-301-600-640 OUTSIDE PElSONAL SElVICE PUlLI 0 0 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- ---..._---- ..........-...... .....------.. -.....--.....-- 600 TOTALS 95 ,303 113,365 "2,549 137,627 137,429 llO,1ZS ..................- ----...--..... .-------- -------..... -............-.. ...-.....--- 01-301-650-651 OffICE SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORn A 2,192 2,928 2,930 3,018 3,018 3,018 01 -301 -650-654 PHOTOCOPy & PIINTING EXP PUBLI 166 0 0 0 0 0 .01-301-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS PU8LIC WORKS MJM 3D 700 500 775 775 775 01-301-650-660 OPfRATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORK 0 39 0 0 0 0 --.....----- ------........ ................... ."'..------ ---............... --------- 650 TOTALS 2,190 3,667 3,430 3,793 3,793 3,793 ..---........- ----.---- --............. ------...... .............-...... --........--- 01-301-700-702 CONFEIENCE & MEETING EXP PUBLI 1,017 2,036 2,150 2,050 2,050 2,050 01-301-700-706 _S, 1IOllKS, & SUBSCRIPT PUBL! 185 500 450 500 500 500 01-301-700-728 TRAINING PUBLIC WORKS MJN.N 90 295 200 300 300 300 01-301-700-740 AUTO MI LEAGE IE I....SEMT PUlL! 0 0 0 250 250 250 01-301-700-752 MICROfiLM PUBLIC WORKS ADMIN 0 4,500 0 0 0 0 01-301-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE PUBLIC WORKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-301-700-776 OTMEI EQUIPMENT MAINT PUBLIC W loa 300 300 300 300 300 01-301-700-799 MISC SEIVICES & CHAlGES PUBLIC 0 30 0 0 0 0 .............--- ----.....--- ----.._--- ------...- ---.......- ............. 700 TOTALS 1,400 7,661 3,100 3,400 3,400 3,400 ---......._- .........-.....- --........- -.---...-... -.-............... .--............-- 01-301-800-802 OfFICE fUINITURE & EQUIP PUBLI 0 0 0 1,010 1,010 310 01-301-800-809 OTNEl MAJOR EQUIPMENT PUBLIC W 0 0 0 0 0 0 -..........---- -................ ....................- ......................... .................. -..................... 800 TOTALS 0 0 0 1,010 1,010 310 ................... ................. ..................... ...................... ....................... ...................... 301 TOTALS 99,594 124,693 119,079 145,130 145,632 1Z7,626 -. .---- .- .- .- .- 120 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Public Works Engineering PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Plans and administers the design, maintenance and construction of Capital Improvement projects. Provides technical support to other departments. Administers and monitors the street cut permi t program. Designs the traffic signal system. Reviews Planning and Development referrals. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Prepare and maintain street Sufficiency rating system. 2. Prepare and maintain storm sewer locator maps. 3. Prepare and maintain curb, gutter and sidewalk inventory. 4. Provide design and construction of Capital Improvement Projects. 5. Provide professional engineering services to Edgewater. The City receives an offsetting revenue for this service. 6. Prioritize minor drainage project sites. 7. Continue the Preventive Street Maintenance Program. 8. continue and expand the Accessibility Program. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Temporary personnel includes money for an additional survey crew for the 38th Avenue project. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Professional services is budgeted to provide soils testing, quali ty control on street. cuts, and testing of radiation badges, $8,000. There are off setting revenues of $4,000. 2. The budget for street lighting has been increased due to a possible rate increase, $290,000. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures includes one chair, $300; two drafting stools at $250 each; and one data collector for use with a total survey station, $3,500. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 :IND:ICATOR ACTUAL EST:IMATE PROJECT PROJECT # of Projects Designed 20 16 16 16 # of Contracts Admin. 15 13 13 13 # of referrals 100 100 100 100 # of Street Cuts 352 300 300 300 $ Value of Construction 3.3 M 2.8 M 4.3 M 4.3 M 121 01106/95 15:22:37 lEPT: 1010 CITT OF WHEAT Il0GE Pete 31 bu24O-wr bill 1995 AlINUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACClllIIT OESCRIPTIOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED IElUSTED .......---.....----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.-..-..--------..... PIlI. WOI\CS-ENGIMEEIING 01-302-600'602 STAff SALARIES & WAGES ENGINEE 359,996 401,885 401,885 418,263 418,268 "32,736 01-302-600-610 OVElTIME & PIEMIUM PAY ENGINEE 4,799 10, "4 10,114 12,000 12,000 10,000 01-302-600-617 TEMP.PElSONNEL - HOURLY ENGIME 14,254 32,000 32,000 71,500 49,750 35,000 01-302-600-620 FICA EXPEMU EMPLOYEI ENGIMEE 28,018 27,656 27,656 32,350 32,350 29,620 01-302-600-622 _ICALIDENTAL INSUl\ANCE ENGIN 24,994 33,026 30,017 34 ,404 34 ,404 35,216 01-302-600'625 _ICARE EXPEMSE EMPLIlI'ER 0 6,&68 6,468 7,566 7,566 6,927 01-302-600'630 Cl:llEItA lETllEMEMT EXP ENGINEEl 14,105 16,075 16,075 16,731 16,731 17,309 01-302-600-640 OUTIIOE PElSONAL SElVICE ENGIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 --.------ --------- ___..e..__ --------- -------.. ........---- 600 TOTALS 446,166 527,224 524,215 592,1'9 571,069 566,171 -........_--- ---..----- .....----...... --------- ---..._---- --------- 01-302-650-651 OFfICE SUPPLIES ENGINEEllMG 21 0 0 768 0 0 01-302-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PllMTING EXP ENGIN 480 100 100 1,050 0 0 01-302-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS ENGINEEIING 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES ENGINEEllNG 7,904 7,540 6,500 8,000 7,500 a,ooo --------- --------- --------- ...............-- --------- 650 TOTALS 8,404 7,640 6,600 9,118 7,500 a,ooo ----...-.... -------.... ---.....--- ......-----... --------- .....--.....- 01-302-700-702 COIfElEHCE & MEETING EXP ENGIN 460 500 450 750 750 750 01-302-700-704 CDITItACTUAL SElVICES ENGINEEII 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-700-706 DUEl, IOOCI, & SUlSClIPT ENGIH 1,091 1,211 750 1,000 1,000 1,000 01-302-700-728 TRAIHIMG ENGIHEEllNG 1,290 1,740 1,400 4,000 2,000 2,000 01'302-700-730 lJIlflllMS & PlOY CLOTHING ENGIH 163 1,000 1,000 1,700 1,400 1,400 01-302-700-740 AllTO MILEAGE lU"svrr ENGIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SEIVICES ENGINEEI 2,916 5,199 2,500 12,000 8,000 a,ooo 01-302-700-755 CCRPUTEl SOfTWARE ENGINEEIING 3,274 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-700-758 IENTALS & LEASES ENGINEEllNG 2,756 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-700-759 TELEPMOIIE EXPENSE ENGINEEIING 0 0 0 0 0 0 0'-302-700-761 STREET LIGHTING ENGINEEllNG 229 ,824 270,000 280,000 290,000 290,000 3:)5,000 01-302-700-m FLEET IEPAII/MAINTENANCE ENGIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-700-776 OTHEI EQUIPMENT MAINT ENGINEEl 5,204 1,900 1,900 3,000 2,000 2,000 01-302-700-793 Title Seen:ll.. 0 0 0 500 500 500 01-302-700-799 MIlt SEIVICES & CHAIGES ENGINE 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----.._--- ..----.......... .........--.....- --........ .............-.. ...........-.. 700 TOTALS 247,676 281,550 288,000 312,950 305,650 320,650 ....--...---. .................. ..-............... ................ .............-. 01-302-800-802 OffiCE FUIlNITUlE & EQUIP ENGIH 0 1,230 990 1,100 100 3,azo 01-302-1OO-!04 ~. & Photo E",ip. 0 0 0 4,500 3,500 0 01 -302-100-107 FLEET lEPLACEMENT ENGINEEllMG 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-302-100-809 OTHEI MAJIll EQUIPMENT ENGINEER 9,651 0 0 0 0 9,000 .......--.......... --.........--...... .....-.....-. -.................- ...............-. ..................- 100 TOTALS 9,658 1,230 990 5,600 4,300 ~2.120 ....-...........-. ..---...... --.......-....- .-----...-- ..........-...-- ..-...-.--- 302 TOTALS 711,905 817 ,644 819,105 921,187 ll8I,519 9'JlI,348 .- .- .- 122 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Public Works street Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides routine and preventive maintenance services for streets, alleys, storm drains and walkways within the public rights-of-way. Provides snow removal and ice control on city streets. Provides seasonal weed control within city rights-of-way. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Maintain and patch 129 miles of city streets. 2. Provide street sweeping on a year round basis. 3. Provide snow removal and ice control on City streets in accordance with city policy. 4, Provide weed control on city right of way. 5. Provide jet and vac to 32 miles of storm drainage. 6. Maintain repairs of inlets, manholes and leaks in the storm drainage system. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Temporary personnel reflects an increase in order to hire and retain summer staff. The increase reflects a raise in hourly rate. 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES L operating supplies typically consist of salt, sand, cold patch, and other additional expenses. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Uniforms and protective clothing is budgeted at $8,400. 2. Rentals and leases is funded to provide for special equipment that the city does not own, $2,500. 800 - CAPI'l'AL OUTI,AY 1. capital expenditures include two office chairs, $310 each; two weed wackers, $450 each; a concrete grinder, $7,000; and one alternative de-icer filling unit, $5,000. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1993 1994 1995 1996 INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Miles of Streets Maint. 129 129 129 129 Miles storm Drains Maint. 32 32 33 34 Miles of Streets Swept 6439 10,000 10,000 10,000 Miles Walkways Maint. 22 24 27 27 Tons of Asphalt Patch. 1743 2499 2500 2500 Tons of Crack Sealant 6 6 6 6 Tons of Salt/Sand Mix 1846 2925 4000 4000 123 01/06/95 15:22:46 lEPT: 1010 CITY OF WHEAT Il0GE Pete 32 bu240-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 '995 1995 1996 ACCGUIIT OESCRIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED REUSTED .....-..-.......--------..-....-..---......---------------..-...--..------..-----------------...-----------------------..-----------.-----------..-------- PUI. WORKS-STIEET MAINT. 01-303-600-602 SUff SAI.AIIES & WAGliS STREET 276,968 346,114 346,1114 364,916 364,916 3Ta,614 01-303-600-603 LONGEVITY PAT STIEET MAINTEHAN 2 , 38lI 2,417 2,417 2,549 2,549 2,613 01-303-600-610 OVElTIME & PREMIUM PAY STlEET 9,409 11,204 11,204 13,000 13,000 13,7llll 01 -303-600-614 STAIDlY PAY STIEET MAINTENANCE 6,U2 7,000 7,000 7,350 7,350 7,791 01-]03-600-617 TEMP.PElSONNEL - MOURLY STlEET 15,0!5 15,500 15,500 23 ,100 23,100 23 ,1llO 01 -303-600-620 fI CA EXPENU EMPLOYER STREET 23 ,699 24,252 24,252 25,520 25,520 26,453 01-303-600-622 MEDICALIOENTAL INSURANCE SYIEE 28 ,600 38,601 35,082 42,693 42 ,693 43,176 01-303-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE IMPlOTEI 0 5,672 5,672 5,9611 5,9611 6,1119 01-]03-600-630 CCDERA lETllEMENT EXP STlEET M 9,TaT 13,827 13,127 14,597 14,597 15,147 _....e____ --------- ....-----...... -....'"'----- -----...--.. --------- 600 TOTALS 372,817 464,727 461,201 500,39] 500,39] 518,333 --....---..- .................... ..-..............- .....----..... ...-..........-.... --................. 01-303-650-651 OffiCE SUPPLIES STREET MAINTEN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-303-650-654 PMQTOCOPY & PllMTING EXP .TREE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -303-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES STIEET MAIN 33,445 43,265 46,650 51,293 48,850 48,150 .................. .-..-.---. ..-------- ....---......... .--..-.....- .......----- 650 TOTALS 33,445 43,265 46,650 51,293 48,150 48,150 .-..------ .......--.......... .-.------ .-..------ ---..-...-..- .......--....... 01-303-700-702 CON'ElENCE & MEETING EXP srlEE 7Z6 1,050 650 850 850 150 01-303-700-706 DUES, IDO(S, & SUlSClIPT STlEE 214 100 100 100 100 100 01-]03-700-728 TRAINING STlEET MAINTENANCE 533 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 01-303-700-730 UNI'ORMS & PlOT CLOTHING STREE 8,067 8,200 8,200 8,400 8,400 8,400 01-303-700-740 AllTO MILEAGE lEl..-UMT STlEE 454 400 400 510 510 510 01 -]03- 700- 750 PROfESSIONAL SElVlCES STlEET M 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-]03-700-755 ~.r Softwere 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-303-700-758 lEITALS & LEASES STIEET MAIITE 360 5,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 2,500 01-303-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE STIEET MAINT 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-]03-700-761 STlEET lIGHTING STlEET MAIITEH 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-303-700-776 OTHEI EQUIPMENT MAINT STREET M 1,lO1 1,500 1,025 1,500 1,500 1,500 01-303-700-799 Mist SEIVICES & CKARGES STIEET 0 0 0 0 0 0 .........---..- ..................- ..--..---.... ....-............. --..--..--- .............-..... 700 TOTALS 11,554 17,750 13,875 14,1160 14,1160 14,1160 -...-....-.....- ..................- ...........-..... --...............- ---..-......... --................ 01-303-800-802 Offi.. Equip_ & furniture 0 0 0 620 620 0 01-303-800-807 fLEET REPLACE!lENT STlEET MAIIT 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-303-800-109 OTHEI MAJOR EQUIPMENT STlEET M 2,400 3,950 3,950 12,900 12,700 3,100 --...----... .....----....... -.......--....... -.-.....-..- .........----..... ............-.... aoo TOY AlS 2,400 3,950 3,950 13,520 13,320 3,100 .................... -................... -.....--......- ..---........... .................... -............-.. 30] TOTALS 420,217 529,692 525 ,683 5110,066 577,423 585,143 --- -- -- -- 124 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: PUblic Works Traffic Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides construction and maintenance services for installation, replacement and updating of traffic control devices in accordance wi th technical codes. Provides pedestrian crosswalks at all schools and high volume pedestrian crossing areas. Provides traffic count, vehicle classification and speed study data on city streets as required. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide in-house construction of traffic signals. 2. Restripe or paint asphalt overlay and slurry seal projects. 3. Provide an annual street painting program. Some streets will be painted twice per year, as necessary. 4. Maintain a City street sign inventory. 5. Provide signs for neigborhood awareness program. 6. Conduct in-house traffic control classes. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MAT~RIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Operating supplies include traffic paint, traffic tape, sign blanks and signal maintenance supplies, $62,160. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures include two office chairs, $310 each; a conflict monitor, $5,800; and two traffic counters, $3,200. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1991 1992 1995 1996 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATE PROJECT PROJECT Miles of Roadway Marking 104 104 104 104 New Signs Installed 140 200 250 250 Signs Serviced 1370 1300 1300 1300 Crosswalks Marked 148 148 148 148 Traffic Counts Taken 98 98 98 98 Special Speed & Volume Count 80 80 80 80 Traffic Sgnl Maint CallOut 140 140 140 140 Signals Maintained 36 36 36 36 125 01/06/95 15:22:54 lEPT: 1010 CITY OF WlIEAT Il0GE P- 33 bu240-wr bIll 1995 AlINUAL IlIlGET 1993 '994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCllJIlT OESCRIPTlOII ACTUAL BLIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIOVED REUSTED ..---........-....---------------------------------------------------------...-----------.......------.....---.......---....-......---...-- PUB. WORlS-TRAffIC MAINT. 01-304-600'602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAGES TllAfflC 75,913 80,691 80,691 83,415 83,415 as,m 01-304-600-60] LONGEVITY PAY TRAFfIC MAINTENA !03 240 240 66 66 66 01-304-600-610 OVElTlME & PREMIlM PAY TIlAFflC 2,244 3,103 3,103 3,400 3,400 3,604 01-304-600-614 STANOay PAY TRAFFIC MAINTENANC 5,453 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,360 01-304-600-617 TEMP_PElSONNEL - HOURLY TRAffl 6,027 13,520 13,520 14,560 14,560 15,434 01-304-600-620 fiCA EXPENSE EMPLOYER TllAfflC 6,909 6,460 6,460 6,661 6,661 6,lI94 01-304-600-622 MEDICALIOENTAL INSUl\ANCE TRAFF 7,698 8,176 1,060 9,496 9,496 9,751 01-]04-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 1,511 1,511 1,"8 1,558 1,612 01-304-600-630 CCOERA IETllEMENT EXP TRAFfIC 2,671 3,227 3,227 3,337 3,337 3,429 -----......... -------..- -------"'.. -------..- -...............- --........-- 600 TOTALS 107,718 123,628 122,112 128,493 128,493 132,11I3 ..------..- --..........-- ----...---- ....------.. ---..-...--- .......------ 01-]04-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAFfiC MAINTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-304-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES TRAFFIC MAl 59,061 58,555 58,160 66,318 62,160 62,160 01 -304-650-663 HAZAllOIlUS WASTE OISPOSAL TRAFf 7!0 700 700 735 735 735 -.._------ ........-..........- --------- .-......---- .................. ...------- 650 TOTALS 59,141 59,255 58,160 67,053 62,195 62 ,195 -...-----.... ----..---- ----....--.. --------- -------.... ...--.......- 01-304-700-702 CONFElENCE & MEETING EXP TRAfF 124 250 250 250 250 250 01 -]04- 700- 704 CONTIlACTUAL SERVICES TIlAFFIC M 2,4119 1,500 1,750 1,200 1,200 1,200 01 -]04- 700- 706 IlUES, IIOll(S, & suasCRIPT TIlAFf m 360 350 360 360 360 01-]04-700-728 TIlAINING TllAfflC MAINTENANCE 994 1,105 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 01-]04-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROf CLOTMING TRAFf 2,589 2,955 2,955 2,500 2,500 2,500 01-]04-700-755 COMPUTER SOfTWARE TRAfFIC MAIN 709 0 0 0 0 0 01 -]04- 700-758 RENTALS & LEASES TRAffIC MAINT 659 3,000 2,000 3,000 3,000 3,000 01-304-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE TRAFFIC MAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-304-700-776 OTMEl EQUIPMENT MAINT TRAfFIC 1,394 1,165 1,000 1,200 1,200 1,200 01-]04-700-799 MISC SERVICES , CHARGES TRAFFI 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..............-- ------...... --..-..---- ....-......--- ---....-....... ...------.. 700 TOTALS 9,293 10,335 9,305 9,510 9,510 9,510 ------...... --.....--...... ---.............- ----.............. ..........--........ ................... 01-304-800-802 OFFICE FURNITURE' EQUIP TRAFF 0 0 0 1,240 620 640 01 -304-800-807 FLEET REPLACEMENT TRAFFIC MAIN 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -304-800-809 Other "'.jor EquiptWlt 0 0 0 12,200 9,000 3,200 --.................. --.............-... .........--....... -.--.---- --.......--..... ----....--- !DO TOTALS 0 0 0 13,440 9,620 3,140 .-...---- --.......---... ------.-- --------- .-..------ ....-...--- 304 TOTALS 176,153 193,218 190,977 211,496 210,5'8 209,128 -- .- .- .- .- 126 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Public Works Fleet Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides preventative maintenance and repair of City Fleet. Supplies fuel, lubricants and parts required to support fleet operations. Maintains operation of 24-hour fueling station for city fleet, Wheat Ridge Fire Department and Senior Resource Center. Provides fleet analysis to all departments. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide cost effective repair and maintenance to City owned vehicles and equipment, while ensuring the safety and dependability of the fleet. 2. Ensure that all hazardous material handling, shop operations and fleet vehicles comply with new and existing Federal, State and Local regulations. 3. continue to develop and improve the City fleet replacement program. 4. Provide a secure enclosed storage area for City equipment. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 1. City wide gas and oil is budgeted at $95,000. 2. Fleet and equipment parts is budgeted at $110,000. This line has stabilized due to the fleet replacement policy. 700 - OTHER MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Custodial services are budgeted at $8,200. 2. The utilities budget has been increased to $17,000 due to a possible rate increase. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 2. Capital expenditures includes two office chairs, $310 each; a scan tool kit, $300; an injector timing kit, $350; a breakout box, $300; and a compression tester, $500. 1995 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: :IND:ICATORS Total pieces Managed: Vehicles Other Equipment Work Orders Completed Fuel Used (Gallons) 1993 ACTUAL of Equipment 228 143 85 1527 114,122 1994 1995 1996 EST:IMATE PROJECT PROJECT 228 228 228 143 143 143 85 85 85 1600 1600 1600 110,000 110,000 110,000 127 01/06/~ 15:23:02 lEPT, '010 CITT OF WlIEAT IIDGE p... 34 bu240-wr bill 1995 AlINUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AtaIJIIT OESClIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED IEUSTED ........-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--------.------------------.------ PUI. WOlCS-FLEET MAINT. 01 -305-600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAGES P/W SNO 125,227 130,596 130,596 129,352 129,352 133,441 01-305-600-610 OVElTIME & PlEllIUM PAY P/W SNO 555 1,666 1,666 1,749 1,749 1,154 01-305-600-614 STAlDIT PAT P/w SHOPS 252 500 500 525 525 557 01-305-600-620 FICA EXPElSE EMPLOYEI P/W SHO 9,729 8,231 8,231 8,161 8,161 8,423 01-305-600-622 MEDICALIDElTAL I NSUIIAIlCE P /W S 12,096 13,404 12,110 15,137 15,137 15,550 01-305-600-625 MEDICARE EXPElSE EMPLOTEl 0 1,925 1,925 1,909 1,909 1,9711 01-305-600-630 CCllEIA lETllEIIENT EXP P/W SHOP 5,009 5,224 5,224 4,628 4,628 4,761 ..-------- ----.-.-. ....-----...- ----.-..-- -----.-.- --------- 600 TOTALS 152,169 161,546 160,322 161,461 161,461 166,563 -----.......- ."'..----.. ---..._---- ------..-- --..._---- -------...- 01 -305-650-65 1 OFFICE SUPPLIES P/W SHOPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PII NTI NG EXP P /W S 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 - 305 -650-660 OPEltATING SUPPLIES P/w SHOPS 9,092 9,300 9,550 9,500 9,500 9,500 01-305-650-661 GAS & OIL P/w SHOPS 81,873 99,500 82,000 ~,ooo ~,OOO ~,ooo 01-305-650-662 VEHICLE & EllUlPlIUT PITS P/W S 97,420 108,458 105,000 110,000 110,000 110,000 01-305-650-663 HAZAIlDCIlS WASTE OISPOSAL P/W S 2,455 3,000 2,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 01-305-650-665 Special Equi_t 0 1,000 750 750 750 750 --------- -------.... ............--.. .....--.---- ...-..---..... ...-..---- 650 TOTALS 190,1140 221,258 199,800 218,250 218,250 218,250 ..----.-..- --------- .....----..... ---...---- --......--..... ----..--- 01-305-700-702 COIFElElCE & MEETING EXP P/W S 183 250 250 250 250 250 01-305-700-704 CCIITItACTUAL SERVICES P/W SHOPS 6,743 7,1144 8,494 8, ZOO 8,ZOO 8,ZOO 01-305-700-706 DUES, IOllICS, & SUlSClIPT P/W S 1,248 1129 750 750 750 750 01-305-700-727 EXPEIlSE lEIMIUlUIIEIT P/W SHOP 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-700-728 TIlAIIIIG P/W SHOPS 0 500 500 500 500 500 01-305-700-730 UNIFOlMS & PlOY CLOTMING P/W S 1,1191 2,5011 2,300 2,ZOO 2,ZOO 2,ZOO 01-305-700-742 TOl1 ALLOllAIICE P /W SHOPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-700-755 ClIIIP\/TER SOFT\WlE P /W SHOPS 917 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-700-759 TELEPIlOIIE EXPENSE P/W SHOPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-700-760 UTILITIES P/W SHOPS 12,438 16,000 16,000 17,000 17,000 17,000 01.305-700-774 FACILITY lEPAl1 & MAINT P/W SH 5,311 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 5,100 01-305-700-776 OTNEl EllUl_NT MAINT P/W SHOP 2,553 1,500 1,500 1,700 1,700 1,700 ---....-...-- --------- ........-......... ................... .................. ............. 700 TOTALS 31,354 35,331 34, !94 35,700 35,700 35,700 .................... --.............. ....-............ -.................. --............... ..-............... 01-305-800-802 Offl.. furnitur. & Equip_ 0 0 0 640 62ll 0 01-305-800-105 ClMUlICATlOIIS EllUlPHEIT P/V S 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -305-800-aoa CAPITAL LEASES P/W SHOPS 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-800-1lO9 Ot..... "ajor Equi_t 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-305-800-812 IUILDIIG IMPlOVEMENTS P/W SHOP 0 0 0 30,000 0 0 01-305-800-832 TOOlS AIID WIlIlK EllUlP. P /W SHOP 0 4,710 4,710 1,500 ',500 1,000 ............. ................. ................- ..-.............. ................... -................. SOD TOTALS 0 4,710 4,710 32,140 2,120 1,000 -................ -................ ...............- --............. --........"'..- .................... 305 TOTALS 375,063 422,845 399,726 447,551 417,531 421,513 -- -- -- 128 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 129 01/07/95 12:24:26 REPT: 1550 bu240-wr CITT OF WlIEAT RIDGE _r.l Flrd D8pt. S.-ry P_ 5 bILl ACcaJlIT DESCR IPTI 011 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 BUlGET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 REUST 1995 1996 APPIlOYED REGUESTED ~........._------------------_._----------------_._--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAlKS AllO lEClEATIOII AQI;niltrath:w, 113,366 12D,724 119,859 126,264 lZ5,348 128,510 Reerution 555,502 65D,796 612,621 757,147 654,221 667,644 P.rks 8nd forntry 676,162 766,146 no,697 860,645 641,647 891,454 ---..---..- .--..-........- --------- ...--.-..--- --...----- ---............- TOYAL 1345,030 1537,665 1503, '77 1744,056 '621,216 1694,608 130 PARKS & RECREA-T I ON DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREA TI ON (1) SENIOR SECRETARY (1) PARKS SUPT. REC. (1 ) SUPT. (1 ) NATURA- SEASONAL LIST - WORKERS (1) CITY FORESTER (1) REC_ REC. CLERK t-- SUPER. (2 ) (3) SMALL ENGINE MECH. (1 ) FORESTRY IIAINT. TECH. CREW REC. (1 ) SUPERS. LEADER (2) (2) I SEASONAL IIAINT. MAINT. SEASONAL MAINT. CREW WORKERS TEMP. WORKERS LEADERS TEMP. WORKERS (~) SEASONAL WORKERS 131 DEPARTMENT STAJ'J':ING AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1994 1995 1996 Director of Parks and Recreation 1 1 1 Recreation Superintendent 1 1 1 Parks superintendent 1 1 1 Rec. Program supervisor 3 3 3 City Arborist 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 Recreation Leader 2 2 2 Parks Maint. Crew Supervisor 2 2 2 Forestry Technician 1 1 1 Parks Maint. Crew Leader 4 4 4 Small Engine Mechanic 1 1 1 Recreation Clerk 2 2 2 Naturalist 0 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 20 21 21 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 132 01/07/95 12:50:45 lEPT, '600 CITY OF IIHEA T UOGE P- 11 bu24O-wr DEPARTMENT SUMNAlY bill 1995 ANMUAL IllIlGET '993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 ACCllJIIT DESCIIIPTlOII ACTUAL 8l.DGET ESTIMATE lEGUEST APPlIOYED lEGUESTEO .....--......----..-----......---..........---..........-.-------.-..-------------------------------------------------..------------...-.. P.rk. & lac:ra.tion PERSONNEL SERVICES STAff SALARIES & WAGES 571 ,668 624,086 624,086 670,911 668,490 720,397 LONGEVITY PAY 4,524 4,362 4,362 4,937 4,937 5 ,1l8O DEfEllED COMPENSATION 2,176 2,402 2,402 2,498 2,498 2,560 AUTO ALLOIIAIICE 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 OVElTIME , PlEMIUM PAY ",102 12,229 12,229 12,140 12 ,140 13,611 STAIIOIY PAY 5,701 6,170 6,170 7,413 7,413 1,151 T~ PERSONIlEL . ltIUILT 206,965 240,333 232,338 259,231 232,110 246,77ll CllUlT PAY 0 255 255 260 260 216 T~ PElSONNEL - NON-MOUlLY 33,400 43, '68 37,186 45,059 40,576 43,011 fiCA EXPENSE . EMPLOYEI 63,117 64,345 64,345 60,430 60,544 64 ,665 MEDICALIDENTAL INSURANCE 50,141 63,760 57,9&6 70,046 70,024 76,363 lIED I CAllE POlTlIlll FICA 0 13,523 13,523 14,14' 12,092 15,036 CODERA lETllEIIENT EXPENSE 19,628 22,665 22,665 23 ,398 23,332 26,379 OUTSIDE PElSONAL SElVICE 35,107 57,901 42,11I1 66,474 57,084 51,_ ......---....... ..--......-- --------.. -.-...._--- --..............- ....-....---- Tot.L '.,..onwl Serv;ces 1007,630 1151,199 1124,688 1240,711I 1195,900 1276,69& MATEllAL & SUPPLIES OFfiCE SUPPl.IES 3,715 3,240 3,240 3,400 3,400 3,400 PHOTOCOPY , PRINTING EXPENSE 13,769 12,961 12,500 16,650 16,650 16,650 tIA2ARDQ.IS IlASTE DISPOSAl. 0 ',000 600 500 500 500 POSTAGE COSTS 7,567 10,000 9,600 10,980 10,980 11,000 OPEIATING SUPPLIES 94 ,219 103,044 100,013 110,906 104,929 104,929 ---.............. ------...... -------..... .....-............ ---.......-- ---.--...... Total M.tarial. & SUpplies 119,400 130,245 125,953 142,436 136,459 136,479 OYHEI SElVICES & CNGS CONfERENCE , MEETING EXPENSE 1,192 4,156 4,156 4,465 4,465 4,&65 CONTIlACTUAL SElVICES 38,319 55,222 63,700 79,7'2 79,712 79,712 DUES, !OOICS & SUlSCIIIPTIOIIS 1,330 1,630 1,655 1,780 1,780 1,780 OItDIIlANCE ENfOllCEMENT 0 500 250 500 500 500 TRAINING 4,240 3,440 3,lOO 3,500 3,600 3,600 UNIfORMS & PlOT CLOTMING 4,406 6,024 6,024 8,350 8,300 7,500 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBUlSEllENT 639 IllO SOD 90S 90S 90S PROfESSlllIIAL SElVICES 3,561 750 500 730 730 730 COMPUTER SOfTllAltE 110 ',495 1,495 16,400 0 0 lENTALS , LEASES 2,503 2,591 1,732 1,486 8,416 8,4IS TELEPHONE EXPENSE 9 0 0 0 0 0 UTILITIES '29,695 '30,337 130,637 142,924 138,149 143,014 fACILITY lEPAll & MAINT 15,168 11,230 16,230 11,053 11,053 11,053 OTNER EQUIPIlENT MAINT 11, '87 11 ,501 " ,387 12,907 12,907 12,687 MISC SERVICES & CIWtGES 0 0 0 0 0 0 ---....-...... ................ -....--......... ...................... .................. ............-..... Total Other Servic.. 213,059 2.36,763 241,766 298,712 271,287 281,431 133 01/07195 12:53:13 lEPT, '600 bu240-"r CITY OF WlIEAT IIDGE DEPARTMENT SUMMAlY Pete 12 bill AClXIJIlT DESCRIPTlOII 1995 ANNUAL IILOGET 1993 ACTUAL 1994 _GET 1994 ESTIMATE 1995 lEGUEST 1995 1996 APPlIOVED IEGUESTED --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------.----- CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITUlE & EIlUIP 0 2,559 2,120 2,620 2,620 0 ClMUIICATlOIIS EIlUJPllENT 0 1,600 1,550 0 0 0 FLEET lEPLACEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 CAP IT AL LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 0 OTHER MAJOIl EIlUIPMENT 4,942 7,000 6,500 59,500 7,950 0 CITT MALL I_NTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ClMUIln IMP & lEAlJTIFA 0 0 0 0 0 0 llCllAlO/llART EST 1_ 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----..---. ------..-- --------- --------- --...----- --------- Total capital Outlaya 4,942 11,759 10,770 62,120 10,570 0 TOTAl DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 1345,030 1537,665 1503,177 1744,056 1621,216 1694,608 134 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Parks and Recreation Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides direction to the Parks and Recreation Department. Works with the Parks and Recreation Commission in making policy recommendations to the City Council. Implements policies established by City Council. Requests funding for park improvement projects from Federal, State and county sources as available. 1995 OBJECTIVES: 1- Implement recommended actions of the Wheat Ridge greenbelt study. 2. Implement the park naturalist position in the Parks Maintenance Division. 3. Assist with the analysis of a city recreation center. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 1- 2. - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Office supplies have been consolidated department Photocopy and printing has been increased by anticipation of the design specification process. wide. $2,500 in 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Conferences and meetings is reflects a national conference, the Parks Commission. budgeted at $$2,400. This state conference and funds for 135 01106/95 15:23:11 lEPT: 1010 CITT OF WlIEAT 1I0GE Pete 35 bu24O-..r bill 1995 AlIllUAl IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 ,995 1995 1996 ACClIlIlT OESCRIPTlOII ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED IEUSTED .....--.....-......-...................................................................-.........--..................--...--.....-....... PAllS & lEC.-AOMIM. 01-601-600-602 STAFf SALARIES & WAGES PAllS & 7lI,_ 54,102 84,102 85,516 54,m 57,648 01-601-600'603 LOIIGEVITY PAY PAllS' REelEATI 2,724 2 ,1166 2,166 2,974 2,974 3,041 01 -601 -600-604 OEFEllED COMPENSATION PAIlS & 2,176 2,402 2,402 2,491 2,491 2,560 01-601-600'606 AUTO ALLDWAMCE PAllS & IEClEAT 2,700 3,000 3,000 3,150 3,000 3,000 01-601-600-620 f\ CA EXPEMSE EMPLlIYEl PAUS & 6,276 5,424 5,424 5,792 5,906 5,995 01 -601-600-622 IlEDICALIDENTAL INSWAIlCE PAllS 8,245 9,063 8,241 9,191 9,792 9,966 01-601-600-625 IlEIIICARE EXPEMSE fiCA 0 1,271 l,m 1,3&1 1,272 1,315 01 .601 -600'630 CCOEIA lETllEMEMT EXP PAllS & 913 1,100 1,100 1,042 1,042 ',06lI ...........-.... ...e_...... -....--.... ..-----.... .......----. ............. 600 TOTALS 102,093 109,m 109,112 112,133 111,217 "4,600 ..-.-....... ...........--.. ----..--... -.--..--...- ...--..---.- ............... 01-601-650'651 OFFICE SUPPLIES PAllS & lEClEA 3,781 3,240 3,240 3,1?OO 3,1?OO 3,400 01 -601-650-654 PNOTOOOPY & PIINTING EXP PAllS 2,465 1,500 1,500 4,ODD 4,000 4,000 01-601-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS PAllS , lEelEATI 1,591 2,800 3,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 01-601-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES PAllS' IEC !3 99 100 150 150 150 .....-....... ..................... --........--- ...---........... --..._----- ...--....... 650 TOTALS 7,920 7,639 7,ll4O 11,050 11,050 " ,050 -................ .---..--- ......----..... .--.....--- --.....-..... ......---... 01'601-700-7\l2 COIIFElENCE & MEETING EXP ,AlIS 671 2,300 2,300 2,4DO 2,400 2,400 Ol.601-7\l0-706 US, 8OllICS, & SUIICllIPT PAllS 295 305 305 m m m 01-601-7\l0-728 TIlAIMIMG PAllS & lEc:aEATlOII JD 2,100 0 0 0 0 0 01 -601 - 700- 740 AIITD MILEAGE lEI....sPIT PAllS 89 100 100 125 125 125 01.601-700-750 PlOflSSlllIIAL SERVICES PAllS & 11 0 0 0 0 0 01 .601 - 700- 755 CONPUTEl SOfTWARE PAllS & IEel 110 0 0 0 0 0 01-601-7\l0-758 lEWTALS & LEASES PAllS & lEClE 0 1 2 1 1 0 01 .601 - 700- 759 TELEPHOIIE EXPEMSE PAllS & lea 9 0 0 0 0 0 01 .601 - 7\l0-176 OTMEl EQUIPMENT MAINT PAllS & 62 50 200 220 220 0 01'6O,-7\l0-799 MIse SERVICES & ClIAIGES PAllS 0 0 0 0 0 0 -................. .............. --........... --........... --.............. ...-......-.... 7\l0 TOTALS 3,353 2,756 2,901 3,011 3,011 2,860 ..............'" .............. ...-......--.. ...........--.. ................. ................... 01.601-800-802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP PARIS 0 401 0 0 0 0 01 .601 -800-809 OTMEl MAJOI EQUIPlIENT PAllS & 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 -601 -800-890 IIC1W1S/IlART EST IMPllOV PAllS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..........-....... --.............. .-..-........... .......--..--- ........--......- .................. SOD TOTALS 0 401 0 0 0 0 ....-..--...... ..........-..... ..-....---..- .....---....-... .......-......... ....--......... 601 TOTALS 113,366 120,724 119,859 126,2/04 125,34& '28,510 -- -- 136 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Parks and Recreation Recreation PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide a variety of recreation programs and services to youth, adults and senior citizens in the areas of athletics, leisure arts, continuing education programs and seasonal aquatics. Maintain operation of two community centers and one outdoor swimming pool. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Make programs self-sustaining through user fees and charges. 2. start an after-school drop-in sports program at Pennington Elementary School. 3. Increase teen programming (11-14 yrs.), a teen sports camp (summer), teen drop-in nights and excursions (fall - spring). 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Temporary personnel, hourly, have been increased for 1995. Two programs account for the increase in funding; middle school sports and Pennington after school program. 2. Outside personnel services, line 640, has been increased $9,000. This reflects senior trips incorporated into the Recreation budget for the first time. There will be offsetting revenues relating to this item. 3. The Arvada Center agreement for performances in the park are now funded out of this division, $5,200. This is line 640, outside personnel services. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The custodial expense has been budgeted at $35,212, this has increased due to a need for a higher service level. 2. The utilities budget has been increased $1,150 due to a possible rate increase. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Capital expenditures include four chairs, $1,200; a portable P.A. system, $800; and a computer desk, $250. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICATOR Number of Programs and Activities Offered Number of Participants Revenue - Rec. classess Revenue - Pool Revenue as a % of Recreation Budget 1993 ACTUAL 1400 1994 ESTIMATE 1500 1995 PROJECT 1500 1996 PROJECT 1500 96,500 193,966 79,814 49.25% 99,000 221,000 94,000 50.00% 97,000 225,000 8 5 , C"1O 50.00% 97,000 225,000 85,000 50.00% 137 01/06/95 15:23:20 IEPT: '0'0 CITT OF WlIEAT Il0GE P- 36 bu240-wr bill 1995 A11IlUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 AtlXllIIT OESCRIPTlOII ACTUAl. IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED lEUSTED ...........__.____________________________________________________________________.........____..._...___......._.....e..__............. PAlES & lEC.-lEClEATION 01-602-600-602 STAfF SAI.AIIES & WAGES lEClEAT 217,7411 243,514 243,514 253,042 251,404 261,065 01-602-600-610 OVElTlME & PlENUM PAT IEClEAT 0 217 217 zza zza 242 01'602-600-617 TEMP.PElSONNEL - HOURLY lEClEA 89,702 100,553 92,558 104,106 92,558 98, ,,, 01-602-600-619 TEMP.PElSONNEL/NON'MOUIL lEClE 33 ,400 43,168 37,786 45,059 40,576 43,all 01.602,600-620 PICA EXPUSE EMPlOYEI lEClEAT 26,100 24 ,022 24,022 23,957 23,957 24,950 01 -602-600'622 MEDICALIDPTAL INUAllCE lEClE 18,179 23,774 21,sal 25,041 25,1125 25,515 01 -602'600-625 MEDICARE PORTlOII fiCA IEClEATI 0 5,618 5,618 5,603 3,645 5,155 01-602-600-630 CCOEIA lETllEMENT EXP lEClEATI 7,670 9,737 9,737 10,122 10,056 10,4&3 01-602'600-640 OUTIIOE PElSONAl SEIVICE lEClE 34,513 57,217 42,197 65,790 56,400 51,000 ....------- ------... ----........ ........--... .....-......... --------- 600 TOTALS 427,311 507,820 477,230 532,940 503,849 52a,242 --......... --....---... .................. ------..... -..------. ------.... 01 -602-650-651 OFPlCE SUPPLIES lEClEATlOII 7- 0 0 0 0 0 01-602-650-654 PHOTOCOPy & PlINYING lXP .EClE 11,183 10,96' 10,500 12,150 12, '50 12,150 01 -602-650-655 PDST AGE COSTS lEClEA TI 011 5,910 7,200 6,600 7,4aO 7,4aO 7,500 0'-602-650-660 OPEIlATlNG SUPPLIES IEClEATlOII 32,324 34 ,896 31,766 30,97T 33,000 33,000 --------- ...-..---.... .........------ ...............--- --......-..... --------- 650 TOT A1.S 49,411 53,057 48,166 58,607 52,630 52,650 ------.-.. .............-- .-.-----.. --...------ ----.---- ......----.... 01-602-700-702 CDIFEIENCE & IIEETING UP lEClE 917 1,200 1,200 I,m I,m I,m 01.602-700-704 CDlTIlACTUAL SERVICES lEClEATlO 24,136 28,000 27,000 35,212 35,212 35,212 01'602-700-706 _I, IIIICI, & RaICIIIPT IEClE 533 52S 550 545 545 545 01'602-700-728 TIlAINING IEClEATlOII 674 70D 70D 70D aoo ... 01-602-700-730 UNIFORMS & PlOT CLOTHING lEClE 772 aoo ... aoo aoo 0 01-602-700-740 AUTO IlILEAGE IEI...SEJlT IEClE 601 7110 7DO 7110 7110 710 01'602-700- 755 CIJIlIITU SOFTIWIE 0 1,495 1,495 16,400 0 0 01 -602- 700- 758 lPTALS & LEASES IEClEATlOII 595 460 230 28Il zaa 28Il 01-602-700-759 TELU_e EXl'lMSE IECllEATlOII 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-602-700-760 UTILITIES IEClEATlOII 36,256 40,550 40,850 42,000 42,000 43 ,260 01 -602- 700- 774 FACILITY lEPAll & MAINT lECllEA 6,932 10,000 8,000 9,000 9,000 9,000 01-602-700-776 OTMEI EClUIPIIEMT MAINT lEClEATI 2,422 2,27\ 2,000 3,500 3,500 3,500 01-602-700-799 MISC SEIVICES & CHAIGES lEClEA 0 0 0 0 0 0 ...............--.. ..............-- .............. ................ ......---.. .....----.... 70D TOTALS 73,139 86,7111 13,525 110,592 94 ,292 94,752 ---........... ....-......... ..........--...- ....-----... -.........---- .-.--...--.. 01-602'800-802 OfPlCE FUlNITUlE & EClUIP IEClE 0 1,5311 1,500 2,000 2,000 0 01-602-800-8O! CAPITAL LEASES lEClEATlOII 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-602-800-809 OYIlU MA.HlI EllUl_NT lEClEATI 4,942 1,600 1,500 53,000 1,450 0 -------..- .......--........ ....._e___...... --.....----- --------- ......----.... aoo TOYAl.S 4,9&2 3,'38 3,000 55,000 3,450 a ......-----.... -.------.. -.-.----... -....----.... .....------... ......---....... 602 TOTALS 555,502 650,796 612,621 757,147 654,22\ 667,644 .- - - 138 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1995 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Parks and Recreation Park Maintenance and Forestry PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Responsible for the development and maintenance of a system of parks open space, greenbelt trails and urban forestry programs which' will enhance the quality of life for the citizens of Wheat Ridge. Maintains trees and shrubs on public right-of-way in park system and enforced hazard tree ordinance. Provides adequate pest control including insects, disease and weeds for right-of-way and parks trees in cooperation with the state Forestry Service, the Colorado Department of Agriculture and Colorado State University. 1995 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Improve levels of operation for both developed park land and open space areas. 2. Provide park users and visitors with a safe environment. 3. Assist with removal and disposal of dead trees on private property. 4. Remove and replace dead and defective trees from public right of way and parks. 5. Cooperate with local utilities in identifying tree/utility conflicts & initiate a systematic replacement of these trees. 1995 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. A new park naturalist position is included in this division. Funding will be from the Open Space Fund. 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Operating supplies budgeted at $72,779 includes fertilizer, grass seed, plant material and insecticides/herbicides. 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Co~tr~ctual services include weed control, tree spraying, tree tr1mm1ng, tree removal, stump grind~ng and tree areation. 2. Rentals and leases are budgeted at $8,205 and used to rent equipment for specialized projects and for equipment failure. 3. utilities are budgeted at $96,849. The increase is due to a possible rate increase. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. capital expenditures include two office chairs, $720; one 500 gallon tank for forestry operations, $5,000; one ball field marker, $1,000; and a metal detector, $500. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICATOR Green Belt Acres Maint. Acres of Dev. Park Maint. Acres of Undev. Park Maint. Trees & Shrubs Maintained Arborist & Lawn License 1993 ACTUAL 273 125 37 3700 38 1991 ESTIMATE 273 132 . 5 24.5 3900 40 1992 PROJECT 273 139 18 4000 40 1996 PROJECT 273 139 18 4100 40 139 01106/95 15:23:29 IEPT: 1010 CITT OF WHEAT llDGE Pete 37 bu24O-wr bill 1995 ANNUAL IlIlGET 1993 1994 1994 1995 1995 1996 Aa:aJIIT OESCR IPTI 011 ACTUAL IlIlGET ESTIMATE REGUEST APPIlOYED REUSTED ...--.............---.-----....-------....--------------------------...-----------------------------------------------------------.....--------- PAllKS MA I NTENAllCE & FCIIlESTlY 01-603-600-602 STAff SAI.AIIES & WAGES PAns II 274,932 295,770 295,770 332,353 332,353 371 ,684 01-603-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY PAIKS MAINTENAllC 1,110O 1,496 1,496 1,963 1,963 2,032 01-603-600-610 OVElTlME & PlENUM PAY PAlKS M 11,102 12,012 12,012 12,612 12,6'2 13,369 01-603-600-614 STAIlOIT PAY PAllKS MAINTENAllCE 5,701 6,170 6,170 7,413 7,413 7,ISI 01-603-600-617 TEMP.PElSONNEL - HOURLY PAllKS "7,264 139,780 139,780 155,125 140,252 141,667 01 -603-600-618 CtLWT PAY PAllKS MAINTENAllCE 0 255 255 260 260 276 01-603-600-620 fiCA EXPENSE EMPLOYEI PAlKS M 31,442 34 ,199 34 ,199 30,611 30,611 D,no 01 -603-600-622 MEDICALIDENTAL INSl&UCE PAllKS 24,416 30,923 28,118 35,207 35,207 40,112 01-603-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EIIPLOrel 0 6,634 6,634 7,175 7,175 7,_ 01-603-600-630 CCOERA lETllEllENT EXP PARKS MA 10,975 11,121 11,121 12,234 12,234 14,161 01-603-600-640 OUTSIOE PElSONAL SEIVICE PAllKS 594 684 684 684 684 684 ...------...- -...........-- .'"'...----...... -----.-..- ----.---- .........-...- 600 TOTALS 4711,226 541,151 531,346 595,707 5SO,134 641,156 -...--..-......- -....-.............. -----.....-- .....--.........- ...--.......--- --------- 01 -603-650-651 OffICE SUPPLIES PARKS MAINTEMA 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-603-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PIINTING EXP PAllKS 121 500 500 500 500 500 01 -603-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS PARKS MAINTENAllC 66 0 0 0 0 0 01 -603-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES PAllKS MAINT 61,112 61,049 61,147 71,779 71,779 71,779 01 -603-650-663 HAVIlDOUS WASTE 0 I SPOSAL 0 1,000 600 500 500 500 .......---- ---.----... --...------ --------- ....------- ...-----.- 650 TOTALS 62,069 69,549 69,247 72,779 72,779 72,779 --------- --......_---- ..---.-..-.. --------- -......_----- ........-----... 01-603-700-702 COIIFElENCE & MEETING EXP PAllKS 297 656 656 690 690 690 01 -603- 700- 704 ~CTUAL SElVICES PAIKS MAl 14,113 27,222 36,700 44,500 44,500 44 ,500 01 -603- 700- 706 DUES, 110OI($, & SUlsa IPT PAllKS 502 110O 110O 900 900 900 01-603-700-718 CIIlDIMAIlCE ENfClllCEMENT PAns MA 0 500 250 500 500 500 01 -603- 700- 728 TRAINING PAllKI MAINTENANCE 1,466 2,740 2,500 2,100 2,110O 2,100 01 -603- 700- 730 IaIIFCIIlIIS & PlOT CLOTH I NG PAllKS 3,634 5,224 5,224 7,550 7,500 7,500 01-603-700-740 AUTO MI LEAGE IE IIl_SEMT PAllKS 50- 0 0 0 0 0 01-603-700-750 PROfESSIONAL SEIVICES PARKS MA 3,550 750 500 730 730 730 01-603-700-755 ~.r Softw.re 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-603-700-758 IENTALS & LEASES PARKS MAINTEN I,9DI 2,130 1,500 8,205 8,205 8,205 01-603.700-760 UTILITIES PAIKI MAINTENANCE 93,439 89,7117 89,7117 100,924 96,149 99,754 01-603-700-774 FACILITY lEPAll & NAINT PAlKS 1,236 8,230 8,230 9,053 9,053 9,053 01 -603-700- 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT PAIKS MA 8,702 9,117 9,187 9,117 9,117 9,117 01 -603- 700- 799 IIlst SEIVICES & CIWlGEI PAllKl 0 0 0 0 0 0 ..----........ -----........... -..........--.... ---......_-- ---...........- -....--......- 700 TOTALS '",167 147,226 155,334 115,039 lSO,914 183,119 ...-......--- ..--....--.... -.............-- ..................... -....--........ --.....--...... 01-603-SOO-102 OffIce Furniture & Equip. 0 620 620 620 620 0 01-603-SOO-W Tool. & WOrk Equip_ 0 600 600 0 0 0 01-603-SOO-S05 Caeounieetione Equip. 0 1,600 1,550 0 0 0 01 -603-800-S07 FLEET IEPLACEMENT PAlKS MAINTE 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 '603-S00-!09 OTHEI MAJOR EQUIPMENT PAIKS MA 0 5,400 5,000 6,500 6,500 0 01 -603-S00-ll 1 CITT MALL I_MENTS PAlKS M 0 0 0 0 0 0 01-603-800-1161 COMMUNITY IMP & lEAUTIFA PAlKS 0 0 0 0 0 0 ----........- ------...-- ---....._--- -......----..... --.............- --............... 110O TOTALS 0 8,220 7,770 7,'20 7,120 0 --............. ........-........ ...........---- ----......-- -....--.......- -------..- 603 TOTALS 676,162 766,146 770,697 !60,645 141,647 8911,454 .- .- 140 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 141 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 142 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT... Fund 30 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1993 1994 1994 1995 1998 1997 1998 19911 BEGIN. FUNDS AVAlLASLE $2,163,3040 $' ,812,533 $2,508,210 $2.559,043 $737,<<13 $1,374,683 $4ll5,683 $3llO,523 REVENUES 3Q..5OO..()().. Sales Tax $3.530,540 $3,300,000 $3,360,000 $3.380,000 $3,800,000 $3.800,000 $3,110O,000 $3.800.000 3Q.580.00.581 InIIlNat $159,867 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150.000 3G-58G00-583 CIGIS CIlian MaCh $25.000 $25,000 $12.500 $25.000 $25.000 $25.000 $25.000 3O-58Q.OO.5lIll OIlIer ~ $'30,323 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3O-S20.00.521 IntargovwnmenIaI $220,598 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 3O-58Q.OO.5lIll MIac. R_ $0 $220,000 $127,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 o.dT...R~ $0 $45,000 $0 $28,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 T..nafwls In $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 ~ ESTIP $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $90,000 llOOOO 7llOOO llOOOO REVENUE $4,041,328 $3,740.000 $3,862,000 $3,878,500 $3,865,000 $3,855,000 $3.&45,000 $3,835,000 TOTAL REVENUE $8.204,668 $5.552.533 $6,170,210 $8,237,543 $4,102,<<13 $5.228,683 $4,3040,683 $4,225,523 EXPENDITURES TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3,696,458 $5,232.368 $3,611,'67 $5.500,'40 $3.227.740 $4.734,000 $3.i50,14O 53,4lIO,14O ENDING FUNDS AVAJl.NJU. $2,508,210 $320.185 $2.559,043 $737,<<13 $1,374,683 $415,683 $3llO,523 $735,383 0lhJiIn..ll5 . This -.ion of the ~ Fund Budget ~ a 361o?i Pfajacl for 38th AVWlUe. 143 CAPITAL M>ROVEMENTS PROJEC'fn - - Fund 30 EXPENOITURE DETAIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTlMTE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECCMolEND REcor.NENO 1993 1994 1994 1995 ,- 1997 ,- ,_ DRAINAGE 30-302~ ~ Impo~,_( $78,10' $100,000 $1,018 S100,OOO $150,000 $150,000 S 100,000 $150,000 30-302~ ~ Im....,.......( - 1994 SO SO SO $150.000 SO SO SO SO 30-302.a00.a57 ClMr ~pling SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO 30-302.a00-aD2 30Ih & Jay S127,ooo SO SO SO SO SO SO SO 30-302.a00-aD2 Plenle SI . 28th . 2lll1l SO SO SO SO SO SO S250,000 SO 30-302.a00-aD2 HlI.... & .... SO SO SO SO SO SO SO $3Oll,ooo 30-302.a00-aD2 38th & Youngf_ SO SO saoo.ooo SO SO SO SO SO TOTAL DRAINAGE $205,'01 $100,000 $801,0'8 $250,000 $150,000 $'50,000 S350.ooo $450,000 STREET IMPROVEMENTS ~'SchooIS_ SO S2IllI.ooo S2OO,ooo SO SO SO SO SO h. r ..._47th-.... SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO 4'otW_-_ SO SO SO SO $3Oll.ooo SO SO SO T_ 32nd to 38lh SO SO SO SO SO $3OlI.ooo SO SO Pwfot 34th to 38lh SO SO SO SO SO SO $300.000 SO II '.~ .do,,_ 38th to 41at SO SO SO SO SO SO SO $300,000 >>-30~ Loc:aI S_ $2.aoo S2OO,ooo S2IllI,ooo SO $250.000 $250,000 S2IllI.ooo S250.ooo 3G-3CJ3..8I>>.342 CurblGutter/S_ $'80,735 S100.OOO S2",000 $150,000 $150.000 $150,000 $150.000 $150,000 30 303 800 844 &.o.-.ihil~___ SO S100,ooo SO $100,000 Sloo.ooo $100,000 $100,000 $100,000 ~51 Mac.s..- $208,065 SO SO $75,000 $100.000 $'00,000 $ 100.000 $100,000 38lh.nd S_ SO SO SO SO SO $3OlI,ooo SO SO 3G-3lJ:HOO.875 38th (W- to Cody) $NlI,504 SO SO SO SO SO SO SO 3G-3CJ3..8I>>.347 38th (Cody to Kipling) SO $2.400,000 $3,540 $2,400,000 SO SO SO SO 30 303 800 845 32nd A.. (p_lo HIIrt8n) $38 SO SO SO $10.000 $ 1.200,000 SO SO 30 303 800 818 32nd A.. (HIIrlIIn to S_) ($98,850) SO SO SO SO $'0.000 saoo.ooo SO ~53 44lh&F_ $3,8112 SO $27,000 SO SO SO SO SO 30 303 800 884 "'-'t. Mlallll. $900.870 S7Z0,OOO $503.769 S850.ooo S850,OOO S850,000 S850,ooo S850,ooo TOTAL STREETS $2,187,025 $3,720,000 $1.145,308 $3,375.000 $1,560,000 $3,060,000 $2,100.000 $1,560,000 30~843 TnoIIicSigMI_. sae,842 SO S3.8l15 $'80,000 S100 000 $100,000 S1OO,OOO S100,ooo MlSCELLANEOIJS 30-302-800-864 SIr80t Lighl SO $5.000 $lI71 $5.000 $5.000 $5,000 $5.000 $5.000 >><<l3-IIOO-861 Community _~ SO $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 $10.000 $10,000 $10,000 $10,000 JO.4l1l1-8O().ll11 CIty HlIN Imp'~,,,,,,,, $211,1164 $80.000 S1ZO.ooo $80.000 $30.000 $30,000 $30,000 $30.000 3G-]l)4..8O(HI63 ........ f>hcJIog,.,ny SO $20.000 $2.000 $150,000 SO SO SO SO 30 em 8001168 Fonoolrf 138.855 $115.000 $51.7M $75.000 SO SO SO SO 3G-2O'~ HlIz MIat & Shoaling RIo""" S3ll.041 SO $13.770 SO SO SO SO $0 30 303 800 885 _ Mlallll. _ SO $80.000 $30.000 $80.000 $80,000 $80.000 $80.000 $80.000 Shop Building SO SO SO SO $30,000 SO SO $0 _ Adju&tm8nl ($208,427) JO.4l'G-7lJO.7,e ESTIP $283.932 SO $300.000 $100.000 $90,000 $80.000 S70.OOO $80.000 TOTAL MSC. $ 158'- $280,000 $528,507 S4llO.ooo 5256,000 $215,000 S205,ooo $1115,000 TRANSFERS Ol/T :JG.701.a90-892 Tr.nat.lo 0elJl Senrioe S184.OOO $151,853 $151,853 S170.14O $117,740 $184,000 $170,140 $'70,140 3G-802.a9O-l181 Tranat.lo Generol Fund $500,000 S850,ooo S850,ooo $745,000 S850,ooo S850,ooo S850,000 S850.ooo 0Ih8r Tranat... $23,ll25 JO.4l1~ Tranat.lo Equipm8nl Fund $350.000 $330,715 $330.7'5 5375.000 $375,000 5375,000 5375.000 $375.000 TOTAL TRANSFERS $1.1157,625 S1,132,368 S1,132,368 $1,2ll\l,14O $1,182.740 S 1.209,000 $1,1115,140 $',1115.140 GRAND TOTAL $3,_,45ll $5,232,368 $3,611.167 $5.565,140 53,257.740 $4.734,000 $3,Il5O,14O $3,4110,140 - . Th18....... at the Capital Fund BudglII ~ . 38 fool pn:Ij8ct for 38th A_. 144 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 145 PARK ACQUlsmON FUND Fund l' ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTlMA TE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE S1,875 S14,710 S19,311 S15,090 S15,470 $15,870 REVENUES 11-550-00-555 SubdMslon F_ $12,600 $0 $4,200 SO SO $0 11-580-00-581 Interest S236 S380 $400 S380 S400 400 TOTAL REVENUE $14,711 $15,090 523,911 $15,470 515,870 $18,270 EXPENDITURES 11.e03-800-862 Park lmprovemenlll $0 SO SO SO SO 0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 50 SO $0 $0 SO SO ENDING FUND BAlANCE S14,711 S15,090 523,911 $15,470 $15,870 $16,270 146 INSURANCE FUND Fund 15 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTlMA TE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE SO SO SO $174,000 $304,700 $175,400 REVENUES 15-590-00-591 Tmsf from General Fund $0 $300,000 $300,000 $250,000 $0 $200,000 15-580-0()"588 Misc. R_ue $0 $0 $0 $0 $20,000 $5,700 15-580-00-581 Interest $0 $0 $0 $5,700 $5,700 $5,000 TOTAL REVENUES $0 $300,000 $300,000 $429.700 $330,400 $388,100 EXPENDllURES 15-61()..70()..781 Personal & Property $0 $200,000 $76,000 $35,000 $5,000 $75.000 15-61()..70()..782 Uninsured Los... $0 S100,000 $50,000 $90.000 $150,000 $150.000 TOTAL EXPENDllURES $0 $300,000 $126,000 $125,000 $155,000 $225,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $174,000 $304,700 $175,400 $1111.100 147 POUCE INVESTIGATION Fund 17 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $12,845 $27,783 $23,896 $23,896 $25,211 $15,711 REVENUES 17-520.00..523 Court Disbulll8menlll $39,829 $10,690 $15,000 $25,000 $15,000 $15,000 17-580.00..581 Interllst $253 5393 5500 $500 $500 5500 TOTAl REVENUES 552,927 $38,866 $39,396 $49,396 $40,711 $48,922 EXPENDITURES 17-202.e50-e60 Fund Purcll_ (Op. Supplies) $25,144 $16,879 $23,000 $24,185 $25.000 525,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 525,144 $16,879 $23,000 $24,185 525,000 525,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $27,783 $21,987 $16,396 $25,211 $15,711 $21,922 148 COMPENSATED ABSENCES Fund 19 ACTUAl ACTUAl BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE $0 $250,000 $204,000 5206,000 5150,870 J111,570 REVENUES 19-590-00-591 Tmsf from General Fund 5250,000 $0 50 $0 565,000 $73,000 19-580-00-581 IntMat $0 S6,000 $5,700 $4,870 $5,700 $5,700 TOTAl REVENUES $250,000 5256,000 5209,700 $210,870 $221,570 5190,270 EXPENDITURES 19-607-700-788 Comp. Abl. Reserves 50 5SO,000 $60,000 $80,000 5110,000 5108,000 TOTAl EXPENDITURES $0 $50,000 S60,000 $60,000 $110,000 $75,000 ENDING FUND 8AlANCE $250,000 $206,000 $149,700 $150,870 $111,570 $115,270 149 SALES TAX REVENUE BOND Fund 25 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE $349,527 $238.860 $379,105 $473,312 $475.312 $479,312 REVENUES 25-590-00-596 Trnst from Capital Pro] S184,000 S184,000 $151,653 S151,653 S170,140 $187,740 25-590-00-597 Transt from Bond ResllMl $28,910 $26.910 S28.91 0 S28,910 $26,910 S2l5,1I10 25-580-00-581 Interest Earnings S29,284 S2,798 $4,000 S3.OO0 $4,000 $4,000 TOTAL REVENUES S58I1,721 $452,568 S581,668 S654,875 $676,362 $677.962 ElQ'OENDITURES 25-701-900-901 Bond PnnClpal Paymant SO SO S55,OOO S55,OOO S75,OOO $75.000 Other FinanCing Uses SO S45,811 SO SO SO SO 25-701-900-902 Bond Intarest Payment S210,925 $171,638 $123,563 $123,563 S122.050 S1111,650 25-701-900-903 Paying Agant Mainl Fees $27,935 $667 $1.000 $1000 SO S1,OOO TOTAL EXPENDITURES S238,860 $218,116 $179,563 $179,563 $197,050 $195.650 ENDING FUND BAlANCE S35O,861 $473,312 $382,105 $475,312 $4711,312 $482.312 150 SPECiAl IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 11987-1 Fund 26 ACTUAL ACTUAl BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE S 196,631 S222,436 S222,436 S187,128 S189,563 S191,998 REVENUES 26-53G-00-537 Bond PrinCIpal $130,171 S65,231 $105,000 $105,000 $115,000 $125,000 26-53G-00-538 Bond IntMat $65,345 $50,254 $49,345 $49,345 $41,470 $10,000 26-580-00-588 Misc. Income SO SO SO SO SO SO 26-58G-00-581 Interest Eamings 56.983 57,506 55,000 55.000 $5.000 $5.000 TOTAl REVENUE $399,130 5345,427 5381,781 $348,473 5351,033 S331,998 EXPENDITURES 26-701-900-901 Bond PrinCIpal Payment 590,000 5100.000 5105,000 5105.000 5115,000 5125,000 26-70, -900-902 Bonll Intarest Payment 562,895 S58,595 $49,345 $49,345 $41,470 532.558 26-701-700-784 JeffCo Trea. Call Fees $6,217 $1,204 51,565 51,565 51,565 $1,576 26-701-700-903 Paying Agent Fees 5802 5500 $1.000 $1.000 51.000 51.000 TOTAl EXPENDITURES S159,914 5158,299 5156,910 $156,910 S159,035 5160,133 ENDING FUND BAlANCE 5239.216 S187,128 5224,871 S189,563 S191,998 $171,865 151 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 152 Ut-'~N ~t"'A\"~ rUNU runa ~;t 1991 - 1994 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 BEGINNING FUND BALANC $1,297,021 $1,561,459 $585,320 $1,337,445 $1,046,320 32-520-00-540 Jefferson County $662,428 $694,556 $702,451 $702,451 S705,OOO 32-520-00-564 Jetteo Joint Venture $100.000 $313.249 $0 $51 ,000 SO TOTAL REVENUE $2,059,449 $2,569,264 $1,287,n1 $2,090,896 S1 ,751 ,320 EXPENDITURES 32-601.800-809 AcquISition Projects - 32-601-800-809 Baugh $8,000 $100,000 32-601-800-809 Rock $0 $4,900 $0 S127,913 $0 32-601-800-809 Pemo $0 $1,512 $0 $0 $300,000 32-601-800-809 Mise. $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 32-601-800-809 lanengo $1,075 $1,750 $0 $337,663 $0 32-601-800-809 DiGiacomo $3,600 $222 $0 $0 $0 32-601-800-809 41st & Youngfield $48,520 $0 $0 $0 $0 32-601-800-888 Future Acquisition $0 $0 $300,000 $0 $300,000 32-601-800-888 Wide Horizon $11.393 $44 $0 $0 SO Total Acq. Projects $64,588 $8,428 $300,000 $473,576 $700,000 32-601-800-862 Development Projects . . Gillhouse Development SO SO $0 $0 $300,000 . elr Cm Crsng-41 st&Kip $103,993 $0 SO SO SO WR Pam RstnnlSnak Bar $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Mister Plan Printing $0 $0 SO $0 $0 32-601-800-857 41st & Kipling Parking $40,530 $105,201 $0 $0 $0 32-601-800-857 RHE Improvement $4,591 SO $0 SO $0 32-601-800-857 Greenbelt Trail $0 $185,795 $0 $0 $0 32-601-800-857 WR Pam Improvement $0 $61,816 $160,000 $160,000 $0 32-601-800-857 Prospect Pam Improve $0 $152,153 $130,000 $100,000 $30,000 32-601-800-857 New Pam Shop Improve $0 $0 $75,000 $0 $75,000 32-601-800-857 Greenbelt Prop Demo $0 $0 $20,000 SO $20,000 32-601-800-857 Fnlitdale Pam Improve $38,288 $449,046 SO $0 $0 32-601-800-857 Environ. Study of G.B. $0 $0 $25,000 $25,000 $0 32-601-800-860 Plramount Pam $0 SO SO $0 SO Total Development proj $187,402 $954,011 $410,000 $285,000 $425,000 Transfer to Gen. Funds: 32-601-890-891 Plm Mainl Chrgbck $246.000 $269.370 $286.000 $286.000 $350,000 Total Transfers $246,000 $269,370 $286,000 $286,000 $350,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $497,990 $1,231.809 $996,000 $1,044,576 $1,475,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $1,56t~9 $1,337,455 $291,n1 $1,046,320 $276,320 OPEN SPACE FUND Fund 32 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 1996 1997 1998 1999 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $276,320 $272,320 $373,320 $479,320 Jefferson County $715,000 $720,000 $725,000 $730,000 JeffCo Joint Venture $0 $0 $200.000 $0 TOTAL REVENUE $991,320 $992,320 $1,298,320 $1,209,320 EXPENDITURES Acquisition Projects - Zar1engo $0 $0 $0 $0 Future Acq. Reserve $300.000 $300.000 $300.000 $300.000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 $300,000 Development Projects - GB Trail Improvement $100,000 $0 $0 $0 Clear Creek Crssng $0 $0 $200,000 $0 RockIGillhouse Devel. $0 $0 $0 $0 Develop Rancho-Del Sol $0 $0 $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $200,000 $0 Transfer to Gen. Funds: Park Maint. Chrgbck $319.000 $319.000 $319.000 $319.000 $319,000 $319,000 $319,000 $319,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $719,000 $619,000 $819,000 $619,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $272,320 $373,320 $479,320 $590,320 154 MUNICIPAL COURT FUND Fund 33 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $9,700 $0 $3,840 $9,525 REVENUES 33-560-00-562 Coun F_ - $1 $0 $0 $3,500 $3,500 $3,500 $3.500 33-560-00-563 Coun Fees . $4 $0 $0 $12.000 $14.000 $14.000 $14.000 33-560-00-565 Direct Victims Services $0 $0 $22.000 $25,000 $25.000 $25.000 33-560-00-566 Outstand. WalTllntslJudgement $0 $0 $4,000 $4,000 $5,000 $5,000 33-560-00-567 Transcnpt Fees $0 $0 $1.500 $1.500 $1.500 $15.000 33-580-00-581 Interest $0 50 55.160 55.000 55.000 55.000 TOTAL REVENUES $0 $0 557,860 $53,000 $57,840 $n,025 EXPENDITURES 33-109-700-776 Other EqUip. Ma,nl $0 $0 $1,200 $1.200 $3.415 $3.415 33-109-700-792 Probation $1 Expense $0 SO S3.500 S3.500 S3.500 S3,500 33-109-700-783 Coun $4 Expen.e SO SO S 12.000 S12,000 S12.000 S12.000 33-109-700-790 Direct Victim Service Exp. SO SO S22.000 S22.000 S22.000 S22.000 33-109-700-787 Outstand. WalTllntlJudgement $0 SO $4.000 $4.000 S5.000 S5.000 33-109-700-715 Transcript Fees $0 $0 S1.500 S1.500 S1.500 S1.500 33-109-800-802 Office Furniture $0 SO 55.160 S5.160 S700 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $48,360 $49,360 $48,115 $47,415 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 S8,500 $3.&40 $9.525 $29,e1 0 155 TRE.E. f'LANTING, f'ARK & Fund 34 RECREATION DONATION FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1998 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $0 $12,353 $111.753 $15.153 REVENUES 34-590-00-593 Transfer from Capital Imp $0 $23,625 $23.625 $10.000 $10,000 $10.000 34-590-00-591 Transfer from Gen Fund $0 $3.873 $3.873 $0 $3.000 $0 34-590-00-591 Gen Fund Tmsf SITt Tree $0 $3.000 $3,000 $3.000 $0 $0 34-590-00-591 Gen Fund Tmsf Park Tree $0 $1.450 $1,450 $1.450 $0 $0 34-580-00-588 Homeowner Matcll Str Tree $0 $1,000 $1.500 $2SO $2.200 $2,200 34-580-00-588 Memona' Matcll Park Trees $0 $345 $1,450 $650 $650 $650 34-580-00-588 Donations $0 $0 $0 $3,700 $4,000 $4.000 34-580-00-581 Interest SO $191 $75 $850 $700 $700 TOTAL REVENUE $0 $33,484 S34,973 $32,253 $37.303 $32.703 EXPENDITURES 34-603-80Q.862 P & R Amenflles $0 SO $7,000 $3.500 $7.000 $4.000 34-603-800-86' Comm, Imp. & Beautification $0 $21,13' $17,400 S12.000 $15.150 $15.150 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $21,131 $24,400 $15.500 $22.150 $19.150 ENDING FUND BAlANCE $0 $12,353 $75 $111,753 $15,153 $13,553 156 RICHARDS HART Fund 35 IMPROVEMENT FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 50 50 51,343 55,552 56,817 52.432 REVENUES 35-590-00-591 Transfer from Gen Fund 50 53,383 SO SO SO SO 35-580-00-580 Rental Income SO $2,840 S2,840 S2.840 S2.640 S2. 700 35-580-00-581 Interest SO sn S75 $75 S200 S50 TOTAL REVENUES SO $8,100 $4,058 S8,267 S9,857 S5,182 EXPENDITURES 35-60'-800-890 Fund PurChases 50 $548 53,000 S3,OOO 51,450 $1,450 57,225 $2,750 $2,750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO S548 $7,225 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 $5,552 S1,058 $6,817 S2,432 S2,432 157 PARKS AND RECREATION Fund 36 DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE SO $0 $2,275 ($53) ($118) $1.m REVENUES 36-590-00-591 Tran5fer From Gen, Fund $0 $800 $0 $0 $1.860 $0 36-580-0Q..588 Damage Deposit Income $0 $15.930 $22.000 $13,000 $15.000 $18,000 36-5BO-OQ..5B1 Interest $0 $7 $100 $35 535 535 TOTAL REVENUE $0 $18.537 $24.375 $12.9B2 $18.m $17,812 EXPENDITURES ~01-70Q..791 Deposit Returns $0 $18,590 $23,250 $13,100 $15,000 $18,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $18,590 $23,250 $13,100 $15,000 $18.200 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 ($53) $1,125 ($118) $1,m $1,812 158 WHEAT RIDGE TOWN CENTER URBAN RENEWAL PROJECT ,994 AMENDED ANNUAL BUOGET AND ,996 ANNUAL BUOGET FUNO 37 BUDGET ACTVAL REVlSEO '994 ACTUAL BUOGET 1993 '993 BUDGET 10/15/94 1996 Re_. 530.894 - 602.544 602.544 507.ll8O InI....1 20.000 16,1117 111.000 12.194 10,000 Sal.. Tax Increment 0 0 15.000 15.564 0 Proptrty Tax IneNlm.n' '30..94 *- 96.32' 96.321 92.226 ------ ----------- ----- -------- TOTAL REVENUES 68, ..88 - 730.865 725.023 610.'06 ----.. ----------- ----- -------- EXPENSES llOO 602 Salarie. and Wage. 18.000 18."5 18.000 ,. ,250 '8,000 817 T.mpotary Pe,.onnal 8,500 0 0 0 0 820 ACA Expanse Employar ,.350 '.033 1.350 '.090 1.350 641 City Provid.d Pe,.on...1 0 230 0 .t5O 0 TOTALPERSONALSER~CES 27.850 19.378 19.350 15.790 19.350 1IS0 lIS 1 Mi.e. Office Suppli.. 200 " 700 450 200 lIS.c PhoUlCOpy & Printing Exp. llOO 279 0 0 800 lI55 Postage Costa 700 228 500 311S 550 lI60 Oparaling Supplie. 500 '11 25 5 0 TOTAL MATERIALS/SUPPUES 2.200 534 1.225 020 1.550 700 702 Conter.nee & Mtg Exp. 1,500 0 100 54 2.000 740 Auto Milaag. R.lmb. '50 0 150 0 0 750 ProIa..ional SaMce. 45.000 3.83' .0.000 2...'9 35.000 758 Paym.nllo G....ral Fund 2.000 2.000 2.000 0 2.000 n8 EQuipm.n' Maintenance 200 0 0 0 0 799 Bank SaIVie. Charg.. llOO ,&1 ,110 131 160 TOTAL OTHER SERV & CHARGE 49.450 5.995 .2..'0 2..804 39.160 800 802 Office Fumitur. 0 23, 0 0 0 Prop Tax Prior Yr Adl. 0 28,486 0 0 0 Aoqui.iton & R.location 0 0 '50.000 5.500 100.000 O.moli1ion & SIl. Prep 0 0 0 0 300.000 Public Improv.ments 0 0 0 0 , 50.000 AccoUnl Payabla-5af.way 0 0 10.000 10.000 0 Unallocated 70.994 0 0 0 5 70.894 28,717 1110.000 '5,500 550.005 TOTAL EXPENSES 30.050 5".024 222.985 58.714 8'0.065 RESERVE TRANSFERS & EXPEN 5'7.188 - 507.ll8O 61111.809 41 ------ ----------- ----- -------- TOTAL SPENOING 5"7.2311 - 730.ll65 725.023 6'0.'06 ------ ----------- ----- -------- 159 SALES TAX REVENUE BOND RESERVE FUND Fund 50 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE $299.000 $299.000 $321.000 $321.000 $321.000 $321.000 50-530-<)0-534 REVENUES $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 50-530-<)0-535 SlIi_ Tax Bond R....... $0 $0 $0 $0 SO $0 50-580-<)0-581 Bond Pro~ S28.91 0 S28.910 S28.91 0 $28.910 $28,9,0 $28,910 50-580-<)0-588 Int.rwt Earnings SO 522,000 50 SO 50 SO Miec. Incom. $325.910 $347.910 $347.910 $347,910 $347.910 $347.910 TOTAL REVENUE EXPENDITURES 526,910 526,910 526,910 526,910 528,9,0 $28.910 50-902-890-892 Tranlter SIT R.v Fund $26.910 $28.910 526.910 $26.910 $26,910 528.910 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $299,000 5321.000 5321.000 $321,000 5321.000 $321,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 160 SENIOR CENTER FUND Fund 5; ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 19904 19904 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $6,867 $8.386 $10,250 $8,026 $8,676 $0 REVENUES 53-58CJ..00-588 Miscellaneous $7,085 $9.221 $7.000 $9,200 $9.200 $9,200 53-58CJ..00-581 Interest $242 $251 $250 $250 $250 $50 TOTAL REVENUE $14,194 $17,858 $17.500 $17,476 $18.126 $9.250 EXPENDITURES 53-602-700-799 Senior Ctr, PurChasllS $5,808 $9,832 $7,000 S8,800 S18,126 $9,250 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $5,808 $9,832 $7,000 $8,800 $18,126 $9,250 ENDING FUND BALANCE $8,386 $8.026 $10,500 $8,676 $0 $0 161 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 162 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND Fund 54 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE $204,194 $184,757 $129,757 $187,167 $210,064 REVENUES 54-520-00-539 State of Colorado $199,854 $209,113 $210,000 $180,000 $160,000 54-580-00-581 Interest $8,179 $9,167 $7,000 $8,500 $8,000 54-520-00-540 Jeffeo Joint Funding $20,000 $0 $0 $85,600 TOTAL REVENUE $432,227 $403,037 $346,757 $461,267 $378,064 EXPENDITURES 54-601-800-862 Development Projects- Rancho Del Sol Dev. $8,000 $0 $90,000 $126,634 $0 Panorama/Randall $0 $0 $20,000 $20,000 $0 Prospect Park Rstrm $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 41st & Yngfld Prk $40,000 $0 $0 $0 SO Johnson Park Imprvmnt S30,750 $40,117 $0 SO S25,OOO Athlte Fld Lgts $41,885 $0 SO SO $0 Swimming PI Study $28,700 $0 SO SO SO Plygmd Apel-Bacher $51,355 SO $0 $0 SO Wheat Ridge Middle School $0 $0 SO $0 $128,000 GB Conservation Area $0 $86.370 SO $0 $75.000 S200,690 $126,487 $110,000 $146,634 S228,000 54-601-800-8n Maintenance Projects- Tot & Splash Pool $0 SO $0 SO Swim Pool Repair $7,670 $0 $0 SO S100,OOO Historic Park Imp. SO $0 SO $0 $10,000 Anderson Comm Ctr Imp. $2,348 $54,203 $75,000 $75,000 SO Berbert Landscape S16,209 SO $0 SO SO Bleacher Replcmnt $12,123 $0 $0 SO SO Comm Ctr MntlRpr S8,430 $1,890 S30,OOO $0 S20,OOO Tennis Court Rsrfe SO SO $0 $29,569 $0 WR Pk Plygmd ADA SO $8,063 SO SO SO Pan/Rand Mainl SO $25.227 $0 SO $0 $46,780 S89,383 $105,000 $104,569 S130,OOO TOTAL EXPENDITURES $247,470 $215,870 $215,000 $251,203 S358,000 ENDING FUND BAlANCE $184,757 $187,167 $131,757 $210,064 $20,064 163 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND Fund 54 1996 THROUGH 1999 RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1996 1997 1998 1999 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $20,064 $157,064 $214,064 ($98,936) REVENUES State of Colorado $180,000 $180,000 $180,000 5200,000 Interest $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 $1,000 Jeff Co Joint Funding SO $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUE $201,064 $344,064 $401,064 $108,064 EXPENDITURES Development Projects - 862 Athletic Fld Lgt Repr. $0 $0 $0 $40,000 Recreation Cntr Dev. $80,000 $500,000 $0 GB Trail Improvement $0 $50,000 $0 $0 Neighbomood Park Dev. $0 $0 $0 SO $0 $130,000 $500,000 $40,000 Maintenance Projects - 811 Swim Pool ReJ)8irllmprv $0 SO $0 $0 Tennis Court Resurlace $0 $0 $0 $0 PanoramaJRandalllmpr. S50.000 SO $0 $0 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $50,000 $130,000 $500,000 $40,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $151,064 $214,064 ($98,936) $68,064 164 BUILDING REPAIRlDEMOLlTION FUND Funcl 55 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE S15,167 $16,443 $20,242 $20,647 $21,052 $11,452 REVENUES 55-580-00-588 Misc. SO SO $0 SO 55-580-00-581 Interest $ne $419 $405 $405 S400 $400 TOTAL REVENUE $15,943 $16,662 $20,647 $21,052 $21,452 $11,852 EXPENDITURES 55-122-700-718 Enforcement 55-123-700-718 Enforcement SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO $5,000 S5,000 $10,000 $3,000 $3,000 $6,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO $0 $0 $0 ENDING FUND BALANCE S15,943 $16,862 $20,647 $21,052 $11,452 $5,852 165 EQUIPMENT FUND Fund 57 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGIN. FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $40,365 $31,443 $4,885 $1,885 REVENUES 57-590-00-593 Tmsf from Capital Fund SO $350,000 5330,715 $330,715 $375,000 $375,000 57-580-00-588 Misc. SO $0 $10,000 $10,224 S33,5OO S98,ooO 57-580-00-581 Interest SO $513 S3,000 $5,223 S3,000 S4,000 TOTAL REVENUE $0 S350,573 S384,080 $383,605 S416,385 $484,885 EXPENDITURES 57~10-800-808 Vehicle Le_ 57~10-800-807 Fleet Replacement TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 SO 520,360 ' S15,000 SO $311,513 5363.720 $363.720 SO $311,513 5384,080 $378,720 $28,550 $379,950 $408,500 $1,500 $465,500 $473,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE SO $39,060 SO S4,885 S7,885 S11,885 166 WHEAT RIDGE FIRST Fund 58 POST OFFICE FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1993 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE SO SO S25 S2,010 $4,162 S280 REVENUES 58-590-0()"591 Transfer From Gen. Fund SO $4,570 S10,000 S10,000 S3,084 SO 58-520-00-539 State Historical Grant SO SO SO $4,285 S1,ooO $0 58-580..00..s88 Wheet Ridge Historical Society $0 SO $0 S2.233 S1,542 SO 58-S80..00..s88 Miscellaneous SO S2.oo0 SO $0 SO SO 58-S20-00-540 Open Space Grant $0 SO $0 $0 $11,060 $0 58-S80-00-581 Interlllt SO S10 S25 S100 S150 SO TOTAL REVENUE SO S8,580 S10,050 S18,628 $20,998 S2llO EXPENDITURES 58-601-890-897 Reimburse Generai Fund SO SO SO SO S17.654 S280 58-601-800-890 Restorattons SO $4.570 $10,000 S1",466 S3.084 SO TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO $4.570 S10,000 S14,466 S20.738 $260 ENDING FUND BALANCE SO S2.010 $SO $4.162 S2II0 SO 167 COMPUTER FUND Fund 59 ACTUAl.. ACTUAl.. BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEN RECOMMEND 1992 1993 1994 1994 1995 1996 BEGINNING FUND BAlANCE $0 $0 $0 $0 $4,066 $2,066 REVENUES 59-590-0(l.591 Tm. from General Fund - $0 $0 $1110,435 $1110,435 $238.175 $2lS5.ooo 59-580-00-581 InllRR $0 SO $0 SO SO SO TOTAl.. REVENUES $0 $0 $1110,435 $1110,435 $242.241 $267.06ll EXPENDITURES 59-117-700-755 Sollwwe $0 $0 $38,400 $35,000 S4A,175 $51,000 59-117-700-n6 Computer Meint. R_r& Repl_. $0 $0 $88,ll6ll $88,000 $95,950 $95.950 59-117-800-802 New Comll\ll8lS & Periph. $0 SO $35.369 $35.369 S100,050 $118.050 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $0 $160.435 $156.369 $240,175 $265.000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $0 $4,066 $2.06ll $2.06ll 168 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 169 OFFICIALS CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE MAYOR DAN WILDE CITY COUNCIL VANCE T. EDWARDS DISTRICT I TONY SOLANO DISTRICT II RAE JEAN BEHM DISTRICT III CLAUDIA WORTH DISTRICT IV CITY CLERK WANDA SANG CITY ATTORNEY KATHRYN SCHROEDER CITY ADMINISTRATOR ROBERT C. MIDDAUGH DIRECTOR OF PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION CHIEF OF POLICE DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS BUDGET/FINANCE ASSISTANT PERSONNEL ASSISTANT PURCHASING AGENT 170 JEAN FIELDS KEN SILER DON EAF ANTI CITY TREASURER JAMES O. MALONE MUNICIPAL JUDGE RANDALL J. DAVIS GLEN GIDLEY GARY WARDLE JACK HURST ROBERT GOEBEL WILLIAM W. POWELL PATRICIA CREW PAUL EDWARDS RBSOLUTION NO. 1453 series of 1994 TITLE: RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE CITY BUDGET, AND APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND SPENDING AGENCIES IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED BELOW, FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE 1995 BUDGET YEAR. WHEREAS, the city of Wheat Ridge Annual Budget for the fiscal year of 1995 has been established and public Hearings and Meetings have been held after duly published public notices; and WHEREAS, The Budget provides for revenut!s equal or greater than the total proposed expenditures as set forth in said budget in the total amount of $20,856,841 which includes the following funds: 1. Fund 01 - General Fund $11,280,918 $5,665,140 2. Fund 30 - capital projects 3. Fund 11 - Park Acquisition Fund $ o 4. Fund 17 - Police Investigation Fund $ 25,000 6. Fund 32 - Open Space Fund $ 197,050 $1.475,000 5. Fund 25 - Sales Tax Revenue Bonds 7. Fund 50 - Sales Tax Revenue Reserve $ 26,910 8. Fund 53 - Senior Center Fund $ 18,126 $ 358,000 9. Fund 54 - Conservation Trust Fund 10. Fund 55 - Building Repair/Demo Fund $ 10,000 11. Fund 57 - Equipment Fund $ 4 08,500 12. Fund 19 - Compensated Absences $ 110,000 13. Fund 36 - Park & Recreation Deposit $ 15,000 14. Fund 34 - Tree Planting Fund $ 22,150 15. Fund 35 - RiChards/Hart Improvement $ 7,225 16. Fund 33 - Municipal Court Fund $ 48.115 17. Fund 37 - Wheat Ridge Town Center $ 614,759 171 RESOLUTION No. Page Two 18. Fund 26 - S.LD. 1987-1 $ 159,035 19. Fund 15 - Insurance Fund $ 155,000 20. Fund 59 - Computer Fund $ 240,175 21- Fund 58 - Post Office Fund $ 20,738 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Wheat Ridge Total Budget as stated in this Resolution be hereby approved, adopted and appropriated for the fiscal period beginning January 1, 1995 and ending December 31, 1995. DONE AND RESOLVED this 12th day of December, 1994. Dan Wilde, Mayor ATTEST: Wanda Sang, City Clerk 172 RESOLUTION NO. 1437 Series of 1994 TITLE: A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR OF 1994, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE' 1995 BUDGET YEAR. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge anticipates the adoption of the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law, prior to December 31,1994 and; WHEREAS, the Local Government Budget Law requires certification of the annual property tax mill levy by December 15, 1994, and: WHEREAS, the amount of money needed to balance the budget for general operating expenses from property tax sources is $572,799, and; WHEREAS, the 1994 valuation for assessment for the City of Wheat Ridge as certified by the County Assessor is $211,053,380, and; NOW, lHEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCn. OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: A That for the purpose of meeting all general operating expenses of the City of Wheat Ridge during the 1995 budget year, there is hereby levied a tax of2.714 mills upon each dollar of the total valuation for assessment of all taxable property within the City of Wheat Ridge of the year of 1994. B. That the Mayor of the City of the Wheat Ridge is hereby authorized and directed to immediately certify to the County Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado the mill levy for the City of Wheat Ridge as hereinabove determined and set. I, , DONE AND RESOLVED THE 28th DAY OF NOVEMBER, 1994. ~rJj. Dan Wtlde, Mayor :;;~ Wanda Sang, City C~ 173 APPENDIX CHANGES TO COMPENSATION SCHEDULE The Compensation Schedule for 1995 reflects a 2.5 % cost of living adjustment. Paygrades of 11 or higher are 1 number higher than in 1 994 because of the addition of a new paygrade for Communications Supervisor in July 1994. In the table below are additional changes to the Compensation Schedule which have been recommended by the Personnel Commission: II 1994 1995 ij Account Clerk Paygrade 29 Purchasing Technician Paygrade 26 Traffic Control Tech Paygrade 26 Traffic Control Tech Paygrade 25 Econ. Dev. Coord. Paygrade 8 Econ. Dev. Coord. Paygrade 7 Personnel Asst. Paygrade 8 Personnel Asst. Paygrade 7 Budget/Fin Asst. Paygrade 8 Budget/Fin Asst. Paygrade 7 Revised 1 2/5/94 174 w oJ ;:) o W :I: o (j) ~I ~~ (j) z W Il. ~ o o .. .. ... N N .. .. '" o N '" - a; - N '" II .. .. .. ... i ,.. o Q. E W ! . = U c a ~1i t'EJ _gc3" U -oi cUcQ. ~l.8~ I ... .c '" .. '! ~ i 11m !J 0 11:. Q). o ., :;: ~:; N ..'" 1:::1 -w "'0 ., N .... _0 N .,'" ,- _S N .,0 ~;:: - .. - .. .. N "'- -.. - :r~ ~ll . ~ t!~1 - 0 · " o . ~ . 51 i~~ 811c-to 2- a:: 'il c "5.~W~ i"~~'i:3! OlLlLE:; . . . CI) m g :Ii -.. N'" ... :1 -., ... wN ..8 -'" N it: .. _N N "0 .. w ~:g ...- w _N ;::'" _8 N lD! 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Cl ...... ~: on o 0 .. .. ... .. .. Cl on .. Cl l5 ~ ..on on a;~ .. ... ...., on . ... li E E o U I: o :i 2 C . .!! o ~ . .. l! !!l. N - on "i .!! ~ a:: '" .. '" w ~! ... . N - N :l Of; ;:: 108 '" ... ... '" N ;0 W ... . "'''' ., '" CD l! :;j I CD . ., ., c ., ~ ., ... "1 '" '" c '" .. '" ! N :; N . .. ., ... co ... 1 CD 13 c ! N . . ., ., ., "' i E - I: I>. .. -i 0 ,.. .. ~ I ~ II I Ii '" -E a:: 0 ... '" 2' ~ 0 II " .l! 'ii -E I: ~ II E II II ~ '5 w I>. it IL 1 I '0 '0 '0 "0 0 ~ li IL u 0 '0 '" II i i i I: :l 1 ~ ] is is ... ~ c 0 ::l . . . . l! . II "' . .. N l!- I>. II ~ E '" o .. N OIL - 179 "WE CARE ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE" 180 FLEET PURCHASE JUSTIFICATIONS FOR 1995 POLICE 202 ~DMrN Payotf previously leased sedan lunit 22) 210 OPER ADMIN Payoff previouslY leased sedan (unit 12) 211 PATROL Purchase 5 new patrol cars to replace 5 eXlstinq high mileage patrol cars 213 TRAFFIC Purchase 1 new motorcycle to replace existinq hlcn mileace motorcycle (unit 51) PUBLIC WORKS .31)2 ENG PaYo~f previously leased sedans (unit 200. & unit 213> Purchase 1 new larce pickup with camper shell to replace e::1stinc 1979 1 ton van (unit 207). This van has hlCh mlleaqe. hiqh cost per mlle. and poor parts ayailabllity. 5():: STREETS PurChase new bobtail dump truck to replace eXlS~lnc 1984 hlgh mlleace bobtail dump truck 'unl~ 2491. Unit 249 wlll be transfered to the Parks malntenance diVISion to replace a 1973 IHC bobtail dump truck (unlt 307) in very poor bodY condition. with poor parts availability. Purchase 1 used qrader to replace 2 existlnq craders, unit 281. a 1956 Caterpillar. and unlt 285. a 1984 Blademore. Unit 281 has very poor parts availabllity. poor productivity due to mechanical controls (versus hydraulic). lack of articulation. and its oversize for application In alleyways. Unit 285 has very poor parts avai lab 11 it y (due to the f ac:t that the manu~acturer is no lonqer in buslnessl. extremely hlqh cost per mile. exceSSlve down~lme. unsa~e bra~e deslqn. and poor productlvlty due to its underSlze for appllcatlons o~ lce control. One unit properly speclfiec can do the Job of both craders resultlnc ln lower ~ost per mile. hlcher productlvl~Y. less ~owntlme. ane overall better utlllzatlon Or the unit. 181 FLEET PURCHASE JUSTIFICATIONS FOR 1995 (con t) STREETS(con t) 3')5 SHOP PARKS\REC 01)3 t-1H IN f PLANNING\DEV LI ZONING 1:::: BUILDING Purchase: larqe pic~up trucks to replace 2 eX1st1ng 1984 p1ckup trucks (units 279 & 280). fhese truc~s are 1n poor bodv cond1tion and have a much h10her cost per mile in compar1son to newer laroe p1ckuos in the fleet. Purchase small p1cl'up 'truck to replace e::ist1no 1984 Ford Bronco lun1t 202). This un1t. alono with two other slm1lar models 1n fleet. has v1sual em1SS1on proolems and w1II most 11~elv not pass an em1SS1on test in 1995 Purchase 3 new tractor\mowers w1th attachments to replace 4 eX1stIng tractor\mowers with attachments (unIts 334. 335. 336. & MOW002), These un1ts have hieh costs per hour. poor par~~ ava1labllity. and poor utilization. New unIts w1II be spec1fied to be properly SIzed for the1r appl1catlon and have 1ntercnanoeable attacnmen'ts result1no 1n better utIlizat1on. less down'tlme. and lower costs per hour, PurChase new small P1C~UP truc~ to replace e~:ls't1no 1984 Ford Raneer ILlnIt 367). fhis LIM1t. alono w1th two other slm1lar models 1n fleet. has v1sual emlSS10n prOblems and w1II most li~ely not pass an em1SSIon test in 1995 Favo~f prev10usly leased sedan (un1t 144) Purchase new small p1ckup truc~ w1th camper shell and ladder rac~ to replace eX1stino 1984 Ford Ranoer. This unit. alone with two other slm1lar mooels 1n ~leet. has VIsual em1SSIon problems and w1ll most llkely not pass an em1SSIon tes't 1n 1995 182 HuCTIUN kEVENUES FOR 1995 5 POL I CE SEDHI\IS ~U')(I I MOTORCyCLE ,UNIT 51i ll)l}l) 1 VHN ,UNlf ::",)i} 81./1.1 ~ GRHOERS,UNITS 281 ~ 2851 18(/1)'.1 2 5MHLL FIC~UP TRUCkS (UNITS Iv1 & 3~71 24'-'\1 .'1 SI'IALL UrILITv rr<UCj', ,UNI r ...121 l) -+ mHCTOR "'lOWERS ~~uu ~ LHRGE FICfUP TRUGfS 4(11.11) T 01 HL HlNUS HULTIONEER5 COMMISSION :~74'_".1 - S (41) NEW 101HL ,ROUNDED DOWN TO NEAREST 501)1 ......-1:'"- .:;...:;.~t}t) ... REVEI-.sUE5 FOR rH I 5 VEH r CLE GO IN ro POLl CE LiEF'r. LiRUG ENFOF..CEI'lENT F'ROGI~HI'I 183 HULl ION REVENUES 1996 331 & BUC331 o LHRS ~ DUMPS 1 BHC~HOE 1 VHN 1 5WEEPER T01HL MINUS ~UCTIONEE~S COMMISSION luX TOTAL REVENUES (ROUNDED DOWN, ~UCTION REVENUES 1997 6 CARS 1 Me 1 SWEEPER 1 LO~DER ~ PU TRUC~ TOTAL MINUS AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION lu% fOTAL REVENUES ,ROUNDED UP) AUCTION REVENUES 1998 1 PHfCH rRUC~ 1 PU lRUCK 4 LHRS 1 SWEEPER 1 COMPRESSOR 1 TRACTOR & IMPLEMENTS fOTAL MINUS AUCTIONEERS COMMISSION 10% TOTAL REVENUES 184 25(:tOv Buuu 3200t) 1.31:)(:,1:, luOu 30000 lu900u -10900 980uu 9000 lUUO 1UOOO 1700u 300u 41Uuu -41uu ~700u 20000 20l'() 80uu luuuu 2000 100uu 500uO -500u 45000 I~I ~181 Ii' 18 i81 , ilil I ~U1811 :81 81 ~I I Iii i II ~!il ill ill : ~ ~ ~ ~. .~ i ~~ ' I :! -I I ;;;~:nl i~ II ~ I , ... It 1\ . , . I Itlll"'! I' i : I d: I ~ih I I : i ~! 1 w ~u I' l;l Ic:ll I~I ~ .. ' f I' w I~I ul -__1_1 i! 0 ., 8 88 ..I~ 8 8 .8188181 , 88 8 8 8 Ii ~ g ~ i '~ ~~Iil I U ~ I i t:;~ llil ; .... -~ I ~ ., . I [;l It [ n = I iD II ... l;l I~ BI~ul I ~ w U (VI-tvl I I ~I 0 .. ~~ !II ni ~I..I III 81 I 1818! I ' I 888 1 i ,8 81 1181 8' I !. .1 ~I ,~i~! I i U \ i .~ II I~! I ~I, I" .... ~.~ I ' I II~! I 'I ~::' .1:j 1 I ~I ! i ~~ ., ., ~ I I I : : I ! I i I i I II , . I I I I i ~ ~ I II Q I I 2i 1 iw I ! ~ &l ~ , I ~I i ~IJ Ii! ! Ii ~ II ~ ~I 8 881 ~, 88 ~I ~i;1 IUUII 1818 88 !81 88 8 81 n I' 5i~ ~ ., I~ Ii ~!~ ~~ .~I~ ,~ ~ ~~ ;1 .a ~I" i $: '" ~ " ~ I~ ~iN ~ $ ., ~ I I I : 1 ~ I~ I ~ Ii ..ffil. .1 ", ~ I~ ' h i~ ! l;l il ~I~ I ~I ~! I~~~;~~I ! i~! il I ul II ~ w UI 0 ~I ..~ ~~ III !l1~11:j'8181 Illll '~~ilI8! I III~I 88 Iii 8 $18 11ll!;i g iii ti~~:~i~1 I~i U~iS i i Ii Ii I 8~ il~1 ~ .. r' lil :!lo~':qIN ,...., ~:: ~n - I _ I~: .. - II II ::! ~ ~ 8 8181 8 iin:;i~1 !~i 888/8 I 8 88 81 8 88 8:81 h ~ ~I~ ~~ i ~~~I~ ~ n :~ I 81~ ~:~I .. ii l:~ \i~ .... -1!l :: ~ ,., !:I N~ . ., ~ ....~ ., I.., ! I.., fjj ",~ II: ~Iil:~i~ I~j~ ~lI! I IEl I~ &l ~ ~~~I~ n I; i I .. (JU (JIUICl.l lDlDl"lN!_t \ I I ~ u u ~ -N_I_ I NN ~ N i ~ i~ I. I' '" ~ ~~!I~ ~~ ~ II ~I~~ .~ ! '~I!~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ i ~ t; ~ 10 ~ ~ ... WI~ ~ I ~ ~ ~i~ i~ ;<is! w U~I :d ~ c; ~~ i g ~i~ ~ ~Iffi I!: .. .. 1 \/1 0 0.. U. .,1": '" . . ~I~ 1Il 1:1_<01 ~I~~ ~1~ OI_INI 1M ~rfu ~,~ ", U~I hi! ~ ~N~i~ 0:=1 ::! lillil ~I-'~' ".i ~. ,.., 0 Q.,I NC\lINI IN C\lIO ..., lil, 1- -,_ I-,u. ~ 185 1995 CAPITAL OUTLAY City Council M~or City Administrator Office chair for Personnel Assistant - $310; 3 Drawer lateral file - $600; 5 Drawer lateral file 2 @ $1,200 each; Bookshelf - $500 City Clerk File room improvements - $2,400. Lanier Recorder - $2,500. City Treasurer Letter folding machine for Sales Tax - $800. Planninr & Development Camera Lens - $345; Cart for computer use - $400; cellular phones, 2 @ $150 each. ~ Chair for polygraph operator - $280; chair for dispatch - $750; desk & chair for new DAR.E. officer - $836; two chairs for Records - $310 each; stacking chairs for Patrol Briefing Room - $750; cameras for Patrol cars - $1,000; finger print cabinet - $850; macro lens for crime scene investigations - $1,500; dual cassette recorder for Investigations - $850; Moving radar - $2,990; two office chairs for S.l U. - $310 each. Public Works Office furniture to house the proposed digital imaging equipment - $1,010; office chair - $310; two drafting stools - $250 each; data collector - $3,500; traffic signal conflict monitor - $5,800; two traffic counters - $1,600 each; two office chairs for Traffic Maint. - $310 each; two weed wacken> - S450 each; concrete grinder - $7,000; alternative de-icer filling unit - $5,000; tow office chairs for Street Maint. - $310 each; scan tool kit - $300; injector timing kit - $350; breakout box - $300; compression tester - $500; two office chairs for Fleet Maint. - $310 each. Parks and Recreation Portable P.A system - $800; computer work station - $250; four office chairs - $310 each; 500 gallon tank for forestry spraying - $5000; ballfield marker - $1,000; metal detector - $500 186 1995 COMPUTER FUND REQUESTS 1 0.Jan-95 Department Computer Peripheral Software DESCRIPTION City Clerk $2,000 Second computer for Clerk's Muni Court $500 CCIC Modem Accounting $2,000 $500 $750 P.C. & printer Sales Tax $2,450 $750 Laptop audits Plan - Zone $1,200 GIS Plan - Zone $500 CD Rom P.W. Admin $2,000 $750 for director P.W. Admin. $25,000 Imaging P.W. Eng. $8,000 mise packages P.W. Eng. $1,500 SCSI 1 G P.W. Eng. $4,900 RAM Upgrades P.W. Eng. $7,000 Computer upgrades P.W. Eng. $1,200 UPS, 12 @ 100 P.W. Shops $280 Parks - Rec $2,000 $750 Rec Super. Parks - Rec $300 Tape Backup Parks - Mainl $400 Parks - Maint. $500 CO Rom City Admin $2,000 $750 Senior Sec. Unix Software $8,000 Novell Software $2,000 DEC Equipment $3,000 Unix sys upgrades $3,500 D.P. $1,500 C.O. Roms - 3 Maint. Contracts $71,000 Repair & Maint. $7,700 Police Cassa $1,850 $1,375 H.P. Laser Jet & software APEO $2,000 $500 $750 Police - Training $420 Comm. Super. $2,000 Data Processing $2,500 laptop Planned Replace. $19,600 Planned Upgrades $26,500 Planned Soft Upgrades $18,000 TOTAL $98,050 $95,950 $44,175 GRAND TOTAL $238,175 187 COMPUTER COSTS - 5 YEAR PROJECTION DEPT LOCATlON/USER EaUIP NEW RPLCE UPGRDE 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 I ADMIN CITY ADMINIST LAPTOP X $2,500 EXECUTIVE SECY CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 $400 PRIm-ER X $1,500 SECRETARY CPU X $' ,600 I MONITOR X $400 FINANCE CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 PRIm-ER X $1,500 PERSONNEL CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 PRIm-ER X $1,500 PURCHASING CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 PRIm-ER X $400 ECON DEV CPU X $1,600 I MONITOR X $400 I TREASURY I AUDITOR LAPTOP X $2,450 I PRIm-ER X $500 I ACCOUNTING CPU X X $1,600 $1,600 I MONITOR X X $400 $400 I CITY CLERK ADMIN IMAGING X X $25,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 CLERKS CPU X $1,600 $1,500 MONITOR X $400 $400 PRIm-ER X $1,500 188 DEFT LOCAllONlUSER EQUIP NEW REPLACE UPGRAD 1996 1998 1997 1998 I PARK & REC DIR PARKS & REC CPU I- X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 REC SUPER CPU X X $1,eoo $1 ,800 MONITOR X X $400 $400 PARKS & REC SECY CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 PRINTER X $' ,!SOlI PARKS MAlNT CPU X $1,600 (ARBORIST) MONITOR X $400 PRINTER X $' ,!SOlI PARKS MAlNT CPU X X $500 $1,600 (REC COORD) MONITOR X $400 PRINTER X $ 1 ,!SOlI ANDERSON BLOG CPU X $1,600 (COUNTER) MONITOR X $400 ANDERSON BLOG CPU X $1,600 (DESK) MONITOR X $400 PRINTER X $500 PRINTER X $1,!5Oll COMMUNITYCR CPU X $1,600 $1,600 (COUNTER) MONITOR X $400 $400 PRINTER X $500 COMMUNITY CR CPU X $1,600 (DESK) MONITOR X $400 $400 PRINTER X $400 COMMUNITYCR CPU X $1,600 SENIOR COORD MONITOR X $400 $400 PRINTER X 189 DEFT LOCATlONlUSER EaUIP NEW REPLACE UPGRAO 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 I PUB WORKS ADMINISTRATION IMAGING X X $25,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 OIR PUB WORKS CPU X X $1.600 $1.1100 I MONITOR X X $400 $400 PUB WORKS SECY CPU X X $1,600 MONITOR X $400 ENGINEERING CPU X X $1,!500 $1,!500 $6,000 (SERVER) MONITOR X $400 ENGINEERING CPU X $1,600 (OSS) MONITOR X $800 $800 I PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X $2,200 (WRIGHT) MONITOR X $800 I PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X X $1,000 $2,200 (MCGUIRE) MONITOR X $800 PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X X $2,200 (NGUYEN) MONITOR X $800 PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X X $',000 $2,200 (MARTIN) MONITOR X $800 PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X $2,200 (BRADEN) MONITOR X $800 PRINTER ENGINEERING CPU X $2,200 (MOLENAR) MONITOR X $800 PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X X $1,000 $2,200 (KNUDSEN) MONITOR X $800 $800 I PRINTER X $500 ENGINEERING CPU X X $2,200 (JOHANSON) MONITOR X $400 PLOTTER X $4,000 ENGINEERING UPGRADE X $14,600 CITY SHOPS CPU X $',600 $1,600 MONITOR X $400 $400 PRINTER X $400 "TRAFFIC SPV CPU X X X $',300 $1.600 MONITOR X $400 $400 PRINTER X $500 FLEET ANALYST CPU X X $',000 $',600 MONITOR X $400 $400 PRINTER X $500 190 .,.',... OEPT LOCATlON/USER EQUIP NEW REPLACE UPGRAO 199!5 1998 1997 1998 1998 I PLAN &. OEV ADMINISTRATION OIR PLAN &. OEV CPU X $1,eoo MONITOR X $400 I PLANNING SECY CPU X $1,eoo MONITOR X $400 PRINTER X PLAN &. OEVEL CPU X X $500 $2.200 (MOBERG) MONITOR X $800 PRINTER X $1,000 PLAN &. OEVEL CPU X $2.200 I MONITOR X $800 PLAN &. OEVEL CPU X $',eoo (COMMON) MONITOR X $400 PLAN &. DEVEL CPU X $l,eoo (THOMA) MONITOR X $400 CODE ENFORCE CPU X $',eoo (CHAPlA) I MONITOR X $400 I COURT COURT MODEM X $1,500 COURT PRINTER X $500 cerc - COURT CPU X X $500 $l,eoo $500 $500 MONITOR X $400 PRINTER COURT (POS) CPU X $',eoo I MONITOR X $400 191 DEFT LOCAllON/USER EQUIP NEW REPLACE UPGRAD 19915 1996 1997 1996 1999 I POUCE CHIEF X $2,450 CHIEF'S SECY CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER X SIU CPU X $1,000 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X S400 IPATROLLTS CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 I INVEST SGT CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 INVEST L T CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 I SUP SVCS CMDR CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 PRINTER X $1,500 INVEST SECY CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 FUGIIVE SECY CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 INVEST 1 CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 INVEST 2 CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 I INVEST 3 CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 I INVEST 4 CPU X 51,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 I CCIC-INVEST CPU X X $500 $1,600 $500 $500 $500 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER 192 r p,..mOL SGTS CPU X X $1,000 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 I PATROL SECY CPU X X $500 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER LOCAllONJUSER EQUIP NEW REPLACE UPGRAD 1996 1998 1997 1998 1999 DEFT POUCE CONTINUED ITMlNING CPU X X $500 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 ADMIN LT CPU X X $500 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $1,850 PRINTER X $500 I DARE CPU X $1,800 MONITOR X S400 S400 PRINTER X $500 APeO CPU X $1,600 MONITOR X S400 RECORDS IMAGING X X $85,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 RECORDS CPU X X $500 $1,600 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER I c:c::&RECORDS CPU X X $500 $1,600 $500 $500 $50(; MONITOR X S400 PRINTER S400 CClC-RECORDS CPU X X $500 $1,600 $500 $500 $500 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER CCIC-OISPATCH CPU X X $500 $1,600 $500 $500 $500 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER S400 CQMM SPV CPU X X $1,600 $1,600 MONITOR X X S400 S400 PRINTER X 193 ~ " DEFT LOCAllON/USER EQUIP NEW REPLACE UPGRAO 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 I DATA PROC DATA PROC CPU X $8,500 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 $8,000 (SERVER) MONITOR X S400 S400 I PRINTER X SYS ANALYST CPU X $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER X $500 PRINTER X $500 CD-ROM X $1,500 DATA PROG CPU X $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1,500 $1.500 MONITOR X S400 PRINTER X S400 PRINTER X $500 LAPTOP X X $2,500 $2,500 POUCE DEC PERIPHS X $3,000 POUCE LAN SYSTEM X $15,000 515,000 $15,000 $15,000 SOFTWARE. NEW PC'S X SOFnNARE.UPGRADES.. X X SOFTWARE - FINANCE LAN X MAINTENANCE ... $71,000 $73,130 $75,324 $77,584 $79,911 TOTALS $187,300 $262,480 $168,424 $176,584 $145,401.1 .. SOFTWARE UPGRADES - 755 ACCOUNT GENERAL FUND CITY UNIX UPGRADES $8,000 NOVELL $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 CITY WIDE SOFlWARE $16,875 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 CrTY PC UPGRADES $18,000 $10,000 $10,000 510,000 510,000 TOTAL $44,875 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 $17,000 ... REPAIR & MAINTENANCE, SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS POUCE DEC HARDWARE $3,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 FINANCE LAN HARDWARE $5,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $8,000 SO $0 $0 $0 GRAND TOTAL $240,175 $279,480 $185,424 $193,584 $182,408 194 PAGE -1- CIT~ OF w~EAT RIDGE CHAIR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE TO BE REPLACED 1Hep-94 : ADJ : 5 WHEELS: '9: : '96 : : 97 : LATER : COST/CHAIR mE LOCATION/APPLICATION: ceKDITION ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CODNCIL . COURTS COUNCIL/MEETINGS ;WORN/FAIE/MIN BK SDPPORT:PART :~ES : 3,950: 395 EXECDTIVE CODRT/JUDGE'S :WORN/FAIR/MIN BK SUPPORT:PART :YES 395 : ,! , , I I , ______________________ ------------------------,.----,--------1-------1-------\-------1--------1------------ 395 EXECDTIVE I \ , ' , , , ______________________ ------------------------1-----'--------,-------,-------1-------1--------,------------ COURT/CLERK : EXCELLENT : YES : YES 321 : , I I \ ' I ______________________.________________________1_____'--------,-------,-------,-------1--------1------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS COURT/WITNESS :NEEDS RErLACEMENT :NO : NO 310 : 321 OPERATOR/ARMS CODRT/ATTORNIES/JURORS:NEEDS REPLACEMENT :NO :NO : 3,720: 1 I 1 I 1 I I ______________________1________________________ -----,--------1-------1-------,-------1--------1------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS COUNCIL/STAFF :NEEDS RE;:~CEMENT :NO :~O : 1.860: I ' , , ______________________,________________________ -----1--------,-------,-------,------- --------1------------ 310 DESK CHAIR WARMS JUDGE'S OFFICE :NEEDS REr~ACEMENT :NO :NO 310: l' I ' ---------------------- ------------------------,-----,-------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------------ 310 DESK CHAIR ftiA~~S 1 I I " 1 ----------------------1------------------------1-----1--------,-------;-------1-------,--------1------------ PROBATION (AI :GOOD : PART :YES 310 : 310 DESK CHAIR WIARMS PROBATION lal :EICELLENT :US : YES 310: ______________________:________________________:_____:--------:-------:-------:-------1--------:------------ }10 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS EDARC :EICELLEN! :YES :YES 310: ______________________1________________________'_____'________1_______1_______'_______'________'____________ I I' 1 I I . . 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS I " 1 I I I I ----------------------1------------------------1-----1--------,-------,-------1-------,--------,------------ COURT CLERK/DESK-COMP,:GEN, EXCELLENT/I POOR :YES :YES 512: 512: 512: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTALS $310 $512 $512 $11.998 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- CHAIR TOTAL 36 ----_._-~----------------------- -------------------------------- POLICE C~?ARTMENT 256 OPERATOR RECORDS/CLERK :SOME BRO!EN-GOOD :YES:YES 512 : 512 : 256 OPERATOR --~-------------------:------------------------:-----:--------:-------,-------:---~---I--------:------------ RECORDS/SUPVR, :mELLEN~ :YES :YES 310 : 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS ----------------------;------------------------:-----:--------:-------:-------:-------:--------:------------ DISPATCH/SDPRV, : EXCELLENT :1&s:m: 310 : 310 DESK CHAIR W,ARMS ----------------------;------------------------:-----:--------:-------:-------;-------:--------:-------~---- DISPATCH/24 HR/VAR DSE:EXCELLENT ~c POOR :YES : YES 750: VICTIM ADVOCATE :EXCELLm :YES :m 310 : 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS ----------------------:------------------------:-----:--------:-------'-------:-------;--------;------------ 750: 750: 750 SPECIAL USE ----------~----------- ------------------------ ----- -------- -------,-------;------- --------;------------ 256 OPERATOR PATROL/SEC :FAIR :YES :m 256 : ----------------------:------------------------:-----;--------:-------,-------,-------:--------;------------ TRAINING OFFICER :EXCELLEN~ :YES :YES 310 : SGT'S OFFICE/DESK :FAIR-POC? :PART :NO 31u: 310: HO: 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARIlS ----------------------;------------------------:-----:--------:-------:-------:-------:--------:------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/A~~S DARE OFFICERS :EXCELm" :YES :YES 620 : , , ---------------------- ------------------------ ----- -------- -------,------- -------1-------- ------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS ----------------------'------------------------ ----- ________1-------:-------'-------:--------;------------ LT'S OFFICE : FAIR/PCC:: :PART :NO 620 : Jl0 DESK CHAIR ft!AP~S 195 ----------------------,------------------------ -----:-------- -------:------- -------:-------- ------------ LOCATI:R/APPLIC>.TION , PAGE -2- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CHAIR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE 1Hep.H CONDITION ~0 BE REPLACED : ADJ :5 WHEELS: c; : 96 : 97 : LATER : COST/CHAIR TYPE ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS APEO OF~:CE :GOOD/POOR :PART :NO 310 : II 0 : BRIEPI~G ROOM ---------------------- ------------------------:-----:--------:-------,-------,-------,--------:------------ 60 STACKING ; DEPRESSING CONDITION : NO : NO 360 : 360 : U/S.LT'S OFFICE ----------------------:------------------------;-----1--------:------- -------:-------:--------:------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W;ARMS : EXCELLENT :YES : YES 620 : I 1 I I ,. ----------------------,.-----------------------1-----1--------1------- -------1-------,--------1------------ INTERvm ROOMS : MAY USE REPLACEMENTS : NO : NO 512 : 256 DESK CHAIR WiARMS ----------------------'------------------------:-----;--------:-------,-------:-------:--------,------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS U/S SGT'S OPPICE : EXCELLENT : YES : YES 310 : ----------------------1------------------------1_____1________1_______ _______ _______ ________ ____________ 1 1 1 '" 11 0 DESK CHAIR w:ARMS U/S SID OFFICE :OLD/WORN :PART :NO 610: m: ----------------______1______------------------'----- ________'_______ _______ _______'________'____________ 1 " " 310 DESK CHAIR wIAP~S POLYGRAP: ROOM :OLD/WORN :PART :NO 310: ---------------------- ------------------------ ----- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------------ " , 210 DESK CHAIR W,ARMS LAB DESK : EXCELLENT : YES : YES 310 ; , , , ----------------------,------------------------,-----1--------,------- ------- -------,--------,------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS PROPERT~ DESK :VERY OLD/WORN :NO ::10 310 : , , 1 , , ---------------------- ------------------------1-----'--------,-------,-------,-------.--------1------------ 3!0 DESK CHAIR WiARMS LT'S OFiICE ; EXCELLENT : YES : YES 310 : . r , 1 ---------------------- ------------------------ ----- -------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------------ !, I ,I, 310 DESK CHAIR WIAP~S COtlllAND~R' S OmCE ; NEEDS REFUR : PART : YES ::0 : SECRETARY 1 , 1 1 '" ----------------------1------------------------1----- --------,------- -------1-------1--------1------------ 256 OPERATOR :FAIR/NOT E0LDING UP :YES :YES 256: 256: ______________________'________________________,_____'________,_______ _______'_______ --______1______------ 1 I"" 1 1 :YES :YES SECRETARY/DATA ENTRY : EXCELLENT 512 : 256 OPERATOR INVESTIG.TIONS ______________________ ________________________1_____1________ _______'_______1_______ ________ ____________ . 1 , I' I' 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARKS : EXCELLENT : YES : YES : 2,480: ______________________'________________________1_____1________'_______ _______'_______'________'____________ L I, I " CHIEF'S SECRETARY GOOD :YES :YES m: 256 OPERATOR POLICE CEIEP , , , ----------------------,------------------------,~----,--------,-------,------- -------1-------- ------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS :WORN/OLD/FOOR CONDITION :NO :YES 310 : TOTALS $],994 Sl,496 $:,370 59,978 --------------------------------- -----.--------------------------- CHAIRS !' 37 --------------------------------- --------------------------------- FIRST FLOOR/ADMIN, PURCHASING, SALES TAX, ACCOUNTING, CITY CLERK PERSONNEL :WORNI :PART :NO 310 : 310 DESX CHAIR .W'ARMS SIT SECRETARY ----------------------'------------------______1_____'________'_______'_______ _______'________1____________ I 1 1 I . , , 1 256 OPERATOR : EXCELLEN': :YES :m 256 : DATA PROCESSING ----------------______1______------------------'_____1________1_______,_______ _______1________1____________ , I I 1 'I t OPER./DESK Cli~IR W ,11I0PERATJR.'12IMANAGER :FART :NO 876 : 2561310 ----------------------,------------------------:-----:--------:-------,-------:------- --------:------------ sri ~~~liQR ',GOOU :ns :'iES llQ : 110 DESK CHm mRl\S . \ _-I --------\-------'-------,-------\--------\------------ ...................... ,...................--..- ,..., " " , 'l\~ ' l\.~ Il'/.~t C\lAU \l11\\\I'.S BUDGET ~SSISTANT :::::~~:~~...._..........;~:=..~~~=-....:.....-.:..-....' .......' ....;~~.;...-.-.-;~~.DESK CHAIR W1ARMS ;~;~;~~;;~~~~.;~-;HAIR:EXCELLENT:TRADE WIOTHER :YES _:~::.....'...._..' .......:....__.:........:..._._...... ._____________________~------------------------l---- , I ( 196 PAGE -3- ~I!Y OF WHEAT RIDGE ~HAIR REPLACEMERT SCHEDULE 14-Sep-94 LOCATION/APPLICATION CONDITION TO BE REPLACED : ADJ : 5 WHEELS: '95 : '96 : 97 : LATER : COST/CHAIR TYPE ADKN, SECRETARY :GOOD TO POOR :PART :NO 512 : ---------.-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 256 OPERATOR I I' I -------------.-------- ------------------------1-----1-------- ------- ------- ------- -------- ------------ MAYOR/ADMINSTRATOR , LICELLENT : PART : YES 790 : I I 1 ' ---------------------.,------------------------ ----- -------- ------- ------- -------,--------1------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS CITY CLERK :WORH/NO BACK SUPPORT ;PART :YES 310 : 395 EXECUTIVE CITl CLERK/SECRETARY :COOD :m :YES 512 : 1 I I I ----------------------,------------------------ -----,-------- ------- -------1------- -------- ------------ 256 OPERATOR ----------------------:------------------------ ~---- -------- -------1-------;-------,-------- ------------ PDRCBASING AGENT :PART :NO 310 : : WORll 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS PDRCHASING CLERK :GOOD : YES : YES 256 : , 1 I II! I 1 ---------------------- ------------------------l-----j--------,--~----,-------.-------j--------I------------ 256 OPERATOR ______________~~______'________________________ ____.'________ _______ -______1______- ________ ____________ , , ACCOUNTING :YES : YES 512 : ----------------------'--------~---------______'____- --------'--~---- -------'-------'--------'------------ \ " "" 256 OPERATOR : EXCELLENT FRONT RECEPTIONIST : YES : YES 256 : ,POCR/WORN 10TALS $876 SO 54.644 $310 --~----------------------------- -------------------------------- CHAIRS 16 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- SECOND FLOOR/ENGINERING, PLANNING, ZONING. BUILDING PLAH/ZONING/BLDG(SECI :EXCELLENT : YES :m 768 : ----------------------:------------------------:-----:--------:-------:-------:-------:--------:------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARKS PLANNING DIR :NO 310 : :NO 256 OPERATOR 256 OPERATOR BLDG, INSPECTION : EXCELLENT :PART :NO 620 : , , ______________________,________________________1____.'________'_______'_______1_______1________1____________ I' I 1 I 1 :GOOD 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS CODE ENFORCEMENT ',FOOR-VERY PDOR :PART :NO 540 :2301ll0 ______________________ ________________________1_____1________1_______,_______ _______'________'____________ , I I , I I , 1 TASK STOOL/MAN ----------------------'------------~---~-------!-----'--------I-------'-------I-------I--------I---~-------- 1 I I 1 ( \ I j PLANN ING :GOOD/FAIR 930 : :PART :NO 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS PARK/RECREATION :WORN/GOOD : PART : YES 620 : , (\ I I I 1 1 ----------------------,------------------------1-----'--------,-------,-------1-------,--------1------------ 310 DES~ CHAIR W/ARMS &HGINEERING :WORN-NEEDS REPLACEMENT :PART :NO 310: 310: 310: ----------------------:------------------------:-----;--------:-------:-------:-------:--------:------------ 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS ----------------------:------------------------:-----:--------:-------~-------:-------:--------:---~-------- PW DIR :m BACK SUPPORT/WORN :PART:m 310 : ______________________1________________________1____.'________1_______,_______'_______1________,____________ I I' I I I . , 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS , ., ENG TECH : EXCELLENT-GOOD :PART :m 310 : ----------------------;------------------------:-----:--------;-------:-------:-------:--------:------------ 350 TASK STOOL 310: DRAFTING CHAIRS :EXCELL,-,~RY POOR/UNSAFE:YES :YES 700 : ----------------------'------------------------:-----;--------:-------:-------:-------:--------;------------ 256 OPERA~OR 700: 700: iOO: SECRETARY :YES :YES 512 : :EXCELLENT ~OTALS 51,320 $2.250 $700 54.690 ==~===:========================= CHAIRS 4 2 16 ====:=:==============:========== 197 310 DESK CHAIR WIARKS PAGE -4- ~ITY ~F WHEAT RIDGE lHep-94 CHAIR REPLACEMENT SCHEDULE LOCATION/APPLICATION CONDITION : ADJ :5 WHEELS: TO BE REPLACED 10: I iO~ t l01 " I ~ " I J , : LATER : CaST/CHAIR TYPE WHEAT RIDGE COMMDNITY CENTER/ANDERSON BLDG./PARK SHOPS/P.W, SHOPS WRCC/CODNTER : EXCELLERT :YES :YES 512 : 256 OPERATOR _____________________.'________________________'_____'________'_______ -------'-______1_______.'______------ , , I I , , I WRCC/OFFICE :WORN/POOR :PART :m 620 : 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS , 'I I ' t , I ----------------------,-----------------------.,-----1--------,-------1-------,-------,--------,------------ A,BLDG/COUNTER AREA : EXCELLENT : YES :YES 768 : 256 OPERATOR ______________________1________________________1_____1________'_______ _______,_______1________1____________ , I I I , I [ I RECREATION :BROKEN/WORN ODT/DNSAFE :PART :NO 620 : 620 : 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS , I I I I I ----------------------,------------------------,-----1--------I-------,-------I-------I--------!------------ PARK SHOPS :GOOD - BROKEN/WORN OUT :PART ;YES 620 : 620 : 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS --.------------------- ------------------------:----- --------,------- -------:-------,--------,------------ MUN. BLDG, L,NCHROOll ,WORN/DEPRESSING : NO : ~O 300 : 40 STACKING ______________________,________________________ _____ ________ _______ _______ _______ ________1____________ . " , , , , ?W SHOPS LUNCH ROOM SOILED/WORN :NO : NO 480 : 40 STACKING , 1 I I " \ ----------------------1------------------------,-----,--------,-------1-------,-------,--------1------------ PW SHOPS/OFFICE ;WORN/UNSAFE :YES :NO : 1.240 : 310 DESK CHAIR W/ARMS TOTALS $3,100 50 SO $3,800 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- 10 41 -------------------------------- -------------------------------- SUMHAR~ Or CHAIRS EXAMINED TOTALS TOTALS 59,600 54,5~8 52,582 535,110 ::1,860 --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- CHAIRS 35 15 146 203 --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- AVER/CHAIR $274 $305 $369 $240 $255 --------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------- 198 1995 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL POLICIES PORM OF GOVERNMENT The City of Wheat Ridge was incorporated in August, 1969, and comprises a total area of 9.1 square miles. In 1976, Wheat Ridge became a Home-Rule city, as defined by Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 31. The Charter for the City of Wheat Ridge provides for a Council-Mayor-Administrator form of government. The executive power is vested in a Mayor who appoints an Administrator, with the approval of City Council, to run the daily affairs of the city. The ci ty Council is composed of eight members who are elected bi-annually, two from each of the four districts. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are elected at large for two-year terms each. The rights of the people have been retained through the powers of recall, initiative and referendum. The Charter is a document of consensus and compromise. As provided by the Charter, all the powers and the determination of all matters of policy are vested in the Council except as otherwise provided. The City Administrator, as provided by the City Charter, is responsible to the Mayor and City Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. BUDGET The proposed budget shall provide a complete financial plan for each fund of the City and shall show comparative figures for the last completed fiscal year, comparative figures for the current year, and the City Administrator's recommendation for the ensuing year. The City Council sets times for public hearings, for the public to comment on the proposed budget. After the public hearings, and before the last day of December of each year, the Council shall adopt the budget for the ensuing year. In addition to the operating budget, a five-year Capital Improvement Program is revised and extended annually. The City Council adopts the program as a planning document, but does not appropriate the multi-year expenditures. Annual installments to the identified projects are appropriated in the annual operating budget or by supplemental appropriations. Thus, major additions to the infrastructure are normally accounted for through the capital Projects Fund. The budget document is prepared on a GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) basis, consistent with the accounting records and annual financial statements of the City, in accordance with the Colorado Local Government Budget Law. Appropriations are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity with 199 Colorado Revised statutes. Supplementary budgets and appropriations must be adopted by resolution at a City Council meeting after publication of the proposed resolution in a local newspaper. GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the city. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds of the city include the following: Park Acauisition Fund - The Park Acquisition Fund was established to account received and designated for park improvements acquisition of additional parklands. f or funds and the Police Investiaation Fund - Colorado State Law allows seizure by, and forfeiture to, law enforcement of property and funds which are associated with Class 1 nuisance violations, C.R.S. 16-13-302, entitled "Public Nuisance Policy". Seizure and forfeiture of property is also allowed under Colorado Contraband Forfeiture Act, C.R.S. 16-13-501. Any funds awarded pursuant to either of these statutes shall be placed into a special budgetary fund, hereafter referred to as the "Police Investigation Fund", and shall be for the sole use of the Police Department for purposes other than for meeting normal operating needs. This fund was created beginning with the 1990 fiscal year. Conservation Trust Fund - The fund accounts for monies received and restricted as to use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new conservation sites or for capital improvements or maintenance for recreational purposes on any public site, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 138. Funds are derived from distribution of 40% of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery and is received on a quarterly basis. Caoital Pro;ects Fund - The Capital Projects Fund (formerly Capital Improvement Fund) was established to account for monies received as a result of a one percent (1%) increase in the City'S sales tax starting March, 1976. The revenues of this fund are to be used for capital projects (i.e., drainage, street, and traffic 200 improvements, and major additions to City buildings). Projects are recommended by the street Committee, reviewed by the Planning Commission, and approved by City Council through the annual budget process. Open Space Fund - The City of Wheat Ridge is committed to preserving valuable remaining open space resources. The Jefferson County Open Space program acquires land for public enjoyment (i.e., parks, playgrounds, lakes, trails, etc.) and then donates the land to the City for use as public land. Open Space funds are derived from a .5% sales tax collected by the state for Jefferson County. Senior Center Fund - The senior Center Fund was established during 1981 to account or contributions made to the Wheat Ridge Community Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the Center. Buildina Repair/Demolition Fund - The Building Repair and Demolition Fund was established during 1981, as a revolving fund.. structures are repaired or demolished at City expense, and the property owner is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. Eauipment Fund - The Equipment Fund was established in 1993 in order to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund will provide a long term plan for the procurement of vehicles. The Fund is financed by transfers from the capital Fund. Compensated Absences - The Compensated Abse~ces Fund was established in order to have the ability to pay any and all employees that may leave the employment of the city. This fund will enable the City to provide payment for accumulated annual leave. This fund begins with a $250,000 transfer from the General Fund in 1992. Parks and Recreation Damaae Deposit Fund - This fund originated in order to track and refund damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and facility rentals. In the past deposits have been paid in one year and refunded in the following year. This poses a problem when budgeting and attempting to maximize expenditures. This Fund will receive an initial transfer of $600 from the General Fund and there after it will be funded by the deposits paid for rental purposes. Tree Plantina Fund - The Tree Planting Fund was created in 1993 for the purpose of tracking the different types of monies that are contributed 201 for tree planting. This Fund will operate two types of tree planting programs, street trees and park trees. The Tree Planting Fund will receive transfers from Capital Fund, General Fund - Unallocated, General Fund street Tree Program, and General Fund Park Tree Program. This Fund may receive additional revenue in the form of grants, citizen donations or matching money from citizens or businesses. Richards Hart Estate Imcrovement Fund - This fund was established in 1993 in order to track revenue from rental of the Estate and to provide a means to upgrade and improve the Estate. The Fund will begin with a transfer from the General Fund, additional revenue from rental income will supplement the beginning amount. Municical Court Fund - The Municipal Court Fund has been established in order to provide a means to track court fees, and to enable the court to expend these amounts. The Fund will begin with a transfer from the General Fund from the $1 and $4 Court Fees program. During 1995 additional revenue will be gained through the Victim witness Court Fees. This Fund will provide the Court and the Probation Program to make expenditures for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services, and misc. court and probation expenses. Insurance Fund - This fund was established in 1993 to provide a funding mechanism for property and liability insurance premiums and payments for uninsured losses. Insurance related losses may be paid out over several years and therefore it is neccessary to have a funding source that continues from year to year. The City currently has a $10,000 per claim deductible for property insurance and a $150,000 per claim deductible for liability insurance. Monies for this fund come from the general fund. Post Office Fund - The Post Office fund was established in 1993 to account for expenses related to the restoration of the old post office. Money for this fund came from the general fund. Comcuter Fund - This fund was established in 1994 to provide better accountabiilty of computer related expenses. All hardware, software, and related expenses are budgeted in this fund. This fund is funded by a transfer from the general fund. Debt service Funds - Debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Both of the debt service funds were created in 1988, and are included in the appropriated budget to show the bond 202 principal and interest payments due each year. sDecial ImDrovement District No. 1987-1 - The fund accounts for the principal and interest received from special assessments levied on property owners located in the District, and the semi-annual payment of principal and interest towards the Special Assessment Bonds maturing over the next ten years. Sales Tax Revenue - The fund accounts for the payment of principal and interest towards the Sales Tax Revenue Bonds maturing over the next ten years. The full amount of the bond issuance has been invested in u.S. Government Securities which have been scheduled to mature within thirty days prior to each semi-annual interest and principal payment required. XHVESTMEN'l' POLXCY Investment policv - The City of Wheat Ridge makes use of pooled cash to invest under the prudent investor rule. The prudent investor rule states that investments shall be made with the exercise of that judgement and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The city Treasurer is responsible for investment of city funds within the following guidelines and is directed to carry out the investment procedures as follows: 1) Determine cash flow requirements from all sources available (Department Heads, PurChasing Division, Budget Officer, Council Minutes, etc); 2) Determine amount of idle cash and length of time money can be invested to best fit city needs; 3) Request interest quotes for each investment from the entire list approved by city Council. The results of such request for quotes and also which quote was accepted shall be forwarded to Council, as information, at the next regular meeting; 4) Award investments according to highest quote and, if there is a tie quote, preference of determination shall be based on: a) Local bank or savings and loan within the City 203 b) limits, and, . . . 'th Distribution of funds made to the ~nst~tut~on w~ the lesser amount currently on deposit. All funds of the city to be deposited with an eligible public depository, as required by C.R.S. 11-47-105, 1973. 5) Per the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), statement 3, footnote disclosure is required in the annual audit report as regards to the deposit of public funds with financial institutions. The city has adopted the policy of limiting the dollar amount on all certificates of Deposit to the maximum insured amount by the F.D.I.C., $100,000. The city can also use Securities of the u.S. Government and it's agencies, Repurchase Agreements, the ColoTrust pool, and the CSafe pool. DEBT POLICY The City may borrow money for any municipal purpose as provided herein and issue the following securities to evidence such indebtedness: a) Short-term notes, b) General Obligation bonds and other like securities, c) Revenue bonds and other like securities, d) Special or local improvement bonds and other like securities, e) Any other legally recognized security which the Council may provide. The city of Wheat Ridge will use debt financing when it is appropriate. It will be judged appropriate only when the following conditions exist: 1) When long-term capital projects are desired; 2) When it can be determined that future citizens will receive a benefit from the improvement. It is currently the policy of the City not to enter into debt financing and to continue with a "pay-as-you-go" philosophy for all capital outlays and improvements. The city is currently using a lease/purchase plan to pay for the telephone system and also to pay for photocopiers. The lease agreements specifically state that the lease/purchase can be cancelled at any time if- the City Council does not appropriate funds for that purpose. Funds are budgeted and encumbered for that year's payments only. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The city of Wheat Ridge is bounded on three sides by four municipalities. The fourth side is unincorporated Jefferson 204 County. bedroom and the Even though Wheat Ridge was incorporated in 1969, this community of Denver was established in the early 1900's, citizens here strive to retain its unique character. Twelve water and sewer districts lie within the city limits of Wheat Ridge, with some districts overlapping into other municipalities. Fire protection is also a special district funded through property tax dollars. The city does no~ have,a library, nor a municipal airport or-golf course, nor does ~t prov~de garbage collection service for its residents. Metro Denver transportation is funded through a .6% sales tax collected and distributed by the state. The capital Improvement Program and Fund encompasses streets bridges, curbs and gutters, drainage systems, lighting system 'improvements and projects, major equipment and building construction and improvement. Capital Improvement policv - The City continues to operate under the following capital Improvement Policy: I} The city develops a multi-year plan for capital improvements and updates it annually, 2) The City makes all capital improvements in accordance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program, 3) The city identifies estimated costs and funding sources for each capital proj ect requested before it is submitted to city Council, 4) The City uses intergovernmental assistance to finance only those capital improvements that are consistent with the Capital Improvement Program and City priorities and whose operating and maintenance costs have been included in the operating budget forecasts. Capital Financinq - The capital Improvement Fund is financed with a one-percent (l%) sales tax approved by voters effective March, 1976. This accounts for approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund. The remainder comes from interest earned on invested monies, and citizen matching funds for the annual curb/gutter/sidewalk program. Sales tax revenues have a strong impact on the projects scheduled for a particular year, and the City upholds the policy of budgeting and completing only those projects which have funding for that year. Parks and Recreation capital projects are paid out of the Cit~'s attributable share of Jefferson County Open Space monies, der~ved from sales tax, and the Conservation Trust Fund with proceeds from the state Lottery. Governmental facilities are budgeted in and paid out of the General Fund. Economic development assistance is funded and administratively controlled by the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission (EDARC), formerly Urban Renewal Authority (URA), and funded through sales 205 and property tax, and interest proceeds. EDARC operates only in designated urban renewal zones in the city. Effective in 1987, the capital Improvement Fund reimbursed the General Fund for engineering costs associated with capital proj ects. This included personal services only. The current budget expands this reimbursement to include personal services, materials and supplies, and other services and charges. RESERVE POLICY General Fund Reserve - The city of Wheat Ridge maintains a fund balance which serves as an unencumbered cash reserve account. The fund balance will be maintained at a level between 8% and 15% of the annual general fund operating budget. Funds in excess of 15% at the beginning of each fiscal year will be transferred to the capital Improvement Fund, unless specified otherwise by city Council. The City council will annually specify the amount to be placed in the fund balance. This policy is carried out in the annual budget process. The 1994 budget reflects a reserve amount of $2,309,409 or 20.25% of the General Fund operating budget. RBVEBtJES GENERAL FUND TAXES - Propertv Tax - Property taxes are levied on December 31, and attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are due as of January 1, and are payable in full by July 31 if paid in installments, or April 15 with a single payment. Taxes are delinquent as of August 1. If the taxes are not paid within subsequent statutory periods, the property is sold at a public auction. Jefferson County bills and collects the property taxes and remits collections to the City on a monthly basis after deducting a 1% collection fee. It is the policy of the ci ty to record the property tax receivable in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. The receivable of $560,000 is based upon budgeted taxes expected to be received in 1994. Liauor Occupational Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies an occupational tax on all 206 o erators licensed to sell various class~fications of liquor within the city limits. These operators are b~lled annually based on the following schedule: Classification D - Retail Liquor store E - Drug stores F Beer & Wine G - Hotel & Restaurant (Extended) J1 - 3.2 Package Beer Off Premises J2 - 3.2 Beer On Premises Tavern Amount $ 650 600 600 900 700 700 1300 The revenue derived from liquor occupational tax has remained consistent over the past eighteen years with an increase each time the rates are increased. The city anticipates $66,000 in revenues from this source for 1995. Vehicle ownership Taxes - This is a tax paid by owners of motor vehicles, trailers, semitrailers and trailer coaches in lieu of any ad valorem taxes. The amount of the tax paid is a function of the class, age and value of the vehicle. Generally, the amount of tax paid decreases with the age of the vehicle. specific ownership taxes for Class A vehicles, which includes any motor vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer or semitrailer used to transport persons or property over public highways for compensation, are paid to the state. The State distributes this revenue among counties based upon the proportion that state highway mileage in the county bears to the total state highway system. There are no restrictions on the use of this revenue. All other classes of specific ownership are paid to the county. The county treasurer then distributes this revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by the county and each political and governmental subdivision bears in relation to all property taxes collected in that county. The revenue derived from this source stays consistent each year and a total of $50,000 has been budgeted for 1995. Sales Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies a 2% tax on all retail sales, leases, and rentals, with one-half, or 1%, going into the General Fund for operations, and the other 1% going into the Capital projects Fund to finance capital improvements. Through a very aggressive policy of prompt and efficient collection of sales and use taxes, sales tax collections make up approximately 47% of the City'S total General Fund revenue and approximately 94% of the capital Projects Fund revenue (excluding carryover fund balance). The estimated amount of collection for 1995 is $3,490,000. 207 The major sales tax revenue producers for Wheat Ridge are public utilities, grocery stores, a department store and a liquor store. Sales tax collections fluctuate with the economy, but Wheat Ridge's major businesses are relatively stable and continue to provide a strong base for sales tax revenue. Use Tax - A 2% use tax is levied upon the use of tangible personal property and taxable services not subject to the Wheat Ridge sales tax. This tax is strictly a General Fund revenue source. The 1995 budget projects $1,785,000 in Use Tax collected. Public service Companv Franchise Fee - A franchise payment is accepted by the city from the Public Service Company of Colorado in lieu of all occupancy or occupation and license taxes, and all other special taxes, assessments or exercises on the right to do business. Revenues are derived from the imposition of a 3% fee on the gross revenue from the sale of gaseous fuel and electricity within the corporate limits of the City. Public Service Company remits payments to the City on a monthly basis, with an annual adjustment for the prior year made on the last day of the first quarter of each year. The estimated amount in 1995 is $800,000. Telephone Occupation Tax - There is levied on and against each telephone utility company operating within the City, a tax on the occupation and business of maintaining a telephone exchange and lines connected therewith in the city and of supplying local exchange telephone service to the inhabitants of the city. The annual amount of the tax levied is $195,280, paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, each installment to be paid on the last business day of each calendar month. Lodqer's Tax - Effective January 1, 1986, an excise tax was levied on the price paid or charged for the lease, rental, or furnishing of rooms or other public accommodations in any hotel, apartment hotel, guest house, guest ranch, mobile home, auto camp, trailer court or park, or any other place furnishing rooms or other public accommodations. The tax levied and collected is at the rate of five percent (5%) of the purchase price paid, and is in lieu of City sales tax. The proposed amount of lodger's tax for 1995 is $325,000. Admission/Amusement Tax - An excise tax of four percent (4%) was levied effective January 1, 1986, on each person who pays to gain admission or 208 access to a performance of a motion picture or to the use of lanes and pin setters for bowling balls in a bowling alley located within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Effective January 1, 1989, the City added miniature golf to the classification and requires an admission tax to be levied. The city has budgeted $46,000 for 1995. LICENSES AND PERMITS - Amusement Device Licenses - This is an annual license fee for operating amusement devices, for the purpose of promoting amusement facilities providing a lawful and wholesome recreational outlet for young persons, specifically and generally to the citizens of the City. All establishments pay an annual fee of $60.00 per amusement device. Applications for an arcade license shall pay a $50.00 investigation fee. All fees are paid in advance. Projected 1995 revenue is $9,000. Arborist Licenses - The Mayor of the city of Wheat Ridge issues Arborist Licenses for the purpose of engaging in the forestry business within the city limits, upon recommendation by the Arborist Board. The application fee is $10.00, and the annual license fee is $25.00. Wheat Ridge has been named Tree city U.S.A. for the eleventh consecutive year, by the National Arborist Association. The estimated revenue from these licenses is $750. Contractor's Licenses - This is an annual license fee for all construction contractors doing business within the corporate boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge. The fee ranges from $70 to $125 annually based on the type of contractor being licensed. $40,000 is the estimated revenue from this source. Liauor Licenses - The State delegates the authority of issuing certain liquor licenses to the Wheat Ridge City Council. The state Department of Revenue allocates 85% of the license fee to be applied to the Old-Age Pension Fund. A fee of $450.00 is collected as a new license investigation fee; transfer of ownership or location is $250.00; change in managers is $ 7 5 . 00 ; new 1 icenses require a $ 3 5 0 . 00 survey fee. Annual license fees range from $3.75 to $78.75, based on class of license. The 1995 budget includes $12,000 in revenue from liquor license fees. 209 Buildinq Permit/Inspection Fees - within the city limits of Wheat Ridge it is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure regulated by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a separate permit for each building or structure from the building official. Permit fees are based on the dollar valuation of the work to be done. If work authorized is not commenced within 60 days of issuance, or if work is abandoned or suspended for 120 days, then a new permit is required and the fee shall be one-half of the original fee. Building permits are budgeted based on economic trends in our local area. The 1995 budget is calculated based on 1994 estimated figures. Estimated revenue is $100,000. street cut Permits - The PUblic Works Department issues street cut permits for all street excavation, curb .and gutter, sidewalk, cross pans, and street or road construction work done within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Prior to 1987, water and/or sanitation districts and public utilities were exempt from these permit requirements. $48,000 is the estimated amount of permit fees for 1995. Cable Television Permits - For the privilege of having a cable television permit, the company shall make permit payments for the use of the streets and other facilities of the City in the operation of the cable television system. The company shall pay 3% of gross subscriber revenues minus sales taxes and other subscriber based taxes every six months. Cable Television permit fees have remained stable due to little change in local population. $65,000 should be collected from this source. Elevator Inspection Fees - In December of each year, the businesses located in Wheat Ridge that have operational elevators must be inspected for safety. The City charges $100.00 for each elevator inspection. This charge was increased in 1993 to reflect the increased cost of the inspections. The City should receive $10,350 in 1995. Business License Fees - Effective December, 1986, the City imposed an annual business license fee for all vendors doing business within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. A $5.00 first-time application fee is charged for new businesses, and an annual renewal fee of $10.00 is charged January 1 of each year and collected on the January sales tax return form. At the present, over 2,800 businesses are licensed, bringing an estimated $26,000 in revenue to the City. 210 INTERGOVERNKEN'l'AL REVENUE - state Ciaarette Tax - The state taxes wholesale distributors of cigarettes at the rate of twenty cents per pack. state tax stamps are issued to the distributors as evidence of payment. Each year an amount of State funds equal to 27% of the proceeds from the tax on cigarettes is distributed to counties and municipalities that do not impose any fee, license or tax on cigarettes. The amount received is based on the proportion of State sales tax collected in each municipality and from the un-incorporated area of a county. The 1994 budget figure reflects a slight increase in the amount of revenue to be collected. The budgeted amount is based on the amount of state sales tax revenues collected by the state Department of Revenue, as estimated by the Colorado Municipal League. The estimate for 1995 is $135,000. Jefferson Countv Road and Bridae Tax - Each county in the state maintains a county road and bridge fund for road and bridge construction, maintenance, and administration, funded by a mill levy property tax. Each municipality located in any county is entitled to receive half of the revenue accruing to said fund, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads and streets located within the city's boundaries. Legally, this is the only use for these funds. Jefferson County collects this tax and remits it to the City quarterly. An estimated $360,000 is expected in income to the City for 1995. state Hiahwav Users' Tax Fund - The Highway Users' Tax Fund is comprised of several revenue sources. The first is the net revenues derived from imposition of any license or registration fee, from any "ton-mile" or "passenger-mile" tax, from penalty or jUdicial assessments, from certain miscellaneous collections, and from excise taxes on gasoline or other liquid motor fuel. The second source is the additional revenues raised by excise taxes on gasoline or other liquid motor fuel which increased from 18 cents to 20 cents per gallon on August 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990. On January 1, 1991 the gas tax increased to 22 cents per gallon. The third source is an allocation from the "windfall" monies in 1987-88 and a General Fund allocation from 1988-89 through 1990-91, which will be subjected to legislative appropriation each year. This third source is a partial replacement for the revenue 211 loss due to the repeal of the Noble Bill provision in 1987. Funds received from the base HUTF revenues may be used for engineering, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, equipment, improvement, and administration of streets and roads. No more than 5% of these funds may be used on administration. Revenues from the addi tional motor fuel taxes and the "windfall" and General Fund monies may be used for new construction, safety improvements, maintenance, and capacity improvements; none may be used for administrative purposes. The Colorado Municipal League has prepared a listing of the amounts to be allocated to the various municipalities for 1994, which was used as the basis for the 1993 budget. This amount is $620,000. Motor Vehicle Reaistration Fees - state law requires payment of an annual registration fee for all vehicles. The amount of the fee is based on the class and use of the vehicle. out of each fee paid by the owner of the vehicle, $2.50 is credited to the county within which the vehicle is registered. In addition to the base fee, an additional fee of $1.50 is paid for every motor vehicle, trailer, and semitrailer. Both the $2.50 and the $1. 50 fee collected by the county are allocated among the county and cities and towns within the county on the basis of the number of vehicles registered in each city and town, for the county, and in the un-incorporated area of the county. The revenue recei ved by a county, city or town from registration fees must be spent on the construction or maintenance of roads and bridges. The city of Wheat Ridge has budgeted $100,000 for motor vehicle registration fees for 1995 based on prior years actual receipts. CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Zonina Application Fees - The City requires that an application fee be paid for all rezoning requests and a site plan review fee be paid for all site plan reviews. These rezoning requests must then meet posting, publication, and public hearing requirements established by the City. Per City Code, a fee of $200.00 per application is charged for rezoning requests, and $150.00 per site plan review. Special use permits and variances require $50.00 processing fees. The fees collected in 1995 is estimated at $20,500. Liauor Hearina Fees - The city charges $50.00 per each new liquor license location. This fee is for a public hearing and survey for citizen's living in the vicinity of the new liquor establishment, to whether they 212 approve of the establishment being in their neighborhood, or not. The estimated amount for fees collected is $1,000. Park and Recreation Fees - The Recreation Division has developed the following objective in the establishment of its fee policy: The fees and charges assessed for recreation programs, activities and services reflect all the direct costs of the program plus 30% to cover administrative costs. Direct costs include such items as supplies, referees, staff time, and other direct expenditures made by the city to operate a specific program. Administrative fees reflect the cost of items such as utilites, brochure publication, permanent staff time, janitorial work and building maintenance. only a portion of these types of expenses are covered. Estimated recreation fees in 1995 are $225,000. swimmina Pool Fees - Admission and lesson fees charged for the use of the City swimming pool. The 1995 budget of $85,000 reflects an increase in swimming pool admission fees in 1995. Weed Mowina/CleanuD - Revenue received from site cleanup and weeds that are mowed at taxpayer expense are being accounted for in a separate line item account. Prior to 1990, any money received was accounted for as a reimbursement to the expenditure account where the cost of mowing or cleanup was recorded. Police Records/Search Fees - These fees are to reimburse the city for costs related to the release of records information. Based on number of annual requests, these fees reimburse the city for approximately $15,000 annually. FINES , FORFEITURES - MuniciDal Court Fines - All fines are set by the court for each violator, within legally set limits. Traffic tickets, summons, jury trials, and forfeitures are received by the Treasurer's office from the Municipal Court as city revenue. The amount received annually had been approximately $250,000. The addition of a traffic unit in the police department has resulted in an increase in traffic tickets issued and fines received have boosted revenues above the yearly 213 average to an estimated yearly total of approximately $358,000. OTHER REVENUE - Interest Income - The city Treasurer is responsible for the prudent investment of all city funds and schedule investments to insure that there is as little idle cash as practical. Due to the decreasing interest rates in 1993, estimated revenues from interest are anticipated to be about $110,000 in 1995. Rent/Richards-Hart Estate - The city of Wheat Ridge purchased the Richards-Hart Estate in 1983, and in 1985 restored it to the late 1860's era, using Open Space monies. The mansion is currently used for public meetings and special events, and rent deposits are collected and returned for its use in purchasing period pieces and antiquities. The city also purchased a duplex located at the site and rents it out to occupants for which we collect a nominal fee on a monthly basis. Miscellaneous Income - Revenue sources that are not easily categorized in the other revenue accounts are accounted for under Miscellaneous Income. This includes copy charges, auction proceeds, mineral severance tax, and pension forfeitures. TRANSFERS IN - The 1989 budget provided for a transfer from the Capital Improvement Fund of $500,000 to cover engineering and administrative costs connected with capital improvements made by the City. That amount increased to $650,000 for budget year 1994 and continues in 1995. A separate fund was established in 1982 for Open Space transactions. Jefferson County collects a .5% sales tax for the Open Space Program. The county, cities and towns located in Jefferson County may participate in the program. Expenditures and/or contract obligations must constitute purposes which are authorized by the Program. These include: administration of Open Space, planning for Open Space, acquisition of Open Space, development of access to Open Space, development of paths and trails on Open Space, construction of public trails, preservation and/or maintenance of Open Space, protection of Open Space, construction and acquisition of recreation capital improvements, and, maintenance of recreation capital improvements. In 1988, an estimated $220,000 for preservation and maintenance costs of city parks was budgeted for reimbursement from Open Space to the General Fund. In 1995, the amount is budgeted at $319,000. The increase of $32,000 reflects the Park Naturalist position. 214 OTHER PUHDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - Sales tax comprises approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund. The income (50% of sales tax received) is distributed monthly and invested until needed to pay capital project contracts, usually in the late Summer and Fall. $25,000 of income represents the citizens share of the curb/gutter/sidewalk program which takes place every Summer and provides Wheat Ridge citizens an opportunity to replace old, worn sidewalks with new ones at a reduced cost. The carryover each year is based on unspent appropriations, usually occurring when costs come in less than anticipated. PARK ACOUISITION FUND - When a new subdivision is approved for Wheat Ridge, the developer is required to place a certain percentage of the project cost into the park acquisition fund for future purchases of additional parklands and park improvements. This amounts to a very small contribution each year and the fund balance is being carried forward until there is enough money available to acquire additional parkland or make park improvements. OPEN SPACE FUND - All revenue to the Open Space fund is derived from the Jefferson County Open Space Program sales tax collections. Reimbursement can either be made on a pre-payment basis with the approval of a contract agreement, or on a post-payment basis with supporting invoices and actual charges. The city will be expending $1,064.516 in 1995, with 100% reimbursement expected from Jefferson County Open Space. SENIOR CENTER FUND - Through the efforts of senior citizens in our community, donations and fundraising events earn approximately $7,000 annually for acquisition of items to be used at the Wheat Ridge Community Center. Purchases are :::.ade only after the funds have been accumulated. CONSERVATION TRUST FUND - The Conservation Trust Fund statute governs how municipalities can expend lottery proceeds. Each municipality's share is based on population estimates from the prior year. Because proceeds are distributed quarterly each year, budgeted expenditures cannot take place until after the proceeds are received. So, there is usually a carryover from one year to the next for use of the proceeds, which fluctuate annually. 215 BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND - Revenue for this fund is derived from seed money established in 1981 for use as a revolving fund. structures are repaired or demolished at city expense, and the property owner is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. To date, this fund has never been used. POLICE INVESTIGATION FUND - Beginning with the 1990 fiscal year, all proceeds from seizures and forfeitures of property pursuant to C.R.S. 16-13-302 and 501 shall be placed in this fund and shall be used solely by the police Department for purposes other than for meeting normal operating needs. EOUIPMENT FUND - This fund will be used to purchase and lease vehicles. The primary revenue to this fund is an annual transfer from the capital fund. COMPENSATED ABSENCES - Revenue in this fund comes from a transfer from the General Fund. This fund was established to account for the City's liability for accrued annual, sick and holiday leave of employees. PARKS AND RECREATION DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND - Monies in this fund come from deposits for the use of park facilities. In 1993, there was a one time transfer from the general fund to establish the fund. TREE PLANTING FUND - - The primary revenue for this fund will from the capital fund and the general fund. may come from grants, citizen donations and citizens or businesses. come from transfers In addition revenue matching money from RICHARDS HART ESTATE IMPROVEMENT FUND - Revenue for this fund comes from rents paid for using the facility. For 1993, there was a one time transfer from the general fund to establish the fund. MUNICIPAL COURT FUND - Monies in this fund come from designated for the purposes of the fund. 1993 there was a one time transfer from court fees specifically To establish the fund, in the general fund. 216 INSURANCE FUND - Monies in this fund come from the general fund. POST OFFICE FUND - Revenues in this fund come from the city and from grants. COMPUTER FUND The revenue for this fund comes from a transfer from the general fund. SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 1987-1 - A special improvement district was created in April, 1988 for the purpose of reconstructing the I-70 service ~o~d North fr~m Kipling to Ward Roads. Property owners benef~,t~ng from th~s reconstruction were assessed an? the amounts due w~ll.be placed,as a lien on the property until.pa~d. JefferSon,county ~s col~ec~~ng these assessments and remitt~ng them to the c~ty to make pr~nc~pal and interest payments towards the special Assessment Bonds maturing over the next nine years. SALES TAX REVENUE - Sales Tax Revenue Bonds were sold in August, 1988 for the sole purpose of providing additional monies to construct capital projects in 1988. The principal and interest on these bonds will be paid from sales tax revenues received in 1988 and interest on investment of this revenue over the next nine years. EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUHD The General Fund is comprised of nine different departments and thirty-one divisions. Each division is broken down into four classifications: Personal Services, Materials and Supplies, Other services and Charges, and Capital outlays. These classifications are then divided even further into object/line items. Personal Services include salaries, overtime pay, insurance, retirement, and other related costs to the City for permanent and hourly employees. Materials and supplies encompasses administrative costs, such as office supplies, postage, and photocopy charges. Other services and Charges contains such items as dues, books, subscriptions, conference and meeting expenses, lease/rental payments, training and safety programs, telephone charges, etc. 217 Capital outlays are fixed assets over $200 approved by budget. A schedule of the 1995 General Fund capital outlays and Capital Leases is included in the Appendix section of this budget document. OTHER FUNDS Capital Pro;ects Fund - Estimated expenditures for 1995 are either $3,650,150 or $5,500,140, depending on the width of 38th Avenue. Park Acauisition Fund - No monies will be expended from this fund in 1995. Open Space Fund - Open Space funds for 1995 will be used for park acquisition and improvements, and a reimbursement to the General Fund for expenses incurred in the maintenance of City parks. Senior Center Fund - Accumulated proceeds from fundraisers will be used to provide needed items at the Wheat Ridge community Center. Conservation Trust Fund - The Colorado Lottery distribution for 1995, plus a carryover from 1994, will be used for various development and parks maintenance projects. Buildina Repair/Demolition Fund - Due to this being a revolving fund to provide monies to repair and demolish buildings in Wheat Ridge, the full amount budgeted is carried forward each year to fund expenses incurred. Police Investiaation Fund - All expenditures in this newly created fund are in conformance with C.R.S. 16-13-302 and 501. The Police Department will be making purchases as necessary to enhance their job performance. A committee made up of the Chief of Police, a City councilmember, and a person from the Jefferson County District Attorney's office authorize expenditures from this fund. Eauipment Fund - The Equipment Fund has been established to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund will provide a new approach to the procurement 218 of vehicles, the vehicles and all accessories will be priced as a total unit and purchased or leased from the Equipment Fund. Compensated Absences - The compensated Absences Fund was established in 1993 in order to have the ability to pay any and all employees leaving city employment for accrued annual leave, sick leave and holiday leave. Parks and Recreation Damaae Deposit Fund - '- Monies in this fund are damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and facility rentals. In the past deposits have been paid in one year and refunded in the following year. This poses a problem when budgeting and attempting to maximize expenditures. Tree plantina Fund - This fund will be used for two types of tree planting programs, street trees and park trees. Richards Hart Estate Improvement Fund - Expenditures in this fund will used to upgrade and improve the Richards Hart Estate. Municipal Court Fund - Monies in this fund will be used for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services, and misc. court and prObation expenses. Computer Fund - This fund is used to pay computer related expenditures. Insurance Fund - This fund is used to pay for insurance premiums for property, liability, boiler, excess crime, community service, and volunteer medical only coverage. This fund is also used to pay for losses not covered by the City'S insurance. Post Office - Monies in this fund are used to pay expenses related to restoring the old post office. Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 - This debt service fund budgets for principal and interest payments to payoff that portion of the bonds outstanding each year 219 for the ten year maturity-schedule of those bonds. Sales Tax Revenue - Capital Projects Fund sales tax revenue fo~ 1988 was invested into securities and scheduled to mature semJ.-annually to meet interest and bond payments over the next nine years. The amounts due to be paid each year are budgeted for as expenditures. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the city of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. The basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurement made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for' using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, interest revenue, and grant revenue from state and federal sources. Fines, permits and sales tax revenues are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable. SUMMARY OF INDEBTEDNESS Since incorporation in 1969, Wheat Ridge's policy regarding long-term debt has been on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. During 1988, Wheat Ridge entered into its first two bond issuances. The first, Special Assessment Bonds for $1.25 million, was passed to improve a section of 48th Avenue between Kipling street and Ward Road. A special Improvement District was created and the property owners were assessed for a portion of the total project cost. The assessment attached as a lien on the property and the owners will be required to pay their portion of the cost over a ten year period as installments on their property tax billing. The second bond issuance was for Sales Tax Revenue Bonds in the amount of $2.99 million. Sales tax revenues budgeted in the Capital Projects Fund for 1988 were invested in u.S. Government Securities, maturing on a scheduled basis to meet bond interest and principal payments over the next ten years. This bond issue was refinanced in 1993 in order to take advantage of low interest 220 rates. These two bond issuances are both tax exempt municipal bonds. The Wheat Ridge City Charter, section 12.7, specifies what types and limits of long-term indebtedness are allowed by the city. The debt service schedules for both of these bond issuances are presented here for informational purposes. The bond interest and principal payments due to be paid in 1995 are budgeted in the "Other Funds" section of this document. 221