HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2005-0032 RESOLUTION NO. 32 SERIES OF 2005 TITLE: A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE AN AGREEMENT WITH GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO (GOCO) TO ACCEPT A GRANT IN THE AMOUNT OF $50,000 FOR PHASE III OF THE RECONSTRUCTION OF CLEAR CREEK TRAIL WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge was awarded a grant from Great Outdoors Colorado (GOCO) III the amount of$50,000 for Phase III of the reconstruction of the Clear Creek TraiL and WHEREAS, the acceptance of the grant III the amount of$50,000 IS subject to the condition of execution of the attached agreement; NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE THAT: Section I. The City of Wheat Ridge hereby authOrizes the Mayor and City Clerk to sign the grant agreement With GOCO SectIOn 2. The City of Wheat Ridge will appropriate the applicant match in the amount of $1 00,716 from CIty of Wheat Ridge Open Space budget and $150,000 from a Jefferson County Open Space Jomt Venture grant for Phase III of the reconstruction of the Clear Creek Trail SectIOn 3. Phase III reconstruction of Clear Creek Trail must be completed by March 18, 2007 SectIOn 4. Grant reimbursement will occur upon completIOn of the project subject to sufficient lottery funds being available to GOCO SectIOn 5. This resolutIOn to be III full force and effect from and after its passage and approval. INTRODUCED. READ AND ADOPTED at a meeting of the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge. Colorado on the 2ih day of June, 2005 ~ (~'):; l l 1> k. . . re c~e~ ~~~venY:Ma'yor" . ~ c': '-\ ATTEST- ./. ~" ~ }I\.lJ __ _ . am Anderson, City Clerk Great Outdoors C7Jrr'Jrado Trails Grant Agreement GRANT AGREEMENT Project Title: Contract Number: Completion Date: Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III 05426 Prior to March 18, 2007 Board: Address: Telephone: Facsimile: Grantee: Address: Contact Name: Contact Title: Telephone: Facsimile: Date: PARTIES TO AGREEMENT: The State Board of the Great Outdoors Colorado Trust Fund 1600 Broadway, Suite 1650 Denver, CO 80202 (303) 863-7522 (303) 863-7517 City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80215-6797 Joyce Manwaring Director of Parks and Recreation (303) 231-1308 (303) 231-1350 June 7, 2005 CONTEXT OF AGREEMENT: A. The Board IS a political subdivIsion of the State of Colorado, created by Article XXVII of the Colorado ConstitutIOn, adopted at the November, 1992 General Election, The ConstitutIOn appropnates a portIOn of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery to the Board and directs the Board to lllvest those proceeds III the State's parks, wildlife, open space and recreatIOnal resources. B In 1994, the Board created a statewide grant program, pursuant to which eligible entities could apply for grants from the State Trails Program, to which Grantee responded with a detailed applicatIOn (the "Project Application") C Grantee submitted a Project ApplicatIOn to the Board which contemplates the execution of the Project named above (the "ProJect"), a copy ofwhlch IS lllcorporated by reference and attached as AppendiX A, D June 7, 2005 The Board approved Grantee's Project Application on March 18, 2005, Page 1 of 12 Great Outdoors C'r7rOrado Trails Grant Agreement subject to the executIon of a detailed Grant Agreement, subject to the conditIons set forth herem. E. Grantee antIcipates that the Project described m the Project ApplicatIOn wIll be substantially completed no later than March 18,2007. F Grantee has undertaken responsibility for obtaming the match (funds and lll- kIlld contributIons) described III the Project ApplicatIOn. G The parties intend thiS document to be the detaIled Grant Agreement required by the Board. The Grantee shall carry out the Project in accordance with thiS agreement to be approved by the ExecutIve Director of the Board ("ExecutIve Director") pursuant to thiS agreement. AGREEMENT The parties agree as follows. I Grant and Prolect. The Board hereby grants to Grantee the sum not to exceed $50,00000, subject to the terms of this Agreement. These funds shall be used by Grantee solely to complete the project described in Grantee's Project Application as approved by the Board. Grantee hereby agrees to use its best efforts to complete the project. 2. Prolect scope. The Project, Clear Creek trail replacement Phase III, as described III the Project ApplicatIOn, will not be matenally modified by the Grantee Without the written approval of the ExecutIve Drrector of the Board. In multi-phase projects thiS Agreement only pertaIlls to the IdentIfied phase of the project, and not the project as a whole. 3 InformatIOn to be proVided upon executIOn of thiS Agreement. NO FUNDS WILL BE DISBURSED BY THE BOARD UNLESS AND UNTIL THE GRANTEE FURNISHES THE BOARD WITH THE INFORMATION REQUIRED BY THIS AGREEMENT. Pnor to executIOn of thIs Agreement, Grantee will submit the followIllg informatIOn to the Board's staff a. A resolutIOn adopted by the governing body of the Grantee authorizing the executIOn of this agreement and approvIllg ItS terms and conditIons (which Will be attached to the Agreement as Appendix B), b A detailed Budget and TlmelIlle for thiS Project (which Will be attached to the Agreement as Appendixes C and D, respectively) Grantee hereby agrees to promptly submit all matenal revISIons to their Budget and Timelme. As provided further below, the Board reserves the nght at any stage of the Project to Withhold funding If (I) modificatIons to the Project are so substantial as to make It, III the Board's reasonable judgment, substantIally different III quality or kIlld from that approved by the Board, or (Ii) there have been delays in the Implementation of the Project whrch, III the Board's reasonable judgment, make the Project ImpractIcable; June 7, 2005 Page 2 of 12 Great Outdoors Cmorado Trails Grant Agreement c WrItten eVidence that all permits and approvals necessary to the completIOn of the project under applicable local, state and federal laws and regulatIOns have been obtamed, and d. Plans for the erectIon of sIgns and placards for the Project, as provided in SectIon IO(d) below 4, DIsbursement of Funds. PrIor to the payment by the Board at the completion of the Project, a. The Grantee must provide the Board: (1) Wntten assurance the Project has been substantIally completed accordIllg to the budget and tImeline, along with FIllal Report Project ExpendIture DocumentatIOn detailed III Appendix E (the "Final Report Project Expenditure Documentation"), and reports as noted above to support this claim, (2) WrItten assurance that no materIal modifications or delays have been made or experIenced (or the Board has been adVised of the modifications or delays and has elected to contIllue to partIcIpate m the fundIllg of the Project); (3) WrItten assurance that matchmg fundIllg has been received as outlmed in the Project Expenditure DocumentatIOn (or the status of efforts to secure matchIllg fundIllg has been disclosed to Board staff and It has been found to be satisfactory), and (4) WrItten assurance that the representatIOns made to the Board m the Project ApplicatIOn contIllue to be true (or, Ifthere have been any materIal changes, the Board has been adVised of such changes and has assented to them) b. The Board wrll release fundmg subject to the followmg conditIons. (1) Funding may only be used for constructIOn of non-motorized recreatIonal trails, reconstructIOn of, or enhancements to, an eXlstmg trail or trail system, trailhead facilItIes, and support for volunteers or youth employment programs on trail work. FundIllg may not be used to pay for maintenance costs, non-essentIal engmeering or professional deSign costs, admIlllstratIve costs (such as salaries associated WIth admIlllstenng the grant, office supplies, telephone, or travel expenses), or any other costs deemed to be IllelIgible by the Board. (2) Disbursement shall be made on the baSIS of costs Illcurred. A reductIOn III total project cost or grantee's matchIllg fundIllg may cause a proportIOnal reductIOn m the grant award, (3) Full payment of the contract amount will be made upon substantial completIOn of the Project, and submission and approval of the Project Expenditure DocumentatIOn and the IllformatIon reqUlred by paragraphs 3 (InformatIOn to be proVided upon executIOn of thiS Agreement) and 4 (DIsbursement of Funds) June 7, 2005 Page 3 of 12 Great Outdoors (;7YrOrado Trails Grant Agreement (4) Grantee shall submit a wntten request for reimbursement as outlmed III the Project Expenditure Documentation pnor to March 18,2007. Projects are considered completed when all facrlIties and/or trails are built. Failure to submit the request for reimbursement within the specified time penod may result III reduction or loss of grant dollars even If there are undisbursed amounts remammg m the grant. 5, Waiver The Executive Director may Waive one or more of the obligations III paragraphs 3 and 4 of the Agreement, or may reqUIre performance of one or more of these obligations subsequent to disbursement. 6. Proiect operatIOn and mamtenance. Grantee agrees. a. Grantee or ItS successor will operate and maintam the Project facilities in a reasonable state of repair for the purposes specified m the Project Application for not less than 25 years, in accordance With generally accepted standards III the parks/recreatIOn/wildlife commumty The parties understand and agree that the Board shall not be liable for any cost of such mamtenance, management or operatIOn. b Grantee Will, upon request, provide the Board With the operatIllg and maIlltenance costs of the Project, and give the Board appropriate mformatlon concerning the use of the Project by the public and the Impact of the Project. 7 Compliance with regulatorv reqUirements and federal and state mandates. The Grantee hereby assumes responsibility for compliance With all regulatory reqUIrements m all applicable areas, mcludIllg but not limited to nondlscnmination, worker safety, local labor preferences, preferred vendor programs, equal employment opportumty, use of competitive bidding, and other Similar reqUirements. To the extent permitted by law, the Grantee Will Illdemmfy the Board from any liability for any failure to comply With any such applicable reqUirements. 8. Public access. Grantee agrees, for Itself and ItS successors m Illterest, to allow reasonable access to the members of the public to the Project. 9 NondlscrimIllatlOn. Dunng the performance of this agreement, the Grantee and its contractors shall not unlawfully dlscnmIllate agamst any employee or applicant for employment because ofrace, religIOn, color, national ongm, ancestry, phYSical handicap, medical conditIOn, mantal status, age or sex. The Grantee and ItS contractors shall ensure that the evaluatIOn and treatment of their employees and applicants for employment are free of such discriminatIOn. 10. PubliCity and Prolect Information. Grantee agrees. a. Grantee shall acknowledge Board fundIllg III all publiCity Issued by It concernIllg the Project; b Grantee shall cooperate with the Board III prepanng public IllformatlOn preces, June 7, 2005 Page 4 of 12 Great Outdoors C'rJffjrado Trails Grant Agreement c. Grantee shall give the Board the rIght and opportumty to use IllformatlOn gamed from the ProJect; d. Grantee shall erect a Sign at a VIsible locatIon on the Project sIte acknowledgIllg the assistance of Great Outdoors Colorado and the Colorado Lottery Such signs can be obtaIlled through Great Outdoors Colorado, or the Board Will provide reproducible samples of Its logo to the Grantee for custom SignS. If a custom Sign IS desIred, plans describmg the number, design, placement, and wordmg of sIgns and placards shall be submItted to the Board for review and approval prIor to completIon ofthe Project. Final payment may be Withheld by the Board pending placement of slgnage in the manner approved by the Board, e. Grantee shall give the Board 30-day notIce of and opportumty to partiCIpate in Project dedicatIOns, f. Grantee shall give tImely notice of the Project, ItS IllauguratlOn, slgnrficance, and completion to the local members of the Colorado General Assembly, members of the board of county commiSSIOners ofthe county or counties III which the Project IS located, as well as to other appropnate public offiCials, and g. Grantee shall provide quality photographs or shdes of the project upon completIon rf requested by Great Outdoors Colorado. II Audits and ACCOUntIllg. Grantee shall maIlltaIll standard financial accounts, documents, and records relatIllg to the use, management, and operatIOn of the Project. The accounts, documents, and records related to the Project shall be retamed by the Grantee for five (5) years followIllg the date of disbursement of funds under this Agreement. The Board, or ItS deSignated agent, shall have the nght, upon reasonable notice to the Grantee, to audit the books and records of Grantee which pertam to the Project and to the use and dispOSItIon of Board funds. The Grantee may use any accountIllg system which follows the gUidelines of "Generally Accepted AccountIllg PractIces" published by the AmerIcan InstItute of CertIfied Public Accountants. 12 Withdrawal of Board fundIllg. The Board may Withdraw ItS approval offundmg to the Grantee and cease fundIllg of the Project If, m its sole discretIOn, It determmes conditions have occurred which fundamentally change the expectatIOns of the parties or which make the grant Illfeasible or Impractical. 13 Grantee's inability to complete Project. If the Grantee determIlles With reasonable probability that the Project will not or cannot be completed as reflected III the Project ApplicatIon the Grantee will promptly so advrse the Board, and cooperate m good faith With respect to alternatIve solutIOns to the problem before any further funds are advanced. 14 InspectIOn. Throughout the term of this Agreement, the Board shall have the nght to Illspect the Project area to ascertam compliance WIth thiS Agreement. June 7, 2005 Page 5 of 12 Great Outdoors C~rado Trails Grant Agreement 15 Governmental Immumty The followmg provlSlon applies to the Board. This provision may apply to the grantee If the grantee qualifies for protectIon under the Colorado Governmental Immumty Act, C.R.S. 924-10-101 et seq The Parties by entering into the Illstant agreement, do not waive or mtend to waive by any proVISIOn of this agreement, the monetary limitations (presently $150,000 per person and $600,000 per occurrence) or any other rights, Immunities, and protectIOns provided by the Colorado Governmental Immumty Act, c.R.S. 924- 10-101 et seq., as It IS from time to time amended, or otherwise available to the Grantee, ItS successor, employees, officers or agents. 16 Liability To the extent permitted by law, the Grantee shall be responsible for, mdemmfy and hold harmless the Board, ItS officers, agents and employees from any and all liabilities, claims, demands, damages or costs resultmg from, grOWIllg out of, or III any way connected With or mCldent to thiS Agreement, except for the gross negligence or Willful and wanton conduct of the Board ItS officers, agents, or employees. Grantee hereby waives any and all rights to any type of express or Implied indemmty or nght of contribution from the State of Colorado, the Board, Its officers, agents or employees, for any liability resultmg from, growmg out of, or III any way connected With or mcident to thiS Agreement. 17 ASSignment. Grantee may not assign ItS nghts under this Agreement Without the consent of the Board. 18. Good faith. There IS an obligatIOn of good faith on the part of both parties, includIllg the obligatIOn to make timely commumcatIon of mformatlOn which may reasonably be believed to be of Illterest to the other party 19 Applicable Law. Colorado law applies to the Illterpretation and enforcement of this Agreement. 20 Independent Contractor. Grantee IS an Illdependent contractor actmg m ItS separate capacity and not as an officer, employee or agent of the Board. 21 Sublect to Annual AppropnatIOn. Any proviSIOn of this agreement or its attachments which Impose upon Grantee, directly or mdlrectly, any financial obligatIon whatsoever to be performed or which may be performed in any fiscal year subsequent to the year of executIon of this agreement IS expressly made contIllgent upon and subject to funds for such financial obligatIOn be appropnated, budgeted and otherwise made available. 22. Severability. If any provIsion of the Grant Agreement, or the application there of is found to be invalid, the remaIllder of the proVISIOns of thiS Grant Agreement, or the application of such provIsion other than those as to which it is found to be mvalId, shall remam III full force and effect. June 7, 2005 Page 6 of 12 Great Outdoors C1JrfJrado Trails Grant Agreement 23. Entire Agreement. Except as expressly provIded herem, thIs Agreement constItutes the entire agreement of the parties. No oral understandmg or agreement not Illcorporated III this Agreement shall be bmdmg upon the partIes. No changes in this Agreement shall be valid unless made as an amendment to this contract, approved by the Board, and signed by the parties III this Agreement. Dated. d-J; 7) 7 F THE GREAT OUTDOORS COLORADO TRUST FUND ~ /2 'lr / 0 b Dated, GRANTEE B rYlA yo R. June 7, 2005 Page 7 of 12 Great Outdoors C~'ado Trails Grant Agreement APPENDIX A PROJECT APPLICA TlON Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III June 7, 2005 Page 8 of 12 -- PART A STATE TRAIL GRANT APPLICATION GRANT CATEGORY Check ONE: o Non-Profit Small 0 Federal Small 0 State, County, Local Small D Non-Profit Large D Federal Large ~ State, County, Local Mid D Planning 0 Special Projects 0 State, County, Local Large Check Ifthrs project IS part of D Colorado Front Range Trail or ~ A Linkage to the Colorado Front Range Trail Name of ProJect: Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III Date: 10/17/04 (Please limit the project name to five words or less.) SPONSOR INFORMATION Name & Address of Sponsor Responsible for Project: Joyce Manwanng, Director City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Department 4005 Kiplmg St. Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Phone: (303) 231-1308 Fax (303) 231- 1350 E-mail: Jmanwanng@ci.wheatndge.co.us Page 1 of4 Sponsor Federal Employer ID Number (FEIN): 84-0590832 CONTACT INFORMATION, IF DIFFERENT THAN SPONSOR Name & Address of Contact Responsible for Project: Phone: ( ) Fax' ( ) E-mail: PROJECT LOCATION INFORMATION Nearest Town or City' Wheat Ridge, Colorado County- Jefferson Township/Range/Section: 3/69/20 State Senate Distnct #: 20 State RepresentatIve Distnct #' 24 LAND OWNERSHIP Name of Landowner City of Wheat Ridge [ hereby certify that the project is under control and tenure of the project sponsor Trail Comdor - land is controlled [8J Fee Simple 0 Lease by: o Easement o License o Right-of-way 0 Land AcqUISItion Ownership to be Obtamed o Other ( explain) Page 2 of4 USERINFO~ATION Trails Users (Please check all that apply) ~ Hiking k8J Runnmg ~ Walking o Snowshoemg OX-Country Skllng o Four- Wheelmg o All-Terram Vehicle o Motorboatmg ~ In-Lme Skatmg k8J Skateboardmg ~ Equestrian o Paddlmg ~ Bikmg o Motorcyclmg o SnowmobIlmg ~ Accessible Access o Other o Other o Other TRAIL INFORMATION (Please include the followmg) Miles of new trail construction Miles oftrml mamtenance Miles of trail reconstruction Miles of trail to be Signed Miles of trail groommg Miles of trails bemg planned Size of new trailhead construction/reconstruction Miles of mter-connectmg travel benefitmg from project .6 40 sqyards 100+ TYPE OF TRAIL SURFACE (Please check all that apply) o Asphalt o Native k8J Concrete o Crusher Fines Page 3 of 4 o Other GRANT REQUEST Amount Requested (round off figure to nearest $100): Total project cost $ 300,716 Grant request $ 50,000 BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT REQUEST (please use a mimmum font size of 10 pitch and use ONLY the fifteen hnes provided below) Trail IS a segment of the Front Range trail system, with lmkages to Denver, Adams County and Jefferson County The current trail IS aproxlmatley 8 ft wide asphalt. The reconstructed traIl Will be 10ft Wide, 6" deep concrete The reconstruction wIll address safety, environmental, dramage and mamtenance concerns. SpeCific areas for reconstructIOn mclude 1) Trail resurfacmg from 4151 and Y oungfie1d Street to West BrIdge. Trail IS located on the north side of West Lake located m the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. 2) Trail resurfacmg at Prospect Park from Prospect BrIdge to the west. Trail IS located on the south side of the parkmg lot, curves north and then west Illto the Greenbelt. 3) Trailhead Improvements at 4151 and Y oungfield Trailhead to include dramage Improvements, new slgnage and asphalt surface replacement. Total trail replacement is 3293 lmeal feet or approXimately 6 miles. The property the trail is located on IS owned, managed and maintained by the City of Wheat Ridge. The City is partnenng with Jefferson County Open Space to complete this project. PrInted Title / Submrtted By Signature PrInted Name Accepted by State Parks: Page 4 of 4 PART2C NON-FEDERAL ENVIRONMENTAL INFORMATION and LAND MANAGER/OWNER APPROVAL Project Name Clear Creek Trail Replacement IIJ Project Sponsor CIty of Wheat RIdge Print or type Owner or Authorized Person's Name and Title Gretchen Cerveny, Mayor I. Pnncipal source of mformatlon on wildlife (e.g. Colorado DIVISIOn of WIldhfe, Colorado Natural Reritage Program, local agency, staff bIOlogist, consultant, etc.) Colorado Natural Rentage Program, David G. Anderson and Joe Stevens, Andy Cole, Consultant ERO 2. Name, title, and telephone number of person consulted: Andy Cole, Natural Resource Planner, ERO Resources, (303) 803-1188 3. ThiS project WIll remam open to public access for a mmImum of: D 5 years 010 years 0 25 years ~ Indefinitely. 4. If capital eqUlpment IS to be purchased as part of this project, how it will be used after project completIOn? DReturned to Colorado State Parks DKept m service on trail-related work for _years DOther (explam): No eqUlpment IS to be purchased as part of project. 5. Does any portIOn of this project enter or faCIlitate access to aU S. Forest ServIce Research Natural Area, BLM Area ofCntical EnVironmental Concern, federally deSignated Wilderness Area, a Colorado State Natural Area, or a Colorado Natural Rentage Site? ~ No 0 Yes If yes, please attach descnptlOn. Page 1 of 1 PART1D Mid Grants Project Responses Pro' ect Descri tion RESPONSE A total of 0 6 miles of trail will be constructed. Trail constructIOn will begIll at the Y oungfield Street underpass and go east to West Bridge (0.5 miles) At the Prospect Park Bridge 0 I miles of trail will be constructed to the west. Associated with the trail project are Improvements to the Y oungfield Trailhead. The existIllg 8-foot wide asphalt trail will be replaced with a lO-foot wide concrete trail. Dunng the improvement, tree root bridges, pipe culverts, a concrete drainage swale, and curbs will all be installed to help address long-term maintenance and drainage issues, Bobcats, pickup trucks, compactor/roller, concrete trucks, small backhoe and a slip-form paver (where possible) will all be used. The project will be contracted and there will be crews for the concrete installation, including a ro' ect su erintendent. Elevation on the project site is 5,400 feet. Geology IS generally allUVial m nature composed of quaternary alluvium. The Denver Blue FormatIOn is exposed Within Clear Creek. Terrain m the project area IS relatIvely flat with some undulations not greater than 5 percent. The trail passes through a vanety of vegetation communities including mixed cottonwood, mixed shrub, and mesIc asslands. The project will be considered complete when the entIre scope of work has been finished, the punch list IS com letely addressed b the contractor, and all invoices are aid. T 'IB fit dE ral ene 1 s an xpenences RESPONSE URGENCY: The immediate need for this project centers on safety issues. Because of the quantIty and different type of users on the trail, the condition and width of the trail create an unsafe amenity for these users, A political window of opportunity exists to replace asphalt With concrete, whICh has not always been supported by past City Councils The project funding and match are not at risk. The City of Wheat Ridge has budgeted $100,000 for this approved proJect. In addition, Jefferson County Open Space has pnontized trail replacement, matched the first two phases of the project, and will likely match the thud phase. Environmental benefits include draIllage improvements associated with the project that will help with erosion issues adjacent to the trail. Root bridges will reduce impacts on the trees along the Greenbelt. TRAIL FEATURES: The Wheat Ridge Greenbelt portIOn ofthe regional Clear Creek Trail stretches for five miles, runs parallel to Clear Creek, presents watchable wildhfe opportunities, provides access to the Denver Blue Formation, affords views of the Front Range, and traverses an area that even today reflects Wheat Ridge's agricultural hentage. USERS: An estimated 500,000 recreational users enjoy the trail annually. The primary user groups are walkers, runners, bicyclists and m-line skaters. All users will benefit from the safety improvements (i.e., increased width and surface improvements) The trail, With grades of less than 5 percent, IS designed for beginners and users of all ages and types to enJoy In an urban community such as Wheat Ridge, there IS a great demand for this type of trail for young families and semors alike. TRAIL SIGNIFICANCE: The Wheat Ridge section of the Clear Creek Trail IS a critical, major link between Golden and Jefferson County and the Denver and Adams County trail systems. Via thiS system, a bike rider, for example, can travel from Golden, through Wheat Ridge, to Confluence Park, along Cherry Creek, and arrive at Cherry Creek State Park. Someday that rider will be able to contmue all the way to Castlewood Canvon. Positive impacts of this project include upgradmg a major trail linkage, preservmg an east-west access route that is integral to connecting the statewide trail system as described above PI dD annm2; an eSI2;n RESPONSE "STATEWIDE COMPREHENSIVE OUTDOOR RECREATION PLAN" & "ON NATURE'S TRAIL": The project ties to the "Statewide Comprehensive Outdoor RecreatIOn Plan" by facihtating access to a natural area m an urban envIronment, providing recreational opportunities (Le., especially for trail walkers), and maintammg the sustamabihty of a natural area. The project embraces the 7 strategic goals m "On Nature's Trail." MAINTENANCE RESOURCE COMMITMENT: The City of Wheat RIdge will maIlltain the trail in perpetUity The Parks Maintenance, Forestry and Open Space budget for 2005 is $1,591,832. The Open Space budget is $135,915 specifically and has access to the resources of the Parks Maintenance and Forestry budget to augment needed maintenance in the Greenbelt. These amounts do not mclude constructIOn projects in open space. The City of Wheat Ridge has expended $597,000 on new trail construction m the last 2 years, which includes all grants received. TRAIL PLANNING AND DESIGN: The trail planning team includes the Parks and Recreation Director, Park Naturalist, Forestry Assistant and Engmeering and Natural Resource consultants. The team has over 50 years of combined experience With planning trails, natural resource management, recreation and park facilities, and related construction. Prior to development of the trail, environmental assessments were conducted m the field dunng 1994 and 1997 to determine the route With the least environmental impact. MDG & Associates, Inc completed the "Environmental Analysis and Evaluation of Trail Corndors of the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt" Three pubhc meetings were held as part of this process, The trail project involves replacing an 8-foot wide asphalt trail with a 10-foot wide concrete trail. As an accessible trail, the maximum grade will be less than 5 percent for any dIstance. During the trail construction, tree root bridges, pipe culverts, a concrete drainage swale, and curbs will all be installed. These design features have been incorporated to address the long-term mamtenance and sustainabihty of the trail Design standards used included the "American Association of State Highway and TransportatIOn Officials GUide for the Development of Bicycle FacihtIes" and "Planning Trails With Wildlife m Mind." PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT PROCESS: In September 2002, the Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation CommiSSIOn approved an Open Space Management Plan, whIch was adopted by the Wheat Ridge City Council in October 2002. Section 9 of the publicly approved document outlines several objectives and actions that this project meets. In additIOn, the Parks and RecreatIOn Commission, who are volunteers appomted by CIty Council, participate in setting budget and project priorities through monthly meetings, Major stakeholders include the reSidents of the City of Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County and Jefferson County Open Space. Contacts: Ms. Susan Seeds, Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Commission Commissioner (303) 423-0207 Mr Eugene Kiefel, City of Wheat Ridge resident and trail user (303) 237-6422 Ms. Bunny Gordon, Wheat Ridge Parks and Recreation Commission (303) 423-4576 Six letters of support are attached following this section. Environment RESPONSE - It IS important to note that the proposed project site is located within an urban corridor consisting of both residential and commercial activity There would be no intruSIOns into areas with lIttle eXisting human Impacts, as the proposed project site is a heavily used recreatIOn corridor Route selectIOn occurs largely wIthm the footprmt of the eXIstmg recreation trail. Trail Improvements offer the opportunity to correct vanous draIllage problems, which would reduce erosion along Clear Creek and improve water quality -- There would be a mmimalloss of foragmg habitat for wildlIfe, as the trail improvements would occur withm the existing trail footprint. Construction traffic, eqUipment operatIOn, and noise dunng trail work may temporarily Impact wildlife movement or behavior. Screening of SOCial trails will be provided through placement of fences to close social trails and revegetation will occur to provide cover, nesting SItes and food, as well as reduce habitat fragmentation for wildlife. During constructIOn and until vegetation is establIshed silt fences will be constructed. The Parks and RecreatIOn Department actively works to educate recreation users along the Greenbelt. Revegetated areas would be Signed and fenced in order to keep trail users out and permit vegetation establishment. Established plants will also screen trail users from habitat areas for the known populatIOn of Ute ladies' -tresses orchId. Currently, wetland and ripanan areas Within the City's open space are disturbed primarily by recreation activity and associated social trails along the Clear Creek corridor Riparian areas and wetlands would not be impacted by the proposed project. The proposed project presents the opportunity to continue to restore and enhance degraded riparian areas along the Greenbelt. In some areas near the project area, live cuttmgs from shrubs (e.g., willows) would be used along the streambank. As plantmgs develop they will protect the streambank along Clear Creek from erOSIOn, mmimIzmg sediment and associated nutnent Impacts downstream. In the long term, established plants will moderate bank and water temperatures, facilitate colonization of other species, and proVide cover and forage for wildlife speCIes, The Wheat Ridge Greenbelt provides habitat for the federally threatened Ute ladies' -tresses orchid (Spiranthes diluvialis). In 2000, the Colorado Natural Hentage Program (CNHP) conducted a bIOlOgical mventory on behalf of the City of Wheat Ridge Parks and Open Space Department. As part of this mventory, a small population of Ute ladies' -tresses orchid was identified and mapped in the vicinity of the existing recreation trail and the project area, ThIS population of Ute ladies' -tresses orchid will not be Impacted by the proposed project. There are no wetland or cultural resource Issues m the project area. While the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt hlstoncally has been hayed, cropped, grazed, and mined for gravel, it important habitat for a wide range of plant and wildlIfe species, The Greenbelt IS part of the larger wildlife corridor defined by Clear Creek. In terms of vegetation, remnant examples of naturally occurring riparian communitIes include the plains cottonwood/chokecherry riparian woodland type and the plaIlls cottonwood/western snowberry riparian woodland type. In addition to Important vegetation communities, the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt provides important habitat for a number of wildlife species such as great blue heron, red- tailed hawk, red fox, grassland songbIrds, and various migratory waterfowl. The project area does not contam any designated critIcal habitat. A number of environmental education opportunities exist at the several trailheads serving this section of trail. Kiosks and brochure boxes at these centers prOVIde a means to distribute and proVide environmental education. New SignS, an element of the proJect, will include environmental education information. Y th V I t dP t h. ou , o un eers an ar ners IpS RESPONSE YOUTH AND VOLUNTEER COMMITMENT: Volunteers and youth programmmg are not appropriate to this specific phase of the project due to the heavy construction elements of the trail replacement. Volunteers and youth groups are frequently used for noxious weed and revegetation projects in conjunction with trail maintenance. This type of youth and volunteer commitment is antiCIpated in years to come along the newly constructed portion of trail. PARTNERSHIPS: Jefferson County Open Space is a project partner and Will be asked to contribute approximately $150,000 to this project through the agency joint venture grant. The agency has contributed $150,000 in both 2003 and 2004. W 52ND I , CLEAR CREEK TRAIL REPLACEMENT PHASE III UNJ!NCORP. JE~ FCO 4" c;:::-/ ::;:;---~ Cl cr Cl cr ~ W 50TH PL 'll 49~'" I'b; z o Cl cr o '-' z ;; t- ..,' ..... ti ..... (() (() .... Z :I: <( <.:> 5 it: 5 ~ 1--- TRA IL REPLACEMENT AREA Trail c.ontinue~ to Golden via 32nd Ave. t; ..J Q. t ~ UJ ~ W 49TH Ii, ti cr o m ~ ..... (() cr o en ~ r'--/~ ?::J ... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ o ... ~ >;0;1 C-' ~ ~ ~ 'Cl 0 0 'Cl N 'Cl C'l ()() 0 'Cl V ,..... 0 0 ,..... M 'Cl V) 'Cl 0 0\ b1) r-- 0 0 r-- r-- r-- ,..... 0 V'l. r-- ro 0 0" 0 0 r-- ...0 ,..... 0\" 0\ 'Cl 0. ..... '" 0 V) V) 0 '" ...... ,..... ...... ...... N >< 'i ,..... M - EA ...... ...... (II V .... 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'-0 S e. \-- ~ "I" ~ Ul .,.. 0 7- '" ~ '" ,--- ~ 'i" ~ Ul I- 0 ~ '" Ul <.) ~ :g ;:: ~ 0 .- Ul ~ '" 0'. ~ Q .S $ \ ~ ffi 0 .:: ~ "'<::l ~ ... ~ III g S '" J!:. .r-! ;;: l- .\--' .;.\ g <::l .\--' \i\ <0 \ '" ;:: ~ ~ I(d V} '" % ~ (l) '" >- Ul ~ t>{; ~ <0 ~ ;?; >- '8 .g ;:\ '" \ 8 .M 0 ~~ l-:> \(i\ 0 '" <::l M ..... o M <l) ~ p.. Board of County CommlSSlUl1crs -- - M,chelle Lawrence District No, 1 Palncia B Holloway District No, 2 Richard M, Sheehan District No, 3 ~ October 20, 2004 Ms Lon Malcolm State Trails Coordinator Colorado State Parks 13787 South Highway 85 Littleton, CO 80125 RE City of Wheat Ridge RecreatIOn Trails Grant Clear Creek Trail Replacement Dear Selection Committee Jefferson County Open Space supports the Clty of Wheat Ridge's grant request to the Colorado State Trails Program, for the Clear Creek Trail replacement. This trail is a major segment of the Denver Metro area regIOnal trail system and IIllks to the Jefferson County trails system. ThiS is a highly-used public trail, with regional and state slgmficance and IS enjoyed by cltiLens all over the area. The current conditIOn of the trail surface is m conSiderable need ofrepmr and should be brought up to the area standard of a concrete trail surface for the safety and enjoyment of all. Jefferson County believes thiS project Will benefit the Citizens of Jefferson County and VISitorS to this amazmg and valuable trail system. Should you wish any additIOnal mformatIon, please contact our office at 303-271-5925 Ralph Schell Director of Open Space RS/kb cc Thea Rock, Actmg Manager ofPlannmg & Development Kim Fredenck, Trails Supervisor Joyce Manwanng, City of Wheat Ridge Director of Parks and RecreatIon JEFFERSON COUN'fY OPEN SPAC~ 700 Jefferson County Parkway, SUIte 100 Golden, Colorado 80401 303 27] -5925 . FAX 303 271-,0955 October 22, 2004 Colorado State Trails Program Attn: Lori Malcolm Recreation Trails Program Manager 13787 S. Hwy 85 Littleton, CO 80125 Dear Ms. Malcolm, I would like to take this opportumty to enthusiastically support the Clty of Wheatridge's 2004/05 state trails grant application for trail construction on the Clear Creek Regional Greenway. I am a citizen of the city of Wheatridge and I am an avid bicycle rider and walker. My wife and I live near the Clear Creek Greenway and use this beautiful trail a lot. I wish you and the state trail committee the best of luck with your selection process. Respectfully, ~~5IY\- Ron Benson 3875 Lee Cir. Wheatndge, CO 80033 .~JEFFCO , PlIBLIC SCHOOLS Everitt Middle School 3900 Kipling Street Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 phone: 303-982-1580 fax: 303-982-1581 Building Bright Futures October 19,2004 Colorado State Parks-Trails Program Lori Collins Malcolm 13787 S Highway 85 Littleton, CO 80125 RE City of Wheat Ridge Recreation Trails Grant Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III Dear SelectIOn Committee, The Wheat Ridge Greenbelt, home to the Clear Creek Trail IS adjacent to Eventt Middle School in Wheat Ridge Many of the students that attend Everitt use the trail as a route to school, both in the mornings and the afternoons These students either travel on foot, in-line skates, skateboards or bicycles. The clear Creek trail provides a safe route for these students The alternative route would be to use the side streets or major streets, The only route available to travel north from the school is Kipling, a deSignated state highway The clear Creek trail is invaluable in allowing these youth a safer route I support the reconstruction of the Clear Creek Trail, as it is not only a functional trail to get to and from school but a wonderful amenity in the City of Wheat Ridge, Our Mission, To provide a qualit)' eduClItiot! that prepares all children for a successful future. MOE KELLER State Senator 4325 Iris Street Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Home: (303) 425-0130 Capitol (303) 866-4856 Capitol FAX, (303) 866-4543 E-mail: moekeller.senate@state.co.us COMMITTEES Member of' Appropriations Local Government State, Veterans & Military Affairs ~~ttutt <!1~umbtr ~tutI~ nf Q1-nlnru~n m~tt\ler October 19, 2004 Colorado State Parks - Trails Program Lori Collins Malcolm 13787 S Highway 85 Littleton, CO 80125 RE, City of Wheat Ridge Recreation Trails Grant Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III Dear Selection Committee, The Wheat Ridge Greenbelt is a unique open space area located in an urban environment. The Clear Creek Trail runs perpendicular to Clear Creek the length of Wheat Ridge. It is part of the Front Range trail system and is a connector trail in this system Many areas of the current trail are in need of repair. There are areas of the asphalt that are crumbling and cracked. The trail in most of the areas designated for repaIr is a maximum of 8 feet and often times even narrower than the eight feet. The trail accommodates many users and Width is not adequate to allow bikers and walkers to safely use the trail at the same time. Phase III of the project is located west of Kipling St. in a very popular area of the greenbelt. I personally enjoy using the trails and have been a nearby resident for over 25 years. The recently completed project of trml replacement from Kiplmg to Wadsworth is has been a great improvement and a significant upgrade. I am thankful that the open space area and the trail are there for our community to enjoy. I certainly recommend thiS project as a worthwhile one that will benefit many of the City of Wheat Ridge residents as well as the outlying communities. Sincerely, ~1~~ Moe Keller State Senator Colorado State Parks-Trails Program Lori Collins Malcolm 13787 S. Highway 85 Littleton, CO 80125 October 28, 2004 Re. City of Wheat Ridge Recreation Trails Grant Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase UI Dear Selection Committee, Wheat Ridge Cyclery has been part of the Wheat Ridge business COtDmunity for over 30 years. We are proud to be located in a community that val\.).e& the importance of the Clear Creek Trail and providing the unique greenbelt and open space area ~ Wheat Ridge. The current trail is unsafe for multi-use. The width and surface of the ~ail create a safety hazard for pedestrians .ann bicyclists alike. The cracked and uneven W-~s make it very difficult to enjoy riding on the trail. I certainly suppofl:this gtarttapplication for funding to improve the Clear Creek Trail. It will be a great improvement to the amenity in the greenbelt. Sincerely, Gil McConfii~k President Wheat Ridge Cydery 7085 W 38TH AVENUE. WHEAT RIDGE:, CO 80033. (303) 424-3221 FAX (303) 420-3511 . www.ridewrc.com * October 20, 2004 ~ j . A-m\, J 0 Lice 1'1 c1-n \A..l::tn hq 6olorado State Parks - Trails Program J Lori Collins Malcolm 13787 S Highway 85 Littleton, CO 80125 RE City of Wheat Ridge Recreation Trails Grant Clear Creek Trail Replacement, Phase III To Whom It May Concern, SkiMeisters is an active group of "over-55's", with 400 members all across the Denver Metro Area. We enjoy skiing, biking, hiking and tennis together Our group often bikes along the Clear Creek trail located in the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. We feel that the improvements made to the trail in 2003 and 2004 have made the area even more attractive for recreation, with the path widened and leveled, and made smoother and safer for our club and the many others who enjoy it. We would like to encourage further improvements to the Clear Creek Trail in 2005, The Denver area is becoming a truly unique system of safe and pleasant bicycle and walking paths. thanks to continued attention to their upkeep, Sincerely, c%~"-v~ ~~ Lynne Gadd President, SkiMeisters Great Outdoors C'r!!'(orado Trails Grant Agreement APPENDIX B RESOLUTION Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III June 7, 2005 Page 9 of 12 RESOLUTION NO. 31 Series of 2005 TITLE: A RESOLUTION AMENDING THE FISCAL YEAR 2005 BUDGET TO REFLECT THE ACCEPTANCE OF FUNDS FROM THE WHEAT RIDGE ARTS COUNCIL IN THE AMOUNT OF $2,209.60 FOR THE PURPOSE OF LIGHTING THE BRONZE STATUE LOCATED AT THE WHEAT RIDGE RECREATION CENTER WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge has a bronze statue entitle "She Ain't Heavy" located at the Wheat Ridge Recreation Center; and WHEREAS, the City Council desires to accept donated funds from the Wheat Ridge Arts Council in the amount of $2,209 60 for the purpose of lighting the bronze statue; and WHEREAS, the City Council supports public art; and WHEREAS, the Wheat Ridge Charter reqUires that amendments to the budget be effected by the City Council adopting a ResolutIOn; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, as follows: A. The City hereby accepts donated funds from the Wheat fudge Arts Council. B. The City Manager is authorized to execute all documents necessary for the acceptance of the funds, C. Upon receipt of the funds, that the funds be placed in the General Fund. D. The City of Wheat Ridge fiscal year 2005 Budget be amended accordingly, specifically addmg $2,209 60 into the Parks and Recreation Department budget account (01-603-700-774) ATTEST:(C) .~ ~dcrson, City Clerk ,/'"', /<- / , .4;~ )_LJ DONE AND RESOLVED THIS DAY JU Great Outdours l-.:?T'orado Trails Grant Agreement APPENDIX C BUDGET Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III June 7,2005 Page 10 of 12 roo.. E-< ~ a:; 0 0 0 0 V) r- N 0 0 <:'l ~ 0\ 0 0 0\ N \0 00 0 0 \0 ~ q q <:'l r-^ - O^ - '0 C"!, ~ 0 0 0 0 V) '<t N 00 - V) '" 0 V) V) 0 '" - N - - - N ... - - >< .s - - <:'l .5 V7 - Q) fI'r 0 V7 0 .: E-< E-< .::: (J ..... (IS ~ -e c ~ . C - ~ ~ o roo.. E-< ~ I-' S ~ .::: (J ..... (IS ~ .::: '" (IS U ..... 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(\) bll ell p.. <. r'~ Great Outdoors l-,.,.rorado Trails Grant Agreement APPENDIX D TIMELINE Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III June 7, 2005 Page 11 of 12 :c~t: 'i<l ~ 1::; "'%'V:. -o"'~ ~0Il~ C; .... ;:. ~-S? ~~ ~ t/) ;: .~ ~1::;~ E.... ;:. ?< J;:. .~ '" 1::; ~ bll'~ '::i ~ ......... '":: :..8 %: ~ ,2."""'. .... u 0 ~. ~ ..... \.i:l .... .~ "" '60~ bllZ g . .P . % o tfJ ...... -o~t; '" <<l <.;; '8 p... S P<o '" <5 .... ~ J;:. P<(h "<:\ ~o~ ~S ~9.~ 008 'cD .... 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I z.. \D 0 <:) ~ --- ~ .- ~ \D ..... % 0 ""'- ... r- ~ \ \D ~ 0 --- ~ .-' .- - <'Q .n (j) t:O ~ ell .n \ - ~ 0 15 J;:. ~ g ... ~ g (j) 1::; 'p ;,: ,.. .n .n 8 ~ ~ <'Q ~ ~ % '2 % .... :rt J;:. g, ~ (\) <::l ~ .n '8 .g <'Q g % (j) .... 8 8 .n CiJ \ t'J t:O 0 c;:,.. ~ ,-I--' .- - .-' N <.H o N '" ~ p... June 7. 2005 Great Outdoors C'f'J1'brado Trails Grant Agreement APPENDIX E FINAL REPORT PROJECT EXPENDITURE DOCUMENTATION Clear Creek Trail Replacement Phase III Page 12 of 12 R GREAT 0 UTDOORS COLORADO TrailsfLG Final Report Form Project Title: Grant Agreement No.: Contact Name and Phone No.: Grantee (Sponsoring Entity). Grantee Contact and Address. Amount of Payment Requested. GRANT AMOUNT: CASH MATCH. IN-KIND MATCH. TOTAL PROJECT COST: REIMBURSEMENT OF GRANT IS MADE UPON PROJECT COMPLETION AND SUBMISSION OF THE FOLLOWING ITEMS: 1) Approved Project Budget; 2) Actual Project Budget; 3) Expense Worksheet; 4) CopIes of invoices for an cash expenditures over $1,000; 5) Authorized accounting statement verifying all expenditures, signed by finance department 6) Statements detailing the value of donated services/materials/equipment (In-Kind); 7) PIcture of the completed project, with installed GOCO signage. FURTHER INSTRUCTIONS LOCATED ON PAGE 2. Please read the following statement, sign and date below to verify its accuracy. 1. The grantee is in compliance with the terms and conditions of the GOCO Grant Agreement. 2. All project documentation is true and accurate reflecting only those eligible costs incurred and paid to date as described in the project application approved by the Board. The grantee certifies that it has on file invoices, receipts, contracts, and/or proof of payment for the costs incurred and will maintain those records for inspection by GOCO or GOCO's auditors for a period of five years, in accordance with the GOCO Grant Agreement. By- Date. Printed Name: Title Page 1 ATTACHMENT INSTRUCTIONS Local Government Grant Final Report APPROVED PROJECT BUDGET (#1). Submit a copy of the budget that was mcluded with the signed grant agreement. ACTUAL PROJECT BUDGET (#2). The budget should identIfy the actual costs of the project versus what was approved. Use the same budget categories as in the approved budget. We do not expect the actual budget to be the same as what was budgeted, as the total cost is often higher than expected. Include only ELIGIBLE prOlect expenses as stated in the GOCO Local Government application. Some ineligible items include: admimstrative or travel expenses, non-fixed assets (purchase of tools or eqUIpment), and design, architectural and engineering fees (50% of the total design/engineering cost is allowed) Any items omitted from the approved budget should have been preVIOusly approved by GOCO staff, however please provide a written explanation of why these items were removed and include it with thIS report. EXPENSE WORKSHEET (#3). The expense worksheet IS a financial breakdown of your actual budget and assists GOCO staff m locating corresponding financial documentation. Include columns for budget category, vendor/description, check number(s), GOCO amount, applicantlpartner cash amount, in-kind amount, and total. Each lIne should be labeled to so that the corresponding financial attachments (inVOIces, In-kind statements, and the accounting statement) can be located (i.e. A, B, C) INVOICES AND VERIFICATION OF PAYMENT (#4 and #5). Enclose invoices or purchase orders for all cash expenditures. It is very important that all inVOIces are labeled to correspond with the expense category on your Expense Worksheet. Enclose a certified accounting statement, signed by the finance department. Label the expenses and indicate how each ties directly to the inVOIces or purchase orders to demonstrate that the item has been paId. Please include project-related expenses only If necessary, identify project expenses from non-project expenses when an Invoice or payment Incorporates both. IN-KIND DOCUMENTATION (#6). To demonstrate in-kind contributions oflabor, materials and/or equipment: 1) attach invoices or letters from a vendors identIfying the value of the donated items, and/or 2) include a written summary of the in-kind contributions. For stafflabor, include a summary how the value was obtained (number of hours, number of workers, rate per hour, etc). Please label the In-kind breakdown(s) to correspond with an expense category on the Expense Worksheet. PICTURES (#7 and #8). Provide picture(s) of the completed project and of GOCO slgnage. If you have not yet ordered or received your SIgn, please indicate the expected completIon date. To order a free SIgn from GOCO, please contact Nate Forst at (303) 226-4531 to request a Signage Order Form Page 2 [ ! ..J; <I:' 1-[ O! I-! i ~ I Ii' I! II I I ! ~, I I I II I I i I i I I I: :_;"~ !b I i I III : II i II ",< II ,! I II I, i ,if :~ II II II 8!~ I ,I 'II ,I ;! : ~ I i I I I I I !~ II i Ii! i [ I : ~I~ il I I II i 1 ! ~ [ I T I ill I! ~ ,i I I! I i I I II I, i ~i [i I U[ ~ I I I II ! ", I I ill I I I I ' 'i I '! I I I ..- i~1 ~,,;,i. il ' i Ii iT 1 1 ! I]. ~. i i i I I '~i ~!~ ..' I ,I I ~! t~ ~'l ,: I II Ir ~l I r ' I I' ~!, I i I I I Zl ~'I T i I , ... ~ III I I wi ~8 iJi" I i_~J ~l~ · I I! II I I I I I I i I I , ! I I i! 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