HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2005-0033 - RESOLUTION NO. 33 SERIES OF 2005 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT (IGA) BETWEEN THE JEFFERSON COUNTY DEP ARTMENT OF HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT AND THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FOR COOPERATIVE MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $5,913.00 WHEREAS, the mtergovernmental agreements between political subdivisions ofthe State of Colorado are authorIzed by C .R.S S 29-1-205, and WHEREAS, Jefferson County WIll permit and encourage governments to make the most efticient and effectIve use of their powers and responsibIlities by cooperating and contractmg WIth other governments, and WHEREAS, m order to effectIvely deal WIth the contmuing threat of mosquito borne transmiSSIOn of West Nile Virus, the Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment has contracted with OtterTail EnvIronmental for integrated mosquito management (lMM) servIce withm Jefferson County, Colorado, during the year 2005, and WHEREAS, the agreement with the Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment WIll help slow the spread and impact of the West Nile Virus; and WHEREAS, mltIal cost for prevention services will not exceed $5.913 00 NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE THAT: The City of Wheat Ridge desIres to be a party to the Intergovernmental Agreement coordinating mosquito control activitIes. 2 The Mayor and CIty Clerk are hereby authorized and empowered to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement on behalf of the City of Wheat RIdge. DONE AND RESOLVE)> at a meetmg of the City CounCll of the City of Wheat RIdge, Colorodoo",h,~.' '~d"YOfry'2005 ~/" / /(, . / . q / (~~;;X~~'i L- '.J,' ~ If;' - =::J /G tchen Cerveny, Mayor-~- ATTEST i INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR COOPERATIVE MOSQUITO MANAGEMENT PROGRAM THIS INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT IS made and entered mto effective as of thel~ fIu1ay of yI/~Ii!:td' ,2005, between the JEFFERSON COllNTY DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND VIRONMENT, whose address is 1801 19th Street, Golden. CO 8040], herclIlafter referred to as the "Health Department", and the CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a mUnicIpal corporation of the State ofCo]orado, with its principal office located at 7500 W 29th Ave, Wheat Ridge, CO, heremafter referred to as "MuUlcipa]ity." WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, in order to effectively deal with the continuing threat of mosquito borne transmIssion of West Nile Virus and other arbovlral diseases, the Health Department has contracted with OtterTail Environmental, Inc., ("Company") for Integrated MosqUIto Management ("IMM") services withm certain areas of Jefferson County, Colorado, during the year 2005, and WHEREAS, Said IMM servIces are detailed in a document entItled PURCHASE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT, signed April 19, 2005, a copy of which is attached hereto and incorporated herein as Exhibit A, and the area to receIVe IMM services is set forth in the Coverage Map, which is attached hereto and mcorporated herein as Exhibit B, and WHEREAS, for an addItIOnal price to be paId to Company by the Municipality through payment to the County, the Company through the dIrectIOn of the Health Department will perform requested IMM services as outlmed in PURCHASE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT as clanfied in Exhibit C (whIch is attached hereto and incorporated herem) within the boundaries of MuniCipality; and WHEREAS, the County has provided funds to the Health Department for the IMM services with the Company through a budget transfer and the Health Department will make payments to Company from such funds, and WHEREAS, the parties now desire to enter mto lhls Intergovernmental Agreement so as to memonalIze their agreement with respect to their respective responsibilIties regardmg the provision of such IMM servIces withm Municipality's boundaries. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual promises and covenants contained herein, the parties hereto agree as follows. PROVISION OF IMM SERVICES BY COMPANY WITHIN MUNICIP ALITlY'S BOUNDARIES: Upon the signmg of this Intergovernmental Agreement by the partIes hereto and the payment of the servIce fee by MUniCipalIty to the County as detailed in Paragraph 3, below, the Health Department shall direct Page 1 Company to perform the IMM servIces set forth 111 Exhibit A within the areas wIthin the MumclpalIty' s boundanes as shown on the Coverage Map (Exhibit B) as clanfied in Exhibit C and dn'ect the Company to perform responsibilItIes detaIled 111 ExhibIt A during the year 2005 The services and servIce fee do not include adultlcide serVIces, The Health Department will mOnItor the nced for adultIcidmg and advise the County and all partlcipatmg mUnICIpalIties If an adultiClde program IS recommended. ..., PROVISION OF IMM SERVICES BY MUNICIP ALITY WITHIN MUNICIP ALlTIY'S BOUNDARIES: : The Municipality shall be responsible for providmg public education of their citizens, adVIsing JCDHE of IMM actIVItIes Within their Junsdiction conducted by entitles othcr than the Company on a sem1l11onthly basIs (Exhibit E), coordmatll1g with JCDHE on IMM actiVIties or concerns, and refernng citizen complamts to the Company 3 PAYMENT OF SERVICE FEE: Municipality agrees to pay to the County, Fivc Thousand Nine Hundred Thirteen Dollars and 00/100 ($ 5,913 00) to reimburse the County for a portion of the IMM servIces to be performed by Company withm Municipality's boundaries during the year 2005 Municipality shall pay the County WIthin seven days after execution of thIS Intergovernmental Agreement by the last party. The payment shall be sent to Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment (with a notatIOn re' West Nile IGA) at 1801 19th Street, Golden Colorado 80401 4 MONITORING OF THE WORK OF COMPANY AND OTHER PROVISION OF SERVICES: Staff from the Health Department shall be responsible for mOnItoring the work of Company and the MuniCipalIty to ensure that the IMM services detmled 111 paragraph 2 above and in Exhibit A and ExhibIt B and as clarified III Exhibit C, are fulfilled during the year 2005 wlthm Municipality's boundanes. Furthermore the Health Department will be responsible for coordinating between the Company and Mumcipality, proVIding public educatIOn and reportmg on the status of mosquito-borne diseases and vector control. Notice and contact shall be through Dr James Dale, Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment, 1801 19th Street, Golden, Colorado, 80401; PHONE. 303-271- 5718, FAX. 303-271- 5702; EMAIL.idale.alctfco.us 5. AGREEMENT BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT TO PAY FOR IMM SERVICES TO BE PERFORMED BY COMPANY WITHIN THE UNICORPORA TED AREA SHOWN ON THE COVERAGE MAP (Exhibit B): The Hcalth Department shall pay tor and dIrect Company to pertorm the IMM services set forth in ExhibIt A during 2005 withm the unincorporated area as shown on Coverage Map (ExhibIt B) Page 2 6, TERM: The term of this Intergovernmental Agreement shall be from the date of signature by the last party hereunder to and until December 31, 2005 7 LIABILITY INSURANCE COVERAGE/INDEMNITYIW ARRANTY: As described in paragraphs 5 and 6 of the PURCHASE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT, the contractor will mamtam LIability Insurance coverage and will hereby mdemmfy and hold JCDHE harmless from all claims, damages, loss, IllJury, cost and expense, includmg attorneys' fees resulting from or related to any negligent or mtentional acts or omiSSIOns ofthe Contractor, Its agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants, in Its performance of the agreement. Also see Exhibit D 8 NO GUARANTEE BY THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT: MUl11cipality acknowledges that although the goal of the IMM services to be performed within MUl11cipality's boundaries by the Company IS to reduce the mosqUIto population and consequent threat of transmISSIOn of West Nile VIruS, the Health Department makes no guarantee as to the effectiveness of such IMM services m achieving such goal. 9 ENTIRE AGREEMENT: This WrIting constitutes the entire Intergovernmental Agreement between the parties hereto with respect to the subject matter herem, and shall be bindmg upon said partIes, theIr officers, employees, agents and assigns and shall mure to the benefit of the respective survivors, heIrs, personal representatIves, successors and assigns of saId parties. 10, NO WAIVER OF IMMUNITY: No portIon ofthls Intergovernmental Agreement shall be deemed to constitute a waiver of any immumties the parties or their officers or employees may possess, nor shall any portion of this Intergovernmental Agreement be deemed to have created a duty of care whIch did not preVIOusly eXIst with respect to any person not a party to this Intergovernmental Agreement. 11 NO THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARY ENFORCEMENT: It is expressly understood and agreed that the enforcement of the terms and condItions of thIS Intergovernmental Agreement, and all rights of action relatIng to such enforcement, shall be stnctly reserved to the undersigned parties and nothing 111 this Intergovernmental Agreement shall give or allow any claIm or nght of actIon whatsoever by any other person not mcluded in this Intergovernmental Agreement. It is the express intention of the undersigned parties that any entity other than the undersigned parties receiving services or benefits under thIS Intergovernmental Agreement shall be an mcidental beneficiary only Signed by the partIes' the day of ,2005. Jefferson County Department of Health and EnVIronment Page 3 - By" ~} <'" )'J-/./ ~ I ",.: ./ t ' , - '(1".; /' /'~j, / I 1/.1-1.-" Secretary to the Board ofHeal!~_ By' !1~ oard of Health ATTEST M:'"Ehs\I~Z()\\VNV\Contract Info\IUA\2005\Whcat RIdge May 23 lOGS.dol,; Page 4 -- PURCHASE OF SERVICES AGREEMENT THIS AGREEMENT dated for reference purposes only the 15th day of March, 2005, is made and cntered mto by and bctween the Jefferson County Department of Health and Environment, 1801 19th Street, Golden, CO 8040 I, heremafterreferred to as "JCDHE", and OtterTail Environmental, Inc., 1045 N Ford Street, Golden, CO 80401, hereinafter referred to as "Contractor." WITNESSETH WHEREAS, JCDHE is Interested m contractmg with a professIOnal to provide mtegrated mosqUIto management services, and WHEREAS, the Contractor deSIres to provide those servIces to JCDHE, NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration ofthe premIses and mutual covenants contained herein, the partIes hereto covenant and agree as follows' 1, TERM This Agreement shall be in effect for the period March 15,2005 through December 31, 2005, 2. RESPONSIBILITIES The Contractor shall provide the following Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) servIces as detaIled below' . SurveIllance and MonitOrIng . Larval Mosquito Surveillance and Control . Public Education and Other Services . Public Health Emergency and Adulticlding ASSIstance . Reports and Record Keeping . Areas to be served a. SurveIllance and MonitOrIng' l. Sentmel Survcillance: as directed by JCDHE, followmg the Colorado Department of Health and EnVIronment (CDPBEl gUldehnes. Supply. eqUIp and operate one (1) Center for Disease Control and PreventIOn (CDC)-type mosquito hght traps at the sentmel sIte deSIgnated by JCDHE. 2, Supply, eqUIp and operate two (2) gravid-type traps at the sentinel sIte designated by JCDHE. 3 Mamtain and operate traps, The JCDHE shall not be responsible for any lost, &\.-\~~ ,\- l\ Purchase of Servlccs Agreement, OtterTall EnvIronmental, Inc. Page 2 - damaged or stolen traps. 4 Identify, specIate, and count all trapped mosqUItoes by methods recogmzed by CDC and report this mformatlon to JCD! IE at least once per week in an electronic format. 5 Submit appropriately spcclated mosqUItoes per CDPHE gUldelmes to thc state laboratory for vIral testing. 6 The perIod of pcrformance shall be on or about May 15. 2005 through September 30, 2005 11 Routme surveIllance as directed by JCDHE Supply, eqUIp and operate a mmimum of sIxteen (16) CDC-type mosqUIto light traps at sItes selected/approved by JCDHE withm the contract area. Light traps shall be operated one night per week. Trap mghts cancelled due to mclement weather or other circumstances may be waIVed or reqUired by the JCDHE. 2 Supply, eqUIp and operate a mmimum of lllne (9) graVid-type traps at sItes selected/approved by JCDHE WIthin the contract area, GraVId traps shall be operated one night per week. Trap mghts cancelled due to mclement weather or other cIrcumstances may be waived or required by JCDHE. 3, Mamtain and operate traps. The JCDHE shall not be responsIble for any lost, damaged or stolen traps. 4, IdentIfy, speciate, and count all trapped mosquitoes by methods recognized by CDC and report thIS information to JCDHE at least once per week 111 an electromc format. 5 CoIlect dead birds and/or smaIl mammal species for submission for Viral testing per CDPHE guidelInes and submit them to the state laboratory Ifrequested by JCDHE. Contractor shall provide approprIate Personal Protective EqUIpment for their employees performing thIS function. 6. The perIod of performance shall be on or about June 1,2005 through September 30,2005 b IMM Larval MosqUIto Surveillance and Control 1. Potcntial Larval Development (PLD) Site Map Use PLD maps of potent wi larval developmcnt sites proVided by JCDHE. 2. Add new sitcs during the season as identified. Purchase of Services Agreem;;nt, OtterTall EnvIronmental, Inc Page 3 -- 11 PLD Site Surveillance USll1g the PLD map noted 111 paragraph BI above, imtlally vIsit all previously (identified) PLD sItes that have the potential to serve as mosqUlto-breedll1g locatIOns. Based upon that PLD site ViSIt, determine which sites have the highest potential for mosquito breedIng ("targeted sItes") and those sites which are considered "non-brecding." 2 Inspect non-breeding sites on no less than a monthly basIs to determIne If any changes have occurred that would warrant a re-evaluatlOn of their status. 3 Inspect targeted sItes at least once per week by visual observation and dlppll1g any standll1g water for mosquito larvae 4 Inspect a representatIve number of storm water catchment basins in the service area for the presence of mosquito larvae. Ifit IS determmed that certam basins are producmg excessive numbers of mosqUItoes, follo'W the larval control procedures outlined below 5. Report PLD Site Surveillance actIvitIes and findings to JCDHE weekly These summary reports shall mclude, but not lImIted to, sIte conditIons, dip counts and the like, plus larval speciation and development status (instar) in an electromc format. Ill. Larval Control. 1. Use appropnate methods oflarval control, Includmg but not limIted to, 180-day bnquettes, 30-day reSidual pellets, granular larvicides, monomolecular oils, or other larval control agents approved by CDPHE or the US Environmental ProtectIOn Agency 2. Use appropnate agents for the circumstances, maintain Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for all products used, and provide such mformation to JCDHE and the publIc upon request. 3 Determinc and use the most appropnate method for larviCIde dlstnbution, such as hand applIcation, backpack broadcasters, ATV, etc. 4 Entry onto private property shall be by pnor authorization of the owner / agent. 5 In the course of tield work, note areas of clogged dItches and streams, neglected swimming pools, etc that have the potentIal for larval development and proVIde such information to JCDHE. Work WIth local code enforcement officials to -- Purchase of ServIces Agreement, OtterTml EnvIronmental, Inc Page 4 provide the location and identificatIOn of these sites. 6 Report to JCDHE all locations where control measures were used, thc type of measures used and the apparent results on a weekly basIs 111 an electronIc format. e Public EducatIon and Other Services. Maintain a toll-free (in Colorado) telephone lme and accept calls from the public in tht: contract area reporting mosqUIto problems or stagnant, standing water 11 Provide the public with phone numbers to the Colorado Help lme and/or JCDHE. 111 Upon request, provide an m-service traimng to JCDHE employees not to exceed four (4) hours. IV Upon request, proVIde mfonnational bnefing(s) to the Board of Health covenng ongoing and year-end activities. d. Public Health EmergencIes and Adulticidmg: 1. In the event that the Board of Health and the Board of County Commissioners declare a public health emergency, assist JCDHE WIth coordinating adulticiding or aerial spraymg (Cost of adulticlding is not mcluded in thIS contract). n. In the event that adulticidmg or aenal spraying IS to be performed, notify all residents in the area to be sprayed as required by law to mclude those who are regIstered in the State of Colorado PestiCIde Sensitive RegIstry A minimum of 3 attempts shall be made to reach these regIstry persons prior to the spraymg or application. 111. Collaborate with applicators to ensure that insecticide application WIll be shut off in front of and upwmd from these propertIes ofresJdents m the area who are registered in the State of Colorado PestiCIde Sensitive RegIstry Maintain records of applIcations to include shut-off Maintain MSDS for all products used and shall provide such informatIOn upon request. e. Reports and Record Keepmg: ProVIde the following reports dunng the duratIon of the contract: Summary of wcekly actIvities, includmg, but not hmlted to 1. lIght and graVId trappmg 2, Inspections performed and sItes VISIted 3 larVIcIde applIcations 4 publIc contacts made. 11. Upon request, prOVIde for review daIly fidd actIvity and mspectlon reports. Purchase of Services Agreeilient OtterTml EnvironmentaL Inc. Page 5 111, Withm 60 days after the end of the contract period the contractor shall provide SIX (6) caples of a final wntten report summarizing all actIvIties performed, and results achieved and a CD contammg tillS report. f Areas to be served With the exception of Trailmark, are outlmed in the map at Attachment 1 and as detailed below: o Unincorporated JetTeo o Edgewater o Lakeside o Mornson o Mountain View o Golden o Wheat Ridge o LIttleton (Trailmark) o Lakewood o Arvada Total 89.3 1.5 0.2 I 0 o 1 80 9,0 I 0 26.6 270 163.7 SpeCific areas not mcluded m the servIce area are outlIned on the map at Attachment 1 and detailed below' o The 13 square miles of federal land, o Three square miles of Arvada immediately bordering the east SIde of Highway 93 at the request of the cIty o An area in Lakewood of 16.4 square miles covered by a separate contract between the city and a vendor o The 165 square miles of Westminster m Jefferson County covered by a separate contract between the city and a vendor 3 COMPENSA nON AND PAYMENT a. JCDHE will reimburse the Contractor a total of $215, 124 in 5 equal monthly payments starting 111 June 2005 Contractor services will be documented and approved prior to authOrIzation for payment. b Contractor shall submit a monthly mVOlce to JCDHE by the 5\h of the followmg month of ser\ilce. FaIlure to submIt billIng information in a timely manner and correct format shall result III non- payment of IllVOlce c. Contractor shall be reimbursed within fourteen (14) days after recelpt and approval ofthe ll1VOlCe 4, INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR ST A IUS, PAYMENT OF TAXES AND INSURANCE COVERAGE a. In performmg services under this Agreement thc Contractor is actmg as an independent contractor Purchase of Services Agreeil1ent. OtterTail EnvIronmental, Inc Page 6 and not as an agent or employee of JCDHE. b As an mdependent contractor. the Contractor IS solely lIable and responsible for mamtammg worker's compensatIOn msurance which complies with statutory requiremcnts In the State of Colorado, unemployment insurance benefits, and the withholdmg and payment of any and all federal, state and local taxes applicable to the receipt of funds or other consideration by tIle Contractor under the terms of thIS Agreement. 5 INDEMNIFICATION Contractor hereby indemmfies and holds JCDHE harmless from all claims, damages, loss, injury, cost and expense, Induding attorneys' fees resulting from or related to any negligent or mtentional acts or omISSIOns of the Contractor, its agents, employees, subcontractors and consultants, m Its performance of thiS Agreement. This provIsion shall survive the termination of thIS Agreement. 6 INSURANCE In performIng servIces under this Agreement, the Consultant shall submIt a certtficate of insurance to JCDHE establIshmg the Consultant has professional liabilIty and automobile liabIlity Insurance proVIded by an insurance carner lIcensed to do busmess m the State of Colorado, 7. NON ASSIGNMENT Neither thiS Agreement nor any mterest therem, or any claim there under, shall be assigned by the Contractor to any third person WIthout the prior WrItten consent of JCDHE. 8. OFFICIALS NOT TO BENEFIT No elected or employed member of JCDHE shall dIrectly or mdirectly receive or be paid any share or part of this Agreement or any benefit that may arIse therefor The Contractor warrants that it has not retamed any company or person (other than a bona fide employee working solely for the Contractor) to soliCIt or secure thIS Agreement, and that the Contractor has not paid or agreed to pay to any company or person, (other than a bona tide employee workmg for the Contractor), any fee, commiSSIOn, percentage. brokerage fee, gift or any other conSIderation contingent upon or resulting from the award of thiS Agreement to the Contractor. Upon learmng of any breach or violatIon of thIS prOVIsIon, JCDHE shall have the rIght to terminate thIS Agreement with no further lIabilIty or obligation for payment 9 EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY USE OF COLORADO LABOR, ILLEGAL ALIENS The Contractor shall not refuse to hire, dIscharge, promote, demote or dlscrImmate in matters of compensation agamst any person otherwise qualified, solely because of race, creed, sex, color, natIOnal origin or ancestry, dIsability or age. The Contractor shall not knowmgly employ unauthorized aliens to perform any portion of the Agreement and shall comply with the proVIsions of the ImmIgration Reform and Control Act of 1986. 10 NON-APPROPRIATION l'Ull,l1:h,' "I "en Il," \L~rn'Il1LI1! ()lkr Llil I m,(hlllll1cJ11,rI 111<- PdLl .-; T lie' I'll: IIIL'III , >I ,I< I HI I ",h II '-'.I I !I'll' h, 1'':1111<1''1'111 I hl' II ~cal \ c'ar, ~uh'.:qul'1l1 tl' th, \ (2rc CI11C1l1 p-:rind .Ire ll'!1III1t'CI!I IIP"11 1111Id-; I"r 111I~ \"l'eeJ]],l1t hem" dpprllpri:lk'd .l11d hudf'L'lcd JI IUl1cb j,,1' till' \LlL:lll\U I dlc 11"[ Iljll'I'<lpr\.lIuj !ll\,ll'lll\~,l'll'd 111 lil\ \C'''I ,llh"'l',!lICIlIt<' 111", li'c.rI 1"llI',>! tile' ,""XUII,'" "11111-; . \1:, 1'-: l'l11 L'Il I. till, \!-,ll'c'I1Il'J1l sh!rllll'rl11l1\ak .l< I lIll 'i ti'iL,lI \ear IS thl' GlkllJ.lI \,'Ilr ! 1 "I \ I \ JL" K1 (Jl I \II~)':'!"u\~L!!..nWI'\,l"-~ '" I ilL ('IIIIII'''ll'<I ,iJ,dl "]",'!'Il '1IId L'''mpl: Illth leder,li ,talL' and k'llll LIIIs rL'f'uLrtllllb, rulL" 1I1 <lrdllllllIU:S IItcIl Ilfle,1 II1'hL' I.'mpJIlIL'd lIr I.'ng'If'L'd I" I!. tilL' m.ltenal~ llr equipment uSe'd \>1 \hc p,'rlllrJlIdIlLl' I" I he prll/I." I '1I1d shIll I 1'1" II un: all: 'lIld all Ilecessan apprlll!Il~, hcellses und l'cI'm Ih ,Ii] dt 11<., l)\\ll. c\.pr....'n.....L ]' "I\IR,\I\IIII\ II !11l: prol 1'''"11 ,>I Ihl., --\f'rl.'ellll.'lll Ill' the "pphcalllll1 Iherelll tll all\' per.,llJl or 111 ,1l1\ elrCum,l.111cl ,hall he lInent;ll'L~,lhk I\> !In: e,\en1. the rl.'maindtT of thiS .\greemenl and till' dpph"atlOn "I ~lILh pnl\ l"'l(lll I" <lther pel'~on, <II' III otht'l' L1n:umstaIlU:~ shall nut he cl1ccted thereh\ and ,hall he I.'lltol'"ed \0 lire grL'a1c~1 e,lellt permllted h: lal\ I -; I J ,1<.1\11".\ lit)" Ilthe'l' part: ma: termillate Ihl~ agree'men!. l\ltllllut Ullhe, b~ notl~e at !cast 1" da:, pnor I" the d'1cc\i\ e date of the notice III l\riling 10 the other party e'-cept lhat thiS agreemenl mal he' It'!'l11l1l..t\eJ 1111111\:dJaki: \\ nh Iwtlce for failure lO pcr!(lrm If terminated, final payment \1 ill he:' due \\ 11hln ]:; da\ sot the lerml1l!I\i' ll1 date !lnd \\ III he ha~ed upon a prl)ratHlIl "I' Ille fee due for Ihat month thr,'ugh the Jilte 01 tennl1latlon. It It " a li,ed rate contract. <';uch payment III he Llll1~ldcreJ 1X\) Ille'nl 1I1fu]1 !Clr Scr\'lLL'~ pertlH'llle'd undL'r thl, agreement J I It 10; a tim<- ,Iild makrral, l'Ontrd~ t. the ( ,.llTrall< 'I' \\ ill be cllmpello;!lled tur the time and matenah through the datt: of lermilldtuln 1-1 II'-; 111~tc '_(dU.! \ 1I~i'. 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'9.... ,.n '.., ",,--., "',.\' - "'n'~ ~u ~ '" '" J 0' U"il Il:i?m-;;l 1\1.:' t:ii;:~ , ' ,'"" ,:\L I il~j,'i,: l~c;1 ;.\,)if"'1~':i;':' '''~' 19" I -.-il, I~I I ~ .,,-, ....~ ! +::/= ' ~'it(t.--j-;'~~ Stateplane Coordinate System Colorado Central Zone Datum: NAD83 May 6, 2005 kwh ~:;: :::~::;~T :~\".~~: ~,~:: 05 1:141,000 , Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Long R.ange Planning 100 Jefferson County Parkway SUite 3550 Golden, CO 80419 303.271.8700 ..."...............-,..',_._~.~_. _....._...n_..~"M..... ..~.~-..-.~......_.... ....... ~ft~g~;~;i;~~~:::~' MIles Jefferson County Integrated Mosquito Management (IMM) Program - Areas Covered, Contracted areas and Contract amount. The attached map'''details the areas covered in the contract, federal property, and areas provided services under separate contracts. For the purposes of the IGA, IMM services are provided for the areas listed below' mi2 . Unincorporated Jefferson County 893 . Edgewater 1 5 . Lakeside 0.2 . Morrison 1 . Mountain View 01 . Golden 80 . Wheat Ridge 9 . Lakewood 40 . Westminster 165 . Arvada 30 . Littleton in Jeffco (Trailmark) 1 . TOT AL: 196.6 square miles Clarifications: o The 13 square miles of federal land are not included in the program o Three square miles of Arvada immediately bordering the east side of Highway 93 are not included in the program at the request of the city o An area in Lakewood of 16.4 square miles is not included in the county contract as it is covered by a separate contract between the city and a vendor o The 16 5 square miles of Westminster in Jefferson County is not included in the county contract as it is covered by a separate contract between the city and a vendor Jefferson County contract area, total contract amount and rate per square mile: . Contract area E,:" k. kl t JS Unincorporated Jeffco 893 1< 0 0 Edgewater 1 5 0 Lakeside 0,2 0 Morrison 1 0 0 Mountain View 01 0 Golden 8.0 0 Wheat Ridge 90 o Littleton (Trailmark) 1 0 o Lakewood 26 6 o Arvada 27 0 Total 163.7 . Total Contract Amount: $215,124 · Amount per square mile: $1314.14 ACORD CERTIFICAIE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE I DATE (MMIDDIYYYY) 'M 01/25/2005 PROOUCER (303)740-9404 FAX (303)779-8376 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION Gaspar-Jones & Assoc., Inc ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTlFlCA TE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AMEND, EXTEND OR 7100 E. Belleview #101 ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POUCIES BELOW, P O. Box 4516 Greenwood Village. CO 80155 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC# INSURED OTTERTAIL ENVIRONMENTAL 'JSU!-<t:R A Hartford Casualty Insurance Co 9424 10-t5 N FORD 5T ;N:::1JH.b\8 Pinnacol Assurance Co GOLDEN, CO 80403 INSURER C li6URE"\ D INS0RER E COVERAGES THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN iSSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POliCY PERiOD INDICA TED NOTWIT ANY REQUIREMENr TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUI MAY PERTAIN, THE 'NSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITION~ POLICIES, AGGREGATE LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAiMS II~~~ ~o,,'1;i TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFFECTIVE POLICY EXPIRATION LIMITS GENERAL LIABiliTY 34SBAPC7671 06/23/2004 06/23/2005 EACH I~ICCURRE~CE $ I 000,00( f-- ~:~'~~~J?~R~N:~O OO( l;OMt1ERC1AL GENERAL ~tABILlTl $ 300 I CLAI''''~ ~!ADE m(j(~\,~i~ ~"EO EXP {Any Jne pt::r'SOr11 $ 10 , 00( A PCRSONAl & A.DV INJURY $ 1.000.00( - GE"JE;H,\L AGG~EGA TE S 2.000 OO( - 2,000,00~ .JEN'l t\b:'REGATE LlI,'IT APPUt:$ PER PRODUCTS cor.~p:op AGG $ ~ (nPRO, nLOC rOLlCY JEeT AUTOMOBILE L1ABIUTY 34SBAPC7671 06/23/2004 06/23/2005 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT - (Ea C1cQdenlj $ 1.000,00~ A"JY AUTO - Al L owr~ED A.lJlOS BOOIL Y INJURY - $ SCHEDULED AUTOS (Per person) A X HIRED AUT':S BOOIL Y INJURY X $ NON-OWNED AUTOS (Per accident) - f-- PH,OPERTY DAMAGE $ (Per aCCident) RRAGE UABlLITY AUTO ONLY EA ACCIDE"'lT $ ANY AUT 0 OTHER THAN EA ACe $ AUTO ONLY AGG $ EXCESS/UMBRELLA LIABILITY EACH OCCURRENCE $ t=J OCCUR D CLAIMS "-lADE AGGREGATE $ $ R OEDUCTlB,E $ RETENTION $ $ WORKERS COMPENSATION AND 4072127 07/01/2004 07/01/2005 X I WC STATU" I IOl,l1' EMPLOYERS' UABIUTY 100 OOC B ll.NY PROPRIETQR/PARTNER.EXECUTI\/E E l EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? E.L. Ol5EASE EA EMPLOYEE $ 100,00< tlyt:<S ,1e~ibeunJef 500,00< SPEC:AL PROVISIONS below t:L. DISEASE POLlCY LIMIT $ OTHER DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS J LOCA TlONS I VEHICLES I EXCLUSIONS ADDED BY ENDORSEMENT I SPECIAL PROVISIONS , 10 day notice on non-payment I n"D i'U""'" , AT'"'' SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES 8E CANCElLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF THE ISSUING INSURER WILL ENDEAVOR TO MAIL Jefferson County Dept of Health & Environment: 30' DAYS WRITTEN NOTICE TO THE CERTIfiCATE HOLDER NAMED TO rHE LEFT, Attn Jenni Springer BUT FAILURE TO MAIL SUCH NOTICE SHALL IMPOSE NO OBLIGATION OR LIABILITY 1801 19th Street OF ANY KINO UPON THE INSURER, ITS AGENTS OR REPRESENTA TIVES, Gold..n, CO 80401 AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATfVE Maure..n Noreiko ACORD 25 (2001/08) (tACORD CORPORATION 1988 D SEMI-MONTHL Y IMM REPORT Adult Mosquito Trapping results: . Number of trap nights · N umbers of mosquitoes per trap mght by genus and species 2. Larval Mosquito Control: · Number of potentJallarval development sItes inspected. · Number of larval development sites treated · Amount and type of larvIcide applied