HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution-2005-0046 - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO. 46 Series of 2005 TITLE: A RESOLUTION APPROVING AN INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES AMONG THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, THE WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT AND PRIDEMARK PARAMEDIC SERVICES, LLC WHEREAS, In December, 1999, the City entered into an intergovernmental agreement with the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and Pridemark Paramedic Services, LLC for the provision of ambulance services within the City; and WHEREAS, that December 1999 agreement, by its express terms, expired on December 27, 2004, and WHEREAS, while the City and the District intend to initiate a new RFP process for ambulance services, meanwhile it is important that ambulance services continue to be provided NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Wheat Ridge City Council, that: Section 1. The attached Intergovernmental Agreement for ambulance services between the City of Wheat Ridge, the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District, and Pridemark Paramedic Services, LLC is approved Section 2. This Resolution shall be effective immediately - I DONE AND RESOLVED this :~' [, ''t day of ~_r:-t"""1/.1+r,200~ /-------- ( /. / /'/., I ~--\ / /' / I I' i / / ~ ' . .!.t: .{..,) tchen Cerveny, Mayor--- ATTEST ~a. o WRPD 009 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR AMBULANCE SERVICES This Agreement is entered into as of the 't.~ay of , 005 among the City of Wheat Ridge, the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection and Pridemark Paramedic Services, LLC WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge, the Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District and Pridemark Paramedic Services, LLC (collectively the Parties), entered into an intergovernmental agreement dated December 27, 1999 (the "December 27, 1999 Agreement"), a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A and fully incorporated herein by this reference, and WHEREAS, pursuant to Article 90 of said agreement, the agreement expired on December 27, 2004, and WHEREAS, the Parties have continued to perform their respective obligations since that time as if the December 27, 1999 Agreement were still in force, and WHEREAS, the Parties wish to continue the agreement in force for a six (6) - month period in order to permit the City and the District to re-advertise for the services provided under the agreement. NOW THEREFORE, the Parties agree as follows 1 InterQovernmental AQreement Continued, Prior Acts Ratified The Parties hereby agree to continue in force the December 27, 1999 Agreement, effective immediately. The Parties further ratify and confirm their joint and individual actions subsequent to December 27, 2004 and to the present date with respect to services performed under the December 27, 1999 Agreement, as if that Agreement had remained in full and effect during that time 2 Term This Agreement shall expire on March 26, 2006 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties have executed this Agreement as of the date first set forth above WRPD 006 ATTEST ATTEST: WHEAT RIDGE FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT President Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District ATTEST' WRPD 006 APPROVED AS TO FORM Attorney for Wheat Ridge Fire Protection District PRIDEMARK PARAMEDIC SERVICES, LLC Authorized Representative EXHIBIT A December 27, 1999 Agreement [Attached] WRPD 006 , '1 , i c\ I ~j d.,~ 1] 11 pt, Jf-IJ I-lurt J'f [l.3hJ \Ij:lrr",y Pdhl Tn: )0,-:" ;-1_[:1,1 ,1 ;E I'll (If I'll .' INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT AN AG'REEMtN"( AMONG THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, THE WHEAT RI~GE FIRE PROTi::CTION DISTRICT, AND PRIDt:MARK PARAMEDIC SERVICES, L.L.C., FOfl AMBULANCE SERVICES. , .0 PARTIES. ihe parties to this Agreement ere the City of Wheat Ridge, a Colorado municipal corporation (herejnafter referred to as "the City"!, Wheat Ridge Fire ~rotection District, an independent, quasi-municipal corporation, (hereinafter referred to as the "Fire Protection District") and Pridemark Paramedic Services, LL.C. (hereinafter referred to as "the .Company".) . 2.0 RECITALS AND PURPQSE. The City and Fire Protection District desire to ensure the availability of adequate emergency ambulanoe service within .the entire corporate limits of the City of Wheat Ridge, and the boundaries Df the Fire' Protection Distriot, and the COmpany agrees to provic;le such service pursuant to the ttlrms 0f this Agreement. . 3.0 TERMS AND CqNDrT10NS. ' : 11 3.1 Service. The Company shilll make available one (1)' ambulance to respond to calls for medical llssistance within the City and Fire Protection District. The Company wilt: .maihtain an average response time of five (5) minutes end z~ro (0) seoonds ()11 emergency re~ponses and an aV,srage of ten , (10) minutes on nonemergency responses. The Company further agrees to make available backup ambulances to the City and Fire Protiction District with response time of ten (10J minutes. ' If the Company is unable to respond with a backup ambulanoe the Company shall immediately call another ambolance company to provide the required ambulance service and shalllmmediateJy notify the City dispatoner. :.. ~ ~ ;;. 3.2 Cells. ,In consideration 01 keeping suoh ambulanoes evEiiJable, the City and Fire Proteotion District agree that except when a helicopter is used, in all oas~s where a request is made to the City or Fire Protection District for emergency ambulance servlpe 'andior where ambulance serv.ice is found to be needed in the course '9dhvehigative or resoue operations, all suqh calls shall PI) referred to the Cciin'~aT1Y. :, l':I~ !; ~ lp' ; ": 3..2.1 The Compan'Y :f-urther' .agrees that it'shall respond to all calls directed by the City or' Fire' Protection District, anc;l shall perform its duties under the direction and control of the Company. 3.3' ,Comoliance with Law and Accreditation. The Company agrees to comply with all federal, state, county, and local statutes, regulations, or GED\~3027\S3"4160.D. '~f "_, I'IJ 1 jlj pt i~l MUll=lj DdhJ \1;ll-L4Y [J-ihl Tl': ~,(I:: :"_,tj r"<.-'l ;E (i(H "F iLl1 -- ordinances in its provision 'of the services described within this Agreement, and to maintain its current ambulanoe license issued by Jefferson CountY. The Company agrees that Its records and rosters regarding equipment, vehicles, and training may be reviewed by the City or Fire Protection Distriot during reguiar b\isiness hours: 3.4 Communil;lations. The Company agrees to maintain communications capabilities with the CltY of Wheat Ridge Pollce/Fire Communications Center and all police, fire, and ambulance vehioles and equipment, ss well as communications between' the Company's vehicles and the .City and Fire Protection Distriot personnel on. scenes, and to maintain two back-up speed dial lines containing the caller identification fei!lture to the Communioation Center, all at the Company's expense using direot telephqn6 line capabilities. The Company agrees to maintain channels one and two on the frequency of the Company's vehicles and dispatch cen~er. All radios u!,led shall be programmed by Legaoy Cpmmu,\'liclItions. 3.5 Medical Suoervision. 'The 'Company aQrees to utilize a Physician Advisor agreed upon by the City and Fire Protection Dlstriot. A Physician Advisor ;s defjned as a physician who establishes protocol's for medical acts performed by paramed'los, and who is specIfically designated and responsible to assure the oompetency of ,the p~r,f9rrnEmce of those acts allowed by such paramedics. The partIes hereto agre'e that this Section 3.5 shall be In effect only for the scope of seryiqe' ~et~i'ed in this Agreement. The Comp1lnY further agrees to adhere to~"a6 il"rn!nimum standard, the Denver Metropolitan ParamedIc Protocols, as alJ1ended, whh respect to medical acts not govemed by the protocols developed'~e)h~ Company Physician Advisor. <'II," I 3.6 Retes. The Company-sh'all be allowed to charge patients its usual and customary rates. A copy.M ih:e lCompany's current rate sohedule is e~achE!d to this Agreement ~s Ex.hibit A.' Any changes to the rete schedule whioh exceed a .oe\'lver-Boulder Medibdl CPl must be approved by the City and Fire Protection District before taking,,~ff~.ct. . 4.0 ,HELICOPTER, It is understood that in oases oT extreme em~rgenGY, it may be neoesr>ary to use a helicopter in lieu of, 'or' in addition to, the Company's ground services. Such mediaal deolslons to use the helicopter service shall be made by the pollee and lor fire personnel Dr Company"ipersonnel on scene, with the primary responsibility for such medica! decision making 're6ting with the Company after oonsultatlon with fire and police person.ne) (In the soene. ,; , 5.0 CONTROL. The Wheat l1.l.pge Pollee Department shall have control ot' ell orime scenes to whioh the Company ia requested to respond. The Wheat Ridge Fire Proteotion Distriot's/Fice Department's hi'Qhest ranking officer on scene shall have control of a,I! fire ,ahd EMS sberies: Company employees shall follow the . " aeDleS027\334160,01 ,,' 2: 'j ',i) ~ 1 1 ,1 l-'t' 'M f111rrOlY f1'lhl '11Illcl'y Dahl Tu: -,n~-L'=..1-L-l~1 ,E iln,1 (If nll " orders .and direotions given by the appropriate Police or fire personnel, as such orders relate to scelie control:' T~e' Company shall be in charge of all medical treatment, patient oare and transport" 'issues, .and shall consult appropriate police and fire personnel upon arrival at'-the scene; . " 6,0 TRAINING, The Company agrees .to provide the City police department peraonnel and Fire Proteotion DIstrict personnel flr!!t responder and CPR classes at no charge, along with appropriate medical training. The .above mentioned classes shall be held at times mutually.agreed upon by the parties hereto. 7.0 EQUIPMENT. 7.1 The Company shall furnish, at Its own expense, ambulances and accessory equipment. 7.2 The Company agrees that Jefferson Courty or any other licensing authority shall have the rfght to'lnspeot on an annual basis the Company's vehicles, used for perforrrHin~e oT. '.ambulanc~ servioe, for the purpose of determining safety stand'arQSli~f' tne vehioles used and, further, to ensure that the vehicles so used are equipped with that aooessory equipment required by the Department of Health, and said equipment shall be in, proper working order for the use in Advanced Ufe Support treatment. A permit issued 'by the Cou'nty or any other"I.ioensing authority shalf be deemed as evidence of said annual inspections'~~"-' /', ' 7.3 The Company agrees, when operating its ambulanoe vehicles 1n an emergency or non-emergenoy capacity, said vehicles will be driven .in a safe and prudent manner, in compliance with all State statutes, City and County ordinances relating to the operation of emergen~y vehicles. 8.0 COMPANY EMPLOYEES, Eaoh crew shall consist of no less than a licensed paramedio and one qualified EMT wnose quallfioation meet the guidelines of the statutes, rules, and regulations of .the Emergenoy Medical Servioes Division of the CororBdo Department of Health, as amended, and are acceptable to the Company Physician Advisor. ' '., ~'." -~~, , ,4 },~,:" 8.1 The Company agrees, while dperi:ltln9' its ambulanoe in and around the 'City and Fire Protection District boUllCfarlesr the employees of the Company shall maintain a profeSSional attitud'e':and performance standard and level of conduct for Emergency Medical Tech~'icians and Paramedics. 9.0 TERM. The parties mutually agree and understand that the term of this Agreement shall be for a period of one- (1) year from December 27, 1999, and upon the expiration of said perIod, this Agreement may continue fer four (4) additional one,year periods, subject to the provisions hereof, provided that in no event shall ClED\SS027\S34180.01. 3 . )/.:., ~II,!; >1 11 t ,)~~ MIJrLlV [ldld l..111t-r~{~ Ddhl TI-' 1(1 ~~~~4 C:--J1 ,;F n{Jr:, '-'F nil this Agreement continue for a period beyond five (5) years from the date of execution hereof. Said Agreement shall ,be renewed for sucoessiv~ one (1.) year periods, as ,provided herein, subject to review by the Wheat Ridge City Council and the Fire Proteotion District annually. ,This Agreement may be termInated by the either City Cl'luncil or the Fire Protection DJlltriot, following said review I or pursuant to the provisions of this Agreement. Unless so terminated, this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect. In addition, the Company's performance shall be reviewed annually by the Emergenoy Medical Services (EMS) Board. The parties further agree that the City or Fire Protection District, upon a determination that the Company is not performing the agreed upon services in a reasonable mahnel' aM/or in a timely fashion, shall rJive written notioe of such dissatisfaction, ~nd failure of the Company to develop and implement a plan to rectify substandard praotices withln ten l10) days from receipt of notice thereof, shall give rise .to the canoellation of this Agreement. Should auoh determination of disslltisfaction result from a partioular incident, the City or the Fire Pfotac:tion ~istrict will attempt to give oral notioe within twCl (2) busIness days ,'.;Qf the inoident giving rise to the dissatisfaction. Upon issuance of a sec...~j1~: notice of dissatisfaction, the City or Fire F'rotection District may, at its option;'i:ancel this Agreement withput affording the Company the opportunity to corraCi the complained of substandard practice, 9.1 Nothing contained herein shall be construed as establishing any obligation on behalf cf the City and/or Rre Protection District to make any monetary p!lyment or other subsidy to the 'Company by virtue of this Agreement. 9.2 This 'Agreement shall remain in full force and effect provided, however, that either party may terminate this Agreement sooner, other than for c!luse, upon one hundred twenty (120) days' notice. This termination provision shall also be applicable to any renewable period exerci~ed by the parties. .. , 9,3 If any party fails to oomply.,iNith any term of this Agreem~nt, any other party may terminate this Agreeh1ent immediately upon written notice indioating the termination date and/or sue for breach of contract. III such event, the prevailing party in such dispute shall be entitled to its reasolJable costs, ihOluding its attorneys' fees. 10.0 ASSIGNMENT. Except 85 provided In this Section, the Company may not assign or subcontract, its rights ~nd oblIgations under this Agreement, without the prior written approval of the City snd Fire Protection District. GED\530:!i\3a4,60.o1 4. ':l' ~I ~'ni) ~ 1 11 !T 1'1 ~1urr3Y Ilahl ~111t-ra';. [1.3hl Tr): -,f)~ ~, ,j-Sc'~1 E (Inv rlF II] ] 11.0 POLICY. The Company agrees to be a participating member in any review committee which Is established by the City' or by the Company Physician Advisor. The purposeEl of this oommittee shall be to. aot in an advisory oapacity only as to the operational and administrative termS contained within this Agreement. Thil;i will include review 01 response times' and determination of allowable exemption~ as determined by the oommittee. 12.0 LIABILITY. Notwithstanding any language to the contrary contained in this Agreement, the Company is 13n independent contractor and Is not an employee or agent of the City or Fire Protection District. The Company assumes all lieblllty for and agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the City and Fire Protection Distriot from any and all ciaims for injuries or damages, inoluding attornay's fees, arising from the 'Company1s parf.ormance or lack of performance uncjer this Agreement .except :to the extent such claim for injury or damages which are the direct and proximate result of an act or order of a police officer or other employee Dr volunteer of the City or fire Protection District. . " .'1,':'- , 3.0 INSURANCE. The partie:\!' f~rther .~gree and understand that the Company shall mai'ntaln and keep in force an automobile insurance liability Polioy with a minimum coverage of One Million Dollars ($1,000,000.00) combined single limit for 'bodily injury and property damage. ." , 13.1 The Company shall rnainti;lin and keep In force a Professional and , General liability insuratJce"p'olicY'covering the emplt.:lyees of the Company for any Bnd all malpractice E1ndlbr'.negilgent acts performed or committed by those employees of the Company. Coverage for Professional/General 'liability shall be a miri.imum of one million'dollars ($1,000,000) for anyone claim, three million dollars ($3,000;000) annual aggregate of /=lrofessional or General liability Ilnd one million dollars ($1,000,000) combined single limit bodily Injury and property damage. " 13.2 Provided, however, that a.nY.'!~Dguage contained in this paragraph 13 to the contrary notwithstanding, the '~ompany agrees that there shall be in effect, regardless of annual aggreg~te amounts of Insuranoe provided/ no less than one million dollars ($1,000,000) of insurance protection for each of the types of insurance proteotlon speoified in paragraph 1 S.' 'hereof, which one million dollars ($1,060,OOO) of minimum insutance coverage shall be 'available to each person or .patient attended to or transported by - the Company pursuant to the'term's hereof. The Company also agrees to furnish the City and Fire Protection pH;trici ~ Certificate of lnsuranoe ~yidencjng the minimum amounts of coverage'described above, and said policy shall further provide a specific provision relating that, in the event of oancellation of said policy, the City and Fire Pr~tec;:tio!l District shall be notifIed in writing ten (10)'days prior to c~ncerla.tiol'!. Th~ Company agrees to name the City and Fire Protection Distrlct as additionarrnsured parties. GED\53027\334160.01 5.... . " ',) '(jl)e, '1 1/1 t't 't-1 Murr3Y [1~4hl MUlld)' llahl T'): jl "- 4 ('9'::.1 JE 110-7 "F 011 13.3 The Company shall maintain and keep in force a Workersi Compensation insuranc~' policy for' all its employees. Thls coverage shall meet the statutory limits set forth by the state .of Colorado. 13.4 Each party shall be responsible for its own negligent acts, provided, however, that tlothing in thls Agreement shall waive any immunity, defense, or limitation of liability available to either the City or the Fire Protection District under the Colorado Governmental Immunity Act, Se~tion 24-10-101, et seq., C.R.S. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have '~x6cuted this Agreement and lntend for it to be in full force'l'md effeot as of 7:00 a.m. on the 27m day of December, 1999. Wheat Ridge Fire ~ ., . ! :APPROVED AS TO FORM: . .: :!~'i;~\frM.1J1AJ~~1 ~_ .""'''::'CitV Attorney p,'ji. . '~II ....:', . PRIDEMAf{K PARAMEDIC SERVICES, L.1.,.C. A TrESi: , ; './IJt~ 1f- (1rfN/. ~" It ..'."'~'~d Ropr~"'n~.tlv'J QEDIS3027\334160,01 6 .)1 ,:iJn~ tJ H f GED\53D27\3341 eO.Oll . :1.'1-1 t11Jnaj.' [I"ihl .Iv!unay Ddhl TO: 3W; 2j4-:.:l.c.4 eXH151:r A ,J., Rate Schedule :00: r ~ .. '''t'l 3F [In:=! I 'F il11 '~/.:./2u(h 1 14 PI 'M ~1111"r3Y Ddhl "'furray Dahl T'~l: -"t'j-2jll-S3,:A Pridemark Paramedic Serviues, LLC City of Wheat Ridge - RFP #99-20 Ambulance Servioe _;E I'll'.:) "F (111 Corifidential Note: Pridemark's average Invoice for services In the Denver metro area is currently $589.00 BASE RATES Advanced Life support (ALS) ALS With Multiple Patients ALS Mileage Basic Life Support (BLS) BLS With MUltiple Patients I3LS Mileage SUPPLIES fMost Common) IV Supplies Blood braw Oxygen Supplies Dressing - Major Dressing Minor Splint- Extremity EKG" 12 Lead Intubalion lYI~DICATIONS Average Medication Cost PROCEDURES (Most Common) Blood draw rv Start EKG Monitor Glucometer. Intubation Oxygen Administration Infection Control $470.00 $352.50 $8.00/ Mile $365.0D $273.75 $8.001 Mile $10.00 $5.00 $3.00 $15.00 $5.00 $20.00 $20.00 $45.00 $10.10 $25.00 $25.00 $30.00 $10.00 $40.00 $35.00 $22.00 Ci,':/2nw ,I 11 PI If'l "'urr.a:,c Ddr.l "'utray D:~hl Tv: }O - ~j1-(:j~1 ;E l.!rl ('F lill " Wheat Ridge Ambulanoe RFP Exhibit A Detailed Usual and Customary Rates Coniidantial DESCRJPTlON RATE D~CRIPTION RATE ALS BASE $470,00 ALS BASE. MULTI $352.50 ALS MILEAGE $8.00 BlS BASE - MULTI $273.75 BLS BASE $365.00 BLS MILEAGE B.OOl MILE TREAT ON SCENE $150.00 SUPPl.IES Charge AIRWAY $5.00 131.000 DRAW $5,00 CHEST COMPRESSION $45,00 COLD/HOT PACK $5.00 CRICOTHYROTOMY $50,00 DEFIBIPACING $45.00 DRESSING. MAJOR $15.00 DRESSINI3. - MINOR $5,00 EKG . 12 LEAD $20.00 EKG . 4 LEAD $10.00 KERLIX $5.00 INTUBATION $45.00 10 SUPPLIES $35,00 IRRIGATION SUpp $1too ISOLATION KIT $15.00 IV DRJP SUPPLIES $10,00 IV SALINE SUPPLIES $5,00 IV BLOOD PUMP $20,00 NEBULIZER SUPPLIES. $5.00 08 PACK $1DD.OO OXYGEN SUPPLIES $3.00 RESTRAINTS $10.00 SPLlNT . EXTREMITY $2Q.00 SPLINT. SPINAL $60.00 SUCTION $i5.00 ':if.o:./ 200S 1 11 PI !M MUfLay Dahl lchll C3.y Dahl TO: 303-234 I::q::'1 ;E: 1111 IIF rnl .'lll:OQ~ 1\II.JId1jnIIIUUIOII~C t\rr t:.I\lllllnA Detailed Usual and Customary Rates Confidential MEDICATIONS Charge PROCEDURES Charge ADENOCARD $65.00 BLOOD DRAW $25.00 ALBUTEROL $6.00 CELUBIOPHONE $3.00 AMMONIA AMP $1.00 CHEST COMPRESSION-CPR $25.00 ASPIRIN $1.00 CHEST DECOMPRESSION $35.00 ATROPINE $6.00 CRICOTHYROTOMY $50.00 BENADRYL $6.00. DEFIBlPACING $35.00 BRETYLlUM TOSYLATE . $10.00 EKG MONITOR $30.00 DEXTROSE 50% $5.00 GLUCOMETER $10.00 DOPAMINE $10,00 INTUBATION $40.00 EPI1:1000 $6.00 10 PROCEDURE $15.00 EPI1'10000 $6.00 IV DRIP SET UP $25.00 GLUCOSE - ORAL $4.00 N MONITOR $20.00 INAPSINE $6.00 IV SALINE SET UP $25.00 LIDOCAINE $6.00 N SLOOD PUMP SET UP $25.00 LIDOCAINE DRIP $13.00 MAST $25,00 LIDOCAINE JELLY $10.50 NEBULIZED MEDICATION $10.00 MAGNESIUM SULFATE $6.00 DB DELIVERY $100,00 MORPHJNE SULFATE $6,00 OXYGEN ADMINISTRATION $35.00 NARCAN $25',00 PULSE OXIMETRY $20.00 NEOSYNEPHRINE $6.00 RESTRAINING $25.00 NITRO $5.00 SPLINT. EXTREMITY $30,00 SODIUM ElICARB $6,00 !SPLlNT - SPINAL $50.00 TETRACAINE $6.00 SUCTION $20.00 VALIUM $6.00 EXTRICATION/EXTRACT $40.00 VAPONEPHRINE $25.00 lNFECTIONfLlNENS $22.00