HomeMy WebLinkAbout1997 City of Wheat Ridge 1997 ANNUAL B U D G E T CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 1997 ADOPTED BUDGET -TABLE OF CONTENTS- Pages Title Page Table of Contents i-iii GENERAL FUND Financial Summaries - General Fund Revenue by Source Graph General Fund Revenue Analysis . General Fund Department Summary . General Fund Summary by Classification 1997 General Fund Budget Citywide Staffing Citywide Organizational Chart 2 3 5 7 8,9 10 . 11 GENERAL GOVERNMENT General Fund Department Summary . General Government Organizational Chart Administrative Services Department Staffing Department Detail Summary City Council Program Mayor Program Economic Development Program City Manager Program City Attorney Program Purchasing Program . Data Processing Program Building Maintenance Program General Government Special Events General Operations . 13 14 15 16,17 18,19 20,21 22,23 24,25 26,27 28,29 30,31 32,33 34,35 36,37 MUNICIPAL COURT Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Department Summary Municipal Court Program 39 40 41 42,43 CITY CLERK Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Department Summary City Clerk Program 45 46 47 48,49 i TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) TREASURY General Fund Department Summary Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Treasury Department Detail Summary Treasurer/Accounting Program Sales Tax Program 51 52 53 55 56,57 58,59 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT General Fund Department Summary Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Department Summary Detail Administration Program Planning & Zoning Program Building Inspection Code Enforcement . 61 62 63 65 66,67 68,69 70,71 72,73 POLICE General Fund Department Summary Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Department Summary Detail Police Chief Program Community & Support Services Administration (CASSA) Animal/Park Enforcement (APEO) Communications . Selective Enforcement & Education (SEE) Records Program Training Program . Patrol Bureau Criminal Investigations Bureau Traffic - Operations Division Special Investigations Unit Emergency Preparedness 75 76 77 78,79 80,81 82,83 84,85 86,87 88,89 90,91 92,93 94,95 96,97 98,99 100,101 102,103 PUBLIC WORKS General Fund Department Summary . Public Works Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Department Summary Detail . Administration Program Engineering Program Street Maintenance Program Traffic Maintenance Program Fleet Maintenance Program 105 106 107 108,109 110, III 112 , 113 114, 115 116,117 118,119 ii TABLE OF CONTENTS (cont'd) PARKS AND RECREATION General Fund Department Summary Organizational Chart Department Staffing . Department Summary Detail Administration Program Recreation Program Parks Maintenance, Forestry & Open Space 121 122 123 124,125 126,127 128,129 130,131 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECT Capital Improvement Budget 134,135 OTHER FUNDS Park Acquisition Fund Insurance Fund Police Investigations Fund Compensated Absences Sales Tax Bond Fund Special Improvement District 1987-1 Fund Open Space Fund . Open Space Fund, 1998-2001 (Fund 32) Municipal Court Fund ... Tree Planting, Parks & Recreation Donation Fund Richards Hart Improvement Fund Parks & Recreation Damage Deposit Fund Economic Development & Revitalization Commission Fund Sales Tax Bond Reserve Fund Senior Center Fund Conservation Trust Fund . Conservation Trust Fund, 1998-2001 (Fund 54) Building Demolition Fund Equipment Fund Computer Fund . Police Building Fund 137 138 139 140 141 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150 151 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 APPENDIX List of Elected Officials Property Tax Resolution . Budget Resolution . Compensation Schedule, 1997 Schedule of Capital Leases Fleet Replacement Schedule 161 163 164,165 166-170 172 173 1997 Budget and Financial policies 175-196 iii ANALYSIS OF GENERAL FUND BALANCE 1995 - 1998 1995 1996 II 1997 II 1998 II Begin Fund Balance $4,319,315 $3,258,194 $3,769,852 I $2,584,903 I RESTATE FUND BAL. $3,679,724 Revenue $12,081,094 $12,799,986 $12,747,125 I $12,721,9381 Expenditures $10,711,516 $12,709,858 $12,924,513 I $13,393,790 I Transfers to Other funds $2,430,699 I $0 $0 I $0 I End Fund Balance $3,258,194 I $3,769,852 I $3,592,464 I $1,913,051 I * * POTENTIAL SURPLUS I $2,584,903 I $2,678,758 I II $1,007,561 II ($765,707) II 20% FUND BALANCE * Assumes surplus in 1997 is expended PRE97BAL.WB2 02125/97 'GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE Transfers (7 85%)~, Other Revenue (2.14%)~,,\ Muni Court (3 92%) -;/ ' \ /'; \ Charge for Service (3 98%)7' ",," \ I " ~ r> "" :-,~ t,:-!i; ""', ~ ~Sales Tax (30.20%) Intergovernmental (1210%) Lic & Permits (4 07%)---- Admission/Amusement (0 45%)--/' Lodgers Tax (412%)-1 Telephone Occ. (1 50%)-' PSC franchise (667%)-1 Property Tax (4 70%) '- Liq Occupation (053%) \~Auto Ownership (0 51%) 2 1997 GENERAL FUND REVEN U E ANAL YSIS 94 ACTUAL 95 ACTUALI 96 BUDGET 96 REVISED 97 PROJECTED I 98 PROJECTED! Real Property 5562,661 5561,053 5604,000 5575,500 5599,725 5625,713 liquor Occupation 567,848 562,773 568,000 568,000 568,000 558,000 Auto Ownership 564,196 562,197 565,000 565,600 565,000 563,000 Sales Tax 53,370,283 53,672,810 53,600,000 53,673,500 53,850,000 53,965,000 Use Tax S 1,896,680 52,065,446 52,039,000 52,040,000 52,200,000 52,095,275 PSCo. Franchise 5826,983 5898,351 5850,000 5873 000 5850,000 5560,000 Telephone Occupation 5179,987 5190,575 5190,575 5190,575 5190,575 5190,575 Lodger's Tax 5426,089 5492,492 5410,000 5500,000 5525,000 5525,000 Admission/Amusement 553,712 548.348 550,000 555,000 557,750 560.000 TOTAL TAXES 57,448,439 58,054,045 57,876.575 58,041,175 58,406,050 58,459,563 Amusement Machine 510,770 57,380 59,500 510,000 S10,OOO 510,000 Arborist 5860 51,115 5750 Sl,OOO 5900 5900 Contractor S59,814 558,499 550,000 S55,000 550,000 545,000 liquor License Sll,189 511,847 512,000 512,000 S12,OOO 512,000 Building Permit S 128,283 5193,171 5164,000 5212,000 5275,000 5200 000 Street Cuts 513,122 542,577 548,000 548,000 548,000 550,000 Cable T V 575,352 580,535 571,250 S80,OOO 582,500 590,000 Elevator Inspection S5,435 55,850 510,350 510,350 S 1 0,350 510,350 Business license 528,835 529.470 528.000 529,000 S30,000 530,000 TOTAL L1C, & PERMITS 5333,660 5430,444 S393,850 5457,350 5518,750 I S443,250 I Cigarette Tax 5194,994 5187,685 5195,000 5190,000 S195,000 5190,000 County Road & Bridge S353,535 5353,624 5360,000 5360,000 5360,000 S360,000 Hiway User's Tax 5761,935 5796,504 5830,289 5810,000 5828,700 S830,000 Motor Vehicle Regist. 5120,470 5105,918 5123,600 5107,000 5110,000 5115,000 State Hiway STEP Grant 50 50 50 SO 50 50 State ADAD Grant 50 SO SO SO 50 50 Parks & Recreation Grants 5902 50 531,711 50 50 Fire District Dispatching Fees 528,400 528,000 S28,400 S28,400 528,400 Justice Dept. Grant 50 525.545 S60,000 550.000 520,000 50 TOTAL INTERGOV REV 51,430,934 I 51,498.578 51,596,889 51,577.111 51,542,100 I 51,523,400 I Weed Mowing! Cleanup S2,479 52,842 5400 S3,OOO 51,500 52,000 En9ineering Fees 50 5150 566,100 510,000 550,000 560,000 Development Fees SO 5250 520,000 S5,000 515,000 520,000 Zoning Fees 56,073 510,251 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 liquor Hearing 5250 50 51,000 50 5500 5500 Pa<ks & Recreation 5224,816 5233,124 5227,250 5248,600 5261.225 - 5251,225 Swimming Pool 593,837 591,823 598,000 596,000 598,000 598,000 Police Records/Search S26,336 S29,541 526,000 526,000 526,000 525,000 Pawn Shop Charges 58,750 510,000 510,000 510.250 510,000 510,000 Pawn Shop Ticket Fees 55,352 510,646 57,500 57,500 510,000 510,000 EX'.ra Duty Reimbursement S15017 520,339 520,000 520,000 525,000 525,000 TOTAL CHRG fOR SERV 5382,910 5408.966 5486,250 5436,350 5507 225 5522.725 MUNICIPAL COURT 5377,415 5398.777 5455,000 5500,000 5500 000 5500,000 Interest Earnings 5158,206 5325,831 5150,000 5170,000 5175,000 S 175,000 Richard/Hart - Duplex 516,140 520,840 518,000 518.000 518.000 518,000 Mise, Income 589,005 578.831 565,000 580.000 580,000 575.000 TOTAL OTHER REVENUE 5263,351 5425.502 5233,000 5268.000 5273 000 I S258.000 Trans from Open Space 5286,000 5350,000 5350,000 5870,000 5350,000 $350,000 Trans from Capital Proi. 5650,000 5745,000 5650,000 5650,000 5650,000 '5650,000 TOTAL TRANSFER 5936,000 51,095,000 51,000.000 51,520,000 51,000,000 51,000,000 I GRAND TOTAL REVENUE 511.172.709 ' 512,311.312 512,041,564 512.799,986 512,747,125 512.721,938 21-Jan-97 ,,~~_: 3 "WE CARE. [",OliGS TO :V1..l..KE A DrFF::RE\CE" ... 4 02/_3/97 15 52 06 K~P7 155J bu240-wr C:7Y 0: WHEAT RI~GE Page biE 7 Gene~al ?ur.d Dep~ Summa:y ACCO~-r DESCRIPTION 1997 Go~~~ :UND BLUGoT 1995 AITJAL 1996 3L'"DGET 1996 SST!MA.TE 1997 "-oQUEST 1997 1998 APPROVED RSCU3STED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ :::;E~""ERAL F'L'ND Gene~al Governme~t 4155,054 29-19,181 2759,189 2879,023 2348,657 2549,555 254 350 328,950 323,455 379,047 377,750 337,100 143,044 150,424 141,956 149,305 149,192 147,474 216,698 237,978 232,348 242,761 242,110 248,320 488,930 664,765 535,405 668,124 625,406 582, -:.61 4181,354 4808,332 4635,445 4965,041 4762,073 4979,204 2113,798 2336,549 2213,571 2570,885 2489,802 2';89,426 1550,165 18{9,895 1318,499 2798,244 2034,523 281.0,1.50 --------- --- - -- --- --------- - --- - - --- --------- --------- 13103,392 13326,073 12709,858 14653,435 12949,513 13393,790 "1un::..cipal Court City Clerk City Treasurer Planning and Developme~t Police Public Works Parks and Recreatio~ TOTAL 5 "WE c."'.?"'::' ["iOLG:: TO ~pSE A DrFrERE:'\CE" .. 6 02/13/97 15 ~8 43 RE?T 1555 bu24.0-wr ACCOtJ"}.'"'!' O;:SCRInION PERSO~~L SERVICES General Gove~nment City Cle:rk MUrl.icipal Court :'reasury Planning & Development ?olice_ Public Works Parks & Recreation Total Personnel Se~ices MATERIAL & SUPPLIS$ General Gove:rnment City Clerk Municipal Court T~easury Planning & Development Police Public Works Parks & Recreat~on Total Materials & Supp OTHER SERVICES & C~GS General Governme~t City Clerk Municipal Court Treasury Planning & Development Police Public Works Parks & Recreation Total Other Services CAPITAL OUTLAYS General Government City Clerk Municipal Court Treasury Planning & Development Police Public Works Parks & Recreation Total Capital Outlays TOTAL EXP BY CLASSIFICATION CI:: 02 WHEA'!' R:::DGE SU~~~Y BY C~S!2IC;TIJN 1997 GE~~~;L FUND 3u~ET :995 .;CTU,".L 968,363 81,825 237,074 108,321 428,713 3939,422 1134,324 1156,435 8354,478 70,386 7,01-1 5,659 2,667 12,537 54,042 312,281 140,436 605,023 731,546 48,498 11,617 3,535 47,053 172,873 346,703 245,301 1607.127 54,234 5,706 o o 628 15,016 20,489 7,992 1996 3u~GET 10'5,265 100,006 311,245 115,300 516,000 4502,575 1565,044 1342,959 9529,394 109,638 1,800 4. 545 900 12,703 69,958 323,029 153,690 675.263 756,566 48,618 13,150 5,250 134,712 225,309 407.030 337,616 1929,261 80 577 1,350 10.490 41 446 15,630 EST!~.ATE 1047.886 lOO,005 306,245 115,300 472,4.-i0 4347,805 1475,316 1314,252 1996 199"7 "SQUEST E34,064 100,155 360,167 117,059 492,076 4598,621 1770,624 1572,602 9179,750 10145,368 102.508 1,800 4,050 900 9.500 66,458 310,164 158.390 653,770 690.516 40,150 13,160 4.650 102,165 216,707 386,145 330.217 1783,710 o 79 777 o o 1.300 4.,475 41,446 15,530 2536,764 l19~,156 1092,628 13103,392 13326,073 12709,858 7 143,492 1,800 4.,565 900 14,848 58.892 341,875 173,363 749,735 872,572 47.350 14.315 6,000 138,700 215.608 417,086 1009.619 2721,350 102.202 o 400 22,500 82,920 41,300 42,660 1036,982 14553,435 1997 .;X? ?ROVE:> ~04';, 550 :0':),042 355.670 115,944 507,351 4464,052 1573,146 H89,999 ?age bill 1998 REQU2S7SD 1049 543 102,324. 367,000 119.029 506,321 4654,482 1723.173 1492,793 9755,754 ~0015,255 139.35' 1,800 4,765 12, :JOO 68,122 317,575 163,620 707,149 855.254 4. 7,350 17.315 6,000 106,055 205.113 406.421 346.039 1989,547 39.352 24.786 7,660 34,865 496,063 12949.513 900 :47,902 1 800 4.. 940 900 5,200 75,555 339,575 163,349 740,221 870.501 43,350 15. ::.60 6.000 69.440 238 167 420,328 343.008 2005.954 54.000 400 11 000 6,350 11.000 632,350 13393,790 02/13/97 l6 23 33 RE?7 1575 bu2';0-w:=- ACCOUNT DESCRIP'TION PERSONN~L SERVICES STA?F SALARIES & WAGES LO~GEVITY PAY DEFE~~ED COMPENSATION EXTRA DUTY ? A Y Atn'O ALLOWANCE OVERTI~ & PREMIUM PAY STA."'DBY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY COURT PAY TE~? PERSO~~EL - NON-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER WORKERS' COMPENSATION MEDlCAL/DE~,;L INSURANCE UNEMPLOYME~7 INS~~CE WORK COMP DEDUCTIBLE MEDICARE PORTION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE RET!REMENT EX? OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE Total Pe:=-sonnel Services MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFfICE SUPPLIES CE~~ STORES REVOLVING POSTAGE REVOLVING PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EX? POSTAGE COSTS RANGE SUPPLIES OPEP~TING SUPPLIES GAS & OIL VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PA..'{TS HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL SPECIAL SMALL EQUIPMENT SPECIAL EQUIPMENT Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES, BOOKS. SUBSCRIPT ELECTION EXPENSE ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINN LEGALS & PUBLISHING RECORDING FEES LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIPS ORDINANCE ENFORCEME~7 ECONOMIC DEVE~OP INCENT GENER VETERINARY SERVICES/SUPP JEFFCO ANI~AL SHELTER TUI~ION REIMBURSEMENT PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS RSCRUITME~7 & ADVERTISING c:rI OF WHEA7 RIDGE St~M~~Y BY ACCOCN~ 1997 GE~~RAL :u~~ 3L~GET 1995 AC:-'VAL 5995,254 27,042 13,028 20,361 15,600 193,998 21,428 308,466 47 082 174,739 259,114 226,542 563,130 1,';'38 o 78,724 121,094 235,981 50,458 8354,478 34,821 28- 64,572 41,300 10,119 260,600 85,184 104,301 3,407 605,023 43,895 l6C,04l 27,174 5,937 6,784 35,410 ~,500 24,907 9,258 13,462 219 11,386 2,375 4,490 10,395 8 1995 3u:JGET 658";,946 30,331 18,725 25,500 15,600 223,512 22,386 398 369 71,022 2:)3,426 290,860 259,000 555 228 2::,000 C 88,656 133,119 379,454 :02,260 9528,394 746 40,968 o 30,100 93,133 18,500 9,020 292,919 90 000 100,173 9,700 o 750 675,263 62,521 282,989 27,248 10,968 7,500 28,312 1. 500 27,429 9,650 73,500 450 12,000 5,000 3,050 15,277 1995 ES7!MAT'E 6485,508 25,650 15,725 25,000 15,600 215.627 22,379 371,496 56,790 195.474 289,329 259,000 630,469 25,000 o 88,330 133,265 259,852 65,256 9179,750 38,983 30,000 73,170 21. 500 9,020 281,824 90,000 100,173 8,350 o 750 653,770 63,H5 240,780 24,566 4,000 7,500 26.444 1. 500 25,000 9.000 40,000 450 12,000 5,000 3,775 13,000 1.997 REOu~ST 7163,896 18,040 20,760 25,000 16,800 242,906 23,503 496,240 73,445 165,46l 313,503 300,000 670,216 15,000 94,040 158 710 273,175 74,673 10145,368 35,515 o 32,000 111,518 30,460 11,842 322,050 95,000 100,000 10,600 o 750 749,735 65,<60 286,507 36,500 8,000 8,000 27,500 3,000 24,750 13,500 50,000 500 11,500 5,000 4,645 ::"2,000 Page 1 0_:"1 :997 ~99a AP?~OV'ED REQL~STED 6935,843 17,822 20.5:!..3 25,000 16.400 236,353 23,503 .n..., 8...6 53,342 165.723 312,144 190.000 555,002 15,000 93 034 154,998 266,771 7:,655 9756,754 36,790 o 32,000 102 970 27 960 11.842 300,937 95,000 90,000 a,900 707,149 67,810 229,338 35,900 8,000 8,000 27,500 3,000 27,250 12,500 70,000 500 11,500 5,000 4,645 14,000 7:96,548 20,389 2:,319 25,000 16,400 236,210 24.033 422,537 59,559 ::"69,966 322 881 2aC 000 672 :95 15,000 96,224 163,239 279,520 73,235 10015,265 36,670 750 34,000 107,580 26.260 o 328,361 97,500 100,000 9,100 o 750 740,221 63,251 21' 112 ,. '10 28,500 3 000 24,7S0 12, 500 50,000 550 12 000 5,000 4,645 14,000 02/13/97 16 3: 48 RE?7 1575 bu240-'...or Accouxr D:::SCRIPTION EXPENSE R:::IMBURSEMENT TRAINING SAFETY UNIFOR~S & ?ROT CLOTHING WITNESS & JV~OR FEES AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT UNIFO~ ALLOWANCE TOOL AL:'OWA.,'1CE VO!..UNTEERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFIL~ SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE REt.-rALS & !..2A$ES TE~E?HONE =:X?ENSE U':'IL~TrES S7REET L!Gh"7ING FLEET REPAIR/MAINTENANCE FACILITY RE?AIR & MAINT OTnER EQUI ?MENT MAINT OUTSIDE AGE~CY CONTRIBUTION PERSONAL & PROPERTY LIAS UNINSURED LOSSES DRUG COALITICN GRANT JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES PROBATION EXPENSE TITLE SEA.~C~ES lliALLOCATED FUND BALANCE SAI.ARY RESERVE ~ANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY MISC SERVICES & CHARGES Toeal Other Services CAPITAL OUTLAYS LAND, BLOG & WATER ACQ OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP TOOLS & WORK EQUIP ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FLEET REPLACEMENT CAPITAL LEASES OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS BUILDING I~PROVEMENTS P/W SHOP TOOLS AND WORK EQUI? COMMUNITY IMP & BEAUTIFA RICHARD/HAKD EST IMPROV TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FO~S Toeal Capieal Outlays TOTAL EX?E:-JSE C!7Y OF ~EAT RIDGE SU""MM.;"~Y BY ACCOt.iNT 1997 GE~E~~ Fv~ BUDGE7 1995 ACTUAL 625 68,103 566 46,969 1,536 5,153 35,042 o 237,776 1,680 400 13,424 62,969 206,157 281,135 o 41,280 39,872 19,830 o 5,637 o 209 o o 5,374 171,087 1607,127 31,160 o 6,459 2,899 o 35,155 27,499 2432,699 2536,764 13103,392 9 1996 BUDGET 2,035 73 250 58, 140 1,200 7,915 37,840 o 317,373 7,915 255 35,923 73,505 245,150 310,000 39,723 44,014 20,000 o 6,300 6,340 5,225 62,515 1928,261 54 550 508 1,570 12,000 25,000 54,865 894 1,000 1044,663 1194,156 13326,073 1995 SS7IMATE 1,700 74,073 500 62,811 1,800 7,560 37,840 o o 250,669 7,140 420 34,955 77,305 242,650 306,000 o 46,153 43,719 20,000 o o o 6,000 750 400 o 21,340 5,000 59,515 1783,710 53 003 1,100 1 570 6,000 o 25,000 54,955 1,000 o 950,000 1092,628 12709,858 1997 REQUEST 2,150 76,375 500 59,900 2,200 8,295 37,840 o o 295,650 7,500 2,350 40,296 88,689 242,519 325,000 o 57,218 61,005 20,000 o o 6,500 o 750 o 125,000 5,000 699,751 2721,350 o 92,330 16,145 5,800 79,470 o 14,152 82,585 o 1,500 745,000 1036,982 14653,435 1997 AP?ROVSD 1,750 72.480 500 55,037 2,200 8,170 37,840 o o 275,150 5,600 40.224 91,689 254,520 320,000 o 82,218 54,655 20,000 6,500 100,000 7,000 27,571 1989,547 21.200 4.295 12.250 o 14,152 44,166 11 000 389,000 496,063 12949.513 Page :Oi.1: 2 1998 REQUESTED 1,750 70,680 500 55,598 2.310 8,485 37,840 o o 29l,395 5,600 44,488 95,000 266,086 330 000 59,703 92,627 20,000 o o 500 7,000 o 500 110,000 5,000 20,200 2005,954 o 13,850 7,500 o 25,000 15,000 21,000 o o o o 550,000 632,350 13393,790 :':;:::':::":"::::;:::;':::,;;;;:.:.:;:::;:::;:;::::::;:}':::;:;,;.;;:::,:,:::;::;:::::;:::.:;;:::::;::;::::" .' ;:::::::{:::::,:.:,::;::::: :::})::::::;:::}::::;:>;<:::}::::>~:>::}??::~::;~:):': ::::':'::::.:::,:::::.:::;::::::::::.::;.:::.;..::::.;:.:..::;:::::.,::..;:,:::;:;':';';:;::.::::::::;::::;;:;:':.:.:;:::: .... ::::::;:;.:::.::;:::::::::/::.:::;:::;:::,;,:::::::::::::;:::::;::.:::::,:.;:;::::\::>\~{:>::::>}~::::;:: .'.....'.....'.'.'.'.' 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POSITION TITLE 1996 1997 1998 General Government 12 12 12 City Clerk 2 2 2 Municipal Court 6 8 8 Treasury 4 4 4 Planning & Development 10 10 10 Police 89 89.5 89.5 Public Works 32 34 34 Parks & Recreation 23 25 25 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 178 184.5 184.5 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor 1 1 1 Council Members 8 8 8 City Clerk 1 1 1 City Treasurer 1 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 10 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELECTORATE . I - - CITY MAYOR CITY TREASURER CLERK COUNCIL I I CITY MUNICIPAL CITY ATTORNEY JUDGE MANAGER BUDGET PURCHASING DATA PROC BLDG, MAINT PERSONNEL ECO DEVEL VOLUNTEERS PARKS PLANNING PUBLIC AND AND POLICE RECREATION DEVELOPMENT WORKS 11 ,. \ \ :.: c.-\.:z.:: :':\'0 C G:i TO :'vi",,;"'::': ,"" D IT r::.: Rf:'\ C:':" I I ; 12 02/13/97 15 34 40 REPT 1550 bu240-wr CITY OF WHP....AT RIDGE Ge~eral F~nd Dept Summary Ac:mJ"N'T 1997 GE~cRAL FU~ BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL DESCRIPTION 1995 BUDGE:T 1996 ESTIl"f.ATE 1997 REQUEST Page bil.: :397 1998 APPRO~~ REQ~~STED ~-_._--~-~-------------~------------------------~--------------~-----------~--------------------------~-----------------~----------- GENERAL GOVERNMENT Ci:y C:>u:1cil 119,646 Mayor 14,571 Administration 532.872 Economic Development 90,541 City Attorney 176.926 Purchasing 88,965 Data Processing 110,704 Building Maintenance 89,431 General Operations 2922,986 Special Events 8,411 TOTAL 4155,054 13 ',28 962 16,145 395,429 95,334 216,500 93,443 125.295 102,356 1734,904 40,813 2949,181 126 513 16,145 391.976 94,555 180,000 92,186 122,370 77,778 1621,166 36,500 2759,189 121,799 17,793 420,096 106,878 200,000 97,497 132,183 114,768 1640,714 27,300 2879,028 129.581 123,299 17.446 :. 7,496 442,983 427,769 lCO,541 10G.136 190,000 2JC.OOO 96.04 C 100,123 126.364 129,445 110.087 11..,520 1108,315 1302 467 27,300 28,300 2348,657 2549 -555 GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR CITY COUNCIL EXECUTIVE SECRETARY (1 ) CITY MANAGER SENIOR SECRETARY (1 ) I I FINANCE/ ECONOMIC PERSONNEL BUDGET DEVELOPMENT ASSISTANT ASST. (1) COORD. (1) (1 ) I I I SWITCHBOARD VOLUNTEER OPERATOR (1) COORDINATOR PURCHASING DATA AGENT (1) SYSTEMS ANALYST (1) PURCHASING DATA TECHNICIAN - PROGRAMMER (1 ) (1 ) BUILDING MAINT. TECH - (1 ) PARKS PLANNING &. &. POLICE PUBLIC RECREATION DEVELOPMENT WORKS 14 ....""..,........'.."""'""",,,.,',. ,.---.-. .,'"',,,.. .,. .., ." . ,.. .' ,.,.........-.--_.. .....---..."',",",....,",,',,. . . ..,",,',',.. ...,.,.--.....---,...,,',,',' .,..,.,.,.... ,. ..,......,',...,...............-....-. :,.......:...'..,:..-:.,:.....,.'..'.-. .", ----.---.--'-.....,. ..................,.........,..,.,... :.:...........:.,:.:-.......... ,.,.. ., '.,..'."'" .......................:.---.-... .....,-,....,........,..,...... ...............-.......... .-.-.....-.......'.....'..,-..'--..,.....,......','....-...-............-..',.."""..",',',.,......-.-.-.'.'.'. ..,...'..,...--",....-,-."'",...-.',,,...., .. .,..,.,.,. . .".,..........,..,-...-.--....... ....,..,....,. ,.. . ........,.',--..'.'..'-.----.--. :.:.:::,:::::::::::::/:::<:<::::::::;:;:::::::::::::;:::::::::::};:::;::::::.::::::\}:.:::;::::;';'::;::::::::::::::::::/::::::::::::::::;::::;:{:::::::}::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;::::::::}.::<.;::::::::;::::.::<:;:::;:::::::::::::;::'::::: 9~~~N~~~~,!O!fj ,. ., .' , "'.'" .. ...........,-,_._,----....,. .....-"... "'.'.' -..., .,.,." ",. , ., ."- .. '.' ,...,.. .,..-..,.--.-------.--..... .,.,.,.--..,----.-..,.,-.--.........,.,. -- -. ..............'............. ........-......... .....- .. ............."...",,-" ...,,---.. "....".....--.."....... .. .".."."".. ,...." . ."....... .................--,..,........................,...... ...-.................--..'....."...-....--. .-..-..,......-.,.........-.......--',.'..,....'.-............. :.:,;.:,.,.....,-.-..,...:-.:.-...-.-....-.....-'-..-...-.......... ...---.. .. - "......."...... . .,... ."'.' .... .... ..-..-.,..-......,-............".... ...,..,......,.......'-.....,.',"... ... .."".......... .................... ~,., . .. ............'...;.:.......:,....:...................-:...:....-:...:,.....-....-......-'.....'........,....'-...-.-....., .,- ........................................:..,:.....:....:.:.:..,.:.:':........... ..........,....,...................... ..-,....'......--..-'.'........-.-'-..-..'-............. .......,',',',',..,., , .,.., . ..... . .......,.,.,.,-..-... ..,..--.--:.-,-.--:-:...'.-.:.-..'...-.,-.-.--,...--.... .......................,..,.:.:.......:...:.,.... AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1996 1997 1998 City Manager 1 1 1 Personnel Assistant 1 1 1 Finance Assistant 1 1 1 Data Systems Manager 1 1 1 Purchasing Agent 1 1 1 Data Programmer 1 1 1 Executive Secretary 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 Purchasing Technician 1 1 1 Switchboard Operator 1 1 1 Economic Development Coord. 1 1 1 Bldg. Maint. Technician 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 12 12 12 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor 1 1 1 Council Members 8 8 8 This table includes only the personnel budgeted ~n line item 602. 15 02/13/97 15 C7 32:G?7 11:)5 b~2";;:-."'::- .:;:::::.,~-: D2SC?:?T:CN Ge~e=al Gove=~men~ ?~RSO~~L SERVI:ES STAFF S~~IES & WAGES LC~GEV!TY PAY J2FE~~D COM?~~SATION Al..-:O .:;u,OWA..';CE :)\i=:?7IM:: & PRE.'1IiJM PAY T~~? PERSO~~L HOu~Y 7~~? PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY ::~:; EXPE~SE E~PLOYER ~CRKS?5 COM?ENSATION ~~=I~/DE~lAL IN5~~CE :"~=:'~?LO~.E:-r: !NSUR..'\NCE WCRKERS' COM? DEDUCT!3LE ~DICARE PORTION FIC~ CCOE~~ RETIREMEN7 ~X? OU7SIDE PERSONAL SERVICE To~al pe::-sonnel Services K~TERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPP:'IES POS7AGS ?EOTOCO?Y & ?RI~7ING EX? ?OSTAGS COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & C~GS CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? CO~~CTUAL SERVICES DUES, BOOKS & SUBSCRIPT A.~uAl. APPRECIATION DINN C2GALS & PUBLISHING LSGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIPS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENT JEFFCO ANIMAL SHELTER TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PRS-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISING TRAINING SAFETY EXPENSE AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTIr..ITIES FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT CITY 0:::' WHEAT RIDGE Depar~me~~ S~wma~ 1997 GE~~~~ ?u~~ 3GUGST 1995 .;C:UA.:.. 509,144 o 4,884 3,600 5,448 46,742 33,225 226,54.2 36,754 1,438 8,189 14,373 1,050 891,472 11,138 28- 28,555 9,855 13,240 62,760 24,489 29,996 10,618 6,784 896 24,907 18,462 11,386 2,375 4,490 10,395 14,066 566 1,051 205,570 59,952 66,334 13,997 6,359 16 1996 Bt.i"DGET 538,358 o 5,098 3,600 7,500 o 49,948 36,657 259,000 44,360 21,000 o 8,940 17,401 991,862 13,533 30,100 36,725 3,500 14,760 101,618 31,000 48,511 8,040 7,500 1,812 27.429 73,500 12,000 5,000 3,050 15,277 12,748 2,110 252,914 735 75,000 68 000 14,770 2,500 1996 SSTIt'.A7S 1997 RE~t'"ES'!' 1997 A??ROVED Page bill 1 1998 RSQt2S7SD ---.-------.---------------------------- 517,510 5,098 3,600 7,200 49,928 35,264 259,000 37,551 25,000 o 8,614 15,748 o 964,513 13,533 30,000 29,740 5,000 14,485 95,758 31,875 43,000 5,775 7,500 1,444 25,000 40,000 12,000 5,000 3,775 13,000 15,548 500 2,270 210,414 o 74,400 77,600 17,500 2,500 552,579 o 5,227 3,600 11,300 o 52,733 37,338 300,000 41,537 15,000 8,737 22,061 o 1050.112 8,625 32,000 62,170 13,960 19,462 136,217 28,050 49,919 14,676 8,000 2,500 24,750 50,000 11,500 5,000 4,645 12,000 18,600 500 2,750 233,050 o 1,062 88,689 70,131 24,525 21,250 540,668 o 5,226 3,600 17,900 25,000 52,995 38,610 190,000 41,561 15,000 9,208 21,366 961,134 10,000 32,000 57,270 11,460 20,362 131.092 30,050 47,000 14,676 8,000 2,500 27,250 70,000 11,500 5,000 4,645 14,000 16,600 500 2,750 219,050 1,062 91,689 70,132 24 525 16,250 561,328 5,410 3,600 11,300 o 52,733 38,724 200 000 41.705 15,000 9,001 22,131 o 961,432 10,000 34,000 65,100 11,460 20,037 140,597 29,276 48,000 15.718 8,000 3,500 24,750 50,000 12,000 5,000 4,645 14,000 16,650 500 3,275 231,050 1,062 95,000 75,000 25,000 21,500 02/23/97 15 21 ::.9 REPT 1:06 bu24Q-wr Acco'Um DESCRIPTION OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBU7ION ?ERSONAL & PROPERTY LIABILITY UNINSURED LOSSES JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES UNALi.OCATED FUND BALANCE SALARY RESERVE MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY MISC SERVICES & CHARGES Total Ocher Se~ices CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CAPITAL LEASES OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPAR~~ EXPENSE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Department Summary Page 2 hi:2- 1997 GENERAL :JND BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL 1996 EST::-v..Tg 1997 1997 1998 RZQu~ST APPROVED REQL~S7ED 1996 BUDGET 19,830 o o 5,637 20,000 2C.OOO 20,000 20,000 20,000 o 6,300 o 6.800 o 6.500 6.500 o 7,000 0 6,340 21.340 125,000 100.000 110,000 5,374 5,225 5,000 5,000 7,000 5.000 171,081 30,700 27,700 :7.700 17,700 19,700 - ~ - - - ~ - -- - - ~ - - - - - - ~~-~--~~- - - - - ~ - - -- -~-~-~~~- --._----- 714,616 730,461 669,141- 845.797 828,379 8-;).626 14,855 44,077 43,277 22,750 9,900 8,500 2,899 6,000 6,000 61,500 11,500 25,000 35,155 25,000 25,000 1-1,152 14,152 15,000 599 5,500 5,500 3,500 3,500 4,000 0 0 0 0 0 - ~ ~ - - ~ - - - - - ~ - - - ~ - - -------~- ._-~._--- ---~----- -~._--~.- 53,508 80,577 79.777 10l.902 39.052 54,000 4155,054 2949,181 2759,189 2879,028 2348.657 250;9,655 17 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BlIDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGR"-M: Administrative SefVIces City Council PROGR"-M DESCRIPTION: The City Council is the legislative and policy making body of the City of Wheat Ridge. The Council IS comprised of eight members elected from four districts, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1. Office Supplies (651) is budgeted at $1,500 for Council briefcases and commemorative articles. (654) is budgeted at $500 to print the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. ? y-' 700 - OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES 1 Legislative Memberships (716) - CML, DRCOG, National League of Cities and Regional Air Quality Commission, budgeted at $27,250 Profes~ional Services is budgeted at $19,000 for comprehensive annual financial report; $1,000 is budgeted for repair of City Council fax machines (750) Annual Appreciation Dinner is budgeted at $8,000 (712). Outside Contributions is budgeted at $20,000 (780). Management contingency is budgeted at $2,000 for City Council CAP related expenses. ~ .} 4. 5 c:\budgCl'prog 1 02 18 02/12/97 15 17 00 ~E?T 1810 bu240-w:, ACCOUNT 01-102-600-619 01-102-600-620 01-102-600-625 01-102-650-651 01-102-550-654 01-102-650-655 01-lQ2-7:J0-702 01-102-700-706 01-102-700-712 01-102-700-716 01-102-700-740 01-102-700-750 01-102-700-759 01-102-700-730 01-102-700-795 01-102-7:J0-793 01-102-;00-799 CITY COUNCIL 600 TOI~S 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 102 TOTALS C:7Y ~? '~~EAT RI~G2 1997 .::"''\.~AL BtJVGET ?ag-e b_:l 1 1997 GENE~~ =v~ BUDGET DESCRIPTION TEM? ?ERSONNEL/NON-~CURL CITY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER C:TY CO MEDIC&~E PORTION FICA CITY COU OFFICE SUPPLIES CITY COUNCIL PHOTOCOPY & PRINT!NG EXP CITY POSTAGE COSTS CITY COUNCIL CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? CITY DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT CITY ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINN CITY LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIPS CITY C AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT CITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE EXPENSE CITY COUNCIL OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUT CITY UNALLOCATED FUND BALANCE CITY MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY CITY CO MISC SERVICES & CHARGES CITY C 1995 ACTUAL 1996 3'li'DGET 1.996 EST!~.ATE 1997 1993 A?PROVED REQt~S~E~ 1997 REQUEST 30,681 32,948 32,928 32,928 33,190 32,928 1,902 2,043 2,043 2,043 2,059 2,043 4:45 478 478 479 482 473 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 33,028 35,469 35,449 35,449 35,731 35,449 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 0 1,500 0 0 0 0 500 50e 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 2,00C 500 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 14,954 17,500 17,500 1:,000 14,000 12.000 200 200 400 400 400 6,784 7,500 7,500 8.000 8,000 9,000 24,907 27,429 25,000 24,750 27,250 24.750 149 200 200 200 200 200 19,994 20.664 20.664 22,000 20,000 22,000 19,830 20,000 20,000 20,000 20,000 20.000 0 0 0 0 0 2,000 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 86,613 93,493 91,064 85,350 91. 850 37,350 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 119,646 128,962 126,513 121,799 129,581 123,299 . "'",,,......'" ....--..... _"_31"'_".. -.......-..-- ..--:11---- ............ 19 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR\M SUM1\L\RY DEPARTMENT: PROGR-\M: AdrrunistratIve ServIces Mayor PROGR-\M DESCRIPTION: The Mayor is the elected ChIef Executive Officer of the CIty and presides at City Council meetings and specIal ceremOnIes, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MA TERJALS & SUPPLIES 1. Office supplies (651), photocopy (654) and postage (655) are consolidated In City AdminIstrator (Division 106) 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Misc, SefV1ces (799) is to be used for plaques, flowers, and memorials, S 1 ,200 .po c:\budget\proglO"" 20 02/12/90 16 17 30 RE?T 1010 bU24C-',.;r .;::::otJ).'"'!' Ol-10';-600-602 01-10... -600-620 01-10';-600-622 01-104-600-625 Ol-lO~-600-630 01-104 -650-651 0:-10';'-650-655 01-104-700-702 01-104-700-706 01-104 -700-726 01-104-700-740 01-104-700-759 01-104 ~700-798 01-104-700-799 01-104-300-802 ~.AYOR 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 104 TOTALS CITY 0: '~~EAT RISG! l39' A.......WU'AL 9UDG=::- Page biE 1997 GS~E~;L F0~ 3uuGS: 1995 ACTUA!... DESCRIPTION STAFF SALARIES & WAGES MAYOR FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MAYOR MEDICAL/DENTAL INS~~CE MAYOR MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP MAYOR OFFICE SUPPLIES MAYOR POSTAGE COSTS MAYOR CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP MAYOR DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCR:PT MAYOR RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISING AUTO MILEAGE REIM9URSEMT MAYOR TELEPHONE EXPENSE MAYOR MANAGEMENT COh7INGENCY MAYOR ~ISC SERVICES & CHARGES MAYOR OFFICE F~~ITURE & EQUIP MAYOR 1996 Bu~GET 1997 1998 APPROVED REQL3STED :'996 ESTI1'1A7S :997 RSQUEST 9,289 9.510 595 9,610 9,946 9,673 9,649 596 59B 598 S98 74 74 139 140 140 140 0 0 0 --------- - -- -- - --- --------- --------- 10.345 10,758 10,411 10 -161 --------- --------- --------- --------- 576 135 139 10,000 10,345 o o o o o o 3,632 3,500 3,500 4,400 4..400 4,400 0 500 500 935 935 935 0 247 600 600 500 500 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 693 1,200 1,200 1,200 1,200 !..200 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 4.5/1 5,800 5,BOO 7,035 7,035 7,035 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 0 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- -- - -- - --. --------- 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- -- - - ----- --------- 14,571 16,145 16,145 17,793 17.446 17,496 ,..-------- ----"'--.- ,.-..---.--- --------- --------- -"'-.---.... 21 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUM1\lARY DEPARTMENT: General Government PROGR-\M: Economic Development PROGR-\M DESCRIPTION: The Econonuc Development Coordinator administers the City's economic development program, Advises Mayor/City Council and City Administrator on business/development issues and needs. Works wIth the Jefferson Econonuc Council, the State, and other agencies and the business community expand, retam and attract businesses to Wheat Ridge. Serves as pnncipaI staff for the implementation of the City's StrategIc EconomIc Development Plan including the desIgn, coordinJtJon and implementation of IJfge projects which enhance the City's revenuc generJtmg capability 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Implement the gOJls stated In the Economic Development Strategic Plan, 2, Develop new revenue enhancement programs through IJfge project development, e,g, 48th & Kiphng, creJte a shopping mall capJbi1ity and mvestlgate the potentlJI role of the City as a communIcations utility. 3 Work with the business community, City Council and City agencies to retJIn and expand existmg busmesses and recruit replacement businesses thJt provide better job opportunities and improve the City's revenue base, 4 Accomodate thc organiution and implementJtion of special events and promotions designed to augment busmcss opportunities and communIty visibihty. 1997 SIGi'.'1FICAi'<'T CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I Printmg and copying is budgeted at $2,000 and ",ill bc used pnmJIily for mJfketmg and promotIOns. 700 - OTHERS SERVICES & SUPPLIES I.. Tlus areJ contains $5,000 to be used for contractuJI services and IcgJI publicJtlons, $2,500. - PERFORMANCE INDICATORS INDICATOR 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Retention, Recruitment, Expansion Contacts 25 40 50 50 RetentIOn, Recruitment, Expansion PIJcements 5 10 15 15 RetentIOn, Recruitment, ExpansIOn Pending 6 Large Projects InitIated I 3 I Large Projects Pending I 3 1 I Spcclal EventslPromotlOnal ActIVIties 2 5 3 3 c:\budget\rrocd 1 0 ~ 22 02/12/97 ~5:7 ~3 RE?7 1018 bu240-wr ACCOUNT CI7'! OF ....-:-:.=:;;..'!' RI::x3E 1997 A.:.....~-uA.:.. 3U':lGE7 ~as-:= 4 b,,: 1997 GE~~~;L :~~u 3u~ST 1995 .:;.CTUAL DESCR:?TION 1996 BUDGET 1996 ES7r~.ATE 1997 REQIJES'1' 1997 ::.998 A?~RO~~~ REQ:;STED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-105-600-602 01-lD5-600-617 01-105-600-620 81-105-600-622 01-105-600-625 01-105-600-630 01-105-650-651 0.;.-105-650-654 01-105-650-655 01-105-650-560 01-105-700-702 01-105-700-704 01-105-700-706 01-105-700-714 01-105-700-740 01-105-800-802 ECONOM:C DEVELO?ME~ 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 105 TOTALS s~~rss & WAGES TEM? PERSC~~L - HOURLY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER HEALTH & LIFE INSURANCE MEDICk~E EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP-ECON DS MISC OFFICE SUPPLIES PRI~~ING & COPYING POSTAGE OPERATING SuPPLIES CONFERENCE & MEETINGS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES, BOOKS & SL~SCRIPT LEGALS. & PUBL!SHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 6:,637 65,210 65,210 67,206 66,355 ';:; 326 0 0 0 3,822 4,043 4,043 4,167 4,126 4 298 5,028 5,206 5,206 5,238 5,233 5 26.; 894 946 946 974 965 ",005 313 2,581 2,581 2,668 2,652 2,743 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 71, 694 77,986 77,986 80,253 79.S';1 32.635 - - ----- -- --------- - - - ------ --------- --------- --------- 90 125 125 125 0 6,151 0 2,000 2,000 2,000 2 JOO 666 0 500 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 --------- ---- - - --- --------- --------- --------- --------- 7,407 1,125 3,125 3,125 3,000 3,000 ~-------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 576 2,223 2,500 3,000 2,500 2,500 2,996 11,056 8,000 10,000 5,000 5,000 6,949 1,000 1,000 7,000 7,000 8,000 527 1,444 1,444 2,500 2,510 3,500 392 500 500 1,000 1,000 ",500 --------- - ---- - --- --------- --------- ---_.---- --------- 11,440 16,223 13,444 23,500 18,000 2:: 500 --------- --------- --------- --------- --.------ --------- 0 0 0 0 0 .-------- --------- .--.----- --------- --------- ------.-- 0 0 0 --------- -- - -- - --- - --- - - --- --------- --------. -------.- 90, 541 95,334 94,555 106,878 100,541 106,136 :''':':...",,,,. ....,....'" ._"'.,..... ...._.s__ ......... ,...:.,..... 23 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government City Manager PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Manager works under the supervision of the Mayor and is responsible for the administration of the City's daily affairs. The Personnel Office has responsibility for employment, employee relations, risk management and special projects. The Budget Office has responsibility for the annual budget, fmance, purchasing, data processing, building maintenance, and communications, 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I MaIntain regular commumcation with City Council and citizens, Implement City Council pohcies. 2, Supervise and direct the City's operating deparbnents. Ensure the provision of quality services to Wheat Ridge citizens. 3. Promote on with the Customer Service Program for employees. 4. Continue the Citizen Awareness & Participation Program. 5 Implement the Economic Development strategic plan. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I Office supplies (651), printing (654), includes expenditure for entire Admirustratieve Services area, Postage (655) has been consolidated City-wide in general operations. The remaining postage is for newsletters, surveys, CAP notices and other bulk mail. 654 Printing TOTAL $14,100 Budget & Audit $1,000 Newsletter $8,400 CAP $1,000 Newsletter Inserts $1,200 SW'Vey $2,000 Mise, $500 655 Postage TOTAL $11,460 Bulk mail permit $260 CAP $2,500 Newsletter $8,700 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAYS 1 Office furruture and equipment (802) consists of 2 lateral files. c:\budget\progI06 24 02/12/97 :!.5 18 06 RE?'!' 1010 bu24C-wr i\CCOL~'"!' 01-106-600-602 01-106-600-604 01-106-600-606 01-106-600-610 01-106-600-51"'1 01-:'06-600-620 01-106-600-622 01-106-600-625 01-106-600-630 01-106-650-651 01-106-650-654 01-106-650-655 01-106-650-660 01-106-700-702 01-106-700-706 01-106-700-723 01-106-700-724 01-106-700-726 0J,.-106-700-728 01-106-700-740 01-106-700-750 01-106-700-755 0\-106-700-758 0\-106-700-759 01-106-700-776 0J.-106-700-"798 0\-106-700-799 01-106-800-802 0\-106-800-809 :ZTY 0: wH8A7 RIDGE 1997 ANNUAL BUDGET 1997 GE~~~;L F~~ B~~GET 1995 AcrtrAL ADMINISTRA7IVE SERvrCES DESCRIPTION 600 T07ALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 106 TOTALS STAF? S~~IES & WAGES CITY AD DEFE~~ED COMFENSATION CITY ADM AL70 ALLOWANCE CITY ADMINISTRA OVERTI~ & PREMIUM PAY CITY AD 'TEMP. PERSONNEL - HOURLY CITY A FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER CITY AD ~DICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE CITY MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP CITY ADM OFFICE SUPPLIES CITY AOMINtSTR PHOTOCO?Y & PRINTI~G EXP CITY POSTAGE COSTS CITY ADMINISTRAT OP~RATING SUPPLIES CITY ADMINI CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP CITY DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT CITY TUITION REIMBURSEMENT CITY ADM PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS CITY RECRUITME~ & ADVERTISIN CITY TRAINING CITY ADMINISTRATOR AutO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT CITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY ADM COMPutER SOFTWARE CITY ADMINIS RENTALS & LEASES CITY ADMINIST TELEPHONE EXPENSE CITY ADMINIS OTHER EQUI PMENT MAINT CITY ADM MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY CITY AD MISC SERVICES & CHARGES CITY A OFPICE ~~ITURE & EQUIP CITY OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 250,919 4,884 3,600 US o 14,312 12,899 3,765 6,622 297,121 2,957 6,981 9,189 1,663 20,790 1996 BUDGET 266,024 5,098 3,600 500 \6,702 19,451 4,273 6,964 322,602 2,500 10,775 3,500 2,000 18,775 1996 ESTtc-ta.TE 255,26.:3 5,098 3,600 200 16,702 H,95\ 4,273 6,214 316,301 2,500 11,000 5,000 2,000 20,500 \997 REQ:'iEST 2'2 672 5,227 3,600 500 o 16,689 16,419 3,917 10,767 329,791 3,000 14.600 13.960 2,800 34,360 Pas~ b-' , 1997 1.993 A??RO~D RSQG~STZD ':270,094 5,226 3,600 500 25,000 18,108 16,555 4,421 10,664 354,178 3,000 14,100 l~ 460 2.300 31.360 230,406 5,4\0 3,600 500 o 17,602 \5,504 4,066 1:,076 339,164 3,000 14.600 11.460 2,300 -~---~--- --~---~-- -------~- ~---~---~ -----~--- ------~-- 31,860 4,894 2,380 2,375 4,490 10,395 7,550 130 6,305 o 200 5,374 \67,677 6,100 2,300 5,000 3,050 15,277 7,000 250 6,650 200 5,225 7,000 2,200 5,000 3,775 13,000 10,000 250 5,750 o o 200 5,000 o 7,500 2,300 5,000 4,645 12,000 10,600 250 6,050 o o 200 5,000 7 000 2,300 5,000 4,645 14,000 10.500 250 6,050 o o :/00 5,000 7,:/00 2,300 5.000 4,645 H,OOO 10,600 :/50 5,050 o o o 200 5.000 o 211,870 -~---~_.- --~------ --------- ~---~---~ -~----.-- --~--~~-- 55,245 51,05:/ 5:/,175 -----~--- --------- -------~- ~-------~ 53,545 3.091 o 3 091 3,000 o 3.000 3,000 o 3,000 :/,400 2,400 55, 045 2,400 o --------- --------- --------- --------~ --------- 2,400 532,872 395,429 391,976 420,096 442.983 1,500 1 500 ~___3_~_~ =~__~~__3 ___~=_3__ _.____.._ ______.__ ...___... 427.769 25 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR,,-M SUM1\YARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government City Attorney PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Advises City Council, Boards and CommissIOns and staff on legal irnpl1c:ltions of contempl:lted poliCY and :ldmInlstr:ltive decisions. Reviews all City ordinances and contracts. Represcnts the CIty In legal actions involving the City and provides pros~ution servIces for municipal court, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: Professional scrvices includes all costs for the City's outside legal scr"lces, Thcsc costs Include gencral leg:ll counsel and prosecution, c:'hudget'prog 1 07 26 02/12/97 16 l8 23 REPT 1818 bu240-w'!:: AC::OUN: C:-107-600-640 01-107-700-702 01-107-700-704 0:-107-700-706 0:-107-700-750 0:-107-700-799 CrTY ATTORNEY 600 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 107 TOTALS C~-V OF ~~2AT RIDGE 1997 A..~'UAL BUDGET DESCR:PT!ON 1997 GENE~ 'U~~ BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL OUTSIDE ?SRSONAL SERVICE CITY CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? CITY CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CITY ATTO DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT CITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY ATT MISC SERVICES & CHARGES CITY A 27 1996 Bli"DGET 1996 ESTI;v1.A7E o 1997 :\.EQt..::ST pag: :'::':'1 1997 :998 APPROVED RECt..~S7E~ o o o CITY OF WREA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR"-M SUMMARY DEPARTM:ENT: PROGRAM: General Government Purchasmg PROGRA_M DESCRIPTION: Evaluates and manages the procurement of supplies, materials, professional services and contracts. Assistance is given in the development and preparation of standards, proposals and specifications, designating what IS needed, promotmg fair and quality competition and seeking to obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended. Cooperative buying with other governmental jurisdictIons ~ to obtaIn the lowest possible price through quantity purchases, 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Provide City wide assistance in purchasing, according to the rules and regulatIOns of the City. Accomplish this through trairung programs for City personnel and continual updating of the Purchasing Manual. 2, Expand the City's involvement VJith other government entities by making joint purchases and combining resources to better serve the public and the employees. 3. Continue the ongoing recycling effort at the Municipal Building. 4 Monitor, maintaIn and manage the telephone systems for all City offices, 5 Issue Purchase Orders, Requests for Proposals, Requests for Quotes and Requests for BIds, 6. Provide assistance and direction VJith construction and special projects and major purchases, 7, Manage the MuniCIpal Building facilities using a vanety of specialized contractors for custodial services and general building maintenance. . c:\budgel'prog 116 28 22/:2,97 :5 _~ _~ :(:::P':' ::1:':) b1...:2';::-'..-= C::; C? '~~~7 :(!DGE :..997 A\~~AL 3~uG~7 Page b:.ll lC 1997 GE~~~~ ~~~~ 3L~ET 1995 AwJ.;':' .;,C:Cl.-:-'-:- :)ESG.!?7ION ?t."RC:i..=G ::-;G J:-::"15-500-:5C~ STA?? S~~~::::S & WAGES ?URC~;S OVER7IY3 & ?RE~!L~ PAY ?ICA :::X?:::~S::: EMPLOYER PURCHAS MEDIC.:u./DEl-o"7.;L INStJR.AJ.'lCE PURC~ MEDI~~~E EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOE~; RE7lREMENT EX? PL~CrlASr Ol-615-6C:)-610 01-:'1:5-500-620 01-115-600-622 01-;'15-600-625 01-115-600-:530 600 TOTALS 0:-::5-:550-:55l 01.-:':5-:550-65... OFF!CE SUPPLIES PURCHASING ?H070CC?Y & PR:NT!NG EX? PURCH 650 TOTALS 19% :.995 :::S7IMJl..TE :(EQLJES-: :99"1 :997 :'998 AP?:(:VED REQt.~S-:ED BUDG~7 71,7:'4 74 ,643 74 193 77, 556 75 807 8 J, 300 84 4,451 4, 600 4,600 4 809 4,752 " 979 7, 053 7,256 7,256 7, 300 7,294 7, 334 " oOon I, 076 I, 076 I, 125 1, 114 1,164 2, 813 2, 96S 2, 968 3,:516 3, 072 3,212 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 87, 157 90, 543 90, 093 94, 506 93, 049 95, 989 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 01-116-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? PURC-i 275 177 175 650 65J 675 01-116-700-706 DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT PURCH 712 1,040 875 1,041 1,041 1. 083 01-115-700-723 TRAINING PURC-iAS ING 475 748 748 1,000 1,000 1,050 01-115-700-740 AUTO MIL2AGE REIMBURSEMT PURe-l 133 135 295 300 300 325 01-116-7QO-755 COMPUTSR SO?TWA.~E PURCHASING 0 0 01-116-700-759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE PURCHASING 0 0 01-:15-7:JO-7i6 OT>i~~ EQUI PMENT t-f.AINT PL"RCHAS I 214 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- iOO 70T.~S 1 S09 2,100 2 093 2,991 2,991 3,134 --------- --------- - - - - -- --- --------- --------- --------- 01.116-S00-302 OFFICE FUR.....;rTIJRE & EQUIP PURC>i SOO 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 800 TOTALS 0 800 0 0 0 ---.----- ______4__ --------- --------- --------- --------- 116 TOTALS 88,965 93,443 92,186 97,497 95, 040 100,123 ..-------- ....-----..- ....------- ------..-- ....----...-- ------... 29 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR~M SUMMARY General Government Data Processmg DEPART.MENT: PROGR~M: PROGRA~ DESCRIPTION: Manage the data processing functions for all City departments. Coordinate, revIew and make recommendations for the purchase of communications and data processing equipment, servIces and software for all departments, Provide internal consulting ser\l1ces for all aspects of data processing, Maintain and develop necessary data processing programs for other departments. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: To provide support for the integration of the existing police department computer system, 2, Research and educate the police department concerning an update or replacement of the existmg police computer system, 3. Provide continued support to the city wide computing needs in terms of hardware support and computer programming, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES -I Conferences and meetings has been increased to $1,500 in order to provide opportunities-to attend user group meetings on the multiple systems operating in the city (702), 2, Training is for specialized computer programing and network administrator classes, working towards Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE), $5,000 (728) 3. Professional services funds are budgeted for work performed by outside companies for minor consulting, $3,000 (750). 4 All computer software, hardware and repair & maintenance is funded out of the computer fund, Fund 59. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 Capital expenditures consist of racks and computer shelVIng systems for $2,500 (802) c:\buJset'ptOgl17 30 02/12/97 16 ~3 35 ~~?~ 1010 bu240-...~ ACCOUN7 01-117-600-602 01-117-600-62:) 01-117-600-622 01-117-600-625 01-1~7-600-630 01-117-650-65: 01-117-650-554- 01-117-65C-66:l CI-117-700-702 01-117-700-706 01-117-700-723 01-117-700-740 01-117-700-750 01-117-700-755 01-117-700-759 01-117-700-776 01-117-800-802 01-117-800-809 :)ATA PROCESSING 60C TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 117 TOTALS C!7Y CF WESAT R:DGS 1997 A...'1~}"'UAL BUDGST 199~ GENE~~ ?UND BUDG~7 1995 ACTUAL DESCRIPTION S7AFF S~qIES & WAGES DATA PR FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER DATA PR MEDICAL/DE~7AL INSURANCE DATA MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIRE~NT EXP DATA PRO OFFICE SUPPLIES DATA PROCESSIN PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP DATA OPERATING SUPPLIES DATA PROCES CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? DATA DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT DATA TRAINING DATA PROCESSING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT DATA PROFESSIONAL SERVICES DATA PRO COMPUTER SOFTW~qE DATA PROCESS TELEPHONE EXPENSE DATA PROCESS OTHER EQU~PME~~ MAINT DATA PRO OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPME~~ OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT DATA PRO 91,996 5,084 8,446 1,189 3,290 99,995 1,690 1,690 158 578 5,941 346 164 7,186 1,833 1,833 110,704 31 1996 3L"'DGET 88,043 5,459 8,748 1,276 3,494 107,020 1,725 1, 725 1,500 3,000 5,000 425 4,425 o 14,550 2,000 o 2,000 125,295 :996 EST I t'JI.A7S 88,043 5,459 8,748 1,276 3,494 :'07,020 1,725 1,725 1,200 1,000 4,800 425 4,008 200 1:'625 2,000 2,000 122,370 1997 REQL=:ST 90.395 5,604 8,807 1,311 3,616 109,733 o o 1 900 1,800 1,500 3,000 7,000 500 5,000 200 17,300 3,350 o 3,350 132,193 Page ~~"1 11 1997 1998 A??ROVED RSQUES7ED 89,539 5,551 8,794 1,298 3,582 108,764 o 1,800 1,800 1,500 3,000 5,000 500 3,000 300 13,300 2,500 o 2,500 126,364 92,647 5,744 8,330 1,343 3,706 ::"12,270 o o 1,875 1,875 l 500 3,000 5,000 500 3,000 300 o 300 13,300 2,000 o 2,000 129,445 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BlJDGET - PROGR"-M SUMMARY DEPARTMEl'IT: PROGR"-M: City Adrrunistration - Purchasing Building Maintenance PROGR.\M DESCRIPTION: Maintain the Municipal Building and all related equipment and appurtenances and proVlde daily custodial ser.ice for the Municipal Building, 1997 PROGR"-M OBJECTIVES: 1. Morutor and manage the custodial services for the MunicIpal Building. 2, Continue the upgrading and renovation of the heating, ventilation and air condItioning systems in the building. 3. Replace carpeting in the Council Chambers and Court Room, 4 Design the remodel of Court Clerk's offices to meet the demands of an ever increasing workload. 5. Keep in place specialized contractors to deal with maintenance issues, including plumbing, HV AC, electrical, light carpentry, and general maintenance, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: ... 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES Staffretlects a new person at an entry level salary (602) 2, The budget for major projects and remodels is contained in the Capital Improvement Fund, Fund 30 C:\budgcllprog II g 32 ::)1,.12-::: -'..-:: 02/12.9"7 :.; _~ SO ?.:=:?T ::::...0 .:..c:::.::.-: 01-::':5-5:10-622 0::'-1.;.5-600-5::'0 Ol-::S.-5CQ-519 01-::S-580-52J 01-::"9-6::10-522 01-115.-500-525 01-::3-500-63:: Ol-.l3.:500-5-::0 01-::9-650-56:: 01-1:3-700-704 01-113-700-774 01-119-700-799 01-113-300-803 C:7Y C? ~:=:A7 ~IJG:=: :.997 ;..;.....")j-'-.AL 3':..~::T :997 GS~~~;: ?~~~ 3t~GS~ 1995 AC7UA:. JSS3:?7IO:-; 3~::=:~v ~A!~~~,.~~CS 600 T:JT.~S 650 TOT.;L.$ 700 TC7ALS SOO TOTALS 113 TOTALS ST.;?? SAh~~ISS & WAG2S 3U!~:~ O~~?.TI~ i ?~MIu~ PAY BUILD:~ T~~? ?ERSO~~~L/NON-HOu~L BUILD ?!CA ~XPE~SE E~PLOYER BUILD!N ~..ED!C.:u./DENTAL !~SURANCE 3UI!..D MEJI~~~E ~X?~~SE EMPLOYER CCOE~~ RETl~v..E~ EX? 3U:LDI~G Ov~S:DE ?ERSC~.~ SERVICE 8GILD OPERATING SU??LIES BUI4DING ~A CONTRACTUAL SSRVICSS BUILDING FACILITY RE?AIR & ~AINT BuILDI MISC SERVICES & CHARGES BUILDI TOOLS & WORK EQUIP BUILDING M 33,583 2,082 3,327 487 1,343 l,050 41. 878 :395 :996 1997 RSQu"SST ?3.ge 12 bi:..l :997 1993 A??ROVED REQ~STED 28,000 29,500 o o 2,160 3,699 505 1,394 3L'"DGS::' ES"!'I1-".ATE 2,138 3,675 50. :,386 35,70C 37,258 3';,83S 15 19l 34.704 6, 556 7, 535 7,260 7, 862 7, 362 7, 862 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 6,556 7,535 7,260 7, 862 ',862 7, 862 -- - ------ --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 27, 000 37,455 35, 000 39, 919 42, 000 43,000 13, 997 14,770 17,500 24, 525 24,525 25,000 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 40, 997 52,225 52,500 64,444 66,525 68,000 --------- --------- --------- --------- _.------- ----._--- 0 1,500 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 0 0 0 1 500 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 89.431 102, 356 77,778 114,768 110, 087 11. ,620 .......... ............ ........'" ,......... ........... ......... 33 2,160 3,699 505 1.394 o 767 1,390 179 491 2,160 3,699 505 1,394 42,596 13,018 42.462 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\l\1 SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government SpecIal Events PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: - Tlus program reflects the City costs incurred for the annual Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival 1997 PROGR.\M OBJECTIVES: Provide support and assistance to the Carnation Festival, Clear Creek Festival of the Arts, 38th Avenue Street Fair, LIttle League playoffs and other CIty sponsored special events. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER CHARGES & SERVICES I For community events, 799 reflects budgeting at the following levels: Clear Creek Festival of the Arts $5,000 Wheat Ridge Ba5eball Tournaments $5,000 Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival S4,OOO Fireworks $2,500 .. c:lhudgct'progG06 34 02/12/97 16 25 00 RE?'!' 1010 bu240-w:.- Accomrr 01-606-600-610 01-606-650-654 01-606-650-660 01-606-700-714 01-606-700-758 01-606-700-799 SPECIAL EVE:>t'"'!'S 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 606 TOTALS C:7Y o? ~~EA7 R!~G~ ?age =:.l~ 37 1997 .~~~JAL 3UDGET 1997 GENE~~~ FUND BUDGET DESCRIPTION 1995 1996 3CDGET 1996 2ST:t'<l_;;':'E 1997 REQu"EST 1997 1998 APPROVED RE~u~STED ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTUAL OVERTIME & PREX:UM PAY ~MEAT R PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP WHEAT PUBLIC ART PROJECT LEGALS & PUBLISHING WHEAT RIDG RENTALS & LEASES WHEAT RIDGE F MISC SERVICES & CHARGES WHEAT 5, 330 7, 000 7, 000 ' ^ BOO 10, BOO 1::, BOO ~u, --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 5, 330 7, 000 7, 000 10, BOO 10,BOO 10, BOO --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 210 0 3,000 3, 000 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3,210 3, 000 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 370 368 735 2, 711 29, 500 26. 500 16. 500 16, 500 17. SOD --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3, 081 30, 603 26, 500 16, 500 16. 500 ::'7, SOD --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 8,411 40.813 36,500 27, 300 27, 300 2B, 300 ...*,.....,.,.,."" ,."'."'...,...,. .....=.,.,... "',....-... .,.........'" ......... 35 CITY OF \VHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government General Operations PROGR.\M DESCRIPTION: This program accounts for a variety of expenditures that cover multiple departments and are not appropriate to charge to an individual department. Major program expenditures include worker's compensation costs, the City's telephone and utIlity costs and the City's liability insurance. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. This program contains the temporary salary necessary for the school crossing guards, $19,805. 2, Community service has been budgeted at S7,500. S6,600 in overtime (610) and S900 in supplies (660). 650 - MA TERrALS & SUPPLIES 1 City-wide postage at S32,OOO, 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. Economic development incentives (ESTlP) has been budgeted at S70,000 2. City wide telephone expense is budgeted in this program, this includes cellular phones. The ... budgeted amount is S91,689. 3. Utilities has been increased to S70,131 due to a possible rate hike. 4. Repair and maintenance appears is budgeted at SI5,750, The purpose is to fund the maintenance for all City typewriters, fax machines, shredders, copiers and telephone equipment. 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY 1 Capital leases is budgeted at $14,152. This money pays for the leases of the city copiers. The City leases seven copiers 2, Transfers to Special Funds is budgeted at S536,000. The following funds are the recipients of the transfers, Compensated Absences - $-0-, Computer Fund - S284,000; Insurance Fund - $95,000; Tree Fund - $ 1 0,000. Each of these amounts is reflected in the revenue section of the respective special fund. c:'budgct'prog610 36 l::-.:.2~J-."':- 82/12'3' :; 26 _~ ~~?~ :J:: C:~f C2 '~~~~7 ~IJG~ :.::::7 A.\").-CAL 3':.,"'DGST .;C((:,'/--: 0:-51C-60C-518 01-61;)-5:)0-519 01-610-600-628 01-6:"0-600-621 01-61::-600-623 01-51::J-6)0-62.... 0:'-610-600-625 01-610-550-651 01-5l0-650-652 Ol-61Q-550-553 Ol-51Q-650-65.. 01-610-650-660 01-61J-700-719 01-610-700-721. 01-610-700-729 01~610-700-750 01-610-700-/53 01-610-700-759 01-610-700-760 01-610-700-776 01-610-700-780 01-610-700-781 01-610-700-782 01-610-700-784 01-610-700-797 01-610-700-799 01-610-800-302 01-610-800-805 01-610-800-808 01-610-800-809 01.6::'0-890-897 199i G~~~~ :~~~ 3w~GE~ :995 ,;':7"1.7,;:' ~SSC?: ?':':O~ 3~~~~~ C?~~~':':J~S Jv~~T:XE & ?~::;~IL~ ?AY :~~? ?ERSC~~~~/~CN-HOt~ GE~~R ?ICA EX?E~SE E~P~OYER GENE~ WOR~RS' COM?SNSATION GENE~ tJ~:-!?LOTI-f.E~"T :~SUR.~~CE GE~R..;2". WOR~ COM? DEDCCTI3~E GEXERAL 0 ~2DI~~S EX?S~SE 600 7:'T.~S O::-?IC~ SUPPLIES :E~~~ STORES REVOLVING GENER ?OS7AGE REVOLVING GEh~RAL O? P~070CO?Y & PRINTING O?ERATING SUPPLIES 650 '!'OTALS E:ONOMIC DEVE~OP INCENT GENER WS??CO .~~I~~ SHELTER GENERAL SA?~TY GENERAL OPERATIONS EXP ?R02E5SIONAL SERVICES GENERAL RE~~ALS ~\~ LEASES TELEPHONE EX?E~SE GENERAL OPER tJ"TILITIES GE~~RAL OPERATIONS E REPAIRS & MAr~lENANCE OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUT GENER PERSONAL & PROPERTY LIAB GENER UNINSURED LOSSES GENERAL OPERA JEFFCO 7REAS COLL FEES GENERAL SALARY RESERVE GENERAL OPERATI MIse SERVICES & CHARGES GENERA 700 TOTALS OfFICE 'FURNITURE & EQur P GENER COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT GENER CAPITAL LEASES GENERAL OPERATI OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT T~~SFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS 800 T07ALS 610 '!'OTALS 15,061 996 226,542 1,436 o 233 245,270 8, on 28- 15,423 2,830 26,316 18,462 11,386 566 2,000 59,952 66.334 5,781 o o o 5,637 o o 170,118 9.930 2,899 35,155 599 2432,699 2481,282 2922,986 1.996 3:"'UGS: 17,000 1,054 259,000 21,000 247 298 3:1l 10,908 o 30,100 25,74C 2,50C 69.248 73,500 :2 000 4,675 75,000 68.000 2,100 6.300 6,340 247,9:5 38.277 6,000 25,000 5,500 1044,663 1119,440 1734,904 1995 SS7!t-1.ATE :7,000 1,054 259,00C 25,000 2..7 302,301 10,908 o 30,COO 16 740 2,500 60,148 40,000 12,000 SOO 7..,400 77,600 2,100 o o o 6.000 21,340 233,940 38,277 6 000 25,000 5,500 950,000 1024,777 1621 166 ?ag~ 3 a :::l:'':'':' _997 ?SQUES7 :997 1998 A???OVED REQ~~S:ED 19,805 1,268 300,000 15,000 287 336,350 5,500 32,000 45,570 6 000 89,070 50,000 :1,500 500 o 1,062 88.689 70,131 20.750 6.500 125,000 374,132 17,000 61,500 14,152 3.500 745 OCO 841,152 1640,714 6,600 19,305 1.268 19~,COO 15,OCO 287 232,960 5,500 32.000 .; C. 570 .;) 900 85.070 70,000 11,500 1,062 91.689 7e,132 15,750 o 6.500 100,000 367,133 5.000 :1.500 14,l52 3,500 389,000 423,152 11:18 315 o 1~,905 1,300 200,000 15,000 300 235.405 7,000 o 34,000 4. L 000 6,500 95,500 500 50,000 12 000 500 1,062 95,000 75.000 21.000 o 7,000 110.000 371.562 5,000 25,000 15,000 4,000 550.000 599,000 ...------ ---.-.--- --~.~~~~~ ..--.-.-= ._._~_... ..-.--..- 1302,467 37 "\\:: C\:z.E :::-;OCG:: TO :'rr",:<:: A DfFF::R.E::-;C::" 38 MUNICIPAL COURT PRESIDING JUDGE PROBATION OFFICER (1 ) COURT ADMINISTRATOR (1 ) PROBATION ASSISTANT (1 ) DEPUTY COURT CLERK (4) CLERK TYPIST (1) 39 BAILIFF ASSOCIATE JUDGE STAY OFFICER ...". ..,.,........... .- ....",., . ,.,....,. .,...... -".".,...... ."".. ".,,,..... .-.."....,...... .,.,. ""..,...-. ....... ..""..".... ............".........., .... .."."...-"....'...-. ....". ".... ... ..."........ .,..... ",'.-.-.. ".......,...".......,.. :::,:.:.,:.:.::~.:.::::){;.:::::::::.:\.:: ..'.... ..............q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~ ...c. .........._.. .... ...........-....................................................... ............... ..-.......,','..,...........,,""--..-...-"... . .... ,.,...,....'-.-.-.-----..-...... .",. ...-....,....,.-,....,.,,',.......,.....,....,.,.........,......-.-,"'"',,,-...-. ....... .. "" ,....---".. ... ..... ...,.,-- ',' '"',,..... .. ....... ,..' .......--.. ......................... . TOTAL AUTHORIZED AUTHORIZED NO. 1996 1997 1998 1 1 1 4 4 4 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 4.5 4.5 4.5 POSITION TITLE Court Administrator Deputy Court Clerk Clerk Typist Probation Officer * Probation Assistant * COUNCIL APPOINTED Presiding Judge Assistant Judge 1 1 1 1 1 1 TEMPORARY (NON-HOURLY) * Changed to regular status 01/01/97 40 :2'_2 ';:'7 :5 _... 5; ?.Z?7 :lC3 bL:2':'::: -'..;= ;..::::::.."').-: D=:sc:~!?'!'rCN __~___________________________________________r_____________________________________________________________--~---------------~----- ~::..:ci.;al Cou=:: ?SRSC~~~~ S=:~'J:C~S 57.;?? S.~~~!ES i WAGES OVSR7!~E & PSRMlu~ ?AY 7~~? ?2~SO~~E~ EOL~LY 7=:~? ?SRS~NKEL NON-HOL~LY ?:C; EXPENSE - E~?~OYER ~OICAL/DENTAL !NSL~~CE .....EDlCARE ?ORTIC~ ?ICA CCCE~; RET!REME~7 SXPS~SE Cu7S:~E PERSONAL SERVICE 7o~al ?e=sor_~el Services ~AT=:RI.;L & SuPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY &. PRINTING EXPENSE ?OS7A.GE COS7S OPE~~TING SU?P~IES Toeal Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES &. C~GS CONFER~~CE &. MEETING EX?E~SE DUES, BOOKS & SUBSCRIPT!O~S WI~~SS &. JUROR FEES AUTO MILEAGE REIr--'.3URSE!-'.E~"T PROFESSIONAL SERVICES REt-;"'TALS &. LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE OiHER EQUIPMENT MAINT DRUG COALITION GRANT DRL~ COALITION EXPENSE Toeal Other Services CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EqUIP CAP ITAL LEASES Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE C!7Y 0: ~~S;T RI~S DS?A..;~Y:- St.~_:;"~Y :99i GE~~~~ ?L~u 3v~E7 1995 A:TJAL 112.662 2,731 95.837 13.133 5,597 3,0'12 3,152 237,074 1,635 1.59-; 2,351 :995 SU:JGS7 549 146 49: 600 11 940 113,608 16 795 13, on 3,927 4,86: 1995 ::S:-I~..A:-E 144,7';1 600 11./9";0 113,600 16,795 9.781 3,927 4,351 306.245 2,200 1,780 75 :997 RE:':';:"-ZST 2:1,314 650 15,150 77.1.20 19.813 13,722 4, .HS 8,453 7.500 350,167 2,590 1.350 70 ?as~ 4 0':'11 1997 :998 A??RO\~~ RS:L~STEJ 4,765 5,900 HO 2,200 8,500 200 o o 17,315 o o 377,750 215,4.54 700 :5,730 80,205 19,684 13.816 4,603 3,80S 3,000 357 000 2,690 1,925 25 325 311,245 2,690 7S0 46 209,267 1.650 15.0CO 77,120 13.686 13.706 ~,)70 8 37_ 7,500 355 670 2,690 2,050 25 5.659 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 4.,940 2.999 249 1. 596 76 6,500 198 4,545 3,700 :no 1 200 150 7,600 200 ..,050 3,700 310 1,800 ISO 7 000 200 4,565 3,900 340 2,200 175 7,500 200 175 ..,loa 350 2,310 200 8,000 200 o o o o o o 11,617 -----~--- -----_.-- -------~- ~-------- --------- -----.--- 15,160 13,160 o 13,160 o 14,315 o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- ------~-- -----.--- o 254,350 41 329,950 323,455 o ]79,047 o 387,100 OTY OF WHEAT RlDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government MlUllclpa] Court PROGR-\.M DESCRIPTION: Processes all City Ordinance and Traffic Code ViolatiOns, Provides probation services as directed by the presiding Judgc, 1997 PROGR~BJEcrlVES; I Administer justice In a faU' and unpartial manner for all people who appear before the Wheat RIdge MUnicipal Court. 2, Promote the attendance and participation in the Colorado MlUllclpal Judges ASSOCiation and the Colorado ASSOCiation for MUniCipal Court AdnunistratlOn to keep informed of current court rules and procedures by attending at least two seminars eaeh during 1997 3 Prevent reCidiVism through the probation department program, 4 Become profiCient in util121Ilg the new computer system, 5. Address secunty issues, prepare plan of action, and Implement changes. 1997 SIGNIFICANT ClL.\.J~GES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Probation sWThas been changed from temporary non-hourly to full time permanent (602), 2. Marshall for Court Security (640) 57,500 PERFORMA.NCE INDICATORS INDICATOR 1995 1996 1991 1998 ACTUAL ESrI:I.IA TED PROJECTED PROJECfED SUMMONS PROCESSED sg'/1 5808 &099 '-&~ TRAFFIC 3~8S 33~2 3509 308-l l!ENERAL 1692 186-l 1951 2055 (DOMESTIC "10LENCE) (287) (190) (200) (220) ANIMAL 63 58 61 '-& CODE 106 36 38 40 SALESTA."< 18 50 53 56 PARJ-:ING 453 458 ~81 505 WARRAl'o-rS 1521 1326 1392 1462 PRISONER HEARINGS ~39 336 353 371 TRANSPORTED 320 204 214 225 YlDEOS 119 132 139 146 SCHEIlULED PRE-TRIALS 611 696 131 768 SCIIEDULED TRIALS TO COURT 353 246 258 271 SCHEDULED TRIALS TO JURY 21 32 3~ 36 \ c:l.budget\prog I 09 42 82,'':2/9-:' ..:..::J :5 or :G?':' b,.:.2..;.::--....= .;,-:;::::t-:..-:, ::-lC;-5':O-5C2 C_-:C9-52C-5:'C ::-::'09-5'::: -6: 7 2_-:09-5J:::-5:'; Jl-::J9-6JO-62C Ol-109-5C'u-62:! 81-189-6C,;-625 :::'-...09-600-638 ';.;.-::':19-620-5";'':: 01-109-550-65: 81-109-650-654 Cl-1Cl9-650-5SS 0:-109-650-550 01-::'09-700-702 0..-109-700-706 Ol-109-IOO-73~ O_-:09-70D-74iJ 01-109-700-750 01-109-700-758 01.-109-700-759 01-109.700-776 01.-109-700-783 01-109-700-792 01-109-700-799 01-109-800-802 01-109-800-808 ~....."X::!?;':' ::JL-;Z':' 50: :-'27.;':'S 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 109 ,0TAl.S c:~! ~? ~~~~T ~::C2 :,.?7 .:;.."y..;.:;,r. 3"V-cG2'! 1997 G~=:?..A:. ::'~'''"D 3"lJDGS: 1995 .:;crJA.:., D::SG:?7:0~ S7A?? S.~~I~S & ~AG~5 ML~I::? OVE~Tl~; & ?~E~:L~ PAY ML~::I? :-~~? ?~RSC~~~~ - HOu~~Y ~~::I T~~? ?ERSO~~~L/NON-~OL~L ~~:C FICA ~~PE~SE EMPLOYE~ MU~ICI? ~..EDIC;r./DE...''''''T.::;':' INSUR.::l...~CE MtJ'NIC MEDI~,E EX?ENSE eMPLOYER CCCE~; RE7rRE~2~ EX? ~~:C!?A OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE ~~:: OFFICE SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL COU~ ?~070COPY & ?RI~ING SXP MU~IC POSTAGE COSTS MUNICIPAL COURT O?ERATING SUPPLIES MU~IeI?AL C eONF~RE~CS & ~~ETING EX? MU~IC DUES, BOOKS, i SUBSCRIPT MUNIC ~ITNESS & JUROK FEES ML~ICI?AL AUTO MILEAGE REIM3URSE~ Mt.'NIC PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MUNICI?;. RENTALS & LEASES MUNICIPAL COU TELEP~ONE ~XPE~SE MUNICIPAL CO OTHER EQUI?~VT MAINT MUNICI?A COUR, $4 EXPS~SES MUNICIPAL CO PROBATION $1 EX? MUNICIPAL CO MIse SERVICES & CHARGES MUNIcr OfrrCE ~~rTURE & EQUIP MUNIC CAPITAL LEASES MUNICIPAL COURT :12,6-52 549 2,73: 95,837 13,133 5,897 3,072 3.152 237.07"; 1,63S 1,594 2,38_ 45 5,659 2.993 249 1,596 76 6,500 198 ~995 3UDG~:- 14.6 ";'92.. II 9..0 :13,680 Hi,795 1.3.031 3,927 86: 312,245 2,690 1,780 o 75 4:,545 3,700 310 1,200 150 7,600 200 o o 1996 ES'!'::-'..A7E 1.....;,,741 60J 60C :1 940 113,600 16,795 9,781 3,927 1997 REQu~ST 21:,314 650 13.150 77,1.20 18,813 13,722 4,445 8,453 7,500 3150 157 2,690 1.850 c 70 4.565 3,900 340 2 200 175 7,500 200 o o 1397 pag.e 0:':': A??RO~~J REQS~S7ED :998 209.267 2.,650 15,000 77,120 18.686 13,706 4,370 8,37l 7,5:10 355,67: 2,690 2,050 25 4,765 5,900 3.0 2.200 175 8,500 200 o 2::;,454 700 ::':;,730 8:,205 19,0584 2.3,816 ..,6D3 3 308 5.000 35'"' :00 2.690 1,925 25 325 4,86l 305,245 2,200 1.780 4,050 700 310 1. 800 150 7,000 200 o o 4 940 100 350 2,310 200 3,000 200 o o o 11,617 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 15.160 13.160 13,160 14,315 17,315 .-------- --------- --------- --------- -----._-- --------- o o o --------- --------- ----_____ ______4__ _________ _________ o 254,350 -----.--- ------.-- --------- --------- --------- o 328,950 323,455 379,047 377.750 o ......-__ 5.~.._.._ .....==.. ._2_2.=_. =......._ ..:_._... 387,100 43 "WE c.-\.:R-.:: E:i\Ol:GS TO .\L-\KE: -I. DIT;::ERE:\CZ" \ \ 1 ~ , I '. . ,/ '. -:/ \.~ 1IfJ "" j~ . co~o .. 44 CITY CLERK CITY CLERK DEPUTY CITY CLERK (1 ) CLERK TYPIST (1) 45 .,-.....-.......-....-.::..:--'..-.--,:,.-:,'.."...,,;:.':,., .-..:.:-:-:-:.:,,::.--....,:,::-..,-.'..:-:.:-:..-:.......:-::-'-....".......:...:-..:..'....:.'.:.:-....:.:.....-'....-,.-.-,.......,....'---.-.,...','.,..'.'..;..-..-. ','-:'" :::::: :'::}:;:::/;\\:::::::::::,:":.:,,C,.:::<::::::::'::,:',':':,\,'/;::::.,..:..,:.:.:;:.:,.:::,::,::/:::.,.:.,;.,:.,.:.,::,:,':::::';:,::::::>,:,::',:: ;:;:,:;',,:::::,:,:;::,:::::::,;::,':,'::;:;::::::,:::::,,:::::,:;:::;:::::::,::;:,:::,.::::::::;:::;:::;::::',>:>:,::",::::::-,:::::::;:;::::::.:,:.::::::::::::::::,::::",:<::.:-~;,:.:.:.:'::;::::::;:.:.:: . ... ..--...-- ,...-----,',.. ..,.. ,,----, "" ',',',','" "."",.."",......,......"..,...... . ..,..'....-.-.--...'. . "" ,"," 'ci'i<Y\:CLERK c, ..".._._..-.-,._,.....'.'..,........-'.'....'...'...'.-.........-......... AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1996 1997 1998 Deputy City Clerk 1 1 1 Clerk Typist 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 2 2 2 ELECTED OFFICIALS City Clerk 1 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted ~n line item 602. 46 02/12/97 15 12 35 RE~~ 1188 bu24:)-w-= C:~Y OF WHEAT RIDGE DE?:;":ZTI-".ENT SUMMARY Page 0; 11 ',CCO~-: DESCRIPTION 1997 GENE~~ FUND BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL 1996 3L'VGET 1996 ESTIMATE 1997 RE::;',.iEST 1997 .:;??ROVED 199B REQUESTED C:.ty Clerk PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALA.'UES & WAGES 68,255 80,256 80,256 80,758 30,485 82,685 TEMP PERSONNEL HOURLY 0 0 0 FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER 4,232 4,976 4,976 5,007 4,990 5,126 MEDICAL.LDEN7AL INS'lJRANCE 5,675 10,427 10,427 9,989 9,993 10,007 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 990 1,164 1,164 1,171 1,264 1,199 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 2,674 3,183 3,183 3,230 3,310 3,307 --------- --------- --------- --------- .-------- --~------ Total Personnel Services 81,826 100,006 100,006 100,155 100,042 102,324 MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,500 1,800 1,800 1,800 800 :,900 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 4,049 0 0 0 0 POSTAGE COSTS 1,464 0 0 --------- --------- -- --- - - -- --------- --------- --------- Total Materials & Supplies 7,014 1,800 1,800 1,800 :,800 l,SOO OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 319 1,000 1,000 2,500 2,500 2,500 DUES, BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 271 700 700 700 700 700 ELECTION EXPENSE 5,937 10,968 4,000 8,000 8,000 4,000 LEGALS & PUBLISHING 34,514 26,500 25,000 25,000 25,000 25,000 RECORDING FEES 1,500 1,500 1,500 3,000 3,000 3,000 TRAINING 99 300 300 500 500 500 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 111 150 150 150 150 150 PROFESSIONAL SERV:CES 5,748 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 7,500 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total Other Services 48,498 48,618 40,150 47,350 47,350 43,350 CAPITAL OtITl.AYS OFF!CE FURNITIlRE & EQUIP 5,706 0 0 0 --------- --------- - - - ---- -- --.------ --------- .~------- Total Capital Outlays 5,706 0 0 0 0 TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 143,044 150,424 141,956 149,305 149,192 147,474 47 CITY OF WEEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SUM1\fARY DEPARTMENT: General Government PROGR.\M: City Clerk PROGR.\M DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk Is the Clerk of the Council, attends all meetings of the Council, and keeps a permanent record of its proceedings. The Clerk is the custodian of the Seal of the CIty, affixes the Seal to all documents and Instruments requIring the Seal, and attests all records, The Clerk IS also the custodian of all papers, documents and records pertaining to the City, the custody of wluch IS not otherwise proVIded for The Clerk is the Chairperson of the Election CommiSSIon, has the power to administer oaths of office, publishes all notices, proceedings, and other matters required to be published, conducts City elections, Issues liquor and amusement licenses and sits on the Police Pension Board 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVE: Continue all of the above mentioned tasks WIth maximum efficiency 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I The recording fees has been increased to 53,000 to reflect the nsmg costs assocIated with this expense (715) 2 Election expense (708) has been Increased to 58,000 due to the 1997 local election. PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS '" 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATOR ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Elections 1 1 1 0 Council Meetings 48 40 40 40 Voter Registrations 71 100 100 100 Legal Publications 296 300 300 300 Liquor Licenses 77 80 80 80 Amusement Licenses 21 25 25 25 Agenda Packets Prepared & Distributed c:\,budgct'p(ogI08 48 02/12/97 16:8 3C REPT :010 bu240-w:::- ACCOUNT 01-:'08-600-602 01-108-600-617 :)1-108-600-620 01-108-600-622 01-108-600-625 01-108-600-630 01-108-650-651 01-108-650-654 C1-108-650-6SS 01-108-700-702 01-108-700-706 01-108-700-708 01-108-700-714 01-108-700-715 01-108-700-728 01-108-700-740 01-108-700-750 01-108-700-755 01-108-700-759 01-108-700-776 01-108-800-802 01-108-800-809 C;:TY :::r..ERK 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 108 TOTALS CITY J? WnEAT RIDGE 1997 .;.....~1JAL Bt;"DGET 1997 GENE~ ?0~U BUDGET 1995 AC'!'UAL DESCRIPTION STAFF S~~!ES & WAGES CITY CL TEMP PERSO~~L HOURLY CITY C F~CA EXPENSS EMPLOYER CITY CL MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE CITY MEDICARE EX?ENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RE7IREMENT EXP C:TY CLE OFFICE SUPPLIES CITY CLERK PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP CITY POSTAGE COSTS CITY CLERK CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP CITY DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT CITY ELECTION EXPENSE CITY CLERK LEGALS & PUBLISHING CITY CLERK RECORDING FEES CITY CLERK TRAINING CITY CLERK Au,O MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT CITY PROFESSIONAL SERVICES CITY CLE SOFTWARE TELEPHONE EXP~~SE CITY CLERK OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT CITY CLE OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP CITY OT.,ER MAJOR EQUIPMENT CITY CLE 68,255 4,232 5,675 990 2,674 81,826 1,500 4,049 1,464 7,014 319 271 5,937 34,514 1,500 99 111 5,748 48,498 5,706 o 5,706 143,044 49 1996 BUDGET 80,255 4,976 10,427 1,164 3,183 100,006 I, BOO 1,800 1,000 700 10,968 26,500 1,500 300 150 7,500 48,618 150,424 :996 SSTIMATE 8',256 o 4,976 10,427 1,164 3,183 100,006 1,800 1,800 1. 000 700 4,000 25,000 1,500 300 150 7,500 40,150 o 141,956 1997 REQUEST 80,758 5,007 9,989 1,171 3,230 100,155 1. 800 1,800 o o 2.500 700 8,000 25,000 3,000 500 150 7,500 o o 47,350 o o 1~9,305 1997 APPROVED 80,485 4,990 9,993 1,264 3,310 100,042 1,800 1.800 2,500 700 8,000 25,000 3,000 500 150 7,500 47,350 o o 149,192 Page bill 199a REQu"ESTED 82,685 5,126 10 007 1,199 3,307 102,324 1,800 o o 1,800 2,500 700 4,000 25,000 3,000 500 150 7,500 o o 43,350 o o o 14 7 474 ..\\ ~ C.l..::S =::\OLGS TO \P.KE .l.. DIT'r-r.R.:::\Cr." ... 50 02/'lJ,/97 15 51 33 REPT 1550 bu240-...:: C!TY 0: W~EAT RIDGS Gene::al ?und Dept Summa::y Page bill ACC::i...1>,..."! DESCRIPTION 1997 GE~~~~ Fu~~ BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL 1996 3UDGST 1996 ESTIMATE 1997 REQUEST 1997 A??RO\rE:) 1998 REQUESTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CITY TREASURY Accounting 114,523 121,450 120,850 124,359 124.244 125,929 102,:"75 l16,528 111,498 118,402 117.866 122,391 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 216,698 237,978 232,348 242,761 242,110 248,320 Sales Tax TOTA.:, 51 TREASURY CITY TREASURER - CONTRACT ..___n........................ SALES TAX AUOITOR 111 \ SALES TAX SALES TAX ACCOUNTANT AUDITOR TECH. 111 111 I' ) ACCOUNTING TECHNICIAN 11) 52 ..--.,...-.--...-....,.,..,. ....,....,.,... ., .',"''-.','.-.'.',''".','.-.-.--''-' ............._._.,.'-'..,....'.......-..,..-.-..,....-....",.",.........""..,.... ........ ....................- --.----.-......,' ..,",..',',.----.....,',",',",',',",',',',','-..-.,--.-.---..---,....,' ........ . , ...... .....,--......,......-.-...........'...,.........,;,...<-..-..-.--..-..--.....-..;._......., ....................'...'.-.'.....'.'..............,......',......... .............. , . .... ..,""""""'ii',iiTREASURY:"""""'.'" , ....,'".,-....-..--'-...,..... . .................-.... .............'......,..,..,',.., .........,.....,..-.-..-... ..,.........,....... ...................... . ..... ........,.. ......... ..-. ............. .... ...',.,,'..........,.... .....-".,-.--,-,.-.-.-,'-' .' ",,',,',.',,',.-,...-...-,'-........,.-,' ............ .... .,-.'....;'....,:.:':..,:.:-:':-;'::.: ...,.,.....,......-,.,. ...,.,..,..,..,..,..,.......,.". ,:,,-::,;-:":"':"".-..-,:..:.:.:.-...;- ".............-...,'......'.-.',..,' ............... , .,-_..,....,.."...,.," .:......"..,':.:,."....,.;,...... ._...._.......'.....'.'.............., .'....'...,.-',.-.......-.-...-',.'....,.. ..""............. ..-',.........,.'.-..-...:-:......'..'.'.'.....-',..'.,.:',. ...... ...........--. ...",',"',--..-.....'...',",' ..-... .. .... .. .................."......... ........ --...-- ....."...".. ....,....,.",., ,. """,,''',' .-......-,.",..,,-'-..-..-....-...-.,..,.....,' ..".....--------.. ...---............... . ,..-..".'" ,.,.,-,."....... .......,...........""....".,,... ',',' '" --....--.............. ...,.....".....'--.'-.'-.-.-.-..... ........'....,..............".' ........ ...... .. ..... ".,......-....,-----..,' -.-.-. ..-....,.,... ,. "'," ... .......................-.-....... ..,......"..,",.-..--.......'...',,',," . ..-.---,... -,..,...,.. . .....". ......-.......... ',',' """,.."..,.".,...........""",._....-", " ....,.... '. ",' , "..,',',...............-..' .......",. -................... ',..... ,.,',........"..,....,'," . -...--.....".... .......... ..........,.... .. .......'.......,.c....c..c..,. ....-.. .....,',",",",",... ,...,.. ..,"',....,' . ... ..... ,,' "....... .. .-. ... .......-- .............. ".. .........."",... ....,...."..,",',' ... .. ....-....-. --. ..,' ....................... ..'..........'......'..,',.,...,',.............c...._...c......,............,..........,.',......,,',.........'...... ... ."" ......,...., ,',' "', ..............-.....---,.,',..... ......................... .. ........ .................... AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1996 1997 1998 Accountant 1 1 1 Accounting Technician 1 1 1 Sales Tax Auditor 1 1 1 Sales Tax Technician 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 4 4 4 ELECTED OFFICIALS Treasurer 1 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 53 "\V[ CARE Ei\'OUGS TO ,\LU~E A DrFrERE:iCr.:" ... 54 02/:2/97 ~5 09 ~~ ~?7 11~3 bu24 0-'",:- C::: c;' W:-E..;'T RrJGE DE?A..~~N!' StJ"Ml-i.A.~Y Pag~ bi~l 2 :"ccOt..:.-:' DESG.I?TION 1997 GEN;:?.'G "_'NIl 3GDGET 1995 A.CTI;;u. 1996 3GL)GET 1996 ESTIMJ\.TE 1997 REQUEST 1997 :998 A??~OVSD REQt~S7ED -------------------------------------------------------------_..-----------------------------------------------..-------..------------- '!':-~asu~ ?SRSC~"').:::L SERVICES S::.~? SALA.,I~S & WAGES 149,062 160,710 :60,710 162,491 161,423 167,876 LC~G:::V!TY PAY 1,340 1,399 1,399 1,498 1,483 1.580 TS~? ?E:tSO~~=:r.. HOURLY 7l 100 70 100 100 100 :-S:-!? E.ERSO~:':L NON-:-iOGRLY 0 0 0 0 0 ,IC.~ E..'(Ps...~S::: - E~PLOYER 9,329 9,964 9,964 10,173 10,292 10,513 MEDICAL/DE...'-<'lAL INStJRA..~CE 17,266 17,882 17,882 17,970 la,154 :8,027 MED I CA.,E PORTION FICA 2,182 2,330 2,>30 2,360 2,460 2,458 CCO~RA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 5,962 6,3113 6,318 6,399 6,448 6,536 -_...---..-- --_..--_..- ...---..--_.. _...--_...--- -_...------ --_...----- Total ?e:::-sonnel Se::-vic~s 185,212 :..9o,,7Q3 198,673 201,011 200,360 207,240 "'-"TERIAL & SUPPLIES OF'f'I:CE 5UP?L!ES 1,3/1 1,920 1,650 1,675 1,675 1,705 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 500 500 500 POSTAGE COSTS 6,922 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 000 --------- -------~- ~ - - -... - - -- --------- --------- --------- Total Ma:erials & Supplies 10,293 7,920 7,650 6,175 8,175- 8,205 OTHER SERVI CES & DiGS COtrrERENCE & MEETING E.."{PE~SE 2,185 2,390 2,700 2,700 2,700 2,700 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 15,822 24,650 20,000 25,000 25,000 25,~00 DtJES, 900KS & StJBSCRIPTIONS 785 870 925 975 975 975 TRAI~rNG 232 300 300 1,400 1,400 1,-100 AttrO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 1,141 1,695 1,100 1,150 1. 150 1 :!..50 PRO?ESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 M!c:ROFIL.""'i.ING SERVICES 0 775 500 1,100 1,100 1.100 RE.'ITALS & LEASES 0 0 0 0 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 OrnER EQUIPMENT MAINT 291 675 500 550 550 550 MIse SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- ------_.- -----.--- --------- ------.... Total Other Services 20,466 31,355 26,025 32,875 32,875 32,875 CAPITAL OtITLA YS OFFICE: FURNITURE & EQUIP 726 0 0 700 700 0 --------- --------- ------_..- ..------_.. ----_..--- -_..------ Total Capital Outla.ys 726 0 0 700 700 TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 216,698 237,976 232,348 242,761 242,110 24S,320 55 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Treasury PROGR,,-M: Treasurer/Accounting - - PROGR,,-M DESCRIPTION: Responsible for the daily processing of cash receipts, the accounts payable processing of budgeted expenditures through a purchase encumbrance system, and the processing of a bi-weekly payroll. This division is responsible for all financial transactions including fixed assets and investment of City funds. The accounting division proVldes daily cash flow information to the Treasurer who analyses future cash needs and prepares monthly budgetary reports for management. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I To receipt and depOSit revenues from all City sources on a daily basis for the utilizatlon of cash for expenditures and maximum interest earnings. 2, Process bi-weekly and monthly payroll and to make timely payment of employee benefits, retirement, insurance benefits and taxes. 3 Process accounts payable checks in an established time-table. 4 Monitor the City's cash flow on a daily basis for prudent investment. 5. Prepares year end audit workpapers and assists outside auditor's in completion of City's annual financial audit. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHA.N'GES: ... - PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS '.....DICATOR 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Receipts entered 5941 4700 4800 4800 Oisburscn,,:nl check.t issu~d 5456 5050 5Z00 5Z00 P=)TOtl chC'Ck3 issued 6Z32 6500 6500 6500 Investment inta'est 480.751 615,000 545,000 500,000 c:\budgel'prog I 03 56 02/12/97 16 ~7 l6 REPT ~01J bu240-wr C,7V 0= WHEAT RIUGE 1997 ~~AL BUDGET pag. 2 bi:1 ACCOUNT DESCRI PYlON 1997 GE~~RAL ,JNQ BUDGET 1995 ACTllAL 1996 BUDGET 1995 ESTr:v'ATE 1997 REQUEST 1997 1998 APPROVED REQL~S7ED TREASu~R/ACCOu~ING 0:'-103-600-602 01-103-600-620 01-103-600-622 CI-103-60Q-625 01-103-600-630 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES ACCO~~ FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER ACCOUNT MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE: ACCOU MEDICARE EXPENSE: EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP ACCOUNTI 87,862 93,755 93,755 95.358 94, 92 8 97 044 5,447 5,811 5,811 5,912 5,971 6.017 10,223 10,650 10,650 10.692 10.784 10.708 1.274 1,359 1,359 1,383 1.473 1.407 3,515 3,723 3,723 3,714 3,788 3,853 - - - - - - ~ -- - -- - ----- --------- - - -- - ---- .---.-.-- - ~ -. - - - -- 108.321 115,300 115,300 117,059 116,944 119,029 --------- --------- --------- .-------- --.------ -------.- 600 TOTALS 01-103-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES ACCOUNTING 807 900 900 900 900 900 01-103-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EX? ACCO\; 0 01-103-650-555 POSTAGE COSTS ACCOUNTING 1,860 Q 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- -- - - - - .-- ---.---.- 650 TOTALS 2,667 900 900 900 900 900 --------- ----.---- --------- --------- -_.------ ~-_.---.- 01-103-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP ACCOtJ 2,163 2,380 2,500 2,500 2,500 2 500 01-103-700-706 DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT ACCOU 699 750 750 800 800 800 01-103-700-728 TRAINING ACCOUNTING 232 300 300 900 900 900 01-103-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT ACCOU 251 420 300 350 350 350 01-103-700-750 PROFESS!ONAL SERVICE.S ACCOUNTI 0 0 0 01-103-700-752 MICROFILMING 775 500 1.100 1,100 :.100 01-103-700.759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE ACCOUNTING 0 0:-103-700.776 OT"riER EQUI PMEh"T MAIlIT hCCOUNT I 190 625 300 350 350 350 01-103-700-799 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES ACCOUN 0 0 Q 0 0 -..---.-- ~ - -. ~ - _.- .--_.--_. ..------~ --------- --..----- 700 TOTALS 3,535 5,250 4.650 6,000 6,000 6,000 --.---.-- -~_.--_.- .-------~ -----.--- --~------ --------- 01-103-eoo-e02 OFFICE FURNITIJRE & EQUIP ACCOU 0 400 400 0 --.------ --_.-~_.- .---.--.. --------- -- - -- - - -- --.------ eoo TOTALS 0 400 400 --~------ ---.---.- .-------- --------- --------- ----~._.- 103 TOThLS 114,523 121,450 120,850 124,359 124,244 125,929 ......--... ....--..-... ....-...... -......... -......--.. ....-..-- 57 CITY OF WEEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SU1\fMARY DEPARTMENT: Treasury PROGRAM: Sales Tax PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: - Promote effective and efficient sales and use tax collections and compliance through education and auditing. Provide taxpayer assistance, 1997 PROGR.\M OBJECTIVES: 1 Enforce sales and use tax compliance through audit and procedures and taxpayer education, 2, Conduct contacts with the public in a pleasant, effectIve and courteous manner. 1997 PERFORMANCE INDTCA TORS INDICATOR 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Sales & Use Tax Account. In Wheat Ridge 1647 1675 1725 1775 Outside of Wheat Ridge 1981 2000 2050 2100 . Summons Issued for tax code 209 215 225 235 Delinquency Notices Issued 1864 1885 1925 1957 field Audits 3 10 30 30 Special Audits 63 65 50 50 Audit Revenue Collected 136,114 250,000 130 000 130,000 c:'hudgcl'prog 115 58 02/12/97 15 19 02 R~?7 :810 bu240-w::- ACC:JL.~T 01-:13-500-602 01-l15-600-603 01-115-600-617 01-115-600-619 01-115-600-620 01-1:5-600-622 01-115-600-625 01-1:5-600-630 01-115-650-65: 01-115-650-654 01-115-650-655 01-115-700-702 01-115-700-704 01-115-700-706 01-115-700-728 01-115-700-740 01-115-700-750 01-115-700-758 01-115-700-759 01-115-700-776 01-115-700-799 01-115-800-802 SA!.SS TA.X 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 115 TOTALS C:7Y C? ~42A7 R:~G~ 1997 A.~~-JAL Bu"DG~'!' 1997 G~~~ Fu~u SUDG~T 1995 ACTuAL D~SCR!?7I:J~ ST.;:? S~~I~S & WAGES BUDGE7 LONGEVITY PAY BUDGE7 & SALES T TE~P PERSO~~EL - HOURLY BUDGE~ TE~P PERSO~~L/NON-HOURL BUDGE FICA EXPENSS EMPLOYSR BUDGST MEDICAL/DSNTAL INSURANCE BUDGE MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EX? BUDGET & OFFICE SUPPLIES BUDGET & SALES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP BUDGS ?OS~AGE COSTS BUDGET & SALES T CONFERENCE & ~EETING EX? BUDGE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUDGET & DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT BUDGE TRAINING BUDGET & SALES TkX AUTO MILEAGS REIMBURSEMT BUDGS PROFESSIONAL SSRVICES BUDGET & RSNTALS & LSASSS aUDGST & SALS TELEPHONE EXPENSE BUDGET & SAL OTHER EQUIPME~~ MAINT BUDGET & MIse SERVICES & CHARGES BUDGET OFFICS FURNITURE & EQUIP BUDGE 61,200 1,340 71 o 3,882 7,043 908 2,448 76,891 564 7,062 7,626 32 15,822 86 890 101 16,931 726 102,175 59 1996 3ti"DGS7 66,955 1,399 100 4.151 7,232 971 2 595 83,403 1,020 o 6.000 7,020 10 24,650 120 1,275 o 26,105 726 115,528 1996 SSTI;v1.ATE 66,955 :,399 70 4,151 7,232 971 2,595 83,373 6.800 6,750 200 20,000 175 50 21,375 o 111,498 1997 REQtJ'=:S7 67,133 1,4.98 100 o 4,261 7,278 997 2,685 83,952 750 775 500 6,000 7,275 BOO 200 25,000 175 500 BOO o o 200 26,875 o o 118,402 Page ',.., 11 199"7 1998 A??ROVSQ RSC~~STSD 66,495 1,483 100 4,321 7,370 9B7 2,660 83,416 775 500 6,oao 7,275 200 25,000 175 500 800 200 o 26,875 300 300 117,866 70,832 1,580 100 4,496 7,319 1,051 2,833 88,211 805 500 000 7,305 200 25,000 175 500 800 o 200 o 200 o 26,875 300 300 o 122,391 "\\,'=' C \ "'t' t""O"G" TO.' r, L'~ , Or;:-t''''-:\C-:'' .... ......:--......;:.,. .:0...." U::l ,'fL.-\;"\..t...--. L.r r ....~.. ..... .. 60 02/:3,'9'"'1 bu2';'O-;,rr A::::OL~-r , t:: ... ~ __ ~::J 51 RE?T 1550 DESCRIPTION P~!NG AND DEVELO?~~~~ Administ.ration Pla~~ing and Zoning Building Inspection Code Enforcement TOTAL crTY 0, WEEA7 RIDGE ?ace 2 Genera: :~~d Dept Su~ma~ b;' , 1997 GE~~~ FUND BuwGET 1995 AC7"JAL 1996 9G"DGET 1996 ES':'IMATE 1997 REQUES7 1997 A?PROv.::D 1998 REQt~STED 141.115 149 012 141.426 152,694 147,090 15:.289 101.476 236,190 167,716 2::"5.982 171.569 129 942 130,677 139,745 139,870 149,117 162,731 15",355 115.661 139,818 136,393 150,331 144.016 149. E75 --------- --------- --------- -----~--- --------- --------- 488,930 664,765 585.405 668.124 625,406 582 461 61 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR - -PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (1 ) SENIOR SECRETARY (1) CHIEF CODE BUILDING PLANNERS ENFORCEMENT INSPECTOR (2) OFFICER II (1) (1 ) I BUILDING SECRETARY SEASONAL BUILDING INSPECTOR (1 ) EMPLOYEES CLERK (1) (1 ) CODE ENFORCEMENT OFFICER I (1 ) 62 .. ...., .,....---. ,'.'-' ,-, ._.'.-. . d...._.., . ..._....'..,.,...._.,'. :,: -. ::,',::,:',:;'.'_'."":-':,;:,:,,::,',,:,:;::::::::.':':-c':,::::: .... ... .. ."..... .,.........',"...-',. ... .-.-...,'.......,-,-.:.",'.._...,. .. : ::::><\:':::: ::y:::~:}:::::;::::)(:::::::? .-::-:-....,-...'..:...,.-.'.....-..-. ::-....;..,:.:.......-.-.,'.,',',.'....,-..,'..,',",....,.... ,....." .".,.,...-.... .:....-.:-.,-:.:.-.:.:.-...-.-..-.,..-..,'.. .-."'" "."" . ......,.,........ .............. :;i~.~~;;IIIU'I~!~~lc;~;\;,;c:;:".".,..".""':".:,:.,::"'",>"c,""" .".." ..-............ :.::.:-:.:.:.:-:.;.'.:-:-::.:-::.:.:.:.:-:.:-:.:.:.-.:.:,:.:::-::"':-_':::::-::'::-';:-:': . .;....':-:::-:;::::::;:;:;;;:::;:>>::::;:::::::::::::::~:::~:}::::::;:;;:;::::::;:::::;::::::.::::::.:::::.:.: ...... .... ..... .;--:..:-:.;.:-::.;.:.;:;:::::;;:;:;:;;::;:::::::;;:}\:::::}. .'. . "', ...""-....-.,',.. ,.".... ....-...,.,.....,.................,._..-..,_.,',.... .. .................. ...............s.......... AUTHORIZED NO. POSITION TITLE 1996 1997 1998 Director of Planning and Development 1 1 1 Chief Building Inspector 1 1 1 Planner 2 2 2 Building Inspector 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer II 1 1 1 Code Enforcement Officer I 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 Secretary 1 1 1 Building Clerk 1 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 10 10 10 This table includes only the personnel budgeted In line item 602. 63 ----- "\VE CA~ E:;OLG3 TO .\LA.KE.A. OrTr-ERE::;C::''' .. 64 02/~2/9i 15 C6 52 RE?T 1100 bu24.0-wr ACCOUTI DESCR!?':'ION Planning & Development PERSO~EL SERVICES S?AFF S~~IES & WAGES LCNGEVITY PAY DEFERRED COMPENSATION riUTO ALLOWANCE OVERTI~~ & PREMIUM PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOu~LY COL'RT PAY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE OL7SIDE PERSONNEL Total Personnel Serv~ces MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE POSTAGE COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES Total Macerials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES, BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFI!.'! COMPUTER SOFTWARE TE~EPHONE EXPENSE OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT MISC SERVICES & ~,GES Total Other Services CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP PHOTO EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPME~ OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE C!~Y OF WHEAT RIDGE DEPA.qTIE:~"'T SUMMA...~Y 1397 GENERAL F~~ SDuGET 1995 AcruAl. 341,891 2,740 3,000 5,141 3,862 206 21,327 33,446 5,179 8,921 3,000 428,713 5,070 2,625 4,841 1996 BUDGET 372,118 3,575 ),000 4,850 20.600 o 24,394 35,170 5,768 11,525 516,000 5,725 4,978 2,000 o 1996 ESTIMATE 369,618 o 3,575 3,000 3,000 13,100 o 24,394 35.170 5,768 11,525 o 472,440 5,000 2,500 2,000 o 1997 REQL"EST 385,02::- o 3,917 3,300 4,750 13,100 24.972 38,838 5,811 12,367 C 492.076 5,000 7,848 2,000 Page :-:':1. 1997 1998 APPROVED REQUESTED 381,298 3,880 3,200 3,750 31,800 26,036 38,997 6,142 12,248 507,351 5,000 5,000 2,000 389,079 4, :112 3,200 3,750 13,100 2S 902 35,989 6,035 12.954 505,821 5,200 1,000 o o 12,537 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 6,200 4.045 24,359 3,854 9,258 1,687 333 234 2,071 190 400 12,703 6,361 101,172 3,207 9,150 5,577 850 720 4,000 2,500 255 621 9,500 6,450 71,300 3,325 9 000 4,500 850 720 2,800 2,000 420 920 o 14,848 7,285 96,800 3,775 13,000 4,000 900 770 5,500 2,500 420 800 o 750 3,000 12,000 7,285 72,100 3,775 12, 000 3,150 750 745 3,000 2,500 o o 750 7,595 32,500 3.975 12,000 3,500 750 770 5,000 2,500 o 750 o 47,053 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 69.440 134,712 302 326 1. 350 102,165 1,300 138,700 20,400 1,800 300 o 106,OS5 o o o o o 628 488,930 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- o 65 1,350 664,765 1,300 585,405 22,500 668,124 o 025.406 582,461 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SU1\lMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Planning & Development Administration - PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This diVIsion is responsible for the management, administration and overall direction of the Planning and Development Department. The pnmary mission of the Department is to provide service to the commuruty In Planning, Code Enforcement, Zoning Administration, redevelopment and Building Inspections, The Department serves the Plaruung Comrrussion, Board of Adjustment, Urban Renewal Authonty, Building Advisory Committee and the City Council, as well as ad hoc task forces established for specific projects. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I. Complete update of the ComprehenSive Plan. 2, Continue to implement and administer the land development regulations of the City and provide suggestions for updating those regulations where needed 3 Continue to develop plans and programs for, as well as administer, Community Development Block Grant proJects, in cooperation with Jefferson County 4 Administer the Housing Code Enforcement Program to assure maintenance of our aging housing stock, especially multiple family housing. .J. Coordinate development and implementation of a multiple jurisdiction Geographic Information System, budgct:';>fog 120 66 02112/97 16 20 O~ RE?T 1010 bu240-wr A::COt..'1.'":' Cl-120-600-602 01-120.600-604 01-120-600-606 01-120-600-610 01-::'20-600-620 01-128-600-622 O:'-120-600-ti25 01-120-600-630 01-120-600-640 Ol-12:)-6SC-6S1 01-120-650-654 01-120-650-655 81-120-650-660 01-120-700-702 ~1-120-7:JO-706 01-120-700-750 01-120-700-752 01-120-700-759 01-:20-700-776 01-120-700-799 01-120-800-302 01-120-800-804 c~~v OF ~~~~T RInGS :99"7 .;.~u.:;.:, BUDG2:7 :997 GE~~~;L ?u~u BUDGET 1995 ACTUA.L DESCRI?7!8N ?~~~ING & DEV ADMI~ GGO TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 120 TOTALS STAFF S~~:ES & WAGES ?~~IN DEFERRED COM?ENSATION ?~~ING AUTO AL1..0WA.,,"i/CE PLANNING & DEV OVERTIME & ?REM1~JM PAY P~~IN FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PLANNIN MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE p~~~ MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RET:RE~~NT EXP PLANNING OUTSIDE PERSO~cL SERVICES OFFICE SUPPL!2S PLANNING & DEV PHO~OCOPY & PRINTING EX? PLANN POS7AGE COSTS PLANNING & DEV A OPERATING SUPPLIES P~~ING & CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP P~~ DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT ?LA.'~ PROfESSIONAL S~RvrCES pLANNING MICROFILM P~~ING & DEV ADMIN TELEPHONE EXPENSE P~~ING & D OTHER EQUIPME~ MAINT PLANNING MISC SERVICES & CHARGES PLANNI OFFICE ~~Iru~E & EQUIP PLANN Photo Equipment :n,420 2, HO 3,000 o 5,587 8,574 1,498 1,157 3,000 :22,9/6 5,070 2,625 4,841 o 12,537 2,161 306 1,697 190 o 621 o 4,975 141,115 :996 BtiDGET :05,954 3,5;5 3,000 6,212 8,918 1,596 1,296 o 130,551 5,725 3,479 9,203 2,300 538 3,000 2,500 9,258 302 326 628 149,012 1996 ESEMAB 103,454 3,575 3,000 o .0,212 8,918 1,596 1,296 128,051 5,000 1,000 o 6,000 920 o 2,300 475 1,800 2,000 o 800 1997 REQUEST 107,091 3,917 3,300 6,640 9 065 1,533 1,250 o 132,796 5,ooe 3,848 8,848 2,425 575 3,000 2,500 o 750 Q 9,250 o o o 1,800 Pag,; 13 bill 1997 1998 A??ROVED REQu~S7EP U6,055 3,880 3,200 o 5,675 9,154 1,638 1,238 131,840 5,000 1 000 o 6,000 2,425 575 3,000 2,500 9,250 147,090 109,765 .; :112 3,200 o 6,805 9,089 1,592 1,28: 135.744 5,200 1. 000 o 6,200 2,520 575 3,000 2.500 750 o 750 o 7,375 o o 141.426 o 1,800 9,345 o o 2~2W....W ..W.__W22 w........ ......... ..._..... .w...w... 151,289 67 152,694 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGRA.M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Planning & Development PROGR\l\1: Planrung & Zorung PROGRA.M DESCRIPTION: Performs professional planning work in both long range and current planrung, ProVldes research, analysis and reports on various long and current planning proposals to achieve Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and other land use policies. Provides direct assistance to citizens, businesses, developers, other departments and agencies In all aspects of land development and use, Develops Master Plans and Comprehensive Plan amendments to further refine or reflect changing publtc policy and draft amendments to the land development regulations, Provides support to City Council, Planning CommIssIon, Board of Adjustment and specIal task forces. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Continue to develop and expand the computerized mapping and geographic information system, Develop Itnkages to other agencies such as special districts, Police Department, Public Works, Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office, the assessor's office, DRCOG and state offices to access usable data that already eXIsts, 2 ContInue to develop brochures and guideline publications for distribution to the public and developers relating to rules, regulatIOns and processes which affect development and use of land, 3 Maintain a high level of service In processing land use and development applications, 4 Complete update of the Comprehensive Plan. 1997 SrGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Contractual Services (704) is budgeted for the Comprehensive Plan, This has been reduced to . $50,000 - PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS INDICATOR 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Public Meetings Staffed 101 100 110 100 # Plan. Commission Cases 38 36 40 40 " City Council Items 8\ 75 75 75 " " Bd.of Adjustment Cases 44 50 45 45 " Pe rrni t Reviews 809 800 800 800 c:\budgcl'prog 121 68 C2/12/9~ 16 28 19 ~E?T 1010 bu240-w::.- ACCOL"N7 01-121-600-602 01-121-600-610 01-121-600-617 01-121-600-620 01-:21-600-622 81-121-600-625 01-121-600-630 01-121-600-640 01-121-650-651 01-l21-650-654 01-121-650-655 01-121-650-660 01-121-700-702 01-121-700-704 01-121-700-706 01-121-700-718 01-121-700-728 01-121-700-740 01-121-700-750 01-121-700-755 01-121-700-776 01-121-700-799 01-121-800-802 01-121-800-809 C-~V 0: WHEAT ~IDGE :997 ~~AL BUDGE~ 1997 GE~E~ FUND BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL DESCRIPT!O~ 1996 3GDG27 1996 ESTII'.ATE :.997 R2QUEST 1997 .;?PROVED Page: 14 0::'11 2999 REQu"'i:SED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- P~~ING & ZONING 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 121 TOTALS STAFF S~~:ES & WAGES P~~I~ O\~RTIME & PREMIUM PAY PLANNI~ TEMP PERSO~rG~ - HOUKLY PL&~~~ FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PLANNIN MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE P~~ MEDICARE EX?ENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RET:~EME~ EX? P~~ING CONTRACTUAL ?ERSONNEL OFFICE SUPPLIES P~~ING ~~ Z PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP ?~~ POSTAGE COSTS PLANNING AND ZON OPERATING SUPPLIES PLANNING ~~ CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? P~~ CONT?ACTUAL SERVICES PLANNING DUES. BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT P~VN ORDINANCE ENFORCE~~ PLANNING TRAINING P~~ING AND ZONING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBU?SEMT PLANN PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PLANNING COMPUTER SOFTWARE PLANNING AND OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT PLANNING MISC SERVICES & ~~GES PLANNI Office Equipment OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT PLANNING 71.387 549 3,338 4,667 6,823 1.09:!. 1.837 89,692 1.267 8,500 1,383 11.784 101,476 69 78,449 750 15.000 5,473 7.387 1.280 2,747 35.000 146,086 1,500 2.000 3,500 3,500 79.022 1.750 1.657 234 400 o 86,604 o 236,190 78.449 500 7.500 5.473 7,387 1,280 2.7-1.7 3,290 106,626 1.500 2,000 3,500 420 3,500 50 000 1,750 o 1. 500 420 255 57,590 o 167,716 81,637 750 7.500 5,527 8,61l :.292 3,265 108.582 4,000 2,000 6,000 4,160 75,000 2,000 1,000 420 420 o 83,000 o 18,400 o o 18,400 215.982 80,842 750 7,500 5,577 8,705 1,381 3,234 107,989 o 4,000 2.000 6,000 4,160 50,000 2,000 1.000 420 o 420 o 57,580 171.569 84.341 750 7,500 5,725 8.648 1,339 3,394 112,197 o o 4.325 10.000 2,000 o 1,000 420 o o o o 17.745 o o 129.942 CITY OF WEEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR\M SUM'i\lARY D EP ARTl\1:ENT: Plaruung & Development PROGR.\i\I: Building Inspection PROGR.\M DESCRIPTION: Enforces the Uniform Building, Plumbing, Mechanical and Fire Codes, the NatIOnal Electnc Code and .;\)~SI Elevator Code, Issues permits for all types of constructJon, performs wspectlons for conformance to the Codes and issues CertiEcates of Occupancy It is recommended that the Uniform Housing Code also be adopted and enforced. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTfVES: ] Maintain the current level of inspectIon. a, Building Permit Plan ReVIew and mspectlon - 3 days for SImple projects and 7 days for complex projects, b Inspection next busmess day c Certificates of Occupancy next day after all requirements are met. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SER VICES & CHARGES 1 Professional Services (750) is budgeted at 52,000 to provide coverage whIle the Building Inspectors are on vacatIOn, PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ... = INDICATOR 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACfUAL ESTIMA TED PROJECTED PROJECTED Inspections 4,3 19 4.000 4,000 4.000 Tot~1 Penmts Issued 2,386 2,000 2,000 2,000 Housing Code Inspection 600 1,000 1,000 Number of P!;ms ReVIewed S02 900 1,000 1.000 Dollar V~lue 532,000,000 52) M 525 M 525 M 1::\hudgct1progI22 70 02/12/97 16 28 33 REPT 1010 bu240 -wr ACCOl.'"tl""':' 01-122-500-602 01-122-600-603 01-122-600-610 01-122-500-617 0:-122-600-620 01-122-600-622 0::"-122-600-625 01-122-6:)0-630 01-122-650-651 01-122-650-654 01-122-650-655 01-122-550-660 01-122-700-702 01-122-700-704 01-122-700.706 01-122-700-728 01-122-700-738 01-122-700-748 01-122-700-750 01-122-700-759 0::"-122-700-776 01-122-700-799 01-122-800-802 01-122-800-805 C,-v OF '~~~A! RIDGE 1997 ~~uAL BUDGET 1997 GE~~~ F~u BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL DESCRI?7!.ON 1996 BUDGET ____________________4___ 3UI~DING I~S?ECTION 600 TOT~S 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 122 TOTALS STAFF S.~~IES & WAGES BUILDIN LONGEVITY PAY BUILDING INSPECT OVERTIME & PREMlu~ PAY BUILDIN TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER BUILDIN MEDI:AL/DENTAL INSURANCE BUILD ~~DlCARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP BUILDING OFFICE SUPPLIES BUILDING INS?E PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP BUILD POSTAGE COSTS BU:LDING INSPECT OPERATI~G SUPPLIES BUILDING IN CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP BUILD CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUILDING DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT BUILD TRAINING BUILDING INSPECTION L~IFO~~ & PROT CLOTHING BUILD MILEAGE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES BUILDING TELEPHONE EXPENSE OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT BUILDING MISC SERVICES & CHARGES BUILDI OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP BUILD COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT BUILD 93,948 1,576 524 6,090 9,215 1,424 3,760 118,537 103,231 1,000 o 6,931 9,537 1.541 4,130 126,370 o o o 1996 ESTIMATE 103,231 o 1,000 6,931 9,537 1, 541 4,130 126,370 o Pag~ " ., bi.l:' 1997 :997 1993 APPROVED REQ~~STED 109,392 1. 000 o 6,884 9,6::'4 1,601 4.,376 132,867 o --------------.. o 400 8,600 1,000 650 300 250 o o o 11,200 162,731 113,584 o 1,000 o 7,104. 9,663 1, 661 4 543 137,555 o o o --------- ----_.--- -----_.-- --------- --------- --------- o 374 o 61 8,300 769 1,920 300 250 1.000 346 8,300 2,112 851 157 12, 140 130,677 71 o 12,600 o o 139,745 o o 350 8,300 900 1.500 300 250 1,000 o o 12,600 775 o 775 139,870 ?EQUEST 400 8,300 1,000 1,500 300 250 2,500 14,250 900 2,000 o 900 2,000 149.117 103,331. :,000 18,700 7,814 9,603 1,750 4.,333 151,53: o o o 450 8,600 1,200 1,000 300 250 2,000 o o 13,800 o o o 151.355 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGR-\M: Planning & Development Code Enforcement PROGR-\M DESCRIPTION: Code Enforcemeflt IS responsible for protectmg the health, safety and welfare of the commumty by exercismg sound Judgement and working toward assIstmg the public This is done by establishing good workIng relatIOnships with all members of our community Helping to stay the trends of deterioration in Wheat fudge and comrrutmg ourselves to ensuring that the City is maIntained In a clean, healthy, safe and attractive condition, Voluntary compliance, education and awareness are our pnmary goals 1997 PROGR-\M OBJECTIVES: 1 Educate the public through the media, programs, meetings and pamphlets, 2 Provide an effective weed abatement program. 3 Coordinate the City-wide cleanup campaign, 4 To continue a close working relationship with court in order to impose penalties that result in fewer violations. 5 Become more efficient and effective through computer applications, 6 Improve ordinances that will be more enforceable and responsive to the community's changmg needs and expectations, 1997 SIGI'IIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1 .. Ordinance Eforcement (718) includes $3,000 for a graffiti program, L"'DICATOR PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACTUAL ESTThlA TED PROJECTED PROJECTED 2334 2500 2800 2800 376 700 GOO 600 150 60 70 70 Gm Code Inspect. Weed Inspections Summons to Court Issued- c:\hudgellprog I '23 72 02/l2/97 l6 20 47 REPT 101J bu2..;,O-wr ACCOUNT C:TY 0:- WHEAT R:DGZ 1997 A.o'm'"0AL BUDGE':' 1997 GE~~RAL FUND 8uuGET 1995 ACTU.-'\.!.. DESCR:PTION 199~ BUDGE:' :996 E:S'!'T~.ATE Page 16 ::Ji~!. :997 :?EQtTSS7 ,997 1998 A??ROVED aEQu~STED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0:'-123-600-602 0:-:23-600-610 01-123-600-611 01-123-600-618 01-123-600-620 Cl-123-600-622 01-123-600-625 01-123-600-630 01-123-650-651 01-123-650-654 01-123-650-655 01-123-650-660 01.123-700-702 0:-123-700-704 01-123-700-706 01-123-700-718 01-123-700-728 01-123-700-730 01-123-700-740 01-123-700-759 01-123-700-776 01-123-700-799 01-123.800-802 01-123-800-805 CODE ENFORCEME~ 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 80C TOTALS 123 TOTALS STAFF S~tES & WAGSS CODE S~ OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY CODE EN TEMP PERSO~~EL - HOURLY CODE _ COURT PAY CODE ENFORCEMENT FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER CODE EN MEDICAL/DENTAL INS~~CE CODE MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EX? CODE ENF OFFICE SUPPL!ES CODE ENFORCEME PHOTOCOPY & PRINT!NG EX? CODE POSTAGE COSTS CODE ENFORCEMENT OPERATING SUPPLIES CODE ENFORC CONFERENCE & MEET!NG EX? COOS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CODE ENFO DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT CODE ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT CODE ENF TRAINING CODE ENFORCEMENT UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTH!NG CODE AUTO MILEAGE RE!MBurtSEMT CODE TELEPHONE EXPENSE OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT CODE E~F MISC SERVICES & ~~GES CODE E OFFICE FURNITURE COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CODE 77,136 3,016 206 4.982- 8,835 1,165 2,166 97,507 271 7,559 54 9,258 835 176 o o 18,154 84 484 3, lOO 5,60~ 5,778 9,328 1,351 3,352 112,993 o 500 13,850 150 9,150 2,000 550 50 o o 26,250 o 84,494 1,500 5,600 5,77B 9,328 1,351 3,352 111,393 o 300 13,000 2~0 9,000 1,500 550 50 24,600 575 575 85,901 3 000 5,600 5,921 11, 548 1,385 3,476 117,831 300 13,500 200 13,000 500 600 100 o o 3,000 86,070 2,O~0 5,600 5,970 11. 535 1,373 3,443 1":"5,991 o o o 300 13 500 200 12,000 1,500 450 75 o 28,025 o 300 300 9C,889 2,000 5,600 ;,168 11,589 1,443 3,636 121,325 o o o o o 32,200 400 400 300 14,000 200 12,000 1 soa 450 100 o o o 28,550 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- -._------ U.S,661 139,818 136,393 150,331 144,016 ~~~~ss~s= 2=S~_=~~= ..._.S~.~ =~__..~~S s=~._s~ss -........ 14.9,875 73 "WE: c..I.~ Ei'iOl.:G:: TO :'tlAKE.-\ DITr-ERE;'\CE" ... 74 02/13/97 15 38 19 RE?T 1550 bu240-w:::- ACCOti"N7 DESCRIPTION POLICE ?olice C:tie: Police Administ~a:ion ~,imal~arks Enforcement Communications SEE Records Training Operations Patrol Criminal Investigations Traffic Special Investigations Emergency Operations TOTAL CITY:>:=- WHEAT RIDGE Ge~eral ?~nd Dept Summary ?age bi:: 1997 GENERAL 2UND aUDGET 1995 AC7UA:. 1996 BUDGET 1996 ES'!'I~.ATE 1997 :(EQUEST 1997 ::'998 A?P:(OVED REQL~STED 280,099 302,385 306,005 330,615 299,701 298 857 :97,136 219,883 214,257 216,481 215,71l 222,847 142,676 16~,329 167,342 157,383 156,875 162,561 374,766 397,591 403,671 412,898 403,052 461,0:10 96, lOB 248,205 245,106 251,884 257,625 255,511 229,882 266,867 266,762 295,329 280,728 287 968 113.345 126,207 126,207 108,572 183,120 103 948 0 0 1732,295 1785,687 1739,487 1836,406 1807,563 1877,451 693,354 772,687 767.776 806,016 785,647 811,986 14.5,913 200,105 200,105 327,037 232,728 2~9,7S7 162,023 3l0,346 190,144 193,525 191.532 201,324. 13,456 23,670 22,670 22, 949 22,949 23....55 --------- --------- -- - -- - --- -. _ -_.--- -_.------ ___._w_._ 4181,354 4808,332 4635,445 4966,041 4762,073 4979,204. 75 PO LI CE CHIEF OF \ POLICE (1) SENIOR SECRETARY (1 ) -r DIVISION SPECIAL PATROL COMMANDER PROJECTS L1EUTENA ~T (1 ) LIEUT. (1) (1 ) - SENIOR V.O.1. SECRETARY (1 ) COORDINATOR ................... SWAT 1 I 1 TEAM ~- RECORDS INVEST. ADMIN. RESERVES I-- -............................ .. BUREAU - LIEUTENANT I- LIEUTENANT I I LIEUT. (1) (1 ) (1 ) I I I .................. I SENIOR I SECRETARY I- : INTERNAL:_.J , RECORDS (1 ) S.E.E. : AFFAIRS : CLERK OFFICER - ................ (6) (5) PAWN SLIP I- ANIMAL TRAFFIC PATROL CLERK (.5) PARKS ENF SERGEANT SERGEANT COMMUN. SUPER (1) (1 ) (3) SUPERVISOR ,.. CADETS (1 ) S.I.U. SERGEANT - (1 ) I ANIMAL TRAFFIC POLICE EMERGENCY I TRAINING " . PARKS ENF OFFICERS OFFICERS 1&11 SERVICES S.I.U. OFFICER I- OFFICER (3) (3) (30) SPEC (10) DETECTIVE (1 ) (2) WARRANTS SECRETARY (1 ) INVEST. SERGEANT l- (1) I I I EVIDENCE DETECTIVE CRIME SCENE TECHNICIAN (8) TECH (POL (1 ) OFFICER) (1) 76 .. ...,,",','.....",',",',',' .....'.. '"......, .','."" .,..,...... ,...,.,,',.....'.......'.' 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".......,.,................,",',....,",",",',' ............,..........,'", .....,' ........ ..."....... ,.......... ......,...,",..,..... .. ..........'... ........"",........................,..,.. ,..,...... .,........."..~.... .. ...,....,...,......'.'...."..'.....,.......,.......,.,.'.','.',','.',','.'.'.'.'. .,""''''''Q'L'';'OC' E".".,""",.. ;.......:::-...::.a;:... ...~.,.,' :::::-;.......:..... .. ., ,... . ' ...,......'...,",'" ................,............ ".. ...".".. ..' .",",.'..'.....,"',.. ..............."... ... ................... POSITION TITLE 1996 AUTHORIZED NO. 1997 1998 Chief of police 1 Police Division Commander 1 Police Lieutenant 5 police Sergeant 6 police Officer I & II 50 Senior Secretary 3 Emergency Services Specialist 10 Police Records Clerk 6 Animal Parks Enforc. Super 1 Animal Parks Enforc. Officer 3 Communications supervisor. 1 Secretary 1 Evidence Techncian 1 Pawn Slip Clerk 1 1 5 6 50 3 10 6 1 3 1 1 1 .5 1 1 5 6 50 3 10 6 1 3 1 1 1 .5 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 89 89.5 89.5 This table includes only the personnel budgeted ln line item 602. 77 02/12/97 15 18 04 RE?7 1200 bu240-w:::- ACCOt~tr DESCRIP7ION ------------------------------------.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Police PERSONNEL SERVICES S7AFF S~~IES & WAGES LONGEVITY PAY DEFERRED COMPENSATION ::XTRA D_UTY PAY AUTO ALLOWANCE OVERTIME & PREMlu~ PAY STANDBY PAY TEMP PERSO~~EL - HOUKLY COURT PAY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DEN7AL INS~~CE ~~DI~~E PORTION FIC~ CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE POLICE RETIREMENT EX? OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE Total Personnel Services MATERIAL & SUPPLIES 0::1CE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRI~~ING EXPENSE ?OSTAGE COSTS RA..'l'GE SUPPLIES 0?ERA7ING SU?PtIES FtJEL COSTS VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT P~qTS ~~ZARDOUS wASTE DISPOSAL Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES, SOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS VETERINARY SERVICES/SUP? EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING UNIFORM ALLOWANCE VOLUNTEERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES M!CROFILM COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE FLEET REPAIR/MAINT POLICS 07HER EQUIPMENT MAIN'! MISe SERVICES & CHARGES Total Other Services CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE JE?.A..~:;.'E~7 Sm-LMA.~Y :997 GE~~~ Fu~ BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL 3081,266 18,118 2.904 20,361 3,000 128,107 283 8,759 46,875 4. 5."* 72 297,717 27,810 22,770 235,981 o 3939,422 7,490 11,926 3,418 10,119 20,293 54,042 3,182 16,405 7,520 219 626 44,763 26,970 35,042 o 14.880 1,490 2,958 3,017 15.796 172.873 78 ::.996 BUDGET 3380,697 20,940 3,790 25.500 3,000 165.631 9,800 70,762 50,354 333,582 32.101 26.964 379,4.54 o 4502,575 8,820 19,575 o 9,020 26,770 798 173 5,600 69,958 7,410 17,101 417 450 2,035 44,255 35,959 37.84 :) o 20.476 4,640 o 19,386 3,505 o 22.020 1.815 225,309 ::'995 ESTIMATE 3365,497 16.524 3,790 25,000 3,000 166,311 9,800 56,530 50.354 332,082 32,101 26,964 259,852 4347,805 8,320 19,075 9,020 24,270 173 5,600 66,458 7.410 15,626 8,237 450 1,700 .. 3, ?55 36,359 37,840 o 15,500 4,640 18,450 2,905 o 22,020 1,815 216,707 199""1 REQUEST 3576,350 8 514 4,123 25.000 3,300 175,179 10,095 73,170 53.332 332,134 34,206 30,04.3 273,175 o 4598,621 8,600 17,560 o 11,842 25,290 o 5,600 68,892 i 10,015 14,500 9,812 500 2,150 37,595 32,638 37,84.0 28,645 3,900 o 18,450 o 18,063 1,500 2:5,608 1997 Pas: oi.:': 5 APPROVED REQL~STSJ 1993 3491.,275 8,421 4,034 25 000 3,200 168,641 o 58,567 52,813 322,50';' 33,037 29,739 266,771 4464,052 8,500 17,560 o 11,842 24,620 o o 5,600 68,122 8,565 14,500 9,212 500 1,750 36,550 28,888 37,840 o 28,645 2,000 18,450 o 16 713 500 205,113 36.;7 434 8,7D 4,223 25,000 3,200 l73,'H3 o 5;',269 55 454 333 1.72 34,343 3: 211 273.520 o 455..; .;82 500 19 265 o o 42,990 5 800 75,555 7.990 14,800 9,827 550 1,750 35.550 29, 018 37 840 25 390 2.000 22,000 47,952 1,500 233,167 02/12/97 15 26 14 RE?T 1200 bu240-wr C:TY 0: WHEAT R:DGE DEPAR7M2~-r SU~.A.~Y ?ag~ b:.._.:.. 6 ACCOUN7 DESCR:?T:ON 1997 G2NERAL 'C"V 3cTG2T 1995 ACTUAL :.996 3CDGET :996 EST: :'-1.; 7E :997 EQL"2ST 1997 _998 A??ROVED RECL~S7ED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ CAPITAL O\.i"'TLAYS O~F:CE FURN:TtJRE & EQUl? 5,19~ 3,215 200 ~3,ggO 000 000 ENGINEERI~G & PHOTO EQUI? 3,193 ,,000 COMM(JNlCATIONS EQUI PME!\l"'7 6,000 0 5,100 :-LEET REPLACEMEYr CAPITAL LE..;5ES OinER t'J'AJOR EQU: PMENT 6,640 1,275 l,275 29,940 16,786 3,000 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Total Capital Outlays 15,016 10,490 4.,475 82,920 24,786 1: 000 T07AL DEPA.~TMEN:' EXPENSE 4181,354 4808,332 4635,445 4966,041 4762,073 4979 104 79 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET- PROGR.\M SUMMARY Police Police Chief DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: PROGRA~ DESCRIPTION: Provides leadership, command, direction and control of police services, 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Improve community relationships with Police Department. 2. Improve Police Department service delivery to citIzens. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES I. Extra duty reimbursement funds are used to pay personnel to work extra duty assignments at Wheat Ridge bUSInesses and schools. The cost of this program is offset by matching revenues, S25,000 (605) 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I. Office supplies have been consolidated for the entire department, S8,500 (651). ... 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. The unifonn and protective clothing account is budgeted at S2,OOO (730). 2. The unifonn allowance of$6oo per officer has been budgeted In this division, $37,840 (741). 3. Cellular phone expense has been budgeted in General Operations, 610-759 c:lhudgcllprog;20 I 80 02/12/97 1.5 21 82 R~?~ :JlJ bu24 0 -',.1"'= .;CCOG"1-<l' 01-201-600-682 01-201-600-603 01-201-600-604 01-201-600-605 01-20:;'-600-606 01-201-600-610 01-201-600-620 01-281-600-622 01-201-600-625 01-201-600-63C 01-201-600-633 01-201-650-651 01-201-650-655 01-201-650-660 01-201-700-702 01-201.-700-706 01-201-700-728 01-201-700-730 01-201-700-741 01-201-700-750 01-201-700-755 01-201-700-758 01-201-700-759 01-201-700-776 01-201-700-799 01-201-800-802 POLI:E CiIE? 600 TOT,>':'S 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 201 TOTALS CI7Y ~: ~~~A: R!DG~ 1397 A..\')tCA!. BUDGE:- 1997 GE~~~;L :u~w 8u~GET 1995 ACTUAL lJESCR!?':':O~ ST,~? S.~~~!SS & WAG~S POLICE :"CNGEVITY D:::?E~~ED COMPENSATION POL:CE C EXT~; DUTY PAY POLICE CHIE? A~lO ALLOWANCE POLICE CHIE? OVERT!ME & PREMIUM PAY POLICE ?ICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLI:E ~2DIC~/DENTAL INS~~CE POL:C ~DI~~E SX?ENSE EM?LOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE C ?OLICE RETIREMENT O~FICE SUPPLIES POLICE CHIEF POSTAGE COSTS POLICE CHIEF OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE CHIE CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP POLrc DUES BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT POLIC ~;INING POLICE CHIEF UNIFO~S & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING UNIFO~~ ALLOW~~CE POLICE CHIEF PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE C COMPUTER SOFTWARE POLICE CHIEF RENTALS & ,LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE POLICE CHIEF OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT POLICE C MIse SERVICES & CHARGES POLICE OFFICE ~~!TURE & EQUIP POLIC 160,967 2,889 2,904. 20,361 3,000 o 5,645 13,527 1,777 1, 224 5,778 218,073 7,4.90 3,418 758 11,665 469 1,392 2.700 3,305 35,042 1,479 2,958 3,017 50,361 280,099 81 1996 9:;"DGE:T 172 301 3,016 3,790 25,500 800 200 6,4.06 13,651 2,014 1,349 6,24.4. 237,471 8,820 o 1,300 10,120 850 1,200 1,700 1,600 37 840 500 o 4,550 3,505 50 315 52,110 299,701 :995 ES:-I~M.a.:-E 176,301 1. 000 3,790 25,000 3,000 200 6,406 15,151 2,014 1,349 6,244 240,455 8,320 o 800 9,120 850 1,200 1,500 2,000 37,84.0 1,000 5,150 2,905 50 315 52,810 o 302,385 1997 REQu"'ES'!' 2..;7,934 549 ..,123 25,000 3,300 200 7,019 14,322 1,323 1,322 6,493 242,085 8,600 9,400 920 1,050 1,500 2,000 37,84.0 1. 000 5,150 o 50 49.510 o 29,620 29,620 330,615 ?a3'e 2.. 7 :Oill 1997 1998 A??ROVED REOt~STE~ 3.75,212 4,084 25,000 3,200 200 6,951 14,305 1,807 1,309 6,4.30 24.0,04. 7 8,500 800 9,300 920 1,050 1,500 2,000 37,840 1,000 5,150 o 50 o 49,510 299,857 549 182,392 549 4.,223 25,000 3,200 200 7,194 14,362 1,864 1,355 6,656 246,995 8,500 800 800 9,300 920 250 1,500 2,000 37,840 1,000 o 5,150 50 49.710 o o 306,005 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY Police Commuruty and Support Semces AdminIstration (C.AS S A.) DEPARTMENT: PROGR\i\I: PROGR.\M DESCRIPTION: This bureau mamtams an individual budget account and manages the budgets for the Selective Enforcement and Education Unit and Training. It provides support for the Department by providing resources for other bureaus, It regulates and reviews the Departmental standards. 1997 PROGR.\M OBJECTIVES AND INDICATORS (Indicators are denoted by asterisks): Provides management, supervision and support for the S.E,E, UnIt and Training Unit, · Maintenance of short and long term goals, . Insures that umts are staffed, functioning and funded, 2, Mamtain and implement policies and other written resource and directive guides, · Policy updates distributed every SIX months, · Promote a system in which employees provide ideas, 3 Coordmate police department hiring. · Keep Job descnptions current. · Insure an impartial selection process that leads to the hiring of quality employees. 4 Admimster the field training program for new officers. . ReVIew training notebooks and evaluations, · Provide guidance to training officers. · Provide trainees and probationary employees with the opportunity to learn and succeed. ..5. Coordinate victim services Wlth the appropriate agencies, . Coordinate the training of officers in victim rights and services. . Act as a liaison between victim services and the police department. c:\tM.ujbCt'.f'ro~02 82 02/12/97 16 2:!. 17 R:S?'T 101.0 bu240-w::, ACCOUNT 01-202-600-602 01-202-500-603 01-202-600-610 01-202-600-614 01-202-600-618 0::'-202-600-620 01-202-600-622 01-202-500-625 01-202-500-630 01-202-600-633 01-202-500-640 01-202-650-651 01-202-650-654 01-202-650-655 01-202-650-660 01-202-650-662 01-202-700-702 01-202-700-704 01-202-700-706 01-202-700-728 01-202-700-741 01-202-700-743 01-202-700-750 01-202-700-758 01-202-700-759 01-202-700-776 01-202-700-799 01-202-800-802 01-202-800-804 01-202-800-808 01-202-800-809 CAS S A. 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 202 TOTALS C:TY OF WHEAT RI~GE 1997 ,;";NUAL BUDG;:, 1997 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL DESCRIP'TION STAFF SALARIES & WAGES POLICE LONGEVITY PAY POLICE ADMIN SER OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLICE STANDBY PAY POLICE ADMIN SERVI COURT PAY POLICE ADMIN SERVICE FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLICE MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POLIC MEDICARE PORTION FICA POLICE A CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE A POLICE RETIREMENT EX? POLICE A OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE POLIC OFFICE SUPPLIES POLICE ADMIN S PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP POLIC POSTAGE COSTS POLICE ADMIN SER OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE ADMI VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PRTS POLIC CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP POLIC CONTRACTUAL S;:RVICES POLICE AD DUES, BOOKS, & SUSSCRIPT POLIC TRAINING POLICE ADMIN SERVICES UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE ADMIN VOLUNTEERS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES POLICE A RENTALS & LEASES POLICE ADMIN TELEPHONE EXPENSE POLICE ADM!N OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT POLICE A MISC SERVICES << CHARGES POLICE OFFICE F~~ITURE & EQUIP POLIC ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUr POLIC CAPITAL LEASES POLICE ADMIN SE OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT POLICE A 149,B56 816 375 o 1,816 12,120 425 1,156 12,095 o 178,658 11,500 o 50 o 11,550 638 3,374 938 1,928 o 6,956 197,436 83 1996 BUDG27 162,026 B55 400 o o 1,977 12,572 457 1,243 12,627 o 192,157 o 18,975 o 50 19,025 675 3,075 1,200 1,300 o o o 78 o 1,536 o 600 8,386 272 o 272 219,883 1396 ES7I~..;'T::: 158,726 a55 400 12,572 457 1,243 12,627 188,857 o 13,975 19,025 675 2,100 1,200 1,500 o o 6,075 315 315 214,257 :,97 R:::::ii..J'"EST 15~,515 977 602 415 o o 2,020 12,845 472 1,287 :2,235 lS4,391 :7,460 50 17,460 o 600 695 800 1.235 1,800 o o o o o 100 o 4,630 300 300 216,481 ?age 18 o:.~~ 1997 :,93 APPROVED RE~t~ST:::D 162,937 593 415 o 2,001 12,826 463 1,27~ 13,107 193,621 17,46C o 17,460 695 800 1,235 1.800 o 4,630 o o o 215,711 ::53 535 602 425 o 2.071 12.990 484 .;.,319 :3.566 o 193.992 o o ::'3.165 o o o 15 155 o o o 100 o 715 300 1.275 1,800 o o o o o 100 o 4,690 o o o o o o o o 222.847 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT; PROGR-\!\1; Pollce Animal Parks Enforcement Officers (A.PT 0 ) PROGR.\M DESCRIPTION: To proVIde the citizens of\Vheat RIdge with proactIVe patrol of the City's parks, open space areas, trails and lakes and enforces City ordinances as appropriate with regard to animal cruelty cases and public animal complaints. Provides protection and monitors the natural resources, Provides interpretIve programs, speeches, and tours for various community groups regarding the parks, opens space areas and animal care and safety 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Utilize available resources to provide both animal control and park security services, 2 Monitor wildlife and design management program, Trap and relocate/dispose of problem wildlife in a humane manner 3 Provide professional servIce to the CItizens of\Vheat Ridge with the emphasis on communIty oriented goals and servIce, PERFORMANCE INDICATORS PARK ENFORCEMENT fi'<'1lICA TORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED C= Reports 1908 2000 2500 2500 Ammallmpoundments 364 400 450 450 Vie latlOns- warn. issued 38\ 475 500 500 ViolatiOns-summons issued 70 75 100 P' -) Animals released to O"'llcrs 453 475 500 500 PARK PATROL Case Reports 235 250 300 300 Violations-warnings issued 672 1000 1500 1500 Violations-summons Issued 24 50 75 100 FishlOg Contacts 925 1500 2000 2000 PR Contacts 35368 45000 50000 50000 Warrant Contacts 38 50 75 75 c:\budgd\p(og20J 84 D~/12/97 16 21 32 REPT 1010 0\.1240-.....::::- ~CCOUNT C:7Y 02 WHEAT RIDGE 13:3"7 .4..."-:"-:JAL BUDGET 1997 GENE~~ ?u~~ BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL DESCRIPTION ::..995 3GlJGE:7 1996 ES7I:-1A72 199"' :::!.EQUEST 1997 A??RO'i,/:::J Page ':I; ':, 19 199a REQc."'SS'rZD -.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 01-203-600-602 01-203-600-603 01-203-600-610 01-203-500-614 01-203-6JO-618 01-203-600-620 01-203-600-622 01-203-500-625 01-203-600-630 01-203-600-633 01-203-650-651 01-203-650-654. 01-203-650-660 01,-203-650-662 01-203-700-706 01-203-700-720 01-203-700-728 01-203-700-730 01-203-700-741 01-203-700-743 01-203-700-750 01-203-700-758 01-203-700-759 01-203-700-776 01-203-700-799 01-203-800-B02 01-203-BOO-B07 01-203-BOO-B09 ~~IMAL-?A~K ENFORCEME~ 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 203 TOTALS STAFF S~~IES & WAGES APSO LONGEVITY PAY APEO OVERTIME & ?REMIu~ PAY APEO STANDBY PAY APEO COURT PAY APEO FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER APEO MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE APEO MEDICARE PORTION EMPLOYER CCOERA RE7IREMENT EXP APEO POLICE RETIREMENT EX? APED OFFICE SUPPLIES APEQ PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP APEO OPERATING SUPPLIES APEO VEHICLE .& EQUIPMENT PRTS APEO Du~S, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT APEO VETERINk~Y SERVICES/SUPP APEO TRAINING APEO UNIFORMS & FROT CLOTHING APED UNIFORM ALLOWANCE APEO VOLUNTEERS APEO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES APEO RENTALS & LEASES APED TELEPHONE EXPENSE APEO OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT APEO MISC SERVICES & CHARGES APEO OFFICE fmL~ITURE & EQUIPMENT FLEET REPLACEMENT APED OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT APEO 110,092 1,567 B04 7,019 14.,031 1, 641 4,301 139,<t56 o 4BO o 4BO 195 219 1,606 o 220 2,24.0 :19,82.. 2 270 90B 7,626 15,665 1,784 4,793 152,870 195 450 o 2,345 o o 1,000 o o 3,990 119,324 2,270 o 7,626 15,665 1,784 4.,793 152,362 350 173 523 o 2,345 o o 1,000 C o o o 124,015 40:) 3,075 o 960 7,939 14,261 1. 857 4,961 122,335 3,075 960 7,866 14,242 1 84:J .;, 9~3 155,731 195 500 :95 500 o 2,560 o o 1,000 127,931 o 3,325 1,040 B,202 14.304 1,918 5,117 o ::..61 837 925 o o o 450 3,990 157,069 350 173 1,105 5,105 925 450 523 1,105 1'35 550 o 2.690 o o 770 o 850 o 850 o 195 450 2.560 o o 1,000 o 1.100 5,355 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --..----- 5.055 o 500 o BOO o BOO o o 500 --------- --------- --------- -----._-- --------- --------- BOO 142,676 157.3B3 156,875 164,329 800 162,561 ~~...-... ___.~__~2 ~..3.3..= ..=...... .=....... _._...... 167,342 85 OTY OF WHEAT RlDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR,,-M SW>f"gRY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Pollee ComrnUlUcatlOns PROGR-\M DESCRIPTION: Provide the CIU=1S of the conununity WIth a professionally staffed Conunwucations Centcr th:lt utiltzes hIghly skilled and dedicated per>onnel to provide dispatch operations for police, fIre, emergency medical response and arumalJparks enforcernenl Promotes commUIllty service by providing referrals to citIzens requmng additlonJ.! assistance. [mtlJ.tes compibtlon and collection of data by computer entry for the Police Department. 1997 PROGR-\M OBJECTIVES: ] ReceIve and dispatch calls for service in a tImely, safe, orderly and expeditious manner 2. Ad\1se CIUZens calling m for SefV1ce of any expected response delays, and If needed, follow-up cJ.lls to cltlzens to revIse response hrnes, J, Provide referral and directJon to cItizens requmng mfonnatlon or resources thJ.t the City or Police Dcp:utI11ent cannot prOVIde, 4 Perform computer informatJon mqumes and entries for department personnel. Monitor and update as necess:lr)' information into the computer aided dispatch system, ) Support dcpartment pcrsonnel by prOVIding mformatlOn obtJ.med from computerized. manuJ.I and telephone methods. 6, Attempt to recognize problems \\;thm the communIty and take necessary steps to resolve thcm, 7 Create an atmosphere that is conducive to community mput. S Maintain numerous computcr data base accounts, msurmg they contam accurate and current resourcc mformation, 9 Increase the overall efTiclcncy of Communlcatlons through automation and mechanI7.atlon. 10 Promote and mountain effective workmg relationships \\1thm thc department and adJaccnt agencies. II InstJ.ll and operate new radio system. SiGNITICANT CHANGES: 800 - CAPIT AL OUTLAY [ Rcplacemcnt of 2 dispatch chairs (802), PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATOR ACfUAL EST1MA TED PROJECfEO PROJECfED Department Reports 29.382 30,000 30.500 31.000 Emergency Calls < I mln < I mm < 1 mill < I mm received/dispatched C:\budgd'prog104 86 02/12/97 16 21 50 ~S?T lJlO bc.24::J-l,...= ACCOu"N'!' 01-204-600-602 01-204-600-603 01-204-600-610 01-204-600-618 01-204-600-620 01-204-600-622 01-204-600-625 01-204-600-630 01-204-600-633 01-204 -650-651 01-2::J4-650-654 01-204-650-660 01-204-700-702 01-204-700-706 01-204-700-728 01-204-700-759 01-284-700-776 01-204-700-799 01-204-800-802 01-204-800-805 01-204-800-809 CITY O? WHEAT RIDG~ 1997 ;:"'lNUAL BUDG~T 1997 GENE~ :u~~ BUJGST 1995 ACTUAL D~SCRIPTION ?OLIC~ COMMUNICATIONS 600 T0TALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 204 TOTALS STAFF SALARIES & WAGES COMMUNI LONG~VITY PAY COMMUNICATIONS OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY COMMUNI COURT PAY COMMUNICATIONS FICA EXPE~SE EMPLOYER COMMUNI MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE COMMU MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCQERA RETIREME~7 EXP COMMUNIC POLICE RETIREMENT EXP COMMUNIC OFFICE SUPPLI~S COMMUNICATIONS PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP COMMU OPERATING SUPPLIES COMMUNICATI CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP COMMU DUES, BOOKS. & SUSSCRI PT COMMU TRAINING COMMUNICATIONS TELEPHONE EXPENSE COMMUNI CAT I 0 OTHER EQUIP".EIIT MAINT COMMUNIC MIse SERVICES & CHARGES COMMUN OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP COMMU COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT COMMU OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT COMMUNIC 281.335 o 9,977 o 18. 047 36,870 4.224 8,745 o 359,199 1.111 1,111 13.404 13.722 374,766 87 1996 BUDGET 292,606 o 12.820 200 18 , 949 39,775 4,432 10.624 379,406 1.310 1.310 169 150 o 16.400 16,875 734 734 397,591 1996 ESTIMATE 298,006 13.500 200 18 , 949 39,775 4.432 10,624 385,486 1,310 1 310 200 275 16.400 o 16.875 o o 403,671 1997 RSQUES7 312.177 7,600 200 19.839 37,195 4.640 12.487 o 394.138 200 275 200 275 o o 10,795 o 11.270 o o 1,500 5,100 o 6,600 412,898 1997 AP?ROVEO 309,154 7,600 200 19.651 37,165 4,596 12 , 366 390 732 o o 890 890 9.695 10.170 1,500 o o 1,500 403,052 ?age: 28 b::: 1998 RECt;::S~ED 325.440 o 7.800 200 20.673 37.342 4,835 13,018 o 4:; 308 o o 650 o o 8,300 650 S 300 200 275 o 200 275 o o 42 027 o 42.502 1,500 o o 1.500 461.610 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUMMARY DEP ARTIVIENT: Police PROGRAM: Selective Enforcement & Education (SEE) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Selective Enforcement and Education (SEE.) Unit is committed to the betterment of the communIty by developing more effective communicatIOn between the Pouce Department and the citizens of Wheat Ridge, The Unit provides a variety of crime prevention programs for residential and business use, They are available to organize :d help in the mainterrance of Community Watch Groups, They provide the opportunity for school age children _nd youth to partiCIpate in natIOnally recognized drug abuse, gang and violence resistance, and law-related education programs, The unity participates, with the community, in solving problems that effect the City or any part of it. 1997 PROGR-\M OBJECTIVES: 1 ProVide the necessary resources, equipment, and trainmg to maintain quality programs in the schools and community ') Provide prevention and law-related education to all public and private schools in the community J Establish Crune Prevention programs to include, but not be limIted to, Community Watch, BUSIness Watch, and safety programs for all ages, 4 lrutlate commumty Involvement through meetIngs WIth the business, school, organizational and residential communities, 5 Develop and maintain a network of citizen volunteers to perpetuate community.programs. 6 To work with and provide professional knowledge to the community In solving the problems that it deems important. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I ProfeSSional ServIces (750) is grant money, there is off -settIng revenue, . - 1997 PERFORi'\1ANCE INDICATORS: 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATOR ACfUAL ESTIMATED PRO.fECfED PRO.fECfED Total Schools served II II II II Ekmentary students 1172 1200 1200 1200 Middle school students 810 875 925 975 High school students 325 400 500 60000 Community Programs 119 180 250 330 CAP Projects' 0 30 40 50 c:'budgdprog.105 88 02/12/57 15 22 05 RE?T 1010 bu240-w::- ACCOm.'T 01-205-500-602 01-205-600-610 01-205-500-618 01-205-600-620 01-205-600-622 01-205-500-625 01-205-600-633 01-205-550-651 01-205-650-654 01-205-650-660 01-205-650-662 01-205-700-702 0l-205-700-704 01-205-700-706 01-205-700-728 01-205-700-730 01-205-700-741 01-205-700-750 01-205-700-759 01-205-700-772 01-205-700-776 01-205-700-799 01'-205-800-802 01-205-800-805 POLICE. SEE 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 205 TOTALS C:TY 0: ~~SAT ~!DGE 1997 .~~~-u~ BUDGET 1997 GE~~~~ ?~~u BuuGET 1995 .:;crtiAL DESCR:::?'!'ION STAF? S~~:ES & WAGES D A.R ~ OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY D A.R _ COURT PAY D A.R E PROG~~ FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MEDIC;L!DENT~ INSURANCE D.A.R MEDI~~E PORTION FICA D.A.R ~ POLICE RETI~EMENT EXP 0 A.R E OFFICE SUPPLIZS D A,R E PROGR PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP D A.R OPE~:;TING SUPPLIES D A.R E PR VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PRTS D A.R CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP D A R CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT D A.R TRAIN!~G D A.R.E PROGRAM UNIFO~~ & ?ROT CLOTHING 0 A R UNIFOR~ ALLow~~CE D A.R E PRO PROFESSIONAL SERVICES TELEPHONE EXPE~SE D ARE PRO FLEET REPAIR/~~INTENANCE D A.R OTHER EQUIP~~~ MAINT D ARE MIse SERVICES & ~~GES D A.R OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT D.A.R 73,413 2,641 4,462 1,128 7,341 88,985 2,250 o 2,250 o 439 3,766 o o o 4,205 1996 BUDGET 192,045 6,354 2,474 15,638 2,884 18,935 238,330 o 3,550 o 3,550 500 500 825 o 2,300 o 4,325 1996 EST!;v'~;'TE 19.),045 6,354 2,000 o 15,638 2,884 18,935 235,356 3,550 3 550 2,300 o o o 200 3,700 1997 REQGEST 202,003 6,400 3,200 o 14,448 3,068 20,200 249,319 o 3,550 3,550 500 700 2,000 o 2,300 Page 21 b:.1:.. 1997 1993 A??ROVED REQUESTED 20C 027 6,400 2,700 o 14,430 3,040 20,003 2.to,600 3,550 3,550 500 500 o 1,400 o 1,eoo o 3,025 209,411 6,650 2,800 14,528 3,181 20, 941 257,511 o o o 3,025 o 750 o 7,475 3,550 3,550 500 1. 400 1,800 750 o 750 o 200 o 8,575 --------- ----.---- --------~ --------- --------- ----'----- 4,450 668 o 2,000 o 2,000 2.000 440 440 o o o o 668 2.000 o o 96,108 --------- --------- --------- --------~ -----~--- --~------ 248,205 245,106 261,884 257,625 .-.-.---. ....._--~ ----~---- --------. _._--._-~ -------.. 265,511 89 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Records PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Maintains, corrects, verifies and updates the Police Department's crime data bases, MaintaIns a central repository for records of the Police Department. Provides statIstIcal information for various governmental agencies and the general public, Fingerprints applicants for various licenses which require fingerpnnting, Provides clearances for Pawn Shops on weapons, cameras, bicycles and stereo equipment. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I. Process, maintain, and archive all police reports and related documents, 2, ProVIde police reports, management informatIon, on-line computer information, and other related servIces, 3 Continue to develop and implement Improved automated procedures; provide fast and accurate data, 4 Perfonn prisoner bonding functions in cooperation \.II1th other law enforcement agencies, 5 Fingerprint citizens for various licenses and job related requirements, 6 Maintain and disseminate accurate referral information and assistance to citizens, 7 Perform bookkeeping/biIling functions for appropriate municipal ordinances, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 800 - CAPIT AI.. OUTLAY I Purchase of a shredder, $4,000 (802). 1997 PERFORl"lANCE INDICATORS INDICATORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACfUAL ESTIMATED I PROJECfED PROJECfED Report Requests Paid 2.434 2.500 2.600 2600 CJ~ \,754 1,850 1.900 1900 Reports Processed Tow-leases 28,980 29.500 30.000 30.000 Records Check 84 115 120 120 Prisoner Bonding 31 35 35 35 Alarms: Bookkeeping Entries \,092 1.200 1.250 1250 Billmgs 35 30 30 30 NotIfications 121 110 110 40 DUI Reslitutions 58 65 70 70 Fingerprints 564 600 625 625 Pa~Ol Clearances 299 350 375 375 Microfilmmg (# of Docwnents) 60,000 65.000 70.000 70.000 c:'hudg<\'l"og106 02/l2/97 16 22 20 REPT 101C bu240-wr ACCOti'NT 0:-206-600-602 01-206-600-603 01-206-600-610 01-206-600-617 01-206-600-618 01-206-600-620 01-206-600-622 01-206-600-625 01-206-600-630 01.206-600-633 01-206-650-651 01-206.-650-660 01-206-700-702 01-206-700-706 01-206.700-728 0>206-'00-730 01-206-700-750 01-206-700-752 01-206-700-755 01-206-700-759 01-206-700-776 01-206-800-802 01-,206-800-808 01-206-800-809 PO!..ICE RECORDS 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 206 TOTALS C!7Y OF '~~SAT RIJGE 199 i A..."Th-J'Ai.. ouuGET 199' GENE~ Fu~ BUDGET 1995 ACT"~A:.. DESCRIPTION STAFF SALARIES & WAGES POLICE LONGEVITY OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLICE TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY POLICE COURT PAY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLICE MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POLIC MEDICARE EXPE~SE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE R POLICE RETIRE~~NT OrFICE SUPPLIES POLICE RECORDS OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE RECO CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? POLIC DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT POLIC TRAINING POLICE RECORDS UNIFORMS & PRaT CLOTHING POLIC PROFESSION~ SERVICES POLICE R MICROFILM POLICE RECORDS COMPU7ER SOFTW~qE POLICE RECOR TELEPHONE EXPENSE POLICE RECOR OTHER EQUIPME~l MAINT POLICE R OFFICE EQUIPMENT & FURNITURE CAPITAL LEASES POLICE RECORDS OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT POLICE R 177,750 1,380 2,467 7,488 25,452 1,751 4,730 5,945 226,962 ::',490 1,940 229,882 91 1996 8'U"DGET 284,569 1. 446 3,215 o 50 9,328 27,242 2,254 5,588 6,350 260,042 357 1,060 357 1,060 123 202 o o 4,640 o o 125 5,765 623 o 623 266,867 1996 ESTI~.ATE 204,569 1,446 3,215 9,328 27,242 2,254 5,588 6,350 259,992 1,060 1,060 500 205 o 4,640 420 5,710 o o 266,762 1997 REQUEST 216,121 3,490 50 9,540 30,302 2,194 6,015 6,574 274,286 500 150 420 3,900 o o 1,688 6,238 o 4,000 o o o 4,000 285,329 1997 A??ROVE:> 213,712 3,490 50 9,430 30,280 2,168 5,945 6,510 271,585 805 805 550 100 o 2,000 o o 1,688 4,338 4,000 4,000 280,728 Page 22 bill :998 REQUESTED 224.,457 3,595 o 50 9,965 30,402 2,292 6,283 6,737 283 781 805 1,032 805 1,032 550 100 550 105 o 2.000 o 500 3,155 o 287,968 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR~M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGR-\.l\l: Police Trammg PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides for the basic, field and advanced trairung for all police employees, produce appropriate reference materials; provide suitable urufonns and personal protective equipment, produce periodiC reports for planning purposes, 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Provide training to new police officers, annual mselVlcelrecertlficatlon training, remedial training, and advanced training, Examples include aCCident reconstructIOn, drug interdiction, gang IdentIficatIOn and suppression, and investigative techniques. 2, Maintain and update reference materials; produce m-house reference and training materials regarding areas of poltce practices and liabilities,. 3. PartiCipate in the Field Traming Program and maintam updated field training manuals, 4 EqUip and outfit new officers; arrange the repair and/or replacement of damaged equipment; evaluate and mamtain equipment standards, 5 Research crime/workload information and produce relevant periodic reports, 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES l. Range supplies has been moved to patrol (657) .". 1997 PERFORMANCE Th"DICA TORS - INDICATORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 ACfUAL ESTIMA TED PROJECfED PROJECfED Training hours 4200 5100 5100 5100 Avg. Hours/Employee 48 60 60 60 Total Enrollments 390 500 500 500 c:\budget'prC)g.207 92 ::'~2...:;-....":: ~2/:2,'Si7 :.5 ~2 .,)... ~~- ::'Ol'] .),.c:::t~-: C"-:-" O? ';oj~E.AT RIDGE :. 9:; - .;",\~C.:;.:. BL'JGE:- 1997 G~~~~ ?~~u 9u~GE7 1995 ACTUAL :)~S3:?7:;:::-; :996 BUDGET 1.996 ::':S7I:-1ATE ?ag~ 23 '::li2..:.. :997 ~~QUEST 1997 :998 A??ROV~D RSQt~STED 42,977 900 2,.U9 623 4,208 5:,127 8'75 500 2,550 14,295 16,130 o o o o 53,475 o o o 3,095 o o ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0:-2J,-50:>:5:2 01-2C7-600-6:0 01-207-580-5:5 O:..-2Q7-5~C-52'J O~-2C7-60J-522 01-:20;-500-525 0..-207-50Q-533 01-207-050-651 01-2C7-650-c:iS7 01-207--550-660 01-207-550-662 Cl-2Cl-1QQ-102 01':.207-700-106 01-207-700-;25 01-::07-700-730 01-20;-700-741 01-207-700-;59 01-207-700-776 01-107-700-799 01-207-300-801 Cl.2C1-S00-B02 01-207-800-804 01.207-800-809 POLICE :-~;:~::-;G :5 0 0 701'.;:'$ 650 1'O'I'?LS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 201 't01'ALS 5~.~? S.~~2:SS & ~AGES POLICE OVERTI~ & ?RE~IL~ PAY POLICE CCL~T PAY POLICE TRAINING ?:CA SX?ENSE ~~?LOYE~ ~~:CAL/DES7.~ rNS~~CE POLIC ~~DI~~,E POR7:0N FICA ?OL~CE T POLICE RE71R~~ EXP ?OL!CE T O??lCE SUP?L!SS POLICE TRAIN!~ ~~~G~ SU?PL!SS POL!CS T~~INI~G ~?S~~TING S~??LrES POLICE ~~: ~HIC~2 & ECU:?MENT PRTS ?OL1C CCNFERE..~CE ~~;D MEETINGS DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT POLIC T~;I~ING POL!CE TRAI~I~G u~!FO~~$ & PROT CLOTHING POLlC G~lFO~~ ALLCW~~CE POLICE TRAI~ TELE?SONE EX?E~S2 POLICE TRAIN OTHER EQUlP~~i MAIN7 POLICE T MISC SERVICES & CHARGES ?OLICE LAND, aUILDI~GS, WATER ACQUISI OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUI POLIC OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 3S,94:0 211 o 2,350 581. 3,839 4.:',:H7 2,395 600 4,066 ;;~,347 o o 2,395 600 4,066 42.558 3CO 2,413 617 4.167 43, l25 330 2,431 639 4,313 45,921 --------- .-------- --------- -_.--_.-- ---~---~- ---_.---. 50 838 48,408 48,4:08 50, OtiS ---~----- ~-------~ _.---~--- --~---~-- --------- ~---~--_. 10,119 425 9,020 €i2S o 9,020 625 o '62'5 1,125 10,545 ---~---~- --------- -~------- --------- --------- --------- 625 1,125 9,645 9,645 875 -------~- ~-------- --------- --------- --------- .-------- o 3,320 40,135 13,424 2,9:5 40,755 24,384 o a a 100 o o 2,915 40,755 24,384 o o lOO a 500 2,550 33,250 16,130 a o 2,605 33 250 :6,130 o o 56,880 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 51,985 68,154 68,154 52,430 --------- --------- --------- ---._---- --------- -------.- o o o o -_.--_.-- ---~--_.- ---_.---- _.------- -_.------ ---~--_.- o 3,095 a o --~------ ---~----- .--_.---- -.------- --------- --------~ 113,346 126,207 126,201 l08,572 103,120 103,948 .._...... .......~. ~..m.:..~ .....~.3: =........ ......... 93 OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR~M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Pollce PROGR~\f: Patrol Bureau PROGR~\1 DESCRIPTION: Provides crime prevenwtlve pollce patrol and emergency response to the public, Provides non-emergency assistance to the public as requested, Develops commuruty poliemg progrums, Promotes customer service. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECfIVES: I Provide emergency response tunes not to exceed four and one-half rrunutes, 2. ActIve particlpation in commwlity progrums such as sidewalk sales, art fairs, the Carnation Festival, news articles, tours, nde alongs, and youth progrums. 3 Proceed with the customer SCTVIce call back, action onented program and evaluate our level of effecClveness and cItizen satisfaction, 4 Deploy and utilize our personnel to best meet the needs of the CltJzens of Wheat RJdgc and the Police Department. 5 Become more proactJve tOW:Jfds crurunal gang actlvll]' \~ith regul:Jf gang sweeps by the specI<Jhzed PolIce Gang UOlt. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 1 Range Supplies, SII,842, All flfeanns trauung supplies including ammUnitIOn costs for the entire Police Department have been transferred to thIS account from Account 207fTrammg, 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1 Dues, Books, Subs: SI,OOO has been added to cover Wheat Ridge's range fee for the new Jeffeo Finng Range (706). 2, Addition;:u $4,600 has been budgeted In thIS <Jeeount for transportatIOn costs for transporting pnsoners from )<Jil to court (750), 3 Other Major &jwpmcnt (809): stop stJcks (10) @S3,590; laser sighted hand gun, S950; 3 laser sights, SI,950; Olght VISion scope, S400; night VISion scope @ S I ,890. ... 1997 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICA TORS ACTUAL Esr1MA TED PROJECTED PROJECTED No, Of calls for service handled 28.980 30,000 30.750 31.500 No, Of Accidents Investigated 1748 1782 1818 1854 Amsts &; Bookings 5168 5200 5576 5792 DVI Cases 489 500 500 500 T ral1ie Ci/J1lions 6387 5000 6400 7000 Emergency response l.mcs 4.24 4,24 4.24 4.24 Domestic Violencc Cases 366 315 350 385 Community Policmg Project Hours 300 1600 1700 1800 c:'budgctlprog211 94 02/12/97 15 22 48 RE?T 1010 bu24Q-w:.- ACCOL"YI' CITY OF ~~EAT RIDGE 1997 .:;"~(.,uAL BUDGET 1997 GENE~~ FUND BL~GET 1995 ACTUAL DESCRI?TION 1996 B:""'UGET 1996 ES7I~.ATE 1997 ~~QUEST Page 24 tlill 1997 1998 APPROVED R~QcoST~D ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 01-211-600-602 01-211-600-603 01-211-600-610 01-211-600-614 01-211-600-618 01-2:::"-600-620 01-211-600-622 01-211-600-623 01-21l-600-625 01-211-600-633 01-2l1-650-657 01-211-650-660 01-2l1-650-662 01-211-700-702 01-21:-700-706 01-211-700-727 01-211-700-730 01-211-700-741 01-211-700-750 01-211-700-755 01-211-700-772 01-211-700-776 01-211-800-802 01-211-800-804 01-211-800-805 01-211-800-807 01-211-800-809 POL::::: PATRO:" 600 TOTALS 650 'TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 211 TOTALS STAFF SAlJL~IES & WAGES POLICE LONGEVITY PAY POLICE PATROL OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLICE S'Tk~BY PAY POLICE PATROL COURT PAY POL:C~ PATROL FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANC~ POLIC STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE MEDI~~E PORTION FICA POLICE P POLICE RETlREME~, EXP POLICE P RA.'l'GE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES POL:C~ PATR VEHICLE & EQUIP~~NT PRTS POLIC PATROL CONFER~~CE & MEETINGS DUES, aooKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING UNIFORM ALLOWANCE POLICE PATRO PATROL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE FLEET REPAIR/MAINTENANCE POLIC OTHER EQUIPMEC~ MAINT POLICE P CAPITAL FURNITh"RE & EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUI POLIC COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT POLIC FLEET REPLACEMENT POLICE PATRO OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT POLICE P 1329,403 6,516 79.281 38,090 118,396 11,195 132,842 1715,722 7,465 o 7,465 2,031 3,736 o 7,037 1,070 1,000 2,070 1732,295 13B,833 7,387 82,567 53,200 124,282 10,887 134,706 1756.862 o 8,475 8,475 234 278 300 350 600 2,650 o 7,300 1319,133 7,387 82,567 o 4\),000 o 124,282 o 10,887 134,706 1718,962 o 8,475 o 8,475 300 350 600 2 650 5,000 o o 1,875 10,775 o 1,275 1,275 1739,487 1367,906 2,644 87,939 o 53,330 o 116,732 o 12,464 135,791 1777,806 11,842 8,715 20,557 300 1,350 600 4 338 11,900 o 1. 025 19,513 o o o o 4,000 o o 14,530 1365,268 2,608 85,939 o 40,000 115,978 12,503 136.527 1759,823 11.842 8,715 20,557 300 1,350 600 3,228 o 11,900 o 1,025 18,403 o o o 8,780 8,780 1807,563 1434,787 2,780 88,100 40,000 117,743 13,226 143,479 1840,115 18,833 o 18,833 300 1,350 600 3,228 o 12,000 o 1,025 18.503 o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---.--... 1877,451 95 759 1,875 13,075 o 6,000 o 1,275 7,275 1785,687 18,530 1836,406 OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Police PROGRA..M: Cnnunal investIgatIons Bure:lU PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Cononue to assign cases \'o1th the iughest degree of solvability, both felOnies and serious misdemeanors, based on cMeful review of all reports. Manage the property and evidence control service for the department. Manage and supervise the criminal investIgation process. Keep CItIzens appnsed of the status of their cases and inform them of their rights as "victims". - 1997 PROGRAM OBJECflVES: I Continue to cleM at least 50% of all cases assigned to mvestigators. 2. Recovery of 50% of the reported stolen property, and return It to it's rightful O\\l1ers. 3 Updatc our eVIdence management system and make It casler to track cVldence and to complete the necess:l.l) audits of the area. 4 ContInue to prOVide top quality investigatIOns of cases assigned to the burCJU and to keep CItizens apprised on the stJtus of theIr cases. 4 Upgrade skills of investIgators through techrueJl and advanced trainIng courses. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 800 - CAPITAL OlITLA Y I Office Equipment (809) IS a fa:.; machine, S2,500 PERFORJ\L.\NCE INDICATORS t995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Cases assigned to lnv 1136 1050 1300 1400 Cases Cleared 673 560 650 700 Case Clearance Rale 59'1. 52.~ 50'1. 50'1. V~uc of Property Loss 51,515,506 51.372,000 S 1,750,000 S 1,750,000 - Value of Property Reeovered 5918,891 S670,OOO S875 ,000 S&75 ,000 Recovery Rate: ~~ 61% 50% 50% 50% Fugitive Cases Assigned :!615 3000 3000 3500 Fugilive Apprehensions 793 900 1000 1200 Warrant Clearance Ratc 30'1. 30'1. 33'1. 33% CRlME LAB, PROPERTY. EVIDENCE SECfION 1995 19% 1997 1998 INDICA TORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Latenl Prinl Processmg (Total Cases) 57 250 270 300 Incoming EVIdence (Total CR's) 1805 2000 2200 2300 c:'budgd\prog.212 \ . , \ 96 02/12/97 16 23 03 RE?T 1010 bu24.0-w,:: ACCC~"T :)1-2:2-500-602 01-212-600-603 01-212-600-610 01-212-600-614 0:'-212-600-617 01.-212-600-618 01-212-600-520 01-212-600-622 01-212-600-625 0:'..-212-600-630 06-212-500-633 01-212-650-660 01-212-650-662 0:-212-700-702 0:-212-700-706 01-212-700-727 01-212-700-730 01-212-700-741 C1-212-7:10-750 01-212-700-755 01-212-700-758 01-212-700-759 01-212-700-772 01-212-700-776 01-212-700-799 01-212-800-802 Ol-212~800-804 01-212-800-809 C:7Y OF :~EA7 RIDGE 1997 .:;,......~-C~ 3UDGE":' 1997 GENE~ Fu~ BUDGE, 1995 A:TUAL DSSCRIPTION PCLI:E-CRIMIN~ INVEST 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 212 TOTALS STAFF SALARIES & WAGES POLICE LONGEVITY PAY POLICE CRIMINAL OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLICE STANDBY PAY POLICE CRIMINAL IN TEMP PERSONNBL-HOURLY COURT PAY POLICE CRIMINAL INVE FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLICE _ MBDlCAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POLIC MEDICARE PORTION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE C POLICE RETIREMEN7 EXP POLICE C OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE CRIM VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PRTS POLIC CONFERENCES & MEETINGS DUES, BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT POLICE C UNIFORMS & FROT CLO~~ING POLIC UNIFORM ALLOW~~CE POLICE CRIMI PROFBSSIONAL SERVICES POLICE C COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES POLICE CRIMIN TELEPHONE EXPENSE POLICE CRIMI FLEET REPAIR/MAINTENANCE POLIC OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE MISC SERVICES & CHARGES POLICE OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUI POLIC OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT POLICE C 524.,019 5.586 20,046 283 8,759 4,295 5,457 48,757 3.655 2,614 4.4.,680 668,071 7.397 798 8,194 1,549 394 626 238 o 9,446 1.430 o 13.683 1.223 2,183 o 3,406 693,354 1996 3UDG2T 566,748 5,836 37,330 9,800 6,885 5.870 55.033 4,337 3,367 48.050 743,256 10,050 o 10,050 2,710 835 1.085 300 o 11,676 o o 1.575 o 18,831 3__~_____ --------- 772,687 97 :.996 ES:'I t'Jl..ATS 566,748 5,836 37,630 9,800 7,185 5,870 55,033 4,337 3,367 49,050 743,856 8,050 8,050 2,710 835 750 8,500 650 o 1.575 o 15,320 550 o sso 767,776 1997 REQUEST 595,582 2,184 39,940 10,095 7,615 6,774 51,512 4.831 3,971 49,362 771,866 8,550 8.550 300 4,360 815 1,400 350 11,720 650 o 1.605 20.900 550 o o 4,700 o sso 4 700 806,016 Page 25 :J.;:....:....:. ~997 :993 A??RO~~D REQ~S~ED 589,794 2,160 39,940 o 7,615 6,713 5::',455 4.,783 3,932 49,:;'SC 755,5-;,7 9,550 o 9,550 2,910 815 : 000 350 11 720 650 1.605 o 19,050 2,500 o :2 500 785,647 611,694 2,184 41,140 7,915 7,145 5:,595 5, CS8 4,..:..19 50,371 78::',321 8,900 8,900 3.055 890 :.000 350 650 12,620 o 650 o 1,700 20,265 1,000 1. 000 811 986 OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRA.l\l: Pollce Traffic - Operations DivisIOn PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Traffic Unit provides mvestigation of traffic accidents to allow patrol officers more tune for patrol functions, wgeted traffic enforcement, reconstruction of senous accidents, investigatIOn of traffic related calls for service, follow up on felonycase filings through the ctistriet attorney's office, and coordinJtion bet\veen traffic officers, traffic engmeering, and..maintenance. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Continue the Traffic Urnt with an emphasis on selective traffic enforcement. 2. The TrJffic Unit \>oi!J continue to work to reduce the number of traffic accidents by analyzmg datJ and concentrating traffic enforcement in high aCCident areas. 3 Provide thorough investIgation of traffic aCCidents and reconstructIon of senous traffic Jccldents. 4 Target DUI drivers and reduce the number of DUI Jecldents and injunes. 5, Provide traffic enforcement In the school zones when school IS in sessIOn. 6 Investigate traffic related CJlls for service. 7 Proyide greJter cooperation with neIghborhoods in developing speed progr=. 8. Respond to every CItIzen request for extra traffic enforcement in theIr neighborhoods to help mJmtam the qUJIity of Jjfe they expect. 9 CooperJte with the traffic engineers in solving traffic related problems. 10 Provide traffic officers WIth continuing tralrung. II, Provide penodic truck inspections In cooperatIon with the StJte of Colorado Port of Entry pcrsonnel. II, Provide emergency response times not to exceed three and one-half mmutes, and non-emergcncy response not 10 exceed fifteen mmutes. 1997 SrCNIFICANT CHANGES: 800 - CAPITAL OlffLA Y L Other Major Equipmcnt (809) is one lascr radM and one regulM radM - 1997 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS - 1995 1996 /997 1998 INDICA TOR ACfUAL ESTIMATED PROJECfED PROrrCfED Unit Strength 4 4 4 4 Traffic Tickets 2970 3059 3150 3245 Accidents Investigated 660 726 798 877 (Estimated 10"/0 Increase) Reduction in # of +30% +10% +10% +10% Accidents (Est. 10% increase) Commercial veh,cle safety inspeehons and weighing 1996=840 trucks weighed' 360 s d VIolatIons corrected; prOjected for J 997 and 1998 10 remam steady ,ununons Issue . Six hundred (600) safety c:lbudge<lp<og21J 98 b\.l2";8-w:: 02/:2/97 .~ 23 :3 ~~:. :C:O .;2CL,;, C::: OF ;.mE.;:- RIDGS Page 25 :597 .~~~~.~ 3VDGE7 0:':2. 1997 G~~~~~ :~~~ 3~~GET 1995 .:;C7lJAL ::::::S;3.I?T:ON 1996 1.995 :::STIMATE :997 REQUEST :997 :993 A??ROVSD REC~~S'!':SD ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 3:''OGS7 :L-2:"3-50'::-5:)2 :L-2::.3-600-603 0::'-213-600-610 01-213-600-614 01-2l3-600-6:"5 0_-2::..3-600-620 01-2':"3-600-622 Ol-213-600-625 02.-2:3-600-633 0:'213-650-662 0::'-213-700-702 01-213-700-706 0_':~13-700-730 0::"-213-700-74::' 0::"-213-700-7'6 0..-2::'3-800-807 01.213-800-309 ?C~:::::-7~~~::C G~:7 68J :-C7.:.u.S 65:J 70T.:u.S 700 707A.LS aco 70TALS 213 'rCTALS $7.:;:? $~~:SS & ~AGES POLICE ~CNGSV!TY ?AY ?OLICE TRAFFIC U O~~TlME & P~MIUM PAY POLICE S7.~'~BY PAY ?O~rCE TRAFFIC UNT COw~T PAY ?C::CE T~;FFIC UNIT FIe; ~X?ENSS E~PLOYER ~DlCAL/DENTrlL l~Su~~CE POLlC ~DI~~E PORTION FICA POLICE T PO~ICE RETIR~~~~ EX? POLICE T \~~ICLE & EQU:PME~L PRTS POLIe CCNFERENCE ~,~ ~ETrNGS DUES, BOOKS & Su~SCRrPTICNS u~!FO~~ & PROT CLOTHING POLIC u~IFO~~ ALLOW&~CE POLICE TRAFF OTEER EQUIP~E~~ ~AI~ POLICE T FLEET REPLAC~~NT POLICE TRAFF OTHER MAJOR SQUIPMENT 189,07: 15::,202 155,602 235,347 172.321 :73 355 930 2,400 2.535 2,511 2.598 5.158 7,335 7.335 11,700 7,762 7.988 0 0 2,495 4,405 4,405 5.335 4 562 69< 0 0 0 10,241 14.932 11,932 25.642 15,965 2.; 983 1,433 2,406 2,406 2,186 1,162 295 10,899 15,353 15.353 23,535 17.232 17.336 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 140,226 197.033 197.033 306,230 221,5:5 237,750 --------- --------- - - --- - --- --------- --------- --------- o o 240 2.;0 97 192 192 197 197 437 2.600 2.380 2.380 4.960 2,320 2,320 0 0 500 500 750 750 750 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- .-------- 2,697 3.072 J.072 6,1"; 7 4 007 .; C07 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 0 0 0 0 0 2.990 14,610 7.206 8.000 --------- --------- --------- ------._- --------- --------- 2.990 14,610 7.206 8 000 --------- --------. - - --- - --- -------.- ----..... .----...- 145.913 200.105 200.105 327.037 232.728 249.757 ................ ....--.....- a............ -....-......-.. ,-_..a""_"_ ------.-- 99 CITY OF WIfEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SlT\lMA RY DEPARTMENT: PROGR\M: Police SpecIal Investigations Unit PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To proVide for a pro-actIve approach to drug, liquor and vice related cnmes OCCUrrIng In the City of Wheat fudge. To iden_tli)t, arrest and successfully prosecute those persons involved. To Investigate backgrounds of liquor license applicants and act on liquor violatIOns at licensed establishments. To support detectives on major crime scene InvestigatIons as needed. To remain pro-active by seizing assets used in felony and Vice crimes, maintaIn appltcable Intelligence files, staff the Cnme Stoppers line and serve as a resource to other sectIOns witlun the Department. To act as a component of the West Metro Drug Task Force and contInue our proactive approach throughout the First Judicial District. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1 To continue to be an effective part of the West Metro Drug Task Force. 2. To clear at least 75% of all cases aSSIgned to S I. U 2. To adequately staff and maintain the S I. U in order to enable It to accomplish Its objectIves. 3 To provide a pro-active approach to reduce unlawful controlled substance sale and use as well as vice-related crime. 4. To provide Intelligence and undercover options to other sections \vithin the Department. 1997 PERFORiV1ANCE INDICA TORS: - 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATOR ACfUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Cases ASSigned to sru III 120 120 120 Cases Cleared 84 90 90 90 Case Clearance Ratc 76% 75% 75% 75% Val uc Property SClzed $31,119.61 $25,000.00 $25,00000 $25,000.00 c:'hudget'prog.214 100 02/~2/37 16 23 30 ~2?7 :0:0 bt.:.240-wr C~-J ~F ~~EA7 ~:JGE 1997 A...'JYJAL 3UDGS7 ACCOt':-, 1997 GE~~~~ FUND 3v~'GST 1995 AC7:JAL 1997 ~SQl;ES7 1996 9lJDGS7 :996 ES":'I:'1A":'E :)ESCR:?T:C~ ?ae-e 27 b.:.:1 1997 1998 A?PROVED REQt~S7ED ---------------------.-------------------~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------. 603 350 350 525 500 3.150 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3.753 350 350 525 0 500 ----.---- --------- - - - -. - ~ -- ------._- --------- --------- 162,023 310.346 190.144 193.525 191.532 201.324 -------..- ----....--- -......--..-- ---..----- --------- --....----- ?a~::E-S?EC:.~ I~~~S7 L~:7 01-210;.-500-682 S7A:? S.~~:ES & WAGES POLICE LONGEVITY PAY POLICE SPEC !NVE O\~RTlME & P~~IUM PAY POLICE CO~T PAY POLICE SPEC INVEST U FICA EXPENSE E~?LOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POLIC MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLICE RETIRS~~7 EXP POLICE S 125,420 135.196 6,385 9.940 l,191 2.640 11.,511 12.397 0 12,642 133.123 --------- --------- 153,150 293.296 --------- --------- 135.196 o 9,640 2.340 137,772 01-210;-600-603 01-21..-600-610 01-214-600-613 01-214-600-620 01-214-600-622 01-214-600-625 01-214-500-633 10,220 2,480 12.397 12,456 13,521 13,777 6~:J T07ALS : 73,094 176,705 650 70TALS o 0:!.-214-700-702 CON::'ERENCE & MESTINGS 1.675 1. 675 1,750 01-214-700-706 DUES. 900KS & SUBSCRI PTICNS 114 225 225 45 01-214-700-727 EXPENSE: REIM3t..'"RSEME~ POLICE S 350 350 150 01-214-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING POLIC 0 01-214-700-741 UNIFORM ALLOWA,,"JCE POLICE SPEC 0 0 01-214-700-758 RENTALS & lZASSS POLl CE SPEC 12.650 12.650 12,650 0:':214-700-776 07HSR EQUIP~....-r MAI~\I'TENAN'CE 300 300 200 0:-214-700-799 MISC SS~VICSS & CHARGES POLICE 1,500 1,500 1,500 --------- --------- --------- --------- "'0 TOTALS 120 15,700 16,700 16 295 --------- --------- --------- --------- 01-214-800-802 01-214-800-809 O~FICE ~~:TuKE & EQUIPMENT OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 800 70TALS 214 TOTAr.S 101 135,447 1';'1.206 o 10,220 10,590 2,480 2.570 12.445 :2,.92 0 0 13,645 :';'.121 --------- --------- 175,237 13C'.979 --------- - - ~ - - ~ - - - --------- ---.----- 0 --------- --------- :',750 1,750 45 45 150 150 0 12.650 15.200 200 200 :.500 1.500 --------- --------- 16.295 19.845 --------- --------- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Emergency Preparedness PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: PrOVides aid in the coordination of the necessary elements of city, county, state and federal government, in the event of a natural, man-made, or nuclear disaster, or wide spread civil disorder, In the event of a disaster, a multi-city department response team is organized to provide protection to life and property in the City and to coordinate the appropriate City response after the disaster 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Maintain and update a comprehensive disaster plan for the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. Provide for the training of City personnel and elected officials on the implementation of the City's disaster plan. 3 Develop a reliable method to alert the citizens of Wheat Ridge to a pending emergency and educate them on how to respond in the event of an emergency or disaster declaration. 4 Recruit and develop civilian volunteers to assist with this program. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL I Overtime pay to staffJeffco Hazardous Waste Facility one Saturday per month, $3,300 (610) 650 - MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I This division provides the funding for hazardous waste disposal at the permanent hazardous storage facility, $5,600 (663). 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I This area provides the funding for the hazardous material response team, $3,000 (704). 2. This program also contains the funding for the Jeffco Hazardous Storage Facility, $10,700 (704). c:\budgctlprog21 S 102 02/12/97 16 23 44 RE?T :018 bu240-w:=:- ACCOC", ::TY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1597 A...~\JAL BUDGST Page: 28 :0:.11 1997 GS~~RAL Fu~v BUDGET ?OLICE-E~LRGENC~ O?E~;TIO~S DESCRIPTION OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY FI:A EXPE~SE EMPLOYER MEDICARE PORTION FICA PHOTOCOPY & ?RINTING EXP POLIC HAZk~OUS wASTE DISPOSAL CO~!RACTUAL SERVICES POLICE EM TRAINING POL:CE EMERG OPERATIC MISe SERVICES & CHARGES POLICE OTHER ~AJOR EQUIPMENT POLICE _ 1995 ACTUAL 1996 9ti:)GET 1996 1997 1997 d98 RE:iUEST APPROVED REQu~S7ED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ EST!:vt.A.TE 01-215-600-610 01-215-600-620 01-215-600-625 01-215-650-654 01-2:'5-650-663 01-2:"5-700-704 01-215-700-728 01-215-700-799 01-215-800-809 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 215 TOTALS 3. 200 3, 200 3, 300 3, 300 3, 380 198 198 201 201 204 0 46 46 48 48 51 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 3,444 3 444 3, 549 3, 549 3, 5S5j --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- , 426 600 100 100 100 1001 5, 600 5, 600 5, 600 5, 600 300 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 426 6.200 5, 700 5, 700 S,700 5, 900 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 13, 031 13, 526 13, 526 1.3, 700 13,700 ......, 080 SOO 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 13, 031 14, 826 13, 526 :3, 700 13, 700 1< 000 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- - ----- --- -- ------- --------- -------- - 0 0 --------- --------- -------- - --------- - -------- --------- 13 456 23 670 22, 670 22, 949 22. 949 23,455 "'''''''..,..,....... ,.,............. ..."'...,...... ............ .......... .......- 103 "\\::' CA~ ['\OLC:: TO \P,~:::I. OrFr::~"'C[" 104 02/13;97 15.9 02 R~?7 155e C:7Y OF W:-i:s..;'T K:DGE Page 0:11 4 bu24:J-....=:: Ge~e=::al :und Depc $umma=y 1997 G~~~RAL ?UNJ 3UDG~T ~995 1996 3UDG~T :996 1997 :997 1998 ACCCL"1i"T DSSC::\:PT!ON AcreAL SS:I:-1ATE REQUEST APPROV;J REQG~STED ?~"'3L:C wo:?~s Engineering 125.336 158,89' 148,386 152 8"9 163,593 H5.3~ B4 9,168 929.528 906,478 ::'007,053 987,030 1027,200 535.326 604.898 534.905 653.513 605.201 63e.203 206.688 230,695 214,182 323.002 244,385 254,953 396.281 412,531 409.620 424.438 409,593 431.234 --------- --------- --------- --------- ----_._--- 4 --------- 2113,798 2336.549 2213.571 2570.895 2409,802 2489 ,26 Administ::a:ion Street .l1aintenar..ce Traffic Maintenance ~leet Maintenance TOT.;':' I 1 i t j 105 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS (1 ) SENIOR SECRETARY (1 ) I I I SENIOR FLEET STREET PROJECT MAINTENANCE - r- MAINTENANCE - ENG, (1) FLEET SUPER (1) I STREET SUPT (1) I I I I CAPITAL PROJECTS TRAFFIC FLEET I STREET DESIGN - MAINTENANCE 1------- ANALYST ~-- ~_I I-- SWEEPING 10- ENG, TECH II (1) TRAF CONT SUP (1) (1 ) I EQUIP OP I (3) I I I ENGINEERING I TECHNICIAN I TRAFFIC I PATCHING (3) CONTROL i_- EQUIP OP I >--- I TECH. (2) LEAD I (1 ) MECHANIC I (1 ) I ENGINEERING I ASSISTANT I DRAINAGE, SPEC (1 ) I !- PROJ. PAVING, I-- I EQUIP OP II (3) I MECHANIC I SURVEYING AND r-- L_____ RIGHT OF WAY I-- (1 ) ENG..TECH 11(1) MAINT WKR (5) ENGINEERING TECHNICIAN I (2) DEVELOPMENT REVIEW - ENG, TECH II (1) TRAFFIC ENGINEERING I-- CIVIL ENG, (1) TRAFFIC MANAGER ENG, TECH II (1) 106 ..........-.-..-...-......... . ..,......_-,-..... ............-.--...... .... ,... . "','" ................... ............'... ," . ..-_.......'... ,........___..........,. ... "...." 'd.."" ..................... 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"':::::PDBLl:CWORKS>> .... ............... .............., . .......................'...,......'.......................... ..- ............. . ............... . . . .,..-... ... ....,....... . ...,. .......,...-,.......,.........,.,. ................................... .....................-. .........-....... POSITION TITLE 1996 AUTHORIZED NO. 1997 1998 Director of Public Works/ City Engineer Senior Project Engineer Street Superintendent Civil Engineer Traffic Control Supervisor Fleet Supervisor Engineering Technician II Engineering Techncian I Equipment Operator II Equipment Operator I Lead Mechanic Mechanic Engineering Assistant Fleet Analyst Senior Secretary Traffic Control Technician PW Maintenance Worker Traffic Tech,/Maint, Wkr, TOTAL AUTHORIZED 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 4 3 4 1 1 2 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 o 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 3 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 o 32 34 34 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602, 107 t I 02/~2/97 :5 25 ~5 ~~~ ~300 b~2~J-.....::.- .;CC~'L:.-:- DSSC?IPTION ?ublic Wo:-ks PERSO~~L SERVICES SL~: S~~ISS . HAGSS LO~GEVITY ?Xf AUTO ALLOWA..1IiCE O~R~IME & ?REMIu~ PAY S'!.A.'.-DBY_PAY T~~? PERSONNEL - HOURLY F!~~ ~XPSNSE - EMPLOYER XSDIC;L/DENTAL INS~~CE ME~:~qE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CC8ERA RETIREME~-r EXPENSE Ou7SIDE PERSONAL SERVICE PUBLI Total Personn~l Services ~ATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE POS7AGS COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES GAS . OIL VSHICLE . EQUIPMENT PARTS ~~ZDOUS HASTE DISPOSAL SPECIAL EQUIPME~7 Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFER~~CE & MEETING EXPENSE CO~~CTUAL SERVICES DUES. 300KS . SUBSCRIPTIONS SXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT P/H SHOP TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AtrrO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TOOL ALLOHANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFILM COMPtrrER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE trrILITIES STREET LIGHTING FLEET REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ENGIN FACILITY REPAIR . ~AINT OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT TITLE SEARCHES MISC SERVICES & CHARGES Total Other Services CITY OF w:....:=:,:;T R!DGE ;):::?::...~~~-r St~_;".~y 1997 GEZ'IER.;I. FUND 3L1;G:::7 1~95 ACTUAL 1080.054 2,791 3,000 30,997 14,7";6 67,053 73,994 102,891 17,";79 41,320 o 1434,324 2,644 7-18 531 115,516 85,1S4 103,504 3.407 746 31:2,291 3, -154 9,062 2.526 o 4,460 13.863 586 o 2,857 o 945 o 12,182 281,135 o 9.599 5,824 209 346,703 108 1996 3u'!X;ET 1152,325 2.916 3.000 23.819 1-:,709 93.580 79,987 122.387 13.326 42,..96 3.000 1565,044 2.930 125,799 90,000 100,000 3,500 750 323,029 5.750 9.400 3,382 o 6,170 15,388 930 21,100 o o 4.643 o 17 500 310,000 o 5,100 6,917 750 o 407,030 1996 ESTI~.ATE 1101.985 2,651 3.000 22,404 14,701 71,280 79.987 115.187 18.826 41,295 4,500 1475.816 2,980 o o 114.184 90,000 100.000 2,250 750 310,164 5,100 9,300 2,972 o 5,770 15.163 780 o 6.000 o 5.143 o 17 500 306,000 5 100 6.917 400 386,145 1997 REQUEST 1321.262 2,744 3,300 33,115 14,956 98,520 88,173 134,210 19.587 44,823 6.000 1770.624 3.025 o 138.600 95.000 100,000 4,500 750 341.875 4.750 9.400 3.425 o 7,700 17.069 880 o 12.000 o 280 5,222 o 18,000 325,000 o 5.100 7,510 750 o 417,086 1997 APPROVED 1243.674 2.717 3.200 27,500 14,956 100.120 85.781 129,286 19.028 44,387 3.000 1678,146 3.025 o 126.000 95.000 90,000 2.800 750 317.575 4,750 9,400 3,425 7,700 16.106 780 o 8,000 o 5.150 o 18.000 320,000 o 5.100 7.510 500 406.421 Page bill 7 1998 REQt::STED 1295,654 2.812 3.200 28,600 15,229 81. 040 91.336 134,682 20.254 46,337 o 1723,173 3,025 o o 135,500 97,500 100,000 2,800 750 339,575 4,800 9,400 3.440 o 6,900 16.106 850 o 12,000 o 5,222 o 18.500 330,000 o 5,100 7,510 SOO o 420,328 02/12/97 15 32 51 ~E?T 1JOC bu240-w::- ACC:X..I"'N'T D2SCR:?T:ON CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FUi:U~:7URE & EQUI? E~G & PHOT~ EQUIP COMMUNlCATrO~S EQUIPME~ FLEET REPLACEMENT CA?I7AL LEASES OT~ER ~OR EQUIPMENT SUILDING IMPROVEMENTS P!W SHOP TOOLS AND WORK EQUIP To~al Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE C:7Y 0: ~~~AT RI~GE DE?;.,~~~-r S~.A..~Y 1997 GE~~~;: :u0m 3GuGET 1995 ,;CTUA.:, 2.588 2,950 14,058 20,489 2113,798 109 1996 1996 ESTIMATE 1997 3UDG2T R2QUEST 894 3 276 3,276 3,050 1,570 1,570 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,600 35.600 36,750 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 1.500 --------- --------- --------- 41,4A6 41. 446 41,300 2335,549 2213,571 2570,835 Page bi2.1 199""1 I99a AP?ROVED REC0~STE~ 7,3IC 7,56C 2409.302 35C 2,350 4,COO 5 350 2439"n6 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUiVfMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Public Works Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides d.irection to the Engineering, Street Maintenance, Traffic Ma1Otenance, and Fleet Maintenance Divisions and maintains responsibIlity for the Street, Drainage, and Traffic projects in the CapItal Projects Fund 30. Provides recommendations to the City Admirustration and City Council on future Public Works programs 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: We ....111 pursue implementatIon of speed control programs by working with neighborhood groups and City Council to priontize locatIons. This program \l{Jll require addItIonal personnel at this time in the Traffic Ma10tenance DIVlsion and probably a Program Coordinator 10 future years. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSONNEL SERVICES 1 Temporary personnel has been funded in order to proVlde data entry of current files associated with the proposed digital imaging system, S22,OOO (617). .. c:lbudgct\p<ogJO I 110 02/:2,'~7 :'0 23 50 bu2-iJ-w= A::::~;..:.-: O:-3':::-5CQ--5::: 0::'-3'-::-500-5J4 02.-30:.-5:J8-5C5 O:'-3~:'-5::;:-ii:J 0:'-30:'-500'-5::'7 0:-32:-6JO-620 C:.-3J:!.-5\:'C -5:2:: 01-3'21-500-525 01-3C1-5::::-530 01-301-500-6...0 c::. ~ 3 0 1 - 650 - 5 5,: 01-302.-550-55,,* Ol-3C!1-6SQ-6S5 01-3Cl-6S0-660 01-30:-700-702 Ol~301~700w7J5 01-301-700-728 01~3Cl~iOO-740 0"1-301-700-752 01-301-700-759 01-301-700-776 01-301-100-755 01-301-800-802 01-)01-900-909 :<..=.:- 1010 ;::7Y 'J? w:~::::..:;:: R:DGE :. 9 9 7 .;"\YJA:. 3t.UCS:- 1997 GS)..:::K.;:' :u~Ll BtrDGET 1995 .~C'Y'"';.;L J:::SG::?-:IC~ ?~~::: ~C~~S-.;D~:N ';;0 TOT.;L.S 550 TOTALS 700 TOTALS S~A:: S.~q:SS & WAGES Pu~L:: DE:S~~ES CCMPENSAT:ON ?tSLIC W .;t,.-:-C ALi.OWA.~CE PIJ'"3LIC WORKS .:-..D O\""Z:?,TI?v1.E 5: ?REM!UM Pl-l'y PUBL:C 7E~? PERSO~::L-HOIJKLY ::~; EXP~~SE EMPLOYER PUBLIC ~~~rCAL/DENTAL INSURANCE ?L'"3LI ~~IC~~E EX?E~SE EMPLOYER CCOE~; RE~IREMEN7 EX? PUBLIC W ~~~S:DE PERSONAL SERVICE PGcLI 022!CE SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORKS A P~OTOCO?Y 5: PRINTING EX? ?UBLI POSTAGE COSTS ?u~~IC WORKS ADM O?SRATING SUPPLIES PUBLIC WORK CC~~ERENCE & ME~T!~G EX? PG~LI DGoS, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT Pc~LI 7~;r~ING PL~LIC WORKS ADM!N AG-rO MltzAGE REIMBURSEM'l' PUBLI M:CRO~ILM PUBLIC wORKS ADM!~ TE~PHONE EXPENSE PUBLIC WORKS OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT PUBLIC W ~!SC SERVICES & CHARGES PUBLIC OFFICE ~~ITURE & EQU!P PUSLI OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT PUBLIC W 97,568 ],000 o 5.508 9,774. 1,4.61 3.90] 121,213 2,644 o 5]1 o 3,176 1,425 100 ]45 1,947 1995 3L'"'DGET :04.,775 3,000 3.000 361 20,000 7,4]2 ::'0,084 1,858 1,900 o 152,410 2,980 2,980 2.100 512 345 250 o 77 3,507 1996 EST!r-'.ATE 104,775 3,000 o 10,000 ',432 lO,084 1,853 4,900 142,049 o o 2,980 o o o 199' REQL-SST 107,729 3,934- 3,300 o 20,000 7,919 lO,246 1,639 1,252 o 156,029 3,025 3.025 512 ]45 100 o 2,500 525 400 100 1997 APPROVED 106,681 3,997 3,200 o 22,000 7,654 10,238 1.624 :,249 156, '743 3.025 3.025 2.500 525 400 100 o 300 3.825 o o Page bi.':":" 29 2,980 2 100 300 o 3,357 o o 300 o ],925 o 1999 REQL""ES7EO 110,4.15 ';,C29 ].200 S,086 :0,270 1.678 1,293 13 a, 971 3.025 o o o o ],025 o 300 o 2,500 5..0 400 :00 o o 300 o ].940 o o o o --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- SOD TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 301 TOTALS --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 126.3]6 158,897 148.386 162,879 163,593 ....---..- --------- --------- --------- ~-------- --------- 145,8]6 111 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGR-\M: PublIc Works Engmeering PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Plans and adrrunisters the design, maintenance and constructIOn of Capital Improvement projects. Provides techrucal suppol! to other departments. Administers and monitors the street cut perrrut program. Designs the traffic signal system. Reviews Planrung and Development referrals, 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1 Prepare and mamtain Street Condition rating system. 2. Prepare and maintain stonn sewer locator maps, -' ProVlde deSIgn and construction of Capital Improvement Projects. 4 Priontize and address nunor drainage project sites. 5 Continue the Preventive Street Maintenance Program. 6 Continue and expand the Accessibility Program. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 - PERSON AL SERVICES I. Temporary persoTUlel continues to include one full time Inspector and two interns (617) 2. Increase ofEngmeering Technician II for traffic calmmg (602) 700 - OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I Professional seMces is budgeted to provide soils testing, quality control on street cuts, and testing of radiation badges. 2. The budget for street lighting has been mcreased due to a possible rate increase, $320,000 (761). ... 1997 PERFORMANCE INDICATORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 rNDlCATORS ACTUAL !:ST~TED PROJECTED PROJECTED # of Projects Designed 16 20 18 18 and/or Administered # of Referrals 100 100 100 100 n of Street Cuts 222 300 300 300 S Value of Construction 3.2M 4.0M 4,OM 3.2M c:lhudgel'I"o&,umlpt-o&301 112 02/12/97 16 24 ~O R~?~ 10:0 bu240-wr ACCOUNT 01-302~600-602 01-302-600-610 01-302~600-617 01-302.600-620 01-302-600-622 01-302-600-625 01-302-600-630 01-302-600-648 01-302-650-651 01-302-650-654 01-302-650-655 01-302-650-660 01-302-700-702 01-302-700-704 01-302-700-706 01-302-700-714 01-302-700-728 01-302-700-730 01-302-700-740 01-302-700-750 01-302-700-755 01-302-700-758 01-302-700-759 01-302-700-761 01-302-700-772 01-302-700-776 01-302-700-793 01-302-700-799 01-302-800-802 01-302-800-804 01-302-800-807 01-302-800-809 CITY O~ ~~EAT RIQGS 1997 .M.:.'.;'").-u.~ 3L~E7 1997 GENERAL FUND SCroGET 1995 ACTuAL :JESCRIPTIO~ PL~ WORKS-ENGINEERING 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 302 TOTALS STAFF S~~:SS & WAGES ENG:~~E OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY ENGINSE TEMP PERSO~~~L - HOLKLY ENGI~~ FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER ENGINEE MEDlCAL/DEh7AL INSURANCE ENG:N MEDI~~E EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP ENGINEER OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE ENGIN OFFICE SUPPLIES ENGINEERING PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP ENGIN POSTAGE COSTS ENGI~ERING OPERATING SUPPLIES ENGINEERING CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP ENGIN CONTRACTUAL SERVICES ENGINEER! DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT ENGIN LEGALS & Pu3LISHING TRAINING ENG!~ERING UNIFORMS & FROT CLOTHING ENGIN AU70 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT ENGIN PROFESSIONAL SERVICSS ENGINEER COMPUTER SOFTWARE SNGINEERING RENTALS & LEASES ENGINEERING TELEPHONE SXPENSE ENGINEERING STREET LIGHTING ENGINEERING FLEET REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ENGIN OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT ENGINESR TITLE SEARCHES MIse SERVICES & CHARGES ENGINE OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP ENGIN ENGINEER & PHOTO EQUIPMENT FLEET REPLACEMENT ENGINEERING OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT ENGINEER 412,979 8,475 41,698 23,717 32,243 6,716 15,869 546,695 748 o 6,829 7,577 1,700 1,323 2,857 o o 281,135 2,404 209 291,168 778 2,950 o 3,728 849,168 113 1995 3\.-"'DGET 433,127 10,000 35,100 29,551 38,686 6,934 16,730 5"0,228 o 7,705 7,705 703 836 1,845 8 2,000 1,700 21,100 310.000 o 2,100 750 339,445 1,580 1,570 o 9,000 12 , 150 929,528 :995 2S7I:'-1,A,!,S ~39,427 7.000 32,000 29.651 35,686 6,934 16,730 o 567,428 o o o 7,000 7.000 750 1,000 2,000 1,700 6,000 306,000 o 2,100 400 319,900 1,580 1,570 o 9,000 12 150 906,47& 1997 R2QUES:- 5:)1,254 12,000 36,000 34,054 41,103 7,453 16,489 o 650,353 o 8,000 8.000 700 750 o 1,200 o 2,500 1,200 100 12,000 o o o 325,000 o 2,500 750 o 346,000 2,700 o o o 2 700 1007,053 ?3.:::e 30 b.:.:'~ 1997 1998 APPROVED RSQG~S7ED 496,388 10,000 36,000 33,752 41,049 7,382 18,309 642,880 o 7,500 7,500 750 o 1,200 o 2,500 1,200 o 8,000 o o 320.000 2,500 500 o 336.650 987.030 517,035 10,000 37,000 34,970 4:,286 7,678 19,:)81 65'7, :)50 7,500 7,500 750 :,200 2,500 1,200 12.000 o 330,000 2,500 500 o 350,650 o 2,000 o o o 2,000 1027,200 OTY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR-\M SUMMARY DEPARnfENT: PublIc Works PROGR-\1\1: Street Mamtenance PROGR-\M DESCRIPTION: Provides routine and preventive maintenance servIces for streets, alleys, storm drains and wall,-ways \\ithin the public rights-Gf-way. Provides snow removal and ice control on City streets. Provides seasonal weed control \\ithm City rights-of-way. 1997 PROGR-\M OBJECTIVES: I Maintain and patch 129 miles of City streets. 2. Provide street sweeping on a ye:1f round basis. This includes approximately 5 complete sweeps through the City and sweeping up the sand on the maUlS and secondaries munediately follo\\wg \\IlIlter storms when the term perature goes above 35 degrees. 3. ProV1de snow removal and ice control on City streets 10 accordance \\1th City polIcy according to the set priorities. Priority I - All mains, fIre stations, schools and hospitals, Priority 2 - All collector streets. Priority 3 - Hill and stop sign approaches. Pnority 4 - ResidentiJ! streets, Plowing begms after 4" of snow has aceumulated on the main and collcctor streets. Plowing begins on residentIal streets after 12" or more of snow has accumulated, 4 Provide weed control of CIty nght of way. 5. Provide jet and vac to 34 miles of storm drainage. 6 Provide repairs to inlets, manholes and leaks in the storm drainage system. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS ". 1995 1996 1996 1997 " INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED ACTUAL PROJECTED Miles of Streets Maint. 129 129 129 129 Miles Storm Drains Maint 32 35 35 35 Miles of Streets Swept. 7,701 10,000 10,000 10,000 Miles Walkways Maint. 24 28 28 28 Tons of Asphalt Patch 1,396 1,350 1,350 1,350 Tons of Crack S~alant 6 6 6 6 Tons of Salt/Sand 1,733 3,500 3,500 3,500 . Actual miles of street swept In a single pass 10' to 12' in Width. c:\budgcl'prognun\p<og30J 114 02/:2/9i 15 24 26 R~?7 :010 bu24:J-w-=: ACCQl,,'1-.-:' C1-32)-600-502 01-303-500-603 01-303-600-610 01-303-600-614 01-]03-600-617 01-383-600-620 01-383-600-622 01-303-600-625 01-3C3-500-530 01-383-600-640 01-303-650-551 01-303-650-654 01-303-650-660 01-303-700-702 01-303-700-706 01-303-700-728 01-303-700-730 01-303-700-740 01-303-700-750 01-303-700-758 01-303-700-759 01-303-700-761 01-303-700-776 01-303-700-799 01-303-800-802 01-303-800-807 01-303-800-809 CI~Y 0: ~HEA7 R:DGE 1997 ~~~-uAL 3v~E7 1997 GSXS,,--"L "0-:-'-::> 3UDGS: :995 ACT'-::AL DESG.I?7ION ?G3 WOR~S-S7REE7 ~A:~-:' 50:J TOTA:..S 650 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 303 TOTALS STA?? S~~IES & WAGES STREET LOKGEVITY ?AY STREE7 MAI~~EN~~ OVERTIME & ?REMIUM PAY STREET ST~VDBY PAY STREET MAINTENk~CE TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY STREET ?IC; EXPENSE EMPLOYER STREET ~.EDICAL/DEN7AL INSUR..~~CE STRES MED:~~E EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EX? STREET M OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE STRES O??!CE SUPPLIES STREET ~;INTE~ PSOTOCOPY & PRINTING ~XP STREE OPERATING SUPPLIES STREET MAIN CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? STRES DUSS, BOOKS, & Su~SCRIPT ST,,-E~ TRAIN!NG STREET MAINTENA.~CE u~IFORMS & PROT CLOTHING STREE AL70 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT STREE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREET M R~~,ALS & LEASES STREST MAINT~ TELEPHONE EXPENSE STREET MAI~~ STREET LIGHTING STREET MAINTEN OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT STREET M MISC SERVICES & CHARGES STREET OFFICE EQUIPMENT & FURNITURE FLEET REPLACEMENT STREET MAINT OTHER ~~OR EQUIPMENT STREET M 353,354 2.539 19,181 7,873 12,670 24,933 37,157 5,831 13,390 476,927 40,665 40,665 939 178 980 7,868 586 432 o o 1,040 12,023 603 o 5.108 5,711 535.326 115 1996 BUDG~T 397,19J.. 2,65J.. 13,000 7,791 20,800 26,935 48,397 6,300 H,778 3,000 530.843 o 48,035 48,035 1,800 215 1,900 8,400 680 o 500 o 1,575 o 16,070 900 o 9.050 9,950 604.898 1996 ESTpJl_a.TE 3-i5,551 2,65l ID,OQO 7,791 11.600 26,935 45,897 6,300 11,375 4,500 472,600 36,000 36,000 1,800 100 1,800 8,400 680 2,000 1,575 16,355 900 o 9,050 9.950 534.905 1997 R~QL-;:ST 406,186 2,74A 13,000 7,791 23,900 27 697 51 569 477 15,445 6.000 560 708 43,550 48,550 :,000 200 1,800 9,600 680 o 2,000 o l,57S o 16.855 27,400 27,400 653.5:3 1997 A?PROVED 402,247 2,717 12,000 7,791 17,000 27,451 51,525 6,420 15,295 3,000 5-l5, ";46 42,000 42,000 1,000 200 1,800 9.600 680 2 000 o l,S75 o 16,855 o 605,201 Page 31 oLl 1398 RE::1t;=:STED ";20,569 2,812 13,000 7,300 1 7,900 28,643 51,728 6,599 15,977 565,028 49,000 48,000 1,050 200 1. :JOO 9,500 750 o 2,000 o 1,575 o 16,175 900 o :,000 900 1,000 630,203 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR~M SUJ\ifMARY DEPARTMENT: Public Works PROGR~M: Traffic Maintenance PROGR.\i\1 DESCRIPTION: Provides construction and maintenance services for installation, replacement and updating of traffic control de'vices in accordance 'With technical codes. Provides pedestrian crosswalks at all schools and high volume pedestrian crossing areas. Provides traffic count, vehicle classification and speed study data of City streets as required. 1997 PROGR~M OBJECTIVES: I Pro'vide in-house construction and maintenance of traffic control deVIces, ") Restripe or paint asphalt overlay and slurry seal projects. :3 ProVIde an annual street pamting program. Some streets will be painted tWIce per year, as necessary. 4 Mamtain a City street sign inventory 5 Provide signs for neigborhood awareness program, 6. Conduct in-house traffic control classes. 7 Pro'vide visual speed study for public with speed trailers. S Provide traffic studies. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: SOO - eAPn AL OUTLAY I Other Major Equipment (S09) includes :3 traffic counters and I locator PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS - 1995 1996 1997 1998 - INDICA TORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Miles of Roadway Marked 104 104 104 104 New Signs installed 213 250 250 :!50 Signs Scrviced 310 400 400 400 CroSSWtllks Marked 151 153 153 153 T rafiic Counts Taken 66 110 110 110 SpecIal SpecdlVolume Counts 119 200 250 250 Trsfiic Signal Mainlcnance Call Outs 90 140 140 140 Signalizcd inttcrscctions Maintained" 33 35 36 37 School flashing Beacons II 12 14 14 "Includes all mId-block signals c:'J>udgcl\pro~m\pro&304 116 :,t:.24::)--..;: ::12. :2/9/ ::5 _. .;.2 ~=-~ ~:10 ';C::8'(;~-r J_-3;J';'-620-5J2 0...-3:::';'-:520-5:3 01-30';'-:5:::0-5:: O:-304-o00-5~4 C:-30...-620-6:7 0':'-30...-60C-620 01-30';'-600-022 01-3:..-6::::;-625 01-304.-608-630 0:-30..-550-65: 01-30";-650-660 01-30..-650-663 0.:.-304-700-702 01-30...-700-7<::.. 01-]04-700-706 01-304-700-723 0:-304-7.:10-730 0:-304-700-755 0..-304-700-753 01-304-700-759 01-304-700-776 01-304 -700-799 01-304-900-802 01-304-900-907 01-304-800-309 c~~, 8? ~~~~~7 K:DG; ~997 A),x,,;AL 3ul)G;T ~997 G:::~::M.!... =-....'1-1"':) at.i'DGE"!' 1995 .::l..CTUAL ::)'=:Sc.:<"=?7:::0~ ?~~ WC~KS-7~~?:C ~A:~~ 6::8 TCT.~S 650 TOTAr.S 700 TOTALS 300 'tOTALS 3 04 TOTALS S7.::\.?? S~~~:=:S ~ ~AGES T~~~?:::C ~ONG:::V:TY ?A~ T~;E?!C ~AI~E~A Ov~~7!~2 i ?REMIu~ ?AY TRAFFIC ST~~~3Y PAY 7R~~F!C ~AINTE~~~C TEM? PERSO~L - HOu~LY TRAFFI FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER TRAFFIC r-".EDlCAL/DENTA!. INS~~CE TRAFF ~~DI~~~~ EX?ENSE EMPLOYER CCOE~::l.. RETIRE~~~ EXP TRAFFIC OFFICE SUPPLIES TRAFFIC MAINTE OPERATING SU??LIES TRA?FIC ~~I HA~~OUS WASTE DISPOS~ TRAEF CONFERE~CE & ~~ET~NG EXP TRJL~: CONTRACTUAL SERVICES TRAFFIC M DUES. BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT TRAFF TRAINING TRAFFIC MAI~EN~~CE u~I~ORMS & P~OT CLOTHING ~;:F COM?L"'7ER SOFT....A..~S TRAFFIC r-".AIN REN7ALS & LEASES TRAFFIC MAI~ TELEPHONE ~X?ENSE TRAFFIC MAIN OTHER EQUIPME~"1' MAINT TRAFFIC MIse SERVICES & CHARGES TRAFFI OFFICE F~~ITURE & EQUIP TRAFF FLEET REPLACEMENT TRAFFIC MAIN OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 87,298 252 2,788 6,480 12,686 6.789 9.411 1.588 3,557 130,847 58,764 512 59.276 228 1.321 549 1.146 2.500 513 754 o 7,012 8.950 9.553 206.688 117 1.996 3L'DG:::T 89,96: 265 3,604 6,360 17,680 7,308 9,682 1,709 3,598 :40,167 62,480 500 62,980 250 1,200 360 1,125 2,863 o 3.000 o 1. 200 9,998 603 17.550 17,550 230.695 1996 :::S:-:!1ATE 'i-l 961 604 6.360 17,680 7,308 8,9B2 1,709 2,8:)0 123,404 62,480 750 63.230 250 1,200 360 125 2,863 o 3,000 o 200 9,99B o 17,550 17.550 214,182 1997 ,~QUES7 153,081 6,315 6,615 18,720 9,491 16, a 12 1,910 3,907 226,851 72,550 1,500 74,050 250 :,200 500 2.5DO 3.969 3,072 o 1.260 o 12,751 o o 9,350 9.350 323,002 ?ag::! 32 bi:'l :997 :998 A??RQVED R~~w::STED 96,731 3,700 6,615 25,720 7.797 12,013 1,514 3,869 157,959 o 57,500 BOO 53.300 250 1.200 500 2.500 3.006 o 3,000 1.260 o 11,716 6,410 6,410 244 385 1:)0,117 3, BOO 5,379 26.240 1::1,345 16,873 2,026 "OBS 170.365 69,000 800 69,800 250 1,200 500 2,500 006 3.072 o 1.260 1:,788 3.000 3.000 254.953 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR\M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGR.\M: Public Works Fleet Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: ProVides p~ventatlve maintenance and repair of City Fleet. SupplIes fuel, lubncants and parts required to support fleet operations. Maintams operation of 24-hour fueling station for City fleet, Wheat Ridge Fire Department and Senior Resource Center Provides fleet analysis to all Departments. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Provide cost effective repair and maIntenance to City owned vehIcles and equipment, while ensunng the safety and dependability of the fleet. 2. Ensure that all hazardous material handling, shop operatIons and fleet vehicles comply with new and existing Federal, State and Local regulations. 3. Contmue to develop and improve the City fleet replacement program. 4 Provide a secure enclosed storage area for City equipment. 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 800 - CAPITAL OUTLAY I Office furniture (802), one office chair PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS - 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICAT.QRS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Total Pieces of Equipment Managed: 226 226 226 226 Vehicles 143 143 143 143 Other Equipment 65 65 65 65 Work Orders Completed 1,164 1,300 1,300 1,300 Fuel Used (Gallons) 124,436 125,000 126,000 126,000 c:\budgd\progsum\progJO 5 118 02/:2/97 ~5 2~ 5; ~~?~ ~J:O bu2..0-w;: ACC:Jt"NT ::~~ :? ~~~~A7 ~IDGS ~ 99; .::.....\"),-:_;:, 3UDGST i)SSCR~?7:8N 1997 GEYSM.: :-.;:.-:J 3UDGET 1995 ACTUA:.. 1996 BUDG~T 1995 =:S:-!~.AT=: 1997 :EQt.SS7 ?ag~ 33 0.:.1:. '997 1998 A??ROVED REQUESTED ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 0:-305-500-602 01-305-600-610 0:'-305-600-51"; 01-305-50(;-520 0..;.-305-600-622 01-305-500-625 01-305-60':)-63(; 0:"-305-550-551 01-305-650-65; 0:-305-650-650 0::"-305-650-651 01-305-650-662 01-305-550-663 01-305-650-665 0:-305-700-702 Ol-305-700-704 0:;'-305-700-706 01-305-700-727 01-305-700-729 01-305-700-730 01-305-700-755 01-305-700-758 01-305-700-759 01-305-700-760 01-305-700-774 01-305-700-776 01-305-800-802 01-305-800-805 01-305-800-808 01-305-800-809 01-305-800-812 01-305-800-832 ?u~ WCRKS-2~EE~ ~.A:~~ 500 T::lTA:..S 650 ':'OTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 305 TOTALS STA?2 S~~:2S & WAGES ?/W SHO O\~Ri:~ & ?RE~:UM ?AY ?/w s~o ST.::.....\~9Y PAY P/W SHOPS FICA EXPE~S2 EMPLOYER P/W SHO ~~~ICAL/DE~~AL INS~~CE ?!W S ~~~I~~E SXPE~SE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIRE~~~~ EX? P!W SHOP OFFICE SUPPLIES ?/W SHO?S PEOTOCO?Y & ?RI~7ING EX? P!W S OPERATING SUPPLIES ?/W SHOPS GAS & OIL P/W SHOPS VEHICLE & EQUIPMEN7 ?RTS P!W S HA~ZDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL P/W S SPECIAL EQU!PME~7 CONFERENCE & MEETING EX? ?!W S CONTRACTUAL SERVICES P!W SHOPS DUES, SOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT ?!W S EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT P!W SHOP TRAINING P/W SHOPS G~IFO~~S & PROT CLOTHING P!W S COMPUTER SOFTW&~E P!W SHOPS RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE L~PL~SE P/W SHOPS UTILITIES P/W SHOPS FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT P!W SM OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT P!W SHOP OFFICE F~~ITU~E & EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ?!W S CAPITAL LEASES P/W SHOPS OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS P/W SHOP TOOLS AND WORK EQUIP p/w SHOP ::'28,856 553 393 8,848 14,308 1,882 4,602 137,271 1.954 557 8,561 15,538 2,025 5,490 137,271 1,900 550 8,661 14,538 2,025 5,490 143,0::'2 1,80C 550 9,012 14,491 2,108 5,720 l..n, 627 :,800 550 8,927 14,461 2,088 5,665 147,518 800 550 292 14,525 2,173 5.901 158,642 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 191,759 171,396 170,335 176,083 :75,118 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 9,259 35,184 103,504 2,895 746 7,579 90,000 100,000 3,000 750 o 3,704 90,000 100,000 1,500 750 9,500 95,000 laC 000 3,000 750 o 9,000 95,000 90,000 2.00C 750 o 11,000 97.500 100,000 2,000 750 201,588 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------. 211.250 201,329 200,954 208,250 196,750 --------- -.------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 158 7,741 864 289 2,171 12.182 9,599 1,549 850 8,200 1,250 o 800 2,425 o 143 o 17,500 5,100 1,742 250 8,100 1,000 o 500 2,200 143 o 17.500 5.100 1. 742 8,200 1,800 500 2,300 280 150 18,000 5.100 1.875 250 250 8,200 1,000 150 250 8.200 1,000 o 500 2,300 o ISO o 18.500 5,100 1,875 500 2,300 18,000 5,100 1,875 34,553 -.------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 37,875 38 010 36,535 37,655 37,375 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 1,497 396,281 119 603 o o 894 o 1.000 1,796 412,531 796 o 1,000 1,796 409.620 796 o o 1,500 1,850 424,438 350 o 409,593 350 350 o o o o 350 350 431.234 '\\ E: c-\~ L\Ol.;'C::: TO \(-\K:::.J. Dr?r:::~:>C:::' \ \ \ 120 02/:3/97 :5:5~ 53 RE?7 ~550 bu2';'O-;.,'::, CITY C? W!i=:AT RIDG;: ?age b:.ll 5 Gene~a~ ~~d Depc Su~a=y AC::CL~-r :ESCR:?7:ClN 1997 GENE~;L :UND BUDGE~ 1995 ACTUAL 1996 3u'"DGET 1996 EST:;:M.~7E 199' REQUEST 1997 APPROV;:~ 1996 RECt.::S7ED -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------..--- ?~~KS ~,u RECR2A~raN Parks and Fo~es~=y 120,690 139,790 136,190 151,968 148,059 1,7,644 627,206 713,372 686,116 1482,4.75 831,717 736,846 802,269 995,733 996,183 1163,801 1054,74.7 1075,660 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 1550,165 1349,395 1818,489 2798 244 2034,523 201C 150 Ad~i:1is~~a~io::. Rec::,ea:.ior:. TCTAl. 121 CLERK TYPIST (1 ) PARKS SUPERINTENDENT (1 ) CITY FORESTER (1) FORESTRY TECHNICIAN (1 ) SEASONAL MAINTENANCE WORKERS PARKS HORTI- CUL TURALlST (1) SEASONAL MAINTENANCE WORKERS MAINTENANCE CREW LEADER (4) SEASONAL WORKERS PARKS AND RECREATION DIRECTOR PARKS &. RECREATION(1) SENIOR f--. SECRETARY (1 ) NATURALIST (1 ) SEASONAL WORKERS SMALL ENGINE MECHANIC( 1) MAINTENANCE CREW SUPER (2) MAINTENANCE WORKER (1) 122 RECREATION SUPERINTEN DENT (1 ) RECREATION CLERK (2) I MAINTENANCE WORKERS TEMPORARY RECREATION SUPERVISOR (3) RECREATION LEADER (3) TEMPORARY WORKERS :?::{::}~\{(:\:j:U.: ;rH\)(~:: l{{{\~\:H?:\M\F(~\U}:m:n;H:\(\:\\):n/?)Ut:>\~;\\}n=>{t:;::;:::::::.::'.':.' ":"::;:::::';:<>pills :::::&: {REcREi~f"(jN.:~\\:::::;::{:::>:::::;::"":'" . .,.,.....-..".".."., ,.,'".,.',..',.,." ."",. ... , ',', '..,.".,. """""""-'-'-,'-'-'--.-'--.-.-' ...". ....'.......',..',..'..........,-',.-...-....-...-..-.....-...--......-...... ,......,----,....'.,.......'........,'...,...'._....,.. . .......--.-....-....'..-......-.......,.....,.....:........ ... .,....,.,.. ....' ,'" ...................... .............,",.....",",.'...,."...-....-.,.......... ... .,.-.-..-..-.-...'.',...:.':.......:...:.':..;-,..;....;.,..;.:.,.:.,.:,.;.,.,.;.-...-. . ......... ............. ,...,.,..,.,.... .. """.,',',.... ',' ..............,,""- ".' ...........,............',........,....,.. ,.'.',...' ...... .. . .".."."....... . . ..".....-..,..-..--...."'....."... ...,. "........"...... . ". .."......".... ".......,',',',......,.."..'....,"....."........,.... ........ -...-.. ....".."...... "........."..........,...........'........ .............,..........".....'..... .......................... ............-.. -. ....- ..""..............".... . -..,....................................,............'.."..........'.... ......'..........'........,..'......-................-.....-....'....-..-'..-.......,..-'....'.......... . ................... ....... AUTHORIZED NO_ POSITION TITLE 1996 1997 1998 Director of Parks and Recreation 1 1 1 Recreation Superintendent 1 1 1 Parks Superintendent 1 1 1 Rec, Program Supervisor 3 3 3 City Arborist 1 1 1 Senior Secretary 1 1 1 Recreation Leader 2 3 3 Parks Maint. Crew Supervisor 2 2 2 Forestry Technician 1 1 1 Parks Maint. Crew Leader 4 4 4 Small Engine Mechanic 1 1 1 Recreation Clerk 2 2 2 Naturalist 1 1 1 Clerk Typist 1 1 1 Parks Maintenance Worker 1 1 1 Parks Horticulturalist 0 1 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 23 25 25 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 123 02/12/97 15 34 :3 ~~?T 1500 b1..:.2';0-'''''= ACCJCX, D~SCRI?T:::ON Parks & Recreation PERSO~~~L SSRV:CSS STAFF S~~ISS & WAGES LONGEVITY ?;Y D2FE~,ED COM?ENSATION AUTO ~OWA..'K:S OVERTIME & ?REMIUM PAY STANDBY PAY TEMP PERSO~~~L - HOURLY COURT PAY ~EMP PERSO~~~~ - NON-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE - E~P~OYER MEDIC;L/DE~~.~ INSuruu~CE MEDICARE PORTION FIe; CCOERA RETIRE~E~l EXPE~SE OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE Total Personnel Se~ices ~A7ERIAL & SUPPLIES OF?ICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL POSTAGE COSTS OPERATING S~PPLIES Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEE~ING EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES, BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTILITIES FACILITY REPAIR & MAIN"!' OTHER EQUIPM~NT MAI~l MISC SERVICES & C~~GES Total Other Services C:7'{ OF w:~:::X: RIDGS D:::?:;"~~2~'? S\...~y :997 GE~~~~ Fu~u BUDGET 1995 .;CTJAL 653,920 ';,793 2,500 3,000 23,672 6.399 225,940 32,150 58,401 63,494 13,826 2:,923 46,408 1156,435 3,970 15,075 o 9.887 111,505 140,436 3,214 64,397 1,350 o 2,795 5,803 1,955 150 o 9.323 o 127,651 17,683 10,981 o 245,301 124 :.996 3UDG:::'! 753,991. 5,076 3,262 3,000 16,112 7,678 252,349 260 39,878 67,733 73,389 15,600 25.371 64,260 1342,959 3,500 20.075 600 7,000 122,515 153,690 4,910 82,154 2.322 500 3,900 5.943 2,160 4,283 10,959 159 650 19 853 10,982 30.000 337,616 .:.995 ESTIr-'!ATE 745 191 5,076 3,262 3,000 16,112 7.678 265,306 260 31,946 67,595 72,389 15,600 23,371 57,466 1314,252 3 500 20,075 500 3.500 125 815 :58,390 4,910 81.554 2,322 3,900 10,439 2,390 455 11,162 o 147,550 23,553 10,982 30,000 330,217 : 997 ~EQU;:S7 87";,121. 5,284 3.559 3,300 : 7.912 8.547 356,275 275 35,608 75,695 81.816 17,703 31,334 61,1.73 1572,602 4,100 21.590 500 8,500 138,673 173,363 6,260 90,888 2,797 500 6,580 9,293 2,420 1,455 1.5,362 154 388 27.593 :2.882 677.551 1009,619 Page b; 11 1997 1998 APPROVSD REOL~STSD 847,958 5,201 3 526 3,200 16,912 8, S47 302,226 275 35,608 74,936 83,801 17,525 29,129 61,155 1489 999 4,100 20,590 500 8,500 129,930 163,620 6,060 61,338 2,797 500 6,580 9,293 2,420 1,455 15,362 o 166,388 52.593 12,882 8,371 346,039 823,538 7,284 3,645 3,2.'0 13 .; "c' ~ "...-t 312,567 300 37,028 76,242 81,797 :7 831 31,905 65,235 1492,793 3,750 20,790 500 8,800 129,509 163, 349 5,290 83,312 2,899 500 5.180 9,724 2.090 1, 455 o 16,~04 172,586 29,603 14,365 343,008 C2/12/:;/ ~5..;2 33 ~?-: l50:::: ou2.;:J-.....:: c::::y O? ;';:~:::A7 ~:C'G~ D2?;,,':\~~""!' stj1~l.A.~y Page 10 0::"11 AC::CL-:.-:- :;~SCR!?":'::;; 1997 G~~~~;: :~~u 3t~GE7 1995 AC:-';;;':" 1996 3u-:JGE7 :995 cSTI~_:;7E 1;197 REQti=:S'!' :997 AP?S'.OVED 1993 ~SQc"ESTSD c:..:;?::-.~ CU7:.AYS C??!CE ?....:;....~:7""...;~=: , SQU:? 1,790 2,632 950 :,550 2.250 0 C::::~",1\:c.;:-:::XS EQUI ?!-f.EXT 12, 570 "50 . ~~_. RE?!...;':E:-".E:-.-r 0 C.:;?I:-.~ :":::";SSS iJ:-~ER ;.L:;';OR 2CU!?ME~ 6,282 12,490 12,590 12.395 16,570 5.000 C:7Y :-L::u.L !M?ROVE:-1E~"TS 0 COMMUNITI IM? & 8E:AlITI;.~ 0 11.000 0 RIC-iA.:u>/:-t;",T EST IMPROV 0 0 0 0 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- To'::.a:l.. Ca?:.:al Outlays 7 992 15,630 15,630 42,660 3";,865 11 000 :'OT.>':' DEP.;",DSNT EX?:::::-:SE 1550 155 :'549,995 1819,489 2798.244 2034,523 20:0,:;0 125 CITY OF WEEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR4..M SmfMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Parks and Recreation AdrrurustratlOn PROGRA,M DESCRIPTION: Prov,des direction to the Parks and RecreatIon Department. Works with the Parks and Recreation Commission in making policy recommendatIons to the City Council. Implements policies established by City Council, Requests funding for parks improvement projects from Federal, State and County sources as available. 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTfVES: Complete construction of relocated Greenbelt Trail 2. Complete construction of crusher fines trail in Conservation Area. 3 Continue analysis of RecreatIon Center site selectIon and faCIlity design, 3 Work Wlth Jefferson County Open Space to acquire future park sItes approved by the City Council. SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SERVICES AND CHARGES 1 Miscellaneous Services and Charges (799) IS budgeted at S8,371 In order to pay taxes on the Copa Cabana. .. c\budgd'progsum\rrog60 1 126 bu240-w:- 02/12/97 16 25 12 R~PT 10:0 ACCOt,"N'! 01-601-600-602 01-601-600-503 01-601-600-604 01-601-600-606 01-601-600-617 01-601-600-620 01-601-600-622 0';'-601-600-625 01-601-600-630 01-601-650-651 01-601-650-654 01-601-650-655 01-601-650-660 01-601-700-702 01-601-700-706 01-601-700-723 01-601-700-740 01-601-700-750 0.1.601-700-755 01.601-700-758 01-601-700-759 01.601-700-176 01-601-700-799 01-601-800-802 01-601-800-809 01-601-800~a90 C~~V 8: W~~A7 KrDG~ 1997 .;"'o"'}.U'A!. Bli"DGE'I' 1997 GE~-;:R.'\L ?= BUDGET 1995 ACTUAL OESCRI?7ION ?;RKS & R2~ -ADM:N 600 TOTALS 650 TOT.US 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 601 TOTALS STAFZ" SALA..Q.:ES &. WAGES ?A..qKS & LONGEVITY PAY ?~~KS ~ R2CREA7I DEFERRED COMPENSATION PARKS & AUlO ALLOWANCE PARKS & RECREAT TEMPO~~Y PERSONNEL-HOu~LY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PARKS & MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PARKS MEDI~~E EXPENSE FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PARKS & OFF!CE SUPPLIES ?k~KS &. RECREA PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EX? Pk~KS POSTAGE COSTS PARKS &. RECREATI OPERAT!~G SUPPLIES Pk~KS &. REC CONFERENCE &. MEETING EX? PARKS DUES, SOOKS. & SL'3SCRIPT PARKS TRAINING PA.~KS &. RECR2ATION AD AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMT PARKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PARKS & COMPUTER SOFTWARE PARKS & RSCR RENTALS &. LEASES PARKS & RECRE TELEPHONE EXPE~SE P~~KS & RECR O'I'HER EQUI PMEh""T MAINT PARKS & MIse SERVICES &. ~qGES PARKS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP PARKS OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT PARKS & RICHARS/Hk~T EST IMPROV PARKS 87,660 ),125 2,500 3,000 5,265 7,265 1,398 1,006 '!.11,22C 3,970 1.162 2,172 149 7,452 1,489 300 C 175 o o 2,018 1995 SL"DGET 94,808 3,317 3,262 3,000 5,200 6,502 7,567 1,580 1,138 126,374 3,500 2,200 200 5,900 2,400 350 o 180 3.600 o 54 6,766 o o 1995 ES-rli""_:"TE 94.908 3,317 3,262 3,000 5,200 6,502 7,567 1,580 1 138 126,374 3.500 2,200 200 5,900 2 400 350 o 180 o 235 3,166 750 o ?ag~ 34 bill ::.997 REQUEST 199'7 :;'998 A?PROVED REQu~STED 97,550 3,460 3 559 3,300 5,460 6.387 7,619 1,494 3,902 132 731 4,:00 3,200 o 200 7,500 2.600 350 o 180 o 1 1 o 235 8,371 96,611 3.4.01. 3,526 3.200 5,460 6,539 7.612 1.529 1,144 129,022 ';.100 3,200 7,500 2,400 350 235 8,371 11,537 o o o 100,863 5,460 3.645 3,200 S 720 6,592 7,651 1,54.2 3.6';5 :.33 318 200 3,750 2.200 C 200 235 o 11,737 750 o o 6,150 2.400 350 180 190 1 o 1 o 235 o 3,176 o o o o -_.---~-- ._-~---.- ----~---- ~-------- ------_.- ---~._--- 120,690 o 139.790 750 136,190 750 151,968 o 148,059 ~~2~S~S=2 _S.._~~.. ~_SS...S_ _S3.._.32 32.~_.~~. ----.-.-- 147.644 127 CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR.\M su~rMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRi\M: Parks and Recreation Recreation PROGR.\.M DESCRll'TION: Provide a vanety of recreation programs and 5emces to youth, adults and senior citIzens in the areas of athletics, leisure arts, continuing education programs and seasonal aquatics, MaIntaIn operation of two community centers and one outdoor swimming pool. 1997 PROGR.\.M OBJECTIVES: 1 Make programs self-sustaining through user fees and charges, 2, Increase teen programnung through the addition of a 35 hour per week teen program leader/coordinator 3 Continue to maintain current level of conSistent, quality older acult programs at the CommunIty Center with the additIon of a 15 hour per week program leader 1997 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 700 - OTHER SER VICES & CHARGES 1 Utilities is increased due to the Copa Cabana (760). soo - CAPIT AL OUTLAY I Office Furniture (802) IS one office chair 7 Other Major Equipment totals 55,395 as follows: Storage shed for pool 51,600; LD camera, 5 I ,095, Insert for lane line reel, S300; boom for ballfield sprayer, S500; ballfield fence, S300; 2 outdoor pool w speakers, S600. _ PERFOR.l'\1ANCE INDICA TORS 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED # of Programs & AcllvlllC:S 1,500 1,525 1,530 1,530 # of PartiCIp:mts 99,000 97,000 95,000 95,000 Revcnuc Pool 91,823 91.000 96,000 96,000 Recreation 233,123 248,606 260,225 270,000 Revenue as a % of Rccreatlon D,VIsion 52% 52% 52% 52% Budget c:l..budgo;:t\p("o~m\9'"o'g602 128 b'~2";~- ./":: 82,:2 '']7 _:5 __ 2"7 ~?7 '"" '1 .:;-::::.:::..-:;: 0:-5:::2-fCJ-5a: 01-622-:500-512 O~-50:?:-:5:JO-:5l7 0:-6::2-600-5:9 01-5n-:5~:J-62J n-6::2-:520-522 0:-502-:500-625 01-5J:-5JC-63C Ol-:502-500-6..:' 01-602-550-551 Cl-6J2~550-65... :)1-50>550-655 01~50~~550-560 01~6a~-7CO.7:J2 01-6:)2~ICO.7CJ, 01-602>700-706 01.602~7CO-72S 0:-5D2-700-730 01-602-700-740 01-602~700.755 01-602-700-753 01-602-700-759 01-602-700~760 01-602-700~774, 01-602-700-1'1'6 01-602-700-799 01-602-800-802 01-602-800-808 01-602-800-809 ::TY :? WH~A7 ~:=G~ :997 .~\~-0.~ 3L~,GZ7 1997 G~~~~~ FG~~ 3UJG~7 1995 AC7JAL JSS:?.:?:::C~ ?~~~s & ~~: -~S~~:;T:O~ 600 T07ALS 550 TOTALS 700 TO'TALS 800 TOTALS 602 TOTi'-LS S7A?? S.~~!SS & WAGZS REC~~~~ O\~RT!ME & PREMIUM PAY RECRZA~ 7S~? ?ERSO~~L - HOURLY RECREA T~~? ?ERSO~L/NON-HOURL RE~E ?:C; EXPENSE EMPLOYER RECR~;T ~2D!C;L/DE~AL INSURfu~C~ RECRE MSDI~qE PORT:ON FICA RECREA7I CCOERA RETIREMEm' EX? RE:CREA7I OL~SIDE ?ERSON~ SERVICE RECRE OFFICE SUPPLIES RECREAT!ON PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP REC~E POSTAGE COSTS RECR~;TrON O?E~TING SUPPLIES RECREATION CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP RECRE CON1'RAC11JAL SERVICES RECREATIO DuoS. BOOKS. & SucSCRIPT RECRE TRAINING RECREATION u~I,ORMS & PROT CLOTHING RECRE AUTO MILEAG~ REIMBQRSEMT RECRE COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES RECREATION TELEPHONE EXPENSE RtCR~TION UTILITIES RECREATION FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT RECREA OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT RECREATI MISC SERVICES & CHARGES RECREA OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP RECRE CAPITAL LEASES RECR~TION OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT RECREATI 2.;1 105 102.589 ]:2, HiO 23,344 22,541 5,460 8.729 45,803 482,38.5 o 13,913 7,715 36,302 57,930 1,205 25.574 450 800 1.760 o 290 41.002 9,052 3.843 84.760 1.187 o 944 2,131 627.206 1995 SeDGET 251,501 652 200 108 485 39,878 25.746 26,695 5.721 1C,123 64.196 ::.996 ES7r~.ATE 251.701 200 111.4.42 31.946 25,608 21,685 5,72: 8.123 57.402 513,823 16,:08 8 500 43,0521 68,221 1,440 25.612 585 800 880 1,760 675 1.050 o 43,260 14.000 2.000 1997 ~E(;u'"SS'!' 3:J:,625 200 :05:',433 35,608 27,622 21,411 6.460 11,093 60.471 625.923 16.300 8,500 51,430 76.230 1.500 27,212 595 800 890 1,740 1.050 45,260 16.000 3.000 669,180 767,227 700 o 12,395 13.095 ~~_~_____ _______.~ .=_.:===2 ~_._.__.. 14.32,475 129 541,535 o 16,100 7,000 46,321 69.421 764, 1,440 26,212 58S 800 884 1.480 43.260 11.400 2,000 88,736 350 o 12 330 12,680 713,372 91. 387 350 o 12.330 12.680 685,116 Page 35 :,il1. 1997 1998 A??ROVED REOL~STED 305,4.93 200 127,384, 35,508 28,637 '25, 045 6,697 1:).935 68,471 682,520 :6,300 8.500 50,930 75,730 1,500 27,212 595 800 890 1,740 1,050 o 57,260 11.000 3.000 o 135.047 1.850 o 16,570 13.420 831,717 236,302 200 132.384 37,028 ZB,267 21.506 6,611 11,452 64,515 583,265 17.500 8.800 51,309 77,609 1.560 29.312 500 800 900 1,400 o 400 58,000 18.000 4.000 o 115.972 5.000 5.000 786,846 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 1997 BUDGET - PROGR\M SUM1\lARY DEPARTi\lENT: Parks and Recreation PROGR.\M: Park Maintenance, Forestry and Open Space PROGR-\M DESCRIPTION: Responsible for the development and maintenance of parks, open space, greenbelt trails, natural resources and forestry programs. Mamtains trees and shrubs on public right-of-way, in parks system and enforces tree ordinances. Provides adequate pest control mcluding insect, dIsease and weeds. - 1997 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1 Improve levels of operation for both developed park land and open space areas. 2 ProVlde park users Wlth a safe environment. 3 Cooperate \Vlth local utilities in identifying tree/utIlity conflicts and systematically replace these trees. 4 Remove and replace all dead and defective trees from public right-of-way and parks. 5 Provide volunteer opportunities through enVlommental interpretative, revegation and customer service programs as well as organized special events, (i.e. Earth Day and Trails Day). 1997 SIGl'.'1FICANT CHANGES: 650 - M.A.. TERIALS & SUPPLIES l. Operating supplies includes 5800 for U. V. sheeting for historical buildings. SOO - CAPITAL mITLAY l. Office Furniture (S02) includes 5400 for office chair for secretary 2.- Tools & Work EqUipment total S4,295 (S03) includes 2-21" mowers, 51,400; 2 weed eaters, 51,170; 1 portable generator, 5800; 1 radial arm saw, 5625, 1 portable band saw, 5300. ..> CommunicatIon Equipment (805) IS an alarm system for the Berbert House, S750 4 Community Improvement is budgeted at Sll,OOO for greenbelt kiosks (861) PERFORNlANCE INDICA TORS' ... - 1995 1996 1997 1998 INDICATORS ACfUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Acrcs of Grcenbelt MaintaIned 273 273 273 273 Acrcs of Developcd PMkJand 139 145 145 145 Mamtamed Acrcs ofUndcveloped PMlJand 18 12 12 12 Trees & Shrubs Maintained 4000 4100 4200 4300 ArborisULawn CMe LIcenses 40 40 40 40 Tour Participants Gl8 650 700 800 Voluntecr Hours 75 800 1000 1500 c:\budget\pt"Ogsuml.prog60J 130 ::~2..0-""::- 02/l2/97 l5 23 ,,~o?~ 1010 .:..::c:)l.')."': Ol-503-,:iJ,J-5C2 01-603-5~O-503 01-603-600-51J Jl-50]-500-61.. 01-503-600-517 01-603-600-615 CI-523-6:JO-620 01-603-6CO-5:!2 01-503-600-525 01-603-600-530 0:-603-600-6..0 0:-603-650-551 01-603-650-654 01-603 -650-655 01-603-650-660 01-603 -650-663 01-603-700-70:! 01-603-700-704 01-603-700-706 01-603-7JO-713 01-603-700-728 01-603-700-730 01-603-700-740 01-603-700-750 01-603-700-755 01-603-700-756 01-603-700-760 01-603-700-774 01-603-700-776 01-603-700-799 01-603-800-302 01-603-800-803 01-603-800-805 01-603-800-807 01-603-800-S09 01-603-800-811 01-603-800-861 C:7"! :)? ';,-H2.:;:: R:XS 1937 .~'~-CAL 3UVGE7 1997 GE~~~~ :u~~ 3u~2T 1995 ACTUAL !ESC?.:?':::::N 1996 3u"'DGET :.996 ESTIr-".ATE 1997 REQIJEST ?ag~ 36 b:.l1 1997 1996 A??ROVED RE~UESTED ____________________________________________________________________________________4_________ ?~~~S r-"AI~~E~~~CE i ?ORES7RY 600 TOTALS 550 TOTALS 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 603 TOTALS S7AF? S~,ISS i WAGES P~~~S ~ LONGEVITY PAY ?~,KS MAINTE~.~~C OVER7r~~ i PRE~:u~ PAY P~~KS M S7.;"'oTI9Y ?;'Y PA.~KS MAI~'"TE~.;"~CE TE~P ?ERSO~~L - HOl.~LY ?A~KS CQtJRT PAY ?ARKS MA!NTENA..~CE FICA ~X?~~SE EM?LOYE~ P.~~KS M MEDIC.:u./DENTAL INSt."'RANCE ?A.~KS MED!~qE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOE~; RETIRS~~ EX? P.~~KS MA Ou~SIDE PERSONAL SERVICE PARKS O?FICE SUPPLIES PA~KS MAINTENA PHOTOCOPY & PRI~!NG EX? PA.~KS POSTAGE COSTS PARKS MAINTENANC OPERATING SUPPLIES P~~KS MAINT HAZ&ZOOUS WASTo OIS?OSAL CONFERENCE & MEET!NG ~XP PA.~KS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PARKS MAl DUES, SOOKS, & SUBSCRIPT PA~KS ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT PARKS r-"A TRAINING PARKS MAINTENANCE L~IFO~~S ~ PROT CLOTHING P~~KS AUTO MILEAGE RE!MBURSEMT PARKS PROFESSIONAL SERVICES PA.~KS MA COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES PARKS MAINTE:< UTILITIES PARKS MAINTENANCE FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT PARKS OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT PARKS MA MISC SERVICES & CHARGES PARKS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 700LS & WORK EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FLEET REPLACEMENT PARKS MAINTE OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT PARKS MA CITY HALL IMPROVEME~~S PARKS M COMMUNITY IMP & BEAUTIFA PARKS 325,153 1, 668 23,020 5,399 123,350 o 29,792 33,666 6,968 12,187 60S 337,682 1.759 15,912 7,678 1";3,664 260 35,485 44,137 6,299 14,110 64 398,652 1,759 lS,912 7,678 148,664 260 35 485 43,137 8,299 14,110 64 474,946 l,824 17,712 8,547 169,382 275 4l 686 52,796 9,749 16,339 702 4..4,854 1,800 16,712 a,547 159,362 275 39,760 50,144 9,299 17,000 6aol 4.U,373 1,824 13,217 8,804 174,463 300 41,363 52 640 9,673 16 80B 720 562,830 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 765,210 674,050 674,050 813 948 758,...57 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- o o o 75,054 o 1,775 75.994 600 1,775 81,994 500 2,090 87 , 043 500 :',090 78,800 500 o 1,090 o 76.000 500 75.054 _________ _________ _________ _________ ______p__ __._____4 79,590 7$,369 84,269 69,633 80,390 --------- ------p-- --------- -----.--- --------- -------+- 520 36,623 600 o 2.031 5,003 150 o 9,033 66,649 8.631 7,084 o 158,523 5,256 o 5.662 1,070 55,942 1.367 500 3.100 5,059 500 683 10.263 116.390 6.453 S,747 30,000 242,114 603 o 1. 532 508 1,070 55.942 1,387 3,100 9.559 450 1.455 o 10,111 104,290 9,553 8,747 30,000 235,664 850 1,100 160 2,200 2.160 63,676 1 852 500 5,780 6.403 500 1,455 1.650 14,311 109,126 11.593 9,647 230,655 650 16,145 12,570 250 29,565 2,160 34,126 1,652 500 5,760 6,403 500 1,455 o 14,311 109,128 11,593 9,647 o :99,455 400 4 295 750 o 11,000 1,330 54,000 1.949 500 4,380 8.624 500 1,455 o 14,603 114.586 11. 603 10,130 o 223,860 o 000 o o o 6,000 --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- --------- 1075 060 802,269 131 2,200 996,733 996,183 1163,801 16,445 1054,747 .. \ \ E: c..:.. ~ S \ 0 L C Ci TO \! -\ f.-: E: ...... 0 G r E: :z.:: \ C E: .. 132 .. \\ :: c ~.:S [:\0 L G::i TO )-1-\:-::: .-\ D ~r::~.\ c:: ' i I I \ \ ' \\ , \ 133 ~'2"7 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 1997-2001 :~7..ol ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET BUDGET 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 REVENUES FUND BALANCE 54,490,792 53.744,897 55,153,522 54,191,161 51,427161 5378,161 5429,161 5780,161 30-500-00-504 SALES TAX 53,672.809 53,600,000 53,700,000 53,850,000 53810,000 53810,000 53810,000 53,810,000 30-580-00-581 INTEREST 5308,609 5218,000 5218,000 5218,000 5218,000 5218,000 5218,000 $218,000 30-580-00-583 CGS CITIZEN MA TCH 516,296 $0 $20,000 $15,000 515,000 515,000 515,000 $15,000 BOND INTEREST 584,194 $93,271 $167740 $1,050,115 51,067,570 SO SO SO 30.580-00-588 MISC REVENUE 555,001 SO 550,000 SO 50 $0 SO SO 30-580-00-588 DEAD TREE PROGRAM 526,000 526,000 SO 50 SO SO SO SO RELEASED ENCUMBER 5278,774 SO 527,320 50 SO SO so SO TRANSFERS IN 52,011,580 $0 SO SO SO SO SO 50 30-500-05-505 ESTlP $100,000 590,000 590,000 570,000 570,000 S60,000 560,000 560,000 TOTAL REVENUES 511,044,055 $7,772,168 59,426,582 59,394,276 56,607,731 54,481,161 $4,532,161 54,883,161 134 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 1997-2001 =_1-.1 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUOGET BUOGET BUOGET BUDGET BUDGET 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 EXPENDITURES DRAINAGE 30-302.800-833 MISC DRAINAGE IMPR S210,OOO S150,OOO S275,OOO SO S150 000 S150,OOO S150,OOO S150,OOO S143,000 SO SO SO SO SO $0 $0 PIERCE, 26TH TO 29TH SO SO SO S500 ,000 SO SO $0 HARLAN AT 48TH 50 SO SO SO S300,OOO SO SO LENA GULCH SCH V S140,OOO SO S165,ooo SO SO SO SO SO 26TH AVENUE SO SO 50 5500,000 50 SO SO TOTAL ORAINAGE 5493,000 5150,000 5440,000 50 51,150,000 $450,000 5150,000 5150,000 STREETS 30-303--800-841 SCHOOL SIDEWALKS 41ST WADS TO DOVER 5600,000 S642,681 50 50 50 50 SO PARFET, 32ND TO 38TH 50 50 50 5:300,000 SO SO 50 IN DEPEND, 38TH TO 41 ST 50 50 50 50 5:300 ,000 50 SO REED ST, 38TH TO 41ST 50 50 SO SO SO 5300,000 SO 2001 SIDEWALK PROJECT SO SO SO 50 50 SO S300,OOO 30-303--800-842 CONCRETE REHAB 5210,771 30-303-800-843 32ND AVE BIKE TRAIL S500,ooo 50 S5OO,000 SO SO 50 SO 30-303.800-844 ACCESS.lREPAIR S193,957 30-303--800-840 LOCAL STREETS IMPROVE 5150,000 5250,000 S300,OOO 50 5250,000 $400,000 5400,000 5400,000 34TH AVENUE, WEB.TEL 50 50 5:300,000 SO 50 SO SO WARD CT, 29TH TO 32ND SO SO 5300,000 50 50 50 50 HOLLANO ST 32NQ.38TH SO 50 50 S500,OOO 50 50 50 30-303.800-847 38TH AVE, 52,200,000 30-303--800-851 MISCELLANEOUS STREETS 5975,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100000 30-303--800-845 32ND AVE, PIERCE-5HERIOAN 510,000 520,000 52,100,000 50 SO SO 50 30-303-800-884 PREVENTIVE STRT MAl NT 5690,000 51,600,000 S1,700,OOO 51,550.000 51,250,000 51,250.000 51,250,000 51,250,000 TOTAL STREETS 54,419,728 53,060,000 S2,762,681 $4,850,000 52,400,000 52,050,000 52,050,000 52,050,000 TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENTS 30-304.800-843 TRAFFIC SIGNAL IMPROVE, 5160,000 5100,000 S130,OOO 5200,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 30-304-800-843 TRAFFIC CALMING 50 $0 575,000 575,000 575,000 575,000 S75,ooo M/SC, EXPENDITURES 30-303--800-864 STREET LIGHT IMPROVE S1,585 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 30-60J..800-861 STREET TREE PROGRAM 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 510,000 S10,OOO S10,OOO 30-610-800-811 CITY HALL IMPROVEMENTS 560,000 5240,000 5250,000 5175,000 5100,000 $50,000 550,000 550,000 30-304-800-863 AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHY 5160,000 SO 5175,000 50 $0 50 50 SO 30-303.8Q0.885 STREET MAl NT MATERIAL 575,000 590,000 590,000 $90,000 590,000 590,000 590,000 590,000 30-610-800-864 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIP 50 $0 5175,000 50 50 SO 50 30-201-800-868 HAZ MAT/SHOOTING RANGE 513,770 30-305-800-812 PW SHOPS BUILDING IMP 580,000 $0 5100,000 $0 $0 50 50 3O-610-7QO.719 ESTIP 5100,000 590,000 590,000 570,000 570,000 $60,000 560,000 560,000 3O-302.7QO.704 ENGINEERING. SURVEYING 550,000 565,000 $80,000 575,000 575,000 575,000 575,000 30-302.7QO.75O ENGINEERING. TESTING 520,000 520,000 545,000 545,000 545,000 $45,000 545,000 30-610-800-820 CITY ENTRY WAY SIGNS $0 $0 512,000 512,000 512.000 512,000 S12,OOO TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS 5420,355 5590,000 5710,000 5767,000 5412,000 5352,000 5352,000 $352,000 TRANSFERS 30-610-800-865 EQUIPMENT FUND (57) 5388,8B5 5375,000 5375,000 5375,000 5375,000 5375,000 5375,000 5375,000 30-902-890-892 TRANSFER TO SIT BONDS (25) 5170,140 5167,740 5167,740 51,050,115 51,067,570 $0 50 50 30-902.890-891 GENERAL FUND (01) 5745,000 5650,000 5650,000 5650,000 5650,000 5650,000 5650,000 5650,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS 51,304,025 51 192,740 51 192,740 52,075,115 52,092,570 51,025.000 51,025,000 S 1,025,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 56,797,108 55,092,740 55,235.421 57,967,115 56,229,570 $4,052,000 53,752,000 53,752,000 fUND BALANCE 54,246,947 52,679,428 54,191,161 51,427,161 5378,161 $429161 5780,161 51131161 135 "\\ [C.l.~ [:--;OLG:: TO y[-'.~~..l. DGr~~.\CE' 136 PARK ACQUISITION FUND FUND II ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGE.T ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 EEGINNING FUND BALANC:= 515,090 517,744 S3,54~ 518771 512,431 55091 R:=VENUES i 1-550-00-555 Suodivision Fees 52,250 5375 51 ceo 53,000 53,000 53 000 11.580-00-531 Interest 5404 5652 5800 5560 5660 5560 TOTAL REVENUE 517,744 518,771 511,344 522,431 516,091 59,751 EXPENDITURES Playground Im~rov 50 SO SO 50 S 1 0 000 SO 11-503-800-852 Pros?ect Park 1m? SO SO 510,0'00 510,000 SO SO TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO SO 510,CeO 510,000 510,000 SO ENDING FUND BALANCE 517,744 518,771 S1,344 512,431 56,091 S9751 ... 137 INSURANCE FUND FUND 15 ACTUAl ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 199B BEGINNING FUND BAlAJ'4CE SO S382,793 S267,493 S238,991 5278,491 $4,491 REVENUES 15-290-00-591 Transfer from General Fund S300,000 52,000 550,000 550,000 595,000 5368,000 15-580-00-588 Miscellaneous Revenue SO S268,682 5136,000 5235,000 5100,000 $100,000 15-580-00-581 Interest SO 521,292 S6,OOO 517,200 S6,OOO S8,OOO TOTAL REVENUES 5300,000 5674,767 $459,493 $541,191 5479,491 5480,491 EXPENDITURES 15-610-700-781 Personal & Property Insurance $76,000 S59,192 $15,000 $72,700 $100,000 585,000 15-610-700-782 Uninsured losses $50,000 5276,584 $300,000 590,000 $275,000 $300,000 15-610-700-712 ISNR SO 5100,000 $0 5100,000 5100,000 5100,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5126,000 5435,776 5315,000 5262,700 5475,000 $485,000 ENDING FUND BAlANCE 5174,000 5238,991 $144,493 $278,491 54,491 ($-\,509) .... 138 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS FUND 17 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 530,232 535,485 538,985 539,060 532,985 510,985 REVENUES 17 -520-00-523 Court Disbursements 531,120 518,868 515,000 SO 50 SO 17 -580-00-588 Misc, Revenue SO 56,000 52,000 52,000 17 -580-00-581 Interest 5493 5688 54,000 5700 51,000 51,000 TOTAL REVENUES 561,845 555,041 557,985 545,760 535,985 513,985 EXPENDITURES 17-202-650-660 Fund Purchases (Op Supplies) 526,360 515,981 525,000 510,000 525,000 510,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 526,360 515,981 525,000 510 000 525,000 510,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 535,485 539,060 532,985 535,760 510,985 53,985 .. 139 COMPENSATED ABSENCES FUND 19 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $195,682.00 $139,013.00 $162,614,00 $162,614,00 $180,214,00 $114,214,00 REVENUES 19-590-00-591 Tr.lnsfer from Gener.ll Fund $0,00 565,000,00 $73,000,00 $73,000.00 $0,00 550,000,00 19-580-00-581 Interest S6,779,OO $ 11.372,00 55,700.00 59,600,00 54.000,00 $6,000,00 TOTAL REVENUES $202,661,00 $215,385,00 $241,314,00 $245,214.00 $184,214.00 $170,214,00 EXPENDITURES 19-607-700-788 Compo Absences Reserve $63,648.00 552,771,00 $65.000,00 565,000.00 570,000,00 $75,000.00 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 563,648,00 $52,771,00 565.000,00 $65,000,00 570,000.00 $75,000,00 ENDING FUND BALANCE $139,013,00 5162,614,00 $176,314,00 5180,214,00 5114,214,00 $95,214,00 140 SALES TAX BOND FUND FUND 25 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING FUNO BAL4NCE 546,363 531,680 538,363 598,363 5103,563 S10a 753 REVENUES 25-590-00-596 Trans, from Capital Fund 5178,564 5170,140 5167,740 5167,740 51,050,115 51,067,570 25-530-00-597 Transf from Bond Reserve 526,910 526,910 526,910 526,910 526,910 513,455 25-580-00-581 I nterest- Earnings 519,101 56.983 54,000 55,500 55,500 55,500 TOTAL REVENUE5 5270,938 5295,713 5297,013 5298,513 51,186,083 51,195,238 SYPENDITURES 25-701-900-901 Bond Principal Payment 555,000 575,000 575 000 575,000 5960,000 51,000,000 Safekeeping Charges 50 50 5300 50 50 50 25-701-900-902 Bond Interest Payment 5123,563 5122,050 5119,650 5119650 5117,025 581,025 25-701-900-903 Paying Agent Maint. Fees 5695 5300 51,000 5300 5300 5300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5179,258 5197,350 5195,950 5194,950 51,077,325 51,031,325 ENDING FUND BAL4NCE 591,680 598,363 5101,063 5103,563 5108,763 5113,963 .... 141 "\\'[ c..l..R.S El\'Ol:G2 TO )'-lAKE.-\ Dr?r-E:R.:::\C::" , . ~. . , ... f t 142 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT II 1987-1 FUND 26 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5218,430 5399,323 555,122 5150,231 5180,000 REVENUES 25-530-00-537 Principal 5124,470 5145,525 5125,000 5125,000 25-530-00-538 Bond Interest 595,119 554,246 550,000 550,000 25-580-00-588 Misc.-mcome so 50 SO SO 25-580-00-581 Interest Earnings S12,303 50 S8,OOO 58,000 TOTAL REVENUE 5450,322 5599,194 5248,122 5333,231 EXPENDITURES 25-701-900-901 Bond Principal Payment 5105,000 5475,000 5145,000 5145,000 25-701-900-902 Bond Interest Payment 549,345 542,847 55,981 55,981 25-701-700-784 JettCo Treas Call Fees 51,565 50 51,250 S1,250 5180,000 25-701-700-903 Paying Agent Fees 51,000 50 51,000 51,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5156,910 5517,847 5153,231 5153,231 5180,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 5293,412 581,347 594,891 5180,000 50 .. = 143 OPEN SPACE FUND FUND 32 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSE 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 BEGINNING BALANCE 51,772,161 51,583,921 51,017,250 51,958,752 5478,440 REVENUES 32-520-00-540 Jefferson County 5734,271 5788,107 5825,265 5796,500 5800,000 ~ 32-520-00-564 Jeffco Joint Venture 551,000 50 5100,000 5100,000 5110,000 ' Trans from Gen Fund 5586,000 ,- TOTAL REVENUES 52,557,432 52,372,028 51,942,515 S3,441 ,252 51 ,388,440 ~ ,- EXPENDITURES 32-601-800-809 Approved Acquisitions Not Yet Acquired Wheat Ridge Sanitation 44th & Kendall 'I Davis Jaidinger Shirley/Johnson Boyd Perko 56,350 SO SO SO SO Baugh 53,660 SO SO SO SO GB Coors Property Total for Acq. not Acquired S641 ,943 S276,109 32-601-800-809 Acquisition Projects Zarlengo S338,088 SO SO SO SO Rock S127,913 SO SO SO SO Water Rights SO S33,712 SO SO SO Crown Hill SO SO S129,616 5429,616 S123,291 Diaz SO SO 50 S586,000 SO 32-601-800-888 Future Acquisitions SO SO SO SO SO 5476,011 S33,712 S129,616 S1,657,559 S399,400 32-601-800-862 Development Projects - RocklGillhouse Dev SO S14,914 5400,000 5433,693 SO Greenbelt Trail SO SO S350,OOO SO S560,000 Anderson Park Imp. S154,255 SO SO SO SO Prospect Park Imp. S32,505 S14,650 SO SO S20,OOO Park Shop Imp SO SO S30,OOO S1,560 S28,440 Gmblt Prop Imp (Demol) SO SO SO SO S15,OOO Gmblt Env Analysis S24,740 SO SO SO SO Open Space Improvements SO SO SO SO S15,600 S211,500 S29,564 S780,000 5435,253 S639,040 Tranfer to General Fund: 32-601-890-891 Park Main!. Chargeback S286,000 S350,OOO S350,000 S350,OOO S350,000 Diaz AcquiSition SO S520,OOO S286,000 S350,OOO S350,OOO S870,OOO S350,OOO TOTAL EXPENDITURES S973,511 5413,276 S1,259,616 S2,962,812 S1,388,440 ENDING FUND BALANCE S1,583,921 S1,958,752 S682,899 5478,440 SO 144 OPEN SPACE FUND FUND 32 1998 THROUGH 2001 FUND 32 PROPOSE PROPOSE PROPOSE PROPOSE 1998 1999 2000 2001 BEGINNING BALANCE SO S26,709 SO SO REVENUES Jefferson County 5800,000 S850,OOO 5900,000 $950,000 Jeffco Joint Venture SO $200,000 0 SO TOTAL REVENUES S800,OOO S1,076,709 5900,000 5950,000 EXPENDITURES Acquisition Projects Crown Hill 5123,291 S116,966 5110,641 5104,316 Acquisition of Approved Projects S300,OOO SO 50 SO 5423,291 5116,966 5110,641 5104,316 Development Projects - 862 GB TRail Improvement SO SO 50 SO Clear Creek Crossing SO SO 50 SO Neighborhood PI< Dev 50 SO 50 SO Park Maint. Shop dev. 50 SO SO 5100,000 Recreation Center SO 5609,743 5439,359 5395,684 SO $609,743 5439,359 5495,684 Transfer to General Fund Park Maint. Chargeback S350,OOO S350,OOO 5350,000 S350,OOO ... 5350,000 5350,000 5350,000 5350,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES S773,291 S1,076,709 5900,000 5950,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE S26,709 SO SO SO 145 MUNICIPAL COURT FUND FUND 33 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 516.451 540,659 540,635 540,635 512,050 5420 REVENUES 33-560-00-562 Court Fees - 51 54,230 53,927 54,200 54,200 54,000 54,250 33-560-00-563 Court Fees - 54 515,750 515,302 516,000 516,000 516,000 517,000 33-560-00-565 Direct Victims Services 527,372 528,275 528,000 528,000 528,000 528,000 33-560-00-566 Outsland. Warrants/Judgements 55,295 53,775 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 33-560-00-567 Transcript Fees 5615 5628 51,500 52,000 52,000 52,000 33-580-00-581 Interest 5776 51,967 55,000 52,000 52,000 52,200 TOTAL REVENUES 572,499 594,733 5100,535 598,035 569,050 558,870 EXPENDITURES 33-109-700-776 Other Equip Maint. 5269 51,065 54,485 53,485 53,630 53,825 33-109-700-792 Probation 51 Expense 53,193 53,453 54,000 54,000 54,000 54,000 33-109-700-783 Court 54 Expense 54,031 521,750 514,000 514,000 516,000 516,000 33-109-700-790 Direct Victim Service Exp 520,317 521,733 528,000 528,000 528,000 528,000 33-109-700-787 Outstand, Warrant/Judgement 53,105 54,785 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 33-109-700-715 Transcript Fees 5615 5628 51,000 51,500 52,000 52,000 33-109-800-802 Computer System 5700 5484 530,000 530,000 510,000 50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 532,230 553,898 586,485 585,985 568,630 558,825 ENDING FUND BALANCE 540,269 540,835 514,050 512,050 5420 545 - 146 TREE PLANTING, PARKS .&~, fUND H RECREATION DONATION-fUND ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING FUND S;'LANCE 512,353 515753 519,94.3 532}13 535,486 590}75 524,775 '::/EVENUES 3':'-590-00-593 Ca;>ita/lm;> Tmsf Tree Plntg 510,000 51D,ceo 510,000 510000 510,000 510,000 510,000 J4.590-00-591 Gen Fund Tmsf Holdy lite 52,200 53.000 53 000 53 000 53,000 $3,000 53,000 3':'-590-00-591 Gen Fund Tmsf Strt Tree 53,000 SO SO 57,000 57,000 56,000 56,000 34-590-00-591 Gen Fund Tmsf Memorial Tree 51,450 50 50 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 3':'-530-00-588 Homeowner Match Str Tree 50 52,200 SO 50 SO SO 50 34-580-00-588 Memorial Match Park Trees S450 S650 5650 51,000 51,000 51,000 51,000 3':'-580-00-588 Donations 53,288 So; 000 53,250 $4,000 511,212 $4,000 $4,000 Teen Art Project 510,000 50 510,000 Memorial Gazebo 550.000 510000 SO Grants sa so 510000 so 55,000 520.000 SO 34-580-C<l-581 Interest SSS-l 5700 51,870 S2,OOO 51,132 52,000 52,000 TOTAL REVENUE 533 595 537,303 548}18 560 718 5134,830 5147,775 561,775 EXPENDITURES 34-603-800-862 Park Ammenities 55177 57000 56,000 525,000 523,D55 567,000 512,000 34-603-800-861 Comm. Imp & Beautification Trees 58 470 515,150 510,000 521,000 521,000 $56,000 533,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES S13,547 522,1 50 516,000 547 000 S44,055 5123,000 $45,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 519,948 515,153 532}18 513}18 590,775 524,775 516,775 ... 147 ( RICHARDS HART FUND , FUND 35 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE PROPOSE PROPOSE 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 " 1998 , BEGINNING BALANCE $6,801 S6,538 S3,955 56,749 S7,798 53,638 REVENUES 35-590-00-591 Transfer from Gen Fund SO SO SO SO 5 50 35-580-00-580 OffICe Rental Income 52,640 52,640 $2,640 S2,640 S2,64 52,640 35-580-00-581 Interest 5195 $176 520 $181 520 S200 TOTAL REVENUES 59,636 59,354 56,615 59,570 510,63 S6,478 EXPENDITURES 35-601-800-890 Fund Purchases 53,098 S5,605 56,000 $ 1.772 S7,OO 52.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 53,098 S2,605 S6,OOO S 1.772 S7,OO 52,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 56,538 S6,749 56,615 57,798 53,63 54,478 or 148 PARKS AND RECREATON DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND FUND 36 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ESTIMATED PROPOSED PROPOSED 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGINNING BALANCE (554) S503 52,91 7 52,584 S2.759 S2,979 REVENUES 36-590-00-591 Tran from Gen Fund 50 51,860 50 50 50 50 36-530-00-583 Damage Dep Incom 515,871 511,150 515,500 512,300 515,000 515,500 36-580-00-581 Interest Income 541 5177 5220 5175 5220 5220 TOTAL REVENUES 515,858 513,690 518,637 515,059 517,979 518,699 EXPENDITURES 36-601-700-791 Deposit Returns 515,335 511,106 515,500 512,300 515,000 515,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 515,335 511,106 512,300 512,300 515,000 515,500 ENDING FUND BALANCE 5523 52,584 56,337 52,759 52,979 53,199 . 149 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSION FUND 37 1997 11/1/96 AMENDED ACCOUNT NO ACTUAL BUDGET ACTUAL BUDGET BUDGET 1995 1996 1996 1996 1997 INCOME Carryover $570,439 $30,116 ($35,533) ($35,533) $42,481 501 Property tax Incr $94,327 $92,226 $79,204 $79,204 $79,204 501 PTI- WR Mark~.t $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 504 Sales Tax Increment $0 $50,000 $37,007 $100,000 $100,000 581 Interest $12,651 $0 $900 $1,000 $7,500 TOTAL $677,417 $172,342 $81,578 $144,671 $349,185 EXPENDITURES 602 Salaries $18,000 $18,000 15000 $18,000 $18,000 625 FICA $1,260 $1,260 $1,080 $1,080 $1,260 600 Total Personnel $19,260 $19,260 $16,080 $19,080 $19,260 651 Supplies $44 $250 $66 $75 $250 654 Copies $48 SO $0 $65 $50 655 Postage $505 $500 $0 $320 $550 650 Total Office supplies $597 $750 $66 $460 S850 702 Conference & Mtg $999 $1,050 $0 $0 $1,500 740 Auto Reimbursement $114 S150 $0 $50 , $150 750 Professional Serv $23,428 $10,000 $1,540 $1,750 $10,000 758 Lease $2,000 $2,000 $0 $2,000 $2,000 799 Miscellaneous $165 $160 $144 $165 $200 700 Total $26,706 $13,360 $1,684 S3,965 $12,350 801 Acquisiton & Reloc, $227,941 $50,000 $15,536 $20,000 $17,500 872 Site Improvements $438,418 $50,000 $725 $18,225 $17,500 Loan to City $0 $0 $40,000 $40,000 $0 872 PTI- WR Market $0 $0 $0 $0 $120,000 800 Total eapital exp, $666,359 $100,000 $56,261 $78,225 $155,000 ------ ------ ------ ------ ------- ------ ------ ------- TOTAL EXPENDITURES $712,922 $133,370 $74,091 $102,190 $187,460 ------- ------ '======= ------- ------- ------- ------ ------- ------- ENDING FUND BALANCE ($35,505) $38,972 $7,487 $42,481 $161,725 150 SALES TAX BOND RESERVE FUND 50 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGiNNING ,=UND BALANCE SO S321,660 SO $322,980 $322,980 5322,980 REVENUES 50-530-00-534 Sales T ax Bond Reserve SO SO SO SO SO SO 50-530-00-581 Inter.est Earnings S27,570 S28,230 526,910 526,910 S26,910 513,455 50-580-00-588 Mise, Income SO SO SO SO SO SO TOTAL REVENUE S27,570 5349,890 S26,910 5349.890 5349,890 S336,435 EXPENDITURES 50-902-890-892 Transfer SfT Rev Fund 526,910 S26,910 S26,910 S26,910 S26,910 526,910 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 526,910 526.910 S26,910 S26.910 526,910 526,910 ENDING FUND BALANCE S660 5322,980 SO 5322,980 5322,980 5309,525 .. 151 "WE C.-\RE ENOuGH TO ~1.-\KE,-I. DfFFERI:\CE" 152 SENIOR CENTER FUND FUND 53 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSE PROPOSE 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1993 BEGINNING BALANCE 58,025 511,034 511,014 511,014 57,814 56,614 REVENUES 53-580-00-588 Miscellaneous 510,786 59,152 58,500 58,500 58,500 58,500 53-560-00-581 Interest 5258 5344 5400 5300 5300 5300 TOTAL REVENUES 519,070 520,530 519,914 519,814 516,614 515,414 53-602-700-799 EXPENDITUF~ES Sr Center Purchases TOTAL EXPENDITURES 58,036 58,036 59,516 59,516 512,000 512,000 512.000 512.000 510,000 510,000 510.000 510,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 511,034 511,014 57,914 57,814 56,614 55,414 153 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND 54 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 BEGINNING BALANCE 5190,696 5202,192 5349,906 5349,906 5478,605 5190,696 5202,192 5349,906 5349,906 5478,605 REVENUES 54-520-00-539 State of Colorado 5212,933 5284,019 5349,906 5280,000 5300,000 54-520-00-581 Interest 512,632 520,624 518,000 518,000 515,000 54-520-00-540 Gr~nt Funding SO 550,600 535,000 537,100 50 TOTAL REVENUES 5416,261 5557,435 5752,812 5685,006 5793,605 EXPENDITURES 54-601-800-862 Development Projects - 862 Rancho Del Sol Devel 5122,579 SO 50 SO SO Panorama/Randall Imp S3,956 SO SO SO SO Johnson Park Imprvmnt 50 53,811 522,400 522,400 50 W/R Md Sch Jnt Proj 50 S125,907 SO SO SO GB Trail Imp 50 S1,455 S43,450 543,450 SO School Playgrounds 50 SO S60,OOO 549,300 5100,000 Hayward Park Imp SO SO 530,000 530,000 535,000 Rec Center Dev SO SO SO SO S80,OOO Soccer Fld Dev 50 50 50 SO 5200,000 S126,535 5131,173 S90,OOO 5145,150 5415,000 54-601-800-877 Maintenance proj - 877 Swim Pool Repairllmp. SO S53,985 SO 512,000 50 Historic Park Imp 50 S4,352 55,889 53,774 50 Anderson Comm Ctr Imp 559,673 SO 575,000 S12,212 550,788 Repair Maint Comm Ctr SO 518,019 S15,000 515,000 50 Tennis Court Resurface S27,861 SO 50 SO 50 Panorama/Randall Main! 50 SO S60,OOO 512,170 S47,830 Park sign replacement 50 SO SO S6,095 50 .... S87,534 S76,356 S 150,000 S61,251 - 598,618 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5214,069 S207,529 S240,OOO S206,401 5513,618 ENDING FUND BALANCE 5202,192 S349,906 S512,812 5478,605 S279,987 154 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUN D 54 1998 THROUGH 2001 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 1998 1999 2000 2001 BEGINNING BALANCE 5279,987 5589,987 SO SO REVENUES State of Colorado 5300,000 S310,000 S310,000 S320,000 - Interest S10,000 515,000 S5,OOO S5,000 Jeffco Joint Funding SO SO SO SO TOTAL REVENUES 5589,987 5914,987 5305,000 S325,OOO EXPENDITURES Development Projects - 862 Athltc Fld Com pix SO SO $40,000 S325,000 Rec Ctr Dev SO 5914,987 S265,000 SO Greenbelt Trail Imp SO SO SO SO Neighborhood Park Dev SO SO SO SO SO S914,987 5305,000 5325,000 Maintenance Projects - 877 Swim Pool Repairllmp SO SO SO SO Tennis Court Resurf. SO SO SO SO Pan/Rand Park SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO S914,987 S305,000 5325,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 5589,987 SO SO SO .., 155 BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND FUND SS ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUOGE:T E:STIMATE: i\!:COMMEND RECOMM:ND 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 S"GINNING FUND BALANCE 5 16 443 516,561 S15,153 S5,563 S5,563 55,963 S363 R"'I'"NU,,S 55-s.sc--.."O-588 Mis~, SO SO SO SO SO SO 55-55CJ-W-581 Interes: S419 S427 S400 S400 S4CO S4CO S400 TOTAL R:V:NUE 516,662 517,088 S15,583 S5,963 55,96'3 56,363 5753 EXPENDITUR"S 55-122.700-716 E:n(orcement SO 51,925 55,000 S3,OOO SO 53,000 SO 55~123~7CO-71S Enforcement SO SO 55,000 52,963 SO 53 ,000 SO TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO 51,925 510.000 55,963 SO 56,000 SO ENDING FUND BALANCE 516662 515,163 55,563 SO 55,96:3 5363 5753 ... 156 EQUIPMENT FUND FUND 57 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 BEGIN, FUND BALANCE 50 537,443 521,292 55,842 55,842 583,563 548,563 REVENUES 57-590-00-593 T rnsf from Capital Fund 5350,000 5330,715 5375,000 5375,000 5375,000 5375.000 5375.000 57.580-00-588 Auction Revenue 50 533,677 533,500 535,100 522,979 516,900 545,900 57-580-00-581 Interest 5573 55,644 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 55,000 TOTAL REVENUE 5350,573 5407.479 5434,792 5420,942 5408.621 5482,563 5474,463 EXPENDITURES 57.610-700-799 Mise, Expenditures 50 50 50 50 57.610-800-808 Vehicle Leases 50 520,360 526,550 SO 50 50 50 57.610-800-807 Fleet Replacement 5311.513 5365,6:!7 5400 ,400 5363,500 5325,158 5434,000 5453,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5311,513 5386,187 5426,950 5363,500 5325,158 5434,000 5463,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 539,060 521,292 55.842 557,442 583,663 548 563 511463 .. 157 COMPUTER FUND FUND 59 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE RECOMMEND RECOMMEND 1993 1994 1995 1996 1996 1997 1998 5EGlt""NING FUND BALANCE 50 50 59,725 59,925 553.13-l 561 174 564,174 F?EV=NU:S 59-590-00-591 7rns( from General Fund ~ 50 5150,435 5233,175 5236,040 5236,040 5284.000 S210,OOO 59-58O-CO-581 Interest 50 S2251 50 52 500 53 600 53 000 5),000 ro TAL R:V:NU:S 50 3152,686 5247.900 5243,465 5297,774 5348,174 S277,174 EX?:NDITUR:S Mainl. C<:Intracts S47,600 S45,600 S70,ooo $80,000 Software 50 527,3)9 534,175 SJ.4,440 533,000 $49,000 S3O,OOO Rep'-cemenl Parts 50 527,624 SJO,ooo 5)6,000 S45,OOO S45,ooo Peripherals 50 531,952 555,950 559,200 SSO ,000 S70,OOO $45,000 New & Replacement Components 50 53) 170 572 017 364 300 S62 000 S120000 S75000 TOTAL :XP:NDlruR:S SO S152,961 S189,766 S236,040 S236,600 S284,OOO S275,OOO :NOING FUND SJ.LANC: SO 59,725 S53,134 S 12.425 561 174 $6-1,174 S2,1H 158 POLICE BUILDING FUND FUND 60 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 1995 1996 1996 1997 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE SO S1,530,989 S1,530,989 S600,OOO REVENUE 60-500-00-504 Sales Tax S1,760,850 S755,000 S749,180 60-580-00-588 Misc. Income S3,300 S73,600 SO 60-580-00-581 Interest $40,518 S60,000 S78,281 Total Revenue S1,804,668 S2,419,589 S2,358,450 EXPENDITURES BUILDING 60-201-650-660 Operating Supplies S150 S6,850 S5,013 60-201-800-801 Construct/Remodel S143,653 S235,837 S217,490 S3,000 60-201-800-801 Contingency SO SO SO 60-201-700-704 Contractual Services S82,422 S25,090 S25,090 60-201-700-750 Architectural/Professional S6,801 S11,949 S11,936 60-201-700-760 Utilities S1,860 S1,727 SO 60-201-800-802 Lab Facilities SO 5162,120 5143,394 60-201-800-802 Security System SO SO 60-201-800-802 Furnishings & Fixtures SO SO 60-201-800-811 Landscape S34,135 53,865 5125 Building Total S269,021 $447,438 $403,048 S3,000 COMMUNICATION 60-204-650-651 Office Supplies SO 5500 SO 60-204-650-653 Postage SO 5200 50 60-204-650-654 Photocopy SO S300 SO 60-204-700-704 Contractual Services $4,283 SO SO 60-204-700-759 Telephones SO 526,284 56,787 60-204-700-799 Misc. Services S375 S7,625 S2,464 60-2Q4-800-802 Furnishings &. Fixtures SO S1 SO 60-204-800-805 Communication Equipment SO 5687,334 S607,655 S597,OOO 60-204-800-809 Other Major Equipment SO 5527 S179 Total Communications $4,658 5722,771 S617,085 S597,000 Total Expend"ures S273,679 51,170,209 S1,020,133 S600,OOO ENDING FUND BALANCE S1,530,989 S1,249,380 S1,338,317 SO 159 "\\ E. c..l.R..:: I,\Ol3G"::: 10 :vp..KE...I. DfFr::~:-'C::" 160 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR Dan Wilde CITY COUNCIL Jean D Fields DISTRICT I Jerry DiTullio Ken Siler DISTRICT II Tony Solano Don Eafantl DISTRICT III Janelle Shaver ClaudIa Worth DISTRICT IV Ten Dalbec CITY CLERK Wanda Sang CITY TREASURER James 0 Malone MUNICIPAL JUDGE Randall J DaVIS CITY ATTORNEY Gerald Dahl CITY MANAGER Robert C Middaugh DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Glen GIdley DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION Gary Wardle DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Robert Goebel CHIEF OF POLICE Jack Hurst BUDGET/FINANCE ASSISTANT William W Powell PERSONNEL ASSISTANT Patricia Crew PURCHASING AGENT Paul Edwards CHIEF ACCOUNTANT Lmda Stengel 161 ",VI. CARE I.i'\OCGH TO ~lAKI...1, DrFFERE:;CE" 162 RESOLUTION NO. 1569 Senes of 1996 TITLE A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR OF 1996, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE 1997 BUDGET YEAR, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge has adopted the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law, prior to December 31, 1996 and, WHEREAS, the Local Government Budget Law requires certification of the annual property tax mill levy by December 15, 1996, and; WHEREAS, the amount of money needed to balance the budget for general operatmg expenses from property tax sources is $606,729, and; WHEREAS, the 1996 valuation for assessment for the City of Wheat Ridge as certIfied by the County Assessor. IS $225,972,200, and, NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE. A. That for the purpose of meeting all general operatmg expenses of the City of Wheat R.Idge dunng the 1996 budget year, there is hereby levied a tax of2.714 mills upon each dollar of the total valuation for assessment of all taxable property within the City of Wheat Ridge of the year of 1996 B That the Mayor of the City of the Wheat R.Idge is hereby authonzed and directed to immediately certifY to the County CommissIOners of Jefferson County, Colorado the mill levy for the City of Wheat Ridge as hereinabove determined and set. DONE AND RESOLVED THE' 2nd day of December ,1996 LJ~,/.J'~ Dan Wilde, Mayor ATTEST ,1 ~.'j _.. -r .. / "Ie ,(, " ~"C '=--r- Wanda Sang, City Clerk,\ J /~ 163 RESOLUTION NO. 1585 Series of 1997 TITLE. A ~ESOLUTION REPEALING AND REENACTING THE CITY BUDGET, fu~D APPROPRIATING S~1S OF MONEY TO THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND -- SPE~~ING AGENCIES IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED BELOW, FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE 1997 BUDGET YEAR. WnE~EAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Annual Budget for the fiscal year of 1997 has been established and public Hearings and Meetings have been held after duly published public notices, and greater budger. WHEREAS, The Budget than the total proposed In t::.::: t.otal amOU!lt. sf provides for expenditures $26,418,011 revenues equal or as set forth in said which l:1Cluc-::>s the f 0 2- 1 )\<J ~ ~ -' ~- ~) ?und 01 General Fund $12,949,51-3 ') ~~nd 30 - Capita! Projects $ 7,567,115 3 Fund 11 - Park Acquisition Fund $ 10,000 4 Fund 17 - Police Investigation Fund $ 25,000 - Fund 25 Sales Ta.>:: Revenue Bonds $ 1,0'17, :'25 tG :cund 32 - Open Space Fund $ 1, 385,4'10 7 Fund 50 - Sales Tax Revenue Reserve $ 26, 910 8 Fund 53 - Senior Center Fund $ 10, 000 J :'und 54 - Cons~:'\"at.ir)n T:'~1J.3t. Fund $ - l ~ 6lc3 ':J.......J, lC: ;,'und 55 - Bu 11d 1[:9 Repal.riDemo Fund $ 6, 000 ::\.~[:d S7 Equipmenl: Fund $ J .~ 000 ..L~. =--"~, 'L,.) ~ l1:i.:...1 1.9 - Com~~nsAt.~;i Absences ,. 7r) oor) ., ..,....' -. 36 P3ck Rec::-eat.ion Deposit ,.. l' oDe !.. J ... <...ol.l..l.,.... ~ ~ .L::>, 164 RESOLUTION No. Page Two 14 . Fund 34 - Tree Planting Fund $ 123,000 15 Fund 35 - Richards/Hart Improvement $ 7,000 16 Fund 33 - 1'<lunicipal Court Fund $ 68,630 - 17 Fund 37 Whe-a t Ridge Town Center $ 187,460 18. Fund 26 - S.l D 1987-1 $ 180,000 19 Fund 15 - Insurance Fund $ 475,000 20. Fund 59 - Computer Fund $ 284,000 21- Fund 58 - Post Office Fund $ 0 22 ::'u:-:::; ,.,., .; ~:.--.-.... 3uJ.lding ?t..:1 'i S 600,000 c:> ~ ---~-'- ~JO:i, T~E~2?(12E. 3~ IT RESOLVED 'fEAT ~h2 Cicv of Wheat Rldge Total Budge:::. as stated In this Resolution be hereby approved, readopted and appropriated for the fiscal period beginning January 1, 1997 and ending December 31, 1997. DONE AND RESOLVED this 10TH day of February, 1997. ~iJ~ dA,./ Dan Wilde, Mayor A1"TE~T . -} /' ,,~.'r ~.~[,,,.... /;( ~, .-\ '-' .'~ ~~'~,i t ~,J.:lg, Cl.~\f Clel k 165 ..,.N NO> ON N"" N 100 CO M 00 Nit> N co 0 00 M I'- NI'- N I'-M .....0 ..,.0 NO> N 101'- NO It> M NO M M It> ..,. ..... I'- 0> NN M W ..J CO ..,. It> M ,.... CO 1'-0> ION ..,.10 ::;) MIt> 0>..,. 0> CO 0> It> 0> It> 0> N coo CO I'- 0..... .....M Nit> ..,.0> C .....N .....N Nit> NCO N I'- NO> W N N N N N N :J: () MM 0>0> CO &() ..,.N NO ..,.N UJ 0>..... ..,. CO ..,. I'- ..,.M ..,.0 M..... I'-It> CO ..... o It> ..... I'- NO> ..,.N Z ...... ...... ......N N"" Nit> NIO NO> N N N N N N 0 ~ ..... 010 It> 0 CO M MI'- I'-CO ..,. I'- <( en It> 0> 010 0> I'- 0>...... CO ..,. I'-CO en 1'-0> co 10 0>0> 0...... ......N M"" UJ .....0 ...... ...... .....M Nit> NIO NCO Z .... N N N N N N W Q. CO ..... N...... 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The Charter for the City of Wheat Ridge provides for a Council-Manager form of government, The executive power is vested in the City Manager to run the daily affairs of the City. The City Manager reports to the City Council. The City Council is composed of eight members who are elected bi-annually, two from each of the four districts, The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are elected at large for two-year terms each. The rights of the people have been retained through the powers of recall, initiative and referendum. The Charter is a document of consensus and compromise. As provided by the Charter, all the powers and the determination of all matters of policy are vested in the Council except as otherwise provided. The City Manager, as provided by the City Charter, is responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. BUDGET The proposed budget shall provide a complete financial plan for each fund of the City and shall show comparative figures for the last completed fiscal year, comparative figures for the current year, and the City Manager's recommendation for the ensuing year. The City Council sets times for public hearings, for the public to comment on the proposed budget, After the public hearings, and before the last day of December of each year, the Council shall adopt the budget for the ensuing year. In addition to the operating budget, a five-year Capital Improvement Program is revised and extended annually. The City Council adopts the program as a planning document, but does not appropriate the multi-year expenditures, Annual installments to the identified projects are appropriated in the annual operating bUdget or by supplemental appropriations, Thus, major additions to the infrastructure are normally accounted for through the Capital Projects Fund. The budget document is prepared on a GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) basis, consistent with the accounting records and annual financial statements of the City, in accordance with the Colorado Local Government Budget Law. Appropriations are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity with Colorado Revised statutes. supplementary budgets and appropriations must be adopted by resolution at a City Council meeting after publication of the proposed resolution in a local newspaper, 175 GOVERNMENTAL FUNDS General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to specific revenue sources_ that expenditures for specified purposes. City include the following: Park Acquisition Fund - The Park Acquisition Fund was established to account received and designated for park improvements acquisition of additional parklands. account for the proceeds of are legally restricted to Special Revenue Funds of the for funds and the Police InvestiQation Fund - Colorado State Law allows seizure by, and forfeiture to, law enforcement of property and funds which are associated with Class 1 nuisance violations, C.R.S, 16-13-302, entitled "Public Nuisance Policy", Seizure and forfeiture of property is also allowed under Colorado Contraband Forfeiture Act, C.R.S, 16-13-501. Any funds awarded pursuant to either of these statutes shall be placed into a special budgetary fund, hereafter referred to as the "Police Investigation Fund", and shall be for the sole use of the Police Department for purposes other than for meeting normal operating needs_ This fund was created beginning with the 1990 fiscal year. Conservation Trust Fund - The fund accounts for money received and restricted as to use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new conservation sites or for capital improvements or maintenance for recreational purposes on any public site, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 138. Funds are derived from distribution of 40% of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery and is received on a quarterly basis. Capital Prolects Fund - The Capital Projects Fund (formerly Capital Improvement Fund) was established to account for money received as a result of a one percent (1%) increase in the City's sales tax starting March, 1976. The revenues of this fund are to be used for capi tal proj ects (i. e., drainage, street, and traffic improvements, and major additions to City buildings), Projects are recommended by the Street Committee, reviewed by the Planning Commission, and approved by City Council through the annual budget process, 176 Open Space Fund - The City of Wheat Ridge is committed to preserving valuable remaining open space resources. The Jefferson County Open Space program acquires land for public enjoyment (i.e., parks, playgrounds, lakes, trails, etc.) and then donates the land to the City for use as public land, Open Space funds are derived from a .5% sales tax collected by the State for Jefferson County. Senior Center Fund - The Senior Center Fund was established during 1981 to account for contributions made to the Wheat Ridge Community Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the Center, Buildina Repair/Demolition Fund - The Building Repair and Demolition Fund was established during 1981, as a revolving fund. Structures are repaired or demolished at City expense, and the property owner is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. Eauipment Fund - The Equipment Fund has been established for 1993 in order to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund will provide a long term plan for the procurement of vehicles, The Fund is financed by transfers from the Capital Fund, Compensated Absences - The Compensated Absences Fund was established in order to have the ability to pay any and all employees that may leave the employment of the City. This fund enables the City to provide payment for accumulated annual leave. This fund was initiated with a $250,000 transfer from the General Fund in 1992_ Parks and Recreation Damaae Deposit Fund - This fund originated in order to track and refund damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and facility rentals. In the past deposits have been paid in one year and refunded in the following year. This poses a problem when budgeting and attempting to maximize expenditures. Tree Plantina Fund - The Tree Planting Fund was created in 1993 for the purpose of tracking the different types of money that are contributed for tree planting. This Fund will operate two types of tree planting programs, street trees and park trees. The Tree Planting Fund will receive transfers from Capital Fund, General Fund - Unallocated, General Fund Street Tree Program, 177 and General Fund Park Tree Program. This Fund may recel ve additional revenue in the form of grants, citizen donations or matching money from citizens or businesses. Richards Hart Estate Improvement Fund - This fund was established in 1993 in order to track revenue from rental of the Estate and to provide a means to upgrade and improve the Estate, Municipal Court Fund The -Municipal Court Fund has been established in order to provide a means to track court fees, and to enable the court to expend these amounts, The Fund will begin with a transfer from the General Fund from the $1 and $4 Court Fees program. During 1996 additional revenue was gained through the Victim Wi tness Court Fees. This Fund provides the Court and the Probation Program with money for expenditures for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services, and misc. court and probation expenses. Insurance Fund - This fund was established in 1993 to provide a funding mechanism for property and liability insurance premiums and payments for uninsured losses. Insurance related losses may be paid out over several years and therefore it is necessary to have a funding source that continues from year to year. The City currently has a $10,000 per claim deductible for property insurance and a $150,000 per claim deductible for liabili ty insurance. Money for this fund comes from the General Fund. Post Office Fund - The Post Office Fund was established in 1993 to account for expenses related to the restoration of the old post office. Money for this fund comes from the General Fund. Computer Fund - This fund was established in 1994 to provide better accountability of computer related expenses. All hardware, software, and related expenses are budgeted in this fund. This fund is funded by a transfer from the General Fund_ Police Building Fund - This fund was established in order to fund the expansion of the Police Department facilities, The voter approval initiated a ~ cent sales tax in order to pay for construction of the building, a new radio system and a new police computer system, The tax was discontinued in 1996 due to realization of the $2.5 million threshold. 178 Debt Service Funds - Debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest, Both of the debt service funds were created in 1988, and are included in the appropriated budget to show the bond principal and interest payments due each year, Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 - The fund accounts for the principal and interest received from speGial assessments levied on property owners located in the District, and the semi-annual payment of principal and interest towards the Special Assessment Bonds maturing over the next ten years. The debt for the district was retired in 1996. Sales Tax Revenue - The fund accounts for the payment of principal and interest towards the Sales Tax Revenue Bonds maturing over the next ten years. The full amount of the bond issuance has been invested in u.S. Government Securities which have been scheduled to mature within thirty days prior to each semi-annual interest and principal payment required. INVESTMENT POLICY Investment PolicY - The City of Wheat Ridge makes use of pooled cash to invest under the prudent investor rule_ The prudent investor rule states that investments shall be made with the exercise of that judgement and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which persons of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of their own affairs, not for speculation but for investment, considering the probable safety of their capital as well as the probable income to be derived. The City Treasurer is responsible for investment of City funds within the following guidelines and is directed to carry out the investment procedures as follows: 1) Determine cash flow requirements from all sources available (Department Heads, Purchasing Division, Budget Officer, Council Minutes, etc); 2) Determine amount of idle cash and length of time money can be invested to best fit City needs; 3) Request interest quotes for each investment from the entire list approved by City Council, The results of such request for quotes and also which quote was accepted shall be forwarded to Council, as information, at the next regular meeting; 4) Award investments according to highest quote and, if there is a tie quote, preference of determination shall 179 be based on: a) Local bank or savings and loan within the City limi ts, and, b) Distribution of funds made to the institution with the lesser amount currently on deposit. 5) All funds of the City to be deposited with an eligible public depository, as required by C.R.S. 11-47-105, 1973, Per the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB), Statement 3, footnote disclosure is required in the annual audit report as regards fo the deposit of public funds with financial institutions. The City has adopted the policy of limiting the dollar amount on all Certificates of Deposit to the maximum insured amount by the F.D.I,C., $100,000, The City can also use Securities of the U.S. Government and it's agencies, Repurchase Agreements, the ColoTrust pool, and the CSafe pool. DEBT POLICY The City may borrow money for any municipal purpose as provided herein and issue the following securities to evidence such indebtedness: a) Short-term notes, b) General obligation bonds and other like securities, c) Revenue bonds and other like securities, d) Special or local improvement bonds and other like securities, e) Any other legally recognized security which the Council may provide. The City of Wheat appropriate. It will conditions exist: 1) When long-term capital projects are desired; 2) When it can be determined that future citizens will receive a benefit from the improvement. Ridge will use debt financing when it is be judged appropriate only when the following It is currently the policy of the City not to enter into debt financing and to continue with a "pay-as-you-go" philosophy for all capital outlays and improvements. The City is currently using a lease/purchase plan to pay for the telephone system and also to pay for photocopiers. The lease agreements specifically state that the lease/purchase can be cancelled at any time if the City Council does not appropriate funds for that purpose. Funds are budgeted and encumbered for that year's payments only. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City of Wheat Ridge is municipalities. The fourth bounded side is on three sides unincorporated by four Jefferson 180 County. Even though Wheat Ridge was incorporated in 1969, this bedroom community of Denver was established in the early 1900's, and the citizens here strive to retain its unique character. Twelve water and sewer districts lie within the City limits of Wheat Ridge, with some districts overlapping into other municipalities. Fire protection is also a special district funded through property tax dollars. The City does not have a library, nor a municipal airport or golf course, nor does it provide garbage collection service for its residents. Metro Denver transportation is funded through a .6% sales tax collected and distributed by the State. The Capital Improvement Program and Fund encompasses streets, bridges, curbs and gutters, drainage systems, lighting system improvements and projects, major equipment and building construction and improvement. Capital Improvement Policv - The City continues to operate under the following Capital Improvement Policy: 1) The City develops a multi-year plan for capital improvements and updates it annually, 2) The City makes all capital improvements in accordance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program, 3) The City identifies estimated costs and funding sources for each capital project requested before it is submitted to City Council, 4) The City uses intergovernmental assistance to finance only those capital improvements that are consistent with the Capital Improvement Program and City priorities and whose operating and maintenance costs have been included in the operating budget forecasts. Capital Financina - The Capital Improvement Fund is financed with a one-percent (1%) sales tax approved by voters effective March, 1976. This accounts for approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund, The remainder comes from interest earned on invested money, and citizen matching funds for the annual curbl gutter I sidewalk program. Sales tax revenues have a strong impact on the proj ects scheduled for a particular year, and the City upholds the policy of budgeting and completing only those projects which have funding for that year. Parks and Recreation capital projects are paid out of the City's attributable share of Jefferson County Open Space money, derived from sales tax, and the Conservation Trust Fund with proceeds from the State Lottery. Economic development assistance is funded and administratively controlled by the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission (EDARC), formerly Urban Renewal Authority (URAl, and funded through sales and property tax, and interest proceeds_ EDARC operates only in designated urban renewal zones in 181 the City, Effecti ve in 1987, the Capital Improvement Fund reimbursed the General Fund for engineering costs associated with capital proj ects, This included personal services onl v_The current budget expands this reimbursement to include pe~sonal services, materials and supplies, and other services and charges_ RESERVE POLICY General Fund Reserve - The City-of Wheat Ridge maintains a fund balance which serves as an unencumbered cash reserve account. The fund balance will be maintained at a level between 15% and 20% of the annual general fund operating budget, Funds in excess of 20% at the beginning of each fiscal year will be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund, unless specified otherwise by City Council. The City Council will annually specify the amount to be placed in the fund balance. This policy is carried out in the annual budget process. The 1997 budget reflects a reserve amount of $3,633,564, or 28.11% percent of the General Fund operating budget. REVENUES GENERAL FUND TAXES - Property Tax - Property taxes are levied on December 31, and attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are due as of January I, and are payable in full by July 31 if paid in installments, or April 15 with a single payment. Taxes are delinquent as of August 1. If the taxes are not paid within subsequent statutory periods, the property is sold at a public auction. Jefferson County bills and collects the property taxes and remits collections to the City on a monthly basis after deducting a 1% collection fee. It is the policy of the City to record the property tax receivable in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. The receivable of $599,725 is based upon budgeted taxes expected to be received in 1997. Liauor Occupational Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies an occupational tax on all operators licensed to sell various classifications of liquor within the City limits. These operators are billed annually based on the following schedule: 182 Classification Amount D - Retail Liquor Store $ 500 E - Drug Stores $ 500 F - Beer & Wine $ 500 G - Hotel & Restaurant (Extended) $ 700 J1 - 3.2 Package Beer Off Premises $ 500 J2 - 3.2 Beer On Premises $ 500 Tavern $ 1100 The revenue derived from :Liquor occupational tax has remained consistent over the past eighteen years with an increase each time the rates are increased. The City anticipates $68,000 in revenues from this source for 1997, Vehicle Ownership Taxes - This is a tax paid by owners of motor vehicles, trailers, semitrailers and trailer coaches in lieu of any ad valorem taxes. The amount of the tax paid is a function of the class, age and value of the vehicle. Generally, the amount of tax paid decreases with the age of the vehicle. Specific ownership taxes for Class A vehicles, which includes any motor vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer or semitrailer used to transport persons or property over public highways for compensation, are paid to the State. The State distributes this revenue among counties based upon the proportion that state highway mileage in the county bears to the total state highway system. There are no restrictions on the use of this revenue. All other classes of specific ownership are paid to the county, The county treasurer then distributes this revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by the county and each political and governmental subdivision bears in relation to all property taxes collected in that county. The revenue derived from this source stays consistent each year and a total of $65,000 has been budgeted for 1997. Sales Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies a 2% tax on all retail sales, leases, and rentals, with one-half, or 1%, going into the General Fund for operations, and the other 1% going into the Capital Projects Fund to finance capital improvements. Through a very aggressive policy of prompt and efficient collection of sales and use taxes, sales tax collections make up approximately 30% of the City's total General Fund revenue and approximately 94% of the Capital Projects Fund revenue (excluding carryover fund balance) , The estimated amount of collection for 1997 is $3,850,000. The major sales tax revenue producers for Wheat Ridge are public 183 utilities, grocery stores, a department store and a liquor store. Sales tax collections fluctuate with the economy, but Wheat Ridge's major businesses are relatively stable and continue to provide a strong base for sales tax revenue, Use Tax - A 2% use tax is levied upon the use of tangible personal property and taxable services not subject to the Wheat Ridge sales tax_ This tax is strictly a General Fund revenue source. The 1997 budget projects $2,200,000 in Use Tax collected. The Use Tax represenfs 17% of the General Fund revenues, Public Service Company Franchise Fee - A franchise payment is accepted by the city from the Public Service Company of Colorado in lieu of all occupancy or occupation and license taxes, and all other special taxes, assessments or exercises on the right to do business. Revenues are derived from the imposition of a 3% fee on the gross revenue from the sale of gaseous fuel and electricity within the corporate limits of the Ci ty, Public Service Company remits payments to the City on a monthly basis, with an annual adjustment for the prior year made on the last day of the first quarter of each year. The estimated amount in 1997 is $850,000. Telephone Occupation Tax - There is levied on and against each telephone utility company operating within the City, a tax on the occupation and business of maintaining a telephone exchange and lines connected therewith in the City and of supplying local exchange telephone service to the inhabitants of the City, The annual amount of the tax levied is $190,575, paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, each installment to be paid on the last business day of each calendar month. Lodaer's Tax - Effective January 1, 1986, an excise tax was levied on the price paid or charged for the lease, rental, or furnishing of rooms or other public accommodations in any hotel, apartment hotel, guest house, guest ranch, mobile home, auto camp, trailer court or park, or any other place furnishing rooms or other public accommodations. The tax levied and collected is at the rate of five percent (5%) of the purchase price paid, and is in lieu of City sales tax. The proposed amount of lodger's tax for 1997 is $525,000. Admission/Amusement Tax - An excise tax of four percent (4%) was levied effective January 1, 1986, on each person who pays to gain admission or access to a performance of a motion picture or to the use of lanes and pin setters for bowling balls in a bowling alley located within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Effective January 1, 1989, the City 184 added miniature admission tax to 1997. golf to the be levied, classification and requires an The City has budgeted $57,750 for LICENSES AND PERMITS - Amusement Device Licenses - This is an annual license fee for operating amusement devices, for the purpose of promoting amusement facilities providing a lawful and wholesome recreational outlet for young persons, specifically and generally to the citizens of the City, All establishments pay an annual fee of $60.00 per amusement device, Applications for an arcade license shall pay a $50,00 investigation fee. All fees are paid in advance. Projected 1997 revenue is $10,000, Arborist Licenses - The Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge issues Arborist Licenses for the purpose of engaging in the forestry business within the city limits, upon recommendation by the Arborist Board. The application fee is $10.00, and the annual license fee is $25,00. Wheat Ridge has been named Tree City U.S.A. for the eleventh consecutive year, by the National Arborist Association. The estimated revenue from these licenses is $900. Contractor's Licenses - This is an annual license fee for all construction contractors doing business within the corporate boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge. The fee ranges from $70,00 to $125.00 annually based on the type of contractor being licensed. $50,000 is the estimated revenue from this source. Liquor Licenses - The State delegates the authority of issuing certain liquor licenses to the Wheat Ridge City Council. The State Department of Revenue allocates 85% of the license fee to be applied to the Old-Age Pension Fund. A fee of $450.00 is collected as a new license investigation fee; transfer of ownership or location is $250.00; change in managers is $75.00; new licenses require a $350.00 survey fee. Annual license fees range from $3.75 to $78.75, based on class,of license. The 1997 budget includes $12,000 in revenue from liquor license fees. Buildina Permit/Inspection Fees - Within the city limits of Wheat Ridge it is unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge, alter, repair, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any building or structure regulated by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), or cause the same to be done without first obtaining a separate permit for each building or structure from the building official. Permit fees 185 are based on the dollar valuation of the work to be done, If work authorized is not commenced within 60 days of issuance, or if work is abandoned or suspended for 120 days, then a new permit is required and the fee shall be one-half of the original fee. Building permits are budgeted based on economic trends in our local area. The 1997 budget is calculated based on 1996 estimated figures. Estimated revenue is $275,000_ Street Cut Permits - The Public Works Department issues street cut permits for all street excavation, curb and gutter, sidewalk, cross pans, and street or road construction work done within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Prior to 1987, water and/or sanitation districts and public utilities were exempt from these permit requirements. $48,000 is the estimated amount of permit fees for 1997. Cable Television Permits - For the privilege of having a cable television permit, the company shall make permit payments for the use of the streets and other facilities of the City in the operation of the cable television system, The company shall pay 3% of gross subscriber revenues minus sales taxes and other subscriber based taxes every six months. Cable Television permit fees have remained stable due to little change in local population. $82,500 should be collected from this source. Elevator Inspection Fees - In December of each year, the businesses located in Wheat Ridge that have operational elevators must be inspected for safety. The City charges $100.00 for each elevator inspection, The City should receive $10,350 in 1997. Business License Fees - Effective December, 1986, the City imposed an annual business license fee for all vendors doing business within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. A $5.00 first-time application fee is charged for new businesses, and an annual renewal fee of $10.00 is charged January 1 of each year and collected on the January sales tax return form. At the present, over 2,500 businesses are licensed, bringing an estimated $30,000 in revenue to the City_ INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - State Ciaarette Tax - The State taxes wholesale twenty cents per pack. distributors as evidence distributors State tax of payment, of cigarettes at the rate of stamps are issued to the Each year an amount of State funds equal to 27% of the proceeds from the tax on cigarettes is distributed to counties and 186 municipalities that do not impose any fee, license or tax on cigarettes, The amount received is based on the proportion of State sales tax collected in each municipality and from the un-incorporated area of a county, The 1997 budget figure reflects a slight increase in the amount of revenue to be collected. The budgeted amount is based on the amount of state sales tax revenues collected by the State Department of Revenue, as estimated by the Colorado Municipal League. The estimate for 1997 is $195,000. Jefferson Countv Road and Bridae Tax - Each county in the state maintains a county road and bridge fund for road and bridge construction, maintenance, and administration, funded by a mill levy property tax. Each municipality located in any county is entitled to receive half of the revenue accruing to said fund, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads and streets located within the City's boundaries. Legally, this is the only use for these funds. Jefferson County collects this tax and remits it to the City quarterly. An estimated $360,000 is expected in income to the City for 1997. state Hiahwav Users' Tax Fund - The Highway Users' Tax Fund is comprised of several revenue sources, The first is the net revenues derived from imposition of any license or registration fee, from any "ton-mile" or "passenger-mile" tax, from penalty or judicial assessments, from certain miscellaneous collections, and from excise taxes on gasoline or other liquid motor fuel. The second source is the additional revenues raised by excise taxes on gasoline or other liquid motor fuel which increased from 18 cents to 20 cents per gallon on August 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990. On January 1, 1991 the gas tax increased to 22 cents per gallon, The third source is an allocation from the "windfall" money in 1987-88 and a General Fund allocation from 1988-89 through 1990-91, which will be subjected to legislative appropriation each year. This third source is a partial replacement for the revenue loss due to the repeal of the Noble Bill provision in 1987. Funds received from the base HUTF revenues may be used for engineering, reconstruction, maintenance, repair, equipment, improvement, and administration of streets and roads. No more than 5% of these funds may be used on administration. Revenues from the addi tional motor fuel taxes and the "windfall" and General Fund money may be used for new construction, safety improvements, maintenance, and capacity improvements; none may be used for administrative purposes_ The Colorado Municipal League has prepared a listing of the amounts to be allocated to the various municipalities for 1995, which was 187 used as the basis for the 1997 budget. This amount is 5828,700. Motor Vehicle Registration Fees - State law requires payment of an annual registration fee for all vehicles. The amount of the fee is based on the class and use of the vehicle. Out of each fee paid by the owner of the vehicle, $2.50 is credited to the county wi thin which the vehicle is registered. In addition to the base fee, an additional fee of $1.50 is paid for every motor vehicle, trailer, and semitrailer. Both the $2,50 and the $1.50 fee collected by the county are allocatea among the county and cities and towns within the county on the basis of the number of vehicles registered in each city and town, for the county, and in the un-incorporated area of the county, The revenue received by a county, city or town from registration fees must be spent on the construction or maintenance of roads and bridges. The City of Wheat Ridge has budgeted $110,000 for motor vehicle registration fees for 1997 based on prior years actual receipts. Fire District Disoatchina Fees - The City and the Fire District completed an intergovernmental agreement which stipulates that the Fire District will pay to the City an agreed upon amount to be used for funding of an emergency services specialist (dispatcher) in the Police Co~~unication Division. The amount for 1997 is $28,400. Justice Department Grant - This area is commonly called the cops fast grant _ The grant provides funding for three years, the funding decreases each year of the grant. The funds are to be used for new officers, which are hired in the first year of the grant. The City should receive $20,000 in 1997, CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Zoning Aoolication Fees - The City requires that an application fee be paid for all rezoning requests and a site plan review fee be paid for all site plan reviews, These rezoning requests must then meet posting, publication, and public hearing requirements established by the City. Per City Code, a fee of $200_00 per application is charged for rezoning_requests, and $150.00 per site plan review. Special use permits and variances require $50.00 processing fees. The fees to be collected in 1997 is estimated at $10,000. Liquor Hearina Fees - The City charges $50,00 per each new liquor license location. This 188 fee is for a public hearing and survey for citizens living in the vicinity of the new liquor establishment, to whether they approve of the establislunent being in their neighborhood, or not, The estimated amount for fees to be collected is $500. Park and Recreation Fees - The Recreation Division has developed the following objective in the establishment of its fee policy: The fees and charges assessed for recreation programs, activities and services reflect all the direct costs of the program plus 30% to cover administrative costs. Direct costs include such items as supplies, referees, staff time, and other direct expenditures made by the city to operate a specific program, Administrative fees reflect the cost of items such as utilites, brochure publication, permanent staff time, j ani torial work and building maintenance. only a portion of these types of expenses are covered, Estimated recreation fees in 1997 are $261,225. Swimming Pool Fees - Admission and lesson fees charged for the use of the city swimming pool, The 1997 budget projects $98,000 as revenue. Weed Mowing/Cleanup - Revenue received from site cleanup and weeds that are mowed at taxpayer expense are being accounted for in a separate line item account_ Prior to 1990, any money received was accounted for as a reimbursement to the expenditure account where the cost of mowing or cleanup was recorded. Revenue for 1997 is projected at $1,500, Police Records/Search Fees - These fees are to reimburse the City for costs related release of records information. Based on number of requests, these fees reimburse the City for approximately annually. FINES & FORFEITURES - to the annual $26,000 Municipal Court Fines - All fines are set by the court for each violator, within legally set limits. Traffic tickets, summons, jury trials, and forfeitures are received by the Treasurer's office from the Municipal Court as City revenue. The amount received annually had been approximately $400,000. The revenues are estimated to be approximately $500,000. OTHER REVENUE - Interest Income - The City Treasurer is responsible for the prudent investment of all City funds and schedule investments to insure that there is as 189 little idle cash as practical. Estimated revenues from interest are anticipated to be $175,000. Rent/Richards-Hart Estate - The City of Wheat Ridge purchased the Richards-Hart Estate in 1983, and in 1985 restored it to the late 1860's era, using Open Space money, The mansion is currently used for public meetings and special events, and rent deposits are collected and returned for its use in purchasing period pieces and antiquities. The City also purchased a duplex located at the site and rents it out to occupants for which we col~ect a nominal fee on a monthly basis, The 1997 estimated revenue is $18,000_ This revenue area includes rent from the duplex as well as the Richards/Hart Estate. Miscellaneous Income - Revenue sources that are not easily categorized in the other revenue accounts are accounted for under Miscellaneous Income. This includes copy charges, auction proceeds, mineral severance tax, and pension forfeitures. The estimated revenue for 1997 is $80,000, TRANSFERS IN - The 1989 budget provided for a transfer from the Capital Improvement Fund of $500,000 to cover engineering and administrative costs connected with capital improvements made by the City. The transfer remains at $650,000 for budget year 1997, A separate fund was established in 1982 for Open Space transactions. Jefferson County collects a ,5% sales tax for the Open Space Program. The county, cities and towns located in Jefferson County may participate in the program. Expenditures and/or contract obligations must constitute purposes which are authorized by the Program. These include: administration of Open Space, planning for Open Space, acquisition of Open Space, development of access to Open Space, development of paths and trails on Open Space, construction of public trails, preservation and/or maintenance of Open Space, protection of Open Space, construction and acquisition of recreation capital improvements, and, maintenance of recreation capital improvements_ In 1988, an estimated $220,000 for preservation and maintenance costs of City parks was budgeted for reimbursement from Open Space to the General Fund, In 1997, the amount is budgeted at $350,000. OTHER FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - Sales tax comprises approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund. The income (50% of sales tax received) is distributed monthly and invested until needed to pay capital project contracts, usually in the late Summer and Fall, $15,000 of income represents the citizens share of the curb/gutter/sidewalk program which takes place every 190 Summer and provides Wheat Ridge citizens an opportunity to replace old, worn sidewalks with new ones at a reduced cost. The carryover each year is based on unspent appropriations, usually occurring when costs come in less than anticipated. PARK ACOUISITION FUND - When a new subdivision is approved for Wheat Ridge, the developer is required to place a certain percentage of the project cost into the park acquisition fund for future purchases of additional parklands and park improvements. This amounts to a very small contribul:ion each year and the fund balance is being carried forward until there is enough money available to acquire additional parkland or make park improvements, OPEN SPACE FUND - All revenue to the Open Space fund is derived from the Jefferson County Open Space Program sales tax collections. Reimbursement can ei ther be made on a pre-payment basis with the approval of a contract agreement, or on a post-payment basis with supporting invoices and actual charges. The City will be expending $1,388,440 in 1997, with 100% reimbursement expected from Jefferson County Open Space. SENIOR CENTER FUND - Through the efforts of senior citizens in our community, donations and fundraising events earn approximately $8,500 annually for acquisition of items to be used at the Wheat Ridge Community Center. Purchases are made only after the funds have been accumulated. CONSERVATION TRUST FUND - The Conservation Trust Fund statute governs how municipalities can expend lottery proceeds, Each municipality's share is based on population estimates from the prior year. Because proceeds are distributed quarterly each year, budgeted expenditures cannot take place until after the proceeds are received. So, there is usually a carryover from one year to the next for use of the proceeds, which fluctuate annually. INSURANCE FUND - The insurance is funded by a transfer from the General Fund. BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND - Revenue for this fund is derived from seed money established in 1981, for use as a revolving fund. structures are repaired or demolished at City expense, and the property owner is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. To date, this fund has never been used. 191 POLICE INVESTIGATION FUND - Beginning with the 1990 fiscal year, all proceeds from seizures and forfeitures of property pursuant to C.R,S, 16-13-302 and 501 shall be placed in this fund and shall be used solely by the Police Department for purposes other than for meeting normal operating needs. EOUIPMENT FUND - This fund will be used to purchase and lease vehicles. The primary revenue to this fund is an annual transfer from the Capital Fund. COMPENSATED ABSENCES - Revenue in this fund comes from a transfer from the General Fund_ PARKS AND RECREATION DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND - Money in this fund comes from deposits for the use of park facilities. TREE PLANTING FUND - The primary revenue for this fund is derived from transfers from the Capital Fund and the General Fund. In addition revenue may come from grants, citizen donations and matching money from citizens or businesses. RICHARDS HART ESTATE IMPROVEMENT FUND - Revenue for this fund comes from rents paid for uSlng the facility. MUNICIPAL COURT FUND - Money in this fund come from court fees specifically designated for the purposes of the fund. POST OFFICE FUND - Money in this fund lS used to pay expenses related to the restoration of the old post office. This is funded primarily by grants, The Post Office project was completed in 1996, this fund will be closed in 1997, COMPUTER FUND - The computer fund lS funded by a transfer from the General Fund. POLICE BUILDING FUND - In 1994, a ballot issue authorized a .5% increase in sales tax for the purpose of expanding and renovating the police department and for a new radio system. This increase will sunset after 2 years or $2.5 million. 192 SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 1987-1 - A special improvement district was created in April, 1988 for the purpose of reconstructing the 1-70 Service Road North from Kipling to Ward Roads. Property owners benefiting from this reconstruction Were assessed and the amounts due will be placed as a lien on the property until paid. Jefferson County is collecting these assessments and remitting them to the city to make principal and interest payments towards the Special Assessment Bonds maturing over the next nine years, The debt for the district was retired in 1996. Tbe remaining money in the fund will be used for capital projects within the district boundaries. SALES TAX REVENUE - Sales Tax Revenue Bonds were sold in August, 1988 for the sole purpose of providing additional money to construct capital projects in 1988. The principal and interest on these bonds will be paid from sales tax revenues received in 1988 and interest on investment of this revenue over the next nine years, EXPENDITURES GENERAL FUND The General Fund is comprised of nine different departments and thirty-one divisions. Each division is broken down into four classifications: Personal Services, Materials and Supplies, Other Services and Charges, and Capital Outlays, These classifications are then divided even further into object/line items. Personal Services include salaries, overtime pay, insurance, retirement, and other related costs to the city for permanent and hourly employees, Materials and Supplies encompasses administrative costs, such as office supplies, postage, and photocopy charges. Other Services and Charges contains such items as dues, books, subscriptions, conference and meeting expenses, lease/rental payments, training and safety programs, telephone charges, etc, Capital Outlays are fixed assets over $200 approved by budget, A schedule of the 1997 General Fund Capital outlays and Capital Leases is included in the Appendix section of this budget document. OTHER FUNDS Capital Proiects Fund - Estimated expenditures for 1997 are $7,467,115. Park ACQUisition Fund - Funded for $10,000. 193 Open Space Fund - Open Space funds for 1997 will be used for park acquisition and improvements, and a reimbursement to the General Fund for expenses incurred in the maintenance of City parks. Senior Center Fund - Accumulated proceeds from fundraisers will be used to provide needed items at the Wheat Ridge Community Center. Conservation Trust Fund - The Colorado Lottery distribution for 1997, plus a carryover from 1996, will be used for various development and parks maintenance projects. Buildina Repair/Demolition Fund - Due to this being a revolving fund to provide money to repair and demolish buildings in Wheat Ridge, the full amount budgeted is carried forward each year to fund expenses incurred. Police Investigation Fund - All expenditures in this newly created fund are in conformance with C.R.S_ 16-13-302 and 501. The Police Department will be making purchases as necessary to enhance their job performance. A committee made up of the Chief of Police, a City Councilmember, and a person from the Jefferson County District Attorney's office authorize expenditures from this fund. Eauipment Fund - The Equipment Fund has been established to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund will provide a new approach to the procurement of vehicles, the vehicles and all accessories will be priced as a total unit and purchased or leased from the Equipment Fund. The only exception is undercover vehicles, which are paid from General Fund program 214. compensated Absences - The Compensated Absences Fund was established in 1993 in order to have the ability to pay any and all employees leaving City employment for accrued annual leave, sick leave and holiday leave. Parks and Recreation Damaae Deposit Fund - Money in this fund are damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and facility rentals. In the past deposits have been paid in one year - and refunded in the following year. This poses a problem when budgeting and attempting to maximize expenditures. 194 Tree Plantina Fund - This fund will be used for two types of tree planting programs, street trees and park trees. As well as Christmas lites. Richards Hart Estate Improvement Fund - Expenditures in this fund will used to upgrade and lmprove the Richards Hart Estate. Municipal Court Fund Money in-this fund will be used for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services, and misc. court and probation expenses. Special Improvement District No. 1987-1 - This debt service fund budgets for principal and interest payments to payoff that portion of the bonds outstanding each year for the ten year maturity schedule of those bonds. Sales Tax Revenue - Capital Projects Fund sales tax revenue for 1988 was invested into securities and scheduled to mature semi-annually to meet interest and bond payments over the next nine years. The amounts due to be paid each year are budgeted for as expenditures. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the City of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. The basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurement made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, interest revenue, and grant revenue from state and federal sources. Fines, permi ts and sales tax revenues are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable. SUMMARY OF INDEBTEDNESS Since incorporation in 1969, Wheat Ridge's policy regarding long-term debt has been on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. During 1988, Wheat Ridge entered into its first two bond issuances. The first, Special Assessment Bonds for $1.25 million, was passed to improve a section of 48th Avenue between Kipling Street and Ward Road. A 195 Special Improvement District was created and the property owners were assessed for a portion of the total proj ect cost. The assessment attached as a lien on the property and the owners will be required to pay their portion of the cost over a ten year period as installments on their property tax billing. The district retired the debt in 1996. The second bond issuance was for Sales Tax Revenue Bonds in the amount of $2.99 million. Sales tax revenues budgeted in the Capital Projects Fund for 1988 were invested in U.S. Government Securities, maturing on a scheduled basis to meet bond interest and principal payments over the next ten years. These two bond issuances are both tax exempt municipal bonds. The Wheat Ridge City Charter, Section 12.7, specifies what types and limits of long-term indebtedness are allowed by the City. The debt service schedules for both of these bond issuances are presented here for informational purposes. The bond interest and principal payments due to be paid in 1997 are budgeted in the "Other Funds" section of this document. 196