HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000 e nee 2000 ANNUAL BUDGET ~ II _;( ~-~ ~ ~ \' tI I' ~ s\ ~ ( 1~1 ~') v~ '--' . '" n"""'-- ~ -...,1/..) "---" ~ u18\ ~ ~ @"~ 10m @-@ --(( db C!..> CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 2000 BUDGET - TABLE OF CONTENTS- Table of Contents GENERAL FUND Transmittal Memo Analysis of General Fund General Fund Revenue by Source (graph) . . . . . .. . General Fund Revenue Analysis. . . .. ..... . .. .. ..... General Fund Expenditures by Department (graph) .. .,. ..... General Fund Department Summary . ...... General Fund Summary by Classification .............. Summary by Account ............. ....... . . . City of Wheat Ridge O'rganizational Chart. . .. ...... .. Citywide Staffing. .. .. . .... . GENERAL GOVERNMENT General Fund Department Summary .,.. ...... General Government Organizational Chart . . . . . . . . . . City Administration Department Staffing . . . . . . . . . . . . . General Government Department Summary ., .. .... .. City Council Program. . . .. .... Mayor Program .. . ... .. City Manager Program . . . . . . . . City Attorney Program Purchasing Program .. . Information Technologies . General Government Special Events General Operations . MUNICIPAL COURT Organizational Chart .. Department Staffing Department Summary . Municipal Court Program CITY CLERK Organizational Chart Department Staffing .. .... Department Summary ...... City Clerk Program. . . . . . TREASURY General Fund Department Summary. . . . Organizational Chart .. . . . . . . . . ., ., Department Staffing. . . . . .. ... .. Treasury Department Detail Summary . . . . . .. . Treasurerl Accounting Program Sales Tax Program. . . i Pages 1-111 3 4 5 4 7 9 10 12 13 15 16 17 18 20 22 24 26 28 .......... ............. 30 32 34 36 37 39 . ........ . 40 .... . ........ 42 43 45 46 49 ... ............... 50 51 53 54 56 ................ ...... PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT Orgamzatlonal Chart Department Staffing General Fund Department Summary AdmimstratlOn Program Plannmg & Zoning Program Building Inspection. ....... C ode Enforcement POLICE Genera] Fund Department Summary . .. ...... .. . . Organizational Chart ... . ' . . . . . . . . . ., . ...... .. ........ Department Staffing. . . .. .... Department Summary Detail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., ....... . Police Chief Program .. .. .. ........ ....... . .. . . Professional Standards Bureau .......... . . . . . . " ........ ..... AnimallPark Enforcement (APEO) ... .,. . . . . . . . . .. .... ..'. Communications .. . .. ..... . .. .. .. Selective Enforcement & Education (SEE) . .., ... ..... . . . . . . . . . Records Program .... ... . . . . . .. .. " ... .. . ... .... '. .. ... . .. .., Training Program ., .,. . ., .... .. ..... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ..... .... Patrol Bureau .. . . . . . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. . Criminal Investigations Bureau .. .... ..... ..... . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . .. .. . Traffic - Operations Division . " .. .. ...... . Special Investigations Unit Emergency Preparedness . PUBLIC WORKS General Fund Department Summary Organizational Chart ...... .. Department Staffing Department Summary Detail Administration Program Engineering Program ., Street Maintenance Program Traffic Maintenance Program . Fleet Maintenance Program .. PARKS AND RECREATION General Fund Department Summary. . . .. .. .. Organizational Chart - All Funds .. . . . .. .,. . Organizational Chart - Recreation Division .. " .. ..... Organizational Chart - Park Maintenance, Forestry, and Open Space .. ..... .. .... .. .. .. ..... Department Staffing. . .. .. . . .. ... ., .. Department Summary Detail . . .. .. .. .. . .. Administration Program .. '" . .. ..... .. .. Recreation Program " . . . . . . . ..... . . . . .. ... ., .. .... ..... ..... Parks Maintenance, Forestry & Open Space . . .... .. . .. .. . Building Maintenance Program . . . . .. ..... ........... " ............ .. .. ......... ii 60 6] 63 64 66 68 70 73 74 75 76 78 80 82 84 86 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 103 104 105 106 108 110 112 114 ] 16 119 120 121 122 123 124 ]26 128 130 ]32 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS BUDGET Capital Improvement Budget OPW Oramage OPW Streets. OPW Traffic Economic Development OTHER FUNDS Park Acquisition Fund Open Space Fund Tree Planting, Parks & Recreation Donation Fund ... .. ..... Richards Hart Improvement Fund .. . . . .. .. Parks & Recreation Damage Deposit Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. Seniorrreen Fund. . . .. ... .. .. .. .. ...... .... .. . Conservation Trust Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .................... ..... Baugh House Fund .... ................ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... Recreation Center Funo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. ................. .... .... Recreation Center Operations Fund ...... .. ... .. .. ............. . Recreation Center Revenue ......... ... .. ............... . Recreation Center, Facility Budget. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........... . Recreation Center, Aquatics Budget . . . . . . . .. .. ... . . . . . . .. .. .. Recreation Center, Fitness Budget ................ ...... ... .......... . RecreatIOn Center, Marketing Budget .. . . . . .. . Recreation Center, Therapeutic Budget . . . . . . . . . .. ... ......... . .. . . ... . ........ Recreation Center, General Programs Budget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... ..... . . . . .. .. ... Insurance Fund .................... ............... ... ... .. ... . ...... ... Police Investigations Fund . . . . . . .. ... .. ..... . . . . . .. . '" .. Compensated Absences . .......... ... . . . . . . . . . .. ... ...... . ... ... . Municipal Court Fund .... ..... ........................................... Economic Development & Revitalization Commission Fund . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ........ Building Demolition Fund . . .. ........ .. . .. .... ... . .. ..... Equipment Fund . . .. ..... ... ... ...... .... .... ..... .... Computer Fund . ..... . . . . . .. .... ..... .. ..... . .... .... Police Building Fund .. .... .... . .... ... . .. ..... ...... ... HoteIIMotel Fund. . . . . . . . . . . .. ...... ... APPENDIX City of Wheat Ridge Elected Officials ...... .......... .............. Resolution 74 Resolution 68 Compensation Schedule Fleet Replacement Schedule . . Fleet Purchase Summary for 2000 ..... Estimated Auction Revenues for 2000 .... Fleet Replacement Guidelines . . . . . . . . 1999 BUDGET & FINANCIAL POLICIES . Revenues, Governmental Funds General Fund . . . . . . . .. .. ...... Other Funds . . . .. ... Expenditures, General Fund .... .. ........... Summary of Significant Accounting Policies .. ..... ....... ... . ..... ....... iii 135 136 137 139 140 142 144 146 148 150 152 154 156 158 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 170 172 174 176 178 180 ]82 184 186 189 190 192 193 199 200 202 203 205 206 212 221 224 226 TO. Mayor and CIty CounCt! FROM. Jack Hurst, Actmg CIty Manager DATE: December 20, 1999 SUBJECT. Budget Transmittal The purpose of this memo is to transmit the City of Wheat Ridge 2000 Annual Budget. The 2000 Budget is a status quo budget in the respect that there are no new programs offered by the City The staff has recommended continuing existing programs, as these programs are the pnonties needed to operate the City The local economy IS expected to continue to grow, although the growth is expected to slow somewhat dunng the budget year. The City enjoys a reserve that is in excess of the mandatory 20% of general fund operating which was set by council. The City is pleased to announce the grand opening of the newly constructed Wheat Ridge RecreatIOn Center. The center is expected to open in mid February of2000. The Wheat Ridge Recreation Center may be the largest project undertaken by the City. This will be a facility that the City can take pride in for many years. The fiscal year of 2000 will bring many changes to the City of Wheat Ridge. The City will be under the gUidance of a new city manager for the first time in over seven years. In addition the City will have three new council members which were elected in late 1999. The new personalities may provide an opportunity for the City to chart a new directIOn. Please accept the City of Wheat Ridge 2000 Annual Budget. Respectfully submitted, ~ Acting City Manager I 0<:' \f\JH[~ / A.. ~/ '" 0 ___ C> U rl COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 2 u.. o en - en ~ c:t ~ ~~ l/Ie _tG ::>Or ~~ uJ <.) ~ ~ tn ~ :;I u.. a::> ..... 0(<) .- ~ ~- w<l' I!'l I- "'. a::>. % ~ g 0<1' 0 wa::> <I' .- ~ ~ '" tli -. <1'. ~ .ri i'9. .... <It .... ~ ~ Q.. '" ~ (<) ~ w~ .... (<) (<). G>. l-(<) 1-. .ri I- .... G>4.~ ~ I!'l .. ~ G>~a::> '" G>_O ..; ~ ~ .... I- . ~ \Zt~ .... .... ~ ~ ~ ...- ~ .- ...... a::> ~ ~ $ I!'l ~ It) <I' o. W ('I. 0 oi ~ ~ G>C)(<) ~ .... ~ $0" <I' <I' :. ~ ....~ . ~ ~ 0- Ul:" .... ~ .... ~ ~ 0- .... l- I- I- a::> ~ ~ a::> ! a::> ~ ~ (<). .... .. c:D .... ..; ~ lID lID~ 0 '" 0 $1- I- O. $ a::> ~ '" c-i ....0 ..; <I' 4. .... .... ~ ~ ~ Q) ? C Q) CD ~ ~ CD (,) C ~ e oS Q) ~ ..... S tG t - f/l '" Ul f/l ,,~ Ul 'C Q) "2. 'C Q) ... S f/l ~ e Q) ... t ~ ~ II- a ? II- ~ Q) '% \~ 2 'C ~ 'Qi w ~ ! \~ ~ l- I <I' .... "'. % \.0 c-i ~ l- t- I- ..; '" <tJ ..; ~ o ~. g <I' .... ~ .... .... \.0 l!5 o I!'l. (<) ~ o o ~ ClO G) G) ~ w ~ ~ ~ 3 GENERAL FUND REVENUE BY SOURCE Licenses & Permits (3.47%) Sales Tax (32.33%) Intergovernmental Rev (13.06%) Admissions/Amuse. (0.33%) Lodgers Tax (3.75%) ---.I Telephone Occ. (1.28%) ~ PSC Franchise (5.89%) Auto Owner (0.50%) Liquor Occ. (0.40%) Use Tax (13.32%) LProperty Tax (4.34%) 4 GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES BY DEPARTMENT Parks & Recreation (17.99%) General Govemment (17.80%) City Clerk (1.02%) Municipal Court (3.08%) City Treasurer (1.97%) LPlanning & Development (4.50%) 6 :2 " ::':"Y OF 'h'1-1'''EA": R:D:;E: Gene~a: Fu~d Dept S~~~a~ t do;!:' 2:;:: M":j'JA;", B:::;G27 199E 19950 1995o --~,..-......-.",.. _=-.::>_t"..:- ._..... A:7':h:..- a:"JGr: E:2:r~";:E: ~::"-:::S:-E: . ~....._~,._- n.rr'l'\... .:.. ~-_.----- "-=-.._=-::0.::... ---------------------------------------------------------------.--._---------. ~ENERAL FUND General Government :.148,-406 80 2 278.254 2.082.081 2,888.1..34 S2.,54t Munlc~pal Court 379.317 29 459.446 422.302 508.516 484.65'; City Clerk 144.507 86 169,328 158.826 158.570 160.999 City Treasurer 244.535 40 281.178 278.015 308.485 309.852 Planning and Development 593.236 88 684.149 647.721 710.913 706.604 Pollee 4.751.846 87 5.503.278 5.283.359 5.516,664 5,61:,50:' PubllC Works 2.415.267 82 2,710.327 2.578.211 2.816.866 2.829.0H Parks and Recreation 2.199.398 77 2.597.475 2.471.355 2.800.167 2,831.038 0 --~--------_._.... ----.....------ -------._--- ------------ ------------ .--------.-- TOTAL 12.876.517.69 14.683.'35 13.921.870 15.708.315 15.738.238 0 7 0<:' ~- '" --.. u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 8 \.>. :2,' DC' C:TY OF "-rtEA7 R:DGE SUMMARY BY c~SIF:CA710~ ~ 996 ::=:5:r.:P':':::8~; h::-::'JI..:.. .._-~---~---~-------~-------~---~---~---~--_.---~---------------~---------------~--_.-------~-----------_._--.-.--- _ ::>5_ 33: PERSONNEL SERVICES General Governmen: 856,043 70 101, 309 21 362.280 06 205.260 57 517,712 48 4.485,909 26 1.750.926 52 1.649,264 53 :ny Clerk MunIcIpal Court Treasury PlannIng & Development Pol1.ce Publ.1.c work.s Parks & RecreatIon 20:i 0 ANt;-JA:. BUDGE7 1999 B~::;E: 958.940 1l0,368 435,636 216.306 604,506 5,066.351 1.941,797 1,926,853 ~999 EST!MA7E: 861.626 107.366 406.192 213.643 577.886 '.872.188 1.835.904 1.843.880 :2""S: RE:...JES7E: :.119 32C 116 6lC' 486.116 227 545 616.449 5,047,594 2.054.001 2. Olio 368 ?ci~e . ---~,~- n.:-:-:-.._ ..;;._ ~--,----, -" --" .--. --- --. :18 53:; .. 6:. 2~~ 2.28 912 614,140 5,109 931 2,066,179 2.027,239 Total Personnel Services 9,928,706 33 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 1l,7I8.526 MATERIAL . SUPPLIES General Government 106.832 25 I. 845 00 4.559 04 5.689 79 18,050 48 63.306 16 282,968 42 163.982 85 City Clerk MunIcipal Court Treasury PlannIng & Development Police Publ.lc Work.s Park.s & Recreation 1l,260,757 114,180 2,100 6,450 6.537 16.160 85.937 340,512 164.899 10,718.685 104.200 2.100 6,450 6.537 15.860 80,600 335.762 162.610 11.619.003 135.198 2.100 7,050 6.575 26.010 88.315 340,741 181.872 135.198 2,100 7,050 6,575 26.010 88 315 34 C 741 181.872 o o o o o o Total Materials & Supp OTIlER SERVICES . OlGS 647.233 99 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 787.861 o General Government City Clerk Municipal Court Treasury Planning & Development Police Public Works 157.201 80 37,986 32 12.418 19 30.685 04 57.473 92 1ge.809 53 372,837 31 374,229 81 Park.s & Recreation 736.775 846.284 51. 630 11.360 51.835 58.883 303.710 417,618 470.277 714.179 913.755 45.860 9.660 57.835 52.625 298.781 396.195 453.705 787.861 848.305 39.860 15.350 74.365 66.729 339,953 417.524 583,287 887,605 40,360 15.350 74,365 66,729 373.453 417.524 598,287 o o o o o o o o Total Other Servlces 1,833,701 92 -----_.-------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --_.---.---~ --~-------~- 2,473.6'73 o CAPITAL OUTLAYS General Government 46.829 05 3.367 33 00 2.900 00 o 00 11.821 92 8.535 57 ll.921 58 City Clerk MunIcipal Court Treasury Planning & Development Pol.lce PublIC Work.s Parks & RecreatlOn 2.223.597 33.850 5.230 o 500 4.600 47.280 10.400 35.446 2.228.416 27.500 3.500 o o 1.350 31,790 10,350 ll.lOO 2.385,373 37.500 1,725 40.802 4.600 23.640 34.500 o o o 1,725 40.802 4,600 23.640 o o o o o o o o --------------- -_._---~---- -~---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ Total Capital Outlays TOTkL UP BY ClASSIFICATION 466,875 45 12,8'76.517 69 462,306 14.683.435 9 260.590 13.921.810 856,078 15.708.315 758,178 15.738.238 o o 01113/00 :ES:R:P':'IC:-; ~.-...--_._--_..----------------- PERSONNE~ SERVICES STAFF SA:ARIES ~ WAGES LONGEV:-rY PAY DEFERRED COMPENSATION E:XTllA DUTY PAY Atrl'O ALLOWANCE OVERTIME ~ PREMIUM PAY STANDBY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOtJIU.Y :OlJRT PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOtJIU.Y FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER .ORKERS' COMPENSATION '<EDlCAL/DEN'I'AL INS1JRANCE :JNEHPLOYMENT INSURANCE ~&DICARE PORTION FICA :COERA RETIRE>lE:N'I' EXP 'OLI CE RETIRE>lE:N'I' EXP ltrl'SIDE PERSONAL SERVICE Total Personnel Services MATERIAL _ SUPPLIES )FFICE SUPPLIES 'OSTAGE - REVOLVING 'HOTOCOPY ~ PRINTING EXP 'OSTAGE COSTS .ANGE: SUPPLIES PERATING SUPPLIES AS _ OIL "HICLE _ EQUIPME:N'I' PARTS AZARJ)ClUS WASTE DISPOSAL PECIAL EQUIPME:N'I' Total Material. . Supplies 0TllER SERVI CES ~ CIIGS JNFEREIlCE ~ MEETING EXP JNTRAC'l'U1\L SERVICES JES. BOOKS _ SUBSCRIPT ..ECTION EXPENSE 'lNUAL APPRECIATION DINN :GALS _ PUBLISHING :CORDING FEES :GISLATIVE MEMBERSHIPS UlINANCE ENFORCEMENT :ONOMIC DEVELOP INCENT GEllER :TERINARY SERVICES/SUPP :FFCO ANIMAL SHELTER ;ITION REIMBURSEMENT "'-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS :CRUITIlENT _ ADVERTISING A=r"JA:.. =:7Y OF WlrL.A7 R!XE S~~Y BY ACCOUh~ 2000 A.'P.~A:.. BUI:'GE":' 1996 B:'i'DGE7 1999 1999 ES7IMA7E: RECL'"tS72= 200e A??...:'.OZ: Fa;e ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- - ~_.- ---- ~..-=-;;,_.:..- 7.409.140 54 11.005 85 20.920 16 8.180 60 16.400 00 196.667 06 25.331 03 293.240.39 41.775 92 152.818.55 320.062 99 197.504.00 625.948.53 2.261 54 0.00 151.013 .12 272.338.95 82.291. 22 9.928.706.33 33.414 73 32.693.58 87.209.66 22.112.19 12.317.83 292.508 82 71.200.05 88.538.07 6.535 68 703 38 647.233 99 57.254.01 184.533.98 29.969 24 6.000 00 ',334.54 22.555.35 1.500.00 28.061.38 276 00 54.790.72 50.061 00 11.023.00 3.825.63 6.074.50 14.958 39 8.219.924 10.934 24.753 15.000 16.400 270.973 30.490 324.444 70.120 195.949 360.893 195.000 789.618 20.000 o 183.588 299.376 112.904 11.260.757 36.343 37.350 99.861 22.950 14.250 326.621 99.750 90.000 8.900 750 736.775 74.178 298.498 34 . 405 12.500 10.000 26.000 3.000 29.200 2.000 80.000 50.650 12.000 5.000 7.820 14.000 10 7.839.652 9.837 21.284 15.000 14.650 254.568 29.930 313.793 68.387 182.558 348.511 194.000 752.847 10.000 o 164.750 290.478 94.031 10.718.685 32.833 27.000 99.230 21.950 14.250 324.866 95.000 90.000 8.300 750 714. 179 6B.608 288.501 32.380 5.000 10.000 26.000 3.000 29.200 500 65.000 50.650 11.350 ',000 8.~00 16.000 8.455.76: 12.993 24.587 20.000 16.400 303.618 32.222 393.591 72.521 217.503 374.614 235.000 777. 718 20.000 o 192.871 291.353 110.597 11.679.003 37. 114 37.350 122.809 32.500 15.000 343.688 99.750 90.000 8.900 750 787.861 91.456 325.401 34. 982 5.000 10.400 20.000 3.000 32.590 1.500 65.000 50.700 11.360 5.000 8.000 17.600 13.475.49: 13 ....0 ::3.659 20,00::: 16.400 308.301 3:.222 374.716 72.521 218.003 377.350 235.000 805.316 20.000 o 190.712 298.074 108.597 11.718.526 37. 114 37.350 122.809 32.500 15.000 343.688 ".750 90.000 8.900 750 787.861 94.456 325.401 35.782 5.000 10.400 20.000 3.000 32.590 1.500 65.000 50.700 11.360 5.000 8.000 17.600 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o C. ':3 '~: :,=:.s:F,:?7;:)~; --------~---~------_#--_#----- EX?ENSE ~IMBu~S~~h~ 7AA:::NIN~ UNIFOR~5 & PReT Ct07HIN~ W:TNESS & JUROR FEES AUTO M,LEAGE REIMBURSEMENr UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFILM SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE REN'IALS " LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTILITIES STREET LIGHTING FACILITY REPAIR & MAI~ OTIIER EQUIPMENT MAINT OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTION JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES TITLE SEARCHES SALARY RESERVE MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY MISC SERVICES . CHARGES Total Other Services CAPITAL OUTLAYS LAND. BLDG . . WATER ACQ OFFICE FURNITURE . EQUIP TOOLS . WORK EQUIP ENGINEERING . PHOTO EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT ::AI'ITAL LEASES ~THER MAJOR EQUIPMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS P/W SHOP TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS Total Capital Outlays 70TAL EXPENSE ----.. "'';'' W-~:::A7 R:=GE rJ.=!." SL~~Y BY ^=:OUh~ 2:0: A.~"':-.-';A:. B:"'"X~ 199~ A~';;";'" 1999 1995 2::::: AP?:::::'":::: --_._---- l'I..:.....:;...:;;.=._ S:'-"='GE':' ES'-::MA7~: RS;:';=:S7:::::- ------------------~------_._--------------------------.--------------.---.- 1, 472 61 2,150 2,150 2 15' : :5, 61,247 80 88.567 93.537 :'25,925 :_~ 9:3 52.089 83 85.689 8:'.603 76 301 it 3:. 815 45 2,000 1,000 1.500 5'" 4.925 96 6.673 5.794 6.284 6,284 35,841 56 40,800 40.800 40,800 40.800 315.553 45 249.626 249.169 250.595 345 095 1.493 61 2.100 1.300 1.100 1.100 0 00 500 500 37.289 46 57.326 52.716 53.661 53,661 123.488 97 151.500 130.000 145.000 145.000 259.514 66 294.385 299.165 323.727 323,727 301.840 97 327.420 310.000 325.000 325.000 50.614 67 53.325 53.635 54,697 69.697 58.515 85 73.551 78.858 99.144 99,144 22.500,00 27.000 27.000 25.000 25,000 6.296 30 7,000 7.000 7.500 7,500 0 00 500 0 500 500 00 64 90.000 100.000 75.000 6.767 49 11,000 19.500 7,000 7,000 13.215 54 83.170 66.500 67.500 67.500 o o o o G o o o o o --------------- -------~---- ------------ ------------ ...----------- ------------ 1,833.701 92 2.223.597 2,228.416 2.385.373 2.'73.673 0 0 00 21.300 0 0 0 34,364.70 39.066 16.000 )4.910 31.910 0 0 00 1,000 0 2.340 2.340 0 1,660 00 8,000 8.000 4.600 4,600 0 3.939.94 27.500 21.500 25.700 25,700 0 18,976.57 13.350 13.000 15.000 15.000 0 26,434 24 26,090 26.090 18,717 18,717 0 0 00 1,000 1,000 7,000 7,000 0 381. 500 00 325.000 175.000 '741,811 652,911 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ........ - -- ----- 466.875 '5 462.306 260.590 856,078 758,178 0 12.876,517 69 14.683.435 13.921,810 15.708.315 15,738.238 0 11 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELECTORA TE I I CITY MAYOR CITY TREASURER CLERK COUNCIL ~ I I CITY MUNICIPAL CITY A TIORNEY JUDGE MANAGER BUDGET PURCHASING DATA PROC GRANTS PERSONNEL PARKS PLANNING AND AND POLICE PUBLIC RECREATION DEVELOPMENT WORKS 12 CITYWIDE STAFFING AUTHORIZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 General Government 12 11 City Clerk ') ') MUnIcipal Court . 9 10 Treasury 4 4 Plannmg & Development 11 12 *Police 95.5 95.5 PublIc Works 39 39 **Parks & Recreation 35.125 45.125 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 206.63 218.63 ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor I 1 Council Members 8 8 City Clerk 1 1 City Treasurer 1 1 This table includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. * One posItion added nud-year 1999. ** 3 posItions added mid-year 1999 13 o~ ~~ '" --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 14 u... ':':Z 100 C7Y OF WEEA':' R::>GE Genera: Fund Dept Sumrr~ry 2JD: ANN'JA:. B=E':' DES:R:P7:m, 1998 h::1JA:. 1995 2 'O^ 1999 ESTlMA7E~ B=ET RE~:;::S:E: ...---",~- I"l.:':'l"..""..t.._ GENERA:. GOVERNJolEN7 C.lty Counc:l.l 136.648 36 157,601 151.6Dl 152,';'26 155 52.;. 16.756 28 18.381 17.081 18.781 19.081 460.581 04 504,075 461.546 583.352 621,934- o 00 0 0 0 0 239.999 66 200.000 212.000 212.000 ,200.000 78.470 07 90.467 89.917 95.809 93,946 127.325 49 184.493 155.862 207.044 208,826 1.067,691 54 1.097.767 980.074 1.593.390 1,476,903 20.934 36 25.470 14.000 25.332 25,332 Mayor Administration Econom~c Development City Attorney Purchasing Data Processlng General Operations Special Events TOTAL 2.148.406 80 2.278.254 2.801,5046 2.082.081 2.888.134 15 ?d.;::e ---.----- 1'1..:....-.:..::..:..- o o o o GENERAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR CITY COUNCIL I EXECUTIVE SECRET ARY (1 ) CITY MANAGER SENIOR SECRETARY GRANT (1 ) >-.--- ADMIN. - (remp) I FINANCE/ PERSONNEL BUDGET ASSIST ANT ASST. (11 (1 ) CLERK TYPIST (1) PURCHASING DATA SYSTEMS AGENT (1) ANALYST (1 I I PURCHASING COMPUTER DATA TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN (1 I PROGRAMMER (1 ) (1 ) PARKS PLANNING & & POLICE PUBLIC RECREATION DEVELOPMENT WORKS 16 CITY ADMINISTRATION AUTHORIZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 City Manager 1 I Personnel Assistant I I Finance Assistant 1 I Data Systems Manager 1 1 PurchasIng Agent I I Data Programmer I 1 ExecutIve Secretary 1 1 SenIor Secretary 1 I Purchasing TechnIcian 1 I Clerk Typist 0 1 Switchboard Operator 1 0 BuildIng Maintenance TechnIcian I 0 Personal Computer TechnIcian 1 I TOTAL AUTHORIZED 12 I I ELECTED OFFICIALS Mayor 1 1 Council Members 8 8 This table Includes only the personnel budgeted in lIne item 602. 17 ". _4 c: 1998 :'ES:?IF::::O!: Ac.rJJ..:.. ------------.------------------------------.-------------------------..--.------.------.--..--..------.----- A??R:\"E: General Government PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES & WAGES DEFERRED COMPENSATION AUTO ALLOWANCE OVERTIME " PREMIUM PAY TEMP PERSONNEL HOURLY TEMP PERSONNEL NON-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER WORKERS' COMPENSATION MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE MEDICARE PORTION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP 466.79632 5.467 73 3.600 00 l1.B3732 29.184 54 54.6Bl 05 32.931 62 197.504.00 30.495 39 2.261.54 8.167 58 13.116 61 ~:7Y OF ~n~T R:DGE Depa=:men~ Su~~ry 20;::: M~:-";A:.. B:"~(;E':" 19~9 BUIX;r7 523.906 6.538 3.600 16.000 30.000 62.269 37.496 195.000 40. 122 20.000 8.865 15.144 1995 ES-:lMATED 459,860 3.700 1,850 5.050 32,000 67.082 36.235 194.000 32.825 10.000 8.258 10.766 280: REO~t:STE: 593.040 6.000 3.600 16.532 56.365 79.506 40.249 235,000 43.381 20.000 9.723 15.924 564 179 ';,"'5: 3,6CC 16.532 59.330 80,006 42.293 235.000 38.883 20.000 1e.227 16.532 rd.?':? ~-~._~--- !'I.':'..-':'~ ..:... o o o Total Personnel Serv~ces 856.043 70 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------._-. o MATERIAL " SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES POSTAGE PHOTOCOPY " PRINTING EXP POSTAGE COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 3.843 96 32,693 58 50.839.89 10.293 76 9.161 06 958.940 5.650 31.000 50.200 10.000 11.330 861.626 4.000 27.000 50.200 10,000 13.000 1.119.320 6.748 37.000 65. ')50 12.000 13.700 1.091.332 6,'748 37.000 65.750 12.000 13.700 o o o o o Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES " CHGS CONt'ERENCE " MEE'I'lNG EXP CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES. BOOKS " SUBSCRIPT ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINN LEGALS " PUBLISHING LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIPS ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENT ECON DEV INCENT SAFEWAY JEFFCO ANIMAL SHELTER TUITION REIMBURSEMENT PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS RECRUITMENT " ADVERTISING TRAINING SAFETY EXPENSE AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS " LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTILITIES FACILITY REPAIR " MAINT OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT 106.832.25 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ .----------- o 32.615.60 o 00 5.949 78 9.334 54 o 00 28.061 38 54.79012 50.000.00 11.023 00 3.825 63 6,0'74 50 14.958 39 7.574 80 o 00 622 71 265.421 06 o 00 1.180 30 123.488 9'7 85.933 54 o 00 7.567 55 114.180 34.250 42.000 7.805 10,000 o 29.200 80.000 50.000 12.000 5.000 7.820 14.000 6.600 o 1.400 156.215 o 10.000 151.500 95,000 o 6.700 18 104.200 32.200 42.000 6.105 10.000 o 29.200 65.000 50.000 11.350 4.000 8.000 16.000 15.200 o 825 167.275 o 8.000 130.000 100.000 o 10.100 135.198 38.850 42,000 8.005 10.400 o 32.590 65.000 50.000 11.360 5.000 8.000 11.600 21.200 o 1.300 158.100 o 14.200 145.000 o o 14 . 200 135.198 41.850 42.000 8.305 10.400 o 32.590 65.000 50.000 11.360 5.000 8.000 11.600 21.200 o 1.300 219.100 o 14.200 145.000 o o 14.200 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o O' o o o o :::: or ;.,'}iEA':' R:~E :3~'" ~epa=~me~: S~~~ary 2: c: AJ.,~uA.:... S:J'"'....GE: 19 9~ 1.999 1999 2E:s:F.:r::0r; ....-,,- K_.'-'r..- a:'~GE: ES7 I to'.I,':<:: RE::w~S:E: AF?:;':\::: - - ~.- ---- f"._" _::'.:0 .::.._ ---------------------------------------.--------------_.--------------------~------_..._-------------- O~,S:DE AGENCY CO~lR:B~:ON PERSONAL & PROPERTY ~IAB:L:7Y UNINSURED LOSSES JEFFCO TREAS CO~L FEES UNALLOCATED FUND BAl..ANCE SALARY RESERVE MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 22,50C DC 27,000 00 DC 0 6,296 30 7.000 0 00 0 0 00 64 6.767 49 11.000 13.215 54 81.670 27,000 2S coe 2S 01"\" 7,000 7 500 " 5ce 0 0 90.000 100.000 75.000 0 19.500 7.000 7,000 65.000 66.000 66,000 0 Total Other Services --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 757.201 80 846.284 913,755 848,305 887,605 20.127 54 2.500 2.500 14.500 11,500 0 3,939 94 18.000 12.000 8.000 8,000 0 l.8.976 57 13.350 13.000 15.000 15.000 0 3.785 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ - -- -. -- ----- 46.829 05 33.850 27,500 37.500 34,500 0 2.148.406 80 2.278.254 2.082,081 2,888,134 2.801 546 0 CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CAP!TAL LEASES OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 19 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government City Council PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Council IS the legislative and policy making body of the City of Wheat Ridge. The Council is compnsed of eight members elected from four districts. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: I Office supplies (651) is budgeted at $525 for Council briefcases and commemoratIve articles. 2. (654) IS budgeted at $250 to print the Comprehensive Annual Financial Report. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1 Legislative Memberships (716) - CML $18,090; DRCOG $6,000; National League of Cities $1,500; Regional Air Quality Comnussion $5,000; GMTC $2,000; total budgeted $32,590. 2. Professional Services (750) is budgeted at $20,000 for comprehensive annual financial report; 3. Repair of City Council fax machInes is budgeted at $1,000 (776) 4 Annual AppreCiation DInner is budgeted at $4,400 (712) for Boards & CommissIOns Appreciation Dinner. Funds for Employee Appreciation dinner are found in 106-712. 4. Outside Contributions is budgeted at $25,000 (780). 5 Management contmgency is budgeted at $2,000 for City Council CAP related expenses. BUDGEnI 9991ADMIN\PROG I 02. wpd 20 c: /: 0 lac ::7Y 0: ~~~7 R:DGE ~ ,'i..::t" :. 995 A.~-JA:.. B:"~GE7 200: ANN'JA:. 8L~27 DES:r;.:F7:::0r-; : 99E A ::7'JA:. 1999 ~999 8c'XE7 ES7!MA.7E:: RE:'_'ES7E: ----_..-- /,,\,:-:-.- -- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- :::TY CO:m:IL 0:"-102-600-619 TEMP PERSONNEL/NON-HOURL CI':' 34.560 00 34.464 34.464 4: 23: 4:,23: 01-102-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER CITY 2.142 72 2.137 2.137 SS6 : SSE 01-102-600-625 MED I CARE PORTION FICA CITY C 501 12 500 500 500 598 ----~---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -------.---- ------------ 600 TOTALS 37.203 84 37.101 37.101 44 288 44.386 --------------- ------------ ------------ - ~ - - - - - - - - -- ------------ ------------ 01-102-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 744 46 500 500 598 598 0 01-102-650-654 PHOTOCOPY " PRINTING EXP CIT 30 50 5QO 200 250 250 --------------- ------------ -----------~ --~--------- ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 774 96 1.000 700 848 848 ------------~-- ------------ ---------~-- ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-102-700-702 CONFERENCE " MEETING EXP CIT 19.272 44 21.000 20,000 22.000 25 000 01-102-700-706 DUES. 800KS . " SUBSCRIPT CIT 54 00 100 100 100 100 0 01-102-700-712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINN CIT 3.651 11 4.000 4.000 4.400 4,400 01-102-700-716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIPS CITY 28.061 38 29.200 29.200 32,590 32.590 0 01-102-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE RE IMBURSEMEN'I' 0 00 200 0 200 200 0 01-102-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 18.000 00 19.000 18,000 20,000 20,000 0 01-102-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINTENANCE 0 00 0 0 1.000 1.000 01-102-700-780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS 22.500 00 27.000 27.000 25.000 25.000 0 01-102-700-798 MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY 2.915 13 4.000 15.500 2.000 2.000 01-102-700-799 MISC SERVI CES " CHARGES 0 00 15.000 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ --~--------- ------------ --------~--- 700 TOTALS 94.454 06 119.500 113.800 107.290 110.290 0 --------------- -----~------ ------------ -- - -- --- - - -- - - -- -- -- ---- ------------ 01-102-800-802 OFFICE FURN " EQUIP 4.215 50 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 4,215 50 0 0 --------------- ------ -- - --- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 102 TOTALS 136.648 36 157.601 151.601 152.426 155.524 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 21 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRi\M SUMMARY DEP ARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government Mayor PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Mayor is the cluef elected official of the City and presIdes at City Council meetmgs and special ceremornes. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES' I. Photo copy (654) and postage (655) are consolidated in City Manager (106). 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1. Misc. ServIces (799) is to be used for plaques, flowers, and memorials, $2,000 BUDGETII 999\ADMlN\PROG 1 04. WPD 22 ;..::::.....1\': :.=:S:::-;':F7::Jt\ ::':"Y :? wnEA7 R:~3E ~.3~t' :99, A},"},-..;'A:,. S:"UGE7 2 8 C: A....~-.:r.:. Bt."X::: :995 199~ 199~ ;..:-;-JA:.., Bt.'DGE7 --~._---- ..-.. --- -- ES7!~.A7E: RE::'::S7E: - ~ "'- -.-- ....., ~:". ~ , =-- ---------------------------------------------------------.-..--------------------------------------- :::0.-104-600-602 01'104-600-620 CI-I04-600-625 CI-104-700-702 01-104-700-706 01-104-700-799 MAYOR STAFF SALARIES . WAGES MAYOR FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MAYOR MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE . MEETING EXP MAY DUES, BOOKS. . SUBSCRIPT MAY MIse SERVICES. CHARGES 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 104 TOTALS 10,08D 00 10.107 1e.10? lC,lO- H H 624 96 627 627 627 C' 146 16 147 147 147 147 -.------------- -----._----- ------------ ---------_.- ------------ ------------ 10.851 12 10.881 10.881 10.881 10,881 0 o 00 o o o o ---------_.---- ------------ ------------ ---.-------- ------------ ------------ 3.914 06 4,000 4.000 4.400 4.400 1.093 00 1.500 1.200 1.500 1 80C 838 10 2.000 1.000 2.000 2.000 -------_..----- ------------ ------------ -----------. ------------ ------------ 5.905 16 7.500 6.200 7.900 8.200 o 00 o o o o 16,756 28 18.381 17.081 18.781 19.081 o ............... ............ ............ ............ -.....--.... 23 "-'" ... J. \.' 1 ""'''' L... 1. J. J.\.....&J "'--.J L 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY General Government City Manager DEPARTMEl\'T: PROGRAM: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Manager works under the supervision of the City Council and is responsible for the administration of the Citv's dailv affairs. Office includes Personnel. Budget, and Grants Administration. The Personnel Office has res~onsib;lity for employment. employee relatIons, risk management. cable televiSIOn. and special proJects. The Budget Office has responsibility for the annual budget, finance. purchasing. data processing and commUnicatIOns, The Grant Administrator seeks grants from various sources to supplement City servIces and adm in ister the grants. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Maintain regular communication with City Council and citizens. Implement City Council policies. 2. Supervise and direct the City's operating departments. Ensure the provision of quality services to Wheat Ridge citizens. - 3 Enhance the Customer Service Program for employees. 4 Continue the Citizen Awareness & Participation Program. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITIJRES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES:. I New secretarial position for administrative area . cost of salary & benefits are $36,650. 2. Community Liaisons. First Monday Meeting, (619) is budgeted at $10,000 650 I MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: I. Office supplies (651), printing (654), includes expenditure for entire Administrative Services area. Postage (655) has been consolidated City-wide in general operations. The remaining postage is for newsletters, surveys, CAP notices and other bulk mail. 654 I PRINTING EXPENDITIJRES I. Budget & Audit: $1.000. Survey & CAP:$2,000. Newsletter' $8.800, Newslener Inserts: $3.200' Misc.$500 Total. $15.500 655 I POSTAGE EXPENDITIJRES 1. Bulk mail permit: $500, Community Meetings: $1,700. Newsletter: $8,400, Newsletter Inserts: $1,400 Total. $12.000 750 I PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1. $75.000 for Management Audit 800 I CAPITAL OUI'LA Y New office equipment for the city manager Total: $3,000 BUDGE1\1999lADMIN\PROG 106. WPD 24 ~... : c ",'" 1"._---..)'" CES:r_:F7:~:; :::-)' OF W:-iE.A7 R::.GE ::.. 9 9 ~ A1'P.\"UA.:.. BUDGE7 2 ~::: M~,J;":' B:"'J:iE7 199E A::7"':;':'" :99So Bel:>G": :'99!? ES::i".h:E: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- RE;':::.s:-:::: ---------------------------- ADMIKIS7RATlVE SERVICES Ol-106-600-6C2 01-106-600-604 01-106-600-606 01-106-600-610 01-106-600-617 01-106-600-619 01-106-600-620 01-106-600-622 01-106-600-625 01-106-600-630 01-106-650-651 01-106-650-654 01-106-650-655 01-106-650-660 01-106-700-702 01-106-700-706 01-106-700-712 01-106-700-723 01-106-700-724 01'106-700-726 01-106-700-728 01-106-700-740 01-106-700-750 01-106-700-776 01-106-700-798 :Jl-106-800-802 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES C:TY DEFERRED COMPENSATION C:TY A AUTO ALLOWANCE CITY ADMINI5T OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY CITY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY CITY TEMP PERSONNEL/NON-HOUR FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER CITY MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE CIT MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP CITY A 29:",3"17 29 5,467 73 3,600 00 o 00 29.184 54 o 00 18.494 45 16.749 26 4.782 93 7.810 51 304.539 6,538 3.600 200 30.000 8.000 20,219 20,052 4.824 7.978 260,000 3,700 1.850 50 32.000 10.000 20.000 16.000 4.460 7.836 360,825 G.OOC 3,600 200 31,365 10,000 21. 233 25.453 5.373 7.603 ;d.J':" ---.- ---- ~ . - - - . -. --- -- 334 "15::: 3,602 200 33 330 10,000 2:,855 17,580 5.446 9 441 o 600 TOTALS --------------- ------------ -----_._---- ------------ ------------ ------------ 44C 234 377,466 71 405.950 355.896 471.652 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP CIT POSTAGE COSTS CITY ADMINISTR OPERATING SUPPLIES CITY ADMI 2.990 82 9,009 39 10.293 76 2,988 71 3.000 7.700 10.000 2.330 3.000 10,000 10.000 3.000 3.100 15.500 12.000 3.000 3 100 15,500 o 12 000 3,000 o 650 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------_.---- ------------ ------------ ------------ 33.600 25.282 68 23.030 26.000 33.600 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP CIT DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT CIT ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER TIJITION REIMBURSEMENT CITY A PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISIN CIT TRAINING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER EQUIP MAINT MANAGEMENT caNT INGENCY 700 TOTALS OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 800 TOTALS 106 TOTALS 8.200 00 3.100 00 5.683 43 3,825 63 6,074 50 14.958 39 4.604 SO 93 44 7,02640 00 3.852 36 57,418 65 413 00 413 00 460,581 04 6.500 2,600 6.000 5.000 7,820 14.000 1,400 300 24,275 200 7,000 75,095 504,07-5 6.000 1.200 6.000 4.000 8,000 16,000 10,000 75 24,275 100 4,000 79.650 o o 461,546 9.400 2.600 6.000 5.000 8,000 17.600 10.000 200 8.100 200 5,000 72,100 o 6.000 9,400 2.600 6,000 5.000 8.000 17,600 10,000 200 81,100 200 5,000 o o o o o o o o o o 6.000 145,100 o 583.352 3.000 o 3,000 o --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 621.934 o 25 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ART;;.lENT: PROGRAM: General Government City Attorney PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Advises City Council, Boards and Commissions and staff on legal implications of contemplated policy and administrative decisions. Reviews all City ordinances and contracts. Represents the City in legal actions involving the City and provides prosecution services for municipal court. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 650 MA TERlALS & SUPPLIES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1. Professional services includes all costs for the City's outside legal services. These costs include general legal counsel (750) $108,000; Municipal Court prosecution (704) $42,000, and; litigation (799) $50,000, for a total of$200,000. BUDGET\I 999\ADMJN\PROG 107 WPD 26 1... .1.. L,~ 01-107-700-704 01-107-700-750 01-107-700-799 :ES:r.::;:::Jt; C::::7Y A7:'ORNEY 608 TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES CITY AT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MIse SERVICES & CHARGES 700 TOTALS 107 TOTALS ::7Y O~ ~r.~: R::3~ ::_1-?'- :99~ A.."Th-JA:., B:"~~: 2 : :: M~;:;;":' B:':::GE7 lS09~ :999 199~ B:';:G~7 ES7: Y.A 7E~ RE:'_"ES7~: . ~__ _.._r 1"\:'" ~:- _ . :.._ o 00 0 00 42.000 42.000 42.000 42.000 239.999 66 108.000 120.000 120.000 108,000 0 00 50.000 50.000 50,000 50,000 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 239.999 66 200.000 212.000 212.000 20C.OOO --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 239,999 66 200.000 212.000 212,000 200 000 --------------- -........... ....-..-.... .....-.-.... ............. ............ 27 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government Purchasmg PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Evaluates and manages the procurement of supplies, materials, professional servIces and contracts. Assistance is given in the development and preparation of standards, proposals and specIficatlOns, designating what is needed, promoting fair and quality competition and seeking to obtain the maximum value for each dollar expended. Cooperative buying with other governmental jurisdictions to obtain the lowest possible price through quantIty purchases. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Provide City wide assistance in purchasing, according to the rules and regulatIons of the City Accomplish this through training programs for City personnel and contmual updatmg of the Purchasing Manual. 2. Expand the City's involvement with other government entities by making joint purchases and combining resources to better serve the public and the employees.. 3. Continue the ongoing recycling effort at the Municipal Building. 4 Issue Purchase Orders, Requests for Proposals, Requests for Quotes and Requests for Bids. 5 Provide assistance and direction with construction and specIal projects and major purchases. 6. Admimster the City's PurchaSing card program by monitonng its use, updating the cardholder's manual and training the partIcipants. BUDGE1\ I 999\ADMIN\PROG 116.wPD 28 ::::. 0: l<.-riEA":' R:XE ?_i.::~ : 9 9:; AJ.,~:-";A.:.. E:..;X:;E:7 2:; ': ~ 1\N:...;'A.:. a:::X;E7 :9ge 1999 1999 ;.,::::.rt.": C'ESCRIF7:0~ ,~." 1">._....)/"'0- B:'::;:;::7 ES7I~";7E: R~:~;:S:-~: . ---_.._~ 1"\:' r_~__.::..._ ---------------------------------------------.--------------------------------------------------------- PURCHASING 600 TOTALS 64,7:-:- 44 73.253 73,253 76,89: - - - 4,012 47 4.542 4,542 4,76" 54 , 4.556 26 4.825 4,825 105 31.. 938 40 1.062 1,062 1 115 :",064 1.281 22 2.930 2,930 3,076 1 793 ---.----------- ------------ --------_.-- ------------ ----------.- ------------ 75,507 81 86.612 86.612 90.954 89.091 J_-116-60G-602 :Jl-116 -600-62C STAFF SALARIES & WAGES PURCH FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PURCH MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PUR MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PURCllA Cl-1l6-600-622 :J1-116-600-625 01-116-600-630 650 TOTALS o 00 o o o o 01-116-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP PUR 943 10 1.550 1.000 1.550 1. 550 01-116-700-706 DUES, BOOKS. . SUBSCRIPT PUR 628 97 805 805 805 805 01-116-700-726 TRAINING 1.138 45 1.200 1.200 2.200 :,200 0 01-116-700-740 AU'I'O MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 251 74 300 300 300 300 0 .-------------- ------------ --------.--- ------------ - - - --- -- - - -- --.-------_. 700 TOTALS 2,962 26 3,855 3.305 4,855 4,855 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---.----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --- - - - - -- --- ----..---.-. 116 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ -----.------ -._----_.--- - - - -- ---- --- -----_..-._- 78,470 07 90.467 89. 917 95.809 93. 946 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --------.-.- ............ 800 TOTALS 29 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Goverrunent Information Technologies PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Manage the data processing functions for all City departments. Coordmate. review and make recommendations for the purchase of communications and data processing equipment. services and software for all departments. Provide internal consulting services for all aspects of data processmg. Maintam and develop necessary data processing programs for other departrnents. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I To provide support for the integration of the existing police department cornputer system. 2. Implement the new Pohce Department computer system. 3 Provide continued support to the city wide computing needs in terms of hardware support and computer programming. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 1. P.C Technician 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1. Conferences and meetings is $1,500 in order to provide opportunities to attend meetings on the multIple systems operating in the city (702). 2. Traimng is for speCialized computer programing and network administrator classes, workmg towards Microsoft C _ "'tified Systems Engineer (MCSE), $7,500 (728) and attend user group meeting for new p"dce system, $1,500. 3 ProfeSSIOnal services funds are budgeted for work performed by outSide companies for minor consulting, $10,000 (750). 4 All computer software, hardware and repatr & maintenance is funded out of the computer fund, Fund 59. 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 1 Capital expenditures for office eqUIpment, $5,500 (802). BUDGET\I999IADMIN\PROGI17 WPD 30 ::7Y S~ ~-~EA7 RI~~ 1999 A.....~:-JA:.. S:JD::;E7 t3.~t'- 200: M":;"JA.:. BtnGE:- ::.996 1999 B~'DGE:- ::'99~ :'ES:::;;,:?:-:::n..; A-:::'JA:.... ES':'!!'o".A 7=:: RE:~'ES:-E: ~ --- -..-- .....:- :-;". - :.~ ---.----- ~ - . - " ..-.. --~ -- ----------.---------------------.-----------------------------------_..._-+.*~--- r;ATA PROCESSING 0.-117-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES DATA 100.62~ 59 136.007 116.500 145,::'" 146 66 r. 01-117-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER DATA 6,241 33 B.433 7.223 9,003 093 01-117-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE DAT 9,187 B5 15,245 12.000 12,823 '" 989 01'117-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 1.459 66 1.972 1.6B9 2.106 : 127 01-117-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP DATA P 4,024 B8 4.236 0 5.245 5.298 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --.----....- 600 TOTALS 121.535 31 165.893 137.412 114,394 176 176 e --------------- ------------ ---------_.- ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-117-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 00 500 500 550 550 01-117-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES DATA PROC 1. 675 99 2.000 2.000 2.50e 2 500 --------.--.--- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------_.--- 650 TOTALS 1.675 99 2.500 2.500 3.050 3 050 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ - ~ - - - - - - - - -- ------~---_. 01-117-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP OAT 226 00 1.200 1.200 1.500 1,500 01-117-700-706 DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT DAT 1.073 81 2.800 2.800 3.000 3.000 01-117-700-728 TRAINING 1,831 85 4.000 4.000 9.000 9.000 0 01-117-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE RE IMBURSEMENT 277 53 600 450 600 600 0 01-117-700-750- PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 395 00 5.000 5,000 10.000 10.000 0 01-117-700-776 OTIlER EQUIP MAIlIT 310 00 0 0 0 0 0 --------_.----- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------~ 700 TOTALS 4.114 19 13.600 13.450 24.100 24.100 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-117-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 0 00 2,500 2.500 5.500 5.500 0 - -------- -- - --- ------------ -------_.--- ------------ ------------ - - - - - ~ -. - - -- BOO TOTALS 0 00 2.500 2.500 5.500 5.500 0 --------------- ------------ --._-------- ------------ ------------ ----._------ 117 TOTALS 127.325 49 184,493 155.862 207,044 20B.826 0 -------..--.-.. ..----.---.. .----.---.-- ------....-- --.--.-.---- ---------... 31 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY General Government SpecIal Events DEPARTMEJIIT: PROGRAM: PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This program reflects the CIty costs mcurred for the annual Wheat Ridge Festival. Clear Creek Arts FestIval and the Little League World Series. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I. ProVIde support and assistance to the annual Wheat Ridge events. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES:$II,OOO for overtime for City staff. 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1. For community events, (799) $14.000 includes $4.000 for the Carnation Festival, $2,500 for fireworks, $5,000 for the Clear Creek Festival of the Arts and $2,500 for the Little League World Series. BUDGET\I999\ADMINlPR0G606. WPD 32 .~~........- 1">.__'-''-'0'. Cl-606-600-610 01-606-700-799 :::ES::i\::;:P:-::J!.;' SPECIAL EVENTS OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY WHEA7 600 TOTALS 650 TOTALS MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 700 TOTALS 606 TOTALS :::-y 2F IoHi::::A:- r<.:::;~ :. 999 A."."h"UAl... Btr.>GE7 200: 100\";;":' B:.;:)\;:27 :99E 8 556 92 8.556 92 o 00 12.377 44 12.377 44 20.934 36 :'?9S: B\...~GE7 10.800 10.800 14.670 14.670 25.470 33 199~ ES7Ir-'.A.7E: o 14.000 14.000 14,000 RE::;:..=:S7::: o :: 33: 11,332 o 14.000 14.000 25.332 ;..?r:i'.: :: :n: o 14,000 1<4 DOC 25,332 ~ 3.'::;- ---.---_. . -. --- -- 33: CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: General Government General Operations PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This program accounts for a variety of expenditures that cover multiple departments and are not appropriate to charge to an individual department, Major program expenditures include worker's compensation costs, the City's telephone and postage. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 1. This program contains the temporary sa1ary necessary for the school crossing guards. (6 I 9) $28,274. 2. Document imaging staff is paid from this program (617) - $25,000 3. Court ordered community service has been budgeted at $5,450, $5,000 in overtime (610) and $450 in supplies (660), 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 1. City-wide postage at $37,000. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1. Economic development incentives (ESTIP) (719) has been budgeted at $65,000. 2. City-wide telephone expense (759) is budgeted in this program, this includes cellular phones. The budgeted amount is $145,000. 3. Utilities (760) has been moved to Building Maintenance Program under Parks & RecreatIOn. 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY: 1. Capital leases (808) IS budgeted at $15,000. This money pays for the leases of the City copiers. 2. Communication Equipment (805) $8,000 for replacement and expansion of telephone equipment for City Hall. 3. Transfers to Special Funds (897) is budgeted at $652,911. The following funds are the recipients of the transfers: Compensated absences - $90,000; Computer Fund - $100,100; Insurance Fund - $362,000; Tree Fund - $11,500; Teen Center - $22,311 (TABOR Funds); Open Space - $67,000 (Chesron settlement). Each of these amounts is reflected in the revenue section of the respective special fund, BUDGE1\1999\ADMIN\PR0G61 o. WPD 34 ~ --.........- 1"'._-,",,,,.' . C.:.-610-600-61: 01-610-600-617 01-610-600-619 01-610-600-620 01-610-600-621 01-610-600-623 01-610-600-625 01-610-650-651 01-610-650-653 01-610-650-654 01-610-650-660 01-610-700-719 01-610-700-720 01-610-700-721 01-610-700-758 01-610-700-759 01-610-700-760 01-610-700-776 01-610-700-784 01"-610-700-797 01-610-800-802 01-610-800-805 01-610-800-808 01-610-800-809 0:-610-890-897 :E5:K:?:-:::J~: GENE~ OPERA7IONS OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY TEMP PERSONNEL/NON-HOURL GEN FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER GENER WORKERS' COMPENSATION GENERA UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE GENER MEDICARE EXPENSE 600 TOTALS OFF! CE SUPPLIES POSTAGE - REVOLVING GENERAL PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING OPERATING SUPPLIES 650 TOTALS ECONOMIC DEVELOP INCENT GEN ECON DEV INCENT SAF'EWAY JEFFCO ANIMAL SHELTER GENERA RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTILITIES OTHER EQUIP MAINT JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES BONUS PAY INCENTIVE 700 TOTALS OFFICE FURN & EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT CAPITAL LEASES OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS 800 TOTALS 610 TOTALS ::::' 'JF ~--r~: "-::;"3E 1999 Ah"},-JA:. Bt.JGE: 2:;::: A..fo..,"";:;"J;":' B:'-JGS7 :99E 3.280 4C 00 20.121 05 1.415 69 197.504 00 2,261 54 339 31 224.921 99 108 68 32.693 58 41.800 00 4.496 36 79.098 62 54.790 72 50.000 00 11,023 00 1.180 30 123,488 97 85.933 54 7.257 55 6.296 30 o 00 339.970 38 15.499 04 3,939 94 18.976 57 3.785 00 381.500 00 423.700 55 1,067.691 54 :991? B,-JGE: 5,000 o 19'.805 1. 538 195,000 20.000 360 241.703 1.650 37.000 42,000 7.000 87.650 80.000 50.000 12.000 10.000 151.500 95.000 6.500 7,000 64 412,064 o 18,000 13.350 o 325,000 356,350 1,097,767 199? ES::~';"7E:: 000 o 22.618 1,706 194 000 10.000 400 233.724 o 27,000 40.000 8.000 75.000 65.000 50.000 11.350 8.000 130.000 100,000 10.000 7,000 90.000 471.350 o 12,000 13.000 o 175,000 200,000 980,074 ?.E;:"::S:-:::: 5 00: 25.0DC 28.274 2.063 235,000 20,000 482 315.819 2,500 37.000 50.000 8.200 97.700 65,000 50.000 11.360 14.200 145.000 o 13,000 7,500 100.000 406.060 3.000 8.000 15.000 o 747.811 773.811 1.593.390 ~ "... 2t.80: 2E,'7701i 613 235 000 20,000 845 319,232 2 500 37 000 50.000 8,200 9"'1,700 65.000 50,000 11.360 14.200 145,000 o 13,000 7.500 75.000 381,060 3.000 8.000 15.000 o 652.911 678.911 ----------..--- ----.------- ---......--- ----....---- ------------ 1,476,903 35 ~.3~~ --~._---- ~ - - " ---.. --- --~ o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o MUNICIPAL COURT PRESIDING JUDGE PROBATION COURT OFFICER ADMINISTRA TOR ASSOCIA TE (1 ) (1 ) JUDGE PROBA nON ASSIST ANT (1 ) I DEPUTY COURT CLERK TYPIST CLERK (6) III 36 COURT AUTHORIZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 Court Adrrumstrator I I Deputy Court Clerk 5 6 Clerk TypIst 1 I Probation Officer 1 I ProbatIon AssIstant I I TOTAL AUTHORIZED 9 10 COUNCIL APPOINTED Presldmg Judge 1 1 AssIstant Judge I 1 * AddItional pOSItIOn was approved mid-year, 1998 37 o~ ~- '" --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 38 ~~-~~~...,~~......~. _:..:; -:---:. - ."-'.- :-:7:' C? WEE;.";' E:XE CEPA.t\TME~"7 S:"~.ARY t.:::J: A....'1.-.;;..:, B:"WGE7 co, :999 !99? ES71r-'.A7E:: 2:::: RE::"=:S7E: ?.1::'" ----------------,---,-------,-----------~---'--_.._-'-_.~---,--_..__#--_.---#------_.---,---.--------------- ';?rr:.:"~: ~1.;,.:c::.pal C:J'".lr:. PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES & WAGES OVERTIME . PERMIUM PAY TEMP PERSONNEL HOURLY TEMP PERSONNEL NON-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE ' EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE PORTION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 220.'97 99 996 35 14.937 60 65,4.59 00 18,719 5. 10,767 O' '.371 98 8.622 24 11.902 32 E:"-:>:iE':' 259.166 1.200 16,143 83.414 21.315 16.090 4.~85 10.223 23.100 2'2,000 1.200 14.000 16.000 20.292 16.000 4.100 9.000 23.000 283 .59 1.250 22,800 86.150 23.028 29.070 5.386 10.198 24.175 28: n. :,25C 960 86,750 23.001 29,530 5,379 9,175 24.175 Total Personnel Servlces 362.280 06 -----------~-#- -----~------ -.---------- --~--~------ ---~-------- ------------ 462.,254. MATERIAL . SuPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY . PRINTING EXPENSE POSTAGE COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 2.605.41 1.916 23 o 00 37 40 435,636 4.000 2.100 o 350 406.192 4.000 2.100 o 350 486.116 4,300 2,400 o 350 4.,300 2.'00 o 350 o o Total Materials & Supplies <.559 O' ------.-------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 7.050 o OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE . MEETING EXPENSE DUES, BOOKS . S\JBSCRIPTIONS WITNESS . JUROR FEES AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENTALS . LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT DRUG COALITION GRANT DRUG COALITION EXPENSE 2.540 59 516 95 815 45 58 85 8.455 51 90 8. 00 00 o 00 o 00 6.450 5.150 360 2.000 150 9.500 200 o 6.450 3.000 360 1.000 100 5.000 200 o 7.050 o 5.150 400 1,500 100 8.000 200 o o o o 5.150 400 1,500 100 8,000 200 o o o o o o o o o o o Total Other Services 12,4.'18 19 -_.---.--_.---. -----_.---.- ------------ --------.--- ---.-------. -----._----- 15,350 o CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE . EQUIP CAPITAL LEASES o 00 o 00 Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE o 00 379.317 29 11,360 o 459,446 39 9.660 o o o 422.302 15.350 o o o 508.516 o o o o o o o 484.654 o o -- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLOR-\DO 2000 PROGRAM SUM;\1ARY DEPAR nfEi'. j General Government PROGR--\.\! MurucIpal Court PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Processes all City Ordmance and Traffic Code ViolatIons. ProvIdes probatIon serVIces as dIrected by the presIdmgjudge. 'J, 1 PROGRAM OBJECTNES AdmmIster justIce in a fair and impartial manner for all people who appear before the Wheat RIdge Municipal Court. Promote the attendance and partIcipation of the Court Staff in the Colorado MUnIcipal Judges Association and the Colorado AssociatIon for Murnclpal Court AdmInistration to keep infonned of current court rules and procedures. Prevent recidivism through the probation department program. 2. ., ,). INDICATORS 1998 1999 2000 2001 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Summons Processed 9033 8000 8500 9000 Traffic 6647 5000 5000 5600 General 1834 1360 1490 1620 (Domestic Violence) (310) (225) (240) (250) Animal 27 60 65 70 Code 25 30 35 40 Sales Tax 44 150 160 170 Parking 456 1400 1450 1500 Warrants 1348 1300 1375 1425 Prisoner Hearings Transponed 284 225 240 250 Video Arraignment 110 120 130 140 Scheduled Pre-trials 530 500 525 550 Scheduled Trials to Court 214 225 240 250 Scheduled Jury Trials 22 12 12 12 Cases paid prior to Coun 4250 4100 4300 4500 4U PERFORMANCE INDICATORS :;...-10~-600-6C2 Jl-109-60G-61C J1-109-600-617 :1-109-600-619 ::n-109-600-620 :)1-109-600-622 01'109-600-625 01-109-600-630 01-109-600-640 01-109-650-651 01-109-650-654 01-109-650-660 01-109-700-702 01-109-700-706 01-109-700-732 01-109-700-740 01-109-700-750 01-109-700-758 :'=:S:?:?7::J!- MUN:::IPA:.. COURT STAFF SALARIES & WAGES MUNIC OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY MUNIC TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY MUNI TEMP PERSONNEL/NON-HOURL MUN FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MUNIC MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MUN MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP MUNICI OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE MUN 600 TOTALS OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP MUN OPERATING SUPPLIES MUNICIPAL 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP MUN DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT MUN WITNESS & JUROR FEES AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENTALS & LEASES 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 109 TOTALS ::7Y C? ~~EA~ R:~G~ :. 9 9 S A......"'}.-,,;;;:. a:'-:X;~7 :;; C 8: A.'.1~JA:. E~w::7 :995 ;..::::::- J "- 220 49" 99 996 35 14,937 60 65,459 00 18,719 54 10,767 04 4,377 98 8,622 24 17.902 32 362.280 06 2.605 41 1.916 23 37 40 4.559 04 2.540 59 516 95 815 45 58 85 8.455 51 90 84 12.478 19 o 00 379,317 29 :.999 E.....~:;~7 259.166 1.200 16,143 83,414 21.315 16.090 4.985 10.223 23.100 435,636 4.000 2.100 350 6.450 5.150 360 2.000 150 9.500 200 17.360 459,446 41 1999 ES7:r-o.A7E: 242.000 1,200 14,000 76,000 20,292 16.000 4.700 9.000 23.000 406.192 4.000 2.100 350 6.450 3.000 360 1.000 100 5.000 200 9,660 422.302 RE::':':S7:::: 283 459 1,252 22 602 86.750 23,028 29,070 5.386 10.198 24.175 486.116 4.300 2.400 350 7.050 5.150 400 1.500 100 8.000 200 15 350 o 508,516 . --- -..-- 1"\. ..~._ ~_ 28: C3.:. :5: 96( 86,750 23 001 29 53C 5,379 9 1"5 24.,175 4.6: 25.. 4,300 2,400 350 7,050 5.150 400 1.500 100 8,000 200 15,350 o o 484.654 :d~':> o o o o o o o CITY CLERK CITY CLERK DEPUTY CITY CLERK (1 ) f I SENIOR CLERK SECRETARY TYPIST (oS) (,5) 42 CITY CLERK AUTHORIZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 Deputy City Clerk I I Sr Secretary - .5 .5 Clerk Typist .5 .s TOTAL AUTHORIZED .., .., ELECTED OFFICIALS City Clerk 1 1 This table Includes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602, 43 --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 44 c. ':~/DC 199E FISCA:.. :'2SCr.:F7:8!: YEAR A::7'';~ c:.:.y Clerk PERSON1:ffi:" SERV! CES STAFF SALARIES . WAGES OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE B3.574 2< o 00 o 00 5.1B1.60 B.018 73 1,211 83 3.322 Bl Total Personnel Serv~ces 101.309 21 MATERIAL . SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY . PRINTING EXPENSE POSTAGE COSTS l.B45 00 o 00 o 00 :::7Y OF iorME..A7 R:XE c:ry C:"ERK SUMMARY 2ee: k\~~~ BL~E7 2,99? 8:....:::::;::::- 91,236 o o 5.657 8.502 1.323 3.650 110.368 2.100 o o 1999 ES7IMA::'E: 8B.546 o o 5.<90 6.502 1.284 3.5<2 107.366 2.100 o o 2~:- RE::'''ES7E:: 96.)B~ o 5.976 B.999 1. 39B 3.B55 116.610 2,100 o o rd.~'O' ~ ---_._- rt.'" :-:,._.::,_ ___0___-. ~ - - ~ . ..-..~-_._- 98, C73 6,081 9,040 1. 422 3,923 11B.539 2.10C o Total Materlals & Supplles l.B<5 00 ---------~--..- ------------ --------~--- ---.-------- ----------~- .---.------. o OTHER SERVICES . CHGS CONFERENCE . MEETING EXPENSE DUES. !lOOKS . SUIlSCRIP'TIONS ELEC'!ION EXPENSE LEGALS . PUBLISHING RECORDING FEES TRAINING AtTl'O MILEAGE REIMIllJRSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE TELEPHONE EXPENSE OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT o 00 30B 22 6.000 00 22.555 35 1.500 00 o 00 122 75 7.500 00 00 o 00 00 2.100 770 700 12.500 26.000 3.000 500 160 B.OOO o o 2.100 2.500 700 5,000 26.000 3.000 500 160 B,OOO o o 2,100 2.500 700 5,000 20.000 3.000 500 160 B,OOO o 2,100 2.500 1.200 5.000 2C,000 3.000 500 160 B.OOO o o o o o o o o o o o o o Total Other Services 37,986 32 ----._--------- ------------ ------------ -------~---- ------------ -------._--. o CAPITAL OllTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE . EQUIP DTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 3,367 33 o 00 51. 630 5.230 <5.B60 3,~00 39,B60 <0.360 o o o o o o --------------- -.-----._--- --------.--- -------.---- --.--------- .----------- Total Capltal Outlays TOTAL DEPAR'IMENT EXPENSE 3.367 33 144,507 86 5.230 169,32B 3.500 15B.B26 o 15B.570 o 160,999 o o .......--.----- -........... ............ ............ ............ .........-.. 45 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTME~T: PROGRAM: General Go\'ernment CIt: Clerk PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The City Clerk is the Clerk of the Council, attends all meetings of the Council. anends all meetIngs of the newly formed Liquor Llcensmg Authonty, and keeps a permanent record of ItS proceedings. The Clerk IS In charge of murucipal elections, legal publicatIOns. compiling and distributIng agendas, mInutes. liquor licensing, amusement licensing. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Working with newly formed liquor licensing authority to assure a srnooth tranSItIOn from Council to Liquor Authority. Continue to keep records management up to date. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: I. City elections (708) $5,000. 2. Publish legals for all departments (714) $26,000. 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICA TOR 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Elections 1 I 1 1 Council Meetings 40 55 55 55 V oter Registrations 95 95 300 300 Legal Publications Liquor Licenses 73 75 75 75 Amusements Licenses 20 20 20 20 Agenda Packets prepared and 40 55 55 60 Liquor Authority Meetings 0 g 24 24 BUDGE'T\I999\CITY CLERKIPROGI 08.WPD 46 H'O: -:::-y :? ioI.-.tE.A:' F..:XE: ~3.:J'~ ::..999 A.."o"'},-JA:.. E:"-:~::::- 2::'::: Am.-:;J..:. B~"DGE:- :99E ~9=-5' ::"99? ~-~~--....-.~.~. _:.::;~:,_~ _...-1> n._....;~ B:..~~:::: ES::Y";:-E: RE:~'ES7E: A?t:;.:.."t: -~_._---- r..:... ~:..:;.:._ -----------------------------------------------.---------------------------------------------- ::TY C~ERK 600 TOTALS 83.5'74 24 91.236 88 54E 96 36: 96 :"'J 5,181 60 5.657 5 490 976 08::.. 8.018 73 8.502 8,502 8.999 9,04 C 1.211 83 1.323 1.284 1,398 422 3.322 81 3,650 3,542 3.855 923 ------.-------- ------------ ------------ _.---------- ------------ ------------ 101,309 21 110.368 107.366 116.610 118,539 --------------- ------.----- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 8_-106-60C-6C2 Olr108-600-620 01-106-600-622 81-108-600-625 :1-108-600-630 STAFF S~IES & WAGES C:TY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER CITY ME8I~/DE~7~ INSURANCE CIT MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP CITY C 01-108-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.845 00 2.100 2.100 2.100 2 100 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 1.845 00 2.100 2.100 2.100 2 100 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-108-700-702 CONFERENCE . MEETING EXP CIT 0 00 770 2.500 2,500 2,500 01-108-700-706 DUES, BOOKS, . SUBSCRIPT CIT 308 22 700 700 700 1.200 0 01-108-700-708 ELE::TION EXPENSE C!TY CLERK 6.000 00 12.500 5.000 5.000 5.000 0 01-108-700-714 LEGALS . PUBLISHING CITY CLE 22.555 35 26.000 26.000 20.000 20.000 0 01-108-700-715 RECORDING FEES CITY CLERK 1.500 00 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 01-108-700-728 TRAINING 0 00 500 500 500 500 01-108-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE RE IMBURSEMENT 122 75 160 160 160 160 01-108-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7.500 00 8,000 8.000 8.000 8.000 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 37.986 32 51.630 45.860 39.860 40,360 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-108-800-802 OFFICE FURN . EQUIP 3.367 33 5.230 3.500 0 0 --------.------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --- - -- -- - --. ----- --. -. -- 800 TOTALS 3.367 33 5.230 3,500 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 108 TOTALS 144.507 86 169.328 158.826 158.570 160,999 ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ....--.-..-. 47 ~- - -- 0<(, A J.-....... --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 48 c: ::7Y 8: ~-~7 R::3E Genera: F~r.d Dep: Summa:} !-"a.=e- Am;-.;;...:, B'J':>Gt:' ;.9SS ;'999 1999 2 ::c- :=:s:r;.:F::::':; /..:7"";;"':'" E~-::~E~ ES':'I"".A7E~ RS:;:"::S7E: . --- ~._- /"\~!"'f'.-_,;::'_ - - -.- ---- ---.. ---.-- -------------------------------------------------------------------._------------------------------------ ::7Y TREA5:TRY ACCOUI".t.l.ng 124 155 53 132.622 131.104 146 682 ., 356 120.379 87 148,556 146,911 161. 803 162,49" --------------- -.---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 244,535 40 281.178 278.015 308,485 309,852 Sales Tax TOTAL 49 TREASURY CITY TREASURER CONTRACT SALES TAX AUDITOR - - I I SALES TAX SALES TAX ACCOUNTING ACCOUNTANT AUDITOR TECH. (1) TECHNICIAN 11 ) (1 , (1) 50 TREASURY AUTHORIZED NO POSITIO~ TITLE 1999 2000 Accountant 1 I Accountmg TechmcIan 1 I Sales Tax Auditor 1 I Sales Tax Technician 1 I TOTAL AUTHORIZED 4 4 ELECTED OFFICIALS Treasurer 1 1 This table mcludes only the personnel budgeted in line item 602. 51 0<< A.', ~ -- u COL OR p...\)0 We Care Enough to Make a Difference 52 .... "-' '" ~ "A _.. -,,, ::7Y O~ ",-:--iEA: R:DGE ;)EPAATr-!Etr:' SUMMARY 2C:J:' M""},"UA.:.. B.....'":i~Z7 :E:S:R:F'7:~:; 199E A:::'::;":'" 1995o 1999 22:: E~';)GE7 ES7IMA7E= RE::JES:-:::: -------..---------------------------------------------------------------------~--- ~ ~...--,.._- Mrrt'\_. .:._ =~-."":"e-~- "-.,. --- --- ---------------------------- ~reasury PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES & WAGES LONGEVITY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL HOURLY TEMP PERSONNEL NON-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER MEDI CAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE PORTION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE r3.::'" 170.296 24 178.145 176,429 188.~25 189 64 : 807 57 828 0 0 166 75 100 181 100 100 0 00 0 0 0 0 10,618 77 11.103 10.996 11,721 11,816 15,098 91 16.408 16.408 17.333 17,007 2.483 41 2.597 2.572 2.741 2.763 5,788 92 7.125 7.057 7,525 7.586 c o --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 205.260 57 216.306 213.643 227.545 228,912 2.689 79 1.687 1.687 1.725 1,725 0 00 850 850 850 850 0 3.000 00 4.000 4.000 4.000 4,000 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ___________r --~---~---~- ~otal Personnel Serv~ces MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFI CE SUPPLI ES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE POSTAGE COSTS Total Materials . Supplies 5.689 79 6.537 6.537 6,575 2.266 51 2.700 2.700 2.700 25.986 46 50,000 50,000 60.000 593 64 1. 400 1.400 1.030 175 00 1.400 1.400 1.300 1.085 33 1.235 1.235 1.235 0 00 0 0 7.000 465 60 1.100 1.100 1.100 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 112 50 0 0 00 0 0 OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE CONTRAcruAL SERVI CES DUES. BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS TRAINING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMEN'I' PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFILMING SERVICES RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE OTIlER EQUI PMENT MAINT MISC SERVICES & CHARGES Total Other Serv~ces 30.685 04 57.835 57.835 74.365 CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 2.900 00 500 o Total C4pital OUtlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 2,900 00 244.53540 500 281.178 o 278.015 o 308.485 53 6.575 o 2.700 60,000 1,030 1.300 1. 235 7,000 1,100 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 74.365 o o o o o 309.852 o o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTME],;T: PROGRAM: T reasul') T reasurer/ Accountmg PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Responsible for the daily processing of cash receipts, the accounts payable processing of budgeted expenditures through a purchase encumbrance system, and the processmg of a bi- weekly payroll. This division is responsible for all financial transactions including fixed assets and mvestment of City funds. The accounting division provides daily cash flow mformation to the Treasurer who analyses future cash needs and prepares monthly budgetary reports for management. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I. To receipt and deposit revenues from all City sources on a daily basis for the utilization of cash for expenditures and maximum interest earnings. 2. Process bi-weekly and monthly payroll and to make timely payment of employee benefits, retirement. insurance benefits and taxes. Process accounts payable checks in an established time-table. 4. Monitor the City's cash flow on a daily basis for prudent investment. 5. Prepares year end audit workpapers and assists outside auditors in completIon of Clty'S annual financial audit. ~ ,) 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: I Professional Services (750) is budgeted at $7.000 for armored car pick-up of daily revenues. BUDGET\I 999IADMIN\PROO103 wpd 54 c... ::: '0: C:7Y ::)F W"tIEA! R:~::;E : 999 M"}.,-.JA.:. SinGE':' rd?t: 2 Q 0:: AN},-JA:.. Bi..rnGE':' 19 9~ 1999 1999 ~E.s=?:?:-::CN J..:-:.,;A:.., 8X(;E7 ES7!r-'.ATE= ...--.-...--- t'.L.",,:;,.':: ..:.._ A??E:-::::: --------- .,:;,... -:...::.-. TREASURER/ACCOUNTING 01-103-600-602 STAFF SALARIES . WAGES ACCQD 100,886 32 104.835 103,923 1.1:',343 09: 01-103.600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER ACCOU 6,254 95 6.500 6,443 6 903 6 9S: 01-103-600-622 MEDI CAL/DENTAL INSURANCE ACC 7,591 87 8.479 8,479 8,743 8,58.. 01-103-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 1,462 84 1.520 1.507 1.614 1,625 01-103-600-630 CCOER-" RETIREMENT EXP ACCOUN 3.012 41 4.193 4.157 4,454 4,484 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ +----------- ------------ 600 TOTALS 119.208 39 125.527 124,509 133.057 133.733 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------.---- 01-103-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1.398 75 900 900 920 920 --------------- -------.---- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 1. 398 75 900 900 920 920 ------------_.- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-103-700-702 CONFERENCE . MEETING EXP ACC 2.142 88 2.500 2.500 2.500 2.500 0 01-103-700-706 DUES, BOOKS. . SUBSCRIPT ACC 542 64 820 820 830 830 0 01-103-'100-728 TRAINING 0 00 900 900 900 900 0 01-103-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 284 77 375 375 375 375 0 01-103-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 00 0 0 7,000 7,000 0 01-103-700-752 MICROFIUoIING 465 60 1.100 1.100 1.100 1.100 0 01-103-700-776 OTHER EQUI P MAIN!' 112 50 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 3.548 39 5.695 5.695 12.705 12.705 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-103-800-802 OFFICE FURN . EQUIP o 00 500 o o o o 800 TOTALS o 00 500 o o o o 103 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------. ------------ ------------ 124.155 53 132.622 131.104 146.682 147,358 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ --------~--- ------------ ------------ 55 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTMENT: PROGRAM: Treasul') Sales Tax PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Program effective and efficient sales and use tax collections and compliance through education and auditing. Provide taxpayer asSistance. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Enforce sales and use tax compliance through audit and procedures and taxpayer education. 2. Conduct contacts with the public in a pleasant, effective and courteous manner 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: I. Funds for outside contract sales tax audits (704). $60,000. PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS: INDICA TORS 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Sales & Use Tax Accounts In Wheat Ridge 2,340 2,420 2,480 2.520 Outside of Wheat Ridge 866 946 1,000 1,025 Summons Issued for tax code 179 225 235 245 Delinquency Notices Issued 2.378 2.410 2.450 2.500 Field Audits 53 60 60 60 Special Audits 49 60 60 60 Audit Revenue Collected $ 199.378.00 $ 225.000.00 $ 250.000 00 $ 250.000.00 BUDGET\I999IADMlN\PROGIIS.wpd 56 :S5:7::;:F:-:'J;~ Sl\l.ES TAX 0...-115-600-602 0::"-115-600-603 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES BUDGE LONGEVI!Y PAY BL~ET & SALES TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY BUDG FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER BUDGE MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE BUD MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP BUDGET 0.1.-115-600-617 01-115-600-620 01-115-600-622 01-115-600-625 01-115-600-630 600 TOTALS 01-115-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 01-115-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP BUD 01-115-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS BUDGET & SALES 650 TOTALS 01-115-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP BUD 01-115-700-704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUDGET 01-115-700-706 DUES. BOOKS , & SUBSCRIPT BUD 01-115-700-728 TRAINING 01-115-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE RE IMBURSEMENT 700 TOTALS 01-115-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 800 TOTALS 115 TOTALS C:7Y C~ "'-~::;"7 R::.3E ~3;:'" 1999 ~~~-J~ E~~3E: 20 S ': A},~:-':k:.. S.",,"'JG'E::- :99E 699~ !.995- E:....'::~!:':' ES:-:fo'.,;::E: RE::.~S:-E: . - - - ~.._- n! ~ .~, _ =-_ --,,~ ---- .. - - .--.. --- -. --------------------------------------------------------------.---------- 69,409 92 73.310 72,506 76 ,7S: :: S ~ 807.57 828 0 166 75 100 181 100 Ice 4.363 82 4.603 4,553 4,818 4 866 7,507 04 7.929 7.929 8,590 423 1.020 57 1.077 1.065 1.127 1,138 2,776 51 2.932 2.900 3.071 3.102 _______.____6__ _6________.. ------------ --_.....-..- ------------ - - - - - - . - . - - ~ 86.052 18 90.779 89. 134 94,488 95,179 -.-..--.------- .----------- ----------.. ----_.~----- ------------ ------------ 1.291 04 787 787 80S 80S 0 00 850 850 850 850 3.000 00 4.000 4.000 4.000 4,000 --------------- ---~---_.._. --------_..- -------_.--- ---------._- ------------ 4.291 04 5.637 5,637 5.655 5,655 -----~._---_._- ------------ ------------ -~-~~------~ ------------ ------------ 123 63 200 200 200 200 0 25.986 46 50.000 50.000 60.000 60.000 0 51 00 580 580 200 200 0 175 00 500 500 400 400 0 800 56 860 860 860 860 0 --------------- ------------ ----....---- ------------ ------------ --_._~._-.-- 27.136 65 52. 14 0 52.140 61.660 61,660 0 --~---~._.----- ------------ ----.-.----- ------------ ----------.- ------------ 2.900 00 0 0 0 --------------- -~-~-------- ----~._-_._- - - ~ - - - - - - - -- ------------ ------------ 2,900 00 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 120,379 87 148,556 146.911 161,803 162,494 0 ............... ............ ............ ...........- ....-.-....- --...-...-.- 57 --- u COL ORP'S)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 58 u.. ::.2 ,,'-' ::7Y O~ hnEA7 R:~GE ?3'::~ General Fund Dep: Su~r.~ry 2::: ~\~~~~ B~jGE: 199E :99'9 1991? ==:S:r::F::JI~ A::7JA-. 5T"":;::7 ES7IMA7::: RE::rrS7E: . ..,~~~. .-- ,.,:;-~:-,~. :..- --_._-~-- ..".:..'" _:..:: ..:..~ P~~I~3 Ahu DEVE~OPMEN7 Plann1ng and Zonlng 128,503 5::. 223.522 210.763 21:::'.87'; .,;...... - - 1B9,792 BO 164,070 151.1B5 177.098 ~71 256 179.923 79 200.904 194.011 20B,22B 208.466 95,016 7B 95.653 91.762 113.713 11<4,710 --------------- --.--------- ------------ ------------ .- .--- - - -- -- ------------ 593.236 BB 6B4,149 647.721 710.913 70B,604 AdlT'.lnlstratlon Buildlng Inspectlon Code Enforcement TOTAL 59 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT ALL FUNDS DIRECTOR PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT (1 ) SENIOR SECRETARY (1 ) ECONOMIC ~ DEVELOPMENT PLANNER (1) SENIOR CODES PLANNER ADMINISTRA TOR (1 ) (1 ) SECRETARY PERMIT COORDINATOR PLANNER ( 1) ~ (1 ) (1) I BUILDING CODE CODE INSPECTOR (2) ENFORCEMENT ENFORCEMENT OFFICER II (1) OFFICER I (1) SEASONAL EMPLOYEES 60 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT AUTHORIZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 DIrector of PlannIng & Development I I Codes Administrator 1 I Semor Planner - 1 I Planner " "l - *BuildIng Inspector 1 "l - Code Enforcement Officer II 1 I Code Enforcement Officer I I I Semor Secretary I I Permit Coordinator 1 1 Building Clerk I I TOTAL AUTHORIZED 11 12 * One position is funded from the HoteI/Motel Fund. This table Includes only the personnel budgeted In line item 602. 61 --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 62 :: '12/:JC ~:::. OF WHEA7 R:DGE F:..AJ\'l;:NG &. DEVE:'OP!-!E:~"'7 S~Y 20 Q: ~-";J..:. B'JDGE7 nt'c-= ~ p......"'. ........~~.,.. . ~"'.' 1996 J..:7"JA:. 1995 B i.rDG!7 1999 ES7!~.;..7E: --_.~---- r:.~..~~.:::.~_ ?.l?t' . --- -,,-~ M.~~.-,_ ~. --~._---- .....~-~~~-_. ------------------------------------------..---p.-----------------------.------------..--.-------..--- P~anr.:ng & Development PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES & WAGES DEFERRED COMPENSATION AUTO ALLOWANCE OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE OUTSIDE PERSONNEL 40B.392 B3 o 00 3,200 00 1,091 21 22,175 53 00 35.831 60 6.350 07 B.493 09 00 Total Personnel Services .517.7124B MATERIAL & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE POSTAGE COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.750 00 7.524 76 1.317 66 3.458 06 447.073 o 3,200 1.600 37,900 o 40. 313 7.340 12.826 9.000 604.506 5.100 7.300 450 3.310 434.927 3.200 700 35.200 o 3B.531 7.193 12.B26 4.000 577. BB6 5.000 7.100 450 3.310 483,4i5 3.200 600 15,400 40.161 6.60B 16.193 5.000 616,449 6.000 7.100 9.000 3,910 485 266 3.200 600 15 400 4.1 022 6,366 14,B13 3,000 o 614..140 o 6,000 7,100 9.000 3,910 o o o o Total Materials & Supplies IB,050 4B -------------.- ---..._------- -----.....---- ------------ ------------ -..--.------ o OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES. BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AtTI'O MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFIU< OTHER EQUI PMENT MAINT MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 6,505 40 33.981 33 9.450.18 276 00 2.150 65 525 89 714 79 2.422 67 1.028 01 o 00 o 00 Total Other Serv~ces 57,473 92 CAPITAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP PHOTO EQUIPMENT COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OTHER MAJOR EQOl PMENT o 00 00 o 00 o 00 16.160 10.700 26.000 7,175 1.500 5,950 773 1.120 3.900 1.000 o o 58.883 4,600 o o o 15.860 10,200 25.460 7.100 500 4.050 761 866 3.088 200 o o 52.625 1.350 o o o 26.010 10.700 36.500 7.240 1.500 4.100 773 866 4.300 66,729 1.725 o o o 26.010 10.700 36.500 7.240 1,500 4,100 773 866 4.300 o o o o o o o o o o o o o 66.729 o 1.725 o o o o Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE o 00 593.236 8B -------------.- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --.--------. 4,600 684.149 63 1.350 647,721 1.725 710.913 1,725 70B.604 o o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTl\1El'T: PROGRAM: Plannmg and Deveiopment Administration PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This division is responsible for the management. administration and overall direction of the Plannmg and Development Depanment. The primary mission of the Department is to provide service to the communi~ in planning, code enforcement. zoning administration, economic development and redevelopment. building and housing inspections. The department serves the Planning Commission, Board of Adjustment. Building Advisory Committee, EDARC, the City Council, as well as ad hoc task forces established for specific projects. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1 Continue to implement the Comprehensive Plan. 2. Administer the land development regulations of the City and provide suggestions for updating regulations where needed. 3 Oversee and administer the CDBG program for the City 4 Implement & administer code and inspection programs for the hotels/motels program. 5. Develop and administer consistent code enforcement procedures, coordinated with court. 6. Continue to direct the City's economic development efforts and programs. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 1. Temporary Personnel (617), temporary full-time scanner moved to General Operations (610) to scan City Clerk documents in 2000. 2. Non-hourly employee (619) minutes specialist secretary - $8,500 650 MA TERlALS & SUPPLIES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 1. Conference and Meeting expenses (702) increased costs to attend the National and State APA conferences, and the Rocky Mountain Land Use Institute. 2. Ordinance Enforcement (718) preparation of documents for court. hiring contractors for court ordered clean-ups and other expenses. 3 JEC dues (706) $3,000*; miscellaneous dues $1,000. * y, of JEC dues are paid from EDARC. 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY 1. Office Furniture (802) for 3 new chairs. ($1,725) I 64 C:,':O 100 01-120-600-602 01-120-600-604 01'120-600-606 01-120-600-617 01-120-600-619 01-120-600-620 01.120-600-622 01-120-600-625 01-120-600-630 01-120-650-651 01-120 - 6 5 0 - 6 54 01-120-650-660 01-120-700-702 01-120-700-706 01-120-700-718 01-120-700-728 01-120-700-750 01-120-700-752 01-120-700-776 01-120-800-802 r:::::S:r":F:-:C~ PLANNING & DEV ADMIN STAFF SALARIES & WAGES PLANN DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANNI AUTO ALLOWANCE PLANNING & DE TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY NON HOURLY EMPLOYEE FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PLANN MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PLA MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PLANNI 600 TOTALS OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP PLA OPERATING SUPPLIES PLANNING 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP PLA DUES. BOOKS, & SUBSCRII"I' PLA ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES MICROFILMING OTHER EQUIP MAINT 700 TOTALS OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 800 TOTALS C:7Y 0::- ~"HE:A: R:::>GE 1999 J\Nl'."UA:. BL'DGE7 2 G:::: AA"},,'"'JA:. B:JDGE7 199E h:7~A.. 94,937 05 3,515 79 3.200 00 1.897 50 o 00 6,190 24 4.609 85 1.504 19 0.00 115.854 62 5.750 00 237 36 516 80 6.504 16 2.489 50 338 45 276 00 o 00 1.593 77 1.028 01 419 00 6.144 73 o 00 o 00 :.999 s::::;z: 136,820 3.978 3.200 25,000 7.200 10.527 7.682 2,535 2.790 199.732 5.100 1.200 o 6.300 4.500 3.975 1.500 1.150 3,000 1.000 765 15.890 1,600 1.600 :'999 Es:-rr.-";:-E: 13:'.796 3.727 3.200 25.000 5.000 10.400 5.900 2.450 2.790 190,263 5,000 1,000 o 6,000 4.000 3.900 500 1.150 3.000 200 400 13,150 1.350 1.350 RE::"~S:-:::: 155 C2J 4.057 3.20C o 8.500 6.589 6.033 1.542 3,055 187.999 6.000 1. 000 o 7.000 4.500 4,000 1,500 1.000 3.400 o 750 15.150 1. 725 --------------- ------------ -~---------- ------------ 1.725 120 TOTALS 128.503 51 223.522 210.763 211.874 .----.-- M.r r"'~ ~_ ...56 6 9~ ~02 3,200 o 8,500 5,219 6,074. 1.326 3.086 19C,297 6,000 1.000 7.000 4.500 4.000 1,500 1.000 3.400 o 750 15,150 1,725 1,725 214.172 fd?e --------- :<..:....-:..::.:... o o o o o o o o o o o o o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ o 65 Cln OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 Bl'DGET - PROGRAM Sll!\1MAR\ DEPART!\lEJliT' PROGRAM Planning and Development Planning and Zoning PROGRA'l DESCRIPTIO)';: Performs professional plannin!;! work in both long range and currem planning. Provides research. analysis and repons on various long and current planning proposals to ach~eve Implementation of the Comprehensive Plan and other land use policies. Provides direct assistance to CItizens. bUSinesses. developers, other deparnnents and agencies In all aspects 01 land development and use. Develops Master Plans and Comprehensive Plan amendments to further refine or reflect changing public policy and draft amendments to the land development regulations. Provides support 10 C1\'o Council. Planning Commission. Board of Adjustment and special task forces. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Continue 10 develop and expand the compulerized mapping and geographic information syslem. Develop linkages to other agencies such as special districts, Police Department, Public Works, Jefferson County Clerk and Recorder's office, Ihe assessor's office. DRCOG and stale offices 10 access usable data that already exists, , Continue to develop brochures and guideline publications for distribution to the public and developers relating to rules, regulations -and processes which affect development and use of land. 3 Maintain a high level of service in processing land use and development applications, 4 Continue 10 evaluate zoning regulations and propose amendments where needed. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES 617 Includes funds for plannin~ intern. 640 Computer system support or data bases. 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES 654 Photocopy and Printing: Printing of Comprehensive Plan. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 702 Conference & Meeting Expense - staff and planning commission members to attend AP A events & trainings, 704 Contractual Services - complete preparation of maps and ~hics for final printir:9 of Comprehensive Plan 706 Miscellaneous dues (AICP, APAj for staff and Planning ommission and Nation APA conference. 728 Includes funds for database development/program trainmg. 800 CAPITAL OUTLA Y PFRFORM A NrF INDICATOR 1998 1999 2000 2001 ACfUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Public Meetmgs Staffed 120 85 100 95 # Plan Comm. Cases 54 40 45 45 # Cny CounCIl Items 35 30 35 35 # BOA Cases 42 35 35 40 # EDARC Meetings 7 7 7 7 Pemllt ReViews 800 750 800 850 BUDGET\I999\PLANNING'J'ROGI2t WPD 66 '1:' 8C :::':'Y ::;,F IoI,.{EA7 R:rr:;::: 1999 A..\"h-JA.:.. B:.J:XiET rJ,::::t> 2::: A.".'1:"JA:. B:.JDGE':" :99~ :99;' :995 ~-......-.__.,.,,~. _':'::;_.'\.~. _v., h:7JL a::DGE7 ES711'....7E: RE~:..ES:-E: ;"F?F-:';;:: -~_._---- :-":'..-':"':'.:'- Pr....Al'o'NING & Z~NING 01-l21-600-6G2 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES PLANN 123.753 66 96.864 9<,370 103.23€ 9S 11: Cl-121-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY PLANN 10 SO 0 0 01.121-600-617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY PLAN 5.695 38 10.400 7.600 10.400 10.40C 01-121-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PLANN 8.026 49 6.651 6.496 7.083 6.827 01-121-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PLA 11. 104 82 9,609 9,609 10,228 10,328 01-121-600-625 MED 1 CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 1.877 17 1.555 1.519 1,656 1.597 01-121-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PLANNI 3,508 43 3.775 3,775 4.129 2.628 0 01-121-600-640 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 0 00 3,000 0 3,000 3,000 0 .-----------.-- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. ....----_... 600 TOTALS 153.976 45 131.854 123.369 139.732 133,890 0 --------------- ------------ -----------. ----------.- .-.----.---- -----.---... 01-121-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP PLA 7,287 40 6.100 6.100 6.100 6.10C 01-121-650-655 POSTAGE COSTS PLANNING AND Z 1.317 66 450 450 9.000 9.000 0 01-121-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES PLANNING 775 32 1.400 1,400 1.400 1.400 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --..---....- -------.--_. 650 TOTALS 9.380 38 7.950 7.950 16.500 16 500 0 .-------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------.-- 01-121-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP PLA 3.936 90 6.000 6.000 6.000 6.000 01-121-700-704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PLANNIN 13.032 57 10,000 10.000 11.000 11.000 0 01-121-700-706 DUES, BOOKS , & SUBSCRIPT PLA 7,996 75 2.000 2,000 2.000 2.000 0 01-121-700-728 TRAINING 906.81 2,400 1.000 1.000 1.000 0 01-121-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBtJRSEMENT 562 94 866 866 866 866 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. 700 TOTALS 26.435 97 21.266 19.866 20.866 20.866 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------.- -----------. 01-121-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 0 00 3.000 0 0 0 ------.-------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --- -- -. -. --- ----------_. 800 TOTALS 0 00 3.000 0 0 0 0 ---._---------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -.---------- ------------ 121 TOTALS 189,792 80 164.070 151.185 177.098 171. 256 0 ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ..-......... 67 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTMEl'IT: PlannIng and Development PROGRAM: BuildIng Inspections PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Enforces the Uniform Building, Plumbmg, Mechanical and Fire Codes and the NatIOnal ElectrIC Code. Performs building plan review and issues permits for all types of construction. performs inspectIOns for conformance to the Codes and issues Certificates of Occupancy. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Maintain the current level of service: a. Building Permit Plan Review and Inspection - 7 days for simple projects and ] 0 days for complex projects. b Inspections on the next business day. c. Certificates of Occupancy next business day after all requirements are met. Initiate program to inspect motels/hotels. Initiate program to inspect apartments. ., ~. 3 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES I. Operating supplies (660) includes replacement of cell phones. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES I. Contractual Services (704) - DRCOG elevator inspections - $10,000. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICA TOR 1998 1999 2000 2001 ACTUAL ESTlMA TED PROJECTED PROJECTED Inspections 5000 4500 4000 4000 Total Penmts Issued 1783 1300 t200 1200 Housing Code Complaint Basis Complaint Basis Complaint Basis Complaint Basis InspectIon Number of Plans 430 275 300 300 Reviewed Dollar Value $41.625.084 S24M $22M $22M BUDGET\I999IPLANNlNGIPROG I 22.WJld 68 81,'10/00 C:TY OF WHEA: R:DGE 1999 ANNU~ BUDGET rd?e- 200C ANN'J~ BUDGE': 1.995 1999 199~ ;,::J';.P.;-: DES:R:?7:::m; A':7';:":" BUDGE':' ES7!MA7E~ RE~''''=:S7E: .;?r:~:':;:: - -~. - ---. 1'\':" .. _ .:.. ~ ..:.._ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- BUILDING INSPECTION Cl-:22-600-602 STAFF SALARIES " WAGES BUILD 132.630 23 148,453 14'.723 157 5' : :59 ::6 01-122-600-610 OVERTIME " PREMIUM PAY BUILD 329 68 600 600 60G 60e 01-122-600-617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 7.H' 15 0 0 01-122-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER BUILD 8.55'7 ,'7 9.438 9.382 9.'76'7 865 01-122-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE BUI 13. '793 5'7 15.631 15. 631 15.8'74 16.352 01-122-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 2.001 35 2.20'7 2.194 2.284 :2.307 01-122-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP BUILDI 3.3'73 06 4.800 4,800 6.302 6.365 0 01-122-600-640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVI CE 0 00 6.000 4,000 2.000 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -------._--- -------.---- 600 TOTALS 168.129 51 18'7,129 181.330 194.36'7 194.605 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-122-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDING 415 95 660 660 1.260 1.260 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -------.---- 650 TOTALS 415 95 660 660 1.260 1.260 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-122-'700-'704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUILDIN 9.135.00 10,000 9.660 10.000 10.000 0 01-122-700-706 DUES. BOOKS. " SUBSCRIPT BUI 9'79 98 1.000 1.000 1.040 1.040 0 01-122-'700-'728 TRAINING 945 84 1.500 1.000 1.200 1.200 01-122-'700-'730 UNIFORMS " PROT CLOTHING 165' 66 361 361 361 361 0 01-122-'700-'740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 151 85 254 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ '700 TOTALS 11.3'78 33 13, 115 12.021 12.601 12.601 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 122 TOTALS 1'79.923 79 200.904 194.011 208.228 208.466 0 ............... ............ .......-...- ....-....... -.....-..-.. ...--..--.-. 69 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Planmng and Development Code Enforcement PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Responsible for enforcing zoning and nUisance regulations of the City. Performs inspections In response to complaints and work with landowners to gain compliance. Responsible for the summer weed abatement program and the summer clean-up program. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES I. Educate the public through the media, programs, meetings and pamphlets. 2. Provide an effective weed abatement program. 3 Coordinate the City-wide cleanup campaign. 4. To continue a close working relationship with court in order to impose penalties that result In fewer violations. 5. Expand code activities to include programs for housing fix-up and code clean-up for the elderly and disabled. 6. Improve ordinances that will be more enforceable and responsive to the community's changing needs and expectations. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES 1. Part-time weed inspector (619) for summer months - $3,000. 2. Temporary Personnel (6 17) - annual clean-up program - $5,000. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1 Contractual Services (704) - $15,500 for summer clean up costs including rental of dumpsters & truck. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: INDICA TOR 1998 1999 2000 20CII ACTUAL ESTIMA TED PROJECTED PROJECTED Gen,Code Inspect 1400 1400 1500 1500 Weed Inspections 160 230 180 190 Summons to Court Issued 40 45 35 30 BUOOlml999\PLANNING\PROG 123.wpd 70 J:/10 '00 CI:-t 8F WHEA7 RIDGE 1999 ANNUAl. BUIX;E7 Fa?e 20C: AJ>,'rmAl. BUDG"- DES:E:?7:0:-;' ::.9ge A::1J;": 1999 1999 r._~_,..h. _ B :''DGE7 ES711o'.}.7E: RE:~"ES:-E: AFFr...:\"E: --_..----- :-..:..... _:...:: - =-~ CODE ENFORCEMENT 01-123-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES CODE 57.071 89 64.936 64.038 67 676 68 3:;: 01-123-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY CODE 751 03 1.000 100 0 01-123-600-617 TEMF PERSONNEL - HOURLY CODE 7.138 50 2.500 2.600 5,000 5,000 0 01-123-600-619 TEMP PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 1,751 92 3.000 1,900 5.000 S 000 0 01-123-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER CODE 4.136 24 4,460 4.404 4.816 4.BSB 0 01-123-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE COD 6.323 36 7.391 7.391 8.026 8,268 01-123-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 967 36 1.043 1.030 1.126 :.136 01-123-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP CODE E 1.611 60 1.461 1.461 2.707 2.734 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 79.751. 90 85.791 82. 924 94.351 95.348 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ---_._------ ------------ ------------ 01-123-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES CODE ENFO 1,749 99 1.250 1.250 1.250 1 250 C --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 1,749 99 1.250 1.250 1.250 1.250 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --._-------- ------------ 01-123-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP COD 79 00 200 200 200 200 0 01-123-700-704 CONTRAC'l'tJAL SERVICES CODE EN 11,813 76 6,000 5.800 15.500 15.500 0 01-123-700-706 DUES. BOOKS , & SUBSCRIPT COD 135 00 200 200 200 200 01-123-700-728 TRAINING 298 00 900 900 900 900 0 01-123-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROT. CLOTIIING 360 23 412 400 412 412 0 01-123-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 828 90 900 88 900 900 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 13,514.89 8.612 7,588 18.112 18.112 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --- -- -- - - --- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----.------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 123 TOTALS 95.016 78 95.653 91.762 113.713 114.710 o ..........----- ------------ --------.--- .-.--------- ------------ ----------.- 71 0<:' ~- f...-.... --- u COL OR pS)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 72 ~ _ _2 ':J:: ::::" 8F wM~7 R::G~ Genera. Fund Oept Sum~ry 2:;:: M",,"'Uh:.. BL"DG:::- J~s:::\:r::::l~; 199E A-:7"JA:. A::::::-: :..::: :99? 1999 B :;DGE7 ES7IMATEt RE~:""1ES7E:' ?:J:'::E Pol:..ce Chlef 205.886 93 240.154 283.906 29:.914 32' 996 217.951 63 245.269 215.147 267.304 285 526 156.681 24 181.887 181.099 189.924 194.324 421.673 02 528.010 513.324 528.534 536.186 164.76644 276.645 194.216 290.893 281.313 206.231 85 241.836 225.062 232.173 237 302 102.472 12 145.481 138,296 133.751 135 423 o 00 0 0 0 2.016,91040 2.275,789 2,188.937 2.210.763 2.226.873 810.241 30 869.280 857.720 874.705 893.389 232.480 62 253.553 248.842 246.350 248.825 199.800 85 220.417 216.772 226,615 228.606 16.75047 24.957 20.038 23.738 23,738 Pollce Admlnlstratlon Animal-Parks Enforcement Communicatlons SEE Records Training Operations Patrol Cr~minal Invest~gat~ons Traffic Special Investigations Emergency Operations ------------... ------------ -.---------- --.._--._--- ------------ TOTAL 4,751.846 87 5.503.278 5.283.359 5.516.664 5.612.501 73 r3.::';> --_._---- h_ _.,. ..-.. --- --- o o o o o o o o III \1.1 ~ ~ \ ~ "" III ~~ \ ~Cl l- i ~ffi ~ J III ~ ~ 4:- 0.. Ul 0 Ul ) 0.. Ul C> 0 ~ ~ Ul I ~ Ir-\ ~, -'ct: 0\1.1 ct:u ....- <(... e>..... o ~ '""" ulll _ct: ...... ...u ~ir. ....... 0 \. If> ct: ul u ir. ... o o ul e>. et ...IIl oct: ex:'" ""~ <(... e>.... o ex: o o!!! \1.1'> e>.a: <(Ill e>. ;:) III ...~ ~~ ~~ c..... o .... z~ ;;l<( u\l.l -Cl \ta: ~~ .... III o ex: o u ~ ex: Cle %<( z= ~~ ....0 o u ....11I ~~ ex: \1.1 <(13 ~ ~~ et~ WU ex: % ~~ Ula.. - "~ ~ ,-) \ 74 I/'. It .... '-' ~ ... C C ... ... ~ ~ .... % 3 o '> POLICE AUTHORIZED "-:0 POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 Chief of Police I I Deputy Chief of Police I I Police Lieutenant 4 3 - 9 10 Police Sergeant *Police Officer I & II 52 52 Semor Secretary 3 3 **Emergency Services Specialist 11 11 Records Management Specialist 6 6 Ammal Parks Enforc. Super I I Ammal Parks Enforc. Officer 3 3 Commumcations Supervisor 1 I Secretary 1 I EVidence Technician I 1 Pawn Slip Clerk .5 .5 ***Trammg Coordinator I I TOT AL AUTHORIZED 94.5 95.5 This table includes only the personnel budgeted m line item 602. * 3 positions are funded from the Hotel/Motel Fund. ** 1 Position IS funded from the Hotel/Motel Fund. *** Position created mid year 1999/ Position is funded 50% from the Hotel/Motel Fund. 75 c. '.: o. ::=:S::':IP::8};' A:::-U;";" Pollee PERSONNEL SERVICES STAFF SALARIES . WAGES LONGEVITY PAY DEFERRED COMPENSATION EXTRA DUTY PAY AlITO ALLOWANCE OVERTIME . PREMIUM PAY STANDBY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY COURT PAY FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE PORTION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE POLICE RETIREMENT EXP OlITSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 3.576.991 B1 3.417 64 4.257 78 B.1BO 60 3.200 00 13B.935 B7 o 00 247 20 41.775 92 52.517 94 317.558 73 34.540 09 2B.315 76 272.33B.95 o 00 Total Personnel Serv~ces 4.4B5.909 26 MATERIAL . SUPPLIES OFn CE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY . PRINTING EXPENSE POSTAGE COSTS RANGE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES FUEL COSTS VEHICLE . EQUIPMENT PARTS HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL B.500 00 12.73B 34 00 12.317 83 25.146 41 o 00 o 00 4.603 58 Total Materials & Supplies 63.306 16 OTHER SERvr CES . CIlGS CONFERENCE . MEETING EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES. BOOKS. SUBSCRIPTIONS VETERINARY SERVICES/SUPP EXPENSE RE IMBURSEMEN'I' TRAINING UNIFORMS . PROT CLOTHING UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENTALS . LEASES OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT MIse SERVICES . CHARGES 5.089 70 10.526 00 6.B67 B1 61 00 1.472 61 37.074 06 25.525 30 35.841 56 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 Total Other Services 190.809 53 :::"'.:.' 8F ",-:.:.z;..:- R::-GE DE PAR TI-!EN7 SUMMARY AN}.u~ BU"..IGE':' ~Sl9E B~JGE7 3.949.906 2.948 5.540 15.000 3.200 195.944 4.930 1.608 69,845 59.602 376.114 40.859 32.727 299.376 o 5.066.351 8.600 22.120 o 14.250 35.017 o o 5.600 B5.937 8.965 14.500 9.465 650 2.150 56,985 5~ .150 40.800 o o o 1,500 303.710 76 199; ES':'!MA7E~ 3,790.049 2.780 5.400 15.000 3.200 193,389 4.930 1.608 68.387 59,255 360.443 38.712 30.557 290,478 o 4.B72.1B8 8.600 IB.980 o 14.250 33.770 o o 5.000 80.600 B.965 14,500 9.465 650 2.150 56.300 4B.150 40.BOO o o o 1.500 29B.781 1999 200: RE:.UES7EJ 3.91B.746 5,755 5,653 20.000 3.200 220.221 5.079 l.60B 72 . 246 60.29B 356.904 43.B73 32.403 291.353 650 5.047.594 B.600 23.070 o 15.000 35.695 o o 5.600 88.315 19,730 16.500 10.043 700 2,150 72.900 41,729 40.800 o o o 1.500 339.953 A??i\.::;''"E: 953 735 5.815 5.825 20,000 3.200 220.221 5.079 l.60B 72.246 61.2B1 376.250 43.596 31.694 298.074 650 5.109,931 B.600 23.070 o 15.000 35.695 o o 5.600 8B.315 19,730 16.500 10.043 700 2.150 72.900 41.729 40.800 o o o 1.500 373.453 ?a::::.:- ---.----- ^=-....-:...~ .=.- c o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o iJ~ ~.::: 18C :'ES:R: ?7Ior; CAP:TAL OUTLAYS OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP ENGINEERING . PHOTO EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT FLEET REPLACEMENT CAPITAL LEASES OTIIER MAJOR EQUIPMENT Total Capital Outlays TOTAL DEPARn-IENT EXPENSE ~:7Y ~F WHEA7 RIDGE DEPAR'NENT SUMMARY 2C:: Am'"".];;:' B~E7 199E :999 BUDGE':' 199=, 20 " A'"::'JA:. ES':'!~';"TE: RE~:""ES7E: -------------------------------------------------------------------- 2,790 92 15.490 0 13.385 1.660 00 4,000 4,000 3,60C 0 00 9.500 9.500 lS,90C 00 0 0 o 00 0 0 7.371 00 18.290 18.290 7.917 ~ ...---..-- F"I~ ~."\_ :.. :3 38S :3 6':: l5 90: 1,917 ~a::e- ---._---- ~:.- _:..:::._- o -------------""- ----------.- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 11.821 92 47.280 31.790 40.802 40.802 4.751.846 87 5.503.278 5.283.359 5.516.664 5.612.501 77 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Police Police Chief PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides leadership, command, direction and control of police services. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Continually strive to improve police services to the community utilizing current resource levels. 2. Implementation of City COWlcil goals & objectives for public safety services to the community: A. Technology: Purchase, refine and maintain quality technology systems and equipment within the Police Department which are essential for the delivery of public safety services; B. Staffing: Maintain adequate supervisory positions, C. Service Levels: Provide soWld, basic law enforcement services to the citlZens of Wheat Ridge, and be in a position to consider and offer enhanced programs and services which are appropriate and meaningful to all citizens. 2. Implementation of a coordinated, inter-departmental program designed to address code enforcement, housing, building code and criminal justice issues in hotels, motels, and multi-family housing facilities within the City of Wheat Ridge. 3. Provide the department with ethics training, and certification through the National Institute of ethics. 4. Complete revision of Police Department Policy Directives 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - $25,000 FOR RECRUITING TRIPS BUDGE1\I999\POUCE\PROO201.WPD 7R -'_ :C 0: 01-201-600-60:' 01-201-600-604 01-201-600-605 0:"-201-600-606 01-201-600-610 01.201-600-620 01-201-600-622 01-201-600-625 01-201-600-630 01-201-650-651 01-201-650-660 01,201-700-702 01-201-700-706 01-201-700-728 01-201-700-730 01-201-700-741 01-201-700-750 01-201-700-758 01-201-700-776 :JE:5:F.:P7:m~ PG::CE CHIEF STAFF SALARIES & WAGES POLIC DEFERRED COMPENSATION POLICE EXTRA DUTY PAY POLICE CHIEF AUTO ALLOWANCE POLICE CHIEF OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLIC FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLIC MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 600 TOTALS OFFI CE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE CH 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP POL DUES, BOOKS. & 'SUBSCRIPT POL TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTIIING UNIFORM ALLOWANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENTALS & LEASES OTHER EQUIP MAINT 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 201 TOTALS C::-:: 2'F ..-r-i:EA7 E::::;E 1999 A."lli'"'UA:.. StJ:IGE7 2::: ~ch: BL~E7 ~99E A::7U~ 119.156 47 4.257 78 8,180 60 3,200 00 110 01 6.332 95 8.219 99 1.923 42 1.364 58 152,745 80 8.500,00 762 37 9.262 37 886 86 896 54 1.016 72 367 27 35,841.56 308 00 4,561 81 00 43,878 76 o 00 205.886 93 :99? BUDGE':' 126,761 5,540 15.000 3.200 200 6.733 8.639 2,058 1,423 169.554 8,600 800 9.400 1.000 1.050 2,000 4.800 40.800 6.000 5.500 50 61.200 240.154 :!.99? ES7Ir-'"ATE::; 165,00C 5,400 15,000 3.200 700 9.976 8.639 2.846 2,545 213.306 8,600 800 9.400 1.000 1.050 2,000 4.800 40.800 6.000 5.500 50 61.200 o 283.906 RE::"~S7E: 165 394 5.653 20,000 3,200 700 9.046 13,208 2.682 2.931 222.814 8.600 800 9.400 1.500 1.050 2.000 2.800 40.800 6.000 5.500 50 59.700 o 291,914 ~---_._- n.rl"'ro......:.~ 165 99..; 825 2::. DOC 200 700 9.091 13.392 2,734 ;:,960 226,896 8.600 800 9 400 1.500 1.050 2.000 2.800 40.800 31.000 5.500 50 84.700 o ............... ............ ............ ............ .....-...... 320.996 79 ?a.:'t> - - -. - ---- r,:;"w_::",:.:;". o o o o o o o o o o o o o o on' OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTMENT: PROGRAM: PolIce Professional Standards Bureau PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: This bureau maintains an individual budget account and manages the budgets for the SelectIve Enforcement and Education Unit, and the Records and Training Bureaus. It provIdes support for the department by providing resources for other bureaus and divisions and reviews departmental standards. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECflVES: Provides management, supervision and support for the Selective Enforcement and Education Unit, and the Records and Training Bureaus: a. Maintenance of short and long-term goals and objectives. b. Ensures that the units are staffed, functional, and funded, 1. Maintain and implement policies and other written resources and directive guIdes. a Policy updates distributed every six months, b. Promote an environment in which employees provide ideas. 2. Coordinate Police Department hiring. a. Keep job descriptions current. b. Ensure an impartial selection process that leads to the hiring of quality employees. 3. Coordinate victim services with the appropriate agencies. a Coordinate victim services with the appropriate agencies. b. Act as liaison between victim services and the police department. 4 Manage internal affairs for the department. a. Update internal affairs policy. b. Update procedures in conducting internal affairs. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES: 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES: JUVENILE ASSESSMENT CENTER - $13,500; LINE OFFICER GRANTS - $5,000 800 CAPITAL OUTLAY: BUDGET\I999\POLlCEIPR0G202. WPD RO ::7Y OF ~r.~A7 ~:~G~ ?o.::::l-' 1999 M""-JA1.. B:JDGE":' 2 ~ C, M'},1JJ.:. B:''DGr. ~9ge 1995o :999 . ~~,........... t;._~.....J"_ ....,-~,.....-...--,...,,,. ~:;.:::>,-:o.._:- _ ~"'.. A:7JA:. S....."'DGE':' ES7I~':'E:r: ...-_._~--.... tI.:;..._=.;;;~=._ ~--~_..-- ....r r.~ _ . .:.~ ---.----- --- ~ - -- .-- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------.--..-- PROFESSIONAl. STM'DARDS ::'-2C2-60Q-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES peLle 176,167 24 181.767 164,970 2C9 5...; St_ 81-202-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY POLl CE ADMIN S 19 971 0 01-202-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLIC 639 46 600 600 3,850 3,850 01-202-600-618 COURT PAY POLICE ADMIN SERVI 00 0 200 208 C 01-202-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLIC 2.114 43 2.170 388 0 01-202-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL 1-40,6-402 65 15.750 19.000 16,551 '7 014 01-202-600-625 MED I CARE PORTION FICA POLICE 494 51 508 91 0 01-202-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 1.325 56 1.376 247 0 0 01-202-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 14.204 43 14.557 15.400 20.954 21,796 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 209.578 31 216.728 200.696 251,099 260,821 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01- 2 02 - 6 5 0 - 6 54 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP POL (5 001 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -- ----- - - - -- 650 TOTALS 15 001 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------_.- 01-202-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP POL 695 30 735 735 755 755 01-202-700-706 DUES, BOOKS , & SUBSCRIPT POL 706 38 1.200 1.200 1.360 1,360 0 01-202-700-728 TRAINING 717 34 2.300 2.300 3.200 3.200 0 01-202-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6,259 3D 10.216 10.216 10.000 18.500 0 -------------~- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 8.378 32 14.451 14.451 15.315 23,815 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-202-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EOUIP 0 DO 14.090 0 890 890 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 DO 14.090 0 890 890 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 202 TOTALS 217,951 63 245.269 215.147 267,304 285.526 0 -------.....--- -..-------.. -----.------ -----..----- .-----.----. -.....------ 81 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGR~M Sl'!\ll\lARY DEP ARTI\1E~T: PROGRAM: PolIce Ammal Parks Enforcement PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To provide the cItizens of Wheat RIdge with Proactive patrol of the City's parks. open space areas, trails, and lakes. Enforce ctty ordmances and regulatIOns m the parks and open space areas, Enforce ordmances pertammg to ammals. Investtgate animal cruelty and ammal complaints from the public. Provide protection of the city's natural resources. Provide the citizens with education and service regardmg various wildlife problems and Issues wlthm the City 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: l. Utilize available resources to provide both animal control and park secunty servIces. 2. Monitor wildlife and design management programs. Trap and relocate/dispose of problem wildlife in a humane manner. 3. Provide professional service to the Citizens of Wheat Ridge with the emphaSIS on community oriented goals and service. 12000 I SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: ANIMAL CONTROL INDICATORS 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACfUAL ACfUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Case Reports 1895 2000 2000 2000 Ammallmpoundmcnts 325 350 400 425 Vlolauons Warnmgs Issued 349 375 400 400 VIOlations Summons Issued 34 40 75 75 Animals Returned to Owners 435 500 600 650 Wildlife Calls 255 300 400 450 PARK PATROL INDICATORS 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Case Reports 161 200 300 350 VIOlations Warnings Issued 1043 1000 1500 2000 Violations Summons Issued 12 25 50 75 Fishing Contacts 600 1200 2000 2000 P.R. Contacts 41147 45000 5??oo 55000 Bicycles 3080 5000 7000 7500 Warrant Contacts 21 25 40 50 '- I ---/ 82 .Q,CC :::7':' OF \tt"E::A7 R:XE ::a;::~ 199 S A.."lh-JA:. BUDGE:- 2COC Am.;UA:.. BUDGE':" :99~ 1999 199~ A==:.~::- DES:7.:P7:0N A=JA:- BL'DG~7 ES7!MA:r'E= RE;;:.:::S7E: .~~-......-- 1"\1'"1'"...._, ;;.._ --------- :'\.;;....-;;...': - ANlMAL- PARK ENFORCEMENT Cl-203-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES APEO 122.958 91 139.664 139,664 143 916 14.;, 39S; 01-203-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY APEO 2,141 90 3.325 3.325 3.575 5"7:: Cl-203-600-618 COURT PAY APEO 205 88 1.040 720 1.::"20 120 01-203 -600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER APEO 7,804 55 8,930 8.960 9.214 9,244 01-203-600-622 MEDI CAL/DEN'I'AL INSURANCE APE 12.917 98 15.498 15.000 16.336 2:.440 01-203-600-625 MED I CARE PORTION EMPLOYER 1.825 26 2.088 2.088 2.155 2,162 0 01-203-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP APEO 4,677 37 5.587 5.587 5.757 4 533 01-203-600-640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICE 0 00 0 0 650 650 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 152,531 85 176.132 175,344 182.723 187.123 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-203-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES APEO 651 30 500 500 600 600 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------.. 650 TOTALS 651 30 500 500 600 600 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ --._-------- ------------ 01-203-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETINGS 107.23 200 200 200 200 0 01-203-700-706 DUES. BOOKS . & SUBSCRIPT APE 25 00 195 195 195 195 0 01-203-700-720 VETERINARY SERVICES/SUPP APE 61 00 650 650 700 700 01-203-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING 2.905 50 3.360 2.860 3.756 3.756 0 01-203-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 00 0 0 350 350 0 01-203-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINT 399 36 850 1.350 1,400 1 400 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 3.498 09 5.255 5.255 6.601 6.601 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 203 TOTALS 156.681 24 181.887 181. 099 189.924 194.324 o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 83 CITY OF WHEAT RlDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGR4,.!\t Sl'!\I\lARY DEPARTl\1El\T: PROGR.\.:\1: PolIce CommunIcatIOns PROGRl\M DESCRIPTION: ProvIde the cltIzens of the communIty wIth a professIOnally staffed Communlcatlons Center that utIlIzes hIghly skilled. DedIcated personnel to provIde dIspatch operatIons for polIce. fire. emergency rnedlcal response, and animaVparks enforcement. Promote communIty servIce by provldmg referral to cItizens requmng addItIOnal assIstance. Initiate compIlatIon and collectIOn of data by computer entry for the police department. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Receive and dIspatch calls for servIce in a timely, safe, orderly and when necessary expeditIOUS manner. 2. Advise cItizens callIng m for servIce of any necessary response delays, and If necessary provide follow-up calls for revisions. 3. ProVIde directIon and referral to citIzens reqUIring mformation or resources that the City or the Police Department cannot provide. 4. Perform computer informatIon inquires and entrIes for department personnel. Monitor and update as necessary, mformation into the computer aIded dIspatch system. 5 Support department personnel by providmg information denved from computer, manual, and telephone methods. 6 Attempt to recogmze problems withm the commumty and attempt to resolve them. 7. Create an atmosphere that is conducive to communIty involvement. 8. Mamtain numerous computer database accounts, insunng they contam accurate, current resource information. 9 Increase the overall effiCIency of CommUnIcations through automatIOn and mechanIzatIOn. 10 Promote and mamtam effectIve workmg relationshIps withm the department and adjacent agencIes. PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS: INDICATOR 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Department Reports 28721 27893 28000 29000 Emergency Calls < 1 < I mInute < I minute < I minute RecelVedIDIspatched mmute BUDGET\ 1999\POLICE\204\PROGRAMSUM. WPD I ) 84 ~ 1 ~", ~ r ::7Y ~F ~~LA7 R::~E ,..l.:'t" :S99 M""'-JAl.. Bt..."DGE:7 L~vy Ah~~~ B~~E7 199E 199~ 1999 ES7!MA7E~ RE~:JES7~: - "'--.....-- .....r- r-:-' ~ =-_ ---.----. R" ... -'" --- .-- DES:R:P7I::JK ....._~ui"l..,... B:'::Ki=:7 -----------------------------------------~-------------------------------.-------- PO:.I:E :OMMUNIc:ATIONS 01.204-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES COMM'J 323.204 07 377.315 367.000 364,554 36" p- 01-204-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMItlM PAY COMM'J 9.161 15 16.400 16.400 20,700 h 7C: 01-204-600-618 COURT PAY COMMllNIc:ATIONS 189 06 400 400 400 40:- 01-204-600-620 PI c:A EXPENSE EMPLOYER COMMU 20.615 53 24.435 23.800 23,675 24,082 01-204-600-622 MED I CAL/DENTAL INSURANCE COM 32.781 07 39.423 37.000 37,877 42 163 01-204-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 4.822 02 5.715 5,565 5.562 632 01-204-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP COMMllN 11.868 02 13,763 12.600 13,256 13 379 ----.---.------ ------------ ------------ ------------ - - - - - - - - - ~ -- ------------ 600 TOTALS 402.640 92 477,451 462.765 466.024 473.676 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-204-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES COMMllNI c:A 1.410 13 1.725 1,725 120 120 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 1,410 13 1.725 1.725 120 120 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-204-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP COM 111.17 750 750 750 750 0 01-204-700-706 DUES. BOOKS . & SUBSCRIPT COM 420.50 540 540 540 540 0 01-204-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINT 15.691 54 38.044 38,044 51.600 51,600 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 16.223.21 39.334 39.334 52,890 52.890 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-204-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 1,398 76 0 0 0 0 0 01-204-800-805 COMMllNIc:ATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 00 9.500 9.500 9.500 9.500 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 1.398 76 9.500 9.500 9.500 9,500 0 --------------- ------------ ------ -- - --- -----------. ------------ ------------ 204 TOTALS 421 673 02 528,010 513.324 528.534 536,186 0 .......-..-..-. -.---.--.--. ...-.---.... ....-.-.-.-. ..-.......-. .-.---.-.-.. 85 CIn OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 Bl1>GET - PROGRA:\I SDI:\IAR\ DEPARDIE:'\T: PROGR.\l\I: Pollee Selective Enforcement &. EducatlOn PROGRAM DESCRlPTIO!\: The Selective Enforcement and Educauon (S.E.E.) unit is comnuned to the benerment of the cornmunm b:- developIng more effective commUnlcal1on between the PolIce Depamnent and the CllIzens of Wheat Ridge This goa11s achIeved by the folloWIng methods: I Community Organization. Develop, orgamze, and assist CornmumtylNelghborhood orgamzanom deSIgned to proactively address a vanety of community concerns and needs. For the pohce department the emphasis should be in the areas of CAP; community watch, cnme preventIOn. and the general welfare of the communIty 2, Youth Related Activity. ProVide educatIOn, training, guidance, and alternatIves to the youth of the community through established programs and coordination with established entitles such as parks and recreation, W.R.Teen Center, schools, community service organizal1ons. and parent groups. 3 Development of a Department-Wide Community Policing Program - Provide assistance In the develo,pment of community policing programs and strategies. Initiate the communication necessary and encourage other sections and units within the depamnent to recognize and respond to community policing opportunities. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: The Selective Enforcement and Education (S.E.E.) Unit is committed to the betterment of the community by developing more effective communication between the police department and the citizens of Wheat Ridge. The Unit provides a variety of crime prevention programs for reSIdential and business use, The Unit serves as the primary mechanism of the city to organize and help in the maintenance of Community Watch Groups. They have provided opportunity for children and youth to panicipate in nationally recognized drug abuse, gang and violence resistance, and law related educal10n programs. The Unit panicipates, in coordination with the community, in solving problems which effect the city or any part thereof. 1 To develop, organize, and assist CommunitylNeighborhood organizations designed to proactively address a variety of community concerns and needs. This unit emphasizes the Community Awareness Program (CAP); community watch; crime prevention; and the general welfare of the community Assistance and leadership in accessing municipal government services as it relates to the needs of the community, are provided with problem resolution as the key objective. 2. To provide education, training, guidance, and alternatives to the youth of the community through newly developed programs (e.g. "Safe Kids, Sman ChOIces". and "Cops With Class"), and coordination with established entities such as parks and recreatIon, schools, community services organizations and parent groups. 3 To provide asSIstance, leadershIp, coordinanon and direction within the pollee department In the development of community policing programs and strategies. Communicate, encourage, and collaborate with all police department bureaus and city departments in developing potential community policing programs. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1997 1998 1999 1000 ACTUAL ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED Total School Served 7 10 \0 10 Elementary Sluden15 2535 2527 2540 2550 Commumty Programs 75 70 57 80 Middle School Students 750 750 800 850 High School Students 200 250 300 300 CAP ProjectS 4 5' 6 10 . includes one which was 5taned In 1997 BUDGETlI999\POLlCE\205\ROGRAMSUMWPD 86 ... / c:~y O? ~~EA7 R:~G~ ~3.?e- 1999 ~~~ 8~3E: 2;: :: ANt..-JJ..:. B:"''XE7 199E :'99~ 1999 N:S:F.: r:-: Or,' A:7"';;":' 8c":JG~:- ES7IMA7E: RE~:"'ES7~: . --- -. .-- 1"\:":' _~. _ . - - -- - ---- -~ --- -- PC:":CE SEE 0:'205-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 133.220 14 205.373 14.1.979 216.109 20"7 26.. 01-205-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 3.248 97 6.510 6.510 7.72C '0' 01-205-600-618 COURT PAY 218 22 3,255 3.150 3.360 36C 01-205-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 9.959 76 20.834 13 . 834 20.884 2: 162 01-205-600-625 MED I CARE PORTION FICA 2.012 86 2.443 1.800 3.294 3.166 Cl.205-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP 13.202 87 20.448 14.198 21.611 20 726 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ - - - - ~ - ~ - - ~ - - 600 TOTALS 161.862 82 258.863 181.471 272.978 263.398 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-205-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP 0 00 3.040 0 3.160 3.160 01-205-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1.332 16 9.752 7.755 9.755 9 755 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. 650 TOTALS 1.332 16 12.792 7,755 12.915 12.915 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Ol~205-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP 363 42 500 500 500 500 0 01-205-700-706 DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT 756 25 1.990 1.990 2.000 2.000 0 01-205-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING 0 00 1.000 1,000 1.000 1.000 0 01-205-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINT 451 79 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 1.571 46 4.990 4.990 5.000 5.000 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 205 TOTALS 164.766 44 276.645 194.216 290.893 281.313 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----.--.---- 87 CIn OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BCDGET - PROGRnl SDt:\lARY DEPART!\1EI"T: PROGRAM: Police Records PROGR.\.M DESCRIPTION: The Pollce Records Bureau maintains. corrects. verifies and updates the Pollce Depamnem s crime data bases It maintains a cenlTal reposllory for records of the Pohce Department. and provides statlsl1cal mformal1on for vanous government agencies and the general pubhc, It fmgerprints applicants for vanous hcenses which reqUIre fingerpnntmg for employment. It provides clearances for Pawn Shops on weapons. cameras. blcvcles and stereo eqUipment. It maintains Sexual Offender Registration information and weapons purchase demalllSlS. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Process, maintain, and archive all pohce reports and related documents. I Provide police reports, management information, on-line computer information, and other related servi~s. 2. Continue to develop and implement improved automated procedures. 3 Bond prisoners in cooperation with other law enforcement agencies. 4 Fingerprint citizens for various licenses and job related requirements. 5 Assist citizens with their police related questions or refers them to the appropriate agency 6. Mamtain information on Sexual Offenders and Weapons Denial subjects. 7 Perform bookkeeping and billing functions for appropriate ordinances. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: \998 \999 2000 200\ ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED PROJECTED CJA Report Requests 1,464 1500 1.525 1.550 Reports Processed 26,432 27,500 28.000 28.500 Records Checks performed 50 60 65 70 Pnsoners Bonded 96 100 lIO 115 Total Alarm Billings 45 45 50 55 Fmge~nnts 464 475 490 500 Pawn Clearances 528 540 555 555 Sexual Offenders 40 200 200 200' Mail Requests 1.180 2000 2200 2400 DUI RestitutIOns 25 27 27 30 Microfilmed Documents 0 0 0 0 Weapons Denials CBI CBI CBI CBI Total Cases Processed 30,324 32.447 33,222 33,975 BUDGET\2000IPOLlCEI206\ROGRAMSUM. WPD I ./ 88 :: 'OC C::'Y 0:: loi'}iEJ..7 R:XE 199 S Ah"N'JA:. BUDGE':' ?3~~ 28C: ~~~A: BU-uCE7 :!.996 1999 1999 ,;:::):..~ JESCR:?7:::m A'::7'JA:.. B:'DGE: ES:lMA.7E: R::::~S:E: ~~~-~.,-- ,..~ ~:<.- ;..- ~~~._--~- :<..:....-:...::..:..- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ POLl ::E RECORDS 01-206-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES POLIC 146.262 72 164,187 153.00C 158.996 16_ 3:_ 01-206-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLIC 2.188 95 4.788 4.788 6.20C 6,20C 01-206-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLIC 9.204 01 10.476 10.000 10.242 10 3BE 01-206-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL 26.203 21 30.601 26.601 25.250 2i,587 01-206-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 2.152 55 2,399 2.288 2.329 ;:,363 0 01-206-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 5.247 61 6.340 5.340 5.294 5.585 -----.--.------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -- -- - - - - ---- ------------ 600 TOTALS 191.259 05 218,791 202,017 208.313 213.442 c --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ - ---- - -- - - -- ------------ 01-206-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP 12.743 34 18.980 18.980 19.810 19.810 01-206-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE RE 981 89 775 775 795 795 ----.---------- ------------ ------------ -----.------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 13.725 23 19.755 19.755 20.605 20.605 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-206-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP POL 262 57 690 690 720 720 0 01-206-700-706 DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT POL 45 00 200 200 135 135 0 01-206-700-776 OTIIER EOUI P MAINT 940 00 2,400 2.400 2.400 2.400 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 1.247 57 3.290 3,290 3.255 3.255 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ----------.- ------------ -- - -- -- - ---- ---- - - - ----- 206 TOTALS 206.231 85 241.836 225,062 232.173 237 302 0 ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 89 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 Bl'DGET - PROGRAl\t SVW\lARY DEPARTMENT: PROGR.\M: PolIce Trammg PROGRA:\1 DESCRIPTION: Provide basIc, field, and advanced training for all police employees; produce appropnale reference matenals, provide sUitable uniforms and personal protective eqUipment, produce penodlc reports for planning purposes. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Schedule annual In-service/recertification trainIng, remedIal training, and advanced tralmng. Examples include accident reconstructIOn, drug InterdIction, gang identification and suppression, and investIgatIve techniques. 2. Maintain updated reference library; produce in-house reference and training materials regarding areas of police practices and liabilities. 3 PartIcipate In the Field Tralmng Program and maintain updated field training guides. 4. EqUIp and outfit new officers; arrange the repair and/or replacement of damaged equipment; evaluate and maintain equipment standards. 5. Serve as the department's pnmary medIa contact. 6. Coordinate scheduling of orientatIon for newly hired officers. 7 PartiCIpate m training to bnng instructor skills and current liabIlIty awareness to the Police Department. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Enrollments 250 300 300 300 Average Traming Hours 58 61 61 61 Total Training Hours 5000 5200 5200 5200 BUDGEn I 999\POLlCru07\PROGRAMSUM . WPD '-- j 90 c::. ':C 'DC c:~ OF ~nEA~ R:~GE rd?::" ;. 999 AJP.."UAl. Bw~E7 2::.:;: Am:"JA.:. B~....vE:- :'996 1995 8'J:IGE7 1999 ES':'IMATE: 280: .;::::Th":' ~SSCF.!p':':m.; A:::-'JAL RE:;:'::STEC A??R:',"'E: ___0_____ :-.:." ...,~~.:.~ ------------------------- POLICE TRAINING Cl-207-600-602 STAFF SALARIES . WAGES POLIC 39.697 24 41.379 41.379 2C 50C .. 98.. 01-207-600-610 OVERTIME . PREMIUM PAY POLIC 1.439 49 3.000 3.000 1.500 50C 01-207-600-618 COURT PAY POLICE TRAINING 37 23 0 0 0 01-207-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER 0 00 0 0 1.318 396 01-207-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL 2.981 26 2.465 2.465 1.325 1 387 01-207-600-625 MED I CARE PORTION FICA POLICE 605 70 614 614 308 327 01-207-600-630 CCQERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 0 00 0 0 850 879 01-207-600-633 POLICE RETIREMEN'l' EXP POLICE 3.862 34 4.138 4,138 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ - - ------ - - -- 600 TOTALS 48.623 26 51.596 51,596 25.801 27.473 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------.- ------------ 01-207-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE TR 348 94 625 625 625 625 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 348 94 625 625 625 625 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ---------_.- ---------...-- 01-207-700-702 CONFERENCE l'.Nll MEETING EXP 500 00 500 500 10.500 10.500 0 01-207-700-706 DUES, BOOKS. . SUBSCRIPT POL 2.605 00 2,600 2.600 2,675 2.675 0 01-207-700-728 TRAINING 35.340 00 52.685 52.000 67.700 67.700 0 01-207-700-730 UNIFORMS . PROT CLOTHING 15.054 92 37,175 30,675 26.150 26.150 0 01-207-700-776 OTIlER EQUIP MAINT 0 00 300 300 300 300 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 53.499.92 93,260 86.075 107,325 107.325 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ---------...-- ------------ ------_...---- ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 207 TOTALS 102 472 12 145.481 138.296 133.751 135.423 0 ............... ............ ............ ............ .-.-.-.--.-. .--.-------- 91 \...ll) Ut ~\ ~lL.-\ l k.IUL.t. ~OOO Bl DGET. PROGR.\\1 Sl \l\l-\R\ DEPART;\IE:>;T: PROGRU1: Pollee Patrol Bureau (Police Patro\) PROGM!\I DESCRIPTIO"" ProvIdes cnme preventative pollce parrol and emergency response to the publIc Provides non-emer~enC\ aSSI5!an~e I,' the public as requested. Develops commumt:' pollcmg programs. Promotes customer Sef\ICe 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I ProvIde emergency response nmes not to exceed four and one-half mmUles. 2. Evaluate our level of effectIveness and citizen satisfaction. 3 Actively panicipate in commumty policing programs to include. the annual Carnanon Fesll\'al. the Jefferson County Children's Advocacy Center, the Juvenile Assessment Center. the Domesl1c VIolence Fast Track Committee, Liquor Licensee training programs. regular meetmgs With the Arapahoe House staff, meetings with local motel management, ride along programs and tours. 4 1brough directed patrol aSSIgnments, deploy and utilize our personnel to best meet the needs of the Clllzens of Wheat Ridge and the police department. 5 Continue to be pro-active towards criminal gang activity with regular gang sweeps by the specialIzed police Gang Unit. 6. Aggressively, but fairly, enforce al11aws of this City, State, and Federal government. through strict adherence to the Department's Mission Statement. 2000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: Two Lieutenants have retired and have been replaced by three sergeants in order to prOVide closer SUpervisIon of parrol officers. One additional Patrol Officer funded by the Motel Tax. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1997 1998 1999 1000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Number of calls for service 28.721 27.893 27.300 27,500 Number of accjdents investigated 1.832 1.883 1.900 1.925 Arrests & bookings 4.110 4.481 5.000 5.000 OUt Cases ~12 257 300 310 Tr.lffic CitatIOns 5,478 7.800 7.900 8.000 Emergency Service Calls 6.988 6.576 6.750 7.000 Emergency response limes 4.26 4'48 4:30 4.30 "MuniCipal Domestic Violence Cases 300 291 300 300 .Problem Onenled PoliCing Project Hrs. 1.300 1.175 1.300 1.400 Gang Unit Sweeps 10 5 5 10 Gang Members Contacted 75 82 85 90 .. 1999 ordinance change to reflect stale code definitions of domestic violence .Problem Onenled PoliCing Carnation Festival 275 Project HOUTS Gang Sweeps 200 OUt Sweeps 50 Patrol Ride Alongs 98 @ 6hr 600 Patrol for Specific Cnmlnal ActIvity 175 Miscellaneous 100 TOTAL 1.400 BUIXiET\1999\POUCE\2II\PIlOGRAMSUM. WPO '-... 92 -----""" 0,:. '::.n/oc ':":::JtJ::-:- CES~IP:!ON C:':'Y OF Yr.-rt:.A": RIDGE 1999 ~JAL B~"D.:;E':' :: 0 C: M":;,"JA:.. B:""DGE7 ,:,,~-:A;.. :99E 1999 1999 ES7IMATED RE::';:S:-:::: Fa.:Jt" ---------------------------- POLICE PATROL -------------------------------------.--------------------------.----------------------- APFF=':~= ~-_._---- r-.=.....:..::_,,-_ C:-Z:"l-600-602 01-211-600-603 01-211-600-610 01-211-600-618 01-211-600-620 01-211-600-622 01-211-600-625 01-211-600-630 01-211-600-633 01-211-600-634 01-211-650-657 01-211-650-660 01-211-700-702 01-211-700-706 01-211-700-727 01-211-700-730 01-211-700-750 01-211-700-776 01-211-800-802 01-211-800-805 01-211-800-809 STAFF SALARIES . WAGES POLIC LONGEVITY PAY POLICE PATROL OVERTIME . PREMIUM PAY POLIC COURT PAY POLICE PATROL FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL MEDICARE PORTION FICA POLICE CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE RETIREMENT EXP POLICE STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 1.579,846 70 763 67 57,713 10 31,183 00 1192 128.949 75 13.770 77 6 48 157.740 82 3,630.97 Bu":)GE: 1,738.573 168 80.000 48.365 o 157.902 17.919 o 173.610 8.752 1,656,473 80.000 48.365 o 152.902 15.900 o 170.647 8.000 655,039 2.165 90,900 49,450 o 146.958 17.985 o 165.504 9.605 ..,663 SH :2 1S} 90 900 49,450 ,0 152,705 17 . 946 o 166.351 10.657 o 600 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 2,154,316 o 1.973.617 18 2.225,289 2.132.287 2.138.206 --------------- ------------ ------------ ----------.- ---------.-- ------------ RANGE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE PA 12.317 83 9.006 77 14,250 7,565 14.250 9.565 15,000 9.700 o 15,000 9,700 650 TOTALS --------------- -----.------ --------.--- -------.---- ---------_.- ----------_. 24,100 o 21.324 60 21.815 23.615 24.700 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ PATROL CONFERENCE " MEETINGS DUES. !lOOKS. SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE RE IMIlURSEMEN'l' UNI FORMS . PRO'! CLOTIlING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES OTHER EQUIP MAINT 181.19 228 90 600 00 4.180 01 8.386 45 993 91 250 375 600 1.635 15.600 1.375 250 375 600 4.635 17.100 1.025 465 375 600 4.200 16.000 1,400 465 375 600 4.200 18.000 1,400 o o o o o o 700 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 25.040 o OFFICE FURN . EQUIP COMMUNI CAT! ONS EQUI PMENT OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 800 TOTALS 211 TOTALS 14.570 46 1,392 16 o 00 6,006 00 7.398 16 2.016,910 40 19.835 o o 8.850 8,850 2.275.789 23. 995 o o 6.850 8.850 2.188.937 25.040 12,495 6.400 3.922 22.817 2.210,763 12,495 6.400 3.922 o o o 22.817 o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 2.226.873 o 93 CITY OF WREA T' RIDGE 2000 Bl'DGET - PROGRo\1\1 SDI\IAR\ DEPART1\1E~T: PROGRAM: PolIce Cnmma] InveslIgatlOns PROGRAM DESCRIPTIO~: ProvIde comprehensIve InVeslIgatlOns on cnmes whIch most senously Impact the qualn)' of lIfe and feelIng of safety in our communIty. Manage InvestIgatIve resources and ensure qualIty cnmInal InvestIgatIOns and eVIdence processing. Meet or exceed cItIzen expectatIOns regardmg cnmmal prosecutIon and protection of victim's and suspect's nghts. MaIntaIn eVIdence and property In a manner consIstent wIth eVIdentIary standards and mumclpal ordInances. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I. Thoroughly InVestIgate all crimes deemed to be of greatest commumty Impact. 2. Develop suspects on those assigned cases m which the suspect IS unknown. 3 Coordinate prosecutIOn with the district attorney's office to ensure adhesIOn to defined defendant nghts while providing detailed evidence gathenng. 4 Coordmate efforts WIth patrol officers to set realistIc expectatIons with cItIzens and mfonn citIzens on the status of theIr cases and how they can asSIst m cnmmal mvestIgatIons. 5 MamtaIn a proactive approach at crime reductIon through current mvestlgatlve technIques and commumty education. 6. Maintam a controlled inventory of evidence and other property In the possessIon of the property section. 7. Provide detailed cnme scene processing on major cases and coordmate processmg efforts on other cnminal mvestigatlons. 8 Maintain current techniques and investigatIve skills in all investigators. 9. Contribute to the safety of our citIzens by momtoring child abuse and domestic VIOlence reports and maIntaIn thoroughness and consIstency with other agenCIes in these InvestIgatIons. 10 Prosecute child molesters and mamtam an mfonnatlOn base on sex offenders In our commumty BUDGETll999\POLlCE\212\PROGRAMSUM. WPD "- I ) 94 ,,~ .v 0: C::"i' OF W"r{U7 R:DGE ?a?E" :999 A}rr.'":JA:, BUDGE':' 28C: AJn~JA: B~r7 199& 199~ 1999 DESCRI?7:::0N A :7UA:... B:DGE':' ES7IMA7E::: RE::'''ES':'E: Arr!-<.:'--z: ~..-._---- J'o..':'.. _.:.~ _=-. ---------------------------------------------------------------.---.------------- POLICE-CRIMINAL INVES7 01-212-600-602 STAFF SJ\l.ARIES & WAGES POLIC 616.354 41 640.165 630.000 648.555 66. .;.:;.E 01-212-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLIC 37.613 02 48.281 48.231 54.07< 54 074 01-212-600-614 STANDBY PAY POLICE CRIMINAL 00 4.930 4.930 5.079 5.079 01-212-600-61B COURT PAY POLICE CRIMINAL IN 5.701 09 8.078 10.000 8.668 B.66S 0 01-212-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER POLIC 6.341 19 6.657 6.100 6.772 7,051 01-212-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL 54.331 74 56.614 56.614 49.169 49 411 01-212-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 4.985 95 5.151 5.600 6.983 6.667 0 01-212-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 3.826 14 4.238 4.238 4.315 4 358 01-212-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 51,330 18 53,241 53,037 49.670 55.245 C ------------.-- ------------ ---------..._- ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 780.483 72 827,355 818.750 833.285 851.969 C --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----- - -- - - -- ------------ 01-212-650-653 POSTAGE-REVOLVING 0.00 350 0 350 350 01-212-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES POLICE CR 10,652.85 11,725 11,125 12.050 12.050 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 10.652 85 12,075 11.725 12.400 12.400 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------..--- 01-212-700-702 CONFERENCES & MEETINGS 1,741 96 4.100 4.100 4,100 4.100 0 01.212-700-706 DUES. BOCKS. & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1.040.00 1,115 1,115 1,435 1.435 0 01-212-700-727 EXPENSE RE IMBURSEMENT 872 61 1.400 1.400 1. 4 00 1.400 0 01.212.700.730 UNIFORMS & PRCT CLOnIING 138 35 350 350 350 350 0 01.212-700.750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12.360 94 14,330 14,330 14.880 14.880 0 01.212.700.758 RENTALS & LEASES 330 00 1.550 650 1,650 1.650 0 01-212.700.776 OTHER EOUIP MAINT 960 87 1,605 1,300 1.605 1.605 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 17,444 73 24.450 23.245 25.420 25.420 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ..----------- 01-212-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 0.00 1,400 0 0 0 0 01-212-800-804 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUIP 1.660 00 4.000 4.000 3.600 3.600 0 --------------- -------._--- ------------ ------------ ---------.-- ------------ 800 TOTALS 1.660 00 5.400 4.000 3.600 3.600 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 212 TOTALS 810.241 30 869.280 857,720 874.705 893.389 0 ............... ............ ............ ........-... ......-..--. ----.---..-. 95 CIn OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 Bl'DGET - PROGR<\!\1 Sl.:\t:\1A.R\ DEPARDIE;'o\T: PROGRUl: Pollee Traffic PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: The Traffic Unit provIdes InvestIgatIOn of traffIC accIdents to allow patrol officers more time for patrol functions, targeted traffic enforcement, traffic education programs, reconstructIOn of senous aCCIdents, Investigation of traffic related calls for servIce, follow-up on felony case filIngs through the dlstnct attorney's office, and coordmatlon between traffic officers, traffic engmeenng, and mamtenance. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1. Continue the Traffic Unit with an emphasis on selective traffic enforcement. 2. The Traffic Unit will continue to work to reduce the number of traffic aCCIdents by analyzmg data and concentrating traffic enforcement m hIgh aCCIdent areas. 3. ProvIde thorough mvestIgation of accidents and reconstructIon of senous traffic accidents. 4. Target DUI drivers and reduce the number ofDUI accidents and mJunes utilIzmg dIrected patrol assignments and multi-junsdictional community checkpomts. 5 Provide traffic enforcement in the school zones when school is in sessIOn. 6 Participate in traffic safety education programs specific to the youth of Wheat Ridge. 7 PartiCIpate m the statewide "DO THE TWIST' Child Restraint enforcement and education program. 8. InvestIgate traffic related calls for service. 9. Provide greater cooperatIOn with neIghborhoods in developing speed programs. 10. Respond to every citIzen request for extra traffic enforcement in their neIghborhoods to help maintain the quality oflike they expect. II Cooperate with the traffic engmeers and neIghborhood traffic calmmg manager in solving traffic related problems. 12. Provide traffic officers with continuing training. 13 Provide pen odic truck inspectIOns m cooperatIon WIth the State of Colorado Port of Entry personnel. 14 Provide emergency response tImes not to exceed three and one-halfmmutes, and non-emergency response not to exceed fifteen mmutes. PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS: INDICA TORS 1998 1999 :ZOOO 2001 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Unit Strength 4 4 4 4 Traffic TIckets 4193 4200 4300 4400 (Estimated 20% Increase) Accidents Investigated 728 900 900 900 (Estimated 10% increase) Reduction In # of Accidents + ] O%/year + 10% 0% 0% (Estimated 10% Increase) I Commumty Pohclng Project Hours 520 hrs 600 hrs 680 hrs 720 hrs I I I I I ! j ~ 96 C1.'10/oe c:::n OF WHEA7 RIDGE 1995 ANNUAL BUDGET ~a?e 2:):): ANN"JA:.. S';,,"='GE7 A:::~"};":' DEScr:P7:0N 1998 A~uA:. 1999 SLUGE7 1999 ES7IMA7E~ REOUES:-;:: AFFr::':E: --~._---- :'\.:... ~=-~.:.- POLICE-TRAFFIC UNIT Ol-213-600-6C2 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES POLIC 176.167 07 185.638 184.042 182,18; 18.. 03- 01-213-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY POLICE TRAFFI C 2.663 94 2.780 2.780 2.990 3,02:2 01-213-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLIC 10,874 85 8.318 8.318 8,641 8,641 01-213-600-618 COURT PAY POLICE TRAFFI C WI 2.080 42 5.455 2,500 5.666 5.666 0 01-213-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL 16.390 28 17.684 17,684 18.238 18.628 01-213-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA POLICE 1.243 58 1,299 1.299 1.930 1.948 01-213-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP POLI CE 17.817 65 18,564 18,404 18,219 18.404 --------------- -----------. ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 227.237 79 239,738 235,027 237.8n 240.346 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ - -- --- - - - --- ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ----------.- ------------ 650 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 ------------.-- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. ------------ 240 00 240 240 240 240 0 144 24 200 200 205 205 2.879 25 3.110 3.110 3.173 3.173 0 614 34 825 825 866 866 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----._------ 3.877 83 4,375 4.375 4.484 4,484 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 1.365 00 9.440 9.440 3. 995 3. 995 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 1.365 00 9.440 9.440 3.995 3 .995 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 232.480 62 253.553 248. 842 246.350 248.825 0 ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 01-213-700-702 01-213-700-706 01-213-700-730 01-213-700-776 CONFERENCE AND MEETING EXP DUES. BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS UNIFORMS & PROTo CLOTHING OTHER EQUIP MAINT 700 TOTALS 01-213-800-809 OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 800 TOTALS 213 TOTALS 97 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM Sl'l\I:\IARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Pollce SpecIal InvestIgatIons PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: To proVIde for a proactive approach to drug, lIquor and vIce related cnmes occumng In the City of Wheat RIdge. To Identify, arrest and successfully prosecute those persons Involved. To InvestIgate backgrounds of lIquor lIcense applicants and act on lIquor ViolatIOns at hcensed establIshments. To support detectIves on major crime investigations as needed. To remaIn proactive by selZlng assets used In felony and vIce cnmes, mamtain apphcable Intelhgence files, staff the Cnme Stoppers lIne and serve as a resource to other sectIOns WIthIn the department. To act as a component of the West Metro Drug Task Force and contInue our proactive approach throughout the First JudIcial Distnct. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: l. To contInue to be an effective part of the West Metro Drug Task Force. 2. To clear at least 75% of all cases assigned to Sill. 3. To adequately staff and maintam the urnt in order to enable it to accomplish its obJectIves. 4. To provide a pro-active approach to reduce unlawful controlled substance sale and use as well as vice related crime. 5. To provide IntellIgence and undercover options to other sectIons WIthIn the department. BUDGET\1999\POLlCE\214\PROGRAMSUM.WPD \.. 98 I ) C:. 1 a/Dc C:7Y OF "--lEA7 R:DGE 1999 ANNUAL BUDGE7 ?i::::> 200C l\N::U;';' BUDGE7 DES::F'.:F':':JN 1995 A::7"JA.:. 1999 1999 ES':'IMA':'E:: RE::.r::S7E: h.-; Pi<. :::';I:: E\.E::.:::S7E: A::J:n:: 8:.DGE7 POLICE-SPECIAL INVEST UNIT 03..-214-600-602 STAFF SJ\l.ARIES . WAGES POLIC 143.956 84 149.084 146.542 153.950 155 525 01-214-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY POLIC 12,299 27 21.017 21,017 21,86: .. 861 01.214-600-617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 247 20 1,608 1,608 1,60S 1 608 01-214-600-618 COURT PAY POLICE SPEC INVEST 2,161 02 3,252 3.252 3.382 3,382 01.214-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE POL 10,181 04 10.704 10.704 11.108 11.361 01-214-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 681 64 614 614 638 644 01-214-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXP POLICE 14 ,180 66 14,818 14,654 15,395 15.552 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 183,707.67 201,097 198,391 207,942 209.933 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-214-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 00 550 300 250 250 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 0 00 550 300 250 250 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-214-700-706 DUES. BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 00 0 0 73 73 01-214-700-727 EXPENSE RE IMBURSEMENT 0 00 150 150 150 150 0 01-214-700-730 UNIFORMS & PRCT CLCTIIING 0.00 720 720 300 300 01-214-700-758 RENTALS & LEASES 15,973 20 16,200 15,511 16,200 16,200 0 01-214-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINT 119 98 200 200 200 200 0 01-214-700-799 MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 0 00 1,500 1,500 1.500 1,500 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 16,093 18 18,770 18.081 18.423 18,423 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 214 TOTALS 199,800 85 220,417 216.772 226.615 228.606 o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 99 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 Bl'DGET - PROGRA't SDDIARY DEPART\IENT: PROGR-\:\l: PolIce Emergency Preparedness PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides aid In the coordinatIOn of the necessary elements of city, county, state. and federal government, In the event of a natural, man made, or nuclear disaster, or wide spread CIvIl disorder. In the event of a disaster, a multi-cIty department response team is organized to proVide protection to life and property In the City and to coordinate the appropnate City response after the disaster. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Maintam and update a comprehensive disaster plan for the City of Wheat Ridge. 2. ProVide for the tralmng of City personnel and elected offiCials on the Implementation of the City's disaster plan. 3. Develop a reliable method to alert the citizens of Wheat Ridge to a pending emergency and educate them on how to respond In the event of an emergency or disaster declaratIOn. 4. Recruit and develop clvihan volunteers to assist with tlus program. BUDGED 1999\POLlCE\215\PROGRAMSUM. WPD "'- 100 , J ':: I JC ~::::nc: DES:RIP':':::Or-; :::y OF W"tiE.A7 R:D::iE ?3::~ PO~ICE-EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 199;' AA"N"'"JAL S:.IDGE7 : s C: ANl;;;1.l. BUDGE':' _99~ :'9;; ~99:: B:JDGE':' ES71,...A7E: r.?-?;':":::: ~..."'.-...--- K':'..~':'~.':'_ -------.-------------.------------------------------.---------------------------------------------.-- 650 TOTALS CONTRACTUAL SERVICES POLICE 700 TOTALS 800 TOTALS 215 TOTALS 1. 505 70 3.505 500 50: 5" 93 36 201 31 3' 3: 21 83 51 7 --------------- ~----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------ ------ 1.620 89 3,757 538 538 538 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 0 00 100 0 100 100 0 00 1,000 0 1. 000 1. 000 0 4,603 58 5,600 5, 000 5,600 5. 600 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----.------ ------------ 4.603 58 6,700 5, 000 6,700 6 .700 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 10,526.00 14,500 14,500 16.500 16.500 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ----_.----.- 10.526 00 14,500 14,500 16,500 lB. 500 0 Jl-215-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 01-215-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER 01-215-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 600 TOTALS 01-215-650-654 PHOTOCOPY , PRINTING EXP POL 01-215-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 01-215-650-663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL --------.------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ o 00 o o o 01-215-700-704 o 16,75047 24.957 23,738 23.738 o 20,038 ............... ..........-. ............ ............ ............ ............ 101 o~ ~- '" --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 102 ::::. :r ~HEA7 R::~E ~ a.~H' Gene~a: Fund Dep~ S~~~ary 2 C::: A,"1}.""'JJ..:. BUDGE':' 199E 199::- 199:: 2:0: ::::S:R:F7::J};' J..:7JA:. B~'DGE7 ES':'IMATI:: REC:.r:.:S7E: Ar:'?i=..:'.--z: --~._---- l'.:'.._:''; :._ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------.---------------------------- ?UE~!: WORKS ?leet Maintenance 162.074 00 160.757 156,002 161.362 16.. "a 919,548 58 1.048.951 1,012.827 1.111. 387 :. :17 5..1 614,825 62 670,765 601,985 702.659 700,636 331,161 68 393.814 379,722 402. 154 405.017 0 387,657 94 436,040 427,675 439.304 441. 638 0 -------..------- ----.------- ------------ -.._--------- ------------ ------------ 2,415,267 82 2.710,327 2,578.211 2,816.866 2.829.044 Adml.nl.strat.lon ::ng.lneer.lng Street Maintenance Traffic Maintenance TOTAL 103 PUBLIC WORKS DIRECTOR PUBLIC WORKS (11 SENIOR SECRET ARY (1 ) I I I CITY FLEET STREET ENGINEER (1) MAINTENANCE ,- MAINTENANCE FLEET SUPER (1) I STREET SUPT (11 I I I I I I I CAP IT AL PROJECTS TRAFFIC FLEET I STREET - ENGINEERING ANALYST _I SWEEPING DESIGN r - ENG. TECH II (1) TRAFFIC ENG (1) I (1 ) EQUIP OP I (3) I I I I I ENGINEERING t-- TRAFFIC I TECH I (2) MANAGER I PATCHING ENG. TECH II (1) I EQUIP OP I I-- I I LEAD (1 ) ENGINEERING I MECHANIC ASSIST (1) I (1 ) ENGINEERING I ASSIST (1) I DRAINAGE, SPEC TEMPORARY I PROJ, PAVING, ~ I WORKER I EQUIP OP II (3) I TRAFFIC -- ~- _I MECHANIC I MAINTENANCE - (1 ) SURVEYING AND RIGHT OF WAY TRAF CONT SUP (1 ) ENG TECH II (1) I MAINT WKR - (5) TRAFFIC ENGINEERING CONTROL - TECH I (11 TECH (2) I TEMPORARY I-- WORKERS TRAFFIC ENGINEERING ~ CONTROL - ASSIST (2) ASST. (1) PREVo MAINT. - CONSTRUCTION ENG. TECH" (1) TEMPORARY f-- TEMPORARY f-- I WORKERS WORKER ENGINEERING I TECH I (1) ~ DEVELOPMENT REVIEW ENG. TECH II (1) I TEMPORARY f-- WORKER ENGINEERING 104 TECH (1) PUBLIC WORKS AUTHORIZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 2000 Director of Public Works/City Engmeer I I *Cny Engmeer I I Street Superintendent I I Traffic Engmeer - I I Traffic Control SupervIsor I I Fleet SupervIsor I I Engmeenng Techmclan II 5 5 Engineenng Technician I 4 5 EqUIpment Operator II 3 3 EqUIpment Operator I 4 4 Lead Mechamc I I Mechamc 1 1 Engmeenng Assistant 5 4 Fleet Analyst I I Semor Secretary 1 I Traffic Control Techmcian 2 2 PW Mamtenance Worker I & II 5 5 Traffic Control Assistant I I TOTAL AUTHORIZED 39 39 * Title changed mid year 1999 This table mcludes only the personnel budgeted m line Item 602. 105 ~ES:::Rl?':'IOt: A::-JA:. Publlc Works PERSONNE~ SERVICES STAFF SALARIES & WAGES ~ONGEVITY PAY DEFERRED COMPENSATION AUTO ALLOWANCE OVERTIME . PREMIUM PAY STANDBY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE PUBLI 1,388,095 25 1,265 22 4.020 21 3,200 00 19 .124 32 17,233.19 37,232 85 89,897 74 122,383 91 21,322 57 47,151 26 o 00 Total Personnel Serv1ces MATERIAL . SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES OPERATING SUPPLIES GAS & OIL VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PARTS HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL SPECIAL EQUI PMENT 1,750,926 52 2,89640 00 71,200 05 88.538 07 1,932 10 703 38 Total Materials & Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE CONTRAcruAL SERVICES DUES. BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT P/W SHOP TRAINING UNIFORMS . PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT TOOL ALLOWANCE PROFESSIONAL SERVICES RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTILITIES STREET LIGHTING FLEET REPAIR/MAINTENANCE ENGIN FACILITY REPAIR . MAINT DTHER EQUI PMENT MAINT TITLE SEARCHES MISC SERVICES & CHARGES 282,968 42 3,447 65 9,229 00 4,138 65 o 00 7.930 14 15.802 78 552 35 o 00 3,824 52 o 00 00 H,30945 301.840 97 o 00 6,767 23 4.217 07 o 00 o 00 Total Other Services 372,837 31 ::71 c: W~2h~ R:~GE DEPAR~h'"'r SUMMARY 2 :: ~:' A1Th-:JA.:. B:"":>GE7 199E BUDGE':' 1.524.323 1.296 4.430 3,200 25,000 15,300 24.500 98,217 159,903 23,058 57.570 5.000 1,941.797 3,162 o 99,750 90,000 2,800 750 340,512 5,530 12.204 4,685 o 8,400 17.589 797 8.000 o o 18.360 327.420 o 5.100 5,383 500 o 417,618 106 1999 1999 ES':'!MATE!: 1,447,934 1,400 4.395 3.200 23,000 15,300 22,500 92.918 152,248 22,024 50,985 o 1,835,904 3.162 o 95,000 90,000 2,800 750 335,762 3,030 9.847 4,685 8,000 17,517 797 8.000 o 17,140 310,000 o 5,100 6,995 o o 396.195 2:lC: REQUES7E: 1,590,220 ~. 296 4.516 3,200 23,000 16.900 76,840 104.926 150,136 24,786 58.181 o 2,054,001 3,241 o 99,750 90,000 2,800 750 340,741 5,580 12.079 4,764 o 8.400 17.901 810 o 8.000 o o 18.000 325.000 o 5.100 8,090 500 o 417,524 APPR2V'E: ::.. 59; 94C ~.296 4.609 3,200 23,000 16,900 76,840 105.290 153.810 24.897 58,397 o 2.066.179 3.241 o 99,750 90.000 2.800 750 340.741 5.580 12.079 4,764 o 8,400 17.901 810 o 8.000 o o 18.000 325,000 o 5.100 8,090 500 o 417,524 rd?~ ;;-;:-_.-;:-:::-~- .,-..~-~._. o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 00 :E5:R:F,:,:m; CAPITAL OUTLAYS )FFICE FURNITURE ~ EQUIP :NG & PHOTO EQUIP :OMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 'LEE! REPLACEMENT ::APITAL LEASES JTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 3UILDING IMPROVEMENTS P/W SHOP TOOLS AND WORK EQUIP Total Capital OUtlays TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE ::7Y OF ior'"HEA7 E::::i2 ""j,':='" DEPARTI-2~"7 SUMl'.ARY 2 :J 0: M'"t:"JA:... B'JDGE'':' :l.995 2.999 1999 20C: A::-:'':;A:. E':.."DGE7 ---.----. -" --- "-.. --- -- ES:-U'.A':'E: RE:;:'1'ES':'E: - --- -.-- 1"1.:-:-/'1._ ;;.._ 1.529 69 4.400 4.350 3.600 0 00 4,000 4,000 000 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 7.005 88 1,000 1,000 0 0 00 1.000 1,000 0 0 00 0 0 0 3,6:)C 0" o o c --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. ------------ 8,535 57 10,400 10,350 4.600 4.600 0 2.415.267 82 2,710,327 2.578,211 2,816,866 2.829.044 0 107 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: PublIc 'Works AdmInIstratIOn PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: I Provides dIrection to the EngIneenng, Street Maintenance, Traffic Mamtenance. and Fleet MaIntenance DIVIsIOns and maintains responsibility for the Street, DraInage. and Traffic projects m the CapItal Projects Fund 30. Provides recommendations to the CIty AdmInIstration and City Council on future Public Works programs. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: We will continue_ on with the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program and make refinements and recommendations for changes as we learn the program and adjust it for the best service it provides. We will continue to provide data entry for the Digital ImagIng System In the PublIc Works Department to continue the new electronic filing system. I ::~ I SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES, BUDGE1I2000IPUBLlCWORKSIPR0G30 I WPD 108 _~ 0: ::7'Y OF w:~s;..7 ~:::;::: '-'.3.::.,-. 1999 ANr.-JA:, E~'GE7 2:;:: C M~"UA: Sr.:-.AiE':' ~995 ~99S; 1999 DESCRI?T:::m.; A::"JA:. BL'J:;E7 ES':'I~";'!E:: R;:::~-;:57;::: . -~~~,.-~ M.:-rr.~ .=-~ ---.----- ~ . . . ---.. --- -- PUB~:C WORKS-ADMIN C:-301-600-602 STAFF SJ\l.ARIES & WAGES PUBLI 112,555 41 120.141 I1B.4S7 ::"23,5:: :25 ':: 01-301-600.604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PUBLIC 4,020 21 4.430 4.395 4.516 ~.6~9 01-301-600-606 AUTO ALLOWANCE PUBLIC WORKS 3.200 00 3.200 3.200 3.200 3,200 01-301-600-617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 15.326 85 0 0 01-301-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PUBLI 7.094 55 6.572 6.512 6.672 6.694 01-301-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PUB 10.591 45 11.464 11.464 11.700 12.176 01-301-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER 1.960 66 1,743 1,725 1,903 1.935 0 01-301-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PUBLIC 1,286 99 1,362 1,324 1.427 1.442 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 156,036 12 148,912 147,107 152,928 155.778 --------------- ------------ ----------.- ------_..--- ------------ ------------ 01-301-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,896 40 3,162 3.162 3,241 3.241 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 650 TOTALS 2,896.40 3,162 3,162 3,241 3.241 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --- - --- - - --- 01-301-700-702 CONFERENCE , MEETING EXP PUB 1,493.69 3,000 500 3,000 3.000 0 01-301-700-706 DUES, BOOKS. , SUBSCRIPT PUB 221. 50 560 560 568 568 0 01-301-700-728 TRAINING 400 00 400 0 400 400 0 01-301-700-730 UNIFORMS , PROT CLOTHING 224 00 231 231 236 236 01-301-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINT 328 10 942 942 989 989 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 2.667 29 5,133 2,233 5.193 5.193 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-301-800-802 OFFICE FURN & EQUIP 474 19 3,550 3.500 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -.---------- ------------ 800 TOTALS 474 19 3.550 3.500 0 0 0 ------------..-- ------------ ------------ ------------ -- -- - -- - ---- ------------ 301 TOTALS 162.074 00 160.757 156.002 161.362 164.212 0 ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 109 elT\ OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ART!\IE:'-<T. PROGRAM. Public \\ ori-.s Engineermg PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Plans and administers the design. maintenance and construction ofstreel. drainage and traffic Improvement projects and preventative street maintenance projectS that are identified in the Capital Improvement program. Provides traffic engineering and traffic control device maintenance services. Provides engmeering revle\'. of site development plans and Issues permits for grading and street cuts. Provides surveying services for design and construction. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1 Prepare construction documents and administer the construction contracts for the street, drainage and traffi improvement projects that have been identified in the 2000 Capital Improvement Program. 2. Prepare construction documents and administer construction contracts for street preventative maintenance projects planned for the general area of the City identified in the 2000 Capital Improvement Program. Street Maintenance work includes concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk replacement and asphalt pavement slurry seal, crack seal and overlay 3 Develop the scope of work and preliminary engineering budget for the year 200 I maintenance and construction projects 4 Complete development plan reviews and provide comments within 12 working days. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES: 1 The budget includes reclassification of an Engineering Assistant position to an Engineering Technician J position. Wages for this reclassified position will continue to be paid by a transfer of funds from the Capital Fund to the General Fund. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1 The street lighting account (761) has a budget amount of $325,000 to provide funding for cost of operating all City street lights. The 2000 budget amount is approximately the same as the 1999 budget amount due II anticipated 1999 expenditure of less than the 1999 budget amount. PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 1998 1999 2000 2001 INDICA TORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED ProJeclS DeSIgned 10 10 11 10 ProJeclS Conslructed 9 9 II 11 Value ofConstrucl1on 53.69M 52.87M ! 53.39M S3.51M Site ans Rev iewed 18 25 36 35 Street Cut Permits Issued 282 266 300 300 C:\BVDGE1\PVBLlCWORKSIPR0G302. WPD 110 0:-302-600-602 01-302-600-610 01-302-600-617 01-302-600-620 01-302-600-622 CI-302-600-625 01-302-600-630 01-302-650-660 01-302-700-702 01-302-700-706 01-302-700-728 01-302-700-730 01-302-700-750 01-302-700-761 01-302-700-776 01-302-700-793 01-302-800-802 01-302-800-804 ~=:5:r,:F7:C~; PUB WORKS-ENGINEERING STAFF SALARIES & WAGES ENGIN OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY ENGIN TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY ENGI FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER ENGIN MEDI CAL/DENTAL INSURANCE ENG MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP ENGINE 600 TOTALS OPERATING SUPPLIES ENGINEERI 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP ENG DUES. BOOKS. , SUBSCRIPT ENG TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING PROFESSIONAL SERVICES STREET LIGHTING OTHER EQUIP MAINT TITLE SEARCHES ::7Y 0: ~-r.EA7 R:~~E 1999 M"},-"';AL 8:JDGET 2:::;: A,."'1'.-JA.;.. B:..J::IGE7 ~ 9 9~ J...:7'JJ..:.., 494.,911 08 4..908 97 4.338 35 31.284 92 36,621 90 7.313 25 18, 194 48 597,572.95 6,496 92 6.496 92 403 63 1,082 87 3,901 33 1,045 35 3.824 52 301.840 97 2. 324 54 o 00 1999 8:'-::::;E7 556,989 8,000 5,500 35.547 57.508 8,227 22,357 694,128 7.500 7.500 500 1,400 2,500 1,150 8,000 327.420 1.853 500 :99~ ES':'!~';"':"E: 543.499 6.000 5.500 34,534 57,508 8.136 20,000 675,177 7,500 7,500 500 1,400 2,500 1,150 8,000 310,000 2.600 o -,,~- ..:.,,~~ RE::.:ES7E: S86,12C 6.00C 48,000 39,687 49.911 9.218 21.530 760.466 7,500 7.500 500 1,421 2,500 1,200 8.000 325,000 2.700 500 Arri'.2';E:: 591 09: OOC 48 ODe 39.996 50.533 9.290 21 710 766.620 7.500 7.500 500 1.421 2.500 1.200 8.000 325.000 2.700 500 700 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 341.821 OFFICE FURN , EQUIP ENGINEERING . PHOTO EQUIP BOO TCTALS 302 TOTALS 314.423 21 1.055 50 o 00 1.055 50 919.548 58 343.323 o 4.000 4.000 1.048.951 326,150 o 4.000 4.000 1,012,827 341,821 600 1. 000 1.600 1,111,387 600 1.000 1.600 1,117,541 ~a~,:, ---.----- :'I..:o,,_=-": .:._ o o o o o o o o o o o o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ .......-.... o 111 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMAR' DEPARTl\lENT: PROGRAM: Public \Yorks Street Maintenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides routine and preventive maintenance services for streets. alleys. storm drains and walkways wllhln the publtc rights-of-way Provides snow removal and ice control on City streets. Provides seasonal weed control within City rights-of-way. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: Maintain and patch 130 miles of City streets. 2. Provide street sweeping on a year round basis. This includes approximately 5 complete sweeps through the City and sweeping up the sand on the main and secondary streets immediately following winter storms when the termperature goes above 35 degrees. 3 Provide snow removal and ice control on City streets in accordance with City policy according to the set priorities. Priority I - All main streets, fire stations, schools and hospitals. Priority 2 - All collector streets. Priority 3 - Hill and stop sign approaches. Priority 4 - Residential streets. Plowing begins after 4" of snow has accumulated on the main and collector streets. Plowing begins on residential streets after 12" or more of snow has accumulated. 4. Provide weed control on City rights-of-way. 5 Provide jet and vac to 36.25 miles of storm drainage. 6. Provide repairs to inlets. manholes and leaks in the storm drainage system. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES N/A PERFORMANCE INDICA TORS: 1998 1999 2000 2001 INDICA TORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Miles of Streets Maintained 129 129 130 130 Miles Storm Drains Maintained 35.5 35.5 36.25 36.25 Miles of Streets Swept" 9000 9000 9002 9002 Miles Walkways Maintained 30 30 30.75 30.75 Tons of Asphalt Patch 924 600 600 600 Tons of Crack Sealant 6 6 6 6 Tons of Salt/Sand 17905 2100 2100 2100 " Actual miles of street swept In a smgle pass 10' to 12' In Width. C:\BUDGE1\PUBLlCWORKSIPR0G303 WPO 112 .;::::tJl.,~ DES:RIP7:::0N ::,:,y CF ~n~7 R:~~~ 1999 AN1;:JA:,.. BL'":XiE7 2000 ANh'UAl. BUDG:::7 199E A=:U;";' 1999 B~'DG:::7 1999 ES':'I~.A.':'E:: RE:;:'''ES7E: :.1':::" ~ ----.-- l"I.'"rr._. ::._ --~.~---- ".:;." _.::..~ . --------_.--.----------_._-~-------------------------------------.--.------------------------------+-------------+----- 01-303-600-602 01-303-600-603 01-303-600-610 01-303-600-614 01-303-600-617 01-303-600-620 01,303-600-622 01-303-600-625 01-303-600-630 01-303-600-640 01-303-650-660 01-303-700-702 01-303-700-706 01-303-700-728 01-303-700-730 01-303-700-740 01-303-700-758 01-303-700-776 01-303-800-802 01-303-800-809 PUB WORKS - STREET MAINT STAFF SALARIES & WAGES STREE LONGEVITY PAY STREET MAINTEN OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY STREE STANDBY PAY STREET MAINTENAN TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY STRE FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER STREE MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE STR MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP STREET OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE STR 422.744 21 1,265 22 11.544 32 9.384 38 13.258 08 28.409 88 46.298 51 6,644 24 15,478 98 o 00 456,297 1.296 13.000 7,900 12,000 30,721 51,915 7,185 18,216 5,000 400.000 1.400 13,000 7,900 17,000 26.802 46,000 6,300 15,142 o 476.018 1.296 13.000 9.500 17,000 32.042 56,437 7,494 19 . 041 o 'I'.. 47E 29E 13,oac 9.500 17,000 31,823 58,367 7,442 18.899 o 600 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ o 555.027 82 603,530 533,544 631.828 629 805 --------------- -.---------- ----------_. ------------ ------------ ----_.------ OPERATING SUPPLIES STREET MA 45,704 96 50,000 50.000 50.000 50.000 650 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ----------.- ------------ ------------ ------------ o 45,704 96 50,000 50.000 50.000 50.000 --------------- -------.---- ------------ ------------ ------------ --.-.------- CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP STR DUES, BOCKS. . SUBSCRIPT STR TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RENTALS & LEASES OTHER EQUIP MAINT 700 TOTALS OFFICE FURN & EQUIP OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 800 TOTALS 1.055 46 217 50 379 00 9,643 89 552 35 531 50 853 76 13,233 46 o 00 859 38 859 38 1,150 225 1,000 10,382 797 2.000 681 16.235 o 1,000 1. 000 1,150 225 1,000 10,382 797 2,000 1.887 17,441 1.000 1,000 1,200 250 1,000 10.590 810 2.000 1.981 17.831 3,000 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 3.000 303 TOTALS 614.825 62 670,765 601.985 702,659 1.200 250 1.000 10.590 810 2,000 1.981 o o o o o o 17,831 o 3.000 o o 3.000 o 700.636 o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 113 DEPARTi\1E~T. PROGRA'1. CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGR<\M SUM:\IARY Public \vorks Trame PROGR-\:\I DESCRIPTIO.... Provides construction and maintenance services for Installation, replacement and updating of traffic control deVices I accordance wIth technical codes. Provides pedestrian crosswalks at all schools and high volume pedestrian crOSSIn~ areas. PrOVides traffic count, vehicle classification and speed study data of City streets as required. - 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Prepare construction documents and administer the construction contracts for traffic improvement proJects. 2. Administer the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (NTMP). 3 Provide in-house construction and maintenance of traffic control devices. 4 Provide an annual street painting program. Some streets will be painted twice per year, as necessal) 5 Maintain a City street sign inventory 6. Provide signs for neighborhood awareness program. 7 Conduct in-house traffic control classes. 8. Provide visual speed study for public with speed trailers. 9 Prepare traffic studies. I :::' I SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES, PERFORMANCE INDICATORS' 1998 1999 2000 2001 INDICATORS ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Miles of Roadway Marked 104 104 104 104 New Signs Installed 191 280 300 300 SIgns ServIced 193 368 350 350 Crosswalks Marked 153 154 155 155 Traffic Counts Taken 80 100 110 110 SpeCial Speed/Volume Counts 105 200 250 275 Traffic SIgnal Mamtenance Call Outs 121 140 140 140 Signalized InlersC:Cl10ns Malntamed* 35 37 38 39 School Flashmg Beacons 14 14 16 16 . Includes all mId-block signals NTMP Evaluauons Performed 4 15 20 25 C:\BUDGET\PUBLlCWORKSIPR0G304. WPD 114 '-. ...;,,; ~= ;;:::):.-;;:- :,ES:RIP':'IOK C:7Y CF ioiriEA:- F.IDGE 199 S M'}jo"JA:.. B~"DGE7 2DOC All!."U~ BL'DGE7 ~9ge A:7JA:... 1999 B...."DGE7 :995 ES':'IPOO";'7E: RE:;:""ES7E: ::3~~ ~~---,-- 1-\,:-1'\._.'':'_ --_._---~ ~ - - - ---" --- .-- -------------------------------_.-------------------------------.--------.-------------------------.----------.-----.-- 01-304-600-602 01-304-600-610 01-30'-600-614 01-304 -600-617 01-304-600-620 01-304-600-622 01-304-600-625 01-304-600-630 01-30'-650-660 01-304-650-663 01-304-700-702 01-304-700-704 01-304-700-706 01-304-700-728 01-304-700-730 01-30'-700-758 01-304-700-776 01-304-800-802 01-304-800-809 PUB WORKS-TRAFFIC MAINT STAFF SALARIES & WAGES TRAFF OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY TRAFF STANDBY PAY TRAFFIC MAINTENA TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY TRAF FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER TRAFF MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE TRA MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP TRAFFI 207,037 99 2.439 61 7,606 95 4,309 57 13,726 57 14,037 39 3,210 27 6.184 67 231.962 3,000 7,000 7,000 15,436 23.240 3,578 9,278 227.962 3,000 7,000 o 15.188 21,500 3.552 8,200 24: 153 3.0DC 7.000 11,840 16.306 15.858 3.781 9.646 2403 56.; ODe 7 OOC 11,840 16 455 16,029 3 816 9,743 600 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. 311.447 258,553 02 300,494 286.402 308,584 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ OPERATING SUPPLIES TRAFFIC M HA2ARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL TRA 57.339 86 293 00 77,550 800 77,550 800 77,700 800 77.700 800 o o 650 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----------. o 57.632 86 78,350 78.350 78.500 78.500 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------._-- CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP TRA CONTRACTUAL SERVI CES TRAFFI C DUES, BOCKS. . SUBSCRIPT TRA TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING RENTALS & LEASES OTHER EQUIP MAINT 147 00 987 00 1.692 35 2.83941 2,660 30 162 00 341 24 500 2,700 1,500 4,000 3.354 1,500 566 500 1,200 1,500 4,000 3,354 3,000 566 500 3,000 1.525 4,000 3.425 1,200 1.420 500 3.000 1.525 ',000 3.425 1.200 1.420 o o o o o o o 700 TOTALS ----._--------- ------------ ------._---- ------------ ------------ ------------ o 8.829 30 14,120 14 , 120 --------------- ------------ ----._------ ------------ 15.070 OFFICE FURN . EQUIP OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 00 6,146 SO 850 o 850 o 800 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ -----------. 6.146 50 850 850 304 TOTALS --------------- ------------ -------._--- ------------ 331.161 68 393.814 379,722 402,154 15,070 o o o o o o o o 405,017 o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 115 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGR-\M Sl1Ml\lARY DEPARTMEl'iT: PROGR-\M: Pubilc \Vorks Fleet MaIntenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTIOl'i: Provides preventative maintenance and repaIr of City Fleet. Supplies fuel. lubncants and pans reqUired to support fleet operations. Maintains operation of 24-hour fueling station for Clt: fleet, Wheat Ridge Fire Department and Senior Resource Center. Provides fleet analysIs to all departments. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I Provide cost effective repair and maintenance to City o'Mled vehicles and eqUipment, while ensunng the safety and dependability of the fleet. 2. Ensure that all hazardous material handling, shop operations and fleet vehicles comply with new and existing Federal, State and Local regulations. 3 Continue to develop and Improve the City fleet replacement program, 2000 SIGNIFICANT CHANGES: PERFO~NCEINDICATORS 1998 1999 2000 2001 INDICATORS ACTUAL ESTIMATED PROJECTED PROJECTED Total Pieces of Equipment Managed 22] 228 232 232 Total Vehicles 119 126 130 130 Total Other Equipment 102 102 102 102 Work Orders Completed 9753 9753 9850 985 Fuel Used (Gallons) 122.379 120,000 121.000 121.000 C:\BUDGrnPUBLlCWORKSIPR0G305 WPD ! j 116 A:::::'J!::' 0:-305-600-602 01-305-60D-610 01-305-600-614 01-305-600-620 01-305-600-622 01-305-600-625 01-305-600-630 DES:R:F7:::'0r-; PUB WORKS-FLEE~ MAIh~ STAFF SALARIES & WAGES P/W S OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY P/W S STANDBY PAY P/W SHOPS FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER P/W S MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE P/W MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP P /W SH ::::7Y OF W:.-tEA7 RIX:: :999 Ah~u~ Bu~E7 2::;C: M'1~J'A:.. BUDGE: 199E ;":7lJA;. 150.846 56 231 42 241 86 9.381 82 14.834 66 2.194 15 6.006 14 1999 Bw"DGE':' 158.934 1.000 400 9.941 15.776 2,325 6.357 1999 ES':'!MA':'Er: 157,986 1,000 400 9,882 15.776 2,311 6,319 RE0:.2S7E: 163,415 1.000 400 10.219 16.230 2.390 6.537 AF?::':':- -S:: 165 08:- _ 00, 402 10,322 16 70S 2 414 6.603 600 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----~------ 202.529 183,736 61 194.733 193,674 200,195 '?d:!e' - - -.- ---- :'I.::.... ~:..:: .;:.._ o --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-305-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES P/W SHOPS 01-305-65D-661 GAS & OIL P/W SHOPS 01-305-650-662 VEHICLE' EQUIPMENT PRTS P/W 01-305-650-663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL P/W 01-305-650-665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 01-305-700-702 01-305-700-704 01-305-700-706 01-305-700-728 01-305-700-730 01-305-700-758 01-305-700-760 01..:305-700-774 01-305-700-776 01-305-800-812 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE . MEETING EXP P /W CONTRACTUAL SERVICES P/W SHO DUES, BOCKS, & SUBSCRIPT P!W TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING RENTALS & LEASES UTILITIES FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT OTHER EQUIP MAINT 700 TOTALS BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 800 TOTALS 305 TOTALS 8.156 68 71,200 05 88,538.07 1,639 10 703.38 170,237 28 347 87 8,242 00 924 43 410 40 2.229 24 84 00 14,309 45 6.76723 369 43 33.684 05 o 00 o 00 387,657 94 9,000 99,750 90,000 2.000 750 201,500 380 9,504 1.000 500 2,472 150 18,360 5,100 1,341 38,807 1.000 1.000 436,040 9.000 95.000 90,000 2.000 750 196,750 380 8,647 1,000 500 2,400 84 17.140 5,100 1,000 36,251 1,000 1.000 427.675 9.000 99,750 90,000 2.000 750 201,500 380 9,079 1,000 500 2,450 100 18,000 5.100 1. 000 37.609 ............... ............ ............ ............ 439.304 117 9.000 99 750 90.000 2.000 750 201. 500 380 9.079 1.000 500 2,450 100 18,000 5.100 1.000 37,609 o o 441,638 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o --- u COL OR p>-.\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 118 ::7Y :? ~r.Zh~ ~_~~=- :"'::::- Genera: Fund Dep: Surrmar) 2;:) 0: ~~;..:.. Bu:>GE7 199E 1999 1999 "'f"~- DSS::F.:P7:m: A:::7'JA:. BUDGE':' ES7IMA7E: RE~:JES':'E: AF?R:\'E: --_.~---- k" __. n_.. ___.__ -------------------------------------------------------------------_.__._-._----------~..-------- PARKS All!; RECREA7IOl' Adm.ln.ls~ratlor. 145.10" 93 163.727 159.399 165.033 16E Ie Recn~at.lon 845.258 14 1. 002,631 921,035 1. 036.952 1.032 502 Parks and Forestry 1.112.012 29 1.310,111 1.278.982 1,362.219 1.388.470 Building Maint.enance 97,020 41 121,006 111,939 235,963 241.924 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ TOTAL 2.199,398 77 2,597,475 2,471.355 2.800.167 2.831.038 119 PARKS AND RECREA rlON ALL FUNDS DIRECTOR PARKS AND RECREATION - PARKS MAINTENANCE RECREATION FORESTRY SLOG MAINTENANCE OPEN SPACE 120 z o ~ :;;- "6 z Q '4 ~ u u.l a:: '\ - z;S; :;: v' co ~;: z::'S z-- 0" .~ :: Oc::~ 0....'1 ~ _<1)- O?f:2 - - Q .. v' .- r. ~~9.' - ~ .;: - "" i '.:J "i .;:c, I,l.) c':: -::iJo - .;: _:: "'co c:co- ",O- r. ....::>>c.. coO; uo- IilCOU Q.. C:C:~ UOO Q..... U..... ,9- '5!.U~ ",0 Q.. ...Q..C: c::u Iil\ \ a: ~ ~ - - '\ \ ~ 0:;: ...- Z::- z- '" . .. 0"- _a: e- Oct:~ --~ ....~ -0'" ,.. .- ~~ ~~ ~ f/)'~ 4.0~ ~~ I.- .c(_~ ",a:~ ,.. uJ?'& ':\'" .. a:0- ", c:a:- Uo..... ~~ ~~~ '5!.U- a:::> ~~ \ '" \ .. -'" -;;; z- z %-::.~ Z-w, 0:;: .. z'" .. 0" ~~ S- 0"- ;:-:-e ~~ o~ OC:- --'" e- -0'" ,.. 0 ~m .....0.. "'~ - -0 4.~~ <O~ ~~~ t:1il ,..z "'c:", ~~ c:... .. 4", ~~~ a:0~ .. UO- ;r.U Q.. '5!.'" UO- Q.. ~U a: U~ ~'t'.Q) UJU~ \ '5!.~ a:?~ a: .. \ Q.. Iilll) '2.\ ~ -\ \ " ;; -0 " % -::.. ;; C. ",..0 if> Oa:- ",,, .. ~;Q.. _0'" "'eU .. ~~-g it=. % to r- Co -- e \-- ~_o ;= ",;." ~ ..'- -'<> c: a: 6- - ~ ~ 0(0.... .. u"'< ~Q.. 'e o Q.. :> to ~~- Q.. ~ Q.. 0 ", Iil \ a: \ \ \ ",. - 0 ,.. '" .. . ~a: u- Z if, M -a: <0 ,..%~ ..... lJ). ~o ~<!!. ,..<- p. ., ~~::: .,..- _ o. -z- .; ,..,.. ';;ju Il)"" ::::w" ON ,..-- -z U,..~ ,.. ::!< ~~=. ,..- \.....-- ~~~ ~..J:: '" .- ua:~ u,.. c:.....- oQ.. <za: ? .. .....Iil .....,.. ...? ....Cio U ", <"'0 ....li> ~z '5'" ~~ 'W-~<t. lJ) ~ \ III \ \ \ < \ IX' ... ,.. % ... U % ~ ~ . . I 121 u.I U <l'. 0.. rJ) Z u.I 0.. o o Z <l'. ~ I- rJ) ~ o IJ,. u.I U Z <l'. ~ I- Z 4- ~ ->&: a: <l'. 0.. ~ '" o z '" ~ ~ '" e>. ? <I> IJ> >L 'a c.. N 3-- ""If) t:'t:' "'UO a: <:2 4,>-> e>.Za: ~t ~? <I> ... - Z- ~:: ~~ ",,,, 'a 3- e>. ... Z- <~ ~~ ",,,, 'a 3- e>. '" ;, ... o 3- .. c: ~ .. :J, \22 </' t ~ 3- ~ (; '" .. " If) on Q) ... o 3- .. c: o on .. '" IJ> PARKS & RECREATION Al'THORlZED NO POSITION TITLE 1999 :!llUll DIrector of Parks and Recreatton I 1 Recreation Supermtendent I ] Parks Superintendent I I ..... Rec. Program Supervisor 4 4 City Forester 1 1 Senior Secretary I I , Recreation Coordmator 4.125 4.125 Parks Maintenance Crew Supervisor 2 ., Forestry Technician 1 I Parks Maintenance Crew Leader 4 4 i Small Engine Mechanic 1 I i Recreation Clerk I 1 I Senior Program Specialist. I 1 I i Naturalist I 1 I ... Secretary 1 1 , I Parks Maintenance Worker I & II 10 10 Parks Honiculturalist 1 1 . .. Facilities Operation Adrnirustrator 1 1 , . .. Marketing Rental Coordinator 1 1 I · Facility Assistant 0 3 I : · Custodian 0 2 r · Facility Maintenance Worker II 0 1 ! .... Building Maintenance Supervisor 0 1 TOTAL AUTHORIZED 38.125 45.125 · New position for Recreation Center - Funded from the Recreation Center Fund. .. New position mid-year 1999 for Recreation Center - Funded from the Recreation Center Fund. ... Position reclassified from Clerk Typist effective January 1, 2000 .... Position transferred from General Government effective January 1, 2000 ..... 1 New position mid-year 1999 (Aquatics) for Rf2~tion Center - Funded from the Recreation Center Fund. 199& ~ES:RIP':'Ior; A~... _....rw... ------~------------------------------------------------.-----.---------------------. A??R:'~"E: Parks & Recreatlon PERS:~;NEL SERVICES STAFF S~IES & WAGES LONGEVITY PAY DEFERRED COMPENSATION AUTO ALLOWANCE OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY STANDBY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY COURT PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY FICA EXPENSE - EMPLOYER MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE MEDICARE POP.7ION FICA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE 1,094,49. 86 5.51. 42 3,6.8 6. 3.200 00 24.681 99 8,097 84 189,295 92 o 00 30,926 58 83.28. 34 85.794 22 19,721. 38 36,202 43 64,388.90 ::7Y C'F W'"riEA"! F..:XE DEPARTMENT SUMMARY 200~ Am.'U~ BUDGET 1999 BUDGE:' 1,246,169 5.862 4,267 3.200 31.229 10,260 214 ,193 275 40.066 96,427 132,166 22,612 44 . 323 75,804 1999 ES71M!\TED 1,199,90. 5,657 4,062 3,200 31,229 9.700 208,304 o 32,576 92.643 127,890 21,666 40,017 67,031 200: RE:i::rES7E: ~,302. 314 5,942 4.361 3.200 42,015 10,243 220,478 275 37,747 100.161 131,734 23.534 48,592 80,772 1,30...623 6.0.. 4.273 3.200 46,698 10,243 220,478 275 37,747 100.819 139,114 23.689 48,592 80.772 :-3.;,:" --_.----- J'o..=...~=.~.~_ o o o o o o o o o o o o Total Personnel Services 1.649,264 53 ---~----------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ o M!\TERIAl & SUPPLIES OFFICE SUPPLIES PHC'l'CCOPY .. PRINTING EXPENSE HAZARDOUS WASTE 0 I S POSAL POSTAGE COSTS OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,368 34 14,190 44 o 00 7,500 77 137,007 47 1,926,853 6,044 1',291 500 8,500 132.564 1,843,880 4,284 20,000 500 7.500 130.386 2,011.368 4.400 23,639 500 7,500 145,833 2,027.239 4.400 23,639 .00 7.500 145.833 o o o o o Total Macer~als . Supplies 163,982 85 --------------- ------~----- -~---------- ----~------- ------------ ------------ o OTHER SERVICES & CHGS CONFERENCE .. MEETING EXPENSE CONTRACTUAL SERVICES DUES. BOCKS .. SUBSCRIPTIONS ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES TELEPHONE EXPENSE UTILITIES FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINT MIse SERVICES .. CHARGES 4.788 56 104.811 19 2,144 01 o 00 6.343 15 10.235 86 1,769 18 615 00 o 00 14.375 81 o 00 159,271 67 43,84' 44 26,027 94 o 00 Total Other Services 374.229 81 164,899 6.113 153,794 2.81. 500 8.732 15,111 1.811 17.805 o 20.226 o 181,025 48,225 13,554 o 4'0,277 124 162.670 6.013 146,694 2..65 8.087 15.l?5 1.811 10,160 o l?771 o 182,025 48.535 14 , 369 o 453,705 181,872 6.246 158.322 2.800 o 7.525 15.898 1,813 7.965 o 12, 611 o 305,727 49 , 597 14,783 o 583,287 181. 872 6.246 158.322 2.800 o 7,525 15,898 1,813 7,965 o 12. 611 o 30.,72' 64 , 597 14,783 o 598,287 o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o ::::- JF ~~EA~ R:~~E ,3."::':' DEPAF.~~"":' SUMMARY 2::J:: ANr.u~ B:"'DGE:7 199t ::'99? BUDGE7 199~ ES7IMATED 2:::: = :O:S:F.:P7:8~; A'::'":,J;"'" RE:;:"TES':'E: A?FR:::':::: E:~o~-:: ::APITAL O:"'7LAY$ 700LS AND WORK EOUI PMEN7 3.649 22 7.346 4,300 4.04C .; vh OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIP 00 COMMUNI CA7I ONS EQUIPMENT 00 0 0 1.800 80C FLEET REPLACEME~~ 0 00 0 CAPITAL LEASES 00 0 0 0 0 OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 8,212 36 6.800 6,800 10.800 10,800 crTY HALL IMPROVEMENTS 00 0 0 0 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 00 0 0 7.000 7.000 COMMUNITY IMP & BEAUTIFA 0 00 0 0 0 0 RICHARD/HART EST IMPROV 0 00 0 0 0 ------------.-- ------------ ------------ ---------.-- ---------..- ---_._----~- Total Capital OUtlays 11.921 58 35.446 11,100 23.640 23.640 TOTAL DEPARTMENT EXPENSE 2.199.398 77 2.597.475 2.471.355 2,800,167 2.83:.038 125 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEP ARTMENT: Parks & RecreatIOn PROGRAM: AdmimstratIon PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provides direction to the Parks & Recreation Department. Works with the Parks and Recreation Commission in making policy recommendations to the City Council. Implements polICies established by City Council. Requests funding for parks improvement projects from Federal, State and county sources as available. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES 1. Open and begin operation of a full service Recreation Center. 2. Complete construction of Kurt Manwaring Baseball Field Complex. 3. On going negotiations for purchase of properties approved by City Council for park land. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES ~ MATERIALS & SUPPLIES Ej OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES ~ CAPITAL OUTLAY 126 ::7Y :? ~r.~A7 R::~E :3':::1:- 1999 M'"h-JAL B:'1DGE7 20:;: ANh"'JA:.. B~JDGr: : 99 ~ :999 :999 DESCRIP"!'!ON A':7JJ..:... S:"'DGE':' ES7!~.A7E: RE:::::S7E:: ~ --- -- --- r.:-r-r._ .:.._ - - _. - ---- 1'.:" ~ _:...:. :.._ ------------------------- -----------------.------------------------------------------------------------------- PARKS & REC -ADMIN 01-601-600-602 STAFF SJ\l.ARIE5 & WAGES PARKS 103.351 04 110,910 106,802 113,993 :.16 6C, 01-601-600-603 LONGEVITY PAY PARKS & RECREA 3.659 54 3.954 3.749 4 034 4 HE 01-601-600-604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION PARKS 3.658 65 4,267 4,062 ..,361 ..,273 01-601-600-606 AUTO ALLOWANCE PARKS & RECRE 3.200 00 3,200 3,200 3.200 3.200 01-601-600-617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 5,487 76 7,136 7.136 8.748 8.748 01-601-600-620 FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PARKS 6.475 58 7.290 7.290 7.860 8.029 01-601-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PAR 7.865 04 8,330 8.330 8.596 8.847 01-601-600-625 MED I CARE EXPENSE FICA 1,754 90 1,765 1.705 1,948 1.987 01-601-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PARKS 1,207 91 1,273 1,273 1.332 1. 346 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 600 TOTALS 136.660 42 14 8 . 125 143.547 154.072 157.1Bl --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-601-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,200 00 6,044 4,284 4,400 4,400 0 01-601-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP PAR 1.593 27 1,154 3.264 3.390 3.390 01-601-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES PARKS & R 46 59 200 200 200 200 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ - -- -- - -- ---- ------------ 650 TOTALS 5,839 86 7.398 7,748 7,990 7.990 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 01-601-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP PAR 2,159 54 2.400 2,300 2.400 2.400 0 01-601-700-706 DUES. BOCKS , & SUBSCRIPT PAR 280.00 370 370 370 370 0 01-601-700-740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 168 11 198 198 200 200 0 01-601-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 00 5,000 5.000 0 0 0 01-601-700-75S RENTALS & LEASES 0 00 1 1 1 1 0 01-601-700-776 OTHER EQUIP MAINT 0 00 235 235 0 0 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 700 TOTALS 2.607 65 8,204 8.104 2.971 2.971 0 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 --------------- - ----- - ----- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 601 TOTALS 145,107 93 163,727 159.399 165,033 168,142 0 .............-. ............ ............ ............ ............ ............ 127 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET - PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: Parks & Recreation PROGRAM: Recreation (602) PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Provide a variety of quality, affordable recreation programs and services to youth, adults and older adults in the areas of athletics, leisure and cultural arts, continuing education programs and seasonal aquatics. Maintain operation of two community centers, one teen center and one outdoor swimming pool. 2000 PROGRAM OBJECTIVES Make programs self-sustaining through user fees and charges. Insure quality programs. Provide a high level of customer service. INDICATOR 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Revenue Pool 84,269 00 98,211.00 105,000.00 110,000.00 Revenue 268,972.00 275,898 294,617.00 287,928.00 Recreation Revenue as a 42.5% 44.25% % of Operating Budget PERFORMANCE INDICATORS: 128 c: _0 00 0...-602-600-602 01-602-600-610 01-602-600-614 01-602-600-617 01-602-600-619 01-602-600-620 01-602-600-622 01-602-600-625 01-602-600-630 01-602-600-640 01-602-650-654 01-602-650-655 01-602-650-660 01-602-700-702 01-602-700-704 01-602-700-706 01-602-700-728 01-602-700-730 01-602-700-740 01-<;02-700-758 01.602-700-760 01-602-700-774 01-602-700-776 01-602-800-801 01-602-800-802 01-602-800-809 01-602-800-812 DEs:;.:r::OK ::7Y C? ~r~: R::3E 1999 M'"}......:A.:.. BUDGET 2 DO: Affi.,-JA.:. BGDGE7 ~99& A':':"UJ..:. 199~ B:"VGE7 :999 ES':'IMATED RE::;U=:S':'E: :3':::" Ai-"?t\:\."E: ---.----- ~ . - ~ . ..-..--- -_. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PARKS & REC -RECREATION STAFF SALARIES & WAGES RECRE OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY RECRE STANBY PAY TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY RECR TEMP PERSONNEL/NON-HOURL REC FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER RECRE MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE REC MEDICARE PORTION FICA RECREA CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP RECREA OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICE REC 331.870 60 515 93 00 144.481 79 30,926.58 31,380 20 28,249 03 7.341 84 11,344 16 64.488 90 406,862 2,300 560 144,786 40,066 37,264 43,776 8,715 14,022 75,000 380.000 2.300 o 138,897 32.576 34,750 39,500 8,127 12,500 67,031 429,953 2.SDC o 147.590 37,747 38.303 42,235 8.958 17.198 79,954 42G 4.2: :. SOc 147 590 37.747 37,712 48.427 8.820 16,817 79.954 o o 600 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ o 650,599 03 773,351 715,681 804.438 799,988 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP REC POSTAGE COSTS RECREATION OPERATING SUPPLIES RECREATIO 12,099 18 7,50077 50.151 95 15,000 8,500 52,116 15,600 7,500 48.242 17.983 7,500 64,009 17.983 7,500 64.009 o o 650 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ o 69,751 90 75.616 71,342 89,492 89.492 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -----._----- CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP REC CONTIlAC"l'tJAL SERVI CES RECREAT DUES. BOCKS. & SUBSCRIPT REC TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT RENTALS & LEASES UTILITIES FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT OTHER EQUIP MAINT 1,612 69 29.468.30 715 00 2,084.25 1,13445 1,224 85 548 96 52,299 18 20,598 48 3.299 47 2,330 32,800 845 2,150 994 1,080 925 57.140 18,690 4,310 2.330 33.800 845 1,800 992 1,080 925 58.140 19,000 4,000 2,330 37,300 845 1,000 995 1.080 925 61,047 19,000 4.000 700 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------._---- 128.522 LAND. BLDGS. WATER ACQUISITI OFFICE FURN . EQUIP OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 112.985 63 o 00 3.649 22 8.272 36 o 00 121.264 21.300 4.300 6,800 o 122, 912 o 4.300 6,800 o o 1,700 5.800 7,000 800 TOTALS --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ 14,500 602 TOTALS 11,921 58 845,258 14 32,400 1,002,631 11.100 921,035 1,036.952 2,330 37,300 845 1.000 995 1.080 925 61.047 19.000 4.000 o o o o o o o o o o 128.522 o o 1,700 5,800 7.000 o o o o 14,500 o 1.032.502 o ............... ............ ............ ............ ............ .........-.. 129 "-........... '-'.... ,'..........L-.. lr...... J..lo...L.~VL 2000 BUDGET - PROGR4.M SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Parks & RecreatIon Park Maintenance. Forestry. and Open Space PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Responsible for the development and maIntenance of parks, open space, greenbelt traIls. natural resources and forestry programs. MaintaInS trees and shrubs on public nght-of-way. in parks system and enforces tree ordlOances. Provides adequate pest control includIng insect, disease and weeds. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: I. Improve levels of operation for both developed park land and open space areas. 2. Provide park users with a safe environment. 3. Cooperate with local utilities in Identifying tree/utility conflicts and systematically replace these trees. 4. Remove and replace all dead and defective trees from public right-of-way and parks. 5. Provide volunteer opportunities through envIronmental interpretative, revegetation and customer service programs as well as organized special events, (ie. Earth Day and Trails Day). 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES: 600 PERSONNEL SERVICES 650 MA TERlALS & SUPPLIES 1. (660) Operational supplies including pool room chemicals, insecticides, flowers, tools. All have increased in price $ 65,224. 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 1. (704) Contractual services includIng alann monitoring, broadleaf weed and tree removal, storm clean up $ 73.522. PROGRAM INDICA TORS: INDICA TOR 1997 1998 1999 2000 ACTUAL ACTUAL PROJECTED PROJECTED Acres of Greenbelt Maintained 273 273 273 273 Acres of Developed Parkland Maintained 109 109 113 131.8 Acres of Undeveloped Parkland 14.8 26.3 26,3 7.5 Trees & Shrubs Maintained 4100 4200 4600 4600 ArboristlLawn Care Licenses 40 40 60 60 Panicipants 618 450 350 350 V olunteer Hours 75 500 2230 1000 B UDGE1\l999\P ARKS&REC\PR()G(,()3. WPD .... no ~ 0~-603-600-602 01-603-600-603 01.603-600-610 01-603-600-614 01-603-600-617 01-603-600-618 01-603-600-620 01-603-600-622 01-603-600-625 01-603-600-630 01-603-600-640 01-603-650-651 01-603-650-654 01-603-650-660 01-603-650-663 01-603-700-702 01-603-700-704 01-603-700-706 01-603-700-71S 01-603-700-728 01-603-700-730 01-603-700-740 01-603-700-750 01-603-700-755 01-603-700-758 01-603-700-760 01-603-700-774 01-603-700-776 01-603-800-802 01-603-800-803 01-603-800-805 01-603-800-809 ~ES=E:F':'::J~, PARKS MAINTENANCE &. FORESTRY STAFF SALARIES & WAGES PARKS LONGEVITY PAY PARKS MAINTENA OVER,IME & PREMIUM PAY PARKS STANDBY PAY PARKS MAINTENANC TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY PARK COURT PAY PARKS MAINTENANCE FI CA EXPENSE EMPLOYER PARKS MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE PAR MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP PARKS OUTSIDE PERSONAL -SERVICE PAR 600 TOTALS OFFICE SUPPLIES PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXP PAR OPERATING SUPPLIES PARKS MAI HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 650 TOTALS CONFERENCE & MEETING EXP PAR CONTRACTUAL SERVICES PARKS M DUES, BOOKS. & SUBSCRI PI PAR ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT PARKS TRAINING UNIFORMS & PROT CLOTHING AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT PROFESSIONAL SERVICES COMPUTER SOFTWARE RENTALS & LEASES UTILITIES FACILITY REPAIR & MAINT OTHER EQUIP MAINT 700 TOTALS OFFICE FURN & EQUIP TOOLS & WORK EQUIP COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT OTHER MAJOR EQUI PMENT 800 TOTALS 603 TOTALS ::7Y :: n~~7 ~::3E 19950 A},"}.-JA.:... B:''":)GE7 2 G 0 C ANN'J~ B:''DGE7 ~99E 63C.563 15 1. 8S5 88 24.166 06 8.097 84 39.326 37 00 43.649 47 45.932 81 10,208 32 22.900 06 1100 00) 826.599 96 1,084 17 497 99 75.681 55 o 00 77.263 71 1,016 33 35.861 43 1,149 01 o 00 4,258 90 9.10141 376 22 615 00 o 00 13.826 85 106,972 49 12.242 51 22.72847 208.148 62 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 o 00 1.112.012 29 ~99~ B:''DGE7 696.396 1.908 28,929 9,700 62,271 275 49,889 74.647 11,668 27,784 804 964.271 o 1,137 64 .248 500 65.885 1,383 67,894 1,400 500 6,082 14,083 533 12.805 500 19.300 123.885 19.535 9.009 276.909 2.046 1,000 o 3.046 1.310,111 131 1999 ES':':~.J.7E: 682,00C 1,908 28,929 9.700 62.271 o 48.675 74.647 11,383 25.000 o 944,513 o 1.136 65,944 500 67,580 1,383 67,894 1,150 o 5,787 14,083 533 5.160 500 16.845 123,885 19.535 10.134 266,889 1,278,982 RE::'::S7S: 72: "")6: 908 36.00: 1C.243 64,140 275 51,666 75.342 12,083 28.558 818 1.001.795 o 2.266 65.224 500 67,990 1,516 73.522 1.285 o 6.025 14,703 533 7,965 11.685 134.680 20.597 10.783 283.294 o o 2.340 1,800 5.000 o 9.140 1.362,219 ",..:-:- . --- -..-- I-\t"r":'._..:._ ~29 E::.:; 905 36 OC; 1: 243 64.140 275 52,215 76.708 12.212 28 910 818 1,013.046 o 2.266 65.224 500 o o 67.990 o 1.516 73.522 1,285 o 6.025 14,703 533 7.965 o o o o o o o o o o 11.685 134.680 35,597 10,783 298,294 o o 2,340 1.800 5,000 o o o o 9.140 o 1,388,470 o CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 BUDGET. PROGRAM SUMMARY DEPARTMENT: PROGRAM: Parks & RecreatIon Buildmg Mamtenance PROGRAM DESCRIPTION: Mamtam the all municipal buildings and all related equipment and appurtenances and provide daily custodial service for the murucipal buildmgs. 2000 I PROGRAM OBJECTIVES: 1 Momtor and manage the custodial services for the municipal buildings. 2. Contmue the upgrading and renovation of the heating, ventilation and air condltlOmng systems in the buildings. 3. Participate In the opening and operation of the new recreation center. 4. Keep in place specialized contractors to deal with maintenance issues, includmg plumbing, HV AC, electrical, light carpentry, and general maintenance. S PartiCipate In workmg with the Parks & Recreation Depanment's facilities maintenance program in maintaimng all the City's buildings. 2000 SIGNIFICANT EXPENDITURES 650 MATERIALS & SUPPLIES: 700 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES' 1. Contractual Services (704) - Custodial services at $33,500; HV AC services at $6,000; elevator inspection at $3,000; fire extinguisher at $600; carpet cleanmg, trash removal and window cleaning at $9,000; miscellaneous services at $1,000 2. Utilities for the Municipal Building (760) is budgeted at $110,000. The budget for major projects and remodels IS contained m the Capital Improvement Fund, Fund 30 BUDGETlJ999IADMlN\PROGI18.wpd 132 ~' ::F ;.."":Eh:' E::::;S 3':::'" 2999 A......"}.-..;A;.. S:...:::3E":' A.....~-JA..... S:"''"XE7 2.99E :999 1999 ~ES:R:::P;:::)}" A::::-J~ B:'-:;:;2':' ES7I"''';7E: RE::'=:S7E': .~--~._- "'_~r-:-.~. .:.. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------._----------------...--- BIJII..:)ING MAINTENANCE 600 TOTALS 26 n1 07 32.001 31.103 37 60E ,- 9B.; 0 00 0 5:'3 :'Sc, 1,780 09 1,984 1,928 2 332 :,86~ 3.747 34 5,413 5.413 5.561 5,792 416 32 464 451 545 670 750 30 1. 244 1,244 1.504 1,519 --------------- ------------ ------------ .----------- -------.---- ----------.- 35.405 12 41,106 40.139 51,063 57,024 :1-:18-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES BUILD ;1-118-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY BUILD ~1-11B-600-62C FICA EXPENSE EMPLOYER BUILD Jl-116-600-622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE BUI Jl-118-600-625 MEDICARE EXPENSE EMPLOYER ~1-118-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXP BUILDI :1-118-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES BUILDING 11.127 38 16,000 16,000 16.400 16.400 --------------. ------------ ------------ .----------- -------.---- ---------_.- 650 TOTALS 11.127 38 16.000 16,000 16.400 16 400 --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ -----._----- --~--_._--_... Jl-118-700-704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES BUILDIN 39,481 46 53,100 45.000 47.500 47.500 )1-118-700-706 DUES. BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 00 200 200 300 300 ll-118-700-728 TRAINING 0 00 500 500 500 500 0 ll-118-700-730 UNIFORMS . PROT CLOTIlING 0 00 100 100 200 200 11-118-700-760 UTILITIES 0 00 0 0 110,000 110.000 ll-118-700,774 FACILITY REPAIR . MAINT 11,006 45 10,000 10,000 10.000 10.000 0 --------------- --.---.----- ------------ ----.------- ------------ ---------...-- 700 TOTALS 50,487 91 63.900 55.800 168.500 168.500 0 --------------- -_.-------.- ------------ ------------ ------._---- --...---_._--- --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ -_.-------_. 800 TOTALS 0 00 0 0 0 0 0 --------------- ---------._- ------------ ------------ ------------ -.-._--._--- 118 TOTALS 97.020 41 121,006 111.939 235.963 241 924 0 .................... .............. --........... ..........-.. .........-.... ............. 133 ~,I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2000 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 134 D7..,).n~O REVENUES FuNO S,J,...A...,CE JO.500-OO~ SALES fA): JO.5BC-OO.5B1INr'E]:;ES- BONO INTEREST JC_5S0..oo-5SB MIS: REVENUE 30_58O-OO-5S8 DEAD TREE pROGRAM RELEASED ENCUMBER TRANSFE.qS IN DEe GRAN; JO.500..Q5-505 EDARC 30-5QO..Q5.5C5 ESTlP TOTAL. REVENUES EXPEHCITURES DFW SERvICES Jo.J02.700-70. S...-vey s~s and T ~ P.nonne! 30-302.700.750 InsPtlCDon $eMCeJ and Temporary Personnel JO-J02.7OQ.750 M'lmenlnee S.,..,cel and TemOonlr"t Personnel rOT AL. DPw SERVICES DPW DRAINAGE 30-302.aoo.aJ3 Oraineqe Impro...eIflaI.tI~.a 30-302..e00.aJ4 Columarne 8U/l"l Protect ContnbubonJ to 110FCO 3O-J02~7 ~ Sl Storm S....,. & S.oewllk. 2817'l to 32nd 3C-302-8()O..641 """'11'I St. Stom'I s..-er.'U1h 1O OUr er.eIC JO.J02~5 2etrl Awt'lUe ana NewlJnd 51tM1 5torm S-er Cllllf Creek . l.na Col"lftue0c8 30-302-800-886 OratnlQe Imorovements 46111....ve .A..... Gar'!' . Carr TOTAL DRAINAGE 10 SO 10 SO $;3.4 031 $1380000 I S578000 $1050 000 I so 5250 000 SSOD 000 $760 OOC S260 OOC S I 760 COG OPW STREETS 30-30~ SItMII~ Pro,ea $512..11 SOOO.OOO SOOO.OOO S4OO.ooo Sl00.ooo 1100.000 S..COO.OOO '100.000 '0-30~ 29th Ave Rec:onslNCllOl"l. F.mon to Shendltl SO SO SO S3OO.ooo '0-.30~ Hoaand 51 R~. 32ndto38V'l ....1.S3a 3O-3C)3.-.8Q()..f<1' 32ncl """.,.... TI"Ii! ConmJcIion S11,4n JO-303-.aOO.85O toI8l'1an $l $1deW'lIk & ~.l.JOfU. l-1Q to 38th 50 SO 50 50 SOOO.OOO ....In & TatlOl' Recannvcoon seoo.ooo JO.:W3..a00-8.52 .5OIn.Ave CONiO'UCrJon. KlpllnQ to Miller SO SO SO 50 SO SQ5O.ooo 3Q..JO~504 YOUl"lVf\eld Sl AdOl'oonotL.lftl~L.ant. 3h'l104Ath SO SO 50 SO SO SO 1700.000 ~1 Part.1 Sl School Sldewllk. 32nC1 to 3IIn 12115,1599 J0..303..aClCJ..Io41 I~ Ct Smool SIOewIllk. 3h1 to 4"1 SO S325.ooo 1325.000 'lO-30)..8O()...8A1 Kipling SlI'3Wl AVII S.d....,k ~ T,..I Conneal&on SO sea.ooo sea.ooo )o'-30~1 RNd $lSChocX SIOeW_ and Oran.lmp. 38IJ'l to 4'1t SO SO SO S4OO.ooo 3Q..303-8QO....!.A 1 ~ Sl School SIQNII.k. 4d\ ~ 4h\ SO SO 50 SO 1250.000 )0.- ,~S8 W.o.worlh Blvd Comoor ImptO'..ITWUI. l.oCaI Mau:tl 10 SO SO SO SO S4OO.ooo ]O..]03.-<<X)-.I57 1.70 NCM.. wau Art ~ 125.000 3l>-3Q3...8OO..I~1 ~c l~ PrqecII. '*.........._.1 Related S112' S100.OOO S100.OOO S100.ooo SI00.ooo .'00.000 1100.000 1100.000 ')O-"'~ S"'" LJgnlS. _.on "'_ LJgnb SO 15.000 15.000 15.000 S5.OOO S5.OOO S5.OOO S5.OOO ~ Prwvwaave~ PrqecII S1.1llll.m S1.25D.000 S1.25D.COO SI.250.ODD SI.3OO.ooo S1.35D.000 S1.315.OOO 11.375.000 3Q..303-8OCJ..8l!.5 Snet M~ Metertall. OPYVShooI S23.009 "5.000 U5.ooo "5.000 ..5 000 S50.ooo 150000 S>O 000 TOTA.L STREETS S2._.ll3O 12._.000 I2._.ODD 12.$25.ODD 13.000.000 12,i.55.000 S2.630.OOO " ,!3Q,QQO OPW TRAJ'FIC ')0.-)0"-.800 &.lI' Tr-"Ie S.p ~ Prolea:s 1142,51:3 S2OO.OOO S25e.ooo SI00.ooo S200.OOO "00.000 1100.000 SI>O.ooo ~ Nel~T~eM"'~ProIecU 125.032 12'0,000 11S(.OOO $1'0.000 S13S COO ".0000 1140000 S1SO 000 TO TAl.. TRAFFfC 11157.605 $A10.0Q0 ""0.000 1310.000 S335.llOO S240.OOO 1240 000 S30Q000 op,v FACIUTlES 3O-3Os..aoo-a12 Pubtie V\II::AS Shoo 8l.alC:SSno ImOrO....Mll,1S n.381 125.000 125.000 55 000 15.000 S20000 ".000 ".000 TOTAl.. ()P'rNFACIUTIES I SQ381 S25 000 S25 000 55000 S5 000 120000 S6 000 SO 000 PARKS . RECREA TlON CAPITAL PROJECTS I 3Q..tsOU~1 Commurvrylm~T,...~ 115.2iO U5.ooo "5.000 "5.000 "5.000 U5.ooo "5.000 "5.000 ~ Rea..bon Buddlnos ImorowrMnts SO 120.000 S20.OOO 535000 TOTA.l PARKS &. RECRE,t,r,ON I "5.290 _.000 "5.000 sac.OOO 1 ..5000 "5 000 S&$ 000 "'5,000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT I JO.41~1OQ..7H~ ESTIP Il"lOW1tMl. 55&.191 sea.ooo S6D.000 S6D.000 S6D.000 S60.COO S6D.000 560.000 30.&10.:700-720 EOARC S5O.OOO S50.OOO S5O.OOO S50 000 S50 000 S50000 150,000 1>0 000 TOTAL. ECONOMIC DEVELoPMEN '104,7;1 1110.000 1110,000 11'0.000 1110.000 '110.000 " 10,000 "10,000 IIUNICIPAI. CAPITAL PROJeCTS 1155.890 S2i3.ooo ~1C).41o.e1 1 Oty HaIIIt'\'lPftl.......,tIM.~ S2lI3.ooo $.481.300 S5D.000 S50.ooo S5O.ooo S5D.000 >>61 Q-I(lG.I2Q c.ty Envy s,Qn090 50 111.000 SO 111,000 so 118.000 50 so 3Q.451G<<JC)...8&04 ~~cnon SO SO SO SO . SO SO 50 so :JO.810-a00-a70 WaGsw~ 81Yd! CorndOt' Slum .......253 TOTAl.IIUNICIPAL 1155,SiC 1311.000 sm.OOO S.tW,300 150,000 ....000 S5O.OOO .000 TRANSFERS J0.401..a;0..d2 T....... to Open 5pKe FI.I'"4 S25.OOO 125.000 125.000 SO SO SO SO 50 30-801..n0..at2 Tl'W"SW to TroM Fund so "0.000 110.000 110.000 110.000 110.000 110,000 S10.OOO 3O.e 1 ()..1()1).15.5 T tW1.Ifer to EQUtpnW'If Ft.nt 1315.000 S37S.OOO S315.OOO 137S.OOO 1315.000 S&OO.OOO S4OO.ooo ....,.000 3Q..&01~go..ea:2 T,.,., to Catnputer FI.I'"4 SO 11(XI.000 $100.000 1'00.000 S 100.000 '100.000 '100.000 $100.000 ~iD2..no.at1 ,,.,,... to GeMrW Fl.R2 S150.OOO 11.052.000 SI.052.ooo 11.078.000 11.1015,000 11.134.000 11,1153,000 11.113.000 JG.102..ev0.ae2 T,.,..,.IO SIT RevwlUIBond Fund 11.087.570 11 .OS7 ,025 11.087.570 JO.810..a00.aee T,.".,. to U ! i IIifrh, Fund 50 S2OQQOl) S2D0.000 S200000 1200.000 S200.ODD S200 000 S20D 000 TAL SFERS 12.211510 S2.m.025 12.820.510 117&4000 11.781,000 11.a.c...OOO $1.873,000 11.103,000 TOTAL DPENDfT\J~ES 15.115421 17.00...025 I $6.751.~70 16 343 300 SB16 000 S6.o.t2.000 $5.2'''' 000 S5 eoa,OQO AUDIl ADJUSTMENT IEJlPENDfTUkE 11.559.835 I D .ALAN , .10 . I. , ><S._ 1."", ..... I 24. ..... 15," . .. ." 135 DPW DRAINAGE 1. 2000 Local Drainage Projects 2000 Budget S50.000 Description: The project WIll correct isolated drainage problems at various locations throughout the City The corrective work performed under tlus project IS lImited to elIminating street dramage conditions which cause unsafe conditions for velucular and pedestrIan traffic, damage to structures and property and potential damage to the pubhc street system. Work at specific locations is prioritized according to the magnitude of the problem and as many problems as possible will be corrected within the project budget. Justification: Isolated street drainage problems have been identified by property owners and the Department of Public Works which are causing unsafe conditions for vehicular and pedestrian traffic, damage to structures and property and potential damage to the public street system. These problems occur as a result of inadequate drainage conditions within the public right-of-way which are the responsibili" of the City. 2. Pierce Street Drainage, 26tb Avenue to 32-d Avenue 2000 Budget: $600,000 Description: The project is construction of a storm sewer in Pierce Street from 26th to 29th A venue to intercept street drainage that floods an irrigation ditch. The proposed storm sewer is an extension of the existing storm sewer in Pierce Street which ends at 26th A venue. Storm sewer inlets will be reqUIred along with curb and gutter. A six foot wide sidewalk is proposed for the west side of the street to accommodate school pedestrIan traffic and a four foot wide sidewalk will be constructed on the east side. The street will be resurfaced. The project also includes new sidewalk on the west side of PIerce Street from 29th to 32nd Avenue. Justification: The purpose of the project is to keep street drainage from entering the irrigation ditch along Pierce Street. During heavy storms, the street drainage causes the irrigation ditch to overtop its banks and flood residentIal properties along Pierce Street. A secondary purpose of the project will be to provide a school Sidewalk along Pierce Street from 26th to 32nd Avenue. 3. Harlan Street Drainage at 48tb Avenue 2000 Budget: $400,000 Description: This project will involve construction of an additional storm sewer or constructIOn of improvements to mcrease the capacity of the existing storm sewer on Harlan Street north of 48th A venue. Justification: The existing storm sewer system for Harlan Street north of 48th Avenue does not have sufficient capacity for storm water during heavy storms. Wheat Ridge residential properties along Harlan Street are flooded during heavy storms. 136 DPW STREETS 4. 2000 Local Street Projects :WOO Budget. S400.000 Description: The 2000 project will be as follows: I Reconstruct Paramount Parkway from 26th Avenue to Twilight Dnve Budget estImate is $130,000 2. Reconstruct 33rd Avenue from Miller Street to Klme Street. Budget estImate IS $230,000. 3 Reconstruct Kline Street asphalt pavement from 33rd Avenue to 34th Avenue Budget estimate is $20,000. 4 Replace settled curb, gutter and sidewalk on west side of Miller Street north of 49th Avenue and overlay City of Wheat Ridge half of Miller Street from 49th Avenue to Ridge Road. Budget estimate is $20,000. Justification: These projects are the top priorities for reconstruction work based on street condition ratings and available budget. 5, 29tb Avenue Reconstruction, Fenton to Sheridan 2000 Budget: $300,000 Description: This project involves removal and replacement of the eXlstmg curb, gutter, sidewalk and asphalt pavement from Fenton Street to Sheridan Boulevard. Justification: This section of 29th Avenue has curb, gutter and sidewalk that is In poor condition and the asphalt pavement was last resurfaced in 1987. The scheduled maintenance for the pavement surface is the year 2000 so reconstruction of the street is planned for the year 2000. 6. Public Improvement Projects 2000 Budget: $100,000 Description: This budget line item is reserved funds for public improvements of city streets that may be required as an indirect result of private development. Justification: Public improvements that are required as part of development approvals are constructed at the cost of the developer but necessary IIDprovements which are not directly attributable to the development may be requested to be constructed by the developer and funded by this budget item. 137 7. Street Preventative Maintenance Projects 2000 Budget. $ I .250.000 Description: The annual street preventative mamtenance work and costs are as follows Concrete replacement area: 38th Ave to 32nd Ave and east of Wadsworth $ 600.000 Asphalt patchmg and overlay area 38th Ave to 3200 Ave and east of Wadsworth $ 600.000 Harlan Street north of 481h Ave $ 25.000 Crack Sealmg $ 25.000 Justification: Preventative street maintenance work is required to replace defective concrete, replace or add to pavement surface by an asphalt overlay, patch Isolated structural failures in existing asphalt streets, waterproof and improve the texture of asphalt wearing surfaces by a slurry seal coat and reduce water infiltration under pavement~ by sealing cracks. Preventative maintenance prolongs the useful life of streets and sidewalks and reduces the costly alternative of reconstructing streets 8. School Sidewalks: Reed Street 2000 Budget: $400,000 Description: The project involves constructing a sidewalk along Reed Street from 38th Avenue to 41st Avenue for Stevens Elementary School. Included in the project will be construction ofa storm sewer from the school to 441h Avenue to intercept the school's detention pond outfall and to reduce ice build-up in street crosspans. Design will include resurfacing and traffic calming devices. Justification: The school sidewalk program was instituted by City Council to provide safe pedestrian routes for school children. The drainage improvements are recommended by Public Works and have been delayed for two years to be constructed WIth the school sidewalk project. 9. Street Light Installation 2000 Budget: $5,000 Description: Funds for new street lIghts as requested by CItizens or the department and approved by the City. Justification: New street lighting is provided to accommodate areas of the City which requIre additional lighting for safety concerns or as otherwise justified by the City. Payment m advance is required by Public Service Company to install new street lights. 10. DPW Street Maintenance Materials 2000 Budget: $45,000 Description: Bituminous materials, concrete, pipe, sand and aggregate materials purchased by Public Works for street and drainage repair work by street maintenance crews. Justification: Asphalt, pipe, concrete, sand and gravel materials are required for street maintenance work by Public Works street maintenance crews. 11. Description: Art project for the noise wall along 1-70. 2000 Budget: $25,000 Justification: Traffic noise from 1-70 impacts the local neighborhoods, the art project will allow for visual improvement of the wall. 138 Dr\\' TRAFFIC 12, Traffic Signal Improvements :WOO Budget 5;] 00.000 Description: The span wire signal at 32ndIWadsworth WIll be replaced and the CIty WIll pay enOT for the difference to construct mastarm type signals ($50.000) This budget will also be used for scheduled replacement of traffic systems components such as control cabmet equipment and signal heads ($50,000), Justification: The scheduled replacement work is necessary for the mamtenance of eXIsting equipment and facilities. The mastarm type signals are necessary for contlnulty with other City of Wheat Ridge signals. 13. Neighborhood Traffic Management Project 2000 Budget: $210,000 Description: The 2000 traffic management project will include four neighborhoods. Improvements such as speed humps, raised cross walks, lane narrowing and other appropriate measures as approved by City Council will be made to neighborhood streets. The proposed project locations are: 1. 35th Avenue from Owens Street to Miller Court 2. Nelson Street from 32nd to 35th Avenue 3 Otis Street from 4 I 51 to 44th A venue 4. 4151 A venue from Yarrow Street to Carr Street Justification: This budget item will fund Neighborhood Traffic Management Program projects whIch are approved by City Council. The goal of the program is to improve the qualIty of neighborhood life by reducing neighborhood speeding and traffic volume. PARKS AND RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECTS 14. Community Improvement Tree Program 2000 Budget: $45,000 Description: This budget item IS for tree trimming, removal and replacement of trees which are located on city property and within the city right-of-way. Justification: Funds are necessary during the year to trim and prune trees and remove and replace dead trees that are the responsibility of the city. The program also includes the removal and replacement of trees as requued for public works projects. 15. Recreation Building Improvements 2000 Budget: $35,000 Description: This budget item allows for the repair and replacement of capital items in the recreation buildings throughout the City. Justification: The recreation buildmgs are in need of repair. The repairs include items such as roofing, paint and HV AC repairs. 139 17. 18. 19. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 16. ESTIP Incentives 2000 Budget: $60.000 Description: Enhanced Sales Tax Incentive Program (ESTIP) IS a tax shanng program for businesses m the City. Justification: The program provIdes an incentive for development Improvements. EDARC 2000 Budget: $50,000 Description: Economic Development and Revitalization Committee (EDARC) IS a tax sharing program for businesses in the City. Justification: The program provides an incentive for urban renewal. MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS City Hall Improvements 2000 Budget: $481,300 Description: Remodel of the Municipal Court area and continued upgrade of the HV AC system. Justification: The Municipal Court remodel is a project that has ben in the process for several years, during the 2000 budget a designlbuild project will renovate the court area. City Entry Sign 2000 Budget: $18,000 Description: This item is for construction of a large scale city monument sign or smaller scale city monument signs at a gateway location(s) to be determined. The large scale monument sign would be the same as those constructed at the Y oungfield and Sheridan mtersectlOns with 38th Avenue. The small scale monument sign would be SImilar to the sIgn west ofI-70 on 32M Avenue. Justification: Continuation of the program to construct attractive monument signs at the entry pomts to the City. 140 o~ ~- '" --- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 141 P ARK ACQUISITION FUND The funding In thIs area IS derIved from subdIVIsion fees. The ::WOO Budget indIcates veT) lmle In the way of new fees dunng the budget year. There are no expenditures budgeted for the 2000 Budget. At this tlme the fund does not have enough to undertake a proJect. TypIcally this fund is utilized for the acqUIsition of park land when a developer has paid the subdivision fees. 142 PARK ACQUISITION FUND FUND 11 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TED BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $11.779 $61.633 $4.690 $4 890 $6310 REVENUES 11-550-00-555 SubdivIsion Fees S375 SO $1.000 $1.200 $1 00000 11-590-00-591 Transfer from General Fund $50,882 $0 $0 $0 $0.00 11-580-00-588 Jetteo OS Grant $30.000 $0 $000 11-580-00-588 CBOG Grant $20.882 $0 $0 SO 00 11-580-00-581 Interest $2.319 $1.399 SO $220 $250.00 TOTAL REVENUE $65.355 $113.914 $5.690 $6.310 $7.560.00 EXPENDITURES 11-603-800-862 Reimburse Gen Fund $50,882 $0 SO $000 Baugh Property $1.782 $0 SO SO 00 Playground Improv $1.940 $58.142 SO $0 SO.OO TOTAL EXPENDITURES $3.722 $109.024 SO $0 SO.OO ENDING FUND BALANCE $61,633 $4.890 $5.690 $6.310 $7.560.00 143 OPEN SPACE FUND FUND 32 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING BALANCE $941,905 $941,762 $964 480 $658 584 REVENUES 32-520-00-540 Jefferson County $1,027,873 $1,003,541 $930.000 $871.000 32-520-00-564 Jeffco Joint Venture $60.600 $0 $0 $0 Open space Acq Bond $0 $0 $337,500 $1,562.500 Kiosk Grant $0 $11,000 $11,000 $0 State Trails Grant $0 $0 $0 $30,000 JcCOSJV-Prospct Bridge $0 $50,000 32-580-00-588 Urban Drainage Grant $0 $0 $0 $0 Trans Gen Fnd-Chesron Set $0 $67,000 Trans from Gen Fnd $25,000 $0 $477,313 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $2,055,378 $1,956,303 $2,720,293 $3,239.084 EXPENDITURES 32-601-800-809 Acquisition Projects Not Yet Acquired $0 $0 $0 $0 44th & Kendall $0 $0 $0 $0 Davis $0 $0 $0 $0 Boyd $0 $0 $0 $0 GB Coors Property $0 $0 $0 $0 Sub-Total $0 $600,000 $550,000 $2,015,947 32-601-800-809 Acquistition Projects Wheat Ridge Sanitation $210,000 $0 $0 $0 Jaidinger $313.584 $0 $0 $0 Shirley $1,356 $0 $0 $0 Johnson $0 $0 $5,000 $0 Silva $0 $0 $337,500 $0 Sub-Total $524,940 $0 $342,500 $0 32-601-800-862 Development Projects Prospect Park Imp. $37,819 $4,000 $4,000 $0 Gmblt Prop Imp (Demol) $0 $4,000 $0 $4,000 Kiosk Project $0 $22,000 $22,000 $0 Open Space Imp $19,594 $20,000 $20,000 $21,000 Ape Bacher Imp $0 $60,000 $0 $60,000 Prospect Bridge $0 $0 $0 $120,000 Swimming Pool Imp $0 $50,000 $50,000 $0 Greenbelt Management Plan $0 $0 $0 $17,000 Stites Park Playground $50.000 $0 $0 $0 Sub-Total $107,413 $160,000 $96,000 $222,000 Teen Ctr Acqu $0 $0 $0 $0 Trans to Rec Center Fund $0 $595,209 $595,209 $497,360 Park Maint. Chargeback 32-601-890-891 Trans toGen Fnd $350,000 $478,000 $478,000 $478,000 Sub- Total $350,000 $1,073,209 $1,073,209 $975,360 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $982,353 $1,833,209 $2,061,709 $3,213,307 ENDING FUND BALANCE $1}Q.43,025 $123,094 $658.584 $25.777 OPEN SPACE FUND 2001 THROUGH 2004 FUND 32 PROPOSED 2001 PROPOSED 2002 PROPOSED PROPOSED 2003 2004 BEGINNING BALANCE $25,777 $25,723 $25,723 $61 723 REVENUES Jefferson County Jeffco Joint Venture TOTAL REVENUES $870,000 $0 $895,777 $900,000 $0 $925,723 $936,000 $0 $961,723 $950,000 $0 $1,011,723 EXPENDITURES Approved Acquisitions Not Yet Acquired 44th & Kendall Davis Johnson Boyd GB Coors TOTAL $0 $300,000 $100,000 $400,000 Development Projects - 862 Neighborhood Parks $0 $0 $0 Recreation Center $0 $0 $0 Park Shop Imp $0 $39,000 $300,000 Open Space Improvements $21,000 $22,000 $22,000 $23,000 $21,000 $61,000 $322,000 Trans to Rec Center Fund $371,054 $61,000 $0 $0 Transfer to General Fund Park Maint. Chargeback $478,000 $478,000 $478,000 $478,000 TOTAL TRANSFERS $849,054 $539,000 $478,000 $478,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $870,054 $900,000 $900,000 $878,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $25,723 $25,723 $61,723 $133,723 145 TREE PLANTING & PARKS DONATION FUND The Tree Plantmg fund IS somewhat dIverse m nature due to the revenue sources. ThIs fund receIves an annual transfer from both the General Fund and the CapItal Fund. In addltlon. thiS fund serves as the donatIon account for park projects. The expenditures provide for vanous projects such as holiday lights at CIty Hall. reimbursement for the Gazebo and other community Improvement projects and park amenities. ThIs fund provides for memorial tree plantings as well as some street tree plantings. 146 - --- TREE PLANTING, PARKS & FUND 34 RECREATION DONATION FUND ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TED BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $121 653 $88.120 $70 500 S77 507 S55 7 ~- REVENUES 34-590-00-593 Capital Imp Trnsf Tree Plant. $10,000 $10,000 $10000 $10 000 $10 000 34-590-00-591 Gen Fnd Trnf Holiday Lite $3,000 $5,000 $5.000 $5.000 $5 000 34-590-00-591 Gen Fund Trnf Strt Tree $6,000 $1,000 $6.000 $6.000 $6.000 34-590-00-591 Gen Fund Trnf Memorial Tr $1,000 $500 $500 $500 $500 34-580-00-588 38th Avenue Banners $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 34-580-00-588 Memorial Match park Trees $0 $1,552 $0 $3. 000 $500 34-580-00-588 Donations $12,689 $2.050 $5.800 $1,300 $6.000 Grants $5.000 $0 $0 $2,300 $0 Recreation Center Donations $0 $0 $0 $0 Teen Art Project $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 Memonal Gazebo $23,443 $0 $0 $1.395 $500 Rental units manwing $0 $7.475 $4.650 $5.875 $0 Repymnt. Mem. Gazebo $10,000 $1,000 $1,000 $0 $10.000 34-580-00-581 Interest $7,027 $5,244 $0 $4.000 $3.000 TOTAL REVENUE $199,812 $121,941 $103.450 $116.877 $100.247 EXPENDITURES 34-603-800-862 Park Ammenities $73,470 $11,934 $29,825 $22.350 $16.000 32-603-890-891 Reimburse G.F - Gazebo $1,000 $10,000 $0 $10,000 34-603-800-861 Comm. Imp & Beautification Tr $2.824 $31,500 $59.500 $35.780 $41,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $111,710 $44.416 $99,325 $58,130 $67,500 ENDING FUND BALANCE $88,102 $77,507 $13,125 $58,747 $32,747 147 RICHARDSfHART ESTATE FUND The RlchardslHart Estate is a Victorian house owned by the City The house has been completely renovated In a style that IS true to fonn with the era of the house thiS fund receIves all of the rental income denved from the property The rental Income stays within the fund for repair and maintenance of the estate. The RichardsIHart Advisory Board is very active with the maintenance of the estate. 148 RICHARDS HART FUND FUND 35 ACTUAL 1998 BUDGET 1999 ESTIMATED BUDGET 1999 2000 BEGINNING BALANCE $4.975 $1.137 $5.024 $12.119 REVENUES 35-590-00-591 Transfer from Gen Fund $0 $0 $0 35-580-00-580 Office Rental Income $2,640 $3,000 $2.640 $2,640 state hist grant $0 $0 $7,000 $37,500 Facility Rental Income $8,000 $8,000 $8.000 35-580-00-581 Interest $138 $170 $170 $250 TOTAL REVENUES $7,753 $12,307 $22,834 $60.509 EXPENDITURES 35-601-800-890 Fund Purchases TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,729 $2.729 $12,000 $12,000 $10,715 $10,715 $50,000 $50,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $5,024 $307 $12,119 $10.509 149 PARKS AND RECREATION DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND The Damage Deposit Fund IS very specific In revenues and expenditures. The revenue IS del'l\'ed from damage deposits and the expenditures are for damage caused by rentals. The second expenditure lme IS for returning damage deposits to panies that do not cause an) damage during rentals. 150 PARKS AND RECREATON DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND FUND 36 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTlMA TE BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING BALANCE 53.337 S4 967 56.285 58 808 S 9 ODE REVENUES 36-590-00-591 Tran from Gen Fund $7,650 $0 50 $0 50 36-580-00-588 Damage Dep Income $0 $11.541 $15.000 $13.500 514000 36-580-00-581 Interest Income $363 $475 5325 5200 5220 TOTAL REVENUES $11,350 $16.983 $21.610 522.508 523.228 EXPENDITURES 36-601-700-791 Repairs to RHE $0 $0 $4,600 $0 SO 36-601-700-791 Deposit Returns $6.383 S8.175 $15.000 $13.500 $14.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $6.383 $8,175 $19.600 $13,500 $14.000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $4.967 $8,808 $2,010 $9.008 $9.228 151 SENIORffEE1'" FUND This fund allows for the trackmg of revenues raised by both the seruor program and the teen center. Each of the program areas are tracked by individual budget line accounts for both revenue and expenditures. The mdividual lme items are followed throughout the year and the appropnatlons for each budget year that have not been expensed are mcluded in the appropriate line item for the follwoing budget year. Simply put, each program is allowed to carryover the unspent money to the next budget year 152 SENIORITEEN FUND FUND 53 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTlMA TED BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING TEEN $439 $1.800 $2 08& 5685 BEGINNING SENIOR $8 313 $11.023 $7.700 S 1 0 087 S 14 38- $8.313 $11,462 $9,500 $12.175 S 15.075 REVENUES 53-590-00-591 Trasf frm Gen Fund $0 $0 $4 000 522.311 53-580-00-580 Teen/Miscellaneous $1.888 $2.500 $500 $2.500 53-580-00-588 Senior/Miscellaneous $12,028 $12.000 $12.000 $12.000 53-580-00-581 Interest $272 $330 $300 $400 $300 TOTAL REVENUES $19.675 $25,708 $24.300 $29.075 $52.186 EXPENDITURES 53-602-650-660 Teen Center Purchases $864 $2.000 $2.000 $26.311 53-602-700-799 Sr Center Purchases $12.669 $13,200 $12.000 $13,200 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $8,213 $13,533 $15,200 $14.000 $39.511 ENDING FUND BALANCE $11,462 $12,175 $9,100 $15.075 $12.675 153 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND 54 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED BUDGET 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING BALANCE $709.285 $230.025 $168481 ($5 8581 REVENUES 54-520-00-539 State of Colorado $280,422 $300,000 $251.266 $250 000 54-520-00-581 Interest $21.228 $8,000 $11.000 $5000 SUB TOTAL REVENUE $1,010,935 $538,025 $430.747 $249 142 54-520-00-540 GRANT FUNDING $0 JCOSJV-MANW $150,000 $0 $150.000 JCOSJV-RCSOC $65,000 $0 $65.000 GOCO-MANW $56,250 $0 $56,250 GOCO-RCSOC $48,000 $0 $48.000 WRBOYBB-MANW $5,000 $0 $5.000 GOCO-KULSCHLPG $22,500 $0 $22.500 CYSA-RCSOC $0 $7,000 $0 $7,000 GOCO-PENNPLG $0 $0 $0 SUB TOTAL GRANTS $0 $353,750 $0 $353,750 TOTAL REVENUES $1,010,935 $891,775 $430,747 $602,892 EXPENDITURES 54-601-800-862 Development Projects - 862 Rec Center Soccer Field $0 $162,000 $91,300 $60,000 WR MiddeSchoo $100,000 $0 $0 $0 School Playgrounds $49,300 $47,500 $25,000 $22,500 Hayward Park Imp $2,174 $0 $0 $0 Rec Center Dev $0 $0 $0 $0 Manwaring Fied Dev $40,540 $390,000 $0 $321,250 Skate Park Facility $100,000 $0 $0 $0 Sub -Total $292,014 $599,500 $116,300 $403,750 54-601-800-877 Maintenance proj - 877 Swim Pool Repairflmp. $0 $0 $0 $0 Anderson Comm Clr Imp $0 $0 $0 $0 Tennis Court Resurface $39,240 $0 $0 $0 Panorama/Randall Maint $31.200 $0 $0 $0 Sub-Total $70,440 $0 $0 $0 54-601-890-892 Transfer to Rec Ctr Fund $480,000 $320,305 $320,305 $190,000 $480,000 $320,305 $320,305 $190,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $842,454 $584,005 $436,605 $593,750 ENDING FUND BALANCE $168,481 $307,770 ($5,858) $9,142 154 CONSERVATION TRUST FUND FUND 54 2001 THROUGH 2004 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2001 2002 2003 2004 BEGINNING BALANCE $9,142 $235,142 $287,142 $349,142 REVENUES State of Colorado $300,000 $300,000 $300.000 $300.000 Interest $1,000 $2,000 $2,000 $3,000 GRANT FUNDING Jeffco Joint Funding kipling tail $0 $0 $0 $0 manwaring fld $0 $200,000 $0 $0 neigborhood pk $0 $0 $200,000 $100,000 gb trail replacemnt $0 $0 $75,000 $75,000 GOCO funding kipling trail $0 $0 $0 $0 penington sch pig $25,000 $0 $0 $0 manwaring f1d $0 $50,000 $0 $0 neighborhood pk $0 $0 $50,000 $0 gb trail replacement $0 $0 $75,000 $75,000 TOTAL GRANT FUNDING $25,000 $250,000 $400,000 $250,000 TOTAL REVENUES $335,142 $787,142 $989,142 $902,142 EXPENDITURES Development Projects - 862 Athltc Fld Complx, Manwaring $0 $500,000 $0 $0 Neighborhood Parks $0 $0 $400,000 $400,000 SCHL PLG PENNINGTON $50,000 $0 $0 $0 kipling/clrck trail $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL DEV $50,000 $500,000 $400,000 $400,000 Maintenance Projects - 877 Swim Pool Repair/Imp $0 $0 $0 $0 Tennis Court Resurf $0 $0 $40,000 $0 Pan/Rand Park $0 $0 $0 $0 greenbelt trail replacement $0 $0 $200,000 $200,000 TOTAL MAINT $0 $0 $240,000 $200,000 Trans. to Rec Center Fund $50,000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $100,000 $500,000 $640,000 $600,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $235,142 $287,142 $349,142 $302,142 155 BAUGH HOUSE The Baugh House Fund was established m order to restore an lustonc cabm located In \\'heat Ridge. Tlus project has been on gomg for several years and is bemg performed m conJunctlon with the Wheat Ridge Historical SocIety. The premIse of this fund hinges on private donations and grants from the state histoncal socIety 156 BAUGH HOUSE FUND FUND 62 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TED BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $19.361 $10181 537916 REVENUES 62-580-00-588 Donations $25,000 $26.247 $25.000 $25.000 $25 000 62-520-00-539 Grants $0 50 580.000 $34.000 $75 000 62-580-00-581 Interest 5300 51.062 50 $700 $1 000 TOTAL REVENUES $25.300 $27.309 $124,361 $69.661 $136.916 EXPENDITURES 62-602-700-750 Professional Services $0 517,128 $90.000 $31.965 55.000 62-602-800-812 Facility Repair $0 50 50 $88,750 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $17.128 590,000 $31,965 $93.750 ENDING FUND BALANCE 525.300 $10.181 $34.361 $37.916 $45.166 157 RECREATION CENTER FUND Tills fund represents the constructIOn of the new Wheat RIdge RecreatIOn Center The revenue IS receIved through the CertIficates ofPartJcipatlOn that were issued to finance the constructIOn. The Certificates are repaid through the Y2 cent sales tax that is earmarked for the recreatIOn center. The expenditures are for the constructIon of the Center and for the repayment of the Certificates. 158 RECREATION CENTER FUND FUND 61 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $0 ($342578) $2.222.294 $1518400E $137560::< REVENUES 61-590-00-591 Trans from General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 61-590-00-596 Trans from Capital Fund $632.297 $0 SO SO SO 61-590-00-592 Trans from CTF $480.000 5320.305 5320.305 5270.000 61-520-00-564 Trans. from Open Space $0 $0 $595.209 S595.209 $0 61-500-00-504 Sales Tax $0 $2.165.674 $1 470.000 $2.250.000 $2.500000 61-500-00-505 Use Tax $0 S527.690 $1.000.000 5550.000 $487.500 61-580-00-588 Donations $995 $10 $0 $16.000 $16.000 Proceeds of Bond Sales $14.820.000 $0 $0 $0 Intergovernmental Funds $0 $993.800 $0 $0 SO 61-580-00-581 Interest $15.984 $409.916 $326.840 $404.005 $100.000 TOTAL REVENUES $649.276 $19,054,512 $5.934,648 $19.319.525 $17.129.521 EXPENDITURES 61-602-800-801 Building. Construc:tJon $991.854 $1.880.907 $3.346.898 $3.383.598 SO 61-602-800-809 Equipment $0 $0 $693,000 $600.000 $13.000 Donations $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 61-700-900-901 Bond PnnClpal $0 $1,315.000 $1.000,000 51.000.000 51.035.000 61-700-900-902 Bond Interest $0 $286.735 SS77.718 5577.718 $539.218 61-602-800-810 Cost of Issuannce $0 $318.482 $0 50 $0 DIscount on Bonds $0 $69.362 $0 SO $0 61-700-900-903 PaYing Agent Fees $0 $2.286 $0 $2.188 $5.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $991,854 $3.872,772 $5,617,616 $5.563.504 $1.592.218 ENDING FUND BALANCE ($342,578) $15,181,740 $317.032 $13.756.021 $15.537.303 159 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS FUND The RecreatIOn Center OperatIOns Fund was designed specifically to track revenues and expenditures related to the new recreatIOn center. TIus fund is a move towards a cost center versus the traditional program budget. TIus fund is compnsed of several different areas. The first area is that of revenues associated with the operatIOn of the recreatIon center. The remaining areas relate to specific program areas such as aquatics, fitness, marketing and general expenses. The 2000 Budget is the first year of operation for this fund. 160 RECREATION CENTER REVENUE 64-550-01-558 Facility 64-550-02-558 Aquatics 64-550-03-558 Fitness 64-550-04-558 General Programs TOTAL REVENUE Budget 2000 $1 055.986 559.976 $13.546 $19.851 $1,151,359 FUND 64 161 RECREA nON CENTER OPERA nONS. FACILITY BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 64-602-600-602 Sa lanes 64-602-600-610 Overtime 64-602-600-614 Standby 64-602-600-617 Temp Personnel 64-602-600-619 Part Time Contractual 64-602-600-620 FICA 64-602-600-622 Insurance 64-602-600-625 Medicare 64-602-600-630 Retirement 64-602-600-640 Outside Personnel Total Personnel SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 64-602-650-651 Office Supplies 64-602-650-654 Photo Copies & Printing 64-602-650-655 Postage 64-602-650-660 Operating Supplies Total Supplie OTHER SERVICE & CHARGES 64-602-700-702 Conference & Meetings 64-602-700-704 Contractual Services 64-602-700-706 Due, Books & Subscriptions 64-602-700-727 Reimburse of Expenses 64-602-700-728 Training 64-602-700-729 Safety 64-602-700-740 Mileage 64-602-700-741 Uniforms 64-602-700-742 Tool Allowance 64-602-700-750 Professional Services 64-602-700-755 Software 64-602-700-758 RentaVLeases 64-602-700-759 Telephone Expense 64-602-700-760 Utilities 64-602-700-774 Facility Repair 64-602-700-776 Other Equipment Maintenance Total Services FACILITY TOTAL FUND 64 BUDGET 2000 $197.287 $1 644 $3.289 $119,947 $0 $19,974 $44,518 $4,671 $2,065 $0 $393,395 $6,498 $12,300 $2,714 $33,399 $54,911 $1,200 $26,160 $260 $985 $2,890 $0 $1,183 $650 $500 $0 . $0 $7,940 $2.400 $218,080 $10,000 $5.000 $277.248 $725,554 162 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS - AQUATICS BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 64-604-600-602 Salaries 64-604-600-610 Overtime 64-604-600-617 Temp Hourly 64-604-600-619 Temp Non-Hourly 64-604-600-620 FICA 64-604-600-622 Insurance 64-604-600-625 Medicare 64-604-600-630 Retirement Total Personnel SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 64-604-650-654 Photo Copy & Printing 64-604-650-655 Postage 64-604-650-660 Operating Supplies Total Supplies OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES- 64-604-700-702 Conference & Meetings 64-604-700-704 Contractual Services 64-604-700-706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 64-604-700-728 Training 64-604-700-729 Safety 64-604-700-740 Mileage 64-604-700-741 Uniforms 64-604-700-758 Rentals/Leases Total Services AQUATIC TOTAL FUND 64 BUDGET 2000 $39.921 $0 $249.656 $0 $17.954 $5,819 $4,199 $160 $317,709 $100 $50 $725 $875 $900 $240 $130 $595 $0 $591 $582 $0 $3,038 $321,622 163 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS - FITNESS BUDGET FUND 64 BUDGET 2000 PERSONNELSER~CES 64-605-600-617 Temp Hourly 64-605-600-619 Temp Non-Hourly 64-605-600-620 FICA 64-605-600-625 Medicare Total Personnel $36 998 $15834 $3.276 $766 $56,874 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 64-605-650-660 Operating Supplies Total Supplies $3.318 $3,318 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 64-605-700-702 Conference & Meetings 64-605-700-706 Dues, Books & Subscriptions 64-605-700-728 Training 64-605-700-730 Uniforms Total Services $500 $100 $312 $300 $1,212 FITNESS TOTAL $61 ,404 164 RECREA nON CENTER OPERA TIONS . MARKETING BUDGET BUDGET 2000 PERSONNEL SERVICES 64-607 -600-602 Salanes 64-607-600-617 Temp Hourly 64-607 -600-620 FICA 64-607-600-625 Medicare 64-607 -600-622 Insurance 64-607 -600-630 Retirement 64-607-600-640 Outside Personnel Total Personnel 532.631 5960 52.083 $487 $5,740 $130 $800 $42,831 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS 64-607 -650-651 Office Supplies 64-607 -650-654 Printing 64-607 -650-660 Operating Supplies Total Supplies $825 $2,550 $4,478 $7,853 OTHER SERVICES & CHARGES 64-607-700-702 Conference & Meetings 64-607-700-730 Uniforms Total Services $400 $50 $450 FITNESS TOTAL $51,134 165 FUND 64 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS - THERAPEUTIC BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 64-608-600-617 Temp Hourly 64-608-600-620 FICA 64-608-600-625 Medicare 64-608-600-640 Outside Personnel Total Personnel TOTAL THERAPEUTICS BUDGET 2000 $3 850 $246 $58 $1.500 $5,654 $5,654 FUND 64 166 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS - GENERAL PROGRAMS BUDGET PERSONNEL SERVICES 64-609-600-617 Temp Hourly 64-609-600-619 Temp Non-Hourly 64-609-600-620 FICA 64-609-600-625 Medicare 64-609-600-640 Outside Personnel Total Personnel TOTAL GENERAL PROGRAMS BUDGET 2000 $3 970 $11.300 $947 $222 $0 $16.439 $16.439 167 FUND 64 INSURANCE FUND The Insurance Fund was derIved III order to closely track the expenses associated with msurance costs. T1us fund receives an annual transfer from the General Fund III order to pay the insurance costs for the City The 2000 Budget has three primary areas of expenditure. The first area IS personal and pro pert) msurance, budgeted at $80,000. The second area is uninsured losses which is budgeted at $300,000. The final area of expenditures IS msured but not recorded, this area is budgeted at $100,000. 168 INSURANCE FUND FUND 15 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE RECOMMEND 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $195507 $212.200 $310.200 531: 334 5153334 REVENUES 15-590-00-591 Transfer from General Fund $95 000 $160.000 $80.000 S80.000 5362.000 15-580-00-588 Miscellaneous Revenue $121.988 $60.242 $100000 $1.000 $5 ODD 15-580-00-581 Interest $21,186 $18.344 $10.000 $15000 510 000 TOTAL REVENUES $433,681 $450,786 $500.200 $408.334 5530.334 EXPENDITURES 15-610-700-781 Personal & Property Insurance $69,819 $89.777 $90,000 $80,000 $80.000 15-610-700-782 Uninsured Losses $151,662 $48,675 $300,000 $175,000 $300.000 15-610-700-783 IBNR $0 $0 $100,000 $0 $100.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $221,481 $138,452 $490,000 $255,000 $480,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $212,200 $312,334 $10,200 $153.334 $50.334 169 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS FUND The Pohce InvestigatIons Fund provIdes a vehIcle to receIve funds dlstnbuted by the couns. The funds involved are typically related to cnmes that have occurred where \\'heat RJdge officers have been Involved. The court takes custody of the material assocIated wIth the cnme and dIstributes the funds to the vanous pollee departments involved with the case. The expendIture aspect of the fund is controlled by a board of three people. The police chIef. the district attorney and a city council member. All purchases from this fund are approved by the board . 170 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS FUND 17 ACTUAL 1997 ACTUAL 1998 BUDGET ESTIMATE 1999 1999 BUDGET 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $41.016 $72,668 $48.716 S89.223 S180173 REVENUES 17 -520-00-523 Court Disbursements $0 $0 $0 $0 SO 17-580-00-588 Misc. Revenue $40,006 $23.726 $10,000 $115,000 $25.000 17-580-00-581 Interest $996 $1.203 $850 $950 $1.500 TOTAL REVENUES $82.018 $97.597 $59.566 $205.173 $206.673 EXPENDITURES 17-202-650-660 Fund Purchases (Op. Supplies) $9,350 $8.374 $15.000 $25,000 $75.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $9.350 $8.374 $15.000 $25.000 $75.000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $72,668 $89.223 $44.566 $180,173 $131.673 171 COMPENSA TED ABSENCES FUND The Compensated Absences Fund allows for the payment of accrued annual and sick leave for employees that leave the Cit:. The 2000 Budget contains a $90.000 appropnatlon for thIS purpose It must be stated that the budgeted amount will not cover all employee leave. however the budgeted amount will cover the histoncal average. 172 COMPENSATED ABSENCES FUND 19 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $188.612.00 $129.21400 $9581400 $96 357 00 $453570: REVENUES 19.590-00.591 Transfer from General Fund $000 $35 000 00 550.00000 550 000 00 S90 000 DC 19-580-00-581 Interest $10.21000 $6 659 00 55 000 00 $4 000 00 S5 000 00 TOTAL REVENUES $198,822.00 $170,873.00 $150.81400 $150.35700 $14035700 EXPENDITURES 19-607 -700-788 Camp Absences Reserve $69,608.00 $74,516.00 580,000.00 $10500000 $90.00000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $69,608.00 $74,516.00 580,000.00 $105.00000 590.00000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $129,214.00 $96,357.00 $70,814.00 $45.357 00 550.357 00 173 MUNICIP AL COURT FUND The Municipal Court Fund provides for special purchases for the Court. This area IS funded through court fees, a $4 fee for the court and a $1 fee for probation. This area provides funding for Direct Victim Services through V.O.I. as well as probation classes such as drug and alcohol programs. The 2000 Budget also contains funding for an Internship through the University of Denver. In additIOn the special fund provides for repair and maintenance of court eqUIpment and the replacement of court equipment. 174 MUNICIPAL COURT FUND FUND 33 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $59,557 $56,984 $60,284 $70,909 $62 409 REVENUES 33-560-00-562 Court Fees - $1 $3.317 $3,634 $3,700 $3 400 $3.500 33-560-00-563 Court Fees - $4 $12,938 $14,596 $14,800 $13400 $14,000 33-560-00-565 Direct Victims Services $24,412 $27,617 $28,000 $25.000 $26.500 33-560-00-566 Outstand. Warrants/Judgements $4,960 $6,253 $6,300 $5,800 $6,000 33-560-00-567 Transcript Fees $1,395 $536 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 33-580-00-581 Interest $3,607 $3,249 $3,000 $3,000 $3.000 33-590-00-591 Trans. from General Fund $12,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $62,629 $112,869 $57,800 $122,509 $116,409 EXPENDITURES 33-109-700-776 Other Equip. Maint. $1,709 $1,597 $3,400 $2,800 $3,000 33-109-700-792 Probation $1 Expense $4,824 $5,980 $6,000 $6,000 $6,000 33-109-700-783 Court $4 Expense $5,951 $2,346 $8,000 $8,000 $15,000 33-109-700-790 Direct Victim Service Exp. $18,867 $25,820 /$28,000 $26,000 $28,000 33-109-700-787 Outstand. Warrant/Judgement $4,845 $4,598 $6,300 $6,300 $6,000 33-109-700-715 Transcript Fees $1,012 $518 $2,000 $1,000 $1,000 Trans. to General Fund $0 $0 $16,345 $0 $0 33-109-800-802 Computers & Office Equipment $5,548 $1,101 $10,000 $10,000 $6,900 Subtotal $42,756 TOTAL EXPENDITURES -$65202 $41,960 $80,045 $60,100 $65,900 ENDING FUND BALANCE $62,629 $70,909 $38,039 $62,409 $50,509 ** Actual total expenditures includes $22,446 in 1996 & 1997 encumbrances; added to the subtotal of $42,756 for 1997 total ending fund balance of $65,202. 175 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSIOl'I (EDARel The EDARC Fund IS essentially the urban renewal program for the Cny. The Planmng Department IS responsible for the operation oftlus program and management of thiS fund. The revenue comes from property tax increments and sales tax payments from \vithm the urban renewal area. The expenditures are targeted at the same urban renewal area. 176 =CONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND REVITALIZATION COMMISSION FUND 37 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $174,599 $194,303 $291,843 $445 843 REVENUES 37-500-00-501 Property Tax Increment $241,098 $209,000 $235.000 $230,000 37-500-00-504 Sales Tax Increment $100,000 $100,000 $100.000 $100,000 37 -580-00-581 Interest $10,703 $6,000 $10.000 $10.000 TOTAL REVENUE $526,400 $509,303 $636,843 $785.843 PERSONNEL 37 -120-600-602 Salaries $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-600-625 FICA $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL PERSONNEL $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-650-651 Office Supplies $146 $300 $100 $300 37-120-650-654 Printing & Photocopying $0 $500 $500 $500 37 -120-650-655 Postage $0 $200 $200 $200 TOTAL SUPPLIES $146 $1,000 $800 $1,000 37-120-700-702 Conference & Meetings $1,328 $1,000 $200 $1,000 37-120-700-740 Mileage $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-700-750 Professional Services $28,125 $15,000 $15,000 $22,000 37-120-700-758 City Reimbursement $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 37-120-700-799 Misc. $0 $200 $0 $200 TOTAL SERVICES $34.453 $21,200 $20.200 $28,200 37-120-800-801 Acquisition & Relocate $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-800-872 Site Improvements $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 $35,000 Loan Payments $0 $0 $0 $0 37-120-800-872 PTI - Marketplace $164,958 $169,000 $135.000 $133,000 TOTAL CAPITAL $199,958 $204,000 $170,000 $168,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $234,557 $226,200 $191,000 $197,200 ENDING FUND BALANCE $291,843 $283,103 $445,843 $588,643 177 BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND The Buildmg DemolItIOn Fund IS a very small fund that is used Infrequently The fund contams two expenditure line Items, enforcement for buildmg inspection and enforcement for code enforcement. Each year the Ime items are budgeted at $1,000 In case the need may anse for either buildmg or code to conduct operations of an emergency nature. 178 BUILDING DEMOLITION FUND FUND 55 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $17.524 $18173 $18183 S19 183 REVENUES 55-560-00-566 Mise $0 $0 SO SO 55-580-00-581 Interest $909 $800 $1 000 $1000 TOTAL REVENUE $16,433 $16,973 $19.163 $20.163 179 EQUlPME1\T FUND The Equipment Fund was created for the express purpose of establishmg a method to finance the annual purchase of wheeled eqUipment for the City. At this tIme the fund receives an annual approprIatIOn from the CapItal Fund. The EqUIpment Fund purchases all rollIng stock for the CIty, this Includes everythIng from rIdIng lavmmowers to cars and trucks to motor graders. This fund has a five year plan which serves as a planning guide. It is anticipated that this fund will spend approximately $375.000 annually for the replacement of fleet equipment. The Budget AppendIX contains an in depth listing of the equipment to be purchased during the 2000 Budget. Please-refer to the budget index for the listing of the Fleet Purchase Summary. 180 EQUIPMENT FUND FUND 57 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGIN. FUND BALANCE $146.512 $165.825 $102.806 $102806 S80 104 REVENUES 57-590-00-593 Trnsf from Capital Fund $375,000 $375.000 $375.000 $375 000 S375 000 57 -580-00-588 Auction Revenue $22,555 $38,689 $52.200 $47.773 $23 500 57-580-00-581 Interest $17.304 $11,670 $9 000 56 809 S5 569 TOTAL REVENUE $561,371 $591,184 $539,006 $532.388 $484,173 EXPENDITURES 57 -610-700-799 Misc. Expenditures $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 57-610-800-808 Vehicle Leases $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 57-610-800-807 Fleet Replacement $395,546 $488,378 $460,000 $452.284 $419000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $395,546 $488,378 $460,000 $452.284 $419.000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $165,825 $102,806 $79,006 $80.104 $65.173 181 COMPUTER FVND The purpose of the Computer Fund is to closely track all computer related expenses. This area receIves its fundmg through transfers from both the General Fund and the Capital Fund. The Computer Fund 2000 Budget has three areas of expenditures: Software - $186,630 Penpherals. Repair and Maintenance - $54,000 New Computers - $56,000 The Computer Fund encompasses a wide variety of purchases of material and services. A typIcal list would include replacement computers, replacement printers. repair parts, hubs. routers, sWItches, cablmg, software and maintenance contracts. 182 COMPUTER FUND FUND 59 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1997 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $41.000 $129.004 $114.731 $114731 S9C 731 REVENUES 59-590-00-591 Trans. from General Fund $284,000 $180.000 $35.000 $35.000 $100100 59-590-00.592 Trans. from Capital Fund $0 $0 $100.000 $100000 $100000 59-580-00-581 Interest $8.672 $7,001 $4.500 $6 000 $7.500 TOTAL REVENUES $333,672 $316,005 $254,231 $255.731 $298.331.00 EXPENDITURES 59-117-700-755 Software $48,822 $26,385 $57,570 $30,000 $186.630 59-117-700-776 Penpherals. Repair & Maintenance $30,000 $105,391 $36,000 $60,000 $54,000 59-117-800-802 New Computers $93,317 $69.498 $76,040 $75.000 $56 000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $172,139 $201,274 $169,610 $165,000 $296,630 ENDING FUND BALANCE $161,533 $114,731 $84,621 $90,731 $1,701 183 POLICE BUILDING FUND The Pohce Buildmg Fund IS earmarked for the purpose of completing the Pohce computer system. The system is neanng completion and tius fund should be retIred at the end of the 2000 budget year 184 POLICE BUILDING FUND FUND 60 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 5849 048 $888 163 5692.895 5371 895 REVENUE 60-500-00-504 Sales Tax $0 $0 $0 50 60-580-00-588 MIsc. Income $0 $0 S258 000 S90 000 Transfer from General Fund $0 $0 SO SO 60-580-00-581 Interest $42.093 $20.000 S21.000 S3 000 Total Revenue $891,141 $908,163 $971,895 $464.895 EXPENDITURES BUILDING 60-201-650-660 Operating Supplies 60-201-800-801 ConstrucVRemodel 60-201-800-801 Contingency 60-201-700-704 Contractual Services 60-201-700-750 Architectural/Professional 60-201-700-760 Utilities 60-201-800-802 Lab Facilities 60-201-800-802 Security System 60-201-800-802 Fumishings & Fixtures Real Property 60-201-800-811 Landscape Building Total $0 $0 $0 $0 COMMUNICATION 60-204-650-651 Office Supplies 60-204-650-653 Postage 60-204-650-654 Photocopy 60-204-700-704 Contractual Services 60-204-700-759 Telephones 60-204-700-799 Misc. Services 60-204-800-802 Fumishings & Fixtures 60-204-800-805 Communication Equipment 60-204-800-809 Other Major Equipment Tota/ Communications $198.246 $908,163 $600,000 $464,895 $198,246 $908.163 $600,000 $464,895 TotalExpendftu~s $198,246 $908,163 $600,000 $464,895 ENDING FUND BALANCE $692,895 $0 $371,895 $0 185 HOTELIMOTEL FVND The Hotel/Motel Fund IS funded by a 5% Lodgers Tax whIch was approved b) the voters for collection begmmng m 1999 The City has established a task force to guide the efforts of this fund. The fund will assIst with Pollee Department activities associated with the hotels/motels and apartment houses. In additIon, the monies from this fund will provide for a building inspector to work with the hotels/motels and the apartment houses. The last area of the Hotel/Motel Fund is the enhancement of the hotel/motel areas. A portIOn of the monies are available for reimbursement to the hotels/motels and apartment houses for Improvements to the property. The City and the owner of the property must enter into an agreement prior to any reimbursement being paid. 186 HOTEUMOTEL FUND FUND 63 ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TE BUDGET 1998 1999 1999 2000 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $0 $0 $0 $335431 REVENUES 63-500-00-508 Lodger's Tax $0 $500,000 $500.000 $500.000 63-520-00-539 Grant Revenue $4,500 $4.500 63-580-00-581 Interest $0 $25.000 $2.000 $25 000 TOTAL REVENUES $0 $529,500 $506.500 $525,000 EXPENDITURES 63-106-600-602 Staff Salaries $0 $0 $0 $214,781 63-106-600-610 Overtime & Premium Pay $0 $0 $0 $10,270 63-106-600-618 Court Pay $0 $0 $0 $3,996 63-106-600-620 FICA $0 $0 $0 $5.461 63-106-600-622 MedicalJDentallnsurance $0 $0 $0 $17,359 63-106-600-625 Medicare Portion FICA $0 $0 $0 $3,321 63-106-600-630 CCOERA Retirement $0 $0 $0 $2,160 63-106-600-633 Police Retirement $0 $0 $0 $12.671 63-106-600-634 State Disability Insurance $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL 600 $0 $0 $0 $270,019 63-106-650-660 Operating Supplies $0 $0 $0 $600 TOTAL 650 $0 $0 $0 $600 63-106-700-728 Training $0 $0 $0 $1,587 63-106-700-730 Uniform & Prot Clothing $0 $0 $0 $150 63-106-700-740 Auto Mileage $0 $0 $0 $2,500 63-106-700-741 Uniform Allowance $0 $0 $0 $1,800 63-106-700-750 Professional Services $0 $0 $0 $0 63-106-700-776 Facility Repair $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL 700 $0 $0 $0 $6,037 63-106-800-802 Office Fumiture $0 $0 $0 $575 63-106-800-803 Tools and Work Equipment $0 $0 $0 $500 63-902-890-891 Transfer to General Fund $0 $189,569 $189.569 $0 TOTAL 800 $0 $189,569 $189,569 $1,075 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $0 $189,569 $189.569 $277.731 ENDING FUND BALANCE $0 $339.931 $316,931 $582,700 187 o~ ~ '" -- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 1 &,8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ELECTED OFFICIALS MAYOR Gretchen Cerveny CITY COUNCIL Jerry DiTullio DISTRICT I Vance Edwards Ken Siler DISTRICT II Ralph Mancinelli Janelle Shaver DISTRICT III Odarka Figlus ClaudIa Worth DISTRICT IV Harry Hanley CITY MANAGER Vacant DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Alan White DIRECTOR OF PARKS & RECREATION Gary Wardle DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS Bob Goebel CHIEF OF POLICE Jack Hurst BUDGET /FINANCE ASSIST ANT William W. Powell PERSONNEL ASSISTANT Patty Crew 189 RESOLUTION NO ...1!:.- Senes of 1999 TITLE. A RESOLUTION REPEALING AND REENACTING THE CITY BUDGET. AND APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND SPENDING AGENCIES IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED BELOW. FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE 2000 BUDGET { YEAR. WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Annual Budget for the fiscal year of 2000 has been established and public hearings and meetings have been held after duly published public notices; and WHEREAS, the Budget provides for revenues equal or greater than the total proposed expenditures as set forth in said budget in the total amount of$31,295,083 which includes the following funds: 1. Fund 01 - General Fund $15,738,238 2. Fund 30 - Capital Fund $ 6,343,300 3. Fund 11 - Park Acquisition Fund $ 0 4. Fund 15 - Insurance Fund $ 485,000 5. Fund 17 - Police Investigation Fund $ 75,000 6. Fund 19 - Compensated Absences Fund $ 90,000 7. Fund 25 - Sales Tax Bond Fund $ 0 8 Fund 50 - Sales Tax Bond Reserve Fund $ 0 9 Fund 32 - Opens Space Fund $ 3,213,307 10. Fund 33 - Municipal Coun Fund $ 65,900 11 Fund 34 - Tree Planting Fund $ 67,500 12. Fund 35 - RichardslHart Estate Fund $ 50,000 13 Fund 36 - Parks & Recreation Damage Fund $ 14,000 190 RESOLUTIOP-: NO ~ Page Two 14 Fund 37 - Wheat RIdge TO....'l1 Center Fund $ 197.200 15. Fund 53 - SeniorfTeen Fund $ 39,511 16 Fund 54 - Conservation Trust Fund $ 593,750 17. Fund 55 - Building Repair/Demo Fund $ 2,000 18. Fund 57 - Equipment Fund $ 419,000 19. Fund 59 - Computer Fund $ 296,630 20. Fund 60 - Police Building Fund - $ 464,895 21 Fund 61 - Recreation Center Fund- $ 1,592,218 22, Fund 62 - Baugh House Fund - $ 93,750 23 Fund 63 - Hotel/Motel Fund - $ 277,731 24. Fund 64 - Recreation Center Operation Fund $ 1,113,153 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the City of Wheat Ridge Total Budget as stated in this Resolution be hereby approved, adopted and appropriated for the entIre fiscal period beginning January 1,2000 and ending December 31, 2000. DONE AND RESOLVED this 20th da A TIESI' ~\;\~\~ \~\~ Wanda Sang, City OJerk \ , / ,/ /./ 191 RESOLUTION NO 68 Series of 1999 TITLE. A RESOLUTION LEVYING GENERAL PROPERTY TAXES FOR THE YEAR OF 1999, TO HELP DEFRAY THE COSTS OF GOVERNMENT FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO FOR THE 2000 BUDGET YEAR, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge wjll adopt the annual budget in accordance with the Local Government Budget Law, and; WHEREAS, the Local Government Budget Law requires certification of the annual property tax mill levy prior to December 15, 1999, and; WHEREAS, the amount of money needed to balance the budget for general operating expenses from property tax sources is $647,845. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE: A. That for the pwpose of meeting all general operating expenses of the City of Wheat Ridge during the 2000 budget year, there is hereby levied a tax of 2.173 mills placed upon each dollar of the total valuation of all taxable property within the City of Wheat Ridge for the year of 1999. B. That the Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge is hereby authorized and dIrected to unmediate1y certify to the County Commissioners of Jefferson County, Colorado the mill levy for the City of Wheat Ridge as herein above determmed and set. ATTEST', ' ~ ~j./, n;~ Wanda Sang, City Cler 192 U .J :> :l J ) f) v N V <D N 7' )0 o - 0 tN f) 7' IJ l. ~ ) ) <D ~ Ul N o C'1 Cl <D Ul al o N en (lJ (lJ >- o a. E l.U 1:l (lJ 'u; en <Il U "'" j ~ u-- c'!!! 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The pnce mdicated on the schecule mcludes the costs for the vehIcle, light bar, siren, controls, two way radio, secunty cages, push bumpers, console, markings, other eqUIpment and access ones needed for Patrol use, and mstallatlon. Some of this eqUipment IS reusable, some IS not. The 3 1996 sedans taken out of service will be sold at auctIOn 212 CRIM. INV 3 new sedans will replace 3 existing high mileage Chevrolet Corsicas (units 12, 22, and 28). These Light Duty Vehicles (LDV) shall be certified Low Emitting Vehicles (LEV) and comply with Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (CAQCC) Regulation No 17, Clean Fuels Fleet Program (CFFP). The Corsicas will be sold at aucUon. PUBLIC WORKS 302 ENGINEERING 1 new 3/4 ton utility truck will replace an existing 1987 112 ton Chevrolet Suburban (unit 211).This Heavy Duty Vehicle (HDV) shall be a certified Low Emitting Vehicle (LEV) and comply WIth Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (CAQCC) Regulation No. 17, Clean Fuels Fleet Program (CFFP). The increase in GWV rating should alleviate the current overloading situation that IS occurring with 211 211 will be sold at auction. 1 new small light duty piCkup truck will replace an exisung high mileage 1991 Ford Taurus (unit 200). The change from a sedan to a pickup is due to the needs of this division's operations. The Taurus will be sold at auction. 303 STREETS 1 new tractor WIth boom arm and flail mower attachments will replace an existIng 1984 Ford tractorrriger boom and flail mower (units 284, B00284 and FLA284). 284 and the mowing attachments will be sold at auction along with a Tiger rotary ditcher (DIT284) and a Tiger sweeper (SWE284) attachment. 305 SHOP 1 new full size light duty pickup will replace an existing 1985 Chevrolet C10 piCkup (unit 210).210 will be sold at auction. 200 PARKS AND RECREA nON 603 ~ENANCE I new light duty pIckup will be purchased and added to the ffialntenance divisIon fleet. ThIs vehicle will be used for operational dutIes related to the new recreation center ThIs vehicle will be equIpped wIth a tool box and ladder rack. I new utility tractor/trailer will be purchased and added to the maJ.ntenance divIsion fleet. This vehicle will be used mainly for repair and maJ.ntenance dutIes along the greenbelt where full sIZed vehicles cannot be used and/or where full sIZed vehIcles have been causmg damage m the past. 1 new 16' rotary mower will replace an existmg 1990 Howard Pnce HP180 mower( urnt 150). 150 will be sold at auction. I new heavy duty 1 ton cab & chassis with a dump body will replace a previously owned 1985 Ford F800 8 ton dump (unit 253) The downslZIng of this dump truck will result in better utilization as it does not requIre a CommercIal Drivers License to operate. 253 has already been sold at auction. In the event that full SIZed loads need to be hauled, then Public Works Street Division dump trucks shall be utilized. PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT 121 ZONING 1 new sedan shall replace an eXIstmg hIgh mileage 1991 Chevrolet Corsica (144). This Light Duty Vehicle (LDV) shall be a certified Low EIDIttmg Vehicle (LEV) and comply with Colorado Air Quality Control Commission (CAQCC) RegulatIOn No 17, Clean Fuels Fleet Program (CFFP). 144 will be sold at auctIon. 201 AUCTION REVENUE PROJECTION FOR 2000 ~ 1996 Ford Crown Victonas 3 @ 3200 9600 J 3 1991 Chevrolet Corslcas 3 @ 1400 4200 1987 Chevrolet Suburban 1 @ 1500 1500 1991 Ford Tuarus 1 @ 1000 1000 1984 Ford 6000 tractorrriger attachments 1 @ 3000 3000 1 1985 Chevrolet C10 pickup I @ 800 800 1 1990 Howard Price HP 180 I @ 2000 2000 1 1985 Ford F80e (sold at auction in 1998) 1@0 0 1991 Chevrolet Corsica 1 @ 1400 1400 TOTAL YEAR 2000 AUCTION REVENUES 23500 202 FLEET REPLACEMEl'<'T GUIDELINES The current fieet replacement gUldelmes are based on the age and mileage/hours of the urnt Old age or hIgh mlkageihours does not mean automauc replacement, but mstead tnggers an m\'esugal1on mto all reason, lor replacement The followmg list of reasons are used m detenrurung If replacement IS warranted REASONS FOR REPLACEMENT High and/or mmg maIntenance/reparr costs. 2 High and/or ming operaung costs (fuel economy). 3 ExcessIve downume. 4 Past useful servIce, technologIcal, or economical life (see definitions below). 5 Partslsemce no longer available. 6 Federal, State and/or Local requirements render unit no legally usable. 7 Overall mechanical conditlOn. 8 Overall phYSIcal appearance. 9 User dlstrost and/nr dissatIsfaction due to perceived unsafe condition ofvelucle based on high mileage 10 Poor utilizatIon (unit too blgltoo small for job, seasonal use only, etc.). A urnt that has no other defiCIenCies other than poor utilizatIon will be moved witlun the fleet rather than deleted, if possible. DEFINITIONS Service Life: Refers to the amount oftime a unit IS capable of operaung and rendermg servIce. ThIS life may be nearly infmite if the unit receives adequate mamtenance and worn out parts are dutifully replaced. Technological Life: Represents the relative productivity decline of a unit when compared to a newer urnt Economical Life: Refers to the length of ume that the average total vehicle cost IS at Its rrunimum. The econo1Illcally opumum replacement pomt IS reached when average penod costs are at a mmunum. (See illustration below). I- en o <.> 100 . . BO .' . ............ ..' ... .'-., .' - -- - 60 40 _20 o TIME Average of annual coat& to date (Y2) OeoUn. In r..... value (V1) o p.ratlng ana maintenance oo.ta (V1) 203 FLEET REPLACEMElXT GUIDELINES LIGHT DUTY VEffiCLES (UNDER 8.600 GVWR) Description HounlMiles '\ ears Patrol Sedan 80,000 miles 2-4 Motorcvcle 30,000 miles 4-5 Sedan. van, small truck 80,000 miles 8-10 MEDIUM DUTYVEffiCLES 8.600 TO 10.000 GVWR Description HounlMiles Yean Van. truck. cab & chassls_ w/gasoline engme 100,000 miles 150,000 miles 1(\-\: Van. truck, cab & chassis w/diesel engme 10-15 IlEA VY DUTY VEffiCLES (OVER 10.000 GVWR) AND IlEA VY EOUIPMENT Description HounlMiIes Year Dwnp truck w/plow and sander 150,000 miles 10-12 Street sweeper, mecharucal 10,000 hoursl30,000 miles 8-10 Street sweeper, vacuum 8,000 hoursl30,000 miles 8-10 Jet rodder (sewer cleaner) 10,000 hours \2-\5 ArtIculated loader 10,000 hours 12-\5 Backhoe 10,000 hours 12-\5 Grader 10,000 hours \2-15 Tractor w/irnplements 10,000 hours ]2-15 Notes: These replacement guideline figures are an average of the figures currently bemg used by other muniCipalities, then modified as needed to reflect the low utihzatlOn of some eqwpment (same hours/miles with extended years). 204 2000 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL POLICIES FORM OF GOVERNMENT The City of Wheat Ridge was incorporated in August, 1969, an::i comprises a total area of 9.1 square miles. In 1976, Whea~ R~dge became a Home-Rule city, as defined by Colorado Revised S~a~u~es, Title 31. The Charter for the City of Wheat Ridge provides for a Council-Manager form of government. The executive power is vested in the City Manager to run the daily affairs of the City. The City Manager reports to the City Council. The City Council is composed of eight members who are elected bi-annually, two from each of the four districts. The Mayor, City Clerk and City Treasurer are elected at large for two-year terms each. The rights of the people have been retained through the powers of recall, initiative and referendum. The Charter is a document of consensus and compromise. As provided by the Charter, all the powers and the determination of all matters of policy are vested in the Council except as otherwise provided. The City Manager, as provided by the City Charter, is responsible to the City Council for the proper administration of all affairs of the City. BUDGET The proposed budget shall provide a complete financial plan for each fund of the City and shall show comparative figures for the last completed fiscal year, comparative figures for the current year, and the City Manager's recommendation for the ensuing year. The City Council sets times for public hearings, for the public to comment on the proposed budget. After the public hearings, and before the last day of December of each year, the Council shall adopt the budget for the ensuing year. In addition to the operating budget, a five-year Capital Improvement Program is revised and extended annually. The City Council adopts the program as a planning document, but does not appropriate the multi-year expenditures. Annual installments to the identified projects are appropriated in the annual operating budget or by supplemental appropriations. Thus, major additions to the infrastructure are normally accounted for through the Capital Projects Fund. The budget document is prepared on a GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Principles) basis, consistent with the accounting records and annual financial statements of the City, in accordance with the Colorado Local Government Budget Law. Appropriations are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity with Colorado Revised Statutes. Supplementary budgets and appropriations must be adopted by resolution at a City Council meeting after publication of the proposed resolution in a local 205 newspaper:. GOVERNMENTAL FONDS General Fund - The General Fund is the general operating fund of the City. It is used to account for all financial resources except those req~lred to be accounted for in another fund. Special Revenue Funds - Special Revenue Funds are used to account for the proceeds of specific revenue sources that are legally restricted to expenditures for specified purposes. Special Revenue Funds of the City include the following: Park Acauisition Fund - The Park Acquisition Fund was established to account received and designated for park improvements acquisition of additional parklands. Polioe Investiaation Fund - Colorado State Law allows seizure by, and forfeiture to, law enforcement of property and funds which are associated with Class 1 nuisance violations, C.R.S. 16-13-302, entitled "Public Nuisance Policy". Seizure and forfeiture of property is also allowed under Colorado Contraband Forfeiture Act, C.R.S. 16-13-501. Any funds awarded pursuant to either of these statutes shall be placed into a special budgetary fund, hereafter referred to as the "Police Investigation Fund", and shall be for the sole use of the Police Department for purposes other than for meeting normal operating needs. This fund was created beginning with the 1990 fiscal year. for funds and the Conservation Trust Fund - The fund accounts for money received and restricted as to use in the acquisition, development and maintenance of new conservation sites or for capital improvements or maintenance for recreational purposes on any public site, pursuant to Colorado Revised Statutes, Title 138. Funds are derived from distribution of 40% of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery and is received on a quarterly basis. Capital Pro;ects Fund - The Capital Projects Fund (formerly Capital Improvement Fund) was established to account for money received as a result of a one percent (1%) increase in the City's sales tax starting March, 1976. The revenues of this fund are to be used for capital projects (i.e., drainage, street, and traffic improvements, and major additions to City buildings). Projects are recommended by the Street Committee, reviewed by 206 the Plan:--:ing Commission, and app::oved by C::.::y C:;''::-:::::'_ the annual budget process. +-..........-- -.. -.r- Open Space Fund - The City of Wheat Ridge is committed to preserving valuab:e remaining open space resources. The Jefferson COem::y Ope:'. Space program acquires land for public enjoymen:: (l.e., parks, playgrounds, lakes, trails, etc.) and then donates ~he land ::0 the City for use as public land. Open Space funds are derived from a .5% sales tax collected by the State for Jefferson County. Senior/Teen Center Fund - The Senior/Teen Center Fund was established during 1981 to account for contributions made to the Wheat Ridge Community Center and the Teen Center. The expenditures of this fund are used to support activities of the Seniors or Teen Cente::. Buildina Repair/Demolition Fund - The Building Repair and Demolition Fund was established during 1981, as a revolving fund. Structures are repaired or demolished at City expense, and the property owner is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. Equipment Fund - The Equipment Fund has been established for 1993 in order to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund will provide a long term plan for the procurement of vehicles. The Fund is financed by transfers from the Capital Fund. Compensated Absences - The Compensated Absences Fund was established in order to have the ability to pay any and all employees that may leave the employment of the City. This fund enables the City to provide payment for accumulated annual leave, as well as sick leave buyout for those employees that are eligible. This fund was initiated with a $250,000 transfer from the General Fund in 1992. Parks and Recreation Damaae Deposit Fund - This fund originated in order to track and refund damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and fa.cili ty rentals. In the past deposits have been paid in one year and refunded in the following year. This poses a problem when budgeting and attempting to maximize expenditures. Tree Plantina Fund - The Tree Planting Fund was created in 1993 for the purpose of 207 t~acking the di:rerent types of money tha~ are ~8~~=~~~:e= -~~ tree plant~ng and park aOna:lOnS. This Fund w::: ope~a~e ~~2 ~ypes o~ ~ree plan~ing p=ograms, street t=ees an= ;a=f: ::ees as well as a park dona:ion program. The Tree Plan~:ng :~;.j will receive transfers from Capital Fund, General Ft.:nd Unallocated, General Fund Street Tree Program, and Genera:'.. Fund Park Tree Program. This Fund may receive add.:. tlor-.al revenue in the form of grants, citizen donations or mat=~~ng money from citizens or businesses. Richards Bart Estate ImDrovement Fund - This fund was established in 1993 in order to track revenue from rental of the Estate and to provide a means to upgrade and improve the Estate. Munici~al Court Fund The Municipal Court Fund has been established in order to provide a means to track court fees, and to enable the court to expend these amounts. The Fund will begin with a transfer from the General Fund from the $1 and $4 Court Fees program. During 1996 additional revenue was gained through the Victim Wi tness Court Fees. This Fund provides the Court and the Probation Program with money for expenditures for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services, and misc. cour: and probation expenses. Ir.surance Fund - This fund was established in 1993 to provide a funding mechanism for property and liability insurance premiums and payments for uninsured losses. Insurance related losses may be paid out over several years and therefore it is necessary to have a funding source that continues from year to year. The City currently has a $10,000 per claim deductible for property insurance and a $150,000 per claim deductible for liabili ty insurance. Money for this fund comes from the General Fund. COmDuter Fund - :his fund was established in 1994 to provide better accountability of computer related expenses. All hardware, software, and related expenses are budgeted in this fund. This fund is funded by a transfer from the General Fund. Police Buildina Fund - This fund was established in order to fund the expansion of the Police Department facilities. The voter approval initiated a ~ cent sales tax in order to pay for construction of the building, a new radio system and a new police computer system. The tax was discontinued in 1996 due to realization 208 0: ~he s:.: mi~lion ~t~eshold. Recreation Center Fund - The Recreation Center Fund was established ~n revenue for the voter approved recreation financing for the center occurred in 1998. Bauah House Fund - This fund was established in order to assist with the purchase and preservation of the oldest cabin in the metro Denver area. , a G -, - r- - -- -' --'- :.ra:::f, :::er.-::er. ':'he Recreation Center Operations Fund - The Recreation Center Operations Fund has been created for the budget year of 2000. This fund is intended to track all revenues and costs associated with operating the new recreation center. Hotel/Motel Fund - The Hotel/Motel Fund was created to track and provide funding for Police Enforcement and building/code problems encountered at the hotels and motels located in Wheat Ridge. Debt Service Funds - Debt service funds are used to account for the accumulation of resources for, and the payment of, general long-term debt principal and interest. Both of the debt service funds were created in 1988, and are included in the appropriated budget to show the bond principal and interest payments due each year. Special Imgrovement District No. 1987-1 - The fund accounts for the principal and interest received from special assessments levied on property owners located in the District, and the semi-annual payment of principal and interest towards the Special Assessment Bonds maturing over the next ten years. The debt for the district was retired in 1996. This fund is no longer active. Sales Tax Revenue - The fund accounts for the payment of principal and interest towards the Sales Tax Revenue Bonds maturing over the next ten years. The full amount of the bond issuance has been invested in U.S. Government Securities which have been scheduled to mature within thirty days prior to each semi-annual interest and principal payment required. This fund is no longer active as the debt was retired in 1999. Any surplus from this fund 209 will be moved iD~c the CaDi tal fund. DEBT POLICY The City may borrow money for any municipal purpose as provided herein and issue the following securities to eVloence s"~~ indebtedness: a) Short-term notes, b) General obligation bonds and other like securities, c) Revenue bonds and other like securities, d) Special or local improvement bonds and other like securities, e) Any other legally recognized security which the Council may provide. The City of Wheat appropriate. It will conditions exist: 1) When long-term capital projects are desired; 2) When it can be determined that future ci ti zens will receive a benefit from the improvement. Ridge will use debt financing when it is be judged appropriate only when the following It is currently the policy of the City not to enter into debt financing and to continue with a "pay-as-you-go" philosophy for all capital outlays and improvements. The City is currently using a lease/purchase plan to pay for the telephone system and also to pay for photocopiers. The lease agreements specifically state that the lease/purchase can be canceled at any time if the City Council does not appropriate funds for that purpose. Funds are budgeted and encumbered for that year's payments only. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM The City of Wheat Ridge is bounded on three sides by four municipalities. The fourth side is unincorporated Jefferson County. Even though Wheat Ridge was incorporated in 1969, this bedroom community of Denver was established in the early 1900's, and the citizens here strive to retain its unique character. Twelve water and sewer districts lie within the City limits of Wheat Ridge, with some districts overlapping into other municipalities. Fire protection is also a special district funded through property tax dollars. The City does not have a library, nor a municipal airport or golf course, nor does it provide garbage collection service for its residents. Metro Denver transportation is funded through a .6% sales tax collected and distributed by the State. The Capital Improvement Program and Fund encompasses streets, bridges, curbs and gutters, drainage systems, lighting 210 s\'srem imc:-ovemen:s and p:-o]ec:s, =O~S~~UC~lO~ anc improvemen:. ma]o:- eqL:lpme:1: ,....., - -..-.......... ..... .....-- ......-. ':' Capital Improvement Policy - The City continues to operate under the following :a~l:a~ Improvement Policy: 1) The City develops a multi-year plan for cap:tal improvements and updates it annually, 2) The City makes all capital improvements in accordance with the adopted Capital Improvement Program, 3) The City identifies estimated costs and funding sources for each capital project requested before it is submitted to City Council, 4) The City uses intergovernmental assistance to finance only those capital improvements that are consistent with the Capital Improvement Program and City priorities and whose operating and maintenance costs have been included in the operating budget forecasts. Capital Financina - The Capital Improvement Fund is financed with a one-percent (1%) sales tax approved by voters effective March, 1976. This accounts for approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund. The remainder comes from interest earned on invested money, and citizen matching funds for the annuaL curb/gutter/sidewalk program. Sales tax revenues have a strong impact on the proj ects scheduled for a particular year, and the City upholds the policy of budgeting and completing only those projects which have funding for that year. Parks and Recreation capital projects are paid out of the City's attributable share of Jefferson County Open Space money, derived from sales tax, and the Conservation Trust Fund with proceeds from the State Lottery. Economic development assistance is funded and administratively controlled by the Economic Development and Revitalization Commission (EDARC), formerly Urban Renewal Authority (URA), and funded through sales and property tax, and interest proceeds. EDARC operates only in designated urban renewal zones in the City. Effective in 1987, the Capital Improvement Fund reimbursed the General Fund for engineering costs associated with capital proj ects. This included personal services only. The current budget expands this reimbursement to include personal services, materials and supplies, and other services and charges. 211 RESERVE POLICY General Fund Reserve - The City of Wheat Ridge maintains a fund balance which se=ves as a~ unencumbered cash reserve account. The fund balance wlll be maintained at a level between 15% and 20% of the annual gene=al fund operating budget. Funds in excess of 20% at the beginn~ng 0: each fiscal year will be transferred to the Capital Improvement Fund, unless specified otherwise by City Council. The City Council will annually specify the amount to be placed in the fund balance. This policy is carried out in the annual budget process. The 2000 budget reflects a reserve amount of $5,893,907 or 36.24% percent of the General Fund operating budget. REVENUES GENERAL FUND TAXES - Property Tax - Property taxes are levied on December 31, and attach as an enforceable lien on property as of January 1. Taxes are due as of January 1, and are payable in full by July 31 if paid in installments, or April 15 with a single payment. Taxes are delinquent as of August 1. If the taxes are not paid wi thin subsequent statutory periods, the property is sold at a public auction. Jefferson County bills and collects the property taxes and remits collections to the City on a monthly basis after deducting a 1% collection fee. It is the policy of the City to record the property tax receivable in the year in which the taxes are levied and to recognize the property tax revenues in the year in which the lien attaches on the property. The receivable of $647,845 is based upon budgeted taxes expected to be received in 2000. LiQUor Occupational Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies an occupational tax on all operators licensed to sell various classifications of liquor within the City limits. These operators are billed annually based on the following schedule: Classification Amount D - E - F - G - Retail Liquor Store Drug Stores Beer & Wine Hotel & Restaurant $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 (Extended) $ 700 212 -'"1 ~ .- Packaae Bee: 0:: Bee~ Or. P~e~ises ?rem::..ses $ SOC $ 500 S 2.100 Ti u _ -' . '- ~ave:-r. The revenue derived from liquor occupational tax has rerr,a::..:-:ec consistent over the past eighteen years with an increase eac~ t::..me the rates are increased. The City anticipates S60,000 ::..:-: reve:-:ue~ from this source for 2000. Vehicle Ownership Taxes - This is a tax paid by owners of motor vehicles, trailers, semi- trailers and trailer coaches in lieu of any ad valorem taxes. The amount of the tax paid is a function of the class, age and value of the vehicle. Generally, the amount of tax paid decreases with the age of the vehicle. Specific ownership taxes for Class A vehicles, which includes any motor vehicle, truck, truck tractor, trailer or semitrailer used to transport persons or property over public highways for compensation, are paid to the State. The State distributes this revenue among counties based upon the proportion that state highway mileage in the county bears to the total state highway system. There are no restrictions on the use of this revenue. All other classes of specific ownership are paid to the county. The county treasurer then distributes this revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by the county and each political and governmental subdivision bears in relation to all property taxes collected in that county. The revenue derived from this source stays consistent each year and a total of $75,000 has been budgeted for 2000. Sales Tax - The City of Wheat Ridge levies a 2.5% tax on all retail sales, leases, and rentals, with one-half, or 1%, going into the General Fund for operations, and the other 1% going into the Capital Projects Fund to finance capital improvements and the final .5% is dedicated for the construction of the recreation center. Through a very aggressive policy of prompt and efficient collection of sales and use taxes, sales tax collections make up approximately 30% of the City's total General Fund revenue and approximately 94% of the Capital Projects Fund revenue (excluding carryover fund balance) . The estimated amount of collection for 2000 is $4,830,000 for the General Fund. The major sales tax revenue producers for Wheat Ridge are public utilities, grocery stores, a department store and a liquor store. Sales tax collections fluctuate with the economy, but Wheat Ridge's major businesses are relatively stable and continue to provide a strong base for sales tax revenue. 213 Use Tax - h 2~ use ~ax is levied upon tne use 0: tangible pe=so~a~ ~=:~e~:~ a;lQ :axable services no: sucJec: to tne Whea: R.:.::ge sc':'es ::c... This tax lS strictly a General Fund revenue Source. ;:'he =='JC budget projects $1,990,000 in Use Tax collected. The Use ":"a^ represents 17% of the General Fund revenues. Public Service Company Franchise Fee - A franchise payment is accepted by the City from the Public Service Company of Colorado in lieu of all occupancy or occupation and license taxes, and all other special taxes, assessments or exercises on the right to do business. Revenues are derived from the imposition of a 3% fee on the gross revenue from the sale of gaseous fuel and electricity within the corporate limits of the City. Public Service Company remits payments to the City on a monthly basis, with an annual adjustment for the prior year made on the last day of the first quarter of each year. The estimated amount in 2000 is $880,000. Telephone Occupation Tax - There is levied on and against each telephone utility company operating within the City, a tax on the occupation and business of maintaining a telephone exchange and lines connected therewith in the City and of supplying local exchange telephone service to the inhabitants of the City. The annual amount of the tax levied is $190,575, paid in twelve (12) equal monthly installments, each installment to be paid on the last business day of each calendar month. Lodaer's Tax - Effective January 1, 1986, an excise tax was levied on the price paid or charged for the lease, rental, or furnishing of rooms or other public accommodations in any hotel, apartment hotel, guest house, guest ranch, mobile horne, auto camp, trailer court or park, or any other place furnishing rooms or other public accommodations. In 1998 the voters approved an increase in the Lodger's Tax. This increase raised the tax to 10%. The purpose of the increase was to fund the Hotel/Motel Program which will provide for the hiring of three police officers to work the hotels/motels and to deal with code and housing issues at the local hotels/motels. The tax levied and collected is at the rate of ten percent (10%) of the purchase price paid, and is in lieu of City sales tax. The Lodger's Tax is divided evenly between the General Fund and the Hotel/Motel Fund. The estimated amount of lodger's tax for 2000 is $560,000 for the General Fund and $560,000 for the Hotel/Motel Fund. 214 Admission/Amusement Tax - An exc~se ~ax 0: :ou~ pe=cen~ (4%' was levied effec~~ve ~a~~a~ 1986, on each pe=son who pays to galn adrnisslon o~ access ::~ a performance of a motion plcture or to the use of lanes and p~n sette=s for bowling balls in a bowling alley located wi:hlD the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Effective Janua=y 1, 1989, the Cl::~ added miniature golf to the classification and requl=es ar admission tax to be levied. The City has budgeted $50,000 :::0= 2000. LICENSES AND PERMITS - Amusement Device Licenses - This is an annual license fee for operating amusement devices, for the purpose of promoting amusement facilities providing a lawful and wholesome recreational outlet for young persons, specifically and generally to the citizens of the City. All establishments pay an annual fee of $60.00 per amusement device. Applications for an arcade license shall pay a $50.00 investigation fee. All fees are paid in advance. Projected 2000 revenue is S9,000. Arborist Licenses - The Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge issues Arborist Licenses for the purpose of engaging in the forestry business within the city limits, upon recommendation by the Arborist Board. The application fee is SI0.00, and the annual license fee is S25.00. Wheat Ridge has been named Tree City U.S.A. for the eleventh consecutive year, by the National Arborist Association. The estimated revenue from these licenses is S800. Contractor's Licenses - This is an annual license fee for all construction contractors doing business within the corporate boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge. The fee ranges from $70.00 to S125.00 annually based on the type of contractor being licensed. $50,000 is the estimated revenue from this source. LiQUor Licenses - The State delegates the authority of issuing certain liquor licenses to the Wheat Ridge City Council. The State Department of Revenue allocates 85% of the license fee to be applied to the Old-Age Pension Fund. A fee of $450.00 is collected as a new license investigation fee; transfer of ownership or location is $250.00; change in managers is $75.00; new licenses require a $350.00 survey fee. Annual license fees range from $3.75 to $78.75, based on class of license. The 2000 budget includes $13,000 in revenue from liquor license fees. 215 Buildinq Permit/Inspection Fees - v;:':h:n tne ci':y lim1.':s of Whea: ?idge it 1.S ur:2.a'v,.::....:. -~~ ~. perscn, :~=m, or co=poration ~c e~ec~, construc~, e~lc~ge, c_:e:, repair, improve, remove, convert, or demolish any build:.r.::: c::- structure regulated by the Uniform Building Code (UBC), or ca~se the same to be done without first obtaining a separate perm:: :c::- each building or structure from the building official. Perm:.': fees are based on the dollar valuation of the work to be done. !f work authorized is not commenced within 60 days of issuance, or if work is abandoned or suspended for 120 days, then a new permi t :.s required and the fee shall be one-half of the original fee. Building permits are budgeted based on economic trends in our local area. The 2000 budget is calculated based on 1999 estimated figures. Estimated revenue is $245,000. Street Cut Permits - The Public Works Department issues street cut permits for all street excavation, curb and gutter, sidewalk, cross pans, and street or road construction work done within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. Prior to 1987, water and/or sanitation districts and public utilities were exempt from these permit requirements. $40,000 is the estimated amount of permit fees for 2000. Cable Television Permits - For the privilege of having a cable television permit, the company shall make permit payments for the use of the streets and other facilities of the City in the operation of the cable television system. The company shall pay 3% of gross subscriber revenues minus sales taxes and other subscriber based taxes every six months. Cable Television permit fees have remained stable due to little change in local population. $120,000 should be collected from this source. Elevator Inspection Fees - In December of each year, the businesses located in Wheat Ridge that have operational elevators must be inspected for safety. The City charges $100.00 for each elevator inspection. The City should receive $8,000 in 2000. Business License Fees - Effecti ve December, 1986, the City imposed an annual business license fee for all vendors doing business within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. A $5.00 first-time application fee is charged for new businesses, and an annual renewal fee of $10.00 is charged January 1 of each year and collected on the January sales tax 216 :e~u~~ :o~~. A: ~he presen~, over 2,500 bus~nesses ~~~ b~:~ging a~ eS:lmated $32,000 l~ revenue to the C~~~. . ~~- c::::.::...... -~~~.._~-......., INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - State Ciqarette Tax - The State taxes wholesale distributors of cigarettes at the ~a~e 0: twenty cents per pack. State tax stamps are issued ~o ~he distributors as evidence of payment. Each year an amount of State funds equal to 27% of the proceeds from the tax on cigarettes is distributed to counties and municipali ties that do not impose any fee, license or tax on cigarettes. The amount received is based on the proportion of State sales tax collected in each municipality and from the un-incorporated area of a county. The budgeted amount is based on the amount of state sales tax revenues collected by the State Department of Revenue, as estimated by the Colorado Municipal League. The estimate for 2000 is $190,000. Jefferson County Road and Bridae Tax - Each county in the state maintains a county road and bridge fund for road and bridge construction, maintenance, and administration, funded by a mill levy property tax. Each municipality located in any county is entitled to receive half of the revenue accruing to said fund, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads and streets located within the City's boundaries. Legally, this is the only use for these funds. Jefferson County collects this tax and remits it to the City quarterly. An estimated $475,415 is expected in income to the City for 2000. State Biqhwav Users' Tax Fund - The Highway Users' Tax Fund is comprised of several revenue sources. The first is the net revenues derived from imposition of any license or registration fee, from any "ton-mile" or "passenger-mile" tax, from penalty or judicial assessments, from certain miscellaneous collections, and from excise taxes on gasoline or other liquid motor fuel. The second source is the additional revenues raised by excise taxes on gasoline or other liquid motor fuel which increased from 18 cents to 20 cents per gallon on August 1, 1989 through December 31, 1990. On January 1, 1991 the gas tax increased to 22 cents per gallon. The third source is an allocation from the "windfall" money in 1987-88 and a General Fund allocation from 1988-89 through 1990-91, which will be subjected to legislative appropriation each year. This third source is a partial replacement for the revenue loss due to the repeal of the Noble Bill provision in 1987. 217 :unds received :rom the base HUT: revenues Dc} De "':.5e:: englneer:..ng, reco;;s::rUC::lon, main1:enance, repa:..r, e:;..::..;:::::e:-.:, gr:- anri ari~,._'n, ~s~~a~~o~ c! s~ree:s and =oads. t~~ ~:~e :~a~ irnp::ovem.... l...., ...... -- . - -- _ 5t of :hese :unds may be used on admlnlstra::ion. Revenues :rc~ ::-e additional motor fuel taxes and the "windfall" and General Fund money may be used for new construction, safety improvemen:.s, maintenance, and capacity improvements; none may be usee :or administrative purposes. The Colorado Municipal League has prepared a listing of the amounts to be allocated to the various municipalities for 1999, which was used as the basis for the 2000 budget. This amount is $1,017,894. Motor Vehicle Reaistration Fees - State law requires payment of an annual registration fee for all vehicles. The amount of the fee is based on the class and use of the vehicle. Out of each fee paid by the owner of the vehicle, $2.50 is credited to the county within which the vehicle is registered. In addition to the base fee, an additional fee of $1.50 is paid for every motor vehicle, trailer, and semitrailer. Both the $2.50 and the $1.50 fee collected by the county are allocated among the county and cities and towns within the county on the basis of the number of vehicles registered in each city and town, for the county, and in the un-incorporated area of the county. The revenue received by a county, city or town from registration fees must be spent on the construction or maintenance of roads and bridges. The City of Wheat Ridge has budgeted $115,000 for motor vehicle registration fees for 2000 based on prior years actual receipts. Fire District Dispatchina Fees - The City and the Fire District completed an intergovernmental agreement which stipulates that the Fire District will pay to the City an agreed upon amount to be used for funding of an emergency services specialist (dispatcher) in the Police Communication Division. The amount for 2000 is $28,400. Justice Department Grant - This area is commonly called the cops fast grant. The grant provides funding for three years, the funding decreases each year of the grant. The funds are to be used for new officers, which are hired in the first year of the grant. The Police Department is expecting a total of $100,000 in grants for the 2000 Budget. 21"8 CHARGES FOR SERVICES - Zonina Application Fees - The Clty requires that an appli~ation fee be pald fo~ a~~ re:8~~~8 requests and a site plan review fee be paid for all site ;:;2.a:- reviews. These rezoning requests must then meet pos:~ng, publi~ation, and public hearing requirements established by the City. Per City Code, a fee of $200.00 per application is charged for rezoning requests, and $150.00 per site plan review. Speclal use permits and variances require $50.00 processing fees. The fees to be collected in 2000 is estimated at $13,000. LiQUor Bearina Fees - The City charges $50.00 per each new liquor license location. This fee is for a public hearing and survey for citizens living in the vi~inity of the new liquor establishment, to whether they approve of the establishment being in their neighborhood, or not. The estimated amount for fees to be collected is $500. Park and Recreation Fees - The Recreation Division has developed the following objective in the establishment of its fee policy: The fees and charges assessed for recreation programs, activities and services reflect all the direct costs of the program plus 30% to cover administrative costs. Direct costs include such items as supplies, referees, staff time, and other direct expenditures made by the City to operate a specific program. Administrative fees reflect the cost of items such as utilites, brochure publication, permanent staff time, janitorial work and building maintenance. Only a portion of these types of expenses are covered. Estimated recreation fees in 2000 are $287,928. These fees include programs from the Anderson Building and the Community Center. Swimmina Pool Fees - Admission and lesson fees charged for the use of the City swimming pool. The 2000 budget projects $110,000 as revenue. Weed Mowina/Cleanup - Revenue received from site cleanup and weeds that are mowed at taxpayer expense are being accounted for in a separate line item account. Prior to 1990, any money received was accounted for as a reimbursement to the expenditure account where the cost of mowing or cleanup was recorded. Revenue for 2000 is projected at $3,000. Police Records/Search Fees - These fees reimburse the City for costs related to the release of records information. Based on number of annual requests, these fees reimburse the City for approximately $25,000 annually. 219 FINES & FORFEITURES - Municipal Court Fines - All fines are set by the court for each violator, witr.~n ~ega~~) set limits. Traffic tickets, summons, jury trials, and forfeitures are received by the Treasurer's office from the Municipal Court as Ci ty revenue. The revenues are estimated to be approximately $715,000. OTHER REVENUE - Interest Income - The City Treasurer is responsible for the prudent investment of all Ci ty funds and schedule investments to insure that there is as little idle cash as practical. Estimated revenues from interest are anticipated to be $240,000. Rent/Richards-Bart Estate - The City of Wheat Ridge purchased the Richards-Hart Estate in 1983, and in 1985 restored it to the late 1860's era, using Open Space money. The mansion is currently used for public meetings and special events, and rent deposits are collected and returned for its use in purchasing period pieces and antiquities. The City also purchased a duplex located at the site and rents it out to occupants for which we collect a nominal fee on a monthly basis. The 1999 estimated revenue is $8,000. Beginning in 1999 this revenue is credited to the Richards/Hart Estate Fund. Miscellaneous Income - Revenue sources that are not easily categorized in the other revenue accounts are accounted for under Miscellaneous Income. This includes copy charges, auction proceeds, mineral severance tax, and pension forfeitures. The estimated revenue for 1999 is $70,000. TRANSFERS IN - The largest transfer to the General Fund is made to cover engineering and administrative costs connected with capital improvements made by the City. The transfer will increase to $1,079,000 for budget year 2000. A separate fund was established in 1982 for Open Space transactions. Jefferson County collects a .5% sales tax for the Open Space Program. The county, cities and towns located in Jefferson County may participate in the program. Expenditures and/or contract obligations must constitute purposes which are authorized by the Program. These include: administration of Open Space, planning for Open Space, acquisition of Open Space, development of access to Open Space, development of paths and trails on Open Space, construction of public trails, preservation 220 and/er main~enance of ODen Space, pro~e::-:l.o:--. ~\:::~:- '::-::.:=.:-=, cons~~u=~io~ and acq~isi~io~ c: recrea~io~ ca~~~2: a~~ ma'n~enance 0: recrea~ior. cac:~al lmprovemen~s. 1..U, ,........ ~.. es:~mated S22C,OOG :0= prese=va:icn and rnal.n~enance ::2S:S parr:s was bucige1:ed :or reimbursement from Open Space _~ _.._ Fund. In 2000, the amount is budge1:ed at $478,000. ~ .......--......-.~o-.:::.......- c:: -. ':-- - '-' '" -. _. - - , '"' ~ ~ ......- ~~ - - -- ---- OTHER FUNDS CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND - Sales tax comprises approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund. The income (40% of sales tax received) is distributed monthly and invested until needed to pay capital project contracts, usually in the late Summer and Fall. The carryover each year is based on unspent appropriations, usually occurring when costs come in less than anticipated. PARK ACQUISITION FUND - When a new subdivision is approved for Wheat Ridge, the developer is required to place a certain percentage of the project cost into the park acquisition fund for future purchases of additional parklands and park improvements. This amounts to a very small contribution each year and the fund balance is being carried forward until there is enough money available to acquire additional parkland or make park improvements. OPEN SPACE FUND - All revenue to the Open Space fund is derived from the Jefferson County Open Space Program sales tax collections. Reimbursement can ei ther be made on a pre-payment basis with the approval of a contract agreement, or on a post-payment basis with supporting invoices and actual charges. The City will be expending $3,213,307 in 2000, with 100% reimbursement expected from Jefferson County Open Space. SENIOR/TEEN CENTER FUND - Through the efforts of senior citizens and teens in our community, donations and fund raising events earn approximately $12,500 annually for the seniors and $2,500 for the teens. These funds provide for acquisition of items to be used at the Wheat Ridge Communi ty Center. Purchases are made only after the funds have been accumulated. CONSERVATION TRUST FUND - The Conservation Trust Fund statute governs how municipalities can expend lottery proceeds. Each municipality I s share is based on population estimates from the prior year. Because proceeds are distributed quarterly each year, budgeted expenditures cannot take 221 -" c.u are :he ~eceived. nex:: fo::: Sc, :.h'2:::-~ :...s clace un:.i~ a""-o~ - .....-- :.he pro'::eeds a ca==-yove= :ro~. one yea:: wn~=~ :lu=::ua::e annually. use c: :::.€: ;:::e~::s, INSURANCE FUND - The insurance is funded by a transfer from the General F~nd. BUILDING REPAIR/DEMOLITION FUND - Revenue for this fund is derived from seed money established In 1981, for use as a revolving fund. Structures are repaired or demolished at City expense, and the property owner is then billed for the cost of the repair or demolition. To date, this fund has been used very little. POLICE INVESTIGATION FUND - Beginning with the 1990 fiscal year, all proceeds from seizures and forfeitures of property pursuant to C.R.S. 16-13-302 and 501 shall be placed in this fund and shall be used solely by the Police Department for purposes other than for meeting normal operating needs. EOUIPMENT FUND - This fund will be used to purchase and lease vehicles. The primary revenue to this fund is an annual transfer from the Capital Fund. COMPENSATED ABSENCES - Revenue in this fund comes from a transfer from the General Fund. PARKS AND UCREATION DAMAGE DEPOSrr FUND - Money in this fund comes from deposits for the use of park facilities. TREE PLANTING FUND - The primary revenue for this fund is derived from transfers from the Capital Fund and the General Fund. In addition revenue may come from grants, citizen donations and matching money from citizens or businesses. RICHARDS BART ESTATE IMPROVEMENT FUND - Revenue for this fund comes from rents paid for using the facility. MUNICIPAL COURT FUND - Money in this fund come from court fees specifically designated for the purposes of the fund. COMPUTER FUND - The computer fund is funded by a transfer from the General Fund.. 222 POLICE BUILDING FUND - In 1994, 0 bo~lot issue authorized a .5% increase :~ sc_es :0'. --y the p~~pose 0: expanding and renovating the police aepa~:~e~: a~~ for a new radio system. This increase did sunset after S2.:) million was collected. This fund should be retired in 2000, the remalnlng funds are to be utilized for completion of the ?clice computer project. RECREATION CENTER FUND - The Recreation Center Fund was established in 1997 for the purpose of tracking revenue and expenditures related to the construction of the new Wheat Ridge Recreation Center. This area is funded by a one-half cent sales tax that will be retired or sunset at the end of five years. BAUGB BOUSE FUND - The Baugh House Fund was created in 1997 for the purpose of restoring the Baugh House. This facility is one of the oldest cabins/houses in tbe metro Denver area. This project is funded primarily through grants and donations. BOTEL/MOTEL FUND - The Hotel/Motel Fund was created in 1999 due to a voter approved increase in the lodging tax. An additional 5% Lodging tax went into effect on January 1, 1999. The purpose of the increase is to fund police, code and housing issues related to the local hotels and motels. SPECIAL IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT 1987-1 - A special improvement district was created in April, 1988 for the purpose of reconstructing the 1-70 Service Road North from Kipling to Ward Roads. Property owners benefitting from this reconstruction were assessed and the amounts due will be placed as a lien on the property until paid. Jefferson County is collecting these assessments and remitting them to the City to make principal and interest payments towards the Special Assessment Bonds maturing over the next nine years. The debt for the district was retired in 1996. The remaining money in the fund will be used for capital projects within the district boundaries. SALES TAX REVENUE - Sales Tax Revenue Bonds were sold in August, 1988 for the sole purpose of providing additional money to construct capital projects in 1988. The principal and interest on these bonds will be paid from sales tax revenues received in 1988 and interest on investment of this revenue over the next nine years. The bonds were paid off in 1999, any remaining dollars will be moved to the Capital Fund for future projects. 223 EXPENDITURES GENERAL FOND The Gene=al Fund is comprised of nine differen~ depa~~me~~s a~G thirty-one divisions. Each division is broken down into fol.:::: classifications: Personal Services, Materials and Supplies, Othe::: Services and Charges, and Capital Outlays. These classif~ca~~o~s are then divided even further into object/line items. Personal Services include salaries, overtime pay, insurance, retirement, and other related costs to the City for permanent and hourly employees. Materials and Supplies encompasses administrative costs, such as office supplies, postage, and photocopy charges. Other Services and Charges contains such items as dues, books, subscriptions, _ conference and meeting expenses, lease/rental payments, training and safety programs, telephone charges, etc.' Capital Outlays are fixed assets over $500 approved by budget. A schedule of the 2000 General Fl!nd Capital Outlays and Capi tal Leases is included in the Appendix section of this budget document. OTHER FUNDS Capital Pro;ects Fund - Estimated expenditures for 2000 are $6,343,300 Park Acauisition Fund - The Park Acquisition Fund has no expected expenditures for 2000. Open Space Fund - Open Space funds for 2000 will be used for park acquisition and improvements, and a reimbursement to the General Fund for expenses incurred in the maintenance of City parks. S~nior/Teen Center Fund - Accumulated proceeds from fund raisers will be used to provide needed items at the Wheat Ridge Community Center and the Teen Center. Conservation Trust Fund - The Colorado Lottery distribution for 2000, plus a carryover from 1999, will be used for various development and parks maintenance projects. 224 Buildinq Repair/Demolition Fund - Due to thls being a revolving fund to provide money to reFalr a~~ demolish buildings in Wheat Ridge, the full amount budgeted lS carried forward each year to fund expenses incurred. Police Investiaation Fund - All expenditures in this newly created fund are in conformance wlth C.R.S. 16-13-302 and 501. The Police Department will be making purchases as necessary to enhance their job performance. A committee made up of the Chief of Police, a City Councilmember, and a person from the Jefferson County District Attorney's office authorize expenditures from this fund. Eauipment Fund - The Equipment -nmd has been established to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund will provide a new approach to the procurement of vehicles, the vehicles and all accessories will be priced as a total unit and purchased or leased from the Equipment Fund. The only exception is undercover vehicles, which are paid from General Fund program 214, Special Investigations Unit. Compensated Absences - The Compensated Absences Fund was established in 1993 in order to have the ability to pay any and all employees leaving City employment for accrued annual leave, sick leave and holiday leave. Parks and Recreation Damaae Deposit Fund - Money in this fund are damage deposits that are paid to the Parks and Recreation Department for rental of park pavilions, park shelters and facility rentals. In the past deposits have been paid in one year and refunded in the following year. This poses a problem when budgeting and attempting to maximize expenditures. Tree Plantina Fund - This fund will be used for two types of tree planting programs, street trees and park trees, as well as Christmas lights. Richards Bart Estate Improvement Fund - Expendi tures in this fund will used to upgrade and improve the Richards Hart Estate. Municipal Court Fund Money in this fund will be used for equipment maintenance, office furniture, victim services, and misc. court and probation expenses. 225 Sales Tax Revenue - :a~ita~ ProJects Fund sales tax revenue for 1988 was inVeSte2 :~tc se=~rltles and scheduled to mature semi-annually to meet l~terest and bond payments over the next nine years. The amounts due tc be paid each year are budgeted for as expenditures. The debt for the proJect was retired in 1999, as such there are no expend: t~res planned for the 2000 Budget. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting policies of the City of Wheat Ridge conform to generally accepted accounting principles as applicable to governments. The following is a summary of the more significant policies. The basis of accounting refers to when revenues and expenditures or expenses are recognized in the accounts and reported in financial statements. Basis of accounting relates to the timing of the measurement made, regardless of the measurement focus applied. All governmental funds are accounted for using the modified accrual basis of accounting. Their revenues are recognized when they become measurable and available as net current assets. Those revenues susceptible to accrual are property taxes, interest revenue, and grant revenue from state and federal sources. Fines, permi ts and sales tax revenues are not susceptible to accrual because generally they are not measurable. SmemRY OF INDEBTEDNESS Since incorporation in 1969, Wheat Ridge's policy regarding long-term debt has been on a "pay-as-you-go" basis. During 1988, Wheat Ridge entered into its first two bond issuances. The first, Special Assessment Bonds for $1.25 million, was passed to improve a section of 48th Avenue between Kipling Street and Ward Road. A Special Improvement District was created and the property owners were assessed for a portion of the total project cost. The assessment attached as a lien on the property and the owners will be required to pay their portion of the cost over a ten year period as installments on their property tax billing. The district retired the debt in 1996. The second bond issuance was for Sales Tax Revenue Bonds in the amount of $2.99 million. Sales tax revenues budgeted in the' Capital Projects Fund for 1988 were invested in U.S. Government Securities, maturing on a scheduled basis to meet bond interest and principal payments over the next ten years. The 1988 Sales Tax Bond issue was refunded in 1993 at a lower interest rate. This debt was retired in 1999. These two bond issuances are both tax exempt municipal bonds. The Wheat Ridge City Charter, Section 12.7, specifies what types and lim~ts of long-term indebtedness are allowed by the City. 226 ~he deb~ se~,ice sched~les fer both of these bc~c ~ss_a~ce5 =~~ ~~ese~ted he~e fc= In:orma:ional pu=poses. Investment Policy I. Purpose and Scope The following investment policy addresses the methods, procedures and practices that must be exercised to ensure effective and judicious fiscal and investment management of the City's funds. This policy shall apply to the investment management of all financial assets and funds under control of the City except retirement funds, deferred compensation funds, and debt reserve funds. 1. Pooling of Funds: Except for cash in certain restricted and special funds, the Ci ty will consolidate cash balances from all funds to maximize investment earnings. Investment income will be allocated to the various funds based on their respective participation and in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. II. Investment Objectives The City's principal investment objectives are: Conformance with all applicable City, State, and Federal regulations. Preservation of capital and safety of principal. 1. Safety of principal is the foremost objective of the investment policy. Investments shall the preservation objective will be be undertaken in a manner that seeks to ensure of capital in the overall portfolio. The to mitigate credit risk and interest rate risk. a. Credit Risk: The City will minimize credit risk, the risk of loss due to the failure of the security issuer or backer, by: Limiting investments to the safest types of securities Pre-qualifying the financial institutions, brok.er/dealers, intermediaries, and advisers with which the City will do business Diversifying the investment portfolio so that potential losses onindividual securities will be minimized. 227 C. Interest Rate Risk: The City will minim~=e :a.':'': Q,1r:;. ~- tha~ ~he ma=Ke~ value cf se=~~ities in the :0 2hanges lD general ~n:erest rates, by: r-.""'....._ _ __ "_ ~'-'-""-'---- It, ___ ~he ::::is}: Structuring the investment portfolio so that securities ma:~re to meet cash requirements for ongoing operations, thereby avo~d~r.~ the need to sell se2urities on the open market prior to mat~r~:) Investing operating funds primarily in shorter-term securities, money market mutual funds, or similar investment pools. Liquidity: The investment portfolio shall remain sufficiently liquid to meet all operating requirements that may be reasonably anticipated. This is accomplished by structuring the portfolio so that securities mature concurrent with cash needs to meet anticipated demands. Furthermore, since all possible cash demands cannot be anticipated, the portfolio should consist largely of securities with active secondary or resale markets. A portion of the portfolio also may be placed in money market mutual funds or local government investment pools which offer same-day liquidity for short-term funds. Yield: The investment portfolio shall be designed with the objective of attaining a market rate of return throughout budgetary and economic cycles, taking into account the investment risk constraints and liquidity needs. Return on investment is of secondary importance compared to the safety and liquidity objectives described above. The core of investments are limited to relatively low risk securities in anticipation of earning a fair return relative to the risk being assumed. Maintenance of sufficient liquidity to meet anticipated cash flow needs. III. Prudence The standard of prudence to be used for managing the City's assets lS the "prudent investor" rule, which states that a prudent investor "shall exercise the judgement and care, under circumstances then prevailing, which men of prudence, discretion, and intelligence exercise in the management of the property of another, not in regard to speculation but in regard to the permanent disposition of funds, considering the probable income as well as the probable safety of their capital." (CRS 15-1-304, Standard for Investments.) 228 The :~ty's ove~all investment ;:=og=am shall be des:gnee ane ~ana~e= v;:th a deg=ee 0: profess:onalism that is wo~thy c: ::-,e ;:_:::~:c trust. The :~ty recognizes that no investment is tota~:\ ::s:.~ess and that the investment actlvities of the City are a wa::e: c: public record. Accordingly, the City recognizes that occaslonal measured losses are inevitable in a diversified portfolio and snail be considered within the context of the overall porrfollo'S re:~r~, provided that adequate diversification has been implemented and that the sale of a security is in the best long-term interest of the City. IV. Ethics and Conflicts of Interest: Elected officials and employees involved in the investment process shall refrain from personal business activity that could conflict wi th proper execution of the investment program or which could impair or create the appearance of an impairment of their ability to make impartial investment decisions. V. Eligible Investments and Transactions: All investments shall be made in accordance with Colorado Revised Statutes: CRS 11-10.5-101, et seq. Public Deposit Protection Act; CRS 11-60~101, et seq. US Agency obligations; and CRS 11-47-101, et seq. Savings and Loan Association Public Deposit protection Act; CRS 24-75-601, et. seq. Funds-legal investments for Governmental units; CRS 24-75-603, et seq. Depositories; and CRS 24-75-701, et seq. Local Governments-Local Government Pooling. Any revisions or extensions of these sections of the CRS will be assumed to be part of this investment policy immediately upon being enacted. The Treasurer has further restricted the investment of City funds to the following types of securities and transactions: 1. US Treasury Obligations: Treasury Bills, Treasury Notes, and Treasury Bonds with maturities not exceeding five years from the date of purchase. 2. Federal Instrumentality Securities: Debentures, discount notes, and callable securities with maturities not exceeding five years from the date of purchase issued by the following only: Federal National Mortgage Association (FNMA), Federal Farm Credit Banks (FFCB), Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), and Federal Home Loan 229 Mo~~gage ccrporation (FHLMC). 3. ~~ime Commercial ~ape~ issued by US companies wi:t ffia:~~:::e5 ~o: exceeding 270 aays from :he date 0: purchase, which :5 ~a:ec a: least A-1+ by Standard and Poors, P-1 by Moody's. 4. Local Government Investment Pools authorized under CRS 24-75-701 which: 1) are "no-load" (i.e. no commission fees shall be charged on purchases or sales of shares); 2) limit assets of the fund to securities authorized in this Investment Policy; 3) have a maximum stated maturity and weighted average maturity in accordance with Federal Securities Law Regulation 2A-7; and 4) have a rating of AAArn by Standard and Poors or AAA by Moody's. 5. Time Certificates of Deposit or Savings Accounts in state or national banks which are state approved depositories per CRS 24-75-603, et seq. (As evidenced by a certificate issued by the State Banking Board) and are insured by the FDIC. Certificates of Deposit which exceed the FDIC insured shall be collateralized in accordance with the Colorado Public Deposit Protection Act. This collateral shall have a market value equal to or exceeding 102 percent of the difference between the insured amount and theCity's total deposit of all funds with the institution. 6. Time Certificates of Deposit or Savings Accounts in state or federally charted savings and loans which are state approved depositories per CRS 24-75-603, et seq. (As evidenced by a certificate issued by the State Banking Board) and are insured by the FDIC. Deposits which exceed the FDIC insured amount shall be collateralized in accordance with the Colorado Public Deposit Protection Act. This collateral shall have a market value equal to or exceeding 102 percent of the difference between the insured amount and the City's total deposit of all funds with the institution. 7. Money Market Funds authorized under CRS 24-75-601, which are registered under the Investment Act of 1940 and have a maximum stated maturity and weighted average maturity in accordance with Federal Securities Regulation 2a-7. 8. Repurchase Agreements collateralized by U. S. Treasury securities and/or Federal Agency securities, the maturities of which may extend beyond five years. The purchased securities shall have an original minimum market value including accrued interest of 102 percent of the dollar value of the transaction, and shall be marked to market weekly. The title to or a perfected security interest in such securities held by a third party custodian as approved by the City, along with any necessary transfer documents evidencing any transfer of securities held as collateral for a repurchase agreement, must be transferred to the City or to a custodian acting on behalf of the City. The Treasurer shall 230 approve the transfer of an~ securities to any ~UStOj:2~ ==t:~: 25 a partiClpant wlth the City in a Repurchase Agreement. While the Public Deposit Protection Act allows munlc:pa~:t:e5 -~ invest: in derivatives, the Treasurer believes that the '..nhere:-.: risk that this type of financial instrument possesses :s intolerable, and therefore explicitly states that derivatives are an unacceptable investment in this policy. The City recognizes that securities other than those authorlzed in this Investment Policy may be held as of the date this Policy was adopted. However, all purchases after the date of Policy adoption shall be limited to the above items. VI. Investment Diversification It is the intent of the City to diversify the investments within the portfolio to avoid incurring unreasonable risks inherent in over investing in specific instruments, individual financial institutions or maturities. The asset allocation in the portfolio should, however, be flexible depending upon the outlook for the economy, the securities market, and the City's anticipated cash flow needs. VII. Competitive Bidding The best yield to the City shall determine the acceptance of a purchase or sale of a security when other factors are held equal. Return, diversification, and the type of security shall be analyzed and incorporated into the selection of the appropriate security prior to the solicitation of a purchase offer or sale bid. The Treasurer shall endeavor to receive at least two quotes for any security purchased or sold. If the same purchase or sale price is received from different institutions, then preference may be given to a local institution. In rapidly changing markets, the Treasurer shall have the discretion to lock in yields with a sole institution, so long as it is in the best interests of the City. VIII. Selection of Broker/Dealers and Financial institutions acting as Broker/Dealers It shall be the policy of the City to purchase securities only from authorized institutions and firms. Broker/Dealers and other financial institutions shall be selected by the Treasurer on the basis of their expertise in public cash management and their ability to service the City's account. To be eligible, institutions must meet at least one of the following criteria: 231 1. Be Dlvision recognized as a Primary Dealer by the of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, r.: a.:- K e: ;, e:::- =-: ~ (Appen8-l>' ::: ::. Report voluntarily to the Market Report.s Divlslor: c: t:;e Federal Reserve Bank of New York, or 3. Security dealers which are not designated as Primary Dealers, but which are approved by the Treasurer. Such dealers sha::: a. Be located in Colorado, and have been in business for at least two years; b. Have recent financial statements with an unqualified opinion, and not have a contingent liability that could materially affect the capital of the firm; c. Be in compliance with the minimum net capital requirements of the Securities Exchange Commission and the New York Stock Exchange. APPENDIX I: LIST OF PRIMARY DEALERS RECOGNIZED BY THE MARKETS REPORTS DIVISION OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE BANK OF NEW YORK Aubrey G. Lanston & Co. Inc. BancAmerica Robertson Stephens Bear, Stearns & Co., Inc. BT Alex Brown Incorporated BZW Securities Inc. Chase Securities Inc. CIBC Oppenheimer Corp. Citicorp Securities, Inc. Credit Suisse First Boston Corporation Oaiwa Securities America Inc. Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. 232 Deutsche Morgan Grenfell/:.0. ~awrence Inc. Donaldson, ~ufkln & Jenrette Securities Corporation Dresdner Klelnwort Benson North America LLC. Eastbridge Capital Inc. First Chicago Capital Markets, Inc. Fuji Securities Inc. Goldman, Sachs & Co. Greenwich Capital Markets, Inc. HSBC Securities, Inc. J. P. Morgan Securities, Inc. Lehman Brothers Inc. Merrill Lynch Government Securities Inc. Morgan Stanley & Co. Incorporated Nationsbanc Montgomery Securities, Inc. Nesbitt Burns Securities Inc. The Nikko Securities Co. International, Inc. Nomura Securities International, Inc. Paine Webber Incorporated Salomon Brothers Inc. Sanwa Securities (USA) Co. , L.P. SBC Warburg Dillon Read Inc. Smith Barney Inc. UBS Securities LLC. Zions First National Bank 233 """"'- u COL OR~\)O We Care Enough to Make a Difference 234