HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002 City of - - - WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET - '! - I I - J - j - , -. !I CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 2002 BUDGET . TABLE OF CONTENTS- Table of Contents. Budget Message. . Fund Balance Summary General Fund Revenue by Source. .... General Fund Expenditures by Department. . 2002 Personnel Summary.. General Government OrganizatIOnal Chart. - GENERAL GOVERNMENT Legislative Services Program.... Treasury Program.. Mayor (moved to Legislative Services Program In 2002).. Economic Development Program.... .. .. .. City Manager Program. Cn)' Attorney Cny Clerk. MUniCipal Court. AdmInistrative Services OrganizatIOnal Chart. Grant AdmInistratIOn. AdmInistratIve ServIces.... Human Resources Community Support Risk Management Sales Tax PurchaSIng Information Technology.... General Operations - PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT PlannIng and Development Department OrganizatIOnal Chart. Planning and Development AdmInIstration ZonIng Services. Inspection Services. ZonIng Enforcement. PAGES I-Ill 1-20 21 22-23 24-25 26 27 28-29 31-33 36-37 39-41 43-46 47-49 51-53 54-59 61 62-63 64-65 66-67 68-69 70-71 72-73 74-75 76-79 80-81 83 84-85 86-87 88-90 92-93 PAGES POLICE PolIce Department Organizational Chart........... ... ...... . ........... PolIce Administration. Anlmal-Park-Code Enforcement. ..... ... ..... ...... Communications. . Selective Enforcement and EducatIOn............... Records Section. .... ..... ... PolIce Training. .. ....... ..... Patrol. . PolIce InvestigatIon... Traffic Enforcement Unit. .. PolIce SpeCIal Investigations Emergency Operations 94 95-97 98-100 101-103 104-106 I 07 - I 08 109-110 111-113 114-116 117-118 119-120 121-122 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Public Works Department Organizational Chart. PublIc Works AdmInistration.. ..... PublIc Works EngIneenng. . PublIc Works Street MaIntenance... PublIc Works Traffic.... Fleet MaIntenance. .... 124 125-126 127-129 130-132 133-135 137-138 PARK AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT Park and RecreatIon Department Organizational Chart. ... Park and RecreatIOn AdmInIstration. Recreation Administration. Parks MaIntenance Forestry Open Space Anderson BuildIng... AthletIcs. General Programs and Marketing. Outdoor Pool Wheat Ridge Senior/Community Center Teen Center BuddIng MaIntenance. ..... 140 141-142 143-144 145-147 149-150 151-152 153-154 155-156 157-158 159-160 16] -162 163-164 165-166 Capital Improvements Fund.. 168-172 II OTHER FUNDS PAGES - Park AcqUIsition Fund (II) Insurance Fund (15) (elImInated In 2002) PolIce InvestIgatIons Fund (17) Compensated Absences Fund (19) (elimInated in 2002) Open Space (32) MUniCIpal Court Fund (33)..... ....... ...... Tree Planting Fund (34) (eliminated in 2002).......... RIchard Hart Estate (35) Park and Recreation Damage DepOSit Fund (36) (elimInated in 2002) Urban Renewal (37) Senlor/Teen Fund (53) Conservation Trust Fund (54) Building Repmr/DemolItlOn Fund (55) (elImInated In 2002) .. CATV Property Damage Escrow Fund (56) (eliminated in 2002).. EqUIpment! Fleet Replacement Fund (57) . Computer Fund (59) PolIce BuIldIng Fund (60) (elImInated In 2002) Recreation Center ConstructIon Fund (61) Baugh House Fund (62) . Hotel/Motel Fund (631...... ...... Recreation Center Fund (64) Summary... FacilIty OperatIOn. .. AquatiCs. Fitness. . MarketIng. Therapeutic Recreation. General Programs. UndergroundIng Fund (65) (elimInated In 2002) 176-177 178-179 180-181 182-183 184-186 187-188 189 190-191 192 193-194 195-196 198-200 201-202 203-204 205-206 207 -208 209-210 211-212 213-214 216-218 .220 221-222 223-224 225-226 227 -228 229-230 23] -232 233-234 ADDENDUM ResolutIon No 01-2002, Reenacting City Budget and AppropriatIng Funds. Compensation Schedule Fleet Replacement Schedule. ... 2002 Budget and FinanCIal PolICies. . 237 238-240 241-244 244-269 iii ~. " .., - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The Clry of 7500 WEST 29TH AVE~~0i: WHEAT Ri8Gi: CO 802'5-6-,3 (303, 234-5900 ~heat 'Ridge Clly Acmln Fax" 234 5924 Police Depl Fax. 235-2949 December 7, 2001 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of \Vneat RIdge 7500 W 29th Avenue \\ neat RIdge. CO 80215 Honorable Mayor and Council Members' It IS my pleasure to present the Council WIth a proposed budget for Fiscal Year 2002 to pro\'lde City ser\'lces for the penod January I, 2002, through December 31, 2002 Staff work on the 2002 budget began m September and requrred three (3) reVlews to complete am appreciatIve of the Council drrection provided on the budget at your July and August study sessIOns. - CIty staff also worked well together durmg the process and I very much appreciate therr considerable efforts. I bel1eve we are fortunate m our CIty orgaruzatIon to have so many mdl\'lduals as dedicated and passIOnate about what they do and the serVIces they prOVide to our commurut\ members. - In tills budget message, I will comment on each of the k.ey components that are rrnportant to a comprehensive understandmg of the proposed budget plan. My goal m the message and m Attachment "A", IS to pro\'lde a summation of those budgetary Issues that would be ofprrrnary mterest to Council. 2002 Bl'DGET HIGHLIGHTS . The proposed budget prOVides for a 21 % unreserved projected fund balance for 12,'31 '2002 m the General Fund. The fund balance was 52% on 111 /200 1 and IS estrrnated to drop to 38% by 12/31/2001. prunarily as a result of budget amendments approved by the Council durmg the year 2001 ... . In terms of ser\'lces, the proposed budget IS essentIally status quo With 2001 The only exceptions are as shov,11 belov, 1 Sex Offender RegIStratIon Clerk. (1 FTE) - Pol1ce -, PC Techruclan (l FTE) - InformatIOn Technology 3 Seruor Secretar: ( 5 FTE) - Econonuc Development U ':;i:: ::'_:::~':'''':;' . We estrrnate that property tax revenue for 2002 will mcrease from $630,000 to $656,000 or 3 9% Property tax revenue represents about 4 I % of General Fund revenue The estrrnated armual tax payment to the Clt} for a house assessed at $250,000 would be $465, or $38 75 per month. . We estrrnate that sales tax revenue will mcrease from $4,975,000 to $5,273,000, or 6%. Sales tax revenue represents about 32% of General Fund revenue . The proposed 2002 budget proVldes full funding for the replacement ofvelucles and eqUIpment. . Attachment "N' is mcluded as a part oftlus budget message and outlmes the budget illghllghts for each maJor Clt) department. . As of January 7,2002, a nev, Department of Admirustratlve Services will be establIShed to provide more focused drrection and supervIsIon for the followmg CIty serVlces Human Resources, Purchasmg, Information Technology, and Grants AdffilI1lstratIon. . The proposed budget proVides the appropnate fundmg to support an economic development program mcludmg a full-trrne Drrector, part-trrne clencal staff and support costs (trammg, marketmg, etc ) -I · A nev, form entitled "2002 Personnel SllITUTIar)" has been developed to Identl~ the number of personnel reqUIred to carry out each service currently proVlded hy our CIty Because the City IS a servIce orgaruzatlon. the cost of personnel IS the most Significant expense Item. In 2002, It represents about 80 30'0 oftota! General Fund expenses . OrgaruzatIonal charts have been reformatted to shov, the above m grapillc form. -I -I . A ne\\ form entItled "2001-2002 Budget Sununar:" has been developed to summanze the 24 month revenue expense and fund balance hlstor: of each fund. - · A nev, form entitled "ActiVlt) Statement" has been developed for each program budget to proVide Council members and reSidents v,lth a summary of each program. In each case, It outlmes the staffing level; ovef\'lev, of ongOing and present actiVities; notable changes, if any. mandated federal and/or state costs: revenue generated, and maJor eqUIpment, if an), that IS requrred to proVIde tills service · To assure consIstency among all Clly programs, the FY 2002 budget mcludes the followmg mcreases over 2001 prolected expenses m common operatmg accounts -+- Operatmg Suppl1es Postage 5% 3% -+- 2002 Budget i\lemorandum Page :2 -+- -+- Water Prmtmg. Wastewater, Sanitation.. ElectricIty, Gas and Telephone 4% 5 40;0 The City'S 2000 audit mcluded a recommendation to e\immate a number of separate funds that the auditor found unnecessary, Mamtaming these numerous funds requrres much additIOnal time and effort for the accountmg and budget staff. In additiOn.. many transfers are made between funds wluch further complicate the accountmg system. The Council's drrectlOn was for staff to follow through on that comment. As a result of a more detailed reVIew by the City Treasurer, Accountant, department directors and myself the follov"wg funds have been e\immated for FY2002: . - - - . - - - - - Insurance Reserve Fund Compensated Absences Fund Tree Planting Fund Parks and RecreatIon Damage DepOSIt Fund Public Works Escrov, Fund Buildmg Demol1tlon Fund CATV Property Damage Escrow Fund Pol1ce Buildmg Fund Undergroundmg Fund With the exception of the Undergroundmg Fund. all closmg balances on 12 '31 /0 1 move to the General Fund. The closmg balance for the Undergroundmg Fund IS transferred to the CapItal Improvements Fund. The followmg program budget changes were made to better reflect the actual costs of various serVIces for the benefit of the Council and reSidents -, A nev, "LegISlatIve Serv1ces" program IS establlshed to consolIdate the budgets of Mayor and City Council. The "AdffillllStratIve Serv1ces" program budget was reformatted to reflect the costs of managmg that new mdependent department. A nev, program entitled "RIsk. Management" was establlshed to consolIdate all expenses related to that function. A nev, program entItled "Commuruty RelatIOns" was establlshed to coordmate all expenses related to that function (l.e , publ1c relatiOns, mark.etmg. speCial events, etc.) Current program budget for General Operations (610) was el1mmated and the expenses were allocated to the appropnate program budgets. The Pol1ce Cluef and Pol1ce A..drrurustratlOn programs were consol1dated mto one program budget entitled "Pol1ce Adnurustralion." The titles of vanous programs were changed m an effort to better reflect the serVIce provided. 3 4 5 6 7 Page 3 2002 Budget Memorandum . The proposed budget provides fundmg for safe!) enhancement in two (2) areas m our Pol1ce Department. First, $120,000 IS set aside for radio system enhancements. Secondly, $200,000 is set aside to rrnplement a mobile data reporting system. . In the Recreation Center Fund, 2002 revenues are based upon fee adjustments durmg the year that would elmunate the need for any funds from the General Fund. PERSONNEL The proposed budget mcludes a 4 0% cost of llvmg wage mcrease for all city employees. Tills figure was amved at by exarrurung the change m the cost of llving mdex m the Denver Metropol1tan Area from June, 2000, to June, 2001 (54%), as well as surveymg comparable commurutIes m the metro area. The financial rrnpact of the 4% COLA IS approxnnately $400.000 In additIOn.. certam employees will receive step increases wIth an annual impact of approxrrnately $ 160,000 The aggregate financial rrnpact of these two (2) mcreases IS approXIffiately $560,000 As the Council is aware, a consultant IS currently under contract to asSiSt us m a comprehensIve re\leW of our Position Classification and Compensation Plan. Tills process began m September, 2001, and mcludes the development of reVISed positIOn descnptlons, update of our comparables, renew of current market data. and creation of a more ment-based compensation plan. The purpose oftlus reVlev, IS to proVide our City v,lth the ability to recruit and retam qual1fied employees. I expect this renew to be completed by February, 2002 - Health lllSurance costs are estrrnated to mcrease by approxrrnately 250/0, which represents a finanCial rrnpact of approXllrultely $230.000 The City selected a ne\\ lllSurance brok.er earl1er tills year, and they have worked 'With the Human Resource staff to negotiate nev, contracts WIth varIOUS health msurance carners for ne:\1 year NationWide, health lTlSurance costs are nsmg an a\erage of 320. o. - CAPITAL l:\tPROVEMENT PROGRAM As m pre\'Ious years, a five (5) year capItal rrnpro\'ement plan program IS developed and mcluded m the budget documents. The illghlIghts of the program for FY 2002 is as sho\\11 below' PROJECT COST Dramage Improvement $200,000 Dramage. 35th Avenue east of Wadsworth S 150,000 Dramage, 35th A.venue and Robb extensIOn S 100,000 ~oo~ Budget Memorandum Page 4 Dramage. 33rd Avenue and Routt ex "tension $50.000 Harlan Street Sidewalks and pedestnan lights $800,000 between 38th and 48th A venues 5300 West 38th Avenue, muruclpal parking lot $150,000 Streetscape master planrung $150,000 Street preventative mamtenance proJect $1.250.000 Traffic sIgnal rrnprovement program $200,000 NeIghborhood traffic management program $125.000 Commuruty rrnprovement tree program $45.000 CIty Hall rrnprovements' renovation and $1.300,000 ($800.000 would come from the expansion of first floor and upgrade of CIP fund, and the balance from long-term buildmg HVAC systems. financmg) BUDGET MESSAGE RECOMMENDA nONS As a result of gomg through the FY2002 budget process, 1 would offer the follov,mg thoughts for the Council's future consideratIOn. . In developmg the proposed budget for 2002, It IS eVident that the mcrease m operatmg costs to pronde services m the General Fund m outpacmg related gro\\1h m re\enue In 2002, that revenue/expense gap mcreases. Absent a reductIon and or elJrnmatIon of certam services. It IS clear that new addItIOnal operatlonal revenue IS need to sustam city sernces. - . I would encourage the Council to contmue Its support for mcreased redevelopment activIty m the commercial sector to further expand the CIty' s tax base Ha\'lng said tlus, 11 should be recogruzed that worthy substantlve econorruc development proJects often take years to come to fruItIOn particularly m terms of mcreased tax revenue flow to the CII) . Given the preVIOusly mentioned revenue'expense gap In provIdmg current serVIce levels, It \\ ould be appropnate to exarrune the feasibil1ty of mcreasmg the sales tax rate. to support current CIt\ sernce levels. SlIMMAR\ The proposed 2002 budget. as subrrutted, essentially mamtalTlS CIty servICes at the 200 I level. Durmg the process of de\'elopmg the budget. It was necessary to defer many reasonable and :;00:; Budget Memorandum Page 5 Justified requests for addllional fundmg in the areas of personnel, semce, enhancements, and capital rrnprovements. As you knOv" the budget process is a lengthy and time-consurrung process. A successful effort requITes a lot of work and cooperation by many statfmembers, I WISh to thank those that were of such great assistance. In particular, I owe a speCial thanks to Ms. Ann Pltmga. Grants Adnurustrator, who so graciously volunteered to serve as extra staff support. --- Smcerely yours, ~-~~ Scott D taples . City Manager Page 6 2002 Budget Memorandum WHEAT RIDGE l\1Ll'\ICIPAL COURT 1\1EMORA_:\l)Cl\1 FROM RE D -'\T E Mayor Gretchen Cerveny Members of CIty CouncIl Scott Staples CIty Manager Kersten Almstrong_ C oun <\dmlnlstrator Overvle\\' of the 2002 ">1 unlclpal C oun Budget 1\o\'ember 21 21)0] TO The MUnicipal COU!1 has been In a state of change for the calendar year of 2(jn 1 There ha\ e been staff changes In the areas of probatIon and prosecutIon servIces The CIty C ounCll \vIi] be appointIng a ne\\ presIdIng Judge effective February 1 2002 E\en \\Ith these slgmficant changes In staffing. I antIcIpate that the Wheat RIdge i\lunIclpal Coun wIilll1alntaln the same high level of ser\"lce In the calendar year of 2002 as IS cUlTenth In place TherelL1re \ l)U \\111 note that the 2002 proposed cou!1 budget maintaInS the same level of senlce ~ll1d stJfflng The Counls anlIclpatlng only a small Increase In case filIngs for 2002 In aJJIllOn the fines and costs \\'ere SIgnificantly Increased by Judge Dans In 2001 Suney results fL1r the 20(12 budget prepar:lllon reflected that fines and costs assessed by Wheat Ridge \lumclp.ll Coun are either higher than the a\ erage or on target \\'Ith the rest of the Dell' er i\letropolltan area Based on thiS InformatIon the COU!1IS antIcIpatIng onh a slight Increase In coun IT\ enue tllr 21)02 - - - -\ fn\ changes Included In the coun budget ale as follo\vs II -\ ne\\ u'ntl:lc I \\.b neSl1tI:lleJ \\'nh the coun secullt\ compam In Septemhel 2001 Thne IS an InCleaSl" Il' the u'sts l'l these sen Ices as 11l)teJ. In the 2' In2 budget TIllS u'l1tlJCt \\ Iii Se1 ,ail Il)1 bid 1'1"\'1 's.1I, In thl" 2'11 '2 ulendar yeal (21 Due hl the staffing change, In the Loun cln\.. s l1ttlce :ll1J Ihe pIL)batlL'11 Jepa!1rnent. the C oun Ins requested an InClease In conference c," meeting npenses 1,1 l1ttel necessary traInIng oppol1unllles to the members of the coun clerk. s office anJ the pll)batIon staff ThiS lIne account co\'ers traInIng costs for the ten full.tlme staff members and the preSIdIng Judge (!-) Due to the Increased need for SpanIsh Interpreters and sign language Interpreters. the profeSSional serVIces line account reflects a small Increase In antIcIpated expendnures The Coun has e,pended the full amount fllr 20u] effectI\e "-,)"ember 20U] - As you are already aware the maJonty of any l1lcreJ.'ie In the Coun budget IS dlrecth or IndIrectly assocIated \\'Ith personnel costs such as salanes anJ benefits In ~IJdtl1on, you \\ III note \ mous changes In the follo\\'Ing lIne accuunts for expcndllures regarding postage paper. copIer rental and telephones In recent years these Items ha\ e been budgeted for In another manner. not WIthIn the COU!1 budget _7_ ----~ OvervIew of the 2002 Coun Budget There are no significant changes In the MUnlClpJI Coun Fund for thIs budget \ eJr Tlm tunc covers expendItures rebted to equipment mJlntenance, probJtlon expenses \ lCtln1 sen'lces computers and office equIpment In addIlIon. thIs fund allows for the collectIon Jnd expendIture of mOnies collected by the COUI1 and forwarded to the Department of \Iotor Vehicles The main two expendItures JntlclpJted from thIs account are the remade. of the co un clerk's statIOn In the cOUl1room and computer upgrades The COUl11S proJecting a slight reduction In revenue, dIrectly related to the number of court costs assessed, based on 2001 re\ enue data Let me kno\\ If there are any fUl1her Items th:ll may need cbnficatlOn Thank you for) Llur hard \\ ork effon. and tIme assocIated wlth the Jnnual budget process h.n:J - - - - - -8- Information Technology Department Budget Overvie\, 2002 The InfofI11atlOn Systems Department budget for 2002 IS. for the most part, on par with last: eJr Thl' major Increases are AdditIOn of another employee to help k.eep up WIth the demand for support from users ThiS IS reflected In Staff wages and benefits for an Increase of about $50,000 -\ ne\\ soft\\are system called Mobile Field ReportIng whIch allows the Policeman to mahe an IncldeI1l report from their carmthout hanng to return to the City. thus they are out on the street:, more ThiS IS reflected In Computer software for $200,000 Itls pOSSible a grant will becl1me avallable The Training budget IS Increased about double to accommodate for the ne\\ employee plu, Increases for \\ eb traInIng -\ T &. T IS presentIng a proposal to the CIty to connect all the City buildIngs, the Fire [)ep;l[[ment. Lutheran HospitaL and 3 schools\\lth fibre OptiC cable The network. would be managed \IIth their equipment to the City TIle monthly cost oftlllS IS ret1ected In ProfeSSional Sef\lce\ Jl1r S 120,OO() The Telephone expenses were mm ed from another fund Into the IT budget for 20()2 at ~] -l2. 70() - The cl1mputer replacement fund IS Impacted by S-lX OOCi tl1r ne\1 routers anJ eLjulpment tll accommodate fibre connections nle special notebook. computers In the police cars need to be replaced In2002. b.l'll.t1ly belJu,e of the age oj these computers and we are spending too much lIme mall1tall1Ing them hut :ll,p the requirements for ne\\ sofiware systems ThiS IS S33,OOO III the replacement tund - -- The E-mall system needs replaccment due to load and ne\\ Interfaces from ()I\est and S-lO.92~ IS added III 2002 for thiS proJect The rest ot the budget IS preny much status quo !(1r our nomlal replacements ofhard\\ arc components a\ \\ ell as nC\1 soltware and upgrades. The Jnnual mallltenanee costs for hardwarc and software arc only slightly higher -9- <J.B.::~ l.'~. ~.>?/.\\ I~, \ '\(;1 ,- .' "'] tu . ~I \ ) \ / , - (j / '~ M E M o R A N D u M TO Honorable Mayor and Council Members FROM Karen M Croom. Human Resources Manager ......, ~~ DATE November 23 200 I RE 2(J()2 Budget Summary The Human Resources DI\'lslOn. currentl~ a staff of two (2) full-tIme empIO\'ees. IS responsible for all Personnel program administration. management. and coordination 10 Include recruItment'selectlolVretentlon personnel files and records pOSItIon claSSificatIon and compensation s\'stems. performance appraIsal system. training and de\ elopment programs emplO\ee benefIt programs. and. employee relations In re\le\\ of our dmslon s 2002 budget requests the most slgl1lfiCanl changes for next year arc Account 1'I;umber PrOl!:ram Descrmtion 2001 2002 :) 111-6~()-6~.. Photocopy/Printmg S ~OO S 3 ~(\(I .Il1slllimll!") (or Increase Upon completIon of the certain documents to Include the S:lfet\ \bnual and Personnel PolICies and Procedures profeSSIOnal serYlces \\Ill be reqUired In prep:1r:1tIon for dl5tllbutlon 10 :Ill emplo\ees .... J 111-7()(\-71.. PhYSicals S 17.~OO S3~ (1()() .IJ11"l1ficrllll1l1 tor Illcrease This :1ccount has been est:!blIshed for substance testIng of emplo\ees th:1t :Ire reqUired 10 hold and mamt:!In Commercl:!1 Dn\ er s Licenses r:lndom substance testing of same t:mplo\ et:s and PS\ chologlc:!l. polygraph and ph\slc:!1 exan1S for pOlmll:!1 emplo\ t:t:s Il1 our PolIce Dep:1rtmel1l The :lddltlOnal mOl1les requested for 1001 \\111 fund a progr:!m tor blood born palhogen C\.posurt: :lnd ImmUl1lz:Jtlon for t:mplo\'ees In our PolIce Department :!nd PublIc \\ orks Dep:!rtment .... ..... o 112-700-716 Rec rUlt menU A dve rtlsemen t 51.. ~O() 53 ~ (\00 .JlIsllficGllIJ1l ti)r Increase Hlstof\ h:!s demonstr:!lt:d thiS :!ccount has ne\er been sufflclt:nth funded In :!ddltlon. Ihe JOint Operallng Agreement bet\\een the Demer Post and the Rock\ Mountain News has greath Increased ad\ertlsIng costs. (approxlmaleh 3~" 0) J 112-700-n~ Training 5 ~ 500 Sl~ ()o() .Il1l"1itical1on (or Increase To mll1lmlZe our lIsk and reduct: our lIabIlities II IS becoming IncreasIngh n<:cessaf\ to pronde CIIy -Wide trammg In the area of Pt:rsonnel Issues such as Hlllng.:T t:rmInallon of emplo\ ccs Harassmenl. Antl-DISCnmInatlOn. \\ orkplace \ IOknce. DISCipline Procedures. etc :) 111-700-7~(J ProfeSSIOnal Services S lj 000 $llj.~OO .IIII'll fical10ll tor Increase 1111S account has becn establIshed for sef\'lces that proVide for legal references concerning pcrsonnel Issues. background checks for pOlentlal emplo\et:s and our emplovet: aSslstanct: program a\.aIlablc to C1I\ -\\ Ide staff For thc \ear 2002 \\e \\111 be ulllIzIng the serVIces of a consultant to hclp us prepare for a pa\ for performanct: s\SIt:m -10- City of Wheat RIdge Planning and Development Department Memorandum ',\-: ...-::-, ~ ~.~ i~~ --~ -~- TO: Scott 0 Staples. (lly \lanager FRO:\I: Alan \\'hIle, Plannll1g and Oe\ elopment Dlrectoret;fJ Sl BJECT: 2n02 Budget Summary D-\TE: '\0\ ember 21, 2001 Thc folilm Ing IS a summary of the changes to the Plannll1g and On elopment Oep.Jr1mcnt hudgct from 20nl to 20112 01\ ISlons ha\ e been renamed to more .Iccurateh re!kct the SCT\ ICCS prl)\ Idcd Property Inspector salary and benefit costs are paid from lwtelmolcl I und miscellaneous expenses for lonlng cnforcemcnt .Irc 111Cludcd In Jl'Clll1ll\ I 2~ l11cludl11g non-personncl costs of thc cleJn.u!, progrJm Building Oemohtlon Fund has hccll deleted Sill IJIJIIIJlll)llhb tund I' Ilh.llIded III thc Inspection SCT\ICCS 01\ ISlon fl)r thl:i purpOSl' shl)lIld thl nl'cd .m" Othcr than thcsc chJngcs the PIJnnlng Jnd Dc\ ell)!'mcnt Dcp.lrtml'1l1 hudgl') I' .1 ,l.ilu, qUl) hudgct - - - - \1 i lIl- .,,1'1 " !l ; j" 'c.Jc'l'I,...1111::Jr "pJ -11- Wheat Ridge Police Department 2002 Budget Summary TO Mr Scott Staples City Manager FROM Jack. Hurst'/! ChlefofPo~ DATE I Ji19/01 The folloWIng IS a summary of maJor components of the 2002 Police Department proposed budget Communications Enhancement As you knOv. the police department has expenenced numerous radIO commUnications defiCIencIes throughout the City There are se\ eral optIOns that are currently under consIderatIOn however, remedIes ofa more Immediate nature are plarmed for the 2002 budget These Include radiO enhancements at three locatIOns In the CIty' the Wheat RIdge RecreatIOn Center: E\ enll MIddle School, and Wheat Ridge High School The total, approxImate cost for these three Impro\ ements IS S 120,000 Some finanCial assistance may be pronded by the school dlstnct and the Wheat RIdge Fire Dlstnct. Ammal Parks Enforcement - ThIS IS account #203 In the police budget. ThIS sef\ Ice was expanded by the cIty councIl mid-way through 200] The 2002 budget appears to be conSIderably higher from 2001 because of this expanded program. The Increased costs for thIS enhanced program arc partIally covered by elimInatIng the code enforcement functIon from PlarmIng and Development -- - - - Computer Program Improvements The police department applIed for federal grant money In 200] to cover anticIpated costs In 2002 associated WIth the "mobIle data reportIng" program. The grant v,as demed It IS essential that thiS computer enhancement occur In 2002 as part of the contInuIng up grade of our computer system, and capabIlItIes. ThIS "mob de reportIng" system wIll allov, polIce officers to wnte and transmit police reports from theIr \ ehIcle Currently, they must come to the police statIOn to wnte their computenzed reports. ThiS proposed process wIll Increase the amount of tIme the officers are "on the street" The total cost for the program IS 5200,000 We have some funds avaIlable and \\ e are requestIng S 1 02,300 from the general fund In 2002 ThIS expendIture appears In the patrol account (211) -;2- AdditIOnal Staffing Request The state currently requires sex offenders to register with the polIce depanment In the city where they reside. \V'heat Ridge mom tors approximately 35 to 50 sex offenders each qu;lftcr The task of locatIng, reglstenng, and completing other administrative reqUIrements associated wIth this program has been assIgned to polIce investigators. These people are extremely busy with the InvestigatIOn of cnmes occumng on a regular basIs In \V'heat Ridge They ha\ e to stop their InvestigatIve duties, and mom tor sex offenders as required. We propose that one person (non-sworn) be added to the Investigations Bureau (account #212) staffing levels ThIS person would have a dual functIOn They would provide all of the admInlstratl\ e support for the sex offender registration program, and, they would assist the endence custodIan, as a part-tIme endence clerk. The property and eVidence functIon IS currently handled by one full time e\'ldence custodIan. ThiS person IS specIfically trained for thiS functIon. The administrative requirements of thIS Job have become so burdensome that we are begInlllng to fall behInd In completing property releases and dispOSitIOns. ASSistance (even part time) from a clerk will prOVIde much needed assistance. The property/evidence function for thiS city has gone well beyond the capabilities on one person. ThiS IS actually a two person (full time) Job The total cost for thiS additIOnal person IS reflected In the 212 Account. CnmInal InvestigatIOns. The total proJected cost for 2002 lS S35,700 ThiS Includes salary, benefits, overtime. training and other related costs. Service Level Other than the proposed Increases summanzed above, there are no servIce enhancements contaIned In the proposed 2002 PolIce Budget. All services have remained as "status quo" -13- ~~- -...."...- -~ -.:.:,,,....- City of Wheat Ridge Department of Public 'Works MEMORANDUM TO: Scott Staples, City Manager Bob GoebeL Director ofPubhc worksM FROM: DATE: November 23.2001 Sl1BJECT: 2002 Budget The 2002 proposed budget for the Public Work.s Department IS virtually status quo \\Ith the e"\ceptlon of providing streetscape maintenance for our nev, streetscape project on west 381h avenue Requests for addItional personnel In Traffic Maintenance cannot be met at this time due to lack. of revenue ReductIOn to eXIsting services -\5 the need for more maintenance Increases and staff levels remain the same, the qualm of sef\lces we can provide diminishes As vou kilov" we are no\\ maintaining the walk.ways along Kipling Street which IS a State Hlghwa\ I antiCipate that this will carryover to the other state highways In the cIt\ This reqUires addItIOnal tIme which was spent on other projects In the past We are reqUired to do more WIth the same amount of people I don't expect much negative Impact to other sef\lces at thiS time, but If this expands tC1 major maintenance and mOWing, weed abatement. etc It will require addItIOnal staff tC1 k.eep the level of sef\'lce at the same level as It IS at the present - - -\ddltlonal Sef\lces - - Contract sef\lces for the streetscape maintenance In proposed to be accomplished h\ USing a landscape maintenance contractor I propose that we use thiS sef\'lce for maintenance of all landscape Within the publiC nght ofwa\ which IS currently maintained b\ pan-time parks maintenance personnel ThiS Includes Traffic Calming Islands, and shoulder maintenance \\ e anticipate that thiS will cost $50,000 per vear based on a consef\'atl\/e estimate for the maintenance of :;Sth a\enue onl\ The addl110nal v,or\.. will mak.e thiS estimate more reasonable for the entire cm ThiS maintenance \\iill Include the remO\ al of snov, on the detached walk.s on 38th avenue between Harlan and Shendan, and maj be expanded to Include snov, removal on other puhlic walk.wavs Funding for thiS contract maintenance IS proposed to come from an Increase In the transfer from the CapItal Projects fund to the General Fund - Thank. vou for the opportunItv to propose these changes -14- Parks and Recreation Department I\femorandum FRO'I Scott Staples, Cay \1;mager Joyce Manwanng, Dlrectost~~ TO: DATE: ?\O\ember 1. 2001 \ , RE: 2002 Budget -- The 2002 Budget has the follol\ Ing notable changcs -- PARKS A '\D RECRE.\.TIO~ AD'll:\ISTR..\.TIO'\ (601) - General Fund . The addition of 525,000 for the funding of a contractual proJect manager T\115 manager \\ ould be used as needed on small dcpartment projects . Tree Planting and Donation Fund eliminated and donations approprIated 111 Par).,., and Recrcatlon AdministratIon program budget. - -- -- RECREATIO:\ AD:\lI'\"ISTR.\.TIO:\ (602) - General Fund . Damage Dcposn Fund elImlnatcd and funds mo\ ed to Recreation -\dmllllstratlol1 program budget. . 5000 of \lark.etIng budget mOl ed to Gcncral Programs (622) for adIllInlstrat1\ e purposcs - - RECRE.\.TIO'\ D" ISIO:\ - Gcneral Fund -- FEES Incrcascd fccs In the follOWing areas I) Lat\c Leagues pcr pcrson partICIpatIon fce from 54 i)O pcr child pcr sport and scason to 56 00 per child 2) Rcntal fees at all facIlltlCS \\hlch Include thc Senior Community Center, Anderson Building and Richards Hart Laatc '\e\\ fecs based 011 mark.ct SUf\CY ofll).,.c facilities. -- -;5- A!\DERSOl\ BUILDING (620) No notable changes ATHLETICS (621) Replacement ofballfieJd machIne and portable fencIng. GE:\"ER-\.L PROGR-\.l\1S (622) Mo\ ed 500'0 of :\1ark.etIng program from RecreatIOn AdmInIstratIon to General Programs OLTDOOR POOL (623) Replacement of slIde tower carpeting SE:\IOR/CO:\l!\1UNITY CE:'iTER (624) Building Improvement funds appropnated for Improvements to the H\'AC system In Prospect Hall and small kItchen Impro\ ements TEE'\ CE'\TER (625) -\ddltIonal part tIme mOnies for staff supcrvlslon In the Center BCILDI:\G 1\1 -\.I:\"TE:\"A!\CE (11 S) !\o notable changes - P-\.RKS. FORESTRY A!\D OPEN SP-\.CE DI\"ISIO'\ - General Fund P-\RKS (603) S 15,000 for Hlstoncal Park. ImprO\ements, \\hlch lIlclude redeSign of the lITIgation system to accommodate hlstoncal artl facts, and a ne\1 roof for the sod house -\ddlllOna] funds for contract bbor In the areas of open space (unde\ eloped park. land) mOil Ing and paintIng of the sk.ateboard park. -\ddltIonal funds In o\ertIme for clOSing of the sk.atehoard park. - - FORESTRY (604) -\ddltIon of 3 -t ton pICk. up truck. for use In the Forestry section Currently rentlllg a truck. from ('\T\IP) El1mInatIon of Tree PlantIng and DonatIon Fund \1 Ith funds nO\1 appropnated In the Forestry program budget OPE'\ SPACE (605\ El1mInatlon of JUnior Greenbelt program Program e\ aluatlOn shows due to constraInts of age group and equIpment they can use, the amount of superVISIOn reqUired and the legalitIes of limIting the program to \\'heat Ridge reSIdents only, the v,ork. actually accomplished IS not cost effectI\ e for the CIlY -16- Funds to desIgn a sIgnage program for the Greenbelt. Increased funds for noxIOus weed spraY1ng In open space areas. RECREA T10!'i CE~TER - Fund 64 Fee Increase of .50 for all resident age categones (except 3-5 YTS) at drop-In, punch pass and armual pass catagones. Fee Increase based on market analYSIS of area Recrcatlon Centers. Fee Increase wIll eliminate need for any SUbSIdy from General Fund In ::!002 The addlllOn of a part tIme TherapeutIc RecreatIon Leader at 15 hours pcr \\ cek. (S I 1.000) to address the lack of programming for the developmentally disabled All pro~'Tams and facIlIties are accessible for the dIsabled, but there are not programs and classes speCifically geared towards these Indmduals \\ here they ha\ e an opportunity to partiCIpate together In a group settIng. SPECIAL FUl'."DS - OPEl'." SPACE FUND - (32) There are no signIficant funds budgeted for acqulslllOn In ::!002 The on1\ acquIsition requmng a cash match would be the TCBY property ivlatchIng funds for somc of thc other acquIslllons are avaIlable for use from 1998 purchases Park. construction funds for the Dans property t3705Jay St.) arc approprIated 1I1 thc Open Space Fund and the ConservatIon Trust Fund budgcts - - CO'\SER\" -\TIO:'\ TRUST FC:\D - (5-\) Park. constructIOn funds for the Da\ IS property (3705 Jay St ) arc approprIated In thc Consef\'atlOn Trust Fund and the Open Spacc Fund budgcts JOInt proJcct WIth Wheat RIdge High School to resurface the tennis courts Jt the high school These courts are used by the Clly for thc youth tenl1ls program 1I1 the SUI1ll1lert1I11e and are the only courts a\'aIlable III the communlt\ bet\\ een \\ ads\\ orth and Klpllllg Completion of the \lanwanng Field IS approprIated In the 211()::! budget - - - - -- P-\RK -\CQl'ISITIO:'\ Fl''\D - (11) 1\0 actInty In thiS fund RICH-\RDS- HART EST-\TE FC'\D -135) Phase II of III of the restoration grant \\ ill be completed In ::!OO::! - -- SE'\IOR/TEE:\ FC'\;D - (53) Funds from the Semor Fund \\ III be uscd 10 contrIbute to the construction costs of the ne\\ k.Ilchen B-\t.:GH HOVSE FU:--;D - (6::!) Phase I of III of the restoration of the Baugh House \\111 be completed III 200::! -[ 7- City of Wheat RIdge Planmng and Development Department Memorandum -~, ~~: ~~'~:: --~ ~ = , - :~::- FRO\I: Scott D Staples, CIty \1anager ....lan \\'hlte Planning and De\ elopment Director GPD TO: Sl BJECT: 200: L rban Rene\\al ....uthonty Budget Summary D-\TE: '\0\ ember 21. 2001 The follo\\ Illg IS a summary of the changes to the L rball Rene\\ al -\uthont\ budgct Irllm ::'111) I to 2(J(J2 ....rpro\lmateJ\ S::'b5.51I1J 1111 \\as budgeted III 2(Jlll fL1r rrofeSSll11lJI sen Ices The maJorIty of thiS c\pense 1\ as for thc rrL'rJratlL1ll III blight studies cllhl urh,lll relle\\.al plans by consultants -\n urdclle IS antlclrJted LL' OIlC III thc pLlIb III ::'IIU2 \\ Ith funds coming from the unalll1catcd aCCl1Ullt Thc urdJtc sl1l'uld CLlSt III the rallge ofS]CJ.(JUIJ 1111 to SI51111111111 - - E,cess sales ta, lIlcrement lIas rJld tll thL' elt\ III the' cln1l'Ullt 01 S::':-,II 111111 1111 III 2(JIII '\0 payment IS antlclrJlcd III ::'1111::' - -- '\0 funhcr raymcnts for rcralrs at the TI1I111 CCIlLL'r 1',lrl--. Jr,' ;llltlLIJ1,lt,'d 111::'11111 the -\uthonty paid thc City all addltlLlI1JI SIll' -4'1 I1I1 Illr rcpc\lr' - The propen;. tax alld SJles tJ, Incrcmcllh "Ihluld rcm;lIn suhle hut the Interest eamcd on chech.lng and l"!L1trust accounh II III dccrcasc II Ith thc drall d111\ 11 of the fund balance ::'1111::' II III marl--. thc List pcl\mCl1t 1<\ \,11,'11,11 \tJrl--.etpiJcc under the L1l1g1l1al agreement IIlth the de\elLlpcr Th, IJ,t palment duc IS S44 1111111111 JL1111l lrom thc 21)()] payment ofSI44,:;1111 Due to the re\ Ised l0L1[1Cl.Jtll\11 .\grccll1c'l1t hctll eell the' lit;. alld thc ....uthont) City reimbursement IS c\pectcd tOlllcrcase hLlth III ::'UII] and ::'I)(J::' based uron actual hours dc\ Olcd tl' urhJI1 rCllell al actll ItlCS b;. Ihc EconomIc De\ clopmcnt -\dm llllstrator \\ llk-\\I'llk,[\' [hi! I k\i'....L\. _~'Ill\....r- ":-'...: -18- Parks and Recreation Department .Memorandum TO: FRO'. Scott Staples, CIty ~lanager /' \ D<. f", Joyce I\lall\\'anng, Dlr~\' '\0\ ember 16.2001 D-\TE: RE: Fee Increase Wheat Ridge RecreatIOn Center - The Recreation Center has not required a subsidy from the general fund for operatll1g e\penses SInce openIng In February of 2000 Each year due to consen'atI\ e re\ enue proJections and e\pendltures totaling less than the appropnated funds, the RecreatIon Center Fund has had a fund balance caIT)o\ er of appro\lmately S.WO.OOO ThiS fund balance caIT)'O\ er has elimInated the need to request a subsidy from the general fund - - Rc\ enue expenditure proJectIons dunng the planmng phase of the Ccnter predlctcd a subsidy \\ould bc required for future years operations, as the buIldIng began requIrIng more maIntenance, equipment needed to be replaced and staff ~osts Increased yearly - - Based on a marl-.et sun ey of other area Recreation C entcrs (Golden and -\pe\ III -\n ada). lI1fOmlatIOn sho\\ s that the fees charged for CIty of Wheat Ridge reSidents are 10\\ er than fees charged for n:sldel1ls III other commUnItIes - - --- To elimlllate the need for a subSidy from the gencral fund. It IS proposed to brIng the resident fces for all age groups for drop-ill, punch pass and annual pass sales closer to the mark.et rate (See chan on page 2) To achieve a balanced budget for 2002 a 50 cent Increase above the current rate IS proposed. to be effeclI\ e June of 2002 The total re\'enue proJected from thiS fee Illcrease IS S39.250. Jefferson County and nonreSidents rates wIll remalll the same The malonty of annual pass renewal sales occur III February and March, as those were the months the onglllal passes \\ ere purchased. and the majorIty of Indl\'lduals rene\\ at the same tIme each year By makIng the fee Illcrcase effectI\ e III June, It allo\\-s the Center to meet re\ enue goals for 2002 and delays thc fee lI1crease for a majorIty of the pass holders untI 1 2003 -19- Future subsIdy from the general fund will most likely be requued, because expenses currently exceed the revenue and the large fund balance carry over has been used. RaIsing fees periodIcally to market rates for admiSSIOn mto the RecreatIOn Center will not completely cover the cost of operatIOn m future years. The concept of addltlonal revenues collected m the sales tax initiative (wluch were plarmed to be used as a base fund), with the mterest from the base fund used for the subsidy, needs to be evaluated for current viability. lftlus plan does not appear viable, future SubSIdies from the general fund will be requITed to mallltam the current program and level of servIce at the RecreatIon Center. FEE COMPARISON SURVEY The following report IS a companson of current Wheat Ridge RecreatIOn Center fees and how those fees compare to other area recreatIon centers. Daily Fee Comparison (current) A!!:e Residency 2 and under 3-5 yrs 6-1 7 yrs 18 and older Seruor Wheat Rid!!:e Res Jeff NR Free Free Free 2.00 2,50 3.50 2.50 4.00 5.00 3 00 4.50 5,50 2.50 4 00 5 00 Golden Weekday/ Weekend 1,50 2.00 1.50 2.00 300 3.50 4.50 5.00 3 00 3.50 Apex Res NR 2 00 3 00 2.00 3 00 3.25 4.50 4 50 5.50 3.25 4.50 -- NEW FEES A!!:e Residency 2 and under 3-5 yrs" 6-1 7 yrs 18 and older.... Semor Wheat Rid!!:e Res Jeff NR Free Free Free 2.00 2,50 3.50 3 00 4 00 5 00 3.50 4.50 5.50 3.00 4 00 5 00 - - -I - - - .. no fee Increase III thiS age group .... with fee Increase remams $1 00 below market rates Punch Pass and Annual Pass rates will be adJusted accordlllgly usmg the formula based off of the daily admission rates. -zo- ..------- ~ .", .... 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I..., I..., I..., I..., I..., I..., I..., \or Ioo"r -- ~ Ioo"r Ioo"r Ioo"r -- -- -- -- -- - 2002 PERSONNEL SUMMARY The poslllOns are shown a., "full-lime equivalents" iFTEI. which include all personnel mcludln~ lull.lIme Jnd pelrt. lime. PROGRAM 2001 2002 - General Management Admimstratlvc Serviccs Grant Administralion Human Resources Purchasing InformJtlon Systems Bulldmg t\blntenance Ec'llnllmic Dcvelopmcnt t\lunlupell Court Clt> Clerk TrcJsur> Sales T J.\ PIJnnlllg &. Dc,,:lopmcnt AdmIn. Zomng Scr\'lcc:-' lnspcdlon SCr\ICCS Zoning Enforct.:mcnl PIllke .\Jmm"trJlIon .\PCO Commumcallons SEE Rcc.urd, Policc Tramln~ pJtrol In\c:-.t1g~tlOn-" Tuttle SpCelJIIi1\esllgelllOns L nil Puhlk \\ Ilrb .\dmm"trelllon l:ngtnL'crlng Street MamlenellKe Tralllc Flect t\hlntcnelncc Parks and Rcc Admin RCCrCelllon ".dmm Parks Mamlcmncc l-on.:...{n Upcn SpelCe Andcrson Bulldmg Athletics Gcncral Pro~rarm Outdoor Pool Scnior Commumt> Ccntcr T i.:i.:n Center -I o 075 2 2 2 ~ o 7S 2 2 -I I 2 5 I 2 10.6 3 H7S 106 ~ ~ S7:=; 2 ~ ~ -l " 2 -I -l 11 6 6 12 -l - n -l 12 -l 7 05 ~t) 155 -l ~ 7 - 0.5 It) InS - " 1 " - 1'5 11 n" -l 20" I "I 1'-2 h 11 " 11 h " -l 2 0" I "I I ~ 2 h - - - -- - , , , , ' - , Gcncral Fund Suhlotell 11, -l -, I "2 !O 527 I X6 235 -155 OX -l72 152 10 527 \),6 23t) -l55 - fund h~ - HIllcl/molcl Fund h-l - RCercatlon Cenler TOTAL 6 21.6 26~ 055 6 21.6 267055 -26- " .... ...... ""'" ""'" .... .... '-" ~ ""'" "'" ...... .... ...... ...... - ...... - - - - - - ... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ ~ '" '- -< ::; ~ ~ Cf Z. " .--- ~ ~ ~ 1,J U .~ U ~ ~ ...) ?: -;::0 G r - U' Z. 2; U:tf) ~~ ~ .~ ~\- 8~ ~b 2u -< 2; c .--- '..J --~-'< '" :::: ::: r < :::. .--- L-- c--- -- t; if- " ~ ;-- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ ~ " o cc c C'~ o ~ - '" C .;:, E E -0 E _ < 0 -o~1UU %~6 ~ t::. < U .;; ~ 0 ~ ~ o"'2.~(.n .e ~.; >" <CCCCU :::: - '--' -< z. -< ~ r ;..... ~ ~ '5.S ~ -;;: ::: .~ .::2 c .S ~ E - ~ E <8 "" - _ r- .- - v';:' - :; e E. 1,J C ~ (5 OU . ;.; L-- -- '" ::; - \...-< '...- i - :::. L-- -- r i Sf: ~ =- -< \--r c VI .... c .e. ~ \ c: .~, r6 ~ ~ e."!:..~ c"OE] I-g~s;> U'-tIl9.o~ ~';'Etlluc.:: €,a-;:g<<! Eo~~t:c cotllt:So"' .eou-oog-uE ~ '";ii _ c U _ ~ 0- f/; .~ ~ ~ ;>-. ~ ~ j,...oo' E.'-'" - tV <l.> ..... t:EE",gp;;~ ;;. 'go's 0 '::: r- 8~~u.~~~ ~c~~Eg_E ~.s ~ ru V'J j:: t'::1 0 ~ W >!- .~ ~ ~ .s g .~ ~ .'!J. "0 ~ '6 c u "\;.l,,c..~u<\;.l "' E " E ::: c c 's u .~ to c .~ 0 0 c ~u Ltl ~ .;:: C.; Sf:: So< u.~ g~'r;. c ~.~ <:: .;; .S 's,s eO < c;; ~ c c. ..,., "' "'0 ".;;; '" t. ~ c 0) oU 8""::: ~ ~ .:!:o::: ~ c ~.-J U tn g'2 '0 0 {. ~ g ~.~ .._~ 0 _'- e) c...c..c.....J<f) '" ~ Sf: -' ~ ,... ~ c "' ""v " '" 3'::> ~ (.) ~ ~ ~ 0 :5- o - " ~~~~ r.> C ~ (.) '0' oU --- ;.- ~ E en-::: c,...S ~ __~o;>-.:: U l'.) !1.1 c..;' t ~ 0C.~~~ o " ~ if; oDu .:: t;: ~'- " " " -~ c..... -;:" c - " u OJ ~ U U C 0;:: :1 ~ ~ .~ ",? '~ Z '" c '" '" .S:. C -" (; ,S 10 '0 c; ::.:>--:s " u:>- .~c <l.> u'-~ "e e ~ -;:r-U Z '" ~ c c " "' E " -0 .'!: :i 1,J v C ;:, .~ -:l ~ c.; > 1,J '" ~~~ C;~~ ~ - c .g v ". 1,J U -c :t: ;: ~ c 1,J t: ~ .S ~. ~ 0:0: c: .~.;.: "0 <./'l <10) _=-'=.. " --::l ~.s8 . . ' 'd '- ~ ~ .,... ~ :5 ;; u " '" o c: -;; .e- .:::: c '" :i ~ L--- 0- -~I- ;..... ;z, ~ r- ,...:: :;> '"' - 1,J E .e- y V". " .:< ;> U if; >-- v C 1,J ell OJ E ~ :<. r- :z. 2; i C C C ~ .~ ~ a ~ c:.. 1,J x o:~ Of> if if '" ~ ~ ~ ~ :::6 :: ~ ;;> ~, i7: "- ......i::. -< :: ~ -0 ;::; " '" ::: " '!;, u '" ~ if. -0 u .es <:t: if. 1/', ~ ~ ~ ..- u E ? v if, ~ ~ r- '< ~ z. ~~ c:: Z. r- :: -< .v L-:J " '" '" ~ .v :::: "' 1,J .:::: ". ~ " if; '" 1,J - [j; 'C:) Or if. ~ ~ .~ t": - ~ ~z. ~ ~ ..:=. .r::. :t: ell S ~ c.. ~ - ~ .~ ~ -:; ::.{)< u - \:: ~_.::: t.J ~"3.~ ,::1\ ._- ~ 6..,.) 1,J cD ~ "'- 1,J v " c:.. (F, e: 1,J c:.. ::::> "<l r '" " ~ c: if -'"' t . c .S 'S ~ v " 0: - 1,J oll 1 '" E " ~ '" c: '" Of> ~ .~ .~ ~~ .B o---S ...0<< - c; " c:.. '" ;;. if .3 ce ~ GJ ~~ _f: ~i o .~ 'c u e,J ~ rJJ~ , "' """ "'" ...... '- ~ "'" - ~ ...... ...... ...... ....., - 'w ~ - - - - - - - Fl'~D: GEr--.'ERAL PROGR-\M: LEGISLATIVE SERYICES -102 ACTIVITY STA TE:'v1E:\T Staffing: Ln'el \layor Cll} CouncIl CllY Councll LiaIsons 0\ erne\\ of Onl201ns:: and Present Actl\'ltleS - The City CouncIl IS the legls]ali\ e and poltcy makIng body of the Clly of \\'heJ.t RId;e The Council IS comprIsed of eight members from four dIstrIcts The Mayor IS elected from all four distrIcts and preSIdes at CIty CouncIl meet:ng, and speCial ceremomes The 1\layor IS responsible for slgnmg offiCial CIty Resolutlons, OrdInances and Agreements The City CouncIl members host "First :.londay !\leelings" \\ Ith their constltuer.b The ClI) CounCil Liaisons are members of Wheat Ridge CIty staff that fol]o\\ up on the concerns \ olced - '\ 0tJ.bk Ch:Jn !:Yes In 2002 The \layor's account (104) and the Clt) Counc:!11021 hJ.\e been consolIdated w thIS Leglsl:Jtl\e Sen'lce account The .-\Udlt cost has been mo\ ed to the Treasury -\ccount' 103 I The -\nnu:J; AppreCiatIon dinner for Boards and Commlsslorb h3.s beer1 mC'\ed te' 3. Community RelJ.lions Account r 113 - - - -- \l:mj3tej Pr0f!rJ.m~- Federal and State - '\ one -- ..... Re\enue Gener,:l!ed -- ,"one - - EouIrment .-\~'I >:ned :\O;1e -::8 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET LEGISLATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT 102 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual Budaet Estimated Requested Recommend ADOPTED 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 6.500 4500 6480 6.480 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 e 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL -NON HOURL Y 43.000 46.232 46.234 56 000 60 900 60.900 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 2.666 2.556 3.352 4694 4694 4.694 622 MEDlCALJDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 e 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 624 598 670 951 951 951 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 C 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 c' 0 I ACCOUNT # 600 SUB-TOTAL 46.290 49.386 56 756 66 145 "3 025 73.025 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 380 2.550 3.000 _4 ,62 500 500 655 POSTAGE 0 C 0 500 soe 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 223 2.000 500 843 53C 530 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 c : nGe 2.000 I ACCOUNT # 650 SUB-TOTAL 603 4550 3.500 5,50:; 3 53C ! 3.530 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 22 400 24 000 43.350 2530: 25.300 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 L' 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUB SC R I PTIONS 0 1.900 4180 5.330 :) 93'~1 3.830 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 4153 4400 8.800 5.000 - 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 29501 32 300 32.30e 33 936 33 940 33.940 740 MILEAGE 185 100 0 200 1 ac, 100 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20.000 18 COO 13,260 20 000 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 250 25.=' 250 780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTION 19995 10000 10000 , 0000 . 0 799 MISC. SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 C C 0 C' 0 I ACCOUNT # 700 SUB-TOT AL -3 834 eo 10C 92 ,4: 118 )F.E F,3 ~c. 63 420 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 - c I e 0 0 - 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 o I c '. 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 e I c c, 0 ACCOUNT # 700 SUB-TOTAL C 0 r I - l 0 - 120726 I '43 C3~ '3~ ! 139.975 I '89 - - I , 52 "796 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS -29- - - - - -- - - - -- - --- - "' .., .... ... ... ... ... .... ... .... .... ... ~ -- -- -- -- - - - -- -- -- ~ ~ ~ S -:;::.:0 ~ :l C <{ ro '" o ro .;:: 't- E <Jl <..l Cl Cl ro I- r.f) '" - ro <..l I- ro <Jl ;; Cl c ro 0 r.f) (.) - ~ ::> ~ w CC \- ~ - - - - ~ u Cl l- S' ?- u <{ \ \ - - - - - - - - - - -31- FC:'\D: GE!....ER-\L PROGRA\l: TREASl"R\ ACTIVITY STA TE.\IE.'\T Staffim: Le\ el Cny Treasurer Accountant Accountmg TechnICIan Pavroll Clerk Elected OfficIal I FIE 1 FIE .875 FIE TOTAL 3.875 Oven lev. of Ons:oIn!e and Present ACtI\'ItIes In\ estment of CIty funds AnalysIs of future cash needs Prepare monthly budgetary reports Dally process of cash receipts Process of budgeted expendnures through a purchase encumbrance system RecelpL'deposIt revenues from all CIty sources Process bl-\\ eekly payrolls ;.,lake payments of employee benefIts, retlrement, msurance benefits and taxes Process \\ eekl: account payable check.s \lonItor Cny' s cash flow on a d3.Jly basls PrepJ.re monthly fInanCIal statements PrepJ.re stJ.tement of CIty's fi xed assets PrepJ.re ye;1f end audn v, ark papers ASSIst outSIde audItors In completion of CIt)'s annu;11 fInanCIal audn. - - - - - ',,"Gtable Changes m 2no:: The CIt\ 's annual fInanc13.] Audit cost has beer. mo\ ed from CIt\ Councll -\ccoun: 102 - - included Jefferson County Treasurer fees for collectIon of proper!\ taxes - - \1a:1.dated Pro~rams- Federal and State G -\SB 34 JmplementalIon for the yeJ.r 2003 Rn'e:1ue Generated Interest Earnmgs - 5300,000 EO\.:l:'lmen'. Ass, ~ned ',," one -32- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET TREASURY 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT ACCNT ,01,103 Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCOUNT NAME Actual Budaet Estimate Reauest Recommend APPROV AL - 602 STAFF WAGES 112.992 144.912 127.592 146 086 144 637 144.637 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL. HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 7.005 8.985 7.893 9.057 8967 8,967 622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 8.306 14748 12.970 19411 19090 19,090 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,638 2.101 1 846 2118 2097 2.097 i 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4.520 5.796 3.393 5 843 5 785 5.785 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 3.162 0 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 800 800 800 ACCOUNT #600 SUB,TOTAL 134461 176.542 156.856 183.315 181 376 181,376 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 915 1,300 1.300 4473 4473 4.473 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 , .500 1 500 1,500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 1 843 ' 843 1.843 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 500 821 821 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 915 1.300 1,300 8.316 I 86r I 8.637 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 1 663 2.700 2.300 2700 2700 2.700 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 706 DU E S/BOOKS/S U BSCRI PTlONS 696 1.000 975 1 000 1 000 1000 728 TRAINING 637 1 000 350 1000 - 000 1.000 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 233 400 500 I 400 400 400 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 35 OOC' 35 000 35.000 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 1 10C 1 100 1,100 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 1 000 1 000 1.000 , , 784 JEFFCO TREASURE COLLECTION FEE 0 0 0 7500 i 7 50e, 7.500 I I I I ACCOUNT #700 SUB.TOTAL 3.229 5 100 4 125 I 49 700 I 49 -"')0 I 49.700 i 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT i o I 3 500 I 2.26C 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL C I 3500 I 2.26C , - J 0 , -- - - -- -- -- -- DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS. 241 33~ 239 --:-13 - - -- -- - -- -- - -33- " .., \w" '"' '"' \w ~ w .... .... w '"' ..... ..... .... ..... '-' - '-' '-" '-' - ~ FU!\D: GE:\ER-\L PROGR-\\l: \1.-\ YOR-I0~ ACTIYlTY ST.-\ TEME~T ~otable Chan2es In 2002 CO?\SOLIDA TED I"\TO ACCOl'l\"T 102 - LEGIS LA TI\'E SER \'ICES - - - - - - - -36- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME:MAYC DEPT ACCNT 104 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT DEPART MANAGER COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME Actual BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND Approved 602 STAFF WAGES 510.500 510107 510.107 SO SO 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY SO SO SO SO SO 620 RCAEXPENSE.EMPLOYER 5651 5627 5627 SO SO 622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE SO SO SO SO SO I 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5147 5147 5147 SO SO 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT I SO SO SO SO I SO COMPENSATED ABSENSES SO SO SO SO I SO I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL I 511 .298 510.881 510.881 SO SO I SO I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES SO 52.400 52.000 SO I SO 653 POSTAGE SO SO SO SO I SO 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING SO SO SO SO I SO 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES I SO SO SO SO I SO I 1 ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL SO 1 52.400 I 52.000 1 SO I SO I SO I I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 54.015 54.400 52,650 SO I SO 704 CONTRACT SERVICES I SO SO SO SO I I SO 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUB S CRIPTIONS 51.641 51.800 5800 SO I SO 728 TRAINING SO I SO 5350 SO , I SO 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT I SO I SO 5250 SO i ! SO 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 1 SO SO SO I SO ! I SO 799 MISCELLANEOUS I S1 992 S2.800 . S2.500 i SO I SO I ACCOUNT #700 SUB.TOTAL I 57.648 59.000 I S6.550 SO I SO I SO I 8021 OFFICE EOUIPMENT I SO I 53.500 i 51 760 I SO I I SO ' - - - I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL SO I 53.500 I S1 760 ' SO ! DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS.' 518.946 I 525.781 I 521 191 I SO I SO I MAYOR 9/28 MOVED TO 102 - - -37- ~ ", .... ""'" \w' \w' \w' ""'" ""'" ""'" ""'" '-' "'" ""'" ""'" ""'" ""'" ""'" - - .... .... - .... - - - - - - - - - 'i Ul ~ D- o ~ uJ ~ o u - ~ o z o u Ul - - - - - " '" E 0- o alO ;> - ~ '" '-'- o~~ ~t5 E o C- O '-' uJ ~ - ~ C- '" <ii if> <Il <t '" <: ro <ii to S "<:l <t ---\ \ -39- Fl'1'\iD:GE~ERAL PROGRAM: ECO'\O;\IIC DE\"ELOP\IE:\T ACTIVITY ST A TBlE~T Staffing Level EconomIc Development AdmInistrator Senior Secretary TOTAL 2 FTE Olen lell of OngoIn!! and Present ActIVItIes E,tabb,h a busIness recrUItment program E,tahl "h a husIness retentIOn program Improve the performance of eXIstIng enterpnses and rede\ elopment ExecutI\ e Director of Wheat Ridge l'rhan Rene\\ al AuthorIty '.,Ptahk Change, In 2002 AdmInI,trator hired In Decemher 2001 ,0 ,hould he ImplementIng prograllh Budget Include, Incentl\e program, \landaled Program,- Federal and State - '\( llle Re\ enUL' Generated Retlected In General Fund EUUl(lmenl :\'>'>Igned - '\one - -40- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT ACCNT t.105 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCOUNT NAME Actual Budget Estimated Requested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 102.072 20 000 73 877 105163 105.163 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 3694 3694 3.694 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 3600 300 3.600 3.600 3.600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 2,750 0 1 875 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 1.500 1.500 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 0 6.722 1 161 458C 6.520 6.520 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 7.665 1.936 6.128 12,027 12.027 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 1,572 110 1 071 1,525 1.525 630 RETIREMENT 0 1.279 254 2.955 2.955 2.955 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 11 000 0 11 000 C 0 I ACCNT #600 SUB. TOT A 0 136 66C 23 762 108 780 136 98~ 136.984 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 2.000 200 2.108 2 108 2.108 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 3000 3000 3.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 9000 2.635 2.000 2 OO'~I 2,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 15000 400 15000 15 X:"~ 15.000 I ACCNT #650 SUB. TOT A 0 26 000 3.235 22 '08 22 108 22.108 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 10,000 520 9600 8 1 DC 8.100 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 C 0 706 DUES/BOO KS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 0 7.500 4991 9500 9500 9.500 714 LEGALS AND PUBLICATIONS 0 0 0 0 10000 10.000 719 ECON DEVELOP INCENTIVE 0 0 0 80 000 , 30 000 130.000 720 ECON DEVELOP INCENTIVE, SAFEV C 0 0 50 OOC 0 740 MILEAGE 0 600 48 . , 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 15.000 20.000 26 ODe 1 CODe, 10.000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 3000 30C!C! 3.000 I ACCNT #700 SUB-TOTA e' 33 10C 25 559 '78 , O'~ -: -':) 6el:) 170.600 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT C 1 000 I 5.271 2 DOC' I 2 00';' 2.000 I ACCNT #800 SUB-TOTA~ C I . oDe 5.271 I 200" I ... 2.000 . . I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I C I 196 760 5- 826 I j 1 ': 9SE' 3J' ;:~<:: I 331.692 - - - - econdev 1/9 - -41- " .., - ..... ..... ..... ..... w ..... ..... w w w ..... ..... w '-' - - - '-' - - c; 0\ '" C '" ~ ?: o ~ s '" ~. "' if> .::. a: Ul C} ... 4. ~ - - ~ - - ,... - '=- - () - - - - - - - - - - _4:'- Fl'~D:GE~ER:\L PROGR.\!\l: GE~ER.\L l\L\.~AGEl\IE\;T SERYICES - 106 ACTIYlTY ST A TEi\IE~T Staffln2 Le\el CllY Manager Assistant to the CIty :--'lanager TOTAL .., FTE 0\ en'le" of On20lnS! and Present Actl\'ltles Perform hIgh level admllllstratlw. technIcal and professIOnal v. ork. In dlrectlni,: anJ supernsIng the admllllstratlon of City go\'ernmen\ ~lanage and supen Ise all departments agencies and offices of the Ot: to achle\ c: the CI[y s goals \\ lthln available resources Pro\ Ide leadership and direction In the de\ elopment of short and long range pLIo, Prcn Ide profeSSIOnal advice to CIty Council and Department Directors Re,ponslble for assuring that aSSIgned areas of responslbllllY are performed \\ llh the budget -\ssure sound fiscal control .-\ssurc effectl\ e and effiCient use of budgeted funds personnel materra], f.lCIIHle, .lnd time -\s..ure al\ la"s and ordinances jre j;:l1lhfu\l: perlormc:J -\ttenJ all meetIng of the Cay Counctl jnd p.lrtlClp.llc In an ad\ \,ory CjP~h.\ly C.!rry torth the Cay Council dlreCl1\es - - - - - - - '.;ntank Chan~es In 2002 - - Budgel anJ s\\achbo:\rd funcl1on, mo\ed to PropJm 1\\ - -\dmlnlS\ral1\e Sc:nlce' - \LlOdate,1 Pr0[:rJrm- Federal and State :-"one Re\ enUl' Generated '\ one Ellulr'men\ A,sl~ned '\ one -44- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET GENERAL MANAGEMENT 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT. ACCNT #OH06 Adopted Department Department Manger COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual Budget Estimated Requested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 310.918 230 644 145 466 156 114 154041 154.041 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 3.288 5.250 3.894 11,383 11 232 11,232 606 AUTO ALLOW ANCE 2.640 3.800 2.900 3.600 4800 4,800 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 2.579 1.000 9 1000 1 000 1.000 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 35 533 0 0 3500 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURL Y 4.155 0 97 8 0 0 620 ACAEXPENSE-EMPLOYER 20.169 14.908 9019 7495 - 460 7.460 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 16.783 13.261 11 000 6628 7360 7.360 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5 197 3486 2.129 2.264 2.234 2,234 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 7742 5.226 2.600 1 691 1 669 1,669 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 2.081 3.500 12.000 0 3.500 3,500 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 411 085 281.075 189113 193675 193 296 193.296 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5.599 2.500 2500 2635 I 1 500 1,500 655 POSTAGE 4667 10000 2492 1 OOC I , CO'J 1.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 11,229 16400 6 100 3000 I 3000 3.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3062 1 000 800 5001 ' SOG 1 500 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 24.558 29.900 11 892 - 135 I " 000 7.000 i I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 9434 10.910 7.000 12030 14 550 14,550 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 20 000 10000 I) 0 706 DUE SfBOOKS/SUBSC RIPTIONS 2.506 2700 ' .200 3460 3460 3.460 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 2492 0 0 C 0 0 723 TUITION AND REIMBURSEMENT 2912 0 0 , ,', 0 - 724 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 14609 0 C C- o 0 726 RECRUITMENT AND ADVERTISING 26133 0 0 G 200CC 20.000 728 TRAINING 4785 2.500 0 1000 1 000 1,000 740 MILEAGE 181 250 250 250 250 250 i 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 76.584 55.250 39 248 0 [> 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE , 0 0 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 158 200 200 0 0 0 797 BONUS PAY INCENTIVE 0 0 C 0 C 0 798 MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY 4705 0 0 C 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE' D 20 OOC 5 855 n 20 000 20.000 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 144 498 111 810 I 6:' 753 I H, -:'4C, \ :'9.260 59.260 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2816 -we 1 3--;- , 40C' I c 0 8091 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 C C n I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL : 816 , 400 1377 I , 40e, i 0 0 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS 582 956 I 424 185 I 266 135 I 21 E 95C 259 556 I 259,556 - - - - - - - - - - -- - - -45- ..------- ~ " ... \w' \w' - "- '- "- "- ...... \w' - \w' ...... \w' '-' -- - '- '- - - '- -- > w z a: o ~ ~ cd: > ~ - u >- L.lJ Z o:=- o u I- ~ I-C <( 0 >-2 I- U - - ..... - -- -- - >- ~ o 4' g' =u ~ ~ ",- o c: _ 0 Cl..s -47- Fl':\D: GE~ERAL (0]1 PROGRA\I: LEG-\L SER\"ICES 107 ACTIVITY STA TE\IE:\T Staffinq Level Contract Legal Sen Ices O\er\le\\ oi OnqoInq and Present Actl\"ltIeS Ad\ Ises CIty CouncIl. Boards and CommIssions and stafi on legallmplIcatlon, of contemplated polIcy and admlnlstratI\ e decIsIons Re\'le\\ s all CIty ordinances and contracts Represents the CIty In legal actIOns In\ o]\Ing the CIty Pro\ Ides prosecutlon sernces for mUnICIpal coun :\otable Chanqes In 2002 -- :\ one - -- - \lan,Ll\cd Pr()~rJm'- Federal and State - \, unc - -- Rn enue GenerJlcd - \'one - - -- EqUipment ..l..,qqncd - :'\one -48- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET LEGAL SERVICE~ 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DE Pi ACCNT 01-107 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual Budoet Estimated Requested Recommend I'PPROVED 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 C 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA _0 0 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 C 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 C C 0 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 o I 0 G I o I 01 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL I 0 o I 0 o I c I 01 1 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 c' C 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 44 707 42.000 62.000 50 000 50 000 60.000 706 DUES/BOOKS/SU BSCRIPTlONS 0 0 0 C C' 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES , 23 982 94.000 114000 94 000 11 C OOC 110.000 799 MISC. SERVICES AND CHARGES 41.331 32.000 14,500 32.000 32 000 32.000 1 ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 210020 158 000 190 500 175 000 202.0DO 202.000 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 210020 I 158000 I 190.500 I '-5 000 I 20: 000 I 202.000 1 o - - - - - - - -49- . '" - ""' "'" ~ ..... ..... ...... w- ..... "- \w ....... - - ..... ....... ..... '-' - - - '-' ....... if) c " - .""0 fJ1 -= fJ1 '" Cll <: ~ G Cll C ?: :: " <e ~ a: u Vi fJ1 fJ1 C <! W E ro -0 -l <( (fl -t U OJ 5~ >- ~- - () - I- - .... U -- -- - - -51- FUND: GENERAL (01) PROGRAM: Cln CLERh: - 108 ACTIVITY STATEMENT The CIty Clerk IS the custodIan of all ofticlal records and legal documents of the CIty as provided by the Wheat Ridge CIty Charter SectIon 3 8 TIllS otlice of responsible for managIng mUnIcipal records, processIng vanous actions of the CIty assunng that all legal reqUirements are met The Clerk.s Office manages the City's Liquor Licence EstablIshments and coordInates the Agenda fll[ the CIty' s LIquor LicenSIng AuthOrity Staffin2 Level City Clerk. Deputy City Clerk. AdmInistratIve Asst. :- Senior Staff Ass!. .:- 3 FTE Overview of On2oin2 and Present Activities -Council MeetIngs/MInutes -Process OrdInances and Resolutions -Record Deeds/Easements and De\elopmental \grcemenh -TVlall1tall1 OffiCial Records -Collect Liquor LicenSIng Fees -tvla1l11all1 documentatIOn for the (IIY ~ Board~ .IIlJ ( lllllllll"lllll :---Iclllher, -~Ianages i\lunIclpal Code Supplements -c oorJInaleS and i\ lanages the City . ~ LlCCliOIl - - - ..,. - !\otable Chan!!es i\one - - Mandated Pro2rams - Federal and ~t:itc t\one - ..... Re\ enue Generated Liquor LicenSIng Amusement LicenSing MlsclCode Book.s & ~upplemenb ~()()I-S':;-I() ()(I - EQuillment Assi!!ned i\one -52- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET CITY CLERK 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 OEPT ACCNT 1#01-108 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual BudQet Estimated Requested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 97713 99.318 99.318 107 753 106813 106.813 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 6032 6 158 6.158 6680 6622 6.622 622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 8.334 10.894 10.894 13.618 12.940 12.940 625 MErnCARE PORTION RCA 1,411 1,440 1440 1,564 1 549 1.549 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3.595 3.529 3.529 4310 3 "97 3.797 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 1500 1 500 1.500 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 117084 121.339 121.339 135 425 133.221 133.221 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4127 2.500 3.000 3162 3162 3.162 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 500 500 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 4.000 4,000 4.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 1 000 1 000 1.000 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 4127 2.500 3.000 8662 8662 8.662 I , 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 191 3.125 760 3125 I 3 ,25 3125 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 C 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 551 1.200 550 60e 600 600 708 ELECTION EXPENSE CITY 470 10000 10000 10000 10- ooe, 10.000 714 LEGALS AND PUBLICATIONS 13,884 20 000 24 000 24 000 24 000 24.000 715 RECORDING FEES 1 000 3000 3.000 3000 3000 3.000 728 TRAINING 78 500 400 500 500 500 740 MILEAGE 132 200 300 300 300 300 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 4,850 8.000 6000 650C ! S 50C' 6.500 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 50e i 50C' I 500 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0- I C 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 21 15E 46 025 45010 48 525 I 48.525 48.525 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 2.000 0 o I 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 o I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 2.000 2 ! l I e, 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS. 142.368 171 864 I 169 349 I 192612 I 190 403 190.408 - -- - - - - - -53- '" ,., - \ow" ~ ..... \ow" '-" ... - \ow" 'w' "" .... - .... ....... '- \ow" - - - -- '- '- - -...J - <t .... -a. a: -u => -z 0 -=> () -~ - - - - - ~ € - -'" - 0 Q; c ~ G ro -c -;;; -;;; ::> Vi ';:: 0 II> E 0 <( ,., ~ :; -c D- Ol ::> D 0 0 Q; g o c 2 ro .D ~ P- -55- Fl--:\l). G~-~-o' PROGR.\.:\l: M:':::':Cl;J::': CC''::-: ACTI\lTY STATE:\IT::\"T Staffins:- Level: Coun Aclrrur..:srraw~ Deputy Court Clerks Clerk TypIst ProoanolJ. Supernsor Probanou Officer Presldmg Judge ASSOcIate Judge 1 6 1 1 1 .35 25 Oveniew of Ons:-oins:- and Present Acthities PrJcess all CIty Ordrna:.J.ce and Model Traffic Code "l,l.olatlOus Co'..:r: seSSI::ms (mlIlliIlUIr. :: 25 days pe~ week) for Va!l.0US healeugs, a::r?J.gnmems b0::.d hermgs rre-L"lals, mals by Judge, trIalS by Jury, reyoca:.Iou hea..rmgs, complIance hear.llgs. pl.S0Uer hean.::J.gs Pre-senteucmg lDvesngatlOns i\10illtor cooplIa:.J.ce to senreucmg condruons Ecucanonal sessIOns (jm'enile. adult offenders), Etill:s, Alcohol, Drug CIty -work prog:-am Collecnou of re\'enues Restltutlor: relITlbursement Fa.;: track Domestlc \'lOlence Corr:plle OJ.1lltam. dIstribute Coun Records Pe:-toffila:.J.ce lndrcators (See auachmeu: A) - - - :\otable Chanoes in 2002 ~one \landated Proorams - Federal and State :\oue -57- '1--'" :C "-B ~ ,"",'.., lY l.............I",...:.?a..:. OL..._~ _......se.. _~.... Revenue Generated I Acco1..'.:l~ N 2...C1.e I Budge: 2001 Pro] ected 2001 I P '''r'' Reven:le Acco~: rJ]e:te:. 1..' L~ , I 5" O' -61 I Filles & Costs I 670,000 675,000 I 70C,i;DD 01- :::u- u-) 33-560-00-562 i S 1 Court Fund I 3,300 2,800 I 3,000 I 33-56C-JO-563 I 54 Coun Fund 13,200 11,200 I I') no,-, I _. "" v 33-560-00-565 Drrect VictlID 23,000 20,000 ::; 1 000 Ser,lces 133.56['-00-566 I Outst3...'1dma 5,000 6,000 6,3,JIJ I J ud:zments ~v arrants I ~ I Tr3..::.scr:p: Fees I I , 33 -55 =1_(1(1-5 6~ 10JO 1.000 I 1 00(1 I -- Filles &: Costs Re\'e::lUe coUected for fines and costs assessed per case $ 1 Cou;: Fund Re\"enue coUected for pDbauon sernces $4 Cour: F:md Re\'enue collected for cour: progral::)S. operatJonJ1 needs D:.rec! Senlces Re\'eilue collec!ed for \"ICllr.1 senlces Outst:l:lcllng J"jdgr:1ents "\\'aIT3..::.ts Depa.rnnewr of ~lo:or \'e~cle portlen of fee assessed ill non- compl:::.'1! cases. L": \\rucb., Coun h2S placed a hold on dn\"er's license *Refe:'e::ces far S: Fund. S.: Fund. Drrect V1Cum Senlces Fw:d 1 ,-\ Resolu:;or.:\o 1563, Titled, A Resolutlan Au:be:1z:..:::g :be Colb:non and Dlsmbutl:m of ~lu:J.lClpal Coun Fees dated ;";o\'eClber --\, 1996 (See Anachment B I = \\ ne3.t Ridge ~1t.:.n:Clpal Code. Sec:lon ] 4-1--\ T nled. \\ -nea! RIdge ~lUliClpJ1 Com: Fu:J.d (See Anachrne:r.t C) , ~1J.DIC1?3.: Coun Fu:J.d surr.rnary of fund re\'e;-,ue expe::d.J:',l[es (See An3.chment D) -- - -- - - -- Equipment :\ssi~ned :\er.e -58- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET MUNICIPAL COURT 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT ACCNT 1#01-109 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual Budoet Estimated Reouested Recommend ,PPROVED 602 STAFF WAGES 276.343 303.516 296.516 333.474 329 045 329.045 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 1 601 1.500 1.500 1680 1 680 1.680 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 2.981 960 960 960 96C 960 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 82.236 90.220 86.620 93 830 93 830 93.830 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 22.516 24.598 245Q8 20 675 26 382 26.382 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 21738 25.846 25 846 33721 3372' 33.681 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5.266 5.671 5671 4835 6170 6.170 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 7.851 , 1.227 11.227 11991 11831 11 .831 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 25.147 26.600 26.600 30 725 30725 30.725 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 500 500 500 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 445679 I 490 138 479.538 I 532.391 534 844 534.844 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,344 5.550 5.550 :: 550 5 83C 5.830 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 2.500 2.500 2.500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 1.680 3.500 3.500 6175 369C 3.690 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES '44 550 sse 1 580 2. 58C1 2.580 I I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 6 167 9600 9.600 15805 ! 1460C 14 600 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 3,764 5.500 5.500 6.000 6000 6000 706 DU ES/BOO KS/S U BSCRI PTIONS 376 470 470 495 495 495 732 WITNESS AND JUROR FEES 780 1.500 1.300 1.500 1 500 1.500 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 58 100 100 150 150 150 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 6.344 8000 8000 6300 6300 8.300 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 133 135 125 2 188 2188 2.188 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 C I 1 -5e I 3 -: = 3.750 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL I 11 455 I 15 705 15495 i 22 3831 22 383 I 22.383 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 c- O I ACCOUNT #800 SUB.TOTAL 0 0 I L' - 0 I 'c I 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 463 302 I 51 5 443 504 633 I :7C ::,79 T :~; 3;::- 571.827 -- -- - - - - -- -S9- f " ... \w ~ .... .... ..... W '-" \wi W -- - "" '- ..... .... '- ..... - - "" "-' (J) uJ U - ~ uJ (J) w - ~ - ... '4 - ct "" 'W - - - z - - - ~ - 0 - 4 - - ~ ~ ~ c '" U1 Vi '" .0:: \l) ~ ~ Vi 'C S -0 .0:: \l)~ U \l) ~ :> ::> ;:; o <C '" - \l) c: - \l) c: '" ro ~ C ~ - \l) :ia:: - ~ ~ ~ C \l) CJ> .0:: CJ> c: Vi ro .r: u S c.. c: ro C ';: ~ \l) r CJ> c: Vi '$ u S c.. '" OJ CJ> "' ro ~ u OJ r s '" - - c: \l) <C ~- o '!l '" -0 '" -.0:: '" 0::: ~ ~ ~(j) - ~ ~ (j) "5 " ~ S -0 <l. -to o ';. '2 Z ~ ;r; r-- "5 " Vi C. ~ -'0 .0:: C ro ~ -6\.- ~ u \l) r c: '2 ~ co o c; ? 0.- c: "5 l.l c: ~ o c; :> OJ o " OJ :; " co o ,. '" c.. FC\"D:GE\"ERAL ACTIVITY STA TDIE\"T PROGRA\l: Grant Administration 110 StaffinS' Level Grant :..dmInlstrator 75 FIE 0\ en le\\ of OnS'olnS' and Present Activities Research appropnate grant opportunities Seek. Dep:l.rtment and City Manager appro\al Dc\ elop appropnate program Prepare application Ensure all requIrements fulfilled Complete all papen\ ork '-.otahle ChanS'e, In 2002 'one \ 1 JndJted Pnl<:'r:lm,- Federal and State 'one Rc\ enue Gener:Hed \ aflC" upon granb receI\ ed Euulf'ment .~"l<:,ncd :\one -62- -or - - - - - - - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME:GRAN ADMIN ACCNT NO' 11 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimated Reauested Recommend PPROVED 602 STAFF WAGES 0 38.601 38,601 40 685 40145 40.145 620 RCAEXPENSE-EMPLOYER 0 2.393 2.393 2.522 2.489 2.489 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 3.616 449 4.628 5755 2.604 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 560 560 590 582 582 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 1.544 1.544 1.627 1606 1.606 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCNT #600 SUB- TOT A 0 46714 43.547 50 053 50 577 47.426 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 500 500 500 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 500 500 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 525 525 525 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 500 500 500 I ACCNT #650 SUB- TOTA 0 0 0 2025 2 02: 2.025 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 , 900 100 2000 2.00e 2.000 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 e, 0 0 e 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/S UBSC RI PTIONS 0 845 800 850 sse 850 740 MILEAGE 0 250 250 300 30e 300 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 250 250 0 I ACCNT #700 SUB- TOT A 0 2.995 1 150 3150 3 15e 3.150 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I o I 2.500 I 0 2500 I 0 0 I ACCNT #800 SUB- TOTAl o j 2.500 I 0 2500 I 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I G I 52.209 I 44 697 5- -2e I 55 752 52.601 - - - -63- FLT~D: GE~ER-\L PROGR-\~l: AD\lI\ISTR-\ TIYE SERnCES -111 ACTInTY STA TE\IE~T Staffine Le\'el AdrrumstratJ \ e Sen Ices Director Semor Secretary ClerJ... Typist (S\\ ltchboard) ] FrE 1 FrE 1 FrE T OT.-\L 3 FrE 0\ en'le\\ of Ons:oInS: and Present Actl\'ltIeS- Perform adrrunlstrat!\ e, super\"lsory and professIOnal \\ or\.; In planning coordinating J-nd directIng the operatIons of the AdmInlstratI\ e Sen Ices Department [0 Include .l"'lgned office support and the dl\"lslOns of PurchasIng. InformatIon Technology Buildlr.g :VlaIntenance, Grants AdmInistration and Human Resources Pcrform all dutIes related to budget preparatIon and admInistratIon -\ssume dutIes of the City :--'lanager as directed Organize and direct the City's nsh. management OrpnIu and direct the employ ce benefits program -\,SISt In compdIng InformatIon for the Cny's Comprehensl\e -\nnual Fln.lnCI.l] RCrl,n - '-,otJblc Ch~m2e, In 2002 - PC1'ltIlm ch:mged from Budget -\sslstant to .-\dmInlstratj\ e Sen Ices Director \\ Ith a"oclateu change In responsibilitIeS - - - \ landJtcJ Pr,);:r~lm,- Federal and Sute - "-one -- - RC\ enuc (JcncrJled - :'\une - Eoul['mcm .-\"12ned :'\one -64- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME.ADMIl SERVIC ACCOUNT # 01-111 2000 2001 2002 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimate Requested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 151.224 150.502 150.502 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 3,600 360C 3.600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 1000 1000 1.000 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 6500 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL. NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 ACA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 0 0 0 8.477 9331 9.331 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 14,558 11765 11.765 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 1,903 2182 2,182 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 4794 4730 4.730 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 3,500 3,500 3.500 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB.TOTAL 0 0 0 195 556 186610 186.610 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 1000 , 000 1.000 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 1,500 1 500 1.500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 1 '50 21 750 21.750 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 1 500 21 000 21.000 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB.TOTAL 0 0 " 5 '50 i ~5,25'= 45.250 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 6.500 650(, 6.500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 C 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/S UBSCRIPTION S 0 0 0 1000 1 000 1.000 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 1 000 1 000 1.000 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 200 20C 200 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 ( 0 9410 , 9 ~ 1 (', 19.410 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 o I 1,000 21 000 21.000 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 o I 1 000 1 000 1.000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE! 0 o i 0 0 34,241 34.241 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 I :::' I 20110 8~.35' 84.351 I 808 CAPITAL LEASES 0 0 ( I 1000[' , 0000 10.000 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 c I 2000 2000 2.000 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 C [ I 1200[ '2000 12.000 - - - - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS o I o I C ! 2334161 326.2' 1 i 328.211 I - - -65- FUND GENERAL PROGRAM Human Resources ACTIVITY STATEMENT Responsible for all Persormel program admmlstratlOn, management, and coordmatlOn to mclude recruItment/selectIOn/retentIon, maIntenance of persormel files and records, development and/or mamtenance of position clasSificatIOn and compensatIon systems; performance appraisal system, tralrung and development programs; employee benefit programs; pre-employment phYSicals and substance testIng programs; employee assistance program and employee relatIOns. Stamm: Level Human Resources Manager I Human Resources Representative L ') ... Overview of On!!Oinl! and Present Activities PosItIOn DescnptlOns RecruItment for City vacancies Conduct employee onentatIons and eXit Interviews MaIntaIn employee records and files Manage and coordInate performance appraisal system Develop and/or coordInate CIty Wide traIning programs AdmInister employee benefit plans Admmlster alcohol and drug testIng program as establIshed by the CIty AdmInister and maIntam Job claSSificatIon and compensation plans Administer Employee's ASSistance Program Rense/Interpret CIty Personnel PolICies and Procedures, proVide tralllIng as needed - - - - - Notable Chanl!es in 2002 - Implement rensed CIty Wide PolIcy and Procedures to Include all traInIng necessary - Implement and traIn all employees on CIty CompensatIOn Plan Mandated Prol!rams - Federal and State - Drug and Alcohol Testmg Program for employees WIth CDL's - lomplIance plan to meet reqUIrements of American With DisabilItIes Act - Equal Employment OpportUnity Plan Revenue Generated 1'\ one EQuinment Assil!ned Standard Office EqUipment. computers, printers, fa\., etc. -66- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME. HR ACCOUNT #112 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual Budget Estimated ReQuested Recommend APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 99.353 99.353 119.357 104 406 104 406 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 800 800 800 800 800 620 RCAEXPENSE-EMPLOYER 0 6.209 6.209 6.560 6523 6.523 621 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 11.448 8.100 9196 9181 9181 623 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0 0 0 5000 5 000 5.000 624 WORK COMP DEDUCTIBLE 0 0 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 1.152 1.500 1.534 1 473 1.473 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 2.028 1.800 4.232 4176 4.176 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 500 500 500 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 120 990 117762 147 179 I 132 059 131.559 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 2.000 1.500 7900 7900 7.900 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 2.000 2.000 2.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 500 300 5.500 :: 50: 5.500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 5500 3000 1 OOC' 1 .C': 1.000 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 8000 4800 I '640C I , t ~c<, 16 400 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 3400 I 3.500 3 55(' 3600 3.600 704 CON,RACT SERVICES 0 o I 0 0 c 0 706 DUES/BOO KS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 0 6600 800 690C 5900 6.900 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 0 6000 427 C 6000 6.000 723 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 0 3.500 950 3.700 3700 3.700 724 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICALS 0 17.500 8,000 33 500 33 5CO 33.500 726 RECRUITMENT AND ADVERTISING 0 24 500 4500 3" 000 40 DGG 40.000 728 TRAINING 0 5000 469 I 25 000 25 000 25.000 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 250 100 250 250 250 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 9000 17500 19500 ,9500 19.500 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 C 0 1 000 1 00(' 1.000 797 PAY PLAN ADJUSTMENT 0 0 0 80 000 80 000 80.000 798 MANGEMENTCONTINGENCY 0 c' 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES 0 C I C, 300C I 30DC 3.000 , I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 0 75 75C i 36 245 213 -lC": ! 222 J5C 2194501 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT o I 2000 I 1 500 2000 2 DOC' 2.000 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT C I e I 0 C C, 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL C I : ODe I 1 500 2000 2000 2.000 - - - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS] I ;: -:: 7J ~ I 160 308 378 9-9 I 3"2 909 I 369.409 -67- PROGR.\...M.: Commurur: Support Program - 113 Fl~l): General ACTIVITY STATEMENT The Commurut; Support Program encompasses CIt) sponsored events. donations, and publ1c relatIon functions. Stamn!! Level Overtrrne costs associated wnh Cny sponsored events. 0\ en'ie\\" of On!!oin!! and Present Activities The City of Wheat RIdge serves the cItizens by pro\"ldmg trrne]y, accurate mformatlon about City ser\1CCS and programs. The goals of the program mclude mcreasmg knowledge. partIclpatJOn, and suppon of these programs. - - Programs for 2002 mclude OutSide Agency ContributIOns CarnatIon FestIval City ~ewslener Clt) Busmess Drrectory Public Education Commuruty Programs Publ1c Relations - - :\otahle Chanl!es in 2002 These programs ha\c been moved from various accounts to make up the Commuruty Suppon Program. - !\landated Pro!!rams - Federal and State l\one Re\ enue Generated "one EQuipment Assi!!,ned ~one -68- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET COMMUNITY PROGRAM SU PORT 113 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 IACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual BudQet Estimated ReQuested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 13.528 10.000 10,000 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 451 23 000 23,000 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 0 0 0 620 620 620 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 145 145 145 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 o I 14744 33 765 33,765 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 12.000 '2000 12.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 47 460 31 500 31.500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 6.500 500 500 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 65 96[' I 4~ ooe I 44.000 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 11.500 l' .500 11.500 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 0 0 0 5.000 5.000 5,000 714 LEGALS AND PUBLICATIONS 0 0 0 500 500 500 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 4000 4000 4.000 780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTION 0 0 0 0 10000 10.000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE! 12.271 9.000 0 - 750 7 '50 7.750 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 12.271 9000 0 I 28 750 38 -50 38.750 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 o I 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 o I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 (, ! C 0 - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS 12271 900C I 109454 I "t 515 1116.515 I - - Inel school crossing guards and outside agency contrib -69- FeND: Genera] PROGRA:'\1: RIsk ~1anagement Program - 114 ACTIVITY ST A TEMEl"T The Risk Management Program proVldes bonds and lTlSurance for City actl\1tIes, mcludmg property lTlSurance, l1ability lTlSurance, and safety trauung/educatlOn. Tlus program also pro\o1des for the payment of medial costs for actIve employees mJured on the Job Staffin2 Level l\one - adrrurustratlve support provided by the Adrrurustratlve Sef\1CeS Department. 0\ en iew of On!!Oin2 and Present Actiyities Qwrsee CIty-wIde nsk. management programs. ProvIde for property lTlSurance for all CIty facilitIes and equipment. ProvIde safety trammg and educatIon for employees. O\'ersee CJtY-\\1de Safety Comrruttee Oversee medlcaL'\\ orkers compensalion claims. - - :\otahle Chan2cs in 2002 Fund 15 has been elrrnmated and combmed v,1th workers compensation to form Program 114 1\0 change~ m program. - - - Mandatcd Pro!!rams - Federal and State C R.S 8-421]2 - - - - Re\enue Gencnlted '-one Re\'cnues rccclved are rerrnbursements from lTlSurance company for payments. AntICipated rerrnbursement IS S 1 00,000 EQuinment Assi!!ned ~one -70- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME:RISK MAN ACCOUNT # 114 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 IACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimated Requested Recommend .PPROVED 621 WORKERS' COMPENSATION 0 0 239.382 250 000 250 000 250.000 623 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0 0 2.000 5000 5000 5.000 ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 241 382 255 000 255 OOC 255.000 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 0 728 SAFETY TRAINING 0 0 0 15000 15000 15.000 781 PERSONAL AND PROPERTY LOSS PREMIU~ 0 0 0 100 000 12C.000 120.000 782 UNINSURABLE LOSS 0 0 0 160 000 160 000 160.000 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 275 000 295 000 295.000 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS.I o I 0 241 382 530 000 I 550000 ! 550.000 RISKMANAGEMENT - - - -71- Fl"\W: GE!liER-\.L ACTIVITY ST A TE:\ IE !\;T PROGR-\.:\l: SALES TAX Staffin~ Level Purchasing TechnIcIan Sales Tax Auditor TOTAL ., - FTE Oven'le\\ of On!2oIn~ and Present ActIvItIes Generate Sale Tax Returns Receive and Process Sales Tax Returns Process Bankrupt claIms Issue BUSIness LIcenses Adrrumster Liquor OccupatIOn Tax Educate Taxpayers Enforce Sales Tax regulatIons AdmInIster ESTIP agreements AdmInister Urban Renewal sales tax Increment Generate monthly sales tax reports PrO\ Ide support for Annual AudIt \"otable Chan!2es In 2002 '-one \Lmdated Pro!2rams- Federal and State ~one Revenue Generated 53-Ie, tax 4.udn Revenue BUSIness LIcense Revenue Liquor Occupation Revenue Lodgers Tax AdmISSIons Tax EqUIpment AssI~ed :-\one -72- - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME.SALE~ TAX DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT 15 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 IACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimate Request Recommend APPROVE 602 STAFF WAGES 78.055 80.580 80.580 84931 83 803 83.803 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL. HOURLY 140 200 0 350 35C' 350 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 4.879 5.008 5.008 5.266 5,21' 5.217 622 MEDICALJDENTAL INSURANCE 8386 7624 7.624 11.856 11 843 11.843 625 MErnCARE PORTION RCA 1.140 1 171 1,171 1.232 1.220 1.220 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3.123 3.223 3.223 3.397 3352 3.352 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 1 500 1 500 1.500 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 95 724 97 806 97.606 108 532 ~ C.....286 107.286 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 792 900 900 950 950 950 653 POSTAGE 2.000 4.000 4.000 4.120 4 120 4.120 654 PHOTOCOPYIPRINTING 507 900 700 950 95C 950 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 3.299 5.800 5600 6020 6020 6.020 I 702 CONFERENC8MEETING 91 250 250 I 25C 250 250 I 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 28 483 50 000 36 OOC' I 50 000 50 000 I 50.000 706 DU ESIBOOKSIS U BSCRI PTIONS 60 0 "'5 . ~ "5 I 75 728 TRAINING 105 400 0 0 C 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 705 900 950 95C 95C 950 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 c 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE C 0 0 500 500 500 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 29 443 51.550 37.275 I 51 --S I 51 775 51.775 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT - i 60C I 850 I 85e, . B50 , 850 - I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL o I 60C' I 850 I e;,- es',-, 850 i - DEPARTMENTIACCOUNT TOTALS. I 128 466 i 155756 141 331 I 167 ,-- I ,6593' I 165.931 - -73- FUND: GENERAL PROGRAM: PURCHASING ACTIVITY STATEMENT The Purchasing Division is responsible for the acquisition of goods and services, construction and contracting citywide, by providmg for a fair and equitable treatment of all persons involved in public purchasing by the City, to maximize the purchasing value of public funds in procurement. to codify and standardize the City's purchasing procedures for the orderly and efficient administration of. to provide safeguards for maintain a procurement system of quality and integrity and foster effective, broad,based competition within the free enterprises system. StaffinQ Level Purchasing Agent 1 Purchasing Technician 1 2 Overview of OnQoinQ and Present Activities . Review and process purchase requisitions and orders . Create and update logs (bids, renewals, service agreements, daily) . Distribute periodic Purchasing Update for users . Work with Accounting on Purchasing and invoicing issues . Work with vendors on bidder's list and pre-qualification application . Purge files and archive in process . Coordinate with State and MAPO on bids . Employee Training- on going . Assist staff on various methods of purchasing and sourcing . Research bidding on-line . Prepare and solicit bids and request for proposals . Conduct pre-bid conferences . Prepare and distribute addenda . Conduct formal bid openings . Coordinate evaluation committees . Prepare contracts for bid awards . Audit and process cellular phone invoices . Manage cell phone and pager program citYWide . Prepare Council Action Forms for expenditures . Administer CitYWide copier contract . Manage Administration Space Design Project - - - - - - - Notable ChanQes in 2002 - None - Mandated Proqrams - Federal and State - None Revenue Generated - None Equipment AssiQned - None -74- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET PURCHASING ACCOUNT # 116 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Departmenl Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimated Request Recommend ~PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 57.463 83.211 82.298 89.146 87 962 87.962 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 62 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3.567 5159 5.102 5.527 5.454 5.454 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 4.627 5169 3.435 3.825 3.825 3.825 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 834 1.207 1.193 1.293 1,275 1.275 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1 117 1.845 1.325 3.566 3.518 3.518 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,722 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 69.391 96.591 93.353 103.357 102.034 102.034 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 1000 1.000 1.000 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 2.000 2.000 2.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 2.000 2000 2.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 5000 5000 5.000 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 728 2,000 1000 1 400 1 400 1.400 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SU BSCRIPTIONS 556 800 352 660 650 650 728 TRAINING 1.223 2.000 8 , 900 , 90e 1.900 730 UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 e, 0 740 MILEAGE 92 250 200 300 30e 300 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 500 500 500 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 2.599 I 5050 1.560 4760 4750 4.750 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 1000 58 500 500 500 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 o i 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 1 000 58 500 I 500 I 500 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 71.990 I 102641 I 94 97' , 13 61 /' "22841112.284 i - - - - - - - -75- H.J1\D GE~ER.tl..L PROGR.A.M P.-:FOR.vlA TI O~ SYSTnlS ACTIVITY STA TE\lE~T The InformatIOn Systems Depa.;lmem IS responsible for the procurement, mstallanon, and mamtenance 0 ~ all City computers. Th.1s Illcludes all the software that runs on these computers. In additIOn, \\ e are responsIble for the procurement and mallltenance of the CIt) telephone systems Staffin!! Le\ el Information Systems 1--.fanager ~etwork Admmlstrator PC T ech..'1IClan \\'eb TechnIcian -\dd!tlOnal PC TechniCian for 2002 (!vlaInly Police responsIbIlity) 0\ enie\\" of On!!oin!! and Present Activities \laIntalll and enhance the functionality of all elt) computers ~laIntalll and enhance the functIOnality of the Clly network of computers ~1allltalll and enhance the functlonalIt) of the ellY telephone system Obtalll and I\lallltaIn a h.1gh level of expertise In computer technology Obta1D and !\laIntaIn a h.1gh level of expertise In all telecommulllcatlOn sy stems Pro\'lde a h.1gh level of customer sernce as related to these systems - - - - "otahle Chan!!es - - Increases III the transformation of technology, net\\ ork usage, web usage, mobIle PC s \\ eb responsl bIllly for Fire Department 'landated Pro!!rams - Federal and State Police CCIC~CIC, !\IBRS, and Pa\\11S repor1lng Stale archl\ es for police Re\ enue Generated :-; one Equipment Assi!!ned " one -76- Fu,");D GE1\ER./I.L PROGRA.M I1\FORMA TIO:\' SYSTE\1S General Information 2002 Budget The Informatlon Systems Department IS responsible for the procurement, mstallauon.. and m::untenance of all CIty computers. Tills mcludes all the software that runs on these computers. In addltlOn. we are responsible for the procurement and mamtenance of the Clt) telephone systems The budget strucrure has changed slightly from the 200 1 budget. The 59 Fund has been changed to be the Computer Replacement Fund. With tills change I have placed onI) nev, hardware components ill tlus account and put them under 59-117-802 All other expenses have been moved to the InformatJon Systems account 117 ThIs mcludes replacement components willch were moved from 59-117-802 to 117-802 and Software whIch was mo\ ed from 59-117 -755 to 117-755 The remammg accounts are unchanged \\1th the exceptIOn of the Telephone Expense account whIch was 610-759 was added to 117 With these changes it IS a lIttle more dIfficult to compare 2001 to 2002 - - - - -77- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _7'0- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME. ACCOUNT # 117 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 INFORMATION SYSTEMS Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual BudQet Estimated Requested Recommend APPROVED 602 STAFF WAGES 150 962 183.816 183.816 233473 232.253 232.253 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 9.363 11.397 11.397 14475 14400 14.400 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 13.193 19.131 19.131 25.249 24.478 24.478 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.190 2.665 2.665 3.385 3.368 3.368 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4.939 6.231 6.231 9.339 7.794 7.794 j COMPENSATED ABSENSE 0 0 0 1.500 1.500 1.500 I I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 180 648 223.240 223.240 287421 283 792 283.792 I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 88 550 550 830 830 830 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 500 500 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 1.000 1.000 1.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2.500 4.500 4.500 3 70~ 3707 3.707 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 2.588 5050 5050 6 :137 60T 6.037 I 702 CONFERENCElMEETING 428 4900 3.900 4000 4000 4.000 i 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 e, 0 0 706 DU E S/BOOKS/S U BSCRI PTIONS 2174 2.500 2,500 2.90C' 2900 2.900 728 TRAINING 2040 18000 10000 43.508 36 508 36.508 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 593 1.00C 1000 1 15'0 ~ 15: 1.150 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 7851 38.000 12.000 169 840 169 840 169.840 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 479 324 381 324 381.324 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 159 000 159 000 159.000 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 27.229 27.229 27.229 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE5 0 0 0 0 C 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 13087 64 400 29 400 886 951 , -8' 95' I 781.951 I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 3.500 i 514 65.360 65 360 65.360 832 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 o I C 3500 I 3500 I 3.500 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 3500 I 514 68 86C, I 68 860 I 68.860 - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 196323 I 296190 258 204 I 1.249269 . 140640 I 1.140.640 I - - -79- Fl'1\;D:GE~ERAL PROGRAM: GEl\jERAL OPERA TIO'\S ACTIVITY STATEME1\T Consolidated Into program accounts. This fund wIll be used as a budgetar) account - - - - - - - - - - - - -80- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT NAME:gener opera 610 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Manager COUNCIL Actual BudQet Estimated Recommend PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 1,692 2.500 739 0 SO 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 14.199 0 0 0 SO 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 18.301 30.000 9.877 0 SO 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 2.120 2.015 649 0 SO 621 WORKERS COMPENSATIONS . 235146 235.000 248 000 0 SO 623 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 58 20.000 875 0 SO 624 WORK COMP DEDUCTIBLE 0 0 0 0 SO 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 496 471 154 0 SO I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 272.011 289,986 260.294 o i SO I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 094 0 o I c I SO 653 POSTAGE 26.315 31000 31.000 I 0 SO 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 34.587 42.500 36 000 I G SO 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8885 6.500 6500 I 0 SO I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 70.880 80 000 73.500 I ~ SO I 719 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE 61.342 80.000 70 000 I G SO 720 ECON DEVE INCENTIVE - SAFEWAY 50 000 50 000 50 000 I 0 SO 721 JEFFERSON COUNTY ANIMAL SHELTER 11.355 12.500 15.000 C SO 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 13898 20 700 16.000 0 I SO 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 167.864 195 000 195 000 0 I SO 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 10444 10700 10000 0 SO 784 JEFFCO TREASURY COLLECTION FEES 6342 7.500 7.500 C' I SO 797 BONUS PAY INCENTIVE 0 80 000 160 000 ',- ! SO I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 321 245 456400 523 500 I ,~, i SO I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT o I 0 - 0 , SO , 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT E ""159 20 OOC ,c l I SO 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 12087 I 11 OOC 11000 I SO 897 TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS 750145 I 355000 2 480 02E C, I SO I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 770991 I 386 000 249' 02E - I SO - - - - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 1 435 127 '.212.38E 3348320 r I SO I - - general operatIon 11/9 - - -81- ~ ." ..... \w' \w' \w' \w' \w' ~ \w' \w' \w' ~ ~ ~ ~ \w' ~ - - - - - ~ ------------- ~ ~ ~ 0. ~ 11l ~ ~ c: ~ 0 ~ -C'l 0 (ii 0 ~<D (ii <ii i:i ","0 c: Q) 0.'" '0 .c 0. o :> ~ S 11l ~u... 0 E- o.. E 0 ~ "0 0 <l: 01 010 III c: '" - 0; 11l j2 "iJl- S (/J '" :>"0 i3 III -0 S o ,- iii '" <..l 0 cO :t:~ 0.. (f) .~ 0 <ll ill CO ~ Q ~ i:i ~ III ~ 0- III (/J 0; .s i3 '" rJl 0 .c OJ rJl 0 'Z z ~ 4: uJ c ~ III iii E ~ ~ CO 0- (/J '" C) 0 c;: a; u a. :> <ll \ Z III I "e- - 0 0 ~ 0- - 06 ~ - Z ..J s ~ G ... ~ <ll Z uJ c: [j; - CO ro - 4: "> ~ -0 - ..J uJ (; 0 i:i -- a. '?:: 6 - - ~ ~ ~ " - ~ u C iii "'- - " c OJ c ~ ro - c;: ~ tY' - 111 g ~ ro III iii c: <..l rJl - .~ ~j III ill CO 'c 0 N -83- FUND General PROGRAM Plarmmg & De\ elopment AdmInistratIOn - 120 ACTIVITY STATEMENT Staffing Level Director Adm. AssIstant 1 1 2 FTE O\'erVle\\ of Onl(oIng and Present ActIVIties - 1\1anage actl\"ltles of Planning and BUIldIng Dlvlslons - AdmInlSler CIt) and department polIcies - Prepare and admmlster annual department budget - Direct the preparation of specIal plans or studies - Direct the \\ork. of consultants - Staff support to Urban Renewal AuthorIt) - ~taff support to Housmg AuthorIty - 'italT support to Boards & Commissions - Special ProJects as assigned by the City Manager - '.,otable ChanL!es In 2002 - ","one - - \landated ProL!rams - Federal and State - l\one - - Re\ enue Cienerated - - '\,nne - Lwulnment ..\sSll.!ned - - '\,one -84- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT # 120 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 !ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual Budqet Estimated Reouested Recommend APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 131.769 163.380 163.380 171 697 121 430 121.430 603 LONGEV1T~ 0 0 0 0 C, 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 4061 4.192 4.192 4418 4418 4.418 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3.200 3.600 3600 3.600 3.60C 3.600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 900 900 900 900 900 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 249 1.200 12.000 1.200 1.200 1,200 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 4.271 0 0 6000 6000 6.000 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 8038 10.483 10483 10040 8031 8.031 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 7432 14.503 14.503 10893 11 852 11.852 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.083 2.452 2.452 2.490 1.865 1.865 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1.361 746 746 3.334 1 388 1.388 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 5.200 5000 5.000 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 167.663 206 456 217.256 214 572 160 684 t 160.684 I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3542 5000 3.337 5000 I 500C 5.000 653 POSTAGE 0 3.000 0 1 SOC I , 50C 1.500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 723 1.000 0 2.000 2000 2.000 , 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 100 30 1.500 1.500 1.500 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 4.264 9 100 3367 1000C I 1000C ! 10.000 I I , 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 1 310 4750 1 083 4750, I -1 75C 4.750 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 c, i 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSCRI PTIONS 3.541 4.200 4093 4.200 I -1,200 4,200 718 ORrnNANCEENFORCEMENT 352 1 500 349 , 500 1 500 1.500 720 TRAINING I 225 1 800 265 1 80C 1 800 1.800 i 730 UNIFORMS 0 0 0 50 5C 50 I 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 C, - I 0 . 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 2051 5000 2.534 5.000 5000 5.000 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 1 123 1 123 1.123 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 900 0 900 900 900 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 0 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE! 0 0 0 , 0 I 0 0 I I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 7480 I 18 15C i 8 32-1 19 323 I , 9323 , 19.323 , I I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I 839 I 1 400 I 1 400 I 25C' I 250 250 l I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL : 83" I . -10C' I 1 400 25~1 i 250 250 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 180246 I 235106 , 230 347 2441-15T ,90.257 190.257 I - - - - - -85- FL~ General PROGRA:\1 Zorung Semces - 121 ACTIVITY ST A.. TE~dE):T Staffing Level Seruor Plarmer Plarmer Plannmg TechnIcIan ') ~ 1 4 HE 0\ en le\\ of Ongomg and Present ActIntles - ProvIde professIOnal plarmIng v,ork In both long range and current plarmmg - Pro\'lde research, analYSIS, and reports on varIOus long range and current plannIng proposals - Pronde dIrect aSSIstance to cItIzens. bUSInesses. de\ elopers, other departments and a~encles m a all aspects of land de\ elopment and use - Dc\ clop master plans, comprehenSIve plan amendments, and land development rcgulatlOn amendments to further refine or reflect changmg publIc polIcy - ProVIde support to CIty CounCIL Plannmg CommISSion, Board of A..dJustment. and specIal task. forces - \lJmt:lIn CIty base map and de\ elop GIS - ',,(ltaDle Change, In 2()()2 '"one \ bnd:lled Program, - Federal and State - '" one Re\ enue Generated -- - Zonmg and development fees - Reimbursement for publIc notIce costs - Increased land use processmg fee~ adl1pted WIth ne\\ zOllIng code, no Incre:J.ses proposed L.juIl'ment .-\s<;lgned Honda -\ccord, L nit := 1 03 -86- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET DEPT NAME:ZONING ACCOUNT # 121 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 PLANNING AND ZONING SERVICES Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DEl AILED EXPLANATION Actual Budget Estimated Requested Recommend APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 98 736 138.888 138.888 199.371 196723 196,723 603 LONGEVIT~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 10.370 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 6765 8.611 8611 12.361 12.197 12.361 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 9.346 14.184 14 '84 16319 16.288 16.319 I 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1582 2.014 2014 2891 2852 2,852 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2.396 4.238 4.238 " 975 7868 7.868 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 129195 167935 167 935 238 917 235 928 236.123 I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 60 60 563 I ~89 489 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 1 000 1 000 1.000 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 4,981 7.400 5000 5 DOC, 5 DOC 5.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1097 2.120 2.000 2000 2000 2.000 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 6078 9580 7060 8563 I 8 ~89 I 8.489 I I 702 CONFERENCElMEETING 4,827 6.600 6000 4000 4000 4000 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 489 0 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/S U BSC RI PTIONS 1.568 935 935 900 900 900 720 TRAINING 0 4300 2000 8.200 8.200 8.200 730 UNIFORMS 0 0 0 100 I 100 100 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 436 500 400 40C I 400 400 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 1 000 , 000 1 000 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 8321 12335 I 9335 1~ 60C ! ,~ 600 i 14.600 I , : 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 400 ~DO I 10'. I lDC 100 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL ~oo ~oc I '-1'- 1 DC ! 100 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 1?C 25.: I 18~ -r 20:'= 1 e 25~ ' , ~ - - - -87- FL1\D General PROGRAM InspectIOn ServIces - 122 ACTIVITY ST A. TEMENT Staffing level Codes AdmInistrator BuIldIng Inspector Permi t C oordlllator Senior Staff ASSistant ] 1 I 1 4 HE O\'erVle\\ of OngoIng and Present ActlvJtles - Issue buIlding permits - Issue certificates of occupancy - Issue certificates of complIance - lssue contractor lIcenses - Revle\\ huildlllg permIt submittals - Perform buIldlllg inspections - Perform hOUSIng InspectIOns - Perform electncal, plumbIng. and mechaIllcal inspections - Proqde information and assistance to publiC regardmg code requirements - !\'otable Chanl.!es In 2002 - BuIldlllg DemolItIOn Fund to be moved to line Item account In Fund] 20-123 for Ordll1ance Enforcement \landated Prol.!rams - Federal and State - '\ one Re\'enue (,enerated - Building PermIt Fees - Plan Re\le\\ Fees - ( se ta:\ - Proposed Increase In price per square loot lor construction valuatIOn For example l\Jev, SFD, wood framed Ne\"\ office bldg. Type II-!\.' Const. PrI\'ate Garage Old $69 90 $51 52 $18.39 ProDosed $73.39 $54 ]0 $19.28 o 0 Increase 50/0 50'0 48% -88- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET INSPECTION SERVICES ACCOUNT # 122 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAMElDETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL Actual Budqet Estimated Reouest Recommend APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 154,503 165.324 165.324 176 958 174608 174.608 I 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 215 0 0 1.200 1.200 1.200 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 9.593 10.250 10.250 10.971 10.900 10.900 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 13.520 14.798 25100 20.866 20.840 20.840 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.244 2.397 2.397 2.566 2.462 2.462 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 5.599 6171 6.171 8.808 6.984 6.984 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 12.180 10,500 10.500 15000 15,00C 15 000 1 ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 197.854 209 440 219742 236 369 23' 994 I 231.994 I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 500 500 500 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 Q 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 805 725 500 760 760 760 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 805 725 500 1,26<: 1.260 1.260 I 702 CONFERENCElMEETING 0 1400 1.000 1 500 1 500 1.500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 10,290 11.500 11.500 12 190 I 12 190 12.190 706 DU ES/BOO KS/SU BSC RIPTI ONS 950 1.890 1.500 1900 1.900 1.900 718 ORrnNANCEENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 10.000 10,000 10.000 720 TRAINING 1 054 3.915 2.000 3900 3.900 3.900 730 UNIFORMS 317 1000 600 1.000 1 000 1.000 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 500 500 I 500 1 ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 12,611 19705 '6 blX 30 990 I 30 990 I 30.990 I 802 OFFICE EOUIPMENT C Q o 1 :' 0 01 T ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL Q 0 C I 8 0 01 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS. 2".271 I 229 870 I 236 84: 1 268 619 I 26~_244 264.244l - - - -90- FUND' Genera] PROGRAI\1 Zoning Enforcement - 1:2~ ACTIVITY STA TE\1E~T Staffing: Le\"el Properr;. Inspector o (Funded out of HoteL'MoteL Fund 63) 0\ erne\\ of OnQoInQ and Present Actl\"ltleS - Ill' estlgate zonIng complaInts - Summer clean-up program - Perform hotelmotelmspectlOns - Pertom1 bUlldmg InspectIOns as needed \.Olahle ChanQes m :::00::: '\ one \ landated ProQrams - Federal and State - - \. one -- Rc\ enue (rener':l!ed -- - \.une - - FuulDment .-'\,sIQned -- Dod!,c D3kot.:J. L nlt ::] 02 -- -- -- -- -- - -92- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET ZONING ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT # 123 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual Budget Estimated Requested Recommend APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 66 688 72.216 15.300 43.244 0 01 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 65 0 1.800 500 0 01 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 3918 5000 4.320 5000 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 2.418 5.000 330 0 0 0 620 RCAEXPENS~EMPLOYER 4.535 5097 1.346 2.681 C' 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 9.237 9.195 1 124 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1061 1.192 315 627 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2.722 2.889 626 1730 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 c I C I 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 90 644 100.589 25161 53 782 0 0 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 500 500 500 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 500 500 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 480 310 300 300 300 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 659 1.215 102 50C 500 500 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 659 1 695 412 ~ BGC 1 80C I 1.800 I I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 38 200 200 20D 200 200 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 10079 15000 7066 15000 15000 15.000 706 DUE S/BOOKS/SUBSCRI PTI ONS 50 475 0 C o I 0 718 ORrnNANCEENFORCEMENT 0 2.500 40 2.500 2.500 2.500 720 TRAINING 674 1.200 216 500 500 500 730 UNIFORMS 397 1200 193 10C 100 100 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 900 1 100 115 C 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 C 50C' 500 500 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 12138 21 675 7830 18 800 1880C 18.800 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I o I o I r 0 0 01 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL r o i o ! c, I '. I 0 I 01 : I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS I 103441 I '23959 I 33 J03 i ~" 38C , 20600 I 20.600 i , - - - - - - - -93- \ " ..... """ """ "'" "'" ~ ~ ~ "'" t"". \w \w t"". "'" """ """ - - - - - - - - - C!- o .- '!' c: c: - :J - OJ OJ LU ~ Q. - 0 :::J - "0 LU c: CfJ en @: CfJ 0 <f) to .~ c: a </J E f! OJ 0 OJ ~ ~ u E OJ Q. 0; OJ :::J 0 .Cd CfJ .Cd 0 Q. U c: :::J 0 </J :::J en CfJ :::J "2 to E 0 E' 0 E u U :::J OJ 0 0.. CD cr: u ~ -- Q; - "0 c: C'2. C') to - E f! '" E OJ OJ -w "- 2E ~ Cll 0 -'! U </J 0 0 -u Cll 0 :::J C S! (L to OJ e ~ "0 '0 !':' E" - (L :::J OJ to ~ -..J 'O=:.. ]i;:- CD CfJ 0.. f- .c:- -0 ~ U .c: :; -'=:> U 0<( -a. Cll O:W 0 f-O: <(=:> (LID - - - -t '" - u c: - e N - ~ - Ii; c: C - to </J C "0 ,.... :~ 01 to OJ c: - </J to </J c: OJ .~ E" E - <( .r:: - cr: </J OJ E '" OJ u -t Ii; </J CfJ ~ OJ .E! "'" <( 0 .S! f- "0 :::J U N U .!!! c: to '" ~ OJ OJ ~ :::J g> Ui u u .E! > '" c: 0 :::J ~ </J E '" ~ '" CIl OJ "0 "2 :z :::J > v ;; to .'!' 0 CIl ..s <( LU 0.. c: to ;::=:> v E c: <(<( "0 "" t:lw <( ;::0: (fl (J)=:> e WID :> '" ~ 0.. -94- FUl'.1): PROGRo\...'l: 201 Pollee AdrrurustratIOn ACTDnTYSTATEMENT Activitv Statement Pollee AdrmrustratIOn IS the management and administrative program for the pollee department. Included rn thrs program are the Pollee Cillef; Deputy Chief of PolIce; AdrrurustratIOn Bureau Commander; two adrrurustrahve assistants (Seruor Secretaries), the ProfessIOnal Standards Urut Sergeant. The program IS responsible for the management and adrmmstratIOn of the pollce department. The ProfeSSIOnal Standards Urut is responsible for polley development; awards, rnternal affarrs rnveshgatlOns and records; state certificatlOn; and pollee hmng. The Pollee Cillef and Deputy Cillef alternate direct supervisIOn of department bureaus. -- Staffiu!! Level - There are SIX F .T.E.' s asSigned to the Pollee AdlllllllstratlOn Pollee Cmef Deputy Cmef AdrrurustratlOn Commander PSU Sergeant Seruor Secretary (2) -- - - Overview of Ou!!oin!! and Present Activities - - Projects and aChvlties that will carry over rnto 2002 and that are not "routrne" management actlVltles mclude: preparanon for re-certificatlOn through the State AccredltatlOn Program, a CACP authonzed program, refirnng pollee polley drrectives, completlOn of the records management computer upgrades, contrnuatlOn of the computenzatlOn process for field reportmg; rncreased Hotel/Motel actIVIty and strict enforcement efforts for non-conformrng properties. - - - Notable Chan2:es in 2002 - Program accounts 201 and 202 were combrned in the 2002 budget. All adrn1mstratlve functions of the department are accounted for rn 201 There are some rncreases rn conference and meetmg expenses over 2001 due to the graduation of the PSU Sergeant from the FBI NatlOnal Academy rn 2001 He will be attendrng local and regIOnal trarnmg updates as part oftms program along Wlth the Admrn1strahon Commander and the Deputy Cmef of Pollee. These professional development programs are covered m the 201 budget rn 2002. -95- Account 201-605 IS slgmficantly rncreased over the 2001 approved budget. Tills account covers the expense for "Extra Duty" expenses durrng the year Officers are contracted, through the CIty, to work (insIde the City llIillts only) for busrnesses who requrre extra pollee secunty or assistance. The contractrng entIty IS billed at an "average overtune rate" for pollee officers. They pay the City, not the officer The officer IS paid by the CIty at theIr normal overtune rate. In 2001 we took on a long term assignment that was not anticipated, and the budget of $40,000 was slgmficantly exceeded. It IS nearly rrnpossib1e to use prevlOus illstory as a gUIde when budgetmg tills account. We have raIsed the "average overtune rate" rn 2002 to 533 00 per hour It was $31 00 per hour rn 2001. We have doubled the budget for 2002 at $82,000. Account 201-741 (Uniform Allowance) is a new program. In 2002 pollee personnel Will no longer be paid a "uruform allowance". The City will purchase replacement uruforms on an as needed baSIS, and the City will pay for cleaning through a contracted service Tills program has been thoroughly researched for the past several months. A very large maJonty of pollce officers have approved of tills program, With only a very few officers III oppOSltlOn. The program is new and It has been budgeted at $50,000 for 2002. I expect that thrs will be a number that changes frequently over the next few years. Mandated Pro2:rams - federal and State None - Revenue Generated - The pollee department operates on several grant programs that bnngs revenue rnto the department for speCIfic programs. The HotelJMotel program has grant asSIstance as does the computer software up-grade program. - Revenue generated through the Extra Duty Program IS a "wash" and should cover expenses for the program. There will be little, If any, surplus. Equipment Assi!!ued The only maJor eqUIpment rn thrs account are motor veillcles. Four veillc1es are asSIgned. Urut 10 - Pollee Cillef Urut 24 ~ Admrn Commander Urut 25 - Deputy Cillef Urut 91 - PSU Sergeant -96- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POLICE ADMINISTRATION 01.201.600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES .. 397.297 398.556 408.391 422.042 416.436 416.436 01.201.600.604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 7,391 4,790 4.790 5.048 4.981 4.981 01 201-600-605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 39,675 40,000 82,815 82.000 82,000 82.000 01-201-600-606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,200 3,600 0 0 01-20'-600.610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 3,353 6.075 5,875 3.635 3.635 3.635 01201-600-618 CQURT PAY 200 133 200 200 200 01-201-600-620 FICA EXPENSE.EMPLOYER 9199 13,401 10.207 9,843 9978 9.978 01.201.600.622 MED1CAUDENT AL INSURANCE 29,053 33.919 35,142 41.529 39.385 39.385 01.201.600.625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 3.079 3,134 3.787 6,176 5.560 5,560 01 201.600.630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 2.948 3.042 3.042 3,236 3,164 3.164 01-201-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 22.208 22.670 23,504 24,091 23,771 23.771 600 TOTALS 517.403 529.387 577,686 597.800 589,110 589.110 01 201 650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 10,313 9,000 9,000 9.450 9.450 9.450 01 201.650-653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 1,000 1,000 1,000 01 201-650.654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 1,500 1.500 1.500 01 201.650.660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 465 900 3200 5.350 5,350 5,350 650 TOTALS 10,778 9,900 12,200 17,300 17,300 17.300 3.675 - 01.201 700702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 1,196 2.300 2,300 3,675 3.675 01-201-700-706 DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCR1PTIONS 1,064 1,970 ~ ,250 ' ,970 1.970 1.970 - 01-201 700.728 TRAINING 3.458 7,800 3,526 8400 8.400 8,400 1,200 - 01 201 700.73C UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 1,800 1.000 1.200 1.200 O'-20~.700.741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 37150 4140C 4'400 58,500 58,500 58,500 - 01 201 700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 28,148 41,500 29,500 43,500 43.500 43.500 01-201-700-758 RENTAL & LEASES 13.450 - 4,865 6,050 10.450 15,800 13450 OJ 201.7QC 759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 1500 1500 1.500 - :)1 201-700.776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 50 0 50 50 50 01 201 700 788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 7.500 - 0 0 0 60ce '"500 - 700 TOTALS 75.881 102,870 89.426 140,595 139745 139.745 - 01 201 -800-802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EOUIPMENT 498 1,600 1,600 1,200 1200 1.200 - o~ 201-800.808 CAPITAL LEASE (XEROX MACHINES) 0 2947 0 0 - 800 TOT ALS 498 1.600 1,600 4.147 1200 1.200 - 201 TOTALS 604.560 643.757 680.912 759,842 747,355 747,355 01/21 -97- FL~1): 203 PROGR~'\l: ANlMAL-P ARK-CODE E~rORCEME~T ACTDnTYSTATEMENT Staffin!! Level One(1) Supervisor and Five(5) Animal-Park-Code Officers Total= SIX(6) Full Time Employees Overview of One:oine: and Present Activities - The Ammal-Park-Code Enforcement Unit provides law enforcement services to the citizens of v,'heat Ridge by proVldmg enforcement of Chapter 4, 13,15, 16, 17 and 26 of the Wheat fudge Murucipal Code of laws. The Animal-Park-Code Enforcement Unit provides the followrng services: Enforcement of animal control ordrnances . Responses to wildlIfe COnflicts Park rule and regulatlOn enforcement DeSign v.ildlife management programs with the cooperation of the Division of Wildlife and the Park Naturalist for resource protection and large predator management, i.e., bears and mountain lIons. Nuisance code and zoning regulation enforcement. . The APCO Unit on occasion may enforce C.R.S. statutes regarding Title 18 Crimrnal Code, Title 19 Juvenile Code, Title 25 Health Codes, Title 33 Wildlife and Title 35 Agriculture within the scope of duties. - - Notable Chan!!:es in 2002 - - City Council adopted ordinance revisions to Chapter 2 section 33 and Chapter 15 of the WR Code oflaws added Code and Zonrng Enforcement to the duties of the unit rn late May of200 1, changrng the former Animal Park Enforcement Urut to the current Anrrnal-Park-Code Enforcement Unit. -. Mandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State None Revenue Generated $3000 Account# 01-550-00550 Weed mowing and clean up, abatement of properties for weeds EouiDment Assie:ned 2 Trucks with SWAB animal control compartment 2 Trucks WIth camper shells 1 All Terram Vehtcle -98- Pollee Department - Anrrnal, Parks and Code Enforcement (APCO) Fleet Inventory Urut # Year Make Model Vm# 33 99 GMC 4x4 PIU 1GTEK19T6XZ533561 34 92 Chev no 1GCDT19Z5H8211347 72 98 Chev K10 2GCEK19R8Wl198234 80 To Be Replaced wi New Truck on Order 1111 91 HondaTRX300 478TE1500MA317752 - - - - - -99- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL ANIMAL PARKS CODE ENFORCEMENT 01 -203-600-602 STAFF 5ALARIES & WAGES 138.143 219.600 219.600 231456 226.364 228,384 01-2C3-600-6' 0 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 5182 5.566 9.066 7700 7 lOC 7.700 :)1203600618 COURT PAY 160 1,200 1,200 1.84C ~ .840 1,840 01-203-600-619 TEMP PERSONNEUNQN-HOUAL Y 4.759 4.759 5.000 5.000 5.000 01-203-600-620 FICA EXPENSE.EMPLOYER 8.929 13,589 13,615 14,942 14,638 14.638 01 -203-600-622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE . 17,543 25.949 25,949 37 170 37141 37,141 01 -203-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,088 3,178 3,185 3.495 3,424 3,424 01 -203-600-630 ceo ERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 4.465 8,784 8,784 9.258 9,135 9.135 600 TOTALS 176,510 282,625 286,' 58 310863 307,262 307,262 01203-650.651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 500 500 500 01-203-650-653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 0 500 500 500 01-203650.654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 0 480 480 2.000 2.000 2,000 01-203-650.660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 510 4,115 4.115 2.015 2.015 2,015 650 TOTALS 510 4,595 4.595 4.515 4515 4,515 01-203-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 246 875 675 500 50C 500 01 203700704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 15.000 15.000 0 01 203-'00-706 DUES, BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPTIONS 150 200 200 600 800 800 al 203700.718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 400 60 0 - 01-203-700-720 VETERINARY SERVICE/SUPPLIES 750 750 800 800 800 01-203-700-721 JEFFCO ANIMAL SHELTER 0 15000 15.000 01-203700-728 TRAINING 0 1.200 315 0 0 - 01 -203.700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 3.756 5.960 5.960 7.520 7.520 7,520 01 203700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES , 100 170 0 0 0> 203-700-758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 0 01.203- 700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 1500 1500 1.500 01 203.700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 753 1400 1400 2,100 2,100 2.100 O' 203-700- 788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 0 - 700 TOTALS 4.905 26.885 24.730 13,220 28.220 28.220 01 203800802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 5,000 5,000 5,000 800 TOTALS 0 0 5000 5000 5,000 203 TOTALS 181.925 318,345 315.483 333.598 344,997 344.997 01/21 City Council transferred duties and partial budget to Police Budget in mid year -100- FU1\1), 204 PRO GR.-'\.:\1 , C01vfMlJ},,1CA TIO)JS ACTn1TYSTATEMENT Staffrng Level I CommUillcatlOns Manager 11 Emergency Services SpecialIsts Overview of Ongorng and Present ActivIties Receive and dispatch calls for service rn a timely, safe, orderly and when necessary expedltlous manner Advise citizens callmg rn for service of any necessary response delays, and if necessary provide follow-up calls for revisions. Provide rnrectlOn and referral to citizens requmng mformation or resources that the Crt) or the Pollee Department cannot provide. Perform computer mformation inquires and entries for department personnel. Morutor and update as necessary, rnformatlOn rnto the computer aided rnspatch system. Support department personnel by provldmg rnformatlOn denved from computer, manual, and telephone methods. Attempt to recogruze problems Witrun the commUillty and attempt to resolve them. Create an atmosphere that IS conducive to commUillty rnvolvement. Mamtarn numerous computer database accounts, msurrng they contarn accurate, current resource rnformatlOn. Increase the overall effiCiency of CommUillcations through automatIOn and mecharnzation. Promote and marntarn effeCTIve working relatIOnships Within the department and adJacent agencies, - - - - - - - Notable Changes III 2002 - In 2002 Phase II for cellular 911 calls should be rmplemented, willch WIll enable Public Safety Agencies to receive locatlOn rnformatlOn from cell callers dlalrng 911 With the amount of cellular 911 calls the center currently receives It may have a substantial rmpact on the departments procedures for response on cellular 911 hangups. - -101- Mandated programs - Federal and State Phase II for cleeular 911 calls lS a mandated program by the State Legislature. At thts trrne costs are not known for GPS related eqUIpment to receive and process cellular 911locatIOD mformatIOn. It has been estlll1ated that IS could run a half rmlhon dollars per agency, however our department as well as all Jefferson County agenCles are workrng with the Jefferson County E-911 AUthOIlty Board for fundrng of thrs proJect. Revenue None Equipment Assumed None - - - - - -102- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTI MATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POLlCE COMMUNICATIONS 01-204-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 359.056 377.508 265.193 404 158 398,790 398,790 01 204-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 22,194 22.685 54,375 21,806 21,806 21.806 01-204-600-618 COURT PAY 218 400 400 400 400 400 01-204.600-620 FICA EXPENSE.EMPLOYER 23.697 24,837 19.813 26.435 26.077 26.077 01 -204-600-622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 40.417 50.390 35.000 57640 57.551 57,551 01 -204-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5.542 5,809 4.640 6,183 6,099 6.099 0' 204-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 12,173 12,635 10.377 10.937 10792 10,792 600 TOTALS 463.297 494,264 3S9,798 527.559 521:1: 521.515 01 204-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 500 01 204.650-653 POSTAGE COSTS 100 100 100 01 204-650654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 0 100 100 100 0' -204-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 119 790 790 1,745 1,745 1.775 650 TOTALS 119 790 790 1,745 2.445 2.475 01-204-700702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 484 750 750 750 750 750 01-204-700-706 DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPTIONS 436 540 540 510 510 510 01 -204- 700- 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 - 01-204-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 20,000 20,000 20.000 01-204700758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 0 100 100 100 01-204- 700- 759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 500 500 500 01 204700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 37,832 51,600 51.600 47,500 47.500 47,500 0' -204- 700 788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 1500 ; ,500 1,500 700 TOTALS 38.752 52,890 52.890 70,860 70,860 70.860 - 01 204800-802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 3,200 3.200 3.200 - 01-2D4-800-805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 9500 C 120,000 120,00C 120.000 800 TOTALS 9500 123.20C 123200 123,200 204 TOTALS 51 ~ ,668 54"7',944 443,478 723,364 718,020 718.050 01/21 -103- FUl'ID: 205 PROGR~l: Selective Enforcement and Education ACTIVITY STATEMENT Staffim! Level Authonzed Strength of 4 Police Officers Overview of Onl!oinl! and Present Activities - Provide School Resource Officers to two Middle Schools and one HIgh School. Provides services and programs for Elementary Schools (Safe KJds, Smart ChoIces) ASSist Patrol and APCO m patrollmg of city streets and parks, on bicycle, to mcrease the visibilIty of the polIce department to cItizens of Wheat Ridge. Provide education, tralrung, gUidance and alternatives to you of the community through establIshed programs and coordmatIOn With establIshed entities such as parks and recreatlOn, teen center, schools, communIty service organizatIOns and parent groups. Develop, orgaruze and assist community/neighborhood orgaruzatlons deSigned to pro actively address a variety of community concerns and needs. Programs may mclude CAP meetmgs, commumty watch and cnme preventlOn. Communicate, encourage, and collaborate With all pollee department bureaus and city departments m developmg potential community polIcmg programs. - - - Notable Chan!!es in 2002 Staffreduced from five officers to four The SEE Unit IS stlll waltmg for the transfer of the fourth member of the unit. Mandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State None Revenue Generated None -104- Equipment Assil!:ned Umt 13 - 1994 Ford Bronco - Vm #lFMEUI5H6RLB29477 Umt 86 - 2001 Ford Crown Vie - Vin#2FAFP7lW7lX188719 Urut 96 -1996 Ford CroVo/ll Vie - Vm#2FALP7lWlTXl08241 4 - Trex - Police Model Mountam Bikes .- -- - - -105- fUl'\D: 205 PROGR~l: Selective Enforcement and Education ACTIVITY STATEMENT Staffin!?: Level Authorized Strength of 4 Police Officers Overview of On!?:oin!?: and Present Activities - ProVIde School Resource Officers to two Middle Schools and one High School. ProVides services and programs for Elementary Schools (Safe Kids, Smart ChoIces) ASSIst Patrol and APCO m patrollmg of city streets and parks, on bicycle, to mcrease the vlsiblllty of the pollee department to cItizens of Wheat Ridge. PrOVide education, tralrung, gUidance and alternatives to you of the commumty through establ1shed programs and coordmatIOn With establlshed entities such as parks and recreatlOn, teen center, schools, community service organizations and parent groups Develop, orgaruze and assIst commumty/nelghborhood orgaruzatlOns deSIgned to pro actIvely address a vanety of commumty concerns and needs. Programs may mclude CAP meetmgs, commumty watch and cnme preventIOn. Commumcate, encourage, and collaborate With all pollce department bureaus and city departments m developmg potential community pollcmg programs. - - - - - Notable Chan!?:es in 2002 - Staffreduced from five officers to four The SEE Umt IS still waltmg for the transfer of the fourth member of the urnt. - - -- Mandated Pro!!rams - federal and State None - Revenue Generated None -104- EQuipment Assi!!:ned Umt 13 - 1994 Ford Bronco - Vin #lFMEU15H6RLB29477 Umt 86 - 2001 Ford Crown Vie - Vin#2FAFP7lW7lX188719 Urut 96 - 1996 Ford Crown Vie - Vin#2F ALP71 WlTX108241 4 - Trex - Pollee Model Mountalll Bikes - - - - -105- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POLICE SEE 01 -205-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 140.068 148,668 146.328 149.044 147.064 147.064 01 205-600.610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 14,272 12.280 6.057 10.800 10,800 10.800 01-205-600-618 COURT PAY '82 1755 '27 ~ 440 144C 1,440 01-205-600-622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 10.114 12,326 9,456 2248' 22462 22,462 01 205-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1462 2,359 2,211 2.339 2.290 2,290 01 -205-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 13,756 14,867 14,141 14,905 14,706 14,706 600 TOTALS , 79,854 192,255 , 78.320 201,009 , 98. 762 198.762 01 205-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 500 500 500 01-205-650-653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 500 500 500 Jl 205-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 547 3,160 560 3.330 3,330 3.330 01 205-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 9.227 8.315 8.315 10.87: 6764 8,764 650 TOTALS 9,774 11.475 8,875 15.205 12,094 12.094 :11 205-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEET1NG EXPENSE 280 750 750 800 800 800 01 205 700 706 DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPTIONS 2.000 2.000 350 2000 2000 2.000 01.205.700730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 911 2,000 650 2.000 2,000 2,000 - C 205.700.75C PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 7,500 7500 7,500 01 205 700 758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 0 0 01-205-700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 0 1.500 1500 1,500 01.205-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 639 1,750 1.750 '400 1400 1400 01-205-700-788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 3000 3.000 3,000 700 TOTALS 3,830 6.500 3,500 1S,200 1S 200 18,200 - - SOO TOTALS 0 0 0 0 0 - 229.056 205 TOTALS 193,458 210,230 190.695 234.414 229,056 - - 01:21 -106- FUl'i1): 206 PROGR<\M: Records Section ACTDnTYSTATEMENT Staffm!! Level 1 Records Supervisor 5 Records SpecialIst 1 Seruor Volunteer ( 4 hours per week, 200 hours per year) Overview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities Process, mamtarn, and arcillve all pollee reports and related documents. . Provide pollce reports, management mformation, on-lrne computer mformation, and other related services. Contrnue to develop and rmplement rrnproved automated procedures. Bond pnsoners rn cooperatlOn With other law enforcement agencies. Fingerpnnt CitIzens for vanous licenses and Job related requrrements. ASSist cItizens With therr pollee related questions or refers them to the appropriate agency Mamtarn InformatlOn on Sexual Offenders and Weapons Derual subJects. Perform bookkeepmg and billIng functions for appropnate ordmances. . .... . - . - - Notable Chan!!es in 2002 ~ Out source the scanrung of police records for permanent retentIOn. Scan documents from January 1, 2002, forward, for permanent retenhon onto cd rom. -- - - Mandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State - None .... Revenue Generated - Pollee Record Fees Pollee Record Checks Pollee Alarm Fees Pollee Fingerpnnt Fees $15,000 per year $ 1,000 per year $ 5,000 per year $ 4,000 per year Equipment Assi!!ned None -107- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED OEPT OEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL APPROVED ESTIMATE REOUESTED RECOMMENd APPROVAL POLICE RECORDS 01-206-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 148.506 175.632 141,514 181,612 179.200 179,200 01-206-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 7,674 8,200 3.471 e.512 8.512 8.512 01 206-600.620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 9,589 , 1,396 8.989 11788 11638 11.638 01-206-600-622 MED1CAUDENT AL INSURANCE 23,738 29.604 23,100 38.844 38,823 38.823 01-206-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.242 2.666 2.102 2,757 2.722 2.722 01 -206-600-630 CCQEAA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 4,958 4,459 4,459 7.265 6,' 14 6.114 600 TOTALS 196.707 231,957 183.635 250,778 247,009 247,009 01 -206-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 2000 2000 2.000 01 -206-650-653 POSTAGE COSTS 0 0 0 81-206650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 6,225 17,035 17.035 17.872 17.872 17,872 01 206-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 282 835 835 886 886 886 650 TOTALS 6,507 17.870 17.870 20.758 '8.758 20.758 01-206- 700- 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 96 600 600 700 700 700 C 1-206-700-706 DUES, BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPTIONS 35 35 35 50 50 50 01-206-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 84,000 30.000 30,000 0' 206700758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 3.053 3,053 3,053 01-206-700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 0 0 01-206-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 2.400 2.400 2.600 2.600 2,600 01-206-700-788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 700 TOTALS 131 3,035 3.035 90.403 36403 36,403 01.206-800.808 CAPITAL LEASE (XEROX MACHINES) 0 0 0 - 800 TOTALS 0 0 0 - 304.170 206 TOTALS 203,345 252,862 204,540 361.939 302.170 C1/21 -108- FUND: General PROGRAM: Pohce Training ACTIVITY STATEMENT Staffinl!: Level: Training Coordmator 0.5 Overview of On~oinl!: and Present Activities · Process all tralnmg requests for pollee department employees · Develop the annual In-service tramlng · Coordinator the In-service training with Edgewater. Lakeside and Mountain Vie\\ Pohce Department · Mamtam tramlng histories for all pohce department employees · Mamtam up-to-date references and trammg matenals · Distribute necessary references and matenals to pollce employees · Participate m the Field Trainmg Program · Supervise Pohce Techmclans dunng their attendance m a Law Enforcement Trammg Academ) · Arrange requested Instructors for the La\\ Enforcement Training Academy · Equip and outfit all new officers · Oversee the repair and/or replacement of damaged and/or worn eqUIpment and umforms · Schedule onentatlon training for ne\\ pohce department employees · PartiCipate In related committees and organizatIOns · Prepare cnme statistiCS for City personnel and cItizen requests · Prepare administrative statistiCS for city personnel · ProVide administrative assistance to the Hotel/Motel Program -- Notable Cham!es in 2002: - None Mandated Prol!:rams - Federal and State: None Revenue Generated: None Equipment Assil!:ned: Vehicle Formerly Unit 46 Engme blew and am currently waltmg for another vehicle assignment. -109- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCil ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REOUESTED RECOMMEND APPAQV Al POLlCE TRAINING 01 207-600.602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 23.523 22.608 22.471 23.823 23.506 23.506 01-207.600610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 1.038 1,550 90 1.550 1,550 1,550 01 207.600-618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 01-207.600.620 FICA EXPENSE-EMPLOYER '446 1,498 1,399 1,571 1,552 1,552 01 -207-600-622 MEDICAUDENTAllNSURANCE 799 2,383 1489 2.928 1.689 1,689 01-207-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 356 350 328 368 363 363 01-207-600-630 CCQERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 892 904 879 956 904 904 C 1-207-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 600 TOTALS 28.054 29.293 26.656 31,196 29,564 29.564 Ql-2C7-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLlES 0 0 500 500 500 01.207650-653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 0 300 300 300 01-207-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 500 500 500 01 207-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 408 3,085 3,085 :3 500 3,500 3.500 650 TOT ALS 408 3.085 3.085 480C 4,80C 4.800 01-207700-7C2 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 9.077 3,900 3,900 4100 4100 4,100 C 1-207 700 706 DUES, BOOKS. & SUBSCRtPTIONS 2,671 2.675 2.675 3.700 3,70C 3,700 01-207700-728 TRAINING 66,909 57,800 57.800 68.000 68,000 68.000 01 207700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 25.077 35.000 35,000 36,750 36""SC 36,750 01-207-700-758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 0 01-207700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 500 500 500 - 01-207700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE " 500 500 0 0 - 700 TOTALS 103,749 99,875 99.875 113,050 , 13.050 113,050 - - C' 207-800-809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 60.526 0 0 - 800 TOTALS 0 60,526 0 0 -- 207 TOTALS 132.2" 132.253 129,616 209572 147414 147.414 - 01/21 Training Coordinator salary 1/2 paid in Acct. 207 and 1/2 paid in Fund 63 -1l0- FUND' 211 PROGRAM. Patrol ACTIVITY STATEMENT The Patrol Bureau proV1des preventatIve police patrol and emergency response to the pubhc. Provides non-emergency assistance to the public as requested. Develops community and problem oriented policing programs. Promotes customer service. STAFFING LEVEL: I Commander 6 Sergeants 29 Police Officers 3 Recruit Police Officers in the Field Training Program OVERVIEW OF ONGOING AND PRESENT ACTIVITIES ProVIde emergency response times not to exceed four and one-half minutes. AggressIvely, but fairly, enforce aU laws of the City_ State, and Federal government, through strict adherence to the Department MiSSion Statement and Pohcles. Evaluate our level of effectiveness and citIZen satisfactIon. ActIvely partiCipate rn commuruty and problem oriented pohcing programs to rnclude, the arrnual Carnation Festival. Juvenile Assessment Center, LIquor Licensee tra1Illllg programs, regular meetrngs with Arapahoe House staff. regular meetmgs With Fire Cluef and Fire Department Staff, enforcement and CrIme prevention with local hotels and motels, dIrected traffic enforcement. and ride along programs. Through dIrected patrol assignments. deploy and utilize our personnel to best meet the needs of the citIZens of Wheat RIdge and the pohce department. NOTABLE CHANGES None MANDATED PROGRAMS-FEDERAL AND STATE None REVENUE GENERATED None EQl1IPMENT ASS!GNED 16 PolIce vehIcles urut# 27 1974 Chev SWAT V AN 39 2001 Ford Crown Vic 50 1997 Ford Crown Vie 51 1997 Ford Crown Vic 53 1999 Ford Crown Vic 54 1999 Ford Crown Vic Activity Statement FUND 211 2. ~ ,) 4 - - 5 - - - - .... -- -- - -111- 56 1999 Ford Crown Vie 57 1999 Ford Crown Vie 58 1999 Ford Crown Vie 81 2001 Ford Crown Vie 82 2001 Ford Crown V1C 83 2001 Ford Crown Vie 85 2001 Chevy Tahoe 92 2001 Ford Cro'WTI VIe 93 2001 Ford Crown Vie 98 1996 Ford Crown Vie - -- -- - - -112- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCiL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APf:>ROVAL POLICE PATROL 01'211-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 1,643,065 1.850.592 1.754.074 1,871462 , .846,604 1.846.604 01 211-600-603 LONGEVITy 1,873 233 233 0 0 01211-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMJUM PAY , 33,803 100,QOO 168.888 128.365 128.365 128,365 Ot 211-600-618 COURT PAY 26,153 30,DOD 30.000 30,125 30,125 30,125 01 211 600-620 FICA EXPENSE E.MPLOYER 4.164 2,045 2.221 2.221 2,221 01-211-600-622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE' 152,700 194,376 , 86.005 213.050 2' 2.800 212,800 01-211-600.625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 18,366 28.722 22.820 27137 28,637 28.637 01211-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 157,365 , 85.339 175,408 187146 184.660 184.660 01 211-600-634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE '1595 11,500 15.378 2018E 2C, ~ 86 20.186 600 TOT ALS 2,149,084 ~.400,762 2.354.851 2.479,692 2 4~3,5ge 2,453.598 01211 650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,OOC 4,000 4,000 01-211-650-653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 500 500 500 01-21 t-650-654 PHOTOCOPY 8: PRINTING EXPENSE 0 2,000 200C 2,000 01-211-650-657 RANGE SUPPLIES 14,021 22.120 20,120 24,875 24,87~ 24.875 01-211-650-6.60 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8,986 10.320 9.750 14,170 22670 22,670 650 TOT AlS 23,007 32.440 29.870 45.545 54.04~ 54,045 - 01-211700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 429 510 350 620 620 620 01-~~1-700 706 DUES. BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPTIONS 575 - 340 475 450 575 575 01 211 700.727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 137 600 600 700 700 700 - 01-211 700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 4,200 10,860 9.660 8500 8.500 8,500 01-211700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 17,209 24,250 25,800 -- 22.000 36,800 25.80C 01 211 700-758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 1,68C 3,90E 3,906 - :)1211 700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 0 7000 70DO 7.000 01-211-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,281 1.150 - 1 150 1,025 1 150 150 01-2'1-700-788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 6000 6,00e 6,000 ... 700 TOT AlS 23,596 37 845 34085 63,025 54.25' 54.251 - - 01-211-800-802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 12,495 5.345 409 0 01-21'-800-804 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 - 01-211-800-805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 5664 0 - 01-2T1-BOO-B08 CAPITAL lEASE (XEROX MACHINES) 0 0 0 2,226 0 01-211-800-809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 2,855 1,200 1,200 7,500 7.500 7,500 - - 800 TOTALS 21.014 6,545 1,609 9,726 7,500 7,500 211 TOTALS 2.216,701 2477,592 2,420,415 2,597,988 2,569.394 2.569.394 01/21 -113- FUND: 212 PROGRAM: Pohce Investigations ACTIVITY STATEMENT Staffinl! Level Pollce Commander 1 Pollee Sergeant I Pollce Officer II 10 AdmmlstratIve ASSistant 1 EVidence Techmclan 1 Warrants Clerk 1 Pawn Clerk Yz Sex Offender Registration Clerk 1 - Overview of Onl!oinl! and Present Activities . InvestIgate Felony Crimes and Cnmes of Significant Commumty Impact Coord mate prosecutIOn of offenders With District Attorneys Office . Coordmate Cnme prevention efforts With the Patrol Bureau Mamtam a controlled mventory of evidence and property m the possessIOn of the Pollee Department. Process cnme scenes for forenSIC evidence and process evidence in the lab Register Sex Offenders and maintain a current registry Momtor Sex Offenses, Child Abuses, and DomestIc Violence Cases With other agencies. Cooperate With other Metropolitan AgenCies in the momtonng and reduction of cnme. - -- - - Notable Chanl!es in 2001-02 - - The registration of Sex Offenders Law has been changed so that these offenders must register quarterly In 2001 we estimate 971 manhours will be used and that could double m 2002. - Mandated Prol!rams - Federal and State The Sex Offenders RegistratIOn Law is a mandated program, see attached. Revenue Generated None EQuipment Assil!:ned #3-2000 Honda. #18-99 Honda, #40-2001 Honda, #14-2000 Honda, #19-99 Honda, #47-94 Ford, #15-85 Ford Van, #21-2001 Honda, #48-94 Ford, #16-2000 Honda. #23-2001 Honda, #77 -98 Chevy Van, -114- Sex Offender Registration Hours August 28,2001 Total Hours DetectlVes Yearly RegIstratIOn (lhr per SXO x 80 SXO's) 80 Quarterly RegIstrat.on Follow-ups (.25 hr per SXO x 80 x3x's) 60 Monthly updates to determine who needs to regIster (lhr x 12 mas) 12 SXO sweep preparatlOn (15 hrs x 2 sweeps) 30 SXO sweep (20 hrs x 9 detecuves) 180 SXO sweep follow-up (Filrng, puttillg photos back etc, 10 hrs x 2) 20 SXO follow~up (patrol reports x 10 per years x 4hrs.) 40 SXO follow-up on our SXO's (warrants follow-up, approx, 10 x 8) 80 Metro agency meetmgs re SXO's (6mtgs x 2hs x 2 detectives) 24 'i\'b.eat fudge Pollee Department mtgs (4 x 2 hrs.x 10 employees) 80 Redomg papenvork, forms, case review, law reView, officer assistance etc 100 Karen Peil Yearly reglstratlOn (CCIC entry, QH, copIes, filing etc. 1 hr per SXO) UnregrstratlOn of SXO' s (Ours and other agencies) SXO sweep preparatlOn (CCIC for warrants etc. .25 x 80 x 2 sweeps) SXO sweep updates (20 hrs. x 20) - 80 20 40 40 Records Lists to cItlzens (Approx. 100 per year x 10 min.) Change of address forms (20 x 10 min.) Quarterly regIstratIon forms (80 SXO's x 10 min. x 3 per year) Jearrne Lamb Mugs and maps updates 17 3 40 - - "'- ",,) - Unknov,;n tlffie allotments Court tlffie for officers on case filed MedIa for P .1.0 (phone calls from mema and citizens reference these cases) Approximate Total (Based on 80 Regrstered SXO's) 971 Hours -115- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCil ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REOUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POLICE -CRIMINAL INVESTIGATIONS 01-212-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 651.746 641.160 573.140 781,293 740,234 740,234 01 212-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 64,990 51,325 62,000 62,145 62,145 62.145 01.212~600-614 STANDBY PAY 3,722 5.233 4,673 5.000 5.000 5.000 01-212-600-617 TEMP PERSONNEL.HOURL Y 241 12,690 13.375 13.375 13.375 01212600618 COURT PAY 6,285 8.560 4,671 5,350 5.35C 5,350 01 -2; 2-600-620 FICA EXPENSE-EMPLOYER 6732 6,919 7,553 9,069 8.948 8,948 01 2'2-600.622 MEDICAUDENTAllNSURANCE 43,165 45,234 48.616 73.327 73.221 73,221 01212-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 6.859 9,297 5.372 12.574 , 1,979 11,979 01-212-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 5,369 4,464 4,746 4,702 4,657 4,657 01 212-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 56,012 52,956 44,968 64,840 59,591 59.591 600 TOTALS 845,121 825148 768.429 1.031,675 984,500 984.500 :)1 212650651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 500 500 500 01-21L'-650-653 POST AGE COSTS 49 350 150 350 350 350 01 -2 1 2-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 0 0 500 500 500 01 212-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 11,752 11.450 11.450 15.460 15460 15,460 650 TOTALS 11,801 11,800 11,600 16.810 1ES1C' 16.810 01212-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 2.470 5,120 5,120 5,655 5655 5.655 C1 2'2 700-706 DUES, BOOKS, & SUBSCRIPTIONS 1,060 1,615 1,615 725 1725 1,725 :Jl.2~2-700,n7 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 491 1400 1400 140C 14QC 1,400 c~ 212-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 142 1 165 1 165 1.800 1,800 1,800 01-212-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 13.490 32.160 28,160 19,240 19.240 19,240 - 01-212-700.758 RENTAL & LEASES 165 1,850 1,850 1,850 1,850 01212-700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 5,000 5.000 5.000 - 01.212-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1 185 1.605 1.605 1 125 1 125 1.125 - 01-212-700.788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 2500 2500 2,500 - 700 TOTALS 19.003 44,915 39,065 40.295 40.295 40.295 Cl 212800-802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 600 435 28.350 28.350 28,350 01 212-800-804 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 3,600 0 2.700 2.700 2.700 C1-212-800.809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 100 000 0 0 800 TOT ALS 3.600 600 435 131,050 31,050 31,050 212 TOTALS 879,525 882,463 819,529 1,219,830 10n,655 1,072.655 01/21 -116- Fm-.'D: 213 PROGRAM. Traffic Enforcement Umt ACTDnTYSTATEMEl'.l The Traffic Unit provides expert investigation of traffic accidents, truck-veh1cle mspectlOns, targeted traffic enforcement, reconstruction of serious accidents, investigatIOn of traffic related calls for service, follow-up on felony case filmgs through the dIStrict attorney's office, and coordillauon between traffic officers, traffic engineering, and maintenance. STAFFING LEVEL 3 police officers, 1 police sergeant OVERVIEW OF ONGOING AND PRESENT ACTIVITIES 1. Continue the Traffic Unit with an emphasis on selective traffic enforcement and drrected patrols. 2. The Traffic Unit will continue to work to reduce the number of traffic accidents by analyzing data and concentrating traffic enforcement in mgh accident areas. 3 Provide thorough investigation of traffic accidents and reconstruction of serious traffic accidents. 4 Target DUI drivers and reduce the number ofDUI accidents and illJunes. 5. Provide traffic enforcement ill the school zones when schoolJS in session. 6 Investigate traffic related calls for servlce, including neighborhood parking complaints. 7. Investigation and follow up of vehicles abandoned on the streets ofthe City 8. ProVIde greater cooperation with neighborhoods in developing speed programs. 9. Respond in a prioritized system to citIZen requests for extra traffic enforcement in their neighborhoods to help maintain the quality of life they expect. 10 Cooperate with the traffic engineers in solving traffic related pro blerns. 11 Provide traffic control as necessary due to mamtenance, power outages or special events 12. Provide traffic officers with continuing training. 13. Provide penodic truck inspectIOns ill cooperatIOn with the State of Colorado Port of Entry personneL 14 Provide emergency response times not to exceed three and one-halfmmutes, and non-emergency response not to exceed fifteen minutes. NOTABLE CHANGES None MANDATED PROGRAMS- FEDERAL AND STATE None REVENUE GENERATED None EQUIPMENT ASSIGNED 3 Police motorcycles, 2 police cars Unit 7 2000 H-D motor, Unit 81999 H-D motor, Unit 91997 H-D motor, Unit 591999 Ford Cro'W'U Vie police car, Unit 60, 1999 Crown Vic police car - - - - - -117- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REOUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POLICE-TRAFFIC UNIT 01-213.600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 150.760 198.156 198.067 213462 210,627 210.627 0,-213-600-603 LONGEVITY 1,656 1,704 1657 0 01.213600610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 9.501 8.900 8.900 9.380 9.380 9,380 01-2;3-600.618 COURT PAY 1,204 8,900 8.900 6,'50 6,150 6.150 01 213600622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE' 12,711 21,260 22,221 26044 26.012 26,012 01-213-60C-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,397 3,156 2,173 3,321 3.280 3.280 0,-2'3-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 14,982 19,986 19,B07 21,346 21.063 21,063 0,-213.600.634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 1.054 1,054 1.054 600 TOTALS 192,211 262,062 261725 280.757 277,566 277,566 01-213-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 01 213-650653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 250 250 250 01 213-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 0 0 200 200 200 01-213650-662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 750 750 750 01 -213-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 650 TOTALS 0 0 1.200 1,20C 1.200 01-213-700-702 CONFERENCE 8. MEETING EXPENSE 208 240 240 300 300 300 C1 213700-706 DUES. BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPT!ONS 210 100 210 210 210 01-213-700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 665 4,650 3,500 4,880 4,880 4,880 01213700758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 01213-700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 1,500 1.500 1,500 -- 01 213.70C 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 764 1.300 1,300 1.300 1,300 1,300 - 01 213.700-788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 0 3000 3000 3,000 700 TOTALS 1.637 6.400 5.140 11 190 11.190 11.190 -- c~ 213-800-809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 3,505 0 0 800 TOTALS 3505 0 - 289,956 213 TOTALS 197,353 268.462 266.865 293,147 289956 01/21 -- -118- Fl1]\1): 214 PROGRAM: Pollee Special InveshgatIOns ACTDnTYSTATEMENT Staffin~ Level Pollee Sergeant I Pollee Officer II 2 Overview of On!!oinl!: and Present Activities Investigate Felony Drug Related Crimes and Cnmes of Significant Commuruty Impact that relate to vice and gamblrng activities Coordrnate prosecutlOn of offenders with District Attorneys Office ProVide Inte1llgence Information to the Patrol and Investigations Bureau Provlde a proachve approach to reduce the use and sale of controlled substances Coordrnate and Investigate Liquor hcense appllcatlOns and the VIOlation of lIquor laws by lIcensees, PartiCipates in the discovery and clean up of clandestine labs. Cooperate with other Metropolitan Agencies in the monitoring and reductIOn of errrne. Notable Chanl!:es in 2001-02 The number of clandestme labs rn the City and metropolitan area IS doublrng every year. Mandated Prol!:rams - Federal and State None Revenue Generated None - Equipment Assi~ned Leased Automobiles #190-2000 Toyota Carnry #191-1999 Ford F150 #192-1999 Ford Ranger -119- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POlleE SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS UNIT 01-214-600-602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 139,156 '11,372 160.000 168.182 165,948 165.948 81.214.600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 18,105 22,520 10.565 15710 15,710 15.710 01-214-600-618 COURT PAY 1,020 3.345 1,000 5,350 5.350 5.350 01-214-600-619 TEMPPEASONNEL-HOUALY 947 0 01-214-600-622 MEDICAUOENTAL INSURANCE 9,560 7,772 , 1486 17906 17,879 17 ,879 01-214-600625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 770 1.990 876 2,745 2.712 2.712 01.214.600.633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 13,867 11.137 '1,498 16.818 16.595 16.595 600 TOTALS 183,425 158,136 195.425 226.711 224194 224,194 0'-214-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 200 200 200 01214-650-653 POST AGE COSTS 0 0 0 50 50 50 01.214.650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PAINTING EXPENSE 0 0 200 200 200 01214-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 149 150 150 150 150 150 650 TOTALS 149 150 150 600 600 600 01214700-706 DUES, BOOKS. & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 100 100 100 100 100 01-214.700.727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 72 150 150 150 150 150 01.214.700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 32 300 300 300 300 300 01214.700.758 RENTAL & LEASES 15,511 17460 15,653 18.000 18.QOO 18,000 Cl.215.70Q.759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 750 750 750 01 214700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 250 250 300 300 300 01.214.700.788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 1500 1500 1,500 - C' -2' 4.700- 799 Mise SERVICES & CHARGES 0 0 C 0 -- 700 TOTALS 15,615 18,260 16.453 21 100 21 100 21,100 - 800 TOTALS 0 0 - - 214 TOTALS 199,189 176.546 212,028 248.41' 245894 245,894 -- 01:21 -120- FUND: PROGRi\...'l: 215 Emergency OperatIOns ACTIVITY STATEMENT Activitv Statement Tills program IS the emergency management area for the City. It is a rather lmuted budget that covers specific details of our program. There are no full trrne staff members assigned to the program. Over-time costs are covered for our participation at the Household Hazardous Waste faclllty m Jefferson Co Each year members ofthe pollee department plan and execute Emergency Operation Center exercises to test our resources rn case of a real emergency Vie keep an up-dated emergency plan, and resource list as well. Normally dunng these exerCIses we combine our program with other muruclpallties and the county. Tills exercise satisfies our flood rnsurance program reqUIrements as well, and contributes to lower insurance rates for citizens. Staffin!! Level One part tune mdlvldual to momtor the Household Hazardous Waste facilIty - Overview of Oneoin~ and Present Activities Tills program covers the expenses for the J effersow Adams County Hazmat Team affiliatlOn; exerCIse deSign and rmplementatlon, and the hazardous waste facility costs. The up-date ofthe emergency plan combrned with our arrnual exercise are the only on-gomg actiVitieS. - l'otable Chan2es in 2002 - Addltlon of costs under 215-704 for exerClse development costs. The City - along wlth other mumclpalities and the county - contracts with a company to design reallstlc, professlOnal exercise scenarios each year The City's share IS normally about $3500 Tills was prevIOusly covered rn the pollee cillefbudget (201) - Mandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State Emergency management - plans and testrng of the plans are federal and state reqUIrements. Revenue Generated None Equipment Assi~ned None -121- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCil ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGTE ESTIMATE REQUESTED RECOMMEND APPROVAL POUCE-EMERGENCY OPERATIONS 01-215-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 0 500 0 01 -21 5.600.620 FICA EXPENSE-EMPLOYER 31 0 0 0 01-215-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 600 TOTALS 0 538 0 01-215-650-651 OFF1CE SUPPLIES 01.215-650-653 POST AGE COSTS 01-215.650.654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 0 500 200 500 500 500 01-215-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 555 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4.000 01-215-650-663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 4,646 5,600 5.600 6,000 7,800 7,800 650 TOTALS 5.201 10.100 9.800 10500 12300 12.300 01-215-700-704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 12.765 16.000 16.000 20.000 20,000 20.000 01-215-700-758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 01 215-700759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 0 0 01 215-700-788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 0 ..- 700 TOTALS 12,765 16,000 16.000 20.000 20000 20,000 - 800 TOTALS 0 0 0 215 TOTALS 17,966 26.638 25,800 30,500 32.300 32.300 01/21 - - - - -122- " ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ~ """ \w '-' '-' - - - '- - - - - - - - - "" ~ </J Q) $. '0 ~ c; $. o ~ ~ ~ ~ ::.. '0 <1l .~ '" 0- ~ CfJ - ~ ~ - ~'Z ~ 0 ~ <!2 ~ C. c C '" '" '" ctUl 0- G -:;, ~ s ;r, CfJ ... -;:; <1l O~ '" <:( ';!. OJ ~ ..- -0 -- ~ c 3~ ~ s - 0 - ~ c U 2. '" - ~4 :;; (2 I- - ..Jo.. - COUl - ':) 0 - 0.. - - 0- <1l :::- OJ 6"- $. - "" ~ '0 () ~ OJ ~ - () I- CJ I- ry iC ry t; '" - ~ Q) 0 ~ t; ~ Co OJ D- c: to CJ 0> '" c: c ..- 0> uJ - C uJ - - - o <1l ~ '" 0- ~ CfJ '" u c: '" c: '" C '" :;; - ~ ~ ~ ~ -:;, "... -;; c: <( _~24- FU:\'D 301 PROGR,\!\l Public Works AdmmlstralIon ACT!\ IT\' ST A TEl\1E:\T Pro\'ldes dlreclIon to the Engmeenng. Street Mamtenance Traffic. and Fleet j,lamtenance DI\'ISlons. Malntams responslblllly for the Street. Dramage. and Traffic proJects In the Capllal Projects Fund]O Pro\'ldes recommendalIons to the Clly Manager on future Public \\'or\...s proJects and programs. Staffin~ Le\ el I Dlr<:ctor of Public Wor\...s I AdmmlstralIve AssIstant O\er\'le\\ ofOn!!oln!! and Present AClI\'llIes Begin the ImplemelllatlOn of the Streetscape Manual on De\'elopment and CapllJ! ProJects Continue to pro\ Ide qUJllly sef\ Ice le\els In JII dl\ ISlons orthe department by meetlllg the needs of the communlly ConlInue \\'llh the ~elghborhood TrJffic \1anagement Program and refine lls capabllIlIes as expenence. effiCiency. and sef\'lce demJnds require ~otable ChJn!!es In 2002 The InCorporJlIOn of the standards defined In the ne\\ StreetscJpe \lanuallllto ne\\ projects. ThiS \\111 requIre addllIonal funding for projects \\'hlch potenlIJlly \\'111 reduce the number of proJects done vet IncreJse the quallt~ of the projects to meet the ne\\ standJrds adopted by the Cm Councll \kctll1g l)r C\CC<:dll1g the npectJlIons ofthc nc\\ "\lan.Jgcll1cnt Plan" bemg de\e1oped b~ the ne\\ CIt~ \Ianager 'Iandates Pro!!rams - Federal and State \ol1e Re\ el1ue Generated '\,one EliUIPmcnt .-'\ssl~ncd l'\one -125- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 B U DG ET PW ADMIN WORK! ACCOUNT # 301 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Departmetn Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimated Reouested Recommend PPROVED -- 602 STAFF WAGES 125 964 129.996 129.996 137016 135 196 135.196 603 LONGEVIT'l1 0 0 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 4467 4610 4.610 4.859 4794 4.794 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3.200 3.600 3600 3600 3600 3.600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 c 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 6751 8.283 8.283 7.343 7.310 7.310 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 11.228 13.681 13.681 15789 16769 16,769 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1.939 1.937 1 937 1.987 1 960 1.960 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1 465 1.512 1.512 1 594 . 572 1.572 COMPENSATED ABSENSE 0 0 0 2.000 2000 I 2,000 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 155014 163619 163619 174 188 173.201 173.201 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6666 3.950 I 3950 . 5DC 1 SOC I 1.500 653 POSTAGE 0 o 1 0 50C I 50C 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 ' ooe ' ODe I 1,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 C C 0 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 0 0 0 0 c- O 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 6666 I 3950 3950 I 3000 ! 3000 3,000 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING I 2.604 2000 2410 I 330e 3.300 3.300 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 1 0 0 0 C 0 0 706 DUES/BOO KS/S U BSCRI PTIONS 208 650 65C I 650 650. 650 728 TRAINING 30 450 450 45C' 450 450 730 UNIFORMS 185 250 25C 25J 250 250 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT C 0 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES c- o c 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES C C 0 ' 12" 124 1.124 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 C - 1 500 1.500 ' c 761 STREET LIGHTING 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 I 774 FACILITY REPAlRlMAlNTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 1 000 500 1 000 I 500 500 I 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 1 0 0 o I 0 0 1 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ 0 450 450 450 450 450 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB.TOTAL 3 or I 4800 4710 7.224 I 8.224 I 8.224 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 o I 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 o I 0 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 C G 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 c I 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 c, I J " 0 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS r 164707 I 172 369 i 172.279 1 184 412 I 184 425 i 184,425 - - - - - - -,26- FC!\"D 302 PROGR.\...l\l Public Works Engrneerrng ACTIVITY ST A TD1E:-;T Plans and adnurust~rs th~ design. marntenance and construct10n of str~et, dramage and traffic lIU;)IOV~men: proJects and preventive street marntenance projects that are identuied m the Capm.; Improvement program. Prondes traffic engmeenng and traffic control dence mamtena.'lce services. PrOVIdes engrneerrng reVlev. of Slt~ development plans and Issues perrru:s for gradrng and street cuts, Provdes sur.;eY'lllg serV1ces for deslgn and con strucnon. Staffin!! Le"el 1 elt) Engmeer 4 Engme~nng Techmclan 11 5 Engme~rmg T echmClan I 3 Engmeermg ASSIstant : z FTE Engm~errng ASSlStant ill conJunctlon With Traffic Engrneerrng OHniew of On!!oin!! and Present Activities Ongomg actl\'Jues mclude the surveymg, deSIgn bid processmg and consrructlon of c;J.pJt;J.l wlprovement proj~cts throughout the City Add1l10nal ongomg actl\'ltIes illclude the r~\'l~\\ 01 commercl::l! and resldenual site development plans and !.he processmg of vanous penruts for gT;J.dmg :md 71ght-of-wa) constructIOn. - - - - ;\otable Chan!!es in 2002 The mcof1)oratlOn of the elt) streetscape manual mto future ca;Jltallmpro\ ements projects \\111 most l1kel) requrre additional fundrng for these proJects -- -- ;\landates Pro:;rams - Federal and State !\one -- - Re\ enue Generated - Right-of- \\'a~ Construction Permits 523, 172.00 bas been generated as of August 2001. ior ngl:t-of-wa) constructIon penrut fees 59,00000 IS projected as potentIal revenue for the remaInder 14 months) of 200 1 532, 1-200 lotal revenue projected re\ enue Engineering Fees So;, 726 00 to date cas been generated as of AucL.s: :0,) ~. ie" en::l:1eenm: iees - -- S3.000 00 1S projected as potennal :-evenue for L'1e re7.:l:der i.:. r.;onths) 0; 2001 S 10, 72600 total projected revenue Total Projected ReHnue Generated: S~2. 898.00 Equipment Assi~ned See an:lched sheet. -127- 1....._'-III..."t;;;.f.,.IUKY UNJT# YEAR MAKE MODEL VlN# 61 1990 CHEV C'500 1 GCDC14Z6LZ217558 64 1990 CHEV CiSOO IGCDCI4Z5LZ2~ 8944 78 1991 CHEV C 15 1GCDCi4Z1MZ213562 200 200, HONDA ACCORDLX 1 HGCG56401 AOe0493 203 2000 GMC S-15 1GTCS19\N3Y631'8A4 204 2001 HONDA ACCORDLX IHGCG56421A080494 20!\ 2001 HONDA ACCORD LX 1 HGCG56441 A08062€ 206 2001 HONDA ACCORDLX JHMC8564B 1 C025453 207 2001 HONDA ACCORDLX JHMCG584513018552 208 1995 FORD F250 1FTHF25HOSLB1285B 209 2001 CHEV SUBURBAN 3GNGC2!5UX 1 G1 86260 210 2001 DOOG: DAKOTA 2B7GL2N9 1 S292280 DRIOO1 1985 MOBIL DRILL - - - -128- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET ACCT # 600 ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION 2000 2001 2001 Adopted Department Actual Bud et Estimated 2002 Department Re uested 2002 Manager Recommend 2002 COUNCIL PPROVED ENGINEERING WORK~ ACCOUNT # 302 ST AFF WAGES 537.054 587 160 587.160 635.340 624979 \ 624.979 602 0 LONGEVIT~ 0 0 0 0 0 603 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 J 0 606 AUTO ALLOW ANCE 0 0 0 C C 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 5.969 6.000 6000 7 OOC 7 OOC 7.000 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 C' ~ 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 21009 15.000 0 15000 1500e 15.000 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL. NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 34.971 37.706 37 706 40 755 ~e 113 40.113 622 MEDICALJDENTAL INSURANCE 40.215 48.046 52.375 56451 56 098 56.096 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 8.179 8818 8818 9.531 9381 I 9.381 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 19108 22.465 22.465 25" 1 ~ 2J 999 24.999 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 C r 0 I 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 666 505 725195 714.524 789491 I 7~~ 565 777.568 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 5 100 5 '00 5.100 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 50C- 500 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 1 ooe . OOC 1.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6329 7.500 7000 8000 1 ~ 880 7.880 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 0 0 C C' I - I o I , 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS J J 0 -, I c 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL o i 0 c c' I e 0: 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT J C i 0 0 e I e 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL I 8.329 I ~ 500 ~ 00: I 1 J 60C ' 1 J J8e 14.480 i I i I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 372 527 5r . ex J 000 j 1.000 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 c' e :} 0 706 DU ES/BOO KS/S U BSC RIPTIONS 808 1 500 1200' 2 oe,: i , 2---C' 1.270 728 TRAINING 2041 1 500 1 ooe ~ 00(' - :JIJC ! 7.000 I 730 UNIFORMS 1 313 : .500 ; 4JC I 1 6ne , J ~5 i 1.475 i 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT C C 1 0 e I e i 0' 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 5.898 2.000 I 5000 8 OOC I 5270 I 5.270 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 c 0 e 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 50C 500 500 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 3500 I 350C' 3.500 761 STREET LIGHTING 333 269 325 000 325 oeo I 350 000 I 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 c 0 ::'1 i 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE I 1476 3 DOC 3000 350n I 3 160 3.160 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 500 I 100 1 000 I 1 000 1.000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE o i e I 0 I c I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 3451~" I 335 5r I 33722"" I 378 100 24 175 24.175 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT ~29 I v c' 10000 10000 10,000 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT o I 0 C 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT -._,.. I C 0 l' 0 C" I 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT C I 0 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS o I r 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB.TOTAL , 489 I o i e I 1 COO: '0000 10.000 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 1 01 9 50C j 1 068.222 I 1 058 75' I I 826.223 I 1 192 191 828.223 - -' ",. ",. ",. . ~ ~ -129- Fl:\"D: 303 PROGRA~l. Public Works Street \larnt:::nan:e ACTI\iTY STATE:.\IE:\i Prandes routrne and preventJve marntenance for st'reets, alleys, storm drams and walkways Wltlun the publIc nghts-of-way Provldes snow removal and Ice control on City streets Pro\'Ides seasonal weed control vilthrn City nghts-of-way Staffin2 LeHI 1 Street S uperrntendent 3 Eqwpment Operator II 4 EqUIpment Operator I 5 1\1arntenance Worker II Temporary \\ orkers as needed 0\ erview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities The maJor actl\1tJes are street sweeprng, snov- and Ice removal, weed mov-lng, pothole patcrung. d:-:unage work and general nghts-of-way marntenance - ~otahle Chan2es in 2002 fue Cry wIll take over the nghts-of-way mamtenance along the Slate hlghw3.Ys (KJplmg, Wadsworth, Ward Road and Shenda11) \landated Pro!!rams - Federal and ~tate ;":one Re\enue Generated - '\or.e - - Equipment Assi!!ned See anachec sheet -130- r-I.-C= I II'; "eN I UK 1 UNI7# YEAR MAKE MODEL ViN # 5 1998 STRLG SC7000 49H6F MOXHA49132 36 1993 INT 4900 1 HTSHPCR1 PH487355 63 1990 CHE:V C2500 1 GCGC24KO~E2D3751 152 1987 RJI TL lRHS121T904873922 246 1999 GMC 3500 1 GTHK34R7X4517499 247 1998 INT 4900 1 HTS'1ADR9WH5D8464 249 1999 IN"i 4900 1 H"iSDADR4XH543158 250 1995 FORw F250 lFTHF25H2SL812859 251 1995 FORD F25D 1FTHF25rl9SLB12860 252 1996 INT 4900 1 HTSDMR1T'1303197 256 1986 FORO LNT8000 1 FDWV80U6GVA37283 262 1997 ELGIN PELICAN P-2549-D 253 1996 MOBIL '1-106-2 1 A9W230F7SR05019 264 1999 ELGIN PELICAN P3097-0 266 1994 JD 5300 L V5300D330532 270 1973 FERG ROLLER 58338 271 1996 JD 4100 "i0410DG822733 272 1997 CASE 6218 JEE0054363 ~- 273 1980 MAULD ROLLER 8-9-80-112 -'- 274 1986 MAULCl ROLLER 41086229 277 1993 INT 4900 1 HTS'1PCR3Rrl546409 281 1995 CAT 120'1 4MKOO065 233 1994 LEROI Q375DJE 3277X34 284 2000 NW'1OL T5100 1475118 287 1974 LOINB:l TRAILER 12S7465P 298 1999 INT 4900 1'1TSDADR6XH643169 294 19CO GORMN PUMP 670265 235 1993 CH:::V C35QO 1 G8GC33K9DJ406646 1975 1992 D'NB:lS S\\'30 2677099 2005 1998 JOHNS 605 6C5/31539/5-98 -- r ')'. 1959 HYS"iR YE4J A3D2680C vi f .272 1983 F:lRK FORK AT7AC'1MENT GE~081 19CO ~,,~:CUL Mli==L1T GENERAT:lR -- GENOD2 1994 HaND'; EV/171 E61-1103289 PAV001 1985 R';YGO RAODS"i:::R V010G90618 -- PL0801 1954 R::JOT R"i52"'R10 28364 PLOO03 1984 RCOT RT52DR10 20355 -- PLOOD4 1984 R::JOT RT52"'R10 - I PLOOO5 1984 ROOT RT52PR 10 20356 , PLOOOS 1985 R::JOT RT52"'R10 XX51381 _I PLOO07 1993 ROOT RXT52.10 28608 93 PLOOOS 1998 R0::JT RXT6210 32699 98 - PLOO09 1999 ROOT RXTP 33461 99 - PLC245 1999 NRTH~' Cl6 1 077B 22702 PUf/.CQ1 , 980 HOMLl 1110"'31 60868350 - PU",1~02 1 S72 8ARNS pur,IP 19CCG8922397 PJf,1003 ,970 BARNS 30M 312758-49 -- ROT256 1994 RY!NO CY72 CY72-20a73 R~UCO~ 1994 BGO:'''' G24QOH 183 GRAZOR S':"N036 , 992 CNC:RD CRE '95 0465 SF96 -- SA \J24 7 1998 CN:RO C?,E195 2109SK95 SAN249 1999 CON:O 195 2213 5,';\1252 1995 AMER TG505 3557 S';\J=~~ 1993 Ci\;C:RD CRE195 C502SF96 SA ;:002 1995 C~RC-:- 13'1P 1255577 S"';,\2:2 2095 S'/':NSN S"".AYER S"'.'<277 1993 H'WAY TG:18 96277 TAM::)1 1980 WACK? V /i.~30 TIJ="'::,! 1998 t..1UN:'1 CS20 ,255 1986 P/io" W,C:"iD;,\ 86-5.2955 V\~~:: 1995 W:"Cr<R V?G '65A 7553C2532 VlEJJ2 1996 WACKR VP3'65A 755382583 VIASOC1 1982 ELMA2 204313 P;,\ESSCJRE 'NAS'1E? WH E2 72 1984 eLilTlNG V,'HE:::L -131- H"ND: 303 PROGRo\...\I: Pubhc Works Street ~1arnlenance ACTI\lTY STATE:\1E:\'T Provldes routrne and preventIve marntenance for st 'reets, alleys, storm drams and walkways Wlthrn the public nghtS-of-way ProVIdes snow removal and Ice control on City streets Prondes seasonal weed control VI1th1n City nghts-of~way. Staffing Level I Street S uperrntendent 3 EqUIpment Operator II 4 EqUIpment Operator I 5 t>lamtenance Worker II T e;npora:-) workers as needed 0\ erview of On!!oin~ and Present Activities The maJor actl\1l1es are street sweepmg, snov. and Ice removal, weed mOv.1ng, pothole p3.tchmg. d:a.:nage work and gener~ nghts-of-wa) marntenance ~otahle Chan!Zes in 2002 1he C:t) w1l1 take over the nghts-of-way mamtenance along the state hlghw3Ys (KIplmg. Wadsv,:orth, Ward Road and Shenda.'11 \l:mdated Pro~rams - Federal and ~tate ~one - Rc\ enue Generated ~or.e - - Equipment Assi!!ned See an3.ched sheet -130- t"....t:=III\jVc::i\,lIUKY UNI~# YEAR MP-.KE MODEL VIN# 5 1998 STRLG SC7000 49H6FAAOXHA49132 36 1993 INT 4900 lHTSHPCR1PH487356 63 1990 CH~V C2500 1 GCGC24KOLE20375', 152 1987 RJI TL 1 RHS121T904873922 246 1999 GMC 3500 1 GTHK34R7X4517439 247 1998 IN~ 4900 1 HTSHADR9WH50B464 249 ',999 INT 4900 1HTSDADR4XH64316B 250 1995 FORD F250 lFTHF25H2SLB12859 251 1995 F0RD F250 1~THF25rl9SLB12B60 252 1996 INT 4900 1HTSDAAR1TH303197 256 1986 FORD LNT8000 1 FDYW80U6GVA37283 262 1997 ELGIN P=LlCAN P-2549-D 253 1995 MOBIL H-10B-2 lA9W23DF7SR05019 254 1999 ELGIN PELICAN P3097-D 255 1994 JD 5300 L V530CD330532 270 1973 F=RG ROLLER 58338 271 1996 JD 410D T04100G822733 272 1997 CAS= 6218 JEE0054363 . . ~- 273 1980 MAULD ROLLER 8-9-80-112 -'- 274 1985 MAU_D RO'-.LER 41086229 277 1993 INT 4900 1 HTSHPCR3RH546409 281 1995 CAT 120"1 4MKOOO65 233 1994 LEROI Q375DJE 3277X34 284 2000 NWHOL TS100 147511B 287 1974 LOWB:J TRAILER 12S7465P 2;)8 1999 INT 4980 1HTSDADR6XH643169 294 1900 GO'<.MN PUMP 670265 295 1993 C,.1'::\( ::3500 1 G8GC33K9DJ406646 19~5 1992 PWB::JS S'N'30 2677099 2005 1998 JOHNS 605 605/31539/5-9B r "1 1959 HYS,R YE40 A3D2680C Jv, t .272 19B3 FORK FORK AT7ACHMENT G=~001 19CO M:CUL MIE=L1T GENERATOR GEN002 i994 HaND"" EVl171 E61-1103289 PAV001 19E5 RAYGO RAODSER V010G9061B P,-0801 1984 R00T R,52DR 1 0 28364 P'LOO03 1984 R::J:JT RT52D,(10 20365 P'-.0004 1984 RaOT RT52DR 1 0 - P,- 0005 1984 ROO"':" RT52PR10 20366 PLOO'O~ 1985 ROO, RT52D?10 XX51381 - PLOOO7 1993 R:JOT RXT52.10 28608 93 P'-OOD3 1998 ROOT RX,6210 32699.98 - PLOOD9 '999 ROOT RX",:"D 33461 99 PL0245 1999 NP,Hfo.' DB107~B 22702 PUMCl81 1980 HOMLI 111OD31 60868350 - PLJ",~C02 1 972 B.'".RNS pur"p 1900G8922397 P:.J~.~OO3 1970 BARNS 30M 312758-49 R 0"':" Z'36 1994 R,.,'NO CY72 ::Y72-20873 R:JUS;Ji 1994 8G047 GZ480H 183 GRAZOR S'".N:J36 1992 CN::::P.Cl CRE '95 0465 SF95 SA \1247 1998 CNCRD CRE195 2'09SK96 SAN24j 1999 CONeD 195 2213 SA~L52 1995 AMER TG5J5 3657 S",,"':-7 1 993 Ci',:::RO CRE195 0502SF96 SA..'::02 1995 CORC"':" 13'"iP 1255577 SDp2:2 2096 S\\'NS:\ SPDJ.YEK SDP:77 1993 H'WAY TG:::18 952i7 I" A;~,': ~ 1 1980 WACK? VJ:..~30 TIJ=::9,J 1998 MU~::::' CS2: ,"::20 1986 Pir.1 VA:::TOR 85-5-2955 Vlt:::~ 1995 W:'Ci<.R V?G165~ 755302582 VI8002 1995 WACKR VP3'65A 7553825S3 VI""SOOl 1982 ELMAG 204313 PPESS:..JR= ''''ASH::R WH=:72 1954 CGTTING '/':H==-L -131- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET PUBLIC WORK STREETS WORK~ ACCOUNT # 303 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Adopted Departmen Depar1ment Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DET AILED EXPLANATION Actual Budqet Estimated Reouested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 467.023 490 848 490 848 549 176 541682 541.882 603 LONGEVIT~ 1.596 1644 1644 137 137 137 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 C 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 9.975 13 000 13.000 13702 13 ~02 13.702 614 STANDBY I 9.327 9.500 9.500 10013 10013 10.013 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 21.009 0 0 17000 17000 17 ,000 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 5.000 5000 5.000 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 30 409 31.930 31.930 34472 36 44C 36,440 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 50 425 54.17" 54177 87165 36818 36.818 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA "7111 7467 7467 9531 8.522 8.522 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 15849 19.700 19700 20 406 20 406 20.406 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 2.000 2000 2,000 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 612.724 628.266 628.266 748602 691 920 691.920 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 01 ~20 .\20 420 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 5C' sr 50 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 D ! 38'2 38C 380 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4080.) 40 000 35 000 52 50J :2 soe 52.500 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 0 0 0 0 C i 0 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 0 0 0 C 0 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 C 0 1 ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL I 4080,) I 40 000 I 35 000 53 350 ::;'"<'1:::- 53.350 I I I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 956 , 20C, 1.500 i , 20C' ~ 2DC I 1,200 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 : 0 o I 5,-' 000 i 50.000 706 DUES/BOOKS/S U BSCRI PTIONS 210 250 150 I 250 ! 250 I 250 728 TRAINING 0 C 0 1000 i 1 000 1.000 730 UNIFORMS 9343 10590 9.590 10.272 I 10272 10.272 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 773 807 600 807 I 807 807 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 50 000 ~ 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 I 0 n A' 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 548 500 I 5DC .) 000 .) OOC 4.000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 ~ I J 3 50C 3 500 3.500 c 761 STREET LIGHTING 0 0 0 -, 35C L':JC 350.000 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 a 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 . 986 500 ' 98E 1 986 1.986 793 TITLE SEARCHES C' C I 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ C c I o I 0 a 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL i " 83=- '5 333 I 1284C ~3 0' 5 I 423 ':)':- I 423.015 1 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 72~ 0 I 0 I 0 C 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 L' 0 804 ENGINEER AJND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 760 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 4800 4.800 4.800 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL I 1 489 r, 0 4 8aC .\ 800 4.800 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS 666849 I 683 599 676106 T 87976- 1 1 ~3 085 I 1,173.085 - - - - - - - -~32- FeND 304 PROGR-\.M TRAFFIC ACTI\'ITY STA TE!\lENT Plan and admmlster traffic Improvement projects. Pro\'ldes traffic engmeenng and street scape re\'le\\s of CIt) and site de\ elopment plans Provides construction and mamtenance ser\ Ices. replacement and updatmg of traffic control deVIces m accordance \\Ith technIcal codes. ProVIdes pedestnan crOSS\\ alk at all sch001s and high volume pedestnan crosslllg area. Pro\'ldes traffic count. \ ehlcle cbssl ficatlOn and speed study data of Cm streets as requIred Staffin!! Le\ el Traffic Engll1eer Transportation Planner Engmeenng ASSIstant I I I, FTE Traffic Control Super\lsor Traffic Control Techl1lclan Traffic Control ASSistant .., , Oven-ie" of On!!oin!! and Present Acth'ities Prepares lonstrucuon documents and admlJllstcr the construcllon contracts for traffic ImprO\ ement prolects Admlnlstcr the '\elghhorhood Traffic \lanagement Program ('\T\lPI Pro\ Ides lI1-house construction and maintenance of traffic control de\ Ices PrO\ldes an annual street pamtll1g program Some streds \\ 111 he p..lInted t\\ Ice per \ ear as necl:ssan \lallltall1 a CIl) street sign 111\ cntory Pro\'ldes signs for neighborhood a\\ an:ness pmgram Conduct In-house traffic control classes Prepare traffic studies Pro\'ldes re\ le\\ of traffic engllleenng plans related to de\ I:klpments and constructIOn trallic control plans for construction prolects 111 the nl!ht of\\'a\ . ... -- -- - - - - - - :\otable Chan!!es in 2002 Admlnlstenng and re\ le\\'lI1g of street scapI: proJI:C(S l)f puhhc \\ orks and Sltt: de\ elopml:lH proJects - - !\Iandates Pro!!rams - Federal and State '\one - - Re\enue Generated '\onl: EQuipment Assi!!ned Set attached sheet -133- FU:;~ I INVt::N I UkY - UNJT # YEAR MAKE MODEL VlN # 2 1995 DODGE PICKUP 167FL26GSSW917291 31 1992 GMC C3500 1 GDHC34KXN=S29B90 62 1990 FORD F70D 1FDPF70K3LVA30684 154 199-' KUSThl SMART 1K95S0810RK118123 155 1995 KUSTIvl SMART 1 K9BS0819SK1 18238 201 1997 GMC C3500 1 GDHC34J3VF04 ~ 334 258 1900 HMOE TRAILER 1122043CO 2S0 1985 UNMAS MR1C 57594 -AIR260 1965 ATLAS LEe AM1160013 -lUC62 1 990 VERSA BUCKET 139037 'iEN275 19B6 DA YTN GENERATR 3WD 1 51 '""GRIC01 1994 VNARX VA:30 655176 _ 'AICOJ 2001 GRACO 3900 BA.5251 'JUM~04 '988 GRACO 207352 A2465S -SAWDO 1 1988 ClMLN ECONODRV 67.1 BO-21 0 _'18275 1989 PNJAR 130 60253 - - - - -- - - - - - - -134- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC WORK! ACCOUNT # 304 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual BudClet Estimated Reouested Recommend "PPROVED 602 STAFF WAGES 207,530 241.380 241,380 329918 329 918 329.918 603 LONGEVIT~ 0 0 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOW ANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 1.806 3000 2.000 3.200 2.108 2.108 614 STANDBY I 8.247 8724 8.724 9200 4200 4.200 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 4.400 10.000 8.500 17685 1~ 685 17.685 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 , 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 13.766 16461 16461 22 320 22.320 22.320 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 17.533 23716 23716 36 858 36 858 36.858 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 3.219 3.843 3,843 5.220 520 520 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 7.294 6.299 6.299 13 19~ 13 : g- 13,197 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 2000 200':) 2.000 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 263 795 313 423 310923 439 598 428 SGf I 428.806 I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 1 000 I ~ :Y",: 1.000 i 655 POSTAGE I 0 0 0 200 70- I 200 I ~~, 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 1000 1 QO~ 1.000 : 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 65 798 79.500 70200 87 826 8'" 82E ! 87.826 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 0 0 0 C C 0 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 0 C 0 ! 0 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 1 100 840 840 ; 882 I 88C 882 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 I o I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 66898 80 34C 71 040 I 90 908 i '1':' 9='~ ! 90.908 I I i 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 239 500 35C I 665 865 i 665 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 313 3000 2 OOC 25458 . C 5DC 10.500 I 706 DU ES/BOO KS/S U BSC RIPTIONS 1 093 ~ 765 i 1 65C 2 135 I : -J,J I 1.740 i 728 TRAINING 301: 4 OOC I 2 50: 4 575 : J 57~ , 4.575 I 730 UNIFORMS 3 572 I :- 216 I 5 216 I 5291 I 5 29' 5.291 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT J I :' i J I o I c , 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES - I c i : I c , 0 - 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 G I o i JOO i 400 400 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 91 1 140 600 7550 6 lJO 6.140 I 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE C C C 50C 50-: I 500' 761 STREET LIGHTING 0 C I G :, l I 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE C' - SOC 0 o I 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 990 ~ J9J i 1 494 1 550 , 550 1.550 i 793. TITLE SEARCHES C 0 0 0 C 0 i 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE5 0 I 0 0 0 G 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 9 308 ! 1 - ~ '5 I 14310 48 124 I 31 361 31.361 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 C c I 1062 1 062 1,062 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 C , 840 840 840 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT r C C 105 105 105 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 1.500 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 'v 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL ! 0 i :, 0 3507 I 2007 2.007 I I I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS I 34C 00' i 410878 I 396.273 582.137 I 553082 I 553.082 - - - - - - - - - - -135- FC~1>: Pubhc Works ?>01:1 PROGR\J\l: Fleet \lamtenance ACT!' lTY STA TE:\1ElIlT The Fleet ?\lallltenance DI\'lSlOn'S mam purpose and responsibil1tles are to Provide cost- effectIve repaIrs and preventative marntenance to all City owned 'leased velucles and equipment while ensunng the safet\ and dependabilny of the fleet. Ensure that all hazardous matenal handlmg, sho; operatlO~s and fleet vehIcles comply With all new and eXlstmg Federal, State and local regulatiOns MaIntarn 24 hour operauons of the fueling statIOn for City fleet, Wheat RIdge Fire Department and Seruor Resource Center StafTin!! Level 1 Fleet SupervIsor I Lead 1\lecharuc 1 1\lechamc 1 Fleet Analvst 0\ en'iew of On2oin!! and Present Activities 1 Pre\,entatIve maJntenance and repaIr of City fleet ~ Procurement and stockmg of fuel, lubncants. and parts to support fleet operatIOns ;) \ laJntenance and repaJr of fuehng statlon equipment and underground storage tanks .:+ Planned fleet replacement to Improve the producu\'lty and economy of the CIty flee: 5 DisposItIOn of used \'erucles and equipment 6 FacIlity and eqUipment maJntenance and repaJr 7 Hazardous and waste matenal handlmg and dIsposal 6 DocumentatIon of all the above actI\"mes - - - - - :\otahle Chan!!es in 2002 '\ one - - :\landated Pro!!rams - Federal. State and Local Colorado Clean Fuel Fleet Program .-\Ir QualIty Control ComffilsslOn Regulatlon:\o 17 Colorado Departmer.t of Health, StatlOna.ry Sources Program (\'OC emiSSions) Colorado Department of Health, AIr Pollutlon Control DI\'lslon CFC Program Reg \0 15 Colorado Department of Health, .-\Ir PollutIOn Control DI\"ISIOn Diesel OpacIty InspectIon Colorado Department of Health, AIr Pollutlon Control DI\'lslon .-\Ir Care Colorado Program Colorado Department of Labor. 011 Inspectlon SectIOn (fueling statlon and UST's) Colorado Depanment of Re\'enue. DI\"ISlOn of \ lotor \ erucles (registrations and plates) Colorado Department of :\atural Resources DI\"ISIOn of \\ ater Resources (morutor wells) LSEP.-\ Small QuantIt: Generator (hazardous waste disposal l CSDOT Federal \lotor Carner Safety AdIlUmstratIon (commefClal \'erucle operatIOns) OSHA, CIRS.-\.. and AFPD (annual facIlity and equipment IllspectlOns) - - - - - [qllloment Assl!!ned (1) ]995 Che\'rolet S-10 pick up (I) 2000 G\lC 1500 pick up Re\enue Generated l\one - 137 - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET PUBLIC WORKS FLEET WORK~ ACCOUNT # 305 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DET AILED EXPLANATION Actual Budaet Estimated Reauested Recommend P.PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 166 965 170.892 170 892 181 332 178967 178.967 603 LONGEVlnf 0 0 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 65 1.000 500 739 739 739 614 STANDBY I 233 400 400 345 345 345 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 10.371 10682 10682 11.245 11 096 11.096 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 15.297 17016 17016 20.913 20.881 20.881 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.425 2498 2498 1.847 1 847 1.847 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 6624 6.836 6.836 " 159 7159 7,159 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 C I 0 2.000 2.000 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 201.980 209.324 208.824 I 223 580 I 223 034 223.034 I i I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 10C i 100 100 653 POSTAGE G 0 0 5C' 50 50 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 100 10C 100 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 8.806 9.000 9000 9 DOC 9000 9.000 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 135746 122.000 124.850 140 OOC 140 000 140.000 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 68.289 85 000 93.250 90 000 90 000 90.000 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 2434 2.000 2.000 200:! 2000 2.000 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 748 750 750 75C' 750 750 T ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 216023 218750 I 229 850 242 000 I 242 000 242.000 I I , I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 175 380 30 380 380 I 380 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 8650 9000 9000 9000 9000 9.000 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTlONS 971 1 000 500 1 000 1 000 1,000 728 TRAINING 450 500 0 500 500 500 730 UNIFORMS 2.272 2.500 2500 2.500 2.500 2.500 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 I L 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 C C - C 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 I C' :; C :; 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 126 100 100 100 100 100 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 G 0 , 400 400 40C I 760 UTILITIES 14 136 18000 15500' 15500 16340 16.340 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 3998 5100 3.600 3.600 4.500 4,500 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 984 1000 1000 1 OCJ 1 000 1 000 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 0 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGEe 0 0 0 . 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 31 762 37580 I 32.230 I 33 98C' 35 720 35.720 T 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 2.400 2400 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 5 DOC 5000 C 7.000 7.000 1 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 7400 7400 (, 7000 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I '49765 I 4 ~3 054 I 47630" I ~99 56C I 507 754 500.754 - - -138- ~ .... """ -- t"". t"". ~ ~ -- -- -- """ -- """ -- ...... - - - - - - - c: 0 .- ~ c: m Q) 0 ~ .- ~ (.) m Q) ~ cc ~ .... en -c .- c: c: .- m E - en -c - ~ ~ ~ - m - Q. Q) .~ - "2- .~ ~ E .~ -0 <fl <(<( - c g <Il ~ u Q) a: -0 <Il <fl ~ i OJ 0- '0 .9 u ~ o U"l N "2 -"- ~ - 0 '" - 0 - U U ~ -0 0 E en u 0 :::- 2 OJ '" >- E 0 c: "" 0>::::- 0.. U "2 '" <Il C </J 2 - CJ en 0 '" 0... ill (j, Ol-o c: 0 E o c: '" U D- - CJ -t c: Q :::J 0-_ t C (j) ~ c - '" OJ to CJ ~ OJ 0.. ~ .- (j) CJ CJ Q. C CJ :::J r3 (j) c OJ "0 c ..'!: ~ Q) 0-_ :J~ rJ)- C o co Q) u Q) a: E - ~ a3 Ol"O o c o:il2- c~ .S2 ~ ~~ .r:. :J ;;:(j) -0 o o U en 2 0.. .S! iii .r:: ~ 1 '" .S- o "> to Ui OJ ~ to ~ V 0; to CIlU t to 0.. co ;:; '!' en en <( C') '" .S- o "> '" u '" (fl e c: '" '" ,.-- - OJ - :::J CfJ - :i '" OJ c: u OJ S Ui t S '" 0 0 I '" W ll- <I> ~ .S- -t: ro ~ '" '" E ~ VI ~I c.. CfJ Ui I I Q) ~ 0 - ~ ~ . ~ Q) ;? Q) ~ '-------' Q) 0- L :J (j) ~ <11 N "'" 0 "" <Il U"l 0- <f> " Q) ~ Q.l Q; OJ V -= U CL '" c: :::J '" 0 <Il CfJ ....J 3: ..'!: ~ ~ OJ ~ ~ u c: c: ro U U '" c: ~ c C !'! <fl '" '" co i ::;: ::;: ro <Il .S- .>: ::;: -140- 0- '" -= '" 0.. 0. '" I I 0. I ~ Q) 0- =:> (j) c;:; Ii; 01 to c: to ~ '0 c 0.. OJ .>: o :; <fl~ ~::::- <Il :J 0- <( '" o en '" OJ CfJ :::. ;; v: n (,) -'" <:C 0 [") </J 3: Ui OJ OJ v: -'" '-' <( 0 '" D- v: 0 ~ '" v: 3: c: SO </J '" u: E ~ Q.l </J C 9! ~ co OJ -0 u -== <( '" '" t -= ::;: L. "- '" I~ I I c.., I I , I I '" ;:! ~ ::1 '" en Ii; -t 0 3: OJ .:;;: U c: (5 to S c: Ui OJ C ;:! '" 0 ::;: <J> '" '" CfJ FUND: General Fund (01) PROGRo\...l\l: Parks and Recreation Ad.r:11rllstratlon (601 ) ACTI\iTY STATE::\1E:"iT Perform admlrustratl \ e v., ork m the p lanrung, coordrnallng, and duectrng the actl \'1 ties 0 f the Parks and RecreatIOn Department. Director Seruor Secretar;.' l\lmutes Speclahst TOTAL FTE FTE Stamn!! LeHl 1 1 05 2 05 FTE - 0\ en'iew of On!!oin!! and Present Activities - AdmmlstratlOn of Parks and RecreatIOn Department AdmmlstratlOn of capnallmpro\ ement projects Pobc) de\ elopment for department SUpCI\ISlOn of Parks, Forest!")' and Open Space DIVISIon and Recreatlon DI \'ISlOn - - .., .., - - :\"otahle Chan!!es in 2002 - Request for Project !\lanager as needed for specific projects AddnlOnal funds budgeted m ProfeSSIOnal SeI\'lces - - - - :\Iandated Prourams - federal and State - :\one Re\ enue Generated - \lemonal and or donatlon monIes - 5'+,000 EQuipment Assiuned :\one -141- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 01-Jan-02 Parks and RecreatlOn AdminIstration PARKS AND REC DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT 601 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADMINISTRATION ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budaet ESTIMATE REQUEST RECOMMEND APPROV AL - 602 STAFF WAGES 116.292 42.000 129 0~3 ~ r 358 127.358 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 4.524 0 4768 4705 4705 606 AUTO ALLOW ANCE 3600 0 3.200 3.200 3.200 610 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 8.840 8.500 2.053 2.053 2,053 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 C 0 620 FICA 7.981 6000 8.328 8.514 8.514 622 MEDICAUDENTAULlFE 9765 2.000 6.740 e 121 8.121 625 MEDICARE 1.867 800 1 948 , 99' 1.991 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 103 1.200 1.348 1.330' 1.330 E34 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 6":1) OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 4000 4000 4.000 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 152,972 60.500 161 459 161.272 161.272 T 6::" OFFICE SUPPLIES 4998 3500 5220 5.220 5.220 653 POSTAGE 450 100 450 85C' 850 65-4 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2.500 1 000 2500 35C< 3.500 66C: OPERATING SUPPLIES 200 300 3.200 3.20C 3.200 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 o I 0 c I 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 8 148 4900 I 11 370 E -"C' i 12,770 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 2.500 1 000 3625 3625 3.625 -OJ CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 - i 0 - ~06 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSC RI PTIO N S 365 365 375 37' ! 375 ~r EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT C C 0 I - 0 728 TRAINING 700 100 700 ....0-1 700 ~3C UNIFORMS 0 0 0 0 0 I 740 MILEAGE 400 400 400 400 400 - UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 ""5:' PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 C' 25 000 25 000 25.000 -5~ RENT ALS/LEASES 0 0 0 100 100 --:-59 TELEPHONE EXPENSE , 0 0 0 500 500 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 ....-6 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 235 0 235 235 235 799 MiSe SERVICES AND CHARGES C 0 0 C 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 4 200 I 1 865 30 335 3C 935 I 30.935 , 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT o I 0 0 :' I 0 3'~3 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT C ) 0 :; 0 5('5 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT - I 0 " 0 0 - 8CQ OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT I 200C C 0 " 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I ,) I o I 0 ,) 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 200( I - I 0 I : I 0 - -- - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 167,320 67.265 203,164 I 204.977 I 204,977 I -142- FCl\l): General Fund (01) PROGRA....'l: Recreation ArumrustratlOn (60:;) ACTI\lTY STATDIEI'\T SUper\'lSlOn, adm1rustratIOn and management of the RecreatlOn DIvIsIOn wruch mcludes operatlOn and prograrnmmg of the RecreatIon Center, Seruor 'CommUIUty Center, outdoor pool and aquatics program, athletics and general recreatIOn programs. Staffrng Level RecreatlOn Supenntendent RHE Proctors Histone Park Tour GUIde TOTAL I HE 01 FTE .5 HE 1 51 HE O\erview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities Set policy for operatlOns at all recreatlOn facrlmes. Prepare and mOnitor dIVIsIOn budget. Super\'lslon of fi\ e (5) RecreatlOn Super\'lsors Project manager for RIchards Hart Estate Impro\ ements proJect and seruor center kItchen expanSlOn. Staff lIaison to RHE commItee l\otable Chan!!es in 2002 - Closed Damage Deposit fund and mo\ cd damage deposit appropnallon mto 60:: program budget. - - :\1andated Pro!!rams - federal and State ~one - - - Revenue Generated Re\'enue generated from Damage Deposits for all recreatIon faCIlItIes S21,OOO -- - Equioment Assi!!ned RccreatlOn \'an - Dodge SIX passenger - -143- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION ADMIN WORK~ ACCOUNT # 602 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED RECOMMEND Aooroved - 602 STAFF WAGES 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 614 STANDBY I 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL . HOURLY 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL COMPENSATED ABSENCE I ACCOUNT #600 SUB.TOTAL I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 653 POST AGE 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE MATERIAL 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 728 TRAINING 730 UNIFORMS 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 760 UTILITIES 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 793 TITLE SEARCHES 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE' 1 ACCOUNT #700 SUB.TOTAL I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I ACCOUNT #800 SUB.TOTAL I I SO I so so - - - - - - .... - - - I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS 01/21/02 -144- 87 804 o o 2.000 o 5.568 15.236 1.991 3.512 450 o 116.561 o 3720 19150 3343 o o o 25.213 790 2.340 263 500 75 576 o I o I : I C I o I C ! o C I 4 544 I SO 147 31 B I 93 804 I o o 300 o 9.263 14,000 1.991 4.356 300 o I 124014 o 3720 ! 1800C' 5000 i o o o I o 26 720 I 790 840 260 250 o 30C o C' o C C e c r I 2440 ! e, o o o C o o o o I o 153 17" I 93115 o o 1 800 C I : 885 12.382 1 37E 3725 22.950 o 141.233 1 000 5 5E~ 2C 185 6.219 -:- ,= ! (, : c, I ~"5 I 3:; ~~c i 8E: 60: I 288 65D I o 332 o 150 552 500 o o o 3937 178916 7432C I 74.320 c 0 0' 0 94731 9.473 I cl 0 : 19: 5,195 i 12474 12.474 121: 1.215 3675 3,675 cia 500 I 500 106852 ! 106,852 1 000 5 56~ 20 185 6 219 I o ; C, I 32971 i 8E5 60: 288 550 o 332 1 200 150 552 500 I 21 75C 26.88~ C o o c o o I o 1.000 5.567 20,185 6.219 I 01 o o o 32,971 - I o 865 600 288 650 o 332 1.200 150 552 500 01 o 01 o 21.750 26.887 o C, o o o o C o o o o o o o 166710 166.710l Fl;.."D: General Fund (01) PROGR.\...'l: Parks :\famtenance (6(,3) ACTI\TTY STAIT;\IT.NT Responsible for mamtenance operations for developed park land and facllmes, and provldmg park users WIth a safe ell\lTOnment. Starnn!! Level 1 Park Superrntendent, :; Park Mamtenance Crew Supervisors, 4 Park Mamtenance Crewleaders, I Park Maintenance Worker II, 5 Park ~lamtenance Worker I, 1 Small Engme ~lecharuc, 1 Secretary 16 Park Caretakers 15 FTE ~ "1 .) ... FTE Total 1 S::: FTE Oven iew of On!!oin!! and Present Activities ACtIVItIes mclude mowing, fertilization, aeratiOn and Imgatlon of de\'eloped parkland Rough mOWing of undeveloped parkland. Responsible for Imgatlon dItches. pump systems and fountall1 maintenance Maintenance of park restrooms, shelters and amerutles. Richards-Hart Estate and Duplex, Histoncal Park, skateboard park, and mlIne skatll1g nnk ASSIsts Recreatlon DI\lS10n wnh ballfield marntenance, Roberto Clemente Baseball Tournament, Performance-m- the- Park Program, sho\\ wagon rentals. and startup and shutdown of the \Vheat Ridge ~furuclpal Swunmmg PooL AsSISts With Wheat Ridge Carnation Festival and Chnstmas Llghtmg Ceremony Performs snow removal at all cIty-owned facilitIes and park roadways - .... - - - Notable Chan!!es in 2002 Increase m o\ertJme account (610) to allo\\ for closmg the skateboard park at nIght Addltlon of contract mowmg of undeveloped parkland ($4800). pamtmg of skateboard park four (4) times per year (52800). and 52400 to mamtam a temporary fence at the Da\"l5 Property for SIX months (not m ::;001 budget) Transfer ofChnstmas display funds from Tree Plantmg (Fund 34) to 603-660 (58,500) and 603-758 (51,500) - - - .... - - Mandated Pro!!rams - federal and State i\one - - Revenue Generated 1\ one Equipment Assi!!ned (please see attached) -14~- EQUIP;\IDiT ASSIG~LD - PARKS MAD,TEI'iA..'iCE (603) U1'.TI# YEAR MAKE ::\JODEL \Th# ~') 1992 GMC C3500 1 GDHC34NS;-.TE532495 .J_ 37 1993 GMC TK20903 1 GTGK24K8PE5 50771 38 1993 GMC TK20903 1 GTGK24K2PE5 50796 75 1991 CHEV FL TSIDE 1 GCFK24KO~1Z I 79718 151 1991 JDEER 2355-4 L02355F733845 153 1996 DC TRAILER 46LTf710A~1048608 300 1995 CHEV S-10 IGCDT14Z9SK134133 302 1997 CHEV PIlJ IGCHK34R2VF0502l6 305 2000 GMC DL1\fP 1 GDKC34JXYF494909 308 1998 GMC TK30903 1 GTHK34R6\VE560432 314 1985 FORD F350 IFDJF37L3FKB52478 315 1994 CHEV CC3100 I lGBKC34NlRJlOSOS2 318 2001 GMC 1500 1 GTEC14TSIZ31331 0 319 2001 GMC 1500 1 GTEC 19T7lE33624 7 321 2000 TORO 30581 90495 ~"l') 1999 TORO 5800 30581-90269 .J__ 324 1900 HMDE SHOW WAGO~ TE1311203SE ~"l- 1982 rvfA.,XE y Cl62 T82~~1C 1663 .J_) .... 326 1972 1v1Il.LR Tn.. TTOP 13797 350 1997 FORD LEASE 367 1995 CHEV S-IO 1 GCDT 14Z4S8253236 370 1994 JD 5300 L \"5300D330857 371 1994 JD 5300 L \'53000330856 - -146- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PARKS MAINTENANCE 2002 BUDGET 21-Jan-02 603 DEPARTMENT I PARKS & RECREATION 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 PARKS MAINTENANCE Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DI Budaet Estimate Requested Recommenc APPROVE 602 STAFF WAGES 509,712 509,712 542.692 535 484 535 484 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME 24.890 24,890 33,120 33120 33.120 614 STANDBY 10,177 9.000 9588 9588 9.588 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 49,683 49,683 51,201 51.201 51.201 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 0 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA 38,346 37,000 39,375 33,200 33.200 622 MEDICAUDENT AULlFE 69.851 69,851 82,747 82,669 82.669 625 MEDICARE 8620 8,620 9.209 7,765 7.765 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 18.227 18.227 21,708 21.419 21.419 6341 ST ATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 3.632 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 818 548 1.008 1008 1.008 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 730,324 727,531 790,647 ' 775 454 775 454 I I 6511 OFFICE SUPPLIES 370 370 370 370 370 6541 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 47.570 47.570 58 950 58 950 58.950 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 0 0 01 0 663 I HAZARD WASTE MATERIAL 500 0 500 500 500 6651 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 48.440 47,940 59 820 1 59 820 59.820 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 460 460 502 502 502 7041 CONTRACT SERVICES 37618 22618 59 720 59 720 59.720 7061 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 260 225 325 325 , 325 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 7261TRAINING 3,965 3.465 3,965 3.965 3,965 730 I UNIFORMS 9,510 9,000 9,710 9,710 9.710 I 740lMILEAGE 533 533 533 533 533 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 750 i PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 605 355 605 605 605 ~591TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 2500 2.500 7581 RENT ALS/LEASES 13,655 13000 15155 15,155 15.155 760 UTILITIES 141.414 141414 162,816 162,816 . 162.816 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 32.500 22,500 32 600 47,600 47.600 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 9.300 9.000 9.300 9,300 9.300 7991 MISC SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 I I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 249,860 222,590 295,231 312.731 312.731 , : 601 LAND AND WATER ACQUISITION 0 0 0 0 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I 0 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 1 2,600 2,500 0 0 0 604 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 6051 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 1400 1.400 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 5,000 4960 7,723 7,723 7.723 612 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 66.4 79 66.479 0 15,000 15.000 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 75479 75,359 7.723 22,723 22.723 - .. - -- - - - - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNTTOTALS I 1.104,1031 1073420 I 1153421 I 1170.728 I 1.170.7281 -147- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - _\48- FU:'\D: General (0 I) PROGR.\\1. ForestT) (604) ACT!' lTY STA TEME:'\T Responsible for the arbonculture and horticulture marntenance, design and plantmg on all Clt:: o\\l1ed properties and public nght-of-way Staffin!! Le\ el 1 Clt::' Forester, 1 Forest!") Techruclan. 1 Park Hortlcultunst, 2 Park :---lamtenance II, 1 Park Mamtenance I 1 Gardeners SIX month appomtment 1 Gardener Sl'\ month appomtment (1'\T\fP)funded ill CIP budget 5 HE 5 HE 5 HE Total 6 0 HE 0\ en'iel\ of On!!oin!! and Present Acti\'ities Schedule and direct tree mamtenance and plantmg on all city ov.l1ed properties and publ1c nght- o [-\\'ay Deslgn and mamtam flower displays on clly controlled propert: Code enforcement for publ1c safety m\'olnng trees on pn\'ate propert;. Commercial tree and lawn care l1censmg. Landscape re\'le\\ for CIty projects and ne\\ de\ e]opments Tree p1::rntmg programs CltlZen contact \lonthly meetmg WIth :\rbonst Board. - - - - :--'otahle Chan!!es in 2002 Tr::rnsfer of fJnds from Tree Plantmg ::rnd Donatlon Fund (Fund 34) mto 604-660 (55..\.501) 00) and 60..\- -:-0..\ (520.000 00) A.ddlllOml 3 ..\ ton PIC)... Cp - Currently rentmg @ 56.00000 per year, CIP, (\T\fP) ...... .., - - \landated Pro!?rams - federal and State PestIcide License T rammg and Appl1catlOn. record keepmg - - Re\enue Generated Lmdscapmg Classes 5 1.165 00 \lemonal Tree DonatIOns S 150000 (a\erage) Tree Grants 5 3.000 00 (average) - - - - Equipment Assioned Lnlt 65 1990 Ford F~OO 1 FD\inOICL VA45880 L nit 90 ]995 Ford Crown \'Ictona 2FALP71 \\'8SX 164269 - Lnlt 155 1995 PH 16' T raller 4P5SH162351113394 Lm! 301 1995 Chevrolet S-10 ] GCCS 19Z1 S813367 L'ml 303 2000 G\lC 4X4 PC 1 GTGIC9RO'{F..\ 19464 L'ml332 1994 Che\Tolel 10 yd Dump Truck ] GBKC34:\3RJ 1 04999 L"mt 351 1994 Che\Tolet 4X4PU LEASE -149- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE FORESTRY 604 2002 BUDGET DEPARTMENT P & R 2001 I 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT DEPT MANAGE COUNCIL IACCOUNT 604 BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOS REC APPROV - 602 STAFF WAGES 206,604 193,898 218,778 215.854 215.854 603 LONGEVITY 2,064 2,064 201 201 201 610 OVERTIME 9,964 5,500 12,710 8.400 8.400 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 8890 8,890 23,816 9,370 9.370 618 COURT PAY 300 0 300 300 300 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA 14,125 13,306 15,860 14,516 14.516 622 MEDICAUDENT AULlFE 17,248 15.811 29.281 29,231 29.231 625 MEDICARE 3,303 3,056 3,706 3,395 3.395 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 8,347 5.433 9,260 9,259 9.259 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 1500 1,500 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 270,845 247,958 313912 292,026 292.026 I 0 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 531 531 575 575 575 653 POSTAGE 400 0 420 420 420 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2,300 2,000 2,300 2,300 2.300 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.487 16000 78.987 78,987 78.987 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 0 0 0 0 663 HAZARD WASTE MATERIAL 250 0 250 250 250 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 21 968 18531 82,532 82 532 82.532 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 1,350 1,350 1.450 1.450 1.450 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 39 500 39,500 64,500 64.500 64.500 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSCRIPTIONS 1.265 1,265 1.415 1.415 1.415 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 2.445 2.445 2445 2.445 2.445 730 UNIFORMS 3,576 3570 3.826 3,826 3.826 740 MILEAGE 0 0 0 0 0 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 450 0 450 450 450 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 1000 1.000 758 RENTALS/LEASES 400 0 400 400 400 760 UTILITIES 1400 1,200 1450 1 450 1.450 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 300 0 300 300 300 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2.200 1500 2.200 2.200 2.200 799 MISC. SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 52 886 50 830 78 436 79436 79.436 I 801 LAND AND WATER ACQUISITION 0 0 0 0 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 1700 1,700 1.700 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 1,700 1700 1.700 - - - ... - CJ DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 345699 I 317319 I 476580 I 455694 i 455.694 I -150- Fl':\"D: General Fund (0 I) PROGR.\\I: Open Spa~e (6051 ACT!\ lTY ST A TDIE:\"T Staffin!! Level I Park !\arurallst 1 Parks Mamtenance \\- orker I 1 Seasonal Parks ~1allltenance Worker 15 weeks - 40 hours " FTE .' FTE Total 2 3 FTE 0\ en'iew of On!!oin!! and Present Activities \lamtenance of the CIt:'s Open Space :\reas and theIr related faclllues D:111:- al1entlOn to compostmg tollet, traIl heads, tralls fences SIgnS bndges. litter control Light constructIon. regular safety mspectlons. repair of yandahsm damage. Ice and sno\\ remo\ a! \ egetallon control mO\\'lllg. weed eatmg. herbICide applicatIon. prunmg. re\ egetallon En\"lronmental educatIOn, personal and non-personal ser'\'lces \ olunteer project opportUnIty coordmallon - - :1 :"-otahle Chan!!es in 2002 ElImmallon of JUnIor Greenbelt ~lamtenance Program -- - - -'\ddItlOna! S25.000 requested for noxIous \\ eed control m Open Space areas - - \landated Pro!!rams - federal and State \'one -- - - Revenue Generated S 1 00 annuall:- from program fees Equipment Assi!!ned l"\.lT -3 1991 l':\IT 368 1993 CHE\' CHE\ S.lO 3500 1 GCDTl 424\18263932 IGBGC33K3PJ398723 -151- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE OPEN SPACE 2002 BUDGET 01:21102 PARKS & REC 605 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 APPROVE DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET ESTIMATE PROPOSE REC APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 61 596 61,596 65,580 64,709 64.709 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME 3,210 3,210 3,310 3,310 3.310 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 9.950 8,000 4,950 4,950 4.950 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA 4635 4,635 4,578 4524 4.524 622 MEDICAUDENTAULlFE 5.251 5.251 6436 6429 6.429 625 MEDICARE 1,084 1,084 1071 1 058 1.058 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2.464 2.464 2,623 2588 2.588 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 500 500 ItICCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 88190 86,240 88 548 88 068 88 068 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 300 300 300 300 300 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2,000 2,000 2,000 2.000 2.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 14.000 12.000 14,000 14000 14 000 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 0 0 0 0 663 HAZARD WASTE MATERIAL 300 300 300 300 300 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 iC\CCOUNT #650 SUB-TOT AL 16600 14.600 16600 16600 16 600 I 7021 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 2.700 0 26 000 26 000 26,000 706 DUES/BOO KS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 295 295 295 295 295 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 1,075 1.075 1 030 1030 1.030 730 UNIFORMS 1.350 1,350 1,160 1 160 1,160 740 MILEAGE 0 0 0 0 0 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 950 950 65 950 5950 5.950 -'') MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 0 :J~ 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS/LEASES 400 400 400 400 400 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 500 500 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 1500 1.500 1.500 1.500 1.500 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 100 100 100 100 -99 MISC. SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 ItICCOUNT 11700 SUB-TOTAL 8.270 5.670 96.435 36 935 36.935 I 801 LAND AND WATER ACQUISITION 0 0 0 0 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 5.000 5000 5.000 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 iC\CCOUNT 11800 SUB-TOT AL 0 0 5000 5000 5.000 - - - - - - CI DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS' I 1130601 1065101 2065831 146.6031 146.6031 -152- FC:'\D: General Fund (01) PROGR\.M: Anderson BUlldmg (620) ACTI\lTY STATEME!\T Provides programmmg space for adult and youth athletic programs, classes and actl\'1tles BUlldmg IS also rented out to the commuruty for a vanety of actiVIties Staflin!! Le\ e( Buddmg Super,lsors 8 HE 0\ en'ie\\" of On!!oin!! and Present Activities BuIldmg IS scheduled for recreatlOn programs and actIvitIes, room and g;.mnasmm rentals - - - -I -- :"Mable Chan!!es in :200:2 - FacIllt~ supphes have been moved to program budget 11 S - - - - "Iandatcd Pro~rams - Federal and State - - J\one -- Re\ enue Generated - Re\ enue generated from bUlldmg rentals \ endmg machmes, and pa~ phones S6,200 Equipment Assi!!ned "one -153- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET 21 Jan-C:~ General Fund Anderson Building ANDERSON BUILl P & R DEPARTMENT ACCOUNT:620 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Adopted Department Department Manager COUNCIL I ACCT NAME/DEl AILED EXPLANATION. Budget Estimated Requested Recommend APPROV AL - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 oi:' TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 12.064 12.064 12480 12.48C 12.480 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA 748 748 ~74 -:""'~ 774 ,h 622 MEDICAUDENTAULlFE 17 17 C' ^ 0 '0 625 MEDICARE 175 175 18 . 12 ; 181 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 188 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 13.192 13004 13435 i3..D: 13 435 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 C 0 65" PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 J C 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES , 650 ' 000 2CC 20J 200 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 c, - 0 '.' I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOT AL 1.650 1 000 20CI 20C 200 I ~02 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 J 0 -C...1 CONTRACT SERVICES 13.600 10000 6.230 6.230 6.230 ......,- EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 C 0 0 ~ '28 TRAINING 0 0 ( 0 0 ~3{;. UNIFORMS 0 0 25C 250 250 -:'59 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 2000 2.000 76C' UTILITIES 37.300 3' 300 39 220 39 220 39.220 76' STREET LIGHTING 0 0 u 0 0 --, FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 4750 425C 3250 325C' 3.250 -~6 I OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1.000 1000 1 00(' 1 oeo 1,000 ~93 TITLE SEARCHES C 0 C . , 0 -9? MiSe SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 . 0 - I ACCOUNT 0700 SUB.TOTAc 5665C 5255C ! J995:' - 95;- 51.950 I 8-- OFFICE EQUIPMENT :j C ( 0 0 0" 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 . C 0 v 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 SOg OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 ,'- BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 8000 8000 8 0 0 _ 'L I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTA, 8.000 8000 0 . 0 . -- - - - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS 65 585 Anderson Building Revenue: Vending machines Pay Phone Gym Rentals Room Rentals 200 t"HS annuallY x. S' 5 156 nrs annuallY x S' 5 TOT AL 1 000 100 3900 1.200 6.200 -154- Fl:\l>; General Fund (01) PROGR.\..\l: AtWetlcs ~ 6: 11 ACTI\"ITY STATEl\IE~T Athlencs IS responsible for overseemg sporr...s programs \\16m the city Staff develops and coord:na!es a var:ety of prog;-ams for pres:!lool, youtr., adults and semors Acnnnes lIlch:de ter.rns, softball, basketball. volleyball, soccer, racquetball and clunbmg. TIus sectlOD IS also responsible for the manager:1ent of playmg areas for youth groups and pnvate rentals mcludmg the development of pol1cles, coo:.d:natl::.g usage, field preparation and the collectlOn of fees. AthletiCS also supen-1ses the :\nderson COIT'uT.'.l:11t) Buildmg. Stafftnl! Level Athlellcs Supervisor Athletics Coordinator Bal~field Worker Per! rime staff 1 -., 1- Toul 4 72 FTE Oveniew of Onl!Oin2 and Present Activities -develop and adrrumster athlencs classes and adult/semor leagues -mamtam hIgh level of contact and customer senlce wtth the general publ1c -hire and tram hourl: employees -contract out.slde personnel as referees, umptres and support staff -conduct regular coaches and manager meetmgs for vanous athletlc leagues -oversee field. g:mnaSlum and cltmbmg wall rentals and the collectIon of those fees -ad::1:mster CIl:. run youth soccer league -ma:1age the Anderson Com:numty BUlld:ng -o\.ersee the recreatlOn center cltmbmg wall -ac:nmlster the :-liddle School Sports Program -schedule tournaments for area youth groups (l.e baseball. soccer. basketball) -o\'ersee field mall1tenance and consult on related repaIrs and projects -- - - - -- - ." i - - :'\otable Chanoes in 2002 The add:tlOn of three major Cap1l011Inprovement ttems -Replacemer.t of BallfIeld machme for the groomlriC and m:l1ntall1mg of fields -Ponable fencmg to replace old fencmg at Prospect-Park. - - - - - :\Iandated Proorams - Federal and State 1\ one - Revenue Generated -Adu!t Leagues 546,680 -Classes &.. MSSP 512.049 -"Youth Soccer. 531.930 oeser fees &. rer.t:1ls 520,400 Total. $111,059 EQuipment Assil!ned Balli~eld sta:: a..-e assl!r.1ed n\ 0 mId SIzed pICK up :rucks for ballfield mall1tenance (#202 and #35) -155- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET Athletics Budoet General Fund 01 21-Jan-02 ATHLETICS 621 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGE COUNCIL IACCT NAME/DETAILED EXPL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST REC APPROVAL - 602 STAFF WAGES 102,396 102,396 112.445 109,712 109.712 610 OVERTIME 800 800 800 800 5800 614 STANDBY 0 1,700 1,700 1700 51.700 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 31,707 18,125 19,675 19,675 $19.675 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 10,643 7,627 8,905 7,055 57.055 620 FICA 9,024 8,550 8,550 8614 S8.614 622 MEDICAUDENT AULlFE 10149 10 149 12.498 12481 $12.481 625 MEDICARE 2,110 1,999 2.415 2.015 52.015 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4.096 4.096 4357 4.388 S4,388 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 SO 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 19,024 16,796 21,664 21664 S21.664 IACCNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 189,949 172.238 193,009 188104 188,104 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 500 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 250 250 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27.301 24.910 27 706 27.706 27.706 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 2925 0 0 I ACCNT 11650 SUB-TOTAL 27,301 24.910 30631 28 456 28.456 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 900 415 900 900 900 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCR IPTIONS 215 215 215 215 215 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS 845 845 845 845 845 740 MILEAGE 0 0 0 0 0 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS/LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 2000 2.000 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANC 0 0 0 0 0 799 MISC SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 IACCNT 11700 SUB-TOTAL 1,960 1.475 1960 3960 3.960 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 8,300 8,300 8.300 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR eQUIPMENT 0 0 0' 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 0 I AGGNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 8300 8300 8.300 - - - - - - ODEPARTMENT/ACCOUNTTOTALS.I 219,210 I 198623 I 233900 1228820 I 228.820 I -156- Fr"'"D. General Fund (01) PROGR.\'.I: Ger.e~a1 Programs a:id \brketLlg 1622 I ACTI\1TY STATDIE:"T General Programs Program a vanety of preschool, youth and adult classes and speCIal even" to the ger.era1 :J'~'J':~ cO pro'1de an opportum!) to learn ne\\ slalls and socIalize Coordmate and supenlse ChIldren's PanllO:1 and staff a: :h~ Recreation Center Coordmate the Therapeutic Recreation program. Act as troubleshooter fo~ ha~d\\'are so:1\\'a~e a:1d phone problems or concerns :\larketing: The Marketmg Coordmator IS responsible for managmg d1\'erslfied marketmg communIcatIons fo~ the Wneat fudge Recreatlor. Center (\VRRC) and other Parks & Recreatlon Department programs. Coordmate and support actl,1t1eS/events to mcrease revenues and promote pOSlt1\'e communI!)' relations for the entIre deparm:en:. Stama!! Le\ el Recreallon Supen'lsor RecreatlOn Leaders rVIarketmg Coordmator Total I HE 02 HE .5 HE 1 52 HE 0\ en ie\\ of On!!oin!! aad Present Activities General Programs -Performances m the Park - attend performance aud1l10ns and hire groups and entert31ners -EJstcr Egg Hunt - coordmate tills aCll\'lty with Wheat Rldge, Ar\'ada K.Jwarus, for 2002 hope to recruit \\'neJ,t RIdge High School student club to asSISt with the egg hunt -Cbsses Hunters EducatlOn classes dog obedience classes -Ongomg recruItment of mstructors and recreatlOn leaders for adult &. youth classes -OngoIng recruItment and tralrung of child care attendants for Chlldren's Pa\'lllon -Supcn'lse \brketmg Coordmator and aid m de\'elopment of marketmg plan -Supenlsc Teen CoordmJ,tor and o\'erall operatIon of Teen Center :\larketing -Coordmate total dIgItal productIon of 6-\-page Leisure GUIde three tImes per year -Promote mdl\'ldual program areas and speCIal e\ ents through \'anous ImplementatIon methods mcluumg hJ,ndouts, posters. displays, catalogs, ne\\'sleners. flyers. postcards. sales letters, brochures. slgTIJ,ge. banners. e-mall.webcontent.cabletele\.lslOncontent.medlJ.ad\ ertlsmg. specla! events -Handle medIa relatIons, new releases. get feature stones publIshed -OrganIze and set up monthly displays exhIbIts at Wheat RJdge RecreatIOn Center -Purchase medIa ad\ ertlsmg space and pro\'lde camera read\ or d1f~Ital files -CoordmJ,te hJ,lson and distributIon of LeIsure GUIde J,nd speCIal I;terest brochures for local pm'J,tc anu public schools, dJ,\ care cenlers. and bus messes - -- - - - - - - - - - :\otahle Chan!!es in 2002 -Increase mallmg dlstribul10n of LeIsure GUide to SJ,turJ,llon level m Wheat Rldge -Increased ad\ ertlsmg media budaet - _ :0 'Iandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State ~one Re\ enue Generated Class fees S6.l-\1 Sho\\ Wagon rentals S750 Total 56,891 Equipment Assi!!ned :\one -157- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET GENERAL PARKS ACCOUNT # 622 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 PROGRAMS ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED QECOMMEND APproved - 602 STAFF WAGES 47172 47 172 49719 49 059 49.059 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 (; C 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 1.070 550 600 60C 600 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 1.960 2.700 3570 3570 3.570 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3.113 3126 3341 3300 3.300 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 2,805 2.805 3402 3397 3.397 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 728 731 781 772 772 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1 887 1.88" 1 989 I 1 962 1.962 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL 12.940 10.250 1 O_2G~ 10.200 10.200 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 C 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 71 675 69.221 73 602 i ~2 e 60 72.860 I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 ; 653 POSTAGE 0 (; , 0 0 - , 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 c ! c 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 890 70 400 I 400 400 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT C C (; I 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 890 I 70 4C _ i 400 400 I I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 350 350 405 I 405 405 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 C 0 0 0 706 DU E S/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 75 65 - I 75 75 728 TRAINING 0 0 c i c 0 730 UNIFORMS I 3C I c g,r I 9C , 90 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT . 1 '. C' I 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES (; I r c (; 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE I 0 C' 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES C C [, 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 C 250 250 760 UTILITIES 0 0 G 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 0 r 0 01 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE , - l o I 0 0 - 793 TITLE SEARCHES C' 0 l C I 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES c I o I c' I . , 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL .^ : 45S : 415 I 57n i 82C I 820 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I C. C 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 1 C 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT I C, C C 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I - I " c 0 0 . I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL I i - I - I I U 0 , I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 73 020 I 69 706 I 74572 I 74 080 74.080 - - - - - 01/21/02 -158- Fund: General (01) Pro!!ram: Outdoor Pool (6231 ACTI\lTY STATEi\lI!\"T The purpose of the aquatics divIsIOn IS to pronde a vaner: programs and services to all ages and swrmmmg abIlity Tlus dn'lslOn IS responsible for pro\1drng a safe and fun emlIonment for recreatIOnal SWlIDffirng and qualIty prograrnrng. Staff 1S responsible for the marntenance, programrng, schedulrng, and public educatIOn. Staffing Level I Pool :--lanager 1 _-".sslstant Pool manager 5 Llfeguards 2 Instructors I Pool Ald 10 FIE 0\ eniew of ongoing and present activities: Marntam safety, and Guest RelatIOns Aqua-Aerobics program L e am to s WllTI program Staff CertificatIOn and Trauung Water Safety Instructor program Pool maintenance and Reparr :\otable changes in next budget year. Increase rn guard wages b;. .25 cents dependrng on certlficatlon level L'lcrease In cheffilcal costs due to lugher energy costs. Increase In ~laJor EqUipment Request for Automatlc Electnc Defibnll.ltlOn Dence. Tills IS becomrng Industry" standard of care for emergency procedure. Request for nev. vacuum, the old has a motor gorng out. Request Strantroll Uillts and pulsar urnt to update cheffilcal controllers and feed systems. Outside plcrnc tables are always In use An mcrease m tables Will assIst WIth guest relatIOns bcrease In BUlldrng Improvements and RepaIr and Mamtenance As the facJllty gets older there are more Items rn need of repaIr and replacement Request for contract sernces. To Increase dally rev enue and use there IS a need for more of a leIsure settrng. An Increase rn leIsure amen1l1es Will rncrease re\'enue and use The contract request IS to hay e conceptual deSign completed. :\landated Programs !\one Re\ enues Geoerated Learn to SWllTI S\\'1m Team DaIl;. Adnuttance Season Passes ConcessIOn Group Rentals Total Equipment Assigned: none S II. 12 -;' 00 S200 00 S52.000 00 54.200 00 S150000 5l.000no S70,027.00 -159- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET OUTDOOR POOL ACCOUNT # 623 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCT # 600 IACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED RECOMMEND Approved .... 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 603 LONGEVIT-rl 0 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOW ANCE 0 ^ 0 0 0 u 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 495 0 Q 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 I 0 , 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 60,068 56.885 61 612 61.612 61.612 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 3724 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 59 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 871 3.525 3820 3.820 3.820 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 636 825 893 893 893 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL 0 0 0 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 65.358 61.730 66 325 66.325 66.325 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 l 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 25.287 2446' 27 808 29.310 29.310 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 25.287 24467 I =7 802 29310 29.310 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 ~ 0 0 - , 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 c' 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 , 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 Cl 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS 33C 330 66[; 660 660 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 G 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 Q l' 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 G 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 3.000 4 166 6897 6897 6.897 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE! 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL o I 333' 4498 7 55~ I 7557 I 7.557 I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT o I 0 " 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 200 G 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 1 000 0 22387 5120 5.120 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 17268 0 0 , ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 1.200 0 I 39 655 I 5120 5.120 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS 0 95 '7:: 90 695 I 141 345 I 108312 108.312 i - - - - - OUTDOOR POC 01/22/02 -160- ... "',,"~'lo.J""~-"~'''''. Wbeat fudge Semor Co;::murut: Center (624) ACTI\lTY STATD[E!'\T 1 be \\ "RS'CC Sffi\'eS to enhance the quality of lIfe for Wheat Ridge residents ages 50 and older b:- pr0\"1dl11g opportUrutles to grO\\ SOCially, stay healthy and be rn\'olved rn therr commuruty by offerrng recreat;onal ~ased programs Such progra..'1ls mclude fimess, educatlon, travel, health, soclal and nutr1tlon OppOI1UIl1tles. Tne bUlldrng IS also scheduled for use by commurut:. groups and rentals dunng the e\ enrngs and weekends Staffin!! Level: Recreation Supervisor (I) Recreation Coordrnator (2) Office Techruclan (1) RecreatIOn Clerk (1) Buildrng Supemsors (5) Total I FIE I 12 FTE 1 FIE I FTE 1 15 FIE 5.27 FIE Oven'ie,," of On!!oin!! and Present Activities: -Pro\'lde day mps throughout the front range and rnountams 2-3 times a week -Offer outdoor recreatIOn opporturutles mcludrng, lukmg, sk1rng, raftrng etc -Plan 5 ovenught tnps a year pronded by the seruer center staff -Contract 5 or 6 extended travel tr1ps with outside tra\ el agencies -Pronde 4 fitness classes to older adults that meet 2-3xs!\\'eek. plus a walkmg group I time a \\ eek -ContrJct WIth the \' olunteers of Amenca to pro\'Ide a congregate hot lunch program 4 days a \\ eek -Pro\'lde art and general mterest classes }"londa) through Fnday Zecrult and schedule over 4,000 volunteer hours for seruor center functIOns -Pronde 4-5 computer cbsses to older adults a \\eek -Offer free SOCIal programs to seruors rncludrng cards a..'1d blll1ards -Pronde free or 10\\ cost meetrng space for special rnterest groups for seruors durrng the day and commurut: based groups dUring the evenmg and weekends -Offer SOCial e\,ents a fe\\ times a month (monthl) dmners, entenammem, mO\les) -Offer health screerungs 2 per month !\Olahle Chan!!es in 2002 -Capnal dollars for needed faclllty repalIS (floonng. H\'AC and frnlsh kltchen) -HealthCare Dunenslons (Slh erSneakers) IS requestmg addnlOnal timess classes to be held at the WRS'CC 'landated Pro!!rams-Federal and State ~c:1e Re\ enue Generated Tnp fees=S43.230. spo:1sorsmps=S2.iOO, E\'ent fees=SS,OOO, f::c:l.1t: fees=SS.S25 TOTA.L=SI01.355 re:1:al fees=S 15,900, class fees=S22,700, rrusc Equipment Assi!!ned -Two 15 passenge:' vans, 1996 Ford and 1999 Che\;. -161- -- -- - -- - - - - - - - - - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET OUTDOOR POOL ACCOUNT # 623 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED 1ECOMMEND Approved - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 603 LONGEVIT'li 0 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 C 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 495 0 0 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 60.068 56.885 61.612 61.612 61.612 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3724 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 59 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 871 3.525 3.820 3820 3,820 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 636 825 893 893 893 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL 0 0 c' 0 0 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 65.358 61.730 6E 325 66 325 66.325 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 o I 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 a 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 25.287 24467 27 808 29310 29.310 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 25.287 24467 I 27 soe I 29310 29.310 I T 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 C ; : 0 01 , 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 ( 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRI PTIONS 0 0 ( 0 01 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS 330 330 66C I 660 660 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 Co 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 C 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 c' 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 3.000 4 168 6897 6897 6,897 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE' 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL o I 333r 449E I r 55.... 7 557 I 7.557 I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 (, (. 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 200 0 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 1 000 0 22.387 5.120 5.120 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 1 ~.268 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 1.200 0 I 39655 I 5 120 5.120 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I o I 95 '''''5 90 695 I 141 345 I 10e 312 1108,312 ! - - - - OUTDOOR POC 01/22/02 -160- ..I. ......"--''---'.&.'--......&.. Wheat RIdge Seruor Co;-,_:munlt;. Center (62~) ACTI\lTY STATE;\[E!'<T 1 be WRS'CC strives to enhance the quality of life for Wheat R1dge residents ages 50 and older b:- pro\'ldll1g opporturutles to grO\\ soclall), stay healthy and be IDvolved rn therr commWllt;.' by offerrng recreatlonal ~ased programs, Such progralTlS Include fimess, educatlon, travel, health, social and nutntlon opponurul1es. Tne bUlldrng lS also scheduled for use by commWllt;.. groups and rentals dunng the e\enrngs and weekends Staffio!! Level: RecreatIOn SuperilSor (I) RecreatlOn Coorillnator (2) Office Techruclan (I) Recreation Clerk (I) BUlldrng Super>1Sors (5) Total I FTE I 12 FTE 1 FIE I FTE I 15 FIE S.2'7 FIE Onrview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities: -Pronde da:- tnps throughout the front range and mountarns 2-3 tlmes a week -Offer outdoor recreation opporturutles mcludrng, hikmg, sk.1rng, raftrng etc -Pla..'1 5 overrught tnps a year pro\'1ded by the seruor center staff -Contract S or 6 extended travel tnps \vlth outslde tray el agencies -Pronde ~ fitness cl:lSses to older adults that meet 2-3xs/\\ eek. plus a walkrng group 1 time a \\ eek -Contract with the \'olunteers of Amenca to provide a congregate hot lunch program 4 days a week -Pronde art and general Interest classes l\londa:- through Fnday Zecnllt and schedule over ~,OOO volunteer hours for seruor center functIOns -Pronde 4-S corr:puter cl:lSses to older adults a \\eek -Offer free sOCIal programs to seruors rncludrng cards <L.'1d blll1ards -Pronde free or 10\\ cost meetrng space for speCial rnterest groups for seruors dUTIng the day and commurul'. based groups dUllng the evemng and \\ eekends -Offer SOCIal events a fe\\ tlmes a month (month]:- dmners, entertamment, manes) -Offer health screerungs 2 per month :\otable Chan!!es in 2002 -Capital dollars for needed fac1l1ty repaIrS (Doonng. H\'AC and frnlsh k.1tchen) -HealthCare DimenSIOns (S1I\ erSneakers) IS requestmg additIOnal fimess classes to be held at the \\"RS'CC 'Ian dated Pro!!rams-Federal and State ?\ one Re\ enlie Generated I np fees=S43.230. spo:1sorsmps=S2.700, Event fees=SS,OOO, rel1:al fees=S 15 ,900, class fees=S2:::,700, rrusc facll.lt;. fees=SS.S2S TOTAL=S101.355 EQuioment Assicrned -1\\0 ISpassengerv-ans, 1996 Ford and 1999Che\'} -161- - - - - -I - - - - - - - - - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGI 21-Jan-02 General Fund Senior/Community Center DEPARTMENT P&R 624 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL IACCT NAME/DETAILED EXPl BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUEST REC APPROVAL - 602 STAFF WAGES 141,924 141,924 152.498 150473 150.473 610 OVERTIME 0 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL 21,159 21,159 27.354 27,354 27.354 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 12,194 7.710 14,649 14649 14.649 620 FICA 10.849 10.590 12,059 11.934 11 .934 622 MEDICAUDENT AULlFE 14.453 16.865 18,991 18.973 18.973 625 MEDICARE 2,542 2.476 2,820 2.791 2.791 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4.762 4,762 6,100 6,019 6.019 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 25.930 24.000 29.440 29 440 29.440 iA.CCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 233,813 229 486 263,911 261 632 261 632 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 2046 1.800 2.508 2508 2.508 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 6.816 6,800 6,896 6.896 6.896 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.532 18.800 21.006 21,006 21.006 663 HAZARD WASTE MATERIAL 0 0 0 0 0 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 iA.CCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 27,394 27 400 30410 30410 i 30 410 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 1715 1715 350 350 350 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 22.778 20,040 23,627 23 627 23.627 706 DUES/BOO KS/SUBSCR I PTIONS 295 295 440 440 440 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 1.948 1,948 1,950 1950 1.950 730 UNIFORMS 0 0 150 150 150 740 MILEAGE 1,050 800 980 980 980 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 3000 3000 3.000 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS/LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 2000 2.000 760 UTILITIES 13,800 13.000 16,000 16000 16.000 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 3.275 3.275 6.135 6135 6.135 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1.935 1.935 2925 2.925 2.925 799 MISC SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 0 iA.CCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 46.796 43008 55,557 57 557 57.557 I 801 LAND AND WATER ACQUISITION 0 0 0 0 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 1,350 800 565 565 565 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 1.020 1020 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 9.500 9,500 54.775 40475 40.475 iA.CCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 11.870 11.320 55 340 41040 41.040 - - - - - - - - - - - - CI DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I] 319,873 I 311.214 I 405,218 I 390639 390,639 I -162- fU\D: General Fund (01) PROGRA..\l: Teen Center (625) ACTInTY STATEl\1E:\T The Wheat fudge Teen Program IS dedicated to servlcmg teens by providing dally recreatlOnal and educatIOnal programmmg, enablmg these mdn'lduals healthy and safe SOCial expenences willle workmg With the commUIllty to create a democratic youth program. Stamm! Level Teen Coordmator Teen Leaders Total I HE 86 HE 1 86 HE O\erview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities -Schedule ActlVllleS band nights, excurSIOns, lock In, speCial event rughts, classes, workshops -Classes ,\\' orkshops career placement, dance, mUSIC, sports, health educatIOn, SOCial awareness, educalIonal, teen leadersmp -Drop-In computer lap, peer counsehng (Gemini youth counseling). pool, foosball T\', pIng pong. play statIOn, volunteer optIOns. teen leadersmp ) -ongoIng community outreach, makmg contacts Wllh schools, area clubs and bUSInesses -est~bhsh a pOS1l1\e en\'lronment and posltl\e actl\'JlIeS for teens to be a pan of -ongoing recrullment and trarrung of teen leaders and pOSSible Instructors or guest spea.l.:ers -pubhsh a teen informatIOn gUide to be disbursed throughout the communlt: - - "atable Ch:ln!!e~ in 2002 Incre3se Sin 704 for Janltonal ser\'lces and pest control - - A.ddltIOnal 61-: mone: - which allows CO\ er3ge at the teen center with pan lIme staff. to allov. the Teen CoordIn3tor to do Increased communlt: outreach. 10 make school contacts. etc - - \landated Pro!!r:lms - federal and St:lte none - -- Re\enue Gener:lted Anendance fees received from band rughts. speCial e\'Cnt nights and pool parties 53, I 00 Rental fees from faclllt\' usage S I 800 - - , Total 54.900 EQuioment Assi!:!ned none -163- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET TEEN CENTER ACCOUNT # 625 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 DEPT MANAGER COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED ECOMMEND Aooroved - 602 STAFF WAGES 35 664 33.000 38716 38.201 38.201 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 20074 15.000 27 330 27.330 27.330 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 1.000 175 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3518 3173 3954 4063 4,063 622 MEDICALJDENT AL INSURANCE 2.677 2.500 2.902 2898 2.898 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 823 742 92:: 95C' 950 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1 427 1.320 1 458 1 528 1.528 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL 4.578 4,395 45'8 4578 4.578 COMPENSATED ABSENCE 0 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL o I 69761 60.305 ~9 863 79 546 79.548 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 90 C 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 5450 3.956 360C 3 "794 3.794 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 - C 0 c I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 5450 3956 3.690 I 3794 3.794 1 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 910 210 560 I 560 560 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 2.000 5000 ~ 992 I 7.992 7,992 706 DU E S/BOO KS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 145 , 155 155 0 , 5~ I 728 TRAINING 0 0 - , C 0 - , 730 UNIFORMS 80 C 22.1 I 224 224 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 500 150 538 I 538 538 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 c i 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 C (0 I c 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 C I 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 I' I 250 250 760 UTILITIES 7200 6500 - -22 I - ~22 7.722 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE :: :}- 220: 2 -S': ! : ~50 2,750 ' 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE , 1000 25C 1 CO':' : ' 000 1.000 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 0 ( , :1 I 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE' - C' 1 - 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 1 o ! 14035 14310 209.11 2' 191 21.191 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT .0 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT j , 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT - , 0 0 0 . 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT C C' 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I (I C 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB.TOTAL ; C - c' 0 0 c ! I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS - I 892.16 I ~8 5~' i 10.1 49.1 I 10.1 534 I 104.534 i . - -, - - - - 01/22/02 -164- FC:\"D: General Fund (01) PROGR.\.:'f: BUIldmg !\Iamtenance 11181 ACTI\1TY STATE\IE:'\T Admllllster facility repair and mamtenance on all city owned facll1l1es Staffin!! Level BUlldmg Mamtenance Supervisor - 1 FIE O\'erview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities -Order all suppl1es related to faclllt;. maintenance -Supernse contractual Jarutona] serVIces -Coordinate facIlny repaIr In house and with outsIde contractors -Routine maintenance of all HV AC systems :\otahle Chanoes in 2002 - Flrehouse facllIl) costs have been moved to the BuIlding Mamtenance program budget - \Iandated Pro~rams - Federal and State "one - Re\En ue Cen erated - - ~one - Equipment Assi!!ned -- - 2 PIckup Trucks em! :: Year Model 30-1 2000 Chev\' S-15 306 2001 Dodge Dah.ota -165- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET BUILDING MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT # 118 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Adopted Depanment Depanment Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual Budaet Estimated Reouested Recommend APPROVE - 602 STAFF WAGES 40,236 40.236 72,624 43131 43.131 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 8.000 8.000 8160 6144 6.144 614 STANDBY I 0 5.000 6.144 4992 4.992 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 2.991 2.991 5390 3.561 3.561 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 2.784 2.784 3.340 3.335 3.335 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 699 699 1.260 833 833 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1.609 1 609 2.905 ,725 1.725 COMPENSATED ABSENSES 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 c' 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 56.319 61,319 99823 63721 63.721 I : 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 o I 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 o I (I 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 c 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 16900 I 16.900 17 T1'5 I , - 775 17.775 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 16.900 I 16.900 17 7~5 17775 17.775 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 63 300 63.300 78650 72.500 72.500 706 DU ES/BOO KS/S UBSCRI PTIONS 300 100 100 100 100 728 TRAINING 750 500 500 500 500 730 UNIFORMS 200 200 300 200 200 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 150 150 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 C 0 500 500 760 UTILITIES 110000 11000C 115 828 '15828 .115.828 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 9250 19500 20 500 20 500 20.500 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 o I 2250 ! 2.250 2.250 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL ! 183 800 I 193 600 I :' 18 126 ! 212.528 212.528 I - , 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 2500 2500 1 OOC 1 000 1 000 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENT 2500 2.500 16000 I 1 000 1.000 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 5000 500C' 17 DOD I 2.000 I 2.000 I I - - - DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 262 019 276819 I 352 72E I 296024 I 296.024 I -166- ------------- . . . ------------- . . . '" ..... - W' W' W' 'W' ..... 'V ..... ..... w W' ..... - - "-' - - - - - - - - CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 CAPITAL Il\IPROVEME:'I;T PROGRAM - January 2002 - - -,68- CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET 2002-2006 23-Jan-Q2 PROJECTED I PROPOSED I PROPOSED ACTUAL BUDGET PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2000 2001 2001 I 2002 ! 2003 '004 2005 '00. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT REVENUES TOTAL FUND BALANCE $1,914,681 $1,914,681 $1,833,062 $1.481,524 $2,006,524 $1.871.524 $2.796.524 CAPITAL PROJECTS FUND BALANCE $1.322,007 $1,253,269 $1.269,297 $1.362.183 $898,983 $1,098,983 $1.116.983 $1,643,983 30-500-00-504 SALES TAX $4.835,372 S4,975,OOO $4,975.000 $5,273,500 55,432.000 55.595.000 55,76J.000 $5.936,OClO 30-520-00-540 CITY OF ARVADA $12,018 $190.000 I 30-580-00-581 INTEREST $124,628 $190.000 $110.834 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 $190,000 30-580.00..588 MISC REVENUE $5.259 $10.000 $5,000 $10,000 I $10.000 $10.000 51G,ooo 510.00c RELEASED ENCUMBER $0 $0 $154.004 $0 $0 $0 $0 '0 TRANSFERS IN $490,406 $1,452,000 $1.452,000 I ::1 SO $0 $0 SO CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) $0 $167,360 $167,360 STADIUM TAX REBATE i SO $100.000 $100.000 SOl 30-590-00-593 URA EXCESS INCREMENTAL SALES TAX REVENU~ $260.000 I $50.000 $50,000 $50.000 $50.000 $50.000 30-500-05-505 URA I $50.000 $50.000 $50.000 I 30-500-05-505 ESTlP , $61.342 $BO,ooo $60.000 $80,000 $80,000 $BO.DOC $SC,DOC $BO,rxx: SUBTOTAL CAPITAL PROJECTS REVENUES $6,901,032 $8,277,629 $8,623,495 I $6,985,653 I $6,660,983 $7,023,983 $7,211,983 $8,109,983 UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTS REVENUES UTILITY UNDER GROUNDING BALANCE $0 5349,025 $352.980 $582.541 $907,54 ~ $752,54 ~ $952.541 UTILITY UNDERGROUNDING A.NNUAL AliOCA TlO~ $400,000 $200.000 $i~:~1 $300,000 $300.000 $300.000 $300,000 UTILITY UNDERGRQUNDING INTEREST $14935 $27,451 $25.000 $45.000 $50,000 $60.000 SUBTOTAL UNDERGROUNDING REVENUES $414,935 $576,476 $568,51i I $907,541 $1,252,541 $1,102,541 $1,312.541 TOTAL REVEro.JUE $7315967 $8854105 $91920141 $7638224 I $7568524 $8276524 $8314524 $9422 524 SO SO CAPITAL PROJECTS EXPENDITURES DPW SERVICES 30.302-700.750 ProfeSSIOnal Services roYAL DPW SERVICES DPW DRAINAGE 30-302-800-833 Drainage Improvements Project I 3o.302~640 35th A..enue East of Wadsworth 30-302.800-841 Columbine Basin to UD&FCD IN of 1.70 Gamsan to W~ 30-302-800-847 Pierce SI Storm Sewer & Sidewalk. 26th to 32nd I 30-302-800.848 Harlan SI. Storm Sewer, 4811'1 to Clear Creek I ACTUAL 2000 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2003 2004 2005 2006 SO $0 c SO 0 0 $a 0 $150,000 i $160,000 $60.000 $60,000 $60,000 $150,000 I SO $0 SO $0 $200,000 30-302-800-845 45th and Robb ExtensIOn $0 SO $0 $~og:ggg i 30.302.800-846 33rd and Routt ExlenSlon $0 $0 $0 TOTAL DRAINAGE $1.045.611 $135,846 $135,846 $450.000 $160,000 $60000 $60.000 $260,000 DPW STREETS $160.000 I 30-303-800-840 5lTeetlmprovements PrOjecl $210,370 $0 $0 $100,000 $100,000 $100.000 $100,000 30-303-800-??? 4611'1 Ave"Estes.Dudley(Phase 1l-Street Reconstruction SO $0 $0 $01 $1,000,000 30-303-800-??? 46th Ave" Oover-CarrlPhase 2\-Street Reconstruction SO $0 $0 SO $0 $1.000.000 30-303-800-642 29th Ave Reconsvuctlon, Fenton to Sheridan Phase I $154.944 30-303-800-642 29th Ave Streetscape, Fenton to Shendan Phase II SO $250,000 $250,000 : 30-303-800-850 Hanan SI. Sldl!Walk & Ped Ll9hts, 3811'1 to 44th $0 $500.000 $0 $500,000 30-303-800-850 Harlan SI Sidewalk & Ped li9hts. 44th to 48th $0 SO $0 $300,000 30-303-S00-?'I? Construct Municipal Parking Lot at 5300 W. 38th Ave $0 $0 SO $150,000 30-303-800-852 50th Ave Const Kipling to Miller.lncludes Streetscape SO SO $0 $0 SO $0 $900,000 30-303-800-854 Younglield St. 38th to 44lJ1-.lncludes Streetscape $0 $0 SO $0 $0 SO $0 $950,000 30-303-800-855 Streetscape PilOt Project $0 $1.894,640 $2.419.129 30-303-800-858' COSG Streelscape Elements SO $167,360 $167,360 I 30-303-800- ??? 44tl1 Allelsoum s,de) & Ward Rd, Area-StreetsGaplng SO '0 SO , SO $0 $500,000 30-303.800-841 lnoependence Ct, Scnool Sidewalk, 38th to 41st $459,081 30-303.800-641 Kipling SU39t!l TraIl ConnecOon (see 302.833 for 2000) $0 sol 30-303-800-841 Pierce SI Scnool Sidewalk, 44th "'" SO $200,000 $148,000 30-303-800-856 Wadsworth Slvd COrTioor Improvements. Local Match $0 $150,000 $0 $0 $0 SO $800,000 30-303-800- ??? Identified CorridorslStreetscap@ Master Plannmg $0 SO SO 1150.000 I 30-303-800-8571-70 Na,swall.Ar1 PrOlect $12,079 30-303-800-851 PubliC improvement PrOJects, Development Related SO $100.000 $0 ~ooool $100,000 $100.000 $100.000 $100.000 30-303-800-864 Street Lights, installation of Approved Ughts $5,160 $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 $5,000 $5.000 $5.000 $5.000 3().303-B00-864 Preventive Maintenance Projects $1,068,080 $1.400.000 $1,250,000 $1,250.000 $1'~;6'~ $1'i;~'~ $1.375.000 $1.400.000 30.303-800-885 Street Malrttenance Matenals DPW Shops $31,673 $45 000 $45 000 $50 000 $55.000 $55000 'TOTAL STREETS , 51,941,38';' $4,712000 $4 284.489 $2.615.000 $2,605,000 $3,105000 $2.535.000 $3.410CKlO DPW TRAFFIC I 30-304-800-843 Traffic Signal Improvement Projects $21 $200.000 $0 I $200,000 I $200,000 $150,000 $150.000 $150,000 30-304-800.844 Neighbomood TraffiC Management PrOjects $201,802 $135,000 19 $175,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 $200,000 30-304-800- ?'l? 49th At KI I'no Sare!y Pro eCI (local Matchl '0 '0 $25700 TOTAL rRAF~IC $201,823 $335.000 SO $400.700 I $400,OOC $350,000 $350,000 $350.000 DPW FACILITIES S~ I 30-305-800-810 New Shop Facility-Feasibility Study $0 SO SO $40.000 30-305-800-811 New Shop Funding SO $0 SO $5,~1 $0 $0 SO $ 1,000,000 30-305-800-812 PuOllc Works Sl'lOoBWld'na ImorO\lements $24.539 $5.000 $5.000 $5,000 $6.000 $6000 $6.000 TOTAL DPW FACILITIES $24.539 $5,000 $5.000 I $5,000 $45 000 $6 000 $6,000 $1006000 PARKS & RECREA TlON CAP/TAL PROJECTS 545,000 ! 30-603-BOO-861 Commur.ity Improvement Tree Program $4.469 $45,000 $39,780 $45,000 $45,000 $45,000 $45.000 30-603-800-862 Recreallon Buildlnns tmnl'ovements $7.567 $150,000 $150,000 $0 i TOTAL PARKS & RECREATION , 12,036 $195ooo $189780 $45000 45 000 $45000 45 000 45 000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT i lr'ooo I 30-61~700-719 ESTIP Incentives , $56,366 $60,000 $60.000 ~~.:: $80,000 ~60ooo $60.000 30-610-7OQ-nO URA , $50000 $50 000 ~OOOO 50000 : .550000 50000 $50000 TOTAL ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT $106,366 $110,000 $110,000 $130.000 $130,000 $130000 $130000 $130,000 MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS I 30-610-8OQ.801 Land ACQUISItion SO $0 $280.000 SO I 3D-61Q..800-811 City Hall Improvements $18.050 $125,000 $50,662 $100,000 $100.000 $100,000 $100.000 30-610-800-864 CapItal Commurtlcallon SO SO $0 SO SO SO SO SO $204.150 $0 SO $527,855 $313.606 $135,846 SO $0 SO $0 30-610-800-871 Streetscaoe-Atchltectural Standards 3Q.610-8OQ.872 Aenal ~hotOQraDhvlGIS UPdates . 'TOTAL MUNlC;IPAL TRANSFERS Transfer lC Tree Fund 30-610-aoo-865 Transfer to EqUIpment Fund Transfer to Computer Fund Jo-902-8~8g1 Transfer to General Fund 30-902.890-892 Transfer to SIT Revenue Bond Fund I TOTAL TRANSFE~S Annual Allocat,on to Unoeroroundll"lO Revenue I SUB TOT AL CAP!TAL PROJECTS EXPENDITURES CAPITAL PROJECTS BALANCE $25,519 $193.151 '0 $175.000 $43569 $49315' $10,000 $10,000 $375,000 $375.000 $100,000 $100,000 $1.079,000 $1.079,000 $0 '0 $1564 000 $ 1,564 000 $400000 $200 000 $5,339.331 $7,755,69';' $1,561,701 5521,932 554,867 $180,000 $7,088 $20,000 $0 $20000 $61.955 $220,000 $352,980 $356.476 $5401286 $7n5697 $1914681 $1078408 UTILITY UNDERGRQUNDING EXPENDITURES 30-J06..800-80t Payments to Qwest 3O-3Q6.800.802 Easements and ROW 30-3Q6.800-603 Related ConstruCllon I ISUBTQT AL UNJERGROUNDING UNDERGRQUNDING BALANCE ITOTAL EXPENDITURES ITOTAL FUND BALANCE $135,646 $0 $0 $01 SO $193,151 I $168,346 $692159 $10,000 $375,000 $100.000 $1,114.000 SO $1,599.000 $200.000 ' $7,221,9741 $1,382,183, S136."'1 $0 $0 $136978 I $431,541 I $7358952' $1833062 I - - - -- - - - -- - $0 $100 000 $100 000 $100 000 $100 000 $0 I SO $0 SO SO $400,000 $400.000 $400,000 $400,000 $400,000 $100.000 $100.000 5100.000 $100 000 $tOO.OOO $1,741,000 $ 1.277.000 51,309,000 $1.342,000 $1,376,000 SO, '0 $0 '0 '0 $2241000 $1,777 000 $1809000 $1842000 $1.876000 $200QOC I $300000 $300 000 5300 000 $300000 $6,086.7OC $5.562,000 $5,905.000 55.368,000 $,,477,000 $898,983 1 $1,098,953 $1.118,983 $1,843,983 $632,983 I SSO,OOO I SO $350,000 $100,000 $100.000 $10,000 i $0 $100,000 $25.000 $25,000 $10000 I $0 $50000 $25000 525000 $70,000 $0 $500,000 $150,000 $150000 $582,541 I $907,541 $752,541 $952,541 $1,162,541 $6156700 $5562000 $6405000 $5518000 $7627000 $1481524 $2006524 $1871524 $2796524 $1795524 -169- DPW DRAINAGE 1. 2002 Local Drainage Projects 2002 Budget S 150,000 Description: The proJect 11'111 correct Isolated dramage problems at I aflous locatIon, throughout the CIty The corrective work performed under 1hlS proJect I, lImited to elimmatmg street dram age condItIOns which cause unsafe condItIOns for vehicular and pedestrian traffic. damage to structures and property and potenllal damage to the puhlic street system Wor\.. at speCific locatIOns IS pfloflllzed accordmg to the magnnude of the problem and as many problems as pOSSible wIll be corrected wnhm the project hudget ProJect( S I scheduled for 2002 are as follows 1) West 50'h Avenue & Ward Road 2) South Side of West 3yh Avenue. at Wheat Ridge Communll;. Center Justification: bolated ';(feet drainage prohlems have been Idenllfled h;. properl;. l1\\ ner, and the Department of Public \\ orb which are causing unsafe condnlon, tor \ ehlcular ami pede,tnan traffic, damage to structure, and property and potential dalll..lge Il) the puhlic street system These problems occur as a result of Inadequate draln..lge Cl1ndltlon, \\ nhIn the publIc flght-of-II'a;. which are the responslbilny of the Cn;. '7 \\ est 35'h A venue, east of Wadsworth Blvd. 2002 Budget S 15(J (J(J(J - - Description: Thl> portIOn of West 35'" AI'enue ha, Inlermntent ,eCtlOIl> l1t curh gutter ..lnd 'Ide\\al\... and earthen s\\ales at a flat grade The comhlnatll1n ot the,e factor' create dramage problems from \\ ads\\ orth BII d. cast to L ph am Street - Justification: The placement of curh, gu([er and 'lde\\.II\.. tll elllllln.lle the L'\1'llng dralllage S\\ ales, along wnh storm ,ewer Improvemellh In \\ e',\ 35'" A \ enue \\ 111 facilitate the proper conveyance ot storm \\ater nO\\' tl1the e.I,1 and elllllln,lte the lurrenl pl1ndlng prohlems III the C\I>lIng ',\1 ale, - - - 3. \\ est .t5'h A Hnue &. Rohb Street Storm Sewer Extension 2002 Budget S 100000 Description: Extend eXisting storm ,ewer ,lluth III We 'I .+.+'" A I enue Justification: Improve eXlsllng dralllage .t. \\ est 33'd A Hnue & Routt Street Storm Sewer Extension 2002 Budget S 50000 Description: Extend eXiSting storm sewer system to Lena Gulch Justification: Improve eXisting dralllage -i70- DPW STREETS 5. Street lmpro\ements Project - \\ est 49th A venue at Van Gordon Street 2002 Budget S 160000 Description: This proJect Involves the InstallatIOn of curb. gutter and asphalt pax Ing In West 49th Avenue from Van Gordon Street east approxlmatel) 230' to the propo,ed cul- de-sac bulb Justification: ProVIde safer fire access and Improve public Improvements 6. Harlan Street Sidewalk & Pedestrian Lights West 38'h A venue to \\ est 44'h A venue 2002 Budget 5500000 Description: This proJect Involves the replacement of eXisting curb gutter and 'Ide\\'al\.- and Infil placement of new curb. gutter and sldewal\.-. and the Incorporallon ot Clt) architectural and streetscapIng standards (to be determIned) from West 38'" ....\enue to \\ e,t 44't, A \ enue ThIS proJect also In\ olves the replacement of the e\l,lIng traffiC 'Ignal at West 41" A \ enue. undergroundIng ot utllltles and the placement ot pedestrian lights - Justification: ThiS section of Harlan Street has Intermittent locatIOns of curb gutter and slde\\' al\.- In poor conditIon These replacements and the placement of ne\\ curb gutter and "dev. alk v. 111 prOVide a conllguous seCllon of curb. gutter and v. alh. t rom \\ e,t 38'" -\ \ enue to we,t 44'h A venue ThIS proJect v. 111 also pro\ Ide the opportunity to Incorporate CIt) streetscapIng standards The technological ,tandJrd ot the nl">llng traffiC 'Ignall' ob,olete (See also Item #15. Traffic Signal Impro\'ementsl - - - _I - - - 7. Harlan Street Sidewalk & Pedestrian Lights W. 44th A \e. to \\. 48th A H~.. Phase 2 2002 Budget S300000 Description: Thl' project 1m oh es the replacement 01 e\l,tIng curb gutter Jnd sldev. alh. and mfil placement of nev. curb. gutter and sldev. Jlh. and the Incorporation 01 Cll) arlhltectural and streetscaplng standard, Itl) he determlnedl on the \\'e,t 'Ide Jt Harlan Street trom West 44'h A vcnue to \\ est 48'h A venue -- - - - Justification: ThiS section of Harlan Street has Intermittent locallons ot curb gutter and slde\\' al\.- In poor conditIOn These replacements and the placement of nev. curb gutter and sldev. al\.- wlll proVide a contlguou, ,ecllOn of curb. gutter and v"alh. from West 38'h .\\ellUe to \'\'e,t 44'h Avenue ThiS project wlll also prOVide the opportunity to Incorporate CIt) streetscaplllg standard, -171- - - - - - 8. Municipal Parking Lot at 5300 \, est 38th A venue 2002 Budget S 150000 Description: Construct asphalt surface parJ...mg lot. Justification: PrO\ Ide addItional parJ...mg area m conjunctIOn v.Ith the propo\ed \\ e,t ~8:" A venue streetscapmg proJect. 9. Corridor Streetscaping - Master Plan 2002 Budget S 150000 Description: The scope of this proJect IS to IdentIfy maJor COrridor, WIthm the Clly to mcorporate a master streetscaplng plan as prepared by an outside consultant Justification: A master plan w1I1 enable a consIstent and standardized Implementation of streetscapmg standards for IdentIfied COrridor, WIthm the Clly 10. \\ adsworth Blvd. Corridor Improvements, Local !\Iatch 2002 Budget SO Description: TIP application 200 I In 2006 Justification: Purchase of nght-of-v.ay II. Public Improvement Projects. De\elopment Related 2002 Budget )50000 Description: ThiS budget line Ilem 1\ re\en.:d tund, for puhlll ImprO\.:m.:nh of Cll\ ,tre':l, that may be required a.\ an mdlr.:ct r.:,ult ot prl\ at.: dn .:Iopm.:nt Justification: Public Impro\.:m.:nt\ that ar.: rnjulr.:d a, p..trt 01 In.:lupmcnt ,lppro\.II, arc con\tructed at the cost of th.: d.:\ .:Iop.:r hut n,:c':"..try I mpn 1\ cmcnt, \\ IlIl h .Ire not directly attnbutable to the de\ .:Iopm.:nt m..t\ he r':lju.:'t.:J 10 h.: lUlhtrUL1cd h\ th.: d.:\ .:Ioper and funded hy thl' hudg.:t Il.:m 12. Street PreHntatin l\laintenance Project... 2002 Budg.:t S I 250000 Description: The annual \lre.:t pre\.:nt..ttl\.:n1.lllll.:n..tnc.: \\or\.- and CO,[\ ,Ire.l' 10110\\, Concrete replac.:m.:m ..tr.:a Southwest ar.:a 01 thc Clly - Y oungficld St to Slmm, St. and Clly boundary north to Clear Cree\.- S 500.000 Asphalt patching and overlay area W 32"'\ :'",.: trom Simms St to Youngfl.:ld St Youngfl.:ld Str.:...t from Clly boundary north to W 32"" Ave :-"orth Frontag.: Road tram Kipling Street S 600000 -172- Crack sealIng area. Southwest area of the CIt)- Y oungfield to Simms S1. and City boundary north to Clear Creek S 50 000 Slurry sealIng area. W 320J Ave to W 44'h Ave. Sheridan Blvd. to Harlan St. 5 100000 Justification: Preventative street maIntenance work. IS required to replace defectl\ e concrete. replace or add to pavement surface by an asphalt overlay. patch Isolated structural failures m eXistIng asphalt streets. waterproof and Improve the texture of asphalt weanng surfaces by a slurry seal coat and reduce water mfiltratlon under pavements by sealmg cracks Preventative maIntenance prolongs the useful life of streets and sldev.all,.s and reduces the costly alternative of reconstructing streets \3. Street Light Installation 2002 Budget 55 000 - Description: Funds for nev. street lights as requested by cItizens or the depJrtment and Jpprmed by the City -- - - Justification: New street llghtmg IS pro\'lded to accommodate areas ot the Clt\ \\ hlch reqUire additional lighting for safety concerns or as otherWise Justified OJ the Cil\ P;Jyment In ;Jdv;Jnce IS reqUlred by PublIC Service Company to Install ne\\ ';treet lights -' - - -- lot. DP\' Street :\Iaintenance Materials 2002 Budget 550000 - De.scription: Bltummous materials. concrete pIpe. s;Jnd ;Jnd ;Jggregate matefl;Jl, purchased by Public Works for street and dramage repair worl,. oJ ,treel mamtenance cre\I' -- -- - Justification: Asphalt. pipe. concrete ,and and gravel material, arc reqUired for street m.lIntenance \Iork by PubliC \Vorks <;treet rnarntenance crews - -- -- -173- DPW TRAFFIC 15. Traffic Signal Improvements 2002 Budget 5200.000 Description: An estImated 580. 000 to 590.000 IS to be appropnated to upgrade the eXlstmg signal at West 41 SI A venue & Harlan Street m conJunctIOn with the Harlan Street Sidewalk and pedestnan light proJect from West 38'h Avenue to West .+.+'h Avenue (See also Item #6. DPW Streets) Justification: The scheduled replacement work IS necessary for the mamtenance of eXlstmg equIpment and facilItIes. The mastann type signals are necessary for contmult) with other City of Wheat RIdge signals. 16. !'ceighborhood Traffic Management Project 2002 Budget 5175.000 - Description: The 2001 traffic management proJect will mclude those neighborhoods who have met the Neighborhood Traffic Management Program (J\:TMP I cntena. Improvements such as speed humps. raised cro,s walks. lane narrowmg and other appropnate measures as approved h) City Council \10111 be made to neighborhood ,treet> The propo,>ed project locatIOn... arc 10 be determined. Justification: ThiS budget Item will fund !\elghborhood Traffic Man;lgement Progr;lm proJects which are approved by C1ly Council The goal of the program I'> to IInpro\e the qU;lllty of neighborhood life by reducmg neighborhood ...peedmg ;lnd tr;lffic volume - - 17. \\est 49th A\en~e at Kipling Street - Safet~ Project (Local \Iatch) 2002 Budget 525.700 - Description: Removal of the e\lstmg concrete Island... on West .+9'" A venue ;lnd the c\len...lOn of the eXlstmg north bound aCCelCr;l!lOn bnc to \\ est 50'11 A wnue Justification: Reduce the slgmflcant ;lmounl of traffic aCCident... ..It thiS lIltcr...eC!lon. and traft IC backups on the 1-70 off ramps to Kipling Street DP\\ F.\CILlTIES 18. Public Works Shop Building lmpro\'ements 2002 Budget S5.000 ... "c Description: ThiS program proVides funds for mIscellaneous Improvements to shops facil1lles Justification: Ongomg mallltenance -174- .,., PARKS AND RECREATION CAPITAL PROJECTS 19. Community Improvement Tree Program 2002 Budget 5-+5.000 Description: ThIs budget Item \s for tree trimming. removal and replacement of tree' which are located on city property and withIn the City rlght-of-\'. a) Justification: Funds are necessary dUring the year to trim and prune tree, :.Ind reml1\'e and replace dead trees that are the responsibIlity of the Clt) The progr:.lm ..11'0 Include, the removal and replacement of trees as required for publiC \'.orJ...s projects ECONO:\lIC DEVELOPI\1E!';T 20. ESTIP Incentives 2002 Budget SSO 000 - Description: Enhanced Sale, Tax Incentive Program (ESTlP I I' a tax ,harlng progr.JIll Illr hU'Ine"e, In the ell) Justification: The program pro\ Ide, an IncelltI\e fur dc\elopIllellt IIllpnl\emenh - - - 21. L'RA 2002 Budget )5U UOO - - Description: Lrban Rene\'. al AuthOrity I URA I. \, a tax sharing program tor hu"ne\\e' III the' ell\ Justification: The program pro\ Ide, an Incentl\C tor urhan rcnc\\al - - - - - \lU~IClPAL CAPlT AI. PROJECTS Cit) Halllmpro~ements 2002 Budget SO -- Description: Scope of Impro\ emenh Ilot yet determlncd Justification: -175- ~ .", - ...... ...... ...... t"". "'" t"". t"". t"". t"". """ ...... ...... """ """ .... - - ...... - - - FU:\'D: Park AcquIsItIon Fund (J 1) PROGRAM: Development Fees ACTIVITY ST A TEI\1ENT The reqUired development fee If assessed IS placed III this fund, ExpendItures from thIs fund are for park proJects. Staflin!! Le\fl ;"\one 0\ en'ie\\ of On!!oin!! and Present Activities There IS presently no actl\'Ity III thIS fund. - - :\Olahle Chan!!es in 2002 - - "\one - - - \Ian dated Pro!!rams - federal and State and Count\ - - - "\one - Re\enue Generated - ApproXllllatel:- S1.000 per year 2001 S5.000 Equipment Assi!!ned '\one -c75- PARK ACQUISITION FUND FUND 11 23-Jan-02 IMANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED jRECOMMEND APPROVED REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 ' 2002 2002 I BEGINNNING BALANCE $6.766 S7 560 68501 $12253 ! S12,253 : I" 550-0.555 i SUBDIVISION FEES S1.200 S1.000 S5 003 I S1 000 ' S1,OOO I , I 111 590.00.591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND $0 $0 SO SO so \ ! 1 1 580.00.588 JEFFERSON COUNTY OPEN SPACE SO $0 SO SO SO 11 580.00.588 CDBG GRANT SO $0 SO SO SO " 58D.00.581 INTEREST S220 $250 S400 SSOO SSOO I I TOT AL REVENUES S1 420 S1.250 S5 403 . ~; SOC' S1.500 ' ,MANAGER COUNCIL , ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMEND APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 '11.603 800.862 REIMBURSE GENERAL FUND SO $0 SO I SC SO , '11.603.800.862 BAUGH PROPERTY $0 SO $0 : SO i SO I 11' .603-800-862 PLAYGROUND IMPROVEMENTS SO SO SO I SO ! SO i SO SO $0 I sc i SO ! I TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO SO SO ' SO SO ' ENDING FUND BALANCE 58,186 S8.810 S12.253 513.753 513.753 - - - - -. -- - - - -177- Fl'ND: INSURANCE FeND 15 ACTIVITY ST A TE:YIENT Per recommendatIon from City's Auditor's thIs fund has been eliminated. The actI\.lty IS In the General Fund. Account 114 This fund v. as established In 1993 to pro\ Ide a funding mechanIsm for property and liabIlity Insurance premIUms and payments for uninsured losses Money for thiS fund came \1nly from the General Fund. - - - - - - - - - - - -- -178- INSURANCE FUND FUND 15 23-Jan-02 IMANAGER COUNCIL ' ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED jRECOMMENDI APPROVED I REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 ! 15.580-00-589 FUND BALANCE 574.362 5327.334 5262.678 I SO , SO 15-580-00.581 INTEREST $23,711 $0 511000 15-580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $12.812 $5 000 585.000 15-590-00-591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND $362.000 510.000 $0 15-590.00-592 TRANSFER FROM CAPTlAL FUND $0 $0 $0 I TOT AL REVENUES 5472.885 5342.334 5358678 If MANAGER i COUNCIL I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMEND! APPROVED I EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 I 2002 I 2002 I 15.610.700.781 PERSONAL AND PROPERTY INSURANCE $87 758 $100.000 5150.000 SO SO \ 15.610-700 782 UNINSURED LOSSES 5122.449 $120000 5175.000 50 SO 15.610 700 783 IBNR $0 $100000 530 000 50 SO , PAYMENT TO GENERAL FUND $0 50 53678 I SO! SO I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 5210.207 5320 000 5355 OOC' 5e SO FUND BALANCE S262.678 522,334 53,678 ' SO SO - - - - - - - -17'1 Fl1ND: POLICE INVESTIGATION FeND (17) ACTIVITY STATEMENT BegInnIng \\ Ith the] 990 fiscal year. all proceeds from seIzUres and forfeitures of propen~ pursuant to C R S 16-13-302 and 16-13-501 shall be placed In a separate fund and shall be used solely by the PolIce Depanment for purposes other than normal operating needs The 2002 budget IS set at S50 000. with a fund balance of S 118.070 - - ... I -, - - - - - - - ... -180- POLICE INVESTIGATION FUND FUND 17 23-Jan-02 ACTUAL BUD ET E I REC N A i REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 I 2002 I 2002 FUND BALANCE 5168.176 5160.314 5156570 515807C $158.070 , 510000 I I 17580-00-581 INTEREST $8,150 $5.000 $4 000 $10.000 17-580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $0 $25.000 SO $0 SO 17590-00-591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND $0 $0 $0 50 $0 17 590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM CAPTiAL FUND $0 $0 SO $0 SO TOTAL REVENUES $ 1 76326 $190314 5160.570 I 5168070' $ 16B.070 G IMANAGER ST MATED I OMME D COUNCIL PPROVED IMANAGER I COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENDI APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001. I 2002 ! 2002 , I 17 202.650.990 FUND PURCHASES - OPERA TiNG SUPPLIES $ 1 9756 $90 000 52.500 i 550 000 I 550.000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 519 756 590 000 52 500 S 50 000 550.000 FUND BALANCE 5156,570 5100,314 $158.070 5118.070 5118.070, - - - - - - - -l8l- FUND: COMPENSATED ABSENCES (19) ACTIVITY STATEMENT Per recommendation from CIty'S AudItor's thIs fund has been elimmated The estlmated expendIture IS wlthm the program budgets of the General Fund. The Compensated Absences Fund was established In order to have the abillt) to pay an) and all employee, that leave the employment of the CIty ThIS fund enabled the CIty to provIde payment lor .lccumulated annual leave and for sld...-pay conversIOn for pre-1990 employees. - - - - - - - - - -- -- -182- COMPENSATED ABSENSES FUND 19 23-Jan-02 IMANAGER , COUNCIL i ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENO' APPROVED REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 I 2002 I I 19-580-00-589 FUND BALANCE 545.357 525.357 531 988 SO I SO , 19-580-00-581 INTEREST $5.350 55.000 51 684 SO SO 19-580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $0 $25.000 $0 SO SO 19-590-00591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND S90.000 SO S50 000 SO SO 19-590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM CAPTlAL FUND SO ,0 SO ,0 , SO : I TOT AL REVENUES I 5140707 555.357 583672 ' SO ! SO I 'MANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRE COMMEND APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 , I , 19-607 -700- 788 COMPENSATEDABSENSES ,'16.077 ,55.000 5836721 SO : SO : I I I TOTAL EXPENDITURES ,'16.077 ,55.000 S83672 ! SO SO I FUND BALANCE S31_988 S357 SO SO SO DOES NOT ADD IN 2000 ACTUAL BUT USING AUDITED AMOUNT - - - - -183- FUND: Open Space (32) PROGRAM: AcquisItion and Development of Open Space ACTDnTYSTATE~ffiNT The revenue for tills fund comes from the Y2 cents sales tax per capita allotment through the Jefferson County Open Space program for the purpose of acquirrng and developmg open space properties WIthIn the City of \\Tbeat Ridge. Staffinl!: Level None Overview of On!!oinl!: and Present Activities There are currently many properties listed on the 2001 ResolutIOn for acquisition. The acqUlSJt10n of these properties IS an ongoing process dependrng on the availabilIty of the properties on the market, willch rncludes willingness of the seller. ~otable Chanl!:es in 2002 There \V1ll be no cash match requrred for the first few pieces successfully acquired under the second Issuance ofbond money through Jefferson County Tills IS due to the policy set by the County, that City onVheat fudge purchases m 1998 from the City allocatlOn funds may be used as an rn-land match. Infrastructure Improvement projects to reduce illgh areas ofmarntenance bave been added to the fund as projects rn 2002. They mclude: Anderson Park Improvements; I) new water lrne to Anderson BUl1drng and pool. 2) New water lIne from Anderson Park restroom to the pavillon 3) Replacement of hazardous fencrng around the ballfield. Other new proJects. Frwtdale Park 1) CompletlOn of master plan by reseedrng east end of park and additIOn of trees. Mandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State and Count" Reqwred to follow Jefferson County Open Space pohcy and process for acqUlSJt10n. Revenue Generated S880,000 per year from the City share of the allotment. AdditIOnal revenues are received from grants applied for and received. Equipment Assi!!oed None -,84- 0PEN SPACE FUND 11/13!01 Parks and Recreation - Fund 32 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED ESTIMATED PROPOSED 1999 2000 2001 2001 200:: BEGINNING BALANCE S927 145 S888 624 S134928 S425,261 S366 530 S927,145 S888,624 S134,928 S425,261 S366 530 REVENUES - 32-520-00-540 Jefferson County S938 809 S1,067,015 S880 000 S880,000 S880 000 32-520-00-564 Jeffco JVGrnt S11,000 S337,638 S50,000 S50,000 S100,000 Jeffco JVGrantJFence SO SO SO SO S20 000 GOCO Grant SO SO SO SO SO Natl Prk Service! SO $4,200 SO SO SO DURP SO S2,200 SO SO SO State Trails Grant SO SO SO SO SO Mlsc Income- water credit SO SO SO S3,876 SO DavIs Property parcel sale SO SO SO S3,971 SO Interest Earnmgs SO S67,033 SO S6 000 S6 000 ,- 32-580-00-588 Trns Gen Fund - Chesrown SO S67,000 SO SO SO Trns Gen Fund S502,313 SO SO S157300 SO TOTAL REVENUES $2,379,267 $2.433,710 $1,064,928 S1,526.408 S1,372,530 EXPENDITURES 32-601-800-809 AcquIsitions Not Yet AcqUIred 4100 Gray SO SO SO SO SO Langdon SO SO SO SO SO Denning SO SO SO SO SO TCBY SO SO SO SO SO Zarlengo SO SO SO SO SO Sub-Total $0 $0 SO SO S300,000 .... 32-601-800-809 AcquIsition PrOjects - Sliva S337648 SO SO SO SO DavIs SO S97 809 SO S4,221 SO 4105 Fenton St. SO SO SO S157300 SO Coors Greenbelt SO S526,243 SO SO SO Emarson SO S312,250 SO SO SO Due Diligence S9,295 S22 41 3 SO S822 SO Sub-total S346,943 S958,715 $0 S162,343 SO - -- 32-601-800-862 Development PrOjects Tabor Lake Fence SO SO SO SO S40 000 Grnblt Prop Imp (Demol) SO SO S20 000 S4 000 SO Open Space Imp S70491 S45409 S20 000 S20 000 S20 000 Apel Bacher Imp SO S28 965 S60 000 S33,535 SO Anderson Park Imp SO SO SO SO S40,000 Randall Park Img & Lot SO SO SO SO SO Prospect Bridge SO SO S100000 S102000 SO Frultdale Park SO SO SO SO S15,000 Open Space Mngmnt Plan SO SO S17,000 SO S 19 000 Water Rights SO SO SO S15,000 SO DaVIS Property SO SO SO SO S100,000 Tranfr to Rec Ctr Fund S595,209 S497,360 S332,000 S332 000 S61,000 32-601-890-891Trans to Gen Fund SO SO SO SO SO Park Malnt Chargeback S478 000 S478,000 S478 000 5491 000 5500 000 Fenton AcqUISition SO SO SO SO S157300 Sub total S1143700 $1 049734 $1027,000 S997 535 $952,300 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1 490643 S2,008449 $1,027,000 $1,159878 $1,252.300 - ENDING FUND BALANCE $888.624 $425.261 $37 928 $366,530 $120.230 -185- 'JPEN SPACE FUND 11/13/01 Parks and Recreation Fund 32 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 2003 2004 2005 2006 BEGINNING BALANCE S120.230 $50.230 S90.230 S45,230 S120.230 $50,230 $90.230 S45,230 REVENUES 32-520-00-540 Jefferson County S880.000 S880,000 S880.000 S880,000 32-520-00-564 Jeffco JVGrnt $100.000 S300.000 S300.000 SO Open Space Acq Bond $0 $0 $0 SO Kiosk Grant SO SO SO SO Natl Prk Servlce/ SO SO SO SO DURP SO SO SO SO Prospect Bridge SO SO SO SO State Trails Grant SO SO SO SO 32-580-00-588 Trns Gen Fund - Chesrown SO SO SO SO Trans from Gen Fund SO SO SO SO TOTAL REVENUES $1,100,230 $1,230,230 $1,270,230 $925,230 EXPENDITURES 32-601-800-809 AcquISitions Not Yet Acquired Boyd SO SO SO SO Langdon SO SO SO SO Denning SO SO SO SO TCBY SO SO SO SO Zarlengo SO SO SO SO Sub total SO SO SO SO 32-601-800-809 AcquIsition PrOjects DAV SO SO SO SO 4100 Gray St SO SO SO SO 4440 Tabor SO SO SO SO Shoemaker SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO SO Sub-total $200,000 $100.000 $300,000 SO 32-601-800-862 Development PrOjects Randall Park Img:parkmg lot S200 000 SO SO SO 44th and Kendall SO S40 000 S200,000 S200,000 Open Space Imp S30.000 S30 000 S30 000 S30 000 Park Shop Imp S39 000 S400 000 SO SO Town Center Park SO SO S175,000 SO RestoratIOn Plan Open Space S10.000 SO SO SO Survey Greenbelt SO S60.000 SO SO Tranfr to Rec etr Fund S61 000 SO SO SO 32-601-890-891Transto Gen Fund- S510000 S510000 S520 000 S530 000 Parks Mamtenance Chargeback Sub total S850 000 S1 040.000 S925 000 S760.000 TOT AL EXPENDITURES $1,050,000 $1,140,000 $1,225,000 $760,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $50.230 $90.230 $45.230 $165.230 -186- " - - - - - -- - - - - - " ,,, - Fl!!\D: Ml'NICIPAL COCRT FUND (33) ACTIVln STA TE(\IE~T The MunlClpal Court Fund has been established In order to provIde a means to trac" court fees and to enable the court to expend these funds The Fund was started WIth fundlllg from the S] Court Fees and the 5>4 Court Fees. In addlllOn. the Witness Court Fees are collectcd In th" fund ThiS Fund pro\'1des the Court and the ProbatIon Program wllh money for expendllurc~ for equipment. mamtenance. office furnIture. victIm services and miscellaneous coun and probatIOn e\pel1\e~ -187- . ~.d MUNICIPAL COURT FUND FUND 33 3D-Jan-02 IMANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMEND! APPROVED REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 I 2002 33.560.00.562 $1 OF COURT FEES $2,906 $3.300 $2,800 $3 000 53,000 33.560-00-563 $1 OF COURT FEES $11.300 $13,200 $11,200 $12000 512,000 33.S60-00-S65 DIRECT VICTIM SERVICES $19,950 $23.000 $20 000 $21 000 521,000 33-560-00.566 OUTSTANDING WARRANT/JUDGMENT $4 79S $5000 $6,000 $6 300 56,300 33-560-00-567 TRANSCRIPT FEES ~ $1000 $1000 <1 000 51.000 TOTAL FINES AND FORFEITURES $39,963 $45,500 $4 I 000 $-13 300 543.300 33-580-00.581 INTEREST EARNINGS $3 950 $3.000 $3 500 53 500 53,500 ! 33.580.00.589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER 562.733 544 133 562.370 $46 27C 546,270 TOT AL REVENUES 5106.646 $92.633 $106870 $93 0""0 593,070 IMANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED 'RECOMMEND APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 I i 133.109.700.715 TRANSCRIPT FEES $862 $1000 10001 51 000 51,000 I .33 109 700.77E OTHER EOUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 52,093 $3.500 3000 53 500 I 53,500 33 109 700 783 COURT $4 FUND $4,210 510,000 10000 i 511 550 51 I ,550 33-' J9- "'00. 787 OUTSTANDING WARRANT-JUDGMENT $5 640 $6,000 60001 5c 300 56,300 33- 109- iOC :90 DIRECT VICTIM SERVICE EXPENSE $25,987 $28.000 25000 I 528.000 $28.000 : 33' 09. 700. 792 PROBA TlON $' EXPENSE $4713 56,000 56.000 I Sf 000 56.000 33. ~09.800.B02 COMPUTERS AND OFFICE EOUIPMENT 5901 $9 600 59600 58 60C 58.600 TOT AL EXPENDITURES $4~ 40E 564 100 "60 600 S6':' 95C 564,950 ... FUND BALANCE 531.988 528,533 546.270 528,120 528, 120 - - -- - - -188- TREE PLANTING FUNP FUND 34 IMANAGER I COUNCIL ! ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENDI APPROVED! REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 I I 3.-520-00-589 FUND BALANCE $66,214 $60,701 $41 158 SO i SO I I 34-520-00-S47 GRANT REVENUE $2,166 $0 S1000 SO i SO ' I 34-580-00-581 INTEREST $4,244 $4,000 S2,000 SO I SO I 34-580-00,582 VETS MEMORIAL DONA TlONS $130 $0 S210 SO I SO 34-580-00-S88 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $6,824 S4,500 S3 000 SO 1 SO I 34-590-00-593 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND S31,500 $0 SO SO I SO I 34-590-00-593 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND S 1 0,000 $10000 $10000 $0 I SO I TOTAL REVENUES S121,078 $79.20' $57,368 $0 I SO I 24-Jan-02 I MANAGER I COUNCIL I ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDI APPROVED I I EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002, 2002 , 13.-603-800-861 COMMUNITY IMPROVEMENT AND BEAUTIFICATION S41,270 $65 384 S17,500 $0 SO I 3.-603-800-862 P4RKS IMPROVEMENT I XMAS) $28,6S0 S 12,000 S12,000 SO SO I 3.603-890-891 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUNO $10,000 S500 $27,868 SO SO I TOT AL EXPENDITURES S79,920 S77 884 S57,368 SO i SO ' FUND BALANCE 541.158 51,317 SO so SO - PUlsuant to the recommendation of the City's Auditors, this fund has been eliminated a~ of December 31, 2001 - - The Tree Planting Fund was created in 1993 for the purpose of tracking the types of money that are contributed fer tree planting and park donations. operated two types of tree planting programs: street trees and p~rk tr.es. also operated the park donation program. different The Fund The Fund ..., ..., - - - - - - - - -If 9- FU"'ID: RIchard Hart Estate (35) PROGRA...1\1: SpecIal projects assocIated wIth the RIchards Hart Estate ACTIVITY STATEMENT The RIchards Hart Estate IS a htstoncal mansIOn that IS used as a rental facIlll) for weddings, pm/ate partIes and bUSiness meetings, The west SIde of the second floor is rented to the Colorado Parks and RecreatIOn ASSOCIatIOn for use as office space. The RIchards Hart Estate Committee acts as an advIsory commIttee to staff regardmg speCIal proJ ects and polIcy related to the operation of the estate. Staffin2 level Kone - ... Overview of On2oin~ and Present Activities The estate IS rented out approximately 40 tImes per year, WIth the hea\'lest use on the weekends for weddll1gs and pnvate partles. The offices upstairs are occupied Monday through Fnday, 8'OOam to 5'OOpm, The first of a three year grant IS currently bemg closed out, and the second year of the three year grant wIll begll1ll1 200 I -2002. This grant IS for needed repairs to the estate such as ne\\ wll1do\\ SIlls, roof replacement, mOIsture control, etc - - :\otahle Chan2es in 2002 - :\one -- - \Iandated Pro2rams - Federal and State and County ... Colorado State Hlstoncal Grant admll11stratlon polICies apply to grant expendItures Re\Cnue Generated Revenuc IS generated from the rental of the office space and the estate, from grants applIed for and recej\ ed. Projected revenue for 2002 S I 5,640 from rentals and S I 08,000 from grant re\ enues Equipment Assi2ned Kone -190- RICHARDS HART ESTATE FUND FUND 35 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECT APPROVED 1999 2000 2001 2001 2002 BEGINNING BALANCE 5.023 17.677 42.352 27 967 45,263 REVENUES 35-590-00-591 Transfer from Gen Fund 0 0 0 0 0 35-580-00-580 Office Rental Income 0 2.640 2.640 2,640 2640 35-520-00-547 State Hlst. Grant 6.000 1,500 53.550 35 785 72 000 35-580-00-580 Facility Rental Income 14.010 10.960 13000 13000 12,000 35-580-00-588 MISC. Revenue 2.940 0 0 0 0 35-580-00-581 Interest 454 1.022 11,000 1,400 5000 TOTAL REVENUES 28.427 33.799 122.542 80 792 136.903 EXPENDITURES 35-601-800-890 Fund Purchases 10,715 5,832 63 000 35 529 96.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 10715 5.832 63 000 35 529 96 000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 17712 27,967 59,542 45,263 40 903 -,91- PARK AND REC DAMAGE DEPOSIT FUND FUND 36 24-Jan-02 REVENUES ACTUAL 2000 36580-01 588 DAMAGE'SECURITY DEPOSITES 36-58002-588 COMMUNITY CTE'SHOW WAGON DAM 36-580-03 588 PA VILLlON DAMAGE DEPOSIT 36-580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 36-580-00-581 INTEREST EARNINGS 36-580-00-589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER $21 734 $0 $0 $1.277 50 $11822 TOT AL REVENUES 534 833 EXPENDITURES ACTUAL 2000 ! 36.601 700-791 REFUNDS OF DEPOSITS i 36.601 700.799 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUNO 511 350 50 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 511 350 so so so FUND BALANCE S41.334 BUDGET 2001 $0 $0 $0 $1000 $23,000 $24,998 548 998 BUDGET 2001 $9 000 $0 $9000 S39,998 I MANAGER COUNCIL ESTIMATED iRECOMMEND: APPROVED mm I m~ m~ $16000 I $0 ! ($20001 $0 I $0 $0 1$275) $0 $1 000 , SO 523 483 I $0 , so SO SO SO SO SO 538 208 so SO IMANAGER COUNCIL ESTIMATED IRECOMMEND' APPROVED 2001 i 2002 ' 2002 515000 i 523.208 ' I S38.208 : i SO I SO : I , SC i SO so so Pursuant to the recommendation of the City's Auditors, this fund has been eliminated a, of December 31, 2001. This Fund originated in ordE'r to track and refund damage deposits th"t are paid tl' the Parks and Recreation Department for rtntal of park pavili(cs, p,'rk shelters and [,cility rentals. - - -- -192- Fl ~D 37 PROGRA,\l l rban Rene\\ al ACTIVITY STA TEME:\'T Staffing Le\'el Staffing pro\lded by' EconomIc Development dl\lslOn Ovef\ le\\ of Ongoing and Present Actl\'ltles _ Manage and dIrect actIvitIes of Urban Renewal Authonty - Staff support \0 Urban Renewal Authonty - Prepare and adminIster annual budget - DIrect the preparatIOn of urban renewal plans - Direct the worl-.. of consultants _ Worl-.. \\Ith developers/landowners to facliltate rede\ elopment projects - Prcp.lrc m.lr"etlng promotlonalmatcnals - Establtsh, administer business assistance programs '\otable Changes In 1U01 r With excess sales tax Incremcnt paId to the City In 100 I. thc amount of Interest camed on chec"lng and Colotrust accounts \\ iii decreasc. but thc rcmall1l11g re\ ellue sources should remain stable The decrease In thc amount of funds 111 professIOnal SCf\ ICCS 15 duc to thc complctlon ofbltght studies and urban rcne\\al plans III ~(I()l -\n update IS antlclpatcd to onc of the plans In 2001. \\ llh funds comll1g from thc unallocated account ~IIII~ \\ iii marl-.. the last paymcnt to Safe\\ ay \1ar"etplace under the ongll1al agreement \\lth the dc\ cloper City reImbursement IS cxpecled to II1crease based upon actual hours de\ oted to urban renc\\ al aCI1\'ltles by the Economic De\ elopment -\dmll1lstrator - - - - -- - - Mandated Programs - Federal and State - - '\olle - Re\ enue Generatcd Property Tax Increment Sales Tax Increment S~511 O()() 00 S I ()( 11)( III (III Euull1ment .-\sslgned '\one ( \h!-dc, \\I'lik, I'll [)(d T l k.\ Jdl'll ,Wtl'!lllJ:l '\I'J -iS3- URBAN RENEWAL AUTHORITY FUND 37 ACTUAL BUDGET REVISED APPROVED 2000 2001 2001 2002 BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 439.321 515.051 515.051 55,252 Revenues 37 -500-00-501 Property Tax Increment 238.000 240,000 256.300 250,000 37 -500-00-504 Sales Tax Increment 100,000 100,000 100,000 100,000 37 -580-00-581 Interest 25,000 25.000 22,000 8,000 TOTAL REVENUE 802,321 880.051 893,351 413,252 Personnel 37 -120-600-602 Salaries 0 0 0 0 37 -120-600-625 FICA Q Q 0 0 Total Personnel 0 0 0 0 Supplies 37 -120-650-651 Office Supplies 300 500 200 200 37 -120-650-654 Printing & Photocopying 500 3.000 2.000 2.000 37 -120-650-655 Postage 200 600 600 600 Total Supplies 1,000 4,100 2.800 2,800 ... Services 37 -120-700-702 Conference & Meetings 1.000 2.000 350 1,000 37-120-700-706 Dues. Books, Sub 3.200 3,200 3,200 3,200 37-120-700-740 Mileage 0 300 0 300 37 -120-700-750 ProfeSSional Services 51,370 105.000 265.500 25.000 ., 37-120-700-758 elty Reimbursement 5.000 5000 7,500 25.000 37 -120-700-799 Mlsc 200 200 200 200 - Total Services 60.770 115.700 276.750 54,700 - Capital - 37-120-800-801 AcquIsition & Relocate 0 0 0 0 - 37-120-800-872 Site Improvements 35.000 17500 17.500 17.500 Loan Payments 0 0 0 0 37 -120-800-872 PTI - Marketplace 136.000 165,000 1 44 300 44,000 Transfer to Parks 54,500 66749 0 Transfer to City 280.000 0 37 -120-800-899 Unallocated 50,000 100,000 Total Capital 225.500 182.500 558.549 161,500 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 287.270 302.300 838.099 219,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 515.051 577,751 55,252 194,252 URA 2002 Budget -194- FUND: Semor'Teen Fund (53) PROGRAM: SpecIal projects assocIated wIth fund raISing aCtiVItIes by the Semors and Teens at the respectIve centers. ACTIVITY STATEMENT The revenues and expenditures for thiS fund are generated through the desIgnated fund raiSIng aclJvIlJes of the semors at the Semor/Commumty Center and the teens at the Teen Center Expenditures are based on specIfic needs IdentIfied by the groups and appro\ ed by the adnsory commIttees, Staffin~ Level ]\;one - 0\ en'ie'" of On!!oin!! and Present Activities The Semor Center Fund momes are currently desIgnated for the new kItchen equipment which IS part of the kItchen expansIOn project. The Teen Center has not been active In fund raISInO thIS vear and do not current]v ha\ e an active :> - - Teen Board. -- -- - - .." - l'Iotable Chan!!es in 2002 - ]\;one - - l\landated Pro!!rams - Federal and State and Count' - None - - Revenue Generated - - Senior Fund S 15,000 Teeh Fund S !,500 -- Equipment Assi!!ned -- None -i95- SENIORfTEEN FUND FUND 53 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED APPROVED 1999 2000 2001 2001 2002 Beginning Teen 2.089 2,326 9.889 14188 14,988 Beginning Senior 10.086 18,113 22,144 23,536 30,936 TOTAL 12,175 20.514 32 033 37 724 45,924 Revenues 53-590-00-591 Transfer from Gen Fund 0 22,311 0 0 0 53-580-00-580 Teen/Miscellaneous 606 1,771 1.300 1,500 1.500 53-580-00-588 Senior/Miscellaneous 20,861 17.177 17.200 15350 15,000 53-580-00-581 Interest 472 1.211 1.000 850 800 42.470 Total Revenues 34.114 62,984 51.533 55 424 63,224 Expenditures 53-602-650-660 Teen Center Purchases 462 13013 12.000 1,500 4.625 53-602-700-799 Sr Center Purchases 13.200 12,248 35,000 8000 45.500 Total Expenditures 13662 25.261 47000 9500 50.125 Ending Fund Balance 20452 37,723 4,533 45 924 13.099 - - -- - - -196- FUND: ConservatIon Trust (54) PROGRAM: Park and RecreatIon facilIty and maintenance prOjects ACTIVITY STATEMENT The revenue for this fund IS receIved from the City share of lottery proceeds, whIch are dIstributed on a per capita baSIS. Funds are used for new projects as well as mamtenance projects wllhm the Parks and RecreatIOn Department. Stamn!! Level None Overview of Oneoine and Present Activities There are currently several ongoing projects funded from thiS fund, They mclude the Manwanng Field development, Hayward Park Playground Improvements and DaVIS property sIte (3705 Jay) development. The RecreatIOn Center Soccer field, and the playground at Chester-PortsmIth ParI-.. have been completed. -- -- 1\otabJe Chan!!es in 2002 AdditIOnal revenues are predicted from the ImplementatIOn of the new power ball game, but thcre IS no actual dollar number commllment predicted from the lottery office - - - -- Proposed ne\\ projects for 2002 are 1) Construction of par).; at 3705 Jay St . (see Re\ enue Generated comments) and a JOint R-I school dlstnct project to resurface the tennIS courts at \\'RHS -- -- -- -- :\landated Pro!!rams - Federal and State and Count' -- State mandatcd rules apply to all fund expendItures, -- Revenue Generated Annual revenue has been approximately 5275.000 AdditIOnal revenues are received from grants applied for and recel\'ed, A Jefferson County Open Space JOint Venture Grant \\111 be applied for to match funds for the constructIOn of 3 705 Jay St The funds available and budgeted for the constructIon of the parI-.. at 3705 Jay SL In the year 2002 may not be adequate to complete the parI-.., PhaSing constructIOn over a two year penod may be necessary - -- EQuipment Assi2ned None -198- 11/13/01 'ONSERVATlON TRUST FUND oarks and Recreation AeTUAL ACTUAL BUDGETED PROJECTED PROPOSED ~und 54 1999 2000 2001 2001 2002 BEGINNING BALANCE $152.275 S74592 $507,232 $179.330 S428.830 $152.275 S74,592 $507,232 $179,330 S428,830 ~EVENUES -:>4-520-00-539 State of eolorado $251,267 $271,646 $275,000 $275,000 $300,000 _ 4, =20-00-581 Interest $12,855 $8,892 $4,000 $4,000 S4,000 -4-.20-00-540 Grant Funding - JeOSJV-Manwaring $0 $0 $0 SO $150,000 JCOSJV-RCSoccer $0 $0 $0 S45,000 $0 JeOSJV- Davis $0 $0 $0 $0 $300,000 GOCO -Manwaring $0 SO $0 SO S56,250 GOCO-RC Soccer $0 $0 $0 $48,000 $0 WRBBB-Manwaring $0 $0 $0 $5,000 $0 GOCO-Kullerstrand $0 $22,500 $0 $0 SO CSYSA-RC Soccer $3,500 $0 SO S7.000 SO _UBTOTAL $3,500 $22,500 SO S384,000 S506.250 - ransfer in from General Fund $0 SO SO S13.195 SO "TOTAL REVENUES $419,897 $377,630 $786,232 $855,525 $1,239,080 XPENDITURES ~ "4-601-800-862 DeveJopment Projects Rec etr Soccer Field $0 $8,300 $151,000 S151.000 SO School Playground/Kull $25,000 $0 SO SO SO Hayward Park Impr/Plygrnd $0 $0 $60,000 $60,000 SO - Manwaring Field Dev $0 $0 S321,250 $45,695 S788,750 -- Chester Portsmith Playgrnd $0 SO $40,000 $40,000 $0 Davis Site Development SO SO S50.000 $30,000 $300.000 -- Resurface Tennis Courts WRHS $0 SO SO $20.000 SO - Sub-Total $25.000 $8.300 S622.250 S326,695 S1,108,750 -- 1::4-601-800-877 Maintenance Projects -- Swimming Pool $0 SO S60,000 S30,000 $30.000 _eroof Park Structures shelters/restrooms $0 $0 SO $0 $85,000 ~4-60 1-890-892 Transfer to Rec etr Fund S320.305 S190,000 S70.000 $70.000 SO _OT AL EXPENDITURES $345,305 $198,300 $752,250 $426,695 $1,223,750 ENDING FUND BALANCE $74.592 $179,330 $33,982 $428,830 $15,330 -199- l;UN::it:KVA liON 1 RUST FUND 1111,;/Ul Parks and Recreation PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED Fund 54 2003 2004 2005 2006 BEGINNING BALANCE $15.330 $82,330 $33,330 $115.330 $15,330 $82,330 $33,330 $115,330 REVENUES State of Colorado $280,000 $280,000 $280,000 $280,000 Interest $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 $2,000 GRANT FUNDING $0 $0 $0 $0 Jeffco Joint Funding $0 $0 $0 $0 Kipling Trail $0 $0 $0 $0 Manwaring Field $0 $0 $0 $0 Neighborhood Park/Einerson $350,000 $200,000 $0 $0 GB Trail Replacement $75,000 $75,000 $0 $0 GOCO FUNDING $0 $0 $0 $0 Kipling Trail $0 $0 $0 $0 Manwaring Field $0 $0 $0 $0 Neighborhood Park $50,000 $0 $0 $50,000 GB Trial Replacement $75,000 $75.000 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $847,330 $714,330 $315,330 $447,330 EXPENDITURES DEVELOPEMENT PROJECT. 862 Neighborhood Parks Einerson $350,000 $400,000 $200,000 SO $0 - $0 $0 $0 MAINTENANCE PROJECTS. 877 $0 $0 $0 $0 Tennis Court Resurfacing $40,000 $0 $0 $0 "'-reenbeltfTrail Replacement $200,000 $0 $0 $0 roofing- park structures $0 $0 $0 $0 - Kepair ballfield lights/Prospect $175,000 $0 $0 $0 - Sewer line Prospect Park $0 S31,OOO $0 SO Recreation eenter Maintenance $0 S50,000 $0 $200,000 - Outdoor Pool Improvements $0 $200.000 $0 $0 - TOTAL EXPENDITURES $765,000 $681,000 $200,000 $200,000 - ENDING FUND BALANCE $82,330 $33,330 $115,330 $247,330 - - - - - -200- FC!\'D: BUILDING REPAIRlDEMOLITION FUND (55) ACTIVITY STATE\IE!\'T Pursuant to the recommendatIon of the CIty' s AudItors. thIS fund has been eliminated a~ of December 31. 2001 The Budding RepalrlDemolJtlOn Fund was establIshed un 1981 as a revolving fund Structure, \\ ere repaIred or demolished at City Expense and the property owner ""as billed for the co~t nf the rt'pJlr or demolition - - -201- BUILOING DEMOLITION FUNO FUND 55 24-Jan-02 IMANAGER I COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENDI APPROVED REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 ! 2002 2002 55-58000-581 INTEREST Sl 188 S1 000 S1000 SO SO 55-580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME SO SO SO SO SO 55-580-00-S89 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER S 19 085 S20,183 S20.273 SO SO : TOTAL REVENUES S20.273 S21.183 S21273 SO SO iMANAGER i COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENDI APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 55-580-00-589 SO SO SO SO I SO 55-580-00-589 SO SO SO SO I SO 55-580-00-589 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND SO SO $21.273 I SO I SO TOTAL EXPENDITURES SO $0 $21.273 ' SO SO : FUND BALANCE S20.273 SO SO I SO ' $0 -- - - - -202- FUND: CA T\' PROPERTY DAMAGE ESCROW FUND (56) ACTIVITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the recommendatlOn of the City's AudItors. this fund has been elImInated as of December 31. 2001 -203- CATV PROPERTY DAMAGE ESCROW FUND FUND 56 22-Jan-02 IDEPARTMENl COUNCil ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED I REQUESTED APPROVED REVENUES 2000 2001 mm ,2002 2002 I SO ! INTEREST SO SO SO' I MISCELLANEOUS INCOME SO SO SO SO I I ! FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER SO SO SO SO I TOTAL REVENUES SO SO SO SO SO DEPARTMEN1 MANAGER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMA TED I REQUESTED I RECOM'D EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 I 2002 i 2002 I REFUNDS OF DEPOSITS, PUBLIC WORKS SO SO SO i SO! 0 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND SO SO SO ; SO I SO TOT Al EXPENDITURES SO SO SO I SO SO ' FUND BALANCE SO SO SO ' SO SO ' - - - - - - - - -204- FVND: EQl1IPMEl\'T/FLEET REPLACEME1\T FUND (57) ACTI\'ITY STA TEl\tE!\T The EqulpmentfFleet Replacement Fund has been established Since 1993 In order to purchase and lease vehicles. The fund wIll prOVide a long term plan for the procurement 01 vehIcle, Th.: fund IS financed by transfers from the CapItal Fund (30) - - -- -205- FLEET REPLACEMENT FUND 3G-Jan-02 BUDGET ESTIMATED MANAGER I COUNCIL I RECOMMEND APPROVED I REVENUES 2001 2001 2002 2002 I i57 580-00581 INTEREST EARNINGS $12,000 $11 000 $9 000 S9.000 157 580-00 588 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME - AUCTION $40,000 $50,000 $31410 S31.410 157 580-00-589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER $130769 $132,642 5460S6 S46.056 157590-00-591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND $0 $0 50 ~~ I 157 590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM HOTEUMOTEL FUND $18,000 $18.000 $0 : 57 590-00-593 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $375.000 5375,000 $400 000 $400,000 , TOTAL TRANSFER IN $393,000 $393,000 $400 000 S400,000 : I TOT AL REVENUES $575 769 $586.642 $486466 5486,466 IMANAGER I COUNCIL I BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMEND, APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2001 2001 i 2002 I 2002 i 57 -610,800-807 Fleet Replacement $548,200 5405861 $467,000 I 5467.000 I TOT AL EXPENDITURES $548.200 5540586 $467 000 5467.000 FUND BALANCE 527,569 546.056 I 519,466 : 519,466 - - - -L06- FllND: CO\lPUTER FL'ND (59) ACTIVITY ST A TEJ\IENT This fund was established In 1994 to provIde better accountabilIty of computer related expenses "ie\\ computers are purchased In this fund, Money for this fund comes from the Capllal Fund Soft\\are. software upgrades. peflpherals. repalr and mamtenance are funded by the General Fund In :"ccounr ] 17 - ... ... ... - - ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... - -207- FLEET REPLACEMENT FUNO 3Cf-Jan.02 I MANAGER i COUNCIL I BUDGET ESTIMATED RECOMMENDI APPROVED . REVENUES 2001 2001 2002 ' 2002 j :57580-00.581 INTEREST EARNINGS S12.000 S11000 S9 000 59.000 i 57 580.00.588 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME - AUCTION S40,000 S50,000 S31410 531.410 157580,00-589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER $130,769 S132,642 S46056 546.056 157590.00.591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND SO SO SO 50 57 590.00-592 TRANSFER FROM HOTEUMOTEL FUND S18,000 S18.000 SO 50 157590-00-593 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $37S,000 S375,000 S400 000 5400.000 ! I 5400,000 i TOTAL TRANSFER IN $393,000 $393.000 $400 000 I I TOTAL REVENUES S575 769 $586.642 S486 466 5486,466 IMANAGER , COUNCIL , BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMEND[ APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2001 2001 2002 2002 i 57-61 0,800-807 Fleet Replacement S548 200 540586 $467 000 I 5467,000 i TOT AL EXPENDITURES S548 200 5540.586 S467.000 5467,000 FUND BALANCE 527,569 546,056 ; 519.466 519.466 I - - - - - - -206- FV!':D: COMPlTER FeND (59) ACTIVITY STATEMENT This fund was established In 1994 to proVide better accountability of computer related expenses '\lev- computers are purchased In thiS fund Money for this fund comes from the Capital Fund Sottv-are. software upgrades. penpherals. repaIr and mamtenance are funded b.' the General Fund In r'\l:count 117 -- - -- -- -- - -- - -- - - -- -::'07- COMPUTER FUNO FUND 59 24.Jon-02 IMANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENDi APPROVED REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 , 59-58000-581 INTEREST $13,015 $13000 $150001 SO i SO 59 580-00-588 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME SO $0 SO SO : SO 59-580-00-589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER 5109081 $113,874 $151 179 5165 179 S165.179 59 590-00 591 TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND $103100 $305,000 5305 000 SO I SO I ! 59-590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND $100,000 $lS0,000 5100000 S100000 I S100.000! TOT AL REVENUES $325 196 $581874 5571 179 5265 179 S265,179 [MANAGER i COUNCIL : ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMENDi APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 I 2002 2002 11-:' "":)0-755 SOFTW4RE 541 609 5232.105 5"5000 I SO 0 117 700 "76 PERIPHERALS REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE 576395 582.210 S81 000 I SC' , 0 .'17,800-802 NEW COMPUTERS 555 473 5264,395 $250000 i 5248 26C S248,260 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $173477 5578710 S40E 000 I 5248 2E':' 5248,260 FUND BALANCE S151,719 SO 5165,179 516,919 S16,919 - - - - -208- FC;\;D: POLICE BUILDING FUND (60) ACTIVITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the recommendatIon of the CItJ 's AudItors, this fund has been ellnllnated JS of December 3 I. 200 I ThIS fund was establtshed In order to fund the expansIOn of the Poltce Department facilltle" The \ oter approval Inlllated a one-half percent (1/2 '7c) sales lax In order to pay for construclion of the building. a nev. radIO syslem and a nev. poltce computer system. The tax was dIscontinued In 1996 due to realtzatIon of the $2.5 mIllton threshold, -209- POLICE BUILDING FUND EXPENDITURES FUND 60 IMANAGER COUNCIL ! ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED iRECOMMENDi APPROVED 2000 2001 2001 I 2002 2002 I I I , SO I S20498 S20498 1 SO i S2.940 S10.500 SO ' SO' , SO I SO SO i SO S58.801 S62671 I SO I SO ! S2.531 S2.531 ' SO S84 770 596 200 SO SO IMANAGER I COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMEND APPROVED 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 SO SO SO I SO SO SO SO SO , SO ! SO $0 $0 S96200 SO I SO SO SO S96.200 SO I SO SO SO SO ' SO ' SO 24-Jan-02 REVENUES 60.520.00.5402001 LOCAL LAW ENFORCEMENT BLOCK GRANT 50.520.00,58' INTEREST 60.580-00'588 MISCELLANEOUS INCOME 60.580-00,589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER 60590.0059' TRANSFER FROM GENERAL FUND TOT AL REVENUES 60580.00,650 60.580.00,650 60 580.00650 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND TOTAL EXPENDITURES FUND BALANCE -- -- - - -- -210- FUND: RECREATION CENTER FUND (61) ACTIVITY STATEMENT The Recreation Center Fund was establIshed In 1997 to track revenue for the \' Oler approved Recreation Center The one-half percent (1/2 9'c) sales tax IS expected to be dl~contlnued m 2002 due to re.lchmg the threshold amount The fund also serves as the vehIcle to finance the Cerllficates of ParllClpatlOn that were u~ed to finance the Recreallon Center ConstructIOn ... - ... - :1 - - - - - - - ... -211- RECREATION CENTER FUND FUND 61 24-Jan-02 IMANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED IRECOMMEND APPROVEP REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 61 500-00-504 SALES TAX $2.479581 $2.487 450 52.487 450 5621 863 I 5621,863 I 61-500-00-505 USE TAX -5~, PROFESSIONAL $96829 $0 $0 50 SO! 61 500-02-505 USE TAX -5" BUILDING $66,562 $0 $0 $0 50 I 61 500-03-505 USE TAX -5% AUTO $226,903 $0 $0 $0 50 I 61 500-04-505 USE TAX - .5\, RETAIL $131.272 $500,000 $500,000 5125000 5125.000 61 520-00-541 TOWN OF MOUNTAIN VIEW $10,000 $0 50 510000 S10,000 c1 580-00-581 INTEREST E4RNINGS $563 7S0 $300 000 $300 000 5300 DOC 5300.000 61 580-00588 MISCELLANEOUS REVENUE $6,000 $10000 I $10000 50 SO E' 580-00-589 FUND BALANCE CARRYOVER $7158.720 $9776.889 $9776 889 511804975 511,804.975 61 590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM CONSER VA nON TRUST FUND $190,000 $70 000 $70000 50, SO 61 590.00.593 TRANSFER FROM OPEN SPACE $497.360 5332.000 $332.000 $61000 I 561.000 TOT AL REVENUES $11.426.977 513 476.339 $13476339 512922.838 512,922,838 IMANAGER COUNCIL ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED !RECOMMEND' APPROVED EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 5165000 I I 5124.317 ! c1 602-800.801 LAND BUILDING AND WATER 563.558 $40 683 I 512031- "'.602-800-809 EOUIPMENT PURCHASES 578,279 515.000 i 5C.863 i S- 1]-' ! S7 137 I 51120000 I 6' '00-900-901 BOND PRINCIPAL 51035000 510800001 51 120000 51 120,000 ", 700-900-902 BOND INTEREST 5539.218 54978181 5497.818 i $4546181 5454,618 61 700-900-903 PA YING AGENT MAINTENANCE FEE 54,226 $5,000 55000 I 55 000 55.000 I TOTAL EXPENDITURES 51720281 $1762818 $i71:072 51.711,072 FUND BALANCE 59.706,696 511,713,521 511,804,975 ' 511 ,21 1 ,766 511,211.766 -- - - -212- FUND: Baugh House (62) PROGR.\!\l: RestoratIon of Baugh House ACTIVITY ST A TEl\1EI'iT The revenue for thIS fund IS receIved from grants and donatIons These funds are used for the restoratIOn of the Baugh House, which Includes profeSSIOnal servIces and constructlon. Funds In thIS account are restncted to expenditures dIrectly related to the grants program, Stamn!! Level None Overview of On!!oin~ and Present Activities There IS currently one actIve grant In the Baugh Housc received from the Colorado Hlstoncal Society Matching funds for thIS grant are prOVided by the \\'heat Ridge Hlstoncal Society The grant Includes funds for stabilIZIng the foundation and replaCIng pan of the roof !\otable Chan!!es in 2002 - Phase I of the restoratIon project will be completed In 2002 - !\Jandated Pro~rams - Federal and State and Count' - - All State HIstoncal Society mandates apply - Re\enue Generated - - Re\ enue IS gencratcd from grants applicd for and rCCCI\ cd and from matching funds from the Whcat Ridge Hlstoncal Soclcty Projected 2002 Re\enue 5107,725 - - - Equipment Assi!!ned l'\one - -= 13- BAUGH HOUSE FUND 62 ACTUAL ACTUAL BUDGET PROJECTED APPROVED 1999 2000 2001 2001 2002 BEGINNING BALANCE 10,181 366 15.366 (2,305) 13,775 Transfer from Gen Fund 0 2,500 0 0 0 REVENUES 62-580-00-588 Donations 0 0 10000 0 20.000 62-520-00-539 Grants 10,750 6,975 100,000 48 080 49.725 62-580-00-581 Interest 607 227 1000 500 500 TOTAL REVENUES 21.538 10,068 126,366 46,275 84.000 EXPENDITURES 62-602-700-750 ProfeSSional Services 21,172 12,373 20.000 7500 10.500 62-602-800-812 Facility Repair 0 0 105,000 25 000 69,500 Transter to General Fund 0 0 0 0 b TOTAL EXPENDITURES 21.172 12.373 125.000 32 500 80,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE 366 (2.305) 1.366 13775 4,000 - - -- -214- FC~""l> : 63 PROGR.\...\I: Hotel/Motel Fund ACTI\lTY STATE.\IE:....-T Staffin~ Level 3 - Poltce Officers 1 - DIspatcher 1 - BUlldmg Inspector 1 - Trammg Officer Pos!tlon (half pay from hotellmotel, other half207 account) Overview of On2oin2 and Present Activities :\otable Chan2es i\lore proactl\ e enfcrcement by pollee department staff Bencr docwnentatlon of vIOlatIOns and prosecution of offenders Tralrung for Inspector :.lore proactive enforcement by hotelmotel mspeclOr :\landated Pro2rams - Federal and State YearlJ elevator mspectlOns at hotels bJ DRCOG Revenue Generated ?\one EQuipment Assi2ned =4 - 2001 - Che\Tolet Tahoe - marked poltce urut - \'m=IG:\3KI3T31J137996 -~16- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 ANNUAL BUDGET 2002 GENERAL FUND BUDGET 2001 2001 ADOPTED BUDGET 2001 DEPT ESTIMATE 2002 DEPT REOUESTED 2002 MANGER REC 2002 COUNCIL APPROVAL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL HOTEL'MOTEL FUND - ENFORCEMENT BUDGET - 60'" BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 133719 248.285 476573 507 431 507431 507.431 63.500-00-5' LODGERS TAX 324 000 300 000 300 000 312,000 312.000 63.520-01 5 GRANT REVENUE 90 000 60,000 6000 6000 6,000 63-580-00-5, INTEREST 12,000 15000 15000 15000 15,000 .. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _. _.. u. _ _ _ n_ _.n..u Uh u. un_ __." .___. _ ___n _ nO._ .____n _ _ _ _ __ _ _n _ _ n. uu.. n. _ _." _ _ _ _ _ _ _ u _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ TOTAL REVENUE 584,285 851.573 828 431 840 431 840.431 ----------------------------------------------------------------~------ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 63-106-600:602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 230.304 208 757 206 01 7 245 950 245,950 63-106-600-610 OVERTIME & PREMIUM PAY 15700 23.958 21 588 21 586 21.588 63-106.600-618 COURT PAY 8650 2,107 4900 4 900 4.900 63.106.600-620 FICA EXPENSE-EMPLOYER 6,055 5084 4328 6 555 6.555 63.106.600-622 MEDICAL'DENTAL INSURANCE 20.256 19028 21 156 21 118 21,118 63106.600.625 MEOICARE PORTION FICA 3.339 3413 3.372 3950 3,950 63.106.600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 3,906 3,015 2,556 4,229 4,229 83.106.600.633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 13,265 12,620 14,211 14023 14,023 63.106.600.634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 133719 0 0 1054 1 054 1,054 600 TOTALS 301 475 277 982 279 182 323 36" 323.367 83.106.650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1 150 , 000 1 000 1 OOC' 1.000 63.108,650-853 POST AGE COSTS 800 500 7('0 70C' 700 83.106.650.654 PHOTO COP, & PRINTING EXPENSE 5000 4000 4500 4500 4,500 83.106.650.660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 503C 3720 ..t :00 4 iDe, 4.700 650 TOTALS " 980 9.220 10900 10900 10.900 63-106.700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 700 700 1 700 , 700 1,700 83106700.706 DUES BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 90e 0 600 600 600 83.106.700-718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 5000 5 000 5,000 63.106.700,728 TRAINING 10 750 10000 12.500 12500 12,500 63.106. 70C'. -30 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2 Eoe 1 500 1 500 1 500 1,500 63.106.700. AUTO MILEAGE 250 0 0 0 0 63.106.700,750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 45 '4C 44 140 25 000 25 000 25,000 63.106.700.758 RENTAL & LEASES 600 0 0 0 0 63.106-700.759 TELEPHONE~PAGERS 0 1.500 1 500 1.500 63.106.700.776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENA 0 600 750 1 100 1.100 63.106.700.788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 1 000 1 000 1.000 700 TOT ALS r 60 940 56 940 49 550 49 900 49.900 63.106-800-809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 23 000 0 5000 5000 5,000 800 TOT ALS 133 ",q 23 000 0 5000 5000 5.000 FUND 63 TOT AL EXPENDITURES 397 395 344 142 344 632 389 167 389.167 ending fund balance 289,890 S07431 483 799 451,264 451,264 01/21 Training Coordinator salary 1/2 paid In Accl. 207 and 1/2 paid m Fund 63 -217- 2001 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 ADOPTED DEPT DEPT MANGER COUNCIL ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATE REQUESTED REC AP"ROVAL HOTEUMOTEL FUND - Economic development budget - 40% BEGINNING FUND BALANCE 423,859 423,859 423,859 451,859 451,859 451,859 63-500-00-5. LODGERS TAX 216,000 200 000 200 000 208 000 208.000 63-520-01-5 GRANT REVENUE 0 0 0 0 0 63,580-00-5, INTEREST 12,000 15000 15000 15000 15.000 ..__________..___________________u_______________________nn__n___n_______n__d_n___.._____un______u_n_____________ TOTAL REVENUE 651,859 638,859 666 859 674 859 674,859 ======================================================================= 63-106-600-618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 0 63-' 06-600-620 FICA EXPENSE-EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-600-622 MEDICAL'DEr\T AL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 63-' 06-600-625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-600-630 CCOERA RETIREMENT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-600-633 POLICE RETIREMENT EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 - 63-106-600-634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 - 600 TOTALS 0 651 859 638,859 666859 674859 674,859 - 63 106-650-651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 63 106-650-653 "OSTAGE COSTS 0 0 0 0 0 63-' 06-650-654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-650-660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 0 650 TOT ALS 0 0 0 C 0 0 - 63-106-700-702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 0 - "31 [:6-700-706 DUES BOOKS & SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 0 031:)6-700-718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-700-728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 0 63 , 06,700-730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-700- AUTO MILEAGE 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-700-750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 - 63-106-700-758 RENTAL & LEASES 0 0 0 0 0 63-106,700-759 TELEPHONES/PAGERS 0 0 0 0 0 63-106-700-776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENA 0 0 0 0 0 0 03-106-700-788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 0 0 0 700 TOT ALS 0 0 0 0 0 0 03 106-800-891 TRANS"ER TO GENERAL FUND 0 200 000 200 000 200 000 200 000 200.000 800 TOT ALS 0 200 000 200 000 200,000 200,000 200.000 FUND 63 TOTALS 851,859 838.859 866,859 874,859 874.859 ending fund balance 451 859 451,859 465 859 475,859 475,859 -218- " "" """ ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... - - - ..... - - - - - - - WHEAT RIDGE RECREATION CENTER BUDGET 2002 - SUMMARY OF EXPENDITURES/REVENUES - FUND 64 PROGRAM Budget Estimated Requested BUDGET 2001 2001 2002 2002 Facility - 602 1.126,472 1,133.092 1,399,421 1,438.671 Aquatics - 604 85.806 68.225 56,024 56,024 Marketing - 607 0 0 0 0 Therepeutic - 608 6.046 0 6.287 6.287 Fitness - 605 151.577 116.500 118,840 118.840 General - 609 51,217 9000 34.503 34 503 Interest 0 25.000 0 0 Fund carryover 0 410.921 113.406 113.406 Mountain View contribution fund 61 0 0 0 0 --.----------- -------------- ----------_.-- -------.------ TOT AL REVENUE 1.421.118 1.762.738 1.728.481 1,767,731 Facility - 602 871.910 906 576 1.123.946 1.083.784 Aquatics - 604 474,820 470.664 515879 523 880 Marketing - 607 56.319 58.190 71.765 71 .484 - Therepeutic - 608 6.150 0 19.926 19926 Fitness - 605 253.850 197 955 328.235 299.402 General - 609 45.506 15.947 36.213 36.213 -----------_.- .---.--------- -------------- -------------- TOT AL EXPENDITURE 1.708.555 1,649.332 2 095 964 2 034 689 - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- ENDING FUND BALANCE (287 437) 113406 (367483) 1266 958) - -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- -------- - - -L20- FC~D: RecreatIOn Center (6-+) PROGR<\M: FacllllY OperatIOn (602 ) ACTIVITY STATEMENT The Wheat Ridge RecreatIOn Center pro\'ldes a wIde vanety of recreatIonal actl\'ltles for partIcIpants In the Jefferson County area. The overall goal IS to pro\"lde a safe, clean. and dl\ erse facIlllY for all users Slamn!! Le\ 1'1 FacIlll) Operations Administrator FacIlity A.sslstant Office Techl1lclan RecreatIOn Clerk Maintenance Worker II Custodians 1FT 3 FT 1FT 1FT 1FT 2FT Front Desk Attendants Gym Attendant Part tIme jal1ltors ChIld Care Staff ChIld Care Staff -+ 5 FTE 9 FTE 21 FTE 2 9 FTE 2 9 FTE Total FTE: 21.6 FTE Overview of On!!oin!! and Present Activities Customer Sef\'ICe FacIllt) and Park rentals Pass Sales POint of Sale llems Takc ID pictures Room Set up \. enf) rc\ enuc and expendllures FaCIlIty Tours Actl\ lly RegistratIOn Program RegIstration Answenng Phones Cleaning and Maintaining FacIlity Answcr QuestIOns -- - - - -- - "otahle Chan!!es Proposed fee Incrcase In June of 2002 to bnng fees closer to markct Icvel Total rc\ enue from fee Illcrease gcneratcd 539,250 Rcntal fees raised to market level on CommunIt) Rooms - 55,000 - -- - -- 'Iandated Pro!!rams- Federal and State ~onc Re\enue Generated Pass Salcs 5825.221 FacIllt) Rcntals 5109,000 Drop III fees 5364,000 Slher Sneakcrs 584,000 ChIldren' 5 Pa\ IlIon 511.000 !\1ountall1 \ le\\ ContnbutlOn 510,000 \ cndll1g 510.000 Other Rc\ cnue 525A50 Total 51.438,671 Euuipment Assi!!ned !\"one -221- CITY OF WHEAT RIOGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION CENTER FACILITY OPERATION ACCOUNT # 64-602 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budget Estimated Reauested Recommend APPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 197,287 260.606 253.000 280 936 I 277 206 277 .206 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 2,029 2,372 2,372 5 184 5 184 5.184 614 STANDBY I 2,320 3,661 3661 7560 7 560 7.560 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 124 796 176,860 170.000 189519 189519 I 189.519 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 o I 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 33 734 27.497 27 497 29,958 29 72- I 29.727 622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 16436 1,045 32.432 40 575 ~,2 5.:10 I 40.540 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 4555 6431 6000 ... 006 6 952 I 6.952 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3681 10424 8,299 11,237 I 1-: 165 ! 10.165 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 2,007 0 C I r I 0, 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 1,800 1.200 1 800 I 1 80-: I 1,800 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 384,838 492,703 504 461 5-3 775 I 563653 568 653 I I I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,589 0 0 2300 2300 2.300 I 653 POSTAGE 728 430 430 1 040 I ' ~:~,') 1.040 ; 6S4 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING C 1 000 ~ ODe -: c, 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 52106 41,822 41 822 56951 i 5f 95; 56 951 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 v - c I 0 i - I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 58 423 43.252 43,252 60,29~ I 5:,291 60.291 J I i 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 357 3,200 1 500 2900 2900 2.900 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 34,992 74422 61 79- 73 39= I -3 392 73.392 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 65 315 315 11= 315 315 728 TRAINING 1 739 2352 1 DOC I : 4:- 1 := ..:~- I 2.427 730 UNIFORMS 631 1 848 1 848 1 84F . 848 1 848 I 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 45 ! 183 60C 1 25E I ,-'5E 1.256 J 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 -:' , I C I o I , 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 2 40C : 2 .:e: 2.400 : 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 11 974 4.500 450C .J 62C' I J E2C I 4620 i 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 a 0 I - o I 760 UTILITIES 183,820 225 600 282 OOC 3290':: I 29.: 0'": 294.000 I 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 780C 11 135 11 i 35 30 582 I 30 582 30.582 I 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1 781 11 ':00 8 oDe 11 600 I ' , 60C 11 600 i 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE5 J 0 0 0 I J 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 2':320': 335955 I 370 69:: 460 3B: I ...; ,,= 3..JC 425.340 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 o I C C I 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 o I a n 0 8.04 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT C' o i c c I 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT I C I c c 29 50e I 29 500 29.500 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - ! - I c ! - 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL I o I a e, 29 50' I 29 sac 29.500 I I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 68646= I 871 910 I 91840B I 1 123946 . J63 78~ I 1.083.784 - - -:22- Fund: RecreatIon Center (64) Pro!!ram AQUATICS (604) ACTIVITY STATEl\lEl'iT The purpose of the aquatIcs dIvIsIOn IS to provIde a vanety programs and sernces to all ages and sWllllImng abIlIty Tills dIvIsIon IS responsible for provldmg a safe and fun envIronment for recreatIOnal sWllllImng and qualIty programing. Staff IS responsible for the maintenance, programmg, schedulmg, and publIc educatIOn. Staffing Level: 1 AquatICs Super/lsor 3 Managers 14 guards 3 Instructors 1 pool-aId 24 FfE Overview of ongoing and present activities: Maintain safety, and Guest RelatIOns Aqua-AerobIcs program Learn to sWIm program Scuba Lessons I Kayak Lessons Staff CertificatIon and Training LIfeguard Training program Water Safety Instructor program CPR and FIrSt AId Programs Guard Start Programs Pool maintenance and Repair :--'otable changes in next budget year. The notable changes In next years budget cycle are as follows Increase In guard wages by .25 cents dependmg on certIficatIOn level Increase In chemIcal costs due to higher energy costs Increase In RepaIr and Maintenance (facll11y no longer under warranty) Request for Automatic Electnc DefibnllatlOn DeVIce ThIS 15 becoming Industry standard of care for emergenc) procedure Increase In Training funds for the AutomatIc Electnc DefibnllatlOn :\landated Programs None Revenues Generated Learn to SWIm Rentals and SpeCIal Classes Total - - - - - - - 544,124 511.900 556,024.00 Equipment Assigned; None -223- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION CENTER AQUATICS ACCOUNT # 64-604 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual Budqet Estimated Reauested Recommend P.PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 128.565 123,793 143,555 139 726 139.726 i 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 11 100 11 050 11 760 11 76: 11.760 ! 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 247340 243872 248 452 248 452 248.452 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 25,521 23 480 26 688 24 796 24.796 622 MEDlCAUDENTAL INSURANCE 476 1l),560 6242 15 ..:23 I 15 423 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5989 5491 c: ""7'" 5 '99 5,799 -.J I"'+L 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 5143 5.146 1 105 5589 5.589 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 990 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE SERVICES 0 0 0 0 0 T ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 425,124 423.392 443 544 4t:;. 545 1451.545 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 100 0 0 G 1 0 i 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 C 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 40120 38 957 53 065 53 :)65 53.065 I 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 C 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 40.220 38957 53 065 I 53 065 53.065 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 900 63C 1 150 1 150 1 150 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 C . C' 0 706 DU E S/SOO KS/S U SSC RI PTIONS 260 255 260 260 260 $727 EXPENSES I 450 93 4"" .tOe 400 728 TRAINING , 475 I 1 445 6970 6970 6.970 741 UNIFORMS 3700 3668 3 93C' 3930 3.930 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 591 150 I 350 I 350 350 I 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 r, ! 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE C' l C 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 I C C I : I 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE I C' 0 o I C ! 0 I 760 UTILITIES ,0 .' r, ' C I 0 _ 1 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 J 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE' 0 0 C 0 0 1 ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 0 73'6 ! 6 241 1306e 13060 13.060 I I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT C' I 0 . 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT C C 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT :2 ' OC 2 07... 6210 6210 6.210 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS G I c I 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB.TOTAL 2 10C : 07-1 T 6.210 I 6.210 6.210 I 1 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS r -1 ~-1 52: I 47:,66-1 I 515879 I 523 880 523.880 -- - - - - -224- FUND: RecreatlOn Center (64) PROGRAM: FItness (605) ACTIVITY ST A TEJ\1ENT The Fitness and Dance programs provIdes avenues for patrons to Increase theIr quality of life through a vanety of fitness and wellness optlOns for all age groups, Stamm! Level FItness CoordInator Hourly Instructors 39 part lIme 8420 hours Contractual Instructors 26 part time 1590 hours Total I H 4 0 HE .76 HE 5 76 HE Oven'ie\\ of On!!oin!! and Present Activities SlIvcrSnea\...ers 850 members Healthy LI\'Ing Program 15 members Aerobics Personal TraIning Fllness Assessments Weight TrainIng Classes SpeCialty Fitness Classes ~artlal Arts Dance Classes \\' cllncss (massage, rcflc",ology) ... ... - :-"otahle Chan!!es in 2002 AJdltlOI1S to the fitncss equipment MarkctIng of the FItness Assessments to corporate membcrs ... ... ... - :\landated Pro!!rams - Federal and State '\onc - - Revenue Generated ThIS program gcnerates ItS revcnue through fec based classes such as Personal TraIners, SlIverSnea\...crs. Hcalth: LIVIng Program, FItncss Asscssmcnts. Weight TraInIng Classes Speclalt: Fltncss Classes. Martial Arts, Dancc Classes and \\' ellness totalIng S 118,840 EQuipment Assi!!ned '\ one -225- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION CENTER FITNESS/DANCE ACCOUNT # 64-605 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DET AILED EXPLANATION Actual BudQet Estimated ReQuested Recommend PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 37 380 38.580 38,580 40 663 48 '23 40.123 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 C 0 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 45,035 109.122 67,000 116,220 90 000 90,000 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 28.411 63901 60 000 107,266 10' .266 107,266 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 13,119 13119 16,377 14718 14.718 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 143 7,500 8090 8086 8,086 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 3068 3068 3830 3442 3.442 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 1,543 1.543 1 627 1 605 1.605 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 29' 297 0 ( 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 400 400 3365 3365 3,365 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 110826 230 173 191,507 29' 438 I 268 605 i 268.605 I j 6S1 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 ,0 I c' 01 653 POSTAGE 0 0 : : I 0 01 6S4 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 i - , .' Oi 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4073 2470 350C E 770 t "'7~ I 6.770 ' 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 - c I 0 v I ACCOUNT #650 SUB.TOTAL 40'3 2470 3.500 ! E ......C t -,o,el I 6.770 I , I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 411 450 450 60(' 600 I 600 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 c : 0 706 DU E S/BOO KS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 68 165 165 365 365 365 728 TRAINING 204 1.312 1,300 I 1 312 1 3'2 1,312 730 UNIFORMS 290 0 0 I e 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT I 0 C e, c : 0 - 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 c' c I 0 7S5 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 - e, I 0 v 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 : I' C. 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE r - J I I O! - 760 UTILITIES I 0 - - , I " 1 0 i - - 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE : : i c , - - I I O! , - 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - ! c c' I - , . 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ 8 I G I I - I 0 I 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 973 I : 92~ I ~ 91:: ! - " I ~,2"'- I 2.277 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I C I c 0 ~ o I 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT I C i 0 0 0 C 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT I C I 0 0 l 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT I - , ' 9 28G I '7000 2' 750 21 750 21.750 I 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I - , C 0 " 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL I C ! '928C ! l' 000 I 21 75C' 21 750 21.750 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 115 872 I 253 85G I 213 922 I 328235 299 402 299.402 - - - - - -226- FUND: Recreation Center (64) PROGRAM: Marketmg (6071 ACTIVITY ST A TEI\1ENT The Marketing Coordinator IS responsIble for managing dlverslfied marketlng.'communIcallons for the Wheat Ridge RecreatIon Center (WRRC) and other Parks & Recreallon programs Includes desIgn, wntIng, edIting, photography, purchasing media space and lIaIson WIth \ endors, Coordinate and support actIVItIes/events to Increase revenues and promote pOSItI\'e community relatIOns for SenIor/CommunIty Center and programs Including: AquatICs, AthletICS, FItness, and General Programs Promote rental of Parks and RecreatIOn faClhtIes including WRRC CommunIty and ActlVlty Rooms, ChIldren's PavIlIon, and Park PavIlIOns, RIchards-Hart Estate, and FIrehouse Wnte marketing portIOn of budget and track expenses, Staffin!! Le\ el 1\larketmg Coordmator .5 FTE 0\ en'iew of On!!oin!! and Present Activities -Coordmate total dIgItal productIon of 64-page LeIsure GUide three llmes per year -Promote mdIudual program areas and speCIal events through vanous ImplementatIon methods Including handouts, posters. dIsplays, catalogs, newsletters/flyers, postcards. sales !ellers. brochures, slgnage, banners, e-maIl, web content. cable tele\ ISIOn content. medIa ad\ ertlsmg, speCIal e\ents, trade sho\\'s. etc -Handle medIa relallons. ne\\ releases, get feature stones published. -OrganIze and set up monthly displays/exhibits at Wheat RIdge RecreatIon Center -Purchase medIa advertISIng space and proVIde camera ready or dIgItal files -Coordmate lIaIson and dlstribullon of LeIsure GUIde and speCial Interest brochures for local pm'ate and publIc schools, day care centers, and busmesses. - - - - - - - ""otahle Chan!!es in 2002 - -Increase maIlIng dlstnbutIOn of LeIsure GUIde to saturatIOn !e\ el In Wheat RIdge - \Iore al!"reSSI\'e marketmo plan - -~ ~ -Increased advertISing medIa budget. - - :\Iandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State :\one Re\enue Generated '\OI1C [<Iuipment Assi!!ned !\one -'227- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION CENTER MARKETING ACCOUNT # 64-607 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 Actual Budqet Estimate Requested Recommend PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 17,292 17.292 18 79: 18 54: 18.545 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 " 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 - 0: , 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 0, 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 1,072 1072 1 165 , , 50 1.150 622 MEDlCALJDENTAL INSURANCE 67 3.500 4029 4027 4.027 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 251 251 273 269 269 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 692 692 -52 742 742 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 450 300 1.200 1.200 1,200 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB.TOTAL 0 19,824 23107 26.214 I 25 933 25.933 I : I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES o I 0 (, I 0: 653 POSTAGE 6,244 6.244 9 659 9 eS9 I 9.859 I 6S4 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2C 6'5 I 20 SOC 22 E 3: Z.... 235 22.835 : 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,241 600C 1 _ 36E I 1 ~ 366 i 10,366 ' 66S SPECIAL EQUIPMENT I . 000 90e I -€2 i 763 763 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL I o i 34 160 33 644 I 43 823 ~J 823 43.823 I I I 702 CONFERENCElMEETING 340 150 340 340 340 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 840 840 600 600 600 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRI PTI ONS 283 p< 263 I 263 I 263 728 TRAINING I 500 250 25-.. I 25C i 250 I 730 UNIFORMS ; e I c , : I 0 I 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT I 19: . 2: ;Z: I '25 125 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES I 50 I C 0 0 0: 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 150 150 , s=' 150 150 I 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 ( c I 0 01 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE ( " 0 I , 01 - 760 UTILITIES o I c c 01 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE C I : i e I - 0 . 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE e I - , I 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE I - L' I :' I 0 I . I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL - I Z J3S 69_ I , - -28 I 1.728 . I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I 0 ( 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT , - (, c ' C 0 I 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 c i 0 0 I 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT i 0 (, c i 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS ! - [I C i ( 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL I C I 0 (I ! [ I ( I 0 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOT ALS, I (, 5E 3' 9 I 5E 441 I ..... 76: -, 484 I 71.484 I - - - - -228- FUND: RecreatIon Center (64) PROGRAM: TherapeutIc RecreatIon (608) ACTIVITY STATEMENT To provIde recreatlOnal, sOClahzatlOn, and hfe skJll opportunitIes to mentally and phYSIcally challenged indIvIduals, Staffin~ Level Recreation Leader .36 FTE Overview of Onl!:oinl!: and Present Activities Money IS avallable to pronde and promote therapeutIc programs, either as reqUIred by ADA accommodations or to meet the needs of the community - - -pro\ Ide scholarshIps for Wheat Rldgc reSIdents that attcnd Camp Paha whIch IS a specIal needs summer camp that IS operated by the City of Lakewood - - - -recruit llldlnduals that can present & dIscuss ADA Issues at staff mectlllgs - -estabhsh poliCIes and procedures for outlining AD -\ accommodatlOn Issues - - :\otahle Chanl!:es in 2002 - -\ddItlOn of a 15 hour pcr wcck TherapeutIc Recreation Leader pOSItion to crcatc a program for disabled particIpants - - 'landated Prol!:rams - Federal and State none - Re\ en ue Generated f.:es collected from participants for on gOing classes, spcclal e\ ents and tnps 56,287 EQuioment Assil!:ned none -229- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION CENTER RECREATION ACCOUNT # 64-608 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DET AILED EXPLANATION Actual Budget Estimated ReQuested Recommend PPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 c' 0 614 STANDBY I 0 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 4,320 0 11,250 l' ,250 11.250 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 268 C 69S 69B 698 , 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 62 0 163 163 163 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 C C 0 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 G 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 316C 3160 I 3,160 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 4650 0 , 5.27i I 15,271 I 15.271 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 01 653 POSTAGE 0 0 C r OJ 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 C I C I Or 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 3 Joe 300C' I 3.000 ! 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 C : 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 3 OOC I 3000 I 3.000 I I 702 CONFERENCEfMEETING 0 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 C 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 '" 7: 75 ,~ 728 TRAINING 0 0 l! 0 0 730 UNIFORMS 0 0 c I c 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT C c- BC Be I 80 7S0 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES ~ 50G C 15,X I . 50C ' 1.500 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE I i 0 0 c c' ! 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES I c C C C 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE I I C I C 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAlRlMAlNTENANCE 0 0 c' 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE' e 0 0 0 OJ I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL I '.1 i . 50:) " 1 65; I . 655 1.655 I I ! 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I 0 0 0 0 0 , 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT , C 0 C 0 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT I 0 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I " - 0 0 0 , I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL o I - , r, C, i 0 0 I I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I : I 6 150 I ~ 19926 I 19926 19.926 I - - - - -- - -230- FUND: RecreatIon Center (64) PROGR.\M: General Programs (609.) ACTIVITY STATEMENT General recreatIOn programs that are offered outside the scope of the recreatIOn center These programs are a \'anety of classes and activItIeS offered to the general publIc. Through these classes/actl\'ltles particIpants ha\'e an opportUnIty to learn new skdls, socIalIze and learn ne\\ Inforn1atlOn, Staffin!! Le\'el Recreation Leaders 6 HE - O\'en'ie" of On!!oin!! and Present Activities -Preschool and youth classes mo\'ement classes, holIday classes, arts & crafts. s\nmmlng actlntles. actlng_ clOWnIng - A.dult classes SpanIsh, stained glass, wdlmakcr, Rcal Estate classcs -On!!omg recruitment of Instructors for adult & \'outh classes - - . -Coordination of RecreatIOn Leaders to tcach prcschool and \'outh classcs actl\ ItlCS In\'oh cs hlflng, training and dady coordmatlOn - - - - - Notable Chan!!cs in 2002 hlflng of 20,'hr per week RecreatIOn Lcadcr - - !\Iandated Pro!!rams - Federal and State none - - Revenue Generated fees collected for classcs and actl\'llICS youth programs 526.687 adult programs 5 7. 8 I () Total 534.503 -' - - EQuipment Assi!!ned None -:~31- CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 2002 BUDGET RECREATION CENTER GENERAL PROGRAMS ACCOUNT # 64-609 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 2002 Approved Department Department Manager COUNCIL ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Actual Budqet Estimated Requested Recommend IIPPROVED - 602 STAFF WAGES 0 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 C 0 614 STANDBY I 0 G 0 0 I 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 11.272 5100 13980 13980 13.980 619 TEMPORARYPERSONNEL-NONHOURLY 20 092 6500 13428 13428 13.428 620 ACAEXPENSE-EMPLOYER 1.944 -19 1 700 I . 70C 1.700 622 MEDICAUDENT AL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 45S 168 397 397 397 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 0 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 6894 2.500 2784 2784 2.784 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 0 40657 14987 32.289 I 32 289 32.289 I I , I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES I 0 0 c ! c' 0 6S3 POSTAGE i e, e : I 0 01 6S4 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 e, : ! c , 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,339 750 3414 i 3414 3.414 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 0 - , - I 0 ! u ' e I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 4339 750 3'; 1 ~ i 3414 3414 I i l 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING G G e i I 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 i c 0 , 706 DUES/BOO KS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 200 150 20' 200 I 200 728 TRAINING 260 60 LOc 20C 260 730 UNIFORMS 50 0 5C 5e 50 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 J e I e I 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 - ! 0 0 'e 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 C 0 01 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 o I r C I 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 e' I I - C 0 I i 760 UTILITIES I 0 Q I C o I 0 i 774 FACILITY REPAIR/MAINTENANCE 0 C' 0 I 0 i I 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 C C 0 0 I I 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 C 0 0 I I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL C 51( : 1 ~ i S1 ' 510 510 I I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT I ! 0 " e I 0 0 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT I 0 0 I C 0 804 ENGINEER AND PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 o I I) i 0 I 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS I C n I e I 0 0 I I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 I L I o I r I 0 0 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I C I 45506 1 15 947 I 36.213 i 36213 36,213 - - - -232- FUND: UNDERGROUNDING FUND (65) ACTIVITY STATEMENT Pursuant to the recommendatIOn of the City's AudItors, this fund has been elIminated as of December 3 L 2001 The program continues in the Capital Improvement Fund (30) - - -- - - -I -I -I -- -- - - - - -233- UNDERGROUNDING PROJECTS FUND 65 DEPARTMEN MANAGER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED RECOM'D REVENUES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 FUND BALANCE $0 $349.025 $352,980 $431,541 65-590-00-592 TRANSFER FROM CAPTlAL FUND $400.000 $200,000 $200.000 $200.000 65-580-00-581 INTEREST $14935 $27 451 $15 539 $21,000 TOTAL REVENUES $414,935 $576.476 $568,519 $652,541 $0 22-Jan-02 DEPARTMEN MANAGER ACTUAL BUDGET ESTIMATED REQUESTED RECOM'D EXPENDITURES 2000 2001 2001 2002 2002 65-303-800-840 PA YMENTS TO QUEST $54.867 $180.000 $136.978 $50 000 65-303-800-841 EASEMENTS/ROW $7,088 $20,000 $0 $10.000 65-303-800-842 UNDERGROUND RELA TED CONSTRUCTION $0 $20,000 SO $10000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $61,955 $220,000 5136,978 $20,000 SO FUND BALANCE $352,980 $356,476 $431,541 I $632.541 I SO I -234- 0\- RESOLUTION NO. .2002 Series of 2002 TITLE: A RESOLUTION REPEALING AND REENACTING THE CITY BUDGET AND APPROPRIATING SUMS OF MONEY TO THE VARIOUS FUNDS AND SPENDING AGENCIES IN THE AMOUNTS SPECIFIED BELOW FOR THE CITY OF WHEA T RIDGE, COLORADO, FOR THE 2002 BUDGET YEAR WHEREAS. the Cay of Wheat RIdge annual budget for the fiscal year 2002 has been established and publIc heanngs and meetings have been held after duly pllblIshed publIc notIces and \VHEREAS, the budget prOVIdes for the cOmbinatIOn of revenues and excess fund balance reserves equal to or greater than the total proposed expenditures as set forth In said budget In the total amount of $32,384.0 I O. which Includes the following funds Fund 01 - General Fund $ 18.867,151 '" Fund 30 - Capital Fund $ 5.562.000 3 Fund II - Par" AcqUisitIOn Fund SO 4 Fund 15 - Insurance Fund $0 5 Fund 17 - PolIce InvestigatIOn Fund S 50.000 6 Fund 19 - Compensated Absence, Fund SO - 7 Fund 25 - Sales Tax Bond Fund SO 8 Fund 50 - Sales Tax Bond Reserve Fund SO 9 Fund 32 - Open Space Fund $ 1,252.300 10 Fund 33 - MunIcipal Court Fund $ 64.950 II Fund 34 - Tree Planting Fund SO 12 Fund 35 - RIchards Hart Estate Fund $ 96.000 13 Fund 36 - Parks and RecreatIon Damage Fund $0 2:.7 14 Fund 37 - Wheat RIdge Town Center Fund $ 219,000 15 Fund 53 - SenlOrrreen Fund $ 50,125 16 Fund 54 - Conservation Trust Fund S 1.223,750 17 Fund 55 - Buddmg Repall'lDemo Fund $0 18 Fund 57 - EquIpment Fund 5> 467,000 19 Fund 59 - Computer Fund 5> 248,260 20 Fund 60 - PolIce BUlldmg Fund $0 21 Fund 61 - RecreatIOn Center Fund $ 1.579.6]8 "1, Fund 62 - Baugh House Fund 5> 80.000 23 Fund 63 - HotellMotel Fund S 589 167 24 Fund 64 - Recreation Center OperatIon Fund $ 2.034.689 25 Fund 65 - Underground UtilItIes Fund SO - - - - - - NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOL VED by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, that the City of Wheat Ridge Total Budget as stated in the Resolution be hereby approved, adopted, and appropriated for the entire fiscal period beginning January 1,2002 and ending December 31, 2002. - -, - DONE AND RESOLVED THIS - davof Janu;jr\ .2002 - ATTEST If '- Jl, ,_ ,,_ -~,) /'/d,lul.4l _' V(~L.t(- WANDA SANG, CITY-C~RK - - - R C l.'-1vFdes\2UIJI budgel resolullon wpd 238 . "" - -- - -- - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - COMPENSATION SCHEDULE - 2002 City of Wheat Ridge I I LEVEL 11 LEVEL 21 LEVEL 31 LEVEL 41 LEVEL 5 i LEVEL 61 I 3RAOE MAX 134 Staff Assistant Hr 10 7640 11 1000 114360 11 7900 120720 12.3780 13 6320 I Pawn Clerk Mo, 1866 1924 1982 2044 2092 2146 2363. Recreation Clerk Yr 22389 23088 23787 24523 25110 25746 28355! I Receptionist i 133 Custodian Hr 11,2980 11,6520 12,0120 12.3780 12.6900 12 9960 142980 I Maintenance Worker I - Parks & PW Mo, 1958 2020 2082 2146 2200 2253 24781 I Traffic ASSistant Yr 23500 24236 24985 25746 26395 27032 297401 I Horticulture ASSistant 32 Deputy Court Clerk I Hr 122760 12,6660 13 0500 13 4640 13 7880 141240 15 5400 I Records Management Specialist Mo, 2128 2195 2262 2334 2390 2448 26941 I Sex Offender Registration Clerk Yr 25534 26345 27144 28005 28679 29378 32323 131 Facility ASSistant Hr 128520 132660 13 6680 14 0940 14 4420 147840 162720 Sr Staff Assistant Mo, 2228 2299 2369 2443 2503 2563 2820 I Warrants Clerk Yr 26732 27593 28429 29316 30039 30751 33846 Deputy Court Clerk II 30 Probation Officer Hr 13 4640 1~,8600 143040 14 7300 15 0960 15 4620 170100 i I Mo, 2334 2402 2479 2553 2617 2680 2948, , I Yr 28005 28829 29752 30638 31400 32161 35381 ; _29 Small Engine MechaniC IHr 137160 141420 14 5740 15 0240 15 4020 15 7740 17 3520 I Forestry A~slstant II Mo, 2377 2451 2526 2604 2670 2734 3008 '"1 Maintenance Worker II - Facilities Yr 28529 29415 30314 31250 32036 32810 36092 - Parks -r - Public Works , '128 Engineering ASSistant Hr 14.3100 14 7540 152100 156780 16 0680 164580 1810801 -. Pool Manager Mo, 2480 2557 2636 2718 2785 2853 3139 I Yr 29765 30688 31637 32610 33421 34233 37665 '127 Fleet Analyst Hr 146760 151320 15 6060 160740 16 4760 16 8780 18 5700 'I Permit Coordinator Mo. 2544 2623 2705 2786 2856 2926 3219 TechniCian - Accounting Yr 30526 31475 32460 33434 34270 35106 38626 ...,. I - Payroll , - - PurchaSing I - Sales Tax .., - Office ...,.26 Emergency Services Specialist (ESS) Hr 15 0360 1.5 5040 15 9900 164640 16 8780 17.2920 190140 Probation Supervisor Mo, 2606 2687 2772 2854 2926 2997 3296 - Administrative ASSistant Yr 31275 32248 33259 34245 35106 35967 39549 -r 25 Anlmal-Park-Code Officer I (APCO I) Hr 154920 15 9780 164640 16 9680 17 3940 17 8320 196140 -r Deputy City Clerk Mo, 2685 2770 2854 2941 3015 3091 3400 I ...,. EqUipment Operator I Yr 32223 33234 34245 35293 36180 37091 40797 TechniCian - EVidence - - Forestry -l - Planning - TraffiC Control - MechaniC I Parks Hortlculturalist -, Crew Leader - Parks Maintenance 1 I -:24 Park Naturalist Hr 16 0200 165120 17 0220 17 5380 17 9820 184200 202620 TechniCian - Personal Computer Mo, 2777 2862 2950 3040 3117 3193 3512 -, TechniCian - Web & Imaging 33322 34345 35406 36479 37403 38314 42145 , Yr ,23 Lead MechaniC Hr 167760 172920 17 8320 18,3660 18 8280 19.2900 212220 Coordinator - Marketing Mo, 2908 2997 3091 3183 3264 3344 3678 I Coordinator - Recreation Yr 34894 35967 37091 38201 39162 40123 44142 -122 Anlmal-Park-Code Officer II (APCO II) Hr 17 0400 17 5680 181140 18 6660 191400 19 5960 21 5520 -[ Technician - Police Mo, 2954 3045 3140 3235 3318 3397 3736 Yr 35443 36541 37677 38825 39811 40760 44828 -,21 ASSistant to City Manager IHr 17 8620 18 4080 18 9780 19.5600 20 0580 20.5440 226020 -I Police Officer I IMO 3096 3191 3290 3390 3477 3561 3918 Training Coordinator Yr 37153 38289 39474 40685 41721 42732 47012 ,)'H) , ~. COMPENSATION SCHEDULE - 2002 City of Wheat Ridge GRADE I LEVEL 1 \ LEVEL 21 LEVEL 31 LEVEL 41 LEVEL 5! LEVEL 6 \ I MAX i20 Supervisor - APCO Hr 18.2700 18 8280 19 4160 200100 205140 21 0180 231180 I - Police Records Mo, 3167 3264 3365 3468 3556 3643 4007[ Building Inspector 38002 39162 40385 41621 42669 43717 48085 Human Resources Representative I 19 Engineenng Technician I Hr 191760 19 7640 20 3760 21 0060 21 5220 22,0440 24246~ I Mo. 3324 3426 3532 3641 3730 3821 4203 , Vr 39886 41109 42382 43692 44766 45852 504321 18 Supervisor - Building Maintenance Hr 19,5240 201180 20 7360 21 3600 219120 22 4460 24 6900 Crew Supervisor - Park Maintenance Mo, 3384 3487 3594 3702 3798 3891 4280 Equipment Operator II Yr. 40610 41845 43131 44429 45577 46688 51355 17 Police Officer II Hr 1 9 8600 204720 21 0960 21 7440 22,2900 22.8360 251160 I Mo, 3442 3548 3657 3769 3864 3958 4353' Vr 41309 42582 43880 45228 46363 47499 522411 116 Englneenng Technician II Hr 22,3740 23 0700 23 7780 245100 251160 25 7280 28 3860 Neighborhood TraffiC Engineer Mo, 3878 3999 4122 4248 4353 4460 4920 ! Vr 46538 47986 49458 50981 52241 53514 59043 : 15 Police Sergeant Hr 26.2140 27 0300 27 8700 287100 294300 30 1500 33 1620 Mo, 4544 4685 4831 4976 5101 5226 5748 Vr 54525 56222 57970 59717 61214 62712 68977 UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS - Levell 14 Sales Tax Auditor 18,5220 19 0980 19 6860 20.2800 207840 21.2940 234240 , 3210 3310 3412 3515 3603 3691 4060 I Me, Vr 38526 39724 40947 42182 43231 44292 48722 13 Accountant 19 0800 19 6680 20.2740 20.8920 21 4200 21 9360 24 1380 Mo, 3307 3409 3514 3621 3713 3802 4184 Vr 39686 40909 42170 43455 44554 45627 50207 12 Planner 22 3800 23 0700 23 7840 24 5220 25 1340 25 7340 28 3080 Grants Administrator Mo, 3879 3999 4123 4250 4357 4461 4907 Vr 46550 47986 49471 51006 52279 53527 58881 11 Network Administrator 23 8020 24 5340 252900 26 0640 26 7120 27 3720 30 1080 Mo, 4126 4253 4384 4518 4630 4744 5219 Vr 49508 51031 52603 54213 55561 56934 62625 UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS - Level II , 10 City Forester 20 1060 20 7180 21 3540 22 0020 22 5720 231120 25 4280 I I Recreation Supervisor Me, 3485 3591 3701 3814 3912 4006 4408 i Vr 41820 43093 44416 45764 46950 48073 52890 i9 CommUnications Manager 220980 22 7280 23 3760 24 0420 24 7260 254100 27 9540 Facilities Operation Administrator Me, 3830 3940 4052 4167 4286 4404 4845 Fleet Supervisor Vr 45964 47274 48622 50007 51430 52853 58144 PurchaSing Agent I Traffic Control Supervisor I 8 Court Administrator 26 1 000 26 8440 27 6120 28 3920 29 1960 30 0180 330180 Senior Planner Me, 4524 4653 4786 4921 5061 5203 5723 Traffic Engineer Vr 54288 55836 57433 59055 60728 62437 68677 Information Technology Manager 17 Codes Administrator IMe 28 1640 28 9620 29 7900 306300 31 5000 32 3820 356220 Human Resources Manager 4882 5020 5164 5309 5460 5613 6174 Superintendent - Park Ivr 58581 60241 61963 63710 65520 67355 74094 I - Recreation I - Street I '6 b City Engineer 31 3380 32.2320 33 1380 340740 35 0460 36 0420 39 6420 : Police Commander Me. 5432 5587 5744 5906 6075 6247 6871 , I Vr 65183 67043 68927 70874 72896 74967 82455 I 15 Deputy Chief of Police 33 7260 34 6800 35 6700 36 6720 37 7100 38 7840 426600 I IMe, 5846 6011 6183 6356 6536 6723 7394 I IVr 70150 72134 74194 76278 78437 80671 88733 I - - - - - - - - - - - - 240 COMPENSA TION SCHEDULE - 2002 City of Wheat Ridge , LEVEL 11 LEVEL 2 \ LEVEL 3 \ LEVEL 4 \ LEVEL 5 \ LEVEL 61 \ GRADE MAX I UNCLASSIFIED POSITIONS - Levell! l 31,3385 36 0404 39 6404 6a Director of Economic Development Mo. 5432 6247 6871 l Yr 65184 74964 82452 I 358140 41 1900 47 3700 14 Director of Parks & Recreation Mo. 6208 7140 82111 Yr 74493 85675 98530 : 37,8960 43,5780 501120 l3 Director of Planning & Development Mo, 6569 7554 8686 Yr 78824 90642 104233 - 37 8000 43 4760 49 7340 ,2 Director of Public Works Mo. 6552 7536 8621 , Director of Administrative Services Yr 78624 90430 103447 -0 40 7640 46 8780 53 9100 -01 Chief of Police Mo, 7066 8126 93441 -r Yr 84789 97506 112133 - - - - - - - - - - - - 241 . 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The lowest mIleage 1999 marked Patrol sedan taken out of serVice as part of 2002's Fleet Replacement Program Will replace unit 96, a 1996 marked Patrol sedan currently m thIs poslllOn, Umt 96 w1II be sold at auctlOn 207 Training - 1 nev. polIce optIOn, unmarked sedan w1Il replace unit 42, a 1993 hIgh m1leage Ford Crown Victona. Umt 42 w1l1 be sold at auctIOn - - - 211 Patrol 3 nev. polIce optIon marked sedans w1l1 replace one 1997 marked Patrol sedan unll 51, and two hIgh m1leage 1999's. The pnce mdIcated on the schedule Includes the costs for the vehIcle, lIght bar, SIren, controls. t\\O way radIO, secunty cages, push bumpers, console, markmgs. other equIpment and accessones needed for Patrol use, and mstallalIon, Some of thIS eqUipment IS reusable, some IS not. One 1997 and one 1999 sedan w1l1 be sold at auctIon and the lower m1leage 1999 w1l1 replace unit 96 In the S E,E DInslOn. - - - - - - -- 212 ComInal 1m estlgatlons 2 ne\\ polIce optIOn unmarked sedans w1lJ replace unllS 47 and 48, both 1994 Ford Taurus' Umts 47 and 48 wlil be sold at auctIOn, - - - 213 Traffic I new motorcycle w1l1 replace Unit 9, a 1997 Harley Dandson FLHTPl Unll 9 wIll be sold at auctIOn PUBLIC WORKS 243 304 Traffic 1 ne\\ pamt stnpIng machme wIll replace urut 260, a 1985 Ummasco The old pamter umt wIll be sold at auctIOn or possibly traded m, dependent on perceIved value at the tIme of sale PARKS AND RECREATION 603 MaIntenance One new mower plus attachments wIll replace UnIt 338, a 1991 Gra\ el:- wIth various attachments. UnIt 338 wIll be sold at auctIOn, One new 3/4 ton extended cab pIckup wIth water tank'pump. and warnIng IIghtmg wIll be added to the fleet to replace a SImIlar \ ehlcle that has been leased for 6 months at a tIme several years In a ro\\ Tills LIght Duty VehIcle (LDV) shall be a certIfied Lo\\ EmIltmg VehIcle (LEV I and comply WIth Colorado AIr QualIty Control CommIssIOn (CAQCC) RegulatIOn No 17, Clean Fuels Fleet Program (CFFP) One 1 ton heavy dut) passenger van wIll replace a hIgh mIleage 1996 Ford Clubwagon, unIl 71 ThIS Heavy Duty VehIcle (HDV) shall be a cerlIfied Lo\\ EmIltIng VehIcle (LEV) and comply wIlh Colorado AIr QualIl:- Control CommISSIon (CAQCCi RegulatIon No 17, Clean Fuels Fleet Program (CFFP) l'nIt 71 \\Ill be sold at auctIOn - One ne\\ small sedan wIll replace unIl 90, a hIgh mIleage Ford 1995 Crown VIctOrIa, ThIS LIght Dut:- \ ehlcle (LD\ ) shall be a certified Lo\\ EmIltmg VehIcle (LEV) and compl) wIlh Colorado Air QualIl:- Control CommiSSIOn (CAQCC) RegulatIon]\;o 17, Clean Fuels Fleet Program - - (CFFP) UnIt 90 wIll be sold at auctIOn - - - - 244 2002 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL POLICIES FORM OF GOVERNMENT The City of Wheat RIdge was Incorporated in August, 1969 and comprIses a total area of 9 I. square mIles. In 1976, Wheat Ridge became a Home-Rule City, as defined by Colorado ReVIsed Statutes, Title 31 The Charter for the City of Wheat Ridge provides for a Council-Manager form of government The executive power IS vested In the City Manager to run the datly affalfS of the City The City Manager reports to the City CouncIl The City Council IS composed of eIght (8) members who are elected to four (4) year staggered terms; two (2) from each of the four (4) dIstrIcts The Mayor, City Clerk and CIty Treasurer are elected at large to four (4) year terms The rIghts of the people have been retaIned through the powers of recall, InItiative and referendum. The Charter IS a document of consensus and compromIse. As provided by the Charter, all the powers and the determInatIOn of all matters of pohcy are vested In the CouncIl except as otherwise proVIded. The City Manager, as proVIded by the CIty Charter, IS responsIble to the City CouncIl for the proper administratlOn of all affairs of the City 245 " " - "-' "-' .... "-' ~ "-' ~ ~ "-' "-' .... .... "-' "-' '- '- '- '- '- '- 2002 BUDGET AND FINANCIAL POLICIES Budget Philosophy The budget provIdes a complete financIal plan by whIch financial polIcy IS made, Implemented and controlled. The City Charter, State ConstitutIOn, and state laws provlde the baSIC legal requirements and tIme lines for the process. Council statements, through motIons, resolutIons and ordinances. provide addItIonal dIrectIOn, The budget shows comparative figures of the last completed fiscal year, comparatIve figures for the current year, and the City Manager' recommendatIon for the enSUing year The CIty Manager attempts to provIde a realIstIC forecast of revenue and expenditures. Budget Process - The CIty Council set the times for public heanngs so that the public may comment on the proposed budget. After the publIc hearings the Council adopts the budget for the ensuing year In addItIOn to the operating budget, a five (5) year Capital Improvement Program IS reVIsed and extended annually The City CounCil adopts the program as a planmng document, but does not appropnate the multI-year expendItures. Annual installments to the IdentIfied projects are appropnated In the annual operating budget or by supplemental appropnatlOns. Thus. major addItIons to the Infrastructure are normally accounted for through the Capital Projects Fund, - - - - BaSIS of Accounting - - The budget document IS prepared on a GAAP (Generally Accepted Accounting Pnnclplesl baSIS, consistent with the accounting records and annual finanCIal statements of the CIty. In accordance with the Colorado Local Government Budget Law Appropriations are controlled and the budget is only amended in conformity WIth the City Charter and Colorado ReVised Statutes A modIfied accrual basis of accounting is used for all fund operations. Significant revenues are recorded when measurable and avaIlable Expenditures are recorded when incurred, - - Budget Term The budget term beginS with the first day of January and ends on the last day of December Changes to Adopted Budget After adoptIOn of the budget, the amounts appropnated for the expendItures are deemed appropnated for each purpose speCified, The expenditures of City operating funds cannot exceed 246 the budgeted appropriatIons for the respective fund. In certain cases, however adopted budgets can be Increased, decreased or amounts transferred upon City CouncIl authonzallon. Supplementary budgets and appropnatlOns must be adopted by resolutIon at a CIty CouncIl meeting. UnantIcIpated Revenue City CouncIl may approve expenditure of unantIcIpated revenue that may be receIved dunng the fiscal year Encumbrance Carryover If a fund has open purchase orders at the end of a fiscal year and a commllment for the expendIture of funds, those related appropriatIons are encumbered and carned over to the ensuing fiscal year as a reservatIOn of fund balance. All other appropnallons lapse at year-end, - Budget Decreases - The budget can also be decreased below approved levels during the fiscal year Changes In service demands. economic conditions, and City Council goals and dlreCllons may cause such budget reductions. - - - Level of Control and Budget Transfers - - Control of expenditures is exerCIsed at the fund level. Fund managers are responSIble for all expenditures made against appropnatlOns WIthIn theIr fund and may allocate resources wllhIn the fund, subject to City Council's policy regarding approval of expendllures - - - Lapsed Appropnatlons - - All appropriations not spent or encumbered at the end of the fiscal year IS transferred Into the fund balance. - - Fund AccountIng Fund accountIng IS used both for budgetIng and accounting purposes Each fund IS establIshed for a speCIfic purpose and IS conSIdered a separate accounting entIty - CIlY Council must approve or appropnate any expendIture form the vanous funds, including expendIture from reserves. The authonzation is generally done pnor to the begInnmg of each fiscal year, but can be done by the City Council anytime during the year If funds are avallable 247 CItv Fund Tvpes. General Fund - the General Fund IS the general operating fund of the CIty It IS used for all resources except those required to be accounted for In another fund. Capital Improvement Fund - the CapItal Improvement Fund was created to account for resources used for CapItal Improvements In the City of Wheat RIdge CapItal Improvements include but are not limited to, maintenance and reconstructlOn of streets and SIdewalks, remodel of city owned buildings and the personnel costs assocIated WIth these projects. . SpecIal Revenue Funds - SpeCIal Revenue Funds account for speCIfic revenue sources that are legally restricted for speCIfic purposes, The City's SpeCIal Revenue Fund, Include ConservatIon Trust Fund. Open Space Fund, MUniCIpal Court Fund. Urban Renewal Authonty. Recreation Center ConstructIOn Fund, RecreatlOn Center Operating Fund and Baugh House Fund. Revenue Policies The CIty of Wheat RIdge stnves to achIeve and maintain a balanced revenue structure Annual revenues are stabIlIzed and can be used year to year as a sound revenue base Major revenue sources In the General Fund are sales/use tax, property tax, intergovernmental revenues, franchIse charges, fines and forfeitures, user fees and transfers from other funds. The City reviews all fees, licenses, permits, fines and other mIscellaneous charges as part of the annual budgetary process. - -- ExpendIture PolICIes - - The General Fund IS compnsed of the follOWing departments LegIslative ServIces. Treasury, EconomIC Development, City Manager, CIty Attorney, CIty Clerk, MUniCIpal Court. AdmInistratIve SerVIces, Planning and Development, PolIce. PublIc Works and Park. and Recreallon. - Each department can be further broken down into a vanety of divisions and/or programs. ExpendItures are classified as the following' Personnel Services Operating and Maintenance supply Other charges and services . Capital Outlay Personnel Services Includes salanes for full-time. and part-time employees. overtime pay. Insurance, retIrement and other costs related to the CIty 248 Operating and Maintenance Suppltes encompasses admInIstratIve costs such as office suppl1es. operating suppltes, gasoline and hazardous matenal disposal suppltes Other Charges and Services includes such Items as dues, subscnptlons, travel and training expenses, professional fees and utlltty charges. CapItal Outlay consIsts of fixed assets over $5,000 and a usefulltfe of greater than one year ThIS expendIture consists of furnIture and computer hardware. A detalled "line-item" budget is provIded to departments to mOnItor day to day expendItures, Taxpayer's Bill of RIghts (TABOR) In 1992, Colorado voters approved an amendment to the Colorado Constllution that placed l1mIts on revenue and expenditure of the State and all local governments. Even though the Itmlt IS placed on revenue and expendItures, the constitutIOnal amendment actually appltes to a l1mIt on revenue collectIOns. Growth In revenue is limIted to the Increase in the Denver-Boulder Consumer Pnce Index plus local growth (new construction and annexatIon) This percentage IS added to the preceding year's revenue base, giving the dollar limit allowed for revenue In the present year Any revenue collected over the Itmlt must be refunded to the cItIzens. - - - - --- In addItIOn, the voters must approve any increase in taxes. Reserve Poltcv A top prionty of the CIty CouncIl IS the City's fiscal health. Revenue projections are conservatIve and authorized expenditures are closely monitored. In prosperous economic tImes. the combinatIOn of these two strategIes leads to revenue collections hIgher than actual expendItures The accumulatIOn of these reserves protects the CIty from Increases In expenditures or unforeseen reductions in revenues, or a combination of both -- - - --- ArtIcle X, Section 20 of the State ConstItution requires a three percent (3 %) reserve for emergencies, The use of this reserve IS restricted to the purpose for whIch It IS establtshed and can be used solely for declared emergencies. --- The CIty CounCIl has determined that additIonal reserves be established to provide for unforeseen reductIon In revenues in the current year if budgeted revenues are less than actual revenues and expendItures, including encumbrances, are greater than actual MOnIes held In this reserve may be appropriated dunng the current budget year and may also be used for ensuing budget years as a revenue source If additional expenditures are required to maintain appropriate levels of servIce exceed projected revenues. 249 CapItal Improvement Fund The CIlY has a sIgnIficant finanCIal Investment In streets. pubhc facllltIes, parks. natural areas and other capllallmprovements. The CIty develops a Five-year CapItal Improvement Plan that IS updated annually Costs for the CapItal Improvement Plan are estImated based on present value and fundIng sources are Identified for each project. The Capital Improvement Fund largest revenue source IS fifty percent (50%) of the CIty's two cent sales tax RIsk Management The goal of the risk management program is to protect the asets of the City and provIde a safe work envIronment for our employees. More specIfically, the maIn features of thiS program are as follows . Dehver loss control programs such as defenSIve driving educatIon. ReVIew CIty contracts for the proper insurance reqUIrements Monitor changes in the law at the federal and state level to determine if any changes affect the way servIces are dehvered. Monitor the exposure in City programs and services that may Involve the CIty In future habilities . . . Debt Pohcles - The CIty of Wheat Ridge uses debt finanCing only for speCIfic capital outlays The CIty may use a condItIOnal sales lease, whIch is In effect a purchase rather than a rental of property - - SInce IncorporatIOn in 1969, Wheat RIdge's policy regarding long-term debt has been on a "pay - as- you - go" baSIS Dunng 1988. Wheat RIdge entered Into its first of two bond Issuance The first were SpeCial Assessment Bonds for $1.25 mllhon to Improve a sectIOn of 48th A venue between KIpling St. and Ward Rd. The distnct retIred the debt In 1996. - The second bond Issuance was for Sales Tax Revenue Bonds In the amount of $299 millIon Sales tax revenues budgeted in the Capital Projects Fund for 1988 were Invested In U.S Government Secuntles, matunng on a scheduled basis to meet bond interest and pnnclpal payments over ten years The bonds were retired in 1999 The debt servIce schedule is presented here for informatIOnal purposes only The City has no formal debt. However, the City does have CertIficates of Participation that are utlhzed to proVide for the finanCIng of the Recreation Center 250 INVESTMENT POLICY The total Investment Policy IS adopted by CouncIl upon receiving advIce from the Cny Treasurer This IS intended as a summary but the adopted Counctl PolIcy IS controllmg. The CIty consolIdates cash balances from all funds to maXImIze Investment earnings, except for the cash in restricted and special funds. Investment income IS allocated to the vanous funds bases on theIr respectIve partIcIpation and In accordance WIth generally accepted accountIng pnnclples The CIty's pnncipal Investment objectIves are. . Conformance WIth all applicable City, State and Federal regu]atlOns . Preservation of capital through the protectIon of investment pnnclpal by minimIZIng credIt nsk . Investmg operating funds In shorter-term securities, money market mutual funds or slmtlar Investment pools to aVOId incurring unreasonable market Interest rate ns" . Maintenance of sufficient lIqUIdIty to meet the City's cash needs . AttainIng a market rate of return for elIgIble securities, whIch IS secondary to the safety and IIqUldllY stated above. - - - - The City's assets are managed to the "prudent investor" standard by the CIty Treasurer which states "Investments shall be made WIth judgement and care, under cIrcumstances then prevatlIng. which persons of prudence. discretion and Intelligence exercise In the management of another. not In regard to speculation, but for Investment considering the probable safety of theIr capnal as well as the probable Income to be denved." - - - The City Treasurer IS authorized to invest funds of the City In accordance WIth the Colorado Statues which mclude but are not limIted to the PublIc Deposit ProtectIon Act (C R.S ] 1-10.5- ]0] et. seq), V.S Agency OblIgations (C.R.S ] ]-60-10] et. seq.), Savings and Loan Assoclallon PublIc DepOSIt Protection Act (C.R.S ]] -47-10] et. seq.), Legal Investments for Governmental Umts <C.R.S 24-75-601 et. seq ), and Local Governments - Local Government PoolIng (C.R S 24-75-701 et. Seq) Any amendments to the Colorado Revised Statutes are assumed to be part of thiS policy upon effectIveness of the legIslatIOn. - - -- - -- The Treasurer has further restricted the Investment of City funds to any of the follOWing' . U.S Treasury Obligations WIth maturities less than five years from the date of purchase . Federal Instrumenta]ity Secunties issued by Federal NatIOnal Mortgage ASSOCiatIOn (FNMA), Federal Farm Credit Banks (FFCB) ,Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), and Federal Home Loan Mortgage CorporatIon (FHMLC) Pnme CommercIa] Paper, at the time of purchase, which is rated in its hIghest rating category by one or more nationally recognized organizations which regularly rate such oblIgations and which have maturitIes not exceedIng 270 days . 251 Local Government Investment pools pursuant to C.R.S 24-75-] 01 et seq as amended Although the PublIc Deposit ProtectIon Act allows muniClpaltties to Invest In deflvatlves. the Treasurer has explIcitly stated that deflvatlves are an unacceptable investment. It IS the Intent of the CIty to dIversify the Investments wIth the portfolIO to aVOId Incurnng unreasonable nsks Inherent In over investIng In speCIfic Instruments. or indIVidual financIal institutions or matuntles The asset allocation In the portfolIo should. however be fleXIble depending upon the outlook for the economy, the secunties market, and the Cny's anticipated cash flow need. It IS the poltcy of the City to purchase securitIes only from authoflzed Institutions and firms Broker/Dealers and other financial institutions shall be selected by the Treasurer on the baSIS of theIr experttse In publtc cash management and their ability to servIce the City's account. - - Elected offiCIals and employees Involved In the Investment process shall refrain from personal bUSiness actiVIty that could conflict with proper execution of the Investment program or whIch could ImpaIr or create the appearance of an Impamnent of theIr abIlIty to make ImpartIal Investment deCISIons. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 252 ..----- ~ ." "." ~ ..... '- '-' \,." \,." ~ \,." "'" ~ \,." -- \woo -- -- -- -- - -- -- REVENUES --GENERAL FUND TAXES- Real Property Tax - Real property taxes are levIed on December 31, and attach as an enforceable lIen on property as of January I Taxes are due as of January I, and are payable in full by July 31 If paId In Installments, or April 15 if paid by a Single payment. Taxes are delinquent as of August I If the taxes are not paid withm subsequent statutory periods, the property is sold at a publIc auction Jeffferson County bIlls and collects the property taxes and remits collectIOns to the City on a monthly basis after deducting a I % collectIOn fee. It IS the policy of the CIty to record the property tax receIvable In the year In WIth the taxes are leVIed and to recognize the property tax revenues In the year In whIch the lIen attaches on the property The CIty anticipates revenue of $630,000 in 2002. LiQuor Occuoational Tax - The City of Wheat RIdge leVIes an occupation tax on all operators lIcensed to sell vaflOUS classlficatlons of liquor WIthin the CIty lImIts. These operators are bIlled annually based on the follOWing schedule. ClassIficatIOn Amount -- - N- RetaIl Liquor Store 0- Drug Store P- Beer and Wine Q- Hotel and Restaurant (Extended) J 1- 3.2 Package Beer Off Premises 12- 3.2 Beer on Premises Tavern $500 $500 $500 $700 $500 $500 $1,100 - - The revenue derived from lIquor occupatIOnal tax has remained consIstent over the past twenty (20) years WIth an Increase each tIme the rates are increased. The City antIcIpates $60.000 In revenues from this source for 2002. Vehicle Ownershio Tax- ThIS IS a tax paid by owners of motor vehIcles, traIlers, semItraIlers and traIler coaches In lIeu of any ad valorem taxes. The amount of the tax paId IS a function of the class, age and value of the vehIcle Generally, the amount of the tax paId decreases with the age of the vehIcle Specific ownership taxes for Class A vehIcles, which includes any motor vehIcle, truck, truck tractor, 258 trader or semItraIler used to transport persons or property over publIc hIghways for compensatIOn are paId to the State The State distributes this revenue among countles based upon the proportIon that state hIghway mtleage In the county bears to the total state highway system, There are no restnctlOns on the use of thIs revenue All other classes of specIfic ownershIp are paId to the County The Jefferson County Treasurer then distributes this revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by the Count~ and each political and governmental subdIviSion bears In relatIon to all the property taxes collected In the County The revenue derived from thIS source stays consistent each year and a total of $80,000 has been budgeted for 2002. Sales Tax - - The City of Wheat RIdge levies a 2.5 % tax on all retail sales. lease. and rentals WIth one percent (1 '7c) allocated Into the General Fund for operations and another one percent (19c ) allocated Into the CapItal Improvement Projects Fund to finance capital Improvements The final one- half percent (1/2 o/c) IS dedicated for the construction of the Recreation Center and allocated to Fund 61 - - - - Through a very aggressIve polIcy of prompt and efficient collectlon of sales and use taxes. sales tax collectIOns make up approximately thlfly- two percent (32%) of the CIlY's Total General Fund Revenue and approximately nInety-four percent (94% ) of the Capital Improvement Project Fund (excluding the carryover fund balance) The estImated amount of collectIOn for 2002 for the General Fund IS $5.273.500 - - "" - - The major sales tax revenue producers for Wheat Ridge are publIc uttlltleS, grocery stores, a general retatler and a liquor store. Sales tax collectIOns fluctuate WIth the economy, but Wheat RIdge's businesses are relatively stable and contInue to provIde a strong base for sales tax revenue "" - - Use Tax - - A two percent (2%) use tax is leVied upon the use of tangible personal property and taxable servIces not subject to the Wheat RIdge sales tax ThIS tax IS stnctly a General Fund revenue source. The 2002 budget projects $2,150,00 In Use Tax collected. - - Public Service Companv Franchise Fee - A franchise payment IS accepted by the City from Xcel Energy (the parent company of PublIc ServIce Company of Colorado) in lIeu of all occupancy or occupation and lIcense taxes. and all other specIal taxes, assessments or exercises on the right to do bUSIness Revenues are derived 259 from the ImpOSItIOn of a three percent (3%) fee on the gross revenue from the sale of gaseous fuel and electricity wIthin the corporate limIts of the CIty Xcel remIts paymenb to the CIty on J monthly baSIS. WIth an annual adjustment for the pnor year made on the last day of the first quarter of each year The estimated amount of payment in 2002 IS $1.062,000 TeleDhone OccuDation Tax - There is levied on and against each telephone utIlity company operatmg WIth the City. a tax on the occupation and bUSiness of maintaining a telephone exchange and lines connected therewIth m the CIty and of supplYing local exchange telephone service to the inhabItants of the CIlY The annual amount of the tax leVIed IS $190,575, paId in twelve (12) equal monthly Installments_ each mstallmentto be paid on the last business day of each calendar month Lod\?:er's Tax - EffectIve January L 1986, and excise tax was leVied on the pnce paId or charged for the lease. rental. or furnIshing of rooms or other public accommodations In any hotel, apartment hotel. guest house, guest ranch, mobIle home, auto camp, trailer court or park. or any other place furnlshmg rooms or other accommodatIOns, In 1998, the voters approved an Increase m the Lodger's Tax ThIS Increase raIsed the tax to 10% The purposed of the Increase was to fund the Hotel/Motel Program. The tax levied and collected IS at the rate of ten percent ( I O'7c) of the purchase pnce paid. and is m lieu of the City's sales tax The Lodger's Tax IS dIvided evenly between the General Fund and the Hotel/Motel Fund (63) The estimated amount of the Lodger's Tax for 2002 is $520,000 for the General Fund and $520,000 for the Hotel/Motel Fund, Admission! Amusement Tax - - An excIse tax of four percent (4%) was levied effective January I, 1986 on each person who pay to gain admiSSIOn or access to a performance of a motIOn picture or to the use of lanes and pm setters for bowling balls in a bowling alley located within the CIty limIts of Wheat Ridge Effective January I, 1989, the City added mInIature golf to the claSSification and reqUIred an admISSIon tax to be levied. The City has projected $50,000 in revenue for 2002 LICENSES AND PERMITS- Amusement Device Licenses - The City assesses an annual license fee for operating amusement devices for the purpose of promoting amusement faCIlities. All establishments pay an annual fee of $60 00 per amusement deVIce Applications for an arcade license shall pay a $50 00 investigatIon fee All fees are paid m advance Projected 2002 revenue is $10,500 260 Arborist Licenses - The Mayor issues Arborist Licenses for the purpose of engaging In the forestry business wllhIn the CIty, upon recommendatIOn by the Arborlst Board. The apphcatlOn fee IS $1000 and the annual hcense fee IS $25 00 Wheat RIdge has been named "Tree CIty U,S.A" for 23 consecutive years by the Nallonal Arborlst AssocIatIOn The eSllmated revenue from these hcenses IS $1,200 Contractor's Licenses - ThIS IS an annual license fee for all construction contractors domg business wlthm the corporate boundaries of the City The fee ranges from $70 00 to $125 00 annually baseed on the type of contractor bemg hcensed. $50,000 is the estimated revenue for this source Liauor Licenses - The State delegates the authority to Issue certain hquor hcenses to the Wheat Ridge CIty CouncIl. and the Liquor LIcensing Authority The fees collected are as follows. - - - New license mvesllgation fee Transfer of ownershIp or locatIon Change in manager New license survey fee Annual hcense fee $450 00 $250 00 $ 75 00 $350 00 $375 to $78 75 dependmg upon hcense class - The 2002 budget mcludes $12,000 in revenue from liquor hcense fees. - - Buildinl!: PermitJInsoection Fees- - Within Wheat RIdge it is unlawful for any person, firm or corporation to erect, construct, enlarge. alter, repair, Improve remove, convert, or demolIsh any buIldmg or structure regulated by the Uniform BuIlding Code (UBC), or cause the same to be done WIthout first obtammg a separate permIt for each building or structure from the building offiCIal Permll fees are based on the dollar valuatIOn of the work to be done If work authOrized is not commenced withm 60 days of Issuance, or If work IS abandoned or suspended for 120 days, then a new permIt IS reqUIred and the fee shall be one-half (V2) of the origmal fee .- BUlldmg permits are budget based on economIc trends m our local area, The 2002 budget IS calculated based on 2001 estimated figures. EstImated revenue IS $200,000 261 Street Cut Permits - The PublIc Works Department Issues street cut permits for all street excavatIon, curb and gutter. sidewalk, cross pans, and street or road constructIOn done wIthin the CIty lImIts The estImated amount of permit fees for 2002 is $32,000 Cable Television Permits - For the pnvilege of having a cable teleVISIon penmt, the company shall make permIt payments for the use of the streets and other facilities of the CIty In the operatIon of the cable teleVISion system. The company shall pay three percent (3%) of the gross subscriber revenues minUS sale, taxes and other subscriber base taxes, every six (6) months. Cable Television permIts have decreased due to competitIOn from satelIte dish network provider It IS estimated that S 120.000 should be collected In 2002 Elevator Inspection Fees - Businesses located in Wheat Ridge that have operatIOnal elevators must have them Inspected each December for safety The City charges $10000 for each elevator inspectIon The CIty should recel ve $12,500 in 2002, Business License Fees - - EffectIve December, 1986, the CIty Imposed an annual bUSiness lIcense fee for all vendors dOing bUSiness wlthing the CIty limits of Wheat Ridge A $5 00 first-time applIcatIon fee IS charged for new businesses, and an annual renewal fee of $10 00 IS charged January I of each year and collected on the January sales tax return form, Over 2,500 businesses are licensed bnngIng an estImated $35,000 In revenue to the City - - - INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE -- State Ci!mrette Tax - - The State taxes wholesale distributors of cIgarettes. State tax stamps are Issued to the dlstnbutors as evidence of payment. CountIes and CitIes receIve a distnbutlOn from the State The amount received is based upon the proportion of State sales tax collected In each mUnICipality and unincorporated areas of the counties The budgeted amount for 2002 IS S165,000 Jefferson Countv Road and Bridl!e Tax - Each county in the state maintains a county road and bndge fund for road and bridge constructIon, maintenance, and admimstratlOn, funded by a mJillevy property tax Each 262 municIpality located In any county IS entitled to receIve the revenue accruing to saId funds, for the purpose of construction and maintenance of roads and streets located WIthin the City's boundanes. Legally, thIS IS the only use for these funds. Jefferson County collects thIS tax and remIts It to the City quarterly. An estimated $460,000 IS expected for 2002. State Hil!hwav Users' Tax Fund- The Highway Users Tax Fund IS compnsed of several revenue sources The first IS the net revenues denved from ImpOSitIOn of any license or regIstratIOn fee, from any "ton-mIle" or "passenger-mile" tax, from penalty or Judicial assessments, from certain miscellaneous collectIOns, and from eXCIsed taxes on gasoline or other lIquid motor fuel The second source is the additional revenue raIsed by excise taxes on gasoline or other liqUId motor fuel The thIrd source IS an allocatIOn from the State as a partial replacement for the revenue loss due to the repeal of the Noble Bill in 1987 - Funds receIved from the base HUTF revenues may be used for engineering. reconstructIon, maintenance, repaIr, equIpment, improvement and adminIstration of streets and roads Not more than 5% of these funds may be used on administratIOn. Revenues from the addlllOnal motor fuel taxes and the General Fund money may be used for new constructIOn. safety Improvements. maintenance and capacity improvements, none may be used for admmlstrallve purposes -- -- -- - -- The estImated revenue for 2002 IS $990,000 - Motor Vehicle Rel!istration Fees- -- -- State law requIres payment of an annual registratIon fee for all vehIcles The amount of the fee IS based on the class and use of the vehIcle Out of each fee paid by the owner of the vehicle, $2,50 is credited to the county within which the vehIcle IS registered. In addition to the base fee. an additIonal fee of $1.50 is paid for every motor vehIcle, trailer, and semaraller Both fees collected by the County are allocated among the County and cities WIthin the county on the baSIS of the number of vehIcles regIstered in each city and the un-Incorporated area of the county The revenue received by a county, cay or town from the regIstration fees must be spent on the construcllon or maintenance of roads and bridges. -I -- -- -- -- - -- The CIty of Wheat Ridge has budgeted $ 1 lO,OOO In revenue for motor vehicle registratIon fees for 2002. -- .... Fire District Disnatchinl! Fees- The Cay and the Wheat RIdge Fire Dlstnct entered into an intergovernmental agreement which stipulates that the Fire Dlstnct will pay to the CIty an agreed upon amount to be used for fundmg of an emergency servIces speCIalIst (dIspatcher) in the Police CommUnICatIOn DiviSIOn. The amount for 2002 is $28,400 263 Police Deoartment Grants - The Police Department receIves numerous grants from the Department of JustIce Included are Bulletproof Vest grants, Local Law Enforcement Block Grants, Juvenile Accountability Block. Grants and Community Onented Police ServIces (COPS) MORE grants The COP hmng grant funds are In the Hotel/Motel fund and are completed in 2002 The budgeted amount for 2002 IS $21.250 CHARGES FOR SERVICES Weed mowinl!lCleanuo - Revenue receIved from site cleanup and weeds that are mowed at taxpayer expense are being accounted for In a separate line item account, Revenue for 2002 IS estImated at $3,000 Planninl!. and Develooment Fee - The CIty requires that an application fee be patd for all rezoning requests and a sIte plan reviews. These rezoning requests must then meet posting, publicatIOn and public heanng reqUIrements established by the City The C!ty also requIres Development fees LiQuor Hearinl!. Fees - - The City charges $50 00 per each new liquor license locatIOn. ThIS fee is for a public heanng and survey for citIzens living In the VICInity of the new liquor establishment. to determIne whether thy approve of the establishment beIng In theIr neIghborhood. or not. The estImated amount for fees to be collected IS $500 Park and Recreation Fees - - The RecreatIOn DIVIsion has developed the follOWIng objective In the establishment of ItS fee policY' The fees and charges assessed for recreation programs, actIVIties and servIces reflect all the dIrect costs of the program plus 30% to cover admInistratIve costs. Direct costs Include such !terns as supplies, referees, staff time and other dIrect expend!tures made by the City to operate a specific program, AdmInistratIve fees reflect the cost of !terns such as ul1l1tIes, brochure publicatIOns. permanent staff time, Jan!tonal work and buIldIng maintenance Only a portion of these expenses are covered, 264 Estimated recreation fees in 2002 are $268,000. These fees include programs from the Andersen Building and the Community Center Swimminl! Pool Fees - AdmISSIon and lesson fees charged for the use fo the City SWImming pool The 2002 budget projects $70,000 as revenue Weed Mowinl!iCleanuD Fees- Revenue received from sIte cleanup and weeds that are mowed at taxpayer expense are accounted for in a separate line Item account. Revenue for 2002 is projected at $3,000 Police Records/Search Fees - - These fees reimburse the City for costs related to the release of records informatIOn Based on the number of annual requests, these fees reImburse the City for approxImately $51, I 00 annually -- -- FINES AND FORFEITURES -- - Municipal Court Fines - - All fines are set by the court for each VIOlator, WIthin legally set lImits Traffic tIckets. summons. Jury tnals. and forfeitures are receIved by the Treasurer's office from the MUnicIpal Court as Cll)' revenue The revenues are estimated to be approximately $704,500 - - OTHER REVENUE - Interest Income - -, I I -I - The CIty Treasurer IS responsIble for the prudent Investment of all CIty funds and schedule Investment to Insure that there is as lIttle Idle cash as practical EstImated revenues from Interest are antIcIpated to be $300,000 - - -- Miscellaneous Income - Revenue sources that are not easily categorized in the other revenue accounts are tracked under MIscellaneous Income. This includes copy charges, auctIon proceeds and pensIon forfeitures. The estimated revenue for 2002 is $145,000 -- 265 TRANSFERS IN - The largest transfer to the General Fund IS made from the CapItal Improvement Fund (Fund 30) to cover engineering and admlmstrative cost connected with capital Improvements made by the City The transfer WIll be $1,741,000 In 2002. A separate fund was estabhshed in 1982 for Open Space transacllons Jefferson County collects a 0,5'7c sales tax for the Open Space Program. The county, citIes and towns located In Jefferson County may partIcipate in the program. Expenditures and/or contract obhgatlons must constitute purposes which are authonzed by the Program. These Include adminIstratIOn of Open Space, planmng for Open Space, acqUIsItIOn of Open Space, development of access to Open Space. development of paths and trails on Open Space, constructIOn of pubhc trails, preservatIOn and/or maintenance of Open Space, protectIOn of Open Space, construction and acqUlsillon of recreatIOn capItal improvements. In 2002, the amount budgeted at $491,000 for preservatIOn and mamtenance cost of the parks. Other transfers are from the Hotel/Motel Fund for economIc development and the Wheat RIdge Urban Renewal Authority. -- - - - 266 OTHER FUNDS Caoital Proiects Fund - The Capllal Projects Fund was established to account for money received as a result of a one- percent ( 19'0) assessment In the CIty's sales tax. The revenue of thIS fund are to be used for capital projects (i.e drainage, street, and traffic improvements and major additIons to City buIldings) Sales tax comprises approximately 94% of the revenue for this fund. The Income (one-cent of the sales tax receIved) IS dIstrIbuted monthly and invested untIl needed to pay capllal project contracts, usually in the late summer and fall The carryover each year IS based on unspent apprOprIatIOns, usually occurring when costs come In less than anticIpated. Park Acauisition Fund - The Park AcqUisition Fund was established to account for funds received and deSIgnated for park Improvements and the acquisition of addItional park land. - Upon approval of a new subdivision by the City of Wheat RIdge, the developer IS reqUIred to place a percentage of the project cost into the park acqUIsition fund for future purchases of addItIOnal parklands and park Improvements. This amount to a very small contrIbutIon each yeaf and the fund balance is camed forward untIl there is enough money to acqUIre parkland or make park Improvements - - Police Investi2:ation Fund - Beginning With 1990, all proceeds from seizures and forfeItures of property pursuant to C.R,S 16-13-302 ("Publtc Nuisance Policy") and 16-13-50 I ("Colorado Contraband Forfellure Act") are reqUIred to be placed In a separate fund and used solely by the PolIce Department fOf purposes other than normal operating needs Conservation Trust Fund - The fund accounts for money received and restrIcted as to use In the acqUISition, development and maintenance of new conservatIOn sites Of for capital Improvements or maintenance for recfeational purposes on any publIc sIte. pursuant to C.R.S Title 138 Funds are derIved from distrIbutIOn of 40% of the net proceeds of the Colorado Lottery and IS receIved on a quarterly baSIS, The Conservation Trust Fund statute governs how municipalIties can expend luttery pruceeds Each mUnICIpality's share is based on population estImates from the prIor year 267 Municipal Court Fund - The MUnIcipal Court Fund has been established In order to provide a means to track court fees and to enable the court to expend these amounts. The Fund receives the $ I and 5>4 Court Fees and the Witness Court Fees. ThIs fund provides the Court and the ProbatIon Program wIth money for expenditures for equIpment. mamtenance, office furniture, victim servIces and other court and probatIon expenses, Richards Hart Estate Improvement Fund - ThiS fund tracks the revenue from rental of the Estate and the rent from the duplex on the property The funds are used to upgrade and Improve the Estate Open Space Fund - - The City of Wheat RIdge IS commItted to preserving valuable remamIng open space resources, The Jefferson County Open Space program acqUIres land for public enjoyment (I e parks. playgrounds, lakes, trails etc) and then donates the land to the City for use as publIc land, Open Space funds are derived from a 0.5% sales tax collected on purchases wllhm Jefferson County Seniorrreen Fund - - Through the efforts of senIor citIzens and teens in our communIty. donatIOns and fund ralsmg events earn approximately $ 15,000 annually for the senIors and $ I ,500 for the teens These funds proVide for the acquISItIon of Items to be used at the Wheat Ridge CommunIty Center Purchases are made only after the funds have been accumulated, - - - - Eauipment Fund - - The EqUIpment Fund was establIshed In order to purchase and lease vehIcles The fund prOVides a long term plan for the procurement of vehicles, The Fund is financed by transfers from the Capllal Fund, - Computer Fund - ThIS fund was establIshed to provide better accountability of computer related expenses All hardware, software and related expenses are budgeted In thIS Fund, The fundmg IS proVIded by a transfer from the General Fund and the Capllal Fund. 268 HoteVMotel Fund - The Hotel/Motel Fund was created to track and proved funding for addItIOnal police enforcement and buIlding code problems encountered at the hotels and motels in Wheat RIdge Forty percent of the fund is used for economic development purposes. Recreation Center Fund - The Recreation Center Fund was established to collect the voter approved one-half cent sales tax for the constructIOn of the Recreation Center ThIS sales tax will sunset dunng 2002 FinanCing for the Center occurred In 1998 Bau2h House Fund - This fund was established in order to assist with the preservatIon of the oldest cabin In the metro Denver area. This project IS pnmanly funded through grants and donatIons. - -- Recreation Center Operations Fund - - -- The RecreatIon Center OperatIOns Fund is intended to track the revenues and costs associated with operating thiS facIlity -- - - - -- -- -- -- -- -- -- - - 269