HomeMy WebLinkAbout2005 - - :: City of - - - - - - - - - - ~ .~ - ct - - ~ " - ~ - e - ~ - \) - - - - .. - - - - '" - ~ ""'ii;;: - ~ - - ~ - ~ - I :::::: - ~ - ~ - - - '= Family Oriented Ifh eat Ri d 9 e 2005 Adopted Budget _ Residential Community ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ VZSion 2020 o I I I I . . .. . . . . ~ . ~ ~ . . . s s I . ~ I ~ 'Ii I I I I Quality Retail _ Great Access - Active Lifestyle Adopted Annual Budgetfor the Fiscal leal' Janllll1:V 1, 2005 to December 31, 2005 Cin Council Gretchen Cerveny. Mayor Larry Schulz. Mayor Pro Tern. District IV Lena Rotola, Council President, District IV Karen Berry. Council Member. District I .Jerry DiTullio, Council Member. District I Dean Gokey. Councill\lember. District II Wanda Sang, Council Member. District II Karen Adams. Council Member. District III Mike Stites, Council Member, District III Pam Anderson, City Clerk Mar) Cavarra, City Treasurer Cin' Staff Randy Young. City Manager Patrick Goff, Deputy City Manager .Joe Cassa, Interim Police Chief Tim Paranto. Director of Public Works .Joyce Manwaring, Director of Parks and Recreation Alan White, Director of Community Development Contents and ProductlOn Patnck (,off and Dehble Meixner Depalimcnt Budget Contacts CIty Treasurer - Mary Cavarra Finance - Linda Stengel (ity Clerk's Oftlce. LegislatIve - Pam Anderson, Christa Jones and Janice "mothers MunIcIpal Court - Kersten Ambtrong Admlllstrative ServCles, CIty Manager's Office, (ity Attorney - Patrick Gotland Debbie Meixner (ommunity Development - Alan WhIte and "-athy Field Police Dep'il1ment - Joe ( assa. Michelle Stodden and Judy Sullivan Public Works Depal1ment - Tim Paranto, <;teve Nguyen and Greg Knudson Parks and RecreatJon Department - Joyce Mamvaring. Julie Blisson, Toni (rocker. C amI Mullin CUSTOMER SERVICE STANDARDS City of Wheat Ridge The miSSIon ofthe CIty of Wheat RIdge is to provide bold, innovatIve leadershIp for a dynamle City representmg the values of the COllli11Ul1lty We will Improve the enjoyment and qualIty ofhfc for all by provldmg a broad range ofmuruclpal servIces m an effiCIent and fiscally responsible manncr, CRITERIA OF EFFECTIVENESS Prompt, tImely response to mqumes Bemg respectful, polIte, and courteous Implementing a customer focused attItude Providmg vIsible results for the customer WHO ARE OUR CUSTOMERS? ReSIdents of Wheat RIdge Co-workers throughout the City OutSIde agencIes, orgamzations, and reSIdents Mayor and CIty Council PERFORMANCE ELEMENT SERVICE AND PROFESSIONALISM The degree to whIch the indIvIdual IS courteous, tactful, and respectful to cItIzens and customers, mternallyand externally, and to co-workers, Includes respect for dIversity m others, Includes conveymg a professIOnal ill1age while perforn1illg posItIon dutIes ill a responsIve manner and acceptrng responsibilIty for actIons, Includes COMMUNIC ATION (wntten, verbal and presentatIon) skills reqUIred for the pOSItIOn such as actIve hstemng skills and the ability to clearly express thoughts and dIrectIOn man orgamzed mam1er, Includes reframmg from mappropnate oral, wntten and non-verbal communication, PERFORMANCE ELEMENT TEAMWORK AND COOPERATION The degree to whIch the employee cooperates respectfully wIth others, mcluding other departments when applIcable, to achieve work group goals and City obJectIves, Includes RELIABILITY punctualIty, appropnate attendance, working independently without excessive supervIsion, and tollowmg mstructions, The degree to which the employee can be depended upon to follow through on assIgnments, managing and adjusting to the changing CIrcumstances constructIvely (stress management and flexibility), Citv of Wheat Ridoe , b Oroanizational Chart b CITIZE"'IS 01; \\ II [AT RIDGE cln TRE,\Sl RER \1 .\ \ 0 R &: en \ co l ~ C II. .1\1 unicipal Prusecution . "1 unicipal Court . <- ummunit, ~uppurt . El'unomic Dc\'t'lopmt'nt PO LlC E \nimal/Park CUdl' Enforcement PUBLIC \\ORh.S . C()mmUnicllti()n~ . Records . Patrol . Engineerin~ . Operations . III\'cstigatiolls . Traffic EnfurCl'ment . Emcrgenc~ Operations RECRE \TIO' CO\'I.'\lt;l'\IT\ IlE\ ELOPI\IENT . Recreation . Planning . Building . P arb \1 aintenancc . F urestr~ . Open Space . General Programs . Senior/Communit, Center . Building :\laintenallce . Recreation Center Operations elT' CLrRh. BO.\RnS &: ('OI\ll\1ISSIO'\S '~nimal \\ elfare and CUlltrul (ommissiuII 'Huurd flf .\djustment . Building Code ~d,is(H, Buard . ('uhllr:11 lommission . Election Commission . II ou si n J.?: \ II th IJ rit~ . Liquor I icensing '\uthlJrit~ . Pllr"S &. Hecn'ation Commission . Planning Commission .Senior ProJ.?:ram ~d\isor~ Committee . lirban Rene"al .\utlwrit\ .W heat Ridge Foundation .\D\ll"ISTRATlVE SER\ ICI:S . Finance . Sale~ Ta\. . lIuman Hesou rces . Hi.." 1\1 anagement . Purchasing and ContractinJ,?: . Information TcchnoloJ,?:~ TABLE OF CONTENTS Budget Message Budget 111 Bnef ...., .., ! Strategic Plan 17 Community Profile & Budget Process 49 Revenues & Expenditures SummalY Budget Summmy By Fund General Fund Revenues, .. General Fund Expenditures 55 .56 59 General Govenm1ent Leglslauve City Attorney Central Charges ......... .. hi h~ u.) h5 City Treasurer 67 CIty Clerk 69 City Manager City Manager's Office Economic Development ....... Commumty Support . . 71 .73 .. 75 MUlllclpal Court .., 77 Adm 111 Istrative Services .." Adnul1lstratlve Services Finance Human Resources Sales Tax Purchasing and Contractll1g Infonnatlon Technology . 79 R2 84 .. 86 .. 88 .. 90 92 Commulllty Development AdmimstratJon Planning .. Building. .... .. 95 .., 98 100 102 PolIce Depaltmcnt Admll1lstration Al1lmaL'Park Codc Enforcement CommlU1lcatlons Rccords SectIon Tmll1l11g Patrol InvcstlgatJons Traffic Enforcement Specwllnvestlgatlons Emergency OperatIons PublIc Works Admllllstrdtlon .. .. Engmccnng OperatIons Parks and RecreatlOn Acln1ll1lstrdtlon Recreation. Parks Mamtenance Forestry Open Space Anderson Buildmg Athletics ... Outdoor Pool . ... .. Sel1lor:Commul11ty Center Building Mamtenance RecreatIon Center FacilIty OperatIon AquatIcs .... Fitness .. Marketmg .. 1l1erapeutIc RecreatIon General Programs SpeCIal Revenue Funds PolIce InvestIgation Fund Open Space Fund.. , MUillclpal Court Fund TABLE OF CONTENTS 105 109 110 112 114 116 lIg 120 122 124 126 129 132 134 136 139 142 144 146 ........... 1411 ..... 150 152 154 156 15/\ 160 163 166 I6g 170 .....172 174 176 179 180 1/\1 TABLE OF CONTENTS RIchards Hart Lstatc fund Sel1Ior Fund ............. .. ConservatIon Trust Fund Hotel/Motel Fund ll-\I 11'2 11'3 IS4 CapItal Investment Program 11'7 Staffing 2005 CompensatIOn Plan 2005 CompensatIOn Plan '"Benefited" POSItIonS 2()05 CompensatIon Plan Intellmttant Pm1 Time/Seasonal PosItIOns StaftlngTable , , 1l)3 195 Il)~ 200 Fce Schedule ......207 Lll1e Item Accounts CIty Treasurer (0 I-I 0 I) LegIslatIve (() 1-102), ... Fmance(01-I03).." ,. EconomIc Development (0 I-I 05 ) CIty Manager (0 I-I (6) CItyAttomey (01-107). CltyClerk(()I-IO~) .. MuniCIpal Court (0 I-I (9) .. Admllllstratlve SerVices - Admmistratlon (0 I-III) Human Resources (01-112) . Commulllty Support (0 1-113) RIsk Management (01-114) SalesTax(01-115) Purehasmg and Contractll1g (01-116) InfollTIatlOn Technology (0 1-117) .. BUlldll1g Mamtenance (01-118) C ommul1lty Development - AdmmlstratIon (01-120) .. Plannmg (0 1-121) Buildmg(OI-122) ........ ,... ..... Pohec-AdmIl1lstratIOn(01-2011.. .. ......... Ammal/Park Code Enforcement (01-203) CommumcatIons(01-204) . , SelectIve Enforcement and EducatIOn (01-205) .. 213 ,214 215 216 217 218 219 220 . ... . 221 ')')') ~"'~ 223 224 ........225 .. 226 227 228 229 . ...... 230 231 .......232 233 234 235 TABLE OF CONTEl'lTS Records ~cctlOn ((J 1-2(6) Trammg (01-207) Patrol (01-211) I nvcstlgatlons (01- 212) Traffic Enforcement (01-213) SpcClallnvcstIgatlons (01-214) Emergency Opcratlons 101-215) PublIc Works - Admll1lstratlon (01-301 ) Engmccnng (01-302) Opcratlons (01-303) Traffic Mall1tenancc (0 1-3(4) Fleet Mamtcnancc (01-305) .. Traffic Engll1ccnng(01-306) ... Parks & RecrcatIon - Admil1lstratlOn 101-60 I ) RecreatiOn (01-602) Parks Mamtenance (01-603) Forestry ( 0 1-(04) . Open Space (01-605) Central Charges (0 1-61 0), Anderson Buildmg(OI-620) . AthletIcs (0 1-621 ) Gencral Programs ((J 1-622), .. Outdoor Pool (01-623) " Sel1lor/Commul1lty Center (01-624) 236 237 23R 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 246 .. 247 24R 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 25H 259 SpecIal Revcnue Funds Parks AcqUIsItion Fund (II) PolIce InvestIgation Fund ( 17) Open Space Fund (32) MuniCIpal COU!1 Fund (33) RIchards Ha!1 Estatc Fund (35) Sel1lor Fund (53) ConservatIon Trust Fund (54) Fleet Replacement Fund (57) . Computer Fund (59) Baugh House Fund (62) Hotel/Motel Fund (63) 260 260 261 263 263 264 265 267 267 201-\ ..,269 RecreatiOn Center OperatIOns Fund (64) FacilIties (64-602) AquatICs (64-604) FItness (64-605) 270 271 272 TABLE OF CONTENTS rV1arketll1g (64-607) Therapeutic Recreation Gcncral Programs, 273 274 275 Glossary and InvcstI11ent Pollcy Glossary Investment Pollcy .277 . 2X I - BtTDGET MESSAGE JanuaIY 1.2005 DcaI' Mayor Cervcny and CouncIl Mcmbers, I am plcased to present to thc Mayor and City Councd the 2005 Adopted Budget TIllS budget provldcs the framework for provldlllg servlccs and programs to the citizens of Wheat RIdge for the year 2005 TIllS budgct document lIlcludes the General Fund, Capital Investment Program (Cl p) Fund and all Special Revenue Funds. Wheat Ridge's total General Fund operatll1g budget for 2005 IS S22, 160 414, which II1cludes a S3,000,OOO transfer to thc ClP Fund. The Clty"s total 2005 operat1l1g budget. excludmg transfers. represents a 4.5U,o lI1crease comparcd to the adjusted 2004 Budget The proJccted 2005 General Fund endll1g fund balance]s $4,445, I 09 or 20 100 ofcxpendltures. The total CJty budget for 2005. which lI1c1udes the Gcneral Fund, CIP and SpeCial Revenue Funds IS $26.b5R, 192 excludlllg transfers, The C]ty of Wheat Ridge has expenenccd a slgl1lficant declll1e in revenues smce 2002, Total General Fund revenues have 1I1crcased on average 4.R~0 bct",'een 1997 and 200 I In 2002 revenues Increased by only O,2~'0. decreased by 1,30'0111 2003, and are estImated to decrease by 1,200111 2004 As the national and state economy contll1ue to Improve in 2005, revenues are pr()Jected to Increase by 3 10'0. not mcludll1g a new storm water management fee whIch IS proposed to be 1I11plemented 111 2005 Although the economIc downturn has had an Impact on the revcnues that support thIS budget. the major obstaclc faclllg the CIty today IS overcommg a $44 million General Fund spendltlg defiCIt m200 I and 2002, WlllCh has depletcd a healthy reserve fund by the same amount The 200 I Budget 1I1c1uded several large transfers from the General Fund to other miscellaneous funds to support vanous projects and the 2002 Budget lI1cluded a 26 RO 0 mcrease 111 expendItures Il1 the General Fund compared to 200 I actual expenditures. Thc outcome ofthcsc two budget years IS a substantIally reduced reserve fund and an inf1ated General Fund budget that cannot be supported by thc current revenue stream, The CIty has entered the 2005 budget cycle after two years of budget cuts and reductions totallll1g approxI- mately $2.1 million dollars, which ltlcluded the clImmatlon of35.5 f1I1I-tlme eqUlvalent (FTE) pOSItions, In 2002, the General Fund budget was cut by 6 10 o. The 2003 budget was reduced by 6 R% compared to the 2002 adopted budget and 0 70'0 compared to the 2002 actual budget City Council passed an ordinance to lI1clude a question on the November 2004 ballot to mcrease the CIty'S sales and use tax rate from 20'0 to 3~o, On November 2, 2004, Wheat Ridge voters approved the tax increase by a vote of 59~'o to 410'0, The lI1crease m the tax rate IS projected to generate approximately $5 9 million m additIOnal revenues, The 2005 Budget was balanced and adopted before the outcome of the election was known, therefore, these additional revenues were not mcluded In the budget City CouncIl and staffwill dISCUSS futurc budget supplemental appropnatlOns dunng the 2005 fiscal year as needs arise, Budget ,.lJe.\'.\uge REVENl,ESAND EXPENDITURES The total 2(0) Budget IS S2b.65X, 1l)2 excluding transfers ofS\)7l),())O between t'i.mds. The budget IS based on projected revenucs of524,52I ,x64 excludmg transfers. In addItIon, the begmnmg fund balance for 2005 IS proJceted at $1 I .023,l)Xl) whIch brIngs the total avaIlable funds to S3),545,X53 Thl~ wIll provIde for a projected endll1g fund balance of$X,SS7,()() I DetaIled revenue and expendIture tables arc presented m the Revcnue and ExpendIture Summary sectIon ofthis Budget. General Fund General Fund revenue IS projected at S20.93I ,070, mcludll1g transfers, whIch IS a $6,5 mIllIon merease over 2004 The reason for the large ll1erease IS pnmanly due to an accountmg change and a new storm water management fcc, both of whIch will be Implemented 1112005 PreVIously, sales tax revenues wcrc splIt evenly between the General Fund and the CIP Fund, Startmg m 2005, all sales tax revenues wIll be depOSIted lhreetly mto the General Fund and a transfer will be made to the CIP Fund to cover capItal expendItures, In addltJon, a ne\v stonn water fee IS proposed to be Implemented m 2(0) which wIll generate approXImately S804,600 111 new revenues, \Vithout takmg these ne\' revenue sources mto account and excludmg transfers. General Fund revenues arc projected to mcrease 3 100 compared to 2004 estImated revenue ofS 13,112 I ,396 In addItIon, the begilUllng fund balance tor 2005 IS projected at $5.674,453 whIch bnngs the total avaIlable funds for the General Fund to $26,605,523 General fund expendItures total S22, I ()0,414, whICh mcludes a $3,000.000 transfer to the CIP Fund. General Fund expenlhtures, excIudmg transfers, represent a 4,50'0 merease compared to the adjusted 2004 Budget and a 10 70'0 ll1crease compared to the estImated 2004 Budget. ThIS wIll proVIde for a prOjected endll1g fund balance ofS4,445, I 09 or 20 100 of expendItures. The General Fund budget wIll expenenee an ll1erease m 2005 pnmanly due to the toIlowll1g new expenlhtures or expendIt11re ll1ereases, . Stonn Water Management Program Employee Insurance Benefits Property and LIabilIty Insurance Attol11ey Fees Employee Salanes Ne,v Employee POSItIOns ComprehensIVe Plan Update Infol111atIon Technolq,ry Pollee RadIO Network Time . . . S I 93,000 S I 96.000 $32,470 $57.500 S300.000 S 1 00.000 S 1 00.000 $140.000 $100.000 Capital Investment Program Fund CIP Fund revenue IS projected at S3,270,000 whIch IS a 6700'0 decrease compared to the 2004 estImated revenue ofS5.462,215 In addition, the beginning fund balance tor 2005 is projected at $2,065,)7X whIch bnngs the total available funds for the CIP Fund to S5,335,57X The ClP Fund will expenence a decrease in revenues m 2005 because all sales tax revenue will be depOSIted dIrectly mto the General Fund rather than splIt evenly between both Funds, The 2005 CIP Budget is agam lImIted to annual preventatIve mall1tenanee projects with the exceptIOn of the 46th Avcnue/I-70 to Estes/Carr Street Improvement Project. Annual projects ll1cIude' dramage and street 2 8ud!{et ;\le:\.\ugl' ll11provements, street Ilght ll1stalJatlon. traffic slgnalltl1prOVel11ents, bulldmg ll1tl'astrueture 1111provel11enb and utllity underb'l'Oundl11g, CIP expenditures total S3.525,000 whlch IS a 40"" lt1ereasc compared to the adjusted 2004 Budget and a 4 6" 0 ll1ercase compared to the estul1ated 2()04 Budget excludmg transfers. This w1l1 proVIde for a projected endll1g fund balance ofS] ,Xl (),57X Open Space Fund Open Space revenue 1S projected at SI.Oill.OO() whlch IS a] 10" lt1ercasc compared to the 2004 estl1nated revenue ofS I,069,/)O() ]n additIOn, the beg1l1t1lng fund balance for 2005 1S projected at $212,651 \vhlch bnngs the total ,wadable funds for the Open Space Fund to S1293,651 Open Space projects for 2005 ll1c\ude trml replacement. open space Improvements. park l11amtenanee projects. Randall Park lITIgatIOn and sewer replacement, field repair and rehabihtatlon, asphalt parkmg lot replacement and open space sIgn filbncatlOn Open Space expenditures total S1,177.650 Wll1cl1lS a 1490'0 I11crease compared to the adjusted 2004 Budget and the estimated 2004 Budget. TIllS wdl prO'. Ide for a projected endl11g fund balance ofS 1 ] 6,00 1 Conservation Trust Fund ConservatIOn Trust revenue IS projected at S333,OOO. whIch IS a 19 800 mcreasc compared to the 2004 estJll1ated revenue of$2n,OOO In addItIOn, the begmnll1g fund balance for 2005 IS projected at $2/) 7,145 whICh brings the total avmlable funds for the Conservatlon Trust Fund to 5600.] 45 - ConservatIon Trust pr~lects for 2005 mclude Prospect Park ball field light poles and playground. Randall Park court resurface, tenTIls court resurface, and crusher fine trail replacement. ConservatIon Trust expenditures total $4l)5,000 which IS a 8 go,o increase compared to the adjusted 2004 Budget and a 60 6"" l11erease compared to the estImated 2004 Budget. ThIS WIll prOVIde for a proJccted endmg fund ba]anee ofS] 05,] 45 - Recreation Center Operations Fund Recrcatlon Center OperatIons revenue for 2005 IS projected at $2,159,1\94, whIch 1S a 2,100 I11crease over the 2004 estImated revcnue of 52, 116,246. In addItion, the begnllimg fund balance for 2005 IS projected at 52,462.356 wlllch bnngs the total available funds for the RecreatIon Ccnter Operations Fund to $4,622,250 - RecreatIon centercxpenditures total S2,353,600. wllIeh IS a 7.5'\0 1I1crease over the estlll1ated 2004 Budget and a 4,50'0 mcrease over the adjusted 2004 Budget. Tlus will proVide for a projected endmg fund ba]anee of 52,268,650. of which 5 1 55,(JOO WIll be set aSIde as a reserved maintenance fund balance for RecreatIon Center eqlllpment replacement and bUlldmg mamtenance, Miscellaneous Special Revenue Funds Several other mIscellaneous SpeCial Revenue Funds arc also included 111 thIS Budget to track revenues and expenditures that are legally restncted for speCific purposes or to simplify the budgetmg process, Those funds mcludc Pohce InvestIgation. MU11lclpal Court, Richards Hart Estate, Senior and Hotel/Motel. Detailed revenue and expenditure II1fonnatlon for these funds can be found 111 the Speeia] Revenue Funds and the Lmc 1 tem Accounts sections of the Budget. The Baugh Housc Fund will be closed at the end of2004 3 Budget :lJessagc S'IAFFING Personnel-related expenses account for the largest portion of the CIty'S budget, therefore, mamtammg tillS mvestment IS a high pnonty In 2002, a survey ofthe pay scales for all pOSItIons mall1tamed by the CIty was conducted for the purpose ofdetenl1Inmg what wages are generally prevailmg m similar CIties wIthm the Denver metropolitan area, As a result of the companson, there \\ as an 1I1dlcatIOn that adjustments to the m1l11111llmS and maXImums 111 the Clty's pay plan were needed III orderto be eompctltlve Il1 the market. The ne\\ compensatIon plan, adopted m2003, was deSIgned to mamtall1 competitive relatIOnshIps WIth the market and proVIdes an eqUItable relatIOnship 111 pay between positIons and departments, The compensatIOn plan can be found m the Staffing sectIon of the Budget. The 2005 Budget meludes a 300 annual salary range adjustment to the (ompensatlon Plan. Employees will also be elIgible for 3~'o salary step ll1ereases, on theIr anniversary date of employment, Ifthey receIve satisfac- tory perfonnance evaluatIons. A Part-Time and Seasonal CompensatIon Plan has been m1plemented as pat1 ofthe 2005 Budget. The pur- pose of a formal compensatIOn plan for part-time and seasonal employees IS to help ensure eqll1table pay practIces Il1 hmng and retainll1g employees, The development of thIS compensatIOn plan ll1cJuded a survey of the pay and pracllees of agencies the City compares Itself to. a eompanson of the data receIved; a design of the pay range and pay steps for each pOSItIon: a cost analYSIS for ImplementatIOn: and development and/or reVISIon of necessary Job descnptlons. The Part-Time and Seasonal CompensatIon Plan can be found in the Staffing sectIon of the Budget. The CIty implemented a hmng fi-eeze m General Fund positions from 2002 to 2004 The 2005 Budget ll1cJudes a proposed staffing level 01'203 gg FTE's Il1 all Funds, an merease on 5 FTE's compared to the 2004 Budget. Proposed staffing Il1creascs ll1cJudc thc followll1g: . 0.5 FTE Receptiomst (CIty Clerk's Office) . I 0 FTE Sales Tax AudItor (AdmllJlstrative SerVIces) - Increased audIt revenues will cover the expense oftll1s posItIon . I 0 FTE Buildll1g Inspector (Commumty Development) - Position will replace contracted buildll1g mspectIOn serVIces . I 0 FTE Engll1eenngTecm1Iclan (Public Works) - Proposed Stom1 Water Fee will cover the expense of thIs pOSItIon BUDGET TRANSFERS The General Fund will receIve $579,650 Il1 revenue 111 the form of transfers from other funds to cover expenses ll1cUlTed for speCIal projects, reimbursements or operating costs, Listed belov" are the funds makmg the trans- fers, the amount of the transfer and a bnefJustificatIOn for the transfer: General Fund - transfers in: Open Space - $520,000 Annual transfer to cover operating expenses fi)/' park maintenance 4 Budr.:et Jles.\'uge Open Space - $54,650 Rcimhul'I'CIIlCI11 for thc purchasc of the D(/\'is l'mpern Jizis jril! hc the third aild lust I)(I\'II/CIII to\\(/rds thc lolul flu\'hack or S:!5'J, o5IJ The CI P Fund WIll reee1\ e S3,OOO,OOO 1I1 revenue 1I1 the f()J111 of transfers from other funds to cover expenses lI1eurred tor specIal proJects, reImbursements or operatmg costs, LIsted belm\ are the funds makmg the transfers, the amount ofthe transfer and a bnefJ ustlfication tor the transfer' CIP Fund - transfers 1I1. General Fund - $3,000,000 Aililuul trails!"r /0 (over (afJital npcilscs. The 2005 Proposed Budget IS presented 1I1 greater detaIlm cach depaI1ment sectIon and m the Lme Itcm Accounts sectIOn oftlus document Please refer to those pages for addltIOnalmfonnatIOn, I would like to thank the Mayor, CIty CouneI I and CIty Staff for theIr leadershIp, dIrectIon and patIence dunng t11lS budget process. I would lIke to espeCIally thank the DIrectors and all ofthe Department budget contacts who partIcipated 1I1 thIS budget process, Respectfully submItted. G~OL>~ Randy Young CIty Manager 5 BUDGET IN BRIEF 200S Total Expenditures $26,658,192 (excluding transfers) (3~n~ral (apltal Investment Program Rccreatlon C cnter Upen '>pace Conservation Trust HoteLl\1ot~1 rvlu11Iclpal COUl1 Police InvestigatIOn RIchards Hart I'state Senior S\9,\(,(),414 ');3,525.000 S2.353,hOO $591\.000 $495,000 S33S,72S $74.1>00 $50,000 S35,000 527.650 200S General Fund Expenditures $19,160,414 (excluding transfers) Police Pubhc \/vorks Parks and Re..:reatlon Central Charges Adl11ll11stratlve Serv l~es (jeneral (Jovemmellt Commu11Ity Development MUnicIpal COUl1 56.125,X39 53,210.11\7 S2,499.62 \ S2,434.140 S2,002,354 S Ll75,753 S673,606 5538,714 Close to 70% of (leneral Fund expenditures are for personnel expenses IncludIng salarIes, wages and benefits for full-tllue, part-tIme, and temporary work. Includmg ovcrtInle and snnilar compensatIOn. General 73,3% Hotel/Motel 1.1% Cons. Trust 1.6% Police Inv 0,2% Open Space Court 3,9% 0,3% Parks and Recreation 16% Adm. Services 9% Public Works 17% General Gov't 6% Police 31% Personnel Services 69,7% Capital Outlay 4.2% Materials & Supplies 4.9% Other Services & Charge s 21.1% 7 RIIlI~et ill /Jl'ief 41l1lllul City Ii,x Receipt City of Wheat Ridge Budget Office 75()() West 29th t>..\ enue Wheat RIdge, ( olorado X()()~~ Taxpayer Name: Address: Your mone) is spent on, Communit) Development Police !'It'nices Puhlic \\or!.., Parks and Recreation Capital Investments Municipal Court Elected Officials, Cit) Manager, & Legal Counsel General Government 8 Annual Ci(}' Tax "Receipt" Avera(2:e ReSIdent \Vheat Rldjie City Taxes Due* $ 545 ""lncludes sal~~ tax (~O()ODI. prupert\' tax (I ~O() millsj, and op~n r.;pacc tax (O.5W'Il) Which provides for: Buildll1g, PlanIllng. 70n.ng and Code En!()rccmcnt Palrol. Tratllc. InvCQlgallons. ('odc Ent(,rcement. AIlImal Control. 911 Scrvlcc "lreel and sHlev,alk IlIall1tcnancc. sno\\ rcmmaL street cleanmg, correctmg dralllage Issue", Provide and mamtam recreatIOnal amenities Including recrcatlon facilitlcs. pools. parks. opcn spacc. trails Preyentatl\e mall1tcnanee and dramage projects. street improvements. trame signal and strect lightlmprovcments i\dJudicate misdemcanors, traflic.juvenile, domestic vIOlence and ordmance vIOlations ( Ity Council. CIty Clerk, City Treasurer City rvlanagement and legal sen-Ices Finance. Human Resources. Information Technology employee bendlts.liability and workers' cOIn cnsation in~urance City Spending in Fiscal Year 2005 Total Capital Investments' 15% General Government 19% Court 2% Parks & Recreation 16% Elected Officials, , Manager, Legal 4% Public Works J 14% I I Police 27% Community Development 3% Ci1\ Cost \ou Per Resident Paid 522 SI6 5196 $147 S102 576 S116 $87 S109 $82 $15 $11 $29 $22 5138 5104 1 $72711 $5451 Budget in Brier Gcneral Fund Rl'I'CnUes Geneml Fund Revenues 2005 General Fund Re\Cnues $20,351,4211* (excluding transfers) Sales Ta" Intergovernmental t'se Tax Other Ta"es ServIces Licenses Fines Property Tax Other Interest Ii; 10,60 1288 S I, 957,6LiO S 1,957,000 S 1,'138,000 $141IX~2 $779.900 $728,720 $675,000 $192.000 $] 10.000 *lth Jude\' sah~\ tax lit }IJ II Fott' Sales Tax 52,1% Use Tax 9.6% Interest 0,5% Licenses 3,8% Sales Tax Distribution Count\' 0.5< {!;(,,,''''-:>I"':1('''Tl->t:'r~,f'''\~ [E]TIJ / 1.0< ~ ~ City of Wheat Ridge 3< The total sales tax rate In the City of Wheat Ridge is 7 60'0 For every dollar you spend on retaIl purchases, you pay 7 6 cents In sales tax. Only 3 cents of this goes back to the City of Wheat Ridge. (il\' "I Wheill Ridf!;e and I?rD lax raIL' illerellses dleelive Jallllan / :C005 Property Tax Distribution Most people wIll be surprised to kno\'. that for every dollar Jefferson County receIves In property taxes from Wheat Ridge residents, only 3 cents goes back to the CIty of Wheat Ridge, Special Ilistricts 17< Schools 53< ~-l~'~'''''l'-X'f!.>..~u..Li:I Cities and Towns 3< Count' 27< 9 Budget ill Brier Capitalllll'estltll'llf Progral/l FUlld Captial Investment Program (CIP) Fund 2005 CIP Revenues $3,27U,OOO Sales Tax I transfer) J ,odger's Tax Interest COl1lmllllIty Development Block Grant (CDBG) Mlscellaneolls "3,000000 $170,000 S50,OOO S40.000 2UU5 CIP Expenditures $3,525,000 Street resurtacll1g, concrete rehah and crack sealll1g Estes-Can street reconstructIOn CIty Hall HVAC upgrade 44th and Wadsworth turn lane 1-70 hontagc Road streetscape Traffic signal upgrades UtJlIty undergrounding Pierson Street drall1age Improvement PolIce commumcation electncal upgrades PublIc Improvement projects CIty "all roof repair CIty Hall secunt) upgrades GIS mappmg C leal' Creek dramage study 38th Avenue Busmess Dlstncl City Hall mamtenance Street lights 10 $10,000 S900,OOO $750,000 $400,000 5350,000 $200.000 $200,000 $175,000 $105,000 $ 90,000 $75,000 $60,000 $50,000 $50,000 $45,000 540,000 $30.000 S5,OOO Sales Tax (transfer) 91 74% Mise, 0,31% Streets 647% Drainage 4,3% Traffic 5.7% Capital 19.3% Econom ie Development 11% Budgl't in Brier Recreatioll (enter Operations Fund Recreation Center Operations Fund 2005 Recreation Center Operations Revenues $2,159,894 Facilny Opcratlon Fitncss (Icneral Programs Interest '''-quatKs Therapeutic Recreation 5 l,749,()4() $159,715 $LJ4,556 $80,000 $6R,077 511,500 2005 Recreation Center Operations Expenditures $2,353,600 FaCIlity OperatIOn AquatIcs Fitness General Programs Mark.etmg TherapeutIc RecreatIOn 5 l,l9l,70 I $5116,07 I $3UUR5 $ 148,796 577,751 $31,096 Wheul Rid,?C' Recreation (ewer Facility Operation 80.98% General Programs 4.38% Aquatics 3,15% Facility Operation 51% General Programs 6% The Wheat Ridge Recreation Celller is a slate-or the-art facilif1 located in the heart or fVheat Ridge The Center was estahlished through a voter appnJ1'ed, temporarv ii/crease i/l the ,mles and use tax rate to pm Ii,/, the cO/lstructio/l or the Center which ope/led in Fehruarv :lOOO 11 Budt:et in Brief Open 5jl/lce FUlld Open Space Fund 2005 Opcn Spacc Revenues $l,mH,OOO Open Space Tax Jetlco Jomt Venture Grant State of Colorado (mlllt Interest $XXO,OOO $ISOJlOO $SOJlOO $ LOOO 2005 Open Space Expenditures $1,177,650 Personnel (transfer) Trail Replacement Randall Park IrngatlOnSewer Park AcqUIsition Park Mamtenance FIeld Repair Open Space Improvements Parkmg Lot Replacement Open Space ~lgnage $S20,000 $300,000 $100,000 $S9,650 $SO,OOO $50,000 $4S,000 $28,000 $25.000 JI'esl Lake 12 Ope n Space Tax 8141% State Grants 4.63% County Grants 13,88% Personnel (transfer) 45% Acquisition 5% Trails 26% Parking Lots 9% Parking Lot Repair 2% rnthill the nine SijUare miles of Whe'at Ridge, tlu! Cin maintains 23 parks and :l5IJ acres of ope'n spacr: the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt The fil'e mile regional Clear Creek Trail rullS through the Greenhelt connecting ro trail svstems Oil the e,lst and west The Greenbelt contains jour lakes, a three-mile crusher .fine trail through a (' onserl'(/- tion area and a .fidl1 outfitted plavground hI' the phvsiwll1 challenged Budl!,el i/1 Briel C(}/l.~erl'llli/l1l Trust FU/1d Conservation Trust Fund 2005 Conservation Trust Revcnues $333,000 ( olorado Lottery (,OCO Grant Interest $2RO,OOO $50,000 53,oon 2005 Conservation Trust Expenditures $495,000 Prospect Park Ball hdd lights Randall Park Court Resurt~lce Stevens Elementary Playground Anderson Park Pool Master Plan Prospect Park Playground Crusher Fine TraIl Replacement Tenl1ls Court Resurt~lce Randall Park Parkmg Lot 5175,000 $100,000 $75,000 5S0.000 $SO,OOO 520,000 $J 5,000 $ I 0.1)00 clndeJ'soJ/ Park Pla1'f.!.round Pla~rounds 25% Parking Lots 2% Lotte ry 84,08% Pla~ng Courts 23% Master Plans 10% Ball Field Lighting 36% The eill or rVlzeut Ridge has receiwd 0\'('1' S3 mi/lion in revellue ji'o/ll the C%rad" !Jlllen sine e /1)1)2 which h"s hecn lIsed je)r park and recrealion conslruClioll and /Iltlinlenance projects \3 Bud~et ill Brief Jlotel/Motel Fund Hotel/Motel Fund 2005 Hotel/l\Iotel Revenues $221,000 lodgers Ta'( Interest S220.000 \;1.000 2005 Hotel/Motel Expenditures $338,728 Personnel ServIces Matenals & Supplies Other ServIces & Charges CapItal Outlay $32l-\.52l-\ 57.000 53.150 550 Wheat liidge Folin' Ollieer 14 Lodger's Tax 99.55% Interest 0.45% Personnel Services 96,99% Materials & Supplies 2.07% - ~()I('rs a]Jl'nJl'<!d a 5 '?Ii incr<!ose in the lodgers lax in ,VOl'ember I')Yt! 60% oflhis lax is t(l IN llsed Ii)/' po/ic<! and code enti)/'( cmcnf activifi<!s within fhe Cin BW!l!.et ill Brief' COIISl'J'l'ut;oll Tnt.~t Fllllt! Conservation Trust Fund 20115 Conservation Trust Revenues $333,000 Colorado lottery (,OCO Grant Interest $2XO.OOO 5S0.000 53,000 2005 Conservation Trust Expenditures $495,000 Prospect Park Ball Field lights Randall Park Court Resurface Ste\ens Elementary Playground Anderson Park Pool Master Plan Prospect Park Playground Crusher Fmc TraIl Replaccment Tenl1ls Court Resurface Randall Park Parkmg Lot S17S.000 SIOO,OOO S7S,OOO SSO.OOO SSO.OOO $20.000 $IS,OOO $10,000 ,1nderso1/ Park P/a\'l!:round Pla~rounds 25% Parking Lots 2% Pla}ing Courts 23% Master Plans 10% Ball Field Lighting 36% The Cin of Wheat Ridgt! has received over $3 millinn in revellue fi'om the Cn/orado Lnffen \'in< e 11)1)2 whieh has "cen IIsed fr)r park alld recreation cOllstructinll alld maintenance projects 13 Budget ill Briel l/otel;'Uotel FUlld Hotel/Motel Fund 2005 Hotel/Motel Revenues $221,000 Lodgers Tax Interest $220,000 '1; L ono 2005 HotellMotel Expenditures $338,728 Personnel Services Matenals & Supphes Other Services & Charges Capital Outlay S321\,521\ 57,000 53,150 $50 rrheat Ridge Pohle ()Ijicer 14 Lodger's Tax 99,55% Interest 0.45% Materials & Supplies 2.07% Personnel Servi ces 96,99% loters approved a 5?'o increase ill the lodgers tax ill ;Vovember 1 <)98 60% oj this tax is to be Ilsed lur police alld code ellluru'mellt activities within the Cin Budl;et ill Brier Otlier Special Rel'ellue FUllds Other Special Revenue Funds · Police Investigation Beginning Balance $49,423 Revenues $5,250 Expenses $50,000 Ending Balance $4,673 \tUIl/( /pa/ L ollrf Room · Senior Beginning Balance Revenues $19,271 $14,500 $27,850 $5,921 Expenses Ending Balance Richards Hart [:'STatc Polite Department F-l'idcf/t <- Room · Municipal Court Beginning Balance $48,703 Revenues $49,000 Expenses $74,600 Ending Balance $23,103 .\'/:'I1/{Jr'C OJJ/munill' (.cnfcr · Richards Hart Estate Beginning Balance $52,952 Revenues $36,800 Expenses $35,000 Ending Balance $54,752 15 Bl/dl!,et in Brier StafJillg 16 Staffing Changes in Staff1ng 2002-2005 Full-Time Equivalents (All Funds) 250 235.755 200380 203.880 200 2002 Authorized 2003 Authorized 2004 Authorized 2005 Proposed o General III Recreation Center o Hotel/Motel 2005 Staff1ng hy Department Municipal Court 8.750 Parks & Recreation 45.63 Public Works 29.00 Police 91.00 Community Development Administrative Services General Government 0 20 40 60 80 100 (n'ner(1! C;()vcnmeJ11 includes ()/y Hanagt'r s Uf/ice and ( ill' ('ferk s Olliec Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. STRATEGIC PLAN 2004 -+ 2009 WHEA T RIDGE, COLORADO JULY 2004 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc 04-JUL-24 17 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Table of Contents Strategic Planning for the City of Wheat Ridge 2 Wheat Ridge Vision 2020 5 Wheat Ridge Plan 2004-2009 13 Action Agenda 2004-2005 29 This report and all related materials are copyrighted. This report may be duplicated for distribution to appropriate parties as needed. No unauthorized duplication is allowed, including for use in training within your organization or for consulting purposes outside your organization. All requests for duplication must be submitted in writing. Copyright @ 2004 Lylc Sumck Associates. Inc. 04-JUL-24 18 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 STRATEGIC PLANNING FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE Copyright @ 2UU4 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. U4-JUL-24 1'J Strategic Plan 2004-2(J(J9 STRATECIC PLANNINC FOR THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDCE A Strategic Plan IS a gUIde to the Wheat RIdge cOlllmunity's future. The Vision is the destinatIon for 2020 The Plan IS a road map to get there and Actions arc the steps to be taken dunng the next year 2004-2005 WHEAT RIDCE VISION 2020 The Vision is what we want Wheat RIdge to be In 2020 as defined in value-based principles to gUIde policies. plans and deCIsIOns, ') VISION 2020 FamIly Onented Residential Community QualIty Homes Urban Villages Quality Retail Great Access Active Lifestyle Small-Town Values Community Pride 3. 4, 5 6 7 8 9 PLAN FOR 2004-2009 The Plan is the city's road map for 5 years on how to reach our Vision with achievable goals. measurable benchmarks and specific Actions for 2004 and 2005 WHEAT RIDGE'S GOALS FOR 2009 CreatIng a Sustamable City Government City Prepared for Growth and OpportunitIes Strong Partnership between City and Community 1-70 Corridor as a Major Commercial Center Better Quality Housing Stock Redevelopment of Wheat Ridge City Center More LeIsure Amemties for Families ') 3. 4 5, 6 7, Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. rnc 04-JUL-24 20 Strategic Piau 2(J(J4-2()(J9 I I STRA TEGle FRAMEWORK: BASIC ELEMENTS VISION "What We Want to Become - Our Preferred Future as Defined in Value-Based Princi les." PLAN "Our Road Map for 5 Years - How to Realize Our Vision with Achievable Goals Defined Through: Objectives, Meaning to Our Citizens, Challenges and Opportunities, Actions 2004-2005, Major Pro'ects 2004-2005 and Actions on the Horizon." EXECUTION "Actions to Implement the Plan - A Work Program for Next Year with a "To Do" List for Mayor, City Council and Management - To be Com leted with Accountability for the Results." MISSION "Purposes of City Government - Determined in Service Businesses Defined in: Operating Elements, Business Successes, Challenges and 0 ortunities and Service 1m rovements 2004-2005." BELIEFS "Our Core Beliefs Which are the Foundation for Our City Government - Creating a Corporate Culture of Action and Accountability, the Primary Value, As Defined in Performance Standards to Guide Behaviors and Actions." HOW WE CONDUCT OUR BUSINESS Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc 04-JUL-24 21 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 WHEAT RIDGE VISION 2020 - - Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. 04~JUL-24 22 Strategic Plall 2004-2009 WHEAT RIDGE VISION 2020 WHEAT RIDGE is a Family Oriented (A) Residential CommunitylB) with a range of Quality Homes,(C) mixed use Urban Villages (D) and Quality Retail(E) serving our residents and serving as unique regional destinations. Our residents have Great Access(F) to Denver and the mountains, enjoy an Active Lifestyle, (G) share Small-Town ValueslH) and take Pride in Our Community. (I) WHEAT RIDGE - A GREAT PLACE TO LIVE! Copyright @ 2()()4 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. ()4-JUL-24 23 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Wheat Ridge Vision 2020 Guiding Principles A. Family Oriented B, Residential Community C, Quality Homes D, Urban Villages E. Quality Retail F. Great Access G. Active Lifestyle H. Small-Town Values I. Community Pride Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc 04-JUL-24 24 Strategic Plan 2()(J4-2()(J9 Vision 2020: Guiding Principles PRINCIPLE A: FAMILY ORIENTED ~ Means ') All generatIons are welcome, Young famIlies want to lIVe here Services and amenIties are readIly avaIlable for famlhes, Families feel safe and secure any place In the cIty Quahty pubhc schools are available to children and open for community use City faClhtates communIty Involvement In the schools. 3 4 5 6 PRINCIPLE B: RESIDENTIAL COMMUNITY - ~ Means People want to move to and live in Wheat Ridge for the sense of communIty values. ") Wheat Ridge is competitive with other cItIes, 3 The city is neat and clean, as well as environmentally sensitive 4, People have choices for types of housing and types of neighborhoods, 5 Housing IS available for a range of income levels, 6 Wheat Ridge is a diverse, inclusive community 7 The Wheat RIdge community has up-to-date infrastructure and utilities, including technological access to the world, water and wastewater Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. 04-JUL-24 25 Strategic Plall 20tl4-2009 Vision 2020: Guiding Principles (contmueu) PRINCIPLE C: QUALITY HOMES ~ Means Homes are well mamtaineu and attractive, ') Homeownership IS emphasized, 3 A variety of homes eX1st from condos, townhomes and urban cottages to suburban and "'ranchettes. " 4 Homes are available at a range of pnccs from affordable dollars to multimllllOns of dollars, 5 Older homes have been upgraded and modernized, 6 Homes are designed for accessibility PRINCIPLE D: URBAN VILLAGES ~ Means I. Mixed-use commercial and resIdential developments are at major corridor intersections (Bel mar type), City Hall is located 10 an urban village, Villages are pedestrian friendly Res1dents have convement access to amenities and serVIces, Villages are attractIve with mce public spaces and public art, Quality high-density development is available 1n the commumty ') 3 4 5 6 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc 04~JUL~24 26 Strategic Plan 2004-2()09 Vision 2020: Guiding Principles (contInued) PRINCIPLE E: QUALITY RETAIL ~ Means ') Residents and employees can shop for theIr basic needs In Wheat Ridge Regional resIdents come to umque retail destInatIOns, More retail choices are available In Wheat Ridge, More resIdents and employees are shoppIng in Wheat Ridge keepIng sales tax dollars In the city Retail stores are Incorporated In mixed-use developments, Strong partnerships eXIst between the city and busInesses, 3 4 5 6 PRINCIPLE F: GREAT ACCESS ~ Means ') ResIdents can get to the amenitIes of Denver within IS minutes, ResIdents can get to the mountaInS quickly Residents have convement access to major highways and Interstate system, ResIdents have convenient access to Fastracks, light rail and public transportation, ResIdents have convenient access to shopping, health services, leIsure amenIties and government services. Coordinated multi modal transportatIon systems facilitate regIOnal access, 3 4 5 6 04-JUL-24 27 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumck Associates. Inc. Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Vision 2020: Guiding Principles (continued) PRINCIPLE G: ACTIVE LIFESTYLE ~ Means ], Residents have choices of leisure activities, ') Trails are used for hlking, hiking, walkmg and .Joggmg, 3 Recreation programs are available for all generatlOns. 4 Top-quality parks and recreational facilItIes eXIst in our communities that are mtegrated with neighborhoods and retail areas, 5 ResIdents have choices of quality restaurants and entertamment. 6, Walking IS promoted by pedestrian-friendly communitIes, 7 An active arts community supports the arts and culture. PRINCIPLE H: SMALL-TOWN VALUES ~ Means Neighbors know and help neighbors, 2, Development is in scale with the neighborhoods, 3 ResIdents receive "personal" services in our businesses, 4, People are friendly and involved, 5 HistOrIcal roots are respected and valued. 6 Public and community gathering spaces exist for bringing people together. Copyright @ 2004 Lyte Sumck Associates, Inc. 04-JUL-24 28 Strategic Plall 2004-2009 Vision 2020: Guiding Principles (continued) PRINCIPLE I: COMMUNITY PRIDE ~ Means ') Residents take pride in saYing, "1 am from Wheat Ridge," Community and neIghborhood events bring people together City government IS respected and city leaders are trusted, ResIdents are Involved In planning for the future and in polIcy development. Residents are actively Involved in CIVIC affairs, Wheat RIdge is recognized as a strong regIOnal leader 3 4 5. 6. - Copyright @ 2U04 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. 04-JUL-24 29 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 WHEAT RIDGE PLAN 2004-2009 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc 04-JUL-24 30 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Wheat Ridge Goals 2009 Creating a Sustainable City Government City Prepared for Growth and Opportunities Strong Partnership between City and Community I -70 Corridor as a Major Commercial Center Better Quality Housing Stock Redevelopment of Wheat Ridge City Center More Leisure Amenities for Families Copyright @ 2004 Lylc Sumek Associates, Inc. 04-JUL-24 31 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 GOAL 1: CREATING A SUSTAINABLE CITY GOVERNMENT ~ Objectives I Objective 1: I Objective 2: I Objective 3: I Objective 4: I Objective 5: I Well-MaIntained CIty FacilitIes and Infrastructure Adequate Revenues to Support Defined ServIces and ServIce Levels More DIVerse Revenue Base Productive, Highly MotIvated Workforce wIth Competitive CompensatIon Strong FinancIal Reserve, ConsIstent with Financial Policies ~ Means to Our Citizens 1 Timely response In an emergency ') Value for their tax dollars, 3 Services responsive to their changing needs, 4 Reliable serVIces, 5, Services that support their quality of lIfe, ~ Challenges and Opportunities 1. CitIzens understanding city finances and the financial condItIon of Wheat RIdge, 2, Retaining quality employees with competitive compensation, 3. DiversIfying the revenue sources, 4 Federal and state mandates, 5 Having adequate resources to support servIces and servIce levels, 6 Responding to the service needs of our residents and businesses, 04-JUL-24 32 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. Strategic Plan 2004-2009 GOAL 1: CREATING A SUSTAINABLE CITY GOVERNMENT (continued) ~ Actions 2004-2009 I Policy Agenda 2004-2005 I Top I Sales Tax ElectIon Management Agenda 2004-2005 Priority '1 CapItal Improvement Plan and FundIng Strategy 3 Information Technology Strategic Plan Development 4. AlternatIVe Revenue EvaluatlOn Study and Policy DIrection 5 Stormwater UtIlity Development and DirectIOn Policy Actions 011 the Horizon I 6 Service EvaluatIOn and Development of Departmental "Business Plans," Including Performance Measurements 7 Occupational Tax EvaluatIon and DirectIon 8. Financial Management Policy- Adoption 9 Benefits and "Cafeteria Plan" Evaluation and Policy DIrection 10 Tax AudIt System, Upgrade 11 Volunteers for Service Program Development 12, Employee Compensation Policy and Plan 13 Payroll System Upgrade Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, lnc 04-JUL-24 :B Strategic Plall 20M-2009 GOAL 2: CITY PREPARED FOR GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITIES ~ Objectives I Objective 1: I Objective 2: I Objective 3: I Objective 4: I Objective 5: I Vision Clearly Defined and Used In PlannIng, Pohcy Development and DecIsIon Making Strategic Planning Established as an Ongomg Process ComprehensIve Plan Reflects the City's VIsion and Goals Clearly Defined Development Standards and Guidehnes Used in Planning and DeCIsIOn MakIng Development Process Clearly Defined WIth Predictable Time Frames ~ Means to Our Citizens I, Efficient use of city resources, 7 City IS focusing on Wheat Ridge's future, 3 Predictable future development. 4 Improved quality of hfe in the future, 5 Plans that are real, plans that are implemented through actIons, ~ Challenges and Opportunities I. GettIng developers to invest in Wheat Ridge 7 Overcommg Wheat RIdge's image, 3 Focusing on Vision and Goals, 4 Greater accountabIlity for actions and the results, 5 Focusing on the community as a whole and what IS best for Wheat Ridge 6 Courage to make tough deciSIOns, 7. Involvmg citizens to get ownership and support, 04-JUL-24 34 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. 1m: Strategic Plan 2004-2t109 GOAL 2: CITY PREPARED FOR GROWTH AND OPPORTUNITIES (continued) ~ Actions 2004-2009 I Policy Agenda 2004-2005 I Too 1 Comprehensive Plan Update Hieh ') Architectural Design Standards and GUIdelines Evaluation and Direction Management Agenda 2004-2005 I Priority 3. Wheat Ridge ViSIOn 2020' Development 4 Development and Permitting Process Evaluation and Refinement Policy Actions on the Horizon I 5, Zoning Ordlllance Review and RevisIOn 6 Wheat Ridge "Brand" Development 7. Zoning Overlay Distnct Concept and Direction 8, Public Art PolIcy and Direction 9, Annexation Policy, Plan and Strategy - Copyrighl @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, [ne. 04-JUL-24 35 Strategic Plall 2004-2009 GOAL 3: STRONG PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CITY AND COMMUNITY ~ Objectives I Objective 1: I Objective 2: I Objective 3: I Objective 4: I Objective 5: I Objective 6: City Government PerceIved as More BusIness Friendly Open and Transparent City Government Increased CItizen Confidcnce and Trust In City Government and Leaders Citlzcns Appropriately Involved In PolIcy Development and Project Planning Mayor-City CouncIl-City Management WorkIng Together as a Team Citizens Well Informed on City PolIcIes, Services, Programs, Issues and Finances ~ Means to Our Citizens I, Opportunities to get Involved In city government. 2, Being well Informed, 3 City government IS open and acceSSIble and wants to listen to your Ideas, 4 Open processes in cIty government. 5 Greater confidence In city officials, ~ Challenges and Opportunities I "How to" effectively commumcate with citIzens, 2, Citizens understanding of cIty government - Civics 101. 3 Opportumtles for all to get Involved, 4 Involving newer, younger residents. 5 Continuing Mayor-Council teamwork. 6. Focusing on the cIty over districts, 7, Input vs, Council decision making, 8 Responding to diverse cultures. 04-JUL-24 30 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc Strategic Piau 2004-2009 GOAL 3: STRONG PARTNERSHIP BETWEEN CITY AND COMMUNITY (continued) .. Actions 2004-2009 Management Agenda 2004-2005 Prioritv I CIty Government Busmess Image EvaluatIOn, Goals and Action Plan ') Pubhc InformatIOn Program EvaluatIon and ActIOn Plan 3 E-Government Action Plan ami Funding 4 Basic Facts Sheet for Wheat Ridge Development 5 Governments Providing MunicIpal ServIces Strategy I Policy Actions on the Horizon I 6 Schools Strategy and Relationship Buildmg 7 Citizen Survey' ComparatIve AnalysIs 8, Customer Servlce Enhancement ActIon Plan 9 Strategy for a Dlversifymg Population 10 Charter ReVISIon, Public Notices/Legal NotIces Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Ine 04-JUl-24 ,7 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 GOAL 4: 1.70 CORRIDOR AS A MAJOR COMMERCIAL CENTER ~ Objectives I Objective 1: Development of Umgue RetaIl DestInatIOn for the RegIon I Objective 2: Development of Coors/l-70 Property and Adjacent PropertIes I Objective 3: Redevelopment of Ward/I-70 Area I Objective 4: More QualIty Retail and Restaurants Attracted to the Area I Objective 5: Improved Access to 1-70' All Interchange I Objective 6: Expanded Tax Base, Increased Property Values ~ Means to Our Citizens More umque retail choIces, ') More restaurant choIces, 3 A place that your family can stay in Wheat Ridge 4 Better access to 1-70 5, Enhanced property values. ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Attracting developers and private Investment. 2, Annexation(s) 3 AttractIng umque retaIlers who will serve as a regIOnal destination 4. Working wIth C-DOT on 1-70 improvements, 5 Clly fundIng and InCentIves, 6 Working with eXIstIng businesses, 7 Working wIth neighboring cllies, Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Surnek Associates, Inc. 04-JUL-24 3X Strategic Plan 2004-2009 GOAL 4: 1-70 CORRIDOR AS A MAJOR COMMERCIAL CENTER (continued) ~ Actions 2004-2009 I Policy Agenda 2004-2005 I Top I Hif.!h ") 1-70 (Coors Property) West Development Project Ward and 1-70 (Truck Stop> Redevelopment Study and Plan Other 3 1-70 Interchange RevIsion and Upgrade 4 1-70 Neighborhood RevitahzatlOn Study and Strategy 5 Applewood Center Upgrade Plan Management Agenda 2004-2005 I On the Horizon 6 Market Plan for 1-70 Corridor Area I Policy Actions on the Horizon I 7. Annexation Policy and ActIOns - lopynght @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc. 04-JUL-24 39 Strategic Piau 2004-2009 GOAL 5: BETTER QUALITY HOUSING STOCK ~ Objectives I Objective 1: I Objective 2: I Objective 3: I Objective 4: I Objective 5: Increased Homeownership Upgraded and More Modern Homes More Young FamIlIes PurchaSIng and Upgrading Homes Positive ReputatIon among Realtors and Developers Quality Infill Development Compatible with Neighborhood, VISIon and Updated ComprehensIve Plan ~ Means to Our Citizens Choices of where to lIve, 2, Affordable housing aVaIlable 3 Homes that meet or exceed mlDlmum standards. 4 Infill and new homes consIstent wlth the community. 5 ProtectIon of their property values, ~ Challenges and Opportunities I AgIng housing stock, .., ShIft to more homeownershlp 3 Existence of substandard housing units, 4 Finding developers and home builders who are willing to invest in Wheat Ridge, 5 Range of hOUSIng types, 6, Code violations, 7 Regulations and code enforcement vs, individual property rights, 04-JUL-24 40 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc Strategic Plall 2004-2009 GOAL 5: BETTER QUALITY HOUSING STOCK (continued) ~ Actions 2004-2009 I Policy Agenda 2004-2005 I High I Rental RegIstratIon and InspectIon Program (IncludIng Single-FamIly Home Rentals) Other Neighborhood Infrastructure (Streets, Sidewalks, Curbs, Gutters) Evaluation, Plan and FundIng 3 Code Enforcement and ComplIance Evaluation, Policy, Goals and Actions 4 I" Time Homebuyers Incentives and Program Management Agenda 2004-2005 I On the Horizon 5. Housing AuthOrIty' 3rJ Project Initiated I Policy Actions on the Horizon I 6. Infill Residential Development Guidelines 7, Infill ResIdential Development ProJect(s) , Copyright @ 2UU4 Lyle Sumek Associates, Inc 04-JUL-24 41 Strategic Plall 2004-2009 GOAL 6: REDEVELOPMENT OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CENTER ~ Objectives Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3: Objective 4: Objective 5: 44'h and Wadsworth MIxed Use Development 38th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Development 38th and Kiplmg Mixed Use Development 44th ami KIpling MIxed Use Development 38th Corridor Infrastructure Improvement and BusIness RevItalizatIOn I ~ Means to Our Citizens Increased property values, AlternatIve new housing developments and chOices, Greater convenience for shopping and serVIces, Opportunities to develop and grow a business In Wheat RIdge, Cleaner, neater commumty - More attractIve and beautIful '1 3 4 5 ~ Challenges and Opportunities I City's role, ') Developing public-pnvate partnershIps, 3 Findmg and attracting developers who are willing to invest. 4 EmInent domain- Use or not. 5 Takmg advantage of Lutheran Hospital expanslOn, 6. Attractmg new retail and service businesses, 7 Library development. 8. Post Office 9 Businesses taking responsibility for cleaning up and mamtaining their businesses, 04-JUL-24 42 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates, Joe, Strategic Plan 2004-2009 GOAL 6: REDEVELOPMENT OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CENTER (continued) ~ Actions 2004-2009 I Policy Agenda 2004-2005 I Top I Hif!h ') 44th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Village Plan 3 Other ~ 38th Avenue Corridor Plan and DirectIOn Management Agenda 2004-2005 I On the Horizon 5. Economlc Development Manager: DlrectlOn I Policy Actions 011 the Horizon I 6 38th and Kipling Mlxed Use Plan 7 Wadsworth "Boulevard" Plan Evaluation and Plan 8. 44th and KIpling Plan 9, Lutheran Hospital Strategy 10 Wheat RIdge Chamber of Commerce Development II City Hall Evaluation and Future Plan 12, Streetscape Plan for 44th Corridor 13 Walgreen Redevelopment Project Urban Renewal Authority EvaluatIOn and DIrectIOn 38th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Plan Copynght @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Ine. 04-JUL-24 41 Strategic Plall 2004-2009 GOAL 7: MORE LEISURE AMENITIES FOR FAMILIES ~ Objectives Objective 1: More FacIlltlcs and Programs for Youth Objective 2: More FacIlIties and Programs for SenIors Objective 3: More OptIons and ChOIces for Residents Leisure Time Objective 4: Improved Quality of Parks, AmenIties, Maintenancc Level and Safety Objective 5: Development of Expanded TraIl System ~ Means to Our Citizens I, ConvenIent things to do In your leIsure time ') Convement access, 3. ActivitIes for all famIly members, 4, ActIve and passIVe things to do 5 Access to great parks and recreatIOn facilitIes, ~ Challenges and Opportunities I Changing recreational and leisure lime patterns, ') Parks in the nght location and WIth appropriate amenities, 3 Access to greenspace and trails, 4 Aging parks, 5 Growing demands on recreation centers, 6 Resources to respond to seniors and youth, Copyrighl @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Assoeiales, Joe 04-JUL-24 44 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 GOAL 7: MORE LEISURE AMENITIES FOR FAMILIES (continued) ~ Actions 2004-2009 I Policy Agenda 2004-2005 I High I Anderson Park EvaluatIOn and Upgrade Plan Other ') Parkland Evaluation and DIrectIOn Management Agenda 2004-2005 I On the Horizon 3 Youth Recreational Needs Assessment and Plan 4 Semors Recreational Needs Assessment and Plan 5. Recreation Center ExpansIon Study, Direction and Funding Policy Actions on the Horizon I 6, Senior Center Evaluation, Purposes and DirectIOn 7 Youth Sports/Athletic Fields Evaluation Plan and Fundmg 8 Golf Course FeasibIlIty Study and Direction 9 Water Park "Pirate Cove" Concept EvaluatIOn and DIrectIon Copyright @ 2004 Lyte Sumek Associates, Inc 04-JUL-24 45 Strategic Plall 2004-2009 ACTION AGENDA 2004-2005 Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc 04-JUL-24 4b StrateKic Plan 20()4-2009 Policy Agenda Priorities for 2004-2005 TOP PRIORITY Sales Tax Election 1-70 (Coors Property) West Development Project Comprehensive Plan: Update 44th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Village Plan Neighborhood Revitalization Study HICH PRIORITY Anderson Park Evaluation and Upgrade Plan Architectural Design Standards and Guidelines Evaluation and Direction Ward and 1-70 (Truck Stop) Redevelopment Study and Plan Urban Renewal Authority Evaluation and Direction Rental Registration and Inspection Program 38th and Wadsworth Mixed Use Plan Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumek Associates. Inc. 04-JUL-24 47 Strategic Plan 2004-2009 Management Agenda 2004-2005 Priority Alternative Revenue Evaluation Study and Policy Direction Master Drainage Plan/Stormwater Utility Development and Direction Information Technology Strategic Plan Development Capital Improvement Program Plan and Funding Strategy - Vision 2020 and Strategic Plan: Development - - Development and Permitting Process Evaluation and Refinement - - - City Government Business Image: Evaluation, Goals and Action Plan E-Government Action Plan and Funding Public Information Program Evaluation and Action Plan Basic Fact Sheet for Wheat Ridge Development Copyright @ 2004 Lyle Sumck Associates, Inc 04-JUL-24 4H COMMUNITY PROFILE & BUDGET PROCESS The City of Wheat RIdge mamtalOs a neh 111 story that began 146 year~ ago with the Gold Rush of I R59 In 1859, Wheat fudge served as a respIte tor mll1ers on their way to seek their fortunes Il1 the gold rush bo- nanza ofC 'entral CIty and Georgetown, M111ers would stop Il1 this area to rest before theIr big push 11110 the mountall1 gold camps, Senator Henry Lee remarked that when travelers passed through our area along the O\erland Trail, they passed through ndges where wheat was bTfown. Hence, the desIgnanon of our CIty's name - Wheat RIdge. When unable to "strike Itneh," the gold mmers returned to their roots as fanners, and moved to the area to fann the nch. feI1Ile soIl - The establIshmcnt of a pennanent eommumty began WIth the orga11lZatlon of a school dlstnct 111 Wheat RIdge 1I1 1867 School records lI1dieate that there were approxImately 20 reSIdents at thiS time. As the com- mumty grcw and wheat tields were converted to mut orchards and vegetable fields, reSidents from Denver would Journey west 111 the fall to purchase their pro- duce at renowned frUIt and vegetable stands, As the years progressed wheat, orchards and vegetable farnl- 11Ig gave way to the establishment of greenhouses and the largest productIon of carnatIOns JJ1 the world, from whIch came the deSignatIon "CarnatIon City" All car- natIOns b'Town 111 thc area were patented and reeog- mzcd world WIde tor their 111tense cnmamon essence, Dunng the 1960's. a bouquet of fresh carnatIons was delivered to the WhIte House 111 Washington, D C every Monday mOrJ1ll1g and dIsplayed in the front foyer WIth a card stat111g: "With complIments to our natIon's capItal, Wheat RIdge Colorado, CarnatIon City "TIle CarnatIon Festival was established 35 years ago to celebrate and honor the mdusny's accomplish- ments wlth1l1 the eOnm1U11lty. The Cny of Wheat RIdge covers nl11e square miles eentrally located 111 the Denver Metro area, The CIty of Lakewood IS located on the south border, the CIty and (ounty of Denver is on the cast, the City of Arvad a IS to the north, and to the west is the CIty of Golden. The populatIon tor the City ofWhcat RIdge IS 32,022 residents, and serves as the home of approxllnatcly I ,X03 busmesses. Smce 1s>90, the total population of \Vheat RIdge has l11creascd by approxImately s> per- cent. The median age for the CIty of Wheat RIdge IS 40 WIth IS> percent ofthe populatIon over 65 For the population 25 years and over. 55 percent have some level of college educatIon. WIth 25 percent havmg a bachelor's dei,.'Tee or hIgher. The medwnhousehold l11eome 111 2000 was $3g.9X3 There are approXi- mately 14,160 households 111 Wheat Ridge, WIth 55 percent of the households bemg owner-occupIed, The average scllmg pnee tor homes 111 Wheat Ridge 111 2002 was approXImately S230,OOO Wheat Ridge and Bordering Cit) Population Demographics Wheat Ridge Population 29 1970 1980 1990 2004 I City 1990 2004 1990-2004 Population Population Change Anada Xl) .235 102655 ] , 1 (J,o Denver 407.610 572.X62 1 H 40'0 Gold e n 13,] 16 ] 7,70R 25 900 Lakcwood i26 4X I ] 45,532 ] 3 I (J'n W heat Ridge 2l).4 19 32,022 8 10"0 ,\Olll'l'e L S CenslI,' Bllreall (enslls :'(J()(J DRC'O(7 COl11l11l1nil\' Protilcs 49 COI11I11/1l1i(l' Pm/ill' & Budget Process n~l I I I I I I , Median Household Income ,,{'Iada pel''Iet GOldel' ..e'l'ood at ~idge \..a" 'l'l"e - 80% ~ 60% ~ 40% ~ 20% 0% Race 0'1> ,,'Ii '?' 0' ",'" <:)0 0'" ,,~ (:,0 >1>0 <f'~ ~ ",,0 ~ 00 ~o ",,0 ,,'Ii I Gl White Gl Black Gl Asian Gl Hispanic. Other! 80%1 - lii 60% n ~ 40% c ell a. 20% -1 0% Age 0~ oc, ,,0 (y~ ,s.O . c,'" o ~0 ""~ ,,'Ii 01> ~'<;' [ Gl Under 5 .5-19 Gl20-44 Gl45-64 .65+ I c,'l> ~'Ii '\>' ~ ~ <:)0 Snurce, L',S, Cells us Bureau, Census 2000 50 Education (25+) - 80% ~ c: 60% , ell ~ 40% ell 20% a. 0% 0'1> 0' ",'Ii ",'" t! <:)0 00 ~o "",0 ,,'Ii 0~ ",<::1 00 o 0<:$ ~ 0/ ",,0 ~ Gl No High School Gl Some College . Grad Degree --l I!Ii High School Gl BS/BA Degree , I LOCATION AND CLIMATE The City's central locatIon allows for easy access to three Interstate hIghways, 1-25. 1-70 and 1-76, Wheat RIdge IS mmutes away from Colorado's state hlgh- way system. The Umon Pacific Rat I Lines run through Wheat RIdge's mdustrial area along the 1-70 comdor supportmg easy rmlroad acces~ to manufacturers, Colorado's Rocky Mountains are Just mmutes away Wheat RIdge's clImate IS charactenzed as mIld and sunny with low humIdIty. The City averages ]l) 45 inches of ramfall and X5,X mches of snowfall per year LEISURE IN WHEAT RIDGE Witlun the mne square miles of Wheat Ridge, the CJty mamtams 23 parks and 250 acres of open space; the Wheat RIdge Greenbelt The five mile regional Clear C reek trail runs through the greenbelt connectmg to traIl systems on the east and west The Greenbelt contmns four lakes, a three-mIle cmsher fine traIl through a conservation area and a fully outfitted play- grOlmd for the phYSically challenged, Wheat Ridge Recreation Center is a 70,000 square foot facihty that proVides a variety of amenitIes to meet the needs ofa diverse community All ages are able to enjoy the leisure/lap pools, the fitness area and take part in a vanety of classes and programs, Busmesses and prIvate partIes are able to rent state-of-the-art rooms at the RecreatIOn Center. COJ/lJ/lullity Profile & Budget Proces" Senior;., can take advantage ofthe special evcnts, tnps and c lasscs that arc one red at the \Vhcat Ridge Se- 11lor:Commu11lty Center This facility also has rcntal rooms aVaIlablc to the public A regIstered hlstonc place, the Richards Hart Estate IS a beautIfully restored Victonan Mansion Idcal for meetings, company pm1les and weddll1g receptIons. The Estate IS located on three acres oflandscaped gardens and park area. The City IS also home to the ul1lque Sod House and museum located m the Wheat Ridge Hlstonc Park. Community Event Calendar Bike to Work Day . CarnatIOn FestIval Chnstmas Llghtmg Ceremony Junc AUI:,'1lst December GOVERNMENT AND ORGANIZATION The CIty of Wheat RIdge was 1l1corporated m 1969 On November 2, 1976, the cItizens of Wheat Rldgc voted for the creation ofa Home Rule Charter Com- mIssion and selected a diversIfied group of citizens to draft a proposed Charter The twenty-one elected members ofthe Charter CommIssIon submitted to the voters of the CIty theIr proposed Home Rule Charter which was approved on February 21, 197R In 1991:1 the char1er was amended by the voters to proVide for the current Council-Manager fornl of gov- ernment. The Mayor preSides over council meetmgs and possesses the power of veto The Mayor shall be the recogmzed head of the CIty government for all legal and ceremomal purposes and shall be the con- servator ofthe peace. The City Council IS estabhshed as the pohcy-makmg legislative body ofthe City The Council consIsts of eIght members with two members elected from each off our dlstncts. The Council appomts CItizens to all boards and commiSSions on an equal representatIon baSIS, Thc nghts of the people have been ret~llned through powcrs ofrceall, ImtIatlve and referendum. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTllNITY \\-11eat Ridge IS pm1 ofthe Jefferson County School System. The Jefferson County R-I School Dlstnct IS natIOnally recog11lzed for havmg some ofthe highest eqUIvalency test scores m the nation for grades one through twelve. There IS one 11Igh school, two mIddle schools, and seven elementary schools servmg the Wheat Rllige commumty. The University of Colorado at Boulder and Denver, the Umverslty of Denver, Colorado School ofMmes, and C U Health SCiences Center are wlthm easy ac- cess of Wheat RIdge. Both the Red Rocks Commu- mty College mam campus III Lakewood and the Arvada campus are withm mmutes of\\;11eat RIdge. WHEAT RIDGE'S ECONOMIC PROFILE Independent commercIal development has been atthe core of Wheat RIdge's eXIstence since 1859 The Vv11eat RIdge Post Office was established m 1913 to support the agncultural commerce and small bUSI- nesses m the area, Wheat Ridge's commercIal suc- cess has contmued to grmv and will be the mamstay of the commuIllty forthe future. The Wheat Ridge CIt)' Council has recently mvested m two beautIfication projects. The first is on West 29th Avenue and the second IS on West 38th Avenue between Shendan and Harlan. The Council believes that ItS 11lvestrnent will provide a petfect environment for growth of establIshed bus1l1esses and busll1esses mterested m moving mto our area, 51 COII/II/UIl;t!' Pi'll file & Budget I'l'IIcess Occupations of Wheat Ridge Residents Other ** Construction Wholesale Trade II",,, 7",,, 40'0 Manufacturing XO () Public Adrrnn 40'0 Retail 210'0 ServIces 41",,, Finance, Ins urance & Real Estate 4" " **Other agricu/lul"t tral1.\f}(>rlatiun, (,()Jllmunh'aliot1.\ puNIc lIfiliues, agriculturc & mining un" miscellaneous, Source ['S Census Burl!uu, (ensus ;COOO Major Wheat Ridge Employers Wheat Ridge Cyelery and Applejack LIqUorS are t'Wo natIOnally recogl11zed busmesses located 111 Wheat RIdge Some top BIO MedIcal technology compames in the Wheat Ridge area melude UTI StanrUlde, Llfe-Loc Inc , McKinley MedIcal, ~ . Pasco Laboratory, Sulzer OrthopedIC BiologICS, Advanced Fiber Response, Advanced Research Instruments, Apphed PlastIc Coatmgs, GeneThera, Inc.. Rocky Mountain Heart AssociatJon and West- ern UrologIcal AssocIatIon, Wheat RIdge serve~ as home base for the Exempla Lutheran Medical Center, whIch has 420 lIcensed beds and sees ap- proXImately 21,000 mpatIents and 190.000 out- patients per year, Some of the largest employers wlthm the CIty of Wheat RIdge inelude' Exempla Lutheran Medi- cal Center, Rocky Mountam Bottlll1g Company, Terracon, Inland Contamer CorporatIOn, M-E Engmeering, V Structural, Arc Wireless, Gash Electnc, KaIser Permanente, Safeway, King Soopers, MedVed and Wal-Mart, 52 TRAI\SPORIATlON Wheat Rldl!e's mass tranSIt need~ are met by the ~,' p ReglOnal TransportatIon Dlstnct (RTD) The Wheat RIdge park-n-Rlde IS located at 1-70 and Ward Road, The park-n-Rlde allows commuters easy access to downtown Denvcr, the Denver Tech Center and Boulder, DIrect serVICC to Denver In- ternatIOnal 6,.Irport (DIA) IS avmlable from the 1- 70 and Ward Road park-n-Rlde 2(11)S BUDGET PROCESS Thc City of Wheat RIdge's budget develops the roadmap necessary for provldmg programs and servIces to the cItIzens of Wheat RIdge The CIty Councll and Cay staff put a great deal of eff0l1 and tnne mto prepanng the annual budget. The CIty mIDually develops a budget process that m- eludes considerable staff partICIpatIon from all departments and CIty CounCIl dIrectIOn and mput concernmg key polIcy areas, The pubhc has the opp0l1umty to partICIpate WIth comments, con- cerns or budget requests dunng two publIc meet- mgs and a publIc heanng pnor to adoptIOn of the budget. Budget Calendar The budget process spans a great portIon of the year The followl11g summarizes the 2004 budget schedule March Budget Planl11ng Meetmg Budget Goal Settmg .fulv . City Council StrategIC Planning Retreat DIstribute budget packet mstmctions to depart- ments . Pubhc meeting on 2005 budget August . 2004 revenue estimates and 2005 revenue pro- JectIons . PublIc meetmg on 2005 budget COllllllunit)' Profile & BIIt(f<et Proce,\.\ Septemher Deadlllle for submittal of 2005 ckpartment budget requests and 2004 budget estimates City Manager.' Budget Officer rCV1C\\ budget Octoher Dlstribute proposed budget to CIty Council 'Vovelllher Publte heanng on 2005 proposed budget and capital program 2005 Budget AppropnatlOn ResolutIOn Adop- t\on Decelllher Fmal1ze budget document for pnntmg DIstribute Budget to CIty Counet!. e1. '11. Legal Requirements The CIty ofWhcat RIdge's elty CouncIl and staff adheres to the followmg legal reqUlrements pur- suant to the CIty Chm1er (Chapter 10), SectIOn I () I The fiscal year of the CIty and a II Its agencies shall beg111 on the first day of January and end on the thn1y - first day of December of each vear. SectIOn 1 (),2 PrIor to the begll1n111g of each fis- cal year, the CIty admllllstratlOn shall prepare and submIt to the CounCIl a recommendcd budget for the next fiscal year and an aceompanY1l1g mes- sage SectIOn 10,3 The City admIl11stratIOn message shall expla1l1 the budget both 111 fiscal terms and 111 tel111S of the work programs, SectIOn ] 0 4 The budget shall provide a com- plete financ131 plan of all mUl11clpal funds and ac- tIvItIes for the next fiscal year and, exccpt as re- qUIred by ordmance or thIS charter, shall be 111 sueh f0l111 as the eny admmistration deems deSirable or the CounCIl may reqUlre SectIOn 10,5 Thc total ofthe proposed expendi- tures shall not exceed the total of estimated rev- enue. :-'ectwn 10 6 The (n). adm1l1lstratlOn. WIth sueh assistance as thc CouncIl may (hree!. shall pre- pare and submit to the Council a long-range capI- tal program. sll11Ultaneously \1 Ith the recom- mended budget SectIon 10 7 A public hearmg on the proposed budget and propo~ed capital program shall be held before ItS [mal adoption at such tIme and place as the Council may direct. SectIOn I () ~ After the public heanng. the ( oun- c11 may adopt the budget with or WIthout amend- ment. SectIOn I () I)' The Counet! shall adopt the budget by resolutIOn on or before the final day established by the statute for the certIficatIOn ofthe next year's tax levy to the county SectIon 10 10' Adoption of the budget by Coun- cll shall constItute appropnatlons of the amounts speCIfied therem as expendItures from the funds mdlcated and shall constItute a lev) of the prop- erty tax therem proposed, Section 10 11 Durmg the month of July, and as often as the Council may reqUire, the admmlstra- tlOn shall present a budget status and forecast re- pOli to the City Council WIth any recommenda- tIons for remelhal actIon SectIOn 10 ] 2, Amendments after adoption, SeetlOn 10 13 Every appropnatIon, except an ap- proprIatIOn for a capItal expendIture fund or spe- cial fund. shall lapse at the close of the fiscal year to the extent that It has not been expended or en- cumbered. SectIon 1014 Copies of the budget and capital program as adopted shall be pubhc records and shall be made available to the pubhc III the City Clerk's oftice Section 10 15 An mdependent certified audIt shall be made of all City accounts annually, and more frequently If deemed necessary by the counCIl S3 COII/II/II1/ill' Profile & Hlulffel ProCl's.\ ;!005 Jdoptetl BIUI~el 54 Rel'enues & Expenditures Sl/Jll11lUl)' 8udgetSu1ll1ll11rl' 81' Fund BUDGET SUMMARY BY FUND Beginning Funds Fund Balance + Revenues Expenses Balance Axailable (1/1/05) (12/31/05) Operating Funds Ccncra1 $5.674,453 + $20.931.070 $26.605.523 $22, 160.414 $4.445.109 Total Operating Funds $5,674,453 + $211,931,0711 $26.605,523 $22,160,414 $4,445,109 Fund BuluIICl' Perl'elltage 20. 1 n,,;} Capital Funds (apitallnv cstment Program $2.065,57X + S3.270.(x)O $5335.578 $3,525,000 $1,810,578 Total Capital Funds $2,065,578 + $3,270.000 $5,335,578 $3.525.000 $1,810,578 Special Revenue Funds Poliee Investigation $49.423 + $5.250 $54.673 $50.000 $4,673 Open Space $212.651 + $ J.()8 I ,000 $ 1.293.651 $ 1. 177,650 $1 I 6JlO 1 Municipal Court $4X,703 + $49.(x)O $97.703 $74.('()O $23.1 03 Richards Hart btatc $52.952 + $36.800 $89.752 $35,000 $54.752 Sen ior $19.271 + $14,500 $33,771 $27 );50 $5,921 Conservation Trust $207,145 + $333,000 $600.1 45 $495,000 $105,145 Hotel/Motel $171.457 + $221.000 $392,457 $338.728 $53.729 Recreatiun Center Operations S2.462350 + $2,159.894 $4,622.250 $2353,600 $2.268,650 Total Special Revenue Funds $3,283,958 + $3,900,444 $7,184,402 $4,552,428 $2,631,974 Total Operating Funds $5,074.453 + $20,931,070 $26,605,523 $22.160.414 $4,445 109 Total Capital Funds $2,(165,578 $3.270.000 IF $5335,578 $3.525.000 IF $1.810,578 + Total Special Revenue Funds $3.283.958 + $3.900,444 $7,184.402 $4.552.428 $2,631,974 (Less Transfers) $0 + ($3.579.650) ($3.579,650) ($3.579,650) $0 GRAND TOTAL 2004 $ 11,023,989 + $24,521,864 $35,545,853 $26,658,192 $8,887,661 55 Rel'l'1/11eS & Expel/diture" SIII/lIIla/'}' GCllera! Fund Revenues GENERAL FUND REVENUES 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Budget Estimated Adopted TAXES Real Property Tax $063. 125 $675.0(x) $670.0(x) $675J)(X) Liquor OccupatIOnal Tax $6b,794 $bOJXlO $62.0(x) $I1OJXX) Auto Ownership Tax $70.b72 SXO.O(X) $7b.212 $7l-;JXXl Sale, Tax $4,X91.X79 $4.951.1 bX $5.063.094 $1O.601,2XX Pubhc Service Franchise Tax $993,452 $995.(XlO $]J)(X).OOO $ LO(Xl.OOO Telephone Occupation Tax $425343 $190.575 $270J)(X) $270JXXl Lodgers Tax $407,455 $425.0()() $370.0(x) $375JXXl Admissions Amusement Tax 545.731 $46JXXl $46 ()(Xl $45JXX) ffiTAL $7.570,451 $7,421.743 $7.557306 $13,104.2XX USE TAXES Usc Tax 20'0 - RetaiLProfessional $XO 1.999 $X50JXXl $754.503 $X(X)JXXl Use Tax 200 - Building $372.621 $3()()J)(Xl $375JXXl $307.0(Xl Use Tax 20'0 - Auto $X05.X40 $X(X).O(X) $X20JXX) $X50,O(X) ESTIP $21.493 $20JXX) $22JXX ) $50JXXl EDARC - Satc\Vay lliJ2l $25 ()(X) $22JXlO $60JXXl ffiTAL $2.013,144 $1 995.0(x) $1,993,503 $2,067,O(X) LICENSE REVE"WES Amusement MachIne License $9.9(X) $9,7(X) $9,7XO $9,7(Xl Arborist License $1,490 $ L5(x) $1,035 $ 1}(X) Contractors License $65.740 $57JXXl $hOJXXl $5XJXXl LIquor License Fee $11,37X $ 1O,(XX) $12JXX) $12.0(x) Building Permits $3X4.l';57 $290JXX) $425JXXl $315.0(x) ",treet Cut Permits $3K971 $34.073 545.(XX) $47JXX) Cable TV Pem1its $255JXX) $260,O()O $250JXX) $250JX)O Elevator Inspection Fees S12,X70 $15.0()O $13.596 $ 14,SOO BUSIness License Fees $32,961 $64 (XXl $70 5 (X) $72.(X)() ffiTAL $X 19.242 $741.273 $XX7,511 $779,9(x) INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE Cigarette Tax $164.446 $150JXX) $170.0(x) $ 165.()(J() County Road and Bridge $491,321 $505JXX) $5()(lJX)() $50(JJXX) High\Vay Users Tax $910.RR5 $950J)()(l $915,0(X) $914J)(X) Motor Vehicle Registration $107.501 $11O,O(Xl $1 J()J)()(l $105JXXl Wheat Ridge Fire Department $2K400 $2R,4()() $2K400 $2X,4()() P&R - Tobacco A\Varcness $0 W W $0 P&R - Fitness Program $0 $0 SO SO Police - Bulletproof Vest Grant $5,425 $4,936 $X.022 $X.022 Police - Get Connected Grant $LX21 $4J)()() $777 $0 Police - JAIBG Grant $16.114 $14.704 $14,704 $12.243 Police - HIDTA Grant $5.060 SlOJXX) S1.444 SIO.OOl Police - OCDEFT Speed Trap Grant $0 SO $3.R22 $0 PolIce - LLEBG 517,105 $ 17JXXl $ 17,3(X) $10.525 Police - COPS Justice Dep!. Grant $1,482 $0 ~l ~) Community Development Block ID ID ID $2145()() ffiTAL $1,732,455 $1,799,040 $1.769,469 $1,957,690 56 Rel'l'lllle."i & Expenditures Summul:r Gencral Fund Rel1enues 2003 Actual 2004 Rudget 2004 Estimated 2005 Adopted SERVICES Weed Mowing Cleanup $1,472 $0 SO $0 Zoning Applications $43,675 $22,5tXl $50JKK) $30JXXl Planning Reimbursement Fees $6.X3::S $6JKKl $4JKKI $2.4tXl Enginccnng Fees $9J91 $1 \,StXl $13,lXXI $14JXXl Mise, Zoning Fees $9,992 $7,5tX) $ \,SXX $1.5tX) Development Fees $117.567 $9tl.tXXl $120.tXXl $1 tKlJXXl Pavilion/Park Rcntal Revenue $16,566 $ 19,OtKl $21.X32 $21.tXXl Athlcties Revenue $103,035 $103.550 $1tKl.O I X $113Jl35 Gen. Prog, Revenue $3,4XO $0 SO $0 Anderson Building Rcvenue $KI5X $6.76() $7,620 $7J40 P&R Damage/Security Deposits $47,675 $56.1tKl $41.2tXl $45,2(XI Memonal Tree Donations $1.1 02 $l.5tXl $0 $0 (ommunity Center Revenuc $125,91<) $115.X26 $106.417 $113}tXl Teen Program Revcnue $322 $0 $0 $0 Outdoor SWimming Fees $69.79X $7tU30 $4K311 $53.447 Police Fees $0 $0 $194 $0 Policc Report Fees $13.147 $11.0()() $15.tl43 $14,5tXl Poliec Rccord Check Fees $1,2<)0 $5(Xl $747 $5tX) Pawn Shop License Fees $1O.(XXl $IOJKKl $1O.0tKl $IO,(XX) Pawn Shop Ticket Fees $17,Xtl4 $15JXXl $IXJltXl $1 XJXXl Policc Alarnl Fccs $5Jl45 $L5tX) $4,<)20 $4,9tXl Police Fingerpnnt Fees $2.650 $2,5tXl $3.X25 $3.tKKl Sex Offender Registration $0 $ltXl $L96() $l.l)(X) Police 0 U I Fces $0 $ltxI $0 $0 Police Drug Destruction Fees $430 $6()() $650 $4tKl Insurance (ontinuation Fees $494 $2tKl $410 $4(Xl Police Duty Reimbursement $ltl4.92X $120.(XXI $X()JKKl $50J KKl Passport Processing Fee $0 $0 $1,372 $2,(XXl Stonn Water Fee ID ID ID $X04600 TOTAL $720. nx $720}7X $651.1 07 $1,411.X22 FINES & FORFEITURES Municipal Court Fines $7XOJtX, $X IOJKKl $650,(KKl $72XJKKl Handicap Parking Fees $420 $LOOO $5tXJ $720 TOTAL $7XO,726 $Xll.000 $650,5tKl $72X.720 INTEREST Interest Earnings $116,274 $llOtXXl $llO,(XXl $llOJKKl lDTAL $116.274 $llOJltXl $IIO.(XX) $IIOJXltl OTHER AT&T Broadband Cable Peg Fees $43.X4n $44.tXXl $42.0tKl $42.()(J() Miscellaneous Income $19042<) $llOJXXl $ 160.0tKl $150(XXl lDTAL $234,275 $154J)()(l $202JKKl $ I 92J)()(l Total General Fund $13,987,345 $13,704,822 $13,821,396 $20,351,420 57 Revellues & Expellditures SUttlttltllT General Fund Rel'c/illes 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Budget Estimated Adopted Transfer Payments FromelP $2.177.000 $1.9XO,467 $1.9XO,4h7 $0 From Open "pace $7(Kl.fKKl $615.0(K) $615.fXKl $579.650 From Hotcl.Motel $2(K) (KKl ID ID ID Total S3.077.000 $2.5lJ5,467 $2.595,467 $579.h50 Total Revenues (including transfers) $17'<)64.345 $16J<Kl.2X9 $16,416.X63 S20.93 1.070 Residual Transfers $5Xl.224 $4 1 7-(,OX $0 $0 Fund Balance Carryover $5 .540 372 $5J40,71lJ $h.559.lJ71 $5674453 Total Carryover $6.121.5'16 $5.55XJ27 $6.559,971 $5.674,453 Total Funds Available $23,IX594! $2 LX5X.616 $22,97h,X34 $26.605.523 58 !?CI'ellue.\ & EY]lellditllre.\ Summal')' General FUlld EXl'endifllre.\ GENERAL FUND EXPENDITURES 2003 2004 2004 200S ~ctual ~djusted Estimated Adopted Legislative Legislative ServIces $103 959 $12042'i $126429 S 14'i.722 Total $103,959 $126.429 $126.429 $149.722 Treaslln Treasurer $214J125 $0 $0 $0 Sales Tax $136.039 ID ID ID Total S350J)64 $0 $0 $0 Cit} Manager's Office CIty Manager $230.679 $229.1)13 $227.913 $203.942 Economic Development $111,149 $309,505 $2W.504 $157.505 Community Support $2QJll $103.350 $X4.355 $68824 Total $431,939 $641.928 $611.772 $490.271 Ci~' Attorne} City Attorney $224534 $2430(X) $254 4(x) $300500 Total $224,534 $243.(XX) $254.4(X1 $3(X1,5(X1 City Clerk's Office City Clerk $1'i1620 $179.824 S179274 $203 460 Total $1'i1.('20 $179,824 $179.274 $203.460 City Treasurer City Treasurer ID S31930 $31619 $31 794 Total $0 $31,'i30 $31.614 $31.794 Central Charges Central Charges ~ $2.31 'i.266 $2,172,890 $2.434.140 Total $0 $2.319.266 $2.172.890 $2.434.140 Municipal Court Municipal Court $525 937 $532.470 $520.387 $538,714 Total $525,'i37 $532.476 $520.387 $538.714 Administrative Services AdminIStratIOn $190.094 $163.1)45 $1('2.'i46 $173.644 Finance $0 $1<)<),(,37 $172.667 $179 902 Human Resources $334,8X4 $332.273 $332.273 $327.189 Risk Management $475.913 SO $0 $0 Sales Tax $0 $ 137,8'i 1 $121.059 $171.9{)4 Purchasing and Contracting $91.05'i $64.819 $64,819 $68.098 Inforn1ation Technology $791.832 $'128.327 $756.3(K) $\J)81.617 General Operations $447272 ID ID ID Total $2.337.654 $1.825,992 $1.610,064 $2.002.354 S9 Ri'l'elltle.\ & E\pellditures SUII1JJllllT Gelleral FUlld Expellditure, 20()3 2()04 2004 20()5 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Communi~ Development AdmInistration $105.509 $166,241 5159,757 $274208 Planning ~246.392 $191,747 $185.917 $195.873 Building 51618XX $223 372 $205.3(X) $203,525 Total $573.849 $581.360 $550.974 $673,606 Police Department Administration $72X.553 $746.819 $69<.),070 $687.053 t}nimal:Park ( ode Enforcement S 1 75.X34 $177,120 $163.654 $179.211 Commumcations $025,49 ] $58\.l50 $5W.950 $712,997 '>electlve Enforcement and Education $47.375 $0 $0 $0 Records Section $232,226 $207.192 $206,792 $224,987 Training $108.232 $137997 $133.347 $151.234 Patrol $2,689,963 $2,453,842 $2,453.812 $2.588,578 Investigations $1.079,951 $ \.20X.6 79 $1,084.990 $1.0X8.032 Traffic Enforcement 5307.372 $255,542 $25K251 $229.135 SpeciallnvestlgatlOns $157,283 $230,695 $227,433 $241,412 Emergency OperatIOns $18930 $3\.200 $21.200 $23,2(XJ Total $6,23 \ .210 $6.030,236 $5,809,499 $0.125,839 Pu blie \\orks Department Administration $184,073 $121.704 $121.264 $125.(J51 EngIneenng $586,460 $708.53 ] $763.33 \ $955,824 Operations &'1 $2.(107.959 $1.789.978 $2.129.312 Street Maintenance $X98,426 &'J SO $0 Traffic Maintenance $193,641 S) S) $0 Fleet MaIntenance $378,924 $0 SO Sl Traftic Engineenng $485,276 ID ID ID Total $2.726.Xm $2,958,254 $2.674.573 $3,210,187 Parks and Recreation Department Administration $186$00 $\81.348 $177,924 $lX5,619 RecreatIOn $177.077 $180.162 $163.952 $184,99] Parks Maintenance $\.l 15.357 $1,101.612 $1,090,171 $1.145.448 Forestry $312.964 $253,28 I $252,981 $311,] 89 Open Space $128,042 $130.679 $ 135.384 $135,9\5 Anderson BuildIng $52.683 $70.639 $75.7X5 $74.771 Athletics $172.187 $107,495 $153,9]7 $174.535 General Programs $8'1.775 Sl $0 $0 Outdoor Pool $64,765 $115.104 $79.341 $ 109,040 Senior/Community Center $328,130 $348,456 $327.604 $347,600 Building Maintenance $299,975 $303.956 $303.441 $330,707 Total $2.922,815 $2.870.792 $2,760,500 $2.999.821 Transfers Sl Sl Sl $3.0\x).OOO Total General Fund $16,020.38 I $18.341,487 $ 17.302.3X 1 $22,160,414 60 LEGISLATIVE SERVICES Overview: Compn~ed of the Mayor and eight (~) Coun- cIl Membcrs, two CouncIl Mcmbcrs represcnt- mg caeh geographic COlmcd DI5t1'1ct, Serve as the IcglslatI\ c and poltcy-mak1l1g body ofthc C Ity ofWhcat Ridge III a Council- Managcr form of gO\ ernment Adopt laws, ordmances and rcsolutlons. . App01l1t the City Manager. City Attorney and MUI1lClpal Court Judges. Appomt members of the eommul1lty to City Board and CommiSSIons and encourage com- munIty outrcach and mvolvcment Hold regular, speciaL and study session mcct- mgs. Mayor signs all offiCial documcnts and agree- mcnts on bchalf of thc City 2004 Achievements: . Implemented the successful transitIOn and orientatIOn of newly elected Council Members. Adopted amendments to Comprehensive Plan, Authorized agreement With C1ty of Arvada for cooperative plannl11g and revenue sha1'1ng, Devcloped and Implemented a VISIOn and strategic plan process, Maintall1ed focus on rcde\clopmcnt oppOrtUl1ltICS, . Contl11ued to cncourage publIc l11volvement through regular meetl11gs, citizen surveys, 2005 Objectives: . Mal11tal11 focus on creatl11g a sustainable city government. . Continue to focus on redevelopment opportumtles, . Complete a Neighborhood ReVitalIzatIOn Study. . Evaluate and update Comprehensive Plan, . Maintal11 VIsion and strategic plan process, Develop rental registratIOn and l11SpectlOn program, . Evaluate Architectural DeSign Standards and GUldclInes, Evaluate and update onentatIOn for newly elected offiCials. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $67,397 $72,857 $72,857 $72,857 Materials & Supplies $0 $3,357 $3.357 $3,940 Other Services & Charges 536,562 $50,215 $50,215 $72,925 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $103,959 $126,429 $126,429 $149,722 61 Legis/alivc Scrvices 11/-/112 Total 2()()5 Budget b~ Object Personnel ~ ServIces 480.,0. Other SerVIces & Charges 49"" Matenals & SupplIes 3"'0. DId you know that In 2004 the City CouncIl held a Town Meetmg with the commumty that was at- tended by over 250 people. 62 CITY ATTORNEY Overview: . Counsel and advise the City Council, City Manager, Boards and Commissions, and De- partment Directors on the legal ImplIcations of contemplated policy and admll1lstratlve decIsions, Detenmne legal means to Implement CIty polI- Cies, Represent the City 111 lItIgation in state and federal courts and before local and state ad- ministrative agencies, . Prepare and review City ordll1ances and con- tracts. Conduct legal trall1ings and other education programs related to laWSUIt aVOIdance, . Prosecute City Code VIOlations 111 MUl1lclpal 20Q:1o&-fhievements: . Obtall1ed approval by the IRS of tax-exempt status for Wheat Ridge FoundatIOn, ReVised park rules and regulations . RC\ Ised nUisancc cnforcement options, prepared new forms for APCa officers, conducted trall1ll1g for officers, ASSisted 111 Arvada Ridge lGA negotl3tlOns, Managed conduct of MUl1lclpal Judge evaluation and reappoll1tment. Prepared matenals and assisted 111 2004 election questions. . . 2005 Objectives: . Provide legal services wlthll1 budget. Conduct regular tramll1g for members of Plannmg CommiSSIOn and Board of Adjustment. . Complete work necessary to finalIze annexatIOn, zonll1g and publIc financll1g agreements for major 1-70 development. Obtall1 approval by the IRS of tax-exempt status for 38th Avenue Busll1ess District. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 SO $0 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 SO $0 Other Services & Charges $224,534 $243,000 $254,400 S300.500 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $224,534 $243,000 $254,400 $300,500 63 CitrAttll/'ll'T ()l-IO~ Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Other Servlces & Charges IOao,o Gerald Dahl, CIty Attomey, speaks Spanish, 64 Ce/ltral ClUlrge.\ II / -6111 CENTRAL CHARGES Overview: Reflects medical, dental, life and dlsability m- surance benefits for employees budgeted m the General Fund. Oversee expenditures of citywide general op- eration Items l11cludmg but not lImited to post- age and delivery services, photocopy and pnnt- mg expenses, telephone expenses and office eqUipment mal11tenanee Oversee the Property and LiabilIty and the Workers CompensatIOn programs. ProVIde fundmg for Employee Safety Com- mittee to proVide loss control and safety pro- grams for all city employees. Work with the Employee Wellness Commit- tee to admimster a Wellness Program, 2004 Achievements: MOnitored citywide general operation expenditures, . Conducted several Wellness Program events, Implemented an employee Safety RecogmtlOn Program to assist m raIsmg awareness of safety Issues, reduce employee aCldents and mjunes and mstill proative behaVIOrs that create a safe workl11g culture Conducted safety trammg opp0l1umtles to all City staff members, Imtlated development of FaCility Evacuation Plan for all city facIlIties. 2005 Objectives: . Integrate existmg PolIce and staff Wellness Program mto a more comprehensive and extensive Wellness and Fitness Program. . Implement FaCIlIty EvacuatIOn Plan for all city faCilIties. . ContInue mOnitorIng citywide general operation expenditures, . Admmlster and momtor CitYWide medical and dental expenses, Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $1,602,888 $1,554,632 $1,778,913 Materials & Supplies $0 $110,555 $110.555 $95.555 Other Services & Charges $0 $593,418 $495,298 $547,267 Capital Outlay $0 $12,405 $12,405 $12,405 TOTAL $0 $2,319,266 $2,172,890 $2,434,140 65 CClltral ClUIIXCS 1I1-f11 (/ Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Capital Outlay 10'0 Personnel ServIces 73% Other ServIces & Charges 220/() MaterIals & Suppltes - 40/0 Did you know... In 2004, the Safety Commlttce Implementcd a \ oluntary Safety RecognI- tIOn Program wIth partIcIpa- tIon of Ill) staff members, 66 CITY TREASURER Overview: . Invest all CIty funds, Momtor City'S cash flow on a daIly basIs, Slb'11S all City checks, Serve as City Internal Auditor, 2004 Achievements: Increased Yields on ll1vestments, Conducted review of each department's cash receipts process and developed worksheets to be used for the ll1ternal audit process, Selected HMS from available sales tax collection systems and assisted with the Implementation, Improved purchasmg card proceSSlI1g to assure that all charges are withll1 the City'S poltcy . -- 2005 Objectives: MaXImize ll1come from mvesh11ents while glVlng pnonty to safety and soundness, . Review the City'S use of financwlll1stltuhons and scrvices proVided, . Make recommendations to expand the use of technology to Improve finanCial controls and efficiencIes, Develop an mternal audit process 111 thc arcas of contracts and commumcatlOn, Develop sales and use tax reports to assure that the mformation needs ofthe adm1l1istrative staff are bell1g met. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $3 I ,242 $31,219 $31,219 Materials & Supplies $0 $100 $0 $25 Other Services & Charges $0 $588 $400 $550 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $31.930 $31.619 $31,794 67 Cit" Treusurer 111-/11/ Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Personnel ServIces - %,200 Other ServIces & Charges I 70'0 MaterIals & SupplIes 010'0 Thc CIty has issued 3,400 business lieenscs ll1 2004 ApproXll11atcly 950 of those busmesscs remIt monthly sales tax: 1,000 are quarterly filers; and the remamder file on an annual basIs, 68 CITY CLERK'S OFFICE Overview: Orgamze and partICipate wIth the County 111 the City's elections. . Attend and record City CouncIl Meetmgs, transcnbe mll1utes for pennanent record, and submIt mmutes for publication on the CIty'S Web SIte. Keep a permanent record of all CIty Ordmances, ResolutIOns, Deeds, Easements and OfficIal Records. . LIcense the CIty'S hquor estabhshments, Collect annual hquor licensll1g fees and comply with the State of Colorado hquor hcensll1g laws, . Act as secretary for the CIty'S Liquor Licensll1g Authonty; prepare agendas, attend and record meetll1gs, provIde direction to future busll1ess owners, conduct heanngs for SpecIal Events PermIts, Issue subpoenas for Show Cause Heanngs, Admmlster CIty'S Amusement EstablIshments Llcensmg Policies and Procedures and collect fees, . Mamtam documentation for Boards and CommISSion Members, term lImIt renewal procedure and schedule applIcatIOn process with the City Council, coordinate oath of office of newly appomted members, . Managc MU11lclpal Codc supplements. . Act as Passport Agents for the U.S Department of State 2004 Achievements: . Coordmated the successful transitIOn of the newly elected City Clcrk. Expanded thc amount of mformatlOn/records available on the Internet. Orgamzed and partIcIpated with the County in the 2004 electIon. Established forms and procedures for Tastll1gs La\\- for retail hquor stores. . Became Agents for U,S, Department of State for acceptmg passport applIcatIons, . InstItuted a temporary lIquor I1censmg process, . Re-establlshed the Office of the Mayor and CIty Counctl, 2005 Objectives: . Implement new Records Management procedures citywide, Utilize database software to promote effiCIency m procedures, Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $140,041 $120,724 $120,174 $144,366 Materials & Supplies $1,IR9 $2,500 $2,500 $2.500 Other Services & Charges $50,390 $56,600 $56,600 $56.600 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $191,620 $179,824 $179,274 $203,466 69 City Clerk III-J/)S Total 2005 Budget b~ Object PcrSOlmc I ServIces 71 O~'O MaterIals & Suppltes 1.200 Charges 27 80'0 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized City Clerk's Office 2 2 2 2,5 Total 2 2 2 2,5 City Clerk (Elected) You need a Garage Sale Permit to hold a garage sale 111 Wheat RIdge, Deputy City Clerk Adm inistrative Assistant Receptionist (0 5) 70 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE Overview: Provide overall admll1lstratlon for City m accordance with City COLmcIl polIcies and Issues, Manage and supervise departmcnts, agcncles and offices to achlevc goals wlthm aVaIlable resources, Provide oversight 111 preparation and executIOn of budget. PrOVide directIOn for redevelopment and development programs wlthll1 the CIty, . Coordll1atc telccommul1lcatlOn Issues, Coordll1ate public mformatlOn program, Provide effective commUI1lCatlons With City CouncIl, Citizens, and staff . Ensure organizational expectatIOns are lI1corporated and practiced by all staff Manages speCial projects, . Track state & federal legislation Impactmg the City Ovcrsce admll1lstratlon of grant applIcations, 2004 Achievements: . Appoll1ted and coordll1ated activItIes of Bluc Ribbon Panel commissioned to provide an mdependent analYSIS of the city's fiscal challenges and to provide recommendatIOns regardmg fiscal stabilIty Coordinated Strategic Planning process with consultant, staff and City CounCil resultmg m dcvelopment of Strategic Planl1lng document which mcludcs ViSion, Goals and Actions, . Engaged 111 ncgotIatlOns for large retaIl development at 1-70 West location. Conducted lI1ternal occupatIOn tax audit resulting in approXimately $80,000 of additional annual revenues Recovered approxlI11ately $230,000 111 additIOnal revenues from underpayment of occupation tax by Comcast. Continued analYSIS of orgal1lzatIonal structure and Implemented changes to ensure success m achlev lI1g goals, . Contll1ued focus on economic development to encouragc new business development. 2005 Objectives: Implement performance measurements, . Contmue analYSIS of orgal1lzatlOnal structure to ensure alIgnment for success m achlevmg ItS goals, . Contmue to focus on economic development to encourage new busll1ess development. . Oversee orgal1lzatIonal review of Wheat Ridge PolIce Department and appointment of Police Chief Oversee completion of alternative revenue evaluation study and policy direction, . Complete evaluatIOn of publIc mfonnatlOn program and actIOn plan. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $208,944 $194,698 $194.698 $216,427 Materials & Supplies $1,787 $1,750 $1,450 $1,750 Other Services & Charges $19,948 $30,965 $30,165 $45.765 Capital Outlay $0 $1,600 $1.600 $0 TOTAL $230,679 $229,013 $227,913 $263,942 71 Citrlfalll1l;l'I'III-11I6 Total 200S Budget b~ Object Personnel Services ~ 80 800 MaterIals & Supplies 070'0 -.--J Other ServIces & Charges 18.50'0 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized City Manager's Office 2 , 2 2 "- Total 2 , ') 2 The CIty Manager coordinated a StrategIc Plannmg process with CIty CounCIl resultll1g 111 long-term VISIOn. goals and actions, City Manager I Assistant to the City Manager 72 Economic Development Overvie~ : l'vlanage the \\.'heat Rldgc busmess recruItment and retentIon program. Promote commul1lty reVitalization. Serv e as mformatlon resource for busll1esses, . Partncr wIth developers, busll1ess owners, and Chambers of Commcrce to recrlllt new busi- nesses, Provide assistance wIth tra1l1ll1g and counsel- mg to busmesses, Adll1ll1lster cIty mccntlve programs, Promotc posItIve Image of cIty Manage marketIl1g of CIty 2004 Achievements: Increased commUllIcatlOns V\ Ith busmesses through thc cIty ncwsletter and economIc de- velopment newsletter Developed a webslte that IS mtcractlve wIth eXlstIl1g databases, Dcveloped a busmess award program . Developed economIc development newsletter. Researched redevelopmcnt programs to aId Il1 revitalIzll1g the housll1g and commcrclal 1l1- frastructure Developed a busmcss dIrectory Developed work.Ing relatiOnships WIth Poke, Commumty Development and PublIc Works to coordmate customer servIce to busInesscs, . Dcveloped partncrshlps WIth cXlstmg eco- nOl11lC development Il1dustnes, cIty' county 01'- gal1lzatIons and busll1ess orgal1lZatlOns, cham- bcrs. Increased ad, el'tlsmg to promote cIty Image RccclVed a DRCOG and the Governor's Award for 3RthAvcnuc Busmess Dlstnct Pro- gram. 2005 Objectives: . Develop marketmg matenals, Host one sIte selectIon commIttee event. . Coordmate busll1ess appreCiatIon event and four bUSIness fomms, . Prepare neIghborhood revItalIzatiOn strategy and correspondIng actIOn plans, financmg structure, process and repOl'tmg functIons and revitalization aSSOCiatiOn, . ContInue focus on economIc development to encourage new busmess development. Increase communicatIOn WIth cltlzens/busl- ncsses, Util1ze city newsletteL web sIte and economIc development newsletter as modes of Informa- tion, Develop a busll1ess mtom1atlOn system for col- lectIOn, management, analYSIS, and reportmg of bus1l1ess data and Its Impact on the CIty'S economy Develop program for property lmk database Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 $0 $0 Materials & Supplies $5,662 $7,250 $553 $9,700 Other Services & Charges $105,487 $302.315 S298,951 $147,805 Capital Ouday $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $111,149 $309.565 $299,504 $157.505 73 Citr MUllugl'1' \ Office Ecollomic Del'L'{opmellt liI-Ili5 Total 2005 Hudget h~ Object Other Services & Charges 93 80'0 Matenals & Supplies 6,2% Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authori7~d Authorized Authorized Economic Development ') 0 0 0 Total ') 0 0 () ~ The City IS currently developmg a proactive strategy aimed at revItaliz- ing the City's housing and commercial mfrastructure and shapmg the City's future, 74 Community Support Overview: . Coord1l1ate the publIc 1l1fOrn1atlOn program 1l1clud1l1g the government access channel, city newsletter, publIc relatIOns, media rclatlOns, and pnnted lllformation to thc public, Manage speCIal projects 1l1clud1l1g the annual CarnatIon Festival, HolIday LIghting Ccrcmony, Memorial Day celebratIon and BIke to Work Day Manage vanous contracts and agreements mcluding the cable franchlsc agreement and right-of-way ordlllancc 2004 Achievements: Developed and Implemented strategIes for enhancmg the government access channels, Increased cItIzen commUnicatIon through preparatIon of City newsletter Coordlllated six CIty sponsored events, Coordmated dlstnbutlon of outSIde agency contributIons, Produccd SIX CIty Newslettcrs, . Managed electIOn forums. Produced four programnnfornlatlOn VIdeos, Sync hrol1lzcd and admll1lstcred L llthcran MedIcal Ccntcr COmmlll1lty F ollndatlOn Con- necting l'veighbon' grant program, 2005 Objectives: Produce three program/tra1l1mg VIdeos, . Contll1ue focus on developll1g public mvolvement programs, . Improve the Image and usc of the city newsletter and government access channel Produce SIX city connectIon newsletters. Upgrade Channel R system to ll1corporate Jefferson County Schools, . Synchrol1Ize and admmlster Lutheran MedIcal Center Commul1lty Foundation Connecting Nl!ighhors grant program, Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $10,073 $9,705 $9,705 $10,784 Materials & Supplies $15.929 $37,200 $31.600 $36,600 Other Services & Charges $64,109 $56,445 $43,050 $2 l,440 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $90,111 $103,350 $84.355 $68,824 75 U(r Jll/lIt1gel' \ Ottiel' LOllllllUlIifl' SUppOrl 111-113 76 Total 2005 Budget by ObJect Matcnals & Supplies - 53.200 Personnel I Services ~ 15700 The City produced more than 120 public mformatlOn newsletter articles dunng 2004 Other Services & Charges 31,20'0 MlINICIPAL COllRT Overview: AdJudlcatc mIsdemeanors. traffic, Juvenile, domestic vlOlencc. and ordmance violatIons. Conduct Court seSSiOns for various hearings; arraignments, pre-tnals, trials bYJudge, tnals by jury, revocatIOn hearIngs, bond hearIngs, compliance heanngs. pnsoner hearings, and restitution heanngs. . Process domestic vIOlence vIOlatIOns on a fast- track basIs, . Monitorcomphance with probation COndiTIOnS and general sentencmg conditIons. . Collect revenues associated with fines, costs, outstandmgJud!,Tments, defaults, direct services, and filmg fees. Collect and process escrow fund~ assoCiated with reStltutlon,jury demands, and bonds, Compile, mamtam and distribute Court records, 2004 Achievements: . ReVised Jury mstructlOns and verdict fomls, Added JUry mstruction and assoCiated questIOn form estabhshmgJurors abilIty to ask questions pursuant to recent jury refornl rules, Conducted evaluatiOn process as part of the reappomtment process for MUJ1lCIpal Judges in co~unctlOn with the City Attorney's Office. Conducted recruitment process and appointment process for Probation Officer pOSltlOn and Deputy Court Clerk pOSition vacancies. . Appomted second Court Marshal posltlon upon successful rccrUltment process, Rcmodeled Court bench and elerk workstation, replaced podium, and upgraded sound system, Researched and Implemented acceptance of credit card payments for fmes, costs, and bonds, Researched and Implemented process to enable Prosecutor to assemble own files. Implemented new plea forn1 and process to increase effiCiency of traffic arraignment seSSIons, Compiled mfomlaTIonal sheet forpubhc regarding where and how to obtam non-court documents. Compiled extensive Juvenile staTIstics for a period of January ], 2003 through June, 30, 2004, reqUired for grant funds, . . . 2005 Objectives: . Implement pro!,'Tam to access letters and fomls Within the Court database, . Improve vanous Court forn1s and translate forms mto Spamsh. Implement upgraded video arraignment system. Compile appeal process mstructlOnal packets for defendants. . Compile court computer needs assessment. Conduct overall departmental study of Job tltles, duties, and claSSIfications, Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $497,934 $504.436 $494,977 $512,174 Materials & Supplies $13,134 $12,100 $10,325 $10.350 Other Services & Charges $14,869 $15,940 $15,085 $ 16,190 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $525,937 $532.4 76 $520.387 $538.714 77 HI/nidl'al (Ol/rt 111-1119 Total 2005 Budget h) Oh,ject Personnel ServIces 95 100 Other ServIces & Charges 300'0 Matenals & Supplies I 90'0 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Municipal Court 10 10 875 875 Total 10 10 875 875 Presiding Judge Appointed Associate Judge Appointed Associate Ju dge Appointed MUl1lcipal Court has the authonty to sentence offend ers of domestIc vIOlence. assault and harrassment to up to one year in Jefferson County DetentIOn Center Court Administrator 78 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Overview: Perform adml11lstratlve. supervIsory and profes- sIonal \vork 111 planning. coordll1atl11g and (hreCl- I11g the operatIons ofthe Adm 111 IstI-atlve ServIces Department to mclude asslb'l1ed office SUppatt and the dIVISIons of Finance. Hwnan Resources. Sales Tax, Purchasll1g and Contractll1g and Infom1a- tlon Technology Orgamze and dIrect the CIty's nsk management safety, wcllness and employee benefits prob'Tams, Perfom1 all dutIes related to budget preparatIon and admll1lstratlon, Assume dutIes ofthe CIty Manager as dIrected, 2004 Achievements: Implemented a Safety Incentive Program. Coordmated the CIty'S first SCIentific CitIzen Sur- vey Coordinated the CIty Council Strategic Planning Retreat which mc1uded a vislonmg and strategic plannmg process, Completed the nnplementation ofGASB 34 as part of the 2003 Comprehensive Annual Fman- clal Report (CAFR), Pubhshed the C AFR on the CIty webslte for the first tIme 111 2004 Coordll1ated a town hall meetmg with over 250 attendees, Coordmated the ll1stallatlon of new sale and use tax software, . !-hred a second Sales and Use Tax AudItor Received Most Improved Safety Program for Workers' CompensatIon from CIRSA for the year 2003, De\cloped an employee Intranet to share and dlstIibute ll1fom1al1on, Coordll1ated a telephone poll to determll1e the level of support for a sales and use tax ll1erease. Coordmated the Blue Ribbon Panel process to provldc the CIty Council With an mdependent analysis ofthc City'S CUITent fiscal challenges. Completed the uPb'Tades to Windows 2000 sen- ers for all City dcpmiments, 2005 Objectives: . Complete an Emergency Action plan for CIty fa- CIlitIes to coordmate procedures to respond to threats to employee safety Review the employee's pension plan for possible reVISions, . Develop a RISk. Management POhCICS and Pro- cedures manual. Implement Microsoft Outlook as the City's emaIl and schedulmg software. Implement e-commerce on City'S website, Implement a sales and use tax education cam- palgI1 for local busmesses, Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $1,173,899 $974,440 $955,404 $1,032,550 Materials & Supplies $87,412 $19,215 $17,250 $20,365 Other Services & Charges $861,909 $582,697 $467.260 $606,399 Capital Outlay $214,434 $249,640 $170,150 $343,040 TOTAL $2,337,654 $1,825,992 $1,610,064 $2,002,354 79 4.([mill;..,.frlltit'C' SC'rl'iL'l~.\' 4dmillisfratil'e Serl'ias 01-111 Total 2005 Budget hy Ohjcct MaterIals & SupplIes I 00" Personnel Services 5] n"" Other Services & Charges 30.3"" Capital Outlay ] 7 ]"'" StatTIng (Full-time Equivalent Emplo)ees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Grants Administration 075 0 0 0 Finance 0 0 3 3 Administrative Services 3 3 2 2 Human Resources 2 2 2 2 Sales Tax 0 0 2 3 Purchasing and Contmcting 2 2 ] ] Infonnation Technology 5 5 5 5 TOTAL ]2,75 12 ]5 16 Deputy City Manager I Executive Assistanl I I I I HR Manager IT Manager Purcnasing Agent Accounting Supervisor Sales Tax Auditor (2) I I I I I I I I I HR Represenlative NetworK Adminislrator PC & Pnone T ecn (2) Web & Imaging T em Accounting T ecnnician Pa~oll T ecnnician ^ 80 ldmillistratil'l'Servicl's 4dmillistratil'e Serl'iCl's 01-111 Total Budget by Program 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Finance $0 S199,637 $172,667 $179,902 Administrdtive Services $196,694 $163,045 $162,946 $173,644 Human Resources $334,884 $332,273 $332,273 $327,189 Risk Management $475,913 $0 SO $0 Sales Tax $0 $137,891 $121.059 $171,904 Purchasing and Contmcting $91,059 $64,819 $64,819 $68,098 Infonnation Technology $791.832 $928.327 $756,300 $1,081.617 GenemlOpemtions $447,272 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL S2,337,654 $1,825,992 SI,610,064 $2,002,354 Total 2005 Budget by Program Purchasmg and Contracting 3400 Human Resources 1630'0 InformatIOn Technology 540'\, Sales Tax 8 60'0 Fmance 900'0 AdmlillstratlOn 8 700 The City recclved thc Most Improved Safety Proi:,'Tam for Workcrs' Compensa- tion from CIRSA for 2003 81 ,Jtlmillistratil'e Service.\' 4.tllll;ll;stl'at;,'l'Scrl'ices (II-III Administrative Services Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $187,822 $151,295 $155,5] I $164,354 Materials & Supplies S3,089 S2,500 $2,200 $2,750 Other Services & Charges S5,717 S8,750 $4,085 $6,040 Capital Outlay S66 $500 SI,150 $500 TOTAL $196,694 $163,045 $]62,946 S 173,644 Total 2005 Budget by Object CapItal Out]ay 0.3~0 Personnel ServIces 94 60'0 Other ServIces & Charges 3.500 Matena]s & Suppbes ] 600 The ComprehensIve Annual FinanCla] Report was published on the City web site III 2004 for the firsttl1ne. 82 4.dmillistratil'l'Sl'l'I'icl'S 2(1{)5 4doptl'd Hudgl't 83 Finance Overview: Recel\e, process and deposit daIly cash revenue from all City sources. Process all purchase requls1tlons for the CIty Enter budgeted expenditures through a purchase encumbrance systcm. . Process semI-monthly accounts payablc chccks. ReconcIle thc CIty'S monthly purchasll1g card statement. . Rcconcilc payable issues for vendors and CIty departments. Prepare monthly budgetary reports. Process bl-weekly payroll. . Prepare quarterly and annual payroll reports, monthly budgetary report and monthly financial statemcnts. Preparc statement of City's fixed assets. Preparc year-end audit work papers. . ASSIst outSide auditors 111 completiOn of CIty's comprehenslVe annual fmanclal rep0l1. ProvIde support to Human Resources DIvIsIon and Sales Tax DIvIsion. 2004 Achievements: . Completed report plannmg and nnplementatlon procedures for GASB 34 Completed audit of vendor mfom1ation for Intemal Revenue ServIce reportmg reqUlrements. Implemented semI-monthly processlllg of accounts payable checks. Implemented backup support for SaIl'S Tax DiVIsion. Implemented support personnel for Human Resources DiVISIon. . . . . 2005 Objectives: Implement new software to reconcile the City'S monthly purchasmg card statement. . Implement new employee timesheets. . AudIt CIty'S fixed assests. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $167,397 $143,377 $150,512 Materials & Supplies $0 $1,1 65 $],]65 $l,l65 Other Services & Charges $0 $3] ,075 $28,125 $28.225 Capital Outlay $0 SO $0 $0 TOTAL $0 $]99,637 $]72,667 $179,902 84 .jdmillistrat;"l'Sl'I"l'iCi'S Filla/lcl' 111-103 Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Personnel Services 83 7(~.0 Matenals & Supplies 060'0 Other Services & Charges ]5700 8,981 payroll checks were Issued for fiscal year 2003. 85 .jdllli/listratil'l'Sl'/"I'icl'S 1I11111a/l Rl'sollrcl'S 11/-//2 Human Resources Overview: Oversee personncl functIons such as resource ad- ml1llstratlon,Job classdicatlon and compensation, employce relations, recnntmcnt, selection, and rc- tention of employees. Pro\'lde personnel pohcy developmcnt, admll1ls- tratJon, (hrectlon, and gUldancc to the orgamza- tlon. Provide personncl program development. admm- Istratlon, dIrection and gUldance forpcrformance systcms, cmployee benefits and tramll1g. Ovcrsee the admll1lstratlon ofthe Employee As- sIstance Program and Employec Recognition CommIttee. . . 2004 Achievements: . Worked extensIvely WIth affected departments to finahze compensatIon program forpart-tJme staff. . DesIgned, distributed, and analyzed an employee benefit survey III preparation of an overall revIew of our msurance programs. Created a tralllmg library and catalog system for educatIon on personnel Issues. MinimIzed our nsk III our employment process through actIve partIcipation III testing practIces. Fom1Ulated an Equal Employment Opportumty Plan for compliance with City grant reqUIrements. PartIcIpated m the Safety Program and continued to work WIth departments to reduce our worker's compensatJon Illsurance premlllm. . ReVIsed and Implemented selected personnel poliCies for purposes of elanficatlOn and to ensure compliance WIth revIsed federal regulations. Conducted traming on personnel pohcies for all part-tIme and seasonal staff DeSigned and apphed a F alr Labor Standards Act classIfication test on all City positions to comply WIth the 2004 regulations. ProvIded City-wide tramll1g on harassment, dIversity, and gender mteractlOn. Responded to SIX (6) complamts mvolvmg harassment, wrongful termll1ation and/or discnmmatJon. . . . 2005 Objectives: . Provide further trainmg for staff regardmg personnel Issues. . ReVIew aspects of a Pay for Performance System for possible ImplementatJon . ReVIew the ClassificatJon/Compensatlon Plan for bcnefited employees to ensure proper placement of posItIOns and ensure the CIty remall1S eompetitive WIth the market. . RedeSIgn the CIty-wide health insurance program(s) for cost effectIveness and quahty assurance. Conduct a CitY-WIde Personnel AudIt to ensure compliance and mmimlze nsk. . Complete the CertIficatIOn ProbJTam for Human Resource ProfeSSiOnals. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $199,121 $173,879 $190,573 $174,790 Materials & Supplies $4,749 $3,500 $2,400 $2,400 Other Services & Charges $124,174 $154,894 $]39,300 $149,999 Capital Outlay $6,840 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $334,884 $332,273 $332,273 $327,189 86 Adll/illistratil'l' Sl'/'I.ias !filII/ail /(csollras (11-112 Personnel Services 53400 Total 2005 Budget by Oh.iect Matenals & SupplIes 0700 For the year 2004, Human Resources processed 2,000 employment apphcations. Our City Employment web page averages 4,260 mquiries per month. Other ServIces & Charges 45.80'0 87 4.dllli/listratit'l'Sl'r1'icl'S SaIl's Iilx 111-1/5 Sales Tax Overview: . AdmltllSter licensing procedure for ne\\ bU~I- nesses, liquor occupation, tcmporary busll1esses, exempt IItstltutlons, massage therapl~t and parlours, and neViS racks. Inteqxet and explall1 the legal proVIsIons, regula- tions and procedures relatll1g to taxation for sales and use tax. . Provide ll1fOm1atlon to general publIc and ven- dors on the methods of compliance and use of sales tax fom1s. Process sales and use tax retums. Research and initiate the collection of delll1qucnt salcs and usc tax accounts. Admll1lstcr collcctlon oflodgcrs and admiSSions taxes. InItIate summons process. act as court liaison, and Issue hcns on propcrtIes. . Track revenue and prepare rcp0l1s torthc ESTIP and EDARC programs. AssIst Auditor WIth selectIon of bus messes to au- dIt. 2004 Achievements: . Implemented ne", sales tax software system. ProvIded assIstance to Econ01111c Development WIth rc-classlficatlon of all SIC codes. . HIred a sccond Sales and Use Tax AudItor to implement a sales and use tax education program for Wheat RIdge buslllesses. 2005 Objectives: . Streamlme ne", sales tax software system. Establish reports to meet staff and public needs. . Implement a sales and use tax education prob'Tam for Wheat RIdge busmesses. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $105,841 $105,874 $162,204 Materials & Supplies $0 $5,800 $5,885 $7,300 Other Services & Charges $0 $26,250 $4,300 $2,400 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $5,000 $0 TOTAL $0 $137,891 $121,059 $171,904 88 4dl11inistrlltive Servicc.\ Sales Tax 111-1/5 Total 2005 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 944",,, Other ServIces & Charges I 40~) Matenals & Supplies 4.20;u The Sales Tax Office processes a ll1lrumum of ] 5,400 tax returns each year. 89 ldministrutil'c Sen'icl's Pllrchasillg all/I Co/ltractillr: 01-116 Purchasing and Contracting Overview: . AssIst staff on vanous methods ofpurchasmg, contractmg and sourcmg. . Preparc and sohclt bids, rcqucsts for proposals and rcquests for lllformatlon. . Educate supplIers on ho'W to do busmess with thc City of Wheat Ridge. Utillzc cooperative bids such as State Pnee Agreemcnts, MAPO, WSCA, US COmmUl11tles. Conduct fornlal bid opcmngs and mom tor evalu- atIon proccss. Prcpare and mOllltor contract renewal agree- ments. Admmlstcr Citywide purchasmg card program. Manage the citywldc copy rental program. Oversee the cItywIde custodIal scrvlces agrce- mcnts. . Manage the citywide surplus and auctIon program. Conduct and coordlllate Accountincr and Pur- '=' chasmg meetmgs and year-end process. Assist on spcclal proJects. 2004 Achievements: . AssIsted in the IllstallatlOn of the HV AC and Generator Replacement Projects. Coordinated all-staff Microsoft traming for vanous programs. Updated Purchase Order Tern1s and CondItions and made accessible on the lllternet. . Renovated boiler room to provldc storage area for surplus items. Increased employee particIpatIOn m the bId selectIon process. Prepared and soltclted 40 bIds and proposals. Developed "Vendor GUIdelInes to Domg Busmess wIth the City" Developed "How to Evaluatc Proposals" Increased use of Blanket Purchase Orders (BPO) for ease of purchaslllg. Organized a committee to analyze the use and nceds of copiers and pnntcrs. PartIcIpated on the Board for the Rocky Moun- tam Governmental PurchasingAssoclatJon. Obtamed the CPPO certification for Purchasmcr b OffiCials. . . . . . . . 2005 Objectives: . Complete and present to COlIllCll the revIsed Purchasing Manual. . Implement purchasmg eard new prot,rrams. . Increase use of Blanket Purchase Orders. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $88,621 $61,869 $61,869 $65,148 Materials & Supplies $670 $800 $800 $800 Other Services & Charges $1,768 $2,150 $2,150 $2,150 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $91,059 $64,819 $64,819 $68,098 90 ltllllillistratil'e Sl'rl'iC<'.\ Pllrdlll.\ill~ {(lid Ctllltraetill~ (J 1-116 Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Personnel Services 95 700 Other Services & Charges 3.200 Matenals & Supplies 1.200 Did you know... The Purchasing and Contracting DlVlsion networks wIth over 40 govenunental agencIes to assIst the CIty with ItS needs. 9\ .1tlmi/listrativl'Sav;,.l', IlIformatioll Ji'dl/fology 01-1 r Infonnation Technolouv ~. Overview: Responsible for the procllrcment, mstallatlon, and mamtenance of all CIty computers. Responsible for software management and mamtenance. . Responsible for Illventones of computers and software. Install hardware/software on the City server computcrs. ASSIst departments wIth speCIal software requests. . Responsible for backup and dIsaster recovery of both computer and telephone systems. . Responsible for moves, addItIons and deletions of all telephone equipmcnt. 2004 Acbievements: . Launched the first employee Intranet that contams dozens of pages of infom1ation and documents. . Launched several new Illaps on the CIty'S website lllc1uding 6 ll1teractive maps. . Created a "vn1ual tour" ofthe Recreation Center for the web sIte . Increased the photo library of the web site from 75 to over 350 photos. . Completed the network ll1frastructure upgrade. . Installed new Windows 2000 servers at City Hall. Installed 32 new or replacement computers. Completed the conversIon of all computers to the Windows 2000 Workstatlon or hlgher and Microsoft Office SUIte. Upgraded the wireless polIce network. Installed new telephone systems and telecomm ll1frastructure at 3 satellIte offices. Upgraded the e-matl system to Microsoft exchange. . Moved the e-maJl chents to MIcrosoft Outlook. . Set up a remote computer hot site for disaster recovery Installed a new computer backup system. . Streamlined telecomm mfrastructure - from Centrex lines to Tl 's WIth D-I-D's. . Installed Caller ID capabihty on City Hall and Rec. Center phone systems. 2005 Objectives: . Move forward WIth electrol1lc payments for some CIty servIces. . Install systems for automated vOIce response to citIzen inqumes. . Implement new ll1teractlve forms for publIc use on the new Web Implement the thIrd phase ofthe MobIle FIeld Reportll1g System for Pollee. . Install the computer replacements per the five- year planning gnd. . Install new Web interface software for enhanced publIc access to recreation activitIes. . Continue to pursue solutIOns to enhance the public's access to CIty Il1fom1ation. . Enhance the capabihtles ofthe computer hot sIte for disaster recovery. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $315,400 $302,377 5298,200 $315,542 Materials & Supplies $2,670 $5,950 $4,800 $5,950 Other Services & Charges $280,081 $370,860 $289,300 $417,585 Capital Outlay $193,681 $249, ] 40 $164,000 $342,540 TOTAL $791,832 $928,327 $756,300 $1,08],6]7 92 .ldmillistratit'l' ScrI'iCl'S IlltiJl"/1/lItioll Techllology III-II ~ Matenals & Supplies 060'0 Personnel ServIces 29.20'0 Total 2005 Budget b) Objl'ct Other Services & Charges 3~ 60'0 CapItal Outlay 3] 70'0 Did you know... The capacity ofthe Windows production servers at CIty Hall IS 9113 Gigabytes or 8,000,000 kllobytes or 1,000,000,000 bites. 93 Adlllillistrath'l'Sel'l'iL"l's 211115 4tlIJl'tl'd Blllr~l't 94 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Overview: Manage the actlVltles of Planning and Zomng Services, Buildmg InspectIon Services and ZOlllng Enforcement. . Admmlster the CIty and department policies. DIrect the preparatIon of special plans or studies. Direct the work of consultants. ProVIde staff support to Boards and C omn1lSSlons. Coordinate development actIvities WIth other departments, service providers, mumcipalltles, and regional and state agencIes. Manage actlVltes ofU rban Renewal Authonty and HousmgAuthonty Dlerct specIal projects as assIgned by the CIty Manager. - 2004 Achievements: Completed several Council requested and staff Illitiated Code reVISIons. Successfully completed an update to the ComprehensIve Plan to define an urban growth boundary ImtJated improvements to the Illformation proVIded by the Department on the City's webslte, includmg zoning and buildmg code infOrmatiOn, fom1s, and links to other sources of infOrmatiOn. . Imtlated a coordmated revle", process WIth the 38th Avenue Buslllcss Dlstnct for SI~'11 and fa<;ade 11llprovemcnts. . ASSisted With the successful negotIatIons of an Intergovcrnmental Agreement with the CIty of Arvada concernmg the mitigation of Impacts of the Arvada RIdge proJect. 2005 Objectives: DIrect the preparatIOn of an update to the ComprehensIVe Plan. Contmue to rcfine development code and Improve revIew processes and procedures. Continue to Implcment regulatIOns of the Streetscape and Architectural DeSIgn Manual. . Contlllue to work WIth developers and landowners to ImtJate redevelopment projects 111 urban renewal areas, especIally along the Wadsworth comdor. Continue the hotel/motel and housing mspectlon programs. . Oversee the formulatIOn of a housmg inspectIon program for apartment complexes with 10 or more UllltS. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $545,855 $452,170 $434,578 $509,611 Materials & Supplies $4,974 $6,880 $6,280 $7,100 Other Services & Charges $23,020 $122,310 $1 ]0,] 16 $156,895 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $573,849 $581,360 $550,974 $673,606 95 Community Dl'I'c1/1f'I1ll'l1t Total 2005 Budget h~ Ohject Personnel Servlces ~- 75 700 Matenals & Supphes I lOCI 'I Other Services & '- Charges 23.300 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Administration 2 2 2 2 Planning 4 4 3 3 Building* 4 3 3 4 Code/Zoning Enforcement** I 1 0 0 Total II 10 8 9 * The Property Inspector" h111dcd out of the HolcLl\1otcl Fund~ ** lol1lng Enforcement eonsolid~tcd into Building. Director of Community Development Administrative Assistant Chief Building Official Sr Staff Assistant 96 Cllllllllllllit\" Dl'l'l'/oplI/l'1lt Total Budget b\ Program 2003 2004 2004 200S Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Administration $]65,569 $166,241 $159,757 $274,208 Planning $246,392 $191,747 $IR5,917 5195,873 Building $161,8X8 $223,372 $205.300 5203,525 Total $573,849 $581,360 $550,974 $673,606 Total 2005 Budget by Program A dmmls tration 40 70'0 Buildmg 30 20'0 Planmng 29 1 U'o The adoption of the Urban Growth Boundary as an addendum to the Comprehensive Plan was the firsttime m the City'S 35-year history that the ComprehenSIve Plan extended outside the CIty I1mits. 97 Commllni(r Del'elopm"nt 4.dministratioll II 1-12U Administration Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $163,050 $157,691 $155,691 $167,698 Materials & Supplies $1,305 $3,000 $2,400 $2,900 Other Services & Charges $1,214 $5,550 $1,666 $103,610 Capital Outlay SO $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $165,569 $166,241 $159,757 $274,208 Total 2005 Budget hy Object Personnel ServIces - 61.200 Materials & SupplIes ] ]1"., J Other Services & Charges 3780'() Did you know... The City's populatiOn has declllled from the 2000 Census count of32,913 to 3] ,902 as of July], 2003 The decrease is due mainly to a doubling of the vacancy rate. 98 COllllllllllity I>el'l'/opllll'llt 20115 ldoptcd Hlldr:et 99 (ommulli(l' J)el'c/opmellf Planning 01-121 Planning Overview: . Perfom1 professional planmng work m both current and long range plannmg. ProvIde research and analysIs and reports on vanous long range and CUITent planning proposals to acrueve ill1plementatlon ofthe Comprehensive Plan and other land use policIes. ProvIde direct assIstance to citizens, busmesses developers and other departments and agencIes in all aspects ofland development and use. . Develop zonlllg code amendments, master plans and comprehensIve plan amendments to further rcflect changmg land use pohcy Serve as stafflimson to Plannmg CommIssion and Board of Adjustment. . Providc staff assistance to City CouncIl, Urban Renewal and HousmgAuthonty. Completc special projects as assIgned by the Department DIrector 2004 Achievements: . Contmued to provIde high-quahty customer service despite the loss of a posJtJon ill the diviSIon. Successfully amended major sections of the Zonlllg and Development code relatmg to land use process chart, resIdential setbacks for accessory structures, landscapmg, planned developments and slgnage. . lmplemcnted mediatIon processcs for controversial land use cases through Jefferson County MedIation ServIces. Participated 111 departmental cross-tral11111g to provide assIstance to the buildmg diVISion. Redesigned mtenor office space to provIde a more effiCient, customer friendly atmosphere. Expanded supplemental documents available to the pubhc on the CIty'S webslte. Expanded outreach to the pubhc through Channel 8 and the Wheat RIdge ConnectiOn newsletter. . . 2005 Objectives: Update the CIty'S zonmg maps. . Contmue to refine ImplementatIOn of the Streetscape and Architectural DeSIgn GUIdelines Manual. . PartiCIpate 111 major reVISIOns to the ComprehenSIve Plan. . Prepare a natural hazards mitIgatIon plan for the CIty as a supplement to the ComprehenSIve Plan. Total Budget by Ob,ject 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $236,896 $177,437 $177,437 $182,088 Materials & Supplies $3,19] $2,850 $2.850 $2,900 Other Services & Charges $6,305 $ ] 1 ,460 $5,630 $10,885 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $246,392 $19/,747 $185,917 $195,873 Ion CO/1/lI1l11litr Oel'dop/1/l'/It Plal/I/il/g 111-121 Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Personl1e I ServIces 93 00'0 1_ Matenals & SupplIes 1.500 Other Services & Charges 5.60'0 It takes approxImately 84 hours of staff tIme to process a non-controversIal zone change request. 101 CO/11111IlJlilJ'Del'clop/lleJl! Buildillg 111-122 Building Overview: Admimster the ]ntemational Buildlllg codes that set mlllmmm standards for life safety and welfare of Its CITIzens. . ProVIde code and ordll1ance Il1terpretatlOns to CItizens, contractors and desIgn professionals. ProVide citizens wIth basIc constructIOn infonnatlon and mtom1aTIonal handouts related to building, plumblllg, mechanical and electncal pcn11lts. . Providc plan review servIces for residential, commerCial and industrial projects. Coordinate with other city departments and outSIde agencIes to ensure public health, safety and welfare standards arc mamtall1ed. 2004 Achievements: . Performed 4,025 Il1spectlons, averagll1g 35 IllspectlOns per day during the summer. . Performed 1,058 plan reviews related to mdustnal, commerCial, reSidenTIal, garages, carports, fences, heatlllg and cooling, etc Performed re-inspectlons on hotels and motels for comphance WIth the IPM C (I ,079 hotel room mspectJons ). . Responded to 340 zonll1g code enforcement complamts, issued 175 wamll1g notIces and 9 summonses WIth each case resultmg 111 eompliance. . Created mfom1aTIonal handouts and brochures for CitIzens, contractors and deSign professionals. Completed first annual contractors and homeowners meetlllg on 2003 ICC PrOVIded low voltage WlTIng inspcctions WIth all elcctncal-related bUlldmgpem1its. Expanded workll1g relatIOnshIp With area Flrc Departments. 2005 Objecthes: . Maintam the highest level ofpubhc safety and customer servIce m the admllllstratlon ofbuildlllg constructIon, code enforcement and property maintenance. Provide field inspectIons on all construction and eXlstlllg property to ensure CitIzens of Wheat Ridge have a safe, sanitary and attractIve environment. . Expand office hours to proVIde b'Teater customer service. In1plement a new Multi-family Housmg Inspechon Program for apartments WIth ten umts or more. . Continue annual hotel/motel Illspectlon program. Adopt a new prescripTIve Enerb'Y Code to proVIde energy effiCient construcTIon. . Create foundatIOn standards for all reSIdentIal construction. . Implement the 2003 InternatIOnal Codes. Cross-train aU Buildmg DiVISIOn staff. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $145,910 $117,042 $101,450 $159,825 Materials & Supplies $47~ $],030 $1,030 $],300 Other Services & Charges $ 15,500 $105,300 $102,820 $42,400 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $161,888 $223,372 $205,300 $203,525 102 (o/ll/lllll1i(r f)eve!op/IIl'nf Building 111-122 fotal 2005 Budget b~ Object Personnel Scnilces - 78500 Other ServIces & Charges 20800 Did you know... For the thIrd quarter of2004, the Buildmg DIvisiOn averaged 31- 34 IllspectlOns per day when the average III other cIties around the Denver metro area was 17-20 Illspectlons per inspector. Matenals & - SupplIes 060'0 103 CII/IIl1l1/1litl' Dl'I'e/OI'/IIl'llt 211115 Idllptl''' Budget 104 POLICE DEPARTME"iT Overview: ProvIde professIOnal police response to cItizen's requests for servIce. . ProvIde profeSSIOnal follow-up 1l1vestlgatlOns to felony cnmcs and dmg cnforcement. Provide qualIty code enforcement servIces includmg al1lmal enforcement and park secunty ProvIde pohce communications servIces. . ProvIde Emergency Management servIces for major meldents. . ProvIde cnminal justice records storage and retrieval. . Provide a hoteumotel enforcement and educatIOn program. ProvIde a selective traffic enforcement program. 2()()4 Achievements: · Met WIth CItIzens to dISCUSS future goals of the Pohce Department and servIces thcy would like provided. . Increased over -all traffic enforcement pro!:,'Tam. Increased Code Enforcement pro-actiVity level . Educated the public on budget Impacts and cuts 111 servIce levels. 2005 Objectives: . Implement the proposed mcrease of 1 0 addIuonal Police Department personnel and Illcrease police servIces if approved by Wheat Ridge CItizens. . Implement new radIO system. . Mal11tam manpower levels by an ag!:,'Tesslve hmng process. . ProvIde a smooth and effiCIent transJtJon to a new Chief of Police. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $5,746,717 $5,530,566 $5,346,872 $5,498,479 Materials & Supplies $75,599 $98,152 $84,357 $81,380 Other Services & Charges $37],836 $396,518 $373,270 $508,880 Capital Outlay $37,058 $5,000 $5,000 $37,100 TOTAL $6,231,210 $6,030,236 $5,809,499 $6,]25,839 105 Policl' f)l'partllll'llt Total 2005 Budget hy Ohject Personnel SerVices - Xl) 1'00 Materials & 'Suppl i es 1.300 I Other Services & Charges KY'o (apita] Outlay J O.60't) Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Administration (, (, 7 7 i\nimal/Park Code Enforcement (, (, 5 5 Connnunications ]2 12 I] II Selective EnforeementTducation 2 I 0 0 Records Section (, 5 5 5 Training I I I I Patrol 41 41 39 42 Investigations 17.5 17.5 III 14 Traffic Enlorccmcnt 5 5 4 3 Speciallnvcsligations 3 3 3 3 Emergency Operations 0 0 0 0 Total 9<).5 97.5 91 91 * The following positIOns are funded out "fthe Police and Code Enforcement portion ofthe H"te!.'Motel Fund. two (2) APCO Oftieers. and three (2) Patrol OtJieers Chief of Police Administralive Assistanl13) ]06 Policl' /Jl'l'artllll'lIt 211113 2004 2004 20115 o\ctual Adj us ted Estimated o\dopted Administration $72X,553 $746,XI9 S699,070 $6X7,053 Animal/Park Code Enforcement $175,X34 Sl77J 20 S163,654 $179,211 Communications $625,491 S5X U50 S560,950 $712,997 Selective Enforcement/Education $47.375 $0 $0 $0 Record; Section $232,226 S207,192 S206,792 $224,9X7 Traininl( $IOX,232 $137,997 $133,347 $151,234 Patrol $2,6X9,lJ63 $2,453.R42 S2,453,X 12 $2,5XX,57X Investigations $1,079.951 $ !,20X,O 79 $1,OX4,990 $1,OXX,032 Traffic Enforcement $367.372 $255,542 $25X,251 $229,135 Special Investigations $1572X3 $230,695 $227,433 $241,412 Emergency Operations $1X,930 $3 !,2IX) $21,200 $23,200 Total $6,231,2 10 $6,(130.236 $5,X09 499 $6.1 25,X39 Total Budget b~ Program Total 2005 Budget by Program Invest. Patrol 42 ",0'0 17 XO,o IratI I' .3 70,,) Spec ]mest ; l)U'1J Emcr Ops. 040'0 '\dm. 11,200 .2 ';;U'n Records ( 0111111. .2 90.'0 1, 7"'n 11.6ll,,\ The Pollee Department cUlTently operates 011 a "Base Police ServIces" plan whIch prioritizes cItizen calls for service with emergency response bemg the I11ghest pnonty, 107 Police Dl'pllrtml'1lt 4.dmil1istmtiol1 01-201 Administration Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $649,149 5610,279 $568,745 $556,708 Materials & Supplies $10,574 $13,715 $11,500 $23,500 Other Services & Charges $68,830 $122,825 S 118,825 $106,845 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $728,553 $746,819 $699,070 $687,053 Total 2005 Budget by Object Persormel Servl ces ~ 81 000 MaterIals & - Supplies 340'(j Other Services & Charges 15.60'0 108 Did you know... Use ofTaser's as a "less lethal" option began Jan. 2003. Taser has been employed 14 times WIth no 111JUry to suspect or officer. In 4 other cases, the taser was not employed - officers were 111Jured 111 all 4 and suspects iqjured ill 2. Polia Departme/lt 20115 1dopll'd BI"{~et 109 Policc DepurtJ//ellt -llliJ//al/Park Code El1fin'Cl'J//el1t (11-203 AnimallPat"k Code Enforcement (APCE) Overview: . Enforcement ofthe nUIsance and zonmg code. . Enforcement of animal control ordinances. . Respond to wildlife conflicts. Enforcement of park mles and regulations. Deslf,'Tl wlldhfe management programs with the cooperatIon of the DIVISIOn of Wildlife and the Park Naturalist fOHesource protectIon and large predator management, I.e., bears and mountalll hons. . Enforce, on occaSIOn, C R.S regardlllg Title 18 Crimmal Code, Title 19 Juvemle Code, Title 25 Health Code, Title 33 WildlIfe and Title 35 Ab'TIculture within the scope of dutIes. 2004 Achievements: . Responded quickly and efficIently to Intel1lal ServIce Requcsts. Implementcd CityWide coverage for all officers so each officer would become more knowledgeable about CIty Issues. . Sm1phfied the abatement pohcy to provldc qUIcker results for the CItIzens. 2005 Objectives: . Increase officer trainlllg for better service. Mamtam staffing levels for bettcr servIce. Develop CItyWIde team projects for faster comphance. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $152,071 $150,860 $147,060 $151,671 Materials & Supplies $75 $1.500 $1,250 $1,200 Other Services & Charges $23,688 $24,760 S15,344 $26,340 Capital Outlay $0 SO $0 $0 TOTAL $175,834 $]77,120 $163,654 $179,211 110 Police Dl'fJlIrtl1ll'lIt 'lllil1ltll/PlIrk Codl' EllfiJ/"('l'I1Il'1IT 01-2113 Total 2005 Budget by Ob.iect Personnel ServIces - 8460'0 Matenals & Supphes o 7\l,o Other Services & Charges ]4700 Did you know... The APCE unit responded to 2,On ealls for service dunng the first SIX months of2004, an mcrease of520'o. 111 Po/iCl' J)l'l'urtmellt CO/JlIlIlllliwtiollS 111-211-1 Communications Overview: . Receive and dIspatch calls for service 111 a timely, safe, orderly and whcn necessary expeditious manner. AdvIse cItizens callmg 111 for scrvice of any nccessary response delays, and provide follow- up calls for reVISIOns as necessary Provide dIrectIon and referrals to citizens reqUlrmg mfonnatlOn orresources thatthe City or the Police Dcpartment cannot prOVIde. . Perform computer mqumes and entnes for department personnel. Monitor and update as necessary mfol111atlon mto the computer aided dIspatch system. Increase the overall effiCIency of commumcatJons through automatIon and mechamzatlon. . Create an atmosphere that IS conducive to commumty ll1volvemcnt. . Promote and mamtam effcctlve worklllg relatlOnsrups wlthlll the department and adjacent agencIes. 2004 Achievements: Completed the mstallatlOn ofthe radio system bi- directiOnal amplifier mSlde the emergency room area of Lutheran MedIcal Center, mcreaslllg the pubhc safety radIO Signal strength l11slde the building. . Completed thc radiO covcrage study; acting on recommendatIons from the study that willllnprove both Signal coverage and Illteroperablllty WIth surroundmg pubhc safety agencIes. Upgraded the telephone and computer aided dIspatch systems to enable the commumcatlOns center to receIve and process Phase II cellular locatIon l11fonnatlon from Wireless callers. Completed the uPb'Tade to the new backup power generator, and panel sWltchlllg system to msure the Illtegnty ofthe communicatIOns center and aSSOCIated equipment. Contmued to meet servIce level expectatIons with reduced staffing throughout the year 2005 Objectives: Contmue to uPb'Tade the electncal and mechall1cal issues IdentIfied m the 2002 UPS Study Contmue to proVIde quahty pubhc safety police and fire dispatching WIth reduced personnel. Contlllue the upgrade to a radIO system that wIll proVIde rehable coverage and Illteroperablhty Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $487,817 $526,932 $506,732 $543,147 Materials & Supplies $2,819 $2,200 $2,200 $400 Other Services & Charges $117,361 $52,018 S52,018 $169,450 Capital Outlay $17,494 $0 $0 SO TOTAL $625,491 $581,150 $560,950 $712,997 112 Police f)l'partmellt Communicatio/ls 111-2114 Total 2005 Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 76.20'0 I'vIaterials & SupplIes 0.100 Other Services & Charges 23 gO/o Did you know... The City's Publtc Safety CommunIcatIons Ccnter handles bctween 1,800 and 2,000 E-911 calls per month. 113 Police Dl'partllll'llt Rl'("()rds Sl'ctio/l II 1-2116 RecOl'ds Section Overview: . Process, mamtam, and archIve all police reports and related documents. Provide police reports as requested to all cItlzcns, msurance companIes and other government agencIes. Enter cnme mfom1ation into State computers for State and Federal statistics. . Contmue to develop and unplement unproved automated procedures. Bond pnsoners III cooperatiOn with other law enforcement agencies. Fingerprint cItizens for vanous licenses and job related reqUIrements. ASSIst citizens with theIr police related questions or refer them to the appropnate bureau, City departn1entoragency Release Illfom1atlon to Wheat RIdge reSIdents m accordance WIth Colorado state law on registered sex offenders. . Mamtam mfom1atlon on weapons demal subjects as receIved from the Colorado Bureau of InvestigatIOn (CBI). . Perform bookkeepmg and bilhng functIOns for appropnate ordmances. . ArchIve police reports in accordance With all apphcable state statutes III regard to retentIOn, dcstlUctlon and preservation of public records. Perform lU11lted background checks for the mihtary and other cnmmal Justice agenCIes. Perfornl CB] fireann and person clearances for local pawn shops to comply WIth firearm statutes. 2004 Achievements: Utlhzed LaserFlche software to scan pohce records for retentIon. . Automated the Records Bureau report processmg by mcorporatlllg the wrreless submIssIon of police reports trom the mobile field computers. 2005 Objecthes: . Orgalllze the pennanent retention police record files for efficiency and security Contmue scannmg police records mto LaserFiche to conserve storage space and to llnprove records search capabllltlcs. . Begm workl11g towards Colorado CertIfied Records Network CertIfications for records staff. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $215,325 $193,292 $193,292 $204,187 Materials & Supplies $] 1,512 $13,800 $]3,500 $SOO Other Services & Charges '1>439 $100 $0 $20,000 Capital Outlay $4,950 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $232,226 $207,192 $206,792 $224,987 114 Police Departme/1t Hew,."s Sectio/1 111-2IJ6 Total 2005 Budget h~' Ohject Personnel ServIces -: 9076"" I Matenals & Supphes 0.3600 Other ServIces & Charges 8.890,,, Did you know... Records stafffingerpnnt 380 cItIzens, process 25,000 police reports and respond to 4,000 requests for copIes of pollee rep0l1s yearly \15 Polil"l' Dl'pl/rtl/ll'l1t Training III-HI'" Trainin(J '" Overview: Process all trd1111llg requests for Police Department employees. . Seek special needs/requested tramlllg per the Tralll111gAssessment Form. . Develop annual in-servIce tra111mg. Coordlllate WIth smaller outside agencies to partIcipate m our annual In-Service T ra111mg. Maintam a traming history for each pohce depat1ment employee. . Mallltalll Ill-house trainmg and reference matenals. PartIcipate III the FIeld Trallllllg Officer (FTO) program. . Oversee Pohce TechmClan(s) progress dunng Police Academy Trammg. . Serve as lIatson between Pohce Department and Pohce Academy. Arrange for WRPD Instructors to tralll at the Police Academy as requested. . Coordinate all, and facilitate portiOns, of the Nev. Officer Onentatlon Program. EqUIp and outfit al1 new officers. Manage the requests for the repaIr/replacement of damagedlwom equIpment and umforms. AssIst WIth the PIO representatIOn for the department. 2004 Achie, ements: HIred two police techmclans to attcnd the Jefferson County Police Academy . HIred thrce certIfied polIce officers tor the FTO program. Certlficd a maJonty ofthe department in usmg Tasers safely Purchased additIOnal Taser units and eqUIpment for the entIre department. . ProVIded federally sponsored tralll111g in weap- ons of mass destruction for all pohce officers. Actively partIcIpated m the management and dls- semlllatlon process of grant momes from POST and the federal government to proVIde tralllmg. 2005 Objectives: Provide Illtenslve tralllIng in performance and ac- countabilIty for supervIsors. CoordInate and fund exceptIOnal trallllllg oppor- tumtles for police department employees. Reduce trammg costs by hostmg semInars at the pohce department to receIve free spots in the class. C oordlllate efforts With supervIsors to bnng "hot topic tralmng" to briefing. . ProVIde ill-service trammg that is of hIgh value and Impact for our officers and employees . HIre, tralll and eqUIp additIOnal officers to fill all vacant pOSItIons. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $26,673 $47,497 $45,847 $49,734 Materials & Supplies $1,302 $3,000 S2,OOO $3,000 Other Services & Charges $76,080 $87,500 $85,500 $98,500 Capital Outlay $4,177 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $108,232 $ 137,997 $133,347 $151,234 116 I'olicl' Depllrtment TmininK fll_2117 MaterIals & SupplIes - 2.00'0 Tutal2005 Budget hy Ohject Other Services & Charges 65 ]0'0 Personne I Services 32.90'0 Did you know... In 2004, of al1mcldents whcre Tascrs \\cre used to control combatIve sllspects, no officcrs or suspects receIved any Iluunes. 117 PI/licl' [)eparfllle/lt Patrol 111-211 Overview: . ProvIde response to emergency calls 111 under four mll1utes. Provide aggressIve, yet fair and Impartial, enforcement of all the laws of the City, State and Federal Governments. . Dcploy and utilIze resources and personnel to best meet the needs of the citizens of Wheat RIdge and the Issues at hand. PartiCIpate III countYWide committees and orgamzatlons and commw11ty meetll1gs to enhance the level of servIces to the CITIzens of Wheat RJdge. Patrol 2004 Achie\ ements: . Implemented strategIc plan that was developed 1I1 2003 . Meet the needs of CItIzens, cven With rcduced staffing levels. . Developed and presented a commu11lty presentatIon program designed to educatc the CITIzens of Wheat RIdge on the impact they would feel due to reductIons in staff. 2005 Objectives: . Increase staffing back to 2002 levels. Rell1state elImll1ated programs WIth new personnel. ProVIde servIce levels that the citIzens of Wheat RIdge are accustomed to and expect. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $2,631,181 $2,382,065 $2,382,065 $2,505,048 Materials & Supplies $36,340 $39,527 S39,497 $39,5~O Other Services & Charges $22,442 $32,250 $32,250 $20,400 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $23,600 TOTAL $2,689,963 $2,453,842 $2,453,812 $2,588,578 118 Ptllicl' J)l'f/urtllll'lIt Patrol 111-2/1 TotaI2(){)5 Budget b~ Objc(.t Personnel ServIccs 90.80'0 I Charges 080"0 Materials & --- SupplIes Capital Outlay 1.50'0 09'\, Because of a dedlcatcd and profeSSIOnal Patrol DIVIsIon, Wheat Ridge citizens were mostly unaffected by thc decreased staffing \cvelm the police departmcnt. lt9 PoliCl' Dcpartmellt IIIVl'stigatiol1S III -2 12 Investiuations h Overview: InvestIgate all senous crnrunal actlVIty m the CIty of Wheat RIdge mcluding sex assaults, robbenes, burglanes and illegal drug activIty Secure, prcserve and l11ventory over 20,000 pIeces of property and eVIdence collected mmually Analyze, Illterpret and testIfy to vanous types of forenSIc eVIdence. . Perform background investigatIons on Police applicants. Attend and conduct traming classes. Analyze and interpret crunlllal pattems and predIct future problem areas. 2004 Achievements: Conducted complete assessment of eVIdence storage protocolmcluding a eomplete Illventory and asslgrm1ent of bar code Identifiers to all eVIdentiary Items and a retoollllg of the pol1cy and procedures used to handle eVIdence Evaluated and purchased a digital mug shot Identd'icat!on system. EqUIpped all urm1arked vehIcles With emergency waming eqUIpment. . Selected and tramed a new laboratory Detective. The lab team now has two fully trallled Detect!ves to conduct forenSIc examinations of cnme scenes. Introduced comprehenSIve trammg probrram for ne\\< Detectives. Developed streamlIned economIc cnme reportmg protocol for cltlzens. Obtallled an automated fingerpnnt Ident!ficatlon system (valued at $70,000 00) from the 1" Judicial Dlstnct Attomey's Office. Installed new shelvlllg III the property room for eVIdence storage and preservatIOn improving evidence accountability. . . . 2005 Objectives: Replace all general crime scene still photography eqUIpment WIth dIgital camera technolob'Y . Mamtain tramlllg for current staff and fOffi1al1ze trallllllg requirements for all members of the Bureau. . Install VIsual notIficatIOn system for mterview rooms. . Upgrade polYbrraph examinatIon system. . Upgrade buddmgs and storage faClhty for evidence at Public works sIte. . Assess availability and feasibility of computerized composite drawmgs for suspect IdentificatIOn and software for tracking organized crimmal actIVity Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $1,037,341 $1,157,954 $1,038,245 $] ,041 ,687 Materials & Supplies $10,413 $13,0]0 $]3,010 $9.550 Other Services & Charges S25,755 $32,715 S28,735 $23,295 Capital Outlay $6,442 $5,000 $5,000 $13,500 TOTAL $1,079,951 $1,208,679 $],084,990 $1,088,032 120 Police J)el'artmellt Investigation,...' () /-212 Total 2005 Budget b) Object PerSllnne I Servl ces 95 70'0 I Capital Outlay 1.20'0 Other Services & Charges 2.10'0 Materials & Supplies O.90'n Did you know... The Inveshgatlons Bureau bandIed approxImately 2,200 cases 111 2004, 190 more cases than 2003. 121 Po/iCl' Dl'partllll'1lt 7i'ufJit" Elltim'l'IlIl'11t Ii 1-213 Traffic Enforcement Overvie" : . Work closely with community on selectIve traffic enforcement areas and problems. Analyze accident data and detem1111e senous accident locatIons and take actIOn to reduce thosc numbers. Enforce school zones to reduce accIdents and Illjuries around schools. Reduce the number of abandoned automobiles in the CIty Coordl11ate traffic related Issues wIth the City T rdffic Engineer. Work with the Department of TransportatIOn to target overweight tractor/tra1ler ngs on our streets and hIghways. Train our Traffic Umt personnel to become "cxperts" in theIr field. 2004 Achievements: Increased Visibility III the neighborhoods and on major east and west thoroughfares. Increased the levels of certIficatIOn III aCCIdent reconstruction for all officers In the Traffic Unit. . ContInued hIgh VIsibility in the area of overweight truck InspectIons. 2005 Objectives: . ReaSSlb'll three officers back In the traffic umt. . Fill a vacant fourth pOSItion on the umt WIth a motor officer. . Work WIth the communIty m reducmg traffic related Issues III neighborhoods. Contlllue to target overweIght trucks on the major thoroughfares and 1-70 . Work with other Jefferson County la~ enforcement agencIes to target DUI dnvers. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $360,886 $249,442 $254,65 ] $223,335 Materials & Supplies $0 $0 SO $0 Other Services & Charges $2,491 $6,100 $3,600 $5,800 Capital Outlay $3,995 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $367,372 $255,542 $258,251 $229,135 122 ['(i/iCl' DeparTlIlent T!'affit' Enflll'Cl'/IIl'nr 0/-213 Total 2005 Budget b~ Ob.;cct Personne I ScrVlces 97.50.'0 Other Services & Charges 2.50/0 Did you know... The three officers and sergeant from the Traffic Umt wcrc temporanly reassIgned to Patrol In May of2004 Up until that tunc, the Umt accounted for 550/0 ofthe department's traffic CItatIOns, 123 Policl' Dl'purtllll'llt Spl'ciulllll'l'.,.til:utioIlS 111-214 Special Investigations Overview: . Investigate drug, hquor and vice cnmes. Partner with the West Metro Drug Task Force ASSIst the Patrol Bureau with drug related actlvlty Provide a proactlve approach to reduce unlawful controlled substance sale and use as well as vice related cnmc. ProVIde mtelllgence and undercover options to other sections wlthm the department. Conduct baekt,'Tounds of liquor hcense applicants and act on violatIons at hcensed establishments. Support the InvestlgatlOns Bureau on majorcrm1e mveshgatlons. . . . 2004 Achievements: . The West Metro Drug Task Force made 5XlJ arrests from January through July of2004 for drug related actIvity 59 of those arrests occurred 111 Wheat RIdge SeIzed over 55 pounds of illegal drugs through July 2004 2005 Objectives: . C ontlllue to suppress illegal drug, Vice, and hquor actIvity and to arrest crimmals engaged in such actlvlty Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $139,864 $212.245 $210,235 $222,962 Materials & Supplies $0 $200 $200 $200 Other Services & Charges $]7,419 $18,250 S16,99R $18,250 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $157,283 $230,695 $227,433 $24],412 124 Po!iCl' Dl'Jlu/"tIl1l'1I1 SJll'ciulllll'l'st~~uti(}IIS tJ 1-214 Total 2005 Budgct by Object Pcrsonnel SerVIces 92.40'0 Other Services & Charges 760/0 Materials & - Supplies o 10/0 Did you know... ManJuana IS sti]] thc number one illcgal substance taken by detcctlvcs, to]]owed by Methamphctamme and Coca me. 125 I'o/ia Dl'partllll'/lt E/lIl'IXl'/lq Operatio/ls 111-215 Emergenc) Operations Overview: The program CO\ ers the expense, for the Jefferson Adams County' Hazmat T calll affiliation: exercise desl!:,'11 and 1111plclllentatlon. and the haz- ardous \\aste faCIlity costs. The update of the emergency plan and mIDual excrCIse are on-go- mg actIVItIes. 2005 Objectives: . PartICipate m Emergcncy OperatIon Center ex- erclsc. 2004 Achievements: PaI11CIpateclm grant sponsorcd multI-county, multI-Juns(hctiOnall1lock aIr disaster ExtensIve planning wenlmto the exercIse wlllch was held at the Jeffeo Fmr!:"Tounds. . Attended feclerally sponsored ITaJ11lng in weap- ons of mass destruction. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $0 $0 SO $0 Materials & Supplies $1,599 $ 11,200 $l,200 $3,200 Other Services & Charges $17,331 $20,000 $20,000 $20,000 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $18,930 $31,200 $21,200 $23,200 126 Polkc f)cparTmellt EIIIl'I'gl'IlCY OJll'ratiOll,' (11-215 Total2lHl5 Budgd by Object Other Services & Charges X6.20/o Matenals & Supplies 13 8~o - Did you know... Several memhers of the police department partIcIpate on the Urban Area Seeunty 1I1ltwtive (UASIl committees whIch overseemilhons m federal grant fundmg for eqUIpment and training. 127 Polia [)epartllll'1lt 2tJ()5 1tloptetl Bud}:l't 128 PLTBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Overview: . Mamtalll and 1ll1prove ofthe City's IllfTastructure. . Mamtam over 230 pIeces of City fleet and power eqUIpment, 130 mlles of streets and 36 miles of storm sewers throughout the CIty . Assistthe Community Development Department III rev iew of commerelal and resIdentIal development projects and buildIng permIt applications. . Admll1lster and revIew aU constructIon activitIes wlthm the street nghts-of-way 2004 Achievements: . Implemented a new snow and Ice control program, whleh utihzes hqUld and b'Tanular deicers. . Designed and managed the constructIOn of approximately $3 0 milhon in street, stoml sewer and buildmg Improvements. Implemented the Phase II Storm water Management Program. 2005 Objectives: . Estabhsh a stormwater utIlity to fund the Stormwater Management Program. . Expand the use of hqUld deicers through acqUIsition of addItional snow and Ice treatment eqUIpment. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $1,816,256 $1,553,254 $1,547,336 $] ,678,487 Materials & Supplies $283,511 $351,700 $350,600 $453.1 00 Other Services & Charges $552,678 $625,500 $579,300 $723,300 Capital Outlay $74,355 $427,800 $197,337 $355,300 TOTAL $2,726,800 $2,958,254 $2,674,573 $3,210,187 129 Public Harks Del'/lrtIllL'lIt Total 2005 Budget by Object Matenals & Suppl1es 14 10'0 PersOlmel Servlccs 52.3% Othcr ServIces & Charges 22.500 Capital Outlay 11 100 Staffing (t'ulI-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authori7.ed Authorized Administration 2 .., 1 1 Engineering 135 9 II 12 Operations 13 10 16 16 Traffic Maintenance 7.5 5 0 0 l<leet Maintenance 4 4 0 0 Traffic Engineering 0 3 0 0 Total 40 33 28 29 OlfedorofPubl,cWorks Ailmlm~ra1lVeAssls1anl 130 Pllblic n/lr"s J)cl'artme/lf Total Buduet Iw Prouram ~ . ,.., 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Adminis tration $184,073 $121,764 $121,264 $125,051 Engineering $586.460 $768,531 $763,331 S955,824 Operations $898,426 $2,067,959 $1,789,978 $2,129,3 12 Traffic Maintenance $193,641 $0 $0 SO Fleet Maintenance $378,924 $0 $0 $0 Traffic Engineering $485,276 $0 $0 $0 Total $2,726,800 52,958,254 $2,674,573 $3,210,187 Total 2005 Budget by Program Administration 3 9ll,o EngIneering 29 80/0 Operations 66 30/" Each year, 15 million rall1drops stlike each square foot ofland III Wheat Ridge. 131 PI/Mil' /Jor/is Department eli/millistratioll (l1-.UiI Administration Overview: ProVIde dIrection to the PublIc Works Department. Implement the poliCIes of the City and the CIty Manager. . Direct the implementatIon of assignments from the City Manager . Prepare the annual budget for revIew by the City Manager. 2004 Achievements: Implemented eross-traming programs m the Engineermg and OperatIons Groups. C ompletcd all projects on tune and under budget. 2005 Objectives: Establish a storm water utility . Contmue to develop a high level of conmmnicahon between the Department and the City'S cItIzens. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $18],206 $118,564 $118,564 $121,851 Materials & Supplies $2,2]3 $0 $0 $0 Other Services & Charges $654 $3,200 $2,700 $3,200 Capital Outlay $0 SO $0 $0 TOTAL $ I 84,073 $]21,764 $121,264 $125,051 132 PIIIJ/ic IJOl't.s Dl'I'Urfllll'llt fdmillistmfioll 11/-3111 Total 2005 Budget by Object Personnel Services 974()0 Other Services & Charges 2.60'0 Did you know... The City uses only four snowplows to clear the streets ofWhcat Ridge. 133 Publie H/lrh Depllrtme/lt E/lgill('('J"ill~ 0/-3112 Engineering Overview: . Revle", proposed development construction documents such as: roadway desli:,TJ1 plans, grading and dramage plans, and final dralllage reports for complIance wIth City speCifications. Plan and admll1lster the desli:,TJ1, maintenance and construction of street, drainage, traffic improvements projects and preventive street mamtenance projects that are idcntified in the Capital Investment Program. Provide surveymg servIces for deSIgn and constructJon. . Process right-of-way construction penmts and approve traffle control plans. Respond to servIce requests as reqUired. Support the Commulllty Development Department on proposed developments matters related to engllleenng. 2004 Achievements: . Implemented the Phase II Stormwater Managemcnt Program. . DeSIgned and managed the constructIOn of over $3.0 million Il1 street, storm sewer and bUlldlllg Improvements. . FacilItated the mcluslon ofnght-of-way maps and traffic count mfom1atlon on the City's webslte. Created the Pubhe Works Development ReVIew pages on the City's webslte. 2005 Objectives: Fully cross-tralll Staff. . Begll1 planl11ng for major storm se",er 1111provement projects. Continue the proactIve street repair and overlay program. Continue to Implement the new Stormwater Management Program. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $558,402 $649,731 $645,731 $716,324 Materials & Supplies $4,769 $R,200 $7,000 $32,1 00 Other Services & Charges $23,2l:\9 $110,600 $110,600 $198,100 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $9,300 TOTAL $586,460 $76R,53 ] $763,331 $955,824 134 Pllhlic Ilork, Deparfllll'1It ElIl:illeaillg 01-302 Total 2005 Budget h) Object Personnel ServIces ~ 7490'0 Matenals & Supplies 3400 CapItal Outlay I 00'0 Other Services & Charges 20 70'0 There are approximately 50U VISits per month to the Public Works Department pages on the City website 135 Public "orks Dl'purtllll'nt Opautions 11/-3113 Operations Overview: Provide routllle and preventative mallltenance senilces for streets, alleys, stoml drams and walkways wlthm the public nghts-of-way . Manage over 230 pIeces of CIty fleet and power eqUIpment. ProvIde snow removal and Ice control on CIty streets. 2004 Achievements: . Implemented a new snow and Ice control program, whIch utilizes hqUld and granular deIcers. Renewed the pavemcnt marklllgs at over 70 intersectIons throughout the CIty . Perfom1ed more than 4,000 hours of cross- trammg wlthm the OperatIons Group Mallltamed 130 mIles of streets and 36 mIles of storm sewers WIthout major Illcldents. 2005 Objectives: Establish a storm sewer mamtenance program. . Establish a traffic Slb'11almallltenance probrrdm. . Contmue to perform needed mamtenance ofthe City's IllfTastructure. . Replace the followlllg City eqUIpment: four patrol sedans, one patrol S UV, one Pubhc Works dump truck WIth plow, one Parks pIckup WIth plow, one Parks Pld."llp, and one Buildmg DIviSiOn pIckup. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $1,076,648 $784,959 $783,041 $840,312 Materials & Supplies $276,529 $343,500 $343,600 $42] ,000 Other Services & Charges $528,735 $511,000 $466,000 $522,000 Capital Outlay $74,355 $428,500 $197,337 $346,000 TOTAL $1,956,267 $2,067,959 $1,789,978 $2,129,312 136 PIIIJ/il' Hor!.s lJl'partl1ll'llf OJll'ratiollS 01-303 Total 2005 Budget by Object Matenals & Supphes It) goo I Personnel ServIces - 39.50'0 CapItal Outlay ] 6.20'0 Did you know... A typical traffic Si!:"l1al eycles every 100 sec- onds, that IS 864 cycles each day Other ServIces & Charges 24.50'0 137 Pllblic HOl'k\ Dl'pllrtllll'1lI 211115 -Idoptl'd Blldgl'1 138 PARKS AND RECREATIO:\' DEPARTMENT Overview: . Serve as the leisure, recreational, and mfom1atlonal resource for the resIdents of Wheat Ridge, stnvmg to meet the physIcal, sOCIal and cultural needs ofthe commumty Acquire, desIgn and construct parks, trails and open space areas and facilities. Maintain parks, tralls and open space sItes and recreatIon faCIlitIes. Manage recreatIon facihtles, including the Wheat RIdge RecreatIon Center, Wheat Ridge Semor Center, Anderson Bullding and outdoor pool, RIchards Hart Estate and the Ye Olde Firehouse. Develop departmental policy Supervise Park, Forestry, Open Space and RecreatIon DIvIsIons. 2004 Achievements: . Installed bal1 field IIghtmg for two fields at CreekSIde Park. . Replaced Clear Creek Trail - Anderson Park to Charlie Brown Bndge. Selected public art sculpture for mstallatlOn at Founders' Park. . Selected and mstalled art mural at the Wheat RIdge Recreation Center Constructed parkmg lot at Randall Park. . Assessed outdoor sWlmmmg pool renovatIon needs. Implemented restructunng of Parks, Forestry and Open Space DIVISIon. AcqUIred parkland through Jefferson County Open Space Developed master plan for slgnage for the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. . . 2005 Objectives: . Develop master plan Anderson Park. Renovate Randall Park to Illclude Imgatlon deSign, sewer Illle and multi purpose court. . DeSIgn and fabncate slgnage for the Wheat Ridge Greenbelt. Resurface Prospcct Park tenms court. Implement Joint Venture Grant for a new playground at Stevens Elcmentary . Replace Prospect Park bal1 field lights pole. . Replace Prospect Park playground. . Resurface Clear Creek trall. . Complete Improvements at Anderson Park mcluding Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $2,018,059 $1,728,474 $1,682,141 $1,871,190 Materials & Supplies $176,367 $221,857 $]90.149 S224,40R Other Services & Charges $701,904 $849,068 $827,671 S842,167 Capital Outlay $26,485 $71,393 $60,539 $62,056 TOTAL $2,922,815 $2,870,792 $2,760,500 $2,999,82 ] 139 Parks a/ld Rl'creatioll Total 211115 Budget hy Ohject Persol1l1e I ServIces - 62.40'0 Matcnals & - Supplies 7.50'0 CapItal Outlay 2.10'0 Other Services & Omges 28.10'0 Staffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized ~uthorized Administration 2 2 2 2 Recreation and Marketing 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 Parks Maintenance 15 14 ]4 14 Fores try 7 5 4 4 Open Space 2 2 2 , - Anderson Building 0 0 0 0 Athletics 2 2 2 2 General Programs 1.5 1.5 0 0 Outdoor Pool 0 () 0 0 Senior/Community Center 4.13 4.13 3.03 3.03 Teen Center I 0 () 0 Building Maintenance ] 1 ] ] Total 3713 33 13 30.13 30.13 Note Staffing numbcrs lI1dude full-timc and part-tlmc bcncfitcd cmployees only The Rcercation (entcr hires numerous seasonal, intellllittent. temporary and contract employees throughout the year to fillliteguard positions. program instruc- tors. tramers, ete Director of Parks & Recreatiol1 Administrative Assistant General Program Supervisor AlhlelicProgram Supervisor Recreation Manager Senior Program Supervisor Aquatics Supervisor Parks, Forestry Open5pace Manager FacilitiesOperalions Supervisor 140 Parks amI Reaeatio/l Total Budoct bv ProOf'am ~ .' ~ 2003 2004 2004 2005 <\ctual Adjusted E~timated <\dovted Administration $1i\6.860 $18lJ48 $177,'J24 $185,619 Recreation $177.077 S186,162 $163-952 5184,9')1 Parks 1\1aintenance SLll5J57 S\,070,528 $1.090.171 $L145,448 Forestry $312.%4 $284.365 $252.981 $31 !J89 Ooen Space $128.(l42 $136.679 $135.384 $\35,')15 o\nderson Building $52.683 $76.63') $75,785 $74,77\ Athletics $172.187 $167,495 $l~3,,)17 S 174,535 General Programs S84,775 $0 $0 $0 Outdoor Pool $64.765 $115.164 $7').341 $109,040 Senior/Community Center $328.130 $348,456 $327.604 $347.606 Teen Center $0 $0 $0 $0 Building Maintenance $2C)C),975 $303,956 $303,441 $330,707 Total $2,922,815 $2,1\70,792 $2.760,5()() $2,c)c)9,821 Total 2005 Budget by Pl'ogram Bldg. Mamt. Sr./Comm Center ] I O~'o 11 6~0 I ,I Adm 6.200 Athletics 5 80'0 Recreation 6.20/0 Outdoor Pool 360'0 1 Anderson Bldg. 2.50;0 Open Space 4.5% Parks Mamt. 38.2% Forestry 1 O.4~o Did you know... The Parks and RecreatIon Department recelved a Selentific and Cultural Facilities Grant 11l the amount of$7,800 for a public art project located at the Recreatlon Center. 141 ['arks and Recreation Idministration 111-61J1 Administration Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $156,469 $150,822 $151,315 S157,099 Materials & Supplies $4,314 $6,916 $2,999 $4,900 Other Services & Charges $26,077 $23,610 $23,610 $23,620 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $ 186,860 $ 1 81,348 $177,924 $11\5,619 Total 2005 Budget b) Object Personnel Services ~, \ 8460;(, ' Matenals & Supplies 2.6010 I CapItal Outlay om'o Other ServIces & Charges 12.70'0 142 Did you know... The Parks and RecreatIon Departmcnt rccclVcd !,.'Tunts totaling S 194, I 00 from Jefferson County Opcn Spaee and the Great Outdoors Colorado to resurface a portion ofthe Clear Creck Trail. Purh und Rl'C/"l'ution lllllS ,1doptl'd Hudr.:l't 143 Parks and Rarl'lItiol1 Rl'CI"l'atillll O/-61J:! Recreation Overview: Supcrvlslon, adl11lllIstratlOn and managcment of the Recreation DivIsIOn which mcludes operatIon and programmmg of the RecreatIon Center, Sel1lor/Community Centcr, outdoor pool and thc aquatIcs, athletIcs and general recreatIon prol:,'Tams. SupervIse the Marketlllg Coordinator. ProVIde qualIty customer servIce. . Develop and momtor budget expendItures and revenues for the Recreation DIvIsion. 2004 Achievements: Completed nSlllg damp assessment at the RIchards Hart Estate and received recommended solutions to the problem. . Worked wIth Public Works to secure the purchase of a wheel-chmr accessible van for RecreatIon programs. Evaluated the layout ofthe activIties gUlde to make best use of space and to better market recreation programs and facihtles. . PartIcIpated in the development of a part-time employee pay plan. Proactlvely contacted prospectIvc bndes by e- marl and mall to market the Recreation Ccnter for weddmg receptIons. 2005 Objectives: . Develop a comprehenSIve program evaluatIon tool that will assIst staff III provldlllg the hIghest quality, most cost effective and most requested prol:,'Tams. Develop customer servIce standards for the Reereatlon DIvIsion. . Develop a capital Improvement plan for Recreation DIVISIon facilities. . Coordmate a marketmg plan WIth the SeDlar Commumty Center staff to help promote programs, the faCIlIty and develop an Identity withm the COnU11Ul11ty Work With web master to refine the Parks and Recreation pages that wIll prOVIde the best promotion opportumties. Create key messages that should be conveyed to the public III all commumcatlOns pIeces. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $99,69] $94,074 $93,337 $ 1 0 I ,608 Materials & Supplies $26,094 $31,669 $27,796 $33,075 Other Services & Charges $51,292 $60,419 $42,819 $50,308 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $177,077 $186,162 $163,952 $184,991 144 Parks alld Recreatioll Real't/lioll 111-602 Personnel ServIces 54.90'0 Total 2005 Budget by Object MatenaL~ & Supplies 1790'0 Other SerYlces & Charges 27.20;0 The RecreatIOn Division employees between 225 - 275 part-time hourly employees, dependmg on the season. 145 Parks alld {{l'<Teat;oll Par/..\ MaillTella/1('e 111-6113 Parks Maintenance Overvie\\ : . Provide a safe envIronment for users of Clty- owncd developed park land and faCIlitIes. . Mallltain all landscapes at city parks and facilities. MamtamlITigation systems m parks. 2004 Achievements: Continued to use best management practices to conservc water m parks, restrooms and the Wheat Ridge Muruclpal SWIllIDllng Pool. . Incorporated the drought response plan for parks and playmg fields for thIrd year. Renovated turf areas damaged from drought through weed control, fertIlizatIOn, aeration and lmgatIon, reseedmg and resoddmg. Resodded Anderson Park Soccer FIeld. Partially resodded Andcrson Park Baseball Field. Resodded north football field at Prospect Park. . Reseeded area around pavilion in Anderson Park. Topdressed and overseeded the soccer field at the Wheat Rldgc RecreatIon Center. . Integrated the mamtenanee of Founders' and CreekSide Parks mto dmly operatIons. Assumed ball field mamtenance program responsibilities. Mallltamed 381h Ave Strcetseape. . Complcted demolition project of small storage buildmg at 441h and Kendall park land. 2005 Objectives: UtIlize the mfonl1atlOn gathered from work tasks and mallltenanee levels to improve effiCIency . Utlllze the Illformatlon gathered from the eqUIpment replacement plan to lIlcrease safety and relIability . Implement TurfMamtenance Plan objectIves to complete renovation ofturf areas damaged from drought and to Improve mallltenance practIces. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $770,234 $707,915 $707,915 $789,996 Materials & Supplies $39,134 S62,015 $52,015 $52,015 Other Services & Charges $285,383 $326,282 $325,179 $279,981 Capital Outlay $20,606 $5,400 $5,062 $23,456 TOTAL $1.I15,357 $1,101,6]2 $ \,090,171 $1,145,448 146 Parks and Rl'crl'atio/1 PUI'I,s Mailltl'Jl(III('l' 01-6113 l{)tal 2005 Budget by Ob.ieet Personnel ServIces - 69 0010 Matenals & - SupplIes 4.50'0 Capltal Outlay 2,()0,0 Other ServIces & Charges 2440'0 Did you know... The CIty of\Vheat Ridge has a nationally certIfied playground 11lspector 147 Park, UIIII RI'("/"l'utiol/ Forl'S(1J' III-MI.J Forestry Overview: ProvIde plannIng and mamtenance for trees and otherplantmatenal on all pubhc nght-of-way and cIty-owned property to ensure a safe and beautiful tree cover . License tree and lawn care compal11es domg busmess withm the City limits. 2004 Achievements: Worked WIth best management practices to keep trees and plant matenal alive dunng water restrictIons and Imgation reductIons. Improved the Arbonst LIcense process for tree care compal1les. Improved the process tortrm1mmg and removal of trees m parks and nght-of-ways. . Replanted trees and performed major a cleanup WIth the Mile HIgh Youth Corps at Fruitdale Park. . Replanted trees and re-Iandscaped areas of the Wheat RIdge RecreatIOn Center WIth the Mile High Youth Corps. . RedeSIgned and replantcd annual beds at City Hall, the Wheat Ridge RecreatIon Center, the Richards-Hart Estate, the Commumty Center and 38th Avenue. Celebrated the 25th Anmversary ofthc City of Wheat RIdge as a Tree City USA on Arbor Day . Retamed Display Garden status WIth All Amenca Selections at Happllless Garden. . Rewrote specificatiOns for forestry servIces bId to Illclude tree plantmg and tub h'Tmdmg. Replace both warranty and non-warranty trees on 29th Avenue, Harlan Street walk, 38th Avenue and Ward Road. 2005 Objectives: Cont1l1ue to work wlth1l1 hmitatlOns of water restrictions, keeplllg all park landscapes safe and usable Replace damaged and destroyed trees 111 the parks and on streets from 2003 snowstorm. Complete educatIOnal gardens at Richards-Hart Estate for the pubhcs viewing enjoyment. . Work WIth Colorado State Forest ServIce to conduct tree 1I1ventories III parks and right-of- ways WIthin the City . Stay current WIth drought-related insect and disease Illfom1atlon and treatments. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $271,568 $156,217 $156,217 $167,671 Materials & Supplies $1 ],386 $9,718 59,6]8 $25,527 Other Services & Charges $30,0 I 0 $87,346 $87,146 $117,991 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $312,964 $253,281 $252,981 $311,189 148 Parks & Recreation f orl'stl'\" Ii I-M/4 Personnel ServIces 53 9~0 l__ Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Matenals & Supplies 8.20'0 Other SerYlces & Charges 37 900 The CIty of Wheat Ridge celebrated its 25th anniver- sary as a Tree CIty USA. 149 Park\ alld Recrl'illioll Opl'/l Spat"(' 111-6115 Open Space Overview: . Provide environmental educatIon, natural resource management informatIOn and volunteer opportumtles for open space vIsitors. Manage the City'S natural resources, open space areas, related traIl facilitIes and VIsItors through the effcctnie usc of available resources. 2004 Achievements: . Completed SIgn Master Plan WIth consultant. Completed trail constructIon from Hoyt Street to Charlie Brown Bndge. Completed the revegetatIOn of the trail margins for both 2003 and 2004 traIl construction projects WIth assIstance from Mile High Youth Corp and a contractor . Contmued noxIous weed control WIth staff and contractor III open space lands. ParticIpated In the first Denver metro BiObhtz; a survey of plant SpCCICS and wIldlife. Cooperated WIth Urban Dralllage to alter mowlllg schedule for Purple LoosestrIfe controL for debris removal and with a bank stabilization project. Replaccd and Installed of split rail fence off Moore Street and at the Miner Trailhead. 2005 Objectives: Implement the SIgn Master Plan. . ]mtiate a GPS photographic Jtnked record of natural resources. ProVIde environmental educatIon and volunteer opportumtles to Citizens. . Repair of portions of crusher fines trail III the conservatIon area between Mlller Street and Youngfie\d Street. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $100,759 $93,204 $92,084 $99,105 Materials & Supplies $6,50] $11,600 $11,600 $10,500 Other Services & Charges $20,782 $31,875 $3],700 $26,3 10 Capital Outlay $0 $0 SO $0 TOTAL $128,042 $136,679 $135,384 $135,915 150 Parks and Recrl'atio/l 01'l'1l SpaCl' Oi-605 TIltal201l5 Budget by Ohject Personnel Sen1ces - 72.900 Matenals & Supplies 770'0 Charges 19.4"0 In order to control noxIous weeds and manage our City'S natural resources thc City uses multI-pronged or [PM mterb'Taded pest manage- ment approach. \5\ Parks lIlld Recreation 4/1t1l'r.\ol/ 8l1ihlim; 111-6211 Anderson Building Overview: . ProvIde mdoor actIvity space for Parks and Recreation programs, commUl11ty proh'T'dmS, local youth groups and pnvate rentals and recreatIon classes and programs Il1cludll1g: Yoga, Karate, ballet, fitness classes, adult basketball and volleyball, Jazzerclse, pre-school gymnastics and other recreatIon classes. ProvIde quality customer servIce. 2004 Achievements: . Increased rental activIty by 100'0. . Resurfaced gym floor. . Better uhtlzed old office space for new recreatIOn programs. 2005 Objectives: . Increase rental actIVIty by an addItIonal 1 00'0. Address Issues with gyrrmaslUm roofleaks. Reorgal1lzc office and lobby for better visual appcarance . Reorgal1lze storage areas to better aceonmlOdate equipment Items. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $]3,029 $\4,106 $14,106 $15,919 Materials & Supplies $0 $206 $0 $0 Other Services & Charges $39,654 $47,327 $47,202 $47,852 Capital Outlay $0 $15,000 $]4,477 $11,000 TOTAL $52,683 $76,639 $75,785 $74,77\ 152 Parks alld Rl'creatio/l 41ldersoll Hui/dill!; 111-6211 Tutal2fl05 Budget by Object Matenals & Supplies - 000'0 Other Semces & Charges 7 5 O~'o PersOlmel ! Servlces _, 25 00'0 - The Andcrson Building ActIVIty Room provides VItal space tor overtlmv programmmg from the Wheat RecreatIon Center, mcludltlg youth fitness, martIal arts, Yoga and Pilates. 153 Parkl Illld Rl'{Tl'iIliOIl tth/l'Iil'.I /11-621 Athletics Overview: Implement and oversee a wIde range of athletIc programs and facIlitIes to meet the necds of partIcIpants of all ages. ProVide qualIty customer servIce. Develop, administer and evaluate athletICS programs. Contract youth sports camps. Adm1ll1ster athletic lea.gues. Coordlllate field use for local youth sports groups. Oversee mdoor and outdoor facilIty use. Manage user fees and collect revenues. 2004 Achievements: ]l1Itlated new programs mcludlllg: preschool tumbling, tree clImblllg, adult kIckball and Scooby 000 Tennis Club Implemented programmmg for CreekSIde Park. Expanded particIpatiOn m the CA.R.A. Track prob'TIlm. Admmlstered customer service tramlllg for part- TIme AthletICS staff. . . . Updated field use polICies for youth groups and general public. Addressed field hght Issues at Wheat Ridge Middle School Completed soccer field rotatIon plan to better prescrve fields. Collected over $1 00,000 00 in revenue . 2005 Objectives: Evaluate youth soccer program for ways to Improve and expand program. . Work With Parks Mamtenance and Jeffco Schools Property Management to Improve sod COndITIOns. Further expand C.A.R.A. Track and FIeld program. . Install portable goals at Paramount Park. . Resolve field light issues at Anderson and Randall Parks. Partner WIth Major League Soccer Camps to gamer additional tralllmg opportumtles for youth coaches. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $147,714 $]41,520 $132,568 $148,072 Materials & Supplies S19,720 $21,750 $] 7,319 $22,238 Other Services & Charges $4,753 $4,225 $4,030 $4,225 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $172,187 $167,495 $153,917 $174,535 154 Parks alld Rl'C/'l'IITiOIl 4th/l'ties 111-621 Total 2005 Budget h~ Ob.iect Personnel Services 84 800 Other Services & Charges 2.40'0 Materials & - Supplies 12.700 Athletic fields m Wheat RIdge are used nine months out of the year and atWetie programs and leagues take place year round. 155 Parh alltl Re(Tl'tltiol1 Olltdoor Pool 111-623 Outdool" Pool Overview: . ProvIde a vanety of programs and servIces to all ages and sWlll1mmg ability Proy Ide a safe and fun envl ronment for recreational sWlll1mmg and quality programmmg. Responsible forthe mamtenance, programmlI1g, scheduling, and public educatIon related to the outdoor pool. . Mamtain safety, guest relatJons, and Leam to SWIm pro b'Tams. Offer programs for certificatIon 111 LIfeguard Tralllll1g, Water Safety Instructor, CPR and First AId, AED, Community FirstAld, Leam to SWIm. 2004 Achievements: . Conducted a safe 2004 scason. Contlllued to work WIth parKs to resolve slldc repmrs. ProVIded ongomg opportunities for stafftrainlllg 111 guest relatJons, life guardll1g skills, emergency actIOn preparedness and water safety instructIon. PrOVIded a Learn-to-Swlm program for community day care centers. Devcloped staff onentatiOn vIdeos and testmg procedures. 2005 Objectives: ProVIde ongOll1g commUlllcatlOn regardll1g the ll1asterplan for Anderson Park. . Continue to proVide trainmg OpportUlutles for staff. . Work With contractors and parks to facil1tate necessary repairs. . Promote commu11lty day care sWIm lesson prob'Tam. . Coordinate and 1l11plcment new aquatIc programs to meet the ongomg needs ofthe community ProVIde quality customer servIce. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $45,487 $66,732 $50,009 $72,992 Materials & Supplies $]4,309 $27,339 $]7,932 $22,848 Other Services & Charges $4,969 $7,500 $7,400 $7,600 Capital Outlay $0 $13,593 $4,000 $5,600 TOTAL $64,765 $115,164 $79,341 $ 1 09,040 156 Park., a/1d Recrl'atio/1 Oatdoor Pool () 1-623 Total 2005 Budget b~c Ohject Personnel ServIces - 70.60'0 Other Services & Charges 7.30;0 The Wheat RIdge LIfe- guard Team won the 2004 Colorado Parks and Recreation Lifeguard Games, competing against 40 other teams. Matenals & Supplies 22.1% 157 Parh al/d RCLTl'atio/l Sl'l/ior/Colllllllll/itr CCI/ter 111-624 Senior/Community Center Overvie\\ : . Stnve to cnhance the qualIty of life for resIdents ages 50 and older by provldll1g opportunities to b'TOW SOCially, stay healthy and be ll1volved 111 the conmmmty by offenng recreatIOnal proh'Tams. ProvIde space for commumty based groups to meet dunng thc evenll1g and wcekend hours at 10\\ costs. Rentthe Ccnter to the public for use for actIvIties such as private partIes, social gathenngs and meetings. Coordmate programs and servIces for semors With other agencIes such as Volunteers of Amcnca, North Jeffco Semor Center and the Seniors' Resource Center (SRC) . Augment fundlllg for Improvements to the Center vIa the Semor Fund and fund rmslllg actIvities. . Market Semor Center programs by producll1g and dlstributmg the "Gateway" newsletter 4 tunes per year, design and dlstributc flyers, and send out press releases. SupervIse and manage the usage ofthe Centcr and oversee the mallltenance of the facility . Provide quality customer service. 2004 Achievements: . Incrcased program offenng for fitness, arts and educatIOn classes. Partnered WIth busll1esses III proVIding workshops of interest to older adults. . UPb'Taded phone system. Repaired portiOns ofthe buildll1g roof. Encoumged partiCIpation m City sponsored public meetll1gs. . Accommodated 3,329 semors on 187 tnps III 2003 (van tnps, walklllg group and extended travel ). 2005 Objectives: Sell advertlslllg space III the "Gateway" newsletter. Contll1ue to strive to build partnershIps WIth area busmesses in offenng programs at low orno costs to the CIty and to seek sponsorsrups for programs. . Make Improvements to Prospect Hall (hghtlllg, acoustICS, sound system and stage) USll1g Semor Fund money Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $255,624 $235,238 $217,924 $245,861 Materials & Supplies $26,531 $24,054 S23,OOO $25,4:15 Other Services & Charges $45,740 S52,764 $50,680 $55,310 Capital Outlay $235 $36,400 $36,000 $2\ ,000 TOTAL $328,130 $348,456 $327,604 $347,606 158 Parks aJld Reaeario/l Senior'Colllfl/rwitl' Cl'ntl'/" (11-62-1 Total 2005 Budgct b~ Objcct Personnel ServIces 70.700 Matcnals & Supplies 7.30'0 Capital Outlay 6.000 I Other ServIces & l Charges 15900 Did you know... There arc between 90-100 volunteers that work at the Italmn Dmner annually to raise funds for the Semor Center. 159 Pal'ks (/fill ReLTl'lltioll BI/ildillg Ht/illtellt/Ilce 111-1/8 Building Maintenance Overview: ProvIde mallltenancc to all mumclpal buildmgs. Purchase and mvcntory all operatll1g supplies. SupervIse and assIst with all eommumty room set- ups at the ReereatiOn Center Schedule and supervIse all outsIde contractors. SupervIse all RecreatIon Ccnter custodial workers. . Contll1ue the upgrade and renovatIOn ofHVAC systems 111 all municipal buildmgs. . SupervIse contractual custodIal servIces for all mlmiclpal buildings. 2004 AchieHments: . Managed flat roof replacement at Senior,' Coml1lumty Center. Managed Phasc I of the City Hall HVAC remodel and upgrade project. 2005 Objectives: . Manage Phase II ofthe CIty Hall HVAC remodel and upgrade project. Replace carpet in the Police Department. . Replace flat roof at CIty Hall. . Continuc hIgh level of customer senilce and buildlllg mamtenance for all staff Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $73,814 $66,666 $66,666 $72,867 Materials & Supplies $27,686 $27,870 $27,870 $27.870 Other Services & Charges $192,831 S208,420 $207,905 $228,970 Capital Outlay $5,644 $1,000 $1,000 $1 ,000 TOTAL $299,975 $303,956 $303,441 $330,707 160 Pt/rAs alld ReU'l't/lioll BllildillK l!aiJITl'lIa/l("l' 01-1/8 Total 2005 Budget h) Object Matenals & Supplies - 8400 Other SerYlces & Charges 69.20'0 Personnel Services ~ 22.00'0 CapItal Outlay 0.30'0 Facihty Maintenance mamtallls54 HVAC units and SIX hot water heaters. 161 1'1II'h.\ IIlld Recrl'atioll 21105 ,Idoptl'd I1l1d~el 162 Recreation Center Fund Overview: The Whcat RIdge RecreatIon (enter IS a state-of..the-art t~lcllltJ located III the heaJ1 ofWhcat Ridge Thc RecreatiOn Center also serves as a business conference center The RccreatlOn Centcr Fund was establishcd through votcr approval ofa ballot questIon to II1crease the sales and use tax rate m November of 1 <)<)7 The fund was approved for the construction and opcratlon of a publiC recreatIon ccnter with actiVitIes tor all ages. FacilitIes at the recreatIOn center Illclude an mdoor wam1 water lelsurc pool, mdoor lap pool, mdoor walk:nm track, i,,')'l1111aSlllm, aerobICS room, \vclght trall1mg area, racquctball courts. clImbmg wall, and mcctmglbanquet faCIlItIes. The 1 '2 "0 retail sales and use tax ratc unposed by the City was effective January I, 1998 and was terminated in March 2()02 when a total of$12,350,OOO had been raised. 2003 2004 2004 2005 <\ctual <\djusted Estimated Adopted BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $2,723,334 $2,509,520 $2,688,453 $2,462,356 REVENUES Facility Operation $1.583.229 $1.755,636 $!, 725.225 $I.749,046 Aquatics $65.638 $72.350 $66.477 $68.077 Fitness $165);1 7 $150,899 $138.936 $\59.715 Therapeutic RecreatIOn $3,646 S8,846 $5.900 $8.500 General Programs $29.552 S72.090 $63 920 $94.556 Interest and MIScellaneous S107.042 $80.000 $115.788 S80,OO() TOTAL REVENUES $4.678,258 $4,649.341 $4,804,699 $4,622,250 EXPENDITURES Facility Operation $1 104,839 $1.134.593 $1.123.517 S1.I91,701 Aquatics $498,1 08 $521.688 $511,420 $586.071 Fitness $285,740 $319.191 $349.203 $318.185 Marketmg $60,120 $73.40 I $65.834 $77.751 Therapeutic Recreation $21.374 $25,685 $24.502 $3 !,O9(, General Programs $37.240 S 130.738 $112.867 $ \ 4X,7<Jn TOTAL EXPENDITURES $2,007,421 $2,205,296 $2,187,343 $2,353,6011 RESERVED MAINTENANCE FB $75,000 $155,000 $155,000 $155,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $2,595,837 $2,289,045 $2,462,356 $2,113.6511 163 Rarl'atio/l Ce/lll'/" Operatio/ls Flllld-6.J Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjustcd Estimated Adopted Personnel Scrvices $1,350,(J23 $1,485,142 $1,4R 1 ,862 $1,653,728 Materials & Supplies $158,304 $161,690 $157,425 $171,762 Other Services & Charges $471 ,464 $486,OR9 S475,681 $505,860 Capital Outlay $27,630 $72,375 $72,375 $22,250 TOTAL $2,007,421 $2,205,296 $2,IR7,343 S2,353,600 lotal2005 Budget by Object Personnel Servi ces ~ 70.20'0 Matenals & - Supplies 7.30'0 CapItal Outlay o 90/0 " Other Services & Charges 21. 50"0 164 Rl'LTl'lItioll C<'/lta Opl'ratio/ls I-tl/ld - 64 ~taffing (Full-time Equivalent Employees) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized Facili~ Operations 9 9 R.5 8.5 Aquatics 4 4 4 4 Fitness 1 1 I 1 Marketing 0.5 0.5 0.5 05 Therapeutic Recreation 0 0.5 0.5 0.5 General Programs 0 0.5 1 1 Total 145 155 15.5 155 Note- Stalling numb~rs 1l1dude full.tlm~ and rart.til11~ b~nctil~d ~l11plo)ees only Thc Rccreation Center 11Ir~s numcrous seasonal. inlellTI1ttenL temporary and ~ontract cmplovees throughout the year to till lifeguard positIons. pr()gram1l1stru~. 101':-'. tralncrs_ de Total Budget by Program Marketlllg 3 30'0 Therapeutic RecreatIOn 30'0 I General Programs 6 300 Fitness 13 5~0 FacIlity 50 60'0 Aquatics 25 00/0 165 Rareatio/l Cem,.,. ()pl'ratio/ls f II/lt! fadlin' OperaTio/ls 6,/-6(12 Facility Operation Overview: . Operate and manage 70,000 square foot recreatIOn centerthan Illcludes customer service, actIVIty registratIon, facihty and park rentals, pass sales, point of sale items, facility mamtenanee, and facility tours. . ProVIde mfomlation services for aquaTIcs, general pro,b'Tams, fitness, therapeutic recreation, youth and adult athletICS, and teen programs. 2004 Achievements: . ProVIded exceptional customer servIce to particIpants. . Increased 2003 revenue by over $ 17,000 Improved emergency response for C P.R, FIrst Ald,A.E.D, and oxygen admmistratlon. Conducted facility tours forthe 2004 Recreation F acihtles Desl,b'Tl and Management School. . Installed pubhc art project that was funded by SCientIfic and Cultural FaciliTIes Dlstnct. ProVIded personnel and policy procedures training for all staff. . Replaced carpet in the chmbmg wall hallway . Replaced the spa boiler. . Completed thorough clca111ng offacillty dunng closure week Illcludll1g: resurfacll1g of all hard wood floors; repamting oflll1es in the gymnasIUm, repamng and stalI1lllg all Illtenor woodwork, replacing lap pool gutter caulkmg; applymg weather proof stam to all extenor wood beams; and re-groutmg of men's and women's shower areas. Replaced pool table III game room. Upgraded secunty camera system WIth dIgital reco rd er. Pamted mtenor of the RecreatIon Center as needed. . 2005 Objectives: . Implement on-lllle recreaTIon regIstratIon program. Upgrade recreatIOn regIstratiOn software. Contlllue hIgh level of customer service. . Replace earpet III the lobby and fitness areas. . Improve landscapmg around the recreaTIon center. ProVIde addItIOnal in-servIce tramlllg related to customer servIce. Expand marketlllg of the RecreatIon Center and facility rental spaces. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $560,071 $585,495 5584,957 $638,924 Materials & Supplies $61,324 $60,600 S5R,270 $61 ,448 Other Services & Charges $464,612 $473,498 $465,290 $491,329 Capital Outlay $18,832 $15,000 $ 15,000 $0 TOTAL $1,104,839 $1,] 34,593 $],]23,517 $1,191,701 166 Rccrl'atio/l Cl'/ltl'r Opl'ratio/ls I-lI/1d Fucili~r Opl'/'Utio/ls 64-6112 Perso~l ServIces - 536% Total 2()()5 Budget b~ Objl'ct J'vhtenals & SupplIes 5.200 CapItal Outlay o 0"/0 Since the Recreation C enter opened 1I1 2000, over 5,600 annual passes have been sold and over 12,000 punch cards have been purchased. Other Servl ces & Charges 4l.2~'0 167 Rl'(Tl'utio/l Cl'/lta Ol'l'rutio/ls FII/lt! lquutics 64-604 Aquatics Overview: Provide a vanety of programs and services to all ages and sWl1111111ng ability Responsible for prO\!Jdll1g a safe and fun envIronment for recreational swimming and quality programmmg. . Mamtam aquatic facilitIes, programmmg, schedule aquatic programmmg, and educate pubhc related to aquatic actIvities. . ProVIde quality customer service. . Mallltalll safety, guest relatIons and Learn to SWIm programs. . Offer programs for certification Lifeguard Trallllllg, Water Safety Instructor, CPR and First Ald,AED, CommunIty FrrstAld, Leam to SWIll1. 2004 Achievements: Implemented onentation process for new lifeguards. Implemented new American Red Cross Learn- to-SwIm matenal, whIch mcludes a guard start program and a dIving prob'Tam. PrOVided addItIOnal Learn-to-Swim classes to accommodate partiCipant demand. Negotiated a contract WIth the Rocky Mountam Thunder SWIm Team to provide a competitIve opportunIty for the youth III the communIty. . . . . Developed a ne\\o lunng process for Lifeguards and Water Safety Instructors which Illvolvcs skill test111g to assure qualIty skIll level and professlOnalism. Met 2004 revenue projectlOns PartIcIpated III and won first placc at the Colorado Parks and Recreation LIfeguard games. 2005 Objectives: . C ontlllue to offer trammg to Aquatics staff to enhance safety and customer service Develop a mornmg lesson program for preschoolers and parents. . ProVIde up to date fitness trallling for Aqua ExerCIse IllStruCtors. . Expand Aqua AerobiC program by provldlllg a variety of classes at optImum times. . Investigate alternative dlslllfectlon system that will dimlllish cost of operatIon and time savlllgs. . Coordinate and Implement new aquatIc programs to meetthe ongoing needs of the community Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $440,050 $468,449 $453,547 $517,708 Materials & Supplies $52,083 $42,580 $48,517 $50,034 Other Services & Charges $5,975 $8,159 $6,856 $7,579 Capital Outlay $0 $2,500 $2,500 $10,750 TOTAL $498, I 08 $521,688 S511,420 $586,071 168 Rl'('tl'afio/l Cl'nta Operation, FU/ld Aquutics 64-611-1 Total 2005 Budget b~ Object Personnel Services 90 00'0 Other ServIces & Charges ].30'0 Matenals & - Supplies K70,o It takes approximately 8,840 pounds per year of chlorine to disl11fect the pools at the Recreation Center 169 Rl'crl'utioll Ce/lter Opl'rutiollS FIII/d Fitlll'sS 6./-605 Fitness Overview: Provide hIgh qualIty fitness and \\ellness recreatIOn programs at the Wheat Ridge RecreatJon Center, Seruor C oml11umty C enter and Anderson BUlldmg to participants pursumg commumty health, wel1ness, and recreatIOnal activitIes that encompass adult, older adult, teen and youth classes. Offer speCIalIzed classes and mcorporate new classes, utilizing all facilities. . Offer a WIde variety of drop ill-aerobIC classes for all ages and abilities. . Provide a hIgh level of customer servIce utilizll1g WeIght Room Attendants to assIst patrons USll1g the fitJ1ess area. 2004 Achievements: . Updated the Paramount strength CIrCUIt eqUlpment. Expanded the Silver Sneakers program to ll1c\ude the PacltiCare Secure Horizon health I11surance plan 111 conjUnction WIth the established KaIser members. Conducted a successful Silver Sneakers program that produced an average of$1 0,000 in revenue per month. Created and presented a lecture on the topic of youth and obeSIty and how to get involved III recreatIOn. Offered youth and tecn fitness classes. Conducted a successful Health and Wellness faIr. Partlclpatcd III ConsortIum for Older Adult Wellness(COAW), a grant-funded program, that supported the Fall Proof class. Implementcd a famIly drop in tIme III the Fitness area III all effort to promote famIly fitness as a way to address the rising level of youth obeSIty 2005 Objectives: . Expand selected group exercIse classes into the b'Ym as the schedule allows. Offer an on sIte phYSIcal therapy clmic to patrons for the use of rehabilitatJon and lllJUry consultations. . Contmue to offer, promote and evaluate youth and teen fitness progranmung. . Mamtalll current classes by offering cont1l1ued customer servIce and imp1ementmg fitness challenges. Expand Ill-house Silver Sneakers promotJons and pnzes. . Expand the Health and Wellness FaJr wIth more community speakers and more medlcal and welIness vendors. Contmue to offer part-time staff meetJngs, traming and contmu1l1g education workshops for staff members. Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $269,488 $255,359 $285,371 $297,728 Materials & Supplies $6,747 $7,240 $7,240 $7,240 Other Services & Charges $707 S 1,717 $1,717 $1,717 Capital Outlay $8,798 $54,875 $54,875 $11,500 TOTAL $285,740 $3]9,191 $349,203 $318,]85 170 Rl'creafio/1 Celltl'l" Operatio/1s FU/1d f iflll'sS 1>4-6115 Total 2 ()lIS Budget by Object Personnel ServIces 93600 Matenals & SupplIes 2.30'0 Capital Outlay 360'0 Other Services & Charges 0.50'0 The Wheat Ridge Recre- ation Center and Semor Community Center Silver Sneakers program combined as the largest partlelpant count 111 Colorado. 171 Recreatiol/ Cl'l/ter Opcratiol/s FUI/d Harkl'ting 04-tJII~ Marketing Proactlvely contacted prospective bndes by e- mati and mati to market the RecreatIOn Center for wedding receptions. . Developed a partnershIp wIth Ace Rentals, who wtll host Its 2004 Applewood Bndal FaIr at the RecreatIon Center . Targeted orgamzatlOns and businesses 111 the metro area to promotc facilities that are Ideal for bUSiness meetings, specIal events, etc. Developed commumcatlon plan to promote the return of the Performances In the Parks senes. Contacted west side bUSinesses to promote the Recreation Ccnter's corporate services. . Estabhshed an on-going column m the Wheat fudge ConnectIon to advertIse upcoming classes and activIties. Overview: Oversee the production of the ActIvitIes GUIde, three tImes a year, wll1ch IS matled to 23,000 reSIdents and dIstributed to 10,000 additIOnal people vlsltmg CIty facilitIes. Develop stratcgles to market Parks and RecreatIon facilities, programs and classes. Produce pnnted commu11lcation matenals including SignS, flyers and brochures to Inform the public about Parks and RecreatIon faCIlities, programs and classes. Work with the City's web deSIgner to ensure that Parks and RecreatIon IllformatlOn IS placed on the CIty'S webslte and that the Information IS tm1ely Estabhsh contacts wIth the media and wnte public servlcc announcements and articles promoting Parks and RecreatIon faClhtles, classes and programs. 2004 Achievcments: Crafted and streaml1l1ed new brochures and other commUllicatlon matenals that promote Parks and RecreatIOn programs and amemttes. . Developed commumcatlons and promotiOn plan to promote the RecreatIon Center's Health and Wel1ness Fair. . Increased medw exposure by submlttmg press releases to a broader range of medw. Coordinated several feature articles that appeared 111 the Sentinel. 2005 Objectives: . Focus on advertlsmg Parks and Recreation faclhties to busmesses and orgamzatlOns for meetlllgs and corporate events. . Redesign commumcatlOn matenals for a umfied and Instantly recognized look that promotes Parks and Recreation. Work WIth the CIty'S web deSIgner to refine the Parks and RecreatIOn pages that WIll proVIde the best promotion opportumtles. Create key messages that should be conveyed to the pubhc ill all commumcations pIeces. Identify marketmg segments and strategIes to further promote the RecreatIOn C enter and actIVities that are offered. Total Budget by Objcct 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $24,707 $26,951 $26,951 $29,431 Materials & Supplies $35,30 ] $45,535 $38,338 $45,395 Other Services & Charges $112 $915 $545 $2,925 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $60,120 $73,401 $65,834 $77,75] 172 Rl'LTl'ation Cl'lIter ()p(,rl/tion., Fund Jlarkl'tillK 6-I-61J~ Personnel ServIces - 37 90.0 Total 2UU5 Budget b~ Object Matenals & Supplies 58.40/0 Other Services & Charges 3 8(~'o Did you know... Rental revenue has mcreased 6% over the past two years due JI1 part to the expanded market- mg rental plan. 173 Recreatioll Cl'IItl''' Opl'ratiolls FU/ld Therapl'lIlic Rl'crl'atio/l 6.J-608 Therapeutic Recreation Overview: . ProvIde quality recreatIon opp0l1uTIlties for I11dlvlduals wIth disabilitIes, which faCilitates participation In recreatIOn servIces whlle enhanclllg the development of physieal, cogmtlve, emotIOnal, and social skiHs. Offer and Implement recreatIon programs for mdlvlduals ofaH ages wIth dIsabIlitIes I11cludmg sports and fitness, cultural arts classes, special events, outdoor adventure activitIes, and more. . Program the Summer Sun Club, a summer activity for youth wIth and wIthout dIsabilities. Coach various SpeCial OlympICS teams mcludlllg bowlmg, basketball and soccer and compete regularly m regIOnal and state competItIOns. Coordinate mcluslon opportumtles for Illdivlduals wIth and without disabil1nes. 2004 Achievements: Expanded the Therapeutic Recreation Program through mcreased partiCIpatIOn numbers III programs as well as an Illcrease III the rate of successful programs. . Conducted a commllmty WIde needs assessment of indIVIduals wIth disabilitIes in the Wheat Ridge commul11ty m an effort to IdentIfY thIS populatIOn and to learn theIr needs 111 relatIon to recreation and leIsure actIvities. Completed a budget and program analysIs ofthe TherapeutIc RecreatIOn Prob'Tam 111 an effort to track strengths and weaknesses ofthe Program. Implelllented new and Irmovated prob'TaJnming includmg lock-111 's, campmg trips, and a summer club for children wIth and wIthout dlsabihtles. Exceeded 2003 revenue numbers as of July wIth contmued prOjections to surpass 2004 revenue predIctions. 2005 Objectives: . Contlllue to expand partICIpatIon numbers and the success rate of programs. . Increase awareness of Therapeutic RecreatIon servIces to all CIty of Wheat Ridge staff and serve as a resource to other departments. Implement early mtervention servIces for children wIth dIsabilities ages bIrth to three. Further develop a summer camp-like settmg for youth wIth and wIthout dlsabihties. . Continue to Illcrease revenue. Total Budget by Ob,ject 2003 2004 20034 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $20,168 $23,042 $23,044 S28,393 Materials & Supplies $1,148 $1.925 $1,100 $1,985 Other Services & Charges $58 $718 $358 $718 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $21,374 $25,685 $24,502 $31,096 174 Rl'LTeiltiol1 Cl'l1ter Operatiol1s f IIl1d rlteraplllic Rl'LTl'atiol1 64-608 'l'otaI2005 Budget h) Objel't Personnel Services 91.30'0 Other Services & Charges 2.30'0 Matenals & Supphes 6400 Did you know... - Therapeutic Recreation mterven- tlons have statistICally shown to enhance body tillage perceptions, illlprove sense of self: mcrease friendshIps wIth peers, lIlcrease pm11clpatlOn 111 cOlllmumty settings, mcrease the Immune system, and reduce pam. 175 Rl'<Tl'lItiol1 Cl'lItl'r Opl'rlltiol1s FUl1d ul'I1(,/"1I1 ProKl"lIIlIS (,'/-J}/!'i General Prourams ,., Overview: Offer and Implement qualIty programs for parent' tot and preschool-aged children mcludll1g creatIve movement classes, musIC, arts and crafts classes, and fitness classes. Offer and Implement quahty programs for youth and teens 1l1cludmg general prob,rrammll1g, cultural arts, horseback ndlllg, camps, field tnps and the Summer Fun Club . Offer and implement quahty programs for adults mcludmg educatIonaL arts and crafts, general mterest, self-Improvement and more. . Coordinate and supervise Martial Arts and Dance programs for all age groups. Coordlllate and supervise staffat the Children's Pavdllon and the state licensed preschool program. . Offer and Implement commumty events such as an Easter Egg Hunt, Holiday Llghtmg Ceremony and a Fall Festival. Offer and lead quahty trammg opportumtles for support staff at least three times per year. SupervIse FItness and Therapeutic RecreatIOn programs and lead staff. SupervIse and recrUIt RecreatiOn Intern and Practicum students. Coordmate and supervise the Performance in the Park scnes. 2004 Achievements: . Offered a vanety of successful programs for parent/tot, preschool, youth, teens and adults. Increased enrollment m the Summer Sun Club, a successful summer camp for youth. Offered excellent stafftrainmg on Dealmg WIth DIfficult People, customer sennce and team building. Planned, offered, and started a state licensed preschool prob,>Tam. . SupervIsed two PractlcUln students and one Intem student. . Projected to mcrease revenue by 30 % from last year 2005 Objectives: Mallltalll current classes and actIVities through continued mnovahve and effectIVe program planmng. . Uphold excellent customer servIce to participants and their families. . Continue and expand partICIpation m the S111llmer Sun Club . C ontmue to mcrease partICIpation 111 new licensed preschool program for children ages 3-6 . Coordmate and nnplement a new speCial event- Fa]] FestIval to be held at the recreatIOn center. . Add festival to Hohday Lightmg Ceremony Total Budget by Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services S35,539 $125,846 $107,992 $141,544 Materials & Supplies $],701 $3,810 $3,960 $5,660 Other Services & Charges $0 $1,082 $915 $1,592 Capital Outlay $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL $37,240 $130,738 $1 ]2,867 $148,796 176 Rl'Cfl'utio/l Cl'/lla Opautio/ls FII/lt! Gl'/ll'raf Pml:/"(I//I,\ 64-M/9 Total 2005 Budget by Object l'ersonnc I Servl ccs 95 ] 00 I Other Services & Charges I ] 0'0 Materials & - Supplies 38'\, Did you know... ]n 2004, there wcre more than 30 nc\\ classes and programs offcred III the Parks and Recreation Depanment. 177 Recrl'atioll Cl'lltl'l" Opl'ratio/ls FlIlld 211t15 4.dopted 81U~~l't 178 Police I11Vl'stigatiol1 FlIl1d - I;' Police Investiuation Fund ~ Overview: Bcg1l1nmg with llJlJO, all proceeds from seIzures and forfietures of propel1y pursuant to C R.S 16- 13-302 ("Public ~ulsance Policy") and 16-13-50 I ("Colorado Contraband Forfciture Act") arc reqlllrcd to bc placcd III a separate fund and used solely by the Policc Departmcnt for purposes other than nonnal opcrat- mg needs. 2003 2004 2004 2005 "-ctual Adjus ted Btimated Adopted BEGINNING FUND BALAI'iCE S131,825 $97,252 $116,773 $49,423 REV El\TES Intcrcst $656 $1.000 $650 $250 Miseellancous Rc\cnllc $16,977 $5,000 $0 $5,000 Trans tCr trom General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 Trans fer trom Capital Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 TOT"-L REVENUES $149,458 S103,252 $117,423 $54,673 EXPENDITURES Operating 511pplics $32,6~5 $70,000 $68,000 $50,000 TOT"-L LXPENDITURES $32,685 $70,000 $68,000 $50,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE SI16.773 $33,252 $49,423 $4,673 179 Opl'1I SpIlCl' FUlld - 32 Open Space Fund Rehabllltuted fields at Andcrson and Prospect Parb. Installed Opcn Space boundary fencmg. Overview: Receive ~2 cent sales tax per capIta allotment through the Jefferson County Opcn Spacc program to acqUIre, develop and mallltam open space and park propertIes wlthm the CIty of Wheat Ridge. 2004 Achievements: Awarded $104,1 00 m grants. . Selected Founders' Park art sculpture. Installed dug out roofs at Andcrson and CreeksIde Parks. . Completcd Phase ][ of Clcar C rcck Trall Replacement from Garland to Churl1c Brown Bndge through Anderson Park. AeqUlrcd land dedIcation from development at 10135 Wcst 38111 Ave tor trail eonnectlon to RecreatIon Center and Clcar Creek Trail. 2005 Objectives: RCvcgetatc und reseed Open Space Replace Phase 111 of Clear Creek Tratl between h.lplmg and Youngfiled Street. . Rcplace bleachers and eoncrctc path to skateboard park and rcsurface baskctball cOUl1 lucrosse field at Andcrson Park. . Design Irngutlon system and replacc sewer lme at Randall Park Repmr and rehabtlltate vanous fields. . Install new slb'l1age m Open Space Repmr vanous asphalt parklllg lots. 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjus t~d Fstimat~d Adopt~d BEGINNING FUND BAL<\NCE $59,797 $90,570 * $167,988 $212,651 TOTAL REVENUES $ I ,2 I 6,035 $ I ,I 49,570 $1,237,588 $1,293,651 EXPENDITURE" Acquisitions Nol Yet Acquircd SO SO $0 $0 AcquisitIon Projects $0 $0 $0 $0 Development Projects S377.516 $410,000 $409937 $598,000 Transfers to Other Funds $700,000 $615,000 $615,000 $579,650 TOTAL EXPENDITURlS $ 1,077 ,516 $1,025,000 $1,024,937 $1,177,650 ENDING FUND BALANCE $138,519 $124,570 $212,65 I $116,001 * Be12inning fund halallcc includ('~ 524 74] rc~idllal tran~f('rfrom Park ~cquisition Fund. A combined effort of Mile High Youth Corp members, staff and contract labor resulted in the revegetatIon 0 over 2 miles of trail margllls or 4 acres of open space in 2004 180 1Il1nicifla/ Court Funt! - 33 Ric/tart!s Hurt Estate Funt! - 35 Municipal Court Fund Oyeniew: The MUDlclpal Court Fund has been cstabhshed 111 orderto provide a means to tracl, court fces and to enable the court to expend thcse amounts. Thc Fund recclves the $1, $4 and Victlll1 Court Fees. ThiS fund provldcs the Court and thc Proballon Program Wllh money tor expendItures for equipment mamtenance, office fuml- ture, \ letl111 services and other coul1 and probatlon expenses. 2003 2004 2004 2005 <\ctual <\dius ted Estimated Adonted BEGINNING FU"iD BALANCE $76,492 $26.267 $71,278 $48,703 REVENUES Fines and Forfeitures $3lU31 $38.000 $4',400 $47jOO Interest $1.X 19 $1 JOO $1,500 $1. 500 TOTAL REVENUES $116,642 $65,767 $115,178 $97,703 EXPENDITURES Expenditures $45,363 $64,475 $66.475 S74.600 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $45,363 $64,475 $66,475 $74,600 E"IDING FUND BALANCE $71,279 $1,292 $48,703 $23,103 Richards Hart Estate Fund Overview: The Richards Hart Estate Fund tracks the revenue from the renw! of the Estate The funds arc used to upgrade and lmprove the Estate 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjus ted Estimated Adopted BEGINNING FUND BALANCE $47,263 $36,753 $42,302 $52,952 REYENUES Grant Re, enue $41,722 $10.000 $11.000 $25.000 RHE Rentals $20.740 $21.100 $14.00() $11.000 Interest $1.038 $400 $650 $XOO M isecllaneous Income $0 $0 $0 $0 Trans fer rrom General Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $110,763 $68,753 $67,952 $89,752 EXPENDITURES Estate Improvements $68.460 $24.565 $15.000 $35.000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $68,460 $24,565 $15,000 $35,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $42,303 $44,188 $52,952 $54,752 181 Se/lior Flint! - 53 Senior Fund Overview: . Fund was created to accept donatIons and fund ratsmg montes that are directly related to the Semor Programs and the C ommumty Center 2004 Achieyements: . Replaced stage and tlle floor 111 Prospect Hall. Ralsed $4,077 at the Camation Festival by bakmg and sellmg over 3,000 cookies. Completed another successful italIan Dinner ratsmg approximately $6,000 m revenues. 2005 Objectives: . Ralse revenues for the Sent or Prol:,lTam through the followmg programs. ltaltan Dmner $8,000; Carnation Fesllval $4,500 . Upgrade the sound system and Itght1l1g at Prospect Hall 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted BEGINNING FUND BALA"ICE $38,831 $18,805 $32,471 $19,271 REYENllf.S Teen (enter Revenue $3ll $0 $0 $0 Senior Center Re,enue $15.64\ $18,700 $14,300 $14,300 Interest $512 $200 $350 $200 TOT<\L REVENUES $55,014 $37,705 $47,121 $33.771 EXPENDITURE."; Teen Center Exvcnditurc $0 $0 $0 $0 Senior Center Expenditure $7.276 $31 100 $27.850 $27 .850 Trans fer to Reercation Ccnter $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURE'"" $7,276 $31,100 $27,850 $27,850 ENDING FlIND BALANCE $47,738 $6,605 $19,271 $5,921 There are over volunteers that help WIth promoting, selhng, cookmg and cleanIng at the annual Italian Dinner. 182 COlIscl"I'ation Trust Flllld - 54 Conservation Trust Fund Overview: ReceIve revenue from the City share of Colorado Lottery proceeds, whIch are dIstributed on a per capita basls. Funds are used for new projects as well as mamtenance projects wlthm the Parks and RecreatIon Department Receive approxlmately $275.000 m revenue per year. 2004 Achieyements: . Installed Creekside Park ball field and parkmg lot hghts. Constructed parkmg lot at Randall Park. . Installed lrngatlon system and landscapmg at Randall Park. 2005 Objecth es: Replace ball field light poles at Prospect Park. . Resurface all-purpose court at Randall Park. Resurface court at Prospect Park. Repmr crusher fine trmls 111 the Wheat Rldge Greenbelt eonservatlOn area. Replace plaYl:,lTound m Prospect Park. 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Es t; mated Adopted BEGIN"IING BALANCE S7,812 $259,836 $297,335 $267,145 REVENUES Revenues $369.103 $279.000 $278.000 $333.000 Transfer from Gencral Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 TOT AL REVENUES $376,915 S538,836 $575,335 $600,145 EXPENDITURES Developmcnt ProJcets $84,221 $455.000 $2~~.190 $135.000 Other Park Projects $0 $0 $20.000 $360.000 TOT AL EXPENDITURES $84,221 $455,000 $308,190 $495,000 ENDING FUND BALANCE $292,694 $83,836 $267,145 $105,145 The Colorado Lottery honors Park and Recreatlon agencies throughout the state with the StarburstAwards, recognizmg the excellent use oflottery funds. 183 Hotel/Hotel Flint! - 63 Hotel/Motel Fund Overview: \ 50" lodgcrs tax mcrcasc was appro\cd by \ot- crs IJ] November 1')9/\ to be divided 6()0" for po- Iiec and eodc cnforccmcnt activiue, and 400'0 t,)r rcdevelopment and public Impnwcments w1thlll the CIty S)"rllllg III 2(11)4 rite 4In;, /,orrion It ill he depu\'ired illro rlu: C"pil,,1 /11l/>rOl'('[IlCllr Program I("JP; hudger ro 10,' usnlfor l'Cclcl'c/ol'l1lenr and puNic illl/wliI'clIlenrs 4111 rCIII"illillg fUlld 10,,1- (111("( \l'ill he rrallsj(Ted ro Ihe CJP hudger al the eml of 211113 Provide tr~l1mng for hotel/motcl staffas prcscribed IJ] Cnme Free housmg polIcy Pnn Idc active enforccment around hoteL motel properties ttlr cnmmal actiVIty Provide proactIve enforcement by hotd motel 111- spector Document VIOlations and prosecutlOn of offend- ers Track statistical data relatmg to enforccmcnt and prosecutlOn involving hotel:motel properties. 2004 Achievements: I lostcd tramlng t,)r m(ltel managcrs and apartmcnt complex managers on C nme Free Program. \Vorked wtth managers to eVlL't problem tenants. Cont111ued to reduce the amount of cnmes bemg committed 111 and around the motels through more proactl\c polIce work. Recclved 100 pcrcent compliance on all motel cock and safety v10latlOns. 2005 Objectives: Tram new staff person tor Hotel MOlcl Ot1ieer position. Contltlue pro-active cnforcemcnt actIvitlcs In and around largc apal1ment complexcs, cspeclally m the areas of the hotcls. Inmatc multl-tilmily hOUS111g lt1spcettOn progam. Contmuc hotel. motcllt1SpcctlOn program tor codc and safety complIance 40% Redel'elopmellt alld 2003 2004 2004 2005 Public Jmprol'ements Actual Adjus ted Estimated Adopted BEGINNING FUND B <\LAI'\CE $449,370 $0 $0 $0 REVENUES Lodgers Tax $162.482 $0 $0 $0 Interest $3,298 $0 $0 $0 TOT AL REVENUES $615,650 $0 SO $0 EXPE"IDlTURES Expenditures SO SO $0 $0 Trans fer to General Fund $200.000 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL E'\.PENDITVRES $200,000 $0 $0 $0 ENDING FUND BALANCE $415,650 $0 $0 $0 60% Police alld 2003 2004 2004 2005 Code Enforcemellt Actual Adjus ted Estimated Adopted BEGINNING HIND BALANCE $509,618 $238,131 $208,333 $171,457 REVENUES Lodgers Tax $244.473 $255.lKlO $220.000 $220.000 Grants $0 So $0 $0 Interest $4.946 $7.200 $1.000 $1.000 TOTAL REVENUES $759,037 $500,331 $429,333 $392,457 EXPENDITURES Expenditures $550.703 $406.233 $257.R76 $338.728 Trans fer to Equipment Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $550,703 $406,233 $257,876 $338,728 ENDING FUND BALANCE $208,334 $94,098 $171,457 $53,729 184 1l00ef/'\/otel Flint! - 63 Total Budget b~ Object 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted Personnel Services $549,420 $398,033 $257,176 S328,528 Materials & Supplies $1,223 $7,000 S500 S7,00O Other Services & Charges $60 $1,200 S200 $3,150 Capital Outlay/Transfers $200,000 SO $0 $50 TOTAL $750,703 $406,233 $257,876 $338,728 Total 2005 Budget b)' Ob.iect Personnel SerVlces 9700'0 I r- Other ServIces & Charges 090'0 Matenals & - Supplies 2.100 The Police Department made 228 arrests at the various motels last year. 106 of those were officer initiated warrant arrests. 1115 Speciul R{'\'cnue FIIIli!.\" lllfl51t!optct! B/ltl!:ct 186 crn OF WHEAT RIDGE 2005 CAPITAL INVESTMENT PROGRAM (CIP) 187 Cupitall1/1'cstmcllt Program DPW DRAINAGE l. Local Drainage Projects 2005 Budget: $105,000 Description: The project will correct isolated dramage problems at vanous locatIons throughout the City. The correctIve work performed under thlS project is lImIted to ehmInatmg street dramage condItIons whIch cause unsafe condItIOns for vehicular and pedestrIan traffic, damage to structures and property and potential damage to the publtc street system. Work. at specific locatIOns is pnontlzed accordmg to the magmtude ofthe problem and as many problems as possible will be corrected withm the project budget. Project(s) scheduled for 2005 arc as follows. l. Pierson Street, south ofW. 44th Avenue Justification: Isolated street dramage problems, which are causmg unsafe condltlons for vehlcular and pedestrIan traffic, damage to stmctures and property and potentlal damage to the pubhc street system, have been ldentIfied by property owners and the Department ofPubltc Works. These problems occur as a result of madequate dramage conditions within the pubhe nght-of-way, whlch are the responsibility ofthe CIty 2. Clear Creek Study Update 2005 Budget: $45,000 Description: The eXlstmg 1979 Clear Creek flood plain study will be updated to reflect changes that have occurred along Clear Creek that may impact flood flows. Justification: Local govemmental entItIes along Clear Creek requested that the Urban Dramage and Flood Control DlstrIet update the flood plam studies along Clear Creek to mcorporate changes that have oeeurred along the stream. The study currently used in Wheat RIdge was wntten m 1979 All local governments are provIdmg the matchmg fUl1dmg for the project. DPW STREETS 1. Minor Street Improvement Projects 2005 Budget: $350,000 Description: ThIS budget Ime item reserves funds for Improvement of the mtersection of 44'h Avenue and Wadsworth by constructmg a nght-tum lane for westbound traffic on 44th Avenue. Justification: ThIS projeet will address the exceSSlve stacking ofvehlcles on 441h Avenue in the westbound lanes ofthe mtersectlon. The Improvement will also allow greater access to 44th Avenue from the properties m the northeast quadrant ofthe mtersection. 188 Capitalllll'eslll/cllt Pro~rall/ 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Hotel/Motel District Pedestrian Improvements 2005 Budget: $200,000 Description: A portion ofthc cast Side ofKlpling Street south ofl-70 and the South 1-70 Frontage Road wIll be lmproved by mstallatlon of Sidewalks and pedestrIan hghtmg. Tim proJect W1U be financed wIth Hotel/Motel tax funds and is the second of a multl-year program. Justification: Ktplmg Street and the South 1-70 Frontagc Road do not have continuous sidewalks allowmg pcdestrIan travel wlthm thlS portlOn of the Hotel/Motel dlstrICt 46th Ave.-170, Estes-Carr Major Street Improvement 2005 Budget: $750,000 Description: ThIS project conslsts of mstallatlOn of stom1 sewer and reeonstructlon ofthe street sectlon. Thls lS the second of a multI-year program for the area. Justification: Thls nelghborhood has very poor dramage, whlch has resulted m dlstorted curblmes and failed pavement sections. Public Improvements Projects, Development Driven 2005 Budget: $75,000 Description: Up-commg developments may require CIty-financed street lmprovements. Justification: Contmgent fundmg should be provlded for specJaI project needs. Street Light Installation 2005 Budget: $5,000 Description: InstallatIon of new streetlIghts requested by cItIzens or recommended by the department and approved by the Clty Justification: New street IIghtmg IS provlded to accornmodate areas ofthe Clty whIch reqUIre addIt10nal hghtmg for safety or as otherwIse JustIfied by the Clty Street Preventative Maintenance Projects 2005 Budget: $900,000 Description: The annual street preventative maintenance work and costs are as follows. Concrete replacement area. Northwest area of the City between 1-70 and KiplIng St from Clear Creek north to City IImlts $200,000 Asphalt patchmg and overlay area. 32nd Avenue, Kiplmg to Simms 38th Avenue, Sheridan to Wadsworth 48th Avenue, Harlan to Marshall MarshaU Street, Harlan to North CIty LimIts $500,000 189 Cupitu/lnvestmellt Progrum Crack sealmg area. Southeast area of the Clty by prIOrIty $200,000 Justification: Preventatlve street mamtenance work IS reqUlred to replace defeetlve concrete, replace or add to pavement surface by an asphalt overlay, patch lsolated stmctural failures m eXlstmg asphalt streets, waterproof and Improve the texture of asphalt wearIng surfaces by a slurry seal coat and reduce water mtiltratlOn under pavements by sealing cracks. PreventatJve mamtenance prolongs the useful hfe of streets and sldewalks and reduces the costly altematlve of reconstmctmg streets. DPW TRAFFIC 1. Traffic Signal Improvements 2005 Budget: $200,000 Description: EXlstmg traffic slgnalmstallatlons require upgrade to mclude new sll:,'11al heads and detectors. Justification: The scheduled replacement work IS necessary for the proper rnamtenance of eXlstmg eqUIpment and faeihtIes. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 1. 38th Avenue Business District 2005 Budget: $40,000 Description: FinanCIal asslstance for the operatlon ofthe 38th Avenue Busmess D1StrIct Justification: ASSlst m the re-vitalizatlOn ofthis commercIal section ofthe City MUNICIPAL CAPITAL PROJECTS 1. City Hall Improvements 2005 Budget: $630,000 Description: The HVAC chilled water system is scheduled forreplacement. A portlOn ofthe roof IS leakmg and will be replaced. PolIce Conmllll11Catlons Bureau lmprovements to the electrIcal system hghtenmg protection and ul11nterrupted power supply are programmed. Secunty upl:,lTades to the building will also be mstalled. Additional undetermined maintenance projects as detern1ll1ed. Justification: The heatmg and air conditiol11ng system at City Hallls essentially the ongll1al eqmpment installed when the building was construeted. The controls for the equipment were replaced as a 2004 CIPproject as phase 1 ofa HVAC replacement plan. Phase 2 will replace the chiller system ll1 2005 190 Capitalllll'l'StlllCIll Pro~mlll An evaluation ofthe mcchal1lcal and clectrleal systems assocIated wIth the Pohee CommUl11Catlons Bureau was conducted m 2003 The rccommended Improvemcnts dealmg wIth the electrIcal system are schedulcd for constructIon 111 2005 The Pohce Department IS also recommendmg mstallatlon of additIonal secunty systems 111 the public areas and entrances to the buildmg. 1. GIS Updates 2005 Budget: $50,000 Description: The first phase of the development of a fully operatJonal geographlcalmfonl1atlon system lS programmed for 2005 The needs and project outlme wll1 be devcloped m the Il1ltlal work on thIS project. Justification: There lS great need to devclop a GIS for use by all departments m the Clty The GIS wIll be a valuable aId 111 advancmg work and respondmg to requests for mformatlOn from the pubhc. 191 CD '" <..0>"""""'''' '?'?'?'?? g~ggg ~~~~~ S:5:~8fS ~ o I:: ~ W o o m ~ ~ ""'""ww ~6:~~ ???O ~~~~ wW 00 mo, 8~ 88 ~EE S:5:5: ~~~ ~~o WWw ,?,?'? ~*~ 6>cna, ~~~ t;;ti:i v.>(,>v.>uJ ???? ww;".>w 0000 ~"'w"" ~~~~ U1IOCtdJ\ ??9?? :.c ':.> w W [.oJ :::lO::;;oc 'fy>'f'f'f ~~~~~ :1001"',1>..1:>. :......omr'>J """""''''' '?'?'?'? w""''-''''' 2228 0,0.0,0:. ~~~~ .".......,...., "'..... 0'-" ~-u<c~m~c~~~~~~>~r~~n"'cmm~~nv~uzzo .Z~~ ~n~~~~~~I33x~o~n~~~o ~fg&I~~~~~~~~~~~~i~~;~~g~a~~O~tl~ ~~~~~~~-i~i~~5~~aJgfiQ~J ~g~~!~~~~~**~~~~>~~~~ ~~~~~t~~~~> ~~~~~~~~~~c~~~~~~~~Q~iQ~ ~ fa ~ g 9 ~ ~ c: ~ 8- ~ 5 m 2 ~ ~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~ g ~ ~ Q "0 ,J t ~ g <g' ~ tIl ll> ~ 0- ~. ~'~ >l - ~ 0. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 5 ~ ~~HIHhUf~~~lldU t~~~fhiH~,~Ht~~H~ ~~I ~;i H ~ ~~HH ~ 5Qg2->>~~~~ ~I~g ~~~~ ~~!~)t~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~~&~~rr~ ~wR~2 ~ ~ ~5~ ~~ ~~ 9 ~~~ i~ -I.} ~ ~~~ [~~,g~..s~~ ~ ~~~ 3 _ ~ QJ co;oil1 ~ ~).O""n L rr ~"'- ~iii....9.a,;: 3 tI" c::~ ~ ~ ~ n w~ E5 ~ :~~i> ~~ ~ ~~~ ~Si,t~~~~ ~ ~= S G} ii"'" m-o 03,:0;. r3.fl '" OC'-o D:f;::o r;:: .2'r~" ~C ~ ~ '"~ (')~ ,,=:g41: ~~' R~~ ::'1J"a;g:;:;;;" o~ a ~ ~ o:J ~ o;:"~ ~ ~ ~:;; . ~ ~ ~::u 5" ~ 0 () ~ ~ ~~~ ~.9 a~,&-~~ Do;:" S 0 or ,1' ~ -0 <g. m s: 3 2 ~~." ,,^ " ~ 5 - ~ en (n ~ ~ c z o ~ ~ . z ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ . . - ~ .. ~ ,., , ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ " ~ i ~ o ~ I' m x ~ m z Q ~ m . ~ ~ .........1'>1'>.... 0000000 . ~ " o 00 g~~~gg~ " ~ ~ t ;g:g o 00 0...........00... ooooooc ~ ~ ~~ .~8 0<.0 00 .00 88'S'S88'(g ~ ~ g ~ ",tv ........ .0 uO V1V1 0..,0 uu gg~~gg~ .; 8 o ~ o "~ 8iSg~88'8 ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~,., o .~ 2..........."82.... 0000000 . * g ~ ~~ 8~~~~H3'8 ~ ~ ~:gll:gni'! ~ ~ ~ ~~ . ~~ o 00 0...........00... 0000000 . ~ ~ ~ "0 '00 g~'8~88~ ~ ~ 8~~~88~ !:: , ~ ~ "~ o 00 ~;g~~8~~ -- 00 . ^ "''''...... ........,00 -- -- 00 "" "''''....... .........00 ................ 0000 ................. 0000 ~~. 0000 ........""... 0000 ~~~ oocc i'!l'll"i'! ............... 0000 o i ~ ~~i ~.8 8 !:o ~ ~1l~1l .0 .0 g~g~ o 0 8'8g~ ~ m~m 00"''''' 000 ~(g~'8 g;8~ .g~"g~ ~~ gg8 888'8 ~-W 8g8 .~r8 8'8 ~ o 8....8.... 0000 8i'!8l'l ~~~ '-' 0 0 0 ~ " " ~ o 0 0....0.... 0000 ~ .0 0 g'88~ ~~~ 0000 o ~ o 0 8~8'8 w""....... 0000 . o o 0 8g:RiS ~ ~ ~ ~~~ ~'Sg~@ 0"'''''''''' 01 oo,nn 000"0"0 goooo 0000 o1C't~:c "'00"'0 oouoo ggggg ~ b o 0 g~8~'8 ~ . .0 0 o .0 g~g~~ .~ 000 gggiSiS ~ ~ 8...8........ 00000 e e o c 8~8~'8 ~ g ~l'l8:g1l o g o 0 0....0....... 00000 ~ g 8'8~'8~ ~ ~ o 0 8'88~~ . 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The Clty deslgnated theIr defined market governmental orgamzatlOns as those that met one ofthrce following cri tena: · Those that are contlguous wIth the Clty of Wheat Rldge (excepting Denver); or, . Those that are slmtlar m Slze to the City of Wheat Ridge (as determmed by populatlon served that lS no more than double the size of Wheat RIdge populatIon or no less than halfthe size of Wheat RIdge. ancl! or operatmg budget size that is no more than double the size ofWhcat Ridge operatmg budget or no less than halfthe Wheat RIdge budget; or, . Those specIal distncts that represent a sil:,'l1lficant employer III the metropohtan area for a glven disclplme, (e.g., parks and recreatlon dlstncts) Based on these defimtlons, the comparative market chosen consisted of the followmg organizations: - Arvada - Lafayette - Golden - Bnghton - Lakewood - Greenwood Village - Broomfield - Littleton - Englewood - Castle Rock - Northglcnn - Westmmster - Foothills Park & RecreatIon Distnct - Thomton - South Suburban Park & Recreation Dlstrlet - Commerce CIty - Hyland Hills Park & RecreatlOn Distnct - North Jeffco Park & RecreatIon Distnct As a result of the companson, there was the mdlcation that adjustments to the mmlmums and maXlmums m our pay plan were needed in order to be competJtive m the market In addltlon, smce there were other concerns With the CompensatlOn Plan, the City took thiS opportunity to reVlew the plan deSIgn, compare methods other cities were practlcmg in awardmg pay mcreases and attempt to ehmmate or reduce some of the problems we were expenencing: CllRRENTSTRUCTURE GRADE I Step 1_ Step 2 (MinImum) I 3% Step 3 Step 4 _ Step 5 I 2% Step6 (MidpOint) Maximum PIP 2%, 2.5%, or --. 3% I 30/0 20/0 1.6~o GRADE 2 .. Pa) Range 49% GRADE 3 Pal' Grades - There lS an meonslsteney between one pay range to the next With a vanation between I 60/0 and 4 90/0 difference. Pal' SleDS - There are variable percentages of2% or 3% between the pay steps in the pay ranges that results in mconslsteney in the award of ment mcreases. 193 Stuflil1g Par Plan Structure! Is a partlal step plan combmed with a pay for perfom1ance system. Howcver, the City does not have an effectlve or credible pelfom1ance management system nor do we differentIate between employee pay on the baSIS of perf on nancc. As a result, our method of provldmg "men!" mcreases presents opportUl1lty for possible IItJgatlOn. PROPOSED STRUCTURE Step I_Step 2_Step 3_ Step 4_ Step 5_Step 6 (Min) I I I I (Midpoint) I GRADE I 3% 3% 3% 3% 3% Step 7 Step 8 Step 9 (Max) 775% GRADE 2 <II Pay Range . 775% GRADE 3 Pm Grades - Expenenee has shown that such small di fferences betwccn ranges make lt dIfficult to dlstmgUlsh between levels of responsibIlity, and often lead to a hlgher number of requests for reclaSSIficatIon. Such small dtfferences are often diffieult for employees to understand and managers to Justtfy Therefore, the proposed structure IS to have a pay plan that lS symmetncal m nature. That lS, the ranges have an ldentJcal difference from one to the next Par Stevs - A conslstent percentage betwecn pay steps ensures that employees are awarded on satisfactory performance eqUItably Stev-Based Pm Plan - One ofthc charactcnstlcs of a step-based plan lS that salanes are automatJcally adjusted when the ranges are mcreased, because the step values have changed. Tills IS a condItIon that employees value, m that the pay level for the following year IS quite predIctable The step mcreases represent a fixed cost mcrease annually and the funds reqUIred to meet the needs of a step pay progression. Ifa "Pay for Performance" system lS deslred, the City may llnplement a system WIth dlstmct entena that wlll allow the awarding of addItIOnal steps based on above satJsfactory perfom1ance. SUMMARY In conclUSIOn, the 2005 CompensatIOn Plan IS deSIgned to mamtain competJtJve relatlOnsillps WIth the market and provlde an equitable relationship in pay between positlons and departments. 194 Sf(itting crn OF\VHEAT RIDGE - ZOOS COMPENSATION PLAN "BENEFI fED" POSITIONS - Rcnge Mdpolnt PAY POSITION TITLE RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM ~ 3 4 ~ !! I !! MAXIMUM 1 $ 21.836 $ 22.491 $ 23.166 $ 23.861 $ 24.577 $ 25.314 $ 26.073 $ 26.856 $ 27.661 S 1.820 $ 1.874 $ 1.93U $ 1.988 $ 2.048 $ 2.109 $ 2.173 $ 2.238 $ 2.305 $ 10.4981 $ 10.8130 $111374 $11.4715 $11.8157 $12.1701 $ 12.5353 $12.9113 $ 13.2986 2 Custo(flan $ 23.528 $ 24.234 $ 24.961 $ 25.710 $ 26,481 S 27.276 S 28,094 S 28,937 $ 29.805 Recreation Leooer $ 1,961 $ 2.020 $ 2,080 $ 2,142 $ 2,207 $ 2.273 $ 2.341 $ 2,411 $ 2,484 Recreation Clerk II $ 11.3117 $ 11.6510 $ 12.0006 $ 12.3606 $ 12.7314 $13.1133 $ 13.5067 $13.9119 $ 14.3293 Receptionist 3 tv'aintenarce Worker I - Parks $ 25.352 $ 26.112 $ 26.896 $ 27.703 $ 28.534 $ 29,390 $ 30.271 $ 31,179 $ 32,115 rveintenance Worker I - PW $ 2.113 $ 2,176 S 2.241 $ 2.309 $ 2,378 $ 2,449 $ 2,523 $ 2.598 $ 2,676 Staff Assistant $ 12.1883 $ 12.5540 $ 12.9306 $ 13.3185 $13.7181 $141296 $ 14.5535 $ 14.9901 $ 15.4398 Recreation Clerk III I-brticulture Assistant 4 Records tv'Bnagement Specialist $ 27,316 $ 28,136 $ 28.980 $ 29.849 $ 30,745 $ 31,667 $ 32,617 $ 33,596 $ 34,604 Deputy Court Cieri<. I $ 2,276 $ 2,345 $ 2,415 $ 2,487 S 2,562 S 2.639 $ 2.718 $ 2.800 $ 2,884 $ 13.1329 $ 13.5269 $ 13.9327 $14.3507 $14.7812 $15.2247 $15.6814 $16.1518 $ 166364 5 Engiooering AsSIstant $ 29,434 $ 30,317 $ 31,226 $ 32,163 $ 33,128 $ 34,122 $ 35,145 $ 36.200 $ 37,286 Deputy Court Cieri<. II $ 2,453 $ 2.526 $ 2.602 $ 2.680 $ 2.761 $ 2,843 $ 2,929 $ 3.017 $ 3,107 Senior Staff Assistant $ 14.1507 $ 14.5753 $ 15.0125 $ 15.4629 $ 15.9268 $16.4046 $ 16.8967 $174036 $ 17.9257 Warrents Cieri<. Focility Assistalt Offender Regisistrar/Eviden:::e Clerk 6 Pool Mmager $ 31.715 $ 32.666 $ 33.646 $ 34,655 $ 35,695 $ 36.766 $ 37,669 $ 39.005 $ 40.175 Office Technician $ 2,643 $ 2.722 $ 2,804 $ 2,888 $ 2,975 $ 3.064 $ 3,156 $ 3,250 $ 3,348 tv'aintenarce Worker II ~ Facll. $ 15.2474 $ 15.7048 $ 16.1760 $166613 $171611 $17.6759 $ 18.2062 $18.7524 $ 19.3150 rvaintenance Worker II ~ Par1<s r.A3intenan:::e Worker II ~ PW Forestry Assistant II Permit Technician 7 Probation Officer $ 34,173 $ 35.198 $ 36,254 $ 37,341 $ 38,461 $ 39.615 $ 40,804 $ 42.028 $ 43.289 Equipment Operator I $ 2.848 $ 2,933 $ 3,021 $ 3,112 $ 3,205 $ 3,301 $ 3,400 $ 3.502 $ 3,607 Eviderce Technician $ 16.4291 $ 16.9220 $174296 $17.9525 $18.4911 $19.0458 $19.6172 $ 20.2057 $ 20.8119 AccoLnting Technician Sales Tax Technician Payroll Technician Forestry Technician Planning Technician Traffic Control Technician Parks Crew Leader EmergefICY SeMces SpecIalist .Administrative Assistant 195 Staffing en'\ OF\VIIEAT RIDGE - 2005 eOMPENS,HIO:\ PLAN BENEITnm POSITIONS (Continued) Range Mdpoint PAY POSITION TITLE RANGE STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINIMUM ~ .:! 1 ~ Q Z ~ MAXIMUM 8 Facilities Maintenance Technician $ 36.821 $ 37.925 $ 39.063 $ 40.235 $ 41442 $ 42.685 S 43.966 $ 45.285 $ 46.644 Property Inspector $ 3.068 $ 3.160 $ 3.255 $ 3.353 $ 3.454 $ 3.557 $ 3.664 $ 3.774 $ 3.887 Code Enforcement Officer $ 177023 $ 18.2334 $18.7804 $ 193438 $19.9241 $ 20.5219 $ 21 1375 $ 217716 $ 22,4248 Recreation Coordinator Deputy City Clerk Personal Computer Technician Web & Imaging Technician fv1echanic Park Naturalist rverketirg Coordinator Police Technician 9 Equip. Operator II/Crew leader $ 39.674 $ 40.865 S 42.091 $ 43.353 $ 44.654 $ 45.994 $ 47,373 $ 48.795 $ 50.258 Lead tvechcmic $ 3,306 $ 3,405 $ 3,508 $ 3.613 $ 3.721 $ 3.833 $ 3.948 $ 4.066 $ 4.188 Police Officer I $ 19.0743 $ 19.6465 S 20.2359 $ 20.8430 $ 21 4683 $221123 $ 22.7757 $ 23,4589 $ 24.1627 Training Coordinator Engineerirg Technician Executive Assistant 10 Building Maintenance Supervisor $ 42.749 S 44.032 $ 45.353 $ 46.713 $ 48.115 $ 49,558 $ 51.045 $ 52.576 $ 54153 Code Enforcement Supervisor $ 3,562 $ 3.669 $ 3.779 $ 3.893 $ 4,010 $ 4130 $ 4.254 $ 4.381 $ 4.513 Police Records Supervisor $ 20.5525 $ 211691 $ 21.8042 $ 22,4583 $ 23.1321 $ 23.8260 $ 24.5408 $ 25.2770 $ 26.0353 Building Inspector Sales Tax Auditor (E) Human Resources Represent (E) 11 Police Officer II $ 46,062 $ 47444 $ 48.868 $ 50,334 $ 51.844 $ 53,399 $ 55,001 $ 56,651 $ 58.350 Operations Supervisor-{PW & Prk) (El $ 3,839 $ 3,954 $ 4,072 $ 4.194 $ 4,320 $ 4.450 S 4.583 $ 4.721 $ 4.863 Procurement Agent IE) $ 22.1453 $ 22.8097 $ 23,4940 $24.1988 $ 24.9248 $ 25.6725 $ 264427 $ 27.2360 $ 28.0531 Accounting Supervisor (E) Parks Project Coordinator (E) Recreation Supervisor (E) Plalrer IE) Assistant to tre City tltenager (EI Fa:::ilities Operations Supervisor (E) 12 Civil Ergineer (EIT) (E) $ 49.632 $ 51121 $ 52,655 $ 54.234 $ 55.861 $ 57,537 $ 59.263 $ 61,041 $ 62.873 Communications rv1anager (E) $ 4.136 $ 4.260 $ 4,388 $ 4,520 $ 4.655 $ 4,795 $ 4,939 $ 5,087 $ 5,239 $ 23.8616 $ 24.5775 $ 25.3148 $ 26.0742 $ 26.8565 $ 27.6622 $ 28.4920 $ 29.3468 $ 30.2272 13 Court Administrator IE) $ 53,479 $ 55.083 $ 56.735 $ 58.438 $ 60.191 $ 61,996 $ 63.856 $ 65,772 $ 67745 Netv.ork Administrator (E) $ 4.457 $ 4.590 $ 4,728 $ 4,870 $ 5.016 $ 5,166 $ 5,321 $ 5,481 $ 5,645 $ 25.7109 $ 26.4822 $ 27.2767 $ 28.0950 $ 28.9378 $ 29.8060 $ 30 7001 $31.6212 $ 32.5698 14 Police Sergeant $ 57,623 $ 59,352 $ 61,133 $ 62.966 $ 64,855 $ 66,801 $ 68.805 $ 70.869 $ 72,995 Civil Ergineer II IE) $ 4.802 $ 4.946 $ 5,094 $ 5.247 $ 5,405 $ 5.567 $ 5.734 $ 5,906 $ 6.083 Senior Planner (E) $ 277035 $ 28.5346 $ 29.3906 $ 30.2723 $31.1805 $321159 $ 33.0794 $ 34.0718 $ 35.0939 15 Chief Buildirg Official (E) $ 62,089 $ 63.952 $ 65,870 $ 67.846 $ 69,882 $ 71.978 $ 74,138 $ 76.362 $ 78.653 Prks,Forestry.Open Space ~r. IE) $ 5.174 $ 5.329 $ 5,489 $ 5,654 $ 5.823 $ 5.998 $ 6.178 $ 6.363 $ 6.554 Recreation tvlanager IE) $ 29.8505 $ 30.7460 $ 31.6684 $ 32.6185 $ 33.5970 $ 34.6049 $ 35.6431 $ 36.7124 $ 37.8137 \ nformation Technology fVanager(E) 196 Stuffill!: CITY OF" HEAT RIDGE - 2{)OS COMPENSATION PLAN BENEFITED POSITIONS (Continued) Range Mdpoint PAY POSITION f1rLE RANGE SrEP STEP SrEP STEP STEP STEP STEP RANGE GRADE MINMUM ~ ~ ~ .2 2 I ~ MAXIMUM 16 HLJ11EIn Resource rJenager (E) S 66.901 $ 68.908 $ 70.975 $ 73.104 $ 75,298 $ 77 .557 $ 79.883 $ 82.280 S 84,748 Engineering tv'encger (EI S 5.575 $ 5.742 $ 5,915 $ 6,092 S 6.275 $ 6.463 $ 6.657 $ 6.857 $ 7.062 Operations M3nager (EI $ 32.1639 $33.1288 $ 34.1227 $ 35.1464 $ 36.2008 $ 37.2668 $ 38.4054 $ 39.5576 S 40.7443 17 Police Commarder (EI S 72,086 $ 74.248 $ 76.476 $ 78,770 $ 81,133 $ 83.567 $ 86,074 $ 88.656 S 91,316 $ 6.007 $ 6,187 $ 6.373 $ 6,564 $ 6,761 $ 6.964 $ 7,173 $ 7.388 $ 7,610 $ 34.6566 S 35.6963 $ 36.7672 $ 37.8702 $ 39.0063 $ 40.1765 $41.3818 $ 42.6233 $ 43.9020 18 Deputy Police Chief (EI $ 77,672 S 80.003 $ 82.403 $ 64,875 $ 87421 $ 90.044 $ 92,745 $ 95,527 $ 98,393 $ 6.473 $ 6,667 $ 6,867 $ 7.073 $ 7.285 S 7,504 $ 7,729 $ 7,961 $ 8,199 $ 37.3425 $ 38.4628 $ 39.6167 $ 40.8052 $ 42.0293 $ 43.2902 $ 44.5889 $ 45.9266 $ 47.3044 19 Public Works Director (E) $ 83,692 $ 86,203 $ 88,789 $ 91 453 $ 94.196 $ 97.022 $ 99,933 $ 102,931 $ 106.019 Community Development Director(E) $ 6.974 $ 7184 $ 7.399 $ 7,621 $ 7.850 S 8,085 $ 8,328 S 8,578 $ 8,835 Parks & Recreation Drrector (EI $ 40.2366 $ 414436 $ 42.6870 $ 43.9676 $ 45.2866 $ 46.6452 $ 48.0445 $ 49.4859 $ 50.9705 20 Chief of Police (E) $ 90.178 $ 92,884 $ 95,670 $ 98,540 $101496 $104.541 $ 107,677 $ 110,908 $ 114,235 Deputy City ~er (E) $ 7,515 $ 7,740 $ 7,973 $ 8,212 $ 8.458 $ 8.712 S 8,973 $ 9,242 $ 9,520 $ 43.3549 $ 44.6555 $ 45.9952 $ 47.3751 $ 48.7963 $ 50.2602 $ 51.7680 $ 53.3210 $ 54.9207 21 $ 97,167 $ 100.082 $ 103.084 S 106,177 $ 109,362 $112.643 $116,022 $ 119,503 $ 123,088 197 Stafting ern: OF \VHEAT RIDGE - 2011S eOMPEN~ATIOl\ PL <\N INTERMITTAl\T P\RT "1'11\11<) SEASONAL POSITlOl\S PAY Step 1 Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step 9 GR!>CE POSITION TrTLE MinirTIJrn 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 MaxilTLlm PT-1 $ 5.3623 $ 5.5232 $ 5.6889 $ 5.85ffi $ 6.03&\ $ 6.2164 $ 6.4029 $ 6.5950 $ 6.7929 PT-2 Pool )\jde $ 5.m9 $ 5.9513 $ 6.1298 $ 6.3137 $ 6,,)31 $ 6.6982 $ 6.8991 $ 71001 $ 73193 PT-3 $ 622.51 $ 6.4125 $ 6.0049 $ 6.8030 $ 7.0071 $ 72173 $ 7 4338 $ 7.6568 $ 78865 PT-4 Rec Service Atten:Jart Instructor- Rec I Smrekeeper $ 6.7082 $ 6.9:194 $ 71167 $ 7.3302 $ 7.5501 $ 777ffi $ 8.0099 $ 8.2512 $ 8.4977 BLildrg ~sor PT-5 Recreation )\jde $ 7.2281 $ 7 4449 $ 7.6683 $ 7.8983 $ 8.1353 $ 8.3793 $ 8.6307 $ 8.8896 $ 9.1563 PT-6 Mendart: Desk Gym Ointirg wal $ 77883 $ 8.0219 $ 8.2626 $ 8.5104 $ 8. 7658 $ 9.0287 $ 9.2ffi6 $ 9.5786 $ 9.8659 V\egtt Room Oild Cae PT Qstooan PT-7 Instructor: SiX'rts I Darce I Ufeg.ad $ 8.3919 $ 8.6436 $ 8.9J29 $ 9.1700 $ 9.4451 $ 9.7285 $ 10.0203 $ 10.3209 $ 10.6305 WSA Diver Cook Coach Seasora Mairterarce WJrker PT-8 Recreation Oak I W31 Head: Ointirg wal Atterdart $ 9.0422 $ 9.3135 $ 9.5929 $ 9.88)7 $ 10.1771 $ 10.4824 $ 10.7009 $ 11.1208 $ 11.4544 VYegtt Room Atterdart Oild Cae Atten:Jart Coach Instructor Recreation II Spec;a1ty Rtress I Spc>rts Offidall PT-9 $ 9.7430 $ 10.0353 $ 10.3363 $ 10.6464 $ 10.9658 $ 11.2948 $ 11.6336 $ 11.9827 $ 12.3421 PT-lO $ 10.4981 $ 10.8130 $ 11.1374 $ 11.4715 $ 11.8157 $ 12.1701 $ 12.5353 $ 129113 $ 13.2986 PT-11 Recreation Leeder Ucen;ed Pre-&rool Gp Leeder Recreation Oak III $ 11.3117 $ 11.6510 $ 12.cxXl6 $ 12.3006 $ 12.7314 $ 13.1133 $ 13.5067 $ 13.9119 $ 14.3293 Instructor: Darce II Sp:xts II W31 Irstndor Rtress Assistart I 198 Stf(tfing CITY OF\\ HEAT RIDGE -2(1(15 COMPENSATIOl\ PLAN INTERI\HTTANT PARfTIMEI SK\SOl\A.L POSITIONS (Continued) PAY Step 1 Step Step Step Step Step Step Step Step 9 GRAll" POSITION TrrLE MinirllJm 2 3 4 5 !i Z 8 MaxilTUm PT-12 Staff Assistart Recreation Oer1< III Uaarsed Pre-Sch:Jol Speciaist $ 12.1883 $ 12.5540 $ 12.9300 $ 13.3185 $ 13.7181 $ 14.1296 S 14.5535 $ 14.9901 $ 154398 Instructor. AqLB Exerdse I Aerolics I Martial Arts I Speciaty Fitress II PersoraJ Trarer I PT-13 Sports Officia II Hea:J UfegmJ S 13.1329 $ 13.5269 $ 13.9327 $ 14.3507 $ 14.7812 $ 15.2247 $ 15.6814 $ 16.1518 $ 16.6364 PT-14 Facility Assistart Fitress Assistart II Senor Staff Assistart $ 14.1507 $ 14.5753 $ 15.0125 $ 15.4629 $ 15.9268 $ 16.4046 $ 16.8967 $ 174036 $ 17.9257 PT-15 Office T edTidan Pool Marager S 15.2474 $ 15.7G48 $ 16.1760 $ 16.6613 $ 171611 $ 17.6759 $ 18.2062 $ 18.7524 $ 19.3150 PT-16 Gout Marst-a Mriristrative Assistart Instructor. Aq..a Exercise II $ 164291 $ 16.9220 $ 174296 S 17.9525 $ 184911 S 19.0458 $ 19.6172 $ 20.2057 $ 20.8119 Aerolics II Specialty Fitress 111 Martial Arts II Persora Trairer II PT-17 Recreation Coordirntor $ 177023 S 18.2334 $ 18.7804 S 19.3438 $ 19.9241 $ 20.5219 $ 21.1375 $ 21.7716 $ 22.4248 199 SI(!tfiJl~ STAFFING TABLE 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized GENERAL FUND LEGISLATIVE Legislative Services Mayor - 1 Position Elected Elected Elected Elected Council Member - 8 positions Elected Elected Elected Elected TREASURY Treasury City Treasurer Elected Elected Elected Elected Accountant 1000 1000 0000 0.000 Accounting Technician 1000 1000 0000 0.000 Payroll Technician 0.875 1000 0.000 0000 Subtotal 2.875 3.000 0.000 0.000 Sales Tax Sales Tax Auditor 1000 1 000 0.000 0.000 Sales Tax Technician 1000 1 000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 0.000 0.000 Total 4.875 5.000 0.000 0.000 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Economic Development Economic Development Director 1000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 0.000 0000 0.000 Total 2.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE General Management Services City Manager 1000 1 000 1000 1000 Assistant to the City Manager 1.000 1000 1000 1.000 Total 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 CITY ATTORNEY Legal Services City Altomey Contracted Contracted Contracted Contracted CITY CLERK City Clerk City Clerk Elected Elected Elected Elected Deputy City Clerk 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 0.500 0.500 0.500 1000 Sr Staff Assistant 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.000 Receptionist 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.500 Total 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.500 200 St4fi/lg STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized MUNICIPAL COURT Municipal Court Mmicipal Judge Contracted Contracted Contracted Contracted Court Administrator 1000 1000. 1000 1000 Deputy Court Clerk. 6.000 6.000 5.750 5.750 Probation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 0.000 Probation Officer 1000 1000 0.000 1000 Sr Staff Assistant 1.000 1000 1000 1000 Total 10.000 10.000 8.750 8.750 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES Grant Administration Grants Administrator 0..750 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 0. 750 0..000 0.000 0.000 Administrative Services Deputy City Manager 0..000 0.000 1000 1000 Administrative Services Director 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Executive Assistant 0.000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1000 0..000 0..000 0.000 Receptionist 1000 1000 0.000 0..000 Subtotal 3.000 3.000 2.000 2.000 Finance Accounting Supervisor 0.000 0..000 1000 1000 Accounting Technician 0.000 0.000 1000 1000 Payroll Technician 0.000 0.000 1000 1000 Subtotal 0..000 0..000 3.000 3000 Sales Tax Sales Tax Auditor 0.000 0.000 1000 2000 Sales Tax Technician 0.000 0..000 1000 1000 Subtotal 0..000 0..000 2.000 3.000 Human Resources Human Resources Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Human Resources Representative 1000 1000 1000 1000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Purchasing and Contracting Procurement Agent 0..000 0..000 0.000 1000 Purchasing Agent 1000 1000 1000 0.000 Purchasing Technician 1000 1000 0..000 0..000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 1000 1000 Infonnation Systems IT Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Netoork. Administrator 1000 1000 1000 1000 Personal Computer Technician 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Web & Imaging Technician 1.000 1000 1000 1000 Subtotal 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 Total 12.750 12.000 15.000 16.000 201 SIa.ffillJ; STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Administration Community Development Director 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1000 1000 1000 1000 Subtotal 2000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Planning Senior Planner 1000 1000 1000 1000 Planner 2.000 2.000 1000 1000 Planning Technician 1.000 1000 1000 1000 Subtotal 4000 4000 3.000 3.000 Building Chief Building Official 1000 1000 1000 1000 Building Inspector 1000 1000 Contracted 1000 Permit Coordinator 1000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Sr Staff Assistant 1000 1000 1000 1000 Property Inspector* 0.000 0.000 1000 1000 Subtotal 4.000 3.000 3.000 4.000 *Funded in Hotel/Motel Fund Code and Zoning Enforcement Property Inspector 1000 1000 0.000 0000 Subtotal 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Total 11 000 10.000 8.000 9.000 POLICE DEPARTMENT Administration Chief of Police 1000 1000 1000 1000 Deputy Chief of Police 1000 1000 1000 1000 Police Commander 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Police Sergeant 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 2.000 2.000 3.000 3.000 WalTants Clerk 0.000 0000 1000 1000 Subtotal 6.000 6.000 7000 7000 Animal/Park Code Enforcement Code Enforcement Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Code Enforcement Officer* 5.000 5.000 4000 4000 Subtotal 6.000 6.000 5.000 5.000 *2.0 APCO funded in Hotel/Motel Fund Communications Communications Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Emergency Services Specialist 11. 000 11 000 10.000 10.000 Subtotal 12.000 12.000 11000 11000 Selective Enforcement and Education Police Officer 2.000 1.000 0000 0.000 Subtotal 2.000 1000 0000 0000 202 Slatfillg STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized POLICE DEPARTMENT (Continued) Records Section Records Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Records Management Specialist 5.000 4.000 4.000 4000 Subtotal 6.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 Training Training Coordinator 1.000 1.000 1.000 1000 Subtotal 1000 1000 1000 1000 Patrol Police Commander 1000 1000 1000 1000 Police Sergeant 6.000 6000 6.000 6.000 Police Officer* 34.000 34.000 32. 000 35.000 Subtotal 41 000 41 000 39 000 42.000 *2.0 Police Officers funded in Hotel/Motel Fund Investigations Police Commander 1000 1000 1000 1000 Police Sergeant 1000 1000 2.000 2.000 Police Officer 11000 11000 11000 9.000 Evidence Technician 1000 1000 1000 1000 Pawn Slip Clerk 0500 0.500 0.000 0000 Offender Registrar 1000 1000 1000 1000 Warrants Clerk 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 17500 17500 16.000 14000 Traffic Enforcement Police Sergeant 1000 1000 0.000 1000 Police Officer 4.000 4.000 4000 2.000 Subtotal 5.000 5.000 4000 3000 Special Investigations Police Sergeant 1000 1000 1000 1000 Police Officer 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Subtotal 3.000 3000 3.000 3.000 Total 99.500 97 500 91 000 91 000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Administration Public Works Director 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 1000 1000 203 Statfill!.: STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT (Continued) Engineering Engineering Manager 0000 0000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 0.000 0000 1000 1000 Civil Engineer 1000 1000 1000 1000 Civil Engineer" 4 000 4 000 2.000 2.000 Engineering Technician 5.000 2.000 5.000 6.000 Engineering Assistant 3.500 2000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 13.500 9 000 11000 12.000 Operations Operations Manager 0.000 0.000 1000 1000 Operations Supervisor 0.000 0.000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 0.000 0000 1000 1000 Street Superintendent 1000 1000 0.000 0000 Equipment Operator /I 3.000 3.000 3000 3.000 Equipment Operator I 4000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Maintenance Worker I 5.000 4000 2.000 0.000 Maintenance Worker /I 0000 0.000 3.000 5.000 Traffic Control Technician 0.000 0.000 1000 1000 Lead Mechanic 0.000 0000 1000 1000 Mechanic 0.000 0.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 13. 000 10. 000 16.000 16.000 Traffic Maintenance Traffic Engineer 1000 0.000 0000 0.000 Traffic Planner 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Traffic Control Supervisor 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Traffic Control Technician 2.000 1000 0.000 0.000 Traffic Control Assistant 2.000 2000 0.000 0.000 Engineering Assistant 0.500 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 7500 5.000 0.000 0.000 Fleet Maintenance Fleet Supervisor 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Lead Mechanic 1000 1000 0000 0000 Mechanic 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Fleet Analyst 1000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 4000 4000 0000 0.000 Traffic Engineering Traffic Engineer 0.000 1000 0000 0.000 Engineering Technician /I 0000 1000 0.000 0.000 Engineering Assistant 0.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 0000 3.000 0000 0000 Total 40.000 33. 000 28.000 29.000 204 Staffing STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized PARKS AND RECREATION Administration Parks & Recreation Director 1000 1000 1000 1000 Administrative Assistant 1000 1000 1.000 1000 Subtotal 2000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Recreation Recreation Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Marketing Coordinator 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 Subtotal 1500 1500 1500 1500 Parks Maintenance Parks, Open Space, Forestry Manager 1000 1000 1000 1000 Operations Supervisor 2.000 2.000 1000 1000 Parks Program Coordinator 0000 0.000 1000 1000 Park s Maintenance Crew Leader 4000 4000 2.000 2000 Parks Maintenance Worker I 5.000 5.000 5.000 5.000 Parks Maintenance Worker /I 1000 1000 3.000 3.000 Small Engine Mechanic 1000 0000 0000 0.000 Sr Staff Assistant 1000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 15.000 14 000 14000 14000 Forestry City Forester 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Forestry Technician 1000 1000 1000 1000 Forestry Assistant /I 2.000 1000 1000 1000 Parks Horticulturalist 1000 1000 0.000 0000 Parks Maintenance Worker I 1000 0.000 1000 1000 Horticulture Assistant 1.000 1.000 1000 1.000 Subtotal 7000 5.000 4000 4000 Open Space Park Naturalist 1000 1000 1000 1000 Parks Maintenance Worker /I 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Athletics Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Recreation Coordinator 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 General Programs Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 0.000 0.000 Teen Coordinator 0.500 0.500 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 1500 1500 0.000 0.000 SeniorlCommunity Center Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Recreation Coordinator 1 130 1 130 1 130 1 130 Recreation Clerk 1000 1000 1500 1500 Office Technician 1.000 1.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 4130 4130 3.630 3.630 205 Sta.tfill): STAFFING TABLE (continued) 2002 2003 2004 2005 Authorized Authorized Authorized Authorized PARKS AND RECREATION (Continued) Teen Center Recreation Coordinator 1.000 0.000 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 1000 0000 0000 0.000 Building Maintenance Building Maintenance Supervisor 1000 1.000 1.000 1000 Subtotal 1000 1000 1000 1000 Total 37.130 33. 130 30.130 30.130 General Fund Total 221 255 204.630 184.880 188.380 RECREATION CENTER OPERATIONS FUND Facility Operation Facilities Operations Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Facility Assistant 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 Recreation Clerk 1000 1000 1000 1000 Office Technician 1000 1000 0500 0.500 Custodian 2.000 2.000 2.000 2.000 Facility Maintenance Technician 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 9.000 9000 8.500 8.500 Aquatics Recreation Supervisor 1000 1000 1000 1000 Pool Manager 3.000 3.000 3.000 3.000 Subtotal 4000 4000 4000 4000 Fitness Recreation Coordinator 1.000 1000 1.000 1.000 Subtotal 1000 1000 1000 1000 Marketing Marketing Coordinator 0.500 0.500 0500 0.500 Subtotal 0.500 0.500 0.500 0.500 Therapeutic Recreation Recreation Leader 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 Subtotal 0.000 0.500 0.500 0.500 General Programs Recreation Supervisor 0.000 0.500 1000 1000 Recreation Coordinator 0.000 0.500 0.000 0.000 Subtotal 0.000 0500 1000 1000 Recreation Center Operations Fund Total 14.500 15.500 15.500 15.500 Grand Total 235.755 220.130 200.380 203.880 206 2005 FEE SCHEDULE A CIty Fee Committee. represented by each department. was estabhshcd In 2003 to reVICv. all Clty fees. The conmllttec rcvlewed the maJonty of elty fees USIng eIther a market analysIs and/or actual cost. The eonU11lttee met over a penod of three (3) months IdentIfying dIfferent methodologIes for reVIeWIng City tees, IdenlltYll1g the vanous fees to be revIewed, and reVleWIng areas or programs where the Clty could Implement a new fee structure to recoup its costs. FollOWIng is the 2005 Fee Schedule 2005 Fee Schedule General Administrative/Clerk Fees: Coples/Mierofilm per pagel w/research $5 00/ I" five (5) pages $.50/for additlOnal pages Coples/Mlcrofilm per page wiout research (ExceptIon: Sce Senior/Community Centcr fee sehcdule.) $.50 CertIfied Copies per page Research Fees $2.00 $25/hour tlmes actual tnne spent rounded to the nearest '/4 hour. Video Tape' $3000 (w/own tape) $35 00 (v./outtapej $25 (w/own tape) $30 (wiouttape) Audio Tape2 (Exception: See Poliee Department fee sehedule and proeedures for east.) Code of Laws $125 Cod of Laws BInder $25 Liquor/Beer Code $20 NEC Codes $15 Pnnted Documents (i.e., budget) Actual Printing Cost Code Supplements Actual Cost + shippmg and $5 handhng fee. 207 211115 Fe" Se!lct!lIlc City Charter 2005 Fee Schedule $15 Transcnpts of CIty Council Meetings Fees Provide and coord1l1ate own servlces. ProvIde and coord1l1ate own servIces $25 Referred to County for mfomlatJon Dishonored Check Fee Voter Info FAX COplCS Public Works Fees: No Charge Contractor Llcense - Class A - Class B - Class C $200 $150 $125 Development RevIew Fees - Processmg Fee - Smgle-Family ResidentIal Revlew $100 $50 - CommerClal/MultJ-Fanllly Review. -- Review oftechmcal documents -- Review for constructIOn 111 R-O-W, final dra1l1age report & eroslOn control plan Subdivlslon lmprovementAgmt Development Covenant Fee CDOT Access Permit Fee $100 $500 $125 $125 Traffic Impaet Study Revle" Fee Flood PI am Vanance Revlew Fee $150 $200 - Class I ApphcatlOn - Class I PubhcatlOnlPubhc Notlce $150 N/A $250 $90 - Class II ApplicatIon - Class II PubhcationlPubhc Notiee 208 2005 Fce Sc"ct!ule 2005 Fcc Schedule Citv Treasurer's Liquor Oceupatlon Class D $650 Class F $600 Class G $900 Class J $700 Class T $1,300 News Rack License Fee $IO/rack Llst ofLlcensed Busmesses - on labels $25 LIst of LIcensed Bus1l1esses - computer pnntout $10 Police Department Address Check $\ 5/first 1 '2 hour, $25 each addltlOnal hour. Records Check $15/first 1'2 hour, $25 each additional hour Reglstered Sex Offender List $5/resldents Report Fees $5/first 5 pages $.50/per addltlOnal page Add Research Fee $25/hour for addItional research tlme over Y2 hour. AudIO Tapcs $35 first hour $10 eaeh addltlOnall'4 hour. Blank tape required. EVldence Photos 3x5 or 4x6 (entire roll only) $5 plus cost( $5 deposlt) 209 211(/5 Fee Sc//{'t!ul" 2005 Fec Schedule EVldence Photos 5x7 or Sx 12 (smgle roll only) $10 plus cost, $10 deposIt Pawn Shops $5,nOn/year Coneealed Weapons Pernl1t DISCONTINUED - State Law Changes DIgital Image $25/CD and pnntout $5 deposit Sex Offender Reglstrallon $20-$25/reglstratlon Fingerpnnts $1 O/residents only and and liquor hcense wlthm Clty Parks and Recreation Ye Olde FIrehouse Rental Fee Free Non-profit groups only R1ehards Hart Estate Rental Fee $500/6 hours $75 each addll10nal hour Park Shelters Rental Fee $50 Park PavilIons Rental Fee $1 00 (Monday-Thursday) $150 (Fnday-Sunday) through February) $200 (Friday-Sunday After March 1 ) 210 2/1/15 Fee Scl1ct!ule JHwat Ridrze Recreation Center - 2005 Fee Schedule Wheat Rid!!e Resident .Jeffco Resident Non-Resident Dailv DroD-In Fees Adult III & older $4 SO $5 SO $6.50 Youth 6-17 years $4.00 $500 $600 Child 3-5 years $3.50 $400 $4.50 Child 2 & under free free free Semor 65 & older $400 $500 $600 Family $1000 $1300 n/a Punch Card Fees 120 visits) Adult $67.50 $82.50 $97.50 Youth $60 00 $75 00 $90.00 Child $52.50 $60 00 S67.50 Semor $6000 $75 00 $90.00 Annual Pass Fees Adult $350 $400 $465 Youth $250 $320 $375 Child $190 $225 S265 Senior $250 $320 S375 (mcludes admISSIOn to the outdoor pool) Summer Fun Pass (good for admlsslOn to outdoor pool and Wheat Ridge Recreation Center for the summer season) Adult $110 $135 $145 Youili $95 $120 $130 Child $75 $110 $120 Sel110r $95 $120 $130 Family $200 $250 $300 Outdoor Pool in Anderson Park Daily Admission: Resldent Child 2 & under free Child 3-5 years $1.25 Youili 6-17years $2.75 Adult 18 & older $3.25 Serum 65 & older $2.75 Non-Resldent free $2.25 $4.25 $5.25 $4.25 211 2IJIJ5 Fee Schet!ule Youth Snorts LeaQue Fee Boys BasebalL GirlS Softball, Midget Football, S I 5 'per player Youth Basketball, Plranhas SWim Team, St. Peter & Paul Greenbelt and Clear Creek Grouo Usal!e $50 for approved group usage - (all groups) Parks. Pavilions & Shelter Rental Fee & Policies Park Pavilions Anderson Park ( 100 maXlmum occupancy) Prospect Park ( I SO maXlmum oecupancy) Monday Thursday - $100 (no rate change as of March I) Fnday-Sunday lfreservatlon made before March 1 $1 SO ReservatlOns made startmg March I $200 Wheat RIdge residents reserve pavihons/shelter beb'1llilmg January 2 Non-residents reserve paviltons/shelters beb'1nning March I Park Shelters Panorama Park Randall Park Paramount Park FrUltdale Park (SO maximum occupancy) (50 maXll1mm occupancy) (50 maxmmm occupancy) (50 maxImum occupancy) $50 $50 $50 $50 (Rent to residents only) Hayward Park Johnson Park Apel Bacher Park no fee - peml1t only lf over 25 people no fee - permIt only If over 25 people no fee - pernl1t only lf over 25 people Park Damal!e Deoosits Any group over 75 people are charged a $100 refundable damage deposit for all parks. Pavilion/Shelter Reservations at no fee for followinl! l!rouns Wheat RIdge Call1ation F eshval Wheat Rldge/ Arvada KIwams - one time weekday use of Anderson Pavihon Wheat RIdge Garden Club one hme weekday use of Paramount Pa[k Shelter Park Rentals - weeklv Groups that reserve a park for a Monday - Fnday camp, school, etc are charged $50 pe[ day The $100 refundable damage deposit polIcy also applIes here. 212 Lille lIen! "n'OllllfS Cit) Treasurer 01-101 CITY TREASURER ACCOUNT 01-101 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 29.000 29,000 29,000 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL. NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 1,798 1.798 1798 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 14 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 430 421 421 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I 600 SUB-TOTAL 0 31,242 31.219 31,219 1 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 100 0 25 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 I 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 100 0 25 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 350 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKStSUBSCRI PTIONS 0 288 50 50 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 300 0 0 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 784 JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 I 700 SUB-TOTAL 0 588 400 550 I 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI o I 31.930 I 31,619 I 31.794 I 213 Lillt! Item ,1CCiJllJltS General Government - Legislative Services 01-102 \ CITY COUNCIL ACCOUNT 01-102 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 62,499 67,680 67.680 67.680 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3.874 4.196 4.196 4.196 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 118 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 906 981 981 981 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I 600 SUB-TOTAL 67.397 72,857 72.857 72,857 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 750 750 1,150 655 POSTAGE COSTS 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 1,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 2.607 2,607 1,790 I 650 SUB.TOTAL 0 3,357 3.357 3.940 I 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 0 13,900 13,900 23,330 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 3,273 3.679 3,679 3,617 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 0 0 0 2,000 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 33,289 32.636 32,636 33.878 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTION 0 0 0 10.100 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 I 700 SUB-TOTAL 36,562 50,215 50,215 72.925 I 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 1 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 126,429 I 149.722 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 103.959 I 126,429 I 214 Line Itcmkcoll/lt.\ Administrative Services - Finance 01-103 FINANCE ACCOUNT 01-103 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 154.738 150,718 128.718 134,807 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 9,383 9,345 7.679 8,358 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 15,005 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.194 2,185 1796 1,954 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 5,586 5,149 5,184 5,393 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I 600 SUB-TOTAL 186.906 167,397 143,377 150.512 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 976 1.165 1,165 1.165 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 I 650 SUB-TOTAL 976 1,165 1.165 1,165 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 491 500 500 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ESIBOOKS/SU BSC RIPTIONS 939 1000 1,000 1,000 728 TRAINING 992 1,225 1,225 1,225 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 369 350 400 500 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16.700 21.000 18,000 18,000 752 MICROFILMING 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 784 JEFFCO TREAS COLL FEES 6,652 7,000 7,000 7,000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 I 700 SUB-TOTAL 26,143 31,075 28,125 28,225 I 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS I 214,025 I 199.637 I 172,667 179.902 I Notc: Finanec Division crcatcd III 2004 Originally Treasurer ^ecounting DIVIsIOn priorto 2004 215 Line Itelll .JcL'lJ//llts Cit) l\lanager's Office - Economic Development 01-105 I ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT ACCOUNT 01-105 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I 600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 215 750 350 700 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 5,362 6.500 203 5,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 85 0 0 4.000 I 650 SUB-TOTAL 5,662 7,250 553 9.700 I 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 710 3,015 3,015 3,500 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 4,494 4.600 4,600 5,855 714 LEGALS & PUBLISHING 3,285 4,000 3,636 5.000 719 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE 21,493 20,000 20,000 50,000 720 ECONOMIC DEVELPMENT - SAFEWAY 7,631 25,000 22,000 60,000 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 448 700 700 700 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 67,426 245,000 245,000 17,750 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 5.000 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 I 700 SUB-TOTAL 105,487 302,315 298.951 147,805 I 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS. I 111,149 I 309,565 I 299,504 I 157,505 I 216 Linc Item 4("("Olll1tS City Manager's Office - City Manager 01-106 I CITY MANAGER ACCOUNT 01-106 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 172,982 171.651 171,651 188,350 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5,772 5.750 5,750 10,400 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 8,887 8,906 8,906 9,012 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 12.799 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,629 2,525 2.525 2.731 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2,275 2.266 2,266 2,334 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I 600 SUB-TOTAL 208.944 194,698 194,698 216,427 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,056 700 600 700 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 523 700 500 700 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 208 350 350 350 I 650 SUB.TOTAL 1,787 1.750 1,450 1,750 I 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 1,294 4.750 4750 4,750 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU EStBOOKStSUBSCRIPTIONS 1,532 2,415 2,415 2,415 723 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 726 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 1,260 1,000 700 1,000 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 250 500 100 100 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICE 14,064 20,000 20,000 30,000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 798 MANAGEMENT CONTINGENCY 0 2,200 2,200 7,500 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 1,548 100 0 0 1 700 SUB-TOTAL 19,948 30,965 30,165 45,765 I 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 1,600 1,600 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 1,600 1,600 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 230,679 I 229,013 I 227,913 I 263,942 I 217 Lille Item 4,.,.011111.1 General Goyernment - City Attorne) 01-t07 I LEGAL SERVICES ACCOUNT 01-107 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 59,720 60,000 62,600 73.500 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 141.112 123,000 93.800 163.000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 23,702 60,000 98.000 64.000 I 700 SUB-TOTAL 224,534 243,000 254,400 300.500 300.500 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 224.534 I 243,000 I 254,400 I 218 Line IteHl 4n:Ollnt.\ City Clerk's Office 01-108 CITY CLERK ACCOUNT 01-108 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 114,114 109.169 108,674 129,302 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 6,746 6,782 6,737 8.017 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 13,204 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1.578 1,586 1.576 1.875 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4,399 3,187 3.187 5,172 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 140.041 120,724 120.174 144,366 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,189 2.500 2.500 2,500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 1,189 2,500 2,500 2.500 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 70 500 500 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 600 4600 4,600 4,600 708 ELECTION EXPENSE 10,000 13.000 13,000 13.000 714 LEGALS & PUBLISHING 22,360 24,000 24,000 24.000 715 RECORDING FEES 3.000 3,000 3,000 3,000 728 TRAINING 0 1,500 1.500 1.500 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 14.360 10.000 10,000 10.000 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 50,390 56.600 56,600 56,600 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNTTOTALSI 191.620 I 179.824 I 179,274 I 203,466 I 219 Lillc Itcm 'lcCOIlIlt.\ Municipal Court 01-109 MUNICIPAL COURT ACCOUNT 01-109 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANAT Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 343,001 343.171 340.000 353.392 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 223 1,900 1.900 1,900 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 105 1.200 1,200 1,200 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOUR 73.527 88.000 85,000 88,000 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 24,914 26,850 26.850 27,366 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 37,910 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5,827 6.280 6.280 6,400 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 12,427 12.747 12,747 11,716 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 24,288 21,000 22,200 600 SUB-TOTAL 497,934 504,436 494.977 512.174 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 4,729 5,050 4,650 4,650 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2,641 2,825 2,475 2,475 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.764 4,225 3,200 3,225 650 SUB-TOTAL 13,134 12,100 10,325 10,350 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 4.020 4,050 3,450 4.000 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/S UBSCRIPTIONS 605 515 515 515 726 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISEMENT 0 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 1,497 1.200 1,070 1,200 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 71 150 150 150 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8,592 9,500 9,500 9.975 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 84 525 400 350 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHA 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 14,869 15,940 15,085 16,190 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 525.937 I 532,476 I 520.387 I 538.714 I 220 Lille Item 4L"L"o/lIIt, Administrative ~ervices - Administration 01-111 ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ACCOUNT 01-111 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 151.785 131,498 135,491 143,683 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 4,455 4,386 4,542 4,867 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3.600 3,600 3,600 3.600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 9.019 8,153 8,162 8,267 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 15,392 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,290 1.907 1,965 2.083 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1,281 1,751 1.751 1,854 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 187,822 151,295 155,511 164,354 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 987 1.000 600 750 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 871 0 1,500 1,500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1.231 1,500 100 500 650 SUB-TOTAL 3,089 2,500 2,200 2,750 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 567 3,000 3,000 2,750 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUEStBOOKStSU BSCRI PTIONS 954 1,000 1.000 1,040 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 80 250 85 250 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE 4,116 4.500 0 2.000 700 SUB-TOTAL 5.717 8,750 4,085 6,040 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 66 500 1.150 500 800 SUB-TOTAL 66 500 1.150 500 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 196,694 I 163.045 I 162,946 173,644 221 Lillc Irem ~("("/II/Ilr.\ Administrative Services - Human Resources 01-112 HUMAN RESOURCE~ ACCOUNT 01-112 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANAT Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALRIES & WAGES 128.549 131,279 131.279 138,638 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 623 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 43,900 39,088 44,000 20,000 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 7,544 8.139 8.139 8.596 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 12.611 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,764 1.904 1,904 2.010 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4.753 5,251 5,251 5.546 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 199.121 185,661 190,573 174,790 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,796 1,500 400 400 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2,953 2,000 2,000 2,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 4749 3,500 2.400 2.400 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 988 1,000 0 999 706 DU EStBOOKS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 1003 2,200 1,600 1,600 712 EMPLOYEE FUNCTIONS 2,878 2,600 3,950 3.250 723 TUITION REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 724 PRE-EMPLOYMENT PHYSICAL 5.714 14,000 7,500 13,300 726 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISEMENT 19,057 25.000 29.600 25,000 728 TRAINING 5.256 22.500 11,850 22,500 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 12,678 14.400 17,800 13,100 797 VACATION ACCR CASH-OUT 75.453 60.912 67,000 70,000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHA 1,147 500 0 250 700 SUB-TOTAL 124,174 143.112 139,300 149.999 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 6.840 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 6.840 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 334,884 I 332,273 I 332,273 I 327.189 I 222 Lille Itelll 4cc/JIIlIts City Manager's Office - Communit) Support 01-1]3 COMMUNITY SUPPORl ACCOUNT 01-113 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 9.763 9,000 9000 10,000 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER lBB 575 575 639 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 122 130 130 145 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 10.073 9,705 9.705 10784 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE COSTS 7.500 15,000 11,600 15.000 654 PHOTOCOPY IPRINTING 8,224 22.200 20,000 21,600 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 205 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 15.929 37.200 31,600 36,600 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 992 3,500 3.100 1.100 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 28,539 14,845 13,200 13,200 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 0 0 0 0 714 LEGALS & PUBLlCAATIONS 20 350 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 11,765 20,000 9.000 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 780 OUTSIDE AGENCY CONTRIBUTIONS 15,100 10,100 10.100 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ 7,693 7.650 7.650 7.140 700 SUB-TOTAL 64.109 56,445 43,050 21440 B02 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 B09 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 90,111 I 103,350 I 84,355 I 6B.B24 I 223 Lil/c Item 'leCOUI1t.\ Administrative Se,'vices - Risk Management 01-114 RISK MANAGEMENT ACCOUNT 01-114 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEtDETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 623 UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 621 WORKMAN'S COMPENSATION 284.183 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 284,183 0 0 0 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 712 ANNUAL APPRECIATION DINNER 0 0 0 0 726 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 SAFETY TRAINING 4.211 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 781 PERSONAL & PROPERTY LOSS 109,653 0 0 0 782 UNINSURED LOSSES 77 ,866 0 0 0 783 INCURRED BUT NOT REPORTED 0 0 0 0 798 MANGEMENT CONTINGENCY 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 191,730 0 0 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 o I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 475.913 I o I Notc' Risk management cxpensc, wcre cons<)lidated into the Central Charges account staliing in the 2004 fiscal ycar 224 o I Lil1c Itcm. JcC/JIIIU\ Administratiye Scrviccs - Sales Tax Ot-lI5 SALES TAX ACCOUNT 01-115 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 90.844 94.349 94,349 143,135 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 203 500 533 3,500 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 5.652 5.850 5.850 9,091 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 13.017 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1.322 1.368 1.368 2.126 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3,633 3774 3.774 4,352 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 114,671 105,841 105,874 162,204 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 688 800 650 1.500 655 POSTAGE 4.500 4,550 4,800 4,800 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 564 450 435 1000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 5.752 5,800 5,885 7.300 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 55 250 50 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 14,827 25.000 3.500 0 706 DU EStBOOKS/SUBSC RI PTIONS 66 200 150 400 726 RECRUITMENT & ADVERTISEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 500 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 668 800 600 1.000 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 15.616 26,250 4.300 2,400 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 5,000 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 5,000 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSj 136,039 I 137,891 I 121,059 1 171,904 I Note ~ales Tax DJ\'ision tlmncrly under Treasury Department prior to liscal year 2004 225 Lil/e Ite/ll .kcolI/lls Administrative Services - Purchasing and Contracting ()1-116 PURCHASING ACCOUNT 01.116 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANAT Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 75.574 55,413 55,413 58,350 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 806 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOUR 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 4,671 3.436 3.436 3.618 622 MEDICALfDENTAL INSURANCE 2,081 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,093 803 803 846 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2,711 2.217 2,217 2,334 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 1.685 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 88,621 61.869 61.869 65,148 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 670 300 800 800 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 670 300 BOO 800 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 181 1,300 1,000 1,000 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKStSU BSCRI PTIONS 360 350 350 350 728 TRAINING 924 500 500 500 732 WITNESS & JURROR FEES 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 303 500 300 300 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHA 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 1.768 2,650 2,150 2,150 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 64,819 I 68.09B I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 91,059 I 64.819 I 226 Linc Itcm cj("("/JII/lt,\ Administrative Services - Information Technology 01-117 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY ACCOUNT 01-117 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATIO~ Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 258,794 265,273 262,000 279,069 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 5,787 5.700 3.960 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 15,906 16.780 16.000 17.303 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 27,405 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 3,720 3.926 3,900 4.047 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 9,575 10.611 10.600 11.163 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 315,400 302.377 298,200 315,542 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2,670 5,950 4,800 5.950 650 SUB-TOTAL 2,670 5,950 4,800 5.950 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 254 4,200 4,000 4,200 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKStSU BSCRI PTIONS 3,127 2,400 2,000 2,650 728 TRAINING 37.114 40.195 24,000 42.195 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 1664 3,300 1.800 1,200 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 61.655 44,700 44,000 35,000 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 149.729 242,565 180.000 294,340 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 1,000 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 25.538 33.500 33,500 38,000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 280 081 370.860 289,300 417,585 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 193.681 44,990 44,000 42,790 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 3,500 0 3.500 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 200,650 120.000 296,250 800 SUB-TOTAL 193,681 249.140 164 000 342.540 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 791,832 I 928,327 I 756,300 I 1,081,617 I 227 Un(' /1('m In'fIllll!.' Parks and Recreation - Building Maintenance 01-JI8 BUILDING MAINTENANCE ACCOUNT 01-118 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEtDETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 46.415 46,713 46,713 49,558 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 8.881 8.086 8,086 10.721 614 STANDBY PAY 5.698 6.425 6.425 6,814 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3,803 2,896 2.896 3,073 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 6,307 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 889 677 677 719 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1,821 1,869 1,869 1,982 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 73.814 66.666 66.666 72,867 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 27,686 27,870 27.870 27,870 650 SUB-TOTAL 27,686 27.870 27,870 27,870 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 70.812 76,870 76.870 77 020 706 DUEStBOOKS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 60 100 60 100 728 TRAINING 100 500 350 500 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 144 200 175 200 758 RENTALS & LEASES 4,644 5,000 4,700 5.000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 91.180 93.450 93.450 100,200 774 FACILITIES REPAIR & MAINTENANCE 23,675 29,800 29,800 42,250 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 2,216 2,500 2,500 3.700 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 192,831 208.420 207.905 228.970 803 TOOLS & WORK EQUIP 994 1.000 1.000 1.000 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 4,650 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 5,644 1.000 1,000 1,000 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 299,975 I 303.956 I 303.441 I 330,707 I 228 Unc Itclll Accoullts Communit~ Development - Administration 0]-120 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMIN ACCOUNT 01-120 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAilED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 127.491 133.133 133133 141,241 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 4.470 4,757 4,757 5047 606 AUTO AllOWANCE 3,600 3.600 3.600 3,600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 3725 5.000 3.000 6,000 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 7,731 7.750 7,750 8.265 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 12.619 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1.987 1.931 1.931 1,933 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1.427 1,520 1,520 1.612 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 163,050 157,691 155,691 167,698 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 1,077 2,000 2,000 2,000 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 228 500 200 500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 500 200 400 650 SUB-TOTAL 1,305 3,000 2.400 2.900 702 CONFERENCE & MEETING EXPENSES 792 944 600 750 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKStSUBSCRIPTIONS 362 406 406 460 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 200 0 200 728 TRAINING 60 400 60 400 730 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 100,000 752 MICROFilMING 0 1,500 600 1,000 758 RENTALS AND lEASES 0 1.300 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 800 0 800 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 1.214 5,550 1666 103,610 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 159.757 I 274,208 I DEPARTMENTlACCOUNTTOTAlS/ 165,569 I 166,241 I 229 Line ItcmJa/JI/IUs Communit} Development - Planning 01-121 PLANNING ACCOUNT 01-121 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 191.183 158.923 158,923 163,194 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 11,392 9,853 9,853 10118 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 24,283 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.664 2.304 2,304 2,366 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 7,374 6,357 6.357 6.410 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 236,896 177.437 177.437 182.088 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 69 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 2.282 2,000 2,000 2,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 840 850 850 900 650 SUB-TOTAL 3.191 2,850 2.850 2,900 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 1.409 800 560 560 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 5,000 0 5000 706 DU EStBOOKStSUBSC RIPTIONS 2.403 4460 3885 4725 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 2.407 1,200 1185 600 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 86 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 6,305 11.460 5,630 10,885 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 185,917 I 195,873 I DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 246,392 I 191,747 I 230 Linc Item 'jaOlll1ts Community Development - Building ()1-122 INSPECTION SERVICES ACCOUNT 01-122 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 93,682 104,830 93,000 143,906 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 19 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 6,277 6,499 5.300 8,922 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 15,904 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,468 1,520 1,250 2,087 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3,185 4.193 1,900 4,910 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 25,374 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 145,909 117,042 101,450 159,825 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 181 700 700 700 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 297 330 330 600 650 SUB.TOTAL 478 1,030 1.030 1.300 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 115 300 300 600 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 12,535 99.500 99,500 35,000 706 D U ES/BOOKStSUBSC RIPTIONS 1.069 2,000 1.296 1.500 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 237 2,000 224 2.000 728 TRAINING 1.380 1,400 1,400 3,000 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 165 100 100 300 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 752 MICROFICHE 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 15.501 105,300 102,820 42,400 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 161,888 I 223.372 I 205,300 I 203.525 I 231 Linc Itcmj("("o/lllts Police - Administration Ot-20t POLICE ADMINISTRATION ACCOUNT 01-201 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 446.082 436,059 436,059 452,066 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 8,616 8,851 8,851 8,851 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 106,762 120,000 80,000 50,000 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 1.875 2.750 1000 1.000 618 COURT PAY 0 200 200 200 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 10,416 15.593 15.593 16.757 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 41,986 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 4,178 3,990 3.990 4.080 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3,375 6,470 6,686 6,686 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 25.859 16.366 16.366 17,068 600 SUB-TOTAL 649,149 610.279 568.745 556,708 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 6.538 9.715 7,500 7.500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 12,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,036 4.000 4,000 4,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 10,574 13,715 11,500 23,500 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 901 4.000 2,000 3.000 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/S UBSC RI PTIONS 1,012 7.825 7.825 8445 728 TRAINING 1,478 8,300 8,300 8.300 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 1.000 1.000 0 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 19,505 45.000 45.000 45,000 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 36,216 54.700 54,700 42.100 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 9.668 2.000 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 50 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 68,830 122,825 118.825 106.845 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB. TOTAL 0 0 0 0 699,070 I 687.053 I DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 728.553 I 746,819 I 232 LilleItcm 4n'01t/lfS Police - Animal/Park Code Enforcement 01-203 ANIMAL-PARK ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT 01-203 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANA TIC Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 120,006 126.402 126.402 128.041 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMP PERSONNEL NON.HOURLY 0 5,000 2,500 5.000 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 4006 2,806 2.806 3,820 618 COURT PAY 86 1,700 400 1,030 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 7,504 8,022 8,022 8,010 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 15.492 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,755 1,874 1.874 1,857 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3,222 5,056 5056 3.913 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 152.071 150.860 147,060 151,671 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 500 250 500 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 75 1.000 1,000 700 650 SUB-TOTAL 75 1.500 1,250 1,200 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 360 500 500 500 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6.000 0 0 0 706 DUEStBOOKS/SUBSCRI PTIONS 25 0 0 0 720 VETERINARY SERVICES 0 800 400 500 721 JEFFCO ANIMAL SHELTER 13,180 15,000 1 3.444 23,240 730 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 3,523 6,360 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 600 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 2,100 1,000 2.100 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHAR( 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 23,688 24,760 15.344 26,340 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 175,834 I 177.120 I 163,654 I 179,211 I 233 Lillc Itcm1L"(,O/llll.1 Police - Communications 01-204 POLICE COMMUNICATIONS ACCOUNT 01-204 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 375,220 442.351 422.351 464,833 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 30,469 30,316 30.316 24,247 618 COURT PAY 120 400 200 400 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 24,456 29,544 29.544 28,813 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 40,014 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5,786 6,854 6,854 6.675 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 11,752 17,467 17,467 18,179 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 487,817 526,932 506,732 543,147 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 2.819 2.200 2,200 400 650 SUB-TOTAL 2,819 2.200 2,200 400 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 672 750 750 750 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU EStBOOKS/SU BSC RIPTIONS 520 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 75,029 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 102,000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 41,140 51,268 51.268 66,700 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 117,361 52,018 52,018 169,450 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 1,644 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 15.850 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 17,494 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 625,491 581,150 560.950 I 712,997 I 234 lillI' //CIII "1cCIIlllltS Police - Selective Enforcement/Education () 1-205 SELECTIVE ENFORCEMENT AND EDUCATII ACCOUNT 01-205 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEtDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 35.071 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 1.039 0 0 0 618 COURT PAY 163 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 6.588 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 3.549 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 46,410 0 0 0 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 965 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 965 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSC RIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 47,375 I o I o I o I Note. <;dect1\e Enforeement Education DivISion deleted as part of2004 budget reduction,. 235 LillI' /tl'lII ,lccollnts Police - Records 01 -206 POLICE RECORDS ACCOUNT 01-206 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 168,300 171,273 171.273 181.840 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 29 1.900 1.900 1.900 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 10,116 10,736 10736 11.274 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 28.213 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,366 2,532 2,532 2,637 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 6,301 6,851 6.851 6,536 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 215.325 193.292 193,292 204,187 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 10,630 13.300 13,000 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 882 500 500 800 650 SUB-TOTAL 11,512 13,800 13.500 800 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 259 100 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSCRI PTIONS 50 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 20,000 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 130 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 439 100 0 20,000 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 4,950 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB.TOTAL 4,950 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNTTOTALSI 232,226 I 207,192 I 206,792 I 224,987 I 236 Lil/c /1CII/ lccollnts Police - Training 01-207 POLICE TRAINING ACCOUNT. 01.207 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 19,685 40,468 40 468 42.932 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 468 2,150 500 1,800 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 1.105 2.642 2.642 2,662 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 4,356 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 259 618 618 623 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 800 1619 1,619 1717 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 26,673 47,497 45,847 49.734 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,302 3,000 2.000 3,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 1.302 3.000 2,000 3000 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 580 2.500 500 2,500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSC RI PTIONS 1,160 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 52,008 60.000 60,000 60.000 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 22.332 25.000 25.000 36,000 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 76.080 87.500 85.500 98,500 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 4,177 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 4,177 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 108,232 I 137.997 \ 133,347 I 151,234 I 237 Linc Item .j("COIlIlf.\ Police - Patrol 01-211 POLICE PATROL ACCOUNT 01-211 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 2,026,287 1,941.995 1,941.995 2,051,140 603 LONGEVITY (46) 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 118,934 168.400 168.400 165.000 618 COURT PAY 21.896 33,306 33,306 34.500 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 2.472 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 224.220 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 22,506 22,780 22,780 24,155 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 410 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 188.654 194.199 194.199 201,914 634 STATE DISABILITY INS. 25,848 21,385 21,385 28,339 600 SUB-TOTAL 2,631,181 2,382.065 2,382,065 2.505,048 657 RANGE SUPPLIES 22,817 18,197 18,197 18,200 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 13,523 21,330 21,300 21,330 650 SUB-TOTAL 36.340 39.527 39.497 39,530 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 191 500 500 500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SU BSCRIPTIONS 220 0 0 0 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 600 600 600 730 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 13.486 11.500 11.500 4.000 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 8.461 17 .250 17 ,250 13,200 75B RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONEtPAGER EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 84 2.400 2.400 2,100 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE 0 0 0 0 700SUB.TOTAL 22.442 32.250 32.250 20.400 B02 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 B09 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 23,600 BOO SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 23,600 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 2,689.963 I 2.453,842 I 2.453,812 I 2,588,578 I 238 Lille Item !ceOlll1ts Police - Investigations 01-212 POLICE INVESTIGATIONS ACCOUNT 01-212 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATIOI Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 826.187 962,041 850,000 854,327 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 24,538 70,000 70,000 74,250 614 STANDBY PAY 7.159 5,800 5.800 7,000 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 618 COURT PAY 3,669 7000 3.000 6.800 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 10,080 8.670 6.000 4,594 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 86,567 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 8.159 11,215 11,215 8,525 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 6,636 2.794 3010 2.964 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 64,346 89.220 89.220 78,023 634 STATE DISABILITY 0 1,214 0 5,204 600 SUB-TOTAL 1,037.341 1,157,954 1.038,245 1,041,687 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 10 350 350 350 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,403 12,660 12,660 9,200 650 SUB-TOTAL 10,413 13.010 13.010 9,550 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 1,775 4,580 2,000 4,180 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU EStBOOKS/SU BSCRI PTIONS 920 0 0 0 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 28 1,400 500 800 730 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,364 1.200 700 1.000 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 20,081 18,970 18,970 13.000 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 647 4,650 4,650 3.000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 940 1,915 1.915 1,315 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 25,755 32,715 28,735 23,295 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 4,345 5,000 5,000 5,000 804 ENGINEERING & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 2,097 0 0 8.500 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 6,442 5,000 5,000 13,500 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTAL~ 1,079,951 11,208.679 I 1,084,990 I 1 088.032 I 239 Line Item "j("('{IItIlt.\ Police - Traffic Enforcement 01-213 TRAFFIC ENFORCEMENT ACCOUNT 01-213 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEtDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 287.488 212.361 212.361 184.594 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 7.456 4.450 9,659 10,500 618 COURT PAY 1,228 5,750 5,750 5,750 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 32.497 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 4,250 3,202 3,202 2.677 633 POLICE RETIREMENT INSURANCE 27.967 21,236 21,236 18459 634 STATE DISABILITY INS. 0 2.443 2.443 1,355 600 SUB-TOTAL 360.886 249.442 254,651 223.335 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYIPRINTING 0 0 0 0 662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 77 300 300 300 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRI PTIONS 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,850 4,500 2.500 4,500 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 564 1.300 800 1,000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 2.491 6,100 3.600 5.800 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 3,995 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 3,995 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 367.372 I 255,542 I 258,251 I 229,135 I 240 LillI' Item .1ccollll1s Police - Special Investigations 01-214 SPECIAL INVESTIGATIONS ACCOUNT 01-214 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATI( Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 108475 182.659 182,659 189,696 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO AllOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 8,128 8,010 8,010 11.000 618 COURT PAY 448 2.510 500 2.450 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 10.565 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1453 800 800 846 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 10.795 18.266 18,266 18,970 600 SUB-TOTAL 139.864 212.245 210,235 222.962 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYIPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 200 200 200 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 200 200 200 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSC RIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 150 150 150 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 300 300 300 740 MilEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND lEASES 17.419 17,500 16,248 17.500 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 300 300 300 799 MISCEllANEOUS SERVICES AND CHAR 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 17.419 18.250 16,998 18,250 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTIACCOUNT TOTALSI 157.283 I 230.695 I 227.433 I 241,412 I 241 Lille ltem/cc/J/lllts Police - Emergenq Operations 01-215 EMERGENCY OPERATIONS ACCOUNT 01-215 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 0 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 0 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 0 200 200 200 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 4.000 1,000 1.000 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 1.599 7,000 0 2,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 1.599 11,200 1.200 3,200 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 17,331 20,000 20,000 20,000 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 732 WITNESS & JUROR FEES 0 0 0 0 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB.TOTAL 17,331 20,000 20,000 20,000 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB.TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTIACCOUNT TOTALSI 18.930 I 31,200 I 21.200 I 23.200 I 242 Lill!' Ilcm .j("(:(/lIllls Public Works - Administration 01-301 PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATlor ACCOUNT 01-301 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATIC Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 145,079 102,931 102.931 106.019 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 5.206 5,147 5,147 5,301 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3.600 3.600 3,600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 618 COURT PAY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 7.837 5,394 5,394 5,394 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 15,655 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.190 1,492 1,492 1,537 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1.639 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 181,206 118.564 118,564 121,851 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,213 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 2,213 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 265 2,500 2,000 2,500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKStSU BSCRI PTION! 353 500 500 500 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 36 200 200 200 716 LEGISLATIVE MEMBERSHIP 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHAR( 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 654 3,200 2,700 3,200 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 184,073 121.764 121,264 I 125,051 I 243 Lil1e fTemIcCIII/I1t.\ Public Works - Engineering 01-302 PUBLlCE WORKS ENGINEERING ACCOUNT 01-302 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEfDETAILED EXPLANATI( Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 454,174 573.134 573,134 633,895 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 429 6,000 4,000 6,000 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 5.000 3,000 5.000 619 TEMP PERSONNEL-NON-HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 28,821 35.535 35,535 39,301 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 53,515 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 6,740 8,310 8,310 9,191 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 14,723 21.752 21,752 22.937 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB.TOTAL 558,402 649 731 645.731 716,324 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 242 2,000 2,000 2.100 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 5.000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 4,527 6,200 5,000 25,000 650 SUB-TOTAL 4,769 8,200 7,000 32,100 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 184 600 600 600 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 25.000 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRI PTIONS 1,018 1,500 1,500 1.800 728 TRAINING 5.159 6.000 6,000 8.000 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 448 1,000 1,000 1.200 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 16,396 100.000 100,000 160,000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 761 STREET LIGHTING 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 84 1.000 1,000 1,000 793 TITLE SEARCHES 0 500 500 500 700 SUB-TOTAL 23,289 110.600 110,600 198,100 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 3,300 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 6.000 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 9,300 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 586,460 768.531 763,331 955,824 I 244 Lillc Item 4("("/Junt.\ Public Works - Operations () 1-303 PUBLIC WORKS OPERATIONS ACCOUNT 01-303 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted I ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 556.894 665,917 664,000 713,989 603 LONGEVITY 411 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 23,314 26,500 26.500 28,000 614 STANDBY PAY 10160 15,000 15,000 16.000 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMP PERSONNEL-NON-HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 37,393 41,690 41,690 44.267 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 78,696 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 8,745 9.751 9,750 10,353 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 18.612 26.101 26.101 27,703 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 734,225 784,959 783 041 840,312 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 500 500 500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 26,429 160,000 160.000 200,000 661 OIL AND GAS - SHOPS 0 100,000 100.000 136,500 662 VEHICLE AND EQUIPMENT PARTS 0 80,000 80.000 81,000 663 HAZARD WASTE MATERIAL 0 2,500 2.600 2.500 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 0 500 500 500 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 26,429 343,500 343,600 421,000 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 207 500 500 500 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 55.246 75.000 30.000 80.000 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSC RI PTIONS 198 1,000 1,000 1,000 728 TRAINING 238 4,000 4,000 4,000 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 6.316 9,000 9,000 9.000 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 618 700 500 500 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 294 1.000 1,000 1,000 760 UTI L1TI ES 0 15,000 15,000 16,000 761 STREET LIGHTING 0 400,000 400,000 400,000 774 FACILITY REPAIRtMAINTENANCE 0 3.000 3.000 8,000 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 635 2,500 2,000 2,000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 600 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 64,352 511.700 466,000 522,000 I 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 1,000 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 6.000 6.000 1,500 807 FLEET REPLACEMENT 71,700 418,300 187,837 340,000 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 1,720 3,500 3,500 3.500 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 73,420 427,800 197.337 346,000 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALS 2,129,312 245 LillI! Item .tn"lIlIllts Public Works - Traffic Maintcnancc 01-304 PUBLIC WORKS TRAFFIC MAl NT ACCOUNT 01-304 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEtDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 65,842 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 1.190 0 0 0 614 STANDBY PAY 3,056 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 4.804 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 14,498 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,124 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2,079 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 92,593 0 0 0 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 73,408 0 0 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 550 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 73,958 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 17,098 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/S UBSC RI PTIONS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 4,217 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 2,776 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 84 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,980 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 26.155 0 0 0 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS & WORK EQUIPMENT 935 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 935 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 193,641 I o I o I o I Note Traffic Mamtenance DIvIsion eOl1sohdated mto Operations Division starting III tlseal year 2004 246 Line 1t1'/11 1cUIlIIlt.' Public Works - Fleet Maintenance 01-305 PUBLIC WORKS - FLEET MAINT ACCOUNT' 01-305 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 143.072 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY PAY 708 0 0 0 619 TEMP PERSONNEL-NON-HOURL Y 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 8.791 0 0 0 622 MEDICALlDENTAL INSURANCE 17,901 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2.056 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4,435 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB.TOTAL 176.963 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 5.105 0 0 0 661 GAS & OIL 94.204 0 0 0 662 VEHICLE & EQUIPMENT 75,4 73 0 0 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 932 0 0 0 665 SPECIAL EQUIPMENT 428 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 176.142 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 6,463 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKStSUBSCRI PTIONS 554 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 203 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1.224 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 42 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSES 0 0 0 0 760 UTI L1TI ES 14.235 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MAl NT 2.629 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 469 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHAR( 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 25,819 0 0 0 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 812 IBUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 378.924 I o I o I o I Nutc' Fleet Maintcnanec Di\ iSlOn eonsolidalcd Into Operations D,Vision stm1ing In fiscal ycar 2004 247 Lille Itelll lalll/llts Public \\orks - Traft1c Engineering 01-306 DEPARTMENT NAME PW-TRAF ENC ACCOUNT # 01-306 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/TRAFFIC ENGINEERING Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 59,160 0 0 0 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 3.592 0 0 0 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 5.198 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 840 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 4,077 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 72,867 0 0 0 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 65 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRI PTIONS 500 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 1,000 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 761 STREET LIGHTING 410.844 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 412,409 0 0 0 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 803 TOOLS & WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 804 ENGINEER & PHOTO EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 o I o I o I DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 485.276 I Notc Trame Engmccnng DIVISIOn consolidated mto Engmeering DivisIOn starting in fiseal year 2004 248 Lil1e l/eIl11("("III/I1/S Parks & Recreation - Administration 01-601 PARKS & RECREATION ADMINISTRATIO~ ACCOUNT 01-601 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 124,537 128.254 128,254 136.064 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 4,457 4,595 4.595 4,875 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 3,600 3,600 3,600 3,600 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 570 2,919 3,412 1,260 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 7.625 7,647 7,647 7.785 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 9.347 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,911 1,860 1.860 1,973 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1,417 1,454 1,454 1,542 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 3,005 493 493 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 156,469 150,822 151,315 157 099 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 3,414 5,522 1,400 3,400 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 514 515 520 600 655 POSTAGE 66 379 379 400 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 320 500 700 500 650 SUB-TOTAL 4,314 6,916 2,999 4.900 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 652 2,500 2.500 2.500 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 310 310 310 320 728 TRAINING 199 200 200 200 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 590 600 600 600 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 24,326 20.000 20.000 20,000 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINT 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 26.077 23,610 23.610 23,620 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJO.R EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNTTOTALSI 186,860 I 181.348 I 177,924 I 185,619 I 249 Lillc ItClIIlcCIJllIltS Parks & Rccrcation - Recrcation 01-602 PARKS & RECREATION - RECREATIOI ACCOUNT 01-602 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 80.913 82,970 82,970 88,023 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 228 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 1.730 1,335 650 864 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 118 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 5,091 5,227 5,185 5,511 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 7,371 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1.191 1.223 1.213 1.289 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3.049 3,319 3,319 3,521 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 2.400 ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 99,691 94.074 93,337 101,608 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 17744 20.641 17,955 19.618 655 POSTAGE 4.459 5,772 4,585 6,752 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 3,891 5,256 5,256 6.705 ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 26,094 31,669 27,796 33,075 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 215 215 215 323 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 1,639 3,500 800 2,000 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSCRIPTIONS 150 158 158 475 728 TRAINING 0 100 100 150 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 36 346 346 360 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 160 0 0 1,800 755 COMPUTERSOFnNARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINT 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 49,092 56,100 41.200 45,200 ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 51,292 60.419 42,819 50,308 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 177,077 I 186.162 I 163.952 I 184,991 I 250 Li/le /lell/ .Ialll/llt.\' Parks & Recreation - Parks Maintenance 01-603 PARKS & REC - PARKS MAINT ACCOUNT 01-603 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATI Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 543.959 546.939 546.939 581 693 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 20.079 15,642 15,642 17.009 614 STANDBY 9.739 13,589 13,589 11.201 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 40,487 68,026 68,026 112.325 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 38,413 33,910 33,910 36,065 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 87167 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 8,984 7,931 7.931 8,435 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 21,406 21,878 21,878 23.268 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 770,234 707,915 707.915 789.996 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 497 500 500 500 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 38.637 61,515 51,515 51.515 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 0 0 0 0 650 SUB.TOTAL 39,134 62,015 52,015 52.015 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 23,537 71.177 74.069 28.099 706 DU ES/BOOKStSU BSCRIPTIONS 0 355 355 355 728 TRAINING 2.258 3,655 3,000 3.655 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 5.238 9.580 9,240 9.580 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 574 600 600 600 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 100 355 355 355 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 5.162 8,355 8.355 9,316 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 161.334 172,821 172.821 192,821 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINT 81,717 46,284 46.284 25.200 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 5,463 13,100 10,100 10,000 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHAR 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 285,383 326.282 325.179 279.981 803 TOOLS & WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 5,400 5,062 18,456 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 20,606 0 0 5,000 800 SUB-TOTAL 20.606 5,400 5,062 23,456 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 1,115,35711101,612 I 1.090.171 I 1,145,448 I 251 Line /(ellllcc/ll/l/I.\ Parks & Recreation - Forestrv 01-604 PARKS & RECREATION - FORESTRY ACCOUNT 01-604 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEtDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 212.624 126,456 126.456 132,859 603 LONGEVITY 2,014 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 958 2,735 2.735 2,915 614 STANDBY 426 820 820 810 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 3.506 12,000 12.000 15.608 618 COURT PAY 0 300 300 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 13,697 7,840 7,840 8,238 622 MEDICAUDENTAL INSURANCE 29 485 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 3.203 1.834 1.834 1.926 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 5.655 4,232 4,232 5,315 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 271,568 156,217 156,217 167,671 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 480 500 500 500 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 0 100 0 100 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 10,906 8,868 8.868 24.677 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 0 250 250 250 650 SUB-TOTAL 11.386 9,718 9,618 25.527 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 854 550 550 550 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 25,678 80,000 80,000 108,345 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSC RIPTIONS 485 825 825 825 728 TRAINING 305 795 795 795 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1,974 2.676 2,676 2,676 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 450 450 450 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 400 200 200 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 2,500 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAl NT 0 150 150 150 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 714 1,500 1.500 1,500 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 30.010 87,346 87,146 117.991 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTAlS[ 312,964 I 253,281 I 252,981 I 311.189 I 252 Line Ileul .{('COll/U.'" Parks & Recreation - Open Space () 1-605 I PARKS & RECREATION - OPEN SPACI ACCOUNT 01-605 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCT # 600 ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 74,578 76,312 76,312 81.999 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 1.836 2,752 500 1.485 614 STANDBY 376 0 1.132 1,373 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 3.152 7,230 5,250 4,695 619 TEMP PERSONNEL. NON-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 4,933 4,731 4,731 5,084 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 6.955 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,154 1.107 1.107 1,189 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 2,975 3,052 3,052 3.280 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 4,800 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 100,759 95,184 92.084 99,105 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 289 300 300 300 654 PHOTOCOPY & PRINTING 115 0 1.000 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,097 10.000 10,000 10,000 663 HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL 0 20 300 200 650 SUB-TOTAL 6.501 10.320 11,600 10.500 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 725 425 250 325 704 CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 14,560 22,500 22,500 22,500 706 DUES/BOOKStSUBSCRIPTIONS 221 150 150 150 728 TRAINING 90 75 75 75 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 909 960 960 960 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 355 5,950 5,950 1,000 755 COMPUTERSOFnNARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 79 315 315 100 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINT 3,843 800 1.500 1,200 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB.TOTAL 20 782 31,175 31,700 26,310 804 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 128.D42 I 136.679 I 135,384 135,915 253 Line Item ,leCOllllt.' General Government - Central Charges 01-610 CENTRAL CHARGES ACCOUNT 01-610 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANA Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 98,752 0 0 0 621 WORKERS COMPENSATION 0 319,667 319,667 324,349 624 WORKERS COMPENSATION UNINSURE 0 0 0 60,000 626 MEDICAL 0 1.112,687 1,072,459 1.211.196 627 DENTAL 0 76.842 73.159 80.783 628 L TD/STD 0 67,836 62,441 74,197 629 L1FE/ADDtDEP 0 25.856 26,906 28,388 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 98.752 1.602.888 1,554,632 1,778,913 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 615 2,200 2,200 2,200 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 18,926 48,355 48.355 38,355 653 POSTAGE 34.879 35,000 35.000 35,000 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 21.814 25,000 25,000 20.000 650 SUB-TOTAL 76.234 110,555 110,555 95.555 719 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT INCENTIVE 0 0 0 0 720 DECONOMIC DEV INCENT SAFEWAY 0 0 0 0 721 JEFFCO ANIMAL SHELTER 0 0 0 0 728 SAFETYIWELLNESS 0 7,000 7,000 7.000 729 SAFETY 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 10.000 706 DUES, BOOKS, SUBSCRIPTIONS 325 350 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 23,286 36,000 36.000 36,000 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 230,289 308,750 232,134 270.000 760 UTILITIES 0 700 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 4,539 5,000 5.000 5.000 781 PERSONAL & PROP LIAS 0 135.797 135.164 168.267 782 UNINSURED LOSS 0 98.221 80,000 50,000 784 JEFFCO TREASURER COLL FEES 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHA 0 0 0 1.000 700 SUB-TOTAL 258,439 591.818 495,298 547,267 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 1.944 1,600 0 0 805 COMMUNICATIONS EQUIPMENT 293 1.500 1,500 1.500 808 CAPITAL LEASES 11.610 10.905 10.905 10,905 897 TRANSFERS TO SPECIAL FUNDS' 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 13,847 14.005 12,405 12,405 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTAL~ 447.272 [ 2.319,266 I 2.172.890 I 2,434,140 I Note 'Workers' CompcnsatlOn Insurance. PropCrly and Liability lnsuranee and cmploycc mcd,cal bcncfits eonsolidatcd into Central Charges statting in tlseal ycar 2004 254 Line /Iem 4Cl"01l1ll.\ Parl\.s & Recreation - Anderson Building 01-620 PARKS & REC - ANDERSON BLD ACCOUNT 01.620 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actua I Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 42 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 12.061 13,104 13104 14,788 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 750 812 812 917 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 176 190 190 214 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB.TOTAL 13.029 14,106 14106 15,919 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 0 206 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 0 206 0 0 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 4,943 6.330 6,330 6.330 706 D U ES/BOOKS/SUBSC RIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 125 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 30,795 36,000 36,000 36,000 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINT 3.356 3,844 3.844 4,494 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 560 1.028 1,028 1,028 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARC 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 39,654 47,327 47,202 47,852 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 15,000 14,477 11.000 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 15,000 14,477 11.000 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 52,683 76.639 I 75,785 I 74,771 I 255 Une ItelllJcL'Ollnts Parks & Recreation - Athletics 01-621 PARKS & RECREATION - ATHLETIC ACCOUNT 01-621 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAilED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 86,703 89,016 89016 94,437 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY (9) 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 13.541 8.080 7,289 11,644 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 8,128 8,049 7.693 8,049 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 6,887 7.083 7,083 7,076 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 12.983 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 1,611 1,657 1,657 1,655 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 3,468 3,561 3,561 3,777 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 14,402 24.074 16.269 21,434 600 SUB-TOTAL 147,714 141,520 132,568 148,072 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 19,720 21.750 17,319 22,238 650 SUB-TOTAL 19,720 21.750 17.319 22,238 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 200 430 430 430 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SU BSCRI PTlONS 0 150 150 150 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 41 345 150 345 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 31 500 500 500 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAl NT 4,481 2,800 2,800 2,800 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGE~ 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 4,753 4.225 4.030 4.225 803 TOOLS & WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTIACCOUNT TOTALSI 172,187 I 167.495 I 153,917 I 174,535 I 256 Lille Itel/l 'lceOllllt.\ Parks & Recreation - General Programs () 1-622 PARKS & REC - GENERAL PROGRAM~ ACCOUNT 01-622 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 62,387 0 0 0 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 622 0 0 0 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 3,627 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 4.012 0 0 0 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 10,140 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 938 0 0 0 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 1,944 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 83,670 0 0 0 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 692 0 0 0 650 SUB-TOTAL 692 0 0 0 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 279 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 D UES/BOOKStSU BSCRI PTIONS 38 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 20 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 76 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAl NT 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 413 0 0 0 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT I 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 84,775 I o I o I o I Note (.cncral Programs Division was consoltdated WIth Rccreation Fund General Programs DivlSlOn starting in I,seal ycar 2(X4 257 Lille /relll .iee(/l/Il!s Parks & Recreation - Outdoor Pool 01-623 I PARKS & REC - OUTDOOR POO ACCOUNT 01-623 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATI Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 0 0 0 0 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 7 450 50 450 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL-HOURLY 42,247 61.540 45.600 67,355 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 2,620 3.843 3,377 4,204 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 0 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 613 899 982 983 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 0 0 0 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB.TOTAL 45.487 66.732 50,009 72,992 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 14,309 27,339 17,932 22.848 650 SUB-TOTAL 14,309 27,339 17,932 22,848 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU EStBOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 0 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 350 250 350 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAINT 4.969 7.150 7,150 7.250 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHAR 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 4.969 7.500 7.400 7,600 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 13,593 4,000 5,600 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 13,593 4.000 5.600 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 64,765 I 115,164 I 79.341 I 109.040 I 258 Lille Itelll ,jc("OIlI1lS Parks & Recreation - Senior/Community Center 01-624 I PARKS & REC - COMMUNITY CTR ACCOUNT 01-624 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATlm Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF SALARIES & WAGES 154,735 145,514 141,111 152.923 603 LONGEVITY 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMP PERSONNEL - HOURLY 21,108 29,134 21,000 40.504 619 TEMP PERSONNEL - NON-HOURLY 8,978 19,639 14,000 9.540 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 11042 9.022 10.919 12.584 622 MEDICALtDENTAL INSURANCE 28,198 0 0 0 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 2,582 2,110 2,554 2.943 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 6,175 5.821 5,800 6,117 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 22.806 23,998 22.540 21,250 600 SUB-TOTAL 255,624 235,238 217,924 245,861 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 6.243 5,704 5,000 5,600 655 POSTAGE 2,026 2,300 2,000 2,300 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 18.262 16.050 16.000 17,535 650 SUB-TOTAL 26,531 24,054 23,000 25,435 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 455 645 100 645 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 23.259 27.159 25,000 27,405 706 DUES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 180 205 280 280 728 TRAINING 285 930 600 680 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 123 0 0 0 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 489 300 200 225 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 14,459 14,600 16,000 16.800 774 FACILITY REPAIR AND MAl NT 5.674 7.700 7,700 8,100 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 816 1,225 800 1,175 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARG 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 45,740 52,764 50.680 55,310 802 OFFICE FURNITURE & EQUIPMENT 235 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 9,000 812 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS 0 36,400 36,000 12.000 800 SUB-TOTAL 235 36,400 36,000 21,000 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALSI 328,130 I 348,456 I 327 604 I 347.606 I 259 Lioe ItclII "Jccollnts Park AC<IUisition Fund - t I 211113 20114 211114 211115 "\CTli,\L -\OJ1ISTEll ESTI\IATEIl \1l0PTEIl 11[(,1""1"(, HI"O BALA"CE S 1-' I" $0 ~O SO II '1XO-O-SX9 " REYE"UES II '\5()-OO-S"i) '-:uhdivision \:ces S 1'i,()7l) SO SO SO 11-'1lj()-()()-'\41 I"ranskr FWIll Cicl1l'ral Fund $0 SO SO <;0 11- ':;~'{()-(J(J- .;;xx .krfco Open Space SO SO 'f,() SO 11-':;X{)-O()-5~ 1 Jnll'fest 5417 SO SO SO TOT\L IU:n:N1IES S 1 '1,5 16 $0 SO $0 EXPENIHITRES 11-(103-X()()-X(12 Rcimhursc (;\.:l1cral Fund SO SO SO SO Baugh PrupCt1\ '\0 SO SO SO Pbyground ImprO\Cl11cllt SO SO SO SO TOTAL EXPENDITlIRES SO $0 <;0 SO ~."J)I'(; FlIr\Ll BALA'\CE S2S.649 $11 $0 $0 I * "tal1ing In 2004. 'ubdi\ision ke rcvenue will be placcd In the Open "pace Fund to be used with other fun,[" for additional parklands and park Improvement,. :\n) remaining fund balance wlll be transfcred to the Open ~paee Fund at thc end of 2003 Police Inyestigation Fund - t 7 - 20113 20114 2004 21105 \CTUAL \OJlISTEIl ESTI\!A TED \DOHED ] '-.:;gO-O-'\Xl} IIE(;."""I\G FtNlllIALA "0: S111.X25 $97.~52 SI ]6.771 S494:n RE\"E""UES 17-"iXO-OO-'\RI INTERES r $656 $1.000 S650 S250 17-'iXO-OO-5XX MISCELLANEOUS REVENUI" 516.97"7 $5,000 $0 S5.000 ] '-':;90-()O-5lJ! I RANSFER rROM (iENERAL FtlNIl SO $0 $0 $0 1'-'\()O-()O-"1J2 I RANSFER FROM (APII \L Fl IND SO $0 $11 $0 TOTAL REYE\UES $149458 $1 U3,252 $] 17 42J $'1.:t.6""1J EXPE:\IlITURES ]7-201-(}50-660 fUND PI'RU1ASES. OPERATING StIPPLlES S32.685 $70.000 $6X.OOII $50.00(J TOTAL EXPEI\D1TlIRES S_12,M~5 $70.000 ~6X,OOO $5(),OOO ENIlI"G HI"D BALA:\CE $116.773 $33,252 $49,423 $4,673 260 Lille /telllle("(llIlll.\ Open Space Fund - 32 2003 2004 2004 2005 ACTUAL ADJUSTED ESTIMATED <\DOPTED 32-5s0-IXl-5s9 BEGIN:'IIli'oG FUND BALANCE $59 797 $90570 $1679ss $212.(,51 REVENUES 32-520-IXl-539 State of Colorado Grant Bm\\'nsfield S[(Xl,(XlO $0 $0 $0 Trails $0 $25.0fX) $44.100 $50,(XlO 32-520-IXI-540 Jefferson County Open Space Tax $874.87X $880.000 $s75.0(x) S8S0.WO 32-520-00-564 Jencrson Countv Joint Venture Grant IJal'is Properf\ (ol1struction $152.01(, $0 $0 So Tahor Lahe FCllce SO $0 $0 $0 e fear Creek Trail Replacelllent $0 $150.0\Xl $150.000 $150,(XlO 32-5s0-IXl-5X 1 Interest Eamings $695 S4.000 S5lXl S l.(XlO Transfcr rrom Park Aequisition Fund $2s.649 $0 $0 SO TOTAL REVENLIE'; S 1,216,035 $1,149,570 $1,237,588 $1,293,651 EXPENDlTLJRES 32-60 l-sOO-s09 AcquISitions $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $0 $0 $0 SO 32-60 l-sOO-s62 Development Proieets ~nt!e/"Son ParI, Ba/ljicld Fence $ls.8s4 $0 $0 $0 Delllolitions $lO,(XlO $0 $0 $0 Open Sj1uee Improvelllcnls $\7,7\0 $20,(l(Xl S20.000 $20,tX10 l!al1\\"ilring Field Pills Watcr Tap $467 $0 $0 $0 hail Replacement $325.450 $3IXJ.000 S302. 43 7 $300,(XXl Park MlIInlenance Pmjcets $0 S50.0(x) S47.(XlO $50.000 Open Space Managelllel1l Plan $5.000 $0 $0 SO Randall Park Irrigalion Sewer $0 $0 $0 SIOO.WO Fielt! Repair and RclllIhilitation SO $0 $0 $50.UOO ~sphall Parking Lol Replaeemenl $0 $0 SO $53.(XlO .)'i,?11 Fahricafiol1 Open Space So SO $0 $25.000 Dads Propert1 Plavgrollnd $0 $40.0IXl $40.000 $0 Subtotal $377,516 $410,000 $409,937 $598,000 Transfers to Other Funds 32-60\-840-1.;91 General Fund Park Maintenance ChargclJack $600.0()0 $515,(Xl() $515.<Xl0 $520.(XlO Fenlon ~('qllisilion Davis Properll $!()(J,(X)O $ HXl.O()() $ [(X).OeXl $59,650 Subtotal $700,000 $615,000 $615,000 $579,650 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,077,516 $1,025,000 $1,024,937 $1,177,650 ENDING FUND BALANCE $138,519 $124.570 $212,651 $116,001 261 Lille Itelll kCOUIl!\ Open Space Fund - 32 (Continued) 21106 20117 21108 2009 20111 PROPOSED PROPOSFD PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 32-580-00-589 BEGINI\I~C FL'r'oiD BALANCE $116'(Kll $41.001 S9 L<Kl I S3bl.tKlI S151,lK)1 RE\'E'illES 32-520-(Kl-539 Statc of Colorado ("ant Tm ils $5(UK)0 SO $0 $0 $0 32-5~0-00-540 Jettersol1 ( aunt) Open 'ipaee Tax SssO.<KlU $sSO,lKK) $SSO.(K)O $ssO,lKK) $SSO,lKK) 32-55(l-()(l-555 Developer Fces $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 32-520-()()..564 Jcttersol1 ( ounty Joint 'venturc Grant Aelldall Park Desigll $50.(KlO $0 $0 $0 $0 A ell da II Park COIISl/"1lctioll $0 $150.0(K) $0 $0 $0 Eillcr.>,;o/l Park Design $0 $0 $50,lX)() $0 $0 Eillersoll Park (ollslruclioll SO $0 $0 $150.0<Kl $0 Tmil Replacemellt $5(J.(X)() $0 $0 $0 $0 mco Grant A.elldall Park COllstructioll $0 $50,lKK) $0 $0 $0 32-5s0-(Kl-5s1 Interest Eamings $5.U(K) $5,IKK) $5 (KK) $5.0<Kl $5.000 TOTAL RE\'ENUES $1,151,001 $1 ,126,UO I $1,026,001 $1,396.001 $1,036,001 EXPE"IDlTURES 3 2 -60 l-sIKl-s09 Acquisitions $IOO,IKK) $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $ HKl.{KKl $0 $0 $0 $0 32-601-s(KI-s62 Develonn-ent Projects KClldal1 Park DeslglI S90,lK)O SO SO $0 $0 Aelldall Purk COl1Slrtlctioll $0 $300,lX)() $0 $0 $0 Eillersoll Park C ol1sfJ1lclioll $0 $0 $0 $6(K),lX)() SO Opell Space Improvemcllts $20.(KK) $20.0f.K) $20.UCK) $20,()()() $20.0()() Siglla!!,e Plall Fahricatioll $25.(){Kl $0 $0 $0 $0 Trail Replaccment $150.(KK) $0 $0 $0 $0 Ralldall Park Irrigatioll $lOO,()()() $0 $0 $0 $0 Park Shop Improvements $0 $HK).O(){) $0 $0 $0 Bleacher Replacement $20,(KlO $20.(X)() $20,lKlO $0 $0 Park Mailltenallce Projccts $25.000 $50.()(){l $50.(KlO $50,lX)(l $50.()(K) Parkillg Lot Resurfacing $20.(){)() $20,()()() $50.()()() $50,()(X) $20.()()(l Prospect Park Ilatcr Line $35.()(lO $0 $0 $0 $0 Subtotal $485,000 $510,000 $140,000 $720,000 $90,000 Transfers to Other Funds 32-601-s90-s91 General Fund Park iHailltcnancc Chargcback $525,l)()() $525.000 $525.1)()() $525,l)()() $525,l)()() Subtotal $525,000 $525,000 $525,000 $525,000 $525,000 TOTAL EXPENDITURES $1,110,000 $1,035,000 $665,000 $1,245,000 $615,000 E"IDlNG FUND BALANCE $41,001 $91,001 $361,001 $151.001 $421,001 262 Lil/e Uellllccollnts Municipal Court Fund - 33 2003 2004 211114 211115 -\CTUAL AIl.JUSTEIl ESTI\lATEll .\DOPTEIl ;"1, '\XO-O(l-'iX9 BEGtY'.\(; FU'IIlIIAL\\CE $760492 $26.267 $7..27~ $4~.7113 RE\ENlIES ,,-"<i()-Oll-':;(l2 <;, 1 llfl'ollrt h:c:-. )2,SXO S~,50() ,2.'100 S2.5()() 11-'ihO-()()-'i(]:; S..J. ~)rCollrt h~cs S]0250 $10.11110 ~() 'i()() S I 0.000 11-'i()()-OO-'i()5 Din::c! \ ictim Scn icl's S 1 '"7 4S(1 S IX.OOO $17 UOO ~21.(J()() ,1-'ihO-()()-"i66 ()utstandmg Vvarrant .Iudgmcnb S' [tn Sll.()()() S 12.()()() S 12,O{JO 11-'i()O-()()-,)fJ' I wnscrip' h.:cs sxn <;,\ 'iOO ., 1.50U ":i2.0()(} TOT\L Ft\ES\\1l FORFEITURES )1X,:rc ~ ,x.non S42AIIII 54 -: .500 11-':;~W-(}O-'iX I Interest I:arnmgs , I.XI 'i $1 .:;;ou $1 "00 $15011 IUL\L OTIIER RE\E\lIE '&l.t<ll) $1.500 S 1.500 SI \00 TOT\!. RE\E'Il'ES $1 ](d14:; $(,) '(,I '" 115.\ ,)-; ":iq7 '7():, EXPE\IlITlI RES ;;-I()()-tl()O-64() Outside I\:rsonal Scnices S 1 X.lJ'iX Sll $0 SO 11-10l}-7()() ., 15 T ransnipt Fees $1 IXII S2.()OO S15011 52.000 11-IOlJ-7I)O-'7() (hher I:quipmcnt MaintcnulKl' S 1.6'] ".5110 ~:; 'iO() ~" ':;00 11-1()l)~I()O-7X, ( ourl ')4 Fund $1 1(,0 S 1{).'J""1~ ":i 16.l)""1') 51,.6011 1,,-1U9-700-7;'\7 ()utstanding \\ arrant, Judgments $4,5~3 ~(,,50() S 12.0(JO ":i12,OOO l,1,_]()l)_70()-7l)() Din.-:ct \- ictlm "'en'ice Expense S 1 ""1.211 $21.0110 51H.001I S21.()(lO 1, 1,-1 Ol)~XO()-802 Prnhation $1 l.:.xpensl' $ohl S1500 53.500 53.500 1, 1,-1 04-XOO-X02 ( ompuh:rs and ()nicc lquipmcnl SO SlI.OOO , 11.111111 $19.000 TOT\L EXPE:"llITURES 545 1,6..:1. $64.4""15 ~66.4'5 S74.(,()() t:\DI:\(J .. U'\D 8ALA;\C~_ $71.179 $ 1.292 $48. 703 $23.103 Richards Hart Estate Improvement Fund - 35 21103 21104 211114 211115 \CTl U \O.ll STEll ESTnL\TEll ~llOPTEll 1,'i-'::;X{)-()O-'iXlJ RE(;I\~I\(. Fl\ll RALA\O. $4,.163 53(J.7'::;1, S41.31P 552.952 REYE"LES 1,5-510-00-'::;4""1 <;ranb 541.""112 SIO.OOO Sll.()()() S25.000 1,5-'::;xo-oo-,::;XO Rentab (CPRA rent and renlal~1 S20.740 S21.IOU S14.000 ~ 11.000 1,5-5X()-()()-5XI Interest sum $()OO $650 $XOO TOT .\1. REYE"lIES S11O.'hl, ~6X 7q ~l1""1 9'::;2 $X{) 7'::;2 EXPE\tltTtRES l,'::;-(,O]-XOI)-XlJ() Estate Improvement'; 5hX.4hO 524.565 5\.::;.()()() S35.()()() TOT~t. EWE"DtTl'RES $M\.46() 524.565 S\.::;.O()() 53'::;.000 E:\lll\G FlNll BALA\CE $42.303 S44.t 8~ S52.952 $54.752 263 UIIl'ltl'lI1jecollllt., Senior Fund - 53 211113 211114 211114 211115 \l Tti \1 \1>.JlJSTEtl ESTt\LHEI> \tlOl'n:1> ':;V;;~II-I)()-'ii\\) BEGt"'I'i(; Fl'itlll.\1 \,u: S~i.unl ~lX.X()S S,~A'l <:.; 1 q.~'" 1 IlnE"LES <;,-'\X()-I)lJ-'::;?;11 I ~Cll ('cllte! Sl,() Sl1 SII 5() "l-"X()-(I()-':;X:-; SClli\lr(l'llln 51'::; h-t 1 ') IX I()() 'b14.300 $14.:;110 q "iX()-oo-.::;xl llltl'rl'~t )'\ I ~ S~(l(1 ),'::;(1 S200 10 t \L REYE"US SYO; n14 So"~ 'os q'" 121 S:;,1"71 rXP[:"i"IlITlHFS .::;, (i1)2 1l'\()-Il(iO 11'el1(l'llt(,'1 5() )11 'in )(1 ':;1,-ci()2-""O()-'ljQ Senior ( cnter 5"'.2'1> ),1 I()() S27.XSII sr :>;50 TOT \1. EUDl>tTt RES S"'.27(, )) 1 IOU Sr.X5ll S-'7.K'lO "~Dll\(; 1<[,1\1) B.\L\~CE S47.738 ~19.271 S:-.92 I $6.611::- * BCgll1ll1l1g fund balance" as decreased by a resIdual translCr of~ IS.2l1s from the Teen C enter portion of thb fund to the Rcereatloll ( enter Fund. 264 - - Line ItcIJl'CCOlllll\ Conservation Trust Fund - 54 2003 2004 2004 21105 ACTUAL <\DJlISTED ESTIMATED ADOPTED 54-580-00-58lJ BEGI"INING FlND BALANCE $7.lm $259.836 $297335 S267 145 Rn'ENUES 54-520-IXI-539 State of Colorado Lottery $309.614 $275.000 $275.000 $280.00() 54-520-IXJ-540 Jefferson County Joint venture Grant i\IuIlH'uring Field SO $0 $0 $0 54-520-00-541 Ca'eat Outdoors C olorddo lGOCO) Grant AhuHrarillg Fie'Id $56.250 SO $0 $0 .\'It'l'cns Phnground $0 $0 $0 $50,lXXl 54-520-IXI-58 I Interest $3.239 S4.00() $3.000 $3JHI 54-5lJO-IXl-59I fransfcr from ~neral Fund $0 $0 $0 $0 TOTAL REVENUES $376,915 $538,836 $575,335 $600,145 EXPENDITURES 54-601-8IX)-862 Developmcnt Prolcets Ral1dall Par/.. Parkil1g Lot S24.600 SlIX).OlXI $90,lXlO $10,000 4l1d("/"sol1 Par/.. Pool Master Plal1 $0 $125.000 $0 $50.IKXI Creekside Field COl1stmction $54.621 $0 $0 $0 Bali Field Parki/1g Lot Lights Design $0 $210.000 $llJX,140 $0 Ste\'CI1S Elementa,,' Plm'gl'Ound $0 $0 $0 $75.0IKl Subtotal $84,221 S435,000 $288,190 $135,000 Maintenance Proleets 54-60 1-8IXJ-8n Prospect Park Ball Field Light Poles $0 $0 $0 $ \75.000 Pro'pect Park Bali Field Fel1cc $0 $20.0IXl $20.()OO $0 Ral1t!all Park Court Resurface $0 $0 $0 $100.000 Tenl1is Court Resurlacc $0 $0 $0 $15.IX1O Crusher Fil1e Trail Replacement $0 $0 $0 $20.000 Pro,'pect Park PlavgrOl/lld $0 $0 $0 $50.000 - Subtotal $0 $20.000 $20.IX10 $360.IKXJ TOT <\L EXPENDITURES $84,221 $455,000 $308,190 $495,000 FJ\DING F1.TND BALA"ICE $292,694 $83,836 $267,145 $105,145 265 Lille Item .kcolIllls Conservation Trust Fund - 54 (Continued) 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED PROPOSED 54-5~0-lXl-5W) BEGINNING FUND BALA!\CE $105145 $108.145 S67 145 S55.145 S59.l45 REVE"lU~ 54-521l-lXl-539 State oflolorddo Lottery $275JXX) $275.(XXI $275.IXX) $275JXX) S275JXXl 54-520-(Xl-540 .lctlerson (ounty Jomt vcnture (rant Einerson Park Dcs tgn $0 $45.0(XI $0 $0 $0 Eincrson Park Construetlon $0 $0 SlhOJXX) $0 $0 54-521l-(Xl-541 (i"cat Outdoors Colorado 1 (,J("O) (rant Ste\'ellS Elemellta/1 Plmgroullt! $0 $0 $0 SO $0 C reek.";ide Park Restroom/Concession $50.(xx) $0 $0 $0 SO Miscellalleous $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 54-521l-IXl-581 Interest $3,IX10 $4JXXl $3,tXJO $4Jn) $4JXXl 54- 59<l-(Xl- 541 Transfer lrom ~ncral Fund $0 $0 SO $0 $0 TOT AL REVE'IIU~ $433,145 $432,145 $505,145 $334,145 $338,145 EXPEJ\DITlRES 54-601-8(Xl-862 Dcvclonocnt Proieets 38th 4\'e to Rec Cellter Trail $0 $200,000 $0 $0 $0 Eillersoll Park Desigll SO $9U,lXXl $0 $0 $0 Eillel:\"01I Park C ollStructioll $0 $0 $4mJxxI $2(Xl,(n) $0 (reeksidc Park Restroo})vCollcessioll $2(Xl.lnl SO $0 $0 $0 S uttotal $2IX),ln) $29<l.lXX) $4m,(XX) $2IX).000 $0 54-601-8<Kl-8n Mamtenancc Proicets Pallorama Park Sewer Replacemellt $40,ln) $0 SO $0 $0 Recreatiun Center Improvements $50JXX) $0 $0 $0 SO Park Reno\'atio/ls $0 $0 $0 $25Jnl S25JXX) Clear Creek Trail Resurface $0 $50,lXX) SO $0 $0 Louise Tumer Park Phngroulld $35JXXl $0 $0 $0 SO PIll\groulld Replacemellt $0 $0 $0 S50JXXl $0 Tennis (our' RcslIrfilcc SO $25,(0) $50.(0) SO $0 S uttotal $ 125.(xx) $75.(XXJ $50,lXX ) $75JXX) $25.IXXl TOTAL EXPENDITURES $325,000 $365,000 $450,000 $275.000 $25,000 ENDING FlND BALANCE $108,145 $67,145 $55,145 $59,145 $313,145 266 Lilll'ltl'lI1 'lalll/m.1 Flect Rcplaccmcnt Fund - 57 LOO3 200~ 2110~ ~ \en \1. ,\D.JlISn:1l ESTI,\L\TEIl \Il0l'TEIl '::;""1 '::;X()-O()-'::;~.;q BEGI"'IX(, Fl'NIl B.\L\X<:E $1 I t,4117 $11 $11 $11 RE\'EXtIES 57_'~()-()f)-'::;Xl Inh.:rcsl S5 14:- SII SII SII "'-5RO-Oo-'IXX \U(!IDtl )~...U,](} "II SO SO .::;"'7....::;t)()_l)I)_'ili, Iransfl'r frlltn ( ;-tPIl,d Fund ~400.00(j >" $Il ~() lOT \1. RE\f:,m:S S5" 1 ], I $Il \0 $Il EXPE'WITlJlU:S 'i7-(1] O-X()(J-XO' "Iel..'! Kepl<1I'Cllk'nt 'S2X t2S3 'j\O 'oil SIl lOT \1. EXPE,XIlITIIRES Sls3.2xJ SIl SO SIl ENDI:\G FlI'\IlIl,\L\:\CE $267.888 $0 $11 I $0 I * Startin~ In 2()(14 neet expcnchtures will be buugeted m the Publ1c W"rb hudget "fthe (jeneral fund. Any rcma\J1Jng fund balancc will bc transfered to the (,eneral Fund atthc end of2003 Computer Fund - 59 211113 211114 21104 21105 ~CTl \L \D.Jl'STEO ESTI\lATEn ~1l0PTED .;;q ':;1'.0-00 5ji,!l Bf.GIr-;:';I\G H'\llll~L\"l"E S, ~().741 $Il SIl So RI:\'F.'\lE> "it)_"80 Olk5X] ]ntere~l S4.JO[l SII SO $Il 59-5l.)()-OU- 592 lrarlskr fmm Cap\\allmpro\eme-n1 Prn~ram S]IIII.OOII SO $0 SO TOT \1. RE\'E\lIE $4.1 1,(141 SO ~O $0 EXPE'\DtTl'RES <;1.} I ]"'7-:S()()-~02 Nc\\ ( ompU1er Fquipment $\2770S ';11 ;'0 Sll roT \1. EXPE'\OITLRES $["" 70S ';0 so $0 Dilll~(; Fl'''D BAL.\~("E $.' 13..336 ~o so so I * Start111g 10 2004 compLlter related expenses will be budgeted in the Information Technology budget of the Gencral Fund. L\ny rcmaimng fund halancc will be transfcred 10 the General Fund at the cnd 01'2003 267 Lil/e Ue/lllL"coIIIIIS Baugh House Fund - 62 2Ull] 200~ 2004 lUllS \CTL AL \U.JllSTED [STI~L\ n~D \tJOt'TEIl {,::'-"iXO-IJO-'::;:-,:<i tll:C;I~~II\(; Fl ~tJ BAL \1\('E 'j;14.J'i"l, SRI so SO RLYE'\l!ES (,::'_ ':;;:~()_Il()_':; \<1 tjranb $2 Lll0 'S'':; tJllO SO so h2-5SlJ (III ,,~~ I )()lla\i()ll~ SXFJ2 S25J)1111 'to SU ()2-ssn O() 'is] llltcn.'-;l $"i()(> $.:':(lO ~() So TOT \1. RF:\'E'\I'ES $44,(,'1 Sl()(),'SI $U $0 EXPE,,"UITL RES ()' (}u2-7()(j_7'i() 1l::'-W2-S()()-S 12 !'ro!,i,;:-.:-.iuna! Scn in:~ Facilil\ J{epan 525 414 SIJX.()X6 S:;:'i.()()() $') IIOU So so rOT ~L EXPE:\DITl'RES SI)I'iOU S] OO.UOO so 1-11"'\I)B:\! .\,,\('1. (S48.8291 sn S281 * The Baugh HtlllSC hllld will he closed starting 111 2005 268 So 511 so so Line //el11 .j(,(,lIl/IlI.\ Hotel/Motel Fund - 63-106 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCT # 600 I ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 439,961 302,113 190,014 242,613 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 605 EXTRA DUTY PAY 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 12,122 21,107 10,000 21,750 618 COURT PAY 1,067 4,848 1,600 5,000 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 13,964 8,396 5,600 8,218 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 49.310 34,462 34,462 29.827 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5.049 4,306 2,000 3.518 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 8,139 5,417 3,500 5,302 633 POLICE RETIREMENT 19,807 16,152 10,000 11,007 634 STATE DISABILITY INSURANCE 0 1,232 0 1,293 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 549,419 398.033 257,176 328.528 I 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 40 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 348 4.500 0 4.500 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 835 2.500 500 2,500 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 1,223 7,000 500 7,000 I 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 400 0 800 706 DUEStBOOKStSU BSCRIPTIONS 60 800 200 800 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 0 0 1,400 730 UNIFORMS AND PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 150 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 788 COMPENSATED ABSENCES 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 60 1,200 200 3,150 I 803 TOOLS AND WORK EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 50 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 50 891 TRANSFER TO GENERAL FUND 200.000 0 0 0 892 TRANSFER TO EQUIPMENT FUND 0 0 0 0 ACCOUNT #900 SUB-TOTAL 200.000 0 0 0 I DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALS 750.702 406.233 257.876 338,728 269 Liue Item hToullfs Recreation Center - Facilities 64-602 Rec Center - Facilities Account: 64-602 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATIO Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 290.675 282.508 282,508 295.083 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 5,516 7,199 7.199 7,834 614 STANDBY PAY 5.474 7,580 7,000 6,999 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 164101 186,834 186.834 205,948 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURL 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 27,973 30.016 30.016 31.984 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 50.040 53.038 53,080 71.793 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 6,542 7,020 7,020 7.480 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 9750 11,300 11,300 11.803 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB-TOTAL 560.071 585.495 584,957 638.924 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 2,387 2,800 2.800 2,800 655 POSTAGE 592 470 470 470 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 58,345 57.330 55,000 58.178 650 SUB-TOTAL 61.324 60.600 58,270 61.448 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 969 2.435 2,000 1,635 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 67,189 84.021 74,000 68,097 706 DU EStBOOKS/SU BSCRIPTIONS 150 150 150 150 719 SALES TAX REFUNDS 1.080 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 1,550 2.432 1,000 1.632 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 1.848 1,848 1,848 3,848 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 678 600 600 673 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 26.049 0 0 0 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 9,500 4,000 3,000 758 RENTALS AND LEASES 4,561 2,220 2.400 2,280 760 UTILITIES 278.134 280.000 300,000 311.040 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MANTENANCE 66,756 77,692 66.692 86.374 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 15,648 12,600 12,600 12.600 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARC: 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 464,612 473.498 465.290 491.329 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 18.832 15.000 15,000 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 18,832 15.000 15.000 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNTTOTAL~ 1.104,8391 1,134,593 I 1.123,517 I 1,191,701 270 Liue Itelll/("("olluls Recreation Center - Aquatics 64-604 Rec Center. Aquatics Aeeount: 64-604 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 148,639 151,718 151718 160,959 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 2.199 11.856 1,852 7.560 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 240,223 250,822 245,217 291,152 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 24,198 25,693 25.693 28,500 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 13.880 16,282 16,989 16.434 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 5,659 6.009 6.009 6,665 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 5.252 6.069 6.069 6.438 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 600 SUB.TOTAL 440,050 468 449 453,547 517,708 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 52,083 42,580 48,517 50,034 650 SUB.TOTAL 52.083 42,580 48.517 50,034 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 215 215 215 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSCRIPTIONS 15 113 35 50 727 EXPENSE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 2,921 5.192 4,956 4,516 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 3.039 2,639 1,650 2,798 740 MILEAGE REIMBURSEMENT 0 0 0 0 741 UNIFORM ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 5.975 8,159 6,856 7.579 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 2,500 2,500 10,750 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 2,500 2.500 10,750 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOT ALsl 498,108 521,688 511420 I 586,071 I 271 Lille /tel/1 .j("("OIlIlf., Recreation Center - Fitness 64-605 Rec Center - Fitness Account: 64-605 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 35,036 38,589 38.589 40,738 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL-HOURLY 141.621 121,603 155.461 173.038 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 62.288 63,395 59,549 47,230 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 14,956 13,862 13.862 15,989 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 8,204 9,794 9,794 12,034 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 3,498 3,242 3,242 3,739 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 721 1,544 1,544 1.630 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 3,164 3,330 3.330 3,330 600 SUB-TOTAL 269,488 255,359 285.371 297,728 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 653 POSTAGE 43 120 120 120 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 6,704 7,120 7,120 7,120 650 SUB-TOTAL 6,747 7,240 7,240 7,240 702 CONFERENCE/MEETING 0 250 250 250 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 365 365 365 706 DUES/BOOKS/SU BSC RIPTIONS 0 38 38 38 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 707 964 964 964 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 100 100 100 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 707 1,717 1,717 1,717 802 OTHER EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 8.798 54.875 54,875 11,500 800 SUB-TOTAL 8,798 54,875 54,875 11,500 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 285.740 I 319,191 I 349,203 I 318,185 I 272 Lill!' Ire/l1tccolllHs Recreation Center - Marketing 64-607 Rec Center - Marketing Account: 64-607 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 18,979 19,484 19,484 20,671 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 0 0 0 0 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 0 0 0 620 FICA EXPENSE. EMPLOYER 1.103 1,208 1.208 1,282 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 3,703 5.196 5.196 6.351 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 258 283 283 300 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 664 780 780 827 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #600 SUB-TOTAL 24,707 26.951 26.951 29,431 I 653 POSTAGE 4,459 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 6,772 5,967 6,382 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 19.514 22,947 20.142 21.573 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 11328 15.816 12,229 17,440 I ACCOUNT #650 SUB-TOTAL 35.301 45.535 38,338 45,395 I 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 0 0 0 0 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 500 250 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/S U BSCRIPTIONS 112 140 125 240 728 TRAINING 0 150 100 150 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 0 0 0 0 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 125 70 135 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 2,250 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 150 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #700 SUB-TOTAL 112 915 545 2,925 I 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 I ACCOUNT #800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSj 60.120 I 73,401 I 65,834 I 77,751 I 273 Ulleltl'lIltc("llllllts Recreation Centcr - Thcrapuetic Recrcation 64-608 Rec Center - Theraputic Rec Account: 64-608 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAMEIDETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 12,323 12,605 12.605 13,373 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 614 STANDBY PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 1,791 2,792 3.381 6,153 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 0 600 300 900 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 869 992 936 1,266 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 1,692 1.974 1.974 1,828 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 203 232 218 296 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 252 126 267 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 3,290 3,595 3,504 4,310 600 SUB-TOTAL 20,168 23,042 23,044 28,393 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPY/PRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,148 1,925 1 100 1,985 650 SUB-TOTAL 1,148 1.925 1,100 1,985 702 CONFERENCEtMEETlNG 0 125 125 125 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DU ES/BOOKS/SUBSC RI PTIONS 35 38 38 38 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 430 130 430 730 UNIFORMS & PROTECTIVE CLOTHING 23 80 45 80 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 45 20 45 750 PROFESSIONAL SERVICES 0 0 0 0 755 COMPUTERSOFnNARE 0 0 0 0 760 UTILITIES 0 0 0 0 774 FACILITY REPAIR & MANTENANCE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 58 718 358 718 - - 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 DEPARTMENTtACCOUNT TOTALS I 21.374 I 25.685 I 24,502 I 31,096 I 274 Linc Itcm {aount., Recreation Center - General Programs 64-609 Rec Center - General Programs Account: 64-609 2003 2004 2004 2005 Actual Adjusted Estimated Adopted ACCOUNT NAME/DETAILED EXPLANATION Budget Budget Budget Budget 602 STAFF WAGES 13,113 49,968 49,968 53.010 604 DEFERRED COMPENSATION 0 0 0 0 606 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 0 0 0 610 OVERTIME AND PREMIUM PAY 0 0 0 0 617 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - HOURLY 7,627 12,914 5.000 29 772 619 TEMPORARY PERSONNEL - NON HOURLY 6,541 31,500 25,000 29120 620 FICA EXPENSE- EMPLOYER 1.577 9,357 9.357 6,938 622 MEDICAL/DENTAL INSURANCE 1,294 10,532 10,532 12,751 625 MEDICARE PORTION FICA 369 2,135 2.135 1,623 630 CCOERA RETIREMENT 0 2,000 2.000 2,120 640 OUTSIDE PERSONNEL SERVICES 5.018 7.440 4,000 6,210 600 SUB-TOTAL 35,539 125.846 107,992 141,544 651 OFFICE SUPPLIES 0 0 0 0 655 POSTAGE 0 0 0 0 654 PHOTOCOPYtPRINTING 0 0 0 0 660 OPERATING SUPPLIES 1,701 3,810 3,960 5,660 650 SUB-TOTAL 1,701 3,810 3,960 5660 702 CONFERENCEtMEETING 0 252 252 252 704 CONTRACT SERVICES 0 0 0 0 706 DUEStBOOKS/SU BSC RIPTIONS 0 38 38 88 718 ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT 0 0 0 0 728 TRAINING 0 525 525 985 730 UNIFORMS 0 80 0 80 740 AUTO ALLOWANCE 0 187 100 187 755 COMPUTER SOFTWARE 0 0 0 0 759 TELEPHONE EXPENSE 0 0 0 0 776 OTHER EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 0 0 0 0 799 MISCELLANEOUS SERVICES AND CHARGES 0 0 0 0 700 SUB-TOTAL 0 1.082 915 1.592 802 OFFICE EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 809 OTHER MAJOR EQUIPMENT 0 0 0 0 800 SUB-TOTAL 0 0 0 0 DEPARTMENT/ACCOUNT TOTALSI 37,240 I 130.738 I 112.867 I 148,796 I 275 Lil1e Itellllcc/lul1t,\ 276 GLOSSARY .\d.iusted - A(]]usted. a~ used 111 the depal1mcnt and diVISion summarIes wllhm the budget document, rep- resents the budget mcluding any mld-year adjustments. MK1-ycar adjustments. mereasmg a department's bud- get. arc approved by CIty Counctl via the adoption of a supplemental budget appropnatIon. Other mId-year adjustments wltll1n a department's budget may be madc via budget reVISIons. movmg tll11ds from one or more aceounts wnhm a dlV1SlOn or depmtmcnt to an- other account wtthll1 that dlvtston or department Ad- Justed budget m thlS document mcludes any adJust- mcnts made through Oetobcr 1,2004 ,\dmissionJAmusement Tax - An exelse tax offour percent (400). effective January I. 19X6. levIed on each person who pays to gall1 admiSSion or access to a pertormanee of a motlon plcture or to thc usc of lanes and pm sctters for bmv lmg balls m a bowI1l1g alley located m Wheat RIdge Effective January I 1989. the City added mlluature golfto the classlfica- tlon and reqUIred an admiSSIOn tax to be leVied. Adopted - Adopted, as used 111 thc department and dlvlstOn sum manes wlthm the budget document. rep- resents the budget as approved by thc City Council. Budget - Thc CItys opcratlonal and functlonal plan balancll1g expcndltures for a fiscal year WIth the ex- pected ll1come or revenue for the fiseal ycar. Budget Message - A summary and gcncral dlseus- slon ofthe proposed budget, aeeompanymg the bud- get document. The budget message IS prescnted Il1 wntmg by the City Managcr Business License Fees - Etfeetlve December, 1986, the City mlposed an annual busmcss hccnse fee for all vendors dOll1g busllless wlthm the City Inmts of Wheat Ridge A $5 00 first-tlme applIcatlOn tee IS chargcd for new busmesses, and an annual renewal fee of $20 00 (effeetlve January 1,20(4) lS charged Janu- ary I of each year and collected on the Janumy sales tax return form. Capital Investment Program (ell') - A compre- henSive program which proJects the financmg and con- structiOn of maJor durable and fixed assets. such as strcets, bUlldmgs. parks. \vater and sewer 11l1es. Capital Outlay - Those Items such a~ el\lI1pment, machmery. vehIcles. or funuturc mcluded 111 thc opcr- atmg budgct and necessary for the del1\cry ofscr- Vlces. Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) - CDBG funds arc rccc1\ed annually from thc U.S Depanment ofHousmg and Urban Dcvelopment. The funds are restnctcd to commumty developmcnt proJcets that benefit lm\ and moderate mcome resI- dents Il1 the City and help to cllll1mate blIght condl- tJons. Department - A depaliment lS a component ofthe overall Clty orgamzatJon. Often mcluding mulllple (h- Visions, It lS headed by a dlrector and has an estab- lIshed spcclfic and ullIque set of goals and objectIves to proVide services to the cltlzen and orgmllzallon (e.g. Admlll1stratJve Servlccs, Pohce, Pubhc Works, Com- mumty Development Parks & RecreatiOn. ete.). Encumbrances (encumbered) - An encumbrance rcscrvcs funds \Vtthm a budgct account for a specI- fied dollar Wllount for unperfomled contracts for goods or sen'lCes. Thev cease to be encumbrances whcn paid, canceled, or when the actual hablhty IS creatcd. Elevator Inspection Fees - Busmess located III \Vheat Ridge that have opcraTIonal elevators must have thcm Inspected each December for safety. The City charges $1 00 00 tor each elevator mspectlOn. ESTIP - Enhanced Sales Tax Ineentlve Program. Estimated - As uscd throughout thc budget docu- ment, tillS ternl represents an anticIpated current year end expendlture or rcvenue 277 G//I.\,llIIT Expenditures - Thc usc offinanclal resourccs for the operatIOns ofthe Clty Each cxpcndlture rcsults 111 a decrcase 111 nct tinancIaI resourccs. They mclude such Items as cmployce salanes. opcratlon supplIes, and capital outlays. Fire Djstrict Dispatching Fccs - The City and the Wheat Ridge Fire Dlstnct entercd mto an mtergov- ernmental agrecment whteh stipulates that the FliT Dtstnct mil pay to the City an agreed upon amount to be uscd tor fundll1g of an cmcrgency scrvlces spe- cmlist (dispatchcr) m thc PolIce Commul1lcatIon DIVI- sion. Full Time E<luivalent (FTE) - A personnel poslttOn financed for the eqlI1valcnt of 40 hours per \veek tor 52 weeks. For example. a 5 FTE could work 20 hours per week for 52 \veeks or 40 hours per week tor 26 weeks. Fund - Each ll1dlVldual fund IS a separate accounting entity havmg Its own assets. habihtles. revenues and expenditures. Clty financIal resourees are allocated to and accounted for m mdlVldual funds based on le- gal or admmlstratIve restncllons orreql11rements. Fund Halance - The net dlfferenee bctwcen expen- ditures and rcvenucs at the end ofthc tiscal year GASB - GovemmentAccountll1g Standards Board. General Fund - The fund used to account for all financwl resources not speClfically earmarked forothcr purposes. The General Fund IS the pnmary operatmg fund for the City ofWhcat RIdgc Grants - Contn butlons or glftS of cash or other as- sets from another government, or a pnvatc or non- profit entIty Grants are generally to be used or ex- pcnded for a speCIfic purpose, actIVIty, or faClllty Interest Income - Interest Income tS the amount of revenue eal11ed on mvcstments and cash depOSIts. The gUldelll1es for gencratll1g tlus source of rcvenue are 278 tound III the Ill\cstment pOliC1CS ofthe CIty The rev- enuc IS used to fund Clty programs. Intergovcrnmental Revenue - Revenues lened by one government hut sharcd on a predetel111lned basls With anothcr government or class of gO\ ernments (grants. loans, vehlclc'hlghway tax, etc ). .Jefferson Count~ Road and Bridge Tax - Each county 111 thc state mall1tams a county road and bndgc fund for road and bndge constructIOn, mamtenance, and adnu111stratlon, funded by a mill levy property tax. Each mumclpahty located 111 any county IS entitled to recel \ e the revenue accrUll1g to Said funds, for the purpose of constructlon and mall1tenance of roads and streets located wlthm the Clty's boundanes. Lc- gaily, tlus lS thc only use for thcse nmds. License Revcnue - A fee for conduct1l1g bus mess wlthm thc City of\Vheat Ridge TI1lS fee IS tYPically levlcd on bccror liquor, construction, and a val1cty of other rcgulated busll1esses. Liquor Hearing Fees - The CIty chargcs 550 00 pcr each nc\v liquor hcense locatIOn. ThiS fee IS for a pubhc hcanng and survey torcJtJzens hvmg m thc VI- cmlty of the nevv liquor estabhshment. to determme whether they apprO\e of the establishment bemg II1 thelr neIghborhood. or not. Liquor Occupational Tax - An occupatlon tax Ic\- led on all operators licensed to scll vanous claSSifica- tIons ofhquor wlthll1 the Clty lImlts. Operators arc btllcd annually based on a sehcdule and claSSification set by mUl1lclpal code Lodger's Tax - An excIse tax. etTcctlve January I, 19R6, leVied on the pnee pmd or charged tor the lease, ren\.;"1I, or f1.tl11ishing of rooms or other public accom- modatIons m any hotel, apm1ment hotel, gucst house, guest ranch, mobile homc, auto camp. trailer court or park, or any other place fUl111shing rooms or other accommodatIOns. In 1998, votcrs approved an m- crease of Lodger 's Tax to 10"'0. The tax leVIed and Glosstl/:l' collected ts at thc rate of \ 0" (l of the purchase price paId, and IS m lIeu of the C Ity's sales tax. Thc Lodger's Tax IS d1\1ded between thc Gcncral. CIP. and Il0teL Motel Funds. MAPO - Multlplc Assembly of Procurement Oftl- clals. C ooperattve orgalllzallon With other mUlllClpal, county. speewl dlstnct and sehool dlstnets for the sole purpose ofobta1l11l1g the highest level ofvalue for t.lX- payers by co]]cct!\ely lSSUll1g soheitatlons for goods and services commonly reqUlred by local govemmcnt agencies, Matcrials and Supplies -Includes adn11l11stratIve costs such as office supplies, operatll1g supplies, gaso- 1ll1e and hazardous matenal disposal supphes, Motor Vehicle Rcgistration I'ees - State hm rc- qUires payment of an annual registratiOn tee tor all vehicles, The amount of the fce IS based on the class and use of the vehlcle Out of cach fee pald by the owncr ofthe vcll1cle. $2,50 is credIted to thc county wnhm whIch the vchlcle lS reglstered.ln addition to the base fee, an additiOnal fec of S; I SO IS paJd for every motor velucle, trailer. and senutrmlcL Both fees collccted by the County are allocated among the County and cltles wlthll1 the county on the basls of the number of velueles registered 111 each elty and the un- ll1corporated area ofthe county The revenue received by a county. cIty or town from the regIstratIOn fees must be spent on the constructiOn or mamtenanee of roads and bndges. Municipal Court Fines - All fines arc set by the court for each VIolator. wlthm legally set IUl1its, Traffic tlekcts. summons,jury tnals. and forfeitures arc re- ceived by the Finanee Dlvlslon from the MUI1lClpal Court as elty revenue. Operating Budget - The annual operatmg budget IS the primary means by whIch most of the tlnanemg, acqt11sJtJon, spendll1g. and servIce dehvery actIVitIes of a govel11ment are controlled, Othcr Services and Charges -Includes such Items as dues. subSCriptIons, travel and tramll1g expenses. profeSSional tees and uttllty charges. Park and Recreation Fees - The fees and charges assessed t()r recreatIOn programs, actiVItIes and ser- vIces rct1cet all the direct costs of the program plus 30"" to eo\er admmlstratl',e costs, Dlreet costs m- elude such Items as supplies. reterees. staff time and other direct expendltures made by the City to oper- ate a speClfic program. Admtmstrat!ve fees reflect the cost of Items such as utilttles, brochure pubhca- tlOns. pe1111anent stafftlme,jarutonal work and build- mg mamtenance Only a p0l110n of these expenses arc co\ered, Personnel Services - Compensatlon for (IIreet la- bor of persons m the employment ofthe Ctty: meludes salanes, wages and benefits tor full-tIme. pm1-tIme, and temporary work. mcluding overtime and SImilar compensatIon. Property Tax - A tax leVied by the Clty on the as- sessed valuation of all taxable property located wlthll1 the City calculated usmg the ImHlevy State Highway Users' Tax Fund (HlITF) - The Hlghway Lsers' Tax Fund lS eompnsed of several revenue sources. Thc first IS the net revenucs denved from ImposltJon of any heense or reglstJ'3tton fee, from any "ton-mile" or "passenger-mile" tax, from penalty or JudiCIal assessments. ti-om cCl1am miscellaneous collectlons, and from eXClsed taxes on gasolme or other IIqUld motor tlleLThe second souree is the ad- ditIOnal revenue raIsed by eXClse taxes on gasolme or other hqUld motor fuel, The thIrd souree ts an alloea- tlOn from the State as a parttal replacement for the revenue loss duc to thc repeal of the Noble BlIl m 19~7. Funds recelvcd from the base HUTF revenues may be used for engmcenng, reeonsttuctlon, mamtenanee, repaIr. eqUIpment, lmprovement and admullstratJon of strcets and roads. Not more than 5~o of these funds 279 (,'/o.\s/Jrl' may be used on admll1lstratlOn. Rev cnucs from the addItIOnal motor fuel taxes and the General Fund money may be used for ne\\ constructIon. safety 1In- provements. mall1tcnance and capacity Improvements: nonc may be used for adnul1lstratlve plll})OSes. Plannin~ and Development Fee - The CIty reqUIres that an applicatIon fee bc pald tor all rezonmg re- quests and SltC plan revIews. Thcse re20nmg requests must thenmect postmg. publIcation and publIc hear- mg reqlllrements establIshed by the City Police Records/Search Fees - These fees reImburse the CIty for costs related to the release of records mfonnatlon. RFP - Request for Proposal Sales Tax - All sales. transfers. or cosumptlon of tangIble personal property With the CIty shall be sub- Ject to a sales and, or use tax. unless speCIfically ex- empted from taxatlOlL at a rate of 3JJoo (effective January 1.2(05) SOP - Standard Office Procedures. State Cigarette Tax - The State taxes \vholesalc dlst:ributors ofelgarettes. State tax stamps arc Issued to the distributors as eVidence of payment. Counties and cltles reeclvc a dlstnbutlon from the State. The amount received IS based upon the proportIon of State sales tax collccted 111 each mUl1lelpalIty and un1l1cor- porated areas of the countlcs. Swimming Pool Fees - AdmISSIon and lesson fces chargcd for the use ofthe CIty Swnnmll1g pool. Telephone Occupation Tax - A tax leVIed on and agall1st each telephone utIlIty company operatll1g within the CIty. a tax on the occupation and busll1ess of mam- tammg a telephone exchange and lInes connected thereWIth m the City and of supplymg local exchange telephone servIce to the ll1habltants of the CIty 280 Transfer Payments - The transfer of money from one fund to another l. rhan Renewal Area - A deSignated area With boundanes establIshcd tor the purposc of elll11lnatll1g slum or blIghted areas wlthlll the City Tim deSigna- tIon makes the area elIgible for vanous tlll1dll1g and allows for the cleanng of such areas for development or redevelopment. Vehicle Ownl'fship Tax - A tax paId by owners of motor velucles, traIler,;, senlltrailcrs and trailer coaches m heu of any ad \alorem taxes. The amount oft he tax pmd IS a tlll1ctlOn ofthe class, age and value of the vehIcle Gcnerally, thc amount ofthc tax paid de- creases WIth the age ofthe vehicle Specific owner- shIp taxes for Class A vehIcles, whIch mcludcs any motor vchlcle, tI1lek. tI'actor. trailer or semItrailer used to transport persons or propelty over publIc high- ways for compensatIon arc pmd to the State The State distributes tlus rcvenue among countIes based upon the proportion that state hlghway mIleage m the county bears to the total state lughway system. Thcre arc no restrictIOns on the use ofthls revenue. All othcr classes of speCIfic ownershIp are paId to the County The Jefferson Count) Treasurer then dIS- tributes this revenue based upon the amount that the property tax collected by thc County and each polIti- cal and govemmental subdIVISIon bears 111 relation to all the property taxes collceted m the Count) '\ieed Mowing/Cleanup Fees - Revenue rccelved from sIte cleanup and weeds that are mowed at tax- payer expense are accounted for 111 a separatc Ime Item account. Xed Company Franchise Fee - A franchise pay- ment IS acccpted by the CIty from Xccl Encrgy mlleu of all occupancy or occupatIon and lIcense taxes. and all other specwl taxes. assessments or exerCIses on the nght to do business. Revenues arc denved from the UllposltIonofa three perccnt(30,o) fee on the gross revenue from the salc of gaseous fuel and electrICIty WIthin the corporate IU11lts ofthe CIty INVESTMENT POLIC\ The total Investment PolIcy I~ adopted by Counell upon recel Vl11g advice trom the CIty Treasurer This IS mtendcd as a summary but the adopted CouncIl Policy IS controllll1g. Thc CIty consolidates cash balances from all nmds to maxmllze l11vestment eammgs, except f()r the cash m restrIcted and speCIal funds. Investment lI1come IS allocated to the variOUS funds bases on theIr respec- tive pm11clpatlon and In accordance wIth generally aeccpted accountmg pnnclples. The C It) 's prll1clpalll1vestInent obJectl\es are . Confollllance with all applIcable CIty, State and Federal regulatIons . PreservatIOn of capital through the protectIon of lllvestment pnnclpal by mll111mzlllg credIt nsk . Investmg operatmg nmds m sh0l1er-tenn seCUrI- tIes, money market mutual funds or sImilar mvest- ment pools to aVOId lIlculTlng unreasonable mar- ket mterest rate risk Mall1tenance of sufficIent IIqwdity to meetthe City's cash needs . Attamlng a market rate ofretum for elIgible seeu- ntles, which IS secondary to the safety and liqUld- lty stated abm e The CIty 's assets are managed to the "prudent 1I1ves- tor" standard by the CIty Treasurer which states "In- vestments shall be made wIth judgement and care. under cIrcumstances then prevailmg. whLch persons of prudence, dIscretion and mtelltgence exercIse 111 the management of another, not 111 regard to specula- tIon, but for mvestment considenng the probable safety ofthelr capLtal as well as the probable lI1come to be dem'ed. " The City Treasurer has further restrIcted the invest- ment of City funds to any ofthe tollowmg: . u.s. Treasury ObligatIons With matLmtles less than five years from the date of purchase. . Federal InstnImentalItv Secuntles Issued bv Fed- ~' -,.1 eral NatIonal Mortgage ASSociatIon (FNMA l. Federal Fal1ll CredIt Banks (FFCB), Federal Home Loan Banks (FH L B), and Federal Home Loan Mortgage CorporatIOn (r HMLC) . Pnme CommercIal Paper, at the tIme of purchase, which IS rated in ItS hIghest ratmg category by one or more natlonall y recogIllZed orga11l7..atIons whIch regularly rate such obhgatlons and which have maturities not exceedmg 270 days. . Local Gmemment Investment pools pursuant to C.R.S 24-75-10I etseqasal11cnded. Although the pubhc Deposit ProtectIon Act allows mUl1lclpalitJes to ll1vest m den vatlves. the Treasurer has exphcitly state that denvatl\ es are an unaccept- able Il1vestment. it IS the mtent of the CIty to dIverSify the mvestInents WIth the portfolio to aVOid lI1cumng lll1reasonable nsks mherent mover lI1vestmg m speCIfic lI1struments. or indlVldual financmlll1stltutlons ormatuntles. The as- set allocation m the pOl1foho should, however be flcx- ible depending upon the outlooJ.. tor the economy, the seCUrIties market, and the CIty's antlclpated cash flow need. It is the polIcy ofthe City to purchase seCUrItIes only from authOrIzed lI1sl1tutlOns and fimls. Broker/Deal- ers and other financmlll1stltutions shall be selected bv the Treasurer on the baSIS of theIr expertIse 111 publIc cash management and thelT ability to service the CIty's <..-- " . account. Elected officials and employees lI1volved in the m- vestment process shall rehall1 hom personal busmess acti Vlty that could conflict wllh proper executIon of the 1I1vestment program or which could imp31r or cre- ate the appearance of an impamnent of theIr ablhty to make 1I11partialll1vestInent deCISIons. 281 -~I INVESTMENT POLK'\ The totallmestment Pollcy IS adopted bv C lJuncIl upon receIVIng advice trom the Clty Treas~\rer This IS mteIlded as a summary but the adopted Council Policy IS controllmg. The Clty consolIdates cash balances fi'om all funds to maXImize mvestment eammgs. except for the cash Il1 restncted and specIal funds. Investment mcome IS allocated to the \anous funds bases on theIr respec- l1\e paI11ClpatlOn andm uccordunce WIth l!enerulJv accepted acclJuntmg pnncIples. ~ - .., The City's pnnclpal mvestment obleCtI\es are. . C Onf0ll11anCe WIth all applicable City. State and Federalre"ulatlOns . b . PreservatIOn of capItal through the protectIOn of I11VestIllent pnnclpal by mlnmllZl11g credll nsk . lnvcstmg operatmg. funds III shorter-tell11 seCUrI- tIes, money market mutual funds or SImIlar 1I1vest- ment pools to aVOldmeurnng unreasonable mar- ket mterest rate rIsk . Mal11tenance ofsufticIent lIqUidity to meetthe City's cash needs . Artammg a market rate ofretul11 for elIgible secu- ntIes, which IS secondary to the safety and lIqUId- Ity stated abo\ e. The Ctty\ assets are managed to the "prudent mves- tor" standard by the City Treasurer which states "In- vestments shall be made WIth Judgement and care. under circumstances then prevailing. which persons of prudence, discretIon and mtelllgence exercIse m the management of another. not m regard to specula- tion, but for Il1VestIl1ent consldenng the probable safety ofthelr capital as wel! as the probable mcome to be denved." The CIty Treasurer has further restrIcted the mvest- ment of City funds to any ofthe tol!owmg: . U.S. Treasury ObligatIons WIth maturities less than five years from the date of pur chase . Federal [nstrumentulIty SeCUrItIes Issued bv Fed- eral NatI~Ilal Mortguge i\ssocIatlon (FNMA), Federal Farm C redll Banks (FrCB). Federal Home Loan Banks (FHLB), and Fcderal Home Loan Mortgage CorporatIon (FHM LC). . Prime Commerclul Paper. at the tIme of purchase, whIch IS rated 111 ItS hIghest ratm" cate"Or\ bvone C b",. or more nal10nally recogmzed orgamzatlOIls wruch regularly rate such obhgal1ons and whIch hU\e matuntles not exeeedmg 270 duvs. . Local GO'vemment Investment 1100b pursuant to C.R.S 24-7:'>-101 et scq as umcnded. i\lthough the publIc Deposit Protection Act allows ITIul1lclpahtles to 1l1vest 111 derIVatIves, the Treasurer hus explIcitly state thut derIVatIves ure an unaccept- able mvestInent. It IS the 111tent ofthe City to dIVersify the mvestments WIth the portfolio to aVOId mcumng unreasonable nslv; mherent 111 over invest111g 111 speci fic mstrllments. or mdlVlduul fInancialmstItutlOns or matuntles. The as- set allocatlOn 111 the portfolIo should, however be flex- ible depending upon the outlook for the economy, the secllntles market, and the City's antICIpated cash flow need. It is the poltcy ofthe CIty to purchase secuntIes only fi-om authonzed mstItutlOns and fi1l11S. Broker/Deal- ers and other financIalmstltutJons shall be selected by the Treasurer 011 the baSIS of theIr expertIse 111 publtc cash management and their ability to scr\'lee the CIty'S account. Elected officials and employees involved in the 111- vesUnent process shall refram fi'om personal business actIVity that could conflict WIth proper execution of the investInent program or whIch could Impair or cre- ate the appearance of an Impalmlent of their abihty to make 1l11partialmveStIllent deCISIons. 281