HomeMy WebLinkAboutCrown Hill (Denied) .\ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM -_._~_. To City Council From Mayor Phillips Subject Crown Hill Property and Date August 1, 1978 Oppn Sp""'p Rp~()lllri(1n Approved Date Please advise if you are interested in the meetings on the above matters which are noted in the attached letters from Jefferson County. OVP:ly Att. ./ :z:::,. c:: ~ :-if r :J , ::11 , -' Pl ,bo. - ..t:>, -; ._~ 0 --<( "TJ N -.... ~J - c..-: -<: ~^" ....."., c.-- ~ 1'1 ?'; " ::c C;;., 0 - Pl -... CI::) Jefferson County Colorado BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HAL ANDERSON District No 1 Arvada BOB CLEMENT District No 2 Lakewood JOANNE PATERSON DistricI No 3 Golden .July 27, 1978 Mr. Oliver Phillips, Mayor City of Wheat Ridge 7500 W. 20th Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Dear Mr. Phillips: Please be advised that a meetinq concerning possible amendments to the Jefferson Coun ty Open Space Resolution has been schf'duled for Friday, August 4, 1978, at 10:00 A.M. in the Conference Room at the Jefferson County Courthouse, 1700 Arapahoe, GOlden, Colorado. The Board of County Commissioners respectfully reqllcsts that a representative from your City be present at this meeting to present your Council's resolution. 'l'hlS meeting, along wi th two or three other meetings, should finalize the language presented to the voters. In the event your City COllnci 1 is divided on t:his matter, please send two representatives to express opinions on both sides of the lssue. The original Plan Jeffco conunittee members and a representative from the League of Women Voters will also be present to present their views and recommendations. ,) '. Your cooperatio:h in this matter will be sincerely appreciated. , . Very tnlly yours, BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF TIlE COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, COLORADO " BY:~~-{ ~~ Harold A. Anderson, Chalrman >, 'c' by Ctt,y "dmln1etr L'a1.e: Counoil City.Hty Oept.. 11.&0<18: t._o..~ HAA/ c.kq ,", ~ ~ ~ y/ ~_ .. ~ :.:"' L' l ~ 1..'. . C i :'Jr': C.Ol>RTHOU<;E 1700 ARAPAHOF GOl nEN enL OF1ADO B0419 Jefferson County Colorado BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS Reply to: Jefferson County Open Space Program 1801 - 19th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401 July 31, 1978 Mayor Oliver Phillips City of Wheat Ridge P. O. Box 610 Wheat Ridge, Co. 80033 Subject: Crown Hill Dear Mayor Phillips: HAL ANDERSON District No 1 Arvada BOB CLEMENT District No 2 Lakewood JOANNE PATERSON District No.3 Golden 279-0230 This is to confirm a meeting for further discussion of the Crown Hill property on August 8, 1978 at 5:00 p.m. in the County Commissioners Con- ference Room on the second floor of the County Courthouse, 1700 Arapahoe, Golden, Colorado. Please notify any interested council members and staff who would like to attend this meeting. Res~ec~tfu~lYf' ) -.- /l:l/l / "V' Ray Pri ntz.J Open Space Director Ivcrl Distributed by Cit.y Administrat.or To. Date: 'i-1-7& M:lY01' Council v.... CilyClerk~ CltJAtty. City Troaa. D.... Hea.d.: Other: COURTHOUSE 1700 ARAPAHOE GOLDEN COLORADO 80419 Jefferson County Colorado BOARO OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS HAL ANDERSON District NO.1 Arvada BOB CLEMENT District NO.2 Lakewood JOANNE PATERSON District NO.3 Golden Reply to: Jefferson County Open Space Program 1801 - 19th Street, Golden, Colorado 80401 279-0230 July 3, 1978 Mr. Leo Bradley, Attorney 1717 Hashington Golden, Colorado 80401 Subject: Crown Hill property Dear Mr. Bradley: My recent telephone communication with you indicated that you would like a letter from me indicating the anticipated date on which an appraisal of the Crown Hill property would be completed. I have spoken with Mr. Blaine Chase, the appraiser presently performing the appraisal on this property and he indicates to me that he will have the appraisal completed and to me by July 20, 1978. Upon receipt of this appraisal, I would like to meet with you and your clients concerning your evaluation of this appraisal so that, hopefully, negotiations might soon after proceed between the West Aspen Corporation, the owners of the property, and Jefferson County for the possible acquisition of the land in question for a future community park. If I may be of additional assistance to you, please do not hesitate to call me. Respectfully, J //{_/ !- ~ 2(:[-: , ::. Ray Print, Open Space Director /vcd cc: ~. J -) ( -..I ?: Dick Mutzebaugh, Asst. County Attorney Blaine Chase, Appraiser ~ City of vlheat Ridge City of Lakewood . ) -\ c 'J t.e Distributed by City Administra.tor,,; To' Date: ,-7-,)f Ma.yor _ . Counoil V I City Clerk City Atty. City Trea.s. Dept. Rea.ds: , Other: -- - ;2-- ,. {~ f,.- COURTHOUSE 1700 ARAPAHOE GOLnEN. COLORADO 80419 i I I~"? " II 'J;i ,<_i/J~J/ t U'i'CUr! /1-( //7__ (}[-7't'7/i7<j-r-~ \J' "i'" ,4, ,,,f (' ,,, "i- ,)'J' ,-" -1:/',/" ,",:' \ ___-CA, Jt,c' ct,- ~-~1. ~~C-~. <'..'1-,<)4 ~' ./.t</-~ I ' pA'~:;1l}.,:, ,t.{ /~. <;' /~, -/~ <'!.,,;[ "j' /</:-:<::,C-~/ " :~'L .-~,..:f ..fl'" /~'-t, ,...c'-;:-<::, '7-7L -7.- ",A---C_<1~T<" ,~.:,c.- ~./~ \J 4/' " -? ',' <1~~-ZL ft.() _~!r::'C >-?:J ~.AY. ~--(f~-p I (ll~c t' /- ,/Cl n/~ ,a~ /.'0~<" <!: _ /!-'(',c,j A-f~aYz. -" - Ii'" ". ./ .A:"Ju(.e. CD'.:; ':..:., '<"~ /"e.' lV'( ,.~.,;c{/ ~.[ d.. ,! !'!, 1~:::7'); .1.(7" '~-j.d/t::_~:7-I_:{'{'( ~~c~. .. ,'L .?" .. L "-'-._ ./<:!' - :c. . ,../"L.- //l.... .- . . '- '- : _. ,/... ____ /: c' c.'(L /!( . _{ /1 .-<--;1 ."; I ,t ,-' r:;- 1 .;I:t' (. ..t';.1'.c L / ,1 I /'" '../ ' / e.-/t~,-( ( 7:- C L- l C'\ _/ L- (---#..!...--L- _~/:...~ </' -/ L~~ C L ..~~.I--r;. L/ _/tf-.~~ ,~-?'7:~ 4-:?' - ~( __"" j.""'_--t. ..(_-'t._* , 4"1/1 ^, '7 '7 . 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Go- '11 d / /l~"( f' __ /C/'7 /I { ,,(,:: k' dJ (.. }/<" ,il r tv "(~(.' c/r'/(f:~ ./r/{ 'ZL<':t2r.",:/0?, I ..--elff' it.'.. .(j,/.,;((u.~ J,I..t;-'1 ,<' I/.<: ;< ,,\("//,/ )7.'<'.~ .,j'C/[';n Ii .c,,/ti " '-.. ~/ ~~c, ({,/) . . f<:- f~' ",~ f<'. d,/ _-:)1 I /~"';'X; .(t ('-;:/'J ,..( C Id ! ~j-') /d",,, /z(? ,(lLe I I ( -,4... l'; <- .(-L , ,1'7 ,/ ~ /" ...L_, 7'-... ....,,"--....../- ~_/ , This plan with its density, its in~hsity, its land coverage %age8, the pollu~,ion factor and im~~~i or'iooooy..t+:u:L unequalled in LJtRnd thi impact, among o\~ ings of 10,000 yadditio al vehicie-~ p d, eq with a land coverage percen age unequalled in WR, and the impact (anong other thinqs, of 10000 vtpd equates 'y' .;) .,j -g~ lU 10 'C C It >- CD (tJ +> N CD ..-1 "-"-+> o lU 'M m u +> D - CD C .c ro.c+, N+' 'M ...-l "- C ro 0 0lQ) o I 10 U C OJ H CD ..c: OJ D.-1+' U --'c +' :>0 0 l!51 U Ei,g ...-l +' 'M g I i is f! 0 u l' m 4-$';ri O~t lOeD ~ H LO '., ~~ ~ E 0 [lJ E (J] CD m H m QJ ro lUH4- 'O...-l Q) 'C Q) <3lU3 '~ ~ ~ ~ C'\ I'm going to vote against this Ordinance for the following reasons: The annexation must be accompanied by a change of zoning from the existing Agricultural 2 to p~nned Comm Development. The proposed plan with its intensity, density factor, I a land or lot coverage percentage unequalled in WR, and the impact of (among other things),lO,OOO vehicle trips per day-equates a land use proposal which is: ~,,(.l6.~.J 1 Incompatible with the area, 2 Inconsistent with the surroudding zoning, 3 Inconsistent with the surrounding uses, 4 In conflict with the Comprehensive Plan and 5 Unacceptable to the surrounding residents. The applican~s attorney stated that the W. Aspen Co has the right to use its land but thatit >> has to be a use that .~ does I nt unreasooab:+ElY disturb the surrounding residents~'. .lt~ .~.JJ..,"\ ytL i).,l.-lNvt..lV..:Q"l ,,,-,-:H This proposal~does unreasonclbly distuf~~-evidenced by A legal protest \ \, . v" A case presen ~d in opposition A'J;> Letters in Opposition Citizens appearing in Opposition Petitions in Oppo~_tion bearing 5522 names, 4228 of which- ! were by Citizens of W ~tihe balance from the adjacent PCPti9C~ft7 of Lakewood. r----\ GENERAL OBJECTIVES OF JEFFERSON COUNTY HORBEMA}lIS ASSOCIATION 1. The Jefferson County Horseman's Association is an Association of all horses, clubs, individuals and other parties interested in horse activities associated together for the com~on good of horse- men without conflicting with the rights of any member, clubs, associations or individuals. 2, To provide an effective voice for the horsemen of the area. 3. To promote the western heritage involvinq the horses and the horsemen. 4. To encourage horse activities in such a way as to be compatable with the community, 5. To :J.otively emphasize economic i.mpact of horses and horsemanship on the county a~d the state, 6. To Drov:.de educational progrems of gener:J.l benefit to the harseml'ln. 7. To :!"eq Jest all '.:>od.ies of pu1:l1ic 8.utr.orj.ty imrolving any action which might affect the horseman for notice of such activities in ord3l' that the horseman's interest may be represented in the planninr stages of such activities. ~~0 ~ ~~~ I J ~-----ad~--z:TZ-=11-D2. ____ _~ ~ I ~. <eL-r~-~; . I 1""'-1' .~ ~ "-/~ ~.~7'W\!W I tYr~ ~ ~~/ .~_.~~ L/~ Wb-~ ~L~r I ,~~ -~-4J. ~ ..; . ~ I, ~a~ ~-0i ..-/ ~'~ (<9-.-.-/ 0... ~ ~ ,t>k.- /C~ ~ ~~. ~ J/ Z-7dr -~-_. - ._~~-- - "- ._--...~..._- 7k ?~~~~> :;y~ ~ ~. ~ ~ .& ~/?U/~l~ ~-;~cfJu ~ ~_ ~() -3 t~L ~C-.IG ~ ~rL ,~.~ ~~ ~ ~ ~.~ ~d__~ lid ~- ~ ~ ~d"~ cP/ ~ ~ ~H. .......~_ . r lrL ~ ALd~ ~~_. _ , F ~4L dJJZ'.~ ~ . 'k~~~~A ,'.L. I 14.:7;~k- h:~, cY/c;~. ~ , I,. ---r # ~7 I d / I ->,/1 A 4. .'. ~ ." /'. 4 \ ~~. u ~.~ ~~.JL.. ~ _ ~l {/Yid~'. ~~~(yud~ ~~p~ tA<- ck ~, . . ~ . oJ (,4-' ~ :O~7~ ~ ~Rqp 11 ~ iTA- ~~~~.....~{ ~ r 2).. ~ ~_ ~ ~~.Uv ~<~ 0/ ~ i" . t~ tr ~ ~~ Ii , I I 1,$,. ?~ ~~ ~_...~~ ~/ t - t1J / dAL_~.~ ~,i!~.~~..~ m<-- ~~~ ____. "~""'. " I . .. '91~ e~.df ~M-: ~.~ < ~ / j~Zk ~; /R._-~ <L ~< ~./~~~- /J '~~lj 'r .. -- ,'~~~ ~ /):d ' cr . r I I ~ ~ ?~ ~ ;7wT ~T .~~ "- L ~~ &t ~ ct. .....,.' . I ~"- ~~ ~LL~~; I ~f:;.. t'-/' / . A.I! -I \..<. -- " ~ ;I ?J~ ~ /0 ~ zLI ~ . ..~ CL- ~. ~< <~ zi-d-'~ ~~~I ~ ~ ~ -Z- 7Z- ~; d7~~ ~L<. .. 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R, t- ~ ~. ~. \ " "" t:'-\-\ ~ --------- ~......;-I -~~ '1 6J~?Lr w ~~, er- t,"~3 ~~~~; ~-w~~~~~ ~~~ " fi~~ ~~~. ~;W-~ ~-r~~~ 7.p-L~~ p ~' ~-"'~~ ~~~~ P ~--t~,;;6-~~' r ~'JLil. r~'~~ ~ p~' . .-W..v~~~ ~~-~ ~~~~t:: J~~' &~~~ ~~. $C~ ~~~J ~~~/::..~~ ",~~btd~~ ~' _ "in u e 0;: council ",...,,,,., z% Iftayor v' ' /2.tlY'l u, i ClerK: C\~" Mm. ,>! reas: CilV " . . . oept.I1M. / /), jd · ." . {/)'j'.C~ ~Ld . ,d..~ ~J:.; _ l ~/J? ~---L V~ ~f', 1362S~ .~~'-/~ tU~RJr e. .rtto~' 3.5 y ..5 J~ "-"A ~ JI~~ J)L-v~\ 3" / J '7 6' ../ ~J- 4::~v ~ ~A'~ 7<; 7 cJ .Jj~ 3J' J-f' --21~ ~J ~ cx.J-~~ ~~ >>.e-- ~ ~ Z ~ --<---7/ ~ ~ ~ ~ "1=. C^-- -L/~/ ~~ (f- rLZZy- o-.~ ~~) h ~ ~ ~#2 ~J .~~~. J4- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~-<.~_,-~L/ a-~ ~-I-- cl..A.-<_d.f.-' ~ ~~-=-u ~ c"-'u ~ ~~ dU-^-LL~~ r~ ~?-L-4J_ -tiJ~~"r ~r~/u.. c~~../ ~,~~ ~~O~~/>! ~~ J"-ej y~~~ cf''-U,1: / ,c?-< ~.L_v,-..,--/ A.-. , ~ ~,-->-, ''-.f. L_<A __ c.' Lr- ~/ ~-<.-/ ~L-<1-/ &'f<-~~;'- ez.-, ~-",-1 ~ 1:0 ~ rL.< k~~ 7' " ~'--" ~ .' J ~,,.,,../ ~ /~ / ~~/ 0'-> ,-"'-j ~~ C-:<t:.,~~ Di;;!ributed to: f13te: <:--i,/6 /7 t ~r.",:", t./" J F.IlAl ,. I""", ...-'r<JV/ ;! t:;~/ Clerk: _ C. " vr f#:!iY Treas: r.i ! . /);:[) . .. ;~ . r"ZlYtt hU d I '/<7 ~~f~~. . '------ r l ,~., ~ 'f-' \v ~ \J ~~ February 13, 1978 Hr. Ray Printz Jeffer80n Co. Opcn Space Pror.ram 1801 19th Street Golden CO 80401 Dear Hr. Printz: Re: Crown Hill This will confirm the attendance of the following persons from the City of \iheat P"i<lpe at the u:eetinr with the Board of County Co'll1l1lissioners on ~brch 3, 1973, nt 6 p.m. at the House of Lords Restaurant in wheat Ridfe, as requested in your letter dated Febrtlary 7, 1978. Council: Hary Jo Cavarra, City counc1lporson'/ Anthony F. FIasco, City Councilperson Ray C. Pepe, City Councilperson Oliver v. Phillips, rillyor Staff: John A. Jerman, City Administrator Richard Bredt, Director Parks & Recreation Sincerely yours, :.- / ' C :, J / i' , , / . 1- __ Oliver V. Phillips lIayor Id JEFFCO CITIZENS UNITED P.O. Box 922 Golden, Co. 80401 April 1, 1978 JEFFERSON COUNTY COMMISSIONERS 1700 Arapahoe Golden, Co. 80401 I-UYOR AND COUNCIL CITY OF LAKEWOOD 44 Union Lakewood, Co. 80228 On March 30, 1978, at 1;)1e annual general meeting of Jeffco Citizens United, an association of Lakewood and Wheat Ridge property owners, the following resolution was adopt~: We encourage the governing bodies of Jefferson County, City of Lakewood and City of Wheat Ridge to acquire the 122.5 acre tract of land known as 'the West End of Crown Hill Cemetery' for public park and/or open space purposes. The reasons for this resolution are: 1. This tract has long been included in the Jefferson County Open Space Committee master plan. 2. There is need of th~ countT avail'able fOf f~~,*,:;'-"\':.~""'C, ;y.w...o ;,'::>~'-';:'><t.' for a major park or open and the tract designated such use in this heavily ,,~:;; ;c!<oi~~,J",,,-"" space in this sector is the last space urbanized area. ~c:~' ~"i'_,;';1",-;., '''''y;~,,-_, i~ .; ~"f"~~.i- '\1 '-;~':~~<i'; . ~- ~~ ,i~W 4. k'cquisition would maintain the dignity of Crown Hill Cemetery. ) 5. ~ark or open space use of this land would help preserve apd protect the ecology of the site. 6. h..rk Or OpeiU $li'&ce use of this .la.1ii would ~e !_~o-l!lpatib'te with the l;lU_~:r<Bmding residential at-ea. "I ~ " ~. .. 7. Such acquisition was recommended by the Area Two Neighborhood Planning Group of the City of Lakewood (Area ~,o Planning Report, September 1976, pp. 1&2) and is strongly supported by residents of surrounding Wheat Ridge neighborhoods. 8. A joint acqui~tion by Jefferson County, City of Lakewood and City of ~~t Ridge would promote harmony, cooperation and true nei,gh:borliness among the governments and people of these intert~~ued political entities. Sincerely Yours, JEFFCO CITIZENS UNITED :t.-~"(ft;1"Pl<t;--it;.,."t:~......-.;.;:'"",y" ~~~r;:::"~'f."~' ,'v';';.', ..~~ 't~~:~ ~..r AGENDA ITEM 3 APR 3 1978 March 27, 1978 TO: Crown Hill Steering Committee FROM: Ray Printz, Open Space Director The attached information is in response to our recent meeting on March 8th and hopefully answers questions that were raised concerning the acquisition and various types of development of the Crown Hill site by Jefferson County and the cities of Lakewood and Wheat Ridge. The first portion of the attached material (1) speaks to: (a) Approximate fair market value of the property and methods of acquisition. (b) Availability of water and estimate of cost to acquire and develop that water for park and recreation purposes. The second portion of the attached material (II) speaks to questions concern- ing types of development and costs attributable to that development and maintenance. Questions that cannot be answered by joint staff efforts are those directly related to acquisition and development priorities of the separate purchasing entities. I am sure these answers enclosed will precipitate other questions that hope- fully can be answered satisfactorily by those people present. The compilation of the data enclosed is provided through a close harmonious working relationship by the Parks and Recl'eation and Open Space staffs of Lakewood, Wheat Ridge and Jefferson County. Respectfully, /' i).. (I) I- I".> -" J' - . -' /",.-~ I! Ray Printz, J Open Space Director /vcd 1. Lan! and \llater acquisition A. ~and acquisition 1. Estimated value of land The Chase and company appraisal of this land that was com- pleated on March 17, 1977, places an indicated property value range from $3,160,000 to $3,355,000. If the property were to have appreciated by 20% since the time of that appraisal, the original opinion of value of this property would then be increased to $4,026,000. Understand that the estimate of value that has been received on this property was only an opinion of value by Blaine B. Chase and Company and that a full appraisal must be secured prior to final consideration for acquisition. It is my belief that this property could be reasonably acquired at between 4 and 4.5 million dollars. ) Methods of acquisition The following methods might be pursued if the land was to be acquired: (a) A cost sharing of Jefferson County Open Space funds between the 3 public entities involved. (b) A federal grant to assist the political entities in acquiring the property. (c) Using a public foundation to assist the public entities in acquiring the land thereby allowing a long term payout. (d) A combination of the above. \ ' I have taken the liberty to meet with the Assistant Director of the Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service, Mrs. Meg McGuire, while attending a Federal seminar in Washington, D.C. on March 13th. Mrs. McGuire will be visiting Denver on April ~nd 12 and will visit the Crown Hill site to get a personal first hand opinion as to whether this would be a project~at would qual ify for conting~TP~....fJJlld i ng_thr9~l;!gh tt}.el.and~d Water Cons~L':..ati.Q.Il.FuOg.. 1S felt by tne Regionaf11entage c'onser'"vaflon and Recreation Service and their Assistant Director, Mr. Al O'Neill, that this project would receive a very good rating in relation to other projects submitted in this Region. If it is the direction of this group, I will continue to pursue those avenues of funding. B. Availability of water and estimate of cost for acquisition development. I have contacted the a ttorney for the O\ltners of the Crown Hi 11 property, Mr. Leo Bradley, and he indicated that even though it was his opinion that Crown Hill did not have any surplus water other than that needed for presen t cemetery purposes, tha t the Denver ~la tel' Boa I'd mi qht be able to give me information as to water availability in the area. I met with Mr. Bob Fisher of the Denver Water Board and he indicated to me that if the agricultural ditch water was to be found and acquired that it would cost approximately $1500 per inch. If an inch of water produces approximately 10 gallon of water per minute then it is estimated that approximately 40 inches of water would be needed to water a turfed area that would provide playing surface for parks, recreation and/or a golf course. This would then equal approximately $60,000 for the acquisition of the water rights at today's cost. I contacted the State Division of Water Resources and they indicated to me that well permits would be considered by their Division on an individual basis and there was no assurance that well permits would be granted for park and recreation purposes. II. CROWN HILL - FACTS Both Lakewood and Wheat Ridge Park and Open Space Master Plans cite the National Recreation and Park Association 10.5 A/1000 population standard as the basis of their plans. The Lakewood plan expands on this, "It also became apparent that the desirable acreage of parkland within Lakewood should be higher than 10.5 acres per 1,000 population. Major factors affecting this decision included the followino: 1. The 10.5 acres per 1,000 population figure did not appear to offer as much park space as necessary for the desired facilities within those parks, and 4. Based upon the desires expressed in the forums by the citizenry and the potential capabilities of what Lakewood could and should be as a place to live, the 10.5 acres per 1,000 population appears too limiting." (Pages 12 and 13 Lakel'lOod Park and Open Space Study - Report 2.) Lakewood has no acreage breakdown for its various classification of parks, hOl./ever, it appears that the Community Park classification fits the Crown Hill site: "large parks designed I'Jith facil ities intended to serve the whole Lakewood community. These parks may also serve surrounding communities.... (Page 8 Lakewood Park and Open Space Study - Report 2.) In the Wheat Ridge Parks and Open Space Plan standards, the Crown Hill site seems to fit either the Community Park type (4 A/l,OOO population - 2 mile service radius) or District Park type (3.5 A/l,OOO population - 3 mile service radius). Although t1heat Ridge has an ambitious plan to mass land along Clear Creek, large parcels of community or district parks do not exist in the Crown Hill area. The existing City Park of 26.5 acres, which will contain the new sl'limming pool is one mile from Crown Hill. The existing Prospect Park of 58 acres allows tl'lO ball fields, hOI'/ever, most of the area is covered by lakes, and is 1-1/4 miles from Crown Hill. Paramount Park is just east of Crown Hill on Kipling but again its small size (9.2 acres) does not allow use of community 1 r to me that if the agricultural ditch water was to be found and acquired that it would cost approximately $1500 per inch. If an inch of water produces approximately 10 gallon of water per minute then it is estimated that approximately 40 inches of water would be needed to water a turfed area that would provide playing surface for parks, recreation and/or a golf course. This would then equal approximately $60,000 for the acquisition of the water rights at today's cost. I contacted the State Division of Water Resources and they indicated to me that well permits would be considered by their Division on an individual basis and there was no assurance that well permits would be granted for park and recreation purposes. park type activities. Various neighborhood parks are located around Crown Hill which allow good playground use and urban relief, however, the preser- vation of Crown Hill for community park use would allow a completely new and unique form of park and recreation that is not now offered to the citizens of \>Iheat Ridge. Lakewood faces a similar situation with its northern city area. Several "small community parks" exist south of Crown Hill, however, only two (Morse - 20 A. and an unnamed 18 A. park) are closer than 2 miles. The closest true community park is Addenbrooke which is 3-1/2 miles from Crown Hill. Again Crown Hill as a community park would allow new and unique recreation and park uses not now available to the northern Lakewood area. ~s for the aspects of development, a wide range of possibilities exist on the Crown Hill property. The "leave as is" option is, of course, the least expensive and would allow proper planning if another development option were chosen later. Maintenance costs of retaining the existing site varies with the amount of similar land the Agency is presently maintaining. Wheat Ridge figures a cost of $300/A. per year (total of $33,000 to $52,000 excluding or including water) to preserve Crown Hill as is. Lakewood's present cost of maintaining greenbelt runs $125/A. per year for a total of $13,875 to $21,750 again without and with surface water. Jefferson County Open Space could maintain the area with an average of three visits per week and standard security and patrol for $13,000 per year. Using the Denver Regional Council of Governments population projection of 93,081 for 1980 in the 2-mile service radius around Crown Hill, the "maintain as is" cost per capita ranges from l4~ to 56~ per year. Another low cost development/maintenance option would be a golf course operational lease to a private operator. This option works by the land owner(s) providing the land and needed water through a term of 30 year operational lease 2 for the private party to expend development, operation, and maintenance funds for 30 years. At the end of that time period turn over the facility to the land owner(s) free and clear with improvements. This has been done quite often on the East Coast with local golf course architects, Phelps/Benz being quite interested locally. Some revenue could be generated to the land owner(s) by structuring a sliding scale return in the lease agreement. What vlould happen is that to a certain gross income, the land owner(s) would receive no return. However, above that figure an increasing amount of money would be returned to the land owner(s). So the more the golf course were used the greater the revenue to the landowner(s). This option would allow immediate development with no outlay beyond land and water costs by the landowner(s). Typicai golf course development would run about $30,000 per hole for an eighteen hole course of $540,000 for the actual playing area. A par 70 regulation course may be possible on Crown Hill by reshaping the shore line and using edges for play area. Typical costs of a full golf course development are broken out as follows: 3 A. Golf Course Construction 1. Grading and earthwork of greens, tees, and fain-lays..................................... $250,000 2. Fully-automatic irrigation system................ 300,000 3. Maintenance Building............................. 45,000 4. Cart Paths, Shelters, Bridges..........,......... 25,000 5. Maintenance Equipment................"..,....... 85,000 6. Consultation Services Architect.................................. . 10,000 60,000 45,000 A. B. Soils and Engineering....................... 7. Three 2" Water Taps.............................. &. Club House Facility 1. Clubhouse Structure Bas i c faci 1 i ty. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dining facilities. .......................... 2. Parking and Entrance Roads....................... 150,000 300,000 90,000 C, Six Exterior Tennis Courts............................ 90,000 D. Swimming Pool Facil ity................................ 400,000 E. Landscaping of golf course area....................... 150,000 TOTAL................................. . $1,700,000 to $1,850,000 Of course, the tennis and swimming facilities could be dropped off of this and still provide a major recreational facility in the golf course. As for the operational costs of an eightgen hole golf course, figures from the Foothills course may give a view of potential. For 1976, Foothills had a gross income of $495,000 to expenses of $404,000. In 1977, the gross income increased to $530,000 to expenses of $430,000. The 1977 maintenunce and 4 labor co' was $170,000 with other expenses being in the form of additional developm t, extra plant material being installed, costs of materials and operati )f the pro shop and clubhouse, etc. The 1977 income included $22l,OG 1 green fees. Additional income came from driving range fees, golf cart re 1s, pro shop and clubhouse sales, etc. So one can see that a well used cc ~ as the Foothill course could operate at a profit with amortizing the cos F the land and water over a long period. Inc~ e/cost figures for a swimming pool, tennis court complex, fitness center or other activities would have to be surveyed closely for market analysis. The capita! required for development is quite high in relation to the life of these faci'ities. Therefore, the determination of the immediate use would be essential to assure break even status of these facilities. 5 ~ iIt WATER AVAILABILITY STUDY .. WEST ASPEN PROPERrY .. CROWN HIIL IN WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO Section 27, T.33., R.69W., of the 6th P.M. loo Jefferson County, Colorado ~ .. .. ~ Prepared for: .. Mr. Raymond Pr:intz .. Jefferson County Open Space Committee .. , .. .. , .. .. Project Number 8114 April, 1978 .. .. WILLRRD OWEnS RSSOCIRTES I"C .. .. 7391 West 38th Avenue Geotechnical Consultants . . d 80033 Engineering Geology, GeophysIcs Wheatndge, Colora 0 Ground '\Na\e. H~dro\o9~ 7':91 '}ff':;l 381"-, 6"enue Whe.J!ridqe Colorado 80033 (303) 4Z4-5564 WILLRRO OWEnS RSSOCIRTES Inc April 13, 1978 Geotechnical Consultants . E~ginec,ing Geology. Geophysics . Ground Water Hydrology Soils"\ Foundation Engineering Mr. Raymond Frintz Jefferson County Open Space Committee 1801 19th Street Golden, Colorado 30419 RE: Water Availability Study West Aspen Property Crown Hill in Wheat Ridge, Colorado Project Number 8114 Dear Mr. Printz: At your request, we have conducted a preliminary analysis of the water availability of the West Aspen property (Crown Hill), in Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principle Meridian in Wheat Ridge, Jefferson County, Colorado (See Figure 1 in Appendix A). This property is bounded by Kipling Street on the west, 32nd Street on the North, and 26th Street on the south. Crown Hill Cemetery Reservoir and Shallow Lake are prominent features within the property boundaries. Crown Hill Ditch runs parallel to the east boundary. The property is on the top of a broad ridge that divides Clear Creek from the Lakewood Gulch drainage. This preliminary analysis includes an evaluation of the water available from surface and underground sources, delineation of expected water requirements. Attachments tJ this report include the following: a. Cal~ulation8 of water requirements b. ~i Water Availability Report in Appendix A c. Pig~res that show the site location, 2xisting wells, and ground water appropriations. This ::;tudy ~J~,s'_sted of rto:,:,earching and evaluating availal;le surface and grounci:.rater decrees eJ_nd water right t s records at the Colorado Divi.::ion of Water Resources and calculations of available groundw:iti"r and pstimated "Tater requirements. $0;;5 0lvl9100 Casper. Wyoming 82601 '3D7} 2135-3690 North Fie!d Offi-e S:"1eri.jan, Wiom'nQ 8280t ~,~7 672.1;':59 Mr. Raymond Printz April 13, 1978 Page 2 Water require~ents and supplies are described in Table 1. The estimated requirement fOl wateT i--.s 330 acre feet annually. Average precipitation will add 112 acre feet, groundwater will make up 99 a.cre feet, and the balance of 119 acre feet will have to be purchased fro:;) surface water rights or from such organizations as Consolidated Mutual. The eveluation of the purchase of surface water is beyond the scope of th1s report. The purchase of water should be exercised with discretion and careful examination. Water Development Option Two options are available for development of a water supply capable of ::-_eeting projected demands. These are ar, follows: a. The purchase of surface water rights (i.e. fro~ others) . b. Withdrawal of groundwater from deep non-~ributa::-- aqui:ers such as the Arapahoe and Fox Hills forrr,ations and shallow aquifers (tributar-,-) in the alluvium. Each option 0:: ~o~bination of options is available to the Jefferson County Open Space Committee should they decide to purchase this property. Augmentation of water will be require:i for development of tributary water sources. Purchase of this property should in~lude legal details that describe the relajionshi~ of Crown Hill Ceme-cery Reservoir wi thin the West Aspen propert.:- boundaries. The ne,'i property owners should be assured that the:- will have unlimitei access and use of surfaces of both bodie~ of water. Limits on water level fluctuations should be established. All rights, easements, and rights-of-way ~hould be thoroughly described and docurr,ented as part of the title deed. Access, use, direct flow rights, etc., should also be included on the deed of trust. ?lease contac: ~2 should you have any additional ~uestions on this evaluation or' ,'men we may be of further assistance to :-JU OIl this project. R~ff)lZ~. tfle~~wllson, c._. TABLE CALCULATIONS Water Requirements and Supplies a) Area to be irrigated Total area within boun~~es Area under lakes - CrOwrl ~ll Shallo.: Lake Irrigac:ed Area (assumed) b) Water Conswnption 1. 1 Park land - irrigatic:-. (Blue Grass) 112 acres x 2.5 fee: 2. Miscellaneous uses - assumed estimate for human conswnption or :ther uses -:mAl.. ESTTI.:ATE c) Arumal available water s-..;;::plies 1. }Tecipitatio~ - 112 ~2res x 1.0 feet ,? . Potential groundwate::o - Arapahoe formtion Fox Hills formtion ::'JTAL ESTJJI'J..-=r: 3. Total estimated ann1]" " water supply without purchase of wat=r d) Additional estimated wate~ required if using groundwater e) Addi t i_onal est:iY.ated w~--~ required v;~ thout d....,':::_ groundwater 330 = f) Purchased water supplies 218 acre feet = 21.8 in2~es of water (:;DTE: 38.8 in:hes of .___ = 1 cfs' lBJfl'alo &rass uses onl::l 1 ::,:-= ---~ ':,';att:~-. 3:"'L.l'T:.l2.:"'l'. ::'!l.~~-,.t- de~reasing this consumptio~ ~=-~ ac~ ~eet. 182 acres 60 acres 10 acres 112 acres 280 acre feet 50 acre feet 330 acre feet 112 acre feet 58 acre feet 41 acre feet 99 acre feet 211 acre feet 119 acre feet 218 acre feet APPENDIX A GROUNDWATER AVAILABILITY INTRODUCTION '!his report surrmarizes our evaluation of ground water availability beneath land in the South ~ of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, of the 6th Principle Meridian. This property is in in Wheat Ridge, Jefferson Cou.'1ty, Colorado (Figure 1) and is owned by West Aspen Company. In addition to determining the arrount of non-appropriated groundwater available beneath the property, this report describes the well yields approx:ima.ted by others from the sane formations in adjacent areas . Our investigp.tion included reviews of our librarr of geophysical logs of wells in the vicinity of the study area and water well records from the Colorado Division of Water Resources. -1- GEOLOOY Imnediately beneath the West Aspen Company's property lies a layer of loess (silts) which is underlain by the sa~ds, gravels, and clays of the Piney Creek and Rocky Flats alluvium. The thickness of these unconsolidated surficial units ranges from approxima.tely 40 to 70 feet with a gemral thickening trend northeastward across the property. The Denver-Arapahoe fonnation is beneath this alluviam a,:d extends to a depth of approxirrE.tely 660 feet. This sand and shale sequence has a total thickness of approxima.tely 600 feet. Underlying the Arapahoe aquifer is the Iaramie fonnation. 'Ihis unit extends to an approxima.te depth of 1360 feet for a total thickness of about $00 feet. This geologic unit consists of sands, shales. and coals. The coals in this forrmtion often contribute mineralization to the water stored in the inter layered sandstones making them unsuitable for domestic utilization. Consequently, the Laramie is not considered a good aquifer in this area. The deepest non-tributary aquifer beneath the study area is the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer. It underlies the Laramie fonnation to approxima.tely 1570 feet and has a total thickness of about 210 feet. Water is generally of good quality in the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer, provided the upper coals and associated sandstone units are cased and cemented off. -2- ... GROUND WATER AVAILABILITY Shallow Grotmd Water ---_._.~. --- Significant quantities of water are stored in the surficial alluvial dep,)sits of the area SUl'I'Otmding the West Aspen property. N\1IIY2rous medium-capacity wells are located in this alluvium in the vicinity of the property; howeveI', permits to use this water will not be granted without adequate accompanying surface water rights. Such surface rights are required to "augjrent" or compensate for consumption of water withdrawn from the shallow aquifer. D::ep Ground Water Both the Arapahoe and laramie-Fox Hills aquifers contain water which is not tributary to the surface water system. As such, with- drawals from these aquifers will not need to be awgrented by surface water rights as are withdrawals from the shallow aquifer. The geophysical log of Section 28, T.3S., R.69W., indicates the Arapahoe aquifer in this vicinity contains approximately 158 feet of water-saturated sands. Utilizing the section thickness and a 20% specific yield for the aquifer, we estimate 5767 acre feet of water are held in storage in the Arapahoe formation beneath the 182.5 acre site. Assuming a 100 year aquifer life, which is required by statute, we estimate you will be allowed to withdraw a total of 57.7 acre feet of water per year, or an annual sustained yield of 36 gallons per minute from the sands of this formation. Our geophysical logs indicate the laramie-Fox Pills aquifer has a water-saturated sand thickness of approximately 150 feet in the vicinity of the West Aspen property. Utilizing a 15% specific yield for this aquifer, we estimate that 4106 acre feet of water lie in storage in this formation beneath the 182.5 acre site. Again, assuming a 100 year aquifer life as reqClired by Colorado Division of Water Resources, we -3- estimate you could withdraw 41 acre feet of water per year, or a sustained yea.~ around yield of 25 gallons per minute from this formation. -4- .. ..' ~ .', -,. EXISTING WELL') Most of the wells located near the West Aspen property are shallow alluvial wells. 'fuese are for the rrost part domestic wells, although some have permits as irrigation wells (See Figure 3). In the northwest \ of the southeast \ of Section 34, T.3S., R.69W., there are two wells owned by the Consolidated Mutual Water District. One of these wells is in the Arapahoe formation and has a reported yield of 130 gallons per minute. 'Ihe other well is completed into the Laramie-Fox Hills aquif.=r and has a reported yield of 80 gallons per minute. 'Ihe areas of influence calculated from these yields for both of these wells do not extend beneath the land owned by West Aspen Company (See Figure 4). 'Ihere are some other Arapahoe aquifer wells in Section 33, but these are considered to have no significant impact on the West Aspen land. -5- WATER QUALITY Water quality analysis of wells penetrating the Arapahoe aquifer to the west of the West Aspen property in Section 13, T.3S., R. 70W., and in an existing well in the northwest 1,; of Section 18, T.3S., R.69W., indicate that the .mter quality is suitable for domestic utilization. Water quality analysis of wells completed in the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer north and east of the West Aspen property in Section 6 and Section 15, T.3S., R.69W., indicate water in this formation is also of suitable quality for domestic consumption and irrigation. We feel wells properly constructed to prevent mineralized waters in the upper Laramie formation from entering the well bore should yield water of adequate quality to meet yaW' needs (See Tables 2 and 3). -6- SUMMARY We estimate the Colorado Division of Water Resources will allow development of approximately 57.7 acre feet of water per year from the Arapahoe formation and 41 acre feet of water from the Laramie-Fox Hills aquifer beneath the 182.5 acre area. This is equivalent to 51,840 and 36,000 gallons per day, respectively, or a total of 87,840 gallons per day. Arapa.'1oe wells should be approximately 600 to 700 feet in depth ani wells penetrating the Laramie-Fox Hills sands should be approximately 1600 feet deep. If wells are properly constructed to isolate mineralized waters of the Laramie formation, water quaJ.ity is expected to be adequa:", for either domestic o~ irrigation usage. ~// !J~ "'\'-"'"'''' " oJ H lA;', .''L ~~ . "rz,;'h. ..<'... '" ,,_o.t... <.n".. ,'j.y"';- ~l:..\ST!I/t!". "'0"" ... v'" 6 . ~~ ~ . ~ , .. ~ . . ~ ... . . J -Jj(. .:: E h 13277 i"~ :. ,1\"9... ,IJ. :: ... -:;.. 6': ...... .... ~ "\~ ~~..-O.:- ~,!?-;'..~O~Al ~~..~'J-...:- ',....~. O........Q~ .....' "'" ~ COl ",.., II'ltH."\\\ -7- --------------- > " " . ~~ - ~i ->J ->J ~ ~ \~ ~ Q CH \:<< 0 0 0 0 t- v::; n rJ) ~ ~O 0 0 S; -::T 0 CO 0 ~ n \0 :>-,P Lf\ '" ~ 8 rJ) lli v::; Lf\ '" (\J ~S 0:>-' ~~ r---- ~~ r---- ,.., Lf\ -::T ~t'3 ~~~ \ >rJ)~ ~~~ ~~i OJ OJ (Y) OJ . . ~ffiffi a;p...p... c~ -----1 .----\ orl ::: >< 9 .0-. ~ ~ I ~ C) oX< ~ H g. g, ~ a; ~ H i 8 Representative Chemical Analysis of GrOtmd Water From the Arapahoe Formation WeU Location: ~~ of Section 18, T.3S., R.69W. Depth: 130 Ft. NW\ of Section 13, T.3S., T.70W. Depth: 130 Ft. Si02 Fe Mn Ca 352 32 8.0 Mg .0 Na 1,050 175 K 1.2 HC03 S04 Cl 432 204 50 u8 19 2,760 F .3 1.2 N03 B .0 2.5 pH 7.3 470 82 Dissolved Solids SOURCE: Colorado Ground Water Basic Data Report #15 Hydrogeological Data of the Denver Basin, Colorado - 1964 TABLE 2 '" Representative Chemical Analysis of Ground Water From 'Ihe Laramie-Fox Hills FOI'l1E.tion Well IDeation: SW~ of Section 6, T.3S., R.69~. Depth: 1,220 Ft. NE\ of Section 15, T.3S., R.69W. Depth: 1,558 Ft. Si02 13 8.0 Fe .71 Mn .11 Ca 7.7 3.0 Mg 2.5 .1 Na 138 343 K 2.1 HC03 3~7 591 804 .,,- 189 ,,-0 Cl 13 66 F 1.6 NO .4 3 B Dissolved Solids 371 869 pH 3.0 8.8 Source: Colorado Ground \vater Basic Dat "- Report #15 Hydrogeological Data of the De;---c:" Basin, Colorado - 1964 TABLE 3 City of Wheat Ridge In this space there is a large scale map that could not be scanned at this time. Please see the City of Wheat Ridge Clerks office if you would like to see the map. Thank You. "\ r,.". y, L\ L.~/'ti~A,I"r~ ~ "; ~ I I !, \. \. \. . I\. () f~/ \~. ~ '\; 't 'i l\ \. A J \ if'. 't ,\ 'j f. . i HE:";I!)[t;Jlf/\l ~~/\L[,) ('}') '1!1)(1 \'I;\,!,,\,< rth f1Ijl.llc)V':irf! l;lk('\"/()oej ((Ii, J,)(jr' HU:~i~) ~ T\;ll!JIIIJrlP IJ()1) ')~~,i-180U '--.,J !\lJ']Uq 2,1977 Mr Fr'ank SI: tee; Mayor- of \'Ihcdtricl<jf' 71;70 'vI. 38th Ave Wheatriclge, cn 80033 c- c. Dear t,jr. St i teos' Mr. ~\ike BorlTlan and Mr. Leo Dr'adley [,ave inf()rr",cI r;'. that I \"Ias quoted as "a r,:liablp sour-ce" clurinCj recent hcarincl' rCCjar'ding the deve 1 openlen t of C r'O'dn Hi 1 1 . Although I respect ~',r. Phillirs riclht to defend hi, "'-'st intcrc';t, I object str-ongly to bein~j qr"o~,sly l'lisquntcrl flY dl~,cus::-ions regar'dine) the voluc of his 3211c1 !lve-nllE prop, rt't ehtc lock to ovc,r a year aqo. ~\y ilssc';:;rliC'nt 1'lilS that hi,; loc,ltic'il I")ulcl substantiul]y <'ffcoct his vdlue. I 5U'1gest('d that hi' hOlnu I"oulcl be \^lolth as much LIS 55,000 more if locatcd en d Cjuict street. His quoting m~ as saYing his value would be $15,OGJ less if Cro\^ln Hi 11 l'ias clc.velopLd is fabricated I appreciate 11r. Bradley putlinCj ti,is in p,'opcr ,:'1 {"ctivc 2nd further \^lOU]c! Clpp,'cciatlc your dist,-ibutin9 this di__L.1il1l"r' to the other lilClllbcl'S of ,our bOilrd of di rvcto,'s. Sinc('rc:l~~. , ~)(]' i~) (\ , ~ ',. \. \.~.".. ~ t -.. f ~~ ." L,...V!. ('~(.!"'''I_,-e,h. ">"-~'_.M.,",,_.___ ~ t ~ -"''''" ......- Rody f\,'ynebc Clt' Salc:s N,s(}cidt~ l ~ RR dh cc "i,-. Mil,,(' [~orl1lan - WI1C'atr'icJqe Charllbc:r of Ce,mi',: i"( Mr 01iv,',' Pilillip" Hr. Leo [JI'acllc.y f ',.;-1; :,1"11 !.J 'le - f1 ~- L' I " , i L; I " ! 'I i" ( L'u j.l ":n! '\_ , , ; PI 1,t 1,1 j \ I ~ ~ I I I fi I 1 ' I '1 LAW OFFICES LEO N. BRADLEY TIM L. CAMPBELL THOMAS .J CARNEY EARL K MADSFN RONALD K. REEVES VINCENT K. TURNER EDWARD A. WALTERS VICTOR F BGaG WILLIAM .J CAMPBELL DANIEL T MOYLE, .JR EARLE D. BELLAMY I( ..JOHN G BRANT DOUGLAS S. ROUSE COUNSEL WILLIAM D. .JOHNSON CARL CLINE BRADLEY, CAMPBELL & CARNEY 1717 WASHiNGTON AVENUE GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 (303) 278.3300 February 17, 1977 Mrs. Carol Hampf City Clerk City of Wheat Ridge 7470 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: The West Aspen Company Petition for Annexation Dear Mrs. Hampf: Thank you for your letter of February 8, 1977. Pursuant to your instructions in said letter, we are enclosing herewith an Amended Petition for Annexation reflecting the change in the statutory numbers as set forth in Dennis Zwagerman's letter to us dated January 14, 1977. Very truly yours, By LNB/ki Enclosure P Q. BOX 2.798 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING EVERGREEN, COLORADO 60439 (303) 674-3351 AMENDED PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The West Aspen Company, a Colorado corporation, hereby amends its Petition submitted to the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on December 21, 1976, for annextion of the lands described below pursuant to 31-12-107, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, and in support thereof states as follows: 1. The territory desired to be annexed is described as follows: A portion of the South one-half of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principle Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 27; Thence Northerly along the West line of said South one-half, a distance of 2661.92 feet to the West one-quarter corner of said Section 27; Thence Easterly along the North line of said South one-half, a distance of 2649.62 feet to the center of said Section 27; Thence continuing Easterly along said North line a distance of 247.25 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 64000'00", a distance of 220.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 60000'00", a distance of 115.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 60000'00", a distance of 110.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 27030'00", a distance of 220.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 3020'00", a distance of 293.38 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 55049'54", a distance of 132.74 feet to a point of curve; Thence along said curve to the right with a central angle of 43000'00", a radius of 400.00 feet, an arc distance of 300.20 feet to a point of tangent; Thence along said tangent a distance of 147.95 feet to a point of curve; Thence along said curve to the right with a central angle of 69030'00", a radius of 400.00 feet, an arc distance of 485.20 feet to a point of tangent; Thence along said tangent a distance of 842.51 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 90000'00", a distance of 140.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 46030'OO"r a distance of 158.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 18000'00", a distance of 160.00 feet to a point 30.00 feet North of and perpendicularly measured from the South line of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 27, said point being also on the Northerly right-of-way line of West 26th Avenue; Thence on an angle to the right of 90000'00" and parallel to said South line of said Southwest one-quarter and along said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 2249.80 feet to a point 30.00 feet North of and perpendi- cularly measured from the South line of said Southwest one-quarter and 55.00 feet East of and perpendicularly measured from the West line of said Southwest one-quarter; Thence on an angle to the left of 89037'03" and parallel to said West line of said Southwest one-quarter a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the South line of said Southwest one-quarter; Thence on an angle to the right of 89037'03" and along said South line a distance of 55.00 feet to the point of beginning; Containing 173.778 acres, more or less. - 2 - 2. The West Aspen Company 1S the owner of 100% of the lands contained herein. 3. The territory for which annexation is sought is eligible for annexation to Wheat Ridge by virtue of 31-12- 104, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973. 4. No limitations as set forth in 31-12-105, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, exist. 5. It is desirable and necessary that the territory be annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge. 6. 100% of annexed The signer of this Amended Petition is the the territory included in the area proposed exclusive of streets and alleys. owner of to be 7. The West Aspen Company requests that the City of Wheat Ridge approve the annextion of the area proposed to be annexed in the same Ordinance that zones the land in a manner satisfactory to the West Aspen Company. The West Aspen Company reserves the right to withdraw this Amended Petition for Annextion if this condition is not met. 8. The signature of the West Aspen Company, its mailing address and the date of its signing this Amended Petition all appear on the Amended Petition. 9. Accompanying the original Petition were four prints of an Annexation Map containing: (a) A written description of the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed; (b) A map showing a boundary of the area proposed to be annexed; (c) The boundaries of contiguous municipalities are shown with the City of Wheat Ridge being on the North and West, the City of Lakewood being on the South and the entire area on the East being an unincorporated portion of Jefferson County, Colorado. 10. This Amended Petition shall be filed with the Clerk of the City of Wheat Ridge. DATED this / 7 day of h~12 '" I}--,~ , 1977. THE WES~~ By ~ W. O. Steward, Vice President 3545 Northwest 58th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 - 3 - t aOrUal'Y B, V:)'}7 Mr. Leo H. Bradley Bradley t CftJ'llPbelJ. & Cum.1V 1'11"1 Weeh1. .. ~.. ...... ""__ ~i CD DU-1 Deer Mr. e,....cllcv: 1 spoke. t::i th m.;;: C:d;\. '.tt;l!"fll:::/ "l'l rt:\"U (.... to \luLlJ. letter !)f FEbrtllU'v ? ~ncr-;rr.1 n\;, ttw ":'h'~r' ;c;' '.n :.~'tntut:lj"V rlu~Ll\'-;"r) '"In thL F'~t.',tlL'tn r 'c" [1,,1"'" .~_I<,.f".... : t "Ut1 fi L ',,> ~f" f~clz t~-~ ;;': 1.),.l -it.l..HI t-~~ f._....~'~_. li ...... ,. ,;1 (~ correct thr; ;:'eti ti""r< ; ~;- ,.~ t'<-. -" ~ i' ~ ~ f "jj ~ "t ~~r~l~ t:ri,Jlv \f~t~.n_~~ ,dl'iJ 1. H~f S~.t", SI.,;;",t.: f'ag.4;.1: - In. "n..lrtggee.nll~l, Inu~"",,,,,,,,,,,, .... .: NOTICE whose radiu,s 18 600,00 leet; Ihe prOlonga-1 2 APPI,II:atlon,bY Frederick F Meltecky ! I, Notice il!l hereby given thll.tthe CltyCoun- IIO.n of a radillllllneof said curve through 11221 W 44th Avenue for approval ot I' , cil 01 Wheat Ridge will on lhe 20th day of said point IIn along said llllt mentioned rezoning from C-1 and A,-1 to C-,l lor I June 1977 hOld heRrings for the purpose of course: property located at 11221 W 44th Ave Said NOTICf; TO CAf;DITORS ' NOTIC! Of PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE TO CREDITORS determining and tinding wl\ether the area 8. Thence Soutneasterly, Sou~herlr, and property is legally de!crlbed as 'oIlows ' 1010,15511 Not ce Is hereby given that an Informal Eslate ot FRANK P CALL, proposed 10 be aMel(ed to the City 01 Southwesternly along seld curve Ihrough a Case No, WZ-71-07: 'I Estate 01 VERNON CLARK, a/kll'l Public Hearlllg will be Ma!!1 by the Plan- De~ased Wheat Ridge meets the applicable reqUire_! central ,angle 01108 degrees 28' 31" an arc A p,arcel of property Situated In the E'Ii I VERNON D CLARK, a/kla V D CLARK' nlng and Zoning Commission, City of No. 155M ments Of COloradO ReVIsed Stalulas T973, d,glante of 1135,95 leel 10 a point or NW'/. SeClion 21, Township 3 South. Aeng~ Deceased_ 1 Edgewaler, pertaining 10 the rezoning or All persons having claims aglll 31.12_104!1."d 31-12.105 and Is ellg,blejor tangent., 69 Wesl 01 the 6th P,M" more parl,culBrly An persons /laving clBlms agalnsl the LoIs 21, 22, 23 and 24, Block 65, Edgewater abOlle-named astata .Bra reqUired annel(atloll Into the corporate bound~ry of 9_ Thence along sa'd tangent a distance described as 101l0ws. Beginning at a pOint I above-named estate are reqUired to pre. ' SubdiVision, City of Edgeweter, County 01 sent thltm to thlt undersigned A\tOrnl Wl'leal Ridge, The Pup))c HearJngs Will be of 655.00 feet; - on the West line of the E'1, NW'I, 01 said se"'l them to the undersigned Attorney,l Jefferson, Colorado, trom A.2 Zoning to sonal Representative or to the Olslric held at 4355 Flel,d Street. Wheat Ridge, I 10. Thert,Ce ,?n an Ingle 10 thellflof 98 SectlOl'l 21, which point 's 1,049,09 feet' Personal Represe'ltaTlve or to the District I RC-l 10! the purpose 01 con~tructlng e of Jefferson County, COlorado, on 01 Colorado. The subJect property IS: , degrees 00 00 a distance of 69,95 feel: I North 01 the South line ot tha E'I" NW'/., I Court 01 Jlllleraon County, Colorado on or I small office building. Also, pertarnmg to tile I September 1st, 1977, or said cialms I (1) Bound on the West by Klplong Street I 11. ThenCe?n an angle to the rlghl of 77 said Section 21' thance, East and parallel i belore August 18, 1977 or said claims shall I rezoning 01 Lots ~a and ~7 Block 6,5, jlOreVer barred (2) Bound on the Ellt by Cn;)wn Hill I degree! 00'00' a d,atanceof 130.00ll!l(tf; with $SId SOlII/lline 105 00 'eelto the true: be 10rever barred. Edgewaler SubdiVISion, City 01 Edgewater, . 1st Janey Mal(lneC (3) BouM on the North by We.t 32nd, 12. Thence on an angle to the laft of 25 point of beginning' ther'1C:e continuing East I ISI Barbara J, Clark Count,' 01 Je'INson, Colorado, Irom R.1 to Personal ReprBllI Ava, 1 degree. 00' 00" a dl.tanceof 140 00 leet; and parallel to laid Soulh line 15000 feet. I Personal Reprellentatlve , P.2 ZOl'llng, lor the purpose 01 construc:lIng I 8915 Wesl66th (4l Bound on II'leSoul1l byWe,t26th AYW'I 13, rhence 011 an angle to lhe left 0118 thence Soulh and paralJel 10 said West Iln~ 5an Pierce Street, No, 304 I a d1uplel(, (Mat Trlbelhorn, owner, 2880. Arvada, Colorad; INTRODUCED BY COUNCIL PERSON d"eoreea 00' 00" a distance of 190,~0 leet E'IJ, NW'I" said Section 21, 2,00 reel; thence " , "'!'\Iada, ColOl'lIdo 80003 I Newland), . ["',VlglI A. Boatright Hulsey , more or ten to the Soulnllne of sll,d Sec- WesT and parallel to lI1eSaid South line Elf. Isl Virgil A, Boatflght ; Meeting 18 sCheduled lor 1.00 P.M., on AtlorneyforEstate ArlOl-UrION NO. 105 I tlon 27, NWlf" said Section 21, 15000 reet; th'enc~ Allorney lor Estat. ' Mey 16, 1977 at CUy Hall, 5845 ~est.25th No 2146 THE CITY COUNCIL Of 14. Thence Westerly along Slid South North and parallel 10 SBld Wesl!lne E',; No 2746 AvenUe, when and where all Interested 4315 Wadsworth Blvd THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IIne.1 dlslence 012305.00 leet tothl Point 01 NW'I. said Section 2', 200.00 feet I~ th~ 4315 We.dswprth B!;Iullvard perSOnll may appear and be heard, I Wheaf Ridge, COlorado 80033 STATI Of COLORADO I Begll1nll1g.. tlue polntol beglnnong Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Isl Charles P Fucci, First PUblication: April 28, 1977 FINDINGS OFF"'CT Conla/nlng 182,53 Ber.' 'TIoreor len, 1,1 TOflY CeJrlne I First Publication: April 14, 1977 ,. City Clerk, Last Publloatiory May 12 1977 AND RESOLUTION Plann,ng Technician' Leat Publication: ~prfl2S, 19n I Flrsl pUbllcat,on: April 28, 1977 I Wheat Ridge Se~tlnel ' . The City CounCil of the City 01 Whlat II NOTICE Of PUBLIC HI!4AING PUblished: April ",8 1977 : Wheat Ridge Sen1lnel Second Publication: MBY 5,1977 , ~~"~ii;~::e :~n~~~~:~O~~IVI;:'t~~~~neo~ Notice is hereoy given 01 public he.s,lngs WhlBt Ridge Senti~el I Wheal Ridge Sentinel COuncil and Petition lor Annuatlon 01 cer- to be held by lhe Planning CommisSion 01 tairt real estate mor.lully described In aald the City of Wheat Ridge,. Colorado on the '1_ ' Petition, SlId Petition having heretoforl 12th day 01 May, 1977 a17.30 p,m. Hearing. ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS --.-.----- been flied wllh tile City Clerk of Ihlll City of will bl held at the Alb,ert E. An<ler.on Com- Sealed propoaals '11111 be rlllcelved by the Wheat Ridge Stele 01 ColoradO by West munlty Building, 4355 Field Street, Wheat Board 01 Directors 01 the Valley Water REPORT OF CONDITION "s~nD~o:ti~hows' ' ~~~eed ~~IO:;:~k ~~ ~~:r;~:~ c~~~~n~ a~~ g~t~:.,aW~:a~f~~:g~,' ~:'o~~s~~c~n~l, ~gg' ConsoUdatinq domestic subsldllnes of the 1. Thatlhe Petition Co"nlalnSlhelollowlng: submltwrlttencommlnla. . p.m.. Friday, May 6. 1971 lor lurnlahlng all I ___ Wtte!l~_F.id~__N.t;l~.l__~_enk_ a. An allegation that Ihe slgnera 01 the Thill lollowlng petltlonahall be heard, II1lIbor, matlrlalg, Bnd equlpmenl for the ~"",.orl'o.". Petition comprl8111 tl\, e landowners 01 more 1\, "''',Plication b)l West Aspen Compeny constr,uctlon 01 llddltlOll$l, facilities tor the I, than fitly per Clnt 01 the territory Includecl In lorzonlngolpropertylnprooe8l0tannue- Water Supply System, at which time and I fn fhe slate 01 ___C121"ra~_ __ _,arrheCIOSf'olbuaonessoo MAl"l"h '\1---___ 1 ~he area proposed to be annexed, exclUSive tlon 10 the CJ:: 01 Wh~at Rldgll,. Requ81ted place all proposals will be opened and read I publlsh!ld In respOnse to c~11 made by Cornplrollef 01 lha Currency, under Ti1l1112. Uruted Sfales Code SectIOn 161 of street a and alleyl zon"'glslor lanned ommerClalDevelop- aloud _157h_3 b. A request that the annexing 1 ment. Said propllrty is 168.6 acres-located ThePrinClpaIWorlllnCI"des: I Charter number - - NationaIBankRegIOnNumber.~ municipality approve the annexation of the II between W. 32nd Avenue and W, 2tlth I 1300'.12" Ductile\ron Pipe: 20'_8" Duc\lle, SlIte'(,,'otol Resources and Liabilities Thouaandsotde area proposed to beannel(ed, AvenUll adlacen~ and east or Klphng Street, Iron Pipe: 3_Flre Hydrants 'I Sch.lIe", Col. TMO\lIJA_ c. The Ilgnltures 01 such landownera, I This- pUl;ll!c hearmp will be lor the purpoae Miscellaneous ValveElllnd Fittings, Cash and due from tlanks C 7 2 327 d. The mailing addre" 01 "ch such I of rebUII~1 Irom both Side'. and Pllnnlng Copies ot the Plans and Speclllcatlons I E 702 signer. CommiSSion quesllona. Said property ISI may be obtained Irom the of lice of The U_S. Trea$ury secu"ties B 1 ',' The legal Ol!llJcrfptfon ofthelandoWrted , legall~ desc,rlbed as lollows, Case No. WZ-. Valley Water District, 4300 Oak, S1. Wheat I ObligallO!1$ 01 olner U S, Gov-'t. aoenCles and COrpS B 2 E 1 502 by such lJIgrter. ',77-02. I Ridge, C!;Ilorado. Tefe, 424_968t ObllgalKlns 0' Stales and pOlit,cal subd,v,s,ons B 3 E 4 19 ',The dala 01 signing 01 ellCh signature. : A portion 01 the South one-half 01 Section Each bidder Shall submit with hia bid a Other bonds, notes, and debenlures B 4 E None g ihe affidJIY'! ollhe cJrculator 01 each 127, Township 3 Soulh, Range 69 W...t oUhe certllied chick or an acceptable bidder's I 30 I pet,tlon, whether COnllallng 01 one or more Sixth Prlnclpa! Merldlan, CounTy 01 Jaf-I bond In the amount of live per certt (5%) 01 Federal Reserve Slack and corporate slock Ihe.ts, tha,t each signature therein II the Ile"on, State of Colo,rado, more particularly i the total amount 01 h,s bid, made paya~le I Trading account secunlies None signature ot the perlon whose name It pur- desCrl?ed as Tollows. . uncondltlonelly to The Valley Water Dlstllct I Federal lunds sol<l and securit'es purchaseO ports to be Beginning at the Southwest corner of 1 as a guarlnlee that he will enter into a con- I, 4" """"," I None I 2, Thai accompanying nld Patltlon have I said SectIon 27: tract should hi be the successfui bidder..t!! under agreemenls to resell D. . bHn IIled l!;Iur (4) prints 01 an annax,tlon I 1. Thence Northerly along the Weal line I The right Is reserved by The Valley Water ILLI 9 a Loans, Totalle~cludln9 unearned Income) A 10 I 14. 656~ m",conlalnlnQt/lelOUOWlnQlnlormatJon: ,Ol,"'d South o,n.-hall, a dl$t.nce ot Olstrlcl to reject any or all bldsand to waive (f) b, Lesa: Reserve 10rpoSSIole loan losses ,~ a. A .....rltten legal <leacrtption 01 the boun- 1 266t.92 teellO th-e Weal omf-qUerter comer Inrormamla.lhere!n, (f) c Loans, Net darlesol Ihe area propo.ed to be Innel(lW. ,ollald Section 27, Board !;II Directora <C I, '0 b A map showing Ihe boundary 01 the I 2, Thence Easterly along the Nor,th line 01. THE VALLEY WATER DISTRICT Dlfecl lease ManClng area proposed to be annexed. , aald South one_hall, a distance of 2849.62 By: Don ElliS Secretary I 111 Bank premises. furn,tufe and flx1ures, and other assets represenllng bank premises c, Nel(t to the boundary 01 the area' feet to the center 01 said Section 27, First pul:llicat!on' April 28, '917 112 Real es(a~e OWl1ei"; o~her Ihan bank prem!$I!s proposed to be annel(ed Is drawn thecon-I 3. Thencecolltlnulng Easterly a,long said LastPubllcatlOn:May12,1977 !I 113 Investmenlslnunconsol,datedsubsidlallesandassoclatedcompames tiguouS boundary of the City 01 Wheal' NO;~hTI~~~~ed~~a~~ea~lg~:~;~:er~ht of 64 Wheat Ridge Senllnel 1 14 Customers l,abiliT\, to this bank on acceplances oulstanding Ridge, Ihe contiguous bOun~elY of the City! degrees 00' 00" a dlatance 01 220.00 leet: r 115 Other assets G 7 01 Lakewood, which two Cities surrounds I. 5. Thence on an angle to the right 0180 :~e S~bJ~~1 tet':~ory on aPgr~xlm~teIY degre" 00' 00" a disTance 01115,00 t&llt; The ql~OO~I~h~~lB~~~~R:I\l receive '~~ ~~;:n~ ;;P~;I;SSOl ~~d:i~~~~~,~~~s1;~~ 1:~1j COfllS F 11 Wi~~~~~~em~ln~ng o~e~~otirton'~oun~~~ ~Z ! d~~eTe~e;~~~,n aa~is~~~~~ ~~ lt~~ 6~ie~It;60 lealed Proposals ror P.W, 77_1 Str.., 18 Time and savings deposits 01 indivIduals, \;~so~bC~~\)IbY the unlncorporatl!l<l Jef- 'I 7 Tl'\ence on an .anole to the rl9ht 01 27 :~c':.~:~e:~~t;2gt"':'':t ~~~~I~:~~~a .2~~c~ prtnshps, and corps 3, That no signature on the PetItion Is ' degreel30' OON, adls~nceof220,OOreet; I Ridge until 10:00 a,m. Tnursday, M., 12, 19 Deposits 01 United States Government dated more than one hundr.ed eighty (180)1 d~~::Se;~,eo&~ aa~I~;~~e~ ~~~.;I~~~~;I 3 1177 at Which time they will be publically 20 Deposits of States and political subdivisions day. prIor TO lhe daTe ollll.ng the Petition I 9 The a an Ie te> lhe leI! 0155 opened and read aloud lor furnishing all 21 Deposilsotforei91 govts. and ofj,cial institutions ~~rw,,;;~x~~~~: .....~\~::~IC6~1~::~~ olthe City , deg~ees ~~&5~'? a ~Ista~ce 01132,741eet to ~e~~I~al!~:~:~~/I~e/'~~helld:~fr~c~~toc~~ 22 Depos,ts ofoomf'"lerclal banks NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED a pomto! curve I ments 23 Cerllfled and orlicers checks BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF II It~O Thenc~ alolllg ~1~3 c~rve to t~~ r~~~t All propoaals must be prepared on the / UJ 24 TOTAL DEPOSITS (sum 01 Items 17 thru 23) ~h~~~:e ~1~1~~n ~o~~~; ~~a~~~~~:~~e 1 :n ar~ ~~;t~~c:no~ ;O~ 20 le~~e;: a radius 16~06uo~~ln~~r~n~ro~I~I~vde~l~h I~e aC~~~I~c~ ~ j a Total demanc depOSits City of Wheal Ridge 01 Ihe 10He>wJng oj 400 00 lee! to a point of tangent, envelOPe marked P W 77 1 Slreet I:A b Totat time and savings depOSits territory lItuate iIllhe County 01 Jeffersoll I 1 ~~7 ~~eln~ta/ong ~aJd /eng&n18 di$Tance Improvem8flts The project consist. of the I m 125 'Federallunds purchased and secunlleS sold and State of Colorado and 1ully dlllacflbed 0 1 2 The~~e 0 I~~; ~t I~ ~~~: to the right I tollowlllg - < I under agreements to repurch3.l;e ~or~eh~b~ter~iIla~:~~~~d hte;~t~ v:~g ~~;o~~ I with a central :ngle o~ 69 degreel 30 00 I ~83~3~1~~~~ ~fu~~:~I~~~~~~ :J 26 Liabilities lor oonowed money subatantlal comphance With the requ,re- I ~~ 4':{~ ~sf~e~~~ ~I ~~;t~~ t~e::t:nntd a radiUS 1 063 Miles 01 Street Paving of 127 Mortgage rndebtedness menta 01 Ihe 1973 Colorado Revised 1 13 Thence alotg said tanggent a dlatlnce Vf1Improved Gravel Streets I 28 Acceptances e~ecuted by or lor account or thiS bank and outstandlllg St~~t~~, a;J'~~n~:rA~~-6f~)~6' That the I 01842.51 feet; co~:~6eo~~:~ t~~~ro~~SI%~:PO~r~h~ ~dV~;- /. 29 Other haMtles H. 9 City CounCil 01 the City of Wheat RIdge will I 14. Then,Ce ~n an angle to the leI! 01 90 Itlsement, Instructlona to Bidders and other. 30 TOTAL.LIABILlTIES {sum of ((ems 24 thrv29 excludmg lIems 24a &- I>). hoJll pubJJc hearings to delermlne il the 1 degreesOO 00 adlstanlcs~~a~i~'~~~~lley 1 related Documents colltlctlvely known and I 131 Subord,nated notes and debenlures propostld annexation compiles with and Is I Planner II' ref.rred 10 II/l the Contract Documents, ..J 32 Preferred stoer, No, Share5 outSlandlng __1i01t~___~ (par value) 'R'n ~cc'''Sd~nce, with thl .''',',C, """"0',0 Published: April 28, 1977 I, P';;I~~tC~n~pra~n~0~~~~171~~tf~~:lS:~n,ge~e~ i g 33 CrlmmOIl S\CC~ a No shar€'s authorized __~~9L eVlse atu ea. IS amen e, - - Wheat Ridge Senllnel ~ ,I 0. I 40 000 ~~I~~~I~~:~I~li~e~ra:n~::a~l~eU~u~~~~~~ ! I ~~~lr~~~t~~~tl~~5nd~~ m~~~~~x:~~~e~a~; < 34 Surplus b No shar~s cutstandlllg _~_l_ - -- (par value) ;~~~ a~ldti;atM~~C::~I~;~~~t~~n,,:I~t :~-'I Not~~i~~e~eO~~~v~~I~, ~~:I~d~:arlngs 'I ihle2~611~e~i t~~\~I::~~~~~,1 ~u~~~t ~f~~:: ~ 35 UnOiv,ded prGtlls the 20th day 01 June, 1977, at the hour 91 to be helO by the City Council of tlte City 01 I Colorado on or after May2, 1977 t:: 36 Reserve 'or cC'!ing'lne,es and olher cap'\al f(:serves 7:3() o'clock P.M.. at 4355 Field Str..t, City I Wheat Ridge, Colorado on the 16th day of' Contract Documents may be obtained by :') 37 TOT;'L [QUn CAPITAL !S'J'1l olllems 31.lhru 361 01 Wheat RJdge, State 01 Colorado, I May, 1977 at7:30p.m, Helrlngswlll beheld 1 prospective bidden from the Wheat Ridge 0 TOTAL LIAtJlLITIES AND EOUITY CAPITAL (sum 01 Items 30, 31, and 37] BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, fhat tha at The Alblrt E. Anderlon Community I PubliC Works Dtlpartmenl. 11220 West 45th W City Clerk of the CIty 01 Wheat Riege give Building, 4355 Field Str~1. Whelt Ridge, I Avenue, Wne8t Ridge. Colorado, upon pay. 1 Average lor l~ or 30 call'lndardays ending wilh caU dale: notice IS required by the 1973 Colorado 1 Colorado. All Interested cItizens are Invllld ment of 130.00,11 the ContrBct Documents a Castl and nun Irom bankS (corresponds to !Iem 1 above) ! Re~ised St.trute., a. a~nded, 31_12_1DS, to speak at the public heannga or sUbmll,1 are returned in good conditIon within lour- b, Fed lunds SOld andsecunties pU,rChased under aoreements to resell (conespondsto Item 8 above] ~~~a~~e ~~s ~ft~:~~~~edo~t:'~~a~~,er ep. I: wr~;;I;~I~~~;~~ltionSShall be heard ' ~~~no~1:~I~~I.e.~;;g~~I'~~~:;~~d~;, datil Of Ii ~ c. Totalloan~ Icorrespond5 10 sub.tem 9a aOove) . ~ PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, 1. Application by the City 01 Wheat Ridge Bonds requlrf!d are aa lollows 1 Z d T,me depOSits 01 $100,QUO or more (conesponds to memoranda sub Items 3a plus 3b below) "-' ~hla 25th day 01 Aprol, 1977 by a vote of 8 to r~~~;I~~k~O~~~I~II~~~~ ~e~~~~b~o~e~~~ , BI~~~;a~~;:roposal 5% : : e Total depos,ts (corfesponds to Item 24 abeve) , ISI Frank Stites Horizon SanltaflUm and unplatted Ilnd on, Perlormance Bond 100% I 0 I, Fed lund" purchased ar,d securot'es sold under agreements to tepurc~ase (corr. to Item 25 above) I Mayo; Estes Street south 01 W. 35t.h Avenuelrom I Labor and Material :!: 9 l1al"qtLes lor borrowed m(lney (corresponds 10 Ilem 26 abo'.!.!) ~sjT5:r~1 Hampl, I ~~e~;~r:~~~Ot:~;i~~,;~~~~pfe;:-;~:I~~na~ i R::r~~n; B~t~en percent (1 ~~f.~' oj I ~ I 2 Sfandbv (€tl€rs 01 crealt (ouISland,f19 as oj repOlj datc>) ~i~t~~~~lcation: April 26, 1977 i ~~~~0~~~a~~~.rX~~7~J:IIY described as . ~~;;iof~~~,'~~~~~~'~O: ~d:c~~tp~~~c~eor~~~ i I 3 :lm;'~~PC:5rltl,j;,~~t::Oo~'~~~OCl:II~;~eO~~~\~t:t:~~go~~~~~~6~; :~~re LastPubllca\lon: Ma.y 19,1977 i Portion 1: Lee's LakeSubdl.vlslon work. I I b Dlher time deoos,ts In amounl<; 0[$100,000 or mOff! Wheal Ridge Sentinel 1 Portion 2: A tract 01 land In the NE'I, 01, Right Is resarved In the Interellto1 the City ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 5gl! ~e::~0~12t~e T~t~n~h~..3 J~~~:~~nAa~~~n~~ 1 ~~dwi:a~a~~~g~n~ ;~;~;~:l~~ ~~dj:~1 ~:~: I WHICH WAS ADOPTED 4-:1:5-77 I Colorado, deacrlblW as follOWS: Beginning received EXHIBtT A at the Southwest corner of the NW'I, NE'I, 01 LEQAL DESCRIPTION: I said Section 27 thence easlerly along me A portion 01 the South one-haljof Section I South boundary of said NW'I. NE'I, 331 feet I 27 Townsh,p j South, Ranga 69 Wut olthe to the TRUE f)OINT OF BEGINNING, thence Sixth Principal Metld!an, Counl)' 01 Je1. contmu)ng easTerly Blong thl South boun- lerson, Stale 01 ColoradO, more particularly I dary 015ald NW'/, NE':, 684.1 jell. more or deacr,bedas lollows: 'less, to the center line 01 Everett Street 6eglnnll19 at the Southwesl corner 0' thence northerly along tne center line 0; 1 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING sa:~ ~~~~~; ~~rthllrIY al~ng the weslline 01 I ;~~:~ I~~e~r~~e~ t~et~~ st:l:n~~u:f~~e:~~ I Pu~~~C~e:rln~r~~r tf~v~~a;~a~ya t::r~~ uld South one-hall a d,stance of 2861.~2: dary of said NW'f, NE'/, tl64.1 I~t, thence " Council, City of Edgewater, pertaining to the i feel to the West one_quarter corner 01 $11'0 soutnerly along a line paraUello the East 1 rezoning of LOIs 8, 9, and 10, Block 110 Section 27, , boundary 01 aald NW'I, NE'l, 2051..t, more! Ednewater Subdlvls,on, City of Edgewaler, sa~ 1~~~~e o~~~~:lr :1~7~~~~eN~~~i~::~ ! f~~~'\S~ t~ht:e r~~~~-~~I:~~I ~oergl~~~~; ;~~h i ~~~~~ O~t~::~ra~~~I~lolr~lfv~~~~O~~~~~~, ' 1"ttothecanlerollllld Section 27; I Avenue along the S!;Iuth side thereof and f Irom noncon'ormln9 A.2 In art R-l Zone to 3, Thenca continuing El8terly along laid ISUblect to the rlght-ol_way lor Everett Street I R-3, lor Ihe purpoae of utilizing exlTltmg I NOrth Ilnll I dlstanee of 277,25Ieet: I along the Eaatslde Ihereol. I dwellings as three units 4, ThenCe on an angle to Ihe rlghl of &4 Portion 3: T/lON parcel. 01 land .nownl Meeting la Scheduled jor 8:00 p,m., Ofl degreeaOO'OO" a distance 01 1811,81eet: Ion the Jeffeuon CQunty AlnSlor Olllca April 26, '977 at City Hall, 58"5 West 25th I d':'r:e~e~eog.~. ~~s~n~~: ~f 1~9~~:~e~:: 55 ~ ~7aP:3~~~,e~0~u4~~~~I, ~~~' ai:~ ~~'o:~ ~~~ I ~;~;~:~ ~~e;p:ena~ I~~~: h:~r~~tereated de~~:ehse~i,e3~'~ aa~IS~~~~~ ~I ~~.~~7~~t: 61 i ~~6; ~'s;e2sn~t;:t~~'3~~3:a~i ~~;e~t~a;:4e3 ' It! Ch8rle~/~~~~ de~reTehsl~i,e 0 ~~ :~I:t:~I~e I~T t;;, ;~gf~~~04:, ~irt::t,S~~~~\~~; ij~~e:t,S~:tE;i:.5 .i;~:~ I ~i;~~~~b~~~~II~;tl:~rl~~~'111:t1977 point on a non-tangent curve to lI1e right and 3475 Estes Street i Wheat Ridge Sentinel __of Wheat ~1,4&~__-----.-_ C"I 14 584 None ~ None None None 2;E: A F F B:C I H 8 :29011" iBI 14 032 XXX XX 12161 340 2 041 None N~' 356 22 322 F " B+C F 2 A+B+C F 3 A+B+C F 4 A+B+C F 5+6 A+B+C F' A 100 None None None 107 22 52S 26[ _, Nonf OJ 0' .r--T:8 ~ Dennis E. Barrett - Is/GeorgeRhodes Purchasing Agent FlrstPubllcation:ApriI28,1977 ,LaatPubllc:atlon:May5,1977 Wheat Ridge Santinel Auditor 1,'" of the above-named Dank do hereby declar port 01 Condition ia true and corracl to It knowladge aod beliel , " I 'c~, , ~ S,~n_,"," IL--> _~ril 21, 1977 We, fhe- undersigned dJrectors attest the correctness of this statement of resources and liabilities, We dec bElen examined by us, and to the best 0' our knowledge and- belie! is Irue and correct. J.~J ~.~el__ LaL J<ow;:J.- R~t8h_eL.....___ I j C"ec\ors Published: Wheat Rid\ ilL ~homas Page 52 - The Wheat Ridge Sentinel, Thurs., Ma)' 5, 1977 CITY OF EDGEWATER ORDINANGE NO, ..Amended Sponsored by Councilwoman Daly, Referred to __Committee Council Bill No, ...1::J..1..... Series of 1977 AN ORDINANCE AMENDINC THE EDGEWATER BUILDING CODE R!LATING TO EXCA- VATIONS AND ESTABLISHING ANY UNAUTHORIZED HOLE OR EXCAVATION AS A PUBLIC NUISA.I'lCE, WHEREAS the City of Edgewater has encountered problems with permitted building excavations on private property which Are not completed within the 60.day period allowed by the Building Code, and which pose a hazard to the cithens of thh ,;onll",nity: and WHEREAS there are a nUlllber of unauthorized excavlltions and hole.. on private property within the City which also pose s hazard to the citizens of thia cOllllllUnity; and WHEREAS the Edgewater City Council deaires to take remedial action by enacting appropriate amendlllenta to the Building Code and the Edgewater Municipal Code, NOW THEREFORE BE IT ORDAINED BY TilE CITY COUNCIL OF TIlE CITY OF EOGEWATER, ~.Section14,04.060,Subsection30I(g)ofthe Edgew8ter Hllnicipal Code is hereby amended to read as follows, (g) Expiration -- Cancellation, Every permit shall expire it the work authorizeel by such pennit is not commenced wuhin 60 days from the issue date of such permit, or if the work authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 60 daya at any rima after the work is started. Expired permits ..hall be cancelled and no refund of the permit fee shall be made Before such work can be .oom- llIented or r"sum.d, a new permi~ ..hall be obcained and the fee therefor shall be one.half the amount required for the original permit, provided that no changea have been made in the original drawings and. apecifications. If the pernit is not renewed, any incompleted work shall be deemed a violation of this Code; and any unauthorized excavations or holes may be treated as a public nuisance as provided in Section 8:32 of the Municipal Code. If the permit holder can demonstrate ~hs.t the suspension Or abandonment waa o.ocaaioned by cireumstances beyond his control and that it would be an injustice to require a fee for a new pennit, the "ame may be issued without ch3rge. EXCEPTIO:'!: The work authorhed by " wrecking, ur moving permit shall bs cOllll'llenced within 30 days from the date of iasuanc\> of such permit and shall be continuous until the work authorized by Such permit is completed. If such work is auspended Or abandoned for a period of 10 days after the work is cO!ll'llenced, the permit shall expire. For the purpose of this Building Code the definition of "continuous" shall be the normal rate of progress in completion of Ii pr?ject in keeping wtch good building or demolition pr"etl-ce". Section 2. Sed;un 14. U4,O&U, Sllh_<~c"\L,'" 3.l0{b) i, hocob\' a",'.nrl~rl by tb~ followln~ adrlit{on {bj 4. A .tatement coverinl! d,.p<,ul "r .turall~ o{ <0;1 frc'I" Hcav~tlon. and .howing uiel ~xc~v..tiun. and diop"ul or "o"~e will not be.. h~"'TrI "r n"iun<~ (0 th~ ""mm..nity ~SecltunI4.U4,060,Sub.ectton3)01c)"h~reiJy~n'.nd~d by th~ followinl! addition, 1<) 3 A .ta'~rnenl covoringrl"p".al oc .<lMag" ,,) ""I fco,,, ex<avation. and .howinl!....id exe..v.tIun. and rliopu,al or .tora~e WIll not b.. h.z.rd or mlloan~e to> the ~ommllm'~. Se~tion 4_ Chaptcr ~ 32 "~I the E'lgewaler Municip..1 Cud" os h~c"by amended L;. the c~pul ana ce .naclm.nt ,,/ PaTt III ". iullow.. 111. W.eJ.. Nnx,ou. Ma',"'r, and UnaLLlh Un{;lIed Hole. and F.,ch~li R.32.120 Pcnhibite<!. It i. unlawful I<>r the nwnH OC 'cc"~~,,t 0/ any 10' pl~, e " area with,n ~he Clty, or th~ ag~nt there"f, lu pern,il ~ny ....,'ed., <!~lel~r;nn', unhHlthhd 8",wtho, '" oth~r n<>~im15 ma<tec th., may b~ ~'nwmg. jy;n~ c'r lu""tcd 'hece<,n, t,> 1>< oc rpma", there'm, or to permit any unaLllhori._.d and unlilled f,.,[.. l'~ca\'ati"n, t" he or r.'"a'n lh"rl'"n <,H.110 N"U". to,],.,lrov, The cily cierI. I. allthuri<"d ~nd "L"p""",.L.,.d t" ""ldy, 1n ....d(ing, the owner, O'C\lpanl, "r ag<nllhl'C<'uf. o{ anv s"ch ,01 plac" or ..rea, t~ <ut, d~'lruy, or rem"H' an" ..,ch w,.~d" delet~nou., \l1l~ulthlol growths, or othee n,,~iou. m~tte' f",,,,oI ~':owinll, lyins or located on ."eh owner'., occLlp~~I'., or a~enl'. property, oc tl> hll "r cOver anv L1nauthor;z~d holo u, .~cav.t"'n Iy;n~ or I"~al,'d on ",,<h uwn...'., 'lc-~upant..', >r ~~,.ot'. prorerty S..ch nnticI. .hall I", _,,",",.<1 hy "'~I",'r,.oI " , '"1>1"'01 ",.,1 add reo oed It, "aid own,.r ..<.cup~nt "r a~I."t dt hi" I"" """wn .d<.lre',. H. ]2.140 Action upon noncomplianc~. Uponll,.iailute, nel!len, ur reluuloianypc...unlocun'pl\' w\th ..ny notic~ serv~d upon (h~,." m accordan,~ u..ilh ,h~ rc,,,.,,,,,,,, of Section 8. 3l.llO, th.. city m~y pro<e,.d 'nrthwl1~ to aLal~ .u(!\ nU"~nc~ by cuUinj(, removinl( or nth"rwioc <l~'''nyin~ lhe "'-m< <>r lilHng or <OHrl]\~ '\lch unouthndzc'd h"le ''" p~cav~tiun, anel tu ....... the cu.t. theroul ~~ain.l th~ properly wh<>r~ "u,h n.,j...n," ~"i.ted, all in accord..nc. with th~ pr"l'~d"r~. '..'aLli.,hed l1l:;' 1l0nR,l2,O}0 ~. Th~ City CuuncII ,,{ the' City ,,( r;eI~ewat'" ,i",l, ,10." ond rleclar~. that thit ordinan<,. 1. n~ceo...ry foc th. Ren~ral heallh, .al~ty and w~lIace u! the community, INTRODUCED, READ AND ORDERED PUBLISHED THIS 2 <tll DA Y OF Apcd 1071. .. -- - ADOPTED UPON SECOND READING AND OHDERED PUIILISHED THIS JA, OF IG71, ATTEST, (l~z...-:'-J'Z..:_,:~ partes l' tueci, City Cleric Donaid 0, Whe, Mayo!" APPROVED, J:;ugene ~ McKane, Council President ~n.r!ee ll, 1I0Wft, City Atto4lley F1ratPublieation: M.o,.5,1977 SecondPublicati6ri: Published in the Whaat Ridge Sentinel NOTICE - ,'~. Notice Is hereby given that the Cit Coun.! whose radius IS 600,00 feel; the prolonga.! ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS clI of Wheat Ridge Will or'! the 20thY day of: tfon 01 ~ radial line 01 said curve Ihrough I' Sealed proposals will be recel'(ed by the June 1917 hold hearings for the pUfpose of I ~~~rs~omt lies along sllId last mentlO11ed I Board 01 Directors 01 Iha Va!ley Water determining and Ilnding whether the areal ' ',DIstrict at the oUlce of the Dlstnct a14300 proposed to be annexed to the Cll of 8. Thence Southeasterly, Southerly, and I Oak SI" Wheat Ridge, Colorado until 5:00 I Wheal Ridge meets lhe applicable req~ire.l Southwesternly along said curve Ih,~ough a I p,m., Friday, .May 6, 1977 f?r lurnlshlng all 1 ments 01 Colorado Revised Statutes 1973 ' central angle of 108 degrees 28 31 an arc labor, materials, and equipment lor the 31-12-104 and 31_12.105 and Is eligible fO; I d,stance 01,1135.95 leet to d pO,mt 01 c.onSlr,uetton of addlt,lonallaCllItleSIOr the i annexation Into the corporate boundary 011 tangent, Water Supply System. at whleh time and I'Wheat Ridge, The PubliC Hearings will be 19 Thence along said tanl;lent a dIstanCe plaee all proposals Will be opened and read : held at 4355 Field Street, Wheat Ridge, o 655.00 leal. alOud ! COlorado. ThesubJect ro ert is: 10. Then,ce ,~n an angle to the lelt 0' 981 The Principal Work includas: , L (1) Bound on theWe~t b~ Ki~ling Streel degrees 00,00" a dlslarfca 0169.95. feet; [' 1:300'.12.' ~uetlle Iron Pfpe; 20'-6', Duetile (2) Bourfd on lhe Eset b Crown Hili 11. Thence ~n an angle to the clght 01 77 I'on PIpe, :3-Flra Hydrents (:3) Bound on the NO~h by W al :32nd degrees 00 00 a dlslance 01 1:30 00 feel; MiscellaneousValVesandFlltlngs. Ave e 12. Thence Of'l an 8f'1gle 10 the left of 2S Copies of the PlsrlSsnd Specljlcations (4) Bound on the South byWesl 26th Ave degrees 00 00. a olstanca 01140,00 reet; I. may be obtlllneo ,Irom the office or The INTRODUCED BY COUNCILPERSON 1:3 Then~a ~~ an angle to the left Of 18 Valley Weter Dlslrlet, 4300 Ollk St_ Whe" Hulaey ; ~aogr~e~~ I~~S ~~ t:e ~~~t~C~n~lo;9s~i~O ;:t RI~~~'hc~:~~~~0~~:llle~~~~~6~;th his bid a RI!SOLUTlON NO. 505 , THE CITY COUNCIL OF I M~4~\hence Westerly along said South I' ~~r~~I~~ t~:eac~O~rnt~f ~~~a:~~~~ntb(I~~.jr~~ TH:;~~~ g; 'g~~~:AR~~GE Ilne.a distance 01 2305.00 leet to the POint of , the total amount of his bid, made payable Beginning: I uneondltlonally to The Vallay Water Distrlet ~:gl:::O~~~~oCJ COntalnfng 182.53 acres more or les8 I as a guarantee thai he will enter If'llo a con. The City Courfoil of the City of Wheat I traet should he be the Successlul bidder ; Ridge, Stele 01 Colorado, having examined NOTICE TO 81DDER8 , The right IS reserved by The Valley Water tha filinga, considered oral testimony of Sealed proposals will be received by lhe ! Dlstnct to relect any or all bids end to waive counell and Petition lor Annexation of car_ Whaat Ridge Water Dlstrlet Jellerson I Inlormallllesthereon laon real estate more lully deSCribed In saId County Colorado at their ollice at 6815 i E VALLEY ~o:;~~I~~~~Ybr~ ~:~~~~eds~ll~h ih~lb~~ ~I~~~n~r ~:;~f~o~~ ~~~t/~~hpA~en~~U~:f~a~t~~J:'dc~~~ag~ I ' TH. By. Don Ellis Seere18ry I Wheat Ridge Stata of ColoradO by West Ithe 24th Day of May 1977 and will be First Publlcallon: April 28, 1977 Aspan Company publicfy opened and read for the construc- ~~~:tU~I~~~tlg~~~na~ 12, 1977 CITY 01'" WHEAT RIDBE, COLORADO PUBLIC NOTICI 01'" REGISTRATION FOR SPECIAL ELECTION TO BE HELD ON TUESDAY, JULY 18, 1877 areaproposadtobeannexad I lions, proposal forms, eontraet forma and c. The signatures 01 such landowners ! bond lorms may be examtned at the offiCe Slg~erTha mailing address ot each such I ~h~~~ R?d~~~60~~~~0~~~~I::~a:~:nh~d e.Thel,agaldeSerIPllonolthelandowned I upon daposlt 01 twenty-live ($25,00) dollars by such signer. I all olwhteh WIll be refunded to lhoSEl return- 1< NOTICE TO BIDDER' c Next to the bouMary of the area I proposal guararflees 01 the three lowesll the Clly 01 Wheat RIdge n lhe Wheal Ridge I The City 01 Wheat Ridge will " propOSed to be annexed Is drawn lhe con_I bIdders will ba retained unll1 the conlract IS City Hall 7470 W 38t'"' ~ ,Ull Wheal IsaaJad bids In tha Purchasing Offlee lIguous boundary 01 the C ty 01 Wheat awarded or disposed 01 n some manner Ridge Colorado on or I' e Fnday June \ West :38th Avanue Wheal Ridge Col Ridge the eonhguous boundary or the City The Wheat Rldga Water Dlstnct rese.....ea 17 1977 The offIce hour v (he City Clerk 180033 until 1000 A M Monday M of LakawoOd which two cities surroundslthe right to reject any or all bids to waive In. are 8 30 a m to 5 00 P m Monday through 11917 lor the City a TIre Requlremer the subject territory on apprOXimately lormalllles and to enter nto such eontreeta Friday 01 eaeh week ,,>~,r'.ng City HolI- Ithl, tfme and pleee they will ba 1'1' three-fourths 01 the proposad boundary as It shall deem to be lor the bestmterests days lopened and reed Specllleatlons m with the remaining one-tourth boundary be- I oj the Distnct Every person who ..'l time of such !oblalned Irom the Purchaslf'lg OIflCl :~~so~b~~~~t/~ the Untneorporated Jef_ i WHEAT R~g::~~i~~~~~J~~~ :e~li~~~:~o~i i~h~ r~~~:' ,;~~,C~hOw~~~~ \~I~ ~~~~~a~I~~~~:.reservas the right da;edT~~r;~h:~~~~~1l~~r~~eal:~~~lf1~b) I By: HU9hp~~~I~~~; ~~;~ ~~~~~~S;~:da~~ f~el~i:t~r~n~nfn~~~ \ I~u~::~~ days prior to the date of filing the P~tilion I By: William V MeckBtlf'ley preelnct in the City at least 32 days belore !-PUbIiSh8d: May5,1977 ~~r~;;~x~lt~~~~~\~tt:~~6tbl~~:~~~lthe City ~~:: :~~Iil~:i:~~; ~:~ ~9,1 ;::7 :~: ;Ii~~~~'til~nentttled to reglSfer to vote at ,The Wh~at Ridge Sef'ltinel NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED Wheat Rldga SBf'ltmel Is/Carol Hampl NOTICE Of PUBLIC HI!ARINC BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF r City Clerk ' NotiCe Is hereby given that IIn III WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, ,Wheat Ridge Colorado I Publtc Hearing will be heard by thE That the Petition lor the annexation to the II NOTICE Of PUBLIC HEARING I First Publication: May 5, 1977 'ntng and Zonlf'lg Commlsslof'l { Clly 01 Wheal Ridge 01 the 'ollowing Not,ice is hereby given 01 public ~earlngs I In the Whaat Ridge Sentinel L Edgewater perlalnlng 10 the razor tarrttory, altuate 10 the County of Jefferson to be held by the Planning Commlsaion 011 f LoIs 21, 22, 23 and 2", Block 65, Eag and State of Colorado, and lully des~ribed lhe City 01 Wheat Ridga, Colorado on the NOTICE TO BIDDERS Subdivision, CJty 01 Edgewater, COI In EXh'blt A al~ached hereto and mcor. I 19th day 01 May, 1977aI7:30P,M.Hearlngs Ti'f< Ci f Wheat Rid III Jefferson Colorado Irom R.2 Zor porated herein, IS ,'ound to be valid and In I WIll be held at the Albert E, Anderson Com. "f' Ie, I Ii 0 An ge w . reeelve ! RC.l, lor the purpose 01 eonstru( substanttal compllanee with the requtre. I munfly BUlldmg, 435.5 Field Street, Wht;il, Fr~c'. ;e~~ IGv~h:al R~er:~2o~~;~~~geO~:3535 I small offlca building. Also, pertainln, ments 01 the 197:3 ColoradO ReViSed 'I Ridge, Colorado. Alllnterestad clllz~ns are until 10:0t' ' M. Tuaada~, May 17 1977 10; . rezoning 01 Lots 28 and 27 Blo, StatuteS,asamenoed,31.12.107 Invited to. speak at thIS pllblic haerlngs or I a Mv1f<" Telephone System UtIlizing Edgewater Subdivision, City 01 Edgl BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the Isubmltwnttencomm.enfS, '.1 d 1 h' County of Jefferson ColoradO IrQal City Counell of the City 01 Wheat Ridge will I The lollowing pel1110nS shall be hea'd 0 (H~ ,~chnology ~nd ~ all6nclude In. R.2 Zoning for the purpose Ol'co~tl hOld public hearings 10 determine II the 1, Applloatlon by Georga Kar<es, IN ap- ;t~~a' - '1 ~e dNew rt~y ~~ Om~I.~X at . a duplex. '(Met Trlbelhorn, owner, , proposed anne)tation eomplies with and Is proval 01 rezonmg Irom A.1to I fa. ~'~perty 'I .. I and a swo, eat I ge, Ne~and) 'In aecordance with the 1973 Colorado located at 5000 .RObb Street. Said ~,,,perty ~oboradu MlhtS tlm~ and ~Ia~a th~y will be Meeting Is sehaduled 'or 7'00 P Revised Slatules, as amended, 31-12-107, liS legally.descrlbed as rollow~ r ,-! ~ua II~', open,~~d ~~mr~~1l Ru~e~c~~~natl~l~ ' May 16, 1977 at City Hall, 5845 We or SUC,h parts thereof as may be reqUIred 10 WZ-77-0:3. 111~eY u 'V th Av n g; A~enue, when and where all 1nt, eslabllsh ellglblhly for annexation under the! Thll North two (2) acres 01 thf I v I' d Thes638 I W~ u~R~heat Ridge, persons may appear and be heard, terms 01 the Municipal Annexation Act 011 Quarter of the Southwest Quah ! JO,rdh 0, e It yo de~lb'dgerese.....es Is/CharleaP 1965, and that said hearings WIll ba held on I Southwest Quarter (NE\'. SW'" S' i ',e f'~ t to relIct any an a IG I s, R CII the 20th day 01 June, 1977 at the hour of tlon 16,.Townshlp:3 South, Range ,,_~t.! Is eorg,e hodes First Publication: April 28, 1977 7:30 o'eloCk P.M" al 4355 Flald Straet, City and alllmprovemenls thereon and 2 ''lch''~ ! -'~b'; h d'M 5, 1977 Purehaslng Agent Second Publieatlon: May 5,1977 of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado. I 01 water Irom the ditch, dltche_ ,s e. ay Wheat Ridge Sentinel BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Ihe canals, rase.....olr, reservolra 01 Ju~~ ,. Nheat Ridge Sentinel City Clerk 01 the City 0' Wheat Ridge give tension Ditch and ResarvOlr Cr,mpany "- notice as raqUlred by the 1973 Colorado !therighttobuy,purchaseandreceivawat, =~~i~~d :~~t~t:s~e~~I~~e~~eftd~y3~~~:; 1~~ I Iro;: ~a~~I~~~~~n~y Golden Eagle BUtlders, E s I a t ~O~:C~ i~ I~~I!:~TOKRES N D ALL, plleable laws of the State 01 ColoradO, line., for approvel of rezoning Irom R-2 to R. Deceasad , PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, lC for property located south of 44th I 1010,15548, I 6~IS 25th day 0' April, 1917. by a vote 016 10 i ~;~I~ed~~C~:ee;~:i~~I~';".:a6~:;"J:r~is i ab~~e~n~~~~s a~~~i~g ar~a;~:UI~:I~~t p~':: Is/FrankStltes, : 77-09: I sent them to lhe underSigned Attorney, Per. ; Mayor Owens Park Subdivision, Bloek 1, Lots 4, I sonal RepraSentallve or to the District Court I ATTEST 5,8 and Block 2, Lota 04, 5, 6 ' 01 Jefferson Counly, Colorado on or Delore I lal Carol Hamp!, 3, Applleation by Golden Eagle Builders, Saplembllr 8, 1'<J77 or said claims shall be ' City Clerk Ine. lor approval of a aubdivlsion locallld: loreverbarred I First PUblleatlon: April 28, 1977 soulh 01 44th Avenue on OwensStreel. Said /sl Mildred A, Gettler! Laat Publication: May 19, 1977 property is legally described aa lollows, Personal Repreaentatlve 'I Wheal RldgeSenllnal Case No. WS.77.01: I 1!OOCodyStreel, ATTACHMENT TO R!!SOLUtlON 11011 5, ~:~;~::~rkk 2~r~~~~~~~~. Block 1, lots 4 I Isl Virgil A. Boat~I~~7~~.d2~~OradO 80215 i WHICH WAS ADOPTED 4-211-77 Is/Davld C. ShellE'y ! ~t1omey for ESlate I LEGAL DI'C~~:~~~1~ Published: May 5, 1977 PleMer II ! ~~;a~~J~~~~g~I~~e~:":~3 i A portion 01 the SOllth one-hall 01 Section Wh~atRldgeS8f'ltlf'l.1 I First Publ.leatlon: May 5, 1917 1 27 Township 3 South, Range 69 Weal of the Last Publication: May 19, 1977 '1 Sixth Prlnelpal "Meridian, County 01 Jel. Wheat Ridge Sentinel lerson, Stata 01 Colorado, more par!lculerly NOTICE TO CREDITOR' ~e~~~~;~:;I~:'Ot~:: SQulhweat corner 0' De~:~~~~ of FRANK P CALLAHAN'i NOTICE TO CREDITOR' saI1.~~~~~~~~rtherlyaIOn9theweStllneot All parlons h~~in~5~:lmS against the i D~:~~~~ of WINIFRED B, WESTON,: IBid South one-half a distance of 2661.92 above-nemed eslate are required to pre- ; Eahlte No, 15643 I feet to the West one-quarter eorner 01 said sent lhem to theunderslgne<l Attorney, Per-, All persons havIng elalma egelf'lst the I Seetion 27; sonal ReprellBntatlve or 10 the Dlstrlet Cour! I above namad estate are required 10 present 2. Thence Easterly along the North line 01 of Jefferson COUf'lty, Colorado, on or belore tham 10 lhe undersigned or (10 the District said South one-hall a distanee of 2649,62 September 1st, 1977 or said elalms shall be i Court 01 JeMerson County, Colorado) on or i leetto the canter of said SIlCtlOn 27- loreverbarred. I belore t", 26th day 0' April, 1977 or said 3, Thence continuing Easterly sl~ng said Is/JaneyMaxinaCallahen claimssh'lllbeloreverbarred ' NorthlineadlstanceoI277,25Ieet: I PersorfalRepresentative I Is/MelvlnCof'lklln I ',Thenee on an angle to the right 01641 ' 8915 Wesl 66th Avenue PersonalRepreeentative !, degrees 00' 00" e distanee 0: 189,8 feet; Arvada, Colorado 800041 747 W. 96th Ave., Apt... 5 Thenee on an angle to the lelt 0155 Isl VigIl A. Boatnght Denver,Colorad080221 degrees 00' 00" adlstanee 01 189,62Ieet; Attorney lor Estate Isl William W, Morris, P.C. ; 6. Thenee on an angle to the rIght 0181 NO_2746 : Attorney lor estate degrees 58' 34". distance 0' 687.86 feet: ~~;a~~I~~~~~~I~:~~O 80033 i ~~~~~~~;~i~;e~~I~rado 80022 ; 7 Thenee on an angle to lh.e right 01 044 FJr~t P\,/,bllcatloo: April 28, 1977 I Fltst Publicallon. ~ay 5 1977 degrees:33' 01" a distance of'72.931e-el to i Laat Publication: May 12, 1977 I Last Publleatlon; May 19, 1977 point on ft non.tangent cu....., to the right Wheal Ridge Sentinel Wheat Ridge Sentinel '- TAKE A TRIPI Let Want Ads help pay for It Just sell good things you don' enjoy anymore cash buyers. Oil 893-561& -.--- NOTICI I,.r.on County, degrees 00'00". distance of 189 821eel" I I I NOtlC81lherebY9lVenthlttnlCltrCoun'l 3. That no ,lgnalure on the Pelltlon I, 6, Thence on an Ingt. \0 the 'rlghl oj 81 NOTlcaOF PUBLIC HIARINQ NOTICIOFPUaUCHEARINQ WhiCh I, contnlry to!M nonnal pre ell of W/:l..l Ridge will on the 20th day or dll/fd mar. than Ofllt hundree eJghly 1'801 degr...68'3<I"adilfaricIOf68T66f!:let' , Notice i. Mraby g!~ of pubJJc Il..r)ng BOAPlOO'ZONINOAD,lUUMINT of the alorem.mkl~ ordInance, f June 191'1 hold h..rlng. for the purpo.eol day. prior to the dale olllllng the Pelltion 7. ThencI on an angle 10 Ul.rlght"oi <4..1 to be held by t~. Planning Comml..lon 01 'I' Notice l.h.r.bygl....nth.t.pllbllch..... :qunt Ilfor,property(Ol?"MdIl""'7('. determining and finding whethw the .r..1 lor Anneullon with the Clly Clerk ofllle City degree, 33' 01" II dllltance of 72,93 feet to a Ilhe City 01 Wheat Ridge, Colorado on the Ing wlll be held before the Board 01 Zoning Sl CaN No, W. A-n-... ~~=t~?d~~ ~:.~nt:K::Pll~a~~: r~~lr~! of ':~~I ~~~=E~~~E~f ~~I~~ld~ESOLVEO poll'll on a non.langenl cur.ve 10 the rlgh! ~~:hb~a:e~ ~~~e ~1r:.~t:',1~g:~o~eC~I;~ ~~I~~~:~f '~:~~h:.,;:I~nO:h~~~ ~~g:; ~~~c::~% ~:b:I~~.~~d~ ments of Colorldo Revl'ad Statlltel 1973, BY THE CITY COUNCil OF THE CITY OF WhO", radlu:ll~ 600.0? le~, the-pr~Onga_ munity Building, 4355 Field StrMt, Wheat, May, 1977, A.O. In the Wellt Confer<<lee Rld(te Ordll'lanC8 118, Secllon 4-0., 31.12-104 and 31-12-105 end Is eligible lor' WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, lion 0 a ra e line 0 ..I cUr'o'e trough, Ridge, Colorado. Alllnterelted clllzenll are I Room, 4355 Field Street, Wheat Ridge, the purpOH 01 obtaining II varlanc IInnel<.lIon 'nto tt\e corporllle boundary ot That tlW Petition lor t~ annexation to 11'11' said p~lnt Ires along ..Id la.at mentioned! Invitee to .peale al the pvl:>!ic h8IJrmg OJ' Colorado, All lnlerested Clllzensllfe Invlt.o minimum tronlyard. and sldeyard I Wheat RIdge, The Public Hesrll'\gS wm be City ot Wheal Ridge 01 the fOllowing course, I 'ubmit written comment, to Ipeak at Ihe public hearing or to submit which II contrary to tfla nOrmal pr hald at 4355 Field Slreet, Wheal RldO., terrllory, altuate In Ihe COunty of Jell.raon 8, Th.nce Soulhea.terly, Southerl~, and The fOllowing petition .hall be heard: ,written comments. 01 tne .for.menllol'lecf ordlnence, Colorlldo. TheSI)b}ect property Js.. and State of Colorado, end lully des~rlb.c1 SouthweSlernly elong said cUr'o'~ Ih,~ough a 1, Application by W8111 Aspen COlI'I9llJlY I The lollowlng ~titlonl 'hall be heerd: queatIs lo.r I)rop.rty located III eo&lI ,1) Bound on the We.1 by Kipling Streel In El<hlblt A all.lched her.to and Incor. central.ngle of 108 degrees 28 31 en l!rc for zoning of property In procell8 01 ann.xa- ,1 AppUcaUon by W.lIlern Grooera, Inc., Ave, DueND, WA-17-J1). . (2jBoundontheEa.lbyCrownHIlt porltedherein,lsfoundt~bev8I1dandln distance of 1135.95 feet tl) a poll'll of lion to 11'1. City of Whe.t Ridge. Requut.ed Ireque.tln~ a variance from the. City 01 9, Appllcellon by Dan .R. Ge (3) Bound on the North by Well 32nd subalanllal compliance With the require. tang.;t; .lonlng Is for Planned Commercial D.velop- i Wheat Ridge, Ordlnan~ QEI. Sectlon 25.G~ q~lng.. vllrl.n" IrOf'l the pity ( Ave, ments Of th. h173 Colorado Rev/.ed 9, h.nc. .llong .ald tanpent I dlatanc. ment. Seid property /$ 188.8 ItCt'H locauc 13. lor Ih. PUJpolle o'.obtaJnJnga S~Jal Ex. RldQe Ordlnartoe i8,'s.elion-8.D-~ (4) Bound on the Soulh by W.lt28th Av., Statut.s, all am.nd.d, 31-12-101, of 655.00 le.t, betwe.n W. 26th Ave, endW. 32nti Av., Id- ~. csptlon Permll to change non-OQntprmlng. : purpo~ 01 obtlln~ng a verlanet INTRODUCED BY COUNCILPERSON BE IT FURTHER RESOLVEO, That Ihe 10, Then,Ce ,?n an angle 10 th.lell 01 98 jacent Ind eaat of Kipling St. Thll public I uae to another non-conlormlng uleo'Sald 11ilnlmu'" ald.-yal'(t, tetQack, W'11ch HulleY j eJl}' CouncJl 01 fhe CIIy 01 Wheal Ridge will degr&e.oo 00 I dllltance of 6g,951.el; h.arlng will ba lor. the purpo.e. of .tall I requelt II lor property localed at 7380 W. trary,. to, the norm~1 provJ.lonl REIOLUTION NO. 105 hold public hearlngl 10 determine If the 11. Then,ce ~n a~ angle to the right of 17 pres.ntatlon aM recomm.ndallon Only, 44th Ave. Cese No. WA-71-2~, .forWn'~':m.a ordlllattU. Said ff THI CITY COUNCIL 011' proposed annel<atlon compll.a with and II degreesOO 00 adl.tanc.of 130.00feet; I Said prop.rl)'. ,i Is legallY. dlt.crlbed. al 2. Appllcallon by James R. Gall.ghlr, r. I lor Ijlro~l'ty.IOQallKl. f,t 125O:W. 2 TNI CITY OFWHI"T RIDOI . In accordance with the 1973 Colorado 12 Th.n,ce ~n an angle 10 the left of 25 101l0ws, Case No. WZ.77.02. . qlJ.sting 'varlanee Irom Ihe City of Wheat .~C...NO-;WA-77.31.. _ . 8T"TEOf COL.OR"OO .1 Reviled Slatutea, a. amended., 31.12-107, dllQfae.DO 00 a dl.tanCloI140.DOI..t: A portion ofille Southone.hattofSectjon Ridge Ordln.n~ 98, Saetlon 7.o..t, 'fOJ' In. ,: 10, AppllQlltlol\ .by Lutheran FINDINOS OPFACT lor such plrla ther.of 81 may be requir.d to 13. Then~. o,~ an angle to the lell 0116 I 27 Towr'lShlp 3 South, Range 69 W..I of the plJrpoae 01 obtaIning a variance to thl'C.nter, requiHtlng,'. varlanc. trorr AND RIIOLUTlON establllh eligibility tor annexltlon under the degrees 00 00 I dLllance Of 190.00 feet I Sixth Principal Meridian, County..ot .,l.I. mmlmum .Ideyard setback whiCh 18 COnT of.'lfheat Rklg. OrCllfllf'\08 No. 21. RI:;:, ~~e ~~~~r~~;~~a~~~ ~:a~~n~; ~~~~ a~dlihal~~~dlc~:lrl~;::~~~~n h~l~t o~ ~o;~t leas 10 the South line of said See. I ~::~b~~a~: i;II~~~:rlldo, more particularly ~~~~ml~nl;~~edn~~~~~n~;~~::~nr~~~:~: tA~:nJ~~nlis:CU~~ ~~;,~~rc~. the flllno., conSld.tlld oral tellilmony 01 the 201.1'1 day of JUr'le, 1977, at the hour 01 . 14, Thence We81erly along said South I Beginning al the Southwesl corner of lor property located at 3035 Chaa. St. Cas. 01 obtaining a varllnee to maxlm~ counCil and P.tltion for Annexltlon of CElr. 1:30 l)'clOCk P,M., at 4355 Field Street, Clly hne a dlltlnce 012305.00 !eetlo Ihe POint ot aald Section 27. No. WA-n-24 ble &quIre footage and to allow I lain real estate more tully deacrlb.d in said I of Wheal Rldg., State of Colorado, aegmnlng, " Thence N~rtherly along tne West fine 3, Application by Robert D. Claxton, re- Ir.. SIJlJ'Idlng IJgn, which I. eontrl Petlllon, .ald Petition having heretofOre BE IT FURTHER RESOlVED, Thai Ihe Containing 182 53 acres mOre or less. 10f seid South one-half, a dialance of q(Jestlng a variance from 11'1. City of Wheat normal provision. 01 the aforelT been filed with the City CI.rk of the City Off City Clerk 01 the City 01 Wheat Rldg. give 2661.92 fe.ttothe We.t one-quarter corner Rld\t8 OrdInance No, 15, SICtIO".3.510r the ordinance, Said requelt Is lor Wheat Ridge, Slate of Coforado, by West notice as '-"'quJrtld try the lbl73 C%redo I I ofsllkl Sect!on27: purpoae of oblalnlng . lemporary u.e per_ located at 8300 W, 38th Ava, Catf Aspen Company, I ReVised Statutes, sa Imended, 31-12.108, I , 2. Thenc. Ealterly along Ihe Norlh line of mlt to operal. a veg.llble atand which fa 17-32. FINDS AS FOLLOWS: .nd II may be r.qulred by any other ap- II I said Soulh on..haU, a dlatance of 2649.82 contrary to the norml! I)rovl.lonll ot .Ihe 11. AppllQltiQn by. Jeanne Brei 1. That fhe Pet!IiOn COnlaJns file 10JJowlng' plicablelawa of Ihe Slat. of Colorado. . . ADVER. T".EMf.NT fOR BID8 . I'",..to the cent'. r olllld Section 27;. aforemen lioned ordlnanclJ. S. aid req U.lt IS. a, An allegallon Ihat the ligna,. 01 the PASSEO, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, Seal.d propOsafa will be received ~ the, 3 Thence COntinuing Eesterly along Slid for property foceled 8t 9751 W. ".th Petillon comprise Ihe lendowner, 01 more thla 25th dey 01 April, 1977 by a vole 01 6 to Board of DIrKtors 01 the Valley ater; North line a dlatance of 247.25Ieet; Avenue. Cas. No. WA-17.25 Ihan fllty per cent 01 tha terrltorytl1cluded In 0, Dlstnct at the ol!l~e ot Ihe District at 4~00 I 4 Thence ort an angle to the rllll1t"Df 64 4 Application by Robert L, Yount, re- Ihe aree propOM(! to be annel<ed .xcIIJ.lvei f.1 Fral'lk SlItss, Oak SI.. Wheal RIdge, Colorado unlll .5,00 I deg.rees 00' 00.:' 1I dl.tllnCe. ..rfl ~2(} Q"O,leet. 'I QlJe.Ung fl varJanc" ,Irom Ihe City. !;I.I '\21. h".I'.. ol.treels and a1leya, ' ' Mayor p,m" Friday, May ~, 1917 for !urnlsl1lr'lg all: 5 Thence CI~.'an angl.to the ~Il:lht of'80 . Rldg. Ordinence 98""Stctlon 18.0." farth9;. b. Pi request Ihat the ann.l<lng I ATTEST: labor, material., a~d equipment !or Ihe I degr.es 00'00", a dlatenCe of 115.00.f..I' purpoae of obtaining a variance to. th~ municipality approve t~ annel<atian 01 the Il/sl CaroJ Hampl, construction 01 eddltlonal facilltle. for Ihe 6. Thence on an angle te the left 01' 60 I minimum sideyard letback whiCh; I. COh~ area propoaed 10 belnn.xed, ICllyClerk Water Supply System, at which lime and ,degree.QO'00",edl.tanceo'110,OQflHlt; Irary to the normal provlalol'la.ot the c. Thellgnatures 01 sUCh landownera. I First Publlcallon: AprU 26, 1917 place all proposals will be opan..d end reed I 7 Thence on In angle to the right ot 27 aforemenlloned o~lnlVlce. Said requeat II d. Th. mailing .ddraas of each such La.1 Publicallon: May 19, 1917 aloud, I degrees 30' 00" a dlatance 01220.oofeel; I for property localed 1128\15 Arne. St. C.... signer, Wheat Ridge S.ntlnol The~rln:lpaIWorklnclude~. , " ; 8, Thence on an angle to tnerlght of 31 No, WA.n-2fJ. e, The legal delcrJpUon ofllle land owned ' 1300 .~2 OUctllelron Pipe, j!o -6 Ductile degre.s 20' 00", a dlstllnce of 293,38leet; 5, ApplicaUon by Jim HIlley, requ..llng a b)' such aigner. ATTACH MINT TO R~'()LUTION 505 Iron Pipe, 3-Flte Hydrants, I 9. Thence on an angle to Ihe lell 01 55 varllnce from the ellyof Wheal Ridge Or- f. Tile daCe of ,ignlng of .ach signature WHICH WAa ADOPTED 4-25-17 Mlscelleneoul Valvea and Flttlnga i dagrsas 49' 54" a dJ'tllnce 0/132.14 feel to dlnance No. 214, Seclion 4.07 4.08 for Ih. g. The affidavit of tl'le clr(lLjlator of each EX!'tIIIT A Copt.. ollhe Plans and Sp~clllcallons Ill. poii'll otcuNe; I purpose ClI obtaining . varlanc. for apQt pelltlon, whether conlll,tlog 0/ ona or more LIOAL D.'CRIPTlON: may be obt8lned from Ihe olllce 01 The, 10, ThenCe along aald curve 10 the right tight IIlumlnaled wall sign which I. contrary sheets, lhat each algnelure fhereln I. Ih. . A portion ollhe South one-halt of Seetlon Vslley Water Oi.trlcl, 4300 Oak S1. Wheat .with a central angle of 43 degree. 00' 00" to the nQ~mal provls!ons OUhl\ "Ior~men": .ignature Iill the p."on who.. name It pur. 27. TownShlfl3 Soulh, Range 69 We'lof 11'1. Ridge, COlOrldo. Tele, 424-9661. . an erc dlstence of 300,20 leet and a radlual (Ionea ordinance, Said, -r4qltlkt.'" 1of\ pOrta to be. .. Sixth Princlpel M.rldlan, County of Jer.. Each btdder shell submit wllh hiS bid ,II of 400.00 reet 10 a poll'll of tangenl; prop.rty local.d at 9900 W. 44th ""ve, Calli 2. Th.leccomplnylng ,aid Petition hav. f.,.on, State 01 Colorado, more partlcullr!y , certified check or an accaplable bidder a 11, Thence along said tangent a dJatance No. WA.77.27. ~.. '.. been fil.d tour (4) prlnta of an annel<slion d66cribsda.loIfow.s: .1 bond In lhe a/'J'lount 01 !Lv~ per cent 15%) of 0/147.9.5 lee!lo 8 P<Jlm of curve: 6. ~pp\lcatlon by Doneld E. Johnlon, r. map containing the following informa\lon, Beginning at the Soulhwest corner of the 10111 amollnl of his bid. made p.yable 12. Thenc. along uld cllrve to Ihe right Questlng.6 valrem::e Irom theClty of Wh..,t I, A written legal description Ofth. boun. said Sectlon 21: I uncondllionally to The Valley Water Dlstrlcl with. cenlralangle of 69 degr.," 30' 00" Ridge Oralnanee 98. Section 10-A.15 ahd dariNOlt/ulareacropOMd to.beann...-&d. 1. Thence Northerly along thew.'llIne of liS a guaranlee thet ha will enler Into II con- an IIrc distance of 465.20 feelahd I radlul I' Secllon 2$-A-17 .A.21, for 11'1. plJrpo" .Qf b. A map .howing the boundary of the said South Qna.half a dl.tance ot 2661.92 tract Should 1'10 be the ,uccessful bidder. ot 400:00 leattoa point of langent;. obtainmg a variance to allow the ","plnll"ot er~~ p~~~~at~d ;~:\a~~:::~ 01 Ihe area ~:t:~. nt~~;W~lIt one-Quarter corn.r 01 aald . DI;t7i~:~~hrteIJ~~~~:~~ ~,i JI~~ ~~~et~ ~:::; 01 ~~2 ~~et~~~: alMg. .aid tengen' a dl.tance , ~~;: t~~Ot~h;e~~~)~:lul~~~I~~~~h ~~ cf~ propoaed 10 be anOlKed Is drewn the con.! 2. Thence Easterly akmg the North line of Informalilles lhereln, , 14, Thenea on en anOle 10 the left 01 90 aforementioned ordalnanc... Said request tlguollS boundary of Ihe OHy ot Wheat said South on.-hllf a dillance of 2649.62: EoardolDlr~lors: degree, oo'OO",a distance of 140.00feel. Is 'or propefly located at 2801 Benton St. Ridge, Ihe contiglJous boundary Of the City feelto'hecenter of 18ld Section 21; .' THE VALLE':' ~"ATEA DIS RICT I /s/ David C. Shelley Case No, WA-71-28 01 Lakewood, wnich two eltle. aurrounds 3, Th&hce continuJng f..terJ}' ~ong said I ' ., By Don Ellis Secretary! Planner n 1. Application by Glen....OOd B: and Ruby Ihe subjllct territory on approKimat.ly Norlh line a dlslance of 271.25 teet; , Flrsl Pllb.hcatlon: A. pr1l28, 1977 I PLJbllshed: May 12, 1977 M. . .R~tnbone, requesting a verlanc. trom three-fouMhs of the propoalld boundary 4, Tnenee on an angle to the right 01 64 Last Publication. Mey 12, t 977 Wheat Rldge-Senllnel Ihe Clly of Wheat RIdge OrdlnanclJ 98, S.e- with the remaining on.lourth boundary blil. degreea 00' 00" a dlllance 01189.8 foel; I Wheat Ridge Sentmel 1100 10-0-4, for the purpoa. of obtainIng a lng -8b~tted by the -W\incOr.porltad ~,. 5, TheneM! .on In angla 10 th. let! 01 55 vanance 10 the mJnJmLm'l Ildl yard aelbac:k --,.. ........ .. -.........., (Continued from Page 32) The competition is so even in most of the boys events that there are few favorites, Alan Springer, (Ar) barring unforeseen cir- cumstances. should win the discus bandily and possibly the shot put, having some of the best distances in the state, Dennis Sowell (AI) has Ibe county's best times in Ibe 100, 220 and 440 (along with Jeff Boh of Pomona), But Ibere are a flock of sprinters, all carrying times within a couple of tenths of a second, which should issue strong challenges_ The 880 sbapes up as a duel between two of the state's best. Dave Brown's (WR) 1:55,3 clocking is the fastest in the state Ibis year but Dan Wistraad (AW), with a 1:56,7, doesn't lag far behind_ Dan Wistrand (AW) bas one of the fastest mile times in the state but is far from a shoe - in with seven other county runners aU clumped together with times less than eight seconds slower The two . mile grouping is much the same with Steve Kinney (A W) and Joel Thompson (E) favored, Jim KnoB (E) has won just about every hurdles event he bas entered this season but will have to fight off Randy Lindblad (L) in the 120s and Lindblad, John McVey (WR) and Greg Dillon (Al) in the 22Os, Pomona teammates Mike Rutherford and Mark Davey rate the favorite's role in Ibe high jump, Mike Antzas (Be) and J,R. KUp- pert (P) are slight favorites in the long jump and triple jump_ And Jerry Nelson (Ar) who cleared 14-0 in the pole vault Saturday at the Boulder Invitational. is a slight favorite in the pole vault. The top three finishes in each event qualifies for the state meet at Jefferson County Stadium, May 20--21. PUBLIC NOTICES Your Illght to Know KIDS GROWING OUT OF YOUR BUDGET? NEWI ~,. SUPER LATEX HOUSE PAINT ~1TIIiM~ WHEN OTHER PAINTS CRACK INTRODUCTORY PRICE $1125* Reg. $15,25 Save $4.00 PER GAL 'Cu.tomTlntISllghtlyHlgher Aa Seen On TV Qood MIY 18th Thru 311' Then shop the little store with the BIG VALUESI · quality clothing · infant sizes to size 10 · baby furniture · accessories NEW AND NEAR NEW )EWIDG~I .. KID'S STUFF Stor.. 5875 GARRISON Arvade Squere ShOPPIng Center 422..3074 Open Deily 8:30 to 5:30 CIOHd Sunday 4000 Tenny.on 458-5888 - 6A11I"dMUlruu, - PUBLIC NOTICES Your Right to Know pueuc NOTI Ycur Right to Kn IslTo PlannIng' PubUahed:May12,1911 Wheal RIdge S.ntin.1 893-56j -- OROINANcrNO~ Sfl/rfS \If 19n TlTU Ail QRDrll4liCE A'!f/l[l)~G THE CaOf OF THE LITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, ey CIJDIFV1% QRDIIIAliC[S ~iU~6ER 206 THROUGH 2~1 OF THE eln 0, I,HEAT RIDGi: AlID IlleC~PDRA T INI.i SA I 0 DRO I ~ANC l 5 nlTO THE (ODE QF THE CiTy OF WHEAT RIDGE COcal/AlIa BE IT OROAHIEO ~Y THE C!TY COUIIC lL Of THE ClTl OF WHEAT RJDGt CJLORAOO TII,\T ~TheCOdeoftheCityof"'heHR1dgeLolorado IS hen:ty J'''enaed b~ COd I fyin9 Ordi nanees Ncmber :'06 throuqh 221 of t~e : ty 0f .~eH Ridge Colorado dr,d ~y 1ncorporHl~a into s ~ I d : 00 e 01 ,n e C i t Y 0 l' ~h ed t R 1 dq I' l D) n,..~jo, 0 rd i n a n C Ii S I"""bar :'IJ~ throuqn 221 Sect I on 2 TnI' p ro ~ 1S iOn s of the ame nded Cod" S hJ ] oe in force dnd effect as prO_1ded for in/5eU10n e of n,1S o rd I na nee 0 n d ~ 11 Ord i n d n c e S a 00 p t ed 0 n f 1 n a 1 rea 0 1 ~~ 0 nd pH~age en or bebre No_ember S .976 and not ~ont~jned fn su~n. Code ore nereby repea 1 I'd from and after th~ effect i "e da te of t~i S Or~inance e~cept H nereinafter pr.o_ided ~Therepealpr0V1dl'dror1~thepreCedinQ ~e' I i on 0 f t h 1 S 0 rd I na nee S hall no t a ff ec t any 0 ff en se 0 r act com~>itted Or done or any penalty or forfeiture 1ncurred or HY contract or rlont utablished or accruing before the effectl_e d at I' 0 f t h 1 ~ Ora i n an ce; no r S ha 11 It a f fee t any P rq ~tcu t I on, suit or proceeoinq pendlnoJordnyjudql1lent renliered prior to t he eO ec t I _ e d at I' of th 1 S Ord i n an ce; nor s ha 11 ~ u c h repea 1 Iffect any Ordinance or rUolut10n prolfli~lnq or '1uaranteeinp the bayment ormoneyror theC1ty orauthorl:lng the issue of ,"y bond s 0 f the C Hy or any ev i denc e of the C f ty' ~ indebtedneSS or any contract or obligltlon "sumed by t.he City; nor ~hlll lt affect anyannua) tax levy; nor shal11t Iffect any right Ol'" franchise conferred by Ordlnance or rlso1ution of the City Councl1 on Iny person or corporatlon. nor shall it Iffectlny Ordinance adopted for purpPSU IOhicn hive been consuln.ated: nor ~ ha 11 1 t a ff" c t any Ord 1 nance OlIh I c h. is temporary, a 1 thoug h geTl#ra) 1n effln. or special, although permanent 1n effect: nor shall It affect anyOrdllunce rehting to ttie salaries or the Cltyofffcert or elllp)oyees; nor shallltaffect any -SENTINEL WANT -AD INDEX lNNOUNmlEm AUCTIONS RECUATlONI "" C.rdsofThanks "" AuCliQlls fU~fL '" ClmtleryLots '" AuClionI ESlateS;oles ~O SpOriingGoMs '" LOSt & Fouod ~1 CarnOi"ll&Ski ," Personals E~ulpmenl >0, Nursing HomlS JmCHAlIOlk J" Places to Go or Slav '" Club N01,ces ". 11l1lgoGilmes 200 MisclllilneouslorSille '" Enteriilmmenl '" Hobb<es&Craflllllfls U,1l.0Y/MHI ". llMill$efv,ces ". CilmerM&EqulOmenl 350 HelpWanlelj ". Ca,PoOlsl ". llu'l<hngMilte"ills '" HelpWante<i.Sale$ RidesWanlld 2DS MJen!Mly&Tools 35' EmplovmenlAgenclls ". Educa\lon "0 Prinll"llEqulpmenl 35' S,lualloosWanled &Inst:uwon '" LicenSed m Buslness/Oll"e EqUipment ChJJ{jCil/1 '" FirewOO(j FIU"ClAl. '" OaV Ca,~ Cent!! ~ ". Good Thlhgs 10 Eat '00 BUSlne~~ Oppcrtun,hlS '" CampO"eclo'y '" Househol~ Goods '" ~onev:oloa" no Car~l&floO'Cove,,"~ ". Wanled10 Ilorrow mDVUlMEMT m Antiques Oiamonds >sO Pels FOOd & SuPPI,~S '" Jewelry RENTAlS m (,roomlngBoard'ng Musl"~llnSI,um!nIS lraln,ng ~~6 TV.~M'O,slf!1lI <50 P,ooerl~ Management ,.. R'd,ng Horses, SlaOI!1 Record~rs .., Homes lor R!nl >S. 'Paslu," land to' ~Inl '" CB RildloS & EQuipment <5' CQf1domlnlums& ". Hay FeedASMd '" T ,"es, Planl~ A Flowers lownhOmes no lawn Ga'd!11 <5' MooJJeHomes fA~MEMMAR~ET Snow EqUIpment <56 Mob,l~ HQme Spaces '60 Poullrv I Supplies m CIOlnlllg & Furs <60 )Jnt",nlshMApartmenls '" ,;"!slOCk ". GarogeSales '"' ~urnished Aparlments ". Farm ~qu,pment (36 WilnlloBu~ 01 Swap <6' Raomslorl!em DfliuHIllll Adnrlill!po.a41iIlS bs,Covllaoe h~dav40m Monday&lueSday7am.6pm FliIlCo"eragl TuesdalNoon We,ICo_erage fuesdav6pm Wednesday F"day aam.~pm Soulh Co_erage Tuesde_ Noon ~~nrlh Coveragr Wednesday /lOoln C"'et/IIlIfIlS& C"mll#lJ ~II cantellall~ns ~Of!elllans & t~py changes :nust be made by Monday 5pm 10' curr!nt wee. 5 i'''OI.callon ClII~hld\llllrfUIIG~ :,r;"llhel New,paper\ '''II nol b~ re;po~s,ble for ellors'~ copy a~er NrS/lnserl/Oil Mjus/menU WIll ""I ~, made unless ""O/S are rep~rled wllhln 10 days ol,nSlfhon Senlinel Newspapers reSIr"U IIle"glllloproperl,t:lass,tyalladvertlsemenls Ar)"i!lI,SlmenIS olles> Ihan 2 lones arl nOI acceplable All rales are CO~I per line C~I'dra~' ral!1 .'I~,lableon ad,ertlsemlnlsolJhnes or more Phone: 893-5671 :1t~1::;C';'<1~1~~:,~..~~~;.. .~ t~e L i ty; nor Shd 1] I t ~ 'fee : any Ord i n ~ ne I' n am 1 ng re n~m 1 n g. a pI' 0 , n 9 "c [I' P tin ~ 0 r va C <I tin 1 S tree t, 0 raIl eys 1 n tnI' I 1 t y nor, hJ 11 it 0 f f ert any n I d; o~ re 1 ~ t i '''1 to z on i n q no, ,n~ 11 1 t a f f e ct any r.,. din J n Lead cpt ed on fin ~, r eadi n1 d n d bJ S S J q ~ ~. ter 110" emb e r 1 ~7 ti ~_ec! ion 4. T his 0 d , f i L a t i on 0 f Qr~ 1 n a' r. e 5 1~ U"l b p r Ub th"O'''TI, ,'<'1 of Ute it ~ f IIl1eat Rio." Hq 11 not ~ffect NU"'!>t" '22 th rough :] I whH.h ~p-e adopt,'d <I f "er ~Q_e'.'t~" b"~,, 197b Further ,t 's reco~n1Hd t~ilt IlrJindn':~< N(jm~e~ '(w'heat c ]1' thl'l""lh 2]1 may ~~,e ~n pffp~~ on tnI' Orjinolo'.es which h""p. :S',blact of rod 1 I 'ca t 1 o~ b, the an J 111,\, in e ff I' C t 'no d I f, tr ~ '" he" t Rid 9 e fel, n 'I ~"1 I 0 d e t ~ I' ~ hI " ~ ~~hen"',"r1nth,.Cuoeot H, r,f Ri d"" ,1ny ac t i mode 0'" dee I ared to bp un I ,,~'fu 1 dn ". en ';~ nu 1 "",ce or mi Sdemeano- ~he r~ no ,pee 1 tic ,.na 1 tv i o"n..j th"I.,'! nr, any pH~on ~rn ,h~ 11 be Lon'l i t ted of the i 01 t' Qt, 0 t ~ ny " Ie h pr 0_ 1 s 1 Dn 0 f tnI' l 00 I' d d op ted ~ j '- 0 1 S 9 rd 1 non" e r,. Oth", Ord i nonce o. thp City or of such orde~ ru 1 1'5 or regl] at i on:s shall be bun1Shtd by <\ f'ne of ~ot ",ore th~o three ~"o~n,j ~lIan l $3[1;1 00) or by ; mpr I ~ oomen t j n j a 11 no I 1''' e I'd i n ~ n i net y 0 j y s or ~,. both fine and i..prj~onment Each d~y any viol~~i~n 0" su~h (ode or any other Ord i nance 0 f the City or any ord er 'ull' or "<"llIlUlan p~omul.QUed under the prO"Hions of such Co~~ or otn....' Ordinanctt or the C1ty shall cont1nue Sholl constitute a S'I'trate offense, ~, It 1s hereby dec1H~d to be th~ Intent10n ~f the City Council that th~ s~ctions para'lrdphs, StnCenc~s ClallUS Ind phrU~s of this Ordin~nce and the Code hereby IdOjlted art se~'rable, tnd H any phrase, chuse, sentence plrlgraphor sectlon afthls ordinance or the Code ill!reby tdopted slla 11 b~ dec lartd unconst 1 tutlona 1 or 0 ther...he invalid by tn. u1ld jUdgment or decree or a court of co"Pttent jurisdlctlo" such u"constltutiona11ty or lnv.lfofty sllall not affect any of the remaining phrases, chuus sentences, p....a'lraphs and sections of thls Ordinance or thl; COd! hereby adopted, Section 7 The pro"islonsof this Ordinance are necessary for the preservation of the health safety and UNUlS 466 MoUnrJ!""'~sorl Rlntill~ 468 Wanled I~ Rent 4/0 RoommalesWanl~d ~i'2 8usr~esS& allrUS~.lCt 474 Warehousls.Garogl5 SloraQe Spaee Renlals REUmAn 500 Real Esl'lIe Brol<~rs 502 PropertylorSaoe 51)4 MounlalnProperly 5IM Filfms,RdllChe!:Acle.l1Jf' ~oa Income Property 5\0 Homeslor$ale 51 2 Open Hou~es St4 CQf100m,nlums& Townhome. 5\6 MDblleHoffies 51a Mounla'" & Resort Home~ 520 OUI 01 TOlOn Real Esrll1l 522 Induslr,al&6""ness Properlj 524 WanlToBuy AECAEATIOUI VHIIClEI 650 Camo€r,lra"eITra,I",s 652 P!C'ur,wllh Cam~lrs 654 MolorHome, 656 Boal~ M~lors, Acns50ll" 658 SMi..mol>Jles&M(es~o"es 660 MOlorcyOtS& B,t:YCIIS &S6 ReC",l"undIVeh,cIIS lor Renl AU1QMOTI~E 700 IILllo Pal\~ Supply & Service 702 ClaSSI(~ & AnllqU!$ 703 JeepI&4WheeID',;e 104 Vans. Bu,es,Co".'IS'Oll\ 106 for~lgn'" Spofil Co's loa Tmck5!&S"k 109 U5e~ Aulos /10 Ne'NAuiO< SERVICE DIRECTORY EVERY WEEK SENTINEl WANT ADS OFFER A COMPLETE LOCAL MERCHANDISE CENTER I 102 Cemetery LoiS I I 104 lost &Found I I 104- lost &Found CROWN Hili 2 chOice lots. Sel/tui- lOST lD41h -& WashJf1gJon lOST Chocolate Point 11 yr old der markel Call 421.5323, C-5-12 female mm Collie, (lOOks like las- male Siamesecal. vic 4th & feller ~ sie) Brown wfwhlte chest, no col. Silver tips on ears. $25 REWARD , 104 Lost &- found la(, Reward, 452.51 i3, K.5-12 232-5937 K 5-12 lOST male neutered white gray LOST Maltese Terrier while male young Cat, reward. 238-2515. R.5- .d..O.9.'_ A~swers 10 Tufty, 421-9437 PUREBRED BlacK Lab aboul 1 yr, FOUND: Young Husky Shepherd lost in vie 0111965 W. 71st PI. Af. mix. gray & black w/white belly vada. REWARD, 423-6043. H-5- 12 Eogewater area, 232-1177 5-5-12 MJSSING sin(;e Feb. 16, 11 yr, old, black & white Chihuahua Female, (reward) 922-0545 or 733-9550 G-6-2 I 106 Personals I PROFESSIONAL PSYCHIC will give readings In person or Irom pholO ESP Classes, 428-3618 R.6-23- FREE liFE. TIME BlO-RHYTHM Regular S12, This ad only. Birlh dale & $100 ,for postage, com- g~~~~(80~a1~d~'~5~i2 Bo;;: 19356, German, goodloOkj~, JB, lBO Ibs., 6" nonsmoker, likesdanc- mg, sWimming, outdoors, tennis begmner, ~e~ks ,slender young lady With Similar Interests, P 0 Bo;;:2952, Denver 80201 , K-5-19 WANTED BLACK CATS artists hand crafts homemade things to display at fhe Saturday market CALL 232.7149 217 SO. SHERIDAN HYPNOTIST Psychic Spiritual healer ethical e~per compete[]J, 861-0828. P.6. LOSE WEIGHT FAST! Take NEW Alginess diet plan and AQuavap Water Pills Shell\! Druas. M-5- ANYONE WITNESSING aulo accl- denl at Ralslorl Rd & Allison SI., on April 16th 1977 at approx. 2 p.m, Pis. caU 424-8171. M-5-19 CARDS, Numerology, 421-7776, predicls monthly, yearly events RAI'TTRJP8 I $12 per person fRun Dailyon Upper Colo Riven I AFTERNOON DELIGHT RIVER RAfTING TOURS 80136 Din., Bond,Colo, Phone 80423 J-7-21 155.9934 * PALM READER * Help you In iove, marriage buslr1ess, health, Will help to remove evil inUuences, bad lucks of all kinds, Give lucky numbers & lUCky dates, ,Will help overcome drinking g;;mbling.oralovedone FREE PALM DR CARD READING WITH EA. ASTROLOGY BOOK SOLD * 922-6927 * 0-526 rlltll~ s~ EffectlVeOate ajs(jrdlnancesIlJllta~e Colorado, I' ff ec t ] 0 day ~ aft e r pub 1 i c ~ t Ion f 0 11 owi nq r I na 1 p~ s sa\le. I NTROOUCED REAO AOOPTE~ ANO OROERED PUaL ($HtO on f1 rs t reddinQ by a _ote of L to~, thi~ .2!!:' d~y of ~ 1977 HAD AOOPTEO ;N8 CROEREO PUBlISHEO on secOnd and fln~r readingtya'loteof__to~ th1s~dayof ,1977 SIGNED BY THE ~AYOR Of THE C1 TV OF \iHEAT RIDGE COLORAOO A - TES~ this ~ da~ of CirQT'Hompf, Clty (mr~ 1977 Frank St1tes Mayor P\JblidhedMay12,19, Wheat AidgeSenllnal NOTICE TO CREDITORS ESlate 01 FRANK P CALLAHAN D8ceased NO,15S34 All persons ha~ing cialms against the abol'e-~amed aslal!? are rllQl.med to pre- I ~~~~:hRee~rIZs~:t~t~~ee~~ii~~:e A6~~~~d C~~~ , Of Jel1ersQn Counly, ColQrado, on or befora September 1st, 1977 or said claims ahall ba rore~er barred ISI Janey Ma"lneCallahlln Personal Rapresentatlve 8915Wesl661hAvenue Arvada,Colorado80004 '5 VigilA.Boatrighl , AltomeyfOfEstate No,2746 4315 Wadsworth Blvd Wheal Riage, COlorado 80033 F'rst Pwbllcation:April 28, 1977 LastPubllcation:May12,1977 Wheat RiqgeSen\inel , NOTlCE TO CREDITOR. I ESlate of WINIFRED KENDAll I Deceased ! 1010.15548 I All peraona having cleima aj)alnlt the above-named estate ere required to pre- senl them \othe ul1derllgned Attorney, Per_ sonaIRepre19ntallveortotheDI&trlctCourt I of Jefferson County, Colorado Oil or before 'September 8, 1977. or18ld clalmslhall be ,foreverbarr.d. , /11 MUdradA. Gettlsr PeflonaIAepr.l.ntallve 1700 Cody Street J " '-Il.Kewood,Colorado802t5 , /l'VlrgIIA. Boatright, No. 2748 Attorneyt()rEstate 4315 Wadsworth Boulevard Wmtst Ridge, Colorsdo80033 FirltPubllcatlon:May5,1977 Lall Publication: May 19,1977 WllaatRldgaSenllnel ~ PersoRals I COMPLETE skin carep.rogram, ap. potntmentonly,935-6651. R.{)"2 I SUY scrap gold & Jewelry, 10 K class rings, mens $10 ladies $5 BnnQ them In or milll them in ~~:~~ ~~~_c105~O~~~~.~~ore, 326 E. NEED NEW DENTURES? Dr repair?, For fast service. call 320-4224 between 9 a.m, 5 p.m 1114 BrldaJSer~ COMPLETE ~edding. CandldS w/albums.Famllyportraltslnyour home or oUldoors, 988.8489. B-2. WEODING FLOWERS, al a price youcanalford,Fu)JservicfllJoris! Mr Joe S Flower Shack at Woolco Youngsfleld 421-7272. WEDDING PHOTOS Candid coverage, !ullcoloJ Pro Quality Reas, 86\-0828, P-6-2 FI~~er;pe~~I~~:,s i~IO~~~.dt~~ 428-6361 or 428-3870, M-7-21 WEDDING GOWN. Si2e 10. $75. Call985-1051, aller4p,m.C-5-12 COMPLETE WEDDING & party 10O(f serviceS, reas. prices. 985-8154. 1118 Education & IRstructlon I Piano & Accordion lessons ill your Home; Tony Hemdl, 623-1 2404 H-8-S-77 VOJCE PIANO & ORGAN, Beginner I nt e r f1~ e d i ate s 0 r ad van c ed PrOfessional1eacher, 15ytsexper 9BB-9li03 Westgate area P-6-30 Chil~~:~':~~.~lfs~~~~_=nIT7_ 7 SEND your lillie one back to school with confidence, Summer tutoring, 3R's.your home or mine 1st-3rd grades. Certified teacher, leas. Call 233-3848. C-6-2 PIAN{; STUDIO, Janeth McGreal, Easlmangraduale, Exper teacher 5886QuaySI.,Arvada,423-7205 WELCOME FOREiGN students. Engllshiutor.15yrs.exper,237 1860. 986-0066, Call Mrs Roberts.R-6-2 DRUM & lull percussion In your horn+: Exper teacher Wheat Rldg~-Arvada John Green 422 5359,G-5-12 118 EducalloR & InSlruclion PROF INSTRUCTION Piano & Organ, 421.7873 PRlV ,Instruction Piano, Organ, Accordion. Master degree. Call 422-9791anylime,T 5-12 PIANO & ORGAN LESSONS, 15 yrs exper.degree, 681h & Fenton, 422- 9277 anylime. F 5-26 -pfAmJ. VJOUNANDViOl'A Formerly with (Denver & Min. ~~~f~g~ ~~~~~~ny Orcheslras, THE Learning House lor un. dera~h(ellers in reading, math, English. 232-3110, l 5-26 PIANO LESSONS Nr, Hackbe~ SChool, POP FOLK, 5~i~.' ~~~26 ICAl, AU ages 420- TUTORING & translation for German & Spanish. 427.1168. w- INTERIOR DECORATING Reg. for SpringfSummer Seminars, Jane Gales, 98.8-8013, 233-3357 PRiVATE TUTORlN~, exper., qualilied1l.l1or, help child improve reading & math. Call 989-3060. M- JAZZ GUITARIST leaChing. Call Tonk Edwards 534-6059. E-5-19 VOICE & PIANO Instruction, children & adulls. Sear Vaney area.935-4983.M-5-26 TRUMPET Hute, violin, sax, clarinel, viola, 795-9465, 756- 4566.M-5-26. TRUMPET lessons in your home, beginrlerS 10 advanced. 492-4770. ALL INSTRUMENTS & VOICE 16 teachers, your home or our 8 Metro Suburban Studios Don Mailers A Capella MUSIC 422- 9816 Instrument rentalS allallable 0.7-21 PiANO & THEORY 8tl1 & Kiplinll arBa. 233.5000. M- 1120 lIctnsed Child Care I FREE CHILD Care referral ser. VICP. from Unite<:! Way, Complete InlolmallOn, 573-6666. U-6-16-77 WIll BABYSJT, my lic. home, full time, Mon Fri., 41st & Reed. Call 4243732,l-5-19 DEPENOABlE CHILD CARE lower Gm Mtn area, 988-8067 H5-12 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Estate 01 JAMES e, SNEDDON, ~nown as JAMES SNEDOON, (DeceliSe Elt.te No. 15553 All persons having claims against abovenamfldeslal&arerequlredtopr~ them to the undersigned or (to the Di' COwr10f Jelferson County, Colorado) ( belore lhe 15lh day ot S&pt, 1977 or claims shall be lorElVer barr&d. E~&IYn Sne f:>&rsonaIR&pr&sen' 3.825 HoHal WheatRldge,CO.l Wilham l. Rica AtlornllY for the eatale 604 Republic Bldg. Denvar,Cb.80202 FlrltPubllcatlon:May12,1977 La'f Publlcllflon: May 26, 1977 WhljatAidgeSentlnel NOTICI! TO CAI!J)ITD'" Elstlte of WINIFRED B, WES. Decealed, lat.,. No, 11H3 All perlonl having claims again. abOvenam&deltatearereqlliredtopr them to the ullderalglled or (to the 0 Coon ot J&fteraon CtllJnly, Colorado) before the 8th day 01 September, or lIl.ld clalm'lhall belorever barred, 'l'Malvlne PerlqllsIRapr"... 741 W,geth Ave" Denver. Colorado 1,1 WlIIl.lm W, Morrll, P,C, Attorney for "tate ' 8332 E,72nd AvenuI Commerce City, Colorsdo 80022 FlrltPubllC.ltlon: M')'12, 1977 lut Publlcallon: Msy 26,191'1 Wheat Rldgl Sllltlnel 'WANT SIZZUNG raswth? CeIIltJ. aNI pieca a ralult~1IIJ CJeuiti~ 1120 Licensed ChUd ( L1C, CHILD CARE, vic. Wad & Jewell, Hot lunches, 986 DAY CARE MOlher has OpE Ages 3-5, FIeld trips. Secrest. 423-5141, W-S.19 DAYCAR; openings, Whea area, 3 yrs & up, 423-022 lIC. Child care, over 2 } lunches & snacks, AUendal area, CaH422-9400. V.5.t A BUSY DAY NURSEF PRE KINDE~ARTEf Qualified teachers, summe ming lessons, hOllunl sna~ks, Complete & ~ac~~~e~3~~n9d~? t~~Ur; Ave. Lkwd:A-5-26 UC, Child care, 2-3-4 Wheal Ridge area. Holme school exper, available. ( 8717 G-5-il6 CHILD CARE. reliable, I Arvada Sq. Shop Cenl' 7376,0-5-19 CHILD CARE, Iic. home, I 985-4587 W-5-26 CHILD CARE in myLlc, t ~~~ls~~r.3~ig;.t~5~6 7f 1122 O'Y !:I.. Cen ALTA VISTA ACAOEM~ We.lcorne. NOW ENROl summer program, age Enroll before JUI1e 1 Reduced summer rates, ~~li~:~n~'e~;~~n~. a~~l~ Always good nlJ!ri!ic wflow sugar contenl. Fe formation. cali 23j.86B in Ihtl Denver Federal C 1150 PelS, Food& S50EACH 2 GERMAN SHEPHEF nellter, tem. spayed. 11/mo.. fawn color. M sell. 761-9601 or 789- PAIR lOVEBIRDS, Reasonable,422-5036. FREE KiTIENS 7 wee 989-2516.L-5-12 FREEIOQoodhome.S sian mot kif/ens, 61, lema Ie, CaH 421-7873. 'Railfair' at Fairgrounds July 9-10 business beat The National Railway Historical Society has signed up Amtrak (the National Railroad Passenger Corp_) and the Dept. of Transpor- tation for its "Raillair '77" July 9.10 at the Jefferson County Fairgrounds, Other exhibitors will include the Colorado Railroad Museum, Homestead Prints of Golden Motive Power Services, Turner Brothe~s Circus, Caboose Hobbies, Caboose Antiques 01 Nederland. Pruelt Publishing Co, 01 Boulder, Hi~hline West 01 Littleton, American Travel Brokers and L TO Manufac- turing of Arizona. Organizations interested in exhibiting should write to the society in care 01 Richard W Luckin, P.O. Box 5181, Terminal Annex, Denver 80217 Richard C_ Roger Behler Cash for cans on upswing Powelson Capp Shanks hIred by Realtors board The Adolph Coors Co_ paid more than $2.5 million to persons turning in aluminum cans during the first three months of the year in N bank officer its "cash lor cans" recycling program. ew . Capp Shanks. lormer Arvada cily manager, has been retained as government liaison olficer by the Jefferson County Board of realtors. Roger Behler, 28, a native 01 Wheat Ridge. has been named senior vice-president of the Bank 01 Vail, a subsidiary 01 Westland Banks Inc. During the first quarter, Coors collected 15,221, 146 pounds 01 aluminum (or 365,307,504 cans) Irom distributors in 13 western states, Since Coors began the environmental ef- fort in 1970, it has collected more than six billion cans and paid out $36 million_ New'sales manl Shanks, who will be paid $1500 lor the 4U- hout-a month job, will work with the seven local governments in Jefferson County will be his responsibility to keep the 1300- member board apprised of matters and legislalion allecting property owners and Realtors_ Shanks who resigned under pressure in Decemre'r 1976 alter he lell out of favor with a majority 01 the Arvada City Council. is in private consultant business at his home, 8685 W 78th PI. Behler. who started with the First Westland National Bank in 1970, most recent- ly has been vice-president of the holding company and manager of the data processing department. He is a member 01 the board 01 driectors 01 the Rocky Mountain Automated Clearing House Assn. A graduate 01 the University 01 Colorado, Behler, his wile, Lindi. and three children will move to Vail soon, Richard C_ Powelson has he branch sales manager of the nor 01 Wedgwood Ltd_, realtors, Powelson has been involved i for 20 years in nlinois and Color He has a BA degree in Busir Estate, Pollee start scout unit Wheat Ridge young people in the 15.21 age bracket interested in careers in law enforce- ment may sign up for a new Explorer Scout unit being lormed by the Wheat Ridge Police Dept. under sanction 01 Scouting, U_S_A. Bank appoints I Entertainment applications Applications to provide live entertainment at the Jefferson County Fair Aug, 19 and 20 must be submitted before June 1. Ollicer Russ Stone emphasized that young women are encouraged to volunteer for the Scout unit, to emphasize law enforcement familiarization and elementary training. In-- quiries should be directed to Stone at the Wheat Ridge Police Dept.'s Community Relations Division, 423-3250, Richard G_ Hlte has joined National Bank as assistant v: He is the son of Mrs. F RichaI'( late Mr Hite, lormer Wheat and Jefferson County GOP lea, graduate 01 Wheat Ridge High 1 University of Colorado. Seminar slated Saturday The Insurance Women of Denver will con- duct a seminar from 9:30 a_m" to 3 p,m_. Saturday at the Continental Denver, 1-25 and Speer Blvd, Contact Sharon Gilligan, 1877 So, 'Federal Blvd, i_: " _.:. . . .. , . , 11-: . . . C.-- I I -~ NOTICE I NOW, THEREFORE. BE IT RESOLVED r 8. Thence Southeeste~IY, Southerly, and' NOTICE TO IIDDI!". 1 NOTICI! OFIIUILIC Notice Is hereby given lhat the City Coun- BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Southwesternly along ISld curve through s Sesled proposall wll1 be received by the HEARING NOTICI! 01" PUBL cll of Wheat Ridge will 01'1 the 20th dsy 01 WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, central angle 01108 degrees 28' 31" ~n arc Wheat Ridge Water DI~trlct~ Jefferson Nollce II hereby given 01 public hearing Notice II hereby glVI June 1977 hold hearlngllor th. purpol. 01 That the Petition lor the annexation to the dlstanc~ of 1135.95 leet to a po. Inl of County, co.'''.ado. at their oftlce at 66151to be held by the PlannIng Comml..lon 01 Public Hearing will bellI determinIng and lIndlng whether the srea City of Wheat Ridge 01 Ihe lollowlng. tangent, I West 38th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado the Cltv 01 Wheat Ridge, ColoradO on the AdJultment and A proJ>OlIld to b. annexed to the City 01 i territory, Iltuete In the County 01 JefferlOn I' 9. Tnence along said tsngent a dlltance 'I until 7:30 P M Mountain Standsrd Time on 2nd day olJune, 1977 at 7:30 p,m, Hearing Edgewalar, pertalnln, Wheat Ridge meetl the tppllcsble require. ' and State of Colorado, and lully delcrlbed 01 655,OOleet; the 24th Day of May, l1t77, and Will be \ will ba held at the Albert E. Anderlon Com. variance In order to con menta 01 Coloredo RevIled Statutel 1973, In exhibit A. a~ached hereto and Incor- 10. Then,ce ,~n an angle to the lelt ~I 98 publicly opened and read lor the construc- munlty Bulldmg, .355 Field Street. Wheat Ilence, 15 leet In lengt 31.12_10. and 31-12-105 and II eligible lor porated .herem, IS lound to be valid and In degrees 00 00 II dlstsnce 01 69.951eet, , tion of wster distribution linea Including ep- Ridga, Coiorado. AIi Interested cltltenl are properly \lne Irom ree annexltlon Into the corporete boundery of substantial compliance with the requlre- 11. Thence on an sngle to the right 0177 ! proximately 510 leet 01 8" Cast Iron Pipe InvIted to speak at the public hearing or lorwsrd thence at right Whest Ridge. The Public Hearlngl will ba ments 01 the 1973 Colorsdo ReViled I degrees 00' 00" a distsnce 01130.00 leat, and Inslallation of s Meter Pit together with submit written comments. I[to hou~e. (Loll 23 held at 4355 Field Street, Wheat Ridge, Statutes, as amended, 31-12-107. 12. Thence on an angle 10 Ihe left 01 25 the necesssry IltMgI, valvel and other SP-I Thelollowing petition shalt be heard: Edgawater, Jefferson Colorsdo, The lubJect property II: BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That Ihe ' degrees 00' 00" s dlstence 01140,00 leet: purtenances necessary lor the complete In- 1. Application by Welt Aspen Company owner, I..elter La Forc (1) Bound on the West by Kipling Street City Council 01 the City of Wheat Ridge will, 13. Thence r~ sn angle to tha lelt 01 18 stallations. Propoasls will be on tne basis 01 for toning 01 property In procasl of annexa, St,) (2) Bound on the EaIt by Crown HIli hold public h8llri~gs to determine If the [degreeS 00' 00' a distance of 190..00 feet completed structures with eppurtenancell tlon to the City of Wheat Ridge. Requested I Meeting Illschedulac (3) Bound on the North by Wast 32nd proposed annexation compllel with and III more ~r iess to the South line 01 a.ald Sec ,installed, teated sn~ ready lor operetlon. ' zonin.g IS lor Planned Commercial Develop- 11, 1977, at City Hall Ave, In accordance 'N1th the 1973 Coloredo, tlon 27, . Instructions 10 bidders, plans, speclllca- I ment Said property Is 188,8 acres locsted Avenue, when and .... (4) Bound on the South by Welt 28th Ave. Revised Statutes, sa amendel:!, 31-12.107, \ 14. Thence Westerly along said South I tions, proposal lorms, contract forms and II betwean W_ 26th Ave. snd W. 32nd Ave. ad. persons may appear an. INTRODUCED BY COUNCILPERSON or such parts thereolaa may be required to I line s dlslance of 2305,OOleat tothe Point of I bond forms may be ex.m'o" , ., the office jacent and ealt of Kipling Street. This public Hulsey I establish eligibility lor annexallon under the Beginning 'I 01 the Owner, 6815 West 38th Avenue, hasring will be lor the purpose 01 ap- REIOLUTION NO. 501 ! lerms of the Municipal Annexation Act of Containing 182.53scres more or leas. Wheat RIdge, Colorado. Coples_msy be hsd I pllcsnts' presentatiorl, thoae In lavor Published: Msy 19, 197 THI! CITY COUNCIL OF : 1965, and thsl said hearlngl will be held on I upon deposit 01 twenty-tlvelS25,00) dollars. 1 presentation, and opponents' presentation. Wheat RldgeSenUnel THE CITY OFWHI!AT RIDQE ' the 20th day of June. 1977, at the hour Of all of which will be refunded to thOle return- Said properly IS legally described aa STATIO'COLORADO I 7:30 o'clock P.M., st 4355 Field Street, City ling the plans and specllicatlons In good follows, Case No. WZ.77.02: ~:gl:::O~~~:;: I of ~~el~t ~~~~'HS~te RO~~~~~~~~, That Ihe I i ~:,~~:i~~e~\~g t~febl~~: days atter the date 27 A ~~~~~1;13t~~~t~~~a~~~~;I~~~::~: I The City Council 01 the City 01 Wheat City Clerk 01 t~e City 01 Wheat Ridge give NOTICE TO CREDITORS I Each ro OSSI mUlt be sccompanied by Sixth Principal Meridian, County 01 Jef, Ridge, State 01 Colorado, having examined notice as reqUired by the 1973 COlorsdo Estate of WI NIFR ED KEN DA LL, I a ro O~I p uaranty In the lorm 01 a cer- lerson" Stste 01 Colorado, more psrticulerly the !llIngl, considered oral taallmony 01 Revised Statutes, III amended, 31.12-108, I Deceased. I tlfl~d ~heck gor bid bond acceptable to the described aslollowl: council snd Petition lor Annexallon of cer. and as may be required by any other ap- I No, 11548 , Owner In an smount equal to st least 5'/0 of Beginning at the Southwelt corner 01 taln reai eltate mo~e lully delcrlbed In laid phcable laws of the State of Colorado. I All parlons navlng claims ,against the 'the r~ sSl, payable, without condition, to said Section 27: Petlllon, said Pelltlon having heretolore PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, above. named estate are reqUired 10 pre. the PW!:Sl Rid e Water DlsVlct ss II_ 1. Thence Northerly along the West line been /lied with the City Clerk 01 the City of, thl125th day 01 April, 1877. by a vote of 6to I sent them tothe underllgned Attorney, Per., uldated damsgges should tha bidder be I 01 SS.ld South one-half, a dlltance 01 Wheat RIdge. State of Colorado. by Welt I o. sonal Representative or to the Olstrlct Court I ~warded the contract and relule or neglect, 2681 .921eet to the West ona.Quarter corner Aspen Company, I III Frank Stltel, . 01 Jefferson County, ColoredO on or belora I lor ten days to execute seme and to lur. 01 said Section 27; FINDS AS FOLLOWS: . Mayor 1 Septembar 8, 1977, or seld cislms shall be I nl.h a proper perfOrmance' bond, The 2, Thence Easterly along the North line 1, That the PetItion contalnlthe lollowlng: ATTEST: ! forever barred, proposal gusrantees of the three lowest, or sard south one-hall, s dlltance o~ 2849.82 s, An allegation that the Ilgners 01 the Isl Csrol Hsmpf, III Mildred A. Gett.ler bidders will be retained unlll the contract 1111eet to Ihecenter ~llaid Section 27, Petition comprlle the lando,wners 01 more City Clerk I Personal Representative swsrded or dIsposed of In some manner. 3. Thence c~mtlnulng Easlerly along aald than filly per cent 01 the territory Included In Firat publication: Apr1l28, 1977 1700 Cody Street I The Whest Ridge Wster Dlllrlct reserves [North line a dIstance 01 247.25Ieet: the srea proposed to be annexed, exclusive Laat Publication, May 19, 1977 I L_akewood, Colorado 80215 the right to reject anyor aU bIds, to waive In. 4. Thanc,e o,~ an .angle to the rIght 01.64 olltreata end aileys, Wheat Ridge Sentlnel I/SI Virgil A. Boalrlght, No. 2746 lormalitles and to enter Into luch contrac!a degrees 00 00 ,a distance of 220.00 leet, b. A request that the annexing Atl.orney for Estate as itlhall deem to ba lor the best Interests ' 5 Thence on an angle to Ihe right of,60 munIcipality approve the annexation of the ATTACHMENT TO RESOLUTION 101 4315 Wadsworth Boulevard 01 the DistriCt. degrees 00' 00" a dlstsnce 01115,00 leet, area propoled to be annexed. WHICH WAS ADOPTED 4-21-77 Wheal Ridge, Colorsdo 80033 BOARD OF DIRECTORS 6. Thence on an sngle to the lell 01 60 c, The slgnaturu 01 luch landownerl, UHIIIT A , First Publlcetlon: May 5, 1977 WHEAT RIDGE WATER DISTRICT d~rees 00' 00", a distance 01 110,00 f&at; slgd~e;he mailing address 01 each such I ;l!p~~~~~~t~:I::~~~:ne-hall of Secllon ~~~:tU~II~~~i~~~~na:119, 1977 I By: Hughp~~:I~:~~ d~r~~e~5,eog,~ :~i:::~~el~/~;o:rl~~; 27 Published: Msy 19, 19 e. The I.egaldeacrlptlon oftheland owned 127 Townlhlp3South,Ranga69Westolthe I By: William V Mackelney 8. Thence on sn engle to the right 013 WheatAldgeSentlnel by luch Ilgner. I Sixth Principal Meridian, County 01 Jel- , First PUblication. Ma 5, 1977 degrees 20' 00" a distance 01 293.38 leat; _+ I. The date 01 signing 01 each Ilgnature, lerson, Stale 01 Colorado, more partlcularly_ I L t P br tlon Me: 19 1977 9, Thence on an angle to the lelt 01 55 g. The effldavll 01 the circulator 01 each describe~ aslolloWl: V:~BatURI~c~Sentlnel ' degrees 49' 54" a dlstsnce132,7.leet to a petitIon, whether conalltlng 01 one or more Beginning al tnl Sf)uthwelt corner 01 9 point 01 curve; sheets, thai each Ilgnature therein II the said Section 27; I 10, Tnence along said curve to the right signature 01 the peraon whoae name It pur- 1. Thence Northerly along Ihe wel111ne 01 i with a central angle 0143 degreaa OO'OO~, an po~ i~:e.ccompany'ng laId Petltlon hive :::.~ t~~~~h ~:-~~~~u~~:rn~~r~~r2~~~~~~ I Eltste N~T~;.~~~ C:.E~~~J'~ON, also E.tateN~~I~I~?Fi~~DI~OR: ESTO N, :~,~~;:~~o o~ ::t2~1 ~:~~:~~ a radlua 01 ~e:; c~l~t~l~i~~ :~~ f~\~:I~~ 1~70~~na~oa~~on S~~I~~::~e Ealterly elong the North line of I known as JAM~~~N:~~~:5~oeCeBSed} I Deceased, I!atete No. 11543 ! 01 ~171~el~~~ t~~n:O~~:~lt~~~;t I dlslance e. A written legal delcrlption 01 the boun- said South one-half a dlalance 01 2<<W9.82 All perlons hsvlng claims against the I All persona having claims against the I 12, Thence along said curve to the right derlel of the erea propoaed to be annexed. leet to the center of 1.ld Section 27: above namad estale are required to pre.ent I above named estate are required to pruent i with a central sngle of 89 degreea 30'00", an ar:. :ro:~~~~~:~n~:x:~,undary 01 the No~i.hTI~~~~edfl~~~~~lg2~"'i:~:e~~ong laid ~~:rt t~f j":ff~~sdoe~s6~~~~~~~~;:~0~~~I~: ~~:rt t~1 ~:H~~:oe~s6~:~~~~~~;:~0~1~~I~~ :~6,~~~:~~~0 o~ :~I~'t2~1 ;=~:~~ a radlul of c, Nexl to the boundary of Ihe area 4 Thence on an angle to the rIght 016<t I[ before the 15th day of Sept" 19n or ssld before the 8th day of September, 1977 13. Thence along IBid tangent I dlltance propoled to be snnexed Is drawn the con- degrees 00' 00" a dlltence 01 189.6feet; ., claims shall be lorever bsrred, I or ssld claims shall belorev. er bar~ed, 01842.51Ieel: tiguous boundary 01 the City 01 Wheat 5 Thence on an angle to the lell of 55 ; Evelyn Sneddon Isl MelVin Conklin 14. Thence on an angle to the lell 01 90 ~id~:k~~~~~nt~~I~~1 ~~u~~~r: ~~;~:u~~~ deg~ells 00' 00" a dlstence 01 189.82Ieet; i persona~~;f~~I~~~~tI~~ p;~~a~:~~:~en~~iv: degrees 00' 00", a dlalan/~~ ~a~i~'~ ;':lley the subject 'territory on approxImately d 6. The~~,e~,~ aa~II~~~~~ t~~~~ ~g~~~ 81: . _ . Wheat Ridge, CO, 80033 : Denver, COlorad~80221 I . Ptanner II three-fourthl 01 the proposecl boundary egreel -nanan le~ot~titoi4.;WllhamL.RICe I/s/WIIllamW Morrls,~,C. I Pubhshed:May19,1977 with the remaIning one-fourth boundary be- d 7 The~~,eo~" s diau::,ce 01 72.93gleelto s ! Attorney lor the estate I Attorney lor estate I Whest Ridge Sentinel mg abutted by the unincorporated Jel- "fIreel -tang nt curve to the right I' 604 Republic Bldg. , 6332 E. 72nd Avenue lerlonCounty, pont on a non ,e Denvar,CO_80202 CommerceClty,Colorsd080022 I 3, That no Ilgnatu,re on- the Petition Is whOle radlul II 600.00 feet; the prOlonga'l First PUb.llcallon: May 12, 1977 I FirslPubllcatlonc Msy \2, 1971 I dated more than one hundracl eighty (180) tlon 01 a radlslllne 01 laid curve through Lalt Publlcatlon: May 26,1977 Lsllt Publication: May 26, 1977 daYI prior to the date olllllng the Petition laid point lies along said lalt mentioned Wheat Ridge Sentinel : Wheat Ridge Sentinel ~~r:~;::~~~~~~~t~::~f~~I~::~~~lthe City cour..; I I For an application form, sont.act the Colorado State University ExtenslOn Ser- vice, 15200 W 6th Ave., 279.4511. ~_.- . . - .: , NOTICI 01" IIUI Notice Is hereby gl> Public HearIng will bel Adjullment and I Edgewater, pertelnll variance In order t stockadelence from corner of houlealonl and Irom property IIr houle. (Lots 15 al Edgewater Subdlvlllc lerson County, Coli Brown,2516GraySt.) Meeting Illchedul, 1, 1977 at City Hi Avenue, when and personl may appear I NOTICI 01" IIU Notice II hereby g PubUc Hearing will be Adjustment and Edg_ater, pertalnln variance In order to storage shed In Sou- yard. (Lot 31, Block 3 Jefferlon County, Cc Becker, 2489 OtlaCol Meetlngllachedul 1, 1977, al City H Avenue, when and perlons may appesr I Publlshed:May19,1\ Wheat Ridge Sentlne .-------- -'--~--- i;~s~~ ~~~~i~ ~V:~,.,.~ 'g""' "3 ~:>.~ ~ l!i ~~ ~- ~':j Q$ ,,~ ~~ ~o ~ 0'2. ;8s ~3~ .~~i ::i~9.. "o~ ~~l ~ :sIQ 9..~' ~'" .0 .. ~ ..~ ~- .~ &0 ~~ ~...a:.'" Q 1-U~ i~ ~9.:s9., ~~s~ ---------- - ~~------- oI~ J-ga:8--i g,5O>!""~O-!"-' €.~,Q. -\" ;1,~i~ .6 ~~ ~ <a.~ lS ~i ~ ~- - 8" a Ie. \ .~ .n i tUl . ~~ 2.> ~ o ~ - ~~ ----- - <lOl ,...~~~o.'" , --\,:; ~i!: -\ \ ~ '" \ 2. , . i \ e:%.-~----~[~ i ~~?' ~'2~~ o.t ~ '" g~ ~g ~ utl1l"''Jl C::l ,," ~::!1~t'l~tIl 0,% Q..Q. ~~~jo~ ~- ~'ioo3.~ OIi :i~"('''= -(1ft _~oQl~i 0\ ~3;'i';~~ ~~ Cli()1I'"t=!t. {')2: ~ "'go~~ ;:; 9. ~ ~~ ~ ~, , v>. ----~---- -~~ \ ~_ n n,z,"Ji .-'~'2. '5 s '" ~~.. €.%~~" ~ ~~~l - . ~ 9.~ ~ i\ ~ g'<" .. [~ '; '0.0. . ," <i ;1. ': ~g 9,.;:;' --------- . N \) T( C -e..... ------ NotiTIe is that on the ,day of at the 0 I clock P.M. a);,1he Council 4355 Fie Street, City of Whe~~idge, / . F-- V--I"'~~,e, '" -e,_ _ L City y6uncil shall hold a ~ring upon said reso t:t:.on f~- p~tion for the purpos ~f determining ~~ding w et~ the ~::: proposed to be nexed meets the applicable re irements of sections 31-12-10 and 31-12-105 and is considered ellglble for annexation. N" \)c C. I S If\J I-Ie.p., IC,,\,~ ~ t\t.l..l ~ H e~e P.,y \Iv \ ~ I... '7 I v e tV 11-f,.<t,- o IV Ir+e:-- ~- GO ~I-I C. \~ ~ ~ c:O....""<Il ct=- ..J\.4'V~ , "I '7 7 or-- H~IYIJ'l ~ ~ ~ k ~ fU;tfO\e. t'"'-~IV\\"'\7 A.. t F\"'~\"Vj --N. t.~ ~1\J.e,<~~ +0 ~~-<e. TS n...._ f+ ..'.... ffLIc.~,." l~ 1"I'7J '">_ :;) I (L - I'" If A,,- d. ~ eLl,; ll\l~ ~ A",-,-,...~ d- WI\.. t. 'J !J~ ~"l r~ry l.N~e~ n+,: C' '; d, I(~ !.... I "1'-t....."'-v7""-l 31-tL.-IO~- A^'.l /Yv~~'l<'"'tTl,J'" 'v ,N ~ W~-~L.J1 e ~ Ik l.. tl 1l-'T- Y 5 S S- ~ -,~ A1\.,a., /:i . - -.... 6~' ~ I ~: ~.. ~ t:. I:. ' ~ M~4- PI<~<lH!,J tAJ~RcJ:> e cr- C A ...... .s I~ ~::- ec.y<ln.~ Ili~LIc.... ~1'II7S fi e c.J. <;; r /to("...., \IV 1+tA-,- .~ J... I 1'>;\ -,re.. ~ .s\.4~J-e~, (\\ L 2-) (3) ~~~--~~ ftR r ''.;'t 1'\ ~rv I~m ~J f>$1A1I" .L II II II First OI\,J ~ vv-t"oT ygy II ~ JI ~'"'~r ~, I I I I Tv oYl TJt- "i J I I I -Sou N ~Jf Publication April 28, 1977 ( K IlL 1'1\1'7 sTf2--e-c'j- C({OvVN HI ~ l- V0e 51 3'''2 Ifvc Vve'~, .;:?(.. ~, Second Publication May 5, 1977 Third Publication May 12, 1977 Fourth Publication May 19, 1977 r JI '\jc \ ~0 1- A..I \:~ '7/--1-)1 RESOLUTION NO. 0! r .-/ _..~ t ; !-c /1 / V{-.(' (.(.[1.-1"[ /j THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ~~l- J? STATE OF COLORADO ;; ,> ' -" r:;t!) I .J,'!~ / -, 1/ ~ l r- , I.......A., '- J (._~ FINDINGS OF FACT AND RESOLUTION L___ ,/\' ',_ \ ;) L, - (I (. C I .{~tl......lt..: {; ,--< (- 'I J ' , < ~ C[,re.- The City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, State of I Colorado, having examined the filings, considered oral testimony of council and Petition for Annexation of certain real estate more fully described in said Petition, said Petition having heretofore been filed with the City Clerk City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado, by West ompany, FINDS AS FOllOWS: a. An allegation that the signers of the Petition comprise the landowners of more than fifty per cent of the territory included in the area proposed to be annexed, exclusive of streets and alleys. ! I 1. That the Petition contains the following: b. A request tndt the annexing municipality approve the annexation of the area proposed to be annexed. c. The signatures of such landowners. d. The mailing address of each such signer. e. The legal description of the land owned by such signer. f. The date of signing of each signature. g. The affidavit of the circulator of ea"h petition, whether consisting of one or more sh~ets, that each signature therein is the signature of the person whose name it purports to be. 2. That accompanying said Petition have been filed four (4) prints of an annexation map containing the following information: a. A written legal description of the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed. b. A map showing the boundary of the area proposed to be annexed. c. Next to the ~ounddry of the area proposed to be annexed is drawn the contiquous boundary of the City of Wheat Ri iy.':, the contiguous boundary of the City of L.Jye'dOod, which two ciyes Gomp:etc1i, sur r 0 U n d t h" sub j e c t ten i tor y . cc- c~rv~ ~ / 1 c/' Cc ~ cY J (,-,-~,- /f; ~ {c~Ld--/lc--tf- (u vL-~ L in \,1,j;Y >0 '\ i\ 3. That no signature on the Petition is dated more than one hundred eighty (180) days prior to the date of filing the Petition for Annexation with the City Clerk of the City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, STATE OF COLORADO, That the Petition for the annexation to the City of Wheat Ridge of the following territory, situate in the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, and fully described in Exhibit A attached hereto and incorporated herein, is found to be valid and in substantial compliance with the requirements of the 1973 Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, 31-12-107. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge will hold public hearings to determine if the proposed annexation complies with and is in accordance with the 1973 Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, 31-12-107, or such parts thereof as may be required to establish eligibility for annexation under the terms of the Municipal Annexation Act of ~ 1965, and that said hearings will be held on the L day of ~~~~ ,1977, at the hour ofl~ o'clock P.M., at the Council Chambers located at 4355 Field Street, City of Wheat Ridge, State of Colorado. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, That the City Clerk of the City of Wheat Ridge give notice as required by the 1973 Colorado Revised Statutes, as amended, 31-12-108, and as may be required by any other applicable laws of the State of Colorado. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED, this day of , 1977. Frank Stites, Mayor ATTEST: Carol Hampf, City Clerk ~-"h'Ir.'~1I\"'4IM::t'lSl'l'r4_-.nn --,~~~........~,....,.,...... JI ."",.._ '.......4 ... _. " _1.....- i.111o. __- '$I~. "'~T~i'.tIIlti EXlilbrT A ---- -....,----- LEGAL DSSCRIPTI0N: A portion of the South one-hill f of Sectiun 27, Townc;hil' 3 SCUlth. Ra,np,e 69 Nl'st of the Slxeh Principal t-lcridian, County of Jefferson, State of Coloradn, more partL:\liarly described ~s follO\.:s: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 27; 1. Thence Northerly a10n,\ the west line of said South one-half 0 distance of 2661.92 feet to the West one-quarter corner of said Section 27; 2. Thence Easterly ~long the North line of said South one-half a distance of 2649.62 feet to the center of said Section 27; 3. Thence contineing Easterly along said Korth line a distance of 277.25 feet; 4. Thence on an angle to the right of &4000'00" a distance of 189.8 feet; 5. Thence feet; 6. Thence feet; on an angle to ell" -:'eft of 55000'00" ~ distance of l89.S2 on an angle to tile right of 81058'34" a distance 01' 687.66 7. The;1ce on an angle to the rit;ht of 44033'01" a distance of 72.<)3 feet to a point 811 .J. 11:.Jn-t.3ngent curvE:. to tbe right ~Jh02e r.:lJi:Js is 600.CO feet; th~ ?rolcn~ztion of a ~Ddial line of seld curve through said point lies along said last mentioned course; B. Thence Southed~te~ly, Southerly, and South~esternly along said curve thro'lch a central .::.ngle of 103023'31" <:1n arc distance of 1135.95 feet to a point or tangent; 9. Thence along said tan~ent a distance of 655.00 feet; 10. Thence on an angle to the left of 98000'00" a distance of 69.95 feet; 11. Thence feet; 12. Thence feet; on an angle to the right of 77000'00" a dista~e of 130.00 on ap. angle to the left of 25000'00" a distance of 140.00 13. Thence on an anf,le to the left of IsoOO'no" a (~Lst1nl" of 190.00 feet more or less to the South line of s;,id Sf'ction 27, 14. Thence Westerly alon~ said South line a distancp of 2305.00 feet to the Point of !1f'Clllning. Cont<:lining 182.53 acres mCH( or less. v~' . . I ;/ , , .' ., '>,",/O{' "-~" (;'1 'I LAW OFFICES LEO N BRADLEY TIM L CAMPBELL THOMAS.J CARNEY EARL K MADSEN RONALD K. REEVES VINCENT K TURNER EDWARD A WALTERS VICTOR F BOOG WILLIAM .J. CAMPBELL DANIEL T MOYLE, .JR EARLE D. BELLAM Y II .JOHN G BRANT DOUGLAS S ROUSE COUNSEL WILLIAM D. .JOHNSON CARL CLINE BRADLEY, CAMPBELL & CARNEY 1717 WASHINGTON AVENUE GOLDEN. COLORADO 80401 (303) 278 3300 February 2, 1977 P O. BOX 2.798 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING EVERGREEN, COLORADO 80439 (303) 674-3351 I1rs. Carol Hampf City Clerk P.O. Box 610 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mrs. Hampf: On December 21, 1976 a Petition for Annexation was hand delivered to your office involving land belonging to the West Aspen Company. On January 14, 1977 Mr. Zwagerman, the Director of Co;nmunity Development for Wheat Ridge, sent us a letter with certain comments concerning the Petition for Annexation and Rezoning Application that was filed at the same time. In that letter, he pointed out that the statutory numbers which were referred to in the Petition for Annexation had been changed during the fir8t regular session of the 1975 Legislature and in order of their appearance in our Petition, they should be corrected to read 31-12-107, 31-12-104 and 31-12-105. The 1975 Cumulative Supplement to the Colorado Revised Statutes 1973 did not contain this change and this was the reason for the omission. If this does not solve the problem, please let us know right away. Very truly yours, :~Di C~PBE~ARNEY Leo N. Bradley \- LNB/ki cc: Mr. Dennis Zwagerman OPEN LETTER TO THE CITY COUNCIL OF WHEAT RIDGE February 9, 1977 We and other residents of Wheat Ridge are seriouly disturbed by the manner in which the West Aspen Company's request for annexation and rezoning of land. which was formerly Crown Hill Cemetery property, is being handled by the City of Wheat Ridge. We understand that a petition and application in regard to these matters was submitted to City agencies by The West Aspen Company on December 21, 1976. The City Council did not accept or act on these papers at the December 28, 1976 City Council meeting. The City Attorney reported that he had returned the papers to The West Aspen Company because of technical defects contained therein. We have since made repeated inquiries of the City Clerk and the Department of Community Development about the petition and application for annexation and rezoning. As of the date of this letter. we have been unable to find any record that The West Aspen Company petition and application have been accepted by the Council. A meeting involving the City Planning Staff, representatives of The West Aspen Company, and some other agencies interested in this particular annexation and re- zoning was held at the Anderson Puilding on January 31, 1977. Public notice of this meeting was given and it was understood that interested citizens and invited news- paper reporters could attend and listen to the proceedings. However, those who tried to attend were not allowed to do so. Citizens and reporters were ask to leave, it was a closed meeting. A public notice dated February 2, 1977 has been posted on the Crown Hill property in question. The notice states that a public hearing (case WZ-77-02) wi]] be held before the Planning Commission on February 17, 1977, and that interested persons may attend or submit written comment. The February 3, 1977 issue of the Wheat Ridge Sentinel contained a public notice of the February 17, 1977 hearing before the Planning Commission. Item 2 on the notice is "Application by The West Aspen Company for zoning of property in process of annexation to the City of Wheat Ridge". This public notice indicates that this hearing will receive comments only from referral agencies (such as Public Service Company, Sewer Districts, Water District, etc.). The petition and application for rezoning turned back to The West Aspen Company by the City Attorney as announced to the City Council at the December 28, 1976 meeting have now apparently been reactivated without change. The case of The West Aspen Company before the Planning Commission on February 17. 1977 will be based on the reactivated petition and application originally turned back by the City Attorney. Open letter to the City Council of Wheat Ridge February 9, 1977 Page 2 We strongly protest the way in which these matters have been conducted on the following grounds: 1- If The West Aspen's petition and application were not accepted by the Council prior to February 2, 1977, the date on the posted notices, it is irregular and may be of questionable legality to hold the February 17 meeting. If those West Aspen documents were accepted by the Council, this fact should have been a matter of public record and available to any citizen asking at the City Clerk's office or at the Community Development Depa rtment. 2- The announcements of the February 17, 1977 public hearing are contradictory and confusing. The Z announcements do not clearly indicate whether interested citizens will be able to submit comment to this hearing. This, at the very least, is confusing and unfair to the citizens. 3- We believe the way in which the January 31, 1977 meeting was handled was not considerate of the interests of Wheat Ridge citizens and subjected some of them and members of the press to embarrassment and unnecessary loss of time. It has also given rise to published uncertainty about the management of the whole affair. For these reasons we believe that the City Council should take steps to make certain that this matter is properly conducted. We respectfully request each member of the Council to move to that end. 11~ tV. Harry W. Nylund 10095 West 34th Oliver V. Phillips 10405 West 32nd Avenue cc: Mayor Hank Stites Joseph M. Donaldson Laurence G. Merkl Robert Howard Calvin Hulsey Mary Jo Cavarra Louise Turner City Clerk Carol Hampf City of Wheat Ridge In this space there is a large scale map that could not be scanned at this time. Please see the City of Wheat Ridge Clerks office if you would like to see the map. Thank You. I ----, , J]@{j{j@f10@)uu ) (S@)QDQUO}7 (S@O@X('GJG]0 BOARD OF COUNTY COlvlMISSIONEHS HAL AND::R3()N Distric1 No 1 Ar:v2.da -- A / -" "/\ l.. /',-- \;'v'/ "'e' -'/ 1___/ lvV B08 CLE~.ENT District No. 2 l~kG"';]od JOAN1-1E PA 1 ERSON District No.3 Golden Reply to: Jefferson Cou~ty Open Space Program 1801 - 19th Street, Golde;;, Colorado 80401 December 30, 1976 279-0230 - .Di\ ITEM JAN J ~ 1977 City of Wheat Ridge P. O. Box 610 Wheat Ridge. Colorado 80033 il( (T"<::I')I" ITEM l F_ \.~-,- )...} l I~ _ / Attention: Mayor Frank Stites and City Council Members Dear Mayor Stites: I would appreciate the opportunity to Dresent to the Wheat Ridge City Council a master Dlan concept fO)' acquiring Open Space lands vlithin the plains area of North Jefferson County. The presentation would or.lv concern itself with li!l!ds of comm,.ni .Y park size and larger (minimum (If 40 acres/. Your valued lnput is most necessary as many of these projected Open Space lands lie within or adjacent to YOJr boundaries and will directly affect pr~sent and future park needs of the citizens in these areas. Please understand that this is only a concept and it is a part of a total plan that would assist tre cities and the County in planning for the future acquisition of Open Space parks. Your ideas and corrj~ents would be fTlQS,t important. -.: r__ I vlOuld appreciate D21r.g sche\~uled on 'your Council's agenda ~OiT:e tir.:e_~in Ja.nuary. C - ---..I - ';1 Respectfully. r2ff ' / , , /tLt)/ -;/z.~.t Ray Pr4 ntz, () Open Space jirector /vcd cc: B: Cl -~ '" '.c-I ~o "....;i I J:> -1 o ::;v c.-:J = ,.J ~~1 J,j ,..../'" John A. Jerman, Cit.y ,L\dmin-istrator i- Richard J. Bredt, Dir. Dept. Parks & Recreation /--- \ ,_ \. J~;~ i 'I __t ('_ \ I. c.. \'" I ."L " " , i I . ( t' ' .. ;, "~',.. ~ ~\' "--- , l I \ ~ -' ~ :.1 ;\ '~ 1_\ I \, \ " ,. ._ I ( \.,'._ l ,--~ , \ , u . . _ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE O~t6- f ~~-~~CAJ{<t\~et0\-S To Ci ty Attorney Fox From ,y-,l/ Subject Annexation ~Jo. fE,' tJ~st Aspen Date CU1!--l' J2nd-&----tTi!--ll.i.II'd Approved Date - ~;MORANDUM ~~~ e:tk Q:j) City Clerk 12/21/76 A Petition for Arrexation was filed in my office on 12/21/76. Pursuant to 31-12-107 (IV) (f) I am placing this on the Council Agenda of 12/27/76 as a communication so that the governing body may taks appropriate st~p::: which I trust will be outlined by you at that time. Dennis's office is coordinating the zoning req~est. I presume due to the controversy 'of this annexation that Council will hold a Public Hearing under 31-12-108, although it appears since 100% of the landowners have signed the petition the governing body may annex LJithout a hearing by ordinance as provided in Sections 31-12-108 end 1U9. Also, I would like to point out that the petition for annexation refers to State Law as 31-8-107 and I Tefer to it as 31-12-107 since the numbering was changed by H8 1089 to this. Should the petition be corrected bV the applicant? Also their map calls this Annexation No.5 which number was assigned to Richter's Annexation and I say i+ should be Annexation No.6. LAW OFFICES LEO N BRADLEY TIM L CAMPBELL THOMAS .J. CARNEY EARL K MADSEN RONALD K. REEVES VINCENT K TURNER EDWARD A WALTERS VICTOR F BOOG WILLIAM .J. CAMPBELL DANIEL T MOYLE, .JR EARLE D. BELLAMY II .JOHN G. BRANT DOUGLAS S. ROUSE COUNSEL WILLIAM D, .JOHNSON CARL CLINE BRADLEY, CAMPBELL & CARNEY 1717 WASHINGTON AVENUE GOLDEN, COLORADO 80401 (303) 278 3300 December 21, 1976 P O. BOX 2798 FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING EVERGREEN, COLORADO 60439 (3031 674-3351 HAND DELIVERED Mrs. Elise Broughan, Clerk City of Wheat Ridge 7470 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Re: The West Aspen Company Dear Mrs. Broughan: Submitted herewith are an original and seven copies of a Petition for Annexation filed on behalf of The West Aspen Company. This Petition has been approved by Mr. Maury Fox. Also submitted herewith are sixteen copies of an annexation map along with the mylar thereof. Please process this Petition as soon as possible. Thank you very & CARNEY By Bradley LNB/ki Enclosures PETITION FOR ANNEXATION The West Aspen Company, a Colorado corporation, hereby petitions the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, for annexation of the lands described below pursuant to 31-8-107, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, and in support thereof states as follows: 1. The territory desired to be annexed 1S described as follows: A portion of the South one-half of Section 27, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principle Meridian, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Southwest corner of said Section 27; Thence Northerly along the West line of said South one-half, a distance of 2661.92 feet to the West one-quarter corner of said Section 27; Thence Easterly along the North line of said South one-half, a distance of 2649.62 feet to the center of said Section 27; Thence continuing Easterly along said North line a distance of 247.25 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 64000'00", a distance of 220.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 60000'00", a distance of 115.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 60000'00", a distance of 110.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 27030'00", a distance of 220.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 3020'00", a distance of 293.38 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 55049'54", a distance of 132.74 feet to a point of curve; Thence along said curve to the right with a central angle of 43000'00", a radius of 400.00 feet, an arc distance of 300.20 feet to a point of tangent; Thence along said tangent a distance of 147.95 feet to a point of curve; Thence along said curve to the right with a central angle of 69030'00", a radius of 400.00 feet, an arc distance of 485.20 feet to a point of tangent; Thence along said tangent a distance of 842.51 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 90000'00", a distance of 140.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the right of 46030'00", a distance of 158.00 feet; Thence on an angle to the left of 18000'00", a distance of 160.00 feet to a point 30.00 feet North of and perpendicularly measured from the South line of the Southwest one-quarter of said Section 27, said point being also on the Northerly right-of-way line of West 26th Avenue; Thence on an angle to the right of 90000'00" and parallel to said South line of said Southwest one-quarter and along said Northerly right-of-way line a distance of 2249.80 feet to a point 30.00 feet North of and perpendi- cularly measured from the South line of said Southwest one-quarter and 55.00 feet East of and perpendicularly measured from the West line of said Southwest one-quarter; Thence on an angle to the left of 89037'03" and parallel to said West line of said Southwest one-quarter a distance of 30.00 feet to a point on the South line of said Southwest one-quarter; Thence on an angle to the right of 89037'03" and along said South line a distance of 55.00 feet to the point of beginning; Containing 173.778 acres, more or less. -2- 2. The West Aspen Company is the owner of 100% of the lands contained herein. 3. The territory for which annexation is sought is eligible for annexation to Wheat Ridge by virtue of 31-8- 104, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973. 4. No limitations as set forth in 31-8-105, Colorado Revised Statutes, 1973, exist. 5. It is desirable and necessary that the territory be annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge. 6. The signer of this Petition is the owner of 100% of the territory included in the area proposed to be annexed exclusive of streets and alleys. 7. The West Aspen Company requests that the City of Wheat Ridge approve the annexation of the area proposed to be annexed in the same Ordinance that zones the land in a manner satisfactory to the West Aspen Company. The West Aspen Company reserves the right to withdraw this Petition for Annexation if this condition is not met. 8. The signature of the West Aspen Company, its mail- ing address and the date of its signing this Petition all appear on the Petition. 9. Accompanying this Petition are four prints of an Annexation Map containing: (a) A written description of the boundaries of the area proposed to be annexed; (b) A map showing a boundary of the area proposed to be annexed; (c) The boundaries of contiguous municipalities are shown with the City of Wheat Ridge being on the north and west, the City of Lakewood being on the south and the entire area on the east being an unincorporated portion of Jefferson County, Colorado. 10. This Petition shall be filed with the Clerk of the City of Wheat Ridge. /"? ' -:)1 DATED this L I day of L )c _{f{:-Jl/~3[,7...? , 1976. THE WEST ASPEN~Y -.. ,>>--....., '\ By /~(~/-~he/ W. O. Steward, Vice President 3545 Northwest 58th Street Oklahoma City, Oklahoma 73112 -3- ( IIY Cot \L III ,\1< INC; !JAT!' ('_RiIFlCATlO'j 01 RLSOLllTJl1\; CITY OF il'lll \1' PII1(;F Pl.N.,\JIW; Cml~lr-;S[()\ l'lo City (_Dune j ] 1 I, Patricia Cesaro ,Secret-llY to the City of \Ihe;!t Ridge Planning Commission, do hereby and herewith certify that the following rC'solutlon was duly aJopteJ by 5-0 vote of the members present at their regular publ i c meeting, held in the Conference Room of the Albert E Anderson (ommunity Building, IIneat Ridge, ColoraJo, on th(' 2nd day of Decemt:.~_ 19_~, and the roll having been called, the vote of the Commission was as follows: /; ( I ~ Scun~ Aye ._-- ---~ -- Jenks Aye Preston Aye BOlvman Aye L"wman Aye Case Number: Zoning Annexation ~4 Applicant's Name: City of \'lheat Ridge Planning Commission Locatioh between 3900 & 4200 blocks of Youngfie1d St. From Present Zoning of: To Proposed: Purpose: zoning of property to be annexed to City of Wheat Ridge Area: Acres. Square feet: WHEREAS, the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Division has submitted a list of factors to be considered with the above noted rezoning application, and said list of factors is attached her~to and incorporateJ herein by reference and made a part hereof; and ~\r. Preston moved to forward to the City Coenci1 a recommendation for zoning of reD be granted on that part of this site that bounds 1873 feet on Youngfie1d; extending 264 feet to the east on the north side; then 1772.95 feet to the south; and then 495.87 feet to the west back to Youngfie1d on the south, excluding existing easements to the north and south, which are to be zoned with the balance of the pro- perty as A-I. Mrs. Scoma seconded the motion. DATED this 3rd day of December 1976 ,J -r-- . , ~~ ! CA4. ~~O- Patricia Cesaro ,Secretary to the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission ,..? ....,...,~cl . .. ---------- ~ \-: \('; \ \[\ ~ vt ,\ ~ "-,; "5- ~ ~ ~ lZ Q\ ~ <: --- / I }\~ I' .... I 1.".//1 '--/// \ I , \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ b14.b2.. ~ <r ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \'l/''' .- , Il/\ \" ~ /1(- \ \ ZoH1Nu ~ LC(.A(lcH fv'II1P \fIz-77-0i WHb\T RIDGE PLANNING COHMISSlOr-. December 2, 1976 Hinutcs Meeting called to order by Acting ChaiITIan Lewman at 7:40 P.M. in the Conference Room of the Albert E. Anderson Community Building. Members of the Commission present were: Gary Lewman, Mrs. Bonnie Scoma, Cal Jenks, Wayn, Preston, William Bowman. Also present were Dennis W. Zwagerman, Director of Community Development, David C. Shelley, Planner II, representatives of the cases to be heard and other interested citizens. Mr. Zwagerman stated that Mr. Ray McNeill and presentation from the Metro Sewage District. under public comment portion of the meeting. Mr. John Vanroyen were present to give a He suggested their presentation be first Mr. Preston stated he had an item to place under New Business, number 3, the Commission should answer the editorial comment published in the Sentinel. Mr. Bowman moved to approve the order of the agenda as amended. the motion carried unanimously. Mrs. Scoma seconded and Public Forum There was no one present to speak under the Public Forum portion of the agenda. Mr. McNEill and Mr. Vanroyen of the Metro Sewage District gave a presentation to the Com- mission of the various alternatives being reviewed by the district. He stated they are trying to come to a decision before the study goes to a Board meeting December 21, 1976. Mrs. Scoma moved to consider the approval of the minutes of November 4, 1976 meetinR unde Item #7, after the public hearings. Hr. Preston seconded and the motion carried unanimou Application by the City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission to consider the zoning of property '",hich is in the process of being annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge - between the 3900 and 4200 blocks of Youngfield Street - Case No. Annexation #4. Mr. Shelley stated the plans he handed to the Commission are for the area considered for rezoning. The Jefferson County Planning Department reviewed the annexation and finds no problem with plans proposed. Mr. Preston moved that that portion of Case No. Zoning Annexation #4, which covers Outline Development Plan and. proposed uses be tabled until January 6, 1976. Mrs. seconded the motion. Voting in favor: Bowman, Scoma, Jenks, Preston, Lewman. motion carried unanimously. the Scoma The Mr. Preston moved to fo~ard to the City Council a recommendation for zoning of PCD be granted on that part of this site that bounds 1873 feet on Youngfield; extending 264' to the east on the north side; then 1772.95 feet to the south; and then 495.87' to the west back to Youngfield on the sc.uth, excluding existing easements to the north and south, which are to be zoned with the balance of the property as A-I. Mrs. Scoma sec0"ded the motion. Voting in favor: Scoma, Jenks, Preston, Bowman, Lewman. The motion carried unanimously. Application by Charles A. Einarsen, et aI, for approval of Outline Development Plan for a Planned Commercial Development and for approval of rezoning from R-l and C-l to PCD - between Johnson Street and Kipling Street and between W. 35th Avenue and West 38th Ave. - approximate area: 8 acres - Case No. WZ-76-25. Mr. Preston stated the case was tabled last month due to lack of comment from agencies on checklist. Mr. Zwagerman stated th(, agencies do have the right not to comment. He stated these agencies could be notified ['gain depending on thE Commission's feelings about it. Mr. Preston stated the Commission also had questions on parking and traffic within the site. He stated the plan does not show acceleration/deceleration lanes. . t-v;2-?1....0/ upon requirements would be adhered tn, Mr. Lewman questioned how many more years dumping would be nece<;sary on this site. Mr. Bob Williams applicant, stated that they still do need fill for an area adjacent to Independence and that approximately one year would be necessary to accomplish this fill. There was no one in favor or opposed in the audience. Mr. Lewman moved to recommend to City Council to approve this extension for dumping permit for one year to include all previously existing restrictions. Mrs. Scoma seconded the motion. Voting in favor: Mr. Lewman, Mr. Preston, Mr. Jenks, Mrs. Scoma Mr. Stewart. The motion carried unanimously. Continuation of application by City of Wheat Ridge Planning Commission to consider 20ning on property which is in the process of being annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge. Property is located between the 3900 and 4200 blocks of Youngfield St. Mr. Shelley pointed out that at the request of the Planning Commission the staff had sent notice of public meeting letters to all property owners within and adjacent to the site. He pointed out that ownership within the site included the Coors, Jefferson Transit Mix and the County. He also pointed out that the proposed zoning was for Planned Commercial Development on the 450 feet fronting Youngfield with Agricultural One zoning on the remainde of the property. Mr. Leo Bradley representing Jefferson Transit Mix and the Adolph Coors Company pointed out that his clients are in agreement with the proposed zoning. Mr. Charles Etchen, representative of the Jefferson Transit Mix stated they have owned the frontage along Youngfleld for 26 years and would like to be within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. He stated at the time of the original incorporation of the City he wanted some time to consider being part of the City and now likes what he sees and would like to be part of the incorporated area. He felt it would be a good tax base for the City. Mr. Lewman questioned if the 50 foot easement areas on both the north and south sides of the 450 foot frontage would be appropriate for Agricultural instead of PCD. Mr. Etchen stated that Agricultural zoning would be fine in those areas. Janice Thomsen, 12290 W. 42nd Ave., stated that due to numerous problems whereby they now had to go through Jefferson County for enforcement she was in favor of this property being within the City of Wheat Ridge. She pointed out that she is not opposed to the proposed zoning at this time but would like to see specific design for the area before anything happens. Lynn Eckberg, 12467 W. 38th Dr., questioned if the CItIzens surrounding the site wo~ld have any input concerning the development of the site. Mr. Zwagerman explained that under PCD zoning the Planning Commission and City Council must have a number of public hearings and must approve any development that goes on the site prior to any development taking place and that adjacent property owners would be notified of those public hearings. Mr. Zwagerman also suggested that the owners of the property could develop an outline development plan at this time to establish uses that would go on the site, as well as a preliminary site plan for the area. Mr. Bradley stated that this perhap~ was a good idea, but wished to discuss this with the City Attorney, Maury Fox, prior to any committments. Mr. Lewman moved to continue the decision on this case until December 2, 1976. Mr. Preston seconded the motion. Voting in favor' ~1r. Preston, ~lr. Lewman, Mrs. Scoma, Mr. Jenks and Mr. Stewart. The motion carried unanimously. OLD BUSINESS There was no old business NEW BUSINESS Mr. Stewart called for the election of officers w;;Z ...'1?- D \ , ~\. , ,) ,1 4. The request docs not comply with the wishes of the neighborhood. 5. Denial of this application docs not preclude reasonable use of the property. Mrs. Scoma seconded th~ motion. Those Mr. Lewman, Mr. Preston, M1'. Stewart. !OOtion carried unanimously I Application by the City of Wheat Ridge Planning C,ommission to c~nsider which is in the process of being annexed to the Llty of Wheat RIdge. is located between the :>900 anu 4200 blocks of Youngfield Street. voting in favor were: Mrs. Scoma, There \.as no one voting against. The zoning on propel Property Mr. Shelley explained that the purpose of this public hearing was to discuss whrtt possible zoning should be placed on this property at the time of annexation. He pointed out in answer to the Commission the property involved was approximately 70 acres and that there was approximate three owners of the property. He also pointed out that there were three zoning classifications on the property at the present time. First zoning being A-I along Clear Creek, the second zoning being 1-3 where the crusher is currently located and tile balance of the property is A-2. Mr. Leo Bradle). attorney representing Coors and Jefferson Transit Mix, two property owners within the annexation area gave a brief history of the ownership of the tract He pointed out that Jefferson Tran~it Mix at one time owned all of the property now owned by Jefferson Transit ~lix 311d Coors. Coors was sold all of the property except a strip 450' wide along Youl1gfield which was retained in ownership by .Jefferson Transit ~lix. The 450' along \ollngfield ....as not sold to Coors to allow for gravel extraction and crushing and then compatible inlustrial, higher commercial uses at a future date. He felt that the Wheat Ridge "oning c1..ssi fication of Industrial was a good, clean zoning classification and felt it would be proper for the site owned by Jefferson Transit 1,lix. lie pointed out that ('oars would like a zoning on the easterly portion of the propertv thilt would allo... WaTer stoUlf<e. He indicated that retail uses would be placed on the frontage oWIll',l hy .Tl'fferson Transit ~1ix, hut indicated that warehousing, ma:hine storage, or light fahricating would be more appropriate. Mrs. Scoma asked ~lr. Bradley hOl. high property owned by either Coors or Jefferson Transit Mix extenJed lip onto the bluff? Mr. Bradley pointed out that all of the property owned by these two corporations lies in the bottom of the valley and none of it extends up onto the bluff. Mrs. Scoma questioned if Coors would purchase the 400' frontage from Jefferson Transit Mix when it is fully mined. Mr. Bradley explained that Coors does have the first rights to buy this area but that Coors is not very interested at this time. Mr. Stewart questioned the stoff on possible zonin~ for the area. Mr. Zwagerman pointed out that a couple pos>ible zonings could take place and suggested that the frontage of 450' along loungfield could be Zoned PCD which would allow for a variety of uses and yet the Lity would maintain control of development and the rear of the property could be zoned Agricultural. Mr. Bradley stated that his clients generally felt that PCD along the 450' frontage of Youngfield and ^gricultural on the rem~ining would not be any problem. Mr. Lewman pointed out that Prospect Park recreation district possibly h<,d some land in this area and suggested the staff review total olmcrship. Mr. Preston mo\'ed to continue this public hearing until November 4, 1976. Mrs. Scoma seconded the motion. Those voting in favor of the motion' t-Ir. Preston, ~Ir. Lewman, Mrs. Scoma, Mr. Stewart. The motion carried unanimously. Mr. Preston mored that the staff as well as all adjacent property frontage and Agricultural on tthe voting in favor of the motion. Clere was no one voting against notify all property owners within the annexation area o~ners of the proposed zoning of PCD along the 450' rem:l i nJer. 1-1rs. Scoma seconded the mot ion. Those nr Preston, t.ll'. Lewman, ~\rs. Scoma, Mr. Stewart. The motion carried unanimously. 1) N;1~I/-0' j \ .;(S- AGENDA iTEM_...__ f r B 9 1 q16 ~:Tl in'{ t..~(~.... j"'l 1T\:",.' "', , " . -.--, ./, j~_ - 1 '_. .J MULTIPLE ADDRESSED LETTER: Jefferson County Commissioners Court House - 1700 Arapahoe St Golden, CO 80401 2392 Bell Court Lakewood, CO 80215 30 January 1976 Mayor and Council City of Lakewood - 1580 Yarrow St lakewood, CO 80215 Subject: Development of Property by the I'Jest Aspen Company (From Crown Hill Cemetary mausoleum to Kipling St, and W 32nd Ave to W 26th Ave) I realize that growth is an important factor in any city; however, since Lakewood and Wheat Ridge were incorporated there appears to be little planning for grO\"th, i.e., just build any place that a developer desires. and little research done in regard to the impact of the area. Thus I'm very much against the re-zoning of the above subject property. .. Copy to: Mayor and Council City of Wheat Ridge 7470 H 38th Ave Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 DI!lTRISU'.ED TOl DATE:: -9/!J./70 CITY CLERK GIlT'<' TIlIEA90. , I- r 0' 7l\ Sincerely, fr?;J.1 ~ /' .<}___)J.-r-?v:: J~// ~~ ( Shi r(~~~aman -<=--['-cl ./?/'cz:;.' J L) COLJNctL./ MAYOR /' CITY ADM CITY ATTY DEPT. HEAD. /'\ _0 -"c /c lor U/L{) /:1 '(Y1 .'-._/c_' j, 1 '-- ~f 1" ~ I" it lie' ( U 1/ t? .-? I J ['...) t:'_\ r- , = r~ S-.7 I: (i .' CO) ")'Cl 12, 3 0.1 / 'l 7~ f / cj:''v a. 7Lt {} J '- (l .J) " ! )" 7.1..1 i .J~. i.. - /V(~(]/, '-(0-cl../.' ~"I J IAG<:<-i :Jy'-.Jy_0 o '- 1. 0 ~ 1;~~,..t',;j~) C~ {'l<.LZ.. I .~Uj~tLJ.;Lf; ': : 9010, J? 0 ,).g J . , :JIJU ~:-<,c&{ f!<-i~G ~ ,dJ k,--L'j/~ .[i~ ~<-<L~ ry i ~ 'cC~.1- 'v~& l+-l~~- ~~7t-0-tL''vj , ,'. t'~. J:u,.. 'C..L'-J t.{'1.,J ;--c.t"L.L.- -t~~.,,--kct<'/J1.-r q-/,,--C~~{"~'-<l-{ {; f( ../ . " (:'1 ...., -rn t?-,(~y / v:J.I L6---j;) j_,{ ,n"1') no-U ''--?rei 7/..-(. t" "----" --t'-..A..,--ci~,rL~'? ' . .. ,'/ , ,.3 I_c., ~(~ tL .~ LG -.L:<'/l (I- {; /~ 67 ~~f.t~f:- i~1 LV lru., >u... .,tj 1,-t,. ~ f::.-CA. -<..Ll,v Vl-1 y{,u l-'-i-.vLc{ l-,,-, , :JI,~ tuJ Jj,-,t L C.u,,;n/l :i L au ,,~c (~ .C--c-', 0j,..d--"J (G 11.- c.~'-~'-;->:I c<- -r:Z,t:\>YI t<. 1,J~-,p .:C!".J 7"'~'::') 'I'''' L V r,<.>{J (~l'-'0 jdL': .'I.L:-<G4( iI~^' >--J t}l/t<#"C C~--<.rnt{1 ./7:<.-<1 CZ?{ cJ..,(L,<-c,::t<:. [<.-6,'(, t. !Q...(,,p th..'G r\ / . . a . / -/-.] / /' 1 - 1 ~)j';:'-<~l" :::;;~~'~/~vL,~~ L()-I~'1 v _" tlL~ :f((i~(<.~ _ILL ct''r-':~I L{j J( k tt"Y//' :~J~ /V..::7., ~-r(,(/)-"VC'J 1'" ,Zj1..<-'~.l1J.~!tct'b('~l/tc!t <. .., 1.'<-1 i v i 0 -j I , f.:~ '-:: -<JJ-0Jrf-,-c-.t !~':(:C(( '_. _ : w- ~ ) 7 ?-'-cJ f~{ tC n Cr;t, t 1:;, ~ : _.) : l u~!(. t?tci:,',{t ;.J.:., {("~ X:J"zf a 3 J \ Q'YJ. i"- '1. ) 0t- (-<J.. s/ ~ tl 3,3 . ~- c.n J ,-- 4> ) OI5TRICr.rr-ED Till CATE:: -S/(,;./7(;; CITY CLERK IlIeTY T.E....s., /' COUNC1't; 1-/ M....YOR CITY AOM,/ CITY ATTY OE.PT HEAnsr:---.. (2)(-' ~I" in, -1----'9. c!!'" I", f' VI. ,C-- -L -/. fno-yot' ._c>,,I" 5 f], c (VI ~"~'''''--....~ ~ .u. -,~ -.& ~ ~~-~."""'"'"'-- -..-------.------....--- '-. Fsbrucry 2, 1976 ~ T~1.S ::cyor Ind Council: In re~crd to the two ite~8 :n t3e D ~ st :r,~ n. 29 t~_., of 't/hic~1 I [I-~ , ,enver rO '_' eDclosinc- :- co:'y - I ~o:-s you ':7ill r10 ell YO'~l CC'Y"\~ to :- rcvsr:t 1y;ild5.nr- of b_o'_lses, sho,~,-in- center, 2tc.by r:rOl'm Pill . - 'It.... m ~s I~t-""'~'--"'<on"l ~cnpter':r ~'~4Y GOr'! '-.Ins '.:..<?X,- .l,J. t-":..L,:,..l \..J.l. ' i,J'-" '-' -.,;- ...... .... ...J.... , .. -11- i rr~""'<:,s'" Petroleu",- CO-:Yl':" ':1] '0 t '<eir c,,~,,_ ,..'_ne: _n -~....' . . . -. t r f-"'< ~""obl~~~ "'''''18 Just t!1lnl: of t!"'.e r_ -'- -'-c . _ ~"" U~.._ Hould crc;:-te. 'Je, of Jefferson C:oun"y, f' t...' 'ill '-'r t-"v"" "rould heve to ~ 00 "ne 0 . ,'~ dC- ~ enou""h very [ood sho-.--,:-in::: centers in t:-:is vicinity. "1 'dS- rprd ph.o,'t 1n the ~~~ers is ..t:..-.. , - '- _.....<0. - - - "f ':"'".., shortc."'ss 0:' ,-:::oter, >:;C's, electr:.city. ,,~.y -,ut tn ~is b'~rden on :..1S? I 2fJ olso enclos1.ns 1'" .... . "!\ +, ...., + an 2_rticle in tv€;' S'mdny Denver .=ost "c,. '-' verifies. L.is. "is bo'r:it lot s in Croi'm Pill CefJetery in [ood :'oith. Our loved ODes are t:.-.!.ere. prevent I trust you will do 211 you con to t~is 1~<,:v-'P€D.!n""'. 2803 Q"CY street, "'Thect Rides Yours in cood feith, ll/~. ~r r l.& Tel. 233-4807. " l' \..1 ~.. OISTRIBUTED T~ DATO~p/7t_ Developrnent in JeffeD Opposed To The Denver Post: We, in Jefferson County, are also tired of subsidizing HOW MANY PEOPLE' who have loyed ones laid to rest t~e uncontrolled growth in the suburbs, We're paying 1/2 at Crown Hil: Cemetery or who h3ye bought lots there and per cent soles tax to purchaoe as much open space as were told that the cemetery would be always maintaired possible, but it's a very slow process. We hope Mr Adams in a park.like and peaceful atmosphere, reaiize that the will not oenit Jefferson Counly in his petition drive to the TexJs International Petroleum Co_ under the guise of the Denver Water Board_ West Aspen Company is back again seeking to develoo Right now we ra in a furor that Texas International the western section of th'] CST,etery train the mausoieum Petroleum Company, in ceallng with Crown Hill Cemelery, to Kipling St. and W 1?nd Ave 10 W 26th Ave? is planning ',0 build a 66,\ unit residential complex, a This plan, while being mLch better on paper filan the si-.opping mail ilnd office bU'iding= on the yet unused o~e presenied Hires years ago is sti: not acceptable for a pOcl'on of the ceme~c'y The water company assures ce~e:ery Crown HiI! Association has a mora! ob:,gation to Texds International 111 at it WI:! get all the water that s preserve ,:Ie dignity of this burial ground, neeoed for (!l:S lI,gl1 dens'll pian, Let's hope tor every- The 'Iew r1an in'Jo'''es 664 rental living units shops, o~e s s8kc tflat ti-,e Jcffe>rson CO'Jnty Commissioners read concessions, offic0S recn~alion 13ciilties - inc:udinq deny the needed rezoning. tennis courts, SKat",,, rink. health spa, movie theatre and "'Ie strong,; urge Mr Adams and those who believe as amphitheatre. These Will b8 built subject to removai as he coes to send copies of their pfditions ~o all Subl_Hban land is req:Jired for turni::;, This mak8s one question the g0vc;nme'lts. G;'/e tllern as many reasons as possible to '~ua!ity of corstruchJI1, or v.. nether, inc62d, this viiil be a re;ect rezoning p;ans which ~ut to'J great a burden on the k'?:lt}f ::it ('111 and t10:: J st~:jctwe3 erE' Hli?re to stay area. s resources. Th:s dc':e!opmer,t wO~jld 2ff'3ct a far ....'ider ra'lgo of t:lc;:J:...:at~cn ::,an just the su~rOJnding a:-83S, as it concerns \Vheat Ridge fa:~li!ies fr:)m (11] over t:16 D9rwer me1ropoli!~n ere::!. If you r ha'.3 ~tIOI'j teel:n:; ~ .1810t thi.3, w;itc or phone the follow- Ing gove~nr,lents iq\I~;lve'~, 2nd/IJr at:end the j)uhiic hear.. !:~g on tl"H'~ re-zcmin;] at the Garaen c..c.J:i HOfJSt}. J,:""tf8,-~'Jn '-=-(}~rij Commic;sion8rs, Court HOU38, 1700 Ar2pai'oe -;!" ( oiden, Cc.:o, 80401 Phone 279.6511 I t..:a.'ycr 2nr' rcunriL C;ty nf La!-\€'N00d, 158Q Y.s.rrow St., , L2i-r'::':V';')llri, Co:o :/J~:1!-: F'h.::m'J J2~ 8605. .. I ~,I~c.\'or :inn co'm(~:: r::;ily 0' \Nhc3t 8idt'JB, 7470 VI 38:h ! P.vc" ~~':~EJit 1";",:d-]8, COlD re'f)33 F'i1;)'lC L121 -R480. I p,'Y~~:~) C. LM:CASTEFI V/hc';'.t ;-:\.~: ~'3 I ,r, Th~ '1~mN P:lsl. I M~. .\. !Jr'l\~,lS .:tlPi C~ .Jln. 2;~ recomm(lnds t~;;t : D~'l'..._'r '/Ol~:--; ~(;~r~ r:'1tltIC'!'iS ;d ,Jnce to to~bid the O~nv(>r I \.' ',::.,1(,1' ft ,:.:tr,"i I.::, . <:;... '...." .;or'\' (" ,::,... .::I.;~ tf"l' ,,^ ,,~, ,1_........- , " \ , ." y, c:OuN~m,;v J c (" 1 ~:!..; ('If MAYOR CITY ADM_ ROBERT AND LINDA LaSHELL . I'm i, _', l'f';~' ~ (;. ". ( \. ..... \ 'I ) '~...; "";~ 4 Q;1.. f'!1:3 t7 ,., \. "\ f \~~, 1"'''1': " ;"""'1 r<""; ('~ I ., I' t,'. ,,' , . to'J t\:.' l uJ tJ ~:)/ JJ U \...,; \,':11--' """, ... " /" f;, :"'':4 l. ,,' '" \';'11 1 r-~' I ,.-.' . f'-'I I' ,,("'-, r-1 ~"'. f' ,,1 ,I,~ , : ' : /; l --.J ", '. "I :.j..' ~.4 ~ )' _.4 ~,J~",-l.t/,_,) J.\t (', " ,J ,"'''"' Ptl i' I >: Ii Iii' \;""../ M Th" iirst studl' of en' _;["3"" , dlcrgy sit- uation. rplr:-iS:'-'c. ...;1";i\ U -',y by the Colorado En(r~:" 1{ ..:,:,edn..:h Institute state;) Colora~ do laces a nelura! gas snortdge in two yr'->, 0 and tile possibility of electrical "brownouts" shortly thereafter Tile study, wh!c~ \\'2S requested by the Coler ado Genera! Assembly, is the first nnjll'- ,2\)"rt of the instJtute since it was e~tabldlcd in 1974. The ftJdy also concludes that a current hish ""Ie of growth in eJcctncit\' demand - 7 In 8 per cent annuaily - could con- tinue tor manv years. :Y1edJ1S of ,lowinr; the projected rate of grm\ Ih 111 energy demand should be ex- amined, the study slates_ The Cull'r:;do electrical demand rate appareml\' is growing much faster than the d~IMmd lor electricity in the nation as cJ who],,_ In'-estor-owncd power com- pallies recentll- reported a lni5 electricity oi1lt.s mC[f'~se of less than 2 1)er cent. C{1lm-ado, which consumes 35 per cent more mergy than it produces, according to the report "will be in con(JnuDI ,; ~~ ,/;" --- ---...,_. jeop;-,rdy of a sudden interruption of na- h(mal reL Ul('Um SUpP~illS i' U!'lncr. the }o ront H,n;e a;-ea of the 5U.I': is eX;x'ctrd to be de;,cndcot on coat froDl rjt;Jt~;' st3.U~s to IHf>::t elu~ricit-y gen- eratt:la ne(:~s in 10 tn 15 \'r~r~ Eii~~rgy conservation. aC'ccrding to the report. "c(Juld an;-:yiate nlvrt-tCrm prob. lems of ~:Dn)h'. it COUld hc']p to compen- sate tor e~ergy-w;e grol...th in the 10ng run.!! "A varid', of mevsures arp feasible whicG cC.i;d redu,-;e per capita energy conSll~nptl'Jn by )5 p~r c':nt \VitJllil a dee- adE' Clr(; 'i ;,'er CCIJ( more oy 2tJl)O\l' the report. ')8 "..s. \\' n i J e ihe conser','a1ion measures wouldll [ i:l'.'oi\'c raa ~or dwnges in life~ 5lv]C_ the repurt s~vs, citizens and indus- tries p.-ob"l)!\' will be forced to pay more for energ:; Th., will hurt lo',\-incomeand eldcr!l' people cconomicJl]1 it stotes, High POf,u],;iJlIn gronh 'probably woulJ cau,s di,ruptions In encrgy supply for Color~J(lo r(:'~Hieilts rJ.nd businc:sses within the next 10 to 211 \ edrs," it says_ "The disi"uP:,10D'i could occur because of , -~~-_.....-...,..."..,.."....- ~.,-~' ~-. ~-..... -~.~.....- ~.".. -R 1 ,\1"'," 'v ~l ~ n r~~,'C l ,;: " "; " f . ; j I," \ _'___' t.", I,. L j '"'_'." U 4,,,,,,, /"-1 1M n , ' I t'C-, '; ,I (""1," r;d (l'-~ ,~' , ,/~\ "?J1 bl L/ ~~ L; ~.k. 1..v.J '\.,!i limJtalions of "'oter tran>p'lrtaiion ailJ(itics of f'nt'q:'y indu~trjl's to expand, and b,'C[.\1,,0 oi Culorado energ,' import- export balances," the report stotes, The institute rellort predicts energy in- duslries may be forced to compete among themselves for water, Higll population growth could quickly deplete Colorado's natural gas supplies, if conservation measures aren't followed. There i~ room for expanded eoal produc- tion and solar energy may be a S200 mi]jion industry in Colorado by 1985. ac- cording to the report. . The report projects that Colorado's pop- ulation will inCt'ease from 2_6 million in 1975 to between 3_8 million and 5_3 million in 2000 Colorado government, the report states, will face an increasing number of "brush- fire' probiems and long-range problems ilwol\ing cnergv The report also states that the issue of water availabilitv for energy development and olher uses needs immediate 1\tten- tion_ l( also considers four future energy supply-demana situations in Colorado. The options are -The base case, under which energy demand grows as in the past. -The conservation case. in which ef- forts are made to conserve energy and hold do',m p,'pu13tion growth_ -A ma"imum production case, in wilieh Colorado is caned upon to exten- sivelv tap HS oIl-shale and coal resources. -The sude!en interruptIon case. or what the state wou!d do if energy were cutoff by embargoes. strikes or other actions. The base case forecasts natural gas shortag0s and possible electricity brow- noms Coal production would greatly incrEase -- from 8 million tons in 1975 to 40 million tons in 1935_ Water consump- tion would re3ch the limits of a\'aililble ~uppl\' \\ nilo mr)) e Jobs would be creat- ed_ some communities would feel sever" stress trom growth, The cO:1sen'dtion case forecasts less population growth, less pressure on nonce} ",nbie resources. reduced growth in water consumption and less disruption if energy supplies were interrupted. The maximum production case would severrl\' strain the suppiv of w~ter. result in widespread environmental pollution, hal-e gre:oter C'Ist impacts on low-inCQme and elderlv residents, in\'ohe the de\elop- ment of a 3UU OJ,D-barrel-a-d~y oil-shale in- dustrv resuit in greater VUlnerability to interruptions in supply. provide hIl;her household mcomes and greater costs {or government services. InterruptIons in supply would caU5e brownouts and gasoline shortages. ~ __"............~_.._~""'~-,cr-.~.,. ~tw, ~'~ ~- ~~~,,"""""'..."'-. ........ ..... ,'0><-... ~,>"",,",,-_~-.........'J~.;. ,..:..:.a ,__. ,.;. -.~, '---. .. ......,.......~..... ~ ~.....]I. ._~ ...... .-........- ~ , , , -~. .' I - \ ,~} '" /") " .;" -1 I.L) ..<........ .. J I..l \..t..i......! ..) ,( _ C_ : 1 -=-~L .~"1- . _= 'r "'10 I , ..... j i' , P" ,,,, ~ '0\ -------..~~-~~ ~-,,~ -~~----~ "---..1 ~\"'- .~-. ., ....l .........."'-.. -' ...' --.... ----~-t : 'r.., __ __ --01 ",,-," --..._~,~ ,", ...... ...-.....~.....'_....f.......,? .,~ \ ,:i. _-....6 -__- ;7'''.l~t~:,. ..J"' 1"1.- ~,~ #....~ ... ~~ C. i I . ' ] (. c-l", ~'('L' ("'1' (l.e,'!".: l, { (':tt,r ~t; -t, lid ct L" ,dlt' 7 Lf'-, C' 'l ~"CL" CUll 'j eft '~L ~ c.t L'j. ( ) '1 'l r...~ \ , {1,__, .,: <- ~,' __ 7 (" (' ~) .".-) . ) ,) (\1 DJa \JJ ~ ~ OIaTRlBUTEO Ta OATE: ;:"p/7t CITY ClE:~K DlT)I' T.LAg" f,'~ )1.. ~ ft_ ) (~dtli'((C- / '7 ' --I. t: L './ I - I '-- ~\ ~ ) 0 'I )-')1 i '), (Ll r ft,. .' I {j'.>--, j ! I' . ,-/' J ' LL"~('L' .--,::'1 l"~'L(.I,(:Ll'J C~L'~f {- ^-LLt\.-L'-LL~iLl-(r- " , '14 '7 L~ ~ L L' : ~ 'i TT" (lld ..,: - ({ - "(l' 'c..f -." r) -') · --C ~ '.-fL.'-- al'-Ll <-'-rc1 . Ie l~. -,,'- -.<-, .; '- '-' . -,.) , - , . ( _ A l '~. /--Cr.. L-' A. L- 'r 1 ~ {. C '-L Q t. ~/~ 1.. L C ') C!.. -'--Lt- ~ ct L {~YL~l,A.C t.t Lt E I-::! (.~ L (. . (~ .~t~ x:r~ <. ' - ..,,,( ~':(c.( "'- t. 1, '-- ( .. ~ '\... '- ------ ' l.. ' ,----- -~ . --- ---_.~ J. \........-:: ~) )~t~ '--L , 1.- tt LZ t! 1- l (:t(. T )~'r;;",---( ~L'-")") L (''--". l!1 Ci..-' II -, . ..J- L) ~ -l.- i A C i--2-(r--<- ~ L_' ('':; - La X~-{ ~ '--.cL I." l.- cr > { C''t.(.~(l:~' ::J-LCC .CL-)YLLlCLUf(f~'--',\)('-dif "h....L (.l-l ( I~Y'" 1 l Y-' (.j - . (., Jc'J'.Ju r.2.L ~lf{~LC LVLLL, ~.. I _~_ .:::Lf'..L vu ...u 7-4.- Cl (,L L, __ -- >-1' ~' ,,. __ i-- I, ,^, (I ~ . -J : "'"--) I- ~ L.- '-t-. \. L L '-1- \.... [ - r'-- c..... "- \...L' ..z (.... LLl...( I... <.. ''). L { '-.i.-/ ~cl't..L'.l--t l' ,J cy ~. -i-:'.' .rL- c--'--L' Ii (,.' rL ~ c{,~ :L" _-(. j, , " A ~\ L -I . -+- J 'l>LL-L't./'L Lf.-"L' /rt_I_--<-LL<.. /':"LLC-(:-^.<--,,'t.- /I ....- I" , I. l . ./) -( L ; (' -t' --, ~J .I...r<.-<...-L....'. t. ',r-'-L .-<.L...::.... ell l ~A -f.t C\. ~l C}-<- L ~ t. t. -r;; . d u~ ') '-- -..!4oL c.... ~.t. i l . 1 ~)--t - 1) b, (! --c...A.... '-L t- ( L ('") '1) -, [ ( (' L L l L....z L") l _ COUNC/U v T) MAyOR..... (, ,J-I-tC..---l L :5'7 C( lL( '~ CITY ADM. V ( ;,'J CITY ATTY. I, ~(.) l L<.L <l~' (V (,( <.. ,,- . /0'\ DEPT_ HE"CJ!j <f rvC,,>'Vt'" ,DE'h I'f" ? t' 'i f , l .--d_ 12 :~L. (( .1 L( C'u ~( \r r'.~ T \, ,~ ~~"- -"'-1\':f) t73 r--. iFiJjJ:j(j i... , . .. ~ ~ . .. - -- '1 -1- 0 I' ... -..1.,-1. j"l }? { ct-.4j t----... 1..., --d. ('H--LLL(' ,.( _\\,-'i:~"'l ~cC?l:~C:.\. /:L''--'J< ! Ii 7 ~ "'"C .d_ t" r (,-.. ,-L 7" -:- ",....-.Jo- , , -'t '1~-' S i~t ~'~ (,~ ; l'--'.c.<_-i: Vl,,-_,-<..., ( ..--6 "" , -'" .. ~ ~ " -' .J , oC>' O<l- 0"'':-' t:: :.4: ---<---v-.,c,.:n..1._,- ,~ ~q.'-t:1.. II ____'-"-" ' '~ ' (,0..1. V-,(, "," \ . - '; --" -< - J ~.,. AJ.. or ~ ,"I; t ~l.:, .~-;;.'- /C i- ,< .e< <'--::5-1-. q( ::: <. {L~f. '} <-'-- t "-I .crt' ~ ,j Z t/.., if ,(,..l. "'~~ /~':r"-A.L'V l-,; Jh L' "l-H_/t (,L-I..- ,<--d".t '/'?'["([//"'" f. &_~ ....~\\10 ifj/>>.\ L~tL1<:v ,C'i'r...I,-. (v, LL1cl<_.rt-I."J'. '''(f" ~C:.,~;:HL/i:,;;.{ ,'v(; ~~\ _*", ~1' tiA.:...fC'\'-J _ I'~ 'I. t 'F-< di~ fAL 1\.~ift'K---L '7(' ~.,)' {..@t\J 'L .1"./1 . -/I / -/' 't.'t:- L,.,+ ,', r..,Q- r~' v ~..:--- j,c"';f1-"-' ..{~''-v ~~~ {,:!.,>.;c_tj j: ,V. i.-"'" "- ~ \.'''.v : < , .'v I" 1 " ~ ;I ( ,'. <::<-- - --<..( 1.-'- -(, ~l--c t.c-" ' 'A,' -1 "";',L c"t:>t_-^-.... l~ . . "-, _.-"- _L/(~ ~"'-...Jt ct. ,,~v\..(,. ~ I -- ,.f " ....t,.yl--... "'u..- t.' , ~ J' ~'." .t.- (~)" ,.' L "-- - v--1,.L,;l.--<-----6 <--L-- ., I ct{ .J.-t t/cct: i. ' 'f, l-V " , - ---t-. ~~_ ~~(ClC:t{<( C!::(.~'~i.l~~l.- 1/:--d/ i~/-L {t~ i i!ai-C~. c1.t~ JVLA'~r..A..LJ.L 'Lii' '~-6-lElu .:J i--- 4t.~II--R<-~{ iJ v1 _ ! LC..t.'-'-f"U[ -'c.-ct,- ~L 1--t ~-1-- "-a-1i-,---4~ K '1 . -r_Afi-. .., J (l i ((9, N7(,. J ~ M.s. W. T. Shephard 336 Goldeo Circle .1 Golden, Colorado 80401 Pfl:~'Ml"ERn-I'-S- tJ5A13c '0 -- !,"'- M: ~:--+- ~ - .::.#~~~. ----1~~ ::..:=:-.....:.. ::::.::.:;:, .,:.- :.-:~1,\ '; ,-~ ---"-~--- -, - ----'...,.. . . 7/) 1 , , &.,j'i. '- Cl \.-'-C/ 7 '/ 7 (" / ~-b -t..'1-Li.< { I CL Z;;:; f ~ L4.i..tL';f' }L{t'I.:J-k" , I..- , "2 n ,rZ- a I ...J2-' L (). .7 f }( -:: ,,-/ .. /l , U; .!Lc 4' J- Ie '-rt..--c; -t'( C!t.:td, :/(,c33 ~ ,~'" " \ <r141- ,/ ykfr,;! /l?;. / ~~. / ~ /~~rJ ,t 1 <"~ ~ 1~~ o -;jL (R~ '7c/~ &7r;z" "~ !....//d/ //./-</r/3v:t.w-,--. 2i,~.~(/ L~~~ ~. {. ~ / j-;M~ i;L ~ _.J~""'~~~ ~~~l(~~Li-;;d , 1I /'U ? ""/ ~'bJ --y- --------,I---' .4;t;. _A~//H~-<----""" /~_.-r/7 /,~p:;?:><L /~A7 ?4~ "/,,> / ;;/~A' q~ "L r"x:o ~-d-V~? j~ /-?C--t'./~. ,/ ?.-'-:n'1 /1-~-!.i~-v(/~ 4k~--of) ;0 .----/ / ,. /,. Qd / . / I/<<N?(~ j~/L -p A"":'~j"'/;/;:;V~ ..c;" ~-'~~---Y _/& ~ ~4;' ~-?L,1AJ / f/ j/ VA . C-a..,A-- A Ii #0/ N":..'~~ d-Y1-- ~~-;:bo <" - (I J' A ~/ ~:?~~~~;4/,j;7~~-;,r/A~~ -, ( . ~-7<' c:/-.LJ-;/' ?~~~d/j;~~ ,?~h~rr~ ~/ ,:) ,-1 ;:0'; / ~'--"-' -4/.:.ye.--y<-/~ &4 7/;;'// \..~ l I I -~\r:J) ..- .._ - r"" ,~ -1'i):'J'b \ ill \ J f ' ~ r' . 1'>..-;"'0') . ,_" ,\.;."\l ;10 I:) '{Ol- . 5~ /'_ ()\S~ './ :J-j1i 'P ~C ~,!.. ~'i- ..~ ....-( -- ~ c.\ . -..~,.. -;;'1.;,''':- ,/ t-IC.~ ...00 v -.(Ol'l ~'" ",OtA' CI"\''' :<i"'i-.(' _ 0";-.( ,... ~'i-"'O lilt O~1"1:. \)~ J t. OJ CO-,,"\~. ~ I, t.-' \ ~ .r" I ~tc" jr1id<' "ckj , iY' . :;-_ _~ / 10 ~--:I"'" \ J . :;J o."".u,"o sO' cou""'''" ,/ / _ .......'{O~ p....,E;.:L ::>/"1b C,-f" ,6.01-4, CI'-y Cl.-E-R!(V- CI'--< ,.",-Y. ~ ~~~.",- Of-Pi \-1f-"'O~. G\I" .,,~ ~""" (]) C:WV-'~ ~v "~ 17'/?~ we,l'I If 1"'t;:J.-Ljt .,t~1-L-0 , "".1 (/ 1/' )/2/"" ~(,.J-' t1 C{' /) , "'-, t"~ vc-rtV ',1''- 6-/-'-- . 1-- ' ,r Ik ~ ;I -:>>'" t1->&:j " / '..- /~ ,_Arl ~ fi ",> u..;~~' ~~F"r ./~;(y~~~ / VV I' vtl t/t~lu", ,/ -tvi? ck-- j.Cl l' ;:'~- , -f" Z ' J<" ,~oa-UV C.JpJ-iin..4 jt~r;..(, (!;1 ~f ;~~r; fc!J2 '-"J.~r' / t- L> t d' If' C/ /lvt.::,y;(..Y' V;' , .' ,," v"" " <v'~ .J' v ,-/. ,7.l Jf't-).> , o/v-:. ~ ,-(> "l ~ (N yv,/.1f'*' . .,' "J-,77t2 '-I . f ~",:~/) dA~ -( t:: ~.yY'-""" (I Jv;~ /l'-~V<-'.v /l ,::r~ , ~ I' " ~-v.-" . /1.#</ t:i:.I'~' -1,.",,"::/ ~""~"r; " ~ '. 6 (J 1-' ',/ft..tyt-. r I- j-L,. (j /11...- I...-,e.""'-- /l "t t'v ywJ- j, ~ -:;;U:. '/1 (;&'1-"" ~./t" v<-"",,~tYJ "'t7 I /}I-a;:~~d?"tfl;; )j t"'v"< ~ Jt t/ ' ? ft~/--i:1 rlr "; II" ,d! 'f: l-"'< w,"<J I~ " - (/ (r/z---~/~ v f' ~ '. J --tr"1...- 2-) I p ~"" -J'l.Y(...-'; ,:i "":' /}-1M"'11' ' - .fa 1-~' j~J f/~ o 7 ,;J...- - f 1" t:c J~ /I tf )0" 'X V "t -?- j--_>2YA-"'''' .ft' : " ,_ '1" 1 j' , \..,. ~J I, \ - /7,) , _".11/;;'-'3/ J;/ J.C /...-(,. 't, ' ..;. r'" \1heat Ridge, Colorado February 3, 1976 Mayor and Council, City of Wheat Ridge 7470 West 38th AVBnue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 90)33 To the Mayor and Council: rIe stron31y \U'c;e a negative vote on the re,:"zoninc~ of the Cro,m Hill Cemetery area that would pernit a 664 residenti~l conplex plus shop- pins mall and office bUildinGs to be built there. We so not support this kind of project for many re~sons anon::; them being an added h...rd- ship on school f'~cilities, added traf'~ic, lack of water, added pol- lution, etc. ad nauseam. Please consider the abject effects such a project in that are~ would have on our co~~unity and influence a vote ag.inst the re-zonin6. Sinc_erely, !' ~~~/Uj~ ~~ t7. ~ , ~/l-/- LJ itef Al crt 1,l[ulf Barbara ~1ulf __ "r' - '." ,~ . -;JJ f'- .... ,-",-tWu1f .~ ; (:'\ ' ';" ': :'. St. -. 80033 J ; ~.' " " '~e ......OtG.. i' .\;, ..", , '..J.,' '\ \...._~. J'J. ,J;"''''''' ~--/ ,- ~-~ ~-"...,.--_.~ ,.:) '" 0 ,- Co , : - . I - OI!iTRIIiIUTED TO! DATe 01/0; CITY CLERK V SlIIT'II TREA.9. COUNCIL i/' MA.YOR CITY ADM. CITY ATTY. DEPT. HE"DlII (\ (i) C~ vY-~ If (. ("..:..~ ;- .. l ::" "l,';,r ';'i'~" ,,"; ';-.c', , February 3, 1976 "b''i'. "'-'1 :;':ii!Cl,>'..,.-f',.';-' . ";A~/ Oaer County Commis.ionars: AUachad 1s a l1st of naM8 of c1 tinne who eppaued 1n oppoalUon to the Crown Hill Cevelopmant at the Whlaat Ridge City Council Heating on 12/29175. This meeting was scheduled for cltl~8n input on the subject. It i. my understanding that a transcript of the portion of the meeting perta1n1ng to this this development wae forwarded to you along with a latter from City Administrator John Jermen. Th1& additional 118' of ~8 wee turned into my offica recently 8I'It ,I .... requa.tad to fOJ'Wlll'd 1 t to vou. I did ntJt ,..,.iV8 thls._........ 11.t in U_ to und it with the tl"wusc:r1pt 0' ~ llI88t1ng moo the 11st at n8m$B that was available to me at that t1MB. &1nc~lr , _""~", i ,- '-;::":7Z.. ,. ..,.; , ,~. I"~" f cc tOI Mr. Juun EU.. ~ CUr ClaJ'k ADDITIONAL LIST OF CITIZENS WHO APPEARED IN OPPOSITION TO THE CROWN HILL DEVELOPMENT AT RIDGE CITY COUNCIL MEETING HELD DECEMBER 29, 1975 WHEAT Ron Bennett Mrs. Roger Rainey Roger L. Rainey Mrs. Babeta B. Flaseo J.H. Riggs Ardeth A. Messing G. Merkle Lynn R. Woolley Victoriz Boyce Dale Hardin Shirley M. Boyle Kay Carkesk Judy Moore Roger Moore R.E. English Patricia Rhodes Frank Howison Glen O. Rhodes John G. Heinz Josephine R. Heinz Ben L. Chastain Arline M. Brown Robert E. Brown Lee A. Graham Lula D. Graham Frank P. Collins Charlotte E. Collins Rodney L. Stor Ronald F. Bauer Patty A. Bauer Larry A. Galhaar Barbie Galhaar Frank Polhemus Patricia Polhemus Jane Fulenwider Mrs. F.F. Vardewack Goldie M. Day D.M. Trowbridge Irving H. Trowbridge Kenneth A. Day Marian C. Brunson Patti Stewart Ken Stewart 0.L. Hutcherson T.R. Brunson Wayne Preston John W. Hayden John Hardaway Ruth Kahre L.A. Panek Clare Taylor Ray Taylor Gloria White Doug White G.W. Tschannen Mrs. Tschannen Robert N. Shochlet Fred Larsen Carole Haynes R.D. Thomas Lorene Larsen Benjamin H. Roberts Dennis Nocton Lois Nocton D.B. Roberts Marilyn Roberts ~~r. Phillips Beverly M. Phillips 8850 Francis Drive 7301 W. 32 Avenue 7301 W. 32 Avenue 4440 Reed 9 Hillside Drive 10013 W. 30 Avenue 3891 Estes Street 2590 Iris Street 9400 W. 26 Avenue 10651 W. 41 Avenue 9400 W. 26 Avenue 8940 W. 32 Avenue 10022 W. 31 Avenue 10022 W. 31 Avenue 9920 West 34 Drive 7295 West 32 Avenue 3222 Garland Street 7295 West 32 Avenue 9009 W. 32 Avenue 9009 W. 32 Avenue 3250 Marshall Street 3460 Garland Street 3460 Garland Street 2926 Ames Street 2926 Ames Street 52 Hillide Drive 52 Hillside Drive 3025 Eaton 2550 Garrison Street 2550 Garrison Street 10011 W. 31 Avenue 10011 West 31 Avenue 680 Dudley St. 680 Dudley 2595 Field 24 Hillside Drive 21 Skyline Drive 18 Morningside Drive 18 Morningside Drive 21 Skyline Drive 10023 West 30 Avenue 3610 Garrison 3610 Garrison 3291 Garland 10023 W. 30 Avenue 3480 Upham Street 17 Morningside Drive 3590 Moore Street 9020 W. 32 Avenue 8 Hillside Drive 2284 Field Street 2284 Field Street 2351 Field Street 2351 Field Street 9737 W. 32 Avenue 9737 W. 32 Avenue 3592 Simms Street 4420 Saulsbury 2595 Garrison #11 Paramount Parkway 4420 Saulsbury 3475 Moore Court 8940 W. 35 Avenue 8940 W. 35 Avenue 7 Skyline Drive 7 Skyline Drive 10405 West 32 Avenue 10405 West 32 Avenue -2- Daniel Hartley Beverly J. Hartley George Butkovich Cathy Butkovich T.M. Slattery Fred Smith Doris B. Smith David Couln Carol S. Haltgreene Lavonne R. Thomas !'l.C. Forcade T. Forcade N.J. McOonahay Dli ve McDonahay Velma Nelson LeRoy Cook Janet Erjavec R. Harder Robert L. Fulenwich 1.0. Bowerman Richard Carkeek David Sherer Mark Anderson Ward Van Scoyk Virgil H. Holtgreene Bill Clark Dee Clark Dan Chapman Stephen Batwra Glen Lovelace Bonnie Nagode Robert Haynes Robert LaShBll Mrs. Linda LaShell 2590 Garland street 2590 Garland Street 7307 W. 32 Avenue 7307 W. 32 Avenue 5859 W. 32 Avenue 10305 W. 34 Avenue 10305 W. 34 Avenue 895 Flower 5 Skyline 11 Paramount Parkway 33 Skyline Drive 33 Skyline Drive 9500 W. 26 Avenue 9500 W. 25 Avenue 7870 W. 25 Avenue 3220 Jellison Street 10655 W. 35 Avenue 8280 W. 56 Avenue 2595 Field Street 3190 Jay Street 8940 W. 32 Avenue 3740 Independence 7001 W. 48 Avenue 7135 W. 32 Avenue #5 Skyline Drive 3505 Holland 3505 Holland 2450 Lewis 55 Hillside Drive 22 Skyline Drive 2551 Garrison 2595 Garrison 10021 W. 31 Avenue 10021 W. 31 Avenue 'f-..--......,~to.~. '.-: '" ,...........:........I'.........~~.:;:.;.,~,_..k''+......{-'~ ... ".?,'.~:I'~t..;.;._ .._:.....r~~ __. .-._._ "_'_ ......__ ..-- ELISE McMILLEN BROUGHAM CITY CLERK FRANK STITES MAYOR JAMES O. MALONE CITY TREASURER The Cilvof COUNCILMEN Wheat Ridge JOSEPH M. DONALDSON LAWRENCE G_ MERKL ROBERT G_ HOWARD CALVIN 0_ HULSEY MARY JO CAVARRA LOUISE F TURNER 7470 WEST 33TH AVENUE WHI::AT RiOGE, COLa, 80033 TELEPHmJE 303.421-8480 February 3, 1976 County Commissioners County of Jefferson 1700 Arapahoe Golden, CO 80419 Dear County Commissioners: Attached is a list of names of citizens who appeared in opposition to the Crown Hill Development at the Wheat Ridge City Council Meeting on 12/29/75. This meeting was scheduled for citizen input on the subject. It is my understanding that a transcript of the portion of the meeting pertaining to this this development was forwarded to you along with a letter from City Administrator John Jerman. This additional list of names was turned into my office recently and I was requested to forward it to you. I did not receive this list in time to send it with the transcript of the meeting and the list of names that was available to me at that time. Si)cerelY, ;C1/l-'L~~"C< ;Z .~) ~e Brougham g>>'(..? City Clerk cc to: Mr. Jerman .. Th c CCl rn u t /(Ill Cl t.v" W 1 ~(....... .~..--'i"."....~...~...,;.,..,.",....' ""'--1:0..,.....,. .__......~-----'."';..- .,. - ..........-~ .'-,,--"'"-- .. ',ALL- L- \/..!i)1-\ LASH"~.L ./ - ~,"~'1's' 0/;7)/.1 171 n, ..-") I~ i /1/' IV E: ",~j' \ \ , i \ ';[ C r I tv II HI) I .~ v' ~. {1!-;i)1 - '1 i I (J( '" I) );' ~ i.' <" . I -: i- _, . '-") ~ i ' I!' ',$.' :~~,I\~" 1;01 '/ / r-' (':fA> : <.:. ;3. 1 ~ d '11 y 0 ~ .J.)/. /?Ij j 5> '1 jj:i( sId -< 1>-- (fJLi)1. a c)J!~ (), '-~.J/~/,(" J Ij., ,':""-- Jc1 '.- /). l /'f: i/" ',lj,-.... >.:LtJ-- 1~Y"--../ ' " ~ ~ _,' ,t '\ C'\ LI , ~, _. ') \, '\ ~:. . (; -- I :, ;) L. 'vC'\\\\~: '-?:;') 'c...t..- : .... " .. - ~l 6 ~ t r '\ It' . "') " :" .' d J) 1"1 ,,'C"" -"t.'-" ,......~ /, ,- -' .,~" ;)L / '7tJ:::::? '.7 t/,.-,J /"'/..)1;' -73 /, P.'~.:,- t;b t !/[!~'i' !.:(} h ",,;-.,'3Cf.j!o 'If. ..g;:d. ;137" f/tf -13 J2'~-;~/- ~<, ?~.".. ~ F ",.;L "- a-} ~ / .v;:^~ JJ. ,3;'" ~.:::'" "-- 'L _,., " ,.rsl /.(''0 j ~'._';:?"'" r"-. .... """tw /.- J-,-, /N' ", ". t,;'_..' ,~ ,.' /:' At:J ' / -,' ' V(/ l.t..- I. ,,,,., ,h/"I 0;(;.~ '1M: {;i (c::J4tdw ~~\~~~\ I:/)j " r/'!~ :c.~.(I/j- -Ii j'" -'. ,-' -' ~ ,.1-'-: - A .r 't /'. 0#/"- 1. /jd ....~' j\_~ ~. /.'"---, /,/ ~ y ~"" ~.. -- !. c/!-;:; E ~ It!--;' IV i ~"I U r /~'../i" 1/ r J' ., /" (;/ (...-'I", ,.C;.y .;;:; a- /,.~?~ ~l- ~~/t "~ '6' cr- s-O //] c " 1...,1 ;) ~} , '::;.':.:. ri d _\ I C-'~t/" ":;,1......-' .-1 , 1 _ '-- ,--".--v€:.. 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'" L '.{ /f /'/-/> .if ; ',,,', -.\ ,}- I" __ .,1 :.~ ~ I ~ - -; :;.1 / I ,) / ' ( I I I" "-r ( / \ -, '. -\ ? ~~ -- .' --,-- c -, , , __,' _) j," I, "--.! J.')/ r' lIII!:?' , - . J.-CC;CU/U N/(<- (/ft:5C:Jct:, 7/0/U #: /V~ ~~tr3~~J ~ #~ 'lIhereas opon space in a metropol itan area is ra:::>idly be ing consumed by development. Whereas the Crown Hill cemetery property as it develops for cemetery use tends to provide landscaped grounds without development, as it is 'nrir1arily used for cemetery sites; Where~s much public debate r~s occurred du@ to publicity of high density use of the remainder of the undeveloped Crown Eill pror~rty; Whereas alterfu~tes other than development should be explored; Now therefore be it resolved that this City Council go on record to seek alternatives to development of the ~roperty so as to maintain open sr~ces in our community on the Crown Rill property pending its eventual cemetery use. "- Be it further resolved tnat this City snaIl explore with other entities, and with the ~roperty owners involve~ the many alter- natives to high density development of the cemetery property so that the citizens of our area can best be served with a pleasing land use in the vicinity of their homes. (~3~ ;) ~ ?4'~ cy :S~- 0 J-?::l:'~ c-I' r 0 ._ /?c/:J Pdlf--Jfi~ScJlU /<JKJJ EIU I _ ..__ ___-_"__ __",~.'_" _...'..----~--"'-- ~ 'W 'L~9 '010::> 'pUlllaM)'I '$ xog '0'<1 'al!llM. !Pm: BUjPlllU();) hq aplllll aq Amu pUll alq!lanp , -ap xlll a.re Sum 'sluap!saJ UOAlIllJ hq paUjlllsns sassol \ paJnsUjUn lasJ]o 01 pas[eJ uaaq seq 000'00&$ ullql aJOW . 'slllll -:>!A POOU UOhUll;) uosdlUoqJ, :'l!9: 9L61 aliI llU!P!1l U! pasn aq 01 aamlUlUO;) JaHaH JalSllS!G uosdlUOIIJ. ll!g al/1 01 lUllJJl OOO'!;Z$ II aplllU sllq uOllllpuno.!f Jaq:>lliXlg OlqJ. SW!.J~!^ POOI:l .101 Ua^!~ OOO'SZ$ 'IlIl{O 'An;) ll\UOIjlljl{O U! pasllq S! q:>!qlA "0;) jlluo!111UJajUj sllxaJ, aql Aq IL61 U! paJ!nb:>1l SIlIA - AJOljOllUOl:> atn l'lUjpnl:>uI - j:>IlJl Il!H UlAOJ;) OlJ!1ua aqj pa!J!1Sal OSjll plllMalS 'P!IlS aq 'SJllaA Oll Janll llaJll al'llll\lA al{ll'l UMOJ;) JSOIll -UJalS11a aqj jO uonJod II asn Alaja\Ua:> 01 llu!1JaAuo:>a.:t 10 "uondo aqj Ploq" 01 luelA sJadojaAap aqJ. 'SJllaA 68 uI saAllJll JOj Al!:llldll:> Sl! paq:>llaJ aAlllj 1\l1A h.zala\Ua;) ll!H liMOJ;) lua:>ll[pll aljl pamlsal 'uadsV' lsaA\ 10 lUap! -saJd a:>!A pUll JOl:>aJ!p II 'OllV A\:US '0 'l'lV'ON:1lA\ 'slualUjJlldll uap -Jllll pUll sasnoquMol aqll111 llU!Sllal JO llUjluaJ JOj SlIll:> pasOdoJd Sll Ullld aqJ. 'swn!u!wopuo:> Sll Sl!un jll!luap -!SaJ 8~9 al/110 awos JO allls llUjlap!SUo:> S! uadsV' lsaA\ 's:>mJ:> 01 uo!ssa:>uo:> ajq!ssod aUo lSllaljll paumno aH ,:llUjUUllld Uj pooS pUll Mau S! 1llqlA" llUjMoqs auo Sll Ullld aljl paqH:>sap '+ualUdolaAap alll paujljsap 01l1A 'UOl:'lU!S!OH UOH 'SIOpaIIP 10 plllOq aljl Aq luas jUalUas.lOpua jO Jallal JaqlUlllIJ 11 pllal 'a:>lalUlUo;) JO JaqlUlllj;) allplH lllall;\\ alll jO para-juap!sald pue Aaulollll Ill:>Olll 'pIOjpOOA\ \U0J. 'P!IlS all 'sannua Xllj AjUnO;) uoslanar Ull .:tol UO!ll!lU 9'l$ JO Ill10j II allllauall pjnOM J.;):iJfOlld :>IH.L . papualuo:> aq 'junOU!1l lllllu!lllUal aliI JO lno p!lld aq Plno:> Sllalll IllUO!l -llal:>al PUll a:>!JJo 'jll):lJalUlUOO al/1 JOJ SISO:> a:>!AJas 'l'lUjsnoq s.1uaU1dOlaAap al/1 U! aA!\ 01 pal:>adxa aq PlnoM 01lA\. S'juap!saJ 000'1 Ullljl a.IOlU aljl JOj slsoO a:>!A.IaS 1l! OOO'SO~$ AluO Alld 01 Al!:> aql :'luJ.I!nbaJ aUIIM allpnI lllallM .IoJ sanUaAaJ xlll U! 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'U0!111Zjuel'lJO l'lIllUUllld PUllj a:'llll\lA al{1l1 UMO.I;) alll .IOj :'lUjl{IOM. lU1l1lnsuo:> :>!\Uouo:>a U11 'uqo[Allad aUllna 'pooMal{1l1 uJalllJOU pUll a:'lPnI lUaqA\ III sanlllA AIJadO.Id a:>ullljUa PlnoM luaU! -dolaAap aql papualuo:> saMog 'A.NOWI.LS:>I.L SIR Nl 'slallno a:>!AJaS pUll 11lllaJ pajuapQ-uo!lllaJ:>aJ l:>llJl -111 PlnolA lualUdolaAap aqj U! al{ll! al:>1l-&9 II jO uo!snpUJ PIllS saMoa: "0;) uadsV' lsaA\ aqj 01 lallaj Ja!1Jlla U11 ur ,,~E'aJa aql Uj ptllIOj lOU sa:>!AlaS pUll spooll" paZIIIl!:>ilds pa.Iill -Jo salolS illll J! pa1JllSllf aq PJTlO:l a:>llds !lela.I jO lunOlll8 la:'llllj Ull palll:l!PUJ ":lut 'uos pUll saMoa: 'n 'V' 'UU!l S!q Aq paq:>JllaSaJ 11l11p JO AJlllUlUnS uamJM II U! saM.oa: 'UO!lIlOOI aqllll llaJll Illj:lJalUlUO:> jO laaj aJllnbs 00t'6S1 IOj pUllUlap lal{Jmu 1l paMOqs n 'sal11!:>OSSY pUll laqlll.a qdasor Aq ApnlS A1!Uq -!Sllaj :l!lUOuo:>a Ull Uj pa,loddns SlllA Ullld Ja!lJlla aq.L 'a~llds Illj;JJalUWO:l JO laaJ aJllnbS OOL'68Z JOj Sllll:> U1l[d Mau aljJ. 'sasn HlllaJ h.zOSSa:l:>1l pUll lalua:> llu!ddoqs II U! llalll Illj;JJaWlUOO jO laaJ aJllnbs 000'881 ,noqll JOj pap!AoJd JllaA lS111 UMlllpq1!A\ lnq A1UnO;) uosJaJJilr 01 pamlUqns UO!SJaA 'lI:iJl'IlIV:'I NY 'ulljd aql U! pasodOJd a:>llds IllpJalUlUo:> JO ,aaJ alllnbs 000'001 ,noqll jO aSllaJ:>U! Ull AJ!lsn[ 0, pOJla ue S! podaJ ,saMoa: 'sassall -1!1A aAlJ !Ill pauo[1sanb ":lUr 'pal!un suaz!l!;) UOSJaJjar pa!lll:> dnoJll lsal0Jd paz!uellJo AlllllUJOJ e 11lllluaSaldaJ 'UlJaquos lJaqoH AaUJOIlV' -:'luIJllaq lq:'l!U AllPS.:rn1jJ, l'loo\ .IllOq-aaJqj am 111 paJlladdll - UOllll;)!lddll alll JO JOAllJ U! al{ods lUoqM JO auou - sfUap!SaJ OSI lnoqy 'papj;Jap uaaq 1,USlll UOllllool llu]Jllaq aljJ. 'AllpSJnqJ. aSll:l ,sluau -OdOld aql plllaq 1I:>!qA\ UO!SS!lUlUO:> :'lU!UUllld aql aJoJaq S AllW aSll:> J!aql luasaJd 01 a:>ullqo II aAllq I\!A\ AaqJ, 'UOnllXauUll pUll l'lu!uozaJ pasodoJd alll asoddo sJoqqll!au poOA\al{1l1 J!aql pUll Sjuap!saJ allp!1::l lllaqA\ Auew 'llaJll A1Uno;) uosJaJjar ulalslla aql Uj pUll{ sl! jO lS111 al/1 sl j:>llJl al'lllll aql asne:>aq uOllual1ll pllaJdsaP!M paj:>llJ1111 seq Illsodold DNlNOZ:>IlI :>IH.L 'sasn pUlll [lluo[1llaJOaJ pUll IllnUap!saJ 'a:>!lJo 'lllj;JJaunuo:> HlllaJ JOJ SaJ~1l 891 lnoqll aUozaJ pUll xauU11 01 uO!1e:l!lddll '0;) uadsV lsaA\ aql jo- JIllqaq UO llUjAl!1Sal sassau1!1A aA!J jO aUo SIlM saMoa . AjJadOJd :'lupoqq:'l!au jO sanlll'" aouequa I\!IA a:'lIlIl!A al{1l1 UlAOJ;) pasodoJd aliI PIllS 'lUlll -lnsuo;> al11lsa leaJ II 'saMog 'V' UOSlllA\ 'aJOlUJaqpng 'paU!1snf A!lll:>!lUOuo:>a S! l:>afoJd aIl1111qll{aaA\ S!ql aJaq llupllaq :>l\qnd e 1ll panllJll AJ31awa::> JlUl UMOJ::> 01 tua:>ll[p" 1:>"11 allJ"j 1l UO lualUdoraAap UO!Il!lU O~$ pasodoJd II jO fUauodoJd V' - :>IWm .LY:iIHAI. J31\JA\ JJll1S JSOd JaAUaa XV'1I9 J.Vd A9 pasoddo UDlcI IV!. V ~Il \~.~ - l\ t- 1 } \ y {t rl " p i(Y r V )i ", J \\"\ J\ .\J IV"" ~'" harman~ o'donnell J(L~ &- henninger 1m associates. inc. planning conaultants rober't m. o'donnell william f Menninger' ....odney m. ketzenbarg trafton bean rey h, moraye February 8, 1972 Honorable Albert E. Anderson, Mayor POBox 610 Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mayor Anderson: We appreciated meeting with you and the opportunity to get to know the attitudes of Wheat Ridge. 1 would like to express our interest in further discussions toward ascertaining the feasibility of this project within the city of Wheat Ridge. Our intention for this property is to inspire a new approach to residential housing in this region. We look toward a project that can provide a housing environment that gives the future residents a sense of identity whi ch is so lacking in the anonymous vastness of many of our present subdivisions. Our objective will be to provide a planned apart- ment community with a diversity of apartment and building types with a system of private streets, openspace and walkways, preservation of existing lakes and trees toward providing an interesting place to live in an attractive environment. We look toward working closely with the community to involve itself first, in the overall environment and program phose of our master planning; second, the opportunity to work with us towards maintaining 0 high level of development performance_ Our objective in the master planning stage will be to develop a continuous and unified concept for this property rather thon past practice in this region of the metropolitan area of unrelated parcels. , I , I I \ \ ~- I would like 0 express my appreciation to you for the very cordial and informative meeting_ I I ! I \ The Crown Hill Cemetery Association and its consultants will loak forward to meeting with you at your convenience to further discuss the objectives for this property. We will also look forward to meeting with the city council and planning commission os you recommend to further discuss our objectives. Mr. Kordic is scheduled to be in Denver during February 21 and 23rd and will be available at your convenience. . 'f DRJ/dc s 2727 UST SECOllD A~E"UE' DE"~ER' COlORADO 80206' PIIOllE (303) 399-76D2 URBAN AND REGIONAL PLANNING' LAND PLANNING' SITE DESIGN' ECOllOMIC MALlSlS TO: CITY COUNCIL DATE: February 8, 1972 FROM: MAYOR ANDERSON SUBJECT: CURRENT ITEMS The Monthly Department Head Meetings were held on Monday. Budgets and objectives for the year were reviewed with the Department Heads. On February 3rd, a meeting was held with several people interested in the Crown Hill Property_ They plan to place 2500 dwelling units on the property between the western edge of the Crown Hill property and Kipling Street. They will probably plan to place high-rise apartments, perhaps three, that may be from 14 to 16 stories in height. They also plan some commercial development on the site. They are interested in annexing either to the City of Lakewood or to the City of Wheat Ridge, or they may be able to develop the land under the jurisdiction of Jefferson County. I feel that any development of this land should be in Wheat Ridge, rather than the other jurisdictions in that we, as a City suffer the greatest impact from a development of this kind, from the position of being surrounded on three sides. The traffic flow will affect us in many ways. Mr. Walker will probably be in contact with you on this project. I attended the weekly Executive Board meeting of the Colorado Municipal League Tuesday morning at the Brown Palace Hotel. We discussed a voluntary assessment of about 2-l/2~ per capita to fund a legal battle with Mountain Bell over the proposed rate increase. I believe that you may be interested in this matter, in that the increase will cost citizens of Wheat Ridge, as proposed, approximately $150,000. per year. It will cost the City enough extra money that we will have to budget more money for the purpose of paying our telephone bill, Additional details will be given later. . .g.'..t Crow. .,11 propo..' Apt.. opposition ~':it., . By PATRI'afl'RAY Public opposition is being formed against an out-of. state corporation's proposal to construct a massive 225- acre apartment development on the West End of Crown Hill Cemetery property and some planners have voiced private doubt over the plan. So far, Texas International Corp. (TIPCO) has ap- proached the three government entities capable of granting the necessary zoning for the proposed 2500-3000 apartment complex without receiving commitments. TIPCO sent feelers out to Jefferson County six months ago, Lakewood six weeks ago and Wheat Ridge about three weeks ago where company representatives ap- parently made their biggest pitch. TIPCO is planning to develop nearly 100 acres with four-story apartment units and three high rises ranging from 14-16 stories. Another 108 acres, including a 6O-acre lake, is to remain as open space. The lake is needed for irrigation. Overall proposed densities of 2500-3000 units and up to 8000 people are some 12 units and 35 people per acre. However, densities on the land to be developed at maximum levels would be 35 units and 80 people per acre. Between 2500 and 3000 units are planned to house up to 8000 people. Numerous petitions are reported being circulated against the proposal in Wheat Ridge. City Clerk' Louise Turner has notarized six so far Wording on one stated the signers were against the proposed high density'- the in creased traffic and the school burden the developmeli would cause. Strong support is reported for the develqpment b} Wheat Ridge councilmen who have taken to.-t the argument if their city doesn't annex the property and allow the rezoning, Lakewood or the county will approve the development. Wbether or not the proposal can receive the final approval of any of the governments isn't assured. County Planning Director Bob Kroening said if the proposal were presented as it now appears, he would recommend disapproval. Four units per acre for that area would be the highest density he would favor. The county's zoning regulations are being subjected to massive changes with the Planning Commission currently refusing to accept any residential three or residential one-b applications. Both those are high density uses with R-3 used to allow apartments on 2,060 square feet per unit and R-IB to allow individual homes on 6500 square foot lots. The county has also readjusted the land use plan to recommend a maximum of four units per acre in all unincorporated areas. Deleting the R-1B and R-3 zones hopefully will en- courage more planned residential development ap- plications in order more green space and greater development control can be provided. The proposed changes will be heard by the County Commissioners for final action as soon as the resolution wording can be established. ~;1?, begun Lakewood planners report TIPCO otfIcials"JV.ere in contact with the city six weeks ago,-main!y seeking Zoning information. They also took a copy ofb Meadow Creek Subdivision design. 0;;" - ; Chief Planner Jim Raughton s--' idge eH;; probably unJ1aterally annex the entire Crown -Hill Cemetery property three years after incorporation if the city'lI "boundaries are two-thirds contiguous to the cemetery Property 'liS they appear to be. Raughton said he wouldn't try and second guess what would happen were the proposal submitted formally to Lakewood, but emphasized that his guess would be requirement of "a well-done site plan." The City Council also has set a policy of requiring ample green space or parkland development in construction projects, he said. Crown Hill is an enclave of unincorporated property surrounded on three sides by Wh!'at Ridge and one side by Lakewood, The county's future land use plan shows the west end as open space. Besides arousing citizens' ire, the proposed apart~ ments have caused the Wheat Ridge Planning Com- mission to attempt to arrange a meeting with the Lakewood Planning Commission and county planners to discuss mutual problems. Wheat Ridge Commission Chairman Buck Buchanan said the main discussion hopefully would be lJD,l'Oads and access between the three entities, But other subjects such as the apartments could be discussed. TIPCO reportedly is out of contact with the three governments now. No rezoning application has been reported filed /:! .. ~ .""orl., VI.. 13' .t: u ~ " ;Ma;or impact c Q III 3/?3/7;-' Wheat Ridge and Lakewood City ~ Councils hopefully will take a cue from the planning commissions of the two cities and confer jointly on a proposal to Con- struct up to 3000 apartment units at Crown Hill Cemetery. The proposal has been presented in such a manner by Texas International Corp. officials as to play one city against the other, arguing if Wheat Ridge doesn't accept it, Lakewood-or even the Coun- ty-will. ' Under these conditions, coordination and planning should govern the ultimate decision on the development. The impact of the development on municipal services and the R-I Schools baSically is unknown. Which city will suffer most? Will Wheat Ridge because its boundaries surround three-fourths of the cemetery? Or will Lakewood? . l.tt.r.to t.. .dltor v Open 'Ietter to city 3/23/72 Dear Mr Mayor, My address is No. 18 Skyline Dr in Paramount . . . my wife and I were Heights. As you mIght Imagme, . S t' el about tunned when we read in the Wheat RIdge en m splans for the Crown Hill Development by Texas In- W h I' ed in our home for 14 years, ternational Corp. eave IV, C Hill The name Wheat Ridge was symbohzed by the rownht of lake ::~:e~~~~~~~~w; ~~;~a~~c~ :::li;~=~~~driVe : ;~rk every day on 26th, and I have watched,the rIse of the ugly apartments along that street. I can t ~~IP ~ut wonder about the trans~tory influence no~ mg m- troduced into that area. It IS already too close. , The identity of Jefferson Co~ty as a sUburb~ ~et~~~~ I radise is now bemg endangere y , ::p:s~:~o~:trosity, I c~n 't b~ieve it~:1 p~~:~~l~:~t;~ you are seriously consIdermg thIS propo 'to Jefferson h monetary rewards forthcommg ~:~ to offset all of the objections you will undoubtedl~ ' ur already overcrowded schools an receIve aboutf 0 y appeal is strictly against the streets. There ore, m , apartments as a threat to my enVIronment, M wife and I intend to mobilize every force we can y d -f th oject should succeed, we against this project, an 1 e pr here the city and will sell our home and move to an area w county house more intelligent management. Due to the detrimental effects this project ObVi~~,SIYg unity there must be some m will have on our comm th ' e It's possible someone ~o:;;dtoc~~c~~e m;:: b~a~~s, stocks etc. of those so. t people pushing the proJec . , I "If the 'th the editorial in the Sentme, I ~gree ':'1 . hiding executive work sessions, the CouncIl perSIsts mOd h uld be announced and time and place and agen a s 0 adhered to." . Very trul"Y y..?urs, What benefits in terms of tax revenue would the development provide? What are the community's needs? Those are the questions deserving study in a joint effort. County planners also shOuld be in- cluded to bring city officials up to date on present philosophies influencing development in unincorporated county areas. The planners and County Planning Commission have moved into a position of recommending lower population densities and controlling growth by encouraging planned developments with an emphasis on open space and adequate amenities to serve residents and the community. The impact of 3000 apartments holding up to 8000 residents built within a nine-year period will be major in the county. The final decision should be based on merits of the proposal, not fearfulness. submitte Mrs. Frank Lanc: 4010 Dover, presE petitions beari,ng signatures opposmg density developmenl annexation of vacant ( Hill Cemetery proj saying the Cili Concerned for Crown] group which collecte signatures, wants petitions on record. She said the group b, concerned about the element, since the pe were first circulate, March after it was if the Texas Interna Corp (TIPCO) attempting to devell land for 2500-3000 apa! units. Included was as as 16 high rises, Tbe petitions 0 annexation of tbe pr for development,_ increases In traffic student population aI "of valuable open spa reasons to oppose development. Sbe said she ' "appreciate puUiT. petitions on file f( possible use they 'have." Mayor Ed Anderso last week's City ( meeting said he's I contact with TIPCC discussions of the pi last spring. At that TIPCO presen1 preliminary plan council a t an unann meeting at the Whea Fire Station, 3880 l The citizens grou formed then to the proposed ann rezoning, Mrs. Lancaster so signatures presente Thursday aren't a have been coli, Petitions also are passed in the' Ap~ Knolls area and sout 26th Ave. in Lakewoo I< , I I, , . .1' I; J 1 ( , - (JI,~ &c J1:( I f-, rY- '- vlliereas open space in a metropolitan area lS rapidly being consumed by development. Whereas the Crown Hill cemetery property as it develops for cemetery use tends to provide landscaped grounds without development, as it is 'nrimarily used for cemetery sites; \fherens much public debate has occurred dUQ to publicity of high density use of the remainder of the undeveloped Crown Hill property; Whereas alternates othor than development Rhould be explored: Now therefore be it resolved that this City Council go on record to seek alternatives to development of the property so as to maintain open sp~ces in our community on the Crown Hill property pending its eventual cemetery use. ~e it further resolved that this City shall explore with other entities, and with the property owners involved, the many alter- natives to high density development of tho cemetery property so that the citizens of our area can best be served with a pleasing land use in the vicinity of their homes. , ~r .' ,~ 'lej U1TIl #lG2 i'aCiCiB(j 3/23/72 . . - \' ti I t t' ._,;lV ,,( \j .,~ ~\ '>- n ,,~,;}\ \' t>L J ' . \..' iJ' .( l) \" IJ \ \,\. ' I' ", \ ' \' '. " , ();\' , , ~ :: 4010 Dover St., Wheat Ridge, Golo. 80033. l"eb. 28th. 1972. v... L ... f' , -{) \ '--' Mayor Anderson and Members or Wheat Ridge U i ty Gounc il. ,~ .J , -.. -' li-ent1emen: I am deeply concerned and distressed since reading in one of the papers about the proposed urown Hill apartment complex, and more so since 1 am led to believe that some of the council seems to favor its annexation. It will persoanlly affect us because our son will go into wheat Ridge Senior High School this 1"a11, a school which is at capacity right now and what will ti~npen when the children from this apartment complex will come across w32nd. and add to the enrollmenty Our son and many others will suffer. The same applies to the jr. high and elementary schools. You must realize that wheat Ridge did not receive one red cent for building of schools in the last bond issue. So these extra children will have to be packed into existing schools. The argument that if we do not annex them and totally disregard our zoning laws, either the Uounty or Lakewood will take them, does not impress me at all. ~irst of all, it strikes me somewhat oddly that they would want to go to all the trouble of annexing to Wheat Ridge when they can get all the same services from the uounty. ~ublic Service eo. and Mountain ~ell will still provide the gas, electricity ana phones. Consolidated Water is the only Uo. that is able to provide the water. The Sheriff is now well able to provide the needed police protection. One of the existing sewer districts will take care of that problem. So what seems to be missing _ ~ONING1 They know very well they cannot get it from the vounty because "it's not feasible" to crowd that many people into such a small ar~a. 1 credit Lakewood with more intelligence than wanting to take on such a liability because that is all it's going to be in spite of the glowing figures provided by the developers. ~t will be nothing more than a big liability, financially and otherwise. These developers are using scar~ tactics and you can believe it, that they have probed other possibilities and came up with tIle conclusion that wheat Ridge is a "soft touch" because the majority consistently votes in favor of co~~erce and industry. lOU thought you saw action when the road widening CfuTIe up, that was nothing to the furor this will arouse. ~eople out here are already furious and wanting to know what to do about it. why should we scrap our zoning laws, put up,~ith over-crowded schOOls, more traffic problems, not alone the eyesore such high rises will be, just to fill the pockets of ~e~as Oil interests. . vall their blurr and let them take it to the vounty and/or Lakewood. The people of wheat Ridge vO NOT want this complex to be part of their vity. RespectrullY'(1 J OJ? 0 11-- ____~~ 0 r:::X-CVLIL-~ (Mrs.D.E. Lancaster) Mr. Ray Pepe 3390 Teller st. Wheat Ridge,Colorado l'\OrH1.~u. u-. 0:; Vl..LL J.~""...l.Ua. ..... 'VVJ..J."J 3320 Independence ct. Wheat RidGe, Colorado 80033 Jiarch 14, 1972 near Hr. Pepe: We are opposed to the building of apartments on the present Cro'm Hill Cemetery l:1nd. lie understand that ::'r.ere will be an Rttempt to reve Wheat Ridge an_1t;X this land, simultaneously rezoning fro:J agricultural to multiple dwelling units. We urge you to consider the desires of your constituents whose property would suffer im~easurab1y fro:J such a ch~nge. Please consider ,.,hat the addition of 2800 apartcent units-- 10,000 people -- to an area of 100 acres would involve: (1) An increase of 2000 to 3000 school children. (2) The need for at least one new erade school, one neH junior high school, and possibly one new high school. (3) An incre~se of 2000 or nore auto~obi1es to our streets. (4) Changing 26th and 32nd a.venues into 6-laoe high\'lI'.Ys to accoDodate the increased traffic. (.) The need to greatly expand the ro1ice force to handle the inevitable crice resulting fraT. 10,000 people many of them transients -- living in such crowded conditions. Many of us are justifiably proud of the standards which have made Wheat Ridee a pleasant place to live. Our property taxes are ffiuch higher than those for a similar dwelling in Denver. We are happy to pay theso taxes in order to maintain the high stnndards of our schools and co~r.~nity. Do not be misled by the hope for new property tax revenues which tho apart- ments ;.,ould bring. The costs to 'IThest Ridge -- in buildinG new schools, building new hiZhw~ys, and managine the incrcaced crime -- would offset the increcced revenues. Sincerely yours, 0'2 U"'w\,Q i/ e:::ib f!-_~---d ~ In [, y ~ '- {) > " ~ '~ ~ <: \ r". ( ) \P \ ("- tv t ? ? ~ ~\ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ i '- ( , ~,\.: c.s?:?" t::' l t ( h ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~. ~ ? ~ f l p c- [/1~,' 0 ) ) " ,"-- ,\L/ c;-_ 0- ~'~. __ ~" ~ ~ p ~; ,: ( T(' " (~J r ~ Co ~?~, (~ f- ? 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(p \ " _, ". 0~ ~ "- ~( ..... ro3" ~ 0:;:; ~;.. (":, " ( ~. ,.... \) ~ - >' r --<' K ('I. , ~S\J ~~'-I &.~ R~ f. F 1:'\ , ~~ A:, \r \ ~0:> (;;''0 , (~ '--' F> '--" = k..; '-.--" -.J f.) (y -t-\ Gi -\ -c ()' (' ---. \"'-..C. \ '--- ) . " ~ (''0 ,-\ o "- \ o ~ CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANDUM -------~ ---- Dennis W. Zwagcrman, Dir. Com. Dev. To John Jerman, City /\dmini>trator From Suhject see below Date )1ay 16, 1977 A~'[Hoved Date Subject: \'iest Aspen public hearings before City Council After four public hearings before Planning Commission, it is my Opl1\10n that the public hearings before City Council should also be scheduled over 5 meetings. This procedure allows all parties concerned to thoroughly digest the volumcs of material presented and also allows all interested parties to be heard within reasonable time restrictions. following is the recommended number and content of public hearings: Public lIearing Number Scheduled Date Subj ect Matter Comments 1 June 20 Introduction of all exhibits, trans- cripts, materials related to appli- cation, Planning Commission minutes & referrals from outside agencies Should allow a min. of 3 wks. for review by Council & ~layor. 2 To be deter- mined Applicant presentation This presentation took 3 hrs. 10 min. before Planning Commission. Should allow a min. of 2 wks. for completion and review of transcript before next nearing. 4 To be deter- mined Rebuttal, both sides and questions from Council This presentation took 4 hrs. 15 min. before Planning Commission. Should allow a min. of 2 wks. for comnletion and review of transcript. \ This presentation took 3 hrs. 10 min. before Planning Commission. Should allow a min. of 2 wks. for completion & review of transcript before next hearing 3 To be deter- mined Opposition presentation 5 To be deter- mined Presentation of Staff report & Decision on annexation & Outline Development Plan As a pr~ctical matter, I would suggest that the a~plicant's presentation, the opposition's presentation and rehuttal public hear.ngs (puhlic hearings 2, 3 & 4) he held on an evening when no other matters arc heard. This will require extensive scheduling so if the Council wishes to hear this application as suggested, scheduling da tes apJH ars to be qu i te urgen t . In addit un, from information gained frem the Planning Commission public hl'arings, with one exception, there is no fair way that time limits can he placed on presen- t:Jtiol1'; This is duc to crosc;-examinatioll procedures whi,-h is outside the control of tbe 1K'ople making the presentation. The exception to this is comments made by individual citizens (not represented by counsel) in which case the Commission did cnfor,-e a two-minute time limitation which worked very well. DWZ'pc M;tNl)/\ 11IM.."""" _tt_", ('(11;1JCn. ~,!Jr.l!nt, h /; C " Al'JwOVED }'('fl / / ; , -, <"" 0 AJ "" ...- '1" ( 61..;.lf/?7. :.I{\ j ,~ _'J/ JUN 6 i/'tf1 r"'P / -, loll " , '-' ( / '.' ,,' n,: Ai' :.;, '_[':) ...__.:.J_.. -, ' l, ~~ J,. .. ",II 8 r'!~----'-,"!-. ,:-:-~=;;';';;'~.1\J1I 1\1\-\\, ~,t>o';'.,lnH I 'Lit)", ! _ . '1_1l,..~.- . ). \ 1,., 1",11