HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003 - Bench-4-Rent7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 3031235-2855 Fax: 303/235-2857 Larry Leicht DBA Bench-4-Rent PO Box 2201 Englewood, CO 80150 RE: Permit #15193 - Bus Bench installations Dear Mr. Leicht, The City of Wheat Rldge This is to inform you that the Inspection Services Division has inspected the locations you have proposed to install courtesy bus benches within the city and have found the following. Per the attached bus bench log for Bencb-4-Rent, • Bench #2, located at the NE corner of 26ih & Kipling is not located within the city limits of Wheat Ridge. • Benches 912 through #18, and #20 are currently located at existing "bus sheker" locations, which is a violation of Section 21-146 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws and will be removed. According to Section 21-124(e) of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, for every five (5) benches with advertising, one (1) bench without advertising shall be provided in onr of the predom;nantly single-family districts indicated in this section. This means that you aze required to locate ten (10) of the 49 benches you aze permitted to install, in these zone districts accordingly. I will process a refund of $900.00 for the 18 benches that were not approved for ins4allation. The attached list indicates the approved and disapproved bench locations. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerel Darin Mor Codes A istrator Cc bus bench file" Alan White, Community Development Director Ben ch-4-Rent 2003 Bus Benc h Log # Location Owner # of Benches Advertising Pertnitted Y/N Trash Container Y/N Zaning 1 26/KIPLING NW Bench-4-Renl 2 Y N C-1 2 omvR~ i iniNE- A 2 NOT IN CITY 3 32/KIPLING NE 2 N N R-1 4 381KIPLING NE 2 Y N C-1 5 38/KIPLING SE 2 Y Y C-1 6 381KIPLING NW 2 Y Y C-1 7 441KIPLING SW 2 Y N C-1 8 44/KIPLING NE 2 Y N C-1 9 44/KIPLING SE 2 Y N C-1 10 48/KIPLING SE 2 Y N C-1 11 48/KIPLING SW 2 Y N C-1 4-2 4~nninnc~ninoTU r.i❑ SHELTER N G1 43 SHELTER N C-1 34 SHELTER N C-1 45 44nn0ne=oru e cine SHELTER N C-1 46 2nnninnc1nrnoTU wic SHELTER N C-1 47- SHELTER N C-1 48 SHELTER N PCD 19 35/WADSWORTH NE 2 N N R-2 28 391VAAIG€-M1N SHELTER N C-1 21 38/HIGH NW 1 Y N R-3 22 38/HIGH SW 1 Y N C-1 23 38/RIERCE NW 2 Y N C-1 24 38/PIERCE SE 2 Y N C-1 25 327WADSWORTH NW 2 Y N R-C 26 32/WADSWORTH SW 2 Y N R-C 27 32/WADSWORTH NE 2 Y Y PCD 28 32JWRIGHT CT. NE 2 Y N N-C 29 YOUNGFIELD/APPLE - WOOD CENTER DRIVE NE 2 Y N PCD 30 YOUNGFIELD @ 4038 YOUNGFIELD NE 1 Y N PCD 31 44/VVARD NW 2 Y N G1 32 441WARD SE 2 Y Y C-1 33 44/FIELD NW 2 Y Y C-1 34 44/FIELD SE 2 Y Y C-1 35 44/YARROW NE Bencu•4-Reni 2 Y Y C-1 Total Benches Proposed = 67 Total Benches Allowed = 49 divided by 5= 10 reauired to be located in sinqle-familv areas per Code of Laws Section 21-724(e) City of Wheat Ridge Community Development Department Memorandum TO: Accounting Deparhnent FROM: Darin Morgan, Codes Administrator SUBJECT: Refund for Permit DATE: Reason: Overpayment for 18 bus benches the contractor cannot install due to location. Permit #15193 Please refund: 100% permit fee: 100% plan review 100% use taac: Total: TO: Larry Leicht, DBA Bench-4-Rent PO Box 2201 Englewood, CO 80150 303-669-7361 Thank You! oL/p/Ni/'Iid a Darin Morgan Codes Administrator $900.00 $0 $0 $900.00 CABuilding Depar[mendWOrd Perfect\FormARefund To[al Permit .wpd Bench-4-RClI[ 2003 Bus Benc h Log # Location Owner # of Benches Advertising Permitted Y/N Trash Container Y/N Zoning 1 26/KIPLWG NW Bencn-4-Rem 2 Y N C-1 y ?aiuioi~„_.,,-_~;,-.o..,«nir_ r.i~ 2 NOT W CITY 3 32/KIPLING NE 2 N N R-1 4 38/KIPLING NE 2 Y N C-1 5 38/KIPLING SE 2 Y Y C-1 6 381KIPLING NW 2 Y Y C-1 7 44/KIPLING SW 2 Y N C-1 8 44/KIPLING NE 2 Y N C-1 9 44/KIPLING SE 2 Y N C-1 10 48/KIPLING SE 2 Y N C-1 11 48/KIPLING SW 2 Y N C-1 42 44AA08~AI€ SHELTER N C-1 43 SHELTER N C-1 44 SHELTER N C-1 'I4 - SHELTER N C-1 46 SHELTER N C-1 4-7 - SHELTER N C-1 48 38MlABSYV9RTH-S€ SHELTER N PCD 19 35/WADSWORTH NE 2 N N R-2 29 38/VAWS€NW SHELTER N C-1 21 38/HIGH NW 1 Y N R-3 22 38/HIGH SW 1 Y N C-1 23 38/PIERCE NW 2 Y N C-1 24 38/PIERCE SE 2 Y N C-1 25 32/WADSWORTH NW 2 Y N R-C 26 32/WADSWORTH SW 2 Y N R-C 27 32/WADSWORTH NE 2 Y Y PCD 28 32IWRIGHT CT. NE 2 Y N N-C 29 YOUNGFIELD/APPLE - WOOD CENTER DRIVE NE 2 Y N PCD 30 YOUNGFIELD @ 4038 YOUNGFIELD NE 1 Y N PCD 31 441WARD NW 2 Y N C-1 32 441WARD SE 2 Y Y C-1 33 44/FIELD NW 2 Y Y C-1 34 44/FIELD SE 2 Y Y C-1 35 44/YARROW NE Bench•4•Reni 2 Y Y C-1 Total Benches Proposed = 67 Total Benches Allowed = 49 divided by 5= 10 required to be located in sinqle-familv areas per Code of Laws Section 21-124(e) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE American Family Insurance Company n Ameriran Family Mutual Insurance Company if selection box is not checked. 6000 American Pky Madison, Wisconsin 53783-0001 A M E it I CA N FAM I LY AgenPs Name, Address and Phone Number (Agt./Dist.) Insured's Name and Address: AUTO NOME BUS/NESS HEALTH L/fE a Kevin L Preidig Agency, Inc. (165/308) Larry Leicht 10397 W Centennial Road, Suite 200 DBA Bench for Rent Littleton, CO 80127 PO Box 2201 303-932-6333 Englewood, CO 80150 This ceRificate is issued as a matter of infortnation only and confers no rights upon the Certificate Holder. T6ic rneliiirofn dnnc nnf amnnd uvfcnd n altnr fhn envnrnnn offnrded hv fhn nnlieioc lieted hnlnw_ XQy.ERA,G_'Eg._, This is to certify that policies of insurance listed below have been issuedto the insured named above for the policy period indicated, notwithstanding any requirement, term or condition of any contract or other document with respect to which this certificate may be issued or may pertain, the insurance afforded by the policies described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and condifions of such policies. . POLICY TYPE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER Effective Expiration LIMITS OF LIABILI7Y (MO,Day,Yr) (Mo,Day,Yr) Homeowners/ Bodily Injury and Property Damage Mobilehomeowners Liability Each Occurrence Soatce:ners I-ixkiilif, Y Bodily Injury and Property Damage Each Occurrence Personal Umbrella Liability Bodily Injury and Property Damage Each Occurrence Farm/Ranch Liability Farm & Personal Liability Each Occurrence Farm Employer's liability Each Occurrence Statutory • • • • Workers Compensation and Each Accident Employers Liability + Disease - Each Employee Disease - Policy Limit General Liability General Aggregate $ 1,000,000 Commercial General 05-XA4099-02 8/20/2002 8/20/2003 Products - Completed Operations Aggregate $ 1,000,000 Liability (occurtence) Personal and Advertising Injury . $ 1,000,000 ri Each Occurrence . . $ 1,000,000 ~ . . Damage to Premises Rented to You$ 100,000 Medical Expense (Any One Person) . $ 5,000 Businessowners Liability . Each Occurrence++.: Aggregate++ Liquor Liability Common Cause Limit Aggregate Limit Automobile Liability Bodily Injury - Each Person ❑ Any Auto Bodily Injury - Each Accident ❑ All Owned Autos Property Damage ❑ Scheduled Autos Bodily Injury & Property Damage Combined ❑ Hired Autos ❑ Nonowned Autos . ❑ Excess Liability . ❑ Commercial Blanket Excess Ezch Occurrence/Aggreaate ❑ Other (Miscellaneous Covereges) DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LOCATIONS/VEHICLES/RESTRICTIONS/SPECIAL ITEMS * The individual or partners shown as Insured elected to be covered as employees under this policy. Products-Completed OpereUOns aggregate is equal to each occurrence limit and is included in policy aggregate. City of Wheat Ridge Attn: Darin Morgan 7500 W 29th Ave. - - - Wheat Ritlge, CO 80275 ❑ Should any of the above describetl policies be canceled before the expiration date lhereM, the company will endeavor to mail `(10 days) wntten notice to the Certificale Holder named,-but faiWre lo mail such notice shall impose noobligation or liability of any kind upon lhe company, its agents or representatives. '10 tlays unless different numberofdays showa 0 This certifes coverege on the date of issue only. The above described policies are subject to cancellation in conformity with their terms and by the laws of the state of issue. 1 3-3-63- ORIGINAL - CeAi£r.aie Holder_ COPIFS }o Servir.es I. SEEiZ6Cd fi-4-ff~ENT PO.B 2201 SNOLEWOmD, COLORADO 80150 VJheat Ridge List 2003 ,1-26t` and Kipling NW r2 - Kipling and 26`h NE ae ~ Kipling and 32nd NE .,4= Kipling and 38t' NE ,S = 38fland Kipling SE .,6'- 38`" and Kipling NW e"T{ipling and 40 SW '~Kipling and 44th NE and Kipling SE kff- Kipling and W 48~' SE W- Kipling and W 4P SW j.2 = Wadsworth and 44ffi NE i3- Wadsworth and 44" SW ]s4-44' and VJadsworth SE i&- Wadsworth and 41' E. Side Pn•'tl"r Pqwwc, y7 - Wadsworth and 38h NE b8'- Wadsworth and 38`" SW ,..4 29- 38`" and Wadsworth SE ~.1-- Wadsworth and 35th NE 60" ,2~2'- 38' and Vance NW 36 - 44`" and Ward NW 37 - 44'' and Ward SE 38 - 44'and Field NW 39 - 44fl' and Field SE 40 - 44'h and Yarrow NE ✓ 2~" ~2~vv r ac) ~3 - 38" and High NW 1 0~ benA e~ tLl~ Y4 -38" and High SW --i- or~>e Ue~ e~ 23 - 38'and Pierce NW 2.6 - 38' and Pierce SE 27 81' --29 so-"~'-mia-Snena'- 3fl - 32°d and Wadsworth NW M - Wadsworth and 32°d SW 32 - Wadsworth and 32°a NE 93 - 32°d and Wright ct. NE 34 - Youngfield and Applewood Center Dr. NE ~ -W- Youngfield and 4038 Youngfield N* se• ~ - one- ~ , „ COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT BUILDING INSPECTION LINE - 303-234-5933 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE 7500 WEST 29TH AVENUE WHEAT RIDGE, CO 80215 - (303-235-2855) Building Permit Number Date 15193 3/3/03 Property Owner: BENCH-4-RENT Property Address : CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE BUS BENCHES Contractor License No. : Company : Phone : 669-7361 Phone : OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE OF UNDERSTANDING AND AGREEMENT I hereby certiTy that the setback distances proposed by this permit application are accurate, and do not violate applicable ordinances, rules or regulations of the City of W heat Ridge or covenants, easements or restrictions of record; that all measurements shown, and allegations made are accurate; that I have read and agree to abide by all conditi ns printed on his application, and that I assume full responsibility for compliance wit he Whe R ge Building Code (U.B.C.) and all other applicable Wl~at Riyjge,prdinanceso~yy~ his permit. (OW NER)(CONTRACTOR) 3 36 Construction Value : Permit Fee : $2,000.00 Plan Review Fee : $0.00 Use Tax : Total: $2,000.00 Use : Description : 40 REPLACEMEbV7 BUS BENCHES PER ATACHED BUILDING DEPARTMENT USE ONLY Zoning Cpmments:± SIC : Sq. Ft. : Approval : Zoning : Bu~lding Corri'ment's:; OKAY Approval: DM Public Works Comments; Approval : Occupancy : Walis : Roof : Stories : Residential Units : Electrical License No : Company : Expiration Date : Approval: Plumbing License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval : Mechanical License No : Company: Expiration Date : Approval: (1) This permit was issued in accordance with the provisions set forth in yopur application and is subject to ihe laws of the State of Colorado and to the Zoning Regulations and Building Code ot Wheat Ridge, Coloredo or any other applicable ordinances of the City. (2) This permit shali expire if (A) the work authorized is not commenced within si#y (60) days fmm issue date or (B) the building authorized is suspended or abandoned for a period of 120 days (3) If this permit expires, a new permit may be acquire2i for a fee of one-half the amount normaily required, provided no changes have been or will be made in the originai plans and specifications and any suspension or abandonment has not exceeded one (1) year. If changes are made or if suspension or abandonment exceeds one (1) year, tull fees shall be paid for a new permit. (4) No work of any manner shall be done that wili change ihe natural flow of water causing a drainage problem. (5) Contractor shali notify the euiiding Inspec[or hventy-four (24) hours in advance for all inspections and shall receive written approval on inspection card before proceediing with successive phases of Ihe job. (6) The issuance of a ermit orthe appmval of drawings and specifcations shall not be consirued to be a pertnit for, nor an approval of, any violation of the pmvision of t u' ding ~ ode r any other ordinance, law, rule or reguiatioa . Chief Bw dirig 6pec,4 FLI;IlhdIPdi= & ~i~l Fa ~3~«i=.~ wC 31 --00r2 13:H• F 0r2 {7 DEP.ARTDIE]\T OF PLtL\'NINCi .1NI7 DFVF,LC1PhLEti I Buildine Pei._ . Nuznocr: ~j V s - ~•NfAr~ BU7L➢LNG lltSFECTION LENE - 303-234-5933 v iw:~~ JQ C:TTy' CDF wAr._1T R27)GE 7500 W&ST'4TFi AVEN[ E 4yI3EAT IR[DGE, CO 80215 -(303 235-2855) ~PUCATION PTO WCl~ Y: BEEN.. _ _ Y . p~c~ C) Po.B 2201 3 a3 ~ 6 q-~3 d I Proyeiry Adc;re3s_ En9GLEWOOD, COLORADO 8m1a~C~ ?hone . Contractur License No. • ~ompa,ir_ L/+rr~~ ~e rcht Yliuna: O14lYER'CO; iTI4AC.TOR SIG[YATURE OF i7riDERGTANPltiG A?+D Iherebyeervtytnattbe9ethack,dinffinceaprnPnSCdbth:cpe-n.i.aq' ~o...eT^-a:.eurzts, I (.:ORStS:ICLYJIlV8111~::~ 2-04~~; 4 anddorotvinltireapplicaYeurdinances~lescrreg, alaAanao`rl~,eC fWheatP.ijgen. i Pe7-m1tF'ee:$ covenants esscmcnaerrcsmckunso#rc llrd,tiiatalimeasm menushown,sndsUegsnors :eLatle :ue accuraL.; that t nave read end agrez te abide oy a11 cunu-tialls n;inted on [his ~ P13S1 R(DV1CW Fee:$ application and cha[ I assume ivil responsibility for complia•ico with the Wheat ..idge T3L !dir.e Co~e (TJ.R.C) and all 6ther a licablc Wheat Rid Grtiirt:mtea, f worx muer uGe Ta'Y:$ tnis pcrmiE_ - r J.Ott7.A:.P 2,idQ• ~oc~n.~~cun*~R.+.crox?:srcc4~.c .a ~J - ~~~~~r~Cir~~u MAR 0 3 2003 d II BL]ILDP1VSr1) E A'r1K11V1N;:VT t~iE VN LY SiC: ZqNINO O4MMCflTD; ~ t1pp10':3l: ~uS:onImeHrS: AFprovai: ~ T PUBLIC WORKS COMMrNT3: ' - ~ Approval: ~ ~ OCCUpancy: WaLs: - Fioof: SYoricz: Res.tidentialL7nits- EIv~4i~.1 Lita;:,c'J~. ?1u+.i:Liuh Liue*.::e: Nv: NIcc:haniexil Liecnac Nv: Compary: Cumpuiy: CumpanY' ExTuztion I_!ate Fxpiration Date: Expuarion ilate: A prnval Anroval: Approval: ~ (:j ieispemtitwetisauedir.acco[dancewiththeyrovleiovsset:oxrhvyourxppHcatiovc-:diss`ubjecem'cetawsoffne5cieoAUanuas.dto eh" Z.na!?S iiaguLations a~13 $~Idlyg Codts nY ~JEeat 12:dge, Co?c:ud~ n.- iay o!he: applicEble erE;nances of ihc Ciry. (Z) ILISaCI1P.it6r811tXD3}GIS(.4) tLeWO[ICEll1ISCS128d]SODICMR?RB¢CBd wItl:insizry(60)dayxfrem+.5saad%teM(B) 6;eFi;;t3icganthorize;iscnapencedn~. a::3r1onlS '~x a AariJd oY itu QayS. (3) I£thispermitexcir:s,xnewpumitmaybeecw,:iteLfo:aieecfone-hff LCViolm, toor-4:sLymqulrau,y:•oq:dedm-kiangraliaw9ear.crwi7!hattsd'e lu too oeiwa plavs and ~BtifCSfiGr.3 and ar.y sisp?naicn nr acaadonmeat hxa noi excr_ded one (1) yeaz. If cheages hase bccc o: Sf suspenaia¢ rr abveccnmemt n.'cads ane (1) yesr, fiili ke., sLal! Le pzid €>r a um perotit. (4) No work uf sny meruter sbsllhe dene!Lat wlll CFllngc ~}.e aaS:r~l!~nw 0`arntcr causing a dra;nage prablem. CantracOvrthOuaoef.y'1wB+iildiq;insp<erortiveoty-Uur('2`%) bewsinadvz,ceYcrall~r~aeLO~sand:Ss1I receiw.n;r:enepxov4 a¢i.n;tac:on:4ra bef: rc rtoc<ntine wi:h anccessivc phascs o:Ihejob. (5) 1'@e isaua¢cc of a permit or the aoproval of dr wing; and xpeciS"Sons sa~ti ae:6e cnnsmud ta be a pemi: ?or, nor ea epproval ui, eay 1161e5oa of lhe prov4sinna oFtuee'ildinp cod3s ox anY nihaz ortiinavee, lav., -dt or xacvlati~~,.. Clvci Buildin SpccTOi 63/03/2003 15:13 3039326991 AMERICAN FAMILY INS PAGE 01 Kevin L Freldlg Agency, lnc. 10397 W Centennial Road, Sulfe 200 Littleton, CO 80127 Phone:303-932-8333 Fax:303-932-6997 E-mail: kfreidigQamfam.com AMERICAN FAMILY A(!70 HOME BUSINESS NfALTH Llff ~ To: City of Whest Ridge Attn: Darln Morgan Fax 303-235-2857 Phone#: From: Barb Re: EOI for Larry Leicht, DBA Bench for Rent Message: Please calll if you have any questions. Date: 3/3/03 Time: 03:06 PM # of Pages: 2 (Including this page) CONSIDER US FOR YOUR OTHER INSURANCE NEEDS * Homeowners * Life * Auto * Business * ~t Personal & Business Umbrellas* Disabilitv Income iY Heafth* +t Low Cost Loans * IRA's * 03J03/2003 15:13 3039326991 AMERICAN FAMILY INS PAGE 02 CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY IN$URANCE American Famlly Insurene2 Comparry 1:1 qmerlean Famiy Mutual msuranca comPSny ff selectlon eox is not diedced. A M ER I N FAM ~ LY ~UO Amerlran Pky MGtlison, Wlscansin 53783-0001 AgenYs Name. Address and Phone Num6er (Agt/Dlst) Insured's Name and Address: A970 NOME BUS/NESS NfALTH LlFf ~ Kevln L Freidig Agency, lnc. (165/308) Larry Leicht 10397 W Centennlal Road, Sulte 200 DBA Bench for Reot Littleton, CO 80127 PO Bn:2201 303-832-6333 Englewood, GO 80150 ThIS certifir.ale Is Issued as a mauer of iMormatlon ony antl conters no Hghls upon the CaRitleate Flolder. "A -ti." aue. H.n ~meA hv Hw mflelas Ilsled helbva. t7yltl , ~p„IA 1Y'.. 1+ 1 ~ il'i ~ :.oi!,I,P'.~• 1"'}I.J~ IIu•l,y~:~•~~'~jy~FQII~~{P~ 4. Tftis Is to Ca that olitlE9 Of in6urdnca Ils[ed below have been Issued to the uisufed nemed above For the poli perlod IMlrated, ~tvdthstentling any ~ or may peHain, the insurance afforded belswed ermatcondlfbnofanycoMractorothetdaumantwitlirespecttovfilchtlilscertificstemay reGulreme t by tl70 Olicies dmcx9bed herein is wb'9ct (o all Me tertns, exdu5i0n6, Bnd eondttlons of sudl 6oes. POLIC7 7YPE TYPE OF INSURANCE POLICY NUMBER Eff2dv6 Explration uMRS OF LIABII-ITY Ma.DB ,Yr Nb,Da .Yr) Hom90w~tefs7 Botllly Injury aMl Properd Damage Mobflehomeoumers UaWll Each Ocwrtence Boatownar3 Llabll{al eoelly Injury arx! Pmpefiy Damage . Each Oxurrenes Versonal Umbrella Uablllty Bodrry injury antl Properry pamage Each Occurrenca FanlNRaneh Llabllity Farm & Personal UaDiliry Eed10CGJR6nce Fatm Em o rs Uabll Each Ocarrance StatutorY • • • • WOrkerl Compenaatlon and s Empbyers Uabiliiy + D ease - EecR EmplOyee Diseas¢ - POIiI.ImI! Ganerel Liabllity Qenetal AggfEgetE 1,000,000 ~ CommemJal General 05-XA4099-02 8I2012002 0120/2003 Producls - Completed Opetations Aggr¢gate $ 1,000,000 Liaeility (oeartence) Personal and advertlsiry inJury $ 1,000,000 13 Ead7 OccurtEflCE $ 1,000,000 ~ Damage to Premises fteMed lo You $100,000 Medlral Expense My One Person $ S,OOG 6usinessowners uabmty Each oxurrenca. + . ate Llquor I.iablllty ommon Cause umit A ate Llmlt AutOmObf le Liabllily Bndlly InjUry - Eaeh Person [3 /My puto Badity IMury - fiach Acddenl ❑ All Ownad Autos Property Damage ❑ Scheduled AuOos Bodity Injury 8 Pfoperty demage Combinad ❑ Hlrad Autas ❑ Nonawned AWos ~ E7cC099 LiBbillly ❑ CommarcJal Blanket E~ee EdGh OCalRencelAggMg9lC Olher (MlscellBtleou9 COVBf8g89 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS/LACATIONSNEHICLESIRE9TRIC110NS/SPEGAL ITEMS * Tha IntlMduel a pen~snawn as Insured electea ro be - tOYeRd fie Bmployeee urMar tlJS pplky, +a prppUete-Umplemd OpereNOns apprepate Is euual ro eaeh aarteirce IHnn eM le Indudad In poll or ro. Cky of Whaat Rltlge AISn: Darln Morgan 7500 W 291f Ave. Vvheet Rldge, CO 80215 Shoultl erry aF the a6ove deaeNbed polaes be cerceled berore the enplratfon date Uereof, the comparry wlll en0eevotto mall'(1U days) wrlttan nolice m ine CeAificate HoWer nartred, Dut failure lo meA suah noNce shall Impose rro abllgaUm ar Ganli(y of eny kiiM upon Ihe mmpary, Ils ageMa or represeMetlves. •10 days unless dNTarem numbBt oFdays slroxn. 0 T7+ie eaNFBS tevaruga on the date of Issue onry. Thm abova tleauibed polides are aubjecf to caflcellatlon In conlortnRy wlth y7Elr tEmis and by Ihe 3 BZNCH-4_QZNa Po.B 2201 ENGLEWeaOD, cOLoRADo 80150 Wheat Ridge List 2003 1- 26' and Kipling NW 2- Kipling and 26' NE 3 - Kipling and 32°d NE 4- Kipling and 38" NE 5- 38" and Kipling SE 6- 38" and Kipling NW 7- Kipling and 44'h S W 8- Kipling and 44`h NE 9- 44" and Kipling SE 10 - Kipling and W 48" SE 11 - Kipling and W 48`h SW 12 - Wadsworth and 44" NE 13 - Wadsworth and 44" SW 14 - 44"' and Wadsworth SE 15 - 44t' and Wadsworth NE 16 - Wadsworth and 415t E. Side 17 - Wadsworth and 38' NE 18 - Wadsworth and 38' SW 19 - 38" and Wadsworth NEc--;"" 20 - 38"' and Wadsworth SE 21 - Wadsworth and 35" NE 22 - 38`h and Vance NW 23 - 38"' and High NW 24 - 38"' and High SW 25 - 38"' and Pierce NW 26 - 38'and Pierce SE 27 - 38and Harlan NW 28 - 38" and Harlan SE 29 - 38"' and Sheridan NW 30 - 32"d and Wadsworth NW 31 - Wadsworth and 32"d SW 32 - Wadsworth and 32"d NE 33 - 32nd and Wright ct. NE 34 - Youngfield and Applewood Center Dr. NE 35 - Youngfield and 4038 Youngfield NW 36 - 44`h and Wazd NW 37 - 44"' and Ward SE 38 - 44" and Field NW 39 - 44"' and Field SE 40 - 44'h and Yanow NE N ~ENCH°4-RENT PO.B 220'! ENGLPWOOD, COLORA60 80950 )L , P//A--J a. Kip I,ns -t a~~ ~Ic A~ ) (I i IN-j BENCH-4-RENT Ro.B 2201 ENCaLEWOOD, COL.OFtA,DO 80150 Al C a°9_L;°P, sCav° e g0.B 2201 ENG4.EW0OD, COLf2RAD0 80150 2 BEa'e9CH-4-REWT Po.B 2201 ESvC'aLEVUOOD, C(3LORdD9 8011~=:, JV x ~ BE`dsiC°r6-4-RENT o@ yqp p~P./~ 2{2,/0~, EYtli.9 ery LEY}UOAYSYyIOOGV'Rp96YO 8015o x ~~7*\ 2 S ~ K. P ~ % SENCH-4-REa~T ~ +~'~~.$tlP~9 qg~e pp,{ q~o./~w 25zo~gg~ p~~UVpqgO!'id~q60~IL~L~{''~6MIJ~ V~yrry AJ'Al ' V 1G i~~ ll-' ~ I - y X BENCH-4-RE6dT c Pm.B 2201 J E~GLE@A~~OD,COLC3RADC9 80950 V~ BENCH-4-REnv fi Po.B 220~ ENCLEWOOD, COLORADC3 8p75^ iC 14,9 / q ; SFNCH-4-RENT Po.s 2201 ~ ENGLEWsaOD, COLoRADo 8015,7, N 1u. h , sl;~cS + LJ UV" S L V" d ' SENCH-4-RENa PO.B 2201 :~:1SGLEWOOD, COLORADO 80150 Li (Aj V~ SEiCH-4.RENn Po.B 2201 ::NGLEWooD, cOLORADsa eaa5t) ~aC N -caeRr-_- nv'r N PO.6 220'9 ,,a-'cWOOD, COLOR.9D0 801ai, yJ ~i _ 13 ' WGJs t,jo c~11 ~ ~t" 30 ~ juasuJpvt, ~ LL i ~ SZ-_NCH-4-RFm4T Po.e azoro E~~~EWesOD, COLORADo 80150 ~L~K + l.J,JS WoJ~ 17' SMACH-4-REWT Po.B 2201 EWGLEY90OD, COLORACSO 80750 lJ ►~o wgdj W a C~ 5 l,J 0 r~ r7,1- N~ ~ENCH-~-REW11' PO.B 2201 ENGLEW0OD, COLORADO 80150 IL. 4\,54 ~ ~ r- ~ -s',~~ ~~~~~-4-REWIT Po.B 2201 .XGLE~wOOD, COLORADcs so~cr) f 11 WajSwOrlh 3p' , t1~fr1D T~~ 1 i~- IV c- BENCH-4-REN°F Po.B 2201 CO' ORADO e015ri 12,wGd s ujo(+~ A V~ 3w '~FWCH-4°REWT Po.B 2201 ~~LOE$ADO 80150 a6s l,J a r~~ /V ~r- 7~- BENCH-4-RENT Pv.B 2201 ENfaLEWOOD, COLORAL1E> 801 vr~ ~x ~ ~ SENCH-4.RrzMv°~ ENGa E~.~OOD~~O~ORArca e015~ ti PJ s ~ ~ ~ ,3s ~ SNENCH-4-RENT PO.B 2201 Ee~GLF-WOOD; COLORADo 80150 VaY~xC~ Ivw ~E N CH -4-a E Po.B 2201 E;uGLEWOOD,COLORADO 801 5~ ~ ~ 5~ 0 ~J f 1 i1 k ✓ Pa.B 2201 ~:b'~"~a.°,'LICW,~"lOD. .@'rOLQRADQ' ~~l 5E, aU. wl-k BEa CH-t2_RENT ao.B 2201 ~NGLrWOOD, ~~~~~ADO e0150 's LJ 1j 'Sk X a n. 3 x F s:NC, in4-G'~~EN7 PoB 2201 rNLLEWOOD,CoLORADo 80150, C~ ~ . z g~ ~ p,e cce. ~ ~T-Z- ~ E, z a ~'C i ~d^4°R 2a~7 ,°'rp.S 2201 ENGiLPcW~OD, COLORADO 8O1;*.. ~"~Ur,Qf~ I~J W v v ,q~ /J v aEd yCHn4-REam 7 PO.B 2203 F's+8falLEWOOD, ~OLORAD0 801g: S ENCH-4mRENT aO.B 2201 . l LE~ ENGLEadYOOD, COLORAD89 8015[. no~ x ~ 3 BE$R9 CH-4-REa'3T PO.B 2209 ENGLEWOOD, COLORA3O 80150 ~C~ ~1a ~ ~ ~~s ~ Q; N ~ d L3,2- 3 I. W Ck.J5 c~~~~ ~ 3,~ NCl s W SENCH-4-REavT RO.B ~ 20'B ~p@~ba~rsL{CV'JEfiY ~r~Ry/q9~Dy S.+q/~21'VOoORpP4.1✓ py~{O 80S9p~ LYUJ0 /V djsta)oryl- l_,Ja~ S W o;A-'A , ti osoo✓~ 302 Nd ~ ticl ^ \ BE~9C5~-4-e~Ee~ o Po.B 2201 ENGLEWOOD, COLoRADO 80150 f\ \~t- BENCH-4-REWT Po.B 2201 ENGLEWOOD, CJLOFiADO 8015E7 ~~Ll • r U hG e1e~ ~F 11 ~p P~ z W Uoe~ C~~ e c I,Jc IV ~ d A-, .~,-e 0 ~a wor'~ G9-~ ~ 'b ✓ BENCH-4.REWa Po.B azo' Ee~GLEVIaOD, CoLaRAt~ ~OLgp, 'i0unc~~ 4 ,I eACI 5 ~VuN5F,-e Id v4 039 d BENCH-4-~ENT Po.€S 2201 ENC°aLEVJOOD, COLORAG€5 8095:` L4u~ ~ Wa~J Iv Ld ►w BFPSCW-4-RE6vT P~o.B 2201 _WOtaD, cOLa~~ADO 80150 ~~~~r fi ~L t y'= W a t'~ N ~ I,v C( C~ ~ ~ENCH-4-~ENT Po.B aao~ EN~~EWOOD, cOLORADsa 80150 Zg, ~~1-1~ 0 F,eld ~~~CH-4-~ENT Pv.B 2201 ~~~~EINOOD, COLORADO 80150 r 49 BEINCHm4.a RENT PO.B 2201 ENGLEWOOD, COL0~ADO 80150 SENCH-4-RENT PO.B 2201 ~"~§GLE~J~DOD> CC~s_ORADO ffiQ15s~ ~--~b, ~-I ~I ~ ~ Yc~ c c- ~ ~-~J x ~ ~i~- 7500 West 29th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 303/235-2855 Pax:303/235-2857 The City of Wheat Rldge June 9,2003 Larry Leicht DBA Bench-4-Rent PO Box 2201 Englewood, CO 80150 RE:Permit #15193 - Bus Bench installations Dear Mr. Leicht, Pursuant to Section 21-145 of the Wheat Ridge Code of Laws, courtesy benches aze to be placed within 60 days from the date of issuance of the permit. As of the date of this letter the following locations have not been placed and have been applied for by another contractor for courtesy bench placement. 1. 32nd & Kipling St (NE corner) - Two benches 2. 480'& Kipling St (SE corner) - One bench 3. 480'& Kipling St (SW comer) - One bench 4. 32"d & Wright Ct (NE comer) - Two benches 5. 44" & Fie1d St (NW corner) - One bench 6. 44'" & Field St (SE corner) - One bench It appears you have mistakenly located courtesy benches at the following non-permitted locations, ~ North side of 32nd Avenue east of Youngfield St ~ West side of Youngfield St across from 4038 Youngfield St location. Pursuant to Section 21-124(e), you aze also required to locate nine (9) benches without advertising in the zone districts indicated under this section. Please contact oar office no later than June 20. 2003 with a detailed map showing the locations of the nine (9) benches without advertising along with a confumation letter stating the two (2) courtesy benches located at un-permitted locations have been removed. Failure to meet the date indicated could result in further enforcement action being taken. Should you have any questions or comments please contact me at 303-235-2853. Sincerely, ~ Darin Mor Codes Ad nistrator Cc bus bench file Alan White, Community Development Director Sec. 21-123. Identification of owner Each courtesy bench which is placed within the city shall be identified with the name of the owner, regardless of whether the owner is a person, business association, or nonprofit organization. Such identification shall be placed on the front edge of the bench seat which faces the street, and shall be designed so as to be identifiable from the street. Such identification shall be placed on all benches, whether or not the bench has advertising. Sec. 21-124. Construction specifications; location, maintenance Location. Benches for bus stops shall be located only at designated bus stops within the public right-of-way, off of the roadway or off of the public right-of-way with written permission of the property owner. If a bench for a bus stop is located off of the public right-of-way, the written permission of the property owner shall accompany the original application for permit and each annual reapplication submitted by the permittee. The bench must be placed at, or as near as is practicable to, the place where passengers board and disembark from the bus. It shall be the sole responsibility of the permittee to assure that all benches are placed on the public right-of-way or that permission has been granted from the other property owner. The bench company will be required to maintain and clean the area under and within a five-foot perimeter of the bench. Zones in which advertising matter on benches permitted. Benches at bus stops which do not contain any advertising matter shall be allowed in all zone districts. Benches without advertising shall not be subject to assessment of a permit fee, and may have a courtesy plaque, no larger than forty-eight (48) square inches, announcing the name of the person, organization or company responsibility for placement of the courtesy bench. Benches which contain advertising matter shall be permitted, by right only in the following zone districts: (1) Commercial series (RC-1, R-C, C-1, G2, PCD) (2) Industrial (PID (3) Multifamily (R-3, R-3A, PRD (4) Hospital (H-1, H-2 Sec. 21-146. Maximum number; coordination with other facilities There shall be only two (2) benches per bus stop. Applications for permits for benches at bus stops will not be approved for locations with existing or proposed bus stop shelters. i % - hLKIRESf - 13PJ - ZIMIN 13iW - UNG t3p00 - TPNK 12AU - Yp1NGFlElD 4800 - %ENWHQ`1 1]](A - %ENCN 12" - WflIGHT 125N - WAROROAO - II9W VIVIAN " 13'A] VlW GORDX! 122D0 - UR6>N 131N - UNICIJ 12IXA - TPFT t1AU - ihBOR 11PW - SWpDLEY 117W - sinv.ssr - „eoo - RWTT itXO - fl08B 114W - WE@1 11]W - WNIL 1110] - PIEASON ff10J - GpftFET 11W0 - OWBIS t0&U onrcsr ioeao - NENfMN 10700 - NELSCN 1IXU] i - F10pRE 10500 i - MILLEA 104N - Lt'NIS 10IUt - -EE tazaa - I(LINE 10100 - 1(I9lNGSf - 10000 - JqN50N 89N - JF1lI5Q`I 9800 - IRIS 97W - INDEP@ID@!CE 9C'W - HOLLPNO - cnaw+o saoo - cnawsorvsr- smo - FLOVJT 9IW - FIElD 9030 - EVEREI"f BBW - ESTES 6&p - WDIET 8700 - OOVER 8600 - CODY 8500 - CAFRSI - B" - BPBfM'WO 03C0 - BFLYJA BLV - NMAOnS 610J - ALLISCN 8000 - ZERITR )W'J - YqRNOVJ ]&T - YIIKON ]]W - WApSYARl118LVD- ]dp - WERSIEF ]SOJ - VMlCE 7" - UPHNA ]1N - T¢IER 7m - SAULSBUFV ]tOJ - REm 7" - QUAY BB]0 - PIFACESI - 6800 - OTIS 8700 - NEWVIIO 8000 - IMR31NLt BSCO - WMft 89W - KENWLL 63W - JNY 6200 - ING4LL5 61DJ - ~ftVW ~ - BOJ] - GMY `+900 ~ - FBRCN 5800 EATON 5]W - OEiEIN 5800 - pNSE 5503 - BFMCN SdN - M1E5 5300 - SMERIOAlBLVD - 53D ~ D IJ A ~ ~ co cl) a CD n CD - 0 ~ ~ N O Z D Fy m Z p r 0m 00 X G (p ~ ~ a D K G ~ O ~ -n ~ L N ~ N ~ 0 0 ~ ~ y N (a N ~ 0 0 M ~ n 07 O .Zl N ~ dn ~ O N m QDC C N N l J r~ ~ O \ ~ CD 0) r~ /v QL (Q (D ~