HomeMy WebLinkAboutEast of Youngfield (Coors) INTRODUCED BY COUNCILPERSON RESOLUTION NO. 481 MERKL Series of 1976 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF mIEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT: 1. Section 3 of Resolution No. 471, Series of 1976, IS amended to read as follows: That the City Council of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, will hold public hearings to determine if the proposed territory IS eligible for annexation under the terms of the Municipal Annexation Act as set forth in Chapter 31, Article 12, Section 106(1), Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, as anended. That such hearings will be held on the 13th day of December 197~, and the 10thday of Januarv , 1972-, each at ~he hour of 7:30 o'clock P.M., at the City Council Chambers located at 4355 Field Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado. 2. That all remaining Sections of Resolution No. 471, Series of 1976, shall remain in full farce and effect. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 8th day of rJover.lber 1976, by a vote of 5 to 1 Signed by the Mayor of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the ~hday of November , 1976. ---- , ~":, A__ Ji'-:......:._ Frank Stites, Mayor ",./')(. ATTEST: ...,..-.... ........t"}. ~ ..-.., ~~/~;,: -',~1 ", t. '_~j/ EllS'e Brougf-"am, City; Clerk i PU8LlSHER'S AfflDA vir 51 A Tc OF COLORADO, ) COUNTY 01' }p.f :er.s(:Jn j' I, .!J.enise .Kalette. do \Oiemnly $weor th~t I om lhe - . editor of . The ~>J::eat Ridae .Sentinel thot the Km''l! is 0 weak~y newspaper published in Ill. City ... \'r,n~9-t R.ip(J~ County of . Je.ffer :;OJ1. STate of ~rodo. ond has I) general circulo- tion thoreift:: thot <<lid ~.'N,~oper has be-en ~ub. lished ,:onfiftuously Q"d uninterruptedly in loOid County of _ .J.efferson for c period of mar. t"on 52 week, prior to tn. tin1 pye:~o'}ol'l of tn. onne:..d nOliClt, tho' said newspaper is entered in the pod ofHu at Denver Colorado, (2S ieCond cion moll matter and thot the $Did ~iN'spopf!r is " newspaper within ~he l'NOI\ing of ~ ex' at the Gfmef"ol A:tsembly at tne State of Co~orado, CipproYlld Mor..:h 30. 1923. and .ntitl~ hle-IiIOl Notice' and Ad~nise:'!;en1S" and otner at" relating to the printing o",d pub- tishing of ~ol noti.:tl's and odverti1.emen1S; that th~ onnex.ed notice wQ~ publiihed in t!\e ft!gviar and en,ir. issue d tc:Iid newspaper for the period of four consecutive insertjon~: thot the first pubHeaho", 'ot ~id r.:ewspoper daied No" ~ 1,1 19 76 ond the last publiclZbol"l or $aid notic. 'NOS in t~.., is!ul!t of $Old ".'~per dot.d 76 , p, /j ~//_;!; /tL.- r./' vy~' .- Signature o/"!d Ti:l., Dec~ 1: - 19 'W(A~~~ SubKribed ond swCrn to bolor. me, (I Nc.t::Jry ?ublic, )hi... . 2nd day oi Dec~.r.'.ber 19 76 ~/ -'-I..u..-, -:i,~ ' "./l~" ~' """"'-:-" NQJC" P"b1ic ~t'f ".."".....yn~ -~....>"\ '~, ,-~.,~:' 1\.,"{'"" .... :';,t.',-1 ,~ .,1",] t, . _"~ ~, ...\IJ"', ~ ~ INTROD'JCf.D BY C0;]i'\CrLPERSO'l 481":'RKL_~_--l RESOWT ro,"! ~;O SeTies of 19io ~E IT RE~OL'~.UJ BY "('HE .....IT'( C'U~KI: 1F i:tE :rr: OF W'Hi...o\1 ';.'lLlGE, C0LGR.....i)C, YHAT - Se~tio~ 5 o~ ReSGIJtlon ~o 471, Series of 1976, __ .i!ll.~nded to reaJ .15 ~cllvws That the CIty Council vf Wheat Ridle, C~l~r~io, wIll h~lJ. pubL:: hearin~s to ..ieter:r,i,'e eligihle for all,1ell::lt12n l-unier ~he H th., '~'1':'?0<;e1 1:7':.[TitJT ter~!s ;;f the ;lu:,i.':lr.a "-.n,'exar::ic.n Ac t .15 3et :!'rth in Chanter .51 106(lJ, (~LOT~1o Revt<;ed Statutp5 oi l~~l _\rtlC~C n, Seeti,';'] a3 arlcr,ded T.l.J ~ '5uc..h heartnJ!;"' "'1.1 b~ It,:-lc on the 2t!. :l,,-v cf __)!E!:~_ 137~. and t:-:e lOthday of ~OUT of 1 30 o'clock P ~ Jatlt..nr'l ----~,_. 97 2." ea.::,. at t1",-; at t~e (It'. C~Lllcil ~,~n"'~rS 1o~ate~ ~t ~J)5 Field S~reet, Wheat Riuge Co'orado That all ,C:ll3.1:ting Secti.ons c f i'f' <; ~ l'j t i~. ~., I. 5erl~S of 1976. shall rendin in fuil for:e al'd ef ~ct i'ASSED. ADOPTeri A.m AP[lROVED thio;. e~"'. hy nf _~~l!"'b~t'_, !9i6, by a v~te of to .&nec! by the ~aJor o[ he Cit' o~ ivl';e-at K__d<'e, (:0.('..1':;:", c.n H.e ~ day -::f NO\lem~q:- )9"'6 ATTEST . 3/ EliSel EJro.Jqham ITI5'e"Br\,)~g:han. lIt" l'T~ rirs~ Publication: ~c"ember 11 19t"6 lut Pubr.:ation: De-:ember 2, 1975 Wi"Bal Ridge Sentmel 5/ Franl( tit! te~ :ra:!1r-S-:l:~..;, ":1yo:- "- /? -~ /-d-C~~"1 ~~ 7...~-"\~ -'\~ ~~ - ~" ~ \. -~, 2. ~ ~\."1 ~ ~\..~~~L' \~ ~ , . ~~-=s-~ - ~~ . ~~~\ ,,~~, ~~~ ~~~~.~~~- ~~.\ '\ ~ 3.~~~~~_ ~ ~ . ') ~~ ~M~ . .-\'-- ~~~, 1~ " .~ V'1- '~ 1..~ ~~,\~ 0~ .' ~~~~~~ ~'-..v.'~~ . ~ ~ 1.. "" "t __~~. \__ ~ , c;- ~ ,S'l ~ __ .._n... . __ . "'"'~~~ ~1..~.)~t~?; ~ ~\.~ ~ ~ ,'L "';, \.~ ) _\., __ a \ ,,- I ~ ~. 9>1- ~~ \~ \N. ~\\, ,t.-'\- .) ~ ~. 00 ?~\ ~~'''<t:..'1\1.-~.~<i" I \~ c::. 1 u 1...-,' -tr \l ,... .. ~, " ~ . "'L ~ I 5 ~ ~., "., ":) .~, '" -- - .-"-- _." - .-" -.---- ~.~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~)~~7.~. ~~~s~~~~~~ ~. ~ t j l' T\+ ;~'='~:;~'o::-t. ~;i~r=tCt Ci1Y OF \1 t.:~' PlfJGE Rel"\....... 'I.,C''--l-..... fJ t:-~ 'V t__;,j 2.G:../J;.J!.L./JL&.1 J l<t?/j.. dBt, /.t;S:,3e: ~'~~L0jut1.-._ WILLIAM E. McCARTHY CITY ATTORNEY 1 , '. .i 'I 'I . t \~l.-QJH?.!!J <Dl);~~ !~~~:'~\l;~t!}l(~>~ >--f) _ :, "".;::: ;]..~~',;; 'j~~'j_~' ~.t.S'rAe'LtS;M~..~873-':-;":, ,,'" -,~ _ ~ .'~ > .j r._~r~ ~.:;!~;';i~ ;-'-;,~ :2~;iLt:Jl~1~.~':: :~~, ,;,,;.~., ~r/_\~~ -.1~,-~~.._~-;CI:~~~L~itlIII'; \\\tH .jrJ:H~],)1<;-:$'~~-~ttJ. ~'V~..4r~.;INt1J'I' jl -- - - .."'-..~~:-~r~')I q'f .~~.. -..~ l -f !~,. ,~_ '~..,""-- LOWELL C. SUND August 2, 1974 Vice President Mr. Roy A. Turner Legislative Consultant Adolph Coors Company 1280 West 47th Avenue Denver, CO 80211 Dear Roy: Attached you will find two copies of a plat showing the location of certain property owned by Adolph Coors Company east of Youngfield Street which is not included within the city limits of the city of Wheat Ridge. Enclosed also are two copies of the legal descriptions for the two parcels of land involved. Parcel "A" is outlined in red and contains approximately 67 acres of land. It was excluded along with the area designated as Tract No. 1 from the land which was included in the original Wheat Ridge incorporation. It is also probable that Parcel "B" which is out- lined in orange and containing approximately 0.5 acres of land was also excluded from the area incorporated to form the city. A check of the records concerning the incorporation should confirm whether or not Parcel "B" is currently within the city limits. The parcels of land which are designated on the accompanying plat as Parcel "A," Parcel "B" and Tract No. I were all owned by Lee Sand and Gravel Company at the time of incorporation of the city of Wheat Ridge. The owners of Lee Sand and Gravel Company, Charles R. Eatchel and Howard K. Collins, chose to have their land excluded from the incorporation. Subsequently, Adolph Coors Company acquired the land described as Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" from Lee Sand and Gravel Company. Tract No. I was not acquired by Adolph Coors Company, and we believe it is still owned by Lee Sand and Gravel Company. Mr. Roy A. Turner August 2, 1974 Page Two It has been determined that Adolph Coors Company does not object to having the land described as Parcel "A" and Parcel "B" annexed to the city of Wheat Ridge. It is requested that as a part of the annexation procedure the land be properly zoned so as to permit the construction of water storage reservoirs on the land which is subject to annexation and on the other adjoining land within the city of Wheat Ridge which is owned by Adolph Coors Com- pany and shown on the accompanying plat, dated October 22, 1971 and designated as Exhibit "A," as being subject to future develop- ment for water storage reservoirs. It is requested that you work with the proper officials of the city of Wheat Ridge on the above described matters and that you keep us informed of your progress in getting the objectives accomplished. It is suggested that any necessary legal work be accomplished by the attorney for the city of Wheat Ridge and that any documents which are prepared pursuant to this matter be sub- mitted to us for review and approval. Sincerely yours, - {' k' ( .) I ~ A. I" , 'L(' ,/ ...,. L.~..u)"l,) ;,'. LCSund bjf Enc. " - - Ii 160610 jl.iTACHF.O.1:0 AND FORMINC A P"~T OF ORD!:F<: NO. L.::~ ~ '.( -, , B,;'~k.. p.+-rn II ~ ! . ~ DESC2IPTImt: PARCEL A: That part of the si of S~ction 20 and of the ~mi of the NTI} of Section 29, To,ffiShip 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., described as follo~s: B3gi:uJing :::..t J. Doint on -:hs East ~if;ht of ':,;3~J line of You.:Jgti,~ Jd Straat, iron ~hich point ~hQ quarter corner between said Sections 20 and 29 bears North 73022'52" E2.st, 130G.OG feet, and Hhich 1nin"1:: is also the Xorthwesterly cornor of Ridge Subdivision; thence North 64025'23" East alonrrthe Northerly line of Rid;;e Subdivision, 1122.40 feet; thence Horth C;:>0'10" East, 180 feot; thence North 58<>57'48" East, 195 feet; thcnc~ Sout.h S4Q2Ct05tf E~st, 155..78 feet to the 'i:'est line of n parcel of land described in Book 759 ~t Page 462 of Jofi~r- son O:>unty records; thence IJ"o:r-th 0005'3'1" West along said r:est li~Q, 1032.95 feet to the North line of said tract described in Dook 759 at Page 4G2; thence South ~7053' East along the North line of said tract, 664.32 feet to the ~est line of the John R. Lee tract as described in Book 202 at Page 328 of said record$; thence Korth 0003' 41" West along the West line of said John R. Lee Tract, 200 feet to the South line of Pearl of the Valley Subdivision; thence North 8Go ~est, 185.65 feet to the SE corner of tract of land conveyed to Harold N. Lee by deed rocorded in Dook ,197 at Paf.e 5G2; tl:once ~;ortll 0<329'57" West, 357.30 feet to the HE corner of said Harold H. Lee tr~ct; thance Souch 8903~'33" '\1'est, 5GO.47 feet to the :i1orth-Soetl1 centerline of said section 20; thence North 0009'29" East alan,; said Borth-South centerline of Section 20, 191.23 feet to the NE cor~er of tract of land conveyed to Harold N. Lee by deed r0corded in Boot 451 at P;tge 323 j thence South 89 "25' W-~st al?ng the North line 0:: fluid Lee tract, 513.7 feet to the Nil corner there-of; thence South - 00321 East, 244.95-feet; thence South 72057'58" west, 145.03 fect; thence South 75046'12" wast..,- €4.LD6 feet to the E:\st right of way line of Youngfield St~ect; t:-:encc South 0~44'16n E:;.et along said East right of ~ay line, 2117.00 feet, more or less, to the point of h.o.oo.;Tln..;.......,..., ).....y,.,~7i' +"-.-,t -........,..+..~..,... +':.,~.....f':t:)..p :'.n~-r~ }-..nc" ~.c:::' fr.l' o"'ct- --t::t'-"""'---b' _.a................... ~ .........- ~.......... ......c..__..A. ~"~"""'.L"""'-"",,,,,, ......~..;J....... -"-#oJ......, ........ ..... _ .._. The .tract bcginnin~ at the Southwesterly corner of Parcel A hereinbefore described, said point baing a point on the E~st right-of-way line of YounGfield streat, from which point the qu~rter corner betdeen Sections 20 and 29, Tovms~ip'3 south, Range 69 i'lest of the 6th P.M., be;;u-s North 73022'52" L::lSt, a distance of 1306.06 feet, and which point is also the North- westerly corner of Ridge Subdivision; thence North G-1025t23" E:lzt along the soutl1arly- boundary line of Parcel A and the Korthcrly boundary line of Ridge Subdivision a dis- tance of 405.87 fC9tj thence North 0044'16" ~est parallel to the ~cst boundar; lino, of , 7 ~ ~ ~ t t Parcel A a dist~~ce of 1, 7~.9~ ~ee 0 a point; ti:ence South 75016' 12" "cst, p;1l"allcl to tho No:"therly boundary line of Parcal At n distance of 462.77 feet to a point on the West boundary linQ of" ~aid parcol A; thence South 004.4'16" E::..st alon:; t:10 \-':ost boundary line of ~nrccl A. ~ distance of 1,873.23 feet to the Doin-:: of L'elSinnin:;. Together with n 50 foot nG~-cxclusive c~so~ent over ~nd ~crOS3 tt.0 exco'otcd Tr~ct :lS described !lcre:l~3."bcvc fo~ i~~r~:38 ~ C~T(:,~~ ~~r;rl ~ . -- - ~ t -~,.... ................~ j-'.,..,' -T4~1~ ~"0 1Jtilit,,f' li:r:]cs; 52:.d ~v -:"co-: C::'SC'7'Crl.... 0 ...-u....... li",~""41..---'-""..l. <i-~""'':'~ ....~.- "'r,-.-.....~""'"'""-...l-:~ , -; ~', u- t" ,.--....,..j c.c ...~) t:-".u "'Lr'1c.t 'lD(i tv :.;0 =-oc~ t..:.:d -..'/i t~in the _\J..... ......\......... J ..............-<.- ~ .;...)"_'-0. -....... ~ '-- .. ... l:orthcrlv It:\O feet of s::.id c.:..:ccptcc 1"r:tct) and al:-,D ta[~ctL.~= Yiitl1 ~ ~O foot l1ou-c:-:cl:J.sivt:: e~~e~-ent. o./c:- and ~_crOS5 :.).).::0 fcc"t of ti:c ~outh ~O..lO feet of .tte: c:::.::")tcd ']~l"..~-:;t .:~..::.~ <lc.::cri~~~d l:.C.~"c~tn'lbovQ . . -.. ~. . l . ~. " - ,. -., c ~ for 1n~TCS~t cr~rQ~3 and u~~~~t7 ~].l::~t C~~~ C~~~~.~~ ~ ~O ~~ ~~ra~~ - to the :;'::Jut~~'2.:'tlj lir-~8 <\~:: ~:.::..iu cx,::o~:..cd l"il.~{:t. ..;::....,....~ :l~(; ~() IG8t d:.~~::;...~- sio;) bciz.~f.,. r;i.:~s~rcd Gc:r-OCJ~d)..cul:-'..r" tu 'tl:<2' ..;;...:'~~:~ :.:..:~.:; o~ sai~ 0;':cc;)"~.....1 ... . - Tract, County of Jefferson and State of Colorado Policy Xo. CO 136081-0 :l1/~ '-17, \ r I I I , I , ~.. I 'i} I I \ t r ., ~ [ .' , ~ ^~ , " r': ., , I 2318 218 - ~.;'\ ","",0-,1' n. .i.. .:..~ \. \....,....,I".J ...1. ..Ol. !l:::.'t of .clic x:~ ~ 02 ..J~hc S~~lI ~ 0.2 ;.:;oc-~ io:: 20 J TO\'lns:1i~ 3 South, ;1~~-i.;;e .....l' .<-....:... 0-7 ._~.,....... ..:-..-.... n ,,~ deC'c,."b~d.........-...... l.O'IfC v;J ........0...::... .--. 1......-:-- ~)......J.... .... .~,.J.. J .......... ~ "- . ..y~.._~~)l- n ..~: ..... . :-:..::....-:lr:.::~::c: =--~......: -~;"'..C 1';\'.' CO:i.":r...2 l'" 0:": S::~C:. .:.\.s~." 0';": .cho ST/l~~; .cncr.ce SG~-:r~ Oo:O~ =~3t) 557.~: feat; ~hcnc8 Xorth 89~50i E~st 503.57 fcc~, ~o ~~~~~ruc po~n~ of bCGin~in~; ~~cncc Xorth 89050r East, 205 f00~; t~c~cc Scu~h 4502~f W2S~, 287.09 iec~; thence Northerly '201 f8et, -'Q~2 O~ less, to ~~o ~~uo poin~ of bc~in~ing, C0~~~Y ot J~~fe=SQn, S~a~e of Colo~~~o. :':.::.C2L C: ~::2 ~ast 25 fcc~ of the South 210 ~cct of th~ Xorth 773.7 fcc~ G~ :~~~~ l, Po~~l of the Valley, tO~ct~0~ wi~h a Yight-of-~ay as ~~~s~:ltly cxisti~G over the proQc~~y to t11G ~GS~ fo~ ingrG~s ~n~. c~:."'~.:;s 1:0 tI18 above dcscr-iood p:'''OpCl'''~Y f~orr:. Ylcs"'C {~th P...vc:r~c J ~0~~~~1:cr with the balance 01 land ~cccssary to give ingrGss ~nd ~~:~C3S f~Oi:l ~1ost 44th Avenue to the ~fo~e-described parcel of la~dJ ~s ~ccep~od by Jefferson County for road purposes, Cou~ty of Jefferson, State of Colorado. ::> A'~RC=L D: ?~Qct 1, EXCE?T the No~th 773.7 fee~ thereof, Pearl of the Valley. Cou~ty of Jefferson, state of Colorado. :?A~.:-:'CEL E: ?h~~ p~~t of the W~ pf the s=~ of S2c~ion 20, Township ~ So~th, Ran;;o <39 '::cst of the 6th P.i,f;.} described as follows: Ecginni21g ~t the intG~scc~io~ of ~he No~~h and South ce~terli~e o~ Section 29 ~~d tho ccntG~li~c of ~cst 38th Avenue, said poi~~ b2i~G 521.~2 fcot .South 0= th~ Xorth qU~Tter corner of s~id S3c~~on 20, ':'o\vDship:; 80';J.t~1, R~ng;c G9 1lt8st o:Z the 6th P.i\1.; t~:2~~C ~~J:""'-::-~ 7303~' E~st 222.39 feet to the true poin~ of beginning; th8~C8 :::O:""":~;l 500 :.ce-c; thence '\lest 136.31 feet; thenC8 :North 142.5.23 fee'~; t~cncc South 87058' East GG5.5S ~ec-~; thence South 711.22 fe8t; ~" - ~ -'j ,".- '):::'O.r. "'". O_"_~~'" '0' ~'n 0(0. "9 "~ee"'" ~he e ';' s~ 0::0 ....r...c.....cc ~ os" ~V ...:..cc v, \"uL:....Io...,....;... ;.JOU.... 0..)...;.::1 . -. ... - l." l... nc .I>...Ia.... ....0...1 ~C0~; the~c~ Soutl1 711.5S icc~ to the cente~line oi \ies~ 3St~ , ~, So.~.J... '7co......L." .?....s.J... ~/""" ~'l r""'e"'" "'"0 t"nt:'l. .J__...\..~ DO':-- 0':: ;:-..v\2;nuc; l.ilCl1CC i...J.l...P.. v ..").:.: ~.I...,.; L. v~,j......L. ....:; L. L. ~ l.. ~\~... ..L......l. ... beg:.nning. E:-:ccpti:lg theref:'o;,. the following parcG1 co:weyed by instru~ents recorded in Dook 1194 at Page 387 and Boo~ 1194 at Page 390 ~csc~ibcd as follows: Dc~innin~ aL t~8 intc~s8C~~O~ of the North and So~th ccntc~li~c of Soction 29 and tho center- :ine of ~est 38~h AvenuG, said point being 521.42 fCGt South of ~he North quartev corner of said Section 29, ~ownship 3 So~th,R~nge 60 ;'les"1:: of the 6th P.;.!.; t:-:e:1ce No::th 76034' ~ -~ 222 09 Aee~ ~o +l~O ~-'ue po~n'" o.f ~~~ l.. , . ~ .1. l. I". v ,.......... ........ I., oegi~ning; thence No~th 500 feet; thence Vt0st 136.31 feet; thence l'-Iorth 340.28" fee~; thence deflecting 82053' right, 418.44 feet; thence South 51.24 feet; thence East 250 feet; thence South 714.59 feet to the ~enter- line of West 38th Ave~ue; thence South 76034' \'Test I 5<13.71 feet to the true point of b0binni~g. County of Jeffe~son, state of Colorado. T\)':J -..:::~-:t3[ ~Ni th all \\'-=1te:r, 'Vva ~er righ ts, ct. tch I ditcn rights, res e~voir ail C. reservoir rights a;Jpurtenan~ to saL: la:1ds, and, also all rights or grantee pur- suant to agreement recorded in Book 2310 at page 380, Jefferson County, Colorado. 2318 213 City of Wheat Ridge In this space there is a large scale map that could not be scanned at the this time. Please see the Wheat ridge Clerks office if you would like to see the map. ,,-- L.AW OFFiCES BRADLEY, CAMPBELL 8: CARNEY 17/7 'NAS'-IINQTON t\V~NU=:: GOLOEN, COLORAOO 80401 t3031 279.5561 LEO N. BRACL.EY TIM L.. CAMPS!!::!..L THOMAS j, CARNEY EARL K. MADSEN RONAL.O K. A~ftVS:l!I VINCENT K. TURNe:R EOWARO A. WALTERS VICTOR F 800G WIt_L.IAM J CAMPBl!:l.L DANIEl.. r MOYLE, JR. COUNSEl.. WIl.LIAM 0 JOHNSON CARt.. CL.INE: October 7, 1974 '74 OCT 9p ~1t)L; 07 FIRST NATION"'l.. BANK B\JII"gINOi EVERGREEN, COl..OI'f:A.CO e043it 13031 674-335\ Mr. John A. Jerman City Administrator City of Wheat Ridge 7470 West 38th Avenue Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80033 Dear Mr. Jerman: We are in receipt of your letter of October 3, 1974. There are in reality two of our clients that are interested in the proposed annexation; namely, the Adolph Coors Company and Jefferson Transit Mix. The only in-depth discussion that I have had with either of these concerns is with the Jefferson Transit Mix people and they want to discuss the possibility of annexing and zoning at the same time. Mr. Eatchel advises me that they would agree to annexation only if the continued gravel excavation was permitted and then they obtain some type of clean, light industrial usage for the frontage property on Youngfield street. In order to clarify the situation, I would like very much to have you send me a map of the area showing the existing Wheat Ridge boundaries and the area proposed to be annexed. With this I can then visit with both Coors and Jefferson Transit Mix and get back in touch with you at a very early time. Thank you very much for the material you did send me. Very truly yours, :~Lgg4~E Leo N. Bradley LNBjki ,I- '- ;[37r CI l~' ..., ~L. L.JOJ..~J_ ,_, ....... .1:, r, t, th, ~ v.l , r. --("1:-i~1ur _ )'0: T -1 L 1, .4 I , ~J i {.'-i , I- " c I _ 'I nn , .",.' t'l . ;:-I,~ ll[j Ut.;l o -T. t~. T'::Jon :--lO ..!f,t~; " ._.:- ~ I J .J.. l \~ 1:' "..Y ._ L I ~. I t c C~! ,i . ! lC - .... Ii l' . , . . t't .....';. 1'.-, ~ 1 ~ Y-, 1971 .' , , r'o: ;Lll', " T' th,it nO"' 'ph ,. 1"" "L'" '1 \ ll~ /~ ~h _rlclOCU~1 -'U~J j~~~ tL ; ,'\(_1-'" '1\' '[ r , {-.- ....,: T ,"' '-, v' ;. [) ,., "L '-:1.. t ; , " r, nr-,E o~ tn, c; ~ -" t, ; " Ul-lLJ...:..' .LL r r e_ i I ~ l~ , '. r:' Of' Tr ,,", ., ix [l . ,., r~ .-" t, INTRODUCED BV COUNCILfolAN MERKl RESOLUTION NO 471 Series of 1976 BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF .WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, THAT The City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, pursuant to Chapter 31, Article 12. Section l06(1)~ Colorado Revised Statutes of 19"'3. as amended, will c"nsider the adoption of an annexation Ordinance and concerning the following described territory located in Jefferson County, Colorado, to wit PORTION 1 That portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 20 Township.3 South, Range 69 West, described as Beglnnlng at 3 point in the center of County RO:ld 1365 feet South of the Northwest corner ot the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of said Section 20; thenc~ running North along the West line of the sald NE ~/4 SW 1/4 140 feet; thenLe East parallel wlth the Section line 200 feet. thence South parallel with the West line of ' said NE 1/4 SWl/4 100 feet; thence South- wes~er~y in a direct line to the point ot beglnn~ng, except roads PORTION 2 A part of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section ZO. Townsnip 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M. described as follows Beginning at the Northwest corner of said North- east one-quarter of the Southw6tit one quarter. thgnc~ South nOlO' East 55' 4 feet; thence No;th 89 50 East S06 57 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89050" East ~ 205 feet. thence South 45024' West, 2S" 09 fe;t; th!:lnce' Northerl~' 20~ feet, more or less. to the true point of begInning, County of Jefferson State of Colorado ' PORTION 3 That.part of the South one-half (S 1/2) of SectIon 20 and of the Northeast one-quarter of the f-:lorthwestone-quarter fNE 1/4 NW 1 4) of SectIon 29. Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M , descrlbed as follows B~ginning at a.point on the East right of way line of Young fIeld Street, from WhlCh pOiltt . the quarter corner between said Section 20 and 29.bea-:s N 73022'52" E. 130b 06 feet, and which pOlnt IS also the ~orthwesterly corner of Ridge Sub,division; thence.N64025'23" E along the northerly Ilne of Rldge Subdivision, 1112 40 feet; thenc~ N 000'40" E, 180 feet; thence N S3() 57'43" E, 195 feet; thence S 34026'05" E. 165 78 feet to the West line of a parcel of land des- cTibed in Book 759 at page 462 of Jefferson County records; thence N 0005'34" W along said West line, 1082 95 feet to the North line of said tract described in Book 759 at page 462; thence 5 87oS8'E along the North line of said tract. 664 32 feet to the West line of the John R. Lee ~ract as described in Book 202 at Page 32R of said records; thence N 0008'41" \~ along the We>t line of said John R Lee Tract. ZOO feet cO the South line of Pearl of the Valley Subdivision; thence N 860 W, 185 65 feet to the Southeilst cor ner of tract of land conveyed to Harold ~ Lee by deed recorded in Book 497 at page 562; thence N 0029'57" W, 357 SO feet to the Northeast corner of said Harold ~ Lee tract thence S 090,9' 33" W, 560 47 feet to the ~orth-South centerl ne of said Section 20; thence N [Jo09'19" E (l.long said North-South centerline of Section 20, 194 23 feet to the Northeast corner of tract of land (onveyed to Harold N Lee by deed recorded in Book 451 at page 323; thence S 89025' W along the North line of said Lee tract, 513 1 feet to the ~urtl\west corner thereof; thenc.e S .D03Z' E, 24<'. 3S leet; thence S j2oS7'5S" W, 1-+5 09 feet; thence S "'So 46'12" W, 644 96 feet to the East right o~ way line of Young field. Street; tnence S 0044 1 16" E along said East right of way line, 334 21 feet to the North line of tract of land desc(ibed in Book 480 at page S95; thence N 89015-'44" t, 16': feet tr the Northeast corner of said tract descril,ed in Book 480 at page 595; thence S 004~'l6" E lOO feet; thence S 78042'44" W along the Sourf.er1)" line of said tract described In Book ~~o at page 595, 172 "'9 feet to the East fight cf ~ay Ilne of Youngfield Street; thence S OL~~4'l6'. E, t(SO 10 feet to the pOlnt of beglnnin~ That the Planning Commission ot the City of WI,eat Ridg€., Colo'rado, is 'requested to consider the zonIng and other requirements which might affect the abo 'I'; de.scri~ed pn,perty should it be annexed into the corporate boundaries of ~hcat 1.idge, Colorado That the City Council of Wheat Ridge, Colorad0, -will ~old public hearings to determine if the proposed territory 15 eligible for annexation under the terms of the Municip:ll Annexation Act as set forth in Chapter ,1, Article 12, Section 106(1), Colorado Revised Statutes of 19~3, as amended That such hearings will be hclJ on the 8th day of November 1976, and the ~hday of November 1976. each at the hour of 30 o'clock P.M. at the City COuncil Chamberc locatec at 4355 Field Street, Wheat Ridge, Colorado That the City Clerk of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, shall give notice to those persons and parties as may be required. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 13th day of S.ptelllber 1916. by a vo~e of to 0 ;\T1'Est: 51 'rank StiteS Fran1 Stlte~, Mayor "'I (11.9 61:ough.m Elise Brougnam, Clty Clerk ejuJ 8:L y" &,0 - . .Ji ":,'\' rj~lfn M",-.~l-..~- C1TY COUNCI1. AGENDA OF May 9, 1977 ITEM NO.7. "If. F\\' n, i{JTl '1'1' . ;J .-..........----... ~lotion by Councilman Cavarra: "I move that Zoning Annexation ~4 located between 3900 and 4200 blocks of Youngfield Street be zoned A-I, with the understanding that the Applicanc is free to submit a Planned COQ.mercial Development plan at his convenience." (Notion \>l3S seconded by Councilman Howard and carried 6-0.) SHOULD BE A:lli~~ED TO READ: "I move that Zoning Annexaticn % located between 3900 and 4200 blocks of Youngfield Street be zoned A-I. with the understanding that the Applicant is free to submit a Planned Commercial Development plan at his convenience." '''/'I'l' ('(/ll/Ut/II/l ('/f,,"' t'''4oij . PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT STATE OF COLORACO COUNTY OF Jefferson \ 155. ) Denise Kalette do solemnly swear that I am the editor Of 'l'he ;'Iheat Ridge Sentinel that the same IS a weekly newspaper published In the City of ':Iheat Ridge County of Jefferson State at Colorado. and has a general c:rculatlon therein: that said newsoaper has been o~blisred COlltinuously and uninterruptedly In 5310 County of Jefferson for a perloe of more tha.n 52 weeks prior to the first publication of the a,nexed not'ce. tr;at said newspaper IS entered In the post office al "enver ...."'._,ado. as second class mall matter and that the said ne.....soaper is a newspaoer w:t!"n tre meaning of the act of the Generai Asser'f1bly nf the State 01 Coloraco apprC"Jed March 30. 1923. ana entr!ledLeqal NOTices ara Advp~t semen:s and other acts "elat;nq ~o tr-e cr,n,;r;) and publiShing of legal not'ces and ad\ler:'semenlS: that the anneJO;ed no\'ce was publ'sred In the regular and enke issue of said newspClper for the oenod of O:1e cO'lsecutlve Insertions: that the first publication o~ said newspaper dated J 2.~: . 13 77 19 and the last publication 01 said notice was In the Issue of saId newspaper dated / . , l..( i. v,g ({ f/<-/~ C~. !(~ Signature and Title ( )scrl~ed and sworn to before me a Notary PubliC. thiS 13th Clay 01 January 77 19 /( ,cc:L~,--,---" ~d tA.-- L"'-" ny C,"i,mi-'" ,,~..! r ' ".."" Notarv PubliC I~I~UVU~~D IT COU~CILPERSaS H(JWARD onDr~,'.~(E :'lO 222 SERlE'; OF 1976 TITLE: A~ OR\lr.\'~~ICt: TO'~~n CEqnrN TEI'(RITORY TO THE ctTY OF WHL\T IUCGE. COI,('IR:\OO WHEREAS. the fOllowing descrlhed real property, ~iruate In the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, h;15 b~~n contained and located entirely wtthin the corpor'jtc bounJarles of the City of Nhe3t Rid~e, Colorado for a period of more th~n three years from tile date of thiS OrJinance, SJid rrorerty being c~nt3ined and located entirely within the corporat~ boundaries of ~he3t Ridge, Colora1o, since the date of Allgust 19, 1969 PORTIQ;.l 1 That portion of th~ SW 1/1 ot Sect~on 20 Township 3 South, ILlnge lJ'l \lest ,tc~..::,ibe(l as aeginnin~ at J pOint In the ~entcr ut Couaty Road IJbG leet SO'lth ot the 'orth~cst corner of the .'H: l/~ S\~ l/.t nf "J.ld ..;eLtl()1l 20; thence runnln~ Sorth alon~ the ~"st 11;1~ of the said SE l/.t SW 1 .t 1.t0 teet thenLe East parallel ..ith the Se__tl()n line <)11 t-~'t thence South parallel hlt~ tlie ~e' t lIne 0f said NE 1/4 S;~ l/.t 1,;0' Fl'et 'tl1['flC ,Glnh vesterly in a direct line to the rOl~t ot beginnIng, except road~ PORTIO~ 2 A part of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section '::11, I\)Wn<:h10 3 South, Ran~e 69 West of the Dth P " , describeJ as tollows Beginning at the ~orthwest corner at said ~or~h- east one-quartl'r of the S()uthwe:,t onC" q'urter; tho!nce Sout~ 0011')' E.:t~t ;;57 -i te~t t!le'1<.-e ,()rth 89050' East 506 57 feet, to the True F'OI11[ ')l Beginning; thenre ~orth 39050' Ea5t, ~'l~ t-~~t thence South -is\h~, '.\'e,>t, ::8: 119 leet~ ti"\I'r.~c Northerly 201 feet, more or le"5, t'l the tl....le point of beginning, Count)' of Jetferson, State of Colorado PORTION .3 That part of the South one~pal: (S 1/2) of Section 20 anJ of t~e ~orthc3st one-quarter of the Northwest .Jne-quarter (.\iE 1/4 .-.W 1/.1 I of Section 29, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M , descrIbed as follows Beginning at a point on the East rig~t of WdY line of Youngtield Street, from WhlLh ?oint the quarter corner between S31J Section !O and Z9 bears ~ 73022'52" E, 13iJ6 06 feet J.nJ Iohi"') point is also the Sorthwcsterlv orner of Ridge Subdivision; thence \J 6.1025' 23" E :ilong the northerly line of Ridge Subdivision, 1112 40 feet; thence ~ oon'~o" E, 180 feet; thence \ SSO 57'43""E, 195 feet, thence S 8.toZI:I'05" f.: IriS 7g feet to the \~est line of a parcel of LItHI Je,., cribed in Book 759 at page J62 of .Jeffer,>on County records; tr..ence :< 00nS'34" 1'i -a:long saiJ West line, 108295 feet to the Nort~ 11nc of <;a;J tract described in Book ~5q at P;H'" '102 thence S 87058' E along the .~orth li.ne ,)t sad tract 664 32 feet to the West 1 ine 'Jf the John [l Lee tract as de~cribed in Buo~ 20: at pa~e 32S of said records; thenu:, ''; IJun::; 41" \,J aL[lng tn~ ',lest line of said John R. Lee Jract, ~OO Fe;t tu the South line of Pearl of the Valley Subdl{lS10n ~hence N 860 W, IRS 65 teet to the Southeast Lor ner of tract of land convl:"ved to HarolJ.\ Le<:, by deed recorded In Book 4J7 at page SoZ then<.-~ N 0029'57" W, 357 30 teet to the .~orthc.lst Lorner of said Harold.~ Lee tract thence S :l'lo)4'n W. 56047 feet to the North South ~enterlli\e 01 said Sect ion ~O; thence 'I ()oI1LJ' 29" [; a\"111: a lJ North-South centerline of :SectIon 211, l'lt ') feet .- .~R U~...h_~e~ rnr~~r nf rra~t at land anveycJ "'f>' PO!"...!) A'1 ~"'" pooa 0 .olk!"..l .l.Jp ,odod'MOU 101 .Atl~ll!' DO,. 00, II!I puD ,odod._ 10M LSJ01 QHnO.' 1H911 SJOHS spuog S:lU!.U1S 'S' fl Ana -... /- ~-~ / /" ,":}~ ~- "-.f'"~f.~</~ ';{'J.~. ~\E~ r/' > ~~;: >if' c --;r--- 'r"l/( jC-r.; t9UI\U9S POOMi3:.tlll ll6~ .Cl ^Jenuer UOlle:lIIQnd lsel 91.8~ '9L J9QW<t:)eO UOIlB:lllQnd ISJI~ COlDS OPOJOIO:) Jd^Uda JSIU9:> Sill (Ollde:) DOC UIIUl81d JOI .(auJOlllf Z:".L9 .ON sapplH d u94dalS ISI ~~.d '03Hd S Ol'lfNOH 9l6~ ." J9QOPO palQO opeJOlo:) 10 91P.IS 'UOSJ3uar 10 A.luno:) .S111H N'lfMIH ,,)!30IBIO aUlI4lno<; ...u 0"8 tsUlaQ '193Hfd PiSS 10 <tOil AIJij4POU elU 01 ssal JO QJOW '~;'I LO"~ ;Jf;,~ 19u1luas P0<1M9)!If' I .aeJ~G1p lCN ,):)Ud41 .OUlUUlt\9Q 10 IUlod U6t n .(1I11luer UOIlII)IIQnd I!:ilil 9l.H 0\ 19<11 ~O a. 19J1ed pies 10 dUII41nos I 9L6~ <)1 lo;)QuJ.J.)9(J UOIII:l~)lIGrl(j I:OJI,; 91.41 &018 'lSdM <tJUd41 la.)J8d prllS 10 npoJolo:) un-.JilIJ.Jr l )8UJO:) l'iOWUJQlS'e3 il4l 18 t!UIJU..WWO:) 10 Aluno:) oJ'll JOI paQIJ'Jsap OUfMOIIOI a'll to a~~~IJ~~: pU9 \JI <)<)I'>I1IJ. )lllll'd /: YO leel ':i OUlaq to('i aChld I" sau llvOH j4t:ino lJ.JIQH 'libl ~ l<lqwdJaQ DiH-O U! pOpJOJ91 B ..'/t!d 'If IIQ'4_) Ul puqln~J>l ,.,.. I I.JHid 1841 StiOIJEf pu_ H~^O halO" AQ Piofpl^UJd ,. UII alle4JJnO jO <ilfa'-)ll'l'do~ pul leaJ&u' JOj ~uaw..tilll" 1001 01 V _ \SllaS'II'4JJMI 81H 01 IIM'ldP II""'" j::ull -<rW"' M-..o... 'C.,6 lI00Q ,.. ~_...._...__ _." ...... .~__, ~......_,... "_" ,'"' -PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT 51 A r. OF COLORADO, ) J -" In. COUNTY OF . \0'+ ~ ~rsP0 ) I, .D.enise Kalette. do sole,-nnty swear thot I am the editor 01 The ~neat Ridge Sentinel that the som~ is a weekly newspaper published in th. Cif)' oj \',1j1<;;q.t; Ridge Coun+y 01 Jefferson State of Colorado. and hcn a ge"erol circula- tion ''''.rein; that said newspaper has been pub. lisked continuously and uninterruptedly in said County of Jefferson for a p.riod of more thon 52 w..ks prior to the first publication of t~. onn.xed notice. tkot said newspaper is ent.red in the post oHice at Denver Colorodo, cs second cion moil mott.r and that the wid newspaper i~ 0 newspaper within ,to.e meG"iroQ of the ,oct of the G.tnerol Ao.s:o..embly 0' the Stat. of Colorado. approved March 30, 1923, and entitl.d "legal Notjc.~ and A-:iW"rtise/'l'l~nh" and other acts relating to the pri:'\~ln't: and pub- !iihin~ of legel noticei end ad.....rt.w,...eni's; tr.ot the annex.ed notice was pubJiihed in ,.,. regular and entire issue of said newipop.r for the period of one consecuti.... insertions; that the first publication of KJid newspaper doted Nov. 25 lad publi<ation 19 76 ond the of said notice wos in the issue of said r.ewspop.r dot.d t!etwJ'/:;L :f( _ t;Lt}z;J Signature and Title SubKribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public, this 25th doyol November 19 76 /(~, ),~ Notary Public My C<lIT.rc',,;on E'~- ','^ I,rev ::: '''77 '-.'" _..t .'. v, I:;.; . I -.------ ----:---.. , HOTICE OF PUBL.IC ~E"'RING O;g .1e~,p,e!1 25" W ~IO~'; t~e NorO", I're of 'I lI.Ioti<:e IS ~e'e;"l Cjr'.'p~ ,,','It a -:Jt',c '''''':><1' ~<: ~;l'a L'-'B :r,'IC' ::: 3" ''''-", N')rFl'/1W':;: c,.,r_ wt!1 be h81d b'l n-s C'!y Cc:.;-,.,iI cl t"e C;ty )'1 "">( t~"''-cJ'' ''1,=,nc~ _S J j,,:;;r'-~es j~ F 24- 1 Wl"1ea:R'd~",.C-_]r.,,:o;.j: ;-3JP~,' !)rt~'ei.'.;::" r~er.c~.3 i2 G?,::-ees ':;7 "'j ',J 1 13th day L,f l)ece...,hiH 9"1'3 He"r'nr,s... I i~ -,-:;. t ,,'no S ~~ 1e'yel''3':6 5 ',J 6.1. I I be re~d al '~e A'b;:> 1 ~ A .-::e~~C''l -:::r--.-- i 496 to q-", E,)"I c.;~"q-rjr-""ay' W"'l ')f i munilf BUild:r,g. 435:-..; F t 0 Stre'?t, ,/ ~"at I :.., .il'l:"~C S~re0:: t.,~('c", S C .:~c'";t::, 44' i IR'"G. COIO."O. AIi .c"'"' ,." "","" "" 6 ewe", d FF! c,.,"I.,"M "..".1 , ~~l~~f:~~~3~~~~;:~;;~~~;:~:~:! ~i:;(:~f~t~~;::fj};~l,;)~~~::.~ I beirq an 1'1<:' (c,j iC :"e '~'., "'f 'Nhel'lI R;O-;fO I ','J 3~,r"J ';,,,,, S,:)utr-e'iY i;~,' 0' .;;";j ~r,h~t I Sa'd prop,;r'y is <h~3!'~: ::etwee" ',~,e ";:0")') i Jes,-:m;t":l In ::lock ...!3n 2.:f CJa'~e 5:;':: 127 j I and ~200 b':o:s "f '(n: _1""C Sl:t'::', and:; i tG '.ne, E3" rlqr"-G:-W.'l'i ,ne Of YC'..li'gfl'~;C I Jegail'l descnbec as f::l!o....s. C3S~ 1\10_ .;,1-1' Str~et, l''',~r!Sl': S U 'jE"-1ree" 4.4 ~6 E. I ne)(atlon N,) 4: 1650,10' te :r'e ~Olr'il C! LJe:;rnn'flg I Portion 1 - iha! port!0rr cf :r;e 3W',. _JI s,' DS\'ld C. Shel'l?Y 5ecl'0'1 20, TownshiP 3 SOoJl"1. R::i~1e t9 I Planf'~~r U : West, descnbed as: Br~gl"nli1'l <I!!l fJO,r.t If'! Pubiisheo r;I)YtOrnbl'H 25, 19?j:j , the cemer cf County Q01.j 1::6:" 2ioo..;!1"1 ('I Wh'3al R:cge Sent!'1el I the Northwest o;;orner of :~1e f'1E.. S'".... 01 I ! said S,-'Ction 20; thBnce runnln.'~ Nort:, a:onq/ the West line of lh<> said !\lE". S'II'. 140 il"1ence East .oaral:el 'Nllh th~ SQC1,Q.1 I:r'e 200' thence South Pil"31 c,i Wltn Ire We:,! line 01 S;:)IJ NE . SW", 100' (h8nCa southwesterly in a C:,reclline to the oo,ntof beginnmg, exceot roads Portion 2 - A pa'1 of the Northeast II. of 'the Southwest . of Sect:::m 20, Tow!1Shlp 3 South, Range 69 "\lest of the 5tn P_M described as followS' Be'; r:rolr,g 'It the I Northwest corner 01 sad "lorthe3st ,. ct tne Southwest I:.; thence South 0 degrees 10' i East 5574', thence Nortrl 89 degrees 50' East 506.57' to Ihe True P"Jjr.t Of 2egll1r.'r:~:); thence North 89 degrees 50' East. 205' thence Soutrl 45 degrees 24' West. 287_(,';', thence Nort~~rly 2D l' mor~ or less. 10 t'ie true POint of beginnlr'g CG'.Jrty of Jeffersor: State ct ':olorac:o Portion 3 - n: 3\ pan of the South onew halt (S'tt) oi Secti:J;"l 20 3.n.;l oi Hl€ N0rthe.l~t er,a-quarter of lhe ....or;hwest ont:!-qlJar1er {NE'l. ~W'.l of Se<::llon 2~ TownS(1ip 3 I South. RJ.nge 89 West of fh(, S!h tol.M., ! descrlbe'j as follows: , I. B. eglnnlng at a pOlf1t 011 Hid East right-'Jt-I : way line at (our;gf:e'c 3:reel, Ir:Jrn wr1i'~h II pomt the C!l.iarte, corner tle~een said 5.;-c- tlen ~O and 29 bea; s N 73 degrees 2.2' S2 I lEast, 130606' and wh,ch oomt is aiso the I NorthweS1erly corner or, Ric:qe SubdiVision; thence N 64 degrees 25 23 east 31cng t"p. l"'ortherJy line of Rld:Je S'jl:ld'vISlCn. 11- ~12.4v'; thence N 0 degrees u. 40" east, 180" ;thenc"! N 58 degrees 57' 4:3" east. 195 thence S 84 der;rees 26' 05" eas!, 165_78' to the West lin~ 01 a parcel 0: and described in Bool<: 759 at page 4f'2 of ~ ~Iterson Cour:ty records; thence N 0 d""qr~s 05' 34 west along said West line. lC32 15' to II-,e Ncrth line 0' said tract d~scr,bel. In 8000<: "759 at I page 462; thence 5 87 opqrees 5:1" eS'it I ~~~:~ ~~:~ii~~eO~~;~ ~.a~\~~o:~~,: ~~ described In 800k 2D2 at ::>aqe 323 of said records; thence N 0 deg'ees 08' 41" West along Ihe West line of S2.id JOhn R Lee Tract, 200 leet to tr,e South line of ?eari of the Valley Subdivision- tn~nce N 86 c?grees west. 18565' to the Sol.theast cornw of tract of land conveyec to HJ.roid N. I_,~e by deed record.,d ~ B0C~, 497 at ;:a:l~ 562 thence N 0 degree:; 29' 57" west, 357,30' to I the Northeast corner cl said HarOld N, Lee tract; thence S 89 degrees 39' 3~" _v. I SaO.47' te the Nort!-..Soulh centeri'I1'". wf 'laid Section 20; thence N 0 jegrees 09 29 E along said North-Soutt'l Ce:1lerl-ne at Sed'on 120, 194.23' to the nOl1~east corn~r uf tract lof land conveyed to HarOld N" lee by deed recorded In Book 451 a~ Pace 323: thence S PUBlIS!-l:;R'S AfFIOA Vii STATE OF COLORADO, ) Je'fferSo:l. ;.... COUNTY OF I. Pe.n.i_:;;~ ;<;a:lett;e do solemnly swear that j am the editor 01 The \''0eat Ric!CJe Ser;.ti.nel rhot the some is a weekly newipoper published in the City of ''!heat Ridge County of Jefferson Stole of Colorado, and has a general circula- tion therein; that said n.wi-poper has been pub. lished continuously o:"ld uninterruptedly in ~id County of Jeffers 0;1 for 0 period of more tho,", 52 weeks prior fa the first publication of ,he annexed notice, thot wid r;ewspoper is entered in the post office or Penv.er Cclorodo. as socond dcu moil matter and thlJt the said newspapef is 0 ,..ewspoper wil~'IIn ,he meaning of the cd of the Generol Assembly of the Stot. of Colorado. oppro....d Mo'ch 30, 1923. and entitled "legal N..",ces and A.(J...ertis.ements" and other och relating to The printing and pub- !idtin!J of :egal netic!"s a,.,d odvertlseme"ts; that the (Innued notice wes pUblished in 'he regular and entire issue of said newspaper for th~ period of one cOl'1socutiw insertions; that the first publicatior" of said newspaper dated Nq\'. 18 '9 76 ond the lost publication of ~ojJ notice was in tho issue of said ne""'paper dated F> - t:19. y' ,//'7 ? .r.;:": /,...-.. IJ/J;a,{LZ, "{ C(t'-&/ SiJnoture and Title Subscribed and $worn tc. before me, a Notary Public, this 18th doy 01 NQve:;VJe~ 19 76 ",)d-~ ;?(~--'-~/ Notary Public My Comm:ss;oOi '::(pi..~~ r,c'/. 5, i917 /IlIOT:ce OF PUBLIC H€"'~ll"G I I",en:", :',":c.", r,o: \!'Jt~r.''! "-, rl'('~ ~', J' ......, 3: ~ .- ~ '-'3' ;r:g '~,'l::~ .~..= r~: '''e l, !' ,1 >'~. or,:' c' ~~.". '';-:3'IV .'I r :.~. ~.; ~ ( _..... j ,.,~ ,"c 2 , ,;.,. L.B J 1~ " S~~<,..,l! l' te~'?slad C'I.!.:o'-' .::I, :"c:! ~,.. p'J::,i'C h~'~rlr',.j ,r '0 ~-.J.):T": ,- i ....,1'( ~., ~., ': i ~'~'i<1'~~': C:~'''''_ " r:"I,,~:s '~ " 'i~" T,:e foll0w,nq ,.,,:>f"' ::n, Sr,!, , Ape ,,;:1', :: I C,-"c E ^' P'3f1 Of ? y "',J :~T'~'>'i' C"'''f>J': -,fl,":.r,'l" ~".i"':O['- . ,n'-" LtLc ;C;;J- ~8;lf O';3'.'.'~ :::2'>j li'.'~ 1/'-", 3', j !'~<;;,;:c ,cl 00- 0. _ o~Jpe~t'f 1<; , ~"::cr,c"d 'I: lro;,(lws, rid!'..."' CJ'ji~~~C '-\.:.. '-:; 2. 11'')~C; ~~' TrlBt parT <,' tr'o;;, 3.~", ')1 t~~ S'.' . of ''-I!':! 'r""','p ~.E 4 cf S,'_ 2t'J T:i....ns,- r) i S"u'h """, RJ'~qe ti'3 'I, -t,:J' ~',e Ct."' P~.l rJ J:cec.ls t-",:, :-' '1,1~ :"":;,.....>~ r0!:C,WS ~PJ~C' ,~;; 3! a pL),rt ,1<,; '",el E::lSf I r S.__ 'I ~ ". '. a':d 30 Teet 1\;0r'I": of f.'"'g SOllt!:W"-S~ .c':"1"!r Of i r, ~..)' ''; .1'5 _.1 ~,'? ~:Jer;~:t:~,~3~;, :>~~ 2~a~~I'~g~~:I:;~~~<2~",~d~~ I ~~J:' _". ,r' ;;"; ~~ .~, ; 1 VoiJd3wo;tr 8c.;~:"" ~ro, Ir,enr:e \;t;"r'! ck'l"{j I r.;T~ ~,a-;:;" ,0<:3- sa'': East r"~ht-'.)! 11.&'1 Ilrfl of .',I3.:l~;'...or:h 1 ,->.0~ ; n-,,'. :l :"e 0' o'l.C a:', ~5,! .:2 80dle\lard a e!3t2,-;(€! ot 201 0 fep" :r,8rrd I':-'c ".,,1 'f';;, .~ q:e .:o"~,;,< c.d-:' East 8r,d at r'.:p: 3"J'es \0 s..' d l:iF,t r,g!"tt-I c",,., r',G~j..'n e"J~ ~-? c1"n'~~' ~'~8. -, ""'.~ of-wa) Ime 0' lV;1IJ',',vr:n;1 Boc;!e>,,,r(J a diS- rt;!u.; ~s, r",~.~r; ~J ~ ~e~':::tOS _'c4' 'J\'f!S; tance ol165~ fee' theree S')l..l,~ p,~r-3:iel to I -,.,Yq t~~", IV 2~,t I;,'H ')~ .,J',J jGfl!, -; -~ !laid East ngh: J!.""dY I.re a d s:arce Of TrdGl ~G~ '~p' lOlrL^ Sou" ,~~ ')f J,~rt' r.~ 201.0 feet' tr,er':e '/ie~;! '1 O:'51Jnr;e of 1650Q the "",',,,,, -;. C" '~!,)r, ~i~"':\O;, as ;"'~'c>e' feet to tna (rue pG'<1t 01 beqmn~:1g. County 01 .....est. 1C)j5~ lC 1:-,8 ;j,)ljrrle.'.~: ':J .'r 'J Je'ferson. S12t<.> J' CC'o'3do ! \'"c:t c. :';C' :0'" '-' eel .~ c-idr ,,': "i 1_", r 2. Appl'c3.':"" blf S'lar~es A.. E'r3~sEn, el . C;,'",:J r..~~'-;,,: '1 ~N.~ .1S7 0\: ~,:;~ '~,:_ - ai. reql'e51rf1'J dopre-v?1 01 OLot:' '" O">'/",:q> I 1:",,>'1....e ~. J ~ ,""; _:.1':;-- "'''',1.) .j Ie mf'nl P!.]r I:::' ') P:,inned \..o~~'er::Cl' i1i'~ '" " ".."'~ Of ,,~ h ;!', ;.,"'? D{'.elcP"T:~'''': ""C t,-:<r 3c.prova: 0: '<Ole)"'''', I t~,~c:: :,,''' ;2:::~.:o ::k 'e<:,~ ~~~;e~-~€~~::pnC~~r:,\~'::;~r~~; ;i~~;:;~~",'~ i;~<J':'"\~'~ .'-' -J ~ ~...'~ _'~ ~ E- C j'-_ mq St"eet .:;,~~ c":,,eec 'N J5'')'" ."r, j"!)rcJ 1:;J.!j 'lor:;'..Su';'"' J'ler: 1'0 c~ '_"~:;' ~':"s~ :;,3th A',;>-I.H~ S.lid propw'r :s ;"'':;:llly 1'~~ <-.! l., ., '--"..;' r--' :C~"'_r..;:"_ dl;'',;:rlbed asfCiilow'5. CasB No. ',..z.--o-",:: 1,1.10 :on\,',?-"'; :c .....j,~ ~~; L~'-'I ~_ '\P3rceIOfl<lpdlocd:ej,nSr':: n:, T3 rec:.,r.::ed "..''''.... ~')1 '~::;: ,L~ >"1( .e:: S, R tH't-. :JI j"'E 6', P~l C:l'l ',! ';I/l:e31 iJ~' :"'2,,'e...j __ ,If ,'u ,,~'Dr:--' ~~ y A.dge, C'Ju"t, ~,-"tf':'rs;J.... 3tci:P. Of I.",] -.J li:!e" v '" ~'~"'" ~l.r Co,crado, t,:) ""'! :, of ::'1 VII ,., ~he :"~r ,"",(,' .~,~.~, >_'}''-'lC'' ._ N',';', ~f the ~..t/ ,~f Sc': 2.7 T 3:' R 6~ Ii 1244 015 ,~.", '" J '-t of:~a6!~PM +->v;e:J:thefc;l,)w:r:JSeC::10-114::> ~'9 tie -e ..:; ~i) '':' 'r>O at :r-1p. PO:I', ~t n'w3e:~,~~': 0' 'r,.:;; SD:.;l'i 1'644 95' ~o ,t' '::..'S! ,r, jt-'lvcl ",'! lir:~ of 'IV 32.ln A.,p'l, e -N'I') ~ne ~olS: 'ir,e at YourQh;!'<J '3'r,;: ., ' ,_; 0 ;::', _ ~ KID:,r:q Slreel...r'ir;h po;,~t IS ",i}' s(),..;tn a:-c: 1'10' E J,'2r:;~.i r;:", ~"l<l. '"" ~ ~~~~~t~; ~'~,~~~rn~~t~'<>::~~ ;:~V:~a~:R~;CS~;,; ~~~;:~:C<,l~ i;:;2r_~~~":J ;: ,~~~~r'~~',.~:~,,'~'~2 ....e5t 1:'16 ;)1 sald'f;, . 1r,,' a!.Jl'q tr\e east IN .19 d~q'?" :1 E _~ ) :~~ _,,-., 'S i:r.e Of lI.ipLng S!~~et 151J' :hel'ce t-'a~; .:lnC I' COf"'er ,r ..S<l C l' ;.. ".~ ", :;: JC- ..;.) p~rallel 10 the ~or::-> 11'18.:11 Sdi.j ~,.. 150' al pa::;e 5'::1:,'~ '::.,,:3 tJ ~""~e,~ ..:. .t: .: thencp. no-thH'.C:: ~iHa'lel to the "'v~: iine of 1100' Ire"_2 '; I! r.~', ".:'Y '..:"", ::; sa;d NW'. 15:)' 10 a po''1t 3J I"'",: sc.J:~ ot :'1e So',...."', , "'''!''~ ,.. 'l Lt :l,.,-",~,-':;;;!d, tN! norm I,l1e ~)f sale ~\N'. tr8''':e ....estI6eo.. 4eJ '1: [2'-', -;;!' ro (.',) ~~!; 5-IO:1g tMc SOUt!l i;ne of 'lVesI3B'r: A..-erue tOI'rl'J~t-Clf.-....a.. -! 'y, '1' e:.: S!~.. tne ~o'nl of b<:q,'1nlng. 11:"'''1n(;e::i'~ ..!E ~ .H 4J 15 ).] 'U 10 de ~ ~~pl!cat:un by Dwaine g. R~;1ter re- 1 pOlnt.)f b,"''],(1'''''-,c que:;:tlr.q .'1ppio\lal 01 0; \lacatnJ.'" of Zlnn'a 5! I 5 Aop!:ca:!:J', r.;. Re',r" 0""~~ J J,~-r ,1)'-' and'N 33rd Avenul1 to De a:lov-.eQ to b'j,:d !'e'Juest:nq dl.-' ')'0 <'3.1 01 d r r -" .:::...~ .,,,-,rr In ~!'>5.locatiC'1' J,'er. <:lCr~~H anLl rn tMe now II located .:1t ,2'11-5 ~'-J 'f':!' A.,pn::" '3'<: eXIS:,I'1Q rlgMt-ot-....a... Sau orope't,; '5 leqa.l',; pro;:.er1'1's . de, ::r:c.eo < I" ,~'~ deSCribed as !O!IOv-.S Casrl ~() ,,"'v+/o-02 fCa"~ N'J. ~,1C,_ )3 Bdginnmg at a DO:<11 4002' nCI-~" at tne I Th~ S 139 '5' ~! '1<;! E 'nf; ,,,I ~C'.' ",t Lr j, ~~~~I~~etho; ~~ ~Y~'''a~laS:~~:U~:;~;;;e ~~~~r~~:~d,.~.:~.'_J"~\ 2~~:~~c< :~;1~ ~~:~;~. west I:ne 01 rr.e f'.W", of salo Section 2~, !Jf-:efI8f5C,"'::; ::IC0;_ said Point of B~ r",llrtq oelf1g en the aastf'r. I 6 ;1,.J0'1(:, '~0y ~.lo,-, :~,r r..:>. Iy Lne of Appie....00d G3r<..:enS,a Su:JCIYI'5,lcn, I' aU€'sl!nq a~:/" al -;1 :i M ...-:<~ :l' - _ ... ~r flied in t~e of~:ct:' 01. Ul~ ';f~ft2r.,>0'1 County ,loc2:ec ::re!',~eP'" K..: "; ..:i.. .II Clerk and Aecord'3r thence Nag d'Jqrees I :f'decer1dp."l~ st <Jf' (~~ :'''",:,"' ,_ r i .)~. ~.,. 43,5' E parai:el to ,,,€ soum I,ne .::t 'h N'N . ~ R'Ja,1 Sac ,2 , c"'~:' '":'L....\ of "Sa'd Sect!Or 2<; a d";tance of 25 tl1e;K8 I~C:i'::: .',s, C '':>':' t ) N ,0 degrees 413.:;: W parallal tCl tne ~ast :ine C.!f"I1,r:(.r';,~,:: 6! :r,,-, ,;:: :r:-',<>r ;J ,T" of sCld Applewood Gardens 1 rjist~nce of jNv'J.. Of S:i:.j ,Sf "I '22, '7 ,,".~ ,J " 57356' te 8 Poml 5' south of the s)u~herly !S.)'~~h. Rar."~ >::0 ,', ,( ,i"1 <::.... ;;;.~ line (.f VI ::3rd A\'O! as der:,('.:l.lBr; cn n:E' I'c':::J:e-a ,0 I",'~ _), " ~..r. <;,;~ ::,,: c- plat of s.cud AO;:Jlewo,::d fia'c:r". ;')enC2 N IC-::1I0r3~O. t",~C'.,~ .:>' ~t,~ r. ~ ',> 89 degrees J'l E par<lile, to t!',e ~:;:l:h ."le 01 1\';"'5: a~lO OJL;l ,1 :: E",: ", ~': ;' '~ said W 33rC: A\le. a dl3tanco 01 .2':'j 139 te tNh'. of ~,"J'. :oa :J.;~t:1..";(' . r; ~"~ ~. (' the ~.tended easterly it"!') ot S3,0 ,:-'oI..odi>,l- IH'p"'ce ':iCl..'" ::"~ n"'..:~r-:es SlOP' tne~c~", 0 d'3~ree., .:;lo 'IV :.J..~"':l It;e !oa:ade! Ie "'rl": ~'e f): :~f' ,"1 , ~ exlt,,-'ded ea~t line 8'ld lflFo ea~t ',n~ 01 s<,.:o iNvV.i d:S:J,rce o~ .'), .: 5 'e,'! Subcilf'5ior' a.~,slance()f750T:ot:ePl'I,1' !TrU8 P'1:r:ll: tJ,...,~'--'~'~, :~'.:'<1..c.)l. ':.'~ of cur'lst;Jre o~ 3; -.:5' rae!If.lS Curlie on ~he !e,'.; c'OS 23 ','.'S'".' -:.n 7 ''''~t,:t '.1~;~, ., easterly line of sa!o SUb,i,..:S;Qf'1 t~erce joec;r.~~s.,:;: ',';PS! C' -; ,', . ~.--, southerly. a"c westerly 3. ong Il'1e i ::2 ;:Jeg~,~e.> O.~ ;:,"st :'~'" S'I';'; ,''2'' &outheasteflY !tne 01 Lot 11 81,K~, 4 (;t Sdld !t" ce']rE:~s .::'~ ..)J' Eel.,l '\(0..1' '<>!, :~,~'1 '': A;JPlewood Gardef'c. a d'itd,-,ce 01 39.34' to ISO<J~h' a~ ;j~~'~FL'S '::530 Eo'S! ,I: I '''''''f the pcmt 01 tan~enC"i 01 sa'd CcJr..e: l:1er,ce thef1ce SC:.ctn I,) ,;':;'~'e"'s C::. 2' ;I;,'~' ",+ ~~' S,89.deQrees 39' W alung t'Je rur1;--l3ri\ll:ne feel. tr:<o"ce S"c,..:r ~S .-;w~r'.."", ~-::"~". ",' ofsa!dW 31rdA\le ad:512nceOI28~05 to lr":O,) 13,,\ II':E;~~,~ ::':::'--,1", 'J .jeqr,,~ I ~ 8 poInt on the e.ll.'ended ,""eSl Itr.e of Lot 8, v'Jest 1 ~O.O IF'," !'.,e-',.:~ SQUill c'-' ~ l ,'" Block 1 01 Suid Subd:,'s,o!1 'lens~ S C 1'12'8" West '62 6 ~ep! '<:,1ce ::;,~,...,,-, degrees 482' E aiorrg sa,u e~:"n':ed west Ideq'l')es 2.d' ~..'est .!::J9 U f<,,'\ t'-l !1'8 :r....f" line a distance o! ~:J' i,J tile 50....:'l ,!1'!01 -:iBid l,pOlr:t d O€;Jiolni:1g W. 33rd A,'e. thence N 5.1 dlo'{"'2~S 39' E ai0,'g tr,e SC:.;!:; ilf'e 01 ~a'G W'nl 3jr1 ~,ntt'-::iY(,-:,""'~ A\lenu~ a o,3tance oj J00 12'~.') tr.:.; c_';n1 of F:3,t1i'Ij1'; T.a.;fl "'.li eurva'c'e on tee cen'e.'V I,'e ,r no Cot 8 pcbl,,"ed 'o,"",oe, 18. tOT[ tMence l:::lsteriy and sout.'"'er;'1 ~,_ ,~q the IIWht-,at Filljge JdflnnAI norti"lerly &ile! eas!erly ilne at ::i;:'., La! ,3 .i distance of ~3 44' ::J tMe point c, . in.llO""'C'f', I tMenca S 0 jeyref'S 413 2' E ])i'::< tne I Wf!St3rly Ime ()f Z'lltll] S:reel:J.S ,,'c-wn en me td9d pldt of s<!,d SUDOI'I:S, Jr. d.. -::lnC\3 I of 553.53' to :'ie pOint Of c...r'~' :rf' (~, J 15' i ra.:l'uS cu'.oe on tr'e souttle,,:;! -,-yrer uf :"01 ' 14 of s,J.;:j S!ut.:"; t ,n~~:r u(;," 'd'l a'1d SOl.:heaS!er!y a:c-I(~ .>di~' cur ~. d:] 's:-,cet 01 523' 10 '1 ;lC'''! 40 j~' '1:;")1 :' :> ," ~ 'U~'" line 01 the N',o'" , of <;,~"J S<>C!i']" ,29 :'i..'!'--'C8 N 8'.' degre~:j';3:; r .) "lstdn;;3lJl .:5;,::" tv i tne POl!'.: (Jf c"';)inyr.,,;; 4 Applir,"-t:on nl/ :~e CI1y r:~ ...........:,: R;oo:;a Pl9'inlng C~T.rT'l'3S:Q, t::: C..T..:,,>"' '-.' .:.on- I i1"g of procer'i ",'::1S In '" c- ~,.j uf r t:"Hng a()n'~^~d :.... '''~ C,tv ::,1 n ','j: --'d,~ij i :3alj propBrlj 13 Xi::t<:!d ':: ",1",t'.0 ,;'JO;J ! a1d 4200 blOCKS ('~ ~JI.."(p".j ,':;'r..,:, dna is j leo;a':y d';~CnOf;Jd 101'0-N3 ~..':".... ,'jQ An-l r,e..."l;"", No, ~ 1-' :~','1:' 1 T" 8' ',lor 011 =~J,~: ~~ 'r'~. ~'~::;,~;~~;?i~~~~ ;'fL~?~,.:~~;'i~ii 3cuth of tr-:! !"jurt',weSt CO.-.--,"~ it !~" ~E :;',V". 01 53,''J S-!<::"vr. 2fi 'r -' '- ':!- "j'1'li, t; N:;;'f'l along :he"e"E i.ne c' .:0 ~,\,d I\oE '. S',\' ~ 1~r t'^ _8 E,-ht ... " '"Ie SO';"')I' !if'e ~:J'''' 'r.r>"'~.;;' 3"... ~ .",,,tn t"", 'tie';: 1,'1,)(" SCI'd n:; '; l l' 1:'1"1'0>:;1 ,\.;vhwes:ef.~: d. a.ree: 'IIle f.j ., ;..iv'nt iJf !:le" lr "Q e~...e') ro.'-;~ Pvticn 2 A C"r!.... the '. ''1..,~: . of I tre SOl ':-'we~1 ,~'I ~.._ I~r ';::' ""'.-, ,'" t' J SC'~l'1 '-l"r."c :;:1 .'-1.:,' J' n~ ~'r ~ M I 1-"~~r 'e{! 1;, ! ~ _I 'r~ ~)T"N8.,1::""" -'~, <', . "'he <' '~" .... '1 "1! . PUBlISH~R'S AFFIDAVIT /STIlTE OF COcCRADO, } )n. ) COUNTY OF Jefferson " pel1i~e Kaleth? do solamnly swear that I om the ed,itor 01 The Wheat Ridqe Sentinel tho' 1". IOme is 0 weekl,. newspo".r published in the City of Wheat Ridge Counf)l: of Jefferson Stat. of Colorado, and has 0 general circulo., tion the-rein; that said newspaper I'Ios be.n pub- "shed continuously and unint.rruptofdly in sold CO""ty 01 Jefferson for a period of more thon 32 .......ks prior '0 the first publjcatio~ of the onnexf!'d notic:., that soid newspaper is .ntered in ~he posy aHice at Denv~J;' Colorado. as second closs moil motter and tnct the said newspaper is 0 n~'",spop.,r wlthi" th'! meaning of the oct of 'he ~nefal ~S'-mb'y of the Stat. of Colorod.:l, opproYed Mor.;h 30, 1923. and t1nt;tl.d "L.egal Notices and Aavertis.emel'lH." and other act~ relating to the printing and pub- !ishing of legal notice$ end adVf!r.i~me",ts; ~not th~ onnexed notice wos publis"ed in the regulor and entire iuue of said ne....."popef ~or the period of :tour con$ecuti...e insertions; thot the first publication of Klid newspaper dated Sept. 16 lost plJblic:::Jtion of 76 19 soid no tic. cnd t~e ....as ~n the it$utt of said newspcper doted OC/ftat. . 7 .' 19 ;:; /1// / /;J '/' ;::1//7 . . ' ,~.f-( (G (.-- J:..?A/cX- Signature ond Title Subs.c:ribed end s',Nom t:J b.fo~e ;one, ., Notary ~ublic, this 7th do,! of October 76 19 ?( ~~ / ;;) ~t-1A.._e1-.-/ No'o('v Plvcli, My CommissIon Expi'es 1br, 5,1971 IIITR:1OlaD flY C:CUfcCIt.~,. .. ~~~n~ ME.1X1.. R.E50UJ1'iON NO. ~_ S.eries of 1517!i bE rr RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL 'Ji- l'H:E CITY np ~'H~1' RIeGE. COLORADO, THAT 1. The City Council of thO! City of lih~,y'~ rtUle, Colorado, pursu~nt to Chapter 31 A~ticle 1:, :~ctiOil 10611). Colo-ra.do Revis-=:d Statutes of 19"/3, as a:aenied, '.ilL c<:>nside, the adoption of an dnnexation Ordinan~e and :o,~_e-rr_lr.i7 'l;.~~ followins: descr:.bed territory lccatei i~ }eEi1!'''-son CO'J;tty, Colorado, to wit ~u T\at portion of th~ SW lIt of Sp:!:n~ ?0 T~~nship,3 South, R3n~e ~] ~est, lesc~i~~i as Be31nnlr.6 ~t ~ ~Jln~ in t~~ _~n~er 0; County Road 13>i:; eet ::;')'-':::". of ~:-, ",or~h"'~'.iT ~o~ne.r of the S:: ~'~ 5..... '4 Lf S1 d "e:tl')!'. ;~'t~~e~~1dr~~ni;~ ~~;r~~:a~~~~i:;;;'f~~~~~e'~ East parallel wltn the S~ct -n line _JJ teet thence South parallel ~~th th~ ~-it 'in: or .aid ~E 1;4 S~l/~ iOQ f~et; ~~.::'~~ '~~- westerly in a direct li~~ ~~ the ;Jlnt .;: beginning, e~ccpt ro~d~ PORTION ? A par:: of the ~orth~~5t ~~~-QuaJt~" 0: t~e South....es':. O)'1€-qu:Jrt~r 0: S('ct'~I'. J, ".:.ns: l South, R~nge b9 W[st of tne r:r~ P ~! , ~~~ ribe ~s tol.lows Beginning at the ~cr~~~c~t =J(n~, ~f ~J \vr~0 east one-quarter ~f t~c ~~:lt~~~S~ ~~e-' 'lrt~r thf'nce South ,Pl)' E st :'37 If! -l-er,.:.o:' r." 89050' East 50f: 5- feet :0 t'le -r:.1~ ~' Beginning; thence ~ort~ 8~o3~' . ~ 5 i ~ !nence SOllth 45<:1' "~e5t, ",S J'l X"t;;[ ',,~ Northerly ':::01 feet, more Ol' 1":"'3 tc th,! t~.:..;p point of beginning, Csunty ~f i~;ferc~n. ~t,At~ of Colorado PORTIO\! ~ That part of the South on~ hali ,5 ,'2 ~f Se~tion .ZO and of the /orthea~t J~p q~Jrte, of the Sorthwest Jne-yuarter (:,~ ! ~ ~ 1 jl of Sectlon 29, IOI.,,__hin .5 S~'1)t.'1, ~, ::09 ,~,::st of the 6th PM, de~c:r'l.b,:d a~ ::.: ~<" j .~Xt:Z:;; Beginning ",t OJ. ?oi:-,t 'J~ t"'e f,'i~t :;; 'd line of '{oun~fle~2 5tr':,:' ::~Cl '." L:l 'JL:1\. the Quarter cor':er ~,:t~pe~ J~.J 29 bears t.; 73oZ2'S~ F.,. T~, '~r, 1"" point i5 also -:.he .'10 :h"~f: tt: ill :-~"l Subd::....J.sion; thcnc~ ~ 1):;'~3' dl_'" northerly l::.,:~ of Rid~~ ~ub~~ : " feet; thenc~."j i)t:O'..C" E, 180 57'43" E. 195 feet th~~~e feet ~o the We~t line oi ? c ~ ~. cribed in Boo;', 7SQ .H pJ.!;.: CO'..Inty record:>; t~encc \( 'J 1-, :: 1 ,j 2-. West llr..e, F'82 95 fl'e~ to n,~ -j-, tract: described in 2<.uk ~';l ,1t r" ;"'_ q S 87oS8~E a.long :he 0"-:.n 11'~ w :,~C 664 32 feet to th~ ~e~t I ~e _ .~ ~~n ~ tract as d~:ocri~eJ .1 3QO{ - I~'> ,Lj ~ !laid re'.:;ord:;; thence .~ r),J,.; '..;~ -,.; line of sal:i John i{. '.ee ':-}o"1 ,~t ":. Sout., line of ?e:;.r: of" e ~,~~~ s_ _~ ,1',,1 thence ~ 86;:' ""', l8S (. ~~,..:- 'J ),:r~o;:1.;~ ner .,f tra.ct of lar..J ,-~;1"e ~"~) ,~..:. L"C' by deed recorded in 3';0)( ~r .<: ~ )r~, .-" ,~~ ~I COZ9' S"''' W, 3S~ S'l f~er ~c r,:>,: ..~... ~ " _--"'f'Y of s~id H~"old N L~e tr..ct ~'l"'.~ 3 ~ W. SuO 4" fe~t tu the ,crtn '1 ~ said Sect:or, ;:'); the~~e ~ ,,~..:, ~ North-South centerlin~ Gt J~_:~ I: to the Nort~east c)rn., 0: trl to Harold:.i Lee b j,~..J "e~'lJ page 323; thence S 8'!Q~S' ~ ~.. af said Le~ tra~t j:3' tee: corner there'Jf; t'l :"...~ "' !I": 'i", , ~~.;)~ ::<.:e~ thence S i2'-'5""'S.:< ;~ ~~:; "~ f",('~ ,-:1~I-'~ .~6'lZ" W, b4~ J~ f~~t ~J ~he F~ [ ll.ne of i'Jur..fiel.:.: :;t~,,('t :!-,~r.;c' S ..:u~~ along s~id Ea;t ri~ht "f ~a l' )3J 1 the North L'1.'-' wE t':'h.-t :.Jt 11, ~ ;:f" 480 at pa;:e ')')3 t:"~n'_e~;' l' C)'" the North~J5t :or~er )t ~llJ ,~ Book 48J a~ pi;e 5~~ ~,:n_ fl'!et; the'1.c~::i ';,),!-' -1,. ., l L2, ..; line of saiJ tra~t ~~ _ 595. 172 ~~ iCet to":. ~a: c1. Youngfield StIPet t 0'::e ~ L j feet to th~ Faint nt )~~ nr.~ ...."'........'" :'1," 1 .~ ~ ;.'- r - ~ 1. 'J ",' . _ ~" E ,'f"~: i,,~ i.( '1>-: cc ., 1 , u I:, t ~ e " 11 ~ ~ l'. c' ~l '.: :- t" "-t' 5 ~ 1,ll, ......, "'.... PASSED, ADOPTED AND APP;WVEn thi, ---.!.~_ CAy of SeptPb.r 19'6, by a v'J,;e c! '0 ATTES"r SI FUrlk St1 !Elll FrR;",'t .:ot:te~-. 51 Hi""" !:lrc:.r,;hYl ~.rnu"~~"l.:.err- ~,rSl Pubk:)t!!:'11 SelJlember 16. 1976 Las: P,-,\J!:C.Lon', ,)ctoo~ 7 ls.;e .iheal Fl,a~e SentlOe4 n 1 ,bi .;- .:.f'; j i~' , ,~ '-',--'- , , h ' . ' H ,L1"1: \tf~ tr;: l' :-~ 1 r~' ) I ~' '. ."' ~ - ... ne', "1'" , n. '.. I J \/ :.,t\.J_ i 850450 aSOL50 I"., c!;, ~ ['l ') C .1; .:.1) -L "t." v '0)91:.1"'-2 u I Jf.fl." "I' I ' '~,' j, 'r ....I~... J~.....;;. UI V . ~ n; ~ ;.;... i> , I t ./ '" i" t.n il I '. I" I 'I I. " , . 'll'l U .oJ,' . I A "q'.U 14" ,(."..J'.J "J INTRODUCED BY COUNCILPLRSON HOWARD ORDINANCE NO. 222 SERIES OF 1976 TITLE: AN ORDINA:-.ICE TO AN\JEX CER.TAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDCE, COLORr\D8. WHEREAS, the following described real property, situate In the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, has been contained and located entirely within the corporate boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado for a period of more than three years from the date of this Ordinance, said property being contained and located entirely within the corporate boundaries of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, since the date of August 19, 1969. PORTIO~ 1 That pcrticn of the SlV 1/1 o-f Section ~n, Township 3 South, Range &9 West, described as: Beginning at a ~oint in the center of County Road 1365 feet South of the Northwest corner of the \E 1/4 SW 1/4 of said SectIon 20; thence runnIng North along the West line of the said NE 1/4 SW l/~ 140 feet, thence East parallel with the Sect inn lIne :00 feet, thence South parallel wIth the West line of said NE 1/4 S\~ 1/4 IOO teet; tjlence South- westerly in a direct line to the point of beginning, except roads. PORTIO:; 2 A part of the :~ortheast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 20, Township 3 South, RJnge 69 "cst of the 6th P.~I.. JescribeJ as follows: Beginning at the ~nr[hwe~t corner of said North- east one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter; thence South 0011)' Last 557.,+ feet; thence North 89050' Last S'ln.S7 feet, co t]w TrLl' ['oint of Beg in 1\ i n g; the nee ~ () r t h :') <) () 51! f I: a s t, 2 () 5 fee t . thence South 450;1' IVL'''t, ~S7.1)<) feet; thence Northerly 201 fcet, more or less, to the true point of beginnin~, County of jefferson, State of Colora<ia. POIn ION 3 'fh:1t rein of the ';ol\th n~1e-half (S 1/2) of Sect 1\)11 2(; ,lild I~: the ''ion:hL':h[ oew-quarter o r the :-. u r ( I \Iv Co -; t :, n l' . q l! ; II" t '-' r (N j 1 /1 ;\ IV ] / .1 j of S-:..'ctiOll ~rl~ Tu\:.n~111i!) -:; SU,-lth, Rc!ng:..: b:l We~.;t of th,.' 11th 1'.:,1., dc';crih,.'d .h foll(.\;I'< '>"Cll.) 14? fi..... r ~J(_.., ."..1 2:}~1'~ 143 ORDINANCE NO. 222 Beginning at a point on the East right of way line of Youngfield Street, [rom which point the quarter corner between said Section 20 and 29 bears N. 73022'52" E, 1306.06 feet, and which point is also the Northwesterly corner of Ridge Subdivision; thence N 64025'23" E along the northerly line of Ridge Subdivision, 1112.40 feet; thence N 000'40" E, 180 feet; thence N 580 57'43" E, 195 feet; thence S 84026'05" E, 165.78 feet to the West line of a parcel of land des- cribed in Book 759 at page 462 at Jefferson County records; thence N 0005'34" W along said West line, 1082.95 feet to the North line of said tract described in Book 759 at page 462, thence S 87058' E along the North line of said tract, 664.32 feet to the West line of the John R. Lee tract as described in Book 202 at page 328 of said records; thence N 0008'41" W along the West line of said John R. Lee Tract, 200 feet to the South line of Pearl of the Valley Subdivision; thence N 860 W, 185.65 feet to the Southeast cor- ner of tract of land conveyed to Harold N. Lee by deed recorded in Book 497 at page 562; thence N 0029'57" W, 357.30 feet to the Northeast corner of said Harold N. Lee tract; thence S 89039'33" W, 560.~7 feet to the North-South centerline of said Section 20; thence N 0009'29" E along said North-South centerline of Section 20, 194.23 feet to the Northeast corner of tract of land conveyed to Harold N. Lee by deed recorded in Book 451 at Page 323; thence S 89025' W along the North line of said Lee tract, 513.7 feet to the ~orth~est corner thereof; thence S ~o32' E, 244.95 feet; thence S 72057'58" W, 145.09 feet; thence S 750 46'12" W, 644.96 feet to the East right of wav line of Youngfield Street; thence S 0044'lb" I along said East right of way lIne, 334.21 feet to the North line of tract of land described In Book 480 at page 595; thence N 89015'44" I, 169 feet to the Northeast corner of said tract descrIbed in Book 480 at page 595; thence S 0044'16" E, 100 feet; thence S 78042'44" W along the Souther Iv line of said tract described in Book 480 at page 595, 172.79 feet to the East right of way line oi Youngfield Street; thence S 0044'16" E, 1650.10 feet to the point of beginning. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, has considered the Annexation map prepared by the Planning Department of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, and finds that said map contains: (a) A legal description of the boundaries of the area prnposed to be annexed. annexed. (b) The boundary of the area proposed to be (c) The location of each ownership tract contained within the area proposed to be annexed. 'l'qL u 11J "", ".)0 I. :Z:j5H 144 ORDINANCE NO. 222 (d) The contiguous boundary of the annexing municipality of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, which is next to and abutts the area proposed to be annexed. WHEREAS, the City Council is acting pursuant to Chapter 31, Article 12, Section 106(1), Colorado Revised Statutes of 1973, as amended. NOW THEREFORE, be it ordained by the City Council of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, that: Section 1. That the following described property, situate in the County of Jefferson, State of Colorado, be and the same is hereby annexed to the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, to wit: PORT ION 1 That portion of the SW 1/4 of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West, described as: Beginning at a point in the center of County Road 1365 feet South of the Northwest corner of the NE 1/4 SW 1/4 of said Section 20; thence running North along the West line of the said NE 1/4 SW l/~ 140 feet; thence East parallel with the Section line 200 feet; thence South parallel with the West line of said NE 1/4 SW 1/4 100 feet; thence South- westerly in a direct line to the point of beginning, except roads. PORTI ON 2 A part of the Northeast one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter of Section 20, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., descrIbed as follows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of said North- east one-quarter of the Southwest one-quarter; thence South 0010' East 557.4 feet; thence North 89050' East 506.57 feet, to the True Point of Beginning; thence North 89050' East, 205 feet; thence South 45024' West, 287.09 feet; thence Northerly 201 feet, more or less, to the true point of beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. PORTION 3 That part of the South one-half (S 1/2) of Section 20 and of the Northeast one-quarter of the Northwest one-quarter (NE 1/4 NW 1/4) of Section 2~, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.!'>!., des.cribed as follows: Beginning at a point on the East right of way line of Youngfrcld Street, from which point the qU:ll'tcr COiner betlveell o,aiJ Section 20 and 29 bears N. 73022'52" E, 130{).Ob feet, :.rnd which - .~ - ~'J~)t-l 14.1 :Zi=6S 1,15 ORDINANCE NO. 222 point is also the North~estcrly corner of Ridge Subdivision; thence N 64025'23" E along the northerly line of Ridge Subdivision, 1112.40 feet; thence N 000'40" E, 180 feet; thence N 580 57'43" E, 195 feet; thence S 84026'05" E, 165.78 feet to the West line of a parcel of land des- cribed in Book 759 at page 462 of Jefferson County records; thence N 0005'34" W along said West line, 1082.95 feet to the North line of said tract described in Book 759 at page 402; thence S 87058' E along the North line of said tract, 664.32 feet to the West line of the John R. Lee tract as described in Book 202 at page 328 of said records; thence N 0008'41" W along the West line of said John R. Lee Tract, 200 feet to the South line of Pearl of the Valley Subdivision; thence N 860 W, 185.65 feet to the Southeast cor- ner of tract of land conveyed to Harold N. Lee by deed recorded in Book 497 at page 562; thence N 0029'57" W, 357.30 feet to the Northeast corner of said Harold N. Lee tract; thence S 89039'33" W, 560.47 feet to the North-South centerline of said Section 20; thence N 0009'29" E along said North-South centerline of Section 20, 194.23 feet to the Northeast corner of tract of land conveyed to Harold N. Lee by deed recorded in Book 451 at Page 323; thence S 89025' 11' along the North line of said Lee tract, 513.7 feet to the Northwest corner thereof; thence S 0032' E, 244.95 feet; thence S 72057'58" W, 145.09 feet; thence S 750 46'12" W, 644.96 feet to the East right of way line of Youngfield Street; thence S 0044' 1(\" E along said East right of .way llne, 334.21 feet ~o the North line of tract of land described in Book 480 at page 595; thence N 89015'44" E, 169 feet to the Northeast corner of said tract described i~ Book 480 at page 595; thence S 0044'16" E, lOO feet; thence S 78042'44" 11' along the Southerly line of said tract described in Book 480 at page 595, 172.79 feet to the East right of way line of Youngfield Street; thence S 0044' 16" E, 1650.10 feet to the point of beginning. Section 2. The above described property has been contained and located within the corporate boundaries of the City of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, for a period of more than three years from the date of this Ordinance. Section 3. The provisions of this Ordinance are necessary for the preservation of the public health and safety of the citizens of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, for the following reasons: (a) To encourage na t.ural and well-ordered development of Wheat Ridge, Colorado. .1 - :<"~iS 1''15 ~~:l~8 146 ORDINANCE NO. 222 (b) To distribute fairly and equitably the costs uf municipal services. (c) To extend municipal government serVIces to eligible areas which form a part of the whole community. Section 4. It is hereby declared to be the legislative intent of the City Council that the several provisions or this Ordinance shall be severable and if any part, section, sub-section, sentence, clause, or phrase of this Ordinance is for any reason determined to be invalid, such decision shall not affect the remaining portions of this Ordinance, and the City Council hereby declares that it would have passed this Ordinance in each of the sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases irrespective of the fact that anyone or more parts, sections, sub-sections, sentences, clauses, or phrases are declared invalid. Section 5. Effect ive Date. Thi 5 Ordinance shall take ~ffect thirty (30) days after final publication. INTRODUCED, PASSED, ADOPTED AND ORDERED PUBLISHED on first reading by a vote of 5 to~, this 13th day of December , 1976. PASSED, ADOPTED A~D ORDERED PUBLISHED on second and final reading by a vote of 6 to 0 this lOth day of Januarv 1977. Signed by the Mayor of Wheat Ridge, Colorado, on the 12ttrlay of January , 1977. J '\ ' /i A_ .u-i:~f. ..,);Ii /1'/ /. (.t.-,~ ~rank Stites, ~ayor ATTEST: ~: '7 -<> . /7 , '--- I - _ I - f ., l,. It _~L.C.--:\.l /'~'( /11<~c -----, / - 7sc-Br. 0 ugn tun, U t Y l: 1 c'r'1( ------- , , ~'FFr CE OF THE CLERK -- C11':t OF WP TUt I ,EAT RIDGE, COTORADO '" ~ IS A T"'I1\ M.D CORRECT CoPr (FXT~ '~7'\ OF TI'E . n flAL D ' 'c." . OR_C~I_ OeGL.,T IN MY CUSTODY. DATE :....._...-6I.~j.2..z_._______._____________._ --/ -/ I .t(.~.C:F._..;.(-f.h/>/(~C / ';0- rA"OL F 1-"".... r -. '/.-- . -.. . r"'2:?j{ "--=-- - S - ;~. "~ 1"16