HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2014-0038CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO RESOLUTION NO . 38 Series of 2014 TITLE : A RESOLU TION AMENDING THE FISCAL YE AR 2014 GENERAL FUND BUDGET TO REFLECT TH E APPROVA L OF A SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET APPROPRIATI ON IN THE AMOUNT OF $8 ,000 FOR TH E INSTAL LATION OF A I R CONDITION ING IN THE CHANNEL 8 E QUI PMENT ROOM WHEREAS, the City Council recognizes Channel 8 broadcasting as an important commun ication too l to inform the community about City programming and services ; and WHEREAS, Public Education Government (PEG ) Fees can only be utilized for equ ipment. software and maintenance needed for operating Channel 8 ; and WHEREAS , the Wheat Ridge Charter requires that amendments to the budget be effected by the City Council adopting a Resolution . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by t he Ci ty Cou ncil of the City of Wheat Ridge, Color ado, as follows : A. The City Council authorizes the installation of air conditioning in the Cha nnel 8 equipment room . B. The City Council authorizes the transfer of $8 ,000 from the general fund designated PEG reserves to account number 01-111 -800-812 and amending the 2014 fiscal year budget accordingly. DONE AND RESOLVED this 141h day of July, 2014 . ATTEST: neileshaver, City Clerk