HomeMy WebLinkAbout1975-1980ORDli~ANCE INDEX Page Ord . I Subject First First Second Second In Fi . No . Reading Pub. Reading Pub. Effect Lac 421 Providing for Aooroval of a~ ]a p Correct i on from (I) to PCD) for Land at Approx Southwest Corne 1 9/29/80 10/2/80 10/20/80 10/30/80 11/14/80 ReZ I -_10 & Harlan St., City of Wheat I~ [I· Ridge, County of Jefferson, State of CO (WZ-73-16) (C.B. #36) Providing for Approval of.Joo j nQ- 422 Ma p Correction. from (RC) to (R-C1) 9/29/80 10/2/80 10/20/80 10/30/80 11/14/80 ReZ ~}-land at Approx 3660 Wadsworth Blvd City of ~lheat R1dge, County of Jefferson, State of CO (~JZ-76-11) {C.B. #37) 423 Providing for the Rezoning of Land From R-C to C-1, Property at Appro> 9/15/80 9/18/80 10/27/80 11/6/80 11/21/80 ReZ 4900 Kj pling. City of Wh. R., ~I' County of Jefferson, State of CO. · 1 ~:: (C.B. #34) (Sileo Oil) (WZ-80-2~) -Providing for Approval of Rezon 424 From R-2 & R-C to PCD; Approval of 9/22/80 9/25/80 10/27/80 11/6/80 11/21/80 ReZ Preliminary Develop Plan, Land at ,, SE Corner of 50th & Independence, I Wh. R. (f (1. R H35) (l.ruic;e) (WZ-80-11) ·" Re1ealing & Reenacting Sect 2-17 of 425 Code of Laws of City Relating to 10/13/80 10/16/80 10/27/80 10/30/80 10/31/80 CodeE Qu ~]jfj ~at j cc cf ~e wb~rs, Appts ., (Motion f r recons i c eration p ssed '·' &-Terms of Members, Removal From 11/10/80. Rehearing to be hel< on Connl. & Vacanci1s Rela~iRg to Bds. ( Arlnntf:•d nr rehearina ~JI3~f2°Jt RBp~g 62~~ '~0 24!fl~~ 61180 '-r.nnm.iC'C'~~ C.B. # g. - -Providing for Approval of l on j ng 426 ~a p Cnrre ctio~, Parcel 1, From A-1 & A-2 to ~-1; & Zoning Map Correct 10/13/80 10/16/80 11/10/80 11/20/80 12/5/80 ReZ ~~ for Parcel 2 From No Zoning to A-2 for Land at Approx Intersect o~ ) Vivian & W 41st A ~. (C .B. #39)(Ca >e WZ-80-27 !1-' Providing for Aoproval of Rezone 427 from R-C to C-1, Land Located at 10/13/80 10/16/80 11/10/80 11/20/80 12/5/80 ReZ Approx 7320 W. 44th Ave., City of Wh.R., County of Jefferson, State of Colo.(Case WZ-80-23) (C .B. #40) ri 428 Amending Sects 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14 and 15, Append A,· Zonin~ 12/4/80 12/5/80 AppA Ord of Code of City, \olh i c h Amend 11/3/80 11/6/80 11/24/80 Relates to Gr ou p Home ~for Develop mentally Disabl ed . (C.B. 1142 j • CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 u v~'!-::::AT RIDGE. COLORADO 80 033 -)rd . lo. 113 14 15 116 17 ~18 l19 420 ORDIN/\NCE INDEX ----- First First Second Second Subject Reading Pub. Rcudinq Puh . Providing for Approval of Zoning t1a p Cprrectj pp rrom R-2 & C-1 to C-1, Land Located at Approx. 485 ~ 7/28/80 7/31/80 8/13/80 8/28/80 Hiller St ., City of llh.R., County of J eff., State of CO (W/-78-360) (C.B. #29) (Was WZ-74-29) Providing for Approval of Zoning Map Corr&'t From A-1 to R-lA, Land Located at Approx . .&J OO ~1. 35t h 7/28/80 7/31/SO 8/18/80 8/28/80 Ave., City of Hh.R., County of JeT f . , State of CO. (C . B. #30) (~IZ-80-130) Providing for Approval of Rezoning From R-2 and A-1 to C-1 , Land Located at Aporox . 4565 Kjp l j n2 7/28/80 7/31/80 8/18/80 8/28/80 St., City of ~lh.R., County of Jeff., State of CO ... (I•JZ-80-12) (C.B. #31) ('" ... ' L Providing for Approval of Rezoning From C-1, R-C & R-2 to PCD, Land Located at Approx . 4940 \·lard Road l.. City of Hh .R., County of Jeff., 7/21/80 7/24/80 8/25/80 9/4/80 State o_,. CO. . (C. B. #25) I p,.,.., .. ~ rH "'n fnr llnrw•:-... :: 1 r.+ D • .,.,.,.,,.-: •. .., J -•• ,. ~. - -• -... -• • • = 0 From R-1A to RC-1, Land Located at Approx . 124 95 \ol. 32nd Ave., City Wh.R., Coun t y of Jeff ., State of co. (C. B. #26) Conveying a Portion of .Johnson Park to State of Colorado, State .. Department of Hi gh\'tays , Pursuant to ·Court Order Authorizing State Dept Highways to Ta~ Possession,. 7 (C. B. #32) ec ~ ,y?o 4.Yt1 Providing for the Adoption by City Council of_l Oyarter Section Zon- ing Ma ps as Official ~1aps of City & Pr ovide for Updating Period i- cal l y Indicating Changes Approved C.B. #20) Providi ng for Adoption by City Counci l of 12 Quarter Section Zone ~ as Officia l Maps of E1ty of R. and Provide for Future Up- dating of Maps Periodically to Indicate Changes (C .B. #33) 7/21/80 7/24/80 8/25/80 8/25/80 8/28/80 9/15/80 v &//s-/J' 1:7 , . 6/2/80 6/5/80 TABl:Hl-6f Repub. 9/22/80 8/28/80 9/15/80 9/18/80 10/13/8C CITY OF '/\'HEAT niDGE CITY CU ~nl<'!:> OFF.CE P . 0 . 00~ G38 9/4/80 9/18/80 23f89-:--t49t 9/25/80 10/23/80 V·.'!·::AT 111D GE , COLORADO 800~3 Page In ! Fi Effect Lo 9/12/80 ReZ - 9/12/80 ReZ --. 9/12/80 ReZ ·- 9/19i80 ReZ 9/19/80 ReZ 10/3/80 Ptop:. erty QN -T9-Hr!A -9f~2 9/26/80 Zonin g 10/24/80 Zonin g • Ord . Subject No. 405 Providing for Approval of Rezoning fm A-2 & R-C to C-1 , land st SE Corner of W 44 t h Aye & Ten gp St. (Case WZ-80-1, Peoria (C:B. #17) Amending Code of City of Wh.R. by 406 Codifvino Ords No 334 Through ~of City & lncorp. Said Ords o Code of City (C. B. ¥18) 407 Delegating Qy t ~ & Aythor j t y to Cj t y Cl e rk ofh .R. to Provide for & Accomplish Continuing Admini- strative Codif i cation of Duly 1nacted ODds of City of Wb.R. C.B. #19 Provid ing for ~pproval of~C~2 r £c ~. 408 of Legal Oescr1 p fp r WZ-7 - for Correct to Zoning Map from R-C and C-1 to C-1, Property Involved in Zoning Discrepancy WZ-78-550, 9684 & ~g~Q ~~~t ~~1b a~~· (CB #2 1) 409 Providing for Anproval of Change of Zone from R-1C to R-3, property inv olved in Zon j ng Discre pagcy WZ-78-560, located at 8705 -1 5 & IA77 "-\.1 llh ·~h !IV.<>. :r:-s . #22) Providing for Approval of a Zoning 410 Ma p Correc tipn from R-1 to R-1A, Property Involved in Zoning Dis- crepancy WZ-78-1050, Located at !2 J~~ w. Jatb A¥~ ~C.B. ~23) Amendi ng Section 27.2.C.5 of 411 Appendix A, ~Qpjpg Or i of Code ' of City of Hh . R., Colo .• \~hich Secti ons Pertain to Landscaping. (C .B.#27) 412 Providing for Approval of Zoning Ma p Cgr r ec t From PRO to RC, Land t oea ted at Approx . 11465 1'1. 44 th. Ave., City of \o/h. R., -county of Jeff., State of CO (WZ-79-210) (C. B. #28) ORDINANCE INDEX Page -----· -I First First Second Second In File Reading Pub. Reading Pub. Effect 5/19/80 5/22/80 6/9/80 6/19/80 114186 Republis . REPEALE D BY REFERE DUM 7/4/80 7/19/80 ELECTION JUNE 22 , 982 5/19/80 5/22/80 6/9/80 6/19/80 7/4/80 5/19/80 5/22/80 6/9/80 6/19/80 7/4/80 6/9/80 6/12/80 7/14/80 7/24/80 8/8/80 6/9/80 6/12/80 7/14/80 7/24/80 8/8/80 6/9/80 6/12/80 7/14/80 7/24/80 8/8/80 10/3/80 7 ~24/80 9/15/80 9/18/80 ~21/80 -S./-1-1-/..SO. &Rl-fOO-I 9-,LS.J.S.Q (8/18/80 ~lotion for Reconside was passe 9/15/80) 7/29/80 7/31/80 8/18/80 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY C LER K'S OFFICE P . 0 . BOX 638 . Reheari Passed 6-~ 8/28/80 W !-:EAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 g to be h on rehea 9/12/80 Lac . ReZ Supp 7-8 Code Supp ReZ ReZ ReZ App.A at ion ~ld on i ng .) ReZ Ord. No . 397 398 399 . 400 . 401 402 403 404 ORDIN ANCE INDEX Subject First First Second Reading Pub. Reading Repealing & reenacting Sect 5-37 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 of Code of Laws, adootino Uniform Code for Ah<ttPmPnt n f Danaerous r1i:i'PliTr1 (1 <: l,Sl!LEd i tion, provi din . penal ties for violat1on (Councilbill ~4) Repeal & Reenact Sect 5-38, Code 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 of Laws, ad gp tin~Volume DwellinQ Co9g r~g under Uniform lHd<l Co e, Edit'on, provialng -Tor amends & penalties for violation (Councilbill =5) Repeal & Reenact Sect 6-l & 6-2 Code of Laws, ad gp ti gg Nat j oga1 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 Electri ca l Co de , 1.3.Za..Edition, providing for amends & oroviding Pfp~~~~~nhf?r ~~~lation Repealing & Reenacting Sects 5-81 5-82 , 5-83, 5-85, & 5-86 of Code 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 of Laws, relating to fe ~s to be c baraed jn connection w1th bldg., PlPrTri r<~l '· n"' ·~"' __movi n<l oermi ts 1 Councilbill ~7) Repeal1ng & Reenacting Sect 1(0) of Append A, Zoning Ord, of Code of Laws, pertaining to Procedure 3!17 /80 3/20/80 4/14/80 for Re e lacing QE!j~j~J Zcgj ns r councilbill !;8) ~ Amending Ordinance No . 372, Serie of 1979, ~etit aaa ~j~jJ ~!::t::r:i'e 4/14/80 4/17/80 4/28/80 j;J ~ssjfj~atjag. (Councilbill No. 13) Conveying Portion of Johnc::on Park to State of Colo, State Dent of Highways, Pursuant to Court Order 4/28/80 5/1/80 5/12/80 Authorizing State Dept of H1gh- ways to take Possessi~ {council Bi111!16) /~c2 _ee.,..? ?o7.J '1 oP. {.,/y I.P 7 Repealing & Reenacting Sects of Chapter 21 of Code of City of Hh . R. Pertaining to Taxes og Retail ~il~~~--(Councilbill No. 14) 4/14/80 4/17/80 CITY OF WHEAT RlDGE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE P. 0. BOX 638 5/19/80 Second Pub . 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 5/1/80 5/22/80 5/28/SO WHEAT RID GE , COLORADO 80~ Pag e ln I File ' Effect Loc. 5/l/80 CbS 5/1/80 Ch5 5/1/80 Ch6 - 5/1/80 CbS - 5/1/80 AppA . 5/16/80 Pers No Cod - 6/6/80 No Cod 6/12/80 Ch21 Ord. No. 389 390 391 392 . 393 394 .395 396 - ORDirlAN CE INDEX Subject First First Second Reading Pub. Reading Providing for approval of rezone from A-1 to PCD & approval of out 2/25/80 l/28/80 3/17/80 line develop plan, land on ~ f ield St approx 1500 ft E an between Cl ear Creek & approx 2000 ft S, (~lZ-79-45, Kunz & Barber) Repealing Sect. 16.0.10(b), Sect l7.0.10(b), Sect . 18 .0.1 0(b), & 3/10/80 3/13/80 4/14/80 Sect 19.D.l O(b) of Append A, Zon- ing Ord of Cod~ of City of l-lh.R. Co., ~lhich Sects Pe rtain to Area Reoulation.s.. - Providing for approva1 of Rezone frcm C-1 & R-3 to RC -1, land 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 located at 3800-11-11;-17 <::h~>rirbn (WZ-79-41, Worthington) (Councilbill #10 ) Providing for aonroval of Rezone from R-3 to RC -1, land located at JaZ5 & J6~Z Sba~jdac 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 (WZ-79-42, Halguin & Ellis} (C~uncilbill #11) Providing for aoproval of Rezone from R-1 to R-lA, land located 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 at l ZJSC ~~ Jatb a~~:t:. (HZ-79-26, f·liller, Helen M .. ) (Councilbill '~9} Repealing and reenacting Sec ts 5-30 and 5-32 of Code of Laws, adootino Uniform Rlrin f'nrle, 3/17/80 3/20/80 4/14/80 ~'Edit1on . Providing for air. amends thereto & providin penalties for violation (Council ill "1} Rcoealing & reenacting Sects 5-33 & 5-34 of Code of La ... Js , ,adgp t j ng Un lfol.ll! tj!i,biHll,~l ~PQt:. 1~~9 3/17 /80 3/20/80 4/14/80 Ed 1tion; oro viding for amen s thereto & nroviding penalties for violation jCouncilbill #2) . Reoeali lr Sects 5-35 and 5-36 of Co de of aws relating to Uniform Bld g ~gde Vgl II I J Hs gL 1970 3/17/80 8/20/80 4/14/80 Edi tion (Councilbi11 #3} 'CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE ·CITY CLERK 'S OFfiCE P . 0. BOX 638 Second Pub . 3/27/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 4/17/80 'WHEAT RIDGE, COLCRADO G0033 ·. Page In ! Fil Effect Loc. 3/27/80 ReZ 5/2/80 AopA 5/1/80 ReZ 5/1/80 ReZ 5/1/80 ReZ 5/1/80 ChS 5/1/80 ChS 5/1/80 ChS / ORDINA NC E INDEX rd. o. 381 Jn2 383 384 385 386 387 386 . Subject First First Second Reading Pub. Reading Repealing & Reenacting Sect (SUPERSEDE b BY ORDIN 16.D.lO(b}, Sect 17.D.lD(h), Sect 18.0.1 0(b), & Sect 19.0.1 0(b) of ifti1;119--itf2f)f79--~£FERRE&- App A, Zoning Or~ Cod e of City , Pertain1ng Eo ~rea Re g ~lation ' Providing for rezoning of land from R-1 to PRO & approval of prelim develop plan on property at approx 104g~ ~. JStb A~e 01/07/80 01/10/80 01/28/80 (WZ-79-47, Hook Community Hsg.) Providing for aoproval of rezone from RC to C-l for land at 01/21/80 01/24/80 02/11/80 approx J 9Ql Wad swo r tb · City of \:h.R., County of Jeff., State of Colo. (~'Z-711-46 .Pi sci ot ta) Providing for approval of rezone OJnuro. ::f~£!HHE a1rtmu.£fl from R-1 to R-lA, land located at aoorox 12390 W. 38th Aye., :rAm. t: t}.. :r 0-~ BJ\0:... City of !-Jh. R. , County of Jeff . , ~IHI8&---Si'-£iii'-~ etmt:it.-tlfi State of CoJo (WZ-79-26,Miller) (SUPERSEDE p BY ORDIN Repea 1 i ng Ord 362, Atl'<>n::!ing Sect. 1, Apper.dix A, Zoning Ord., of 01/21/80 01/24/80 02/11/80 Code of City of ~!h. R., CO, per- taining to Procedure for Co rrect- ing Errors in Official Zoning M ~ 0 Re~ealing & Reenacting Ord 351 Providing for Rezoning of Land From R-1 to PRO & Approval of 01/28/60 01/31/80 02/25/80 Prelim Dev Plan on Property Located at J~ZO -J49C e~tfet St., (WZ-79-13, E. Schaefer) Amending Code of City by (pd j f y - ing Ord ~ 3 ~Z tb '"ll JJJ of f ity 01/28/80 01/31/80 02/11/80 orrwh .R. and Incorporating ( Said Ords into the Code of City . Amending Ord. 368 by adding Sect 1, 6-b and c; and Sect 2, 6-c, to Appendix A of Zon j ng Or d.of Code 02/11/80 02/14/80 03/10/80 of Laws, City of Wh.R., which sects pert~in to fences . wall s . 1 i<lhtin•l & obstructs to ...tle._w CCITY OF WHEAT RIDGE -CITY CLERK'S GFFI~.; P. 0. BOX 638 Second Pub. NCE NO. ~A€K-18-51 01/31/80 02/21/80 ~0.. PLAllltWI ~iiStr P.NCE NO. 02/21/80 03/06/80 02/21/80 03/20/80 - \WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO 80033 Page In r file Effect . Lac. 390) Ff- 02/15/80 03/07/80 l-COMt:USSl tl 393) - 03/07/80 03/21/80 ReZ 03/07/80 04/19/80 APP A .. / ./ Ord. No. 373 374 375 3l6 317 378 . 379 380 /~-::;.;~~ ORDIN ANC E I NDEX Page _ Subje ct Firs t firs t Second Second In r Reading Pub. Read i ng Pub . Effect I Am~>nd Sec 15-S(m). Litterigg, & aji se, 15-5(u) L Glass Cont:tfne rs ~hap t 15, Art. II , t ode of 1?./10/79 12/13/79 01/02/80 01/10/80 01/25/80 Ch City, concerning Parks ~ Rec Rul es & Regs Repealing & Reena~ting Sect 15-8 of Ch ap t 15 , Art II, of Cede of 12/10/79 12/13/79 01/02/80 01/10/80 01/25/80 Ct' City concerning Parks & Rec ( Rules & Re gs Pr oviding for adoption by City 03/10/80 03/20/80 'Jt1/C4/80 A PPE ~:t Council of 6 q y~ct~c ~~~~ zo aia9 A map s of City ; Provide for fU ture 12/10/79 12/13/79 d@t.i:i:T i)'t ~too upd a t e of maps; Indicate zoning "taat:Ee =te a,tw,taa - cha nges appr oved by City Council Repealing & Reenacting Sect ,21-21 & S2c t 21-23 of Ch apt 21, Art IJ, Code of City, pertaining 12/17/79 12/20/79 01/14/80 01/17/80 01/01/CO Ct' to t axation of tel e phone exchange - ftmend Ord No . 372, Series of 1979, Sec t I, ~o rit L Ci xJJ Set~i '~ ~lA~~i!i,~tign 12/17/79 12/20/79 01/02/80 01/10/80 0)/0!/80 PI N! Repe ali ng & Reenacting Sect 2-1 7(<) of Chapt 2 , Art IV, Code of City , Pertaining to Admin of Boa rd~ & Conrnissions . Repea l ing & Reenactiny Sect 2-25(c) and Sect 2-25 m) of Chapt 2, Ar t IV , Code of City . pertain - ing to Adm in ot Bgatd g! adj ust Re pea l ing & r.eenactin ~ Ord 362, Amending Sect 1, Aro A, Zoning Ord, Code of City , Pet·ta in i ng to Pro cedure for Correcttn ~ Errors in Officia l Zcoicg ~g 12/17/79 12/20/7.9 01/02/80 12!17/79 12/2 0/79 01/02/80 12/17 /7'J 12/20/79 TMtf:.O..:r.(] DE NIE D at~ 01/14/80 CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE CITY CU:ni<'S OfFICE P. 0. OOX G38 01/10/80 01/10/80 J/JI-.t-4-r -l 2ND f:'EAOH J VOTE OF WHFAT RID GE, COLORADO 00033 01/11/80 Cl 01/ll/80 c• ~ [ G r " 1-7 ORD I rJA~lCE INDEX Page. ____ _ Ord. Subject First First Second Second In File Mi sc No. Reading Publication Reading Publication Effect Location Amending Chapter 19A of the Code I I ! of the City of Wheat Ridge , CO • 366 (re signs) 10/22/79 10/25/79 11/19/79 11/29/79 11/30/79 Chapter 19A , Code - Creating Chapte r 4A of t he Code 367 of the City of Wheat Ridge (re courtesy benches) 10/22/79 10/25/79 11/19/79 11/29/79 11/30/79 Chapter 4A, Code . Amending certain sections of 368 Appendix A, Zoning Ord. of the 11/19/79 11/29/79 11/30/79 Appendix A, Code Code of Laws of the City of \~h. R. 10/22/79 10/25/79 as adopted and passed in 1976, as ~~r0gtgr~~e&f8B~tr~c~,6~~·t6i~~~~? For approval of change zone from i I I PRO to R-1, E. side of Miller St 369 between W. 46 & W 27 Sts , within 10/22/79 10/25/79 DENIED BY V PTE OF 5 TO 1 B CITY COUNCIL Denied Ords. Not cod. corp boundaries of City of \~h.R . 11/26/79 Cou ~ty of Jeff., State of Colo . I I fW7-7Q-11) Providing for approval of rezoning 37 , from A-1 to C-1, land located at , 9990 West 49th Ave., City of Wh .R. 10/29/79 11/01/79 12/10/79 12/20/79 12/21/79 Rezoning Ords, 1979 I Not co o . County of Jeff, State of CO I (C&H De velopment) Adding additional job classifi- 371 cation and amending Ord. 357, Series of '79, Sect. I , Merit 10/29/79 11/01/79 & Civil Service Classification 11/19/79 11/29/79 11/30/79 Salary & Personnel Ords Not cod . I Repealing Ord. No. 357, Series of r' 372 1979, providing for new classifi-I cations, pay ranges and pay grades 11/26/79 11/29/79 12/10/79 12/20/79 01/01/80 Sa 1 a ry & Personne 1 Ords Not cod. providing for implementation Jan. I 1, 1980, providing fee & spec cant I ' r~rt11~ 1 r.:~tPC::. • i ; ~ . .. -~ ORD INANCE INDEX Page. ____ _ ~~·d . II '0 , I Subject First Reading First lj' PublicJti on 1 Second Re ad i ng l Se cond Pu blication r In 1; ----File ----- -~1 Jl Effect !; Location I '·'i sc 359 360 361 I For the a pp r oval of a change o f • zone from R-2 , C-1, and A-1 t o I! II I ~ Rezone ords , 1979 RC -1 for pro~erty located at 8/27/79 8/30/79 9/27/79 4465/4475 Kipling St., City of 'II 11 1 , l 1 \·1. R. , County of Jeff , State of CO 1 ! .. 10/12/79 II Not for codification . I ' 9/24/79 • Providing for rezoning from R-1 I to PRO and a pprova 1 of a Pre 1 im I De velop Plan, prooerty at 6475 I!·!. 29th Ave, City of \-J .R., County of J eff., State of CO Providing for approval of rezoning from R-1 to R-2, land located at approx 8490 H 44th , City of Wh R, County of Jeff., State of CO (HZ -79-12) 8!27 /79 9/17/79 . ' 8/30/79 9/20/79 •• ' I il I II I I ,, ! I I I I' I DENIED BY VOTE OF 6 TO 0 11 - 1 , Denied Ord~, '79 ON SECOND READING 9/24/79 1 I' I j r DEN IE D BY VOtE OF 5 TO 1 ON SECOND REfDING 10/8/79 I I Den i ed Or ds , '79 11 Amending Sect 1 , Append A, Zoning 1·1 II ~ ~ Ord, of Code of City Wh R, CO , by 362 '1 addition of Subsect F, pert . to 10/08/79 10/10/79 I 10/22/79 11/01/79 11 11/16/79 j1 Appendix A, Zoning Ord s . Pr ocedure for Correct Errors in I · 1 : j Official Zoning Map 1 I . 1Repubi1Shed //l fl/81) I ! ~ Providi~g for approval of rezoning 7/13/81 7/23/81 . l 1 froM H-'-to R -~, land at approx 9124179 9127179 :rA~H}-.HW€ -l~-I :rn . .r i 8/7/81 i • 34 00 Dudley, C1ty of \olh R, County ..t 1 '' 1 of Jeff State of CO (\~Z-79 -1) j l8fl5tr9-11EMOVED FROM 1 ! ! . TABLE 5/11/~1 :t I 11 (Hheat Ridge Foundation) J Jl • . • " ll l I 1 Amendiny Subsect B.l.a, concern I I 1 Permits , of Appendix A, Sect 24, 9/24/79 9/27/79 10/15/79 10/25/79 • 10/26/79 I I Zoning Ord, Code of City of Wh R, 'I Co by addi t ion of A Sub~ara (4) I . I ~ -- 363 364 \. ReZ Appendix A, Zoning Ords Enactino Provisions for Cable TV !il l:l I s stePl S-in the City of Uheat Rid9e ll ! c~ 1 orad:> 1 10/8/79 10/11/79 ! 10/22/79 10/25/79 ~ 11/02/79 ·i • .J I I ~ IJ I • lj ,, I • '· ' -,. ----.. 355 Ch.:toter 21-A ORDINANCE INDEX Page. ____ _ Ord. Subject First First Second Second In File Mise No. Reading Publication Reading Publication Effect Location 352 amending chapter 9 of the Code of 08/6/79 08/9/79 8/27/79 8/30/79 8/31/79 Chapter 9 -!4aten!ay Contro the City, by addition of Art. IV, Chapter 9-5. "~Ja tercourse e ~.c. Waterway Control 353 repealing Ordinances 91 and 99 and establishing the salary of the Mayc 08/20/79 08/23/79 9/10/79 9/20/79 11/12/79 Salary/Personnel Ords of the City of l~.R. for the period beginning Nov. 12, 1979 I I 354 repealing Ord. No. 92 and establ. the salary of the City Council of 08/20/79 08/23/79 9/10/79 9/20/79 11/12/79 Salary/Personnel Ords the City of W.R. for the period beginning Nov. 12, 1979. I 355 repealing Ord. 256 and establishin< the salary of the City Treasurer o 08/20/79 08/23'/79 9/10/79 9/20/79 11/12/79 Salary/Personnel Ords the City of \~.R. for the period beginning Nov. 12, 1979. 356 repealing Ord. No. 257 and establ. 08/20/79 b8/23/79 9/10/7£ 9/20/79 11/12/79 Salary/Personnel Ords the salary of the City Clerk of th1 City of H.R. for the period be- ginning Nov. 12, 79 357 repealing Ord. No. 305, Series of 8/20/79 ~/23/79 9/10/79 9/20/79 7/1/79 SCil ar•' I : crsorw: I ~r d s 1978, providing for new classi- fications, pay ranges and pay retroactive grades, providing for implementati n retroactive to July 1, 1979, and + ..... +h ....... """" + .... ,... ""'"' ..... ,.,,..;.,, contractual rates. 358 Amending Article IV of Chapter 2, Amend Ords, Code of Law$, Sect 2-24 of The Code of The City f Wheat Ridge, CO 8/27/79 8/30/79 9/17/79 9/27/79 9/28/79 Chapter 2 I I ' ORDINANCE INDEX Page. ____ _ Ord. Subject First First Second Second In File Mise No . Reading Publication Reading Publication Effect Location 345 Providing for Approval of Rezonin< 07/23/79 07/26/79 DEFEATED BY OTE OF 5-l Aug 13, 1979 Denied Ords. from A-1 to R-Cl, land located at 11590 W. 44th Ave, City of lmR, Cty Jeff., State co {~ Amending Ord. 289, Series 1978, 61723779------91726{79----811.3-/79------8-/23-/79-------8-/24-/79---------£ede-of-tews;-£he~ter-i2 -4- Code of City of WHR, CO, by 89 ON 10/9/78 Addition of Sect. 12-4 THIS OROIN/\ CE NOT '.'I'LIO D E TO OEFEJ\T OF OROINJl.NCE NO. Amendin~ Code of Ci~~ of W.R.~ CO. 347 by cadi y1ng ords E 9, 253, 55, I 263, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 272, 07/30/79 08/02/79 08/13/79 08/16/79 08/17/79 Codification Ordinances 275, 280, 283, 286, 287, 288, 293, 294, 295, 299, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304 306 309 310 311 312 313_ B1A_ 315 _n6_ Providing for rezoning from RC to PRO and approval of prelim develop . 348 plan for property at 3830 Otis St. 07/30/79 08/02/79 08/20/79 08/30/79 09/14/79 Rezoning Ords., 1979 Providing for approval of zoning t1 349 A-1 for all of right-of-way of 07/30/79 08/02/79 08/20/79 08/30/79 08/31/79 Interstate 70 within corporate Rezoning Ords., 1979 limits of City of W.R. 350 Providing for the approval of re-08/6/79 08/9/79 DEWI.~D-OW-~GQND-ReAQ~NG-¥-\tQT-~-GI=--e-T-G g Rezoning Ords., 1979 zoning from A-1 to C-1 for land Bf27FI-9-12/20/79 01/04/80 he£ tee -Gl"'d!t . located at 4301 Kipling St. PASSED ON ROER OF OISTRI T COURT {79CV2J i70) {Marvin Browning) DECEMBER 17' 1979 351 Providing for the rezoning of land 08/6/79 08/9/79 from R-1 to PRO and approval of a 9/10/79 9/20/79 10/5/79 Rezoni nr C'rds, E'7~ See 386, 1930 preliminary Development Plan on property located at 3470 -3490 Parfet St. ' " I ORDINANCE INDEX Page ____ _ Ord . Subject First First Second Second In File Mise No. Reading Publication Reading Publication Effect Location 338 Providing for use of a certain par eel of land in vicinity of Indepen 06/18/79 06/21/79 07/09/79 0~/19/79 07/20/79 Property Access Ords Not to Ia! dence Ct, Cty of W.R., CO., for codified purpose of installing, maintaining aAd having access to footbridge 339 Adding additional job class. & amend Ord 305, Series 1978, Sec. I, Merit & Civil Serv. Class; 06/18/79 06/21/79 07/09/79 07/19/79 07/20/79 Salary/Personnel Ords Not for Bldg Cust, Data Entry Clk, Sales 1979 Codify I Tax Auditor & Data Sys Progmr - 340 Providing for approval, rezoning fm R-2 to PCD & approval of out-06/25/79 06/28/79 CASE ~JITHORA N BY APPLICANT (City Council ~eeting 8/13/79) line develop plan for land at approx N. \~..,corner of /1. 35th & tA!adsworth ~~,_..,...._u_ ~~.;....) 341 Providing for the approval of re- zoning from R-2 to RC-1, land . located at 7590 W 48th Ave 07/09/79 07/12/79 07/30/79 08/09/79 08/24/79 Rezoning Ords, 1979 Not for . Codify 342 Providing for approval of map 04/21/80 04/24/80 05/09/80 Rezone Ois .Ords , 1980 Not Cod. correction from R-lA to PRO, property at 4242 Jellison 07/09/79 07/12/79 f ABt.£f>-1 NfJE 1N·H£H- (Case l,JZ-78 -590) -Pub-~~ -et-..f-or-41-2-1-/-80-on--31-24/-80-~ 343 Providing for approval of map correction from R-2 to R-1, ~roperty located at 6650 W. 33rd 07/09/79 07/12/79 TABLED INDE INITELY Ave. 344 Providing for approval of map 04/21/80 correction from R-1C to R-3, 04/24/80 05/09/80 Rezone DisOrds, 1980 Not Cod. property at 4784 Carr St. 07/09/79 07/12/79 iABt.£fJ--INf>£ -INHH¥ (Case I~Z-78-570) Pt.tb--Rehea:r--~ -f'Qr" -4-f2-}f00 :00. -3-IM-fOO I I ORDINANCE INDEX Page ____ _ Ord. First First Second Second In I File Mise No . Subject Reading Publication Reading Publication Effect I Location I 332(A Providing for approval of rezoninCJ from C-1 and R-3 to RC-1, land at 3767 Harlan 05/21/79 05/24/79 06/11/79 06/21/79 07/06/79 Rezone Ords, 1979 Not for Codify 332(B Providing for approval of rezoning from R-2 to RC for land at 6075 W. 46th 05/04/79 06/07/79 DENIED BY VO E OF 5 TO 1 ---Denied Ords - 333 Authorizing transfer of Bldg Not for Maint Div, Staff & Oper Sa l.ary I Personne 1 Ords, 1 7S Codify approps & expenditures from 06/11/79 06/14/79 06/25/79 07/05/79 07/01/79 PH to Admin Serv Dept 334 Providing for approval of rezoning from R-3 & C-1 to C-1, property at 06/18/79 3825 Pierce 06/21/79 07/09/79 TABLED INDEFI ITELY 335 Providing for approval of rezoning from R-3 & C-1 I to C-1, property at 3820 ~uay 06/18/79 06/21/79 07/09/79 TABLED INDEFI ITELY 33o Providing for approval of rezoning from R-3 & C-1 to r!TEL Y C-1, property at 3833 Quay 06/18/79 06/21/79 07/09/79 TABLED INDEFI . 337 Providing for approval of rezoning from R-3 & C-1 to C-1, property at 3834 Reed 06/18/79 06/21/79 07/09/79 TABLED INDEF NITEL y I I II ' ORDINANCE INDE X Page, ____ _ Ord . First First Second Second I n Fil e Mise No . Subject Reading Publication Reading Publication Effect Location 325 Providing for rezoning of land located at approx 3460 -3490 Parfet St 03/19/79 03/22/79 04/09/79 DENIED 326 Amending Section 4-1 of the Code of the City 04/09/79 04/12/79 04/23/79 05/03/79 05/04/79 Repealing Ords 91 , 92, 99, 256, 327 & 257 & establishing salary of 04/09/79 ---DEFEATED BY Tl VOTE OF 3 TO Mayor, Cty Council, Cty Treas, & Cty Clerk, begin ll/12/79 & end 11/09/81 /28 Providing for approval of . 01/31/80 01/15/80 Rezoning Ords . rezoning from R-C to C-1 , land at 6695 W. 38th Ave 04/23/79 04/26/79 Of:f:E:A:T::Ef} -frll'-..l,f{ ~-E--()f--5--1-(}-(} i)fl fr/.!l:-1-Fl-9- (Case WZ-78 -116, Bi l len) CARRIED 6-2 ON REHEARING 1/21 80 329 Adding additional job classifi- cation & amend Ord 305, Series 04/23/79 04/26/79 05/07/79 VETOED BY t1AY DR of 1978, Sect 1, Merit & Civil Serv Class (Sr . Police Dispatch) 330 Providing for approval of rezoning from R-3 to RC -1, 05/07/79 05/10/79 06/18/79 06/28/79 07/13/79 Rezoning Ords , 1979 Not for land at 3829 Sheridan Codify 331 Amending Ord 289 , 1978, Sect. DEN I ED BY VOTE 11-4 , Code of City 05/21/79 05/24/79 OF 6 TO 0 ORDINANCE INDEX NUMBER SUBJECT 309 Repealing/Reenacting Art IV, Chap 2; Establishing Personnel Commission, Etc . and Repealing Art V, Chap 2 310 Repealing/Reenacting Section 4-2 of the Code re : Animal Control Commission 311 Repealing/Reenacting Section 5-25 of the Code re: Building Code Advisory Board 312 Repealing Art III, Chap 15 of Code, including City Code Sees 15-13 and 15-14 313 Repealing Chap 16 (entitled "Personnel", including Art I & II) of Code 314 Repealing Chap 22 of the Code 315 Amend Sec. 4-1 & 4-6 of Code (Chap. 4. Animals and Fowl.) 316 Impose business/occupation tax on Telephone Utility Companies. 317 Providing for Rezoning of Land located at approximately W. 49th Ave. & Ward Rd ., City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson 318 \ Ordinance repealing Sec. 20-1 thru Sec. 20-16, inclusive, of Chapter 20 , Art . I, of the Code of Laws of the City, pertaining to excavation of streets and reenacting new provisions . 319 Ordinance repealing Ord. No. 305, providing for new Classifications, Pay Ranges and Pay Grades for Employees effective 4/1/79 , and further providing fee and special contractual rates 320 ~ Ordinance providing for approval of rezoning from A-1 and A-2 to Industrial and an Outline Development Plan for land located at approx the nw corner of I-70 and Tabor St. 321 Ordinance repealing Sec. 18-32, 18-33, 18-34 , 18-35, 18-36 and 18-37 of Art. II, Chap. 18 (Emergency Ordinance.) 1st Read I 1st Pub. 2nd Read /2nd Pub . IN EFFECT 12-11-78 12-21 -78 01-15-79 01-25-79 02-09-79 12-11-78 12-21-78 01-15-79 01-25-79 02-09-79 12-11-78 12-21-78 01-15-79 01-25-79 02-09-79 12-11-78 12-21-78 01-15 -79 01-25-79 02-09-79 12-11-78 12-21-78 01-15-79 01-25-79 02-09-79 12-11-78 12-21-78 01-15-79 01-25-79 02-09-79 01-08-79 01-11-79 01-31 -79 02-08-79 02-23-79 01-08-79 01-11-79 01-31-79 02-08-79 01-01-79 01-31-79 02-08-79 02-05-79 02-08-79 02-12-79 02-15-79 02-26-79 02-28-79 03-12-79 03-15-79 02-26-79 ////11/ DENIED 02-26-79 05-03-79 05-18-79 03-12-79 03-19-79 04-16-79 04-23-79 02-26-79 11///1 DENIED 03-19-79 03-29-79 04-16-79 04-26-79 05-11-79 3-12-79 322 Ord. repealing Sees. 18-32, 18-33, 03 -12-79 03-15-79 03-26-79 04-05-79 04-06-79 18-34, 18-35, 18-36 and 18-37 of Art. II, Chap. 18, and an Emergency Ord. No'd. Ord. No. 321, Series of 1979, of the Code of the City. 323 Ord. amending Sec. 24 of Appendix 03-12-79 03-15-79 03-26-79 04-05-79 04-20-79 A, Zoning Ordinance, of the Code 324 Ord. amending Sec. 25.D. of Aooen- dix A, Zoning Ordinance, of the 03-12-79 03-15-79 03-26-79 04-05-79 04-20-79 Code ("nonconforming lots"). ORDINANCE INDEX NUMBER SUBJECT 1st Read/1st Pub. 2nd Read/2nd Pub. IN EFFECT 293 Giving Code Enforcement Officers 09-11-78 09-14-78 09-25-78 9-28-78 09-29-78 Authority to institute proceed- ings in Municipal Court re: City Code Chapter 14, Chapter 19A 294 Amending Appendix B, Flood Pl ain Zoning Ord ., Sec. 6.40 (Special 09-11-78 09-14-78 09 -25-78 9-28-78 10-13-78 Exemption Permits) 295 Amending Section 1-7 of the Code 09-18 -78 09-21-78 10-09 -78 10-1~-7~ 10-20-78 of the City ......... Regarding the issuance of Summons and Complaint to Violators; Continuing Violations 296 Rezoning of land located at approx W. 48th Ave . & Ingalls St ., from 09-25-78 09-28-78 10-16 -78 : DENIED C-1 & R-2 to PCD 297 Regulating operation of Motorcyc l e & other Vehicular Devices on cer-11 -13 -78 DEFEATED tain publ i c & pr ivate property 298 Repealing & Reenacting Art. IV, of 10-09-78 10-12-78 10-23 -78 Chap. 2; establishing Commissions 12-11-/8 DENIED and Boards; and repealing Art . V, of Chapt. 2 , of the Code 299 Repea l ing & Reenacting w/Amendment,10 -09 -78 10-12-78 10-23-78 11-02-78 01 -01-79 Sections of Code re: Sales Tax , Use Tax, and Utilities Tax 300 Providing for adoption of Six ~ Sec . Zoning Maps as official zoni ng maps of the City of Wheat Ri dge; and 11-13-78 02-08-79 02-16-79 providing fo r future updat i ng 10-23-78 10-26 -78 01-31-79 301 Regulating Operation of Motorcycle & other Vehicular Devices on cer-11 -13-78 11-16-78 12-11-78 12 -21-78 01 -05-79 tain Public & Private Property .... & providing a penalty for violation 302 Estab l ish an Election Code of Ethics for Muni cipal Elections 11-13 -78 11-16-78 12-11-78 12-21-78 12-15-78 of City of Wheat Ridge 303 Amending Chap 15 , Art II , Sec 11 -20 -78 11 -23 -78 12-18 -78 12-28-78 01-12-78 5(k) of the Code 304 Ame ndi ng Sec 18 -40, Cont r ibution 11 -20 -78 11-23 -78 12-18-78 12-28-78 01 -01-79 --Limit on Ci t y (Police Pens i on) 305 Repea l ing Ord #~61 , Series of 197~, 12-28-78 01 -01-79 and ~r~ #282, Series ~f 1978, by 12 _04 _78 12-07-78 12-18 -78 p~ov1d1ng for 5% pay ~ncreases for (not signed by Mayor under authority of Sectior C1ty Employees effect1ve 1-1-79 5.14(d) of the Home Rule Charter of the City) 306 Establishing Election Districts for City of Wheat Ridge by appor-12-04-78 12 -07-78 12-18 -78 12-28-78 01-01-79 tioning City i nto four Council w/IVlap Districts 307 Providing for rezoning of land located between W. 32nd & 33rd 12 -04-78 12-07 -78 01-15-79 01-25-79 02-09-79 Aves. & between Zephyr & Yarrow Cts., from A-1 to PKD 308 Providing for rezoning of land 12-04-78 12-07-78 01-31 -79 02 -08-79 02-23-79 located at approx. Parfet St. and Ridge Road, from A-1 to I . NUMBER -- 271 272 273 274 275 276 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 ORDINANCE INDEX SUBJECT Providing for rezoning of land located at 4565 Kipling Licensing of & Collection of Fees from establishments re: Amusement Devices within City Repeal Sees. 16-2, 16-3, Code, adopt by ref: Merit System Rules Providing City Employees Longevity Pay, Merit Salary Increases, Cost of Living and Sick Leave Conversion Pay Amend Sec. 16-3, Code, re: Applicability of Personnel Rules Providing for rezoning of land at 4320-4330 Moore St. Providing for rezoning of land at 4600 Kipling St. from A-1 to RC-1 Providing for rezoning of land located at area bounded by l~.35th, H.38th, FlowerSt., and Independence St. Amend Sec. VII of Ord. 261, re: Salaries of Court Personnel ~mend Sec. 9.3, Art. II, En- vironmental Control Amend Cpde by codifying Ords. 232 through 242 1st Read/1st Pub . 03-20-78 DEFEATED 03-20-78 03-23-78 03-20-78 DEFEATED 04-03-78 04-06-78 04-03-78 04-06-78 04-10-78 04-13-78 04-24-78 04-27-78 05-08-78 05-11-78 05-15-78 05-18-78 05-15-78 05-18-78 05-22-78 05-25-78 Amend Ord . 261, Section I, Merit & Civil Service Class 05-22-78 05-25-78 Amend Chapter 4 of the Code re: Animal Control 05-22-7 8 05-25-78 Providing for rezoning of land 06-05-78 06-08-78 located at 49th & Independence Providing for rezoning of land located at 4084 Wadsworth Blvd. Regulation of traffic, adopting by reference .. Model Traffic Code 11 , 1977 Revised Edition 06-05-78 06-08-78 06-05-78 06-08-78 An Ordinance adopting by refer-06-26-78 06-29-78 ence 11 The Co 1 orado ~1ode 1 Energy Efficiency Construction and Renovation Standards for Nonres- idential buildings of the State of Colorado .. ; and providing a penalty for violation thereof. Amending Article II, Section 2-3(d), Mayor, of the Code 07-17-78 07-20-78 10-09-78 DEFEATED 2nd Read/2nd Pub. 04-10-78 04-13-78 04-27-78 04-20-78 04-17-78 04-20-78 IN EFFECT 04-11-78 (03-17-78 (03-13-78 (01-01-78 03-13-78 06-12-7 8 DEFEATED BY 2-4 VOTE 05-15-78 05-1 8 -78 06-02-7 8 06-1 2-78 DENIED BY A 2-4 VOTE (cont'd) 06-12-7 8 06-15-78 06-12-7 8 11-30-78 11-20-78 06-12-78 06-15-78 06-19-78 06-22-7 8 06-26-78 06-29-7 8 06-26-7 8 06-29-78 (deferred) 06-26-78 06-29-78 07-17-7 8 07-20-7 8 07-31-78 8-03-78 01-01-7 8 12-15-78 06-30-78 07-07-7 8 07-15-7 8 07-15-7 8 07-29-78 07-21-7 8 08 -1 8-7 8 An Ordinance Regulating Motor Driven Vehicles on Private Property Providing for Rezoning of land located at 4355 Field St. 08-21-78 08-24-78 09-18-7 8 9-21-78 10-06-78 Providing for Vacation of Zinnia St. between W. 32nd & W. 33rd Aves., and for W. 33rd Ave. between Zinnia Ct. and Interstate 70 Providing for Rezoning of land located at 10900 W. 44th Ave. 08-21-78 08-24-78 09-11-78 9-14-78 (~: (! d-'19&vl~~3 -)s/'79 09-29-7 8 08-21-7 8 08-24-78 Withdrawn 8/28/78 by Motion. ORDINANCE INDEX NUMBER SUBJECT 1st Read/1st Pub. 2nd Read/2nd Pub . 243 Ord. to annex Crown Hill Prop . 08 -08-77 DEFEATED DUE TO TIE VOTE 244 Ord . increasing City Clerk salary 08-08-77 08-11-77 08-29-77 09-01-77 245 246 247 248 249 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 258 Ord . to place Proposal to sell Po l ice Bldg . on November ballot Amend Code , codifying Ords. Nos . 222 through 231 Amend Code re : Parks & Rec. Commission Alternate Boards/Comm . Alternate Members Kennel Licenses Removal of Weeds Business/Occupation Ta x on Telephone Companies Amend Sees. 17-A, 18-A, Code, re: Commercial Zoning Amend Sec. 9-8 , 9-10(a), Code, which pertain to duty to remove weeds from private property; assessment & payment of weed removal costs incurred by City Licensing & Collection of fees upon establishments maintaining Amusement Devices within City Amend Appendix B, Flood Plain Zoning, Code of Laws Establish salary of City Trea- surer (7800/yr; 650/mo) Establish salary of City Clerk (12000/yr; 1000/mo) Providing for rezoning of land located at 4800 Kipling 08-08-77 08 -11-77 08-29-77 09 -01-77 08-29-77 09 -01-77 09-12-77 09 -15-77 10-10-77 10-13-77 10-25-77 10 -27 -77 10-17-77 10-20-77 11 -14-77 11 -1 7-77 10-17-77 10-20-77 11 -14077 11-17-77 12-05-77 CANCELLED 5-0 . 11-14-77 11-17-77 11 -28 -77 11-30-77 12-12-77 DEFEATED 3-1 12 -05-77 12-07-77 12-19-77 12 -21 -77 12 -05-77 12 -07 -77 03-20-78 DEFEATED 01-30-78 02 -02-78 02 -13 -78 02 -16 -78 02 -13 -78 02-16-78 02 -28-78 03-02-78 02 -13 -78 02-16-78 02-28-78 03-02-78 02-27-78 03-02-78 03-13 -78 03-16-78 259 Prov i ding for rezon i ng of land 02-27-78 DEFEATED BY A VOTE OF 1 to 5 located at 7400 -7490 W. 38th Ave. 260 261 262 263 264 265 266 267 268 269 270 Providing for rezoning of land 02-27-78 03-02-78 located at 3190 Youngfield Repeal 231 and 241; provide for 02 -27-78 03-02-78 5% pay increases/City employees Providing for rezoning of land 03-13-78 03 -16 -78 located at 9630 S. 1-70 Front - age Road Amend Sees. 16,17,18 ,19, Appen 03-13-78 03-16-78 A, Zoning, Code, re: area regs of certain commercial districts Amend Sec . 28 .23(a), Appendix 03-13-78 03 -16 -78 A, zoning, re: landscaping def. Amend Appendix A, Zoning , add : 03 -13-78 03 -16-78 Sec . 27.2 re: Comprehensive Landscaping Reqmnts all Dists. Amend Sec . 2.4, Appendix B, 03-13-78 03-16-78 Flood Plain Zoning, re: adoption of Official Maps Amend Appendix A, Zoning, add: 03-13-78 03-16-78 Section re : Public Bldg/Fac . Amend Appendix A, Zoning, add: 03-13-78 03 -16-78 Sec. re: Public Bldg & Facil. Providing for rezoning of land at 7853 W. 38th Ave. Providing for rezoning of land at 7360 W. 44th Ave. 03 -20-78 DEFEATED 04-10-78 04-13-78 03-13-78 03-16-78 03 -13 -78 03-16 -78 03 -27-78 03 -27-78 04-17-78 04-20 -78 04-17 -78 04 -20 -78 04 -17 -78 04 -20-78 04-10 -78 04-13-78 03-27-78 03 -20-78 03 -27-78 03-30-78 04-24-78 04-27-78 IN EFFECT 09-02-77 10-01-77 10-14 -77 11-26 -77 12-17-77 12-17-77 01-01 -78 01-11-78 03-19-78 01-09-78 01-09-78 03-17-78 03-31-78 (01 -01 -7 8 (03-17-78 03-31-78 05 -05 -78 05 -20 -78 05-20-78 05-13-78 04-14 -78 04-14-78 05-12-78 NUMBER #214 fJ215 # 216 ORDINANCE INDEX SUBJECT 1st Read. Amend . Ord. 98 RE: Sign 7/12/76 Code Repealing Ord. 2 RE: 7/12/76 Telephone Dec . Tax Amend . Section 1, Ord . 7/26/?6 151 RE : License & Permit Fees 1st Pub. 7/22/76 7/15/?6 7/29/76 ) In 2nd Read. 2nd Pub. Ef€ec 8-9-?6 8-12-?6 9-12-71 7/26/76 7/29/76 8-1-76 8-9-76 8-12-76 9-12-71 #217 Drd.Amend. Drd. 40 8/9/76 8/12/76 8 -23-76 8-26-76 9-26-76 RE: Special P.O. Appointments #218 REO.rrJ.Amend.TOr.Q.L207. 8/9/76 8/12/76 8-23-76 8-26-76 9-26 -76 :~o-ordln. ec ... uervlces #219 Drd. Amend.34 Tree Maintenance on RO U 9 ~13/76 Died c ue to lack of Majority Vote t/22 0 #221 Ord. RE : S now Removal Ord.amend. Or d . 13 RE: Occupational Tax 9 /27/7 6 Died due t o lack of Ma j orit y Vote TIE D 1 0 /25/7 6 #'a22 Ord. to annex certain 12/13/76 territory to the City ('#6) #223 Ord . amending Drd. 34 Re: Trees,Shrubs ,Vines 12/13/76 #224 Drd . RE: Pawnshops & Pawnbrokers 12/13/76 #225 Ord . Adopting Codift c ation 12/13/76 of Ordinances #226 Amending Drd. 207 -Adding 12/27/76 Asst. Park Ranger Class #227 Security Guard Ord . (REPEALED) 1/10/77 #228 Ord. Amend Appendix A of the Zoning Ord . 1/24/77 #229 Ord . amending Section 13 of Drd. 207 1/24/77 10/28/76 12/16/76 12/16/76 12/16/76 12/16/76 12/30/76 1/13/77 1/27/77 1/27/77 #230 Ord. Amend . Section 18-8 and 2/14/77 2/17/77 Section 18-11 of Code of Laws RE: Reserve Police Powers 11-8-76 11-11-76 11-16-· 1/10/77 1/13/77 2/12/77 1/10/77 1/13/77 2/12 /77 1/10/77 1/13/77 2/12/77 1/10/77 1/13/77 1/14/77 1/10/77 1/13/77 1/14/77 1/24/77 1/27/77 2/ ~,/77 2/14/77 2/17/77 3/1}/77 2/14/77 2/17/77 2/18/77 2/28/77 3/3/77 4/2 /77 (Amended by 241) #231 Ord . Repealing 207 ,218,and 2/14/77 . 2/17/77 226 RE: Pay increase (REPEALED BY ORD . tlO. 274) ?/28/77 3/3/77 4!2 /77 • #232 Ord . Adopting Supplemen t #2 to the Code Book 5/9/77 #233 Ord. RE: Concrete Fabricating Pl ants 5/23/77 #234 Amendi ng Pa rks Rules & Regs . 6/13/77 #235 #236 Junk & Trash Abatement 6/13/77 (Amends 209) Code Enfo rcement Officer 6/13/77 Authority in Municipal Court #237 Repealing 227 Secu r ity Guard Ordinance 6/13/77 #238 Dogs Running at Large #239 Civil Service System Repealing Drd. 40 #240 Rec.# /,:241 ~ '1242 Purchase Hart Estate 87081979 d~ted 6/23/87 F"" -ci··:np ~31 Re: Salaries fRfP~A t ~~ BY ORO. NO. ~74) • .,. fpa 1 ~c1 6/13/77 6/20/77 6/20/77 6/20/77 5/12/77 B/26/77 6/16/77 6/16/77 6/16/77 6/16/77 6/16/77 Tabled 6/23/77 6/23/77 5/21/77 5/26/77 G/25/77 6/20/77 6/23/77 7/23/77 6/27/77 6/30/77 7/29/77 6/27/77 6/30/77 6/27/77 6/30/77 7/29/77 7/29/77 6/27/77 6/30/77 7/29/77 6/27/77 6/30/77 7/29/77 7/11/77 ?/14/77 8/13/77 7/11/77 7/14/~7 8/13/77 8/8/77 8/11 ~'7 B/12/77 NUMBER /1186 #187 #188 #189 #190 #191 #192 #193 #i94 #195 #196 #197 #198 .. #199 #200 #201 11202 #203 #204 #205 #206 #207 #208 #209 il210 #211 #212 ll3 ORDINANCE INDEX SUBJECT 1 ST READ. Amending Ord . 98 Noncon-8/18/75 forming lots of record Amending Ord. 98 Noncon-8/18/75 forming Siqns Auth. Refund of City Prop. 8/18/75 Taxes for Sr . Citizens Ord . Amend. Ord . 98 Off Street Parking Require . 8/25/75 Amend. Ord. 175 RE: Dept . 9/15/75 Hnads Salaries Amend . Ord. 188 RE: Sr . 10/13/75 Citizeno Tax Refund Amend. Ord . 84 RE: Licen . Special Contractors 11/3/75 Repeal. Ord . 106 RE: Elec. Code 1975 Edition Adopt. 11/3/75 Ord. setting the salary of 11/17/75 eity Clerk Ord . setting the salary of 11/17/75 City Treasurer Ord . Amend. 135 Increas. 11/24/75 Use Tax Ord .Amend. 135 Inczeas. Use Tax Flood Plain Ordinance Or d. Amend. Ord. 175 Pay Ordinance 12/15/75 2/9/76 2/9/76 Ord.Repealing Drd&.l8 & 131 2/9/76 RE: Street Cuts, Permits & Fees therefor Ord . Amend. Section 21 of 2/9/76 Ord. 98 RE: Outside Storage of Vehicles 189 Ord. Amend. Ord . 98 Section 2/9/76 2C RE: Off-street Parking for Commercial Schoo ls Ord . Amend. Ord. 50 & Ord.90 2/9/76 RE: Weed Control Ord. to Establish the Parks 2/9/76 and Recreation Commission Ord. Repealing Ord. 55 RE: 2/9/76 Parks Rules & Regulations VALLEY WATER DISTRICT.CONTRACT 2/23/76 Ord. Repealing Ord . 175,182,190 and 199 for e 5% Cost of Living Pay Reise 3/6/76 Easement Vacation Ordinance 3/8/76 f ( ~a . 7 7 (..-• .r s r. -¥~c.. ~ 7 <... Penal Code Ordinance 3/S/76 Drd . Amend. 98 RE: Public 3/22/76 Hearings Consolidated Mutual Water 5/10/76 Company Ordinance Ord. Amend. 15 RE: 8d . of Adj. 5/10/?6 Ord. Vacating Street 5800 5/17/76 I~£..;<!. 71/, <,.f--c..,,S"I'1J·W.44th IN 1ST PUB; 2ND READ . 2ND PUB . 8/21/75 8/21/75 8/21/75 B/28/75 9/18/75 10/16/75 11/6/75 11/6/75 11/27/75 11/27/75 9/15/75 9/18/75 10/18/i 9/15/75 9/18/75 lD/lan 9/22/75 9/25/75 1 IL/7E 9/15/75 9/18/75 10/18 9/29/75 10/2/75 10/7/7~ 11/10/75 11/13/75 1/1/76 11/17/75 11/27/75 12/27/7~ 11/24/75 12/3/75 1 2/8/75 12/15/75 12/24/75 1/12/76 12/15/75 12/24/75 1/12/76 DEFEATED DUE TO LACK OF MAJORITY VOTE 12/24/75 2/18/76 2/18/76 2/18/76 2/18/76 2/18/76 2/18/76 2/18/76 2/18/76 3/3/76 3/17/?6 3/17/76 3/17/76 3/31/76 DEFEATED 5/26/76 5/20/76 1/12/76 1/21/76 1/26/?6 3/8/76 3/17/76 4/17/76 3/8/76 3/17/76 3/22/76 3/8/76 3/8/76 3/8/76 3/8/76 3/8/76 3/8/76 3/22/76 3/29/76 3/29/76 4/12/76 4/12/76 S/14/76 6/14/76 3/17/76 4/17/7 3/17/76 t./17/? 3/17/76 4/17/? 3/17/76 4/17/76 3/17/76 3/22/76 3/17/76 4/17/76 3/31/76 417176 4/7/76 4/21/76 4/21/76 6/17/76 4/5/76 4/12/76 5/7/76 5/21/76 5/21/76 7/17/7E 6/17/76 6/22/7E CITV OF WHEAT RIDGE ORDINANCE INDEX NUMBER SUBJECT 1st Read ••• lst Pub. 2nd Read •••• 2nd Pub. 160 Election Campaign Expend . Co n trol TABLED INDEFINITELY 8/15/74 160 161 162 163 164 Purchase of Parkland 9/26/74 10/3/74 (Greenbelt) Rec .#87081985 dated 6/23/87 Purchase of Parkland 11/14/74 11/21/74 (Brennan -Coors) Salary of City Clerk 1975 11/14/74 11/21/74 Salary of City Treas.l975 11/14/74 11/21/74 1975 Pay Scale 11/14/74 (NO AC TION) 165 Amend . Ord .l57 & 138 to 12/19/74 12/25/74 establish classes & positions & exempt classes from overtime; pay grades & pay steps 166 Ame n d. 102 (which amended 12/26/74 1/1/75 Ord .46) Giving 9th Floating Holiday 167 Long Term Lease w/Coors for 1/9/75 1/15/75 Prospect Pe rk 10/17/74 12/12/74 12/12/74 12/12/74 1/9/75 1/16/75 1/30/75 10/24/74 11/23/71 12/18/74 12/23/71 12/18/74 1 /1 /7! 12/18/74 1/1/75 1/15/75 1/20/75 1/22/75 1/27/7~ 2/5/75 3/ 5 /7~ 168 Ord. Approving & Establ . 1/16/75 1/22/75 (DEFEATED 2/13/75) a Retirement Plan 169 Ord . for 1% Sales Tax & 2/6/75 Bond Election 170 Ord . Amending Ord. 165 3/13/75 171. Ord . to Zone land which 2/13/75 has been annexed to City of W.R . 172 Ord. Amend . Ord . 98 Est . 2/20/75 Comprehensive Zon~ng Reg . 173 Ord. Amend . Ord . 34 3/6/75 Dealing w/trees & plants along ROW 174 Ord. Adopting the Model 3/13/75 Traffic Code 1974 Edition 175 Ord . Repealing Ord . 138, 6/16/75 149, 150, 157, 165, and 170 (PAV ORDINANCE) 176 Weed Ordinance Amend. 7/14/75 Ord. 50, and 90 177 Sign Ordinance (City to 7/14/75 Erect Signs) 178 Personnel Rules Ordinance 7/14/75 Repealing Ord . 41,46 ,56,64,88, 102 ,105 ,116,117,134, and 166 179 Vacation of Street-W.29th 7/21/75 180 181 182 e t Xenon ,J. ,-.J c."~ ., _ ,.•, .-.. I'!'; \ £,1"~ .. 7'¥'··' Ordinance Amend. Ord. 98 7/21/75 Special Uses in C-1 Districts Vacate Street -50th Kip . 7/28/75 to Independence ( tG:c 7 ~ 9 --// .f -cr ~{ Ord . Amend . Ord . 175 Est. 7/28/75 Planning Draftsman Class . 183 Ord . to Appoint City Clerk 7/28/75 instead of Elect 2/12/75 3/19/75 2/19/75 2/26/75 2/27/75 4/10/75 7/21/75 3/20/75 3/5/75 4/16/75 7/30/75 3/2:,/75 3/12/75 (3/27/75 DEFEATED) 3/19/75 6/30/75 7/3/75 6/19/75 6/30/75 7/3/75 3/10/7~ 4/21/7~ 8/4/75 4/20/7~ 8/3/75 7/8/75 7/17/75 New Ordinance 203 writ t e n 7/17/75 7/28/75 7/17/75 7/28/75 7/24/75 8/11/75 (DIED 3-3 TIE) 7/31/75 7S: 7/31/7'-:J 7/31/75 8/11/75 8/11/75 8/11/75 7/31/75 7/31/75 8/14/75 8/14/75 8/14/75 8/14/75 8/3rJ/75 8/5/75 9/1 ~/75 '?o/l~/7: 8/19/7: 8/19/75 184 Ord . to Appoint City Treas 7/28/75 (DEFEATED) 185 Ord. calling for Sales Tax Queation to be on Nov. halloL 7/2n /75 7/31/75 8/ll/75 B/14/75 1/l /76