HomeMy WebLinkAboutLakeside Mall CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE - MEMORANL A.GENDA ITEM -; () To Mayor and City Council From Michael J. Smith, elt M,4R13i93? ^dminsit~aLv, Subject S U PP L EME NT A L A PPR OPR T ^ II ON Date FOR LAKESIDE LEGAL SERVICES Approved Date March 7, 19i39 As you will recall, our agreement with the Lakeside Mall provided that we would pay all legal expenses. We have received a state- ment from his attorneys. It lS attached. I would suggest that we lake the money out of the reserve account. SUGGESTED MOTION: 1 move that $24,141.00 be paid from account no. 01-607-794. I, ~:./I y ,....: L FAIRFIELD AND WOODS. P. C GEORGE C, ~EELY PETER F BREITENSTEIN r,HARLl'ON H. CARPENTER PATRICK F KENN EY HOWARD HOLM E -.JAMES L.STQrJE MICHAEL M. MCI'(INSTRY ,JAC K. SPERL.ING ROBERT L. LOEB. ,JR. REVIN 8. PRATT DANIEL R. rROST STEPHEN W. SEIFERT MARY ..10 GROSS ROBERT A. HOLMES JOHN J. SILVER THOMAS R KEARNS ROCCO A, DODsor~ MARl' E. MOSER ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW SU ITE 2400 CHRiSTINE K. TRUITT BRENT T. ,JOHNSON CRAIG A. UMBAUGH STEPHEN H. LEONHARCT CAROLINE C. FULLER LINDA G. MDGREN DANIEL N. GOLDSTEIN ERIC R. JONSEN JOHN M. TANNER TIMOTHY L.WILKIN50N NEIL T. OUGGAN PAUL V. FRANKE BRIAN S. TOOLEY BRADLEY T. CAVE ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN STREET DENVER, COLORADO 80203-4524 TELEPHONE (303) 830 2400 TELECQP\ER (303) 830-103:) OF COUN5E'L ROY!l.L C, RUBRIGHT MARY E. BRICKNER VIRGINIA A. HOUSUM February 25, 1989 John E. Hayes, Esq. 1350 17th street suite 450 Denver, Colorado 80202 Re: Lakeside Mall Disconnection Dear John: Enclosed please find Invoice No. 36688 for our November and December, 1988 work on this matter. Also enclosed is Invoice No. 37120 for our January, 1989 work. Please be advised that the invoices are cumulative; only Invoice No. 37120 should be paid. Next month we will forward our statement for services rendered in February. As you know, after Trevor Roberts' decision to terminate his contract with the city of Wheat Ridge, we are no longer billing the City of Wheat Ridge. If you have questions, please call. Da of FAIRFIELD AND WOODS, P.C. DRF/jh Enclosure cc: Mr. Trevor c. Roberts (w/encls.) E'\IRFIELD :\ND W( X)DS, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND CQUNSE_LORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 LA):ES!i:E /J\LL, lTD. C/O TRfV1'< c. 1\)l':~TS, P"'f.<;~I')'"''1T 9Es IJ DPt \/lJ 'U \ i) p. o. :!"),i( q 90 8URLIN'~"""f., ::A 940112376 :ELLnLi )t. T ': TELEPHONE 13031830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance : \J'J:J Ie E 111'). MATTER JiHfAT RIDSE N0~~ER 1 ; 41- 21t 1712D &ILLING -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- F~jqUAaY 231 1?~9 FIL: ~U~0E~: 1943-24 lIAT!: ATT JRNn: CHe DoHr: 1211J/na 01/01/ B 9 01 FtYfJ9 )1103/<;9 01/04/39 01104/;:'':; 01 r'5/~9 ']1/05/.>9 ::1/'161.'5? D ESC~I PT ION LE ,",AL :>t- <: \ ~CH; nICTATION OF D~~~~) TO r~SP~CT REGliTKY OF 2:~l)E-:S L::TTER TO ~R. GR!M$HAW; i? ESEAR.C'4 ~EETIN~ ~IT~ ~R. C~YE ~ND ,9.. F{D~T ~~ onT~I~ING t:lOClJlI.i::::HS Ff!.OY! THf. IH'JI'3!'Hl Of ~G':.~L )JV':RNM:::~:T5 ?EVI~W AiD q~VISE LETTER T0 ~~. u~IMSHAW; ?MOME tALL ~IT~ M~. HARDING; ~OTIC~ OF DEPOS!TION; RESEAqCH (~~~vNICATIONS WITH L0CAL ia~pRN~~NT OFFICE~ ?E L"E5Ia:; COM"UNIt~TIONS ~IT1 [JUNTY As~~s~aos OFFICE ~E RESIDENCES AT L "d.: 5I 0'0 LETT,R T1 MR. GRI~~HA~ R,=:;:;Aq\lI"\G :::lS?ECTTON <)f ~::GI ST:n' T~AVEL TO ~~CnET~RY JF STATE, LOCAL GOVEgN~~HT OfFICE, AN~ STAT~ AUDITOPS FOR ?~S~A~CH AND COPYING FOH THE TaWN OF L,K~SIDE; COM~U~ICATIaN~ VIT~ 5EC~:~A~Y OF ST~T: qE P?i)P 03 Ec) .. ~'N!)0"M-:NT ?E:i.:~~Ci-l; ~:L:P~t~:~: C~NFE~C~CF WITH ~~. ~~YE~; riEA~!~~ a~EPAR~TIO~ AR~ANGE ~0D ~DDITIONAL INFJ~~ATl~~ FRO~ TH= srtH.iA~'t :::F STU- ST.u F HQUPS iJTC 2.00 ':it <0 70 = , H . 5J ~ .Ii 1 ,~o = J C)j . 20 '" $ 30 = OlH 1..20 ",' 16') = J C'.J .70 @:S 30 = "}TC .40 i1 $ 70:= JCJ 2.4(' .;1::: '5Q '" l),!, 1.5C Ol ~ 16D = Jew .,Q::1.~ "0= f\!KFIELIl \~D \\'<xms, P C PM"E: 1 M'IO\JNT 14D.O'J 9 6. 0 f) 1 J. :JC 1'12.00 .. 'i. OC -:' 8.00 '2 O. o'} 2.~ o. 0 J ": ~. 00 E'\IRFIELD ,'\1\:D WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SU ITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 LAKE:illH: MLt, l"'-l). cIa T~EVO~' c. ?0~ERTS, PRESID:~T TELEPHONE 1303) 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE ~~. 3712C MATTER '"HEAT ,;:OlD';': 3ILL!!'!'" FILE 1943-)4 NUMBER - BILLING D~T~ F~~PU\RY ,3, 1?3y -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'Jl\r: ATTOaNl:Y: C'it F:L~ ~UMe~~: 1943-2~ tlATE :1/"'61'.1'::> 01/J7I3? J1/"H :;.~ lJ11 ')11 :19 ,J1 IJ~/?-q J1/10/l'l1'l ;') 1/1 ') I'l,(} J1I1 'J/J9 ::11/11/39 J ES en:?T 1:> N ~EVI~W c~ DJCUM~NTS FROM Sf..C;J,;-:TA,y OF STI\.T::.S 'lFf:O= TEL:oC opy CHArGES ~Evr~~ ~rTION FOq ~~OTECTIV~ uRO~~~; ?~ONE C~lL YIT~ J~D~:'S Cl~1K; ?H?NE CALL \olIn ""1. Gl!,VSHA'III; Lsrr:; T1 1~. U\?Dla~; ?lEP~qATIO~ fOR DE~OSITrCN; PHONE CALL ;.lIP ...~. "lUES TRAY~L T) SOLDEN 11 ?E~E~~CA C\lu~T'( '" fL'::',) f'I'E1f I: ',j F !)OCiJ1i'.::NT), 5T.HUTE'" eK Ell. T;: FI U::i J~I 1)1:: p.)"; IT I () 'I (LO~t~e THQ~AS) EXHIDIT~; lEVI~~ ~OCU~ENT~ ~RnJUC~D AT ~~o01tlION; '~AT~3 ~T~~Q ~~00UCT:0~ F!L~~ l~D J~G~NIZ- I~~TO 7!l~S DcPOSITI0~ nF TOWN o~ L'K~SIO-; ~?EP~?ATIJN fl~ 5A~E; ~~V!EW T0JN'~ D~f~~~:; lZLE?H1~~ CONFE~~~CE WITH ~~. rlARDI~~ lETT:R T0 15. ::;i<C\4N;' i:'SE'RCiI fiESEi\ ?CB CO"HA CT \I ;\J::>1PLOY"lPIT INSU?"IC:, ~!STRIC7 :nJ~' (JFFFE7SJ~ COU~TY), ,iQ,:o:: ;~':N' > cn'1P oW; 'IT; 'IN, pi l) ~laTQ~ v':w:r:u:::; DC::Pjl.~r.:\jT; T.~A\IEL T') JC:ff:"S;;.j C::lU'lT'f COUQr H~USE TO ~EVlcW P?I,)? CA~ES A~AIH~T THE TnYN 01' STH" HOURS bTe 1.5a~~ 70= cnc '~F ~.oo:~ :; 160:: PAGi: l\"IOutH 10 '). 00 3. :i 1 320. 00 J CW 1 .50 .. ,. 50 - :- 5. 0 ) ::'TC 1 5" 3 ~ 70 =: 1'35. IJQ . v J Ci,J 4.60 ~ r. :0 :: ')~:f': c.:: ~.._~ u. D?F +.20" t 1.-;0 :: 8Te J r" ~tJ 1.00 ~;~ ~ l.. "': D ~ ~ 70 ::: '::0 ::: F\IRFIFU \ \>":1' \\ino!>s. P C 6"T2.00 HiJ.OO 21 '5. 0 [) F:\IRfIELD :\ND WOCIDS, PC. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UN ITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 TELEPHONE 13031830.2400 L-\.':,,,;;::ilt :"',~LL, LTD. ~/C T~EVJR c. ;(J:~~RTS, ?::f~Srf)t:~~T AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance I~VOICE ~~. 37120 MATTER 'lidEAT PIO,,;;;:: JILLI'IG N0~LBEER 1 -;) 43 -2 4 ~!LLI~G C'TE FE8QuARY 23, 1989 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATT!)~'\lE Y: CiC FIL2 ~iU~dER: 1943-24 , A r, 2: OAT:: o ESCrH PTIJN ('-r' " ..- ... <.J4Mrr ~()U?) ~AT<': '\:>lOll~T LAK:S!D~ ~~D LArE~I~~ p~rK CJ~p~BY; TJ MOTOR VEHICL~' TO 00 A ~~SI$TnATIO~ ~EARC~ ()"j V -:dItL':;; JW\J":D 'Y Tn;: TOj~ OF LAKESI'~ ~NO LH,,:S!C:; PFK; CRO,Ti.: t~~I:~ ~F lOTOR V~HICLE t> UNT')IJT:; ~EVI:~ J-- )OCU~E~T~, ~~EoA1ATt~N 0F JU~POEN~S f<ILE \GO:: ~DTO~ VE~rCL~ O~?T. ~EApCH~S .;1,. ~~~ ;; ')f: r.:::;: "~ ~ I l ~ ,'S -:.: - tJ.r\ i?T H7~bt, RTY \yI T N:: $, F.: E ~ ~n: LE?\"l F - ,::> H OD A :11/11/,;9 JTC .40 .~ -;; ?O = ~ :"J. 'J J 01/1 ?I ") '.) ,}1/121B'? ;)11121'(9 JClJ Jew BTC 7.2"\ ..... '? Oi] 3. ,) ) J1I1UB 3rc 3.0 J <. .~ i;\:; \ [~ :\ J111-:'.1"!,!"} 011121'}9 ~IT~eSi ~E~ & "IL~'i~ TclE~H)N~ CONfE~:~C~ WIT~ 11~. HAY~~; ~R~oAR'TT3~ F~? ,.,.<' .; '" 3. ,J'J 17 6. OJ \) ~ r- 1.10 ::) . 150 :: . 2."10 ~ t 5J :: \1;' '2.4[; ~ ~ 73 :: .SG .;) $ PO :: 1.1 Q -'l 'S 160 :: HEA~I~G; R~SEA1CH ?EVIEW 1)1CU~ENT1 ~~1DUCE~ TOW~ A10 HI5HLI3HT ~E' 'L\ E ?I Al P~~P~;ATIJN OF NOTICES l~O SliJPOnl.~Z TITL: '1 f.': EARCH TEL~PH1N~ CONFERENCE WITH MS. 2URCH, ~R. LEMaERGE~ A~D INV-STIiATO?; C)NSI~E? TACTIC~ A~D ST~AT-5Y 1~VI~W Q~ ~~~U~ENT~ ;,~DE';~~~f} FOU1 CE~T!fI('"~ CJ?I~S ~F ~UlrCLAT~ )E~)S <E.VI:W~iHIJ~1 !=:n JeOGi'l':'JT O\j TH~ Dl~A)I~GS; v~~TI~G 'iT T I q. P'1ST, :<!'". C 4'if:: ~N~ ~3. ~FI~AUPT; ?~QNE J1/1'::13<:1 ny .,. JCll H O. O'l J1/12/::9 ]Te 1& 8. a.J 811151q? J1/1ci131 CKT au 5 5. O~ 17 is. 00 )111'>/31 J1/'l7/J'1 :r:: 1 .6 ::J ~ t 70 :: 11 2. OJ ""',,:":'".) .~G ~ ;, 60 = 1 2. JO ..' ,.j CKT 1 ,'" il 1. 1 '7(". :: nu.oJ'] ..; u ._',# ::1117139 F\IRFIFJ I) \>.;!) \\'e\()!)s. P r: FAIRFIELD !\ND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 lAKESIDE ~ALL, LTD. C/O TREV'H C. P()3E?l'S, P7?~SIlH:"lT TELEPHONE (303) 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE NO. MATTER ',/H,oAT PI DfiE FILE 1943-24 NUMBER . 3712 'J '3 ILL PHi ~ILlIH; D~TE FE~RUA~Y 23, 1939 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- l),H'.: ATTORN.:Y: CHC FILE NU~8ER: 1943-24 .i:JiJRS ?ATE 01/171:: Q 31/171,",9 '".)1117 /J1 :)1117 n ') J1I171l? 1)1117139 01/17f~9 01117139 J1/1U39 D ES C ~ r f T I J'Hl CALLS p~ ~ITlE Y01J; CHECK uce AN) CGRPO~ATE P~COg9S fOP A~US[~~NT ?A~r, fOR ~s. K?A1N~~.~ ADDRESS RESE~FC~; tO~3!~ER TACTICS ~ND STRATE~Y; T~LEPHONE C0kFE~:~CES wITH ~Q. LEHSE?~:~; ~EVIEW TH0"AS DtFG~IT!ON; ~EVISw ~[SPONSE AND ~~T10N fROM TOWN OF LAiC:::'I)f =Xft~T ~!T~E$S FEE {J0H~ TIPTON} EXP;:~T ',HTNE$S F':r. (f'LIVI:l. C !H:\ i:;E P'>) EXPf1T ~:TNESS F~E (~OnfqT H'J::13 ~'n r:XPE~T ~ITN~SS f~~ <JCH>> ,~lJI;'D) irll\l n: R JA ~'H:TT EL:PH'}'~C: {: \LL$ TO '1;';\110U5 ~TAT~ A~ENCI2S TO 03TAIN NAMES A~D ADDRESSES FO~ 3U~~~~NAS; MIStELLA~EOUS COPIE~ fOR MEETING; MEETING WITH MS. TRUITT, fR. FROST, MR. CAV~ FE: PLAN GF ACTION AND ~~V![W OF STATUTE3 P~E?~~~T!ON OF F!VL ~U3PO~N~~, ~=?Q~T TJ I~V:$TI~ATJR; )TSCU~SI~"$ ..JIT'~ "'~. ;:.,05T, n-~. T~'JnT, ~5. ~~:~AU?T RE~A3~lNG JJCUf~E~TS, ~:::VEW :)f o :)CU ~~F )JT S :)EPO'iITI~N JF lD'Ir::'~:: "'AC TH0,n~, STAff eRf 1l~F STC "?TC !:)"Tt ~-TC JeW jTC )RF <1.30 ;"j ~ 1,,0 = 2 . 0 Q. ~ ~'O == <;..50 'i $ 70::: F^IRFlfl1) ,,,p \\'r lnDS r c ;)1\ ~E: , .. A~ au NT 14t\3..0Q 2. :50 '-' :;r'\ >--.; - :.5:) 2.50 250. O,J 13 I). Of) 3"5.01 1:':7.7.J F:\IRFIELD l\ND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNFYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORAOO 80203 LA<ESHlE iHLL, LTD. CIO TREVOR C. ~03E~TS, P?ESIDENT TELEPHONE (303) 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSEO $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance ItHiOICE "0. MATTER W!-IEAT RIDE:: N0~1fER 1?43-H 37120 BILLING 8!LLI~G DAT~ FEdRUARY 23, 1989 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OAT".: ATT0fHIEY: CHe FIl~ NUMDE~: 1943-24 !<HE D1/1 U .!9 ;J1/1anQ 01/10139 :)1/1 r./5? ;}1/19/~? G111?J:)? 01/1?/39 D1/1911J9 01/19/89 J1/19/39 01 nOlO? 01120/3? DESC.HPT!')N ~E~VIC~ ~N :TEWART, H~~A~TY, (::~hSH~~ COpy DI)C'IME~HS FOR DE?OSIT:0~ EXHI9ITS; COpy ~OCU~~~TS ?RODUCED qy VJSUq,\:iCE OF H?iV:::q HE~pr~G P~:PARATIO~; TEL~P~ONE CONFE~E~CES AND ~EETI'iS WITH CLIENT; ~ESEAnCH; TElEPHO~E rONfEQ"",ICE ~ITH f'!'"'. ~HE,); P~E?Aq~ Fa~ AND TIKE D~?OSITrONS OF TR~ASURr.R AND C~IEF OF POLICE F0R TOW~ Of LAK~SIDE; ~EVI2~ INsurANCE DOCUMFNTS RcVI~W OF INSURA~~C: DOC\J~cNTS; DE?CSITl'N ':;F MR. sn~?AN!ER, ~R. JIlJU~; M2Erl~~ ~ITH Mq. LE1BERG:q C!;;RnF1E~ ()PIES ~ESS:::~{G::~S (DMPLET: CD?YI~G OF INSU:::ANCE fILES !'lEE-TINS ,41TH ?'If'. HAYES; REScA~CH; TElEP~C~E CONfE~E~CE$ ~IT~ CLIE~T; PRE!'A?A1"IOU fOR H':ARING OISCUSSI]N ~ITH MR. 3ARRETT, I~V~STI~ATJ~ A~9 rR. s '::R~ ~T0 ,)f ,)H,TE UN~~PL~Y~~~T I~SU'ANC~ REVIEW Q= C'NFIDENTIALITY STArUTE'; COPIE5 JF ~T~TUT~5 CONSIDE~ w!THDRAWAL ~F PETI'IO~; T~lE?~O~E ?AG c: ST A F F HOU~S A;~ OUNT aTe 1,:7.ca JC'J 4.10 .i! ~ 50'" 20 5. 00 )'tF 3.70 'i ~ 160 :: 13'12. Of) iJTe 6.VO.iS 70::: 42 o. CO CKT , :2. OJ D;,~F , o. '50 J C',J .70 '" $ 50 :: .3 5. 00 DH S.21 ;3 .. 160 :: 9()2.00 " JTC . <30 :v $ 70:: "i 6. 00 "'I:-r r _,) 0 ::~ t 70 :: ;:>1.00 c.,.. ~ .. - J C''/ .11 i1 .. ';0 :: 4 '5.0'3 :l1F ~. '50 :'il ~ 150 :: 560. GO F ~1\(FIF.l.!) ~SP \\loops. r c F!\IRFIELD A~D WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSE:LORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 LAX~~IDE ~ALL, LT~. C/O TREVOR C. R03ERTS, P~E3IDE~T TELEPHONE (303) 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance n,VOICE 'liO. MATTER w~EAT P.IDGE FILE 1 'l43-?4 NUMBER 37120 BILLI'\jG BILLING DAT~ FE3~U^RY 73, 19S9 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE: , OAT':: ATT1Rf-lEY: [He FILE ~U~UER: 1G43-24 HOURS "ATE A~OUNT 0112fjJ;Q 01/23/39 DH2318Q 01 n4l'S9 )1/24/39 01/24/39 01124/39 01 n51 >;9 DESCR:PTI'~:~ CONFf-~c'jCES ~E~~R~I~G SU=~O~~A~ AND TRI_L PRf.?A~ATrCH; TELEPHONE COhFE?~~CES RE~AR'I~G TOW~ A E ':.T I \~-:i 'ISCUS3IJN ~ITH ~R. ~A~~~TT il.NO 1'l>1. SERRETO 1ELE?H0N= CONFERENC~ ~ITH ~R. H~YES; C:NFER~~C~ ~ITH MS. T~~~TT; R~V!E4 ~OTION TO 1U~SH; TELEP~n~E CQNFE'H:tlCE .1lTri rp. LEi"lE!1";'Cl\ LEGAL ~E~~ARCH ~~G'~DING E'HnFP~L COPlf~ OF PI~UTES FOP JE?OS:T1~N ~XHI?I7S; C0~~U~I:AII0N VIT~ tOLORA'1 LcuI~LATU~E RE: STArUT~ ~ EV r '; ! ON S ~ES~.'HtH qESE.~CH; DRAFT PDITION OF oeJECTION TO MOTION fO~ JUDGMENT ':HI THE PLEADINGS; TElEPHO~E CONfERENCES WITH MESSQS. BLJOM, GO~D^~IE2 AND L~~'3E~6~R; PR~?ARATICN FOR EJ~LI~G DE?OSlTIO~$; PREPA~ATION FOR HEA~rNG LEGAL ?~~:A~CH REGARD:NG c. 5 T:) ':J? ~L "( $ S~ t:: s ;EVl:JI .v~D i~EVISE 'lPIEF; RES:A~[4; TELEPHOi[ CONFEP~~C~ WITH L~3ISLAT:VE {)!,AFTI'lS .JFFICE; "PEPARf FOP. ~~~TI~G; ~E~TI~S WITH ,'l>~. L':.~n!:RG:::? STAFF 'GTe l)Rf ,,~,. I\. Jew S ES !>F'F JTC C 1f .30 ;i t 70 = ?1.'JQ 4.4,J J ~ 1,,0 :: 714. 0 C 5.5J 1) ~ 70)::;: 3J5.0," .70 ~.~ '5~:: 15.()!] .2G~'~ <S;J::;: 7.00" t 1!;O::;: 1 2. Q ') 11~o.on 4.60 'j ,. 70::;: 322.00 !..10 lJ .. 1,SO ::;: ')) 6. 00 P&\\.(Vl~\ n &,"'1\ \\11 II \i\o...: \' r F:\IRFIELD '\~D WOODS, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 OENVER, COLORAOO 80203 LAKESIDE ~ALl, LTD. C/O T'iEV)R .::. ''\)'1ERT'), PRESID::tn TELEPHONE 13031 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance ItIVOIt;: ~O. MATTER 'tll1EA T RI l)G:;: FILE 1'?4~-24 NUMBER- 37120 ,HllI~H~ ',H': ATTORNEY: (He JILlING DAT~ FE8DUARY 23, 19~} ':11/25109 01/26/39 J1/Ud'JQ ')1126139 .JlI'!.71 J? 011.27 IJ? 01 r-: /39 J1/27/~17 01127/,19 01/?91B9 G1/:C/=:? ::i11301?,9 ,J1 P013'~ J1/31139 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Of.SCRIPTI0~~ fIL~ NUP.3~~: 1943-24 5T.~ F F A\~ O'J NT DEPOSITION PREPARATION A~D C:SOUrT OF OEPOSIT:~~ ~F ~3. ~?ELING; l~GAl qE5~A'tH REGARDING :~TOPPEL; DICTATION Of qRIEF CEIH. Of -:;000 'iTANO!NG TW:J "!iON!: CALLS TI) GET TAX SCH~DUL: ~U~eER A~O O~DE? Tf;:X C?nIfICATE RE v :i: E \Ii .~ 'lOR EV I S € J n " F ; P~E?A~E FOR AND ATTEND TO~N M~~TI~S; T~L~?HON~ CJNFEo~NC~5 PEGAR1I1G TaW~ ~~ETI~~; J:.SE~RCH; T~L~PHJN~ CONFE?E~CE ~ITrl "Is. f~UHCH EiPc'" T 10IIrJ :::SS l= '':E {<!I~ % A iH:T ,~. oi'::l3UD eX?2RT JtT~~~~ r.~E (~OJE~T J. ~()?'~ANI~~) ,::xp::.n ./ITN:::::S FeE (:JIL'1!JR D. ,)TIT~S) RE V I::: 'J .\ 'l j) R E'J! S E '1 PI Ef DtPOSITD:-J OF MS. Xl<,\5NER; REVlc~ AN~ 1EVISE 8REIEF; p~ePARATICN FOR o~pa'ITION OF 115. <RA;;NER ?-EVI~W A~~ ReVISE ~RIEF; HEA~I~6 pq:PA~ATI1N; L~TT~P TO 'is. "U"CH P;H.PA'lATI01'j FC1 i-lE~IIW;; R~VI:::~ ~ND ~EV!~E 3~EIEF; l 'OTT D T01~. \!JRC;.j ;!,t:,)IOI\RC~; "~aCF, crT:: cw:cr ~ \10 X": q,))( feR '3~I:F 1>E P 0 S IT I) :4 .'1EVIE~ .c.~ID ?;:VISc :"H':f PA{;E: -;' :nUflS ~ATE JTC 6.50 :il:~ 70 =: 455. Of) DPF 1.01 :SF" .20 '" ~ 60 =: 1 2.0 Q '. O?F 3.2G i $ 160 = 131 2.0:1 !)9F 5.0) O'H 5.01 !)fU 5.0C CKT 1.00 ~ $ 130 =: n J. 00 Dill' 6.0n a , 1 ;>0 = 96 tl. 01) i> oot: 4.50 11 $ 160 = 7? Q. 00 ' , )"!F 2.50 i1 ~ 160 =: 40 C. 0 Q :::TC 6.00 @ S -'(\ = 420.00 aTe 2,) 1. 1'\5 eKT 1.1G , $ 130 =: 14 5. Q n ... F\IRFIFI j) \~j) \V()()j)S. P C F:\IRFIELD :\ND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 lAK~5IDE NALL, LTD. c/o TREI/OR c. ,,()'1E'n~, PryC:SDi:''H TELEPHONE (303) 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance I~IVOIC':: ND. MATTER WHEAT RID:;E FILE 194~-24 NUMBER - CILLI~S D.r~ f~3RUAR' 23, 19!9 371 ~'1 '?1LL::: 'lG -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- .~TTORNEY: CHe FIL2 ~U~~E~: 1943-24 DATl2 }1n1/.',9 :J1I1113<) (;11'1/39 J1 n1 , 39 D1131r;7 :J1 Poi 13."} )1 n1/3 7 J1/31/:49 ]111116 )I D ES C RI P T If) N ;;.;;: s;:~ 1;( Hi i!':;VlSION;:, C'JR~EC7!aN~, P]OOFg2A~ING OF ~R!~F; P~EPAPATION 0f EXHlc!T:, D~POS!T!jN CO?I~~, ~IC. fOP FrLIN~; PREPARE SU3PC~HA f?R ~s. f.BEL1'~ G OEPOSITI0N Of RHO~A ~RAS~~? SE?VIC~ JM WIl3U~ ~. STIT~~ SE~\i! e": )'1 ;HI'GI\RET 1. W!LJU'J DE?Osr1'"n'4 :iF f"!. WILJUr, ?, f~. ij')j(() ANIE~ ~XPEqT _:TN~3S FEE (JULIE E 3t:L!:l'iJ ..ITti:SJ FE::: ~ I1ILi:'hiE TI) VOIl) 1'17 CHECK WITMES5 FE~ , "ILEIG~ TO 1I0:!l) 1/17 C'lECK iooic S TLNtI '1 fS [A~C H "H 0 n c c> I r. -;; LONG DI.j; ANC:: C ,'LL S 3TAH nTe HOURS 7.00.i S 70 = J" f ')'U DH ')Rf 3TC :lTC ..ne :HC PR':VIOUS BALANCE H::S f,)R SE~V1Cc PIS8URSE'IENTS C:U:OIT5 REtEIV€D TOTAL THIS STATE~E~T F\IRFIEI.Il ~~[) \\()()D~, P C:. HATE ~~,l\SE: }\'!\ CUNT 490.00 nl).3J 3 }. :J 0 '33. 0 l) :'31.lG 4.23 -2.5 Q - 2. 5 ~ .. ., H.31 527.10 41.3'1 4 334. 5 J 17n1.00 l 036.1 J 0.01 24141.6Q t t $ s Ff\IRfIELD AND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 OENVER, COLORAOO 80203 LA(ESI~E ~ALL, LTD. C/O TREVJR C. ~08ERTS, ?~ESIPE~T TELEPHONE (303) 830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE "o;}. MATTER !,/}J':AT ?IDGE N0,J,,1fER 1943-24 ~lLLI~& DATE fE3RUARY 23, 1~89 37120 BILLING ,l\TTORI1EY: CHe -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?AGE: 9 FILE ~U~6~R: 1943-24 >TAH GTe DPF J C'iJ Cr.T Sfo S~~ TOT'\L iH}lJ ~ $ 54.3J 76.10 25.00 3.00 .40 .20 1 "iO. 40 F'\IRFIEl.\1 ,\:-;\1 \\'<X)\)S, P C Ai"IQUNT 3%1.00 12176.00 1290.00 468.00 24.00 12.00 17771.00 ~AIRFIELD AND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER. COLORADO 80203 LAKESIDE MALL, LTD. C/O TREVOR C. ROBERTS, PRESIDENT 980 DAVID ROAD P. o. BOX 4190 BURLIMGA~E, CA 940112396 81LLlNG DATE TELEPHONE (303) 830-2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Plu.. Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remlttance INVOICE NO. 36633 MATTEWHEAT RIDGE BILLING FILE NUMBE1943-24 JANUARY 31, 198<1 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAG E: 1 FILE NUMBER: 1943-24 HOURS RATE AT~OUNT DATE ATTORNEY: eHe DESCRIPTION 10/071B8 10/07188 11/02188 11/D3/88 11/03/88 11/04/88 11/07/38 11/07188 11/14/88 11/14/88 11'18188 11/21/88 11/21/88 p TELEeOPY CHARGES TELECOPY CHARGES DISCONNECTION DISCUSSION WITH ~ESSRS. FROST ANn UI'li3AUGH REVIEW STATUTE; REVISE APPLICATION FOR ORDINANCE; FAX ANa FEDERAL EX?RESS TO ~R. R03ERTSi PHONE CALL WITH MR. ROBERTS; REVISE ORDIN~NCE AND CHECK LEGAL DESC~IPTION; FAX TO MR. GOIlE e REVISION OF DISCONNECTION "EMORANDUM REVISION OF ~E~ORANOUH DISCONNECTION ~EMORANDUH REV! SI O~ TELEeOPY CHARGES RE SEA R C H PHONE tALL WITH MR. HAYES RE TOW~ COUNCIL ~EETING AND ADVISABILITY OF FAIRFIELD AND ~OODS WRITING LETTER TO ~R. EISENHUTH; PHONE CALL WITH MR. HARDIHG REVIEW MR. SMITH'S MEMO; SEND COpy OF 8UDGETS, ETC. TO "R. HARDING REVIEW INFOR~ATION RE TOWN'S BUDGETS; PHONE CALL ~ITH "R. HAYES PHONE CALL WITH MR. APPLEBY AND MR. STITES; LOCATE AND SEND TITLE POLICY AND CO"~IT"ENT TO MR. STITES; ST A Ff CHC tHC BTe 3.81 1.43 35.00 .50 ;w $ 70 = en 2.00 i $ 130 = 26 O. 00 BTe .60 . S 70 = 42. 00 BTe .30 i S 70 = 21.00 BTe .30 . $ 70 = 21.00 tHe 2.64 CAU .30 il $ 120 = 36.00 CKT .20 ~ S 130 = 2 6. 00 en .30 Ii) $ 130 = 39.00 en .60iilt130= 78.00 cn 2.50 iil $ 130 = 325. 00 F~IRFIELD AND WOODS, P C. FAIRFIELD AND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER. COLORADO 80203 LAKESIDE HALL, LTD. C/O ~EVOR C. ROBERTS, PRESIDENT BILLING DATE TELEPHONE (3031830.2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED S Please Delich This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE NO. 36688 MATTEHHEAT RIDGE BILLING FILE NUMBE1l943-24 JANUAqy 31, 1989 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- DATE ATTORNEY: tHC DESCRIPTION FIL~ NUMBER: 1943-24 RATE 11/2e1BS 11/29/83 11/30/88 11130/88 12/05/38 12/06/38 12/08183 12/09/88 12/09/88 12/12/88 12/13/B8 12/14/88 PHO~E CALL TO M~. HARDING RE SENDING LETTER TO ~R. EISENHUTH; DRAFT LETTER TO 'IR. EISENHUTH EXPRESS MAIL TO SU~LI~GA~E TELEDHONE CONFERENCE WITH ~R. HARDING; CO~FERENCE WIT~ MS. TRUITT; REVIEW INF)R~ATION FROM ~R. UMBAUGH AND CITY OF WHEHRIDGE HEETING ~ITH MR. HARDING RECORDING FEE ORDER OF DIS"lISSAL TELE?HONE CONFERENC= WITH ~R. HARDING; DRAFT LETTER; RES~A~CH PREP~ RATION fO~ HEARING TELE~HONE CONFERENCES WITH ~ESSRS. LEMBERGER, HAYES, HAROIHG AND 6RI~SHAW; TEL~PHO~E CONFERENCES WITH CLEqK OF COURT; CONSIDER TACTICS AND STRATEGY FILI~G FEE -COMPLAINT REVIEW DOCUMENTS WITH MR. CAVE; PREPARE PETITION FOR FILING DISCUSSIONS WITH MR. FROST REGARDING DISCONNECTION; TELEPHONE CONFERENCES; FILE PETITION; SET HEA~ING DATE WITH JUDGE PERRICONE PREPARE COpy OF PETITION FOR ~R. GRIMSHAW PlIlEA G~ ? AGE: 2 STAFF HOURS M au N T CKT DRF .50 i $ 160 = 9.75 8 O. 00 llRF .60 a $ 160 = 96.00 cn 9.00 DRF 1.20 ; $ 160 = 192.00 llRF .90 ; $ 160 = 144.00 D!H 1.20 ~ $ 160 = 192.00 BTe CKT 1.20 Ii $ 130 = ~ 0.00 156.00 BTe 1.90 a $. 70 = 133.00 BTe .30 a $ 70 = 21.00 BTe 7.35 FAIRF1FI.D AND W()()DS. P C, FAIRFIELD AND WOODS, P. C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN. SUITE 2400 DENVER. COLORADO 80203 TELEPHONE (303) 830-2400 LAKESIDE 'lUl, LTD. C/O TREVOR C. ROBERTS, PRESIDENT AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE NO. 36683 MA~EiHEAT RIDGE 8ILLING FILE NUMBE'1943-24 BILLING DATE JANUARY 31, 1989 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ATTORNEY: CHC FILE NU~BER: 1943-24 PAGE: 3 DATE 1) ESe R I PTIO ~J ST A FF HOURS RATE AM OU NT 12/14/88 PHONE CALLS WITH MESSRS. HAYES AND DOUGLAS; RESEARCH REVIE~ OF LETTERS, DOCij~ENTS, ARTICLES REG~ROING TOWN OF LAKESIDE; PRELI~INARY PREPARATION OF DISCOVERY PLA~ LEGISLATIVE HISTORY RESEARCH RE DISCONNECTION PREPARATION fOR HE.\RING CONFERENCE RE OISCOVERY ISSUE'i HEARING PREPARATIONS MEETING WITH MS. TRUITT, MR. FROST AND MR. CAVE RE AREA SUR.., EY TRAVEL TO CITY OF LAKESIDE AND SURVEY AREA; CREATE MAP ~ITrl ADDR[SSES AND LOCATIONS; ATTE~PT TO REACH DR. FISHMAN (RHODA KRASNER'S HUSBAND) TO FIND HO"'E ADDRESS MEETING WITH MR. SMTIH AND I'lR. HAYES PREPARATION OF DEPOSITION SUBPOENAS RE KRASNER, THO'US LETTER TO MR. GRI~SHAW; RESEA~CH RE STATUTORY REQ~IRE~ENTS; REVIEW INFCJPMATION NO-CHARG~ LEGAL WORK PREPARE FOR AND MEETING WITH MR. SMITH, ~R. HAYES, MR. CAVE AND HR. FROST DU .50 i -$ 160 = eo. 00 12/14/83 BTe 3.80 ~ $ 70 = 266.00 12115/88 BTe .40 {j $ 70 = 2 S. 00 12/16/88 121:!0I33 .50 it $ 160 = .30 a $ 160 = ORF DRF eo. 00 4 s. 00 12/21/88 12121/38 DU JeW 1.20 ~ $ 160 = .20 3 $ 50 = 192.00 1 0.00 12/22/88 Jew 1.80 i.iJ $ 50 = 9 O. 00 12/22/88 1.50 (i S 70 = .60 i $ 70 = BTe 105.00 12/22/88 BTe 42.00 12/22/88 1.30 i $ 160 = DRF 208.00 12/22/88 1.80i$ 0= CKT 0.00 F"'PF1FT n ,,~n ",J(Y)n~ P r FAIRFIELD AND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS .AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 lAKESIDE MALL, LTD. CIO TREVOR C. ROBERTS, PRESIDENT BILLING DATE TELEPHONE 13031830-2400 AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detach This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE NO. 36688 MATTEiHE~T RIDGE BILLING FILE . NUMBE' 94 "3- Z 4 JANUARY 31, 1939 ------------------------------------------------~------------------------------- rAG E: 4 FILE NUMBER: 1943-24 HOURS RATE Al'~OUNT DATE ATTORNEY: CHC DESCRIPTION 12122/88 12/23/38 12/23/38 ']1123188 12/27/38 12128Je8 12/28/88 12/29/83 12/29/38 12/301 B g CONSIDER TACTICS AND STRH~GY MILE'GE SURVEY ARE' PHONE CALL WITH MR. HARDING; ?HO~E CALL WITH M~. 6RI~S~~W; REVIEW AND REVISE LETTER TO MR. GRIMSHAW C~~~UNICATIONS WITH COUNTY ASSESSORS OFFICES (JEFFERSON CTY AND DENVER CTY) TO FIND INfORMATION ON THE RESIDENCES ON SHERIDAH BLVD. MEALS SEARCHES ADDRESS FOR RHODA KRASNER EXPRESS'l'lAIL ~ETING WITH M~. GRI~SHAW; RESEA?CH MEETING WITH MR. GRI~SHAW, filS. BURCH AND MR. FROST; REVIEW STATUTE AND CASES RE ABASDONMENT OF TOWN CONSIDER TACTICS AND STRATEGY; PHONE CALL WITH ~R. H"'~OING P'ti OTO CO? IES LONG 01 ST ANCE CALLS STAFF DRF .so a $ 160 = 128.00 J CW DR F .50 :11 $ 160. =- 3.15 80.00 JCW 1.20..$ 50= (, 0.00 BTC 42.37 BTe 19.00 eTC 9.75 I>RF 2.30 Ii $ 160 = 36 8. 0 0 CJ(T 1.20 i $ 130 = 156.00 DRF 1.30 a $ 160 = 208.00 PREVIOUS BALANCE $ FEES FOR SERVICE $ OISaURSEI1ENTS $ CREDITS RECEIVED $ TOTAL THIS STATEMENT $ '.2.30 57.95 0.00 4046.00 28 8. 50 0.00 433 4. 51) J;''''O~1~1 n ,l,\"r'\ \\'('I,("'o,n~ l' r ~AIRFIELD AND WOODS, P.C. ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW ONE UNITED BANK CENTER 1700 LINCOLN, SUITE 2400 DENVER, COLORADO 80203 TELEPHONE (303) 830-2400 LAKESIDE MALL, lTD. C/O TREVOR C. ROBERTS, PRESIDENT AMOUNT ENCLOSED $ Please Detich This Stub and Return With Your Remittance INVOICE NO. M~;r2"EEWHEH RIDGE NUMBE" 943-24 36638 9ILLING 9ILLING OAT:: JA~UARY 31, 1939 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- A TT OR NEY: CHC FILE NU1'\3ER: 1943-24 P AGE: 5 STAFF HOURS A1'~OU NT 8TC 10.20 714.00 en 8.00 1040.00 CAU .30 36.00 !>I?F 13.10 2096.00 Jew 3.20 160.00 ------- ---------- TOTAL 34.80 4046.00 I'''RVlFI n ",n Wnnn, P r. DEC-15-'='=' THU 1~:C1S HHIE~= PHILLIF=' I -' - F _ '"..:.1 L 1'-143-;<4 DISTRICT ~~Tt\ COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO Civil ActQOb.VWL-, Division J I . VERIFIED PETITION OF LAKESIDE MALL, LTD., A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, FOR DISCONNECTION OF ITS PROPERTY FROM THE TOWN OF LAKESIDE Lakeside Mall, Ltd., a California limited partnership (the "petitionerW), by and through its attorneys, Fairfield and Woods, P.C., petitions this Court pursuant to C'.R,S. 99 31-12-601 to -707 for a Decree c:1isconnecting its property known as Lakesic:1e Mall from the Town of Lakeside, Colorado (~Lakeside~), 11.$ cause therefo., ~etitioner states and alleges as follows: 1. contains which is limits of petitioner owns in the aggregate located upon or Lakesid.e. a tr<ict 9f land in Lakeside, which an area ,of twenty or more acres and. adj acent to the borc:1er or municipal . 2. More specifically, petitioner owns a commercial development commonly known as Lakeside Mall (the ~Property") I located in Jefferson County, Colorado, which hi:ls a purpol;"ted street address of SeOl West 44th Avenue and which is bounded on two sides by the public roadways known as West 44th Avenue and NOl;"th Harlan Street. The Prope.ty is legally described as follows; A parcel of land located in the NE 1/4 of Section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P,M" more particularly described as follows: Beginning at that point which is 40,00 feet North and 60.00 feet East of the center of said Section 24, said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence North OO'04'OOw West parallel to the North-South centerline of said Section ~4 and along the East Right-Of-Way of Harlan street 1214.4Q feet: thence North 89'56'00" East 467.10 feet to a point; thence South 84'13'30w East 142.00 feet to a point: thence south 79'S7'OOw East 90.00 feet to a point; thence South 70'46'OON East 300.00 feet to a point; thence south 70'4B'30w East 91,00 feet to a point; thence South 63'3~'30N East 216.00 feet to a point; thence South 81'17'30w East 159.60 feet to a point: thence due South 943.00 feet to a point on the North line of West 44th Avenue which i$ 40.00 feet North of the East-West centerline of Section 24;" _ L" c~~., f"-;cir,i::ltrc.tor ~/ -, .-~ J ~. '.'./15/8'6 L-"~' "'" ^. -/ -,.> . V' . ~ c"".::-,c~l I' o. r 'cr - ( .', City t.tty. l.i ty C~c~_. De. t. Head..: Ci ty Trea.s P DEC-15-:=:= THU 1.2:<:::15 HH'-,E= FHILLIF'=; F' _ ~::=) ~ thence North S9"48'OOH West and parallel to said East- West centerline of section 24, a distance of 1419.50 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, state of Colorado. 3. No part of the Property has been duly platted into lots and blocks as a p~rt of or addition to Lakeside. 4. petitioner represents and acknowledges that, for a period of six years after the effective date of the disconnection of the Property from Lakeside, the Property shall not be subdivided into lots or plats of smaller area than is required during such period for lo~s within Lakeside under its applicable ordinances or regulations. 5. Toe Property is usee for commercial purposes as perrni t.ted by Lakeside and by Jefferson County, Colorado. Upon information and belief, the propex-ty is not now, and never ha:;; ~een, zoned by La~eside. 6. All taxes and assessments laWfUlly due upon the Property up to the time of filing of thi~ Verified Petition for Disconnection have been fully paid. 7. For more than three years, Lakeside has not maintained streets, lights, and other public utilities through or adjoining the Property and has not provided any municipal services that conferred a substantial service or advantage to the Property. WHEREFORE. Petitioner respectfully requests and prays this Court ~o enter a Decree disconnecting the Property from the Town of Lakeside, Colorado. -/-cA.. ' DATED th.is _6 day of /)lc.~ _, 19S8. - c ....,. ,"", --.-.-,.;- By: Da e . Frost, #s 77 Craig A. Umbaugh, #15279 1700 Lincoln Street, #2400 Denver, Color~do 80203-4524 Phone: (303) 830-2400 ATTORNEYS FOR PETITIONER LAKESIDE MALL, LTD., a California limited partnership -2- DEe -15-:=::= THU 1 :2. : 1-::1 r:: HH'I'E::;:; PHILLIP= P_04 ~ Address of Petitioner: Lakeside Mall, Ltd. C/O TrevOr c. Roberts 9S0 David Road P.O. sox 4190 Burlingame, CA 94011 VERIFICATION COUNT'i OF (4 //IdJe /11/1 >>11 Mdf~ ','~ .,' ,..;:"(., STATE OF ) ) 55. ) I, Trevor C. Roberts, am the General Partner of Lakeside Mall, Ltd., a California limited partnership, and I have read the foregoing verified Petition of Lakeside Mall, Ltd., a California Limited Partnership, for Disconnection of its Property from the~ Town of Lakeside in this matter. The facts stated therein are true and accurate to my pest knowledge and belief. o;::€~ Trevor C. Roberts SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this J./J.. day of ~M~ r 1988, by Trevor C. Roberts as General Partner of Lakeside Mall, ~td., a California limited partnership. ,",-,' WITNESS my hand and official My commission expires: --,- .. Il',wl/ If"; /9'1() seal. ~ ~ Notary ~c~ ,..,....,.....,.,.".,~-^-.. -,'~""" f ..... c;;~ C'A\,. :,~~.. " "', " "', - '( , . ,-7. ' ~ A " l', ". -.... . _"'" ,"'" \. \ ,......, . .~~E.~I(. .C,:..\.,:" e:,'lDA ~ ~ I ,-,. ,., ...: ~",\':'EO, ~il ~:', ~ ,,; " ,:,:"1 '~i,"J.'~ :,1'1 ,~..~r)l 'l,! \~"\: ;...'>"t-'\,J....~,~,..~~ ;........I.T~.......... ,ro<';':"I;;..,~ct" -3- DEC-15-:,,::,,: THU 1 -=- : J.::=::1 E. H H I' E ::. FHILLIP,,' F .. CI ~ DISTRICT eoeRT, COUNT~ OF JEFfERSON, STATE OF COLORADO civil Action No. 88CV L(&I3~ , Division .9.- VERIFIED PETITION OF LAKESIDE MALL, LTD. I A CALIFORNIA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP, FOR DISCONNECTION OF ITS PROPERTY FROM THE TOWN OF LAKESIDE ORD~R AND NOTIC~ OF HEARING ~rsuant to C.R.S. S 31-12-603 this court sets a hearing date of... . '(h'.'( /,::<, 1982' at 9-t.18 a.ro./p.m. for a hearing betore this court egarding the Verified Petition of Lakeside Mall Limited for disconnection of its property fram the Town of Lakeside. The Clerk of this court shall cause a copy of such petition and this notice of the date and time set for th1S hearing to be served upon the Mayor of Lakeside at least 30 days prior to the hearing of thIS petition. BY THIS COURT: .......~.,,;.'t<,...... '.......,.,,"~'........~~ .....:~,~. "",,:,,' APPLICATION FOR DISCONNECTION TO THE TOWN COUNCIL TOWN OF LAKESIDE, COLORADO LAKESIDE MALL, LTD., a California limited partnership (hereinafter "Applicant"), hereby applies to the Town Council of the Town of Lakeside, Colorado, pursuant to C.R.S. ~ 31-12-501, for the enactment or passage of an ordinance disconnecting the real property owned by Applicant and known as Lakeside Mall from the Town of Lakeside, Colorado, and as cause therefor, states as follows: 1. Applicant owns a tract of land within and adjacent to the boundary of the Town of Lakeside, Colorado. 2. More specifically, Applicant owns a commercial development commonly known as Lakeside Mall (the "Property"), which lies within the Town of Lakeside, Jefferson County, Colorado. The Property has a purported street address of 5801 West 44th Avenue and is bounded on two sides by the public roadways known as West 44th Avenue and North Harlan Street. The Property is legally described as follows: A parcel of land located in the NE 1/4 of section 24, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the 6th P.M., more particularly described as follows: Beginning at that point which is 40.00 feet North and 60.00 feet East of the center of said Section 24, said point being the True Point of Beginning; thence North 00"04'00" West parallel to the North-South centerline of said Section 24 and along the East Right-of-Way of Harlan Street 1214.46 feet; thence North 89"56'00" East 467.10 feet to a point; thence South 84"13'30" East 142.00 feet to a point: thence South 79057'00" East 90.00 feet to a point; thence South 70046'00" East 300.00 feet to a point: thence south 70048'30" East 91.00 feet to a point; thence South 63035'30" East 216.00 feet to a point; thence South 81"17'30" East 159.60 feet to a point; thence due South 943.00 feet to a point on the North line of West 44th Avenue which is 40.00 feet North of the East-West centerline of section 24; thence North 89048'00" West and parallel to said East- West centerline of section 24, a distance of 1418.50 feet, more or less, to the True Point of Beginning, County of Jefferson, State of Colorado. [!IV 3. The best interests of the Town of Lakeside, Colorado, will not be prejudiced by the disconnection of the Property, for the following reasons: a. Applicant has fully paid all taxes and assessments lawfully due upon the Property up to the time of filing of this Application for Disconnection; b. For more than three (3) years, the Town of Lakeside, Colorado, has neither assessed nor collected any taxes or assessments of any kind against either the Property or any activities occurring on the Property; c. For more than three (3) years, the Town of Lakeside, Colorado, has not maintained streets, lights or other public utilities, and has not provided municipal services of any kind or description to the Property. THEREFORE, Applicant respectfully requests that the Town Council of the Town of Lakeside, Colorado, enact or pass an ordinance pursuant to C.R.S. ~ 31-12-501, which disconnects the Property from the Town of Lakeside, Colorado. DATED this ~ day of November, 1988. LAKESIDE MALL, LTD., a California limited partnership By, ~~ Tre or C. Roberts General Partner Address of Applicant: Lakeside Mall, Ltd. c/o Trevor C. Roberts PO Box 4190 980 David Road Burlingame, California 94011 -2- AGREEMENT FOR DISCONNECTION AND ANNEXATION THIS AGREEMENT FOR DISCONNECTION AND ANNEXATION is made as of the 1st day of November , 1988, by and between LAKESIDE MALL, LTD., a California limited partnership ("Lakeside"), whose address is c/o Trevor C. Roberts, P.O. Box 4190, Burlingame, California 94011, and THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, COLORADO, a Colorado home rule municipality (the "City"), whose address is 7500 West 29th Avenue, Wheat Ridge, Colorado 80034. RECITALS: WHEREAS, Lakeside is the fee owner of the property in Jefferson County, Colorado, legally described on Exhibit A attached and known as Lakeside Mall (the "Property"); WHEREAS, the Property is currently a part of the Town of Lakeside, Colorado (the "Town"); WHEREAS, the City and Lakeside are both dissatisfied with the maintenance and improvements along 44th Avenue and Harlan Street as they abut the Property; WHEREAS, the Town has not provided to Lakeside or the Property police, snow removal, road maintenance or any other municipal services traditionally expected of a municipality, and Lakeside desires that such services be provided to Lakeside and the Property; WHEREAS, the City has in effect an Enhanced Sales Tax Incentive Program, which provides for the sharing of sales taxes generated from particular properties, said taxes to be shared with the owner thereof and to be used by the owner for the construction and completion of certain public improvements, as defined in the City's ESTIP Ordinance; WHEREAS, the City is physically contiguous to the Property and has the capacity to serve the Property with its municipal services, which will enhance the value of the Property and benefit the tenants occupying the Property; WHEREAS, Colorado statutes appear to allow a property owner such as Lakeside to disconnect from a municipality such as the Town by petition to a court of competent jurisdiction; WHEREAS, Colorado statutes allow a municipal entity such as the City to annex property such as the Property that is physically contiguous to its boundaries, provided other conditions are met as well. / , Df' ~. NOW, THEREFORE, incorporating the Recitals, and for good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged, Lakeside and the City agree as follows: 1. Agreement to Annex. Lakeside agrees to take all steps necessary to disconnect the Property from the Town (the "Disconnection"), to have the Property annexed to the City and to perform all provisions of this Agreement. The City agrees to cooperate as necessary in the Disconnection, to take all steps necessary to annex the Property, provided the Petition to Disconnect has been granted (the "Annexation"), and to perform all provisions of this Agreement. The legal description for the Property for purposes of the Annexation shall be the metes and bounds description listed on Exhibit A. The "effective date of the Annexation" for purposes of this Agreement shall be the date upon which the City's ordinance approving the Annexation becomes effective, either following final resolution of any challenge to the Annexation, either by election or final judgment in litigation, or upon the date upon which the City's ordinance approving the Annexation becomes effective after final publication, whichever is applicable. 2. Consideration. In exchange for such Annexation and for the City's right to levy and collect any and all municipal taxes generally applicable to properties and businesses within the City, the City agrees to pay to Lakeside the sums herein specified in cash pursuant to the following schedule and subject to the following conditions: a. Two million dollars ($2,000,000.00) in cash or certified funds on the effective date of the Annexation. The source of said funds shall be a revenue bond or similar bond issued by the City, and payable from sales tax revenues derived from Lakeside and the Property. b. One million two hundred thousand dollars ($1,200,000.00) in cash or certified funds in four installments of three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000.00) each on the 30th day of the 54th, 60th, 66th and 72nd months after the effective date of the annexation, which payments shall be made solely from sales tax revenues collected from businesses operated upon the property, provided that if funds from sales taxes are not available on the payment date specified, as soon thereafter as such funds are available. C. An amount equal to one-half of the annual ad valorem taxes resulting from the imposition by the City of the City's mill levy upon Lakeside and/or the Property, said amount to be determined annually for the initial six (6) years following the effective date of the Annexation during which a City ad valorem tax is imposed upon the Property; provided however that the source of the payment specified in this paragraph 2(c) shall be solely and strictly limited to sales tax revenues derived from Lakeside and businesses operated upon the Property. The sums I ;S~.~ vfIV 2 contemplated hereunder shall be paid to Lakeside on June 30th of each year in which said ad valorem tax payments are tendered by Lakeside to the Treasurer of Jefferson County, Colorado. d. Commencing on the effective date of the Annexation, the City shall provide all municipal services to the Property, including but not limited to police, snow removal, road maintenance, Code enforcement, and general administration at no additional charge, that it provides to its other citizens and property owners within the City and all necessary City services for the Property's annual fireworks display and other special events that require City services. The parties agree that the City shall commence collection of sales, use, and property taxes, and any other applicable taxes, upon the effective date of the Annexation. e. The monies paid to Lakeside shall be utilized for purposes which qualify as "public or public-related purposes" as defined in Ordinance 758, Series of 1988, now codified as Chapter 24 of the Code of Laws of the City of Wheat Ridge. The parties specifically agree that monies expended by Lakeside for environmental cleanup purposes satisfies the public related purposes provision of Ordinance 758, Series of 1988. 3. Petition to Disconnect. A Petition to Disconnect shall be prepared by the attorney for the City at the City's expense and provided to Lakeside for its attorney's review and approval. Upon such review and approval, Lakeside shall execute and file the Petition to Disconnect with the appropriate court of competent jurisdiction. Both parties agree to appear before such court, if appropriate, and to provide documents necessary to complete such action. If the Petition to Disconnect is denied, or if it is set aside on appeal, this Agreement shall terminate, and neither party shall have any obligation to continue with the Annexation. 4. Annexation Agreement. An Annexation Agreement shall be prepared by the attorney for the City at the City's expense and provided to Lakeside for its attorney's review and approval. Upon such review and approval, Lakeside shall execute the Annexation Agreement. 5. Intergovernmental Negotiations. The City shall make good faith efforts to meet with the Town, the Town of Mountain View and Jefferson County to attempt to facilitate the Disconnection and Annexation and to coordinate intergovernmental services and responsibilities. The City shall keep Lakeside informed of its efforts and of issues that affect Lakeside or the Property. 6. Building and Zoning Regulations. The Annexation Agreement and any ordinance relating thereto shall provide that all improvements located on the Property on the effective date of the Annexation shall be deemed to be in compliance with all 4 j ~ 3 building, zoning and other similar regulations of the City, either through conformance in fact or through legal nonconformance, that the buildings upon and the uses made upon the Property shall remain the same unless modified through lawful and prescribed processes as established by City Charter or ordinance, and that the four-story parking garage contemplated to be built on the Property in seven (7) years shall be deemed to be an eligible public or public-related improvement in compliance with the provisions of the Enhanced Sales Tax Investment Program of the City, as the same is currently in effect. 7. Remedies. If either party shall default under this Agreement, the other party shall have the right to specific performance of this Agreement, to damages or both, or to such other remedy as may be provided by law or equity. 8. Legal Fees and Expenses; Finder's Fee. Each party shall bear its own legal fees and expenses associated with this transaction, except as provided in Paragraph 9. No payment for a commission or finder's fee is due from either party to any third party relating to this transaction, and, to the extent allowed by Colorado law, each party agrees to protect and defend the other party from any such payment. 9. Legal Costs. To the extent allowed by Colorado law, the City agrees to bear the costs and expenses, including reasonable attorneys' fees, for both parties arising out of all document preparation, review and presentation and all proceedings related to and/or connected with the Disconnection or the Annexation. This provision shall survive the termination of this Agreement. 10. Time of the Essence. Time is of the essence hereof. 11. Binding on Successors and Assigns. The provisions of this Agreement shall be binding upon and shall inure to the benefit of the parties hereto and their respective successors and assigns. The City's rights hereunder are not assignable. Lakeside's rights hereunder, including the right to receive the payments described in Paragraph 2, may be assigned to a new owner of all or a part of the Property. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed the foregoing Agreement for Disconnection and Annexation the day and year first above written. LAKESIDE MALL, LTD. a California limited partnership ~'~~ Trevor C. Roberts General Partner By: .( IV ~ 4 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Jail /V!IlIM On this <>< S'll. day of tJettJ.6e/l , in the year /qg-r before me, lVaJ1c'1 ttlZ.UUa.- , a Notary Public of said duly commissioned and sworn, personally appeared Trevor C. Roberts as General Partner, personally known to me to be the person that executed the within instrument on behalf of the partnership, and acknowledged to me that such partnership executed the same. ss. COUNTY OF In Witness Whereof, my official seal the day written. ,.,_ I' I have here unto set my hand and affixed and year in this certificate first above "'t:':': ~'~'~JT~ 7i~~ ..., " ., Notary Public in and for said Statfe. ,. ATTEST: THE CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE, a Colorado home rule municipality, By: /).tJ'---'...A.. l<v:;u.L j Dan Wilde, Mayor I , I ,'./ Wanda , '/ l.1:. Sang, cd:Y'.sYerk STATE OF COLORADO ss. COUNTY OF Jefferson The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 1st day of November , 1988, by Dan Wilde as Mayor, and Wanda Sang as City Clerk, of the City of Wheat Ridge, a Colorado home rule municipality. Witness my hand and official seal. My Commission expires: .:) i\l!v Co;<rrT;::.":;, ')i ev:- .....\'~ "i<' ""\n"l , ) \..----.-/ ' --r,-;, '/-: I ~ , /' / 1 '\.. /...."~ Notary P:ubhc / /, - .;. (,r~ l.'- ~-. .. '- _____~ 5