HomeMy WebLinkAbout05872015133636 12117/20151:21 PM PGS 4 $26.00 OF $0.00 Electroo•cally Recorded Jeffef'Son Cot.n:y CO Faye Gnffln Oer1c and Recorder TD1000 N QUlTCLAL\1 DEED T HIS DEE D. made this /)~y of :O.c2<!....c:::4-Y_~. 2015. between Qwest Corporation. a Colorddo corporation, former!) known as U S WEST Commumcations, Inc .. formerly 1-nown as The Mountain States Telephone and 1 clegraph Company of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. grantor. and the City of Wheat R1dge. Colorado. a home rule municipal corporation. whose legal address is 7500 W. 29'h Avenue. Wheat R1dge, CO 80033 of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, grantee. NO DOCU~IE:'\TARY REQL'IRED CITY OF WH EAT RlDGI-.: IS EXD1PT WlTNES • that the grantor. for and m constderation of the sum ofONF DOLLAR AND 00 100 {$1.00). the recetpt and suffictcncy of wh1ch is hereby acknowledged. has remised. released, '>Old and QUITCLAIMl:D, and by these presents do remise, relc<t~c. sell and QUITCLAIM unto the grantee, its successors and asstgns forever, all the right, title. interest, claim and demand which the grantor hns in and to the real property, together with improvements, tf any, <>ituate, lying and being m the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado, dcscnbcd as follows: SEE EXHIBIT'·A" ATTACII ED II ERETO A:'\'D MADE A PART II EREOF also known by street and number as: 39-174-09-014 (part of) assessor's schedule or parcel number: 4980 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge. CO 80033 (part of) TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the same. together with all and s111gular the appurtenances and privilegcl' thereunto belonging. or m anywise thereunto appertaining. and all the estate, nght. IItle, interest and clatm whatsoever of the grantor. either in law or equity. to the only proper usc. benefit and behoof of the grantee its successor.; and asl'igns forever IN WITN ESS WHEREOF, the grantor has executed this c.Jeed on the date set forth above. Qwest Corporation, a Colorado corporation. formerly 1-nown as US WEST Communications, Inc . formerly known as The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company Its: Director-Real Estate' / _TransJ)ctlons and Analysts STATJ:.Of c....o~...v.... ~~( .Wt:RHY Or -~.::::CH:...:...::::.::..!T.:.:;;;A:.__ ___ _ The fore.goin.s....,instrumcnt was acknowledgzd before me this (~111 day of JJ(l ~ 2015, by Kik..-K d~r as ~' (r..r-J?a. • .J bfd(_ of Qwcst Corporation. a Colorado corporation, formerly known as U S WEST Communications. Inc., formerly known as The Mountain States Telephone and Telegraph Company Witness my band and offietal seal. My commi:;t;iOA expires: -Ar 0 E: ,.-r+J . ....; . 0 . JOSH FREEMAN Notary Public Notary 10 No. 89375 QJadlita Parish. Louisiana "arne 3rd A~ ofPcl'iOn Creas.n~: !'\t:"l~ Craned l.t'gallkscnpuon ~~ 1!1-JS·IOI> ~. ( R.S.l 1\o. 9~3. Rr,. 4-94. Ql iTCl.AI\1 OEt.D , EXHIBIT "A" CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PROJECT NO: S-02-14 DATE: FEBRUARY 10, 2015 RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL NO! TK-103 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Right-of-Way Parcel No. TK-103, being a portion of that tract of land described in the Office of the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder in Book 2867 at Page 137, being a portion of Lot 22, Lee's Subdivision, a subdivision of record In Jefferson County, situated In the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the City of Wheat Ridge, County of Jefferson, being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the Northeast corner of the South Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 17, a 3-1/4 inch Aluminum Cap marked 11Merrick and Co. S 1/16 Sec 17 /16"; Thence along the north line of the South half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 17, being the north line of said lot 22, S 89°08'30" W, a distance of 630.89 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence S 00°19'06" E, a distance of 299.94 feet to the northerly right-of-way line of 49th Avenue as described in Deed recorded in Book 2129 at Page 494 Thence along the north line of said 49th Avenue, S 89°08'30" W, a distance of 10.78 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Tabor Street as shown on the plat of said Lee's Subdivision; Thence along the easterly right-of-way line of said Tabor Street, N 00°18'50" W, a distance of 299.94 feet to the north line of the South half of the Southeast quarter of said Section 17, being the north line of said lot 22; Thence along said north line, N 89°08'30" E, a distance of 10.76 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING; Containing a calculated area of 3,230 square feet or 0.074 acres, more or less. / Basis of Bearings: The line from the Southwest Comer of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 17, a 3 inch Aluminum Cap In range box marked "Merrick and Co. SE 1/16 Sec 17" to the Southeast Corner of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 17, a 3-1/4 inch Aluminum Cap marked "Merrick and Co. S 1/16 Sec 17 /16", is assumed to bear N 89°08'30" E, a distance of 1,323.29 feet. Continued on page 2. Page 1 of 3 , Prepared by: Alan Warner, PLS 28668 For and on Behalf of Farnsworth Group Inc., 5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 1100 Greenwood Village, CO. 80111 (303) 692-8838 Page 2 of 3 ILLUSTRATION FOR r-----------EXH I 8 IT A -11i-IS-E-XH-IB-IT -00-ES_N_OT_R_EP-RES_EN_T_A __ POINT OF COMMENCEMENT ... iii!: MONUMENTED SURY.EY. IT IS INTENDED ONLY NE COR, S 1/2, SE 1/4, SEC. 17 TO DEPICT THE ATTACHED DESCRlPilON. 0 I'") ro p 0) tO (/) I 0 3~ 3-1 4 ALUM CAP MERRICK 1 • • 60' SCALE: 1 "=BO' S 1/2, SE 1/4, SEC. 17 LOT 22 LE'S SUBDIVISION BOOK 2867, PAGE 137 TABOR STREET {ROW VARIES) FOUND NO. 4 REBAR ~r----------------,--- S 1/2, SE 1/4, SEC. 17 LAKEMONT CENTER STAGE 2 I I I I I I NW COR, S 1/2, SE 1/4, SEC. 17 PARCEL 11<-103 CONTAINS 3,230 SQUARE FEET (0.074 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. 3" ALUM CAP MERRICK 0 =CHANGE OF COURSE ONLY oworner I P:\2014\014~234 -Tobor Street Ow \Exbl OH12J4-l1<-103.dl•9 2 11/2015 2:50PM 1 • Farnsworth ~ SI~OUP 8055 EAST TUFTS AVENUE. SUITE 850 DENVER,. COLORADO 80237 (303) 692-8838 1 (303) 692-().470 Fax CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE PROJECT S-02 .. 14 RIGHT-OF-WAY TK-'103 SE 1/4 SECTION 17, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6TI I P.M. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, STATE OF COLORADO ProlectNo; 0141234-.00 Drown by; KSP Approved: AGW Dole: 02/10/2015 Revised: 3 OF3