HomeMy WebLinkAbout05882015123665 11/19/201512:39 PM Recorded Electronically ~~n~~,~~~:;S$ PGS 4 $26.00 OF $0.00 EleclroocaDy Recorded Jeffer..on Cotrty, CO Faye Gnlfin. Clerk and Recorder TD1000 N PECIAL WARRANTY DEED T HIS DEED. dated November 19.2015, between Dream Lake, LLC. a Colorado limited liability company of the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. grantor, and the City of Wheat Ridge. Colorado, a home rule municipal corporation. whose legal audress is 7500 W. 29tb Ave., Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 of the County of Jefferson and Slate of Colorado. grantee: Slmptiflle.com 800.460.5657 '0 DOCUMENTARY FEE REQUIR ED CITY OF WHEAT RIDGE IS EXEMPT WITl\E S, that the grantor, for and in consider.1tion of the sum of SEVENTEEN TIIOUSAND FOuR HUNDRl:.D SEVENTY TWO AND NO DOllARS ($17.472.00). the rcceapt and sufficiency of which I!> hereby acknowledged, ha~ granted, bargained, sold and conveyed, and by these presents does grant. bargain, sell. conve> and confirm unto the grantee. its successors and assagns forever. all the real property, together with improvements. afany, situate, !yang and bcang an the County of Jefferson and State of Colorado. described as follow:.: SEE ATTACIIED EXHIBIT "A" Assessor's schedule or parcel number: 39-174-09-00 I (part ol) Address: 5040 Tabor Street, Wheat Ridge, CO (part ot) TOGETHER with all and singular the hereditaments anu appurtenances thereunto belonging, or in anywise appertaining, the reversion and rcvcn.ions, remainder and remainder.., rents. issues and profit~ thereof, and all the e~tate, right, tatle, interest. claim and demand whatsoever of the gr.mtor. either in lav. or equity, of. in and to the above bargained prcm1se~. with the hereditament:. and appurtenances; TO HAVE A D TO HOLD the said premises above bargamed and described, wath the appurtenances. unto the grantee, its ~uece~sors and assagns forever. The grantor. for itself, its ~uccessors and assign~. docs covenant and agree that it shall and will WARRANT AND FOREVER DEFEND the above bargained premise:. in the quiet and peaceable possession of the grantee, its succes:.ors and assigns, agaanst all and every person or persons claiming the whole or any part thereof, by, through or under the grantor, except those matters shown on Exhibit "B'' attached hereto and made a part hereof. IN WITNESS WH EREOF. the grantor has executed this deed on the date set forth above. Dream lake, LLC. a Colorado limited liabilit) compan) By: Michael L. Hom Its: Manager STATE OF COLORADO COUNTY OF JEFFERSON fhe foregoing instrument WJS acknowledged before me thas I 9'h day of November. 2015. by Machacl L. Hom as 'v1anagcr of Dream lake. LLC. a Colomdo limited liability company. MICHELE A SPENCER NOTARY PUBLIC STATE OF COLORADO NOTARY 10 10984030370 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES NOV. 02, 2018 W1tness my hand and officiul seal. My c mission expires: ' l'Jmc 3lld Address of Person Crcaun,; '\cwly (.'rented Legal D.:scnpuon (~3!(-'~·10<•5. ( R.S.) 'lu. 16. Rt•. ~-9~. SI'ECIAL \\fARRAl'<'T) I> fED ubi II: ~'~·?\ J 588 .../ ( EXHIBIT ''A'' / .. , .. CITY OF WHEAT IUDGE PROJECT NO: S-02-14 DATE: FEBRUARY 10,2015 RIGHT-OF-WAY PARCEL NO: TK-101 LEGAL DESCRIPTION A Right-of-Way Parcel No. TK-101, being a portion of that tract of land described ln the Office of the Jefferson County Clerk & Recorder at Receptipn No. F1531193, being a portion of Lot 19, Standley Heights, a subdivision of record in Jefferson County, situated in the Southeast Quarter of Section 17, Township 3 South, Range 69 West of the Sixth Principal Meridian, in the City of Wheat Ridge, COunty of Jefferson, being more particularly described as follows: . Commer.~cing at.tbe Southeast corner ofthe N.or.th J-lalf ofthe.Southeast..Qu.arter of s~Jjd Section 17, a 3-1/4 inch Aluminum Cap marked "Merrick and Co. S 1/16 Sec 17 /161 '; Thence N 79"06'4511 W, a distance of 643.05 feet to the south line of said tract and the POINT OF BEGINNING; Thence along the south line said tract of land described at Reception No. F1531193, S 89"12'55" W, a distance of 10.85 feet to the easterly right-of-way line of Tabor Street as described in Deed recorded in Book 184 at Page 161; Thence along the easterly right-of-way line of said Tabor Street, N 00°19'35" W., a distance of 21246 feet to the south right-of-way line of the Colorado Southern Railway, being the northerly fine of said Lot 19; Thence along the south right~of-way line of the Colorado Southern Railway, being the northerly line of said Lot 19, N 72°42'09" E, a distance of 17.66 feet; Thence S 02°32'18" W, a distance of U8.36 feet; Thence S 00°14'58" E, a distance of 99.32 feet to the POtNT OF BEGINNING; Containing a calculated area of 2,688 square feet or 0.062 acres, more or less. Basis of Bearings: The line from the Southwest Corner of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 17, a 3 inch Alum~num Cap In range box marked "Merrick and Co. SE 1/16 Sec 17" to the Southeast Corner of the North Half of the Southeast Quarter of said Section 17, a 3-1/4 inch Aluminum Cap marked "Merrick and Co. S 1/16 Sec 17/16», is assumed to bear N 89"08'30" E, a distance of 1,323.29 feet. Continued on page 2. Page 1 of 3 Prepared by: Alan Warner, PLS 28668 For ;;~nd on Behalf of Farnsworth Group Inc., 5613 DTC Parkway, Suite 1100 Greenyvood VIllage, co. 80111 (303) 692-8838 Page 2 of 3 ( \ r.· ( ILLUSTRATION FOR r""TH-IS_EXH_I_BIT-D=OE~S -NO-T R_EP_RES_EN_T_A--EXH I BIT A*'=""----='"""~--===o:o­ MONUMEN1ED SURYEY. IT IS INlENDED ONLY TO DEPIGT TiiE ATIAeHED DESCRIPTION. POINT OF COMMENCEM[NT SE COR, N 1/2, SE 1 /4, SEC. ·17 3" ALUM CAP MERRJCK \ \ \ 0 30' 60' I M • SCALE: 1"=60' I N 1/2, SE 1/4-, SEC. 17 LOT 19 STANDLEY, HEIGHTS m tO ci I<) (0 R£C. NO. F1531193 I I I ---------- TABOR STREET (40' ROw) BOOK 184 PAGE 161 REC. NO: 201-004-54:11 POINT OF BEGINNING S89.12'55"W 10.85' ~ b ~ \--r.1;-;;:0,;-;R:;-;;O:;;;W~BI<:::;;-2:::-::4:::-94-;-:::PG:-3::::2:-:-4-r------=------ - ------~ (::) /':::0\-------~~~~\ J---~-~------- jQ~ L-----@~ %, ~ ~ \ REC. NO. 20070028471 REG. NO. 2007039165 ~ tn ~ ~ LOT 19 SiEVE & DOUG REALTY ~ ~~ ~ STANDLEY HEIGHTS I P.B.G. ~ ~ w ~ ~ c-Jb I ,~ I N 11/2, SE 1/4, SEC. 17 I cnc-'Co iiizP ~t.J~ zz :::J ui PARCEL TK-101 CONTAINS 2,688 SQUARE FEET (0.052 ACRES) MORE OR LESS. 0 = CHANGE OF CPURSE ONLY SW COR, N 1/2, SE 1/4-, SEC; 17 3" AWM CAP MERR.ICK I awOOlel' J P: \2014\0141234 -Ta~or Street\0 \Exht\0141234-11<-101.l!w I 2/11/2015 i: 14 PM 1 li fwswo rt h 8055 EASrTUFrn A VENUE. SUITE 850 DENVER, OOl.ORADO 80237 . <soa> 6Sl2~aaaa 1 (Boa) 69.2.047o Fax CllY OF WHEAT RJDGE PROJECT S-02-14 RIGHT-QF.,WAY TK-1 01 SE 1/4 SECTION 17, T. 3 S., R. 69 W., 6TH P.M. COUNTY OF JEFFERSON, ~TATE OF COLORADO P;oJactNo: 0141234.00 bcvn by: KSP Aw(oved: AGW eore: 02/10/2m5 Revised: 30F3 EXHIBIT ''B" 1. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations as specified in the Agreement for Temporary Construction Easement Relating to a Drainage Facility between Bandit, LLC and Urban Drainage and Flood Control District recorded December 12, 2013 at Reception No. 2013142973. 2. Terms, conditions, provisions, agreements and obligations as specified in the Public Service Company of Colorado Easement executed by Bandit, LLC recorded April 23, 2012 at Reception No. 2012042176. 3. All matters set forth on the Plat of Standley Heights Subdivision recorded July 31, 1908 at Reception No. 876226 in (plat) Book 2 at Page 68B.