HomeMy WebLinkAboutOnyx Park Development®DP BX, So t�s, DEVELOPMENT DATA LOT #1 TOTAL 5iTE AREA 60654542.r 'MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVERAGE MAXIMUM PAVED COVERAGE. FOUR STORY HEIGHT LIMITATION LOT #2 TOTAL 51T'E AREA MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE: MINIMUM LANDSCAPE COVE? -AGE MAXIMUM PAVED AREA TWO 5TORY HEIGHT LIMITATION LOT #3 TOTAL 51TE AREA MAXIMUM BUILDING COVERAGE MINIMUMLANDSCAPE COVERAGE MAXIMUM PAVED COVERAGE TWO STORY HEIGHT LIMITATION iCeG. tlJCJ6a(P.S:c4 .Mune fo, f rT iy.ud r•aLr L'owxzty- 0D e-j?zAAwp#%, a.rAAXc - t.�e f Acl- ONYX PARK DEVELOPMENT A COMBINED OUTLINE & FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHINTHE CITY OF 2040050. FT. (33-64%) WHEAT RIDGE 6063 SQ. FT. (10.07.) - _ 34171 5Q. FT. (56.36X) 53760 5Q. FT. 11700 50. FT (21.76%) 537650. FT (10:Cb} 36684 5Q. FT (65.24%). 45038 50. FT. 11700 60. FT. (25,97%) 4504 5Q FT. (10.0%) - 288345Q. FT. (64.03%) PFOP05ED BUILDING ,ACTUAL COVERAGE OFFICE SQ.'FT. 7785 4030 WAREHOUSE 5Q. FT. 5195. 5195 NOT'c5: 1. Ali signage shall be n accordance with .Arrdcie W of the Wheal R1dae Code of -Laws. 2 .Ail landscaping shall be in accordance with 5eotior 26-32 of ,he'Nha"t Ridge Code of Lawn. 3. All outside storage shall be screened from view py- a z x-foot-Mgh send fence. 4. AJI exterior Ughting shaA be In:aocore-ce with Section 26-30(s) of -he Wheat Rdge Code of •,awsr C. Alf fences shown to lie -lx-foot tail p acy fences, with 6x6 cedar poets at max, 6- u pap ng, 1x6. og eared oictete nail -spaced, and three 24 rails. 'Jcf.ICLZIXJIY� {PEGS a�iE:NFi% ' :p L�cn17pENGE�'w E`?;ERLTPNC( Gd.'IE � ' 15r UTILiT"f PvadloE EMEP -Arlt( !t'LE�i TO XIhTIN4 pQ0pE1O-1- ��-E�[GVJsIJE IrJP I"IAIN :.+� EMel+t NIUI.r:I4-AREA. gl UTI L ITS . 8911.4 ---e 'R$IGA'I , c -"-H7 -A LOT 4? EFFi9RT iD 9E Ma+�e '• ?0 �.A,VE EXIhTI Htr� LRGT-: `jP.eES- L! =tNGFD ct;%ISE STCP.PCTE >r J WEST 44th AVENUE I w 114 " I I I I I AV.J I v LOT #2 i 25vR'r 1 -tax I. I { . li;%I�TI Uc; zc -fe ,p So' ?UBIJ c-. ;21(Pb}T-OFr _- 51TE PLAN 10201 west 43rd i LOT #1 �y �I 45ToP-�Y MAx. j� o0.Tja LEGAL OE9CRIP;ION Linda K. Gash Tj ss OevaImp-mt being the owners cf the real property of lots 1 and 2 of Klpiina Ver tures subdivision recorded Febuary24,1962 with reception no. 52012033 amJ consisting of 4.00 acres more or less and debcribed 95 fall-: mmendnd at the 5.E. comer of the 5:E. U4 of the N.E. V4 of �len 21 tau hip 3 south, range 69 west oe the sixth prinolaal meAdlan, city of Wheartridge, county of Jefferson, state of Col -dc; Thence 5 89954'08" W, 95.00 feat tv the,interseee;on of the -right-of way- Ilne of Kipling Street and tris south rightof we.t 43rd Avenue; thence 5 89540e'N. 41650 faetalong said south ri,3ht•ef-way tine of west 43rd Avenue to the ease line cf lo- 2 of.Ktpting Ventures sub'AA.1- amd the trveTt of 1,"f,jmp; thence 5 86 57'52" W.203.75 fat along the north line of - lot '3 of - 5ald K'ulrng yentare9'3abdlYi$ an t0 tiW nOftNWeat.eafner Of 9ald IOL -3; _ thencs along the parmerer of sad Ppiay V nturas-auh&lswn the fbAovAng fourteen (14) conaac�sve tours, s (1)'hemee 5 89 3515' W '38.46 feat along the south line of the NE 114 L; said --V- 21; (2) Thence N 0015'01" W, 210.00 feet; (3) Thence N 804552" E. 68.86 feet; (4) -;lance N 30r 49'+9"'6,108,96 feet; (5) The- N 6444029" E. 54.25 fees; (6j Thence N 60 5026' E, 90.25 feet; (7) Thence N 47 5520"E. 86.42 fat; (8) Th. -N 001203 W,18425 feet To the aoutn right-of-,av Ilse of west 44th Avenue, (9) thencs along said right-of-way line 5 89 4957'E. 35.15 feat: (10) Them- deparring said time 5 0606'29" E. 220.00 fat along the w ---line of Ksily summf;on tliingrno.1 u the southwateriy comer of lot i of said aubdMiziom. (11) Thence N'59 54'081 F_, 222.50 feet along the south line of hts.1 and 2 o said Kelly rubdMsiort; (12) Thence 060629" E. 27250 feetto a oclnt or . the north-right-ar ay line of west 433 Avenue; (13) Thence 589 5405"'N, 2225 feC u the cast Pine � lot 2 of said Klpling Verrtura6 subdivision; (14) Thence 5 OdO629 50.00 feat song the west right-af-wav line of west 43rd Avenue and the' meter!y Aro of asd het w the Tom. - mt of wmmirrgi. and wmr imi,16.00 ae-more or leas. UNIFIED CONTROL Tie arcilheetum shah be unifled werthe -tire aha, either through single wmc,sKp and development ar by a:fortn of:AYenama or an arch tectural centralcommittee should.m Hn.'lr..ownership I. aIjawg . Maintenance or ali landscape and common areas shallbe pravlelad key a bueinessavners' as5ociatlon. CHARACTER OF PLANNEDDEVELOPMENT Thisdevefopment to: mended `w Prov ae a nacdad cffi end warehouse cancer enc shall Et designed to bfend with and enhance theamohlt�,tunsl characrar of Thi area, Access, anascapina and sltc layol.t shelf be ai-angad xa prdvida maximum 000vmlenea, safety and usllityfgr the.. users er'.tha site and the naignbonng:properties. Archiuctural 1W.has 4h.il be those in common .6.qt fo, projecre &th9 type dna wall gen- era y me udevrck, decoratWe pluck, exteror worts and g gas Rads shall be iwed 0e5eirll-flat. �. � awr„r(ei. a iq.lyde.yn,t� .aarn,) thawaf. as lraavy agree ws:ha: �eersylgeNy daxnbad neraon ,vNl bs dardopra ssa In,nned PewWpmenc in accard,rrs with the u,ep. r4Lr4,TJpnf rile! ar Jklpru coma in the pian aria ..may otnerrfe, w rp4m� M taw. qwe) rartirx nu . wt a�a ,ppr<vl � sn.l ow�e�npmenc coli (cert matidoes rix cresr<a vesva prwwq right. •re,tad.praperty r+Arts mry airy arba,m accrue F_to,rico F'O"i-eaecnen2g-6(G) of AmUds10Tire Code La efthe dcy ofWIra,Avlge 'Executed this l ay of AAAA4, the owner LINDA' K. GASH TRUST DEVELOPMENT 10175 W. 35th -Ave. ..Wnest-ige, CO. A0033 4�210p-3040 . NOTARY PU15UC Subscribed and swum to before me This day cf_� 19 n - rid afficisl seal. (J 10 11349 AOF w 21. Notary Public y�' FDF COL��Po . PLANNINO COMMISSION CERTIFICATION Approved this day vh' al.. 19�'Ly rhe Planning.. Commissiom. - :halrman. M1 It S W+N,r AND DEVELOPMENT DIRECTOR '1-- CITY r„ OUN��,C�.E..RTIFICATION d6 ay of o 1915 by the wh-vi iadcity SEALj" is, f a_ Mayor A, _. City Q - COUNTY CLERK AND RECORDEFS CERTIFICATE This. document accepred far filing in theafffca of the County Cta, L and. Recorder m Jeifcrson Cour2y ac Golden, alorado, an the_ day.ar A.D..m tfic.ftcok Paaa� Racep,on Fooili ,lerfersorl C unty Clark and Recorder 0,µx. �y 5y: 4"-d- 6A0J %- 0 Deputy. - i ?ANY this Z7Miday of-/� 1925- by the, ,Approved president L Preeidaat Z ALLOWED LAND' U5E5 Q.. hero aA-" on Frgpe,m ice l shall seal) Ca inial -One uses purstuni y.' m Sacppn.26-22 of the wheaWidge Code of Laws. " 2. Uses alawad on pn;posad ipts 2 ands ensu be ailCammarcal-0ne aKs rsrumto Seeapn 2622 ofthaw4a,tndge Coda & Caws, plus'the fmlb gCom-twi-T urea llsrM.uMtr 5eegpa 2S-23(5),'erml. - PnnGgal Dray: - use-- (4) Aua+oa ho, Irma any. . (6) ,1b-Mglq cemraetere eenlce shop and storage Keri If 'dental W en-eF.uNshw,ropm.pMclpaluse, wir1� no exeanor mecMninl aqulp mar2.x:wi Jren air -Wt-q. . (12) GaYemmam arauaeHgavemmemel buXdirrge .afflrt'.a: nd n (13) Homes r rthe aged, Harping nomas and song eq- ore !amen (15j M -r -my a mor 4l2 industdal operanans with H✓e hnraeppvaf lmiL: ' 07) shops fpr us om soar, pr far -Zng arCdlee, --w pr -..Alt-- to bseald - eared on the prcmixaid Ae no sihde . M-Ninamteea fWe h'ms<oowa. - (2m''wakeale buNnessas. (21) Woodworkita yr ceraemry showsfer�d+e metlnn of amJeea. far sok cepa the premlm,, with edyyey Iralueipn. 3. No uses 4uA produce --I rai q, b an, fume,, oder dusk h-ar gWa, liar"such use perfomad wmk.oatMde ofbwkl"ag9 as a -1 can%d buaxear... it i,.th"Lntem thea aA operatbns and work - vACWr buildlllae soave there is no adverse imperra is adpcene residemlal aryl badness .- po P at TD rg, ys RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION' � - ----------------------- 5CaL'E REAR ELEVATION .- D- E 1�1 I ill .I I u r LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ' it ELE'YAnON NOTES. I HEAVY COMPOSITE ROOFING _ FLUTED CONCRETE MASONR'F UNITS •, I. ?�_\' 3.j 1� wn- I —�S o I — 43, STAINED OEOAR 51DING W/6" EXP05URE 7. HOLLOW ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOW _ HOLLOW- ALUMINUM FRAME DOOR 9. X11 _ e! FLASH ALL.ROOF TO ROOF AND ROOF. TO WALL CONNECTIONS ANC ALL ROOF n,'JLCX .?1JD Di o NOTE: GUTTERS AND OOWN5POUT5 NOT SHOWN: INSTALL GUTTERS AT -ALL HORIZONTAL FASCIAS PER CODE, WITH 1 DOM45PMT PER 25? OF GUT rR ?ir,l; ....��_ — _ — -- — ------- MAX. AND 1 SPLASH 5LOfX PER'l0&N5PCUT =pR PC5MVE DRAIN.A0E. FRONT ELEVATION 5G4ALE %b s,I- RIGHT SIDE ELEVATION' � - ----------------------- 5CaL'E REAR ELEVATION .- D- E 1�1 I ill .I I u r LEFT SIDE ELEVATION ' it ELE'YAnON NOTES. . HEAVY COMPOSITE ROOFING _ FLUTED CONCRETE MASONR'F UNITS •, I. ?�_\' 3.j G.I. GUT;ER ON 2X10 FA5CIk .. ' ¢: IX TRfM (RIPPED TO SZE A5 FWD 43, STAINED OEOAR 51DING W/6" EXP05URE 7. HOLLOW ALUMINUM FRAME WINDOW Y a. HOLLOW- ALUMINUM FRAME DOOR 9. CAMMERCIAL'OWERHEAD DOOR 10: FLASH ALL.ROOF TO ROOF AND ROOF. TO WALL CONNECTIONS ANC ALL ROOF FENETRATION5 NOTE: GUTTERS AND OOWN5POUT5 NOT SHOWN: INSTALL GUTTERS AT -ALL HORIZONTAL FASCIAS PER CODE, WITH 1 DOM45PMT PER 25? OF GUT rR MAX. AND 1 SPLASH 5LOfX PER'l0&N5PCUT =pR PC5MVE DRAIN.A0E. ZGNED RO „IVL�'l11-F MIL -r 30v6xGUYSNE I.+A78R MAIN EASEME,UT-- COY D!✓ P ,31<'74 / �71 I��-`"GFT/d/� �lffS.3S69 9��0,/'i� /3:55F'M N�� 1JG .TfFi�E�'�Sd�/ 5?i4 TE 4� CQ6oRRI�d/� ONYX 'ARK DEVELOPM- ENT AN OUTLINE TITLE DEVELOPMENT FLAN AN OFFICIAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITHIN THE CITY OF WHEATAIDGE The below vignedownar(e),erreplydmiqaaagont(e)tharwfdehrevyaj­ that the ia-p ty Ir vUy dsorib.d hereon wA Ire davelop.d - ■ Pla,-O d Dvvdopmert In accordance With the teas, reairleclona and cendf cm oe ,,ked In tlas plan, And>6 may other as, be regWrad by law. I (we) further rerkrnfu Own; the approval of rstonfng to Planned dareiopment. and approval d this outNrte de✓rXopnwrit plan dons not create a wasted sroperty right. Vested prcgeriy rkjhT, may only aria- and A -ma pursuant ra the PvAeloes, of section 26.6(G) of the code of Laws. l CERTIFICATE UNIFIED CONTROL W. 4.RD Avtf.- I VICINITY MAI' WEST 44th AVENUE {z5 HYISTING IN-seJl`sa. r+iCtt(tEtbS EA`..EM64� I I Z.Gh4 b ZONED G -T L071 KELLY f.L- 76 i 1-01 2 ISE L.LY Sul , GHhSI} UMI TED %h T I I � 15 UTI4TY DRAIHA4e IWL14ATI0N EI5&M91T14 I �I I I LOT #3 LOT #2 :1 BUILDING LOT #1 103 4ED . C -1 i Tho AmJRtectLes shall be =WfAd own the entire olfi, dtharthr"m single ownership and 40*4mett or by A form of oovemme or an ArctlKe Wel coatrol WOUa ed should mUlVpla ownoehfp ae alllwad. Maim""" of all landscapecommon and areas shall be prwidad by A businaes owners' aeseclavoe. CHARACTER OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT This ddebpnmm�c Is. fntanulsd to Pwlda a Hoed -d office and warshoux certcer and .hall be dsaynad to blond with and achene the ­Wtrel character of the area. Acccss, landscaping and .iia Igout no be arranged to prmids maul®um conva lancA safety and utility for the users of The sire and the neighboring Papertlee. Arehlteeturai flnish.e shall lx thess in common usage for pmjacts of this type and shall gen- enly Include brick. deeor"W block, nmerfor Woods and Slave. Rads &hall bs sluped or Beni -flat. ALLOWED LAND USES L Uspa alloasd on proposed lav 1 shall t. all Commerckl-cns uses pursuant W 5-U.. 26.22 a the tMeatrk* Coda d Laws. 2. Uses allowed on proposed lota 2 arW3 ahail be All CommeWnl• cne uses pursuant to SO=4.. 26-22 of the Mwer do. Coq. of Lair, pW. the fo lowing Cammacial-Two uses Ilial under 5eetlon 26-23(8), Permitted Prfndpal Uses: (4) Auction houses, inside on'y. (6) A buffdMy contractors s.nvlca shop and storage yard fncidental To M oRlcey.howroan prindpM use, with. no exterior m hanical agWp- mant other than alrtan lfticning. (12) Gomnmeni or guasl•govarnmencad buildings and offlwe. (13) Homme for the aged, nursing homes and wMregau car. homes. (t5) MaAufaotuMy onwor'light lndustHal opustlons with ff" e (17) Shops for cusrr wort or for making arciclea, matcafafa or colelmol tbs to IM sold at retail on the pranizee, wine- no single maohm ennead. five horwepowcr. (20) whsksals businasa.a. (21) Woodwvrkhy or carpentry shows for the m ling of ar4dea for sate Upon the prdRaaK, With etduust Inclusion. 3. No uses shill pnaduca mammal ndse, Abracbn, fumes, odor dust heat ar Siam, nor shall such nils parf ermsd wort outside of !,WWIA4. at A mnnai course of business, k k the instant that all operacbnss And work -,our Within bl"rgo so that there is ne salvers. impaccsto adj_r residential and bwlness uses, 4. The OutA- Devebo Plan• mvr-J d heroic a rd incorporated herein, is ha'sbY adoprad and shall ser,0 as a general guideline for the future dev.bpmenc and ux of the Isgaly described praparty. Prior to development and use of the property, pma lnary sad tical dWv.",uu t plans. and A "lxdwkion plat must be AFP M In acoordamee with 9eetlan 26-25 of Wlwhtidge Cade of Laws. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Unda K. Gash Trust Day.lopmemt being the owners of the mal property of lute 1 old 2 of Kipling Vmrtures aubdf,islon recorded February 24,1982 with mcaptlora no. 820MOM and conslev" of 4.00 aces more or Ips And Cons-mang At the 5.E comas o` tha 5.E 114 of the N.E.1/4 of section 21 Tawnhlp 3 south, conga 63 whet OfThe sloth "cipal rnsrWan, city of VAmatridf^ counsy of Jeffasen, stave of Colorado; theca 5 84SW'OW W, 45.00 feet to the Irntersettlena of the west right -of way Line of Kiplpg Street and the south r*t-of wvybflm of west 43rd Avenue rhe -O 5 89 54'08' W. 416.50 fee; A" said south ryht-of-way lise of west 43r11 Avenue to The east line of lot 2 of K10" Ventures suball and the true PWI a of thence 5 8B 57W W 203.75 feet aW" the north Uro d lot 3 of said KIp1011 Ventures eubdNklon to the rror0awat cerear of sold tet 3:- thenra Along the perimeter.f said Kipling Vencures wtdMalon the follawl" fbarrtsen (14) 40 a60 $ ceurWW (1) Thane 5 89 3515- W.198.46 fee; .1*" 0. south Una of the NE 114 of said vendors 21; (2) Theme N DO ZV- W, 210.00 feet; (3) Thence N Bd4552 E,-68.86 feat (4) Thence N ae 4818" E. 108.86. feat; (5) Tian- N 6440'29" E. 5425 fest (6) Thence N 6050'24 14 9025 fees (7) Thema N 475820' E WW2 feet; (8) Thence N 0012'08" 1.18425 feet to the south Al Ilro d went 44th hwwp, (8) Thence aieg said r4tht,oFawy Una- a 9495-i- IL 36.15 feat; (10) Tham, dap.relrg Bald Une s 00 08'2.9" E, 220,00 feet along the weat tae of Kdly wladhislon fifhg no. t to the southwesterly oernm of tet 1 of said sutvdMslon: (11) Theara N 8054'49" E. 212.50 faac a" the south Nne of tots 1 and 2 of said Kslly subdEdaim: (1T Them 5 0d C62F E. 2:2M feet to A ochre; on the north rightbFwyy Une d wart 43rd Avenue. (13) Thance'S 89 5408" W. 2225 feet to the ea.t tae of lot 2 of said K10" Ventres subulivlok n; (14) Theme 5 OdO629" E.50DO filet abrg The west 14ht-of way Urre of newt 43rd Avenus and the easterly Itnm, of said lot2 to the true -des of baafn:aap. and containing 4DO acres more or less. r...rad thlajlslay of 18$_ ba the owner UNOA K. GASH TRUST DEVELOPMENT 10175 W. 356 Aro. WhaatdAll., CO 80033 430-3040 1 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed aril eawom to before ma this 19 d$y df.19� wltmoa my hard and officfal "al. - MV cammfeslon mtPhse 16 -Q f{ NOTARY SEAL Notary.P.W PLANNING COMMOSM fERTtMATION Approved this . day d as— .189, by The Plan," Chairman - ` pREfTOR CITYCOUNCIL !C+.TON APRroa' .. d,LKaas�l9�hy thc'NheatidgaGty cone/ ' �A�L /^ _ Mayor CITY ATTEST: city clerk CDLWW CLERK AND RECORDERS cornFiGATE Thkdacument aacrovlsd for fUlry in the offke of the louney Clark and P .armor 4 Jdfi — CotGolden. Colorado ..orn/th.. e- DtI��/ R AD. 1sY�n WEST 43t� AVENUE --- -- —.'_--------- —_1--7-7--1 DIEVa NT.QATA _ -- — 1 I Aaar�TfY lWI°aae°aaCr1m e�►aWHINKCAmN Aa6aMYFIRAL / LOT 91 APPROXIMATE TOTAL SITE AREA 60624 54. FT. I VAir FODf/aH7NO LOCAliON WTVARI'pL16N11.r RDW ! r MWPIL ANI)LOCA�af MAY ! I Mom Mow ! ZONED MAXIMUM 5UILDING AREA. 20400 SQ, FT. (33.6%) Z01l`I ED _C..' I MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA 6063 50. FT. (7o.0%) A-1 I % MAXIMUM PAVED AREA 264305Q FT. (56.42) ve,c HT I 50 MAXIMUM HEIGHT LOT 42 APPROXIMATE TOTAL SITE AREA 47052 9Q: FT. MAXIMUM BUILDING AREA 11700 SQ. FT. (24,8%) MINIMUM LANDSCAPE AREA 4850 SQ: FT. (10.3%) MAXIMUM PAYED AREA 30532 SQ. FT. (64.9X) ONE STORY MAXIMUM HEIGHT LOT 43 APPROXIMATE TOTAL 517E AREA 45817 SQ, FT, MAXIMUM 5UILDNG AREA 11700 San (255%) I''• So.o MINIMUM LAND51-_APE AREA WW 5Q FT. (14.7%) MAXIMUM PAYED AREA. 3097550 FT. (59.8%) ONE STORY MAXIMUM Hac4m Tho AmJRtectLes shall be =WfAd own the entire olfi, dtharthr"m single ownership and 40*4mett or by A form of oovemme or an ArctlKe Wel coatrol WOUa ed should mUlVpla ownoehfp ae alllwad. Maim""" of all landscapecommon and areas shall be prwidad by A businaes owners' aeseclavoe. CHARACTER OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT This ddebpnmm�c Is. fntanulsd to Pwlda a Hoed -d office and warshoux certcer and .hall be dsaynad to blond with and achene the ­Wtrel character of the area. Acccss, landscaping and .iia Igout no be arranged to prmids maul®um conva lancA safety and utility for the users of The sire and the neighboring Papertlee. Arehlteeturai flnish.e shall lx thess in common usage for pmjacts of this type and shall gen- enly Include brick. deeor"W block, nmerfor Woods and Slave. Rads &hall bs sluped or Beni -flat. ALLOWED LAND USES L Uspa alloasd on proposed lav 1 shall t. all Commerckl-cns uses pursuant W 5-U.. 26.22 a the tMeatrk* Coda d Laws. 2. Uses allowed on proposed lota 2 arW3 ahail be All CommeWnl• cne uses pursuant to SO=4.. 26-22 of the Mwer do. Coq. of Lair, pW. the fo lowing Cammacial-Two uses Ilial under 5eetlon 26-23(8), Permitted Prfndpal Uses: (4) Auction houses, inside on'y. (6) A buffdMy contractors s.nvlca shop and storage yard fncidental To M oRlcey.howroan prindpM use, with. no exterior m hanical agWp- mant other than alrtan lfticning. (12) Gomnmeni or guasl•govarnmencad buildings and offlwe. (13) Homme for the aged, nursing homes and wMregau car. homes. (t5) MaAufaotuMy onwor'light lndustHal opustlons with ff" e (17) Shops for cusrr wort or for making arciclea, matcafafa or colelmol tbs to IM sold at retail on the pranizee, wine- no single maohm ennead. five horwepowcr. (20) whsksals businasa.a. (21) Woodwvrkhy or carpentry shows for the m ling of ar4dea for sate Upon the prdRaaK, With etduust Inclusion. 3. No uses shill pnaduca mammal ndse, Abracbn, fumes, odor dust heat ar Siam, nor shall such nils parf ermsd wort outside of !,WWIA4. at A mnnai course of business, k k the instant that all operacbnss And work -,our Within bl"rgo so that there is ne salvers. impaccsto adj_r residential and bwlness uses, 4. The OutA- Devebo Plan• mvr-J d heroic a rd incorporated herein, is ha'sbY adoprad and shall ser,0 as a general guideline for the future dev.bpmenc and ux of the Isgaly described praparty. Prior to development and use of the property, pma lnary sad tical dWv.",uu t plans. and A "lxdwkion plat must be AFP M In acoordamee with 9eetlan 26-25 of Wlwhtidge Cade of Laws. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Unda K. Gash Trust Day.lopmemt being the owners of the mal property of lute 1 old 2 of Kipling Vmrtures aubdf,islon recorded February 24,1982 with mcaptlora no. 820MOM and conslev" of 4.00 aces more or Ips And Cons-mang At the 5.E comas o` tha 5.E 114 of the N.E.1/4 of section 21 Tawnhlp 3 south, conga 63 whet OfThe sloth "cipal rnsrWan, city of VAmatridf^ counsy of Jeffasen, stave of Colorado; theca 5 84SW'OW W, 45.00 feet to the Irntersettlena of the west right -of way Line of Kiplpg Street and the south r*t-of wvybflm of west 43rd Avenue rhe -O 5 89 54'08' W. 416.50 fee; A" said south ryht-of-way lise of west 43r11 Avenue to The east line of lot 2 of K10" Ventures suball and the true PWI a of thence 5 8B 57W W 203.75 feet aW" the north Uro d lot 3 of said KIp1011 Ventures eubdNklon to the rror0awat cerear of sold tet 3:- thenra Along the perimeter.f said Kipling Vencures wtdMalon the follawl" fbarrtsen (14) 40 a60 $ ceurWW (1) Thane 5 89 3515- W.198.46 fee; .1*" 0. south Una of the NE 114 of said vendors 21; (2) Theme N DO ZV- W, 210.00 feet; (3) Thence N Bd4552 E,-68.86 feat (4) Thence N ae 4818" E. 108.86. feat; (5) Tian- N 6440'29" E. 5425 fest (6) Thence N 6050'24 14 9025 fees (7) Thema N 475820' E WW2 feet; (8) Thence N 0012'08" 1.18425 feet to the south Al Ilro d went 44th hwwp, (8) Thence aieg said r4tht,oFawy Una- a 9495-i- IL 36.15 feat; (10) Tham, dap.relrg Bald Une s 00 08'2.9" E, 220,00 feet along the weat tae of Kdly wladhislon fifhg no. t to the southwesterly oernm of tet 1 of said sutvdMslon: (11) Theara N 8054'49" E. 212.50 faac a" the south Nne of tots 1 and 2 of said Kslly subdEdaim: (1T Them 5 0d C62F E. 2:2M feet to A ochre; on the north rightbFwyy Une d wart 43rd Avenue. (13) Thance'S 89 5408" W. 2225 feet to the ea.t tae of lot 2 of said K10" Ventres subulivlok n; (14) Theme 5 OdO629" E.50DO filet abrg The west 14ht-of way Urre of newt 43rd Avenus and the easterly Itnm, of said lot2 to the true -des of baafn:aap. and containing 4DO acres more or less. r...rad thlajlslay of 18$_ ba the owner UNOA K. GASH TRUST DEVELOPMENT 10175 W. 356 Aro. WhaatdAll., CO 80033 430-3040 1 NOTARY PUBLIC Subscribed aril eawom to before ma this 19 d$y df.19� wltmoa my hard and officfal "al. - MV cammfeslon mtPhse 16 -Q f{ NOTARY SEAL Notary.P.W PLANNING COMMOSM fERTtMATION Approved this . day d as— .189, by The Plan," Chairman - ` pREfTOR CITYCOUNCIL !C+.TON APRroa' .. d,LKaas�l9�hy thc'NheatidgaGty cone/ ' �A�L /^ _ Mayor CITY ATTEST: city clerk CDLWW CLERK AND RECORDERS cornFiGATE Thkdacument aacrovlsd for fUlry in the offke of the louney Clark and P .armor 4 Jdfi — CotGolden. Colorado ..orn/th.. e- DtI��/ R AD. 1sY�n